Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Paul Craig Roberts Website Identity Politics is the ideology of the liberal/progressive/left and the Democratic Party. Identity Politics teaches hatred of white people, all white people. An article last November in the student newspaper at Texas State University declared that white DNA is an abomination. Americans, assuming that they are aware of this hostile statement toward white people, dismiss it as student silliness. They do not understand that it is the logical conclusion of the reigning ideology in America today. Naomi Klein, for example, writing in the current issue of Sierra, takes for granted the explanations of Identity Politics when she writes that the stakes in the 2016 election were enormously high for "those targeted by racist attacks as Trump fanned the flames of rising white nationalism ... to the prospect of women losing the right to decide whether or not to become mothers, to the reality of sexual assault being normalized and trivialized at the highest reaches of power." Formerly, the liberal/progressive/left and the Democratic Party stood for the working class. In those days societal conflict was understood in class terms, and the capitalist was seen as the exploiter. Today the conflict is identity driven, with the white heterosexual male placed in the role as the exploiter of blacks, homosexuals and women. The idea that power resides in the white heterosexual male is obviously erroneous. Imagine if the Texas college student had written that black DNA is an abomination or homosexual DNA is an abomination. The article would not have been published. But it is perfectly OK to denigrate whites. Indeed, white males have no protection against abuse, because they are not protected by quotas, political correctness, and hate speech prohibitions. Whites are easily discriminated against, as the recent firing of James Damore by Google illustrates. Damore simply stated a scientific fact that males and females have different traits that suit them to different jobs. But this is a fact that is inconsistent with Identity Politics. Just as Trofim Lysenko managed to destroy Soviet genetics by denying facts, Identity Politics is destroying American society by denying facts. Ideologies are only interested in facts that confirm the ideology. When no such facts exist, ideologues make up the facts. Americans, especially white people who are the target of the deadly ideology of Identity Politics and are placed by the ideology in the same position as Jews in Nazi Germany and capitalists in Soviet Russia, are unaware of the extent to which Identity Politics is now the dominant force in American culture. For example, as James Damore's lawsuit against Google proves, Google's corporate culture is 100 percent Identity Politics. Damore was fired because he challenged Identity Politics. Read here for examples of the raw hatred that Google employees expressed against Damore. None were fired for hateful and threatening language that went far beyond Damore's mild statement that males and females have different traits. Google actually rewards employees for beating up on white heterosexual males and conservatives and holds diversity training sessions, the purpose of which is to put whites on the defensive. The whites who survive at Google are the ones who deplore their whiteness. Clearly, Identity Politics has turned Google into a totalitarian organization, one that cooperates with police state agencies in restricting access to non-approved information. We must hope that a blockchain Internet soon replaces Google and that Google's stock declines in value to zero. As few people understand the role played by Identity Politics in the attack on President Trump and the American working class that elected him and the role of Identity Politics in falsifying American history, it is beneficial to revisit the Charlottesville, Virginia, staged show of last August and the way the presstitutes cast an Identity Politics explanation over the show. As the liberal/progressive/left, the Democratic Party, major corporate cultures, and the print and TV media have no compunction about attacking white people in the most threatening and hurtful ways, Amnesty International's Margaret Huang is clearly wrong when she declares whites, with gags in their mouths, to be the "emboldened and empowered violent segments of our society." Listening to NPR last August confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump's coffin. NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several "interviews" with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump's fault. It was Trump's fault for many reasons. He had stirred up White Supremacists and Nazis by appealing during the presidential election campaign to their supremacist views with his slogan "America first." Of course, what Trump means by "America first," is precisely what the voters understood him to mean -- the interest of the broad American public should come before trade deals that serve the interests of other countries and the narrow profit interests of global corporations. However, the NPR propagandists put words in Trump's mouth and twisted the meaning of the slogan to be "White America Comes First." In other words, "America first" according to NPR is code language to white supremacists to take advantage of the electoral college and elect a leader over the popular vote of the heavy population densities in the narrow geographical areas that comprise the northeast and west coasts, the centers of moral rot. Thus, Trump was the candidate of white supremacists and, thereby, illegitimate. NPR next conveyed the message that Trump proved he was the Nazis' candidate when he criticized both sides for the trouble in Charlottesville. NPR used its orchestrated interviews to place all blame for violence on the group that had a permit for their rally. According to NPR, the group that had no permit and formed in order to protest the rally consisted entirely of white hats defending America from free speech by alleged Nazis and racists. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Middle East Monitor Not a day passes without a prominent Israeli politician or intellectual making an outrageous statement against Palestinians. Many of these statements tend to garner little attention or evoke rightly deserved outrage. Just recently, Israel's Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, called for more death and injuries on Palestinians in Gaza. "What is this special weapon we have that we fire and see pillars of smoke and fire, but nobody gets hurt? It is time for there to be injuries and deaths as well," he said. Ariel's calling for the killing of more Palestinians came on the heels of other repugnant statements concerning a 16-year-old teenager girl, Ahed Tamimi. Ahed was arrested in a violent Israeli army raid at her home in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. A video recording showed her slapping an Israeli soldier a day after the Israeli army shot her cousin in the head, placing him in a coma. Israeli Education Minister, Naftali Bennett, known for his extremist political views, demanded that Ahed and other Palestinian girls should "spend the rest of their days in prison." A prominent Israeli journalist, Ben Caspit, sought yet more punishment. He suggested that Ahed and girls like her should be raped in jail. "In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras," he wrote in Hebrew. This violent and revolting mindset, however, is not new. It is an extension of an old, entrenched belief system that is predicated on a long history of violence. Undeniably, the views of Ariel, Bennett and Caspit are not angry statements uttered in a moment of rage. They are all reflections of real policies that have been carried out for over 70 years. Indeed, killing, raping and imprisoning for life are features that have accompanied the state of Israel since the very beginning. This violent legacy continues to define Israel to this day, through the use of what Israeli historian Ilan Pappe describes as "incremental genocide." Throughout this long legacy, little has changed except for names and titles. The Zionist militias that orchestrated the genocide of the Palestinians prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948 merged together to form the Israeli army; and the leaders of these groups became Israel's leaders. Israel's violent birth in 1947-48 was the culmination of the violent discourse that preceded it for many years. It was the time when Zionist teachings of prior years were put into practice and the outcome was simply horrifying. "The tactic of isolating and attacking a certain village or town and executing its population in a horrible, indiscriminate massacre was a strategy employed, time and again, by Zionist bands to compel the population of surrounding villages and towns to flee," Ahmad Al-Haaj told me when I asked him to reflect on Israel's past and present. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Kiss My Bull (Image by Kullez) Details DMCA Many thanks to Bob Dylan's great song of the same name. What rankles me is how so many of my friends, neighbors and acquaintances seem to accept how far down the rabbit hole our Amerikan society has fallen. We live under the broken umbrella of an empire that cares not to protect the overwhelming majority of us. We live under the auspices of a regime that spends half or our hard earned tax dollars on phony wars, illegal foreign occupations and excessive militarism at home. Yet, most of the lemmings I cohabit with are only concerned about tripe news on sexual scandals and other base events that have nothing to do with their health or financial well being. For every person who can profit from this insane stock market run up, there are a thousand times more folks who are lucky to afford the bare necessities of life. Many of us, even we who earn more than the median income level, still walk around with missing teeth, knees and necks in need of operative repair and so on. Kiss My Bull (Image by Kullez) Details DMCA We Amerikans have become like those serfs on the feudal manors, working hard and still bowing and scraping when the lord of the manor passes. Why should the boss worry in most businesses, when but less than 10% of private sector workers are in a union? There are fewer and fewer protections for working stiffs in Amerika, and the empire knows it. When we who know better shout as loud as we can that the Fat Cat CEOs earn upwards of 300 times that of their workers, some serfs answer " Well, they worked hard for their success, and they deserve it! " Really? Well, in 1960 the top federal tax rate was at 90%, and the Fat Cats still did very well ( of course no one paid 90%- they all had accountants and plenty of write offs ). In 1985 that top rate was at 50%... now it is at less than 39%, and sinking lower as I write. So, do the math: A Fat Cat CEO who earns 300 times of his or her worker is most likely keeping double or triple what his counterparts of 32 or 57 years ago kept. Where is the disgust from most of my fellow working stiffs? To keep one soldier in Afghanistan costs the same as hiring 25 new fireman, policeman or school teachers, each at a $ 40k a year salary. Hellfire Missiles ($ 70,000 each) shot from a Reaper Drone ($28 million dollars) many times not only kill innocents via Collateral damage, but that spending redirected can help keep our neighborhood libraries open longer and filled with tons of new books! The real crime is in the fact that our empire has NO business being in those countries... period! Monday, January 15th was Reverend King's birthday, and this coming April will be the 50th anniversary of his assassination, for that matter. A year before he was murdered, Reverend King gave one of his most memorable speeches, at the Riverside Church in N. Y . C. For the first time he publically denounced our empire's involvement in Indochina: This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the veins of peoples normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.... A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." Amerika is truly running out of band-aids! Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This week marks the 37th anniversary of a pledge made by the United States in 1981: "The United States pledges that it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs." This week also marks 37 continuous years of the United States failing to uphold its pledge: the 1981 Algiers Accords. Just how many people have heard of the 1981 Algiers Accords, a bilateral treaty signed on January 19, 1981 between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Iran? Chances are, not many. Just as chances are that not many are fully aware of what actually led to the signing of this treaty. Following the success of the 1979 Iranian Revolution that overthrew the Shah, America's strongman in Iran, plans were made to topple the new government in Tehran. In 1980, under the Carter administration, the United States began clandestine radio broadcasts into Iran from Egypt. The broadcasts called for Khomeini's overthrow and urged support for Shahpur Bakhtiar [i] , the last prime minister under the Shah. Other plans included the failed Nojeh coup plot as well as plans for a possible American invasion of Iran using Turkish bases [ii] . The new Revolutionary government in Iran, with a look to the past and the 1953 British-CIA coup d'e'tat that overthrew the Mossadegh government and reinstalled the Shah, had good reason to believe that the United States was planning to abort the revolution in its nascent stages. Fearful, enthusiastic students took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took the diplomats as hostages in order to prevent such plans from fruition. These events led to the negotiation and conclusion the Algiers Accords, point 1 of which was the pledge by the United States not to intervene in Iran's internal affairs in anyway. The Algiers Accords brought about the release of the American hostages and established the Iran--U.S. Claims Tribunal ("Tribunal") at The Hague, the Netherlands. The Tribunal ruled consistently "the Declarations were to be interpreted in accordance with the process of interpretation set out in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties." [iii] ( [*] ) A pledge is only as valid and worthy as the person making it. From the onset, the United States failed to uphold its own pledge. For instance, starting in 1982, the CIA provided $100,000 a month to a group in Paris called the Front for the Liberation of Iran. The group headed by Ali Amini who had presided over the reversion of Iranian oil to foreign control after the CIA-backed coup in 1953 [iv] . Additionally, America provided support to two Iranian paramilitary groups based in Turkey, one of them headed by General Bahram Aryana, the former Shah's army chief with close ties to Bakhtiar [v] . In 1986, the CIA went so far as to pirate Iran's national television network frequency to transmit an address by the Shah's son, Reza Pahlavi, over Iranian TV in which he vowed: "I will return," [vi] . The support did not end there. Pahlavi had C.LA. funding for a number of years in the eighties which stopped with the Iran-Contra affair. He was successful at soliciting funds from the emir of Kuwait, the emir of Bahrain, the king of Morocco, and the royal family of Saudi Arabia, all staunch U.S. allies [vii] . In late 2002, Michael Ledeen joined Morris Amitay, vice-president of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs; ex-CIA head James Woolsey; former Reagan administration official Frank Gaffney; former senator Paul Simon; and oil consultant Rob Sobhani to set up a group called the Coalition for Democracy in Iran (CDI) [viii] . In spite of his lack of charisma as a leader, in May, 2003, Michael Ledeen wrote a policy brief for the American Enterprise Institute Web site arguing that Pahlavi would make a suitable leader for a transitional government, describing him as "widely admired inside Iran, despite his refreshing lack of avidity for power or wealth." [ix] In August 2003, the Pentagon issued new guidelines. All meetings with Iranian dissidents had to be cleared with Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith. Reza Pahlavis' name was included in the list of contacts that had been meeting with Pentagon analysts [x] . Concurrent with this direct interference, and in the following decade, Washington concentrated its efforts into putting a chokehold on the Iranian economy. A provision of the Algiers Accords was that "the United States will revoke all trade sanctions which were directed against Iran in the period November 4, 1979, to date." Embargoes and sanctions became the norm. Failing to interfere in Iran's domestic affairs in order to topple the Islamic Republic through economic hardship, the United States once again turned up pressure through broadcasts and direct support for dissidents and terrorists -- in conjunction with economic sanctions. This stranglehold was taking place while concurrently, and in violation of the Algiers Accords, the CIA front National Endowment for Democracy was providing funds to various groups, namely "Iran Teachers Association" (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,2001, 2002, 2003); The Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI founded in 1995 by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Peter Rodman, Joshua Muravchik, and American intelligence officials advocating regime change in Iran), National Iranian American Council (NIAC) 2002, 2005, 2006), and others [xi] . Funds from NED to interfere in Iran continued after the signing of the JCPOA. The 2016 funding stood at well over $1m. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. In 1956, in an interview with journalist Anna Louise Strong, Chinese leader Mao Zedong famously said of American imperialism: "In appearance it is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of; it is a paper tiger." It wasn't the first time he had used the image. Ten years earlier he had told Strong that, even with its new world-ending weapon, the atom bomb, the U.S. was a paper tiger, adding of that bomb, "It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't. Of course, the atom bomb is a weapon of mass slaughter, but the outcome of a war is decided by the people, not by one or two new types of weapon." More than half a century later, with nuclear weapons once again on the table, Mao's language seems a bit dated. Paper? What's that? And America as a tweetable (or Twitter) tiger doesn't exactly do the trick, does it? Still, whatever its truth at the time, that ancient Maoist image might possibly have a second life in a new century. You know, the century in which the United States was finally led by a "very stable genius." As TomDispatchregular Alfred McCoy, author of In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power, suggests today, we finally seem to have reached the paper-tiger stage of American imperial history. After all, we have a president who just screened The Greatest Showman, the new movie on P.T. Barnum and the founding of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, at Camp David and is himself, tweet by tweet and statement by statement, turning the empire into a failing sideshow in the ever more riveting three ring circus of Trump. Perhaps it's fitting that 2017 was the year Barnum's circus had its final performance. Tom The World According to Trump Or How to Build a Wall and Lose an Empire By Alfred W. McCoy As 2017 ended with billionaires toasting their tax cuts and energy executives cheering their unfettered access to federal lands as well as coastal waters, there was one sector of the American elite that did not share in the champagne celebration: Washington's corps of foreign policy experts. Across the political spectrum, many of them felt a deep foreboding for the country's global future under the leadership of President Donald Trump. In a year-end jeremiad, for instance, conservative CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria blasted the "Trump administration's foolish and self-defeating decision to abdicate the United States' global influence -- something that has taken more than 70 years to build." The great "global story of our times," he continued, is that "the creator, upholder, and enforcer of the existing international system is withdrawing into self-centered isolation," opening a power vacuum that will be filled by illiberal powers like China, Russia, and Turkey. The editors of the New York Times remarked ruefully that the president's "boastfulness and belligerence and tendency to self-aggrandizement are not only costing America worldwide support, but also isolating it." Discarding the polite bipartisanship of Washington's top diplomats, Obama's former national security adviser, Susan Rice, ripped Trump for dumping "principled leadership -- the foundation of American foreign policy since World War II" -- for an "America first" stance that will only "embolden rivals and weaken ourselves." Yet no matter how sharp or sweeping, such criticism can't begin to take in the full scope of the damage the Trump White House is inflicting on the system of global power Washington built and carefully maintained over those 70 years. Indeed, American leaders have been on top of the world for so long that they no longer remember how they got there. Few among Washington's foreign policy elite seem to fully grasp the complex system that made U.S. global power what it now is, particularly its all-important geopolitical foundations. As Trump travels the globe, tweeting and trashing away, he's inadvertently showing us the essential structure of that power, the same way a devastating wildfire leaves the steel beams of a ruined building standing starkly above the smoking rubble. The Architecture of American Global Power The architecture of the world order that Washington built after World War II was not only formidable but, as Trump is teaching us almost daily, surprisingly fragile. At its core, that global system rested upon a delicate duality: an idealistic community of sovereign nations equal under the rule of international law joined tensely, even tenuously, to an American imperium grounded in the realpolitik of its military and economic power. In concrete terms, think of this duality as the State Department versus the Pentagon. At the end of World War II, the United States invested its prestige in forming an international community that would promote peace and shared prosperity through permanent institutions, including the United Nations (1945), the International Monetary Fund (1945), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947), the predecessor to the World Trade Organization. To govern such a world order through the rule of law, Washington also helped establish the International Court of Justice at The Hague and would later promote both human rights and women's rights. On the realpolitik side of that duality, Washington constructed a four-tier apparatus -- military, diplomatic, economic, and clandestine -- to grimly advance its own global dominion. At its core was an unmatched military that (thanks to hundreds of overseas bases) circled the globe, the most formidable nuclear arsenal on the planet, massive air and naval forces, and an unparalleled array of client armies. In addition, to maintain its military superiority, the Pentagon massively promoted scientific research, producing incessant innovation that would lead, among so many other things, to the world's first system of global telecommunications satellites, which effectively added space to its apparatus for exercising global power. Complementing all this steel was the salve of an active worldwide diplomatic corps, working to promote close bilateral ties with allies like Australia and Britain and multilateral alliances like NATO, SEATO, and the Organization of American States. In the process, it distributed economic aid to nations new and old. Protected by such global hegemony and helped by multilateral trade pacts hammered out in Washington, America's multinational corporations competed profitably in international markets throughout the Cold War. Adding another dimension to its global power was a clandestine fourth tier that involved global surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA) and covert operations on five continents by the Central Intelligence Agency. In this way, with remarkable regularity and across vast expanses of the globe, Washington manipulated elections and promoted coups to insure that whoever led a country on our side of the Iron Curtain would remain part of a reliable set of subordinate elites, friendly to and subservient to the U.S. In ways that to this day few observers fully appreciate, this massive apparatus of global power also rested on geopolitical foundations of extraordinary strength. As Oxford historian John Darwin explained in his sweeping history of Eurasian empires over the past 600 years, Washington achieved its "colossal Imperium... on an unprecedented scale" by becoming the first power in history to control the strategic axial points "at both ends of Eurasia" through its military bases and mutual security pacts. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Alon Ben-Meir Website (Image by Artwork by Sam Ben-Meir and Michael Anderson) Details DMCA The geopolitical developments in the Middle East over the past 15 years have created new political and security dynamics engendered by the violent turmoil and profound concerns over the Iranian threat, shared by Israel and the Arab states. Israel is now facing a new critical juncture: continue with its oppressive occupation and creeping annexation of Palestinian land, which stands in total contrast to its moral responsibility and Jewish values; or seek a peace agreement with the Palestinians in the context of an Arab-Israeli comprehensive peace, which the Arab states seek now more than any time before because of their domestic and foreign security concerns. The current government, led by Netanyahu with the support of three radical ministers, Lieberman, Bennett, and Shaked -- who hold the key ministries of Defense, Education, and Justice respectively -- relishes the new geopolitical environment. They complement each other by developing a defense posture, biased educational curriculum, and skewed public narrative while weakening the judiciary, with Netanyahu orchestrating the long-term strategy that denies the Palestinians a state of their own. Blinded by the euphoria created by Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and the near-unimpeded expansion of settlements and annexation of Palestinian land, the ministers feel confident that the occupation is no longer a major concern to the Arab states. And with the unwavering backing of Trump, they are assuming a free hand to do what they choose with impunity. They are tragically wrong. Israel must now seize the momentous, time-sensitive opportunity provided by the changing geopolitical regional dynamic precipitated by the common Iranian threat against Israel and the Arab states. The leading Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf states, view Israel today as a strategic ally rather than an enemy, which presents Israel with two options: The first is to make further territorial gains by building new, expanding existing, and legalizing illegal settlements, which will basically foreclose any prospect of reaching an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement based on two states. This will not stop the Arab states from cooperating with Israel because of their preoccupation with domestic and foreign threats, which assumes priority over the Palestinians' aspiration for statehood. The relatively mute reaction to Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital only reinforces the view that the Arab states' anxieties about the Iranian threat takes precedence, even over such a sensitive issue as the future status of Jerusalem. That said, although the Arab states want to normalize relations with Israel, they will not do so because that would be seen as a blatant betrayal of the Palestinian cause which they have championed for decades. Instead, they would (continue to) maintain tacit strategic cooperation with Israel against Iran, which they need, but deprive Israel of a comprehensive peace which the Israelis greatly seek. The second option for Israel is to capitalize on its current state of relations with the Arab countries by reaching out to the Palestinians to resume serious peace talks. This may well be an historic opportunity because the Arab states, who want to maintain their strategic cooperation with Israel, are now predisposed to pressure the Palestinians to make important concessions to Israel, especially on national security, refugees, and land swaps. The current conditions provide a rare opportunity to reach a peace agreement that can be implemented over a long period of time (10 years or more), during which both sides can develop trust (which is sorely lacking) through joint socio-economic projects while cementing security arrangements and cooperation. By establishing a Palestinian state, Israel will end its human rights violations and stop the continuing moral erosion precipitated by the occupation, which has infected the country for five decades and severely undermined Jewish values and humanitarianism. These values were the very secret behind Jewish survival throughout the millennia, even though they were subjected to discrimination, persecution, expulsion, and death. As Rabbi Daniel Polish eloquently stated in his writing "Judaism and Human Rights," "The system of values and ideas [on which human rights are based] are among the beliefs which constitute the very core of Jewish sacred scripture and the tradition of ideas and practices which flows from it..." At their core, Netanyahu and his company are dedicated to the idea that God bequeathed the "Land of Israel" exclusively to the Jews, which justifies taking any measure, however wrong and humanly abusive, to secure the land in perpetuity in the name of God. They have become oblivious to the fact that "Human rights are an integral part of the faith and tradition of Judaism." The right-wing segment of the Israeli population views the development of events between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and the US' recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, as proof of the unassailability of the Netanyahu government's judgment and policies. But there is nothing further from the truth. If these policies could, in fact, lead to a comprehensive peace, I'd say, stay the course. But given the volatility of the Middle East, today's friends may well become the foes of tomorrow. This is a prospect that the Netanyahu government cannot ignore. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Consortium News The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin [Md.], has become a big star in national media by routinely denouncing Russia as a dire threat to American democracy. The senior senator from Maryland personifies the highly dangerous opportunism that has set in among leading Democrats on the subject of Russia. Chelsea Manning confirmed on Sunday that she is challenging Senator Cardin's re-election effort in the Democratic primary this June. Her campaign has real potential to raise key issues. One of them revolves around the kind of bellicose rhetoric that heightens the dangers of conflict between the world's two nuclear superpowers. In a typical foray into reckless hyperbole, Cardin told a public forum in November: "When you use cyber in an affirmative way to compromise our democratic, free election system, that's an attack against America. It's an act of war. It is an act of war." Cardin is far from the only member of Congress to use "act of war" rhetoric about alleged Russian cyber actions. Republican ultra-hawk Arizona Senator John McCain has hurled the phrase at Russia. But the most use of the phrase comes from a range of Democrats, such as Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal and the normally sensible Northern California Representative Jackie Speier. As his party's ranking member of the key Senate committee on foreign policy, Cardin is at the tip of the anti-Russia propaganda spear. After three decades in Congress including nearly a dozen years in the Senate, he's an old hand at spinning. No one has worked harder to get political mileage out of "Russiagate." A Distorted Report Last week, Cardin upped the ante with the release of a report that he commissioned. In effect, it's a declaration of red-white-and-blue jihad against Russia. The report -- which accuses Russian President Vladimir Putin of "a relentless assault to undermine democracy and the rule of law in Europe and the United States" -- received massive coverage in U.S. news media. Conservative and libera l punditry voiced acclaim. "Never before in American history has so clear a threat to national security been so clearly ignored by a U.S. president," a solo statement by Cardin declares on the opening page. With the truly repugnant President Trump in its crosshairs, the report's most polemical claims -- no matter how debatable or ahistorical -- have predictably gotten a pass from mass media. But the much-ballyhooed report is a carefully selective and distorted version of history. The expansion of NATO up to Russia's borders, the U.S. interference in dozens of countries' elections (including in Russia during the Clinton administration), Washington's support for repressive regimes in the past and present -- such realities didn't merit consideration or mention. Nor did facts such as the USA's role as the world's biggest arms merchant. Or the aggressively deadly U.S. military interventions in the recent past and present, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya. Such omissions are essential to the self-righteous tone of the Russiagate frenzy. Only with silence about basic truths of U.S. foreign policy can officials in Washington pose as leaders of an angelic nation that must confront satanic Russia. In light of what is at stake for human survival -- with the odds of nuclear war shifting ominously because of the agenda that he's helping to push -- Senator Cardin can be understood as someone who avidly fits into patterns of nationalistic and militaristic madness. The sad fact is that he has plenty of company on Capitol Hill. Democratic leadership used to be much saner. Five decades ago, it was the fanatical Republican standard bearer Barry Goldwater who scorned reaching out to the Kremlin -- while Democratic President Lyndon Johnson wisely sought de'tente with Russian leaders on behalf of peaceful coexistence and reducing the risks of nuclear conflagration. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Rob's bottom-up consulting for Thought Technology over the years to help us incorporate bottom-up thinking in our business and product development has been very valuable. It is a truly disruptive technique, well worth considering, which is well explained in his book." Hal Myers, PhD, President, Thought Technology, Ltd. Member of the Board of Directors for the Ten to the Ninth Foundation (formerly Singularity University) Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Since ancient times, there have been whole cities built underground. Derinkuyu in Turkey is nearly 2,800 years old, with room for 20,000 residents, extending 200 feet below the surface. Derinkuyu Underground City is an ancient multilevel underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevsehir Province, Turkey. (Credit: ralucahphotography.ro/Getty Images) (Image by history.com) Details DMCA There are 1200 interconnecting tunnels under Orvietto, Italy, about 2500 years old. In the 13th Century AD, a holy city was built within the salt mines under Wieliczka, Poland. Chapel in the cathedral carved out of the rock salt in Wieliczka salt mine. (Credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images) (Image by history.com) Details DMCA In the 1960s, the Chinese government built a bomb shelter for a million people under the streets of Beijing. A mural dedicated to the workers who dug the tunnels that later became the Beijing Underground City in Beijing, China. (Credit: Bryan Chan/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images) (Image by history.com) Details DMCA Damanhur is a present-day holy site, built under Northern Italy, inspired by one man and constructed over 40 years, smaller than the cities described above, but with an aesthetic and spiritual breadth of vision. Are there secret underground cities today with a more sinister purpose? According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, there have been many occasions in recent decades when the world barely escaped nuclear holocaust, several times by the decision of a single military officer to defy orders and refuse to launch missiles. Forbes has identified 2,043 billionaires in the world. The "black budget" of the US is reported to exceed the entire budget passed by Congress each year. There are trillions of dollars unaccounted for just in the last decade. There are rumors about underground bunkers, perhaps whole cities underground where self-styled Noahs are laying a foundation so they can begin the world anew after nuclear war or global ecosystem collapse or any number of fragilities to which our entire civilization might succumb. It is ironic that we know so much about vast underground cities from the ancient past, but we have only rumors that even vaster facilities have been built in the present era. Peter Dale Scott has researched a secret American plan for continuity of government. Here is where the American military command will survive during a nuclear war: bunker01 (Image by NY Post) Details DMCA More on underground cities in history Mt Yamantau is where Vladimir Putin is rumored to have an underground safe haven. Raven Rock is an underground Pentagon facility in south central Pennsylvania. Something on the scale of a city is under Denver Airport Greenbrier, WV is home to a sprawling underground city where the US Congress could retreat in the event of nuclear war. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. John Roberts Appointed all the Surveillance Court Judges (Image by flickr.com) Details DMCA Senate Leader Mitch McConnell this Tuesday pulled out his bag of parliamentary tricks to avoid a meaningful alternative to extending, until 2023, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). On January 11, Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi cooperated in the House of Representatives to beat back rising bipartisan opposition to unconstitutional domestic snooping that has been ineffective in preventing terrorism in the US. Cloture limits total debate on the bill to 30 hours (often actually far less), with no more than one hour per senator. It also requires that proposed amendments be filed by certain deadlines. This will severely weaken the threat of Senators Paul and Wyden to filibuster passage of S.139, also requiring participation in the filibuster by numerous colleagues. Additionally, cloture bans consideration of amendments that have not been filed by specified times. Using Section 702 authority and operating without warrants, the National Security Agency (NSA) has since at least 2008 scanned fiber optic lines entering the United States, copying, storing and searching them using a list of targets and other key words. Stored "hits" from these electronic transmissions may contain mere passing mention of such items. No warrants are obtained to scan and collect these electronic communications to or from US persons. Nor do analysts from NSA, FBI and elsewhere get a warrant to pull US persons' messages from the databases and search them for any reason, even criminal investigations, not just counterterrorism. During House debate, supporters of Section 702 advocated excepting 702 operations from Fourth Amendment requirements. Declassified opinions from the FISA Court (FISC) document longstanding and serious NSA violation of FISC's guidelines, plus the Court's inability to trust the Agency's word. The Court found no way to enforce even the very lenient conditions it imposed. In 2008, then-Speaker Pelosi had ridiculed any suggestion that Section 702 would enable warrantless surveillance. But if any law should be rejected because of widespread abuses, this is it. Surprisingly, supporters of S.139 claimed during House debate that there had been no or minimal compliance problems, and those supporting an amendment to S.139 did not challenge this claim. Nor did they note that FISA allows emergency collection for three days while getting a warrant. In an apparently deliberate loophole, Section 702 does not define what is "foreign" collection. Many communications between persons located in the US routinely are routed abroad to less crowded or cheaper fiber optic lines. Such communications re-entering the US therefore often are purely domestic, but could be labeled as "foreign" because they are returning from abroad. All such communications are searched using key words, and retained if there is a "hit." So, for instance, if your email to a nearby buddy discusses a terrorist "bomb" explosion in New York, it may be copied and dumped into a 702 database. In another sleight of hand, NSA secretly redefined its use of terms to avoid their common and prior technical meaning. Collection now occurs only when an analyst retrieves an item from the database; this abets NSA in misleading the public about the extent of collection. NSA has repeatedly refused to tell even its Congressional Intelligence Committee overseers how many US persons or communications are in such databases, a tally or range that mostly should be available using 2001 technology. Despite this sorry record, the Judiciary Committee's S. 139 bill extending Section 702 actually "legalizes" what FISC declared to be violations of the Constitution's Fourth Amendment banning unreasonable, warrantless search and seizure. It allows databased communications, whether foreign or domestic, to be searched by NSA and other agencies, for any purpose and without a warrant. Past claims that pending terrorist attacks were blocked due to domestic surveillance have not withstood scrutiny. Failure traces to NSA's "collect it all" approach that buries useful information. Even were a few claims of 702 prevention of domestic terrorism reliably verified, the responsibility to protect our freedom and republic is far more important. Almost inexplicably, US terrorist attacks by untargeted persons who were radicalized and trained online to create bombs occur regularly. These online sites, not ordinary persons' electronic activities, should have blanket NSA coverage, but the agency repeatedly fails at this most basic task. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. A press conference attendee illustrates its theme. (Image by Marta Steele) Details DMCA As the disaster of the Department of Homeland Security's new role of chasing down "voter fraud" has replaced the Pence/Kobach "Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity"'s former task, a window of opportunity opened up in front of the SCOTUS building this morning. Barbara Arnwine, co-chair, president, and founder of the Transformative Justice Coalition, will also co-chair a commission to strike back with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, absent today due to illness. She addressed a press conference to herald the establishment of the National Commission for Voter Justice (NCVJ), or the People's Commission, "a nearly two year examination into voter suppression across the United States." In that the new head of the Department of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, has specified that all relevant election-related activities and measures will occur "in secret," Arnwine later said, the only information states will be able to obtain from them will be whether a voter is "legal" or not, for example, an immigrant--something Arnwine called ridiculous. She added that Nielsen said that voting rights issues are the province of the Department of Justice. They concern all of us actually, which was again and again emphasized at today's press conference, sandwiched between SCOTUS, notorious for the 2013 decision that gutted section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, and the Capitol building, representing the largely negligent attitudes of both the executive and legislative branches of the government toward election integrity. The People's Commission will be working at the local level, where the real power resides and must be activated despite the bullying federal muscle. They will tap into the oldest and newest methods of reaching We the People: canvassing door to door and using social media and the Internet. The people must be educated, several speakers emphasized, and every effort will be made to reach them. A March 3 conference in Texas, for example, precedes the state's primary by four days, and publicity has been dismal. The People's Commission will use outreach to counter this roadblock. In Texas the deadline for registering for the March 6 primary is February 5, a well-kept secret so far. All other rights cave in once the people's right to vote is tampered with; evidence for this need go no farther than the long line on the steps of the SCOTUS building this morning to witness the debate over the survival of DACA. A small protest was being held across the street as well by the population concerned--the dreamers whose future life here is so jeopardized. The weather was freezing today but spirits, inspiration, and determination were hot, said Arnwine. She introduced the new NCVJ commissioners and other speakers, including John Nichols, the well-known writer for The Nation as well as author, with whom she just co-authored an MLK Day article in that publication on MLK's lesser-known but equally powerful 1957 speech "Give Us the Ballot." Other speakers included another new commissioner, Pennsylvania state senator Vincent Hughes, and National Bar Association president Juan Thomas. Please note that this organization, not to be confused with the ABA, was founded because of the other's refusal to admit African Americans. The immediately past president of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Terry O'Neill, spoke, along with the current president, Toni Van Pelt. After introducing all of the speakers, Arnwine reminded us of her 2011 Map of Shame, the restrictive legislature passed in the wake of Election 2010, much of it based on an ALEC-designed template. Fully 710 laws were passed in 30 states targeting millions of minority voters in the area of the voter ID requirement, which 25 million eligible voters lack; 1.5 million were purged from voter lists; 3 million special-needs voters were kept from the polls; 2.1 million felons or ex-felons were similarly repressed; new poll taxes are in the works in New Hampshire; long lines in front of inner-city polls and elsewhere remain to block Democratic voters from their share in their democracy; and then there is Russian and other tampering with our cybersecurity One hundred percent of eligible voters should vote, speakers later added; our numbers are dismal compared with other democracies in the world. How can this reflect the People's will? Collaboration with existing organizations like the Brennan Center for Justice, the NAACP, and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights under Law is vital and will advance the project. Such networking will "reinvent the wheel," said Nichols later. Nichols spoke of migrant workers freezing in his home state of Wisconsin as they work to sustain this country's dairy industry--many of them in danger of deportation. He stressed NCVJ's nonpartisan membership: We the People must be represented by as many segments as are willing to cooperate. What of the District of Columbia and other U.S. territories that lack full voting rights? Hughes reminded the group that his state managed to defeat the push toward mandatory voter ID via a protracted battle. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Falling | 203.366 Haven't you seen me sleepwalking? Cause I'. | Flickr1024 -- 685 - 61k - jpg (Image by flickr.com) Details DMCA We can't wake him up. The sleepwalker is bulding a big bomb To blow up a church. In his sleep now He is weaponizing his unconscious hatred. The defense: He doesn't know what he's doing. Judgment: Let him go. Now the sleepwalker Votes in a racist. Abuses women. Embraces violence like a lover. In a rare lucid moment He pleads innocent: I didn't know what I was doing. The sleepwalker Asks the judge, Can I go now? I didn't know. I didn't know anything. Judge: Let him go. Prosecution: Let there be nuclear war. Let there be the end of things. Let the sea rise. Let the homeless wander the earth. The sleepwalker walks out. He walks down the middle of the street. Cars swerve around him. He is innocent. Leave him be. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Trump and his allies in Congress and the media have launched a coordinated, escalating assault on the Federal Bureau of Investigation--the FBI. And they're also targeting special counsel and former FBI head Robert Mueller. Mueller is investigating possible Russia interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether Trump and his campaign colluded with it. Over the holidays, Trump went after deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, claiming he was politically biased and helping to conduct a partisan witch hunt against him while letting Hillary Clinton slide. He bellowed that the agency's reputation is in "tatters," and has called for a house cleaning of top FBI leadership. He denounced charges of collusion with Russia as a hoax and declared: "I have absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department" (which oversees the FBI). In the face of these assaults, the FBI's liberal (and right-wing) defenders portray the agency as a bastion of the rule of law, justice, and honesty against the Trump/Pence regime's lawlessness and lies. And this is how the FBI has been portrayed through the years by countless bourgeois politicians and in the media. But what does the FBI's actual record show? That from the day it was founded in 1908 right up to today, the FBI has been this system's political police! This is the organization (originally called the Bureau of Investigation) that in 1918 rounded up some 50,000 people suspected of evading the World War 1 draft. That arrested 10,000 for allegedly being communists or anarchists in the Palmer Raids of the 1920s. The organization that carried out a massive anti-communist witch hunt and smear campaign in the 1950s. This is an organization that set up a covert program--COINTELPRO--to target, infiltrate, spy on, and disrupt civil rights activists, antiwar protesters, radicals, and revolutionaries. Under this program, the FBI orchestrated a smear campaign against Martin Luther King Jr. and tried to drive him to suicide. It did drive the actress Jean Seberg to suicide because she dared support civil rights and Black liberation struggles. Under COINTELPRO the FBI helped the Chicago police set up and carry out the cold-blooded execution of the revolutionary Black Panther leader Fred Hampton on December 4, 1969. The FBI had planted informants in the Chicago Black Panther chapter, and one of them had become Hampton's bodyguard. He gave the FBI and the Chicago pigs floor plans of Hampton's apartment, and then drugged him the evening the execution was set to go down. What about Mueller, who headed the FBI from September 4, 2001 until September 4, 2013? And what about his successor James Comey, who was fired by Trump earlier this year? Both are being portrayed by the Democrats and the mainstream media as stellar public servants, beyond reproach. In a damning account, former FBI agent turned whistleblower Coleen Rowley details that among other things: Mueller knew, for instance, that Vice President Dick Cheney's claims connecting 9/11 to Iraq were bogus yet he remained quiet.... In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Mueller directed the "post 9/11 round-up" of about 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (the New York City area) at the wrong time. FBI headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially P.R. purposes.... [T]he FBI overstepped the law improperly serving hundreds of thousands of "national security letters" to obtain private (and irrelevant) metadata on citizens, and for infiltrating nonviolent anti-war groups under the guise of investigating "terrorism."... Comey signed off on a number of highly illegal programs including warrantless surveillance of Americans and torture of captives. Comey also defended the Bush Administration's three-year-long detention of an American citizen without charges or right to counsel. Comey has been hailed for rushing to the hospital bedside of then-Attorney General John Ashcroft in 2004. There, with Mueller's backing, he convinced Ashcroft not to extend a program giving the Bush regime extraordinary powers under a "state of emergency." But Rowley exposes this as a sham: The mythology of this episode, repeated endlessly throughout the press, is that Comey and Mueller did something significant and lasting in that hospital room. They didn't. Only the legal rationale for their unconstitutional actions was tweaked. Mueller was even okay with the CIA conducting torture programs after his own agents warned against participation. Agents were simply instructed not to document such torture, and any "war crimes files" were made to disappear. Not only did "collect it all" surveillance and torture programs continue, but Mueller's (and then Comey's) FBI later worked to prosecute NSA and CIA whistleblowers who revealed these illegalities. Under Mueller, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, along with state police, worked to criminalize and disrupt political protest--in one notorious instance, infiltrating and carrying out preemptive raids and arrests of activists and independent journalists throughout Minneapolis/St. Paul (the Twin Cities) before the 2008 Republican National Convention. It also targeted Muslims, carrying out widespread spying in mosques and infiltrating Muslim communities. As for Comey, after he'd become head of the FBI, how did he respond to the righteous uprising against wanton police murder sparked off in Ferguson, Missouri, in the summer of 2014 and spread across the U.S.? Comey warned of a "Ferguson effect." He wasn't talking about how police across the U.S. were murdering young Black men just like Darren Wilson had murdered Michael Brown in Ferguson. He was condemning people videotaping and protesting against police! Comey claimed this increased crime by "making the police think twice." This was justification for the pigs continuing their aggressive, brutal policing of the ghetto with full impunity. To this day, the FBI is STILL using informers, entrapment, and all kinds of fuckery against ecological groups, Muslims, protest groups at the major political conventions, etc. And who knows what other police state moves are going on that haven't yet come to light--including against radical and revolutionary groups of all kinds. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). As a country's wealth continues to far exceed its distribution, a feudal system develops. Even though, in some ways, it seems unfair to substantially tax inheritance, without the tax, we will simply develop into the non-working "landed-gentry" system of the middle ages. This path will eventually lead us to the death of capitalism. In fact, what good is capitalism if it benefits such a small minority of super-wealthy, super-powerful individuals simply feeding off of the rest of the peons? While the defense of the concept of "trickle-down economics" may be largely one of misdirection, it is hard to deny that "trickle down" is still the trademark of any capitalistic society's economic success. However, it is important to understand that the difference between a feudal society and a democratic society lies in the responsibility owed by the democratic society's employers to their employees as well as to the consumers on whom they so desperately depend for their success. As President Obama once pointed out, without publicly financed infrastructure, that is transportation, roads, bridges, postal service, fire and police service, utilities, public media, and public education, there would be no successful corporations, no supposedly "self-made" millionaires and billionaires. Meanwhile, we have already witnessed the tragedy, the volatility and chaos of both the Great Depression and the recent nearly apocalyptical Bush-era economic recession, both caused by uncontrolled greed and the absence of responsibility of elected officials to the naive citizens who elected them. Despite the bellicose rantings of some of the more ideologically and intellectually bankrupt Tea Partiers it is clear that with the restoration of mostly sane government regulation initiated under the Obama administration the economy seems to be making a healthy recovery. The real question is: "where will it go from here?" What we have so far in the current "Trump" or what is more accurately the "We used to be Christians" Republican administration is literally a Christmas wish list submitted by the wealthiest and most greedy of Republican donors. Some of the wishes involve legitimate economic concerns that had been kicked down the road by both Democratic and Republican administrations, especially the lowering of corporate taxes. However, the wish list, including permission to again wantonly pollute our air and water, to reestablish abuses by lenders, to purposely destabilize an already inadequate health-care system along with a grossly inadequate income-tax bill, was granted without hesitation, to be paid for, lock, stock, and barrel, by the middle class and poor working people. I say this because there was no plan! Nor was any permission given bean counters to evaluate the economic and physical costs of arbitrary massive federal deregulation for fear of the administration embarrassing their patron Republican oligarchs. And, instead of phasing in lower corporate taxes with a goal of 20% or even less depending on how the "plan" worked, instead of mildly tweaking the inheritance tax and taxes on the wealthiest "earners," the party of the "We used to be Christians" tried their damnedest to emulate the same type of rich people condemned by Jesus in Matthew 19:23-26. Beside the fact that the saying in Aramaic and even in later Greek is actually that a rich man has as much chance of going to heaven as a "heavy rope," not really a "camel," has of fitting through the eye of a needle, Jesus was not talking about the type of rich person whose wealth every community needs to survive. Instead, he is referring to the Roman-appointed priests who acquired enormous wealth by stealing it from the worshipers' offerings meant to feed the poorest of the working priests. In similar fashion, at the behest of ideologically, if not completely morally and intellectually bankrupt Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, the "We used to be Christians" tax bill as well as the clean-up of the environment will eventually be financed by cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, as well as many other federal programs that assist the needy. And, when the non-corporate portions of the tax bill expire, these God-less souls will expect their middle class and poor peons to pick up the rest of the tab along with all the broken pieces just as they always have. Al Finkelstein, 1/11/18 MyLockup.com, UK Implements Self Storage Manager Across Multiple Facilities www.mylockup.com www.selfstoragemanager.com BLUE BELL, PA, January 16, 2018 - E-SoftSys, a total solutions provider for the self-storage industry, today announced that My Lockup, a multi-facility self-storage operator in the UK has successfully implemented Self Storage ManagerTM (SSM), the enterprise management software from E-SoftSys, across all their locations.MyLockup.com implemented Self Storage Manager in order to modernize their operations with the latest tools in preparation for an additional five new facilities in 2018.We needed a cloud based solution to streamline and automate our manual processes and give access to all our facilities from any location. Self Storage Manager had all the essential features needed for our routine operations said Adam Milner, Commercial Director of MyLockup.com. We were impressed with the speed at which the team at E-SoftSys was able to get all our locations live on Self Storage Manager. Their entire team was at our disposal during the whole implementation period. A customer support team available 7 days a week was essential and was able to customize certain parts of the application to meet our unique needs as well as meeting statutory requirements in the UK. This new software and support will help us to meet our growth expectations and offer even better customer support.According to Kat Shenoy, President and CEO of E-SoftSys, We are delighted to have MyLockup.com join the list of our growing customer base in the UK and Europe. We are deeply committed to MyLockup.coms mission to provide superior customer service and look forward to a long term mutually beneficial association. Our focus is to ensure 100% customer satisfaction and achieve a leadership position in the self-storage industry. We will continue to work with our client base and enhance the software based on client feedback and keep up with technological advances. We are continually adding enhancements to our products to help our clients improve their business processes.About MyLockup.comMyLockup.com is a multi-site operator trading since 2004 and Yorkshires largest operator. They offer indoor self-storage units for both individuals and businesses in Scarborough, Northallerton, Thirsk, Bishop Auckland and Bridlington at highly competitive rates. Further facilities are opening in Darlington, Chester Le Street, Knaresborough and Catterick during 2018.Mylockup.comthe answers yes!For more details, please visit them atAbout E-SoftSysE-SoftSys, a technology leader for the self-storage industry, offers products and services that include; Self Storage Manager - Comprehensive management software for single and multi-facility operators; Online Reservations and Rentals with Electronic Signature & Digital Storage of leases; e-CRM - Fully integrated Customer Relationship Management module with interfaces to leading phone systems, Constant Contact, Truck Reservations and with an optional Call Tracker module to capture valuable statistics including lead to rental conversion ratios, cost per lead etc.; SSM Text Messenger / Voice Messenger - automatic payment reminder and payment collection systems designed to reduce the managers time on collection calls; Customer Portal- A self-help interactive portal for customers to view their account history and balance, make payments, enable or disable autopay, schedule move-outs, update their contact information and more; Android Tablet/Mobile Phone based Site Walk Through & Work Order Management Module for site managers to perform lock checks, enter unit maintenance notes, mark units for move outs, create work orders for maintenance activities and much more; Other Interfaces - QlikViewTM Business Intelligence and Analytics, Website Integration, Accounting Interfaces; 24/7 Customer Support - with Dedicated Team and Project Manager assigned for multi-facility operator implementations, as well as periodic upgrades to the software program.Self Storage Manager has been implemented by many single and multi-facility companies in UK/Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. For more information, please contact E-SoftSys at + 44 (0) 808-234-1429 (UK), +31 646 074841 (Europe) and 1-800-469-1740 x 1 (North America) or by visitingor Click here to email us.Blue bell, pennsylvania, USA Pick to Light Market worth 538.2 Million USD by 2023 MarketsandMarkets https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownload.asp?id=7015816 https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/pick-to-light-market-7015816.html According to the new market research report "Pick to Light Market by Method (Auto Guided & Manual), Power Source (Wired and Wireless), Operation (Putting and Picking), Industry (Assembly & Manufacturing, Retail & E-commerce, and Pharma & Cosmetics), and Region - Global Forecast to 2023.The pick to light market is expected to grow from USD 323.7 Million in 2017 to USD 538.2 Million by 2023, at a CAGR of 8.84% between 2017 and 2023.Pick to light is also known as digital picking system. Factors driving the growth of this market include the emergence of automated warehouses and connected intralogisitcs, growth of the e-commerce industry, and globalization of supply chain network. Moreover, pick to light offers error-free operations, enhanced productivity, and enhanced labor utilization.Download PDF Brochure-Browse 36 market data Tables and 44 Figures spread through 122 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Pick to Light Market - Global Forecast to 2023"Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports.Manual method expected to hold larger share of pick to light market during forecast periodIn the manual method, the picker needs to manually confirm the picking activity, whereas in the auto guided method, sensors (primarily photoelectric sensors) are used that automatically acknowledge the picking activity. The manual method is cost-effective and provides high ROI. OMRON (Japan), Wenglor Sensoric GmbH (Germany), and Panasonic (Japan) are some companies that provide sensors for auto guided picking systems. The adoption rate of auto guided systems is higher in APAC than in Europe and North America.Market for wired pick to light expected to grow at higher CAGR during forecast periodAdvancements in wireless technology help manufacturers design and develop wireless pick to light systems. These are advanced systems in which pick to light modules and controllers are wirelessly connected, and the picking module is powered by a battery. These are plug-n-play systems that are easy to use in warehouses. Wireless pick to light systems gained traction in recent years; however, due to the wireless feature, these cost higher than wired pick to light systems. The adoption of wired pick to light systems is high owing to their high ROI and short payback period.Putting operation expected to gain traction in coming yearsPick to light systems support picking and sorting operations from shelves to other locations. Light-directed picking and putting offer better productivity and error-free operations, resulting in high ROI. Picking operations are widely used for order fulfillment process in the e-commerce industry. They are most suitable for piece picking and broken case picking of items. Pick to light is considered an ideal picking solution where the goods from warehouses go to customers directly. However, the use of pick to light for putting operation is expected to gain traction in the coming years.Retail & e-commerce industry expected to capture largest share of pick to light market by 2023Growing SKUs, increase in the number of orders, and last mile deliveries are some factors responsible for the huge adoption of pick to light solutions in the e-commerce industry globally. Amazon (US) is one of the leading players in the e-commerce industry, which is significantly contributing to warehouse automation.Pick to light market in APAC to grow at highest CAGR during forecast periodAPAC is an emerging market for pick to light. Fast-growing e-commerce industry, booming manufacturing sector, and increasing emphasis on domestic production by emerging economies such as China and India are the key factors for the significant growth of the pick to light market in this region.The pick to light market is dominated by various players according to their core competencies. Key players in this market are Daifuku (Japan), Murata Machinery (Japan), SSI Schaefer (Germany), Dematic (US), and Honeywell Intelligrated (US).About MarketsandMarketsMarketsandMarkets provides quantified B2B research on 30,000 high growth niche opportunities/threats which will impact 70% to 80% of worldwide companies revenues. Currently servicing 5000 customers worldwide including 80% of global Fortune 1000 companies as clients. Almost 75,000 top officers across eight industries worldwide approach MarketsandMarkets for their painpoints around revenues decisions.Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. MarketsandMarkets now coming up with 1,500 MicroQuadrants (Positioning top players across leaders, emerging companies, innovators, strategic players) annually in high growth emerging segments. MarketsandMarkets is determined to benefit more than 10,000 companies this year for their revenue planning and help them take their innovations/disruptions early to the market by providing them research ahead of the curve.MarketsandMarketss flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets.Mr. RohanMarketsandMarkets INC.630 Dundee RoadSuite 430Northbrook, IL 60062USA : 1-888-600-6441sales@marketsandmarkets.com Zabel Property is now JLL Residential Development http://jll.de/apartments Following the acquisition of Zabel Property by the global real estate consultancy JLL at the start of 2017, the companies have announced that the integration process is now complete and Zabel Property has been rebranded as JLL Residential Development.The new Residential Development division now offers property developers a comprehensive range of services for the design, marketing and sale of their residential developments from six JLL offices across Germany. Over the past 25 years, Zabel Property has developed an intimate understanding of the German real estate market and amassed extensive expertise in the sale and marketing of residential properties to a sophisticated, international clientele. Having completed the integration of Zabel Property, including 45 global sales and marketing partners and the companys specialized consulting team, which is fluent in 15 languages, JLL's global network has both significantly expanded its position in the residential real estate sector and closed a gap in its range of services.International residential property investors are already extremely active in Berlin and Frankfurt, and demand for properties in other German metropolises is also developing strongly. JLL Residential Development currently manages the sales and marketing campaigns for 31 developments with a combined total of more than 2,000 residential units. Many of these are located in Frankfurt, including Germanys tallest residential building, the Grand Tower. JLL Residential Development has already concluded sales for well over 90 percent of the towers apartments. Sales have also been strong for star architect Daniel Libeskinds Frankfurt city villas, and for the coming Eden residential tower. JLL Residential Development is also marketing a host of developments in Berlin, including Fritz Tower, a micro-apartment building, the Luisenpark residential quarter, and the flagship development The Wilhelm at the Brandenburg Gate.I am delighted by the way we mastered the full integration of our two companies in just one year, said Thomas Zabel, Head of Residential Development Germany. Thanks to JLLs global positioning and market penetration, we can now build on our achievements in Berlin and Frankfurt and extend our condominium sales and marketing activities throughout the whole of Germany, added Zabel.JLL Residential Development is Germanys leading specialist for sales of condominiums from developers to international clients.From six of JLLs German offices, the Residential Development Division offers property developers a comprehensive range of services for the design and marketing of their property developments. New residential units are marketed by the German team, which is fluent in 15 languages, together with 45 sales partners abroad and JLLs global network of offices.Jones Lang LaSalle Residential Development GmbHMelanie MartenUnter den Linden 14 | 10117 Berlin | GermanyE residential.development@eu.jll.comT +49 30 886600 173 Indiabazaaronline.com Unveils Redesigned Website Anubha Creations Pvt Ltd Indiabazaaronline, a global online retailer and manufacturer of ethnic wears announced today the launch of its redesigned website Indiabazaaronline.com. This revamped version provides better user friendly design, fresh new look, enhanced product filters and optimized fast load speed to allow its customers a better and simplified shopping experience.The new and better user friendly design allows the users to surf the website easily and purchase via quick links like latest blouse designs, designer hand bags, highest selling products, groom turbans, girls ethnic dresses, mother daughter collections etc. This makes the customers shopping experience easier and hassle free. The redesigned website of Indiabazaaronline.com has fast loading speed which helps a user to surf the website smoothly without getting irritated.There are also better product search and product filters in this revamped version of Indiabazaaronline.com. Whereas the product filters like fabric, work and occasion are same as in the old website, some new and helpful filters like customization, worn by and sizes are introduced in the redesigned website of Indiabazaaronline.com. Like say, if customers want to buy a red dress for Christmas then they can choose the color filter, if they to make a purchase on the basis of fabrics then they can apply the fabric filter. The new filter of Customization helps a customer to sort their purchase on the basis of Made to order or as per the design displayed on the website. Every outfit displayed on the website cannot be fully customized and hence this filter will be of a great help for the customers who are looking specifically for the made to order outfits. There are many such outfits in our website which are modeled by the Bollywood and TV actresses or such outfits which the actresses have worn at certain events. The worn by filter will be of great help for those customers who are looking for a specific actress outfit like Kareena Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor or Shilpa Shetty.The category sections are also redesigned completely keeping in mind the customers preferences over the years. The Premium section is revamped and categories like theme dresses, dreamy couture, fashion fusion, saree gowns, father sons collection, mother-daughter collection are introduced. For the first time Indiabazaaronline.com has also introduced Direct from the Designer section wherein the collection of their own in house designers are displayed.The Saree category is now further sub-categorized by occasion, by fabric, by style and by saree accessories. This sub categorization in every category will make the buyers shopping much convenient. Someone who is not so familiar with the Indian ethnic dresses and its style can also shop very easily with this new revamped website design. In Shop by Style section, there are options like pre stitched saree, half and half saree, lehenga style saree, designer saree, bollywood saree, printed saree etc. This sub categorization will narrow down the pain of the users of surfing the entire website for one specific product and make their online shopping experience less time consuming.The salwar kameez category is also subcategorized in the same way like by fabric, by occasion, by style and there is also a special section, Celebrate the Curves which is specially designed for the plus size ladies. Usually bigger size ladies always have a hard time getting their perfect outfit but with this redesigned website of Indiabazaaaronline.com, size will never be a problem for any lady. By style categorization will be of great help for the users as they can directly go the style that they are looking for!! Like say if they want to shop anarkali suits, just click on the anarkali salwar suit, if they want Patiala suits; just click on Patiala salwar suits and so on.In the Lehenga section also, users can not only shop by fabric and occasion but also shop by style. There are so many styles of Lehenga Choli and if customers are looking out for a specific style of lehenga choli then instead of surfing the entire lehenga choli section, they can just click on the style that they are looking for!!The new redesigned Men section at Indiabazaaronline section has so much more to offer at a single place. The category is further sub categorized into shop by style and Wedding Box. In By Style category you can find different styles of men kurta payjama like sherwani, dhoti kurta etc. The Wedding box category in itself contains all the Indian groom wedding essentials like Wedding turban, mojari, sherwani stole etc.A new section of Puja items is incorporated in the redesigned version of Indiabazaaronline.com. This category is included more as serving humanity and hence the price of each product in this section is kept very nominal. Our aim is to cater the religious needs of the people living outside India to whom these puja items are not easily accessible. This section includes religious books, puja items like god ornaments, prayer beads, bhajan-kirtan essentials and havan samagri.Indiabazaaronline.com is an online shopping website that deals in majorly in Indian ethnic wears. We focus on traditional Indian ethnic wears and contemporary Indo-western fusion outfits. Our aim is to dress up new age women, men and kids with style and elegance without compromising with the traditional Indian roots. We have been serving our valuable customers since last 11 long years and spreading smiles all over the world through our excellent products and dedicated services. Our online store has received wide acceptance in the global market for our unique collection of clothes. We are a part of textile industry since last 11 years and have customers all around the globe. We specializes in our Made to Order section, designer sarees, lehenga choli, salwar kameez, indo western gowns, mens sherwani, kurtis and kids wear.The high-class web store of Indian Ethnic Wear and a name identical with array and flashiness pervades color and custom into apparels round the world. The handpicked, the most thornily woven and embroidered, the most reliable and gorgeous of sarees, salwar kameez, lehenga cholis, fusion wear and jewelry from across India are showcased for lovers of ethnic fashion.Anubha Creations Pvt LtdH-30 ,Laxmi Nagar New DelhiIndiaMedia ContactMr. UjjawalEmail : info@indiabazaaronline.comPhone : +91.11.65421064 Construction Industry Association Announces Two New Board Members Center for Job Order Contracting Excellence (CJE) announces appointment of two new members of its Board of Directors, as well as the full slate of board members for 2018.Joining the Board of Directors are Vincent LeMond and Jason Lynch. Both of our new Board members embody the ethical principles and best practices in Job Order Contracting. We are very fortunate to have them by our side as we continue to strengthen education, awareness, and the professional certification program, Mitch Filipowicz, Industry Chair.Vincent LeMond, CJEs new Industry Chair-elect, works with the City of Austin and has a 30-year history in Facilities Operation, Maintenance and Construction/Project Management. Specializing in Alternative Delivery Contract methods, he has served other agencies such as University of Texas and the Department of Defense. His 12-year success as a national facilities management and Job Order Contracting training instructor established LeMond as one of the nations premiere experts in facilities construction contracting. He is a Certified Project Management Professional and an accredited LEED Green Associate.Jason Lynch, CJEs newest Member-at-Large, is a Program Manager at TMG Construction Corporation in Virginia. He is an accredited LEED Professional and holds Bachelors Degree in Building Construction from Virginia Tech. He has maintained several leadership roles within his community, employers, and industry groups. Lynch also serves as a Chapter officer for the Mid-Atlantic Chapter.Existing board member Rick Farrag, Vice President at Brown & Root, has been elected and appointed to the Treasurer position as his new role on the Board of Directors. The Chair of the Owners Advisory Council is Michael Bevis, Purchasing Agent for Arlington County, Virginia. Rhonna Endres serves as Executive Director.The slate of board members for 2018 is as follows: Mitch Filipowicz, Industry Chair; Vincent LeMond, Industry Chair-elect; David Adams, Immediate Past Chair; Leo Wright, Secretary; Rick Farrag, Treasurer; Jason Lynch, Member-at-Large; John Martin, Member-at-Large; Parrish Rowland, Member-at-Large.Center for Job Order Contracting (CJE) is the non-profit organization serving to educate and share best practices for job order contracting and related IDIQ methods. In partnership with Arizona State University, CJE provides standards, education, and the national credentialing program for the industry - Certified Job Order Contracting Professional (CJP).Media Contact: Rhonna Endres, Executive DirectorCenter for Job Order Contracting Excellence2030 W Baseline Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85041202-847-5170endres@jocexcellence.org Out now: Svenson rocks with Michael Jacksons guitar player Jennifer Batten Svenson - Rainbow Rocket Ride Cover https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/rainbow-rocket-ride-jennifer-batten-thomas-foerster/1330952488 https://www.amazon.de/dp/B078TZ97K6/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_b27wAb54XBHDZ https://itunes.apple.com/mt/book/svenson-feat-jennifer-batten-rainbow-rocket-ride/id1330738550?mt=11 Jennifer Batten loves "Rainbow Rocket Ride": After a collaboration with Sven Kuhbauch, the famous guitarist of Michael Jackson and Jeff Beck was so excited about his composition "Rainbow Rocket Ride" that she produced her own video for the title and plays the track in her own solo program. "It's a killer track, great sound," said Batten. The track is available for download on all common platforms. In addition, the piece is transcripted as an eBook with a backing track.iTunes:Amazon:iBooks (Sheet-Music):"Rainbow Rocket Ride" is a true ride to the stars. "These are bebop lines a la Joe Pass, fully distorted with a Peavey 6505 head and a Jim Dunlop Cry Baby," says Kuehbauch. Guitarists are likely to listen to such an announcement. But also music lovers without instrument skills get their money's worth: Memorable triads and brilliant tapping thunderstorms by Svenson and tapping goddess Jennifer Batten are ear catchy. "It was a pleasure to work with Jennifer. She is very professional and with her own style and ideas she brought this production to a whole new level" says Kuehbauch happily.Rainbow Rocket Ride:Guitar - SvensonGuitar - Jennifer BattenKeys - Thomas FoersterBass - Shanice Ruby BennettDrums - Richard MuenchhoffMix/Master - Manfred ZmarslyVideo Footage - Jennifer BattenCover - DrakenFor ten years, the 41-year-old rocked under his stage name Svenson. Last year, the studied and passionate guitarist showed his impressive range on his anniversary album "10th anniversary" and trumped with out-of-print titles such as "Ride away", in which the otherwise convinced instrumental artist even sings. An awarded title is "T for Theia" ("Best Instrumental Blues Song" / The Academy Music Award). The international press paid tribute to the album and guitarist by writing: "Svenson plays rhythm and lead guitar at once much like Charlie Hunter does (...) a solitary acoustic guitar well done with beautiful chords and clean articulation." (Blues Report) , "Svenson uses his expertise as a guitarist to speak to his audience. (Warlock Asylum International News) "Svenson's breadth of talent and style is evident as his brand of restrained wizardry and his ability to put the matter to the fore." groove above all else with creativity and impeccable precision purveys the album." (Tunedloud)So much skill does not come by chance: The musician Svenson from Marburg studied at the jazz and rock school in Freiburg, which he left as the best guitarist of his class. Since 1994 he has given individual and group lessons and has gained his rich experience in masterclasses, lessons and workshops from Greg Howe, Scott Henderson, Pat Metheny, Joe Dioro, Michael Sagmeister, David Friesen, Uwe Kropinski, John Stowell, Matt Smith, Georg Gruntz and Ernie Watts. He has performed worldwide with his solo show and as a band guitarist, including shows at the Montreux Jazz Festival, and has worked with such greats as Jerry Donahue, Jennifer Batten, Lulo Reinhardt and star percussionist Rhani Krija (Sting). With the latter, who is considered a "world-class percussionist" (drums & percussion), he recorded the original composition "Agua de mundo" (2016, format: Download), which Big Fuss Records chose as an opener for the environmental compilation "Our Green Earth". His solo albums are highly praised in professional circles, not only the web radio station "Blues Road" was thrilled: "More than worth listening to. A guitarist who puts his feelings into music and miraculously serves his guitar. "But not only on the guitar Kuehbauch shows empathy and passion. Through his enthusiasm for the wild west and as an avowed Karl May fan, Kuhbauch was delighted to compose and record the chapter music for six Karl May audiobooks (Karl May Verlag, Bamberg). At the request of the publisher, Kuehbauch presented his Karl May sound world to the illustrious audience of the 100th anniversary of the publishing house, where Winnetou's sister Nscho Tschi (Marie Versini) was also a guest. Kuehbauch's compositions are as catchy as credible and can be heard in various television productions (including Sat1).In workshops (published in the magazine "Gitarre & Bass" among others) and interactive eBooks, Sven Kuehbauch teaches his knowledge. His "Interactive Guitar workshop" series is considered groundbreaking and has established itself as the standard work of modern interactive guitar textbooks. "Interactive Country Guitar" is available in three languages.Blues webside critic, BMans Blues Report recently reviewed one of SVENSONs albums and commented, He plays the rhythm and lead guitar at once much like charlie hunter. Extremely clear and well executed. This is indicative of the fact that Svenson is truly a guitarists guitarist. But there is more to discover. Sven Kuehbauch aka Svenson is an author, composer and instructor as well.Sven is currently teaching at the music school of the Hansestadt Stralsund. Beforehand he taught at the Beethoven music school of Bonn. He published Svensons Guitar workshop, a series written exclusively for the multi touch book format .iba (Apple iBooks) and available only on iBooks and iTunes. Sheet music by Svenson is available at Amazon, iTunes and Google play store.Sven performs worldwide: Bangkok, Beijing, Monte Video, Shanghai, Seoul, Stockholm...In 2011 he performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival.Svenson studied at the Jazz and Rock School in Freiburg, Breisgau, Germany, which is an official partner to the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, U.S.A.While there, he attended master classes and workshops given by: Scott Henderson, Greg Howe, Pat Metheny, Joe Diorio.Svenson composed the main titles for German TV-shows and audiobooks like cable television Sat 1 and famous Karl May Verlag audiobooks.Svenson has performed at all major music trade shows around the world as an endorser for Music Man, Jim Dunlop, Farida guitar, Peavey, Rodenberg amplifications and Ernie Ball Strings.Sven has recorded with such greats as Jennifer Batten, Jerry Donahue, Rhani Krija and Lulo Reinhardt.SvensonguitarGaia BornBahnhofstr. 818581 Putbus0049 038301 655113presse@svensonguitar.com GetSavvi Health: A Friend Indeed https://www.getsavvi.co.za Accidents, injuries, ailments or deterioration of health, none of these can be foreseen. Every family knows how it feels when an emergency arises regarding health issues. But sometimes the expenses become hefty and burden us with lifetime loans from the bank for these cases. Health insurance company, GetSavvi Health has made it their purpose to provide quality services at an affordable rate to the citizens of South Africa.GetSavvi Health has sectioned their services into three types of plans. They are as follows: Primary Care Plan: This plan provides several services including unlimited doctors visits, basic and emergency dentistry, black-and-white X-rays, HIV and STI tests and acute and chronic medications. They provide professional and experienced advisors regarding medical advice in an emergency, assessing everyday symptoms, crucial medical knowledge, the database of various drugs, poisoning database, health guidance, managing stress, counselling of trauma, etc. The NetCare 911 Emergency services are available 24/7 where skilled technicians assess the clients emergency and dispatch air or road support immediately, whichever is appropriate. They also support families with funeral costs and the customer hotline is always ready for assisting HIV, trauma and assault counselling. Primary Care Plan+ :This plan includes benefits like unlimited physician visits and consultations, basic and emergency dentistry, x-rays, blood tests, chronic and acute medication and many more services already included in the Primary Care Plan. The plus benefit added to this plan is the Hospital plan. The casualty benefit here allows out-patient hospital treatment in an emergency for injuries sustained in accident. In-patients get hospital treatment in an emergency for stabilisation in a private or public emergency unit. They also provide personal accident benefits. Get Care Plan: This plan can be seen as the summation of both the Primary Care and Primary care plus aiming to serve the clients with better hospital facilities and lowered costs.To know more about the company and its services, please visit:About the Company:GetSavvi Health is a leading South Africa based health insurance provider aiming, with various propitious plans, to reduce the burden incurred from medical expenses on an average South African or the state institutions and create an affordable and efficient medical environment.Contact:27 Willie van Schoor Ave, Tygervalley,Bellville, Cape Town, 7530, South AfricaTel: 0861 18 9202talktous@getsavvi.co.za Psoriasis Treatment Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Psoriasis Treatment Market https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/global-psoriasis-treatment-market/#ulp-4H8Z4LpNMLEuOnnx https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/global-psoriasis-treatment-market/#ulp-c654SbFYO64MsOhu https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/global-psoriasis-treatment-market/#ulp-14mlyhjMGhVjZqa3 https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/global-psoriasis-treatment-market/ https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by abnormal growth of the skin cells. It forms skin patches above the skin and it is not contagious. Psoriasis skin patches are red and itchy. There are different types of psoriasis namely guttate psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis and inverse psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is common and constitutes about 90% of psoriasis cases. The diagnosis of psoriasis is typically made by obtaining information from the physical examination of the skin, medical history, and relevant family health history. Psoriasis affects skin over the elbows, knees, and scalp and is often itchy. Although any area may be involved, it tends to be more common at sites of friction, scratching, or abrasion. Currently, there was no cure for psoriasis. However, treatment is focused on curing the symptoms. Treatment may include steroid creams, vitamin D3 cream, UV light, and immunosuppressants.Global psoriasis treatment market is driven by increase in smoking and alcohol consumption trends globally. Increased spending on medicines and escalating health care expenditure are the key growth drivers of the market. Psoriasis treatment mainly treated by topical agents only. The Recent launch of systemic products into the market expected to drive the growth of the market. However, high cost of the drugs and side-effects associated with the existing medication for psoriasis are expected to hinder the psoriasis treatment market during the forecast period.A sample of this report is available upon request @Psoriasis treatment market segmented on the basis of drug class, type, route of administration, and distribution channelBased on drug class, global psoriasis treatment market is segmented into TNF Inhibitors Vitamin D Analogues Interleukin Blockers Topical Corticosteroids Monoclonal Antibodies OthersBased on type, global psoriasis treatment market is segmented into Plaque Psoriasis Guttate Psoriasis Flexural Psoriasis Inverse Psoriasis Psoriatic PsoriasisBased on route of administration, global psoriasis treatment market is segmented into Oral Topical ParenteralBased on distribution channel, psoriasis treatment system is segmented into Hospital Pharmacy Retail Pharmacy Online PharmacyTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Psoriasis treatment market is expected to show significant growth rate owing to prevalence rates and severity of the disease. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 1.3%-34.7% of psoriasis patients develop chronic psoriatic arthritis, which may lead to joint deformations and disability. World Health Organization (WHO) also predicts that psoriasis affects about 100 million people with prevalence rates of 0.09% to 11.43% in different countries. The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, affecting 90% of all psoriasis cases. Market players are focusing on R&D to develop new drugs and treatments for psoriasis. The market has a handful of drugs and dominated by generics and biologics. Market players heavily influencing the treatment decisions. Due to the entry of biosimilars into the market, there is availability of cheaper drugs to treat psoriasis and it leading to increased availability and increase market size. In addition, market has drug pipelines which are expected to boost the psoriasis treatment market during forecast period.Need more information about this report @Geographically, psoriasis treatment market has been segmented into following regions viz. North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America accounts largest market in the psoriasis treatment market due to high prevalence of the disease. According to American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 7.5 Mn people in the United States have psoriasis. In Europe, the psoriasis treatment market is expected to grow at significant rate due to factors such as increased prevalence and growing awareness about skin diseases and recent launch of biosimilars such as elerzi, amzevita. In Asia-Pacific region, India and China are expected to be fastest growing market due to developing infrastructure and rapid growth in awareness and available treatment options for psoriasis.Some of the market players in psoriasis treatment market include Amgen Inc. (U.S), Eli Lilly and Company(U.S), Novartis AG (Switzerland), Merck & Co., Inc. (U.S), Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., (U.S) Pfizer, Inc. (U.S), AstraZeneca (U.K), AbbVie Inc. (U.S), LEO Pharma A/S (Denmark) and Biogen (U.S) to name a few.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@precisionbusinessinsights.comToll Free (US):+1-866-598-1553Website @ MoBerries Bot - The AI Powered Job Hunt Pioneer MoBerries, one of the 100 hottest startups in Europe according to WIRED, revolutionize via their next-gen job discovery chatbot. MoBerries Bot - The AI Powered Job Hunt PioneerThe future of HR lies in this Messenger chat robotBerlin, Germany, 16/01/2018: MoBerries, one of the 100 hottest startups in Europe according to WIRED, continue their commitment to revolutionizing the antiquated recruitment business through their next-gen job discovery chatbot jobbot. The real time Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) based bot is now freely available on Facebook Messenger. Jobbot is backed by MoBerries proprietary job matching technology which surpasses existing industry-standards. It has resulted in Jobbot already becoming one of the 10 most used messenger bots worldwide.The chatbot helps professionals discover exciting new jobs on one hand, and companies to hire the best fitting talent on the other by eliminating frictions in the hiring market. The bot will soon be able to overtake the entire job application process, even seamlessly taking over the first round interview. Already, the bot has delivered an exceptional 92% candidate response rate within the first 2 minutes of engagement for MoBerries current customers.We grew from 80K monthly active users to 120K monthly active users in one month, after launching our MoBerries Bot. Bots help us to collect important information from candidates in order to strengthen our recommendation engine. This enables us to offer them the most value when they need it most - during their pressing job search. This eliminates the headache of candidates having to look for new job postings daily. Any Job, posted anywhere in the world, anyhow relevant for the candidate, is shared directly to the candidates messenger. Our advantage is that the bot is not standalone but an extension of our platform, and unlike most standalone bots, is not overly reliant on the typical rules based matching. Bots are nothing new, for us it is all about how we can be part of ushering the new era of this technology. We see the bot as being part of a robust stack as the real advantage says Founder Terence Hielscher.MoBerries has partnered up with several hundred companies including many industry leaders such as Rolls-Royce, Deutsche Handelsbank, almost every top Tech company in Germany, several company builders such as hy.co (Axel Springer & Egon Zehnder), Rheingau Founders, B10, and more than 20 leading Venture Capital Funds.The release of the bot to the public makes the MoBerries offering even more robust, allowing for further granularity and better targeting for job seekers as well as hiring managers. This will only further accelerate its international expansion and attract more businesses that want to stay on top of their hiring game.What makes the MoBerries Bot so unique is its ability to learn from personal interactions in order to provide a customized guided experience for the candidate. Unlike other platforms MoBerries is clearly positioning themselves outside the classic parameters of matching by focusing on the release of products built off of their neural network stack. As a candidate who was hired through MoBerries after spending enough time on the platform you get a sense for how recommendations are evolving based on your interactions on the platform. - Clemens Meyer, former candidate of MoBerries.About MoBerries GmbH: MoBerries is a Berlin-based AI-driven hiring SaaS platform enabling companies to hire highly qualified candidates fast. Capitalizing on network effects, all partner companies contribute to a shared talent pool consisting of high-caliber job seekers. In exchange, partner companies receive a pre-ranked selection of exceptionally suited candidates. Founded in 2015, MoBerries developed and honed its technology with a select group of customers referred by Europes leading VC Funds. Earlier this year, the company raised a 7-figure funding round from 42cap, HTGF, LITTLEROCK, several hedge fund managers, and well-known business angels.Sophienstrasse 1610178 BerlinGermany 3D Bioprinting Market 2021 Manufacture explores with production, revenue and market share http://www.qyreports.com/request-sample/?report-id=51374 http://www.qyreports.com/ask-for-discount/?report-id=51374 http://www.qyreports.com/payment-form/?report-id=51374 www.qyreports.com 3D printing is a process used to produce three-dimensional objects. The object is produced using computer-aided software, by adding successive layers of materials on the product to generate 3D shape (additive manufacturing). 3D bioprinting works on the same principle as traditional 3D printing, except the procedure is done using live cells, tissues, and organs, where the complexities of tissues and cells, such as cell type, functionalities, growth, and differentiation patterns are addressed.A comprehensive analysis of the situation of 3D Bioprinting Market is been done in this intelligence report. It includes the investigations done of the past progress, ongoing market scenarios and future prospects. An accurate data of the products, strategies and market shares of leading companies in this particular market is mentioned.Download PDF Sample Copy:Companies Profiled: The Top Key Players Included in this market are Organovo, RegenHU, Cyfuse Biomedical, 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Bio3D, Qingdao Unique, BioBots, Aspect Biosystems, Rokit, MedPrin, Nano3D Biosciences, TeVido BioDevices, Modern Meadow, 3Dynamic Systems, Hyrel 3D, OxSyBio, EnvisionTEC, GeSim, 3D Systems, Stratasys, 3D BiotekThis study provides an evaluation of aspects that are expected to impact growth of market in an undesired or constructive method. The 3D Bioprinting market has been consistently examined with respect to the corresponding market segments. Each year within the mentioned forecast period is concisely considered in terms of produce and worth in the regional as well as the global markets respectively.The report analyzes the entire demand and supply chain in the global 3D Bioprinting market and studies the various components. The effect of Porters five forces on the growth of the market has been also analyzed in the report. Referring to case studies, the report traces the historical development of the market. The demand for each of the product types has been assessed in the report.To Get 20% Discount on this Report:The report gives a SWOT analysis of the new projects in the international and 3D Bioprinting market, investment feasibility, development trends, and investment return analysis of these projects. Study of the 3D Bioprinting markets competitive landscape includes data facts and figures about leading countries and suppliers capacity, cost-structures, production values, profits, and gross margins of key businesses operating in the market over the reports review period.The report also provides details such as product picture and specification, and contact information of the companies profiled in the 3D Bioprinting markets manufacturer analysis segment. Initially, the 3D Bioprinting producing an analysis of the most important trade players based on their company profiles, annual revenue, sales margin, growth aspects is additionally lined during this report, which is able to facilitate alternative 3D Bioprinting market players in driving business insights.Table of ContentsGlobal 3D Bioprinting Market Research ReportChapter 1 3D Bioprinting Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global 3D Bioprinting Market ForecastBuy Complete Report:About QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Global Mobile Payment Technology market CAGR of +21% by 2022- Challenges Standardization, Competitive Market Share, Operator Case Studies and Key Players http://qyreports.com/request-sample?report-id=65059 http://qyreports.com/ask-for-discount?report-id=65059 http://qyreports.com/enquiry-before-buying?report-id=65059 www.qyreports.com Global Mobile Payment Technology market estimated to grow at a CAGR of +21% during forecast period.Mobile payments through short message services (SMS) mode dominate the market, whereas near field communication (NFC) would witness growth in its market share in coming years and is anticipated to grow at a robust rate. Increased penetration of smartphones, growth in m-commerce industry, change in lifestyle, and the need for quick and hassle-free transactions are the major factors that drive the market growth. In order to expand their market share, global players such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple have launched new mobile payment apps and mobile wallets that allow customers to make payments with their phones/smartphone.Global Mobile Payment Technology market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.Get a sample:Companies Profiled in this report includesPayPal, Boku Inc, Fortumo, AT & T, Vodafone Ltd, Bharti Airtel Ltd, Google, Apple, Microsoft Corporation, and others.This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global Mobile Payment Technology market for the period 2015-2019. To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from the sales of social games, virtual goods, and game apps from gaming and social media sites. It also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top six vendors in the market.Get Reasonable Discount on this Report @:Global Mobile Payment Technology market is a detailed research study that helps provides answers and pertinent questions with respect to the emerging trends and growth opportunities in this particular industry. It helps identify each of the prominent barriers to growth, apart from identifying the trends within various application segments of the global market for Mobile Payment Technology.The report provides information on the technological advancements that are bound to take place in the coming years or are currently taking place in the market. Furthermore, the opportunities and threats faced by the main players dominant in the Global Mobile Payment Technology market have been highlighted. This report covers the market from the bottom line, starting from its definition. Later, it segments the market on various criteria to give a depth of understanding on the various product types and pricing structures and applications. Each and every segment is examined carefully by factoring in sales, revenue and market size in order to understand the potential of growth and scope.For More Information @:Table of ContentsGlobal Mobile Payment Technology Market Research Report 2017Chapter 1 Global Mobile Payment Technology Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, ExportChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global Market ForecastChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market ForecastAbout QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Know in detail about Latex paint Market Market Analysis, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Application Development Potential, Price Trends, and Competitive Market Share http://qyreports.com/request-sample?report-id=37944 https://www.researchnreports.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=37944 https://www.researchnreports.com/checkout?id=37944 www.qyreports.com Latex paint is easier to work with and dries more quickly, but it isn't quite as durable as oil-based paint. Latex is good for general painting projects such as walls and ceilings. However, latex usually does not adhere well to high-gloss finishes and, even though it can be used on wallpaper, there is a risk that the water in the paint may cause the paper to peel away from the wall. Because of its water content, latex will cause bare steel to rust and will raise the grain on raw wood.The report on the Global Latex Paint Market is a complete overview of the market, covering various aspects product definition, segmentation based on various parameters, and the prevailing vendor landscape. It compiles in-depth information and research methodologies. It is also combined with relevant charts and tables to enable readers to get a better perspective of this global market.Get a sample @:Key Players in this report:Nippon, Dulux, China Resources, Carpoly, Bauhinia, Levis, Maydos, TIKKURILA, SKSHU, Dabao, PPG, BADESE.The analysis of the manufacturing cost structure of the Global Latex Paint Market has been performed based on key aspects such as industry chain structure, manufacturing process, raw materials, and their suppliers. The manufacturing plants analysis and technical data of the market have been explained in the lights of raw material sources, technology sources, research and development status, manufacturing plants distribution, and commercial production date and capacity.To Get Reasonable Discount @:Major Factor in this Report:Production Analysis Production of the satellite is analyzed with respect to different regions, types and applications. Here, price analysis of various Latex Paint key players is also covered.Sales and Revenue Analysis Both, sales and revenue are studied for the different regions of the global Market. Another major aspect, price, which plays important part in the revenue generation is also assessed in this section for the various regions.Supply and Consumption In continuation with sales, this section studies supply and consumption for the Market. This part also sheds light on the gap between supple and consumption. Import and export figures are also given in this part.Other analyses Apart from the aforementioned information, trade and distribution analysis for the Latex Paint Market, contact information of major manufacturers, suppliers and key consumers is also given. Also, SWOT analysis for new projects and feasibility analysis for new investment are included.Get Complete Report @:Objective to Access the Report:Drivers and restraints impacting the growth of the market have also been analyzed. A segmentation of the global Latex Paint market has been done for the purpose of a detailed study. The profiling of the leading players is done in order to judge the current competitive scenario. The competitive landscape is assessed by taking into consideration many important factors such as business growth, recent developments, product pipeline, and others. The research report further makes use of graphical representations such as tables, info graphics, and charts to forecast figures and historical data of the global Latex Paint market.Table of ContentsGlobal Latex Paint Market Research Report 2017Chapter 1 Global Latex Paint Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, ExportChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global Market ForecastChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market ForecastAbout QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager)+91-9764607607sales@qyreports.com Threat Intelligence Security Market Analysis, Market Size, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2018 To 2023 https://www.researchnreports.com/request_sample.php?id=186121 https://www.researchnreports.com/ask_for_discount.php?id=186121 This statistical surveying research report on the Global Threat Intelligence Security Market is an all-encompassing study of the industry sectors, up-to-date outlines, industry development, drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It contains an analysis of late augmentations in innovation, Porters five forces analysis and progressive profiles of hand-picked industry competitors. The report furthermore articulates an analysis of trivial and full-scale factors indicated for the new and tenured candidates in the market along with a methodical value chain exploration.Top Key Vendors in Market: IBM Corporation, Cyveillance Inc., Dell Inc., Intel Corporation, Juniper Networks, Symantec Corporation, Trend Micro Inc., Webroot Inc., Accenture, Arbor Networks, Cyveillance, Dell SecureWorks, Deloitte, Ernest & Young, HP, Juniper Networks, Secunia, Webroot, Optiv Security Inc.Get Sample Copy Of this Report @The initial section presents the industry overview of the Threat Intelligence Security Market. This part of the study encompasses the specifications and definition of the market. In addition, the types of the machines have been detailed. The application areas of the market come next in the study. The dynamics impacting the development of the Global Market such as the drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends are also described in detail in this research surveying report.The competitive landscape of the Global Threat Intelligence Security Market is discussed in the report, which also includes the players market share. The report profiles some of the leading players in the global market for the purpose of an in-depth study of the challenges faced as well as growth opportunities in the market. The report also considers the approaches implemented by the main corporations to sustain their hold on the industry. The business synopsis and financial synopsis of each of the companies have been examined.Get Reasonable Discount on This Premium Report @The report provides both, qualitative and quantitative research of the Global Threat Intelligence Security Market, as well as incorporates worthy insights into the balanced scenario and favored development methods adopted by key competitors. Distinctive distribution channels and slants inclined to bear fruit in the 2018-2023 forecast period have been bestowed in the report to permit readers to plan captivating strategies.On the basis of geographical regions, the Global Threat Intelligence Security Market is segmented broadly into Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. The global market is still in its exploratory stage in most of the regions but it holds the promising potential to flourish steadily in coming years. The major companies investing in this market are situated in Canada, U.K., and the US, India, China and some more countries of Asia Pacific region. Consequently, Asia Pacific, North America, and Western Europe are estimated to hold more than half of the market shares, collectively in coming years.In the last sections of the report, the manufacturers responsible for increasing the sales in the Threat Intelligence Security Market have been presented. These manufacturers have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the technology and product type introduced by each of these manufacturers also form a key part of this section of the report.Table of Content:Global Threat Intelligence Security Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Threat Intelligence Security Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Competition by ManufacturerChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixAbout Research N Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat Global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Contact us:Mr. Sunny DenisContact No. +1-888-631-6977sales@researchnreports.com(ResearchnReports) iBall Guard presents Home Security PT HD Camera - View your Children from anywhere iBall, a brand known for its innovative and latest technology products,announced the newest safety partner to every family, iBall Guard PT HD Camera.Introducing a space-age security camera which safeguards your home and workplace, every single microsecond even while you are away at work or on-the-go!This New Year make a resolution to bring Safety FIRST! Easy to configure, the iBall Guard PT HD Camera lets you connect the devices such as Android and iPhone smartphones with Wi-Fi Hotspot enabling Real Time Viewing.Its truly exceptional feature is the embedded best-in-class performance microphone also enables, Two Way Conversation. The Two-Way Conversation is a system which comes with a built-in Microphone, letting you converse with kids or families at home from anywhere, anytime from your smartphone app. This security camera offers Remote Operation, allowing you to access the live camera vision at any moment from anywhere. Likewise, System settings, account management, network management, stream code sets areavailable. The remote operation even allows you to rotate the camera by 350 and tilt the camera angle up to 105 for a complete overlook. Another superior feature is the SD card storage that makes your footages transmittable and shareable. One of the best features of this security camera is the Minimum illuminationand1.3MP High-Resolution HD (1280960P) camera. It is equipped with H.264 Video Compression with Dual Streaming (480P and 720P) that allows you to view every moment - live and detailed, from anywhere.With superior brightness viewing at 11 IR LEDs that functions within the range of 10m, it ensures better surveillance with no color cast and image distortion. Loaded with exceptional features such as Mobile Monitoring, Video Tuning, and Image Sensors, the PT HD camera gifts you the power to keep track of every motion, whether baby wakes up from sleep or unusual stranger creeps into the premises, Speaking on the launch, Mr. Sandeep Parasrampuria (CEO and Director iBall) says,This New Years, iBall focusses to bring high utility products for everyone. iBallGuard PT HD Camera with two way communication and 350 degree tilt and pan, allows you to see your loved one from anywhere. Be it worrying for the Grandpa at home, or baby under maidsurveillance, iBall Guard lets you watch every step. Designed to consume less energy, iBall Guard PT HD Camera takes a step closer to future of secure technology. This safety gadget is already available with leading retail stores in India at just MRP of 5,990 only. Read more such news at http://www.newspatrolling.com NewsPatrolling.com is an online news cum content syndication portal... A-9, Bhagat Singh Marg, Kewal Park, Delhi This release was published on openPR. Permanent link to this press release: Copy Please set a link in the press area of your homepage to this press release on openPR. openPR disclaims liability for any content contained in this release. Caustic Soda Market Trends, Analysis, Growth and Opportunities 2012 to 2023 Million Insights - World's Fastest Growing Market Research Database https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/caustic-soda-market https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/caustic-soda-market/request-sample https://www.millioninsights.com/industry/chemicals The Global Caustic Soda Market is likely to grow exponentially in the years to come. Increasing demand through a number of businesses for instance Paper &Pulp, Fabric, Carbon-based Chemicals, etc. is likely to make stronger the progress of the market. Growing demand for alumina in automobile manufacturing particularly in the area of Asia Pacific is well thought-out to motivate the development of the market. Changing rates owing to the greater ingestion of energy and irregular manufacture proportions is in the offing to restrict the development of the market. The manufacture of Chlorine is likewise estimated to affect the market of the caustic soda, such as it is co-manufactured using chlorine.Browse Full Research Report @The Caustic Soda functions such as a robust alkali multiple and eagerly responds with various substances including zinc and aluminum. This is another major factor likely to propel the market demand in metallurgical applications. Moreover, the market is further expected to accelerate with the increase in consumption of caustic soda in alumina extraction. The Caustic Soda Market may be divided by Type of Use, and the Area. The division of the Caustic Soda Market on the source of Type of Use spans Inorganic chemicals, Food, Paper &Pulp, Organic chemicals, Soaps & Detergents, Alumina, Water Treatment, Fabrics, Steel/Metallurgy Sintering, and others. The division of the Caustic Soda Market on the source of Area spans North America [U.S., Canada], Central &South America, Europe [Italy, France U.K., Rest of Europe], Asia-Pacific [Japan, India, China, and South Korea] Middle East & Africa.Increasing fabric along with paper &pulp manufacturing chiefly in India and China is to be expected to motivate the provincial market. The area of Asia Pacific is furthermore estimated to observe the premier progress in future. China is the biggest manufacturer over and above customer of caustic soda. The development of the market may be credited to greater demand from fabric and paper & pulp manufacturing inside the nation-state. The North American and European caustic soda markets are estimated to observe reasonable development because of the stages of the developments of the market.Request Sample Copy of this Market Research @The important companies working in the global market are expected to concentrate on unifications & acquirements to enlarge their market existence. Price effective manufacturing of the caustic soda is measured to be a most important task that will affect the market in upcoming ages. The companies operating in the Caustic Soda Market on the international basis are Olin Chlor Alkali Products, Befar Group Co. Ltd., Dow Chemical Company, Shintech Inc., and AkzoNobel Chemicals. The caustic soda industry is split in nature due to the existence of a huge amount of minor companies focused in China. That will observe greater manufacture plus the intake of the caustic soda in the approaching ages.Table of Contents1 Caustic Soda Overview2 Global Caustic Soda Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global Caustic Soda Analysis by Region4 Global Caustic Soda Analysis by Type5 Global Caustic Soda Market Analysis by Application6 Global Caustic Soda Manufacturers Analysis7 Caustic Soda Technology and Development Trend8 Research Findings and ConclusionSee More Reports of this Category by Million Insights @About Million Insights:Million Insights, is a distributor of market research reports, published by premium publishers only. We have a comprehensive market place that will enable you to compare data points, before you make a purchase. Enabling informed buying is our motto and we strive hard to ensure that our clients get to browse through multiple samples, prior to an investment. Service flexibility & the fastest response time are two pillars, on which our business model is founded. Our market research report store, includes in-depth reports, from across various industry verticals, such as healthcare, technology, chemicals, food & beverages, consumer goods, material science & automotive.Contact Details:Ryan ManuelResearch Support SpecialistOffice No. 302, 3rd Floor, Manikchand Galleria,Model Colony, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, MH, 411016 IndiaPhone: 91-20-65300184Email: sales@millioninsights.com RGF Executive Search Partners with Proventa International to Highlight Candidate Experience https://proventainternational.com/hr-life-sciences-healthcare/ With more businesses continuously emerging here and there, attracting great talent has become increasingly difficult. Companies may attract applicants with competitive compensation packages, engaging company culture and exciting career paths but going through a poor application experience can completely turn them off, cutting chances of getting quality hires in half.Research across 3,991 full-time workers found that a negative application experience can impact an employers ability to recruit or even generate revenue. Less than half said they would never seek employment from the company again. 22% said they would advise other not to work at the company and almost 10% said they would tell others not to purchase products or services from the company.Being the frontliners for recruitment, HR professionals need to understand the value of an efficient hiring process to promote exceptional candidate experience.Treating your candidates like your customers is key, shares the Regional Practice Head for Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice of RGF Executive Search, Stephen Irish.Stephen, who is currently leading a team of 50 specialized search consultants across Asia Pacific, advises HR executives to have candidate experience in mind when designing recruitment processes.A smooth and seamless candidate experience has proven to build respect for companies as a brand and employer, adds Stephen, who will also be sharing his expertise at Proventa Internationals HR Life Sciences & Healthcare Strategy Meeting happening at Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore on April 9, 2018.I take pride in our holistic approach to providing exceptional leadership talent and I hope to provide valuable insights in this RGF Executive Search Proventa International partnership, says Stephen.RGF Executive SearchRGF Executive, the leading executive search firm across Asia, takes a holistic approach to the business of delivering exceptional leadership talent. We have the largest single footprint of any search firm in Asia, offices in all the major cities and several hundred client-facing consultants and researchers, backed by cutting-edge recruiting technologies. Our group companies have won industry awards as the best executive search businesses in Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and several of our search leaders have been featured in lists of the worlds top headhunters.About HR Life Sciences & Healthcare Strategy Meeting 2018Proventa Internationals unique format of HR Life Sciences & Healthcare Strategy Meeting 2018 gathers seasoned local and global thought leaders in an exclusive discussion where each C-Level Director gets to share knowledge and insights on key strategic challenges that others are currently facing. This years HR Life Sciences and Healthcare Strategy Meeting will be held at Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore on 09 April 2018. For more information, please visitSubmit your interest to attend, sponsor or partner!Delegate Registration: kmj@proventainternational.comSponsorship Opportunities: lp@proventainternational.comMedia Partnership: jp@proventainternational.comCommitted to bringing research-based strategies and groundbreaking innovation to Life Sciences and Healthcare industry, London-based management consultancy firm Proventa International has been helping businesses build strategic partnerships for 15 years.Together with our satellite teams in the United States and Asia Pacific, we take pride in our unique format of engaging and connecting C-level executives worldwide via our strategy meetings.Exclusive, spontaneous and insightful, our strategy meetings gather director-level executives and industry thought leaders from established and emerging Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology organizations to discuss similar strategic challenges, share valuable insights and work together to achieve short and long-term organization goals.Unit 51 Skyline Business Village, Limeharbour, London E14 9TS, United Kingdom Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market - Key Segmentation of Industry & Forecast 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1130 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1130 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1130 Global Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market: SnapshotA microgrid is a power grid of a smaller level, that can operate on its own and independent of a locations primary electrical grid. Additionally, a microgrid can be used in conjunction with the primary grid, a factor that opens up a number of possibilities and opportunities. Small-scale and localized stations can be run with their own source of energy and contain generation and distribution equipment, as long as the station adheres to the policies as specified by the regions government. The core function of a microgrid is to be a fallback for structures or industries in the event of failure of the primary grid, or when the primary grind cannot supply sufficient power during peak hours.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Additionally, microgrids can be used to lower an establishments total consumption of power from the primary electrical grid. This can be supplemented by the fact that microgrids can operate using different sources of energy, including renewable ones. The large scale use of microgrids, under management and control by providers of microgrid as a service players, can allow establishments in a sizeable area to both reduce their consumption rates of conventional power sources and ramp up the use of renewable energy. At the same time, most microgrids are designed to be modular in nature, allowing them to make the primary grid less likely to completely fail in the event of a major incident. Under MaaS plans, these modular microgrids can also be upgraded over time to incorporate more efficient and renewable power sources.Global Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market: OverviewThe world microgrid as a service (MaaS) market is foreseen to build its growth on the back of software as a service (SaaS) sector which helps in the creation of more cost-efficient, reliable, and safer microgrid systems. The SaaS market could be followed by operation and maintenance service. However, SaaS is prophesied to mark a ruling share in the global MaaS market with vital benefits such as decrease in the risk of failures and delays of projects and a single point of accountability offered to microgrid owners.Key segmentation areas such as vertical, service type, and grid type are carefully analyzed in the report while taking a radical approach. This will help the interested parties to invest in the right industry spheres and secure a long-lasting growth.The tailor-made publication prepared on the world MaaS market has followed all the steps recommended for primary and secondary research to make available accurate and reliable information to the buyers.Request TOC of the Report @Global Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market: Trends and OpportunitiesDuring the forecast period, the world MaaS market is anticipated to gain strength as the need for enhanced resilience sparks hefty government investments in the field of microgrid infrastructure. The need for reliable MaaS could augment further with remote localities, universities, and hospitals looking to leverage the unequalled benefits of microgrid infrastructure. Besides this, the end users of MaaS are not required to invest heavily upfront, which could boost the growth of the global market even more. By installing a microgrid infrastructure, operational costs can be curbed impressively. This could encourage most regions of the market to adopt MaaS.The industrial vertical market of MaaS is foreseen to promise a growth that is challenging for other profitable vertical segments such as utility, military, commercial, and residential. The microgrid technology could be adopted at a significant degree, owing to factors such as fuel independence, grid resiliency, better and trustworthy power supply quality, and reasonable energy expenditure.There is a tough competition expected to be witnessed between islanded or remote grid and grid connected markets, where the previous is predicted to take the leading position in the global industry. Much of the demand for islanded or remote grids is anticipated to arise from their services to meet energy requirements through greater control and allow distributed energy sources to be better managed.Get Discount @Global Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market: Regional OutlookOut of the top regional markets for MaaS, Asia Pacific is forecasted to exhibit dominance while riding on the dire requirement for electricity with a reliable, constant, and undisturbed supply. Moreover, there is a high degree of investment made more or less on a consistent basis to adequately maintain microgrid infrastructures. As a result, the Asia Pacific MaaS market is prognosticated to record a commanding CAGR throughout the course of the forecast period. More opportunities are expected to emerge from the remarkable rate of power consumption and the application of MaaS in industrial sectors and rural electrification. Market players can expect to take advantage of key opportunities in the developing regions of Asia Pacific witnessing a weighty development in power infrastructure and industrial sectors.Global Microgrid as a Service (MaaS) Market: Companies MentionedAlthough the standards, regulations, and policies relating to MaaS and the supremacy of customer-owned microgrids could raise a few questions in the minds of the market players, there are some critical strategies they can rely on for growth. Some of these could be pertaining to the widening of their revenue share in the global MaaS market, where product developments and launches, agreements, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships could be the frequently adopted ones. Amongst others, Exelon Corporation, Eaton Corporation PLC, Siemens AG, General Electric, and ABB Ltd. are the top manufacturers operating in the industry.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Bearing Market 2018 Industry Trends, Size, Sales, Growth Drivers, Opportunities and Forecast to 2025 The Insight Partners https://tinyurl.com/ycvz7byn https://tinyurl.com/yakmyulv https://tinyurl.com/y9qu65bg World Bearing Market Report 2018-2025 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Bearing Market. This report studies Bearing in Global market, especially North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South America (SAM).Bearings are the machine elements which helps to restrains the relative motion to preferred motion by reducing friction between the moving machine parts. They offers high durability, reliability and precision with the ability to rotate at fast speed by minimizing vibrations and noise. The increasing production of vehicles and the rapid industrialization mainly in developing countries will fuel the bearing market in the forecast period.The factor that can act as a restraint in the growth of the market is the growing sale of imitation products may hamper the bearing market. However, the boost in the demand of energy-efficient vehicles and the escalating need of bearings from the aerospace industry will create new opportunities in the market of bearings.Request FREE Sample is Available atKey questions answered in this report What will the market size be in 2025 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Inquire Before Buying atBearing Market Key Players1. Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., Ltd.2. The Timken Company3. SKF Group4. Rexnord Corporation5. RBC Bearings Incorporated6. NTN Corporation7. Schaeffler Group8. C&U Group Ltd.9. Asahi Seiko Co., Ltd.10. Luoyang LYC BearingComplete Report is Available atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout Us:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor,Amanora Chambers, East Block, Amanora Township,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Specialty Fats and Oils Market - Major Key Players & Forecast 2017 - 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1151 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1151 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1151 Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: SnapshotSpecialty fats and oils find a diverse array of niche applications across a number of fields, especially in the food and beverages industry. The properties of specialty fats and oil are quite different from the general fats and oils, the latter group including cream fats, pastry fats, margarine, shortening, and a number of other products. Some of the largest applications for specialized fats and oils come from the chocolate and confectionary makers. Specialized fats, for instance, are finding a growing scope of applications in chocolate products, especially ones that are molded, including chocolate bars.The demand for specialty fats and oils is also growing among the manufacturers of chocolate products, such as chocolate wafers and biscuits, fruits and nuts, and other similar applications. Specialty oils and fats are also being used in the confectionery industry. A lot of applications of specialized fats distinguish them largely as cocoa butter alternatives, more specifically, cocoa butter substitutes, cocoa butter replacements, and cocoa butter equivalents. There is a growing but currently niche segment of exotic fats, but nearly all specialized fats find most of their applications in the confectionery and bakery goods production. Other end users of specialized oil and butters include the personal care and cosmetics markets, the manufacturers of animal feed, and the manufacturers of dairy products or processed foods.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: OverviewThe world specialty fats and oils market is prognosticated to grab a massive chuck of demand in the food and beverages industry with a number of products fetching indispensable applications. The global market is deemed to be a highly fertile ground for high-paying business opportunities. Specialty fats and oils are lavishly used in a multiple food applications and possess the capability to enhance sensory and physiochemical characteristics such as appealing flavors, creamy and rich texture, and smoothness. Most countries have already restricted the usage of trans fats that risk the consumers with fatal heart diseases. This could be a great opportunity for the manufacturers dealing with trans-free specialty fat and oil products to rake in handsome revenues.The report offered here considers the vital segmentation categories of the global specialty fats and oils market, viz. form, application, oil type, and fat type. With our customized approach, all of these segments can be comprehensively analyzed to determine the most lucrative market types and ensure a tangible business success.Request TOC of the Report @The tailor-made reports prepared at TMR Research, a market research hub, are a foolproof guideline to capitalize on the most promising and unrevealed opportunities. Buyers of this report can prepare their businesses to get aligned in just the right direction for securing a reliable growth in the international specialty fats and oils market.Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe market for cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) is anticipated to count its dominance on the application in compound coatings and chocolates. CBEs are extensively used in confectionery and bakery products. The flourishing rise of this specialty fats type segment could significantly raise the bar of growth for the world specialty fats and oils market. Since CBEs reduce the risk of heart disease by being free of trans fats and non-hydrogenated, the demand growth is expected to elevate even more in the global market. In addition to that, CBEs can be used to enrich the flavor of the ingredients used in various products. Besides CBEs, exotic fats, dairy fat replacers, cocoa butter improvers (CBIs), cocoa butter replacers (CBRs), and cocoa butter substitutes (CBSs) could fairly contribute to the market.The liquid form of specialty fats and oils is foreseen to hold the potential to register a higher CAGR against the dry form specialty fats and oils market because of its saturated fatty acid melting point properties. A large number of chocolate and confectionery items today are produced without trans fats. As a result, there has been an augmenting inclination toward trans-fat-free chocolate and confectionery products, which could intensify the demand in this segment. With respect to its exhaustive availability and usage in the making of different products such as confectionery fillings, palm oil is forecasted to gain traction over other specialty oils type markets.Get Discount @Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Regional OutlookThe Asia Pacific region is prophesied to emerge as a leading market for specialty fats and oils with a host of remunerative opportunities in store. The global specialty fats and oils market has recently witnessed the birth of a broad-ranging scope of applications in Asia Pacific, viz. animal feed, cosmetics, and personal care. This is envisaged to mark a rising rate of demand in the region. Palm oil and other specialty oils are consumed in vast amounts in India while China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are hailed as the authoritative makers of specialty oils and fats. In this regard, Asia Pacific could record an impressive CAGR against the background of other key regional markets such as North America. Such a dominance of the Asia Pacific market is expected to be in place with reference to both value and volume.Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Companies MentionedThe top companies making their mark in the international specialty fats and oils market could take advantage of the new geographies yet to be explored. Salient business strategies such as collaborations with key players, investments and agreements, joint ventures, and launch of novel offerings are predicted to be implemented by most firms operating in the global market. Some of the leading organizations anticipated to take charge are AAK AB, Wilmar International, IFFCO, Bunge Ltd., and Cargill.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com ATM Market 2018-2025 Research Report by ATM Services Providers, Banking, Business and Finance Industries The Insight Partners http://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPTE100000664 http://www.theinsightpartners.com/inquiry/TIPTE100000664 http://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/atm-market World ATM Market Report 2017-2025 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the ATM Market. This report studies ATM in Global market, especially North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and South America (SAM).An electronic banking outlet that enables customers for completing financial transactions without the help of a branch representative or a teller is an ATM. ATMs today are being used for a variety of banking transaction purposes such as bill payments, cash withdrawal, cash deposits and obtaining bank statements. Privacy of transactions, quicker and efficient services, ease of accessibility for cash to a customer are some benefits of ATM have allowed rapid deployments across the globe.Developing automation, increased needs for security in banking and financial services emerge as the various driving factors for deployments of ATM, whereas reasons such as random cyber-attacks and theft based threats to an ATM infrastructure act as deterrents to growth of this market. The growing importance of diverse managed services for banking services and increasing popularity of ATMs in rural areas will bring new opportunities in the for ATM players in the market.Request a Sample Report atKey questions answered in this report What will the market size be in 2025 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Inquire Before Buying atATM Market Players:1. CMS Infosystems2. Diebold Nixdorf3. NCR Financial Solutions4. Triton5. GRG Banking Equipment Co. Ltd.6. Nautilus Hyosung America, Inc.7. INETCO Systems Limited8. Fujitsu Ltd.9. Euronet Worldwide, Inc.10. TIDELView Complete Report atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout The Insight Partners:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor,Amanora Chambers, East Block, Amanora Township,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2018 1:35 pm By TODD HEYWOOD WEDNESDAY, Jan. 17 Less than two weeks in office and Lansing Mayor Andy Schor is already wrestling with the impact of two soon to close large Lansing-area retail businesses. Two weeks ago, local bibliophile favorite Schuler Books and Music in Eastwood Towne Center announced it would close that location. Last week, Sams Club, located at 340 E. Edgewood Drive on the citys southwest side, also said it would shut its doors. While the closing of the two businesses could lead to putting as many as 200 employee out of work, economic development and city officials nonetheless are hopeful. I really have been talking about corridors, and if we could have Schulers on one of our corridors that would help to re-inject some activity. I'm very open to that as well, Schor said. Schulers co-owner Bill Fehsenfeld said it had been unable to come to a compromise during lease negotiations with the owners of Eastwood Towne Center in Lansing Township. Chicago-based Retail Properties of America Inc. declined to discuss the falling out. With only a month to act, Schuler has not identified another location to move into, Fehsenfeld said last week. Fehsenfeld said this week his sole focus is on the closing of the current location. Its store in Meridian Mall remains open. Development officials have not had significant conversations with either Fehsenfeld or Walmart about their respective situations. Schor and Bob Trezise, CEO of Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP), said there have been discussions about relocating the book lovers paradise to the historic and recently restored Knapps Center in downtown Lansing, an unidentified location in Frandor which straddles the Lansing and East Lansing city boundaries, and as of Friday, the potential for the former Sams Club location. Sams Club, which is part of the Walmart empire, said it was closing the Lansing location, along with 62 other locations nationwide, because of competition, online sales activities and less-than-expected population growth in certain areas. It still operates a warehouse store at Eastwood Towne Center. But theres a possible silver lining in he announcement. The company said 10 to 12 of those locations would be transformed into internet fulfillment centers. It is unclear if that will be the case for the south Lansing location, but Schor said he will push for it. I would advocate for that, but if we can have a store down there, I think that's If Schulers wanted to go down there that's my preference, because then it's activated, said Schor of the Sams Club location. It's not an office building. It's activated. I mean, I want the space used, and I want the jobs and everything. So, we're open to anything. But if we can get another smaller big box or whatever that would be great. Added Tresize, I feel quite positive though this time about a closing like that in this respect because that area is so viable, and there are numerous big box retailers who are doing very well in that mall area. Its very busy. Its the center of not only south Lansing, but Holt. I think that were attempting to engage Sams Club people to understand what happens next about the building. In other words, what real estate company are they going to use, are they leasing or owning the building, is it truly up for sale, and this kind of thing. I really believe that the building will come back into the use of good use sooner rather than later. Trezise said Schulers moving to the former Sams Club would be a dream come true in that location. Cloud Computing Server Market Development and Technological Trends By Application (Banking, Financial Service, Insurance, Healthcare, Telecom and IT, Government & Public Utilities till 2018 ReportsWeb http://www.reportsweb.com/inquiry&RW00011430787/sample http://www.reportsweb.com/global-cloud-computing-server-market-professional-survey-report-2018 http://www.reportsweb.com/inquiry&RW00011430787/discount http://www.reportsweb.com/buy&RW00011430787/buy/3500 This report provides an in-depth insight of Global Cloud Computing Server Industry covering all important parameters including development trends, challenges, opportunities, key manufacturers and competitive analysis and much more.This report studies Cloud Computing Server in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringIntelIBMAmazon Web Services (AWS)MicrosofDellHuaweiOracleGoogle Cloud PlatformSalesforceRackspaceSAPOracleChina Information Technology (CNT)Get FREE Sample of report atOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoType IType IIBy Application, the market can be split intoBankingFinancial ServiceInsuranceHealthcareTelecom and ITGovernmentPublic UtilitiesBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaBrowse complete report atKey points from Table of Contents:1 Industry Overview of Cloud Computing Server2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Cloud Computing Server3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Cloud Computing Server4 Global Cloud Computing Server Overall Market Overview5 Cloud Computing Server Regional Market Analysis6 Global 2012-2017E Cloud Computing Server Segment Market Analysis (by Type)7 Global 2012-2017E Cloud Computing Server Segment Market Analysis (by Application)8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Cloud Computing Server8.1 Intel8.1.1 Company Profile8.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.1.2.1 Product A8.1.2.2 Product B8.1.3 Intel 2016 Cloud Computing Server Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.1.4 Intel 2016 Cloud Computing Server Business Region Distribution Analysis8.2 IBM8.2.1 Company Profile8.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.2.2.1 Product A8.2.2.2 Product B8.2.3 IBM 2016 Cloud Computing Server Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.2.4 IBM 2016 Cloud Computing Server Business Region Distribution Analysis8.3 Amazon Web Services (AWS)8.3.1 Company Profile8.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.3.2.1 Product A8.3.2.2 Product B8.3.3 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2016 Cloud Computing Server Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.3.4 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2016 Cloud Computing Server Business Region Distribution Analysis9 Development Trend of Analysis of Cloud Computing Server Market10 Cloud Computing Server Marketing Type Analysis11 Consumers Analysis of Cloud Computing Server12 Conclusion of the Global Cloud Computing Server Market Professional Survey Report 2018Get Discount on report atList Of tables and FiguresFigure Global 2012-2017E Cloud Computing Server Market Size (Value) and Growth RateTable 2012-2017E Global Cloud Computing Server Capacity and Growth RateTable 2016 Global Cloud Computing Server Capacity (K Units) List (Company Segment)Table 2012-2017E Global Cloud Computing Server Sales (K Units) and Growth RateTable 2016 Global Cloud Computing Server Sales (K Units) List (Company Segment)Table 2012-2017E Global Cloud Computing Server Sales Price (USD/Unit)Table 2016 Global Cloud Computing Server Sales Price (USD/Unit) List (Company Segment)Figure North America Capacity OverviewPurchase Complete Report atContact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: +1-646-491-9876ReportsWeb.com is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. 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