Cargolux a fete jeudi sa 100e operation de maintenance de grande envergure sur un Boeing 747-400. Cette operation de maintenance dite de type "C", represente quelques 10.600 heures de travail. Il est alors procede a un controle complet du Boeing 747-400. Un reportage sur le sujet sera diffuse jeudi soir a 19h30 sur RTL Tele ! Voici le communique officiel : Cargolux Maintenance celebrates its 100th C-Check Luxembourg, 25 January 2018 This week Cargolux celebrates a milestone in the company's history with the completion of the 100th C-Check at its maintenance centre in Luxembourg. Around 10,600 working hours were planned for this C-Check to thoroughly service LX-FCL, a Boeing 747-400 freighter. The maintenance hangar, which can accommodate two Boeing 747 aircraft simultaneously, enables Cargolux to carry out extensive C-Checks as well as smaller A-Checks on its freighters. The Cargolux Maintenance Centre also offers maintenance work on 747 aircraft for third parties, making it one of the most important aircraft maintenance centres in Europe. "Our highly qualified and dedicated maintenance staff ensure that our fleet operates at the highest level of safety and performance every day," says Richard Forson, Chief Executive Officer. "This contributes significantly to the commercial success of the airline." C-Checks are carried out every two years and provide an opportunity to assess the general condition of the aircraft, carry out the necessary maintenance work and ensure the longevity of the fleet. "The 100th C-Check is proof of the company's performance capability and the high level of market acceptance," says Onno Pietersma, Executive Vice-President Maintenance & Engineering. "We are proud of our entire team, which ensures that on the one hand our current 27 aircraft are safely ready for operation at all times, and on the other hand that orders from several international customers can be carried out in a highly professional manner." Since 2009, the Cargolux Maintenance & Engineering Team has performed 68 C-Checks on its own aircraft and 32 on other airlines aircraft. Thirteen of these extensive and highly specialized maintenance procedures were carried out last year alone. Yosemite National Park Superintendent Mike Reynolds View Photos Yosemite, CA U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke today tapped Michael T. (Mike) Reynolds to the top spot at Yosemite National Park. Reynolds has been the National Park Services (NPS) acting director since January of last year and served as the deputy director for operations of the park service since 2016. Mike did an incredible job stewarding our parks through 2017, said Secretary Zinke. His leadership helping me combat sexual harassment and discrimination in the service as well as his big-thinking ideas to address the maintenance backlog is very much appreciated. I have all the trust in the world that Mike will bring his years of experience in field and in management to Yosemite. Reynolds is a native of the area as he grew up in Yosemite and is a 31-year NPS veteran and a third-generation employee. Reynolds also later returned to the park as a resource manager, planner and division chief, according to NPS officials. When I think about my familys history in Yosemite, this feels like coming homeits an incredible honor that I take very seriously, said Reynolds. Times have changed since my grandparents served as 40-year concession employees in the park. However, we should still provide world-class service and experience to visitors in ways that sustain Yosemite into the next century. My focus will be on that, and on supporting our employees, repairing infrastructure and working closely with the communities and people around and associated with the park. Reynolds will take over the superintendent helm in early March, according to NPS officials. His replacement for the acting director post was also named today. He is Paul Daniel (Dan) Smith. Smith retired in 2015 after serving as superintendent of Colonial National Historical Park in Virginia. Dan has a strong record of leadership in the National Park Service both in Washington and on the front lines as a superintendent of a park that tells the stories of some of the most consequential moments in American history, said Secretary Zinke. I can think of no one better equipped to help lead our efforts to ensure that the National Park Service is on firm footing to preserve and protect the most spectacular places in the United States for future generations. As the acting director, Smith will oversee more than 20,000 employees, a nearly $3 billion budget, and 417 national parks. It is an honor and a privilege to return to Washington D.C., with the invaluable perspective from the field that I gained during my time as Superintendent of Colonial National Historical Park, said Smith. Each year more than 300 million visitors flock to national parks and in turn generate over $30 billion in economic benefit across the nation. Jerry Brown Delivers State of State Address View Photos Sacramento, CA For the sixteenth and final time, California Governor Jerry Brown will speak about his vision for the state of California. Brown, 79, is in the final year of his 4th term in office, having first served two terms beginning in 1975 and two more starting in 2011. Brown typically highlights the positives going for California in his State of the State address, but also warns of challenges on the horizon. Brown will deliver the address to the legislature at 10am at the state capitol in Sacramento. We reported earlier that the Governor is proposing a $122.5 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1st. Locally, it includes funding for Tuolumne Countys courthouse project. It also calls for boosting spending for things like the reserve fund, education, healthcare, climate change initiatives and poverty programs. Sonora, CA Thanks to a grant from the Federal Lands Access Program, the Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System (YARTS) will operate free of charge for 10 days this year. The grant runs through three years, so there will be a total of 30 days of free service through 2020. YARTS Assistant Transit Manager, Cindy Kelly, says, We are excited to assist the park with the management of vehicle congestion by offering an alternative to driving and parking. We wan to give Californians and other visitors the opportunity to experience our nations jewel without adding to the congestion problem. The Federal Lands Access Program is under the Federal Highway Transportation Administration. YARTS is the only public transit option to Yosemite National Park, with buses entering Yosemite Valley from Sonora, Merced, Mammoth Lakes and Fresno, including various stops along the way. On January 15 the Highway 140 bus route offered free service, and it will do so again on April 21 and 22. All of the routes (Highway 120, 140, 41 and 395/120) are planning to offer free service on May 27-28, July 4, August 25 and September 22. Then only the Highway 140 bus will offer free service on November 10-11. Seating will be limited and it will be on a first-come, first-served, basis. There will be no reservations. Enjoy the party while it lasts: That was the opening day message for the corporate and political leaders attending the World Economic Forums annual meeting. Booming stock markets and the best global economic growth in seven years are fueling record levels of optimism among chief executives, according to a survey released by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP late Monday in Davos, Switzerland. But just hours earlier, the International Monetary Fund used the gathering to argue that while the outlook for this year and the next was better than previously anticipated, a recession may be closer than many acknowledge and that investors and policy makers should guard against complacency. The combination of optimism and caution will set the tone for a week of meetings a decade after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression wrong-footed Davos delegates. Among the current risks: potential irrational exuberance in financial markets, surging debt in China and elsewhere as well as political flash points from Brexit to North Korea. The bull market seems to be steamrollering over everyone who has a bearish view, said Tim Adams, president of the Institute of International Finance who will be in Davos. But theres a lot of complacency. There are termites in the foundation and a number of those are gnawing away at night. Its a conflicted backdrop for world leaders and global executives gathering for the meetings that this year will host President Donald Trump, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron, along with many leading CEOs. In some ways the Davos meeting should be a cause for celebration. After years of sluggish growth, the world economy is finally taking off. The IMF upgraded its outlook for this year and the next by 0.2 percentage point each, pushing its forecast for worldwide expansion for both 2018 and 2019 to 3.9 percent, the highest level since 2011. Trumps recent tax cut was cited as one reason for the pickup. The lender said the global recovery now under way is the broadest in seven years, with gross domestic product rising last year in 120 countries which together account for three-quarters of world output. The optimism was mirrored by PwCs survey. Fifty-seven percent of about 1,300 CEOs polled by the global consultancy saw brightening prospects for the worlds economy in the next 12 months. That was almost double the amount last year and the largest increase since the firm started asking about the world economy in 2012. Optimism among U.S. business leaders in the international environment has more than doubled to 59 percent after Trumps election had ushered in a period of uncertainty, PwC said. Faith in the economy turned executives optimistic about their own companies outlooks. Forty-two percent said they were very confident in their own firms prospects for the coming year, up from 38 percent last year. Retaining top talent at companies has risen to the top concern of global chief executives as fears of an economic slump have receded from their biggest worry last year, according to a separate poll by the Conference Board released last week. With the stock markets booming and GDP predicted to grow in most major markets around the world, its no surprise CEOs are so bullish, said Bob Moritz, PwCs global chairman. There still remains doubt over whether the good times can last. In a briefing to reporters, IMF officials were at pains to stress that the world economy was still plagued by uncertainty and that governments should use the current window of stability to prepare for a future downturn. While the U.S. tax cut may give the world a lift now, it could end up exacerbating Americas trade and budget gaps, leading to a slowdown later on. The next recession may be closer than we think, and the ammunition with which to combat it is much more limited than a decade ago, said Maurice Obstfeld, the IMFs economic counselor, at a press briefing in Davos on Monday. There are several reasons to doubt the durability of the recovery, including advanced economies approaching the limits of their growth potential and the likelihood that expansions in the worlds two biggest economies the U.S. and China will slow, Obstfeld said. Mark Machin, chief executive officer of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, also sounded a note of caution. Given where asset prices have run to now, its unlikely we can expect very high asset-price returns over the next few years, he said in a Bloomberg TV interview in Davos. I think they are going to be quite depressed. In two hours, the Border Patrol seized $2 million worth of marijuana in two separate incidents, according to a news release from the agency. In the first incident on Tuesday, Rio Grande City agents received reports a Ford Expedition was being loaded with drugs. Much to the surprise of scientists and climate observers, 2017 was one of the warmest years on record. It was either the second or third warmest year on record, depending on the source. Thats because NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration rely on different methods to analyze global temperatures. Either way, 2017 was a real outlier. Thats because there was no El Nino last year. El Nino, a tropical weather pattern, fueled record temperatures in 2015 and 2016. But last year should have been cooler, thanks to La Ninas weather pattern. It wasnt. RELATED: 2017 was the second-warmest year ever recorded behind only 2016 Berkeley Earth, which was founded by scientists skeptical of climate change, has declared 2017 the warmest year on record without El Nino. It also means 17 of the 18 warmest years have been recorded since 2001. Expect more records to be set, especially when El Nino returns. Thats what Gavin A. Schmidt, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has said. This is the new normal, he said, according to the New York Times. Its also changing. Its not that weve gotten to a new plateau this isnt where well stay. In 10 years, were going to say, Oh, look, another record decade of warming temperatures. San Antonio isnt immune to this trend. The region has seen a steady increase in days with triple-digit heat over the past 30 years. In light of recent frigid weather here, and across much of the country, this warming trend might seem unfathomable. This has become evident during some recent Editorial Board meetings. Weve heard candidates express skepticism about human impact on the climate. And theyve specifically cited the recent cold weather. But, here, we as do climate scientists and just about everyone else observant of the trends repeat ourselves. Because we have to. Weather is not the same as climate change. One is an event a cold snap, a heat wave, a mild summer, a massive storm. The other is the broader trend. EDITORIAL: Climate change to affect city and state credit ratings One year might be warm, and one might be cold. But thats not the same as a trend. Over the past 35 years, the trend has been abundantly clear. The Earth is warming, and its warming at a time that syncs with soaring levels of carbon dioxide emissions. And the science on what happens when carbon dioxide is too abundant in the atmosphere is actually uncontroversial. Simply, it traps heat. Hence, global warming, almost certainly accelerated by emissions produced by humanity. Finding an aha! moment with that almost certainly wording? Sorry, this is as much about risk assessment as it is about the science, which overwhelmingly points to global warming. And, no, remedies need not be economically harmful. So, can we really take a chance that so much evidence and so many scientists interpretation of it is wrong to roll the dice on the future of the planet not to mention the well-being of our children and grandchildren? As NASA has highlighted, the Earths average surface temperature has risen about 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 1800s, and much of that has occurred over the past 35 years. Since about 1950, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been at an unprecedented level going back 400,000 years. Faculty members with Texas A&M Universitys Department of Atmospheric Sciences have issued a unanimous statement about climate change. One that says its extremely likely that humans are responsible for more than half of the global warming between 1951 and 2012. They also predict that if carbon emissions are left unchecked, the Earths temperature could rise from 2.5 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. RELATED: 11 images and facts that explain how bad San Antonio's January 2018 ice storm was A wide margin, no doubt. But reflective of the warming trend we are experiencing and have helped create. Recent cold weather doesnt change this. Dare we repeat it? Yup. Weather is not the same as climate change. By Kenneth Thomas. Originally published at Angry Bear A non-blogging friend points me to the announcement today of Marylands subsidy bidthat puts Montgomery County into one of the 20 finalist slots. Shockingly, Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD) put in a bid that would pay Amazon almost the entire cost of its facility, depending on what you think a proper discount rate should be now (hint: low). HQ2, which Amazon has stated will amount to an eventual $5 billion in investment, will receive a subsidy package worth over $5 billion in nominal value (but not necessarily present value) from Maryland. The largest element in this package is a jobs tax credit of 5.75% of wages for up to 17 years, on salaries averaging $100,000 per year (minimum $60,000, maximum $500,000). According to the story linked above, Amazon would max out this incentive with just 40,000 jobs. To simplify the math, this element would pay up to $5750 per year to Amazon X 40,000 employees X 17 years, or $3.91 billion. Other elements of the package include state and local property tax credits (local governments would be 50% reimbursed by the state for their share), a sales tax exemption on construction materials, and an unspecified amount of infrastructure. According to the linked story, there would be billions of dollars in transportation upgrades in the state, though the article does not indicate how much would be Amazon-specific and how much would go elsewhere in the area. Why do I say this offer is shocking? 1) It normalizes not just billion-dollar incentive packages, but multi-billion subsidy awards. Foxconn got $4 billion last year from Wisconsin, according to the Good Jobs First Megadeals spreadsheet, October 2017 update. Now, Amazon has received at least three (see below for St. Louis) offers of over $5 billion. In the European Union, a $1 billion incentive is virtually impossible even in the poorest EU regions, and absolutely impossible in cities as wealthy as the 20 finalists here. Indeed, few if any of the 20 would be allowed to offer any subsidy whatsoever. 2) What is possibly even worse, it normalizes paying subsidies greater than the cost of the investment (100+ % aid intensity, in terms of European Union state aid rules). Seriously, if a government is going to pay more than the entire cost of the investment, it should have a legitimate, large ownership stake, rather than using investment as a euphemism for subsidy. 3) Have none of these cities noticed that unemployment is at historically low levels? Thats precisely a reason not to give away the store. Lets look at the state unemployment rate for the 20 qualifiers in November 2017: Colorado: 2.9% Tennessee: 3.1% Florida: 3.6% Massachusetts: 3.6% Indiana: 3.7% Virginia: 3.7% Texas: 3.8% (two finalists) Maryland: 3.9% Georgia: 4.3% North Carolina: 4.3% California: 4.5% Pennsylvania: 4.6% (two finalists) New York: 4.7% Ohio: 4.8% Illinois: 4.9% New Jersey: 5.1% Ontario: 5.5% (December 2017) Washington DC 6.4% Source: For U.S. states and DC, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Area Unemployment Statistics. For Ontario, Alberta Government Economic Dashboard, published 5 January 2018. Im not the only person who is shocked. Greg LeRoy, executive director of Good Jobs First, told Middle Class Political Economist: As a Maryland taxpayer, I am aghast that Gov. Hogan would propose to subsidize Amazons new headquarters 100 percent with public dollars. I refuse to pay higher taxes for a company one-sixth owned by the richest person on earth. LeRoy also pointed out that the St. Louis bid was released to the public last week after the city failed to be named a finalist. According to the St. Louis Business Journal, a partnership of the state of Missouri, the city of St. Louis, St. Louis County, the state of Illinois, and Illinois St. Clair County offered Amazon $7.1 billion in subsidies, edging out Newarks $7 billion bid as the largest offering known so far. As with the Maryland bid, this is shocking for all the same reasons. Indeed, Missouri had one of the lower unemployment rates in November 2017, a mere 3.4%. The Maryland and Missouri subsidy packages are simply horrifying. I wrote over six years ago that state and local subsidies were more out of control than ever. In these six years, we have already seen five $2+ billion incentive packages, with at least one more on the way, and companies emboldened to request not millions, but billions of dollars of subsidies. I fear we are looking at a new ratcheting up of the investment attraction wars. Yesterday, we reported on how CalPERS new fiduciary counsel, Ashley Dunning of Nossaman LLP, endorsed the practice of pension fund staff withholding investment fund documents from board members. She defended her position by false claim that some fund sponsors might insist on that as a condition of investing. New board member Margaret Brown raised the issue because CalPERS staff is apparently not merely denying the board access to fund documents, but even the terms of some funds. Today, we will discuss another toad that hopped out of Dunnings mouth in her fiduciary training session for the board. As you will see in the exchange below, Dunning twice endorsed the idea that CalPERS should pressure its actuary to come up with more favorable, as in lower, estimates of what employers needed to pay to fund pensions if his recommendations were higher than what CalPERS was willing to present to employers. Understand what this means: the position of CalPERS chief actuary is considered to be the second most difficult in the United States, with the most demanding actuarial position being that of the chief actuary to the Social Security Administration. CalPERS manages roughly 2200 pension plans. No one has ever suggested that his is not competent to do his work or that it suffers from any analytical flaws. However, like many public pension funds, CalPERS has been using a discount rate for its future liabilities higher than the one the fiduciary has been using.1 Using a higher rate results in lower payments by plan sponsors like the State of California and the many municipalities and government entities that have CalPERS manage their pension plans. CalPERS use of a higher discount rate than its actuary recommends results in ongoing pension underfunding. This is a classic kick the can down the road approach. CalPERS is essentially betting that the financial markets will somehow bail it out. But with valuations at nosebleed levels, and even normally evenhanded commentators like Mohamed El-Erain giving loud warnings about investment risks, CalPERS is far more likely to suffer from a market swoon that be rescued by more years of robust returns. Before we turn to the particulars of what Dunning said, it is important for backers of employee pension rights to stop sticking their heads in the sand on the issue of underfunding and the need to provide for adequate payments on a current basis. The right wing so far has been making noise about the problem of public pension underfunding, which is in many jurisdictions a real issue. The silence of unions and the left means they are ceding this issue to public pension fund and government haters. The first deliberate underfunding of a major public pension fund took place in New Jersey in the early 1990s, when Governor Christine Todd Whitman decided to shortchange pension payments to make meeting the rest of the budget easier. Unlike what pension opponents will try to have you believe, there is no reason these commitments, which were made in lieu of giving employees higher salaries, could not have been funded properly. Pages 95 and 95 of Mayberry v. KKR, embedded in this post, contains a list of well-funded public pension plans. As for the point of view that pay out the necessary pension reserves will harm the budgets of states and cities, it is remarkable that no one raises similar concerns when the same government entities give massive tax breaks to big box retailers and manufacturers to locate facilities in their jurisdictions. Academic studies have found that the companies have gotten so good at playing localities off against each other that these projects often make zero or even a negative net contribution to tax rolls, even allowing for supposed vaunted job creation. Similarly, too few on the soi-disant left were willing to point out that the Obama Administration policy of intervening on behalf of bank servicers to allow foreclosures to proceed, even though in most cases, mortgage modifications would have been better not just for homeowners but also mortgage investors, also damaged communities though the decline in home values (both directly and by depressing the value of neighboring properties) which hurt tax revenues. Dunning Encourages CalPERS to Pressure Its Actuary Board member Dana Hollinger asks about the return assumptions starting at 1:01:55. The most telling part is at 1:04:40. Notice also how carefully Dunning picks her words: Board Member Dana Hollinger: Going with, regarding the recommendation of the chief actuary, a lot of times were also taking into account what our stakeholders can afford, so there may be a disparity between the discount rate the chief actuary recommends and maybe what we think is realistic in terms of affordability for our stakeholders. In that event, do we have to document why we dont, say, just hypothetically, say something like 6 1/2 percent, say something lower than were currently at, we realize when were talking to our stakeholders that they couldnt afford the increased contributions, that there would be financial repercussions to them, does that have to be documented? Ashley Dunning, Partner, Nossaman LLP: The more documentation you have for that conclusion, the better, because what I am hearing from a fiduciary perspective, you seem to be saying, is that the, um. soundness of the plan, in the sense of can your employers afford it [Hollinger cross-talk, Pay for it], may be compromised if you increase their costs. Hollinger: Right. Dunning: Usually the, often the employers complain of financial woes are not given a whole lot of credence by courts in many circumstances, they are required to pay the benefits that they promised. On the other hand Hollinger: But you create systemic risk to the extent that they file bankruptcy, that is systemic risk. Dunning: Absolutely. Thats the response. The response as a fiduciary is that you are minimizing that systemic risk by moderating how you, the time period over which you collect those contributions. Because ultimately, the contributions have to be paid. Hollinger: No, Im not disputing that. Im disputingthat we get from out consultant, that..its a balance. Dunning: Its a balance. The ideal circumstance is for your actuary to incorporate sort of a holistic view of the goal so that collectively you are considering those various factors. Because it is everyones goal to make sure, or it should be everyones goal to make sure that the system is funded in a manner that will make sure that those promised benefits are paid on time. Now Hollinger: Im just trying to protect us as fiduciaries if the actuary recommends one thing and for these other reasons, we dont follow it. I just, you know, for the record, and to know that. Board President Priya Mathur: I think what I am hearing Ms. Hollinger say is that 1) we should encourage our actuary to incorporate those risks into his own analysis, and 2) that we should document and set a record about the rationale behind our decision. Dunning: Thats right. And it may be that your actuary disagrees with your assessment. Hes not to be a rubber stamp either for certain directives. But the conversation needs to occur with the eye on the ball, which is duty of loyalty to the members and the beneficiaries. Youre not in the business of making sure that the employers are able to pay for other things, but you are in the business of making sure that youre getting your own required contributions, and that those contributions are going to be able to pay the benefits that they have promised, or the legislature has promised to their employees. Thats why this is a challenge. This is revealing, and not in a good way. On the one hand, Dunning does in the end firmly state the only proper conclusion, that CalPERS is tasked to serve its beneficiaries, and that means getting your own required contributions. But on the other hand, Dunning was uncomfortable discussing a practice that takes place not just at CalPERS but at many public pension funds, of setting discounts rates that are high in light of recent and likely future investment returns, as well as in comparison to their own actuaries assumptions. Several elements of Hollingers concerns were concern-making. First was that she depicted the reason for not charging the many entities that have CalPERS manage their pensions the full contribution that the actuary deems necessary is that it could create systemic risk in the event of bankruptcy. Even worse, Dunning echoes that comment even though she later says that courts havent been sympathetic to employers who try to renege on their pension obligations. Specifically, Dunning and Hollinger should know that CalPERS pension contributions have been backed by courts in the case of municipal bankruptcies. San Bernandino filed for bankruptcy and tried getting its CalPERS obligations reduced. Not only did it fail, but it also owed CalPERS a penalty for not making its full payment on a timely basis, which CalPERS in its infinite munificence decided to reducein part. Stockton, which also declared bankruptcy, didnt even try to have its CalPERS contributions cut. There were more recently three very small entities that did fail where the result instead was that CalPERS cut the payouts to their beneficiaries. Shorter: there is no such thing as systemic risk to CalPERS. CalPERS is a pass through. Its state pensions are backed in the Constitution by the State of California. If a particular employer becomes totally bereft of ability to raise revenues, there is no systemic impact. Any consequences will be limited to the beneficiaries of that particular plan. The second bit that is distressing is to see that Hollinger appeared to be interested primarily in how the board should paper its records so as to avoid liability, as opposed to how to address the underlying issues. But the most troubling part is that Dunning encourage CalPERS to pressure its actuary to change his recommendations so that CalPERS can dun its various employers for more politically acceptable contributions. Dunning first makes her suggestion in a coded manner, that the actuary should take a more holistic view, meaning incorporate the question of the (supposed) ability to pay of various employers. When asked specifically by Mathur, about incorporating those risks, Dunning approves, then tries to pretend this isnt interfering with the work of an independent professional by saying hes not a rubber stamp. It is particularly surprising to see Dunning endorse the idea of prevailing on the actuary to relent and give more employer-friendly, as in lower, contribution levels. The presumption is that the original estimate by the actuary was his best professional opinion and any reworking will be a fudge and therefore artificially low by design. The use of inflated return estimates that in turn exacerbated pension underfunding is one of the grounds in Mayberry v. KKR for suing the trustees of Kentucky Retirement Systems and other advisers to the fund. The filing specifically cites the trustees making use of false actuarial assumptions. This suit has the potential to be a path-breaking, yet Dunning appears to either be ignorant of it or unwilling to consider that its mere filing of could lead other potential litigants to make similar arguments. But this proposed fix, to try to influence the grader because he is producing scores that CalPERS finds to be politically inconvenient, is even worse than it appears on the surface. One of the core practices of fiduciaries is to rely on experts. It goes so far as to turn many duties of a trustee as passively accepting the advice of hired guns, when real investment mavens, like Forbes 400 members and the private equity fund managers, will obtain the opinions of informed parties, but also make a point of discounting them for their biases and commercial agendas. Yet despite fund trustees being held to a prudent person standard, applying common sense and a certain amount of skepticism has been absent from the fiduciary trainings at CalPERS in recent years. See the embedded article below for a more nuanced view. CalPERSs actuary has no expertise whatsoever on the financial condition of CalPERS plan sponsor. Not only is not in the business of making that sort of judgment, it would be a mammoth task to even attempt it. Even bond rating agencies would be loath to deem their ratings as being applicable for the decades-long time frames of public pension funds. The overwhelming majority of the 2009 plus plans in the CalPERS system either have no ratings or have bought municipal bond insurance in lieu of getting a stand-alone rating. That means that what Dunning is proposing that the actuary do is not incorporate those risks into his own analysis. That assessment is completely outside his skill set. Dunning instead is authorizing CalPERS staff and board muscling the actuary to provide results that would be more convenient for them. And CalPERS wonders why it has a credibility problem. ____ 1 More specifically, the CalPERS investment office has provided the discount rate for the next ten years, and then used the actuarys discount rate for years 11 onward. As anyone who had done financial modeling will attest, even with low discount rate assumptions, the results will be dominated by results for the early years. Yves here. I am running this post not only to provide a vignette of how the Tories are succeeding in lowering NHS service levels, but also for informed readers to pipe up about staffing levels and patient loads in US and other hospitals. By Mark Boothroyd, co-ordinator of the Four-to-One campaign which is calling for the introduction of nurse-to-patient ratios in the NHS. You can sign their petition here. Originally published at openDemocracy Last year 33,000 nurses left the NHS, 3,000 more than were recruited. Theres a simple solution resisted by a government determined to press ahead with piecemeal privatisation. f you take a look at the average daily workload of an NHS nurse, you can see how it would drive any but the most committed to leave the underpaid and undervalued profession. Average staffing levels in NHS wards means that there are 9 patients per nurse. In elderly care wards the average is 11 patients per nurse. The reality for nurses is it can be as much as 10 or 12 patients per nurse on a medical ward, and 14 to 16 patients per nurse on an elderly ward. The National Institute of Clinical Excellent (NICE) and nursing unions recommend no more than 8 patients per nurse, yet 40% of NHS nurses reported to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) that they are working with ratios higher than this. Imagine youre a nurse with a 12 hour shift. Its meant to only be 11 hours work because youre meant to have a one hour break (which you arent paid for) but youll probably end up working through it. You have 10 patients who you have to help wash, give their medications three times a day, and do a minimum of three sets of observations throughout the day. You also have wound dressings to change for several of your patients, and several need help toileting throughout the day. Some may be bed bound and require full double handed care, requiring another nurse to help you. You also need to speak to the medical team for each of them to chase up their plans. Several need to be sent for scans, and you need to speak to the porters and x-ray, CT or ultrasound and get them sent down. Dementia patients or those who are falls risk can require an escort so you have to find someone to go with them. If youre on a surgical ward you will have a couple of patients on Patient Controlled Analgesia, or epidurals needing hourly monitoring, as well as observations hourly for those returning from theatre, hourly sliding scales for diabetes patients, Naso-Gastric or Total Parenteral Nutrition feeds needing checking and monitoring. Alongside that youre trying to safely take multiple patients to theatres and radiology which means being off ward for ages, while somehow simultaneously closely monitoring the patients youve left behind. Desperately Trying to Free up Beds On top of that you will be managing multiple discharges to get patients home to free up beds for the next days intake of patients awaiting surgery, and chasing pharmacy for medications. There is barely any time to carry out the essential work of teaching patients about managing new stomas or controlling their diabetes or any of the other essential parts of patient education which are left in the hands of overstretched nursing staff. God forbid any of the patients become acutely unwell. Then you have to drop everything and spend 2-3 hours managing them intensively, calling the medical or surgical team, the clinical response team, maybe the crash team if they suffer a peri-arrest. Performing observations every 15-30 minutes, administering IVs, taking bloods, deciding whether to inform the next of kin if its a serious deterioration or if they are elderly or at the end of life. If you eventually stabilise them you have to go back and catch up on your work for your other 9 patients, who you havent been able to do anything for in the meantime. A study in Australia found that on a busy ward, nurses were making roughly 200 decisions every hour regarding their work. You spend all day every day running from task to task, with barely any time to think. Documenting Everything Even When It Was Done Badly On top of all this you have to find time to document everything about those ten patients; those three sets of observations (as a minimum, more if they become acutely ill), at least one detailed nursing care plan and a follow up note at the end of the shift, noting every time someone was repositioned, every bowel movement, every aspect of personal care, wound care, important conversations you had with the medical team, with patients, their relatives or social services. There arent enough staff to do all the work, but the hospital still requires you to document everything you did to prove you did if (even though it was probably done badly or in a hurry, or maybe not at all). If there were enough staff to do all the work, this level of documentation wouldnt be necessary. With inadequate levels of staffing, it just become an onerous imposition, and saps what little spare time you have. By the end of your shift if you work flat out, skip your breaks, cut a few corners and dont spend too much time doing any of the niceties for patients (the little chats, extra cups of tea, comforting them if theyve had bad news, and so on) you might have just about managed to do all your care and provided decent, if a little basic care for your patients. If you have managed to squeeze in most of your documentation you might only leave 30-40 minutes late as you tidy up the last bits of paperwork, check youve done all your notes, updated all the care plans, fluid balances, stool charts, repositioning charts and the rest. But if someone became really unwell and you spent 2-3 hours nursing them intensively, youll probably be staying behind an hour or two to finish notes, as the only time youve really got to work on them is when the next shift has arrived and they can take over all your responsibilities. How the Market Intensifies Nurses Workloads The effects of years of austerity on hospital budgets, combined with the market mechanisms which allocate NHS funding, are also driving the workload up for nurses. Hospitals receive a payment (a tariff) per patient admission. Hospitals facing budget restrictions and reductions in bed numbers are utilising medical and surgical advancements to improve patient care, but also to minimise time as inpatients. This is done to maximise through flow of patients so they can receive as many tariff payments and maximise their income at times of budget restrictions. They do this so they can afford to pay staff and continue to maintain services, but it drives up nurses workload to an unprecedented level. Whereas 15-20 years ago patients would stay on wards for weeks at a time till they were full recovered, now its common for patients to be discharged home as soon as they are stable and not acutely unwell, the remainder of their care being carried out in the community. Whereas a nurse used to have a mix of acutely unwell patients, and stable recovering patients requiring minimal care, now every patient a nurse cares for is likely to be acutely unwell, meaning their care needs and the workload for the nurse is at maximum every shift. Such a situation creates a horrendous work environment where nurses work flat out all the time, with no downtime or quiet days. It accelerates burnout, and means newly qualified nurses trying to find their feet and develop their skills and resilience are subject to unimaginable pressures and levels of responsibility that they would not have faced 10-15 years ago. This is why nurses are leaving, and until it changes, they wont stop leaving. The Simple Solution The only way to improve retention and begin to reverse the outflow of nurses from the NHS is to reduce their workloads to a safe, manageable level. This means more nursing staff on wards and in community services. There is a remarkably simple policy solution to this which has worked well in other countries; mandatory minimum safe staffing levels, enforced in law. This has been implemented in both Australia and California, in response to concerted protests by nurses and their unions. There is a consensus for this across nursing unions and the nursing workforce. The RCN, UNISON and Unite all call for mandatory minimum safe staffing levels across NHS wards, and surveys of nurses show 90% in favour. What is stopping the government adoption of this policy is the impediment it would pose to cutting and privatising the NHS, and the demand it would create for increased funding to pay for the staffing. But it is absolutely necessary if we are going to see the continued functioning of the NHS, and the survival of nursing as a viable profession. For this reason all nurses and their unions have to become more active and aggressive in campaigning on this issue, for the wellbeing of ourselves, our patients and the NHS. Tipperary TD Jackie Cahill chose not to attend a special meeting of fellow Fianna Fail Oireachtas members opposed to repeal of the Constitution's Eight Amendment at Leinster House on Tuesday evening. The Thurles based TD said he didn't attend the meeting because Fianna Fail has given its TDs a free vote on the abortion referendum issue. He said Deputy Bobby Aylward, the meeting's organiser, had legitimate reasons for calling the meeting as he felt the pro-life side of the party was not getting enough airtime. But Deputy Cahill believed the media would use the meeting to portray Fianna Fail as a divided party. "There is divided views in Fianna Fail on this issue but it's not a split in the party. It is democracy. Thankfully we are a party that allows the expression of different positions, " he told The Nationalist. Fianna Fail Leader Micheal Martin's announcement last week that he had changed his position on abortion and supports repeal of the 8th Amendment and the Oireachtas Committee on the 8th Amendment's recommendation to allow unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, shocked many in his party. A majority of Fianna Fail TDs are against repeal of the 8th Amendment. Deputy Cahill said while he didn't agree with Mr Martin, he respected his view and believed he articulated his reasons for supporting repeal of the 8th Amendment very well. He said his own stance on abortion has always been pro-life and he is opposed to repealing the 8th Amendment. He is particularly concerned at the high percentage of babies with disabilities, like Down's Syndrome, who are aborted in countries where abortion is freely available. "To say we would be different is to stretch it. I don't think that is right. We all know people with disabilities and it's my view they have a right to life." The former ICMSA leader, however, said he supported holding a referendum and stressed he will respect the wishes of the electorate if they vote to repeal the 8th Amendment. He will not oppose the legislation that will give effect to a vote in favour of appeal. Independent TD Michael Lowry, meanwhile, said he is in favour of retaining the 8th Amendment because he is opposed to the Oireachtas Committee's recommendation of unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, which he regards as too liberal. "I see a problem for the Government if they put that proposal to the electorate. The sense I get is that it will be opposed and beaten, he said. Fellow Independent Mattie McGrath's opposition to abortion and repealing the 8th Amendment is well known. He was a staunch pro-life advocate on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the 8th Amendment. Tipperary's two left wing TDs, Independent Seamus Healy and Alan Kelly, however, are both in favour of repealing the 8th Amendment and allowing abortion up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Deputy Healy told last week's Dail debate on the Oireachtas Committee's report that Irish abortions exist even though they are carried out in other jurisdictions for those who can afford it, and more recently by use of the abortion pill. "It exists in a totally uncontrolled and potentially harmful way. It must be dealt with urgently and in a compassionate and understanding way. We cannot continue to have a situation where women's lives are at risk and where the medical profession is unclear about the legal position. "We must protect the health and safety of Irish women. I am satisfied this requires the repeal of the 8th Amendment and requires enshrining the Joint Committee's recommendations in legislation." He said he opposed the inclusion of the 8th Amendment in the Constitution in 1983 because he believed it would have seriously detrimental effects on the well-being, health and lives of women, and give rise to widespread uncertainty and confusion in legal and medical terms. "Sadly, that is exactly what happened. We have had numerous referenda, Irish and European court cases and, sadly, deaths of women The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will travel to Lisbon on Friday, 26 January 2018. He will meet the President, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Prime Minister, Mr. Antonio Costa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Dr. Augusto Santos Silva and the Minister of National Defence, Prof. Dr. Jose Azeredo Lopes. During his trip, the Secretary General will also visit NATOs Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center (JALLC) Monsanto, the Portuguese Armed Forces Joint Operations Command, STRIKFORNATO (Naval Striking and Support Forces) and the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) in Oeiras. Media advisory 17:15 (local time) - NATO Secretary General and the Minister of National Defence will jointly meet the press Ministry of National Defence Video and still images will be available on the NATO website after the event. Follow us on Twitter (@NATOPress and @jensstoltenberg) (As delivered) Thank you so much Minister de Cospedal, dear Maria Dolores, I really appreciate to be here today together with my delegation and thanks for the warm welcome, its always a pleasure to be in Madrid. And to also say that we really appreciate the commitment of Spain to our Alliance and the Spanish contributions to our collective defence. Because Spain is contributing in so many different ways to our shared security and to our collective defence. You mentioned actually many of them but let me just highlight how much we appreciate that Spanish troops are in in Latvia being part of our Enhanced Forward Presence and helping to deter any aggression against our eastern Allies. We also welcome the fact that Spanish planes, jets are regularly policing the airspace in the Baltics, and that you are hosting a very important capability for NATO, the Aegis ships in your base in Rota. You have the Patriot batteries in Turkey and you are also playing a key role in the fight against terrorism, both with your presence in Afghanistan, because the reason why NATO is in Afghanistan is to prevent that country from once again becoming a safe haven for international terrorists. But also by the fact that you are present in Iraq, training Iraqi officers, soldiers, and helping NATO to build up our training activity in that country. So you are contributing in many different ways, both to our collective defence, but also to our fight against terrorism and we are extremely grateful for that. We are confronted with a more demanding security environment, we see new threats and we see old challenges becoming more demanding. We see cyber and hybrid threats, we are making NATOs cyber defences even stronger with changes to our Command Structure. And we expect to set up a new Cyber Operations Centre. And Spains national cyber command could play a key role in contributing knowledge and experience to NATO. We have just had very good discussions addressing a wide range of issues on how Spain contribute to NATO and how NATO is adapting and responding to a new and more demanding security environment. We also discussed as you mentioned the preparations for the NATO Summit in Brussels in July and we will work on two strands as we prepare for that meeting. First: strengthening our collective defence and deterrence. This is about keeping the peace in Europe. And keeping us all safe. And second: working to project stability beyond our borders. This is key in the fight against terrorism. And NATO has played an important role in this fight for many years. Today, we contribute to the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS with AWACS surveillance flights, and training for Iraqi forces. And in Iraq, Spain, as I mentioned, is making a real difference by providing specialized counter-IED training. And as we prepare for the Summit, we will consider how our role could evolve within the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS. Allies and partners are also adding three thousand more trainers to the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan, helping prevent Afghanistan from ever again becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. Afghanistan has taught us that prevention is better than intervention. So NATO is focusing on how to prevent conflicts and we are working with partners like Jordan and Tunisia to strengthen their defence and help them provide for their own security. NATO is adapting to keep our people safe. But in order to keep adapting, we all need to invest in defence. In 2014, all Allies committed to stop the cuts in defence spending, gradually increase, and move towards investing 2% on defence within a decade. I welcome that Spain has recently announced plans for significant increases in defence investments. And I encourage you to continue on this path. This is key for fairer burden-sharing between North America and Europe. And for keeping our people safe. So once again, thank you so much for hosting me and my delegation and I really look forward to continue working with you as we prepare for the upcoming Summit and continue to adapt NATO to a more demanding security environment. QUESTION [AFP]: Good afternoon, France Press Agency, I have a question for you both. Spain is denouncing Russian intervention in the Catalan crisis. Have you talked about this during your meeting; and for the Secretary General, are you aware of this interference, does this matter worry you? MINISTER DE COSPEDAL [Spanish Minister of Defence]: Regarding the subjects covered with regard to Catalonia, the fact that there has been so many fake news, that the media has witnessed so much manipulation in with things coming from the country you mentioned and also from other countries that we know well - yes we have talked about that and weve talked about how western countries and how Allies and NATO member countries, we need to know that we have to use all the means within our reach to prevent our public opinion from being manipulated. We have to prevent fake news and manipulation in the social media leading to situations that have nothing to do with reality and thus attempting to interfere in domestic or national issues yes weve talked about that, of course, and weve also talked about cyber defence in general and the social media today, they are a de facto field of defence already. We have also talked about the willingness of the Atlantic Alliance to make that field of action an active one to not leave it unprotected to increase our capabilities in that field. JENS STOLTENBERG [NATO Secretary General]: We discussed and addressed in our meetings today the reports we have seen about attempts by Russia to interfere in domestic issues in several countries, including reports about that in Catalonia and any interference from outside is of course unacceptable. We have seen that there has been a significant increase in different attempts to try to interfere by different means in domestic political processes and the volume and the complexity of these attempts have increased significantly. We take this very seriously, thats one of the reasons why NATO has strengthened our cyber defences but also why we are improving the way we are responding to this information and propaganda. We dont believe that the way to respond to propaganda, disinformation is propaganda and alternative disinformation, but we strongly believe that the best way to respond to disinformation and propaganda is by providing the truth. The truth will prevail, we need an open and free media press and we really believe that journalists you should ask the difficult questions, you should expose disinformation and attempts to interfere when that happens because thats the best way also to make sure that the truth is communicated in an open and transparent way. More specifically on the issue of Catalonia, thats a domestic Spanish issue which should be resolved within Spains constitutional order. At the same time, I think it is important to also state that a strong and unified Spain is good for NATO and therefore we are not going to interfere in domestic Spanish issues but we also follow the developments closely because Spain is an important and highly valued Ally. QUESTION [EFE]: Hello, I am from EFE Agency. I have a question for Secretary General Stoltenberg. Have you come to Spain to ask for a greater contribution by Spain to NATO missions and what opinion do you have regarding investment in defence? Yesterday the Minister recognised that Spain would probably not reach that 2% in defence spending by the year 2024. JENS STOLTENBERG: Spain is one of the Allies that really contributes to our missions and operations. They contribute to our enhanced forward presence in the Baltic countries with several hundred Spanish troops in Latvia. They are a key Ally in our Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and Spain is going to increase their presence in Afghanistan and, as I said, they are, Spain is playing a key role in our training activities in Iraq, especially when it comes to encountering improvised explosive devices and Spain is also contributing to different other NATO missions and operations, including air policing in the Baltic region and different maritime operations, for instance, Sea Guardian. So Spain is really contributing a lot to our missions and operations and compared to many other nations, Spain is actually among the top performing nations when it comes to contributions to NATO missions and operations. Regarding defence spending, I expect all Allies, including Spain, that spend less than 2% to increase defence spending and thats exactly what we agreed back in 2014, but I think its important to remember exactly what we agreed in 2014 when we made what we call the Defence Investment Pledge. That was not to reach 2% immediately, but it was to stop the cuts; Spain has stopped the cuts. Second, it was to gradually increase and Spain has announced that they will gradually increase and third, to move towards spending 2% and Spain has announced that they will then move towards spending 2% of GPD on defence. So I expect Spain to deliver both on the commitment we all made back in 2014, but also I expect that Spain will deliver on the national plans, the plans they have just announced when it comes to increased defence investments. So I welcome the fact that Spain, as NATO, is moving in the right direction and I will just share one short with you because we had actually a quite good story to tell that European Allies after years of decline have started to increase, and this is a chart showing decrease in defence spending across Europe and Canada for many, many years. Now European Allies and Canada have started to increase defence spending again. Meaning that burden sharing is something we really are addressing and I welcome that Spain is part of this story where European Allies and Canada are starting to invest more in defence. You can have this [chart] afterwards if you want. QUESTION: I have a question for the Secretary General. Are you worried about the offensive by the Turkish army in Syria? Do you think Turkey is entitled to deploying this offensive? Dont they realise that there are Americans supporting the Kurdish militia? Isnt that a problem? Arent you worried that there could be clashes there between two Allies? And finally, is NATO going to take over the command in Iraq, the operation, and when would that be? JENS STOLTENBERG: NATO will not take over the role of the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS in Iraq but we will work together with the coalition, meaning that we will work together with the coalition partly because NATO is only part of the coalition but also because NATO is now in the process of scaling up, or at least considering to scale up our training and capacity-building activities in Iraq. So NATO is partly in Iraq as part of the coalition but we are also in the process of doing more when it comes to training and capacity-building of Iraqi officers in Iraq but there is no question about NATO taking over. What we will do is we will be in close coordination with the Global Coalition and also with all their international actors as, for instance, the European Union. When it comes to Northern Syria, as I said, NATO is a member of the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS but we are not present on the ground in Northern Syria. We provide support to the coalition with our AWACS surveillance planes and training in Iraq, but we are not present on the ground in Northern Syria. Turkey is the NATO Ally which has suffered most from terrorist attacks over many years and Turkey, as all of the countries, have the right to self defence, but it is important that this is done in a proportionate and measured way, and that is the message I convey every time I discuss this issue with different NATO leaders, including of courser with political leadership in Turkey. I spoke with President Erdogan last week and we are in regular contact with other Allies who are involved, including United States and I urge also direct contacts between United States and Turkey to try to find the best way to address the challenges we all see in Northern Syria. QUESTION [Expansion]: I have two questions for the Spanish Defence Minister. The first is, I would like to know what the main expenditure programmes are going to be, the new investment plan that the government is going to be launching? And secondly, about doubling defence spending over 17 years, whether this will mean a 15% increase per annum? MINISTER DE COSPEDAL: First of all, with regard to the investment cycle that you were referring to, there needs to be approved generally the government cabinet, we are looking at a period of over 15 years. The programmes we have agreed we need to launch most urgently, taking into account their duration and due planning, we are talking about frigates, the F100 10 that we have announced on several occasions. In additional also, the flight trainer for the air force, the resupply for the air force, the command and control system and the 8 by 8 vehicles for the army. I have already given you more than three examples I think. And these are the programmes that we will be starting most, more quickly because their duration is longer. This is the forecast, we are combining it, its not necessarily tantamount to our commitment both in the framework of NATO and the EU but also, as the Secretary General has said, to gradually achieve over the time a 2% investment of our GPD in defence because we are talking about investment in security. We are talking about money and guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of Spaniards and I would like it to be perceived this way in addition. Of course, initially the investment will be lower because programmes always require lower investment levels at the beginning until they start developing because first its invest... research and development plus it depends, depending on the programme sometimes their expense goes up and others it doesnt and we can't annualise the information for you for every year with an exact percentage, that would not be correct. I would like to underscore that the Spanish Government considers that the expenditure in defence is an investment in security instability in the fight against the global challenges we have today. One of the most important things that our President of the Government has talked about with the NATO Secretary General and in which Spain is firmly committed and also NATO as you have seen from the words of the Secretary General is that NATO needs to be very aware and very present in countering this global threat of terrorism and Spaniards know very well what it is to fight terrorism while preserving our rights of freedoms and our safety and that is no longer in physical borders, it goes well beyond physical borders and this is the spirit with which the Ministry of Defence and the Spanish Government is tackling our work for the coming years. I would briefly before we end, if the Secretary General allows me, to say that we have known that there has been an information published in several communication media regarding the demise by accident of a Lieutenant Fernando Perez Serrano in October in an F18 in Torre... at the Torrejon airbase. This has been published and mentioned in some communication media. This news is absolutely false. I would like to deny here. It was said that the false news is that he was pressured by his superiors to pilot that plane and this has been denied already and we are doing so here formally that he was under any pressure, the Fernando Perez Serrano was pressured by his superiors to pilot any aircraft whatsoever and not that aircraft in particular. At the beginning of any aerial exercise preparation is supreme for the air force and tantamount in taking its decisions, it is so included in all the regulations for military flights. Right now there is an official investigation underway to determine the causes of the accident it is under the responsibility of the air force. Their service is studying the causes of the accident which will be made public but I absolutely want to deny here in public the information that has been recently appeared in the press. Thank you very much. Visiting Spain on Thursday (25 January 2018), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Defence Minister Maria Dolores de Cospedal and praised the countrys important contributions to the Alliance. Mr. Stoltenberg thanked Spain for its contributions to NATOs multinational battlegroup in Latvia and its important role in building security in Afghanistan, including with more troops for the Resolute Support Mission. He noted that Spain hosts missile defence ships at its base in Rota, helps protect Turkey against missile threats from Syria and provides specialised training in Iraq on countering improvised explosive devices. The Secretary General also welcomed Spains plans for significant increases in defence investments and encouraged the country to continue on this path. This is key for fairer burden-sharing and for keeping our people safe, he said. Earlier in the day, the Secretary General visited the new facilities of the NATO Centre of Combined Air Operations in Torrejon, and met with President Mariano Rajoy Brey and Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis Quecedo. The Secretary General outlined the Alliances continued adaptation to a challenging security environment, and preparations for the NATO Summit in Brussels. The Secretary General also had an audience with King Felipe VI. His visit to Spain ends with a speech at the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional in Madrid. (Natural News) While it may be impossible to create a fully-working and self-aware digital version of yourself with current technology, you are most likely and unknowingly creating all of the necessary ingredients for it simply through the use of your various digital devices. Unless you have very little or no access to phones, computers, and the internet, theres a huge chance that all of your text messages, emails, photos, and status updates could be cobbled together to create an approximation of your personality that might be good enough for a seemingly sentient digital avatar. And dont think that this is something thats only possible in the realm of science fiction, because digital memorials that is, digital representations of a human who lived already exist. So, experts claim, were inching closer and closer to getting the Black Mirror-style digital afterlife that seems to be a recurring theme on the show and the mark of an eerie and uncanny future. One example of a digital memorial thats working now is the one created for Roman Mazurenko by his soulmate Eugenia Kuyda. Mazurenko worked in digital media and shared plenty of pieces of his life with friends, family, and even strangers. So after his death, it was a simple matter of gathering the data that he inadvertently scattered all throughout his relationships and concentrating it into a downloadable chatbot. In an interview with The Guardian, Kuyda states, I didnt expect it to be as impactful. Usually I find showing emotions and thinking about grief really hard so I was mostly trying to avoid it. Talking to Romans avatar was facing those demons. Kuyda co-founded Luka, an AI startup which ended up using its resources to create the chatbot that would eventually serve up Mazurenkos digital consciousness. It all started when Kuyda asked her engineers to build a neural network in their native Russian. After that, she used it with a file that contained the transcripts of hundreds of conversations that she had with Mazurenko from the messaging app Telegram. This was what ultimately ended up becoming the source code of Mazurenko inside Lukas app, which anyone could download and use in both Russian and English. The version of Mazurenko thats available through the Luka app is crude and rudimentary. In the Black Mirror episode titled, Be Right Back, one of the protagonists loses a loved one to a car accident, and later decides to resurrect them with the help of robotics and AI. The digital avatar presented there is much more advanced and more polished than Mazurenkos digital memorial will ever be, based on the limits of current technology. But experts are currently hard at work on the future of AI and deep learning, which could finally enable a vision of the future thats presented in the show. According to Zoltan Istvan, a transhumanist who has studied live extension and digital immortality, the door is open to many innovations. The human mind is virtually unexplored. We have no idea how consciousness works. But the brain is still a machine, so its a matter of tinkering with it until we work it out. Bryan Johnson, the founder of a Silicon Valley startup called Kernel and head of a team thats working on brain disease and memory loss, shares his view but carries a cautious optimism. We have more than 80 billion neurons in the brain. Our tools currently give us access to an extremely small number of neurons, said Johnson. With prosthetics, were maybe talking about 100 neurons. We need higher bandwidth interfaces. Its quite clear from the work of many experts in the fields of robotics and AI that its only a matter of time until the reality of Black Mirrors digital afterlife becomes not just an option but also the norm all across the world. That gives you two options: will you carry on living the way you do now with no regard for what might happen to your digital rendition, or will you better prepare for your death by releasing as many bits and pieces of yourself in the form of photos, messages, and other information as possible online? Learn more about the future of AI and more by going to today. Sources include: (Natural News) If you want your child to be accustomed to spicy foods and other strong flavors, start eating these foods while breastfeeding, doctors suggest. This is contrary to the myth that eating spicy foods, such as chili, while breastfeeding will cause excessive gas and fussiness in babies. Jennifer Wider, medical adviser for the Society for Womens Health Research, told Daily Mail Online that there is no proof that eating strong flavors has a negative effect on nursing babies. She also said that there is no problem with breastfeeding a child right after eating a peppery dish because the gas the mother may experience is a local response in the stomach or intestines. Its important to remember that breast milk is not formulated directly from the digestive tract, it is formulated from the mothers blood, Wider explained. So if [a nursing mom] eats cruciferous vegetables for example, the nutrients will be pulled into the breast milk but the gassy component may not affect the baby. However, she also said that this does not mean that babies are not sensitive to specific foods, because every infant is different. Instead, she suggested that eating a variety of flavors, such as spicy foods, will improve the taste buds of babies, which in turn will prevent them from being fussy eaters later on. Food can get into the breast milk at an average of four to six hours, but it can be shortened to one hour or extended to 24 hours because of factors such as body chemistry and metabolism. After the consumed food is broken down into protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and water, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and are transported through the blood vessels to the mammary glands. In addition, flavors and scent molecules are also transported into the breast milk. The same process occurs during pregnancy when the baby eats what the mother consumes via the bloodstream and amniotic fluid. Therefore, if the mother typically consumed spicy foods before she began breastfeeding, her child is more likely already accustomed to these flavors when they start nursing, said Paula Meier, doctor and professor at Rush University Medical Centre, told Parents, as cited by Daily Mail Online. Different studies also suggested that food with strong flavors entices babies and infants exposed to certain foods while nursing were more likely to enjoy those flavors when they start eating solid foods. Breast-fed babies are generally easier to feed later because theyve had this kind of variety experience of different flavors from their very first stages of life, whereas a formula-fed baby has a uniform experience, Lucy Cooke of the University College London told the New York Times, as cited by Daily Mail Online. Cooke also explained that exposing babies repeatedly to different flavors is the key to food acceptance. (Related: Breastfeeding and food allergies: Moms who eat the most common allergy-causing foods and breastfeed provide their babies with protection.) Benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies There are a lot of benefits that breastfeeding can provide to babies. These include stronger immune systems; lower risk of digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation; fewer colds and respiratory diseases like pneumonia and whooping cough; lesser ear infections; fewer cases of bacterial meningitis; improved vision and less retinopathy of prematurity; and lower rates of infant deaths and sudden infant death syndrome. In addition, mothers also benefit from nursing their babies physically and emotionally. Breastfeeding moms lose weight faster after giving birth, experience less postpartum bleeding, and have less chance of anemia, urinary tract infections, and postpartum depression. Breastfeeding also stimulates their uterus to contract and return to normal size, provides greater immunity to infection, and boosts their mood. Read more stories about the health benefits of breast milk at Sources include: (Natural News) Recent breaking news about the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) knowingly destroying at least five months worth of text message evidence pertaining to an investigation into President Trumps alleged ties to Russia has sent shockwaves throughout Capitol Hill. But if the FBIs reputation as a credible law enforcement entity is what people are concerned about here, that was actually shattered many years ago perhaps most notably with the infamous Branch Davidian raid of 1993. As far as the federal agencys most recent illicit behavior, reports have been circulating about how a series of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress suddenly went missing due to alleged software upgrades on his phone. Strzok, who had overseen the Trump investigation from its start in July 2016, was removed from Robert Muellers Special Counsel investigation after it was discovered by the Justice Department Inspector General that Strzok had been engaging in anti-Trump text conversations. Almost immediately following this revelation, as many as 50,000 text messages sent and received between Strzok and his mistress were revealed these not including the unknown number that have gone missing. All of the messages, which were sent or received between December 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017, reportedly vanished into thin air, which has since prompted an inquiry into where they went and how they might be retrieved for further analysis. The Hill notes that what is presumably contained in these elusive text messages could be the final nail in the coffin for the FBI, which has proven over and over again that neutrality, integrity, and honesty simply arent part of the agencys core values. Fox News Outnumbered co-host Kevin Jackson has even suggested that the text messages contain evidence that the deep state may have been planning an assassination attempted against the president. In reflecting on Strzoks past quote about an insurance policy in the event that Trump was elected president, Jackson stated during the show: Well, I think theyre going to say, what was his intent, right? Because thats exactly what former FBI Director [James] Comey said when he was letting Hillary Clinton off the hook. And his intent, regardless of whether it was an assassination attempt or whatever, it was definitely something. This would explain why the text messages have since been scrubbed from the mobile phones of those who sent them, which is completely out of protocol for how the FBI is supposed to handle such data. Keep in mind that Strzoks phone was FBI-issued, meaning whatever he did on there is the property of the FBI. Data that should have been automatically collected and retained for long-term storage and retrieval was not collected, Stephen Boyd, the assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, told a Senate committee about the missing text messages. Attorney General Jeff Sessions says DOJ will conduct extensive investigation into missing text messages In one of his first public acts of pursuing justice, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a recent announcement that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will immediately initiate an investigation into the missing text messages. In a statement, Sessions indicated that the DOJ will leave no stone unturned, and that it will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source. I have spoken to the Inspector General and a review is already underway to ascertain what occurred and to determine if these records can be recovered in any other way, Sessions added. If any wrongdoing were to be found to have caused this gap, appropriate legal disciplinary action measures will be taken. The scandal is already causing many to reflect on the Waco, Texas incident that took place on April 19, 1993, under the watch of Bill Clinton appointee, Attorney General Janet Reno. The FBI infamously denied any responsibility for the fire that occurred at the Branch Davidian compound on that fateful day, which killed nearly 80 people. But a follow-up investigation revealed this to be false. Many may not be aware of the fact that, six years after the Waco raid, investigators found pyrotechnic rounds on the premises that the FBI had fired into the building before the incident escalated. Then-Attorney General Janet Reno expressed outraged when this was made public, blaming the FBI for destroying her credibility. Even Newsweek reported the account of a senior FBI official who admitted that as many as 100 FBI agents and officials may have known about the FBIs use of military-style explosive devices during the Waco raid (which the FBI also stockpiled during the more recent Bundy raid that took place in Oregon). It has since been revealed that the FBI lied to both Congress and a federal judge in withholding the fact that the agency had also installed six closed-circuit television cameras throughout the compound evidence that was withheld by the FBI for many years before being impounded by U.S. Marshals. Time and time again, the FBI has demonstrated that it couldnt care less about telling the truth, let alone following the letter of the law. And this latest cover-up of deep state text messages is no exception. Lets just hope that, this time, justice will finally be served. Find more news on official corruption at Sources for this article include: (Natural News) New research recently found that microwaves in Europe are as dangerous to the environment as 6.8 million cars, as they emit 7.7 million tons of carbon dioxide each year the same amount that three large gas power plants emit and consume almost 9.4 terawatts per hour (TWh) of annual electricity. Researchers say governments should focus on starting an awareness campaign so that people who own microwave ovens could make use of their appliance more efficiently. They also say that existing regulations are not enough to decrease the environmental impacts of microwaves and that there is a need to create specific regulations for microwaves, taking into account their design. Microwaves in the European Union (E.U.) are estimated to come at around 135 million pieces by 2020. Consumers now tend to buy new appliances before the existing ones reach the end of their useful life as electronic goods have become fashionable and status items. As a result, discarded electrical equipment, such as microwaves, is one of the fastest growing waste streams worldwide, lead author Dr. Alejandro Gallego-Schmid of the University of Manchesters School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, said. Another major contributing factor as to why microwaves are becoming a waste these days is the reduced lifespan of microwaves compared to 20 years ago. Now, a microwave oven lasts only between six and eight years. (Related: Microwave Ovens: The Curse of Convenience.) Britain uses its microwave ovens more than any other member-country of the E.U. The study utilized life cycle assessment to find out about the impact of microwaves, considering their end-of-life waste management, manufacture, and use from cradle to grave. The researchers took note of 12 different environmental factors which include depletion of natural resources, ecological toxicity, and climate change, among others. According to the research, the main hotspots for carbon dioxide production are the materials that are used to make the microwaves, the manufacturing process itself, and end-of-life waste management. In conclusion, the study showed that the consumption of electricity by microwaves has the biggest impact on the environment. On average, an individual microwave utilizes around 573 kilowatt hours (kWh) over its lifespan of eight years, which is equivalent to the electricity consumed by a seven-watt light-emitting diode (LED) light bulb, left on continuously for nearly nine years. Given that microwaves account for the largest percentage of sales of all types of ovens in the E.U., it is increasingly important to start addressing their impact on resource use and end-of-life waste, Dr. Gallego-Schmid said. Another expert, University of Edinburgh professor of carbon management David Reay, still believes that cars are the ones doing the most damage to the environment, not microwaves. Yes, there are a lot of microwaves in the E.U., and yes, they use electricity. But their emissions are dwarfed by those from cars there are around 30 million cars in the U.K. alone and these emit way more than all the emissions from microwaves in the E.U. Latest data show that passenger cars in the U.K. emitted 69 million tons of CO2 equivalent in 2015. This is 10 times the amount this new microwave oven study estimates for annual emissions for all the microwave ovens in the whole of the E.U., Reay said. In fact, industry people say that microwaves use less energy as compared with other types of cooking. Price comparison website lists microwaves as the most efficient cooking appliance, followed by the hob (cooktop or hotplate) and finally, the oven. Energy efficiency advocates are of the mind that the government should focus on more deep-seated issues when it comes to electricity, and not just settle for making microwave use efficient. Yes, its important to use microwaves efficiently. But so is making sure the electricity that powers them is as low-pollution as possible, said Amsterdam, Netherlands-based Friends of the Earth senior climate change campaigner Simon Bullock. The government should reverse its policy attacks on solar and onshore wind. We need green electrons powering all the nations tellies, microwaves, and fridges, Bullock added. The ready-meal: A tradition known by the British for years Ready meals first became known to the British in 1953. Ever since then, ready meals have become a staple in British cuisine, with the Britons spending around $4.1 billion (three billion pounds) annually on them. British celebrity chef Gordon James Ramsay, Jr. once called ready meals food hell, alluding to their unhealthiness, as they are usually made of cheap cuts of meat, additives made from human hair, as much sugar as a can of coke, and toxic trays. For more news concerning the environment and how human activities affect it, visit Sources include:est impact on the environment (Natural News) Developments in the attempts by the so-called Deep State to undermine President Trump and his administration seem to be unfolding by the minute. The latest scandal to be unearthed is that the FBI claims to have conveniently lost five months worth of text messages between two high-level, anti-Trump agency officials because of software-related issues, with the five-month period ending on the very day that special counsel Robert Mueller received the assignment to probe alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. That time frame also includes the firing of ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as well then-FBI director James Comey. It also corresponds with the emergence of the Russian dossier. The FBI duo, who reportedly were romantically involved, exchanged 50,000-plus text messages according to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who says the Justice Department will leave no stone unturned in trying to find out what happened to the missing data. Recall that the federal government also said it lost thousands of Hillary Clintons emails and also misplaced emails in the investigation of IRS harassment of conservative and Tea Party nonprofit groups. There are also reports that the FBI and DOJ decided to clear Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in the email/server scandal even before completing the investigation. Democrats and their gullible stenographers in the mainstream media (a.k.a. the opposition party) claim that criticism of the FBI is disrespectful to rank-and-file agents, but its the agencys politicized senior management not the agents that, for good reason, is coming under scrutiny. Some GOP lawmakers have called for a special prosecutor to look into FBI/Justice Department misconduct. According to an Op-Ed by James Bovard in The Hill, FBI alleged evidence suppression is hardly a unique phenomenon. Take, for example, Watergate, Ruby Ridge, Branch Davidian (the compound where about 80 people died), Cliven Bundy, and Hillary Clinton cases. Conservatives are caterwauling about the vanished evidence but this type of tactic has long been standard procedure for the FBI The FBI has a long history of losing evidence that would tarnish its halo. And for most of the agencys history, judges and Congress have let the FBI sweep its dirt under the rug Bovard provides some examples. Acting FBI chief Patrick Gray was forced to resign in 1973 after it was revealed that he had burned incriminating evidence from the White House in his fireplace In the Ruby Ridge case, when an FBI sniper gunned down an Idaho mother holding her baby in 1992, the chief of the FBIs Violence Crimes division was sent to prison for destroying evidence The FBI suppressed mounds of evidence regarding its final assault on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993 FBI evidence shenanigans destroyed the prosecution of Cliven Bundy, the Nevadan rancher who was involved in a high-profile standoff with federal agents in 2014 A month before the 2016 election, Americans learned that the FBI agreed to destroy the laptops of top Hillary Clinton aides after a limited examination of their contents (including a promise not to examine any emails or content after January 31, 2015) in its investigation of Hillary Clintons private email server. Once respected the world over as one of democracys greatest law enforcement creations, the FBI was reduced to the role of political enabler, banana-republic-style, during the Obama years because of the way its top echelon operated, Natural News asserted earlier this week. (Related: Read more about government lawlessness at U.S. Rep John Radcliffe (R-Texas) has even suggested that a secret society made up of DOJ/FBI officials may have been actively working against Donald Trump. The whole trumped-up, as it were, Russia narrative and Mueller investigation of Trump may have been prompted by a disturbing, police state-like abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Service Act. There is strong speculation that the Obama administration used the discredited Trump dossier as a pretext to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Thats why Republican lawmakers are pushing for the release of a four-page classified memo that purportedly may summarize wrongdoing by the Obama cohort in this context. Recall that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee reportedly paid a former British intelligence agent with Kremlin contacts $9 million for the dossier. The FBI reportedly chipped in too. As Natural News founding editor Mike Adams wrote last week, the magnitude of this scandal could make Watergate look like childs play. Stay tuned. Sources include: (Natural News) Its been a pretty rough week for vaccine truth advocate Dr. Suzanne Humphries. On January 18, 2018, she received a sadistic death threat, presumably from a belligerent member of the pro-vaccine mafia, that warned she would soon be murdered. Dr. Humphries seems to be taking it all in stride, though, expressing in a recent video her trust in God and deep gratitude for the Second Amendment, which offers her the freedom to defend her life against this potential act of violence. But the video, which was posted both on YouTube and on Facebook, is still chilling. In it, Dr. Humphries and her friend, Polly Tommey, offer an account of what took place the night that Dr. Humphries received the death threat via email. Dr. Humphries, who authored the book Dissolving Illusions and created the eye-opening presentation Honesty vs. Policy, explains how she was spending time with her family when all of a sudden she received an alert on her phone. It was a notification about an anonymous hate-filled email from someone who not only threatened, but actually promised, to murder Dr. Humphries. The unknown author of the email reportedly made sure to send it from an untraceable, overseas server in order to hide his or her identity. This is likely due to the fact that, whether or not this individual (or group of people) actually follows through with the threat/promise, the mere act of making it is represents a criminal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison. You can watch the video below, with a short introduction by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger: Since law enforcement doesnt seem all that interested in investigating this murder threat, Dr. Humphries may have to take matters into her own hands Whats perhaps even more chilling than the death threat itself is the fact that law enforcement, when presented with its contents, didnt even want to take a look at it. Dr. Humphries says that when she tried to inform local authorities, they couldnt have been less interested. She then tried to notify the FBI, and wasnt even able to get a person on the phone to talk to her. The federal agency, which is currently under investigation itself for its alleged involvement in destroying evidence associated with an investigation into illegal spying on the Trump campaign, instead directed her to a website, where she input what she received and, thus far, hasnt gotten a response. This is why Dr. Humphries has now concluded that her only defense is God and her firearms, as our nations law enforcement agencies obviously cant be bothered to protect the citizenry. Multiple times Dr. Humphries states that her protection comes from the Almighty and from the Second Amendment, should it come to that. In the meantime, she has no choice but to go about her daily life with this cloud of potential terror hanging over her head though she remains confident that she will be protected. At the same time, there should be justice on this earth, Dr. Humphries chimed as a caveat to crediting God as her protector. We do have a professional hacker who is working his hardest to try to determine if theres any way that we can find the source where the email originated and bring this person to justice. Thank God we dont have the kind of gun laws in this country that there are in the U.K. and in Australia and in New Zealand. Thank God that we have the ability to protect ourselves, because heaven knows nobody else on this earth except the angels and God above are going to do it besides us. Sources for this article include: The wheels on the bus go round and round at least once a month for a group of baby boomers traveling from Laguna Woods to Santa Ana. Their destination: the Bud and Bloom medical marijuana dispensary. They've come not to relive the glory days of Woodstock, but to buy the type of cannabis that makes them feel good. Arlene Drenkhahn is looking for relief for the aches and pains caused by her arthritis. She is one of dozens testing the THC-laced lotions and potions at Bud and Bloom, which is marketing to seniors. "I've done pain management, I've done shots, I've done it all and it's a ridiculous way to live when this can give you relief," Drenkhahan says. Organizers say the free bus trips are designed to reach people who may not want to inhale marijuana. "A lot of people are used to taking pills and don't know all the options available to them using cannabis, so it's just education," says Melody Cordva, general manager at Bud and Bloom. About 90 percent of the seniors present are there for medical reasons; only 10 percent are there for recreational use. "My son thinks I'm a pot head," says a laughing Allyson Abbot, who is also a registered nurse and therefore feels she knows what she's doing. Some are suffering from glaucoma. Others want to sleep better. Many say the stigma of marijuana use was lessened when pot became legal in California on Jan. 1 of this year. They seem to agree that medical marijuana isn't the fountain of youth, but it helps. "I'm open to any of this," Drenkhahan says. "Why not? I'm 73 years old; what have I got to lose?" Police in San Rafael said a recent spike in burglaries in the city's Canal District may be targeting a mostly immigrant community, and they fear some victims aren't calling police. Police are working to get the word out about the rash of burglaries. They believe thieves are trying apartment doors and finding some that are not locked. Once inside. the thieves turn things upside down looking for cash. "It's probably a numbers game," police spokesman Dan Fink said. "If they try enough doors, they're gonna find doors unsecured." Burglars have ransacked eight apartments in just over a month, stealing valuables and cash, police said. Many people who live in the Canal District are immigrants and don't use banks, they said. Neighbors say the thefts can be crippling. "It upsets the family," resident Marina Lopez said. "It could be rent money." Police worry there may be more victims who are not reporting the crimes. "Their rent is due, they send it back to their home country, to families. A loss like this is devastating," Fink said. "In this climate, they're scared to report this to us." On the home page of a neighborhood group called the Canal Alliance, there is information about immigrants' rights and rumored ICE raids. Lopez says many of her neighbors are afraid of the police. "They think the police are working with ICE," she said. San Rafael police are working to let people know they are in the community to help, and they're stepping up patrols hoping to find the burglars. A 70-year-old driver has been charged with seven counts of assault with a deadly weapon, vandalism, reckless driving and driving under the influence after his van jumped the curb on Saturday and sent people scattering in San Francisco's Castro District, prosecutors said today. Rotter was initially booked on charges including attempted murder after his arrest on Saturday, which occurred after police received several calls around 3:12 p.m. reporting a person driving on the sidewalk. Police said he drove his purple Dodge van on to the sidewalk in the 400 block of Castro Street, hitting parking meters and trees. He then allegedly stopped and backed into a deli before driving off the sidewalk and south down 18th Street. He drove around the block, running some stop signs and sometimes driving on the wrong side of the street before he was stopped driving west on 18th Street toward Castro Street, according to police. No pedestrians were hit or injured and no other vehicles were damaged in the incident. Rotter told officers he was having brake problems. Police impounded the van and said they would have it inspected for mechanical defects. Rotter is being held without bail and remains in custody. He's scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday afternoon. California Assembly and Senate lawmakers will come together Wednesday to address allegations of rampant sexual misconduct at the Capitol for the first time as a unified front. A joint legislative panel is tasked with reforming the Legislature's policies for handling sexual harassment allegations, including how to discipline members and protect victims and others who speak up. The panel will hear from national and state experts and take public comment. Until now, the Assembly and Senate have worked separately to address misconduct allegations that forced two lawmakers to resign and a third to take a leave of absence. "I'm determined that we get this right, so that we can protect victims and establish policies and procedures for the entire legislature with true accountability and transparency," said Democratic Assemblyman Laura Friedman, the committee chair. The committee's meeting comes as the Legislature continues to grapple with the fallout from an open letter published in October by 150 women lobbyists, political consultants, lawmakers and legislative staff members detailing a "pervasive'' culture of sexual harassment in Sacramento. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon both promised on Jan. 5 to release documents related to sexual harassment claims against "a high-level legislative employee or legislator'' if discipline was imposed or the allegations were substantiated. Their promise comes after months of refusing to release such details in response to public records requests. They have not provided a date for releasing the documents. At a Dec. 14 press conference, de Leon said the Senate would respond more fully to records requests within 30 days, but the Senate has yet to release documents. Also in the upper chamber, Sen. Tony Mendoza is set to return soon from a paid leave of absence he took amid an investigation into allegations he behaved inappropriately toward young women who worked in his office. He's continued to carry out legislative duties, even showing up once at the Capitol, causing friction with Democratic leaders. He's said an investigation will clear his name. Authorities have arrested two people they say ran a pair of Springfield massage parlors that were really fronts for prostitution. Sixty-five-year-old Steven Forsley, of Bernardston, and 61-year-old Liu Yang, of Springfield, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges including trafficking of persons for sexual servitude and money laundering. Both were held on $20,000 bail. They were arrested Tuesday following a more than six-month investigation. Prosecutors say the businesses had an entirely male clientele and were staffed by young Asian women who slept on site and "rarely, if ever'' left without being accompanied by Yang. Yang's attorney sought lower bail saying there is "scant'' evidence to support the charges. Forsley's lawyer also asked for lower bail, saying his client is a veteran with no criminal record and is not a flight risk. Over the protests of the Cook County Sheriffs office, a Cook County Judge agreed to release serial stowaway Marilyn Hartman from custody Thursday, based largely on her promises not to return to either OHare and Midway airports. At the same time, officials are looking at O'Hare security, in an effort to prevent another similar breach. [[471211963, C]] The 66-year-old Hartman, who had been living in Lake County, evaded security at OHare last week and managed to fly all the way to London on a British Airways jetliner. She was denied entry to Great Britain, and returned to Chicago where she was arrested upon her arrival. She did not comment after her release Thursday night. In a statement, the Transportation Security Administration said they are taking the Hartman case "very seriously". "As a result, we know that the individual was screened at our checkpoint," the statement said. "We, along with industry partners, from airlines to airports, are currently reviewing ways to keep this from happening again, to include additional physical security measures at the checkpoint. A source close to the investigation told NBC 5 that already at O'Hare, efforts have been made to modify checkpoint and stanchion design, and that they looking at longer term modifications in other security procedures. That source also said efforts are being made to stress the need for airlines to enforce their own boarding and shuttle bus procedures. Police said Hartman evaded a security checkpoint in Terminal 3, then took a supposedly secure shuttle bus to Terminal 5, where she eventually boarded the British Airways flight without a ticket. Earlier this week, Sheriff Tom Darts office had written both the States Attorney and Public Defenders office, opposing Hartmans release on electronic monitoring. But in court, even that requirement was dropped. Judge Donald Panarese reduced her $25,000 bond to $10,000, and after learning that it would be impossible for the Sheriff to electronically monitor Hartman in Lake County, made no requirements for her monitoring. Her last conviction was two years ago? Panarese asked. And no arrests in the last two years at the airport? When informed that was the case, the judge turned to Hartman. Youve stayed away from the airport for two years? he asked. Can you stay away? Jails not so fun, is it? When Hartman gave her assurances, Panarese seemed satisfied. And you have to stay away from the airport, he warned. Hartmans public defender, Parle Roe-Taylor, who she said she once fired during previous encounters with the law, expressed confidence that Hartman would abide by the judges warnings. My client wants to go home, she said. I made the request on her behalf. Shes not had an arrest in two years---over two years at this point. But the sheriff's office expressed shock at the judges decision. Releasing any seriously mentally ill person without support and treatment is never a good idea, said Cara Smith, the sheriffs policy chief. This order seriously reflects many things wrong with the criminal justice system. The public defenders office made no move in court to ask for any kind of intervention. But Smith suggested Hartmans past behavior cries out for very specialized treatment. We have a woman who is obviously suffering and in need of significant services, she said. Without the help she clearly needs, history is likely to repeat itself. Indeed, Smith wrote officials Thursday morning before court, urging caution in Hartmans case. We urge a more appropriate bond order for her, she wrote. She is in great need of long term care. We'd like to be part of crafting a global plan for her and stand ready to assist in any way. But that plea fell on deaf ears. Hartmans next court date is set for Feb. 13. Connecticut health officials say the flu is to blame for 32 deaths in the state so far this season. The state Department of Public Health released its weekly report on Thursday. According to the report, from Aug. 27 through Jan. 20, 824 patients were hospitalized with confirmed cases of the flu. There have been 32 deaths attributed to the flu 28 in patients over the age of 65, two in patients between 50 and 64, 1 patient between 25 and 49, and one between the ages of 5 and 17. That is 11 more deaths than the previous week's reported 21. Flu activity in the state remains high and widespread and officials encourage residents to get a flu shot. Officials warn that peak flu season could still be several weeks away. Dr. David Banach, an epidemiologist and infectious disease physician at UConn Health, told NBC Connecticut that this flu season has been more severe than recent years. "What we're seeing is a lot of patients becoming infected with the flu a lot of infected individuals being hospitalized with the flu and even higher numbers of deaths from the flu than we've seen in recent years," Banach said. Banach said the strain most prevalent is included in the vaccine and urged people to get a flu shot. "Even those individuals who become sick with the flu after becoming vaccinated can have less severe symptoms and potentially a lower risk of transmitting the flu to other people whom they're around," he said. In an effort to protect the publics health and reduce the spread of the flu virus, DPH will hold a State Flu Vaccination Day Saturday. See the list of locations here. Vaccines for children 18 years of age and under will be available for free. Adult vaccines will be provided for free for anyone without insurance. Residents with insurance should bring their card and will be charged a small administrative fee, according to the Department of Public Health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported earlier this month that this year the flu is peaking across the entire US, making for a very active flu season. The Coast Guard continued to chip away at the ice jam on the Connecticut River, but it was blue waters and a smooth current out in Essex Wednesday. Marinas and businesses downstream are no longer that worried about what that floating ice will mean for them. Its a great feeling, said Alex Yuknat of RiverQuest. Last week staff was worried that ice from the ice jam would come spilling down the Connecticut River and take out their boat docked at the Connecticut River Museum in Essex. But the warmer weather, the current and the U.S. Coast Guard breaking up the ice has helped ease those concerns. There are going to be big sheets coming down and big chunks of ice but they should, for the most part, stay toward the eastern side of the river, Yuknat said. He did move the boat forward to better protect it behind the dock, just in case. The ice melted over in Old Saybrook, too, by Oak Leaf Marina. Owner Scott Masse said every winter hes concerned about the quarter-mile long sheets of ice floating down the river and damaging the docks. But as far as the ice jam is concerned, he said everything is back to work as usual. I dont know if the wind held it off, or the ice in the marina, but we really didnt get any damage which was really nice, said Stephanie McLaughlin, marina manager at Brewer Essex Island Marina. McLaughlin said its been a pretty good winter so far; she just lost some pilings. She will keep an eye on the river in case the ice has other plans. If the wind changes and pushes all the chunks into the docks, we might have some problems. But so far its been pretty good, she said. So Im hoping for no change there. Time may be running out for a New Fairfield father fighting to stay in this country. Joel Colindres is facing deportation to his native country, Guatemala, at the end of the month. Dozens of supporters held signs and rallied in Hartford Thursday to support Joel Colindres. I just believe that theres no reason whatsoever to steal Joel from his family, said supporter Debra Cohen. Colindres has been fighting deportation back to Guatemala for months. In August, he was granted a temporary stay. Right before Christmas, he found out he could be sent home Jan. 31. A rally is underway this morning for Joel Colindres, a New Fairfield father who has been fighting deportation to Guatemala today. Something has to be done, said Sen Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). Thats why were here and we will win with your help. His attorney says Colindres, who entered the country more than a decade ago, missed a court hearing and that triggered the deportation notice. Its now being enforced by the current administration. Ive been asking for forgiveness for 14 years and it seems like they dont care, Colindres said. Colindres is a father of a 6-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter. Im here fighting, like my wife is, for my kids, he said. I think its about me, but more my family. My two American kids. they were born here, and they deserve to have their father here in the United States. We checked in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a spokesperson said Colindres is still subject to a notice of final removal. Joel Calinders-Guerra, an illegally present citizen of Guatemala, was issued a final order of removal by a federal immigration judge in 2004. Since then he has sought relief from removal via several court actions and has been denied each. He remains subject to a final order of removal. For operational security reasons, the agency does not discuss specific removal arrangements prior to an individuals successful repatriation, ICE officials said in a statement. A day after taking a pair of cousins into custody for the murder of a Garland store clerk, police say the suspects may be behind at least four other robberies in Garland and additional crimes in another city. Saturday night, two men held up 35-year-old Manish Panday at the Exxon gas station on Broadway Boulevard and East Oates Road. There was a struggle for the gun, and Panday was killed. Police published surveillance video, and in court records, police say a relative of the two men and other witnesses came forward with information that led to their arrests. On Tuesday, police arrested 19-year-old Chavez Nash at John Leslie Patton Jr. Academic Center in Dallas. Law enforcement picked up 23-year-old Darrell Dewayne Nash at his apartment complex in Dallas the same evening. Victims in other robberies tell NBC 5 they recognized the men in the Exxon surveillance video. "I recognized them," said a clerk who asked NBC 5 not to share her name. "They were carrying the same gun and the same Spider-Man backpack." That clerk was robbed Thursday at another convenience store in Garland. She says the men threatened her with guns, grabbed her by the hair and forced her to the ground. They didn't physically hurt her, she says. A few days later, she learned about Panish's murder and suspected there was a connection. "The same thing is going on in my head again and again," she said. "What if they had killed me?" At another Garland convenience store, another clerk was held up late Friday night. He also did not want his name or identity published out of fear for his safety. He said the gunmen came into his store just before closing. They demanded cash from the register, but were angry there wasn't more. "They were saying, 'Where's the rest of the money?' And, I was afraid," said the clerk. He said one robber had a gun to his chest while the second man encouraged him to shoot. "He was saying, 'Just shoot him, shoot him, just finish him,'" recalled the clerk. The men did not shoot, but 24 hours later, police say they did kill Panday. Surveillance video from the Exxon shows Panday initially complying with the robbers' demands, but then fights. The clerk who was robbed the night before wonders if Panday felt he had to fight back in self-defense. In an arrest warrant affidavit, detectives write that Panday was on his back, fighting for the gun with Darrell Nash when Chavez Nash pulled one of Panday's arms back so Darrell Nash could shoot Panday. After killing Panday, police said both men ran, but one was limping. Police say Darrell Nash shot himself in the left knee in the struggle with Panday. Detectives say Nash sought treatment at a hospital and told Dallas police he was shot in a drive-by shooting. Both men face capital murder charges for the death of Panday. Garland police believe the men are behind four other robberies. Police in Balch Springs want to question the pair about three unsolved robberies in their jurisdiction. Garland police add there may be a third person of interest, but don't have enough information to share a description with the public yet. The news of the arrests came as a relief to friends of Panday. Friends planned a vigil for Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at the Exxon where he worked. Friends say Panday's parents were able to obtain permission to travel from their native Nepal to Texas for a funeral this weekend. There had been a $10,000 reward for information leading police to an arrest. Garland police say Jerry Reynolds, host of the Car Pro Show on WBAP Radio, donated $5,000 to increase the reward. Friends of Panday have started a GoFundMe account to help support Panday's widow, who is five months pregnant with their first child. Two days after two cousins were arrested in connection with the murder of a Garland store clerk, a third suspect has been taken into custody, police say. On Thursday, Garland police said 31-year-old Tristan Rashad Bowles, of Dallas, had been arrested in connection with the murder of 35-year-old Manish Panday. On Tuesday of this week, after releasing surveillance video of two men they said fatally shot Panday during a robbery, police arrested 19-year-old Chavez Nash and 23-year-old Darrell Dewayne Nash. Police said a relative of the pair, and other witnesses, came forward with information about their identity after seeing the video. victims in other robberies told NBC 5 they too recognized the men in the surveillance video. During the investigation into the fatal shooting, detectives received information that a third person was involved in the robbery and shooting. "Detectives learned that Bowles drove Darrell and Chavez to the convenience store located in the 4700 block of Broadway Blvd. It is believed he waited outside while the robbery was taking place and when the Nash cousins exited, drove to Baylor of Dallas so Darrell could be treated for his gunshot wound," police said Thursday in a statement. In an arrest warrant affidavit, detectives write that Panday was on his back, fighting for the gun with Darrell Nash when Chavez Nash pulled one of Panday's arms back so Darrell Nash could shoot Panday. After killing Panday, police said both men ran, but one was limping. Police said Darrell Nash shot himself in the left knee in the struggle with Panday. Detectives said Nash sought treatment at a hospital and told Dallas police he was shot in a drive-by shooting. Garland police, along with the help of the U.S. Marshal North Texas Fugitive Task force, located and arrested Bowles in Dallas. Bowles, Darrell Nash and Chavez Nash are all facing capital murder charges. It is not clear if Bowles or the Nash cousins have obtained a lawyer. Meanwhile, Panday's friends told NBC 5 his parents were able to obtain permission to travel from their native Nepal to Texas for a funeral this weekend. Friends of Panday have started a GoFundMe account to help support Panday's widow, who is five months pregnant with their first child. NBC 5's Diana Zoga contributed to this report. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People filed a lawsuit seeking to block the Trump administrations plans to end temporary protected status for Haitians, the group said Wednesday. "The decision by the Department of Homeland Security to rescind TPS status for Haitian immigrants was infected by racial discrimination," Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc., said in a statement. Acting Homeland Security Director Elaine Duke announced in November that the protections will end on July 22, 2019, saying that "extraordinary but temporary conditions" caused by a 2010 earthquake that killed at least 220,000 people "no longer exist." NBC10s Rosemary Connors speaks with attorney Zachary Cooper who had a strong inclination that trial would end up in a deadlock. The NAACP lawsuit says rescinding TPS could expose 58,000 Haitians to deportation. President Donald Trump has denied that he insulted Haitians during a recent meeting where he reportedly also referred to African nations as "sh--hole countries." President Donald Trump, on the defensive in the wake of recent disparaging comments about Haiti and African nations that have revived questions about whether the leader of the world's melting pot is a racist, declared Sunday that he is not one. The University of California Board of Regents on Wednesday postponed until May a vote on whether or not to raise tuition for students at the system's 10 campuses. Gov. Jerry Brown sent a letter via email to the regents urging them to reject the proposal. UC President Janet Napolitano subsequently asked the regents to delay the vote until May. Napolitano did not refer to Brown's letter but said the delay would give regents more time to lobby the Legislature for more public funding. The proposal calls for a 2.7 percent hike in tuition and fees for the 2018-19 academic year. If approved, the cost for California residents who currently pay $12,630 in tuition and fees would increase to $12,972. Out-of-state students would pay an additional $978, or an increase of 3.5 percent, bringing their total for annual tuition and fees to $28,992. If approved, this would be the second year in a row in which tuition was raised. Many students have vocally opposed the increase saying higher tuition puts too much burden on students already struggling to pay for their educations. "We're already paying an extraordinarily high amount for the education here and it's just more of a financial burden for our families back home," UC Berkeley student Yash Bhate said. Fellow student Alex Liu said the proposed hike is "tough," but he says he's still probably going to be willing to pay extra to continue his education. Earlier this month, Brown proposed a 3 percent increase in base funding for the UC system in his 2018-19 budget plan, down from a 4 percent increase in previous years, and urged university officials to "live within their means." Napolitano called the 3 percent increase "less than we anticipated under the framework we established with the governor." She said in a statement the UC was committed to its plan to add 2,000 California undergraduates and 500 graduate students in fall 2018. "The campuses have asked for this increase because they need it at a time when California undergraduate enrollment is at an all-time high," UC spokeswoman Claire Doan said. The additional revenue from tuition hikes would go toward hiring more faculty members, creating new courses and funding additional mental health services. Doan said increased financial aid would cover the higher costs for roughly 100,000 students, more than half of the system's 180,000 California resident undergraduates, who already pay no tuition. The UC Student Association has collected nearly 3,000 signatures in an online petition titled, "Stop the UC Tuition Hike," said student organizer Maxwell Lubin. The petition says, "As UC students, we demand that the regents stop the tuition hike, and that the California legislature fully fund the UC system." The California State University system is also proposing a tuition hike. The system's proposal calls for a 4 percent increase, which would amount to a jump of about $228 per year. The oldest of the 13 California siblings who authorities said were imprisoned by their parents was frail, smelly and picked on as a grade school student in Texas, one her classmates said in a heart-wrenching Facebook post. The now-29-year-old woman was rescued with her starving brothers and sisters from their home in Perris, California, on Jan. 14. Neighbors and relatives said they were unaware of the children's treatment until authorities arrested the parents and revealed what they found inside. Taha Muntajibuddin attended kindergarten through third grade with her in Fort Worth, Texas. After learning of the case, he shared on Facebook his "overwhelming sense of guilt and shame" over how she was treated. Muntajibuddin, a pediatrics resident doctor in Houston who confirmed his post to The Associated Press, described her as "a frail girl, had pin-straight hair with bangs, and often wore the same purple outfit." He wrote that it was jarring to learn that the girl, who was teased in school for being smelly, "quite literally had to sit in her own waste because she was chained to her bed." "It is nothing but sobering to know that the person who sat across from you at the lunch table went home to squalor and filth while you went home to a warm meal and a bedtime story," he wrote. The post has elicited a strong reaction, with some condemning Muntajibuddin for his behavior as a child. Others praised him for addressing it. Muntajibuddin said in an interview Tuesday that he was surprised by the reaction. "It was just meant to be an honest lesson: take it or leave it," he said. The AP is not naming the siblings because of the severity of abuse allegations, which are still under investigation. The AP also has not been able to talk to the children, including the 29-year-old, or anyone who can speak on their behalf. Crowley Independent School District spokesman Anthony Kirchner confirmed Muntajibuddin and the victim attended the same school. Kirchner said he was unable to confirm when she enrolled or when she left school, or whether any of her younger siblings attended, because districts are only required to keep elementary student records for five years. Another classmate, Stephanie Hernandez, told the AP in a Facebook message that the girl was quiet and always wore dirt-stained jeans that were too small. Hernandez said she often was bullied. "I remember someone kind of slung her around like a rag doll," said Hernandez, a registered nurse in Mansfield, Texas. Sheriff's deputies arrested David Turpin, 57, and Louise Turpin, 49, after their 17-year-old daughter climbed out a window and called 911. Authorities found the siblings, ages 2 to 29, in the family's filthy California home, three of whom were shackled to beds and all except the youngest child malnourished. The couple has pleaded not guilty to torture and other charges. The Riverside University Health System Foundation, which is collecting money for the siblings, so far has received 1,500 donations totaling $120,000, spokeswoman Kim Trone. People from across the world also have been sending toys, blankets and clothing, she said. About 20 people, including nurses and psychologists, have offered to take the seven adult siblings and six minors and keep them together, said Mary Parks, a spokeswoman for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services. "People from around the country are offering to foster them and adopt them," she said. The siblings were all taken to hospitals, but Parks said she could not discuss their conditions. The agency typically seeks to place children with a relative and keep siblings together, she said. Muntajibuddin said he is hopeful his former classmate can recover and lived an enriched life. He said despite being bullied by her peers, she "was still one of the most pleasant people I have had the opportunity to meet. She had this whimsical optimism to her that couldn't be dampened, couldn't be doused no matter what anybody threw at her." He said he has learned from his experience and hopes others do, too. "The resounding lesson here is a simple one, something that we're taught from the very beginning," Muntajibuddin wrote. "Be nice." ___ Schmall reported from Fort Worth, Texas. Associated Press writer Amy Taxin contributed from Santa Ana. What to Know Friends and family paid up to $25,000 per person to smuggle loved ones. A judge ordered the couple to pay a $300,000 bond each. Hundreds of people were smuggled in over the years, according to conservative estimates. A North Miami couple is accused of laundering millions of dollars for a "sophisticated" international human smuggling organization based in Brazil through several local businesses. Eduardo Pereira, 49, and Marcia Tiago, 48, faced Miami-Dade Judge Mindy Glazer during bond court on Tuesday. They are accused of being the primary money launderers for Vantuir De Souza, the alleged kingpin of the organization who is under house arrest in Brazil pending human smuggling charges, according to an arrest warrant. De Souza is also accused of organizing a human smuggling vessel that was lost at sea in November 2016. Two boat captains and at least 17 people seeking to be smuggled into the United States are still missing and presumed dead by authorities. The human smuggling group's activities were uncovered after the establishment of Operation: Rota Caribe, a task force formed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to target human smugglers. Though the couple was charged in Miami-Dade, a Broward County Sheriff's Office task force led the money laundering operation named Operation: Florida Phoenix that uncovered details related to the illicit flow of money. The De Souza operation was found to have set up a network of captains and small vessels to separately smuggle narcotics and people to the United States. "During the course of this investigation, a sophisticated international smuggling and money laundering organization was identified. This organization was shown to be actively smuggling people into the United States and laundering the illicit proceeds," the arrest warrant reads. "This elaborate trade-based money laundering scheme was used to launder tens of millions of dollars of illicit proceeds generated by the smuggling organization." Pereira and Tiago face the same charges: three counts of money laundering greater than $100,000, two counts of engaging in an unlicensed money service business greater than $100,000 and one count of engaging in an unlicensed money service business from $20,000 to $100,000. The federal charges could see the couple behind bars for decades. The judge ordered the couple to be placed under house arrest if they were able to pay the $300,000 bond they were individually ordered to post. They must also prove the money used to post bond came from a legitimate source. Citing cooperating witnesses, authorities conservatively estimate that hundreds of people were smuggled into the United States primarily through the route of Brazil to the Caribbean, where a travel visa is not required, and then by boat to South Florida. The people smuggled in would ultimately be transported by vehicles to the area of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where they would often stay, the arrest warrant adds. The organization charged up to $25,000 per person smuggled. That charge was usually paid in cash by the friends and family of the people being smuggled in. Whereas human smuggling is the importation of people to the United States while deliberately evading immigration laws, human trafficking involves the exploitation of people, such as that seen in sex trafficking or slavery, according to U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement. According to authorities, most of the money paid to the operation was entrusted to Pereira and Tiago, who integrated the illicit funds to the U.S. economy through several businesses identified as Maxdu Properties LLC, Get Trade Enterprises LLC, Alaska Inc. and Auto Exchange USA Corp. "Eduardo Pereira, Marcia Tiago, have conspired, together and with others, to launder the illicit proceeds from human smuggling," the arrest warrant adds. The husband and wife are accused of laundering $3.6 million in 2015, $4.5 million in 2016 and $170,000 in 2017 "by way of seemingly innocuous payments for goods and services in a further attempt to layer and conceal the source of the illicit funds." Authorities have taken a suspect into custody and are looking for two others after a sheriff's deputy was shot to death during a confrontation north of Denver. A spokeswoman for The Adams County Sheriff's Office says deputies were called to an "assault in progress" Wednesday night and saw one of the suspects run behind a house. She says that suspect pulled a handgun and shot the deputy in the chest before fleeing. He was taken into custody a short time later. Investigators set a large perimeter in their search for two other suspects, who remain on the loose. The deputy's name and age have not been released, and the spokeswoman did not release any other information about what led to the shooting in a residential area about 8 miles (13 kilometers) north of downtown Denver. The shooting happened less than a month after 29-year-old Douglas County sheriff's deputy Zackari Parrish was fatally shot and four other officers were injured in an ambush in suburban Denver. A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is expected to make a port visit to Vietnam in March, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday. It would be the first such visit in the postwar era. The planned visit to Danang is likely to irritate China, which is critical of U.S. moves to add to its military muscle in the region. Mattis and his counterpart, Ngo Xuan Lich, discussed the planned carrier visit during a closed-door meeting, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said. Davis said the Vietnamese are awaiting final approval by more senior government authorities, but Mattis appeared to indicate it was a done deal. "Thank you for the increasing partnership with our aircraft carrier coming in to Danang here in March," Mattis said in remarks opening a meeting with Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Mattis also thanked him for Vietnam's support for toughening United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea. The Vietnamese Defense Ministry said separately that the two defense ministries had submitted their proposals for a U.S. carrier port visit to their leaders. The idea was floated last summer when Lich met Mattis at the Pentagon. The two met again in Hanoi on Thursday during Mattis' first trip to the Southeast Asian nation. "We recognize that relationships never stay the same. They either get stronger or they get weaker, and America wants a stronger relationship with a stronger Vietnam," Mattis told Lich. In a written statement after Mattis's meeting with Lich, the Vietnamese Defense Ministry said Lich had given Mattis "war artifacts of U.S. military personnel in the war." It did not elaborate. The visit also included a meeting with President Tran Dai Quang. "From postwar legacy issues to what Minister Lich called the positive trajectory of our military-to-military relations, I'm confident we're on the right trajectory, sir," Mattis said in his opening remarks at the presidential palace, where he and the president sat side-by-side beneath a large bust of revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh. Earlier Thursday, Mattis broke from his usual pattern of official business meetings to pay his respects at one of Vietnam's oldest pagodas, where he spoke at length with a senior monk and remarked on the serene setting. The Tran Quoc Buddhist pagoda stands on a small island at the edge of a lake in Hanoi, a short distance from a concrete marker noting where Sen. John McCain was shot down during a Navy attack mission over the city in 1967. McCain was retrieved from the lake and imprisoned at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton." As he strolled among tourists at the 6th century pagoda, Mattis said to the monk, "Beautiful. Peaceful. It makes you think more deeply." Mattis joined the Marine Corps Reserves in 1969, while the decade-long Vietnam War was ongoing, but did not serve in Vietnam. His visit happened to come just days before the Vietnamese celebrate Tet, the Lunar New Year. Next week will mark the 50th anniversary of the Tet Offensive, in January 1968, when the Communist North launched synchronized, simultaneous attacks on multiple targets in U.S.-backed South Vietnam, including the city of Hue. The offensive was a military failure, but it turned out to be a pivotal point in the war by puncturing U.S. hopes of a swift victory. The war dragged on for another seven years before the U.S. completed its withdrawal. Mattis noted earlier this week that Vietnam's proximity to the South China Sea makes the country a key player in disputes with China over territorial claims to islets, shoals and other small land formations in the sea. Vietnam also fought a border war with China in 1979. What to Know New York City was among jurisdictions nationwide that the Justice Department threatened with subpoenas over immigration Cities and states face being subpoenaed if they refuse to show they aren't withholding immigration status info about people in custody Mayor de Blasio called off a meeting with President Trump, saying he was renewing a "racist assault" on immigrant communities Mayor Bill de Blasio skipped a planned meeting with President Donald Trump after the Justice Department put new pressure on cities that don't cooperate with federal immigration enforcement. The Democrat had been scheduled to attend a meeting with other mayors at the White House on Wednesday to discuss infrastructure funding. Instead, he blasted the administration, saying on Twitter it had decided to renew a "racist assault" on immigrant communities. Trump spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said the White House was "disappointed that a number of mayors have chosen to make a political stunt instead of participating in an important discussion with the president and his administration." The Justice Department sent letters Wednesday to two dozen so-called "sanctuary cities" demanding that they turn over documents showing they aren't withholding information about the immigration status of people in custody and are cooperating with federal immigration authorities. The department has repeatedly threatened to deny millions of dollars in important grant money from communities that refuse to share such information with federal authorities, as part of the Trump administration's promised crackdown on cities and states that refuse to help enforce U.S. immigration laws. At a press conference Wednesday afternoon, de Blasio called the department's announcement an unexpected "slap in the face to our cities and our people." "I came down here ready to have a serious meeting and what I got was a publicity stunt from the Trump administration," de Blasio said. "This letter explicitly threatens our funding once again, threatens to subpoena our personnel." I will NOT be attending todays meeting at the White House after @realDonaldTrumps Department of Justice decided to renew their racist assault on our immigrant communities. It doesnt make us safer and it violates Americas core values. Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) January 24, 2018 Last summer, the Justice Department announced that 200 so-called sanctuary cities would be disqualified from receiving grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants Program if they didn't comply with federal authorities. On Wednesday, de Blasio said the city wouldn't sacrifice gains made between police and immigrant communities to placate the Trump administration. De Blasio added that Edward Byrne was an NYPD officer who was killed in the line of duty while protecting an immigrant. "He was murdered because he was protecting an immigrant who had come forward to the police and testified against criminals," de Blasio said. He added, "Immigrant New Yorkers, documented and undocumented, feel safe going to the police and working with them. We will never let that change." President Trump on Wednesday said, "The mayors who choose to boycott this event have put the needs of criminal illegal immigrants over law-abiding Americans." Press Secretary added that if mayors have a problem with the Justice Department's actions, "they should talk to the Congress, the people that pass the laws. The Department of Justice enforces them, and as long as that is the law, the Department of Justice is going to strongly enforce it." As for the mayors, she said the White House would love to work with them, "but we cannot allow people to pick and choose what laws they want to follow." "If we have a country with no laws, then nothing matters," Sanders added. Many cities have been openly defiant in the face of the threats, with lawsuits pending in Chicago, Philadelphia and California over whether the administration has overstepped its authority by seeking to withhold grant money. The 23 jurisdictions that received letters Wednesday include Chicago, New York, Denver, Los Angeles and the states of Illinois, Oregon and California. Officials said the places have been previously warned that they need to provide information about their policies to be eligible to receive grants that pay for everything from bulletproof vests to officer overtime. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has blamed "sanctuary city" policies for crime and gang violence, saying Wednesday, "we have seen too many examples of the threat to public safety represented by jurisdictions that actively thwart the federal government's immigration enforcement_enough is enough." But defenders of sanctuary city practices say they actually improve public safety by promoting trust among law enforcement and immigrant communities and reserving scarce police resources for other, more urgent crime-fighting needs. What to Know President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were looking to borrow a Van Gogh for the White House and reached out to the Guggenheim The museum's chief curator wrote back in an email that the request couldn't be accommodated but that a gold toilet was available Unveiled at the Guggenheim in 2016, the fully functioning toilet called "America" was used by hundreds of visitors The Guggenheim Museum offered President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump a used gold toilet after the couple requested a painting by Vincent Van Gogh for their living quarters at the White House, according to reports. The Washington Post reports resident and Melania Trump inquired about Van Goghs Landscape With Snow, an 1888 work of a black-hatted man and bowlegged dog trudging along the path in a snowy France. The offer made by the Guggenheims chief curator, Nancy Spector, was something quite different: a 2016 sculpture by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, specifically a fully functioning 17-karat gold toilet entitled America that had been used by hundreds of museum visitors, some of whom waited hours to use the stately latrine. The Post reported Thursday that Spector sent the Trumps a "polite but firm" email in September explaining that the museum could not fulfill their request to borrow the Van Gogh. She said "Landscape With Snow" was "prohibited from travel expect for the rarest occasions" and was off to the Guggenheims museum in Spain for an exhibit. The Guggenheim unveiled the estimated $1 million toilet inside a fourth-floor restroom at its New York museum in 2016. At the time, it said the exhibit offers a wink to the excesses of the art market but also evokes the American dream of opportunity for all. It's also been seen as a comment on exorbitant wealth in the country. The toilet exhibit had ended by the time the Trumps made their request last summer, and Spector wrote Donna Hayashi Smith of the White Houses Office of the Curator that the gold loo was available should the President and First Lady have any interest in installing it in the White House, according to the Post. Spector has not been shy about her politics online. She wrote on the Guggenheim blog that Trumps term has been "marked by scandal and defined by the deliberate rollback of countless civil liberties, in addition to climate change denial that puts our planet in peril." Presidents and first ladies have borrowed art in the past to decorate the White House; for example, the Obamas were lent works by abstract artists Mark Rothko and Jasper Johns, the Post reported. The White House did not respond to inquiries from the Post and Spector was not available to comment on her offer, the paper said. Cattelan resisted interpreting his gold toilet but told the Post that the meaning is something like: Whats the point of our life? Everything seems absurd until we die and then it makes sense. Four female high school students in Connecticut said administrators told them not to make a "hostile environment" for a boy they were reporting for sexual assault. Students at Staples High school in Westport said Monday in a school board meeting that they were told not to make hostile environment for a boy they said assaulted them after coming forward to a vice principal in November. They added that the administration responded to the claims by giving the boy a "stern talking to" and telling at least one student "the best thing to do is let it go." "Im worried because here a student will get in more trouble for plagiarism than sexual assault," one of the students said in the meeting. One of the girls parents, Stephanie Landon, told NBC 4 New York on Wednesday that the girls felt like they hadnt been heard by school administrators. "There have to be changes in the way the schools respond to the girls who come forward," Landon said. "Whether they Pursue consequences or not, just the fact that they felt that they were being reprimanded is enough." The four students asked the board to change its sexual harassment policy so a larger number of staff members could hear student complaints. They also requested the board involve students in conversations on sexual harassment. Superintendent Colleen Palmer did not comment on the students' allegations during the board meeting, saying she believes there is room for improvement. In a statement to NBC 4 New York on Wednesday, she said that while they couldnt comment specifically on the students claims due to federal regulations but that the incident referenced in Mondays meeting occurred off campus. She added that they encourage students to report such incidents to police where appropriate and that administrators "take all reasonable steps to assure that students feel safe in school." "Concerns such as those expressed on Monday evening remind us that we need to continue a dialogue with all stakeholders on this important topic as we review and improve upon our efforts to address sexual assault and sexual harassment wherever it occurs," she said in a statement. Board member Candace Savin said despite what the girls said she did not hear anything that indicated the policy was wrong or incorrect. The board voted unanimously to keep the school policy with some revisions including a new section on sexual violence and another addressing social media, according to John Bayers, human resources director for Westport schools. Congressional investigators said Wednesday that Chinese opioid manufacturers are exploiting weak screening at the U.S. Postal Service to ship large quantities of illegal drugs to American dealers. In a yearlong probe, Senate investigators found that Chinese sellers, who openly market opioids such as fentanyl to U.S. buyers, are pushing delivery through the U.S. postal system. The sellers are taking advantage of a failure by the postal service to fully implement an electronic data system that would help authorities identify suspicious shipments. At a time of massive growth in postal shipments from China due to e-commerce, the investigators found that the postal system received the electronic data on just over a third of all international packages, making more than 300 million packages in 2017 much harder to screen. Data in the Senate report shows no significant improvement during 2017 despite the urgency. The U.S. Postal Service said it has made dramatic progress in the last year in total packages with opioids seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. "The Postal Service will continue to work tirelessly to address this serious societal issue," spokesman David Partenheimer said in a statement. He said implementing the use of electronic data is slowed by the need to negotiate with international partners, but the service is making progress. The Senate probe matches many of the findings of a 2016 investigation by The Associated Press that detailed unchecked production in China of some of the world's most dangerous drugs. AP reporters found multiple sellers willing to ship carfentanil an opioid used as an elephant tranquilizer that is so potent it has been considered a chemical weapon. The sellers also offered advice on how to evade screening by U.S. authorities. Researchers on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations also contacted Chinese sellers directly. The sellers preferred payment in Bitcoin. Investigators traced the online sellers to seven U.S. opioid deaths and 18 drug arrests. The Senate has cleared the report to be handed over to law enforcement. In one case, the investigators traced orders from an online seller in China to a Michigan man who wired $200 in November 2016. The next month he received a package from someone identified by the investigators as a Pennsylvania-based distributor. A day later, the Michigan man died of an overdose from drugs, including a chemical similar to fentanyl. The huge influx of opioids has led to a wave of overdose deaths across the U.S. in recent years. Republican Sen. Rob Portman, the subcommittee's chairman, noted that fentanyl now kills more people in his home state than heroin. "The federal government can, and must, act to shore up our defenses against this deadly drug and help save lives," he said. Massachusetts' attorney general has received complaints from customers of a dry cleaning business that abruptly announced it was going out of business last week. A spokesperson for Attorney General Maura Healey's office said officials are communicating with the Zoots' attorney and bankruptcy trustee after receiving complaints. Employees dealing with the instant shutdown also had their paychecks deposited Friday, then reversed on Wednesday, erasing two weeks of pay. "It's been hard, I mean, having a weekend job and then finding out that you no longer have a job and having to make sure your kids are completely taken care of," said part-timer Amanda Roy, a mother of three. Court documents filed on Tuesday ask a bankruptcy court for permission to take over the business for about seven to 10 days to finish dry cleaning customers' clothes, delivering them to home delivery customers and opening retail locations for a day on a yet-to-be-determined schedule. The trustee who filed the motion get clothing cleaned and returned to customers told NBC10 Boston it was granted by a judge Thursday afternoon. Before that ruling, Attleboro store manager Lisa Gercer ignored company orders and hand-delivered clothes. "For my customers, I feel terrible for them I'm also glad I did what I did because I was loyal to my customers," she said. Zoots shuttered all 17 of its Massachusetts locations on Jan. 19 after it fell into $430,000 debt with Mutual One Bank, according to court documents. A New Hampshire man was arrested Wednesday on charges that he sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl inside of a Walmart in Hooksett, New Hampshire, police say. Arthur Vigeant, 21, of Concord, was charged with sexual assault, simple assault and willful concealment. On Wednesday, Jan. 17, officers received a report of a man who sexually assaulted a young girl at the Walmart on Commerce Drive. Police say that the man, later identified as Vigeant, could be seen on surveillance footage arriving at Walmart around 3:18 p.m., after which he left the store carrying several stolen goods. Vigeant then went to Bass Pro Shops but later returned to the Walmart. Around 6:40 p.m., Vigeant allegedly approached the girl and grabbed her inappropriately, police say. The family of the young girl confronted Vigeant, and he left the store. He was shortly stopped by police outside. Vigeant allegedly admitted to officers that he had stolen merchandise and grabbed a young girl in the store. Because Vigeant reportedly appeared to be under the influence of drugs, he was brought to the Elliot Hospital for treatment. An arrest warrant was obtained for Vigeant, who turned himself into the Hooksett Police Department the next day. He refused the services of a bail commissioner at his arraignment and has been released on $5,000 personal recognizance bail. It's not clear when his next court date is or if he has an attorney. An employee of the Putney Grammar School in Putney, Vermont is accused of embezzling over $30,000 from the school over three years. Tammy H. Neathawk, 45, of Chester was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Vermont State Police for suspicion of embezzlement and brought to the Vermont State Police Barracks. Police say that Neathawk had been conducting unauthorized purchases with her school credit card for at least three years. Police are conducting a more detailed examination of the previous fiscal years to further asses the extent of the alleged embezzlement. It is not yet known if Neethawk has an attorney. She is scheduled to be arraigned at Vermont Superior Court on March 27. A 36-year-old man is in custody following a police chase from Framingham to Boston. Framingham police were pursuing a Ford Escape on the Mass Pike eastbound early Thursday morning in connection with a reported breaking and entering. Massachusetts State Police joined the pursuit around 3:30 a.m. A state trooper deployed a tire deflation device on the Mass Pike in Weston, damaging two tires on the suspect's vehicle. The suspect, later identified as Richard M. Hughes, of Framingham, continued to drive on the Pike with both Framingham and state police in pursuit. He took the ramp to the South Station garage, where his vehicle struck a state police cruiser, according to police. Hughes was eventually apprehended by a state police K-9 unit. He was treated for non-life-threatening injuries. State police charged him with negligent operation of a motor vehicle, operating a motor vehicle after license suspension or revocation and failure to stop for police. He could face additional charges out of Framingham. A review of more than 80 studies reveals that changes in the immune cells of people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection may increase their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The review is published in the journal Physiology. Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) consists of a "cocktail" of several drugs that work together to reduce the amount of detectable virus (viral load) in the bloodstream. Since the development of this combination treatment approach more than 20 years ago, antiretroviral therapy has helped millions of people with HIV escape a once-certain death sentence. However, even with very low viral loads, approximately 20 percent of HIV-positive patients die of heart disease and studies have shown that treatment with cART is associated with a higher risk of heart attack. Paradoxically, the medications in cART that help people with HIV live longer also have many harmful effects on the cardiovascular system. These drugs have been found to increase oxidative stress (a type of cell damage) impair the body's ability to digest fat and damage blood vessels. But HIV-positive patients who do not take cART are also at risk for CVD because HIV itself can lead to heart problems. A team of researchers from Stellenbosch University in South Africa report that persistent immune activation may contribute to the increased risk of CVD seen in patients with HIV. Immune activation is a normal and essential function that occurs when the body responds to infection. However, the constant presence of HIV in the body, even at very low levels, causes the immune system to remain activated continuously, leading to long-term inflammation and depletion of T cells that help the body fight infection. These factors, together with damage to the lining of the blood vessels, can lead to permanent changes in the immune cells. Increased immune activation and oxidative stress "contribute to the pathogenesis of complications such as CVD, renal disease and cancer," the research team wrote. "Persistent immune activation is a driver of CVD in HIV-infected individuals (treated and untreated)." Future study about the metabolic changes in the immune system and the effect immune function may help reduce the risk of heart disease in people with HIV, added the researchers. Medical device manufacturer, Bedfont Scientific Ltd., receives its ISO13485:2016 CMDCAS certificate Established in 1976, Bedfont Scientific Limited is a second generation family company that has specialized in the design and manufacture of exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments for medical, scientific and industrial markets globally, for over 40 years. Bedfont is thrilled to announce that it has just received the ISO13485:2016 CMDCAS certificate which is a re-certificate on the new standard, 2016. The multi export award winning British company is revered as a pioneer in the breath analysis market with their products now available in over 76 countries. Without the ISO13485 CMDCAS certificate, it is impossible to enter the Canadian market and so this recertification enables Bedfont to continue exporting to Canada, with hopes to grow sales in this area by over 20% in the next 5 years. Louise Bateman, QA & RA manager, explains: The ISO13485:2016 is the best internationally accepted accreditation to show compliance to regulators for the medical device industry. It is an extremely important recognition to our companys commitment to produce the highest quality standard of medical device to sell to our customers. Jason Smith, Managing Director, adds: PATH applauds Indian vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech for receiving prequalification from the World Health Organization (WHO) for their oral rotavirus vaccine, ROTAVAC. As a partner in the development of ROTAVAC, PATH worked with the Indian Department of Biotechnology, the Society for Applied Studies, and Bharat Biotech on the clinical trials that demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. "PATH enthusiastically welcomes Bharat Biotech's news about reaching this exciting and important milestone for ROTAVAC. As a longstanding partner in the development of the vaccine since 2001, we know that achieving WHO prequalification of ROTAVAC brings us even closer to meeting the critical public health goal of improving the supply of affordable rotavirus vaccines worldwide," said Dr. Fred Cassels, global head of Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases at PATH's Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access. Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrheal disease in children worldwide, and vaccination is the best way to prevent severe rotavirus illness. According to a recent study, 37 percent of the 578,000 childhood diarrheal deaths in 2013 were due to rotavirus, for a total of 215,000 rotavirus deaths globally. More than 90 percent of these deaths occurred in low-resource countries. ROTAVAC was licensed by the Drugs Controller General of India in early 2014. India began a phased introduction of the vaccine in its national immunization program starting in 2016, and Bharat Biotech has supplied approximately 30 million doses of ROTAVAC to the Indian government to date. Bharat Biotech is committed to providing ROTAVAC at an affordable price to public-sector markets globally to ensure that the vaccine is accessible to all children in low-resource settings. A collaborative vaccine development pathway ROTAVAC (also known as 116E) was developed through a unique social innovation partnership that brought together the experience and expertise of Indian and international researchers as well as the public and private sectors. The vaccine originated in India from an attenuated (weakened) strain of rotavirus that was isolated from an Indian child at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi in 1985-86. Since then, partners have included the Government of India's Department of Biotechnology, Society for Applied Studies, Bharat Biotech, the US National Institutes of Health, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Stanford University School of Medicine, and PATH. The vaccine development partnership was supported by the Department of Biotechnology, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Research Council of Norway, and the UK Department for International Development. Bharat Biotech invested important technical, manufacturing, and financial resources toward vaccine development. A new study conducted by scientists at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and Public Health Ontario (PHO) have identified a six-fold increased risk of heart attack during the first seven days of a laboratory-confirmed case of influenza. Credit: Antonio Guillem/ The study, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reported a significant link between acute respiratory infections, particularly influenza, and acute myocardial infarction. According to Dr. Jeff Kwong, the lead author and scientist at ICES and PHO, the current study findings are important as they support the significance of vaccination by revealing an association between influenza and acute myocardial infarction. The researchers found increased risk among older adults, in patients experiencing their first heart attack, and in those afflicted with influenza B infections. They also identified heightened risk, although not as high as for influenza, in patients infected with other respiratory viruses. Our findings, combined with previous evidence that influenza vaccination reduces cardiovascular events and mortality, support international guidelines that advocate for influenza immunization in those at high risk of a heart attack." Dr Jeff Kwong, Lead Author and Scientist at Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and Public Health Ontario (PHO) The research team examined around 20,000 adult cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza infection in Ontario, between 2009 and 2014, and identified 332 patients who were hospitalized for myocardial infarction within one year of influenza diagnosis. Dr. Kwong advised people at higher risk of heart disease to take precautionary measures such as hand-washing and taking vaccinations to prevent acute respiratory infections, particularly influenza. The research team will now recommend that patients at risk of heart disease should undergo medical evaluation for heart symptoms within the first week of an acute respiratory infection. Deepika Padukone talks about engagement rumours with Ranveer Singh New Delhi : Talking about her engagement with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone cleared the air on a chat show. There was a lot of buzz about the couple getting engaged during New Year vacation in Maldives. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had gone to Maldives to celebrate the New Year and former's birthday this year. It was also reported that both the families have accompanied to get the couple engaged. Together since 4 years, both Deepika and Ranveer have been one of the most favourite couple from Bollywood. Recently, Deepika Padukone appeared on a chat show and candidly talked over the news and said, "I was not engaged." Neha further probed it by asking her to show the tan on ring finger. On this, Deepika's sister Anisha remarked, "She has been engaged successively for the last four years." Deepika had then said, "There's no such plan ANYTIME soon. I'm not pregnant, I'm not having a baby, I'm not engaged and I'm not married. And I'm not even planning to get married anytime soon." On the work front, Deepika and Ranveer appeared in the Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmaavat together. DANBURY - U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty rallied activists, community leaders and youth on Wednesday to join forces in pressuring Congress to allow immigrants brought here as children to continue living in the country. This is not our countrys best self when this happens, Esty told a crowd of 40 people at Western Connecticut State University, referring the White House decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA. We can and should be in a better place. Esty encouraged advocates to hold community gatherings, tell their stories on social media and help show Congress that there is broad support for the Dreamers - those facing a March 5 expiration of their DACA protection. Speaking at the late-morning rally were Carolina and Camila Bortoletto, who were brought to Danbury from Brazil as children by their parents and who co-founded the statewide group, CT Students for a Dream. The sisters, who are among 8,000 DACA Dreamers statewide and 800,000 across the country, said the purpose of Wednesdays meeting was to embolden supporters and build awareness for their cause. The conversation for the past few months has been, We can have the Dream Act but we also want to have enforcement and the wall and all kinds of anti-immigrant things, said Camila Bortoletto, 29, referring to Republicans in Washington, D.C. We do not want the wall and we do not want anti-immigration enforcement. We should just pass the Dream Act and fix the mess that the Trump administration did in canceling DACA. During the forum, students, teachers, clergy, and community leaders from Danburys Latino organizations took turns sharing concerns with Esty. A lot of students are interested, but they are not invested, said Vincent Espino, a social work major at Western Connecticut State University. Students are very passionate, but they are not getting involved. Esty said the way to counteract the backlash reflected in President Trumps sometimes harsh language about illegal immigration was to share personal stories about the American values Dreamers believe in. The presidents very wrong-headed, unloving, uncaring and dare I say un-American remarks ... are unhelpful, Esty said. But every one of us can use social media to tell our stories and put them out there. Esty added that rallies and forums are important sources of community-building that could help pressure Congress to restore DACA protections for Dreamers. We need to expand this conversation so people understand what is at stake economically and morally, Esty said. This is democracy at work - we are doing democracy. 203-731-3342 NEW FAIRFIELD The Board of Finance has decided to let town and school officials spend a portion of a $709,000 surplus from last years budget. The board voted last week to allow the town and schools to spend half of the money that was budgeted but unspent during the year, meaning the schools will get $159,000 and the town $124,000. The rest of the that surplus, along with extra revenue, will be added to the general fund. The Board of Education had originally asked to spend all of its $318,000 surplus on three projects, but ultimately was given just 50 percent under a finance board policy adopted last year. Members decided to use the $159,000 allotment to finish renovations to the high school consumer science classroom. Superintendent Alicia Roy said the extra money will allow the school to move the program to a classroom with better ventilation and finish the improvements. Well also be able to add to the program to move it to the next level, so that students can create...and really have a true culinary program, not just a foods program, Roy told school board members before a vote. Other projects on the schools list included replacing a high school heating and air conditioning unit and replacing the heating system at the middle school. Roy told the finance board that the request to use the schools entire surplus rested on the belief that the 50 percent rule was not a hard and fast one. We did not intend to go around your policy, but we thought we would ask for it all because of the cuts we had to make in the past, Roy said. We did not intend to be disrespectful with the request that we made. Finance Chair Wes Marsh assured Roy that the board did not feel any disrespect. Marsh explained that under the policy, the finance board can put up to 50 percent of the town and school surpluses into the general fund and return the rest. Any revenue surplus is automatically put in the general fund. He added later that the board likely will continue at the 50 percent level for a time in an effort to build up the general fund reserve. First Selectman Pat Del Monaco told finance members that the towns $124,000 will be used for seven items, many of which were cut from this years budget. The items include a generator for Town Hall, a new system that will lower the towns phone bill, new air conditioning for the police department, a car for the town zoning officer and expanding emergency medical services. The emergency medical services funding is the only item that will become a recurring cost, Del Monaco said. It will be used to ensure that ambulances and EMTs are available seven days a week. We dont have enough volunteers to cover those shifts now, so we will be adding to the contract with Danbury Hospital, she said. Were looking at that in the upcoming budget to correct that. The school money will be transferred to the Board of Education, but the town funding will require town meeting approval before it can be moved, Marsh said. Bloombergs Innovation ranking has the USA falling to 11th place from ninth mainly because of an eight-spot slump in the post-secondary, or tertiary, education-efficiency category, which includes the share of new science and engineering graduates in the labor force. Value-added manufacturing also declined. Improvement in the productivity score couldnt make up for the lost ground. I see no evidence to suggest that this trend will not continue, said Robert D. Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation in Washington, D.C. Other nations have responded with smart, well-funded innovation policies like better R and D tax incentives, more government funding for research, more funding for technology commercialization initiatives. US has been third tier in innovation and has education problems and there is no aggressive action for effective improvement Nextbigfuture looked at several sources on this topic such as the National Science Foundation, Federation of American Scientists and Inside Higher Ed. There was no clear statistical trend indicating any sharp drop in the USA in terms of University programs, or employment of science and engineering grads. There have been mixed statistics with some being positive and some negative. The conclusion that Nextbigfuture can draw without a detailed breakdown and analysis of the Bloomberg statistics is that the USA is treading water or have some declines and not matching improvements made by other countries. Also, the 6th place to 12th place countries span scores from 79.12 to 81.91. The US is lagging in that third tier grouping with 80.42. 1.49 from getting to the top of third tier and 1.3 ahead of Austria. The Second Tier is from 82.34 to 84.7 for 5th to 2nd place. South Korea is well ahead with 89.28. South Korea lead over second place Sweden is almost as large as the gap between the USA and China. In 2016, the US had similar scores. Finland had a successful reformation of its education system some years ago. Sweden had success in the past and some recent problems. The main effort for success has seemed to be putting effort and resources into improving the teachers. Background on the mixed statistics in the USA The number of US-born students in STEM graduate programs started declining in 2008, and international students have been important in keeping program numbers up. Graduate programs feed Silicon Valley, where more than half of tech workers are foreign-born. Open Doors survey shows declines in new international students starting in fall 2016, after years of growth. This fall universities report an average 7 percent decline in new international students. Among institutions that responded to the survey, 68 percent cited the visa application process or visa denials and delays as a reason for declining new enrollments, up 35 percentage points from last year, and 57 percent cited the social and political environment in the U.S., up 41 percentage points from last year. Other factors cited included the cost of tuition and fees (57 percent of respondents also cited this) and competition from universities in other countries (54 percent). Despite the 7 percent drop in new international students, the overall picture for this fall is mixed and suggests a divergence of trends depending on the selectivity, type and geographic location of a given university. The most selective universities those that admit less than a quarter of applicants continued to report growth in new international student enrollments. The steepest declines in new international enrollments were reported by masters-level institutions, where new international enrollments are down by 20 percent, and at associate-level institutions, where theyre down 19 percent. Institutions in the middle of the country including the West South Central region, which includes Texas saw steeper declines in new enrollments than did institutions on the East and West coasts. In 2016-17, U.S. universities reported increases in the number of students from China (up 6.8 percent) and India (up 12.3 percent) two countries that collectively account for about half of all international students in the U.S. However, the number of students from two other key source countries, South Korea and Saudi Arabia, dropped. The 14.2 percent decline in the number of students from Saudi Arabia was especially notable and is likely attributable to moves to scale back and retool the Saudi governments foreign scholarship program, which has sent massive numbers of students to U.S. universities in recent years. The number of students from Brazil also declined by 32.4 percent, following an 18.2 percent decline the year before, reflecting the wind-down of another large foreign scholarship program sponsored by the Brazilian government. The number of people in the United States working in Science and Engineering occupation is increasing. There are many statistics around University education and Science and engineering education and work. The S and E workforce can be defined in several ways: as workers in S and E occupations (6.7 million), as holders of S and E degrees (23.2 million), or as those who use S and E technical expertise on the job (19.4 million). The estimated size of the S and E workforce varies depending on the definitional criteria chosen. In 2015, estimates of the size of the S&E workforce ranged from over 6 million to more than 23 million depending on the definition used. In 2015, an estimated 6.4 million college graduates were employed in S and E occupations in the United States. The largest S and E occupations were computer and mathematical sciences (3.1 million), followed by engineering (1.7 million). Occupations in life sciences (631,000), social sciences (570,000), and physical sciences (331,000) combined to about the size of the engineering component. In 2015, about 23.2 million individuals in the United States had a bachelors or higher level degree in an S and E field of study. Of these 23.2 million individuals, the majority (17.3 million) held their highest level of degree (which can be a bachelors, masters, professional, or doctorate) in an S and E field, the remainder held their highest level of degree in an S and E-related or non-S and E field. Of these S and E highest degrees, the most common fields were social sciences (6.8 million) and engineering (3.8 million). Computer and mathematical sciences (2.9 million), life sciences (2.8 million), and physical sciences (1.0 million) together were slightly less than the size of the social sciences component. WASHINGTON President Trump scolded New Haven Mayor Toni Harp and other city leaders Wednesday over their decision to boycott a scheduled White House appearance after the Justice Department sent letters to 23 jurisdictions seeking more cooperation from so-called sanctuary cities. Harp, a Democrat, confirmed in a phone call Wednesday that she decided not attend the meeting after learning 23 cities were being cited by Trumps administration over their role as sanctuary cities. The Associated Press reported the letters sent threatened to issue subpoenas if cities dont turn over documents proving theyre not withholding information over immigration status of people in custody. New Haven was not among the cities that received letters. Harp was invited to and scheduled to attend the 3 p.m. meeting at the White House as she is in Washington, D.C., to participate in a U.S. Conference of Mayors. Harp said she declined to attend the meeting after learning about the letters being issued earlier Wednesday, citing her commitment to keeping New Haven a sanctuary city. I just felt that it was an inappropriate time to visit the president, Harp said . She added: Im perplexed as to why this was the right time to take this action. According to a White House pool report, Trump personally called on Harp to stand after the meeting began at about 3:37 p.m. at the White House East Room. We have some really hardworking people in this room, Trump said, before asking individuals, including Pascagoula, Mississippi, Mayor Dane Maxwell, Fort Worth, Texas, Mayor Betsy Price and Harp to stand, according to the pool report. Toni Harp. Where's Toni? Toni? Toni? Trump said, according to a transcript of the event released by the White House. When Harp wasnt there to stand, Trump joked that she might be a sanctuary city person and thats not possible, is it? Trumps comment drew laughter, according to the White House transcript. Trump continued to criticize the mayors absent from the meeting. The mayors who choose to boycott this event have put the needs of criminal, illegal immigrants over law-abiding America, Trump said. So let me tell you, the vast majority of people showed up. Harp said she decided not to attend the White House event because, I wouldnt want to do anything to undermine the stances that I have had previously. People who live in our community are citizens no matter where they came from, as long as they are law-abiding and most are. Im not going to do anything that would undermine ... where we are in our city, Harp said. Connecticut Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano said Wednesday he would like to know how Harp would respond to families of victims who were killed or raped by illegal immigrants. He cited an undocumented immigrant accused of killing two Northern California deputies and a man in the country illegally who worked as an Uber driver in California and is charged with committing four rapes. Those tragedies didnt happen in New Haven, but it doesnt mean the next one wont, Romano said, adding: What does Toni Harp say to the children, wives and mothers of those police officers? What does she say to them? Romano referenced a Harvard-Harris Poll released in February 2017 that indicates a majority of Americans say local authorities should report undocumented immigrants to federal agents. Police departments in sanctuary cities such as New Haven often dont request information about a persons legal status. It would look as through public opinion is not in Mayor Harps favor, Romano said. Other invited mayors who boycotted Wednesdays event included New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock. Despite the boycotts, the pool report said each of the four rows were filled to near capacity, with about 100 attendees present. Harp is scheduled to return from her conference trip Friday. After declining to attend the White House event Wednesday, Harp said she instead attended a session on women and leadership. Reach Esteban L. Hernandez at 203-680-9901. The Nomination Committee of Nordea Bank AB (publ) was established by decision of the annual general meeting 2017 and comprises Torbjorn Magnusson, chairman of the Nomination Committee, appointed by Sampo plc, Mogens Hugo, appointed by Nordea-fonden, Katarina Thorslund, appointed by Alecta, Anders Oscarsson, appointed by AMF and AMF Funds, and Bjorn Wahlroos, chairman of the board of directors. Today the Nomination Committee announces its proposals to Nordeas annual general meeting on 15 March 2018. The proposals will also be presented in the notice to attend the meeting. Election of board members and chairman of the board The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of all board members, except for Kari Stadigh and Lars Wollung, who have declined re-election, and re-election of Bjorn Wahlroos as chairman of the board. The Nomination Committee proposes election of Nigel Hinshelwood and Torbjorn Magnusson as new members. Thus, the proposal is for Bjorn Wahlroos, Pernille Erenbjerg, Robin Lawther, Lars G Nordstrom, Sarah Russell, Silvija Seres, Birger Steen and Maria Varsellona to be re-elected as board members until the end of the next annual general meeting and for Nigel Hinshelwood and Torbjorn Magnusson to be elected as new board members for the same period. Further, the proposal is for Bjorn Wahlroos to be re-elected as chairman of the board until the end of the next annual general meeting. Nigel Grant Hinshelwood and Torbjorn Magnusson proposed as new board members Nigel Hinshelwood was born in 1966 and is a British citizen. He has an HCIMA in Management from Oxford Brookes University, UK and has over 27 years' experience in the financial services sector working across the UK and Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. Nigel Hinshelwood is an experienced board member and was until recently Head of the UK and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bank plc, responsible for all aspects of the HSBC UKs retail, wealth, commercial and private banking businesses. He had a 12-year career at HSBC, where he was a Group General Manager, in a variety of senior global roles including Global Head of Operations, Chief Operating Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Head of HSBC Insurance Holdings and Head of Business Transformation. Prior to joining HSBC, Nigel Hinshelwood was a partner at Ernst & Young (subsequently Capgemini Ernst & Young) where he held numerous positions including Head of Financial Services and Chief Executive Officer of Southeast Asia. He was also a Group General Manager with Unisys where he was responsible for the Financial Services practice in Asia Pacific. Nigel Hinshelwood is a non-executive director on the board of Marks & Spencer Financial Services plc. Previous board appointments have included The Saudi British Bank and chairman and non-executive director of many HSBC Group Banking and Insurance companies across the UK, France, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Bermuda. Nigel Hinshelwood owns no shares in Nordea. Torbjorn Magnusson was born in 1963 and is a Swedish citizen. He has a Licentiate of Engineering from KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Torbjorn Magnusson is President and CEO of If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd (publ) since 2002 and has been with the company since 1999 and worked in a variety of senior roles. He was Head of Commercial Business Division 2001-2002, Head of Commercial Products 1999-2001, Head of P&C Support 1998-1999 and Chief Controller 1996-1997. Before that, he worked at Mercantile & General Insurance 1994-1996, Skandia International 1990-1993 and Arthur Andersen & Company 1988-1989. Torbjorn Magnusson is chairman of the boards of directors of If P&C Insurance Ltd (publ) and Topdanmark A/S and vice president of the insurance federation Insurance Europe. He is also a member of the boards of directors of If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd (publ), the Swedish Insurance Employer Association and the Swedish Insurance Federation. Torbjorn Magnusson owns no shares in Nordea. Bjorn Wahlroos and Torbjorn Magnusson have not taken part in the decisions as regards themselves. Independence pursuant to the Swedish code for corporate governance Of the proposed board members, all members are considered independent in relation to the company and its management. Of the proposed board members, all members, except for Bjorn Wahlroos and Torbjorn Magnusson, are considered independent in relation to the companys major shareholders. Thus, the number of board members who are independent exceeds the minimum requirements, that is that at least two of the proposed board members who are independent in relation to the company and its management are also independent in relation to the companys major shareholders. The Nomination Committees judgment of independence is based on the following facts: Bjorn Wahlroos is chairman and Torbjorn Magnusson is member of the Group Executive Committee of Sampo plc, which owns more than 10 per cent of all shares and votes in Nordea Bank AB (publ). Election of auditor In accordance with the audit committees recommendation the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Ohrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor until the end of the next annual general meeting. Fees to board members and auditor The Nomination Committee proposes that the fees to the board members shall be unchanged and that the annual general meeting sets the fees to the board members in the amount of EUR 294,600 to the chairman, EUR 141,300 to the deputy chairman and EUR 91,950 per member to the other members. In addition, fees shall be payable for committee work on the operations and compliance committee, the audit committee and the risk committee amounting to EUR 48,650 for the committee chairman and EUR 29,600 for the other members and for committee work on the remuneration committee amounting to EUR 36,050 for the committee chairman and EUR 25,750 for the other members. Remuneration is not paid to members who are employees of the Nordea Group. Fees to the auditor are proposed to be paid as per approved invoice. Establishment of nomination committee It is proposed that a new nomination committee be established with the task of presenting to the next annual general meeting proposals concerning the chair for the annual general meeting, election of the board of directors, chairman of the board and auditors and also fees to the board members and auditors in accordance with the current principles for the constitution. For further information: Torbjorn Magnusson, +46 8 792 81 12 Documents North Augusta, SC (29841) Today Rain showers early with mostly cloudy conditions later in the day. High around 85F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight A few clouds. Low 64F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. You are clearly a super-user of Thats a good thing. It means you depend on independent and local news sources to keep you informed. You are a smart person. Coincidentally, independent and local news sources depend on you too. Youve read 25 articles this month and now, wed like you to be join our mission and become a NUVO Supporter. For as little as $4 a month, you can keep us alive and fighting -- and can have unlimited access to the independent news that cant be found anywhere else. The second season of Big Little Lies is getting bigger. Meryl Streep has been cast in the Emmy-winning HBO series, the network said Wednesday, joining Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon as television continues to attract major stars. Ms. Streep, who received her 21st Oscar nomination this week for The Post, has not done much TV work over the years, though she has won three Emmys, including one last year for outstanding narrator for the Netflix documentary Five Came Back. In Big Little Lies, Ms. Streeps character comes to the shows beachside California town searching for answers following the death of her son, Perry, played by Alexander Skarsgard. Her character is the mother-in-law of Ms. Kidmans character. Though HBO hasnt announced the rest of the cast, the network said it expected that most of the actors from the first season would return. TV Line reported this week that even Mr. Skarsgard was expected to return in some way. If it was a hit in the 1980s or 1990s, theres a good chance it will be back soon. CBS announced on Wednesday that Murphy Brown, its 1988-98 TV newsroom sitcom, was making its return to prime time. It joins revivals of numerous other vintage shows including Roseanne, Will & Grace, Full House, Amazing Stories, Twin Peaks and The X-Files to get the green light in recent years from executives eager to foist attention-grabbing names in front of an increasingly distracted audience. CBS ordered 13 episodes and said the sitcom will be part of its 2018-19 season. Candice Bergen, who won five Emmys for her work on the show, will return in the title role. Diane English, the creator of Murphy Brown, who also produced lesser-known 1990s programs like Love & War, Ink and Double Rush, will be back as a writer and executive producer. The winner of the best comedy Emmy in 1990 and 1992, Murphy Brown aired mostly on Monday nights and was regularly a top 10 show. While the sitcom, like its 1970s predecessor The Mary Tyler Moore Show, focused on the workplace, it included scenes from the main characters home life, many of which featured the actor Robert Pastorelli as a perfectionist house painter. Mr. Pastorelli died of a narcotics overdose in 2004. In 1992, the shows main character, a single divorced woman, became a subject of the culture wars of the day when Vice President Dan Quayle criticized her decision to have a child outside marriage. More than two decades later, Murphy Brown returns to a world of cable news, social media, fake news and a very different political and cultural climate, CBS said in a statement. A federal judge on Wednesday acquitted Senator Robert Menendez and his co-defendant of seven of the 18 corruption charges they faced, less than a week after prosecutors said they intend to retry the case. The judge, William H. Walls, filed the opinion in Federal District Court in Newark in response to a motion to acquit the men on all charges after their trial ended in a mistrial in November. Judge Walls also recused himself from the second trial, but offered no explanation in the opinion. Mr. Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, and his co-defendant, Dr. Salomon Melgen, still face 11 charges, including six bribery charges alleging that Mr. Melgen, a wealthy Florida ophthalmologist, provided the senator with lavish gifts and flights on his personal jets in exchange for political favors. The Department of Justice said on Friday it intended to retry the two men, raising the possibility that Mr. Menendez will be on trial in a year when he is up for re-election. As both detectives left the courtroom, other officers from their old unit, the Queens gang squad, patted their backs in support. The officers have packed the tiny courtroom over the last week; one officer was overheard describing the case as a witch hunt. That was a theme that Detective Desormeaus lawyer, John Arlia, tried to develop on Tuesday during closing statements. We cant have people being indicted for perjury for just a little white lie, Mr. Arlia said. At another point, he claimed that the district attorneys position was so exacting that everybody is going to be here for perjury if thats the case. Prosecutors described the two detectives as having little compunction about covering up an illegal search with a false cover story so that a case would not be thrown out in court for constitutional violations. This type of perjury in which officers embellish or invent allegations of suspicious behavior to justify illegal searches, often of black men has long plagued the criminal justice system, though it is rarely exposed and, even in those instances, rarely punished. The fact that two detectives were charged with falsifying the circumstances of not just one but two arrests they made as partners is extremely unusual. And it raises the question about how often plainclothes officers and detectives, who conduct a disproportionate number of street stops and vehicle searches, offer false narratives about arrests. But the trial in the Queens case offered little exploration of the larger question. Instead the testimony remained focused only on what happened inside a small Caribbean restaurant called Yogis, and on what might have happened on the street out front. Yogis is where the man whose rights were violated when he was accused of dealing drugs has spent much of his time in recent years, playing pool on the single coin-operated pool table in the center of the restaurant. The man, Roosevelt McCoy, 48, was not a sympathetic character: He has spent much of his life in prison for crimes that include killing two men. The jury watched Mr. McCoy shoot a couple of games of pool that were captured on the restaurants security camera. His last game ended abruptly with a few balls still on the table, when the two detectives entered the restaurant and ordered him to go outside. She offered her account during the second day of testimony in the trial of Mr. Percoco, once one of Mr. Cuomos closest friends and advisers before he left the governors office in January 2016, several months before the search of his house. In September 2016, Mr. Percoco was charged in a wide-ranging corruption case that included two overlapping schemes that involved bribery and fraud. He and three co-defendants went on trial this week; a second trial is scheduled in June. Mr. Percoco, the former executive deputy secretary to Mr. Cuomo, has been accused of taking more than $300,000 in bribes in return for official actions on behalf of an energy company and a developer seeking lucrative deals with the state. Prosecutors have charged that the bulk of the bribe money was funneled by one of the companies to Mr. Percoco through a low-show job for his wife, who has not been charged. Prosecutors have not accused the governor, a Democrat, of any wrongdoing, and Mr. Cuomos office has declined to comment. When the charges were announced, Mr. Cuomo publicly distanced himself from Mr. Percoco, saying he had zero tolerance for abuse of the public trust from anyone, and if anything, a friend should be held to an even higher standard. Yet, in the governments opening statements on Tuesday, it became clear that Mr. Cuomo would loom large over the trial because of his longstanding relationship with Mr. Percoco. DAVOS, Switzerland When I visit university campuses, Im periodically asked if students who seek jobs in the business world are immoral, money-grubbing sellouts. I dont think they are, for businesses can be a hugely important force for progress. Can be, but usually arent. Swirling in the air here in Davos at the World Economic Forum, along with snowflakes, is an important discussion of how companies must do far more to benefit the 99 percent, not just the 1 percent. Enriching shareholders is not enough. We interrupt this column for a paragraph of cynicism. Tycoons always claim to cherish ordinary peoples best interests even as they rip them off. American tobacco executives have killed more people than Stalin managed to, and pharma executives recklessly peddling opioids may have killed as many people as Colombian drug lords, yet these business leaders sometimes seem to get moist-eyed describing the work they do. But the business toolbox is too important to give up on. To me, the most interesting people in Davos arent the presidents or celebrities, but the social entrepreneurs those using business tools to address social problems and their work offers an inspiring window into what can be accomplished. Donald Trump who yelled about carnage in big cities during his inauguration speech has said not a word about the Kentucky shooting except to tweet his thoughts and prayers. (Even that, commenters noted, came nearly 24 hours after the prime minister of Canada sent his sympathies.) It is highly unlikely this lack of focus was due to weariness. Youve got to wonder, Kelly said in a phone interview, whether the president would have had a more intense reaction if the news reports suggested the shooter was of a different ethnicity. True that. During his government-shutdown-immigration rants, Trump kept pointing out that the man who killed eight people with a truck in Manhattan had come to the country through a visa lottery system. That happened on Oct. 31. Since that time, 73 people have been killed in mass shootings in this country. But about gun regulation we have not heard a presidential peep. The unusual thing about that terrible Manhattan tragedy is that it was not committed with a gun. Depending on how you count them, weve had around 30 acts of terrorism since 9/11 that involved multiple deaths. More than half were committed by right-wing extremists (think Charleston church shooting). And virtually all of them were gun violence. So, this is the time when we talk about gun regulation. Come on. Energize. We are resigned to the fact that there is nothing, no matter how horrific, that will convince any politician in the thrall of the National Rifle Association to consider even the most modest gun-safety legislation. After the Las Vegas massacre, in which the murderer had purchased at least 55 weapons in the year leading up to the shooting, Kentuckys Governor Bevin seemed to feel the most unbelievable part was the call by political opportunists for more gun regs. He tweeted: You cant regulate evil This evidence supports on-the-ground observation in the United States. Kathryn Edin and Luke Shaefer have documented the daily horrors of life for the several million people in the United States who actually do live on $2 a day, in both urban and rural America. Matthew Desmonds ethnography of Milwaukee explores the nightmare of finding urban shelter among the American poor. It is hard to imagine poverty that is worse than this, anywhere in the world. Indeed, it is precisely the cost and difficulty of housing that makes for so much misery for so many Americans, and it is precisely these costs that are missed in the World Banks global counts. Of course, people live longer and have healthier lives in rich countries. With only a few (and usually scandalous) exceptions, water is safe to drink, food is safe to eat, sanitation is universal, and some sort of medical care is available to everyone. Yet all these essentials of health are more likely to be lacking for poorer Americans. Even for the whole population, life expectancy in the United States is lower than we would expect given its national income, and there are places the Mississippi Delta and much of Appalachia where life expectancy is lower than in Bangladesh and Vietnam. Beyond that, many Americans, especially whites with no more than a high school education, have seen worsening health: As my research with my wife, the Princeton economist Anne Case, has demonstrated, for this group life expectancy is falling; mortality rates from drugs, alcohol and suicide are rising; and the long historical decline in mortality from heart disease has come to a halt. I believe, as do most people, that we have an obligation to assist the truly destitute. For those who believe that aid is effective, this is reflected in their own giving, or by supporting national and international organizations like the United States Agency for International Development, the World Bank or Oxfam. For years, in determining this spending, the needs of poor Americans (or poor Europeans) have received little priority relative to the needs of Africans or Asians. As an economist concerned with global poverty, I have long accepted this practical and ethical framework. In my own giving, I have prioritized the faraway poor over the poor at home. President Trumps decision to impose sweeping tariffs on imports of solar panels and components is the opening salvo of his America First campaign to protect domestic manufacturers from Chinese competition. The stakes are high: Solar is the worlds fastest-growing energy industry, attracting over $160 billion in investment in 2017. Yet these tariffs will do little to make American manufacturers competitive with dominant Chinese ones. Instead, they might actually discourage domestic investments in innovation, crucial to an American solar manufacturing revival. On top of this, the tariffs will cause collateral damage by slowing down the installation of solar panels in the United States, destroying more jobs than they create, and provoking trade disputes and retaliation. The United States enacted tariffs on solar imports from China in 2012 (they were expanded to include Taiwan in 2014), when the Obama administration concluded that China had lavished generous subsidies on its domestic manufacturers, which dumped below-cost solar panels on global markets. But by that point, established manufacturers as well as Silicon Valley start-ups developing solar technologies had already been washed away by a flood of cheap Chinese panels based on conventional silicon technology. American manufacturers share of global solar-components production had plunged below 5 percent by 2011, down from over a quarter a decade earlier. What remained after the carnage was a hollowed-out American industry in no shape to compete with the huge scale of Asian producers. Albertus Magnus College, a Catholic institution in New Haven, on Wednesday rescinded the honorary degree it granted last year to Gordon Edelstein, the artistic director of Long Wharf Theater who was fired Tuesday night over accusations of sexual misconduct. The colleges board of trustees made the decision just two days after The New York Times reported that Mr. Edelstein had joked about having had sex with the schools nuns. That joke was one of multiple instances cited by former employees and collaborators of Mr. Edelstein who accused him of physical and verbal sexual misconduct. In a brief statement Wednesday, Marc M. Camille, the president of Albertus Magnus, announced the trustees decision and said the college had notified Mr. Edelstein. In a longer statement on Tuesday, Mr. Camille called the accusations shocking and concerning and said the reported allegations represent behavior that is in complete opposition to the core values that define the Catholic and Dominican, values-based education offered at Albertus Magnus College. SACRAMENTO When Jerry Brown became the 34th governor of California in 1975, he was a young and impetuous bachelor who slept on a box spring and took pleasure in defying political convention. He was the vanguard of the left, the face and spirit of a new generation of a state that politically and culturally was proudly distinct from the rest of the nation. He has been such a fixture ever since that it seems impossible to imagine California without him. Now, as Mr. Brown enters the final 12 months of his second tour as governor, and as he prepares to deliver his final State of the State speech here on Thursday, he has become the face of the old order admired for his long stewardship, but also seen as a roadblock for some younger Democrats who have impatiently awaited change. This is a decidedly more liberal class of Democrats, on issues ranging from single-payer health care to the impeachment of President Trump, and many of them have long said the time has come for Mr. Browns generation to step aside. He is a middle-of-the-road sort of guy and if Im being perfectly honest, he is not completely in touch with the way the majority of folks in California feel, said Kimberly Ellis, a Democratic leader from the Bay Area who lost a fight last year to lead the state Democratic Party. In many ways, with respect to single-payer and other issues, he and others play the safe role the conservative role. ATLANTA The call was for an active shooting at Marshall County High School in rural Kentucky, and tears welled up in Riley Johnsons eyes as he prepared the medical evacuation helicopter that he flies. He blinked them away and flew to the campus, where he had run cross-country as a member of Marshalls class of 2009. He set the helicopter down in an area that he knew well. And then, as colleagues rushed toward a patient, he surveyed the chaotic scene of panicked teenagers and hurried emergency officials. I just had a pretty good breakdown and just started bawling my eyes out in the cockpit, not believing what I was seeing, Mr. Johnson, 27, recalled in an interview on Wednesday. I can imagine myself being in that school, exactly where this happened. A teenage gunmans rampage in Benton, Ky., a speck of a city near the Illinois border and the latest American town to confront a mass shooting, left two students dead and 18 other people wounded on Tuesday. The moves to curb Mr. Nunes by the Democrats as well as by Mr. Boyd, a Trump administration appointee, came during sharply escalating partisan conflict over the Russia investigation. Republicans and conservative commentators have increasingly argued that the investigation derives from a conspiracy by biased law enforcement officials seeking to sabotage President Trump. Democrats, in turn, have accused Republicans of constructing a false narrative in an attempt to undermine the inquiry on behalf of Mr. Trump. Adding to the rising turbulence, Republicans are also pointing with alarm to newly revealed texts between two F.B.I. officials who were once part of Mr. Muellers team, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Mr. Mueller removed Mr. Strzok from his team over the summer after learning that the two had exchanged texts expressing a dislike of Mr. Trump. The Republican memo, which was written by Mr. Nuness staff, is said to claim that the F.B.I. abused its powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, to spy on the Trump campaign. Democrats did not know it existed until a committee meeting last week, during which its members voted along party lines to share it with the rest of the House. Republicans, conservative commentators and social media accounts linked to Russian influence networks immediately began calling for the memos public release, portraying it as revealing a major scandal. Committee Republicans are reportedly weighing whether to invoke an obscure House rule to make public classified materials. People familiar with the memo said it centers on a fall 2016 application for a FISA warrant targeting Carter Page, a onetime member of the Trump presidential campaign who had recently visited Russia. The memo is said to stress that the application used information from a former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, without adequately explaining to the judge that his research was financed by Democrats. WASHINGTON A pair of groups supporting President Trump say they raised $30 million last year, then spent tens of thousands of those dollars at the Trump International Hotel here and on payments to a few Trump loyalists like the former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and the former Milwaukee County sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., according to new campaign finance reports and news reports. Of the millions raised, at least $1 million came from a coal company that has gained extraordinary access to the Trump administration to push for pro-coal policy changes. The campaign finance reports shed light on a network of groups that were formed to support Mr. Trump, but have spent less than other groups bolstering his agenda, while steering money to the presidents businesses and his most ardent surrogates. One of the groups a super PAC called America First Action spent nearly $33,000 at the Trump International Hotel, primarily on events for donors, and paid tens of thousands of dollars each to Mr. Lewandowski; Brad Parscale, a digital strategist for Mr. Trumps campaign; and Katrina Pierson, a campaign spokeswoman. Those figures were revealed in a report filed on Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission, which shows that the group raised $4 million last year. In September, Mr. Trump ended an Obama-era program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, saying it was an illegal assertion of executive authority by his predecessor. But even as Mr. Trumps actions threatened nearly 700,000 young immigrants with deportation when the program expires March 5, he has urged Congress to find a permanent solution that could allow them to live and work in the country legally. In addition to suggesting a pathway to citizenship for the Dreamers, Mr. Trump said that he would request $25 billion to build a wall along the United States border with Mexico, though he said he would build it way under budget. He also said that his plan would include a request for $5 billion for additional security measures along the border. The fate of the Dreamers is at the center of a furious stalemate in Congress, where Republicans and Democrats are struggling to find a compromise. Mr. Trumps positions have been difficult to discern, vacillating between his expressions of sympathy for the DACA recipients and his hard-line demands for a crackdown on illegal immigrants. Mr. Trump campaigned for the presidency with nativist rhetoric that assailed the threat from outsiders, especially Mexicans and Muslims. As president, he quickly tried to impose a travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries and gave immigration agents more authority to round up undocumented immigrants. But he also once said that he wanted a bill of love to address the fate of the DACA recipients. Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, who is a hard-line conservative on immigration issues, reiterated that any deal on immigration would have to include Republican demands for tougher enforcement on immigration, saying on Twitter that it must be done responsibly, guaranteeing a secure & lawful border & ending chain migration, to mitigate the negative side effects of codifying DACA. This one was really about Americas role in the Pacific, and I think pulling out was a signal were not as interested, said William Reinsch, the Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a former Clinton administration official. The president can say whatever he wants, but the way this is being perceived is as a pullback of American influence. The Trump administration has pushed back against claims that the America First doctrine is isolationist and it is ceding global leadership. While advisers have continued to criticize global institutions, they insist their goal is to improve, not destroy, them. Were going to the World Economic Forum to share President Trumps economic story and to tell the world that America is open for business, Gary D. Cohn, who heads the White House National Economic Council, said in a briefing on Tuesday. America First is not America alone. Mr. Trump and his advisers say that the United States will be pushing ahead with new trade deals ones that will ultimately be better for American companies and their workers. Well be doing other trade deals, Mr. Trump said Monday as he signed an order imposing tariffs on imports of washing machines and solar modules. Were in the process of negotiating with other countries, also, all of which have treated us very unfairly. Yet the willingness of countries to engage with the United States is unclear. For many, a relationship with the Trump administration has been a delicate dance: They do not want to risk access to the American market, or raise the ire of the American president. But global leaders are warily watching the Trump administrations take-it-or-leave-it approach to renegotiating its trade pacts with Canada, Mexico and South Korea. They have seen Mr. Trump scrap the global climate change accord, withdraw the United States from the United Nations compact on migration and refugees and criticize global institutions that the United States largely designed, like the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The five-year debt moratorium was part of an updated fiscal plan that Puerto Rico was required to submit to the board on Wednesday. An earlier draft had been approved, with certain exceptions, before Hurricanes Irma and Maria slammed into the Caribbean island in September. But that plan had to be reworked in light of Marias vast devastation, which prompted tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans to flee the island amid job layoffs and power blackouts. Nearly a third of customers remain without electricity, more than four months after the storm. We already had a recession in Puerto Rico, Mr. Rossello said. He added that the hurricanes social impact was significant, because of the exodus and population decrease weve had in Puerto Rico, and expect to have in the future. The government projects its population will shrink by 19.4 percent over the next five years, with a total exodus of over 600,000 people. In the new fiscal plan, the government relies heavily on federal money both to repair damage and rekindle the economy, which the plan estimates contracted by 11.2 percent, nearly triple what the government estimated last year. It calls for receiving $35.3 billion in public assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. But the island hopes to receive significantly more in assistance, having requested $94.4 billion in disaster aid from Congress. Whether Congress will agree to the disaster aid request remains in question. Hurricane relief was kept separate from a stopgap spending bill last month, and lawmakers, embroiled in a political fight over immigration policy, have yet to decide when they might take up the aid bill. The new fiscal plan calls for devoting $17 billion of the federal money to rebuilding and upgrading power plants now owned by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, an island-wide monopoly that by some measures is one of the largest public power companies in North America. The plants produce electricity by burning oil an out-of-date feedstock that is dirty and exposes Puerto Ricans to oil-price swings. Last year, officials from the authority, known as Prepa, were planning to spend just $2.4 billion to modernize the power plants and switch to cleaner sources of energy. SAN FRANCISCO In a city where being called conservative can be an insult and where partisanship is often left versus further left, the removal of an African-American interim mayor, and her replacement by a white, male venture capitalist, was bound to set off an uproar. The appointment of Mark Farrell, the venture capitalist, and the ouster of London Breed, the interim mayor, by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Tuesday in some ways exemplified a larger battle for the soul of San Francisco. In just seven years the median price of a home here has nearly doubled, to $1.3 million a transformation, driven by the riches of the tech industry, that continues to push out longtime residents, many of them nonwhites. But what may seem on the surface to be a familiar clash between tech and those threatened by its rise is in fact a moment full of complicated alliances and seeming contradictions. Mr. Farrell, who is the managing director of Thayer Ventures, a firm that invests in technology companies, was backed by a faction that has been critical of tech companies influence on San Francisco. To this day, however, the Myanmar government has refused to allow United Nations investigators and the international media to freely visit northern Rakhine. Aid groups have been similarly stymied. Last month, Yanghee Lee, the United Nations special rapporteur on Myanmar who has been a vocal critic of the military crackdown, was denied a visa to the country. Mr. Richardson, a former United Nations ambassador under President Bill Clinton, has a reputation as a diplomatic troubleshooter. He said last week en route to Myanmar that during his visit he intended to secure the release of the Reuters journalists, who were seized in December. One of my objectives in joining the advisory board was to be helpful and try to sort out real, long-term policy solutions, Mr. Richardson said. But I discovered that this board was being used as a cheerleading squad for the government. Mr. Richardson said he had been very shocked by how Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi and other board members had disparaged human rights groups, the United Nations and international media organizations over how the Rohingya disaster had been presented to the world. He was particularly critical of the advisory boards chairman, Surakiart Sathirathai, a Thai politician who, Mr. Richardson said in a statement, had sought to avoid the real issues at the risk of confronting our Myanmar hosts. The boards agenda, Mr. Richardson said in the statement, was devoid of any meaningful engagement with the local communities in Rakhine, whose people the advisory board is meant to serve. Mr. Surakiart could not immediately be reached for comment. A spokesman for Myanmars government, U Zaw Htay, said that Mr. Richardson did not understand the rules and regulations of the boards meeting with Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi and accused him of overstepping his mandate. Two senior U.S. generals show up at a small city in northern Syria Manbij. Why were they there? And why now? The answer begins last March when images emerged showing U.S. troops flying the American flag on patrol there. It was unusual to see such a public display of American boots on the ground in Syria. And that was the point. The Pentagon deployed these troops to keep the peace between nearby Turkish troops and Kurdish fighters. You know we are very clear about our presence there. These patrols are overt. Both are sworn enemies of each other. But both are also U.S. allies. Turkey is a NATO ally, and the Kurds have been key to helping the U.S. defeat Islamic State. So to keep the peace in the city an American show of force was necessary. Now the common enemy for everyone had been Islamic State. But with that fight winding down, old rivalries have again taken center stage. The Turks consider Kurds terrorists and say they are protecting their own border. And so Turkey has launched an offensive against the Kurds just a three hour drive from Manbij in Afrin. Turkeys president has said Manbij is his Armys next objective after Afrin. The problem is American troops are still there. Heres what we know about their presence. Theyve been advising Kurds there since 2016 and still continue overt patrols in the city. Plus theres a U.S. air base thats just a 45-minute drive away. At times, U.S. patrols near the city have also received fire from Turkish-backed rebels. We identified this to our Turkish allies, and they have taken appropriate measures to get that under control. These rebels operate in territory just north of the city. Its part of a buffer zone Turkey already controls along its border with Syria. The U.S. has said it has no intention of leaving, that it will support the Kurds there despite Turkeys rhetoric. And thats what this visit by the generals tried to show. But if the offensive turns towards Manbij, U.S. troops could find themselves stuck between two bitter enemies putting American lives at risk. One of the generals said that if U.S. forces were attacked, they would stay and fight. In the wake of Hurricane Marias crushing devastation of Puerto Rico, leaving half the island without power and the official death toll rising, Klaus Biesenbach, the director of MoMA PS1 and chief curator at large for the Museum of Modern Art, and Christopher Gregory, a Puerto Rican photojournalist based in New York, traveled together to see how artists were facing the challenges of a post-disaster island. Through decades of economic hardship, and years of financial crisis, the art world in Puerto Rico has had to learn to survive during lean times through a new artistic sharing economy sharing knowledge; resources; and access to infrastructure, materials and spaces. Might these artists now serve as an example and catalyst for other communities? In Santurce, a district in San Juan, the visitors found Zilia Sanchez, 91, in the remnants of her studio where she had worked for nearly 50 years. Sunlight streamed through the jagged beams. There were no tarps to protect the roofless houses in her neighborhood, but Ms. Sanchez considered herself fortunate. Born in Havana in 1926, she settled here after years working abroad and is one of the most influential art teachers in Puerto Rico. Now her former students, including Jorge Gonzalez, had come to help her rebuild her studio which she envisions with a protective concrete box around it, so she could continue to create the shaped paintings, suggesting female bodies, which look like ocean waves. A Los Angeles woman has accused the music mogul Russell Simmons of sexual battery and rape in a civil lawsuit filed against him Wednesday in federal court there. The lawsuit asks for $5 million in damages from Mr. Simmons, the multimillionaire Def Jam Recordings co-founder who, in the last two months, has been accused of sexual misconduct, assault or rape by at least 10 other women, and has been the focus of a police investigation. Mr. Simmons has strenuously denied any misconduct. In a statement Wednesday, he called the lawsuit allegations absolutely untrue. He added: I look forward to having my day in court where, unlike the court of public opinion, I will have the ability to make use of fair processes that ensure that justice will be done and that the full truth will be known. In the complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, Jennifer Jarosik, 37, said she first met Mr. Simmons, 60, in New York in 2006, and that they became friends based on a mutual interest in meditation, yoga and veganism. Ms. Jarosik was interested in interviewing Mr. Simmons for a documentary she was making; Mr. Simmons agreed and said he would help her produce and finance the film, which they began working on, the complaint says. Ms. Jarosik said that, in 2016, she went to Mr. Simmonss home in Los Angeles, at his invitation, and he asked her to have sex. She said no. He became aggressive, the complaint alleges, and pushed her onto the bed; when she tried to push back, he knocked her to the floor and raped her, she says. Amazons Alexa voice-controlled virtual assistant is the Chatty Cathy of the tech world, a digital darling that consumers cant get enough of. It can tell chicken jokes, order pizza and turn off the kitchen faucet. So its not surprising that Alexa has made the leap from the home to the car. But just as Alexa promises added hands-free convenience for drivers, researchers and engineers warn that it also opens new avenues for hacking, tracking and sonic attacks. Depending on how voice-activated assistants are connected, such hacks could range from annoying pranks like opening a cars windows in the rain to dangerous attacks like remotely unlocking a houses doors for a robbery. As we make everything smarter and more connected, said Nadir Izrael, chief technology officer of the internet security firm Armis, we end up creating a huge attack surface on devices, like cars, that werent intended. Last year, Armis discovered one such vulnerability known as BlueBorne that exposed billions of connected devices, including Amazons Echo and Googles Home smart speakers, to the possibility of being hijacked by hackers. Cars with Bluetooth were also vulnerable. DAVOS, Switzerland Xi Jinping, Chinas president, galvanized supporters of the climate-change fight last year when he told an audience at the World Economic Forum that the effort is a responsibility we must assume for future generations. This week, as they gather again in Davos for the annual global gabfest, world leaders continue to see China as a major force in that fight. Yet new figures show a complicating development: Chinas emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases may be rising again. China which already emits more carbon from burning fossil fuels than the United States and Europe combined saw electricity use jump last year as its economy accelerated. Much of the extra demand was met by burning more coal, a particularly dirty fuel. Oil use has also risen as China has become the worlds largest car market, and so has natural gas consumption. Experts say one annual increase doesnt indicate China is returning to an era when its emissions grew by leaps and bounds. But the increase illustrates the challenges and compromises Beijing must juggle if it wants to stoke its economy and at the same time keep its environmental promises. Another of Silicon Valleys biggest unicorns appears to be slowly edging toward the public stock markets even if only by baby steps. Airbnb announced on Thursday that it had named its first independent board member Kenneth I. Chenault, the departing chief executive of American Express. Naming an outside board member is often an early step by a company that will eventually seek an initial public offering. At the same time, Airbnbs chief executive, Brian Chesky, wrote in a letter to the online room-rental services top hosts that he was building a company with an infinite time horizon. The moves are the latest sign that another of the biggest privately held companies in the technology universe may be preparing to go public. These companies, typically valued at more than $1 billion by private investors, are known as unicorns. Dropbox, the file-storage provider, which was most recently valued at $10 billion, recently filed confidentially for an initial offering. Spotify, the music streaming giant, is pursuing an unconventional direct listing of its shares on the public markets. On every table at Happy Stony Noodle sits a bowl of suan cai, pickled mustard greens, dark and minerally, fermented and then flopped in a wok with sesame oil, garlic, dried onion and a flick of sugar. The chef, Chih Shen Hsu, calls it Chinese kimchi. Its a condiment, to be spooned into soup or over meat, lending a sour frisson and crunch. But I ate it straight and was, as the restaurants name promised, happy. Mr. Hsu, 65, was born in Hsinchu City in northern Taiwan under martial law. As a child, he often lingered over soup at Happy Beef Noodle, a no-frills storefront opened by veterans of the Kuomintangs Nationalist Army who had fled to Taiwan after the Communists victory in mainland China. When he grew up, he took over the noodle shop and ran it for two decades with his wife, Yu Lan Hsu, while they watched the transformation of their country from rural society to megalopolis. They moved to the U.S. in 1997 and brought Happy Beef Noodle with them, trying out iterations of the restaurant in Flushing, Queens, then Edison, N.J. (Both have shuttered.) Two and a half years ago, they settled on this quiet side street off Broadway in Elmhurst, Queens. The Stony now on the awning is Mr. Hsus English nickname, bestowed on him by a professor in his college days. PARIS As there is a German word for everything, so there is a German word for one of fashions first world problems: schwellenangst, the fear of crossing the threshold into an intimidating museum, theater or, relevant to the example below, a shop. It was schwellenangst that Nina-Maria Nitsche, the new creative director of the Roman tailoring concern Brioni, had on her mind at her first presentation for the label in Paris last week. Too many stores, she said, feel cold and clinical, devoid of a human touch, unwelcoming to those who may dare breach their borders. But she just as well could have been talking about the house of Brioni full stop. Its august history notwithstanding (among its claims to fame are hosting the first mens wear runway show, in 1952, and dressing plutocrats, world leaders and select James Bonds in uber-expensive suits in the years since), the house has become a bit confused in the contemporary era, as it has cycled through creative leaders in the last few years. Why should the man of means spend his hard-earned six-figure bonus on Brioni, rather than Brunello, or Berluti, or anyone else? PARIS The high jewelry showcases held during couture week in January tend to be more low-key affairs than those in July: A wet and wintry Paris attracts fewer wealthy clients than in the summer months, when much of the 1 percent flocks to France from all over the world. Still, some of the biggest houses could be relied upon to put some showstoppers on display. Here are a few highlights of the week: Boucheron What does one do in Paris when turning 160? To kick off a year of celebrations around this anniversary, Boucheron unveiled its latest couture collection as part of Vendorama, an exhibition in a courtyard of the Monnaie de Paris that opened this month. Inside, visitors are guided around the retrospective via a smartphone app with an augmented reality rendering of Wladimir, the black cat owned by Gerard Boucheron, the houses founder. There are interactive opportunities to learn about the craftsmanship required for high jewelry, or haute joaillerie; see historical documents like ledgers and early advertisements; and admire some famous creations from the Boucheron archive. The maisons latest pieces are also on display. Textured gold necklaces and bracelets from the signature Serpent Boheme collection are followed by exquisite animal-inspired pieces: diamond vixen and wolf rings, finished in aquamarine or malachite, and glittering parrot brooches with feathers in stones of exotic hues. A secret watch, with a white and black diamond husky perched on a white-jade ice ledge and looking into a rock-crystal lake, was a highlight, as was a 1920s-style headband, the Lumiere de Nacre, made from 574 round diamonds set in mother-of-pearl and white gold. The exhibition closes on Sunday in Paris, and will be traveling to Asia later this year. What school shootings do you remember? Why do they stand out to you? In School Shooting in Kentucky Was Nations 11th of Year. It Was Jan. 23, Alan Blinder and Daniel Victor write: On Tuesday, it was a high school in small-town Kentucky. On Monday, a school cafeteria outside Dallas and a charter school parking lot in New Orleans. And before that, a school bus in Iowa, a college campus in Southern California, a high school in Seattle. Gunfire ringing out in American schools used to be rare, and shocking. Now it seems to happen all the time. The scene in Benton, Ky., on Tuesday was the worst so far in 2018: Two 15-year-old students were killed and 18 more people were injured. But it was one of at least 11 shootings on school property recorded since Jan. 1, and roughly the 50th of the academic year. Researchers and gun control advocates say that since 2013, they have logged school shootings at a rate of about one a week. We have absolutely become numb to these kinds of shootings, and I think that will continue, said Katherine W. Schweit, a former senior F.B.I. official and the co-author of a study of 160 active shooting incidents in the United States. Some of the shootings at schools this year were suicides that injured no one else; some did not result in any injuries at all. But in the years since the massacres at Columbine High School in Colorado, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., gun safety advocates say, all school shootings seem to have lost some of their capacity to shock. Students: Read the entire article, then tell us: Do you think our society is becoming numb to school shootings? If so, why do you think this has happened? If not, why not? Ms. Schweit argues, But I really dont think as a whole, in society, were taking shootings more seriously than we were before and thats wrong. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Have you participated in active shooter drills at your school? If so, what was that experience like for you? How do you think schools should prepare for the possibility of a shooting? How do you think lawmakers should grapple with the risk of school shootings? Are there any policies that you think should be put in place to minimize potential injuries and deaths? In our Civil Conversation Challenge for Teenagers, we asked students to weigh in with their opinions about gun rights in the United States. If you like, explore the resources we provide about the gun control debate and read through some of the student responses. Then add your own voice to the conversation by posting your thoughts in the comments section. The jockeying began almost as soon as the 15-member task force assembled by the governor, Fix NYC, released its much anticipated congestion plan. That plan is simply a recommendation to the governor, who can reject any or all of it. As a result, it is widely seen as merely a starting point for months of negotiations to forge a politically palatable agreement that could turn congestion pricing into a reality. Weve got a big fight ahead in Albany, said Alec J. Slatky, the government relations liaison for AAA Northeast, which will push for lower bridge tolls and money for roads and bridges. Were going to make sure the legislators get the perspective of the drivers who are going to be funding this plan if it passes. Gene Russianoff, an attorney for the Straphangers Campaign, a transportation advocacy group, said that such horse-trading was a normal part of how policy gets made in New York. If you think you have a good idea, youre not going to sit back and twiddle your thumbs, he said. He pointed to former Gov. Hugh L. Carey, a Democrat, who was able to push through a capital improvement program for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which operates the citys transit system, in 1981 only after conceding to a demand by Republican legislative leaders for an independent monitor. Mr. Carey later refused to fill the position leaving it to his successor, Mario Cuomo, the father of the current governor, to fill it two years later. Though congestion pricing has caught on in London, Stockholm and Singapore, it has never been tried in New York despite repeated attempts going back to at least the 1970s. The last major effort in 2008 by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg faltered in Albany before coming to a vote. Richard Azzopardi, a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, said the Rosensteins are longtime friends of Sandra and the governor, with no business before the state. Image Barry Rosenstein and his wife, Lizanne, have given Mr. Cuomo a combined $186,000 for his three campaigns for governor. Credit... Rick Wilking/Reuters The value of the trip is being tabulated, and as it was not in his official capacity nor related to the campaign, will not be covered by taxpayers nor by campaign funds, Mr. Azzopardi said. Ms. Rosenstein joined the governor for the trip, he said. The Rosensteins declined to comment. Mr. Cuomo and Ms. Lee, a cookbook author who also has a show on the Food Network, have been together for more than a decade. The film, RX Early Detection: A Cancer Journey With Sandra Lee is a short documentary about her 2015 battle with breast cancer. Mr. Cuomo does not frequently travel outside New York but he has occasionally used the private planes of donors. Last September, Mr. Cuomo led a delegation to the U.S. Virgin Islands following a hurricane there and used the jet of John Catsimatidis, a billionaire who has donated more than $130,000 to Mr. Cuomo. The trip came shortly after Mr. Cuomo had signed biofuels legislation that could benefit one of Mr. Catsimatidis companies. Mr. Azzopardi said there was no record of Mr. Catsimatidis lobbying the governors office on the bill. Nicholas Paolucci, a spokesman for the Law Department, said on Thursday that its lawyers take their discovery duties seriously and acted in good faith in the Martinez case to "promptly produce all information known to them at the time. We will vigorously oppose this recommendation, Mr. Paolucci said, which we believe is not supported by the record. While the production of discovery might seem like a minor aspect of the law, it is in fact crucial, allowing lawyers in a civil case to get a full picture of the facts before making motions or taking depositions. Judge Pollaks decision strikes that note, saying that the Law Departments serial excuses and delays had Ms. Martinezs lawyers chasing their tail. From the beginning of the case, her chief lawyer, Gabriel Harvis, tried to get the city to give him the names of the officers who had questioned her, a process that took seven months and four court orders. Yet even when he got the first two names Lt. Jason Weitzman and Sgt. Jason Forgione both men claimed that they had nothing to do with Ms. Martinez. As discovery continued, however, it became apparent, Judge Pollak wrote, that despite all of their efforts Ms. Martinez and her lawyers had not been given the full story. First, Mr. Harvis learned that the city had not turned over Sergeant Forgiones entire personnel file, which was missing records about a previous abuse complaint, the decision said. Then he learned that the city had not disclosed detective reports about the heroin deal that led to Ms. Martinezs arrest. When Mr. Harvis got those reports after more delays and orders they showed that she was not the dealer. Ms. Martinez, a housekeeper, wasnt even there. It was then, in November, nearly two years after the lawsuit had been filed, that Judge Pollak held a hearing and asked the citys lawyer, Paul H. Johnson, why it took so long for the reports to be produced. I do not know, Mr. Johnson told her. The client produced these documents, not me. I wasnt the one, like, searching for them. But the worst was still to come, Judge Pollak wrote. One month later, the city committed what she called its most critical failure one that, as she put it, cast a completely different light on what may have occurred. It seemed like a nightmare at the time: In late October, a New York advocacy group for people with special needs issued a blistering report that a treatment center in Pennsylvania was breaking the law by restraining its residents, among them, a child with an intellectual disability. In less than a decade, the report claimed, negligence by the center, Woods Services, had led to the deaths of two New York residents. One, the report claimed, was run over by several cars in 2009 when staff members failed to supervise him. The following year, the report found, another resident suffocated in a hot car. On Wednesday, Woods Services fought back, filing a defamation lawsuit in Federal District Court in Philadelphia claiming that the report by the advocacy group, Disability Rights New York, was rife with unfounded accusations, misleading characterizations and outright falsehoods. The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, asked a federal judge to issue two court orders: one declaring that the report was false, the second requiring Disability Rights New York to issue a retraction and an apology. Woods has a century-long legacy of delivering on our mission, a spokeswoman for the center, Cheryl Kauffman, said. That includes our obligation to zealously safeguard and protect the individuals we serve and the staff who serve them. In the interview on Thursday, she also faulted what she called the governors transactional approach to government, which, she said, was designed to get good headlines, but has not changed the dynamic of the upstate economy. Ms. Miners decision came as a disappointment for Democrats who were hoping she would challenge Rep. John Katko, a Republican who represents the district that includes Syracuse, where she was mayor for eight years until term limits forced her to step down on Dec. 31. The district has swung between Republicans and Democrats, and some observers believed that Mr. Katko might be vulnerable since he voted for President Trumps tax plan, which hurts high-tax states like New York by capping the deductibility of state and local taxes. Geoff Berman, executive director of the New York State Democratic Party, said the loss of Ms. Miners candidacy against Mr. Katko was a blow to the partys efforts to make inroads into the Republican-controlled Congress. Its unfortunate that Stephanie chose not to capitalize on her local name ID and help the party take on Washington Republicans, Mr. Berman said. When asked of Ms. Miners consideration of a primary challenge to Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Berman deflected, saying the governors progressive agenda sets a solid foundation for a third term. Bill Mulrow, chairman of Mr. Cuomos re-election campaign, also defended the governors progressive record, pointing to measures like a $15 minimum wage, paid family leave, gun control, a ban on fracking and free college tuition at public colleges for the middle class. Gov. Cuomo has the strongest progressive record of any elected official in this country period, he said. And we look forward to building on that record in the third term. Allison Shearmur, a studio executive and independent producer who helped bring a string of box-office hits to the screen, including the Bourne franchise, the Hunger Games series and the yet-to-be-released Solo: A Star Wars Story, died on Jan. 19 in Los Angeles. She was 54. The cause was lung cancer, said her husband, Edward Shearmur. Ms. Shearmur, who died at U.C.L.A. Medical Center, had received the diagnosis in 2016 but disclosed it only to her family and closest associates as she continued working on movie projects, including Rogue One (2016), an earlier installment in the Star Wars Anthology series (set before the events of the original Star Wars blockbusters), as well as Solo. She didnt want to be defined by her disease, Mr. Shearmur said. She felt that if people knew of this very difficult detail, it would overshadow everything else. For 20 years Ms. Shearmur maintained a high profile in Hollywood. She helped to oversee feature film production at Universal Pictures before moving on to Paramount Pictures, where she was co-president of production, and Lionsgate, as president of motion picture production, and then setting out as an independent producer. Among the other prominent films she helped shepherd along were the Julia Roberts hit Erin Brockovich (2000); The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), with Brad Pitt; and the raucous American Pie sex comedies. He talked about his sexuality like it was no big deal, and in turn, it became no big deal. Robert Smith was born on Dec. 24, 1958, in Buffalo. He had a joke about his birth date: People with December birthdays now know from years of experience what the three wise men said when they delivered their gifts These are for both your birthday and Christmas. His father, Thomas, was a state trooper, and his mother, the former Sue Corey, was a homemaker. He frequently mined his youth for material for his stand-up routines and his books, as he did in Openly Bob, a 1997 volume of essays that included one on sex education. While talking about sex with your parents is difficult for straight teenagers, its even more trying for gay teenagers, he wrote. It takes considerable maturity, when your parents are attempting to tell you the facts of life, to interrupt and inform them of the facts of your life. Mr. Smith graduated from the University at Buffalo with a degree in English. He made his Manhattan stand-up debut at Comedy U. Grand, a club in SoHo, in July 1986, a time when being openly gay was fraught with risks, especially in the world of comedy, where heterosexual men dominated and gay-bashing was still good for laughs. I was determined to be an out comic in New York, Mr. Smith wrote in Love, Christopher Street: Reflections of New York City, a 2013 book of essays by more than two dozen writers, since it was the right thing to do, both artistically a closeted artist is still an oxymoron to me and politically. In 1988 he, Jaffe Cohen and Danny McWilliams formed Funny Gay Males, each man performing his own material in an evening-length show. The act caught on, playing at places like the Ballroom and Town Hall in New York and touring as well. To the Editor: Re The Battle for Poland (Op-Ed, Jan. 11): It is striking that, in his analysis of the illiberal forces steering Poland away from the European Union and democratic values, Charles A. Kupchan does not mention the early attacks by the Catholic hierarchy on womens rights in post-Communist Poland, resulting in severe restrictions on abortion rights in 1993. They were the canary in the coal mine. Not long after taking office in 2015, Polands ruling Law and Justice Party took further aim at womens rights, seeking to ban all abortions. This blanket ban which could have imprisoned thousands of women and their doctors was halted when tens of thousands of women took to the streets over many days in protest, forcing the government to withdraw the bill. Today as in 1993, a majority of Poles reject restrictions on abortion rights. The Polish womens rights movement, then and now, has been both a target of ultraconservatives and a vibrant counterforce, crucial to upholding democratic principles and human rights. Europe should stand by these brave activists. FRANCOISE GIRARD, NEW YORK The writer is president of the International Womens Health Coalition. This article is part of the Opinion Today newsletter. You can sign up here to receive the newsletter each weekday. Voting rights have been under attack recently. In several states, officials almost all of them Republican, alas have tried to reduce voting hours, close polling stations or erect barriers to voting, like strict ID rules. These measures have disproportionately affected minorities. In fact, that has sometimes been the stated goal. But now a counterattack is underway. Not only are civil-rights advocates fighting the various attempts to restrict voting, theyre also pushing for new laws to expand it. One of those efforts took a step forward this week. Organizers in Florida announced that they had gathered enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot this November that would restore voting rights to nearly 1.5 million convicted felons. Today, felon disenfranchisement denies the right to vote to one in five black Floridians and 10 percent of the states total voting population. To the Editor: Re Gymnasts Abuse Draws Sentence Likely to Be Life (front page, Jan. 25), about the sentencing of Lawrence G. Nassar, the former doctor for the American gymnastics team: Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, thank you, and if only there were more judges like you. But the story has not ended. At least the outcome has provided some relief for those young women and their dreams and aspirations, many of which have already been attained, but at a cost that no one should endure. Yes, their suffering has been vindicated, and next in line must be Michigan State, whose president resigned on Wednesday, and the formerly iconic and now infamous Karolyi Ranch, the U.S.A. Gymnastics National Team Training Center. The disgrace falls on both institutions. Yet these beautiful young women will be scarred for the rest of their lives. They have taken the first courageous step by telling of abuses that occurred in places we would have never expected. But they helped us understand that sexual assault is pervasive in our society. Lets hope that their scars will fade with time. Time is on their side. I pray that they will find full recovery and healing. But now, as powerful men have begun falling like dominoes under accusations of sexual assault, that video with its young women clustered around an elderly multimillionaire has haunted me anew. As I recall my discomfort with the proclamations of longevity-driven men who hope to achieve escape velocity, I think of the astonishing hubris of the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, those who saw young womens bodies as theirs for the taking. Much has been said about why we allowed such behavior to go unchecked. What has remained unsaid, because it is so obvious, is what would make someone so shameless in the first place: These people believed they were invincible. They saw their own bodies as entirely theirs and other peoples bodies as at their disposal; apparently nothing in their lives led them to believe otherwise. Historically, this is a mistake that few women would make, because until very recently, the physical experience of being a woman entailed exactly the opposite and not only because women have to hold their keys in self-defense while walking through parking lots at night. Its only very recently that women have widely participated in public life, but its even more recently that men have been welcome, or even expected, to provide physical care for vulnerable people. Only for a nanosecond of human history have men even slightly shared what was once exclusively a womans burden: the relentless daily labor of caring for another persons body, the life-preserving work of cleaning feces and vomit, the constant cycle of cooking and feeding and blanketing and bathing, whether for the young, the ill or the old. For nearly as long as there have been humans, being a female human has meant a daily nonoptional immersion in the fragility of human life and the endless effort required to sustain it. Obviously not everyone who provides care for others is a saint. But engaging in that daily devotion, or even living with its expectation, has enormous potential to change a person. It forces one to constantly imagine the world from someone elses point of view: Is he hungry? Maybe shes tired. Is his back hurting him? What is she trying to say? The most obvious cure for todays gender inequities is to put more women in power. But if we really hope to create an equal society, we will also need more men to care for the powerless more women in the boardroom, but also more men at the nurses station and the changing table, immersed in daily physical empathy. If that sounds like an evolutionary impossibility, well, it doesnt violate the laws of physics, so we can achieve it. It is surely worth at least as much investment as defeating death. Perhaps it takes the promise of immortality to inspire the self-absorbed to invest in unsexy work like Alzheimers research. If so, we may all one day bless the inane death-defiance as a means to a worthy end. But men who hope to live forever might pause on their eternal journey to consider the frightening void at invincibilitys core. Death is the ultimate vulnerability. It is the moment when all of us must confront exactly what so many women have known all too well: You are a body, only a body, and nothing more. They can be hard to spot let alone take at face value amid the usual spray of insults and bombast, but every now and then President Trump emits a sensible idea. Mr. Trump offered at least the appearance of such an idea when he strode into the White House briefing room late Wednesday and announced that he was open to a multiyear path to citizenship for the so-called Dreamers, about 700,000 immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children and granted protection from deportation by President Barack Obama. His words sent his surprised staff scrambling and heartened Democrats who have been seeking a just solution for these young people. But the price of the offer became clear Thursday afternoon, when White House officials said that citizenship for the Dreamers, and about 1.1 million other young immigrants who could qualify for the status but didnt apply, would come only as part of a bargain that included an additional $25 billion for border security and a crackdown on legal immigrants, including family members of those already in the United States. Mr. Trump, who canceled the Dreamers protection in September, has professed his love for them, but the real policy is being made by hard-liners in the White House. We have two undisputed cases, through the indictments of Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser, and George Papadopoulos, the former foreign policy adviser. It is difficult to see how the two men could expect to get away with it. Who would lie to the F.B.I. if ones colleagues, interviewed at a later date, would contradict the false account of the same set of events? We now know Mr. Flynns phone call during the transition in December 2016 with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, was coordinated with other senior transition officials meeting at Mar-a-Lago, in Florida. When it came to Mr. Flynns F.B.I. interview, a story was already in place. The day before, Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, had adamantly denied that Mr. Flynn spoke to the Russians about sanctions. So to get away with lying to the F.B.I., whether or not he alerted White House officials to the meeting beforehand, Mr. Flynn would presumably have to count on the others sticking to that lie, too. The same goes for Mr. Papadopoulos, who risked going to prison for lying to the F.B.I. As with Mr. Flynn, his communications with the Russians were well known and approved by senior campaign officials. The pattern goes on from there. If Mr. Flynn was counting on others to cover his tracks, he seems to have calculated correctly. For example, K. T. McFarland, the former deputy national security adviser who also served on the transition team, told the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, in writing, that she was not aware of Mr. Flynns contacts with the Russian ambassador. That was a lie, disproved by court documents revealing her close strategizing with Mr. Flynn before and after the call and by the news report of her email coordinating on the matter with senior members of the Trump transition team at Mar-a-Lago. (Mr. Spicer was one of the emails recipients.) Jeff Sessions also infamously lied to federal authorities or at least risked perjury. During his confirmation hearings for attorney general and in subsequent written answers to a senator, Mr. Sessions denied having communications with the Russians. As we now know, The Washington Post revealed that Mr. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador at least twice and United States intelligence intercepted the Russians saying that they had spoken with Mr. Sessions about the election. This would be a twist of the truth, but that is par for the course in these times, with this administration. It is clear from what we already know that there was an appetite in the Trump camp to accept whatever help they could get from the Russians. It is clear that there were a disturbing number of undisclosed meetings with Russians. It is clear that there are some incredibly curious coincidences of timing between activities by the Russians and activities by the campaign. We know that Trump has always hated the F.B.I. investigation into Russian activities in the election. We know that people in the Trump campaign lied to the F.B.I. We know that Trump himself said that the Russia investigation was on his mind when he fired the F.B.I. director James Comey. We know that he is furious at Sessions for recusing himself from the matter, thereby paving the way for the appointment of Mueller. We know that Trump also hated the acting F.B.I. director Andrew McCabe, and The Washington Post reported this week that shortly after Trump fired Comey, he summoned McCabe to the Oval Office. He asked McCabe for whom he had voted in the 2016 election and then dressed him down about money his wife (who ran for office in Virginia as a Democrat) received from a political action committee controlled by a close friend of Hillary Clinton. The list goes on. You and I have no idea what Mueller has. Trump may have a better idea, but even he doesnt know the totality of the cards Mueller is likely to play. All that said, it is still not clear to me how any of this will shake out. Four years ago, on a midsummer Sunday, I rang the doorbell of an unassuming Victorian perched on the north slope of the Forest Park neighborhood of Portland, Ore., and waited for Ursula Kroeber Le Guin to come to the door. Id grown up with and in no small part, because of her writing, from Earthsea to The Left Hand of Darkness to The Dispossessed to Lavinia, and the moment felt appropriately otherworldly. Not everyone is lucky enough to find himself ringing the doorbell of one of his literary heroes, let alone with a decent chance of being let in, and I was somewhat dumbstruck at the privilege. My host, when she came to the door, was decidedly less solemn. Come on in, Wray, she said. You get here all right? Good. Watch out for that [expletive] cat. Hes a terrorist. (Ms. Le Guins vernacular, Id soon discover, was saltier than might be anticipated from an 84-year-old with a pixie cut. From here on, let the reader insert invectives into our dialogue at will.) Fittingly for a writer of speculative fiction, Ms. Le Guins house seemed larger on the inside than it was on the outside. I entered cautiously, and not only because of the cat. I was there to spend a long weekend conducting an interview with her for The Paris Review, the highbrow literary journal known for its in-depth conversations on the craft of fiction, and Id had to lobby the editor for a month to get him to consider featuring a writer whose work was so tinged with genre. Ms. Le Guin, however, was distinctly beyond caring what literary New York thought of her if the thought, in fact, had ever crossed her mind. Mr. Thoangs mother also had a Vietminh husband who went north in 1954, when Mr. Thoang was 1 year old. In 1957 his mother became a concubine of the chief of the commune and gave birth to sons in 1960 and 1962. On a night in 1963, she and the chief were arrested and murdered by the local Vietcong. At age 10, Mr. Thoang had to take care of his two half brothers in a government strategic hamlet, going alone to the jungle to work as a charcoal burner. Our life was so miserable, Mr. Thoang said in an interview in his house at Cam Chinh, in central Vietnam. We starved all day. The authorities allowed us to bring only a small beer can of rice out of the hamlet because they were afraid that we would provide rice to Vietcong in the jungle. I had to eat wild bananas to survive. Every three to six months local administrators and security officers interrogated and tortured the families of Vietcong soldiers to ferret out Communists and sympathizers, Mr. Thoang said. But almost all families in disputed lands were divided in loyalty. Many parents faced the heartbreak of having their children face off and die on different side of battlefields. My grandfathers four children, including three sons and a daughter, were Vietcong fighters, said Vo Quyet, who lived as a child in Trieu Phong, a strip of coast north of Hue and the site of bloody battles in the summer of 1972. Meanwhile, my grandfathers brothers four sons were ARVN soldiers South Vietnamese troops. All of them were killed in action but my aunt. Our people were forced to choose a side, he said. We did not have rights; we did not have choices; we could not decide our destinies. Dao Cong Kiet, 75, who lived in Trung Hai, a commune near the Demilitarized Zone, said his family, too, had to walk a fine line. We needed to treat both sides well, he said. When American and South Vietnamese troops came, I invited them to eat bananas or drink tea. When he became executive director of Kings civil rights platform, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in 1960, Mr. Walker imposed discipline and professionalism, leading with a virtuosity that some felt flirted with cynicism. His tactics in Birmingham were geared toward maximum media impact. Marches were scheduled to accommodate the evening news and when recruits were scarce, Mr. Walker counted on spectators to inflate the white newsmens troop count. (Marchers, spectators? Mr. Walker said. To them we all looked alike.) He finessed a call from President Kennedy to Coretta Scott King when her husband was jailed, and came up with the idea for King to write his jailhouse epistle. His efforts to get Letter from Birmingham Jail published didnt bear fruit until the campaign succeeded. Most important, Mr. Walker had known from the start that mass moral witnesses, such as the nonviolent marches led by praying ministers, would not be enough to turn public opinion against segregation and get the desired federal intervention. He would need the segregationists to act out visually the violence and evil at the systems core. When Mr. Connor briefly deployed the German Shepherds in early April, Mr. Walker exulted, Weve got a movement. We had some police brutality. They brought out the dogs. Within a month, he got his picture, and King the credit for bringing down American apartheid. Thirty-six years later in New York, March 1999, I was struck by echoes of Birmingham in the protests against Mayor Rudolph Giuliani over the unpunished police shooting of an unarmed African immigrant, Amadou Diallo. A photograph of one of the protesters Mr. Giulianis predecessor David Dinkins, New Yorks first and so far only black mayor who was cuffed along with Representative Charles Rangel, reminded me especially of a picture of King and his deputy Ralph Abernathy being arrested in Birmingham on Good Friday, 1963. It didnt surprise me to discover Mr. Walkers fingerprints all over these electrifying demonstrations. He was at the time on the board of the Rev. Al Sharptons National Action Network, which organized the protests. Two years later, when my book on Birmingham came out, I brought a magazine photographer to Mr. Walkers church to take our picture. He fixed me with his perfectionist glare and said, I dont know what it is about you journalists that makes you think Dr. King was so namby-pamby. The last time I saw Mr. Walker was nine years ago, at a King holiday event in Dallas. He had retired from Harlems Canaan Baptist and moved to Virginia in the aftermath of strokes that left him dependent on a wheelchair and incapable of much facial expression, though his eyes still radiated trouble and his mouth still delivered the gibes. We clutched hands in front of a TV, watching the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Neither of us had any notion when we accepted this speaking engagement that Kings 80th birthday might coincide with a more urgent civil rights milestone. The oracle and I cried, as over the fulfillment of a prophecy. Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar was lauded as the go-to doctor for the United States best gymnasts. After he pleaded guilty to multiple sex crimes, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina cleared her docket to give each of his accusers a chance to speak at the sentencing hearing. More than 150 women, including several Olympians, confronted Dr. Nassar in the courtroom and spoke of their abuse. It took seven days. It was an extraordinary use of the courtroom and a new way of thinking about justice. On todays episode: Emily Bazelon, who covers legal issues for The New York Times Magazine. Scientists on Thursday announced the discovery of a fossilized human jawbone in a collapsed cave in Israel that they said is between 177,000 and 194,000 years old. If confirmed, the find may rewrite the early migration story of our species, pushing back by about 50,000 years the time that Homo sapiens first ventured out of Africa. Previous discoveries in Israel had convinced some anthropologists that modern humans began leaving Africa between 90,000 and 120,000 years ago. But the recently dated jawbone is unraveling that narrative. This would be the earliest modern human anyone has found outside of Africa, ever, said John Hawks, a paleoanthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, Madison who was not involved in the study. 1999 print headline: At a Wedding, Its Still Not In to Be Out, published here in July 1999. The story: By 1999, being gay suddenly seemed mainstream. Will and Grace was riding high on television. Ellen DeGeneres had silenced the whispers, declaring Yep, Im Gay on the cover of Time magazine. And RuPaul represented M.A.C. Cosmetics. Not so with weddings, however. In the years before same-sex marriage was legalized, some gay men and women considered weddings to be the ultimate celebration of heterosexuality itself, leading them to feel awkward, and sometimes unwelcome, when invited to a straight couples nuptials, argued Bob Morris, a longtime Styles contributor. Indeed, change was a long time coming on the gay marriage front. Just three years before the article appeared, President Bill Clinton had signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. New frontiers, old taboos: Progress was not limited to pop culture. Gay rights were advancing in the courts too. The Supreme Courts Romer v. Evans ruling in 1996 was a landmark gay rights decision that struck down Colorados anti-gay amendment. Even so, gay marriage still seemed like a distant dream, which is why some gay invitees told Mr. Morris that they felt less than welcome at their straight friends weddings. As Mr. Morris wrote, weddings represented that increasingly rare opportunity to feel ashamed, or at least self-conscious. One gay man interviewed said that often one of the families doesnt want you there, so you end up feeling like pariahs. LONDON The Old Vic theater here has begun an initiative to address inappropriate behavior following allegations of misconduct by the actor Kevin Spacey during his time as the theaters artistic director. The plan, known as the Guardians Programme, is an alternate channel for employees to report instances of harassment outside of the formal structure of management and human resources. We want everyone to have a way to share their concerns with someone outside of the regular reporting line, Kate Varah, executive director at the Old Vic, said in a statement. Our Guardians will actively listen and support, offering confidential advice on options, with discretion and empathy. The Old Vics program comes as a report published by the British theater magazine The Stage found that one in three theater professionals and students among its registered users polled said they had experienced sexual harassment. To understand the rigidity and some would say absurdity of Swedens alcohol laws, step inside a Systembolaget, a government-run liquor store, on a Saturday afternoon. Its predictable chaos because these shops are the only retailers permitted to sell beverages containing more than 3.5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV). At precisely 3 p.m., the doors will shut until Monday morning, and anyone hoping to buy a bottle of wine for a spontaneous dinner party or a few beers for a Sunday cookout will be out of luck. But increasingly, Stockholmers have other palatable options. Grocery stores are allowed to sell what is known as folkol (peoples beer), containing 2.8 percent to 3.5 percent ABV. Long maligned as tasteless, watered-down pilsners, these low-ABV beers are now getting a reboot by craft brewers seeking to shake up the Swedish market. At the same time, a wave of new folkol-focused bars and bottle shops all opened in the last two years is fueling interest in this formerly low-prestige beverage. Opinions, though, differ significantly from those who are familiar with the countries. Of all the amazing places I lived in during my 18 years as a diplomat including highlights like Paris and New York Haiti is the place that sticks in my mind the most, because of its beauty and the character of its people, said Peter Kujawinski, a writer who, as an American diplomat, lived in Haiti for a total of four years since 2000. Avid readers of travel journalism may have also noticed many of these same countries on a number of prominent 2018 best of destination lists. Our own 52 Places to Go in 2018 featured several African destinations, including Kigali, Rwanda; Liuwa Plain National Park, Zambia; Tangier, Morocco; and Sao Tome and Principe. Elsewhere, Harar and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia were recommended by National Geographic and Conde Nast Traveler, respectively, and Forbes flagged destinations in Haiti, Tanzania and Senegal as Best Budget Travel Destinations for 2018. And Tanzanias Ruaha National Park was chosen by National Geographic as one of its Places You Need to Visit in 2018. "Traveling is so much more to me than sightseeing. It also means sharing, learning and feeling, said Ana Sanchez, who writes about solo female travel at Ms. Sanchez, who has spent significant time in Senegal, Turkey and Iran, added, it was in these countries where I felt most alive. In this spirit, heres a small window into a few of the countries that Mr. Trump has brought new attention to including travel recommendations from those who have spent time there. Good morning. (Want to get California Today by email? Heres the sign-up.) Last weekend, as the federal government was shutting down amid partisan squabbles over immigration, President Trumps re-election campaign released an ad featuring an undocumented immigrant from Mexico accused of murdering two Sacramento police officers. Democrats, the ad stated, are complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants. On the same day, a group of California Republicans put out their own ad about immigration. It featured the sunny disposition of Ronald Reagan, and words he spoke form the Oval Office in 1989, as he prepared to leave office. In the address, President Reagan defined what he meant when described, as he often did, America as a shining city. It is a country, he said, teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace. The contrasting tone of the two ads one dark and ominous, the other bright and optimistic say a lot about the divergence between the national Republican Party and the party in California. In California, the party is fighting for relevance in a state whose diversity Latinos are a plurality in the state and progressive values have placed it at the forefront of opposition to the Trump administration. In California we have a problem, said Chad Mayes, a former Republican leader in the California State Assembly, who was pushed out of his leadership position last year after a backlash within his party because he negotiated with Democrats on climate change. The politicians are using us like a sport, you know, theyre using us like punching bags. Democrats and Republicans alike have to stand up for us because there are DACA beneficiaries in every state. I was brought when I was 11 ... when I was 7, from Brazil. I was about 10. I was 12 years old. I was 7 years old. ... about 8 years old. We crossed the border, but we were little. So Ive been here 18 years. Im 29 years old. I am 20. I am 19 years old. Ive been here for 21 years. I am 27 years old now. I am 23 years old and I am originally from Mexico. When DACA was announced, I remember exactly where I was in 2012. I was at the Museum of American History. Before DACA I always felt like I was in between two worlds. I was born in Honduras. But if I were to go back to Honduras, its like Im foreign to them. Its a tug of war. When youre undocumented, youre always just aware of the situations, of the locations, who you were talking to, how you are interacting with folks, ensuring that you dont do anything that will bring attention to you because you live a life of shadows. You know, I have been able to accomplish a lot more than when I was undocumented. To get a social security number, loans from the bank, a better job. Every time my parents call me after 11 p.m., its like my heart is racing. When you are an immigrant in this country, you wake up every day with the fear that you could be taken away, right, that your family could be broken up. I have been preparing my kids of, for, you know, These are the risk[s]. This could happen to your dad and to me. I just cant imagine, you know, my nieces and nephews being separated from their parents or them going back to a country that they dont know because this is their home. They shouldnt live with that fear that I had to grow up with. Thats not a normal life. Thats not normal. And I know that like my friends that are U.S. citizens dont go through that. And nobody should go through that. Im not leaving my home, and I think if Trump ever wanted to talk to us, if he wanted to talk to these Dreamers he would realize that we love this country. We want to stay here, and ... ... if its taken away, Im losing my job, Im losing the opportunity to work and school. People dont understand but its a big thing, its a huge thing, its privileges that some people here take for granted. Taking DACA away is like taking a family member away from me. That wall that Donald Trump wants to build, you know, its putting a wall in front of me where I wont be able to move forward. You are not just taking something away from us, but youre taking something away from this country. This land is not a white America. Its not. This is a land of immigrants. I mean, I was already a person before DACA. A lot of people say, Oh, you know, whats going to happen after DACA? Im not going down without a fight. You know, whatever happens next, I love this country and I belong here. Im fighting for my family, Im fighting for the friends of mine that cant even stand up because theyre scared. We just want to stay here and contribute to this country, to the economy ... We are good people. Were not criminals. It was a speech that inspired the fantasies of Democrats across America, all of them centered on a single question: Will Oprah Winfrey run for president in 2020? Now, less than two weeks after those hopes were raised, an interview has appeared to dash those hopes or at least muddy the waters. In an interview for the March issue of InStyle, the beauty and fashion magazine, the former talk show host was asked how she felt about the prospect of what would have been a historic campaign to put a black woman in the White House. The interview was conducted three weeks before her speech at the Golden Globes, InStyle confirmed Thursday. Ive always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not, she said. And so its not something that interests me. I dont have the DNA for it. Lorna Gail Woods had heard stories of the Clotilda since before she could speak. In the evenings, her grandmother would hold her on the porch and tell her the tale of how her great-great-grandfather came to Alabama on the last known slave ship to come to the United States. They were brought by force, her grandmother would tell her, by an American businessman who just wanted to win a bet. Her great-great-grandfather Charlie Lewis was the oldest of 110 slaves bought in West Africa, chained in the hull of the Clotilda and sailed across the Atlantic to the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta in Alabama in 1860. But after the slaves were unloaded, the crew burned the ship, and its wreckage was never found, so many people doubted the story. My grandmother would tell us the story so we wouldnt forget and so that we could continue to tell the story, Ms. Woods, 69, said over the phone in a warm, Southern cadence. On Monday, the story that Ms. Woodss family and many like hers in Africatown, the historic neighborhood of about 2,000 on the shores of the delta just north of Mobile had passed down for more than 150 years became much more real. The United States Park Police officers who fatally shot a 25-year-old Virginia man last fall after a minor car collision and a brief chase fired at him at least nine times at close range, a video released on Wednesday shows. The man, Bijan Ghaisar, died on Nov. 27 10 days after he was shot four times on the left side of his head, and once in his right wrist, one of his familys lawyers said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. Video of the shooting, which revealed new information about the closely watched case, was released by Edwin C. Roessler Jr., the chief of the Fairfax County Police Department. Fairfax County officers provided backup during the Park Police pursuit of Mr. Ghaisar, but according to the chief, they did not discharge their weapons. In a statement, Chief Roessler justified the release of the in-car video by calling it a matter of transparency to all in our community, especially the Ghaisar family. DAKAR, Senegal Officials in Ivory Coast said Thursday that they had broken up an international ivory-smuggling network, the second announcement of such a bust on the African continent this month. Law-enforcement officials in Ivory Coast said they had arrested six people and confiscated more than half a ton of ivory, leopard parts and illegal firearms. The loot also contained a half of a ton of pangolin scales. The pangolin, a mammal sometimes confused with the armadillo, has become one of the most trafficked animals. Demand for its pinecone-ish scales, made of keratin, like fingernails, has soared in China, where they are used in medicines. The operation was carried out with help from United States officials as well as by the Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement, also known as the Eagle Network, an organization that supports the enforcement of anti-wildlife trafficking laws. A photo distributed by American officials showed dozens of elephant tusks seized in the operation. That year, Eugene Rabinowitch, a former Manhattan Project scientist who co-founded the bulletin, wrote: The achievement of a thermonuclear explosion by the Soviet Union, following on the heels of the development of thermonuclear devices in America, means that the time, dreaded by scientists since 1945, when each major nation will hold the power of destroying, at will, the urban civilization of any other nation, is close at hand. The clock has been adjusted many times since it debuted in 1947. Since 2010 years before Mr. Trumps presidency the needle has moved ever closer to midnight: 5 minutes in 2012, 3 minutes in 2015, and two and a half minutes last year. Along with nuclear proliferation and climate change which first factored into the setting of the clock in 2007 the scientists said they were alarmed by the speed of technological change. They called on world leaders to manage the advances so that the benefits are reaped and the dangers countered. They cited, among other threats, the hacking of computer systems that control financial and energy infrastructure; the development of autonomous weaponry that can make kill decisions without human supervision; and the possible misuse of synthetic biology, including the revolutionary Crispr-Cas9 gene-editing tool. The clock does not lack for critics. For example, some say that warning people of danger actually induces political paralysis. Others question the judgments of the expert panel that oversees the clock the bulletins science and security board including the finding that the safest moment was in 1991, right after the Cold War had ended. The bulletins scientists did not seem unduly alarmed in 1962, the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which, along with the early 1980s, was one of the moments when the United States and the Soviet Union came closest to catastrophic blows. One of the things about the clock is that it doesnt change in response to individual events, Lawrence M. Krauss, a cosmologist at Arizona State University and a member of the board, said in a phone interview on Thursday. Its really hard to compare, in an absolute sense, today to 1953. More important is whether the clock is closer to or farther from midnight. Is this year more dangerous than last? JAIPUR, India After months of controversy, weeks of threats and days of fiery protests, a contentious new Bollywood film hit the theaters in India on Thursday, and the reaction was: Whats the big deal? Moviegoers streamed out of heavily guarded movie theaters saying they liked the sets, the music and the grand Bollywood style of Padmaavat, a lavish saga about a legendary Hindu queen who may never have existed. But they couldnt understand why so many people had violently objected to it. Its silly, its sad, its ironic because actually the movie presented the Rajputs in a very good light, said Preeti Sharma, who saw the film with her husband in New Delhi on Thursday afternoon. The Rajputs, historically a caste of warriors, have been the ones most offended by the movie; Rajput activists said the movie was historically inaccurate and disrespectful. Hundreds of Rajput women even threatened to kill themselves over it (their elders eventually talked them down). On Thursday, protests erupted in different cities in India, with some tire-burning and stone-throwing, but nothing major. It seems that Rajput activists may have won this battle because their campaign of threats and intimidation succeeded in terrifying many cinema owners. GUINOBATAN, Philippines Mount Mayon, one of the Philippines most active volcanoes, is as renowned for its beauty as it is feared for its destructiveness. Admired for its symmetry and classic cone shape, the volcano was named for a mythological fairy. But its smooth slopes and cute name belie its deadly nature: Inside is an enormous chamber, churning with molten rock and toxic gas. And it is ready to blow. For two weeks Mayon has rumbled, belched plumes of ash and smoke and lit up the night sky with an eerie orange glow. American officials said that there were no Afghan refugee camps in Kurram, a remote tribal region straddling the border with Afghanistan, where they said Wednesdays drone strike had taken place. The strike, which killed Nasir Mehmood, a commander of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network, was at least the third American drone strike in the past two months in Pakistani territory. The United Nations refugee agency also said it had not been operating in the tribal regions of Pakistan since 2005. We dont have any access to FATA, Qaisar Khan Afridi, the agencys spokesman said, referring to the semiautonomous tribal regions. But Pakistani officials maintain that there are 43 Afghan refugee settlements in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, and that some of the settlements overlap with the adjoining tribal regions. The Pakistani military said in a statement that the drone strike had singled out a house in one such settlement in the provinces Hangu District, and that Afghan refugees were present in the settlement. The settlement was not an organized terrorist sanctuary, it said. A Pakistani security official, speaking on the condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the news media, said that the confusion about the location had arisen as the targeted house was in a settlement at the junction of the Kurram, North Waziristan and Hangu regions. HONG KONG The United States plans to send an aircraft carrier to dock in Vietnam, officials from both nations said on Thursday, a telling sign of Washingtons warming relations with a country that was once battered by American bombs. The proposed visit to the port of Danang comes amid heightened tensions over Chinas territorial claims in the South China Sea, including to islands claimed by Vietnam. The Defense Ministry of Vietnam announced the port call while the American defense secretary, Jim Mattis, was in Hanoi. Danang was where the first conventional American combat unit was deployed in the Vietnam War, landing on a beach there in 1965. Hundreds of thousands more troops were to follow. The arrival of the aircraft carrier, planned for March, would represent the largest presence of United States forces in Vietnam since the war ended in 1975. Smaller Navy ships have visited Vietnam as the two countries relationship has improved. Australia Day is a national holiday at the height of the Australian summer that feels, to many, like a celebration of colonization. Every Jan. 26, Australians gather for barbecues and beach parties or for citizenship ceremonies and fireworks to mark the anniversary of the day in 1788 when the island was claimed by the First Fleet of British ships. And since at least 1938, Aboriginal groups have publicly protested it. Each year, their call for Australia Day to be moved to another date, or for the day to be recast as one of mourning, grows louder. But with a few exceptions at the local level, Australias political class has refused to budge. The result: a visible standoff, played out regularly in the local news media, between Australias conservative white officials and the leaders of various Aboriginal groups. TORONTO In less than two days, the Canadian political scene has been swept by three resignations linked to accusations of sexual misconduct. The one with the greatest political implications came early Thursday morning when the opposition leader of Canadas most populous province resigned as the head of his party shortly before a television network aired a report in which two women accused him of sexual misconduct when they were teenagers. The resignation of the leader, Patrick Brown, threw the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario into disarray about five months before provincial elections that many believed he was poised to win. Then late Thursday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he had accepted the resignation of Kent Hehr, the minister of sport and persons with disabilities, pending an investigation into possible sexual misconduct. DAVOS, Switzerland When President Trump arrived on Thursday at the conference center where the worlds financial and political elite have been meeting, onlookers crowded a balcony and craned their heads to see the leader who has challenged the very international order that Davos represents. At first, it was quiet. Then someone called out a question. Are you going to be treated well? he was asked. You tell me, Mr. Trump replied. The reverse question was unasked but hung in the air: How was he going to treat them? If he was not exactly entering the lions den, it was nonetheless a fraught moment for both sides as the America First president ventured into the lair of the we-are-the-world banking titans, corporate magnates and international leaders who have spent decades preaching the virtues of global integration. Rather than confrontation, both sides labored for conciliation, at least to a point. For one afternoon and evening, at least, Mr. Trump threw no protectionist grenades and even broached the possibility, however remote, that he would re-enter a Pacific trade agreement that he scrapped last year, if it were renegotiated. For its part, the Davos crowd welcomed its top critic with a reception and warm words. DAVOS, Switzerland President Trump sought to repair one diplomatic rift while widening another on Thursday as he smoothed over months of friction with Britain but threatened to cut financial aid to the Palestinians after they withdrew from peace discussions. Separate meetings with the prime ministers of Britain and Israel showcased the wide disparity in Mr. Trumps ties with key counterparts. His session with Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain was tense as they tried to put the relationship back on track, while his sit-down with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel was warm as the two agreed on what they cast as Palestinian intransigence. The strain between the United States and Britain, its closest ally, increased when Mr. Trump retweeted anti-Muslim videos posted by an ultranationalist British group, which Mrs. May called wrong, and culminated in his decision to cancel a scheduled visit to London, where the mayor declared him unwelcome. Sitting down on Thursday with Mrs. May, Mr. Trump said he was now exploring a visit later in the year and dismissed talk of discord as a false rumor. Were on the same wavelength, I think, in every respect, Mr. Trump said. And the prime minister and myself have had a really great relationship, although some people dont necessarily believe that, but I can tell you its true. He expressed respect for Mrs. May, and said he thought the feeling is mutual from the standpoint of liking each other a lot, adding that the two were very much joined at the hip on military matters. Saturday 4) 9:30 A.M. Snow Biking With some 500 miles of multiuse pathways, Calgary claims to have the most extensive urban recreational network in North America, and Calgarians cycle in all seasons, including winter. Make like a local and arrange to have a fat-tire bike, designed to ride in the snow, delivered from Nomad Mobile Gear Rentals (60 dollars for one day). For a scenic ride from downtown, cycle the paths that follow the city-bisecting Bow River. A series of pedestrian and cycling bridges crosses it, including the tunnellike Peace Bridge, designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. 5) Noon. Special Rations Work up an appetite for lunch at Deane House. The retrofitted 1906 home, originally part of the frontier outpost Fort Calgary, is now under the management of the team behind the acclaimed River Cafe in Princes Island Park. The menu champions contemporary Canadian cuisine, drawing on local ingredients in seasonal dishes that recently included hangar steak tartare with puffed barley (17 dollars), cured Alberta trout with beets (14 dollars) and duck confit pirogi (21 dollars). Tables fill sunny wraparound porches, and interior rooms channel the wild yonder in landscape paintings, mounted animal heads and a chandelier made of branches. The cocktail bar at Proof. Credit Colin Way for The New York Times 6) 1:30 P.M. Artistic License Public art animates Calgarys downtown, and Jaume Plensas gigantic wire-mesh head Wonderland is a popular selfie stop. For a more thoughtful exploration of contemporary art, make your way to the Esker Foundation (free) on the fourth floor of an Inglewood office building. The privately funded, noncommercial gallery, named for the ridge left behind by a retreating glacier, aims to stimulate discussion on contemporary affairs via three shows staged each year. Winter shows survey the color effects explored by the artist Kapwani Kiwanga (Feb. 3 to May 6) and the fantastical beasts created by the duo known as DaveandJenn (Jan. 29 to April 29). 7) 2:30 P.M. Indie Shopping Across the Elbow River from downtown, Inglewood makes a funky first impression, and its collection of independent boutiques maintains that vibe. Troll for locally made ceramics and wood-turned bowls at Galleria Inglewood. Among several resale shops, Antiquaire Boutique assembles good-condition vintage apparel. Shop Purr Fine Clothing & Accessories for retro-inspired looks, the Uncommons for wearable sleeping bags and the Silk Road Spice Merchant for herb blends. Lodged in a former stable, the Livery Shop stocks clothing and accessory brands with rustic character, including Brixton flannel shirts, Fjallraven backpacks and the shops own Camp Brand Goods T-shirts. 8) 4:30 P.M. Beer Break Since December 2013, when the province dropped its minimum production levels, microbreweries have exploded in the city. Eighteen are now plotted on a new map available free at many breweries. While in Inglewood, take a break with a refreshing Dandelions Blonde or a fruity This Must Be the I.P.A. (5 dollar pints) at Cold Garden Beverage Company. The 2017 newcomer occupies a garage-like industrial space with thrift-shop couches and wooden tables in view of the brewing tanks. The coal-roasted beet salad at Charbar. Credit Colin Way for The New York Times 9) 6 P.M. Three-in-One Dinner New construction is filling the redeveloping East Village near the river. But one prominent historic address, the former Simmons mattress factory, has been saved and now hosts three acclaimed restaurants. Try them all by dining at one, Charbar. Here the chef Jessica Pelland butchers animals, ages steaks and cooks them on an Argentine-style wood-fired grill. This is a steakhouse that meat-averse diners can embrace, with loads of vegetable options, including a charred and raw vegetable salad (14 dollars), best ordered with a side of Sidewalk Citizen sourdough (6 dollars) from the neighboring bakery. Grilled asado style steaks (market price) come with beef fat fries. Start with a spicy rum-citrus Boxspring cocktail (13 dollars) and end with an espresso (5 dollars) from Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters, another Simmons tenant. 10) 7:30 P.M. Arts in Common Calgary may be most associated with cowboys, thanks to its 10-day summer rodeo, the Calgary Stampede, but its actors, dancers and musicians contribute to a thriving performing arts scene over the rest of the year. Though influential groups, including Lunchbox Theatre and the Alberta Ballet, perform elsewhere, the Arts Commons complex of theaters downtown makes handy one-stop cultural shopping. Resident companies include the polished Alberta Theater Projects, staging new works and, often, those by Canadian playwrights, and the innovative One Yellow Rabbit Performance Theater. NYUs Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies is among the organizers of An End to Anti-Semitism!a week-long conference in Vienna, Austria that will discuss and seek ways to combat anti-Semitism on a global scale. The event, hosted by the University of Vienna from Feb. 18 through Feb. 22, will include French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy as well as Alexander Van der Bellen, the federal president of the Republic of Austria, Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, and Michael Haupl, the mayor of Vienna. Conference organizers will develop a catalogue of policies and practices geared to effectively fight against and prevent anti-Semitism around the globe, then distribute it to politicians, religious dignitaries, journalists, legal professionals, and other decision makers. Organized by Lawrence Schiffman, a professor in NYUs Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, along with the University of Vienna, the European Jewish Congress, and Tel Aviv University, the conference will draw 150 speakers from the U.S. and Canada, Israel and Latin America, Australia and Europewith NYU faculty Robert Chazan and Gennady Estraikh among them. Also among those addressing the conference are: Katharina von Schnurbein (European Coordinator on Combating Anti-Semitism); Nathan Sharansky (Chairman of the Jewish Agency); Andrew Baker (American Jewish Committee and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe); Irwin Cotler (former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada), Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa (Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem); Imam Hassen Chalgoumi (President of the Conference des Imams de France); Rabbi Abraham Skorka (Rector of the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano); and Bishop Michael Bunker (Bishop of the Protestant-Lutheran Church in Austria). With backing from NYUs Global Research Initiative, An End to Anti-Semitism! will be composed of 16 panels to address the history of anti-Semitism, from antiquity to modern times, and analyze its manifestations in Christianity and Islam from a variety of scholarly perspectives, such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy and media studies. Journalists wishing to register for the conference and to arrange interviews with its speakers should contact Milli Segal at At just 30-years-old, Karol Rybakowski is already one of the biggest names in the world of tattoos, and looking at some of his works, its pretty easy to see why. His portrait tattoos look as if a picture has been slapped on the subject skin, and in many cases they turn out even better than the photos that inspired them. It wont surprise you to learn that Karol Rybakowski studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, in Warsaw, before becoming a tattoo artist, but while that explains his artistic style, I for one still cant wrap my head around how a 30-year-old can create such stunningly-realistic tattoos. And apparently, Im not the only one. About four years ago, just when his works started showing up online, people in the business who had never seen his tattoos in person actually thought that they were photoshopped. There was a particularly heated debate surrounding his tattoo of Bradley Cooper as sniper Chris Kyle in American Sniper with many people claiming that it looked too good to be true. Photo: Karol Rybakowski/Instagram It was only a matter of time until people realized the young Polish tattoo artist was just that good, but youre still likely to come across online comments from people questioning whether his work is legit. I for one cannot blame them, some of these just tattoos look to be true. A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on May 15, 2017 at 11:03am PDT Rybakowski is currently working at the Ink-Ognito studio in Rybnik, Poland, alongside fellow tattoo legend Tofi Torfinski, but also attends tattoo-related events all around the world. You can check out more of his impressive tattoos on his Instagram. A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Feb 20, 2017 at 10:53am PST A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Feb 23, 2016 at 7:35am PST A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Jan 26, 2016 at 12:02pm PST A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Nov 2, 2017 at 11:51am PDT A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Nov 23, 2017 at 10:56am PST A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on Aug 2, 2017 at 10:48am PDT A post shared by Poland, Rybnik, Ink-Ognito (@karolrybakowski) on May 27, 2015 at 10:50am PDT Most of us see used teabags as stained, soggy pieces of trash, but to visual artist and graphic designer Ruby Silvious they are miniature canvases just waiting to be turned into artworks. Three years ago, Ruby Silvious came up with an ingenious way of combining two of her favorite pastimes painting and drinking tea by using the used teabags as small pieces of canvas. She started a project called 363 Days of Tea, creating a unique teabag painting every day for 363 days. To the New-York-based artist, it served as a sort of daily diary, allowing her to record her feelings and thoughts as whimsical miniature illustrations, but also compelled viewers to re-evaluate their views on found and recycled materials. Once Silvious friends and family learned about her project, they started sending her teabags of all shapes and sizes, most of which ended up as part of 363 Days of Tea. The artist even came up with ways of incorporating the steeping stains on the used bags as part of her whimsical designs, which ranged from everyday objects like mugs and umbrellas to detailed portraits and landscapes. 363 Days of Tea garnered a lot of attention both in the art world and online, and prompted Ruby Silvious to continue exploring the unsual medium. In 2016, she started two new projects, 52 Weeks of Tea and 26 Days of Tea in Japan, and last year she continued her artistic journey into the world of used tea bags with 26 Days of Tea in France. For the last two projects, she traveled to Japan and France for a month-long session of painting and tea drinking. Ruby Silvious has displayed her unique miniature paintings in galleries around the U.S. and constantly posts her newest works on her Instagram page. Photos: Ruby Silvious 200 schools in Germany have begun asking hyperactive children, typically those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to wear heavy sand-filled vests to calm them down and keep them in their seats during classes. The controversial vests, which weigh between 1.2 and six kilograms (2.7 13Ib), have sparked misgivings among parents and psychiatrists. There are plenty of advocates, however, who claim to have witnessed remarkable changes in behavior among the children who have worn them and insisted that they help curb restlessness. There has been a growing number of ADHD cases diagnosed in Germany each year, and schools that use the vest claim that they are a gentler and less complicated way to tackle the phenomenon than administering psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin. A weighted sand vest (Photo: Beluga Healthcare) Children love to wear the vests, and no one is forced into wearing one against their will, Gerhild de Wall, head of the inclusion unit at the Grumbrechtstrasse school in the Harburg district of Hamburg, said told the Hamburger Abendblatt. Her school is one of the pioneers in the use of sand vests. Critics say that the vests are reminiscent of straitjackets used to constrain violent patients in psychiatric hospitals and the children wearing them are in danger of stigmatization. One parent vented her outrage on Facebook, saying: It would be best if we avoided such torture methods. How can you say to a child, Youre sick, and as a punishment, you have to wear this sand-filled jacket which is not only physical agony but will make you look like an idiot in front of the rest of the class. I think some people have lost the plot. However, another parent, Barbara Truller-Voigt, whose nine-year-old son Frederick has worn a 2kg sand vest at school for three years to help his ADHD, defended the vest, saying that she believed that it had a positive impact on him. He voluntarily puts it on and has the feeling that it helps him, Truller-Voigt told the Hamburger Abendblatt. He can concentrate better and is more able to take an active part in lessons because hes not spending the whole time trying to keep his arms and legs under control. De Wall first encountered the vests while teaching in the United States, where schools occasionally use them for children with autism. She claimed that rather than constraining a child, they could help them to feel centered. Photos: Beluga Healthcare Kids who fidget a lot or have a sensory disorder, often have problems being able to sort out one stimulus from another, she said. The vests help them to have a better sense of themselves, and that in turn helps them to concentrate. De Wall claimed that while the vests should never be worn by children for more than 30 minutes at a time, the weight is not a problem as it is spread evenly over the upper body. She also said that there was competition among students in her school to wear the vest, whether they were diagnosed ADHD or not. The pupils jump at the opportunity to wear them, so we make sure to also let the kids wear them who dont actually need them, which helps to ensure theres no stigma attached to having one, she said to Abendblatt. However, many psychiatrists are skeptical about the vests, particularly without any data on the long-term effect of their use. What we dont want is something where children are wearing something visibly stigmatizing, said Louise Theodosiou, a consultant psychiatrist based in Manchester. We need to know, how does the child feel about it, are they being teased about it? Michael Schulte-Markwort, director at the Child and Youth Psychiatry University Clinic in the north-western Hamburg district of Eppendorf, told German newspaper Die Tageszeitung that the vests were ethically questionable. He also said that they could be construed as a blanket solution to fit all attention deficiency disorders. Schulte-Markwort also criticised the schools for putting too much emphasis on making a child changed their behavior to fit into the class, rather than focusing on helping to solve the childs issues. We should be doing that far more, he added. The Schools minister for the western state of North-Rhine Westphalia, Yvonne Gebauer, stated in an interview with the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung that she did not approve the use of the vests in her area. This is an unusual method, whose application I can only view with a great deal of criticism, she said. Neither are there any verified findings or studies about their effectiveness. Following the controversy unleashed by initial reports of the use of the vests in German schools, the leading manufacturer, Beluga Healthcare, released a statement on its website. In it, Beluga owner Roland Turley stated, We dont want the vests to be viewed as a magic solution to be deployed in every case of concentration disorder. Not every restless child needs a sand vest. Children need to wear them voluntarily, and its necessary to have an informed diagnosis from an occupational therapist or a pediatrician. He went on to admit that no studies had as of yet been carried out regarding the long-term effects on ADHD symptoms from using the vests. Police in the Dutch city of Rotterdam is rolling out a new and highly controversial pilot program aimed at reducing crime. The program will target young men wearing designer clothing or expensive jewellery who supposedly look like theyre too poor to afford the items in question. If theyre unable to adequately prove to the police how they were able to purchase their clothes and/or accessories, the items will potentially be confiscated on the spot, with suspects expected to strip down in the street. The controversial program will run for a limited time, to test its effectiveness, and the Rotterdam police department will be collaborating with the public prosecution department to help them determine what items they can legally confiscate. The main idea behind this endeavour is to deter theft by sending a signal that perpetrators will not be able to keep their stolen goods. unrelated photo (Credit: Peter van der Sluijs/Wikimedia Commons) They are often young guests who consider themselves untouchable. Were going to undress them on the street, Rotterdam police chief Frank Paauw told Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf. We regularly take a Rolex from a suspect. Clothes rarely. And that is especially a status symbol for young people. Some young people now walk with jackets worth 1,800. They do not have any income, so the question is how they get there. The department spokesperson said that the items police would be on the lookout for included big Rolex[es], Gucci jackets, all those kinds of clothes. The spokesperson could not, however, specify what types of crime theyre hoping to reduce with the program. Critics have attacked the program, saying that the confiscation measures might be illegal and that it could quickly lead to racial profiling. Police wont consider a white guy walking around in an expensive jacket to be a potential drug dealer, Quincy, a 20-year-old Rotterdam resident told VICE. But itll be a different story with minorities. Photo: markusspiske/Pixabay City ombudsman Anne Mieke Zwaneveld told Algemeen Dagblad, We realized that [they] do not want to create the appearance that there is ethnic profiling but the chances of this happening are very large. Zwaneveld added that it would be legally complicated to prove officers were justified in taking peoples clothing in the street. It is not forbidden to walk around in the street. In addition, it is often unclear how such a piece of clothing is paid and how old it is. Critics have pointed out that oftentimes young people are still supported by the parents who can afford the expensive items, and also mentioned the ability for many to buy discounted designer items online. They added that the program is likely only going to succeed in breeding resentment between locals and the police who are meant to be protecting the community. Ted, another Rotterdam resident interviewed by VICE, summed it up neatly by saying, I think its a strange way of trying to catching criminals. Why not just arrest a drug dealer when hes actually dealing drugs? When Sophy Ijeoma, a makeup artist from Nigeria, decided to comment on an acquaintances Facebook marriage advert as a joke, she never imagined she would marry the man just seven days later, but I guess she underestimated the power of social media. The day before New Years Eve, Nigerian furniture maker Chidimma Amedu decided it was to find a wife. Instead of probing his friends or going on a dating site, he just posted an advert on Facebook, asking all women interested in becoming his wife to reply to his post. It read Am of age to and I am ready to say I do and I am wasting no time. Send in your applications. The most qualified will be married on January 6, 2018. Application closes 12 midnight, December 31, 2017. I am serious about this and dont say you did not see it on time. Goodluck. Photo: Sophy Ijeoma Amedu received a few responses from interested parties, but the one that caught his attention came from Sophy Ijeoma, an acquaintance he barely knew. She was maid of honor at a friends when she saw the funny post, and it piqued her interest. She had been Facebook friends with Amedu for about a year but had previously had little interaction beyond occasional likes and comments. Initially, she thought the post was a joke and replied saying: Am interested, just DM melols. I never knew he was serious about the post, Ijeoma told the BBC. Amedu, however, was completely serious. He sent her a private message, and they began chatting via Facebook messenger. Two days later the couple had their first date at a mall in Ijeomas hometown of Enugu, in southeastern Nigeria. Amedu traveled over 500 km (300 miles) from his home in the northern city of Abuja to meet her there. It was love at first sight, Ijeoma told reporters. He is the most handsome man Ive ever met, and I liked him instantly. Amedu felt the same, and after taking one look at her said, Youre beautiful. Photo: Facebook After two hours of conversation, Amedu asked Ijeoma to meet his uncle who also happened to live in Enugu. Family support behind ones choice of spouse is an essential part of Igbo culture. We got to the uncles house, and he said: Uncle, meet the woman I want to marry,' Ijeoma recalled. When I saw him for the first time, I definitely found him attractive, but what I didnt know how serious he was about marrying me. It was after we met the uncle and his wife, that I realized that this could actually happen and I wanted it. The couple decided to keep their momentum and seek the approval of Ijeomas family on the same day. Her father had passed away, so it was up to her elder brother to give his blessing, which, somewhat surprisingly, he did. It was official Amedu and Ijeoma were engaged to be married all within hours of meeting. At first, her family thought I was not serious, but I proved to them that I was, Amedu told CNN. The couple planned their wedding over the next four days after taking a test to find out if they were medically compatible. Nigeria has a high rate of sickle cell anemia, and couples are advised to compare their genotypes to avoid having children with the condition. All went well, and on January 6, 2018, the couple officially became husband and wife, in a traditional Igbo ceremony. Photo: Sophy Ijeoma I am happy that I married him. He is my kind of man, Ijeoma told CNN. A former nanny in China recently confessed to abducting a boy from her employers in Chongqing and raising him as her own son for the past 26 years. He Xiaoping, 48, from Nanchong, in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, confessed the kidnapping to local authorities, last August. Police have been investigating her story ever since, but are unable to open a criminal case based solely on her claim. Xiaoping claims that after giving birth to two children and losing both in their infancy, she approached elders in her village for advice. They told her that the only way for her to have a child of her own, would be to raise one from another family. In 1992, Xiaoping went to the city of Chongqing with a fake ID card and found a job as a nanny for a 1-year-old boy. She claims that after working for three days, she took the boy back to Nanchong with her. She named the boy Liu Jinxin after her second son. The boy is now 27-years-old, but during all the years hes been with Xiaoping, no one has ever come looking for him. In 1995, after the birth of her daughter, Xiaoping thought about returning the boy to his family, but she feared imprisonment. She kept him and raised him as her son instead. I know I have done bad things, said He in an interview with Chongqing Evening News. But I have always treated him as my own son, and he has treated me as his real mom. Xiaoping said that she was finally inspired her to confess her crime by a TV documentary showcasing an old woman who had spent the past fifty years searching for her lost son. The show moved Xiaoping so much that she told her son the truth and turned herself in to the police. The woman told reporters that although her son isnt convinced that she is telling the truth, but he has left Nanchong shortly after hearing her confession and started working in Guangzhou. I never thought she was not my mom as she was so good to me, Liu said. I dont really care if they can find my biological parents or not. Police have entered Lius information into Chinas database of missing people, but as of yet, there are no matches. Oddly, there are also no police records of a missing boy in Chongqing from 1992. Xiaoping said she will continue to search for Lius biological family regardless and has accepted that she will serve jail time when she locates them. Huang Ziqiang, a lawyer from Chongqing Exceedon and Partners Law Firm, said that if the case is real, Xiaoping could face a sentence of up to five years in jail according to the 1979 criminal law. However, the time limit for such charges is five years, and she would probably not be sent to jail even if she is convicted. How can I redeem myself then? Confess to the Buddha? Xiaoping asked. The story recent went viral in China thanks to Xiaoping contacting Chongqing Evening News in an attempt to spread the word about her search for Lius biological family. The paper published her story last week, and sparked a heated debate on Chinese social media, with many calling for her to serve jail time whether or not she or the police locate the bio-family. Liu, however, does not want to see her imprisoned as he considers her his real mom either way. via CGTN Yesterday in the Dail, Sinn Fein TD Carol Nolan stated that we are amidst a chronic teacher shortage crisis which, if allowed to continue, will have a catastrophic effect on an entire generation of school children." "As I see it, the problem is multifaceted. At a time when school enrolment is on the increase, large numbers of teachers are headed for retirement whilst others are leaving the profession or heading overseas because of dissatisfaction with working conditions the profession is now seen as less desirable than it once was," Deputy Nolan said. The Offaly TD was speaking at Private Members Business on a Motion on the nationwide Shortage of Teachers. In her speech she spoke to many of the intersecting issues which are contributing to the crisis. CAO points dropped significantly in 2017 with a small reduction in applications for Primary teaching courses but there was a marked reduction in applications for Secondary Teaching courses with most decrease being for specialist discipline courses such as Home Economics. "Teacher shortages are particularly severe in the areas of special education, maths, science, and languages as well as in locations with higher costs of living such as the greater Dublin area. And whilst geography plays a role, socio-economically disadvantaged urban and rural schools shoulder the greater shortages as by-and-large; the shortages disproportionately impact low-income pupils and students with specific learning requirements. Meanwhile, Teacher Unions insist that the two-tier pay gap is causing the crisis in filling short absences." I first experienced the shortage of teachers first hand in 2012 in my role as Acting principal of a Gael Scoil and this is now evidenced in a recent survey of more than 800 Principals which was undertaken by the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA)," Carol told us. "Whilst the Minister for Education Richard Bruton has acknowledged the difficulties in finding substitute teachers, his Department meantime has stated that it believed there was no issue with recruiting extra teachers. One data set from the CPSMA survey indicated that more than 80% of respondents claimed they were finding it harder to recruit substitute teachers this year compared to last year, indicating that the shortage is getting worse," Carol said. "This concern is shared by the Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN). However the Department of Education claims that schools are struggling to hire substitute teachers because teachers were taking up full-time roles. The fact is that out of 15,500 days of teacher absence between 1 September and October 31st 2017, schools had been unable to replace teachers for almost 4,000." It was further revealed that almost 5,000 days were covered by non-registered teachers. The survey also revealed that Gael Scoileanna are having particular difficulties and that special education teachers are being redeployed to supervise in mainstream classes. I am not alone in believing that these shortages will, in time, have a detrimental effect on the quality of education being provided to pupils particularly to those with special educational needs, Carol remarked. "Whilst the Department of Education confirms that more than 5,000 additional teachers have been hired in the past 18 months, many schools cannot find the right teachers. This would appear to be a discrepancy between the subjects which many teachers are qualified to teach versus school requirements for entirely different subjects such as science, maths, Irish and other languages. The most challenging subject areas to fill vacancies were Irish, French, maths, home economics, German and science." "It is now accepted that what the TUI referred to in 2015 as the rampant casualization of the profession, with part-time contracts as low as four-hours per week, has compounded the problem. But there is little sign of urgency in tackling the staff shortage problem to date," she continued. "The policy response has been to place a greater emphasis on the use of retired or student teachers. Whilst there has been a concerted move by Principals and Managers to urge the lifting all restrictions on employing retired teachers and making it easier for foreign teachers to work here, much more decisive measures are needed." "Demand will continue to increase over the next decade as the school age population increases therefore strategic measures must be addressed now. Stronger oversight of the teacher education system is required to help ensure there is a better outcome of matching teacher supply with demand and conversion courses and up-skilling for existing staff are essential." Deputy Nolan concluded by saying, Minister Bruton has spoken of his ambition to build the best education system in Europe but it is patently clear that this current strategy will not achieve any such outcome as bad policy can reap nothing but negative consequences." Farm Bills: Farmers' organisations call for Karnataka bandh, likely to be held on September 28 Karnataka bandh over Maratha board: What is open, what is closed BJP rally despite Karnataka bandh: Corruption means Siddaramaiah, says Amit Shah in Mysore India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Karnataka Bandh : BJP President Amit Shah addresses Parivartana Yatra rally | Oneindia News BJP National President Amit Shah warned that when the BJP government comes to power in Karnataka, murderers of BJP-RSS workers will not be spared. Amit Shah was speaking at 'Parivartana Yatre rally at Maharaja College grounds in Mysore. On the recent attacks on BJP-RSS members in the state, Amit Shah said,"More than 20 RSS-BJP karyakartas have been murdered in the state in last four years but Siddaramaiah government has let the murderers go scot free. BJP government will bring them to justice come what may, after forming the government in the state." Amit Shah said, "Congress party's protest against the Triple Talaq Act is politically motivated. I say to Muslim women, do not worry, we're here to protest you." He said, "This government is not a pro-farmer government. Over 3500 farmers have committed suicide. Yet, Siddaramaiah did not wake up from his sleep." BJP President Amit Shah at Parivartana Yatre in Mysuru, Karnataka ANI (@ANI) January 25, 2018 "Siddaramaiah government has crossed all boundaries of corruption. In Karnataka, Siddaramaiah means corruption and corruption means Siddaramaiah," Shah said. "BJP has started the 'Parivartana Yatre' for not only to change the government but also to bring change in the lives of youth and to give security to the women of Karnataka," he added. Amit Shah asserted that "Congress party and CM Siddaramaiah will not be able to stop BJP from forming the government because people of Karnataka have decided for 'parivartana'. " Earlier, Karnataka BJP claimed that people have defied bandh call on Thursday to attend BJP National President's rally. BJP alleged that CM Siddaramaiah brazenly admitted on camera that he rescheduled the Karnataka Bandh from 27th to 25th such that it coincides with Amit Shah' s visit to Karnataka. Karnataka BJP tweeted, "CM towing the Indira line to thwart political opponents," BJP National President Shri @AmitShah will address Parivartana Yatre today at 2:30 pm in Mysore, Karnataka. Watch LIVE at BJP (@BJP4India) January 25, 2018 BJP further asked, "Can anyone decipher the need for not one but two Karnataka Bandh? Can anyone cite any other instance where govt itself sponsors the bandh? Expect Congress to stoop to new lows with every passing day until elections." "CM Siddaramaiah may score some cheap political brownie points by organising these bandhs, but what about lakhs of daily wage workers who would have to starve because of CM's treacherous political gimmicks?" BJP stated. According to reports, police has been asked to maintain peace and ensure things don't go out of hand. At, least 10,000 police personnel have been deployed across Mysore. Pro-Kannada groups have called for Karnataka bandh on January 25, Thursday. Several private schools and state government offices are expected to be shut following the bandh call was given by organisations protesting against the Centre's apathy towards the Mahadayi dispute. OneIndia News Karni Sena withdraws protest against Padmaavat : What led to the U-turn? There is more to come: Karni Sena chief denies withdrawal of Padmaavat protests Complaint against viral wink song: Why everything hurts our religious sentiments so easily 'BJP's use of hatred, violence setting country on fire', Rahul on anti-Padmaavat protests India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Jan 25: All these days, the Congress maintained a studied silence over the ongoing controversy surrounding the Bollywood film, Padmaavat. While Hindu right-wing groups known to share close ties with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unleashed violence to register their protest against the Sanjay Leela Bhansali film, the Congress hardly said a word to condemn the shameful dance of terror in the name of Hindu honour and pride. Finally, on Wednesday, after a school bus ferrying children in Gurgaon was attacked by a mob protesting against Padmaavat, which was earlier titled as Padmavati, Congress president Rahul Gandhi decided to speak against the groups protesting against the film. While condemning the violence against children, Rahul blamed the ruling BJP for setting the "entire country on fire". Rahul tweeted, "There will never be a cause big enough to justify violence against children. Violence and hatred are the weapons of the weak. The BJP's use of hatred and violence is setting our entire country on fire." There will never be a cause big enough to justify violence against children. Violence and hatred are the weapons of the weak. The BJP's use of hatred and violence is setting our entire country on fire. Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) January 24, 2018 Reports say the bus belonged to GD Goenka World School. The attack took place on Sohna Road near Delhi at around 3 pm on Wednesday. During the attack, at least 30 children with teachers and a staff member were inside the bus as they were on their way back home. The horrifying bus attack left the young passengers mortified as protesters threw rocks at the vehicle. In order to save themselves from getting injured, terrified children crouched on the bus floor and others cried in panic. But nothing could stop the anger of a violent mob that was hell-bent on unleashing terror because a film is allegedly hurting their Rajput pride and Hindu sentiments. Since the last few days, protesters belonging to the Shri Rajput Karni Sena and other Hindu right-wing groups have been attacking malls, multiplexes and setting vehicles on fire in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh--all ruled by the BJP. Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal called the attack against the children "utterly shameful". Utterly shameful. More disgusting is the complicity of those govts who r allowing it thro their inaction Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 24, 2018 Deputy CM of Delhi Manish Sisodia questioned the BJP and the Shri Rajput Karni Sena for violence against school students. - ? , , ? ? Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) January 24, 2018 The Congress lambasted the BJP government in Haryana over its "failure" to maintain law and order in the wake of the attack on the school bus by goons protesting the release of film Padmaavat. Randeep Surjewala took to Twitter to term the attack as "unacceptable" and "reprehensible" that endangered the lives of children. OneIndia News Former Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah in Delhi; All set to meet Gandhis A Look back at CMs who completed full 5-year term in history of Karnataka Confer 'Bharat Ratna' on Sri Sri Siddaganga Sivakumara Swami: Siddaramaiah to PM India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah on Thursday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him to confer the title of 'Bharat Ratna' to prominent Lingayat community seer Sri Sri Sri Sivakumara Swamiji. Sivakumar Swamiji is known as 'Walking God' in the state for his service to education and philanthropic activities. Sivakumara Swami (111), runs educational institutions in Tumkur district of Karnataka. Around 9,000 students and 3,000 pilgrims are being fed every day in Siddaganga Math. Last week, former External Affairs Minister and BJP leader S M Krishna has appealed to Prime Minister to confer country's highest award 'Bharat Ratna' Dr Shivakumara Swami. In a letter to Mr Modi, he said that the Swamiji since last 8 decades has been serving the people, irrespective of caste and creed, by feeding free meals and lakhs of children were provided free education with boarding and lodging facility in the Mutt. OneIndia News Fodder scam: Lalu's total jail term in three judgements amount to 13.5 years India oi-Vikas By Vikas The fodder scam cost Lalu Prasad Yadav his political career. Because of his three convictions so far in this case he had to step down from the post of Bihar Chief Minister in 1997, lost his Lok Sabha seat and is also barred from contesting election for six years following the sentencing due to an earlier Supreme Court order. Lalu Yadav was first convicted in a fodder scam case in 2013 and was awarded five years' imprisonment. On Wednesday, a special CBI court awarded five years in jail and a fine of Rs 10 lakh to Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav in a third fodder scam case. Special CBI court judge S S Prasad had earlier convicted Lalu and 50 other accused in the case, which pertains to fraudulent withdrawal of Rs 33.67 crore from Chaibasa treasury in 1992-1993. Former Bihar CM Jagannath Mishra was also found guilty and awarded a five-year jail term for embezzling funds from the Chaibasa treasury. [Fodder scam: Lalu Prasad Yadav found guilty in third case; sentenced to five years] Lalu, who is currently lodged in the Birsa Munda Central Jail of Ranchi, was on December 23, 2017, convicted for 3.5 years in the second fodder scam case. Although he was convicted on December 23, the quantum sentence was pronounced on 6th January 2018. [Fodder scam case: Lalu sentenced to 3.5 years in jail, can't take bail in Ranchi court] He faces another two scam cases for illegal withdrawal of Rs 3.97 crore from the Dumka Treasury and Rs 184 crore from the Doranda Treasury. Lalu has now been convicted in three fodder scam cases out of a total of six in which he has been facing trial. So, according to judgements pronounced till date, the total jail term for the RJD chief amounts to 13.5 years. Altogether 61 cases were filed by the CBI in the scam, 53 of which were transferred from Bihar to Jharkhand after the bifurcation of the state in November 2000. The case is regarding large-scale embezzlement of government funds, made by producing fake bills to substantiate payments that were never made. The scam took its notorious name from the fact that it was rooted in the Animal and Husbandry department of Bihar government and the fraudulent transactions were made in the name of procuring cattle feed over a period of 20 years, under successive regimes. [Lalu's sentencing: Don't miss the humour in court] It first came to light in 1985 by the then CAG TN Chaturvedi, who noticed that monthly accounts submission from Bihar treasury were always delayed. Here is a timeline of fodder scam case: January 1996: The scam surfaces after Deputy Commissioner Amit Khare raids the offices of the Animal Husbandry Department and seizes documents that showed syphoning of funds by non-existent companies in the name of supplying fodder. March 11, 1996: The Patna High Court directs the CBI to probe the scam. The Supreme Court upholds the order. March 27, 1996: The CBI registers an FIR in the Chaibasa Treasury case. June 23, 1997: The CBI files a charge sheet and makes Lalu Yadav and 55 others as accused in the case. Sixty-three cases were registered under IPC Sections 420 (forgery) and 120 (b) (criminal conspiracy) and Section 13 (b) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. July 30, 1997: Lalu Yadav surrenders before a CBI court and sent to judicial custody. April 5, 2000: Charges framed before the special CBI court. Rabri Devi's name included as co-accused. She was granted bail, Lalu's bail plea rejected and he was remanded in judicial custody. October 5, 2001: The Supreme Court transfers the scam cases to Jharkhand after the creation of the new State. February, 2002: Trial begins in the Ranchi special CBI court. December 2006: Prasad and Rabri Devi acquitted of charges in the disproportionate assets case filed by the CBI June 2007: The special CBI court in Ranchi sentences 58 persons, including two nephews of Railway Minister Lalu Prasad, to jail terms ranging from two-and-a-half years to six years for fraudulently withdrawing Rs. 48 crore from the Chaibasa Treasury in the 1990s. March 2012: Six months after their appearance before the Special CBI court, charges are framed against Lalu Yadav and Jagannath Mishra. The court charges the former with fraudulent withdrawal of Rs. 47 lakh from the treasuries at Banka and Bhagalpur districts, where alleged forged and fake bills were drawn by the Animal Husbandry Department in 1995-96 when he was the Chief Minister. August 13, 2013: The Supreme Court rejects Lalu's plea seeking the transfer of the trial court judge hearing the case. September 17, 2013: The Special CBI court reserves its judgment. September 30, 2013: Lalu Yadav and Mishra, along with 45 others are convicted by Special CBI Judge Pravas Kumar Singh. Lalu stands disqualified as a member of the Lok Sabha following the verdict. The two cannot contest any election, including those of the Assembly/Council, for six years from the date of their release from jail. November 2014: The CBI challenges the order of the Jharkhand High Court quashing four pending fodder scam cases against Mr Prasad on the grounds that a person convicted in one case could not be tried in similar cases based on same witnesses and evidence. The court upholds the CBI plea to continue proceedings in the trial court against Mr Prasad under two sections. November 2016: The Supreme Court pulls up Mr Mishra for allegedly dragging and delaying the appeal filed by the CBI challenging the quashing of four pending fodder scam cases against him. May 2017: The Supreme Court holds that Mr Prasad and other accused persons, including Mishra, will be tried separately for corruption in a criminal case involving the withdrawal of Rs. 84.53 lakh and falsification of records from the Deoghar Treasury in 1991-94 December 23, 2017: A special CBI court in Ranchi convicts Lalu Yadav in the second fodder scam case. The quantum of sentence was pronounced on January 6, 2018, in which he was awarded 3.5 years jail term. January 24, 2018: Lalu Yadav convicted in third fodder scam case and awarded five years jail term. OneIndia News India shares ASEAN vision for rule-based societies: PM Modi India oi-Deepika By Deepika Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that India is committed to work with ASEAN nations to enhance collaboration in the maritime domain. Addressing the plenary session of India-ASEAN commemorative summit Modi said that India shares the ASEAN vision for rule based societies and values of peace. At the outset, he welocpmed the ASEAN leaders who are in the country for the second time and said that tomorrow you are our honored guests at our republic day celebration. "Our friendship has been nurtured by our culture, our civilisation. We have organised our Ramayana festival with members of ASEAN countries to showcase our common cultural treasure," he said adding that since 1992, our partnership has evolved to strategic partnership. "During the retreat session, maritime domain was a key focus area. Indeed, maritime cooperation has been an integral part of our discourse with the theme resonating in the ASEAN-India connectivity summit," he said. #WATCH Prime Minister Narendra Modi with ASEAN leaders at the Mughal Garden in Rashtrapati Bhawan ANI (@ANI) January 25, 2018 Highlights of PM Modi speech Our trade has grown 25 times in 25 years. Investments are robust and growing. WE will continue to work with ASEAN to enhance our trade ties. The success of recent events, the ASEAN India business meetings have shown encouraging results. We will further enhance trade ties and work towards greater interaction among our business communities. To build our historical bonds, I propose to declare 2019 as the year to promote tourism. It was a privileged for India to play a role in conversations of temples in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Leaders of the ten ASEAN countries, comprising Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Laos and Brunei, are in India for the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit being held in New Delhi. The ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit will mark 25 years of India's ties with the southeast Asian bloc. ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The summit comes at a time when India is making a strategic shift in its regional policy, enhancing its previous 'Look East' policy to the new 'Act East' policy. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 19:21 [IST] UP seeks urgent listing of plea in SC against Karnataka HC order quashing notice to Twitter official Karnataka bandh over Mahadayi dispute: It is life as usual in Kalaburagi India oi-Madhuri Kannada organisations call for state wide Bandh, normal life hid hard | Oneindia News Several pro-Kannada organisations called for a 'Karnataka Bandh' on January 25, 2018 towards the on-going inter-state Mahadayi river water dispute with Goa, which is expected to affect normal life across the state. However, Kalaburagi district seems to be unafected with it. Several shops were opened and buses were running as usual. However, the bandh call evokes good response in Dharwad. The city wears a deserted look as buses remain off the roads and business establishments are closed. In Belagavi, the bandh has limited impact. Schools declared holidays in only four of 11 taluks. Other schools, colleges, offices and shops are open. Buses are plying. NWKRTC has stopped buses to Goa, as a precautionary measure. While Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) are expected to run, as usual, autos or cabs might not be available today as their unions have supported the shutdown for a day. Catch live updates on Karnataka Bandh here. OneIndia News Karnataka bandh today: No Ola, Uber, autos, how to travel in Bengaluru today Farm Bills: Farmers' organisations call for Karnataka bandh, likely to be held on September 28 Karnataka bandh over Maratha board: What is open, what is closed Karnataka bandh today: Schools closed, exams postponed, near total shut-down India oi-Vicky By Vicky Karnataka braces for a near total bandh today. Many including Infosys and Wipro are among those who will suspend operations today. Banks said they would remain open, but a call on whether to suspend operations or not will be taken depending on the situation. The bandh call has been given to protest the apathy of the Centre towards the Mahadayi waters issue. The Associated Management of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) said its member-schools would be closed. Karnataka bandh: What is open, what is closed Management of Independent CBSE School Association (MICSA) has also decided its member-schools will remain closed. Mansoor A Khan, the general secretary of the association, said the schools might work on a Saturday to compensate for the holiday. If any pre-university practical exam can't be held on Thursday, it will be held on February 21, an official note said. Ahead of the second PU exams in March, practical exams are being held from January 22 to February 20. Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has rescheduled the postgraduate theory examination from Thursday to February 5. Timings remain unchanged. The Kannada film industry has extended its support to the bandh. All theatres across Karnataka will be closed. Malls and multiplexes will remain closed across the state till 6 pm. Government offices in Bengaluru and across the state may see thin attendance as the bandh is backed by the Karnataka Government Employees Association. Educational institutions have been told to remain closed on Thursday by the deputy commissioner of Bengaluru (Urban) district. State-run transport corporations said their services would not be disrupted as long as the situation was peaceful. Namma Metro said its schedule would remain unchanged. Its PRO U A Vasanth Rao said operations would continue as usual. "Since petrol bunks come under essential services, it is mandatory to provide services. Any disruption will affect not only members of the public but also ambulance and other emergency services," said Sanaulla Anees, vice president of Karnataka State Federation of Petroleum Dealers. In a notification, BU stated that the third year BCom and BBM exams will be held on January 31 along with PGDBA, DHRM, DMM and DHA exams. The second-year MA and MSc exams will be held on February 2, the third year BA and BSc papers are scheduled for February 5 and the first year BA, BSc, BCom and BBM as well as the second year MCom exams have been postponed to February 8. Transport services would however function today. Several app-based taxi services said on the social media that they would function as normal. H D Revappa from the KSRTC Employee Federation, affiliated to the CITU, said services would be operational on Thursday. However, services in Hubbali and other parts of northern Karnataka are likely to be severely hit as the epicentre of the protests is in those areas. Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) managing director V Ponnuraj said they would follow the directives given by the State government. Government offices and associated services are expected to be shut tomorrow. OneIndia News UP seeks urgent listing of plea in SC against Karnataka HC order quashing notice to Twitter official Karnataka Bandh: Wipro declares holiday as a 'precautionary measure' India oi-Vikas By Vikas As Karnataka braces for a total shut down today due to the bandh call given by pro-Kannada groups, IT giant Wipro has declared a holiday in its offices across the state. A statement by Wipro said that it was declaring holiday as a 'precautionary measure'. It was expected that the IT companies would suspend operations as there is always a fear that the groups who have called for bandh may resort to violence. "On account of the shutdown called by various organizations, as a precautionary measure, Wipro Limited has declared holiday for employees in Karnataka today. Business Continuity Plans have been invoked to avoid disruption to mission critical project," a Wipro statement said. Government offices in Bengaluru and across the state may see thin attendance as the bandh is backed by the Karnataka Government Employees Association. Educational institutions have been told to remain closed on Thursday by the deputy commissioner of Bengaluru (Urban) district. State-run transport corporations said their services would not be disrupted as long as the situation was peaceful. Namma Metro said its schedule would remain unchanged. Its PRO U A Vasanth Rao said operations would continue as usual. [Karnataka bandh today: Schools closed, exams postponed, near total shut-down] Transport services would however function today. Several app-based taxi services said on the social media that they would function as normal. However, services in Hubbali and other parts of northern Karnataka are likely to be severely hit as the epicentre of the protests is in those areas. OneIndia News Complaint against viral wink song: Why everything hurts our religious sentiments so easily Karni Sena, what explains your violence against children to express ire over Padmaavat? India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Jan 25: It's a mere film, but for anti-Padmaavat protesters, it has become a matter of life and death. So, on Wednesday afternoon, just hours before the film was set to release in theatres across the country, members belonging to right-wing groups decided to attack a school bus with children in Gurgaon. The horrifying bus attack left the young passengers mortified as protesters threw rocks at the vehicle. In order to save themselves from getting injured, terrified children crouched on the bus floor and others cried in panic. But nothing could stop the anger of a violent mob that was hell-bent on unleashing terror because a film is allegedly hurting their Rajput pride and Hindu sentiments. Reports say the bus belonged to GD Goenka World School. The attack took place on Sohna Road near Delhi at around 3 pm on Wednesday. During the attack at least 30 children with teachers and a staff member were inside the bus as they were on their way back home. While the attackers were throwing rocks at the bus which left its windows broken, another group of goons set a state-run bus on fire. As the attacks on vehicles and public properties continued, the policemen did nothing to stop the violence, alleged teachers and the staff member of the school. Since the last few days, protesters belonging to the Shri Rajput Karni Sena and other Hindu right-wing groups have been attacking malls, multiplexes and setting vehicles on fire in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh--all ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). As violent protests against Padmaavat continue to rock, it seems the BJP has decided to bow down in front of the Hindu extremists to protect their vote banks. The Congress is equally guilty for the latest round of violence against the Sanjay Leela Bhansali film because of its studied silence over the entire controversy. Several right-wing groups led by the Shri Rajput Karni Sena have been vehemently opposing the public screening of the film since last year as it allegedly hurt the Hindu sentiments by depicting queen Padmavati (Padmini) in a bad light. They are demanding a complete ban on Padmaavat, in spite of several scenes being deleted from the film, including changing the title from Padmavati to Padmaavat, as suggested by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). After the CBFC (also known as the Censor Board) approved the film, several BJP-ruled states like Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh decided to ban the film. However, the Supreme Court has asked the states to release the film and provide security measures to thwart any violence. The apex court's ruling also did not awake the BJP government to take necessary action against the goons roaming freely and spreading violence and hatred in the name of Hindu pride. All these days, Indians, like politicians belonging to various parties, too were quietly observing the whole drama surrounding the film. However, Wednesday's school bus attack drew sharp criticism from various quarters. Finally, breaking his silence over the protests against the Bollywood magnum opus, Congress president Rahul Gandhi tweeted, "There will never be a cause big enough to justify violence against children. Violence and hatred are the weapons of the weak. The BJP's use of hatred and violence is setting our entire country on fire." There will never be a cause big enough to justify violence against children. Violence and hatred are the weapons of the weak. The BJP's use of hatred and violence is setting our entire country on fire. Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) January 24, 2018 Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal called the attack against the children "utterly shameful". Utterly shameful. More disgusting is the complicity of those govts who r allowing it thro their inaction Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 24, 2018 Deputy CM of Delhi Manish Sisodia questioned the BJP and the Shri Rajput Karni Sena for violence against school students. - ? , , ? ? Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) January 24, 2018 The Congress lambasted the BJP government in Haryana over its "failure" to maintain law and order in the wake of the attack on the school bus by goons protesting the release of the film, Padmaavat. Randeep Surjewala took to Twitter to term the attack as "unacceptable" and "reprehensible" that endangered the lives of children. Several people protested on social media against the violent means resorted by the right-wing groups to express their unhappiness over the ill-fated cinematic journey of Bhansali. Here we bring you some more tweets: Our Republic Day is two days away and our children are terrified and sobbing inside a school bus attacked by shameless thugs over a damned movie. Rage Rage Against The Dying Of The Light... #Padmaavat barkha dutt (@BDUTT) January 24, 2018 People in large amount should go to theaters to see #Padmaavat & give strong message to these goons #KarniSena ANKIT SHARMA (@ankitsharma94_) January 25, 2018 Dear fellow #Indians, torching a school bus isn't going to register your names in the annals of history. Save your bravery for better causes! #Padmaavat Varun Sharma (@VSJabberwocky) January 25, 2018 Attacking Kids to Prove the Care for the Dignity of a Woman??? Seriouslyyy ??? #Padmaavat Chandan Verma (@chandan2419) January 24, 2018 OneIndia News National Voters Day: Election Commission appeals people to take Voters' Pledge India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar The 8th National Voters' Day is being observed on Thursday. The significance of this day is to encourage youngsters, who have reached the age of 18, of the country to participate in the electoral process, by enrolling or registering themselves in electoral rolls and to exercise their franchise. January 25th is also the foundation day of the Commission, which came into being on this day in 1950. The Election Commission of India has appealed people to Join them in celebrating this day by taking the National Voters' Day Pledge. [Read more: National Voters Day: Know about the first voter of India] Voters' Pledge: "We, the citizens of India, having abiding faith in democracy, hereby pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of our country and the dignity of free, fair and peaceful elections, and to vote in every election fearlessly and without being influenced by considerations of religion, race, caste, community, language or any inducement". The Election Commission will felicitate 133-millennium voters in the poll-bound of Meghalaya on National Voters Day. Those who were born on January 1 in the year 2000, the first day of the 21st century and have attained the age of 18 on the first day of this year are called millennium voters, the CEO explained. OneIndia News Lawyer on EC's panel resigns for values not being in consonance with poll body National Voters Day : Know about the first voter of India India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar India is celebrating National Voters Day on Thursday. The significance of this day is to encourage youngsters, who have reached the age of 18, of the country to participate in the electoral process, by enrolling or registering themselves in electoral rolls and to exercise their franchise. January 25th is also the foundation day of the Commission, which came into being on this day in 1950. On this occasion, we should know the first and oldest voter of India. He is none other than Shyam Saran Negi from Himachal Pradesh. Shyam Saran Negi is India's oldest voter. He cast his vote in Kinnaur district in the recently concluded Himachal Pradesh assembly elections. Negi (100), a retired schoolteacher, created history when he voted in Kalpa in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh to become Independent India's first voter in 1951. Shyam Saran Negi, born on 1 July 1917 in Kalpa, Himachal Pradesh, - the nation's first election since the end of the British Raj in 1947. Although the majority of the election took place in February 1952, residents of Himachal Pradesh were given the chance to vote five months early because of the probability that heavy snowfall would make it impossible for citizens to reach the polling stations. India's oldest voter Shyam Saran Negi cast his vote in Kinnaur, says everyone must work in the nation's interest. #HimachalPradeshElections ANI (@ANI) November 9, 2017 Negi has voted in every general election since 1951 and is believed to be India's oldest voter as well its first. The Election Commission had made special preparations for Negi to vote in Kinnaur district. As the centenarian found it difficult to walk, Kinnaur district administration had provided a special vehicle to take him to the polling station and drop him back home. At the polling station, Negi received a grand welcome. Shyam Saran Negi also made a special appearance in a Hindi film Sanam Re. OneIndia News No media gag on reporting Sohrabuddin trial: Bombay HC India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Bombay High Court has set aside an order of the CBI court which barred the media from covering the trial of the 2005 Sohrabuddin Shaikh encounter case. A case being sensational in nature cannot be a ground to ban the media from reporting it, the court held. Further the court also said that the matter of judge Loya's death is not connected with this matter. Hence the alleged misreporting of that matter is also not a ground to prevent the media from covering the trial. The CBI court had gagged the media from publishing proceedings relating to the trial based on an application moved by one of the accused. The accused, Abdul Rehman, a police inspector from Rajasthan had sought a gag on the media and the same was supported by the rest of the accused. The defence had contended that the media report would prejudice their case. They had alleged that media has already misreported this case by publishing reports claiming that Judge B H Loya's death was unnatural, a claim which the family of Judge Loya has denied. Judge Loya was handling the Sohrabuddin encounter case. The Bombay High Court however rejected the contention and said that the matter relating to Loya had nothing to do with the Sohrabuddin trial. Mere apprehension of the accused that the media may sensationalise the matter is not a ground to ban the coverage of the trial, the HC also noted. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 6:11 [IST] Karni Sena to organise a rally in Jaipur on October 27; Ravindra Jadejas wife to address it Padmaavat: Haryana BJP media coordinator Suraj Pal Amu under house arrest India oi-Deepika By Deepika Karni Sena leader and ex-BJP member Suraj Pal Amu, who had announced a Rs. 10 crore bounty for beheading Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Deepika Padukone, got arrested in Gurugram on Thursday. He has been booked under section 107/51 of the CrPC. For the uninitiated, Amu had reportedly made remarks about doubling the offer that was made by a youth from Meerut announcing a Rs. 5 crore bounty for beheading Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Leela Bhansali. "We will reward the ones beheading them with Rs 10 crore and also take care of their family needs...We know very well how to treat those who insult the Rajput community," Amu had reportedly said. The Haryana BJP had immediately distanced itself from Amu's remarks, saying he had made them in his personal capacity. As many as 23 have been arrested in connection with violence at two places in Gurugram district on Wednesday. Besides, two persons were arrested for vandalising a mall in Kurukshetra town recently and eight persons arrested as part of preventive measures. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 19:02 [IST] Padmaavat protest: Goons who attacked school bus ought to be booked for 'attempt to murder' Would it be accepted if Gandhiji is shown doing bhangra ': Giriraj Singh on Padmaavat row 46 people have been arrested so far in connection with 'Padmaavat violence': Gurgaon Police Padmaavat protest: 18 arrested over attack on a school bus in Gurugram India oi-Vikas By Vikas Gurugram : Police arrest 18 people in connection with on school bus | Oneindia News The Haryana Police on Thursday arrested 18 people in connection with the attack on a school bus in Gurugram yesterday by some groups protesting against the released of movie Padmaavat. The arrested individuals would be produced before the Sohna Court later in the day. The horrifying bus attack left the young passengers mortified as protesters threw stones at the vehicle. In order to save themselves from getting injured, terrified children crouched on the bus floor and others cried in panic. Reports say the bus belonged to GD Goenka World School. The attack took place on Sohna Road near Delhi at around 3 pm on Wednesday. During the attack, at least 30 children with teachers and a staff member were inside the bus as they were on their way back home. "It is a worrying incident, and I am sure there will be a solution to this whole issue today. We had not anticipated such an incident," Haryana Minister Ram Bilas Sharma told the media on Thursday. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal termed the shocking incident as "a matter of shame for the entire nation." "Yesterday some people pelted stones on school children in #Gurugram. I couldn't sleep the entire night. If our children are pelted with stones on Republic Day eve, a few km away from nation's capital, it is a matter of shame for the entire nation," he added. Utterly shameful. More disgusting is the complicity of those govts who r allowing it thro their inaction Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 24, 2018 Since the last few days, protesters belonging to the Rajput Karni Sena and other groups have been attacking malls, multiplexes and setting vehicles on fire in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. Karni Sena has been vehemently opposing the public screening of the film since last year as it allegedly hurt their sentiments by depicting queen Padmavati (Padmini) in a poor light. [Karni Sena, what explains your violence against children to express ire over Padmaavat?] They are demanding a complete ban on Padmaavat, in spite of several scenes being deleted from the film, including changing the title from Padmavati to Padmaavat, as suggested by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). After the CBFC (also known as the Censor Board) approved the film, several states like Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh decided to ban the film. However, the Supreme Court has asked the states to release the film and provide security measures to thwart any violence. OneIndia News Padmaavat protest: Goons who attacked school bus ought to be booked for 'attempt to murder' India oi-Vikas By Vikas It is time the government takes a firm action against those resorting to violence in the name of anti-Padmaavat protests, especially on those who attacked a school bus in Gurugram yesterday. When the Supreme Court of the country has given a green signal to the movie, how can these goons from fringe groups be allowed to take law in their hands and hold society at ransom. There can be nothing worse than attacking innocent children and people responsible for it must be dealt with in strictest possible manner. 18 people have been arrested in connection with the incident and would be produced before Sohna court today. But, what charges would be pressed against them? Just booking them under sections pertaining to rioting and damage to public property will not do, they ought to be booked under attempt to murder. The horrifying bus attack left the young passengers mortified as protesters threw stones at the vehicle. In order to save themselves from getting injured, terrified children crouched on the bus floor and others cried in panic. Reports say the bus belonged to GD Goenka World School. The attack took place on Sohna Road near Delhi at around 3 pm on Wednesday. During the attack at least 30 children with teachers and a staff member were inside the bus as they were on their way back home. All this clearly shows that there is a lack of will to come down hard at Karni Sena's brazen attempt to hold society at ransom and curb freedom of expression. [Karni Sena, what explains your violence against children to express ire over Padmaavat?] Especially in Haryana, the Manohar Lal Khattar regime does not seem too eager to stamp down anti-Padmaavat protests. Khattar's repeated assurances to provide security to movie halls came only after the Supreme Court barred states from banning the movie. Even Khattar's statement following the order was not something that would encourage movie halls to ahead with the screening of Padmaavat. "If someone decides not to screen the film it will be good but if someone screens the film, they will be provided security. It is our duty to comply with Supreme Court's order," Khattar had told the media on Monday. "If someone decides not to screen the film it will be good" clearly shows that his government does not actually want halls to screen the movie, but the CM cannot clearly say it becasue of the SC order. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 15:38 [IST] Karni Sena withdraws protest against Padmaavat : What led to the U-turn? There is more to come: Karni Sena chief denies withdrawal of Padmaavat protests Complaint against viral wink song: Why everything hurts our religious sentiments so easily Padmaavat out today amidst high security in theaters India oi-Madhuri The hugely controversial Padmaavat released on Thursday amid heightened security owing to fears of widespread riots. Police are on high alert across several states after protesters pledged to disrupt the release of the movie. "Its peaceful. The current show is housefull. Police officials are present while our own security is also in place. All is good as of now," says Kishore Ganatra, E-Square cinema hall owner. There will be no screening of the Deepika Padukone starrer in Madhya Pradesh today. Udaipur ADM SC Sharma has issued an order stating that students in both Govt and private schools should not perform on the 'ghoomar' song during Republic Day celebrations. Meanwhile, several schools in the National Capital Region said they will remain shut on Thursday. Several states, including Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab, tried to ban the film but India's Supreme Court has ruled that this would violate creative freedoms. Padmaavat was initially named Padmaavati and was due to hit screens on December 1 but filmmakers changed the name and pushed back the release date. Earlier this month the censor board cleared it with five changes. OneIndia News Complaint against viral wink song: Why everything hurts our religious sentiments so easily Padmaavat row: Karni Sena does 'Gandhigiri' in Lucknow India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Amid reports of violent protests in Rajasthan and Haryana, Karni Sena members went on a unique protest against the release of Padmaavat in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, on Thursday. Protesters at Lucknow's Novelty cinema presented roses to people and appealed them to not watch the film. A protester says 'we will also compensate money of the tickets in case people have already bought'. Not only flowers, the protestors even offered to reimburse the amount of the ticket in case people have already bought it, reported ANI. "We will also compensate money of the tickets in case people have already bought," said a member of Karni Sena. Various fringe groups including Karni Sena has gone on a rampage and vandalized various cinema halls screening the movie. On the other hand, a video of scared children crouching in a school bus in Haryana targeted by hooligans protesting Sanjay Leela Bhansali's movie "Padmaavat" provoked national outrage on Thursday. The Haryana Police arrested 18 people in connection with the attack on a school bus. The arrested individuals would be produced before the Sohna Court later. OneIndia News Complaint against viral wink song: Why everything hurts our religious sentiments so easily 'Padmaavat' twists Alauddin Khilji's portrayal, say historians India oi-PTI He gnaws the meat off the bone, bares his hairy chest, has long unruly locks and laughs like a hyena. History doesn't quite remember Alauddin Khilji like this, but that is the image Sanjay Leela Bhansali seeks to portray of the Khilji dynasty king in his film "Padmaavat". The king is depicted almost like a barbarian in the film, which was released today after months of strife - in court, on the streets and at the Censor Board. While members of some Rajput groups are still violently opposing the film's release, a section of historians states that the filmmaker misses the mark, not in portraying Padmavati, a role played by Deepika Padukone, but in painting the Sultan as a barbarian. Bhansali's Khilji, played by Ranveer Singh, has kohl-rimmed hungry eyes, a scarred face, a gym-toned body, wears furs when he is not bare-chested and rips meat off the bone with his teeth. Historian Rana Safvi believes that Khilji was anything but savage. It was under his rule the Delhi Sultanate heavily drew from Persia, one of the oldest and most sophisticated civilisations of all time, she said. "The rulers followed the exact code of conduct and etiquette as in Persia. It would have been very formal - the eating, dining and sartorial choices," Safvi told PTI. The film, according to Mr Bhansali, is based on the 16th century-epic poem "Padmavat" written by Sufi poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi two centuries after Khilji's death. "It cannot be ignored that the epic "Padmavat" was penned centuries after Khilji's attack. Jayasi wrote it in Awadhi, not any Rajasthani dialect. He belonged to a different region," pointed out Arunima Gopinath, associate professor of Women's Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University. The poet Amir Khusro, who flourished during the Khilji rule, gave a detailed account of the king's conquests as well as his reign in the 13th century. The poet did not project him as a barbarian ruler either. Safvi added that the barbarism the film depicts in Khilji is to only show him as a villain and Shahid Kapoor's Ratan Singh as a sophisticated rival. "Khilji was aware he was cruel but he was not the kind to be running after women and then conquering kingdoms. He was only interested in expansions and conquests," she said. Alauddin was a "cruel imperialist" and a good military strategist who wanted to crush Mongol invaders, she held. "He was trying to strike terror into the hearts of others. He wasn't religious either. He perhaps may have been the only king who didn't go to read prayers at Friday congregations," she pointed out. "Padmaavat" Twists Alauddin Khilji's Portrayal, Say Some Historians Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Alauddin Khilji, played by Ranveer Singh, has kohl-rimmed hungry eyes, a scarred face, a gym-toned body, wears furs when he is not bare-chested and rips meat off the bone with his teeth. All India | Press Trust of India | Updated: January 25, 2018 18:18 IST by Taboola Sponsored Links Sponsored Pre-launching Provident Park Square, an integrated lifestyle district from 27 lacs onwards (Provident) Man from Mumbai Slums Buys Mansion In America (Viral Stories) SHARE EMAIL PRINT 7 COMMENTS 'Padmaavat' Twists Alauddin Khilji's Portrayal, Say Some Historians Alauddin Khilji has been depicted almost like a barbarian in the film, say historians. NEW DELHI: He gnaws the meat off the bone, bares his hairy chest, has long unruly locks and laughs like a hyena. History doesn't quite remember Alauddin Khilji like this, but that is the image Sanjay Leela Bhansali seeks to portray of the Khilji dynasty king in his film "Padmaavat". The king is depicted almost like a barbarian in the film, which was released today after months of strife - in court, on the streets and at the Censor Board. While members of some Rajput groups are still violently opposing the film's release, a section of historians states that the filmmaker misses the mark, not in portraying Padmavati, a role played by Deepika Padukone, but in painting the Sultan as a barbarian. Mr Bhansali's Khilji, played by Ranveer Singh, has kohl-rimmed hungry eyes, a scarred face, a gym-toned body, wears furs when he is not bare-chested and rips meat off the bone with his teeth. Historian Rana Safvi believes that Khilji was anything but savage. It was under his rule the Delhi Sultanate heavily drew from Persia, one of the oldest and most sophisticated civilisations of all time, she said. "The rulers followed the exact code of conduct and etiquette as in Persia. It would have been very formal - the eating, dining and sartorial choices," Ms Safvi told PTI. The film, according to Mr Bhansali, is based on the 16th century-epic poem "Padmavat" written by Sufi poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi two centuries after Khilji's death. "It cannot be ignored that the epic "Padmavat" was penned centuries after Khilji's attack. Jayasi wrote it in Awadhi, not any Rajasthani dialect. He belonged to a different region," pointed out Arunima Gopinath, associate professor of Women's Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University. The poet Amir Khusro, who flourished during the Khilji rule, gave a detailed account of the king's conquests as well as his reign in the 13th century. The poet did not project him as a barbarian ruler either. Ms Safvi added that the barbarism the film depicts in Khilji is to only show him as a villain and Shahid Kapoor's Ratan Singh as a sophisticated rival. "Khilji was aware he was cruel but he was not the kind to be running after women and then conquering kingdoms. He was only interested in expansions and conquests," she said. Alauddin was a "cruel imperialist" and a good military strategist who wanted to crush Mongol invaders, she held. "He was trying to strike terror into the hearts of others. He wasn't religious either. He perhaps may have been the only king who didn't go to read prayers at Friday congregations," she pointed out. Last year, three senior ministers of the Rajasthan government backed a proposal to show in history textbooks taught at the university level that Maharana Pratap won the Battle of Haldighati against Akbar. "History cannot be rewritten in any way, which is what they are doing," Chaturvedi said. He recalled how historian Gopinath Sharma, known for his research on Mewar kings and Mughal emperors, was abused and manhandled at a seminar in Jodhpur for writing that the Battle of Haldighati was "indecisive", though Akbar had an "upper hand". Safvi is of the opinion that the Haldighati battle may have been inconclusive, but to make an individual as brave as Rana Pratap a victor through the backdoor did disservice to his memory. "I don't think any brave warrior wants to be handed out a consolation prize. It would be unethical and one would probably not feel honoured to take the prize they didn't deserve," she added. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 22:42 [IST] Padmaavat: Two contempt pleas in Supreme Court against Karni Sena India oi-Vicky By Vicky Two contempt pleas have been filed in the Supreme Court seeking action against the Karni Sena which has been protesting the release of Padmaavat. The pleas have been filed by Tehseen Poonawalla and Vineet Dhanda, an advocate. The petitioners sought action against the Karni Sena and others disrupting law and order. The petitioners sought contempt charges to be pressed against those disrupting law and order. It said that they were trying to stall the release of the movie despite the Supreme Court making it clear that the same cannot be banned. The petitions will be heard on Monday. There have been violent protests by the Karni Sena demanding that the movie is banned. Properties have been vandalised ahead of today's release. A school bus too came under attack. The Supreme Court had rejected a plea demanding a ban on the film. It said that once the movie is certified by the censor board, there is no question of banning the film. The states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh had once again petitioned the SC seeking review of the order. However, the court rejected the same stating it is the constitutional duty of the states to ensure that law and order are maintained. OneIndia News PM's of Singapore, Thailand call on Modi India pti-PTI New Delhi, Jan 25: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday held bilateral talks with his counterpart from Thailand Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha on strengthening cooperation in strategic areas of trade, defence and security. Modi also held meetings with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the current chair of the ASEAN grouping, and Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah. The prime minister has had bilateral meetings with six ASEAN leaders since yesterday. These meetings on the sidelines of the India-ASEAN Commemorative Summit to mark the 25 years of Indo-ASEAN ties, come in the backdrop of increasing Chinese economic and military assertiveness in the region. In a series of tweets after these meetings, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, "Our 'Act East' complementing Thailand's Act West policy! Prime Minister Modi met with PM of Thailand." Constructive dialogue on economic and commercial exchange, connectivity, defence and security, cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchanges took place, he said. Kumar also tweeted, "Strategic partnership rooted in commercial, cultural and people-to-people contacts!...Modi had a productive discussion with Singapore's Lee Hsien loong on economic and commercial ties, FinTech, tourism, enhanced connectivity and Smart Cities." On Modi's meeting with Brunei's Sultan, Kumar tweeted, "Bolstering ties with Brunei Darussalam! the prime minister...and his Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah had positive discussion on cooperation in defence and security, energy, ICT, education, health and space." On the eve of the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit to celebrate 25 years of the India-ASEAN partnership, Modi had held bilateral meetings with Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte yesterday. PTI Biden says another terror attack likely in 24-36 hours, vows to keep up airstrikes against ISIS Chaos in Kabul and the lurking danger of Keralites who joined the ISIS trying to return Pune girl who joined ISIS in her teens attempting fidayeen hit in Valley: Intel India oi-Vicky By Vicky A high alert has been declared following information of a Pune based girl entering Kashmir in a bid to carry out a suicide strike on Republic Day. The agencies suspect that the girl was the same person who had been stopped by the Maharashtra ATS when she was trying to join the Islamic State. At that time no action could be initiated as she was a minor. The agencies counselled her and let her off. However, now it is suspected that she remained in touch with the radical elements. The latest intelligence on her suggests that she managed to enter into the Kashmir valley and is attempting to carry out a fidayeen strike on Republic Day. The information comes in the wake of an already heightened sense of alert across the country ahead of Republic Day. The agencies are now coordinating to hunt down the lady who goes by the name Saida. A high alert has already been sounded in Jammu and Kashmir ahead of Republic Day. There are inputs suggesting that groups such as the Jaish-e-Mohammad or Lashkar-e-Tayiba would try and launch a major attack. All security installations have been placed on high alert and security enhanced. OneIndia News List of all single-use plastic items to be banned from July 2022 School bus attacked over Padmaavat: 'We should hang our heads in shame', says Kejriwal India oi-Madhuri Padmaavat Row : Arvind Kejriwal condemns 'cowardly' attack on school bus | Oneindia News Reacting strongly to the protests against Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmaavat turning violent, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in his Republic Day speech at Chhatrasal Stadium in Delhi said that we should all hang our heads in shame & drown ourselves over the Gurugram school bus attack. ''When they attacked Muslims, all were silent. When they attacked Dalits, even then all were silent. Now, they are coming after our children. Can we still afford to be silent?,'' Delhi CM said. Kejriwal further said,''Harassment of traders through sealing drives should be stopped. There are problems in the law and I appeal central government to change the master plan or bring an ordinance, if needed, to stop sealing, we will extend full support.'' Students of a private school had a narrow escape when miscreants attacked two buses in Gurugram on Wednesday, allegedly protesting the release of Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh-starrer Padmaavat. At around 2 pm, a GD Goenka School bus was pelted with stones on Sohna Road. The bus was headed towards Gurugram city when the incident took place. Apart from the teacher and students, a caretaker was also present on the bus. OneIndia News Udaipur: Students should not perform on 'ghoomar' song on Republic Day India oi-Madhuri Amid spate of protests by groups like Sri Rajput Karni Sena against Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmaavat, the administration has ordered a ban on performance on Ghoomar song, which features Deepika Padukone in the movie, by school kids. According to the order, students in both government as well as private schools should not perform on Ghoomar song from Padmaavat, the film that has been given a go-ahead for pan-India release by the Supreme Court. The order was issued by Additional District Magistrate of Udaipur, SC Sharma. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 14:44 [IST] How a noose is knotted: What it takes to be a hangman Uttar Pradesh: Mother, son killed outside home in Meerut village India pti-PTI Meerut : Elderly woman shot dead at point blank range , Watch shocking CCTV footage |Oneindia News Meerut, Jan 25: Three men shot dead an elderly woman outside her home in broad daylight soon after killing her son a few hundred metres away from their residence in Meerut district. The miscreants unloaded at least eight bullets into Nichettar Kaur, 60, within 30 seconds yesterday, they said. The woman's killing has been recorded by a CCTV camera installed at the residence in Sorkha village in the district. According to the police, Balmendra, 28, was on his way to Meerut city in his car when three men on a motorbike stopped him about 800 metres from the residence. They indiscriminately fired on him, killing him on the spot. The assaulters then reached his home, where Balmendra's mother, Nichettar Kaur, was sitting on a cot. The men then shot her dead from point-blank range, the police added. The mother-son duo were reportedly witness in the murder case of the woman's husband in October 2016, and were set to testify in a court in connection with the matter. The double killing has led to panic and fear in the village, and villagers refused to speak on the incident. SSP Manjil Saini visited the village and ordered the police to arrest the accused as soon as possible. Saini said Balmendra's wife has filed a case against three people from the village in the matter. PTI Wont flog a dead horse, SC says while rejecting plea on Patiala House violence India oi-Vicky By Vicky We do not want to flog a dead horse to life, the Supreme Court said while rejecting a petition that sought action against police officers and advocates in connection with the violence at the Patiala House court. The petition sought action against the officers and advocates allegedly part of the violence at the court premises in February 2016 when former JNUSU president, Kanhaiya Kumar was produced. A Bench comprising Justices Ranjan Gogoi and R Banumathi said, "We do not think of proceeding further. There is no need for an SIT (special investigation team)." Prashant Bhushan the petitioner and advocate contended that it was a ghastly action on that day and hence a probe be ordered. "What ghastly action," the bench asked when Bhushan referred to the February 15 and 17, 2016 incidents of alleged attacks on Kumar, journalists, students, JNU teachers and defence lawyers inside court premises. Bhushan said that if no action was taken, it might encourage people to indulge in such acts. "We will not proceed. We do not think we will flog a dead horse back to life. If you have grievances, you can take appropriate steps. You can lodge an FIR," the bench said. "We find no reason to continue to entertain the present writ petition any further. The writ petition is accordingly dismissed," the Bench also said. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 6:06 [IST] Lahore HC restrains Pakistan govt from arresting Hafiz Saeed International pti-PTI Lahore, Jan 24: The Lahore High Court on Wednesday restrained the Pakistan government from arresting the 2008 Mumbai terror attack mastermind and JuD chief, Hafiz Saeed, till further orders. Saeed had yesterday moved the court seeking protection from arrest or action against Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) ahead of the visit of the monitoring team of the United Nations Security Council 1267 Sanctions Committee. The team will be visiting Islamabad from tomorrow for an assessment of Islamabad's compliance with the world body's sanctions regime. In his plea, he had said that the government wants to arrest him at the behest of US and India, whose lobby for the last many years has been trying to prove that he was "somehow involved in Mumbai attacks". Justice Amin Aminuddin Khan heard Saeed's plea and refrained the government from taking any adverse action against him. "The LHC today accepted JuD chief Hafiz Saeed's application and issued order restraining the federal government from arresting him till further orders," a court official confirmed to PTI. He said the court also issued notice to the government to file its reply on March 17. Appearing for the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) founder, his counsel Advocate A K Dogar told the court that the UNSC delegation was due in the country this week and the government intends to take an "adverse action" against him during the team's stay in the country. He said the government may arrest his client at the behest of the US and India. The Punjab government, Dogar said, had detained Saeed for 10 months under the Maintenance of Public Order ordinance but a judicial review board had rejected its application for extending his house arrest last November as it failed to justify his detention. Saeed is the founder/chairman of JuD and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) and he had set up 142 schools and three universities and was engaged in public welfare for a long time, Dogar said. The UN team's visit is taking place amid increasing pressure on Pakistan from the US and Indian governments with respect to inadequate implementation of the sanctions on Saeed and entities linked to him. The State Department had said last week that the US had clearly conveyed its concern to Pakistan on Saeed and called for his prosecution "to the fullest extent of the law". It also said that Saeed's name was on the UN list of designated terrorists. Saeed was listed under UN Security Council Resolution 1267 in December 2008. The UNSC sanctions list includes the names of JuD, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, FIF and other groups and individuals. The UNSC monitoring committee oversees the sanctions measures imposed by the Security Council under the rules. The member states are required to freeze without delay the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of designated individuals and entities. Last week, Pakistan banned companies and individuals from making donations to the JuD, the FIF and other organisations on the UNSC sanctions list. The JuD is believed to be the front organisation for the LeT which is responsible for carrying out the Mumbai attack that killed 166 people. It has been declared as a foreign terrorist organisation by the US in June 2014. PTI Mothers Day 2021: Google Doodle wishes mothers all around the world with adorable pop-up card Who is Virginia Woolf? today's Google Doodle International oi-Madhuri Google Doodle, the search giant on Friday celebrated the 136th birth anniversary of Virginia Woolf, one of the much-loved author. Woolf was born in an affluent household in Kensington, London, on January 25, 1882. Woolf was born to the historian and critic Sir Leslie Stephen and the celebrated beauty Julia Stephen. She was considered as one of the major icons of the feminist movement in the 1970s. Woolf's first piece was published in December 1904. She started writing for the Times Literary Supplement from the following year. Some of the best-known works of Woolf- Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929). Woolf suffered from severe bouts of mental illness throughout her life. Woolf took her own life by drowning herself into the River Ouse near her home in 1941 at the age of 59. Her last novel was Between the Acts. She left a suicide note for her husband, and her body was found three weeks later. Virginia Woolf undoubtedly left a significant mark on the literary world. OneIndia News Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. China's New .Silk Road.: Future MEGAPROJECTS China's $1 trillion One Belt One Road (New Silk Road) initiative is unprecedented in size and scope. President Xi Jinping has sealed megaproject deals with 65 countries to construct ports,... (Image by YouTube, Channel: The Daily Conversation) Details DMCA Map of China's Belt and Road Initiative and Maritime Silk Road By now many people in the US have become aware of China's BRI, the Belt and Road Initiative, formally One Belt, One Road-though it's hardly mentioned in the corporate MSM. First announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi, it's an ambitious new "Silk Road" high speed rail network going westward from China through Russia, the "Stans", Iran, Turkey, Europe all way to Portugal and into England. The plan also includes maritime routes down through Malaysia and Indonesia. Even Australia is interested with northern most Darwin the port of entry. Pepe Escobar has been in the forefront of making known Xi's ambitious plan for China's vast infrastructure projects since they were first announced. His latest, 'Make Trade, Not War', is China's daring plan in the Middle East" [1] highlights Beijing's wider plan... connecting Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe...where the Belt and Road meets MENA or the Middle East and North Africa." Escobar's article provides links to the vast network of "New Silk Road" megaprojects already built--which admittedly are promotional videos--without revealing any negative aspects such as local indigenous complaints--but do reveal the massive infrastructure investment commitment made by Xi and China. Most pointedly, this Chinese BRI initiative does not include the US, though allies Britain, France, Germany, Italy the biggest economies in Europe appear mostly on board with Xi's plan. Consider: The last large infrastructure investment in the US was the country's Interstate Road network, an Eisenhower-era initiative by Ike who as the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe in WWII had seen Germany's autobahn road network and envisioned a similar network being built in the US. So in 1956 the Federal Aid Highway Act was born, authorizing the construction of the US interstate-road system. Begun in the early 1960s it was mostly completed by the early 1990s. Significantly there's been no comparable nationwide infrastructure investment projects and no high-speed rail network built anywhere in the US. Progressives in Bernie Sanders presidential primary campaign called for a $trillion infrastructure investment including a nationwide high-speed rail network replacing the nation's decaying rail network, repair of decaying roads and bridges, but congress isn't interested. There are no lobbyists pushing congress to consider investment in massive infrastructure projects. Congress is only interested increasing the defense budget and their cronies' largesse in the defense industry who are of course some of the primary underwriters of their election campaigns. And that's because the US is first and foremost a war-based economy requiring "enemies" to be fought. There are no imperial Japans or Hitler's Germany. The Communist Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991. So new "enemies" had to be "created". It took ten years but with 9/11 it became Osama bin laden and "Dubya" Bush's global war on terrorism. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Ever heard of the Sackler family? If you have, it's probably because they mastered the art of branding and marketing while managing to sneak OxyContin into millions of homes. Theirs is a story of drugs, capitalism and what happens when you wear the right suit while you're mixing the two. Theirs is a truly American story. A little over a decade ago, the Sackler family opioid empire was in trouble. However, if you pay attention to the info about opioid manufacturers that have faced government lawsuits , you wouldn't know it has anything to do with the Sacklers -- unless you know the Sacklers are behind Purdue Pharma. The Sacklers have done a lot to distance their name from their company. More on that soon. In 2007, Purdue Pharma paid out an unprecedented $600 million settlement for misbranding OxyContin. The company used branding to controvert science, making it seem like OxyContin, a powerful opioid, is not addictive. In 2015, the state of Kentucky reached a $24 million settlement with Purdue, again for misbranding OxyContin. Misbranding is a practice that goes all the way back to Arthur Sackler, who co-founded Purdue Pharma with his brothers . Arthur Sackler's first and most blatant instance of "misbranding" (legalese for lying) took the form of an ad for a Pfizer antibiotic called Sigmamycin. The ad featured a bunch of doctors' business cards next to the message, "More and more physicians find Sigmamycin the antibiotic therapy of choice." In 1959, an investigative reporter discovered that the business cards in the ad didn't belong to any real doctors. Arthur was a marketer who first went to medical school. As a trained physician, he knew that when it comes to peddling drugs, it's important to market to doctors. It worked; by 1973 he had doctors writing more than a hundred million tranquilizer prescriptions per year because, according to Sackler's ad campaign, Valium was great for people with "no demonstrable pathology." Fast forward to 1995. The FDA approved OxyContin, although, according to the New Yorker, Purdue hadn't conducted any studies as to whether the drug is addictive. Purdue's marketing campaign was about as pervasive as it gets. Even before Oxycontin's release, a reputable pain specialist named Russell Portenoy told the New York Times, "There is a growing literature showing that these drugs [opioids] can be used for a long time, with few side effects." Turns out Purdue had Portenoy on its payroll. The FDA put an insert in the Oxycontin package that claimed it wasn't as addictive as other painkillers. Then, the examiner who approved OxyContin quit the FDA and started working for Purdue. Coincidence? Hardly. Purdue has plenty of cash with which to woo and poach employee prospects. Primarily through the sale of Oxycontin, which was falsely branded as non addictive and not prone to abuse, the Sackler family amassed a fortune of $13 billion, placing them among America's richest families . Recently, artist Nan Goldin began campaigning against the Sackler family, and Arthur Sackler's daughter, Elizabeth Sackler, proclaimed her support . This falls in step with the side of the Sacklers plenty of people have heard about: the philanthropic side. They've contributed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harvard, the Guggenheim, the Louvre, and plenty more. Elizabeth is responsible for the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art. They make vastly important contributions to the arts. The family makes their arts endowments well-known -- the Sackler name is on all their contributions, such as the Sackler Wing of the Met. Meanwhile, eight of the Sacklers who are on Purdue's board of directors aren't listed in that capacity on Purdue's website. This is a family whose brand is associated with the arts. To fund their continuing philanthropy and opulent lifestyles, they aggressively marketed one of the biggest opioids on the market through Purdue Pharma. "If you look at the prescribing trends for all the different opioids, it's in 1996 that prescribing really takes off. It's not a coincidence. That was the year Purdue launched a multifaceted campaign that misinformed the medical community about the risks," says Andrew Kolodny, co-director of the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative. Basically, doctors wouldn't have started handing out opioids like candy if Purdue Pharma hadn't marketed them as harmless. To be sure, opioid manufacturing is a huge industry, as is the healthcare industry mobilized to treat the victims of opioid abuse. Substance abuse nurses are in high demand; this year, there's an estimated shortage of about 200,000 nurses. The chain of supply and demand for this capitalist drug machine is clear. Big pharma manufactures and markets the drugs, doctors prescribe them, then nurses and doctors help treat the addicts, which is part of how they get paid. About four out of five heroin addicts start off on prescription opioids. In turn, that helps cartels who traffic heroin. All told, the manufacture and distribution of illicit drugs in America is a $249 billion industry. An opioid epidemic is what you would expect in a system where drug manufacturers (read: suppliers) can legally work hand-in-hand with doctors (read: dealers) to distribute product and accumulate capital. They're wearing the right suits and they've got the Federal Drug Administration their side. Welcome to the machine. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Consortium News By Dennis J Bernstein and Randy Credico Emmy award-winning filmmaker John Pilger is among the most important political filmmakers of the 20th and 21st century. From Vietnam to Palestine to atomic war, Pilger's work has been on the cutting edge, and his stinging critique of western media has always been revelatory. And, no doubt, his biting analysis is more relevant and important now than ever. His latest film, "The Coming War on China" powerfully presages the growing potential for war between the US and China. Randy Credico and Dennis J Bernstein spoke with Pilger on January 18 about the multiple failures of the corporate press in fanning the phony flames of Russiagate, and turning its back on Julian Assange -- acting more like prosecutors than journalists, whose responsibility it is to monitor the centers of power and report back to the people. They also spoke with Pilger about the recent decision by the British Library to acquire his substantial works and invaluable archives and make them readily available to a much wider audience Dennis Bernstein: Congratulations, John. Your work has now been made a part of the collection at the British Library. John Pilger: To see all my written work over the years go onto a single hard drive was a sobering experience. I am pleased, however, because now in the digital age people can access all of my work and I myself can access information I may have forgotten. Dennis Bernstein: I would like to read a little of what they said on the record when they welcomed your material into the library. They write, "Throughout his career, John Pilger has demonstrated the power and significance of investigative journalism in uncovering stories of people who have been ignored by the mainstream media or left otherwise without voice. His groundbreaking work in Cambodia revealed the devastation caused by the Khmer Rouge and his film Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia has subsequently been described as one of the 10 most influential documentaries of the twentieth century." I would like to read now a little of the statement that you sent to the World's Socialist Conference where they were discussing the deep nature of censorship. You wrote, "Something has changed. Although the media was always a loose extension of capital power, it is now almost fully integrated. Dissent, once tolerated in the mainstream, has now regressed to a metaphoric underground as liberal capitalism moves toward a form of corporate dictatorship." And it is getting worse at an exponential rate, wouldn't you say? John Pilger: Yes. Chris Hedges is an example of that. He was right in the mainstream at The New York Times and now finds himself outside it. Another example is America's most celebrated investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, who it appears now can only get published in Germany. Hersh has effectively been ejected from the mainstream in the United States. In my own case, I navigated my way through the mainstream. My films are still shown on commercial TV in Britain. My written journalism, however, is no longer welcome. Its last home was The Guardian, which three years ago got rid of people like me and others in a kind of purge of those who were saying what The Guardian no longer says anymore. That has happened right across the liberal media. The Washington Post -- which is at the moment going through a period of self-aggrandizement with the release of the film The Post -- is also the notorious source of a site which listed some of the most distinguished dissenting sites in the United States, including Consortiumnews, Black Agenda Report, Counterpunch and others, as sources of Russian propaganda. It is forcing all of us into this margin, when really the mainstream is in the margin and the margin is in the mainstream. Dennis Bernstein: Could you talk about the work of Julian Assange in the context of this corporate censorship machine? John Pilger: Julian Assange has personally borne the brunt of much of this historic shift. He and Wikileaks have exposed so much, and that is unforgivable. There is no doubt that what Wikileaks has done is the most important disclosure journalism of my lifetime. Around the world, politicians who have been deceiving the public have been caught out by the revelations of Wikileaks. It is quite an epic achievement. Wikileaks Logo (Image by DonkeyHotey) Details DMCA Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. (Image by Egberto Willies) Details DMCA My Politics Done Right show targeted Evangelicals on Wednesday for their hypocrisy and outright evil. Misinformation weaponized them into a clear and present danger to the well-being of America. A Right-Wing anti-abortion guy called into the show and I think by the end, there was some common ground. What do you think? Watch the entire show here. The Right-Wing caller, Michael, was initially courteous. He said he was a far left atheist Progressive. Michael said he became a born-again Christian and a Conservative in 2009. He is the second Right Winger to call the new daily program. I found it ironic that when comparing Clinton and Trump, he thought that Clinton was a lesser Christian than Trump mostly because of her pro-choice stance. It is a clear example of the effectiveness of the Right Wing narrative machine. How can a man so demonstrably devoid of any Christian acumen be considered more in tune with Christ? At the end, while the caller was rigid with his belief, it was clear that many of these guys are indoctrinated into thinking that they are under attack from the left. At the end of the conversation, he was just asking that people listen to his side as opposed to dismissing it without a hearing. Well, that is what we do in Politics Done Right show. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Image created from image crediting (Image by Details DMCA Sex scandal and pedophilia were in the news again this week. And this time it deeply involved more than the Catholic Church, Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. No, it struck even closer to home than that for all Americans regardless of their religious affiliation. It involved an institution even more revered than Rome, Hollywood, or any Christian denomination. I'm talking about the U.S. Military. Yes, we all know about Pope Francis' faux pas this week when he appeared to embody the ecclesiastical "old boys" syndrome by defending Juan Barros, a Chilean bishop who apparently had shielded a notorious pedophile priest from legal prosecution. The pope's snippy defense of his prelatic friend, smacked of the cover-ups of child abuse that have come to light in the church over the last 30 years. According to the syndrome, Catholic bishops throughout the world have moved pedophilic priests from one parish to another, where the sociopaths typically continued preying on unsuspecting altar boys and confessional penitents. Such procedure and its accompanying hypocrisy are prominent among the reasons young people and others have abandoned the church altogether. A similar procedure involving the U.S. military should persuade young people to despise and reject military service. I'm referring to an article recently published in the New York Times about a pedophilic practice in the Afghan military known as "bacha bazi" or boy play. It involves the widespread abuse and rape of underage boys by U.S.-trained Afghan Army personnel. And how does this involve the U.S. military? Its leaders have adopted virtually the same policy that Catholic prelates have used over the years. They've turned a blind eye to the scandal and in doing so have allowed it to continue. You see, there's such a thing as the Leahy Law on the books. It legislates that when a recipient of U.S. military aid commits gross human rights abuses, all aid to the offender must be cut off. Yet, to block application of Leahy, the U.S. and its military arm have invoked another law. It states that in the specific case of the Afghan War, no other U.S. laws apply. Is that cynical enough for you? Does it remind you of the practice that has brought such opprobrium on the Catholic Church? Imagine the corruption of two supposedly highly moral organizations (the Catholic Church and the U.S. military) that go out of their ways to protect pedophiles and prevent enforcement of laws that would penalize child abuse! Yet, that is exactly what two of our most trusted institutions have allowed to happen. Add this black eye for the military to its own "Me Too" scandal involving sexual abuse of women enlistees in various service branches, and you end up with an outfit whose sexual corruption absolutely dwarfs that of the Catholic Church. Fully 40% of female military personnel claim they have been sexually assaulted by their peers. Eighty percent say they have been sexually harassed. If military women must endure such abuse at the hands of their colleagues, can you imagine how the abusers treat "enemy" women? It's time to face the facts. The U.S. military is at least as sexually corrupt as the Catholic Church. It's time for our decent young people to vote with their feet just as they have with the church. None of them with any shred of conscience should enlist. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From The Nation Donald Trump created such mayhem during the days surrounding the anniversary of his "American carnage" inauguration that he had to cancel plans to hightail it out of Washington and celebrate in the friendlier confines of his Mar-a-Lago resort. His vile, racist disparagement of Haiti, El Salvador, and the nations of Africa as "shithole countries" elicited an international outcry, leading to calls by the Congressional Black Caucus and the majority of House Democrats for a formal censure. Despite all the president's boasting about the "art of the deal," that outburst was just one of several incoherent interventions that derailed negotiations over an immigration agreement that could have secured the passage of a spending bill. Cue government shutdown. Trump, of course, tried to blame Democrats for the impasse -- even though Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Unfortunately, Democrats lacked the numbers, the unity, and, frankly, the political courage to take advantage of this Trump-induced chaos. By Monday, most of them voted to end the shutdown, without securing protections for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program -- to the deep frustration of grassroots activists. A broken status quo had prevailed, and the same media outlets that provided Trump with wall-to-wall coverage during the 2016 campaign went back to waiting for the "can't-miss drama" of the president's next tweet. But for all the tumult over the shutdown, a more significant story was taking place far from the Beltway -- in communities where the resistance has been gaining strength and focus before a midterm election that could hold the president and his allies to account. Case in point: Wisconsin. While Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million nationwide, narrow wins in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan gave him the Electoral College. Trump's Wisconsin win was powered by votes from the western and northern regions of the state -- places like the 10th State Senate District, which has historically elected Republicans and where Trump ran 17 points ahead of Hillary Clinton. Click Here to Read Whole Article Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Paul Craig Roberts Website The Republicans' delay in releasing the summary of the House Intelligence Committee's Russiagate investigation is giving weight to the presstitutes' claim that the report is not being released, because it is a hack attempt at a Trump cover-up that is not believable. Only Republicans are stupid enough to put themselves in such a situation. Readers ask me why the summary memo is not released if it is real. There must be some reasons besides the stupidity of Republicans. Yes, that is so. Among the many reasons that might be blocking release are: 1) Republicans are very national security conscious. They don't want to provide precedents for the release of classified information. Many Americans do not seem to understand what is at stake. What America is confronted with is a coup conspiracy organized by top officials of the Obama Justice Department, FBI, CIA, the Hillary DNC, and the presstitute media to overturn the result of a democratic election and remove the president from office. The basis of the coup is a fake dossier purchased for money that consists of unsupported allegations against Trump and that was used to obtain warrants from the FISA count to spy on Trump and various associates hoping to find something that can be used against Trump. Regardless, the false allegations could be fed to the CIA's media assets and used to create a scandal requiring a special prosecutor to investigate Russiagate. Once the investigation was underway, the presstitutes kept the scandal alive, hoping to convince enough Americans that Trump must have done something -- "where there is smoke, there is fire" -- that justifies his removal. It worked against Richard Nixon, but not against Ronald Reagan, and Trump is no Reagan. If the highest reaches of the police state agencies can get away with an attempted or successful coup against the president of the United States, then that is the complete end of democracy and all accountability in government. The House, Senate, and judiciary will become as powerless as the Roman senate under the caesars. We will live under a dictatorship ruled by police state agencies. Many Americans say they don't need the House Intelligence Report, because they don't believe the Russiagate BS in the first place. They miss the point. They need the report, because those responsible for this attempt at a coup must be identified, charged, and prosecuted for their act of high treason. This is not minor stuff. This goes to the heart of whether any form of liberty will exist. We all know that the ability of the people to hold government accountable is not assured by democracy. However, there is no prospect of holding government accountable if it is a police state, a road that the US has been going down for some time. The audacious coup attempt against President Trump is our opportunity to stop the momentum to a police state. Despite my recent postings, many people do not understand that the somewhat redacted FISA court document that has been declassified and released and explained by myself, William Binney, and former US Attorney Joe di Genova contains admissions by the FBI and DOJ that they improperly spied and obtained warrants from the court under false pretenses. In other words, we have it on the authority of the FISA court itself that the FBI and DOJ have admitted to the court their transgressions. When Department of Justice (sic) congressional liaison Stephen Boyd says the DOJ is "unaware of any wrongdoing," he is lying through his teeth. The DOJ has already confessed its wrongdoing to the FISA court. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Oklahoma Fishing (12' x 15', MSN Paint, 2002) (Image by self) Details DMCA Another factor uniting SOME of these peoples' immigration is that they weren't brought here by choice, or under good faith. Notwithstanding that, it is fair to say that the majority of immigrants to the United States, up until a certain point in time that (in my opinion) coincides with the End Game of the Cold War and the beginning of computer ubiquity, yearned for admission to the United States because it appeared to be a land of limitless opportunity for a man or woman willing to work hard, the old New England ethic. They had naive but understandable dreams about the land of freedom and unlimited space and resources to grow themselves. In a day before mechanization and expenditure of fossil-fuel resources-- machines were being invented and applied, particularly in England, but the industrial age hadn't really taken hold till well after the Civil War-- this was particularly understandable. Probably some number of truly uninformed people-- i.e., people who remain outside the boundaries of computerization-- still entertain such dreams. But at this point, among literate people of any language, the information about the United States that they receive must give some of them reason to CALCULATE their reasons for attempting to emigrate one way er nuther, rather than just making the move on blessed blind faith. America is no longer the land of the free, the home of the brave (and it never has been JUST that-- it's a helluva poem, and that's just the first verse), it is the empire. We have military outposts or ongoing actions in 129 nations. So we're purty much down to people who calculate that their chances of not getting killed are better in the US. Many of them are from other continents. The killing is up close and personal in almost all Asian and African theatres and occasionally spills over into Europe. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This piece was reprinted by OpEdNews with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. Syria's children (Image by DFID - UK Department for International Development) Details DMCA The framework for protest movements needs to be expanded with a view to threatening the Establishment that supersedes political parties. This "Establishment" is globally-oriented, it erases nation-state sovereignties, and imposes its dark will on all of us, through lies and deceptions. Protest movements also must be globally oriented, and we must challenge the "forbidden truths". The globalized permanent war agenda and the West's support for terrorism are two foundational "forbidden truths" that protest movements must address. Recently, Western-supported al Qaeda affiliated terrorists[1] slaughtered innocent civilians in Damascus Syria. These terrorists have been attacking schools, hospitals, innocent civilians, Syrian infrastructure and all of Syria for almost seven years now. In Damascus alone they have murdered thousands of civilians[2] since the war started. And yet the West, including Canada, still supports them, and illegal terror sanctions, as part of their illegal Regime Change[3] war on Syria. Calling certain terrorists "moderates" is an intelligence agency construct, a psychological operation, that has worked too well for too long to confuse the masses and politicians into supporting Al-Qaeda and ISIS. To be clear: All of the terrorists in Syria are Western-supported terrorists. "Moderates" never existed, except as an imperial strategy of deception. These "Forbidden truths" about the war on Syria, about Western-supported terrorism, and the Establishment's permanent war agenda need to be exposed to the light of day, and repeated, until they displace the "Accepted lies." We need to challenge the globalized Establishment and its toxic agenda of war, death, and poverty -- all protected behind a matrix of interlocking agencies of deception. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Dispatches From The Edge When President Donald Trump bragged that his nuclear "button" was bigger and more efficient than North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un's "button," he was perpetuating the myth that the leaders of nuclear-armed nations control their weapons. But you do not have to be Trump, Kim, Vladimir Putin, Theresa May, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Mamnoon Hussain, or Benjamin Netanyahu to push that "button." There are thousands of buttons and thousands of people who can initiate a nuclear war. Indeed, the very nature of nuclear weapons requires that the power to use them is decentralized and dispersed. And while it is sobering to think of leaders like Kim and Trump with their finger on the trigger, a nuclear war is far more likely to be started by some anonymous captain in an Ohio-class submarine patrolling the Pacific or a Pakistani colonel on the Indian border. In his book "The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner," Daniel Ellsberg says that the recent uproar over Trump's threats to visit "fire and fury" on North Korea misses the point that "every president has delegated" the authority to use nuclear weapons. "The idea that the president is the only one with the sole power to issue an order that will be recognized as an authentic authorized order is totally false," he told National Public Radio. If a single "button" were the case, decapitating a country's leader would prevent the use of nuclear weapons. Take out Washington (or Mar-a-Largo), Moscow, or Beijing and you would neutralize a nation's nuclear force. In reality, the decision to use those weapons merely shifts further down the chain of command. The Russians call it "dead hand": Moscow goes, and some general in the Urals launches an ICBM or the captain of a Borei-class submarine in the Sea of Okhotsk fires off his multiple war head SS-N-32 "Bulava" missiles. During the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, a single commodore on a Soviet submarine off Cuba, Vasili Arkhipov, refused to okay an order by the sub's first and second in command to launch a nuclear tipped torpedo at U.S. warships that were harassing the vessel. If he had not intervened, according to Ellsberg, it is quite likely there would have been a nuclear war between the U.S., its allies, and the Soviet Union. The problem with nuclear weapons -- besides the fact that they are capable of destroying human civilizations and most life on the planet -- is that they are actually quite fragile, with a very limited life span: "use them or lose them" is the philosophy of nuclear war planners, because if you hesitate, your opponent may destroy them before they can be launched. The more efficient and accurate your nuclear force, the more destabilizing it becomes. For instance, the U.S. has thousands of nuclear weapons deployed in a "triad": air, land and sea. To attack the U.S. with nuclear weapons would be tantamount to committing suicide, because no matter how large the attacking force was, it would be almost impossible to eliminate every warhead. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Telecom Order Management Market: Evolving Technology, Trends and Industry Analysis 2022 The rapid increase in the number of connected devices, and consolidation of services offered by telecom service providers and network operators are expected to drive the growth of the telecom order management market.This report gives an in-depth research about the overall state of Telecom Order Management market and projects an overview of its growth market. It also gives the crucial elements of the market and across major global regions in detail. Number on primary and secondary research has been carried out in order to collect required data for completing this particular report. Sever industry based analytical techniques has been narrowed down for a better understanding of this market.Get Sample copy of this Report @:The report covers all the major trends and technologies playing a major role in the market growth over the forecast period. The competition in the global market for Telecom Order Management will likely heat up in the next couple of years on the back of entry of a substantial number of solution providers. This statistical surveying report presents an all-inclusive assessment of the worldwide market for Telecom Order Management, taking several market verticals, such as the production capacity, product pricing, the dynamics of demand and supply, sales volume, revenue, and the growth rate of this market into consideration.Companies Profiled in this report includes, Cerillion, Cognizant, Ericsson, IBM, Oracle, ChikPea, Comarch, Intellibuzz, Mphasis, Neustar, PegasystemsGet 20% Discount on this Report @:The report provides competitive landscape of the Telecom Order Management market, thereby listing out all the major players according to their geographic presence, market attractiveness and recent key developments. The competitive landscape section of the report gives an overview about the market share of several key players for the forecast year. Moreover, key takeaways section provided at the end of competitive landscape section would help the operating companies to make the best move in the market.The stages of development of Telecom Order Management market with respect to many geographic regions have also been presented thoroughly. This information which is provided helps the emerging players gain up-to-date information which can help them take perfect business decisions. In similar way, many other segments and sub segments are mentioned in Telecom Order Management market helping in conveying impeccable data to the users.For More Inquiry @:Furthermore, the report profiles some of the most prominent enterprises in the global Telecom Order Management market to provide valuable recommendations. The product portfolio of the companies profiled are studied in detail. Besides this, information is obtained from their financial reports and strategies they adopted over the last couple of years.The stages of development of Telecom Order Management market with respect to many geographic regions have also been presented thoroughly. This information which is provided helps the emerging players gain up-to-date information which can help them take perfect business decisions. In similar way, many other segments and sub segments are mentioned in this market helping in conveying impeccable data to the users.Table of ContentsGlobal Telecom Order Management Market Research ReportChapter 1 Telecom Order Management Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global Telecom Order Management Market ForecastAbout IT Intelligence Markets:We at IT Intelligence Markets conduct intensive market research and generate detailed reports about the products and services offered in the IT domain. Our team is devoted to providing custom reports that are taylor-made to suit the customers requirements. We make sure to keep our customers updated with the latest market dynamics as IT industry is undergoing sea change intrinsically & extrinsically by forces such as regulatory fluctuations, rapidly evolving consumer preferences, and newer technologies. Not only do our market research analysts scrutinize market requirements but also track competitors relentlessly for obtaining the most updated scenario of the market.Contact:Vijay TannaIt Intelligence MarketsSurvey No-9/4, Flat# 6, Panchshil Park, Ganpati Marg, Nigidi, Pune 411044sales@itintelligencemarkets.comContact No: +91 705-760-0700 Global Fibrous Filter Market 2018-2023 3M Company, Atlas, Honeywell Fibrous Filter Market Fibrous Filter Market Research 2018A market study "Global Fibrous Filter Market" examines the performance of the Fibrous Filter market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Fibrous Filter market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Fibrous Filter market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Fibrous Filter Market 2018 report includes Fibrous Filter market Revenue, market Share, Fibrous Filter industry volume, market Trends, Fibrous Filter Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Fibrous Filter Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Fibrous Filter Market 2018 : 3M Company Atlas Honeywell Frisenette Neuro Smith&Loveless REMA FiltrationFibrous Filter Market : By ApplicationPowerChemical IndustryPapermakingMetallurgyFibrous Filter Market : By TypePCFFiber Ball FilterFirstly, the report covers the top Fibrous Filter manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Fibrous Filter report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Fibrous Filter industry, Fibrous Filter industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Fibrous Filter Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Fibrous Filter research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Fibrous Filter market revenue worldwide.Finally, Fibrous Filter market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Industrial Blowers Market 2018-2023 Cincinnati Fan, Air Control Industries, Freshn Cool Industrial Blowers Market Industrial Blowers Market Research 2018A market study "Global Industrial Blowers Market" examines the performance of the Industrial Blowers market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Industrial Blowers market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Industrial Blowers market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Industrial Blowers Market 2018 report includes Industrial Blowers market Revenue, market Share, Industrial Blowers industry volume, market Trends, Industrial Blowers Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Industrial Blowers Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Industrial Blowers Market 2018 : Cincinnati Fan New York Blower Company Air Control Industries (ACI) Illinois Blower Inc Freshn Cool Chicago Blower Corporation Atlantic Blowers Gasho, Inc HSIIndustrial Blowers Market : By ApplicationChemical IndustryAuto IndustryShip IndustryMining and MetallurgyFood IndustryIndustrial Blowers Market : By TypeCentrifugal BlowersPositive Displacement BlowersFirstly, the report covers the top Industrial Blowers manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Industrial Blowers report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Industrial Blowers industry, Industrial Blowers industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Industrial Blowers Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Industrial Blowers research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Industrial Blowers market revenue worldwide.Finally, Industrial Blowers market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global CNG & LPG Vehicles Market 2018-2023 Fiat, Hyundai, Suzuki, Volkswagen CNG & LPG Vehicles Market CNG & LPG Vehicles Market Research 2018A market study "Global CNG & LPG Vehicles Market" examines the performance of the CNG & LPG Vehicles market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the CNG & LPG Vehicles market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of CNG & LPG Vehicles market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global CNG & LPG Vehicles Market 2018 report includes CNG & LPG Vehicles market Revenue, market Share, CNG & LPG Vehicles industry volume, market Trends, CNG & LPG Vehicles Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, CNG & LPG Vehicles Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global CNG & LPG Vehicles Market 2018 :1. Fiat2. Hyundai3. Suzuki4. Volkswagen5. Ford6. General Motors7. Honda8. Nissan9. Navistar10. TataCNG & LPG Vehicles Market : By ApplicationPassenger VehiclesLight Commercial VehiclesCNG & LPG Vehicles Market : By TypeCNGLPGFirstly, the report covers the top CNG & LPG Vehicles manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the CNG & LPG Vehicles report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of CNG & LPG Vehicles industry, CNG & LPG Vehicles industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. CNG & LPG Vehicles Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The CNG & LPG Vehicles research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the CNG & LPG Vehicles market revenue worldwide.Finally, CNG & LPG Vehicles market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Colorimeters Market 2018-2023 Admesy BV, BYK Gardner, ELDIM Colorimeters Market Colorimeters Market Research 2018A market study "Global Colorimeters Market" examines the performance of the Colorimeters market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Colorimeters market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Colorimeters market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Colorimeters Market 2018 report includes Colorimeters market Revenue, market Share, Colorimeters industry volume, market Trends, Colorimeters Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Colorimeters Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Colorimeters Market 2018 :1. Admesy BV2. BYK Gardner3. Beijing TIME High Technology4. ELDIM5. ERICHSEN6. Hach7. Harvard Bioscience8. Hanna Instruments9. Instrument Systems10. Konica Minolta SensingColorimeters Market : By ApplicationMilitaryScientific ResearchSewage DetectionChemicalColorimeters Market : By TypePortable TypeStationary TypeFirstly, the report covers the top Colorimeters manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Colorimeters report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Colorimeters industry, Colorimeters industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Colorimeters Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Colorimeters research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Colorimeters market revenue worldwide.Finally, Colorimeters market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Global Condenser Microphones Market 2018-2023 Sony, AKG, Pyle, Audio-Technica Condenser Microphones Market Condenser Microphones Market Research 2018A market study "Global Condenser Microphones Market" examines the performance of the Condenser Microphones market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Condenser Microphones market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Condenser Microphones market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Condenser Microphones Market 2018 report includes Condenser Microphones market Revenue, market Share, Condenser Microphones industry volume, market Trends, Condenser Microphones Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Condenser Microphones Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Condenser Microphones Market 2018 :1. Sony2. AKG3. Pyle4. Audio-Technica5. BEHRINGER6. Blue Microphones7. Rode8. Samson9. Sennheiser10. CAD Audio11. MXL12. Neumann13. TELEFUNKEN14. ShureCondenser Microphones Market : By ApplicationStudioStageComputerKTVCondenser Microphones Market : By TypeHeadwornLavalierWirelessFirstly, the report covers the top Condenser Microphones manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Condenser Microphones report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Condenser Microphones industry, Condenser Microphones industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Condenser Microphones Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Condenser Microphones research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Condenser Microphones market revenue worldwide.Finally, Condenser Microphones market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Web: Pediatric Ultrasound Market - Players Business Strategy & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Pediatric Ultrasound Market: SnapshotUltrasound imaging, or sonography, makes use of sound waves in high frequencies to take a look inside the body. It is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that can be used to capture images of the human anatomy in real time. Their real time imaging capabilities also allow them to display internal organ movements, including blood flow and blood vessel formations. The advantage of ultrasound over similar imaging technologies such as X-ray imaging, is that the former does not expose patients to harmful rays. This forms the core principle of using ultrasound imaging in pediatric care.Ultrasound technologies are designed to be safe and painless for patients while still being able to produce accurate images of the anatomy. Pediatric ultrasound can therefore be a significantly better method of generating images of a childs abdomen for the sake of examination. Common body parts that can be diagnosed using ultrasound include the kidneys, stomach, appendix, uterus, spleen, and pancreas. Pediatric ultrasound imaging can therefore help a doctor check the child for deformities or the cause of pain in their abdomen. Ultrasound technologies are also highly advantageous when providing guidance for surgeons attempting to operate on the child. While it is uncommon, abdominal buildup of fluids can occur in children, and needs to be taken care of immediately. Pediatric ultrasound imaging comes handy in situations such as there.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Pediatric Ultrasound Market: OverviewPediatric ultrasound imaging, also called pediatric sonography, is one of the standard imaging techniques used across a variety of healthcare facilities to scan different parts of body of children to diagnose and treat a number of medical conditions. The noninvasive and safe nature of the imaging technique is significantly used to evaluate and examine a variety of conditions and is witnessing a steady rise in demand across the globe owing to a significant rise in several diseases affecting children.This report on the global pediatric ultrasound market presents a detailed overview of the present growth dynamics of the market and an analytical overview of the key factors expected to exert a significant impact on the overall development of the market over the period 2017-2025.Global Pediatric Ultrasound Market: Trends and OpportunitiesA host of factors are leading to the increased demand for pediatric ultrasound devices in the global market, including the significant rise in prevalence of a number of pediatric diseases, the resultant rise in demand for increased number of diagnostic procedures, and the increased consciousness among parents about the need for early diagnosis of pediatric diseases. The low threat of exposure to harmful radiations as compared to other popular imaging techniques and technological advancements in the field of pediatric ultrasound are also expected to drive the market.Request TOC of the Report @Additionally, vast untapped growth opportunities in developing and less-developed economies are also expected to drive the market for pediatric ultrasounds in the next few years. However, the markets growth is expected to be restrained to a certain extent owing to the thriving industry of refurbished medical devices, limited availability of skilled resources, and some inherent limitations of the ultrasound technology that restrict their scope of use.Global Pediatric Ultrasound Market: Geographical AnalysisFrom a geographical perspective, the report examines the global pediatric ultrasound market across regions such as Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Of these, the markets across developed regions such as North America and Europe are amongst the top revenue-grossers for the global market. The high prevalence of pediatric chronic heart diseases, high awareness among parents about children health, and technologically advanced healthcare infrastructures in these regions are the key factors driving the pediatric ultrasound market.Over the reports forecast period, however, the market for pediatric ultrasound in Asia Pacific is expected to exhibit growth at the most promising pace, chiefly owing to the increased focus of government bodies on modernization of healthcare infrastructures and rising expenditure on healthcare and fitness. With the presence of some of the worlds leading medical device manufacturers such as Hitachi and Toshiba, Japan dominates the Asia Pacific pediatric ultrasound market.Get Discount @Global Pediatric Ultrasound Market: Competitive OverviewThe vendor landscape of the global pediatric ultrasound market features intense competition in terms of product pricing and product features. The rising demand for portable and handheld systems has compelled leading vendors to focus on this niche segment of the market to reap sustainable returns. Futuristic technologies such as 3D and 4D ultrasound devices are also gaining increasing acceptance across developed regional markets as well as developing regional markets, a trend that could result in excellent growth opportunities for vendors wanting to venture into the pediatric ultrasound market.Some of the leading companies contributing to the development of the global pediatric ultrasound market are Toshiba Medical System Corporation, Boston Scientific, Agfa-Gevaert NV, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Esaote SpA, General Electric Company, Fujifilm Corporation, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Samsung Medison Co. Ltd., Mindray Medical International Limited, GE Healthcare, and Siemens Healthcare.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Know about the future of Global Crypto Currency Market and what makes it a Booming industry according to following research report: 2017-2022 Reportsweb Global Crypto Currency Market Report 2017-2022A crypto currency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Crypto currencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Crypto currencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. The decentralized control of each crypto currency works through a blockchain, which is a public transaction database, functioning as a distributed ledger.Get sample copy of this report:Companies Profiled in this report includes: Bitfinex, BitFury Group, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Coinsecure, Litecoin, OKEX Fintech Company, Poloniex, Ripple, Unocoin Technologies Private, ZEB IT ServiceIt explains the key market drivers, trends, restraints and opportunities to give a precise data which is required and expected. It also analyzes how such aspects affect the market existence globally helping make a wider and better choice of market establishment. The Crypto Currency markets growth and developments are studied and a detailed overview is been given.Get Discount of this report:A regulatory scenario that affect the various decisions in the Crypto Currency market are given a keen observation and have been explained. With such data, this report forms an excellent repository containing all the prime attributes of the companies which are trending in this particular market. Their efficient market strategies are studied in depth and are well explained.It provides a refined view of the classifications, applications, segmentations, specifications and many more for Crypto Currency market. Recent developments and policies with respect to this market are elucidated with maximum data. It examines the cost structures and pricing regarding the suppliers, raw materials, labors, equipments needed, and many other.Complete Report:Table of Content:Global Crypto Currency Sales Market Report 20171 Crypto Currency Market Overview2 Global Crypto Currency Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application3 United States Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)4 China Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)5 Europe Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)6 Japan Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)7 Korea Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)8 Taiwan Crypto Currency (Volume, Value and Sales Price)9 Global Crypto Currency Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data10 Crypto Currency Maufacturing Cost Analysis11 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisContact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comCompany Name: ReportsWebWebsite: Reportsweb.comPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global Orthopedic Digit Implants Market Projected to Grow at 6.5% CAGR through 2026 MRRSE A latest insightful report based on orthopedic digit implants titled Orthopedic Digit Implants Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 2026 has recently been added into the repository of Market Research Report Search Engine (MRRSE). According to the report, the global orthopedic digit implants market will grow at a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period.Request a Free Sample Report @According to the report, the demand for orthopedic digit implants is growing on account of rising preference for minimally invasive procedures. Increasing geriatric population around the world, along with increase in the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis are also contributing to the growth of the orthopedic digit implants market. These digit implants are finding widespread application in the fields of oncology and traumatology. Although the outlook on orthopedic digit implants market remains positive, challenges associated with regulatory approvals, combined with limited medical insurance coverage are likely to provide an impetus to the adoption.The report offers a detailed region-wise analysis, highlighting the fastest-growing and sluggish growing markets. According to the report, Latin America continues to be one of the fastest growing markets for orthopedic digit implants, and manufacturers can expect a plethora of opportunities in this market. In addition to North America, the other key region that is fuelling demand for orthopedic digit implants is Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ). The growth of the market in APEJ is linked to revamps in healthcare infrastructure. Years of economic development has led to the emergence of a strong middle class in many countries of APEJ. This middle class population expects high-quality care and has the means to spend on that. Manufacturers looking to foray into emerging markets can look forward to slew of opportunities in APEJ.Read the Complete Report with TOC @The report also offers segmentation on the basis of material type, and projects that nitinol will remain the most lucrative throughout the assessment period. In contrast, silicon pyrocarbon currently accounts for low revenue share of the market, but is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period.For its readers, the report examines the competition landscape and profiles some of the key players operating in the global market. The companies are profiled in terms of company overview, product overview, key financials, recent developments and SWOT analysis. Some of the major players in this market are Wright Medical Group N.V., Integra LifeSciences Corporation, TEIJIN NAKASHIMA MEDICAL CO., LTD., Stryker Corporation, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson), VILEX IN TENNESSEE, INC., Acumed LLC, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc and Merete Medical.Have Any Query? Ask Our Expert at:About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTelephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Solar Photovoltaic Material Deep Research on Industrial and Market studies - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024 "Solar Photovoltaic Material Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024" The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis, Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.. .Description-' 'Global Solar Photovoltaic Material Market: OverviewSolar photovoltaic materials are the materials that are used in manufacturing of solar panels or modules which are installed for generating electricity. Solar photovoltaic materials are basically of two types crystalline and thin film. Crystalline is further divided into polycrystalline and gallium arsenide whereas thin film is of three types namely amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium diselenide. Out of all the solar photovoltaic materials, polycrystalline is the most dominant material because of its good efficiency and easy manufacturing process. Thin film materials like cadmium telluride and copper indium diselenide is expected to grow in the near future.. .Get Sample Report @' 'The report estimates and forecasts the solar photovoltaic material market on the global, regional, and country levels. The study provides forecast between 2016 and 2024 based on volume (kilo tons) and revenue (US$ Mn) with 2015 as the base year. The report comprises an exhaustive value chain analysis for each of the product segments. It provides a comprehensive view of the market. Value chain analysis also offers detailed information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints for the solar photovoltaic material market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period.The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. The report analyzes opportunities in the solar photovoltaic material market on the global and regional level. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities mentioned in the report are justified through quantitative and qualitative data. These have been verified through primary and secondary resources. Furthermore, the report analyzes substitute analysis of solar photovoltaic material and global average price trend analysis.Global Solar Photovoltaic Material Market: SegmentationThe study provides comprehensive view of the solar photovoltaic material market by dividing it into end-user and geography. The solar photovoltaic material market has been segmented into crystalline, polycrystalline, cadmium telluride, copper indium diselenide and others. End-user segments residential, commercial, and industrial have been analyzed based on historic, present, and future trends.Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for solar photovoltaic material in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa (MEA). Additionally, the report comprises country-level analysis in terms of volume and revenue for end-user segments. Key countries such as the U.S., France, Germany, Italy, the U.K., China, India, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil have been included in the study. Market segmentation includes demand for individual end-users in all the regions and countries.The report includes Porters Five Forces Model to determine the degree of competition in the solar photovoltaic material market. It comprises qualitative write-up on market attractiveness analysis, wherein end-users and countries have been analyzed based on attractiveness for each region. Growth rate, market size, raw material availability, profit margin, impact strength, technology, competition, and other factors (such as environmental and legal) have been evaluated in order to derive the general attractiveness of the market. The report comprises price trend analysis for solar photovoltaic material between 2016 and 2024.Global Solar Photovoltaic Material Market: Competitive AnalysisThe report covers detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and profiles of key players operating in the global market. Major players profiled in the report include BASF SE, Mitsubishi Material Corporation, Hemlock Semiconductor Corporation LLC, LDK Solar Co. Ltd., Okmetic, Wacker Chemie AG , Applied Materials, Inc, Shin-Etsu Chemicals Co., Ltd., Atecom Technology Co., Ltd., Topsil GlobalWafers A/S, Silicor Materials, Inc., Targray Technology International, Inc. Company profiles include attributes such as company overview, number of employees, brand overview, key competitors, business overview, business strategies, recent/key developments, acquisitions, and financial overview (wherever applicable).Secondary research sources that were typically referred to include, but were not limited to company websites, financial reports, annual reports, investor presentations, broker reports, and SEC filings. Other sources such as internal and external proprietary databases, statistical databases and market reports, news articles, national government documents, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market have also been referred for the report. In-depth interviews and discussions with wide range of key opinion leaders and industry participants were conducted to compile this research report. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. Key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents were reviewed for competitive analysis and market understanding. This helped in validating and strengthening secondary research findings. Primary research further helped in developing the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.The global solar photovoltaic material market has been segmented as follows:By Material TypeCrystallinePolycrystallineCadmium TellurideCopper Indium DiselenideOthersBy End UserResidentialCommercialIndustrialBy RegionNorth AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyFranceU.K.ItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanASEANRest of Asia PacificMiddle East & AfricaGCCSouth AfricaRest of Middle East & AfricaLatin AmericaChileBrazilMexicoRest of Latin America. .More Clear Details get Table of Contents @ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Researchmoz Global Pvt. Ltd.90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United States,Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free),Tel: +1-518-621-2074 Thermal Management Technologies Market - Value Chain Analysis & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Thermal Management Technologies Market: SnapshotThe electronics industry has witnessed a sea change in terms of underpinning technologies and the way they are integrated in the past couple of years. In most cases, this has upped the total power consumed by the devices which seem to be getting smaller by the day. This has necessitated heat density management through the development of effective heat management technologies.At present, high-performance heat spreader systems that leverage multi-phase cooling in place of alloy-based heat spreaders is one of the most researched areas in the field of thermal management technologies. There is also substantial ongoing research in fabrication or discovery of structures and materials capable of providing notable decline in the thermal resistance of the thermal interface layer between the back layers of electronic devices, which could be a heatsink.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The global thermal management technologies market is choc-a-bloc with players and no single player enjoys dominance over the market. From a geographical standpoint, Asia Pacific is the primary contributor to the revenue in the market on account of the presence of some of the global electronic majors in nations such as Japan, South Korea, and China. Europe is another key market owing to a robust electronic manufacturing and research and development facilities in nations of Germany and the US. The EU regulations requiring the use of thermal interface in electronic devices is also said to be driving the market in the continent. Add to that increasing concerns about the rising ranks of discerning consumers about the environment and what you have is further focus on the development of environment-friendly heat management materials.Global Thermal Management Technologies Market: OverviewThe electronics industry has seen significant enhancements in technologies, system integration, and fundamental materials used to manufacture elemental structures in the past few years. This has led to a rapid rise in the total power consumed by the device, which, in several cases, are seeing a rapid reduction in size. Supplying high power to such devices, with electronic parts crammed in small packages, make the issue of heat density management even worse for the industry. This has increased the industrys focus on the development of efficient heat management technologies.Request TOC of the Report @This report on the global thermal management technologies market covers the state of research and development activities undertaken in this area and their influence on the electronics industry as seen in the past few years. A detailed overview of the thermal management technologies markets present growth dynamics and several forward-looking statements predicting the growth prospects of the market and its key segments over the period between 2017 and 2025.Global Thermal Management Technologies Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe development of high-performance heat spreader systems which use multi-phase cooling in place of alloy-based heat spreaders in conventional systems is presently one of the most researched areas in the field of thermal management technologies. Research efforts in the area so far have led to the development of technologies such as cold plates, jet impingement, and heat vapor chambers. Research is also underway in fabrication/discovery of structures and materials capable of providing notable decline in the thermal resistance of the thermal interface layer between the back layers of electronic devices, which could be a heatsink.Get Discount @Of the key components of a typical thermal management solution, namely thermal management hardware, thermal management interface product, thermal management software, and thermal management substrates, the hardware segment is presently the leading contributor of revenue to the global market. The rising demand for compact microprocessors is expected to enable the hardware segment lead over the next few years as well.The segment of thermal management interfaces is also expected to see demand rise at a promising incremental pace over the reports forecast period. The rising implementation of thermal management interfaces in automated machineries and portable and miniaturized computing devices such as smartphones and tablet computers will be the key to healthy growth prospects of the thermal management interface segment.Global Thermal Management Technologies Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsFrom a geographic perspective, the report presents an analytical overview of the thermal management technologies market for regional markets such as North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and Africa. Of these, Asia Pacific is expected to be the leading contributor of revenue to the global market over the forecast period. The presence of some of the worlds leading electronic companies in countries such as South Korea, China, and Japan will further strengthen the demand prospects for thermal management technologies in the region over the forecast period.Europe, with the large number of electronic manufacturing and R&D facilities in countries such as the UK and Germany, is also expected to see a rise in use of thermal management technologies in the near future. The Europe market is also expected to thrive due to stringent EU regulations necessitating the use of thermal interface in electronic devices. The heightened consumer awareness about environment sustenance is expected to lead to an increased focus on the development of environment-friendly heat management materials in the near future.It has been found that the global thermal management technologies market features an exceedingly fragmented competitive landscape, wherein no leading player accounts for a major share in the global markets revenue- or value-wise valuation. Some of the markets leading players are Honeywell International, LairdTech, Alcatel-Lucent, Pentair Thermal Management, Thermacore, Heatex, Aavid Thermalloy, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Thermal Management Technologies, Sapa Group, and Honeywell International.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global Security Analytics Market Projections 2018 - Cisco Systems, IBM Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, EMC RSA, FireEye, Arbor Networks, LogRhythm and Others ReportsWeb This report studies the global Security Analytics market, analyzes and researches the Security Analytics development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeCisco Systems, Inc. (U.S.)IBM Corporation (U.S.)Hewlett Packard Enterprise (U.S.)EMC RSA (U.S.)FireEye, Inc. (U.S.)Arbor Networks, Inc. (U.S.)LogRhythm, Inc. (U.S.)Alert Logic (Click Security) (U.S.)Blue Coat Systems, Inc. (U.S.)AlienVault, Inc. (U.S.)Get Free Sample Copy atMarket segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, Security Analytics can be split intoProfessional ServicesManaged ServicesMarket segment by Application, Security Analytics can be split intoWeb Security AnalyticsNetwork Security AnalyticsEndpoint Security AnalyticsApplication Security AnalyticsOthersBrowse Complete Report atTable of Content1 Industry Overview of Security Analytics2 Global Security Analytics Competition Analysis by Players3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Cisco Systems, Inc. (U.S.)3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Security Analytics Revenue (Value) (2011-2016)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 IBM Corporation (U.S.)3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Security Analytics Revenue (Value) (2011-2016)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (U.S.)3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Security Analytics Revenue (Value) (2011-2016)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 EMC RSA (U.S.)3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Security Analytics Revenue (Value) (2011-2016)3.4.5 Recent Developments4 Global Security Analytics Market Size by Type and Application (2011-2016)5 United States Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook6 EU Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook7 Japan Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook8 China Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook9 India Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook10 Southeast Asia Security Analytics Development Status and Outlook11 Market Forecast by Regions, Type and Application (2016-2021)12 Security Analytics Market Dynamics13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisPurchase this report at-Note: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Contact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Airfryer Market Review, Development Trends and Forecasts to 2022 by Capacity, Heating Method and Operation Mode ReportsWeb Trending Study on Airfryer is announced by ReportsWeb and is available in its database. In this report, Airfryer market is segmented on the basis of application, type, end use and regions. In addition, the report presents detailed information regarding major revenue generating regions of Airfryer market.Global Airfryer market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingPhilipsHyundaiGerman PoolJoyoungLock&LockSUPORLivenMSXGerman PoolRoyalstarWestinghouseTredyMondaFasatoSKGAucmaAkiraEnaiterGuangdong BearNINTAUSRequest a Free Sample on Airfryer market atGeographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD) , market share and growth rate of Airfryer in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast) , coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoBy CapacityBelow 2L2L-3L3L-4LAbove 4LBy Heating Method360Cyclic HeatingUp and Down Cyclic HeatingBy Operation ModeMicrocomputerRotary Knob TypeOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales) , market share and growth rate for each application, includingHome ApplianceCommercial ApplianceOrder a copy of Global Airfryer Market atKey Point from Table of Contents:1 Airfryer Market Overview2 Global Airfryer Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global Airfryer Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)4 Global Airfryer Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)5 Global Airfryer Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type6 Global Airfryer Market Analysis by Application7 Global Airfryer Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis8 Airfryer Manufacturing Cost Analysis9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders11 Market Effect Factors Analysis12 Global Airfryer Market Forecast (2018-2025)13 Research Findings and ConclusionComplete report on Airfryer Market is now available atContact Information:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 High-Availability Clustering Software Market Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals and Forecasts 2017 2022. Reportsweb Global High-Availability Clustering Software Market Research Report 2017This report gives an in-depth research about the overall state of High-Availability Clustering Software market and projects an overview of its growth market. It also gives the crucial elements of the market and across major global regions in detail. Number on primary and secondary research has been carried out in order to collect required data for completing this particular report. Sever industry based analytical techniques has been narrowed down for a better understanding of this market.Get sample copy of this report:Companies Profiled in this report includes: HP , Evidian , Cisco , IBM , Microsoft , Oracle , NECAnalysis tools such as SWOT analysis and Porters five force model have been inculcated in order to present a perfect in-depth knowledge about High-Availability Clustering Software market. Ample graphs, tables, charts are added to help have an accurate understanding of this market. The High-Availability Clustering Software market is also been analyzed in terms of value chain analysis and regulatory analysis.The stages of development of High-Availability Clustering Software market with respect to many geographic regions have also been presented thoroughly. This information which is provided helps the emerging players gain up-to- date information which can help them take perfect business decisions. In similar way, many other segments and sub segments are mentioned in High-Availability Clustering Software market helping in conveying impeccable data to the users.Get Discount of this report:The competitive scenario is evaluated among all the leading players and a detailed explanation is covered in the report. In parallel, details of the key players and their merges and acquisitions which have taken place or are anticipated to happen have also been compiled. Top strategies adopted by these prime players operating on the High-Availability Clustering Software market is what enhances the value of this report.Complete Report:Table of Content:Global High-Availability Clustering Software Market Research Report 20171 High-Availability Clustering Software Market Overview2 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2011-2016)4 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2011-2016)5 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type6 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Market Analysis by Application7 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis8 High-Availability Clustering Software Manufacturing Cost Analysis9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders11 Market Effect Factors Analysis12 Global High-Availability Clustering Software Market Forecast (2016-2021)Contact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comCompany Name: ReportsWebWebsite: Reportsweb.comPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Greek Yogurt Market Sales by 2018 Analysis, Size, Share, Trends, Key Vendors (Chobani, Fage, Yoplait, Stonyfield), Drivers and Forecasts to 2025 ReportsWeb Greek Yogurt Market Sales by Global Brands, Countries, Type and Applications 2018 updated report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Greek Yogurt market focusing on the market size and trends with industry structure reviewGlobal Greek Yogurt market competition by top manufacturers/players, with Greek Yogurt sales volume, Price (USD/MT) , revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player; the top players includingChobaniFageYoplaitStonyfieldDannon OikosYoCrunch Naturals YogurtStraus Family CreameryEllenosCabotBrown Cow FarmAnderson Erickson DairyHiland DairyYILIMorinaga MilkAlpina FoodsAuburn Dairy ProductsRequest a Sample on Greek Yogurt Market atGeographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with sales (K MT) , revenue (Million USD) , market share and growth rate of Greek Yogurt for these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast) , coveringUnited StatesChinaEuropeJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoFull-Fat YogurtDe-Fat YogurtFat-Free YogurtOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, includingChildrenAdultsBrowse Complete Report on Greek Yogurt Market atKey Point from Table of Contents:1 Greek Yogurt Market Overview2 Global Greek Yogurt Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application3 United States Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)4 China Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)5 Europe Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)6 Japan Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)7 Southeast Asia Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)8 India Greek Yogurt (Volume, Value and Sales Price)9 Global Greek Yogurt Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data10 Greek Yogurt Manufacturing Cost Analysis11 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders13 Market Effect Factors Analysis14 Global Greek Yogurt Market Forecast (2017-2022)15 Research Findings and ConclusionContact Information:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Market - Industry Insights by Component, Application, Popular Trends, Demand and Growth Factors With Top Key Players Forecast 2022 The global planar solid oxide fuel cell market is projected to reach $804.9 million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.4% forecast to 2022.Get a free sample of this research report:With the increasing need for high electrical efficiency, growing utilization of biomass, and rising applications in the military, transportation and small stationary sectors, the global market for planar solid oxide fuel cell is expected to witness a robust pace during the forecast period.The demand for planar solid oxide fuel cell is expected to grow at a steady rate in North America and Europe during the forecast period due to the increasing demand for alternative electric power generation technologies and growing preference towards distributed power generation.Geographically, Asia-Pacific is the largest market for planar solid oxide fuel cell, where Japan is the largest contributor to the regional market. U.S. is the major market for planar solid oxide fuel cell in North America, whereas in Europe, Germany generated the highest revenue. Rest of the World (RoW) includes Latin American and Middle East and African countries. Brazil is the largest market for planar solid oxide fuel cell in the RoW.Explore report at:The main factors driving the growth of the global planar solid oxide fuel cell market include growing demand for renewable and efficient energy source and increasing demand from automotive sector. Increasing government regulations such as the Integrated Product Policy by European Commission focusing on addressing the environmental impacts of the non-renewable products has been observed in the global planar solid oxide fuel cell market during the past decade.Growing importance of alternative energy-conversion devices are replacing combustion-based electrical generators due to the high-energy conversion efficiency and low emission of planar solid oxide fuel cell.Make Enquiry before buying the report:The global market is dominated by major players such as FuelCell Energy, Inc., Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd., Ultra Electronics Holdings plc, Ceres Power Holdings plc, Ballard Power Systems Inc., SOLIDpower S.p.a, Convion Ltd., Delphi Automotive PLC., and Chevron Corporation.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide market research reports, industry reports, business intelligence and research based consulting services across a range of industries.With the help of our professional corporate relations with various companies, our market research offers the most accurate market forecasting. Our analysts and consultants interact with leading companies of the concerned domain to substantiate every single data presented in our publication. Our research assists our client in identifying new and different windows of opportunity and frame informed and customized strategies for expansion in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Deep Research on Industrial and Market studies: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2016-2020) "Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2016-2020)" The Report covers current Industries Trends, Worldwide Analysis, Global Forecast, Review, Share, Size, Growth, Effect.. .Description-' 'Scope of the ReportThe report titled Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2016-2020), provides an in-depth analysis of the global online takeaway food delivery market by value and by penetration rate. The report also gives an insight of the global food services market and takeaway food delivery market.The report provides a regional analysis of the online takeaway food delivery market, including the following regions: US, Canada, UK, Australia, Denmark, Italy, Spain and France.. .Get Sample Report @' 'The report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global online takeaway food delivery market has also been forecasted for the period 2016-2020, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.The competition in the global online takeaway food delivery market is fragmented with several new players emerging in the industry. However, key players of the online takeaway food delivery market, Just Eat, GrubHub and Rocket Internet (Foodpanda and Deliver Hero) are profiled with their financial information and respective business strategies.Country CoverageUSCanadaUKAustraliaDenmarkItalySpainFranceCompany CoverageJust EatGrubHubRocket Internet (Foodpanda and Deliver Hero)Executive SummaryThe food services industry is experiencing a revolution. Even the food delivery market is undergoing a dynamic change. It is the online mode that is reaping attention in the current scenario. The food delivery market is both online and offline. The online food delivery market is also known as online takeaway food delivery market.Online takeaway food delivery market provides an online and mobile platform for food takeaway. The platform is essentially a marketplace where consumers are matched with restaurants. Consumers choose to order on takeaway restaurant (TR) webpage or an app rather than directly on restaurant websites because they can easily compare multiple cuisine options, and also pay safely. In online mode mobile apps are available for iOS and Android of either the restaurants or TR. Customers select restaurants that deliver to their locations, make selection from menus and prices, and make purchases using a mobile device or via the web without the need for phone calls.In recent years online food delivery market is gaining popularity because of the increased internet penetration across nations and increased smartphone dependence.The online food delivery market has three business models namely pure-media, fully integrated and on-demand delivery models.The global online takeaway food delivery market is expected to increase at a significant CAGR during the years 2016-2020. The global online takeaway food delivery market is expected to increase due to increase in urban population, increase in spending of global middle class population, increasing technological innovations, increase in smartphone usage, increase in internet penetration, etc. Yet, the market faces some challenges such as, fluctuations in profit earning, threat to aggregator business model, data server crash, etc.1. Executive Summary2. Introduction2.1 Online Food Order-and-Delivery: An Overview2.1.1 Key Developments in Online Food Delivery2.1.2 Online Food Order-and-Delivery by Revenue Model2.1.3 Online Food Order-and-Delivery by Business Model2.1.4 Working of Online Food Order-and-Delivery Business2.1.5 Virtuous Circle for Online Takeaway Delivery Platforms2.1.6 Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Food Order-and-Delivery2.1.7 Takeaway Restaurant Food Delivery Lifecycle Comparison By Channel3. Global Market Analysis3.1 Global Food Service Market: An Analysis3.1.1 Global Food Service Market by Value3.2 Global Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis3.2.1 Global Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Value3.2.2 Global Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Segments3.3 Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis3.3.1 Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Penetration3.3.2 Global Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Value4. Regional Market Analysis4.1 UK Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis4.1.1 UK Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Value4.1.2 UK Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Penetration and Players4.2 US Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis4.2.1 US Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Value and Segments4.2.2 US Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Penetration4.2.3 US Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Value4.3 Italy Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis4.3.1 Italy Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market by Penetration4.4 Spain Online Takeaway Food Delivery Market: An Analysis. .More Clear Details get Table of Contents @ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Researchmoz Global Pvt. Ltd.90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United States,Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free),Tel: +1-518-621-2074 Eco-Friendly Product Launches will Drive Growth of the Brand Leaders Market in United Kingdom market Research hub The report provides the overall analysis of the brand leaders market in United Kingdom. The report provides the overview of various brands and divides it into various sectors such as food, travel, drink, beauty and personal care, fashion, financial service, fashion, and automotive. Market Research Hub (MRH) has recently added a publication titled Brand Leaders Market UK December 2017 to its massive database. The restraints, drivers and opportunities are offered in the report publication of the brand leaders market in UK. The market size and forecast for the brand leaders market in United Kingdom is also given in this report. The report provides various factors influencing the growth of the brand leaders market in UK. The basic definition and introduction of the brand leaders market are provided in the report.Click here for Free Sample Report@Major Insights of the ReportThe report provides the top ranking of brands by overall usage in this section of the research publication. Whereas, the overview section of the report comprises of the products that are mentioned. The report also talks about the trust leaders, brand leaders, customer service leaders, innovation leaders, quality leaders, brand experience leaders, loyalty leaders, ethical leaders, value leaders, and differentiation leaders. The report states that the brands are launching eco-friendly products for the consumers. The report throws light on tackling the ocean plastic problem to evade water pollution. The report reveals that the brands continue to seek influence of bloggers and YouTube stars.The report also provide overview of brands such as:The report states that the MCG brands have high usageThe report states that the trust acts as a building blockThe study highlights that the customer service leads to positive experienceThe Dysons technological advancement stands out, exclusive, quality brands create pride and satisfactionThe report suggest that the usage influences higher commitment, ethical profile of brands improvingBrowse Full Report with TOC@Brand Leaders Market in United Kingdom: Competitive AnalysisThe concluding section of this research publication offers a dashboard view to make the reader understand the competitive landscape of the brand leaders market in United Kingdom. This section of the research publication provides information about the key companies operating in the brand leaders in United Kingdom. The companies mentioned in the report are profiled on account of certain metrics such as financial ratio, product portfolios, current development in the companies, and overview of the companies. The report publication also gives information regarding the prominent companies functioning in this market. The United Kingdom brand leaders report is divided into various brand sectors such as travel, technology service, technology product, retail, media, household care, food service, food, financial service, fashion, drink, beauty and personal care and automotive. The report segments the travel section into Virgin Holidays, Premier Inn. Similarly the technology service is bifurcated into Netflix, and Sky. The technology product is divided into Samsung, Apple and Google. Retail is categorized into IKEA, eBay, Amazon and Tesco. Media is segregated into Vogue and Good Housekeeping. Housecare is divided into Ecover, Yankee Candle, Dyson and Fairy. Food service is divided into Greggs, Pizza Hut, YO! Sushi, and McDonald. Food is segmented into Ben & Jerry, Walkers and Heinz. Financial service is divided into post office, Bupa, and Nationwide. Likewise, fashion is categorized into Adidas and Nike. Drinks is divided into Robinsons, Nescafe, Rekorderlig and Coca-Cola.Enquire about this Report@About Market Research HubMarket Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of research reports of different sector like lifestyle industry reports and analysis. MRHs expansive collection of industry reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.Contact Us90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United StatesToll Free: 800-998-4852 (US-Canada)Email: press@marketresearchhub.comWebsite:Read Industry News at - European Retail Rankings Reveals Useful Information About the Retail Sector in Europe market Research hub A new report titled European Retail Rankings - December 2017 has been recently incorporated in the comprehensive database of Market Research Hub (MRH), which presents significant details about the present scenario as well as the future development projections of the retail sector in Europe. The first part of the study provides a brief market overview of the European retail ranking study. The study also provides financial analysis. Regional analysis of the European retail ranking includes countries such as Italy, Sweden, Austria, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia United Kingdom, Slovakia, Turkey, and Switzerland.Click here for Free Sample Report@Market IntroductionThis report provides a snapshot of the leading retailers in Europe, ranked on the basis of 2016 revenues translated into Euros at the average rate prevalent through the year. This study covers the top European retailers and includes country and sector sections, which detail the leading companies that are present in those markets. The text covers the main trends by country and sector and the leading retailers in each country and sector as well.The report highlights the top European retailers and provides the market data and statistics of the European retail market structure along with the information for each sector on the basis of geographical regions. The report presents a brief analysis of the dominating retailers in Europe and their regional analysis as well as the sector they operate.Key Insights of the ReportThe report on the European retail ranking study provides relevant introduction and basic definition along with the key objectives and scope of the study. The report highlights the overall segments of the European retail sector along with the country wise insights of the European retail market. The report provides intelligence on the drivers, restraints, opportunities and major threats influencing the growth of the European retail market.Browse Full Report with TOC@The report provides the yearly financial analysis of the retail sector in Europe. The historical market data analysis is provided in the research report over the period ranging from 2012 to 2016. Also, the each regional analysis of the European retail market is featured in the report. Company background and performance are also highlighted, enabling readers to understand the growth aspects of various companies that are mentioned in the study. This study focuses on the key retail sectors in Europe including clothing and footwear specialists, DIY specialists, electrical goods specialists, food retailers, health and beauty specialists, home shopping specialists, homeware specialists, miscellaneous specialists, and mixed good retailers. Each sectors annual growth versus retail sales growth data is elaborated in the study.Enquire about this Report@About Market Research HubMarket Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of research reports of different sector like retail industry reports and analysis. MRHs expansive collection of industry reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.Contact Us90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United StatesToll Free: 800-998-4852 (US-Canada)Email: press@marketresearchhub.comWebsite:Read Industry News at - Night Vision Device Market Value Share, Supply Demand, share and Value Chain 2017 2027 Night vision market is growing due to its technological advancement in defense and commercial market. Night vision devices are mostly used in defense for vision assistance at night and areas with low light intensity. Night vision devices are also deployed in marine container, aerial vehicles, and defense ground equipment for navigation and monitoring purposes in low light. For civilian purpose night vision device is used for security camera around the house, camping, search and rescue, etc. In addition to that, night vision devices are also used in wildlife sanctuaries to observe the various activities of animals in night time. Night vision device provides multi- spectral imaging, optical directing, eye tracking, and many other things. The increasing adoption of night vision devices across diversified industry vertical create new market opportunity for night vision devices manufacturers.Request For Report Sample:Night Vision DeviceMarket: Drivers and ChallengesThe major driver for Night Vision Device Market are innovation in technology, increase in armed conflicts, and commercial applications of night vision devices. In addition to that, increase in adoption of night vision device due to its cost effectiveness is the main factor which is driving the steady growth of the night vision device market.In contrast to this, due to high cost of night vision devices as compared to thermal image cost is restraining the market growth.Night Vision DeviceMarket: SegmentationSegmentation on the basis of device:Night vision goggleNight vision cameraNight vision scopeSegmentation on the basis of technology:Image intensifierThermal imagingInfrared illuminationSegmentation on the basis of industry:Defense and GovernmentTransportation and LogisticsIT and TelecommunicationsManufacturingHealthcareEnergy and UtilitiesOthersNight Vision Device Market: key playersSome of the key players for Night Vision Device Market are Armasight, ATN, BAE Systems, Elbit FLIR Systems, Harris, L-3 Communications, Meopta, Newcon Optik, Optix, Sofradir EC, and Thales.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Market: Regional OverviewNight Vision Device Market is currently dominated by North America due to presence of large number of vendors.Asia Pacific Night Vision Device Market is expected to have the highest growth rate due to increase in use of night vision device for defense sector.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Industrial Protective Clothing Fabrics Market Key Trends, Share, Growth and Analysis 2024 The global market for industrial protective clothing fabrics was dominated by the top three market players namely TenCate, Teijin Aramid, and Milliken & Company. These players accounted for almost 27.2% of the overall market share in the global industrial protective clothing fabrics market. These top companies are now looking to enhance their market presence with the help of setting up new facilities for manufacturing in newer regions as well as forming strategic mergers and takeovers. Some of the other key players in the global industrial protective clothing fabrics market include names such as Solvay S.A., PBI Performance Products Inc., Huntsman International LLC., Glen Rave Inc., and Gunei Chemical Industry among others. Recently, Teijin Limited has acquired a commercial land area of about 440 acres in Greenwood, South Carolina.Request Sample Report @The company aims to establish a production site for carbon fiber which can be used for the aircraft and automotive applications. The company intends to invest US$600 million for this project and hopes to create 220 jobs by the year 2030. With the help of this investment, Teijin aims to accelerate its international expansion of its business of integrated high-performance material by using its hubs in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.The global market for industrial protective clothing fabrics is an intensely competitive because of large numbers of producers involved regionally while the lesser portion of the market is taken up across the world by the key market players. Parallelly, there is small scope for new companies to enter the market due to the obstacles they face while entering the market coupled with strong market presence of already established players.The global industrial protective clothing fabrics market is expected to reach an overall market valuation of US$2.24 bn by the fall of 2016 and is projected to reach the total valuation of US$3.36 bn by the end of the forecast period of 2016 to 2024. This growth is expected to be achieved at a CAGR of 6.8% over the course of the given forecast period.Backing by Governments Propel Global Industrial Clothing Fabric Market GrowthThe demand for the global protective clothing fabric market is chiefly driven by oil and gas industry. It accounted for nearly 20% the total market share. Oil and gas segment has always been the major driver for the market as working in the segment requires high levels of protective clothing. Because of the high risk conditions and increasing necessity for better security equipment to cut down the injury and mortality rates, demand for the industrial protective clothing fabric has increased. Moreover, the demand for the global industrial protective clothing fabric market has been spurred by growing support by different governments across the globe in terms of enhancing the implementation of workers safety. The market around the world is spearheaded by the growing investments by the governments and healthy rate of product development and innovation.Read Report Overview @Uncertainties in the Oil and Gas Segment Hamper Market GrowthHowever, there are still factors that are negatively affecting the growth of the global industrial protective clothing fabric market. One of the restraining factor for the market growth is the slowing down of the development of the oil and gas segment. This has put the market in an uncertain situation and moreover, it has been impeded by the reduction in the number of rigs in the recent years. In addition to this, high costs associated with the manufacturing of the fire-resistant fabric is also hampering the market growth.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Adhesive Tapes Market Technology, Development, Trends and Global Forecast 2024 LINTEC Corporation, Nitto Denko Corporation, tesa Tape Inc., and 3M collectively enjoyed close to 39% of revenue in 2015, in a moderately consolidated global adhesive tapes market, says Transparency Market Research (TMR) in a new report. TMR states these players are likely to hold on leading shares on account of continual efforts for development of newer products and efforts for improving global presence.Request Sample Report @Further, factors such as volatile prices of raw materials and high entry barriers that avert new entrants to enter in the market consolidates the position of existing players, leading to stifled growth of the market.The report by TMR reveals that the global adhesive tapes market is likely to rise at a CAGR of 6.8% for the forecast period between 2016 and 2024 vis-a-vis revenue. At this pace, the market is projected to become worth US$92.36 by the end of 2024 which was evaluated at US$51.54 bn in 2015. The global adhesive tapes market is likely to rise at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2016 to 2024 in terms of volume.The global adhesive tapes market has been classified based upon end use into consumer goods, graphics, building and construction, automotive, health care, and others.From a geographical perspective, Asia Pacific is anticipated to display promising growth over the forecast period between 2016 and 2025. This is mainly because of developing manufacturing infrastructure, technological developments, and easy availability of raw materials. Countries such as China and India are expected to contribute substantially due to economic development.North America stands as a significant market for adhesive tapes due to the growing demand for adhesive tapes from a host of industries.Read Report Overview @Revival of Automotive Sector Ramps up Adhesive Tape DemandFirst and foremost, the advancement of the automotive industry has been favorable to the growth of adhesive tapes market. At present, the high demand for lighter vehicles is the key factor responsible for the high demand of adhesive tapes. The use of bolts, rivets, screws, and other traditional fastening devices are increasingly being replaced by stronger adhesive tapes, which in turn leads to significant reduction in overall weight of a vehicle as well as significant reduction in the amount of metal that is used in the vehicle.As per the lead analysts of the study, traditional sealants and adhesives are also increasingly being used in advanced adhesive tapes that are at par in terms of shear strength, surface adhesion, and durability. The revival of the automotive industry post the economic slump of 2008 is expected to positively impact the global adhesive tapes market.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Bread Mix Market Global Insights and Trends 2017 to 2027 Bread Mix Market Introduction:Bread mix is a mixture, made from flour, yeast, baking soda, salt and other ingredients. It is used in the baking of bread with less time and efforts. Types of bread mixes are available in the market includes wheat, rice, oat, and corn. The combination of two or more with more ingredients is also available. It is available as commercially manufactured or homemade.Food companies are more focused on satisfying the customer needs includes fast and convenient, variety, and nutritional benefits. Gluten free bread mix is available for health conscious consumers is expected to register an increase in the market. Consumers nowadays with their daily busy routine is the target group to boost the demand for bread mix market in forecasted period.Download PDF Brochure @Bread Mix Market Segmentation:Bread Mix market is segmented on the basis of ingredients, product type, distribution channels, and regions.Based on its ingredients, it is segmented as grain based mixes include wheat, rice, oats, corn, and others. Among all of these, wheat flour based mixes hold the major share and expected to dominate the market during the forecasted period. Other ingredients like salt, sugar, cheese, vegetables, fruits, and toppings are added as an accompaniment to a variety of ethnic food in the market. Based on the product type available in the market is segmented into two segments, Organic and Conventional. Among both of these, the organic segment registers a major share in bread mix market. Conventional type includes gluten free bread mix, driving the market for health conscious consumer and is expected to boost an increase in demand over the forecast period.On the basis of distribution channels, the global bread mix market segments include online retailing, supermarkets, and departmental stores. Among all of these, the online retailing is expected to gain major revenue shares over the forecast period.Bread Mix Market Regional Outlook:On the basis of regions, the bread mix market is segmented into following key regions; North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and The Middle East & Africa.North America grabs the major share of global bread mix market. Consumption of products like bread, cake, and pizza have more demand in North America regions and it is expected to grow at a steady rate. Followed by Western Europe regional market is expected to grow at a relatively medium growth rate over the forecast period. Developing regions including India, china, and others is expected to register a higher growth rate in bread mix market due to globalization.Bread Mix Market Drivers and Trends:Healthy ingredients with nutritional value drive an increase in demand for bread mix in the food industry. High demand for bread base in pizza industry serving worlds population is a driving factor for an increase in demand for bread mix market. Rising market demand for bread products in the food industry is becoming another market driver for bread mix. Automatic machine available in the market with less sophistication to make bread without wasting any ingredients is preferred by consumers and is expected to fuel the market during the forecasted period. Preference for different variety in cuisine, taste, and convenience is expected to be a driving factor for bread mix market.Obtain Report Details @Bread Mix Market Key Players:Bread mix is gaining acceptance at a growing rate and some of the key players participating in the global bread mix market includes IREKS U.K. Ltd., G. R. Wright and Sons Ltd., ACH Food Companies, Inc., Continental Mills, Inc., Laucke Flour Mills, Dr. Schar Foodservice UK Ltd., General Mills, Inc., Origins HealthCare Pte Ltd, Well and Good Pty Ltd., and Anchor Foods.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700,Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Volume Control and Quality Upgrades Likely to Boost Growth of the Beer Market in China market Research hub The report provides the overall outlook of the beer market in China along with the key competitors associated with the beer market in China. The report contains the definition of the market and relevant introduction of the beer market in China. The report also talks about the recent brands and companies involved in producing beer in China. The report showcases the issues and insights of the Chinas beer industry. The major facts and implications of the beer market in China are also discussed in the study. Further, the report also provides the market size as well as forecast for the Chinese beer market. The report throws light on the major factors impacting the growth of the beer market in China. The key competitive strategies adopted in the beer market is mentioned in the study. The relevant Information about the benefits of the beer are highlighted in the report. Market Research Hub (MRH) has recently published a new report titled Beer Market in China for Process Industry - December 2017 in its wide-ranging database. The report highlights that the value growth is robust in beer market in China. The factors defining beer quality are also mentioned in the report.Click here for Free Sample Report@Key Insights of the ReportThe report reveals that the volume consumption will stay flat in the Chinese beer industry. The research publication states the retail value sales of beer in China. The report states that the market players are adopting various growth strategies for the growth of the beer market. The report highlights the company share of the retail value market in China for the period ranging from 2015 to 2016. The report assert that the competition landscape of high-end beer market is becoming crowded. The beer drinking occasions in China for period ranging from 2014 to 2017 are discussed in the study. The Increasing brand loyalty suggests that consumers are moving towards maturity in Chineses beer industry. The report suggest that the examples of craft beer with sophisticated flavor descriptions are provided in the research publication. The report states that the volume control and quality upgrade of the beer market are the market factors impacting the growth of the market in China. The report reveals that the craft beer as well as white beer sees maximum future prospects.Browse Full Report with TOC@Beer Market in China: Top Player InsightsThis final chapter of the report study offers insights on a dashboard view to make the client understand the competitive scenario of the beer market in China. This important section of the report provides information about the key companies functioning in the China beer market. The study profiles the prominent companies based on various attributes such as recent development in the companies, financial ratio, product portfolio, overview of the companies and important strategies. The report also covers SWOT analysis that offers information on the strength, weakness and key opportunity for the major operators operating in the beer market of China. The report provides information on the major companies operating in the beer market in China such as Premium cues, Tsingtao Brewery, Carlsberg Group, Harbin Brewery, Michelob Ultra, Strongbow cider, Heinekens draft beer. The report reveals that the Tsingtao Brewery is one of the top brands in China brewery sector. The report also provides market attractiveness index for the readers to understand the growth aspects of the beer market along with the key findings.Enquire about this Report@About Market Research HubMarket Research Hub (MRH) is a next-generation reseller of research reports of different sector like beer industry reports and analysis. MRHs expansive collection of industry reports has been carefully curated to help key personnel and decision makers across industry verticals to clearly visualize their operating environment and take strategic steps.MRH functions as an integrated platform for the following products and services: Objective and sound market forecasts, qualitative and quantitative analysis, incisive insight into defining industry trends, and market share estimates. Our reputation lies in delivering value and world-class capabilities to our clients.Contact Us90 State Street,Albany, NY 12207,United StatesToll Free: 800-998-4852 (US-Canada)Email: press@marketresearchhub.comWebsite:Read Industry News at - Airborne Surveillance Market to Grow at a CAGR of 4.9% by 2025: Global Modification and Improvement in Laws Regarding Growing Usage of Drones and UAVS "Global Airborne Surveillance Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2025" This report scope includes a holistic study of the current dynamics of the market, industry growth and restraints of the market. It provides the market forecast to 2025, recent developments in the market and pipeline analysis of the major players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro forecasts, new entrant strategies, and market penetration strategies with a comprehensive value chain analysis.Airborne Surveillance Market Research Report: Global Type (Radar, LiDAR, Imaging System), Product Type (Manned Systems, Unmanned System, Balloons/Aerostats), Application (Commercial, Military, Defense & Security), By Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa) Forecast 2018 to 2025Report Definition:Airborne surveillance is used to reinforce national security and territorial integrity and support solutions which would help in completing the operations successfully and in achieving the long term system availability assurance. It is basically use in defense, military, security, inspection, monitoring, engineering and others.Report Analysis:The global airborne surveillance market accounted for USD 4.26 billion in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.Get Free Sample Copy of this Report @This report consists of below pages: No of pages: 350 No of Figures: 60 No of Tables: 220Competitive Analysis:The global airborne surveillance market is consolidated due to the presence of limited number of players concentrated in few countries. These major players have adopted various organic as well as inorganic growth strategies such as mergers & acquisitions, new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, and others to strengthen their position in this market.Major Market Competitors:Some of the major players in global airborne surveillance market are: BAE Systems Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. Leonardo, Boeing Leica Geosystems AG Thales Group Lockheed Martin Corporation Saab FLIR Systems Inc. Raytheon Company Northrop Grumman L-3 Corporate UTC Aerospace Systems Safran Start-Up Ecosystem Teledyne Technologies among others.Order a copy of Airborne Surveillance Market Report @Scope of the Report:On the basis of type, the global airborne surveillance market is segmented into Radar, LiDAR and imaging system.On the basis of product type, the global airborne surveillance market is segmented into manned systems, unmanned system and balloons/aerostats. Manned systems are sub segmented into aircraft and helicopter. Unmanned system is sub segmented into UAV/UAS. UAV/UAS are further sub segmented into drones, fixed wing, rotary wing and vtols.On the basis of application, the global airborne surveillance market is segmented into commercial, military, defense and security. Commercial application is sub segmented into inspection and monitoring, engineering, surveying and mapping, agriculture and forestry, insurance and others. Others are further sub segmented into healthcare, delivery and logistics and education. Military, defense and security application is sub segmented into Isr and targeting, border surveillance, border surveillance and law enforcement.On the basis of geography, the global airborne surveillance market report covers data points for 28 countries across multiple geographies such as North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. Some of the major countries covered in this report are U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Brazil among others.Major Market Drivers: More of technological investment Increase in the drones due to the Internet of Things (IoT) Rising demand UAVS in commercial applications Modification and improvement in laws regarding growing usage of drones and UAVS Rise in the interest and fund towards UAVSMarket Restraint: High cost of LidarRead more about the Airborne Surveillance Market Report Visit @Related ReportGlobal Milking Robots Market Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Global Milking Robots market, By Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa), By Offering (Hardware, Software, Service), System Type (Single-Stall Unit, Multi-Stall Unit, Automated Milking Rotary), Herd Size (Below 100, Between 100 and 1,000 and Above 1,000) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024Report Access:About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Vishal DixitData Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Sales@databridgemarketresearch.comInvestor: investors@databridgemarketresearch.comVisit Blog:Follow us on LinkedIn: Healthcare Robots Market Size and Growth Analysis 2016 - 2024 Healthcare robots are a blend of medicine and technology. These robots aid surgeons in performing surgeries with almost perfect precision. These are considered as an alternative method to minimal invasive surgeries. In the recent past, considerable development has been achieved in the global healthcare robots market as robotics is being increasingly adapted by the medicine industry to augment healthcare workers including therapists, though this can never be an alternate for humans, nor can they perform autonomously owing to patient safety concerns. However they help doctors to considerably leverage their analytical and decision-making skills, while extending their physical abilities.Some of the driving forces for the global healthcare robots market are increasing automation technologies, enhancement of technological innovation, booming population growth and reduced overall mortality rates, growing disabilities in humans, acute supply shortage of medical professionals, need for improving surgical procedures, need for improving life quality for the elderly and the disabled, demographic changes, large scale global investment in the robotics market, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of critical surgeries, government backing for the healthcare market, and the growing incidence of medication blunder deaths.Request Brochure:However, massivepurchasing and installing costs of healthcare robots can impede the growth in the global market. Medical robots are too expensive and need technical professions for performing operations. Moreover, reluctance to imbibe the technological change, and mechanical reliability issues are also restraining factors for the healthcare robots market. Despite this, healthcare robots have achieved global acceptance in a varied range of operations such as neurological surgery, interventional cardiological surgery and orthopedic surgery. This provides the much needed lucrative opportunities for the healthcare robots market moving into the future.The global healthcare robots market may be segmented on the basis of applications, type and components. On the basis of applications, the segments are neurology applications, cardiology applications, orthopedic applications, laparoscopic applications and other applications. The categories based on type of product are surgical robots, rehabilitation robots, telemedicine robots, pharmacy and hospital automation robots, non-invasive radiosurgery robots and robotic catheters. The categories on the basis of components segmentation are safety systems, locomotion systems, user interface, software platforms, power resources and visualization systems.Browse Our Report:Based on geography, the global healthcare robots market can be segmented into six regions. These are North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America has been typically leading the global market for healthcare robots owing to enhanced awareness amongst the patients towards the utility of new, innovative technologies which paves the path for huge potential growth in this region. The market is projected to grow at a greater pace in the future mainly due to the high levels of initial medical investment in the U.S. North America is followed by the European region in terms of market share. Since the European government has been initiating innovative policies for improving well-being and health of the citizens, Europe is forecast to have substantial growth in the near future. The other region of robust growth in the healthcare robots market is the Asia Pacific because of fast evolving medical infrastructure. Furthermore, growing disposable income levels, technological evolution and rapidly changing lifestyle scenario are the main reasons behind the impressive growth rates in this region.The key players in the global healthcare robots market are Hocoma, Irobot Corporation, Hansen Medical Inc, Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc, Titan Medical Inc, Accuray Inc,Intuitive Surgical Inc, MAKO Surgical Corp, ZOLL Medical Corp, Varian Medical Systems, Kirby Lester Llc, Mazor Robotics Ltd, Aurora Biomed Inc, Roche Holding AG and Biotek Instruments Inc.Pre Book Now This Report:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Payment Gateway Market Size, Trends, Development, Revenue Outlook and Investment Forecasts Report 2018-2025 The Insight Partners Payment gateway is a merchant service which is provided by an e-commerce application service provider which allows credit card or direct payment processing for online retailers and e-businesses. This service is provided by a bank to its customers or by a specialized financial service provider as a distinct service, such as payment service provider.Place a Direct Purchase Order atList of Key Companies - Payment Gateway Market1. PayPal Holdings, Inc.2. Due, Inc.3. Stripe, Inc.4. Amazon Payments, Inc.5. Bitcoin6. Secure Trading Limited7. GoCardless Ltd.8. Merchant Warrior.9. Cardstream Limited.10. CCBill, LLC.Shift towards digital commerce is the major driver which helps in surging the growth of payment gateway market whereas security and privacy concern act as a restraining factor for this market. Emergence of big data management will add new opportunities for this market in the coming years.The Global Payment Gateway Market Analysis to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the payment gateway industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global payment gateway market with detailed market segmentation by type, organization size and geography. The global payment gateway market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.Request Sample is Available atThe report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global payment gateway market based on product type and organization size. It also provides market size and forecast till 2025 for overall payment gateway market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM). The market by each region is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report covers analysis and forecast of 16 counties globally along with current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region.Besides this, the report analyzes factors affecting market from both demand and supply side and further evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend. The report also provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions namely; North America, Europe, APAC, MEA and South America after evaluating political, economic, social and technological factors effecting the market in these regions.Also, key payment gateway market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years. Some of the key players influencing the market are PayPal Holdings, Inc., Due, Inc., Stripe, Inc., Amazon Payments, Inc., Bitcoin, Secure Trading Limited, GoCardless Ltd., Merchant Warrior., Cardstream Limited., CCBill, LLC. and among others.Complete Report is Available atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout Us:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor, Amanora Chambers,Amanora Township, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Power Transmission Components Market size was over USD 20 billion in 2015 and is predicted to grow at over 6% by 2024 Power Transmission Components Market The transition from traditional power grids to smart grids has fueled Global Power Transmission Components Market drastically in recent years. With the introduction of novel approaches in electric power transfer, the consumer demand for uninterrupted power supply is surging. Electric utility companies across the globe are also investing heavily to address the growing electricity demand.Considering the feasibility, economic factors, and redundancy, market players are focusing on bulk power transmission, which in turn is stimulating the power transmission components industry dynamics. Transmitting bulk power at high voltage level increases the efficiency, as the transmission line resistive losses decreases at high voltages. This has led to an increase in demand for 220 kV and 440 kV power transmission grid components, which cumulatively accounted for 45% of the total volume in 2015.Ultra-high voltage transmission lines, which include voltage level above 660 kV, is also projected to cross over USD 9 billion by 2024.Furthermore, major countries (China, UK, U.S, India) implementing microgrid infrastructure to ensure grid security will cater the overall power transmission components market growth.Request for Sample Copy of this research report @Three phase high voltage alternating current systems are preferred across numerous sectors due to the abundance of conventional grid infrastructure adoptability and cost effectivity. HVAC power transmission components industry is expected to record a revenue of USD 30 billion over the coming seven years.HVDC network is adopted for power transmission over very long distances, owing to its high efficiency. In 2017, the U.S. government granted USD 100 million contracts for the renewal of an existing Pacific Intertie HVDC link, which is active since 1970. It is anticipated that HVDC power transmission components industry will grow significantly at an annual rate of 8% over 2016-2024.Transformer, transmission lines, isolators, relays, circuit breakers, arresters, and transmission towers are the basic components used for power transmission.The continuous effort by leading companies toward expansion of existing operational power lines is complementing the power transmission components industry growth. For instance, Powergrid Corp. aims to increase inter-regional power transmission capacity up to 72 GW by 2017.Power transmission components market share from transmission lines is projected to grow substantially at a CAGR of more than 6% over 2016-2024.Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @Europe power transmission components industry is driven by a strong urge for integrated grid network by utilizing renewable energy. With UK being a key revenue contributor, Europe power transmission components market is expected to grow lucratively with an annual growth rate of more than 5% over 2016-2024.Asia Pacific, with China and India as chief contributors, is also expected to be one of the major revenue generating regions. This robust growth can be attributed to the growing government inclination toward enhancing the existing power lines to meet the surging electricity demand. For instance, the Indian government has recently launched a program named One Nation-One Grid-One Price to interweave all the state and central power grid to achieve single tariff system. China power transmission components network will also record a revenue of USD 9 billion by 2024.To access sample pages or view this report in detail along with the table of contents, please click on the link below:Browse Related Report:Power Transmission Lines & Towers Market Size, By Product (High Tension (HT), Extra High Tension (EHT), Ultra High Tension (UHT)), By Voltage Level (132 kV, 220 kV, 440 kV, 660 kV, 765 kV), By Current Level (HVDC, HVAC), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Peru), Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2016 2024About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary researchContact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Spray Foam Market - Forecast on Market Dynamics, Emerging Trends, Growth Factors The construction industry has witness a continuous growth from last couple of decades. This is primarily owing to increasing industrial and residential construction activities and related product advancement. Spray foam is one of such advancement. Generally, these spray foam are a mixture of isocyanate and polyol resin, which when sprayed over a surface, can expand up to 30 -60 times its liquid volume. The introduction of spray foam has made a revolutionary change in the working of construction and packaging industry. Characteristics such as taking a form of insulation, air sticking on around corners, roofs, walls and on contoured surface has allowed spray foam to be used in variety of application including wall insulation, roofing, seal cracks and gaps containers. The growing use of spray foam in industrial and residential construction activity and packaging industry is expected to fuel the growth of global spray foam market over the forecast period.Obtain Brochure@Spray Foam Market- Market Dynamics:One of the significant factors contributing towards the growth of spray foam market is the strong demand from packaging Industry. Moreover, Spray foam is widely used in construction industry for its variety of application including insulation, sealing etc. Owing to the revival of global economy, the industrial construction industry is anticipated to witness a surge in demand over the forecast period. Furthermore, it is anticipated that global spray foam market will grow along with the growth of construction industry in near future. Apart from this, developing as well as developed countries have seen a rising demand of green building from last couple of decades, which are expected to further fuel the global demand in spray foam market.However, fluctuation in raw material prices are expected to be a major concern for spray foam manufacturer. Adding to this, raw material such as MDI (Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) and TDI (Toluene diisocyanate) that are used in production of spray foam, cause severe health related problem including asthma and skin irritation. This may hamper the growth of global spray foam market over the forecast period.Spray Foam Market- Market Segmentation:The spray foam market can be segmented on the basis of product type and application. On the basis of product type, spray foam market can be segmented into medium density closed-cell spray foam (CCSPF) and light density open cell spray foam (OCSPF). Light density open cell spray foam are generally used for construction activity due to its ability to expand, fill cracks, crevices and adhere to irregular surfaces to form an air sealing insulation. On the basis of application, spray foam market can be segmented into building application and Packaging application, furthermore, building application can be subdivided into residential walls, residential roofing, commercial walls and commercial roofing.Browse Market Research Report @Spray Foam Market- Regional Outlook:Geographically, the spray foam market can be segmented into North Americas spray foam market, Latin Americas spray foam market, Europes spray foam market, Asia-Pacifics spray foam market and Middle East & Africas spray foam market. The growth of global spray foam market is expected to witness a healthy CAGR over the forecast period of 2016-2024. Moreover, North America is expected to witness a high growth of spray foam market due to rising demand of green building. Europe is expected to follow North America. Asia pacific, with the growing industrial and residential construction activity is anticipated to follow both North America as well as Europe over the forecast period. Rest of the world is expected to show a steady growth in global spray foam market in coming years.Spray Foam Market- Major Players:Some of the major players identified across the globe in the spray foam market are BASF SE, Bayer Material Science, Lapolla Industries Inc., Dow Chemical, Rhino Linings Corporation, CertainTeed Corporation, Premium Spray Products and NCFI Polyurethanes.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Market - In-depth Industry Analysis Research Report Forecasts to 2024 by TMR