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However, the Indian Government has not entertained any of his preconditions to return back then. Suprisingly, Keswani's statement comes six months after MNS President Raj Thackeray made a similar revelation. Thackeray had pointed out in his speech that, Dawood was reportedly, negotiating a 'settlement' with the Modi government. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 07, 2018 10:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website Mar 7, 2018, 11:25am ET Enraged pedestrian assaults autonomous Chevy Bolt California accident reports suggest self-driving cars will not be immune from road rage. General Motors' fleet of autonomous Chevrolet Bolt EVs has apparently sparked rage among a few motorists and pedestrians, according to mandatory incident filings with the California DMV. An accident report spotted by the Los Angeles Times details damage caused by a pedestrian who lashed out as a Bolt was waiting for crosswalks to clear before making a right-hand turn from northbound Valencia St onto 16th St in San Francisco. "A different pedestrian from the southwest corner of Valencia and 16th ran across Valencia Street, against the 'do not walk' symbol, shouting, and struck the left side of the Cruise AV's rear bumper and hatch with his entire body," the document notes. Another encounter involved Bolt under manual control that stopped behind a taxi and the taxi driver "exited his vehicle, approached the Cruise AV, and slapped the front passenger window, causing a scratch." It is unclear if the taxi driver's actions involved an unstated incident with the Bolt. Developers of autonomous drive systems have encountered difficulty making the vehicles mesh with human-piloted traffic. Early problems included a tendency to be too cautious at stop signs, requiring developers to tweak the code so an autonomous car begins to pull forward slightly to assert its intention to proceed. Dont knock the Project Ireland 2040 plans for Portlaoise before they even start, said chair of the Portlaoise Municipal District, Mary Sweeney, after her fellow councillors expressed reservations over the proposed renovation of the county town. At the recent meeting of the Portlaoise Municipal District in County Hall, Cllr John Joe Fennelly said that he was very disappointed as Portlaoise hospital wasnt mentioned in the new plans. Said Cllr Willie Aird: There wasnt a whole lot for us, I thought thered be a huge windfall. He agreed that the lack of mention of the hospital was thoroughly demoralising. We dont know what type of money is coming, he said. Cllr Aird also claimed Minister Damien English had said he was horrified at how Portlaoise was laid out. Director of services, Mr Kieran Kehoe disputed this, saying the Minister should not be misquoted. However, Cllr Aird insisted that he had spoken to Minister English and the Minister said he couldnt understand the planning in Portlaoise. I hope whoevers in power, we will be able to get funding to solve some of the problems, he said. Cllr Caroline Dwane Stanley said that one positive, if it happens, is the relocation of the courthouse. She agreed it was very disappointing that the hospital was not mentioned. Were still in limbo over that, she said. Cllr Mary Sweeney said it was welcome that Portlaoise was at least mentioned in the national plan. We cant knock it before it starts, she said. Mr Kehoe said that the plan was a huge windfall for Portlaoise and the money will follow. He said that 27 towns were getting absolutely nothing and Portlaoise is one of only three towns in this region to get something. Cllr Noel Tuohy agreed with the director of services. Mobile phones and drugs were among the items that were smuggled into Portlaoise Prison, in separate cases heard at last weeks sitting of Portlaoise District Court. First before the court was Kim Guerin (27), The Square, Larch Hill, Santry, Dublin. Inspector Maria Conway gave evidence that on December 11, 2017, the accused entered Portlaoise Prison and activated the metal detector. She was searched and found to have a mobile phone and a quantity of pink tablets concealed on her person. She admitted bringing the items into the jail when arrested. The accused had two previous convictions. Defence for the accused said that Guerin, a single mother, had been trying to bring the items into her partner and felt under threat to do so. She had a difficult time with her mental health, but is now sorting herself out, said defence. Saying that bringing a mobile phone and drugs into prison was very serious, Judge Catherine Staines imposed a three-month sentence, suspended for one year. In a separate case, Stephen Wilson (29), Aisling Guest House, Ashbourne, County Meath, was charged with bringing drugs into prison. Inspector Maria Conway gave evidence that on December 21, 2017, the accused was visiting a prisoner in Portlaoise Prison and attempted to pass a small quantity of drugs. The accused made full admissions when arrested and had no previous convictions. Defence, Ms Louise Troy said the accused had a housing difficulty and was living in a B+B. Ms Troy said the accused had been bringing in 50 of cannabis to his cousin. Judge Staines asked why did he bring the drugs in, to which the accused himself replied that it was a stupid mistake. The accused was convicted and fined 200. A Portarlington man has been charged with trying to rob the local Polish shop with a knife. At last weeks Portlaoise District Court, Kamil Cruk (25), Ballymorris Manor, Portarlington, was charged with theft from Tesco; theft from Centra, Main Street, Portarlington, on February 19 last; theft from Dealz, Portarlington, on February 20; and robbery from the Polish shop on the Link Road, Portarlington, on February 20. Garda Adrian Corcoran gave evidence that the accused made no reply when charged. He gave evidence that on February 20, it was alleged the accused entered the Polish shop on the Link Road, Portarlington, produced a knife at the female shop assistant and demanded money. The assistant fled to the back of the shop and the robber fled the scene. After hearing the outline of the alleged facts, Judge Catherine Staines said the matter was far too serious to be dealt with in the district court and refused jurisdiction. There was no State objection to bail, but bail conditions are that the accused observe a curfew from 9pm to 8am; he provide the gardai with a mobile phone number; he stay out of the Polish shop and the Centra store in Portarlington; and he stay away from drugs and alcohol. The matter was adjourned to May 3. There were disappointed teenagers but relieved parents in Mountmellick last weekend, when Mountmellick Community School's Paris tour was cancelled over Storm Emma. The five day trip was due to depart Mountmellick for Dublin Airport on Friday night into Saturday morning, when the country was under the freezing grip of snow. There were 62 second year students and seven school staff packed and ready to go. It was to be an action packed trip, visiting all the sights and taking in Disneyland Paris. Up to Friday afternoon, the trip was still on. It was touch and go on Friday, Principal Larry Curtin told the Leinster Express. "We had a hectic afternoon on Friday, on the phone to the all usual sources to try and get snow ploughs and salt gritters out so we could get to the airport. The flight was still running then and the accommodation was available, so we had to have our plans in place to get the kids to the airport safely," he said. Later on Friday the flight was finally cancelled by airport authorities. "There was a large number of disappointed students, but a significant number of relieved parents," he said. Design a St Patrick's Day masthead for the Leinster Express website! Mr Curtin said that the annual trip will be rescheduled. "They are all thrilled that it will be rescheduled. It will be something to look forward to. We are awaiting an update from the tour company," he said. The school on the main street in Mountmellick, was one of the few in Laois to open last Wednesday morning, with many of its students and staff making it in. "We closed at lunchtime as the weather worsened. We stayed closed on Thursday and Friday and we are all back to normal now," the principal said. This crafty Mountmellick group needs your vote! Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider subscribing to our ePaper and/or free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. A 35-year-old man has been refused bail at Naas District Court today following a Garda search of a house in Newbridge. Robert Strzelczyk was arrested by Gardai on Monday, March 5, after they searched a house at 32 Moorefield Park, Newbridge, at 1.52pm. Garda Seamus Doyle said in evidence that the house was rented by Mr Strzelczyks partner, under the social welfare HAP scheme. The defendant insisted he lived at 73 Aughrim Street, Dublin 7, from where, he said, he ran a tattoo business. Garda Doyle said they believed that he lived with his girlfriend who is currently holidaying in Gran Canaria. The defendant admitted that he had a key to a room and there were some of his possessions at the house. Objecting to bail, Garda Doyle said that following a search of a bedroom they found a laboratory and a machine used to produce ecstasy tablets. Following tests, Gardai are alleging that the defendant had an estimated 30,000 of ecstasy tablets and 40,000 ketamine or horse tranquiliser. They also found an estimated 12,000 of PVP or synthetic cocaine. Other powders are yet to be analysed. Garda Doyle said there were three motorbikes at the house, including a Harley Davidson, with an estimated value of 25,000, registered to Mr Strzelczyks 71-year-old mother in Poland. He said that the defendant denied having the drugs for sale and supply. Objecting to bail, Garda Doyle said while the man had lived in Ireland since 2004, he is a potential flight risk due to the seriousness of the charge. He said the house looked affluent, with expensive whiskeys, and there was a 15,000 BMW on the premises. The motorcycles have been seized by the Gardai. Solicitor, Tim Kennelly, sought bail for the defendant but not only was bail objected to but Gardai also objected to free legal aid being granted on account of the goods found at the house. Judge Desmond Zaidan refused bail and remanded the man in custody until March 14 on a charge of illegally having the drugs for sale and supply. A Newbridge schoolgirl chopped off her flowing locks on Tuesday to make life a little easier for needy children. Young Sinead Mahony, 11, a sixth-class pupil at Scoil na Naomh Uilig, donated her long ponytail to the Rapunzel Foundation, an Irish charity which makes wigs for youngsters who need them for medical reasons such as alopecia. Furthermore, Sinead has also raised 500 in sponsorship for the good cause. Staff at the Neeba salon on Cutlery Road in Newbridge carried out the haircut yesterday, and will make sure that the ponytail makes its way safely to the New Ross-based organisation. Sineads proud dad Jim said that Sinead was chatting with her friends about the work of the Rapunzel Foundation, and decided to donate her own hair as she had the requisite 14-inch long ponytail. The hair has to be at least that length in order for it to be made into a wig. Sinead before and after Tuesday's big chop She really appreciated the thought of a child getting a wig made out of her hair, she thought it would be fantastic. It was such a thoughtful thing for her to do, he said. Sineads mum Roisin contacted the Foundation, who also sent out a sponsorship card and the donations have been rolling in from family and friends all this week. Jim said that there were no last-minute nerves from the youngster, who has also ended up with a lovely new hairstyle just in time for her Confirmation Day next Tuesday. Before we left the house, she was saying I hope I have enough hair to give the 14 inches', but she looked it up and measured it to be sure. The family hails from Roseberry Hill, and Sineads two brothers James, 13 and Daragh 7, are also very proud of their sisters good deed. We even bought her a donut as a treat afterwards, joked her dad! READ ALSO: Exciting competition for young Kildare artists to design St Patricks Day masthead for! Sinead poses proudly with her ponytail at the Neeba salon in Newbridge, which will make sure the hair gets safely to the Rapunzel Foundation Irish Water working in partnership with Leitrim County Council is advising customers supplied by the South Leitrim Water Supply that a decision on whether the scheme will be restricted again tonight will be made this afternoon and will be dependent on consumer usage today and how well the reservoirs recover. The number of customers in the South Leitrim area without water today is dropping dramatically from the 2,800 yesterday and the full picture will be known later in the afternoon. However, it might take a few hours for water to reach customers in outlying areas and on higher ground while the system recharges. Irish Water is appealing to those customers who do have a supply to conserve water in every way possible. "The South Leitrim Scheme saw good recovery in its water supply last night due to the restrictions which has led to supply being returned to most areas in the scheme today. There will be no day-time restrictions today however, it is most likely that the scheme will be restricted again tonight from 11pm to 7am to further aid the replenishment of water in the reservoirs. This decision will be made in the afternoon," a spokesperson said. Minister for Health, Simon Harris is urging people to give blood and help restore blood supplies for patients, after clinics nationwide were cancelled due to the impact of Storm Emma. The Minister said, "1 in 4 people will require a blood transfusion at some time in their lives. For many people that time is now, and our blood supply has been severely depleted over the last week. "The Irish Blood Transfusion Service has kept up its supply to hospitals during the severe weather, but hasn't been able to hold clinics. Now they have just three days supply on average across all groups and just two days of O negative. "I'm now asking blood donors, and those who would like to be blood donors, to visit a clinic in the coming weeks. "Every week, hundreds of patients in hospitals all around the country are helped in their recovery by the ready availability of blood. I want to acknowledge the generosity of donors and the work of the IBTS in maintaining this vital supply. "The IBTS is aiming to collect 7,000 donations between now and St Patricks weekend, and I'm appealing to those who able to do so to give blood and make a vital difference to those in need." For further information on blood donation please click here. You may also like: Further locations released for water tanker supplies in South Leitrim An open verdict was returned at Carrick-on-Shannon Coroners Court today (Wednesday) in death of a Polish man who drowned while he was attending a stag party in Carrick-on-Shannon. Deputy Coroner for Sligo Leitrim, Fergal Kelly, recorded an Open Verdict in the case of 30-year-old Janusz Jasicki of The Paddock Cottage, Woodbrook, Shankill, Co Dublin with Mr Kelly ruling that the cause of death was freshwater drowning at the Quayside, Carrick-on-Shannon. Mr Jasickis remains were retrieved from the River Shannon at approximately 8.45pm on Wednesday October 11, having gone missing on the night of Saturday, September 30. Mr Jasicki remains were recovered from the Shannon by five member of the Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club. Mr Jasicki was attending a stag in Carrick-on-Shannon with seven friends. Three friends who attended the stag told how they arrived in Carrick at 12.30 pm on the Saturday, went Go-Karting and then met up again for a cruise on Moon River at 6.45 pm. The cruise ended at 8.30 pm and the group made their way up the town up to Murtaghs when they noticed that Mr Jasicki was no longer with them. The group rang Mr Jasicki who reported he was lost and one of the witnesses commented that he was not making sense. Mr Jasickis phone went dead at 9.40 pm. The friends also gave evidence of searching around the town for Mr Jasicki. Cat Sawkins, Mr Jasickis partner of six years, told the Inquest that Janusz was very responsible and capable and she would expect him to come back in one piece from the stag. He had never gone missing before, did not drink much and had been approved for a mortgage just before he went on the stag. Ms Sawkins said that Mr Jasicki had a habit of losing his phone so they installed Find My Phone software on his phone and computer. When she was informed that Janusz was missing, she was able to trace his phone up until 9.40 pm when the battery went dead, Mr Jasicki having forgot to bring his charger with him on the trip. Sgt. Carla Curry gave evidence of the recovery of Mr Jasickis remains from the Shannon on Wednesday October 11. She also told that Mr Jasicki was last seen walking in the direction of Breffni Crescent and the searches were concentrated on that area. Paul Newman told the court that he was on a cruiser boat on the Shannon, going from Leitrim Village to Carrick, on Wednesday, October 11. A member of Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club, Mr Newman was aware that a person was missing in Carrick-on-Shannon and was keeping watch for any signs on the journey. Near the junction of the Boyle River and the Shannon, Mr Newman spotted something in the reeds around 6.30 pm and after manoeuvring the boat in closer, he spotted a hand. He then contacted his colleagues in Lough Ree Sub Aqua club to bring up the inflatable boat so that they could retrieve the remains from the rushes. Mr Jasickis remains were recovered at 8.45 pm and brought into Carrick-on-Shannon. Sgt. Tony Byrne gave evidence of being contacted by Lough Ree Sub Aqua Club and the arrival of the remains at the Quay in Carrick at 9.20 pm. The deceaseds remains were identified by his clothing and watch and Last Rites were administered at the scene. Robert Jasicki gave evidence of identifying the remains of his older brother. In a deposition read to the inquest by Sgt Ronan Mooney, Sgt Josephine Kirrane outlined how she had been appointed Family Liaison Officer for the case. She said that Mr Jasickis remains were identified by the brown belt he was wearing and a watch. Sgt Kirranes evidence also revealed that a small plastic bag with a white powdery substance was found in the pocket of the deceased. Presiding Officer Fergal Kelly read extracts from Mr Jasickis autopsy conducted by Dr Paul Hartill at Sligo University Hospital which said that the cause of death was consistent with fresh water drowning. He also said that the toxicology report showed an ethanol reading of 206 micrograms and traces of cocaine, benzoylegonime and cocaethylene. Delivering his verdict, Deputy Coroner Fergal Kelly said that the witnesses gave evidence of what was supposed to be a very happy weekend but unfortunately, it didnt turn out that way. He said it was very clear to see that Mr Jasicki, who was only 30 years old, was a very fit, very active and very sporting man. Mr Kelly offered his sympathy to Mr Jasickis brother Robert, his partner Cat and his family and friends. Mr Kelly also said that he hoped the conclusion of the Inquest could help with their bereavement process. Mr Kelly also thanked everyone who had helped with the search for Mr Jasicki. Sgt. Ronan Mooney also offered his sympathy to the Jasicki family and thanked all those who has assisted in the search for Mr Jasicki. GARDAI have released without charge eleven adults who were being questioned as part of an investigation into the alleged abuse and sexual exploitation of a number of young children in West Limerick. One man was released on Tuesday evening while the remaining four men and six women have since been released. A file is to be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to the matter. All eleven adults, who range in age from their early 20s to their mid 70s, were arrested during series of co-ordinated raids across Munster on Monday evening. While investigations are ongoing, Mary Flaherty, CEO of CARI, which provides support for children who are the victims of abuse said what has emerged into the public domain about the alleged offences was "disturbing". The number of female offenders involved, the reports that all are members of an extended family, the ages of the children from new born to pre-pubescent make this the most horrific and extensive criminal operation against children in CARIs knowledge, she said. An Garda Siochana have an important job to both the children involved and to children everywhere to dismantle this alleged ring and to face those responsible with the full weight of the judicial system, added Eve Farrelly, manager of CARIs Accompaniment and Helpline service. It is understood those arrested on Monday are all members of the same extended family and gardai believe the alleged victims are known to them. The alleged victims, some of whom have been interviewed by specialist gardai as part of the investigation, are said to include children ranging in age from several months old to 12. The arrests are part of an investigation into alleged sexual exploitation of children who were resident in the Newcastle West garda district, confirmed a garda spokesperson. The Newcastle West garda district is one of the biggest in the country and details of the precise location, which is known to the Leader, cannot be disclosed for legal reasons and in order to protect the identity of the alleged victims. May 3, 2021, 8 PM The March 8-10 Kagin's auction at the National Money Show includes a broad selection of encased postage stamps, including this 5 Civil War-era rarity for Arthur M. Claflin. By Michael Baadke Kagins Auctions of Tiburon, Calif., is offering a major collection of encased postage stamps during the American Numismatic Associations National Money Show in Irving, Texas, near Dallas. The auction is taking place May 8-10, with the encased postage stamps all offered during the auctions second session on Friday, March 9. The Michigan Collection of encased postage stamps is believed to be one of the most comprehensive sets ever and perhaps currently the finest and most complete including 145 different varieties, according to the auction firm. The Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers, which lists and values encased postage stamps, explains that the government authorized the monetizing of postage stamps in 1862 as a result of the hoarding of coins during the Civil War. Although an estimated 750,000 encased postage stamps were sold, only 3,500 to 7,000 are believed to have survived for collectors, Scott notes. The eight stamps of the 1861 issue were used to create encased postage. The encased postage stamps are protected in mica and clad in brass with commercial advertising on the reverse, which helps identify and determine the scarcity of the available pieces. Connect with Linns Stamp News: Sign up for our newsletter Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Some are extremely rare, but even some of the rarest examples are being offered in the Kagins auction. One such item is the 5 Thomas Jefferson-Arthur M. Claflin, Hopkinton, Mass., encased postage (Scott EP61). The example in the Kagins auction is described as choice extremely fine. Kagins reports it has confirmed only two known examples of the 5 Claflin. It describes this one as having an attractive golden brown color of the case and frame, with strong definition of the wording. The mica is largely free from distractions while just some light wrinkling of the otherwise bold stamp. Kagins reports this piece sold in 2012 for $15,275. The Scott catalog shows a value of $15,000 for the 5 Claflin, with the amount listed in italics to identify an item that can be difficult to value accurately. The Kagins website opens bidding at $4,700. The 1862 patent for a Design for Encasing Government Stamps was issued to John Gault, who also used his own innovative design to create encased postage that solicited advertising partners. One variety of this is the Kirkpatrick and Gault encased postage (Scott EP113-EP120). The Kagins sale includes several varieties of this issue, with a 90 example described by Kagins as likely the finest known. The piece sold for $9,200 in 2012, and is listed in the Scott U.S. Specialized catalog at $10,000. The opening bid in the auction is $2,900. The Michigan collection represents many of the finest single specimens that could be obtained for each denomination and from every merchant, Kagins notes. The auction can be viewed on the Kagin's website, with online bidding options available. When it comes to storm prediction, "the devil's in the details." A powerful storm is on track to strike the U.S. East Coast tomorrow, the second nor'easter to visit the area in two weeks. The storm will arrive tonight (March 6) at 10 p.m. EST and will last until 4 a.m. on Thursday (March 8), according to a winter storm warning issued today (March 6) by the National Weather Service (NWS). But will this storm soak the region with rain or bury it in snow? "Substantial snow accumulations" could blanket New York City and parts of Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and the Hudson Valley, the NWS reported. However, exact amounts of snowfall are a little harder to pin down, and estimates for some areas range from nearly 18 inches (46 centimeters) to as little as 5 inches (13 cm), according to the NWS. Why is tomorrow's snowfall proving so tough to predict? [Weirdo Weather: 7 Rare Weather Events] For this storm's forecast, agreement among weather models is actually above average, but "the devil is in the details," Stephen DiRienzo, a meteorologist with the NWS, told Live Science in an email. "The greatest uncertainty in the forecast is along the rain/snow transition line, which for this storm extends from Philadelphia to New York to Boston," DiRienzo explained. "Oftentimes, there is literally a straight edge to the boundary between rain and snow, and so on the snowy side there may be large accumulations of snow, with none on the rainy side of the boundary. So, where that line between rain and snow sets up, that will determine tomorrow's weather for millions of people," he said in the email. In this case, the storm shifting to the southeast would mean that major northeastern cities would experience substantial snowfall, while a shift to the northwest would douse those cities with heavy rainfall, DiRienzo said. That explains the variability in NWS maps showing potential snowfall: The high-end map estimates 10 inches (25 cm) of snowfall for New York City, while the low-end map predicts 0 inches (0 cm). The prediction is similar for Boston, with a snowfall range from a high of 7 inches down to 0 inches (18 to 0 cm). "At this point, we're just slightly unsure of the exact axis of the heaviest snowfall," Michael Musher, a meteorologist with the Weather Prediction Center at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), told Live Science. "There's always variability in each system it just depends on its development and orientation," Musher said. Various computer models have forecast similar movements for the storm what remains to be seen is how well they can forecast temperature from the ground up into the upper atmosphere, which could affect the position of the rain/snow transition line, DiRienzo said. To track these temperatures, weather balloons are deployed by the NWS twice daily at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. local time from about half of the agency's offices, ascending to heights of over 100,000 feet (30 kilometers). The data gathered closer to the storm's arrival, such as data from the weather balloons slated to go up tonight and early tomorrow morning, will help provide more-accurate estimates of where the storm's heaviest snow will fall, DiRienzo said in the email. "The computer models will give a forecast of expected temperatures in the atmosphere during tomorrow's storm, but those 7 a.m. balloon launches will be critical to determining where the rain-snow line sets up, and therefore, what weather millions of people can expect," he said. Original article on Live Science. The 131-year-old bottle and message - currently the oldest of their kind on record. Update: March 10 @ 8:11 a.m. EST Several news sources in Australia have cast doubt on the authenticity of the 131-year-old message in a bottle. WAtoday reported that Kym Illman, the husband of Tonya Illman, who found the bottle, is a known ambush marketer, and that the bottle might be an elaborate scheme to draw attention to Wedge Island, where the bottle was discovered. In addition, Perth Now noted that Kym Illman "accepts most people would expect such old objects to be in worse condition." When Live Science reached out to Kym Illman, he defended the finding. "When you look at the evidence the museum and two German national agencies were able to piece together, its clear the find is genuine," he told Live Science in an email. "Certainly, Guinness World Records thought so; on Thursday night they announced my wife's find was officially 'Guinness World Records Oldest Message in a Bottle.'" The oldest message in a bottle on record wasn't discovered by a historian, but by a woman picking up trash strewn across the coastal dunes of Western Australia. Perth resident Tonya Illman scooped up the brownish bottle just north of Wedge Island on Jan. 21. At that point, the bottle had been out of human hands for 131 years and 223 days: According to Illman's husband's website, which describes the finding, it was thrown overboard from a German vessel on June 12, 1886. "This has been the most remarkable event in my life," Illman said in a statement on the site. "To think that this bottle has not been touched for nearly 132 years and is in perfect condition, despite the elements, beggars belief. Im still shaking." [Mayday! 17 Mysterious Shipwrecks You Can See on Google Earth] Illman noted that, despite her resolve to pick up (and throw out) beach trash, "I came across this bottle, and thought, 'Oh, well, at least I don't even have to throw that away because that's quite lovely I can put that in my bookshelf," she said in a video about the discovery, which plays (of course) "Message in a Bottle" by the English rock band, The Police. It wasn't until later that day, however, that Illman's son's girlfriend, Bree Del Borrello, discovered the furled, string-tied note inside the bottle. The note was damp, so the group took it home and dried it out for a few minutes in a warm oven. But unrolling the note only deepened the mystery: the 8-inch by 6-inch (20 by 15.3 centimeters) slip of paper sported dark-colored type in German and barely discernable handwritten letters and numbers, Illman said. After a lot of sleuthing, along with help from the Western Australia Maritime Museum, the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency and the German Weather and Climate agency, Illman's family learned about the note's storied history. Back in 1886, a person aboard a German sailing ship called the Paula threw the bottle overboard with the message inside. It's possible this person was the ship's captain, O. Diekmann, since the type of ink and the handwriting found on the note matched a log that Diekmann made in the ship's meteorological logbook, noting that a note and a bottle had been thrown overboard on June 12 of that year. The note stated that the Paula was sailing from Cardiff, Wales, to the Dutch East Indies, which is present-day Indonesia. Moreover, the latitude coordinate on the note matched the note in the Paula's logbook, according to the website. The bottle was likely thrown overboard as part of a project investigating global ocean currents, according to the German Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. German mariners threw thousands of messages in bottles overboard over a 69-year period, but only 662 messages (but no bottles) have been recovered, according to the BBC. Previously, the oldest message in a bottle was a 108-year-old postcard discovered in a bottle that washed ashore in Germany in April 2015, Live Science reported. The new discovery smashes the record by 23 years. Editor's Note: This article was first published the morning of March 7 and was updated on March 10 with comments from the bottle's discoverers about reports suggesting the "message in a bottle" could be a fake. Original article on Live Science. Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter were found unconscious on a bench in Salisbury, near the above shopping center. Specialist units decontaminated the area by hosing it down. Update at 1:00 p.m. EST: U.K. investigators have announced that Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal were likely poisoned by a nerve agent, according to The Guardian. Nerve agents are highly poisonous chemicals that can interfere with signaling from the nervous system, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Both of the Skripals are still in intensive care. It's not yet clear which kind of nerve agent was used or the long-term effects the poison will have on the Skripals if they survive this attack. But nerve agents, including sarin, soman, tabun and VX, can have long-lasting effects. For instance, when the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo attacked a man with VX nerve agent in 1995, the man survived but continued to feel numbness in part of his body and was reliant on an oxygen tube more than 20 years after the attack, Live Science previously reported. Live Science published this article (below), at 7:11 a.m. EST today: It's still a mystery as to what sickened former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter on Sunday (March 4) at a shopping mall outside London, but several clues point toward poison, toxicology experts told Live Science. It's unlikely that radiation, harmful bacteria or a virus caused the Skripals to become unconscious, based on details reported in the media, said Dr. Lewis Nelson, chairman of emergency medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, who is not involved with the Skripals' treatment. But while a fast-acting poison is the likely culprit, it's anyone's guess as to which one sickened the father and daughter, Nelson said. "There's hundreds, if not more, potential poisons that can kill your brain quickly," Nelson told Live Science. [5 Lethal Chemical Warfare Agents] Unconscious on a park bench The Skripal case has stumped U.K. authorities. Skripal is a former military intelligence officer for Russia who, in 2006, was sentenced to 13 years in prison after being convicted of spying on Russia for the U.K., according to NBC. However, Skripal was freed in 2010 as part of a U.S.-Russian spy swap, NBC reported. On Sunday afternoon, Skripal, 66, and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia Skripal were found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury, England, about 85 miles (136 kilometers) southwest of London. According to an eyewitness in an NBC video, the Skripals looked pale and stiff Yulia's eyes were wide open, she was frothing at the mouth and vomit was pouring out of Sergei Skripal's mouth. Both were rushed to the intensive care unit of Salisbury District Hospital, Wiltshire Police said, according to U.S. News and World Report. These details suggest that the Skripals weren't exposed to radiation. Radiation exposure would have led to inflammation or reddening of the skin, Robert Rice, a professor of environmental toxicology at the University of California, Davis, who is not involved with the Skripals' care, told Live Science. Moreover, symptoms from radiation poisoning take days to weeks to occur, and it appears that the symptoms developed quickly in the Skripals' case, Nelson said. That said, former Russian spies have died from radiation exposure in the past. In 2006, former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with radioactive polonium-210, U.S. News and World Report reported. What's more, it's unlikely that the Skripals were exposed to a biological agent, such as harmful bacteria or a virus, Nelson said. "There are no infectious organisms that work that quickly," Nelson said, noting that even the deadliest pathogens take hours to days to gravely sicken people. Potential poison Some poisons, in contrast, can strike within minutes, Nelson said. For instance, Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was assassinated in the airport in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2017 after two women rubbed a poisoned cloth on his face. The poison VX nerve agent has deadly effects, including seizures and uncontrollable muscle spasms that stop the heart within minutes, Live Science previously reported. Meanwhile, the Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was killed with the poison ricin when he was walking by London's Waterloo Bridge in September 1978, Reuters reported. An assailant stabbed Markov in the leg with an umbrella that had a ricin injector in its tip, Rice said. The former Soviet spy agency, the KGB, was accused of Markov's murder, according to Reuters. [Pick Your Poison: Some Venom Can Be Healing] However, ricin-related symptoms typically take several hours to a day to occur, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Skripals' symptoms seem to have developed more quickly, Nelson said. Another fast-acting poison is cyanide, which Bosnian Croat war criminal Slobodan Praljak used to commit suicide at the Hague court in November 2017, according to the BBC. It will take analytical toxicologists to determine the substance that sickened the Skripals. These toxicologists may use tools, such as mass spectrometry, that help them identify what kinds of molecules are in biopsies taken from the patients. Meanwhile, U.K. authorities hosed down the area where the Skripals were found. This was a good idea because "dilution is pretty much the solution," when harmful chemicals might be in the area, Nelson said. Original article on Live Science. The enormous white blankets draped over the Rhone Glacier in the Swiss Alps are not a cozy courtesy but rather a means to keep the ice cold. Summer's coming, which means that soon enough, it'll be time to tuck the glaciers in. This year, like every year, a group of Swiss will traipse up through the mountains to the Rhone Glacier, hauling huge white blankets. As E&E News reported in a recent article on geoengineering, the annual hike is part of a doomed effort to protect the massive blocks of ice from the rising summer heat. The Earth is getting warmer, and glaciers around the world are retreating and shrinking. As Live Science has previously reported, humans appear to have caused 69 percent of glacial melting between 1991 and 2010 and warming has only accelerated in the nearly eight years since. In the Rhone region, that shrinking represents an economic emergency as well as an environmental one. The ice mass, which 11,500 years ago covered a large chunk of Switzerland, is a significant tourist attraction; Agence France-Presse reported in 2015 that an "ice grotto" has been carved into the ice every year since 1870 for visitors to walk through, and is threatened by the shrinking ice. The glacier has retreated 4,600 feet (1,400 meters) since 1856. The blankets, their white color chosen to reflect light before it strikes the ice, may slow the glacier's decline. But they won't stop it. Glaciologist David Volken told Agence France-Presse that the glacier still loses 3 to 5 inches (10 to 12 centimeters) on a hot day. Nonetheless, this idea and others like it are becoming increasingly popular, as it grows clearer that the world will blow through the 2-degree-Celsius temperature rise target policymakers have set for limiting the worst effects of climate change. If the world's glaciers do collapse entirely, the potential for raising global sea levels is enormous, according to research published in 2013 in the journal Science. As Oceans Deeply reported, scientists at the December 2017 meeting of the American Geophysical Union seriously considered proposals like spreading giant sheets of reflective material on top of landlocked polar ice, building huge mounds on the seafloor to keep warm water away from melting glaciers, or pumping huge amounts of ocean water on top of sea ice in the summer in order to add to its mass. All these ideas and more appear in an ongoing E&E series on geoengineering, which Live Science recommends reading in full. Originally published on Live Science. CPS Energy will generate about half of its power from renewable energy sources such as solar or wind by 2040 under a new flexible path strategy presented to the board by CEO Paula Gold-Williams on Tuesday. Designed to reduce the utilitys reliance on fossil fuels, environmental groups say the plan doesnt go far enough and will reduce air quality by continuing the use of coal and natural gas power plants for decades. Roughly 22 percent of CPS power currently comes from renewable energy sources, with its natural gas plants generating 45 percent, coal accounting for 18 percent, and nuclear making up the rest, according to the utility. Owned by the city of San Antonio, CPS has been trying to ween itself off fossil fuels in recent years. We will not be building a large base-load power plant again. I think we can say that pretty confidently, Chief Operating Officer Cris Eugster said before the board meeting. I think how we add capacity in the future to meet our load, our preferences is to do it with renewables, with solar, but we need to do it in a way thats affordable for our community and in a way that we get reliable power. The utility plans to add 4,100 megawatts of renewable energy sources and 550 megawatts of battery storage over the next few decades, Gold-Williams said at the CPS Energy monthly board meeting. One megawatt can power between 200 and 300 homes in the winter, and 200 homes on a hot summer day. Mayor Ron Nirenberg said he would oppose building more natural gas and coal power plants. There are alternatives to us for large-scale generation, Nirenberg said in an interview last week. Short of the population doubling overnight which its not going to, were growing into it the rise of conservation to the renewables to all these other changes are in support of less large-scale generation needed for a city our size. CPS added nearly 500 megawatts of utility-scale solar power through contracts with San Antonio-based OCI Solar Power between 2010 and 2017. An additional 88 megawatts of residential and commercial solar power has been added through rebate programs in CPS territory. The utility ramped up its wind-power generation between 2002 and 2012 when it added 1,059 megawatts of wind power. It hasnt expanded its wind program since. Executives said CPS wont be able to fully ween itself off coal until at least 2042 under the plan. The plan presented to the board of trustees today shows that CPS Energy isn't leading on climate action, despite its involvement in the SA Climate Ready process, Kaiba White, an Austin-based energy policy specialist for Public Citizen, said in a statement. Instead, the utility plans to burn coal until at least 2042 and wants to invest in a significant amount of new natural gas generating capacity. Greg Harmon of the Sierra Club said the utility is overlooking a golden opportunity to launch a serious clean-energy economy. CPS Energy is putting off the acquisition of additional utility-scale renewable energy for far too long and is intent on relying on dirty coal through 2042 despite its public-health risks, said Harmon, who is the clean energy organizer for the Sierra Clubs Lone Star chapter. Eugster said the utility is still figuring out what the future looks like as it examines whether it will retire its three oldest plants the V.H. Braunig units with more than 800 megawatts of capacity near the end of the 2020s. Our belief is our traditional fleet is really our bridge into our future, he said, referring to CPS existing fossil fuel plants. He added that the current timetable means CPS will have until 2022 to decide what a new flex gen power generation would look like. The plan shows that generation would be needed starting in 2025. If energy storage comes through in a big way, that could be all solar plus storage, Eugster said. Paula has also talked about that might be small box (natural gas). WASHINGTON - The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts will see a long-overdue debut Friday when the composer Philip Glass, 81, will perform there for the first time, playing his piano etudes with four other pianists. On March 16, the Kennedy Center will present another Glass work: the score to Godfrey Reggio's 1982 film "Koyaanisqatsi," with the Philip Glass Ensemble and the Washington Chorus. Glass' music, of course, has been at the Kennedy Center plenty of times before. The Washington National Opera premiered his revised "Appomattox" in 2015; Leonard Slatkin performed his 7th Symphony with the National Symphony Orchestra. But "I've had to wait a little while to get on stage myself," he said earlier this week in a telephone conversation about his etudes, "Koyaanisqatsi" and the creative process. Glass' 20 etudes represent an autobiography on the keyboard, written over the course of 20 years. On Friday, he'll play the first two, and then numbers 16 and 17. "I haven't learned them all yet," he confesses, speaking of the whole set. "I got up to 12 and I got busy doing other things. Practicing takes time." Number 17, he says, was originally a piece he wrote to a poem by Allen Ginsberg called "Magic Psalm." When he sat down to write the 17th etude, he had a sense of deja vu, picked up the "Magic Psalm" score, and saw that he'd written "17" in the upper corner of the music - earmarking it for the etude set. "That one was free," he quips. "The first set were written in a very pedagogical spirit," he says. "I wanted music to practice that I liked. So I decided, I'll just write it myself. ... And what happened is my playing got better. It really did work. Then I took a break, maybe three or four years." The next 10, he says, were "testing my ideas about harmony, harmonic relations"; they tend to be longer and more challenging. He adds: "Writing number 20 was interesting because I knew I had to do something that both completed the cycle of music but you hadn't heard it - new, and final. I thought about it and didn't know what to do until the day came to write it, and I sat down and wrote it in a couple of days. ... Brains are working even when you don't know they're working." Although, he observed, sometimes you think you know exactly what you're going to write, and it comes out completely different. "And what happened to the piece you never wrote down?" he muses. As for "Koyaanisqatsi," he treasures his memories of working on it, not least for the rare process of working side by side with the filmmaker, creating music as the film was being made. "That almost never occurs," he says. "I managed to do it one other time, when we were doing 'Kundun'" - Martin Scorsese's 1997 film about the Dalai Lama. "I convinced him I should do the music first and he should play it for the actors before he shot the film." Indeed, Scorsese got so reliant on this process that Glass once had to fly back from Europe to quickly write some more music when the filming got ahead of the score. "Koyaanisqatsi," unlike "Kundun," remains a modern classic - although Glass says that Reggio remains little-known, and very modest about its creation. (The director was less modest when, four days before the premiere, he went back and changed the order of the film's last five scenes.) "You would believe from him that (his movies) made themselves," Glass said. "I'm sometimes like that too," he adds. "There's a reason for that. When you're writing, you're so focused on what you're doing that you don't pay attention to what you're doing. You don't see yourself writing. All of a sudden it's dinnertime and you have 30 pages. The activity requires all of our attention. ... We're not reliable guides as to how we work. The we that can comment on it is not there during the act of creating. ... But when you're done, you don't really know how you did it." Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life By Laura Thompson Pegasus. 544 pp. $35 --- Agatha Christie's work has never gone out of style, nor out of print, in the four decades since her death - to the tune of more than 2 billion copies sold. But Christie's flame burns extra bright in the present, thanks to new film adaptations ("Murder on the Orient Express"), authorized sequels ("The Monogram Murders" and "Closed Casket,"by Sophie Hannah) and homages ("Magpie Murders," by Anthony Horowitz). But derivative works and adaptations can't fully explain why Christie's work endures. A splendid biography by Laura Thompson, however, does. "Agatha Christie: A Mysterious Life" was published in Britain over a decade ago and took an inexplicable amount of time to cross the pond. Yet the timing is perfect because Thompson's thorough yet readable treatment of Christie's life, in combination with artful critical context on her work, arrives at the reason for her endurance: "As she would often do, Agatha has used the familiarity of the stereotype to subvert our expectations. It was one of the cleverest tricks she would play. It was, in fact, more than a trick: by such means she revealed her insight, her lightly worn understanding of human nature." Christie, as Thompson details, came by such understanding through the traditional means of early hardship. Born Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller in 1890, her middle-class upbringing in Torquay was idyllic, with a fierce, close relationship with her mother, a woman determined to shield Agatha from a repeat of her own childhood hurts. Young Agatha was imaginative but practical, a skillful nurse during World War I who wished for a domestic life as a wife and mother - and got it, after marrying Archie Christie and giving birth to their only child, Rosalind. But her imagination needed an outlet. Healthy competition with her older sister, who also published stories, spurred Christie to write the book eventually published as "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" (1920), the first of many outings for her iconic Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot. He seemed to have emerged from the ether, as Christie liked to tell it, though her careful reading of earlier detective fiction greats - especially Emile Gaboriau's Monsieur Lecoq novels - was no doubt a contributing factor. The singular alchemy of careful plotting, ruthless character study and her "absolute belief that each person had an immutable essence, usually unknown even to themselves" was already in evidence. Christie's life and work collided in 1926. She had already published "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd," the Poirot novel that still provokes vociferous reader debate, to modest success and critical acclaim. By December she was infamous, the subject of constant media scrutiny, after an 11-day disappearance that ended when she was discovered at a Harrogate spa. She never discussed the underlying reasons for the vanishing. Thompson lays out a plausible theory of a fugue state, brought on by the crushing discovery that Archie was in love with someone else, exacerbated by terror and shame that essentially paralyzed Christie. The spell broke, she and Christie divorced, she married the archaeologist Max Mallowan and lived a merry life of travel and riches and hard work. But the key enigma, this mystery story, is, as Thompson notes, "her finest, because it cannot be solved." Afterward, there was the public Agatha, whose Poirots, Miss Marples and other detective fictions reached readers at a near-annual clip. But the more private one had a creative outlet, too, under the pseudonym of Mary Westmacott. Thompson artfully demonstrates how Christie revealed in the Westmacott novels her pain about her collapsed first marriage, her difficult relationship with Rosalind and her overwhelming love for her mother. Christie, in essence, was the Elena Ferrante of her day. She did not take public ownership of the pseudonym until the 1960s. While "Agatha Christie" could present herself as "the clever, controlled, sensible woman who knew all about human emotion but who dealt with it, every time, and kept chaos at bay," Mary Westmacott was, by contrast, the "sensitive, secret creature who had been born of the drifting ghost of Harrogate ... who could never have existed without the strange freedom that came from using another woman's name." While Thompson makes a good case for reading the Westmacott romances, any Christie biography must ultimately be about the mystery novels that brought her such extraordinary commercial success. Thompson does not cheerlead when it isn't warranted - at least one of Christie's novels ("The Burden") is deemed "diffuse and barely structured" - and she argues that Christie's zenith, in plot and in prose, was during and after World War II. That this era of tremendous carnage, societal upheaval and polarization would be Christie's triumph is obvious in hindsight. Her novels are the epitome of order restored out of chaos. She, too, needed that catharsis, and she determined to provide it to her readers. But this isn't the full explanation, else why would we still be reading her work now? Surely, her brand of order cannot overcome all possible chaos caused by contemporary ills? An insightful quotation by P.G. Wodehouse, in a 1969 letter to Christie, offers a further clue. "I don't find it spoils an Agatha Christie a bit 'knowing the end,'" he wrote, "because the characters are so interesting." As much as Christie's fame rests on her fiendish plotting, what girds their iron-cast base are the people who populate her stories. Poirot's little gray cells. Miss Marple's near-omniscient observations. The wants, needs, desires and grievances of incidental players and possible suspects. When one wants, one is capable of murder. That's what Agatha Christie knew. That's what she wrote about so well. That's why we still read her - and always will. --- Weinman is the editor, most recently, of "Women Crime Writers: Eight Suspense Novels of the 1940s & 50s" and the author of "The Real Lolita: The Kidnapping of Sally Horner and the Novel That Scandalized the World," to be published this fall. Chicago By David Mamet Custom House. 352 pp. $26.99 --- Although the characters in David Mamet's new novel, "Chicago," never sound like real people, they always sound like David Mamet people, which is a strange indication of his success. We would recognize these guys in a dark alley, not from any actual experience in dark alleys but from "Speed-the-Plow," "American Buffalo" and "Glengarry Glen Ross," plays that have explored 86-proof masculinity for decades. In "Chicago," Mamet returns once again to the city where he was raised and where he started to work in theater. The novel also marks a return to the Prohibition era of "The Untouchables" (1987), Brian De Palma's gangster film for which Mamet wrote the screenplay. But what's striking is how little difference the time makes. Past or present, Mamet's men must always contend with the rapidly changing currents of the day. The moment you hear Mamet working in 1920s Chicago, it's obvious that this bullet-ridden era fits him as comfortably as a newsboy cap. Yet he's often felt like an on-the-money writer, catching the zeitgeist even before the cigarette smoke clears the room. Remember that "Oleanna," his deeply unsettling play about sexual harassment, opened just months after Clarence Thomas joined the Supreme Court. And now, while releasing this novel set 90 years ago, he's working on a script about recently disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. "Chicago" is not overly inconvenienced by the actual history of the 1920s. "Received chronology," Mamet notes at the opening, "has been jostled into a better understanding of its dramatic responsibilities." (Leave it to Mamet to be more responsible than God.) But if this isn't the exact history of Chicago, it's still the city you think you know. Italian and Irish gangsters rule competing halves of the town. Al Capone makes a cameo. With alcohol illegal and ubiquitous, the city government is an institution of organized influence peddling. Every crime scene is picked over by sticky-fingered policemen shopping for their wives and girlfriends. The professional narrators of this roiling city are the intrepid reporters of the Chicago Tribune, men - all men - wholly devoted to the truth of a good story. These are writers and editors who sip romanticism at home but chug tankards of cynicism in public. "Idiosyncratic expressions of self-loathing" are reflexive for these guys. If you know a male journalist - present, former or aspiring - give him this novel. It's full of wry advice like, "(BEGIN ITAL)If(END ITAL) one can afford it, (BEGIN ITAL)but(END ITAL) one has nothing to say, one should(BEGIN ITAL)not(END ITAL) write. That is not writer's block but common courtesy." "A (BEGIN ITAL)newspaper(END ITAL) is a joke," the city editor declares. "Existing at the pleasure of the advertisers, to mulct the public, gratifying their stupidity, and render some small advance on investment to the owners, offering putative employment to their etiolated, wastrel sons." If nothing else, this dialogue makes good prep for the SATs. "Chicago" focuses on two daily scribes "debauched by journalism": Parlow and his best friend, Mike, a flier during the Great War still haunted by the carnage he witnessed. They're both men of deep sentiment but "jaded unto death," constantly ready to mock any wisps of sentimentality. "It was the reporters' daily job to be brash and unfeeling," Mamet writes, "to steal the photo portrait of the slaughtered infant from the mother's bureau; to taunt the spouse murderer into an interesting outburst; to withhold pity for the youth sentenced to death. It was their job to be not only brave but foolhardy. Covering the shootout, the school fire, the flood, the train wreck." When the novel opens, Mike and Parlow, along with Chicago's bloodthirsty readers, are fixated on a pair of assassinations involving the owners of the Chez Montmartre, along with a mistress and her maid. But even while Mike pursues that story, he's seriously distracted. Like a fool, Mike has gone and fallen in love with a young Irish Catholic lass named Annie, a woman of "shocking virginal beauty." That he's not Catholic is a barrier he's willing to surmount, though he suspects Annie's parents will be less accommodating. For sure, he knows that if they find out they've been sleeping together, he's a dead man. But before that theory can be tested, someone bursts into his apartment after an afternoon tryst and shoots Annie. Who this killer is and why Mike has been spared are the abiding mysteries of "Chicago." But anyone hoping for a hard-hitting thriller will Always Be Closing this book disappointed. Attitude, though, rolls in thicker than fog off Lake Michigan. The whole story is lousy with attitude: grieving Mike trying to drink away his sorrow; confounded Mike trying to understand his survival; vengeful Mike trying to find Annie's killer. He's assisted in these various moods by Peekaboo, the African-American madam at a whorehouse called the Ace of Spades. ("Chicago" is an encyclopedia of early-20th-century slurs.) Hard and philosophical, Peekaboo spins off the kind of aphorisms you'd expect from the African-American madam of a whorehouse conceived by a white man with a subscription to HBO. "There's only one known cure for a broken heart," she tells Mike. "It's time; and (BEGIN ITAL)that(END ITAL) don't work." "What gets you killed, more than the next thing, is the inability to let things (BEGIN ITAL)be(END ITAL)." Other sections glide along like the winning entry in a Hemingway contest. (Mamet even misspells "alright" like Hemingway.) At its best, this can make for irresistible passages of slick, noir prose: "He had loved his job, and its proximity to violence, which, he knew, was a drug, and he had loved the Irish girl; and now he was sick and grieving in that impossible grief of betrayal at having your heart broken by life." But when Mike and Parlow fall into their self-mocking dialogues, the stage suddenly thrusts through the pages, and they sound as gratingly artificial as characters in a Mamet parody: "What makes you sad about the rich?" Mike said. "That which makes everyone sad who is not of their number," Parlow said. "That they are better off than we; and (BEGIN ITAL)we(END ITAL) brave our unmerited poverty stoically, whilst they sail yachts, and indulge in God knows what depravities in boathouses." "But do you not also hate the poor?" said Mike. "For they possess no money. Therefore what can they do for me, save impotently rage, because I, occasionally, sport a clean collar? Further, saving always the criminals, they have misunderstood the situation. For, how do they propose to raise their state? By appeal, finally, to government." There's (BEGIN ITAL)a lot(END ITAL) of that winking playacting. If only Mamet had taken the city editor's advice: "We require bold, clear words and gruesome pictures." --- Video Embed Code Video: Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet's new novel "Chicago" is nothing like the musical. It's about a cynical journalist who talks like, well, a cynical journalist. (Ron Charles/The Washington Post)(Ron Charles/The Washington Post) Embed code: Remember the name Cory Finley. Until a year or two ago, the unknown 29-year-old playwright was working for a New York tutoring agency and workshopping his scripts in playwriting incubators, including Youngblood, Uncharted and Clubbed Thumb. One unproduced play, "Thoroughbred," caught the eye of film producer Kevin J. Walsh when Finley's agent sent it to him. Finley, for the first time, started to think of it in terms of a movie. Retitled "Thoroughbreds," Finley's feature debut as a writer and director - a story of two wealthy suburban teens (Anya Taylor-Joy of "The Witch" and Olivia Cooke of "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl") who hatch a criminal plot - was one of the best-reviewed films at Sundance last year. The movie, which is now hitting theaters, has also stumped critics, who have engaged in a kind of weird parlor game of comparisons in a struggle to explain the twisty, darkly satiric and disturbingly violent tale. That's no surprise, coming from an artist whose 2015 play "The Feast" was compared by the New York Times to "a soap opera with H.P. Lovecraft as script supervisor." We spoke to Finley by phone last month. Q: "Thoroughbreds" is hard to pigeonhole, though a lot of people have certainly tried. No Film School called it " 'Heathers' meets 'Cruel Intentions' meets 'The Shining,' by way of 'Equus.' " Indiewire described it as "'American Psycho' meets 'Heathers,' as directed by a young Park Chan-wook." How would you blurb it? A: I usually talk about it as a neo-noir - a psychological thriller mixed with some dark comic elements. I avoid comparisons in general. The joking one I would give people is: It's "Mean Girls" meets Hitchcock's "Rope," just because it sounds funny. "Mean Girls" is not really an accurate comparison. Q: It's not entirely inaccurate, either. What do you make of the subgenre of movies about conniving, conspiratorial teenage girls, if such a thing exists? Are we, as a culture, afraid of adolescent girls? A: I think that certainly the subgenre exists, but I wasn't setting out to consciously make an entry into it. When I was writing this - as a play, not a movie - I originally wrote a version of the script where the predecessor of Olivia's Amanda character was a boy. There is this whole genre of movies about young women scheming together. But I really want to steer clear of what the cultural implications of that may be. In talking to my girlfriend, my sister, my female friends about their experience with their female friends in high school, it just seemed like those friendships were more complex and interesting than my own male friendships. Q: Amanda has this great line: "You cannot hesitate. The only thing worse than being incompetent, or being unkind, or being evil, is being indecisive." In terms of storytelling and style, I would call "Thoroughbreds" extraordinarily decisive. Where does that decisiveness come from? A: I'm really glad that you highlighted that line. I felt this special sort of rush writing it, thinking of it. There's a lot of what Amanda says that was, in the writing process, like me saying things to myself. One of the qualities that I hate most in myself is my own indecisiveness. And the chance to do this, as a movie - to just jump in and tell people that I want to direct it, never having directed anything before - the whole thing definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and was really freeing. I didn't know how much I didn't know, in a certain way. I do tend to love bold movies, ones that force you to either love them or hate them. Q: Such as? A: I've always liked movies that seem to have their own internal rhythm and logic. Movies that you enjoy more the second or third time, because you have to catch the movie's pace to see where it's going. The one recent movie that springs to mind that I'm always evangelizing for, because I think more people should see it, is "Raw," by Julia Ducournau. Q: The one about a young woman in veterinary school who becomes a cannibal? A: It's the most wonderful setup. There's this girl, a vegetarian. She takes part in a hazing ritual where she has to try raw meat, and then that leads her down this dark road to cannibalism. The word "uncompromising" gets tossed around a lot, but it's a very uncompromising movie. It's very unconcerned with trying to convince you to like it. Q: What sort of commentary is your film making about class, money and privilege? A: I'm hesitant to give an authorial note on intention, beyond what's in the movie. But I wanted to force the audience to identify with two extremely privileged characters and to see how their privilege pushes them toward certain decisions, but also causes them pain. I was interested in seeing how the wealth that surrounds them seeps into the ways they know how to relate to one another. In a capitalist system, there develops a hierarchy to everything, even social interaction. Q: There's a lot of talk about empathy these days, especially as it relates to the current occupant of the White House. Amanda tells Lily, "Empathy isn't your strong suit." At the same time, Amanda's not exactly the most empathetic human being either. Are you suggesting that wealth is toxic to empathy? A: Absolutely. When I was growing up, my mom would always say that one of my greatest qualities was that I was very empathetic. That's part of what made me want to tell stories - to put myself in other people's shoes. I was interested in whether empathy is necessary in determining whether you're a good or bad person. The character in my movie who appears to be the most empathetic one - without spoilering too heavily - ends up being the one who is more capable of bad moral decisions. Her self-sacrifice is a radically anti-capitalist act, I guess. She's given away her future, which is what I think these characters are so obsessed about. I was just interested in starting with this person that you think is broken and one that you think is whole and then questioning, in the context of our culture, what "broken" and "whole" actually mean. Q: I love the fact that Amanda calls Steve Jobs her hero, a man that some have described as a brilliant monster. What are you suggesting by making him the role model for a young woman with obvious psychological issues? A: I have a lot of high-achiever-type friends who really idolize people like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. They're complicated people to idolize because, well (laughing), I'm hesitant to say. Q: Oh, go ahead. Steve Jobs is no longer with us. You can talk about him, right? A: I think of him as so profoundly influential, in the way that we all live, through these little devices that I'm talking to you on now. Multinational corporations are sort of these pure avatars of capitalism, and so powerful, in ways that governments aren't. I think Jobs is an interestingly complicated role model for Amanda to idolize, but I think there's maybe a bit of Jobs in both of them. My feelings about Jobs are exactly the sort of complicated, contradictory ones that I was trying to explore in the movie. Steve Jobs is a person whose gifts to the world I am personally reliant upon - he has had an incredible, almost infinite effect on my life - but I also fear so much of his effect on the global economy. Q: What's next? A: I love all the new storytelling tools I've gotten access to as a director, rather than just a writer. I'm interested in continuing to work in genre-based - and genre-bending - stories like "Thoroughbreds." A lot of the filmmakers that I aspire to be like gradually built their careers, starting small, with ever-more-ambitious movies: the Coen brothers, Paul Thomas Anderson, Sofia Coppola, Denis Villeneuve. It's clear that these filmmakers are responsive to an audience - they're not working in monastic isolation - but they're still following what is interesting to them. A man died Tuesday after he was shot in the face during a social gathering in the Tiara De San Isidro Subdivision in north Laredo, first responders said. Laredo police said David Romeo Garza Jr., 21, shot and killed Jose Eduardo Salinas Jr., 22. Both knew each other, authorities said. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts The Russian philosophical humanist Andrei Tarkovsky was Ingmar Bergmans favorite filmmaker. In 1985, Tarkovsky made at Bergmans invitation essentially a Bergman film: The Sacrifice was shot in Sweden, with Bergman regulars Erland Josephson starring and Sven Nykvist behind the camera. Restored and screening at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, it has Josephson as an intellectual whose birthday celebration is interrupted by bombers flying overhead as a nuclear war begins. He is compelled to commit an act of faith to save humanity as hes the knight playing chess with Death on behalf of us all. Incumbent Ken Clark, who has served as Galveston County Precinct 4 Commissioner for the past 19 years, is headed for a runoff with newcomer and realtor Michelle Hatmaker following Tuesday night's primary election final results. Clark had three challengers and garnered 47.58 percent of the vote. The challengers, Hatmaker, Jim Bulgier and Billy Enochs, earned 21.80 percent, 15.04 percent and 15.58 percent of the total vote respectively. Because a majority 50 percent vote was not met, Clark and Hatmaker will face each other in the May 22 runoff election. "I'd like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the stellar numbers I received tonight," Clark said. "I'm excited the numbers were as high as they are it shows the constituents and voters in Pct. 4 are happy with the work I put forth on their behalf in having fiscal and financial responsibility along with the infrastructure and other projects I've focused on, and I look forward to continuing to serve the community in the years to come." Hatmaker said she's already focusing on the May 22 runoff. "Of course I'm extremely pleased and excited about the end result of tonight's election," she said. "I'm looking forward to the future and I'm getting started right away on the upcoming runoff." Over the past two decades, Clark has worked to get a number of bonds passed that aimed to improve infrastructure such as drainage, road work and transportation issues within the precinct. "One project I'm particularly glad we got accomplished was a detention facility that was implemented after the 2008 bond," he said "That detention facility was absolutely instrumental in keeping a number of homes from flooding during Harvey. If it was not in place, we would have had a significant number of homes that were safe during the storm flood." Hatmaker said that issues she would like to tackle that deal specifically with Pct. 4 are flooding and mobility. "We have a flooding issue here and that needs to be made top priority," she said. "We need to look at the problems we're having with Dickinson Bayou and Clear Creek and develop ways to ensure clear passage for any water that needs to drain." She said it's also important to keep drainage issues at the forefront of planning as the county expands and new developments are built. Moving forward, Clark said the issues he remains focused on are drainage improvement, particularly in the area encompassing Dickinson Bayou, transportation and Hurricane Harvey relief. "Dickinson Bayou is of particular immediate concern," he said. "Moving forward, one of the projects we need to look at to affect the most change is a regional detention center in the Dickinson Bayou watershed. I also think we need to look at addressing the issue of the silting in of Dickinson Bayou." Because of the amount of silt in the bayou, Clark said, the watershed doesn't have the room to store water to its full potential and directing some of the silt out would allow for more water storing capacity. "I think there is a great need in the community for that," he said. Hatmaker said part of her time in office would be devoted to ensuring the financial stability and economic development of the area. "It's important for the county to work closely with cities to ensure that we're developing the economy properly and putting good businesses in the area," she said. "We need to have businesses here that people want so they don't leave the community to spend money in other places. The silver lining of a tragedy like Harvey is now you have a blank slate you can do almost anything you want and we need to turn that negative into a positive." Another issue Clark wants to immediately turn his attention to is Hurricane Harvey Relief, specifically, making sure the money available to highly-impacted areas like Dickinson and League City provided by HUD, nearly $5 billion, according to Clark, funnels to the affected communities fairly. "According to a document HUD released to the federal registry (months ago), of the billions of dollars coming to Texas, 80 percent of that is supposed to go to communities like Dickinson and League City and Friendswood, which is great, but there's language in there that provides that 70 percent of that 80 percent has to go to low-and-moderate income families, and that doesn't take care of the community in a whollistic way." Clark said that the language needs to be overturned in order to actually help people that need it. "This wasn't a low-and-moderate-income storm," he said. "It affected everybody. People flooded who weren't low-to-moderate income. If we don't offer them help when we can, they'll soon be low-to-moderate income, and we can do better than that." WASHINGTON - Special counsel Robert Mueller has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in the Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin - apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants, according to people familiar with the matter. In January 2017, Erik Prince, the founder of the private security company Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and later described the meeting to congressional investigators as a chance encounter that was not a planned discussion of U.S.-Russia relations. A witness cooperating with Mueller has told investigators the meeting was set up in advance so that a representative of the Trump transition could meet with an emissary from Moscow to discuss future relations between the countries, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters. George Nader, a Lebanese American businessman who helped organize and attended the Seychelles meeting, has testified on the matter before a grand jury gathering evidence about discussions between the Trump transition team and emissaries of the Kremlin, as part of Mueller's investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. Nader began cooperating with Mueller after he arrived at Dulles Airport in mid-January and was stopped, served with a subpoena and questioned by the FBI, these people said. He has met numerous times with investigators. Last year, Prince told lawmakers - and the news media - that his Seychelles meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a Russian government-controlled wealth fund, was an unplanned, unimportant encounter that came about by chance because he happened to be at a luxury hotel in the Indian Ocean island nation with officials from the United Arab Emirates. In his statements, Prince has specifically denied reporting by The Washington Post that said the Seychelles meeting, which took place about a week before Trump's inauguration, was described by U.S., European and Arab officials as part of an effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and the incoming administration. Prince told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that he did not plan to meet Dmitriev in the Seychelles but that once he was there discussing possible business deals with UAE officials, they unexpectedly suggested that he visit the hotel bar and meet Dmitriev. "At the end, one of the entourage says, 'Hey, by the way, there's this Russian guy that we've dealt with in the past. He's here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, he'd be an interesting guy for you to know, since you're doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,' " Prince told lawmakers. The two men, he said, spoke for no more than 30 minutes, or about the time it took him to drink a beer. "We chatted on topics ranging from oil and commodity prices to how much his country wished for resumption of normal trade relations with the USA," Prince told lawmakers. "I remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Josef Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism." Prince said he went to the Seychelles as a private businessman, not as an official or unofficial emissary of the Trump transition team. During the congressional interview, which became testy at times as Democratic lawmakers pressed him to be more specific in his answers, Prince repeatedly complained that he had reason to believe U.S. intelligence agencies were leaking information about his activities. Asked to comment on assertions that new evidence appears to contradict Prince's description of the Seychelles meeting, a spokesman for Prince referred to his previous statements to the committee and declined further comment. A spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment. Prince has known Nader for years and once hired him to try to generate business from the Iraqi government in the years after the U.S. invasion of that country. That effort was not successful, according to Prince's statements in a subsequent deposition. Nader, according to current and former officials, was known to Trump transition and administration officials as someone with political connections in the Middle East who could help navigate the tricky diplomacy of the region. Nader had also attended a December 2016 meeting in New York between senior Trump advisers and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, according to a person familiar with the matter. While Mueller is probing the circumstances of the Seychelles meeting, he is also more broadly examining apparent efforts by the Trump transition team to create a back channel for secret talks between the new administration and the Kremlin. Mueller was appointed special counsel to investigate possible Russian interference in the 2016 election, whether any Americans assisted in such efforts, and any other matters that arise in the course of his probe. Investigators now suspect that the Seychelles meeting may have been one of the first efforts to establish such a line of communications between the two governments, these people said. Nader's account is considered key evidence - but not the only evidence - about what transpired in the Seychelles, according to people familiar with the matter. Nader has long served as an adviser to the UAE leadership, and in that role he met more than once with Trump officials, including Steve Bannon and the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to people familiar with the matter. After the Seychelles meeting, Nader visited the White House several times, and met at least once there with Bannon and Kushner, these people said. Nader could not be reached for comment, and his lawyer declined to comment. Nader - and the Seychelles meeting - are also of interest to Mueller's team as it examines whether any foreign money or assistance fueled the Trump campaign, and how Trump officials during the transition and early days of the administration communicated with foreign officials, particularly Russians. Nader's cooperation with the special counsel was first reported by the New York Times. The UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective, according to U.S. European and Arab officials. Such a concession by Moscow would have been likely to require the easing of U.S. sanctions on Russia, which were imposed for Russia's intervention in Ukraine in 2014, those officials said. Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition. However, according to people familiar with the Seychelles meeting, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his discussion with the Russian official. --- The Washington Post's Carol D. Leonnig, Josh Dawsey, and Spencer S. Hsu contributed to this report. The U.S. Department of Education's inspector general is cautioning Congress against provisions in the House Republican higher education bill that would repeal regulations holding colleges and universities accountable for the use of federal student aid. "Eliminating various accountability provisions without a proven substitute would increase the risks to students and taxpayers," the inspector general said, in a report released Monday. It "could result in higher costs to offer credit through loans due to excessive borrowing, could increase defaults, and increase the use of [income-driven repayment plans] and loan discharges that could negatively impact the long-term viability of the programs." The inspector general's critique centers on several measures in the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity through Education Reform Act, the legislation House Republicans introduced in December to overhaul the federal law governing almost every aspect of higher education. The 590-page bill, sponsored by Reps. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., and Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., proposes to end the 90/10 rule, which bars for-profit colleges from getting more than 90 percent of their operating revenue from federal student aid. It would also get rid of the gainful employment regulation that threatens to withhold student aid from vocational programs that have graduates who consistently end up with more debt than they can repay. The bill would also eliminate a host of standards for the private organizations that accredit universities, including those involving curriculum, faculty and program length. Doing that, the inspector general argues, would stymie meaningful oversight of the quality of education. "We weren't surprised to learn of OIG's concerns since they have historically resisted innovation, but this is why the legislative process is an open and public one, and their concerns have been heard," said Michael Woeste, a House Education Committee spokesman. Many of the accountability measures at issue target for-profit colleges, which have complained of being singled out in rules promulgated by Democrats. The House Republican bill addresses those concerns by not only doing away with many of those regulations, but eliminating separate definitions of nonprofit and for-profit colleges. But the inspector general argues that for-profit colleges present too much of a risk for the Education Department to treat the sector the same as all other types of schools. Seventy-nine percent of the inspector general's cases that involved a school or its employees committing fraud have been tied to for-profit colleges since fiscal year 2016, according to the report. The inspector general noted that such schools have also reported a larger share than their counterparts of people not making payments on federal student loans within three years of leaving college. "The sector continues to present itself as a high-risk area for the department," the report says. "This sector, unlike public and nonprofit schools, must produce profit for owners and stockholders, which can create an incentive to evade compliance with obligations to students and taxpayers." Rather than getting rid of accountability measures, many of which the inspector general says have significant shortcomings, the Education Department's watchdog is imploring Congress to strengthen them. "Independent analysis continues to confirm what we have said about [the bill] from the beginning: It makes college more expensive for students and is a wish list for for-profit schools," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., ranking member of the House Education Committee. "I again urge the majority to abandon this legislation and work with House Democrats on meaningful higher education reform in a way that makes sense for students, taxpayers and employers." The legislation cleared the House Committee on Education and the Workforce in December, without hearings and despite calls from the higher education community for more input and time to analyze the bill. It has received mixed reviews, with some policy analysts applauding provisions that use grants to provide incentives for students to graduate in four years, eliminate student loan origination fees and expand work-study opportunities for low-income students. A Congolese mother detained by immigration officials thousands of miles apart from her 7-year-old daughter was released Tuesday, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The woman, an asylum seeker who fled violence in Congo, has spent the past four months in a detention center near San Diego while her daughter has remained alone in a facility in Chicago. Last week, the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of the mother and daughter, saying there was never any legitimate reason to separate them. The lawsuit accused the Trump administration of violating the pair's constitutional rights and demanded that they be reunited immediately. On Tuesday, immigration officials appeared to bend halfway in favor of the family's lawyers, abruptly releasing the mother from custody at the Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego. The girl, however, remains in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in Chicago, and the pair are still awaiting reunification, the ACLU said. It is unclear when the mother and daughter might be reunited. "We are thrilled that the mother has been released and look forward to the government immediately reuniting her with her daughter," Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project, said in a statement. "But there remain many other families who have been separated, and we will continue to attack this horrific family separation practice." The woman's release came under orders "from up top" in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Gelernt told the Associated Press. A spokesman from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday night. "This case hit a nerve for a lot of people because it's so unconscionable what this government has done . . . to separate a mother from her daughter for no reason at all," Judy Rabinovitz, deputy director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project, told The Washington Post in an interview Wednesday morning. "Obviously DHS was feeling some pressure." Last week's lawsuit drew national headlines and intense scrutiny from immigration advocates. The case underscored Trump's crackdown on immigration and marked a shift from previous administrations, which detained families but did not forcibly separate parents from their young children, the ACLU said in its lawsuit. The Obama administration implemented a policy of holding women and children together at family detention centers for no more than 21 days before releasing them. But the Trump administration has floated a proposal to begin separating asylum-seeking parents from their children, officials told The Washington Post in December. Officials have not yet formally announced a policy of separating women and children, but Rabinovitz said, "We know that they're in fact doing it, and that they need to stop." "We hope that this sends a strong message to the Trump administration," Rabinovitz said. In a statement tweeted Sunday, DHS spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton said immigration officials retain the authority to separate women and children in certain circumstances, "particularly to protect a child from potential smuggling and trafficking activities." If authorities are unable to confirm a parent-child relationship, they may be obligated to place the child in the custody of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, according to the DHS statement. "If we were to fail in this regard we could be responsible for allowing a child to be released to a trafficker, which is clearly unacceptable," the DHS statement read. "We ask that members of the public and media view advocacy group claims that we are separating women and children for reasons other than to protect the child with the level of skepticism they deserve." The mother and daughter, identified only as Ms. L. and S.S., respectively, escaped from Congo fearing "near certain death," according to the ACLU lawsuit. The family is Catholic and sought refuge in a Catholic church before fleeing their country. On Nov. 1, they arrived at a U.S. port of entry near San Diego and told border guards they sought asylum. Their native language is Lingala, a language spoken throughout Congo and other parts of central Africa. They managed to communicate with immigration officials using the minimal Spanish they knew. In an initial screening, an asylum officer determined the mother had a "significant possibility of ultimately receiving asylum," according to the lawsuit. This made her eligible for release on parole while her asylum case proceeded, her lawyers argued. But the San Diego ICE field office has a policy of refusing to grant parole to detained asylum seekers, the lawsuit stated. During their first four days in the country, the mother and daughter were detained together in "some sort of motel," according to the lawsuit. But they were then separated halfway across the country. The mother has not been accused of any abuse or neglect, the lawsuit said. When officers separated them, the woman "could hear her daughter in the next room frantically screaming that she wanted to remain with her mother," according to the lawsuit. "No one explained to Ms. L. why they were taking her daughter away from her or where her daughter was going or even when she would next see her daughter." The pair have only occasionally spoken by phone in the months since. During these calls, the young girl "cries and is fearful of what will happen to her and her mother," the lawsuit states. Her mother is "distraught and depressed. . . . She is not eating, has lost weight, and is not sleeping due to worry and nightmares." The Congolese woman's lawyer was surprised by her release. Her immigration attorney received a call Tuesday saying the mother would be let out in two hours, even though the lawyer was far from the San Diego facility at the moment, Gelernt, of the ACLU, told the Chicago Tribune. The attorney was told the mother was a "mandatory release regardless of whether she has anywhere to go." The woman's lawyer managed to reach the mother and planned to arrange a hotel for her, Gelernt told the Tribune. "I think they won't reunite her with her daughter until she has a stable place," Gelernt told the Tribune. The ACLU plans to immediately find her a more permanent place to live, he said. Rabinovitz criticized the abrupt way in which officials released the mother, "without any kind of advance planning for where she was supposed to go." "For people who don't have those kind of resources," she said, "I don't know what would have happened." John H. Buchanan Jr., a third-generation Baptist minister from Alabama who served eight terms in the U.S. House of Representatives as a moderate Republican until being swept out of office by the religious right, then became an activist for the liberal lobbying group People for the American Way, died March 5 at an assisted-living center in Rockville, Maryland. He was 89. The cause was complications from dementia, said a daughter, Liz Buchanan. Buchanan was voted into office in 1964 along with four other Republicans as Alabama voters turned against the Democratic Party after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He unseated 10-year Democratic incumbent George Huddleston Jr. - who was one of Buchanan's parishioners - to represent Alabama's 6th District, which included Birmingham, a city notorious for its civil rights clashes. At first, Buchanan had a conventional conservative record and voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but his experience at the biracial Riverside Baptist Church in Southwest Washington led to a shift in his views. "When you're deeply involved in a biracial entity, you think of people as brothers and sisters," he told The Washington Post in 1976. "Then the denial of rights of my brothers and sisters becomes an infringement of my rights as well." Buchanan eventually broke with Republicans on civil rights issues but stayed in line when it came to foreign policy, taking a hard-line position in support of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Over time, as other Southern Republicans drifted further to the right, Buchanan began to adopt more moderate positions, including supporting Title IX of the 1972 Education Act, the landmark anti-discrimination law that required equality for women in college and university programs, including sports. He also called for full voting rights for residents of the District of Columbia, including representation in the House and Senate. On the Foreign Affairs Committee, he advocated for Jewish and Christian dissidents behind the Iron Curtain. "John straddled issues," Wayne Flynt, a historian at Alabama's Auburn University, said in an interview. "He was a centrist in an age where centrism was beginning to be challenged and would finally result in the polarization of American politics into left and right. " Although Buchanan once supported a constitutional amendment allowing school prayer, he was targeted for defeat in 1980 by Moral Majority, a powerful conservative movement led by televangelist Jerry Falwell. "John Buchanan may have voted for it somewhere," the New York Times quoted an Alabama Moral Majority official as saying, "but basically he was against it." After losing in the primary to Albert Lee Smith, a former member of the John Birch Society, Buchanan later devoted his career to countering Moral Majority. In the early 1980s, he became the founding chairman of the liberal lobbying group People for the American Way, founded by television producer Norman Lear. "It couldn't have been more exciting to have a Republican officeholder, a former officeholder from Alabama," Lear said in an interview with The Post. "He was extremely helpful in making it nonpartisan." John Hall Buchanan Jr. was born in Paris, Tennessee, on March 19, 1928, and grew up in Birmingham, Alabama. Both his grandfather and father were Baptist ministers, and his mother was a homemaker. Buchanan served in the Navy in 1945 and 1946 as a hospital corpsman, graduated from Samford University in Birmingham in 1949 and received a master of divinity degree from the Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville in 1957. He was a pastor in Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama before making an unsuccessful run for Congress in 1962. After settling in Washington, he was twice the interim pastor of Riverside Baptist Church in the District. Buchanan spent about three decades on the board of People for the American Way and appeared on television as the group's spokesman. His wife of 50 years, the former Elizabeth "Betty" Moore, died in 2011. Survivors include two daughters, Liz Buchanan, of Arlington, Massachusetts, and Lynn Buchanan of Rockville, Maryland.; and three granddaughters. "I've become more emancipated as I've gone along," Buchanan said in 1976, describing the evolution of his political views. "I'm at the point in my political career where I'd rather lose . . . than fail to do what I think is right. I won't compromise on civil rights any more. I can't do it, I will not do it." A day after the Trump administration filed a lawsuit against the state of California over its refusal to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, nearly a couple hundred protesters congregated Wednesday morning by a Sacramento hotel to protest a speech by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Invited to speak at a meeting for the California Peace Officers Association, which represents law enforcement agencies across the state, Sessions spoke about the lawsuit and singled out Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf at the Kimpton Sawyer Hotel. By about 7:30 a.m., a crowd of protesters had grown to about 100 people, many of whom were holding signs and waiting for the Attorney General to arrive. The protest doubled in size as the morning wore on and people marched around the hotel at Sixth and J streets. For protesters like Cameron Richtik, 25, of Sacramento, the goal was to send a clear message to Sessions and the Trump administration: immigrants are welcome in California. What frustrates me the most is that the narrative is focusing on criminals and it paints all immigrants that way and its very damaging and very hurtful, Richtik said. The vast majority of immigrants are helpful toward our economy and are good people and deserve to be here, more than most. It scares me that Jeff Sessions and the Trump administration uses their platform to focus on the very small minority of criminals. It completely ignores their values and that makes me sad. Richtik said he would normally be driving his girlfriend to work, but after seeing a Facebook post that protesters would gather outside the hotel he told his girlfriend to take a Lyft. Motorists drove by honking in support as Richtik waved and shook his sign, which read: Deport Racist Elves. Sessions has often been compared to one of the Keebler Elves. Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Sr. (D-Los Angeles) joined protesters in support of immigrants. Here in California, were at the center point of the resistance movement and the center point of justice, he said. Were not protecting criminals, were protecting immigrants who have come to this country to start a new life. The crowd of protestors marched through the streets surrounding the hotel banging their drumsticks on empty white bins and chanting Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here. The march was led by state Sen. Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) and other state assembly members, including David Chiu, of San Francisco. They stopped just outside the back of the hotel where Sessions delivered his speech. It doesnt make a difference the hue of your skin, what god you pray to, who you love or your legal status we are all human beings, we are all Californians, we are all Americans and we deserve dignity and respect, de Leon said. Assemblyman Chiu echoed de Leons sentiments and called on the Trump administration to adhere to the Fourth Amendment, which rejects unconstitutional searches and seizures. Our bully in chief, Donald Trump, has forgotten that our country, our state, our cities were built on the backs of immigrants, Chiu said. He has declared war on our immigrant communities with unconstitutional executive orders, by proposing 10,000 new ICE agents to go into our workplace, to deport our family members. The protest remained peaceful with police officers standing by and escorting people through the city streets. One group of women stood in silence, dressed in the red robes of the dystopian TV show The Handmaids Tale. They held signs that read This is how it starts and Keep fiction from becoming fact! Many who came to the protest called the decision to speak out a no-brainer. Dronme Davis, 18, of Sacramento, said hatred is infecting everything and youve got to show up. The general increase in this idea that to be American you have to be white its really infuriating, she said. This idea is not new, but weve seen it incredibly inflamed since Obama left office. Emilio Perez, a 25-year-old from Sacramento, came out to the protest wearing an American flag pin on the collar of his jacket. He said it has been painful seeing some of his friends who are Dreamers a term for undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children living in fear and uncertainty since Trump rescinded protections granted under an executive order by his predecessor, Obama. I just love my country, Perez said. I believe California should be a sanctuary for all. I believe deeply Cali is the forefront of what the American dream is, and I want everyone to be a part of it. Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin on Wednesday announced an overhaul of the senior leadership overseeing almost two dozen troubled hospitals across the country following the release of a searing investigation into what the agency watchdog said were management failures that put patients at VA's flagship medical center in the District of Columbia at risk. Shulkin said one senior regional official has been reassigned and two others retired as the agency cleans up management of large hospitals and clinics in the Washington area, New England, Phoenix and parts of California. He also said he has appointed 24 new facility directors in the last year, including in Maryland and Virginia, after outside teams identified low-performing hospitals. "It is time for this organization to do business differently," Shulkin said at a news conference at the Washington Medical Center. "These are urgent issues, and many of these issues are unacceptable." The personnel moves came as Shulkin tries to reassert control over the second-largest federal agency in the aftermath of a separate, critical report by Inspector General Michael Missal on a trip Shulkin took to Europe last summer. That report exposed deep factions in the agency's senior leadership ranks, with Shulkin claiming that political appointees on his staff are trying to oust him. Missal's investigation of VA's Washington Medical Center brought new attention to Shulkin's leadership even as he announced he is cleaning house. As a top VA official in the Obama administration in charge of the agency's massive health-care system, the systemic management failures the inspector general cited occurred on Shulkin's watch. The 142-page report found that at least three VA program offices that reported directly to him were aware of "serious, persistent deficiencies" when he ran the Veterans Health Administration in 2015 and 2016. Shulkin said Wednesday that while the report said managers at the local and regional levels were long aware of the problems, "I was not aware of those issues. I was not aware until Mr. Missal picked up the phone, and I am very much appreciative of that. We took action on the very same day with leadership." Shulkin said in the report that he expected any threats to patient safety or operational problems to be raised through the "usual" communication process, meaning they would start at the local level and filter up to the regional office and VA headquarters in Washington. He said that chain of communication failed. The report did not address whether Shulkin was directly told of the problems. But it found that despite repeated warnings of systemic failures going back to 2013, leders at the medical center and its oversight divisions up to senior managers at the veterans health administration largely ignored the problems. "The dysfunctions . . . were prevalent and deeply intertwined," the report says. "The [inspector general] encountered a culture of complacency among VA and Veterans Health Administration leaders at multiple levels who failed to address previously identified serious issues with a sense of urgency or purpose." "At the core," Missal wrote, investigators found "an unwillingness or inability of leaders to take responsibility for the effectiveness of their programs and operations." He called the "repeated exposure of patients to risk of an adverse clinical outcome," wasted money and management failures at the medical center "unacceptable." Shulkin called the findings in Washington "a failure of every level. It's unacceptable to me. Fortunately this has not led to any known patient harm." "We will have an entire new leadership here in D.C., to make sure this is an environment that is safe for the 93,000 veterans we serve," Shulkin said. He described the moves as "the start of a restructuring of VA affairs" and said he believes "the issues here in Washington are happening at VAs across the country." Last April, after the inspector general's office issued a rare alert as investigators began uncovering safety problems at the facility, Shulkin removed the medical center's director, Brian Hawkins. Lawrence Connell, installed last year as acting director of the D.C. medical center, said Wednesday he has hired more than 50 nurses and other staff. "It's a different hospital than it was," he said. The hospital and three clinics that make up the Washington Medical Center are among the largest and most complex in VA's sprawling health-care system. The center provides care to about 100,000 veterans in the region, among them many members of Congress. Despite the risks to patients of years of dysfunction, no one died, Missal wrote, a lucky outcome he attributed to actions by some dedicated medical staff, who conducted their own inventories, raced to nearby hospitals to borrow supplies - including during surgeries - and other efforts. The stopgap measures "are not in accordance with an effectively managed health care facility," he wrote. Wednesday's report is the result of a year-long review after a confidential complaint led investigators to conduct an initial inspection in March 2017 and issue their alert three weeks later. The report describes "widespread and formidable inadequacies" in many of the essential functions that are needed to operate a hospital. VA leaders who failed to correct the conditions told investigators they were not aware of the staffing challenges or the scope of the problems, claims the inspector general said did not ring true. Some senior leaders also told investigators that since the problems did not lead to patient deaths or injuries, they did not feel an urgency to act. Among them were a nonfunctioning system of inventory practices that led to a breakdown in tracking medical supplies, equipment and instruments so they could be delivered to operating rooms and other patient care areas. As a result, "veterans were put at risk because important supplies and instruments were not consistently available in patient care areas," according to the report. Data was not entered into the inventory system, and orders were not placed when supplies were low, resulting in shortages. Clinical staff routinely had trouble locating them in storage areas. Patients were hospitalized needlessly - at great medical risk - when procedures had to be canceled following their admission, sometimes for overnight stays, because equipment could not be accessed for scheduled surgeries. Some patients received unnecessary anesthesia. Surgeons had to rely on outdated medical instruments. Discolored and broken instruments reached clinical areas because the hospital's sterile processing operation was broken down. Investigators also found dirty storage areas for medical supplies and equipment. In at least one instance, the medical center ran out of bloodlines for dialysis patients and was only able to provide dialysis service because the medical staff borrowed bloodlines from a private hospital nearby. According to the report, the medical center failed to properly track instances when patient safety was at risk and ended up minimizing patient safety events. More than 1,300 boxes of documents, including patient files with confidential information, were stored in unsecured areas, including the hospital's off-site warehouse, its basement and a dumpster. Investigators found more than 10,000 open and pending consults for prosthetics and hearing aids, leaving veterans to wait months for these items. The medical center wasted money, the report alleges. About $92 million in supplies and equipment were charged to government purchase cards over a two-year period without proper controls to make sure the supplies were needed and were cost-effective. The purchases represented almost 90 percent of the supplies the hospital bought, instead of using approved federal contracts that offer far cheaper prices. The same items were also ordered multiple times because the medical staff was nervous that supplies might not be available when they needed them for patient procedures. Missal noted some improvements under the facility's new leadership. The wait for prosthetics has decreased, and storage rooms are now clean. But the report said problems persist. UPDATE: Authorities said at 8 p.m. Wednesday that the standoff has ended with an injured suspect in custody. More information will be released before 10 p.m. A suspect is in custody more than 24 hours after a man barricaded himself and his elderly mother inside his Bexar County home, shooting at deputies during the ordeal, according to authorities. The suspect, described as a man in his 60s, fired on Bexar County deputies at least three times since 7 p.m. Tuesday, striking two members of the SWAT team. According to Sheriff Javier Salazar, the suspect arranged propane tanks around his home and shot at them in an attempt to create an explosion. "It's a pretty dangerous situation," Salazar said at a 3 p.m. press briefing 20 hours into the standoff. "We do have it contained for now. We've got plenty of assets on scene, and we're prepared to settle in for the long haul." RELATED: Man in critical condition after Southwest Side meet-up ended in gunfire Officials would release little information as the standoff went on. Electricity to the home, which at one point was severed, was restored which means the man inside had access to television and the internet. Authorities said they were hesitant to release too many details as he may have been monitoring the news. "We're asking them if he's watching the news," Salazar said at the time. "We're asking him, 'please sir, give yourself up. You will be treated fairly.'" His mother, who is in her 80s and in declining health, was still in the home and deputies were pleading with the man to release her first "as a show of good faith." As the standoff continued, SWAT teams from different agencies rotated in and out, sometimes traveling in armored vehicles that provided them cover in case the man decided to fire at them, Salazar said. "I'm proud as can be by the way my agency and brother agencies (reacted) to this situation," he said. Residents in the area were ordered to shelter in place, and deputies were positioned around nearby homes to ensure their safety. The man shot at deputies about 3 a.m. In addition to shooting at the deputies, the suspect also shot and disabled a robot sent into his home, Salazar said. The standoff started at the suspect's home in the 9200 block of Saddle Trail when deputies with the sheriff's office's mental health unit attempted to serve the suspect a mental health warrant and do a welfare check on a woman who lives with him. "The relatives were worried," Salazar said. "They had not seen this elderly lady in quite some time. There was some concern for her health and well being." The suspect is the woman's caretaker, said Deputy Chief Roy Fletcher. She had a stroke about 10 months ago and relies on the suspect's assistance. "She's our main concern right now," Fletcher said. Mental health deputies entered the home through the front door and were met with gunfire, though they were protected by a ballistic shield and were not wounded. They immediately retreated, called for a SWAT team and set up a perimeter around the house. Hours passed as negotiators tried to make contact with the suspect. They were met with silence. But the suspect did eventually emerge from the home during the standoff, only to once again open fire on the deputies. The deputies took shelter and no one was hit. RELATED: Medical examiner IDs 2 people found dead downtown on Sunday A SWAT team then decided to enter the home to try to find the elderly woman and get her out of the situation, which "was quickly deteriorating," Salazar said. Once inside, the SWAT team was again met with gunfire. A gun battle ensued, during which the SWAT deputies noticed the suspect had staged propane tanks around the home, and he was deliberately targeting them, apparently in an attempt to make them explode. Salazar said Wednesday afternoon they determined the propane tanks were hit. "Thankfully, they did not detonate," Salazar said. The SWAT team retreated to safety. Two deputies were injured in the gun battle. One of the injured deputies was taken to University Hospital, while the other remained on scene. The San Antonio Police Department's bomb squad and SWAT team responded to the scene to assist the Bexar County Sheriff's Office with the ongoing situation. Authorities have responded to the suspect's home 27 times in the last year, and paramedics have visited the home 12 times since April 2017. "At this point, negotiations with him have failed," Salazar said in an afternoon press briefing. "We've made hundreds of attempts to make contact with him, and there's just no avail." Fletcher had said deputies would wait as long as they had to, and that use of force will be a last resort. "We do have a plan. We will wait." Text "NEWS" to 77453 for breaking news alerts from Caleb Downs is a crime reporter for Read more of his stories here.| | Twitter: @calebjdowns Eric Gay/STF AUSTIN -- Coming off a primary election where Texas Democrats set a nearly quarter-century record for turnout, Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Wednesday that a predicted Blue Wave against the GOP "never made landfall." "We have been hearing for weeks in Texas and across the country that a great "blue wave" was coming to Texas. We were assaulted with predictions that our great state is trending Democrat," Patrick said in a statement on Tuesday's primary election. The primary election Tuesday was ostensibly to determine party nominees in Texas from local judges, district attorneys and legislative and congressional seats, to statewide offices such as U.S. senator, governor and lieutenant governor. But the importance of this primary is substantially as a scene-setter for a general election that could be unlike any other in Texas recent history. The outcomes in matchups determined Tuesday or in the party runoffs in May will likely signal not just Texas direction, but how the nation tilts politically in November. The eyes of the nation will be on Texas. The interest will be in whether a blue wave can occur even in a state as traditionally red as Texas, where Democrats have not won a statewide office since 1994. RELATED: LaHood out as Bexar County district attorney But if Democrats just do better than they have, this, too, will be viewed as a bellwether. The Democratic turnout in early primary voting in Texas 52 percent to 48 percent for GOP voters indicates an energized party. This, no doubt, has roots in the 2016 presidential election, with partisan tensions growing in President Donald Trumps first year in office. Trumps name appeared nowhere on Tuesdays ballots, but candidates in GOP campaigns generally embraced him as much as possible. But perhaps indicating there is little Republican dissatisfaction with Trump, Jenifer Sarver, among the most prominent in this never-Trump camp, didnt appear to be making the runoff in Congressional District 21 to replace longtime U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith in the Republican primary. Even candidates in Democratic primaries kept busy tarring likely GOP opponents or incumbents as Trumpian when they werent walloping each other. This occurred in the Bexar County district attorney Democratic race as well. Even before incumbent Nico LaHood unleashed a barrage of scurrilous ads against challenger Joe Gonzales over the weekend, Gonzales was correctly citing similarities between Trumps intemperance and how LaHood has run his office and conducted his campaign. LaHood conceded early in the evening on Tuesday. Gonzales victory is a welcome repudiation of LaHood and his ham-handed tactics. Whether a Trump embrace in Republican campaigns continues into the general election will be particularly interesting in the U.S. Senate race. After Tuesdays results, one-term incumbent and former presidential candidate Ted Cruz will be challenged by Democratic nominee Beto ORourke, a U.S. representative from El Paso. RELATED: Stage is set for November: Ted Cruz vs.Beto O'Rourke for U.S. Senate Politically, the two candidates couldnt be more different, and other key races will feature similar matchups. In these races, will a Trump endorsement be welcome or diplomatically avoided? Stay tuned. Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick each made a bathroom bill, sanctuary cities and border security their legislative calling cards in their first terms. Abbott will face a Democrat who is either an outright winner Tuesday or emerges from a runoff in May. But all the Democratic candidates repudiate those initiatives, just as Patricks likely opponent accountant Mike Collier has. It appeared by midevening Tuesday that there also will be a GOP runoff in the 21st Congressional District. And, similarly, either of the candidates will offer stark policy contrasts with whoever emerges from the Democratic primary in that race. In Congressional District 23, incumbent Will Hurd easily fended off a Republican challenger and will face the Democratic nominee emerging from what looked likely to be a runoff race in May. With control of the U.S. House at stake, both national parties are likely to pour resources into this district that can swing either Republican or Democrat. In all these races, the nominees will offer policy differences that will make for clear choices for voters in either party and will be an indicator for Texas ultimate political direction. Of some concern: Though record-breaking turnout occurred in early voting, election day voting remained modest. That means many of Bexar Countys 1 million voters still didnt participate despite the high stakes. This is disappointing. Blue wave, red wave? Wed rather just see a voter wave, chips falling where they may. But hold on to your seats. This will be interesting perhaps even history making. A man who breached a protection order by threatening the partner of his children with a knife has been handed a nine month suspended prison term by Judge Conal Gibbons. Guylaim Beya, 42 Dundarragh, Longford had pleaded not guilty to breaching Section 17 (1) of the Domestic Violence Act 1996 at the aforementioned address on December 12 2017. Mr Beya, a courier, was charged with threatening violence and putting fear in Jessica Mudima, ordering her to leave the property before threatening to use a knife against her. Ms Mudimba, in her direct evidence to the court, said she contacted gardai following a confrontation with Mr Beya over claims she had a fling with someone else. Guylaim got aggressive with me because someone told him I was pregnant from another man, she said. Thats why he lost control. After that I called the Gardai because I was scared for my life. Ms Mudimba said she was given two options by the accused-to leave the house she shared with her children or run the risk of being threatened with a knife. My three kids live in the house, she continued, adding their ages ranged from 20 months to eight years of age. It was at that point Judge Gibbons was told Ms Mudimba had been at a family law court sitting 24 hours previously. I was scared because I didnt know why he (Mr Beya) was aggressive like this, she said. In his cross examination of Ms Mudimba, defence solicitor John Quinn tried to suggest Mr Mudimbas stepson would support his clients claim that a knife was never produced. However, Judge Gibbons was quick to rebuke Mr Quinns line of questioning. What went on in family law proceedings is in camera (behind closed doors), he said, as he disallowed the question from being directed at Ms Mudimba. Mr Quinn proceeded to probe Mr Mudimba nonetheless, accusing the Longford based mother of galavanting in Dublin and Paris with other men while her partner was at home minding their children. You abandoned your children and left everything to this man, he contended, accusing Ms Mudimba of returning home penniless from a trip to Dublin. Again, Judge Gibbons was quick to step in and warn Mr Quinn about the tone of his cross examination of Mr Mudimba. Are you going to introduce evidence of this witness galavanting in Dublin and France? Judge Gibbons asked Mr Quinn. Cross examination is a very specific skill. When you put allegations to a witness you have to stack them up. This is not open season. Taking on board those comments, Mr Quinn said the relationship between the pair was now at an end. He said his client had become increasingly perturbed at Ms Mudimbas decision to leave the house for a number of months while Mr Beya endeavoured to provide for their children. Ms Mudimba, who was still sitting in the witness box, confirmed she had been away in Paris during July and August but had taken three of the couples children with her. She added her presence at home had been constant since 2017 and in part had been mitigated by the modest means she had to rely upon. Yes, I have no choice, she told Mr Quinn. I live in a RAS (Rental Accommodation Scheme house). I dont have a choice. In revealing she was awaiting a local authority decision to seek alternative accommodation, Mr Quinn put it to Ms Mudimba her part in fuelling Mr Beyas frustration was well founded. I suggest that when you came back from Paris, you were gone again to Dublin, he said, claiming she held a gripe about having no money on her return. He (Mr Beya) is the father of my kids, she bluntly responded. If I dont have money to buy milk for the kids, then he has to buy the milk. Investigating officer, Garda Gary Larkin said he called to the Dun Darrach estate at around 4:30pm on foot of a complaint. He said Ms Mudimba had appeared very scared and told him that unless she vacated the property Mr Beya would put a knife in my face. Mr Beya, he added, admitted asking Ms Mudimba to leave the house before arresting the defendant shortly after 5pm. She was very upset, said Garda Larkin. She was shaking, she looked as is if she had been crying and was very upset for her three children. In his direct evidence, Mr Beya said he was effectively bringing up the pairs children on his own. Every day I collect the children and see what they need for the next day, he contended, suggesting Ms Mudimba had spent 600 during a weekend visit to Dublin. Mr Beya said his irritation was compounded by Ms Mudimbas request to return home with milk. I say; If you stay here dont stress me. I say: One day I will put a mark to remember me. Leave me alone. Mr Beya, when asked about whether he had put fear in Ms Mudimba on the day of the alleged incident, insisted; I am afraid of her now. He said his former partner was unemployed and accused her of telling lies, claiming her close family no longer talk to her. I am happy for her to go, said Mr Beya. I am starting a new life, but I am scared for my children because she wont give them an education. Mr Beya also claimed he never received notification that a protection order had been served against him, despite court files showing it was dispatched from the District Court offices seven days before the alleged incident was reported. However, Judge Gibbons rejected that assertion and attempts by Mr Beya to besmirch the good name of the victim. Its obvious listening to her (Ms Mudimba) in the witness box that he (Mr Beya) said what he said, remarked Judge Gibbons. Did he put her in fear? Yes he did, absolutely. Judge Gibbons said he simply did not believe Mr Beyas claim of not being served with a protection order. If courts allow people to break orders without redress and impunity then courts should not be making these orders, he told Mr Beya. Judge Gibbons said breaches of such orders were one of the most serious offences to come before the District Court, adding the offence did warrant a potential custodial sanction. In commending the actions of Longford Gardai and most notably Garda Larkin, Judge Gibbons said his ruling had to be both proportionate and accommodating to the concerns of the victim. I have to make sure the injured party is protected, he told Mr Beya. If I send you to prison, she will be protected for a very short period, but I want to structure it in a way that she is protected for much longer. In that instance and after learning Mr Beya was gainfully employed and the main breadwinner for his children, he sentenced him to nine months in prison. He suspended that sentence, however, for a period of two years. by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 6, 2018 Its much too easy to publish false stories in the age of the internet, and unfortunately too many people still say I saw it on the internet, so it must be true, so on Monday two entrepreneurs announced a plan to fix the broken internet. Its a good idea. And media entrepreneurs Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz have great intentions. But not even the $6 million they raised with help from investor Publicis Groupe to launch NewsGuard can aid this crusade without the buy-in of Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter and other big sites. It's like so many other projects that take a chain of companies to pull together rather than go it alone. NewsGuard aims to address fake news by hiring dozens of journalists to review 7,500 U.S. news and information web sites that are most commonly accessed. The fledgling enterprise wants to solve the problem of ridding the Internet of fake news. advertisement advertisement The details are sketchy. Reports tout the efforts, but I believe much of the information that will make this work is missing. Even with The Wall Street Journal detailing NewsGuards business model to charge the digital platforms so users can access the ratings and nutrition labels and to charge advertisers to keep their ads off fake news and propaganda sites, the plan still needs the buy-in of Google, Bing and others for it to become successful. NewsGuard said it wont charge publishers for their rating and will make a free version available to individuals and news-literacy groups. Publishers will be rated with green, yellow or red tags to identify the news source. But what good will this be unless those ratings appear in search results or next to the headline in a Facebook feed? What publisher will agree to put a less-than-stellar rating on its web site? If not on the web site, the search engines will need to agree to add the rating in search results next to the listing. Search Insider reached out to Google for comment and did not get a response. And what will NewsGuard rely on for accuracy? Journalistic reviewers, according to the company. No details have been shared on the type of checklist they will follow. Perhaps well see a web site with a list of sites and colored tags, which would work well, but it would work even better if the company could convince Google and crew to join their crusade rather than each of them going it alone. NewsGuard not only needs the support of the engines to make this work, but CNN reports that the startup needs to get the tech giants to purchase their data. Then they must match that data against searches. To me, the missing key is having the rating appear within the search results on Bing and Google. Otherwise, the efforts are only half complete. by Wayne Friedman , March 6, 2018 The Fox broadcast network wants to follow the move by NBCUniversal in cutting back key advertising time. By 2020, the Fox network has a goal to cut prime-time advertising time to two minutes an hour from around 13 minutes currently, according to media executives. Fox also wants to increase some branded content pods doing prime-time programming. Starting this fall, Fox intends to focus on Sunday prime-time programming -- reducing advertising in its animated shows to just two spots per pod from around four spots per pod. The plan is called "Jazz," according to Bruce Lefkowitz, executive vp of advertising at Fox Networks Group, who spoke with Television News Daily. Lefkowitz says this refers to "Just 'a' and 'z' " (first and last) placements of commercials in a pod, which typically get higher viewership. advertisement advertisement Lefkowitz says attention should increase for these commercials due to the elimination of advertising clutter. Pricing is expected to rise for those spots. In addition, he said, Fox is starting up Fox Blocks, where marketers can create custom content. Part of this could have Fox advertisers contributing to a production fund for branded content using its own original intellectual property or Foxs intellectual property. Some of this was revealed during an private advertising event hosted in Los Angeles by Fox last Wednesday. It was there that Joe Marchese, president of advertising revenue for Fox Networks Group, told media agency, marketing and some competing TV network executives -- including Linda Yaccarino of NBCUniversal and Charlie Collier of AMC Networks -- that Fox intends to whittle down its prime-time advertising to two minutes per hour in two years. A Fox representative would not comment about any changes in Fox prime-time advertising. Also last week, just before the start of the Fox meeting with media executives, NBCUniversal announced plans to lower prime-time ad time by 10% across its networks -- affecting some 50 shows -- and to decrease the overall number of ads on its networks by 20%. by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis, March 7, 2018 Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said Wednesday that he has introduced a bill that would restore some of the Obama-era net neutrality requirements. But the Open Internet Preservation Act, a companion to the measure introduced in the House last year by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), would fall short of fully reinstating the rules. The bill would prohibit Internet service providers from blocking or throttling traffic, but would allow providers to charge higher fees for faster delivery of content. Kennedy stated Wednesday that the bill was a "compromise that benefits the consumer." advertisement advertisement "Does this bill resolve every issue in the net neutrality debate? No, it doesnt," he stated. "It's not a silver bullet. But it's a good start." Net neutrality advocates quickly denounced the measure as a "fake net neutrality" bill that will give too much power to broadband providers. While Senator Kennedy claims his bill was written in defense of an open internet, its true goal is to let a few unregulated monopolies stifle competition and control the future of communications," Free Press Action Fund President and CEO Craig Aaron stated Wednesday. Last December, the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to revoke Obama-era net neutrality rules that prohibited broadband providers from blocking or throttling traffic and from charging higher fees for prioritized delivery of content. Chairman Ajit Pai, who backed the repeal, said the former regulations depressed investment. But consumer advocates and other net neutrality advocates argue that the rules are necessary to prevent broadband providers from censoring sites or discriminating against competitors like Netflix. In the three months since the FCC's vote, open internet advocates have attempted to restore the rules through a variety of mechanisms. Among others, advocates have urged lawmakers to use the Congressional Review Act to overturn the repeal. That law allows federal lawmakers to vacate recent agency decisions by passing a resolution of disapproval. Fifty senators -- including one Republican -- have signed on to the resolution, leaving the measure just one vote short in that body. Kennedy said last month that he was "undecided" about whether to support that resolution. The advocacy organization Fight for the Future said Wednesday that Kennedy "betrayed the entire Internet." "The fact that he thinks his constituents would be fooled by this trojan horse legislation is insulting," Fight for the Future deputy director Evan Greer stated. A new study confirms that e-cigarettes are harmful to teenagers and urges adolescents to stop putting their health at risk. Share on Pinterest Many teenagers are attracted to vaping, but at what cost to their own health? Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are battery-powered devices regularly used as a more healthful alternative to regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes sometimes contain nicotine, and sometimes they use nicotine-free solutions. They offer users a similar sensation to smoking, but they do not produce smoke. Instead, they heat up the e-liquid they contain and create vapor, which is why using these devices is sometimes referred to as vaping. However, while many adult users opt for e-cigarettes to ease themselves out of their smoking habit, some researchers have raised concerns that teenagers may be using them as a gateway into this very habit. E-cigarette usage seems to be popular among many teenagers, despite the fact that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have banned the sale of such devices to people under 18. But recent research from the University of California, San Francisco now reveals that we may have more to worry about when it comes to teenage use of e-cigarettes beyond addiction and the possibility of transitioning to traditional cigarettes. Lead study author Dr. Mark L. Rubinstein and his team have found that teenagers who vape may be exposing themselves to dangerous chemicals that have been linked to cancer. Their findings were published in the journal Pediatrics. Such toxic substances, the researchers add, are found both in e-cigarettes and in traditional ones, and teenagers need to be aware that even by opting for nicotine-free devices, they may still put themselves in harms way. Anxiety, a common mood disorder, has many risk factors such as genetic makeup and stress. Recently, researchers have been revealing the relevance of some more surprising risk factors. A new study from Latin America suggests that waist size may be one of them. Share on Pinterest New research investigates the link between waist measurements and the risk of anxiety. Anxiety disorders are now the most common mental condition among adults in the United States, confirm the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety as men, and they are also more likely to overeat due to stress. Moreover, anxiety has also been associated with the advent of cardiometabolic diseases , such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. A new study from Latin America that focused on postmenopausal women now suggests that the risk of developing a form of anxiety later in life may have something to do with the size of a womans waistline. The researchers, who hail from many institutions across Latin American countries including Peru, Chile, and Ecuador found correlations between womens waist-to-height ratio and her chance of being diagnosed with anxiety. The paper whose first author is Dr. Karen Arroyo, from the School of Medicine at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima, Peru that reports the researchers findings has been published in the journal Menopause. Aphorism is from a Greek word and means to define. It is generally a one-liner used tersely to convey a perspective in a way that once bitten by it you are seldom likely to forget it in a hurry.Some examples of Aphorism are as follows:* People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others - Anon* "Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation." -Husayn ibn Ali* Love your mistakes but don't marry one. - Leonid Sukhorukov,book 'All About Everything'* Marry in haste: Repent at leisure. -- Scottish proverb* Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. -- Chinese Proverb.* One man's meat is another man's poison.Hippocrates was the first to use them to improve a way to remember symptoms to cure diseases. Later others started using them in their work. Usage of Aphorism comes from experience.The first aphorism used by him runs as follows: --"Life is short, art is long, opportunity fugitive, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult: it is necessary not only to do oneself what is right, but also to be seconded by the patient, by those who attend him, by external circumstances." (AMENDED UP TO DECEMBER 2010) These Regulations may be called the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. CHAPTER I CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS Duties and responsibilities of the Physician in general: Character of Physician Maintaining good medical practice 1.3 Maintenance of medical records Display of registration numbers Use of Generic names of drugs Highest Quality Assurance in patient care Exposure of Unethical Conduct Payment of Professional Services Evasion of Legal Restrictions CHAPTER 2 Patience, Delicacy and Secrecy Prognosis The Patient must not be neglected Engagement for an Obstetric case CHAPTER 3 3.. DUTIES OF PHYSICIAN IN CONSULTATION 3.1 Unnecessary consultations should be avoided Consultation for Patients Benefit Punctuality in Consultation Statement to Patient after Consultation Treatment after Consultation Patients Referred to Specialists Fees and other charges CHAPTER 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PHYSICIANS TO EACH OTHER Conduct in consultation : Consultant not to take charge of the case: Appointment of Substitute Visiting another Physicians Case: CHAPTER 5 DUTIES OF PHYSICIAN TO THE PUBLIC AND TO THE PARAMEDICAL PROFESSION Physicians as Citizens: Public and Community Health Pharmacists / Nurses CHAPTER 6 UNETHICAL ACTS Advertising On starting practice. On change of type of practice. On changing address. On temporary absence from duty. On resumption of another practice. On succeeding to another practice. Public declaration of charges. (Published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, dated 6th April,2002)New Delhi, dated 11th March, 2002No. MCI-211(2)/2001/Registration. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 20A read with section 33(m) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India, with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations relating to the Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics for registered medical practitioners, namely:-Each applicant, at the time of making an application for registration under the provisions of the Act, shall be provided a copy of the declaration and shall submit a duly signed Declaration as provided inThe applicant shall also certify that he/she had read and agreed to abide by the same.(Doctors with qualification of MBBS or MBBS with post graduate degree/ diploma or with equivalent qualification in any medical discipline):1.1.1 A physician shall uphold the dignity and honour of his profession.1.1.2 The prime object of the medical profession is to render service to humanity; reward or financial gain is a subordinate consideration. Who- so-ever chooses his profession, assumes the obligation to conduct himself in accordance with its ideals. A physician should be an upright man, instructed in the art of healings. He shall keep himself pure in character and be diligent in caring for the sick; he should be modest, sober, patient, prompt in discharging his duty without anxiety; conducting himself with propriety in his profession and in all the actions of his life.1.1.3 No person other than a doctor having qualification recognised by Medical Council of India and registered with Medical Council of India/State Medical Council (s) is allowed to practice Modern system of Medicine or Surgery. A person obtaining qualification in any other system of Medicine is not allowed to practice Modern system of Medicine in any form.1.2.1 The Principal objective of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with full respect for the dignity of profession and man. Physicians should merit the confidence of patients entrusted to their care, rendering to each a full measure of service and devotion. Physicians should try continuously to improve medical knowledge and skills and should make available to their patients and colleagues the benefits of their professional attainments. The physician should practice methods of healing founded on scientific basis and should not associate professionally with anyone who violates this principle. The honoured ideals of the medical profession imply that the responsibilities of the physician extend not only to individuals but also to society.1.2.2For the advancement of his profession, a physician should affiliate with associations and societies of allopathic medical professions and involve actively in the functioning of such bodies.1.2.3 A Physician should participate in professional meetings as part of Continuing Medical Education programmes, for at least 30 hours every five years, organized by reputed professional academic bodies or any other authorized organisations. The compliance of this requirement shall be informed regularly to Medical Council of India or the State Medical Councils as the case may be.1.3.1 Every physician shall maintain the medical records pertaining to his / her indoor patients for a period of 3 years from the date of commencement of the treatment in a standard proforma laid down by the Medical Council of India and attached as1.3.2. If any request is made for medical records either by the patients / authorised attendant or legal authorities involved, the same may be duly acknowledged and documents shall be issued within the period of 72 hours.1.3.3 A Registered medical practitioner shall maintain a Register of Medical Certificates giving full details of certificates issued. When issuing a medical certificate he / she shall always enter the identification marks of the patient and keep a copy of the certificate. He / She shall not omit to record the signature and/or thumb mark, address and at least one identification mark of the patient on the medical certificates or report. The medical certificate shall be prepared as in Appendix Efforts shall be made to computerize medical records for quick retrieval.1.4.1 Every physician shall display the registration number accorded to him by the State Medical Council / Medical Council of India in his clinic and in all his prescriptions, certificates, money receipts given to his patients.1.4.2 Physicians shall display as suffix to their names only recognized medical degrees or such certificates/diplomas and memberships/honours which confer professional knowledge or recognizes any exemplary qualification/achievements.Every physician should, as far as possible, prescribe drugs with generic names and he / she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs.Every physician should aid in safeguarding the profession against admission to it of those who are deficient in moral character or education. Physician shall not employ in connection with his professional practice any attendant who is neither registered nor enlisted under the Medical Acts in force and shall not permit such persons to attend, treat or perform operations upon patients wherever professional discretion or skill is required.A Physician should expose, without fear or favour, incompetent or corrupt, dishonest or unethical conduct on the part of members of the profession.The physician, engaged in the practice of medicine shall give priority to the interests of patients. The personal financial interests of a physician should not conflict with the medical interests of patients. A physician should announce his fees before rendering service and not after the operation or treatment is under way. Remuneration received for such services should be in the form and amount specifically announced to the patient at the time the service is rendered. It is unethical to enter into a contract of "no cure no payment". Physician rendering service on behalf of the state shall refrain from anticipating or accepting any consideration.The physician shall observe the laws of the country in regulating the practice of medicine and shall also not assist others to evade such laws. He should be cooperative in observance and enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations in the interest of public health. A physician should observe the provisions of the State Acts like Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940; Pharmacy Act, 1948; Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act, 1985; Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971; Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994; Mental Health Act, 1987; Environmental Protection Act, 1986; Prenatal Sex Determination Test Act, 1994; Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954; Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 and such other Acts, Rules, Regulations made by the Central/State Governments or local Administrative Bodies or any other relevant Act relating to the protection and promotion of public health.2.1.1 Though a physician is not bound to treat each and every person asking his services, he should not only be ever ready to respond to the calls of the sick and the injured, but should be mindful of the high character of his mission and the responsibility he discharges in the course of his professional duties. In his treatment, he should never forget that the health and the lives of those entrusted to his care depend on his skill and attention. A physician should endeavour to add to the comfort of the sick by making his visits at the hour indicated to the patients. A physician advising a patient to seek service of another physician is acceptable, however, in case of emergency a physician must treat the patient. No physician shall arbitrarily refuse treatment to a patient. However for good reason, when a patient is suffering from an ailment which is not within the range of experience of the treating physician, the physician may refuse treatment and refer the patient to another physician.2.1.2 Medical practitioner having any incapacity detrimental to the patient or which can affect his performance vis-a-vis the patient is not permitted to practice his profession: Patience and delicacy should characterize the physician. Confidences concerning individual or domestic life entrusted by patients to a physician and defects in the disposition or character of patients observed during medical attendance should never be revealed unless their revelation is required by the laws of the State. Sometimes, however, a physician must determine whether his duty to society requires him to employ knowledge, obtained through confidence as a physician, to protect a healthy person against a communicable disease to which he is about to be exposed. In such instance, the physician should act as he would wish another to act toward one of his own family in like circumstances.: The physician should neither exaggerate nor minimize the gravity of a patients condition. He should ensure himself that the patient, his relatives or his responsible friends have such knowledge of the patients condition as will serve the best interests of the patient and the family.A physician is free to choose whom he will serve. He should, however, respond to any request for his assistance in an emergency. Once having undertaken a case, the physician should not neglect the patient, nor should he withdraw from the case without giving adequate notice to the patient and his family. Provisionally or fully registered medical practitioner shall not willfully commit an act of negligence that may deprive his patient or patients from necessary medical care.: When a physician who has been engaged to attend an obstetric case is absent and another is sent for and delivery accomplished, the acting physician is entitled to his professional fees, but should secure the patients consent to resign on the arrival of the physician engaged.3.1.1 However in case of serious illness and in doubtful or difficult conditions, the physician should request consultation, but under any circumstances such consultation should be justifiable and in the interest of the patient only and not for any other consideration.3.1.2 Consulting pathologists /radiologists or asking for any other diagnostic Lab investigation should be done judiciously and not in a routine manner.In every consultation, the benefit to the patient is of foremost importance. All physicians engaged in the case should be frank with the patient and his attendants.Utmost punctuality should be observed by a physician in making themselves available for consultations3.4.1All statements to the patient or his representatives should take place in the presence of the consulting physicians, except as otherwise agreed. The disclosure of the opinion to the patient or his relatives or friends shall rest with the medical attendant.3.4.2 Differences of opinion should not be divulged unnecessarily but when there is irreconcilable difference of opinion the circumstances should be frankly and impartially explained to the patient or his relatives or friends. It would be opened to them to seek further advice as they so desire.No decision should restrain the attending physician from making such subsequent variations in the treatment if any unexpected change occurs, but at the next consultation, reasons for the variations should be discussed/explained. The same privilege, with its obligations, belongs to the consultant when sent for in an emergency during the absence of attending physician. The attending physician may prescribe medicine at any time for the patient, whereas the consultant may prescribe only in case of emergency or as an expert when called for.When a patient is referred to a specialist by the attending physician, a case summary of the patient should be given to the specialist, who should communicate his opinion in writing to the attending physician.3.7.1 A physician shall clearly display his fees and other charges on the board of his chamber and/or the hospitals he is visiting.Prescription should also make clear if the Physician himself dispensed any medicine.3.7.2 A physician shall write his name and designation in full along with registration particulars in his prescription letter head.Note: In Government hospital where the patientload is heavy, the name of the prescribing doctor must be written below his/her signature.A physician should consider it as a pleasure and privilege to render gratuitous service to all physicians and their immediate family dependants.In consultations, no insincerity, rivalry or envy should be indulged in. All due respect should be observed towards the physician in-charge of the case and no statement or remark be made, which would impair the confidence reposed in him. For this purpose no discussion should be carried on in the presence of the patient or his representatives.When a physician has been called for consultation, the Consultant should normally not take charge of the case, especially on the solicitation of the patient or friends. The Consultant shall not criticize the referring physician. He / she shall discuss the diagnosis treatment plan with the referring physician.Whenever a physician requests another physician to attend his patients during his temporary absence from his practice, professional courtesy requires the acceptance of such appointment only when he has the capacity to discharge the additional responsibility along with his / her other duties. The physician acting under such an appointment should give the utmost consideration to the interests and reputation of the absent physician and all such patients should be restored to the care of the latter upon his/her return.When it becomes the duty of a physician occupying an official position to see and report upon an illness or injury, he should communicate to the physician in attendance so as to give him an option of being present. The medical officer / physician occupying an official position should avoid remarks upon the diagnosis or the treatment that has been adopted.Physicians, as good citizens, possessed of special training should disseminate advice on public health issues. They should play their part in enforcing the laws of the community and in sustaining the institutions that advance the interests of humanity. They should particularly co-operate with the authorities in the administration of sanitary/public health laws and regulations.Physicians, especially those engaged in public health work, should enlighten the public concerning quarantine regulations and measures for the prevention of epidemic and communicable diseases. At all times the physician should notify the constituted public health authorities of every case of communicable disease under his care, in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the health authorities. When an epidemic occurs a physician should not abandon his duty for fear of contracting the disease himself.Physicians should recognize and promote the practice of different paramedical services such as, pharmacy and nursing as professions and should seek their cooperation wherever required.A physician shall not aid or abet or commit any of the following acts which shall be construed as unethical -6.1.1 Soliciting of patients directly or indirectly, by a physician, by a group of physicians or by institutions or organisations is unethical. A physician shall not make use of him / her (or his / her name) as subject of any form or manner of advertising or publicity through any mode either alone or in conjunction with others which is of such a character as to invite attention to him or to his professional position, skill, qualification, achievements, attainments, specialities, appointments, associations, affiliations or honours and/or of such character as would ordinarily result in his self aggrandizement. A physician shall not give to any person, whether for compensation or otherwise, any approval, recommendation, endorsement, certificate, report or statement with respect of any drug, medicine, nostrum remedy, surgical, or therapeutic article, apparatus or appliance or any commercial product or article with respect of any property, quality or use thereof or any test, demonstration or trial thereof, for use in connection with his name, signature, or photograph in any form or manner of advertising through any mode nor shall he boast of cases, operations, cures or remedies or permit the publication of report thereof through any mode. A medical practitioner is however permitted to make a formal announcement in press regarding the following: 6.1.2 Printing of self photograph, or any such material of publicity in the letter head or on sign board of the consulting room or any such clinical establishment shall be regarded as acts of self advertisement and unethical conduct on the part of the physician. However, printing of sketches, diagrams, picture of human system shall not be treated as unethical. 6.2 Patent and Copy rights : A physician may patent surgical instruments, appliances and medicine or Copyright applications, methods and procedures. However, it shall be unethical if the benefits of such patents or copyrights are not made available in situations where the interest of large population is involved. 6.3 Running an open shop (Dispensing of Drugs and Appliances by Physicians) : - A physician should not run an open shop for sale of medicine for dispensing prescriptions prescribed by doctors other than himself or for sale of medical or surgical appliances. It is not unethical for a physician to prescribe or supply drugs, remedies or appliances as long as there is no exploitation of the patient. Drugs prescribed by a physician or brought from the market for a patient should explicitly state the proprietary formulae as well as generic name of the drug. 6.4 Rebates and Commission : 6.4.1 A physician shall not give, solicit, or receive nor shall he offer to give solicit or receive, any gift, gratuity, commission or bonus in consideration of or return for the referring, recommending or procuring of any patient for medical, surgical or other treatment. A physician shall not directly or indirectly, participate in or be a party to act of division, transference, assignment, subordination, rebating, splitting or refunding of any fee for medical, surgical or other treatment. 6.4.2 Provisions of para 6.4.1 shall apply with equal force to the referring, recommending or procuring by a physician or any person, specimen or material for diagnostic purposes or other study / work. Nothing in this section, however, shall prohibit payment of salaries by a qualified physician to other duly qualified person rendering medical care under his supervision. 6.5 Secret Remedies : The prescribing or dispensing by a physician of secret remedial agents of which he does not know the composition, or the manufacture or promotion of their use is unethical and as such prohibited. All the drugs prescribed by a physician should always carry a proprietary formula and clear name. 6.6 Human Rights : The physician shall not aid or abet torture nor shall he be a party to either infliction of mental or physical trauma or concealment of torture inflicted by some other person or agency in clear violation of human rights. 6.7 Euthanasia : Practicing euthanasia shall constitute unethical conduct. However on specific occasion, the question of withdrawing supporting devices to sustain cardio-pulmonary function even after brain death, shall be decided only by a team of doctors and not merely by the treating physician alone. A team of doctors shall declare withdrawal of support system. Such team shall consist of the doctor in charge of the patient, Chief Medical Officer / Medical Officer in charge of the hospital and a doctor nominated by the in-charge of the hospital from the hospital staff or in accordance with the provisions of the Transplantation of Human Organ Act, 1994. CHAPTER 7 7. MISCONDUCT : The following acts of commission or omission on the part of a physician shall constitute professional misconduct rendering him/her liable for disciplinary action 7.1 Violation of the Regulations: If he/she commits any violation of these Regulations. 7.2 If he/she does not maintain the medical records of his/her indoor patients for a period of three years as per regulation 1.3 and refuses to provide the same within 72 hours when the patient or his/her authorised representative makes a request for it as per the regulation 1.3.2. 7.3 If he/she does not display the registration number accorded to him/her by the State Medical Council or the Medical Council of India in his clinic, prescriptions and certificates etc. issued by him or violates the provisions of regulation 1.4.2. 7.4 Adultery or Improper Conduct: Abuse of professional position by committing adultery or improper conduct with a patient or by maintaining an improper association with a patient will render a Physician liable for disciplinary action as provided under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 or the concerned State Medical Council Act. 7.5 Conviction by Court of Law: Conviction by a Court of Law for offences involving moral turpitude / Criminal acts. 7.6 Sex Determination Tests: On no account sex determination test shall be undertaken with the intent to terminate the life of a female foetus developing in her mothers womb, unless there are other absolute indications for termination of pregnancy as specified in the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. Any act of termination of pregnancy of normal female foetus amounting to female foeticide shall be regarded as professional misconduct on the part of the physician leading to penal erasure besides rendering him liable to criminal proceedings as per the provisions of this Act. 7.7 Signing Professional Certificates, Reports and other Documents: Registered medical practitioners are in certain cases bound by law to give, or may from time to time be called upon or requested to give certificates, notification, reports and other documents of similar character signed by them in their professional capacity for subsequent use in the courts or for administrative purposes etc. Such documents, among others, include the ones given at Appendix 4. Any registered practitioner who is shown to have signed or given under his name and authority any such certificate, notification, report or document of a similar character which is untrue, misleading or improper, is liable to have his name deleted from the Register. 7.8 A registered medical practitioner shall not contravene the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and regulations made there under. Accordingly, Prescribing steroids/ psychotropic drugs when there is no absolute medical indication; selling Schedule H & L drugs and poisons to the public except to his patient; in contravention of the above provisions shall constitute gross professional misconduct on the part of the physician. 7.9 Performing or enabling unqualified person to perform an abortion or any illegal operation for which there is no medical, surgical or psychological indication. 7.10 A registered medical practitioner shall not issue certificates of efficiency in modern medicine to unqualified or non-medical person. (Note: The foregoing does not restrict the proper training and instruction of bonafide students, midwives, dispensers, surgical attendants, or skilled mechanical and technical assistants and therapy assistants under the personal supervision of physicians.) 7.11 A physician should not contribute to the lay press articles and give interviews regarding diseases and treatments which may have the effect of advertising himself or soliciting practices; but is open to write to the lay press under his own name on matters of public health, hygienic living or to deliver public lectures, give talks on the radio/TV/internet chat for the same purpose and send announcement of the same to lay press. 7.12 An institution run by a physician for a particular purpose such as a maternity home, nursing home, private hospital, rehabilitation centre or any type of training institution etc. may be advertised in the lay press, but such advertisements should not contain anything more than the name of the institution, type of patients admitted, type of training and other facilities offered and the fees. 7.13 It is improper for a physician to use an unusually large sign board and write on it anything other than his name, qualifications obtained from a University or a statutory body, titles and name of his speciality, registration number including the name of the State Medical Council under which registered. The same should be the contents of his prescription papers. It is improper to affix a sign-board on a chemists shop or in places where he does not reside or work. 7.14 The registered medical practitioner shall not disclose the secrets of a patient that have been learnt in the exercise of his / her profession except in a court of law under orders of the Presiding Judge; in circumstances where there is a serious and identified risk to a specific person and / or community; and notifiable diseases. In case of communicable / notifiable diseases, concerned public health authorities should be informed immediately. 7.15 The registered medical practitioner shall not refuse on religious grounds alone to give assistance in or conduct of sterility, birth control, circumcision and medical termination of Pregnancy when there is medical indication, unless the medical practitioner feels himself/herself incompetent to do so. 7.16 Before performing an operation the physician should obtain in writing the consent from the husband or wife, parent or guardian in the case of minor, or the patient himself as the case may be. In an operation which may result in sterility the consent of both husband and wife is needed. 7.17 A registered medical practitioner shall not publish photographs or case reports of his / her patients without their permission, in any medical or other journal in a manner by which their identity could be made out. If the identity is not to be disclosed, the consent is not needed. 7.18 In the case of running of a nursing home by a physician and employing assistants to help him / her, the ultimate responsibility rests on the physician. 7.19 A Physician shall not use touts or agents for procuring patients. 7.20 A Physician shall not claim to be specialist unless he has a special qualification in that branch. 7.21 No act of invitro fertilization or artificial insemination shall be undertaken without the informed consent of the female patient and her spouse as well as the donor. Such consent shall be obtained in writing only after the patient is provided, at her own level of comprehension, with sufficient information about the purpose, methods, risks, inconveniences, disappointments of the procedure and possible risks and hazards. 7.22 Research: Clinical drug trials or other research involving patients or volunteers as per the guidelines of ICMR can be undertaken, provided ethical considerations are borne in mind. Violation of existing ICMR guidelines in this regard shall constitute misconduct. Consent taken from the patient for trial of drug or therapy which is not as per the guidelines shall also be construed as misconduct. 7.23 If a physician posted in rural area is found absent on more than two occasions during inspection by the Head of the District Health Authority or the Chairman, Zila Parishad, the same shall be construed as a misconduct if it is recommended to the Medical Council of India/State Medical Council by the State Government for action under these Regulations. 7.24 If a physician posted in a medical college/institution both as teaching faculty or otherwise shall remain in hospital/college during the assigned duty hours. If they are found absent on more than two occasions during this period, the same shall be construed as a misconduct if it is certified by the Principal/Medical Superintendent and forwarded through the State Government to Medical Council of India/State Medical Council for action under these Regulations. CHAPTER 8 8. PUNISHMENT AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION 8.1 It must be clearly understood that the instances of offences and of Professional misconduct which are given above do not constitute and are not intended to constitute a complete list of the infamous acts which calls for disciplinary action, and that by issuing this notice the Medical Council of India and or State Medical Councils are in no way precluded from considering and dealing with any other form of professional misconduct on the part of a registered practitioner. Circumstances may and do arise from time to time in relation to which there may occur questions of professional misconduct which do not come within any of these categories. Every care should be taken that the code is not violated in letter or spirit. In such instances as in all others, the Medical Council of India and/or State Medical Councils have to consider and decide upon the facts brought before the Medical Council of India and/or State Medical Councils. 8.2 It is made clear that any complaint with regard to professional misconduct can be brought before the appropriate Medical Council for Disciplinary action. Upon receipt of any complaint of professional misconduct, the appropriate Medical Council would hold an enquiry and give opportunity to the registered medical practitioner to be heard in person or by pleader. If the medical practitioner is found to be guilty of committing professional misconduct, the appropriate Medical Council may award such punishment as deemed necessary or may direct the removal altogether or for a specified period, from the register of the name of the delinquent registered practitioner. Deletion from the Register shall be widely publicized in local press as well as in the publications of different Medical Associations/ Societies/Bodies. 8.3 In case the punishment of removal from the register is for a limited period, the appropriate Council may also direct that the name so removed shall be restored in the register after the expiry of the period for which the name was ordered to be removed. 8.4 Decision on complaint against delinquent physician shall be taken within a time limit of 6 months. 8.5 During the pendency of the complaint the appropriate Council may restrain the physician from performing the procedure or practice which is under scrutiny. 8.6 Professional incompetence shall be judged by peer group as per guidelines prescribed by Medical Council of India. APPENDIX - 1 DECLARATION I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to service of humanity. Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of Humanity. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception. I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my patient will be my first consideration. I will respect the secrets which are confined in me. I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due. I will maintain by all means in my power, the honour and noble traditions of medical profession. I will treat my colleagues with all respect and dignity. I shall abide by the code of medical ethics as enunciated in the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002. At the time of registration, each applicant shall be given a copy of the following declaration by the Registrar concerned and the applicant shall read and agree to abide by the same: I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour. Signature Name Place Address Date APPENDIX 2 FORM OF CERTIFICATE RECOMMENDED FOR LEAVE OR EXTENSION OR COMMUNICATION OF LEAVE AND FOR FITNESS __________________________ __________________________ Signature of patientor thumb impression ___________________________________________To be filled in by the applicant in the presence of the Government Medical Attendant, or Medical Practitioner.Identification marks:- I, Dr. _____________________________________ after careful examination of the case certify hereby that _______________ whose signature is given above is suffering from __________________ and I consider that a period of absence from duty of ____________________ with effect from __________________ is absolutely necessary for the restoration of his health. I, Dr. ________________________ after careful examination of the case certify hereby that ______________________ on restoration of health is now fit to join service. Place ___________________ Signature of Medical attendant. Date ________________ Registration No. ___________________ (Medical Council of India / State Medical Council of ...... State) Note:- The nature and probable duration of the illness should also be specified . This certificate must be accompanied by a brief resume of the case giving the nature of the illness, its symptoms, causes and duration. APPENDIX-3 FORMAT FOR MEDICAL RECORD Follow up APPENDIX 4 LIST OF CERTIFICATES, REPORTS, NOTIFICATIONS ETC. ISSUED BY DOCTORS FOR THE PURPOSES OF VARIOUS ACTS / ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Under the acts relating to birth, death or disposal of the dead. Under the Acts relating to Lunacy and Mental Deficiency and under the Mental illness Act and the rules made thereunder. Under the Vaccination Acts and the regulations made thereunder. Under the Factory Acts and the regulations made thereunder. Under the Education Acts. Under the Public Health Acts and the orders made thereunder. Under the Workmens Compensation Act and Persons with Disability Act. Under the Acts and orders relating to the notification of infectious diseases. Under the Employees State Insurance Act. In connection with sick benefit insurance and friendly societies. Under the Merchant Shipping Act. For procuring / issuing of passports. For excusing attendance in courts of Justice, in public services, in public offices or in ordinary employment. In connection with Civil and Military matters. In connection with matters under the control of Department of Pensions. In connection with quarantine rules. For procuring driving licence. (see regulation 3.1)Name of the patient :Age :Sex :Address :Occupation :Date of 1st visit :Clinical note (summary) of the case:Prov. : Diagnosis :Investigations advised with reports:Diagnosis after investigation:Advice :Date:Observations:Signature in full .Name of Treating Physician (DR. M. SACHDEVA) SECRETARY MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA (Published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, dated 22nd February, 2003) MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA NOTIFICATION MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, dated 11th March, 2002 MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 10th December 2009 (Lt. Col. (Retd.) Dr. A.R.N. Setalvad) Secretary Medical Council of India In exercise of the powers conferred under section 20A read with section 33(m) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India, with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following amendments to the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, namely:-Short Title and Commencement: (i) These Regulations may be called the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2003.(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.(2) In the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, the regulations, 7.23 and 7.24 appearing under Chapter 7, shall be omitted.(Published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary dated 27th May, 2004)In exercise of the powers conferred under section 20A read with section 33(m) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India, with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following amendments to the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, namely:-(1) Short Title and Commencement: (i) These Regulations may be called the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004.(2) In the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, after the regulation 8.6 appearing under Chapter 8, the following regulations, shall be added:8.7 Where either on a request or otherwise the Medical Council of India is informed that any complaint against a delinquent physician has not been decided by a State Medical Council within a period of six months from the date of receipt of complaint by it and further the MCI has reason to believe that there is no justified reason for not deciding the complaint within the said prescribed period, the Medical Council of India may-(i) Impress upon the concerned State Medical council to conclude and decide the complaint within a time bound schedule;(ii) May decide to withdraw the said complaint pending with the concerned State Medical Council straightaway or after the expiry of the period which had been stipulated by the MCI in accordance with para(i) above, to itself and refer the same to the Ethical Committee of the Council for its expeditious disposal in a period of not more than six months from the receipt of the complaint in the office of the Medical Council of India.8.8 Any person aggrieved by the decision of the State Medical Council on any complaint against a delinquent physician, shall have the right to file an appeal to the MCI within a period of 60 days from the date of receipt of the order passed by the said Medical Council:Provided that the MCI may, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from presenting the appeal within the aforesaid period of 60 days, allow it to be presented within a further period of 60 days..-In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 33 of the Indian Medical Countil Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India with the previous sanction of the Central Government, hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002:-1. (i) These Regulations may be called the Indian Medical council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 Part I.(ii) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.2. In the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002, the following additions/medications/decisions/substitutions, shall be, as indicated therein:-3. The following clause shall be added after clause 6.7:-6.8.1 In dealing with pharmaceutical and allied health sector industry, a medical practitioner shall follow and adhere to the stipulations given below:-(a): A medical practitioner shall not receive any gift from any pharmaceutical or allied healthcare industry and their sales people or representatives.(b): A medical practitioner shall not accept any travel facility inside the country or outside, including rail, air, ship, cruise tickets, paid vacations, etc., from any pharmaceutical or allied healthcare industry or their representatives for self and family members for vacation or for attending conference, seminars, workshops, CME programme etc. as a delegate.(c): A medical practitioner shall not accept individually any hospitality like hotel accommodation for self and family members under any pretext.(d) Cash or monetary grants: A medical practitioner hall not receive any cash or monetary grants from any pharmaceutical and allied healthcare industry for individual purpose in individual capacity under any pretext. Funding for medical research, study etc., can only be received through approved institutions by modalities laid down by law/rules/guidelines adopted by such approved institutions, in a transparent manner. It shall always be fully disclosed.(e): A medical practitioner may carry out, participate in, work in research projects funded by pharmaceutical and allied healthcare industries. A medical practitioner is obliged to know that the fulfillment of the following items (1) to (vii) will be an imperative for undertaking any research assignment/project funded by industry-for being proper and ethical. Thus, in accepting such a position a medical practitioner shall:-(i) Ensure that the particular research proposal(s) has the due permission from the competent concerned authorities;(ii) Ensure that such a research project(s) has the clearance of national/state/institutional ethics committee/bodies;(iii) Ensure that it fulfills all the legal requirements prescribed for medical research;(iv) Ensure that the source and amount of funding is publicly disclosed at the beginning itself;(v) Ensure that proper care and facilities are provided to human volunteers, if they are necessary for the research projects);(vi) Ensure that undue animal experimentations are not done and when these are necessary they are done in a scientific and a humane way;(vii) Ensure that while accepting such an assignment a medical practitioner shall have the freedom to publish the results of the research in the greater interest of the society by inserting such a clause in the MoU or any other document/agreement for any such assignment.(f): In dealing with pharmaceutical and allied healthcare industry a medical practitioner shall always ensure that there shall never be any compromise either with his/her own professional autonomy and/or with the autonomy and freedom of the medical institution.(g): A medical practitioner may work for pharmaceutical and allied healthcare industries in advisory capacities, as consultants, as researchers, as treating doctors or in any other professional capacity. In doing so, a medical practitioner shall always:(i) Ensure that his professional integrity and freedom are maintained:(ii) Ensure that patients interest are not compromised in any way;(iii) Ensure that such affiliation are within the law;(iv) Ensure that such affiliations/employments are fully transparent and disclosed.(h): A medical practitioner shall not endorse any drug or product of the industry publicly. Any study conducted on the efficacy or otherwise of such products shall be presented to and/or through appropriate scientific bodies or published in appropriate scientific journals in a proper way.: The Principal Regulations namely, Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquete and Ethics) Regulations, 2002 were published in Part III, Section (4) of the Gazette of India on the 6th April, 2002, and amende vide MCI notification, dated 22-2-2003 and 26-5-2004. Last Updated - September 19, 2021 - Designed & Managed by Pvt. Ltd. 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Source: Reuters: Health News Advertisement Odisha government introduces campaigns on Sanitary hygiene for school girls and rural women. Odisha is the only state in India where 63.5 % women own immovable assets: land and homes, against the national average of 35%. Record 1 million tribal girls have been provided scholarships for education. Half a million tribal girls are in government-run hostels. Additionally, girls get Rs.8000/- as monthly allowance to stay in school. 3.5mn women have been benefitted by MAMATA Yojana: India's largest cash-transfer maternity benefit scheme. It compensates pregnant and nursing mothers for loss of wages, better nutrition and vaccinations.The success of Mamata Yojana is evident from the fact that Odisha boasts India's lowest Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). 50,000 more babies are saved every year in Odisha due to lower IMR. 5 million women stand empowered by Mission Shakti, a women self-help-group movement. Women are granted loans at 1%. 25000 women entrepreneurs and SHG members were also, very recently, digitally trained by Facebook.Women athletes are nurtured, and the state sent 6 athletes to the Rio Olympics. In a bid to ensure skill development of women the state bears the cost of education, hostel and monthly allowance for all girls enrolling into Odisha's Industrial Training Institutes.The Government of Odisha believes, and has proven that the empowerment of women is a precondition for development. It offers an unprecedented opportunity for societies to ensure that women have equal access to lead public institutions on the path to transformative change.Source: Medindia Geriatric pregnancy is a term that was used in the 1970s to refer to pregnancy observed in women over the age of 35 years. However, doctors have stopped using the term since it is not respectful to women. The current trend in Western countries e.g., Sweden, Finland, and the United States, indicates a rise in the percentage, number and rate of women over the age of 35 who give birth for the first time. Pregnant women over the age of 35 are now referred to as women of advanced maternal age (AMA). Several women nowadays are choosing to have children after the age of 35 years. Education, financial independence, relationship stability are some of the causes for this trend. The choice for a woman to bear a child is influenced by personal, professional, social, and other situations in life. Today, many women are choosing to have children at a later age for various reasons. Some of them are enumerated below: Education Financial stability Career goals Relationship stability Confidence in partners suitability as a parent There are risks involved in bearing children after the age of 35. Women of AMA are associated with health complications and pregnancy risks. The risks affect both the child and the mother. Some of the complications associated with women of AMA are: Increased risk of cesarean section or extended labor Type II diabetes Gestational diabetes Leiomyomas (fibroids) Placenta abruption (Placenta separates from the inner wall of the uterus before labor) Hypertension Placenta praevia (Cervix is blocked by the low lying placenta) Multiple pregnancies - This risk is increased with age and with the use of fertility treatment procedures. The chances of twins, triplets are increased. Difficulty in conceiving Low birth-weight babies Premature birth (preterm birth) Miscarriages and stillbirths Chromosomal abnormalities Increased chances of preeclampsia There is no clear evidence that advanced age in mothers, leads to congenital heart defects in babies. Some risks associated with fetuses or babies born to women with AMA are: Macrosomia - the head of the fetus is enlarged due to diabetes Birth defects in children - 1 in 65 babies of women over 40 years and 1 in 200 babies of women over 35 years Women at any age should take precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. This becomes all the more important in women over the age of 35 years. Prior to getting pregnant and during pregnancy, women should take adequate measures as listed below: Follow a healthy diet Try to attain a healthy weight before pregnancy after consultation with doctors Regular exercise Adequate sleep A daily dose of 0.4 mg folic acid one month before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects in the baby Regular antenatal check-ups, ultrasound screening to monitor fetal well-being Monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urine examination for protein and glucose regularly throughout pregnancy Childbirth education and counseling as appropriate Avoid alcohol, smoking, other harmful substances, and drugs Consult your family physician before trying to become pregnant Once a woman of AMA becomes pregnant, she should make regular visits to her physician to monitor her health and that of the fetus. This will ensure timely intervention in the event of any complication. CASEVILLE It was addition by subtraction in Caseville Township this week. At its meeting Monday, the board voted to begin the process of removing Section 154.004 from the townships ordinance, which references homeowners associations (HOAs). Supervisor Ben Willenberg said it is being done to remove the township from being pulled into enforcing private HOA rules. Willenberg said the current wording in that section does just that, making the township responsible for enforcing deed restrictions that have been put in place. At the meeting, the board made a motion to direct the planning commission to start the deletion process. We will strictly be concerned with our zoning laws, said Willenberg. We will not get into private deed restrictions that a homeowners association comes up with. Willenberg said although it's rare, the issue has come up in the past. He said in talks with township lawyer, Walt Salens, as well as representatives of the Michigan Township Association, the township has been advised to rewrite or delete the HOA section in the ordinance. It takes the township out of ever being drawn into legal battles by rules and deed restrictions at private homeowners associations, Willenberg said. They can do that theyre private the township cannot be involved with enforcing them though. Thats the whole problem. Added Willenberg: Its a good move. Its something that is necessary. In other business, the board: Accepted with regret the resignation of longtime Police Commission member Hank Clabuesch. Approved a resolution to do a cost of living increase to the townships water rates. The usage rate increased from $9 per 1,000 gallons to $9.25 per 1,000. Discussed the townships annual meeting, which is scheduled for 10 a.m. March 31. BAD AXE -- The Bad Axe United Methodist Women will host their famous soup, bread and dessert supper at the end of the month. The event will run from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 29 at First Methodist Church, located at 216 E. Woodworth St. in Bad Axe. There will be a large variety of homemade soups, homemade bread and homemade desserts. BAD AXE -- The Bad Axe Free Methodist Church will be hosting its annual Easter egg hunt later this month. There will be three hunts -- 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. -- on Saturday, March 24 at the church, which is located at 165 Pigeon Road in Bad Axe. PORT HURON -- Kick off summer travel plans with a visit to the Michigan Association of Recreation Vehicles and Campgrounds Camper and RV Show in Port Huron this weekend. The event will run March 8-11 at the Blue Water Convention Center, located at 800 Harker St. "From the enthusiastic response the show received last year from attendees, we are expecting exhibitors to really bring in some fantastic vehicles for show attendees to enjoy," said Darren Ing, MARVAC show director. "The Port Huron Camper and RV Show is a great show for RVers of all levels of experience." The event will feature 40 units including folding campers, travel trailers, toy haulers and motorhomes. There will also be exhibitors featuring parts and accessories, campground information and more, making this a complete RV show experience. "The Port Huron show is great," said Tim O'Brien, owner of Circle K RVs. "The convention center is one of the best venues and the folks from the Port Huron area are fun and very knowledgeable about RVing and camping." "We were very excited that the show came back last year and we heard the same from the people who attended," he added. Attendees can sign up to win a marvelous MARVAC Michigan giveaway. Prizes include free camping stays and more from participating MARVAC members. Winners and prizes will be chosen at random after the show ends March 11. RV buyers will have an excellent opportunity to take advantage of substantial new tax savings, dubbed "sales tax on the difference." "People trading-in a used RV to purchase a new RV will now only be taxed on the difference between the value of the trade-in and the new RV purchase," said Darren Ing, MARVAC show director. Adult admission is $6, senior admission (55 and over) is $5 and children 16 and under are free. Parking is free. Coupons for $1 off admission are at area Big Boy restaurants, VF Sports, Mortimer Lumber, the Blue Water Convention Center, the Port Huron Times Herald and online at For more information, call 517-349-8881. Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Artist for Peace and Justice Theo Wargo/Getty Images for New York Fashion Week: The Shows Model Kate Upton is back to dropping jaws as the new face of a sexy lingerie spring collection. The wife of Houston Astros pitcher Justin Verlander showed off her smoldering beauty on Instagram with a couple of images from her photo shoot with the Italian brand, Yamanay. TURN UP THE HEAT: Kate Upton posts super naked 'flash back Friday' post to Instagram Upton is the face of the brand's 2018 spring collection, which based on the images on their website features an array of floral, lace and pastel undergarments. @yamamayofficial #ConfidentBeauty #yamamaycollection #ad A post shared by Kate Upton (@kateupton) on Mar 5, 2018 at 4:13pm PST Fans on Upton's Instagram are loving the photos from her new gig. "Mind-blowing Beautiful look. Stunning Beautiful," said one person. Another person commented that Upton is "not only beautiful but talented and kind." Several other people said she looked "stunning," radiant" and "gorgeous." Apart from being a natural beauty, Upton has been in the news lately for joining the #MeToo movement and speaking out about her experience with sexual misconduct. Bold and beautiful - we can't ask for much more from the honorary Texan. Keep doing you, Upton. Take a look through the gallery above to see more reasons to love Kate Upton. Daniela Sternitzky-Di Napoli is a digital producer at You can read more of her stories here and follow her on twitter at @Dani_DiNapoli. Connecticut is closely watching the Trump administration lawsuit filed this week that seeks to force California to turn over illegal immigrants and are confident the state could withstand a similar challenge. "What we do in Connecticut is totally legal," said Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Wednesday, referring to state immigration policies. "We are protective of individuals in our state and make sure due process is followed," Malloy said. "We have struck the right balance." U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions late Tuesday evening asked a federal judge to overturn Californias so-called "sanctuary state" laws that limit police cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Connecticut has similar laws on the books. The states Trust Act directs local law enforcement to only detain undocumented immigrants if they are convicted felons, were issued a deportation order, are gang members or on a terrorist watch list. While Connecticut has not been sued by the federal justice department, the state is feeling the sting of Trump administration retaliation against states not complying with its immigration policies. Connecticut has lost an estimated $2.6 million in federal community policing grants. But, so far at least, the state and its self-declared "sanctuary cities" Hartford, New Haven and Willimantic have not been sued by Trump. Simply in terms of logistics, it's unrealistic and impractical for local governments to enforce federal immigration law, just as it is unrealistic and impractical for them to enforce federal labor law, federal environmental law, or federal tax law, said New Haven Mayor Toni Harp. Municipal governments just aren't equipped to do so." Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin, a Democrat running for governor, said Trump is "bullying" states that do not comply with his polices. "Once again, instead of focusing on how we can actually make our communities safer and stronger, the Trump administration is bullying the state and local governments because they dont support its anti-immigrant agenda," Bronin said. "Weve seen time and again in Connecticut that the federal government is targeting law-abiding, hard-working families for deportation and not focusing on dangerous criminals," Bronin said. I commend Governor [Jerry] Brown in California for standing his ground. We have a problem The Trump lawsuit, while generally regarded as just the latest tactic to compel states to comply with the administrations policies, raises debate over states rights and responsibilities. Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, a Democrat running for governor, said the federal government should leave states out of federal immigration enforcement. The federal government should be working on a more compassionate immigration policy instead of compelling states to do the job of the federal government, Ganim said. Its not the states role or responsibility, nor do we have the authority. Bridgeport, the states largest city, has stopped short of declaring itself a sanctuary city and instead says its a "welcoming city" for immigrants. Ganim has issued municipal IDs to documented and undocumented residents and perhaps because of avoiding the term sanctuary city recently received a $1.8 million federal grant to hire police officers. U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn, weighed in on the suit, saying that Forcing local police offices to serve as ICE agents does nothing to make us safer. In fact, it does the exact opposite, fostering distrust between local law enforcement and the community they serve." Sessions on Wednesday blasted California for not cooperating with federal immigration policies. "California, we have a problem," Sessions said. "A series of actions and events have occurred here that adversely impacts the work of our immigration officers. You flout the law and boldly endorse illegality. This is an embarrassment to the proud State of California." In addition to not reporting illegal immigrants to federal authorities, California law prohibits private employers from voluntarily cooperating with immigration authorities, requires them to alert employees about work site inspections and allows the state to look at federal Department of Homeland Security documents. National police State Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff, D-Norwalk, said Trumps immigration policies have only succeeded in "ripping apart" Connecticut families that have a right to live in the state. "What Ive seen in Connecticut is Trumps policies ripping families apart, people who have not committed any crime and pay taxes," Duff said. "They are married and have kids and are getting booted out. Its focused on people who have not done anything wrong." Duff said there is no national police force and Trump should not be using the states to create one. Its basically deputizing ICE and that should be concerning for all Americans, Duff said. There is no law that says we have to cooperate with ICE. The state is complying with all federal laws." But not everyone in Connecticut agrees that Trumps immigration policies are too aggressive. Connecticut Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano said the 2015 murder of Casey Chadwick a 25 year-old stabbed to death by an illegal immigrant who had just been released from prison and was facing deportation as an example of why states should cooperate with federal officials and crack down. The first role of government is to protect its citizens, Romano said. There is blood on Dan Malloys hands. Romano said he understands that many immigrants are hard working and come to Connecticut to make a better life. "But there is a right way to do it," Romano said. Michael Pollard, chief of staff for Stamford Mayor David Martin, said the city does not agree with the Trump administrations immigration policies and does not fear federal retaliation. "I think the city has been very proud of its approach in regards to immigration and doesnt feel a need to push it any further than that," Pollard said. "Our policies, the way in which immigration is being handled, is very consistent with what the citizens would expect from a sanctuary city." NEW HAVEN Saifullah Khan, who had been on trial on sexual assault charges, was found not guilty on all counts Wednesday. The jurys decision in the emotional and controversial case, announced shortly after 12:30 p.m., prompted Khan, now 25, to bow his head in relief. After court adjourned, he hugged his supporters and his attorney, Daniel Erwin. Co-counsel Norm Pattis was away on another case. Khan had testified Tuesday that his accuser actually was the sexual aggressor who invited him into her Yale dormitory room and then into her bed. His account was diametrically opposed to that of the complainant, who last week tearfully testified that Khan took advantage of her inebriated state and raped me. The defense attorneys and Supervisory Assistant States Attorney Michael Pepper called multiple witnesses to give their varied accounts of what happened three years ago during a rowdy Halloween night of campus partying and a Yale Symphony Orchestra concert at Woolsey Hall. The complainant vomited during that performance and quickly left, escorted by Khan. Khan was charged with sexual assault in the first, second, third and fourth degrees. He and the complainant were seniors at Yale when they had their sexual encounter. Yale officials suspended him after she made her accusation and he has not returned. In a written statement issued immediately after court adjourned, Pattis and Erwin called upon Yale University officials to readmit him. Yale rushed to judgment in this case and somehow managed to bring the New Haven States Attorneys Office along for the ride, the attorneys said. Were grateful to six courageous jurors who were able to understand that campus life isnt the real world. Kids experiment with identity and sexuality. When an experiment goes awry, its not a crime. They added, Now that Mr. Khan has been acquitted, were calling for Yale to readmit him. He was suspended in 2015 without a hearing. Its time to right that wrong. The New Haven Register emailed questions to Yale spokesman Thomas Conroy Wednesday about the verdict, the defense attorneys comments and the issue of readmitting Khan. Conroy simply replied in an email: Yale has no comment on the verdict. Erwin said after court adjourned that Khan will ask Yale to readmit him in the near future. Erwin noted Khan faces a hearing with the universitys Committee on Sexual Misconduct. Erwin also noted Khan was suspended on an emergency basis. Khan, dressed in a dark suit and tie, as he did throughout the trial, said he wanted Erwin to speak on his behalf. Mr. Khan is overcome by his emotions, Erwin said. This has been a 21/2 -year ordeal. He has to rearrange his life from the wreckage. When Khan, a native of Afghanistan, was sworn in to testify Tuesday, he gave his home address as his attorneys office in New Haven. He explained under Pattis questioning that he has no real home. Last week he told a New Haven Register reporter: I am alone in America. But he said he was grateful to his supporters for helping him. Khans family lives abroad. At Yale he was majoring in cognitive science and expected to graduate the following spring. The complainant did graduate on that schedule. The jury of three women and three men began deliberations late Tuesday afternoon but did so for only 15 minutes before Superior Court Judge Brian T. Fischer sent them home at 5 p.m. They resumed Wednesday at about 9:30 a.m., taking a mid-morning break. Shortly after the forewoman said not guilty four times, beginning with the first-degree sexual assault charge, Fischer said, Good luck, Mr. Khan and adjourned the proceedings. Pepper had no comment as he left the courtroom. During his testimony Wednesday, Khan gave a detailed and sometimes graphic account of what he said happened in the complainants bedroom in the early morning hours of Nov. 1, 2015. He said he brought the woman back to her suite and said good night to her but that she quickly called out his name and invited him into her room. Khan said she initiated the oral sex and, hours later, the sexual intercourse. But the complainant had testified she collapsed onto her bed, fell asleep and in the middle of the night felt Khan on top of her, pinning down her arms. She said she tried to call out to him to stop but wasnt sure if she had been able to speak. However, in his closing argument Pattis reminded the jurors that within a few of hours after the alleged assault, the complainant texted Khan: LOL (laugh out loud.) Pattis also played up the complainants admitted memory lapses of that night and early morning. Pattis asked the jurors: Then how are you supposed to know? NASA scientists are scouring astronomical data for a large planet at the edges of our solar system -- and they want your help. The effort, called Backyard Worlds: Planet Nine, is a citizen science project that asks space enthusiasts to help the agency spot objects in the area around our solar system. Backyard Worlds was launched in February 2016, but its origin began years earlier, according to NASA's tumblr. In 2009, the agency launched the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission, which scanned the skies for infrared light in search of galaxies, asteroids and stars. But the search turned up too much data for researchers to plow through on their own. RELATED STORY: Good news: Civilization less likely to end from an asteroid collision. So, they asked for help. Since the project began, citizens have spotted 432 candidates for brown dwarfs, which are balls of gas too small to be stars but too big to be planets. Of the 20 NASA researchers have followed up on, 17 proved to be real, the agency's tumblr stated. These discoveries are exciting, but NASA is looking for something even greater: the mysterious Planet 9 that some scientists believe is circling past Pluto. California Institute of Technology researchers in 2015 found mathematical evidence suggesting the planet might exist. They believe this as yet undiscovered planet is about the size of Neptune and takes between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the sun, according to NASA. RELATED STORY: NASA discovers eighth planet in faraway system. But no one has spotted the hypothetical planet yet, the tumblr post stated. "So come join the search, and you might find a rogue world that's nearer to the Sun than Proxima Centauri -- or even the elusive Planet Nine," the Backyard Worlds' website stated. In the two years the project has been operational, more than 45,000 citizen volunteers have participated. To take a crack at spotting the planet, visit the project's website here. Alex Stuckey covers NASA and the environment for the Houston Chronicle. You can reach her at or What Is ISIS-K? Two Experts on the Group Behind the Kabul Airport Attack and its Rivalry with the Taliban By 2018, the group had become one of the top four deadliest terrorist organizations in the world. Nearly all Russian-NATO aircraft intercepts over or near the Baltic nations remain non-hostile, and most can be attributed to human error, a top NATO general said Wednesday. Gen. Petr Pavel, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, told reporters he and his NATO counterparts have not seen obvious offensive acts from Russian aircraft or troops. He even cautioned against using the term "Russian aggression" in reference to the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia because leaders have not seen open hostilities against forces there. While there is increased political tension, "There [has been] no violation of Baltic countries' territory -- not even the airspace," Pavel said during a briefing in Washington, D.C. Related content: "All we have [seen] in the region is increased military presence, more exercises, more flights of long-range aviation, more use of intelligence. But I wouldn't call it 'aggression,' " he said. "Sometimes, we don't distinguish between airspace violation or a need to call what is known as 'alpha scramble,' " Pavel said, referring to times when pilots sit alert, ready to jump into fighters and escort unidentified or bellicose jets out of sovereign airspace. He continued, "Most of these so-called violations are because of a loss of communication or human or technical mistake ... I would say 90 percent of these so-called violations are technical mistake[s]," such as omitting transponder signals, flight plans or properly communicating with air traffic control. "Very few are deliberate or provocative," Pavel said. "Up until now, we don't see any real signs of aggressive behavior against the Baltic countries or within the Black Sea region." His comments come just months after the U.S. finished its F-15C Eagle rotation to protect Baltic airspace. The F-15s, from the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath, acted as a quick reactionary force to surveil the airspace until the mission concluded in January, reporting at least 30 intercepts of Russian aircraft, according to U.S. Air Forces Europe-Africa officials. USAFE in January published videos showing two specific intercepts of Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea, one on Nov. 23 and the other Dec. 13. In each case, neither of the Russian Su-30 Flanker jets broadcast flight codes required by air traffic control, nor did they file a flight plan. USAFE classified the scrambles as routine. Before the arrival of the F-15s last year, the U.S. last took part in the Baltic Air Policing mission in 2014, the same year Russia annexed Crimea. The NATO policing mission has since been taken over by Italy and Denmark. In 2016, then-Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James said the German air force, honing the BAP mission at the time, also counted roughly 30 scrambles. James said those incidents should act as reminders for NATO countries, especially the "newer partners," to continue joint training. There have also been multiple passes from Russian jets over U.S. surveillance planes on the Black Sea. In January, a Russian Su-27 intercepted a U.S. Navy EP-3 Aries -- crossing within 5 feet of the Navy aircraft. However, Pavel did not say the Russian military's buildup and modernization effort aren't cause for concern. He said that effort is the reason why, as a result of the 2016 Warsaw summit, NATO created the Enhanced Forward Presence force to act as a deterrent in the East. "We're doing our best to keep the level of this military presence below being a threatening [force] to Russia," he said. "We didn't want to create any competition [that] will bring more forces to the region." Nevertheless, Pavel said, NATO allies will uphold their commitment to Article 5 of the treaty, which aims to discourage any adversarial attack on member states. But, he noted, Russia has acted mostly within the parameters of policy. "It fair to say mostly Russia has [acted] within the agreed parameters. From time to time, we can see some measures as provocative, especially in the areas that we exercise ... both to the ships and in the air. But it's up to the captain [or pilot] to judge if it's dangerous or not. So we should avoid these with responsible behavior," he said. -- Oriana Pawlyk can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @Oriana0214. KABUL, Afghanistan -- Data the Pentagon issued last year to spotlight the success of operations against militant groups in Afghanistan were inaccurate, raising questions about the real progress of the secretive counterterrorism campaign being conducted by the U.S. and Afghan military. Key figures in the by-the-numbers look at U.S. and Afghan counterterrorism missions in the second half of 2017, which have been published by prominent news outlets, were wrong, defense officials confirmed after Stars and Stripes pointed out discrepancies. The incorrect data -- including a breakdown of independent and joint raids and a body count of enemy fighters -- were released in an unclassified December report to Congress titled "Enhancing Security and Stability in Afghanistan." A corrected report was quietly issued in late January, though it also appeared to include errors, such as missing or conflicting data. Weeks later, the cause of the mistakes remains unclear -- at least some could be the result of editing mistakes -- but the episode highlights increasing difficulties in obtaining data about U.S. and Afghan operations, even from records meant to hold the military accountable to the 16-year war's congressional overseers. "There are no precise numbers in Afghanistan," said Jonathan Schroden, a researcher at Arlington, Va.-based CNA and director of the nonprofit research organization's special operations program. "It's the nature of what you're dealing with over there." Schroden has crunched Afghanistan numbers for years. In this case, he said, the information may be off because the Pentagon relied on "notoriously inaccurate, delayed, miscategorized, mislabeled" Afghan military reports. "Trying to make sense of all that is a very challenging prospect." Lt. Col. Kone Faulkner, a military spokesman in Kabul, acknowledged that something was "lost in translation" when raw figures were formulated into a two-paragraph snapshot of the battle against terrorists. However, weeks after Stars and Stripes raised questions about the supposed fixes, officials in Washington have been slow to make further changes. The report's two versions were on the Pentagon's website Tuesday, and there appear to be no markings identifying the revised one. Only by delving into the data do the differences become apparent. 'Significant growth' The original data showed, for example, that despite years of close U.S. mentoring, Afghanistan's most-elite units conducted missions on their own only about 17 percent of the time. The later version upped that share to 53 percent, suggesting a more capable force, but it, too, included contradictory numbers. The mix-up comes as the military withheld details in January's quarterly Special Inspector General report on U.S. efforts in Afghanistan, such as security forces casualty and attrition data. Measures of insurgent-held territory were also redacted, though officials later said that was done in error. The U.S. commander in the country, U.S. Central Command's top general and other defense officials signed off on the December report, which Congress has required twice a year since 2015. It provides detail on U.S. strategy, outlines threats and assesses the Kabul government's security forces. A detailed summary of counterterrorism operations was added this time to highlight the recent operational success of Afghan special security forces -- elite U.S.-trained army, police and air units -- said Air Force Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, a Pentagon spokesman. They "demonstrated significant growth and increased capability (and) defeated the enemy during every one of their combat engagements," he said. That was the "impetus" for expanding U.S. training and advising efforts, part of the Trump administration's more aggressive regional strategy announced in August. But the original data understated the presumed success story of those special units, which the report said made up "a small fraction" of the country's security forces but conducted the bulk of the offensive operations last year. Initially, data showed they operated on their own on just 1 in 6 missions between June and December. Some 1,200 operations seemed to have been omitted, though, casting doubt on that ratio's accuracy. The corrected report nearly tripled the number of independent Afghan operations. Despite that better ratio, the numbers mean that U.S. special operations troops were still assisting their most capable local partners on the battlefield nearly half the time. Most of the 14,000 Americans deployed here support NATO's Resolute Support train, advise and assist mission, largely away from the battlefield. Under a separate counterterrorism mission, a special operations task force of about 2,000 troops trains the elite government forces and accompanies tactical-level units on "certain missions," the report said. Officials believe it cements security gains and builds better partnerships, the report said. They believe similar methods soon to be adopted within the broader Resolute Support mission will "replicate our past success with the Afghan special forces." Some observers doubt the long-term success of that approach, which will put advisers closer to fighting than most have been in recent years. "All it's doing is pushing American enablers forward," said Jason Dempsey, an adjunct senior fellow at the nonpartisan Center for a New American Security in Washington. The former Army officer was doubtful it would do more than give a false picture of Afghan competence, while leaving them dependent on U.S. capabilities. Faulkner, the military spokesman in Kabul, said operational data such as those in the December report had not been collected during earlier periods, making it difficult to measure progress in weaning Afghans off U.S. assistance. 'Not particularly illuminating' The Pentagon's later tweaks to the data, meanwhile, seem to have introduced new errors and confusing gaps, making it hard to draw firm conclusions. It says U.S. special operations troops "advised or enabled" 2,450 Afghan ground operations, contradicting another line that says the Afghans conducted 1,301 of those 2,450 operations without help. That line also lists a lower number of ground operations, without explaining the reason for conflicting tallies. In another case, counts appear to be off by some 400 operations in a line breaking down how many of the total ground raids and supporting U.S. strikes targeted each of four groups: an Islamic State affiliate, the Taliban, the Haqqani network -- an especially brutal arm of the Taliban -- and "other insurgent networks." More than 20 such groups operate in the region. "The difference in the numbers is the fact that there are other enemy in Afghanistan besides (ISIS, the Taliban and the Haqqani network)," Andrews said of about 135 missing U.S. strikes. The list of ground operations seemed off by almost 280 from the total. "Within the operational reporting there are some missions that do not designate the (targeted) organization." The report did have a category for "other" enemies but not one for unspecified targets. After several inquiries for more than a month, Andrews confirmed or clarified a few key figures in late February, including that the Afghans conducted 2,450 ground operations, fewer than half with the U.S. task force's support. The task force also conducted about 560 precision strikes to support them. Pentagon officials have not said whether the report will be corrected again for clarity. Beyond being erroneous, the numbers don't seem to say much about progress in defeating the militant groups, analysts said. The data are not "particularly illuminating," Schroden said. Both versions list 450 enemies killed and more than 300 captured but lack context, such as the size of the enemy force or its ability to regenerate after such losses. "I don't think the numbers that they cite are any more useful than body counts were in Vietnam, for example," he said. They're "indicators of activity," not measures of progress. Kill counts give the "illusion of success," Dempsey said, but he wouldn't discourage disclosure of those and the other numbers in the report. "The public deserves to know what's being done in their name," Dempsey said. Keep it small, keep it simple, make it work. It's what Marine Corps leaders want industry leaders and research and development agencies to keep in mind when making the latest and greatest tech for grunts on the battlefield, a top general said Tuesday. Gen. Glenn Walters, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, said the service was interested in high-end electronics and robotics, but said he didn't want to increase the load of ground combat Marines by adding on advanced gear. "Technology is great, until you have to carry it, and you have to carry the power that drives it," said Gen. Glenn Walters, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps. Walters said members of 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, the service's experimental infantry battalion, has been the first to test and field small tech and weapons. The service is interested in the new technology, but continues to keep the size and weight of new systems in mind, he said. Related content: "Reorganizing for the future is what's happening right now and robotics is clearly someplace where we're investing," Walters told audiences during the annual "Defense Programs" conference hosted by defense consulting firm McAleese & Associates. In a few months, 3/5 will debut its latest report on findings and lessons learned from using the newer tech, such as handheld drones and quadcopters, he said. "But we're not waiting," Walters said at the event in Washington, D.C. New, powerful equipment needs to be leveraged even more so than it is now, Walters said, adding, "they need to be more consumable." "We have 69 3D printers out and about throughout a mix of battalions," Walters said. This added gear, he said, has made Marines more agile when they need to replace a broken part or create an entirely new solution for an old design. "We have to have the speed of trust in our young people to seize and hold the technological high ground," Walters said. Amid the push for new tech, officials have been working to lessen the load for Marines who have been inundated with more equipment in recent years even as the service grows more advanced with streamlined resources. For example, program managers have said they're looking for a lighter, more practical alternative to the Corps' iconic ammunition can. Scott Rideout, program manager for ammunition at Marine Corps Systems Command, told industry leaders in 2016 that the rectangular can may be due for an upgrade. Rideout at the time made the case during the Equipping the Infantry Challenge at Quantico that emerging technologies -- such as the logistics drones that Walters mentioned Tuesday -- may also put limits on how much a future delivery of ammunition can weigh. The calculus is simple, Rideout said: "Ounces equal pounds, and pounds equal pain." -- Oriana Pawlyk can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @oriana0214. After years of rebuilding a war-weary force, U.S. Army leaders now say they know the budget year the service can shift the funding priority from readiness to future modernization. Over the next four years, the Army will follow a path that involves upgrading equipment, refurbishing stockpiles of key munitions and adding more soldiers to the ranks. While readiness remains a priority, leaders maintain that the service is in a lot better shape than it was five years ago, according to Lt. Gen. John Murray, deputy chief of staff for Army G8. "We have prioritized readiness in particular for the last five or six years, so I fundamentally believe we are in good shape in terms of readiness," he told an audience at the 9th Annual "Dense Programs" Conference, sponsored by McAleese and Associates. "We should start to reach readiness recovery in about the 2022 time frame; that is what we are projecting," Murray said. In the Army's proposed fiscal 2019 budget, the service said it plans to buy 148,287 155mm artillery projectiles, compared to last year's purchase of 16,573. It also intends to buy 9,450 Guided Multi Launch Rocket Systems, compared to last year's purchase of 6,084. "We have made significant investments in preferred munitions," Murray said. "That is to make up for areas we have taken risk in the past because we significantly under-invested in preferred munitions even though they were being expended in both Iraq and Afghanistan. "We have pretty much maxed out every line in the country in production of munitions," he said. The fiscal 2019 budget adds 4,000 soldiers to the active force, a "modest-growth" trend the Army intends to follow over the next few years, Murray said, to increase capabilities in the areas of fires, air defense, cyber, electronic warfare and the service's new Security Force Assistance Brigades. But aside from readiness, future modernization is quickly becoming a priority that can no longer be ignored, he said. "The Army has to have the ability to do both; we cannot afford to just fund readiness and not modernization and, specific to modernization, we can't just incrementally upgrade current systems," Murray said. "We also have to invest in new capabilities for the next battlefield because what we have today is good equipment, but it has just about reached the limits of its ability to be upgraded," he said. Last October, Under Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy launched a massive acquisition reform effort designed to streamline how the service develops new requirements and fields equipment. The Army will stand up a new Futures Command this summer that will oversee special cross-functional teams (CFTs) made up of members of requirements, technology development, acquisitions and operational communities. The CFTs will work to find new ways to rapidly develop and field new platforms in the Army's six modernization priorities -- long-range precision fires; next-generation combat vehicle; future vertical lift; a mobile and expeditionary network; air and missile defense capabilities; and soldier lethality, Army officials say. "The CFTs are meeting with the vice chief of staff and the under secretary, on most weeks, two to three times a week for direct oversight," Murray said. At the end of April, Army Secretary Mark Esper is scheduled to present the service's "comprehensive modernization strategy" to Congress, Murray said. The Army conducted "science and technology reviews last fall and moved $2.3 billion across two different reviews to align now 80 percent of our S&T portfolio against these six unique capability" areas, McCarthy said. As the Army nears its readiness goals, leaders plan to shift more money from readiness to modernization as officials prepare future budget program objective memorandums, or POMs, Murray said. "I have commitment from the secretary and the under secretary that, if we achieve that readiness rate, we will work the readiness accounts as we invest more into the modernization accounts," he said. "I won't give you a dollar figure, but it is pretty significant dollars we are working into the 2020 POM submission in support of the CFTs." -- Matthew Cox can be reached at Sammy Davis took some ribbing in the Army because he shared a name with the famous entertainer. Much later, long after his military days were over, he would again gain acclaim among his old comrades, this time as the "real" Forrest Gump. Davis enlisted in the Army directly out of high school in 1965. Volunteering for the artillery because his father had been an artilleryman in World War II, he was assigned to the 4th Artillery. Soon after completing training, he asked to be sent to Vietnam. Early on November 18, 1967, his unit of 11 guns and 42 men was helicoptered into an area west of Cai Lay to set up a forward fire-support base -- Firebase Cudgel -- for American infantrymen operating in the area. Shortly after midnight the next morning, Private First Class Davis's Battery C came under heavy mortar attack. Almost simultaneously, an estimated fifteen hundred Vietcong soldiers launched an intense ground assault, failing to overrun the Americans only because a river separated the two forces. Davis's squad was operating a 105 mm howitzer that fired eighteen thousand beehive darts in each shell. When he saw how close the enemy had come, Davis took over a machine gun and provided covering fire for his gun crew. But an enemy recoilless rifle round scored a direct hit on the howitzer, knocking the crew from the weapon and blowing Davis sideways into a foxhole. Convinced that the heavily outnumbered Americans couldn't survive the attack, he decided to fire off at least one round from the damaged artillery piece before being overrun. He struggled to his feet, rammed a shell into the gun, and fired point-blank at the Vietcong who were advancing five deep directly in front of the weapon; the beehive round cut them down. An enemy mortar round exploded nearby, knocking Davis to the ground, but he got up and kept firing the howitzer. When there were no more rounds left, he fired a white phosphorus shell, and then the last round he had -- a "propaganda shell" filled with leaflets. Sammy L. Davis, Private First Class, U.S. Army Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division (image 2003 by N At this point, he heard yelling from the other side of the river and realized that GIs had been cut off there. Despite the fact that he didn't know how to swim, he got in the water and paddled across on an air mattress from the American camp; other GIs followed him. Scrambling up the bank, he found three wounded soldiers, one of them suffering from a head wound that looked fatal. He gave them all morphine and provided covering fire as another GI helped the most gravely wounded soldier across the river, then pulled the other two through the water on the air mattress to the fire base. He eventually made his way to an American howitzer crew and resumed the fight. Sometime before dawn, he was seriously wounded in the back and buttocks by friendly fire. Sammy L. Davis receives his Medal of Honor (top), an image that would be repurposed for a similar moment in the movie Forrest Gu While he was in the hospital, Davis heard that he was to be sent home. He petitioned General William Westmoreland to be allowed to stay with his unit. Permission was granted, although Davis was still so hobbled by his wounds that he was taken off the line and made a cook. On November 19, 1968, exactly one year and one day after the nightlong firefight at Cai Lay, Davis received the Medal of Honor from President Lyndon Johnson. Years later, footage of LBJ putting the medal around Davis's neck appeared in the movie Forrest Gump (with Tom Hanks's head substituted for Davis's), and Gump's fictional Medal of Honor citation was loosely based on Davis's real one. More information: Sammy L. Davis website Stay on Top of Your Veteran Benefits Military benefits are always changing. Keep up with everything from pay to health care by subscribing to, and get access to up-to-date pay charts and more with all latest benefits delivered straight to your inbox. Telecom operator Aircel, which filed for bankruptcy last week, is exploring the possibility of a bid by the management. Aircel is also weighing the possibility of an interim financing deal approved by a proposed resolution professional to take care of the operational expenses till the bids come, according to a report in Business Standard. The operator also has another choice of convincing its key promoter Anand Krishnamurty of Maxis, which has already invested more than USD 7 billion in the India venture, to pay the interest overdue of Rs 3 billion so that it becomes eligible to bid. The top management was expected to go to Malaysia in a few days to discuss the plan of action as further investment in the company was unlikely, sources told the paper. Also read More than one lakh Aircel customers registered to join BSNL On January 25, the consortium of banks had cleared a restructuring plan asking the promoters to bring in fresh equity capital of Rs 26 billion while the banks would convert a portion of their loans into equity so that they had a 45 percent stake in Aircel while restructuring the rest. The Reserve Bank of India, however, abolished such debt restructuring schemes, forcing Aircel to take a new path. The company may offer value to big boys like Airtel or Jio as a low-end mobile services brand, a top Aircel executive told the paper. The operator has substantial presence in Tamil Nadu, followed by the North East, Assam and Kolkata. Aircel has a total debt of Rs 150 billion, of which 70 percent is with Indian banks. It also has to pay its vendors, many of whom have also filed recovery suits in courts. Considering the operational cost, the company is trying to hasten the resolution process. If we have to wait for 270 days, there will be no choice but to liquidate as customers would have left us and we of course wont have the money to pay for rental of towers or electricity and employees,'' a source told the paper. (Disclosure: Reliance Industries Ltd. is the sole beneficiary of Independent Media Trust which controls Network18 Media & Investments Ltd) Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today strongly supported Indian energy giant Adani's controversial 16.5 billion dollar coal mine in Queensland, saying the project has gone through extensive environmental permitting and should go ahead. Adani's Carmichael mine and rail project in the untapped Galilee Basin has been held up by lack of financing and a barrage of legal challenges by green groups concerned about climate change. Speaking at a business forum in Sydney, Turnbull said "This is a project that has gone through extensive environmental permitting both at the state level and federal level, mostly state." "All of those permitting has been done and it has taken a very long time...They (Adani) are entitled to develop it in accordance with those permits," Turnbull said. He accused Opposition leader Bill Shorten of being two faced and lacking conviction over the Adani coal mine, warning that his approach posed an "enormous threat" to jobs. Turnbull said Shorten had shown he was prepared to overthrow the project for the sake of winning a by-election in inner city Melbourne, despite declaring support for the project in Queensland. "And so when Bill Shorten goes up to Queensland and says 'Oh, I am in favour of the mines' and then goes down to Melbourne and says 'I am against it', you can see what a risk that is to jobs, to investment to the economic future and security of Australia, is completely two-faced," Turnbull said. Turnbull said Australia had high environmental standards and and if a project has cleared those then it should go ahead. When asked if the project was financially viable, Turnbull said it was a matter for the company to decide. He further said that Shorten's opposition to the Adani project will have a "chilling effect" on jobs and investment in Australia. "What Bill Shorten is doing is not just threatening that project, he's threatening every other project and he's threatening future projects," Turnbull said. "It will have a shocking, chilling effect on jobs and investment in Australia," he said. BSNL Office In Mumbai BSNL Ltd has introduced a set of new plans for its prepaid and postpaid segments in Assam, a senior company official said. Data mini packs for instant users, new unlimited voice STV (special tariff vouchers), enhanced free data limit/month, up to 60 per cent discount on postpaid rents are among some of the new plans, BSNL Assam Telecom Circle Circle Chief General Manager Sandeep Govil said. The new products are for both mobile and landline customers, he said. The company has also launched international Wi-Fi hot-spots for customers travelling abroad, through the 'My BSNL' app, at Rs 501 for 30 days, Govil said. IMA Ponzi scheme case: A multi-crore scheme run by Karnataka-based I-Monetary Advisory (IMA) and its group entities allegedly duped lakhs of people by promising higher returns using Islamic ways of investment. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is currently investigating the case and has filed at least three FIRs. (File image of the CBI headquarters) live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More The CBI questioned Managing Director of Simbhaoli Sugars Limited Gursimran Kaur Mann in connection with the alleged bank fraud of Rs 97.85 crore, officials said. The agency had called Mann, who was the Executive Director during the period when the alleged fraud was committed, to its headquarters here today where she was grilled on various aspects of the bank loan and alleged default causing a loss of Rs 110 crore to Oriental Bank of Commerce, they said. The CBI had registered a case against the sugar mill, its chairman Gurmit Singh Mann, the then (in 2015) Deputy Managing Director Gurpal Singh (now director) and others in connection with the alleged bank loan fraud case. Simbhaoli Sugars Limited is one of the largest sugar mills in the country. The then CFO Sanjay Tapriya, Gursimran Kaur Mann and five non-executive directors were also booked by the agency. The CBI had carried out searches at eight premises including residences of the directors, factory, corporate office and registered office of the company in Delhi, Hapur and Noida. The probe focuses on two loans Rs 97.85 crore which was declared fraud in 2015 and another corporate loan of Rs 110 crore which was used to repay the previous loan. The second loan was declared Non Performing Asset (NPA) on November 29, 2016, nearly 20 days after scrapping of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes was announced, according to the CBI FIR. The bank was allegedly cheated to the tune of Rs 97.85 crore, but the loss incurred by the bank was Rs 109.08 crore, the FIR read. The lender, Oriental Bank of Commerce, complained to the CBI on November 17, 2017, but the agency registered a case of criminal conspiracy and cheating under the Prevention of Corruption Act on February 22. According to the FIR, OBC sanctioned a loan of Rs 148.60 crore to the company in 2011. The loan was sanctioned for financing 5,762 sugarcane farmers based on a tie-up agreement under an RBI scheme for supplying sugar produce to the company from January 25, 2012 to March 13, 2012. The loan money was dishonestly and fraudulently diverted by the company for its own needs, the CBI alleged. The account turned NPA on March 31, 2015 and was declared alleged fraud by the bank to RBI on May 13, 2015 for an amount of Rs 97.85 crore. OBC alleged that in addition to the existing NPA, the bank, under multiple banking arrangements, sanctioned another corporate loan of Rs 110 crore to the company on January 28, 2015 to pay its outstanding loan of Rs 97.85 crore. business PMO officials to meet exporters: Sources According to sources, top officials from Prime Ministers Office (PMO) are set to meet exporters on Friday to discuss Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds delay. business Telugu Desam Party decides to leave NDA alliance Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has decided to leave National Democratic Alliance (NDA) as it is disappointed with Andhra Pradesh not being granted special status. The United Forum of Bank Employees Unions (UFBU) has decided to hold dharna in front of the Parliament on March 21 and has demanded a Joint Parliamentary Committee probe into the Punjab National Bank scam worth Rs 12,700 crore. People's money for people's welfare, not for private corporate loot, said the notice by the umbrella union UFBU which has the support of total nine unions under it. The dharna will go on from 10.30 am to 3 pm. Venkatachalam said the unions will be meeting FM Arun Jaitley after the dharna to submit their memorandum stating its demands and suggestions on the ongoing fraud. It has listed out demands to take tough action against those involved, connected and responsible for the fraud, not singling out lower level bank staff and harassment of bank employees, not exclude RBI's role from investigation and a thorough probe by Joint Parliamentary Committee. We have written to the Finance Minister, too, to ensure junior employees are not being made the scapegoat as if they alone are responsible for the fraud. They must bring back Nirav Modi and Mehul Chokshi to India and take criminal action against them," said CH Venkatchalam, general secretary of the All-India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA). He added that this incident is also being used unfairly to paint all Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in a bad light and has suggested a meeting of all stakeholders to reinstate the trust and confidence of the common public in general and banking clientele in particular. Also Read: PNB scam: Bank's business hit as clients await investigation reports On Monday, the Union withdrew the nationwide bank strike call on March 15, citing the present situation in the banking system following the massive fraud at PNB and the overall vitiated atmosphere in the sector. The fraud came to light in January and the Delhi-based public sector bank informed the stock exchanges on February 14 about the Rs 11,400 crore (later increased to Rs 12,700 crore) worth of scam involving diamond and jewellery merchants Nirav Modi and his uncle Mehul Chokshi, owner of Gitanjali Group. PNB has alleged that Modi and Chokshi connived with two bank officials to fraudulently receive Letters of Undertaking (LoUs) against which they sought loans at foreign branches of various other Indian banks since 2011. All of this went undetected as the online SWIFT messaging system, through which the LoUs were issued, were not linked to the bank's core banking solutions. The Bank Union forum has questioned the efficacy of the banks monitoring system saying, no one can hide the fact that there is gross negligence of control, supervision and monitoring as well as possibilities of complicity at various higher levels of management including the top PNB officials. They also demanded the ascertain the role of the RBI's monitoring and audit system saying one cannot absolve RBI for its failure to play its role and responsibilities which would have otherwise unearthed these irregularities much earlier, statement by the Union had said. Stepping up attack against the BJP government, the Congress alleged that bank frauds to the tune of Rs 54,317 crore had taken place under its watch and asked when Prime Minister Narendra Modi would speak up on the issue. "Fleece, flee and fly is the new mantra of fraudster under the Modi-led government's watch. Fraud, malfeasance, bank loot, cheating, swindling of banks and common people are getting unraveled every day," party communications in-charge Randeep Surjewala alleged. He said India demanded that the "prime minister switch from Neerav (silent) Modi i.e. 'Silent Modi' to 'Bol Modi', when that will happen". He claimed that information available through RTI on February 9, reflected that under the BJP government's watch, frauds and scams of Rs 19,317 crore were reported in India's economic capital-- Mumbai -- alone in last 3 years. The RTI reply stated that in 2015, scams worth Rs 5,560.66 crore were reported, in 2016, scams worth Rs 4,273.87 crore and in 2017, scams worth Rs 9,838.66 crore, he said. "What is even more astonishing is that 184 accused in these scams and frauds have escaped. Modi/Fadnavis governments appear to have given a one-way ticket to 'cheat and scoot'," he alleged. "Time to tell the people as to how many fraudsters have already left for foreign shores and tax heavens. Even more inexcusable is the fact that out of Rs 19,317 crore, a pittance of Rs 2.50 crore could be recovered," he claimed. The BJP, however, rejected the charge saying the frauds were committed during the Congress' regime and it could not absolve itself of "direct culpability, collusion and connivance in perpetrating these frauds". BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said, "This is a classic case of a thief making noise in the hope that no one notices the real thief." Seeking to turn the tables on the Congress, he alleged that some senior Congress leaders were either in jail or on bail and they could not mislead people with its lies. "The eight bank fraud cases totalling Rs 54,318 crore which the party referred to at a press conference were perpetrated by the Congress government," Rao alleged. "The manner in which procedures were flouted and the bank frauds were perpetrated clearly show the Congress' hand in these scandals," he claimed. Earlier, Surjewala had alleged, "Accused abscond, banks and people are 'abandoned' and complicit BJP government 'looks on'!" "'Fraud, malfeasance, bank loot, cheating and swindling of banks and common people are getting unravelled every day, as PM and FM are on an indefinite 'Maun Vrat' (vow of silence)," he alleged. Government is "committed" to bringing down fiscal deficit in the medium term, a finance ministry official told Reuters on Wednesday. The government in its budget last month announced a fiscal deficit target of 3.3 percent of the gross domestic product for 2018/19 fiscal year starting April, higher than its previous target of 3.0 percent. Besides, the government also expects Asia's third largest economy to grow at 8 percent in the next couple of years, the official said. India Economy India seeks status as a global power, the Pentagon's top intelligence chief told US lawmakers today, adding that as such New Delhi perceives its strategic forces as necessary elements to achieve that goal. India has put its first domestically built nuclear submarine, the INS Arihant, into service, and is set to take delivery of its second nuclear sub, the INS Arighat, in 2018, Lt Gen Robert Ashley, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. "New Delhi seeks status as a global power and perceives its strategic forces as necessary elements to achieve that goal," Ashley said. He said India continues to modernise its military to better posture itself to defend its interests at home and in the broader Indian Ocean region while reinforcing its diplomatic and economic outreach across Asia. "Continued exchange of heavy fire between Indian and Pakistani forces along the Line of Control poses a risk of inadvertent or gradual escalation of hostilities," he said. In 2017, the lengthy Dokalam standoff between Indian and Chinese forces along the Bhutan-China border heightened tension between India and China and prompted both sides to increase their forces near the Line of Actual Control, he added. We expect that both sides will maintain this elevated force posture along disputed border areas through the remainder of 2018, Ashley said. On Pakistan, he said Islamabad is likely to proceed with its counterinsurgency operations and border management efforts along its western border while sustaining counterterrorism and paramilitary operations throughout the country. These efforts have had some success in reducing violence from militant, sectarian, terrorist, and separatist groups, but Pakistan will look to the US and the Afghan government for support against anti-Pakistan fighters in Afghanistan, he added. "Pakistan is increasing its nuclear stockpile and developing tactical nuclear weapons and new ballistic missile systems. In January 2017, Pakistan conducted the first test launch of its nuclear-capable Ababeel ballistic missile, demonstrating South Asias first MIRV payload, and in early July, Pakistan demonstrated an expanded-range Nasr CRBM," Ashley said. He said Chinese military forces continue to develop capabilities to dissuade, deter, or defeat potential third party intervention during a large-scale theatre campaign, such as a Taiwan contingency. Chinas military modernisation plan includes the development of capabilities to conduct long-range attacks against adversary forces that might deploy or operate in the western Pacific Ocean. These capabilities, spanning the air, maritime, space, electromagnetic, and information domains, are most robust within the first island chain, but China is rapidly extending capabilities farther into the Pacific Ocean. According to Ashley, China's expanding global footprint and international interests are reflected in its Belt and Road Initiative of economic, commercial, and infrastructure projects in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. "Beijing's military modernisation programme is expanding in concert with this initiative to include investments and infrastructure to support a range of missions beyond China's periphery, including power projection, sea lane security, counterpiracy, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief," he said. China's most recent white papers and doctrinal writings emphasise the requirement for an army to be able to secure expanding Chinese national interests overseas, including a growing emphasis on the importance of the maritime domain, offensive air operations, long-distance mobility operations, space operations, and cyber-operations. "In August, following more than a year of construction, China officially opened a military base in Djibouti and deployed a company of marines and equipment to the facility. China probably will seek to establish additional military logistics facilities in countries with which it has longstanding, friendly relationships and similar strategic interests," he said. live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More India's 20-year deal on import of natural gas from the US would be a "milestone" in bilateral ties and go a long way in strengthening and reinforcing trade relations between the two countries, Consul General of India Anupam Ray has said here. State-owned gas utility GAIL India has contracted 3.5 million tonnes per annum of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass liquefaction facility in Louisiana. GAIL had signed a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with the US LNG exporter Cheniere Energy in December 2011. The SPA went into effect March 1. Under terms of the agreement, Cheniere will sell and make available for delivery to GAIL about 3.5 million tonnes a year of LNG. Amidst celebratory spirits, GAIL (India)'s first LNG consignment on ship 'Meridian Spirit' was flagged off by Ray yesterday at Ceniere Sabine Pass LNG terminal. "It is a milestone in India-US relations as American LNG for GAIL India is flagged off from US Gulf coast. The US has recently started exporting LNG and India is a major buyer. Win-win for both nations - a market for a major US industry and a reliable energy source for India," Ray said. "This long term agreement would go a long way in strengthening the relationship between GAIL and Cheniere and reinforcing India-US trade ties," he said. The ceremony was also attended by Cheniere CEO Jack Fusco and GAIL Chairman and Managing Director B C Tripathi. Various Texas Congressman appreciated the initiative and got on to their tweets. Congressman Ted Poe representing the second district of the of Texas tweeted that, " it is a great news for TX! India has contracted to buy $2 billion of US LNG annually for 10 yrs. Excellent for job creation in TX, & is a milestone in US-India economic relations". Congressman Pete Olson representing TX-22 in Congress tweeted, "Excited for liquid freedom more US LNG heading from Houston to India! Economic win for Texas and our ally India". Government think-tank Niti Aayog will hold consultations with the states on March 9 to discuss a mechanism for fixing minimum support price 50 per cent more than the cost of production, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said. The government in the Budget for 2018-19 last month announced that it will fix the MSP of Kharif 2019 crops at least 1.5 times than the cost of production. The agriculture minister last month had said that the Centre and Niti Aayog would hold deliberations with states to come out with a new mechanism to ensure that farmers get 1.5 times of the production cost of their crops. "Niti Aayog will hold a meeting with state governments on March 9 to discuss a mechanism to fix the MSP," Singh said on the sidelines of the Mahindra Samriddhi India Agri Awards 2018 today. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had said the government would take into account the actual input cost plus unpaid value of family labour while fixing the support price of crops at 50 per cent higher than the cost of production. On genetically modified (GM) crops, the minister said, "We are neither in favour nor against it. Without adopting GM crops, we have increased production of pulses and become almost self sufficient in it." Similar efforts would be made in oilseeds, he said, while responding to Delhi University's former Vice Chancellor Deepak Pental's comments on use of new technology. Pental was given the lifetime achievement award at the event. The minister said that the government is committed to the development of agriculture and therefore higher budget allocation has been made to the sector. The budget allocation has been Rs 2.11 lakh crore in the current NDA government as against Rs 1.21 lakh crore in the previous five years, he added. The public sector banks are at the crossroads. While the entire banking sector was stressed by the economic downturn till 2015 and court orders on coal and spectrum, NPAs of private banks are at 4.5 percent of their total loans while that of PSU banks are at 14 percent. The worst private bank NPA ratio is 7.8 percent; the worst PSU bank NPA ratio is 25 percent. The latest Nirav Modi fraud has also hit PSU banks much more than private banks. So is it a time to reimagine the ownership and management of PSU banks? In an special series, PSB 2.0 on CNBC-TV18, Bimal Jalan, Former Governor of RBI, and Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor spoke on whether we need to redesign public sector banks and if yes, how. Below is the verbatim transcript of the discussion. Q: Where is the problem, is it poor regulation by auditors and the regulator, is it indifference and lack of motivation in the management of public sector banks, what has gone wrong? Jalan: Public sector banks are part of government. So, there may be many problems in terms of execution, in the sense that the whole administrative structure in our country is multi-layered and so if you want to do something it requires a lot of permission and lots of movement of the files from one ministry to another ministry to somewhere else. So, the main issue is in terms of public sector banks being as part of government. Just as in terms of education or in terms of health or in terms of insurance, you want these services to be delivered. Not that public sector banks are not necessary, they are in my view an important instrument to outreach the people. You have private banks, they are very good and we are very proud of them but if you look at the outreach of the private sector banks, they would be much more limited than the outreach of the public sector banks. When we are talking about public sector, take it in a larger context that we are talking about delivery of banking services to the people. To come back to your main question that what is it that we can do to improve the functioning of the public sector banks, the main issue that we have to grapple with is that public sector banks which are spread all over - decentralisation. I am in favour of decentralisation of the process. Government should decide on policy. Priority sector lending or what the interest rate should be and so on and so forth, that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) decides, the two combination - the RBI and the government - they would decide what should be the policy, what should be the interest rate, what should be the outreach and so on and so forth. However the governance part, that is how a public sector bank should be run, that must be delegated and decentralised to an autonomous agency. We have Bank Board Bureau and so on and so forth but I would say that what we need to do is you think of public institutions like UPSC. If you look at UPSC, if you look at the election commission, they are public institutions and they deliver. The largest free and fair elections in human history is delivered by election commission. If you look at all our IAS, administrative system, it is through the UPSC. You ask yourself the question that why is it that we have institutions of this type, we have institutions of CAG type and they function very well because they don't have to report to the ministry. However what they do, they are accountable to the parliament. So, supposing if you took a look at the public sector banks and you have a banking bureau, you don't need the department of banking per se. Q: Do we need 70 percent of the banking sector to be dominated by these kind of banks, that is majority government owned banks? Should we look for a legislative change where by the government owns a smaller number of banks and some of them the government allows its stake to fall below 50 percent, so that administrative controls are reduced? Jalan: I think you have to first concentrate on the functioning of different public sector banks. I am supposing we have setup public sector banks in an area where the amount of business is very small, where the organisation is very difficult to have with top class bankers and so on and so forth, then the best thing to do is to close that bank for example. If something is not functioning, if something is not delivering what you have set it up to do, then close it and give the job to some other bank. Q: So, you would go to the extent of closing down some of the public sector banks will not be a bad idea? Jalan: If they are non-functional, if they are making large losses, if the fiscal cost that you are incurring is much larger than the benefit that you are getting from having that particular bank, then you can close it. Q: I spoke to Montek Singh Ahluwalia on the same topic and he was suggesting that government can have a big voice in the strategy of a bank even if it held for instance 30 percent, is that something that you would recommend? Jalan: I don't recommend but when you are talking about Montek Ahluwalia, he is a very thoughtful person and there can be different views. What I am trying to emphasize is that the main part that we have to try and tackle is relationship between what you might call ministries of the government and banks of the government. Q: You don't want the department of banking services, you would rather have something like the UPSC? Jalan: If you have the department of banking services, the department of banking services would be monitoring the progress of how the government money is being spent. The example of UPSC etc that I gave was that it is not the public sector part of the problem, it is what we are doing with a particular institution and making it function much better than what we are at the moment able to achieve. Q: What according to you is ailing the current system especially that big fraud of USD 2 billion that is dominating headlines, would you say that this is just a localised failure of checks and audits or would you say that it has been a more larger failure, that the RBI failed in its regulation, that auditors failed, is it a larger systemic problem? Jalan: This issue has been discussed and it is very distressing what has happened. We have to see exactly why it happened, how do you allow this kind of functioning of a bank over a period of 3-4 years. If there was some abrupt thing then you can say this happened and this was abrupt and we have handled it. However if this particular problem has been prevailing in a public sector bank for a long time then that should be tackled. If the officials and so on have been doing something then the board is responsible or the scrutiny audit etc there should be something which would reveal what is happening. It has nothing to do with public and non-public, it is the governance part as to why did this happen. Q: Whether it is the UPA or the NDA combinations, political parties have not encouraged, have not even entertained the idea of bringing governments stake below 51 percent in any of the banks. Do you think that this is going to be politically unsaleable? Jalan: I don't think it is politically unsaleable as long as these are government banks. If you decide supposing to lower the amount of holding, you can do it because it saves the shareholding of government and it has the money but it doesn't resolve the kind of issues that we have been discussing. Q: If we have to reduce the stake below 49 percent, first of all it cannot be governed by the Banking Companies Act. As Dr PJ Nayak had said we should probably move it to the Companies Act. If one does that then boards can be more independently appointed, they will reflect shareholding, there can be independent board members. Right now under Banking Companies Act, they are government officials who are board members. So, bringing down below 49 percent accompanied by banks moving to the Companies Act can mean complete reconstitution of the board, can mean competitive recruitment, can't it be more than just cosmetic change? Jalan: These are not inter-related. Supposing you have reduced it to 49 percent but it is upto the government to decide exactly what the governance system would be, it is still the majority holder. Q: You would still say that a legislative change is needed or would you not? Jalan: That can also be done, that is not a problem. You introduced Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act for example, that could have been done two years ago or three years ago or today. Today we have the great advantage of having a government in power with a majority. It is not like 1989 to 2014 when we had 9 separate governments with very short tenure and 20 parties getting together and forming a government. Today you have the opportunity to make fundamental reforms and I hope that will happen. Q: Let me start with the record of PSU banks appears to be getting worse. The NPAs of private banks as of Q3 ended December 31 was 4.5 percent of their total loans while that of PSU banks are at 14 percent. The worst private bank NPA ratio is 7.8, the worst PSU bank NPA ratio is 24 percent. To what would you attribute this rather difficult performance? Sanyal: This information you provided is well-known and well understood by both the policymakers and the regulator. This is a legacy in many ways of the previous government. We need to separate two issues that are now getting confused. One is the issue of outright fraud, which has been in the newspapers recently and nobody has covered themselves in glory on this. We need to look at the internal controls of the private sector banks. We need to look at the auditing mechanism and finally we also need to relook at the regulation process. All of that needs to be tightened. Q: I am not trying to make this an non-performing assets (NPA) discussion at all. The reason why I brought up those numbers was only to say that the banking system was the victim of the same economic slowdown, is subject to the same regulation by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and whether it is the coal scam or the spectrum decisions, it affected the entire sector but the public sector banks have come out looking worst even in the fraud issue, the public sector banks are coming out looking worse. Now is there something we have to tackle in terms of ownership governance management of public sector banks per se? Sanyal: I think the issue you are raising is that there is a moral hazard problem at multiple levels. Since you are hinting at it, is there a plan to privatise them in any immediate sense. So let me take that head on. So there is no immediate plan to privatise these banks. Having said that, it is understood this moral hazard issue that you have raised is a serious one and we need to tackle with it. There needs perhaps to be a wider public debate about this issue and not just about ownership, it is also about how the regulation of these things work and so on. So I think there needs to be an issue but as things stand, the issue is being handled whatever we do with these public sector banks, consolidation, differential growth strategies, narrow banking and so on perhaps even in some cases privatising, whatever it is, their current immediate effort is the following, one is to tighten up the regulation supervision of these entities in order to control for all these fraud that you have mentioned. The second issue and I keep emphasizing this is that we have this legacy NPA issue for a long time and we have finally recognised the problem and we are thanks to this Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) process, which you mentioned has been a successful at least so far - we now need to make sure that the last leg of that gets carried through, which mean that we have to pay attention to the auctioning and the resolution process which as I said, is now boiling up. So we are in the last leg of it, we need to nail it down and make it work. So this is a critical thing afterwards we can get into all these other things. This is an issue that is live and we need to make it work. Q: I am not at all denying that that problem is being tackled and tackled very well but should we not start a discussion whether a governments stake needs to be brought down not privatised below 50 percent, which will enable these banks to recruit competitively, reduce administrative layers and therefore quick decision-making? Sanyal: So as I said if you are asking me should there be a debate about it, absolutely. There should always be a debate about these things, that is how you keep public policy accountable. If there is anybody who is an advocate of feedback based governance then I am it but let me also add here that let me also give you the other side of it, the public sector banks do play many other roles which cannot be measured in purely profitability terms, there are social, inclusion issues, there are issues for example when you did that demonetisation this is not about whether demonetisation worked or not that is a separate debate but when you want to do something like demonetisation public sector banks are the key way you carry it out. You want to have Jan-Dhan Yojna and these kind of things, social inclusion things, again public sector comes on board when you want to go into areas where there is no banking and spread banking. So there are some roles that public sector banks do play, which private sector isnt burdened with. Q: A small finance banks and microfinance are doing a reasonable jobs in pockets I agree on rural lending. The rule currently also is that for every three branches in a bank sector, every bank, not just public sector even private sector banks have to open a branch in an unbanked area. There are many ways in which the government has proceeded in inclusive therefore, will you advice the government to seriously consider bringing down ownership? Sanyal: First of all, there are various ways of achieving even if we decide that 70 percent is way too much for the government to own, there are several ways of achieving this, one of them is of course this can happen organically that is the more efficient private sector banks or foreign banks or whoever they are or even non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) for that matter grow faster than these public sector banks, some of them which are under now being the RBI is directly managing them as you may know currently they essentially be restricted to something of narrow banking. So their growth will be restricted and so on. So there can be one way of going about it is organically let one side grows just by virtue of being a profitable efficient etc and this balancing or rebalancing happens. So that is one way of achieving it. For example, our corporate bond market needs to grow. It has grown but it is still quite very lightweight and here the point is we could seriously begin to think about the frameworks required for it. One obvious one where incidentally the government should begin to pay some attention is to create a much more liquid risk-free yield curve then there will be issue of nationalised and not nationalised. They have for example the old nationalised bank but then you have IDBI which is a government owned but not considered a nationalised bank because it functions under a different act. So there is a variety of many options. So all of these options should be debated and the government should consider them and act on them as things go. Q: Will IDBI be an experiment for the government? Sanyal: I am not in a position to comment. My point is a very simply this that there are many options and combinations permutations of things that need to be done and can be done. It is not like only one or the other. There are many shades of grey in this and it is a combination of these that could be looked at. Q: I brought up IDBI because the government itself both Arun Jaitley and earlier Jayant Sinha have spoken about IDBI being an experimentation. Sanyal: I am not in a position to make any announcement of this issue but I am just pointing out to you that there are large options and some combination will be carried out. Q: Is it at all possible that the government will consider bringing down the stake in any of the public sector banks? Sanyal: This is, as I said, not something we are looking to do immediately. I think the finance minister had also made a comment to that effect but as I said, a public debate on the matter is always welcome and we are a feedback based government. If and when the public debate throws up various interesting options, they will be considered. Q: But why the resistance you think that it is the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) formation or the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) formation, there is tremendous resistance to reducing government stake? Two things one is this the right time to do it when there are much more pressing and immediate issue. Two even if you want to do it, you have to first clean up the mess and get this train back on the rails before having the wider debate and yes, there needs to be a wider debate perhaps but that debate need not wait while we are cleaning up and getting this system going again. Flipkart After losing high-spending urban online shoppers to its main rival Amazon in the recent past, Flipkart is introducing a series of new initiatives to woo back customers is the Indian metro cities, to reclaim lost ground. Flipkart is widening its selection of brands & goods and ensuring faster deliveries to customers, in order to attract customer base in tier 2 cities. It plans to achieve this using the war chest of USD 4 billion it had raised from chief investors such as Japans SoftBank and Chinas Tencent last year, reported Economic Times. In an interview with ET, Kalyan Krishnamurthy, CEO of Flipkart, said, Two-thirds of the incremental GMV (gross merchandise value) in the next 6-7 years is going to be driven by the tier-2 markets. But that doesnt mean the other one-third doesnt matter. It matters. He added the company has added 30-40 points of growth in the metro cities, in the past 8 months. We were not the strongest there, we were going very slowly. But in the past 8 months, we really have ramped up. According to its estimates, Flipkarts business grew at 85 percent year-on-year in terms of gross merchandise volume during April-September 2017, including the festive sales. This is almost 13 percent more than Amazons registered growth in the September 2017 quarter in terms of gross merchandise volume. Being an Indian player, many experts studying the e-commerce markets suggest Flipkart may have a slight edge over Amazon. Till 2015, Flipkart had a lead over Amazon in business. Redseer data quoted in the report says 2017 added 10 million shoppers in India and 19 million are expected to be added in 2018. 2. General Electric | Market Cap: USD 348.5 billion | Industry: Oil live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More Multinational conglomerate General Electric (GE) may reduce the number of its suppliers in India to about 150 from the existing 300 within three years as part of an ongoing exercise, reported Mint. Having begun a supplier consolidation last year, we will aggressively continue it over the next three years to scale up with our strategic (supplier) partners and drive more volumes to get the best outcomes, Amit Kumar, vice-president, global supply chain, GE South Asia and Asean told the paper. Kumar explained that the company has acquired many industrial businesses in India over the past five years as a result of which new suppliers came in. Now, however, the company wants to ensure that there is not more than 10 suppliers for the same product as none of them is operating at a large scale and gaining significant volume growth from GE. Suppliers who do not meet the industrial manufacturing giants expectations of cost-quality integrity and fulfilment excellence will also be dropped. "We are a project-based business; so, we dont always need the same kind of components. A significant portion of the solutions we provide is driven by customer designs, which are redesigned often. Therefore, we need suppliers who can quickly adapt at the lowest cost," Kumar added. GE has a supply chain footprint in India that is worth close to USD 4.2 billion in raw materials and finished products, Kumar said. Nearly 60 percent of the output goes to the 20 Indian factories for industrial projects in the sectors of transportation, oil and gas, power, aviation and healthcare, while the rest goes to its American and European facilities. Kumar told the paper that supplier consolidation will help the company reach a target of USD 4 billion in terms of raw materials over the next three years. The overall supply chain footprint in the country is expected to reach close to USD 7 billion during the same time frame, he added. GE is planning to invest over USD 500 million in the next two years to a build a greenfield facility in Hyderabad to manufacture CFM International LEAP engine components in a collaboration with Tata Advanced Systems. In the span of past three years, GE has invested neary USD 400 million to enhance supply chain capabilities, with close to USD 250 million invested in the companys lean and digital multi-modal facility at Chakan near Pune, which serves all of GEs India business. A diesel locomotive manufacturing facility was also set up in Marhowra district, Bihar, as well as maintenance sheds were built at Bathinda in Punjab and Gandhidham in Gujarat to cater to a USD 2.6 billion Indian Railways order won at the end of 2015. Kumar added that the company is also making significant investments to participate in the governments USD 6-10 billion programme to source military aircraft and engines locally and increase overall localisation. The other IPO which also received huge responses were Happiest Minds Technologies and Chemcon Speciality Chemicals, which was subscribed 150.98 times and 149.3 times respectively. Interestingly, both these stocks have seen bumper listing gained over 100 percent. Let's see how the IPO subscription and listing happened in 2020 so far, considered only IPOs issue size over Rs 100 crore. Defence public sector company Bharat Dynamics today said it has fixed the price band between Rs 413 and Rs 428 per equity share for its initial public offer (IPO) to raise around Rs 960 crore. The issue will open on March 13 and close on March 15. The government will sell a total of 22,451,953 shares of Bharat Dynamics, diluting its stake by about 12 per cent. SBI Capital Markets, IDBI Capital Markets and Securities and Yes Securities will manage the public issue. Bharat Dynamics is engaged in the manufacture of surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), underwater weapon launchers, counter measures and test equipment for the defence sector. "We primarily cater to the requirements of the Indian armed forces. Our objective is to enhance our market position by expanding our capabilities, capitalising on opportunities both in domestic and international markets. We believe our continuous investment in infrastructure in terms of our upcoming manufacturing facilities at Ibrahimapatnam in Telangana and Amravati will enable us to cater to the growing demand of our customers," BDL chairman and managing director V Udaya Bhaskar told reporters here. The company's proposed Ibrahimapatnam and Amravati manufacturing facilities will be utilised to manufacture new generation of SAMs and ATGMs, respectively. It also intend to automate production systems at its manufacturing facility in Hyderabad to increase the production of SAMs, according to Bhaskar. "We are also in the process of establishing a test fire range in Rachakonda, Telangana which will result in operational advantages and cost efficiencies. The company will also focus on R&D," he said. The company has established the missile development group with the objective to design and develop missiles. It has also established various technological labs such as RF labs, laser labs, aerodynamic labs and seeker labs to develop seeker technologies. The Cabinet in April last year had cleared the disinvestment of four public sector units, including Bharat Dynamics and Mishra Dhatu Nigam, under the defence ministry. Tata Steel live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More Two of the high profile auctions under National Company Law Tribunal took a definite step towards culmination on Wednesday. While Tata Steels bid was formally identified as the highest evaluated compliant resolution for Bhushan Steel, Liberty House was chosen as the preferred H1 bidder for Amtek Auto. In an announcement to BSE, Tata Steel said it has received a formal communication from the resolution professional of Bhushan Steel that it has been identified as the highest evaluated compliant resolution applicant to acquire stake of BSL under the corporate insolvency resolution process, or CIRP, of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). This followed a meeting of Bhushan Steels Committee of Creditors (CoC) who took the decision in favour of the Tata group company, on March 6. The company is now in talks with the resolution professional and the CoC on the final resolution plan for Bhushan Steel, which owes banks Rs 45,000 crore. Tata Steel had emerged as the highest bidder for Bhushan Steel, with a bid of Rs 35,000 crore, with JSW Steel finishing second with a bid of Rs 29,700 crore. Bhushan Steel has an annual production capacity of 5.6 million tons, and will add significantly to Tata Steels 13 million tons. This will make Tata Steel the largest steel maker in India, overtaking JSW Steel, at least for the time being. The Sajjan Jindal-led company has a capacity of 18 million tons a year. It has emerged as the highest bidder for Monnet Ispat, which has a capacity of 1.5 million tons. Both Tata Steel and JSW Steel are also in the race for Bhushan Power & Steel, which has a capacity of 3 million tons a year. Although Tata Steels bid has emerged as the highest, it faces competition from Liberty House, which has appealed to the NCLT that its bid, which was rejected, should be considered. Liberty Houses maiden presence With todays development, Liberty House is poised to make its maiden manufacturing presence in India. The company is part of the USD 10 billion GFG Alliance and is owned by Sanjeev Gupta, a British industrialist of Indian origin. Liberty House, part of Sanjeev Gupta's global industrial group GFG Alliance, is set to make a dramatic entry into India after being chosen as preferred H1 bidder for Amtek Auto Pvt Ltd assets which include 35 automotive component plants across India, Japan, Thailand and Spain, employing some 6,000 people, the company said in a statement. The announcement of Liberty as the successful preferred bidder was made in the committee of creditors meeting held on March 6 and was confirmed by the resolution professional on March 7. This is a very proud moment for GFG and for my family. We are very excited about this opportunity to restore a great Indian business to its rightful position and add a major new asset portfolio to our international network, said Gupta, Executive Chairman of GFG. This business will be the cornerstone of our strategy to bring GREENMETAL to India and expand our footprint in the automotive sector worldwide. We look forward to working closely with the high calibre customer base Amtek Auto enjoys. We are very pleased to be able to secure the jobs of 6000 workers and welcome them to the global GFG family, he added. Amtek Auto had accumulated loans of Rs 12,500 crore. Apart from Liberty House, American hedge fund Deccan Value had also bid for the company. "Liberty team will now aim to meet with all the key customers and employees to thank them for their support to the business in these difficult times and ask them to partner in Libertys vision of achieving transformational turnaround," said Dr Douglas Dawson, Chief Executive of Liberty Industries Group. JLR live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More Tata Motors-owned Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) today reported 2.6 per cent decline in global sales at 39,911 units in February. Sales of Jaguar brand of vehicles in February were at 11,565 units, a fall of 5.2 per cent, the company said in a statement. Land Rover range posted sales of 28,346 units in the month, down 1.5 per cent, it added. The company said retail sales of 39,911 Jaguars and Land Rovers in February were 2.6 per cent down on "the previous years all-time high". "Solid demand in China (up 3.3 per cent) and other overseas markets (up 1.5 per cent ) was offset by lower sales in the UK (down 15.2 per cent for the month) and Europe (down 6.9 per cent) , where trading conditions remained challenging. Jaguar Land Rover Group Sales Operations Director Andy Goss said the company is "continuing to see weaker market conditions in Europe and the UK in particular largely reflecting diesel uncertainty". The big story this morning remains the global landscape. White House Chief Economic Advisor Gary Cohn has resigned from President Trump's Administration over the issue of import tariffs. As well in news overnight, North Korea had said it was open to talks with the US on denuclearisation. In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Arvind Sanger, Managing Partner at Geosphere Capital Management shared his views and outlook on the same. India has its own challenges. The global situation has gotten a lot less favourable and that too is causing a little bit of a pause in the liquidity flow that has been coming in domestic market, he said. Indian earnings recovery and the economic recovery seems to be finally starting to move in the right direction with all of the challenges in the last 12-15 months now in the rear view mirror but global liquidity is the problem and India backing situation keeps dragging out and now we are fundamentally more optimistic about India including the bad loan situation, he added. Road and infrastructure sector is where we would continue to see more action, said Sanger. We own some of the non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that have continued to do well. We owned one of the private sector banks that is in trouble. My sense is that this whole Punjab National Bank (PNB) situation will not drag the banking sector down. I am not rushing in and buying public sector undertaking (PSU) banks, he further mentioned. Below is the verbatim transcript of the interview. Latha: There may be good and bad news globally but India continues to fall, do you think that there is more reason for the markets to fall or they fall enough? A: I think India has its own challenges and obviously you were talking a few minutes ago about the bank situation and that seems to have become the anchor that is driving the market lower but the global situation has gotten a lot less favourable and that too is causing a little bit of a pause in the liquidity flow that has been coming to the domestic market. So global investors are nervous about global cues. If global trade war is going to break out and investment in global markets becomes less desirable or more dangerous and therefore, investors are pulling back a little bit from that and then India itself is seeing some challenges. Although, it is ironic that the Indian earnings recovery and the economic recovery seems to be finally starting to move in the right direction with all of the challenges in the last 12-15 months now in the rear view mirror but global liquidity is the problem and India banking situation keeps dragging out and I think we are fundamentally more optimistic about India including the bad loan situation, but the political situation in India also notwithstanding the north-east results is going to be challenging this year because of the concerns about what the tea-leaves are reading for the 2019 Lok Sabha election. So I think those are some of the reasons why the markets are probably even in India are not likely to see any kind of a V-shaped recovery and likely to remain somewhat rangebound. Anuj: From the index point of view, the problem is that some of the urban consumption stocks and some of the financials have the highest weight in the index and they have led the market rally. So this year do you think the portfolio focus should be completely different, more towards rural stocks, more towards agricultural stocks? A: I think rural and agricultural is an easy macro call to make but I think there are other areas. Clearly, the road and infrastructure sector is an area where we could continue to see more action the Bharatmala scheme and you have a lot of stuff going on in terms of urban infrastructure, metros and what have you as well as potentially a lot going on in the affordable housing. So there are areas. So I think even some of the NBFCs are focusing on the affordable housing as well as other infrastructure could benefit. I think the cyclical recovery as it broadens out, there are many opportunities that are going to come to the front from a fundamental standpoint. I think the macro risks both on the India political front and on the global macro front are going to be a headwind but on the other hand, I think the earnings fundamentals are likely to be more broad based in the recovery sense and even the IT sector, which has been under a cloud, looks like might start to see some signs of stabilisation and recovery. That could be another area that could continue to rebound from here. Sonia: You mentioned that you dont expect a V-shaped recovery for the Indian markets anytime soon but do you believe that this is still a bull market correction or have we entered into a bear market phase now? A: I think it is a bull market correction but the problem with bull market correction is they can be very short in duration or they can be somewhat dragged out - the previous highs might take a couple of quarters. My view would be it is more the latter than the former. But in the end, we are looking for individual stocks that we should buy and we are looking for big sell-offs coming out in some of the stocks that we have our eye on and they can be in a variety of sectors. Some of the market leaders are going to have challenges and that could provide a bit of a headwind for the index to go back very quickly. Latha: At the moment what is your sense? Having fallen 1,000 points from the all-time highs, is it attractive? Are you a buyer right now? A: I am a buyer of individual stocks and I am finding one-two stocks that have gone to our levels. There are others that are still a little further away. So the market in our opinion has not done chopping around in terms of a trading range and our goal is not to be we are not worried that the market is going to run away from us. We are being somewhat patient in putting money into it but we are starting to put money into it. Anuj: Are you a buyer in PNB or any other public sector undertaking (PSU) bank? A: We did buy one PSU bank but it was luckily a small size. On the other hand, we own some of the NBFCs that continue to do well although we have pulled back a little bit. We have owned one of the private sector bank that is in trouble but I think Axis Bank, ICICI Bank concerns with the two CEOs getting called in terms of the PNB enquiry is a bit of an overreaction. My sense is that this whole PNB situation will not drag the banking sector down and the way that the whole non-performing assets (NPA) situation has, this is a one of clearly a failure for PSU bank but I am not rushing in and buying PSU banks but I am looking at some of the private sector banks that have lagged and looking at opportunities. Latha: I wanted to also get your view on this Gary Cohn issue. Can the entire protectionism lead into any unravelling in global markets at all? Both Europe despite what happened in Italy and the US market, Wall Street, have not reacted all that negatively. It was a one day reaction. A: I am really nervous about global markets because I think what President Trump is doing is playing with fire and he thinks that by threatening other countries, others will back down. However, there is a political dynamic to this; threatening countries and asking them to back down is that the other countries get their backs up. What that can end up resulting in is a global unravelling of what has been a multi decade growth in global trade. If you do get a tit-for-tat tariffs and that escalates and Europeans put tariff on some US products and then US retaliates by putting tariffs on European car imports as President Trump has threatened, I think the risks here are really high. Gary Cohn was one of the most prominent voices speaking in favour of global engagement, global trade, and not doing anything to hurt that, and his departure in my opinion raises the risks of miscalculation on both sides and most probably on the US governments side, leads to a trade war and I think that would be hugely negative for global markets because we have had a three or four decade growth in global trade and fall in interest rates if you look at a long cycle. So, both might be turning on a long term basis from historic lows in interest rates and historic kind of high levels of global trade could be turning negative and if that turns out to be the case, then the market is going to face greater headwinds than frankly what is so far a modest correction. Anuj: As they say, there are no winners in trade wars; in that case, if this escalates, could this be case where everything is down, commodities are down, exporters are down, even commodity consuming companies are down, could it be that kind of year if this escalates? A: Yes, all sectors could bear a hurt but the biggest high flyers have been technology stocks. Now technology stocks in many cases are also global companies and I would not expect in any global stocks to be left unscathed in a global trade war. I think unfortunately one of the realities and yes so I think commodity sector would not be immune to that. However, commodity sector is not what have led this market higher and so far we have not seen China retaliate yet. China has been playing somewhat the adult in the room as compared to the US in trade and unfortunately President Trump seems to have this long held belief, going back 30 years if you look at this own interviews, that somehow trade deficit means somebody else is taking advantage of you. Therefore, the risk is with that deep held belief that he is going to continue to escalate this. Therefore if China joins in terms of retaliation, and Europe joins in term of retaliation, the risks are that certainly commodity sector, but other sector could get dragged down. Latha: We always imagine this kind of an unravelling, even when Brexit happened, that all of Europe will unravel. Politicians are not so stupid, will they wait for that, will they not take damage control steps, is there a case to buy this dip? A: Remember Brexit was a bunch of voters who were upset about things and made the decision, but the leadership of that time and subsequent leadership of the UK government and all the other governments who have been trying to minimize the effect of dislocation on trade, the problem you have in the US is that the leader of the US believes that free trade is bad. That is the first major leader. Brexit was a bottom up kind of a protest but the leaders were more sane and adult if I may call it that. Here you have a US President who is behaving like the chief bomb thrower and that I think is highly destabilising and that is the problem. It is not just the voters saying it, but it is the President saying it and that is what makes it so dangerous. Sonia: I just had one question on how to approach the Indian markets now in terms of largecaps and midcaps because the correction in the midcap space has been really brutal so far. Do you think for the rest of the year or at least for major chunk of this year, it is better to stick to largecap or would you still delve into some of the non-index largecaps for the midcap variety? A: I think at the end of the day good companies are good companies but I think you make an excellent point. Some of the midcap valuations have gotten so extreme that I think one of the risks remains that in the selloff, the midcap correction could be much larger and although there might be a long term story in many of the midcaps, if you are going to play the rural plays, you are going to play some of the other plays that you are talking about. There are not too many largecaps that give you exposure there, but I think if the risk is that the broader market is going to remain challenge and could go down, then some of the safer bets could be some of the largecaps which will get sold off less because either the valuations are less stretched or there is less hot money to come out in those names. So, I think in that sense, largecaps would be better defensive stocks to own until we get a better sense that the market liquidity and I think one of the thing we have to watch is how to see Indian liquidity which has been one way street, how does that deal with this volatility and we have already seen some flow slowdown dramatically. So it will be interesting to watch that but that is one of the risk factors we are keeping an eye on. We recommend sticking to private banks i.e. if one wants to invest in the banking space. We remain positive on the agri/ rural plays, consumption themes, housing theme as well as the infrastructure space, Nitasha Shankar, Sr. Vice President and Head of Research at YES Securities (I) Ltd., said in an interview to Moneycontrol's Kshitij Anand. Q) The Nifty50 index slipped below its crucial support levels this week fuelling concerns of a bear phase in the market which was hitting record highs just a month back. What is your call on markets? A) The selloff by foreign investors (FIIs) that we have witnessed in the recent past is expected to be offset by the liquidity flows into equities from the domestic household savings. We believe that as long as this remains strong, volatility should remain curbed to a large extent. However, given the high expectations from the earnings as gauged by the higher multiples that the markets are garnering as well as the many state elections lined up this year; we expect 2018 to be fairly volatile. The year will not be anything like 2017, where we saw a run up across the board. A stock specific approach is the way to go. Q) The US Fed is scheduled to hold its 2-day policy meet later in the month. Do you see that uncertainty weighing on the markets? A) Yes, in the short term, global cues and their impact on liquidity will make Indian market volatile. However, given the strong long-term fundamentals of India, markets should bounce back quickly. Q) What should be the right strategy for investors right now sit on cash and wait for a dip or deploy cash incrementally throughout the year? A) Deploying cash incrementally should be the way to go, especially considering this year the market will remain fairly volatile. Q) What should be the ideal strategy for investors in terms of sectors? Do you think PSU banks are a good buy at current levels? What are the sector which you think are likely to show momentum in the year 2018? A) A good way to have sector-wise allocation would be to mimic the benchmark indices such as the Nifty 50 or the BSE 100 or 200 indices. As attractive as PSU banks may seem, we would recommend sticking to private banks i.e. if one wants to invest in the banking space. We remain positive on the agri/ rural plays, consumption themes, housing theme as well as the infrastructure space. Q) What is your advise to investors who want to put Rs10 Lakh into markets? He is in the age bracket of 35-40 years. He/she is looking at forming a portfolio with direct equities, MFs, a part of fixed income as well? A) A lot more information would be required (such as already existing investment and savings profile, the lifestyle of the investor, the risk appetite, his knowledge on equity investing) to answer such a question. Let us go with the assumption that the candidate mentioned above has no savings, we would recommend a staggered approach towards investing in equities rather than investing all the amount in one go. By the end of one year, the investor should have at least 30-40% of his money in fixed income and the balance split between MFs and equities (direct). Q) What will happen in the banking space given the fact that the cost of borrowing is inching higher. The RBI might keep rates on hold in its next policy but may raise rates in 2018? A) While banks will look to pass on the prices, keeping a gauge on the asset quality will be critical. Sensex_Nifty The Nifty, which started on a muted note, failed to recoup losses and extended its decline, falling to below-10,200 levels and making a strong bearish candle on the daily charts on Wednesday. The index closed near its intraday low, which is not a good sign for the bulls, but experts feel that the index could form a short-term button soon as it emerges near its 200-days exponential moving average (DEMA) placed around 10,128. The Nifty formed a bearish candle for the sixth consecutive day in a row and analysts feel that it will be hard for the index to breach the 200-DEMA in a hurry. The index, which opened at 10,232, rose marginally to hit an intraday high of 10,243. But, bears took control of the index and pulled the index lower towards 10,150 to hit its intraday low of 10,141. It closed 95 points lower at 10,154. The Nifty extended its downswing as it registered one more bearish candle for 6th session in a row. In this process, it also almost tested its 200 Day Simple Moving Average. As directional move emerged in Tuesdays trading session with the breakdown of trading range below 10,300 levels this correction should ideally get extended towards 10,000 kind of levels to meet pattern targets, Mazhar Mohammad, Chief Strategist Technical Research & Trading Advisory, told Moneycontrol. However, in between around 10,100 levels confluence of supports are emerging accompanied with oversold levels for the market. Hence, somewhere between 10,100 10,000 levels market should post short-term bottom in next couple of trading sessions, he said. Mohammad further said that the real strength in the index on upsides will emerge only on a close above 10,450 levels but there is good technical reasons for markets to post a short-term bottom in the zone of 10,100 9,983 levels. India VIX fell down by 3.26 percent to 15.71 and a decline in volatility, even after new lows in the index, suggests that 200 DEMA and psychological 10,000 zones could arrest the immediate fall in the market. We have collated the top 15 data points to help you spot profitable trade: Key support and resistance level for Nifty: The Nifty closed at 10,154.2. According to Pivot charts, the key support level is placed at 10,116.03, followed by 10,077.87. If the index starts to move higher, key resistance levels to watch out are 10,217.83 and 10,281.47. Nifty Bank: The Nifty Bank closed at 24,134.1. Important Pivot level, which will act as crucial support for the index, is placed at 24,029.47, followed by 23,924.84. On the upside, key resistance levels are placed at 24,306.07, followed by 24,478.04. Call Options Data: In open interest, 10,600 has seen most call writing at 51.37 lakh contracts. This could act as a crucial resistance level for the index in the March series. The second-highest build-up has taken place at strike price 10,500, which has seen 49.37 lakh contracts and 10,400 strike price has accumulated 38.38 lakh contracts in open interest. Call writing was seen at a strike price of 10,200, which saw the addition of 15.24 lakh contracts, followed by 10,600, which added 12.94 lakh contracts and 10,300, which added 5.34 lakh contracts. Call unwinding was seen at the strike price 10,700, which shed 7.75 lakh contracts. Put Options Data: Maximum put open interest of 40.83 lakh contracts was seen at strike price 10,000, which will act as a crucial base for the index in March series; followed by 10,200, which now holds 33.12 lakh contracts and 10,400 which has now accumulated 26.92 lakh contracts in open interest. Put Writing was seen at the strike price of 10,100, which saw addition of 3.82 lakh contracts, along with 10,000, which added 3.70 lakh contracts and 10,200, which added 3.23 lakh contracts. Put unwinding was seen at the strike price of 10,400, which shed 7.5 lakh contracts, followed by 10,300, which shed 4.1 lakh contracts and 10,500, which shed 3.81 lakh contracts. FII & DII Data: Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) sold shares worth Rs 719.78 crore, while domestic institutional investors bought shares worth Rs 409.34 crore in the Indian equity market, as per provisional data available on the NSE. Fund Flow Picture: Stocks with high delivery percentage: High delivery percentage suggests that investors are accepting the delivery of the stock, which means that investors are bullish on it. 12 stocks saw long build-up: 32 stocks saw short covering: A decrease in open interest along with an increase in price mostly indicates short covering. 75 stocks saw short build-up: An increase in open interest along with a decrease in price mostly indicates short positions being built up. 37 stocks saw long unwinding: Long unwinding happens when there is a decrease in OI as well as in price. Bulk Deals: Teamlease Services Ltd.: HDFC Trustee Co. Ltd. - HDFC Prudence Fund sold 6,00,168 shares at Rs 2150.02 per share GSS Infotech Limited: Bipin Chinubhai Shah sold 3,00,000 shares at Rs 56.25 per share CKP Leisure Limited : Brisk Capital Market Services Limited bought 4,76,000 shares at Rs 29.61 per share (For more bulk deals click here) Analyst or Board Meet/Briefings: Yes Bank: Multiple investors, including big names such as Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC, Franklin Templeton, DSP Blackrock, among others, met the management on March 6, 2018. Voltas: SBI CAP, Investec, Enam, Dalal & Broacha, ASK Investment Managers, Stewart Investors, Taiyo Pacific Partners will meet the management on March 8 and March 21, 2018. Stocks in news: Strides Shasun to launch Ranitidine 75mg OTC Tablets. The drug is used to treat peptic ulcers of stomach and intestine. Sun Pharma's Paonta Sahib unit gets good manufacturing certificate from Dutch regulator JSW Steel says it has not signed any MoU W.r.t. acquisition Of Italy's Aferpi SBI Worried About Its Loan To Given To Adani, Tata Power Projs, power minister said. CCI Penalises 3 Airlines, Jet Airways, IndiGo and SpiceJet for concerted action in fixing fuel surcharge on cargo transport. TeamLease Services increase in limit of investment by FPI from 24%-75% Hero Motocorp launch of new super splendor, it will further consolidate company's 55% market share in 125cc segment Pidilite Industries entered into collaboration with worldwide leading supplier of Industrial Adhesives Jowat SE, German based family owned enterprise for exclusive handling of sales in IndiaTechnical Collaboration In Hot Melt Adhesive Products NITCO board approved to issue Non convertible preference share and debenturesIssued equity to JMFARC Tata Steel identified as the highest evaluated compliant resolution applicant for acquisition of Bhushan Steel Torrent Power announced as winner by Maharashtra state board for wind power project under Reverse E-Auction Marico sold investment made in Bellezimo Professionale Products Private Limited Bharti Airtel board meeting on March 12, 2018 to decide on raising fund through NCD, Bonds or similar debt instrument MRSS board meeting on March 16, 2018 to consider migration from BSE SME to BSE mainboard Alembic board meeting to consider buyback of shares to be held on March 12, 2018 SBI - RBI imposed penalty Rs 40 lakh on account of non compliance L&T Finance - Issue of QIP for Rs 1000cr. Issuance of shares to promoter entity amounting to Rs. 2000cr Shree Pushkar - HC gave dismissal order for the suit filed in the case of Huntsman lnternational Pvt ltd Vs. Abiss Textile Solutions ltd (Promoter company) Gayatri Projects board meeting on March 12, 2018 for issue of shares through QIP Sanghi Industries approved issue of NCD amounting to Rs. 256cr Coal India board meeting to be on March 10, 2018 for consideration of interim dividend 4 stocks under ban period on NSE Security in ban period for the next trade date under the F&O segment includes companies in which the security has crossed 95 percent of the market-wide position limit. Securities which are banned for trading include names such as DHFL, HDIL, IDBI and Oriental Bank of Commerce. By Satish Gupta of Todays planetary position: Moon will be transiting in Libra. Jupiter in Libra. Mars in Scorpio. Lord Saturn in Sagittarius. Ketu in Capricorn. Sun in Aquarius. Mercury & Venus in Pisces. Lord Rahu in Cancer. Pluto in Sagittarius. Neptune in Aquarius & Uranus in Pisces. RAHUKAL TIME: - 12.00 13.30 Following sectors will be receiving astrological support: Information & Technology: Mindtree, Tech Mahindra, TCS, Infosys, NIIT, etc. To identify and buy such stocks at right time and exit at right time. Timing is most crucial element in investing or trading. This timing can be known through Financial Astrology. Astrology is only science which can predict future correctly & guide us about sectors which have to outperform. Every year with commencement of new Samvat (Hindu New Year), astrologically, based on planetary position, certain new sectors start getting strong astrological support & start outperforming, while some others sectors which were performing earlier start underperforming. Some sectors/stocks remain laggards. Stocks of astrological supported sectors outperform resulting in exorbitant gains irrespective of market behaviour, either bull market or bear market. Predicting bullish sectors of next Samvat 2074 Every year we release sectors of new Samvat in the month of March/April when new Samvat starts. But this year, we shall prepone release of next Samvat sectors, which are going to get strong astrological support & stocks from those sector outperform markets. Purpose of releasing sectors of next Samvat earlier is that investors & traders should get maximum advantage of down trend of markets by good timing. We firmly believe that these special astrological positions present very unique opportunities to investors and traders both. This opportunity, if utilized properly, can safeguard your existing portfolio and simultaneously optimize your future investments and trading also. So we request you not to wait till March 2017 but contact us early and subscribe or renew the Sectors of Samvat 2074. After all successful investing and trading is all about good timing only. Needless to mention our innumerable past predictions, where most stocks from the Sectors of Samvat gave exorbitant returns & certain stocks appreciated by over 500 percent. During current Samavat 2073 among other sectors dyes/chemical/sugar sector received strong astrological support & outperformed and gave exorbitant return. Many stocks from dyes/ chemical sector appreciated by over 500 percent. Sectors which get strong astrological support also start getting favourable news along with all kind of positive support by regulatory authorities in that industry, resulting in strong growth & super positive results. Most of problems also start resolving. Sectors which get very strong astrological support are not normally affected by downfall in the market. : The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions. The road sector has been in the thick of action. But who will fund such ambitious programme is often under question. In this regard, recent action of NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) bolsters our confidence that in all probability the targets will translate into reality. NHAI has begun monetising assets, recently auctioning 648 km of national highways where Macquarie Group won the rights to manage the bidding worth Rs 9,681.5 crore. Easing funding issue If private players have little appetite for BOT (build operate transfer) projects, the onus now shifts to NHAI to bring capital to award projects on EPC (engineering procurement & construction)and Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM). Now the questions is how would NHAI accomplish this task of additional fund requirements that comes along with multi-fold jump in governments intention to spend on road sector. For FY19, the NHAI has a budget to spend about Rs 1.2 lakh crore. Of this, close to Rs 62,000 crore is expected to come from internal resources. While NHAI will also rely on bonds, a part of the money would come through the monetisation of existing assets. The government had earlier authorised the NHAI to monetise 75 existing projects totalling a length of 4500 km fetching around Rs 1 lakh crore. There is great appetite for such projects particularly from the foreign investors who are ready to bid at very low yield but stable flow. To put in perspective, in case of the first bidding (Macquarie Group) NHAI was expecting Rs 6300 crore whereas the highest bid came at Rs 9681.5 crore reflecting that foreign investor is ready to work at lower yield because lower cost of funds. Nevertheless, this money can be redeployed to fund new projects and bridge the funding gap, which emerged as a result of private sectors reluctance to take on BOT projects. This would address the funding issue and thus kick start the construction cycle. The government had earlier stated that it would spend close to Rs 7 lakh crore over the next five years to develop 83677 km of roads including Rs 5.4 lakh crore to be spent on Bharatmala Pariyojana comprising development of 34800 km of roads. Projects would therefore not be delayed or postponed for want of funds and that would mean increasingly there would be more work for the construction companies largely in the EPC and HAM model. Currently about 98% of the projects which are awarded have come in the EPC and HAM category. More the merrier This brings more cheers for the sector as going ahead the pace of awarding will only increase and companies would have higher revenue visibility. Most of the companies are currently sitting on order book of close to 2.5 times to 3 times their sales. Moreover, as the execution capability improves, companies will not require much more of the capital (because of the nature of the project EPC and HAM) since whatever is generated from the business can be redeployed in meeting working capital requirements. Hence companies can execute more and more projects. With the increasing amount of work and easing funding issues, companies, which have strong balance sheet and good execution capabilities like Dilip Buildcon, KNR Constructions, IRB Infrastructure, Sadbhav Engineering and Ashoka Buildcon would be the key beneficiaries. live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More State Bank of India (SBI) has been hit with a monetary penalty of Rs 40 lakh for violating RBI rules on Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, on March 01, 2018, a monetary penalty of Rs 4 million (Rs 40 lakh) on State Bank of India (the bank)This action is based on deficiencies in regulatory compliance and is not intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement entered into by the bank with its customers, RBI said in a statement on its website. Giving the background for the penalty, the banking regulator said that the currency chest inspection of two branches of SBI revealed, inter alia, violation of the instructions issued by RBI on Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes. Based on the inspection report and other relevant documents, a Notice, dated January 05, 2018, was issued to the bank advising it to show cause as to why penalty should not be imposed on it for non-compliance with directions issued by RBI. After considering the banks reply and oral submissions made in the personal hearing, RBI came to the conclusion that the aforesaid charges of non-compliance with RBI directions/ guidelines were substantiated and warranted imposition of monetary penalty, RBI added. This comes two days after the central bank penalised Indian Overseas Bank (Rs 2 crore) and Axis Bank (Rs 3 crore) for breaching KYC (know your customer) norms and asset classification (NPA) guidelines, respectively. Reliance Communications | In the last four months, the stock price has risen 487 percent to Rs 3.93 per share from Rs 0.67 per share on March 27, 2020. live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More Debt-ridden telecom operator RCom today said it has filed an appeal before the Bombay High Court to protect the interests of secured lenders after an arbitration tribunal restrained the company from sale, transfer or mortgaging of assets. "We wish to inform you that the company has filed an appeal before the Bombay High Court to protect the interests of secured lenders," Reliance Communications (RCom) said in a BSE filing. An arbitration tribunal in an interim order has restrained the debt-ridden company from sale, transfer or mortgaging of assets. "...we direct that the Claimant (RCom) and its affiliates are restrained from transferring, alienating encumbrances or disposing of any of its assets without specific permission/leave of the Arbitral tribunal," the tribunal comprising Justices Swatanter Kumar, SB Sinha and VS Sirpurkar said in an order on an appeal by telecom gear maker Ericsson India. Ericsson has sought relief from the tribunal over payments that the Anil Ambani-led RCom owes to it. Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio has signed a pact to acquire mobile business assets including spectrum, mobile towers and optical fibre network of RCom- owned by his younger brother Anil Ambani. The deal was expected to complete by March 2018 and bring relief to RCom which is reeling under a debt of over Rs 38,000 crore. The tribunal said the respondent (Ericsson) has made out an arguable case and it is of the opinion that in the event the firm will suffer "irretrievable injury" if it is denied any relief. "Irreparable injury in the opinion of tribunal would mean substantial injury. The applicant cannot be denied a legal remedy that is available under the law," the tribunal order said. Ericsson has submitted various claims before tribunal including Rs 1,200 crore admitted by RCom in their correspondence and Rs 1,012 crore dues which RCom allegedly failed to pay despite repeated promises, assurance and undertakings. Lenders of RCom have invoked "strategic debt restructuring" programme to recover dues from the company. Country's largest lender SBI has put up for sale 15 NPA accounts worth over Rs 988 crore, including UP-based Simbhaoli Sugars which owes Rs 158.57 crore to the lender. "SBI invites expression of interest from banks/asset reconstruction companies/NBFCs/FIs for the proposed sale of 15 non-performing assets (NPAs) with principal outstanding of Rs 988.95 crore," reads the SBI bid document published today. Other prominent NPA accounts that feature in the list include Aksha Gold Ornaments, KBJ Jewels Industry India and KBJ Hotel Varanasi with a combined outstanding of Rs 164.30 crore. Shri Jalaram Rice Industries has turned into an NPA account with principal of Rs 127.05 crore while MCL Global Steel has an outstanding loan of Rs 100.18 crore. Eight companies based in Gujarat availed loans in the range of Rs 5.90-63.39 crore from the bank which have now become NPA accounts, showed the bid document. SBI has asked the bidders to submit expression of interest by March 9, 2018 and further to complete the due diligence by March 22. The process of e-bidding will take place on March 23. To sell these dud assets, SBI said it will complete all the formalities in the shortest possible time once the deal is finalised. The bid document also showed that Simbhaoli Sugars and MCL Global Steel of Madhya Pradesh put nothing as collateral to avail the loans. Simbhaoli Sugars, which owes Rs 97.85 crore to Oriental Bank of Commerce, turned into an NPA account in 2015. The bank also filed a case with CBI against the company in September 2015 and later amended the same in November 2017. CBI is examining the case against Simbhaoli Sugars, its chairman Gurmit Singh Mann, deputy MD Gurpal Singh and others. Simbhaoli Sugars is one of the largest sugar mills in the country. Ashwani Gujral of told CNBC-TV18, "Canara Bank is a sell with a stop loss of Rs 262 and target of Rs 248. Punjab National Bank is a sell with a stop loss of Rs 97 and target of Rs 90. Ashok Leyland is a buy with a stop loss of Rs 138 and target of Rs 150." "When you start losing 30-40 percent there is no fun in being a long term investor. I would probably enter into a midcap IT stock that would do much better than Lupin in this decline. Lupin stays in a bear market and chances are that bear market is going to continue because the situation isnt improving on the pharma space other than the odd Biocon." "PSU banks is a terrible idea. Last two years were financials and this year the way financials have started, I dont think is going to belong to financials. Move on to midcap IT if not it will take you higher it will at least protect you much better than State Bank of India would," he added. "Buy Kotak Mahindra Bank with a stop loss of Rs 1,070 and target of Rs 1,120. Eicher Motors is a buy with a stop loss of Rs 27,400 and target of Rs 27,750. Motherson Sumi is a buy with a stop loss of Rs 305 and target of Rs 321." It is six in the evening. As I make my way into Paytm's five-storeyed grey building adorned with blue glass walls in a busy street of Noida, the company's employees pass me by, towards the gate, having wrapped up their day's work. I am frisked once at the entry. However, before I could enter the reception area, another armed security guard stops me. It is unusual for a mobile wallet firm to have a second layer of security, I think. However, it doesn't take me too long to realise the reason behind the additional security check. The office of the countrys largest mobile payments firm One97 Communications Pvt Ltd now also houses Paytm Payments Bank, which was launched in November. Soon, I get to meet Renu Satti - the Chief Executive Officer of Paytm Payments bank. Bespectacled and sporting short hair, Satti is clad in a printed shirt and a black cardigan. An executive, who spent a considerable time holding senior positions in the human resources departments of many firms in her previous assignments, Satti was appointed to the top post in May 2016, about six months before the actual launch of the bank. Before this role, Satti was working as the Vice President, Business, at Paytm while heading its ticket booking segment. Under her helm, Paytm gave a tough fight to its bigger rival BookMyShow, which leads the ticket booking business in India. Satti's escalation to this role was preceded by an interesting turn of events. Two years ago, Paytm had announced Shinjini Kumar, a former banker, as CEO designate of their payments bank. However, fast forward to May 2016, and Satti was named the CEO, even as Kumar suddenly exited the company citing personal reasons. There wasn't a broader clarity on Kumar's exit from the company. So how did she Satti feel when she was given the chance to lead? "There was this opportunity that came in front of me. We had a discussion and that's it," Satti said, shrugging her shoulders and giving a convincing look. Many see Satti as one of the closest aides of Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder of Paytm, and it probably explain her selection for the post following a possible misalignment with Kumar. On her Linkedin page, Sharma testifies Satti as someone who has never let him down. "It takes a lot to be Renu. I am yet to meet someone who is equally sincere and committed," reads the note. A commerce graduate from Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College situated in Punjabi Bagh area of West Delhi, Satti has been a part of Paytm since its inception. She joined the company in 2006 to head the human resource department of One97 Communications, which barely had 70 employees at that time. The company was operating in the mobile valued added services space. Satti had been hired on the back of her years of experience with companies such as Manpower Services and Mother Dairy as a human resource executive. "The good part of working in a small set up is that even if you are in an HR role, you will get to know everything," she says, adding that she would inadvertently be involved even in things like taking care of employees who face issues with the company's servers. However, after six years of working as an HR executive, Satti wanted to explore a new role. "I didnt want to limit myself to just being an HR. Broadly, there was a typical cycle - hire people, do their training, do performance appraisal for them... deal with the issues of salary grievances and so on and so forth," she said. While she was evaluating a few offers, Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the founder of Paytm, was sure that he didn't want to lose a diligent employee. Sharma suggested that she experimented within the company instead of moving out. Soon, Satti was given a business role. It was 2012. Paytm, which would go on to become the country's largest mobile wallet firm, saw its employee strength increase to around 4,000 people - all of them individually hired by Satti. This personal connect with every employee also helped Satti learn the nuances of her new role. By this time, One97 Communications had raised at least USD 35 million from Sapphire Ventures, among others. "Vijay said that you pick up any role and start with it - on the operations side ... sales side," she says. However, according to Satti, it was easier said than done. "I was apprehensive. How could I just start doing anything? I didnt know anything about it," she said. Satti picked up the regional structure and was given a team of around 400 people to head. From heading a team of barely a couple of dozen people in the HR department, handling a new vertical that consisted of 400 people was a big task. Despite the challenge, it didn't take her long to fit into the shoes of a corporate executive. Perhaps, her commerce degree came in handy. Even as all this was happening, Paytm was mulling something bigger. It was 2014 and Paytm was planning to launch its marketplace business. The aim was not to compete directly with e-commerce firms like Flipkart but build a marketplace for unstructured categories as the rest were then focusing more on branded and structured segments such as electronics and books. It was around that time that Sharma asked Satti to gear up for a new stint. Paytm was looking for somebody to lead the marketplace business across every market it planned to expand in. "There were lots of discussions going on and then one day Vijay said why dont you only take it up," she says. Satti, who was by now a pro at switching roles, took up the challenge and headed the marketplace business development segment for one year. She was given the target of achieving 100,000 merchants. "The moment my target was achieved, I was like, I needed to get into some other role," she said with a childlike excitement. The marketplace was launched in November 2014 and it was soon followed by a strategic investment by Ant Financial Services Group - an affiliate of China's biggest e-commerce firm Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Ant Financial agreed to buy 25 percent stake in One97 Communications for about USD 600 million. This was seen as Alibaba's foray into newer growth avenues as the Chinese market had started to slow down. Paytm, by now a mobile wallet and a marketplace firm, was planning to build more use cases by now. The idea was to ensure that the customers kept coming back on the platform. It decided to launch travel and movie ticket booking segments. Satti was again given the mandate to head the new vertical. "When we offered recharge a customer used to come to us once or twice a month. The idea was to build multiple use cases to ensure that the customers kept coming back to the platform. We added utility bills, bus tickets, movie tickets... So the philosophy of the organisation was that we really wanted to cover every use case," she says. Born and brought up in Delhi, Satti has three married sisters who stay with their families. Satti lives with her parents in Delhi. How is Payments Bank different from the other roles? I asked. According to Satti, a lot of compliance issues have come into play now. Earlier when CEO Sharma used to ask about a deliverable, she would say yes that will be done. Now she candidly tells me that she has been asked to say - 'yes I will check with the compliance'. The year 2017 was spent by Paytm Payments Bank on building the core structure and putting control and systems in place. The year 2018 will focus on expansion. "We have a target to have 100,000 banking outlets deployed across the country," she says referring to 'Paytm ka ATM' offline kiosks. These ATMs are basically partner outlets where customers can open bank accounts, deposit cash and withdraw money. The company has plans to invest Rs 3,000 crore over the next three years to expand this offline distribution network. Talking about improving digital banking in the rural areas, Satti said, "We really want to bring every banking service closer to people. Whatever they want to do in terms of depositing money, withdrawing money, buying financial products, that is where our 2018 focus is going to be." She declined to share the amount of deposits made at the bank so far, citing compliance issues. However, she added that it is 'an impressive' figure which is reporting growth every month. "For us, that is not the metric we are choosing right now. Most of our customers are currently wallet customers so we really want to first move them to a savings account," she said. Interestingly, all Paytm employees, about 4,500 of them now, have an account in the Paytm Payments Bank where they get their salaries. Currently, Paytm Payments Bank offers wallet, current and savings account. Paytm Payments Bank deposits that money in government securities to earn interests as it cannot lend money to customers. The interest earned from these securities and bonds are to the tune of 5-6 percent while Paytm offers four percent interest on its savings account offering. It is also in the process of enhancing offerings such as fixed deposits. "Whenever a customer will have more than Rs 1,00,000 in his savings account, the excess money will automatically get converted into fixed deposit wherein he will earn over 6 percent interest," she says. The company did not disclose the target it had in terms of deposit for the coming financial year. Our first target was to set up the foundation, second is to increase the number of accounts and then there will be other things. As of now we really want to reach out to all those 500 million customers, she said. Speaking more about the planned Rs 3,000 crore investment, Satti said that the money will primarily be used to creating a robust network to reach customers. It will be a CAPEX investment from our side, plus the cost of KYC is big, she says, adding that earlier it used to come up to about Rs 120 per person which has now reduced to about Rs 60-80. As of now the company has received about Rs 400-500 crore as investment. This is the fund that has been infused in the entity as of now, she says. As far as more investment is concerned, whenever we will need it we will get it, she added. Talking about profitability Satti says that it is a futuristic vision. We will have to become profitable but whether it will be a matter of two years or three years we will see. We will be working towards it, right now this is a growth phase, she said. But Satti is coy when talking about Paytm's expansion plans. We believe that we should build up things rather than buy. That is our core philosophy, however we can always explore an option and can see whenever there is a synergy, she says. Amidst cold relations between India and China and a gradual rise in the feeling of nationalism in the country, Paytms rival, Mobikwik had tried to pitch itself as the countrys wallet with its campaign Desh ka wallet against Paytm which is funded by Alibaba. Additionally, last year Japanese conglomerate Softbank also invested USD 1.4 billion in One97 Communications. Satti, however, refuses to believe that the firm suffered due to the cold relations between the two countries. I hear you but I dont believe it. Besides, this is absolutely wrong. In fact I can also say that Paytm is a Japanese company because of the recent investment by Softbank. Whenever I go to the market, especially to the village level and the kind of feedback we get from the people is amazing. They love Paytm as a brand because we have solved some of their basic problems, she said, adding that rural areas and tier 3-4 cities saw great demand for physical debit cards that it launched in January. Conventionally we presume that a technology is first adopted by India's urban population and that the villages are happy just with feature phones. But if you ask me, they are the ones who are really more curious and have rising aspirations. The fact that you really have to go to 650 districts and create that kind of a network to build things up. These are the challenges, but I see them more as opportunities, she said. Are you scared of a foreign firm entering the Indian market after you have invested so much of time and capital prepping the ground? I ask referring to the entry of WhatsApp into Indias digital payments market. Are we scared of it? Not at all. Rather it is good to have competition as it helps you keep challenging yourself, Satti signs off. live bse live nse live Volume Todays L/H More Shares of Dabur India rose 1 percent intraday Wednesday as the company acquired two companies in South Africa. The company's step down wholly owned subsidy Dabur South Africa (Pty) had entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire D and A Cosmetics Proprietary and Atlanta Body & Health Products Proprietary, both incorporated in South Africa. The company has now informed that the said acquisition in now being done through its another step down wholly subsidiary Dermoviva Skin Essentials Inc instead of Dabur South Africa (Pty). It will acquire D and A Cosmetics for South African Rand 4,02,69,600 and Atlanta Body for South African Rand 17,30,400. The indicative period for completion of the registration will be up to March 31, 2018 or such other date as may be mutually agreed. At 10:08 hrs Dabur India was quoting at Rs 324.95, up Rs 2.60, or 0.81 percent on the BSE. In the last one year share price increased by 17 percent. Posted by Rakesh Patil Angel Commodities' report on Gold On Tuesday , spot gold prices surged more than 1 percent to close at $ 1334.1 per ounce as risk aversion in the global markets of fears of a possible trade war citing recently announced tariffs on Steel and Aluminium by the US, boos ted the safe haven metal. This optimism in gold came from U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement last week that the country would levy hefty tariffs on aluminum and steel imports. This was followed by threats of retaliation from the European Union and Canada. On the MCX, gold prices rose by 0. 7 percent to close at Rs. 30679 per 10 gms. We expect gold prices to trade higher today as trade war concerns between US and other countries will limit risk appetite and boost safe haven. Also, resignation of Gary Cohn will boost gold. On the MCX, gold prices are expected to trade higher today, international markets are trading higher by 0.1 percent at $ 1334.9 per ounce. For all commodities report, click here Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts/broking houses/rating agencies on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions. Read More People scatter rose petals in front of a portrait of Dr. Ambedkar, the author of the Indian constitution, in Allahabad In yet another incident of statue vandalism, a figurine dedicated to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was desecrated by unidentified people in Mawana, Meerut in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday night. Media reports suggest that a case has been filed against unidentified men in UP incident. Police in the northern state rushed a team to the spot to avoid any untoward incident. The local Dalit community held protests and blocked traffic on Wednesday morning. The protests ended after the administration assured that a new statue of Dr Ambedkar would be installed, reports said. This is the fourth major case of statue vandalism report in the country in the past few days. A finger of the Dr Ambedkar's statue was found broken in Aligarh, following which local residents started protests. On Sunday, two statues dedicated to Vladimir Lenin were pulled down by a mob in Tripura, days after the Bharatiya Janata Party ended the 25-year reign of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in the recent state assembly election. A day later, a statue of Tamil icon EV Ramasamy or Periyar was vandalised in the state of Tamil Nadu. On Wednesday morning, reports emerged that a bust of Syama Prasad Mukherjee, had been desecrated with a hammer in Kolkata by six Jadavpur University students. Syama Prasad Mukherjee was the founder of the BJP's predecessor Jana Sangh. Last year too, there were reports of an Ambedkar statue being vandalised in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar. A BSF jawan, who was punished to suffer a 7-day pay cut for showing "disrespect" towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a routine drill, has been relieved after the PM today directed the force to immediately withdraw the order. Constable Sanjeev Kumar, posted in the 15th battalion of the Border Security Force deployed in West Bengal's Nadia district, was found "guilty" by his commanding officer (CO) for using words like "Modi programme" while attending a morning roll call task on February 21. The CO of the unit, Commandant Anup Lal Bhagat, issued an order handing down a "pay fine of 7 days", which means salary cut for a week, to the jawan for "showing disrespect towards the PM". "The Prime Minister has expressed his displeasure and directed the force to immediately withdraw the punishment. The order has been rescinded and the concerned Commandant has been cautioned for not dealing with the matter judiciously," a BSF spokesperson said. Officials said the jawan referred to an event that he attended as "Modi programme" during the 'zero parade' or reporting assembly of briefing the seniors about their official activities. They said the CO found this reference by the jawan to the PM as improper and ordered an inquiry against him. The inquiry, the officials said, was completed in a day and constable Kumar was held guilty and charged under section 40 of the BSF Act (an act prejudicial to good order and discipline of the force). "Senior officers of the force have been instructed time and again to display qualities of a good leader, both in letter and spirit, for the personnel under their command. "These men and women work in some of the most arduous conditions across the country. Their commanders should ensure discipline in the force but the punishment has to be commensurate to the offence," a senior officer of the force said, underling that handing down a pay cut to the jawan was not a judicious decision. The 15th battalion of the BSF is deployed to guard the India-Bangladesh international border in West Bengal. N Chandrababu Naidu | Andhra Pradesh | Total cases: 3 | Serious IPC: Nil Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief Chandrababu Naidu may break ties with the ruling BJP as the Centre has made it clear that granting a special status to Andhra Pradesh may not be possible. On Wednesday morning, Naidu held a teleconference with party MPs where he insisted that the Centre must fulfill "assurances made in Rajya Sabha, including Special Category Status, provisions quick implementation of the of AP Reorganisation Act." At the TDP Legislature Party meeting in Vijayawada on Tuesday, all 125 MLAs and 34 MLCs had strongly advocated for ending the alliance with BJP, a Times of India report said. "CM Naidu is now all set to take steps to end the alliance. It will begin with the two central ministers stepping down, most likely on March 10. Withdrawing support to the NDA government at the Centre is likely to happen in the next few days after the two ministers resign," a source told the paper. The separation process may begin with the exit of two TDP ministers Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Y S Chowdhary from the Cabinet, the report added. The ministers has been demanding for a special package for the state, which was promised to them earlier. When the state of Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated, it was also thought about economic disadvantage that the state is going to face, a special package was promised to the people of the state in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday had assured the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) that announcements would be made soon on a special package for the State and four of the other 19 demands of the party. Background In February, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had assured the agitating members from Andhra Pradesh that the Centre is looking at all issues concerning the state sympathetically and some decision on a special package and revenue deficit will be worked out in the next couple of days. "We will try and do it extremely early. We are extremely sympathetic to the people of Andhra Pradesh and therefore would look into each one of these issues extremely sympathetically," Jaitley said. As far as creation of capital is concerned, Jaitley said the Centre has made some payments for backward districts development and for ambitious Polavaram project through National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (Nabard) and Rs 4,500 crore has already been paid. The current situation has soured relations between the TDP and the BJP, putting the alliance on shaky grounds. Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu said last month that he will withdraw from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) fold if the BJP does not want the partnership. INDIA - OCTOBER 02: Dawood Ibrahim, the mafia leader in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ( mafia don ) (Photo by Bhawan Singh/The India Today Group/Getty Images) Well-known criminal lawyer Shyam Keswani on Tuesday said fugitive mafia don Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar is reportedly "keen to return to India" but with certain preconditions which are not acceptable to the Indian government. Speaking to the media outside the Thane Court, where he represented Iqbal Ibrahim Kaskar (the absconder don's brother) in an extortion case, the lawyer said among the conditions Dawood has stipulated are that he should be lodged only in the high-secure precincts of Arthur Road Central Jail (ARCJ) in Mumbai. "He had also conveyed his intentions through (former union minister and eminent lawyer) Ram Jethmalani a few years ago but the Indian government has not entertained any of his preconditions to return," Keswani said. The ARCJ is the same prison where the Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab was lodged for nearly four years till his hanging for his role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack. Emmanuel Macron, head of the political movement En Marche ! (Onwards !) and a candidate for the 2017 presidential election, leaves the Paris book fair after a visit, March 24, 2017. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer - RTX32KN1 Ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron's maiden India trip, French sources said on Wednesday that it would not be a business as usual visit" and asserted that apart from conventional areas of cooperation such as nuclear energy and defence, the thrust would be on boosting ties in maritime and space fields. While the French sources did not say whether the two countries would ink a pact in the nuclear energy sector, India officials told PTI that an agreement to expedite the Jaitapur nuclear plant was expected to be signed during the presidential visit. France has also been strongly supporting India's bid for membership of the export-control regime Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Special emphasis would be (laid on) cooperation in the Indian Ocean during the talks (between Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi), a French source said, noting that France has strong economic and military interests in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The remarks by the French side assume significance in the backdrop of India, the US, Japan and Australia coming together and holding discussions on the sidelines of the India-ASEAN Summit in Manila last year on ways to boost cooperation in the IOR. France has military and naval bases in the IOR, which also has a sizeable French population. The IOR has also been witnessing increasing naval presence of China. Macrons trip would not be a business as usual visit and the thrust will be on intensifying partnership in other areas, including space and trade, the sources said, and noted that the two leaders (Modi and Macron) will be spending a lot of time together and the visit has been planned that way". Defence has been one of the key pillars of strategic partnership and the visit will also focus on this aspect, the French source added. India has signed an inter-governmental agreement with France to procure 36 Rafale jets. Asked if international issues, including non-proliferation will be discussed, the French source said all issues of mutual interest will be deliberated upon. The source also noted that there was convergence of views between France and India, a "global power", on several issues such as rule of law and democratic values. Cooperation in the area of counter-terrorism will also be discussed during the bilateral meeting between Modi and Macron on March 10. The French President will be accompanied by a business delegation of CEOs of 40 French companies, including those from the defence sector. The bilateral trade between India and France for the period from April 2016 to March 2017 reached USD 10.95 billion. France is the 9th largest foreign investor in India with a cumulative investment of USD 6.09 billion from April 2000 to October 2017. Macron arrives here on March 9, his first trip to India. The next day he will hold delegation-level talks with Modi. He will also take part in a Town Hall and have an interactive session, in which nearly 300 students from different levels and institutions are expected to participate on March 10. On the same day, he will also attend a Knowledge Summit which will be attended by more than 200 academicians from both sides. On March 11, Macron will attend the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Summit, an initiative mooted by France and India. The ISA Summit, expected to be attended by several heads of the states and governments, is likely to focus on concrete projects. Ravi Shankar Prasad To curb misuse of social media during elections, the Indian government has asked micro-blogging site, Twitter, to keep a strict check on abusive content by foreign elements ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Electronics and IT Minister, Ravi Shankar Prasad, told the Economic Times, "Twitter should not be abused by sinister forces including foreign elements to derail fairness of democracy. Twitters Global Head of Policy, Colin Crowell, met the minister on Tuesday, where they discussed measures to dissuade miscreants from misuse of the platform to spread communal hatred and terrorism. We are very proud of expansion of Twitter in India. But I have flagged one concern I have cautioned them. The government doesnt believe in control at all, and I have suggested that they should have a forum of an internal regulatory mechanism (to cut down on abuse), Prasad told ET. Twitter is focusing on dealing with malicious automation, or cyber threat from automated tools. The social media platform is intent on weeding out bots, and has been challenging 6.4 million accounts a week to check if they are cyber bots or real humans, Crowell said. He stated the company is thwarting 530,000 suspicious logins every day on Twitter. Crowell also said, We are also doubling down on the commitment that we make in markets like India, which are significant, have elections underway during the course of the year. We want to make sure that the elections are open, they are fair and that is reflected on Twitter. The number of accounts taken down by Twitter in 2017 is 10 times the number they took down the previous year. Crowell has stressed that Twitter is determined to fight abuse and harassment on the website and in the last 12 months, the company has brought about 25 product and rule changes to assist in that. Integra Engineering India | The company's RoE for FY18: 33.00%, FY19: 63.33%, and FY20: 22.22%. On September 7, the share price closed at Rs 25.50 which is -45 percent below its 52-week high of Rs 46.70. India seeks to further strengthen its bilateral cooperation with Egypt in the textiles sector through trade and investment, India's ambassador here said today. Ambassador Sanjay Bhattacharyya said textile products had played an important role in the growth of Indo-Egyptian bilateral trade. "India and Egypt have had a long tradition of exchanges in the textiles sector. Textile products particularly yarn as well as fabric are popular in Egypt and constitute one of the dominant products in our bilateral trade basket. "India looks forward to working with Egypt to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation in textiles sector through trade and investment, Bhattacharyya said. His remarks came as delegation from the Cotton Textile Promotion Council, also known as Texprocil, comprising of 22 Indian textile companies are set to participate in the 'Cairo Fashion and Tex Exhibition' to be held here from tomorrow. The Indian companies will showcase their best range of products and use the three-day exhibition as a platform to meet textiles entrepreneurs to understand the recent development in the Egyptian textile sector, a statement said. The entrepreneurs will benefit from a first-hand knowledge of the evolving market conditions and domestic textile industry enabling them to identity areas of mutual cooperation, it said. Texprocil had participated in the exhibition in March 2017 and has increased its delegation this time to 22 Indian companies, including an information booth of the council. The products on display will include a cross section of Indian yarn and fabric products including denim. Being the world's second largest producer of synthetic fibre and yarn, cotton, cellulosic fibre and silk, India exported around USD 342 million worth of textile and clothing products to Egypt in 2017. The cotton yarn was the dominant product in the export basket, valued at USD 163 million followed by man-made yarn fabrics valued at USD 121 million and cotton fabrics at USD 25 million, the statement said. The Indian textile industry is modern, vibrant and many manufacturers have set up a state-of-the-art processing houses to roll out large volume of high quality products to meet the international market demands and expectations, it said. Egypt is a significant and important market in North Africa for Indian exports of yarn and fabrics. Congress president Rahul Gandhi will visit Singapore and Malaysia later this week in a bid to reach out to the Indian diaspora in the two southeast Asian countries, party sources here said. Gandhi will visit the two countries from March 8 to 10 as part of his political outreach programme, they said. He will address the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, on March 8, and meet other representatives of the Indian community there. He will address the Indian diaspora in Malaysia on March 10 before returning to India. The programme is being organised by the AICC Overseas cell headed by technocrat Sam Pitroda, who helped former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi lead the IT revolution in India. Pitroda had earlier successfully organised Rahul Gandhi's visits to the US and west Asia. The Congress president is later also expected to travel to Dubai and Canada. The visit to Malaysia and Singapore comes ahead of the AICC plenary session scheduled to be held in the national capital from March 16 to 18. The Maharashtra government today told the Legislative Council that sale of gutka, banned in the state, would be made a non-bailable offence. Punishment for the offence would be enhanced to three years in prison, the government said. Leader of Opposition Dhananjay Munde alleged through a calling attention motion that though anti-gutka laws are in place, gutka -- a scented tobacco mix -- is smuggled from neighbouring states. Smuggling happens with connivance of corrupt officials in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the NCP leader alleged, demanding an inquiry by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). In response, Minister of State for FDA Madan Yerawar said gutka is manufactured in other states where it is not banned, and the Maharashtra FDA, since 2012-13, has seized gutka worth Rs 114.2 crore. Munde said Maharashtra has the highest number of youth falling prey to cancer due to chewing of gutka. He demanded inquiry into continuing sale of gutka despite the ban. FDA minister Girish Bapat said that currently the sale of gutka is a bailable offence with a punishment of a maximum of six months in prison. The government has held discussions with the Director General of Police and the Law and Judiciary Department, and will make the offence non-bailable, he said. "The Centre has given us the permission to do so. Once the technicalities are sorted out (and the amendment made), those found guilty will have to face a rigorous imprisonment for three years," the senior minister said. An inquiry by the vigilance squad of the FDA is underway into illegal sale of gutka, and the government will order a CID probe if the Leader of Opposition is still not satisfied with its report when it comes out, Bapat assured. Indian Railways Three railway stations under the South Central Railway (SCR) zone will be fully-managed by women from tomorrow, which is celebrated as 'International Women's Day'. An SCR official said today that the move is aimed at boosting the morale of the women employees. "The SCR has taken the initiative to make Chandragiri railway station in Guntakal division, Begumpet station in Secunderabad division and Phirangipuram station in Guntur division all-women stations with a view to empower the women work force in Railways and to boost their morale and self confidence," the official said. SCR chief public relations officer M Umashankar Kumar said that as part of the exercise, the women staff will be deployed to handle all day-to-day activities, including train operations, ticketing, security and other duties. "Along with Chandragiri railway station, Begumpet, which is one of the busiest suburban stations in Hyderabad city and Phirangipuram station in Guntur division are also set to become all-women stations from March 8, which is the 'International Women's Day'," Kumar said. At Chandragiri station, the women staff consists of four assistant station masters and three points-women, he said. According to Kumar, at Begumpet railway station, SCR is planning to deploy eight women commercial clerks, four enquiry-cum-reservation clerks, six constables and one sub-inspector of Railway Protection Force (RPF) to handle the day-to-day operations and to provide smooth and hassle-free service to passengers. "At Phirangipuram railway station, there is a plan to deploy total 11 women staff members, including three assistant station masters, six points-women and two RPF constables, Kumar said. derek o brien There is a "strong federal force" emerging from Parliament, Trinamool Congress leader Derek O'Brien said on Wednesday, after opposition parties and some constituents of the ruling coalition mounted united protest in both Houses over issues such as vandalisation of statues and banking fraud. Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament were washed out for the third straight day today as opposition parties as well as NDA allies Shiv Sena, TDP and AIADMK stalled business. "Our understanding is that there is a strong federal force emerging from Parliament. It's a pro-people, pro-states and anti-BJP formation which will evolve both in a structured and unstructured form," O'Brien told PTI. According to some opposition leaders, with the "resentment against government riding high" amongst them, it would be extremely difficult for it to run the House for the full week. "It is not only the opposition parties, even the BJP's ally TDP is protesting. TDP's members have informally told us that they would continue their protest beyond the first week of the session if their demands (for special grants from Andhra Pradesh) are not met," O'Brien said. The TMC is going to chalk out its Parliament strategy for the next week at its core committee meet on March 9 in Kolkata. The stand of the YSR Congress members, who have reportedly threatened to resign from their parliament membership on April 6 if the government does not fulfil the promise of granting special category status to Andhra Pradesh, has created tremendous pressure for the state's ruling TDP, a constituent of the NDA. Though the TDP has yet not taken a call on quitting NDA, the opposition parties feel that the southern party is unlikely to break bread with the BJP any more and would soon quit the alliance. Actor Rajinikanth (file image) Arch-rivals AIADMK and DMK came on the same page, pooh-poohing superstar Rajinikanth's claim of a political vacuum in Tamil Nadu that he would fill. While the AIADMK compared itself with a high-flying kite that need not fear a 'sparrow', DMK exuded confidence it would form the next government in the state as they sought to dismiss any threat to them from the actor. By their assertions, the two parties sought to indicate Rajinikanth had no role to play in the political spectrum. The social and electronic media in the state was abuzz with analysis of the superstar's first major political speech, with several hailing it as a promising one. Rajinikanth had yesterday said there was a "vacuum for a good leader" in the state politics currently and he would provide a good administration. The actor made the remarks in his address at a college function here after unveiling a statue of late chief minister and AIADMK founder M G Ramachandran. It was his first political speech since December 31 last when he had announced he will enter politics and contest all 234 assembly seats whenever elections are held. Senior AIADMK leader and Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar said many who actors who wanted to make a mark in politics had remained non-starters. "A sparrow is a sparrow. A kite is a kite. AIADMK is a high-flying kite, and there is no need for it to fear sparrows," he said responding to Rajinikanth's remarks. Opposition DMK asserted there was no political vacuum in Tamil Nadu as remarked by the actor and claimed it will form the next government in the state. "I don't agree with his remarks that a political vacuum exists in Tamil Nadu. The people of the state will not accept it too," DMK Working President MK Stalin told reporters here. "The next government will be that of the DMK. People are ready for that," he added. Rajinikanth had cited the demise of AIADMK supremo J Jayalalithaa in 2016 and the ill-health of 93-year old DMK President M Karunanidhi who has become inactive politically of late to drive home his point that there was vacuum for a good leader and a leadership. Meanwhile, the BJP too pitched itself as a viable alternative and described the actor's comments as his 'hope.' "We are delivering good governance in many states. We are confident of being the alternative force in Tamil Nadu," BJP state unit President Tamilisai Soundararajan said. On Rajinikanth's remarks of a political vacuum existing in the state and that he can fill that space, she said "hope is life. rajya sabha PTI1_4_2018_000050B rajya sabha Opposition parties as well as members of TDP and AIADMK today stalled Rajya Sabha proceedings over the PNB banking fraud, special package for Andhra Pradesh and Cauvery Board issue, forcing adjournment of the morning session. It was the third day in a row when the proceedings of the House were disrupted due to protests by these parties. Budget session of Parliament had reconvened after a month long recess on March 5. As soon as the listed papers were laid on the table during the Zero Hour and Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu expressed concern over damage to statues in different parts of the country, MPs from the Congress, TMC, Left parties, NDA ally TDP and AIADMK among others rushed into the Well shouting slogans. Amid sloganeering, Naidu adjourned the House till 1400 hrs saying the government has agreed and he has given permission to debate all issues, including bank fraud, Cauvery river water issue and matters concerning Andhra Pradesh. Disapproving of members protesting in the Well and raising slogans, the chairman said such acts were "bad" and "against democracy". While TMC members of raised slogans relating to banking fraud, the AIADMK and DMK carried placards demanding constitution of the Cauvery Water Management Board for division of Cauvery water between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The TDP and a Congress member demanded implementation of a special package for Andhra Pradesh to make up for the loss after a separate Telangana state was carved out. Naidu also expressed concern over damage to statues in Tamil Naidu, West Bengal and Tripura. "Statues were vandalised. It's mad, whoever does it," Naidu said, as Congress and Left party members were on their feet protesting the incidents. The House also paid tributes to former Rajya Sabha member Jinendra Kumar Jain (73), who passed away earlier this month. K Chandrashekhar Rao In Delhi Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao plans to launch a "federal front" - a non-Congress, non-BJP alternative at the national level - on the Telangana Rashtra Samiti's foundation day on April 27. Rao over the weekend said he was keen to pro-actively engage himself in national politics to bring a "qualitative change", and was in talks with others to form a platform of like-minded parties. "KCR (as the chief minister is popularly known in Telangana) is trying to launch the federal front on April 27, the party's foundation day. He is trying to bring national leaders on that day," a senior TRS leader told PTI. The launch event would "most likely" take place here, he said. Sources in the TRS declined to comment, when asked if the party would reach out to the TDP, headed by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, the SP and the BSP to get them on board. When contacted, TRS floor leader in the Lok Sabha, A P Jithender Reddy, rejected suggestions from some quarters that Chandrasekhar Rao's move is aimed at countering the Congress-anchored efforts to forge a broad anti-BJP front. "How can that be? Every body (all parties) can do. People are vexed up with the Congress as well as the BJP," Reddy said. The TRS has claimed that several leaders, including West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and former Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, have extended support to Rao's proposal. Innovate UKs deputy CEO Kevin Baughan, who heads the initiative that funds and connects businesses and helps them commercialise new technologies, was in India last week. He spoke about the need to understand the research and technology landscape and further their association with India through this initiative that looks at helping businesses commercialise new, promising technology. A government funded, business focused initiative of the UK, the programme looks at research an innovation in new areas. Edited excerpts: The mission of Innovate UK is to accelerate UK economic growth through funding and connecting business led innovation. One of the keys things we do is look at businesses and global markets of the future. We've built a lot of collaboration within UK, led by business and research community. And they're discussing who has to come together to pioneer these new industries. That's not limited to the UK, value chains and supply chains cover the world and so we are very, very interested in building and extending that to other opportunities like here in India. We've done six R&D programmes in India- agritech, waste, clean energy, affordable healthcare, smart technologies. Technology is a big component of it. I always like to think that changes come from people, society as well as from technologies. In fact, societal changes are some of the most interesting for us because they really tell you where markets are going in the In industrial strategy four big areas being identified to work on are an ageing society to healthy ageing, clean technologies, future transportation and big technology changes like AI, and data.The areas that we're most interested in are where we can collaborate together to go after global markets. There are very good opportunities for the UK to invest in India and for India to invest in UK and we see that happening. Like scaling affordable healthcare, or finding better solutions to feed the world's population.The way we work bilaterally is to have a partner. That works better because then both sides- both government agencies and investors deal with their own companies but in a collaboration scheme.Brexit is a big part of the UK discussion at the moment. It is a big change for us, and one that we're working through at the moment. If we look at the ecosystem of the modern economy- whether its research, innovation or business- those are all global activities. You don't do science on your own in isolation, you work with your colleagues around the world, and you dont innovate in isolation. Bits of the value chain and the capabilities that come together are across the world and business is a very much a global activity. The governments made it very clear that they want an ongoing strong relationship with Europe on science and technology. We've seen the EU high level group on research and innovation reach the conclusion that's actually a win-win for the UK to carry on participating in future programmes. There is a real willingness on both sides to make collaborations to happen. At the same time it has made us more ambitious about other relationships around the world. That does mean that we are very keen to continue to build more momentum in India, China Canada and other countries around the world where we have good established relationships and we can build on those. I think AI is going to be a dramatic change. Diagnosis in healthcare, reading medical papers and coming out with possible treatments, that kind of data and AI will have that kind of massive impact. It will take a couple of decades to penetrate. Quantum technology, synthetic biology are also there but AI and data have been highlighted by UK government to work with.If you broaden that out to the distributed ledger technology and the fact that you're finding ways for people to do contracting, without centralised bodies, that creates some exciting new possibilities and some risks that have got people have got to learn to manage. One of the things with Innovate UK is that we invest public money. We don't invest if there is enough investment going in already. So some of the areas of blockchain and fintech. Huge investments in the UK happening in the private sector already. They don't need Innovate UK to pioneer that. The areas we explored very successfully are applying that kind of technology- blockchain and distributed ledgers to provenance and the source of goods. It doesnt come up in my conversations but people are going to have to look at the bigger business environment as they progress and develop those. However, I would encourage this conversation to ensure business environment is robust. Ducati and Indian have joined the bandwagon of cutting prices of their imported bike line-up after the Indian government announced a massive reduction in customs duty a few weeks ago. While prices of US-based luxury cruiser brand Indian have been reduced by up to Rs 3 lakh, the fall in even steeper in the case of Ducati. The Italian super bike brand has cut prices by as much as Rs 8.5 lakh. Last month, BMW Motorrad, the bike making division of the German luxury auto giant, had slashed prices by up to 10 percent with a maximum cut of Rs 1.6 lakh and a minimum cut of Rs 40,000. The Indian government, last month, had cut customs duty on all fully-imported bikes by up to 25 percentage points and brought it down to 50 percent. A day later US President Donald Trump had severely criticised Indias high tax structure on imported bikes from the US. While Ducati does not have any assembly plant in India unlike Harley-Davidson and Triumph, the company imports all products in fully built format to India. Yet the Volkswagen group-controlled company chose to cut prices only on four models out of the eight models it imports and sells in India. There has been a price reduction on models like the Monster 1200, Monster 1200 S Red, Monster 1200 S Charcoal Grey and the Panigale R Final Edition which are all imported from the Ducati factory in Bologna. The pricing of rest of the models in the current Ducati line up remains unaffected," Ducati said in a statement. Ducatis India range starts at Rs 7.23 lakh for the Scrambler Icon Ducati Red going up to Rs 51.82 lakh for the 1299 Panigale R Final Edition. Polaris controlled Indian Motorcycle, Americas first motorcycle company, has reduced prices of its range of cruiser bikes. With this the Indian Scout Sixty model now starts at Rs 10.99 lakh while the Indian Roadmaster model now comes priced at Rs 39 lakh. Pankaj Dubey, Managing Director & Country Head, Polaris India, said, We are glad that the government has rationalised the import duty structure to 50 per cent across the range for imported bikes. The new attractive price of our products available in India will definitely lead to more sales. business Smart City report card: How 'smart' is Pune city? How has Pune shaped up compared to the rest of the cities slated for "smart city" status? CNBC-TV18's Ashwini Priolker and Kevin Lee travel to Pune to find out. business Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence 2018: Global Investor Summit Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence 2018, a three day Global Investor Summit was held at Mumbai. It was a well-attended event. Global investors, industry leaders, policymakers made their presence felt. The summit was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For an upcoming music concert to be held in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabian government has banned dancing or swaying. The instruction is apart from the usual modest dress code and separate male and female enclosures. NY Post, via AFP, reported that the Islamic state has strictly prohibited the attendees of the concert from dancing or swaying. They have also been asked to wear modest clothes. Children below the age of 12 are also not allowed inside the venue. Egyptian entertainer Tamer Hosny is expected to perform live on March 30. As the news got out, people took to social media to mock the move. A user wondered if the concert was a funeral! Live Music Concert in Saudi Arabia... But dancing is strictly prohibited! (@AHudhayfah) March 5, 2018 THIS IS NOT A JOKE The General Entertainment Authority In #SaudiArabia is organizing a (men/women) Egyptian artist concert in which the tickets literally state that Dancing is strictly prohibited during the concert . Ellen (@ExtraEllenx) March 3, 2018 Though the restrictions have not deterred the Saudi citizens and the concert is already sold out. US President Donald Trump today said possible progress is being made in talks with North Korea even as South Korea said the North is willing to stop testing nuclear missiles. "The world is watching and waiting! May be false hope, but the US is ready to go hard in either direction!" said the president in his first reaction to the report that North Korea has told South Korean officials that it is ready to have heart-to-heart discussions with the US and stop nuclear missile tests in lieu of that. "Possible progress being made in talks with North Korea. For the first time in many years, a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned," Trump said in a tweet. According to media reports, South Korean officials claimed that North Korea is prepared to give up its nuclear weapons if threats of military action stop, and if its security is guaranteed. "We will see what happens!" Trump tweeted. In a statement later, Vice President Mike Pence said that whichever direction talks with North Korea go, the Trump administration will be firm in its resolve. "The United States and our allies remain committed to applying maximum pressure on the Kim regime to end their nuclear programme," he said. "All options are on the table and our posture toward the regime will not change until we see credible, verifiable, and concrete steps toward denuclearisation," Pence said. Would you like to receive breaking news notifications from The Post and Courier? Sign up to receive news and updates from this site directly to your desktop. Breaking News Columbia Breaking News Greenville Breaking News Myrtle Beach Breaking News Aiken Breaking News N Augusta Breaking News Click on the bell icon to manage your notifications at any time. Success! Please click the 'Allow' button in the 'Show Notifcations' alert in your browser if one is available. Thank you for signing up! Please enable notifications in your browser and reload the page. US home prices increased in January, rising more than 6% year-over-year for the sixth straight month. Prices were also up 0.5% from December as competition increased in ever-tightening markets and the data from CoreLogic suggests there is little chance of much moderation over the next year. The firms forecast through January 2019 is for a 4.8% rise year-over-year with the hottest markets continuing to outpace the average. California, Florida, Nevada and Oregon are forecast to see a 7% rise. It's been a year since Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico's national oil company better known as Pemex, and Australian-based BHP announced a deep-water drilling venture in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil and gas isn't flowing yet but executives from both sides pronounced it a success during a press briefing during CERAWeek by IHS Markit, the week-long energy conference in Houston. The project to develop the Trion field in the Perdido region in the Western Gulf of Mexico was the first time Pemex awarded a foreign company the right to own and operate drilling operations in Mexico since it re-opened its energy markets to foreign investment. In 2013 Mexico amended its constitution to reverse the long-standing monopoly of Pemex after the company's production of oil had declined for more than a decade. A Midland woman was charged with driving without a license after colliding with a Midland Fire Department engine Tuesday morning, according to a press release from the citys spokeswoman. Engine 10 was southbound on the Loop 250 service road with its lights and sirens activated. The engine attempted to proceed through the Loop 250 and State Highway 191 intersection and was struck on the passenger side by a small Lexus SUV that was eastbound on the south service road of SH 191, according to the press release. Christi Craddick took another step in her quest for a second term on the Railroad Commission. The Midland native defeated challenger Weston Martinez by a 3-to-1 margin in Tuesdays primary. She will face Democrat Roman McAllen in the November general election. Craddick also handily won Midland County with nearly 80 percent of the vote. I appreciate the votes for hopefully a next term, certainly through the primary, Craddick said in a phone interview from Austin. She said theres a lot going on in the states oil and gas industry that her agency oversees. The industry is changing and were trying to keep up with those changes to be able to regulate fairly and consistently, she said. Asked about charges the Railroad Commission is too close to the industry, she said the agency serves the industry but also regulates the industry and she feels it has done a good job of striking a balance between the two. Theyve developed new technology, and we want our rules and regulations to adapt to that new technology, and we want boots on the ground to inspect their facilities. Those are the two top priorities, she said. She said she is taking her Democratic opponent seriously and isnt taking re-election for granted. We plan to continue doing what weve been doing into the fall: educate the public about the agency and about the industry. Its important they understand what you do. Were No. 9 on the ballot, and we want to make sure they work their way down the ballot, Craddick said. The Railroad Commission is the most important agency in the state, overseeing an industry thats 30 percent of the state economy. Martinez said he was disappointed more voters didnt understand his platform, and that he plans to continue his efforts to improve transparency in the agency. Now, Ill watch it unfold, he said in a phone interview. The future is bright for people like me who want to focus on the people, who want to drain the swamp and have more transparency. Ill keep a close watch on all that the Railroad Commission does and continue fighting for transparency and to ensure owners of oil and gas businesses are treated fairly and uniformly, Martinez said. Ill work to change the name of the agency and to look at rules that are killing jobs in Texas. Well work hard. Being involved politically, I can have influence without being in office. Ill be staying involved, no doubt. VIRGINIA The partial collapse of a section of brick exterior on a building has kept a portion of Springfield Street cordoned off as city officials look for solutions. It is hoped repairs will be coming soon for the aging building in the 100 block of Front Street that once housed a movie theater. A large portion of the building collapsed this weekend, prompting the closure of the section of Springfield Street between Second Street and Front Street. Mayor Reg Brunk said the closure was necessary to protect any passers-by in case the building crumbled any more. Weve got the street blocked off because theres this big crack on the north wall, Brunk said. I was afraid someone would be driving down the street and the wall would go and someone would get hurt. The last thing wed want is for someone to get hurt. The state of the building is no secret to Virginia residents, as its condition has been an issue for several years. However, with the collapse of one of the buildings walls, Brunk said the neighbors who live adjacent to their properties are unable to let children play in the yard because of obvious safety concerns. Brunk said he has reached out to Jacksonville Community Development Director Kelly Hall to take a look at the building because Virginia does not have its own city inspection department. After that, the building issue is most likely to go before the City Council. The building is owned by Gladys Rust, the mother of Alderman Steve Anderson, and was originally an old movie theater owned by the Hudbreder family, according to parcel reports. Brunk said he had spoken with Anderson, who was in the process of getting a structural engineer to the property to determine the scope of the repairs needed. Brunk said he believed the building was still occupied by a couple of residents, although he was unsure if they have since moved. Its not a good situation for anyone involved, he said. The city wants it taken care of, whatever the outcome is. Nick Draper can be reached at 217-245-6121, ext. 1223, or on Twitter @nick_draper. Almost 20 years ago, British doctor Andrew Wakefield caused a sensation with a now notorious article in a respectable medical journal. The article claimed a link between childhood autism and the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. The article was eventually retracted, Wakefields license revoked and the content widely discredited, but the damage was done. Two decades later, many parents still believe that vaccines can put their children at risk of autism. So they avoid getting their children vaccinated, leading to a resurgence in illnesses once thought abolished, like measles. Furthermore, some parents who have had their children vaccinated are frightened into seeking alternative treatments based on Wakefields disproven theory. Believing that autism is caused by mercury included in vaccines, they turn to chelation therapy to remove it, according to a recent story in Time magazine. But the American Academy of Pediatrics has stated there is no evidence that chelation therapy is an effective treatment for autism or its symptoms. Chelation therapy is a treatment for heavy-metal poisoning and is approved by the American Medical Association and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for that purpose alone. In chelation therapy, the chemical abbreviated as EDTA is injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals or minerals from a person suffering from heavy-metal poisoning. Chelating drugs are usually administered intravenously. Once the drug has bound itself to the metals in a persons bloodstream, the drugs and metals are removed from the body through urination. Chelation therapy is safe when done properly and for the right reason heavy-metal poisoning but it also has become a popular treatment for other conditions. Unlike some alternative treatments, which are useless but harmless, inappropriate use of EDTA can be dangerous. Any health care provider using chelation therapy to treat anything other than heavy-metal poisoning is in violation of AMA rules and risks having his or her license revoked and worse. And, in fact, some deaths have been attributed to chelation therapy, including among children being treated for autism, according to one NBC News story. Chelation drugs have also been used to treat Alzheimers disease and heart disease. Again, no evidence has shown this to be effective. Here is one other thing to consider if your health care provider suggests chelation therapy for an inappropriate condition. Because the treatment is not approved by the AMA, it will most likely not be covered by your insurance plan. If a physician sends a claim to an insurance company for chelation therapy with a diagnosis of autism, not only will it not be paid but said physician will probably be reported to the AMA or other regulatory agency. Some get around this by billing the patient directly. Others, however, bill the insurance company claiming a diagnosis of heavy metal poisoning. If caught, the physician can be charged with insurance fraud. If you willingly participate in this, you, too, may be guilty of fraud. Gordon Hopkins is an award-winning columnist and feature writer for The Fairbury Journal-News. Prior to that, he worked for several years in the health insurance industry. His latest book is Nebraska at War: Dispatches from the Home Front and the Front Lines. You can contact him at US Attorney General Jeff Sessions In Sacramento View Photos Sacramento, CA New California immigration related laws creating a sanctuary state have drawn the ire of US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He has filed a federal lawsuit challenging three specific laws aimed at thwarting a federal crackdown on immigrants in the country illegally. Sessions spoke to the California Peace Officers Association in Sacramento today shortly after he filed the lawsuit. He stated, We are going to fight these irrational, unfair, un-Constitutional polices that have been imposed on you (law enforcement), and your officers, and our federal officers. We are fighting to make your job safe and help you reduce crime. He also took a jab at Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who alerted the public last month that immigration officials were planning to make arrests in the Bay Area the following day. Sessions said, Heres my message to Mayor Schaff. How dare you. How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical open borders agenda. Shortly after todays speech, Governor Jerry Brown held a joint press conference with state attorney general Xavier Becerra criticizing the federal lawsuit. He took issue with the claim that the new rules make the jobs of law enforcement officials more dangerous. Brown argued, This is a political stunt. It is not about the truth or protecting our state. It is about dividing America. While unlikely, Brown went on to indicate that hes willing to work with Sessions to look at the issues and find possible solutions that are agreeable on both sides. He stated, Despite what hes done (lawsuit), I still put my hand out and say, Ill cooperate Jeff if you can get off this current maneuver youre on, because it is unbecoming of you and youre basing things on non-truth. It was noted at the press conference that it is expected to be a lengthy legal battle that could eventually go to the US Supreme Court. A state agency is investigating where an underage woman might have obtained alcohol before she allegedly killed a mother and her 9-month-old baby in a drunken driving accident last week. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, which licenses retailers and restaurants to sell alcohol, is working with local officials on the case. A Harris County prosecutor said there was evidence that the accused driver was coming from an establishment that serves alcohol, not a home. Veronica Rivas, 20, was charged with intoxication manslaughter in the deaths of Shayla Joseph and her 9-month-old daughter in a car wreck in the Clear Lake area on Feb. 28. The victims were in a dark compact car that was hit from behind by an SUV, allegedly driven by Rivas at a high rate of speed, on the southbound service road of Gulf Freeway at El Dorado, police said. Authorities arrived just before 4 a.m. and saw that Joseph and her baby were killed in the wreck. Rivas was released two days later on $60,000 bond. The conditions of her release included a ban on driving and home confinement unless she has to go to court. She will also have to wear a GPS monitor to ensure she does not leave her home without permission. The commission is investigating where Rivas got the alcohol she allegedly drank that night, spokesman Chris Porter said. At this point, no locations have been identified, he said. Early tests showed that Rivas had a blood alcohol level of .21, almost three times the legal limit of .08 for an adult, according to a county prosecutor. There is no legal limit for a person under the age of 21. If an establishment is found to have sold Rivas alcohol, it could be made to pay a civil fine or it could have its license to sell alcohol temporarily suspended, Porter said. An establishment that has faced similar problems multiple times before could have its license canceled outright. The employee who sold alcohol to Rivas could also be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, Porter said. Texas Tribune Reports Beto O'Rourke to challenge Sen. Ted Cruz in November after primary win It's official: Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke will face off in the general election for U.S. Senate in Texas. Cruz, the Republican incumbent, and O'Rourke, a Democratic congressman from El Paso, were on track to easily capture their parties' nominations Tuesday night, according to early returns. Cruz, who is seeking a second term, was besting four little-known challengers with 85 percent of the vote, while O'Rourke was at 61 percent in a three-way nominating contest. O'Rourke's share of the vote was surprisingly low, and in some border counties, he was losing to primary rival Sema Hernandez or only narrowly leading her. The results cement a general election battle that has raised the hopes of Democrats, who have a well-funded, hard-working candidate in O'Rourke. Still, O'Rourke has an uphill battle in a state where Democrats have not won statewide office in over two decades. Until recently, Cruz had not done much to engage O'Rourke, ignoring him on the campaign trail. That changed in the final hours before polls closed Tuesday evening, when Cruz issued his most scathing critique of O'Rourke yet, telling Texas reporters that his challenger was a "left-wing liberal Democrat" in the mold of Bernie Sanders. George P. Bush wins Republican primary race for Texas land commissioner Land Commissioner George P. Bush won the GOP primary and avoided a runoff against his predecessor. With most of the votes tallied statewide, Bush won nearly 58 percent of the vote. Former Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson was in second place with 30 percent of the vote in the four-person race that included land surveyor Davey Edwards and retired firefighter and teacher Rick Range. Bush thanked his supporters on Twitter: "Texas voters THANK YOU! Your steadfast support through this primary is what has made tonight's victory possible!" Bush, a first-term incumbent, raised more than $1.5 million in the year before the election, while Patterson raised $107,588, including a $20,000 loan to himself. The grandson of former President George H. W. Bush and son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush maintained a relatively low profile during the campaign, emphasizing his conservative values while his opponents criticized him for being a moderate. His opponents focused mainly on one issue: Bushs management of the Alamo. Patterson, Edwards and Range have claimed Bushs $450 million Alamo Master Plan, which includes renovating the site, would distract visitors from remembering the 1836 battle for Texas independence. Valdez, White headed to runoff in Democratic gubernatorial primary Lupe Valdez and Andrew White will advance to a runoff in the Democratic primary for governor. Valdez, the former Dallas County sheriff, led White, the son of late Gov. Mark White, by 13 percentage points 42 percent to 29 percent, with 40 percent of precincts reporting. They were far ahead of the seven other Democrats vying to challenge Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who easily bested two little-known challengers with 90 percent of the vote. "I am really humbled that so many Texans who are ready for a change are giving me the opportunity to lead that change," Valdez said at her election night rally in Dallas. "Competition makes us stronger and I am grateful to all the other candidates for helping us all get stronger." White rallied his supporters in his hometown of Houston, predicting a "blue wave" in November while pressing his long-held argument that he is the best candidate to take on Abbott. "We beat the expectations tonight, and were going to do it again in May, and were going to do it again in November," White said. "This is going to be a David-vs-Goliath fight and remember, David won that fight. And were going to win this one too." The runoff is set for May 22. Whoever becomes the Democratic nominee will face a daunting challenge in trying to topple Abbott, who is seeking a second term. He remains the most popular statewide elected official and has a whopping $41 million in his campaign coffers. Sid Miller prevails in three-way GOP race for Texas agriculture commissioner Sid Millers first term as agriculture commissioner has been marked by numerous high-profile controversies that cost him the support of some key conservative groups. But the Republican from Stephenville a former state representative known for his social media bluster and omnipresent cowboy hat prevailed in a big way in Tuesdays primary election. As returns rolled in throughout the night, Miller maintained about 56 percent of the vote in a three-way race to lead a department whose wide-ranging responsibilities include inspecting lottery balls and running the federal school lunch program. The remaining 44 percent was split fairly evenly between Miller's two challengers, Trey Blocker and Jim Hogan a striking result since Blocker was considered a more serious candidate. "Thank God," Miller said when asked how he felt about avoiding a runoff. In Texas House primaries, two of the three incumbents challenged by Gov. Greg Abbott lead early After Gov. Greg Abbott spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in a campaign to unseat three Republican incumbents in the Texas House, two of those incumbents were nonetheless ahead of their primary challengers. And state Rep. Sarah Davis, Abbotts most explicit target, led challenger Susanna Dokupil by more than 10 percentage points with almost all precincts reporting Tuesday. In a victory celebration on her Facebook page, she thanked voters for re-electing her, telling them this primary race had significance far beyond her Harris County district. It was about whether the Republican party would be big enough to support diverse voices, and the right of a representative to vote her conscience and her district, she said before, framed by celebratory balloons. Texas poised to send its first two Latinas to Congress The state of Texas is all but certain to break a major glass ceiling and send at least one, and likely two, Hispanic women to Congress next year. In El Paso, former El Paso County Judge Veronica Escobar declared victory in her race to replace Democratic U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke, who is running for the U.S. Senate. Across the state, state Sen. Sylvia Garcia won her bid for the Democratic nomination for the seat to replace U.S. Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston. Each woman won the Democratic primary in districts that are heavily in favor of their party in the fall. Days after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit to reunite an asylum-seeker who was separated from her 7-year-old daughter, President Donald Trump's administration abruptly released the mother. The woman has been held in a San Diego immigrant detention center since November when she asked federal officials at the border for asylum. She is still waiting to be reunified with her daughter, who was placed in a foster care shelter in Chicago. "We are thrilled," Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project, said in a statement. "But there remain many other families who have been separated, and we will continue to attack this horrific family separation practice." The case was the latest instance of migrant families being detained and separated at the border. SEE MORE: Trump moves to end 'catch and release', prosecuting parents and removing children who cross border The Trump administration threatened to do so early last year, but backed off amid outrage. As the number of families arriving at the border kept rising, however, the administration last summer began criminally prosecuting parents and placing their children in federal foster care. The practice enables the government to sidestep a 20-year-old federal settlement that holds children should not be incarcerated and must be kept with their parents if possible. Trump has urged the tightening of such "loopholes" and vowed to end a practice of so-called "catch and release" in which families are freed to wait out their immigration cases in civil courts. It's not clear how many migrant parents have been charged and separated from their children, as the government has not released statistics on the matter and the process plays out among three large and opaque federal agencies. The Houston Chronicle in November identified 22 such cases, and migrant advocacy groups report hundreds more. Among them is the case of Blanca Vasquez and four other Central American parents who were detained in El Paso last fall. Their children were placed in foster care and the parents prosecuted for illegally crossing the border. READ: Her husband murdered, her son taken away, a mother seeking asylum tells a judge, 'I have lost everything' The Office of the Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Texas argued their cases are a violation of their rights to due process. The lawyers contend that parents plead guilty to the criminal charge of illegal entry only so that they can more quickly reunite with their children. A magistrate judge in El Paso dismissed the complaint, and it is now on appeal. In a stunning turn-around, Vasquez now will be released this week and allowed to join her children in New Orleans. The mother was on the verge of deportation when an immigration nonprofit in Pennsylvania read about her case in the Houston Chronicle and intervened. They asked asylum officers to re-interview Vazquez -- this time, with their representation. In an unusual outcome, officials overruled their previous denial, even though transcripts show the mother's story remained the same. An immigration judge in El Paso, one of the hardest places in the country to receive asylum, according to denial rates, agreed that she had a potentially valid claim and ordered her released on a $7,500 bond. RELATED: Salvadoran mother detained and separated from her child at border to be freed Transcripts show the mother did nearly everything those seeking asylum are supposed to do. She told Border Patrol agents she was afraid of returning to El Salvador, where gang members killed her husband, a sergeant in the military, and targeted her sons. She asked for an attorney. But federal officials prosecuted her instead and took away her 13-year-old son. Last month, 75 congressional Democrats sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, saying they were disturbed by the increase in family separations and asked officials to clarify their policies. Such a practice is "so fundamentally unconscionable it defies countless international and domestic laws on child welfare, human rights and refugees," according to a complaint advocacy groups, including the Women's Refugee Commission, filed with the Department of Homeland Security in December. The department hasn't responded to questions about its policy on family separations. Tom Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the Associated Press in January that there "have been some separations done," particularly in cases where parents are thought to have used smugglers to bring their children across the border. He said he believed many families that seek asylum don't have strong claims to the protection. "I'd be a fool to say that none of them have a case of credible fear. They're really escaping danger," Homan said. "But I can tell you ... many of them are taking advantage of a low threshold." Federal prosecutors have opposed a court motion by a Lubbock businessman to be tried separately from recently convicted state Sen. Carlo Uresti in their upcoming bribery and money laundering trial. Vernon C. Farthing III wants separate trials, in part, because of concern that Urestis conviction two weeks ago will spill over into into their May court proceeding and deprive Farthing of his right to a fair trial. Farthings primary complaint seems to be that one of the people he chose to enter into a criminal conspiracy with is a criminal, Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Blackwell said in a Tuesday court filing opposing Farthings motion to sever. In his Feb. 23 motion, Farthing cited Urestis conviction by a federal jury on 11 felony counts, including wire fraud, money laundering and securities fraud, in connection with the lawmakers involvement in a now-defunct oilfield company that defrauded investors. The San Antonio Democrat has vowed to appeal the verdict. Blackwell declined to comment. Cynthia Orr, a lawyer for Farthing, didnt immediately respond to a request for comment. The case against Uresti and Farthing stems from a contract to provide medical services to a correctional facility in West Texas. Each has been indicted on a single count of conspiracy to commit bribery and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The indictment says Farthing paid Uresti $10,000 a month as a marketing consultant and then gave half of the money to Jimmy Galindo, county judge from January 1995 to June 2006, in return for a favorable vote for Farthings company contract. Galindo pleaded guilty in June to conspiracy to commit bribery and failure to file a 2013 tax return. He admitted to splitting about $850,000 in bribes with Uresti and struck a deal with prosecutors that includes assisting in the case. The trial is set for May 7 in San Antonio federal court. For the complete story, see Thursdays Business section or click here to visit San Antonio International Airport saw a spike in international travelers in January as passenger traffic set a record, airport officials said Wednesday. More than 702,000 passengers landed at or flew out of the San Antonio airport in January, according to the airports monthly statistics report released Wednesday. Thats a nearly 8 percent increase from the 652,000 travelers the airport saw in January 2017 its 19th consecutive month of record growth, according to new data from the airport. Increases in domestic airline capacity along with new routes from low-cost carrier Frontier Airlines contributed to a 7 percent uptick in domestic travel to and from San Antonio International, aviation officials said in the report. More than 671,000 domestic passengers traveled through the airport in January, compared with about 626,000 the year before. International traffic to the San Antonio airport grew by almost 23 percent to more than 31,000 passengers in January from about 26,000 during the same month last year. Aviation officials attributed the jump primarily to Mexican airline Volaris nonstop route from Mexico City to San Antonio, launched in September, and Air Canadas route to Toronto that began in May. But the ongoing decline in the Mexican peso and current macro-level economic and political uncertainties continue to suppress demand from Mexico to the San Antonio airport, the airports air service administrator, Brian Pratte, wrote to Aviation Director Russ Handy in the airports monthly report on passenger traffic. Tourism officials have warned that President Donald Trumps stance on immigration particularly his support for building a U.S.-Mexico border wall, banning travel from Muslim-majority countries and deporting millions of people believed to be in the country illegally would discourage travel from foreign countries. The U.S. saw fewer international tourists last year. The U.S. Department of Commerce in February reported a 3.6 percent decrease in foreign travel to the U.S. during the first eight months of 2017. International travel to the San Antonio airport plunged by nearly 8 percent to about 386,000 international passengers in 2017 from more than 400,000 in 2016. Handy previously told the Express-News that the political climate and Mexican pesos devaluation were contributing factors in the downturn. But Handy said the decrease could also be due to Southwest Airlines ending its San Antonio-Mexico City route in March 2016, and Mexican airliners Aeromexico and Interjet cutting the frequency of their daily flights to Monterrey and Toluca. However, the San Antonio airport began seeing positive trends in international travel toward the end of the year that officials expect to continue as the peso regains value. Federal prosecutors have asked a federal judge to prohibit recently convicted state Sen. Carlos Uresti from squandering his assets. The U.S. Attorneys Office here filed the motion under seal this week days after his wife filed for divorce Friday. They are seeking a restraining order to prevent the dissipation of assets. Blacks Law Dictionary says the term is used in referring to a person with debt who will squander his money and not pay his creditors. RELATED: Elderly mom in home is main concern as standoff extends 18 hours The court docket shows Senior U.S. District Judge David A. Ezra signed an order related to the request on Tuesday, but it also was filed under seal. Assistant U.S. Attorney Kristy Callahan on Wednesday asked the judge to unseal her earlier motion and his order because she said the parties have been notified of the governments request. She declined to comment on her motion, so its not immediately clear if a restraining order would apply to anyone besides Uresti. RELATED: SAPD: 23 arrested in February prostitution busts The filing comes two weeks after a jury found Uresti guilty of 11 felony charges over his involvement in FourWinds Logistics, a now-defunct San Antonio company that defrauded investors. The company bought and sold sand used for fracking in oil production. Turn to Thursdays Business section or click here to read the full article on From the outset, Gary Cohn was an unconventional choice to be President Donald Trumps top economic adviser. A former Goldman Sachs president and proponent of free trade, Cohn had a pedigree and economic views that clashed with Trumps populist rhetoric and protectionist policies. His methodical approach also contrasted with the presidents freewheeling style. But Cohn, who said on Tuesday that he would resign as director of the National Economic Council, brought to the Trump administration something that the president himself lacked: the widespread respect of top corporate executives. Now, those business leaders are lamenting the loss of one of their own from what is among the countrys most important economic positions. Gary brought a strong growth orientation for the economy and a very balanced perspective, particularly on critical topics like trade, said Rich Lesser, chief executive of the Boston Consulting Group, who served on one of Trumps business advisory panels last year and attended policy meetings with Cohn. Hell be missed. Cohn was instrumental in putting together the sweeping tax law that was enacted last year, legislation that delivered a windfall to corporations and was the main policy achievement of Trumps first year in office. He is leaving the White House just as the president is proposing to impose stiff tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, which Cohn and many of his business allies strongly oppose. Its a pity were losing Gary this moment, said Andrew Liveris, the executive chairman of DowDuPont who was also on a White House advisory panel. His would have been a critical voice on this issue. Markets have been sensitive to Cohns White House arc. In August, amid rumors that he might resign in the wake of Trumps equivocal response to white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, stock prices fell before an administration spokesman said that Cohn planned to stay. On Tuesday, news of his resignation helped send stock futures down. In early trading on Wednesday, the Standard & Poors 500 index slid about 0.5 percent. He was extremely reassuring to everyone on Wall Street, and also in the business community, said Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, a professor at theYale School of Management. They are losing an oasis of clear thought. A former silver trader who sweet-talked his way into his first job at the New York Commodity Exchange and was later the second-highest-ranking executive at Goldman Sachs, Cohn understood the nuances of free markets and complex organizations but was not locked into a specific worldview. As a trader, Cohn was aggressive in predicting commodity price swings and betting money on his views. As a manager at Goldman, he was tough-minded and could be critical and impatient. His frustration over not being named chief executive was well-telegraphed, not least by his surprise decision to take a job in the Trump administration. Given his background, he was regarded as the voice of Wall Street in the administration, a mantle that invited admiration and antipathy. He is a globalist and he understands economics and trade, said Bill George, a Goldman board member. I think he was very stabilizing influence within the Trump administration. Kathryn Wylde, the chief executive of the Partnership for New York City, a business group, said that she viewed Cohn as a real resource in Washington. He was somebody that the New York business community and financial industry in particular relied on as someone in the White House who understood business and the financial industry and would push for doing what was right, not what was politically correct, she said. On Tuesday evening, Lloyd C. Blankfein, Goldmans chief executive, praised Cohn in a message on Twitter, writing, Gary Cohn deserves credit for serving his country in a first class way. Cohns role in the administration was not universally celebrated. Some lawmakers, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., were sharply critical of his appointment, saying it was troubling to see such a critical job go to someone whose firm was deeply connected to the 2008 financial crisis and ensuing recession. Some of Trumps core supporters were also skeptical of Cohn because of his background. They viewed him as a foe of the populist agenda that helped propel Trump to the presidency. Some White House aides disparagingly called him Globalist Gary. On Tuesday, Breitbart News published an article with the headline 6 Times Globalist Gary Cohn Tried to Derail Trumps America First Agenda. Cohns critics said that the timing of his departure made it appear as if he considered the tariff proposals unacceptable, even as he stood by the president after the Charlottesville episode. Every White House staffer has their breaking point, said Ron Klain, a chief of staff to Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore. If his breaking point was aluminum tariffs, and not the presidents remarks after Charlottesville, he had the wrong breaking point. George, the Goldman Sachs director, said he did not think Cohn had to answer for all of the presidents remarks. I dont think hes tainted at all, George said. Hell probably take a few months to relax and reflect, and I expect hell come back to New York and do something significant in the financial world. On Tuesday night, Trump said he would decide soon on a successor to Cohn. Many people wanting the job, Trump wrote on Twitter. Will choose wisely! The family of a woman who was killed while house sitting in October in Contra Costa County is offering a $10,000 reward for information about the murder. Emily Courchesne, 37, of Danville, was reportedly shot and killed while she was looking after property on a farm in unincorporated Contra Costa County near Byron. Meat products often sold at Whole Foods stores are being recalled in both Canada and the United States. Over 3,900 pounds of ready-to-eat salami, pepperoni, chorizo and sopressata made by Olli Salumeria Americana in Oceanside, Calif. were pulled from circulation after a routine inspection found them to be tainted with Listeria, the United States Department of Agriculture said in a press release. Summer may be coming to a close, but some people just can't stop flaunting their posh, extravagant lives. The Rich Kids of Dubai spent some time causally taking photos in lavish pools, expensive cars, yachts and boats. There are lots and lots of bikinis. EXTREME NUPTIALS: Russian oligarch, model fiancee tie the knot in multimillion-dollar wedding An article on CNN called Dubai and the United Arab Emirates one of the most 'socially-engaged countries in the world," so it's no surprise that these young people are sharing their ridiculously luxurious lives on social media. In fact, one of the country's biggest Instagram stars is a 15-year-old kid named Rashed Belhasa, who has a custom Ferrari he can't even drive yet. He is the son of billionaire businessman Saif Ahmed Belhasa, and is chaperoned by rapper Fat Joe when he visits New York. He has even posted photos with celebrities like Rihanna. Belhasa was able to launch a sneaker and urbanwear via his Instagram and YouTube, and now has a collection of rare, exclusive shoes most people won't even get to see in their lifetime. While we may not be able to afford even thinking about the kind of over-the-top lives these young people have, there is no harm in living vicariously through their Instagram posts. Take a look through the gallery above to see the luxurious and seemingly-perpetual vacation lives of the Rich Kids of Dubai. On this date in ... 1918: The work of Dr. John F. Miller, chief inspector for the Board of Health in Albany, made Albanians feel safe about the quality and safety of the milk they consumed, despite the increasing price nationwide. He held the position since it was created in 1913. In 1917, 50 peddlers took out permits to sell milk, as did 325 dealers and shopkeepers. 1968: The Troy City Council paved the way for the granting of a permit for closed antenna television rights to Northeastern Telecable Inc., a corporation whose principal stockholders included several political figures. But because a unanimous vote was needed on the first reading, a 6-1 vote in favor of the grant of permit was not sufficient for passage. The fate of closed antenna cable television in Troy and across the nation was unclear at this time because the Federal Communications Commission had carried a case involving the legality of CCCA to the U.S. Supreme Court. 1993: The end of the Cold War reached rural Rensselaer County not with a bang, but a moo. A dozen businessmen from the Rostov region in Russia visited the AuClair-Brock dairy farm in Pittstown to uncover the secrets of American bovine agribusiness. Students from nearby Tamarac High School helped out as translators, but there was more than a language that separated the local farmers from the Russian businessmen. The Russians asked questions about production in terms of liters of milk, kilograms of cattle and hectares of land and the farmers answered in gallons, pounds and acres. At times, the math proved more difficult than the translation. Want to read more about the Capital Region's past? Have any memories or thoughts about how our history relates to today's events? See BRIDGEPORT Mayor Joe Ganim has plenty of challenges ahead as he seeks to become Connecticuts next governor. But a severely divided Democratic Town Committee back home will not be one of them. Tuesdays committee primaries had far more statewide significance than usual given Ganims political ambitions and the hefty number of delegates 90 that Bridgeport will send to Mays gubernatorial nominating convention. And neighborhood slates of candidates favored by Ganim and his close friend and ally, veteran Democratic Town Chairman Mario Testa, seemed to have prevailed based on unofficial vote counts. There was a strong, overwhelming city endorsement of this town committee, the people here, the work being done by this party in general, and Chairman Mario Testa, Ganim said in a victory speech to about 40 people gathered in the ballroom of Testas Italian restaurant. Referencing his run for governor and the possibility that he will have to mount a primary against his partys convention nominee, Ganim added: I need some clarification for the rest of Connecticut. Does Bridgeport know how to win a primary? The group cheered. Ganim was first elected mayor in 1991 and had, with Testas support, wanted to eventually move on to the governors mansion in Hartford. But then the young political star was convicted of corruption in 2003 and spent seven years in federal prison. Ganim, with Testas backing, waged an historic comeback in 2015, ousting incumbent Mayor Bill Finch in that summers primary and easily winning the general election. Not long after the returned mayor, once again, set his sights on being Connecticuts chief executive. But it is a tough fight. The state Supreme Court last year ruled that Ganims criminal history prevents him from participating in Connecticuts public campaign financing program, which means he will have to spend more time fundraising. And that criminal record is also considered by some a liability as Ganim courts voters around the state, even if Bridgeport voters granted him his second chance. But his gubernatorial campaign could have been done in Tuesday had more so-called reform candidates won seats on Bridgeports town committee. That would have threatened Testas chances for re-election and also Ganims local delegate count. The town chairman and committee members choose the delegates to send to the statewide nominating convention. Bridgeport has the second highest number behind New Haven, making the city, Ganim and Testa influential power brokers. Thankfully he (Ganim) won so he wont come up short on delegates, said Johanna Dorgan, a town committee member, of Tuesdays results. Or lose Testa. As Hearst Connecticut Newspapers previously reported Sunday, the long-time town chairman Testa was running the party back when Ganim was first mayor is considered an invaluable partner to Ganim because of his political experience and contacts. The two are very close. Testa admitted to Hearst last week that Ganim is almost like the son he never had. Ganim told his supporters Tuesday night that opponents within the Democratic Party had been overheard saying the best way to take out Joe Ganim was take out Mario Testa. Last week Testa declined to commit to seeking another term ahead of Tuesdays primaires, simply saying he would retire a winner, not go out as a loser. Asked about his plans Tuesday, Testa smiled: I told you I dont go out as a loser. Remember that. Still, even supposed allies have doubts Testa can get Ganim elected governor. Bonnie Roach, wife of Ganim aide and his former mayoral campaign manager, Danny Roach, during a verbal altercation Tuesday suggested it would not happen. Roach was caught on video by Councilman Peter Spain and his wife, who were on opposite sides of the town committee primary in the waterfront Black Rock neighborhood. In the video the Spains posted on Facebook, Bonnie Roach told them: Listen, Joes not gonna be governor. ... Noones looking at this and saying, Joe is gonna be governor. But strategically, if he becomes important (to the governors race) theres always a deal that they can make. And whose it gonna be for? Bridgeport. 1 Teachers strike: West Virginias striking teachers cheered, sang and wept joyfully Tuesday as lawmakers acted to end a nine-day classroom walkout, ceding them 5 percent pay hikes that are also being extended to all state workers. A huge crowd of teachers packing the Capitol jumped up and down, chanted We love our kids! The settlement came on the ninth day of a crippling strike that had idled hundreds of thousands of students, forced parents to scramble for child care and cast a spotlight on government dysfunction in one of the poorest states in the nation. 2 Porn star suit: A porn star who has said she had sex with President Trump filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement that she signed days before the 2016 presidential election, which prevented her from discussing the alleged sexual encounters. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, alleges that the agreement is null and void and of no consequence because Trump didnt personally sign it. Adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said she wanted to go public with the details of her alleged sexual relationship with Trump in the weeks leading up to the election, according to the lawsuit. Clifford said the relationship included encounters at Lake Tahoe and Beverly Hills. Delia Sellers said she was so nervous she couldn't even join her fellow Republican candidates hanging out looking for election returns at the Generations Coffee House in Liberty on Tuesday night. Instead, she watched returns from another restaurant on the courthouse square. She didn't have anything to worry about. The former Liberty County Clerk unofficially won the District Clerk's office race by 330-plus votes, ousting current officeholder Donna Brown from the office she has held for the last eight years. Sellers, who won the early vote by a count of 2,387 to Donna Brown's 2,119, held on to that lead and extended it with election day votes to win the race, 3,983-3,644. Brown said she wasn't bitter with the loss. "I appreciate the support. It's been a God thing. I've done what I feel like I needed to do. I am okay. It's good," she said late Tuesday night. At around 9 p.m., with 15 of the 30 precinct boxes in, she was asked if she thought she could make up the difference between herself and Sellers. She said she didn't expect for things to change significantly. "As early voting goes is pretty much how the election goes," she said. While the two candidates split the boxes on election day, the Brown wins were smaller than those of Sellers, providing the final tally. "I said from the beginning this is all God. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I heard from God and did what I had to do," said an unapologetic Brown regarding her social media posts criticizing the district judges. She hasn't made plans for the future but said she is certain of one thing - it's in God's hands. Sellers was optimistic about her win. "I'm thankful for what happened tonight, and I want to thank the voters of Liberty County who trusted me as their Liberty County Clerk and now trust me to be their District Clerk," she said. She eventually made it over to the Generations party where she was greeted by well-wishers. Sellers said it didn't take much encouragement for her to run when she began hearing of the things that needed to be done in the District Clerk's office. "I knew I was that person to take care of it," she said. Sellers, who said the courthouse is like her second home, said she didn't have any plans to 'clean house' but would focus on fixing what is broken. "It's stressful to run an election, but you meet so many good people out there," she said. "I didn't win this by myself," she said, grateful to her team who helped get her elected. "My heart if full. I am blessed to live in Liberty County." Sellers began to get tearful as she talked about her constituents. "Their vote of confidence means so much to me," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. She pledged to do the job. "I will never win a speech award, but as far as work is concerned, I'll get it done," she smiled. The county judge's race was probably one of the most unique with three county judges vying for the same spot - one current judge and two former. The race was expected to draw record numbers, but not in the direction some thought it might go. Sitting Judge Jay Knight claimed an outright victory, disposing of his competitors Craig McNair and Phil Fitzgerald. Knight believed his formal education, experience and record for getting things done the previous four years spelled out the difference between him and his opponents. "I had two formidable opponents, both diverse in their experience, and I think the voters have been paying attention to what their commissioners court has been doing to bring in industry and growth that will help provide the services they seek at a pace that is good for our future," he said. Knight drew a huge lead of 1,519 votes in the early voting and never relinquished the lead. The deficit was enough to stave off a runoff when he garnered 54 percent of the vote. Of the 30 election day boxes, Knight won 20 of those while McNair and Fitzgerald split the remaining 10 boxes. McNair's support came from the Cleveland area with narrow wins and a tie with Knight in Plum Grove. Fitzgerald, who finished third, found followers in the smaller towns of Rye, Moss Hill, Romayor, Hull and Ames. None of them were enough to close the gap. "I'm going back to work for the people," Knight said. "From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for your trust in me and the job that I'm doing and the job the court is doing to make Liberty County great." Fitzgerald, who was not at the Republican Party gathering following the election at Generations, called Knight to concede. "He was very gracious, and I thanked him for being a gentleman through the campaign process. He didn't sling mud not one time," Knight said. McNair walked over to the table where Knight was sitting and shook hands with Knight and congratulated him. Earlier in the evening, McNair was disappointed in the early voting returns, but instead was upbeat on the experiences he has had in the process. "I was in Plum Grove today and an 18-year-old wanted to know how to vote. Her mom had dropped her off and it was her first experience," McNair said. At another location, McNair also met an immigrant couple who had recently become citizens months back and was also looking for the right poll. He checked it out and they were supposed to be in Plum Grove so he sent them there. "I gave them my card and they said they would vote for me," he said. He was happy to have helped three new voters in the American election process vote in the Republican Primary. Knight thanked his supporters and even those who didn't vote for him, saying he hoped to earn their trust and promised to work for them as well. Doyelle Turner lost her first election bid to attorney Lee Haidusek Chambers in the County Clerk race. Chambers garnered 4,048 votes to Turner's 3,090. Chambers began election day with a 600-plus vote lead that was insurmountable for Turner. "This is my home county. I was born and raised here, my parents and grandparents were too," Chambers said, beaming after the results were posted. Both Chambers and her husband, Judge Tommy Chambers, are fifth generation residents of the county and are vested in making the county the best. "It's why we serve - to give back," she said. Turner was gracious in defeat. "First of all, I want to thank God for all the blessings I have received. I have said from the beginning that He has a plan for me, and I still believe that. I appreciate all the support I received during this election," she said. Turner said she was blessed to be a part of the process in her first foray into politics. "I would like to say congratulations to my opponent and wish her the very best!" she said to Chambers. Chambers said she wasn't looking for a job, but the timing was great. "Having a legal background and being computer savvy, that's what we need in that office," she said. She will have a Democratic opponent in November, but Chambers said that even though he's a political novice, she's not taking him for granted. In other elections, Ernest Bailes won the Republican seat as State Representative in the 18th District with wins over Emily Kebodeaux Cook in San Jacinto County, 3,160 to 1,136; Walker County, 3,930 to 2,651; and in Liberty County, 4,010 to 3,821. Judge Chap Cain trounced his Republican opponent Mark Beausoleil in Chambers County with a 3,589 to 1,377 win and another runaway win in Liberty County, 4,677 to 3,106. In the only contested Liberty County commissioner's race, Greg Arthur dispatched challenger Kenny Brand, 1,697 to 825. In the two Justice of the Peace elections, Pct. 4 JP Larry Wilburn outlasted opponent David Ripkowski, 1,364 to 1,054. Pct. 5 Justice of the Peace Wade Brown defeated opponent Tim Magee, 791 to 486. No runoff elections follow in this primary. Only five Democrats will meet Republican opponents in the November election and all of them were for five different races, so they were each elected to run in the fall. NOTE: Vanesa Brashier contributed to this story. The San Jacinto County primary elections ended with a few cheers for candidates and some tense reactions from the crowd of voters and candidates. One of the biggest races on March 6 was the Republican primary election for county judge. The race was between former county judge Fritz Faulkner, Steve Roberts and Robert Reynolds. Faulkner won the race with 2,397 votes, roughly 53.04 percent. Roberts came in at second with 1,024 votes and Reynolds had 843 votes. The crowd cheered upon hearing Faulkner's name announced as the winner. The victory marks Faulkner's return to being San Jacinto County Judge after having lost the last election to current judge John Lovett, who did not seek reelection to that seat. "It's been a long, hard race and I'm glad it's over," he said. "I look forward to serving the community again." Roberts congratulated Faulkner for his victory and says he intends to keep a promise. "As per my pre-election promise, I will work hard to ensure that Fritz's general election for our party is a success," he said. The Eastex Advocate contacted Reynolds for comment, but those efforts were unsuccessful. Faulkner is expected to run against Democrat Party candidate Earl Brown in November. Another close race was held for the Justice of the Peace Pct. 1 candidates. Six candidates entered the race. Early voting and absentee voting results favored Tracy Shipley with 154 votes. Second came Christina McGee with 134 votes followed by John Lovett with 131 votes and Jodie Jones with 130. Dianne Griffith had 97 votes and Cliff Love had 31 votes. However, the election day results changed the race with McGee coming out on top with 257 votes and Lovett following with 226 votes, pointing to a runoff election between the two candidates. Shipley was in third with 213 votes. McGee expressed her excitement over the future of the election, though she notes that she still has one more obstacle before her. "It's a runoff so there's still work to do," she said. "I feel confident with the results." According to McGee, this election saw the highest turnout of voters for San Jacinto County in a non-presidential election season. Lovett admits he expected the primary election to end in a runoff and says his focus was upon securing his spot should that be the case. "That was the goal," he said. Lovett says he hopes to bring fair justice to everyone should he become the next JP for Pct. 1. Shipley admits she isn't surprised she did not win the primary election due to being a more recent resident of the county. "I just didn't know enough people," she said. Despite not making it into the runoff election, Shipley is surprised she did as well as she did with her margin of votes making her one of the top contenders among six candidates. The Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 election was held between Wade Runnels and incumbent Greg Magee. Magee won with a total of 895 votes over 623 from Runnels. Dee Dee Adams won the county treasurer election against opponent Janice Chamblee. Adams had 2,305 votes while Chamblee came out with 1,712 votes. Adams says she felt a lot of adrenaline on election night and was not expecting the results to tip in her favor. "I always felt like I was losing," she said. "I guess it hasn't sunk in yet." Adams says she is excited that her hard work paid off and her plan is to just keep moving forward. Mark Nettuno won reelection for Pct. 4 Commissioner against Will Copeland and Lee Ashby, Jr. Nettuno received 1,004 votes over 423 for Copeland and 75 for Ashby, Jr. The District Clerk race ended with Tammy Currie winning 2,690 votes. Bill Cooke received 1,194 votes. Dawn Wright won reelection for the County Clerk position. She received 3,108 votes against Silvia Haro, who received 783 votes. Haro commends Wright on winning her reelection. "The people voted and I congratulate her," said Haro. Haro says she chose to run against Wright due to concerns she says she has with the San Jacinto County Clerk's office and wished to resolve those concerns. "I felt that I was the right person," she said. With the race now over, Haro extended her thanks to those who supported her in the primary election. "They went through a lot of hard work for me," she said. Wright says she not only won the election but also received more votes than any local candidate in contested races. "I feel blessed and honored and excited to serve the public for another four years," Wright said. "Thank you for voting for me and putting your trust into allowing me to serve." The County Tax Assessor-Collector race ended with Betty Davis winning with 2,756 votes. Her opponent, Ray McCoppin, received 1,277 votes. Ernest Bailes ran for reelection for the Texas House District 18 election against Emily Cook. Bailes received 3,160 votes in San Jacinto County while Cook received 1,136 votes. Bailes also claimed victories in Liberty and Walker counties, the other parts of his three-county district. Bailes won with a total of 11,105 votes. Cook received 7,608 votes. Children are naturally inquisitive learners. Now they have a place to go when they want to learn just a little bit more. Parents go above and beyond for their children's safety, growth, education. Manuela Cabral Fly said she likes exposing her son Brock Michael Fly, 7, to extra-curricular activities because he can get an idea on what his professional calling would be and because the activities motivate him to do well in school. "I believe it can be well rounded and to let the children explore all the different activities that are available to them is key to them finding out what they really love to do, whether it is as a hobby or as a task," Cabral Fly said. Idea Lab Kids offers summer, spring break, holidays breaks and school days-off camps. Additionally, on-site or mobile birthday parties are offered. Ghazal Qureshi, founder of Idea Lab Kids, said the force that drove her to make Idea Lab Kids a reality was when she felt her 7-year-old child, Ayman, was being left behind in the traditional classroom. After Qureshi's last corporate position, she decided to be a stay-at-home mom. "I realized there was such a lack in the market for the type of programs that I wanted my kids to be participating in that I started putting it together on volunteer basis and from that it kind of turned into a business," Qureshi said. Idea Labs has held more than 120 camps. The ratio of a class is from 10 to 12 students per teacher. "We believed that science, technology, engineering and mathematics couldn't be standing alone. They required the arts in some sort of fashion. We just didn't know how to articulate that," Querish said. "Later we realized the importance of it. In the market place, or in the scientific world that wasn't the norm, but we always thought it was so important we couldn't eliminate that (and) we kept introducing arts into our STEM programs so we feel like, oh wow, we are the pioneers." Classes can range from graphic and video design, robotics, 3D printing, engineering, physics in motion, coding, chemistry lab, movie studio, puzzles, logic and engineering to Spanish immersion, cursive and cooking classes. Programs are available for children from 4 to 14 years old. "We've always stayed true to the programs that we think the kids needed, which were engaging, thought-provoking, which asked them questions rather than give them instructions only," Qureshi said. Idea Lab has several campuses throughout the Greater Houston area, including Bellaire, central Houston, Energy Corridor, the Medical Center, the Heights, Downtown, Katy, Spring Branch, Sugar Land, the Woodlands, Spring and Humble. Other locations are in Austin, San Antonio and Howard County, Md. Outside of the U.S., IDEA Lab Kids is in Canada, and will have additional locations in India, China and Russia. Staff go through a video training, an in-class training, which can go from how to do video-printing slicing, work with drones Qureshi said. "We hire fresh graduates, [college] juniors and seniors, because they are the ones who are at the cutting edge of all the new educational frontiers," Qureshi said. "They are the ones working with the newest technology, they are the ones taking classes in the field that they are passionate about and their energy directly translates to making the kids excited about what they are teaching." Kristopher Ellis, the director of research and development at Idea Lab Kids and instructor, said they do everything from simple imagination projects that students get to work with to programming robots, among other things. "There is a lot of science activities out there, but there is not a lot of teaching that goes into those sciences activities, so we are trying to combine both so that we can bring the science to all the science experiments that are out there," Ellis said. Ellis said that as an instructor he enjoys finding students who become engaged and passionate about the activities they do and who take the lesson one step beyond. "We try to bring all the science together, and they will not always get everything, but once you are exposed to something you will remember one piece and the next time you will remember another piece and that is how children learn, just being exposed," Ellis said. Students can choose the subject matter that they are interested in, what type of program they want to participate. Idea Lab Kids also offers on-site or mobile birthday parties, with different themes available to choose from. "Our parties are different because they are taking the same type of principles that we teach in our classrooms," Qureshi said. "The trick behind us is that kids do not realize they are learning. They like they are making something cool, something exciting, but we are teaching them a lot of educational concepts and we do the parties the same way." Idea Lab has a team of 10 people who work on research, development and curriculum rewrites. Qureshi said they are always enhancing the curriculum. "We understand that (developing curriculums) costs a lot of money, but we understand that in today's age these kids are so savvy, we have to step 10 steps ahead of them and our curriculum needs to step 10 steps ahead in order to make sure that we are doing justice to them, otherwise it is very stagnant" Qureshi said. Brock Michael participates in Idea Lab activities every month. "We had one instance where one of the teachers there was thinking that something was too old for Brock, but they let him experiment and they were surprised that he figured out to go digging for a remote and that way he would make a particular robot work," Cabral Fly said. "They give the children the room to experiment and they make it fun so that the children can really flourish in that environment." For more information about Idea Lab Kids, visit Tomball will move forward with obtaining public comment on a proposal from Harris County to annex a 375-acre property into its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Harris County Precinct 4 is currently constructing a $19.9 million service center complex south of Humble Road, along proposed Holderrieth Road, which is currently a dirt road. The center would serve as an administrative facility and warehouse for Precinct 4 tractors and trucks. In November, the commissioners court decided to go forward to request that Tomball would consider annexing the property so that it would provide utilities. Currently, the property is in the city of Houston's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Melissa Hamous with the Harris County Engineering Department, told the council that the complex would be seeking natural gas and water utilities from the city of Tomball, but that the county would take care of the waste water. "It is a full annexation of all of the property that Harris County currently owns," she said. The service center might also be the future home of the Justice of the Peace Pct. 4, Place 1 courthouse, which is currently located on Cypresswood Drive. The building flooded during Harvey and is currently undergoing repairs. Last month, Pct. 4 Constable Mark Herman returned to the building it shares with the building after his side of repairs was completed. At the city council meeting on Monday, members voted unanimously to go forward with two public hearings regarding the proposed annexation. "The first recommendation for the public hearing is at the regular council meeting on April 2 and the next one would be on the regular council meeting on April 16," said city secretary Doris Speer. Both meetings are scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Once the public comment sessions are complete, city council will then decide whether or not to annex the property as early as May 7. "I think it'll be a great addition to Tomball," Tomball mayor Gretchen Fagan said. "I'm excited." While the primary elections wrapped up on Tuesday, the city council also announced it would cancel the city upcoming elections for positions 2 and 4, which are currently held by Mark Stoll and Derek Townsend Sr., respectively. The upcoming election on May 5, did not have any challengers for both incumbents. At the meeting, Tomball Police Chief Billy Tidwell introduced the handicap parking enforcement program that will be starting in two weeks. So far, 14 participating volunteers have undergone training to help the police department crack down on motorists parking illegally in handicap parking spaces. Volunteers will now be able to write citations on vehicles that are illegally parked in a handicap spot, with fines that can start at $500, according to state statutes. "Handicap volunteers can cite vehicles that don't have the proper placards or license plate in a handicap parking spot. Our volunteers are not allowed to approach a vehicle if someone is in the vehicle. They can take a photograph and turn it over to one of the officers," said Tidwell. To date, there is perhaps no greater symbol that the Republican Party now belongs to President Donald Trump than what just happened in Texas Tuesday night. George P. Bush, the last of the Bush political dynasty serving in public office, won his primary for land commissioner of Texas on Tuesday. And he won it only after he embraced his family's political enemy. "I endorsed President Trump in 2016," Bush says in an recent ad, as his main opponent started to close in. Bush has supported the president but begrudgingly at first. After his father, Jeb Bush, lost the nomination to Trump, Bush stood in a room of Texas Republican leaders and urged them to join the GOP presidential nominee: "From Team Bush, it's a bitter pill to swallow, but you know what, you get back up, and you help the man who won." Trump payed back the favor nearly two years later. Bush's come-around to Trump is remarkable, considering he probably didn't need the president. If there's one candidate that could have successfully run without embracing Trump, it probably would have been Bush. He obviously had the name recognition to stand alone, as well as the money. His uncle, former president George W. Bush, is credited with launching Republicans' current dominance in Texas when he ousted a Democratic governor in 1994, said Robert Lowry, a political science professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. Voters might have understood why he would have been wary of embracing the president, after Trump called his father "weak" and "an embarrassment to the family." And Bush is running a statewide campaign in a state that Gallup says gives Trump the lowest approval rating of any Republican state, at 39 percent. But this is Trump's world, even in what was once Bush country. Analysts say among Texas Republicans, Trump's approval rating stands at 86 percent. By Bush's own calculations, his political future rested on a politician who hijacked the party his family once led. "Everyone is embracing Trump," said Brendan Steinhauser, a Republican who runs a political consulting company in Texas, said of the primaries. The most extreme example came in a congressional primary outside San Antonio and Austin, where 17 of the 18 GOP candidates were tripping over themselves to run ads wearing "Make America Great Again" hats or going fishing in the "swamp of Washington," The Post's Mike DeBonis reported. Bush's primary struggles came from his predecessor, Jerry Patterson, who decided to run for land commissioner again after Bush came under fire for how his agency has managed the redevelopment of the symbol of Texas, the Alamo. Under pressure, Bush's strategy morphed into the same as every other GOP primary candidate in Texas in a competitive race: Embrace the president as much as you credibly can. In the first ad of Bush's campaign, he credited himself with ending a land dispute between local ranchers and the federal government. In another version of the ad that went up a month ago, Bush is primarily giving credit to Trump for his signature resume bullet-point: "I worked with President Trump to stop the illegal Obama land grab," Bush says. "I saw that, and I literally thought to myself: 'Does your grandmother know you're running this ad?'" Lowry said. Bush's win, Lowry added, says "something about where the party is. The Republican Party, at least the primary voters, they're really Trump's party more than the Bushes." Bush is probably well aware of what has happened to other Republicans who have bucked Trump. One of the most dramatic examples is in Arizona, where Trump critic and GOP Sen. Jeff Flake decided to retire rather than slug it out in a primary against a pro-Trump opponent. If Bush hadn't embraced Trump and also lost his primary, pundits would certainly be asking if the Trump era signals the end of the Bush era - a father and son, politically vanquished in the span of two years. But Bush found a way to win in the Trump era, and now the only question is: Just how much more will he embrace the party's new leader? NEW CANAAN The lack of adequate cell service in town has been a constant issue and a Soundview Lane resident has confirmed plans for a potential cell tower to be built on his property. Keith Richey, of 183 Soundview Lane and chairman of the Parking Commission, has confirmed he has signed a lease option agreement with Homeland Towers that could lead to the construction of a cell tower on his property if a cell service carrier signs up to sponsor, something that has yet to happen. Nothing happens until a carrier signs on and the town will have the opportunity to provide their input to the application, Richey said. That process hasnt even begun yet because there is no carrier and no set timeline. The carriers are independent businesses and they will evaluate the terms that are available and see if they want to participate. The application Richey refers to is one that will be made to the Connecticut Siting Council, a state agency that has jurisdiction over telecommunication facilities. An application is filed once the town builder secures an interested carrier to provide service followed by a 90-day consultation period between the applicant and the highest elected official, in this case First Selectman Kevin Moynihan, to explore alternative sites that may be available according to Executive Director of the Connecticut Siting Council Melanie Bachman. Once the 90-day consultation period expires, the interested parties bring an application for certification to us and we receive it and provide notice to the town, Bachman said. After an analyst reviews it and makes sure its complete, we put the matter on a regular meeting agenda and a three-part public hearing is scheduled in the host municipality. More Information To view Keith Richey's full press release, visit: See More Collapse The three-part public hearing is composed of a public site review, an evidentiary hearing for the council to cross-examine the applicant and a time for public comment. Bachman added that any approved applications usually come with substantial modifications from the council. Neighbors have responded to Richeys plans swiftly with many disapproving of the way in which they found out. A Facebook page titled STOP the Richey Cell Tower with over 50 followers has been created and op-eds have appeared in other town newspapers in opposition to the potential tower. Reached Tuesday morning, Hugh Wiley, the neighbor who initially found out about Richeys plans, said he was astonished when he heard about them. This is a very great concern, it sets a precedent for future cell towers on private property and there are many issues with the tower that could be harmful to ones health. Along Soundview Lane, the majority of neighbors have propped up signs denouncing the plans for a cell tower. Steve Sosnick, another resident of Soundview Lane, is an active member of the Facebook group. We had no idea of this contract Richey signed with the cell tower company, we found out by accident and realized this had been in the works since August of last year, Sosnick said. Sosnick referenced Richeys position as chairman of the Parking Commission and that he had discussed the idea with various town officials. This has a bad scent to it a town official secretly negotiation at the behest of other town officials and cutting out neighbors out of it, this bothers us, Sosnick said. According to Richey, only he was involved in direct negotiations with Homeland Towers regarding the cell tower on his property. The proposed cell tower, which would resemble a tree, would be 85 feet high, with five feet of concealment material, totaling to a maximum height of 90 feet, according to Richeys press release. Sosnick said he sympathizes with residents concerns regarding inadequate cell service in the area but the process through which Richey negotiated irked him. The idea of doing this through secret negotiations that benefits one well-connected homeowner and utilizing the technology that may become obsolete in the near future seems like a foolish way. Some residents have voiced their approval of the tower. Chris Schipper, who lives in the northeast part of town, said that the health and safety of residents is important. Schipper alluded to the noreaster that occurred last weekend as an example of when cell service would be crucial and helpful. In meetings with local media, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said he could not comment on private residents dealings with Homeland Towers. In December last year, Moynihan had said that private and public land could be potential sites for cell towers. Richey said that he got involved in negotiations with Homeland Towers because he had become aware that St. Lukes School had engaged in discussion with town officials and Homeland Towers. When reached for comment, Head of School Mark Davis said that St. Lukes is not and never was in negotiations with the Town of New Canaan or any cell tower provider with the plans of placing a cell tower on their campus. In April 2017, the town requested and was granted a meeting. They presented facts about the need for cell coverage and cited safety concerns. St. Lukes expressed strong reservations about the use of our campus and the conversation ended. The town brought Homeland to the meeting we had with them, but this was not at our request and there was no further discussion after that meeting, Davis said. Richey said that St. Lukes meeting with the town and Homeland Towers caused him to take action. When St. Lukes didnt have further negotiations after their meeting in April, thats because I deliberately thwarted their further negotiations by getting involved and presenting our property as an alternative, Richey said. According to Richeys press release, he began exploring a bid to have the cell tower on his property in May of last year. Richey discussed the idea with then Town Council member Moynihan, then First Selectman Rob Mallozzi, former Utilities Commission Chairman Tom Tesluk, Homeland Towers and CityScape, an engineering firm hired by the town. People should take into consideration that the town Fire Department and Police Department have identified this as a safety issue for this area, Richey said. A Broward County, Florida, grand jury on Wednesday indicted Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old charged with the school shooting rampage last month, on 34 counts of premeditated murder and attempted murder. The volley of charges against Cruz came three weeks after the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that killed 17 students and faculty. The indictment also pushes forward a case that would be one of the state's highest-profile prosecutions in recent memory. Cruz, whose attorneys have admitted his guilt, could ultimately face the death penalty. The grand jury charged Cruz with 17 counts of premeditated murder in the first degree, according to the office of Michael Satz, the state attorney for Broward County. Cruz was also charged with 17 counts of attempted murder in the first degree, with these counts listing people who were wounded at Stoneman Douglas but escaped the massacre that day. Howard Finkelstein, the Broward County public defender representing Cruz, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday about the indictment. In an interview with The Washington Post two days after the massacre, Finkelstein said the only question in the case is what punishment Cruz will ultimately face. "Did he do it or not? He did it," Finkelstein said. "It's one of the most horrific crimes in the history of America. There's only one question: Does he live or does he die?" Finkelstein argued that because of all the missed red flags littering Cruz's life - including repeated warnings to the FBI and local police that he could be capable of violence at a school - it would not be right for him to be executed, and he has offered to have Cruz plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence. Satz, who will prosecute the case against Cruz, has said he will not announce whether his office will seek a death sentence until later in the process. In a statement after Finkelstein's offer was made public, he called the rampage "the type of case the death penalty was designed for." No decision has been made as of Wednesday, according to a spokeswoman for the prosecutor. Satz's office has otherwise remained silent about Finkelstein's office and the case, which was the subject of testimony this week before the Broward County grand jury. A spokeswoman for Satz's office declined to comment on the testimony earlier Wednesday, noting that any proceedings involving grand juries "are secret and confidential," but an attorney for some witnesses confirmed that they testified Wednesday morning. WASHINGTON - The Justice Department dramatically escalated its war on "sanctuary" jurisdictions Tuesday, alleging in a lawsuit that the state of California has violated the Constitution with laws that are friendly to undocumented immigrants. In a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Sacramento just after 9 p.m. Eastern time, the Justice Department alleged that three recently enacted California laws obstruct enforcement of federal immigration law and harm public safety. The Justice Department asked a federal judge to block the California laws, which restrict how state businesses and law enforcement agencies can cooperate with immigration authorities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is to address the lawsuit in a speech Wednesday at the California Peace Officers Association's 26th Annual Law Enforcement Day, saying, in part: "We are fighting to make your jobs safer and to help you reduce crime in America. And I believe we are going to win," according to an excerpt of his prepared remarks. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, D, said Tuesday night that while he had yet to examine what the Justice Department filed, he felt the state was abiding by the Constitution and cooperating with its federal partners to foster public safety. "States and local jurisdictions have the right to determine which policies are best for their communities," he said. California Gov. Jerry Brown, D, wrote on Twitter, "At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Jeff Sessions has come to California to further divide and polarize America. Jeff, these political stunts may be the norm in Washington, but they don't work here. SAD!!!" The Trump administration and the Justice Department have been waging an increasingly acrimonious battle with sanctuary jurisdictions, although the latest lawsuit is perhaps the most consequential step yet. It sets up a clash not just on what is the best immigration policy to promote public safety, but also on what power the federal government should exert over the states. Although the court is being asked to consider only California, which this year became a "sanctuary state" to some fanfare, the court's decision could have far-reaching consequences for other jurisdictions with similar policies. There is no formal definition of a "sanctuary" jurisdiction, but the Justice Department has put dozens of other locales in its crosshairs, this year threatening to subpoena 23 jurisdictions, including Chicago and New York City, that it suspects of unlawfully interfering with federal immigration enforcement. A senior Justice Department official said department lawyers are still evaluating other places' laws and could bring other lawsuits - although the measures California passed stood out as being especially high-profile and transgressive of what Sessions thought was constitutional. Becerra has proved to be a thorn in the Trump administration's side. He noted in a recent interview with The Washington Post that the state had 28 lawsuits against the Trump administration and - at that time - had not lost a case. Later that day, a judge ruled against the state in a suit over the Trump administration's move to try to expedite border-wall construction. "Our track record so far when it comes to any dispute with the federal government has been pretty good on this count," Becerra said Tuesday night. The new lawsuittakes aimat three California laws: Assembly Bill 450, which prohibits private employers from giving immigration officials access to workplaces or documents for enforcement without a court order; Assembly Bill 103, which created a state inspection system for immigration detention facilities; and Senate Bill 54, which limits what state and local law enforcement authorities can communicate about some suspects and which people they can transfer to federal custody. The suit argues that the measures are preempted by federal law and thus violate the Constitution's Supremacy Clause. A senior Justice Department official said the department hopes a judge will be able to take action in the case in a matter of weeks, after setting a briefing schedule for California to respond. "The provisions of state law at issue have the purpose and effect of making it more difficult for federal immigration officers to carry out their responsibilities in California," Justice Department lawyers wrote. "The Supremacy Clause does not allow California to obstruct the United States' ability to enforce laws that Congress has enacted or to take actions entrusted to it by the Constitution." The Justice Department's suing states over their laws is uncommon but not unheard of. Toward the end of President Barack Obama's tenure, his administration sued North Carolina over what came to be known as the "bathroom bill," which barred transgender people from using restrooms that did not correspond with the sex on their birth certificates. The state ultimately repealed and replaced the measure, and the Trump Justice Department said that meant the case should be dropped. The Justice Department during the Obama administration also sued North Carolina and Texas over their voter ID laws, and it sued Arizona over a law designed to crack down on illegal immigration. That case ultimately made it to the Supreme Court, which struck down portions of the law but let stand the provision requiring police officers to check the immigration status of people they detained and suspected were in the country without legal documentation. Former Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., who was tapped to represent the California State Senate in private practice, opined in a letter that Senate Bill 54 "fully complies with the Constitution and federal law." President Donald Trump effectively declared war on sanctuary jurisdictions within a week of taking office, signing an executive order stating that such places "have caused immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of our Republic" and threatening to withhold federal funds from them. That order, though, triggered legal challenges, and in April, the administration suffered a setback when a federal judge in San Francisco blocked the order's implementation. Later, a judge in Chicago similarly ruled that the attorney general had exceeded his authority in tying federal grant money to jurisdictions' cooperation with immigration officials, and a judge in Philadelphia ruled that the city was in compliance with immigration law and blocked the Justice Department from withholding money there. This time, the Justice Department will enter court as the plaintiff in a suit, forcing California to appear as the defendant and make the case that its actions are legal. California is not the only jurisdiction to draw the ire of the Justice Department, but tensions between Justice and the state have been particularly acute. As Brown was contemplating signing a law late last year that would limit how state and local police could cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, Sessions said publicly that the measure would endanger law enforcement officers and neighborhoods. Brown ultimately signed it. Last month, Oakland's Democratic mayor warned residents that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was planning a raid, just before authorities took into custody more than 150 people in Northern California suspected of violating immigration laws. ICE Deputy Director Thomas Homan said that hundreds were able to dodge the operation, "thanks to the mayor's irresponsible decision." In a statement released about the new lawsuit, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said: "California has chosen to purposefully contradict the will and responsibility of the Congress to protect our homeland. I appreciate the efforts of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice to uphold the rule of law and protect American communities." Looks like the right to use marijuana outside of a private home legally is not going to become a reality anytime soon in Massachusetts. However, legal sale of adult-use marijuana remains on schedule to start July 1, although rules governing the industry are still being drafted. The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission voted in late February to delay action on licensing social consumption establishments for recreational marijuana. The idea of creating cannabis cafes where people can go in, buy marijuana and use it right there -- like a person entering a bar and ordering a beer -- proved too controversial for many of the states leaders. Any action on establishing cannabis cafes was put off until the fall of 2018, with a new proposal drafted by February 2019 at the earliest. The commission also delayed allowing home delivery of recreational cannabis, another controversial issue. Related: Cannabis Industry Likely to Employ More Than 400,000 By 2021, Study Projects The Cafe Plan The idea was to license a limited number of establishments with the right to both sell and allow the use of marijuana on their property. It would give consumers a place to enjoy marijuana outside of a private residence. Like every other state where cannabis is legal, public consumption of cannabis is currently prohibited. The move also would have opened another avenue for entrepreneurs looking to get into the legal marijuana business. A similar pilot project is underway in Denver. However, the Massachusetts plan went further. Massage therapists and yoga instructors also could have applied for a license to allow marijuana use in their establishments in the form of cannabidiol oils and other such non-psychoactive products. The proposal would have limited how much cannabis a person could buy and use in one place at one time and give budtenders the right to cut off customers. Related: Cannabis Industry Heads to Washington to Tell Congress What It Needs to Thrive Hard Sell Despite the precautions in the proposal, it proved a hard sell for state law enforcement, prosecutors, the attorney general and Gov. Charlie Baker. The pressure campaign conducted by the governor, attorney general and others proved difficult to overcome," Jim Borghesani, a spokesman for marijuana legalization advocates, said in an email to MassLive. Baker opposed the legalization of adult-use marijuana, which Massachusetts voters approved in November 2016. In urging a slowdown on cannabis cafes, Baker said in February that people should crawl before they walk and walk before they run." Cannabis Control Commission member Shaleen Title advocated for the delay rather than rushing it though with so much opposition. She also won approval for the idea of offering an exclusive period in which licenses for home delivery and social consumption are only awarded to microbusinesses, co-ops and applicants from communities impacted by the war on drugs. She wanted a five-year exclusive period, but the commission did not reach agreement on the length. Follow on Instagram to stay up to date on the latest cannabis news. Related: Massachusetts Won't Allow Cannabis Cafes or Marijuana Home Delivery After All Investment In Marijuana Industry Has Grown 600 Percent so Far in 2018 California Studies Viability of a Public Bank for Marijuana Businesses Copyright 2018 Inc., All rights reserved This article originally appeared on Mohammed bin Salman, the divisive crown prince of Saudi Arabia, arrived in London on Wednesday for a three-day state visit. The 32-year-old was greeted at the airport by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and had lunch with Queen Elizabeth II, a rare honor for a man not yet head of state. Later, he will dine with Prince Charles and Prince William - two British royals who are, like him, next in line to the throne, although they hold a fraction of his political power. But the pomp and the red carpet notwithstanding, Mohammed's visit already has turned into a bitter PR battle between those who support the moves he is making for Saudi Arabia and those who call him a "war criminal." In some cases, the battle veered into absurd territory, such as when pro-Saudi advertisements were placed next to online articles criticizing the crown prince. Although Mohammed has pushed through some liberal policies at home - including his dramatic decision to allow women to drive - and he is viewed as a key economic ally for a post-Brexit Britain, his foreign policy is controversial in London. Notably, the crown prince is the architect of a Saudi-led intervention against Iran-allied rebels in Yemen. Critics say Saudi Arabia's indiscriminate use of force in that conflict has had disastrous consequences for Yemeni civilians, exacerbating what may be the worst humanitarian disaster on Earth. According to U.N. estimates from last year, more than 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen since 2015. More than 3 million people have been displaced, the United Nations estimated, and 80 percent of the population is in need of humanitarian aid. Awkwardly for Johnson and Prime Minister Theresa May, Britain is a key military supplier of Saudi Arabia. According to one estimate, sales of British weapons to Saudi Arabia increased almost 500 percent, to 4.6 billion pounds ($6.4 billion), after 2015, when the Saudi intervention in Yemen began. Saudi Arabia is now the top destination for British-manufactured weapons. A poll commissioned by the Campaign Against Arms Trade and carried out by Populus found that only 6 percent of the British public supported arms sales to Saudi Arabia; 37 percent opposed Mohammed's visit to Britain. Amid this public mistrust, advertisements praising Mohammed's reforms have been blanketing London - in an apparent bid to woo Britons. The advertisements have appeared on billboards, on taxis, on trucks and in newspapers. AEI Saudi, the firm behind the advertisements, is a consulting business that was registered in Riyadh in 2002. In a blog post, the firm's founder highlighted the significant changes he has seen in recent years in Saudi Arabia, such as a new inclusion of Saudi women in public life. "If there is one individual who has been the driving force behind these changes it is 'MbS', as he is often known," wrote Adam Hosier, the British-born founder of the firm. "He has faced resistance of course, both internally and from powers outside the Kingdom, yet he has not faltered." But these were not the only advertisements greeting the crown prince. In central London, buses were emblazoned with messages accusing Mohammed of being a "war criminal," while social media users used hashtags to let the Saudi royal know that he was "not welcome." Activists from Avaaz, a global activism group, parked a van outside Parliament and had two figures dressed as Mohammed and May drop off child-size body bags. A sign on the van said May should tell the crown prince: "Stop the slaughter, start peace talks!" Save the Children, a London-based charity, also highlighted the plight of children in Yemen by placing outside Parliament a small statue of a child standing in rubble and staring at the sky. Meanwhile, the Arab Organization for Human Rights in UK has scheduled a protest outside Downing Street, due to start at 5 p.m. local time. It is unclear who is winning the PR battle - other than advertising agencies, of course. The pro-Saudi messages were certainly mocked: Some noted that the advertisements looked better suited to a "sleazy gentlemen's club" and pointed out that online ads praising Mohammed had appeared next to articles about Saudi corruption. Many of the billboards welcoming the crown prince appeared along the motorways that connect Heathrow Airport to central London - suggesting that Mohammed may have been the intended audience. However, the protests outside Parliament seem to have resonated inside Westminster. During the weekly Prime Minister's Question Time on Wednesday afternoon, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn criticized Saudi Arabia's record on human rights and accused May of "colluding" in suspected war crimes in Yemen. "The link that we have with Saudi Arabia is historic, it is an important one, and it has saved the lives of potentially hundreds of people in this country," May responded, as opposition lawmakers shouted "shame." May later said that she would raise the issue of human rights with the crown prince when she met him and that she had spoken with him about humanitarian concerns in Yemen during a visit to Riyadh in December. The controversy over Saudi Arabia puts May in a tight spot politically. Britain is looking for bigger trading partners as it leaves the European Union, and broadening its economic relationship with Saudi Arabia would help it do that. The two nations are planning to create a joint Strategic Partnership Council that could lead to Saudi investment of up to 100 billion pounds ($139 billion) in the next 10 years, according to the BBC. However, the visit is also important for the Saudi crown prince, who is seeking foreign investment as part of Vision 2030, his ambitious plan to reform his country. There are also hopes that the long-awaited public listing of the state oil firm Saudi Aramco might take place on the London Stock Exchange. Mohammed also is planning to visit the United States, home to the New York Stock Exchange, for an investment-focused visit set to start March 19. Six months following the destruction left by Hurricane Harvey, the city of Port Aransas, Texas, is still cleaning debris and repairing damage to return to normalcy. This week, Illinois College students affiliated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and BASIC, or Brothers and Sisters in Christ, are helping to heal those wounds. Fourteen Illinois College students and four chaperones from Jacksonville landed in Texas on Saturday to begin their mission of assisting in ongoing repairs of hurricane damage. Jacob Nunez, president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Illinois College, said the group had taken part in a mission trip to South Carolina in the past and wanted to help another community this year. When the group heard about Port Aransas need from Pastor John Hume and Paige Hume from Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church, it seemed like a good opportunity for the next mission. Theres been a lot of destruction, Nunez said. About 50 percent of people havent been able to return to their homes because they still need work. After we get [First Baptist Church] completed, were going to start working with community members to see what we can do. The citys First Baptist Church has an adjacent outreach center and community building. Nunez said the front of the building was in rough shape so the group got to work putting new flashing and fascia up. Since then, the students have been taking care of tile, caulking, painting and scraping. Hurricane Harvey ripped through Texas and other states in late August, causing $125 billion damage. Illinois College BASIC President Jonathan Miller said that when the group came in for Sunday service, it had to move out immediately afterward to make room for another service from a church that had been destroyed. Its surprising to see how much left there is to be done, Miller said. You see a bunch of buildings and stores that were either in the process of being repaired or were totally destroyed and not being used. Its been half a year and theres still so much to be done. Illinois College director of community engagement Lori Oldenettel, who is a chaperone along with IC professor Abby Musgrove, John Hume and Paige Hume, said that not only is the trip giving the students a chance to engage with another community, but it is also teaching them valuable life skills for when they own their own homes. Theyre learning new skills that maybe theyve never done before, Oldenettel said. Weve had students that have never tiled before learning how to cut and lay tile. These are life experiences that theyll be able to utilize when theyre out of college and in their own homes. The trip is also providing students a chance to grow spiritually and connect with their faith, Nunez said. Were coming down here not really knowing what the culture is like, were in the United States but in a different region, Nunez said. Its awesome to be able to share your the love and hope of Jesus, to get to meet new people and be a ray of sunshine to them. This world may throw a bunch of curve balls at us but, in the end, we have each other and Christ. Work will continue on until the end of the week, after which students from Quincy University will assist for a week, followed by students from MacMurray College. Oldenettel said Todd Sweatman, chaplain at MacMurray College and director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Jacksonville, was instrumental in putting the mission trips together. Miller said he knows that only so much can be accomplished in a week, but he hopes the connections and the impact the group makes will provide the community with encouragement. This trip has been very cool so far to see not only the physical work were doing, but the spiritual work and the impact were leaving behind, Miller said. While were here this week, we have the special opportunity to give those believers in this community encouragement and hope. Its a powerful message to take home with us to our homes, churches and our school. Nick Draper can be reached at 217-245-6121, ext. 1223, or on Twitter @nick_draper. Late voting returns showed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Democrat Beto ORourke easily beating their respective primary opponents on Tuesday, putting them on the verge of their highly anticipated general election battle in November. Cruz, in his first election since losing the Republican nomination for president, defeated Christian TV executive Bruce Jacobson Jr., Houston energy attorney Stefano de Stefano, Austin accountant Mary Ann Miller, and former La Marque Mayor Geraldine Sam. Meanwhile, ORourke, an El Paso Democrat, making his first statewide run for office had no trouble beating out retired Houston postal worker Edward Kimbrough and Pasadena insurance agent Sema Hernandez. Cruz, talking to Texas reporters Tuesday night, wasted no time in defining ORourke. Tonights election marks the beginning of the general election in November, and the voters of Texas will have a clear and stark choice for the United States Senate, he said. Congressman ORourke is a left wing, liberal Democrat. He is running like Bernie Sanders across the state. Cruz emphasized their clear differences on gun control and immigration, portraying ORourke as out of touch with Texas values. Cruz acknowledged that ORourke has benefited from a surge of Democratic energy under President Donald Trump. We will see, as a result, very large turnout from the far left in November, just as we have seen very high Democratic turnout in the early vote, he said. But the good news is there are more conservatives than there are liberals in Texas, and if conservatives show up and voteTexas will remain reliably red. ORourke, in an interview before the polls closed, declined to characterize the race in ideological terms. This campaign is not ideological, he said. Its definitely not partisan. Its solely focused on the interests and aspirations of the people I want to represent in Texas. ORourke also rejected the idea that his race is being fueled by anti-Trump rage. Come to any town hall meeting were having, he said. Theres very little rage. Theres almost no mention of Trump, or Cruz, for that matter. Its about the things we want to do. ORourkes sharpest attacks center on his contention that Cruz, a 2016 candidate for president, has not focused on Texas. The biggest laugh line I get is any town hall is asking when the last time Ted Cruz showed up for a town hall, he said. No Democrat has won a seat in the U.S. Senate since 1992, but ORourke has drawn national attention by out fundraising Cruz for most of the last year and sparking a loyal following of supporters as he crisscrosses the state, often livestreaming the events on social media platforms. O'Rourke has heavily outraised Cruz since the start of 2018, according to the latest campaign reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Cruz raised just $711,000 since the start of the year. O'Rourke has raised $2.2 million during the same period. Overall, Cruz still has more money in his campaign account than O'Rourke. O'Rourke had about $5 million in his main campaign account, while Cruz has about $6 million. But that doesn't tell the full story of the financial battle in the race. Cruz is also expected to benefit from Super PACs that have been created by his allies. A new PAC called Texans Are has piled up $1.7 million. Cruz, 47, has rarely addressed his opponent by name, but acknowledge during a stop in El Paso late last month that ORourke was raising a ton of money. Hes hinted that he will aggressively tag his opponent as a liberal. In El Paso he warned that liberals in Washington want a big government, pro-amnesty liberal representing Texas. Meanwhile ORourke, 45, has made clear hell use Cruzs presidential ambitions against him. On the campaign trail, ORourke has made it a staple of his speeches to remind audiences that that Cruz spent months in places like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in 2015 and 2016 running for president and advancing his own political ambition, instead of looking out for Texas. Despite O'Rourke's surprising fundraising numbers, he remains very much an underdog in the race. Many Congressional analysts, like D.C.-based Inside Elections has Cruz in a "solid Republican" re-election position. Others like the Cook Political Report still favor Cruz but consider the race slightly more competitive. The Trump administration cannot short circuit a federal climate change lawsuit brought by a group of 21 children and teenagers, an appellate court ruled on Wednesday, likely sending the ambitious case back to a lower court in Oregon for trial. The federal government's request to halt the lawsuit "is entirely premature," wrote Judge Sidney Thomas, the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. "We're looking forward to putting the federal government on trial on climate science and its dangerous fossil fuel policies," said Julia Olson, the lead attorney for the young plaintiffs and chief counsel of Our Children's Trust. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the court's ruling. In a suit originally brought against the Obama administration in 2015, the young plaintiffs assert that the government's actions to promote fossil fuel emissions violate the basic constitutional rights of future generations. They were helped in the litigation by former NASA climate scientist James Hansen, whose granddaughter Sophie Kivlehan is one of the student plaintiffs. RELATED VIDEO: Kids Try to Sue Trump Over Climate Change The federal government had argued that the trial would entail burdensome requests for discovery and that the remedy requested by the young plaintiffs would violate the separation of powers since it effectively asks a court to direct the executive and legislative branches to do something about climate change. But in 2016 the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon declined to dismiss the case and set it on a path toward a trial. The Justice Department then sought a "writ of mandamus," calling on the appellate court to stop the case before it could proceed further. This is generally considered an extraordinary remedy, and the Ninth Circuit panel decided 3-0 that a halt was not justified in this case, and hard to justify in general. "If appellate review could be invoked whenever a district court denied a motion to dismiss, we would be quickly overwhelmed with such requests, and the resolution of cases would be unnecessarily delayed," the court said. The case will likely proceed before the Oregon federal court, where the case was originally filed. Olson said she wants depositions from multiple representatives of top federal agencies, as well as from leading climate scientists. She expects discovery to take six months and a trial to begin after that. (It was originally set to begin last month.) More for you Young people's climate-change lawsuit takes on Trump Olson said the case will attempt to show that the globe is warming due to human activities and that the U.S. government isn't taking action, meaning that Americans who are children today will see their most basic rights violated, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The case would put climate science on trial, but Olson said that so far the Trump administration has not called the fundamentals of global warming into question. "Thus far, they have not been disputing climate science, or that it's human-caused, but they haven't yet taken a position on certain aspects of climate change and what's projected," she said. The ruling is very good news for climate change advocates, but it certainly doesn't mean that they won't be disappointed later in the extraordinary and unprecedented case. "We are mindful that some of the plaintiffs' claims as currently pleaded are quite broad, and some of the remedies the plaintiffs seek may not be available as redress," wrote the appeals court. "However, the district court needs to consider those issues further in the first instance." WASHINGTON - The Trump administration will allow Americans to bring tusks and other elephant body parts back to this country as trophies, in a pivot away from the support President Donald Trump voiced for an Obama-era trophy ban after outcry last year. The decision, announced quietly last week in a March 1 memorandum from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, withdrew previous rulings on trophy hunting and said it would allow sport hunters to receive permits for the trophy items on a "case-by-case basis." The move contrasts sharply with the position taken by President Trump in November. After U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a repeal of the ban on the importation of elephant-hunt trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia, wide public outcry prompted Trump and Ryan Zinke, the secretary of the Department of the Interior which houses the wildlife agency, to put the repeal on hold until further review. Trump later called elephant hunting a "horror show," and said that it would be very difficult for anyone to change his mind. African elephants have been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act since 1979. Proponents of big-game hunting and the current Department of the Interior leadership believe that money from permits to hunt elephants would help aid in their conservation by putting more revenue in the system. The agency's memo cites a long-running lawsuit against the ban filed by Safari Club International and the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm. "The Trump administration is trying to keep these crucial trophy import decisions behind closed doors, and that's totally unacceptable," Tanya Sanerib, international legal director at the Center for Biological Diversity, told the Associated Press. "Elephants aren't meant to be trophies, they're meant to roam free." The president's sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are both avid game hunters. A photograph of Trump Jr. holding a knife and a dead elephant tail after a hunt in Zimbabwe in 2011 has drawn wide attention in the past. Under Zinke, who is also a hunter, the Interior Department's policies have become noticeably more pro-hunting. According to the AP, the Department took a step in June to potentially allow grizzly bears near Yellowstone National Park to be hunted. And the Fish and Wildlife Service has begun allowing African lions killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia to be imported, the AP reported. The population of African elephants has shrunk from about 5 million 100 years ago to about 400,000, a drop precipitated in part by illegal poaching and the demand for elephant ivory and the loss of natural habitat, the AP reported. Elephant hunting is not a sport that is widely accessible to American citizens. The safaris in Africa can run up costs of more than $50,000 per person, the AP reported. It might be a tagline from one of those hokey GEICO ads: Breitbart News praising Rep. Elizabeth Esty? Surprising! Well, pigs evidently were flying somewhere on the alt-right news website when they saw Esty on CNN after last weeks gun sit-down at the White House with President Trump. Before he moved on to other things, like steel and aluminum tariffs that tanked the stock market, Trump said at White House meeting attended by Esty and Sen. Chris Murphy that he liked the idea of seizing guns from dangerous people. Take the guns first, go through due process second, Trump said, a true no-no in the NRAs Second Amendment lexicon. Esty, Murphy and the other Dems in the delegation have long championed Connecticuts 1999 risk-warrant law that outlines a judicial process for temporarily taking guns away from potentially dangerous individuals. But the key words here are due process, as written in the Constitutions 4th Amendment meaning a government entity cannot willy-nilly take something from somebody without a fair hearing. So when CNN interviewed Esty after the meeting and played video of the Trump remark, Esty said shes all for restraining orders and is co-author of legislation that would extend their reach nationwide. But, she said, youve got to have due process. And, frankly, not to have due process would be wrong, she continued. And youre certainly going to run into a buzz saw of all kinds of people if you dont do that. Kind of no-duh for Yale law graduate Esty, but I guess her words mustve been music to Breitbarts ears. The headline was Dem Rep Esty: Gun Violence Restraining Orders Really Important But Its Wrong Not to Have Due Process. Its going to take people of every political stripe yes, including some Breitbart readers to make real progress on reducing gun violence in America, Esty said. As Ive said before and Ill say again, Im not taking anyones firearms without due process. No one law will save all lives but good laws will save some lives. Subpoenamania It turns out Linda McMahon isnt the only one to ride the WWE Wrestlemania wave into the Trump inner circle. Sam Nunberg, who enjoyed a news cycle of fame earlier this week for saying he would defy special counsel Robert Muellers subpoena request, got hooked on Trump at age 5 in 1989. In a video clip circulating online, pre-subpoenaed Nunberg tells how he and his dad sat behind Trump at Wrestlemania V at the pre-bankruptcy Trump Plaza in Atlantic City. Trump moved little Sam up to ringside, where he can be seen on a video clip doing the Bushwhacker the up-and-down arm motions greeting the New Zealand tag-team wrestlers of the same name. Trump himself has long been an ardent WWE fan, even winning a place in the its celebrity Hall of Fame in 2013 for his role in Battle of the Billionaires, among other achievements. So it wasnt just the McMahons seven-figure campaign contributions that got Linda the appointment as head of the Small Business Administration. Nunberg actually was fired from the Trump campaign for what were termed racially charged tweets against former President Barack Obama and the Rev. Al Sharpton. Earlier this week, he conducted a nonstop string of interviews proclaiming defiance of Mueller. Let him arrest me, he told one such interviewer. Nunbergs pugnacity evidently was straight out of the WWE playbook. Erin Burnett on CNN even asked him if he was under the influence, after saying she smelled alcohol on his breath. But, ultimately, it didnt take long for Nunberg to say hed cooperate with Mueller, even hinting to yet another interviewer that Mueller does indeed have dirt on Trump regarding Russia connections. Sounds like yet another page torn from a WWE script. After years of appeals, a state appeals court ruled Wednesday that the University of the Incarnate Word cannot claim immunity from liability in a lawsuit filed by the family of a student killed by a campus police officer in 2013. In looking at the nature and purposes of sovereign immunity, we agree with UIW that its police department is engaging in the governmental function of law enforcement, said the opinion, issued by a three-judge panel of the Fourth Court of Appeals. However, we disagree with UIW that finding its police department to be a governmental unit is consistent with the purposes of sovereign immunity. RELATED: San Antonio cop's tearful testimony of helping shot officer had some leaving courtroom The family of Cameron Redus, a UIW senior who was fatally shot by a university police officer during a traffic stop, initially filed the wrongful death lawsuit against the university in 2014. In the years since, the private university has tried to claim governmental immunity in the case based on the fact that it employs a state-licensed police department. The procedural question had delayed the suit. In late 2016, the Texas Supreme Court heard arguments in the case and ruled the following year that UIW could be considered a government unit in regards to its police department for the purposes of its appeal, reversing the lower courts ruling. But the justices left it to the appeals court to answer the question of whether the university could use that status to claim immunity from liability and get the case dismissed. According to this weeks ruling, UIW cannot do so because no public dollars are at stake. A UIW attorney had argued to the panel last month that opening up the universitys police force to costly litigation could lead to the dissolution of the department, shifting the burden of policing the campus back to public authorities. That argument requires many assumptions that are conceptual, rather than certain, the judges ruled. Even if UIW decided to dissolve its police department as a result of not being granted immunity for the actions of its police department, and even if local law enforcement required additional officers to perform its law enforcement duties, such an expense is something for which local law enforcement could plan and allocate resources, the ruling said. There is no risk of disrupting previously allocated taxpayer funds and disrupting government services in this case. The lawsuit stems from a December 2013 encounter between Redus and former UIW Cpl. Christopher Carter, an officer who followed the honors student to his off-campus department because he suspected Redus was driving drunk, a fact that was later confirmed. A prolonged physical struggle ensued and ended with Carter shooting Redus five times, including once in the back. A grand jury declined to indict Carter in 2015. Arrested after an altercation with the pastor of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on church grounds Monday, conspiracy theorists Robert Ussery, 54, and Jodi Mann, 56, were charged with trespassing and resisting arrest, officials said Tuesday. Ussery, whose Side Thorn website is dedicated to the belief that the Nov. 5 mass shooting at the church was a government-inspired hoax, was also charged with possessing under 2 ounces of marijuana and making a terroristic threat, a class B misdemeanor. On Wednesday, the Wilson County Sheriffs office confirmed that the two had been released from jail Tuesday morning. Usserys bail amount totalled $9,000, while Manns totalled $5,500. Ussery was charged with terroristic threat because he told the pastor, Frank Pomeroy, that he would hang him and fellow congregant Rod Green, who was also present, according to a charging affidavit. Both victims were in fear of their personal safety by (Usserys) verbal threats and demeanor, the document states. In an email to the Express-News, Ussery said he had video evidence to prove his denial of all charges except for the marijuana charge, which he admitted possessing because we are advocates (for its)medicinal properties. He said he lives just outside Austin and one of his family members is serving as their lawyer. Pomeroys 14-year-old daughter, Annabelle, was killed in the massacre at Sutherland Springs along with 24 other congregants attending Sunday services and an unborn child. Ussery has become known to the community for harassing victims families and approaching residents with a camera on his chest, attempting to interview them. His website offers a $100,000 reward for proof of death of victims from a host of high-profile U.S. mass shootings and frequently posts videos supposedly proving that the tragedy in Sutherland Springs was a drill using crisis actors. Ussery and Mann screamed at Pomeroy and Green and at one point Ussery asked Pomeroy to show his daughters birth certificate, Pomeroy said Monday. The noise brought neighbors onto their porches and one called deputies. He kept hollering about his constitutional rights and that were all traitors, that were all in this together with the Department of Homeland Security, Pomeroy said. And then they cuffed him. Officials with Bill Miller Bar-B-Q issued an apology to the public Wednesday after locations across San Antonio ran out of chicken earlier this month. "We are sorry," reads a post on the restaurant's Facebook page. Over the weekend, customers learned they could receive two pieces of dark meat fried chicken, fries and a roll for $1.65 as part of a promotion for the 65th anniversary of Bill Miller's. Whether it was because the deal was too good or the chicken too tasty, customers flocked to restaurants all over the Alamo City, causing a chicken shortage. Some customers reported long waits for chicken, while others were told the restaurant could not honor the promotion because no chicken was available. RELATED: Bill Miller Bar-B-Q faces chicken shortage after anniversary promotion "They're having a bit of a chicken shortage," a spokeswoman for Bill Miller's social media team said Friday when the promotion began. Officials said they received comments from customers on social media and by phone, and are working to "make it right." "The overwhelming support for our special last week caused major issues at all of our locations," reads the post. They were not clear on how the issue would be resolved, as the promotion only lasted through Sunday. Kelsey Bradshaw is a digital reporter for Read more of her stories here.| | Twitter: @kbrad5 JOURDANTON Early on a frigid Dec. 8, 2013, San Antonio Police Officer Robert Deckard began to chase two suspected armed robbers who fled in a Mitsubishi Lancer from near downtown, south on Interstate 37 at speeds up to 115 mph. Deckard watched the Lancers back window explode, and he radioed with an unnatural calm to an officer trailing him, Theyre shooting at me. That was at 2:07 a.m. By then, the chase had reached Atascosa County. Five minutes later, Deckard was mortally wounded, shot in the forehead, and on Tuesday the capital murder trial of Shaun Ruiz Puente, 36, one of two people accused in the case, began. In the dashcam video played at the start of the trial, the screaming engine and siren of Deckards SAPD Chevy Tahoe come to a sickening halt as it crashes into a tree in a dark ravine off the interstate. RELATED: 8 hacked-up bodies found in pickup truck in Mexico The father of two spent 13 days in the intensive care unit of Brooke Army Medical Center before being pronounced dead. Puente, then 32, and his girlfriend, Jenevieve Ramos, 28, both were charged with capital murder, which in Texas is punishable only by death by injection or life in prison without parole. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty, the first such trial held in Atascosa County since 1996. Puentes lawyers had made various unsuccessful attempts to move the trial, due to emails prosecutor Audrey Louis sent to local police and Sheriffs Department officers asking them to help identify potential jurors who wont be afraid to kill this guy. One of Puentes two public defenders, Anna Jimenez, conceded to jurors in her opening remarks that indeed Puente was the shooter that fateful morning a one in a million shot, fired from a speeding vehicle, she said. But it was a very, very complex case that deserved their full attention to minute details, Jimenez said. She portrayed Puente as a homeless, desperate, methamphetamine-addicted man who had gone on a drug binge of several months, mixed with steroids, participating in what police say were a number of armed robberies in San Antonio in the days before Deckards shooting. Steroids and meth made him feel invincible, like nothing he had ever felt before in his life, Jimenez said. RELATED: Witness details Bandidos hit on Hells Angels in Austin Prosecutors opened their case with an assortment of San Antonio Police Department detectives and computer specialists, including an officer, Tammie Ayala, who had a child with Deckard. The childs name, Cheyenne, was tattooed on one of Deckards forearms. The owner of a convenience store on San Pedro Avenue testified he was robbed at gunpoint by persons police say were Puente and Ramos shortly before midnight on Dec. 7, 2013. He said he thought it was a customer pulling a prank, but was told, Dont laugh or Ill shoot you. The pair took about $285, lottery tickets and some cigarettes, then were suspected of robbing a Jack in the Box on Cox Street before police spotted them on the near South Side and chased them. SAPD Detective Brent Lively told the court he fell in behind Deckard as they reached speeds up to 80 mph on city streets, then more than 100 on the highway. Officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety, Wilson County and Atascosa County joined the chase. Lively, trying to control his emotions, said he heard gunfire hitting his own vehicle, then said, I saw Bobbys Tahoe go over a hill and into some thick brush. He had hit a tree and when we got to him, we hollered out, Deckard, Deckard, you OK? Then it all just got surreal. We cut away a side curtain air bag and tried to comfort him as best we could until EMS got there. But he had a gunshot wound to the middle of his forehead. Deckard family members in the courtroom put their arms around each other and wiped their eyes. The trial is expected to last at least six weeks. An earlier version of this story incorrectly described the location of the shooting. Austin police shot and killed a 46-year-old man who charged at them with a pickax, Police Chief Brian Manley said. Around 4:18 a.m. Wednesday the man called police and told them he killed his father and his brother at their home in the 4800 block of Tanney Street. He told officers that they would find their bodies and the weapon used to kill them in the home, Manley said. When officers arrived to the home, they encountered the man, who was outside on his driveway and armed with a pickax, Manley said. RELATED: Police: S.A. man threatened to post nude photos of ex in 'hundreds' of calls, texts Manley said officers kept their distance at first and, through speakers, asked him to drop his weapon. "Officers put together a plan to approach the subject after about 10 minutes," Manley said. They moved closer toward the man and kept asking him to drop the weapon, but the man refused, Manley said. When officers were close enough, they tried using less lethal munitions to subdue the man but Manley said the man used a chair to block the shots. A stun gun was also unsuccessfully used by an officer. Then, the man raised his pickax and charged at officers, who shot and killed him, Manley said. Police quickly moved into the home and determined no one inside was harmed. However, Manley said officers found a piece of paper taped to one of the doors that "appears to be a suicide note." Eight officers, five who shot the man and three who used less lethal rounds, will be placed on administrative desk duty while police investigate the incident, Manley said. Fares Sabawi covers crime in San Antonio and Bexar County for Read more of his stories here. | After allegedly sending "hundreds of annoying texts and phone calls" and threatening to share nude photos of his ex-wife, a San Antonio man was arrested Tuesday by Selma police. On Feb. 4, a woman filed a harassment report with the Selma Police Department, according to an arrest affidavit. She told them she left her common-law husband in January. After moving, she said 24-year-old Fernando Cantu, began harassing her, according to the affidavit. RELATED: SAPD: Man sent explicit photos of ex-girlfriend to her new boyfriend Cantu would use an app that masked his caller ID and in his messages threatened to kill the woman, her family and her new boyfriend, police said. The texts allegedly sent by Cantu were included in the affidavit and many of them were violent. "I'm gonna get you (I don't care) if I go to prison. If anything I'll go (in) a shootout," one message listed in the affidavit read. When police interviewed the woman again, on Feb. 28, Cantu called and texted her so often that she had to put her phone in airplane mode so detectives can inspect the messages without interruption, officials said. Cantu continued the threats that day, according to the affidavit, by sending the woman nude photos of herself and promising to post them online. Selma police arrested him Tuesday on suspicion of stalking and threatening to publish intimate material. A judge set his bail at $25,000, according to jail records. Fares Sabawi covers crime in San Antonio and Bexar County for Read more of his stories here. | Land Commissioner George P. Bush is declaring victory in the Republican primary. He appears to have fended off a challenge by his predecessor, Jerry Patterson, who alleged Bush was mismanaging the Alamo. Bush had more than 57 percent of the vote with 32 percent of precincts reporting. While Gina Ortiz Jones seems sure to go to a runoff in the Democratic Primary for Congressional District 21, there's a tight race for second place with 11 percent of precincts reporting statewide. Ortiz Jones, a former Air Force intelligence officer, has 38.31 percent of the vote. Judy Canales has 19.05 percent of the vote, San Antonio school teacher Rick Trevino has 17.47 percent, and former federal prosecutor Jay Hulings has 16.56 percent. With 5 percent of returns reporting statewide, Chip Roy seems headed to a runoff in the Republican primary for Congressional District 21, but it's not clear who he'll face. William Negley has 17.88 percent of the vote in the district that stretches from San Antonio to Austin. Matt McCall has 17.43 percent. They're competing to replace U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, who's retiring. RELATED: LaHood concedes defeat in District Attorney's race Former State Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer was in position to retake his old Texas House seat with 52 percent of the vote after early voting returns. Martinez Fischer is trying to unseat House District 116 Rep. Diana Arevalo. Democratic State Rep. Tomas Uresti, whose brother was recently convicted in a high-profile federal trial, is losing to unknown challenger Leo Pacheco, after early voting results came in. Pacheco was leading in the South Side Texas House district with 57 percent of the vote. Matt Beebe and Steve Allison were leading the crowded field of six people in the Republican Primary vying to replace Speaker of the Texas House Joe Straus after early voting results were released Tuesday. Bebee had 29 percent of the vote and Allison had 27 percent. Straus, a moderate who represents a district that stretches from Alamo Heights to the North Side, announced in October he'll retire at the end of this term. Both races for the safely Republican seats are expected to go to runoffs. State Rep. Lyle Larson led the Republican primary for his district in northern Bexar County with almost 59 percent of the vote. That contest drew attention because Gov. Greg Abbott endorsed Larson's opponent, Chris Fails. In the Democratic primary, Precinct 2 County Commissioner Paul Elizondo led with 46 percent at the end of early voting, but had not secured enough of the vote to avoid a runoff. Former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez led Andrew White in the race to win the Democratic nomination for governor. With 42 percent of the vote, however, Valdez could still face a runoff. County officials are still tallying the results of today's voting. Not to be outdone by American Girl's release of an aspiring female astronaut doll, Mattel is releasing a Barbie inspired by "hidden figure" Katherine Johnson. Johnson was an African-American mathematician for NASA in the mid-1950s, whose flawless calculation of the trajectory of the space agency's first American-manned flight into space was depicted by Taraji P. Henson in the 2016 movie "Hidden Figures." This year marks 60 years since the United States started sending satellites into space, including one on March 5, 1958, when the U.S. attempted to launch its second satellite into space. During that span, we have led extraordinary scientific discovery across our solar system. But our space exploration has taken a toll on one particular thing: the orbital environment. Simply put, there is a lot of debris orbiting Earth. And if we dont do anything about it, we will see an increase in collisions to the detriment of space operations, space commerce and space exploration. The U.S. Strategic Command, or USSTRATCOM, currently tracks and maintains knowledge of approximately 23,000 things in orbit, so called resident space objects. These objects range from the size of a softball to the size of a school bus and are everything from bolts and pieces of exploded satellites to large rockets. Unfortunately, these are only the ones we can track. The number of objects that are thought to exist is closer to 500,000, with sizes that go down to a millimeter. Think of a speck of paint. However, even something this small can produce significant damage if it collides with something else at a very high speed. Space shares a few similarities with the Wild West. Its like what the transcontinental railroad did for opening up massive business between our East and West coasts. The Federal Aviation Administration regulates things that go up and come down, but not what stays in orbit. So, in other words, there are few (if any) rules in space. This means countries can behave in almost any way desired in space without any consequences, which is not a recipe for a long-term sustainable and safe space environment. Couple that with a space renaissance that is going on, given the large amount of wealth to be made from space services, capabilities and activities. Great entrepreneurs such as Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin and Amazon) and Elon Musk (SpaceX and Tesla) are only a few who are leading the way in making access to space much cheaper than before. And in February, India broke the record for launching the largest number of satellites at once: 104. All of this will only continue. Without something like environmental protection in space and some global governance for developing norms of good stewardship of space activities, we risk seeing whole regions of space becoming hard, if not impossible, to use freely and cheaply. We should take a page from our early mining days and how that activity, unregulated, was to the detriment of the environment including the loss of human lives. Add to that the fact that the space community does not openly share information on where all objects are located for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that the organization providing everyone with a free service of collision warnings is USSTRATCOM. Gen. John Hyten, the agencys commander, has underscored the desire to see the Department of Defense leave the business of space traffic cop to some other entity (the FAA, for example). To deal with this space trash issue, we should create a public-private partnership composed of government, industry, academia and international partners to focus on space traffic management. Moreover, lawmakers would be wise to create a NASA Space Situational Awareness Institute administered by NASA and composed of academic and research institutions such as UT-Austin to be the scientific and technical frontier to support decision-making processes for current and future civil and commercial space activities. Business leaders should be allowed to invest in and participate in this institute, having first access to results so that they may incorporate these sciences and technologies into their own business models. A lot has happened since that late evening when the U.S. launched its first satellite, Explorer 1, into orbit 60 years ago. We must preserve our freedom and ability to use space for the next 60 years and beyond. TAIPEIPresident Xi Jinpings vision of a resurgent Chinese nation raises a huge red flag for democratic rival Taiwan, with the pressure set to rise now that Xi has a lifetime to realize his ambitions. China sees Taiwan as a renegade province and has long stated its desire for reunification, an ambition strongly opposed by the self-ruling island, which has an elected government, freedom of speech and a deep-seated sense of its own identity. But with the plans to abolish Chinas presidential term limits, paving the way for a decades-long rule by Xi and making him the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, analysts predict Taiwan will face a squeeze on multiple fronts, from the economy to defense and diplomatic ties. Taiwan is Xi Jinpings major ambition. He is obsessed by reunification because it will be his place in history, his claim to immortality, said Hong Kong-based political analyst Willy Lam. Bringing Taiwan back into the fold is key to Xis vision of China as a global superpower and by doing so he would achieve something even Mao had not, Lam added, describing the island as a symbol of colonial humiliation for China. Taiwan was ruled for 50 years by the Japanese until the end of World War II and is protected by the United States, its major ally. Chinas rubber-stamp parliament is expected to approve a constitutional amendment to scrap the two-term limit for the presidency on Sunday. In a report to the opening session of the annual National Peoples Congress in Beijing on Monday, Premier Li Keqiang warned China would not tolerate any separatist schemes in Taiwan and would advance Chinas peaceful reunification. Solving what he calls the Taiwan issue is every Chinese leaders wish, said Beijing-based political commentator Hua Po, although he believes Xi will turn his attentions to domestic issues first. After he has achieved internal stability, he will take more tough and efficient measures against Taiwan, said Hua, who said those could include armed force. However, most observers believe China will stop short of military intervention, which would prompt a reaction from the US and damage its international image. Instead, they predict Beijing will continue its aggressive military posturingin the past year it has increased the drills around the island and Taiwan has pledged to boost its defense force against the rising threat. There will also be renewed diplomatic and economic pressure. China has wooed more of Taiwans dwindling number of global allies in the past two years. Jonathan Sullivan, director of the China Policy Institute at Nottingham University, says Beijing will combine tough measures with a charm offensive, nurturing relationships with Taiwanese politicians and businesses, as well as launching an information campaign to show Taiwanese people their vulnerabilities. China has more leverage than it has thus far chosen to usealthough Taiwan is by no means helpless and simply waiting to be annexed, Sullivan said.It will continue to be carrot and stick. Xis rhetoric against challenges to Chinese sovereignty has also targeted semi-autonomous Hong Kong, where the emergence of activists calling for independence from the mainland has incensed Beijing. Mondays NPC report skipped key phrases on the extent to which Hong Kong governs itself, terms which have traditionally been included. Political freedoms are increasingly under threat in the city with candidates linked to calls for independence or self-determination barred from standing for office. Taiwan has never formally declared independence from the mainland despite being self-ruling since 1949 and China has said it would respond with force to any attempted split. Relations have soured in the past two years under President Tsai Ing-wen, who has refused to acknowledge the island is part of one China and whose party traditionally supports independence. Beijing unilaterally cut off official communications with Taiwan shortly after she took office in 2016. Taiwan will continue to look to its traditional partner the US for backing, but analysts characterize President Donald Trumps policymaking as unpredictable. Some on the island are concerned it will be used as a pawn as he negotiates with Beijing on issues from trade to North Korea. But there are signs of moves towards further supportthe US Senate last week passed a bill to encourage visits between Washington and Taipei at all levels, angering Beijing. Washington cut formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979 in favor of Beijing, but maintains trade relations with the island and sells it weapons. Analysts see no end to the cross-strait impasse, with little prospect Taiwan will come round to Beijings way of thinking. Xi needs something concrete to justify the extension of his term, says Chang Ya-chung, political analyst at National Taiwan University. Taiwan will feel the increasing pressure. The same institutional failings that allowed a staffer at Centro San Antonio to allegedly embezzle $291,000 through an elaborate fraud also allowed for all sorts of questionable spending at the downtown-focused nonprofit. These failings include an organizational structure that is inherently conflicted, a board that was way too removed from daily operations, a lack of focus in terms of organizational mission; and flaccid management from Pat DiGiovanni, the organizations former CEO, who was prone to big ideas but appears to have been asleep at the wheel. The latest story on the Centro saga from Express-News reporter Richard Webner isnt pretty. It highlights the nonprofits creative and arguably inappropriate use of public funds. RELATED: Accountant tied to embezzlement from Centro has history of bank fraud, bankruptcy As part of its duties, Centro manages the downtown public improvement district. Property tax revenue from the district funds maintenance, landscaping, grackle control and street washing. Think of the workers in yellow shirts who keep downtown streets clean or provide directions to tourists. Thats the PID in action. Its money well spent, but only if its spent appropriately. As Webner pointed out, some funds for the PID seem to have been used for other purposes that align more closely with Centros other function: Lobbying for downtown developers and business owners with the city. This is known as Centro Alliance. Consider the following PID expenses, which Webner uncovered through a public records request: Last March, the Alliance held a fundraiser at La Margarita Restaurant & Oyster Bar. Of the $3,117 bill, more than $2,300 was charged to the PID. The PID was incorrectly charged a $1,314.75 bill from the restaurant Acenar and a $918.90 bill from Alonti Catering Kitchen. Centro will reimburse these expenses. A $3,274 trip to Chicago in April when the citys river barge contract was under discussion. RELATED: Centro San Antonio CEO quits amid allegations of embezzlement by staffer More than $8,000 charged for sponsorships of music festivals outside of downtown boundaries. Tens of thousands of dollars in consulting fees to advocate that city bond dollars be spent on projects largely outside of the PID. Two instances of using PID funds on DiGiovannis family members: $586 on flights to Chicago for DiGiovanni and his wife for a convention, and $281 for social media work by DiGiovannis son. Centro is seeking reimbursement for DiGiovannis wifes flight, but DiGiovanni has said the cost was already recouped. He also said he was removed from his sons hiring by another staffer, but, of course, he was the boss. Membership and meals at the Plaza Club totaling $2,350. Perhaps these expenses served a purpose for downtown advocacy, but we fail to see how they fit the mission of maintaining downtown as a clean, friendly and safe space. At its best, Centro is a vital voice for downtown and can offer vision for revitalization and opportunity. But recent scandal and questionable spending undercut the organizations authority and stain its credibility. Whatever comes next for Centro, or however the organization evolves, the board must take a more active role in daily operations. Not micromanagement, but effective oversight, as is the boards function. The next CEO must monitor finances like a hawk. And the vision should be narrow. Improving Houston Street is the right place to start. Restructuring also needs to be on the table. The inherent conflict in Centro is that it lobbies the city of San Antonio while also managing city funds for the PID. Both functions are necessary, but in light of such questionable spending, its probably best to keep them separate. Which is to say, perhaps separate organizations altogether. I cannot believe that Jane Fonda was at the Academy Awards ceremony. My husband, a career Army soldier, was fighting in South Vietnam when Hanoi Jane was being a traitor in North Vietnam. How can this happen? Lest we forget? Patricia J. Wood Not so biased Like many of your readers, I believed that the Express-News has a far left liberal bias. I decided to do a little research. I read and counted every letter to the editor published in the paper from Feb. 1 to Feb. 28. There were 143 letters published. Fifty-seven mentioned Trump or the president. Thirty three (58 percent) were anti-Trump and twenty four (42 percent) were pro-Trump. I dont know if 58 percent vs. 42 percent is statistically significant, but from my perspective, there may be only a mild bias. I will not be as critical as I have been in the past. Doug McKenzie White privilege Just when you think Sen. Nancy Pelosi can get no more offensive and biased toward white people, she tells us her young grandsons wish on his birthday was to be dark-eyed and dark-skinned like his Latino play pal. Can you imagine an African-American politician saying their grandson wished he could have blue eyes and blond hair like his white friend? Pelosi thinks his poor self-image is something to encourage. I mean, hes a white male, so hes already not exactly the apple of Nanas eye. Now if only he wished he were an illegal Latina, hed be Nanas favorite. Its pathetic, this condescension toward Latinos. You guys are so fabulous that my grandson will give up his white male privilege to be you! Anybody want my white privilege? Shannon Deason Two virtuous men Re: Sizable egos, Your Turn, February 27: It was my pleasure to meet our former mayor, Julian Castro, years ago at the opening of the John Igo Branch Library in San Antonio. I found the Jefferson High School, Stanford University, and Harvard Law School graduate to be a friendly, respectful young man. And I remember with pride watching him give the Keynote Speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. I am also aware of the millions of dollars that LeBron James has donated to charitable causes. Andy Parsons Preserve the charm Re: An open letter to the mayor on property taxes, Robert Trevino, Another View, Feb. 6: We have lived in the historic King William District since 1996. We have also owned and operated a bed-and-breakfast on our property for the same time. Around 1999, the neighborhood and city worked together to write a very good ordinance regarding short term rentals/bed-and-breakfasts. Why is the city wasting time and money trying to write another law when this one has served all of us very well? I have yet to hear a cogent answer from any city representative. The law currently in place covers any entity that rents short term whether they are called inns, bed-and-breakfasts, short-term rentals or Airbnb. There is absolutely no need for another law to cover the Airbnb properties. They fall under the current ordinance definitions and should obey the law the rest of us have for the past many years. Deborah Field Heartfelt thanks On Feb. 9, residents and team members of Normandy Terrace Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center were alerted to a small fire in a lighting ballast. Firefighters and emergency officials promptly responded and extinguished the fire, which was contained to one area of the building. Once the fire was out, our patients and residents were cleared to remain inside the center. I want to thank the San Antonio Fire Department, Station No. 18 and all the area emergency response teams that came to our aid. Each of you went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure our center was safe for us to occupy. Your commitment and dedication to serving others is evident and admirable. I now realize that our community is in great hands with its first responders. A heartfelt thank you from me, our team members, our patients and residents, and their families. I am grateful for your dedication to serving others. Elizabeth Howard, administrator, Normandy Terrace Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center Exploiting the kids I find it interesting how the media and liberal groups are suddenly praising the kids as being so smart, mature and having all the answers to gun control. Yet these same liberals claim those younger than 21 are not mature or smart enough to even own a gun. The liberals are excited about this new bloc of 18-year-olds becoming new voters only because they support the liberal view on gun control. Its sad to see liberals and the media taking advantage of this recent tragedy using the kids. The solution to controlling school and mass shootings is much more complicated than just taking guns away from all citizens. Carthel W. Williams, Spring Branch Ditch your guns I see where our eccentric president suggests we convert teachers into pistol-packing mamas. The more we talk about gun control, the more we move in the opposite direction. Lay that pistol down, babe. George Carrera FORMER President Mr Robert Mugabe and Brigadier-General Ambrose Mutinhiri (Retired) understood to be his proxy in the former First Familys political project, New Patriotic Front (NPF) are trying to launch their dynastic political enterprise through leveraging on their maternal relationship, ex-Zipra cadres have said. The Zipra cadres said they actually spurned overtures from Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd) to join the party. In an interview with ZBC News on Monday, Zipra combatant Cde Freddy Chillis Mutanda said despite their relationship, Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd) also felt indebted to Mr Mugabe. He said Mr Mugabe reinvented Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd)s political career when he had taken a sabbatical ostensibly because he had been overlooked by Zipra when they appointed Cde Lookout Masuku as commander. Cde Masuku had replaced the former commander, Cde Alfred Nikita Mangena, who died in June 1978. It is his decision (to form NPF), said Cde Mutanda. We will say it his decision bearing in mind that him and the former President (Mr Mugabe) are close. They are actually related. Their mothers were cousins. I know that for certain because for me, Mutinhiri is like a brother. He has taken a decision to work with his brother (Mr Mugabe). An unnamed government source also told state-owned newspaper the Herald that essentially, what it means is its the former president who is trying to stage a second coming behind the person of the dutiful and beholden Ambrose Mutinhiri. The disgruntled Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd), Cde Mutanda said, was only salvaged by Mr Mugabe from his sabbatical at his rural home in Mahusekwa after independence. So, when we came back after the liberation struggle, he was no longer in the structures of Zipra; his position as chief of staff and deputy commander were not filled after he took a sabbatical, he said. According to Cde Mutanda, Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd), in agreeing to front the NPF, had mistakenly thought that he could easily recruit disgruntled Zipra cadres who had tried to reach out to him after ex-Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko was appointed to the post, which they vehemently opposed. We were supposed to meet last Friday, said Cde Mutanda. He (Brig-Gen Mutinhiri) took advantage of a situation. As you know, as Zipra we had decided sometime last year to approach the former president (Mr Mugabe) to have Mphoko recalled as Vice President. It is not a secret. We then approached our leadership in the party to say what Cde Mphoko is doing is not proper; it is not in line with the Unity Accord. I was personally dealing with the matter. I approached Cde Mutinhiri to say lets recall Cde Mphoko; Cde Mutinhiri refused. So, last week on the 24th of February, I then heard from some people he had sent. He actually sent some people to contact me for us to have a meeting to discuss the post November issue. He took advantage of a situation where we were not happy about certain things. But we refused to meet him because he had refused to have Mphoko recalled. So we said we can only meet as the former High Command if Dumiso (Dabengwa) is going to be there, because Dumiso was our man after the November issue. So we said how do we meet you, how can you chair our meeting when you were saying let us protect Mphoko and we were against Mphoko? Another Zipra cadre, Cde Headman Moyo, described Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd) as an extension of the G40 cabal. We feel that he is part of G40 extension, he said. That is the G40 that we have been talking about. That is the G40 we have been saying it is active on the ground. It is sprouting with Ambrose. It is unfortunate that Ambrose is being used to propel the G40 agenda. Separately, in an interview yesterday, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWA) secretary-general Cde Victor Matemadanda called on war veterans and ex-detainees not to be fooled by ambitious people like Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd), who was trying to soil the vision of Operation Restore Legacy. Cde Matemadanda said it was time war veterans and ex-detainees rallied behind President Emmerson Mnangagwa who has indicated his willingness to address their plight. We should not be fooled by people like Retired Brigadier-General Mutinhiri to follow them because they want to spoil the vision of Operation Restore Legacy that has seen a lot of changes in the country, he said. Interestingly, he goes to former President Mugabe, who for the past 37 years, failed the country. Chronicle Breaking News via Email Loading... Related Zimbabwe Latest News FORMER Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Deputy Minister Dr Godfrey Gandawa raised a red flag over the awarding of a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) to former First Lady Grace Mugabe two months after she was awarded, but was threatened into silence, it has emerged. Mrs Mugabe was awarded the PhD in 2014 by the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) and her husband Mr Mugabe in his capacity as the university chancellor presided over her graduation ceremony. Documents in The Heralds possession show that Dr Gandawa wrote to then Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Minister Dr Olivia Muchena seeking clarity over the awarding of the degree. In the letter dated September 29, 2014, Dr Gandawa notes that obtaining a PhD follows is an established process with a clear paper trail. It must therefore be noted that an audit trail is created by and during the process I have outlined herein. In that case, if the First Lady was properly assisted to observe the above procedure, therefore, the audit trail of evidence and documentation relevant to her research work should be available, more so for public consumption with a view to quelling down unfounded scathing attacks on her integrity, that of the chancellor as well as that of the UZ itself. Clearly something went awry as regards the process followed by the University of Zimbabwe as evidenced by the drowning noise being raised all over and the apparent failure by the UZ to provide the First Family with protection at a time its needed most, reads Dr Gandawas letter to Dr Muchena. Hon Minister, pretending that all went well with the last UZ graduation ceremony is not only being naive on our part as ministers of this ministry, but it is also a dangerous and futile wishful thinking exercise, seeking to provide us with a false and misleading lull to our otherwise usually sharp academic conscience. Dr Gandawa said key questions were being raised in the public domain and within circles of academia in connection with Mrs Mugabes PhD. He said the questions included whether the UZ followed due process leading to the awarding of the degree to Mrs Mugabe. Did Amai Mugabe go through all the stages of the process resulting in her attaining the PhD degree? Did she take the required study time or not? Who were her internal and external supervisors? Who were her advisors as she prepared to register and during the whole process of registering for her PhD studies? If there was a flaw in the process, was it just a mere failure of procedure and system or was it a well calculated outcome aimed at dealing a fatal blow to the very image and person of the First Lady and that of her husband, His Excellency and the UZ Chancellor? further asked Dr Gandawa. He suspects that Mrs Mugabe could have been a beneficiary of Zanu-PF factionalism at the time with some politicians in the party pretending to do her a favour by manipulating the system of awarding the degree. To what an extent could this be linked to political manoeuvring with factionalism and power struggles at play? Can a political hand be seen behind the scenes manipulating procedure with a hidden agenda to smear the image of the First Family? Could some people behind the scenes have pretended to assist her elevate her profile with the aim of eventually tarnishing the First Ladys image and integrity for political reasons? How can such a conspiracy theory be ruled out since the process involved no novices in the area of conferment of higher degrees at the mother of all universities in the country people of high repute and supposedly of high academic integrity and statuses? Dr Gandawa said the process of awarding degrees to high political figures was supposed to be handled with high sensitivity and by a team of highly experienced and mature university officials and in consultation with the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development. Was any such team set up and were any such consultations carried out? Dr Gandawa asked. Surely, this could not have escaped the analysis of any simple academic and intellectual mind, let alone the collective brain power of top academics, including the self-proclaimed highly educated, top engineer and wise chairman of the UZ council, who also doubles as the Secretary for the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, Dr Washington Mbizvo. Dr Gandawa demanded to know the involvement of the ministry in the whole saga. All things being equal, the ministry should have, by now, submitted a detailed report to the UZ Chancellor and Head of State, on what really transpired rather than to leave everything to speculation, whilst the battering and bashing continues in the media unabated. By now the ministry should have furnished the First Lady with full information from its own viewpoint regarding what transpired and how she could be protected, if nothing amiss happened. Under normal circumstances, as soon as our ministry plunged into this crisis, we should have consulted each other, putting our heads together, sharing collective wisdom with a view to finding a lasting solution and minimise damage on the First Family, the university and the ministry. However, I am baffled by the apparent maintenance of silence and aloofness, even on the part of the very engineers and protagonists of the crisis, said Dr Gandawa. He threw the story back at Dr Muchena. I dont know on your part, Hon Minister, but on my part, I intend to set the record straight that I was left out of the picture from the beginning to the end of the whole process. However, I am aware that the secretary (Dr Mbizvo) and the Vice Chancellor (Professor Levi Nyagura) were active players in this process, which makes them qualified to furnish us with answers to all the questions raised in respect of this matter, said Dr Gandawa. He insinuated that the awarding of the degree to Mrs Mugabe could have been a plot to destroy her. In the absence of convincing answers, I am left with no option but to suspect that it was, indeed, a deliberate and carefully calculated strategy to destroy Amai Mugabe and the First Family in a bigger political game than meets the ordinary eye. How else can it be explained when all of a sudden, everyone who had their hands on the deck, suddenly disappear into deafening silence at a time when they should be speaking out loudly in defence of the First Family, if everything was done above board, wrote Dr Gandawa. He demanded to know the role Dr Muchena played. If due process was followed and nothing was and is amiss about awarding of this much talked about PhD degree, then the onus is upon those who were directly and actively superintending over the process to come out and proffer solid evidence that vindicates the First Lady, the ministry, and the UZ, rather than to remain silent on the matter as if nothing has happened. If such evidence is available, then attempts should be made to contain the rumour mill which is in overdrive with the media attacking the First Family whilst the protagonists in the university and ministry maintain their peace. Why cant someone explain to the ministry and the nation what happened in order to douse the flames fuelled by speculation as a way of controlling and minimising the damage already inflicted on the person of the Chancellor (then Mr Mugabe), the First Lady, the minister and indeed the reputation of the UZ? Dr Gandawa said it was surprising that after Mrs Mugabes PhD saga became public, both the secretary Dr Mbizvo and the UZ Vice Chancellor Prof L. Nyagura, have neither submitted any report to us as ministers, nor have they made any public statements in order to do damage control. They have also not briefed me on the matter as a stakeholder. He urged Dr Muchena to urgently institute an urgent high-profile investigation into the matter with a view to getting the correct facts and eventually providing answers to many questions being raised about this matter . . . Dr Gandawa suggested that the ministry should have compiled a report to Mr Mugabe, Mrs Mugabe and the Office of the President and Cabinet over what transpired. When The Herald sought Dr Gandawas comment over the matter yesterday, he confirmed authoring the letter to Dr Muchena and that he got no response but threats from certain offices to leave the matter. He did not reveal who threatened him and why. She (Dr Muchena) did not respond. I also did not withdraw the letter. I wrote it and gave it to her and other senior officials. Ndakavhundutsirwa. They said ndakudakuonesa, siyana nayo. Even the next minister (Professor Jonathan Moyo) never looked at it yet I was fighting to address the issue, he said. Efforts to get a comment from Dr Muchena were fruitless yesterday. Prof Nyagura and Dr Mbizvo were also not available to comment on the matter. Dr Muchena was dropped from Cabinet by then president Mugabe in December 2014. Herald Breaking News via Email Loading... Related Zimbabwe Latest News - No fewer than 21 migrants have gone missing and had probably drowned after two boats set off from Libya for Italy - The 21 people missing were among the 51 on one of the boats, a wooden one - 132 other people on the second boat, a rubber dinghy, had been rescued The International Organisation for Migration said on Tuesday, March 6, that 21 migrants were missing, and had probably drowned, after two boats, a rubber dinghy and a wooden boat, set off from Libya for Italy and had to be rescued. IOM spokesman Joel Millman told a news conference in Geneva that 132 other people on the rubber dinghy had been rescued. Late on Monday, March 5, SOS Mediterranee said there was one pregnant woman and 14 children with no family among the survivors. The organisation said they come mostly from West Africa. READ ALSO: PDP governors meet in Gombe, talks surround Wike, 2019 The migrants were first rescued on March 3 by a Cypriot merchant ship, and handed over to SOS Mediterranee late on Saturday. Thirty were on a sinking wooden boat, and according to survivors, 21 people died in that shipwreck. There were five women on board, four drowned, including a pregnant one. One lost my brother, a Gambian man was quoted as saying by SOS Mediterranee. Most migrants are desperate not to be returned to Libya, where they face widespread abuse and torture. According to SOS Mediterranee, the Libyan coastguard picked up about 90 people from the dinghy. The Mediterranean is the worlds most dangerous sea migration route. According to an earlier report by, Libyas navy reported on Tuesday, February 20, that its coast guard recently rescued 441 migrants in two separate operations as their boats drifted off the western coast. PAY ATTENTION: Get the Latest Nigerian News Anywhere 24/7. Spend less on the Internet! In the report by the navy, 35 women and 16 children were among the 324 illegal migrants rescued in one of the operations on Monday, February 19, with assistance from a fishing boat. The report said that the migrants were from Chad, Nigeria, Mali and Libya. The coastguard also saved 117 migrants, including five women and two babies, off the coast of Zawiya, west of the capital Tripoli, The Libya Observer reports. Nigerians speak on slavery in Libya - on TV. Source: Legit - Motorists and other road users of Arochukwu-Ohafia road can finally heave a sigh of relief - This is as the road is set to be reconstructed after years of neglect - The initiative is the brain-child of Senator Mao Ohuabunwa The senator representing Abia North senatorial district in the Nigerian Senate, Mao Ohuabunwa, on Sunday, March 4, flagged off the reconstruction of the Arochukwu-Ohafia road after years of neglect. The initiative attracted the commendation of Abia state governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu, who was represented at the flag-off ceremony by his deputy, Ude Oko. The governor lauded the senator for taking the pain to ensure that the road becomes motorable, lamenting that previous administrations had abandoned the road. Senator Ohuabunwa is very popular among his people. Photo credit: READ ALSO: President Buhari will sign Peace Corps Bill - Senator Ohuabunwa Residents of Arochukwu-Ohafia, including commercial drivers have suffered a lot due to the dilapidated state of the road. I think the reconstruction of the road attracted by Senator Mao Ohuabunwa will help to alleviate the sufferings of the people plying the road. This project attracted by the senator has complimented the efforts of the state government in ensuring total infrastructural development of the state. The distinguished senator has made us proud, the governor said. On his part, Senator Ohuabunwa thanked the people of the zone, assuring them of quality representation and attracting more people-oriented projects to the zone. His words: During my campaign, one thing that kept coming up each time we visit communities within Arochukwu and Ohafia is the state of the Arochukwu-Ohafia federal road and the need to do something about it. As a legislator, I know for sure that the only way to get it done is through appropriation and as a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I am well positioned to use my legislative privileges to get it done for my people. The senator thanked the governor and other government officials in the state for their support, while pledging his resolve to monitor the execution of the project. He described media reports insinuating that he empowered women in his constituency with frying pan and camp gas as mischievous and deliberate spread of falsehood. Senator Ohuabunwa, who spoke through his special assistant, Uche Okoli, described the report as a distortion of fact and misrepresentation of what actually happened. According to Okoli, his boss conducted a skill acquisition training programme in 2017 which was handled by the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, adding that after the training, each person was equipped with the necessary tools needed in the area of training with a financial support of up to N50,000. PAY ATTENTION: Read best news on Nigerias #1 news app Kogi West Senatorial District to recall senator Dino Melaye from the Nigerian Senate on TV Source: Legit - Ghana celebrated its 61st independence and President Buhari was in attendance - Giving a speech at the event, the president said Nigeria and Ghana have become destination for foreign investment - He applauded President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his projects in the country President Muhammadu Buhari has noted that Ghana and Nigeria have become good destinations for foreign investment based on the decisions taken by the governments. President Buhari made this remark during Ghanas 61st independence anniversary celebration on Tuesday, March 6. President Buhari commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of Ghana for the warm reception and congratulated his strides in office President Muhammadu Buhari at Ghana's 61st independence Anniversary celebration. Credit: Facebook Femi Adesina READ ALSO: Police quizzes PDP state chairman for allegation against Edo state government Read his speech below: On behalf of the government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I am honoured by the special invitation extended to me by His Excellency, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on this auspicious occasion of the celebration of the 61st Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Ghana. I am delighted at the warm reception accorded me and my entourage since our arrival in this beautiful city of Accra. President Muhammadu Buhari noted the strides made by Ghana. Credit: Facebook Femi Adesina Your Excellency, I would like to pay special tribute to all leaders of the Republic right from the era of the late first President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to date. We must acknowledge their various contributions. In the words of Kwame Nkrumah those who would judge us merely by the heights we have achieved would do well to remember the depths from which we started. No words can sum it up better as we are all familiar with our colonial era journey and its ups and downs. My tribute also goes to all those who have paid the supreme sacrifices in the cause of nation-building. President Muhammadu Buhari applauded President Nana Akufo of Ghana for the successes recorded in his administration so far. Credit: Facebook Femi Adesina Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen May I extend my personal congratulations to President Akufo-Addo on your successful one year in office with special note on the strides recorded by your administration within a space of just 365 days. From Nigeria, I have watched closely your achievements, ranging from your ingenious approach to creating jobs for the teeming youths through various initiatives, including the repositioning of agriculture for modern farming, Farming for Jobs and Food, Senior High School (SHS) free education, One-District-One-Factory, and One-Village-One-Dam as well as the improvement being recorded in the Republics macroeconomic indicators. All these efforts, I am aware, have made Ghana to become a good destination for foreign direct investment just like Nigeria. Accept my congratulations! Your Excellency, My tributes to you and the people of Ghana will not be complete without acknowledging your efforts at tackling corruption, which has eaten into the fabrics of our societies. I congratulate both the government and the Parliament for the quick passage of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act and its signing into law. Your Excellency can be assured that you have a good partner in me as I look forward to any form of collaboration between Nigeria and Ghana in tackling the menace of endemic corruption. Given all these public policies, it becomes reassuring that with the right leadership, Africas drives to eradicate poverty and to entrench democracy is on course. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen Nigeria and Ghana share close cultural and historic ties, which have continued to shape our bilateral relations. Once again, I note with pride that our common colonial experience, as well as parallel socio-economic and political development and the patriotic vision of our leaders have helped greatly in shaping this unique relationship not only in West Africa sub-region but in our collaborative actions internationally. It is therefore my strong desire that we owe it as a duty to ensure that our good peoples continue to live in each others countries unhindered. Our newly rejuvenated Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation has already provided us with good platform in resolving any differences while focusing on our main developmental objectives. Your Excellency, Permit me to put on record, Ghanas untiring efforts in brokering peace in Togo, by bringing all the warring parties to the negotiation table. I am appealing to the opposing parties in Togo to please come together and resolve their differences so that Togo will move forward. In the same vein, I wish Nigeria and Ghana to continue to provide the impetus in realising the objectives and ideals of the founding fathers of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), to ensure security, peace and development of our region. Your Excellency, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the government and people of Nigeria, I join other well-wishers to congratulate the Government and the good people of Ghana on this momentous occasion of your celebration of freedom. Meanwhile, Senator Dino Melaye, Dino Melaye, the senator representing Kogi West at the National Assembly has lamented that Nigeria no longer marks important days. He made this known on Tuesday in a post on Instagram. PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 news app The lawmaker was reacting to the ongoing Ghana Independence celebration. In attendance were President Buhari, Senate president Bukola Saraki, among others. Dino Melaye posted a picture of the colourful event and wrote, ''I feel sad and ashamed this morning as I physically see the cultural and national demonstration of love, unity and purpose exhibited by Ghanaians here at the Black Star Square in Accra- Ghana as Ghana celebrate their 61st independence and 25 years of uninterrupted democracy." Kogi West senatorial district to recall senator Dino Melaye from the Nigerian Senate on TV: Source: Legit - A former governor of Nasarawa state, Aliyu Akwe-Doma, has died after a brief illness - His nephew, Ahmed Bako, said that Akwe-Doma died in a foreign hospital in Israel - Akwe-Doma was Nasarawa state governor between 2007 and 2011 The immediate ex-governor of Nasarawa state, Aliyu Akwe-Doma, is dead. According to his nephew, Ahmed Bako, Akwe-Doma died on the evening of Tuesday, March 6, in a foreign hospital in Israel after a brief illness, Premium Times reports. gathered that sympathisers have already gathered at Akwe-Domas house in Orozo, Karshi district of Abuja. READ ALSO: Nigerian man elected as Italy's first black senator He was governor of Nasarawa state between 2007 and 2011, after which he was defeated by the incumbent governor, Umaru Al-makura. Meanwhile, previously reported that there was a money laundering charge of N15 billion against the former governor Akwe-Doma. Another case involved N2 billion, which he reportedly laundered in the name of Green Forest Investment Limited, a firm he owned. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app Nigerias agricultural revolution kick-starts in Nasarawa state - on TV Source: PINOY PRIDE. Members of the Kahayag Dance Company pose along Taizi Boulevard after their performance at the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Chaiyi, Taiwan. Photo by Michael Miranda Chaiyi, Taiwan-, a community-based dance group from Dumaguete City, performed at the annual Taiwan Lantern Festival to the tune of ABS-CBN 2012 summer station ID sang by. The station ID entitled Pinoy Summer Da Best Forever, which also featured, complemented Kahayags vibrant costumes and lively dance routines that highlighted the Philippines rich history of street dance. The 40-member dance ensemble that has been competing and winning in numerous cultural dance competitions overseas was invited by Taiwan Tourism Bureau to take part in the annual lantern festival that promotes Taiwanese culture, history, craftsmanship, technology, and tourism. A member of the group toldthat they felt proud for being selected by the Tourism Bureau to perform at the grand launch of the annual festival held on March 2.The festivity was attended by Taiwanese dignitaries led by Taiwans president,Kahayag Dance Company, which is also flying to Greece in July to compete in the 14th World Festival of Traditional Dances, performed on the same stage where other dance troops from Japan, Indonesia and Taiwan also showcased dynamic cultural dances. The well-applauded performance of Kahayag Dance Company showcased festive Philippine cultural dance mixed with hip hop. Its act featuredstreet dance and ballet. The Taiwan Lantern Festival marks the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations. This year, the annual festival that centers on the theme of Earth Dog is hosted by Chiayi County and lanterns will be on display until March 11. During the festival period, visitors can use an app specifically designed for the event. The app provide useful information such as overall lantern zone intro, site map, special lantern zone reports, food recommendations, live streams, LED push notifications, AR experiences, 360-degree previews, traffic updates, parking tips and online shop tours. Called the Chiayi iTour, the app is available in English, Japanese and Mandarin. - The Plateau government is gearing up for President Buhari's visit to the state - Thursday, March 8, has been declared a public holiday by the government - The president is billed to arrive the state on a one-day working visit on that day The government of Plateau state has declared Thursday, March 8, a public holiday to enable residents welcome President Muhammadu Buhari on a one-day working visit to the state. Izam Azi, head of service, announced this on Tuesday, March 6, in Jos, after an emergency State Executive Council meeting. The holiday will afford civil servants and other citizens the opportunity to give the president a rousing welcome, Azi said. Meanwhile, Yakubu Dati, commissioner for information and communication, has said that there would be restriction of movement during the visit, especially around areas the president would inaugurate projects. The Plateau state governor has enjoyed cordial relationship with the president so far. Photo credit: State House READ ALSO: Ijaw leader urges President Buhari to declare state of emergency in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe Dati said that government had created alternative routes in affected areas, adding that security agencies would guide movements during the day. earlier reported that the federal government said it is investing N771 million into building 80 houses in Plateau state. The buildings under the Federal Housing Programme (FHP) is located at Laminga village in Jos, Plateau state. An official of the federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing also commended the Plateau state government for donating the 5.04 hectares of land for the project. PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 new app President Buhari commissions first Nigerian drone - on TV Source: - Boko Haram terrorist group is no longer a serious fighting force, according to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo - According to him, the group is feeding off the oxygen of media attention - He said the abduction of 110 Dapchi girls and the Rann attack are reminders of the absolute ruthlessness of the insurgents The vice president, Yemi Osinbajo, has described the Boko Haram terrorist group as a non-serious fighting force. He said the group is only doing what it takes to feed off "the oxygen of media attention" in their recent attacks. Speaking at the opening of the 8th edition of the 2018 national security seminar organised by Alumni Association of the National Defence College (AABDEC) on Tuesday, March 6, the vice president said the group will alter their goals and objectives at random. He added that the efforts of the federal government and the military should not be interpreted as an unwinnable war. READ ALSO: Breaking: After brief illness, ex-governor Aliyu Akwe-Doma of Nasarawa dies Osinbajo said: "They (Boko Haram) will alter their goals and objectives at random, and are capable of doing anything and everything to continue feeding off the oxygen of media attention. Yet this should not be interpreted as meaning that we fighting an unwinnable war. We can boldly say that today Boko Haram is no longer a serious fighting force. We have to be strategic in our approach, responding not out of panic or fear, but out of a determination to secure our nation and keep our people safe not only from terrorism but from every other threat they face. We must fight them on multiple fronts, starve them of funding and resources, of sympathisers, and of the oxygen of publicity, especially on the Internet," the vice president said. Reacting to the abduction of 110 schoolgirls from a government secondary school in Dapchi, Yobe state and the attack by the group in Rann, Borno state, Osinbajo said both incident are reminders of the absolute ruthlessness of the enemy (Boko Haram). He also added that the occasional setback recorded in the counter-insurgency is not unique to Nigeria. Two weeks ago one such incident took place, in the town of Dapchi, in Yobe state. Suspected Boko Haram terrorists attacked a girls secondary school, abducting 110 girls. And then last week, the attacks on a humanitarian camp in Rann in Borno state. READ ALSO: PDP governors meet in Gombe, complain of Wike's overbearing attitude Both incidents have received widespread condemnation from around the world. They are reminders of the absolute ruthlessness of the enemy and the fact that it will resort to increasingly desperate and callous moves on our most vulnerable people and places, even as its losses mount.Very often, the campaign of violence is foiled, thankfully. Towards the end of 2017, the Global Terrorism Index reported that terrorism deaths in Nigeria fell by 80 percent between 2015 and 2016. That figure of 80 percent represents countless Boko Haram attacks prevented from happening by the efforts of the Nigerian military. We must never forget that. Frustratingly, however, all that a terrorist group requires to be deemed extraordinary is for it to record a high-profile success every now and then," he added. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app earlier reported that Osinbajo had given reasons why the president could not visit some of the states ravaged by attacks and killings. Osinbajo said while the federal government sympathies with the victims of the attacks, condolence alone would not solve the problem. He said there is no level of condolence that can compensate the loss of any live and that the Benue killing was one set of killing taken too far. Nigerians react as Boko Haram terrorists kidnap over 100 girls in Dapchi, Yobe - on Street Gist Source: Legit Newspaper - A civil society organisation has said it will mobilise other groups to visit the once dreaded Boko Haram terrorists' hideout, Sambisa forest - The group said it plans to assess the effort of the Nigerian military in the counter-insurgency - According to the organisation, the tour is expected to dampen the distraction currently placed in the path of the military A tour to Boko Haram terrorists' most deadly hideout, Sambisa forest, has been organised by the Centre for Social Justice, Equity and Transparency (CESJET). The group said that the war being waged against Boko Haram terrorists is still on course. The group said it will therefore mobilise 20 other local and international NGOs to embark on a tour of Sambisa forest, the northeast and other parts of Nigeria to ascertain the level of success in the counter-insurgency war. CESJET said the tour will also help assess troops' responsiveness to emergency and the current state of affairs of the various operations being carried out by the military. READ ALSO: Plateau state government declares work-free day over Buhari's visit Speaking in Abuja on Tuesday, March 6, the executive director of the organisation, Joyce Ogwu, said CESJET expects that the tour will offer an insight into the roles of the military in fighting insurgency. She said the organisation also expects the tour to dampen the distraction currently placed in the path of the military. An aerial view of Sambisa forest. Photo source: Nigerian Air Force She said this is imperative because of the need to allow the military focus on totally ridding Nigeria of terrorism under whatever guise. READ ALSO: Sing National Anthem in Yoruba daily, Governor Ambode tells Lagos schools "The devious purveyors of falsehood that are milking this tragedy are creating the impression that the counter-insurgency war has halted or has failed in the aftermath of the attack on Government Girls Science Technical College (GGSTC) Dapchi. "We have found such claims to not only be untrue but also mischief at its height. Our concern is that such manipulation of reality is calculated to boost the morale of Boko Haram terrorists to regroup from their defeat. "They had earlier scattered into the desert and neighboring countries after the Nigerian army dealt them crippling blows but are now being given confidence by those that are exploiting the Dapchi girls to instigate the terrorists to come back together. We are seeing a repeat of strategies earlier deployed by Boko Haram come into play all over again," Ogwu said. While condemning the Dapchi schoolgirls attack, Ogwu said it is important to point out that it is still an isolated incident. "Unlike the series of attacks in the past that showed the display of helplessness by the military, the Nigerian military has continued to maintain recovered grounds. It is apparent that those peddling negative stories about the war on insurgency do so because they believe they can instigate Nigerians to force the military to divulge full details of its strategy in the counter-insurgency war because there has been reported changes in the approach adopted against the terrorists," she added. Ogwu also appealed to Nigerians not to relent in supporting the military as many at times, Boko Haram attacks soft targets which can be averted through prompt and reliable information sharing. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app earlier reported that the vice president, Yemi Osinbajo, had described the terrorist group as a non-serious fighting force. The vice president said the terrorist group is only doing what it takes to feed off the oxygen of media attention in their recent attacks. Osinbajo also called on Nigerians not to relent in supporting the federal government in the fight against terrorism as the war against the group is not an unwinnable war. Nigerians react as Boko Haram terrorists kidnap over 100 girls in Dapchi, Yobe - on Street Gist Source: Legit Nigeria - The EFCC has received 375,000 US dollars intercepted by the Nigeria Customs service - The Customs handed over the cash to the anti-graft agency in Kaduna - The suspect, a business man from Kano was intercepted at the international wing of the Kaduna international airport The Nigeria Customs service on Tuesday, March 6, handed over the sum of 375,000 USD (Three hundred and seventy five thousand United States dollar) and one Adamu Rabiu Muhammad with passport number A50280997 to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Kaduna zonal office. gathered that the suspect, a business man from Kano was intercepted at the international wing of the Kaduna international airport, traveling on board ET941 Ethiopian Airline to Dubai on a business trip. READ ALSO: Breaking: Ex-governor Aliyu Akwe-Doma of Nasarawa is dead A team of Custom officers on patrol, led by CSC Medugu Y.D. apprehended the suspect on Saturday, March 3, at about 12:22hrs. A Customs official handing over 375,000 US dollars intercepted in Kaduna to EFCC. Photo credit: EFCC While commending the Nigerian Customs service for its vigilance, EFCC Kaduna zonal head of operations, Ibrahim Bappa, enjoined other law enforcement agencies to work with the EFCC for a corrupt free Nigeria. The suspect, Adamu Rabiu Muhammad. Photo credit: EFCC PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 new app Meanwhile, had previously reported the Nigeria Customs Service arrested a suspect in Sokoto who allegedly smuggled 460 bags of imported rice concealed in a petrol tank. The 375,000 US dollars intercepted by Customs service in Kaduna. Photo credit: EFCC The Comptroller for Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara Command of NCS, Mr Nasir Ahmad, made the disclosure to newsmen on Friday in Sokoto. The suspect, Adamu Rabiu Muhammad's international passport. Photo credit: EFCC It was reported that Ahmad said the smuggled items, which were intercepted along Sokoto-Illela road, had N7.8 million duty paid value. EFCC stages a walk against corruption - on TV Source: - The Funtua Inland Dry Port under construction will be completed in May 2018 - The concessionaires to the dry port, Equatorial Marine Oil and Gas Limited, announced the date for the completion - The facility has the capacity to handle 10,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) of containers at the first instance The chairman of Equatorial Marine Oil and Gas Ltd, Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, has stated that the Funtua Inland Dry Port (Inland Container Depot) under construction should be completed in May 2018, Daily Trust reports. This was disclosed by Alhaji Mutallab at an inspection tour of the project by the executive secretary/CEO of the Nigerian Shippers Council (NSC), Hassan Bello. noted that Equatorial Marine Oil and Gas Limited is the concessionaires to the Funtua Inland Dry Port. READ ALSO: Breaking: Ex-governor Aliyu Akwe-Doma of Nasarawa is dead Alhaji Mutallab said that the facility and capacity to handle 10,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) of containers at the first instance but can be upgraded to higher capacity later. He added: "The Funtua Inland Dry Port, which is conceived to be the largest in the country, will be a port of origin and of final destination for goods, and so, it would provide the opportunity for the exportation of processed agricultural produce from neigbouring Sokoto, Zamfara and Kebbi states as well as landlocked countries like Niger and Chad to other countries of the world." It was learnt that the Funtua Inland Dry Port Project was concessioned to Equatorial Marine Oil and Gas (EMOG) and is based on a tripartite arrangement that involves the federal government (represented by the Nigerian Shippers Council), the Katsina state government and EMOG. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app Meanwhile, previously reported that President Muhammadu Buhari commissioned Nigeria's first inland dry port located in Kakuri, Kaduna state on Thursday, January 4. Speaking at the event, the president reiterated his government's intent to diversify the economy and spread the country's wealth to all parts of the nation. A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road, rail and air to a seaport and operates as a center for trans-shipment of sea cargoes to inland destinations. A ride on the Abuja-Kaduna railway - on TV Source: Legit - Thailands ambassador to Nigeria Kunwongse reacted to minister Audu Ogbeh's reported claim that Thailand accused Nigeria of being responsible for the collapse of its seven rice mills - Kunwongse said report is not only misleading but a distortion of the actual conversation between him and Ogbeh - He noted that Thailand stands ready to work closely with the Nigerian government in the field of technological transfer and agricultural machineries Thailands ambassador to Nigeria Wattana Kunwongse has condemned a claim reportedly made by the minister of agriculture and rural development Audu Ogbeh that Thailand accused Nigeria of being responsible for the collapse of its seven rice mills following the drastic fall in rice importation from the country. Premium Times reports that Kunwongse described the ministers claim as misleading and a distortion of the actual discussion that transpired between them. gathered that Ogbeh made the claim, at a meeting of the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative (PFI) and the leadership of the Fertiliser Producers and Suppliers of Nigeria (FEPSAN) held at the Council Chamber of the Presidential Villa, Abuja. READ ALSO: Ex-governor Aliyu Akwe-Doma of Nasarawa is dead According to the report, ''Just like two weeks ago, the Ambassador of Thailand came to my office and said to me that we have really dealt with them. But I asked what did we do wrong and he said unemployment in Thailand was one of the lowest in the world, 1.2 per cent, it has gone up to four per cent because seven giant rice mills have shut down because Nigerias import has fallen by 95 per cent on rice alone. However, the diplomat said Ogbeh may have lied. According to him, ''The report is not only misleading but a distortion of the actual conversation between myself and the honourable minister of agriculture at the federal ministry of agriculture and rural development on 30th January 2018, which was nothing short of positivity and optimism on both sides. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app ''During which I praised President Buharis Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), the essence of which is the endeavour to move the country to a self-sufficiency and export-oriented economy, and to that worthy cause, Thailand stands ready to work closely with the Nigerian Government in the field of technological transfer and agricultural machineries. ''At the same meeting, the honourable minister and I had reached the conclusion that I as Ambassador 0f Thailand to Nigeria will be working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development to establish a platform to discuss our mutual benefits in the form of MOU on Agricultural Cooperation and by forming a bilateral Working Committee toward that end.'' Meanwhile, had reported that Ogbeh said Thailand accused President Buharis government of being responsible for the collapse of its seven rice mills as rice importation from the Nigeria fell drastically. The minister made this known at a meeting of the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative (PFI) and leadership of the Fertiliser Producers and Suppliers of Nigeria (FEPSAN) held at the Council Chamber of the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Friday, February 2. Ebonyi state, Nigeria and West Africa's food capital on TV: Source: - The Nigerian Ambassador to Chad, Mohammed Dauda, has gone underground - The diplomat says his life is in danger following the testimony he gave at the House of Representatives last month - There is a massive manhunt for him by those believed to be agents of government A report by Premium Times indicates that the Nigerian Ambassador to Chad, Mohammed Dauda, has gone underground, triggering a massive manhunt for him. According to the report, the diplomat went into hiding after claiming his life was in danger following the testimony he gave a House of Representatives committee last month. The federal government had sometime last year recalled Dauda from his post in Ndjamena to take temporary charge of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) after the organisations director general, Ayodele Oke, was suspended. The infighting in President Buhari's government continues. Photo credit: State House READ ALSO: FCO warns British citizens of likely armed robbery in Abuja Dauda acted as head of the NIA from November 2017 to January 2018 when he was replaced by an aide to President Muhammadu Buhari, Ahmed Rufai Abubakar. Sources quoted in the report said after he was replaced as head of the NIA, Dauda was asked to return to his post in Ndjamena to continue with his tour of duty. He, however, refused, saying his life would be in danger in Chad, his cover as a security operative having been blown with his appointment as acting head of the NIA. He is said to have also argued that having now been exposed as a spy, he could no longer function as an ambassador anywhere in the world. Dauda was said to have also failed to report to the headquarters of the NIA for a possible fresh posting. He is saying those he accused of corruption are after him as well, one source said. The NIA has now commissioned an intensive search for Dauda following his refusal to appear before a disciplinary panel raised to try him for allegedly bringing the NIA into disrepute. As part of moves to arrest him, armed security men suspected to be from the NIA have continued a siege on the residence Dauda. Two grey-coloured security vans are said to have been parked on either sides of the houses gate, while a dark-googled operative in mufti was also stationed at the turn to the close. Dauda and his family were said to be out of the house as at the time the operatives arrived. PAY ATTENTION: Read best news on Nigerias #1 news app Meanwhile, the former governor of Benue state, Gabriel Suswam, has said President Muhammadu Buharis government does not have the capacity to protect Nigerian lives and property. Suswam made the comments while speaking to a group of journalists in Makurdi, the Benue state capital at the weekend. According to him, when economic issues are not handled properly they lead to security issues such as the nation is experiencing at the moment. Nigerians react as Boko Haram terrorists kidnap over 100 girls in Dapchi, Yobe on Street Gist Source: President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday, March 5, departed for Accra, Ghana to attend the countrys 61st independence anniversary held on Tuesday, March 6. President Buhari was reportedly the only foreign leader invited to the event held at the Independence Square as Special Guest of Honour. He commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of Ghana for the warm reception and congratulated his strides in office and promised to collaborate with Ghana to end corruption in both countries. He said: I congratulate both the government and the Parliament for the quick passage of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act and its signing into law. Your Excellency can be assured that you have a good partner in me as I look forward to any form of collaboration between Nigeria and Ghana in tackling the menace of endemic corruption. Given all these public policies, it becomes reassuring that with the right leadership, Africas drives to eradicate poverty and to entrench democracy is on course. Following President Buharis offer to collaborate with Ghana to fight corruption, many Ghanaians have taken to express their opinions about the planned collaboration. collects some of the divergent reactions here: "Hmmmmm two corrupt countries agreed to fight corruption let see what will happened" - Emmanuelkopranteng "Prez Buhari: I'll help Ghana fight corruption. Me: Help Nigeria first" - Raymondalsina READ ALSO: To assess military effort, group organises tour to Sambisa Forest "Buhari said he'll help Ghana fight corruption. That's enough joke for the day " - Abu "We all heard the speech that was not what Buhari said. He said you have a partner in me" - Captain "Nigeria is rated higher in the latest corruption perception index since the begining of Buhari's regime ahead of Ghana, the irony now is that Nigeria according to Buhari will assist Ghana fight corruption." - Khaleesi "Buhari is here in Ghana promising he will help Nana fight corruption, whiles in NIGERIA animals are swallowing monies. Buhari we hear, you can go back to Nigeria safely." - Postman GH "Nigeria go help Ghana fight corruption like how How are they doing with their snake and monkeys Saga Ghana why why why " - Happy "Nigeria to help Ghana fight corruption???Our naked friend is offering us a shirt to wear. What an irony" - Noah Akellasoore PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 news app "Corruption in Ghana is blowing faster than @PatapaaGh one corner .." - Mari-Am "Ah is it April fool? Why the jokes already ?" - Merchant of Venice "We can fight alone s3 kwatrikwa s3 ob3ma wo ntama ah 3y3a tie ni din" - Nana 3ns3mfon An earlier report by provides President Buhari's full speech at Ghanas 61st independence anniversary celebration on Tuesday, March 6. In his speech at the independence anniversary, President Buhari noted that Ghana and Nigeria have become good destinations for foreign investment based on the decisions taken by the governments. List President Buhari's achievements in two years - on TV Source: Legit - Rex Tillerson has departed for his first official visit to Africa, as the U.S. Secretary of State - Tillerson is on a weeklong four-country official visit to Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti - He expressed optimism that there was ample opportunity in Africa U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, has departed for Africa on a weeklong four-country official visit to Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. The visit will end March 13. Tillerson, during the visit, would engage with President Muhammadu Buhari and other top government functionaries, and the leaders of the three other countries. READ ALSO: Nigerian man elected as Italy's first black senator The trip, his first official visit to Africa, as Secretary of State, would take him first to Ethiopia and then to Djibouti from where he would go to Kenya, and then to Chad, before coming to Nigeria. Tillerson announced the $533 million aid for the African countries while speaking at George Mason University in Virginia shortly before departing the US for Africa. He expressed optimism that there was ample opportunity in Africa for economic growth, for greater prosperity, and for responding to global challenges through mutually respectful partnerships. According to him, he looks forward to returning and building on a strong foundation of U.S.-Africa relations, including visiting Chad, a country that has never before welcomed a visit by the Secretary of State. Speaking on U.S.-Africa Relations: A New Framework, he said over the past century, as African nations emerged from their colonial past, there had been a dramatic increase in Americas engagement with Africa. Forty years ago this month, President Jimmy Carter visited Liberia and Nigeria, where he announced that our nation has now turned in an unprecedented way toward Africa. Today that turning continues. Our countrys security and economic prosperity are linked with Africas like never before, he said, adding the Africa-U.S. engagement will only intensify in the coming decades for several reasons. He noted that by the year 2030, Africa would represent about one quarter of the worlds workforce and by the year 2050, the population of the continent is expected to double to more than 2.5 billion people with 70 per cent of them under the age of 30. previously reported the United Sate of America (USA) disclosed that Nigerias 2019 general elections and a peaceful transition, remained its major priority in view of the countrys strategic position in the region. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app The US department of state said during a background briefing on the first trip of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to Africa, monitored by the News Agency of Nigeria in New York. Tillerson would meet with Nigerias President Muhammadu Buhari and other top government functionaries, and also leaders of Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya during his travels from Tuesday, March 6 to 13. Nigerians want PDP back in 2019 - Goodluck Jonathan declares at PDP Caucus Meeting on TV: Source: - The clashes between herdsmen and farmers is having a negative effect on education, according to the National Commission for Nomadic Education - Its executive secretary said the clashes in Benue state alone had led to the closure of 12 out of the 24 nomadic schools in the state The National Commission for Nomadic Education (NCNE) on Tuesday, March 6, complained over the adverse effects of clashes between herdsmen and farmers on nomadic education across the country, The Punch reports. Prof. Bashir Usman, the executive secretary, disclosed this at a workshop for nomadic teachers in the South-South region held in Benin, Edo state. He said: The conflict is definitely affecting child enrolment in nomadic schools, particularly in Benue State. We have 24 nomadic schools there; 12 of them have been shut down completely due to the conflict and they have all moved to Nasarawa State. READ ALSO: Court grants Maryam Sanda bail The other 12 schools that are not affected are fishers and migrant primary schools. But the 12 nomadic schools have been completely shut down now. The executive secretary explained that the workshop was organised to train teachers in the region on the use of curriculum guides, record keeping, multi-grade teaching techniques as well as guidance and counselling. Until we train and retrain teachers, the quality of output will definitely not be qualitative. Guidance and counselling is particularly important to us because it will help the teachers to counsel some of the pupils, who have been traumatised in the conflict, so that they can fit into the society," he added. Earlier, reported that twenty four people, mostly women and children, were, on Monday, March 5, killed in a fresh crisis at Omusu Edimoga in Okpokwu local government area of Benue state. PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 news app The council chairman, Olofu Ogwuche, stated this while conducting state governor, Samuel Ortom, round the affected community on Tuesday, March 6. The governor and members of state security council had visited Omusu Edimoga for an on-the-spot assessment, Punch reports. Nigerian herdsmen vs Nigerian farmers - on TV Source: Dingdong Dantes serenades his Thai fans in a show in Bangkok's Centralworld. Benjamin Alves joins two other Kapuso hunks in a tour in Bangkok to promote GMA Network shows. Mikael Daez from 'My Faithful Husband' renders a heartwarming song dedicated to their supporters. GMA Network will soon charm the hearts of Thai viewers as top-rating Kapuso drama series are set to launch in Thailand. Thai company JKN Global Media acquired over 1,000 hours of GMA dramas through GMA Worldwide including Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real (The Other Mrs. Real), My Faithful Husband, and Beautiful Strangers, which will air via Bright TV. Kapuso leading men bannered by primetime king Dingdong Dantes, Mikael Daez, and Benjamin Alves graced JKN and Bright TVs event dubbed, Have a Bright Day held in Centralworld, Bangkok on Feb. 20. The actors serenaded their Thai fans, who welcomed them with loud cheers, as their way of thanking them for their support.Dingdong thanked JKN CEO Anne Jakrajutatip in an Instagram post for the warm welcome and for bringing Thailand and the Philippines closer via GMA dramas. It was such a pleasure to be part of GMA Networks delegation and to personally witness how much our Thai neighbors appreciate the work that weve done. He also extended his gratitude to the cast and crew behind the success of his drama,The Other Mrs. Real. It was indeed heartwarming to meet our supporters in Thailand. Im very much thankful to the Thai viewers for supporting our programs, said Mikael who starred in My Faithful Husband.In an Instagram post, Benjamin also sent his gratitude to Ms. Jakrajutatip for inviting them to the grand event of Bright TV. I am excited for the Thai fans who will be able to watch and enjoy Beautiful Strangers which is set to premiere in March, Benjamin said. Meanwhile, Jakrajutatip, who visited Manila prior to the promotional tour, said that they are grateful for the strong partnership they have with GMA Worldwide. We love GMA because of the great collaboration that we have with them, their programs are well-produced with good casting and compelling stories that are relatable to the Thai audience. Most importantly, they have a good content sales team and they also have excellent after sales service, Jakrajutatip said.Other acquired GMA dramas set to air in Thailand are My Husbands Lover, Carmela, Rhodora X, My Destiny, Pahiram ng Alaala (Memories of Love), Because of You, Juan Happy Love Story, Meant To Be, I Heart Davao (My Sweet Heart), My Love From The Star, Destined To Be Yours, and Ika-6 na Utos (A Woman Scorned). - Two Nigerians have been arraigned before a Lagos magistrate court for drinking alcohol in front of police station - The accused, Wole Broad and Wale Oludare, are facing a two-count charge of felony and breach of peace - They, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges The Nigeria police on Wednesday, March 7, brought two men, Wole Broad, 49, and Wale Oludare, 40, before an Ikeja magistrates court in Lagos for allegedly drinking alcohol in front of a police station. gathered that the two men were also accused of conducting themselves in a manner likely to cause a breach of the peace by drinking alcohol in front of the Akinpelu police station in Oshodi, Lagos. READ ALSO: Breaking: Court grants Maryam Sanda bail They are facing a two-count charge of felony and breach of peace. Broad, residing at No.17, Olakunle Ajibade street, Ojota, is self-employed, while Oludare, a labourer, resides at No. 8, Akinpelu street in Oshodi. The duo conspired to commit felony by conducting themselves in a manner likely to cause breach of the peace, the prosecution alleged. The prosecutor, Rachael Williams, told court that the accused committed the offences on March 1 at about 11.55pm at No. 5, Akinpelu street, opposite the Akinpelu police station. The accused drank alcohol in front of Akinpelu Police Station after the commissioner of police had warned that on no account should anyone operate a beer parlour around any police station, Williams stated. According to her, the offences contravene Sections 57 and 412 of the criminal law of Lagos state, 2015. The section 57 prescribes six months imprisonment for offenders. The two men, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges. The magistrate, L. Y. Balogun, granted them bail in the sum of N5, 000 each with one surety each in like sum. She adjourned the case until March 16. (NAN) Meanwhile, had previously reported that a Lagos high court sitting in Ikeja dismissed a no case submission filed by senior lawyer advocate of Nigeria, Rickey Tarfa. The court on Monday, March 5, said it was satisfied that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had established a strong case against the lawyer. Tarfa is facing a three-count charges of obstruction of justice. PAY ATTENTION: Read the news on Nigerias #1 news app The senior lawyer through his counsel, Abiodun Owonikoko (SAN), had informed the court that his client had filed a motion for it to consider arguments on his no case submission. See the faces of newly arrested criminals in Lagos state - on TV Source: - The Niger Delta Youths Forum has endorsed deputy governor of Imo state, Prince Eze Madumere, to contest for governorship - According to the group, they are backing Madumere, because he is a visionary leader that has the political will to take Imo state to the next level The deputy governor of Imo state, Prince Eze Madumere, on Wednesday, March 7, got another endorsement from youths of the oil communities in the state, to contest for the governorship position of the state, Vanguard reports. The latest in the series of endorsement for the deputy, came from the Niger Delta Youths Forum, led by one Chukwuemeka Nwaopara, which took place at his country home, Achi Mbieri in Mbaitoli local government area. This is coming at a time when the deputy governor, was reportedly asked to step down his gubernatorial ambition for Governor Rochas Okorochas son-in-law, Uche Nwosu. READ ALSO: Senate urges President Buhari to rescind decision on Peace Corps Bill This time, the youths were said to have come from 11 wards of the Oguta local government area in the state. According to the Nwaoparas group, their conclusions for backing Madumere, was that he is an astute administrator, competent, passionate and a visionary leader that has the political will to take Imo state, to the next level of inclusive governance. He argued that, Madumere is the only politician in Okorochas cabinet that understands better the workings in the rescue mission government of Okorocha. According to an earlier report by, Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state stated that God and 24 out of the 27 local government areas in the state support the ambition of his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu, to succeed him in office, Vanguard reports. The governor said that because the opposition had seen his son-in-law as the aspirant to beat in the 2019 gubernatorial election in the state, it now resorts to use the church against the project. PAY ATTENTION: Install our latest app for Android, read best news on Nigerias #1 news app He said: We say this for posterity sake. Imo people, including youths, students, men and women have 'thrown their unalloyed support behind' the youthful chief of staff, Uche Nwosu, for the 2019 governorship in the state." What is cooking in Imo state? - on TV. Source: By Andres Cardenas OFarrill, a Cuban economist and associate researcher with the Academic-Industry Research Network (theAIRnet) based in Boston. Contact: Originally published at the Inatitute for New Economic Thinking website We hear little about the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry, but it merits attention. The sophisticated system, which the small island nation developed despite limited resources and access to international markets, holds about 1,200 international patents and sells medicine and equipment to more than 50 countries. The industry is entirely publicly funded and managed, and is a key component of one of the most efficient public health care systems in the world. Its goal is to develop drugs of strategic importance to the health care of all people. igh-tech industrial development isnt the first thing that comes to mind for many when thinking of Cuba. The island nation more commonly invokes visions of a stunning place frozen in time: Crumbling colonial buildings sit alongside beautiful beaches, while 1950s American cars line city streets awash in the suns afternoon glow. Here, life is embedded in a state-controlled and mostly inefficient economy thats virtually detached from global technology networks. But theres something missing in this outsiders view of the country, as it cant account for the enormous successes of Cubas biopharmaceutical[1] industry and health care systems. In light of ongoing debates in the U.S. and other nations about the role of government in ensuring people have the health care coverage they need, Cubas experience could prove instructive. There is growing evidence of the Cuban biopharma industrys success. Local production covers more than 60% of finished pharmaceutical products used in the country, and the industrys trade balance has remained consistently positive for most of the period 1995-2015. Cubas biopharma sector has been able to finance many programs carried out within the nations public health system, and it is the main reason behind the affordability of the medical products supplied by the system. In terms of the biotechnology sector specifically, while Cubas government does not publish extensive statistics on the matter, industry officials report that the Cuban biotech sector managed to maintain positive, if modest, cash flows at a time when overall cash flows of the industry worldwide had been mostly negative for decades.[2] While not popularly understood outside the country, Cubas biopharma achievements have been recognized by the international scientific community. In 2005, the Laboratory of Synthetic Antigens, a small lab that belongs to the faculty of chemistry of the University of Havana, won the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Gold Medal Award for developing the worlds first synthetic vaccine (Quimi-Hib) against haemophilus influenza type b (or Hib). More recently, the CIMAvax-EGF vaccine for lung cancer became the first Cuban biopharmaceutical product to earn the U.S. drug regulators permission to carry out clinical trials on American soil. The product was developed by the Center for Molecular Immunology, which specializes in antibodies, cancer medicines, and other areas. Had Cuba been forced to acquire most of its needed medical products at current international pricesrather than develop them on its ownit would not have been able to achieve its remarkable health advances at a relatively low cost. No matter how well intentioned the government might have been with respect to public health, it would not have been able to subsidize an entire countrys essential medicines. Cuba has, of course, followed a different model, prioritizing domestic innovation and production. Its true that high levels of innovation make the Cuban biopharma industry an exception within the countrys overall industrial sector, which lags behind in many areas. However, it has not been an exception in terms of the environment in which it has grown. The architecture of Cubas health care system, and the nations public investment in free education, research, and innovation, have all been critical factors in the biopharmaceutical industrys success story, making it a testament to the complexities of economic development, as well as of the role of history and institutions in shaping structural change. Meeting the Needs of Universal Public Healthcare Essential to the success of Cubas biopharmaceutical industry is the countrys public health care system, which was designed to meet the medical needs of the entire population. The organizing principle of the biopharma industryas a result both of economic necessity and of Cubas publicly stated valueshas been producing affordable medicines. It is supported by Cubas medical philosophy, which prioritizes preventionthe only viable path for a poor country to provide universal healthcare affordably. The public health care system demands that the industry produce low-cost, high-quality products, and supports it in doing so. As a result, Cuba has become a successful exporter of medical products, particularly biopharmaceuticals. It all began with an emergency. Before the 1959 revolution, the Caribbean island had been home to a number of highly-trained, well-respected physicians. But nearly half of them left for the United States following a disagreement with the revolutionary authorities over institutional changes they were implementing. The governments new measures included a unified regulatory framework for all levels of the systemwhich prior to the revolution had been painfully fragmentedalong with a 15% price reduction for home-grown medical products and a 20% cut for imports. The changes provoked foreign companies that dominated the Cuban market, which until that moment had been free to set prices for their products without government regulation, as well as the laboratories, retailers and medical personnel linked to them. The clash led to many closures and other actions, creating a supply crisis that resulted in the nationalization of the industry in 1960. Those events happened within the context of an already widespread public rejection of profit-seeking medical practices, which encouraged the government to intervene in private clinics and hospitals and to change the countrys philosophy of medical education. At that time, medical guilds were among the most powerful associations in the country, and also were among the most wary of the transformations that were taking place, for both political and financial reasons. From 1959 to 1967, a country with six million inhabitants lost 3,000 of its 6,300 physicians (not including new graduates in those years) and found itself with just 22 professors of medicine and a single medical school. They were sorely needed just as the new government-initiated reformsdesigned to increase the availability of health services to underserved areaswere taking effect. Their exodus prompted state investment in medical educationincluding the creation of a comprehensive primary care systemwhile priorities in training doctors shifted to focus on preventative medicine. The guilds disbanded in 1966 as a government-based nationwide union was created, and those in favour of deepening the changes were now free to carry out the project. Medical graduates had already been encouraged to serve in rural medical facilities and not engage in private practice. However, even when the government strongly discouraged, and eventually prohibited, opening new private clinics, a number of practices that already existed and complied with the new measures were allowed to continue. Until the public health system absorbed the last non-public clinics in 1970, the Cuban healthcare system, as it did before the revolution, consisted of three types of healthcare services: public provision, mutual clinics and private provision. During the first half of 20th century, large public hospitals emerged in the country and provided free services, but they were limited to major cities and were chronically underfunded prior to 1959. Mutual clinics were created by mutual societies of Spanish origin and functioned within cooperative framework. In return for a monthly fee, members of these societies received high-quality medical services of high quality. At the same time in the first half of the 20###sup/sup### century, a significant network of private clinics flourished. They also provided high-quality services, but mostly worked on the profit principle, excluding the millions of people who could not afford to pay. The creation of rural services and other reforms were part of the governments efforts to provide truly universal access to health services, and to encourage a new ethos of cooperation and solidarity within the medical profession. Some testimonies of those involved as students at that time show that, even if the government deployed a good deal of ideological exhortation and public relations to attract new graduates for rural medical services, these graduates could choose where they wanted to work. Some decided to go to private clinics or to better-remunerated posts, but most decided to serve in remote rural places out of ideological or civic concerns. These developments need to be seen within the context of the time and the atmosphere of ideological confrontation that served as inspiration for many young people. Many of them decided to put aside better pay and more comfortable working conditions in favour of serving higher ideals. Government efforts could also be interpreted as a huge behavioural intervention aimed at replacing external motivations for practicing medicine related to prestige and salary for more internal motivations related to personal fulfilment from serving a higher purpose. The system these graduates were joining, and that Cuba was building, involved an open atmosphere of knowledge-sharing and cooperation. In the context of a centralized, nationwide system, the Cuban health care sector is able to save both time and money. To be sure, centralized means that methods and services are standardized and centrally designed. However, medical care and education, even if public, was conceived as a decentralized network of community clinics and hospitals equipped to tailor services to the local populations needs. In addition, the focus on primary care ensures the system can collect and synthesize community-based information about the populations health and disease patterns. This data collection is part of a bigger project: Cubas comprehensive, integrated national medical record system determines where greatest health risks to society lie, allowing the government to more efficiently allocate resources. This structure can also substantially reduce drug development because it speeds up informed-consent enrollment in clinical trialsthe backbone of drug and treatment development. The government intentionally designed the system in this way to further organizational learning and social efficiency. The Role of Free Education and Early Investment in Science Another important part of the Cuban biopharma success story is the broader crusade the government has carried out in favour of more education and scientific research. The resulting investments allowed the country to absorb and translate knowledge into innovative, world-class products. While the Cuban biotech industry started developing in earnest in the early 1980s, its foundation dates back far earlier. Most Cuban biotechnology research centres emerged from already-existing research groups and labs. But with the exception of maintaining key personnel, most new institutions had to be built from scratch after the revolution, with the support of the Cuban states intense investment in scientific research since the 1960s. One of the most important transformations experienced by Cuban academic medicine during the 1960s was the integration of scientific research into the governments public healthcare strategy. The period prior to the revolution saw the development important medical scientific institutions. But they had developed because of the individual perseverance of their founders rather than consubstantial elements of public healthcare strategy. Some key examples include the Institute of Cancer, created in 1929, and the Institute for Tropical Medicine, created in 1937. Most research institutions, however, disintegrated in 1959 because their founders had political differences with the government; most of them left the country. A very small, select, group of experts stayed. They, together with younger, inexperienced professors sympathetic to the new government, as well as a significant number of foreign experts invited to teach, helped rebuild the scientific landscape in Cuba. They sophisticated it to an extent unknown in countrys history. The main organization, born in 1965, is the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas (CNIC). Many industry leaders in Cuba received their first scientific training at CNIC, originally a non-profit staffed by a small group of recently-minted physicians. These doctors had answered the governments call to dedicate themselves to biomedical research. CNIC also employed chemists and engineers of different specialties. As remuneration was far from attractive and the training very demanding, only those really interested in science, and with the talent to afford the task, applied to be graduate students or researchers at CNIC. That first year only 13 students were selected to take the training. There is a testimony of one scientist who, prior to entering the training, turned down a salary of 600 Cuban pesos as assistant professor in favour of a residency in microbiology, where the salary was only 200 pesos. For him, it was about devotion to science. The main goal of CNIC in its first years was to increase young medical graduates knowledge of the sciences and mathematics, and to initiate them into research tasks. It was a postgraduate school designed to produce high-level scientists. To that end, CNIC organized a series of courses and practices taught by Cuban and foreign professors. After taking these courses, several young researchers won graduate scholarships to study in Western and Eastern European countries, which exposed them to the leading research in their fields. Institutions such as the Pasteur Institute, Harvard University, Heidelberg University and Zurich University, to name just a few, hosted Cuban researchers during or after their formative years in CNIC. The fact that the beginnings of the Cuban biotech industry were developing at the same time as the beginnings of genetic engineering worldwide helped put Cuban institutions at the leading edge of the technological frontier. As it developed, this multi-disciplinary institution became a hub for chemical and biological experimental research and an incubator for Cubas other scientific institutions. For example, as early as 1978, researchers at CNICs Microorganism Genetic Department knew about the possibility of recombination and were already working on the genetics of microorganisms and molecular biology. In simple terms, recombination involves constructing brand new genetic material (DNA molecules) by mixing (or combining) genetic material from different organisms. In 1986, U.S.-based biotechnology company Chiron developed the technology to obtain a genetically engineered (or DNA recombinant) hepatitis B vaccine; that same year, the Cuban recombinant vaccine was developed using a cheaper method. A small but impactful neurophysiology unit created within CNIC in 1966 became Cubas Neurosciences Centre in 1990. Its worth noting that the pioneer of the field in Cubaand founder and current director general of the Cuban Neuroscience Centreco-authored of a foundational paper with a renowned American neuroscientist. The Centre made Cuba the worlds first public health system to systematically use the quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG)a test that analyses the brains electrical activity to identify defects or problems. Since the 1990s, CNIC adopted the form and function of a typical company by focusing on developing products and integrating a trading arm into its structure. But its origin as a focal point of the industry reflected the culture of cooperation that distinguishes the Cuban biopharma industry. Even if the core biotech firms within the industry function under what Cuban officials call a closed cycle system (a fluid form of vertical integration), formal or informal co-development are the signature of the industry. The complete realization of CNICs most innovative products has often been the result of some sort collaboration between at least two companies. This risk-sharing model has also become a very effective way of providing access to international markets, often in the form of carefully conceived partnerships, technology transfers, licensing and co-marketing agreements. Cubas Enduring Scientific Success Given this early investment, Cubas biopharma industry has evolved rapidly over the past four decades. Tracing its development over that period reveals the resourcefulness and commitment of the Cuban government and the islands scientists. It also reveals the industrys breakthrough scientific success. The Scientific Pole, also known as West Havana Biocluster, was officially created in 1992. Its origins date from 1980 when oncologist Richard Lee Clark, who had served as president of the first cancer hospital in the U.S., travelled with a North American delegation to the island. There he met several Cuban government officials, with whom he discussed his groundbreaking research on interferon, considered a wonder drug in the battle to cure cancer. Shortly thereafter, Clark hosted two Cuban scientists at his hospital in Houston, Texas, sharing his research and expertise. At the direction of Clark, Cuban researchers travelled the following year to the Helsinki-based laboratories of Dr. Kari Cantell, who first isolated interferon from human cells in the 1970s. Six Cuban scientists spent a week working with Cantell and his colleagues learning how to reproduce interferon in large quantities. Upon their return home, they set up a special laboratory in a small house in Havana to try to reproduce the Finnish results and produce interferon in Cuba. By the end of that year, 1981, they had succeeded. Eventually, the product proved not to be a wonder drug against cancer, but instead beneficial against dengue feveran outbreak of which severely affected Cuba in the 1980s. In the years that followed, the government policies helped implement a number of additional small pilot projects run by new interdisciplinary working groups, such as the Biologic Front in 1981 and the Center for Biological Research in 1982. When the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) decided to create an institution of excellence for the transfer of biotechnology to developing countries, Cuba applied for the vacancy but lost out to India. Determined to move forward, the Cuban Government then decided to create its own organization with its own resources. By 1986, Cuba inaugurated CIGB (Centro de Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia), now one of the countrys most outstanding biotechnology companies. Other important institutions followed. Among the most representative is the Immunoassay Center, created in 1987 to producing and commercializing diagnostic systems. The Finlay Institute opened officially in 1991, and the Center for Molecular Immunology in 1994. Many of these institutions have helped Cuba sell millions of dollars worth of biopharmaceutical products. Greater integration with the rest of the worlds markets could increase the countrys already positive pharmaceutical trade balance from $86 million in 2015 to $119 million by 2020, according to estimates from Business Monitor International (BMI) Research. These are, of course, modest results compared with the performances of leading nations. However, they become impressive when you consider the point of departure and the fact that the biotechnology industry worldwide has historically found it very hard to achieve positive cash flow. Looking at specific drug succeses, Cuba has produced a number of innovative drugs and vaccines as a result of advances in its biotech sector. Alongside the lung cancer and Hib vaccines mentioned earlier in this article, it has also produced policosanol (PPG), a pharmaceutical derived from sugarcane that reduces morbidity and mortality from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. CNIC developed the product, which won a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) gold medal in 1996. Another gold medal winner was Heberprot-P, a novel biomedicine developed by the Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) for treating foot problems in diabetics. It won the WIPO Award for Best Young Inventor and a WIPO gold medal at the International Inventions Fair in 2011. Often, these drug innovations from Cuba fail to get the recognition they deserve. Cubas VA-MENGOC-BC, for example, was the first worlds commercially available vaccine against serogroup B meningococcus. The product, developed by the vaccine-focused Finlay Institute, was awarded WIPOs gold medal in 1989. At the time, it attracted attention from the pharmaceutical giant SmithKline Beecham (now part of GalaxoSmithKline)but not from the media. Many years later, Swiss drug maker Novartis was mistakenly credited with developing the first vaccine of its kind to fight Meningitis B. Cuba had the drug 24 years earlier[3]. The Upsides and Downsides of Government Involvement Theres no doubt that Cuban biopharma is an exception within the country; Cubas overall economy lags behind in both regional and world rankings. Chronic underperformance and lack of dynamism have been recognisable features for decades. Most sectors in Cuba have a long way to go in terms of international competitiveness, particularly after the economic crisis sparked by the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cubas main trade partner during the Cold War. After 1991, and more visibly since 2008, the government introduced several reforms aimed at boosting the economy. But deep inadequacies remain unresolved. Studies of these structural problems dominate the literature on contemporary Cuba and permeate the current conversation on the subject. Most of them, regardless of ideological persuasion, largely look at on the macroeconomic consequences of, and possible solutions for, these shortcomings. And yet, whether coming from a sympathetic or a downright hostile perspective, most commentators admit that Cuba has created an impressive medical workforce that has produced results. But if international audiences are more or less familiar with the fact that Cuba has managed to achieve successful health outcomes in many basic indicatorsrelative to averages for similar populationsit is far less understood that a major factor producing these achievements is a sophisticated industry that sells medicine and equipment to countries around the world. An exception was a 2009 editorial published by the magazine Nature, which said Cuba had develop[ed] the worlds most established biotechnology industry, which has grown rapidly even though it eschewed the venture-capital funding model that rich countries consider a prerequisite. Its true: Cuban biotech is a 100% government investment. Its a sector whose development has avoided the financialized model that has shaped the industry worldwide. And yet, well beyond Cuba, a government as acting as investor in high-tech industries is no new thing. Particularly in the biopharmaceutical industry, government investment has played a critical role in most every country. Consider the U.S. governments National Institutes of Health (NIH) support of the creation of American biotech, or the programs of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, among many other examples. There is actually nothing unusual about the Cuban governments investment and its strong involvement in biotechnology. The singularity may come with the fact that Cuba is not only a developing country hindered by a robust economic embargo, but also a communist-socialist country with (until very recently) a fully state-controlled economy, of which the 100% state-owned Cuban biotech sector is part. The business of producing medical products was largely underdeveloped in Cuba before the revolutionary government got involved: foreign subsidiaries controlled 50% of the market, importers accounted for a further 20%, and local generic production was accountable for the remaining 30%. In the 1960s, the government acquired private local producers, and foreign producers reduced imports and closed their plants. In the 1970s, in order to minimize the impact of the U.S. embargo, the government began its first investments in pharmaceutical production plants. Initially, drug purchases from both Western and Eastern Europe complemented these efforts. Then came the biotech. One does not need to admire the Cuban political system to recognize the success of what observers deemed Cubas billion dollar biotech gamble: a reference to the seemingly unrealistic decision to invest $1 billion in the 1980s and the 1990s to develop the sector. Its a gamble that has turned out to be the most successful Cuban R&D programs, and one that can serve as a model for other nations. The lions share of todays Cuban biotech industry is concentrated in BioCubaFarma, a state holding created in 2012 with the governments economic reforms[4]. It is a vast holding that comprises 33 companies that host more than 21,600 workershundreds of them highly-skilled professionals deeply integrated within several research-production activities. One of its explicit goals is to double the exports of the Cuban biopharmaceutical industry to reach more than $1 billion per year within five years. That would have totalled $5.076 billiona huge difference compared to the previous five years, which saw total exports of $2.779 billion. Whether the industry has achieved this goal is hard to say given the lack of data, so a reasonable assessment of BioCubaFarmas performance will need to wait. There are factors that would have helped Cuba achieve this goal, and others that could have hindered it. One aspect that would have helped is the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with the U.S., which relieved many potential buyers and investors from some of the pressures associated with the economic sanctions. On the other hand, the industry needs to do more to incentivize its workers. While in the past, even in the middle of the crisis of the 1990s, qualified personnel were willing to work hard despite lesser financial gains, that doesnt seem to be so much the case now. An excessive focus on financial rewards has not helped incentivize workers; in fact, it has proven one of the downsides of the new economic measures introduced since 2008. Important wage increases have taken place since 2014 especially in the health sector, benefiting more than 440,000 healthcare workers, who in most cases saw their salaries grow by more than 100%. These wage increases do not appear to be having their intended effect of retaining a motivated workforce and boosting productivity; in fact, they appear to be negatively impacting the motivational balance of the biotech workforce. They may have over-stimulated the financial awareness of some employees to the point of irritation, and to the detriment of internal motivation. The industry has seen 40% of its workforce quit over the last two years. Not all of those leaving are scientists, but it is still an alarming number. Even with all the challenges, in 2014 and 2016 $1.293 billion and $1.940 billion has been saved, respectively, by import substitution. Still, the government needs to better understand behaviour in innovative organizations, and which measures will encourage or discourage employee motivationa key element in the good functioning of those organizations. If the success of the Cuban biotech actually depended on the high remuneration of their employees, this industry would simply not exist as it does today. Defying Simplistic Analysis There is no way one can digest Cubas biotech story while relying on conventional narratives on economics and economic development. Adhering to traditional frameworks, and failing to engage in an accurate institutional analysis, would make it impossible to understand how a cash-driven, high-tech industry successfully developed in a poor, developing country. Because the island is in many ways a singular place, observers inevitably find themselves referring to its many particularities as explanations for the sectors success. Almost all traditional studies contain important reflections related to institutional questions and other issues specific to Cuba. However, most of these discussions tend to underplay the complex relationship among institutions, innovation and economic development. They tend to end on a static, pessimistic note of conclusion. The analysis of, for example, property rights, ownership, competition, regulation, corporate governance, and related issues is coloured by the simplistic and linear, one-size-fits-all tendencies of neoclassical economics. As cross-country historical evidence suggests, structural change is a highly idiosyncratic process, which usually works in far more complex ways than assumed. Technological conditions in an economy are the result of non-linear interactions among cultural, geographical, historical and socio-political elements, rather than pre-determined assumptions about behaviour. Innovation is, by most accounts, a messy, uncertain process, which often has little to do with the straightforward causalities conventional narratives offer. Too often, liberalization and privatization are presented as inalienable and natural preconditions, and it becomes impossible to engage in analysis outside that framework. If we want to truly understand the formation and evolution of innovative firms and industries, we need to analyse them in their contexts and be open to what may emerge. And so it happens that what emerges from a nuanced analysis often has a very unfamiliar face for contemporary audiences. When properly examining Cuban industry, for example, we discover powerful stories that challenge the homogenizing nature of most traditional studies of innovation, with their emphasis on property rights and returns to inventors. The Cuban biotech industry undoubtedly represents the most successful case of science and technology policy in that countrys economic history. It is also a case that illustrates how having a competent and motivated scientific workforce is a determining factor in a countrys ability to upgrade its economic structure. Cuban scientists learned about biotech when few in the world believed in its potential. They grew along with the research, and therefore were in a better position to take the lead in developing unique innovations. It was, and still is, a risky move, but thats the history of economic development. This finding opens up scope for other sorts of reflections on the Cuban context in particular, and could ultimately help reshape policymakers choices regarding future industrial projects. Of course, the whole issue inscribes itself within the of-the-moment discussion on the legitimacy of the governments role as science and technology sponsor. The Cuban example in many ways shows us the good sides of public health and the virtues of a well-calibrated government policy. Of course, Cubas path does not need to be mandatory for everybody, but it may be valid for many. And learning about it may help us overcome our own biasesas economists and as human beings. ________ [1] In the Cuban context, the term biotech is interchangeable with biopharma, and this article uses the terms in this way unless otherwise noted. Biopharmaceuticals are the products you obtain through the biotechnology process; in other words, biotechnology creates biopharmaceutical products. More specifically, from a definitional standpoint we understand the biopharmaceutical industry in the way most academics and practitioners (including in the U.S.) usually do, i.e., as a subset of a huge industrial sector devoted to the production of medical products, be they chemically (in the case of pharmaceuticals) or biotechnologically (in the case of biopharmaceuticals) produced. In Cuba this industry is mostly identified with the biotechnology because it is this subset the one that has become commercially relevant, which in turn has contributed to push forward the pharmaceutical side of the industry (mostly in form of generics for the domestic market). Again, this piece uses the terms biotech and biopharma interchangeably to refer to the Cuban biotech; it makes particular sense for the Cuban case and doing so is compatible with mainstream definitions. [2] This reference to negative cash flow points to the aggregate results of the biotechnology firms, whose historical performance has been on the whole disappointing in terms of profitability and cash flow. This assertion does not include the traditional pharmaceutical companies, but it has implications for the future of many pharmaceutical firms that are more and more dependent on their biotech subsidiaries, or on their alliances with biotech firmsto the point that they can no longer be definitionally separated. [3] In 2013 Novartis, received approval from the European Union to market its Bexsero against Meningitis B. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval in January 2015. The international press has erroneously presented this vaccine as the first of its kind that has successfully fought the condition. Even if the new vaccine is said to be designed for different strains, it is not the first commercially available versionnor, as often repeated by the press, was it the first to be successfully employed in a nationwide meningitis B programme for children. Cubas VA-MENGOC-BC, which also has the potential to fight several strains, has been used in Cuba and other countries for more than two decades with impressive results. [4] The entity derived from the merger of all institutions of the Scientific Pole in western Havana, the biotechnological side of the industry, and all companies within the Quimefa Group, which represented the traditional Cuban pharmaceutical industry. Quimefa was a state holding created in 2001 devoted to producing small molecules (chemically-based drugs), mostly generics, to substitute for imports. [1] In the Cuban context, the term biotech is interchangeable with biopharma, and this article uses the terms in this way unless otherwise noted. Biopharmaceuticals are the products you obtain through the biotechnology process; in other words, biotechnology creates biopharmaceutical products. More specifically, from a definitional standpoint we understand the biopharmaceutical industry in the way most academics and practitioners (including in the U.S.) usually do, i.e., as a subset of a huge industrial sector devoted to the production of medical products, be they chemically (in the case of pharmaceuticals) or biotechnologically (in the case of biopharmaceuticals) produced. In Cuba this industry is mostly identified with the biotechnology because it is this subset the one that has become commercially relevant, which in turn has contributed to push forward the pharmaceutical side of the industry (mostly in form of generics for the domestic market). Again, this piece uses the terms biotech and biopharma interchangeably to refer to the Cuban biotech; it makes particular sense for the Cuban case and doing so is compatible with mainstream definitions. [2] This reference to negative cash flow points to the aggregate results of the biotechnology firms, whose historical performance has been on the whole disappointing in terms of profitability and cash flow. This assertion does not include the traditional pharmaceutical companies, but it has implications for the future of many pharmaceutical firms that are more and more dependent on their biotech subsidiaries, or on their alliances with biotech firmsto the point that they can no longer be definitionally separated. [3] In 2013 Novartis, received approval from the European Union to market its Bexsero against Meningitis B. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval in January 2015. The international press has erroneously presented this vaccine as the first of its kind that has successfully fought the condition. Even if the new vaccine is said to be designed for different strains, it is not the first commercially available versionnor, as often repeated by the press, was it the first to be successfully employed in a nationwide meningitis B programme for children. Cubas VA-MENGOC-BC, which also has the potential to fight several strains, has been used in Cuba and other countries for more than two decades with impressive results. [4] The entity derived from the merger of all institutions of the Scientific Pole in western Havana, the biotechnological side of the industry, and all companies within the Quimefa Group, which represented the traditional Cuban pharmaceutical industry. Quimefa was a state holding created in 2001 devoted to producing small molecules (chemically-based drugs), mostly generics, to substitute for imports. Yves here. Readers who read the post below by progressive activist and Naked Capitalism reader Jeff Epstein may wonder why Democratic party members of Congress submit to having the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee not only tell them how to spend substantial amounts of their time when in Washington but also aggressively monitor how much money they raise. The answer is not only does the DCCC provide resources (subscriptions, access to research, policy recommendations) to Congressmen who have hardly any staffers, but even more important, the DCCC controls committee assignments and leadership slots. Professor Tom Ferguson published an important paper on this topic; we recapped some key points from an article he wrote about it in a 2011 post: A new article by Ferguson in the Washington Spectator sheds more light on this corrupt and defective system. Partisanship and deadlocks are a direct result of the increased power of a centralized funding apparatus. Its easy to raise money for grandstanding on issues that appeal to well-heeled special interests, so dysfunctional behavior is reinforced. Lets first look at how crassly explicit the pricing is. Ferguson cites the work of Marian Currander on how it works for the Democrats in the House of Representatives: Under the new rules for the 2008 election cycle, the DCCC [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] asked rank-and-file members to contribute $125,000 in dues and to raise an additional $75,000 for the party. Subcommittee chairpersons must contribute $150,000 in dues and raise an additional $100,000. Members who sit on the most powerful committees must contribute $200,000 and raise an additional $250,000. Subcommittee chairs on power committees and committee chairs of non-power committees must contribute $250,000 and raise $250,000. The five chairs of the power committees must contribute $500,000 and raise an additional $1 million. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Majority Whip James Clyburn, and Democratic Caucus Chair Rahm Emanuel must contribute $800,000 and raise $2.5 million. The four Democrats who serve as part of the extended leadership must contribute $450,000 and raise $500,000, and the nine Chief Deputy Whips must contribute $300,000 and raise $500,000. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must contribute a staggering $800,000 and raise an additional $25 million. Ferguson teases out the implications: Uniquely among legislatures in the developed world, our Congressional parties now post prices for key slots on committees. You want it you buy it, runs the challenge. They even sell on the installment plan: You want to chair an important committee? Thatll be $200,000 down and the same amount later, through fundraising.. The whole adds up to something far more sinister than the parts. Big interest groups (think finance or oil or utilities or health care) can control the membership of the committees that write the legislation that regulates them. Outside investors and interest groups also become decisive in resolving leadership struggles within the parties in Congress. You want your man or woman in the leadership? Just send money. Lots of it. The Congressional party leadership controls the swelling coffers of the national campaign committees, and the huge fixed investments in polling, research, and media capabilities that these committees maintain resources the leaders use to bribe, cajole, or threaten candidates to toe the party line Candidates rely on the national campaign committees not only for money, but for message, consultants, and polling they need to be competitive but can rarely afford on their own.. This concentration of power also allows party leaders to shift tactics to serve their own ends.They push hot-button legislative issues that have no chance of passage, just to win plaudits and money from donor blocs and special-interest supporters. When they are in the minority, they obstruct legislation, playing to the gallery and hoping to make an impression in the media The system ensures that national party campaigns rest heavily on slogan-filled, fabulously expensive lowest-common-denominator appeals to collections of affluent special interests. The Congress of our New Gilded Age is far from the best Congress money can buy; it may well be the worst. It is a coin-operated stalemate machine that is now so dysfunctional that it threatens the good name of representative democracy itself. If that isnt sobering enough, a discussion after the Ferguson article describes the mind-numbing amount of money raised by the members of the deficit-cutting super committee. In addition, immediately after being named to the committee, several members launched fundraising efforts that were unabashed bribe-seeking. But since the elites in this country keep themselves considerable removed from ordinary people, and what used to be considered corruption in their cohort is now business as usual, nary an ugly word is said about these destructive practices. By Naked Capitalism reader aliteralmind, aka Jeff Epstein, is an independent and progressive journalist with Citizens Media TV. Jeff was a finalist with Brand New Congress, was one of around forty candidates in the country to be personally endorsed by Bernie Sanders during the 2016 primary, and was a pledged delegate for Sanders at the DNC. Copy edited by Ben Szioli. Originally published on Citizens Media TV Get the Memo Less than two days after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) wrote a strong opposition research article about Laura Mosers Congressional candidacy, the Texas progressive had raised $60,000. The DCCCs unprecedented attack against one of its own comes only months after the organization, which calls itself the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, sent all potential 2018 U.S. House candidates a memorandum of understanding (MoU). The memorandum requires candidates to refrain from attacking other Democrats during the primary election, calling it necessary in order to avoid tactics that do harm to our chances of winning a General Election. Although candidates are forbidden from criticizing one another, there are no such requirements for super PACs (or, at least in the case of Moser, the DCCC itself). So, while the candidates themselves talk about rainbows, unicorns, and lollipops, the super PACs, which are supposed to have no connection to the candidates, take care of the mud-slinging dirty work. Unsurprisingly, the DCCC, the Democratic Party, and the unlimited, dark-money super PACs most often back the same candidate. This requirement is therefore a clear disadvantage to most candidates without party backing, such as progressives and upstarts. Screenshot from DCCC MoU regarding not attacking other Democrats. Here is the full MoU. (More info on the MoU). Dialing for Dollars The terms of the MoU, which candidates must sign in order to receive DCCC support, prioritize fundraising above all. In practice, this inevitably disconnects candidates from their voters. From the Intercept: Prioritizing fundraising, as Democratic Party officials do, has a feedback effect that creates lawmakers who are further and further removed from the people they are elected to represent. In 2013, the DCCC offered a startling presentation for incoming lawmakers, telling them they would be expected to immediately begin four hours of call time every day they were in Washington. Thats time spent dialing for dollars from high-end donors. This dialing for dollars separates candidates from their potential (and less-wealthy) constituents. This is true even when off the phone, because that is when the promises made on the phone must be fulfilled. As impossible fundraising goals are missed, the candidate is under more and more pressure to depend on wealthier and wealthier donors, many of whom may not even be constituents. Meanwhile, most constituents, who cannot afford substantial donations, are left further and further behind. Not only are the needs of these powerless constituents no longer met, the candidate likely loses touch with what those needs even are. Trojan horse candidates must also agree to keep the DCCC abreast daily of their progress towards fundraising goals. Every day. The goals are suggested by the DCCC itself and are often unrealistic for campaigns who choose to forsake large donations. Screenshot from DCCC MoU regarding fundraising According to Paul Perry, a former Pennsylvania congressional candidate, when the goals are not met, the DCCC ratchets up the pressure: As the campaign dragged on and their sense of the weakness of the field and my campaign gathering strength, my finance director started getting more calls from their finance people. They wanted weekly numbers, down to the number of hours I had spent on the phone with donors each week, how much money I had raised on a weekly and daily basis, and even average contribution estimates. Perry suspended his campaign. This pressure is further emphasized by the story of Lee Carter, a 30-year-old democratic socialist and now-state legislator from Virginia. Carter stopped giving the DCCC updates, resulting in his candidacy being abandoned by the party. Carter believes that these daily updates were a Trojan horse for the party to take day-to-day control over his campaign, especially as it relates to fundraising. (Carter also claims that the party leaked confidential campaign information, although he did not elaborate.) According to the Richmond Times Dispatch: Lee Carter, the Democratic candidate against [Republican incumbent and then-State House Majority Whip] Miller, opted out [of providing daily updates]. So his party essentially cut him off, saying that without him providing information they had no choice but to put financial resources into candidates they know are doing what the party believes is required to win. In the same article, the Virginia Democratic Party justified the decision: Unlike the Virginia House Republican Caucus, we do not have unlimited resources and must make informed and judicious decisions about where to invest the hard-earned dollars of our donors. We ask candidates to regularly report the number of doors they have knocked and dollars they have raised, so that we know we are investing the generous contributions of our donors in candidates who are willing to do the work necessary to win elections. After Carters unexpected win, the reporter of the above article stated that the Democratic Party was upset that he reported on Carters candidacy at all. This was especially due to Carters positions against fossil fuel interests, which stand in direct conflict with the large donations received by the Virginia state party. (In addition, the MoU states that candidates should run their campaigns focused on highlighting our shared values as Democrats, which could easily be interpreted to mean that views to the left of the Democratic Party are just as undesirable as those to the right.) Enriching Consultants Finally, the DCCCs MoU also serves to enrich its own consultants. It requires candidates to reserve 75% of their campaign coffers for paid communications, which includes television and radio. For candidates who choose to focus their money on reaching voters through grassroots efforts such as door-knocking and last minute get-out-the-vote outreach, this restriction is suffocating. Candidates are also required to hire a research consultant and other professional consultants, which, not coincidentally, can be chosen from among a comprehensive list provided by the DCCC. Screenshots from DCCC MoU regarding consultants Crushing Dissent The DCCCs actions are further examples of a party that makes it extremely difficult for truly progressive candidates or newcomers or outsiders of any kind to get a foot in the door. The Democratic and Republican parties may be different when it comes to social and environmental issues, but they are no different when it comes to who they stand for and against: they fight for the interests of their big-money donors and most often against the needs of their powerless constituents. Our government no longer represents the bottom 90% of Americans (link to video) Two examples of this: Current polling shows that seven in ten Americans want stricter gun lawsand 97%, want stronger background checks. Yet, in the wake of the largest mass shooting in modern history, the DCCC instructed its candidates, in all caps, DO NOT POLITICIZE THIS TODAY. Instead of discussing gun policy, candidates were told to offer their thoughts and prayers. There is broad and bipartisan support (see page 88) for single-payer healthcare, but in April of 2017, the DCCC instructed its candidates only to discuss how the Republican plan is harmful. They were to talk about their own proposals only if asked! Most importantly, two full pages of the letter was dedicated to listing misleading Republican criticisms of [Bernie] Sanders plan for single-payer healthcare, with no counter arguments. An example criticism is that single-payer healthcare will cause millions of Americans to lose their current health insurance plan. Although narrowly and technically true, it ignores the fact that the very definition of single-payer healthcare means that every single American is fully covered just no longer by the private insurance industry. This is all summed up by the executive director of Justice Democrats, an organization supporting progressive candidates who refuse big-money donations: [the] DCCC is scared stiff that after 2018 there will be a huge wave of progressive Democrats taking over the party that wont be accountable to their corporate interests. The Democratic Party prioritizes fundraising above all else and chooses candidates who cater to the needs of their big donors. (A cynical interpretation could be that the most important quality the Democratic Party looks for in a candidate is a willingness to be bribed.) The ostensible goal of the Democratic Party may be to defeat Republicans, but it seems that just as much energy, if not more, is spent fighting against progressive policies and the candidates who truly stand for them. At least in some cases, such as with Laura Moser and Lee Carter, the strategy is beginning to backfire. Appendix: Further Evidence An extremely un-comprehensive list of further examples demonstrating how the Democratic Party shuts out progressives: Delightful video shows elephants rolling around in mud in Thailand Thai Visa (furzy) Earths Flip-Flopping Magnetic Field is Screwing With Satellites Over Africa Inverse (David L) What Ancient African Huts Reveal About Earths Magnetic Flips National Geographic (Kevin W) Scientists engineer crops to conserve water, resist drought PhysOrg (Robert M) You can deny environmental calamity until you check the facts George Monbiot Guardian (PlutoniumKun) Biography is a thoroughly reprehensible genre Spectator (Chuck L). IMHO this is silly, or at most says maybe bios of writers are a bad idea. The movie Patton was great and apparently very accurate (save due to Vietnam War, it depicted him as reckless with his mens lives when he wasnt; US soldiers wanted to serve in the Third Army because their odds of survival were higher). China? By rewriting history, Hindu nationalists aim to assert their dominance over India Reuters Estonian district votes to get cannabis leaf flag BBC (furzy) Germany hesitates at Weidmanns nomination for ECB presidency Financial Times Italys howl of nihilism Politico Brexit EU rejects UKs plans for post-Brexit trade relationship Financial Times EU Plans Vague Trade-Deal Offer in Blow to U.K. Hopes Bloomberg. Silly headline dignifying UK fantasy. Article 50 only requires that the exit agreement be written in light of the future relationship. Anyone who knows anything re trade deals knows they take years to negotiate, meaning more than 2, unless you are taking terms from the US. Sir Ivan Rogers has said the UK would not get a trade pact with the EU before the early-mid 2020s. Topambtenaar Brussel moet opstappen, vinden Europarlementariers NOS. Translation of sorts: Dutch MPs want new head of the European Commission, Martin Selmayr, out. Ausweichen, zogern, zugeben Der Spiegel. Also out for Selmayrs head. New Cold War Putin Is Not Rattling Nuclear Sabers Its Real Near Eastern Outlook (Wat) Big Brother is Watching You Watch Tariff Tempest Trump Transition The New Yorker Attempts But Fails To Boost The Steele Dossier Moon of Alabama (UserFriendly) Trump administration sues California over laws protecting immigrants Los Angeles Times (furzy). The article suggests that because CA passed new laws specifically to thwart Federal law, they may not fare so well in court. IMHO, CA could have achieved similar and had the added fun of driving the ICE nuts by emulating the Italians in World War II. The Italians, despite being allies of Germany, didnt turn over any Jews to be shipped off to the death camps. And they didnt do it like Bulgaria did, by defying them. They acted like Italians. They feigned all sorts of bureaucratic incompetence: You wanted them on the train on Tuesday at 8:00 AM? We thought you meant last Tuesday. We wondered what happened. Now we have to go round them up again. Cant be done by this Tuesday. Trump slumps on Forbes billionaires list BBC (furzy) Stormy Daniels Sues Trump Over Nondisclosure Agreement Wall Street Journal Social Media and the Rise of the Consistent Liberal FAIR (UserFriendly). Important. But no consideration that stagnant wages, rising inequality, student debt, shredded social safety nets might have something to do with this picture Flood of legislative candidates points to enthusiasm in both parties The Hill Kellyanne Conway Violated The Hatch Act Twice, Special Counsel Report Says Huffington Post Sanders says new health-care plan shows Dems moving toward Medicare for all The Hill (furzy) Gunz The Cult of Authority Counterpunch A Phrase For Our Time: Merriam-Webster Adds Dumpster Fire To Dictionary Chuck L Mansplain also added to the dictionary. Lego admits it made too many bricks BBC (David L) Home Prices Sink, Sales Plunge in Toronto Wolf Street. EM: As Wold notes, the YoY decline doesnt even erase last years blowoff-top gains. Prices still have a looooooooong way to fall to get back into reasonably-affordable range. Stock Bulls in Trump Country Are Freaking Out Their Brokers Bloomberg Here is why I am opposing the bill being voted on in the Senate now to deregulate some of the largest banks in America. Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 6, 2018 Class Warfare Antidote du jour. Margarita: We could at least put the russiarussiarusiagate to good use by showcasing some bears See yesterdays Links and Antidote du Jour here. Fethard Public Water Supply customers are being reminded today (Wednesday) that a Do Not Drink notice issued on Monday remains in place for the entire supply. Tankers are now supplying water to people from 34 locations (see list below). The Do Not Drink notice was issued to safeguard public health following an incident of kerosene contamination of the river Anner which supplies the water treatment plant. Water production has ceased at the treatment plant and as a result, some customers in the area have lost supply. Irish Water is working with Tipperary County Council, the HSE and other relevant agencies to restore a water supply for washing and sanitary purposes. Specialist contractors are on site doing a deep clean of the plant in order to bring it back into production. In the meantime, Irish Water are working to restore a supply to as many areas as possible by rerouting water from outlying areas and establishing new borehole sources. There may be some areas where it will not be possible to restore water for several days and in these areas, we will work with the community to maintain adequate alternative supplies. However, it is important to note that the Do Not Drink Notice will remain in place until further notice even if the supply is restored. It is expected that this notice will remain in effect for a number of weeks as the issues caused by this incident are addressed. In the meantime, alternative water supplies are being made available throughout the affected area. In some locations, tankers have also been used to replenish water tanks in schools and other key locations for sanitary use. Irish Water has also been in contact with vulnerable customers in the area and provided them with supplies of bottled water. The HSE has advised that kerosene is generally detected by smell and/or taste before it reaches a level which might affect health. Customers who have any health concerns should contact their GP in the first instance. Farmers who are concerned that livestock may have consumed contaminated water are advised to contact their local vet for advice, or their local Department of Agriculture contact. Tipperary County Councils environment section is investigating the source of the contamination incident and Irish Water will provide any assistance we can in this investigation. Irish Water and Tipperary County Council fully acknowledge the inconvenience caused as a result of this incident and wish to assure customers that we are making every effort to restore supply as quickly as possible. Should customers have any concerns or queries, they should contact Irish Waters 24/7 customer care line at 1850 278 278. Please Note: This water should NOT be used for drinking, drinks made with water, food preparation, washing or cooking of food, brushing of teeth, or making of ice. In particular, pregnant women should not drink this water. This water should not be used for making up infant formula for bottled fed infants. An alternative source of water should be used. Bottled water can also be used to make up infant formula. All bottled water, with the exception of natural mineral water, is regulated to the same standard as drinking water. It is best not to use bottled water labelled as Natural Mineral Water as it can have high levels of sodium (salt) and other minerals, although it rarely does. Natural Mineral Water can be used if no other water is available, for as short a time as possible, as it is important to keep babies hydrated. If bottled water is used to make up infant formula it should be boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute), and cooled in the normal way. The water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing, flushing toilets, laundry and washing of utensils, however, if you are experiencing skin irritation you may wish to avoid using water for showering or bathing or washing clothes. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink. Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water. Discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Please note that boiling the water will not be sufficient to make it suitable to drink. Areas affected include Fethard, Killenaule, Gortnahoe, Ballysloe, Ballynonty, Moyglass, Mullinahone, Drangan, Glengoole, Cloneen, Ballinure, Killusty and surrounding areas. Tanker locations March 7th 1 IBC Fill Station Gortnahoe National School 2 IBC Fill Station Gortnahoe St Patricks Gate 3 Parked Tanker Gortnahoe Hall 4 IBC Fill Station Ballysloe National School 5 IBC Fill Station Ballysloe Bottle Bank 6 IBC Fill Station Glengoole Church 7 IBC Fill Station Glengoole Housing Est 8 IBC Fill Station Ballynonty Perries 9 IBC Fill Station Ballynonty Mill Rd Estate 10 IBC Fill Station Ballynonty Bord na Mona Road 11 IBC Fill Station Killenaule National School 12 IBC Fill Station Killenaule Castle Quarter Est 13 IBC Fill Station Killenaule Cashel Road Est 14 IBC Fill Station Moyglass National School 15 IBC Fill Station Moyglass Church Estate 16 IBC Fill Station Ballinure Graveyard 17 IBC Fill Station Drangan National School 18 IBC Fill Station Drangan hair Salon 19 IBC Fill Station Drangan Housing Estate 20 IBC Fill Station Cloneen Hall 21 IBC Fill Station Cloneen Drangan Rd Estate 22 IBC Fill Station Poulacapple National School 23 IBC Fill Station Mullinahone , Cois na An 24 IBC Fill Station Mullinahone, Blackthorn Walk 25 IBC Fill Station Kilvenham National School 26 IBC Fill Station Kilusty Nation School 27 IBC Fill Station Kilusty Village 28 IBC Fill Station Ballinure National School 29 Mobile Trailer Mullinahone School 30 IBC Fill Station Mullinahone , Asses Cross 31 IBC Fill Station Poulacapple Cross 32 Parked Tanker Drangan Village 33 Parked Tanker Fethard - Ribworld 34 Parked Tanker Fethard - Old Dance Hall Theres a new test for breast cancer risk, and it comes from a Silicon Valley tech company. Mountain View-based 23andMe says it now has FDA approval for tests that can help you learn your risk for certain types of breast cancer. The company says the test, focusing on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, can report if you are at increased risk for ovarian and breast cancer. Its a test that normally requires a doctors visit, but this would be the first version of the test that can be sent directly to a consumer. Were trying to reach out to doctors now to see what they say about such a test. This is a fairly big step for 23andMe. Back in 2013, the FDA said the company was not allowed to send health-related data to customers. It has since relented somewhat, and along with todays news, 23andMe can also tell customers if they have increased risk for Alzheimers disease as well. Typically, doctors will tell you that in addition to these genetic tests, you should consult your physician as well. Scott is on Twitter: @scottbudman The mayor of Oakland, California, responded to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions by repeating the How dare you? phrase he used after she warned of a recent federal immigration raid. Sessions criticized Mayor Libby Schaaf in a speech Wednesday to law enforcement officials after he sued California over laws that restrict cooperation with U.S. immigration authorities.[[476158553, C]] Afterward, she said of Sessions: How dare you vilify members of the community, distract people from a broken immigration system that breaks up families and distort the reality of declining violent crime in a sanctuary city like Oakland. Schaaf issued an unusual public warning last month about an immigration operation in Northern California. Sessions said, How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda? California Gov. Jerry Brown denounced Sessions for coming to the state to speak about a lawsuit targeting policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities, saying Wednesday it was unprecedented for him to act more like Fox News than a law enforcement officer."[[476153053, C]] Shortly after Sessions speech to law enforcement officials, the Democratic governor accused the attorney general of lying and trying to appease President Donald Trump. What Jeff Sessions said is simply not true and I call upon him to apologize to the people of California for bringing the mendacity of Washington to California, Brown told reporters. Sessions said several California state laws prevent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers from making deportation arrests and singled out elected officials for their actions. He had particularly strong words for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who issued an unusual public warning last month about an immigration operation. [[476153053, C]] How dare you? he said of Schaaf at a California Peace Officers Association meeting in Sacramento. How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda? The Justice Department, in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in Sacramento, is challenging three California laws that bar police from asking people about their citizenship status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities.[[476081733, C]] It wasnt something I chose to do, but I cant sit by idly while the lawful authority of federal officers are being blocked by legislative acts and politicians, Sessions said, straying from his prepared remarks. More than a dozen attendees in a room of about 200 people gave the attorney general a standing ovation. The lawsuit is the latest salvo in an escalating feud between the Trump administration and California, which has resisted the president on issues from taxes to marijuana policy and defiantly refuses to help federal agents detain and deport immigrants. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has said it will increase its presence in California, and Sessions wants to cut off funding to jurisdictions that wont cooperate. I say: Bring it on, said California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, a Los Angeles Democrat who wrote the so-called sanctuary state bill. Democratic Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon was among those suggesting that Sessions shouldnt come at all. The lawsuit was filed as the Justice Department also reviews Schaafs decision to warn of an immigration sweep in advance, which ICE said allowed hundreds of immigrants to elude detention. Schaaf said Tuesday that the city would continue to inform all residents about their constitutional rights. The California laws were passed in response to Trumps promises to sharply ramp up the deportation of people living in the U.S. illegally. One prohibits employers from letting immigration agents enter worksites or view employee files without a subpoena or warrant, an effort to prevent workplace raids. Another stops local governments from contracting with for-profit companies and ICE to hold immigrants. Justice Department officials said that violates the Constitutions supremacy clause, which renders invalid state laws that conflict with federal ones. The Supreme Court reinforced the federal governments primacy in enforcing immigration law when it blocked much of Arizonas tough 2010 immigration law on similar grounds. The high court found several key provisions undermined federal immigration law, though it upheld a provision requiring officers, while enforcing other laws, to question the immigration status of people suspected of being in the country illegally. In this case, California has chosen to purposefully contradict the will and responsibility of Congress to protect our homeland, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement. [[238427591, C]] Sessions, who has blamed sanctuary city policies for crime and gang violence, spoke Wednesday to groups representing police chiefs, sheriffs, district attorneys, narcotics investigators and the California Highway Patrol. Only the California State Sheriffs Association actively opposed the so-called sanctuary law. Dozens of demonstrators chanted stand up, fight back and no justice, no peace outside the hotel where the meeting was held and some blocked traffic on a major thoroughfare. A heavy police presence was on hand. Demonstrator Henry Gordon of Sacramento said he hopes Sessions gets the message that Californians will resist efforts to separate families and deport immigrants. Becerra, who is up for election in November, said sanctuary policies increase public safety by promoting trust between immigrant communities and law enforcement, while allowing police resources to be used to fight other crimes. Were in the business of public safety, not deportation, he said. The question "Uber or Lyft?" might finally be answered as some would forever side with Lyft over its latest announcement. It will be offering free rides to people attending the March for Our Lives rally this month. Organized by students in the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida where 17 people were killed, the prominent gun control rally is set to take place in 24 cities around the country on March 24. Attendees hope to shine light on gun control and stop the epidemic of mass school shootings. Lyft co-founders, John Zimmer and Logan Green made the announcement in an open letter to Stoneman Douglas students expressing their condolences and solidarity. "We believe there is something seriously wrong when the threat of gun violence is so frequent and real throughout our country," they wrote. "And like many, we are inspired by your leadership Thank you for speaking up and showing the world that young people can drive meaningful change." Gun control advocates and Parkland shooting survivors quickly responded, praising Lyft for its latest act of kindness. "This is amazing," tweeted Cameron Kasky, a student who survived the Parkland shooting, SF Gate reports. "Thank you, @lyft. #NEVERAGAIN Thousands of teens in need of a dress this prom season will receive help thanks to the Princess Project. The non-profit, which has chapters and giveaways in both Silicon Valley and San Francisco, aims to provide free prom dresses and accessories to high school teens. At the San Francisco chapter, over 5,000 dresses were donated this year. Our goal is to give away over 2,000 dresses this year during our giveaways, said Lisa Fettner, co-president of Princess Project San Francisco. We will also give away approximately 500 additional dresses/accessories to other organizations who need prom dresses - such as Oakland Childrens Hospital and the Tim Thibault Proms. With prom season approaching, it can be an extremely stressful time for high school girls searching for a dress. The Princess Project aims to take some of these pressures off of students. We really strive to make it all about the teens and create a very positive environment that makes them feel very beautiful and confident in their own skin, said Starr Rey, president of Princess Project Silicon Valley. Princess Project partners with Peninsula, South Bay, and East Bay schools each year to identify students who could benefit financially from a free gown. Each girl receives her own personal shopper a volunteer who helps her search among an abundance of dresses. Teens can leave not only with a dress, but also shoes, jewelry and other accessories. The Silicon Valley giveaway will start at 6 p.m. Thursday at 1939 W. El Camino Real in Mountain View and will continue into the weekend. The San Francisco giveaway will take place every weekend until March 24 at 4 Embarcadero Center. For more information, visit Posted Wednesday, March 7, 2018 2:00 am Another good day at Black Oak, with services beginning with O, How I Love Jesus being sung as Lola Fern accompanied. The lesson was New Leadership, taken from 1 Samuel 16:1-23. Jeremy led the responsive reading. Prayers were by Kourtney and Vula, with Jerry teaching the class. As the worship hour began, Happy Birthday was sung to Jeremy. Congratulations to Larry and Judy Letterman, who were honored for their 50th anniversary. Brother Bill welcomed everyone and read the prayer list. Some new names were added, including Donnie Crawford, Bob Mathis, the Charles Henderson family, David Overbeck, Herb Cook, the unsaved, unspoken, those that have lost loved ones, Calvary Freewill Baptist of Conway, Tina Massie, Sarah Bicknells mom, Sondra Dill, Larry Wilkerson, the James Letterman family, Dwayne Baker, Pam Coles son, Sharon Carrey, the Lonnie Cantrell family and all the others on our list. Prayer was by Norma. The choir and congregation sang several favorite hymns, followed by a handshake of fellowship. Rex and Clint, who blessed it, took up the offering as Martha played a medley of beautiful music. ANNOUNCEMENTS Choir practice at 5 p.m. the first and third Sunday each month. Bible study and youth at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Breakfast at Grillos at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 10. Spring Revival, 7 p.m. March 25-28, with Brother David Douglas as evangelist. Daylight saving time begins March 11. The quarterly meeting was held in Lebanon March 3 and we were pleased to witness the ordination service for Brother Bill, with our prayer for a very successful future. For specials, Jerry and Lola sang Thank You Lord, Martha sang One More Valley, Herald Lee had several readings, Jeremy and Martha sang Hold To My Hand and a group sang Where Could I Go? Brother Bill led in prayer and proceeded with a very good message of Elijah and Elisha from 2 Kings 2:1-20. Prepare To Meet Thy God was sung and John LeCompte dismissed the services with prayer. We had a wonderful evening service with special singing, testimonies and a short message. God bless you all. A suspect believed to be connected to an armed robbery died following an officer-involved shooting in San Francisco's Mission District Tuesday night, according to police. The suspect, who was spotted in the trunk of a car before the shooting, was pronounced dead at the scene located along Capp Street, police said. Two other suspects inside the car were detained. Uniformed officers were flagged down in the area of 20th and Capp streets around 10:35 p.m. by two victims of a reported armed robbery, according to police. After receiving a description of the suspect vehicle, officers saw it on Capp Street between 21st and 22nd streets, police said. Officers ordered the suspects to get out the car, according to police. The driver complied with the demands and was detained. Officers then noticed that the vehicle's trunk was slightly open and that a second suspect was inside, police said. As officers tried to detain the suspect, a police shooting occurred. Cellphone video of the moments before, during and after the shooting captured several shots being fired. "It sounded like there was one noise that went off first and there was 10 seconds of just plain, nothing happened," witness Albert Balcazar said. "Then the cops asked him to come out with his hands up. I don't think he did. He was yelling and screaming at the cops. After that, I just heard like 40 or 50 bullets going off, and I just took cover." Officers pulled the suspect from the trunk and provided medical aid, but the suspect was later pronounced dead at the scene, police said. Police said they found a handgun in the trunk. It is unclear if that weapon was used during the incident. A third suspect in the vehicle was also detained, according to police. An investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to call the police department's tip line at 415-575-4444 or text a tip to TIP411 and start the message with SFPD. A flock of wild turkeys has been ruffling feathers at John Muir Health Center in Concord, and officials say because the birds' aggressiveness poses a health and safety risk, they plan to trap and euthanize them. Residents, however, say the turkeys are part of their community. Patients at the hospital and some neighbors often are faced with groups of the wild gobblers. "They have chased my kids, and theyre not afraid of cars," resident Vanessa Davidson said. "Theyre not super ferocious, but they can get intimidating because theyre big." John Muir officials say theyve tried to get the big birds to leave by using motion-sensor sprinklers, repellent and other measures, but nothing has worked. Now, they plan to trap the turkeys and likely euthanize them because they say the birds have become aggressive toward patients and have even damaged property. Some in the neighborhood are outraged, saying the turkeys are an important part of the community. Theyve been watching the feathered families for the past decade. "When I learned they might be trapping them and euthanizing them, that makes me sad," neighbor Cassie Zola said. "We go on our morning walks, and we see them. Our son Jaxon loves to wave at them. He actually knows how to do a turkey call." Charles Dimacali says the birds have lived in the community longer than he has, and everyone knows it's turkey territory. "They literally are like family," he said. "There are people who care about them and want them to be part of the small community we have here." John Muir officials said theyve already tried to trap the turkeys once, but someone released them before USDA picked them up. Several gun bills passed the Illinois House last week, but one high-profile bill didn't even make it to the floor. It's the bill named for slain Chicago police Cmdr. Paul Bauer, banning the sale of body armor and high capacity gun magazines. It looks as if the March 20 Primary is playing a role in getting the Bauer act passed. Several lawmakers did not make it to Springfield Monday and while some bills cleared the General Assembly this one had a few amendments added to it. Litesa Wallace, Daniel Biss's running mate took part in hearings in Springfield Monday. But don't look for any progress on pushing through the gun bill named Bauer. That proposal calls for the ban of the sale of body armor by anyone who is not a police officer--or retired officer--as well as the sale of high capacity gun magazines. But with several key democrats not travelling to Springfield--they are in contested primary races, there are not enough votes in the capitol today to push the Bauer act through. The bills that were passed last week await Rauner's signature. And in a new proposal, Illinois candidate for governor Chris Kennedy is calling on the state to also divest from gun companies. Kennedy says the state's investments are approximately $10 million a year that are related to gun companies. Also from Springfield -- House Speaker Mike Madigan warns lawmakers that he personally will handle any sex harassment complaints. This is the latest from the speaker as he responds to a crisis that has not yet quieted down. One of his former staffers, Alaina Hampton, sent a letter directly to the speaker about her sex harassment complaints and nothing was done until a day before the Chicago Tribune profiled her supervisor. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson may often play a hero on the big screen, but the action star took to social media to thank a handful of real life heroes who assisted in an undisclosed medical crisis Saturday involving his 2-year-old daughter Jasmine. "Something happened to my family that I would never want to happen to any of you guys out there," Johnson revealed on Instagram. "We were up all night in the emergency room. We had something scary happen with our baby girl Jasmine. She's OK now, thank God. But I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who was so caring and concerned and responsive." Johnson took time to thank the 911 operator, the Los Angeles Fire Department first responders as well as members of the UCLA Medical team who asisted during the emergency. "To all you mommies and daddies out there, when emergencies like these happen I highly recommend you stay as calm and as focused as possible because our little babies they pick up on what we're putting out especially in times of stress," he said. Authorities are searching for answers after finding 91 birds shot and illegally dumped in northwest Indiana. Indiana Department of Natural Resources District 10 conservation officers said they located the birds, all snow geese, on the side of a road near Hebron in Porter County. Officers determined the birds were dumped earlier this week, the DNR said in a Facebook post. The DNR does not believe a hunter dumped the birds, saying an action like this is disturbing and detrimental to the positive image that the hunting community is known for. Officers are following several leads and urge anyone with information to call (812) 837-9536 or the DNR tip line, 1-800-TIP-IDNR. Simona Mangiante just married George Papadopoulos last week in Chicagos City Hall--since he cant travel to her native Italy while under investigation. Its a very difficult moment because your life is on hold. You cannot do much. she said in an interview with NBC 5 Tuesday. I dont think he ever lied to protect Trump. Shes defending her husband since he cant talk to the media while cooperating with investigators after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. Papadopoulos lied about when he met with a Russian professor in 2016 who said Russia had embarrassing emails about Hilary Clinton. That professor is now missing. To me it confirms the suspicions about him (the professor), he could definitely be a Russian asset, he could be a Russian spy, Mangiante said. The White House denies any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign. "What Papodopoulos did was lie and thats on him not on the campaign," a White House spokeswoman said in October. "And we cant speak to that." President Trump recently tweeted "WITCH HUNT." I think his presidency is weakened a lot already, Mangiante said. Im sure that the prosecutor and the FBI have not invested so much time and money for hunting witches. She said she thinks people will look favorably on her husband once the investigation is over. I think they will say he was very young and was caught in something bigger than him, she said. The Trump administration is challenging three California laws that, among other things, bar police from asking people about their citizenship status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions came to Sacramento Wednesday, one day after the suit was filed there, to speak to law enforcement officials. He accused the mayor of Oakland of endangering law enforcement agents' lives after warning the public last month of an upcoming immigration operation, and was subsequently rebuked by Gov. Jerry Brown, who accused him of lying. The lawsuit is the latest volley in an escalating feud between the Trump administration and California. The state has defiantly refused to help federal agents detain and deport undocumented immigrants. Sessions said that makes cities more dangerous. "It wasn't something I chose to do, but I can't sit by idly while the lawful authority of federal officers are being blocked by legislative acts and politicians," Sessions said, straying from his prepared remarks. [NATL] Top News Photos: Pope Visits Japan, and More More than a dozen attendees in a room of about 200 people gave the attorney general a standing ovation. Of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Sessions said, "How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda?" Brown contended that it was unprecedented for Sessions to "act more like Fox News than a law enforcement officer." The Democratic governor also accused the attorney general of lying and trying to appease President Donald Trump. "What Jeff Sessions said is simply not true and I call upon him to apologize to the people of California for bringing the mendacity of Washington to California," Brown told reporters. Earlier, Brown had responded to the lawsuit on Twitter in a parody of President Donald Trump's own Twitter style: "At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Jeff Sessions has come to California to further divide and polarize America. Jeff, these political stunts may be the norm in Washington, but they dont work here. SAD!!!" BREAKING NEWS: Attorney General Sessions to make major sanctuary jurisdiction announcement at 26th annual Law Enforcement Legislative Day! Join us as we go live on Facebook Wednesday, March 7 at 8:00 a.m. PST. #lawenforcement #legislation #California CPOA (@CalPeaceOfficer) March 6, 2018 Brown is named in the lawsuit along with Democratic Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who said the state is on firm legal footing. "Our track record so far when it comes to any dispute with the federal government has been pretty good," Becerra said. Dozens of undocumented immigrants were arrested across Northern California last month, according to federal officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Removal Operations. The arrests sparked fear in immigrant neighborhoods and kept people at home for fear of being arrested, according to local business leaders. The arrests came amid a nationwide debate over whether local jurisdictions that call themselves sanctuary cities, like Oakland, must cooperate with federal immigration authorities. About half of the individuals arrested had criminal convictions in addition to immigration violations, including convictions for assault/battery, crimes against children, weapons charges and DUI, according to ICE. The California laws were passed in response to Trump's promises to sharply ramp up the deportation of people living in the U.S. illegally. One prohibits employers from letting immigration agents enter worksites or view employee files without a subpoena or warrant, an effort to prevent workplace raids. Another stops local governments from contracting with for-profit companies and ICE to hold immigrants. Justice Department officials said that violates the Constitution's supremacy clause, which renders invalid state laws that conflict with federal ones. The Supreme Court reinforced the federal government's primacy in enforcing immigration law when it blocked much of Arizona's tough 2010 immigration law on similar grounds. The high court found several key provisions undermined federal immigration law, though it upheld a provision requiring officers, while enforcing other laws, to question the immigration status of people suspected of being in the country illegally. In this case, California "has chosen to purposefully contradict the will and responsibility of Congress to protect our homeland," Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement. The Justice Department is also reviewing Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf's decision to warn of the immigration sweep in advance, which ICE said allowed hundreds of immigrants to elude detention. Both Schaaf and San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell responded Tuesday to the news of Sessions's planned appearance in Sacramento. This is not the first time that the federal administration has rattled its saber. We have seen repeated attacks on our city and its values - from insulting tweets to hateful policy decisions - but San Francisco will not be intimidated," Farrell said. "Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our residents and no attack will undermine the values of our City. San Francisco is and will remain a home for hardworking immigrants and I am committed to defending and supporting our longstanding sanctuary policies. Schaaf called Oakland a "city of immigrants." "We will continue to exercise our legal right to exist as a sanctuary city," Schaaf said. "We will continue to inform all residents about their constitutional rights, and we will continue to support Californias sanctuary status." We will also distinguish between law abiding residents who work hard and contribute to our community from dangerous criminals," Schaaf added. This administration has tried to portray all immigrants as villains. We know that is a racist lie, and we will shed light on that myth every day." San Francisco Mayor Sam Liccardo also chimed in: As a former federal prosecutor, I know how to follow the law," he said. "I also know that this Administrations radical shift toward indiscriminate enforcement of immigration law is making urban communities less safe. Police chiefs of major cities throughout the nation agree that we critically need to ensure that every resident regardless of status will not hesitate to call 911 in an emergency, to report a crime or share information with the police.[[476066463, C]] Prescription drug prices have some state officials fed up and looking for answers. Increased prices years after year on some life-improving drugs have led to a push to force pharmaceutical companies to provide the reasoning for the cost increases. I think the people of Connecticut would want to know why their drug prices are increasing every time they go to the pharmacy, said Rep. Sean Scanlon, who rolled out the legislation along with State Comptroller Kevin Lembo, also a Democrat. Scanlon and Lembos legislation would mandate that drug makers provide information to the state as to why the cost of a particular drug increased by 25 percent or more in a given year. In addition, the measure would require pharmacy benefit managers, those who act in between pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, to disclose the rebates they receive and what gets passed on to consumers. The journey between drug manufacturer and consumer is a long one dotted with many deals, payments and wealth exchange along the way, Lembo said. He described the pharmaceutical chain of events as a shadowy market. The bill was only heard by the Insurance and Real Estate Committee Tuesday. A vote isnt expected until later in the legislative session. A bill prohibiting domestic abusers and people under restraining orders from owning firearms became America's first new gun control law since the Feb. 14 Florida high school massacre. "Well done Oregon," Democratic Gov. Kate Brown exclaimed Monday after signing the law on the steps of the state Capitol as some 200 people, including victims of domestic abuse and high school students, applauded and cheered. State Sen. Floyd Prozanski, whose sister was fatally shot by her boyfriend, and Rep. Janeen Sollman, who fled her home as a child when her father was in a violent rage, hugged as they stood behind the governor. The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people has created a wave of young anti-gun activists that has now reached cross-country into Oregon. Students from a high school in the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego traveled 40 miles (65 kilometers) to stage a gun-control rally in the state capital, Salem, Monday morning. "We are empowered youth," they chanted, while holding signs that read "End gun violence, our lives matter," and "Together we can end gun violence." "We want to promote change. We're tired of the massive number of school shootings and the massive lack of action," said 15-year-old student Eli Counce. Scarlett Scott-Buck, another student, said she came to protest "because I'm scared to attend my own school. And I'm here to be an activist for my rights to live, my friends' rights to live, and my mother's fear." Brown came down from her office to speak to the more than 100 students from Lakeridge High School in Lake Oswego, who sat on a broad stairway underneath the Capitol rotunda. She urged those who are 18 to register to vote. "You want what?" she asked them. "Change," they shouted in unison. "How do you make change?" Brown asked. "Vote!" the students shouted. A couple of hours later, Brown met in her office with a dozen students from different schools. They agreed more needs to be done, including expanded access to mental health counseling to prevent unstable students from reaching the breaking point and committing violence. But some students said gun control is also needed. "Nationally, I think there needs to be things like assault rifle bans but also closing the gun-show loophole ... and making it so background checks aren't time limited," said student Eamon Walsh as he left the governor's office. Such a time limit allowed Dylann Roof to buy the gun he's accused of using to kill nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. in 2015, Walsh noted. The bill that Brown signed Monday closes a loophole in a 2015 law that excluded some abusers from the ban on buying or owning guns and ammunition, such as people who they don't live with the partner they're abusing or threatening, and those under restraining orders. The measure was introduced before the Feb. 14, Florida shooting, but Brown emphasized the bloodshed as she lobbied the Oregon Legislature for passage and signed the bill. Residents in the Northeast dug out from as much as 2 feet of wet, heavy snow Thursday, while utilities dealt with downed trees and power lines that snarled traffic and left hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the dark after two strong nor'easters all with the possibility of another storm headed to the area. With many schools closed for a second day, forecasters tracked the possibility of another late-season snowstorm to run up the coast early next week. The vicious storm was also to blame for at least two fatalities. An 88-year-old New York woman was crushed by a tree and an unidentified New Jersey driver was killed when his vehicle caught fire by a live wire on the road, NBC New York reported. Across the region, 2,787 flights were canceled Wednesday and scores more delayed, according to the flight tracking site FlightAware. Flight cancellations and delays continued to pile up Thursday with more than 490 grounded as of 2 p.m. ET. Passengers were urged to check with their airline before heading to the airport. Travel was not much better on the ground. A commuter train carrying more than 100 passengers derailed in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Thursday morning after a fallen tree branch got wedged in a rail switch, according to NBC Boston. Nobody was hurt. Tory Mazzola, a spokesman for Keolis Commuter Services, which runs the system for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, said the low-speed derailment remains under investigation. New Jersey police said they had responded to more than 350 car crashes since midnight Wednesday, NBC Philadelphia reported. Amtrak restored modified service between New York City and Boston on Thursday after suspending it because of the storm. New York City's Metro-North commuter railroad, which had suspended service on lines connecting the city to its northern suburbs and Connecticut because of downed trees, restored partial service Thursday. Members of the Northeastern University women's basketball team had to push their bus back on course after it got stuck in the snow outside a practice facility in Philadelphia Wednesday afternoon. The Huskies are in the city to compete in the 2018 CAA Women's Basketball Tournament. The team posted a video of the feat on its Twitter account. The storm also produced "thundersnow," with flashes of lightning and booming thunder from the Philadelphia area to New York City. A New Jersey middle school teacher was struck by lightning while on bus duty Wednesday afternoon, NBC Philadelphia reported. She was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and was recovering at home Thursday. Some places saw more than 2 feet of snow by Thursday morning. Montville, New Jersey, got more than 26 inches from the nor'easter. North Adams, Massachusetts, registered 24 inches and Sloatsburg, New York, got 26 inches. Major cities along the Interstate 95 corridor saw much less. Philadelphia International Airport recorded about 6 inches, while New York City's Central Park saw less than 3 inches. Snow still was falling Thursday in places including Vermont, where storm warnings were in effect until the evening. The wind knocked gobs of slush and snow off buildings and trees in Philadelphia and New York, forcing pedestrians to watch out. Across the region, power lines and tree branches sagged precariously under the weight of the wet snow. Suburban streets were littered with downed trees and branches. In Connecticut, a large tree branch crashed on top of a fire truck responding to a house fire in East Harford. The branch brought down live wires, making the truck an electrical hazard. Firefighters were left stranded while waiting for assistance. No on was injured. The storm was not as severe as the nor'easter that toppled trees, flooded coastal communities and caused more than 2 million power outages from Virginia to Maine last Friday. It still proved to be a headache for the tens of thousands of customers still in the dark from the earlier storm and for the crews trying to restore power to them. Eversource, an electric utility serving Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire, said it could take several days to restore power for everyone due partly to the challenge of clearing storm debris and repairing damage. Massachusetts was hardest hit by outages, with more than 345,000 without service Thursday and Republican Gov. Charlie Baker closing all non-essential state offices. Republican Maine Gov. Paul LePage also closed state offices and encouraged residents to stay off roads "unless it is an absolute emergency." In New Jersey, the state's major utilities reported more than 247,000 customers without power a day after the storm. In North White Plains, New York, 10 people were taken to hospitals with symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning after running a generator inside a home, police said. All were expected to survive. A woman was hospitalized with critical injuries after she was hit by a snow plow in Boston, NBC Boston reported. Posted Wednesday, March 7, 2018 2:00 am This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5-7 What is darkness? According to the dictionary, darkness is the absence of light. When I read this verse in 1 John, it makes so much more sense keeping that in mind. God is light in him there is no darkness and we know that all good things come from God. God doesnt make the bad things that we have to deal with happen; sin does. Sin is darkness. We tried an experiment in youth group the other night. We turned off all the lights, and as we sat there in total darkness, we realized that we couldnt see anything, including the way out if we needed to. My husband turned on a little flashlight one of those you get at Walmart for $1 and then, while we couldnt see great, we could make out shapes and find our way to the door if the need arose. There is a lot of darkness in the world today, and many people cannot see the way out. They feel hopeless, helpless and need a light. We talk about asking Jesus to come into our hearts. If Jesus, being God, is light, then as Christians, we have light and we need to be ready to shine it so that others can find their way out of the darkness. Pretty simplified, but serving God doesnt have to be hard. While it is not always easy either, it is worthwhile. We must let our little light shine, this little light of mine, Im going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. We can do this by listening and trying to help. We can do this by being encouraging, by showing love to someone and by telling them the ABCs of salvation. God is light; there is hope. A little light is sometimes all it takes for a person to be rescued from the darkness. Everyone have a good week, and as always, God bless. What to Know Collin County Medical Examiner's Office to determine person's identity, cause of death Plano police confirmed they were at the scene as part of the investigation into the disappearance of 23-year-old Christina Morris Field is less than a mile from a cell tower that pinged Arochi's phone the day after Morris disappeared Investigators will return to a field in Anna Thursday morning where partial skeletal remains were found Wednesday afternoon. Multiple police departments were at the scene overnight. A crew clearing brush and doing excavation work at the site of future housing developments in Anna uncovered a partial human skeleton Wednesday, according to the Collin County Sheriff's Department. Plano police confirmed to NBC 5 they were at the scene as part of the investigation into the disappearance of 23-year-old Christina Morris, a woman who disappeared at about 4 a.m. Aug. 30, 2014 after last being seen leaving The Shops at Legacy with friend Enrique Arochi. Until a positive identification is made by the Collin County Medical Examiner, we will have no more public comments on the human remains found yesterday in Anna, TX. Collin Co. Sheriff (@CollinCoSO) March 8, 2018 Officials said the skeleton was found in a field in a residential area along the 1800 block of Taylor Boulevard, about a mile east of U.S. Highway 75. The field is less than a mile from a cell tower that pinged Arochi's phone the day after Morris disappeared, The Dallas Morning News reported. Authorities continue to investigate the discovery of human remains Wednesday in a Collin County field, as neighbors plan to hold a vigil for the person who died. In a news conference Wednesday afternoon, Lt. Nick Bristow was unable to confirm any further information about the remains, including the age or gender of the person or what personal property may have been found at the site. A source confirmed to NBC 5 that clothing was found at the site and that it may help in the identification process. The remains are being removed and will be transferred to the Collin County Medical Examiner for identification. Overnight Wednesday, the scene will be under guard until the entire area has been processed, Bristow said. Lt. Nick Bristow, with the Collin County Sheriff's Department gives an update after human remains were uncovered by an excavation crew Wednesday, March 7, 2018. Bristow said the sheriff's department notified the Plano police of the remains due to an ongoing high-profile missing persons investigation in that city. Plano police added that anytime human remains are found in the area they visit the site and notify the Morris family so that they are aware of the potential for a break in the case. At this time, police have revealed nothing specific that links the remains found Wednesday to the ongoing Morris investigation. Bristow also confirmed that the area had been previously searched in relation to the Morris case. The Collin County Sheriff's Department gives a brief update on the investigation into the discovery of human remains in a field near Anna. Following Morris's disappearance, Arochi maintained that after he walked into the parking garage with the woman the two separated and he never saw her again. Investigators later found Morris's DNA in Arochi's trunk; he was eventually sentenced to life in prison for her kidnapping. Neighbors in the Anna neighborhood near where the remains were found are planning a prayer vigil for Thursday night. "I hope to see the street filled, obviously, and just neighbors coming together and expressing love and concern and compassion for a person we don't know. But we're all brothers and sisters in Christ, and I just need to feel that with my neighbors," said Lekeita McMillan. Morris, meanwhile, has been presumed dead, but her body has never been located. Anyone with information in Christina Morris's disappearance is asked to call the Plano Police Department or Crime Stoppers at 877-373-TIPS. NBC 5's Diana Zoga and Allie Spillyards contributed to this report. Check back and refresh this page for the latest update. As this story is developing, elements may change. Southwest Airlines debuted its latest state-themed aircraft, honoring the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans. Southwest's first served New Orleans in 1979, marking the first destination outside of Texas for the airline. The aircraft decorated in a rendition of the state's flag was dedicated Wednesday at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport complete with a traditional second line band and local dignitaries to dedicate the aircraft. Southwest has been dedicated to the New Orleans community for 39 years, said Gary Kelly, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer for Southwest Airlines. I cant think of a better way to show our commitment to the state of Louisiana than with the dedication of Louisiana One, honoring our loyal Customers and Employees. Southwest Airlines The Boeing 737-700 is painted in Southwest's trademark colors but also features an artist's rendition of the Louisiana State flag, with a large pelican adorning the side of the fuselage. A group of three birds are also depicted in a nest on the plane's engine. This tribute to the Pelican State is a demonstration of our valued partnership with Southwest Airlines, said State of Louisiana Governor, John Bel Edwards. We are honored that Louisiana One will be an ambassador for our great state flying throughout the country. Southwest started with one nonstop flight in January 1979 from Houston to New Orleans and today operates more than fifty daily nonstop departures to 21 destinations from the New Orleans airport. Southwest's state-themed jets started in the 1990's with the debut of Lone Star One. Since then the airline has had custom designs for Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico and Tennessee. Two sheriff's deputies have been wounded in a shooting at a San Antonio-area home where authorities say a gunman has shot at propane tanks in an effort to cause explosions. Bexar (bayr) County sheriff's officials say the incident began Tuesday evening when deputies trained in interacting with the mentally ill attempted to serve a warrant on a 60-year-old man at the home. Gunfire erupted that forced the deputies to retreat, resulting in a standoff that continues. Deputies concerned about the welfare of a woman in her 80s who apparently is with the man re-entered the home early Wednesday and again were met by gunfire. Two deputies were wounded, in one case by shrapnel. The injuries don't appear to be life-threatening. It's not clear whether any of the tanks exploded from the gunfire. See Returns For All Races Here Women running for Congress surged to big wins and Democrats smashed recent turnout levels in Texas' first-in-the-nation 2018 primary elections, giving Republicans a potential glimpse of what's ahead in the first midterms under President Donald Trump. Energized and angry Democrats in Texas, where the GOP has dominated for decades, came out in force to surpass 1 million voters Tuesday -- the first time the party has eclipsed that benchmark in a midterm primary since 2002, just months after the Sept. 11 attacks. Equally striking was the showing by women on the ballot: Of the nearly 50 women running for Congress in Texas, more than half won their primaries outright or advanced to runoffs. What's more, at least three of those runoffs in May will feature women going head-to-head, including a key race for Democrats in their bid to take control of the U.S. House this fall. "It's Trump. It's Trump," said Veronica Escobar, who won her Democratic primary and is now poised to become one of the first Hispanic women to represent Texas in Congress. "I've spoken to innumerable senior citizens, retirees, parents of disabled children, people who understand what this administration means to their families. And they're afraid." Not all women fared so well. Kathaleen Wall, a Republican megadonor in Houston who pumped $6 million of her own money into her race for Congress, failed to survive a crowded nine-person field despite outspending all other candidates and having the backing of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. Wall's failure was also a potential warning sign of the limits of Republicans going all-in on Trump this election year. She partly staked her candidacy on TV ads that told voters there was little daylight between her and the president, who remains popular among GOP voters despite his rough edges and low approval ratings nationwide. For all the talk of renewed Democratic energy heading into the 2018 midterms, Texas Republicans also set a new benchmark for turnout in a midterm election. [[375690231,C]] More than 1.5 million people voted Tuesday in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, won by incumbent Ted Cruz. That beats the previous record of 1.48 million in 2010, during former President Barack Obama's first term. Democrats showed up despite the long odds this November of ousting Republicans such as Cruz -- who released a radio ad after clinching the GOP nomination Tuesday night, telling voters that Democratic opponent Beto O'Rourke "wants to take our guns." O'Rourke, a congressman from El Paso, has called for banning AR-15-style assault rifles in wake of last month's mass shooting at a Florida high school that killed 17 people. Neither that tragedy nor a mass shooting at a Texas church last fall played as dominant campaign issues in Texas, but with the GOP's majority in Congress on the line this fall, Democrats showed up. Democrats have their sights on flipping three GOP-controlled congressional seats in Texas that backed Hillary Clinton over Trump in 2016, including a Houston district where liberal favorite Laura Moser forced a runoff with Lizzie Pannill Fletcher. Another is a sprawling district that runs along the Texas-Mexico border, where Gina Ortiz-Jones advanced to a May runoff and another woman, Judy Canales, was battling to join her. "I think that a Congress that is only 20 percent women is not where we need to be," Ortiz Jones said. "This is not a spectator sport. We've got to participate, all of us and that's what's important." [[375690231,C]] College students waited more than an hour to vote in liberal Austin and rural counties offered Democratic candidates for the first time in years. Many women ran in a record eight open congressional races this year in Texas -- two of which are up for grabs after longtime GOP incumbents abandoned plans for re-election amid scandal. While 2002 was a high water mark for Democratic turnout in Texas it also showed the limits of the exuberance for turning the state blue. In November that year, the Democrats running for statewide office were all beaten, just as they have been since 1994. For Republicans, the primary was a vivid exhibition of the Trump effect in GOP politics. George P. Bush, the Texas land commissioner, won a contested primary after he cozied-up to a president who once called his dad, Jeb, a pathetic person. Trump won Texas by 9 points in 2016. It was the smallest margin of victory by a Republican presidential candidate in Texas in 20 years, but Cruz dismissed talk of a Democratic takeover this fall. "Left-wing rage may raise a bunch of money from people online, but I don't believe it reflects the views of a majority of Texans," he told reporters after winning the nomination. Democrats will have a tough time winning statewide races in November despite the "Trump effect" because they have fielded little-known candidates against top Republicans, such as Republican Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Even Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has been indicted on felony securities fraud charges, clinched his party's nomination unopposed. Abbott will face either Lupe Valdez, who was Texas' first Hispanic, lesbian sheriff, or Andrew White, who opposes abortion and whose father, Mark, was governor in the 1980s. [[475915163,C]] When White House counselor Kellyanne Conway expressed support for Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and against his opponent, she broke a law called the Hatch Act, a government watchdog announced Tuesday. NBC News reported that the Office of Special Counsel submitted its report on Conway to President Donald Trump "for appropriate disciplinary action." Conway advocated for Moore and against Doug Jones on TV in November and December, the office found. That violates the Hatch Act, which "restricts employees from using their official government positions for partisan political purposes, including by trying to influence partisan elections." The White House said Conway had simply "expressed the president's obvious position" to prefer people in Congress "who support his agenda." What to Know The California laws were passed in response to Trump's promises to sharply ramp up the deportation of people living in the U.S. illegally One law prohibits employers from letting immigration agents enter worksites or view employee files without a subpoena or warrant Another CA law stops local governments from contracting with for-profit companies and ICE to hold immigrants Gov. Jerry Brown accused Attorney General Jeff Sessions of lying in an attempt to appease President Donald Trump when he visited California Wednesday to announce that the Justice Department is suing over the state's immigration policies. Brown fired back at Sessions less than an hour after the attorney general finished speaking to a group of law enforcement officers about the lawsuit -- the latest salvo in a feud between the Trump administration and California leaders. Dozens of demonstrators gathered in Sacramento to protest Sessions' appearance. The protest Wednesday came a day after Sessions announced the Trump administration is suing the state over several laws that restrict government authorities and private businesses from cooperating with federal immigration agents. Demonstrators blocked traffic outside a hotel where Sessions delivered his speech and chanted "stand up, fight back" and "no justice no peace." Brown and state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, speaking at their joint news conference, denounced Sessions' speech and the lawsuit. "Here in California, we respect the law and the Constitution," said Becerra. "We expect the federal government to do the same." Brown began the news conference by saying that Sessions is acting "more like Fox News than a law enforcement officer." "This is pure red meat for the base," Brown said. "It's not about law enforcement. It's not about justice, and it really demeans the high office. "This is basically going to war against California, the engine of the American economy. It's not wise, and it's not right." The lawsuit is the most aggressive move yet in the Trump administration's push to force so-called sanctuary cities and states to cooperate with immigration authorities. Brown is named in the lawsuit along with Becerra, who said the state is on firm legal footing. "Our track record so far when it comes to any dispute with the federal government has been pretty good," Becerra said. The U.S. Justice Department is challenging three California laws that, among other things, bar police from asking people about their citizenship status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities. The suit filed in federal court in Sacramento says the laws are unconstitutional and have kept federal agents from doing their jobs. "The Department of Justice and the Trump administration are going to fight these unjust, unfair and unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you," Sessions said in prepared remarks. "I believe that we are going to win." Earlier Wednesday, Brown mimicked President Trump on Twitter as he criticized Sessions for coming to Sacramento "to further divide and polarize America. Jeff, these political stunts may be the norm in Washington, but they don't work here. SAD!!!" During Wednesday's speech, Sessions also had particularly strong words for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who issued an unusual public warning last month that she was tipped off that an immigration operation was imminent, perhaps within 24 hours. "How dare you?" he said of Schaaf at a California Peace Officers Association meeting in Sacramento. "How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of law enforcement just to promote your radical open borders agenda?" The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights issued a statement Wednesday, characterizing the Trump administration's approach to the immigration issue as "fear mongering." "Attorney General Sessions and the Trump Administration are utilizing the tools of deception and fear mongering to advance a draconian, inhumane and broad anti-immigrant agenda," said Angelica Salas, CHIRLA's executive director. The lawsuit is the latest salvo in an escalating feud between the Trump administration and California, which has resisted the president on issues from taxes to marijuana policy and defiantly refuses to help federal agents detain and deport immigrants. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has said it will increase its presence in California, and Sessions wants to cut off funding to jurisdictions that won't cooperate. "I say: Bring it on," said California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, a Los Angeles Democrat who wrote the so-called sanctuary state bill. Democratic Assembly Speaker Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon was among those suggesting that Sessions shouldn't come at all. The lawsuit was filed as the Justice Department also reviews Oakland Mayor Schaaf's decision to warn of an immigration sweep in advance, which ICE said allowed hundreds of immigrants to elude detention. Schaaf said Tuesday the city would "continue to inform all residents about their constitutional rights." The California laws were passed in response to Trump's promises to sharply ramp up the deportation of people living in the U.S. illegally. One prohibits employers from letting immigration agents enter worksites or view employee files without a subpoena or warrant, an effort to prevent workplace raids. Another stops local governments from contracting with for-profit companies and ICE to hold immigrants. Justice Department officials said that violates the Constitution's supremacy clause, which renders invalid state laws that conflict with federal ones. The Supreme Court reinforced the federal government's primacy in enforcing immigration law when it blocked much of Arizona's tough 2010 immigration law on similar grounds. The high court found several key provisions undermined federal immigration law, though it upheld a provision requiring officers, while enforcing other laws, to question the immigration status of people suspected of being in the country illegally. In this case, California "has chosen to purposefully contradict the will and responsibility of Congress to protect our homeland," Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement. Sessions has blamed sanctuary city policies for crime and gang violence. Only the California State Sheriffs' Association actively opposed the so-called sanctuary law. Becerra, who is up for election in November, said sanctuary policies increase public safety by promoting trust between immigrant communities and law enforcement, while allowing police resources to be used to fight other crimes. "We're in the business of public safety, not deportation," he said. The family of a 25-year-old woman who went missing in Hollywood offered a $25,000 reward Monday for information leading to the aspiring model and actress from Macedonia. Adea Shabani last was seen about 11 a.m. Feb. 23, near the 1700 block of Wilcox Avenue, between Hollywood Boulevard and Franklin Avenue, near her home, police said. Shabani has been in Los Angeles less than two years, according to her worried friends. Her family has hired private investigator Jayden Brant to help find her. He told City News Service his investigators are actively searching. Shabani is described as white, 5 feet 5 inches tall, about 130 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes. Anyone with information regarding her whereabouts was urged to call the LAPD's Missing Persons Unit at 213-996-1800. During non-business hours, calls should be directed to 877-LAPD-24-7. Anonymous tips can be submitted through Crime Stoppers by calling 800-222-TIPS. Information can also be submitted by calling Brant's company, Beverly Hills-based Origin Investigations Inc., at 800-358-3830. Schools across West Virginia reopened Wednesday as families got back into their daily routines following a nine-day teacher strike. The statewide strike was declared over Tuesday after the Legislature passed and the governor signed a 5 percent pay raise to end what's believed to be the longest strike in state history. The last major strike, in 1990, lasted eight days. The paralyzing walkout shut 277,000 students out of classrooms, forced their parents to scramble for child care and cast a national spotlight on government dysfunction in West Virginia. These 35,000 public school employees, some of the lowest-paid in the nation, had gone four years without a salary increase. Now they're back at work, and students are back to their books. Many were a bit slow afoot to get inside despite snow flurries in the air, as the day felt a bit like the end of summer vacation. Despite losing nine school days, the teachers had solid backing from parents and students, even as they extended their walkout until a third attempt from lawmakers met their demands. "I feel really good today that school has re-started and I think the teachers had every right to do the strike because they deserve more money," said Stonewall Jackson Middle School student Braycen Foster. Some parents had a more difficult time with the restart because the 13-day layoff helped them bond more with their kids. "I want her in school. But when she's off, it's fine with me. I want to keep her as young as I can for as long as I can," Brandie Barber said as her sixth-grader climbed out of their car and grabbed a backpack filled with softball bats. Nannette Higginbotham had mixed feelings as she said goodbye to her daughter. "I love having her home, but I'm glad they're getting back to school and getting it over with," she said. West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has asked county superintendents to be flexible as they decide how to meet the requirement of having 180 days of school, saying students "have suffered enough." He wants families to have time for summer vacation and doesn't want summer feeding programs placed in jeopardy if classes go too far into June. Some superintendents are mulling whether to cut short spring break, typically in late March, although families often have vacations already slotted during that time. "I think these two weeks they had off should be their spring break," Higginbotham said. "Some people have plans. We don't." The relief and exhilaration teachers expressed in the Capitol Tuesday as legislators approved the pay raise and Justice swiftly signed it transferred to their classrooms on Wednesday. In a Stonewall Jackson hallway, students filed past a sign that read "Welcome back, let's roll." Teacher Hannah Silverman said she was "pumped." "I was like a kid on the first day of school last night, I literally couldn't sleep," Silverman said. "So, I was really excited, this is my passion. I want to be here and I've been excited since we found out yesterday." Teachers walked out on Feb. 22, balking at an initial bill Justice signed that would have bumped up pay by just 2 percent in the first year, not enough to cover their rising health insurance costs. Justice responded last week by offering 5 percent and the House approved it, but the Senate balked, countering Saturday with 4 percent. The unions held firm and the lawmakers finally gave in, voting unanimously in both houses for 5 percent raises for teachers, school service personnel and state troopers. Senate Finance Chairman Craig Blair said lawmakers will seek to cut state spending by $20 million to pay for the raises, taking funds from general government services and Medicaid. Other state workers also promised 5 percent raises will have to wait for a budget bill to pass. After the long layoff, Stonewall Jackson student Angel Davis said she tried to persuade her sister that it's good to be back in school. "I was happy," she said. "I said I want my education." Associated Press writers Robert Ray and Michael Virtanen contributed to this report. Gary Cohn, President Donald Trump's top economic adviser, resigned Tuesday after a dispute with the president over tariffs, NBC News reported. The departure following reports that Cohn, the National Economic Council director, had opposed Trump's plan for large tariffs on imported steel and aluminum was the latest in a string of exits by top officials in the administration. Cohn, a wealthy former Goldman Sachs banker, played a key role on the president's tax cut bill. Trump praised Cohn in a statement Tuesday as a "rare talent" who had done a "superb job in driving our agenda, helping to deliver historic tax cuts and reforms, and unleashing the American economy once again." Later Tuesday, he tweeted that he would be "making a decision soon on the appointment of new Chief Economic Advisor. Many people wanting the job - will choose wisely!" Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the first female elected to House speaker, helped celebrate Womens History Month by donating her suit and gavel to the Smithsonian on Wednesday. The California Democrat handed over her historic items to the National Museum of American History during a ceremony with fellow congresspeople and other officials. Pelosi commemorated her momentous 2007 election by donating the lacquered-maple gavel given to her, as well as the Burgundy suit she wore and the original speech she gave during her swearing-in on Jan. 4, 2007. The gavel and suit a single-breasted jacket, skirt and shell will not immediately go on display, a museum spokeswoman said.[[476159413, C]] As a young girl, I was drawn to the Smithsonian as a source of creativity, discovery and innovation. Little did I know that I would be returning here to share moments from my time as Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pelosi tweeted after the ceremony. "The firsts we celebrate are often chosen because they, in some way, change the trajectory of American history," the museum said in a statement. "They create diversity, add new experiences and viewpoints, and create new possibilities. ... A womens first, an American first, and a part of a position that can trace its roots to the earliest days of our country." An ivory gavel used by suffragette Susan B. Anthony also joined the museum's Political History collection, as well as the judicial robe worn by Sandra Day O'Conner when she was sworn in as the first woman associate justice of the Supreme Court in 1981 and an in-flight suit worn by Sally Ride, the first women in space. Fifty-one men had held the role of House speaker since the office was created in 1789. Upon her election, Pelosi recognized what she called a historic moment for not only the countrys Congress but for its women as well. It is a moment for which we have waited over 200 years, Pelosi told the House in 2007. Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights. But women weren't just waiting; women were working. Never losing faith, we worked to redeem the promise of America, that all men and women are created equal. For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling. For our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit, anything is possible for them. Pelosi served as speaker until 2011, when John Boehner took over. Now as House minority leader, she recently broke the record for the longest House speech when she addressed her colleagues for eight straight hours in February and recounted stories of so-called Dreamers to argue for the protection of young immigrants and DACA recipients. During the donation ceremony, the museum also announced the launch of the Smithsonian American Womens History Initiative. Posted Wednesday, March 7, 2018 2:00 am The Third Sunday of Lent Family Reflection: Exodus 20:1-17 Israel is given the commandments. Psalm 19 Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 Christ surpasses human understanding. John 2:13-25 Jesus cleanses the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus was something new to the Jews. From extensive laws guiding all of life to their temple worship, their profound understanding of God had been established over time. But then Jesus challenged all that they knew. Lent calls us to encounter God in new and deeper ways and to reflect on how we respond to new insights or information that may challenge our comfortable beliefs, understanding or religious practices. Birthdays: Amelia Smith, Sarah Wilson, Ian Admire, Ryliegh Spangenberg, Catherine Twaddle, Cristina Kandlbinder, Karmen Mezzacapa, Gary Gray, Michael Peters, Ladona Roe and Catherine Brown. Stewardship Reflection: You shall not covet is a difficult commandment to keep. As Christian stewards, we are the recipients and caretakers of Gods many gifts. May the understanding that all is a gift help us be less resentful of the gifts of others. IMPORTANT DATES March 16 - Knights of Columbus fish fry, 5-7 p.m., Holy Trinity Hall March 25 - Passion/Palm Sunday March 29 - Holy Thursday, Mass and Adoration March 30 - Good Friday, Stations of the Cross April 1 - Easter April 12-14 - PCCW Rummage Sale April 19 - Senior Resource Fair, Holy Trinity Hall To pray for one another is first of all to acknowledge the presence of God, that we belong to each other as children of the same God. Henri Noumen Let us pray for one another. President Donald Trump plans to travel to California next week, according to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Wednesday's announcement comes a day after the Trump administration filed a lawsuit challenging three California laws that, among other things, bar police from asking people about their citizenship status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions came to Sacramento Wednesday to speak to law enforcement officials. He accused Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf of endangering law enforcement agents' lives after warning the public last month of an upcoming immigration operation, and was subsequently rebuked by Gov. Jerry Brown, who accused him of lying. Schaaf during a press conference Wednesday afternoon, responded to Sessions. "How dare you vilify members of our community by trying to frighten the American public into thinking that all undocumented residents are dangerous criminals," Schaaf said. Schaaf also said "Oakland's agenda is a thriving community, Trump's agenda is bigotry." No other information was immediately available. Updates to come. The Associated Press contributed to this report. What to Know A victim of the shooting rampage that took place at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital in June 2017 filed a lawsuit against the hospital and a gun shop Justin Timperio alleges the gun dealer did not conduct an adequate background check and the hospital lacked security, among other claims Timperio was a first year medical resident when Henry Bello, a doctor and former employee of the hospital went on a shooting rampage in 2017 One of the victims of the shooting rampage that took place at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital in June 2017 filed a lawsuit against the hospital and a gun dealer for negligence that allegedly contributed to the fatal shooting. Justin Timperio, who was a first-year medical resident when he was shot by Henry Bello, alleges in his lawsuit that the gun dealer did not conduct an adequate background check and that Bronx-Lebanon Hospital lacked sufficient security. Timperio was seriously wounded when Bello, a doctor and former Bronx-Lebanon Hospital employee, entered the hospital on June 30, 2017, and started shooting a AR-15 rifle. Bello killed a doctor and wounded five members of the medical staff and a patient before taking his own life. According to the lawsuit, Timperio suffered a gunshot wound to his abdomen, which exited his right thigh and required surgical procedures and treatment at Bronx-Lebanon and Mt. Sinai Hospital from June 30 to July 21, 2017. The lawsuit, filed Feb. 28, alleges that there was a lack of security at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital despite red flags that were raised over previous years, which included a 2011 incident when an alleged gang member fired several gun shots that wounded both a nurse and a security guard. The lawsuit also alleges that the hospital was negligent in not conducting a proper background check on Bello, which would have allegedly revealed issues with "Bello's medical credentials, past employment, and anti-social and criminal history," according to the lawsuit. "I'm not angry at Bello, he was mentally ill," Timperio said in a statement. "If anything, this just makes me want to be a better doctor. But why would the hospital hire someone with Bello's well-known issues and record? Nobody should get shot in what should be the safe environment of a hospital." While an employee of Bronx-Lebanon, Bello was accused of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct by a female employee, the lawsuit says. Despite the accusations, Bello was allowed to continue to work at the hospital until he was terminated, but the lawsuit alleges that Bronx-Lebanon never reported the accusations against Bello to law enforcement. The lawsuit also says that the hospital never retrieved Bello's hospital identification card and property, which allowed him access to the premises. "Bello was a murderer on a deranged mission, and because of the hospital's ineffective security system and the negligence on their part, he was allowed to go on a shooting spree that cost one person their life and five others to be wounded, wounds that they endure almost a year later," Arnold Kriss, Timperios attorney, said in a statement. Bronx-Lebanon Hospital did not respond to NBC 4's request for comment by deadline. The lawsuit also alleges that Upstate Guns and Ammo LLC in Schenectady, New York, a gun shop that sold Bello the AR-15 used in the shooting failed to conduct, as required by law, a background check, which included contacting the NYPD to determine if Bello was issued a rifle permit. As a New York City resident, Bello was required to have a NYPD rifle permit to own an AR-15 rifle, according to the lawsuit. NBC 4 reached out to Upstate Guns and Ammo. In an email, Michael Murphy, attorney for the gun shop, declined to comment. In addition, the lawsuit also claims that Timpario spent 10 days after the shooting at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital in a coma, but no one notified his family. Upon learning his family had not been contacted, Dr. Timperio suffered further additional stress and emotional strain, the lawsuit says. Timperio alleges his medical career was also impacted by his inability to continue his first year of residency. In addition to his physical injuries, the lawsuit alleges Timperio suffered post traumatic emotional distress. The Philadelphia district attorney's office has released a list of current and former police officers whom prosecutors have tried to keep off the witness stand because of a wide range of wrongdoing, including lying, racial bias and brutality. The names of 29 officers were included among a roster of 66 provided to the Philadelphia Defender Association, and obtained by The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News. The list was in two groups: 29 officers whose serious misconduct rendered them problematic as witnesses and 37 others whose offenses were less serious. Those 37 could still testify, but their legal issues had to be shared with defense attorneys. A judge last week ordered that the names, badge numbers, and background information of the officers to be turned over to the public defenders' office. The defenders demanded the list from District Attorney Larry Krasner after the Inquirer and Daily News revealed its existence last month. In a detailed fact summary about each officer on the "Do Not Call" list , prosecutors said that the 29 former and current officers had engaged in a wide range of wrongdoing and had faced criminal charges or been found guilty by the department's internal board. The offenses included cases of lying to police investigators, filing false police reports, use of excessive force, drunken driving and burglary, among other issues. About half of those on the list appear to be still on the force, including a lieutenant, four sergeants, one corporal and one detective. The list was drawn up by prosecutors in 2017 at the order of former District Attorney Seth Williams. Before Williams pleaded guilty to corruption and resigned in June, he created a special police misconduct committee to identify officers whose testimony might be problematic in criminal cases. A spokesman for Krasner's office told NBC10 the current administration does "not endorse the legal or factual validity of the information contained in the document." Williams and his prosecutors did not reveal the existence of the list, treating it as an internal guide to determine when a potentially tainted officer's testimony could be used. Under the office's policy, front-line prosecutors were instructed to get top-level permission before calling such an officer as a witness in a criminal case. The police union didn't immediately respond to an email seeking comment. As the health of the world's last male northern white rhino declines in Kenya, a global team of scientists and conservationists is pushing ahead with an ambitious effort to save the subspecies from extinction with the help of the two surviving females. Participants in the project to create northern white rhino embryos through in vitro fertilization say its success depends not on the sick, elderly male named Sudan, but on his daughter Najin and granddaughter Fatu, whose eggs would likely have to be extracted because the rhinos can't reproduce naturally. Even so, Sudan, who could be euthanized because of a leg infection, is something of a celebrity, attracting thousands of visitors to his home at Ol Pejeta Conservancy and being listed as "The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World" on the Tinder dating app last year in a fundraising effort. "Sudan has been technically infertile for many years, so him dying is not going to affect the possibilities of recovery for the northern white rhino as a species," Richard Vigne, the conservancy's CEO, said in an interview with The Associated Press. Semen from dead northern white rhinos is stored in various locations around the world, and it is critical to keep the two females alive "until such time when the protocol or technique for in vitro fertilization has been perfected so that we can begin that process," Vigne said. In vitro fertilization is used in the cattle industry to breed more robust herds, and a Cape buffalo was conceived through IVF for the first time in 2016. However, scientists trying to effectively resurrect the northern white rhino have limited genetic material at their disposal and plan to use another subspecies, the southern white rhino, as a surrogate mother. Contributing institutions include San Diego Zoo Global in the United States, the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin and Embryo Plus, a South African company that worked on the IVF-born buffalo. Experts met in Vienna in December 2015 to discuss stem cell and other technologies with the goal of establishing viable populations of northern white rhinos decades in the future. Supporters think the work could be used to help other endangered species, while some conservationists believe the focus should be on other critically endangered species, including the Javan and Sumatran rhinos, that have suffered because of poaching and human encroachment on habitats. Northern white rhinos were particularly vulnerable because of conflicts that swept their central African range; the last ones in the wild were observed more than a decade ago in Congo's Garamba National Park, a frequent target of well-armed poachers. The "much-hyped" plan for rhino in vitro fertilization is probably too late to save the northern white subspecies, said Save the Rhino, a London-based group. "With small chance of healthy new calves, and limited place in their historic range to go, Save the Rhino believes that the best outcome will be to put our efforts and funding including research into IVF into saving the species which do still have a chance," it said on its website. "The real fight for the survival of northern white rhinos in their natural habitat was lost over a decade ago," said Jo Shaw, African rhino expert with the WWF conservation group. "Large mammals, like rhinos, should be seen as symbols of large functioning ecosystems and we must focus our efforts and energy on their protection and ongoing survival within these vital landscapes around the globe." The rhino Sudan, 45, is the father of 27-year-old Najin, who has weak back legs and can't support the weight of a pregnancy, and grandfather of 17-year-old Fatu, who can't carry an embryo because of a uterus problem. A non-surgical method that would remove rhino eggs with a needle inserted through the rectal wall into the ovary is being developed, said Morne de la Rey, director of Embryo Plus. So far, "two cell and four cell" embryos of southern white rhinos, using eggs taken from animals killed by poachers, were created in the lab but did not mature enough for transfer to the womb, de la Rey said. The technique will only be tried with the northern white rhino subspecies if it is successful with southern white rhinos, whose population recovered from the edge of extinction around the end of the 19th century but still faces an intense poaching threat. "It is literally a race against time," de la Rey said. The last male northern white rhino was born in Sudan, taken to a Czech zoo and then transferred to Kenya in 2009 along with Najin, Fatu and another male who died in 2014. Rangers caring for Sudan describe him as gentle and say they are sad about his possibly imminent death. "He is the reason for me waking up, knowing that I am going to do something," ranger James Mwenda said. Associated Press journalist Desmond Tiro contributed. Get the latest updates on the storm's aftermath, including power outages and overnight freezing here. The second nor'easter in less than a week inundated the Philadelphia region with heavy snow and even lightning and claps of thunder in some spots Wednesday. Road conditions quickly deteriorated around midday as the storm intensified as forecasted sending a wall of snow sweeping west to east. Some drivers spent three hours on I-76 in Conshohocken after a tractor-trailer jackknifed in the storm. New Jersey State Police say they responded to 356 car crashes and 462 motorist aids since midnight. The nor'easter began to spin out of the region just before 5 p.m. leaving behind nearly a foot of snow piled up in some neighborhoods. But in other towns, snowfall was minimal. The wide disparity was expected as the storm moved north along the coast, throwing the most intense snowfall into the Philadelphia suburbs. This type of storm is always changing so here's the newest information from the NBC10 First Alert Weather Center: The storm is almost completely gone. Parts of South Jersey are the only areas still seeing snow. Road conditions remain a mess as the heavy snow has proven difficult for crews to keep up. Power outages have skyrocketed as the heavy snow has weighed down power lines and trees weakened by Friday's storm. Lightning strikes brought rare thundersnow to parts of South Jersey. Temperatures will remain below freezing so there will not be a lot of melting. Sidewalks, bridges, and roads can remain slick overnight. The height of the storm began to hit in the early afternoon with heavy, wet snow blanketing roads and sidewalks and making for dangerous travel. Visibility in Philadelphia quickly dropped to a half mile. It only gets heavier from this point on, NBC10 First Alert Weather meteorologist Steve Sosna said. A First Alert remains in effect through 7 a.m. Thursday as the region deals with slippery roads and the possibility of downed tree limbs and power lines. Temperatures will be near freezing. The wet snow will be a true chore to remove. Those with heart conditions or bad backs should avoid shoveling the so-called "heart attack snow." You should also check on your neighbors. NBC10 [NATL] The Worst Northeast Snowstorms of the Last 25 Years Public Transit Changes SEPTA changed its Regional Rail schedules for Wednesday and Amtrak modified its Northeast Corridor service. Closures & States of Emergency Hundreds of businesses closed, telling people to stay home. People appeared to heed warnings as traffic was significantly less than a normal Wednesday. In Quakertown, despite the accumulating snow, locals still visit their favorite hot spot, Sines 5 & 10. Plenty of area attractions and museums closed due to the inclement weather. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf declared a State of Emergency for many eastern counties, including Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh and Philadelphia. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy declared a State of Emergency for all of New Jersey. "If you really don't have to travel, don't," Wolf said. The focus of the emergency is northern New Jersey but Murphy wants all residents to be prepared with tips from the Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM) and asked drivers to stay off roads. The declaration allows NJOEM to employ resources and police to needed areas (NJOEM has more on what it means to you). NJOEM closed all state offices for Wednesday. Many municipalities declared snow emergencies. In Philadelphia, that meant no trash pickup Wednesday and cars had to be moved from snow emergency routes. Check with your specific town for what it may mean for you. Speed Restrictions Speed limits on many area highways were lowered. Restrictions were later lifted however on I-76 and 276, the mainline East-West turnpike between Harrisburg East and the Mid-County Interchange, Interstate 476, and the entire Northeast Extension, Interstate 476. For real time information on Pennsylvania's roads, check out Got a Flight? If you are planning to fly out of Philadelphia Wednesday or Thursday, check with your airline because some airlines have canceled flights. Other flights were taking off after de-icing. Airlines issued travel waivers allowing travelers to re-book without penalty. No School Concerned about the well-being of students and staff, the Philadelphia School District and Archdiocese of Philadelphia canceled school Wednesday but will open on a two-hour delay Thursday. Check here for school closings across the area. Power Problems Power outages are a big concern due to a combination of the heavy, wet snow as well as 25 to 35 mph winds and gusts up to 40 mph that could bring down tree branches and power lines, creating more power outages. PECO had the majority of area outages. As of 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, more than 179,000 power outages were reported throughout the region. Some of those outages are left over from Friday's nor'easter. PECO says their priority is to get people who have been in the dark longest online first. Don't get left in the dark. Rely on the FREE NBC10 app for instant updates and breaking news. Download here. Still Reeling This new storm came less than a week after a storm packing winds of 60-plus mph knocked out power to more than half a million customers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. That powerful winter storm stunned commuters during the Friday afternoon rush hour, as colder-than-expected temperatures caused unexpectedly sloppy road conditions. The slippery surfaces combined with many falling trees to create gridlock seemingly everywhere for hours. A Look Inside: Philly Is in Bloom at 2018 Philadelphia Flower Show About 92,000 customers are without power and an overnight refreeze left icy roads after the region's second nor'easter in less than a week dumped more than a foot of snow in parts of our area, caused hundreds of accidents that left drivers stranded for hours, and hospitalized a New Jersey teacher after she was struck by lightning during thundersnow. Power outages hit Bucks and Burlington counties especially hard. The heavy, wet snow combined with 25 to 35 mph winds and gusts up to 40 mph to bring down branches and power lines throughout the region. Some of those outages were also left over from Fridays storm. In hard-hit Bucks County, the American Red Cross set up a shelter for people left in the dark at the Middletown Municipal Building in Langhorne. The second noreaster snowstorm in less than a week has left thousands in the Philadelphia region without power. Don't get left in the dark. Rely on the FREE NBC10 app for instant updates and breaking news. Download here. The snow began moving out around 5 p.m. Wednesday and was gone completely by 8 p.m. Temperatures remained at or below freezing overnight. Use caution if youre heading out Thursday morning due to possible slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks. Thursday will be windy and chilly with a brief snow shower possible. Highs will only be in the upper 30s. Hundreds of schools were closed Wednesday and many will remain closed or open two hours late Thursday as the region recovers. All Philadelphia public and archdiocesan schools will open on a two-hour delay Thursday. Check here for a full list of school closings and delays. If you are planning to fly out of Philadelphia Thursday, check to make sure your flight is taking off as scheduled. The storm moved in Tuesday night and continued overnight into Wednesday morning. It reached its peak midday with heavy periods of snow, low visibility, thundersnow and lightning that injured at least one woman. The storm also caused hundreds of crashes and disabled vehicles throughout the area as vehicles were stranded on both major roads and back roads. Drivers heading west on the Schuylkill Expressway were stuck in traffic for more than three hours after two trucks jackknifed. The highest snow totals were seen in Richboro, Bucks County with 16 inches of snow and Princeton Township, New Jersey with 17.8 inches. Broomall, Delaware County had a foot of snow, Lower Makefield Township in Bucks County had 10.5 inches while Greenville in New Castle County had 10.4 inches. PHOTOS: 2nd March Nor'easter Strikes With Heavy, Wet Snow Stay with the NBC10 First Alert Weather team for the latest weather updates. The U.S. Justice Department is taking its fight over sanctuary city status to court, filing a lawsuit challenging laws recently passed in California that are considered some of the most generous protections in the nation for immigrants facing deportation. Here's a look at what's led up to Wednesday's action: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has said it will increase its presence in California, and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to cut off funding to jurisdictions that won't cooperate. At issue are three California laws that, among other things, bar police from asking people about their citizenship status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities. One prohibits employers from letting immigration agents enter worksites or view employee files without a subpoena or warrant, an effort to prevent workplace raids. California became a "sanctuary state" on Jan. 1 when a law went into effect barring police from asking people about their immigration status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities. California is home to an estimated 2.3 million immigrants without legal authorization. Under the legislation, police and sheriff's officials, including jail officers, can still work with federal immigration authorities if a person has been convicted of one of about 800 crimes, mostly felonies and misdemeanors that can be charged as felonies. But they are barred from transferring immigrants to federal authorities if their rap sheet includes only minor offenses. Local law enforcement agencies say that's not true. NBC 7's Alex Presha has more. More than 500 doctors and medical residents from Quebec, Canada, are speaking out against their own pay raises, which they find offensive given the struggles of nurses and patients, CNBC reports. "We, Quebec doctors who believe in a strong public system, oppose the recent salary increases negotiated by our medical federations," they said in a letter, also signed by 150 medical students. Canada has a public health system that provides "universal coverage for medically necessary health care services provided on the basis of need, rather than the ability to pay," according to a government website. While the average Canadian physician is paid $260,924 U.S. ($339,000 Canadian) per year, according to a recent Canadian Institute for Health Information report, that doesn't take into account what doctors must pay in overhead. A group seeking gun law reforms wants to line up 7,000 empty pairs of children's shoes near the U.S. Capitol this month -- each pair representing a child killed with a gun since the Sandy Hook massacre. The silent protest is intended to put pressure on lawmakers, Oscar Soria, spokesman for the online activist network Avaaz, told News4. The group is coordinating the display. "Before so many of us march in our capitol and across the nation, we want to call attention to all those who cant and remind Congress that part of why we march is because [gun violence victims] cant, he said. "The response from politicians the day of the Parkland shooting was inexcusable," a promotion for the D.C. event says. "...Now we need to shine the spotlight on all our lawmakers." The display is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 13. The group is seeking permits, Soria said. The National Park Service did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the permits. The event would precede the March for Our Lives, which survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, are organizing for March 24. Nearly 1,300 children die every year after being shot, according to data published in June 2017 in the medical journal Pediatrics. Another 5,790 children are hurt, the researchers said. Avaaz multiplied the fatality rate by the 5 years and three months that have passed since the Sandy Hook massacre and reached the approximate death toll figure of nearly 7,000 children's lives lost. Avaaz orchestrated a similar display of 11,000 shoes in Paris, in November 2015, to represent activists' opposition to climate change. Authorities cancelled planned marches after the terror attacks in the city that month. Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon were among those who donated shoes. Two days after the Parkland shooting, Avaaz parked three vehicles with billboards outside of Florida Sen. Marco Rubios office in Doral, Florida. The senator opposed a ban on the rifle used in the shooting that left 17 people dead. The billboards read "Slaughtered in school," "And still no gun control" and "How come, Marco Rubio?" Shoes can be donated at these locations through Sunday, March 11. Police have arrested a boy accused of using a North Carolina man's photo and name on social media to threaten a Maryland school with a shooting spree. A 14-year-old boy has been charged with making a threat of mass violence, Pringe George's County police said. Police say the boy had no means to carry out the threat, which spread fear and sent Crossland High School into lockdown on Tuesday. "I'm going on a shooting spree soon at Crossland High School in Temple Hills," the threatening tweet read. The Prince Georges County police and official school twitter handles were tagged in the post. Another tweet showed two photos of several guns. The school was placed in a modified lockdown: No one was allowed to enter the school, but parents could come pick up their children. Several did. "I just want to make sure that theyre safe," one parent said. "Its hard for me to focus at work, it will be just as hard for them to focus at school." "Considering what just happened in Florida, you still believe it can happen at home," Garry Herrod said before picking his son up from school early. "I was a little scared. I was uncomfortable," Herrods son said. County Police Chief Henry Stawinski posted a response on Twitter, saying the search for a suspect is narrowing, and urged the person who posted the threat to turn themself in. "We have narrowed our search for this individual down to a specific place, and I have detectives at that place right now," he said. The school promised to expel the person who posted the threat if they are a student. It's unclear if the boy attended Crossland High School or if he surrendered to police. The boy created a Twitter account using the name and photo of a 23-year-old North Carolina man. The mans mother told News4 that her son was not involved in the threat. This threat is one of many that schools in the D.C. area have confronted since the Feb. 14 shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school where a former student killed 17 people. An 18-year-old man turned himself in Monday after police accused him of posting a threat against Fairfax High School in Virginia. Two teenage boys turned themselves in and were charged in connection with a threat toward Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria, Virginia. Investigators say the boys were trying to impress a girl. A University of Maryland student, Ryan Matthew Sulkowski, was arrested and banned from campus for allegedly threatening to shoot campus police. Alwin Chen, a student at Clarksburg High School in Maryland, was arrested on accusations that he brought a loaded gun to school. Schools and police departments across the country have dealt with hundreds of threats since the Parkland shooting. Educator's School Safety Network, which tracks reports of school threats and violent incidents across the country, counted 797 incidents since the Parkland shooting. Nearly half of those threats were made over social media. Posted Wednesday, March 7, 2018 4:00 am Join Lacey Stokes and Jack Graves from United Healthcare for bingo and birthdays Wednesday, March 7. We will celebrate our March birthdays with cake provided by United Healthcare and then they will call bingo for us afterward. Susan from Oxford will be here the first Wednesday of each month to give us a brief Health Talk at 9:30 a.m. Stop in for a cup of coffee and hear what she has to say about improving our health. Our next community information meeting on Alzheimers is from 4-5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 8. These meetings are free and open to the public. We are starting a Plant it, Take it session on the Fridays of March. Come by the center at 10 a.m. Friday, March 9. We will be planting vegetables this week. We provide the seed and soil, you provide the pot and the hands and it is yours to take with you. The following week, we will plant vegetables. We will also have extra seed packets that you can take home for a donation. Jenna from Phoenix Home Health and Hospice will call bingo Monday, March 12. We appreciate members of WareHouse Church, who delivered our in-home meals for us last week. This week, members of Brentwood Church of Christ are delivering. Next week, Faith Southern Baptist Church members will take a turn. Thank you to all who take time from their busy schedules to help deliver meals to our in-home clients. If you would like to join us in this endeavor, we could always use new drivers. Call the center and discover what a joy it is to volunteer. The menu for March 7-14: March 7 - Texas barbecue chicken March 8 - Ham and beans March 9 - Tilapia or breaded pollock March 12 - Beef enchilada casserole March 13 - Moms meatloaf March 14 - Garlic and herb chicken All meals include dessert, bread and milk. Substitutions are available for the main dish on most days. We also have a salad bar for an additional contribution. All meals are subject to change without notice. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at MarshfieldSeniorCenterSeniorAgeMO/ and visit our website: A local mother is fighting to close a loophole that allowed her daughter's killer to buy an antique gun online despite being a registered sex offender. Marie Shade Adebayo died June, 1, 2015 after her ex-boyfriend shot her in the parking lot of a Target store in Germantown, Maryland. She was 24. On Tuesday, her mother, Cassandra Atkens, urged state lawmakers to bar felons and sex offenders from owning and buying antique guns, just like they are barred from buying other guns. "I'm trying to help another soul to survive today, and I hope that representatives will hear me today," Atkens said, her voice breaking with emotion. House Bill 402, also known as Shades Law, might have prevented the man who killed Atkens' daughter from getting a gun. Prosecutors say Donald Bricker Jr. bought an antique black powder revolver online and used it the same day to kill Adebayo. "It may have loaded like an 1851 weapon, but it fired like a 2017-manufactured modern handgun," the Montgomery County State's Attorney previously told News4. As a registered sex offender, Bricker could not buy a traditional gun in Maryland. But his purchase of the antique gun was legal. "It's not right. There must be something done to prevent that from happening," Atkens said. Adebayo and Bricker had broken up, but Bricker asked Adebayo to meet him outside Target to talk. Witnesses outside the store heard the two arguing in a car. Bricker shot Adebayo when she got out of his truck. Then, he stood over her and shot her again at close range. He was sentenced in October 2016 to life in prison without parole. A senior at Roosevelt High School in D.C. thought she was going to a session on Wednesday on college readiness. But she was in for the surprise of a lifetime. Clau Diah Buenconsejo is one of 10 D.C. students to be awarded a full scholarship to George Washington University In 2008, Buenconsejos mother immigrated to the United States from the Philippines. Seven years later, Buenconsejo and her other family members joined her mom to be reunited and start a life here together. Being here for like seven years without them, it was so hard, Buenconsejos mom said, choking back tears. Now I feel like all my hard works have been awarded. The high schooler is no stranger to hard work either. My first year was really really tough, Buenconsejo said. I had to get out of my comfort zone and start reaching out to clubs and organizations to get the hang of it." Now, the hardworking student is super excited to attend GW in the fall. Her dream is to become a clinical psychologist. The interim chancellor of DC Public Schools, the president of GW and the school's mascot George were at her school on Wednesday to deliver the good news. Im just looking forward to Clau Diah going on and being a wonderful person, having a great career, having a huge impact, Thomas J. LeBlanc, the GW president, said. For more than 25 years, GW has chosen 10 students out of hundreds of applicants to receive the Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Scholarship. The scholarship covers tuition, books, and room and board. A full ride to college is a very big deal, LeBlanc said. What we hope to do is transform a young persons life. President Donald Trump greeted North Korea's reported willingness to negotiate away its atomic weapons with both hope and skepticism Tuesday, insisting a potential diplomatic breakthrough be tested against the North's long history of deception and threats to target U.S. cities with nuclear missiles. "I really believe they are sincere," Trump said at a White House news conference, sounding more optimistic than his intelligence chief, Dan Coats, who told a Senate hearing he has "very, very low confidence" that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un intends to give up his nuclear arms. "Maybe this is a breakthrough. I seriously doubt it," Coats said. A senior South Korean presidential adviser said Tuesday that Kim expressed a willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament and halt nuclear and missile tests during future talks with the United States. The North didn't confirm those concessions, which would amount to a dramatic about-face for a nation that has frequently vowed to preserve its nuclear arsenal at any cost. Chung Eui-yong, the South Korean official who spoke after participating in talks with Kim in Pyongyang, also said the North Korean dictator had agreed to meet with South Korea's president at a border village in late April. Trump, who last fall told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson he was "wasting his time" trying to talk with the North, tweeted Tuesday that "possible progress" had been made in North Korea's capital and that all sides were making serious efforts. He added: "May be false hope, but the U.S. is ready to go hard in either direction!" Later, in an Oval Office photo session with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, Trump said the North Koreans "seem to be acting positively," but that the prospects will be clearer when diplomacy moves to the next stage. "We have come certainly a long way, at least rhetorically, with North Korea," Trump said. Of the possibility for peacefully resolving the nations' deep differences, he said: "It'd be a great thing for the world, would be a great for North Korea, it would be a great thing for the peninsula. But we'll see what happens." In Chung's account, Kim indicated he would not need to keep nuclear weapons if military threats against North Korea were removed and his nation received a credible security guarantee. That suggests the possibility Kim will insist in any deal that the U.S. withdraw its nearly 28,000 troops from South Korea. The North sees those forces and their periodic exercises with South Korean troops as a threat to invade the North. The White House issued a brief statement from Vice President Mike Pence suggesting nothing has changed in that area. A U.S. official said there were no plans to scrap the war games envisioned for next month. "All options are on the table, and our posture toward the regime will not change until we see credible, verifiable and concrete steps toward denuclearization," Pence said. Separately, highlighting a less-discussed dimension of the standoff with North Korea, the Pentagon's military intelligence chief told a Senate hearing that Kim has taken a "far different" approach to military preparedness than his father, Kim Jong Il, by imposing greater rigor and discipline in army training. Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, called it a "big change" and implied the improvements should be taken into account in considering the prospect of war on the Korean peninsula. North Korea's willingness to hold a "candid dialogue" with the United States to discuss denuclearization and establish diplomatic relations follows a year of increased fears of war, with Kim and Trump exchanging fiery rhetoric and crude insults over Kim's barrage of weapons tests. The Trump administration also pushed through some of the harshest economic sanctions any country has ever faced. Trump said Kim's apparent willingness to negotiate is likely due to the sanctions, and China's role in applying them. Still, there is wide skepticism that Tuesday's developments will bring genuine peace between the Koreas, which have a long history of failing to follow through with major rapprochement agreements. The United States has made it clear it doesn't want empty talks with North Korea and that all options, including military measures, are in play until the North actually surrenders its nuclear weapons, believed to number around 30. "We have seen nothing to indicate ... that he would be willing to give up those weapons," Coats said. Chung said the two Koreas would hold a summit at a South Korea-controlled facility. He said Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in will establish a "hotline" communication channel to lower military tensions, and would speak together before the get-together. It would be the third such summit since the Koreas' 1945 division. Kim Jong Il met liberal South Korean presidents in Pyongyang in 2000 and 2007. They resulted in a series of cooperative projects that were scuttled during subsequent conservative administrations in South Korea. A Hartford woman has pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of her disabled 17-year-old son, who weighed just 84 pounds when he died last year. Katiria Tirado pleaded guilty Tuesday under the Alford doctrine, meaning while she doesn't agree with state's case she acknowledges there is enough evidence for a conviction. The 34-year-old Hartford woman faces 11 years in prison at sentencing scheduled for June 5. Tirado called 911 in February 2017 because her son, Matthew, who was autistic and non-verbal, had been vomiting and had abdominal pain. He was taken to the hospital where he died hours later. Authorities said he was 5-feet, 8-inches tall and weighed 84 pounds and was suffering from severe malnourishment and dehydration. He also had several injuries. According to court records, Katiria Tirado screwed kitchen cabinets shot and locked the refrigerator to keep the teen from "overeating." Pre-sentencing is scheduled for June 5. The Maine Attorney General's Office says a Portland police officer was justified in fatally shooting a man who was brandishing a pellet gun because it appeared to be a real rifle. Sgt. Nicholas Goodman shot 22-year-old Chance David Baker in the parking lot of a strip mall in February 2017. In a report released Tuesday, investigators said Baker was holding an air rifle and seemed ready to pull the trigger. The report says Baker was drinking malt liquor in the parking lot and his blood alcohol level was later found to be several times the legal limit. Baker's grandmother, Terry Baker, tells the Portland Press Herald that the family disagrees with the finding. She says they have hired a lawyer but have not decided whether to sue police. A former Massachusetts elementary school custodian has been charged with having a loaded gun in his car on school grounds. James Healy, 21, appeared in Ayer District Court on various charges including possession of a large capacity firearm without a license and carrying a firearm on school grounds. His bail was set at $2,000. At his arraignment, Healy's lawyer told the court that his client has no criminal record. He also said that Healy suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and has struggled since his father's death. Westford police said the loaded gun was found inside Healey's trunk Tuesday while his car was park at Crisafulli Elementary School. The firearm had its serial number defaced. Authorities also said Healey isn't licensed to carry a gun and was fired after the discovery. Police said it was an anonymous tipster who showed a resource officer a picture of Healy with a handgun while on duty. "It was a social media post that one of our school resource officers had brought to her attention to a detective it had something to do with a firearm," said Westford Police Lt. James Peloquin. Westford Superintendent Everett Olsen issued a statement saying school safety is extremely important and that the incident was a breach of public trust. "For many years, we have devoted considerable time and effort to school security and the safety of our students and staff," Olsen said. "This is an egregious breach of public trust, school safety, and the work that our school system and public safety officials have done to keep our students safe." Parents at the school were notified of the incident on Tuesday. Police said there was never a threat to the school but as a security measure, students and staff would see a heavier police presence starting Wednesday. A popular outdoor sporting store in Maine has come under fire for selling "assault-style" weapons. An online petition with more than 4,600 signatures asks the Kittery Trading Post to stop selling these kinds of weapons and high capacity magazines, and urges consumers to boycott the store until they make a change. "I have a child who goes to school and I felt this was something I could no longer stay silent about," said Annette Spencer, one of seven women behind the petition. She said a group of her friends saw the violence in Parkland, Florida, and were motivated to make a change. "We felt there was a real movement among consumers, who maybe felt frustrated by a lack of progress in Washington," said Kristen Swann. Seeing retailers like Dick's Sporting Goods and L.L. Bean make gun sale changes encouraged the women. They hoped the Kittery Trading Post would consider similar moves. Swann said she did hear back from a company spokesperson, who said they would keep selling those kinds of weapons. "It was a very frustrating and disappointing conversation," she said. Now, they're calling for a boycott. "I can't shop there anymore, and I'm going to let people know," said Kim Vachon. A spokesperson for the Kittery Trading Post did not respond to multiple requests for comment Tuesday. Customers at the store were split on the issue. One man, who did not want to use his name, said the boycott was misdirected. He felt the most important issue to address was mental health. Supporters have launched their own online petition, asking the Kittery Trading Post to "uphold the traditions of rugged independence and outdoor enthusiasm" and continue selling semi-automatic weapons. It has more than 1,000 signatures. There is quite a rush on to build out edge computing networks, that vital link between the massive amount of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and data centers. One of the companies involved is newcomer EdgeMicro, which announced plans to deploy micro-data centers in 30 cities around the U.S. for an unnamed cellular partner. EdgeMicro said a leading North American mobile network operator has begun verification tests of its technology. It did not name the operator, but if its a national operator covering 30 major cities, there are only four obvious candidates Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint, or T-Mobile. Edge computing is an important step in making IoT work. The sheer volume of data generated by millions of IoT devices would overwhelm local cell towers and networks, not to mention data centers. The solution is to build out these edge networks to do the bulk of the processing work locally rather than sending it to a remote data center. There are several reasons for the process, not the least of which is latency. Even as fast as networks are these days, they aren't fast enough to handle all the network data coming from a smart car in, say, Dallas to a data center in Iowa and back. It's better to process the data in Dallas and send the results back to the car in town. Zero-latency networks EdgeMicro says it can deliver zero latency at scale, something not thought possible. This has enormous implications for a range of use cases that benefit from zero latency networks. These applications with continuous feedback loops, include virtual reality, robotics, futuristic industrial automation, telemedicine, next-gen hosted and streaming gaming, driverless cars, and so much more, said Anton Kapela, CTO of EdgeMicro, in a statement. The 30 cities where EdgeMicro would like to deploy its micro data centers are Portland, Oregon; Sacramento, California; San Diego; Las Vegas; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Denver; Albuquerque, New Mexico; El Paso, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; Kansas City, Missouri; Oklahoma City; Austin, Texas; Houston; San Antonio; MinneapolisSaint Paul, Minnesota; Des Moines, Iowa; St. Louis; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; New Orleans; Detroit; Cleveland; Rochester, New York; Pittsburgh; Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina; Jacksonville, Florida; and Tampa, Florida. The microcontainers were jointly developed with the European power giant Schneider Electric and use EdgeMicros protocol called Tower Traffic Xchange (TTX), which will determine whether content is available locally or needs to be retrieved from the internet. Edge networks are not unlike content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Akamai and Cloudflare, which act as a cache by placing content in dozens of data centers spread out geographically. Its necessary because hyperscale data centers cannot meet this demand of IoT volume. But for edge networks, a new breed of vendors has emerged. One company written about here before is Vapor IO, a startup that puts mini data centers called Vapor Edge Computing containers at cell towers. Schneider Electric has a line of micro data center modules, and Vertiv (formerly Emerson Network Power) has its own line of outdoor enclosures. The market has major potential. Market research firm Markets and Markets says the micro data center sector could be worth an incredible $32 billion over the next two years. Legal wrangle has 'cost a fortune' says Iraq war veteran A NEWBURY businessmans battle with a multi-billion-dollar company for his own brands right to exist is still raging, despite him winning the first skirmish. Daniel Smith created Thirsty Beasts to provide a range of low-sugar and caffeine-free drinks for adults and children. However, he was forced to abandon his launch in 2016 when Monster Energy opposed the trademark application, claiming that customers would confuse the two brands. Monster opposed the application owing to the inclusion of the words Monster or Beast, considering it too close to its Unleash the Beast or Rehab the Beast slogans found on the reverse of some cans. Thirsty Beasts was first to draw blood in the David versus Goliath fight when the Trademark Office ruled in the Newbury companys favour in November last year. But the fight isnt over for Iraq War veteran Mr Smith as Monster, which made a gross profit of $1,634,080 in the first nine months of last year, has appealed the decision. Speaking to the Newbury Weekly News, Mr Smith said: Its a bit of a faff and difficult at this stage to say what the outcome will be. Its a waste of money. Its a fledgling business. We should be out marketing and campaigning, but weve had to ditch all the product and were back to square one. Its disappointing. When we got the ruling we assumed that would be it. The Trademark Office ruled there was no similarity whatsoever and they owe me money for a waste of time. Its cost a fortune and its debilitated us. I get the feeling this is the action they use to grind you down, then you cant afford to continue. The point is, if I was going to pull out I would have done it a long time ago. We have every right to exist. It might not be going anywhere at the moment but theres the principle behind it; an American company that just happens to dislike a brand in the UK. Its a monopoly they have in that area of the business . . . they shouldnt be allowed to do this. How do they know what Im capable of as a business? The appeal is set to be heard in May. Monster Energy was contacted for comment, but did not respond by the time this paper went to press. Posted Wednesday, March 7, 2018 3:00 am A project to replace the bridge deck the driving surface of the James River bridge on Webster County Route B south of Marshfield starts this week, the Missouri Department of Transportation said. This week, drivers can expect one-lane traffic across the bridge with temporary signals regulating traffic while contractor crews do prep work ahead of the main project. From March 5-9, all lanes will be open during nighttime hours. Route B is scheduled to close at the bridge at 7 a.m. Monday, March 12, to allow crews to remove the bridge deck and begin major repairs to the bridge. The contractors schedule calls for the work on Route B to be completed by the end of April/early May. During the closing of Route B, drivers can use a signed detour using Webster County Route OO, Route 38, Webster County Route A and Route PP. Once Route B is completed, crews will move to the James River bridge on Webster County Route KK and complete an identical project. However, the project on Route KK will not start until late May, when local schools are out for summer vacation. The entire project is set for completion by early December 2018. However, contractor crews expect the project to be complete by early August. The prime contractor doing the work is Widel, Inc. of Blackwater. The estimated total project cost is $1.4 million. David Stemerman, a hedge fund billionaire from Greenwich, officially announced hes running for governor earlier this week, but the map on his campaign sign was a little off. Either Stemerman has plans to take over a small nub of Massachusetts that nudges into the Northwest corner of the Nutmeg state, or his graphics team just got the map wrong and left out Connecticuts notch. Bronin asks state to remove NRA from statute Hartford mayor and gubernatorial candidate Luke Bronin is asking state legislative leaders and Governor Dannel P. Malloy to end the National Rifle Associations role in Connecticuts firearms permitting process. The NRA may once have focused on promoting responsible gun ownership, but today they serve as lobbyists for the gun industry and as intransigent opponents of common-sense reforms to Americas gun laws, Bronin wrote in a letter to the governor and state legislators. I am concerned that Connecticut is inadvertently supporting this organization by providing it recognition in state statute. In order to obtain firearms permits, Connecticut residents must go through basic safety training certified by the NRA and similar groups, per state statute. The State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection explicitly refers people interested in obtaining a pistol permit to a handgun safety course, which must consist of no less than the NRA's Basic Pistol Course. Hartford knows the tragedy of gun violence all too well, and its unacceptable that Connecticut law legitimizes the NRA and effectively requires residents to support the NRA even as the NRA blocks common-sense gun safety laws at the national level, Bronin said in a statement. Without common-sense gun laws at the national level, residents of the City of Hartford and of our state as a whole will continue to see guns from states with weaker gun laws used in crimes. Fourth GOP gubernatorial debate postponed The fourth district gubernatorial debate hosted by the Connecticut Republican Party has been postponed because of predicted inclement weather. The debate, which was set to take place at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Saxe Middle School in New Canaan, has been rescheduled for April 18 at the same time and place. Tickets purchased for the original date are transferable. Party chairman J.R. Romano said around 500 tickets have been sold for the event. The fifth district debate will still take place April 4 at New Britain High School as scheduled. HARTFORD Back in 1991, he recruited a young lawyer out of the University of Connecticut School of Law to join the high-powered law firm of Pullman & Comley. Now, John Stafstrom, Bridgeports former Democratic Town Committee chairman and a partner at Pullman & Comley, has registered a lobbying group in attempt to confirm Supreme Court Justice Andrew J. McDonald of Stamford as the next chief justice. True Justice, LLC, has underwritten a robocall campaign aimed at Republican state lawmakers who appear lined up against McDonald. The GOP leader of the Senate on Tuesday charged that the effort is an intimidation campaign. Last week, the General Assemblys Judiciary Committee voted 20-20 on the nomination of McDonald, who has been an associate member of the high court for five years, after serving as Gov. Dannel P. Malloys Capitol attorney. True Justice was formed by friends of Andrews, with the purpose of getting the message out there, Stafstrom said in an interview. We all have had professional relationships with him. I hired him for the firm out of law school. Ive watched his progress from day one, and now I dont know anyone whos better prepared. The group was registered as an LLC on Feb. 26, the day that McDonald sat for 13 hours of questions from the legislative Judiciary Committee. True Justices address is listed at Stafstroms Bridgeport home, as well as the Bridgeport office of Pullman and Comley, which is headquartered in Hartford, but also has offices in Stamford, Waterbury and White Plains. On lobbyist disclosure forms for True Justice, Stafstrom is listed with Ernest Teitell, a partner in the Stamford law firm of Silver Golub & Teitell. Stafstrom, like several state law school deans and members of major law firms that have made their feelings known to state lawmakers, is concerned about the politicization of McDonalds nomination. Votes are scheduled in the House of Representatives on March 12. We have never had partisanship like this in Connecticut, Stafstrom said. Folks are hiding behind the claim of judicial activism. Stafstrom recalled the October 2008 Supreme Court decision that ruled the states civil-union law unconstitutional, setting the scene for the states gay-marriage law, adopted by the General Assembly in 2009. Written by Justice Richard Palmer, the decision was the target of a scathing dissent by then-Justice Peter Zarella, who wrote that marriage is primarily for heterosexual procreation. An appointee of former Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell, Zarellas reappointment a few months later was proposed on the state Senate floor by McDonald then co-chairman of the Judiciary Committee who if confirmed could become the first openly gay state chief justice in the nation. Stafstrom said that supporters of the Stamford jurist are very concerned about the issue of homophobia. If this nomination fails, it will be a message to young gay people who are doing the right thing, Stafstrom said. People who put together a stellar legal career and get turned down for something they are eminently qualified. We are encouraging concerned citizens to call state senators in a variety of ways. Hundreds of phone calls have arrived in Capitol offices, prompting Republican Senate Leader Len Fasano to say on Tuesday that members of his caucus are targets of pressure tactics, but they will base their decisions on McDonalds record on the bench and what they believe to be the best interests of the state. My caucus will not be intimidated into voting a certain way on Justice McDonald or swayed by expensive campaign tactics paid for by powerful politically-connected attorneys, said Fasano, of North Haven. Legislators will be making our decisions based upon Justice McDonalds record, not based upon negative attacks by politically-connected attorneys who have reaped millions of dollars from the state of Connecticut. According to the states website, Pullman and Comley, LLC has received more than $5.2 million in state contracts since 2011, including $1.2 million in 2014. Silver Golub & Teitell has been paid more than $10 million from the state comptrollers office since 2015, according to the site. State Representative Bill Buckbee recently testified before the Transportation Committee at the Legislative Office Building. Buckbee, a New Milford Republican, advocated for the expansion of commuter rail service to New Milford while speaking in favor of H.B. 5315, An Act Concerning Rails. Rail service will be a big positive for the town of New Milford and surrounding areas, he said. This will allow those working in neighboring towns an alternative means to commute to and from their jobs, alleviating some traffic on our congested highways. The addition of rail will also boost our local economy and increase tourism to our historic town, he added. Several local businesses and their employees have contacted him regarding their commute times, the state representative said. Often these commutes are upwards of two hours each way. State Senator Toni Boucher (R-26th) , co-chairman of the Transportation Committee, explained specifically how the extension of the Danbury-Norwalk line would benefit those living in the southwestern part of the state. Commuters will go from one town to the next, not New York City, to work, she said. It is one of the longest north-south branch lines and has great potential economically and otherwise, so thank you for adding your voice to the discussion, she said. This expansion isnt just an extension of the New York Metro, Buckbee responded. Representing a municipality that is lacking in public transportation, it simply makes sense to expand the commuter rail service to reduce the stresses around the limited local transportation options available to my community, Buckbee said. Many people interested in this rail service work just one or two towns over, it will be helpful to provide some options to these workers. While Buckbee is aware that funding will be a major barrier in terms of passing this initiative at the state level, he continues to work with key stakeholders and federal leadership to augment his advocacy efforts in Hartford. I can personally attest to your sincere commitment around the rail line issue, so I commend you for that, said State Representative Fred Wilms (R-142nd). I think your proposal deserves worthy consideration. I know you are a strong advocate for the extension of that line, and I join you in the hope we can do that one day, said State Representative Gail Lavielle (R-143rd). I thank you for bringing it upperhaps some of the discussion we have had about private-public partnerships will ultimately be helpful in that regard. In the years since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Danbury-area school districts joined a national push for increased security, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in safety upgrades for school buildings. But in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., shooting the deadliest school shooting since Sandy Hook communities have again focused on whether schools are doing enough to protect students and staff. Nearly all Danbury-area districts have, or made plans to, review security during school board meetings since 17 people died during a Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Just this week, security was on the agenda for Danbury, New Milford and Region 9 school board meetings. Brookfield and Bethel addressed it last week and New Fairfield and Ridgefield will do so in upcoming meetings. The Region 9 meeting, which drew a crowd of more than 200, was specifically scheduled to discuss safety after a dozen people raised security questions during a school board meeting last week. At the forum, as in many school safety discussions, the conversation focused on how both physical security measures and a supportive environment can prevent a crisis. We are mindful of the simple question of, What are you doing to make the building safe? Superintendent Thomas McMorran said. But as educators, we know the things were trying to do to to build a community in which no child comes to feel completely isolated and victimized by everyone else. McMorran outlined the safety measures the district has put in place since Sandy Hook, such as additional cameras, protective window lining, motion detectors and buzz-in devices at school entrances. He also reviewed how staff works to make the district socially safe, using student-intervention teams, crisis-response teams and efforts by guidance staff to help troubled students before they consider resorting to violence. Other school districts have invited police to take part in school security discussions since the Florida massacre. In an open letter to the community last week, Danbury Superintendent Sal Pascarella said he invited police commanders to meet with principals to discuss the Parkland shooting, review safety procedures and determine whether any adjustments or added training is necessary. Members of the New Milford Police Department joined administrators and the Board of Education on Tuesday to discuss safety protocols in executive session. The school board then distributed a security overview to the public during its regular meeting immediately afterward. The review comes after two students were arrested at New Milford High School this week, one for a small fire set in a bathroom and another for threatening a teacher. School officials and the police department plan to hold a forum on the districts safety, administrators said, but a date has not yet been set. Were entering a whole new realm of school security, Board of Education Chairman David Lawson said. In Ridgefield, Superintendent Karen Baldwin sent a letter reviewing safety protocols and said the Board of Education will invite Police Chief John Roche and Robert Miller, who oversees security in the district, to its March 27 meeting to discuss procedures. New Fairfields community outreach subcommittee will discuss school security at 6 p.m. on Thursday. Most of the two dozen who spoke at the Region 9 meeting called for security improvements, such as installing metal detectors or locking school entrances throughout the day. But the most popular request was for an armed school resource officer at Joel Barlow High School. The high school has three security guards, adminstrators said, but does not have an officer licensed to carry a firearm, as the middle and elementary schools do. I dont see why every school in our system has an SRO officer and my school doesnt, one high school senior said at the forum. So I guess my question is, Are the high schoolers lives less valuable than the middle school and elementary schools? Several speakers expressed concern about introducing an armed officer into the school. But when one speaker asked those who favor the idea to raise their hands, nearly everyone in the crowd did. School board members and town officials at the forum briefly discussed how they could add the position. I think most board members would strongly consider adding an SRO, but the stumbling block becomes whos going to fund it, Region 9 Chairman Mike DAgostino said. The Region 12 School District Board of Education will present Your Voice Matters - Selecting the Region 12 School District Superintendent of Schools, several opportunities for community members to share their insight on the hiring of the next Region 12 superintendent of schools. Dr. Joseph Erardi, a search consultant working with the Board of Education, will facilitate a one-hour meeting March 14 at 7 p.m. at Washington Primary School on School Street in Washington, March 21 at 7 p.m. at Burnham School on Route 133 in Bridgewater and March 22 at 7 p.m. at Booth Free School on South Street in Roxbury. British Prime Minister Theresa May will bring up UKs concerns over the political and humanitarian situation in Yemen, during the visit Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman is starting this Wednesday in London. The Prime Minister is to lobby Riyadh to end the three-year old conflict, which has killed nearly 10,000 people, her office said Tuesday. Prime Minister May, her office said, would make clear that we urgently need to see progress on the political track to end the conflict and humanitarian suffering in Yemen. She will also reiterate how seriously we take allegations of violation against international humanitarian law and emphasize the need to ensure these are investigated swiftly and thoroughly. May will welcome Wednesday afternoon Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman on his way from Egypt as he embarks on first international tour since becoming heir of the Saudi throne in June. The visit comes amid hot debate over Londons role in bringing an end to the Yemen conflict where Saudi Arabia has been leading a Pan-Arab coalition with the support of British military hardware and equipment. Around 10,000 people have lost their lives in the three-year old war which left the poorest Arab country in shambles. The visit, to seal a new era of bilateral cooperation between the two countries as London tries to woo Riyadh for closer trade and partnership deals in post Brexit, has raised eyes brows in the UK with several protests awaiting the young powerful royal. A coalition of UK human rights groups are planning to protest against bin Salmans visit outside Downing Street and near the Parliament to denounce what the coalition said is Saudi Arabias brutal and illegal bombing in Yemen and Londons support for the Gulf state, Middle East Eye (MEE) reports. Campaigners will also protest the use of counterterrorism laws to prosecute human rights activists and dissidents in Saudi Arabia, claiming that the Crown Princes modernizing agenda, as a cover to crack down on opponents. During his three-day visit in London, the Crown Prince will attend a joint UK-Saudi Arabia summit to launch a strategic partnership council. Next leg of his international tour will take him to France and then to Washington. ington Supply Company in Washington is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. The historic business in town will be the topic of discussion at the Washington History Club meeting March 19 at 10 a.m. at the senior center in Bryan Hall Plaza. Management and staff will be on hand to share stories and answer questions. The business is shown at right in a 1915 photograph by Joseph West. If you have a Way Back When photograph youd like to share, contact Deborah Rose at or 860-355-7324. The surgery went fine. Her doctors left for the day. Four hours later, Paulina Tam started gasping for air. Internal bleeding was cutting off her windpipe, a well-known complication of the spine surgery she had undergone. But a Medicare inspection report describing the event says that nobody who remained on duty that evening at the Northern California surgery center knew what to do. How a push to cut costs and boost profits at surgery centers led to a trail of death. A team of journalists based in California, Indiana, New Jersey, Florida, Washington, D.C., and Virginia worked to tell this story in a partnership between Kaiser Health News and USA TODAY Network. Christina Jewett is a senior correspondent for Kaiser Health News. Mark Alesia is an investigative reporter for the Indianapolis Star. Reporters pored through thousands of pages of court records and crisscrossed the U.S. to talk to injured patients or families of the deceased. For more than a year, using federal and state open-records laws, reporters gathered more than 12,000 inspection records and 1,500 complaint reports, as well as autopsies and EMS documents and medical records, together forming the foundation for this report. In desperation, a nurse did something that would not happen in a hospital. She dialed 911. By the time an ambulance delivered Tam to the emergency room, the 58-year-old mother of three was lifeless, according to the report. If Tam had been operated on at a hospital, a few simple steps could have saved her life. But like hundreds of thousands of other patients each year, Tam went to one of the nation's 5,600-plus surgery centers. Such centers started nearly 50 years ago as low-cost alternatives for minor surgeries. They now outnumber hospitals as federal regulators have signed off on an ever-widening array of outpatient procedures in an effort to cut federal health care costs. Thousands of times each year, these centers call 911 as patients experience complications ranging from minor to fatal. Yet no one knows how many people die as a result, because no national authority tracks the tragic outcomes. An investigation by Kaiser Health News and the USA TODAY Network has discovered that more than 260 patients have died since 2013 after in-and-out procedures at surgery centers across the country. Dozens some as young as 2 have perished after routine operations, such as colonoscopies and tonsillectomies. Reporters examined autopsy records, legal filings and more than 12,000 state and Medicare inspection records, and interviewed dozens of doctors, health policy experts and patients throughout the industry, in the most extensive examination of these records to date. The investigation revealed: Surgery centers have steadily expanded their business by taking on increasingly risky surgeries. At least 14 patients have died after complex spinal surgeries like those that federal regulators at Medicare recently approved for surgery centers. Even as the risks of doing such surgeries off a hospital campus can be great, so is the reward. Doctors who own a share of the center can earn their own fee and a cut of the facility's fee, a meaningful sum for operations that can cost $100,000 or more. To protect patients, Medicare requires surgery centers to line up a local hospital to take their patients when emergencies arise. In rural areas, centers can be 15 or more miles away. Even when the hospital is close, 20 to 30 minutes can pass between a 911 call and arrival at an ER. Some surgery centers are accused of overlooking high-risk health problems and treat patients who experts say should be operated on only in hospitals, if at all. At least 25 people with underlying medical conditions have left surgery centers and died within minutes or days. They include an Ohio woman with out-of-control blood pressure, a 49-year-old West Virginia man awaiting a heart transplant and several children with sleep apnea. Some surgery centers risk patient lives by skimping on training or lifesaving equipment. Others have sent patients home before they were fully recovered. On their drives home, shocked family members in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Georgia discovered their loved ones were not asleep but on the verge of death. Surgery centers have been criticized in cases where staff didn't have the tools to open a difficult airway or skills to save a patient from bleeding to death. Most operations done in surgery centers go off without a hitch. And surgery carries risk, no matter where it's done. Some centers have state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained staff that are better prepared to handle emergencies. But Kaiser Health News and the USA TODAY Network found more than a dozen cases where the absence of trained staff or emergency equipment appears to have put patients in peril. And in cases similar to Tam's, upper-spine surgery patients have been sent home too soon, with the risk of suffocation looming. In 2008, a 35-year-old Oregon father of three struggled for air, pounding the car roof in frustration while his wife sped him to a hospital. A Dallas man collapsed in his father's arms waiting for an ambulance in 2011. Another Oregon man began to suffocate in his living room the night of his upper-spine surgery in 2014. A San Diego man gasped "like a fish," his wife recalled, as they waited for an ambulance on April 28, 2016. None of them survived. Spinal surgery patient McArthur Roberson, 60, lost more than a quart of blood during the operation and struggled to breathe after surgery, his family claimed in a lawsuit. He died on the way home. If he "had been observed in a hospital overnight," said Dr. Daniel Silcox, an Atlanta spine surgeon and expert for the family in their lawsuit, "his death would not have occurred." The surgery center denied wrongdoing in the case, which reached a confidential settlement in 2017. Many in the health care field from doctors to private insurance companies to Medicare have dismissed the mounting deaths as medical anomalies beyond the control of physicians. USA TODAY Network and KHN reporters contacted 24 doctors and surgery center administrators about patient deaths and none would answer questions about what went wrong, citing patient privacy laws, or referring reporters to attorneys. Responding to lawsuits around the nation, surgery centers have argued that fatal complications were among the known outcomes of such surgeries. Two centers blamed patients for negligence in their own demise. Bill Prentice, chief executive of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, declined to speak about individual cases but said he has seen no data proving surgery centers are less safe than hospitals. "There is nothing distinct or different about the surgery center model that makes the provision of health care any more dangerous than anywhere else," Prentice said. "The human body is a mysterious thing, and a patient that has met every possible protocol can walk in that day and still have something unimaginable happen to them that has nothing to do with the care that's being provided." However, Dr. Kenneth Rothfield, board member of the Physician-Patient Alliance for Health & Safety, said many surgery centers and physicians push the envelope on how much can be done in outpatient centers. "It's important to realize that surgery centers are not hospitals," he said. "They have different resources, different equipment." At a hospital, doctors and nurses know how they are going to respond. These guys at the surgery centers are walking on a tightrope with no safety net. Attorney Glenn Ellis The explosive growth of surgery centers which receive $4.1 billion a year from Medicare has taken place under circumstances some medical experts consider unseemly. Federal law allows surgery center doctors unlike others to steer patients to facilities they own, rather than the full-service hospital down the street. In some cases, doing so could increase the risk to a patient, but double a physician's profits. Prentice said physician ownership of surgery centers is a good thing. "The physicians who practice there are responsible for everything that happens in that surgery center from the moment the patient walks out of their car in the parking lot to the moment they leave," he said. But several studies have shown that surgery center doctors who are owners perform operations more frequently. And in lawsuits across the country, surgery center doctors have been accused of taking risks with patients. Even some who've made their living in the surgery center industry have expressed concerns. Dr. Larry Teuber, a South Dakota neurosurgeon who worked as an executive in the surgery center industry for 22 years, said he has watched surgery center owners take on increasingly complex and lucrative orthopedic and spinal surgeries, undercutting a nearby hospital's profits for their own gain. "When you're making money doing [complex surgeries] you get on a slippery ethical slope," Teuber said. "The money overshadows everything." The History The first surgery center in the U.S. opened in Phoenix in 1970, a place "squeezed between neighborhood shops and a Baptist church," where, for $90, a child could receive an incision to relieve pressure on the inner ear, The Arizona Republic reported at the time. The pioneering doctors, John Ford and Wallace Reed, didn't see why patients needed to be hospitalized for such minor surgeries. Taking the procedures out of hospitals reduced the cost for patients and insurers because surgery centers don't require the same level of staffing or lifesaving equipment. Medicare helped drive the expansion of surgery centers when it began paying for procedures in 1982. Then in 1993, Congress encouraged doctors to open surgery centers by exempting them from the second Stark Law, which prevents doctors from steering patients to other businesses they own. Doctors-turned-entrepreneurs drove early growth, urging their patients to give the centers a chance. Seeing lucrative elective surgeries moving away, hospitals increasingly bought centers of their own. Last year, insurance giant UnitedHealth Group spent $2.3 billion buying a national surgery center chain. The centers have been popular with patients, who enjoy the convenience and personalized care. Doctors say they like the ease of planning operations without unexpected trauma surgeries upending the schedule. And surgery centers have thrived even as hospitals have battled to contain the spread of infections. Today, there are 5,616 Medicare-certified centers. The expansion has come despite lingering safety concerns. In 2007, Medicare noted that surgery centers "have neither patient safety standards consistent with those in place for hospitals, nor are they required to have the trained staff and equipment needed to provide the breadth of intensity of care. " Some procedures are "unsafe" to be handled at surgery centers, the report concluded. Medicare advised the centers to transfer patients to hospitals when emergencies arise. Only a third of surgery centers participate in a voluntary effort to report how often that happens. They sent at least 7,000 patients to the hospital in the year that ended in September 2017, a KHN analysis of surgery center industry data shows. Not all survive the trip. In the 21st century in the USA, a doctor doing a surgery on a patient has to call 911? Give me a break. It's just absolutely ignorant. Robin Long They include James Long, 56, who had no pulse when an ambulance came to the Colorado surgery center where he'd undergone more than five hours of lower-spine surgery in 2014, according to the center's medical records provided to the family's attorney. The state reviewed the case and cited no deficiencies. Jen Kenitzer, the Minimally Invasive Spine Institute administrator, said the center has "extensive procedures in place to respond quickly and appropriately" in emergencies. Yet Long's loved ones remain troubled by the case. "In the 21st century in the USA, a doctor doing a surgery on a patient has to call 911?" said Robin Long, his ex-wife, who did not sue the center. "Give me a break. It's just absolutely ignorant." Preparation Under Par Patients enter hospitals with heart attacks, gunshot wounds and traumatic injuries. There, doctors and nurses become skilled at saving lives in emergencies. Doctors in surgery centers may excel at the procedures they perform most often. But the centers aren't always prepared and sometimes struggle in a crisis, according to a review of Medicare records and more than 70 lawsuits. Health inspectors working on behalf of Medicare have discovered 230 lapses in rescue equipment or training regulations at surgery centers since 2015. A center in California had empty oxygen tanks. One operating on children in Arkansas didn't have a pediatric tracheotomy set to restore breathing; another lacked pediatric defibrillator pads to shock hearts back into rhythm. In an ongoing lawsuit against her and the center, anesthesiologist Dr. Yoori Yim testified that she came up empty-handed on Dec. 23, 2015, when grappling to find the right-sized airway tube to save a patient who had stopped breathing. Rekhaben Shah, 67, had come to Oak Tree Surgery Center in Edison, N.J., for a simple colonoscopy. Yim tried a variety of methods to help Shah breathe, with limited success. From the moment Shah stopped breathing on the operating table, 33 minutes passed before a paramedic effectively inserted a breathing tube, according to medical and EMS records. Paramedics responding to the center's 911 call had to use a video GlideScope to see inside the patient's throat, equipment the surgery center didn't have, court testimony says. By then it was too late. Shah was removed from life support at a nearby hospital on Christmas Day. Neither Yim nor the center returned calls for comment. In court records, an expert for the surgery center said Shah's airway was obstructed and it was cleared around the time the paramedics arrived. He said the GlideScope is not required in New Jersey, nor would it likely have made a difference. An expert for Yim, however, said her actions were appropriate and if a GlideScope had been at the center, "we would probably not be discussing this case at all." When emergency crews arrive, surgery centers are not always prepared to receive them. In Yim's case, paramedics testified that she refused to move away from Shah and allow them to attempt lifesaving measures. In Florida, paramedics who rushed to a surgery center after its usual operating hours hit a locked door while a patient inside gasped for breath. The 55-year-old remains in a vegetative state. In 2016, paramedics arrived at West Lakes Surgery Center in Iowa as staff tried to revive 12-year-old Reuben Van Veldhuizen after he experienced complications during a tonsillectomy, according to a Medicare inspection report. One paramedic told state inspectors she had to ask who was in charge of the resuscitation efforts. No one replied, the inspection report says. The boy made it to the hospital 37 minutes after the surgery center staff called 911. There, he was pronounced dead. The family filed suit, alleging that the center and anesthesiologist erred in giving the boy an anesthetic that carries a warning about cardiac arrest risk in young boys. In court records responding to the lawsuit, the surgery center and anesthesiologist said Reuben's death was a result of "pre-existing conditions, acts of others, or conditions over which (Defendants) had no control or responsibility." Yet lawyers who sue the centers and scrutinize their internal records say they often see deadly delays in care. Pedro Maldonado, 59, went to Ambulatory Care Center in New Jersey to have his upper digestive tract scoped. He was discovered unresponsive 10 minutes after the seven-minute procedure, according to his widow's lawsuit. It took surgery center staff 25 more minutes to start CPR, according to a lawsuit that Philadelphia attorney Glenn Ellis filed on behalf of Maldonado's widow. Twenty-seven more minutes passed before Maldonado was wheeled into an ER, the widows ongoing suit alleges. Maldonado never regained consciousness. Reached by phone, a center administrator declined to comment. In a legal filing, the center denied claims of wrongdoing. "At a hospital, doctors and nurses know how they are going to respond," Ellis said. "These guys at the surgery centers are walking on a tightrope with no safety net." Conveyor Belt Of Care While the thrum of a hospital continues through the night, some surgery center doctors keep banker's hours. That means patients whose surgeries end later in the day are sometimes left in the care of one or two nurses for up to 23-hour stays. Some patients have been sent home to grapple with complications on their own. Sondra Wallace went to the Surgery Center of Oklahoma in early 2017 for a sinus procedure. After the procedure, doctors saw her blood-oxygen level sinking. They realized she had had a reaction to the anesthesia and at 2 p.m. gave her a drug to reverse the effects, an ongoing lawsuit filed by her husband says. Then, an hour later, they sent her home with her husband, Larry, the lawsuit says. It was 3 p.m. on the Friday before Presidents Day weekend. "I just think they wanted to start their three-day weekend," said daughter Casey Podoll. Larry Wallace alleges in the suit that the center gave him no hint that Sondra had a reaction to the anesthesia. So, Wallace thought nothing of her napping in the back seat as he drove for more than two hours through Oklahoma pastures on his way home. When he arrived, he discovered his wife cold in the back seat. She was pronounced dead at Jackson County Memorial Hospital at 6:30 p.m. that day. "They didn't give any indication that there were any red flags whatsoever," Podoll said. Craig Buchan, attorney for the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, said Wallace met discharge criteria and her cause of death has not been determined. He said the center did not close any earlier "than often occurs after the last patient is discharged." Cecilia Aldridge said she also felt as if the staff at a surgery center was rushing her out the door, after her 2-year-old daughter's tonsil surgery in Arkansas in 2015. A lawsuit filed by the parents said the surgery center "discharged Abbygail too early because a snow storm was moving into the area." Abbygail turned blue in the car on the way home. Her mother said she raced into an emergency room, shouting for help, her toddler in her arms. "She never woke up," Aldridge said tearfully in an interview. Abbygail's parents now question whether the surgery center ever should have been willing to treat their daughter. Risky Patients Because surgery centers have less safety equipment and staffing than hospitals, industry leaders stress the importance of selecting patients healthy enough to fare well. Their predictions, though, are not always correct. Abbygail, who loved her hand-me-down blanket and the film "Frozen," had sleep apnea, an irregular heartbeat and was very heavy for her age, according to the lawsuit. Sleep apnea increases the risk of serious complications in surgery and the night after, medical research shows. Given her condition, Abbygail "should have been admitted [to a hospital] and monitored post-procedure," said Dr. Charles Cote, a retired Harvard pediatric anesthesiology professor who was not involved in the family's lawsuit. The lawsuit says Abbygail's risk factors "were documented and known by the Defendants," including the doctor. It said the toddler should have been operated on "in an inpatient setting under hospital care and monitored overnight." Dr. Michael Marsh performed Abbygail's tonsillectomy at Executive Park Surgery Center in Fort Smith, Ark. The surgery center's lawyer declined to comment. The doctor's lawyer did not return email and voice messages. In court documents responding to the lawsuit, Marsh and the center denied wrongdoing. In the court filing, Marsh said the toddler's injuries were "the natural progression" of her illness. Executive Park Surgery Center said in a court filing that no action on their part was a proximate cause of any damages or injury. The case was settled. In at least 25 cases, surgery centers opened their doors to ailing and fragile patients who died after simple procedures, such as tonsillectomies, retinal repairs or colonoscopies, KHN and USA TODAY Network found. Medicare asks surgery centers to assess each patient's risk, but inspectors flagged 122 surgery centers in 2015 and 2016 alone for lapses in risk assessments. Some centers failed to gauge risk at all. Others overlooked their own policies. Doctors can use an anesthesia risk assessment to screen out fragile patients healthy patients get a score of 1, and a score of 5 means a person is nearly dead. A few states, including Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, bar certain surgery centers from operating on patients with an anesthesia risk score of 4. But most states don't go that far. They leave such decisions up to doctors. And some of those decisions have been cited in tragic outcomes. Sabino Sifuentes, 74, had survived triple-bypass surgery. But on March 23, 2015, nine minutes after the start of anesthesia for an eye procedure, he became unresponsive, never to be revived, according to a Medicare inspection report. A nurse anesthetist who reviewed the case at Eye-Q Vision Care's surgery center in Fresno, Calif., told state health inspectors that Sifuentes should have been given a risk score of 4 and his care was "completely mismanaged," the inspection report says. In response to the family's lawsuit, the surgery center said Sifuentes' injury was caused by his own negligence and others'. Five other patients with the same risk score died after routine procedures at surgery centers across the U.S. A Widening Niche Such tragedies rarely find their way into the discussion when Medicare decides whether to approve new procedures at surgery centers. Take spinal surgery. Until 2015, Medicare wouldn't pay for it at surgery centers. Then, the industry's trade association urged the agency to make the change, and encouraged a letter-writing campaign from surgery centers across the nation. Letter writers included Dr. Alan Villavicencio, a Colorado surgeon who said he'd been doing such surgeries for 12 years and found that his patients "appreciate the convenience and cost savings." He did not mention that James Long, 56, had died three weeks earlier at a Lafayette, Colo., surgery center where he is an owner, a review of Colorado health department and medical board records shows. United Surgical Partners International, a surgery center chain, also weighed in urging even more procedures to be approved, not mentioning a patient death hours after a spine surgery at one of its affiliate centers several months before, according to court records and securities filings. The chain said in a statement that it stands behind its comments in support of the proposal. Such letters carry weight with Medicare, which approves procedures to be done in surgery centers based on the invasiveness and complexity of the surgery and on input from stakeholders. Robert Beatty-Walters, a Portland, Ore., attorney who has represented the families of three people who died after surgery center spine procedures, said Medicare's decision-making process is not even-handed. "The stakeholders they call them during these regulatory proceedings are the profit-makers, not the people who are being provided the service," he said. "The spine centers just want to have more people come. They make more money. I hate to be that cynical about it, but that's just what I've seen." Medicare approved 10 spine-surgery codes to be billed at surgery centers starting in 2015 and added more spinal procedures for 2017. A Medicare spokesman denied a request for a telephone interview. In an email, a spokeswoman said Medicare opened the spine proposal to the public and received no comments suggesting the procedures would pose a threat to Medicare patients. She said the final decision about where a patient will have surgery is up to a doctor and patient. By 2017, at least 14 patients had died soon after spine operations at surgery centers, according to the KHN/USA TODAY Network investigation. The 14 spine-surgery deaths have gleaned little recognition in the industry or beyond. Only one made headlines in local newspapers. The rest are documented in places like the Macon, Ga., courthouse or in obscure regulatory reports. And there may be far more because some states, including New York, Illinois and Florida, disclose no details about surgery center deaths. Paulina Tam's death at Fremont Surgery Center was a tragic example. At 58, the mother of three had finished careers as a nurse and an educator. Next, she planned to travel the world with her husband of 32 years. "She was the driving force of the family, the spirit I guess," said her son, Eric Tam, a doctor in New York City, said. "We didn't expect the worst to happen." The care she received at the center is documented in court records, EMS reports and a Medicare inspection report that concluded that the center "failed to provide a safe environment for surgery." Tam's doctor scheduled her for a procedure to replace two discs in her upper spine on April 7, 2014. Pain from a car crash had bothered her for years. Any such surgery entering the front of the neck to address pain in the spine comes with a risk of suffocation, according to the Medicare inspection report. Yet, with her surgeon and anesthesiologist already gone, the only doctor on-site was a digestive health specialist, the inspection report shows. About four hours after her procedure, Tam told a nurse that her surgical collar felt too tight. Then, that she couldn't breathe. The nurse called a "code blue" just after 6:30 p.m., records say. Medical experts say the first step in helping such patients is removing the surgical staples so the pooled blood can disperse, allowing the patient to breathe. In Tam's case, staff repeatedly tried and failed to insert a breathing tube through her mouth and into her airway, the inspection report shows. A last-ditch remedy would have been to punch a hole through the front of her throat to restore breathing, but the gastroenterologist later told an inspector that he was "not prepared" to do so. The inability to perform the suffocation-rescue maneuver, the inspection report says, amounted to the center's "failure to ensure patient safety." From the time a nurse called 911, it took 24 minutes to get Tam to the nearest hospital, EMS records show. She arrived without a pulse and remained on life support overnight, as her children raced to her bedside to say goodbye. The center did not return calls and denied wrongdoing in the court case. Tam's surgeon declined to discuss the case but filed pleadings in court saying Tam's "carelessness and negligence" caused her death. It's unclear what the defense meant by negligence. The case reached a confidential settlement. After Tam's death, the center told Medicare inspectors that a qualified doctor would stay on-site after all upper-spine cases. Dr. Nancy Epstein, chief of neurosurgical and spine care at New York University Winthrop Hospital, said surgery centers doing delicate work near the spinal cord, windpipe and esophagus in a same-day procedure is "pretty revolting." But she said the centers are making so much money "reeling it in hand over fist" that the potential dangers are being ignored. "Medically, it should not be tolerated," she said, "but it is." Lindy Washburn of The (Bergen County, N.J.) Record and contributed to this report. KHN's coverage related to aging and improving care of older adults is supported in part by The John A. Hartford Foundation. Researchers have found strong evidence that environmental exposures, including air pollution, affect gene expressions associated with respiratory diseases much more than genetic ancestry. The study, published today in Nature Communications, analyzed more than 1.6 million data points from biological specimens, health questionnaires and environmental datasets, making this study one of the largest ever to examine the relationship between gene expression and environmental stimuli. These findings represent a groundbreaking use of big data to uncover the environmental factors that are behind diseases and inform strategies for prevention, an approach that would apply to a number of diseases, including cancer. Genetic, health and disease data of participants from Montreal, Quebec City and Saguenay were linked with environmental information such as air pollution, walkability and access to food to see how these factors impact gene expression. Participants were enrolled in the Quebec arm (CARTaGENE) of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP), which supports research into environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors related to the development and progression of cancer and chronic diseases. More than 300,000 Canadians, 1 per cent of the population, have enrolled in CPTP since its launch in 2008. The study used deep characterization of gene expression signatures from participants and linked that data with environmental information. "We were surprised to find that we were able to stratify genetic ancestry within Quebec, identifying individuals whose descendants were from Montreal versus Saguenay for example," explains Dr. Philip Awadalla, the study's senior author. "This helped us to show how most gene expression is not derived by ancestry, and that environmental exposures associated with living in a particular city or region are more impactful on gene expression associated with disease traits than heritable variation." One of the main findings of the study was that exposure to higher levels of particulate matter and nitrous dioxide in the Saguenay area affected the expression of genes associated with oxygen pathways and respiratory function. This resulted in higher rates of respiratory ailments such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study also revealed that there are genetic variants that control how a person's gene expression responds when exposed to environmental stimuli. "This study demonstrates Ontario's leadership in research and in particular, the importance of big data," said Reza Moridi, Minister of Research, Innovation and Science. "Today, with quantities of data never before available, we are able to make important discoveries that will help us fight and overcome disease." "Our study shows how one can use the large scope and scale of data in Canada's largest health cohort to better understand how our genes interact with environmental exposures and shape individual health," says Awadalla. "I encourage all those engaged in this type of research, both in Canada and around the world, to take advantage of this resource." Awadalla is Director and Sr. Principal Investigator, Computational Biology, OICR, the Executive Scientific Director of the Ontario Health Study (Ontario's CPTP cohort), Director of the Genome Canada, Canadian Data Integration Centre and Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Controlled access to cohort data and biological samples is available to researchers through the CPTP Data Portal and CARTaGENE. Or is your waistline making you anxious? A new study has found that middle-aged women face a high risk of developing anxiety, one of the most prevalent mental health disorders. Credit: A.Basler/ Emotional eating (eating to alleviate emotional pressure as opposed to satisfying hunger) has long been associated with piling on the pounds. Researchers from the The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) recently conducted a study involving over 5,580 middle-aged women with an average of 49 years. Reversing the cause-and-effect model allowed them to analyse the likeliness of women developing anxiety based on increased abdominal fat (described as waist-to-height ratio inthis context). Although this relationship has been studied previously, using waist-to-height ratio as the main connection to anxiety marks a novel approach to research. Waist-to-height ratio has proven effective as a marker of cardiometabolic risk, and women whose waists measure over half their height are typically regarded as obese. 61.3% of participants experienced anxiety, and 58% of participants were postmenopausal. Those in the middle and upper thirds of waist-to-height ratios were considerably more likely to have an anxiety disorder, while there was a greater likeliness of the upper third participants expressing symptoms of anxiety in comparison to participants in the lower categories. Anxiety is associated with diabetes, drug abuse, thyroid issues, respiratory disorders and heart disease, as well as additional established medical issues. Researchers suspect that a drop in estrogen levels, which acts in a neuroprotective capacity, is linked to the rising prevalence of anxiety disorders in middle-aged women. Hormone changes may be involved in the development of both anxiety and abdominal obesity because of their roles in the brain as well as in fat distribution. This study provides valuable insights for healthcare providers treating middle-aged women, because it implies that waist-to-height ratio could be a good marker for evaluating patients for anxiety," Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, Executive Director of NAMS Vulnerability in the brain: Individual damaged neuron types cause neurodegenerative diseases If the sense of smell disappears, this can indicate a disease such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. However, unlike previously assumed, general degenerations in the nervous system do not play a leading role in the loss of the sense of smell with increasing age, but individual nerve cells or classes of nerves are decisive. Drosophila melanogaster was investigated for the current study by Prof. Grunwald Kadows' research group on how the odor of animals ages. (Photo: Ariane Bohm / TUM) Some nerve cells (neurons) or neuron classes in the brain seem to age faster than others. For example, the loss of the sense of smell is one of the first clinical signs of natural aging. This can be accompanied by a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimers. "Age is the major risk factor as to why people suffer from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease," says Prof. Ilona Grunwald Kadow from the School of Life Sciences at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) - "only a small proportion of these diseases are due to known genetic reasons". The question is why do some neurons age faster than others? Why are some more sensitive? And is the damage to certain types of neurons the reason why whole nerve networks no longer function properly? A new study conducted under the direction of Prof. Grunwald Kadow (TUM) in collaboration with the groups of Prof. Julien Gagneur (TUM), Prof. Stephan Sigrist (Free University of Berlin) and Prof. Nicolas Gompel (LMU) using the genetic model organism of the fruit fly now shows how the olfactory capacity of these animals ages and how much this resembles the aging process in the human olfactory system. Like humans, the fruit fly loses its powers of smell as it ages. Several key genes and mechanisms were identified that contribute to this aging - associated degeneration. Which neurons are affected? In the next step, the scientists examined whether all or only specific neurons of the olfactory circuit are affected. The team found that some neurons are more sensitive than others and decline faster during aging. They determined that oxidative stress alters primarily specific neuron types, causing the functioning of the entire neural network to gradually collapse. Oxidative stress results in too many reactive oxygen compounds in the cell or tissue, which can cause temporary or permanent damage and accelerated aging. Interestingly, if the formation of these reactive oxygen compounds in only this type of neurons is prevented, this completely stopped the loss of sense of smell: Old flies sense odors just like their young conspecifics again. This suggests that age-related degeneration could be significantly delayed by preventing oxidative damage in only one or a few neuron types. But what can reduce oxidative stress in its effect? A trial with an antioxidant in the form of several weeks of resveratrol administration in younger flies showed that it can counteract oxidative stress, which develops during aging. This treatment appeared to protect the particularly sensitive neurons and thereby contributed to maintaining the function of the neurons connected to them within the neural network. In the elderly, such treatments might help to delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases associated with aging. Another possible factor that could play a role in the aging process is the intestinal microbiome. It could be involved in the progression of Parkinson's disease. Grunwald Kadow and her team have therefore also tested the effect of specific microbiota on olfactory aging in fruit flies with the result that certain bacteria have a positive effect and slow down olfactory neurodegeneration. According to Prof. Grunwald Kadow, these findings and further ongoing experiments in the fruit fly model can help to pave the way for more targeted and new treatments and therapy routes, in which, among other things, drug or microbiota administration would be combined with each other. Source: University of Glasgow are leading new tests into the viability of using an innovative, new microwave system to treat human papillomavirus (HPV). The compact, portable device, which was designed by Scottish company Emblation, emits a low dose of energy, promoting an immune response. It is hoped the system will be able to treat cervical precancerous cells as well as genital warts. The device has already proved successful in the treatment of verrucas, which are also caused by the HPV virus, and has been used in more than 10,000 treatments UK-wide during 2017. The project, co-funded by the UKs innovation agency Innovate UK, brings together Emblation with the HPV experts at the University of Glasgows MRC-Centre for Virus Research. Scientists are now carrying out laboratory tests with the device to find out whether it can successfully clear pre-cancerous problems caused by HPV, and will study the effect of microwaves on HPV-infected, living tissue. HPV cases are highly prevalent worldwide, with greater than 1 million cases per annum. Current treatment for HPV-caused cervical precancerous cells can be painful and invasive. It is hoped that, if found to be successful, the Emblation-designed device would offer a less invasive method of treatment. There is also potential impact in the veterinary sphere where a related virus, bovine papillomavirus (BPV) causes bovine papillomas and equine sarcoids, the leading dermatological cause of equine euthanasia, affecting 7% of horses in Europe, particularly thoroughbreds. Professor Sheila Graham from the University of Glasgows MRC-Centre for Virus Research, said: We are delighted to be working with Emblation to test their microwave device. We plan to assess if the device can disrupt HPV and whether there is an effect on HPV-infected pre-cancerous and cancerous tissues The project will validate the microwave devices clinical potential but will also shed new light on how HPV-associated diseases arise. Dr Matt Kidd, Director of R&D at Emblation, commented: This project is an exciting opportunity to further our knowledge and understanding of microwave interactions with diseased tissue. Our device has the potential to address the challenges associated with the treatment of precancerous conditions of the cervix, and the funding from Innovate UK has been crucial in allowing us to work with the experts at the University of Glasgow. This research is a decisive next step in the evolution of our microwave technology platform. Treatment of genital warts cost around 300 per case with around 200,000 patients per annum treated in the UK, with a total cost of around 60m. Current treatment for cervical precancerous cells involves laser surgical removal of the diseased tissue. This is painful and can cause sustained bleeding and there is also a risk that diseased tissue can be missed. In contrast, microwaving produces mild heat (less than 50 degrees Celsius) and is non-invasive. In Scotland alone, in 27 colposcopy clinics in 2016, 13,536 new patients were seen, most of whom required treatment. This translates to around 150,000 cervical precancerous cells patients in the UK whose treatment could be improved by this new device. TVS Motor Company has rolled out the new generation of the TVS Apache RTR 200 4V. Termed as the Race Edition 2.0, the new Apache RTR 200 4V gets an Anti-Reverse Torque (A-RT) Slipper Clutch technology. The Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0 will also sport new racing-inspired graphics, lending the motorcycle a dynamic and aggressive stance. The series now boasts of a fly-screen for enhanced aerodynamics. The TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0, is the first motorcycle in its class to be equipped with the advanced A-RT Slipper Clutch, a race-derived technology which is a testimony to the racing DNA of the RTR 200 4V engine. The A-RT Slipper Clutch technology, accentuates the motorcycles performance, with 22% reduction in clutch force for quicker upshifts, enabling the rider to achieve better lap times. The technology also aims at ensuring rider safety in high-speed downshifts, avoids wheel-hopping while cornering, and improves vehicle stability with the back-balance torque limiter effect. With exciting racing performance on offer, the introduction of the Slipper Clutch in TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0, also promises sharp and precise gear shifts with minimal effort. Commenting on the introduction of the new TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0, Arun Siddharth, Vice President (Marketing) Premium Two Wheelers, International Business & TVS Racing said, We build race machines for performance enthusiasts - the TVS Apache series is a testimony to our 35 years of racing heritage. Over the years, we have been at the forefront of setting benchmarks in bringing racing technology to performance motorcycles. The new TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0, takes the racing experience up by a significant notch as it is enabled with the A-RT Slipper Clutch a first in this segment. The entire TVS Apache RTR 200 4V range will don the dynamic racing-inspired decals along with a stylish and exclusively designed fly screen which is sure to accentuate the racing stance of the motorcycle thus making it a racing machine like no other. The motorcycle continues to be powered by a 197.75cc single-cylinder motor which is mated to a 5-speed gearbox. The engine develops 20.5 PS (Carb) / 21.0 PS (EFI) of power at 8500 RPM and 18.1 Nm of torque at 7000 RPM. The new range of TVS Apache RTR 200 Series will be enabled with the Anti-Reverse Torque (A-RT) Slipper Clutch technology and sport the new graphics along with the fly-screen. The TVS Apache RTR 200 4V Race Edition 2.0 will be available in Carburetor, EFI as well as Carburetor with ABS variant. Priced at Rs 95,185 (Carburetor), Rs 1,07,885 (EFI) and Rs 1,08,985 (Carburetor with ABS), (ex-showroom, Delhi), the series will be available across the country. Also Watch A BBC report based on obtained leaked e-mails revealed that United Arab Emirates (UAE) army Chief, Mohammed bin Zayed, who is also Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, attempted to secure the sacking of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for failing to back the UAE in the diplomatic showdown with Qatar in the eight-month old Gulf crisis. The leaked e-mails are from Elliott Broidy; a fundraiser of the US President and owner of Circinus, a private company, which has a millions of dollar contract in the UAE. The obtained e-mails are an account discussions between Broidy and President Donald Trump during a meeting in October; five months into the Gulf crisis, which has been opposing Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to Qatar on the other. Broidy reportedly requested President Trump to sack his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, at political convenient time. Saudi Arabia and its allies in June severed ties and imposed a blockade on Qatar, another US Gulf ally, over alleged support for terrorism charges. The diplomatic crisis tilted the White House and State Department on opposite sides with President Trump openly backing the blockade while Tillerson observed more caution in his attempt to mediate the quarrel. The US top diplomat however chided the blockade arguing that it was hindering international business in the region. Broidy assaulted, in one of the e-mails, Doha-based news network, al Jazeera, that he claimed did nothing positive. The Saudi-led quartet lobbied for the closure of the network over what the four called bias reporting of the Yemen conflict where anti-Qatar countries have been involved. The leaked e-mails also revealed the involvement of George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who operates as an adviser to Mohammed bin Zayed. Both Broidy and Nader have been named in US investigations into whether Trump illegally collaborated with foreign countries during the presidential campaign. The UAE are suspected for donating millions of dollar to Trump campaign. Broidy and his company have rejected the BBC report noting that Qatar hacked his e-mails and altered the content. We have reason to believe this hack was sponsored and carried out by registered and unregistered agents of Qatar seeking to punish Mr Broidy for his strong opposition to state-sponsored terrorism, the companys spokesperson said in a statement. Mohammed bin Zayed was recently named in an exclusive Al Jazeera documentary on a failed 1996 military coup against former Qatar Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. The UAE ruler masterminded the failed coup with several other key figures from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in conjunction with several Qatari citizens, al Jazeera noted basing its affirmations on testimonies by participants in the coup. Motorcycle makers who have been importing Completely Built Units (CBU) of their motorcycles for sale in India have recently been given some respite as the government has announced a reduction in the tax that is levied on such units. Thats not it, there was a revision on the amount of tax that is applicable of Completely Knocked Down (CKD) units as well, but this time around, they are set to get expensive. While the impact of this announcement varies from an automaker to automaker depending, Ducati India almost got away unaffected. The Italian automaker imports most of its offerings from Thailand with which, India has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This means that the tax levied on the Ducati motorcycles are significantly less. However, Ducati does import the Monster 1200 variants along with the Panigale R Final Edition as a CBU from Italy. Hence, there has been a price revision of the same. The price differences after the cut go on as high as Rs 7.36 lakh, which is for the Panigale R Final Edition. Heres the updated price list of the entire range of Ducati motorcycles available in India. Model Ex-Showroom Price (Rs) Multistrada 950 Ducati Red 12,80,000 Multistrada 950 Star White Silk 12,90,000 Multistrada 1200 Ducati Red 15,32,000 Multistrada 1200 S Ducati Red 17,44,000 Multistrada 1200 Pikes Peak 20,69,000 Multistrada 1200 Enduro Ducati Red 17,99,000 Multistrada 1200 Enduro - Phantom Grey 18,09,000 Hypermotard 939 Ducati Red 11,12,000 Hyperstrada 939 Ducati Red 12,15,000 SuperSport Ducati Red 12,04,000 SuperSport S Ducati Red 13,34,000 SuperSport S Star White Silk 13,55,000 Monster 797 Ducati Red 8,03,000 Monster 797 Star White Silk/Dark Stealth 8,12,000 Monster 1200 Ducati Red 20,10,000 Monster 1200 S Ducati Red 24,63,000 Monster 1200 S Liquid Concrete Grey 24,73,000 Scrambler Icon Ducati Red 7,23,000 Scrambler Icon Yellow/Silver 7,33,000 Scrambler Classic Orange/White 8,49,000 Scrambler Full Throttle Black 8,49,000 Scrambler Mach 2.0 Roland Sands 8,56,000 Scrambler Cafe Racer Black Coffee 9,32,000 Scrambler Desert Sled Ducati Red 9,32,000 Scrambler Desert Sled White Mirage 9,45,000 959 Panigale Ducati Red 14,53,000 1299 Panigale R Final Edition 51,82,000 Panigale V4 20,53,000 Panigale V4 S 25,29,000 Diavel Dark Stealth 16,10,000 Diavel Carbon 19,73,000 Diavel Diesel 21,72,000 XDiavel Dark Stealth 16,48,000 XDiavel S Thrilling Black 19,16,000 Also Watch Washington: US President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to slap a 25 per cent tax on import of cars from Europe if the EU retaliated on its decision to impose a 25 per cent import tariff on steel and 10 per cent on aluminium. The European Union has been particularly tough on the US, Trump told reporters at a joint White House news conference with the visiting Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven. The Swedish leader during his meeting with Trump had convened the message of the European Union Commission president that if the US put tariffs on steel and aluminum, they will slap back with punitive tariffs on bourbon, and jeans and the motorcycles, that he talks about from Wisconsin. The EU, Trump rued, makes it almost impossible for the US to do business with them. And yet they send their cars and everything else back into the US, he said. "And they can do whatever they'd like, but if they do that, then we put a big tax of 25 per cent on their cars, and believe me, they won't be doing it very long. The EU has not treated us well, and it's been a very, very unfair trade situation," Trump said. "I'm here to protect, and one of the reasons I was elected is I'm protecting our workers, I'm protecting our companies, and I'm not going to let that happen," Trump asserted. As such Trump asserted that he is going ahead with his plans to sign the executive order to impose import tariffs on steel and aluminium. "We're doing tariffs on steel. We cannot lose our steel industry. It's a fraction of what it once was. We can't lose our aluminium industry; also a fraction of what it once was. And our country is doing well. The massive tax cuts, and all of the deregulation has really kicked us into gear," he said. "But I have to work on trade deals. We're working on NAFTA right now, and if we're able to make a deal with Canada and Mexico in NAFTA, then there will be no reason to do the tariffs with Canada and Mexico. But again, other countries, we won't have that choice, unless they can do something for us," Trump said. "As an example, if the EU takes off some of the horrible barriers that make it impossible for our product to go into there, then we can start talking. Otherwise, we're going to leave it the way it is," Trump said. The fact is, the US has been mistreated as a country for many years, and it's just not going to happen any longer, he said. "The US has been taken advantage of by other countries, both friendly and not so friendly for many, many decades. We have a trade deficit of USD 800 billion a year. That's not going to happen with me," he said. "We have been mistreated by many, sometimes fairly but there are really very few instances where that's taken place. And I don't blame the countries. I blame our leadership for allowing it to happen," he said. Lofven said it is important for them try to find a way to cooperate between the EU and the US. "I fully understand and respect the president's view that we have to look after his own country, the country that you're leading. I understand that fully. That's my primary task as well," he said. When it comes to steel, Lofven said there is an overcapacity in the world. "That's obvious. But at the same time, it is China that is producing about 50 per cent of the steel in the world, so -- and European Union, perhaps 10 per cent, and less than that," he said. "So to summarise, it's a European Union mandate, but it was a pity also that the TTIP negotiations ended, because perhaps with negotiations and talks we can come into a situation where the European Union and the United States can cooperate. I think that would be a very good solution, the Swedish Prime Minister said. Beijing: The India-China bilateral trade has reached USD 84.44 billion last year, a historic high notwithstanding bilateral tensions over a host of issues including the Doklam standoff. A rare novelty of the bilateral trade otherwise dominated by the Chinese exports was about 40 percent increase of Indian exports to China in 2017 totalling to USD 16.34 billion, data of the Chinese General Administration of Customs accessed by PTI here showed. The bilateral trade in 2017 rose by 18.63 percent year-on-year to reach USD 84.44 billion. It is regarded as a landmark as the volume of bilateral trade for the first time touched USD 80 billion, well above the USD 71.18 billion registered last year. The trade touched historic high despite bilateral tensions over a number of issues including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China blocking India's efforts to bring about a UN ban on Jaish-e-Muhammad leader Masood Azhar, Beijing blocking India's entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) as well as the longest military standoff at Doklam lasting 73 days. The bilateral trade stagnated around USD 70 billion for several years despite the leaders of both the countries setting USD 100 billion as the target for 2015. Though it is still about USD 20 billion short, officials on both sides expect trade and Chinese investments in India to pick up further this year as both the governments are trying to scale down tensions and step-up the normalisation process. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to visit China in June this year to take part in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Qingdao. Reciprocal visits by Chinese leaders too were expected to take place this year. There were also expectations that the new Commerce Minister of China to be named later this week in government reshuffle was expected to visit India in the coming weeks for talks to improve bilateral trade. While the bilateral trade reached a new landmark, the trade deficit too continues to remain high at USD 51.75 billion - registering a growth of 8.55 percent year-on-year in 2017. According to India's trade figures, the deficit had crossed USD 52 billion last year. India has been pressing China to open the IT and Pharmaceutical sectors for Indian firms to reduce the massive trade deficit. As per the Chinese trade data, India's exports to China increased by 39.11 percent year-on-year to USD 16.34 billion last year. India's imports from China increased by 14.59 percent to USD 68.10 billion. India has emerged as the seventh largest export destination for Chinese products, and the 24th largest exporter to China. Significantly, diamonds along with copper, iron ore, organic chemicals and cotton yarn contributed to the increase in Indian exports to China. India's exports of diamonds grew 4.93 percent totalling to USD 2.59 billion. India was the second largest exporter of diamonds to China with a market share of 33.06 percent after South Africa. Also, Indian exports of copper registered a significant increase of 115.78 percent to reach USD 2.15 billion. India's cotton including yarn and woven fabric exports to China showed an increase of 1.86 percent to reach USD 1.30 billion. India was the second largest exporter of cotton to China with 15.04 percent market share last year. India's exports of Zinc to China showed a sharp increase, taking it to USD 240 million. China's exports, on the other hand, were dominated by electrical machinery and equipment registering an increase of 28.23 percent to USD 21.77 billion. India was the largest destination for China's Fertilisers exports registering 16.98 percent of its total Fertilizers worth USD 1.03 billion to India. India was also the largest export destination for Chinese Antibiotics- with exports worth USD 783 million taking place in 2017. Chinse exports were also led by organic chemicals, worth USD 6.56 billion in 2017. New Delhi: The government has reiterated its pitch for a sovereign rating upgrade to Fitch, citing strong economic fundamentals, a finance ministry official said after a meeting with the global rating agency on Wednesday. Fitch rates India as BBB, the lowest investment grade sovereign rating, with a stable outlook. The government has assured Fitch that it will bring down the fiscal deficit to 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020-21, the official told reporters, adding it is "conscious" of the impact of a high fiscal deficit on inflation. The government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi diverted from a fiscal consolidation roadmap when it announced last month a fiscal deficit target of 3.3 percent for the year 2018/19 starting in April, higher than the 3.0 percent projected earlier. "India's sovereign ratings deserves to be upgraded considering strong macro economic fundamentals and a number of reforms," said the official, who attended the meeting but declined to be identified as it was not public. Fitch kept its sovereign rating on India unchanged last month following the 2018/19 budget announcement, citing high combined federal and state government debt as a key constraint on the rating. While rival global rating agency Moody's Investors Service upgraded India's sovereign rating in November, for the first time in 14 years, Standard & Poor's has also kept its rating unchanged. The official also downplayed concerns over slow revenue collection due to the new goods and services tax, saying that the system will stabilise in the next seven to eight months. The government also assured Fitch that the country's debt to GDP ratio will come down to 40 percent in the next few years, the finance ministry official said, a median level for BBB rated sovereigns cited by Fitch. A Woman Who Banks on Toys To Bring Smiles to Every Child's Face While most of us are busy planning our next vacation, Vidyun Goel is busy thinking of ways to expand her venture - The Toy Bank - that takes care of kids who are less fortunate. Vidyun, a young MBA graduate, didn't think twice about quitting her corporate job to create some serious good in the world and change lives for the better, and is thereby setting an example for many. Her mantra in life is to donate toys, help kids get an unforgettable childhood and bring the change in her own little way. Kat Katha: Women Turning Brothels Into Classrooms In the red light district of Delhi, a group of women are slowly turning brothels into classrooms. Theyre not just transforming the lives of sex workers (didis, as they like to address them) kids, but are offering them a safe haven in an area full of dark secrets. Gitanjali Babbar and Ritumoni Das, along with a dedicated group of volunteers, are providing the kids with education and skills-learning classes; dancing, art and craft, theatre and also helping the sex worker attain a life of quality. Living with Down Syndrome Aditi Verma is 23 years old. She lives with Down syndrome but that has not affected her from chasing her dream. Aditi has managed to beat the odds and owns a restaurant in Mumbais Navi Mumbai area, called Aditis Corner. She handles the orders, phone calls, inventory and accounts and is spearheading her restaurant with ease. Aditis parents believe she has made them proud being a special child, the way any other child would have done. Meet Seema, She May Just Deliver Your Next Order Seema has been going from door-to-door to deliver packages ordered from Amazon for the last 18 months. The 27-year-old is one of the first women who was trained by Even Cargo, a startup that offers delivery services for e-commerce companies. All of its half a dozen delivery personnel are women. While her relatives often complain to her father about her 'mard' (male) behaviour, she has become an inspiration to many young women in her neighbourhood. The Adventure Biker Whos Conquering Heights Pallavi Fauzdar is the first person in the world to conquer all the three highest passes in India Umlingla pass, Sathatola and Mana pass. Recently, she took a Triumph Bonneville T100 to her latest Ladakh adventures and named a newly discovered pass after the bike Bonnie La. For her accomplishments, she has been awarded by President and other top-ranking officials from government. India's First Bike Taxi For Women By Women 'Pink', a color generally associated with women, has now been given a new dimension with India's first women bike taxi service, 'Bikxie Pink'. This app-based service is not only cheap for commuting but also has the benefit of safety for women. Launched by Divya Kalia in Gurugram, 'Bikxie Pink' allows mobility and employment to women and also serves as the one-stop bike taxi service in the city. Fixing Punctures, Changing Tyres Nidhi Tiwari, founder of Women Beyond Boundaries, has been empowering women through her academy that prepares adventurers to undertake overland travels. An Army-wife and a mother of two, Nidhi undertakes overland expeditions to far-flung corners of the globe to connect with people, cultures, environment and landscape. She says, "The travels not only provide insights to society (outside) and also reflect help us reflect within." She strongly advocates that mobility is the key for women to integrate with the socio-economic fabric of the country. Nidhi's motive is to build skill sets of women drivers to not just be mobile, but also own public roads & highways, tough terrain tracks and more. #BeingAWoman is a special series to celebrate womanhood in todays India on the occasion of International Womens Day 2018. 404 We're sorry! The page you were looking for couldn't be found. New Delhi: After Lenin and Periyar statues, a statue of B R Ambedkar was vandalised in Meerut districts Mawana Khurd on Wednesday morning. Uttar Pradesh police swung into action and rushed a team to the spot to avoid any untoward incident. However, sources said that it is not a fall-out of any political vendetta, but related to local caste tension. No clashes have been reported in the area and the statue has been re-installed, they said. Two days ago a finger of a BR Ambedkar statue was found broken in Aligarh, following which local residents had protested. Last year also there were reports of Ambedkar statue vandalism in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar. Calling B R Ambedkar a "holy symbol", Dalit activist John Dayal condemned the incident. He further said BJP should expel H Raja for his casteist Periyar post, which was put up hours before the Periyar statue was vandalised in Tamil Nadu. From statues to human beings, we are just a step away. And this is scary. This has to be condemned. H Raja should be arrested immediately for creating hatred among communities. Its a criminal act, and I am surprised that BJP did not throw him out. Its going to affect the party severly in South. Tripura governor Tathagatha Roys statement has only added fuel to the fire and he should not have tweeted that, Dayal said. Thiruvananthapuram: In an unprecedented development, the Kerala High Court on Tuesday ordered a probe against a Cardinal in connection with the controversial land deal in Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese. The court ordered the police to lodge an FIR and conduct a detail investigation against Cardinal Mar George Alencherry who is also the head of the Syro-Malabar Church and three others, including two senior priests. The three other accused are Joshy Puthuva, the Procurator (finance officer) of the archdiocese, Sebastian Vadakkumpadan, a Pro Vicar General and Saju Varghese, a middleman for the land sale. The court came down heavily upon the Cardinal during the proceedings which began on Tuesday morning. The court observed that the 'Cardinal is not a king' and nobody is above the law. This came as a reply to the argument of the Cardinal's counsel that the Cardinal is 'the supreme authority and a King cannot do wrong'. However, the court observed that Cardinal is only a representative for conducting the transactions on behalf of the Diocese. The assets do not belong to the Cardinal or the priests as it belongs to the Diocese. The contention that the Major Archbishop (the Cardinal) is the supreme authority head of the Church cannot be accepted. Even the canon law does not consider the Cardinal as the supreme authority, said the court. The counsel for the Cardinal had argued that there is no need for an investigation on the deal as a magisterial-level probe is being conducted in the matter. However, the court said that conducting a police investigation is not an obstacle to a magisterial probe. The Ernakulam Angamaly Archdiocese, in 2016, had sold a three-acre property in Kochi to repay a bank loan worth Rs 60 crore it had taken to purchase another property in the district for a medical college. Though the agent appointed for the deal estimated the land's value at Rs 27.30 crore, a section of the priests and the laity claimed that its real value would be more than Rs 80 crore. New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation has sought the permission of a special court to conduct a narco analysis on Karti Chidambaram, who is an accused in the INX Media money laundering case. The agency has moved two more applications in the court of Justice Sunil Rana. It has sought a production warrant for Indrani Mukerjea, who was the director in INX Media, and Karti's Chartered Accountant S Bhaskaraman, so that the accused can be "confronted with both of them." The third application been filed to seek permission of the court to record the statement of Indrani, so the agency could have her statement on record. Till now, it has been relying on the statement she gave to the Enforcement Directorate in a parallel investigation. During the last hearing, CBI had submitted the confession of Indrani under Section 164 of Criminal Procedure Code, in which Mukherjee had stated that she and her husband, Peter Mukerjea had met Karti to discuss FIPB approval to INX media and paid a bribe of 7 lakh USD to Karti. According to sources, the decision to seek a narco-analysis test was taken because Karti has remained "evasive" in his answers to the CBI. CBI counsel and additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, had on Tuesday, told the court that Kartis interrogation has not yielded much result till now and he only answers the case is politically motivated. As per law, a narco analysis can only be conducted after seeking permission from the court. Narco analysis technique involves intravenous administration of sodium pentothal, a drug which lowers inhibitions on part of the subject and induces the person to talk freely. The agency is likely to move the applications on March 9, when the court would hear the case again. Special CBI Judge Sunil Rana had on March 6 extended CBIs custody of Karti for three days after the agency claimed to have come across a new piece of concrete evidence against the son of former finance minister P Chidambaram. The court on Wednesday also deferred its order on the bail plea filed by S Bhaskararaman, who has also been arrested in the case. Special CBI judge Sunil Rana said the order will be pronounced on March 12. Bhaskararaman sought bail on the ground that he was not required for custodial interrogation and no purpose would be served by keeping him in custody. The CA was sent to jail on February 26 on expiry of his custodial interrogation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which had arrested him on February 16 from a five-star hotel in the heart of the national capital. Karti's name had cropped up in the case relating to Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval granted in 2007 for receipt of funds by INX Media when his father and senior Congress leader P Chidambaram was the union finance minister during the previous UPA regime. The ED had earlier claimed that during the course of investigation, it was revealed that Bhaskararaman had been assisting Karti to manage his "ill-gotten wealth" in India and abroad. New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday questioned the law and order situation in the capital while hearing the bail plea of one of the two AAP MLAs, arrested for allegedly assaulting Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash. The court said it was concerned that if "a person" can be assaulted in the presence of the Delhi chief minister and the deputy chief minister, what will happen at other places. "At a place where the chief minister is sitting, a person is assaulted. What is the law and order situation. This is happening in front of the chief minister. I am not going on the personality of the person who was assaulted. You need to answer this," Justice Mukta Gupta said. The court's remark came while hearing the bail plea of Deoli MLA Prakash Jarwal, who was arrested on February 20 in connection with the chief secretary's assault case. The judge said, "I am concerned that if a person is assaulted in the presence of the chief minister and deputy chief minister, what will happen at other places? How should I be satisfied that no such incident would take place in future?" The court, which has called for a file relating to Jarwal's previous criminal case, would resume the hearing on his bail plea after some time. The court is also scheduled to hear the bail application of another AAP's Okhla MLA Amanatullah Khan, who was also arrested in the case on February 21. During the hearing, senior advocates Rebecca John and Dayan Krishnan, appearing for Jarwal, sought bail for him saying that he was ready to abide by any condition and will give it on an affidavit that if he violates any condition, his bail shall be cancelled. The counsel further claimed that only heated arguments took place between the MLAs and the chief secretary (CS) and no assault took place. The police, in its status report filed through advocate Sanjay Lau, said that as per the medical report of the senior bureaucrat, his injuries were of simple nature but two of the provisions invoked on Jarwal were non-bailable. While opposing the bail plea, he termed the incident as "very unfortunate" and said the police has collected the video recording from Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence, where the incident took place. He told the court that Jarwal's name was not mentioned in the FIR because the CS was initially not aware of the name of those who assaulted him. Senior advocate Sidharth Luthra, appearing for the CS, filed an intervention application and opposed Jarwal's bail plea saying the bureaucrat was called in the room consciously because no camera were there and he was made to sit between two persons. The high court had on March 1 issued notice to Delhi Police on Jarwal's bail plea and sought a status report in the matter. Amanatullah Khan had on Tuesday moved his bail plea before the high court. Jarwal and Khan are undergoing 14-day judicial custody, which expires on Thursday, in connection with the alleged assault on the bureaucrat during a meeting at Arvind Kejriwal's residence on the night of February 19. A magisterial court had earlier denied bail to both of them, saying the matter cannot be treated in "a casual and routine manner" while dubbing them as "history-sheeters". Jarwal had then moved a sessions court and was again denied the relief with the court saying the situation could not be more alarming when lawmakers do not respect the rule of law. Morocco reiterated to UN Secretary Generals Personal Envoy, Horst Kohler, its unwavering position regarding its territorial integrity and sovereignty over the Sahara and the pertinence of the autonomy proposal as a lasting solution to the artificial dispute. Moroccos stand was reaffirmed at a bilateral meeting held in Lisbon Tuesday between Horst Kohler and a Moroccan delegation led by Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita. Speaking to the press, Bourita described the talks as rich and fruitful. Overall, the talks took place in an atmosphere of serenity and discussions were rich and fruitful in an atmosphere of mutual respect Bourita told reporters. He said the meeting cannot be described as negotiations but rather an event to discuss the latest development on the Sahara issue. Bourita added that the talks were an opportunity to recall the genesis of the Sahara dispute as well as the geopolitical factors that caused the artificial dispute over Moroccos sovereignty over the Sahara. The bilateral talks with the UN official also tackled the Maghreb integration deadlock and the cost of the lack of a regional union in the Maghreb, he said. Morocco made it clear that no solution for the Sahara conflict can be found outside the Kingdoms sovereignty and its territorial integrity in line with Royal instructions and vision, said Bourita, adding that talks should include real stakeholders in this dispute, in an allusion to Algeria. Bourita also stressed that the UN processes in the Sahara should continue without any intervention of other regional or international organizations while avoiding the marginal issues that threaten to derail the whole process from its political character. The Moroccan delegation attending the talks also included Moroccos permanent representative to the UN Omar Hilale, President of the Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region, Sidi Hamdi Ould Errachid, and President of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region Ynja Khattat. Kohler, who invited the parties to the Sahara conflict to separate talks, held meetings in Berlin with delegations from Algeria and Mauritania, and with delegates of the Polisario. The United Nations opened negotiations between Morocco and the stakeholders to the Sahara issue in 2007, after Morocco presented an autonomy plan for the Sahara that the UN Security Council deemed as serious and credible. Several negotiation rounds were held since then, with the latest taking place outside of New York in 2012, but no progress was made. Thane: Well-known criminal lawyer Shyam Keswani on Tuesday said fugitive mafia don Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar is reportedly "keen to return to India" but with certain preconditions which are not acceptable to the Indian government. Speaking to the media outside the Thane Court, where he represented Iqbal Ibrahim Kaskar (the absconder don's brother) in an extortion case, the lawyer said among the conditions Dawood has stipulated are that he should be lodged only in the high-secure precincts of Arthur Road Central Jail (ARCJ) in Mumbai. "He had also conveyed his intentions through (former union minister and eminent lawyer) Ram Jethmalani a few years ago but the Indian government has not entertained any of his preconditions to return," Keswani said. The ARCJ is the same prison where the Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab was lodged for nearly four years till his hanging for his role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack. Keswani's statement on Dawood's desire to return came more than six months after Maharashtra Navnirman Sena President Raj Thackeray made a similar revelation in Mumbai. In his explosive remarks, Thackeray had claimed that not only was Dawood keen to come back but he was reportedly negotiating a 'settlement' with the Modi government. The MNS chief further said Dawood was very sick and wanted to breathe his last in India. In a related development, Iqbal was sent to police custody till Friday by a Special Court here on Tuesday in a land-grab and extortion case filed against him by the Thane Anti-Extortion Cell (AEC). At least two others wanted in this case Bhavar Kothar and Bharat Jain are absconding, said AEC chief Pradeep Sharma. Opposing the police custody of Iqbal, currently in judicial custody for other cases, Keswani said it was puzzling when the crime was committed since his client (Iqbal) has been in police and judicial custody in Thane since his arrest on September 19 from Mumbai. This is the same case in which, for the first time, the police have shown the three Kaskar siblings - Dawood, Anees (both absconding) and Iqbal - as accused. The case pertains to alleged extortion of Rs 3 crore from a builder in a deal involving a 38-acre plot of land worth crores of rupees in Gorai, a coastal village in south-west Thane. New Delhi: Ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron's maiden India trip, French sources said on Wednesday that it would not be a business as usual visit" and asserted that apart from conventional areas of cooperation such as nuclear energy and defence, the thrust would be on boosting ties in maritime and space fields. While the French sources did not say whether the two countries would ink a pact in the nuclear energy sector, India officials told PTI that an agreement to expedite the Jaitapur nuclear plant was expected to be signed during the presidential visit. France has also been strongly supporting India's bid for membership of the export-control regime Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Special emphasis would be (laid on) cooperation in the Indian Ocean during the talks (between Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi), a French source said, noting that France has strong economic and military interests in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The remarks by the French side assume significance in the backdrop of India, the US, Japan and Australia coming together and holding discussions on the sidelines of the India-ASEAN Summit in Manila last year on ways to boost cooperation in the IOR. France has military and naval bases in the IOR, which also has a sizeable French population. The IOR has also been witnessing increasing naval presence of China. Macrons trip would not be a business as usual visit and the thrust will be on intensifying partnership in other areas, including space and trade, the sources said, and noted that the two leaders (Modi and Macron) will be spending a lot of time together and the visit has been planned that way". Defence has been one of the key pillars of strategic partnership and the visit will also focus on this aspect, the French source added. India has signed an inter-governmental agreement with France to procure 36 Rafale jets. Asked if international issues, including non-proliferation, will be discussed, the French source said all issues of mutual interest will be deliberated upon. The source also noted that there was a convergence of views between France and India, a "global power", on several issues such as rule of law and democratic values. Cooperation in the area of counter-terrorism will also be discussed during the bilateral meeting between Modi and Macron on March 10. The French President will be accompanied by a business delegation of CEOs of 40 French companies, including those from the defence sector. The bilateral trade between India and France for the period from April 2016 to March 2017 reached USD 10.95 billion. France is the 9th largest foreign investor in India with a cumulative investment of USD 6.09 billion from April 2000 to October 2017. Macron arrives here on March 9, his first trip to India. The next day he will hold delegation-level talks with Modi. He will also take part in a Town Hall and have an interactive session, in which nearly 300 students from different levels and institutions are expected to participate on March 10. On the same day, he will also attend a Knowledge Summit which will be attended by more than 200 academicians from both sides. On March 11, Macron will attend the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Summit, an initiative mooted by France and India. The ISA Summit, expected to be attended by several heads of the states and governments, is likely to focus on concrete projects. Macron will also visit Varanasi, the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Modi, on March 11. He, along with Modi, will inaugurate a solar plant in Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh. Bengaluru: Four days after 37-year-old KT Naveen Kumar was taken into custody by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in connection with journalist Gauri Lankeshs murder, two larger questions still loom What was he doing with 15 cartridges and how did he get access to it? Kumar, who was picked up for illegal possession of bullets of the same kind that were used to kill Lankesh, is an ammunition supplier. However, he did not even possess a weapon when he was caught in the bustling Majestic bus station here in Bengaluru. While the SIT has taken him into custody for eight days, it is yet not known whether the team is ready to directly charge him with any offence later this week or will they seek extension of custody to question him for more days. The reason to seek extension of custody is to find out answers to larger questions. Sources said that the SIT is intrigued by two things. First, why did Kumar need these bullets? And secondly, was he ferrying it to someone for something? If so, what? It is the pre-supposition that he could have possibly been aiding or abetting another hit-job that has put the SIT on his trail now why else would anyone need bullets, unless he was either using them or supplying them to someone? We know that country-made guns are easily available as there is a network of tribals who manufacture these in Madhya Pradesh, and they supply these weapons to people in north Karnataka. But the bullets dont come easy. You have to procure bullets only from licensed dealers and those who take their supply from Ordnance factories. So, where did Naveen get his supply from, and for what, is the question, said a Crime Branch official, who was part of the first team that arrested him on February 19. While someone can possibly access gunpowder and cartridges, it is next to impossible to manufacture the small metal pin known as the percussion cap, which are the trigger points for these bullets these are only made in Ordnance factories, and then supplied to licenced arms dealers/ shops under regulated methods. For someone to access 15 of the 0.32 revolver bullets could not have been easy. This supply chain is another element of the investigation just as they have cracked down on the gun-dealers of north Karnataka over the last four months. Even as it was being said that Kumar is affiliated with right-wing Hindu organizations, Hindu Rakshana Vedike in Karnataka distanced itself from Kumar even as it was being that he is affiliated with right-wing Hindu organizations. Sources said that Kumar had floated his own Hindu outfit called the Hindu Yuva Sene a few years ago. He has been under surveillance ever since he reportedly boasted to a friend about the bullets he possessed and how he was planning another job, they said. Kumar has been linked to members who are close to radical Hindutva groups like the Sanatan Sanstha which has been under the scanner of investigating authorities elsewhere, for suspected roles in the killings of rationalists Govind Pansare and Narendra Dabholkar in Maharashtra. The SIT is now trying to ascertain the identity of other suppliers to apprehend all involved in the killing. Call data records of course are being scanned as in any investigation and the last number of calls that Kumar has been receiving from public call booths has led to greater suspicions on who he was dealing with. The only persons who still use public call phones are those who want to maintain anonymity. So this is something we are working on, but it is taking its time as he has received calls from ten different places, some of them far from each other, while he himself resided with his wife in Birur in Chikkamagalur, said the crime branch officer. Who could be possible targets? In the last four months, there have been at least three persons who have either directly faced threats or against whom there has been a threat perception. Two of them a current MLC and a retired IAS officer are persons prominently working for a separate religion status for the Lingayat community and have talked about how they received blank calls. A third is an academic who lives in Mysore Prof K S Bhagwan, who was directly threatened on social media within two days of the murder of Prof M M Kalburgi in Dharwad in August 2015. Known as a rationalist and researcher who has questioned Hindu beliefs and published books on the same, he has often got on the wrong side of Hindutva proponents and he was even accorded security by the police for the open threats he received at the time. What the SIT is now probing is if indeed Prof Bhagwan was next on the target list since those who plotted the Lankesh killing may have been emboldened by the fact that the trail has run cold or if there are others too who could be on their radar. Jaipur: Broad-chested men, about whom women once dreamt of, are no longer visible, Rajasthan Women's Commission chairperson Suman Sharma said on Wednesday as she wondered how boys in low waist jeans could protect their sisters when they cannot even handle their trousers. Sharma, who expressed her sartorial grouse at an event organised on the eve of the International Women's Day, also advised women that they should not feel so "unbound" in the name of freedom that an imbalance is created in the society. "There was a time when every girl used to desire a man, who has a broad chest and thick chest hair. But today, no broad-chested man can be seen and they wear sagging jeans. "How can one, who can't even handle his jeans, protect sisters?" Sharma, a former chief of the state BJP's women's wing, asked. The concept of 'zero' figure was in vogue among girls, she said and asked what had happened to the boys. They are wearing earrings and looking like girls, the state women's panel chief lamented. "I am not criticising...but we need to change this. We need to prepare boys with broad chests and it is our responsibility and the responsibility of mothers to inculcate values among the children," Sharma said. Continuing in the same vein, she added that even women, "in the name of freedom", should not feel so "unbound" that any "imbalance" in family or society is created. "Women, too, cannot go a long way if they leave the men behind," she said, adding that both are "parallel" to each other and this system should not be disturbed. "Therefore, balance should be there in the society, and women should take a pledge that we will inculcate values in our children and play a positive and constructive role in building a good society," the state women's panel chief said. Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2018 for various categories viz Soldier General Duty, Soldier Clerk/SKT, Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant is scheduled to be organized from 1st April 2018 to 10th April 2018 at the Dholewal Military Complex, Ludhiana for candidates of Ludhiana, Moga, Roopnagar and SAS Nagar (Mohali) District. Candidates that cherish the aim to serve the nation can apply online on or before 16th March 2018, by following the instructions given below: How to Apply: Step 1: Visit the official website of the Indian Army - Step 2: Click on the notification that reads, Army Recruitment Rally Notification ARO Ludhiana: April 2018 and go through the official advertisement Step 3: Click on 'Apply Online' tab given on the Right Hand Side of the screen to complete the application process Step 4: Download the confirmation page and take a printout for further reference Step 5: Download the self declaration affidavit from the official notification and carry it along with your Admit Card on the day allotted to you (as mentioned on your Admit Card) Selection Process: The candidates will be screened during the Recruitment Rally and the date and location of Common Entrance Exam (CEE) to candidates will be shared during the rally itself. Official Advertisement for Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2018 Ludhiana, Punjab The eligibility criteria, educational qualification, age and physical requirement differ for different posts, candidates must read the same at the official advertisement: The official advertisement also reads a caution against touts for the candidates as well as ex-servicemen, "Do not Waste your money on touts, Recruiting Process has been computerized, and touts cannot be of any help. Have faith in your hard work." "The pension/service of any ex-serviceman/serving personnel, if found involved in touting, will be terminated," it further read. New Delhi: On a day when Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu warned of severing ties with the NDA, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley reached out to him saying the Centre will stand by all its commitments regarding the funds that were promised to the state after its bifurcation. However, he added a rider, saying, Sentiments do not define the quantum of funds as the Centre has to look at a number of things. We have paid Rs 4,000 crore towards revenue deficit to Andhra Pradesh, only Rs 138 crore remains. We are committed to giving monetary equivalent to special status to Andhra Pradesh. Jaitleys statement comes close on the heels of TDP hinting at quitting its alliance with the BJP-led NDA. TDP is an alliance partner of BJP in both Centre and Andhra Pradesh. Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday virtually put the BJP on notice and demanded that the Centre honour the AP Reorganisation Act, 2014 and come out with a clear stand on the state's demands in the next two-three days. Or else, he said, TDP leaders would take the "right decision at the right time", amid speculation that the party may pull out of the Narendra Modi government. Noting that Andhra Pradesh is "a special case", he said that the Centre should provide industrial incentives to it as is done for northeastern states. "For four years, I did not raise any demand, hoping that being an ally, the BJP will honour the promises made in its manifesto as well and implement the Reorganisation Act in letter and spirit," said Naidu, reminding that Congress president Rahul Gandhi has promised to offer special status to the state if the Congress comes to power. Jaitley, however, sent out a message to Naidu, saying, "Political issues cannot increase quantum of money because Centre does not have free floating funds. Every state in India has a right to same central funds in the same manner. I have been sympathetic to AP because I know it suffered due to bifurcation." The finance minister took several minutes to explain the terms "special category" and "special package". He said, "We are willing to satisfy every condition. Only variation is that after Finance Commission report instead of formally calling it a special category state, we are calling it a special package, which gives same monetary benefits that a special category state gives you." Jaitley added that after the 14th Finance Commission report, the term "special category status" doesn't exist any longer. However, to make up for that, the Centre would give Andhra Pradesh funds equivalent to what a special category status state gets, he said. For special category status category states, the Centre meets 90 per cent of the funds required in a centrally sponsored scheme as against 60 per cent in case of normal category states. The remaining funds are provided by the state governments. He said the Centre had committed 90 per cent of the funds for centrally sponsored schemes in Andhra Pradesh, equivalent to special category states, through other means like external agencies like World Bank, but the state government wanted funds to be routed through agri-lending bank NABARD. The Centre is agreeable to even that provided a mechanism is worked out, he told reporters at his office here. Earlier in the day, TD MP TG Venkatesh criticised the Centre and even threatened to quit the alliance with BJP. He said, Jaitley was blunt in saying no special status and didn't show any flexibility. We are left with no option but to leave the alliance. A decision will be announced by CM Naidu. It will start with the resignations of ministers and will be taken forward. The Congress is also a culprit in this issue, so there is no question of joining them as it doesn't solve our problem. Asked about Congress President Rahul Gandhis promise to get Andhra the special category status, Jaitley said, I have to follow constitutional award. Imphal: One army personnel was martyred and 3 others were injured in an IED blast in Manipurs Chandel district on Tuesday. The blast took place at around 4 pm between the Armys company operating base at Khengjoi and L Bongjoi village near the Indo-Myanmar border. The martyred army jawan has been identified as Sepoy Abhijit Mandal of 28 Rajput under IGAR South. The injured personnel of 28 Rajput have been identified as Naik Rajkumar, Sepoy Daya Ram and Sepoy Rinku. United National Liberation Front of Manipur (UNLF) has claimed the responsibility for the ambush in Chandel. They have been admitted to the military hospital at Leimakhong. Army sources say they are now in stable condition. A second blast took place on the same day at Kamzong, Ukhrul district at a civilians house. No one was injured in the incident. In another incident, unidentified miscreants lobbed two hand grenades at Sanjeevani ground in Imphal West causing no injuries or casualties. Search operations are on. The army, in a statement on Wednesday, said they have intensified operations against insurgents. New Delhi: Actor-turned-politician Jaya Bachchan will be the Samajwadi Partys candidate for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections from the state of Uttar Pradesh, sources said. The seats of 6 Samajwadi Party MPs and one MP each from BSP, Congress and BJP will fall vacant in April 2018. In addition to this, the seat vacated by Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief Mayawati in July 2017 has also been lying vacant ever since. In all, 10 seats will be up for grabs from UP this year. Samajwadi Party sources said that party chose Bachchan over senior party leader Naresh Aggarwal, who is one of the MPs whose term is about to end this April. According to reports, this was done to placate the faction led by SP Chief Akhilesh Yadavs uncle Shivpal Singh Yadav, who is said to be upset with Aggarwal for allegedly colluding with the BJP. Bachchan is a three-time MP, who was first elected to the Rajya Sabha by the Samajwadi Party in 2004. She remained a member till March 2006, before being elected to the Upper House again in June of 2006. She was re-elected for a third term in 2012. 10 seats from Uttar Pradesh will be vacant in 2018 and the BJP will be in a comfortable position. A candidate from UP will require the support of 37 MLAs. With 325 MLAs in 403-member assembly, BJP is assured of at least 8 seats. The Samajwadi Party (SP), with its 47 MLAs will be able to send a single member to the Upper House. However, SP faces the risk of losing that position, if the factionalism within the party threatens to divide votes. It may then require the help of its alliance partner Congress (7 MLAs). The Congress and the Bahujan Samaj Party (19 MLAs) will not be in a position to elect even a single MLA, even if they were to join forces. In that eventuality, the BJP will walk away with 9 of the 10 vacant seats. However, if the Congress, BSP and both factions of the SP were to come together, they will be able to elect one more combined member to the Rajya Sabha, reducing the BJP to 8 MPs. The BSP has already declared that a former MLA of the party, Bhimrao Ambedkar, as their nominee for the Rajya Sabha. Hailing from Etawah, Ambedkar, who shares his name with the Dalit idol, represented Lakhna Assembly constituency. Washington: A US Navy veteran charged with killing of Indian techie Srinivas Kuchibhotla and injuring two others at a suburban Kansas City bar last year, on Tuesday pleaded guilty to premeditated first-degree murder. Adam Purinton, 52, pleaded guilty before a Kansas court. He was charged with first-degree murder of Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32, and two counts of attempted first-degree murder in the shootings of his friend, Alok Madasani, and a bystander, who chased Purinton after he fled the Austin's Bar and Grill in Olathe city on February 22, last year. Puriton had pleaded not guilty on all these charges and waived his preliminary hearing in late November 2017. Kuchibhotla's widow welcomed the guilty plea. "Today's guilty verdict will not bring back my Srinu, but it will send a strong message that hate is never acceptable," she said in a statement. According to court documents, Purinton's plea hearing was originally scheduled for May 8 but later it was moved to March 6. Witnesses said Purinton yelled at the two Indian men to "get out of my country" before pulling the trigger. Federal prosecutors alleged that Purinton committed offences after substantial planning and premeditation, attempted to kill more than one person in a single criminal episode, and knowingly created a grave risk of death to others on the scene. Purinton faces a maximum penalty of death or life in prison. Bengaluru: Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Vishwanatha Shetty was stabbed thrice by a youth inside his office in Bengaluru on Wednesday. He is being treated at the Mallya Hospital and sources confirmed that he is out of danger. According to sources, Justice Shettys life was saved because he was wearing a three-piece suit, which stopped the knife from going in too deep. The accused, one Tejraj Sharma from Tumkur district, was apprehended from the scene. Home Minister R Ramalinga Reddy told News18 that Justice Shetty is being provided the best possible treatment. We dont know if the accused had taken an appointment with the Lokayukta or just barged into his chambers. The police are interrogating him, Reddy said. A shaken Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has also rushed to the hospital to see the Lokayukta. He (the accused) was allowed inside the chamber. Lokayukta has a gunman. But he was sitting outside. Lot of people come to see me also. Not all are frisked. We will also look into security lapse angle, he said. Police sources told News18 that Tejraj, who runs a furniture business, had gone to Justice Shetty's chamber around 1.30pm in connection with a corruption case and stabbed him. He had even given his name and address in the visitors log book at the premises. Bengaluru Police Commissioner Suneel Kumar said that preliminary investigations have revealed that Tejraj had filed a complaint with the Lokayukta against 10 government officers who deal with supply of furniture. He was unhappy that his complaint was not being heard. This is the fourth time he had complained to the Lokayukta that he wasn't getting tenders and that could be the motive. It is being treated as an attempt to murder, he said. When asked how the man was able to walk into the chamber with a knife, the Bengaluru top cop said the metal detector placed outside wasn't working. We are looking into the security lapses... Not sure how the Lokayukta keeps the gunman placed... Still to get the clarification on that, he said. The political blame game has already begun over the issue. The opposition BJP and JDS have attacked the ruling Congress in the poll-bound state for total collapse of law and order. Former PM and JDS chief HD Deve Gowda has condemned the incident describing it as failure of Siddaramaiah government. The BJP also launched an attack on the state government after the horrific incident. State BJP chief BS Yeddyurappa has said that law and order in Karnataka had completely collapsed under Siddaramaiah. I am shell shocked at the incident. Judge Vishwanath Shetty stabbed by a person at his chamber. This happens to an honourable Judge in Karnataka. Lawlessness prevails in Karnataka #Ask4SafeKarnataka. Let's pray for Sri Vishwanath Shetty, union minister Sadananda Gowda tweeted. The United States will give more than $533 million in humanitarian aid for victims of conflicts and drought in Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and the West and Central African countries bordering Lake Chad, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. Tillerson made the announcement at a speech in Virginia before departing for a week-long trip to several African countries. The tour begins in Ethiopia where Tillerson is expected to meet government and African Union Commission officials in Addis Ababa. He will later visit Kenya, Nigeria, Chad and Djibouti. In a statement, the US State Department says Tillerson will discuss, among other things, counterterrorism, trade and investment. The top US diplomats first trip to Africa is seen as a good opportunity for the US to reaffirm ties with African nations after President Donald Trump referred to the continent and Haiti in a derogatory manner earlier this year. Tillersons visit also comes after the recent mass kidnapping of schoolgirls in Nigeria. State Department officials say finding ways to combat such incidents and promoting counterterrorism and security cooperation are high priorities for the top US diplomat. The United States recently put several affiliates of the Islamic State (IS) terror group in Africa on the terrorism blacklist in an effort to cut off their financial support from within the United States. New Delhi: The arguments for and against CBIs demand for Karti Chidambarams custody were now over. The special CBI Judge was writing the order in his chamber. In the courtroom a milieu of lawyers, journalists, Congress men from Tamil Nadu and CBI sleuths were all waiting and chitchatting. Also present there was Karti Chidambaram sitting about 10 feet away from his parents. This was a welcome break, after five days of sustained custodial interrogation. Karti, like any other accused in police custody, was completely cut off from rest of the world. Mobile phones seized, no newspaper or television allowed. Only people he could talk to were the CBI sleuths. If the world had changed in those five days, he would have no means to know. For any undertrial, either in police custody or in jail, court appearances are always special. It gives them those moments of freedom. Using this privilege, Karti requested a local journalist to read out the days headlines. He appeared cool as he engaged in a little banter with the journalists and the investigators. The attempt at keeping a brave front was clear but the fear in the Chidambaram camp was visible and palpable. How long will he be able to remain strong, how many days before he breaks down? Amidst the chatter inside the courtroom, some of those close to P Chidambaram were heard talking about the judge. They also said Karti was still being strong, still holding on but the CBI was trying to weaken him. Trying to make him say things that he doesnt want. The CBI wants him to spill it out, so that they can reach PC. The palpable question in the entire Chidambaram camp is how long can Karti remain strong? That he has not provided an iota of input to the Bureau is clear in the arguments put forth by the CBI in the court. Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, arguing for the CBI told the court that for every question that has been asked Kartis reply has been I am a victim of political vendetta. But the sustained interrogation is not over for Karti yet. As he spends two more days in CBI custody, sources say Enforcement Directorate(ED) is getting ready. If he fails get relief from the Supreme Court in the ED case, there is a high possibility of being arrested again by ED. The remand home will change from CBI Headquarters to ED office, but the line of questioning will remain the same. And if he breaks down, the agencies will have the prized catch. The great game now is just to wait and watch, would junior Chidambaram be able to hold on for the senior? As for the government and its investigative agency, Karti is after all is just a means to reach that desired end. CBSE has released special instructions for Open School and Private candidates who are applying for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test - NEET UG 2018. Earlier on 1st March 2018, CBSE had released a notification stating that NIOS/State Open School and Private candidates can apply for NEET UG 2018 as per the orders of Honble High Court of Delhi. However, their candidature to apply for NEET 2018 is subject to the outcome of Writ Petitions. As per the special instructions notice, NIOS, State Open School and Private candidates may submit details as suggested below under the information of Class XI of their NEET UG 2018 Application Form: 1. Name of School/College - Same as of Class XII 2. Year of Passing - One Year before the Passing of Class XII 3. Place of Study - As Applicable 4. State where Class XI School/College is located - As of Class XII 5. District where Class XI School/College is located - As of Class XII The special instructions have been issued as many NIOS students had confusion regarding information required for Class XI details while filling the NEET 2018 online application form. NIOS and private candidates can now refer to the above guidelines issued by CBSE to fill their forms on or before 9th March 2018. New Delhi: Condemning the vandalism of Periyar statue in Tamil Nadu, actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan on Wednesday said that it was being done to divert attention from the Cauvery water issue. This is diversionary tactic. I believe this is done to divert attention from the fact that the government has not constituted Cauvery water management board. My request to people and media is not to fall for all this and get diverted. We need to focus on our issues. I keep reiterating that all this is being done to divert attention from Cauvery water issue, he said during a press conference. While granting an additional 14.75 TMC of Cauvery water to Karnataka, the Supreme Court had said in February that a Cauvery Water Management board will be set up and Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal will have control over water allocation, and not the states. Haasan said that the vandalism incident could surely be an orchestrated event to divert attention from allocation of water. He further said that if they (government) are serious, they should take action against all involved. Meanwhile, CPM-M staged a road roko protest near the BJP office in Chennai to demand strict action against H Raja. DMK leader Kanimozhi also asked government to take action against the BJP leader. According to police, the glasses and the nose of the Periyar statue inside Tirupathur Corporation Office in Vellore were damaged by the vandals around 9pm on Tuesday. The men were caught by locals before they could inflict further damage and handed over to the police. New Delhi: The BJP office in Tamil Nadus Coimbatore was attacked with petrol bombs on Tuesday night. This incident could be a retaliation to the vandalisation of a Periyar statue in Vellore. Police said no one has been injured in the Coimbatore incident. CCTV footage shows some men hurling petrol bombs at the BJP office. On Tuesday evening, a statue of anti-untouchability activist and Dravidian movement leader EV Ramasamy, commonly known as Periyar, was vandalised by two men in Tamil Nadus Vellore district. Earlier in the day, two statues of Lenin were razed in Tripura. According to police, the glasses and the nose of the statue inside Tirupathur Corporation Office were damaged by the vandals around 9pm. The men were caught by locals before they could inflict further damage and handed over to the police. #BREAKING -- BJP office attacked by miscreants in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu; Petrol bombs hurled early morning | @RevathiRajeevan with more details News18 (@CNNnews18) March 7, 2018 Police identified the arrested as Muthuraman and Francis. While Muthuraman is suspected to be a BJP worker, Francis is believed to be a CPI activist, police said. The vandalism attempt came hours after senior BJP leader H Raja said Periyar was "casteist" and called for the reformist's statue to be "destroyed" in a Facebook post. He deleted the post after facing the backlash. Who is Lenin? What is the relevance he holds in India? What is the link between communalism and India? Lenins statues were destroyed in Tripura, tomorrow, in Tamil Nadu, casteist Periyars statues will be destroyed, wrote Raja. The Facebook post was in reference to the incident in south Tripura, where alleged BJP supporters used a JCB to bring down a statue of communist revolutionary Lenin on Monday, two days after the party won the assembly elections in the state. On Tuesday, another Lenin statue was razed to the ground. The Periyar reference in Rajas post was heavily criticised online, following which, the leader took it down. He has reportedly said that someone else had inadvertently posted it on his page. Defending Raja, BJP spokesperson Narayanan Tirupathi said, More than 99.9% of the people in Tamil Nadu are spiritual. EVRs statue carries the message that whoever worships God are barbarians, whoever preaches God are rascals and whosoever keep faith in God are fools. Hindu outfits have for long demanded the removal of these statues but this has not been done till date. Hence, H Rajas outburst. The words may have been harsh but the intention is keeping in mind the majority of the population. Rival parties demanded Rajas arrest. No one dare touch EVRs (Periyar) statue. H Raja made those comments to incite violence. He has been repeatedly doing this. He should be arrested and the Goondas Act slapped on him, said DMK Working President, MK Stalin. MDMK leader Vaiko also said, Whoever touches Periyars statues, will have their hands chopped off. New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has strongly disapproved the incidents of vandalism reported from across the country and asked the Home Ministry to take strong action. PM Modi spoke to Home Minister Rajnath Singh over the issue following which the Home Ministry issued an advisory to the states asking them to prevent such incidents. The MHA has said that persons indulging in such acts must be sternly dealt with and booked under relevant provisions of law. BJP chief Amit Shah terms as extremely unfortunate vandalisation of statues in some states. "The recent issue on destroying of statues is extremely unfortunate. We as a party do not support the bringing down of anybodys statue," Shah tweeted. In another incident of vandalisation, a statue of Bharatiya Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee was damaged at Jadavpur University in West Bengal on Wednesday. PM Shri @narendramodi spoke to HM Shri @rajnathsingh in this regard and has expressed strong disapproval of such incidents. HMO India (@HMOIndia) March 7, 2018 Police said a group of students blackened the face of the statue and tried to bring it down. Six students have been detained. This incident comes after a statue of Dravidian movement leader Periyar was razed in Vellore and two Lenin statues were damaged in Tripura. The Lenin statues were razed in Tripura and the statue of Periyar was vandalised by two men in Tamil Nadu. According to police, the glasses and the nose of the Periyar statue inside Tirupathur Corporation Office in Vellore were damaged by the vandals around 9pm on Tuesday. The men were caught by locals before they could inflict further damage and handed over to the police. The vandalism attempt came hours after senior BJP leader H Raja said Periyar was "casteist" and called for the reformist's statue to be "destroyed" in a Facebook post. He deleted the post after facing a backlash. Who is Lenin? What is the relevance he holds in India? What is the link between communalism and India? Lenins statues were destroyed in Tripura, tomorrow, in Tamil Nadu, casteist Periyars statues will be destroyed, wrote Raja. The Facebook post was in reference to the incident in south Tripura, where alleged BJP supporters used a JCB to bring down a statue of communist revolutionary Lenin on Monday, two days after the party won the assembly elections in the state. On Tuesday, another Lenin statue was razed to the ground. The Periyar reference in Rajas post was heavily criticised online, following which, the leader took it down. He has reportedly said that someone else had inadvertently posted it on his page. Ahmedabad: Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Parvin Togadia had a close shave on Wednesday as his car was hit by a truck on a highway near Surat. Togadia escaped unhurt and alleged that it was a conspiracy to kill him. He also claimed that despite being under Z-category security cover, no escort car was provided to him. It is the responsibility of the state government to provide an escort car apart from another car that has security personnel. I had informed the state government a day in advance that I would be travelling from Vadodara to Surat, he said. This means that apart from one vehicle for security, another escort vehicle should have been provided in Vadodara, Bharuch and Surat districts. When the accident took place, only one vehicle was there. The escort vehicle was not present, the VHP leader added. The driver of the truck, who made no attempt to escape after the accident, has been taken into custody. He told the police that he tried to stop the truck, but the brakes failed and he hit Togadias car. The truck then hit the divider and came to a halt. But Togadia alleged that the driver did not apply the brakes intentionally. He said the call details of the truck driver for the past three months should be checked. But he did not name anyone that he believed could harm him and maintained that he had full faith in the Gujarat police. When he was specifically asked whom he thought was against him or wanted to get him killed, the firebrand Hindutva champion shot back, Hindus of Gujarat and India will decide for themselves who wants to get rid of me. But I will continue to fight for the cause of Hindus like I have been doing for 25 years now. Nobody can stop me from doing so. Earlier, in January, Togadia had gone missing for a day and was allegedly found in an unconscious state from near the airport after the Rajasthan police had visited Ahmedabad with an arrest warrant against him. Togadia had alleged then that the state machinery was being used against him. New Delhi: Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday began a five-day trip to Singapore and Malaysia during which he will reach out to the Indian diaspora and is also expected to meet the prime ministers of the two countries, party sources said. Gandhi, who reached Singapore on Wednesday was welcomed by a young admirer carrying a poster of his at the airport, is likely to meet Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on March 9 and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on March 10, the sources said. He will begin the Singapore leg of his visit on Thursday with an address to Indian entrepreneurs in the city state. Next up will be an interaction at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, where he will make a formal address. He will also meet Singapore Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan on Thursday. On Friday, March 9, Gandhi will meet members of Young Professionals International and later meet the Singaporean prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam. He will also address members of the Overseas Congress and meet representatives of the Indian community. The Congress chief will be interacting with alumni of the Indian Institutes of Management at the Suntec Convention Centre. On March 10, the Congress chief will travel to Malaysia where he will address a meeting of Indian entrepreneurs and other business delegates. He will meet the Malaysian prime minister the same day and then address a meeting of Overseas Congress, sources said. The five day trip to the Southeast Asian countries -- ahead of the AICC plenary session here from March 16 to 18 -- is being organised by the AICC Overseas cell headed by technocrat Sam Pitroda, who helped former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi lead the IT revolution in India. Pitroda had earlier successfully organised Rahul Gandhi's visits to the US and West Asia. Later in the year, the Congress president is also expected to travel to Dubai and Canada. Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day... The battle against dust and dirt is never won.~ Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex. After a week of pushing files around and toying around with excel sheets, I clean my tiny apartment in the weekend and inevitably end up with a back pain; wishing I never have to do it again. Even when I live aided with a variety of cleaning machines, I struggle to keep to my schedule of dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, washing and folding. I remember the women who brought me upall keeping their jobs and maintaining way bigger homes, keeping up the eternal struggle against dust. Women around me have all had jobsmy mother worked in an airline company, my aunts were principals of their schools, and another aunt was a Central Government employee. As my mother left home at 4 am, their homes have all been formative spaces as I ended up spending a considerable amount of time growing up in them. They were all neat spaces with huge bookshelves, littered with curios collected from travels and walls adorned with frames that never collected dust. I remember the women who would take over these homes when my aunts and mother were away and kept them clean and orderedleaving behind their own homes, taking early morning trains into the city. I remember the army of working women who would come into these homes and enable my mother and aunts to be working women, promptly taking over the forever battle against dust. When my mother joined work after her maternity leave, Arati Didi looked after me. The day she eloped with her boyfriend, she took me along and left me at my aunts place. She didnt have to, she couldve just left me home after feeding me, but she didnt. Id like to believe that her boyfriend filled her life with the love she showered on me so selflessly. Through the years, my mother climbed her way up the ladders at work, often hitting her head in the glass ceilings and finding ways around it. One day when I saw her pinning a black ribbon to her uniform sari, I was stunned. She told me the workers union at the Kolkata Airport was on strike! Of course, she was my mother and she was the woman who made the best momos in the world, but that day she also became a working woman for me; a unionised working woman striking for her rights. That day was a formative day of our relationship. My mother did all these things with a smile while a line of women brought me up and kept her home clean. Year after year as my mother came home, there would be hot food on the table, washed clothes folded up on her bed and clean rooms for her to walk through. For years, almost like magic, Biji Biji, Namita Didi, Sandhya Mashi, Meena Mashi, Geeta Di, Bharati Mashi, Malati Mashi and Jamuna Di arrived on time, took over the house and made it into a home, all the while making it seem effortless and natural. Before the debate over skilled and unskilled work emerges here, let me just lay it blank that raising a child needs skills; from knowing how hot the food must be, to folding the dough into fantastic mughlai parathas, to making me sit still and braiding my hair, in the face of my tantrums, not just required skills but also a tremendous amount of patience that I, as an employee, rarely bring to my workplace. When I moved out of my parents house and became a working woman myself, I was joined by Mamta Didi who would ring the bell at 7:15 am, smile and wish me Good Morning before going on to make our first cups of tea for the day. I, too, ended up joining the ranks of my aunts and mother, as I sat complaining on days Mamta Didi missed work or on the days a bit of dal still stuck to the plate she had washed. The day she came to work with fever, I gave her a Crocin, some toast and asked her to leave. While I had the luxury of sick leaves, personal leaves, and paid days-off, she had none. While I had HR policies dictating how much I should get paid, Mamta Didis salary was arrived at only after I haggled with her for a good twenty minutes. While the debate on menstrual leave gains more voices, these women come to work in each of our households and continue to bend over and sweep our floors while they are cramping and menstruating. In 1857, in New York City, female garment workers are believed to have gathered together to demand workers rights. This is believed to be the first act of resistance carried on by women demanding fair wages and better working conditions. In 2018, domestic workers in India are far from being unionised, in spite of continued and sustained efforts for decades now. This International Working Womens Day, we should obviously congratulate ourselves for having made it this far as we plan for the long road of struggle ahead. But let us also take a step back, and realise that our victories are not our ownlike our mothers, like us, there are women leaving their homes and children every day, just so we can step out and immerse ourselves in our privileges. There are women who are constantly taking things off our plates just so we can go on to take on some more. Let us not forget that this too is a skill, a skill we could do well to learn. Its 2018, as our clean hands navigate books, spreadsheets, and slides, its time we paid our dues to the warriors of dust. #BeingAWoman is a special series to celebrate womanhood in todays India on the occasion of International Womens Day 2018 (Author, a resident of New York, writes on films, food, gender and most other things. Views are personal) New Delhi: After Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his strong disapproval for the spree of vandalism of statues in different states, the Centre issued an advisory on Wednesday to all states asking them to promptly investigate the incidents of vandalism and hold SPs and DMs accountable for any law and order situation. The advisory, besides calling for continuous monitoring of the situation, has also asked the states to take all possible measures to ensure that no such incident is allowed to happen again. In a span of three days, two statues of Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin were destroyed in Tripura, a statue of Dravidian movement leader Periyar was razed in Vellore and in the latest incident on Wednesday, another statue of Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee was damaged in Kolkata. The advisory issued on Wednesday after the fresh attack on SP Mookerjees statue further asks the states to make the District Magistrates (DM) and Senior Superintendents of Police (SSP), personally responsible in ensuring that law and order remains under control. The order has also advised an intensification of patrolling in sensitive locations, community policing for peace and harmony, check on anti-social elements and preventive measures wherever required. PM Modi spoke to Home Minister Rajnath Singh over the issue following which the Home Ministry issued an advisory to the states asking them to prevent such incidents. The MHA has said that persons indulging in such acts must be sternly dealt with and booked under relevant provisions of law. New Delhi: In another incident of vandalisation, a bust of Bharatiya Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee was damaged in Kolkatas Chittaranjan Das Park inside Kalighat Crematorium on Wednesday morning. The incident took place around 7am when a group of six students, claiming to be from the Jadavpur Universitys Radical students organisation, gathered in front of the park with placards condemning the vandalisation of Lenin statues in Tripura. Police said the six students have been detained. After raising slogans, the group allegedly went inside the park and partially damaged Syama Prasad Mookerjees bust with a hammer. They put up a poster which read: We want explanation from BJP on why Lenins statue was brought down in Tripura. A group of local Trinamool Congress workers who were having tea in a nearby stall rushed to the spot and caught all six people. They were later taken to Tollygunge Police station. We were having tea and suddenly we saw these students damaging the statue. There is a strict instruction from our party president Mamata di to prevent people from damaging statues of great leaders, Tapas Maity, a TMC worker said. State BJP leaders condemned the incident. State BJP general secretary Sayantan Basu condemned the incident and demanded stern action against those involved in damaging the statue. The bust is damaged. This is the handiwork of TMC workers who are desperate to wipe out BJP from Bengal. The more they will suppress us, the more we will emerge as a strong party, he said. 6 male and one female ( age 22-29) who tried to deface the bust of dr shyama prasad mukherjee have been arrested from the spot by Kolkata Police and strong legal action initiated. No vandalism would be tolerated. CP Kolkata (@CPKolkata) March 7, 2018 On Tuesday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee condemned bringing down the statue of Lenin. My ideology may differ with the CPI (M) but I will not tolerate if someone will try to destroy statues of leader like Lenin. It is unfortunate that BJP leaders instead of thinking towards development in Tripura, they are indulged in violence. They only believe in divisive politics, Mamata said. Hitting out at the BJP in Tripura, she had said, What kind of politics is this? Today they are pulling down Lenins statue, tomorrow they will do the same with Gandhi ji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Birsa Mundas statue.Till I am alive, I will not tolerate this and will raise our voice. This incident comes after a statue of Dravidian movement leader Periyar was razed in Vellore and two Lenin statues were damaged in Tripura. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has strongly disapproved the incidents of vandalism and spoke to Home Minister Rajnath Singh over the issue. The Home Ministry has issued an advisory to the states and told them to take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents. The MHA has said that persons indulging in such acts must be sternly dealt with and booked under relevant provisions of law. The vandalism of the Periyar statue came hours after senior BJP leader H Raja said Periyar was "casteist" and called for the reformist's statue to be "destroyed" in a Facebook post. He deleted the post after facing backlash. Who is Lenin? What is the relevance he holds in India? What is the link between communalism and India? Lenins statues were destroyed in Tripura, tomorrow, in Tamil Nadu, casteist Periyars statues will be destroyed, wrote Raja. The Facebook post was in reference to the incident in south Tripura, where alleged BJP supporters used a JCB to bring down a statue of communist revolutionary Lenin on Monday, two days after the party won the assembly elections in the state. On Tuesday, another Lenin statue was razed to the ground. The Periyar reference in Rajas post was heavily criticised online, following which, the leader took it down. He has reportedly said that someone else had inadvertently posted it on his page. The United Nations refugee agency warned Tuesday that ongoing instability in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) poses a grave risk to civilian safety, including for several hundred refugees recently returned there from Angola. Congolese Government forces have regained control of large areas of the Kasai, but there is sporadic fighting between the armed forces and militia groups, according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Tensions remain high between different ethnic groups, threatening to plunge the region into new violence, UNHCR spokesperson Aikaterini Kitidi told reporters in Geneva. Last month alone, more than 11,000 people fled the conflict. This is in addition to the roughly 900,000 Congolese who have already been internally displaced since the Kasai crisis erupted in 2016. Some 35,000 Congolese have sought refuge in Angola, according to UN estimates. UNHCR believes that returns are not yet safe or sustainable, since peace and security are lacking. However, some 530 Congolese were forced to return from Angola between 25 and 27 February. The returns were carried out despite UNHCRs requests to the Angolan authorities to undertake joint screening of the unregistered group, the spokesperson said. UNHCR urges the Angolan authorities to refrain from further forcible returns of Congolese to their country. Should conditions change, UNHCR stands ready to assist the authorities in DRC and Angola in voluntary repatriation discussions. Support for the returnees to rebuild their houses is often absent, as humanitarian funding does not at present allow for a major rebuilding program, the UNHCR says. For 2018, UNHCR has requested $368.7 million to help those affected by the crisis in the country. So far, just one per cent of the requested amount has been received. New Delhi: The Tibetan government-in-exile shifted a high-profile event commemorating Dalai Lamas 60 years of exile as an effort to bringing peace to relations between India and China. The event was to be held in New Delhi till a media report said that foreign secretary Vijay Gokhale wrote to the cabinet secretary saying that participation of senior leaders and dignitaries at the event, Thank You India, is not desirable and should be discouraged, considering the sensitive time. Many Tibetan activists are said to have communicated to relevant authorities as the development humiliated Dalai Lama. Experts have, however, raised doubts over the development from both sides. China has been silent on the series of development from the Indian and Tibetan side so far. Speaking to News18, former Ambassador P Stobdan said that there was absolutely no question of humiliation or worry as the government was just doing as it promised. Dalai Lama is a refugee and Tibetans have been given the freedom to follow their spiritual allegiance. The statement from the Ministry of External Affairs saying that they stood by their stand on Dalai Lama being given all the freedom to carry out his religious activities in India is absolutely correct. There has been no commitment from our side to allow them to conduct their political/cultural events, he said. Soon after the media report on Gokhales diktat, the MEA had said that Dalai Lama was a revered leader and was deeply respected by people in India and that there was no change in that position. Stobdan said that the current development was in itself a big step in foreign policy changes. Tibet is a core issue for China. We need to understand that. Now it looks like someone finally has a grip on that, he said. Gokhale was Indias ambassador to China when the two Asian giants were engaged in the Doklam standoff. It is largely believed that Gokhales hands-on experience with the neighbour has ensured that he reaffirms Indias clear stand on Tibet. His opinion was echoed by Alka Acharya, professor of Chinese Studies at Jawahar Lal Nehru University. This is course-correction of sorts. Gokhale is reverting to the official and formal position taken by the government of India in its understanding with China. During his time as joint secretary in 2009, he had ensured that the government stayed away from similar celebrations, she said. CHINESE WHISPERS Experts have attributed Gokhales use of sensitive time as a hint to Prime Minister Narendra Modis upcoming visit to China for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Further, the note is said to have been given out before the foreign secretary himself went to Beijing in February. Modi governments use of the Tibet card has long been debated upon. In 2014, during Modis inauguration, head of the Tibetan government-in-exile, Lobsang Sangay, was invited. In 2016, Dalai Lama was seen with the President during a function to honour Nobel laureates. A year later, in 2017, Dalai Lama was allowed to visit Tawang for the first time since 2009, a move which did not go well with the Chinese. Stobdan further said that people in India often considered Tibet as our cause. But its not. Tibet is a core issue for China just like Kashmir is a core issue for us. The government is well within its rights to advice its officials on those who have been refugee status, he said. India has, time and again, insisted that Dalai Lama was offered refuge in India on humanitarian grounds. He had fled to India during the 1959 Tibetan violence and has been living in India ever since. The exiled Tibetan government said that it had shifted the event from Delhi to Dharamshala so that it was not a thorn in India-China relations. Weve lived in India for 60 years and would like to express our gratitude. But we also understand Indias position. We took relevant note of reports and decided that it would be best if we just rescheduled to event, said Sonam Dagpo, spokesperson with the Central Tibetan Administration or the exiled government as it is called. The move by Gokhale has, however, not gone down too well with a few others. A former deputy national security advisor said that the move only showed that India was being weak and adhering to Chinese pressure. Tibetans are our refugees. We are clear about it but this move by the government is worrisome. Why do we need to make a statement showcasing our stand on China, if thats what this meant? We need to be more stringent and stronger in our approach, the former NSA said. Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on Tuesday said she is happy to continue making a small contribution in bringing about a larger and effective change for children born with clefts. Aishwarya is the global goodwill ambassador of Smile Train, an international cleft charity. It celebrated the completion of 500,000 free cleft lip and palate reconstructive surgeries for children born with clefts within 18 years of starting its India programme. "I am proud to be associated with Smile Train for all these years and extend my heartfelt congratulations to them for changing the lives of half a million cleft patients in India. "Supporting this work of Smile Train through The Aishwarya Rai Foundation has been my small personal contribution to the larger picture of honourable, effective change in the lives of cleft patients. I look forward to continuing this journey of giving new reasons to smile to children born with clefts," the former beauty queen said in a statement. Looking elegant in a pristine white ensemble, Aishwarya joined 100 doctors, former patients and their families, including Pinki Sonkar of Oscar-winning documentary "Smile Pinki" at the event. Smile Train also launched the Train in India initiative under which medical professionals from other countries in South Asia will be trained in cleft care at its partner hospitals. Mumbai: Over the course of his 25 years in Hindi cinema, superstar Aamir Khan, who is currently busy prepping for his upcoming movie Thugs of Hindostan, has become synonymous with perfection and discipline, but the actor reveals that in real life he is the most disorganised person, a side about which only the people close to him get to see. When asked how he has continued to be a disciplined actor, the 53-year-old Dangal star said it is only his work that motivates him to be efficient. "I am totally undisciplined. The only thing that gets me into the discipline is my work. So, had I not been an actor, I would have been the most undisciplined person. That is the fact. "I know people here are looking at me, thinking, 'What is he even saying?' but that's the truth. People who are close to me know how undisciplined I am. What puts me on track is my work," Aamir told reporters here at the launch of the book, "How To Be Human, penned by filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani's wife, Manjeet. The actor was also asked what subject he would choose to pen a book on, if that ever happens. Aamir said the obvious choice would be to write about his experience in Bollywood. He, however, added he has not given any serious thought to it as films keep him occupied. "I have never thought about it. But my natural inclination would be to write about my experiences in my career and life. I, however, am always busy with films so, I never get time to look back at my life and think. Many people have told me to write something. "Sometimes, even I have thought of recording my feelings so that I can use the material later. But I haven't given this a serious consideration." At the launch, Hirani was asked if, after the Sanjay Dutt biopic, he would like to bring Aamir's life on the big screen, the director said, "Right now, I am fine with making only one biopic. But who wouldn't like to make a biopic on Aamir Khan? I would love to do that in future," he said. To which Aamir quipped, "My life is very boring!" The actor-director duo has previously worked in 3 Idiots and PK. The deal to buy assets of Harvey Weinstein's former production company collapsed on Tuesday as a former official in president Barack Obama's administration said her investor group was abandoning the venture -- for now. "All of us have worked in earnest on the transaction to purchase the assets of The Weinstein Company," Maria Contreras-Sweet said, adding, "However, after signing and entering into the confirmatory diligence phase, we have received disappointing information about the viability of completing this transaction. As a result, we have decided to terminate this transaction." The studio's "disappointed" board of directors responded by saying they would now pursue "an orderly bankruptcy process" while working "tirelessly" to see if there are any other viable options. A source familiar with the deal told AFP on condition of anonymity that the buyers discovered for the first time Tuesday $64 million in undisclosed liabilities. The Contreras-Sweet group's bid for the company had been reported at $500 million. The breakdown was the latest dramatic twist in a long-running saga over the future of the New York-headquartered film studio, which has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy since Weinstein was hit by sexual assault allegations, torpedoing his career last October. "The investors' excuse that they learned new information about the company's financial condition is just that -- an excuse," said The Weinstein Company board in a tersely-worded statement, adding, "The company has been transparent about its dire financial condition to the point of announcing its own LIKELY bankruptcy last week. We regret being correct that this buyer simply had no intention of following through on its promises." Contreras-Sweet's bid to buy the production house hit a first snag last month when New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman sued The WeinsteinCompany, fearing that imminent sale could leave victims of the mogul's alleged sexual misconduct without adequate redress. Schneiderman has stipulated that any deal provide adequate compensation for victims, protect employees and remove executives who had been complicit in Weinstein's misconduct. The fate of several finished movies, which have languished on the shelf since Weinstein's career imploded, with no release dates announced, is now more unclear than ever. They include historical drama The Current War, starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Thomas Edison; Mary Magdalene, a religious drama starring Rooney Mara; and The War With Grandpa, a comedy starring Robert De Niro. Weinstein was sacked as chairman in October after bombshell exposes accused him of years of sexual harassment, assault and even rape. More than 100 women have since accused him of impropriety going back 40 years, triggering a US reckoning over harassment and abuse that has toppled a litany of powerful men in various sectors. Weinstein, a twice-married father of five, is being investigated by British and US police, but has not been charged with any crime. He denies having non-consensual sex and is reportedly in treatment for sex addiction Actor Jeetendra has been booked by the Shimla Police, according to a report by The Indian Express. A cousin of the actor had filed a complaint with the DGP of Himachal Pradesh in February, alleging that she had been assaulted by Jeetendra 47 years ago, while accompanying him on a trip to the city. The complainant said she was 18 at the time. According to latest reports, she will be recording her statement before a magistrate, and has been asked to provide any evidence she may have to help prove her testimony; thus far, police officials say the woman has neither provided them with the name of the hotel nor offered any proof of her stay there. Jeetendras lawyer Rizwan Siddiquee had previously denied the allegations and said the baseless, ridiculous and fabricated claims have been made to defame the actor with a personal agenda. He also said the charges cannot be entertained by any court of law or law enforcement agencies after a span of almost 50 years. In her earlier statement, the woman said that the alleged abuse took place in January 1971, when the actor was 28 and had just stepped into showbiz. She said that she had just turned 18 and Jeetendra, without informing her, took her father's permission to take her to visit his film's set, where he sexually assaulted her. She claimed that before this, Jeetendra had never spoken to her about her films and the two were not friendly. Her letter described the incident in detail. A fan of superstar Sanjay Dutt left all her money and belongings in the actors name after she passed away on January 15, according to a report in Mumbai Mirror. The 62-year-old woman, named Nidhi Tripathi, was a Malabar Hill resident. She nominated Dutt as the inheritor of the money in her bank locker and account in her will. Dutt, who was then shooting his upcoming movie Saheb Biwi and Gangster 3 in Kolkata, expressed shock when he came to know about Tripathi's "overwhelming" gesture. However, Dutts attorney, Subhash Jadhav, has made it clear that the actor would not be accepting any money or property from Tripathi. In a statement to Mirror, Dutt said, "As actors, we are used to fans naming their children after us, chasing us down the street and even giving us gifts. But this has shocked me. I will not be claiming anything. I did not know Nishi and I am very overwhelmed by the entire incident to speak about it." In the summer of 2001, I met Anne Frank for the first time at a books exhibition in my school. There she was, looking straight at me, and smiling from the cover of her book. As I picked up 'The Diary of a Young Girl' and browsed through its pages, I knew I had to buy that book and get to know Anne personally. So, I happily parted with my entire month's pocket money and took Anne's diary home. I read the whole book in one sitting. Anne felt like the best friend I never had. She was fun and funny. I loved how she judged her classmates, spoke about her frenemies (although that wasn't a term back then), discussed boys and swooned over Hollywood stars. However, what stayed with me most was how she gave words to my every feeling and thought, which is perhaps one of the reasons why Anne's story has such a universal appeal, because, at its core, it is a coming-of-age story. Anne Frank's diary also happens to be a personal account of the Second World War, which not only makes it a seminal text but also gives it a heartbreaking first-person perspective into the lives of Jews under Hitler regime. When I finished reading the book for the first time, I felt a gnawing pain in my chest. Her death felt like a personal loss, as though a beloved friend was gone forever. For the next couple of days, I dreamt of Anne in a concentration camp and would often wake up in the middle of the night, trying to catch my breath. In my head, I reimagined many scenarios in which Anne manages to escape and lives a long happy life. I touched her words over and over again as if doing that, in some bizarre way, will make me feel closer to her. I underlined the lines I especially liked with a blue glitter pen. The book left me so shattered that all my self-preservation instincts kicked in and I decided never to reread it. Although I remembered Anne as a fun, vivacious friend I once had. Inspired by her, like most teenage girls across the world, I also picked up diary writing. Over the years, thanks to Anne Frank, I discovered how cathartic writing down one's thoughts in a diary can be. My journal keeping, which began as a hobby, has now become a habit of 18 years. In all these years, I have realised that Anne was right, written words can truly be 'a great source of comfort and support'. Whenever I found that people had less patience for me or my words, I turned to paper, like Anne had recommended. I have rarely known any words to be truer than Anne's when she said: "I can shake off everything when I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn." Anne also taught me how to deal with isolation and confinement. She told me, "deep down the young are lonelier than the old." As a teenager, growing up in a nondescript corner of West Bengal, in the pre-internet era, often made me feel isolated from the rest of the world. I felt confined in my small town that didn't have one proper bookstore or a movie theatre where girls from 'decent families' could go. However, Anne's account of her days in the secret annex and how she dealt with her life when confined by space, relationships and the lack of opportunities gave me courage and hope. It told me, no matter what constraints you face in life, you have to learn to be optimistic about the future. She also taught me to appreciate nature. As she sat at her attic window and pined for the outdoors, it made me realise how indifferent I was to the beauty of nature until that point. In her diary, Anne wrote, "The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet alone with the heavens, nature and god. Because only then does one feel all is as it should be. " The second time I picked up her diary was three days after my father's death. By then I had forgotten how depressed I was after reading it for the first time and hoped that flipping through enough pages of her diary will finally make me exhausted enough to sleep. However, that did not happen. I ended up rereading many passages of The Diary of a Young Girl and thank god I did. This time around I understood that her story wasn't a sad one, although the circumstances under which she wrote it, was. In fact, her life was an eternal spring of hope and positivity. I still remember these lines from her diary: In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply cant build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again." Despite her teenage angst and naivety, she had profound wisdom and like a true friend, Anne knew what to say to me that night. She told me that "misfortunes never come singly", but, no matter how horrible the circumstances "Where there is hope there is life." She told me to not wallow in self-pity and go to sleep. "Sleep makes the silence and the terrible fears go by so quickly," she said, it "helps pass the time since it is impossible to kill." Anne Frank was a true inspiration in those darkest times and I am forever grateful to have a friend like her. #BeingAWoman is a special series to celebrate womanhood in todays India on the occasion of International Womens Day 2018. Toppled from two pedestals in Tripura, Vladimir Lenin must be chuckling in anticipation of the future. What one democratically elected government can do, another democratically elected government can undo gloated Tripuras governor, Tathagatha Roy, justifying the vandalism. Elections are a continuing process as the great god of Communism (if Communists have a god) understood better than any saffron brigade apparatchik. The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. Today its Lenin, warned Mamata Banerjee, tomorrow it will be Gandhi, Subhas Bose or Rabindranath Tagore! This was not a victory of ideology but of pragmatism over politics. The Bharatiya Janata Party which swept 43 out of 59 assembly seats contested 50 seats in 2013 when its candidates forfeited their deposits in 49 seats and with only 1.87 per cent of votes, failed to win any seat at all. But despite the governor and his flock, the 40 lakh people of Tripura are not exactly pining for the Hindutva Elysium. The Lotus triumphed over the Hammer and Sickle because what people crave for are the neglected necessities of life -- roti, kapda aur makaan. With more than seven lakhs unemployed, Tripura desperately needs jobs. That means infrastructure and private investment in industry. The tribals complain of the lack of basic facilities like potable water. Hindu Sarkar tried Bengalis who have moved from Bangladeshs adjoining Comilla district complain of illegal Muslim Bangladeshi migrants benefiting from bogus papers. The two Left Front chief ministers, Nripen Chakraborty who held office from 1978 to 1988, and Manik Sarkar who became chief minister in 1998, were both revered by friends and foes alike. But they signally failed to reconcile ideology with pragmatism. When to come to terms with economic expectations, he was thwarted by hard-line ideologues like Prakash Karat. Now, as Tripura waits for the economic miracle the BJP promised, it should find the threat of violence more worrying than the demolition of statues. The ousted Communist Party of India (Marxist) naturally blames the BJP. Appealing ironically to Narendra Modi for help, a Marxist memorandum complained, "After the election results were out, goons of the BJP have unleashed a reign of terror and all-round attacks on members and supporters of the CPI(M), their houses, party offices and mass organisation offices throughout the state." It gave a list of the alleged violent incidents, claiming that 514 people were injured and 196 houses set on fire. We request your immediate intervention to stop these attacks and violence and to maintain peace and normalcy in the state", the memorandum stated, before the situation "worsened". The plea stirred uneasy memories of the 1980 massacre at Mandwi as Hindutvas exultant cries of Jai Siyaram and Bharat Mata ki Jai filled the air. Mandwi is an obscure village some 30 km north-east of the capital, Agartala, inhabited both by Tripuri tribespeople and Hindu Bengalis. Armed militants of the Tripura Upajati Juba Samiti and the National Volunteer Force, a Tripuri rebel group fighting to secede from India, launched a carefully planned attack against the Bengalis. According to official figures 255 Hindus were massacred but the foreign press cited independent sources and eyewitnesses to put the figure between 350 and 400. Many victims had their heads crushed and limbs severed. Children were spiked through. The stomachs of pregnant women were slashed open. Seeing the savagery and the butchery, the mutilation of hundreds of men, women and children, the Indian armys Major R. Rajamani, who reached Mandwi a day later, commented that the My Lai massacre in Vietnam was not half as gruesome. The reason for anxiety about another recrudescence of ethnic violence is that the tribals are now with the BJP on the winning side. The TNV, which surrendered in 1988 and formed a political party, merged in 2000 with the Indigenous Peoples Front of Tripura to form the Indigenous Nationalist Party of Twipra led by Bijoy Kumar Hrangkhawl. The IPFT is Tripuras main tribal organisation. It is at loggerheads with the CPI(M)s tribal branch, the Tripura Rajya Upajati Ganamukti Parishad, and minor physical clashes between the two groups are frequently reported. The IPFT and the Twipraland State Party have also been agitating since 2009 to upgrade the existing Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) into a separate tribal state to be called Twipraland. The TTAADC now has jurisdiction over two-thirds of Tripura's 10,491 sq. kms., where nearly 13 lakh people, mostly tribals, live. Amit Shah, the BJP president, who sees Tripura as a stepping stone to the conquest of Karnataka and West Bengal, sidestepped that core conflict on the eve of the election when he urged all his brothers and sisters of Tripura to come out and vote in large numbers, saying their vote will lay the foundation of a prosperous and developed Tripura". The BJPs state unit president, Biplab Kumar Deb, and now chief minister designate, was closer to the truth. The election results would be historic he declared, gloating that both Mr Modi and Mr Shah had called him with their good wishes". Much will depend now on how forcefully the IPFT presses the Twipraland demand as the price of its electoral cooperation, and how the BJPs central leadership responds. Tripuras per capita income is below the national average but the state is the principal employer. The wage bill is a heavy burden on an impoverished exchequer, and Tripura still pays only the rates prescribed by the Fourth Pay Commission. The BJPs promise to implement the Seventh Pay Commissions recommendations means that the salary of a government servant who now draws Rs 20,000 a month will at once jump to at least Rs 35,000. Lenin might have understood the economic rationale for paying allegiance to the Lotus, at least as a stopgap measure. (Mr Datta-Ray is a journalist and author of several books. He has been editor of The Statesman. Views are personal) New Delhi: After Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah reportedly refused to give technocrat Sam Pitroda a nomination from Karnataka, Congress is most likely to nominate him from Gujarat. Earlier on Tuesday, during a meeting with Congress chief Rahul Gandhi in New Delhi, Siddaramaiah had reportedly told him that it would be unwise to send outsiders to Rajya Sabha from Karnataka ahead of the crucial Assembly elections. The Congress, that has won a significant number of seats in the recent Gujarat Assembly elections, is entitled to send 2 MPs from Gujarat. While chances of Pitroda, a close friend of the Gandhi family, is likely to get one of these two berths, the other might go to Gujarat Congress chief, Bharat Sinh Solanki. Karnataka will go vote on March 23 to elect four members to the Rajya Sabha. With the current strength in the Assembly, the ruling Congress can easily elect two MPs, the opposition can elect BJP one and there will be a fight for the fourth seat between the Congress and the JDS. New Delhi: The BJP on Wednesday released a list of nine candidates for the upcoming elections to the Rajya Sabha to be held in six different states. Five of the six states, for which candidates have been announced, have BJP governments while the sixth has a BJP alliance in power. Among the big names that feature on the list is that of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Jaitley is currently a Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat, where he was elected to the Upper House in April 2012. His term ends next month and instead of seeking re-election from Gujarat, he will be nominated from Uttar Pradesh. Another big name who will be shifted from his current state is union minister Dharmendra Pradhan. A Rajya Sabha MP from Bihar since 2012, he will now contest from Madhya Pradesh. Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad is set to get another term as Rajya Sabha MP from Bihar. Senior BJP leader Bhupendra Yadav will also be repeated as a Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan. Thawar Chand Gehlot (Madhya Pradesh), Mansukh Mandaviya (Gujarat), Parshottam Rupala (Gujarat) and Jagat Prakash Nadda (Himachal Pradesh) will all get another term as the Rajya Sabha MPs from their current respective states. Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar, who is currently a Rajya Sabha MP from Madhya Pradesh, will now contest Rajya Sabha elections from the state of Maharashtra. Of all the states, the highest number of seats will be up for grabs in Uttar Pradesh. Ten seats from Uttar Pradesh will be vacant in 2018 and the BJP will be in a comfortable position. A candidate from UP will require the support of 37 MLAs. With 325 MLAs in 403-member assembly, BJP is assured of at least 8 seats. The Samajwadi Party, with its 47 MLAs will be able to send a single member to the Upper House. However, if the factionalism within the SP threatens to divide votes, the SP faces the risk of losing that position. It may then require the help of its alliance partner Congress, which has seven MLAs. The Congress and the Bahujan Samaj Party, which has 19 MLAs, will not be in a position to elect even a single MLA, even if they were to join forces. In that eventuality, the BJP will walk away with 9 of the 10 vacant seats. However, if the Congress, BSP and both factions of the SP were to come together, they will be able to elect one more combined member to the Rajya Sabha, reducing the BJP to 8 MPs. Actor-turned-politician Jaya Bachchans name has cropped up as the SP nominee for the Rajya Sabha. The BSP has already declared that a former MLA of the party, Bhimrao Ambedkar, as their nominee for the Rajya Sabha. Hailing from Etawah, Ambedkar, who shares his name with the Dalit idol, represented Lakhna Assembly constituency. Govt Tries to Legalize Georgians Illegal Labour Migration By Gvantsa Gabekhadze (TBILISI)--The Government of Georgia and the Ministry of Labour are negotiating with international organizations and countries to help Georgian illegal labour migrants legalize their jobs, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs has stated.The ministry has signed an agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to regulate and manage labour migration of Georgians.The ministry claims that they are holding talks with three European countries, they refused to name, to let Georgians work abroad legally and after some time help the people return back to the homeland with higher prospects of employment.Through the partnership between Georgia and European nations illegal labor migration from Georgia will be legalized, which will reduce risks related to illegal employment abroad, the ministry reported.The deals will protect Georgians labor rights abroad and enhance economic and social ties between Georgia and the countries employing Georgian migrants, the ministry says.The agreements will decrease demographic and socio-psychological problems caused by long migration. When returned back the people will have higher chances to use their knowledge and experience to have good incomes and benefit the local economy, the ministry stated.The ministry claims that legalizing illegal labour migration of Georgians will reduce risks for the Georgia-EU visa free deal signed in March 2017, enabling Georgians stay in the Schengen zone for 90 days within any 180-day period. Lucknow: With by-elections in Uttar Pradesh's Phulpur and Gorakhpur inching closer, all the political parties and their leaders are continuously camping in the two constituencies and are leaving no stone unturned in order to garner support for their candidates. Samajwadi Party's National President Akhilesh Yadav reached Gorakhpur on Wednesday and addressed a public gathering to extend his support for SP candidate Praveen Kumar Nishad. While addressing the public, Akhilesh Yadav said that all of a sudden we have become 'Saanp' (snake) and 'Chachundar' (shrew) after the pre-poll alignment. "Those who are rattled by this pre-poll support to SP candidate are calling us 'Saanp' and 'Chachundar'. I have seen such people sitting mum in the assembly and also crying in the assembly," said Akhilesh Yadav. "We have to be alert and careful as this is more of a psychological war. The present government has not even produced one unit of electricity; it was all done by our government. The corruption today is at its peak, while big businessmen are fleeing away with the money which was deposited in banks by the poor people. There were allegations against our government that our relatives used to run the police stations. I would like to ask now who is running them. Instead of giving anything to the people, this government took away the Samajwadi pension that we had started," added Akhilesh. Declaring the party's intent to "eliminate the BJP", BSP's Allahabad coordinator Ashok Gautam and Gorakhpur zonal coordinator of the party, Ghanshyam Chandra Kharwar, had said that the BSP would back SP's Nagendra Singh Patel in Phulpur and Praveen Kumar Nishad in Gorakhpur. BSP chief Mayawati had said that the understanding between the two parties would ensure victory for the strongest non-BJP candidate, and hence, the BSP has not floated any candidate for bypolls in Phulpur and Gorakhpur. "We have spoken to SP and have decided that we will support their Lok Sabha candidate during voting and SP will support our Rajya Sabha candidate," she had said. Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday night decided to pull out Telugu Desam Party's two ministers from the Union Cabinet, but said that the party would remain in alliance with the BJP, for now. The decision was taken at a meeting called by Naidu late in the evening, hours after finance minister Arun Jaitley said that the Centre can't offer special status, but would offer a special package with equivalent funding to the state. Holding an emergency press briefing, Naidu said that Arun Jaitleys statement was the last straw. I laid out all the demands concerning special status for the state to the Centre, but the finance minister made it clear that he cannot give it. What is the purpose of joining the Cabinet when the Centre cannot resolve the states problems? he asked. We have waited enough. We have believed in false promises enough. Our ministers are resigning from the Union Cabinet. We will do whatever it takes to fulfill the aspirations of the people of Andhra Pradesh, he said. Referring to Jaitleys statement that the Centre had already given Rs 4,000 crore to the state, he said that the government is more interested in showing calculations than helping out. You were part of bifurcation. Now comparing with other states is not right. Its not right to say that sentiments will not get funds. It is like degrading our state, he said. But he clarified that only the resignations of two TDP MPs civil aviation minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju and minister of state for science and technology YS Chowdary - will happen on Thursday and the decision on quitting the BJP alliance will be taken at a later date. We have to see and plan what happens next from here. Telugu public is ready to fight and come out of this problem, Naidu said. He said that the decision to pull out the ministers was taken after consulting all the MPs and MLAs of the party. The BJP has not fulfilled its promises. We have incurred big losses as a state. We never asked for bifurcation, he said. He further said that as a courtesy, he had called the PMs office to inform him about the decision, but PM Modi did not come on line. Sources in the BJP, however, said they were confident that this was a temporary setback and a compromise would be reached. On Jaitleys failed outreach effort, they said that the finance minister only said what was constitutionally possible. The development comes after months of uncertainty and strained ties between the two alliance partners. Earlier in the day, Naidu had hinted that he could sever ties and also used Congress president Rahul Gandhis offer of special status to the state if his party comes to power to hit out at the BJP. I have followed the federal spirit and worked on mutual co-operation principle with the Centre. People of the state now feel insulted and if I don't raise my voice now, they will not pardon me," he said. The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister said he had only gone into an alliance with the BJP for the sake of doing justice to AP. He had earlier said that he had made 29 trips to Delhi and met the Prime Minister and other central ministers but they did not pay heed. Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated in an unscientific manner and is facing lot of hurdles, he said. The protests had intensified after the Union Budget 2018 did not have any special funds for the state. Since then, the ties between the two allies have been strained and the partys MPs have been protesting outside the Parliament every day during the Budget Session. Jaipur: Congress on Wednesday won four of the six zila parishad seats, 12 of the 20 panchayat samiti seats and four of the six municipal seats for which bypolls were held in Rajasthan, officials said. The strong performance by the opposition party comes days after it scored emphatic victories in the bypolls to two parliamentary and an assembly constituency. The ruling BJP could win just one zila parishad seat, eight panchayat samiti seats and two municipal body seats for which byelections were held, they said. Independent candidates won one zila parishad and one panchayat samiti seats. An upbeat Rajasthan Congress chief Sachin Pilot said the result indicated a certain ouster of the BJP from the state. "It is a yet another victory for party workers. In the last four years, the BJP has exploited people of the state due to its anti-people policies," Pilot said in a statement. He said the Congresss voting percentage has increased in all the elections held in last four years whereas the BJP had to face debacles. He claimed that in the Assembly elections due by the end of this year, a similar result would follow. Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje has accepted the defeat in bypolls on parliamentary and assembly constituencies saying that it was a wake-up call and the result of panchayati raj institutions and local bodies declared today has indicated farewell of BJP from the state, he said. Bhopal: The Chinese army building helipads and trenches in Doklam is a major strategic failure of the Modi government, which has risked the integrity and security of the nation, said Congress leader Randeep Surjewala. Surjewala was commenting on Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharamans acknowledgement of Chinas latest activities in the Doklam region. Surjewala, who was in Bhopal to select the partys spokespersons and hold training sessions for them, said that the defence minister had accepted the fact that the Chinese Armys temporary deployment has shifted to a permanent one. The PM should come forward and clear the air on not only Doklam, but also on the security measure of the chicken neck (region that links the northeast states to the rest of India), he said. On Monday, Sitharaman had said in the Lok Sabha, "Post disengagement from the face-off in 2017, troops of both sides have redeployed themselves away from their respective positions at the face-off site. The strength of both sides have been reduced." Surjewala later commented on social activist Periyars statue being vandalised in Vellore and said that BJP national secretary H Raja had called for the desecration of Periyars statues and his party workers had only followed suit, but this was not the first time something of this sort has happened. When Sakshi Maharaj called Nathuram Godse a patriot, he was elevated as a party national executive while Gen VK Singh was appointed as a minister after he compared Dalit boys to puppies, Surjewala said. The Congress media-in-charge also came down heavily on the Shivraj Singh government in Madhya Pradesh. He said that MP, once a centre of art and culture, has now been reduced to a hub of criminals and most of the social endeavours have fallen prey to massive corruption. The Congress leader cited the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) report to say that MP has constantly topped the chart in term of rape cases since 2004. The state saw 2,875 rape cases in 2004, which surged to 4,909 annually in 2017. From 2004 to 2016, MP recorded 46,308 rape cases, maximum in the country, he said. Abduction cases went up from 584 in a year to 4,904 in a year at present, claimed Surjewala. Quoting Modi governments SRS report, he said, 43% children are malnourished in Madhya Pradesh while infant mortality rate is 32%, maximum in the country. Almost 61,000 children die in the first month of birth while 90,000 dont get to see their first birthday. Referring to an MHRD report, he said, MPs 1,50,762 schools do not have electricity while only 14.58% have computers. Commenting on the Mandsaur killing of farmers, Surjewala said that CM Shivraj first says the farmers are his God and then gets them killed with bullets. As many as 15,283 farmers have ended their lives in the BJP rule. Lucknow: In the run-up to Gorakhpur and Phulpur by-elections, the BJP seems to be playing its Hindutva card again with Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath saying that he is a Hindu and hence, has no reason to celebrate Eid. The statement comes days after the CM made a similar remark during a public meeting in his home turf, Gorakhpur. People are saying that Holi and Juma will be on the same day this year. I have suggested them to celebrate Holi with pomp and grandeur as the festival of colours comes once and year, while Juma is observed 52 times in a year, he said. Adding to the earlier statement, Yogi said on Tuesday, I am not like them (SP) because I am a Hindu and I am proud of it. I have no reason to celebrate Eid. But my government would continue to work for a peaceful celebration of Eid. He was replying to the address of the governor in UP Aseembly. Cautioning the Samajwadi Party, Yogi said that the disruptive brand of politics that the party practises wont be tolerated and would be dealt with an iron hand. Discarding SPs and BSPs decision to join hands for UP bypolls, the CM said that the two parties had now become Bahujan Samajwadi Party. After getting the support of BSP, the Samajwadi Party candidate in Phulpur and Gorakhpur by-elections has managed to garner the support of Nishad Party, Peace Party, Kumri Mahasabha, Rashtriya Lok Dal, CPM and other local political outfits which are mostly dominated by the Nishads, Binds, Sainthwars and Gonds. Interestingly, members of these communities are present in good numbers in the bypoll-bound constituencies. The other cause of concern for the BJP in bypolls is its minister Om Prakash Rajbhar, who also heads Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party and the faction of Apna Dal supporting BJP. The faction is also not happy with the party. In the recent local body elections, both of these parties were dumped by the BJP, which may also be the reason for the dissent. Om Prakash Rajbhar has on several occasions expressed his discontent with the saffron party and threatened to break the alliance. Bhopal: Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia on Wednesday backed a pre-poll alliance with Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) for the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections. "In my view, political parties with similar ideology and thinking should come together," he said on possible alliance with BSP. Scindia, a key contender for the Chief Ministers post, said that the bypoll results have indicated that the BJP governments ouster is imminent. On ticket distribution, the former union minister said that no criteria should be considered other than winnability. Alleging that CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan makes 200-300 announcements during every election, the Scindia scion, quoting a media report, said that overall 22,221 announcements made by the CM are yet to be fulfilled. The CM talked about 4.5 lakh crore MoUs but nothing happened on the ground. Jyotiraditya said the Congress does not believe in such eyewash and would prepare vision document for MP soon laying out roadmap for the state for next five years. "We may promise less but would do much more," he said. Referring to the Congress win in the Mungaoli and Kolaras by-elections, Scindia claimed the MP's public was ready for a change. If we wish to strengthen the party, we need to work at booth level, he said. On the debate over the CM face in MP, Scindia reiterated his stand that his views reflect national perspective which requires projection of a face as and when required. "I am a small level worker of the Congress who has embraced whatever responsibility was entrusted on me in last 16 years." On the bulldozing of Lenin statue in Tripura and other incidents in some of the states, the Guna MP claimed that intolerance was on the rise since the BJP came to power. It was a well-planned conspiracy to dent liberal mindset and secular structure of the country, he alleged. On the growing expansion of BJP rule in India, Jyotiraditya claimed that BJP flag might be waiving in a large area but there is an atmosphere of change in the country that would be visible in MP and other Assembly polls. Chennai: Just hours after BJP leader H Raja threatened to vandalise a state of the father of Dravidian politics, Periyar, two men have razed Periyar's statue outside a municipal corporation office in Tamil Nadu's Vellore. Raja had posted the message on social networking site Facebook after alleged BJP supporters used a earth-mover to bring down a statue of communist revolutionary Lenin in Tripura, two days after the party won the assembly elections in the state. Who is Lenin? What is the relevance he holds in India? What is the link between communism and India? Lenins statues were destroyed in Tripura, tomorrow, in Tamil Nadu, casteist Periyars statues will be destroyed, he wrote. While Rajas post was heavily criticised online, it's not the first time that he has made headlines for his polarising statements. The senior BJP had earlier "outed" the full Christian name of actor Vijay - C Vijay Joseph - to "explain" why his latest film Mersal contains dialogues against the national tax GST. "Vijay is a practicing Christian. He should have said build hospitals before churches, instead he says build hospitals before temples. It is like provoking Hindus," he tweeted, along with a copy of Vijay's voter id card. If he thought this would leave Tamil Nadu mersal (zapped), it didn't. Most of the people from the state who responded on social media merely shook with mirth as it was no breaking news to them. Raja had also mocked Kamal Haasan on Twitter for the actor's decision to enter politics, saying: "The person who should rule this state needs to be brave and fearless. Kamal Haasan is a spineless coward who has, in the past, said that he will run out of the country." Haasan took it as a joke and referred to him as a "bone specialist". Another of his polarising statement came in connection with an incident in Ambur district where seven police officers were beaten up during a riot, allegedly incited by a Manithaneya Makkal Katchi (MMK) MLA. Raja alleged that no action was taken because police were siding with the Muslim community. On another occasion, he reportedly threatened that MDMK leader will never reach home safe if he continued to criticise Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But the most confounding of all his verbal attacks was on Periyar EV Ramasamy - reverentially called Thanthai Periyar - the social activist who started the self-respect movement in 1925. He said at an RSS event he would have beaten Periyar with slippers and later added that the man who led some of the famous fights against untouchability was "anti-Dalit". An FIR was filed against him. Raja, a native of Thanjavur, was a lawyer and a practising chartered accountant before he entered politics. Schooled in RSS ideologies since childhoood, he joined the BJP in the 1980's and went on to assume several roles - district convenor in 1991, followed by state secretary, state general secretary and then three years ago, national secretary. In a state dominated by Dravidian parties, he has not had any notable electoral success. He became an MLA from Karaikudi in 2001, when the BJP piggybacked on an alliance with the DMK. He lost every election since then, including in the last Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. Raja's friends in the BJP vouch for his political sobriety. "He is very simple, down to earth person. When he was an MLA, he took care of the constituency very well. He is an intellect especially in economic matters and religion. He is not corrupt and there have been no charges against him" says BJP spokesperson Narayanan Tirupathi who has been his friend for more than 30 years. Whether there were any political calculations behind the former chartered accountant verbal attacks on the state's icons is not clear, but analysts are unanimous it is not giving the BJP any gains in Tamil Nadu. "The BJP is losing ground in Tamil Nadu because of the utterances of its ranking leaders, including H Raja. They are picking on the wrong issues or non issues, and are not seen as raising people's issues," says RK Radhakrishnan, Associate Editor, Frontline. Political analyst Gnani Sankaran says, "H Raja is an immature politician. His statements won't have an impact on electoral politics." Many believe he is also making it difficult for the state BJP leadership by trying to pull in a different direction. At a time when the BJP is looking for inroads in southern states, Raja's social media activism may fetch the party more clicks than votes. Lucknow: A police complaint has been made in Allahabads Ghumanganj police station against UP Minister Nand Kumar Gupta Nandi for objectionable language against BSP supremo Mayawati. The complaint was given by BSP regional coordinator Ashok Gautam, who sought the BJP leaders arrest. Gautam alleged that Nandi has hurt religious sentiments and used derogatory language against Mayawati. On Sunday, while addressing a public gathering in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh cabinet minister Nand Kumar Gupta Nandi compared Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav to Ravana and BSP supremo Mayawati to Surpanakha. The comparisons to the villains of Ramayana came during a public gathering in Allahabad, where UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath was present. Addressing a gathering in Allahabad, Nand Kumar said, Lord Ram has said to Ravana that you would be named Mulayam during Kalyug and will become the states chief minister. The minister further went on to rant that when Kumbhakarna and Meghnad asked Lord Ram about their future selves, they were told that they would become Shivpal and Akhilesh, respectively. Meghnad, you will fool the people of the state and become chief minister by cheating people, said Nand Kumar. The ramblings did not just stop at SP leadership. When Surpanakha came running stating that Lord Ram had destroyed her family, he told her that she will rule Ayodhya during Kalyug as Mayawati. But she would not get married, said the BJP minister, adding to the story that modern-day Maricha was the 'dramebaaz, dhokebaaz' Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. To top it off, Nand Kumar called PM Narendra Modi an avatar of Lord Ram and likened Yogi Adityanath to Hanuman. The UP CM was looking into his mobile and smiling while his cabinet minister went on speaking. Reacting to the statements made by Nand Kumar, BSP spokesperson Ummed Singh had called for the BJP legislator to be thrown out of the party and the cabinet. The comments are condemned in the highest order. He should apologise for what he has said. I demand that the BJP throw him out. The BJP will face problems in the upcoming bypolls for these comments against Behen Ji Mayawati, said Singh. Bengaluru: It seems Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has put Kannada before his party. The CM has reportedly refused to send the Gandhi family's close friend Sam Pitroda and AICC general secretary Janardhan Dwivedi to Rajya Sabha from Karnataka. During a meeting with Congress chief Rahul Gandhi in New Delhi on Tuesday, Siddaramaiah told him that it would be unwise to send outsiders to Rajya Sabha from Karnataka ahead of the crucial Assembly elections. Karnataka will vote on March 23 to elect four members to Rajya Sabha. With the current strength in the Assembly, the ruling Congress can easily elect two MPs, the opposition can elect BJP one and there will be a fight for the fourth seat between the Congress and the JDS. Siddaramaiah has turned down JDS's demand for the fourth seat saying that the Congress will field its own candidate. In 2016, the Congress had won three seats with the help of JDS rebel MLAs. Besides technocrat Sam Pitroda, senior Congress leaders Janardhana Dwivedi and Meira Kumar are also trying to enter the Rajya Sabha from Karnataka. But the Chief Minister, who is acutely aware of the strong Kannada sentiments in the state, has bluntly told the high command that it was not possible for him to nominate non-Kannadigas to the Rajya Sabha. Rahul Gandhi has reportedly asked Siddaramaiah to give him some time to think about it. The CM wants to send one minority, one Dalit, and one Lingayat to the Upper House of the Parliament keeping the Assembly elections in mind. Former Union minister K Rahman Khan, who has already completed four terms, is once again lobbying for the fifth term. But the party is not keen on renominating him and is favouring state cabinet minister R Roshan Baig. Businessman Rajeev Chandrashekhar who has won twice as an "independent" with the help of all three political parties in 2006 and 2012 is now trying for a BJP ticket. To shed his outsider tag, he has even started tweeting in Kannada and posting his Kannada videos on Facebook. The state BJP has recommended the names Chandrashekhar and businessman Vijaya Sankeshwar's names for the lone Rajya Sabha seat it can win. The JDS has decided to field a Mangalore-based industrialist B M Farooq. All Kannada organisations have demanded that only a Kannadiga should be sent to Rajya Sabha and it has made the job of selecting candidates difficult for the Congress and the BJP. One of Inc's longtime executives is leaving the company to join Airbnb Inc, filling a key position as the home-renting business focuses on growth in Latin America and Asia. Greg Greeley, who was vice president of Amazon Prime and is credited with building the delivery service into one of the e-commerce industry's most successful programs, with an estimated 90 million members in the United States, is joining Airbnb, it said on Tuesday. In his new role, as president of homes, Greeley will oversee the daily operations and strategy of Airbnb's core home-renting business. Airbnb has four business units, and the homes unit was the only one without a permanent boss. Chief Executive Brian Chesky had been filling in temporarily. The home-renting business, which is profitable, includes more than 4.5 million listings in 81,000 cities. Greeley starts this month at Airbnb's San Francisco headquarters. Most recently, Greeley was tasked with making Prime the loyalty program of Whole Foods Market, the upscale grocer that Amazon acquired last year. It was not clear how his departure from Amazon might affect the Whole Foods integration, if at all. Also read: Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus First Impressions Review: Best Android Phones of 2018? "We thank Greg for his contributions to Amazon and wish him the best in his new role," an Amazon spokesperson said. In his more than 18 years at Amazon, Greeley helped lead the company's international expansion, running European operations and opening offices in India and Brazil. That experience may bode well for Airbnb's ambitions in emerging markets. Faced with regulatory restrictions in the United States and Europe that have limited home-renting, Airbnb has increasingly turned to Latin America and Asia, markets Chesky has said will more than make-up for revenue losses in more regulated cities. About 81 percent of Airbnb's business is outside of North America, according to the company. While Greeley was living in Europe and working for Amazon, travel aggregator site tried to hire him to be CEO, according to a source with knowledge of the matter. He declined. Greeley helped create and grow Amazon's Prime business, which launched in 2005. While Airbnb does not have a loyalty program near the scale of Prime, it has similar aspirations. Last month the company announced new perks and rewards for home renters and hosts in a bid to encourage more loyalty and spending among its top users. Airbnb is still recruiting for two top executive positions -- chief marketing officer and chief financial officer. Watch: Nokia 7 Plus First Look at MWC 2018 Indonesia's government on Tuesday blocked online blogging service Tumblr over "inappropriate content" in more than 360 of its accounts, authorities said. "Tumblr had no mechanisms or tools to report inappropriate content", said the Indonesian Ministry of Technology and Information in a statement. The web content monitoring team sent a letter to the Tumblr platform on February 28, giving the American company 48 hours to remove the pornographic content, Efe news reported. According to the Ministry, Tumblr which hosts more than 400 million blogs through its service globally did not respond to the letter within the stipulated deadline. Also read: Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus First Impressions Review: Best Android Phones of 2018? Late Monday, Tumblr users criticised on other media the failure to access the service, a second time for the same reason, after a ban of less than a day in February 2016. Indonesia has temporarily blocked access to messaging applications and social media platforms on several occasions to pressure companies to remove radical and pornographic content. In January, Google pulled Blued -- one of the most popular gay dating apps -- from the Indonesian version of its online store after the government denounced its inappropriate content. Also at the beginning of the year, the government announced the National Cyberspace and Encryption Agency would begin searching for online cybercrime, hoaxes and defamations. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with nearly 88 percent of its population of 261 million following Islam. Watch: Nokia 7 Plus First Look at MWC 2018 Beirut: Syrian government forces pounded eastern Ghouta with air strikes on Wednesday in an effort to slice the rebel enclave in two as they intensified a campaign to deal the opposition its biggest defeat since 2016. The Syrian government assault of the densely populated area on the outskirts of Damascus, which began more than two weeks ago, has become one of the fiercest campaigns of the war now entering its eighth year, with bombardment killing hundreds. Live footage broadcast by Syrian state TV from the outskirts of the town of Mesraba showed enormous clouds of smoke rising into the sky. The sounds of explosions and jets could be heard. A state TV correspondent said militant defences in the town were being struck by "preparatory fire" in advance of a planned infantry assault. "Mesraba is under heavy attack today," said Khalil Aybour, a member of an opposition council in Ghouta. Capturing Mesraba would be a major step towards severing the northern half of the Ghouta, including its biggest town, Douma, from the southern part. Government forces have seized more than 40 percent of the territory so far. Civilians have been fleeing frontline areas into Douma and hiding in cellars. "It's bad in the basement, but it's better than the bombing," Adnan, 30, a Douma resident who has been sheltering below ground with his wife and two-year-old daughter together with 10 other families, told Reuters by telephone. The United Nations says 400,000 people are trapped in the towns and villages of the eastern Ghouta, under government siege for years and already running out of food and medicine before the assault. An aid convoy reached the area this week but government officials had stripped out most medical supplies. Russia, President Bashar al-Assad's most powerful ally, has offered rebel fighters safe passage out with their families and personal weapons. The proposal echoes previous agreements under which insurgents, in the face of military defeat, were permitted to withdraw to opposition-held areas at the Turkish border. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group says 800 civilians have been killed by government bombing and shelling. The Observatory said an extra 700 pro-government militia fighters had arrived at the front as reinforcements to join the operation. The UN Security Council has called for a 30-day countrywide ceasefire, but Moscow and Damascus have not halted the campaign, arguing that the fighters they are striking are members of banned terrorist groups unprotected by the truce. Russia's defence ministry said on Wednesday some rebels wanted to accept the proposal to evacuate. So far rebels have dismissed it in public. The military spokesman for one of the main eastern Ghouta rebel groups said rebels would defend the territory and there were no negotiations over a withdrawal. "The factions of Ghouta and their fighters and its people are holding onto their land and will defend it," Hamza Birqdar of Jaish al-Islam told Reuters in a text message sent overnight. The opposition says such evacuation agreements amount to a policy of demographic change by which Assad has forcibly displaced those who oppose him. In an interview on state TV, a Syrian army colonel expressed confidence Ghouta would fall quickly, saying the people there would return to the "state's embrace" "very, very, very soon". A commander in the military alliance fighting in support of Assad said he anticipated that rebels would end up besieged in Douma and then accept a withdrawal deal. Assad said this week that the majority of people in eastern Ghouta want a return of state rule. But rebels and opposition activists say people fear government persecution. COMPLICITY Russian warplanes have taken part in the eastern Ghouta operation, and the White House has accused Russia of complicity in the killing of civilians there. Defeat in eastern Ghouta would mark the biggest setback for the anti-Assad rebellion since the opposition was driven from eastern Aleppo in late 2016 after a similar campaign of siege, bombing, ground assaults and the promise of safe passage out. Moscow and Damascus say the Ghouta campaign is necessary to halt rebel shelling of the capital. The Observatory says such shelling has killed at least 27 people since Feb. 18, and Syrian state media have given a higher death toll. Assad has steadily recovered rebel-held areas in western Syria since Russia intervened directly on his side in 2015. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday voiced concern about attacks in eastern Ghouta which "reportedly claimed the lives of more than 100 people" on Monday alone, as well as reports of shelling of Damascus. Western states have been demanding Russia press Assad to abide by the 30-day ceasefire. The Security Council, where Russia holds a veto, will meet on Wednesday to discuss the failed ceasefire. The UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein said the government offensive could not be justified by its targetting of a few hundred fighters. "Recent attempts to justify indiscriminate, brutal attacks on hundreds of thousands of civilians by the need to combat a few hundred fighters as in Eastern Ghouta are legally, and morally, unsustainable," he told the UN Human Rights Council. "Also, when you are prepared to kill your own people so easily, lying is easy too. Claims by the Government of Syria that it is taking every measure to protect its civilian population are frankly ridiculous." Medan, North Sumatra: Villagers in a remote Indonesian community disemboweled a critically endangered Sumatran tiger and then hung the big cat from a ceiling after it attacked a pair of locals, a conservation official said in Monday. Human-animal conflicts are rampant in the vast Southeast Asian archipelago, especially in areas where the clearing of rainforest to make way for palm oil plantations is destroying animals' habitats and bringing them into closer contact with people. Locals from Hatupangan village in North Sumatra had initially suspected the tiger was a supernatural creature so they followed it to its jungle lair, the official said. The tiger -- which was seen around the village since last month -- attacked the curious group on Sunday, leaving two villagers seriously injured. They later announced plans to kill the animal, despite warnings by conservation officials not to hurt the endangered cat. "Unfortunately they would not listen. They insisted on killing the tiger," local conservation agency head Hotmauli Sianturi told AFP, adding that a conservation officer was blocked from preventing the death. "After killing the animal, the locals hung up its body for display. It's very regrettable." Some internal organs were missing from the tiger's body, said authorities, who are investigating the killing. Sumatran tigers are considered critically endangered by protection group the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with 400 to 500 remaining in the wild. Washington: A professor of Harvard University has resigned after being accused of sexual harassment for past three decades. Jorge Dominguez, a professor in the government department at Harvard, had been placed "on administrative leave" as 18 women came forward to accuse him of sexual harassment, The Newyork Times reported. Earlier, Dominguez was placed "on administrative leave, pending a full and fair review of the facts and circumstances regarding allegations that have come to light," Michael Smith, the dean of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, said in an email to the Chronicle of Higher Education newspaper, Xinhua reported. The first sexual harassment allegation began in 1979 and the latest from 2015, according to the investigation by the newspaper. "It wasn't just the kisses on the cheeks and the hugs. It was also the requests to get drinks after work, the flirtatious emails, his asking one of them to sit next to him during a meeting," said the Chronicle report. In the wake of a Chronicle investigation revealed last week that found 10 women who say Dominguez made them uncomfortable, more have come forward. The number is now 18, including women from all areas of university life: graduate students, undergraduates, fellow professors, and staff members, said the newspaper. A statement on the website of the Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, where Dominguez is a faculty associate, said that the centre "is unambiguously committed to the policy and practice of zero tolerance of sexual harassment or gendered disparity of treatment." The professor was found guilty of "serious misconduct" by Harvard in 1983 after Terry Karl, a junior professor in the department, reported that he had repeatedly groped, kissed, and propositioned her. (With inputs from IANS) London: A UK court has banned an Indian-origin family from flying their baby daughter to India because she is at risk of being subjected to an "utterly unacceptable" genital mutilation procedure. A judge at Manchester County and Family Court ruled on Tuesday that the child, who will turn two this year, is at risk because religious and cultural pressure had overridden her mothers "maternal instinct". Social workers in the UK believe three other girls from the family, which cannot be named for legal reasons, had been subjected to a similar procedure. Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female circumcision, involves ritual intimate cutting, sometimes without anaesthetic, and has been banned in the UK. Judge Robert Jordan made an "FGM protection order" in Manchester after a private family court hearing, Manchester Evening News reported. The judge was told that the baby's three older sisters had previously been taken to India so that FGM could be carried out on them. He made the protection order after concluding that the little girl was also at risk and needed protecting. "The effect of the cultural pressure overrode the mother's maternal instinct. As a consequence of religious and cultural pressure the mother facilitated the mutilation of her children," he noted. "That cultural pressure still exists in their country of origin? and undoubtedly in this country," he added. FGM protection orders came into force in Britain three years ago and give police and local authorities power to intervene to prevent such procedures. Parents can be barred from taking children abroad and passports can be seized and face prosecution if they breach it. According to UK research, FGM is less common in India and is more prevalent in around 28 African countries and in parts of the Middle and the Far East. In Britain, communities that have been identified as at risk of FGM include Somali, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Sierra Leonean, Sudanese, Egyptian, Nigerian, Eritrean, Yemeni, Kurdish and Indonesian women and girls. It is believed to be a way of ensuring virginity and chastity and is used to safeguard girls from sex outside marriage and from having sexual feelings. Although FGM is practised by secular communities, it is most often claimed to be carried out in accordance with religious beliefs. Beirut: Iran has increased its missile production three-fold, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said on Wednesday, according to the Fars news service. The commander did not explain during what time period the production increase had taken place. In the past we had to do a lot of explaining to various bodies for our actions but its not like that anymore, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the Guards aerospace division said, according to Fars. "Our production has increased three-fold compared to the past," he said, referring to missiles. The government, parliament and other Iranian officials had, in particular, agreed on the need for ground-to-ground missiles, Hajizadeh said. Fars gave no further details. Frances foreign minister visited Iran on Monday on a delicate mission to reaffirm Europes support for a nuclear deal that opened Irans economy, while echoing U.S. concern about its missile programme and role in regional conflicts. Jean-Yves Le Drian's visit reflected French efforts to safeguard Iran's 2015 accord with major powers. U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to pull out of the deal unless three European signatories help fix it by forcing Iran to limit its sway in the Middle East and rein in its missile programme. Senior Iranian officials told Le Drian on Monday that Irans ballistic missile programme was not up for negotiation. Rome: An Italian man of Nigerian origin, who is the chief immigration spokesman for the far-right League party, has been elected as the country's first black senator. Tony Iwobi, whose party has been accused of stirring up xenophobia in Italy, was elected in the industrial city of Brescia in northern Italy a major immigration hub. "It is with great excitement that I can tell you I have been elected senator... A new adventure is about to begin," Iwobi said on Facebook on Tuesday following Sunday's elections. Born in Gusau in northern Nigeria but living in Italy since the 1970s, Iwobi has been a supporter of the League for more than two decades and used the campaign slogan #StopInvasion a reference to the more than 690,000 migrants who have landed on Italian shores from North Africa since 2013. Along with party leader Matteo Salvini, Iwobi has argued that illegal immigration into Italy has led to an increase in racism. "Discrimination begins when there are no rules and the state... lets anyone in. Illegality leads directly to violence and a racist response," he said in January. "The League supports healthy and controlled immigration which can act as a bulwark against racism," he said. Italy's general election left the country with a hung parliament in which no single party or coalition commands an overall majority. Political horse-trading is underway as parties bid to form a working coalition government. The League, led by Matteo Salvini, was the winning party in the right-wing alliance that took the most votes on Sunday but fell short of an overall majority. Los Angeles: A porn star who has said she had sex with President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement that she signed days before the 2016 presidential election, which prevented her from discussing the alleged sexual encounters. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, alleges that the agreement is "null and void and of no consequence" because Trump didn't personally sign it. Adult film actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said she wanted to go public with the details of her alleged sexual relationship with Trump in the weeks leading up to the election, according to the lawsuit. Clifford and Trump's attorney Michael Cohen signed the nondisclosure agreement on Oct. 28, 2016. Clifford alleges that she began an "intimate relationship" with Trump in 2006 and that it continued "well into the year 2007," according to the lawsuit. She said the relationship included encounters in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and Beverly Hills, California. Trump married his current wife, Melania Trump, in 2005. Clifford has claimed she had sex with Trump once and then carried on a subsequent yearslong platonic relationship. She has also, through a lawyer, denied the two had an affair. Cohen has denied there was ever an affair. Cohen has said he paid the porn actress $130,000 out of his own pocket as part of the agreement. He has also said that "neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly." The lawsuit charges that the "hush agreement" is legally invalid because it was only signed by Clifford and Cohen. The agreement refers to Trump as David Dennison and Clifford as Peggy Peterson, but an attached exhibit details their true identities. Clifford's lawsuit also alleges that Trump and Cohen "aggressively sought to silence Ms. Clifford as part of an effort to avoid her telling the truth, thus helping to ensure he won the Presidential Election." "To be clear, the attempts to intimidate Ms. Clifford into silence and 'shut her up' in order to 'protect Mr. Trump' continue unabated," the lawsuit said. Clifford alleges that as recently as last week, Trump's attorney tried to initiate an arbitration proceeding against her. Neither Cohen nor the White House immediately responded to requests for comment Tuesday evening. London: Britain's grand welcome for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman begins on Wednesday with a lunch with Queen Elizabeth, as the two countries seek to widen longstanding defence ties into a far-reaching partnership. Both sense an opportunity to broaden their existing relationship: Britain is looking for trading partners as it exits the European Union, and Saudi Arabia needs to convince sceptical investors about its domestic reforms. But as Prince Mohammed and Prime Minister Theresa May meet, demonstrators will protest against both countries' roles in Yemen where war has killed an estimated 10,000 people and where 8.3 million people depend on food aid and 400,000 children have life-threatening levels of malnutrition. Foreign minister Boris Johnson led the welcoming party for Prince Mohammed on his arrival late on Tuesday. Wednesday's first official engagement is a trip to Buckingham Palace for talks and a meal with the British monarch - a rare honour usually reserved for heads of state. After lunch, the Saudi delegation will meet May and her cabinet inside May's Downing Street offices to launch a UK-Saudi "Strategic Partnership Council" - an initiative to encourage Saudi Arabia's economic reforms and foster cooperation on issues such as education and culture, as well as defence and security. "It will usher in a new era of bilateral relations, focused on a partnership that delivers wide-ranging benefits for both of us," May's spokesman told reporters. Britain is vying to land the stock market listing of state oil firm Saudi Aramco, but no decision is expected this week. Later this month Prince Mohammed visits the United States, which also wants the lucrative listing, although sources said both countries may miss out. British officials were privately delighted at the decision by Prince Mohammed, 32, to choose Britain as the major western destination on his first foreign trip since becoming heir to the Saudi throne last year. The British government is keen to transform its historic defence relationship into two-way trade and investment, eyeing both an expanded market in Saudi Arabia for service sector exports, and attracting Saudi cash to finance domestic projects. Business deals are possible with British defence group BAE Systems and European weapons maker MBDA, and initial agreements could be concluded on gas exploration, petrochemicals and other industries, according to British and Saudi sources. "This modernisation will not be easy, nor will it be something we can do alone," Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Britain, Mohammed bin Nawaf, wrote in the Financial Times. "We will need to tap the expertise of others. So, as we transition away from our historic reliance on oil, enormous commercial avenues will open up for overseas companies to work with, and invest in, Saudi Arabia." ROYAL TREATMENT The three-day visit will include two audiences with the British Royal family, a briefing with national security officials, and a prestigious visit to the prime minister's country residence. May intends to use the private dinner at Chequers on Thursday, a 16th-century manor house 40 miles (60 km) northwest of London, to bring up concerns over the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, her spokesman said. A Saudi-led military coalition is fighting the Houthi movement in Yemen, generating what the United Nation said in January was the world's worst humanitarian crisis. "You can expect them to discuss Yemen, and the prime minister to raise deep concerns at the humanitarian situation," May's spokesman said. "She will also reiterate how seriously we take allegations of violations against international humanitarian law." Speaking to reporters in London on Monday, Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said his country had failed to effectively communicate the reasons behind its involvement in Yemen, but that they had not chosen to start the war. Protesters are planning to target the Saudi officials over Yemen and other human rights issues, and Britain for licensing 4.6 billion pounds of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia since 2015. "As so often, it is about nothing but filthy lucre, and this government's desperation to plug the hole that will be left in Britain's trade and growth prospects by May's refusal to stay in a customs union with the EU after Brexit," Emily Thornberry, foreign policy chief for Britain's opposition Labour Party, wrote in the Guardian newspaper. Buses have spent two days touring London with banners accusing Prince Mohammed of war crimes, with more planned for Wednesday before the main rally. "Theresa May might believe the Crown Prince's ridiculous claims that he is a reformist and a force for liberalism, but people in the UK are not so easily convinced. This visit is being done to legitimise a brutal dictatorship and to sell arms," said Andrew Smith of the Campaign Against Arms Trade. London: A truck driver was on Tuesday found guilty of causing the deaths of eight Indians in one of Britain's worst road accidents last year. Ryszard Masierak, a 31-year-old Polish national, was convicted at the end of a trial at Reading Crown Court. The jury heard that he was two times over the legal drink-drive limit and had stopped in the inside lane of the highway when he was involved in the crash with a minibus and another truck near Newport Pagnell in southern England on August 26. He had denied the charges of causing the deaths of Nottingham-based Keralite minibus driver Cyriac Joseph and seven of his passengers all Indians. The 52-year-old had been hired to drive his passengers from Nottingham to London to join a European holiday tour group when they met with the fatal accident. The jury is yet to pronounce its verdict on David Wagstaff, a 53-year-old British citizen who was driving the second truck involved in the collision, and will continue deliberations tomorrow. However, it reached a unanimous verdict on the guilt of Masierak, who was also convicted of four counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving, in relation to injuring four other passengers including a four-year-old girl orphaned by the crash. The trial was told that a drunk Masierak had stopped for 12 minutes in the slow lane of the highway just before the crash. His truck caused an obstruction on the motorway forcing others to slow down before moving around him. As Joseph waited with his hazard lights on for a chance to go around the heavy goods vehicle (HGV), a second truck driven by Wagstaff smashed into the back of the van, forcing it to crash into and then go under Masierak's truck, the court was told. "In Mr Wagstaff's case, on a hands-free call, his lorry on cruise control and he on auto-pilot, completely failing to notice what was ahead of him in full view for some time, inattention on a gross scale," said Prosecutor Oliver Saxby. The victims from Nottingham's Malayali community and their relatives named as Panneerselvam Annamalai, Rishi Ranjeev Kumar, Vivek Baskaran, Lavanyalakshmi Seetharaman, Karthikeyan Pugalur Ramasubramanian, Subramaniyan Arachelvan and Tamilmani Arachelvan were on their way to London to catch a bus to Disneyland in Paris. Among them were IT professionals employed by software major Wipro. The sentencing in the case will take place after the jury has decided on both accused later this week. The News in Brief 38 NGOs Launch Campaign - I Want to Trust Court The coalition for Independent and Transparent Judiciary, uniting 38 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) based in Georgia, have launched a campaign - I want to trust Court. The position was expressed by the executive director of Transparency International Georgia, Eka Gigauri, the Head of the Young Lawyers Association of Georgia, Sulkhan Saladze and NGO EMC Programs Director Sopho Verdzeuli. "It is very problematic to appoint some judges for a lifetime and we think that the appointment process should be transparent. We will hold many events in order to provide the society with information about what is happening in the court system. We also want to change the legislation, said Eka Gigauri. The campaign requires the political authorities to take responsibility for the crisis in the judiciary system, the judiciary system to be released from the clan management, the Prosecutor's Office to become interested and investigate all the alleged crimes related to the justice system and the Parliament to carry out real reforms, on the basis of which the influential group in the court will not be able to use legislation for unhealthy purposes. Sulkhan Saladze discussed the case of Batumi City Court Judge, Irakli Shavadze who has a confrontation with the chairperson of the court. When we talk about clan governance, the latest example is the statement of the Batumi City Court Judge, Irakli Shavadze that clearly shows there is a clan ruling, a particular group, which influences the entire court system," Saladze said. Families with many Children to Receive Status and State Assistance The Health Care and Social Issues Committee of Parliament of Georgia discussed the issue of initiating the draft law on the status of a large family parent. The authors of the project are ruling party Georgian Dream MPs Dimitri Khundadze and Akaki Zoidze. The purpose of the draft law is to determine the status of a large family parent and to support them. The electricity subsidy will be financed from the state budget for the large families. Moreover, a family with 4 children will receive 20 GEL per month and families with five or more children will receive extra 10 GEL for each following child. The benefits will be received by those families whose social-economic status is equal to the rating score of 300,000. The rule of granting the status and issuing social assistance will be determined by the Government of Georgia until 1 June 2018. (Prepared by Mariam Chanishvili) Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes is coming to DC in 2022 Plus Wonder Woman returns to the Justice League while OMAC returns to the DCU France to set legal age of sexual consent as 15 Paris : France plans to fix the legal age of sexual consent as 15, meaning sex with someone younger than that would be considered rape. Equality Minister Marlene Schiappa welcomed the move, which follows advice from doctors and legal experts, BBC reported. Currently, prosecutors must prove sex with someone under 15 was forced in order to bring rape charges. The change comes amid uproar over two recent cases of men accused of having sex with 11-year-old girls. Under the existing legislation, if there is no violence or coercion proved, offenders may only be charged with sexual abuse of a minor and not rape. This has a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $87,000. The government is to approve the new age limit as part of a package of other laws against sexual violence and harassment in the coming weeks. It had been discussing whether to set the age as 13 or 15, which is what groups fighting violence against children had campaigned for. Last November, a 30-year-old man was acquitted of rape after a court determined his 11-year-old victim had not been subjected to "constraint, threat, violence or surprise". HARTFORD Kevin Lu told a legislative committee he wants to be known as an American first, before Asian-American, or Chinese-American, or even Mandarin-American. Being forced to check a box that somehow sets him apart from other Americans based on his ancestry is not something this freshman at Amity High School in Woodbridge ever wants to do, he said. It undermines American values, Lu said Thursday, adding that he worries that people who view that checked box will think they know who he is and be wrong. So, he like hundreds of others, crowded three hearing rooms at the state Capitol in support of a bill to prevent what they consider an Asian Registry. Measures requiring data to be collected on ethnic subgroups of the population have passed in California, Minnesota and most recently Rhode Island. They have not been passed and have not been suggested in Connecticut. State Rep, Andrew Fleischmann, D-West Hartford, co-chair of the education committee, made it clear the state has no intention of collecting any more data than is required by law. But in response to what some fear is a national trend to label Asians, a bill drafted by Republican Senators in Connecticut, including Tony Hwang of Fairfield and George Logan of Ansonia, would prohibit the collection of separate student data on any specific ethnic subgroups unless required by federal law. Still, Hwang and others say they remain concerned, given what is occurring in other states. I see a lot of anxiety among members of the Asian community, Gaeton Stella, a retired Woodbridge schools superintendent who lives in Trumbull, told lawmakers. Data is good if it is used for the right reasons but we are drowning in data. Throngs of support Many who came to testify this week carried American flags or wore American flag scarves. Some came with children in tow on what for most was a snow day. Ye Pogue, director of research of Asian Americans for Equal Rights, told the committee that collecting ethnic subgroup data damages the trust and collaborative relationship between parents, teachers and school authorities. Salman Hamid, a teacher in Hamden, called the collection of subgroup data bad if for no other reason than he knows what it is like to feel like the other. He was born in Pakistan and immigrated to America at age 3. Commissioner of Education Diana Wentzell told the committee some demographic data collection is important and not just because the state would lose millions in federal grants if it didnt. We use the data to make sure all the kids in Connecticut are getting what we promised them, Wentzell said. Maybe when we get to the point when our African-American students and our Hispanic students seem to have the same chance to succeed as other students, maybe then it would be OK to say we are not going to look at race and ethnicity data any more. Brandon L. McGee Jr., D-Hartford, assistant majority leader, also argued for some data collection. Without data we wont know specifics of problems, he said, particularly in a state with so many racial ethnic inequalities. Although data collection is useful in attempts to identify and fight achievement gaps between students, Hwang said the fear is that it can also be used to single out Asian-Americans who may be perceived as overachievers. For Asian-Pacific-Americans particularly, there is a heightened distrust of a registry because this country has not always been favorable to (us), Hwang said. It is the only ethnic group to have been subjected to an exclusionary act. The only ethnic group to have been interned during the course of war. The main concern, critics of subgroup data collection said, is fairness. There is a history of discrimination that frames this debate, State Rep. William Tong, D-Stamford, said. Just last week or two weeks ago, the FBI director said that Chinese-American scientists are by their very nature suspect or somehow not to be trusted. Not entirely But the committee also heard from some who see the benefit to identifying problems specific to particular ethnic Asian groups. Theanvy Kouch, executive director of the Khmer Health Advocates, called identifying subgroups necessary, particularly as it relates to health and education of refugees from Hmong, Cambodia and Laos. It took data, she said, to prove that trauma to Southeast Asian communities has lead to diabetes, heart disease and depression. We have been invisible for too long, Kouch said. Knowledge is power. Angela Rola, education chair of the Asian Pacific American Coalition of Connecticut also opposed the bill, saying details are essential to reduce disparities in areas of education, health and employment. In Connecticut 20 ethnic groups make up approximately 160,000 Asian Americans, Rola said. They have distinct experiences and needs that cant be seen when they are lumped into one category. DANBURY The city of Danbury has hired the Ventura Law firm to prepare lawsuits this year against pharmaceutical companies for their role in the opioid epidemic. The City Council voted this week to retain the Main Street firm to review potential claims the city could file against the industry for the misleading, damaging and corrosive effect of opioid distribution, according to the councils resolution. Targets for the lawsuits could include any of the companies that manufacture or distribute the powerful painkillers, including Stamford-based Purdue Pharma, which produces OxyContin. The decision sets into motion a months-long effort to quantify the financial effects opioid abuse and overdoses in Danbury have had on public health, emergency services and police. The city can then use that data to buttress claims against these companies and hold them accountable for misrepresenting the addictive effects of opioids to protect profits, said Ventura Law CEO Augie Ribeiro and law partner Kelly Fitzpatrick, who will handle the case for the city. Theyve essentially fueled the epidemic because these pills have been pushed into the community for many years, despite some medical literature out there, Fitzpatrick told the council on Tuesday night. Danbury joins the ranks of hundreds of cities, counties and states across the U.S. taking the pharmaceutical industry to state and federal court, after opioid overdoses spiked 30 percent last year, according to a new report this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mayor Mark Boughton hopes the investigation and lawsuit will put the city in a position to collect as part of any universal settlement the pharmaceutical companies might agree to, or to pursue more punitive damages, he said. In either case, the mayor said, funding has been scarce for opioid addiction treatment and its associated police and public health costs, so the city must win something to better to treat the problem. The cost of Narcan, the emergency drug used to treat opioid overdoses, has skyrocketed from $15 per treatment to $1,500 for some costs, he added. Were in a reactive posture, Boughton said. Its difficult for us to get ahead of this. This isnt going to result in money tomorrow, just to be clear, but if theres money in the future, we want there to be funding for some of the programs we just cant afford to do now. The decision to hire Ventura Law is a break from almost 20 other cities and towns in Connecticut that have signed with a New York-based firm, Simmons Hanly Conroy, in a larger national lawsuit involving another 120 municipalities across the country. Boughton and the citys corporation counsel interviewed Simmons Hanly Conroy and several other major firms, but they opted for the local firm to keep Danbury front and center, they said. Ventura Law also has partnered with Nashville-based firm Branstetter Stranch & Jennings, which is representing counties across Tennessee in similar lawsuits. That firm is already leading the charge, is already representing 47 counties in the state of Tennessee, so is already ahead of this game, Ribeiro said. Theyre teamed up with us so that we have a local presence ... but we also have the back-end support of that other firm. Youre getting actually both. The firms will not charge the city a fee unless they win a judgment, in which case the firms would take 25 percent of the total settlement or recovery, according to the agreement approved Tuesday night. Other Connecticut towns, including Ridgefield, are negotiating directly with Purdue for money to combat the epidemic. Councilmen Duane Perkins and Tom Saadi said Ventura should not target only Purdue, but also other companies that distributed opioids and misled doctors about their effects. Saadi cited cases he led as a state prosecutor against medical companies over their misrepresentations, and recalled the veterans struggling with opioid addiction he has met as head of the state Department of Veterans Affairs. Fitzpatrick plans to meet with city departments in the coming months to compile data on costs related to opioid abuse. She and Ribeiro plan to present a report and recommendation to the council before the end of the year. Any lawsuit would require council approval before it is filed. What the mayor and Danbury have done here is really take a leadership position on this issue, Ribeiro said. They should be commended and we hope other cities and towns will follow. Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton expects the biggest snowfall after 1 p.m., he told meteorologist Jim Cantore in an interview on The Weather Channel. He said Eversource and public works crews have been busy since last weekend's storm, but are still ready for this one. "Nobody's allowed to go home," Boughton said. "We keep everybody here 'til the last flake falls." In addition to having public works crews at the ready, he city also has snowmobiles that can be used to help motorists and residents stuck in the snow, he said. While Boughton's appearance on The Weather Channel comes in time to help residents prepare for one of the year's largest storms, it is not the first time the Danbury mayor has turned up on national television. In October 2017, the declared gubernatorial candidate made an appearance on Fox Business Network to promote Danbury as a possible site for Amazon's second headquarters. Despite the push, that bid failed when Amazon whittled their over 200 proposals down to 20, with Danbury and several other Connecticut cities getting the axe. Boughton has also made media appearances not in connection to the city, most recently appearing in a Super Bowl LII commercial for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. This story has been corrected to show that Boughton appeared on Fox Business Network. "We are proud and fortunate to work with strong and inspirational women everyday at the Canadian Hearing Society," said Julia Dumanian, President and CEO. "Gail and Veronica embody dedication, compassion, and strength in the face of adversity. They inspire and motivate us all on International Women's Day." Gail's Story Mom, Youth Worker, Entrepreneur For the past fourteen years, Gail Brunsdon has served as a Community Support Worker with the Canadian Hearing Society. Gail is a certified child and youth worker and, as a member of the CONNECT Counselling Services team in the Waterloo region, she provides professional counselling services to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals of all ages, and their families. Gail is also a Deaf parent and raised four children who are also Deaf while working, pursuing her own education, and managing a crocheting and knitting business on the side. She faced many challenges early in her career, including access to quality education, employment opportunities, and facing employer stigmas around hiring Deaf employees. "Job interviews are often challenging and can be a barrier for deaf women who are looking for meaningful employment opportunities," said Gail. "Employers lacking knowledge or training related to deaf culture is a huge issue." Veronica's Story Counsellor, Student, Advocate Veronica Bickle has worked at the Canadian Hearing Society for the past thirteen years. First, as a General Support Counsellor and currently as a CONNECT Counsellor serving Durham, Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton and Northumberland Counties. Outside of her work Veronica volunteers her time to support Deaf community leaders and advocate for improved accessibility for the Deaf and hard of hearing community on a range of issues. Veronica holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Windsor which she earned while working full-time and maintaining her commitment to community service. When accessibility issues presented additional challenges such as poor captioning for video material and language barriers in the classroom Veronica worked with her professors and found ways to overcome them. Advice on International Women's Day Gail's advice for women who are Deaf on International Women's Day? "Don't give up. Dream and get what you want. Set goals and believe in yourself, be an advocate for yourself and for what is right. Being Deaf doesn't mean you can't do anything we can all do it!" Veronica agrees. "I'm forever grateful that I didn't quit or give up on graduate school. Looking back, I think to myself, 'did I actually do that?' I ended up having a great experience with my fellow students. In some cases, they were better than the instructors in making sure I had access in class." She adds, "If we don't do anything proactive, very little will change. We have to push and advocate to see the change that we need. This is particularly true of women dealing with minority issues everyday such as marginalization, ignorance, and the culture of low expectations." The Canadian Hearing Society is proud to work alongside role modes like Gail and Veronica who are breaking down barriers and proving that women who are Deaf are fully capable of achieving their goals and realizing their ambition. If you or someone you know is Deaf or hard of hearing, the Canadian Hearing Society offers a variety of support such as counselling, accessibility, and employment services to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue their dreams. Visit today to learn more about our services and support. About the Canadian Hearing Society Trusted since 1940, the Canadian Hearing Society provides industry-leading services and products that enable Deaf and hard of hearing Canadians to overcome barriers to participation. It is an independent, registered non-profit organization that reinvests proceeds from product and program sales back into community services, the focus of the organization. For more information about the Canadian Hearing Society's services visit SOURCE The Canadian Hearing Society For further information: For media inquiries, please contact: Maria Gregory, Director, Marketing & Communications,416-577-7993, [email protected] CONFEDEM becomes the fifth national mining association outside of Canada to adopt TSM TORONTO, March 6, 2018 /CNW/ - The national mining association of Spain, CONFEDEM, has announced that it will adopt the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative, a mining sustainability standard developed by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC). Through this partnership, CONFEDEM will integrate TSM with its Gestion Minero Metalurgica Sostenible (GMMS) standard. This will add TSM elements, including external verification of site-level performance and the establishment of an independent community of interest advisory panel to oversee the program. While CONFEDEM will tailor its performance areas so that they reflect the unique aspects of its domestic mining sector, they will strongly align with those of Canada. The signing ceremony involving representatives of MAC and CONFEDEM (Confederacion nacional de empresarios de la mineria y de la metalurgia) was held today during the PDAC International Convention in Toronto. CONFEDEM has become the fifth national mining association outside of Canada to adopt TSM, underscoring the program's growing global presence. The national mining associations of Finland (FinnMin), Argentina (Camara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros), Botswana (Botswana Chamber of Mines), and the Philippines (Chamber of Mines of the Philippines) are currently implementing TSM. MAC and its members launched TSM in 2004. Implementation of the program is mandatory for all MAC members' Canadian operations, but many voluntarily apply it to their international sites. MAC freely shares TSM with other countries seeking tools to improve the environmental and social performance of their mining industries, including engagement with civil society and enhanced transparency and accountability. TSM requires mining companies to annually assess their facilities' performance in key areas, including tailings management, community outreach, safety and health, biodiversity conservation, crisis management, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions management, and the prevention of child and forced labour. The results are freely available to the public and are externally-verified every three years to ensure what has been reported is accurate. To ensure TSM reflects the expectations of civil society and industry stakeholders, it was designed and continues to be shaped by an independent, multi-interest advisory panel. As part of its implementation, CONFEDEM will implement a similar advisory body to provide this valuable oversight function. QUOTES "Adopting TSM and incorporating it into our GMMS standard will generate two parallel benefits. It will allow us to draw from Canada's deep and broad experience in sustainable mining practices while enabling us to engage effectively with civil society, build trust and work collaboratively to continue building a sustainable mining industry," stated Vicente G. Peinador, General Director, CONFEDEM. "CONFEDEM's adoption of TSM builds on its already significant work in driving sustainability performance within Spain's mining sector through its GMMS standard. Through this partnership, CONFEDEM will integrate world-leading TSM elements into its current system, including external verification of results and community oversight. We're proud to share our expertise in sustainable mining practices with countries that share the same vision," stated Pierre Gratton, President and CEO, MAC. ABOUT CONFEDEM Representing the Spanish mining and metallurgy sector in Spain, the Confederacion nacional de empresarios de la mineria y de la metalurgia (CONFEDEM) is a non-profit, independent institution representing the sector's interests with both the Spanish government and European Commission. CONFEDEM also coordinates the sector's socio-economic activities in Spain. CONFEDEM's membership includes all metallic and non-metallic mining and metallurgy companies and the majority of industrial minerals companies in Spain. Its members include both national and international companies such as MAXAM, ICL, First Quantum, Trafigura & Mubadala, Rio Tinto Atalaya Mining, Orvana Minerals, Freeport McMoran, Berkeley Minera Spain and others. Please visit ABOUT MAC The Mining Association of Canada is the national organization for the Canadian mining industry. Its members account for most of Canada's production of base and precious metals, uranium, diamonds, metallurgical coal and mined oil sands, and are actively engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. Please visit ABOUT TSM The Towards Sustainable Mining initiative is a sustainability standard developed by the Mining Association of Canada. Mining companies are expected to report annually on the implementation of each protocol. In addition, their performance results are evaluated by an external auditor every three years. Please visit SOURCE Mining Association of Canada (MAC) For further information: Jessica Draker, Director of Communications, MAC, (613) 233-9392 x225 or [email protected]; Jose Maria Scandella Giron, Secretario General, CONFEDEM, +34 914319402 or [email protected] Related Links Chinas internal security budget has grown along with its external military defense spending. The internal security budget is 20% more than the defense spending. Chinas defense spending, announced on 5 March at a National Peoples Congress (NPC) session where the Ministry of Finance unveiled its national budget, amounts to RMB1.107 trillion (USD175 billion). This would put the internal security budget at about USD210 billion. In 2016, US DOD estimates put Chinas real spending at least 23% higher than announced. If the same ratio is used for 2018s figure, Chinas defense spending could be around the USD215 billion mark. Compared to the Pentagon, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is less cautious in its estimate. Indeed, SIPRI calculated that Chinas actual spending in 2016 was some 55% more than what was officially stated. The same kind of adjustment would put Chinas 2018 defense spending at USD265 billion. Chinas SIPRI adjusted 2020 defense spending should be USD300 billion and about USD450 billion in 2025. The USA has an FY2019 budget request for the DoD for USD686 billion, with extra billions requested for operational requirements. China military budget is going to aircraft carriers (nuclear-powered carriers are a near certainty), nuclear-powered submarines, stealth fighters, ballistic missiles, missile defense systems, space-based capabilities, quantum communications and artificial intelligence (AI). Here is a Nextbigfuture infographic with a projection of military spending in 2030. This is mainly based upon IMF forecasted GDP projections to 2022 and then extrapolated to 2030. The 2016 military spending as a percent of GDP is assumed to still be used out to 2030. A country spending 2% of its GDP on its military or 5% of GDP is assumed to still be spending the same percentage in 2030. Nextbigfuture believes the IMF GDP forecasts out to 2022 for Russia and Saudi Arabia could be high. Also, Chinas currency improved in 2017 and 2018 and has had strong GDP performance. Nextbigfuture used these adjustments for an increased forecast for Chinas GDP in 2030. Most of the countries are growing at near the same pace. China and India have more growth and so have bigger economies and more military spending in 2030. The United States still dominates world military spending. Nextbigfuture is working with to create infographics. Nextbigfuture had combined several sources to determine how much Russia, China and the United States spend on military hardware (tanks, planes, ships and research.) Nextbigfuture is working with to create infographics. * Russia announced their ten-year military hardware spending plan which was flat spending through 2027. * Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is an international institute based in Sweden, dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. They provide annual estimates of military spending and have projected military spending * The International Institute for Strategic Studies, IISS, is a global think tank researching political and military conflict. China is expected to grow its military hardware spending by about 5% per year and the USA at about 1-2% per year. By 2025, China will grow from double Russias military hardware spending to triple and from less than half the US level to 60%. Techno-police state Since the start of the 2018 Spring Security Campaign, Zhengzhou Railway Police has taken the lead in using the portraits of police glasses on national railways. The police sunglasses can effectively screen out illegal travelers who are fleeing and fraudulent use of identity documents on the Internet. It is understood that the Zhengzhou Railway Police were stationed in Zhengzhou, the four stations were used in this police glasses. At present, the police have already seized 7 online fledgling officers suspected of trafficking in persons, traffic accidents and escapes and other 26 fake identification personnel, and effectively purged the public security environment for passenger take-off and landing. The sunglass device was able to identify individuals from a 10,000-person database within one-tenth of a second during tests. A basic, video-only version of the glasses retails for around $630, and has been sold to countries including the US and Japan. China is install 400 million new CCTV cameras nationwide by 2020. China is building a facial-recognition database that can identify any Chinese citizen within three seconds. One IHS Markit estimate puts the number of cameras in China at 176 million today, with a plan to have 450 million installed by 2020. Beyond the CCTV cameras there will be smartphones and the google glass like sunglasses. There will be billions of cameras. China Technology empowered Police State will identify any face within 3 seconds by 2020 using billions of cameras. China will also be applying drones and satellites and high resolution cameras. US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba have mysterious ailments that were blamed on a high-frequency sonic weapon. However, ultrasonic frequenciesfrom 20 to 200 kilohertzdont propagate well in air and dont cause the ear pain, headache, dizziness, and other symptoms reported in Cuba. IEEE Spectrum reported on work described on Youtube. Kevin Fu, a computer scientist at the University of Michigan and his colleague Wenyuan Xu, a professor at Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China, and her Ph.D. student Chen Yan have determined that it was intermodulation distortion occurs when two signals having different frequencies combine to produce synthetic signals at the difference, sum, or multiples of the original frequencies. Two ultrasonic signals (ultrasonic jammer and an ultrasonic transmitter) accidentally interfered with each other, creating an audible side effect. Former Russian agent Mr Skripals wife, son and older brother have all died in the past two years. The woman found slumped on a shopping center bench alongside a former Russian agent convicted of spying for Britain is his daughter. Yulia Skripal, in her 30s, and father Sergei, 66, are critically ill in hospital after being found unconscious in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Sergei Skripal was convicted of passing the identities of Russian intelligence agents working undercover in Europe to the UKs Secret Intelligence Service, MI6. In July 2010, he was one of four prisoners released by Moscow in exchange for 10 Russian spies arrested by the FBI as part of a swap. He was later flown to the UK. KILLINGWORTH On Route 81 approaching the Killingworth Cafe, you can almost imagine a smile on the facade of the white, red-awning windows. And if Jan Violissi, owner and chef isnt too busy, shell drop everything to greet you before you can sit down. Most of the time, though, she spends it in the kitchen sometimes creating dishes no ones ever heard of, but mostly putting together a menu for any palate. I cant sing or dance, but I sure can cook, said Violissi almost singing. Violissi bought the property in 1993 from the Winkles, Flossie and Fred, local legends about whom people still spin yarns. Flossie was probably best known for her spot at the bar, sipping a CC and soda, but never accepting a drink from patrons but she was plenty generous herself. Fred was a character in his own right. History has it that he was the first person to receive a liquor permit from the State of Connecticut. He slept on the steps of the Capitol Building to be the first in line in the morning, as the story goes. Going back in time: The present building evolved from the original manse constructed by a Congregational minister in the late 1800s. When the minister retired, he kept the house. Later, after the minister left, the building housed a general store. Believe it or not, after the store, a brothel appeared and then during Prohibition, it served as a hangout like a speakeasy with Canadian whiskey smuggled in, some of which was dumped on Duck Island when it had the house on it. It was a post office too. All this lore is according to Violissi. Now, it is one of the finest restaurants in the area. During the interview, Violissi asked, Can you smell the duck roasting? The writer sure could. Then she showed off the special beef shank that looked as if it were hacked from a dinosaur. I make it braised, then stewed with vegetables, osso buco style excellent. Both the menu and the special sheet are as entertaining as they are mouthwatering: Escargot Broiled with copious amount of Garlic Served w/Rustic Garlic Bread. Or: Dont drink to excess. It makes us both look bad. Or: You might consider allowing us to Stuff one of These Oversized Baked Beauties (potatoes) with Crumbled Bacon, Shredded Cheddar, and a Hefty Dose of Sour Cream. Its quite a sight for $2 extra. Or: 2 lb Porterhouse (the Jolly Roger); 22 oz. Porterhouse (Beatrice 1st) Or: Bourbon Marinated Sirloin Tips. Few can resist 1 lbs of the Yummiest Bourbon-soaked Sirloin Tips around. The headline on the weekly special flyer and the main menu reads, Celebrating 25 years andMillions of Calories Served!!! The flyer continues: Located on the Circle in Beautiful Downtown Killingworth Ct. In the same mode, some of the specials read: Take Home A Quart of your favorite soup because Baby, Its SNOW Outside. And Butternut Squash Ravioli w/Maple Walnut Glaze. And, of course, the remarkable, Bottle of Dom Perignon with a Toasted Cheese Sandwich **$249.75** (Add Tomato or Crispy Bacon for $3 more) Carol, Violissis sister, Does all the prep work and is responsible for the inventory. I am the chef, owner and fool on the hill. We rarely take a break, we open at three every day, and we love the military especially the SeaBees, because Ron Dziema was a SeaBee and he can make or fix anything. (Dziema is a loyal friend, apparently). Was the bar itself mentioned? Kathi Kaster presided during the interview. Shes been behind the stick for six years and she is a Cosmo specialist, among other things. And the bar itself is a compact wonder. Its the only one this writer knows of that has Piehole Liqueurs prominently displayed. Surrounded by the usual Absolut and Stolie and Titos, and CC, the stand Pecan Pie, Cherry Pie, and of course, Apple Pie. Also, at the bar, if you get too mesmerized by Howard Kelsey (a regular), you can always switch to a game of Keno, installed a couple of years ago. We do Power ball all the number games except the scratch-offs, mused Violissi. They approached us two years ago and we said yes. Actually a few things have changed that were tradition. One was that during a cold winter evening, regulars would on their way in bring in a log from the pile outside and toss it into the fire. Now they bring their smiles which is just as good. So if youre looking for a grilled cheese sandwich with a burger inside, or a hunk of salmon with a dash of Old Bay seasoning, or the like-nothing-youve-had-before haddock sandwich, or one of my favorites the Cuban black bean soup with sausage and the spoon stands straight up in it, head for the Killingworth Cafe where Every days a holiday, and every meals a feast. The first feature from writer-director Cory Finley, "Thoroughbreds" is a darkly comic tale - shot through with the hard-boiled fatalism of film noir - about two teenage girls in an affluent Connecticut suburb of New York. The troubled Amanda (Olivia Cooke of "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl") has been struggling to rejoin society after her mutilation of a prized horse, an act that has turned her into a social outcast. Her childhood friend Lily (Anya Taylor-Joy of "The Witch") lives with her mother (Francie Smith) and her coldly arrogant stepfather, Mark (Paul Sparks), in a huge mansion where she seems to have it all: a refined lifestyle, a prestigious internship and good college prospects. As the film opens, a tenuous reunion has been engineered by Amanda's mother, who is paying Lily to tutor (and befriend) her disturbed daughter. Despite the financial arrangement, an uneasy alliance develops between the two girls. Amanda - who speaks in deadpan because she has lost the ability to feel emotion - impresses Lily with her jaded outlook, and Amanda soon plants the seed of a solution to Lily's problematic relationship with Mark. This proposal leads them to a small-time drug dealer (the late Anton Yelchin, in one of his final roles) with whom they enter into negotiations about taking on their dirty work. Cooke - so terrific as a naive teen in "Bates Motel" - succeeds here in a completely different mode, her wide, sensitive eyes revealing a chilling emptiness that suggests Cristina Ricci's Wednesday Addams from the "Addams Family" films. But she's also got great comic timing, as when Amanda feigns a smile or uses what she calls "the technique" to produce crocodile tears. As Lily, Taylor-Joy makes for an apt foil, dropping her veneer of propriety, with Amanda's encouragement, to become a formidable and manipulative presence of her own. Yelchin's performance - grizzled, neurotic - is sadly on-the-nose, making us feel as if we're watching the last act of a troubled young man. A psychological thriller set in a young-adult milieu, "Thoroughbreds" was inspired by such classic examples of film noir as "Double Indemnity" and "The Postman Always Rings Twice," both of which Finley says he went to for inspiration while writing his script. Yet the movie's plot machinations and brooding tone are, at times, a little too clever. And Erik Friedlander's anxious, percussive score reinforces what we already know: These are troubled people. Still, the music suits sound design that turns the film's luxurious setting - an estate bathed in sterile, almost institutional light by cinematographer Lyle Vincent - into a kind of creepy funhouse, one in which the thudding, cardiovascular pulse of Mark's unseen rowing machine creates a tension that we fully expect to turn violent. A vicious satire of the upper class and its discontents, "Thoroughbreds" paints a dark picture of a generation that, because it has been denied nothing, has come to value nothing. --- Three stars. Rated R. Contains disturbing behavior, bloody images, coarse language, sexual references and some drug use. 90 minutes. Ratings Guide: Four stars masterpiece, three stars very good, two stars OK, one star poor, no stars waste of time. There are a number of very good Indian restaurants in Connecticut. The problem I have found with most of them is they are uneven. One time the meal will be stellar, the next time lackluster. My guess is it depends on who is cooking in the kitchen. The menu may stay the same, but the food is uneven. The constant level of good cooking is one reason to applaud Baingan. I did not know about Baingan until some friends told me about it. What they focused on was the buffet, served daily. To my friends delight, the buffet was one of the great bargains around. Although in this column I try to guide my readers to affordable places, I am at heart somewhat skeptical when the main reason to eat somewhere is its cheap and you get a lot. The Baingan buffet is worth the trip to Shelton. Neatly laid out on a steam table are many dishes, often the same food that is on the extensive menu. There are meat dishes, vegetarian dishes, light foods and rib stickers. There are Indian breads, rice, raita and exotic desserts. The cost for the buffet is an amazingly low. Even more amazing is that it is truly all you can eat. If you need 12 plates of chicken curry to feel satiated, Baingan has no problem. I hesitate to name actual dishes served at the buffet because they are different each day. The dishes I will mention are on the large menu, available for takeout or eat in, and you might find them on the steam table as well. I adore Indian breads. Naan made in a tandoor oven: plain, or garlicky, or filled with lamb or roasted chicken. The Kulcha breads come stuffed with onions and fresh coriander. Paratha is a hearty bread that contains peas and potatoes, dried mint and cheese, and my all time favorite Poori, the whole wheat bread that arrives puffed up like a blowfish and slowly deflates like a sigh. I can make a perfect meal out of any of these breads, along with raita (a spiced yogurt and cucumber dip) and a mango lassi (a yogurt and fruit milkshake). If you have simple tastes like I (occasionally) have, you can feast for very little money. There is nothing on the menu that I would call expensive. You get a lot of bang for the buck eating here. There are two expansive dining rooms, both with comfortable booths and tables. The service is also a plus. The waiters and floor manager keep an eagle eye out for anything you may need. More Information Baingan 94 River Road, Shelton;, 203 924 2626 See More Collapse So here are some of the best things I ate at Baingan. Some are familiar and some rarely seen on any Connecticut menus. To start off saying get the lentil soup sounds so boring and old-lady like, but get it. It is perfectly seasoned and not so heavy that you will have trouble with the following courses. I found it perked my appetite rather then destroyed it. The kitchen at Baingan makes a terrific Biryani. The base of a good Biryani is aromatic basmati rice, cooked with an amalgam of spices and nuts, and combined with lamb, chicken, shrimp, all of the mentioned proteins or just plain vegetables. The portions are huge, and the perfume coming off the dish is transcendental. I love anything cooked in a tandoor oven if only for the fact that I dont own one. A real tandoor oven is not something you can pick up at Williams-Sonoma. At Baingan the tandoori is used to quickly blast cook meat and seafood kebabs that have been marinating overnight. A tandoor oven is an art to use correctly, the food you pull off the skewer has to be moist and juicy not dried and desiccated. Boti Kabab is a classic cubed lamb flavored with ginger and garlic. There is a light and delicious Salmon kebab, the fish having marinated overnight in yogurt. In the how do they do it? category is the vegetarian Paneer Saslik, a soft cheese cooked with spicy tomato, onions and red peppers. Have you ever put soft cheese in an intensely hot oven? I have and it was a mess, not a neat and pretty kebab. If you are a classicist, do not hesitate to order the Vindaloos or curries. I loved the Methi Chicken, a curry spiked with the intense herb fenugreek. Lamb Vindaloo is fiery cubes of lamb cooked with mild potatoes and a splash of vinegar. I cannot leave this review without mention of some very unusual dishes you will not find elsewhere. Zaffrani Gosht is an exotic stew of lamb, saffron, cashew nuts, raisins, royal cumin and tomato. There is Chicken Patia: spiced chicken cooked in an onion gravy with mangos, tomatoes, spices and cream. Chicken Momo is marinated in Nepali spices, then wrapped in dough and steamed, sided by a spicy sauce and what sounds like the worlds most perfect comfort food, Cheese Butter Masala, described on the menu as cheese and butter cooked in a mild creamy tomato sauce. Damn the cholesterol; full speed ahead. Jane Stern, a Ridgefield resident, coauthored the popular Roadfood guidebook series with Michael Stern. Join her each week as she travels Fairfield County finding a great meal in unexpected places for $20 or less. HARTFORD What pushed Thomas Burke to the edge that night on the river bank in Afghanistan with his gun in his mouth, was the blood and broken, scattered childrens corpses. A group of kids, determined to help Burkes Marine Corps unit rid their central-Afghanistan home of the Taliban, would regularly present the soldiers with unexploded bombs mostly improvised explosive devices for disposal. A week before he almost committed suicide, the youngsters had found the live warhead of a rocket-propelled grenade. They were bringing it to me and it exploded on them, Burke, 26, told state lawmakers of the 2009 incident. I had to go and personally pick up their body parts and put them in the back of a trailer. A week after that I sat on the bank of the Helmand River and I put my gun in my mouth. His voice broke as he continued. I, fortunately, had a friend follow me out into the middle of Afghanistan without his own personal protection equipment... follow me being an idiot, and he saved my life. Had I pulled that trigger that night I would have had an honorable discharge. Instead, with four months left in his second Middle East deployment Burke started smoking marijuana given to him and other members of his unit by friendly Afghan police. It helped him sleep. Five months after the near-suicide, he was out of the Marines, with a less-than-honorable discharge, often called bad paper. Burke, other veterans and some state military officials on Tuesday testified during a public hearing at the Capitol. They asked the Veterans Affairs Committee to approve legislation that would allow vets given other than honorable discharges for mental-health reasons, to become eligible for health services and educational support from which they are currently prohibited. I returned home here to Connecticut with nothing, said Burke. I had no benefits. After a lengthy process of appeals, he was able to receive federal support for $400,000 in undergraduate tuition at Sacred Heart University, plus $150,000 for his current studies at Yale Universitys Divinity School. Until I got into a classroom, I had no hope. I thought I was a piece of crap who was less than honorably discharged. More than 800 veterans could be eligible for state benefits if the General Assembly approves the legislation, according to the Connecticut Chapter of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of American, which is pursuing the bill with assistance from the Yale Law School. Rep. John Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, himself a U.S. Army veteran who is co-chairman of the committee, said he expects the bill will be approved and noted that there was no testimony submitted in opposition to the bill. This is something that the legislature has to figure out, Hennessy said Wednesday. While they may be prevented from benefits on the federal side that doesnt mean we cant help people with bad paper to transition to civilian life. Similar legislation proposed last year failed in the legislature. Burke, appeared before the committee with Rep. Brian Ohler, R-Canaan, who with third Purple Hearts is the first post-September 11th combat veteran to serve in the General Assembly. When called, we put our lives here at home on hold, knowing that there was an ever-increasing chance of never returning back home to our families, Ohler told the committee. Because of these experiences and the countless other harrowing circumstances that a service member can endure during their enlistment, many now struggle to cope with this reality. NEW HAVEN Defendant Saifullah Khan, on trial for sexual assault, testified Tuesday that his accuser actually was the sexual aggressor who invited him into her Yale dormitory room and then into her bed. For three full hours Khan gave a detailed and sometimes graphic account of what he asserted happened three years ago during a rowdy Halloween night of campus partying, a Yale Symphony Orchestra concert at Woolsey Hall during which the female complainant in this case vomited and the couples sexual encounter in her bedroom early the next morning. Khans testimony differed almost completely from that of the complainant, who last week said he took over her cellphone, took advantage of her drunken state and raped me. The courtroom was filled all day Tuesday with Yale students, reporters and other interested observers. Those in attendance also heard spirited closing arguments from the prosecutor and two defense attorneys. The six jurors finally began deliberations at 4:45 p.m. Fifteen minutes later, Superior Court Judge Brian T. Fischer sent the jury home and instructed them to resume Wednesday, unless the snow is too intense for them to come to court. Khan, 25, is charged with sexual assault in the first, second, third and fourth degrees. He and the complainant were seniors at Yale when they had their sexual encounter. Yale officials suspended him after she made her accusation and he has not returned. The defendant, attired in a dark suit and tie, politely answered, Yes, sir and No, sir to the multitude of questions posed by Supervisory Assistant States Attorney Michael Pepper and defense attorney Norm Pattis. Those in the courtroom listened most intently when Khan talked about what happened after he walked the woman back to her room at Yales Trumbull College. Security card swipe records show they arrived there at 12:43 a.m. He recalled she was giggling and laughing in response to his random, dumb jokes as they made the short walk from Woolsey Hall to her residence hall, where he also lived. Khan said he helped her to her doorway and she walked into her suite. I said Good night and started walking toward my entryway. She walked back toward me and called out my name. Pattis asked, How did you interpret her tone? Khan replied: As if there was some expectation. Khan added, I said, Yeah and she said, Do you want to come back to my room? I said, Yes and started walking back toward her entryway. She opened the door. He continued: She started taking off her clothes. I took off my tie. Noting the woman was dressed in a cat costume for Halloween, Pattis asked: What part of her costume did she take off? The top, Khan replied. Pattis: What was going through your mind as she was taking her clothes off? Khan: I was excited and I was aroused. But then, he said, she asked him to go out and try to find a friend of hers, who also lived at Trumbull College. Her friend had had many drinks at the Shabtai Jewish society party they had attended and they became separated. (It turned out she was taken to the Yale Health center for treatment.) Khan said he returned to the complainants bedroom to tell her he couldnt find her friend. When I knocked on her door, she was fully undressed. Shortly after that, he said, We were on her couch. She was sitting on top of me. She told me she didnt have any condoms and said that if I had any, to go get some, he testified. So I went back to my room and got them. Khan then described their oral sex. He said it occurred near her couch. Pattis: Did she ever indicate she was not willing, ready and able? Khan replied, There was nothing that indicated that, sir. He testified she vomited during the oral sex and then took a shower. At that point he called his long-term girlfriend, who testified Monday about their open relationship. Khan said he spoke to her for about two hours on his cellphone, at one point putting the complainant on to briefly say hello to her, as they had taken a Yale summer physics course together. After he completed the long phone call, Khan testified, She said, Come to bed. She said they started cuddling and spooning and then she asked him if he had another condom. He said he got one off the couch and they had intercourse. Afterward, he said, he fell asleep on the couch. But he said when she woke him up at about 6 a.m., She was saying she was angry at me, asking why we had sex and she didnt want anyone to know. He testified he tried to reassure her he would keep it a secret. He said when he texted her from his room a little bit later, she responded with a text reading: LOL. He testified this stands for Laugh out loud. During his cross-examination of Khan and in his closing argument, Pepper reminded the jurors that the states witnesses, many of them the complainants friends, had testified she was so intoxicated that she was having trouble walking and talking. Khan testified he never observed any such behavior. Pepper, following up on testimony from the complainants friend that she saw Khan take the complainants cellphone from her as they prepared to enter Woolsey Hall, asked Khan if he did take her phone. Khan replied, No, sir. Citing Khans testimony about what happened when the complainant angrily awakened him, Pepper asked: All of a sudden shes a completely different person? Khan said, Yeah. She said she felt disgusted and asked, Why did we have sex? I was confused. In his closing argument, Pepper charged Khan took the womans phone and thus isolated her from her friends. Pepper said Khan sent text messages to the womans concerned friends from her phone, posing as her and telling them she was OK. Pepper told the jury: What transformed that night from happy into a nightmare was she miscalculated her own tolerance for alcohol. She ate too little and drank too much. But thats not criminal. And it doesnt absolve the defendant. Pepper asked the jurors why the complainant would make up a story and put herself through 2 1/2 days of emotionally wrenching testimony. In his closing argument, Pattis noted the complainants short skirt and tube top she wore that night. Shes dressed to party. Noting the complainants memory gaps about what happened in her room, Pattis asked the jurors: Then how are you supposed to know? Pattis charged Yale police and administrators quickly concluded Khan was the aggressor before the investigation was over. What the hell is wrong with Yale University? Shame on Yale! In an apparent reference to the me too movement of women calling out sexual offenders, Pattis said this is a terrifying time to try a sex case. Pattis asserted of the complainant: She made up this story because she cant face the fact that the one night when she took a walk on the wild side, shes got to face her friends the next day. I think she let her friends convince her shed been raped. Khan said he has not had any contact with her since that day. Did you rape her? Pattis asked. No, sir, Khan replied. CHESHIRE U.S. Rep Elizabeth Esty, D-5, will be honored later this month by the Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women, which will present her the organizations Women of Distinction Award. Esty, who is a Cheshire resident, will receive the award on March 23 at Tastebuds Banquet facility in East Hartford. She is one of five women who will be receiving the award, which recognizes women who are tireless workers for the Federation of Democratic Women and who are dedicated to the election of Democratic candidates. Pat McKenney, president of the Cheshire Democratic Womens Club, said the group nominated Esty for the statewide award. We believe she inspires others to serve in a political office, McKenney said of Esty. McKenney said while Esty was serving on the Cheshire Town Council from 2005 to 2008, she was a champion of senior citizens, especially in providing tax relief to seniors and also was a strong advocate for the towns schools. When Esty served in the states General Assembly as from 2009 to 2011, McKenney said she fought for rights and benefits for gay couples. And when Pratt & Whitney closed its Cheshire plant, Esty focused on securing retirement packages and searching for job replacements for the 1,000 workers laid off, McKenney said. Esty has consistently advocated for small business while serving in Congress, McKenney said, and is a strong proponent of gun control measures as well as improving education. Cheshire Democratic Town Committee chairwoman Judy Villa said, Esty works tirelessly for social justice and government that truly serves others. Esty said she is honored to be receiving the award. In 2018, were seeing women coming off the sidelines and getting involved like never before, she said. I firmly believe that women will lead the way in creating change in our country. I am committed to recruiting, training, and electing talented, effective women to office at every level in Connecticut and throughout our nation. Tickets for the awards dinner are $46. Contact Liz Duarte at for more information. North Augusta, SC (29841) Today Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 73F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 73F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. by @jenstaletovich Florida environmental regulators have signed off on a billion-dollar reservoir that some Everglades activists say still does too little to fix the ailing watershed. In an order issued Monday evening, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection concluded the 23-foot deep, 10,500-acre reservoir and 6,500-acre stormwater treatment area will succeed at slowing polluted discharges to the coasts and clean water before sending it south to Everglades marshes. The governing board for the South Florida Water Management District, which is overseeing the project, will vote on a final plan to forward to the Assistant Secretary of the Army on Thursday. State regulators also sent a clear message about water quality standards. Over the last year, some district board members have suggested standards should be eased. But regulators say they expect the district to continue upholding the rules and tweak the project if needed. "Our team has been pretty clear on the water quality side and to the department's credit, and secretary's credit, this speaks to the issues we've raised," said Everglades Foundation CEO Eric Eikenberg, who helped broker legislation last year to kick-start the reservoir. Since planning began over the summer, environmentalists have repeatedly raised concerns that the project falls short of what was originally planned. It's about a third of the size of the original reservoir planned in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, requiring it to be much deeper, which could make water harder to clean. The Everglades Foundation has estimated that at least 13,000 acres of treatment marshes are needed and pushed district planners to be more aggressive in buying additional land. But Florida legislators, pressured by farmers, refused to allow the district to take land through eminent domain, essentially tying their hands. "The bill got beaten up by lobbyists and lawmakers. Now we have a project implementation that is crippled by not having enough land to let it do what it is supposed to and be cost-effective," the Sierra Club said in a statement. "We have no real guarantees that the agencies building the reservoir will use it to significantly cut the discharges it was funded to eliminate. We're being asked to blindly trust this $2 billion project to [the] same Governor-appointed officials who've openly opposed it from the start." Bullsugar, a Treasure Coast advocacy group created to fight pollution in the St. Lucie estuary, said the plan offers "zero guarantees" that lake discharges will stop. "The DEP's vague pledge to enforce water quality standards leaves the door open to simply reduce the reservoirs benefits," the group said. "If communities and businesses that depend on clean water can't get the same guarantees of drainage and water that lawmakers give the sugarcane industry, the EAA reservoir plan is a $2 billion trust fall." The state's two biggest environmental brokers, the Everglades Foundation and Audubon Florida, however, have backed the plan, in part because it speeds up work that otherwise would have taken another 15 years, Eikenberg said. "The last thing we want is less than nothing. And the folks who live along the coast expect something," he said. "Everglades restoration has been notorious for incremental progress....and the biggest fear was getting less than nothing." The sugar industry and farmers have bitterly fought the project, complaining that it was a land grab that would drive away jobs. March 6, 2018 On Saturday, March 24, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, educators, naturalists, scout leaders, and other youth leaders are invited to try their hands at a wide variety of activities they can use to teach about the environment during a Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) Workshop at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshores Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk Pavilion. Along with the traditional content for Project WET certification, this session will incorporate activities and resources around Asian carp and aquatic invasive species that threaten regional waterways. Project WETs mission is to reach children, parents, teachers and community members of the world with water education that promotes awareness of water and empowers community action to solve complex water issues. The workshop is designed for educators working with students in grades K through 12. During the event, educators will try out a variety of hands-on, interdisciplinary activities they can use to teach concepts in watersheds, wetlands, water quality, water chemistry, and aquatic wildlife. Each participant who completes the full six-hour workshop will receive an activity guide packed with 64 broad-based, hands-on, easy to use, and fun activities developed by a team of educators and resource experts and tested in classrooms across the country. Activities are interdisciplinary, utilizing social studies, language arts, math, science, reading, art, music, and civics. There is a $40 fee for the workshop and lunch is provided. Indiana teachers can receive Professional Growth Points and Illinois Teachers can receive CPDUs for attending the workshop. Graduate credit is also available for an additional fee. Pre-registration is required by Thursday, March 15, and registration is limited. To register or obtain additional information, visit their website or call Dunes Learning Center at 219-395-9555. The workshop is co-sponsored by Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Dunes Learning Center, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and the Division of Fish and Wildlife. The Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk Pavilion is located at 1000 Riverwalk Drive in Portage. For more information on this or other programs at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, call 219-395-1882 or visit our website and our Facebook page. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Managing Editor Having lived and worked in Indy on and off since 1977, and currently living in Carmel, I've seen the city change a great deal. I love covering the arts in all its forms, and the places where the arts and broader cultural issues intersect. Viewed of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. NORRISTOWN, Pa. The #MeToo movement is making it tougher for Bill Cosby to get a fair trial, his lawyers asserted Tuesday, as they fought in a pretrial hearing here to prevent 19 additional accusers from testifying at his retrial on sexual assault charges. Prosecutors say the 19 accounts would establish a pattern of predatory conduct by Mr. Cosby, 80, and help fend off defense attacks on the credibility of Andrea Constand, whose accusation that Mr. Cosby drugged and assaulted her in 2004 is the only one to lead to criminal charges. Mr. Cosby has said that the episode, which occurred at his home near here, was consensual. This is a 40-year, continuous pattern, said Adrienne Jappe, an assistant district attorney in Montgomery County, where the retrial will take place. But defense lawyers said allowing more accusers onto the stand would distract the jurors from the case at the heart of the trial. Becky S. James, one of Mr. Cosbys lawyers, said in the pretrial hearing, Letting in multiple mini-trials, which this would be, would end up dominating. The Fyre music festival, planned for last spring, was to be an experience of unparalleled opulence. Held on a private island in the Bahamas, the festival would feature luxury suites, gourmet meals and a series of musical performances headlined by Blink-182. But instead of the extravagant odyssey they had been promised, hundreds of concertgoers were greeted by a disorganized mess. Soggy tents. Cheese sandwiches in foam containers. And not only did Blink-182 never perform; the bands equipment ended up stuck in customs. On Tuesday afternoon the festivals main organizer, William McFarland, pleaded guilty to two counts of wire fraud related to the festival and to his media company that prosecutors said had cost investors $26 million in losses. He told the judge, Naomi Reice Buchwald, of Federal District Court in Manhattan, that he had begun organizing the festival with good intentions but had greatly underestimated the resources it would take. The fight over technology is redefining the rules of engagement in an era when national security and economic power are closely intertwined. China, under President Xi Jinping, has launched an ambitious plan to dominate mobile technology, supercomputers, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge industries, putting huge resources behind an effort that it considers crucial to the countrys government, military and economy. Beijing wants to build its own technology champions and is encouraging companies to acquire the engineering, expertise and intellectual property from big rivals in the United States and elsewhere. The aggressive push has set off alarms in Washington, with policymakers and lawmakers fearful that American giants could lose their edge. President Trump is now building up the countrys defenses, as the government investigates potential violations of American intellectual property rights and intensifies scrutiny of overseas deals. The secretive panel that is reviewing the Qualcomm deal, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius, has taken on a central role in the resistance to Chinese investment. The panel, which is led by the Treasury Department and made up of representatives from multiple agencies, has the authority to block foreign acquisitions of American companies for national security reasons; it has effectively killed several acquisitions linked to Chinese buyers over the past year. Lawmakers are also calling to expand the powers of Cfius to reflect the broader scope of Chinas interests. [ What is Cfius? It is the ultimate regulatory bazooka, according to an executive who works on mergers and acquisitions. Read more about the panel here ] The Trump administration turbocharged it, Tony Balloon, the head of the corporate China practice at the law firm Alston & Bird, said, referring to Cfius. There is now a recognition in government that foreign investors, particularly from China, are getting more and more sophisticated on how they get access to technology in the U.S. With Qualcomm, the government has articulated its evolving vision for global economic leadership. The company, which is a major supplier to the United States government, is a leading player in the race to build the next generation wireless technology, known as 5G. These high-speed mobile networks will form the infrastructure backbone that ultimately connects home appliances, streetlights and driverless cars to the internet. And Qualcomms chips will be in the multitude of devices and machines that will run on those networks. The tensions that have divided the nation over gun control have also split the Florida Legislature's Democrats as a bitterly divided House Democratic caucus voted 21-9 Wednesday to oppose the school safety bill because what many consider a "poison pill" that will introduce armed school personnel into Florida schools. Democrats took the vote just before the House was set to vote on SB 7026, which is expected to pass narrowly and be sent to the governor. As Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky stood in the back of the room, Rep. Robert Asencio of Miami moved that the House Democrats vote in a block against the bill, arguing that the optional proposal to put armed personnel in Florida schools was too risky to pass the bill. Black lawmakers warned that the policy will disproportionately threaten blacks students or even black armed school personnel whom law enforcement may misidentify as the gunman in a active shooter situation. But several Democrats urged their colleagues to reject that approach because they believe the bill before lawmakers is better than no bill at all. "From a strategic standpoint, I don't think a caucus position adds anything other than the appearance that unfortunately, some of us that feel it is necessary to vote for the bill, will be outside of the caucus,'' said Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a Coral Springs Democrat who represents Parkland. He noted that noting that Democrats have already inflicted pain on Republicans by forcing them to take recorded votes on dozens of Democratic amendments that were rejected on Tuesday. "We put them on the board on issues that we've never been able to put them on the board in the six years I've been here,'' he said.. "We created a record that will haunt them for a generation of elections." Rep. Kristin Jacobs, D-Coconut Creek, who also represents Parkland urged them to reject a caucus position because it they look fractured. "We don't look unified and I don't think it serves us well to not be able to pull a caucus position together," she said. "We have never taken controversial issues up where we know this room doesn't all feel the same." She said she will vote against the caucus as others will and added, "I don't think it's smart for this group to show that kind of mess." Rep. Joe Geller, D-Aventura, opposed being told what to do but he said he couldn't recall "having to cast a vote that made me as sick as this has made me. Because I think I'm going to vote for someone to die and the question is who and how many - and that would be sick,'' he said. "I don't care who is where or what the NRA wants. For me, I have to look myself in the mirror and live with the vote that I cast today." But several black legislators urged resistance, arguing they could force House Republican leaders to amend the bill and take out the provision opposed by the governor to arm school personnel. Rep. Barbara Watson of Miami urged her colleagues to "try and stay in a party line because we have them on the ropes. They are short four votes." She offered a note of optimistic that others said they had: "If we can carry this today, it will force them to give us something better." Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, the Orlando Democrat who was elected after the Pulse shooting, said he understood the position of Parkland-area representatives like Jacobs and Moskowitz. But he noted he had been in the same position. "They have extended session because they can't agree on a handful of line items," calling the original scheduled end of session on Friday a "fake deadline." "Why not ask them to extend session because we can't agree on a meaningful gun safety package that was slapped together in three weeks that is half baked, that makes no one happy?...We can get better from this Legislature, and I think we do it by standing together." But Rep. Larry Lee of Port St. Lucie told his colleagues their hope was misplaced. He has decided not to run for re-election and has concluded "change is not going to come from this legislature. It's not going to come within this system that we have. Change is going to come from the outside and I'm going on the outside. I'm going to work with those kids, because we would not be having this discussion if it weren't for those kids." The caucus then voted on the motion. Rep. Lorann Ausley, Lori Berman, Ben Diamond, Nick Duran, Katie Edwards-Walpole, Joe Geller, Kristin Jacobs, Jared Moskowitz, and Matt Willhite voted no. Before ending the caucus meeting, Democratic Leader Janet Cruz of Tampa urged members to respect any decision to break the caucus position. "No one should be bullied for their decision or their vote,'' she said. "We made the vote that we think best serves our communities." Miami Herald reporter Elizabeth Koh contributed to this report. Photo by Mary Ellen Klas: Rep. Lori Berman, D-West Palm Beach, asks for debate as members of the House Democratic caucus discuss whether to take a caucus position on the school safety bill, SB 7026. Our conversation has been edited and condensed. Why cant someone like Ms. Williams, who seemed clearly to have a delusional illness, be involuntarily committed? Involuntary commitment laws balance the rights of people with mental illness and protection of the public, and the standard for commitment is that the person presents an immediate danger to self or others. She didnt meet the immediacy criteria. Theres debate over this provision. In New York, we have a law Kendras Law that allows for broader inclusionary criteria so that, for example, commitment can be based on a persons history of noncompliance in treatment. A doctor or a family member would have to petition the mental health court in the hospital. But even if someone had brought her to the right psychiatrist, the question is: What happens after that? In my experience, we would bring people like her to Bellevue, and 30 days later theyd be discharged and back on same heating grate as before. What if she just did not understand she was mentally disabled? If you look at her from a strengths rather than deficits perspective, she was extremely resourceful. She knew exactly where it was safe to stay; she was lucid in interviews; she knew her dilemma regarding shelter that she felt safer away from people than in a crowded place. New York State has an assault-weapon ban that prevents unmodified versions of the AR-15 from being sold. But gun dealers and manufacturers can modify the weapon to get around the ban. Upstate Guns and Ammo had legally sold the modified weapon to Dr. Bello, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said last July. New York Citys assault-rifle ban is stricter than elsewhere in the state. As a result, Dr. Timperios lawsuit charges that the gun dealer should have called the New York Police Department to check whether Dr. Bello, as a New York City resident, held a special permit that would be required of owners of rifles in the city. There does not appear to be a specific legal statute requiring such a call be placed. However, Arnold Kriss, Dr. Timperios lawyer, said he believes the gun store had an obligation to do so under general gun laws that require weapons be sold safely, according to local ordinances. Mr. Kriss said that to his knowledge this issue has not been litigated, and he is hoping to set precedent with the case. It will be up to a judge and hopefully, a jury, to make the final determination about whether the firearms dealer had a duty to make that phone call, he said. Michael Murphy, a lawyer in Albany representing Upstate Guns and Ammo, said he had no comment. The lawsuit also questions whether the appropriate background check was done before hiring Dr. Bello, and it alleges the hospital was negligent in permitting Dr. Bello to retain his hospital badge after he resigned in 2015, despite concerns about his aggressive behavior with the staff. On the day of the shooting, Dr. Bello was wearing his badge prominently on his white lab coat, Dr. Timperio recalled. Dr. Bello entered the hospital at around 2:45 p.m., wearing a hooded sweatshirt under his lab coat despite the summer heat. He was carrying a box large enough to hide a rifle in, as well as a juice container filled with gasoline, the police said. As Mayor Bill de Blasio stepped from his S.U.V. on Tuesday for his morning workout, he was immediately met by protesters outside the Prospect Park Y.M.C.A. in Brooklyn. Less than a block away and less than 24 hours before, a 4-year-old girl and a 1-year-old boy were killed as they crossed Ninth Street in Park Slope with their mothers in the crosswalk and with the light by a driver who began rolling through a red light and then accelerated. The 4-year-olds pregnant mother, the Tony-award winning actress Ruthie Ann Miles, was also struck and remained in critical condition. In the hours after the crash, Mr. de Blasio expressed empathy as a pedestrian and a parent. This is an intersection, again, we know very, very well, he said on Monday. We have crossed it many times with Dante and Chiara when they were kids, so this is personal. Even so, angry residents and pedestrian advocates seized upon the mayors morning routine of driving to the Prospect Park Y on 9th Street a reliable locus for impromptu protest to demonstrate on Tuesday for changes to the street to calm traffic. Organizers did not know if the mayor would come. But he did so around 9 a.m., and stopped to speak with the crowd for nearly 10 minutes. Childrens coats on a rack by the door. A childs drawing on the wall. A stroller and a pink knapsack in the living room. A scarf with droplets of blood. Blood stains on the walls along the narrow hallway. A knife wrapped in a towel on top of a toy refrigerator. The images, in photographs taken by a crime scene detective and presented on Tuesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan in the trial of Yoselyn Ortega, provided a first public look inside the Upper West Side apartment where prosecutors say she killed two young children in her care five and a half years ago. Ms. Ortega, the childrens nanny, is accused of fatally stabbing the siblings, nearly decapitating them and leaving them to bleed to death in a bathtub. The crime scene detective, Carlos Pantoja, said he took the photos inside the three-bedroom apartment shortly after midnight, nearly seven hours after the childrens mother, Marina Krim, found them mortally wounded and saw Ms. Ortega stabbing herself in the neck. Testimony in the trial began last week, with Ms. Krim telling the jury of her harrowing discovery that day in 2012. This week, jurors have seen some of what Ms. Krim saw, as prosecutors have presented photos from the crime scene, along with testimony from some of the emergency medical workers and police officers who responded to the apartment. While Mr. Heastie indicated support for the idea of more school security, he offered little for any for the 15 bills that passed Monday in the Senate, including a proposal to create a program for school resource officers either a retired or active-duty police officer, sheriff deputy or state trooper, who would be authorized to carry a firearm in schools across New York. Another bill would require a police officer to be present at any school in New York City, public or private, during instructional hours and at least one hour prior and one hour after such instructional hours. The passage of the city schools bill, by a wide margin, also had political significance: Its sponsor is Senator Simcha Felder, the renegade Democrat from Brooklyn who conferences with Republicans to help them rule the Senate. Mr. Felder has been pressured to rejoin the Democrats, but has said that his decision to do so could come down to which party supports his efforts to get armed police officers in schools. And on Monday, Republicans did just that, by putting the bill up for a vote. The Republican package also included a bill that would create a distinctive $25 license plate, emblazoned with the words of Guardians for Schools over an image of a police officer with two children or a law enforcement badge. The money raised from the plate would used to beef up security in public schools. The bill, sponsored by Senator James Tedisco, a Republican, caused a ruckus on the Senate floor on Monday after a Democratic opponent, Senator Brad Hoylman of Manhattan, derided the idea as so harebrained and voted against it. Mr. Tedisco rose immediately, calling Mr. Hoylman and other Democrats hypocrites for benefiting from security at the Capitol but not wanting the same for their constituents. You have metal detectors, Mr. Tedisco said, raising his voice and staring at Mr. Hoylman. Why shouldnt we raise money for them to have metal detectors so weapons cant get in the school? In the catalog of horrors afflicting the worlds most hellish places, South Sudan can check about every bloodied box. More than four years of civil warfare has left tens of thousands dead, two million displaced, half the population at threat of starvation without aid and a trail of atrocities genocide, child warriors, rape, castration, burned villages. And now, warns the United Nations, famine stalks the tortured land. A recent report by the United Nations and the South Sudan government said 150,000 people could slip into famine this year. A formal famine declaration means people have already started to starve to death. But even with food aid, humanitarian workers warn, much of South Sudan could face severe hunger by May. And the U.N. response plan has received less than 4 percent of its 2018 funding. A year ago, South Sudan declared famine in two regions, but international responses checked it. Even if that were repeated this year, famine will be a threat in the future unless the lands predatory soldiers are driven out. This is caused by the struggle for power and loot, not by nature. With so many conflicts around the globe, it is not surprising that those like South Sudans attract attention only when they rise to horrific levels. But South Sudan has the dubious distinction of being the worlds youngest state and the one most likely to fail. The latter status is bestowed by the Fund for Peace, a nongovernmental organization that compiles an annual Fragile States Index listing countries most vulnerable to collapse. Although much of its current popularity can be traced to the influential 1991 book Generations by Neil Howe and William Strauss, generational thinking dates back to the second half of the 19th century. Sarah Laskow of The Atlantic explained in 2014 that philosophers at this time were, in the words of the sociologist Karl Mannheim, anxious to find a general law to express the rhythm of historical development, based on the biological law of the limited lifetimes of man. /But understanding societal phenomena through the lens of groups of people born around the same time has always had its limits. For example, its true that for young men coming-of-age during the Vietnam War, being born in a particular year (and, thanks to the draft lottery, on a particular day) could be life-shaping. But even here, an individuals class was a factor in whether he actually went to war men from privileged backgrounds had many options to avoid the draft, the burden of which fell mainly on the working class. Like war service, entering the labor market at a time of recession, as most millennials did, can be difficult. But race and class are more important in affecting how this experience plays out for individuals. Take white millennial college graduates: Yes, theyre part of an age cohort that has experienced worse economic conditions than graduates of the preceding generation but that doesnt give us a particularly meaningful understanding of their plight, given that they are still better off when it comes to income than the average non-college-educated worker of any age. Some may argue that the generation game, if intellectually vacuous, is basically harmless. But dividing society by generation obscures the real and enduring lines of race, class and gender. When, for example, baby boomers are blamed for ruining America, the argument lumps together Donald Trump and a 60-year-old black woman who works for minimum wage cleaning one of his hotels. The pattern of inherited privilege points to yet another reality that the generation game ignores: the decline of social mobility between generations and the rise of what the French economist Thomas Piketty has called a patrimonial society. When it comes to wealth and its accompanying privileges, the wealth of the previous generation of ones own family matter more than whether your birth year falls on one or other side of some arbitrary boundary. Todays young people may choose political action aimed at reversing these trends or to let them continue and accelerate. But their choices will be determined by their political judgments and personal commitments, not by a number on a birth certificate. Imagine if prisons looked like the grounds of universities. Instead of languishing in cells, incarcerated people sat in classrooms and learned about climate science or poetry just like college students. Or even with them. This would be a boon to prisoners across the country, a vast majority of whom do not have a high school diploma. And it could help shrink our prison population. While racial disparities in arrests and convictions are alarming, education level is a far stronger predictor of future incarceration than race. The idea is rooted in history. In the 1920s, Howard Belding Gill, a criminologist and a Harvard alumnus, developed a college-like community at the Norfolk State Prison Colony in Massachusetts, where he was the superintendent. Prisoners wore normal clothing, participated in cooperative self-government with staff, and took academic courses with instructors from Emerson, Boston University and Harvard. They ran a newspaper, radio show and jazz orchestra, and they had access to an extensive library. Norfolk had such a good reputation, Malcolm X asked to be transferred there from Charlestown State Prison in Boston so, as he wrote in his petition, he could use the educational facilities that arent in these other institutions. At Norfolk, there are many things that I would like to learn that would be of use to me when I regain my freedom. After Malcolm Xs request was granted, he joined the famous Norfolk Debate Society, through which inmates connected to students at Harvard and other universities. SAN FRANCISCO Being at the forefront of a new technology often provides a strategic advantage. That helps explain why there is so much scrapping now by companies and countries over a next wave of wireless technology known as 5G. 5G is shorthand for fifth-generation wireless technology, and it essentially brings ultrafast wireless speeds to people. By sending billions of bits of data per second, up from peaks of hundreds of millions today, 5G could cut the time to download a movie to seconds. Other 5G features would allow autonomous cars and industrial equipment to reliably exchange short bursts of data at blinding speed. Technology companies including Qualcomm, Intel and Chinas Huawei have been working on developing 5G technology and standards. But even with 5G still in its infancy, the United States government underscored its importance with an unprecedented move this week to intervene in Broadcoms $117 billion bid for Qualcomm. In a letter on Monday, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States said it would investigate the proposed deal, partly because it was concerned that if Broadcom bought Qualcomm, it would weaken Qualcomm and leave an opening for China to expand its influence on the 5G standard-setting process. WASHINGTON A senior administrator at the Department of Housing and Urban Development accused department officials on Tuesday of conducting a witch hunt against whistle-blowers and demanded that Ben Carson, the HUD secretary, acknowledge that his wife had pressured officials to approve an expensive renovation of his office. In a letter to Mr. Carson, Marcus Smallwood, the director of records and information, also said he was forced to speed up the release of emails that would portray Lynne Patton, a former top aide to Mr. Carson and Trump family friend who was transferred last year to the departments New York office, in a favorable light. The letter comes a week after HUDs former chief administrative officer, Helen G. Foster, said that Mr. Carsons wife, Candy Carson, had instructed a subordinate to circumvent federal laws prohibiting expenditures of more than $5,000 to replace worn-out furniture in the secretarys sprawling 10th-floor office suite. Last week, Mr. Carson ordered the cancellation of a $31,000 contract for a custom-ordered mahogany dining room set a table, sideboard, hutch, chairs and two $1,050 side chairs after the contract, which violated the $5,000 rule, was reported in the news media. Michael-in-Norfolk disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, operability, or availability of information or material displayed on this site and does not claim credit for any images or articles featured on this site, unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to it's respectful owners. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies, and Michael-in-Norfolk does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. If you own rights to any of the images or articles, and do not wish them to appear on this site, please contact Michael-in-Norfolk via e-mail and they will be promptly removed. Michael-in-Norfolk contains links to other Internet sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience and are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information or content in such site has been endorsed or approved by this blog. While it seems that the tariff issue is reopening a fundamental schism between Trump and old-line Republicans, the average-guy voter Trump seems to aim at and do rather well with seems as happy as a clam with the tariffs, said Clyde Prestowitz, the author of The Betrayal of American Prosperity. I guess my question is: Does Trump have a problem, or do the old-line Republicans who seem to be retiring at a rapid rate have a problem? While Mr. Trumps views on many issues have been flexible or evolved over the years, his belief that the United States was being shafted has been a core conviction going back decades, long before he first ran for president. It is an article of faith that has informed his opinion of trade pacts, tariffs and manufacturing and that helped him tap into populist discontent during the presidential campaign in 2016, particularly in traditionally Democratic states in the Midwest like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. I was elected, at least partially on this issue, Mr. Trump said on Tuesday. And Ive been saying it for 25 years: Our countrys been taken advantage of by everybody, by everybody almost everybody. And we cannot let that happen any longer not for our companies and not, most importantly, for our workers. So were not going to let it happen. The disagreement on trade was obscured through much of Mr. Trumps tenure because he talked more about the issue than took action on it, meaning Republican free-traders could turn aside for a time. He pulled out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation trade deal negotiated by President Barack Obama, but the agreement had never been ratified by Congress and seemed unlikely to be. Mr. Trump threatened to scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada, but backed off in favor of negotiations that so far have not yielded consensus. He has likewise suggested he would withdraw from a trade deal with South Korea but has not followed through. The Obama administration imposed sanctions on the fund as part of a raft of economic penalties after the Russian government sent military forces into Ukraine in 2014. The United Arab Emirates, which Washington considers one of its closest Arab allies, co-invested together with Mr. Dmitrievs fund as part of an effort to build close relations to Russia as well. After Crown Prince Mohammed met with Mr. Putin in 2013 in Moscow on a state visit, two investment arms of the government in Abu Dhabi committed to invest $6 billion in the funds Russian projects, eventually paying to build projects like roads, an airport and cancer treatment centers in Russia. Mr. Dmitriev became a frequent visitor to Abu Dhabi, and Emirati officials came to see him as a key conduit to the Russian government. In a 2015 email, the Emirati ambassador to Moscow at the time described Mr. Dmitriev as a messenger to get information directly to Mr. Putin. The email was among a large number hacked from the account of the ambassador to Washington and published online. The now former ambassador to Moscow, Omar Saif Ghobash, did not respond to an email about the leak. Mr. Nader was first served with search warrants and a grand jury subpoena on Jan. 17, shortly after landing at Washington Dulles International Airport, according to two people familiar with the episode. He had intended to travel on to Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trumps Florida estate, to celebrate the presidents first year in office, but the F.B.I. had other plans, questioning him for more than two hours and seizing his electronics. Since then, Mr. Nader has been questioned numerous times about meetings in New York during the transition, the Seychelles meeting and meetings in the White House with two of Mr. Trumps senior advisers, Jared Kushner and Stephen K. Bannon, who has since left the administration. The meeting in the Seychelles also took place against the backdrop of a larger pattern of secretive contacts between the Trump team and both the Russians and the Emiratis. In the weeks after the 2016 presidential election, Crown Prince Mohammed aroused the suspicions of American national security officials when they learned that he had breached protocol by visiting Trump Tower in Manhattan without notifying the Obama administration of his visit to the United States. WASHINGTON The Trump administration escalated what had been a war of words over Californias immigration agenda, filing a lawsuit late Tuesday that amounted to a pre-emptive strike against the liberal states so-called sanctuary laws. The Justice Department sued California; Gov. Jerry Brown; and the states attorney general, Xavier Becerra, over three state laws passed in recent months, saying they made it impossible for federal immigration officials to do their jobs and deport criminals who were born outside the United States. The Justice Department called the laws unconstitutional and asked a judge to block them. The lawsuit was the departments boldest attack yet against California, one of the strongest opponents of the Trump administrations efforts to curb immigration. It also served as a warning to Democratic lawmakers and elected officials nationwide who have enacted sanctuary policies that provide protections for undocumented immigrants. The Department of Justice and the Trump administration are going to fight these unjust, unfair and unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you, Attorney General Jeff Sessions planned to say on Wednesday at a law enforcement event in Sacramento, according to prepared remarks. I believe that we are going to win. WASHINGTON The Senate took a key step on Tuesday toward loosening rules imposed after the 2008 financial crisis as some Democrats joined with Republicans to vote to begin debate on legislation that would roll back restrictions on large parts of the banking industry. In a rare demonstration of bipartisanship, the Senate voted 67 to 32 to allow the bill to proceed, setting the stage for a vote this week that rewrites parts of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act. While the bill is intended to provide relief to thousands of small and midsize banks, the prospect of deregulating the financial industry has laid bare a fissure in the Democratic Party, pitting moderate Democrats who support easing bank rules against progressives who view the bill as a gift to Wall Street. This deregulatory bill puts the entire economy at risk, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, said on Tuesday. Were not here to do the bidding of Wall Street banks. Were here to do the bidding of the American people. I told President President Trump that in our meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he is committed to denuclearization. ... and he expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible. It may feel like weve been here before. Well, thats because we have. North Korea has agreed to freeze its nuclear and missile programs many times already. But these negotiations with the United States eventually all fall apart. There will be no rewards for provocations. Those days are over. Heres a look back at three key moments. Monday, North Korea announced it would freeze its nuclear program and allow the resumption of international inspection of its facilities. It was called the agreed framework. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. North Korea had been threatening to turn its nuclear fuel into bombs, and bar nuclear inspectors from the country. But after negotiations launched by then-President Bill Clinton, and spearheaded by former President Jimmy Carter, an agreement was reached. I personally believe that the crisis is over. Among other pledges, the U.S. said it would give the North annual oil deliveries and nuclear power technology. But fast forward to 2002. Thats when North Korea told U.S. officials that it had been running a secret nuclear weapons development program, and that it was nullifying the agreed framework. George W. Bush had harsh words for North Korea early on in his presidency. ... axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. But by 2005, a new round of negotiations brought hope for peace. The North tentatively agreed to end its nuclear weapons program and welcome back inspectors. Washington pledged economic benefits and security guarantees for the North. But just over a year later, North Korea announced its first nuclear test, inviting a new round of economic sanctions. In 2012, a new North Korean leader in charge meant a new round of talks. The so-called Leap Day Agreement called for the U.S. and other nations to send food aid to the North. And in return, Pyongyang said it would suspend missile tests and uranium enrichment. But 16 days later, North Korea launched this rocket. It exploded soon after liftoff. There have been several missile launches and nuclear tests since then. Which brings us to this current possibility of peace, a possibility that remains clouded by precedent. WASHINGTON In an administration rife with intramural fights, the battle over the Department of Veterans Affairs has stood out, not only for its vitriol but also for its consequences. At stake is the future of the nations veterans health care system. For now at least, it appears moderation has prevailed, with the Veterans Affairs secretary, David J. Shulkin, thwarting a pitched conservative push to drive him out. Its my job as secretary to get the organization singly focused on making the V.A. work better for vets, the secretary, a physician and holdover from the Obama administration, said in an interview on Monday, after the latest in a string of meetings with the White House chief of staff. Ive been making it clear to the organization that we will not be distracted as we have in the last couple weeks. People need to get on board with that or need to leave, he added. For weeks now, Dr. Shulkin, a political moderate who was confirmed by the Senate 100 to 0, has been locked in a bitter and unusually public battle with a band of Trump administration officials who he said were out to overthrow him. The plotters included White House officials and the two men charged with safeguarding the secretarys public image who instead worked to undercut it, according to loyalists of the secretary. LOS ANGELES Donald J. Trump never signed the nondisclosure agreement lawyers had presented in 2016 to a pornographic-film actress, rendering it null and void, according to a lawsuit filed on Tuesday by a lawyer for the actress. The filing, in Los Angeles Superior Court, represents the latest development in a legal battle involving Mr. Trump, his longtime personal lawyer and the actress, Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels. The lawsuit came days after Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trumps personal lawyer, had legally pressured Ms. Clifford, initiating arbitration proceedings against her in Los Angeles in efforts to prevent her from speaking out about an affair she said she had with Mr. Trump, according to the complaint. The suit, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, alleges that Mr. Trump purposely did not sign the agreement so he could later, if need be, publicly disavow any knowledge of the Hush Agreement and Ms. Clifford. North Korea ordered the assassination last year of its leaders estranged half brother with a banned nerve agent, an act that has caused the United States to impose new sanctions on the country, the State Department said on Tuesday. The announcement by the State Department came on the same day that South Korean officials said the North was willing to talk with the United States about ending the crisis over its missiles and nuclear arsenal. Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of Kim Jong-un, North Koreas leader, was killed Feb. 13, 2017, with VX, a deadly nerve agent used in prohibited chemical weapons of mass destruction that North Korea is known to have stockpiled. Kim Jong-nam, who had criticized the dynastic succession in North Korea but had professed no interest in politics, was ambushed at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia by two women who smeared his face with VX. The women were arrested. BERLIN When Shermin Langhoff took over the Maxim Gorki Theater, in 2013, she became not only the first female artistic director of a state theater here since the 1970s but the first of Turkish origin in German history. Midway into her fifth season, she has secured a leading role for the Gorki both locally and nationally by redefining identity politics in 21stcentury Germany. Through a 19-person ensemble that includes a majority of actors with non-German heritage and story lines that give voice to a range of ethnic communities, the 48-year-old has set out to reflect what she calls the reality of society today. But she has also challenged the notion of integration as it is propagated by German politics. In 2016, the theater created the Exil-Ensemble as a platform for professional actors forced to live in exile, as opposed to refugees, from Afghanistan, Syria and Palestine. Under the motto De-Integrate Yourselves!, Ms. Langhoff last November curated her third Berlin Autumn Salon, featuring 100 visual and performance artists at historic locations around the Gorki, which sits off the Boulevard Unter den Linden in former East Berlin. On a recent Tuesday in Charlotte, a man with a bald head and a mischievous expression slipped off his sneakers to lead two dozen dancers through a rehearsal. This was Mr. de Frutos, 54, who was revising his choreography for the American production. He was working on a scene involving Josh Hall as the clockmaker and Chelsea Dumas as the princess who wins his heart, guiding them through a dance in which they are reunited and the princess proposes marriage. Caught up in the emotion, Ms. Dumas waited too long to pivot her body and missed a cue. She apologized to Mr. de Frutos, who reassured her: Its absolutely fine. Its about getting the right feeling. He grinned. Now feel it faster. Acting is action, Mr. de Frutos likes to tell the dancers. He has taught them that when their movements tell the story, they dont have to do anything with their faces. VIENNA The centenary of the Russian Revolution has inspired dozens of exhibitions of the art and history of the abbreviated Soviet century, from Revolution: Russian Art 19171932, at Londons Royal Academy, to the Art Institute of Chicagos Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsiia!, not to mention significant shows in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Curators and historians have been grappling once again with the meaning of the 10 days that shook the world: Was it a brilliant dream? A doomed illusion? Now comes another question: Was it good for the Jews? Step into the Jewish Museum Vienna, just off the main shopping drag of this imperial city, and you will be greeted by a bust of Karl Marx, the descendant of rabbis who would call religion the opiate of the masses. Dour, wild-haired Karl presides over the first gallery of an ambitious, searching show on religion and revolution, uniting paintings, posters, propaganda, film clips, and a fair amount of Soviet kitsch. Its romantic title Comrade. Jew. We Only Wanted Paradise on Earth sets the tone for an extensive overview of the dreams and nightmares of communism and international socialism, as seen through the lives and work of Jewish politicians, philosophers and artists: not just Marx, but also Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, El Lissitzky, and many others. Laurence des Cars is an anomaly in the male-dominated world of French museums. Since March 2017, she has been running the Musee dOrsay in Paris, with its envied collection of French 19th-century masterpieces, and the Musee de lOrangerie across the river, for which Claude Monet produced a celebrated series of water lilies. Ms. des Cars was a strong contender for the job. To begin with, she was already partly doing it leading the Orangerie as of 2014. Before that, she had spent seven years in the Persian Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi, helping set up the Louvres first international outpost there and exercising her skill at cultural diplomacy. Finally, the Musee dOrsay was emerging from a period of commotion. As Philippe Dagen, the art critic of Le Monde, wrote when her appointment was announced, Her job will be to bring about more serenity after years marked by the very personal and sometimes internally disputed management style of her predecessor, Guy Cogeval. The couple said they had yet to dine out. You havent been to a restaurant together? Kimmel said. Oh, you should definitely get married right away. And Now for Something Completely Different (and Terrifying) Over at The Daily Show, the correspondent Desi Lydic explored the world of robots. More specifically, the spicy world of sex robots. Punchiest Punchlines (Peace on Earth Edition) It is good to be alive and to stay that way because we just found out that North Korea is willing to talk to the U.S. about giving up their nuclear weapons. And not the usual way they talk about giving up their nuclear weapons: by dropping them on Seattle. STEPHEN COLBERT Most of my career has been with living artists, but she taught me a sense of reverence for the past, Ms. Golden said. Like many successful people, Ms. Haskell was in the right place at the right time early on in her career. A native of San Diego, she attended U.C.L.A. and then started working as a registrar at the Pasadena Art Museum; she stayed at the institution for five years. At one point a curator was fired, and there were few others to fill in. It was a tiny staff, and I just started doing shows, said Ms. Haskell, who was an assistant curator by then. Her first show was Claes Oldenburg, Object Into Monument, in 1971. Mr. Oldenburg, who has been the subject of many exhibitions since, said in an email that the collaboration with Ms. Haskell remained close to his heart. I still keep the book available in my studio and look it at frequently, he added. Its one of my favorites. 8. When Nadia and Saeed learn that the magical doors do exist, and can in fact take them away from the violence of their city, they are excited and immediately pursue an agent to help them leave. Saeeds father, on the other hand, only says of the doors: Let us see. Does this feel resonant to you of the experience of different generations of migrants? Week Three 9. Chapter Five ends with Nadia making Saeeds father a promise to take care of his son, and the line: That is the way of things, for when we migrate, we murder from our lives those we leave behind. Is Hamid referring to Saeeds father and the people we leave behind, or something more? 10. As migrants move through the magical doors to other places, trying to escape war and chaos, the passage they take is described as: both like dying and like being born. Does this description feel representative of the experience of people who migrate today? 11. We never hear, though, about what actually happens as people migrate through these doors. Why do you think the migration itself is absent from the narrative? 12. As Nadia and Saeed escape through the doors, we learn that not just their city, but much of the wider world, is in turmoil. Refugees are on the move to Mykonos in Greece and Marin County, near San Francisco. Riots are starting over migrants in Vienna and in London. What do you think Hamid wants us to understand about this global instability? 13. As these cities become more unstable, they also come under greater surveillance, at the hands of unseen authorities. These authorities also control the electricity network and internet connectivity. How do these changes impact the people in the book? How does it feel relevant to todays world? Week Four 14. In the cities to which migrants flee, Hamid writes that people began to reassemble with others of their own kind, like superficially with like. At one point, even Saeed wants him and Nadia to relocate to live with others like them, though Nadia resists. What do you think is behind this human impulse? The current president may be completely uninterested in cultivating a number of traditional political skills among them a sense of discretion and at least the semblance of self-control but he has an uncanny feel for political symbolism, especially when it comes to the role of manufacturing in the United States. Factory work provides a diminishing share of working-class jobs: There were 43,000 iron and steelworkers last year, compared with almost 2 million hospital and home health aides. But to hear President Trump tell it, the factory workers are the ones who matter most. Just last week, he declared steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, tweeting that trade wars are good, and easy to win. Joshua B. Freemans rich and ambitious Behemoth: A History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World depicts a world in retreat that still looms large in the national imagination. Behemoth is more than an economic history, or a chronicle of architectural feats and labor movements. Freeman, a professor at Queens College and the Graduate Center of CUNY, traces the rise of the factory and how it became entwined with Enlightenment ideas of progress the notion that through human effort and rationality the world could be transformed toward greater abundance, well-being and moral order. Factories werent always imbued with such lofty ideals. They were initially devised to take advantage of mundane commercial opportunities, Freeman writes. He dates the first factory to 1721: a silk mill, built in Derby, England. In the decade after it opened, Daniel Defoe paid it a visit, declaring it a Curiosity of a very extraordinary Nature. The proliferation of these curiosities, culminating in the Industrial Revolution, took some time. Obtaining machinery and technical know-how often entailed some trade espionage, before the British government took an active hand in promoting industrial development. 1. There was furious lobbying in Washington to sway President Trump from his plan to impose new tariffs on steel and aluminum. Hes expected to sign off on the tariffs on Thursday. Foreign governments, businesses and key Republicans all argued against them. But they were left without an important ally after the resignation of Gary Cohn, above, formerly Mr. Trumps economic adviser. From the outset, Gary D. Cohn was an unconventional choice to be President Trumps top economic adviser. A former Goldman Sachs president and proponent of free trade, Mr. Cohn had a pedigree and economic views that clashed with Mr. Trumps populist rhetoric and protectionist policies. His methodical approach also contrasted with the presidents freewheeling style. But Mr. Cohn, who said on Tuesday that he would resign as director of the National Economic Council, brought to the Trump administration something that the president himself lacked: the widespread respect of top corporate executives. Now, those business leaders are lamenting the loss of one of their own from what is among the countrys most important economic positions. But it reflects concern in Europe over the possible impact of new American tariffs, notably on steel. The United States is the worlds largest importer of steel, and while many of Mr. Trumps arguments have focused on cheap steel from countries like China, the European Union as a whole is the single biggest exporter of steel to the United States. At the same time, the region is concerned that cheap steel that had been destined for the United States could now flood the Continent, putting significant pressure on European producers. President Trumps push for tariffs is driven by his fixation on trade deficits. But most economists do not worry about trade deficits, and disagree with the presidents characterization of them. Read more here While retaliation from Brussels appears limited for now, it could have an impact on American domestic politics. Bourbon, one of the products that European officials have targeted, is made in Kentucky, the home state of Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. Other items that could face tariffs are motorcycles, and the corporate headquarters of Harley-Davidson are in Wisconsin, Mr. Ryans state. The Europeans have rights, too, to retaliate, said Peter Chase, a former American diplomat who is now a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Brussels focusing on trade. The E.U. is concerned that behind it all, there are people in the U.S. administration that dont care that there might be damage to the international system of rule of law that we have created. The list, which was leaked on Monday and has been referred to by the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, is subject to the agreement of the blocs 28 member states. It highlights how sharply the outlook on trade between the United States and Europe has shifted. Since 2013, Washington and Brussels have been negotiating a vast trade deal, known as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. By late 2016, however, those talks appeared to have reached a stalemate, and Mr. Trumps withdrawal from a similar pact with Pacific Rim countries early in his presidency signaled the death of the European agreement, as well. The steel and aluminum tariffs have triggered a strong reaction, with business executives and political leaders voicing opposition. Read more here The strong negative reaction to Mr. Trumps planned tariffs appears to have had little impact on the president, who insisted this week that he would not back down. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump singled out the European Union, which he said had not treated us very well, and its been a very, very unfair trade situation. The president warned that the United States would also consider raising its tariffs on cars made within the bloc if the European Union were to retaliate. While he left the door open for compromise with allies, tensions are rising in Europe. Weve loaded the guns, said Charles de Lusignan, a spokesman for the European Steel Association, a lobbying group, and were ready to use them in case the aggression comes. Trees are a critical part of the carbon cycle, in which carbon moves between the atmosphere, ocean and land. They remove atmospheric carbon dioxide, incorporating the carbon into their tissues as they grow. Worldwide, forests are a net storehouse, or sink, of carbon, removing one billion to two billion tons from the atmosphere each year. Thats a substantial portion of the roughly 10 billion tons of carbon pumped into the air by fossil-fuel burning and other human activities. When a forest is damaged, the dead vegetation eventually decomposes, returning the carbon to the atmosphere. The amount can be enormous: a study of damage after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 found that the storm killed or severely damaged 320 million trees across the Gulf Coast, containing about 100 million tons of carbon. As forests start to recover, the mix of species is often different in a rain forest like El Yunque, for example, species that thrive in full light tend to take over until the canopy regrows. The trees are also younger and smaller, so the recovering forest stores less carbon. Forests take a while to recover, said Louis Verchot, a researcher with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Palmira, Colombia. And what initially recovers is not always what was there before. If this cycle of damage and regrowth what ecologists call a disturbance regime occurs more often as extreme storms become more frequent, some forests may never recover completely. Over decades, the reduction in stored carbon would likely become permanen t. More carbon from human activity would remain in the atmosphere to contribute to climate change, or would have to be removed in other ways. If the climate warms, do we expect an increase in disturbance regimes? said Jeffrey Q. Chambers, a geographer at the University of California, Berkeley, who led the Katrina study. That could work on the ability of those systems to remove CO from the atmosphere. Determining how the biomass in damaged forests changes over time is thus crucial to understanding the global carbon balance. But the work is not straightforward, as counting damaged trees in even a modest forest is a practical impossibility. Instead, researchers rely on remote sensing: satellite images to determine the presence or absence of trees, for example, or laser-based airborne measurements of a forest canopy. Today that initiative, the Green Climate Fund, is an empty shell, Mr. Ban said in a recent phone interview. The lifelong diplomat who recently assumed the presidency of the Global Green Growth Institute, an international organization based in Seoul, South Korea, that focuses on clean energy development said he hoped to use the next chapter of his career to help poor countries meet their goals under the Paris agreement on climate change. Its quite clear that the international community must redouble our efforts to implement the Paris climate change agreement, Mr. Ban said. Specifically, he asserted, the United States under President Trump needs to change its attitude about the global accord. As part of the Paris agreement nearly 200 countries, rich and poor, pledged to cut or curb the greenhouse gas emissions they produce through the burning of fossil fuels or the cutting of forests. Countries also pledged to create the Green Climate Fund, mobilizing $100 billion by 2020 from both public funds and private industry to help the poorest nations. Mr. Trump has said the Paris agreement is a bad deal for the United States and that the country will no longer work toward its pledge of cutting emissions at least 26 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 or contribute money to the climate fund. Former President Barack Obama promised $3 billion over four years and delivered $1 billion before leaving office. The U.S. is the richest, most powerful, the number one leader country. There is a normal expectation that the United States takes one-third of the $100 billion, Mr. Ban said. Politically, morally, there should be leadership by the United States. The White House did not respond to a request to comment on Mr. Bans remarks. But Mr. Trumps position on the Paris agreement was made clear at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference last month when he said the accord would be a disaster for the United States. They basically want to take our wealth away, Mr. Trump said. Mr. Ban, who led the United Nations from 2007 to 2016, said he worried that Mr. Trump had badly damaged the Paris agreement and said that the United States was treading in dangerously isolationist waters. Latest Project Her next media venture, Joojoo Journal, which she describes as a multilingual, multimedia publication where diasporic, marginalized and subaltern voices are uplifted, goes live in April. I want to be able to work directly with people in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Greece who otherwise dont have access to outlets, she said. Next Thing She is starting a co-op sewing project in Chicago to help immigrant seamstresses team up with small-scale fashion houses. The projects first client will be herself: a unisex clothing brand that she is designing. We always think of androgyny as masculine, so I want to create androgynous clothing that uses a womans body as a template, she said. American Woman Ms. Katebi has publicly taken issue with the artist Shepard Faireys poster of a woman wearing an American flag as a head scarf. The only time you see a Muslim womans face everywhere is when it is created by a white American man, she said. We as Muslims are constantly trying to prove that we are American enough and that we have to wrap this countrys flag around us to be accepted. Dr. Reynolds announced her plan to become a doctor when she was 8, inspired in part by her pediatrician. We moved a lot in my childhood I went to 10 schools before I graduated high school and there was a good bit of chaos, but somehow my mother managed to take me to see him over many years, she said. Almost no one in my family had gone to college, and his was a powerful example of an important, concrete job that I could understand. She went to Columbia University as a pre-med student on a full scholarship, and trained as an emergency medical technician on an ambulance in Chinatown because it seemed more like the real world. But she got hooked on the schools mandatory Great Books program. Literature, history, philosophy books Id never been exposed to growing up, she said. I was just blown away by what I was learning, and when I got the chance to stay for graduate school on a fellowship, I did. She earned a doctorate in literature, but the desire to become a physician never left. She attended the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, where she was drawn to emergency medicine. What I loved best was having one foot in the world and one in the hospital the process of moving from a patients account to a diagnosis, having to build a relationship quickly. In 2010, she described that experience in the London-based New Left Review. I spent my early childhood in a trailer in Texas, she wrote, so, until I became an emergency physician in Oakland, I thought I knew something about barriers to health care access, and maybe even something about poverty. Residency training at a public county hospital taught her, she said recently, about how social context affects illness, about how to work creatively with whatever is at hand, and about the enormous range of human experience, even in a wealthy country like the United States. I first met Teri early in her medical career, when she was starting her emergency medicine residency in California in a gritty, inner-city hospital, said Michael Callaham, professor emeritus of emergency medicine at the San Francisco medical school, who was her supervisor during that time and when she was a resident fellow with the Annals of Emergency Medicine, and gave her her first faculty job. Its not often you get a medical trainee with a Ph.D. in English literature, said Dr. Callaham, who remains the scientific journals editor in chief. Dr. Reynolds said that women were still outnumbered in emergency medical care globally, but that that was slowly changing. I still sit in many meetings around the world where there are few women at the table and none at the head, she said. But the W.H.O. has put many women in the top positions, and for the first time recently, the majority of its assistant directors general are women. The gender distribution will impact the tone around the world, she said. There are many young women emerging into leadership in the field, and I cant wait to see what they do. As they watch, listen or read, have them take notes on this handout, which asks: What do these students want? What are they doing to achieve it? What impact are these actions having? Why? Invite them to share ideas in small groups, then, as a class, compile their lists on the board. Finally, follow up by asking students to discuss: What actions seem to be most effective? Why? Do you think these students be able to make a lasting impact on this issue? If yes, why? If no, why not? What barriers might they run into? Why? What suggestions do you have for these student activists? What reactions or questions do these students activism raise for you? Why? If you like, you can then invite your students to add their responses to the forum we have posted in our Student Opinion section: Can High School Students Make a Real Impact on the Problem of Gun Violence in the United States? For example, here is one comment we received from Jordyn I. of Westfield, N.J. Do your students agree? I believe that my generation has the power to change the world more than any group before us. Unlike the generations in decades past, we have more information available to us than ever before. Social media, arguably the most powerful tool of communication in the history of the world, is at our fingertips. With the click of a button, our words can be shared with millions. All it takes is one tweet, one post on Instagram or Facebook. And a second later, your opinion is broadcasted everywhere. The internet has empowered us to have the ability to change the world, even at the young ages that we are. Another option? Invite students to watch this video of students responding to the Parkland movement via the PBS Student Reporting Labs. _________ Discuss Student Rights in the Context of Planned School Walkouts Last summer, Shawnna Graham fired up Netflix in her Williamsburg, Va., home and looked for her grandfathers name in the closing credits of Marvels Luke Cage. It was nowhere to be found. It was a surprise. After all, the Harlem-based comic book artist Billy Graham had worked on the first 17 issues of Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, and even had a hand in writing a few of them. Hed been the only African-American person working on what was the first African-American superhero comic book series. In fact, he was the only African-American person working for Marvel, period. I thought, maybe this was missed only because he had passed, and no one was thinking of his contribution, Ms. Graham said. When she began seeing ads for the film adaptation of Black Panther, the character her grandfather drew after finishing work on Luke Cage, she prevailed upon her father, Mardine, to pull out what they called the Treasure Chest. It consisted of a steamer trunk, a portfolio, a briefcase and boxes of artwork that they had retrieved from her grandfathers 143rd Street apartment after he died in 1997. She started taking pictures, and opening social media accounts to bring Billys name and legacy from the shadows. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has said that he supports congestion pricing, but has yet to present a plan. Instead, the state task force that he assembled, Fix NYC, released recommendations in January that included the $2 to $5 per-ride surcharge as well as the creation of a Manhattan congestion zone in which passenger cars could be charged a fee of $11.52 per day. The task force estimated the per-ride fees alone could generate up to $605 million a year at a time when other states and cities have increasingly imposed similar per-ride fees to generate new revenue. Mr. Schaller said that his hourly fees would raise more, about $670 million. He added that his report was not intended to criticize the Fix NYC plan, but to build upon the work of the task force and help come up with the most effective way to address growing congestion from cars. I think the city is at a critical decision point, he said. Jon Orcutt, a spokesman for TransitCenter, a research and policy foundation, said that he supported Mr. Schallers approach of using an hourly fee rather than a per-ride fee to manage congestion because I think were going to need tough measures to keep the streets moving. He expressed doubt, though, that a $50 hourly fee would win approval from state officials, given that congestion pricing already faced significant hurdles in New York Mitchell L. Moss, a member of the task force and the director of the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management at New York University, called a $50 fee the equivalent of a Donald Trump tariff. He said that it would have unforeseen side effects such as hurting working-class or middle-class people who rely on taxis or Ubers because they may have no other choice mothers toting baby strollers, older people too frail or sick to take public transportation, and anyone trying to get anywhere in a hurry. What hes charging for one hour in a cab or Uber is going to cost much more than a main course at the Union Square Cafe, a four-star restaurant, Mr. Moss said. People who can afford $50 already have a Mercedes and a driver all day. Alex Matthiessen, the director of Move NY, a grass-roots campaign leading the push for congestion pricing, said that Mr. Schallers $20 and $50 fees were not only unlikely to get any political support, but could take the focus away from the Fix NYC proposal, including the $2 to $5 surcharges. If youre looking for a way to tackle our transit and traffic crises now, the Fix NYC plan is where to start, he said. A day after news broke that the actress Cynthia Nixon was in talks with two Democratic strategists about entering the 2018 governors race in New York, the two-term incumbent, Andrew M. Cuomo, wasted little time in denigrating her as a second-tier celebrity who had been egged on by his longtime Democratic rival, Mayor Bill de Blasio. His accusation set off a familiar war of words between Mr. Cuomo and Mr. de Blasio that took on added weight in light of Mr. Cuomos possible primary contest. In a conference call with reporters on Wednesday about a looming snowstorm, Mr. Cuomo laughed aloud at his answer to a question about whether the mayor, a longtime friend of Ms. Nixon, is behind her possible candidacy. I think it was probably either the mayor of New York or Vladimir Putin, Mr. Cuomo said with a chuckle. I am going to leave it to you, great investigative reporters to follow the facts and ferret out the truth. In his St. Patricks Day sermon in 1852, John J. Hughes, the newly minted first Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, raised a discomfiting cautionary flag. There is reason to fear, Hughes admonished the congregants at Old St. Patricks Cathedral on Mulberry Street, that when God permits men or nations to prosper to the extent of their desires, it is a mark of his disfavor. His warning that the worldly lure of Americas Manifest Destiny was already threatening his parishioners spiritual bonds suggested just how far Irish-Americans had progressed in the more than three decades since Hughes himself had immigrated from County Tyrone. Last year, in their Sons of Saint Patrick: A History of the Archbishops of New York From Dagger John to Timmytown (Ignatius Press), George J. Marlin and Brad Miner traced the evolution of the archdiocese. Now, just in time for St. Patricks Day, in Dagger John: Archbishop John Hughes and the Making of Irish America (Three Hills, Cornell University Press), John Loughery prodigiously profiles the most transformative archbishop of them all. In her first interview since accepting the post, Ms. Palitz suggested that her stint as the Nightlife Mayor would be slightly more sober and focus less on carousing than on conflict mediation. In todays New York, gentrification has pitted partygoers against the settled residents of neighborhoods like the Lower East Side of Manhattan and Williamsburg in Brooklyn. In her first official act, Ms. Palitz promised to hold a series of listening tours and entertain the gripes of those who are bothered by the vomit on their streets or the noise at 3 a.m. Both sides feel unheard, she said. Both sides feel that things are unfair. I think the grievances are almost the same but there havent been any practical real-world solutions to address them. As a fifth-generation New Yorker, Ms. Palitz, 47, claims to be of a broad enough mind to discern those solutions and to ably serve as advocate for the after-hours set while remaining responsive to community concerns. Though she was raised on 86th Street on the Upper East Side, she moved to the East Village in 1996 and has lived there ever since on three of the four different corners at First Street and First Avenue. In her early 20s, she took her first night life job, managing the guest list at the old Club Mars. Soon she was producing the Soulution Spontaneous Groove Open Jam a night of hip-hop, spoken word, gospel, rock and drag at clubs like Nation, SOBs and the Tunnel. In the early 2000s, a friend from grade school asked Ms. Palitz to invest in a bar near her apartment called The Flat. (It was briefly famous as a rendezvous that the actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher used for their romance.) But in 2004, The Flat went under and Ms. Palitz took it over. She turned it into Sutra, which for the next 10 years, until it closed, was known for Toca Tuesdays, an old-school hip-hop party overseen by the D.J. Tony Touch. It was during that period that Ms. Palitz joined Community Board 3, a fractious body that includes the East Village, Chinatown and the Lower East Side. There, she was introduced to the brass-knuckle politics of night life chiefly through her dealings with what she has called the no-more bar contingency. A Yale student who had been suspended by the university was found not guilty on Wednesday of sexually assaulting a fellow student, in a rare college rape accusation to be tried in the courts. The verdict laid bare seemingly gaping divides in the national reckoning around sexual consent and assault. Over several grueling days on the witness stand in a New Haven courtroom, the woman described what she said was her rape by the accused student, Saifullah Khan, 25, on Halloween night 2015. The testimony, in open court, offered a glimpse into the kinds of encounters that are more often described behind closed doors, to university panels or among friends. Mr. Khans lawyers worked relentlessly to discredit the account of the woman, who was not identified by name in the arrest warrant application. They asked repeatedly how much she had to drink, and how she could claim not to remember certain details, such as how she arrived back at her dorm room, but remembered others, such as the alleged assault itself. They parsed her text messages with Mr. Khan, asking if she had not been flirting with him in the days before the incident. They showed off her Halloween costume, a black cat outfit, and asked her why she had not chosen a more modest one, such as Cinderella in a long flowing gown. Laura Palumbo, a spokeswoman for the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, called the defenses line of questioning all victims worst fears in coming forward. Kalman Aron began drawing pencil and crayon portraits of his family in Latvia when he was 3. A child prodigy, he mounted his first one-boy gallery show when he was 7. He was commissioned to paint the official portrait of the Latvian prime minister when he was 13. He enrolled at an academy of fine arts in Riga, the capital, at 15. Then, in 1941, when he was 16, the Germans invaded, and his parents, who were Jewish, were murdered. But Kalmans artistic talent would spare his life. Over the next four years, he would survive seven Nazi concentration camps by swapping sketches of his captors and their families for scraps of food. And he lived to become a prominent American portraitist. He died at 93 on Feb. 24 in Santa Monica, Calif., the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust said. Like a lot of guys, Ive watched The Shawshank Redemption more times than I can count. Which is why, when I heard the news that Gary Cohn had resigned as Donald Trumps top economic adviser, I thought of Reds (Morgan Freemans) somber line: Every man has his breaking point. In the film, the remark is followed by the tale of how Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) busts out of Shawshank Prison. Dufresne, a former banker with a gift for numbers and a taste for risky trades, tunnels through a concrete wall and then crawls through a 500-yard sewer pipe to freedom, riches and a beach in Mexico. Then he tells the press everything he knows about Samuel Norton, the evil prison warden, and his corrupt minions. Justice is richly served. That could yet be Cohns story, too. O.K., Im getting carried away. Dufresne is a Christ-like figure, innocent of crime but wise to the world, who suffers grievously and gives greatly. Cohn is a Goldman Democrat who went into the White House with his eyes wide open, seemed to enjoy treating Steve Mnuchin as a finger puppet, and chose not to resign over Donald Trumps shameful Charlottesville equivocation. Whether he quit out of horror of the presidents protectionist turn, or merely out of the pique of losing a policy argument, is an open question. For the rest of Gary Cohns career, whenever his name comes up, people will think of Donald Trump. The relationship worked out much better for Trump than for Cohn. In The Times, the editorial board comments on Cohns departure. Elsewhere: Slates Jordan Weissmann notes that Cohn did have one big accomplishment in the job the corporate tax cut he helped design. Gary Cohn: The man who swallowed the presidents racism and personal humiliation in order to guide tax cuts for his old employer at Goldman Sachs, and then quit over some steel tariffs, Weissmann writes. Generosity. Voxs German Lopez donated his kidney to a stranger yesterday, having been inspired to do so by his colleague Dylan Matthews, who wrote about the experience last year. This morning, in recovery, Lopez wrote that its immensely gratifying that a 23-year-old woman just got a lifesaving kidney, and a chain of two or more people will too over the next week as a result of all of this. He added, I want to communicate that this is something that really is possible to do. West Virginia update. After a gutsy strike, the states teachers won a raise yesterday. Its a limited victory, of course. Theyre still paid relatively little and face many unnecessary obstacles, like a large number of unfilled jobs. But there is sense among West Virginians that this strike is about something bigger than teacher pay, Erin McHenry-Sorber of West Virginia University writes for CNN. This is a movement for the viability of West Virginia and rural America. In The Times, Sarah Jaffe writes of labors rising ghosts, now visible in the strike. Texas election. The Democratic turnout in the Texas primaries last night wasnt what the party had hoped for. David Byler of The Weekly Standard previously explained why demographic change hasnt brought political change to the state. Other independent candidates will also appear on the ballot but have no real chance of victory. All of them, however, beyond their political differences and except for Mr. Lopez Obrador, share a respect for democracy. Mr. Lopez Obrador has promised a change of regime. Mexican voters should carefully consider what he means, given the precedents. To begin with, he has said that he does not believe in the existence of Mexican democracy, though it has been in the context of its rules, institutions and freedoms that he has gained the likelihood of power. Nor does he trust in the National Electoral Institute. After losing the 2006 election by a wafer-thin margin (0.58 percent), he declared the election fraudulent and led his followers in occupying the Paseo de la Reforma, the central artery of Mexico City, an action rejected by the public. Defeated by a larger margin (6.63 percent) in 2012, he again claimed fraud. He has continued to show disdain for the institutions of liberal democracy. To hell with their institutions, he famously said in 2006 and has not disavowed his assertion. And he recently accused the Supreme Court of being an instrument of the oligarchy used to dominate the people. There is a genuine linkage of religious fervor (which it seems just to call messianic) between Mr. Lopez Obrador and his followers. Confident in that connection, he has shown an unbending intolerance toward criticism from the media and intellectuals. He has a disqualifying adjective for every group that doubts or opposes him: fakes, conservatives, sellouts. He has called the press fifi (bourgeois). He has proved to be incapable of self-criticism and shows a significant tendency to divide the country between the people who support him and all the others, who support the mafia in power. Mr. Lopez Obrador trusts so much in the sheer force of his charisma that he has promised to bring Trump to his senses. He wants to bring peace to Mexico by exploring the possibility of granting amnesty to drug traffickers and producers. Only I can fix corruption, he has stated, and he recently announced that he will call for the drafting of a moral Constitution that can inaugurate a loving republic. Mr. Lopez Obrador has surrounded himself with politicians and union leaders formerly of the P.R.I. who were directly involved in gross acts of corruption. He shows a real concern for alleviating poverty though is as yet insufficiently specific in his proposals. Many liberal Mexicans fear that he will reverse the opening to private and foreign investment in Mexican oil production and will choose to protect the domestic economy from international competition. My own major concern, however, is his attitude toward our still fragile democracy. In his defense, his supporters point to his record as mayor of Mexico City (2000-05), but that position did not remotely involve the power that would accrue to him as president. Were Mr. Lopez Obrador to choose to incite popular mobilizations and plebiscites, his government could call for a Constituent Assembly, and move toward annulling the division of powers and subordinating the Supreme Court and other autonomous institutions after restricting the freedom of the media and silencing any dissenting voices. In such circumstances, Mexico could once again become a monarchy, though messianic and in the style of a caudillo without republican costuming: the country of a single man. It is to be hoped that the legitimate discontent of Mexicans and the urgent need for change does not lead to the demise of our fledgling but genuine democracy. To the Editor: Re Some Hope From North Korea (editorial, March 7): President Moon Jae-in of South Korea deserves great credit for bringing North Korea to the table. But the talks hold peril as well as promise. North Korea appears to see its nuclear arsenal as essential to regime survival, keeping it from becoming another Libya, and in return would likely demand full United States withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula. At that point, talks could break down, giving President Trump an excuse to unleash fire and fury in a war that could kill hundreds of thousands or millions if it went nuclear. To have a greater chance of success, talks should start with modest aims, such as a freeze in North Korean testing in return for a freeze in United States-South Korean military exercises. Meanwhile, we must urge Congress to pass legislation, sponsored by Senator Chris Murphy and Representative Ro Khanna, barring the president from attacking North Korea without congressional authorization. The ball is not only in President Trumps court, but in ours as well, to prevent a disastrous war. To the Editor: Re Portrait of a Turkish Novelist as Prisoner by Ahmet Altan (Opinion, Feb. 28). This is no doubt a correct and overwhelming account of the trials he and his co-defendants have been going through and the life sentence they now face in prison. Yet Mr. Altan has omitted the precursor to these trials. A few years ago, many people spent years in prison in Turkey, and a few died while going through similar trials referred to as ergenekon and sledgehammer. Although the absurdity of the trials had been exposed, several life sentences were decreed. Later, all of the defendants were found not guilty. As with Mr. Altans trial, evidence has been called false or fabricated. Once the trials became a farce and were no longer useful to the government, they were dropped and forgotten. The newspaper where Mr. Altan was editor provided so-called evidences for these earlier trials, placing him at the forefront of accusers. It could be said that Mr. Altan had no concern for the injustices so many people suffered. So when he received a life sentence without parole, some called it eternal justice. Others called it karma. I call it and the previous trials a sad moment for humanity. AHMET OZGIUNES ISTANBUL Yes, these future lawyers believe that free speech is acceptable only when it doesnt offend them. Which is to say, they dont believe in it at all. For the lecture itself, a student wearing a jacket emblazoned with the command Stay Woke led protesters in shouting Microaggressions are real and No platform for fascists. Ms. Sommers handled matters as gracefully as possible, but had delivered only half her lecture before Janet Steverson, a law professor and the schools dean of diversity and inclusion, asked her to cut her remarks short and take questions from the hardy souls who somehow survived the violence of her words. At this point, such incidents have become so routine that its tempting to wave them off. We shouldnt. What happened to Ms. Sommers on Monday is a telling example of a wider phenomenon that reaches well beyond the confines of campus. Call it the moral flattening of the earth. We live in a world in which politically fascistic behavior, if not the actual philosophy, is unquestionably on the rise. Italy just gave the plurality of its vote to a party that is highly sympathetic to Vladimir Putin. The Philippines is in the grip of a homicidal maniac who is allying himself with Xi Jinping. Mr. Xi just anointed himself president for life and has banned the words Animal Farm and disagree from Chinese internet searches. Bashar al-Assad is winning in Syria, where half a million people have so far been slaughtered. Dictatorship and starvation have descended on Venezuela. At its annual conference in Washington last month, the Conservative Political Action Committee gave its stage, and its enthusiastic applause, to a member of Frances National Front. Thats just a short list. Yet these are generally not the extremists that leftists focus on. Instead, they seem to believe that the real cause for concern are the secret authoritarians passing as liberals and conservatives in our midst. MEYRIN, Switzerland Fabiola Gianotti is one of the most important physicists in the world, and when she gazes at the heavens after dark, she sees more than the moon, the stars and the Milky Way. For her, the night sky is a daily reminder of humanitys ignorance of the origins of the universe. When you look at the sky at night, you see only 5 percent of whats out there, she said in an interview. The rest we dont know, so we call it dark energy and dark matter. Its a bit embarrassing for us physicists to understand only 5 percent of the universe. Come on! We have to solve this problem, O.K.? Dr. Gianotti, 57, is neither arrogant nor naive. She is the first female director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN where the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator is deep underground outside Geneva. She led one of the two giant CERN experiments teams that in 2012 resulted in the discovery of the Higgs boson, the particle that explains why some other elementary particles have mass. It is so awe-inspiring that its been nicknamed the God particle. She and the leader of the other team announced the discovery to the world. Dr. Krauss, a professor in the universitys School of Earth and Space Exploration, is director of Arizona States Origins Project, a multidisciplinary research effort to tackle questions about life, the universe and complex social problems. He gained prominence for his book, The Physics of Star Trek in 1995. He later became one of the leaders of the so-called skeptics movement that espouses science over religion. He has also written essays and Op-Ed articles that were published in The Times. Michael Crow, president of Arizona State, told The State Press, an independent student news organization, that the university had received no complaints of harassment against Dr. Krauss. The university started the investigation after being contacted by BuzzFeed. Dr. Krauss moved to Arizona State from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio in 2008. On Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Krauss posted a lengthy rebuttal to the BuzzFeed article. He said many of the incidents reported by BuzzFeed were based on unsubstantiated rumors and others were distorted and misleading. Has my language or demeanor sometimes made others feel uncomfortable? Dr. Krauss wrote. Clearly yes, and for that I sincerely apologize. Nevertheless, the BuzzFeed article effectively paints a false picture of me and my relationships with others through a mosaic constructed largely out of anonymous hearsay and a web of often vague innuendo. The university is not the only one to take action against Dr. Krauss. The American Physical Society and other organizations have withdrawn invitations to Dr. Krauss for upcoming talks. The Center for Inquiry, an organization that promotes secularism, suspended its association with Dr. Krauss on Monday. Its these two brainiacs having sex, she says. But what you feel is the disconnect between them, the power dynamics. Its remarkable how vulnerable it is. In the same vein of Ackers writing, the art that appears in dialogue with the video are works of self-exposure: close-ups of male and female genitalia rendered in rainbow pastels by the painter Celia Hempton; a letter to Acker by the artist and poet Diamond Stingily, acknowledging the fact that they would not have been friends; a sculpture made of the mattress that artist Ser Brandon-Castro Serpas and an ex first had sex on. Its an all-women show without labeling itself as such, with two obvious exceptions: Sondheim, Ackers Blue Tape co-star, and Melgaard himself. To most, Bjarne is as male as male can be, says Schlenzka. They think about this almost hyperaggressive gay sensibility which he definitely has, but hes well versed in the history of feminist politics. Describing Acker as a major influence, Melgaard recalls seeing a BBC interview of hers on TV when he was a teenager in Oslo and immediately buying her 1979 book, Blood and Guts in High School. I thought that she was fascinating for her opinions and extreme sensibilities: the strength to be both soft and hard, and to be able to articulate complex problematics in a language that doesnt make anyone feel inadequate, says Melgaard. I think that she radicalized language. His piece in the show is a performance that stars the Acker of the 80s, by then both a fashion and countercultural icon, as a puppet. A leather-clad figure with shorn pink hair, puppet Acker goes through a series of absurdist conversations and events with puppet renditions of Melgaards mother, father and sister plus lit incense, strobe lights, and a plastic shark reflecting her literary persona of erotic and existential contemplation. SAN FRANCISCO Broadcoms $117 billion bid for the rival computer chip maker Qualcomm is being investigated by a federal government committee concerned about giving foreign countries power over American technology vital to national security. But some people in the technology industry believe Broadcoms chief executive, Hock Tan, already wields too much power of a different kind, as illustrated by a harshly worded two-page document in a San Francisco court file. The document comes from Western Digital, the largest supplier of computer disk drives. Last year, Western Digital wrote to a technology partner, Toshiba, to complain about Broadcom. The document said Broadcom had stopped shipping essential chips called preamplifiers to Western Digital. The reason? Broadcom, the document said, was retaliating because Western Digital had considered another suppliers products. Western Digital believes that Broadcoms business tactics have destroyed a once positive business relationship and raise serious antitrust concerns, the drive maker wrote. At the time, Western Digital was trying to persuade Toshiba to reject Broadcom as a potential buyer of Toshibas stake in a memory chip joint venture with Western Digitals SanDisk unit. HONG KONG When top tech minds sat down to set the global standards underpinning todays cellphone networks, China was left largely on the sidelines. Companies in the West owned much of the crucial technology, and they prospered. Now, as the world prepares for a new generation of mobile internet that could let you download a feature-length movie in mere seconds, a Chinese company is determined to lead, putting it at the center of an international fight over the technologys future. Huawei, the giant maker of telecommunications equipment, has been pouring money into research on 5G, or fifth-generation, wireless networks and patenting key technologies. It has hired experts from foreign rivals and pushed them to guide international groups that are deciding the technical standards for tomorrows wireless gear. But the company has also been a top concern of Washington officials. It was effectively shut out of the United States after a 2012 congressional report said Beijing could use Huaweis equipment to spy on Americans. And this week, a United States Treasury official flagged Huaweis 5G push as the American government investigates the proposed takeover of Qualcomm, a San Diego-based chip maker, by Broadcom, a rival based in Singapore. Last summer, there was a flap when a memo by a fellow board member, Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, appeared in The New York Times. In the memo, Mr. Hastings wrote to Mr. Thiel that he displayed catastrophically bad judgment in supporting Mr. Trump. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebooks chief executive, did not ask him to step down from the board, and reports that he wants to leave the board are incorrect, Mr. Thiel said, noting that among other things he brings ideological diversity. He declined to say exactly how much or what kind of advice the Facebook board was offering Mr. Zuckerberg, but defended the company from criticism that it was slow to wake up to what the Russians did. Remember when Trump said the election was going to be rigged? People said that was crazy How dare you question the integrity of the electoral process? That was the view of most of the people working at Facebook, too, he said. They did not think things were so hackable. It was a mistake, but an understandable mistake. Facebook declined to comment. The anger now being turned on Facebook, Mr. Thiel argued, is less about Russia specifically and more about tech arrogance its failure to do so much for so many. It is a sentiment that helped put Mr. Trump in the White House. The Trump campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, was perhaps the single most offensive thing you could say to Silicon Valley, he said. Silicon Valley says the future is going to be better than the past. That is the propaganda, if you will. A friend of his in Silicon Valley had the idea of running for governor of California this year. Mr. Thiels advice was that he had better have a good answer to this question: Why is tech good for the average person in California? The answer, he cautioned, couldnt be a banality, such as its making us more connected, and it couldnt be utopian, such as its going to cure all diseases. The Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic died during his trial for war crimes at The Hague in 2006. So his reincarnation in a glossy tracksuit for an experimental Serbian musical this week in Kosovo has provoked complicated feelings in the majority Albanian country. The Lift: The Slobodan Show tracks the autocrats rise, focusing on his family relationships, particularly with his wife, Mirjana, and ends with his trial in The Hague. It is interspersed with accounts from the Serbian actors of their own memories of life under Milosevic in the 1990s. It premiered on Tuesday to applause, tears, and a few walkouts. A lot of people cried yesterday, said the shows director, Nenad Todorovic, in a telephone interview on Wednesday. A few of them left the show very angry. Half of them were delighted. Its a weird kind of musical, he added, not like your Broadway musicals. Most people living in Kosovo are ethnic Albanians, but the musical is being staged by Serbs in the Serbian-majority town of Gracanica. Milosevics shadow still looms large throughout the region, and tensions remain high. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia and Serbian minority groups within Kosovo refuse to recognize it. Think you need to travel to the African savanna or South American rain forest to see fantastic wildlife? Think again. According to Martha Kauffman, a managing director and scientist at the World Wildlife Fund, the United States has an abundance of opportunities for memorable wildlife encounters. The U.S. is home to thousands of species of wildlife, and its possible to see lots of these animals up close in their natural habitats, she said. Wildlife tours are springing up around the country. Here are four options for this winter and spring. Sandhill Cranes in Nebraska Ms. Kauffman said that one of the most spectacular wildlife viewing experiences shes ever had was in March in Nebraskas Platte River valley, when more than 80 percent of the worlds sandhill cranes, more than 550,000 in all, congregate in the area. They roost in the river by night and forage in the surrounding fields by day, and its a sight to behold. The birds are on their way to Canada and Alaska, and come from Mexico, Texas and New Mexico. One way to see the cranes is on the overnight photography tour from the Crane Trust. Visitors spend the night in a photo-video blind: a 20 foot by 8 foot plywood structure that can accommodate two people. The blind is stationed near the roosting birds on the river, and its possible to photograph them in both the morning and evening. Prices start at $250 a blind, and tours run from March 4 to 31. Reserve by emailing the Trust directly, at Good morning. (Want to get California Today by email? Heres the sign-up.) Despite the fierce winter storm that brought an avalanche of snow to the Sierra Nevada last week, water officials say the states snowpack is far behind its desired level. Before the storm, comparisons were being made to record-breaking dry years. So why isnt there more panic about a potential drought? The states reservoir levels and drinking water supply are in good shape, largely because last year was exceptionally wet, said Dave Rizzardo, of the California Department of Water Resources. Last weeks storm nearly doubled the snowpack and although that brought it up to only 34 percent of whats typically desired by April 1, it has eased comparisons to the record lows in 1977 and 2015. (The state gets about 30 percent of its fresh water from the snowpack each year.) It still is what it is, but its a nice boost. It doesnt get us necessarily out of a horrible snowpack condition but there are more storms that could chip away at that deficit, Mr. Rizzardo said. This could be a worse conversation if last year wasnt so wet. Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at U.C.L.A., warned that the current water levels dont tell the full story about the year. Despite last weeks snowstorm, which he said effectively doubled the amount of available water stored in the snowpack, the low yearly precipitation could have secondary ecological impacts and wildfire risks. An opponent of the bill, State Senator Jim Dabakis, has said he would fight it by adding the name of an adult film star who is reported to have had an affair with the president. If it gets to the Senate, Mr. Dabakis threatened on Twitter this week, I will present an amendment that the frontage road be designated as the Stormy Daniels rampway. But Mr. Dabakis, a Democrat, could be on the losing side in a state where the Legislature is dominated by Republicans who have supported Mr. Trump for scaling back the monuments. I think its going to happen, he conceded in a telephone interview from the Senate floor. If a vote is forced, there is not a lot of Utah politicians that are going to stand up and say they are against anything Trump. First, though, the bill needs to pass the House and to be introduced in the Senate. In a meeting with reporters on Tuesday, Gov. Gary Herbert, a Republican, declined to take a stance on the highway or the Stormy Daniels on-ramp idea but said it might be a little premature to name the route for a man who has barely entered his second year in office. I recognize the zeal and enthusiasm that some have for Donald J. Trump, and I share the enthusiasm, Mr. Herbert said. But there is probably a reason why we wait five years for people to vote to be put in the Hall of Fame. While many presidents have had highways named in their honor there is the President George Bush Turnpike in the Dallas area, the John F. Kennedy Expressway in the Chicago area and about a dozen highways named for Ronald Reagan such a proposal is unusual this early in a presidents tenure. A middle school teacher in Florida who has admitted hosting a white nationalist podcast has been removed from her classroom as officials investigate whether she is really a racist. Officials at the Citrus County School District, about 80 miles north of Tampa, Fla., said they were made aware of the podcast, called Unapologetic, last week after being contacted by HuffPost. The news website reported on Saturday that the teacher, Dayanna Volitich, was connected to the podcast. Although the podcast and a Twitter account which Ms. Volitich operated under the pseudonym Tiana Dalichov appear to have been taken off the internet, the HuffPost report included a recording of the podcast and screenshots of tweets she sent. On the podcast, she argues that science has proved that certain races are smarter than others and brags about preaching white nationalism in her classroom and hiding it from administrators. In tweets, she makes reference to the horrors of #Islam, attacks the concept of white privilege, and says that it isnt hateful or supremacist to prefer your own people over others. Children are dying. I will fight every single day. I just want to speak. We call B.S. These students survived a shooting at their school. Now theyre leading a national movement for stricter gun control. Just days after the shooting, they called for school walkouts around the country, traveled to the Florida State Capitol You failed us and planned a nationwide march. Some of them cant even vote yet. Its clear these students are doing things differently. Heres how. #NeverAgain is leveraging social networks to mobilize faster than most movements before it, according to experts who study the rise of social and political movements. One week after the shooting, the #NeverAgain Twitter handle is verified and has more than 81,000 followers. In just a few days, student leaders have crowdsourced more than $3 million through online campaigns and celebrity donations. Theyre also handling their own crisis control by directly responding to critics. I lost a best friend who was practically a brother, and Im here to use my voice because I know he cant. These survivors are presenting their personal stories of loss as part of their fight, converting grief into power by getting in the face of adults. So, Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the N.R.A. in the future? The #NeverAgain movement wasnt formed in a vacuum. Its riding on the most recent wave of youth activism, which picked up speed around 2010. Student protests ebbed after the antiwar movement of the 60s and 70s. We are fed up. Young people today are getting involved to change systemic inequalities they were raised to believe had already been taken care of. The Dreamers, students against sexual assault, Occupy Wall Street, and the Black Lives Matter movement all had strong involvement by college-educated millennials. These groups have had modest success. President Barack Obama made sure campuses did more to investigate cases of sexual assault. And he later protected Dreamers from deportation. You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. Its too early to tell if the #NeverAgain movement will sustain the momentum it needs to bring tangible change. But its an election year, so politicians might find their demands difficult to ignore. The advisers who remain could struggle to push Mr. Trump in a more free-market direction: Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, has shown little appetite for bucking the president on big issues. Kevin A. Hassett, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, joined the administration several months in and does not appear to enjoy the profile within the White House that Mr. Cohn did. Like Mr. Cohn, Mr. Mnuchin is a Goldman Sachs alum with roots in progressive enclaves such as New York City and Los Angeles who believes in free trade and a pro-business economic agenda. The two men worked closely together to shepherd the tax bill and Mr. Mnuchin often tries to be a moderating force, attempting to calm markets and smooth Mr. Trumps provocative policy instincts. But unlike Mr. Cohn, Mr. Mnuchin has not shown a willingness to publicly break with Mr. Trump and instead defends him. That tendency was on display this week when Mr. Mnuchin testified before Congress and insisted that he did not want to see a trade war. But when pressed about Mr. Trumps controversial tariffs on steel and aluminum, Mr. Mnuchin said he was fully behind them. In an interview with Fox Business on Wednesday morning, he said he was confident the tariffs would not hurt economic growth, as many economists have warned. Were comfortable that were going to manage through this so that it is not detrimental to our growth projections, Mr. Mnuchin said. Mr. Cohns departure comes amid the ascendence of advisers who have urged the president to take tougher action on trade. Peter Navarro, a trade skeptic who had been sidelined by Mr. Cohn, has been promised a promotion and made the rounds on Sunday talk shows to promote Mr. Trumps trade policy. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversaw an investigation that led to the tariffs, succeeded in moving up the announcement even as Mr. Cohn sought to delay it. Robert Lighthizer, the United States trade representative, has become a trusted adviser to the president. Those advisers have a much more binary view of trade, seeing it as a zero-sum game in which the United States is losing. They have pushed the president to withdraw from deals like Nafta unless trading partners agree to sharp concessions and to implement the type of stiff tariffs that he seems prepared to impose on steel and aluminum imports. Mr. Cohn has argued against some of the tougher positions that economists and businesses say could disrupt global supply chains, drive up costs for American businesses and hurt consumers. WASHINGTON Over the past week, congressional Republicans have gotten a glimpse of the President Trump they hoped to never see. On gun safety and, more significantly to many of them, trade, the president has loudly broken with longstanding party orthodoxy and reminded Republican leaders on Capitol Hill that they can never be 100 percent certain of what they are going to get with the onetime New York Democrat. Despite such worries, Mr. Trumps first-year actions on policy and personnel particularly judicial nominees provided substantial reassurance to congressional Republicans. They concluded that Mr. Trump was really one of them when it came to bedrock issues and that the anti-Washington, drain-the-swamp cries from the raucous campaign rallies were only so many applause lines. In the chaos of the early weeks of his administration, Mr. Trump provoked a sigh of relief from Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, that the president seemed to actually be conservative. If you look at the steps that have been taken so far, looks good to me, Mr. McConnell said. DAYTON, Ohio At Slyders Tavern, Matt Kazee, a machinist, drank a couple of beers as he waited for burgers to take home for dinner. His tab was about equal to the increase in his take-home pay after President Trumps tax cut found its way into the nations paychecks. I have seen a little uptick in my paycheck, about what I expected, about 30 bucks, said Mr. Kazee, who voted for President Barack Obama in 2008 before backing Mr. Trump in the 2016 election. It felt to me about like where things were 15 years ago. His underwhelmed reaction was not what Republicans had in mind. The white working-class voters in the industrial Midwest who helped put Mr. Trump in the White House are now seeing the extra cash from the tax cut, the presidents signature domestic policy achievement and the foundation for Republican election hopes in November. But the result has hardly been a windfall, economically or politically. Other workers described their increase as enough for a weeks worth of gas or a couple of gallons of milk, with an additional $40 in a paycheck every two weeks on the high side to $2 a week on the low. Few are complaining, but the working class here is not feeling flush with newfound wealth. HOUSTON Texas Democrats surged to the polls on Tuesday in the first primary of 2018, demonstrating a wave of Trump-inspired energy, but also showcasing party divisions that have emerged at the outset of an otherwise promising midterm campaign. Nearly 886,000 Texans cast ballots early in the states 15 most populous counties, the highest early-vote turnout in a nonpresidential election year in state history. And more Democrats statewide voted early this year than even in 2016, the year that Donald J. Trump, a Republican, was elected to the White House. Yet even as Democrats in the states biggest cities came out in large numbers, Republicans still cast more ballots over all thanks to their rural strength. Mr. Trump appears to be taking advantage of the vacuum created by the resignation of Mr. Cohn, who was the plans loudest opponent, to push the tariffs through. Mr. Cohn, who argued that tariffs would create a global trade war, found himself overshadowed by a group of more protectionist-minded advisers who have urged the president to follow through with the get-tough pledges he made during his campaign. Those advisers have been in ascendence, including Mr. Navarro, a trade skeptic who had been sidelined by Mr. Cohn. Mr. Navarro was recently promised a promotion and made the rounds on Sunday talk shows to promote Mr. Trumps trade policy. Mr. Ross succeeded in moving up last weeks announcement, over the objections of Mr. Cohn. Robert Lighthizer, the United States trade representative who has pushed trading partners to accede to the countrys demands, has become a trusted adviser to the president. That group has a much more binary view of trade, seeing it as a zero-sum game in which the United States is losing. The advisers have pushed the president to withdraw from trade deals like Nafta and to carry out the type of stiff tariffs that Mr. Trump seems poised to impose on steel and aluminum imports. They see the United States ballooning trade deficit, which hit a nine-year high on Wednesday, as evidence that more needs to be done to put the country on the winning end of global trade. The rise of the populist faction is already fanning fears on Wall Street and among foreign officials that Mr. Trump could start and escalate a global trade war or take a more combative stance toward trading partners and international groups like the World Trade Organization. Foreign officials viewed Mr. Cohn as a reliable ally on global economic issues and as someone who could express their views to the president. The prospect of approaching tariffs has set off furious lobbying from governments around the world, who have tried to sway the administration with offers of friendship and threats of retaliation. On Wednesday, the European Union released a list of American-made goods it would penalize if the tariffs went through. China cautioned that it was prepared to make an appropriate and necessary response should the United States impose the tariffs. Choosing a trade war is a mistaken prescription, Chinas foreign minister, Wang Yi, said during a news conference on Thursday in Beijing. In the end, you will only hurt others and yourself. The report said the program should be expanded beyond terminal illness cases and used more frequently as a low-risk way to reduce overcrowding and health care spending. The Bureau of Prisons widened the criteria to explicitly include inmates over 65 and those who are the sole possible caregiver for a family member. Then Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. promoted the changes as part of his Smart on Crime initiative to use our limited resources to house those who pose the greatest threat. But the bureau, which is part of the Justice Department, has yet to fully embrace those changes. Of those inmates who have applied for nonmedical reasons, 2 percent (50 cases) have been approved since 2013, according to an analysis of federal prison data. And although overall approval numbers increased slightly between 2013 and 2015, they have since fallen. At a 2016 sentencing commission hearing, Bureau of Prisons officials said they believed the program should not be used to reduce overcrowding. And even the principal deputy assistant to Mr. Holder, Jonathan Wroblewski, said the program was not an appropriate vehicle for a broad reduction in the prison population. Every administration has taken the position that part of our responsibility is to ensure that public safety is not undermined, he said. After the hearing, the commission released new guidelines encouraging prison officials to determine only whether inmates fit the criteria for release that is, if they are old enough, sick or disabled enough, or if they are the sole possible caregiver for someone on the outside. Whether the prisoner poses a risk to the public should be left to a judge to decide, the commission said. Mark Inch, who was appointed director of the Bureau of Prisons by Attorney General Jeff Sessions last August, has made no public statements about the program. The bureau declined to make Mr. Inch available for an interview and did not respond to emailed questions. For the latest on the winter storm, read Wednesdays live updates. John Schwartz, a New York Times reporter who covers climate change and the environment, is answering reader questions about the winter storm in the Northeast United States, the second to hit the region in less than a week. Ask your questions about the causes of dangerous winter storms by emailing If its cold, how can there be climate change? Thats a common question one asked, in various ways, by the president of the United States. But its based on a fallacy. Weather is not climate. Weather refers to day-to-day conditions; climate is about long-term trends. And the long-term trends show a planet that is warming, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Even with occasional Arctic blasts of bitter cold, which weve seen in much of the United States in recent years, 2017 had the second-highest surface temperatures ever recorded, surpassed only by 2016 which was the third hottest year in a row. The trends are clear, even if you can make a snowball in March in Central Park. Really, though is there some connection between climate change and this cold weather? Scientists have been looking at phenomena like cold spells, which occur when air from the Arctic dips south. After all, the Arctic is warming as a result of climate change, and that appears to be weakening the jet stream, which tends to hold that cold air up toward the top of the world. As Marlene Kretschmer, a researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, told The Times in January, the connection is not yet fully established. Theres a lot of agreement that the Arctic plays a role, its just not known exactly how much, she said. Its a very complex system. San Francisco will take down a controversial statue depicting a submissive Native American man after an outcry sparked by a deadly rally last summer in Charlottesville, Va., led the citys arts commission to vote unanimously this week to remove it. The statue, known as Early Days, shows a Native American man at the feet of a Catholic missionary, who towers over him and gestures toward the ground, and a Spanish cowboy gazing off in the distance. It was built in the late 19th century as part of the Pioneer Monument, a memorial recounting Californias early history that currently sits across a park from San Franciscos City Hall. Critics have called the statue racist and disrespectful, saying it promotes genocide, portrays Native Americans as inferior and relies on inaccurate stereotypes. (Among the specific critiques: that the person depicted in the statue is styled like a Plains Indian rather than a member of any California tribe.) Its more than just racist, said Mariposa Villaluna, who helped organize a grass-roots campaign to remove the statue. It celebrates human subjugation. SACRAMENTO California and the Trump administration have locked horns from the very first hours of Donald J. Trumps presidency. But a visit by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to the California capital, Sacramento, on Wednesday produced an unfiltered shouting match that was remarkable even for the long-embattled antagonists, and seemed to be a culmination of fraying relations between the conservative administration and the countrys deepest blue state. Mr. Sessions told a crowd of more than 200 law enforcement officials in a hotel ballroom that he would not stand for the insubordination of California lawmakers and what he called the dangerous obstruction of federal immigration laws. A 10-minute walk away, in a briefing room of the State Capitol, Gov. Jerry Brown unleashed a tirade against Mr. Sessions and the Trump administration. He said that the administration was full of liars and that Mr. Sessions was basically going to war against the state of California. It was highly unusual for an attorney general to come out here and engage in a political stunt, make wild accusations, many of which are based on outright lies, Mr. Brown added, particularly a fellow coming from Alabama talking to us about secession and protecting human and civil rights. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has revoked a prestigious human rights award it had given to the Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, now Myanmars civilian leader, faulting her for failing to halt or even acknowledge the ethnic cleansing of her countrys Rohingya Muslim minority. Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi, who endured 15 years of house arrest for taking on the military dictatorship in Myanmar, was only the second person to receive the award, in 2012. It was named after Elie Wiesel, a fellow recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and a Holocaust survivor who was one of the museums founders. Mr. Wiesel was the first recipient. The award, according to the museum, is given annually to an internationally prominent individual whose actions have advanced the Museums vision of a world where people confront hatred, prevent genocide and promote human dignity. Ms. Suzuki has chosen not to breast-feed and that, too, has drawn criticism. Its easiest to not say anything when I get these types of comments, and many people dont realize these are just their own beliefs, she said. I try very hard to let them know my child is fine and were doing very well. Unless I reassure them, new mothers following my footsteps will also have to endure this criticism. Despite its status as the worlds third-largest economy, Japan lags far behind other countries when it comes to the participation of women in politics. According to data from the nonprofit Inter-Parliamentary Union, China, the United States and South Korea are all ahead of Japan. It ranks 158 out of 193 countries, with women representing just 10.1 percent of its lower house, the House of Representatives. (In the upper house, the House of Councillors, women make up 20 percent.) Its no surprise, then, that the number of women who have become mothers while holding political office is minuscule. They are a novelty in Japan, said Hiroko Nagano, the founder of a Facebook group called Network for Politicians Giving Birth (While in Office). Ms. Nagano is an assemblywoman from Tokyos City of Toshima district. One of the important reasons behind the improvement of the relationship between China and South Korea is that the two countries have reached a consensus that no war should be allowed to occur on the Korean Peninsula, said Feng Zhang, a fellow in international relations at Australian National University. Here, China and South Korea have a perfect common interest, even though China was not directly involved in the inter-Korean talks. One of Chinas senior experts on North Korea said it was not clear whether Mr. Kim was really offering anything new, and that it could turn out that the North was taking advantage of Mr. Moons eagerness for dialogue. North Korea believes South Korea is the weakest link in the U.S. alliance, said the expert, Zhang Liangui, a professor of international studies at the Central Party School of the Communist Party in Beijing. The United States and the outside world will continue to doubt the true purpose of North Korea, because they do not know whether this is just a diplomatic strategy or a fundamental policy shift. China has supported United Nations sanctions against the North over its nuclear program like sending its workers home, curbing shipments of oil and cutting off coal exports though it has stopped short of imposing unilateral financial sanctions, as proposed by Washington. Mr. Trump said on Tuesday that China had been very, very strong and very biting in its support for sanctions. Beijings cooperation with Mr. Trump on the issue has made relations between North Korea and China so poisonous that the North has refused to allow a visit by Kong Xuanyou, a senior diplomat appointed by Beijing to deal with Pyongyang. A close look at the language used on Tuesday by Chung Eui-yong, one of the top South Korean envoys who met with Mr. Kim, indicates that the North Koreans are offering a formula similar to what has been rejected in the past, said Evans J. R. Revere, a former State Department official who participated in past talks on the North. HYDERABAD, India She was awarded one of Indias highest civilian honors, brushed aside a fatwa issued against her and has traveled extensively despite threats to her safety, but on a recent Monday, Sunitha Krishnan looked a bit unnerved. A few days earlier, several women posing as sex trafficking victims engineered an attack at a shelter Ms. Krishnan oversees about 35 miles from her office outside Hyderabad, in southern India. The women stormed a nursery filled with babies, smashed windows and stabbed staff with shards of glass, injuring a few of them seriously. At her desk, Ms. Krishnan recalled a sobering moment after learning of the attack. As I was sitting here, she said in an interview, it suddenly sank in my brain: What if one of the children She broke off. What if one of them is hurt? I crashed completely. I was crying and crying and crying. By Gods grace, she said, none of the babies were injured. For over two decades, Ms. Krishnan has led Prajwala, an organization that rescues women and children from sex traffickers in Hyderabad and across India. The stories are horrifying. During a TED Talk, Ms. Krishnan spoke of Shaheen, a toddler who was found near railway tracks and had been raped by so many men that her intestines were outside her body. A message in a bottle was tossed off the side of a German ship on June 12, 1886, as it sailed through the Indian Ocean, the date and location penned carefully in script on the scroll inside. In January, more than 131 years after the bottle was set adrift, an Australian woman walking on the beach noticed the thick, discolored glass of an old bottle poking through the sand. The bottle and the message had been found. It is believed to be the oldest known message in a bottle ever recovered. The woman, Tonya Illman, discovered the tokens from another era while walking on a beach near Wedge Island, in Western Australia. KIMBA, Australia A giant gray and rosy pink bird towers over travelers as they enter this dry, isolated rural town on the edge of a vast grain-growing belt in South Australia. The aging 8-meter statue, of a local species of cockatoo called the galah, marks a roughly midway point between the eastern and western coasts of Australia. Standing in front of the Halfway Across Australia Gem Shop, the Big Galah is all Kimba was ever really known for until about a year ago. Thats when two local farming families offered their properties to the federal government as potential storage sites for Australias nuclear waste. Now, as the federal government considers whether to build the site on one of these two farms in Kimba, this community of about 650 people finds itself divided and angry. The prospect of jobs and subsidies that the site would bring has split locals between those who want to preserve rural Australias way of life and those who say the glory days of farming are over. Who Will Be Affected? Steel and aluminum workers could be hit by tariffs. For now, the broader economy probably will not. Australia exported about 500 million Australian dollars ($400 million) of aluminum and steel to the United States last year. That totals only about 5 percent of Australias American-bound exports. By contrast, Australian meat exports to the United States are roughly five times that size, according to IHS Global Trade Atlas, a data provider. In fact, Australias largest steel maker was initially seen as a potential winner. Shares of Bluescope Steel jumped last week after Mr. Trump vowed to impose tariffs because it has operations in the United States. Investors saw the possibility that the companys American arm could charge more for what it makes. The bigger hazard for the Australian steel industry is that American tariffs will force steel makers in other countries to send more of what they make to Australia. That could result in leaner profits, price wars and local layoffs. If the exports get the tariffs whacked on them, were going to have surplus of steel and aluminum in the marketplace and at the same time as the rest of the world is, said Daniel Walton, national secretary for the Australian Works Union, one of the countrys largest blue-collar unions. Could It Get Worse? It could, if steel and aluminum tariffs lead to something more drastic. Canadian and European officials have already publicly discussed ways they could retaliate. United States trading partners could specifically target products made in parts of the country that support Mr. Trump, such as soybeans from the Midwest and bourbon from Kentucky. In the age of the #MeToo movement, the use of the term mansplaining to point out patronizing explanations made by men to female counterparts has become increasingly mainstream. So mainstream that its now been used by Britains prime minister in the House of Commons. Prime Minister Theresa May denounced comments by Jeremy Corbyn the opposition leader who criticized her for meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia ahead of International Womens Day as mansplaining during a session on Wednesday. Can I thank the right honorable gentleman for telling me that its International Womens Day tomorrow? I think thats whats called mansplaining, Mrs. May said, shooting a cold stare at Mr. Corbyn, before defending her meeting with Prince Mohammed during his visit to Britain. She said she planned to raise human rights concerns during the meeting. ROME Pope Francis has paved the way for the canonization of Pope Paul VI, who led the Roman Catholic Church through turmoil in the 1960s and 70s, and the slain Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, the Vatican announced on Wednesday. Francis approved the decrees on Tuesday confirming miracles attributed to the intercession of the former pontiff and the Salvadoran archbishop, the Holy See said in a statement. The miracle attributed to Paul VI involves the healing of a seriously ill fetus, according to the Diocese of Brescia, where the pope was born. In the case of Archbishop Romero, the nature of the miracle has not been made public, but Vatican journalists have speculated that it concerned a woman whose pregnancy presented serious risks for her and her baby, and who healed inexplicably. It is fortuitous that their miracles were approved the same day, said Andrea Tornielli, who covers the Vatican for the Italian daily La Stampa and its website, Vatican Insider. Its not a coincidence that the Vatican announced them together. They both cared for the poor and social justice, and Pope Paul VI encouraged Romero all his life long. Time and again, foes of Mr. Putins have died suddenly in Britain, under suspicious circumstances. In the most notorious case, Alexander V. Litvinenko, a former Russian agent who was harshly critical of Mr. Putin, was fatally poisoned in 2006 with a rare radioactive metal, and an inquiry later concluded that he was assassinated by Russian operatives, probably with Mr. Putins approval. Im sure that in some of these cases, there is a relatively natural explanation, but it is beyond the bounds of probability that they all are, said James Nixey, manager of the Russia and Eurasia program at Chatham House, a British foreign affairs think tank. The British government has been accused of being less than eager to get to the bottom of those deaths, or to hold anyone responsible, but political and security analysts say this time is likely to be different. Given the governments sensitivity to that criticism, and the intense worldwide attention on the Skripal case, a thorough investigation is probably unavoidable, they say, and if Russian involvement is found, an aggressive response may be inevitable, too. The resources and expertise involved in producing and using a nerve agent suggest the involvement of a military or intelligence agency, as in two highly publicized episodes last year: Syrian government forces used sarin gas, a nerve agent, against a rebel-held village, and the North Korean government is believed to have been behind the assassination of the half brother of the countrys leader using another nerve agent, VX. We cant say for sure right now, but the more sophisticated and the rarer the poison, the more likely it is to come from the Russian state or elements within it, said Ben Judah, a biographer of Mr. Putin who has also researched the lives of Russian expatriates in Britain. The State Department has avoided taking a clear position on the matter but relies on the fact that Israel and Jordan had informally divided the contested enclave. The provisional embassy site, in the Arnona neighborhood, has been in continuous Israeli use since 1949, the department said in a statement last week. It is today a mixed residential-commercial neighborhood. The Palestinians are less equivocal. No Mans Land is occupied territory, said Ashraf Khatib of the Palestine Liberation Organizations Negotiations Affairs Department. Any permanent status for that territory should be part of a final status negotiation. The dispute could turn the American ambassador, David M. Friedman, an avid supporter of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, into a new kind of diplomatic settler himself. The plan is for the embassy to be housed in what is now the consular services section of the United States Consulate General in Jerusalem while the search is on for a permanent site. The fortresslike compound sits partly in predominantly Jewish West Jerusalem and partly in a section of No Mans Land between West Jerusalem and predominantly Arab East Jerusalem. BEIRUT, Lebanon The Turkish government took the extraordinary step on Wednesday of asking the United States to stop Kurdish commanders from diverting their forces from areas of eastern Syria to the fight in Afrin in the west. The request followed an announcement from the Kurdish forces, which are allied with the United States in the fight against the Islamic State militant group, that they intended to send 1,700 fighters from Deir al-Zour, a strategically important eastern province, to the fight against Turkey in Afrin, a Kurdish enclave. Ibrahim Kalin, a spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, said his country had taken the necessary steps through official channels and expected from the U.S. that it should absolutely step in to prevent the movement of the Kurdish forces from Manbij to Afrin. This is our most natural right, Mr. Kalin added. It was not clear why Mr. Kalin had referred to Manbij, a city at the westernmost point of the Syrian territory held by the Kurds, though it might have been cited as a way station for the troops as they moved toward Afrin. The ground around San Francisco Bay is sinking to meet the rising sea, another reason for Bay Area residents to worry about the impact of climate change on their region. A new report suggests that sinking land, known as land subsidence, will increase the potential reach and damage of flooding in the Bay Area, submerging a larger portion of the region by the year 2100 than previously estimated. Treasure Island Lake Merritt San Francisco Oakland Calif. San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport Areas in red would be submerged by sea level rise and land sinking Hayward San Francisco International Airport Union City Foster City San Mateo Includes areas of marshland Pacific Ocean Palo Alto Areas in orange would be submerged by sea level rise alone Santa Clara Treasure Island Oakland San Francisco Oakland International Airport San Francisco International Airport Hayward Union City Foster City San Mateo Palo Alto Santa Clara Would be submerged by sea level rise and land sinking Would be submerged by sea level rise alone Treasure Island Lake Merritt San Francisco Oakland Calif. Oakland International Airport San Francisco Bay Pacific Ocean Hayward Areas in red would be submerged by sea level rise and land sinking San Francisco International Airport Union City Foster City San Mateo Includes areas of marshland Palo Alto Areas in orange would be submerged by sea level rise alone Santa Clara By The New York Times | Source: Manoochehr Shirzaei Subsidence can be caused by groundwater pumping, which can act to deflate the ground above it or the gradual compacting of landfill when lands are filled in an effort to create solid ground to build upon. The authors of the report Manoochehr Shirzaei, a professor at Arizona State University and Roland Burgmann, a professor at University of California, Berkeley have combined land elevation data with rising sea level projections. And they are now challenging the current flood threat projections as too conservative. The authors hope that their new findings will help cities and agencies produce more accurate hazard maps, updating the extent of affected areas. Under the new projections, San Francisco International Airport could see half of its runways submerged by the year 2100. Original estimates that did not include land subsidence were much lower. Other areas around the Bay that have been built on engineered landfill, like parts of Foster City and Treasure Island, are particularly vulnerable to the dual impact of subsidence and sea level rise. Extent of effects of sea level rise Extent when combined with sinking land San Francisco Bay San Francisco Bay San Bruno San Bruno San Francisco International Airport Millbrae Millbrae Burlingame Burlingame Extent of effects of sea level rise Extent when combined with sinking land San Francisco Bay San Francisco Bay San Bruno San Bruno San Francisco International Airport Millbrae Millbrae Burlingame Burlingame Extent of effects of sea level rise San Francisco Bay San Bruno San Francisco International Airport Millbrae Burlingame Extent when combined with sinking land San Francisco Bay San Bruno San Francisco International Airport Millbrae Burlingame By The New York Times | Source: Manoochehr Shirzaei The combination of rising sea levels and sinking ground increases estimates of the total amount of endangered areas to a range of 48 to 166 square miles. The rate of sink plays a role in the severity of the estimate: While most areas around the Bay are sinking at less than two millimeters per year, some have been found to be sinking at a rate as high as 10 millimeters per year. Dr. Shirzaei said that the new estimates take into account a range of outcomes, from a best case scenario of sea level rise assuming countries follow the 2015 Paris agreement for emissions reduction to more extreme cases, where the sea level rises faster because of an accelerated melting of Antarctic ice. At the more severe end of the spectrum, the level of flooding would far exceed the effects of sinking land. Scientists have long tracked the effects of global warming on the planets water levels. A recent study of 25 years of satellite data pointed to climate change as a cause for the acceleration of rising sea levels, making previous estimates unreliable. Aadhaar linking: March 31 deadline likely to be extended India oi-Vicky Nanjappa The Centre has told the Supreme Court that it is open to the idea of extending the March 31 deadline to link Aadhaar with bank accounts and other services. Attorney General of India, K K Venugopal told a Bench headed by Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra that the centre has done it in the past and it could do it again if required. He further said that the Centre could extend the deadline again after the petitioner in the case said that the hearing in the case may not be completed by March 31. The Supreme Court is hearing a batch of petitions that challenged the mandatory linking of Aadhaar with various services on the ground that it violated privacy. The petitioners made the request several times on the ground that the hearing may not be completed by March 31. Venugopal, however, said that the extension may not be done immediately, but at the last minute so that the petitioners conclude their arguments quickly. Only three advocates for the petitioners have completed their arguments so far. Five more senior counsels are yet to open their arguments. OneIndia News Adani Group replies to Swamy's 'inevitable' PIL warning against the company India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Adani Group on Wednesday replied to senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy's allegation against increasing NPA in Public Sector Banks. Swamy warned that a PIL is 'inevitable' against Adani group. Swamy on Tuesday tweeted, "The biggest NPA trapeze artiste in PSUs is Gautam Adani. It is time he is made accountable or a PIL is inevitable." Adani Group stated that the company "created world-class assets and aggregate Net Asset Block of Indian operations stands at over Rs.1,10,000 crores. Aggregate Net Worth of the listed entities stands at over Rs.40,000 crores and aggregate Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBIDTA) stands at Rs.24,000 crores." [ Read more: PIL against Gautam Adani is 'inevitable', says Subramanian Swamy] "Given our rating track record, different sources of debt are available to the Group, ranging from international bonds, ECB loans, domestic bonds, loans from the private sector as well as public sector banks in India," Adani Group stated in its press release As far as dependence on PSUs concerned, the group stated that its dependence on PSUs is is less than 50 per cent at about Rs.34,000 crore. "Singular critical test for debt is its regular servicing-something which Adani Group has implemented diligently. One must also look at financial metrics of Group. Group's dependence on PSU bank for long-term borrowings is less than 50% at about Rs.34,000 cr and is regularly serviced." OneIndia News Signs of discontent in Maharashtra: Congress wishes it got more portfolios Ayodhya dispute: Thackeray slams Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, says 'he should stop interfering' India oi-Madhuri Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday slammed Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar over his remark on Ayodhya dispute, that India will turn into Syria if the Ram temple issue is not resolved soon. Through a stinging column in its magazine Saamana, Thackeray had said that the spiritual leader should stop interfering in the Mandir matter. "Saying that peaceful and tolerant India can become Syria is a sign of lack of control. It is important to find out which agency this guru is associated with," the article said. Earlier, Ravi Shankar speaking to in an exclusive interview with India Today said that India will become Syria if Ram Mandir is not built on disputed land. Taking exception to the statement, Shiv Sena questioned 'the art of living' preached by the guru. "The guru from Art of Living is using the issue of Ram Mandir to stay in news. Killing humans or threatening to do so - what kind of 'art of living' is this? "India can never be Syria, he should know that. This guru should take his private jet to Iraq and Syria to spread the message of peace through his Art of Living," Shiv Sena said in the article. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 10:28 [IST] BJP dubs TDP's move to pull out of NDA as "political opportunism" India oi-Vikas By Vikas Soon after Chandrababu Naidu decided to pull out of the NDA and asked TDP ministers to resign from the Union Cabinet, BJP launched a scathing attack on TDP. BJP's Krishna Saagar Rao said that Naidu's claim that Centre was not supporting Andhra Pradesh is a "blatant lie". "BJP believes what has happened tonight is a classic case of political opportunism and a case of compulsive politics. Chandrababu Naidu ji's statement that Central govt is not standing up to support Andhra Pradesh is a blatant lie," Rao told news agency ANI. Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu earlier directed TDP ministers Ashok Gajapathi Raju and YS Chowdary to resign as Union Ministers after Arun Jaitley said that special category status cannot be given to Andhra Pradesh. Jaitley had, however, said that Centre would help the state under a special package. [Willing to give 'special package' to Andhra, but 'no special category status': Jaitley] "We are willing to satisfy every condition. The only variation is that after Finance Commission report instead of formally calling it a special category state, we are calling it a special package, which gives same monetary benefits that a special category state gives you," Jaitley had said. Naidu had earlier said that the promise of special category status was the only reason for BJP-TDP alliance. TDP leaders have been vociferous over the special category status issue since Jaitley presented the Budget on February 1. OneIndia News Who was Siddharth Shukla? The Bigg Boss 13 winner who died at the age of 40 Case filed against actor Raveena Tandon for shooting in No Camera Zone inside Lingagarj temple India oi-Deepika By Deepika A case has been registered gainst Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon for allegedly shooting an advertisement in the 'No Camera Zone' inside the premises of the 11th century Lingagarj temple in Bhubaneswar. The temple's administration has lodged a police complaint. The incident come to the fore after a video surfaced in social media. In the video Raveena Tandon is seen offering beauty tips inside the temple premises and it is recorded by a person with a mobile phone. She had visited the temple on Sunday. "Temple administration did not have information about the visit of the film actress. She had reportedly shot a commercial on cosmetic items. We are investigating how she was able to shoot the video without anybody objecting. We have also filed a police complaint," said Rajiv Lochan Parida of the Lingaraj Temple Administration. Reacting to the incident, Raveena Tandon on Tuesday said she neither knew the persons, who filmed her inside the shrine, nor had an inkling of the restriction on use of cell phones and cameras on the shrine premises. In a telephone conversation with TOI, Raveena, who was here on Sunday to attend a private function, said she did not ask anyone to shoot her in the temple. "I had absolutely no idea about the people, who were filming me. Since everyone around me was carrying cell phones, they clicked selfies with me. One of them asked me about my fitness regime and sought some beauty tips. He filmed me when I was replying to questions," Raveen told TOI. OneIndia News Chandrababu Naidu may snap ties with BJP this week, ask two ministers to quit Modi cabinet India oi-Deepika By Deepika Chief minister Chandrababu Naidu is likely to set the separation process in motion beginning with the resignation of two TDP ministers Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Y S Chowdhary from the Narendra Modi cabinet. The two ministers could resign by Saturday, sources said. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Naidu reiterated that the Centre must fulfil "assurances made in Rajya Sabha, including Special Category Status, provisions quick implementation of the of AP Reorganisation Act.". A majority of TDP MLAs in their interaction with Naidu on Tuesday favoured severing ties with the BJP in the wake of the persisting rift. At the TDP Legislature Party meeting, all 125 MLAs and 34 MLCs, barring six absentees, strongly advocated ending the alliance with BJP, sources said. Cracks in TDP-BJP alliance deepened after Budget 2018. TDP lawmakers disrupted Parliament by shouting slogans demanding that Andhra Pradesh is given central funding under a special status, promised to the state when it was bifurcated to carve out a new state Telangana. Meanwhile, on Tuesday Rahul Gandhi waded into the tussle and said his party would grant special category status to Andhra Pradesh if voted to power in 2019. "We will give special category status to Andhra Pradesh. It's the first thing we will do after coming to power in 2019," he told a group of party workers protesting at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to demand special status for the state. OneIndia News Chennai: DMK workers protest against BJP leader H Raja's comments on Periyar India oi-Madhuri The DMK workers on Wednesday protested in Chennai's Saidapet area against BJP leader H Raja's comments on social reformer E.V. Ramasamy warning that the statue of social reformer, popularly known as Periyar, will be brought down, just like Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin's statue was razed in Tripura. "Who is Lenin and what is the connection between Lenin and India? What connection has India with Communists? Lenin's statue has been removed in Tripura. Today it is Lenin's statue in Tripura, tomorrow it will be the statue of caste fanatic EVR Ramasamy," he wrote in Tamil on his Facebook page, along with a video of Lenin's statue being brought down by a bulldozer in Belonia town in south Tripura. Later on Tuesday evening, a statue of Dravidar Kazhagam founder and social reformer Periyar E.V. Ramasamy near a taluk office in Tiruppattur was vandalised. The BJP leader, however, deleted the Facebook post after facing a huge backlash in Tamil Nadu and also apologised. He said 'The post in my FB was done by one of the admins of my page without my permission. As soon as I came to know about it, I deleted the post. We have to respond through statements & opinions, not through violence.'' ''No intention of hurting anyone. It's not correct to deface the statue of Periyar. I request all of you to maintain peace & carry forward our views on Hinduism in a constructive manner so as to protect values of nationalism on the path shown by Muthuramalinga Thevar,'' H Raja further said. Meanwhile, DMK RS MP Tiruchi Siva in Rajya Sabha said,''A person's irresponsible words is causing all this harm. We have given notice in Rajya Sabha to discuss this issue.'' OneIndia News Raviji, the same thing just happened to me: Shashi Tharoor to seek explanation from Twitter What is itat e-dwar the new e-filing portal of the IT appellate tribunal Social media companies free to do business, but should be accountable to Indian laws: Ravi Shankar Prasad Big step towards transparency: Prasad on first compliance report by Google, FB under new IT rules Ashwini Vaishnaw gets thumbs-up from Ravi Shankar Prasad on IT rules If over 45 countries use Pegasus, why target just India?, asks Ravi Shankar Prasad Chidambaram's 80:20 gold scheme aided Mehul Choksi: Ravi Shankar Prasad India oi-Deepika By Deepika Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on the Congress party and former finance minister P Chidambaram for allegedly opening all doors for the favourable companies in Gold Scheme. "The UPA government, during P Chidambaram's tenure, opened all doors for favourable companies. The ones who were prohibited from participating in the 80:20 gold scheme were also brought into the fold," Prasad said while addressing the media. "These trading houses were allowed to import gold up to 2,000 kg from any port of India. There was no control or verification. This is a downright racket," the Union Law Minister alleged. "It is a textbook case of massive irregularity," the Union minister said. "On 15 May 2014, P Chidambaram announced a new policy in which Star Trade Operators were attached to premium trading houses which included Gitanjali jewellers," Prasad added. Prasad said that the model code of conduct clearly states that any favour, relief for anyone with respect to taxation cannot be done without the permission of the Election Commission. "Did the then UPA govt ask the Election Commission about violation of any model code of conduct?: the Union Minister asked. "Why was such a big step taken by the then UPA govt just one day before the general elections results?: he added. In August 2013, the UPA government had introduced the 80:20 rule, which provisioned traders to import gold, but only after they had exported 20 percent of gold from their previous import. The rule was scrapped in November 2014 after the NDA came to power. OneIndia News From Swiggy to go to hell, the tantrums Karti Chidambaram is throwing in jail India oi-Vicky Nanjappa For the Central Bureau of Investigation, the past few days have been tough. Probing Karti Chidambaram is not an easy job and while he uses legal acumen to dodge questions, his tantrums too are unbearable. He refuses to answer simple questions and always gets into an argument or gives out rude answers. Officials probing him say that they will eventually get out the truth, however, add that it is plain irritating to see an accused throw tantrums especially when he is confronted with the truth. Tantrum One: For instance last Saturday, CBI officials wished him on behalf of Holi. He seemed alright then and even wished them back. It about an hour later he was told that he would be taken to Mumbai for a confrontation with Indrani Mukerjea who has accused Karti of taking a bribe for FIPB clearance in connection with the INX Media case. More trouble for Karti-Chidambaram: ED gives report on more FIPB clearances He was agitated and repeatedly questioned why he was being taken to Mumbai. "I do not want to go to Mumbai. Why don't you get her down here instead," he argued. The CBI officials smiled back and said he does not get to have a say in this. Off he was to Mumbai the next day where Indrani admitted before him that she had paid a bribe. Tantrum Two: Karti's phones are with the CBI and they wanted an easy way to open it. They asked him for the password, but he refused to divulge it. When asked again, he replied, "Go to hell." Tantrum Three: Karti since day one of the questioning has been very evasive. He never responds straight to a question. There are times when he pretends to be disinterested in the questioning and does not respond at all. Most of the time he dodges the questions. CBI officials say he uses legal acumen to dodge questions. In INX Media case, next up for questioning is P Chidambaram Tantrum Four: This was when he was produced before the court. When for the first time the court ordered his remand in CBI custody, Karti filed an application seeking home cooked food. When his application was rejected, he turned to the investigating officer and said, "Hope you have either Swiggy or Zomato. I will be ordering a lot." When the officer said he did not have those applications, Karti told him to download them. Tantrum Five: This was yet another incident reported in court. Karti was speaking with a friend in Tamil. When the investigating officer told him to speak in English, Karti shot back and said you too should speak in English in my presence. To this, the IO managed to shut him by saying, "You are in our custody, not the other way around." OneIndia News Goa CM Manohar Parrikar leaves for US for medical treatment India oi-Oneindia Staff By Oneindia Staff Mumbai, March 7: Goa chief minister Manohar Parrikar left for the United States (US) for his medical treatment in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Before leaving for America, Parrikar was undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai since Monday. He flew to the US from the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai. The decision to go abroad for medical treatment was taken after doctors at the Mumbai hospital advised him to do so. "Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai. As advised by doctors at Lilavati Hospital, Parrikar is leaving for USA for further treatment," tweeted ANI. Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai. As advised by doctors at Lilavati Hospital, Parrikar is leaving for USA for further treatment. ANI (@ANI) March 6, 2018 Personal Secretary (PS) to Parrikar, Rupesh Kamat, told ANI, "As advised by the doctors at Lilavati hospital in Mumbai, the CM is leaving tonight to the US for further treatment." Earlier, the CM had thanked the people of his state for their prayers in a video message. In the video message, Parrikar had informed that he might have to go abroad for treatment. "I thank all Goans. For the last 15 days you prayed for me and because of your blessings I recovered and I am heading to Mumbai. If doctors advise then I may go abroad for a few days. I hope your blessings will continue and you allow me a few holidays," Parrikar said. #WATCH: Goa CM speaks on his health, says, 'I thank all Goans. For last 15 days, you prayed for me & because of your blessings, I recovered & I'm heading to Mumbai, if doctors advise, then I may go abroad for few days. I hope your blessings continue & you allow me a few holidays' ANI (@ANI) March 5, 2018 On Tuesday, he wrote a letter to state governor Mridula Sinha informing her that he would be going abroad for further treatment. Parrikar, 62, was flown to Mumbai and admitted to the Lilavati Hospital on Monday evening for a check-up. In the letter, Parrikar also informed the governor about the interim arrangement of a Cabinet advisory committee to guide the state administration. The letter says that he would be chairing the meeting of the council of ministers, whenever it is held, through video conferencing from abroad. "I have been also advised by the expert team of doctors in Goa as well as in Mumbai and subsequent consultation with doctors abroad to travel overseas for a specialised treatment of my medical condition," reads the letter. Since February, the Goa CM has been unwell. Parrikar was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai on February 15 and discharged on February 22. On the same day he returned to Goa and presented the state budget in the Assembly, but the session was truncated to only four days owing to his illness. He was later admitted to the Goa Medical College and Hospital after he suffered from dehydration. OneIndia News Haryana Congress MLAs sell pakodas to attack Modi over lack of jobs, CM Khattar buys them India oi-Oneindia Staff By Oneindia Staff Chandigarh, March 7: It is not every day that we get to see elected representatives of a state selling pakodas (fritters) on the streets. On Tuesday, opposition Congress legislators from Haryana decided to put up a pakoda-selling stall outside the state Assembly building in Chandigarh. The Congress MLAs were protesting against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for failing to create jobs for the unemployed across the country. The Congress legislators sold pakodas to take a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who in an interview in January stated that selling fritters is also a job. In the interview, Modi stated, "If a person selling pakodas earns Rs 200 at the end of the day, will it be considered employment or not?" The statement angered several people, as experts and the Opposition continue to attack the Centre over the employment scenario in the country. In the recent past, several pakoda-selling protests were hosted by youngsters in the country to oppose the ruling BJP. The Haryana Congress MLAs' protest backfired as they were taken aback by a surprise visitor. Chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar made it a point to stop his car before entering the Assembly building to visit the stall. He not only checked what the opposition legislators were up to but also bought pakodas from them. After tasting the fritters, Khattar like a good patron paid the Congress legislators. Khattar said he bought pakodas to give employment to the Congress leaders as most of them are jobless post-Assembly election debacle in 2014. In the 90-member Assembly, the Congress won just 15 seats and the BJP form the government in 2014 with 47 seats. "If anyone is getting employment by selling pakodas, it's a good thing. They had become unemployed, but now they have got the pakoda-selling job ... a good thing," Khattar said in a lighter vein. It is not just Khattar who took a swipe at the Congress. Health minister Anil Vij joked that if the Congress leaders were going to do this for longer, his department would get the quality of pakodas examined. Along with selling pakodas, the Congress leaders protested by shouting slogans against the Khattar government. They were also holding placards which had pictures of BJP leaders and beside them, rates of pakodas were displayed. A Congress legislator alleged that she was manhandled by police personnel while selling pakodas to passers-by. "Both the Centre and Haryana governments had promised to create a large number of jobs for the unemployed. But now they are assuring pakoda jobs to millions of people looking for work. For BJP leaders, even people earning Rs 200 a day by selling pakodas can be considered employed, which is a cruel joke," said Congress MLA Karan Singh Dalal. The Haryana BJP legislators have called the "pakoda-selling gimmick" of the Congress as elitist and an insult to the poor. "First they made joke of tea seller, now they are doing the same thing with the poor people selling pakodas for a living. They have elitist mentality and cannot tolerate chaiwalas and pakodawalas," said state agriculture minister OP Dhankar. OneIndia News Heavy security outside AMU ahead of Kovind's visit for convocation day India oi-Madhuri Heavy security outside Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) ahead of President Ram Nath Kovind's visit for the convocation ceremony later today. A controversy had erupted with the announcement of Kovind attending the convocation ceremony of the AMU. The students of the university seem to be divided over his presence on the campus - primarily because of the controversial comments made by Kovind in 2010 where he reportedly said: "Islam and Christianity are alien to the nation." Having taken objection to this statement, some students, spearheaded by AMU Students' Union (AMUSU) vice-president Sajad Subhan Rather, have opposed the president's visit. In 2010, Kovind had given the statement when he was the BJP spokesperson and was in reference to the Ranganath Misra Commission report that had reportedly suggested that Muslim and Christian converts be included in the Scheduled Castes category, with 10 percent reservation for Muslims and 5 percent for Christians who were socially and economically backwards. President Ram Nath Kovind is the chief-guest at AMU's 65th annual convocation. He had accepted the invitation extended to him by AMU Vice Chancellor, Professor Tariq Mansoor. No Indian President has attended the AMU convocation ceremony in the past 32 years. Former President Giani Zail Singh had attended the AMU convocation in 1986. OneIndia News How this accused by-passed security and stabbed Karnataka Lokayukta, Justice Shetty India oi-Vicky Nanjappa It was a complete security lapse at the office of the Lokayukta in Bengaluru where Justice P Vishwanath Shetty was stabbed. Despite the presence of a metal detector at the entrance, the accused managed to beat security and enter the Lokayukta's office situated at the MS Building in Bengaluru with a dagger. The accused person has been identified as Tejraj Sharma, a resident of Tumkur. The police based on preliminary investigations said that Sharma had come to meet with Justice Shetty. He was given a slip and asked to wait outside. He was later called inside to meet the Lokayukta. As per the rules when there is an inquiry or someone is giving a complaint, none are allowed inside the room including the Lokayukta's gunman. In a matter of minutes after Sharma entered the room, he is said to have pulled out the dagger and stabbed Justice Shetty thrice. He was hit on the abdomen area. Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Shetty stabbed in his office at Bengaluru Hearing the commotion, the gunman rushed inside the room and saw the judge lying on the floor. The accused was immediately pinned down. On hearing the commotion the others waiting outside too ran inside the room to see what had happened. Justice Shetty was then rushed to the hospital. He is said to be out of danger. The police say that the incident was pre-planned. The accused entered the premises with an intention to murder the Lokayukta. The police are now probing the security lapse at the Lokayukta's office. OneIndia News Chidambaram on India giving 2.5 crore Covid jabs: 'Why did we have to wait until the PMs birthday?' In INX Media case, next up for questioning is P Chidambaram India oi-Vicky Nanjappa Next up is P Chidambaram. After his son, Karti Chidambaram was arrested and questioned by the CBI in connection with the INX Media case, the CBI has indicated that it would soon question Chidambaram, the former union minister. When the officer was asked when he would be questioned, he informed that it could be in the next 15 days. The CBI is currently questioning Karti in connection with the case. On Tuesday the court extended Karti's CBI custody by three days. The CBI is yet to involve Chidambaram in the case. In the wake of fresh allegations and facts, it has decided that it would soon question Chidambaram. ED details Chidambaram's role in grant of FIPB to Aircel-Maxis The CBI is also relying on a statement by INX promoter, Indrani Mukerjea who had said that she had met with Chidambaram. She had alleged that during the meeting the then minister had asked her to help his son's business. Her statement has been corroborated with other material fats such as payments allegedly received by Karti's company. OneIndia News Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Shetty stabbed in his office at Bengaluru India oi-Vicky Nanjappa The Lokayukta of Karnataka, P Vishwanath Shetty was stabbed at his office in Bengaluru. He has been admitted at the Mallya hospital. He is however out of danger said Karnataka Home Minister, Ramalinga Reddy. The incident took place at the Lokayukta office at around 2 pm. The accused person has been identified as Tejraj Sharma and has been taken into custody. The police say that the accused person hails from Tumkur. It is however unclear if there was any altercation that led to the incident. The police is also trying to find out how the accused person managed to enter into the premises with a knife. Further the police say that the impact of the stabbing was such that the knife had broken. An eye-witness in the case, Jay Anna said that one person tried to murder the judge. He hit him thrice with the knife after which the judge fell on the floor. You can see for yourself what security Siddaramaiah government has provided all of us with. The situation is very bad, he also said. Justice Shetty was appointed Lokayukta of Karnataka in January 2017. Originally hailing from Udupi, he had served as the chairman of the Karnataka State Bar Council. He was appointed as judge of the Karnataka High Court on December 18 1995. He was also the first president of the Karnataka Judicial Academy. He was appointed as the one man commission to look into the cause of death of 13 persons that took place in the Anjana Hills mines in Chattisgarh. Prior to his appointment as judge of the High Court he served as a senior counsel in the Supreme Court for nearly 10 years. OneIndia News Lenin, Periyar, Syama Prasad, Ambedkar: How many statues are to be destroyed to break India? India oi-Oneindia Staff By Oneindia Staff New Delhi, March 7: Our political wars have taken a big toll on our historical figures, to be precise their statues. As several idols of iconic personalities from the pages of history were vandalised and defaced in the last two days, the Talibanisation of the country seems to have been completed. All these days, debates were hosted to understand if India has become "intolerant" as a nation. Now, we perhaps need to discuss whether we have become almost "savages" to defeat our political opponents. The razing down, vandalisation and defacing of statues of Vladimir Lenin, Periyar EV Ramasamy, Syama Prasad Mukherjee and BR Ambedkar showcase that like the Taliban in Afghanistan, we too don't allow any idea to live and thrive that is remotely against the current political notion of "hyper-nationalism". On Monday, when the massive statue of the Russian revolutionary leader was pulled down by a group of men with the help of a bulldozer in Tripura's Belonia town, it was immediately compared with the destruction of the famous fourth-century Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan by Taliban in 2001. Back in 2001, India strongly condemned the crime committed by the fanatics. In less than two decades, India gives birth to its own "Talibans" as men clad in saffron attire celebrated the demolition of Lenin's statue in the northeastern state by chanting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai (Hail, mother India)". The opponents of the Left termed the razing down of the statue of a communist icon in Tripura as symbolic after the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M)-led Left Front government lost power to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state elections recently. The 2018 Tripura election was an ideological battle between the left and the right. The right emerged triumphant over the left. With the defeat, the curtains came down on the 25-year-old Left regime in Tripura. The Tripura loss was a big blow to the communists across the nation as the state was one of the last two citadels of the Left. An almost diminished Left now holds power only in Kerala. Those who cheered the toppling of Lenin's statue stated that he was a "foreign" despot responsible for the death of so many innocents. The fact that several of Lenin's statues were earlier razed down across the world (even in Russia) came handy to justify the vandalism in Tripura. Controversial senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy called Lenin a terrorist and asked the Left to install his statue inside party headquarters. On Tuesday evening, reports stated that one more statue of Lenin in Tripura, this time in Sabroom, was brought down. Tripura's statue politics soon reverberated in Tamil Nadu. After BJP national secretary H Raja on his Facebook post instigated his supporters to pull down the statues of Periyar, the revered social activist, a politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam, late on Tuesday night one of his figurines in Vellore was vandalised by two men. The statue of Periyar, housed inside the Tirupattur corporation office, was targeted around 9 pm. The glasses and nose of the statue were damaged. While Rao apologised and said that he did not write the Facebook post, the damage had already been done. After Lenin and Periyar, it was time for Mukherjee's statue to be targeted in West Bengal. A bust of Mukherjee, the politician who founded the right-wing nationalist party, Bharatiya Jana Sangh, a predecessor to the BJP, was defaced in Kolkata's Chittaranjan Das Park inside Kalighat Crematorium by six men on Wednesday morning. After blackening and partially damaging the bust with a hammer, the six men, belonging to the Jadavpur University's "Radical" students' organisation, left a note in Bengali seeking an explanation from the BJP over the demolition of Lenin's statues. "We want explanation from BJP on why Lenin's statue was brought down in Tripura," read the poster-sized note. The attack on Mukherjee's bust was termed as a "tit-for-tat" vandalism. Similarly, a petrol bomb was thrown at the BJP office in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu by three bikers in the early hours of Wednesday. Fortunately, no one was hurt. On Wednesday afternoon, reports stated that a statue of BR Ambedkar, the Dalit icon and father of our Constitution, was vandalised in Uttar Pradesh's Meerut. While the Left leaders on Tuesday held protest marches in Kolkata, Bengaluru and other places over the razing down of Lenin's statues, on Wednesday Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the violent acts. The PM in an official statement said that stern action will be taken against those found guilty of violence and vandalism. Moreover, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said PM Modi has spoken to him and "expressed strong disapproval of such incidents". The latest cases of attacks against statues of deceased leaders who held various ideologies indicate the rise and rise of divisive politics in the country that has often caught us in its grip. From mob lynching of Muslims and Dalits, "ban" on beef eating to asking people to go to Pakistan and Bangladesh for opposing Hindutva politics, democracy is clearly in danger. As we mourn and protest over destroyed statues, India's age-old pluralistic society, where we had the freedom to idolise Periyar, Mukherjee, Ambedkar and Lenin (depending on our own personal likings) at the same time, is facing the challenge of a narrow idea of nationalism. Those whose are asking for revenge over the desecration of statues should read the tweet below to understand that "ideas" can't be broken like statues. Similarly, the idea of India is too strong to be shattered by a few goons. Nonetheless, the repeated attempts to break the country's unity are a matter of concern because it is easy to fix a broken statue, not a fallen nation. OneIndia News Mehul Choksi gets bail by Dominica HC, can travel to Antigua for medical treatment Mehul Choksi fled India for Dubai in January: CBI India oi-Vicky Nanjappa Mehul Choksi an accused in the Rs 12,000 crore PNB scam had first left for Dubai, investigations by the CBI have shown. On Tuesday, the CBI arrested Vipul Chitalia, the vice president (banking operations) of the Choksi led Gitanjali Group of Companies. Chitalia was arrested on arrival at the Mumbai airport and questioned for several hours. He told the CBI that he along with Choksi had left for Dubai in the first week of January before the matter came to light. PNB scam: SFIO summons ICICI chief Chanda Kochhar for questioning CBI officials say that Chitalia was responsible for handling unauthorised Letters of Understanding and Foreign Letters of Credit. PNB scam: Woman cannot be arrested after sunset states plea in Bombay HC A Special Court in Mumbai had last week issued non-bailable warrants against Choksi and his nephew Nirav Modi. The CBI is set to get a red corner notice issued against both Modi and Choksi. OneIndia News Pakistan has responded positively to India's suggestion on prisoners' exchange: MEA India oi-Vikas By Vikas The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Wednesday said that Pakistan responded positively to External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's suggestion to work towards the release and repatriation of prisoners. Pakistan said on Wednesday it has approved India's humanitarian proposals about the exchange of prisoners, issuance of medical visas and revival of a judicial commission, a move apparently aimed at de-escalating tensions between the two neighbours. "Visit of a team of medical experts would be organised to meet mentally unsound prisoners so as to facilitate their repatriation. It has also been agreed to resume visits of the Joint Judicial Committee which looks into issues of fishermen&prisoners in each other's custody," an MEA statement said. "The last visit of such a Committee had taken place in October 2013 to India. The officials on both sides would be working on the modalities to implement the understanding reached on these humanitarian issues," it added. Pakistan Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif after consulting with all the stakeholders, earlier in the day approved the humanitarian proposals, which had been received from the Indian side, regarding the civilian prisoners incarcerated in both the countries. The first proposal is about "exchange of three categories of prisoners, women, mentally challenged or with special needs and those above 70 years of age" and the second is about "revival of the Judicial Committee mechanism." OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 21:20 [IST] Political blame game over Karnataka Lokayukta's stabbing begins, BJP trains gun at Congress India oi-Vikas By Vikas Barely hours have passed since Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Vishwanath Shetty was stabbed at his office in Bengaluru, the politicisation of the incident has begun. No doubt that the incident points towards glaring security lapse at the office of the Lokayukta, but with Karnataka elections round the corner, the BJP will leave no stone unturned to corner the Siddaramaiah-led government over it. Union Minister Ananth Kumar launched a blistering attack on Siddaramaiah government and said, "Siddaramaiah and Congress is fully responsible for this. It is time for them to go from Karnataka." "It is unfortunate that in broad daylight, there has been a murderous attack on the Lokayukta. He is battling for his life in the hospital. This incident shows the deteriorating law and order situation in Karnataka. Siddaramaiah and Congress is fully responsible for this," he added. BJP MP from Karnataka Shobha Karandlaje said that the law and order has totally collapsed under the Congress government in the state. "Congress govt weakened Lokayukta. Now, under this govt, the law and order situation has totally collapsed.This is all because of Siddaramaiah. Karnataka is facing serious law and order situation. They are not taking any action against the culprits," she said. The attack on Justice Shetty took place at MS Building in Bengaluru this afternoon. The accused person has been identified as Tejraj Sharma, a resident of Tumkur. The police based on preliminary investigations said that Sharma had come to meet with Justice Shetty. He was given a slip and asked to wait outside. [Karnataka Lokayukta Justice Shetty stabbed in his office at Bengaluru] He was later called inside to meet the Lokayukta. As per the rules when there is an inquiry or someone is giving a complaint, none are allowed inside the room including the Lokayukta's gunman. In a matter of minutes after Sharma entered the room, he is said to have pulled out the dagger and stabbed Justice Shetty thrice. He was hit on the abdomen area. [How this accused by-passed security and stabbed Karnataka Lokayukta, Justice Shetty] Hearing the commotion, the gunman rushed inside the room and saw the judge lying on the floor. The accused was immediately pinned down. On hearing the commotion the others waiting outside too ran inside the room to see what had happened. Justice Shetty was then rushed to the hospital. He is said to be out of danger. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 18:02 [IST] Projecting CM face: Jyotiraditya Scindia says it is high command's call India pti-PTI Bhopal, March 7: Senior Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia, who has favoured projecting chief ministerial faces of the party in poll-bound states, said it is up to the high command to decide. "On the issue of projecting a face, not just Congress but other parties also have varying strategies depending upon the situation. I have clarified that my view about it should be seen nationally (and not for Madhya Pradesh in particular). "Ultimately, the party high command will take the final decision," Scindia told reporters here before heading for Mungaoli and Kolaras to thank voters for the party's victory in the recent bye-elections. Assembly elections are due in Madhya Pradesh this year. "I am a loyal worker of the party, and whatever responsibilities the leadership bestowed upon me, whether as a union minister, the Congress chief whip in the Lok Sabha or as an MP, I have always tried to fulfil my duties," Scindia said. A section of Congress leaders in the state is demanding that the party should declare its face for the election to take on chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. But another view in the party is that the Congress traditionally doesn't project chief ministerial candidates. On the reduced victory margins in Kolaras and Mungaoli assembly by-elections, Scindia attributed it to Chouhan and his entire cabinet camping in the two constituencies and the ruling BJP using all tactics to lure voters. "We have exposed large-scale irregularities in voter lists in the two constituencies and I thanked the Election Commission for taking unbiased decisions in the matter, including the transfer of Ashoknagar Collector," he said. Scindia also thanked senior party leaders for their support. The party demonstrated unity during the by-polls which resulted in the victory, he said, adding that people have given a clear message that the days of the BJP government are numbered. "It was a victory of people over money and muscle power and misuse of ministerial positions," he said. "It was for the first time that Election Commission censured ministers and also warned the chief minister for misusing their official positions. I thank the poll body for it," Scindia said. PTI Protesting SSC students claim manhandling by police India oi-Shreya Delhi Police manhandled us during protest, SSC students claim; Watch Video | Oneindia News Students who appeared for Staff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level Examination had been protesting outside the CGO Complex in New Delhi for an alleged paper leak in the examination and demanded CBI enquiry. However, even after the Government has agreed to initiate a CBI inquiry into the matter the students refuse to call off their protest. On March 7, the protesting students shaved off their head to assert their demands and claimed that the police intervened and manhandled the students. BJP Chief Manoj Tiwari blamed the Kejriwal-led AAP Government for instigating the students and preventing them from withdrawing the protest even after the Government agreed to conduct a CBI investigation into the matter. The students now demand a time-bound, Supreme Court-monitored probe into the matter and claim that the Government is not will to listen to their demands, and they will not withdraw the protest until their demands are accepted. OneIndia News Ready to quit cinema if it becomes hurdle to political career: Kamal Haasan Statue War: Kamal Haasan says, 'This issue is just to divert attention from Cauvery issue' India oi-Madhuri Actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan on Wednesday said that there is no need to deploy police for protection of Periyar Statue. He further said that this is being done to divert attention from the fact that govt has not constituted Water Management Board (Cauvery). Speaking to media, Haasan said,''There is no need to deploy police for protection of Periyar Statue. We Tamilians will protect it. I feel that this issue is just to divert attention from Cauvery issue (formation of Cauvery management board).'' Earlier in the day, a statue of Sangh ideologue Syama Prasad Mookerjee was damaged in Kolkata. The incident came after two Lenin statues were toppled in Tripura and a Periyar bust was vandalised in Tamil Nadu. The vandalism followed BJP national secretary H. Raja's post on Facebook, advocating the removal of Periyar's statues. Earlier on Tuesday, Haasan called upon political leaders not to waste their energy on the issue. "We could allow the removal of Periyar statues if Raja promised to remove all statues. Worshipping is different from following," he tweeted. OneIndia News Swaraj Abhiyan launches All India MSP Satyagraha for Farmers India oi-Shreya Swaraj India's Yogendra Yadav, along with Avik Saha, National Convenor, Jai Kisan Andolan and Madhuresh, National Convenor, National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM) on March 7 launched All India Minimum Support Price (MSP) Satyagraha. Minimum Support Price (MSP) is at the heart of the existing system to ensure fair and remunerative returns to farmers. Thus MSP is a solemn guarantee to the farmers to the effect that the Central Government shall ensure a floor price, should the farmers fail to get even that level. The Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's budget speech of 2018 laid special emphasis on the Central Government's commitment to ensuring MSP to the farmers. Jaitley announced and assured that his Government had already implemented (for the majority of Rabi crops) and was going to further implement (for unannounced Rabi and Kharif crops) its electoral promise of ensuring prices that yield at least 50% returns over the cost of production. Swaraj Abhiyan claimed that Farmers' Movements have already exposed this claim to be a case of sleight-of-hand. Mr Jaitley has already admitted that the cost he was speaking about was not comprehensive C2 cost but partial cost known as A2 + FL. They further said that the Finance Minister and subsequently the Prime Minister Narendra Modi also admitted that increasing MSP is not adequate and it is more important that farmers should get full benefit of the announced MSP and for achieving this, the Government was going to take special steps this year to ensure that all farmers actually get the MSP announced by the Government. Jaitley further promised that if prices at agriculture produce markets is less than MSP, then the Government shall purchase either at MSP or provide MSP to the farmers through some other mechanism; Niti Ayog, in consultation with Central and State Governments, shall put in place a fool-proof mechanism so that farmers will get adequate price for their produce. Briefing the media the activists said, "It is time to test this promise as the marketing season for Rabi crop 2018-19 has begun. An analysis of the marketing season of Kharif crop 2017-18 had demonstrated that the farmers were forced to sell much below MSP and had incurred a total loss of at least Rs.32, 702 crores. It may be kept in mind that traditionally farmers losses are lower in Rabi marketing season than during Kharif marketing season." "However, so far the signals are not very good. In the first few weeks of this marketing season the prices of Bengal Gram (Channa) have fallen substantially below the MSP of Rs.4400 (MSP of Rs.4250+ Rs.150 bonus). The official Agmarknet data for the first week of March shows that the average modal price of Channa is anywhere between Rs. 800 to 1000 below the MSP , also substantially below the prices last year . Sadly much of this loss was avoidable as the Government knew about greater sowing acreage and expected a bumper crop of Bengal Gram. Despite this, the Government allowed substantial quantity of Bengal Gram to be imported. In fact the import during April-November 2017 was 7.47 lakh tonne compared to 2.49 lakh tonne during the same months in 2016. So far, the state response has not been up to the mark. Maharashtra has announced procurement of just 4 lakh tonnes against an estimated arrival of 19 Lakh Tonne chana. MP's Bhavantar Yojna has run into difficulties. So far we know little about special measures that the Niti Ayog was to evolve to support the farmers," they said. Rapeseed oil has also started arriving and is selling around 3,500 against the MSP of Rs. 4000 (MSP 3,900 plus a bonus of Rs. 100). Lentil (Masur) is selling between Rs. 3,200 to 3,800 against the MSP of 4,250. "Would this trend continue for the rest of the marketing season? Will Wheat fetch MSP outside the handful of states where substantial procurement takes place? The answer lies in making field inquiry at the ground level in the agricultural markets (mandis) during the marketing season," they questioned. Jai Kisan Andolan of Swaraj Abhiyan has taken up this challenge in collaboration with many other organisations from within All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) like National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM), Ryathu Joint Action Committee (Telangana) and Kisan Sangharsh Samiti (Madhya Pradesh). An MSP Satyagraha is being launched from 14th March 2018 at Yadgir in Karnataka. In this Satyagraha, the plan is to travel from mandi to mandi and hold Kisan Darbar with twofold objectives: 1. To make farmers aware of the multiple ways in which they are looted and to raise demand for legal entitlement of fair MSP 2. Check out whether farmers are able to get MSP that they have been assured of *The schedule of Phase I of MSP Satyagraha is* : 14th March - Yadgir (Karnataka) 15th March - Kurnool (Andhra) 16th March - Tandur (Telangana) 17th-18th March - Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan) 19th March - Rewari (Haryana) 25th March - Rudrapur (Uttarakhand) OneIndia News Businessman in Kolkata shot at after his car was stopped by 18 men Syama Prasad Mukherjee's statue vandalised in Kolkata, 6 students detained India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar A day after Lenin's statue was dismantled in Tripura, the statue of Jansangh founder Syama Prasad Mukherjee was vandalised at Kalighat by alleged members of a Leftist Student Union (radicals) of Jadavpur University in Kolkata on Wednesday. The statue has been broken partially with black colour painted on the face. Police have detained six people, reported News18. BJP West Bengal condemned barbaric act of vandalising statue of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh Bharat Keshri's founder Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee at Keoratola Mohasoshan, Kolkata. [ Read more: Not only in India; know how, where and why Lenin statue was taken down in history?] Sayantan Basu, General Secretary, said, "We demand very strong action against culprits." Six people have been detained in connection with the desecration of Bharatiya Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mukherjee's bust in Kolkata's Kalighat ANI (@ANI) March 7, 2018 Sovandeb Chattopadhyay, West Bengal Minister, said, "One incident of vandalism cannot be replied with another similar incident, we condemn both. We have arrested six people and we will repair it (Syama Prasad Mukherjee's bust in Kalighat) as well." The incidents of defacing and dismantling of political icons are on the rise. A statue of Lenin was destroyed at South Tripura's Belonia town with the help of a bulldozer. The violence followed the BJP's victory in the recently concluded Assembly elections in Tripura, where a 25-year Communist government was ousted. On the same day, Dravidian movement founder Periyar's statue was vandalized in Vellore. According to reports, two men, who were allegedly drunk, damaged the glasses and the nose of the statue. Both men have been arrested. More details are awaited. OneIndia News Tamil Nadu: BJP member expelled for vandalising Periyar statue India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar BJP Tamil Nadu President Tamilisai Soundararajan expelled, R Muthuraman, a party functionary who was arrested for damaging Periyar statue in Thirupathur in Vellore district. Muthuraman was expelled from the party following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's strong disapproval incidents of vandalism reported from certain parts of the country. A statue of social activist and politician EV Ramasamy, popularly known as Periyar, was on Tuesday evening vandalised in Vellore, Tamil Nadu. According to reports, two men, who were allegedly drunk, damaged the glasses and the nose of the statue. Both men were arrested. DMK working president MK Stalin had demanded the arrest of H Raja following his controversial post. BJP state president Tamilisai Soundararajan had distanced the party from Raja's controversial remarks. Raja had reportedly said someone else had inadvertently posted it on his page. Erode Venkata Ramasamy, commonly known as Periyar, was a social activist, and politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam. He propagated the principles of rationalism, self-respect, women's rights and eradication of caste. He opposed the exploitation and marginalisation of the non-Brahmin Dravidian people. OneIndia News This is the mastermind of the Rs 12,000 crore PNB scam India oi-Vicky Nanjappa On Tuesday, the Central Bureau of Investigation made a crucial arrest in connection with the PNB scam. Vipul Chitalia the vice-president banking operations, Gitanjali Group of Companies was arrested from the Mumbai airport upon arrival from Bangkok. After being picked up by the immigration authorities he was handed over to the CBI. Chitalia is a prized catch for the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate which is probing the RS 12,000 crore scam along with several other agencies. The reason Chitalia is a prized catch is that he is the brain behind the scam, CBI officials say. Chitalia who is the 19th accused to be arrested in connection with the case was instrumental in preparing applications which were put through for the fraudulent transactions of the Letters of Undertaking, the CBI has alleged. He was directly in touch with the deputy manager of the Punjab National Bank, Gokulnath Shetty who was recently arrested by the CBI. Mehul Choksi fled India for Dubai in January: CBI Further, he directly coordinated with Nitin Sahi, the assistant finance manager of the Gitanjali Group who was working under him, the CBI also said. Chitalia apart from being privy to the modalities of putting through transactions with Mehul Choksi, the prime accused along with Nirav Modi was also instrumental in concealing incriminating documents pertaining to the scam. Further, the CBI alleged that Chitalia directly reported to Choksi. He was also an authorised signatory of the company, the CBI probe also found. During the questioning, Chitalia also detailed how Choksi left the country. Before the scam broke out, Choksi had in the first week of January left India for Dubai, Chitalia also said. OneIndia News Human Rights cant be an excuse for defying law of the land: MHA on Amnesty If Bengal fails to reply on complaints, will handover matter to MHA: NCW chief Toppling of statues: MHA asks states to be vigilant; PM 'strongly' disapproves such incidents India oi-Madhuri The centre on Wednesday said that there have been many incidents of toppling of statues reported from certain parts of the country. MHA has taken serious notes of such incidents of vandalism. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi also spoke to Home Minister in this regard & has expressed his strong disapproval of such incidents. MHA has also asked the states that they must take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents. ''Persons indulging in such acts must be sternly dealt with and booked under relevant provisions of law,'' the MHA said. ''Incidents of toppling of statues have been reported from certain parts of the country. MHA has taken serious notes of such incidents of vandalism. PM also spoke to HM in this regard & has expressed his strong disapproval of such incidents,'' a home ministry spokesperson said in New Delhi. Earlier on Tuesday, a statue of Lenin was destroyed at South Tripura's Belonia town with the help of a bulldozer. The violence followed the BJP's victory in the recently concluded Assembly elections in Tripura, where a 25-year Communist government was ousted. Sporadic violence and clashes between rival political groups were also reported in different parts of Tripura after the election results were declared on Saturday. Also, in Tamil Nadu's Vellore, a statue of social activist and rationalist leader EVR Periyar was vandalised on Tuesday night. OneIndia News HC judge recuses himself from hearing plea on Naresh Goyals LOC Jet's revival looks bleak as Anil Agarwal pulls out of race for acquiring cash-strapped airline Tug hits Jet Airways aircraft in parking bay at Mumbai airport, suffers damage India oi-Madhuri A tug hit a Jet Airways aircraft which was supposed to fly from Mumbai to Ahmedabad at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai on Wednesday morning. The incident happened when the Jet Airways plane was stationed in the parking bay at Mumbai Airport. Airport authorities have been ascertaining further details regarding the accident. No major damages have been reported so far. ''Jet Airways Mumbai- Ahmedabad flight operated with a delayed departure as engineering team carried out an inspection & servicing of its exterior, due to slight scrape by a ground handling equipment, An alternate aircraft was operated with 165 guests on board,'' Jet Airways said in a statement. OneIndia News Andhra-based IT employee raped by Nigerian nationals in Bengaluru, two arrested Vidwath assault case: No relief for Nalapad, judicial custody extended till March 21st India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Sessions Court on Wednesday extended judicial custody of Mohammed Nalapad Haris till 21st March in Bengaluru Pub assault case. The 63rd City Civil and Sessions Court on March 2, denied bail for Mohammed Nalapad Haris and six others in Vidwath assault case on Friday. Mohammed Nalapad Haris, son of Shantinagar MLA NA Haris, has been booked for attempt to murder for allegedly assaulting one Vidwath at the pub-cum-restaurant here on February 17 night. A red-faced Congress had expelled Nalapad from the party for six years after the incident triggered a political backlash with the BJP and JD(S) accusing the state government of trying to protect him. General Secretary of the District Youth Congress, Mohammed Nalapad Haris, the son of Shantinagar MLA NA Haris, on February 17, 2018, brutally assaulted Vidwath, leaving him with skull, nasal and rib-cage fractures. Police had booked a case against Nalapad under Section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Police had earlier booked Nalapad under the IPC Sections 341 (wrongful restraint), 506 (criminal intimidation), 143 and 144 (unlawful assembly), 146 and 147 (rioting), 326 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), he said. OneIndia News Prakash Raj campaigns in Bengaluru, says 'I'm fighting for the people, not against any party or lead 'It's a solid slap on my face', says Prakash Raj after electoral drubbing 'What are you teaching our children, please stop this statue politics,' tweets Prakash Raj India oi-Deepika By Deepika Actor Prakash Raj has condemned the incidents of vandalism of statues in Tripura and Tamil Nadu and urged the states to stop statue politics which is bleeding violence in some parts of the country. Taking to twitter Prakash Raj wrote "Lenin statue Periyar statue spmukherjee statue vandalized...Whats your agenda..what are you teaching our children please stop this statue politics.. violence breeds violence ..What was your election manifesto .. development or settling scores and goondaism." #leninstatue #periyarstatue #spmukherjeestatue vandalised...Whats your agenda..what are you teaching our children please stop this statue politics.. violence breeds violence ..What was your election manifesto ..development or settling scores and goondaism .??....#justasking Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) March 7, 2018 Meanwhile, many leaders have expressed their concern and urged the government to take strict action against the people who commit such acts. A row has erupted after two statutes of Lenin were brought down in Tripura following the BJP's emphatic win in the state over the Left, which was in power for more than 25 years. The Left blamed the BJP for the incidents and some BJP leaders shared the post with comments that appeared to be justifying it. BJP national secretary H Raja later in a Facebook post said the statues Dravidian movement icon E V R Ramasamy, popularly known as Periyar, will be the next target. He later deleted the post and offered his regret but not before it had ignited a major controversy in Tamil Nadu. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 15:03 [IST] Which journalist brokered the INX Media deal in which Karti Chidambaram is an accused India oi-Vicky Nanjappa Was the INX Media deal brokered by a journalist? Based on the questioning of Indrani Mukerjea, the CBI had learnt that it was a top journalist in Delhi who had introduced Karti Chidambaram to Peter Mukerjea. Indrani in her confession statement said that she had paid a bribe of 7 lakh US dollars to Karti to get FIPB clearance for INX Media which was promoted by her and her husband Peter Mukerjea. CBI officials probing the case say that this is one link they are studying. Karti has not admitted to it during the questioning as yet. However, it was during the probe against Indrani did this link come up. Whether the role of the journalist was only limited to introducing Indrani and Peter to Karti or was it about the entire deal is something that is under investigation, the official also said. From 'Swiggy to go to hell,' the tantrums Karti Chidambaram is throwing in jail The Delhi based journalist was for some time associated with INX media. He, however, was asked to leave by Peter. Currently, he is working with a top newspaper in New Delhi. Recently P Chidambaram, former union minister had denied all allegations and said that it was he who had ordered a probe into this case. In fact, it was Vir Sanghvi and other senior journalists who had complained about the same to then Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi. The matter was then referred to P Chidambaram who ordered a probe into the case. OneIndia News Low pressure area over Arabian Sea likely to turn into cyclone Tauktae on Sunday Maersk ship catches fire in the Arabian Sea, 4 missing International oi-Deepika By Deepika A Maersk container ship, with 27 crew members on board including 13 Indians, caught fire in the Arabian Sea near Lakshadweep Islands last night, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) said on Wednesday. Four of the ship's crew members are missing while the others have been rescued, it said. The 27 crew members included 13 from India, nine from the Philippines, two Thai nationals and one each from Romania, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The vessel reported an explosion and fire on board and requested immediate assistance. Maersk Container Ship with 27 crew members on-board caught fire following an explosion at sea at 340 nautical miles from Agatti in Lakshwadeep Islands; 23 rescued, search operation for 4 missing members underway by Indian Coast Guard & Maritime Rescue Coordination Center #Mumbai ANI (@ANI) March 7, 2018 The ship was at a distance of 570 kms (340 nautical miles) from Agatti in the Lakshwadeep Islands. The Coast Guard has pressed into action its assets for the rescue operation, it said. "The ship had 27 crew members on board, of whom four are missing. Out of the 27 crew members, 13 are Indians including the captain of the ship," the ICG said. Merchant Ship MV Als Cicero reached Maersk Honam at about 11.25 pm and rescued 23 crew members. The remaining four are missing, the ICG said. The crew has abandoned the ship as the fire spread beyond control, it said. After getting information about the mishap, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Mumbai immediately alerted all the merchant ships near the location through the satellite-based communication network, the International Safety Net (ISN), ICG said. "The search operations are on and the Coast Guard assets have been pressed into action," said Inspector General K R Nautiyal, the commander of the Coast Guard West region. "It is our priority to save and rescue the four missing crew and also continue our efforts to salvage the vessel with the assistance of specialised vessels, which are being arranged," he added. OneIndia News Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. See original here This year's midterm elections officially began on Tuesday as Democratic and Republican primaries were held in Texas. Democrats are hoping Texas could become a key state in the party's effort to retake control of the Senate and the House. A record 50 women were on the ballot in what many are calling the "year of the women." On Tuesday, Congressmember Beto O'Rourke won the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. He will take on incumbent Ted Cruz, who easily won the Republican primary. On the House side, Democrats are putting up candidates in every Texas district for the first time in over 25 years. In one of the most watched Democratic races, progressive Democrat Laura Moser placed second, forcing a runoff against Democrat Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, an attorney who has been criticized for working at a law firm that has targeted unions in Texas. The race is seen as part of a war within the Democratic Party. Moser was endorsed by Our Revolution -- the political organization that grew out of Bernie Sanders's run for the White House. Fletcher was backed by the Democratic Party. In February, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the unusual step of directly attacking Moser even though she is a Democrat. Moser and Fletcher will now face each other in a runoff to decide who will face Republican Congress Member John Culberson in November. We speak to Mike Barajas, staff writer for The Texas Observer. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: This year's midterm elections officially began Tuesday as Democratic and Republican primaries were held throughout Texas. Democrats are hoping Texas could become a key state in the party's effort to retake control of the Senate and the House. A record 50 women were on the ballot in what many are calling "the year of the women." On Tuesday, Congressman Beto O'Rourke won the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. He'll take on incumbent Ted Cruz, who easily won the Republican primary, though the El Paso congressman, O'Rourke, outraised Cruz in the last months. On the House side, Democrats are putting up candidates in every Texas district for the first time in over a quarter of a century. In one of the most watched Democratic races, progressive Democrat Laura Moser placed second, forcing a runoff against Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, an attorney who's been criticized for working at a law firm that's targeted unions in Texas. The race is seen as a war within the Democratic Party. Moser was endorsed by Our Revolution -- the political organization that grew out of Bernie Sanders' run for the White House. Fletcher was backed by the Democratic Party. In February, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took the unusual step of directly attacking Moser even though she's a Democrat. Moser and Fletcher will now face off in a runoff to decide who will face Republican Congressman John Culberson in November. In other primary news, Texas appears poised to send its first Latina women to Congress this year -- next year. The election would be later this year. Former El Paso County Judge Veronica Escobar and state Senator Sylvia Garcia won their respective Democratic primaries in heavily Democratic districts. To talk more about the results in Texas, we go to Austin, where we're joined by Mike Barajas, a staff writer for The Texas Observer. Mike, you've been following this all very closely. Give us the highlights. MICHAEL BARAJAS: Yeah, so, as you mentioned, the Democrats do have reason to be enthusiastic after yesterday's primary. Early vote totals showed a pretty big surge in Democrats that were coming out to vote in that party's primary, in the Election Day totals. AMY GOODMAN: Something like a million Democrats and a million and a half Republicans? MICHAEL BARAJAS: Right, yeah. So, Election Day totals were a little bit below what I think Democrats had ultimately hoped for, but still we're seeing record turnout, over 2014, in particular. I think it's something like double, at least, the amount of primary voters in the Democratic Party that we're saying. So, naturally, this is still a red state. This is still Texas, after all. So, we're seeing that growth. By a pure numbers standpoint, you know, there wasn't as much growth on the Republican side, but there are still something like a million and a half Republican primary voters in Texas. So, that tells you what Democrats might need to overcome in the general, but that also sort of is kind of an indicator of, you know, how much enthusiasm Democrats have, going into the general election. Now, that could be for a number of different reasons. That could be because, you know, Texas is changing. Texas, in the last presidential race, you know, it went, I think, nine points to Trump, but that's a smaller margin, I think, than -- I think they said it's the smallest margin of any Republican presidential candidate in Texas in something like 20 years. So, you mentioned the congressional seats. You know, there are a handful here in Texas that were seen as, not that long ago, deeply entrenched Republican seats, until, you know, last presidential election, they voted, you know, some in a small margin, but for Hillary. So, that includes the seat out in Houston that Moser is running in, now in the runoff, that we clearly know what the DCCC thinks about that race. But -- AMY GOODMAN: Well, let's talk about that, the progressive group Our Revolution endorsing the Democratic congressional hopeful Laura Moser, a week after her own party, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, released an opposition memo on her. I want to turn to a part of one of Moser's campaign ads. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Common Dreams Their collective imprisonment is not only as a result of the perpetual military occupation of their land by Israel, but also by the fact that their leadership has operated for many years in a self-centered fashion. 'The Israeli soldier who shot Mohammed did not receive even a reprimand for shooting-to-kill an unarmed boy.' (Image by (Photo: Joe Catron/flickr/cc)) Details DMCA As global voices continue to demand the freedom of 17-year-old teenage Palestinian girl, Ahed Tamimi, Israeli authorities have arrested nine additional members of her family. Those who were detained on February 26 include Ahed's 15-year-old cousin, Mohammed Tamimi. Israeli troops had shot Mohammed in the head last December, shattering his skull. The teenager, who is awaiting reconstruction surgery, is unlikely to receive proper medical care in Israeli prisons. Ahed's crime was that she slapped an Israeli soldier in a video that, since then, went viral, shortly after her cousin was shot. He was then placed in a medically-induced coma. The Israeli soldier who shot Mohammed did not receive even a reprimand for shooting-to-kill an unarmed boy. The Israeli military provided an outrageous explanation of why the Tamimi family members, all hailing from the small village of Nabi Saleh, were detained in a pre-dawn army raid. "The detainees are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities, popular terror and violent disturbances against civilians and security forces," the Israeli military spokesperson said. By "popular terror," the statement was referring to the recurring protests led by the 500 residents of Nabi Saleh against the illegal settlements and Apartheid Wall. These protests have been a staple in the everyday life of the village for nearly 12 years. Anywhere between 600,000 and 750,000 illegal Jewish settlers live in settlements placed strategically throughout the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are a glaring violation of international law. Aside from the massive Israeli army build-up in the Occupied Territories, the armed settlers have been a major source of violence against Palestinians. Ahed and Mohammed Tamimi, along with hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children and teenagers, were born into this violent reality, and feel trapped. Their collective imprisonment is not only as a result of the perpetual military occupation of their land by Israel, but also by the fact that their leadership has operated for many years in a self-centered fashion, orbiting far away from Nabi Saleh and its tiny, struggling but brave population. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Lady Liberty (Image by frankieleon) Details DMCA If you keep moving towards a particular destination, then eventually, despite delays, distractions and denials, you will arrive there. With this in mind, we need to consider where current trends are taking our nation. To me, the outcome might be called "Confederacy 2.0". The practical authority of the federal government is being challenged to a degree not seen since the Civil War. Overcoming the marijuana prohibition by states is nullification in real terms. Then there are efforts to secure hemp production (Rhode Island) or decriminalize all illegal drugs (Oregon) or ignore federal food-safety regulations (Maine) or undermine climate-change inaction by reaching out to other nations (California) or restoring net neutrality (Washington state). Recent examples of "interposition" have emerged in which state officials shield illegal immigrants from capture by federal authority -- the sort of thing that preceded secession in our past. Would some states "nullify" if abortion was blocked by Congress (NYS Constitution)? Or would others refuse future federal orders about gun control (Missouri legislature)? How about surveillance issues or aspects of the NDAA that suggest future martial law (Idaho House)? The trends by states are already there, for better or worse. The end of the American Dream and projected trillion-dollar deficits coupled with deep political polarization suggest that our central government will lose much of its "soft power" to control the nation. Additionally, both political parties are damaging the very legitimacy of federal elections -- blaming outcomes they don't like on supposed non-citizens voting or sketchy foreign meddling (although Saudis and Israelis are given a 'free pass'). Ironically, our political system seems to be thereby achieving the very mass distrust allegedly engineered by Russia! Bad marriages don't always end in divorce. Sometimes, partners stick together in name only, enduring the misery (and discreetly "seeing other people"). This may be a model for the future USA even if outright secession never happens -- and it does no good to argue points of law about what the Constitution allows when the Bill of Rights is so casually disrespected -- by colleges, courts and both parties, each in their own way. This is about what states or even parts of states can get away with, regardless of what the Supreme Court says (as has happened with marijuana). It is also about the centrifugal forces that can tear a nation apart when seeking greedy partisan advantage overwhelms all else. There was a time when our nation achieved Voting Rights, Civil Rights and Medicare as a nation -- things that appear impossible today. If de facto "Confederacy 2.0" seems implausible to you as a future of broken federal authority, then what will overcome the challenges that will cause it? Will we deeply unite as citizens, live within our means and stop flirting with collapse as an unsustainable global empire? Will we stop the erosion of a common national culture, secure our borders with compassion and maintain the historical standards of citizenship? (Do you believe in miracles?) It might be the least bad outcome that we can realistically hope for. Find a nice state and move there. Good Luck to us all. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This piece was reprinted by OpEdNews with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. East Ghouta (Image by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid) Details DMCA Criminal Propaganda of Omission seeks to conceal the fact that the West and its terrorist proxies do not seek peace in Syria, nor do they seek to safeguard civilians. Agencies such as Amnesty International[1], and all of Western mainstream media (MSM), have devolved to the status of being vectors for war propaganda. A significant strategy employed is to fabricate stories that omit core facts that would otherwise negate the intended messaging, whose sole purpose is to advance terrorism and wars of aggression -- the Supreme International Crime. The situation in Eastern Ghouta, Syria provides an exemplary template to demonstrate this strategy of criminal war propaganda. MSM obliterates from their White Helmets and SOHR -- fed narratives the reason for the campaign against the terrorists in Ghouta[2]. Just as the media erased the victims of the majority of citizens in Aleppo who were being daily bombarded by terrorists in East Aleppo, so too has the messaging erased the causal factors which have provoked situation in East Ghouta: terrorists violated UN SC Resolution 2401 by attacking those who sought to leave via pre-arranged "Humanitarian Corridors"[3]. They shot people attempting to leave, and they bombed the humanitarian corridors -- just like they did in Aleppo. Reportedly,yesterday -- on or about March 1, 2018 -- terrorists slaughtered a family of six who were attempting to flee from terrorist-occupied East Ghouta. Obliterated also from the messaging is that these terrorists -- all of them al Qaeda or al Qaeda-affiliated -- have murdered about 7,000[4] people in Damascus. These crucial facts have been erased by MSM stories. Similarly, MSM, in its propaganda -fueled messaging, failed to note that terrorists from Aleppo had murdered almost 11,000[5] people When core elements such as those above are omitted from MSM narratives, the narratives devolve into fabricated war propaganda, totally devoid of any other purpose. In the following twitter post, Amal Saad demonstrates the lie. In the first AP article, terrorist Mohammad Alloush of the Army of Islam publicly states that only occupiers and "Assad's regime" will leave (and hence civilians will stay) during a "Humanitarian pause" while the subsequent extract suggests that civilians independently chose not to leave. The AP messaging perpetuates the deception that citizens choose not to leave Ghouta (and therefore must be happy living in terrorist-controlled areas) just as it conveyed the same lies when Aleppo was besieged by terrorists. Obliterated from the messaging is that all of Damascus is being held captive by the terrorists' bombs, that civilians in Ghouta are being used as human shields[7], and that the terrorists themselves are agents of the West whose presence in Syria is and always has been illegal according to Nuremburg standards. Legitimate reporting looks quite different from the propaganda feeds that remain ascendant. Tom Duggan reports, directly from Syria, free from the corrupt tentacles of Western media agencies: Notes [1] Tim Anderson, "Syria: the human rights industry in 'humanitarian war' ." Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies Research Paper. January 2018. (click here) Accessed 2 March, 2018. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. The stability of the large world house which is ours will involve a revolution of values to accompany the scientific and freedom revolution engulfing the earth. We must rapidly begin the shift from a 'thing-oriented' society to a 'person-oriented' society. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., "Where Do We Go From Here?" I'm not Tom Brokaw. I have the kind of cancer he has--but I'm not him. After I was diagnosed in 2016, my GP at the time, suggested I read Brokaw's book. Read his book, she said, and then chuckled. Maybe, she added, you could respond to the book, in print. You know, he's the privileged between the two of you, with the best of medical care this country has to offer. Free illustration: Heart Care, Medical, Care, Heart - Free Image ...960 -- 678 - 79k - jpg (Image by Details DMCA For as long as I can remember, it's been suggested to me that I just quit. You know, just give up, already! There are times when quitting is the best course of action for survival. But there are other times when it's akin to drinking the Kool Aid, as we used to say. Today, it's finding yourself fraying, trying to escape the "sunkin place." My mother thought it best I should quit before anything even begins. After I spent more time in the hospital rather than the classroom my first go around in First Grade, she let it be known to the nuns and priests that the child, "born with a heart condition," could no longer engage in extracurricular activities. Period! I wouldn't expect cardiologists, in the 1950s, recommending much else to my mother in terms of care for me, a Black girl--except maybe drugs, beta blockers. At the end my first semester away at college, my mother had a plan and she found a cardiology with a plan. He had a beta blocker that would decrease the frequency of a rapid, out-of-control, heart rate! And I could test this new drug out by quitting school, my mother suggested. What's a Catholic girl, the oldest girl, doing away from home anyway? Recovering. Recovering. Returning back home to attend college would be grudgingly acceptable. But I didn't return home and, in the subsequent years on this drug, I complained. And complained. I had a plan, too. But unlike my mother, I didn't have an ally in the medical profession. What can I do, I'm asking this cardiologist a few years later, about energy? I'm struggling to climb the stairs to catch the el train in order to get from one college campus to another to teach, to earn a living. I can't stand too long. The label on my beta blocker warns: fatigue and insomnia! I'm also trying to work on a master's degree. I'm trying to support residents in a public housing facility by teaching literacy" Take speed! He lives in a suburb of Chicago known for its residents' wealth. He's an office at a major hospital and a private practice downtown. All these years, (I'm now in my mid-thirties), he doesn't even notice that I always come into the examining room carry a book as well as a satchel of student papers and textbooks. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Smirking Chimp Israel is beating the drums of war again, this time over Syria. On February 10 the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out the most aggressive Israeli use of force in Syria thus far. After having bombed a drone base in retaliation for an alleged incursion by an Iranian drone, Israel retaliated for the shooting down of one of its fighter plane s by hitting the main Syrian command-and-control bunker and five Iranian communications facilities. Israel has been laying the political groundwork for a military escalation in Syria since mid-2017. That's when Israeli officials began to repeat two interlinked political themes: that Iran must be prevented from establishing permanent bases and implanting its proxy forces in the Syrian Golan Heights, and that Iran is secretly building factories in Syria and Lebanon to provide Hezbollah with missiles capable of precise targeting. But the evidence suggests that the reasons publicly avowed by Israeli officials are not the real motive behind the escalation of Israel's air attacks and ground combat presence in Syria. Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer has vowed that Israel would not permit Iran or Hezbollah to establish permanent bases anywhere in Syria, but no convincing evidence of any such permanent base has come to light -- only an aerial photo of a site that was admitted to be a Syrian army facility with several vehicle storage sheds. However, the Syrian army is definitely planning such bases in Golan. In January, Syrian army forces backed by Hezbollah troops captured a key military post at Beit Jinn near both the Lebanese and Syrian borders in the Northern Golan. A portion of Golan is currently occupied by Israel, which took it from Syria in 1967. It was annexed by Israel in 1981 and populated with Israeli settlers roughly equal in numbers to its original Syrian population. Israel has expressed the fear that Syria's recent moves could threaten Israel's occupation in Golan. IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot declared in January that Israel "can't ignore the fact that Hezbollah, the Shiite militias and Iran perceive themselves on the winning side in Syria, together with Bashar Assad, and share his desire to return to the Golan Heights." Israeli officials have expressed a determination to establish de facto Israeli control in what they have called a "buffer zone" or "safe zone" covering much of the Syrian Golan. Israel had already begun laying the groundwork two years ago by arming anti-Assad opposition groups only to see much of their progress reversed by more recent Syrian military advances. The buffer zone objective will certainly require a growing number of Israeli military operations to push back against Syrian and Shiite militias in that area. Israeli ambitions are not limited to the Syrian Golan. The IDF is determined to penetrate more deeply into Syria in order to limit Iranian and Hezbollah freedom of action there. The long-term military aim, as IDF Chief Eizenkot declared in his January speech, is to "push the Iranians back to Iran." More concretely, Israeli officials are committed to preventing Iran from establishing a land corridor connecting Tehran to Lebanon and the Mediterranean through Iraq and Syria. That aim has already led to at least 100 Israeli air strikes against hundreds of targets in Syria since January 2013, including convoys carrying arms to Lebanon, weapons storage sites and Hezbollah targets. Netanyahu told NATO ambassadors in January that Israel would continue to use military action to prevent "the transfer of game-changing weapons to Hezbollah from Syrian territory." Israeli insists that the IDF must halt the flow of more precise weapons into Hezbollah hands. Israel's chief of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi, charged last year that Iran has built secret workshops in Lebanon to construct advanced missiles for Hezbollah. Israel nowclaims, however that Iran has shifted its strategy from building such workshops in Lebanon to building them in Syria, and that the IDF struck two such workshops in Syria in 2018. But there is no evidence to support the Israeli claim of Iranian weapons factories in Lebanon or Syria. The first report of such factories in Lebanon -- allegedly buried 160 feet underground -- was supposedly based on an acknowledgement by an unidentified deputy to Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps chief Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari. But it was published in a Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Jarida, which is known to have frequently carried stories leaked by the Israeli government. An Israeli Defense official claimed to the International Crisis Group last November that Iran was still pursuing such factories in Syria but offered no specifics to substantiate this allegation. In fact, there was no need for Iran to set up new underground facilities for the manufacture of advanced weapons in Lebanon or Syria, because the Syrian government had been making such weapons for Hezbollah for many years. As Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidatz, former head of Israel Military Intelligence's research division, told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in mid-2010, Hezbollah had already received several hundred Syrian-made M600 missiles at that time. These are clones of the Iranian Fateh-110 missiles with a range of 250 km, a 500-kg warhead and highly accurate guidance system. In 2014 the commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said Hezbollah's missile capabilities had already improved so much that it could "attack any target in any part of the occupied territories with a high precision and with a very low margin of error." Israel is thus planning a long-term war in Syria several years too late to prevent those "game-changing" weapons from falling into the hands of Hezbollah. It is as if Israel were organizing a big, expensive -- and lethal -- operation to shut the barn door years after the cows are known to have left the barn. Furthermore, Israeli officials are refusing to acknowledge that Iran's objective in building up and improving Hezbollah's missile force has always been the deterrence of Israeli or US military attack on Iran or an Israeli attack on Hezbollah. Iranian officials began providing thousands of rockets to Hezbollah to bolster its own deterrent capacity when its own missile deterrent force was still in its infancy. At that time, Israel's anti-missile system might well have intercepted any missiles it might fire at Israel, as Ephraim Kam, a specialist on Iran at Israel's Jaffe Centre for Strategic Studies, observed in December 2004. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Kim Jong Un and South Korean envoys meet in Pyongyang North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had an .openhearted Pyongyang with envoys for South Korean President Moon Jae-in, the North said. (Image by YouTube, Channel: The Times of India) Details DMCA North Korean leader Kim Jong-un meeting with South Korean envoys in Pyongyang, North Korea Yesterday concluded bi-lateral talks between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean envoys in Pyongyang, North Korea. The envoys said, "The North Korean side clearly stated its willingness to denuclearize. It made clear that it would have no reason to keep nuclear weapons if the military threat to the North was eliminated and its security guaranteed." Kim also told the envoys he "would suspend all nuclear and missile tests while engaged in talks." [1] Could this be the diplomacy that finally breaks the impasse between Kim and Trump and gets the "Donald" to bring the US to the negotiating table and end his juvenile standoff with Kim? Understandably, the sticking point has been the North's insistence there be no pre-conditions to talks. But the US has insisted before talks can begin the North must first commit to denuclearize. What's clear the North is never going to give up its nuclear weapons unless the US agrees to guarantee it will not attack the North and its regime remains in place. The North's nuclear arsenal is THE deterrent that's prevented the US from attacking the regime. Let's face it the North developed nuclear weapons only after seeing the US invade Saddam Hussein's non- nuclear Iraq in 2003. Meanwhile US intransigence has been at the heart of the standoff with North Korea since that war between 1950-53. Remember, the 1953 armistice only ended the fighting in Korea. A final peace agreement was never signed so technically the war never officially ended. It's been the North that's wanted a final peace agreement yet it's the US that's dragged its feet refusing to sit down with the North. How many people in the US realize this? I'd guess very few. The bugaboo early on was in the "Red scare" 1950's with Communism the "enemy" that had to be resisted everywhere else it would destroy America. And North Korea being Communist it too must be resisted else it would swallow up the entire Korean Peninsula. Truth be told North Korea never posed any threat to the US or its interests. Even today, the idea of North Korea posing a threat, imminent or otherwise to the US or its interests, because of its nuclear weapons, is a fantasy. North Korea isn't going to initiate an attack on the South, Japan, Guam or anywhere else knowing if it did the US would bring its total annihilation. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Our Future Black Life 50 Years After the Kerner Report (Image by YouTube, Channel: Newsy) Details DMCA Every four years, we add an extra day to our calendars to make up for the fact that they don't accurately reflect the movement of the planet. The Kerner Commission report was released on just such a day, 50 years ago. Unfortunately, too little has changed since February 29, 1968. We're still out of alignment with the reality all around us. This report, officially called the "Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders," was commissioned by President Johnson to investigate the causes of the riots that rocked Detroit and other U.S. cities in the summer of 1967. The report identified the forces behind these riots with uncanny precision. Racism, economic inequality, police violence, and media bias: these were the instrumentalities of oppression the commissioners found 50 years ago. They are still with us today. The fact that the Kerner report still rings so true is its greatest accomplishment -- and our greatest failure. President Lyndon Johnson was under pressure to do something after rioting broke out in inner cities across the United States. So, he did what politicians often do when they're under pressure: He appointed a "bipartisan commission." That usually creates the illusion that something is being done, while ensuring that whatever the commission eventually recommends will be bland enough to provide cover for whatever the politician wanted to do in the first place. This time, the commissioners took their work seriously. Former senator Fred Harris is the only surviving member of the original commission, which included Republicans and Democrats, a labor leader and a business executives... and only two black members. Activists and radicals were not welcomed. As historian Stephen M. Gillon noted, "Johnson assumed that his mainstream commission would produce a mainstream report that would endorse the broad outlines of his existing domestic agenda and insulate him from attacks both from the right and from the left." The Kerner report instead drew bold conclusions and proposed equally bold solutions. One sentence from the report became famous: "This is our basic conclusion: Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white -- separate and unequal." The report then said: "To pursue our present course will involve the continuing polarization of the American community and, ultimately, the destruction of basic democratic values." To create "common opportunities for all within a single society," the report called for... "...a commitment to national action -- compassionate, massive and sustained, backed by the resources of the most powerful and the richest nation on this earth. From every American it will require new attitudes, new understanding, and, above all, new will." (Emphasis ours.) The report called for an end to "violence and destruction" -- not only "in the streets of the ghetto," but "in the lives of the people." The term "structural violence" had not yet entered the American lexicon, but the report offered a litany of the harms it causes. It also emphasized the different realities experienced by white and black America, calling the ghetto "a destructive environment totally unknown to most white Americans." Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Our Future In preservation attempts, conservation groups pull at heartstrings and purse strings with photos of threatened animals -- adorable baby elephants, majestic Amur leopards, sentient Sumatran orangutans. A less photogenic endangered species, the American aluminum and steel worker, received vital aid toward survival this week from the White House. President Trump announced he would place tariffs of 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on imported aluminum. This followed investigations by the U.S. Commerce Department that determined unfairly traded imports of both metals have killed off American mills and jobs, threatening national security. American aluminum and steel manufacturers and their workers have railed for decades against the trade regulation scofflaws that bankrupted U.S. mills and destroyed U.S. jobs. American manufacturers and workers are willing and able to compete on a level playing field. But countries like China deliberately distort that surface to their favor by defying trade rules. China has conducted a trade war against the United States since the day in 2001 that the World Trade Organization granted the Asian giant membership. That's how the U.S. trade deficit with China has exploded , reaching a record $375.2 billion last year, a figure that represents more than half the total U.S. deficit. The terrible result is economic war zones -- shuttered U.S. factories, furloughed manufacturing workers and devastated towns. University of Maryland economists Katharine Abraham and Melissa Kearney showed in recently published research that cheap Chinese imports rendered more Americans unemployed since 2001 than any other factor. The cost to U.S. workers was 2.65 million jobs. Automation also killed jobs , but by less than half of what Chinese trade cheating did. The Commerce Department investigations into the effects of steel and aluminum imports on national security demonstrated that China flooded the international market with artificially cheap metals, depressing prices and annihilating American mills -- mills that are among the most efficient and least polluting in the world. Steel employment in the United States has declined 35 percent since 2000. Aluminum jobs plummeted even further -- crashing down 58 percent in just three years, between 2013 and 2016. That amounts to tens of thousands of high-skill, family-supporting jobs lost. In 2000, 105 companies produced raw steel at 144 U.S. locations. Now, 38 companies forge at 93 locations. In 2000, 13 companies operated integrated mills with an average of 35 blast furnaces running continuously. Now, three companies operate 13 blast furnaces. The declines in U.S. steel and aluminum production occurred despite increased domestic demand for both. American aluminum production sank even more sharply than steel. Over the past six years, six smelters permanently closed. Just five remain, with only two operating at full capacity. One of the five smelts the high-purity aluminum required for critical infrastructure and defense aerospace needs. If that mill closes too, the United States would have no domestic supplier of the metal crucial to national security. The only two other high-volume producers of this aluminum are located in the United Arab Emirates and China. In 2016, the United States imported five times as much primary aluminum as it made. That year, it produced about half of what it did the year before. Production dropped even further in 2017. Most of the aluminum imported into the United States comes from Canada, a country that respects trade regulations and operates a market economy, just like the United States. As a result, Canada should be exempted from the steel or aluminum tariffs. By contrast, China flouts trade rules and operates a communist economy. The Chinese government owns some aluminum and steel mills, which means they need not operate economically. The Chinese government provides financial support for select industries, including loans that don't have to be repaid and underpriced or free raw materials. China continues to produce steel and aluminum even when that means massive excesses. It dumps that glut on the international market, often at prices lower than production cost. All that government-subsidized, underpriced steel and aluminum forces producers outside of China to cut their prices. Too often that means they suffer losses, or go bankrupt. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Offering the Best Matrimony Website for Phool Mali Samaj, one of the best of matrimonial websites in India, offers many suitable profiles of prospective brides and grooms for marriage seekers in various communities. These communities include Arya Vyas, Balija, Dhangar, Ezhava, Iyengar, Kamma and Kapu. The matrimony services are also available for many other communities like Kongu Vellalar Gounder, Kuruba, Kayastha, Lingayat, Madiga, Maratha and Mudaliyar at The matrimonial website offers high-quality matrimonial services at affordable prices to marriage seekers.At a recent matrimonial event, the owner of asserted, We run a free website where many add-on services can be availed by the registered users who have their matrimonial profiles with us. is the fastest growing Indian matrimonial website that allows registered users buy only the features they need. 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The matrimonial website displays a wide range of bride and groom profiles for various communities. also has specialized search options for individuals who are trying to find a reliable Phool Mali Samaj matrimony website. While marriage seekers can register for free to start their partner search, they can contact their right matches by availing cost-effective membership plans on, the leading matrimonial website, is now providing the most suitable matches for brides and grooms from several communities, including the Phool Mali Samaj.Matchfinder Online Services Pvt. Ltd3rd Floor, MIG 2 - 53, 9th Phase,KPHB Colony, Kukatpally,Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500072Phone: 040-30911272 / 09394950001Email: info@matchfinder.inWebsite: Busch presents new series of Dolphin liquid ring vacuum pumps Busch has launched two new series of liquid ring vacuum pumps in a total of 13 sizes Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems has now launched an entirely new series of liquid ring vacuum pumps. The new Dolphin LM/LT vacuum pumps have been completely redesigned but are based on proven liquid ring vacuum technology. With these new vacuum pumps, Busch has been able to optimize an existing product that has become an established part of many industrial processes, resulting in the development of extremely powerful, yet energy-efficient vacuum generators.Dolphin LM models are single-stage vacuum pumps for the rough vacuum range from atmospheric pressure to 130 hPa (mbar) ultimate pressure. Dolphin LT models are available in two-stage versions and cover the vacuum range from atmospheric pressure to 33 hPa (mbar). A total of 13 sizes are available so that a precisely coordinated solution can be found for any process. Dolphin LM/LT vacuum pumps have a modular design and integrated flow channels. This makes them extremely compact and eliminates the need for base frames. The IE3 energy-saving motor is directly flange-mounted. The new seal concept with mechanical shaft seals, made of Viton or PFC rubber depending on the pumping medium, ensures a long life cycle. The standard material for the impeller is stainless steel. A stainless steel version of the housing is available as an option.Water or a fluid suitable for the process medium is normally used as the operating fluid. Ethylene glycol, mineral oils or organic solutions can also be used, as well as the fluids already used in the process. Dolphin LM/LT liquid ring vacuum pumps can be operated in simple circulatory systems, in open or closed liquid cycles. Their high vapour and particle tolerance makes the extremely robust vacuum generators exceptionally well-suited for removal/extraction of wet gases or vapours. They are thus predestined for use in processing technology, chemical and pharmaceutical processes, food technology applications, oil production and processing, plastic processing, wood impregnation and drying processes, and many other industrial applications. Dolphin LM/LT vacuum pumps are available in sizes with pumping speeds of 80 to 900 cubic metres per hour. Versions for operation in potentially explosive environments are available in different ATEX-compliant versions and temperature classes.Busch will present the new Dolphin LM/LT liquid ring vacuum pumps at ACHEMA in hall 8.0, stand no. B27.About Busch:Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems is one of the worlds largest producers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers and compressors.Its extensive product portfolio comprises solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications in all industries, including the chemical, semiconductor, medical technology, plastics, and food sectors. It also covers the design and construction of customized vacuum systems, as well as a global service network.The Busch group is a family-owned company and is still managed by the Busch family. Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems has 3,000 employees in more than 60 companies in over 40 countries worldwide. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, in southwest Germany. This is the location of Busch SE headquarters, as well as the German production facility and German sales company. In addition to Maulburg, Busch also has its own production plants in Switzerland, the UK, Czech Republic, Korea and the USA.History:Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems was founded by Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch and his wife Ayhan Busch in 1963. Dr.-Ing. Karl Busch developed the Huckepack, which was the first vacuum pump that could be used for vacuum packaging of foodstuffs. The follow-up product, the compact R 5 rotary vane vacuum pump, revolutionized food packaging. A further milestone represented the development of the COBRA screw vacuum pump. In 1971 the international expansion of the Busch group started with the founding of a sales company in the UK. The first production plant outside Germany was established in the USA in 1979.Contact:Busch Vacuum Pumps and SystemsSchauinslandstrae 179689 MaulburgTelephone: +49 (0) 7622 681 Demand for New Anesthesia Machines Sees a Huge Growth In Health Care Facilities anesthesia machine The global anesthesia machines market was valued at $1,315 million in 2016, and is expected to reach $2,168 million by 2025, registering a CAGR of 5.9% during 2017-2025.Access Full Summary at:Anesthesia machines is an apparatus used for administering anesthesia to patients undergoing medical procedures by trained personnel. These machines dispense varying proportions of a mixture of gases and vapors to control a patient's consciousness level, analgesia, or both during surgeries. These machines perform four essential functions, namely providing oxygen, accurately mixing anesthetic gases and vapors, facilitating patient ventilation, and minimizing anesthesia-related risks to patients and staff. Anesthesia monitors, anesthesia machines, anesthesia masks, and anesthesia accessories are some of the commonly used anesthesia equipment in the medical sector, especially ambulatory surgical centers, clinics, hospitals, and other nursing facilities.The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global anesthesia machines market, including the market size, share, segmentation, forecast, drivers, restraints & opportunities; and key market players along with their profiles. The report aims at catering to various stakeholders, including market players, investors, industry leaders, and others, who wish to understand the latest trends, current market scenario, and latest technologies used in the industry. In addition, the study would assist them understand the top 10 players along with the growth strategies adopted by them for better industry benchmarking.The report provides information about the factors that drive or hamper the adoption of anesthesia machines market. The market is driven by shift in preference of consumers from hospital care devices to home healthcare devices. Moreover, increase in the number of surgeries across the globe has fueled the demand for anesthesia devices in the recent years. Furthermore, increase in geriatric population is expected to supplement the growth of the market in the near future. However, dearth of skilled, trained anesthesiologists is expected to a key restrain for the growth of the market.The report analyzes the global anesthesia machines market based on type, end user, and geography. Based on type, the market is classified into standalone anesthesia machines and portable anesthesia machines. It is projected that about 1,731 hundred units of standalone anesthesia machines are expected to be sold by 2025. Based on end user, the market is classified into hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, clinics, and nursing facilities. The hospitals segment is expected to account for $1,341 million by 2025. Based on geography, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.Do Inquiry for Sample report:The report includes the profiles of leading players of the anesthesia machines market, including Philips Healthcare, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, CareFusion Corporation, Getinge Group, DRE Medical, Inc., GE Healthcare, Teleflex Incorporated, Covidien plc, Smiths Medical, and Masimo Corporation among others. The report includes detailed information about the impact of factors, including driver, restraints, and opportunities on the growth of the market.About Progressive:The company makes use of primary corporate research and secondary inputs from trusted sources to build its own reference base. It maintains consistency in quality as it keeps itself updated with changes in market dynamics and gauging its net effect on global business trends.Reach UsMr. Shriram Dighe4th Floor, Unit 12, Marisoft III,West Wing, Marigold IT Park,Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014,India: +91 20 66346040Toll Free: + Alpha Omega Wireless Now on DIR Contract Alpha Omega Wireless, Inc. ("AO Wireless") has recently been added to the Texas State DIR contract. AO Wireless is now listed under the DIR Contract (DIR-TS0-4021) providing a complete range of wireless networking products and solutions. Agencies that utilize the DIR Contract system for the procurement can now partner with Alpha Omega Wireless, Inc. for all their wireless networking needs and solutions.Under DIR-TSO-4021 AO Wireless can provide products from Siklu, Radwin, Siemens, Cambium, Xirrus (Riverbed), ICT Power, Alcoma, and more. AO Wireless' DIR contract also include services related to engineering, design, and installation services related to wireless networks.President Joe Wargo says, "We are excited to have our wireless solutions and offering on the DIR Contract. Alpha Omega Wireless works a lot with government (City, County, and State), along with Education and Utility organizations. Having a qualified procurement vehicle makes it more efficient for our clients to get the products and services they need. Now we'll be able to provide more value to our clients while saving them time and money.About DIRThe Department of Information Resources (DIR) provides statewide leadership and oversight for management of government information and communications technology.DIR has served in a leadership role to facilitate the state's economic competitiveness through its ability to deliver quality information resources commodities and services at the lowest prices and best value for state and local government as well as the K-12 public and higher education systems.About Alpha Omega Wireless, Inc.Alpha Omega Wireless is an experienced integrator of broadband wireless network technology and complete end-to-end wireless backhaul solutions. We provide a full range of point to point wireless backhaul, point to multipoint wireless bridges, WiMax backhaul, LTE Networks, wireless mobility, wireless repeaters, Smart Grid wireless backhaul, indoor, outdoor, and municipal Wi-Fi, DAS - Distributed Antenna Systems, DC Power Distribution, and wireless mesh products and services.Alpha Omega Wireless is an experienced integrator of broadband wireless network technology and complete end-to-end wireless backhaul solutions. We provide a full range of point to point wireless backhaul, point to multipoint wireless bridges, WiMax backhaul, LTE Networks, wireless mobility, wireless repeaters, Smart Grid wireless backhaul, indoor, outdoor, and municipal Wi-Fi, DAS - Distributed Antenna Systems, DC Power Distribution, and wireless mesh products and services.8708 S. Congress AveSuite B260Austin, TX 78745 Christine Laikind to Speak About Accessibility on the Web at Wordcamp Atlanta, April 13-15, 2018 at Loudermilk Center. Canton, GA (March 6, 2018) Christine Laikind, founder of Canton-based SCS Digital Marketing will share her knowledge about accessibility and web compliance on the Internet to attendees of Wordcamp Atlanta 2018. It is expected that there will be over 600 attendees who will attend this event this year. A Wordpress member for few years, this is Christines first speaking engagement at Wordcamp.Consider the demographics there are roughly 650 million people that live with a disability. Out of 650 million in the United States alone, 56.7 million of those who have disability that occurred during birth or some point of their life. Only 15.7 million are due to age (being 65 and older). By not making a website accessible this is a large population that a company is potentially ignoring and not being able to provide service.Christine Laikind is no stranger to accessibility for she was born deaf. Today her journey leads her to share the message for accessibility for all, through the world of Internet, the most widely used resource for everyone.Accessibility is about everyone. Not just disabled. There are standards for accessibility when considering website design and they are easy to understand, not difficult to implement nor will it force designers to make a product that is ugly, boring or cluttered.About Wordcamp Atlanta:WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. They are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users. VisitAbout Christine LaikindChristine Laikind, MBA, is on a mission to educate and inspire greater accessibility on the Internet. The digital world has endless potential to connect people, gather information or run a business. Therefore, every website should not hinder people from using it regardless of his or her impairment or background. A marketing strategist, designer and educator, her goal is inclusivity for everyone. Christine Laikind founded SCS Digital Marketing in 2016 providing services including website design, social media and outbound email communication. She is also an adjunct professor, artist and blogger. For additional information or to schedule an interview, visitor send an email to christine@scs-digitalmarketing.com129 Hidden Lake Circle, Canton, GA 30114 March 7, 2018: Lip Care Products Market Analysis 2018-2025 LOreal, Avon Products, Beiersdorf AG Lip Care Products Market Forecast 2018 A market study "Global Lip Care Products Market" examines the performance of the Lip Care Products market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Lip Care Products market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Lip Care Products market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Lip Care Products Market 2018 report includes Lip Care Products market Revenue, market Share, Lip Care Products industry volume, market Trends, Lip Care Products Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Lip Care Products Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Lip Care Products Market 2018 :1. LOreal2. Avon Products3. Beiersdorf AG4. Unilever5. Revlon6. Kao Corporation7. Bayer Corporation8. Blistex Inc.9. Burts Bees10. Carma Laboratories11. Chanel12. Chattem13. CLOROX14. EOS15. Markwins Beauty Products16. Stargazer17. Yves RocherLip Care Products Market : By ApplicationHypermarket and SupermarketHarmacies and DrugstoreSpecialty RetailersOnline StoresLip Care Products Market : By TypeNon-medicatedSun ProtectionMedicated & TherapeuticFirstly, the report covers the top Lip Care Products manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Lip Care Products report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Lip Care Products industry, Lip Care Products industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Lip Care Products Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Lip Care Products research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Lip Care Products market revenue worldwide.Finally, Lip Care Products market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: March 7, 2018: Coated Stent Graft Market Research 2018-2025 Abbott Laboratories, Cordis, Boston Scientific Coated Stent Graft Market Forecast 2018 A market study "Global Coated Stent Graft Market" examines the performance of the Coated Stent Graft Market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Coated Stent Graft Market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Coated Stent Graft Market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Coated Stent Graft Market 2018 report includes Coated Stent Graft Market Revenue, market Share, Coated Stent Graft industry volume, market Trends, Coated Stent Graft Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Coated Stent Graft Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Coated Stent Graft Market 2018 : Abbott Laboratories Cordis Corporation Boston Scientific C.R. Bard Medtronic Biosensors Lifetech Scientific BIOTRONIK Gore MedicalCoated Stent Graft Market : By ApplicationCardiovascular DiseasesCardiac AneurysmKidney FailureCoated Stent Graft Market : By TypeHemodialysis Access GraftEndovascular Stent GraftPeripheral vascularFirstly, the report covers the top Coated Stent Graft manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Coated Stent Graft report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Coated Stent Graft industry, Coated Stent Graft industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Coated Stent Graft Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Coated Stent Graft research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Coated Stent Graft Market revenue worldwide.Finally, Coated Stent Graft Market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: March 7, 2018: IVIg Powder Market Demand 2018-2025 Baxter, Grifols, CSL, Octapharma IVIg Powder Market Growth 2018 A market study "Global IVIg Powder Market" examines the performance of the IVIg Powder market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the IVIg Powder market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of IVIg Powder market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global IVIg Powder Market 2018 report includes IVIg Powder market Revenue, market Share, IVIg Powder industry volume, market Trends, IVIg Powder Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, IVIg Powder Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global IVIg Powder Market 2018 :1. Baxter2. Grifols3. CSL4. Octapharma5. Biotest6. Kedrion7. Hualan Bio8. CNBG9. Shanghai RAAS10. CBPO11. LFB Group12. BPL13. Sichuan Yuanda ShuyangIVIg Powder Market : By ApplicationImmunodeficiencyAutoimmune DiseaseAcute InfectionIVIg Powder Market : By Type2.5g1.25gFirstly, the report covers the top IVIg Powder manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the IVIg Powder report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of IVIg Powder industry, IVIg Powder industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. IVIg Powder Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The IVIg Powder research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the IVIg Powder market revenue worldwide.Finally, IVIg Powder market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: March 7, 2018: Alimta Market Demand 2018-2025 Eli Lilly, Abbott Healthcare, Cadila Healthcare Alimta Market Growth 2018 A market study "Global Alimta Market" examines the performance of the Alimta market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Alimta market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Alimta market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Alimta Market 2018 report includes Alimta market Revenue, market Share, Alimta industry volume, market Trends, Alimta Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Alimta Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Alimta Market 2018 :Eli LillyAbbott HealthcareCadila HealthcareAlimta Market : By ApplicationPleural MesotheliomaNon-small Cell Lung CancerAlimta Market : By Type100mg500mgFirstly, the report covers the top Alimta manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Alimta report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Alimta industry, Alimta industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Alimta Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Alimta research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Alimta market revenue worldwide.Finally, Alimta market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a leading market intelligence team which making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact US:5001 Spring Valley Rd #400,Dallas,TX 75244, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Email: Mar 07, 2018: Appearance Boards Market Manufacturers Mendocino, Welldonewood, Claymark, Builders Choice Appearance Boards Market QY Research Store Recently added detailed market study on the "Global Appearance Boards Market Research Report 2018-2025" which provides an outlook of current market value of Appearance Boards Market as well as the expected forecast of Rate on Investment (ROI) with growing CAGR of XX% in Appearance Boards Market by the end of 2025. The report on the global Appearance Boards market uses the top-down and bottom-up approaches to define, analyze, and describe the Appearance Boards market 2018 trends for the next five years up to 2025.Get sample here :Top Companies Analysis Mentioned1. Builders Choice2. Alexandria Moulding3. Mendocino4. Welldonewood5. Claymark6. Toms Quality MillworkAppearance Boards Market Growth Analysis By Type Block Board Plywood Medium Density Fiberboard Particle Board OthersAppearance Boards Market Growth Analysis By Application Commercial ResidentialThe Global Appearance Boards Market Provides comprehensive understanding of the market with the help of Appearance Boards market outlook, opportunities, challenges, trends, Appearance Boards Market size, share and growth, competitive analysis, major competitors and Porter analysis. Appearance Boards market report further provides production, capacity, Appearance Boards market price per region, gross margin for all major regions and countries listed in Appearance Boards report.Browse full report :The Appearance Boards Market report provides upstream and downstream analysis of Appearance Boards market that covering major raw material used in manufacturing of Appearance Boards along with detailed manufacturing sources. Appearance Boards report Detailed raw material price trend analysis along with Appearance Boards manufacturing cost analysis is also incorporated into the report.About Us:QY Research Store is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Email: sales@qyresearchstore.comWeb: Mar 07, 2018: Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market Manufacturers Nilfisk, Tennant, Fimap, Pacific Floor Care Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market QY Research Store Recently added detailed market study on the "Global Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market Research Report 2018-2025" which provides an outlook of current market value of Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market as well as the expected forecast of Rate on Investment (ROI) with growing CAGR of XX% in Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market by the end of 2025. The report on the global Stand-on Floor Scrubber market uses the top-down and bottom-up approaches to define, analyze, and describe the Stand-on Floor Scrubber market 2018 trends for the next five years up to 2025.Get sample here :Top Companies Analysis Mentioned Nilfisk Karcher Hako Tennant Comac IPC Eagle NSS Fimap Tornado Industries Gaomei RPS corporation Pacific Floor Care Chaobao OTHERSStand-on Floor Scrubber Market Growth Analysis By Type Micro/small Medium LargeStand-on Floor Scrubber Market Growth Analysis By Application Commercial Industrial Institution Transportation OthersThe Global Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market Provides comprehensive understanding of the market with the help of Stand-on Floor Scrubber market outlook, opportunities, challenges, trends, Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market size, share and growth, competitive analysis, major competitors and Porter analysis. Stand-on Floor Scrubber market report further provides production, capacity, Stand-on Floor Scrubber market price per region, gross margin for all major regions and countries listed in Stand-on Floor Scrubber report.Browse full report :The Stand-on Floor Scrubber Market report provides upstream and downstream analysis of Stand-on Floor Scrubber market that covering major raw material used in manufacturing of Stand-on Floor Scrubber along with detailed manufacturing sources. Stand-on Floor Scrubber report Detailed raw material price trend analysis along with Stand-on Floor Scrubber manufacturing cost analysis is also incorporated into the report.About Us:QY Research Store is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAContact: +1-214-661-1669Email: sales@qyresearchstore.comWeb: Infectious Disease Point of Care Diagnostics Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2012-2016 and Forecast 2017-2023 Infectious Disease Point of Care Diagnostics Market Point of care diagnostics refers to the tests carried at site of the patient care to provide the immediate results. These diagnostics improve the disease management and detection. Infectious diseases are caused by various microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Infectious disease point of care diagnostics reduces the time between disease testing and diagnosis of an infection. Nowadays most of the infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, influenza, tropical diseases, and sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed by the point of care testing. The major advantages with the point of care testing are reduced in diagnosis time, postoperative care time, improvement in disease outcomes, accuracy in results, and simple methods for diagnosis of the infectious diseases.Increase in the incidence and prevalence of infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, HIV, rise in healthcare expenditure, growing investments from public and private sectors for the development of new products, rising government support towards the adoption of point of care devices are expected to drive global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market over the forecast period. Moreover, the technological advancements in point of care diagnostic devices and introduction of home-based point of care devices are also anticipated to boost the infectious disease point of care diagnostics market. However, reluctance among the patients to change in existing diagnostic practices, stringent regulatory policies, and reimbursement issues might restrain the growth of global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market over the forecast timeframe.A sample of this report is available upon request @The infectious disease point of care diagnostics market segmented based on product type, disease condition, prescription mode, and end users.Based on product type, the infectious disease point of care diagnostics market segmented into the following: Infectious disease testing kits & Reagentso Hepatitiso HIV infectiono Respiratory infectionso Influenzao Sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) infectiono Others Haematology testing kits Urinalysis Testing Kits OthersBased on disease condition, the infectious disease point of care diagnostics market segmented into the following: Bacterial Infection Fungal infection Viral Infection Cardiovascular infection GI infections Sexually transmitted disease CNS infections OtherBased on prescription mode, the infectious disease point of care diagnostics market segmented into the following: Over-the-counter (OTC) Testing Kits Prescription-based Testing KitsBased on end-user, the infectious disease point of care diagnostics market segmented into the following: Professional diagnostic centreso Hospitalso Outpatient healthcare Setting Homecare OthersTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @The global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market is in the flourishing stage as several local and international players are actively involved in the development of infectious disease point of care diagnostic devices. Increase in the prevalence of the deadly infectious disease will drive the growth of the global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market. For instance, according to World Health Organisation, global health observatory (GHO) data, in 2013, approximately 34-38 million people suffered from HIV infection worldwide. Launching of new products, approvals from various regulatory bodies, acquisitions and mergers, partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures are expected to fuel the growth of global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market over the forecast period. For instance, in January 2015, FDA has approved Alere for its first CLIA waiver for the nucleic acid-based test, Influenza A&B. Further Roches CLIA waiver for Cobas Liat System and Strep A. By 2016, many systems received CLIA waivers from FDA including the Xpert Flu/RSV Xc by Cepheids.Need more information about this report @Geographically, global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market has been segmented into following regions Viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Asia-Pacific. North-America holds a key share in global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market is due to increase in the prevalence of infectious diseases especially in U.S. (according to UNAIDS, in 2012, about 1.3Mn patients were diagnosed with HIV within the U.S.). These statistics are likely to increase over the coming years if suitable treatment options are not provided in time. The European region is also a major region for the growth of global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market due to improved healthcare infrastructure, and increase in prevalence of bacterial and viral diseases (according to WHO European Region, at the end of 2015, about 13.3 Mn people live with chronic hepatitis B, an estimated 15 Mn people with hepatitis C, and more than 2 Mn people with HIV). Moreover, Asia-Pacific region holds a significant growth in infectious disease point of care diagnostics market owing to the high prevalence of infectious diseases, unhygienic environment, and huge investment opportunities due to increase in healthcare expenditure. Moreover, due to high prevalence and incidence of infectious diseases especially sexually transmitted disease and bacterial infections, and high population the growth of global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market expected to fuel in the Asia-Pacific region.Some of the players in the global infectious disease point of care diagnostics market are Cepheid Inc. (Danaher Corporation) (U.S.), Abbott Laboratories, Inc. (U.S.), F. Hoffmann La Roche Limited (Switzerland), Beckman Coulter, Inc. (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (U.S.), Instrumentation Laboratory (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), Alere Inc. (U.S.), Nova Biomedical (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), and Quidel Corporation (U.S.) to name a few.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@precisionbusinessinsights.comToll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553Website @ Global Chickpeas Market Overview 2018: Growth, Price Trends, Demand and Forecast Research Report to 2023 The global chickpeas market is growing at a healthy rate. Some of the factors that have influenced the demand include rising population, improving standards of living, health benefits, increasing applications in food industry, etc.Request a sample report:Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are pulses which belong to the Leguminosae family, consumed mainly within the Asian and Middle Eastern nations. Chickpeas are endowed with the goodness of nutrients, vitamins and fibre, and help in increasing folate as well as manganese intake. They are beneficial for boosting digestion, keeping blood sugar levels stable and catering satiety as well as weight-loss. Chickpeas are generally distinguished into two types, namely Desi and Kabuli. While Desi chickpeas are grown in India, Kabuli chickpeas are cultivated only in West Asia and the Mediterranean regions. A new research report by IMARC Group, titled Chickpeas Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2018-2023, estimates that the global chickpeas market reached a volume of more than 12 Million Tons in 2017. The report further anticipates the market to reach approximately 13 Million Tons by 2023, at a projected CAGR exceeding 1% over the forecast period.Read full report with TOC:Market Drivers/Constraints:One of the primary factors that has proliferated the demand for chickpeas are the health benefits that are associated with chickpeas. Some of these health benefits include weight management, strengthening bones, reduction of inflammation, improving digestion, and preventing diabetes and heart-attacks.In addition, the growing population in emerging nations has affected the demand for food supply. As a result, the demand for chickpeas has witnessed a surge over the past few years. Further, improving standards of living have shifted consumer preferences to healthier food options like chickpeas.Moreover, chickpeas are known for their potency to enhance the aroma and taste of numerous food products like spreads, dips, soups, sauces, etc. This has led to the rising applications of chickpeas in the food industry, thereby influencing its overall demand in the global market.However, there are several factors that hamper the market growth. Though chickpeas act as a great source of gluten-free protein for the vegans, eating chickpeas in excess may disturb the digestion pattern or give a stomach-ache.Regional Insights:On a geographical front, India represents the biggest producer of chickpeas accounting for the majority of the global production. It is followed by Australia, Pakistan, Myanmar and Ethiopia. The report has also covered the import and export trends, where Australia enjoys a leading position as an exporter in the market, followed by Russia, India, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Ethiopia, Argentina, Tanzania and Iran. On the other hand, India is the largest importer of chickpeas, followed by Bangladesh, Egypt, the United States, Algeria, Pakistan, Spain, United Kingdom and Turkey.Browse related reports:Kaspa Peas Market Research Report:Pigeon Pea Market Research Report:About UsIMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.Contact usIMARC Group309 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USAWebsite:Email: sales@imarcgroup.comUSA: +1-631-791-1145Follow us on twitter: @imarcglobal Indian Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Market, 2015-2022 Indian Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Market, Size, Share, Intelligence, Company Profiles, Market Trends, Strategy, Analysis, Forecast 2015-2022MARKET INSIGHTS:The Indian Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Market is estimated to grow with the CAGR of 20.5% during the period 2017-2022. The major factors that are augmenting the growth of the market are increase in the geriatric population of the India, urbanization and increasing prevalence of diabetes in the country. Additionally, rising obesity levels, innovation and development of new product for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and growing trend of the wearable devices and POC solution are also some of the major factors that are fuelling the growth of the Indian diabetes market.India has huge potential for the growth of the Indian diabetes market. Diabetes is an expensive and rapidly growing health problem all over the world. In 2015, it is estimated that the approximately 370 million across the globe have diabetes, out of which more than 90% of the population have Type-II diabetes. India has the second largest number of diabetics population in the world. In 2015, about 60 million people India is suffering from diabetes. Moreover, 75 million people are in the risk to develop diabetes. These are the major factors that are attracting multinational companies to invest in India. Therefore increasing investment by the key players in the India are driving the growth of the diabetes market.For More Info:Increasing geriatric population is also one of the major factors driving the growth of the diabetes market in India. In the year 2015, population aging 65 year or older is estimated to account for about 6% of the total population of the India i.e. 78 million, it is further estimated to reach 8.8% by the year 2030. Population aging 65 or older are more prone to diabetes. Therefore increasing geriatric population in India is estimated to motivate the growth of the Indian Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Market.However, there are certain factors that are affecting the growth of the diabetes market in India. Lack of awareness among people, high cost and recurring cost of treatment, lack of availability of insulin pumps and CGMS devices are some of the major constraints that are hindering the growth of the diabetes market in the region.COMPETITIVE INSIGHTSKey players of the Indian diabetes market are AstraZeneca Pharma India ltd, Eli Lily and company India ltd, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals ltd, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Lupin pharmaceuticals ltd, Merck & co, Micro labs Ltd, MSD pharmaceuticals, Novartis India, Novo Nordisk India, Pfizer India, Sanofi Aventis, Sun Pharmaceuticals, USV India.OMR Report covers: Comprehensive research methodology of Global Indian Diabetes Market This report also includes detailed and extensive market overview with Analyst insights & key market trends. Exhaustive analysis of macro and micro factors influencing the market guided by key recommendations. Analysis of regional regulations and other government policies impacting the Global Indian Diabetes Market Insights about market determinants which are stimulating the Global Indian Diabetes Market Detailed and extensive market segments with regional distribution of forecasted revenues. Extensive profiles and recent developments of market players.Orion Market Research (OMR) is an Indian research company known for its crisp and concise reports.The company is equipped with an experienced team and young brigade of analysts. The company provides quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiling, consulting and other research-based services. OMR provide global and regional market reports of various domains such as healthcare, energy, IT, chemicals, and automobiles. The company provides a 360-degree view of the market with parametric analysis, key market insights, key findings, statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, extensive segmentation, key trends, strategic recommendations and detailed company profiles.CORPORATE OFFICE:Orion Market Research Pvt Ltd116, Shagun ArcadeVijay Nagar SquareIndore, Madhya Pradesh India- 452010Email:, support@omrglobal.comIndia: +91-780-304-0404Global: +1-646-755-7667 Artificial Neural Network Market Size & Analysis Forecasts To 2025 GLOBAL MARKET ESTIMATES Artificial Neural Network: Market InsightsThe artificial neural network market is projected to experience a double digit growth over the coming years on account of rapid develop in artificial intelligence and deep learning. Growing rate of technological adoption in the aerospace & defence industry is expected to foster market growth.The artificial neural network has a wide range of applications from machine vision, robotics, smart motion, medical & satellite imaging, speech & voice recognition, drug discovery, and data mining among others.Artificial Neural Network Market: Type InsightsOn the basis of type, the artificial neural network market is segmented into FeedForward and Feedback. FeedForward is used to feed information to various units; however no inputs are received back. FeedBack ANN allows feedback loops to gain the best possible analysis.Artificial Neural Network Market: Application InsightsOn the basis of application, the artificial neural network is segmented into aerospace & defense, automotive & transportation, electronics & telecommunication, financials, industrial, medical, and others. In the aerospace and defense sector ANN is used to detect aircraft faults, weapon orientation, target tracking, facial recognition, image identification, and to autopilot aircrafts among others.Large investments in the healthcare sector are expected to induce demand for ANN. ANN is used in cancer cell analysis, ECG & EEG analysis, transplant time optimization and prosthetic design among others. Large demand for faster and smarter electronics is also expected to propel demand for ANN.Request for a sample copy of the artificial neural network market report at:Artificial Neural Network Market: Regional InsightsThe demand for artificial neural network market is expected to gain the highest traction in the North American market. The U.S. is expected to invest heavily in the artificial intelligence sector. Rapid adoption of technologies in the aerospace & defense sector is also projected to augment market demand over the coming years.The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow at a high CAGR over the coming years on account of technological developments and research activities undertaken in the military, BFSI, automotive & transportation, and electronics & telecommunication industry. The region is one of the largest producers and developers of electronics, automotives, and telecommunications equipment.Artificial Neural Network Market: Vendor LandscapeThe report contains a chapter dedicated to vendors operating in the market, covering raw material manufactures, equipment developers, manufacturers, and distributors. The report provides these insights on a regional level. This section of the report entails contact details, experience, products manufactured/supplied, and geographical presence of companies.Artificial Neural Network Market: End-Use LandscapeThe report provides a detailed list of end-users operating across the world. The end-user landscape includes consumer contact details, geographical presence, revenue, product portfolio, organic and inorganic growth strategies among others. Some of the companies who are likely to use artificial neural network include Boeing, General Atomics, and Northrop Grumman among others.Artificial Neural Network: Market Share & Competitor AnalysisSome of the prominent companies engaged in artificial neural network market include Google Inc., Intel Corporation, Hu:toma Artificial Intelligence, Atomwise, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Ltd., Neurala, Inc., DeePhi Tech, and TheWhollySee Company Ltd. among others. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence in various applications is projected to positively influence demand over the coming years.Check our annual research partnership service at:Were constantly identifying and analysing high growth markets and revenue pockets. In consultation with various industry experts, our team of highly-skilled industry analysts study these markets through sophisticated tools and fail-safe, industry-approved methodologies.Name: Global Market Estimates Research & Business ConsultantsAddress: A-9, Silver Croft CHSL, Mumbai:400064, IndiaContact No,: +91 9146632316Email Address: SGS Kapihan: An ISO 37001 Expert Discussion (Makati) Meet our industry experts and discover the importance of ISO 37001:2016 or the Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) in our Kapihan Session on March 23 at the SGS Academy Makati.The SGS Kapihan Session is a unique avenue to bring leading companies and industry experts together to share their knowledge and expertise, engage in discussions and build networks among various organizations and professionals.WHO SHOULD ATTEND THE Kapihan SESSION?Companies responsible to establish and maintain an ABMSCompanies who would like to obtain knowledge about ABMS processesCompanies concerned about ABMSGovernment AgenciesEVENT DETAILSDate: March 23, 2018 (Friday)Time: 1PM to 3PM (Registration starts at 12PM)Venue: SGS Academy Makati, 3rd Floor, 2229 Alegria Building, Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City 1231The event is for FREE, with a maximum of 2 slots per organization. For reservations,Email: furtherexcellenceph@sgs.comCall: (632) 784-9400 loc 623To help organizations enhance their anti-bribery controls, SGS Philippines will hold its first (ISO 37001) Anti-bribery management systems expert discussion forum on March 23, 2018 at Alegria Bldg., Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City.ISO 37001 is designed to be integrated into every organization's existing management systems, processes and controls. It follows the common ISO structure for management system standards, for easy integration with other standards, such as ISO 9001.SGS Philippines, Inc.3rd Floor Alegria Building2229 Chino Roces AvenueMakati City, Philippines Market Research on Calcium Propionate Market Analysis to 2023 Global Calcium Propionate Market: SnapshotThe primary driver for the global calcium propionate market is the growing demand for convenience foods and ready-to-eat foods across the world, a factor attributed to the increasingly work-oriented and busy lifestyles of consumers. Additionally, consumers from a lot of diverse economic regions are becoming aware of the various food-borne diseases and what they can do to avoid them.The use of anti-microbial additives is one of the foremost methods to provide germ-free food that lasts longer on the shelf. In fact, the anti-microbial properties of calcium propionate have created a high demand for it in bakery products. A large number of bakeries use calcium propionate to prevent their bread-based products from growing molds. Calcium propionate is also more cost-effective than other preservatives such as sulfites or sorbates, which will further enhance its position and demand, especially in emerging economies.Download PDF Brochure @There is, however, a parallel growth in the demand for fresh foods and organic foods in the world, owing to the concerns of consuming chemicals and additives in food. More and more people are concerned over the consumption of chemicals that are linked to several long-term illnesses and are therefore demanding foods that are devoid of any additives.All in all, the global market for calcium propionate is expected to reach US$343.6 mn by the end of 2016 and US$480.3 mn by 2023, after this revenue being projected at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2015 to 2023.Europe Leads Consumption of Calcium PropionateBy the end of 2023, Europe is expected to generate a revenue of US$175.9 mn in calcium propionate manufacture and distributions. Europe has consistently been the leading consumer of calcium propionate in the world and is expected to continue being in the lead till 2023. A large demand for calcium propionate comes from the nations of Italy, France, and the U.K., owing to their great consumption rate of convenience foods on a daily basis by the working class. Manufacturers of bakery products, dairy products, and animal feed products are all using calcium propionate in large quantities due to its preservative and anti-microbial nature. The demand for calcium propionate in Europe is also high due to the ban on antibiotics in multiple applications where calcium propionate can fill in.North America holds a large demand for calcium propionate, but is expected to show a very slow growth in demand over the coming years, due to market saturation and a growing demand for fresh foods and organic foods. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is showing a massive surge in its demand for calcium propionate due to its cost-effective nature.Obtain Report Details @Bakery Applications of Calcium Propionate SurgeCalcium propionate is currently one of the leading additives used to improve the shelf-life of foods. It finds key applications in the production of bakery foods, animal feed, meat processing, packaged foods, and specific beverages. The bakery industry leads the consumption of calcium propionate among all its applications. By the end of 2023, bakery applications of calcium propionate are expected to generate a revenue of US$270.0 mn for it. It is largely used to store grains and preparation foods such as pastas, noodles, and ready-to-eat foods such as breakfast cereals.The list of top players in the global calcium propionate market currently includes Niacet Corporation, Kemira, Macco Organiques Inc., Perstorp Holding AB, AB Mauri, Addcon GmbH, A.M. Food Chemical Co. Ltd., Cargill Incorporated, Chr. Hansen A/S, and BASF SE.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700,Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Bone Biopsy Market 2018 Professional Analysis |Top Players are C R Bard (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), B. Braun Melsungen AG, etc. Market Research Future Worldwide Bone Biopsy Market Region Wise surveying Report is added on with 110 pages. It is also contains Market information by Types, Indication and End-user. Worldwide Forecast to 2023Bone biopsy is a procedure in which a sample of bone tissue is taken and observed under the microscope to diagnose various bone disorders such as osteopenia. It is of two types namely, needle biopsy and open biopsy. In needle biopsy, a biopsy needle is used to take the tissue sample. In open biopsy, an incision is made through the skin and the sample is taken. Bone cancer, bone infection or inflammation, chronic kidney disease and osteoporosis are major indications for bone biopsy. Bone Biopsy Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.Rising prevalence of cancer and increasing demand for new diagnostic procedures are the major factors driving the growth of the market across the globe. Furthermore, increasing healthcare expenditure and overall growth of healthcare industry also influence the market growth. Splendid research in the field of oncology also boost the market. However, low patient awareness about chronic kidney disease and importance of early diagnosis among the people may restrain the market growth.Major Players are:Some of the key players in this market are C R Bard (U.S.), Becton, Dickinson and Company (U.S.), B. Braun Melsungen AG, Hologic, Inc. (U.S.), and Cook Medical (U.S.), Devicor Medical Products Inc. (U.S.), Argon Medical Inc. (U.S.) and others.Request Sample copy of Bone Biopsy Market Report@Segments:The global bone biopsy market is segmented on the basis of type, indication and end user. On the basis of the component, market is segmented into needle biopsy and open biopsy. On the basis of the application, the market is segmented into bone cancer, bone infection, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, and others. On the basis of the end user, the market is segmented into hospital & clinics, surgical centers, diagnostic centers, and others.Regional Analysis of the Global Bone Biopsy Market:America holds the first position in the bone biopsy market owing to the rising prevalence of cancer in the U.S. and increasing demand for new cancer diagnostic and treatment services. In Americas, North America is the largest market owing to the presence of key players in healthcare diagnostic industry. The prevalence of osteoporosis is found to be higher in the population over 35 years for age. Changing lifestyle, emphasis on fitness and exercise, and overall development of medical device industry also accelerate the growth of the market.Europe is the second largest market for bone biopsy. In Europe, there is an increasing demand for advanced bone biopsy devices, and extensive research and development activities by clinical research and academic institutes for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Germany is the largest market followed by France. The market in Germany is driven by increasing demand for specialty care services.LIST OF TABLESTable 1 Bone Biopsy Industry Synopsis, 2017 2023Table 2 Global Bone Biopsy Market Estimates and Forecast, 2017 2023, (USD Million)Table 3 Global Bone Biopsy Market by Region, 2017 2023, (USD Million)Table 4 Global Bone Biopsy Market by Type, 2017 2023, (USD Million)Table 5 Global Bone Biopsy Market by Indication, 2017 2023, (USD Million)ContinuedLIST OF FIGURESFigure 1 Research ProcessFigure 2 Segmentation for Global Bone Biopsy MarketFigure 3 Segmentation Market Dynamics for Global Bone Biopsy MarketFigure 4 Global Bone Biopsy Market Share, By Type 2016Figure 5 Global Bone Biopsy Market Share, By Indication 2016ContinuedFor more Inquiry on Bone Biopsy Market Report @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: The 'Internet of Things' Will Be The World's Most Massive Device Market And Save Companies Billions Of Dollars Market Scenario:The Internet of Things (IoT) is referred as the networking of major physical objects through embedded actuators, sensors, and other devices which can transmit the information about the objects. The data received from these devices can be analyzed to optimize service, products, and operations. Hence, the frenzied pace of adoption, deployment, and diffusion of internet based process and various technology is expected to drive the IoT market.The rapid plunging costs of IoT sensors and the rise of cloud computing as strong base for IoT is also anticipated to enhance the industry over the forecast period. Furthermore, few other factors contributing to the growth includes technological advancement in broadband and internet; growth in wireless small range communication; omnipresence of various tablets and smartphones generating the gateways for monitoring & controlling IoT devices; and block-chain application along with the transforming influence on IoT security.Leading Players of Internet of Things (IoT) Market:The leading competitive large scale vendors in the market include Qualcomm, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems, and AT&T. The other prominent vendors in the IoT market are Freescale Semiconductor, Accenture, CTS, ARM Holdings, Atmel, Telefonica, Atos, Bosch Software Innovations, Broadcom, NEC, , Dell, TCS, Digi International, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Echelon, Zebra Technologies, Ericsson, GE, Hitachi, , Apple, HP, Huawei Technologies, IBM, Samsung Electronics, Infosys, , Texas Instruments, Intel, Siemens, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, National Instruments, Oracle, Rockwell Automation, , Google, SAP, Schneider Electric, Symantec, Tech Mahindra, Tieto, Verizon Communications and PTC.Download Sample Copy of Report @Market Highlights:Additionally, the development of telecom and internet infrastructure, digitalizing lifestyles of major population, and simultaneous growth of digital consumers are also projected to influence the industry. Also, low cost of devices has increased the application in manufacturing; industrial sector will further influence the market positively over the forecast period.Increasing focus of suppliers towards IoT technology along with rising standards has influenced the industry growth. However, rising integrity standards have led to the complexity in connectivity may hinder the market growth over the forecast period.M2M (machine to machine) & telecom providers, device & sensors providers, third-party integration providers, regulatory agencies, governments, consultancy & advisory firms, application developers & aggregators, and Application Program Interface (API) integrators are few clients of the IoT market.Increasing demand for Big Data Analytics is further expected to fuel the technology implementation since several industries such as energy; transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare are utilizing analytics for tracking the information and maintaining the records for stored data. This integration of IoT and analytics allows continuous transfer of real time data between networks and machine resulting in efficient management of high volume data.Browse Report @Market Growth:Manufacturers are opting for the technology majorly to enhance business productivity and more optimized and maintained factory floor performance. Increased application for location-based sensors in various sectors to manage and track inventories will accelerate the growth of the market in the forecast period.APAC is expected to contribute majorly to the IoT industry and is anticipated to witness enormous growth in the forecast period. Increased investments in infrastructure and technological development in various APAC countries and the increasing application of Nano-scale devices and sensors are projected to spur the growth in the regionThe IoT market is highly fragmented owing to the presence of large and small players. Major industry players, network & service providers and core machine to machine vendors are focused on merger & acquisition for expanding the industry presence and enhance the customer range. The entry of new vendors with new technology is expected to further enhance the competition in the industry.Related Reports:Cloud Radio Access Network Market:India Hyperloop Market:About us:Xpodence Research have the most extensive collection of Industry research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best Industry research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great Industry research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different Industry research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is related to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a Industry research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of Industry research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organisations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact us:Xpodence Research244 , Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesToll Free +1- 844-445-2861Email: Polyamide Market 2017 Receives a Rapid Boost in Economy Due to High Emerging Demands by Forecast to 2025 Industry HighlightsDeveloping car industry in created and creating nations is relied upon to drive the polyamide advertise. Polyamides are favored via car fabricates because of their superior requiring little to no effort. Attributable to current ascent in crude materials costs in car industry, makers are moving towards polyamides for different end-users, for example, coatings and movies. The development in car industry is because of the rising extra cash of purchasers and increment in transportation exercises over the world.Expanding request from end-users in hardware and coatings industry is required to drive the market. Increment in the development exercises and rising populace are real driving elements for hardware and coatings industry. Ease of creation and elite factors, for example, substance and wear protection and protection settles on polyamide perfect decision to be utilized as a part of electrical and electronic end-users.Get Sample Report @Top Industry PlayersSome of the major companies in the global polyamide market are BASF SE, Formosa Group, Honeywell International Inc. Li Peng Enterprise Co., Invista, Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Radici Group, Solvay, Royal DSM N.V., Ascend Performance Materials Inc.Market OverviewPolyamide is a polymer with adaptable properties and popularity in different end client portions, for example, automotive, material, gadgets, hardware, bundling and coatings among others. Polyamides happen normally in type of fleece, silk among others and can be incorporated falsely. Nylon, polyamide 6 and aramid are among misleadingly made polyamides. Simulated polyamides show properties, for example, protection from wear, great mechanical properties, low penetrability to gasses and concoction protection. Bio-based polyamides are picking up request in advertise inferable from its eco-accommodating nature. Polyamide 6 is overwhelming sort among polyamides as far as income and utilization attributable to its cost to execution factor.Innovative work in the field of bio-based and claim to fame polyamide for various end-users is relied upon to give huge chances to players sooner rather than later. The makers, affiliations and finished result produces are putting resources into R&D exercises. Polyamide end-users in nourishment contact and household items and forte polyamides in car to supplant metals are relied upon to give chances to players in this market. Innovation alterations, for example, bio-based polyamide are required to drive the market in not so distant future attributable to eco-accommodating properties.For More Information @Government directions and rising wellbeing mindfulness in creating nations are relied upon to fuel the bio-based polyamide advertise soon. Complex assembling procedure of polyamide and accessibility of the antecedents are required to hamper polyamide showcase development. Debasing properties because of dampness retention is another factor which may hamper showcase development. Organizations are creating bio-based and claim to fame polyamides for various end-users including medicinal. For example, Akrema propelled forte polyamide, Pebax, Rilsan and Rilasmid, which are of medicinal review. These claim to fame polyamides offer preferred standpoint over different polyamides with one of a kind particulars, for example, gel rating, dampness substance and thickness.Market SegmentsThe global polyamide market is segmented on the basis of types, end-user and geography. The global market is segmented on the basis of types as Polyamide 6,6, Polyamide 6, Polyamide 6/10, Polyamide 6/12, Polyamide 11, Polyamide 12, Polyamide 46, Polyphthalamide, and others. Based on end-users the global market is classified as automotive, textile, electrical & electronics, aerospace & defense, packaging & storage, extrusion and others. The global polyamide market is segmented based on regions as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa.About UsXpodence Research has the most extensive collection of market research reports of many categories. Xpodence Research provides the best market research solution for every industry by publishing the best possible results of great market research firms worldwide. For every particular problem, theres a particular solution, so according to the customer needs, we provide the best possible results to them from different market research organization, whether its a Custom Research or Syndicated Research reports because the product that wins is the one that bridges customers to the future, not the one that requires a giant leap.Every organization, whether it is related to Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Eatables, Consumable Goods and many more demands a market research results so that they can take important decisions for more productivity and better output in this swift world. Xpodence Research gives the best possible outcome, perfect forecast, analysis and insights of market research in the form of report which is beneficial for various organizations and also to the manufacturing companies in taking the best decisions for quality production.Contact UsXpodence ResearchUSA Office244, Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesToll Free +1- 844-445-2861Email: Thin Film Metrology Systems Market - Regional Outlook and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Thin Film Metrology Systems Market: OverviewWith a rising application scope in the measurement of thin film parameters, such as resistivity, thickness, and stress, the market for thin film metrology systems has been experiencing a noticeable rise across the world. The augmenting demand for miniaturization of semiconductors is likely to add remarkably to the growth of this market in the years to come.Thin film metrology technology finds significant usage in the measurement of film thickness due to its accuracy. Opaque films, thick films, and transparent films are the main thin film metrology systems utilized across the world. Opaque films metrology system make use of sound waves to measure film thickness. The time duration between sound induction and echo detection is directly proportional to the thickness of films. In the transparent films metrology system, x-rays at multiple wavelengths and angles are utilized to measure the thickness of films. This metrology system is more popular among consumers due to its low cost and high accuracy.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Spectroscopic reflectometry, profilometry, ellipsometry, and x-ray analysis are the prime technologies utilized in thin film metrology systems, globally. These technologies play an important role in the manufacturing of motherboards, advanced memory chip devices, transistors, and various other complex semiconductor devices. These systems are extensively utilized in these devices to maintain the uniformity of the process during the production.Global Thin Film Metrology Systems Market: SnapshotThin film metrology system is the measurement of film thickness, accurately and precisely. The thickness of the materials measured range from fractions of nanometer to micrometers. Thin film metrology system also finds application in optical coating, semiconductor devices, and metal composition. This system is also utilized to measure the thin film coated over portable devices such as tablets and phones. Thin film is deposited over a material in two ways, namely chemical deposition and physical deposition. Profilometry, spectroscopic, ellipsometry, reflectrometry, and X-ray analysis are some of the technologies used to measure the film thickness. According to the report, the global market for thin film metrology systems is projected for a healthy growth rate during the forecast period of 2017 to 2025.Request TOC of the Report @This report is a comprehensive analysis of the global thin film metrology systems market in its current scenario and based on several factors that are expected to influence the demand, the report presents figurative estimations of the revenue available in the market until 2025. One of the key feature of the report is its section on company profiles wherein several prominent companies currently active in the market are analyzed for their market share, product and services offered, and latest developments. The market for thin film metrology system can be segmented on the basis of type, end user, and geography. By type, the market can be divided into single layer thin film metrology and multilayer thin film metrology while by end-user, the market can be divided into semiconductor industry, data storage industries, silicon industries, and others,Global Thin Film Metrology Systems Market: Trends and ProspectsThe growing demand for miniaturization and integration of semiconductors is the primary factor driving the global market for thin film metrology systems. Miniaturization of IC has been a result of high level integration to add functionalities on a single device, which is anticipated to escalate the demand for thin film metrology systems until 2025. Thin film metrology systems also help in improving the efficiency of semiconductor manufacturing processes, and as the demand for semiconductor devices escalates due to the thriving electronics industry, the market for thin film metrology systems will be benefitted. These systems are also applicable in manufacturing complex semiconductor ICs, which has led to architectures such as 3D and FinFET. This factor will further propell the thin films metrology systems demand. Conversely, demand fluctuation in semiconductor industries is the factor expected to hinder the growth rate during the forecast period.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Thin Film Metrology Systems Market: Regional OutlookGeographically, the market can be segmented into the regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and rest of the world. Currently, North America serves the maximum demand, owing to factors such as surging demand for electronic goods and high purchasing ability of the consumers. However, Asia Pacific, which resides nearly the half of worlds population, is also projected for a healthy growth rate.KLA-Tencor, Nanometrics, Nova Measuring Instruments, Rudolph Technologies are some of the key players identified by the report in the global thin film metrology systems market. Other prominent vendors are Hitachi High-Technologies, SCREEN Holdings, and Semilab.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global Professional Haircare Products Market to grow at a CAGR of 4.37% during 2017-2021 | Henkel, Kao Corporation, L'Oral, Procter and Gamble, Unilever Haircare products (including shampoos, conditioners, hair colorants, and hair styling products) that are offered and targeted for usage in beauty salons, spas, and by beauty professionals are considered professional haircare products. Sometimes, individuals purchase professional haircare products for their individual usage at home. Globally, haircare manufacturers segregate their professional lines from consumer lines based on their target audience.The global professional haircare products market to grow at a CAGR of 4.37% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global professional haircare products market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the retail volume and value sales of the market.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEAClick to get Sample PDF:Technavio's report, Global Professional Haircare Products Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors- Henkel- Kao Corporation- L'Oral- Procter and Gamble- UnileverOther prominent vendors- Avon- Cadiveu Professional USA- Chatters Canada- Combe- COTY- Este Lauder- REVLON- ShiseidoMarket driver- Product innovation and product-line extensions leading to product premiumization- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Similar product benefits from economically priced haircare products- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend- Evolving consumer expectations- For a full, detailed list, view our reportView Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Global Exterior Building Cleaning Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 This report studies The Global Exterior Building Cleaning Market, analyzes and researches the Exterior Building Cleaning development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeGet free sample atG.L. CapassoPressure Washing HoustonKEVCO Building ServicesN-TrustedMen In KiltsCleantechApt-iccRestif Cleaning ServicesChemwashATL Maintenance Pte. Ltd.Seattle WAMarket segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaRequest for discount atMarket segment by Application, Exterior Building Cleaning can be split intoCommercial BuildingResidential BuildingIndustrial BuildingGovernment and OrganizationTable of ContentsGlobal Exterior Building Cleaning Market Size, Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Exterior Building Cleaning1.1 Exterior Building Cleaning Market Overview1.1.1 Exterior Building Cleaning Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Exterior Building Cleaning Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Exterior Building Cleaning Market by End Users/Application1.3.1 Commercial Building1.3.2 Residential Building1.3.3 Industrial Building1.3.4 Government and Organization2 Global Exterior Building Cleaning Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Exterior Building Cleaning Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in FutureBrowse complete report at3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 G.L. Capasso3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Pressure Washing Houston3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 KEVCO?Building?Services3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 N-Trusted3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Men In Kilts3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Cleantech3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Apt-icc3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Restif Cleaning Services3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Chemwash3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 ATL Maintenance Pte. Ltd.3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Exterior Building Cleaning Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Seattle WAWho we areResearch Trades has team of experts who works on providing exhaustive analysis pertaining to market research on a global basis. This comprehensive analysis is obtained by a thorough research and study of the ongoing trends and provides predictive data regarding the future estimations, which can be utilized by various organizations for growth purposes. We distribute customized reports that focus on meeting the clients specific requirement. Our database consists of a large collection of high-quality reports obtained using a customer-centric approach, thus providing valuable research insights.Contact us:Email: sales@researchtrades.comCall us: +1 6269994607 (USA), +91 7507349866 (IND)Web:Skype ID: researchtradescon Hydraulic Fluid Connectors Market is Projected to Reach more than USD 4.50 Billion By 2020 Hydraulic Fluid Connectors Market New York, March 07, 2018: Hydraulic fluid connectors technologies are used in different hydraulic applications for power transmission from one place to another place. Varity of techniques are used for power transmission such as fluid power, electrical power and mechanical power. Couplings, hoses, manifolds are some fluid connectors equipments used in the industry. Hydraulic fluid is transfer through the device to different hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors, then develops forced according to the resistance exists. Mobile hydraulic and industrial hydraulic are two types of hydraulic fluid connectors. The non-stationary applications are uses mobile hydraulic fluid connectors includes agriculture equipment, trucks and aerospace. Industrial hydraulic fluid connectors are used in stationary a application, which contains gas, oil and petroleum.Browse Full Report:The Hydraulic fluid connectors market is expected to exceed more than USD$4.70 billion by 2020.The hydraulic fluid connectors market is segmented on the lines of its product segment and application. Under product segmentation the hydraulic fluid connectors market covers mobile hydraulic and industrial hydraulic. The hydraulic fluid connectors market is segmented on the lines of its application like aerospace, agriculture, construction equipment, material handling, marine, heavy truck and mining. The hydraulic fluid connectors market is geographic segmentation covers various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. Each geography market is further segmented to provide market revenue for select countries such as the U.S., Canada, U.K. Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and GCC countries.The major driving factors of Hydraulic fluid connectors market are as follows: Growing demand for hydraulic fluid connectors from the aerospace business Increase of the North American manufacture equipment industryThe restraints factors of Hydraulic fluid connectors market are as follows: Increasing competition from pneumatic fluid power technologyThis report provides:1) An overview of the global market for Hydraulic fluid connectors and related technologies.2) Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2013, estimates for 2014 and 2015, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2020.3) Identifications of new market opportunities and targeted promotional plans for Hydraulic fluid connectors4) Discussion of research and development, and the demand for new products and new applications.5) Comprehensive company profiles of major players in the industry.The report covers detailed competitive outlook including the market share and company profiles of the key participants operating in the global market.Key players profiled in the report include:Cameron International Corporation, Eaton Corporation plc, Gates Corporation, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Manuli Hydraulics, Kurt Hydraulics, RYCO Hydraulics Pty. Ltd., ITT Corporation and SPX Corporation. Company profile includes assign such as company summary, financial summary, business strategy and planning, SWOT analysis and current developments.Request Sample Report:Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION2 Executive Summary3 Hydraulic Fluid Connectors Market North America Industry Analysis3.1 Introduction3.2 Value chain analysis3.3 Market drivers3.3.1 Increasing demand for hydraulic fluid connectors from the aerospace industry3.3.1.1 U.S. aerospace industry sales (USD Billion) U.S. aerospace industry revenue share, by product, 2003 and 20133.3.2 Growth of the North American construction equipment industry3.3.2.1 North America construction industry for fluid power products, 2013 - 2020 (USD Billion)3.4 Market restraints3.4.1 Growing competition from pneumatic fluid power technology3.5 Market opportunity3.5.1 Increasing implementation of bio-based fluids and fluid connectors3.6 Porters five forces analysis3.6.1 Bargaining power of suppliers3.6.2 Bargaining power of buyers3.6.3 Threat of new entrants3.6.4 Threat of substitutes3.6.5 Degree of competition3.7 Hydraulic fluid connectors: Market attractiveness analysis3.8 Hydraulic fluid connectors: Company market share analysis, 20133.9 U.S. hydraulic fluid connectors shipment scenario3.9.1 U.S. hydraulic fluid connectors shipment revenue, by product (USD Million)3.9.2 U.S. shipment revenue share for hydraulic fluid connectors product, by sub-product4 Hydraulic Fluid Connectors Market - North America Product Segment Analysis5 Hydraulic Fluid Connectors Market North America Application Analysis6 Company Profiles6.1 Cameron International Corporation6.2 Eaton Corporation plc6.3 Gates Corporation6.4 Parker Hannifin Corporation6.5 Manuli Hydraulics6.6 Kurt Hydraulics6.7 RYCO Hydraulics Pty. Ltd.6.8 ITT Corporation6.9 SPX CorporationReasons to Buy this Report:1) Obtain the most up to date information available on all active and planned coating industry globally.2) Identify growth segments and opportunities in the industry.3) Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historic and forecast of coating industry and unit capacity data.4) Assess your competitors refining portfolio and its evolution.About UsMarket Research Engine (MRE) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. MREs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each Market Research Engines research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Media ContactCompany Name: Market Research EngineContact Person: John BayEmail: john@marketresearchengine.comPhone: +1-855-984-1862Country: United StatesWebsite:Address: 3422 SW 15 Street, Suite #8942, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, United States Business Process as A Service (BPaaS) Market - Detailed Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 Global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market and Cloud BPM Market: SnapshotThe different segments that constitute the public cloud services market are software as a service (SaaS), business process as a service (BPaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Among these, the global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) and cloud business process management (BPM) market spells a lot of opportunity for IT companies. In the years ahead, the market is predicted to generate massive revenues and rise at a stellar CAGR on the back of deployment of automated business software and different business processes over cloud.Their take-up amongst companies has been swift enough so far as it is cost effective and results in more effective use of available resources. This in turn, proves profitable to the company in the long run. However, concerns about data security in a public platform like cloud has posed a challenge to the market. Nevertheless, powered primarily by the banking, financial services and insurnace (BFSI) and communication technology segments, the market is slated to grow at a healthy clip in the years ahead.Request Sample Copy of the Report @North America, being an early adopter of technologies, has been a major driving force of the the global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) and cloud business process management (BPM) market. Going forward, Asia Pacific is predicted to clock maximum growth. The competitive landscape is fragmented on account of the presence of a copious number of small and large business process outsourcing companies. To up their ante, most players are focused on building cutting-edge products and services leveraging process automation software, business analytics, and social media platforms.Global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market and Cloud BPM Market: OverviewThe global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) and cloud business process management (BPM) market is a multibillion dollar opportunity for IT companies. The market is expected to be one of the top grossing segments for the IT industry in the next few years, expanding at a remarkable CAGR over the reports forecast period.BPaaS and cloud BPM refer to a business process layer on the top of cloud-based services such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). These solutions offer enterprises with numerous advantages such as virtualized workplaces, transparency in business processes, informed decisions, flexibility, accelerated performance, simplified operations, and informed decisions. BPaaS and cloud BPM encompass business process service for vertical as well as horizontal business processes through a high featured platform to deliver automated business outcomes.Request TOC of the Report @To avoid vendor locking and increase the cost effectiveness of the process execution, BPaaS and cloud BPM solutions are widely adopted to develop network among partners, employees, suppliers, distributors and other participants in a business module so as to deliver high value process outcome. The vast demand for these solutions across the globe is compelling an increasing number of IT companies to foray into the market and gain competitive advantage in the growing market. Companies are doing so by developing multi-purpose platforms capable of providing a complete range of solutions for all business processes.Global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market and Cloud BPM Market: SegmentationThe global market for BPaaS and cloud BPM is segmented on the basis of criteria such as solutions, deployment model, service consumers, applications, and geography.On the basis of solutions, the market is segmented into platform and services. On the basis of deployment model, the market is segmented into on-premise and hosted model. On the basis of service consumers, the market is segmented into enterprise and small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). On the basis of applications, the market is segmented into: retail, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), communication and technology, healthcare, government, supply chain and manufacturing, and consumer goods. Furthermore, the market is segmented on the basis of geography into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW).Global Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market and Cloud BPM Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe vast rise in the need for agility of a number of business processes, with a view of containing the overall costs of operating diverse business operations is one of the key factors driving the demand for BPaaS and cloud BPM solutions in the business world. Moreover, the development of software and automated outsourcing, trend of employing cloud computing technology, and the high need of cost-effective business processes to survive amid intense competition in the global market are also driving the market.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @However, data security and compliance concerns, especially with organizations wanting to retain conventional IT infrastructure, cautious approach of higher management, and outages and third party dependence are some of the key factors challenging the growth prospects of the market. Nevertheless, BPaaS and cloud BPM solutions are expected to witness high growth in the near future owing to the vast rise in demand for virtualization and automation across workplaces, especially of organizations with geographically spread offices. BPaaS and cloud BPM solutions provide verifiable cost and efficiency-related results for such globally spread businesses, irrespective of different needs of business process and organizational structures.Some of the key vendors operating in the market are Capgemini, Cognizant, ADP, CSC, Ebuilder, Accenture, IBM, Fujitsu Limited, Oracle, Wipro, SAP, WNS, Northgatearinso, Genpact, Nuevora, Verecloud, Adaptive Planning, and Xerox ACS.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global WiFi Modules Market Overview, Competitive Status Trend and Recent Developments MarketResearchReports.Biz adds Global Wet Blasting Machines Market Share, Size, Trends and Forecast Market Research Report reports to its database. This report provides a strategic analysis of the Wet Blasting Machines and the growth estimates for the forecasted period.This report studies the Wet Blasting Machines market, Wet Blasting Machines or wetblasting machines are designed to simultaneously blast and degrease components, in a quick and easy dust-free process, which achieves outstanding finishing results on a variety of components.Request Sample Copy of the Report@Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Wet Blasting Machines in global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, types and applications.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversR?slerWheelabrator(Norican)GuysonVapormattICMMacohoClemcoVixenNicchuPaul AuerRaptor BlasterGraf TechnikAirblastHodge ClemcoKKS UltraschallAB SHOTBeijing ChangfengComplete Report Details @Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversManual Wet Blasting MachinesAutomatic Wet Blasting MachinesMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoAutomotiveAerospaceShipbuildingOthersRequest For TOC Report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Wet Blasting Machines market.Chapter 1, to describe Wet Blasting Machines Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Wet Blasting Machines, with sales, revenue, and price of Wet Blasting Machines, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Wet Blasting Machines, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Wet Blasting Machines market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Wet Blasting Machines sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.Contact UsState Tower90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Website:Email: Aerizo appointed as Authorized Distributor for IDEAL Networks in the UAE IDEAL Networks has appointed Aerizo to distribute its range of easy to use data cable and network testers to cable installers and IT technicians in the UAE.Through Aerizo, installers and technicians will have access to a wide selection of troubleshooting and diagnostic testers so that they can choose and use the best products and solutions to meet their customers needs.We are dedicated to providing connected products and services which simplify, demystify and improve the productivity of those installing, testing and maintaining network cabling and devices, says Mr Alejandro Hume, Regional Sales Manager for IDEAL Networks. However, to keep customers satisfied, expert and responsive support services are needed locally to complement our quality products.With Aerizo as our trusted distribution partner, installers and technicians in the UAE can benefit from timely delivery and technical support, as well as local service and calibration, Hume continues, explaining that Aerizo will be responsible for selling, marketing and stocking IDEAL Networks products in the United Arab Emirates.The range of IDEAL Networks testers available will include data cable testers, network, CCTV and telecom/enterprise testers.IDEAL Networks data cable testers cater for testing and verifying both copper and fibre cable. Testers which offer Ethernet transmission testing and cable certification to provide proof of performance are also available.To enable network issues to be identified and resolved quickly, IDEAL Networks provides a selection of network testers that support network connectivity troubleshooting. By effectively solving issues around incorrect IP configuration, rogue network services, network bandwidth issues and PoE supply, downtime for customers can be minimised.IDEAL Networks CCTV security testers offer installers a versatile tool for completing all key tests for both setup and troubleshooting. Similarly, the various telecom testers from IDEAL Networks offer comprehensive features for testing, monitoring and troubleshooting fixed line, mobile and wireless network interfaces efficiently.Aerizo is known for its quality products and solutions which our loyal customers have recognised for many years, says Mr. Glen Dsena, Director of Aerizo. As a Value Added Distributor in the region with a strong customer base, we are confident that this new venture will be a great success.By each bringing our key capabilities, our combined strength will allow us to leverage the market in the UAE and provide greater support and solutions for installers and technicians, he continues.We believe that this agreement between Aerizo and IDEAL Networks will prove to be a win-win and we are very happy to have entered into this new collaboration, concludes Alejandro Hume.About IDEAL NetworksIDEAL Networks offers easy to use data cable testers for cable installers and network testers to assist IT technicians with troubleshooting. The data cable tester range includes copper and fibre testers for cable verification, Ethernet transmission testing and cable certification that provide proof of performance. The unique network tester range helps to pinpoint and solve networking issues quickly. They decrease downtime by allowing field technicians to discover the root cause of network connectivity issues such as incorrect IP configuration, rogue network services, network bandwidth issues and PoE supply problems.Aerizo is at the forefront of system integration solution in UAE which caters clients all over the Middle East. We deliver the best solution with a combination of technical knowledge, genuine passion and creative problem solving skills. This enables us in providing the best innovative IT solution to our clients.Aerizo being the leading system integrator in Dubai, UAE has built up a strong relation with SMB as well as large enterprise in and around the region. From delivering the best products to consulting and quality control, we see to it that each and every aspect of the project is taken care in the desired manner. Our relationship with our clients is a true partnership. The sooner you involve us; the more value we can add.2504, HDS Tower, Cluster F, JLTDubai | United Arab Emirates .T: +971 4 Experience Omnichannel in the Digital Concept Store by Mobizcorp in Berlin Berlin, 07.03.2018 Mobizcorp has officially launched its concept store in Berlin. Here, interested parties can experience and test the possibilities of the digital store of the future. With the help of the relevant application scenarios, the store demonstrates innovative retail technologies and a cross-channel customer interaction.Based on the Salesforce Commerce Cloud, the store showcases in-use applications for personalized shopping experiences and customer engagement. With the Mobizcorp Concept Store App, shop associates can identify customers, provide better and more competent advice, view online & offline purchasing history, preferences and wishlist as well as check the stock of all branches and the online shop via Endless Aisle technology. True to the motto "Buy anywhere, fulfil anywhere", the customer can be served directly in the store (ship-to-store), from the store (ship-from-store) or at home.Cross-channel promotions, vouchers and loyalty cards can be redeemed anywhere and on any device. Shop associates can scan barcodes in addition to using iBeacon technology to address customers individually and test various retail marketing strategies.Through the connection to online shops and the POS cash register systems, customers have access to various payment methods including cash, credit card, Paypal, invoice and mobile payment methods, such as Apple Pay everything seamlessly integrated across all touchpoints and with the best possible convenience.The starting point for our use cases is always the question of the added value: where is the advantage for both the customer and the merchant? Depending on the objective and the customer group, convenience or experience can be prioritised.We showcase the practical omnichannel scenarios, which are often not so easy to comprehend, and make them user-friendly under real conditions," explains Friedhelm Scharhag, CEO and Founder of Mobizcorp.Interested parties and brands are welcome to arrange a personal demo appointment via provides digital commerce solutions for world-renowned retail brands. Mobizcorp has great expertise and many years of experience planning and implementing omnichannel and eCommerce projects from Berlin, Potsdam, Dusseldorf, Viernheim and New York since 2003. Being a certified Salesforce Commerce Cloud Partner, Mobizcorp has successfully implemented projects for Tory Burch, Columbia Sportswear, Reitmans, Jack Wolfskin, DEPOT, Engelhorn, Takko, Marc O 'Polo, Tamaris and more.Christoph HeidersMobizcorp Europe Ltd.Reinhardtstrasse 5810117 BerlinGermanyPhone: +49 30 288 745 -120Mail: Quail Eggs Market Expected to Expand at a Steady CAGR through 2025