iStock/Thinkstock(SAN FRANCISCO) -- The chief executive officer of Bumble Bee Foods has been indicted on one count of price fixing as part of an ongoing investigation that includes at least three other current or former executives at packaged-seafood producers. A San Francisco grand jury has charged that Christopher Lischewski conspired with others in his industry from November 2010 to December 2013 to eliminate competition and set prices for canned tuna, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement Wednesday. The government began investigating Bumble Bee Foods, Starkist and Chicken of the Sea more than two years ago, according to the Associated Press. Stephen Hodge, a former executive at StarKist, pleaded guilty to price fixing last year. Two other Bumble Bee executives also have pleaded guilty. "The Antitrust Division is committed to prosecuting senior executives who unjustly profit at the expense of their customers," Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Justice Department's Antitrust Division said in the statement. "American consumers deserve free enterprise, not fixed prices, so the Department will not tolerate crimes like the one charged in todays indictment." John Keker, Lischewski's attorney, told the AP his client is innocent and that he will be vindicated. Bumble Bee, according to the DOJ, already has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay a fine of $25 million. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. iStock/Thinkstock(LOS ANGELES) -- As Californias June 5 so-called "jungle primary" gets closer, national Democrats are spending big new money on tv and digital ads targeting GOP candidates in key Southern California races, trying to narrow the crowded candidate field to get a better shot in the general election. Southern California is traditionally a Republican bastion, but the retirements of Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., in the state's 49th Congressional District and Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., in the nearby 39th, along with Hillary Clinton's victory in those districts in 2016, have fueled hopes that Democrats could flip the seats come November. Possibly upending those hopes California has a top-two primary system in which the two candidates who get the most votes move on to the November vote regardless of party. Democrats are scarred from being shut out of races in the past, and from the start have been trying to reduce chances too many Democratic candidates will splinter the vote, or too many Republicans will flood the ballots. A large number of Republican candidates, along with heated debates on immigration, taxes and jobs, and a history of Republican congressmen, have national Democrats doubling their efforts to get through the June primary. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee which made headlines for releasing opposition research on a Democratic candidate before the primaries in Texas' 7th Congressional District, triggering a runoff along with groups Priority USA and House Majority PAC, have this week started television and digital campaigns targeting three key Southern California races. We need to make sure that were maximizing our opportunities to win, which, in California, means ensuring at least one Democrat makes it onto the general election ballot, said Patrick McHugh, executive director of Priorities USA Action in a statement. The television and digital campaigns target candidates in the 39th district (open after Royce's retirement), the 48th district (where Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R- Calif., is challenged by low support and strong opponents), and the 49th district (open after Issas retirement), with Priority USA and House Majority PAC shelling out $277,000 to inform Southern California voters about these Republican candidates records of troubling behavior and broken promises," according to a joint statement. These three races are already among the most expensive in the state. In the 48th district, the DCCC accuses Republican candidate Scott Baugh of campaign finance violations, committing credit card fraud, violating the California Political Reform Act and of working to rig an election in his favor. Most of the accusations relate to incidents in the 1990s. "A record that reads more like a rap sheet," the ad starts. "Washingtons so corrupthed fit right in," it continues. Priority USA and House Majority PAC are also focusing on Baugh's "history of run-ins with the law." Baugh campaign spokesman Matt Cunningham disputes the charges, telling ABC News it includes false and misleading information, and that national Democrats have teamed up with Rohrabacher because they "are desperate to maintain benefits of the corrupt Washington culture." Its a solid Republican seat. Its only in play because theres a weak incumbent, Cunningham told ABC News. No civil or criminal charges in connection to credit card fraud or election rigging were ever brought against Baugh. Charges of campaign finance violations were eventually dismissed by the California Supreme Court and the Attorney General. The DCCC has also had run-ins in the district, contradicting the state Democratic Party's endorsement process by endorsing Harley Rouda over state party-backed Hans Keirstead. In Issa's 49th district, where four Democrats are running against eight Republicans and four independents, the three groups are pouncing on Republican candidate Rocky Chavez, who has been leading the polls on the Republican side. In an ad titled Knock Out, the DCCC accuses the California assemblyman of breaking former campaign pledges regarding taxes. "On spending your money and costing you even more, Rocky Chavez's broken promises will knock you out," says the television ad, which aired May 15. The Chavez campaign did not respond to ABC News' request for comment. North in Orange County, the vacant seat left by Royce has forced one of the most heated and crowded primary races in the Golden State, with Democratic infighting to reduce the number of Democratic candidates and criticism that self-funding millionaires are upending the race. There, Priority USA and House Majority PAC are aiming their ads, which will be posted on Facebook, Google and YouTube, at Republicans Shawn Nelson and Bob Huff. Titled "Can't Afford Nelson" and "Huff Puff," the ads pounce on Nelson's vote on pension reform and his personal spending, as well as on Huff's votes during his time in the state legislature. "Bob Huff: he huffs, and he puffs but will make your taxes go up," the ad says. In a press release on the campaign's website, chief campaign strategist, John Thomas, called the ad "unsurprising." "Democrats are clearly threatened by his presence and are trying to beat him down knowing that they wouldnt stand a chance against him in a run-off, he said. The Huff campaign did not respond to ABC News' request for comment. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. When North Korea first threw the fate of a historic summit meeting with the United States into question last week, it cited five times the fate of another country and another leader, half a world away, as an example of why no one should trust American efforts to disarm another nation. The country was Libya, and the leader was Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who made a bad bet that he could swap his nascent nuclear program for economic integration with the West. That deal, executed by the Bush administration nearly 15 years ago, is a footnote to American histories of that era. But Libya has always loomed large for the North Koreans. Mentions of the Libya deal as a model for North Koreas own denuclearization first by Mr. Trumps new national security adviser, John R. Bolton, and then by Vice President Mike Pence were enough to draw two threats of withdrawal from the talks by North Korea. After the second threat, President Trump announced unexpectedly on Thursday that he had decided to withdraw from the planned June 12 meeting. Whether Mr. Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, will ever meet a move disarmament advocates saw as an opportunity to end decades of animosity between the nations remains an open question. A snaking metal fence that divides the Gaza Strip from Israel has become the latest focal point in a generations-long conflict between Arabs and Jews in the area. It was along this fence that at least 60 Palestinians were killed and many hundreds wounded on Monday as thousands converged to protest what they call an arbitrarily enforced demarcation line by an occupier. As protesters rushed toward the fence, some throwing rocks or homemade fire bombs, Israeli soldiers fired live bullets, which the Israeli military said was done as a last resort. What are the fences origins and purpose in separating Gaza, a 25-mile-long, five-mile-wide Mediterranean coastal enclave where nearly two million Palestinians live? Is the fence recognized as an international border? And how has Israel justified deadly force to stop mostly unarmed Palestinians from breaching it? Here are the basics: What is the fence? The fence is actually two parallel barriers built by the Israelis: a formidable one of barbed-wire within Gaza and a 10-foot-high metal smart fence packed with surveillance sensors along the Israel demarcation line. A restricted buffer zone as wide as 300 yards is between them. Israel has warned that people in the zone without authorization risk being subjected to deadly force. The boy assumed that Laylas mother was already on the bus. In fact, she was in another part of the house, suffering from a toothache. Still, Layla was hardly the only infant at the protest. Entire families had come along, some snacking on ice cream or sandwiches, as the protests raged hundreds of yards away. In the late afternoon, Layla, in a tent with her aunts, started to wail. Ammar grabbed his niece for a second time and, he said, pushed forward into the protest in search of her grandmother, Heyam Omar, who was standing in a crowd under a pall of black smoke, shouting at Israeli soldiers across the fence. Soon after Ms. Omar took the child, she said, a tear-gas canister fell nearby. She frantically wiped the childs face with water and gave her juice to drink. But an hour later, after they reached the family home, Layla appeared to have stopped breathing. When they arrived at a hospital at 6:34, doctors pronounced the child dead. Her limbs were cold and blue, reads a hospital report. Laylas mother crumpled onto the hospital bed and wept over her daughter. I felt like my heart had been attacked, she said. The rules of grief in Gaza, where private pain is often paraded for political causes, kicked in. The next morning the secular Fatah movement erected a funeral tent outside the familys home, and hung a banner with a photo of the infant beside an image of Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. It was not the first public death in the family. A large poster in the family living room shows Mariam Ghandours uncle, Ammar, brandishing a rifle and wearing a black headband. A member of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a militant group affiliated with Fatah, he died battling Israeli soldiers in 2006. Bombino sings in Tamasheq, and many of his lyrics highlight the Tuaregs profound connection with the desert, their ancestral home. The music itself mirrors the desert: The guitar pyrotechnics of his live show pay tribute to the Saharas powerful storms, and the loping rhythm of many of his songs echoes the odd meter of a camels gait. An important thing to know is the desert is a very vast open space, Bombino said. Sound and music there carries a power with it, so you get the feeling when youre holding an instrument in your hand and playing it, youre completing a picture that was otherwise incomplete. In the mid- 1990s Bombino found work in Libya as a shepherd, spending long periods of solitude with just the sheep and his guitar. Hanging out with friends, he honed his technique by watching DVDs of two of his most fervent inspirations. He was mesmerized by the interplay of Dire Straits: The kind of familial sort of exchanges they would have musically, it touched me in a profound way, he said. And he was moved by the emotional playing of Hendrix. Watching Jimi with his guitar is like watching a mother with her baby, he said. When the guitar is crying, hell calm it down. The sentimentality between him and his guitar is very powerful for me. Back in Agadez in his later teenage years, he began building a reputation as the Hendrix of the Sahel while working as a tour guide. In 2006, he chaperoned Angelina Jolie on a six-day journey through northern Niger, accompanied by her camera crew. We went out to the desert, Bombino said, I would play, and she would dance. The countrys tourism industry is long gone now, a casualty of the second Tuareg rebellion in 2007. During the first Tuareg uprising, rebels had used concerts for recruitment, gathering people and inciting dissent; when the second revolt started, Tuareg music was considered rebel propaganda. To be labeled one of les guitaristes was dangerous; two of Bombinos band mates disappeared and are assumed to have been executed by the Nigerien army. Many of Bombinos friends and colleagues were joining the rebellion, but he made the difficult decision to flee Niger again, this time for Burkina Faso. I never saw the need to take up arms for the rebel cause, I always believed that there was a path out through music, so thats why I decided to take my guitar and go, Bombino explained. EVGENY KISSIN at Carnegie Hall (May 20, 2 p.m.). On the evidence of Mr. Kissins puzzling, recent Beethoven release on Deutsche Grammophon, and earlier acquaintances with his Beethoven in concert, I would not expect too much from the Hammerklavier Sonata on this program, but I would hope for far more from a series of 11 Rachmaninoff preludes, music in which he excels. Encores, as many as a dozen of them, ought to provide some variety from one of the Carnegie audiences favorite pianists. 212-247-7800, MET ORCHESTRA at Carnegie Hall (May 18, 8 p.m.). Mirga Grazinyte-Tyla, a young conductor whose reputation has already vaulted heavenward, takes command of the players of the Metropolitan Operas orchestra in a relatively safe program and leads them in Debussys Prelude a lapres-midi dun faune and Tchaikovskys Symphony No. 4. Anita Rachvelishvili is the vocal soloist for Shostakovichs arrangements of Mussorgskys Songs and Dances of Death. 212-247-7800, NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC at David Geffen Hall (May 24, 7:30 p.m., through May 26). Semyon Bychkov continues to occupy the Philharmonics podium and offers more interesting fare this week than last. He is a good conductor of Strauss, and he has made something of a specialty from An Alpine Symphony, which takes up the bulk of this concert. But the real treat is Berios Sinfonia, performed here with the outstanding vocal ensemble Roomful of Teeth. 212-875-5656, Welcome to Best of Late Night, a rundown of the previous nights highlights that lets you sleep and lets us get paid to watch comedy. If youre interested in hearing from The Times regularly about great TV, sign up for our Watching newsletter and get recommendations straight to your inbox. Lost Me Again The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday released thousands of pages related to the 2016 meeting at Trump Tower involving Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer. As dicey as that news might seem for President Trump, Jimmy Fallon said he might not even have the wherewithal to worry. Rather than delve into the British Empires violent expansion into Africa and Asia during Victorias reign, Victoria focuses instead on Prince Alberts antislavery activities. Similarly, The Crown obscures Britains role in quashing African independence movements by ignoring the rising Mau Mau rebellion during Princess Elizabeths visit to Kenya in 1952. Or it renders the royals, not those African leaders or nations seeking full autonomy, as the sympathetic ones. In Season 2, the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser is cast as a global threat, while the Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumahs potential alliance with the Soviets is something to be redirected by a waltz with the Queen. In the Lifetime movie, a warm Queen Elizabeth (Maggie Sullivan) not only revels in Meghans love for Harry, but also reveals her deep fondness for a painting of Queen Charlotte, who married King George III in 1761 and who some historians claim was of African descent and was Britains first black royal. Ive always loved this portrait of our ancestor Queen Charlotte, because the painter Ramsay didnt try to hide her African heritage, she tells the couple, before adding: Oh yes, youre of mixed race, Harry. So am I. Many of her portraits tried to hide that fact, but this one is most authentic, much like you. Such stories prepare us for seeing Meghan and Harrys nuptials as a completion of a circle in which multiracial identity is not only embraced, but in fact encoded in the DNA of the royal family of which Ms. Markle is now both an extension and its most recent member. Whether her biography alone can make a difference is yet to be seen. The bigoted backlash to Mr. Obama was seemingly instantaneous and remains ongoing, while others have already noted that the negative media coverage surrounding Ms. Markle merely outs the quiet racism that black Britons experience daily. Yet, given her serious commitment to gender equality, Prince Harrys condemnation of the racist and sexist tabloid fodder about Ms. Markle and her mother, and the endorsement of their marriage by the Queen, the racial symbolism of this moment still does carry significant weight. Which is why Ill be watching the wedding on Saturday with wonder, and a bit of worry. Will Ms. Markle ultimately end up as a truly transformative figure or, like Queen Charlotte (if you believe the theories), a curious historical blip? Who knows? I just hope it doesnt take another 257 years until the monarchy, and more important, England and Ms. Markles home country, the United States, can celebrate the full racial integration of all its citizens. The stars of Broad City are guest judges on RuPauls Drag Race. And Mamma Mia! is now on Netflix. Whats on TV THE CARBONARO EFFECT 10 p.m. on truTV. While Ashton Kutcher used many accomplices and set pieces to prank his victims, the magician Michael Carbonaro uses tricks and illusions; hell squeeze a whole pitcher of juice out of one orange or get beetles to seemingly build Eiffel Tower-like structures. His show returns for a new season on Thursday. RUPAULS DRAG RACE 8 p.m. on VH1. Sometimes celebrities make cameo appearances on shows for the money or the exposure. But for the Broad City stars Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson, their love for RuPauls Drag Race is genuine: Somehow RuPaul made a reality show thats empowering and anarchist and punk, authentically punk, Ms. Glazer told Vanity Fair. The pair will help judge the contestants as they perform in a raunchy parody of Westworld. And Stephen Colbert stops by as well. Along with another Iranian woman she befriended early in her trip, Ms. Alinejad swallowed her nerves and stripped off her head scarf one morning near her hotel. Eight years later, she founded My Stealthy Freedom, a social media campaign against compulsory hijab laws, and gave voice to millions of Iranian women by encouraging them to share photos of themselves without their hijabs. It is just the first step toward full equality and it is just the most visible symbol of oppression against women, Ms. Alinejad said of her campaign and hijabs earlier this month. Before Ms. Alinejad, now 41 and living in Brooklyn, founded international movements or wrote books or became one of the Iranian governments fiercest critics, she grew up in Ghomikola, a rural village in Iran. As a young girl she did not understand why she could not run around and play like her brothers or why she had to wear her chador, a full body cloak. Instead of accepting her fate as prescribed by Iranian law and her family, Ms. Alinejad chose to be different. [ Read What The Timess Book Critics and Others Are Reading This Summer ] The throughline between Ms. Alinejads early acts of rebellion from refusing to wear a chador to starting a political reading group in high school and her current work inspired this memoir. My life is just full of stories, and as a young girl I was always told that your story is not important, she said. This book is about overcoming obstacles as a woman in Iran and fighting for my identity. The Wind in My Hair, which Ms. Alinejad wrote with her husband, Kambiz Foroohar, paints a vivid portrait of modern Iran and chronicles her journey from Iran to Britain and finally the United States. She details her career as a journalist covering Irans parliament, her first marriage, raising her son and her 2009 exile from Iran. The book comes at a time of renewed energy within the feminist movement, and Ms. Alinejad believes that the books themes transcend borders. If you are a true feminist then you have to condemn inequality everywhere, whether it is in the West or in the Islamic Republic of Iran, she said. If you want to have a better world for women, you have to stick together. Lovia Gyarkye Into the Wild With a Man Hoping to Outrun Trouble While he was studying for his M.F.A. at the University of Virginia in the mid-1990s, James A. McLaughlin finished what he refers to as Bearskin 1.0. It was a typical first novel, he said. The characters were boring. Nobody wanted it. As a fan of Jim Harrison, he had been aiming for something that Harrison might write, something poetic, heartbreaking, steeped in the natural world. Instead, he found himself stuck between genres. One agent looked at it and said, You know, its not literary enough to be a literary novel, and its not thrilling enough to be a thriller. The manuscript morphed into various other shapes over the last 20 years. In 2008, he published it as a prizewinning novella in The Missouri Review. [ Read Janet Maslin on 17 Refreshing Books to Read This Summer ] I feel like this question is cornering us into taking a busmans holiday, and what I really want to know is what my colleagues are planning to watch over the summer. To that end, I want to see the Patrick Melrose mini-series but only after reading the original novels by Edward St. Aubyn, which Ive resisted so far, mostly out of sheer stubbornness. Reading about louche rich people sounds about as appealing to me as reading about louche rich people, but readers I trust insist that Ive been missing out. Also, Im always curious about screen adaptations of recalcitrant books, and St. Aubyns material sounds challenging, to say the least. JENNIFER SZALAI [ Read: Coming Soon to the Bronx, a Long Overdue Book Festival ] I have read Edward St. Aubyns extraordinary Patrick Melrose series but I intend to revisit it this summer, when Im not reading improbably complicated mysteries and unlikely psychological thrillers. I know it might seem obvious to mention the Melrose novels now, since theyve just been made into a Showtime series, but theres no way the dramatization can be anything as good as the books. I devoured them in one great long gulp several years they are enormously funny, as well as harrowing and upsetting but I did not take enough time to admire the clarity and brilliance of St. Aubyns prose. Thats what Ill do this time around. SARAH LYALL [ Read: 4 Writers to Watch This Summer ] I recently read a conversation between the writers David Mitchell and David Peace, in which they spent some time going back and forth about their favorite Japanese novels. Inspired by their enthusiasm, I went out and bought a small pile of the books they mentioned, as well as a few others, and hope to get through them consecutively at some point this summer as a kind of self-guided seminar. Ill start with Kobo Abes The Woman in the Dunes. Its plot may sound grim, about a man invited by villagers into a pit of sand from which he cant escape, but Mitchell has called the experience of reading it never less than compulsive. Sounds summery enough to me. JOHN WILLIAMS 1. China is looking to make a deal with the U.S. Chinese economic officials are meeting with their American counterparts this week. And theyre preparing to offer a quick fix to the trade deficit: a promise to buy as much as $200 billion worth of American goods. Above, a port in Shandong Province. That would allow President Trump to claim a major victory in his campaign to rebalance Americas trade relationship with its biggest economic rival. But economists say the offer is simply not practical. The U.S. economy is already near its full productive capacity and probably couldnt produce enough to meet that kind of demand. The attorney general of New Jersey said on Thursday that federal education officials had stopped cooperating on issues involving fraudulent activities at for-profit colleges, and requested that the Education Department renew its investigations into the institutions or hand them over to the state. Gurbir S. Grewal, who became attorney general in January, expressed frustration with the officials in a letter to Betsy DeVos, the education secretary. Mr. Grewal said they had ignored requests from New Jersey to work with the state on behalf of students who were defrauded by Corinthian Colleges, a bankrupt for-profit chain. And he raised concerns about the status of investigations by the Education Department into large for-profit institutions like the DeVry Education Group, which paid $100 million in 2016 to settle a lawsuit alleging that it misled prospective students with ads about employment and salaries after graduation. In an article this week, The New York Times reported that a special investigations team at the Education Department created in the final year of the Obama administration had been unwound under the Trump administration, effectively killing inquiries into DeVry and other schools where top hires of Ms. DeVos previously worked. In a prelude to an easing of trade tensions between Washington and Beijing, Chinese officials ended a monthslong delay by approving Toshibas sale of a majority stake in its lucrative microchip unit to an American-led group. A lack of approval by Chinese regulators had held up the deal in what was widely seen as a signal from Beijing about how it might punish American businesses if the Trump administration acted on threats to impose tariffs on $150 billion in Chinese-made goods. In a statement on Thursday, Toshiba said it had received all required antitrust approvals for the deal with a consortium led by the United States investment firm Bain Capital. Bain confirmed in its own statement that Chinese authorities had approved the deal. Chinese officials could not be reached for comment late Thursday, and the countrys official media and websites were silent on the matter. The reasons for the approval after the lengthy delay were not immediately clear. HOUSTON President Trump faces a difficult juggling act as he tries to persuade China, India and other countries to join in oil sanctions against Iran while also pressuring Venezuela. Since the two oil-producing giants compete for the same markets, squeezing one may end up helping the other. Squeezing both may send oil prices soaring. A Venezuelan election is scheduled on Sunday that President Nicolas Maduro is almost certain to win because the main opposition is boycotting the vote, calling it a sham. To protest election abuses and human rights violations, Trump administration officials have warned that Venezuela could face tighter financial sanctions, including measures making it harder to export oil. The administration is also working to reduce Irans oil exports now that it has removed the United States from the nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration. Unless Iran and the other countries that signed the 2015 nuclear pact can reach a compromise, Washington plans in the coming months to press a number of punishing measures, like sanctions on banks in countries that do not reduce Iranian oil imports. They were once allies, if not friends. The entertainment mogul Shari E. Redstone and the CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves, whose careers have been entwined for nearly 20 years, appeared to be getting along famously as recently as February, when they sat in the CBS box at Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis, both rooting for the New England Patriots. Now, the two media heavyweights are in the early rounds of a bout over the fate of two of the worlds most prominent media and entertainment companies, CBS and Viacom. They find themselves at an impasse because of Ms. Redstones desire to merge the two companies, which are corporate siblings. Mr. Moonves, for his part, is firmly against the proposed merger. At stake is Mr. Moonvess storied career at CBS, which he took from last place to the most-watched television network, with hits like The Big Bang Theory, Survivor and Young Sheldon. On Thursday, there were two developments in the dispute. First, a judge ruled against an effort by CBS to block Ms. Redstone from having what is perceived as outsize influence over its board, which had scheduled a meeting to vote on reducing the influence of the Redstone family on CBS. Then, at a meeting later that day, the board voted 11 to 3 to dilute Ms. Redstones voting stake to roughly 20 percent from nearly 80 percent. A television show featuring Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who is suing President Trump on behalf of a pornographic film actress, and the former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was pitched to two cable networks in recent weeks, people briefed on the matter said on Thursday. The prominent television agent Jay Sures discussed with executives at CNN and MSNBC the concept of a program where the two men would square off, according to three people briefed on the issue. Both have become frequent cable network guests Mr. Avenatti as one of Mr. Trumps greatest antagonists, and Mr. Scaramucci as a loyalist to the president even after flaming out after less than two weeks at the White House. Representatives for MSNBC and CNN declined to comment, as did Mr. Sures and Mr. Scaramucci. I have no interest in television right now, Mr. Avenatti said. I enjoy my law practice and look forward to prevailing on behalf of my client Stormy Daniels, he added, using the stage name of the actress, Stephanie Clifford. He did not respond to a question about why Mr. Sures made such a pitch involving him. Mr. Avenatti has appeared on both CNN and MSNBC repeatedly in recent weeks, often several times a day on both networks. The appearances are one part of an aggressive public relations campaign he has waged on behalf of Ms. Clifford, earning him criticism that he is leveraging his position to both undermine Mr. Trump and promote himself. Walmart, hoping to quell investors fears that its strategy for competing with Amazon had veered off course, said on Thursday that its e-commerce push was back on track in the years first quarter. Online sales rose 33 percent in the first three months of 2018, helping to drive the retailers overall revenue above analysts expectations. The increase in e-commerce sales, while slower than in previous quarters, improved on the 23 percent growth rate that Walmart reported at the end of 2017. The company recently redesigned its flagship website, though Walmart said it was too early to quantify how much the redesign was helping to generate new sales. We are really encouraged by our progress and execution this quarter, Marc Lore, the head of Walmarts e-commerce business in the United States, said in a conference call. Here is a dish that brokered a marriage, that won a pledge of undying love: hu tieu Nam Vang, a Southern Vietnamese noodle soup with Chinese and Khmer roots, built on pork femurs heavy with marrow, dried squid like brittle fans and dried shrimp shrunk into briny knots. It was the first dish that Ly Nguyen, the chef of Em in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, made for Patrick Lin, now her husband. At the bright, trim restaurant, which opened in March, she simmers and skims the pork-and-seafood stock for eight hours, tossing in the smallest nub of rock sugar, because the power of sweetness lies in knowing how much to wield. Pork spareribs grow tender in the depths. Some ingredients stay secret, as they must. The bowl arrives crowded and green from sun-steeped cilantro and long clips of scallions and Chinese chives, the blades juicy, with a garlic sting. A slab of rib bobs on top, alongside quail eggs that house quaking yolks. Chewy rice noodles mass below, ensnaring fish balls and fat shrimp. It is hard to resist. Every time Mr. Lagerfeld makes an incendiary statement, theres a flurry of upset online, but it is contained, focused on him and not the brands that employ and enable him. There is no call for a boycott of Chanel, Fendi or even his namesake label. The companies themselves dont even bother to issue the now seemingly de rigueur We dont agree, but he is his own person and has a right to his views. They just tuck their heads in and have no comment, or dont respond. How come? There is no doubt that Mr. Lagerfeld occupies a singular space in the style universe. He is someone who has shaped the fashion industry as we know it (and our wardrobes as we know them), alongside names like Giorgio Armani and Rei Kawakubo, and is probably about as close to a living legend as exists in fashion. A certain tolerance of idiosyncrasy goes along with that a certain Oh, its just old Uncle Fester doing his thing as well as fear when it comes to criticizing the power player in the room. Especially when that power player works for a brand, like Chanel, that is enshrined on a power pedestal. Indeed, a friend who privately expressed outrage over Mr. Lagerfeld also said: Dont quote me, please. I dont want to lose my fifth row seat at Chanel. When Sara Ziff, the founder of the Model Alliance, spoke out against Mr. Lagerfelds comments on models, she said she received a lot of support via direct messaging from contacts who then said they could not make their feelings public. Still, no brand in untouchable. Last May Chanel came under fire in Australia for cultural appropriation after it created a $1,325 Chanel boomerang, and was forced to make a quasi apology, announcing it was not our intention to disrespect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. And just because the fashion world quivers in its stilettos at the idea of calling time , that doesnt mean the consuming public should. Which suggests that there is something else going on, and it may have as much to do with the current cultural and political reality as the boycotts do. The National Institutes of Health has suspended enrollment in a huge clinical trial on the health benefits of moderate drinking while officials review whether its employees inappropriately solicited funding from the alcohol industry. Five liquor and beer companies are providing about $67 million of the $100 million cost of the 10-year study. In March, The New York Times reported that scientists and officials with the N.I.H.s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism met with alcohol industry groups on several occasions in 2013 and 2014 to discuss funding. During the meetings, scientists suggested the research might reflect favorably on moderate drinking, while institute officials pressed the groups for support, according to documents obtained by The Times. The lead investigator on the trial, Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, described his role in the meetings as educational. Critics said the presentations compromised the objectivity of the trial and may have violated federal funding rules. This spring F.D.A. investigators traced the virulent strain of E. coli found in romaine to the growing region of Yuma, Ariz. But the last romaine lettuce was harvested there on April 16 and the shelf life for lettuce is about three weeks. According to the C.D.C., the onset of the last reported illness was on May 2. Federal investigators are still looking for the precise source of the virulent strain. Dr. Stephen Ostroff, the F.D.A.s deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine, said researchers were looking for patterns in water supply, harvesting equipment, even shared work crews. There are a lot of ways this could have happened, he said. The easy answers dont explain this. We have to look at something potentially different. In 2006, after the danger from a toxic strain of E. coli tied to spinach that sickened 205 people across 26 states had passed, researchers hunted for another seven months. They finally concluded that the bacteria was traced to river water, cattle feces and wild-pig feces on a California cattle ranch scarcely a mile from a spinach field. During the latest outbreak, researchers for the F.D.A. and the C.D.C. warned consumers, including institutional purchasers like schools and restaurants, not to buy romaine unless they were certain that it did not come from Yuma a near impossibility, because individual bags of lettuce are almost never readily sourced and tracked. The agencies epidemiological experts, relying on state health workers as well, extensively interviewed patients and tried to follow the fading trail of the supply chain. But critics noted that food safety monitoring laws, authorized by Congress in 2010, have still to be fully put in place, hampering the efforts of researchers to swiftly find and recall fresh produce. On May 9, a federal appeals court heard oral arguments in a case about an explosive issue among U.S. veterans: the widespread use of burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the potential health consequences they suffered as a result. The case, which dates back to 2008, consolidated dozens of lawsuits by hundreds of veterans and their families seeking to recover damages from the military contractor KBR Inc., but a trial court dismissed it in July 2017. It could be at a legal dead end unless the panel of judges, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., overturns the dismissal. The plaintiffs accuse KBR of negligence for exposing them to toxic emissions from open-air trash fires known as burn pits, which they say cause respiratory, neurological and other health problems. In tossing the case last year, the trial court accepted KBRs argument that the American military made the decision to use burn pits to dispose of trash on bases, and that federal courts cannot second-guess the executive branchs wartime decisions. One plaintiff, Lauren Price, a Navy veteran from Pasco County, Fla., who developed constrictive bronchiolitis after working at a burn pit in Baghdad, said in an interview that she has already given up hope. Ive stopped paying attention, she said. After 10 years of litigation, the case is still at the procedural starting gates, and unless the plaintiffs eke out a win on appeal, it will be one of the biggest setbacks yet for tens of thousands of affected veterans who have received zero recompense despite years of advocacy by lawyers and nonprofits. NEW YORK AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL at the Film Society of Lincoln Center (through May 22), BAM Rose Cinemas (May 23-28) and Maysles Cinema (June 7-10). This annual festival celebrates its 25th anniversary with programming designed to bridge generations of filmmakers. The centerpiece is Wallay (showing on Friday and Monday at the Film Society), about a 13-year-old boy in France who is sent to live with his uncle in Burkina Faso. The lineup also includes Abderrahmane Sissako: Beyond Territories (screening on Friday), a documentary about the Mauritanian-born director of the Oscar-nominated Timbuktu, and a retrospective screening of Black Sun (on Sunday). A Soviet production from the early 1970s, it follows an African politician modeled on Patrice Lumumba, who was the first democratically elected leader of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, and was assassinated in 1961. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS: RESTORATIONS AND REDISCOVERIES FROM THE FOX FILM CORPORATION at Museum of Modern Art (May 18-June 5). Under the stewardship of William Fox (and even after he was forced from control of the company in 1930), the Fox Film Corporation was home to some of the most innovative filmmaking of the late silent and early sound eras. Just how innovative can be seen in the 1929 feature Sunnyside Up (on Friday and June 2), which was made with Foxs Movietone sound system and opens with an amazing crane shot that introduces two sides of a New York tenement block. The delightful musical stars Janet Gaynor as a poor city girl who has a chance for love and happiness with a Southampton heir (Charles Farrell). See Ms. Gaynor, the star of several films in this festival, again in One More Spring (on June 1 and 4) as an aspiring actress who finds a surrogate family while squatting with an antiques dealer (Warner Baxter) and a violinist (Walter Woolf King) in a Central Park toolshed. A Depression-era portrait of how communities can lead the way out of poverty, this 1935 film is markedly blunt in its politics. 212-708-9400, Some of the filmmakers techniques the slow rumble and unnerving hush of the sound design; the deep shadows of the digital cinematography (by Alexander Dynan); the smooth, ghostly movements of the camera make First Reformed feel like a horror movie, which in some ways it is. The source of the terror, though, is not a supernatural presence but a metaphysical absence. A poem by Robert Lowell records an 18th-century preachers feeling that the breath of God had carried out a planned and sensible withdrawal from this land, leaving His creatures to their own infernal devices. Toller stares into the same abyss. We see it reflected in Mr. Hawkes face. His brow is bisected by a deep furrow, and his former prettiness has weathered into something much more interesting. The risk in playing this kind of suffering lies in the temptation to externalize the misery, but Mr. Hawke strips away everything that might turn this into a performance. Until the very end, Toller maintains a proper pastoral demeanor, conveying the compassion and self-containment that are aspects of both his temperament and his professionalism. His doubt and anger are confined to his journals. His Gethsemane is inside him. But his struggle is also a response to external events. The pollution and corruption he perceives arent just in his head. He is less and less comfortable with the smiling, full-service spiritualism of Abundant Life, and more and more alienated from the beliefs and institutions that had once sustained him. He finds some comfort in Marys company, even as he also starts to suspect that Michael might have been right. First Reformed wrestles with contemporary reality, but it isnt a work of realism in the way that term is conventionally understood. The dialogue is delivered with formal, almost stiff cadences, and the images are crisp, graceful and plain. This austerity isnt meant to capture the rhythms of ordinary existence, but rather to present a heightened, filtered, clarified picture of what that existence might mean. It asks us to take another look at what we think we know about politics, religion and other things we like to argue about, and asks nothing more than our quiet attention. There is something radical about that, and about Mr. Schraders stubborn faith in movies. Like Tollers diary, his film is an assertion of order in the face of chaos, an effort to organize something that is by its very nature an unholy mess: one persons life. You walk out of The Most Unknown knowing a little more than you did, and with the sense theres so much more you dont. Its a mystifying feeling, and a good reason to see this documentary that extols the wonders of science and of all thats yet to discover. The film begins deep underground as Jennifer Macalady, an American geomicrobiologist, explores simple life-forms found in the Frasassi Caves in Italy. As part of the documentarys plan she travels to visit a scientist she has never met, who studies a discipline she is unfamiliar with Davide DAngelo, an Italian physicist researching dark matter to discuss some of his work and how their fields may overlap. We are sending this grievance to say that you cannot engage in xenophobia, bigotry, hate and get away with it. Such behavior should never be tolerated, Mr. Espaillat said on Thursday. In the letter addressed to the chief attorney of the grievance committee, Jorge Dopico, Mr. Espaillat and Mr. Diaz called the video vile, and said The audacity to profile and verbally assault innocent bystanders and customers in a public commercial location is a violation of our civil society. We watched Aarons video and we were disgusted. On Tuesday, Mr. Schlossbergs verbal assault was captured in a video that was widely shared and condemned on social media. He was angry that staff members preparing food were speaking Spanish to customers, when, he said disdainfully, they should be speaking English. He threatened to call the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to deport them, assuming that they were undocumented immigrants merely because of the language they spoke. Its America, he said, scoffing. I will be following up, and my guess is theyre not documented. So my next call is to ICE to have each one of them kicked out of my country. Mr. Schlossberg did not return messages from The New York Times on Wednesday or Thursday. According to the Court System, Mr. Schlossberg was admitted to the bar in 2003 and had no record of public discipline. He is the founder of his own firm. The middle school in northern Manhattan is named after Booker T. Washington, a champion of education for African-Americans. But in a district where half the students are Hispanic and black, less than a quarter of the 852 students in this selective, high-performing school are from those groups. Now Booker T. Washington on West 107th Street, also known as Middle School 54, is at the center of a debate over segregation in New York Citys public schools. In the absence of a coordinated policy by the education department, District 3 a diverse and highly segregated school district that covers the Upper West Side and Harlem came up with its own desegregation plan for its middle schools, including M.S. 54, which would require them to set aside seats for children with low test scores. The plan is one of an increasing number of desegregation efforts around the city led by local education officials and parents. And while this plan has met with resistance, some of it captured on a viral video of a meeting of angry parents at another District 3 school, chroniclers of the citys fitful desegregation efforts see a growing recognition across demographic lines that segregation is a problem that needs to, and can be, addressed. The Qatar Investment Authority bought a $1.8 billion stake in Brookfield Property Partners in 2014, and is the second-largest investor in the company, ranking only behind Brookfield Asset Management. And the Qatar fund and Brookfield have teamed up on several real estate deals in the United States and elsewhere in recent years, including Brookfields retail and apartment complex, Manhattan West, now under construction on Manhattans West Side. Brookfield and Qatar also control the Canary Wharf office complex in London. The Qatar Investment Authority is one of the worlds largest sovereign funds, with $320 billion in assets under management, according to the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. In 2015 the fund announced plans to invest $35 billion in the United States, and it has since become a sizable commercial real estate investor, taking part in roughly $7 billion in real estate deals and buying up properties around New York and Los Angeles, according to CoStar Group, a real estate research firm. Charles and Jared Kushner bought the tower at 666 Fifth Avenue in 2007, when, with a partner, they borrowed $1.75 billion for the purchase. The tower served as the price of admission to elite Manhattan real estate circles for a developer previously known for building and operating suburban garden apartment complexes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. But if the father and son team believed that they had purchased a real estate trophy in one of the most desirable locations in the city, the debt-laden tower turned out to be more of an albatross. At the time they bought it, the building only generated enough cash to pay two-thirds of their annual debt payments. But they were betting on a quick turnaround and a big jump in rents. The Kushners sold 666 Fifth Avenues prime asset its Fifth Avenue retail space for $525 million. But office rents fell during the recession, and two of the buildings biggest tenants left. In 2012 the Kushners were forced to restructure their loans, and Vornado Realty Trust bought 49.5 percent of the buildings office space and gave the Kushners an $80 million high-interest loan. Vornado later bought the Fifth Avenue retail space for $707 million. In late 2016, Charles Kushner and his son were close to a much different kind of deal with Anbang, a giant Chinese insurance company with ties to the countrys ruling elite, and Mr. Al-Thani. That plan involved demolishing the existing building at 666 Fifth Avenue and erecting a $7.5 billion luxury super tower. But the deal collapsed a year ago, amid criticism from legislators over the connection between Jared Kushners political role and the family business. We had every injury type that you can imagine for a scenario like this, Jeffrey S. Paul, the director of the Morris County Office of Emergency Management, said outside Morristown Medical Center. Its tragic for anybody to be in a situation like this. But children our hearts certainly go out to the families. The force of the collision ripped the front cabin from its chassis, and the mangled yellow bus lay twisted in the grassy median between the eastbound and westbound lanes on Interstate 80. Debris from inside the bus a pair of Nike shoes, reusable water bottles, a black jacket and snack bags was strewn about the grass. The children were wearing seatbelts, the police and passengers said. One student, Theo Ancevski, 11, described the pandemonium that followed the crash, with his classmates screaming and hanging from their seatbelts as others scrambled out windows and a rooftop emergency exit. I heard a scraping sound and we toppled over the highway, said Theo, who sustained only minor cuts. A few people got out of the windows and they got out of the emergency exit at the top of the roof. Officials did not release the name of the child who was killed in the crash. Jennifer M. Williamson, the teacher who died, grew up in Paramus, her cousin said, on a tree-lined block not far from the school where she taught fifth-grade social studies. She declined to give her name. On the 64th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, Mr. Estevez, as president of the Latino Action Network, together with about a dozen other plaintiffs, filed a lawsuit against the State of New Jersey on Thursday, calling on it to desegregate its schools statewide. Not since 1964, when a federal lawsuit forced integration in Alabama, lawyers for the plaintiffs said, has a suit achieved statewide school desegregation. The promise of Brown is not being realized in New Jersey, Mr. Estevez said. If you look at a lot of the issues we are having right now in our society, it has a lot to do with the fact that people dont know each other, and dont interact with each other, and this creates misunderstanding and animosity. And so its important as a society, we think, that people be together, and that they learn side by side. The school segregation in New Jersey is de facto segregation, not explicit segregation by law, as was the case in the American South before the Brown decision. It stems from a complicated mixture of discriminatory zoning practices in suburbs, poverty and personal choice, the plaintiffs claim. But it is institutionalized by a state law in New Jersey that requires children to attend schools in the municipalities where they live, said Elise Boddie, a law professor at Rutgers University and a founding member of the New Jersey Coalition for Diverse and Inclusive Schools, a nonprofit that organized the lawsuit. Because neighborhoods and towns in New Jersey are so segregated, that law results in segregated schools. So the suit asks the state to let children cross municipal lines to go to school. It also calls on the state education commissioner to develop a comprehensive, detailed plan suggesting ways to integrate schools. Donald Trumps approval rating is rising. The Democratic advantage on survey questions about party preference for control of Congress is vanishing. Liberal anxiety about the fate of the midterms and I would venture, the country itself is rising. To all this, I say: Calm down. Not relax. Not rest easy. Not coast. But stay the course and dont panic. Work hard, message well and bring your passion and a few neighbors and friends to the polls in November. If voters do that, as they have already done in special elections, signs are positive for a major realignment in Washington. As a CNN analysis last month said: These results suggest that the Republican Party is in trouble heading into the midterm elections. If past trends hold, it is possible Democrats could see a double- digit swing in the average House district in 2018 compared with past elections. While Mr. Sadr has a checkered past, including violence by his Mahdi Army, his new alliance and political positions seem to be the best option for Iraq. An alliance between Mr. Sadr and Mr. Abadi could move Iraq toward a more stable, inclusive and less corrupt state of affairs. Both have steered clear of the corruption that plagues many of those in power in Iraq. Mr. Abadi has experience in government, is known globally and has proven to be a capable politician. Mr. Sadr has wide popular appeal and can provide legitimacy to efforts against corruption. Both have support from a Shiite Islamist base. Both have pledged to have technocrats in ministerial posts, a necessary move to get Iraqs ministries to function and deliver services and not serve as mere sources of patronage for various political parties. They would also need to ensure that their alliance is inclusive, both in terms of gender and ethnicity, to expand their appeal. Mr. Sadr and Mr. Abadi are Iraqi Islamist leaders who are vehemently Iraqi first. They are not focused on their Shiite identities and have remained largely free of Tehrans control. The United States and the Arab states should seize the opportunity and support them. Mr. Abadi could help build a new relationship between Washington and Mr. Sadr, who fought American forces after the invasion and had an arrest warrant against him in 2003. Saudi Arabias minister of state for Gulf affairs, Thamer al-Sabhan, was quick to welcome Mr. Sadrs ascendance. Last year, Mr. Sadr visited both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and met with the Saudi crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, and the Abu Dhabi crown prince, Mohammed bin Zayed. Mr. Abadi made a point of reaching out to Arab states during his tenure. A government led by Mr. Sadr and Mr. Abadi can build on the initial engagement with Arab states. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. have committed billions in reconstruction aid to Iraq. A new government in Iraq can work toward attracting investments from Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. to boost private sector growth, which is crucial to economic diversification in Iraq. Mr. Abadi could potentially help maintain a delicate balance between the regional rivals, as he has supported building ties with Arab countries while maintaining relations with Tehran. Iran immediately sent Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, to Baghdad after the results, to ensure that its influence does not ebb with the formation of the next government. Mr. Ameri is maneuvering with his colleagues and allies such as former Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki to form a government of Shiite Islamist parties, a move that would push Iraq back into the sectarian rut. In recent years, the United States has been something of a beacon of hope for women fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. In 2014, in a giant step forward, immigration courts explicitly determined that a person fleeing severe domestic violence may be granted asylum here if the violence rises to the level of persecution, if the government in the victims home country cannot or will not punish her abuser and if various other criteria are met. Its a high bar but one that, sadly, women from many countries can clear. Now their last chance at protection may be under threat. The case that established that certain victims of domestic violence are eligible for asylum was decided in a landmark ruling by the Board of Immigration Appeals, the highest court in our immigration judicial system. The survivor in the case, a Guatemalan named Aminta Cifuentes, was a victim of severe physical and sexual abuse. Ms. Cifuentes had endured 10 years of unrelenting violence at the hands of her spouse, who burned her with acid, beat and kicked her, broke her nose and punched her in the stomach with such force when she was eight months pregnant that the baby was born prematurely and with bruises. Her husband told her it would be pointless to call the police, because even the police and judges beat their wives. The ruling that granted her protection was a transformative one, not just for Ms. Cifuentes but for our country, too. At last, the United States stood firmly in opposition to violence against women and recognized that we can and should offer hope to survivors. The answer: a coded linguistic invitation. Up until that candy wrapper advice and my social faux pas I hadnt given much thought to the purpose of compliments, but others certainly had. In recent years, compliments and our reactions to them have been placed under a microscope. A 2012 study by Japanese researchers suggested that compliments help people to learn and perform new skills. The same researchers equated receiving compliments with receiving cash; both light up the reward system of our brain, the striatum. A 2017 study conducted in Switzerland equated receiving compliments with sex; both excited our brains reward system and the ventral medial prefrontal cortex, which heads up social decision making. Pop psychologists and bloggers on the topic have been eager to offer advice often, specifically to women. A 2004 Psychology Today article was adamant that the only proper way to accept a compliment was graciously and with a smile and warned the heedless female reader about the social perils of discounting a compliment in any manner typical of women. Such answers suck the positivity out of the air and deflate the donor, it read. In 2015, a Bustle writer offered 7 Tips for Accepting Compliments, based on the view that the idea of the human female as meek, humble, shy, and retiring is all very well if youre a 13th century nun, but its hamstringing us radically in the 21st century and running away from compliments is a symptom. But even longer ago, in the 70s and 80s, the compliment was poked and prodded by sociolinguistic experts. This robust body of research is still being used today at the University of Minnesota to teach adult English as a Second Language students the American way of accepting compliments. According to experts at the universitys Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, two thirds of the time, Americans respond to compliments with something other than, or in addition to, Thank you. We shift credit (My mom picked this dress out for me.), make a historical comment (I bought it on sale.), question the complimenter (Hmm, you think so?) or lob back a compliment (I like your outfit, too.). Other times we downgrade the compliment (This thing is so old I was about to give it to Goodwill.), reject it outright (I feel like I look like a hobo.) or treat the compliment as a request (You want to borrow it?). In other words, in the United States, the compliment is a coded invitation to chitchat, and simply saying, Thank you linguistically slams the door in the complimenters face. Its a platitude that language opens doors, said Andrew Cohen, a professor emeritus of second language studies at University of Minnesota and who was instrumental in developing the language acquisition research center. Dont I know it. In trying out the supposed right way for a woman to accept a compliment, I learned what such pleasant commentary really signals for Americans of all genders: connection and conversation. I have since shamelessly returned to my previous ways, which is to add a little P.S. or a bit of resistance after saying Thank you. To do otherwise would be to miss the big point of small talk. M.W.: At some level, all colleges profess to inculcate the qualities of leadership into their students. So in some sense, there is nothing unusual about leadership as the ultimate purpose of the liberal arts education we practice and deliver. We decided to really dive in and explore it with the faculty. And what we decided in the end was that the qualities of leadership we want in our students align nicely with the qualities we want to get out of our students through liberal arts education the habits of the mind and other habits that we want to see in leaders. So we looked at these things and asked ourselves, Is there a way, in a very parsimonious and powerful way, to deliver on all of these things through an integrated core curriculum? On top of that, we added a couple of different components that we feel are important for women going forward in the 21st century. One is the emphasis on what we loosely call financial literacy. We believe that young women ought to understand the basics of accounting and marketing. The other aspect that we emphasized in our core is a scientific vocabulary with which young women can understand great issues that face our society today, whether it be climate change or the social consequences of artificial intelligence. We believe that this habit of understanding science as citizens is very important. M.J.: Could you tell us about your work in international higher education at the Open Society Foundations, specifically with the Asian University for Women in Bangladesh? Image Meredith Woo, president of Sweet Briar College. Credit... Parker Michels-Boyce for The New York Times M.W.: In my time directing the international higher education program, we focused on providing higher education for refugees. Higher education for refugees may sound like a luxury, but thats really not true. In the year 2000, about 20 percent in the relevant age group around the world were enrolled in college. By 2014, that jumps up to about 35 percent, almost the same as in the United States. Now it doesnt mean that you are sitting in a beautiful classroom such as one youd find at Sweet Briar. It might mean that people are getting their exams delivered on donkeys backs or learning through TV. But the fact of the matter is that people are enrolled in higher education. If you look at a country like Syria, which was a secular nation before the civil war with a very highly literate population, education becomes critically important for the refugees who have lost everything. The only thing theyve got is what they have in their brains. Education can situate them for the better in countries, which are not their home. So we worked with Syrian refugees to help them get education in bordering countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Did the president of the United States just betray the nations security in return for a bribe from the Chinese government? Dont say that this suggestion is ridiculous: Given everything we know about Donald Trump, its well within the bounds of possibility, even plausibility. Dont say theres no proof: Were not talking about a court of law, where the accused are presumed innocent until proved guilty. Where the behavior of high officials is concerned, the standard is very nearly the opposite: Theyre supposed to avoid situations in which there is even a hint that their actions might be motivated by personal gain. Oh, and dont say that it doesnt matter one way or the other, because the Republicans who control Congress wont do anything about it. That in itself is a key part of the story: An entire political party a party that has historically wrapped itself in the flag and questioned the patriotism of its opponents has become entirely complaisant in the possibility of raw corruption, even if it involves payoffs from hostile foreign powers. In a tantrum last week, President Trump raged against Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security secretary, in part because she had not done enough to break up families who crossed the southern border illegally. Mr. Trump thinks such callousness will deter families from illegally crossing over from Mexico, often to seek asylum from gangs and political violence. Ms. Nielsen apparently took offense at Mr. Trumps abuse, but her department is still in line with his security-focused agenda, making plans to use military bases to hold children separated from their parents by the Border Patrol, according to The Washington Post. That is likely to become necessary since Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that his prosecutors will file criminal charges against anyone crossing the border without authorization, rather than releasing them to await deportation. That legal escalation will tear apart more families with children, which now constitute 40 percent of people detained by American border agents, Ms. Nielsen told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday. That families constitute so great a proportion of illegal border crossers undercuts Mr. Trumps contention that he is cracking down on immigration to keep out rapists and criminals. These arent people, these are animals, he snarled on Wednesday, in a stunningly dehumanizing reference to deported gang members. But his administrations policies are not calculated to deal with the specific threat of violence, but rather to immiserate people whose only crime is wanting safety or opportunity. Migration north to the United States is largely what it has always been, an act of desperation by those fleeing violence, and of hope by those seeking new opportunity. These actions are another chapter in President Trumps continuing assault on the nations most precious natural and cultural lands. They are of a piece with the shrinking of Bears Ears National Monument in Utah by 85 percent to carve out areas believed to contain oil and gas reserves and large uranium deposits. By giving the extractive industries virtually everything they want in Utah, Alaska, Minnesota and elsewhere, this administration has sent an unambiguous message: There is no place on our public lands or waters that is inviolable if there are resources to be exploited. This is not the first threat to the Boundary Waters. In the early 1960s, there were battles over logging, timber roads and the use of motorboats and snowmobiles. Though the area was included in the 1964 Wilderness Act, some logging and motor use were allowed to continue. Finally in 1978 Congress passed the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Act, which expanded its size, restricted motorboat use, ended logging and banned mining in the wilderness and some adjacent lands. Many thought the area had been protected permanently, but 40 years later the fight continues. Twin Metals says large deposits of sulfide-based ores like copper and nickel have been found near the wilderness and wants to extract them. The danger is that mining these sulfide ores can result in contaminated water seeping and flowing into lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands and groundwater. Because of the interconnected waterways in the wilderness area, much of the areas watershed could become polluted. Once that happens, there is no fixing it. Twin Metals argues that the risk for pollution from the sites will be minimal. But the idea that pollution can be prevented by mitigation measures has proved wrong time and again at other mines. Studies undertaken for opponents of mining have concluded that the highly toxic waste from a single mine in the wilderness areas watershed could continuously pollute the Boundary Waters for hundreds of years. The child was one of more than 60 Gazans killed during this weeks demonstrations, which were held to draw attention to the 11-year Israeli blockade of the territory. The violence gave way to mourning on Tuesday, the 70th anniversary of what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or Catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands fled their homes upon the creation of the state of Israel. Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at Tweet me at @mikiebarb. And if youre interested in advertising with The Daily, write to us at How do I listen? If you dont see an audio player on this page or to subscribe to The Daily for free, follow the instructions below. From your mobile device: You can listen and subscribe to The Daily from any podcast player. If youre reading this from an iPhone or other Apple mobile device, tap this link to listen in Apple Podcasts. If youre on an Android device, tap this link to listen in Stitcher or this link to listen in RadioPublic. Or if you prefer another podcast player, you can find The Daily there. (Heres the RSS feed.) From a desktop or laptop: Click the play button above to start the show. Make sure to keep that window open on your browser if youre doing other things, or else the audio will stop. You can always find the latest episode at I cry. I am a crier. Crying releases the anger and frustration. Crying gets the sad out, and it humbles me in a good way. In the aftermath of crying, I experience clarity of thought and a burst of productivity. When I was much younger and needed a cry, I turned to books. Beaches, by Iris Rainer Dart, was a reliable go-to, as was Where the Red Fern Grows. There are plenty of people who rely on books for this kind of emotional release, and Goodreads is filled with recommendations in its Listopia section. Causes of Ugly Crying supplies more than 1,200 book suggestions, like The Fault in Our Stars, Wonder and Little Women, which I really should reread because chopping onions in an airless room cannot compete with the tear-duct trigger of (spoiler alert) Beths death. But now when I need to cry, I grab my phone. The Hallmark Commercials of Today For the quickest, surest, most fulsome cry, I open my Twitter app and search for military homecoming videos. These are homemade smartphone clips, sometimes elaborately staged, that capture a raw moment of surprise experienced by an American who does not know that a family member who is in the military and stationed away from home is returning for a visit. If so-called promposals are merely touching, military homecomings pack a wallop. Theyre the old Hallmark commercials of today, said Mary Connelly, an executive producer of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, in its 15th year an old hand at the crying game. There is nothing better than those, theyre money in the bank. The book has its problems, of course. Wharton earnestly contemplates the Eastern apathy and the riddle of the mysterious North African civilization. She praises General Lyautey (the book is dedicated to him) for saving Morocco from the encroaching Germans, as well as the Berbers and Sahraoui tribesmen, but all is couched in the assumption that Morocco needs to be rescued by more civilized (i.e., European) powers. While she observes over and over how Moroccos beauty is in vast decay, she never once considers the damage colonialism may have inflicted across northern Africa and beyond. She writes: Overripeness is indeed the characteristic of this rich and stagnant civilization. Buildings, people, customs, seem all about to crumble and fall of their own weight: the present is a perpetually prolonged past. Image The cover of T's spring Travel issue. Credit... Photograph by Colin Dodgson. Styled by Suzanne Koller The most compelling moments in Whartons writing come when she and Lyauteys entourage are invited indoors, into the company of other women. She records her interactions in a chapter entitled Harems and Ceremonies with a true sense of empathy. At the home of a high government official, a Moroccan dignitary of the old school, Wharton has tea overlooking a stunning view of Rabat. She engages in conversation with the hosts brother-in-law and the many women of the household: Had I any children? (They asked it all at once.) Alas, no. In Islam (one of the ladies ventured) a woman without children is considered the most unhappy being in the world. I replied that in the western world also childless women were pitied. (The brother-in-law smiled incredulously.) Knowing that European fashions are of absorbing interest to the harem I next enquired: What do these ladies think of our stiff tailor-dresses? Dont they find them excessively ugly? Yes they do; (it was again the brother-in-law who replied.) But they suppose that in your own homes you dress less badly. And have they never any desire to travel, or visit the Bazaars, as the Turkish ladies do? No, indeed. They are too busy to give such matters a thought. In our country women of the highest class occupy themselves with their household and their children, and the rest of their time is devoted to needlework. (At this statement I gave the brother-in-law a smile as incredulous as his own.) It is classic Wharton: a splendid mix of her own comic timing, her keen perception of the social order (the one man speaking for everyone else) and her blunt understanding of the devastating truth that women, no matter where in the world, were trapped by their own society. Wharton may have had grave blind spots, but she knew very well that her own freedom as an educated woman unencumbered by children, with a great inheritance and a greater intellect was rare. There is something magically uncensored and unanxious about Wharton in Morocco, her writing built on the simple premise that she wrote what she saw and said what she thought. Because why wouldnt she? She belongs to a small canon of great women explorers (Isabella Bird, Jane Bowles) who disobeyed the notion that they needed to follow the rules and stay put. Instead, she set forth the ochre-colored dust of the desert swirling past her and expected the rest of us to catch up. The Parisian jewelry designer Gaia Repossi made her first trip to Japan as a teenager 14 years ago and shes returned virtually every year since. I came home with an extra suitcase full of crafts and the most amazing drawing materials, she says. Now I only work with Japanese stencils, technical drawing pens, paper and notebooks. Repossis love for the powerful simplicity of Japanese design has influenced the spare, architectural fine jewelry she creates for her familys namesake house, where she serves as creative director; she often revisits the temples of Kyoto and the island of Naoshima, where architect Tadao Andos structures abound, for inspiration. Eastern design has suffused her home in Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Paris, too including an extensive collection of bud vases made by Japanese potters and Western artisans, who, like herself, are enamored of those traditions. Its something about the shapes and the way they take on color. Its an aesthetic thats timeless, yet so advanced, says Repossi. They remind me of little jewelry pieces. Image Credit... Aurore de La Morinerie Ceramic vase by J J Peet. Hes from Brooklyn, New York, but many of his pieces are interpretations of old Japanese ceramics. At Shiratani, there is no torii, and there are no shimenawa and no shide. In Japan, forests are the spaces that most resemble European cathedrals, and there is a fundamental wrongness, an eeriness, about Shiratanis lack, the kind of ghostliness one feels in a deconsecrated church. And yet one also observes, with every step, evidence of the human: The most popular (allegedly two-hour-long) path that cuts through the woods is a trail of scarred and rutted stones, slippery with moss so that your hands scrabble over wet tree roots for purchase, that was laid around 400 years ago, back when the forest was regularly plundered for timber to make shingles. It rains almost daily on Yakushima, and in the forest, everything is covered with a perpetual slick of dew or rain; one thinks of those early travelers, how they struggled up and down the hills in their straw sandals, cords of wood strapped to their backs. But along with the aggressive tree-ness of Shiratani, it was what was missing that most reminded me of the forest of Princess Mononoke. Aside from the signs of the sacred, I realized, Shiratani also lacked flowers, and insects, and most unsettlingly, birdsong. You could stop and listen and hear only that plink of water that Miyazaki had recreated, but nothing else. You could look around you and see only green, green, green. Farther north, where the forest thinned, there were macaques, mean little creatures with flushed faces and disconcertingly human noses that walked on all fours as a bear cub might, but here, in its thickest section, there was nothing: The eye and ear searched and searched, but nothing was able to disrupt the dominance of the sugi themselves. It was as if the forest was so suffused with kami that there was no room for anything else. The enchanted forest in Mononoke is similar, though with one big difference that forest is the domain of the Forest Spirit, one of the most marvelous and frightening creatures invented in animation. By day, it is a massive, shaggy elk, its many horns blooming above its head like coral branches, its face resembling an ancient Japanese carved mask, with disquietingly human eyes. When it walks, wildflowers sprout, grow and die from wherever its cloven hoofs land; with a soft exhalation, it can kill or revive. But at nightfall, the Forest Spirits neck stretches toward the sky, and as the god grows, eventually looming above the treetops, it also becomes transparent, a kind of massive bipedal salamander, its back fringed with a frill of fins, stalking through the dark. The Forest Spirit is, on one hand, simply more glorious evidence of Miyazakis fecund imagination. But his mysterious and discomfiting presence is proof as well of the directors preoccupation with the symbols and mythologies (and values) of a prelapsarian Japan, particularly those associated with Shinto and Buddhist folklore. The spirits elk form, for example, is likely an allusion to the deer, considered in both Shintoism and Buddhism to be a messenger of the gods (and his nighttime form borrowed from a Shinto legend of a spirit who can create footsteps in a frozen lake). In Totoro, the two girls, caught in a storm, pass a stone statue of a Jizo, a bodhisattva responsible for protecting children and travelers. And in 2001s Spirited Away, the story of a girls path to independence while being forced to work in a traditional Showa-era bathhouse frequented by gods and demons, and Miyazakis second masterwork, a river god purifies himself in a steaming tub of water, washing away the detritus of men. Many of Japans greatest directors including Yasujiro Ozu and Akira Kurosawa, to name just two wrestled, repeatedly, with whether and how industrialization had in some way fundamentally altered the countrys essential qualities: its worship of the natural world, its humility before it, its soul. But none have captured, in such color and with such verve, the profoundly pagan sense of twinned superstition and celebration that informs the culture, the way the country masquerades as a contemporary one in its surfaces and in its technology while still believing, unswervingly, in gods and monsters, in the divinity of a tree. It is the case that the government simply will not let die. Three years ago, the Justice Department dropped espionage-related charges against Sherry Chen, a Chinese-American hydrologist at the National Weather Service, clearing her of accusations that she had used a stolen password to download information about the nations dams and lied about a meeting with a high-ranking Chinese official. But Ms. Chen still cant get back to work. Even though her name was cleared, her employers at the Commerce Department which oversees the National Weather Service continue to press their case that Ms. Chen be fired for many of the same charges she was exonerated of, according to two people familiar with the case but not authorized to speak about it publicly. The Commerce Department said it planned to fire Ms. Chen in 2015. She appealed to the federal Merit Systems Protection Board, an independent, bipartisan board charged with safeguarding the rights of civil servants. Last month in an unusually strong-worded statement the board ruled that the Commerce Department must reinstate her, give her back pay and cover her legal fees. In the ruling, the judge overseeing the case, Michele Szary Schroeder, suggested that Commerce officials had buried exculpatory evidence that would have cleared Ms. Chen. She also wrote that the two officials who had decided to fire Ms. Chen appeared more concerned about being right than doing the right thing. Republican leaders in the Pennsylvania Statehouse said on Thursday that they would strip Representative Nick Miccarelli of his committee assignments, after finding that he had continued to retaliate against a woman who has accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Miccarelli has refused to quit his seat in the state House of Representatives since early March. House leaders called for his resignation after finding that two womens allegations of domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse by Mr. Miccarelli were credible. Earlier this month the women criticized Republican leaders for shielding Mr. Miccarelli by not expelling him or pressing him forcefully enough to quit. Thursdays action was a step in that direction. This certainly got us down the field, said Terry Mutchler, a lawyer for the two women. Are we over the goal line? No. There is significant national momentum, and the pace of change is quickening, said Jeanne Smoot, senior counsel for public policy and strategy at Tahirih Justice Center, a nonprofit advocacy group that favors tighter limits. States are realizing that so long as laws remain on their books that may actually facilitate the forced marriage of a child, they need to consider themselves accountable. Data that the group collected from public records in 41 states showed that between 2000 and 2015, more than 200,000 minors were married. Experts on family law and advocates for women say that early marriage imposes social, educational and financial burdens on teenage girls. Because as minors they may lack the legal standing to file for divorce, experts say, many find themselves trapped in abusive relationships. The testimony of several survivors of child marriages has helped galvanize the movement to close marriage-law loopholes. But some legislators and religious groups have argued that the stricter marriage laws infringe on religious freedom and parents rights. Some have argued that in the case of a pregnancy, a teenage mother would benefit from being married. Last year, Chris Christie, a Republican who was governor of New Jersey, conditionally vetoed a bill that would have banned marriage for children under 18, on the ground that it did not comport with the sensibilities or religious customs of some residents. In addition to banning anyone under 16 from marrying, the bill pending in Missouri would prohibit 16- or 17-year-olds from marrying anyone over 21. Girls are often wed to older men in marriages that are arranged by families. HILO, Hawaii The Kilauea volcano erupted from its summit on Thursday morning, spewing an ash plume that reached 30,000 feet above the island of Hawaii, the authorities said. The eruption was the most forceful new explosion so far at Kilauea, one of the worlds most active volcanoes. Kilauea has already been triggering small earthquakes, creating gas-emitting fissures and releasing flows of lava that have destroyed dozens of homes this month. The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory issued a code red warning that additional activity could be expected. At any time, activity may again become more explosive, increasing the intensity of ash production and producing ballistic projectiles near the vent, the observatory said. PAHOA, Hawaii The electricity poles at the junction of Pohoiki Road and Leilani Avenue were split like matchsticks. Ohia lehua trees felled by the lava flows smoldered under the cloudy sky. The house where Ellen Garnett raised five children? Surrounded by mounds of hardened lava. Welcome to our ghost town, said Ms. Garnett, 56, as she held a gas mask to her face while venturing into Leilani Estates, the once serene rural outpost on Hawaii Island devastated by the eruption this month of the Kilauea volcano. This is what paradise looks like when it turns into a little bit of hell. An explosive eruption unleashed a cloud of hazardous ash 30,000 feet into the air Thursday, but even the day before, as Ms. Garnett and other evacuated residents made brief forays home, Leilani felt like an eerie lost city in the Polynesian jungle, its abandoned homes facing an onslaught not of vines but molten rock. If you look at whats happening with trade in China, it hasnt been fair for many, many years. When President Trump rails against China, he says things like, Our country is being taken advantage of, or, We lost years ago by presidents and others allowing this to happen. Hes probably referring to the past four decades, when China has grown faster than any major economy in history and gone from a poor, developing country to an economic powerhouse that is challenging Americas spot at the top of the international food chain. Its emergence as a global power was so sharp and so extreme, faster than the world can handle, in some ways faster than China can handle. The U.S. and other Western nations kick-started much of Chinas rise by opening up trade. What they havent figured out is how to get this fundamentally different economic system to play by free market rules. A pivotal moment came in 2001 after 15 years of negotiations. China joined the World Trade Organization, which sets the rules for free and fair trade between member countries. All of the countries that were in the club at the time put enormous demands on China for what they needed to do. The Chinese committed to sharply lower tariffs and reduced some of the governments role in how business gets done. But they argued then, as they still do now, that China is a developing country and so should be held to less stringent free trade standards. The hope was that these first steps would lead to even more sweeping changes. Why did we assume that? The experience of communism was through the lens of the Soviet Union and its satellite states, which was ultimately not a success. And so the presumption was, Chinas going to want to become like us, more market oriented. After China joined the W.T.O. in 2001, you saw this enormous surge of Chinese exports to everywhere in the world, and to the United States in particular. They were kind of an elephant hiding behind mice with respect to other countries in global trade negotiations at the time. The U.S. and other countries complained that China was not opening its markets enough, and keeping the value of its currency artificially low to make Chinese exports more attractive. China has been making great strides using tools that are really not acceptable under the global trade system. China has continued to operate as a centrally planned economy. The government owns, influences or subsidizes major industries, giving them an artificial competitive edge. There are heavy restrictions on foreign investment, and foreign companies are pressured to share their technologies. China has become more market oriented, but dating back to probably 2007, 2008, I think it was recognized that China wasnt on the path to become more like us. And so then countries began to think about, well, what do we do instead? Some view the rise of Asia-Pacific with suspicion and fear. America doesnt. Enter the Trans-Pacific Partnership, initiated by Bush, signed by Obama. When implemented, It wont just boost trade and support jobs in our 12 countries. It will help set stronger rules for trade across the Asia-Pacific. Put less politely, It was also supposed to be a bulwark to Chinas growing economic power. The idea was that China would want to join this great trading pact, and so they would have this incentive to reform their economy. This is the one that President Trump ripped up on his third day in office. The first one is withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I had seen the erosion of popular and congressional support for trade for many years. But Id never seen anything like Donald Trump. Our founding fathers understood trade much better than our current politicians, believe me. Trade is generally accepted by economists as win-win for countries on the whole. But Trump says that China is winning and the U.S. is losing. He and people in his administration argue that past approaches to dealing with China havent worked. Its not actually that profitable to negotiate with them. We need to focus on this much bigger trade measure, and then we can really hit them with a very aggressive, forceful action. He seems intent on generating a moment of crisis. We put a $50 billion tariff on, then we put a $100 billion tariff on. And you know at a certain point, they run out of bullets. But dynamics have changed. Today, China sees its economy as strong enough to withstand almost anything the U.S. can throw at it. Democratic Party officials, desperate to present a unified front in advance of the all-important 2018 midterms, are working to revamp their presidential nominating process and erase the final vestiges of the bitter 2016 presidential primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders. The most significant, and divisive, step would involve reducing the role and power of superdelegates the unpledged party insiders who are free to back any candidate regardless of how the public votes ahead of the 2020 election. Their influence caused substantial tension two years ago when supporters of Mr. Sanders zeroed in on superdelegates as undemocratic and said they created an unfair and even rigged system favoring Mrs. Clinton. Now, party officials, including loyalists held over from both the Sanders and Clinton camps, are inching toward a compromise that would not only minimize the role of superdelegates but change the partys operational structure as well. The ideas on the table range from eliminating superdelegates altogether to reducing their numbers significantly from more than 700 currently to about 280. Some officials said they preferred a proposal in which only elected government officials, and not party leaders, retain their superdelegate status. THE FACTS This requires context. President Trumps complaints of unjust persecution are a matter of opinion or, at the very least, a premature conclusion. But by quantifiable measures, the investigation of Russian election meddling to benefit Mr. Trumps presidential campaign is not the longest, least fruitful or most harmful inquisition in American history. The largest literal witch hunt in American history was, of course, the trials and persecutions of people accused of witchcraft in Salem, Mass., from 1692 to 1693, said Robert Thurston, a historian who wrote the book The Witch Hunts. The Trump-Russia investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is nothing like a real witch hunt, Mr. Thurston said. No, no, no. Twenty people were executed at Salem. Nobodys been executed in Mueller. Its all hot air. The Salem trials and witch hunts became popular metaphors for unjust political persecution in the 1930s, during industry purges in the Soviet Union and accusations of communism in the United States. In the end, those assurances were enough to win over a handful of skeptical senators. Two Republican no votes and opposition from Senator John McCain of Arizona, the victim of torture in Vietnam who was not present for the vote were more than offset by six Democrats, most of whom represent states that Mr. Trump won in 2016. Ms. Haspel also won over Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, who had led the interrogation of her record. She was confirmed 54 to 45. Ms. Haspel is now set to take over a spy agency that has managed to keep a low profile under Mr. Trump in recent months. He was sharply critical of Americas intelligence agencies before taking office, even comparing them to Nazis at one point. But Ms. Haspels predecessor, Mike Pompeo, who is now the secretary of state, built a warm rapport with the president. Inside the agency, Mr. Pompeo had a more mixed reputation. He won praise for promoting agency veterans, including Ms. Haspel, who served as his deputy, and for pushing Mr. Trump to allow the C.I.A. to take on more aggressive covert operations. But Mr. Pompeos overt politics he had been a firebrand Republican House member before taking over the C.I.A. made many there uneasy that their work could be infected by political concerns. Ms. Haspel is free of that particular baggage. Her nomination was seen by many at the C.I.A. as the best chance the agency had to avoid having a political partisan brought in as its director. Still, it remains to be seen how Ms. Haspel will get along with Mr. Trump, a president who prizes personal relationships above all else. As a veteran clandestine officer, she lived and worked in secret and has never played any kind of public role. The C.I.A., typically reticent to draw attention to the work of its operatives, undertook an overt campaign to support Ms. Haspels nomination, declassifying aspects of her career to build a positive public image and authorizing a cadre of former officers to speak with reporters. Behind the scenes, former high-level officials from the agency pressed senators to get behind her nomination. WASHINGTON The Transportation Security Administration has created a new secret watch list to monitor people who may be targeted as potential threats at airport checkpoints simply because they have swatted away security screeners hands or otherwise appeared unruly. A five-page directive obtained by The New York Times said actions that pose physical danger to security screeners or other contact that the agency described as offensive and without legal justification could land travelers on the watch list, which was created in February and is also known as a 95 list. An intent to injure or cause physical pain is not required, nor is an actual physical injury, according to the directive that was issued in March by Darby LaJoye, the agencys assistant administrator for security operations. According to the directive, people who loiter suspiciously near security checkpoints could be put on the watch list. So could those who present what the document vaguely described as challenges to the safe and effective completion of screening. WASHINGTON As female candidates crash the barricades of the Democratic Party and predict a blue wave of women in Congress, a string of high-profile departures of prominent Republican women threatens to leave the House with fewer Republican women next year. A new and unusually large crop of female Republican candidates many of whom have embraced President Trump as fervently as Democrat candidates have rejected him hope to replenish the ranks, or come close. But the political headwinds facing Republicans and the districts that women are running in make that math daunting. We have all this energy around female candidates, and yet Republicans could wind up with fewer women in Congress when all is said and done, said Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Republican strategist. Of the 23 Republican women in the House, six about one-quarter are retiring or seeking higher office. They include a former Budget Committee chairwoman, Diane Black, running for governor of Tennessee; a firebrand who led the Republican inquiry into Planned Parenthood, Marsha Blackburn, running for Senate in Tennessee; another former member of the Republican leadership, Lynn Jenkins of Kansas, and a former Foreign Affairs chairwoman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, who are retiring; and another former member of leadership, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, running for governor. WASHINGTON In 2011, Michael B. Brennan, then a lawyer in Milwaukee, vigorously defended the right of Wisconsins Republican senator to single-handedly block an Obama administration nominee for a federal bench seat in the state. Last week, Mr. Brennan was confirmed as a Trump administration nominee to that very same seat despite vigorous objections by the states Democratic senator. That incongruity is at the heart of what is fast becoming one of the most significant questions on Capitol Hill: How far will Republican senators go in pushing through President Trumps judicial nominees over the objections of Democrats from states where the potential new judges will preside? The answer: pretty far. Mr. Brennan was the second federal appellate court nominee confirmed despite a refusal by one home-state Democrat to consent to the nomination through the longstanding Senate tradition of signing and returning a blue-tinted form known universally as the blue slip demonstrating acquiescence in the presidential appointment. Now the Senate Judiciary Committee could send to the floor a disputed nominee from Oregon who is opposed by both of that states senators, a major break with Senate custom. According to the Congressional Research Service, it would be the first time since at least 1979 that a federal judge could be confirmed over the objections of both home-state senators. Democrats believe it could be the first time ever. Holding political office in Florida increasingly requires trekking to Puerto Rico, the former home of a growing number of Florida residents. More than a million Puerto Ricans already lived in the state before the hurricane, and another 56,000 joined them in the first six months after Maria, according to an estimate by the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College in New York. Perhaps not all of them will stay, much less vote: Puerto Ricans have tended to cast ballots less reliably than other Florida Hispanics. But if they do perhaps driven by the slow response to Hurricane Maria they could emerge as a significant political force, and not just for Democrats. Though Puerto Ricans tend to lean left, many have also registered as Florida voters without party affiliation, giving Republicans an opening to make a play for their support. If Republicans are successful, they could grow their Hispanic conservative base beyond Cuban Americans. In any case, the arrival of Puerto Ricans has not gone unnoticed in a state where premier election contests have routinely been decided by a single percentage point. The islands recovery from Hurricane Maria has become an issue of critical concern in Florida, with candidates jostling to appear in touch with the states Puerto Rican diaspora. This election season, its not just Mr. Nelson, who is facing a daunting Republican challenge from Gov. Rick Scott, vying for the Puerto Rican vote. Candidates down the ticket are also adopting the islands cause. State Representative David Richardson of Miami Beach, a Democratic candidate for Congress, this month spent 48 hours on what he called a listening tour of the island. He is running in Floridas 27th Congressional District, which is nearly 72 percent Hispanic and largely Cuban-American. His campaign research, however, revealed that about 25,000 Puerto Ricans live in the district, he said, so Mr. Richardson felt a trip to the island was in order. WASHINGTON President Trump on Thursday defended his use of the word animals to describe dangerous criminals trying to cross into the United States illegally, saying that he had been referring to members of the brutal transnational gang MS-13 when he used language critics called inappropriate. Im referring, and you know Im referring, to the MS-13 gangs that are coming in, Mr. Trump told a reporter who asked him about the remark, a day after using the term during a White House meeting about immigration. We have laws that are laughed at on immigration. So when the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals. And guess what I always will. The president was doubling down on a statement he made on Wednesday at a round-table discussion with state and local officials from California, at which Mr. Trump and his guests criticized the states so-called sanctuary laws, which restrict communication between local law enforcement and federal immigration officers. He used the word as one of the officials argued that the state laws made it more difficult for her to share information with immigration authorities about dangerous criminals, including MS-13 members. We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in were stopping a lot of them, Mr. Trump said in response, during a session where he complained that the United States has the dumbest laws on immigration in the world. Image Credit... Whether to induce labor for babies at or beyond full term is a difficult decision. Waiting to give b irth after 41 weeks gestation may slightly increase the risk that the baby will die before or shortly after birth. But there are also risks in inducing labor, including lowering the babys heart rate and an increased likelihood of infection for both mother and baby. Now a review in the Cochrane Library of 30 randomized trials involving more than 12,000 women with normal pregnancies in the United States and 13 other countries has found that induction at or beyond 41 weeks of gestation is safer than waiting. The analysis found that compared with waiting for labor to begin, induction was associated with fewer perinatal deaths, stillbirths and cesarean sections. The incidence of perineal trauma, postpartum bleeding or the need to admit babies to a neonatal intensive care unit was the same whether a woman was induced or not, and the amount of time mothers had to stay in the hospital did not differ between groups. NGOZI, Burundi Millions of people went to the polls in Burundi on Thursday to vote on a referendum to replace the countrys constitution. I came here as one of the few foreign reporters with a visa and accreditation to cover the scenes at the polls, where voters were deciding on some significant changes. The biggest change of the new constitution will be the extension of the presidential term, from five years to seven years. Pierre Nkurunziza, who has been president of Burundi since 2005, is widely expected to use the new constitution if it passes to run again in 2020. Under the new rules, he could stay in power until 2034 and then run again (and again) after sitting out for just one term. Most foreign correspondents were denied access, and two weeks ago the government suspended the BBC and Voice of America from broadcasting inside the country. SRINAGAR, Kashmir The Indian government said it would halt operations against separatist militants in Jammu and Kashmir State during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began on Thursday. It was the first time in 18 years that the Indian government declared a cease-fire for Ramadan in the territory. Over the last year, Kashmir has been sliding deeper into turmoil, with dozens of militants killed, huge protests erupting and a heavy sense of despair settling over the disputed territory. Many Kashmiris expressed hope on Thursday that the letup in security operations would calm tensions and reinvigorate efforts to find peace. This is the right time for a cease-fire, said Bashir Ahmed Khanday, whose son, a militant, was recently killed. No one wants to see his son come home wrapped in a shroud. Kashmir, a Himalayan mountain valley known for spectacular beauty, has been submerged in bloody conflicts for more than 70 years. Both India and Pakistan claim it, and the battles over this area have killed tens of thousands of people. Just a few months ago, the political machine led by Najib Razak, the gilded prime minister of Malaysia, appeared so indestructible that a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal seemed unlikely to derail it. The end came so quickly, so completely, that even his opponents were shocked. Hannah Beech, Richard C. Paddock and Alexandra Stevenson, May 15 In a historic election upset in a country that has been governed by just one coalition for decades, a Malaysian opposition bloc led by the 92-year-old former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad swept to a majority in national parliamentary elections. Richard C. Paddock, May 9 Mahathir Mohamad, who led Malaysia for decades with dagger-sharp rhetoric and increasingly autocratic ways, one of the worlds most durable political survivors, has engaged in yet another act of reinvention. This time, he is allying himself with opposition figures he once repressed in the name of beating his own former protege, Najib Razak, whom he helped make prime minister in 2009. Richard C. Paddock, Feb. 17 Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim, after years of bad blood and the imprisonment of Mr. Anwar, have retaken their places at the top of Malaysian politics: Mr. Mahathir is prime minister once again, at age 92, and Mr. Anwar, newly pardoned by the countrys king on Wednesday, is waiting to inherit the leadership. Austin Ramzy, May 15 President Trump did not single out Mr. Najibs patronage of his hotel two blocks from the White House, but he could have: the Malaysian leader was spotted entering and exiting the Trump International Hotel, with his entourage, on Monday and Tuesday. Mark Landler, Sept. 12 When North Korea threatened to back out of the nuclear summit with President Trump, they pointed the finger at one person John Bolton and blasted his calls for the so-called Libya model. Not even Boltons boss is happy with it. Well, the Libyan model isnt a model that we have at all. So just what is Boltons so-called Libya model? It started in 2003, when Libya decided to dismantle its fledgling nuclear weapons program. The country even shipped parts to a warehouse in Tennessee. These are aluminum vacuum tubes in which the centrifuge machinery themselves operate. And according to John Bolton, it all went down in one fell swoop. No half-steps, no concessions. His take was that Muammar Qaddafi simply made a strategic calculation: Give up the nukes, and Libya would no longer be a global pariah and avoid the fate of Saddam Husseins Iraq. What actually happened with Libya is a matter of debate, but it became Boltons go-to model for how to disarm rogue states like North Korea. Is it a requirement that Kim Jong-un agree to give away those weapons before you give any kind of concession? I think thats right. I think were looking at the Libya model of 2003, 2004. The implementation of the decision means getting rid of all the nuclear weapons, dismantling them, taking them to Oak Ridge, Tenn. Why is Boltons Libya model so offensive to North Korea? First, its a dig at the regimes crowning achievement. As the official North Korea statement says, It is absolutely absurd to compare North Korea, a nuclear state, to Libya, which had been at the initial state of nuclear development. Its true that Libya was barely a nuclear startup. And North Korea actually has warheads, ballistic missiles and a vast network of labs and development sites. Second, North Korea calls Boltons model a sinister move to impose on our dignified state the destiny of Libya or Iraq. A few years after Libyas nukes were shipped to Tennessee, U.S.-backed airstrikes helped overthrow Qaddafi: a vivid reminder to Kim Jong-un of what happens to leaders who give up their defenses. So why is Bolton invoking a reference thats clearly so inflammatory? There are some who speculate that Bolton is intentionally sabotaging the North Korea talks, just as he did in 2003, because he believes North Korea cant be trusted. This is him on Fox News just a few weeks before becoming national security adviser. Why in the world would they agree to not halt the program, to give it up completely? It just doesnt logically make any sense. Because theyre lying. You know, theres an all-purpose joke here. Question: How do you know that the North Korean regime is lying? Answer: Their lips are moving. According to Bolton, this is their real goal. They want to buy time. Three months, six months, 12 months, whatever it is they need to get across the finish line. Bolton says this was part of his life as a pundit. Now his job is to help the president achieve his goals. Which by all measures seems to include cutting a historic deal with North Korea. It could be that Bolton simply believes the only way to prevent North Korea from playing games is to demand a Libya-style playbook. But what is clear is Boltons repeated talk about the Libya model is antagonizing the North and now apparently the White House. The Libyan model that was mentioned was a much different deal. This would be with Kim Jong-un something where hed be there, hed be in his country, hed be running his country. To understand the twists and turns of doing business in Iran, look no further than the Peugeot 405. This boxy, mid-sized car is everywhere in Iran. But its had a bumpy ride. Thats because doing business there can be unpredictable. Peugeots a French company thats been making cars for over 100 years. Because you dont get to be the second-oldest carmaker in the world by making second-rate cars. But it didnt start in Iran until the 1990s. In Tehran it partnered with Iran Khodro, an automaker thats partly owned by the Iranian government. It was a huge success. By the beginning of 2012, Peugeot was all in on Iran. It had 30 percent of the automobile market and Iran was a major source of revenue for Peugeot, second only to France. And among Irans middle class, owning a Peugeot meant that you had made it. But all that changed when the U.S., European Union and United Nations imposed tough sanctions to make Iran curb its nuclear program. International companies were blocked from working in Iran, and Peugeot was forced out. Our company was also a victim of the sanctions. Seeing an opening, Chinese car makers leapt to take Peugeots place. And back home in France, Peugeot is in decline, partly because it lost access to the Iranian market. By 2014, the company was slashing jobs and scrambling for new financing. Then this happened. Breaking overnight, a historic deal. We have a real opportunity to achieve a comprehensive peaceful settlement. Iran signed a historic nuclear deal in 2015. As long as the country met stringent restrictions on its nuclear program, foreign investment could restart. It was a big opportunity for Peugeot and the company quickly moved to take advantage. In 2016, Peugeot began investing hundreds of millions of dollars as part of a renewed partnership with Iran Khodro. It is a real comeback of PSA in Iran. And business was booming once again. These new deals helped double sales in the region that year. But then We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction. Now that the U.S. is pulling out of the nuclear deal, Peugeot may be going back to where it started. This country, which has been tied to so many of the companys ups and downs, might be off limits again. Its a cautionary tale for investors looking to cash in on Iran. This much ought to be clear by now: If you ask the internet to settle anything, you do so at your own peril. A municipality in southeastern Estonia recently asked internet users what its symbol should be. Their answer: the cannabis leaf. Undeterred, the town, Kanepi, adopted the leaf as its emblem on Wednesday. Kaido Koiv, chairman of the town council, defended the decision as a very democratic process, according to Reuters, even though the number of online voters in favor of it about 12,000 was more than double the municipalitys population of 5,000. The choice of the marijuana plant is not entirely incongruous: Kanep means cannabis in Estonian, and the leaf, according to local legend, has been used as a symbol of the area for at least 150 years, referring to the hemp traditionally grown and made into cloth, oil and rope there. SOFIA, Bulgaria Venting anger at President Trump, European leaders said Thursday they would take steps aimed at blunting the effects of the American sanctions he restored on Iran, which could penalize European companies doing business there. At a European Union summit meeting in Sofia, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, the blocs executive arm, said it would begin a legal process to prohibit companies based in the 28-member union from complying with the American sanctions. We should know that the effects of the announced American sanctions will not remain without consequences, Mr. Juncker said. We have a duty to protect our European companies. The meeting, with leaders of western Balkan countries, came barely a week after Mr. Trump quit the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and leading world powers, which has eased sanctions in exchange for verifiable curbs on Irans nuclear activities. LONDON They came from Arizona, Australia, Brighton, Seattle and Nottingham, among other places. They came because they love the royal family, because they love to eat cake and, in one case, because they had free tickets. English literature is full of tales of disparate people thrown together for unexpected reasons. But Wednesday afternoons gathering was hardly And Then There Were None. Rather, it was a 90-minute royal-wedding-and-high-tea-themed bus tour that ended up attracting a full gamut of royalists, anti-royalists and dont-care-ists who were not always altogether sure what they were doing there. The bus tour idea was just a different way of having afternoon tea, while going someplace, said Sally Saunders, a high school teacher from Wollongong, Australia, who was starting on her first course, featuring mini-shepherds pies, cucumber sandwiches and sausage rolls. The whole point is to drive around London and eat some nice food. As for the royals whatever. LONDON Britains building safety systems are a lax and confused mess in need of a major overhaul and much tougher enforcement, an investigator commissioned after the Grenfell Tower disaster reported on Thursday, but she did not recommend banning all flammable facades, a critical factor in that fire. The report drew swift rebukes from survivors of the fire, which killed 71 people, and from Labour members of Parliament, who have demanded a ban on flammable cladding of the sort used on Grenfell Tower, a move the Royal Institute of British Architects has also endorsed. That cladding has long been prohibited in the United States for buildings above a certain height, and in some places it is banned entirely. Judith Hackitt, the engineer commissioned by the Conservative government to conduct the investigation, acknowledged the need for a radical rethink of the whole system and how it works. But she also maintained that her mission was to assess the big picture, not myriad individual rules. As a result, her 159-page report did not address specific changes people have called for, like a cladding ban or requiring sprinklers and multiple fire stairs in high-rise buildings. This review is a betrayal and a whitewash, said David Lammy, a Labour lawmaker who has become an outspoken government critic. It is unthinkable and unacceptable that so many people can die in a disaster like Grenfell and one year on flammable cladding has not been banned. LONDON After weeks of media speculation, Meghan Markle confirmed on Thursday that her father would not be walking her down the aisle on Saturday at her wedding to Prince Harry. Ms. Markle, an American actress, released a statement that suggested her father, Thomas Markle, was having health issues. BJP sets 282 plus target; asked party workers the BJP rule from Parliament to Panchayat for 50 yrs India oi-Vinod By Vinod NEW Delhi: After the Karnataka elections, now the BJP has given a roadmap of the general elections 2019 to all Morcha office bearers of the party with a target of winning 282 plus seats in these elections by garnering fifty per cent voters of the country. The party wants from its workers governance of the country for 50 years to transform the nation. As One India wrote first that the unofficial poll bugle will be sounded on May 17 with this meeting, both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party President Amit Shah addressed the gathering of Morcha office bearer in Delhi with same objective in mind. Prime Minister said, "With the BJP forming the government in Karnataka, the BJP and its coalition is ruling in 21 states of the country. This is a big success that comes with the responsibility on our shoulders. As decided, now Morcha leaders would have to contact 22 thousand villages to showcase achievements of the government." Amit Shah was clear in his approach about targets setting for his party colleagues. He said that the BJP wants 50 year BJP rule from Parliament to panchayat from the people of this country to transform the nation. So the development of the country could be taken into the right direction. Some people call it an exaggerations but I am very much serious about taking it further. "We are not here to make Modi ji Prime Minister and Sushma Swaraj, Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley and Nitin Gadkari ministers rather we are here to serve the nation." He said that the party must increase its last Lok Sabha elections tally of 282 seats by visiting beneficiaries of the government schemes that are around 22 crorer. The BJP wants to garner 50 percent votes in the country which is the task for net general elections. "There is also an important thing to understand that Opposition is united due to our fear but we are not afraid to anyone. We are not here to win 2019, 2024 and some more elections but we want 50 years in the government to transform the nation," he said. BJP Morcha office bearers were asked that they must use Namo App to tell people about the government schemes and must undertake membership drive among people. Morcha must reach out to people as much as possible by saying that Pariwarvad (dynasty) is over and Parishramwad (hardwork) has taken over. Creative work should be done at every booth; new voters should be brought to the party fold that would be done by all the seven morcha united. Development work must be encouraged. The PM said to the Morcha workers to work on the principal of nation first not on the family first. Every section of the society will be contacted and intellectuals will be brought to the party fold. BSY's swearing-in: Congress, JD (S) stage protest at Gandhi statue in Vidhana Soudha India oi-Vikas By Vikas The Congress leaders have gathered at the Mahatma Gandhi Statue's in the Vidhana Soudha premises to stage a protest against BS Yeddyurappa's swearing-in as the Karnataka Chief Minister. The JD (S) leaders have also joined the Congress for the protest. Senior Congress leaders, including Ghulam Nabu Azad, Ashok Gehlot, Mallikarjun Kharge, KC Venugopal and Siddaramaiah, are present at the protest venue. As per latest reports, HD Deve Gowda has also joined the Congress leaders at the Gandhi statue to protest against BJP. The Congress MLAs are lodged at Bengaluru's Eagleton Resort. The decision to keep them together was taken in order to thwart any attempts of poaching by the BJP ahead of the crucial floor test. Deve Gowda earlier today Shangri-La Hotel in Bengaluru where the JD (S) MLAs are staying. The political temperatures are soaring high in Bengaluru after election result. The Congress and the JD (S) were left fuming after Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala on Wednesday evening allowed the BJP, which emerged as the single largest party in assembly elections, to form the government and prove majority on the floor of the House within 15 days. The Congress had approached the Supreme Court and contended that the Governor's decision to call BJP for government formation first was unconstitutional. The Congress had sought court's intervention in the matter and demanded a stay on swearing in. The apex court, however, refused to stay the swearing in of Yeddyurappa. Subsequently, Yeddyurappa took oath as the 23rd Chief Minister of Karnataka this morning (May 17). The court said that the the outcome of the swearing in would be subject to the outcome of the petition filed by the Congress and JD(S). When Abhishek Manu Singvi pleaded that the swearing in be stayed, the court refused to do so. His plea to schedule the floor test in the Karnataka legislative assembly for Friday was also rejected. The result of the Karnataka assembly elections 2018 was announced on May 15 and the BJP emerged as the single largest party by bagging 104 seats in a 224 seat assembly (polling was held in 222 seats on May 12). The BJP ended up eight seats short of the majority mark which gave the Congress and the JD (S) to cobble up an alliance and stake a claim to form the government. Congress-JD (S) combine has 118 seats, which is well above the halfway mark needed to form the government. CBSE Class 10th Results 2021: Board likely to declare results soon; here's how to check your roll number CBSE Class 10, 12 results 2018 date, all you should know India oi-Vikas By Vikas The CBSE Class 10 and 12 results 2018 will be declared soon. The results once declared will be available on the official website. The results are expected to be out in the next two weeks. Unconfirmed reports say that the results may be declared in the last week of May. An official of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has said that the re-test of the Class 12 Economics paper, held on April 25, nearly a month after it was leaked, will not delay declaration of results. The results are expected to be declared by May 30. "The results will be declared on time as the evaluation is in advanced stage despite re-exam of economics paper. We have rigorously followed up with schools to send more evaluators than the required number," a senior Board official said. There were also reports of the CBSE's Class 10 mathematics paper being leaked, but the board decided against its re-test, saying class 10 was just an "internal segment" of school education system. The reports of leak of the CBSE papers had caused disappointment among students across the country last month. In Delhi, students held protests accusing the CBSE of negligence and demanded immediate action against the guilty. According to Delhi Police, the class 12 economics paper was leaked on 23 March - three days before the scheduled date of the examination. Investigators made arrests in several parts of the country in connection with the case, including in Jharkhand and Himachal Pradesh. They claimed to have arrested the main conspirators behind the leak from Una in Himachal Pradesh. The three people were staffers of a school in the town. The results once declared will be available on For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 8:04 [IST] UPSC to resume the interview process for Civil Services 2020 from August 2 CDS(II) 2017 Final result announced India oi-Madhuri The CDS(II) 2017 Final result has been announced. The results are available on the official website. A total of 192 candidates have been recommended on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2017 conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in November, 2017 and SSB interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence. UPSC will come up with the marks of the candidates after declaring the final result of Officers' Training Academy (OTA) for Combined Defence Services Examination (II) 2017. 'The number of vacancies, as intimated by the Government is 100 for Indian Military Academy [including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC 'C' certificates (Army Wing) holders], 45 for Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala Executive (General Service) [including 06 vacancies reserved for NCC 'C' Certificate holders (Naval Wing)] and 32 for Air Force Academy, Hyderabad,' reads the update released by Commission. Commencement date of the courses can be found at www. and For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 8:47 [IST] How the BJP bettered its performance in the Muslim, SC dominated areas India oi-Vicky Nanjappa The polarisation of Hindu votes in the Muslim dominated areas helped the BJP gain in numbers in the Muslim dominated constituencies. The party's number grew from 6 in 2013 to 15 this year in the constituencies that are dominated by Muslims. In Karnataka there are 33 constituencies which have a Muslim dominated population. The fact that the BJP performed well in these belts could be attributed to the fact that there was a split of Muslim votes between the Congress and JD(S) apart from the fact that the Hindu votes had polarised in favour of the party. In the Muslim dominated constituencies, the Congress which had won 19 in 2013 managed 15 this year. The JD(S) won 3 as opposed to the five in 2013. The others drew a blank as opposed to the 4 they had won in the previous elections. The BJP also performed well in those belts that were dominated by the Schedule Castes. Its tally was up from 11 in 2013 to 22 in 2018. There are 64 seats where there is a population of 15 per cent SCs. In this seats it was expected that the BJP would perform badly owing to the widespread Dalit protests that had taken place across the country. However the BJP doubled its seats in these belts owing to several factors. Dr. Sandeep Shastri, leading political scientist says that the AHINDA agenda did not hold strongly for the Congress. The non-Kurubas and the OBCs moved towards the BJP. The left Dalits too have been unhappy with Siddaramaiah over the non-implementation of a proposal that recommended internal reservation for them. Overall the social coalition that the Congress tried to create backfired and ended up benefiting the BJP, he also says. The other major factor was the return of B Sriramulu to the BJP. He was projected as the tallest leader among the tribals which helped the party score in these belts. In the SC dominated belts, the Congress had won 36 in 2013, but in 2018 the number came down to 26. For the JD(S) the performance was almost same when compared to 2013. The party won 15 seats this year when compared to the 14 in 2013. The others tally came down from 3 in 2013 to 1 this year. The big gains that the BJP made was in the mining region. From 4 in 2013, the party's tally rose to 15 this year. The mining region has 26 seats. For the Congress on the other hand the tally dropped from 18 in 2013 to 11 this year. The JD(S) which bagged 3 seats in 2013 drew a blank. The tally of the others too came down from 1 to 0 this year. In the Lingayat dominated seats the BJP repeated its performance of 2008 by winning 38 seats. In 2013 the party won just 11. The disaster was for the Congress whose tally came down from 47 in 2013 to 21 this year. The JD(S) had bagged 11 in 2013 and its number dropped to 10 this year. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 15:50 [IST] UP: Set on fire after failed gangrape attempt, says college student who was found naked with severe burns Indias daughters under attack: Minor girl gang-raped in Uttar Pradesh India oi-Oneindia Staff By Oneindia Staff Lucknow, May 17: While the entire nation was hooked to the political twists and turns that took place in Karnataka in the wake of Assembly elections, a 14 year-old girl was allegedly raped by three youth of her village under Kotwali Dehat police station area in Etah, Uttar Pradesh. According to a complaint lodged by the victim's father, the girl had gone to relieve herself on Wednesday morning. When she did not return for long, a search was launched and she was found lying in an unconscious state in an agriculture field, the police said. She was taken to the district hospital where she claimed that three persons dragged her away to a secluded spot and raped her. The victim also named the accused, the police said. An FIR has been lodged and hunt was on to nab the accused, the police added. In the last few weeks, cases of rapes of minor girls have been reported from almost every corner of the country with mind-boggling frequency. Angry citizens of the country protested on roads in various parts of the country over the horrific rape cases reported from Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua and Uttar Pradesh's Unnao. Both the cases caught the attention of the nation because of its barbarity and open support for the accused from a section of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). After its "studied silence" over crimes against women, especially minor girls, the Narendra Modi government approved the ordinance to allow courts to award death penalty to those convicted of raping girls under 12 recently. The ordinance has got mixed reactions as many feel that laws hold no meaning if the authorities do not bring cases of rape to justice. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 13:39 [IST] Karma is a bitch: How it has come back to bite Deve Gowda India oi-Vicky Nanjappa Looks like Deve Gowda has been bitten by Karma. Back in 1996, the BJP government in Gujarat was dismissed by the President on the advise of the Prime Minster. Shankar Vaghela had split the BJP to form a government with the Congress back then. The head of the Gujarat BJP state unit was Vajubhai Vala, now the Governor of Karnataka and the Prime Minister was Deve Gowda, who is desperately pushing an alliance with the Congress in Karnataka. This interesting fact was pointed out by Yashwant Deshmukh, the managing director and chief editor of CVoter. Deshmukh tweeted, "1996 : Gujarat BJP Government was dismissed by the President on advise of the PM. Vaghela split the BJP to form Govt with backing of Congress. Name of the BJP state unit head was VajuBhai Vala. Name of PM was HD Devegauda.Karma is a bitch." 1996 : Gujarat BJP Government was dismissed by the President on advise of the PM. Vaghela split the BJP to form Govt with backing of Congress. Name of the BJP state unit head was VajuBhai Vala. Name of PM was HD Devegauda. Karma is a bitch. Yashwant Deshmukh (@YRDeshmukh) May 16, 2018 The Governor on Wednesday invited B S Yeddyurappa to form the government in Karnataka. The Congress and JD(S) went to the Supreme Court at midnight and challenged the decision. The court however refused to stay the swearing in ceremony while adding that the same would be subject to the result of the writ petition. Kathua gangrape case: Question witnesses from a 'visible distance', SC tells J&K police India oi-Vikas By Vikas The Supreme Court on Thursday (May 17) directed the Jammu and Kashmir police to interrogate the Kathua gangrape cases witnesses, three of whom had alleged torture by the cops, from a 'visible distance'. The apex court has also ordered the state police to question the witnesses in presence of their families. On May 14, three college friends of a key accused in the sensational Kathua gangrape and murder case of an eight-year-old girl moved the Supreme Court alleging torture and sought protection from a central agency. Yesterday (May 16), the Centre told the Supreme Court that attempts are being made to impede the probe. The state, meanwhile, sought time from the apex court to respond to the allegations of torture against the Jammu and Kashmir police. Lawyer Ravi Sharma, representing students Sahil Sharma, Sachin Sharma and Neeraj Sharma, sought urgent hearing on the plea alleging that they and their families were being coerced by the Crime Branch of the Jammu and Kashmir police. The Jammu-based students, who are pursuing B.Sc in Agriculture at a college in Muzzafar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, are classmates of Vishal Jangotra, a key accused in the case, the plea said. Earlier, the apex court had transferred the trial in the sensational Kathua gangrape and murder case of an eight-year-old girl from Jammu and Kashmir to Pathankot in Punjab, but had refrained from handing over the probe to CBI saying there was no need as the investigation has been conducted and the charge sheet filed. The apex court, which ordered day-to-day "in-camera" trial in the case, had said there was a need to shift the trial outside the state as "fear and fair trial" were contradictory and "cannot be allowed to co-exist." The victim, belonging to a minority nomadic community, had disappeared from near her home in a village close to Kathua in the Jammu region on January 10. Her body was found in the same area a week later. The state police has filed the main charge sheet against seven persons and a separate charge sheet against a juvenile in a court in Kathua district. OneIndia News with PTI inputs For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 15:00 [IST] No security outside Eagleton resort hours after BSY took oath India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Security outside the Eagleston resort, where Congress MLAs are holed up, has been removed hours after BS Yeddyurappa took oath as chief minister of Karnataka on Thursday. According to the Congress party leaders, 78 MLAs are lodged in the resort located near Bidadi in the outskirts of Bengaluru. The Congress wants to foil BJP's plan to poach MLAs to prove majority on the floor of the house. Senior leader KH Muniyappa, said, " This is not the system. Irrespective of whose govt it is, it is their duty to provide protection, provide security to the elected representatives." The Supreme Court has given the Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi 48 hours to produce the two letters written by BS Yeddyurappa to the Governor staking his claim to form a government. The top law officer has to procure the documents from the Governor and produce them before the court on May 18 at 10.30 a.m. As the deadline is approaching BJP is desperate to get the required number to prove the majority. The BHP still needs the support of seven MLAs to form the government. No stay on Yeddyurappas swearing in, SC asks letters written to Governor India oi-Vicky Nanjappa The Supreme Court has given the green signal to the swearing in ceremony of B S Yeddyurappa as Chief Minister of Karnataka. The court however directed Yeddyurappa to produce before it the letter of support by 10.30 am on Friday when the court would continue hearing the matter. The court said that the the outcome of the swearing in would be subject to the outcome of the petition filed by the Congress and JD(S). When Abhishek Manu Singvi pleaded that the swearing in be stayed, the court refused to do so. His plea to schedule the floor test in the Karnataka legislative assembly for Friday was also rejected. The court also asked the Attorney General to produce the May 15 and 16 letters written by Yeddyurappa to the Governor in which he staked a claim to form the government. There were dramatic arguments in the court that began at 2 am, with the Congress saying that the action of the Governor was wrong in law. Abhishek Manu Singvi appearing for the Congress and JD(S) said that the Governor completely dispensed with the Constitutional norm. He said that Kumaraswamy staked a claim to form the government with the support from the Congress. They have a total strength of 116 in the 222 member House. The BJP has just 104 MLAs and the Governor invited the party and this is unconstitutional, Singvi also argued. He cited the Goa case where he said that a post poll alliance by the BJP, despite the Congress being the single largest party had stolen a march over the Congress to form the government and the Supreme Court had upheld it. The Governor of Karnataka has negated democracy by not calling the Congress-JD(S) to form the government. He said that the Governor has given Yeddyurappa 15 days time. This invites horse trading he also added. Calling a person who commands 104 MLAs ahead of another who commands 116 MLAs and then giving the person 15 days is adding insult to injury by the Governor, Singhvi contended. The SC however asked if it was not the norm that the single largest party be called first. Singvi said that it may be the single largest party, but it does not have a majority. How do you know Yeddyurappa has not submitted a list of MLAs and claimed majority support, the court asked. When Singvi said that the Governor's action must be stayed, the court said that the general trend as per the SC verdicts is not to interfere with the Governor. Attorney General, K K Venugopal stepped in and said that the SC can never step into examining the Governor's zone of satisfaction of a party providing stable government. Mukul Rohatgi appearing for the BJP said that this matter should not have been heard at midnight. Heavens would not have fallen if someone is sworn in. The last time the SC heard a case at this time was relating to the hanging of Yakub Memon. The AG said that this petition should not have been filed. They should have waited for the outcome of the floor test, he also said. At this juncture there was a twist. The court said that it would not stay the swearing in. However Singvi continued to insist that it be stayed and arguments continued for another hour. Rohatgi said that in the Goa case the Congress never staked a claim. Rohatgi said that in Goa, Digambar Kamat of Congress never made a claim. So the next person Manohar Parrikar of the BJP made the claim and was invited to form the government. The number of days that could be given to Yeddyurappa to prove his majority can be debated after two days. It is not a case of Yakub Memon hanging that the arguments to continue exactly in the same fashion from 2 am to 5 am, he also said. The court observed that if court cannot issue notice to Governor, then it should not injunct him from swearing in also. It stands to reason that we cannot injunct a party ( Governor) we cannot summon here, the court also said. If a Governor dared to make a one party party CM, we cannot injunct the CM from taking oath. But we can stay his government from functioning the court observed to which Singvi said, "you cannot give me a right of which the remedy is illusory." The court however asked, "are you saying we cannot stop a government from functioning." Ram Jethmalani: A look at some of his most controversial, high-profile cases Order of Governor is open invitation to do corruption: Ram Jethmalani India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Senior Supreme Court lawyer Ram Jethmalani on Thursday mentioned before the Bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra, justices AM Khanwilkar and DY Chandrachud his application for urgent hearing against Karnataka Governor for inviting BS Yeddyurappa for forming the government. Ram Jethmalani, who had anouncement his retirement from active legal service in Septemember 2017, is back with the petition. The Bench directed him to mention it tomorrow before an appropriate bench. 'What has BJP said to Governor , that he did such a stupid action? Order of Governor is open invitation to do corruption.' Jethmalani has approached SC against Karnataka Guv's invitation to Yeddyurappa for forming govt," News agency ANI quoted as saying Ram Jethmalani. Ram Jethmalani filed the petition after Supreme Court gave the green signal to the swearing in ceremony of B S Yeddyurappa as Chief Minister of Karnataka. The court however directed Yeddyurappa to produce before it the letter of support by 10.30 am on Friday when the court would continue hearing the matter. Abhishek Manu Singhvi contended in SC that calling a person who commands 104 MLAs ahead of another who commands 116 MLAs and then giving the person 15 days is adding insult to injury by the Governor. The joint petition by the Congress and the Janata Dal (Secular) had sought a stay on the oath-taking ceremony, as communicated by the governor to the BJP's chief ministerial candidate B S Yeddyurappa. Ram Jethmalani has been critique of PM Narendra Modi and his BJP government. Jethmalani had accused PM Modi of not being honest about bringing back black money stashed abroad. Mr. Jethmalani, who announced his retirement from active legal service last week, said the Prime Minister was no help in his fight against black money. "The awful truth dawned on me in early 2015 when BJP president Amit Shah disclosed that all talk about black money recovery was a 'chunavi jhumla,' a gimmick or a joke," he said. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 14:07 [IST] R V Deshpande to be pro-tem Speaker in Karnataka Legislative Assembly India oi-Vicky Nanjappa The legislature secretariat has recommended the name of R V Deshpande as pro-tem speaker of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly. The name of Deshpande, a Congress MLA was recommend after taking into consideration that he is the senior most member of the House. The recommendation will now be sent to the Governor who give his stamp of approval. A pro-tem speaker is the one who operates as a temporary speaker. To conduct the work in the Centre or in state legislatures, a pro-tem speaker is appointed for a limited period. When a new assembly is elected, but the vote for the speaker or deputy speaker has not taken place, the pro-tem speaker is chosen. A pro-tem speaker is chosen with the agreement of the members of the legislative assembly so that he can carry on the activities till the permanent speaker is chosen. The convention is that the senior most member of the House is chosen as a pro-tem speaker. Further it would also be taken into account that he or she is not likely to be the speaker candidate and also should not be a minister. The current strength of the House is 222 and the magic number is 112. The Congress-JD(S) claim that together they have the support of 116 MLAs. The BJP is 8 short with 104 MLAs. The pro-tem speaker will be the one who will conduct the House and it is he would take a call on whether the trust vote should be held through a voice vote or ballot. Rubber stamp? How Karnataka politics has put governors role under scanner, once again India oi-Maitreyee Bengaluru, May 17: The post of governor in India has always been a controversial one, thanks to how the appointment of the constitutional head is guided by political expediency of the ruling party at the Centre since ages. Mostly seen as a post-retirement gift to veteran politicians, army officials and diplomats loyal to the ruling party at the Centre, the independence and integrity of the office of the governor has been questioned on several occasions in the past. Term like "rubber stamp" (a person who gives approval to any decision of the ruling party without any due consideration as demanded from a constitutional head) has been used to target the governor if he/she is seen "erring" by the Opposition. Amid hectic political developments in Karnataka in the aftermath of the Assembly election results, all eyes were focused on Karnataka governor Vajubhai Vala in the last few days. While both the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress-Janata Dal (Secular) (JD(S)) alliance staked their claim to form the next government in the state after election results gave a fractured mandate, Vala, a well-known BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi loyalist, decided to call BS Yeddyurappa, the BJP's chief ministerial candidate, to be sworn in as the new head of Karnataka. While the BJP has 104 MLAs in its kitty, the Congress-JD(S) combine on Wednesday submitted a letter with the signatures of 117 MLAs to the governor. In spite of having a clear majority, the governor gave "preference" to the BJP's claim as Yeddyurappa on early Thursday morning took the oath as the new CM of Karnataka. In a dramatic turn of events, the Congress-JD(S) alliance approached the Supreme Court on Wednesday midnight to stall the swearing-in ceremony of Yeddyurappa, but the apex court decided not to interfere with the governor's decision. The governor's decision to call the BJP, the single-largest party in the current Karnataka Assembly, to form the new government is the most "logical" step taken by Vala as the same has been suggested by the Sarkaria Commission in 1998. However, recent precedents in Goa and Manipur (last year) and Meghalaya (this year) show that it is not always necessary to call the single-largest party to form the government when there is a fractured mandate. In all these three states, the BJP-led alliances formed governments surpassing the Congress with the highest number of seats. Now, the question is how in Manipur, Goa and Meghalaya, the governors decided to call alliance partners to form governments and not in Karnataka? One more important reason why a lot of legal and constitutional experts are opposing Vala's decision is that by giving preference to the BJP, Vala has opened the floodgates for horse-trading, resort politics and operation kamala or operation lotus (a term coined by the BJP back in 2008 to win over MLAs from the opposition parties) in Karnataka. The BJP, which is short of at least eight seats, is likely to go to any extent to get the numbers to clear the crucial floor test. The governor has also given the BJP 15 days to prove its majority, which again is quite a long period to be enjoyed by any party to remain in power without the numbers. Raising doubts over the alleged partial role played by Vala, who was a former speaker of Gujarat, in the entire Karnataka political drama, former Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah called the Karnataka governor a "rubber stamp". "Once more an occupant of a Raj Bhavan allows himself to be used as a rubber stamp. BJP announces (& then deletes) the details of #Yeddyurappa swearing in slated for tomorrow before it can be officially communicated," tweeted Abdullah. Once more an occupant of a Raj Bhavan allows himself to be used as a rubber stamp. BJP announces (& then deletes) the details of #Yeddyurappa swearing in slated for tomorrow before it can be officially communicated. Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) May 16, 2018 Abdullah alleged that the BJP "misused the powers of governors" and "blew the constitution to shambles". "Subtext we don't need lessons from anyone else, we can blow the constitution to shambles & misuse the powers of Governors as well as the best in the business," the former J&K CM added. Subtext we dont need lessons from anyone else, we can blow the constitution to shambles & misuse the powers of Governors as well as the best in the business. Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) May 16, 2018 While there was a festive mood outside the Raj Bhavan in Bengaluru, the official residence of the governor where Vala administered the oath of office to Yeddyurappa on Thursday, a pall of gloom descended on the Indian democracy where the role of the governor has come under scanner, once again. If floor test is not taken on Monday, Karnataka could well stare at Presidents Rule Upper Houses in Legislatures: who and what do they actually represent? Shiv Sena not happy with BSY's swearing-in, says 'no democracy left in country' India oi-Vikas By Vikas In a veiled attack on the Karnataka Governor's decision to invite the BJP to form government and prove majority first, the Shiv Sena on Thursday said Vajubhai Vala should have called 'those with maximum seats' first. The BJP emerged as the single largest party by winning 104 seats in the Karnataka assembly elections, but the Congress, with 78 seats, and JD (S), with 38 seats, cobbled up an alliance and staked a claim to form a government as they have support of a total of 118 MLAs, including 2 independents. "BS Yeddyurappa has taken the oath but it's difficult to prove majority. Governor should have called those who had maximum numbers. When this happens people say, loktantra ki hatya ho gayi, lekin jab desh mein loktantra bacha hi nahi hai toh hatya kiski hogi," Shiv Sena's Sanjay Raut told ANI. The political temparatures are soaring high in Bengaluru after Karnataka assembly elections result. The Congress and the JD (S) were left fuming after Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala on Wednesday evening allowed the BJP, which emerged as the single largest party in assembly elections, to form the government and prove majority on the floor of the House within 15 days. The Congress had approached the Supreme Court and contended that the Governor's decision to call BJP for government formation first was unconstitutional. The Congress had sought court's intervention in the matter and demanded a stay on swearing in. The apex court, however, refused to stay the swearing in of Yeddyurappa. Subsequently, Yeddyurappa took oath as the 23rd Chief Minister of Karnataka this morning (May 17). The court said that the the outcome of the swearing in would be subject to the outcome of the petition filed by the Congress and JD(S). When Abhishek Manu Singvi pleaded that the swearing in be stayed, the court refused to do so. His plea to schedule the floor test in the Karnataka legislative assembly for Friday was also rejected. Social coalition by the Congress benefited BJP in Karnataka India oi-Vicky Nanjappa In the recently concluded Karnataka assembly elections, the BJP emerged as the single largest party and the Congress and JD(S) ended up second and third respectively. The BJP fell short by 8 seats to touch the majority mark in the 222 member House. At the start of the campaign the Congress appeared as though it would sail through. However the party ended up with 78 seats and in yesterday's meeting many of its senior leaders blamed Siddaramaiah for the defeat. Dr. Sandeep Shastri, leading political scientist tells OneIndia that the main factor that prevented the BJP from getting a majority was its poor performance in Bengaluru. In the case of the Congress several of its critical agendas had failed, he says. This whole focus on local issues failed to get any traction for the Congress, Dr. Shastri also adds. The Lingayat issue that the Congress drummed up ahead of the elections too failed badly. This could be seen in the fact that the Lingayats backed the BJP heavily, he also says. Moreover, most of the ministers who pioneered the Lingayat issues for the Congress also ended up losing the elections. Coming to the AHINDA agenda, it did not hold strongly for the Congress. The non-Kurubas and the OBCs moved towards the BJP. The left Dalits too have been unhappy with Siddaramaiah over the non-implementation of a proposal that recommended internal reservation for them. Overall the social coalition that the Congress tried to create backfired and ended up benefiting the BJP. For the BJP the developments in the last week of the campaign worked. The campaign by Prime Minister in the last days touched a chord with the people, Dr Shastri says. The organisational strategy of the BJP managed to get their supporters to the polling booth and this worked largely for the party. However I feel that in the end Bengaluru let the BJP down. The middle and upper caste did not come out and vote. Considering that polling was on a Saturday, many of them had left for vacations on Friday and this brought the numbers down, Dr Shastri adds. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 14:49 [IST] Swachh Survekshan 2018: Welcome to Indore, Indias cleanest city India oi-Oneindia Staff By Oneindia Staff New Delhi, May 17: Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, long ago propagated the virtue of cleanliness among Indians. Come 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched his pet project, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission), to encourage us to have clean and green surrounding. The nationwide drive did bring a substantial amount of change (although a lot has to be done) on the ground, thanks to volunteers who took it upon themselves to keep the country spick and span. On Wednesday, a government survey ranked cities across the country in terms of cleanliness. As per the Swachh Survekshan 2018, Indore in Madhya Pradesh is the cleanest city in the country. Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, came a close second in the survey. Expressing happiness over topping the survey chart, Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, "I am extremely happy. Drawing inspiration from the PM we are running Swachh Bharat Abhiyan across the state. I congratulate and thank all residents. It is due to their efforts. We will continue our efforts to maintain it." The survey adds that Jharkhand is the "best-performing state in terms of cleanliness". Maharashtra stood at the second place behind Jharkhand in the Swachh Survekshan 2018, while Chhattisgarh was at the third position in the category of "best-performing states". The survey was released by Union housing and urban affairs minister Hardeep Singh Puri in the national capital. Looking at the way citizens of big winning cities had turned Swachhata into a Jan Andolan, I am not surprised at the results. Congratulations #Indore & #Bhopal for a repeat performance at #1&2. Well done #Chandigarh for coming in 3rd. Others will surely try & catch up next year. Hardeep Singh Puri (@HardeepSPuri) May 16, 2018 Last year also, Indore and Bhopal topped the chart by figuring in the first and the second position among the cleanest cities in the country. This year, the survey has covered 4,203 cities, while in 2017 only 434 cities were surveyed. State ranking was introduced in this year's survey, which was conducted between January 4 and March 10. If you are wondering which are the "worst-performing cities", in terms of cleanliness, then you have to wait for a while. The names of the "worst-performing cities" in the latest survey would be announced on the day the awards are presented to the winners, Puri added. Terrorists kill a 23-year-boy on the first day of ceasefire; terrorist regrouping unlikely India oi-Vinod By Vinod New Delhi: The worst fear of the unilateral ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir has proved to be true when terrorists struck in Jammu and Kashmir on the very first day of Ramzan killing a 23-year boy. This comes within hours of the Union Home ministry announcing a unilateral ceasefire. The purpose of the ceasefire appears to shackle Armed forces but give a free hand to terrorists. Within hours of ceasefire, a 23-year-old man was abducted by terrorists and his throat was slip open to death. No bullet mark was found on his body. The deceased was preparing for sub-inspector's examination. Sources said that the decision of ceasefire was a political one but Army had already expressed it concerns which were addressed by the government. Moreover, this decision is not going to impact the Army much which remains on guard continuously. The order says, "The Centre asks security forces not to launch operations in Jammu and Kashmir during the holy month of Ramzan. Decision taken to help the peace loving Muslims observe Ramzan in a peaceful environment. Security forces to reserve the right to retaliate if attacked or if essential to protect the lives of innocent people. The government expects everyone to cooperate in this initiative and help the Muslim brothers and sisters to observe Ramzan peacefully and without any difficulties." The Army sources said that, "in case the Army is attacked by terrorists, it has the right to retaliate. Our convoys will keep moving and we will have to do ROP (road opening parties) and area sanitization exercises. However, SADO (search and destroy operation) and CASO (cordon and search operation) will be stopped." Army sources said that it is not bothered about ceasefire during the month of Ramzan as it is just one months time so it is very difficult for them to regroup in such a small spell as most of the terrorist leadership is neutralized by the Army be it Laskar e Toiba or Jaish e Mohammad. There are four-five terrorist Hijbul Mujahidin still left but Army will be able to deal with them if they dare to attack. The move has caught security forces and defence experts off guard. Union home minister Rajnath Singh communicated the decision to Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, the ministry said it was being done to ensure that Ramzan could safely be observed by the people of the state. "The government wants that during the ensuing month of Ramzan, no section of society and in particular, the Muslim community should face any difficulty. The government has been trying to create an environment free of terror and violence to enable the Muslim brothers to observe Ramzan in a peaceful manner and in conducive environment so that terrorists do not exploit their religious sentiments," the home ministry said. While the order will hold good till 16 June, a central government official familiar with the development said, on condition of anonymity, that "militant groups in Kashmir don't have stable leadership and one month is too short a time for them to regroup." For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 19:56 [IST] UP government changes its earlier stand, allows Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi to visit Lakhimpur Kheri 'This happens in Pakistan' says Rahul Gandhi, accuses RSS of interfering with 'all institutions' India oi-Vikas By Vikas Irked by the Karnataka Governor's decision to allow the BJP to majority first, Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said that the RSS is trying to control all the 'institutions in the country', adding, "This happens in Pakistan". Gandhi, who is Chhattisgarh's capital Raipur, vented his ire at the political situation in Karnataka and said "constitution is being attacked". "RSS is making way into all institutions in the country. Aisa Pakistan ya tanashahi mein hota hai," Gandhi said in Raipur "In Karnataka on one side there are MLAs standing and on the other side the Governor. JDS has said its MLAs have been offered Rs 100 crore each," he added. Gandhi is set to hold bike rally and roadshow in Chhattisgarh today. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh had earlier this month welcomed Gandhi to hold a roadshow and said, "He can take out bike rally anywhere he likes in the state, the roads of the state is very good. It is not like the roads of Amethi, where he cannot take out bike rallies." Out of power in Chhattisgarh since 2003, the Congress is struggling to dethrone the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and three-term chief minister Raman Singh. In 2016, the Congress suffered a major setback after its senior leader and former chief minister Ajit Singh quit the party to form a new political outfit, Janata Congress Chhattisgarh. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 13:22 [IST] To win Karnataka, Shah travelled 57,000 kilometres in 34 days India oi-Vicky Nanjappa Amit Shah the president of the BJP wanted to leave nothing to chance. A win in Karnataka was extremely important as the party considers it as a gateway to the South. The campaign which was led by B S Yeddyurappa in Karnataka who is set to take oath of the chief minister was backed by Amit Shah to the hilt. During the hectic campaign he addressed 59 public meetings in the 28 districts of the state. In the 34 days that he spent in Karnataka, he travelled 57,135 kilometres. He even visited several mutts to consolidate the vote base of the party. The party was slightly down after the two by-poll defeats in Uttar Pradesh. Lifting the morale of the party was crucial for the BJP and Shah oversaw that entire process. Shah first took control of the campaign in the first week of April. He advised party workers to work at the booth-levels as it was this engineering that would win the elections, he said. He oversaw almost everything which included the finalisation of the manifesto. The BJP released a main manifesto and 224 others for each constituency. TMC sweeps West Bengal Panchayat polls, BJP distant second India oi-Vikas By Vikas The counting of votes for West Bengal Panchayat elections is currently underway. The Panchayat polls were held in the state on May 14. The polling was hit by violence in which 18 people were killed and 43 injured. Becasue of violence and disruptions, a re-polling was held in 568 booths across 19 districts of West Bengal on Wednesday (May 16). The State Election Commission has ordered repolling in 10 booths in Hooghly, 28 booths in West Midnapore, 52 booths in Coochbehar, 63 booths in Murshidabad, 60 booths in Nadia, 59 booths in North 24 Parganas, 55 booths in Malda, 73 booths in Uttar Dinajpur, 26 in South 24 Pargans, among others. Counting of Gram Panchayats will be held first, followed by that of Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad. Stay tuned for live updates: Newest First Oldest First The ruling Trinamool Congress on Thursday headed for a comfortable win in West Bengal's rural polls, bagging 19,394 seats in gram panchayats. TMC has emerged victorious in 90% seats despite the opposition parties coming together. This shows how strong we are at the grassroot level, says West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Of 621 Zilla Parishad seats, TMC has won 351, while BJP is leading in 9. The Left and Congress are leading in 2 and 4 seats respectively. Meanwhile, out of the 6,123 panchayat samiti seats that went to polls, TMC has won 2,543 seats and BJP just 162. The Left and Congress have bagged 79 and 67 seats respectively. Coming to gram panchayats, out of 31,802 seats, TMC has won a whopping 21,148 seats and BJP 1,393 seats. The tally for Left and Congress stands at 314 and 219 respectively. BJP is giving a tough fight to the TMC in the newly formed district of Jhargram. At the zilla parishad level, TMC has won 20 seats and are leading in 22. Commission ordered re-polling at Part no 79/80 of Fulbari-1 in Jalpaiguri District. Counting agent of BJP candidate Doli Sutradhar had alleged that he was attacked by TMC supporters who also looted ballot papers at the counting room. The inroads made by the BJP are significant and it may have an impact on the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. The BJP had won 2 Lok Sabha seats in 2014, and since then the rise of the saffron party has been sort of meteoric. The BJP has not only dethroned the Left from second spot but has also been able to build a solid vote bank for itself. The speculations are that the BJP may manage to win even 4 seats from West Bengal where the BJP has never tasted success. TMC was also ahead in 2,317 gram panchayat seats for which counting is in progress, reported PTI. Overall, TMC is winning/leading in 2,103 Gram panchayat seats. In Zilla Parishad polls, the trends for 290 seats are clearly available. TMC is leading in all these 290 seats. In Panchayat Samiti, the TMC has won/leading in all 156 seats for which results have been declared. Many seats went to polls uncontested. Polling was held in 330 Panchayat Samiti seats. In Gram Panchayat, clear trends are available for 1905 out of 3215 seats. The TMC is leading in 1719 seats, LF in 10 seats and BJP in 137 seats. TMC wins Ranigunj Panchayat Samiti in Paschim Burdwan district which falls under Union Minister Babul Supriyo's Lok Sabha constituency. Counting stopped in Nadia district's Majdia from where a video surfaced which showed persons entering counting centre and casting ballots on a counting day. Gram Panchayat (wins+leads) results till now: TMC: 932; BJP: 82; Congress: 08; Left Front: 07; Others: 33 Security Personnel lathi charge TMC and BJP workers who clashed outside a counting centre in Birbhum. TMC workers begin celebration. According to the SEC, the TMC has won 2,467 gram panchayat seats and is leading in 2,683 seats. The BJP has won 386 seats and is leading in 231 seats while the CPI(M) won 94 seats and is leading in 163 seats, the officials said. The ruling Trinamool Congress surged ahead by registering victory in over 2,400 gram panchayat seats, according to the results available till 12 noon, State Election Commission officials said. Gram panchayat results till 12:30 pm: TMC: 706; BJP: 58; Congress: 08; Left Front: 06 and Others: 29. The Congress has alleged that the TMC is behind the shooting incident in North Dijnapur which left 2 one injured. One of the injured is said to be a Congress worker. A video has emerged which shows some persons entering the counting centre and marking ballots in Majdia, Nadia district. In West Midnapore, out of 665 seats, the TMC is ahead in 608, BJP in 42 and the Left in 3. In Malda, the TMC is ahead in 247 seats so far, BJP in 21 while Left is ahead in 5. In Jhargram gram panchayat, the TMC is ahead in 190 seats, BJP in 51 and Left in 14. Independent candidates are leading in 10 Gram Panchayat across West Bengal. In Alipurduar the All India Trinamool Congress is leading in 70 gram panchayat while the BJP in 25, reported News 18. In Gram Panchayats, the TMC has bagged 404 seats while the BJP is a distant second with 20 seats. Congress has, meanwhile, won 6 seats. Two people were shot at in North Dinajpur allegedly by Trinamool Congress workers and several vehicles were ransacked. Out of the total 31,814 that were contested for, TMC has won 110 and is leading on 1,208, BJP has won 4 and is leading on 81, while CPI(M) has won 3 seats and has a lead on 58. Counting in progress, reported ANI. Out of the total 31,814 that were contested for, TMC has won 110 and is leading on 1,208, BJP has won 4 & is leading on 81, while CPI(M) has won 3 seats, leading on 58. Counting in progress. Two people are reportedly injured in North Dinajpur's Chopra in poll related incident. The tensions are running high in the region. Police has seizes 40 mobile phones from a counting centre set up at Jalpaiguri's Polytechnic Institute, reported ANI. It was earlier decided that, barring observers and counting officers, mobile phones shall not be allowed inside the counting centres. Counting of votes for West Bengal Panchayat Election delayed at a counting centre in North 24 Parganas, reported ANI. There is fear of violence during the counting process because of which heavy security has been deployed. BJP has been blaming the Mamata Banerjee-led TMC for the violence. The BJP today alleged that in several counting centres across Bengal, their party candidates were forced out of the centre. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had attacked the Mamata Banerjee government over the violence in the panchayat polls and called it "murder of democracy". The Trinamool responded by saying that the PM Modi had an "outburst of frustration". Nearly 71,000 security personnel from West Bengal and neighbouring states were deployed for the panchayat polls, News 18 reported. Polling officials yet to arrive at Dhupguri- Goyerkata counting centre in Jalpaiguri district. Counting of votes for West bengal Panchayat Election has started in 6 districts of North Bengal, reported ANI. Counting of votes for Panchayat Election has started in Cooch Behar, Alipurduar, North Dinajpur, South Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri and Malda districts of North Bengal TMC leading in 204 out of 825 Zilla Parishads; Left Front and BJP yet to open accounts. In Panchayat Samiti, the TMC leading in 109 seats. Police has seizes 40 mobile phones from a counting centre set up at Jalpaiguri's Polytechnic Institute, reported ANI. It was earlier decided that, barring observers and counting officers, mobile phones shall not be allowed inside the counting centres. Two people are reportedly injured in North Dinajpur's Chopra in poll related incident. The tensions are running high in the region. Out of the total 31,814 that were contested for, TMC has won 110 and is leading on 1,208, BJP has won 4 & is leading on 81, while CPI(M) has won 3 seats, leading on 58. Counting in progress. Out of the total 31,814 that were contested for, TMC has won 110 and is leading on 1,208, BJP has won 4 and is leading on 81, while CPI(M) has won 3 seats and has a lead on 58. Counting in progress, reported ANI. Two people were shot at in North Dinajpur allegedly by Trinamool Congress workers and several vehicles were ransacked. In Gram Panchayats, the TMC has bagged 404 seats while the BJP is a distant second with 20 seats. Congress has, meanwhile, won 6 seats. Independent candidates are leading in 10 Gram Panchayat across West Bengal. In Alipurduar the All India Trinamool Congress is leading in 70 gram panchayat while the BJP in 25, reported News 18. In West Midnapore, out of 665 seats, the TMC is ahead in 608, BJP in 42 and the Left in 3. In Malda, the TMC is ahead in 247 seats so far, BJP in 21 while Left is ahead in 5. In Jhargram gram panchayat, the TMC is ahead in 190 seats, BJP in 51 and Left in 14. A video has emerged which shows some persons entering the counting centre and marking ballots in Majdia, Nadia district. The Congress has alleged that the TMC is behind the shooting incident in North Dijnapur which left 2 one injured. One of the injured is said to be a Congress worker. Gram panchayat results till 12:30 pm: TMC: 706; BJP: 58; Congress: 08; Left Front: 06 and Others: 29. The ruling Trinamool Congress surged ahead by registering victory in over 2,400 gram panchayat seats, according to the results available till 12 noon, State Election Commission officials said. According to the SEC, the TMC has won 2,467 gram panchayat seats and is leading in 2,683 seats. The BJP has won 386 seats and is leading in 231 seats while the CPI(M) won 94 seats and is leading in 163 seats, the officials said. TMC workers begin celebration. Security Personnel lathi charge TMC and BJP workers who clashed outside a counting centre in Birbhum. Gram Panchayat (wins+leads) results till now: TMC: 932; BJP: 82; Congress: 08; Left Front: 07; Others: 33 Counting stopped in Nadia district's Majdia from where a video surfaced which showed persons entering counting centre and casting ballots on a counting day. TMC wins Ranigunj Panchayat Samiti in Paschim Burdwan district which falls under Union Minister Babul Supriyo's Lok Sabha constituency. In Gram Panchayat, clear trends are available for 1905 out of 3215 seats. The TMC is leading in 1719 seats, LF in 10 seats and BJP in 137 seats. In Panchayat Samiti, the TMC has won/leading in all 156 seats for which results have been declared. Many seats went to polls uncontested. Polling was held in 330 Panchayat Samiti seats. In Zilla Parishad polls, the trends for 290 seats are clearly available. TMC is leading in all these 290 seats. Overall, TMC is winning/leading in 2,103 Gram panchayat seats. Who is B S Yeddyurappa? A timeline of his rise politics India oi-Staff By Oneindia Staff Writer B S Yeddyurappa will take oath as the 23rd Chief Minister of Karnataka. Incidentally he is taking oath as the CM for the third time. In 2007, he was sworn as the CM, but the government lasted only 7 days as the JD(S) refused to transfer power. In 2008 Yeddyurappa was sown in as CM and ran the government for 3 years and 62 days before the Lokayukta report on illegal mining came out and he was forced to resign. Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa was born on February 27 1943 at Bookanakere in K.R.Pet taluk of Mandya district. His parents were Siddalingappa and Puttathayamma. He was named after the presiding deity of a Shaivite temple built by the saint Siddalingeshwara at Yediyur in Tumkuru district. His mother died when he was four. He completed his Pre-University College education from PES college, Mandya. In 1965, he was appointed as a first-division clerk in the social welfare department but he quit the job and moved to Shikaripura where he joined as a clerk at Veerabhadra Shastri's Shankar rice mill. In 1967, Yeddyurappa married Mythradevi, the daughter of the rice mill owner. He later set up a hardware shop in Shivamogga. Yeddyurappa has two sons, Raghavendra and Vijayendra and three daughters, Arunadevi, Padmavati and Umadevi. In 2004, his wife died after falling into a sump while drawing water. Yeddyurappa was associated with the RSS since his college days. He was appointed as Karyavaha (Secretary) of the Sangh's Shikaripur unit in 1970. In 1972, he was elected to the Shikaripura Town Municipality and was also appointed as the President of the Taluk unit of the Jana Sangh. In 1975, he was elected President of the Town Municipality of Shikaripura. He was imprisoned during the Emergency in India and lodged in the Bellary and Shimoga jails. In 1980, he was appointed President of the Shikaripura taluk unit of the BJP and later went on to become the president of BJP's Shimoga district unit in 1985. In 1988, he became the State President of the BJP in Karnataka. He was first elected to the lower house of the Karnataka Legislature in 1983 and has since represented the Shikaripura constituency six times. He has been a member of the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Legislative Assemblies (lower house) of Karnataka. Following the 1994 state assembly elections, he became the Leader of Opposition in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly. In 1999, he lost the elections but was nominated by the BJP to become a member of the legislative council (upper house) of Karnataka. He was re-elected in 2004 and became the Leader of Opposition in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly during the chief ministership of Dharam Singh. His first stint in power when he helped was Janata Dal (Secular) leader H. D. Kumaraswamy to bring down the coalition government headed by Dharam Singh and form an alternative government with BJP. An agreement was made between the JD(S) and BJP, which specified that H. D. Kumaraswamy would be the Chief Minister for the first 20 months, after which Yeddyurappa would become the Chief Minister for the remaining 20 months. Yeddyurappa became the Deputy Chief Minister as well as the finance minister in Kumaraswamy's Government. In October 2007, when it was Yeddyurappa's turn to become Chief Minister, Kumaraswamy refused to relinquish his post. This forced Yeddyurappa and all the ministers from his party to resign and on 5 October, the BJP formally withdrew the support to the Kumaraswamy government. In Karnataka's 2008 Assembly elections, Yeddyurappa contested from Shikaripura against former Chief Minister S. Bangarappa of the Samajwadi Party. The Indian National Congress and JD(S) backed Bangarappa, but despite this, Yeddyurappa won the seat by a margin of more than 45,000 votes. He also led the BJP to a historic victory and took oath of office as Chief Minister on 30 May 2008. However, the Karnataka Lokayukta investigating the illegal mining case submitted its report indicting Yeddyurappa for illegally profiteering from land deals in Bangalore and Shimoga and also in connection with the illegal iron ore export scam in Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradurga districts of Karnataka. Following much pressure from the BJP central leadership he quit as CM. He resigned from his position as Member of Legislative Assembly and primary membership of Bharatiya Janata Party on 30 November 2012, and formally launched the Karnataka Janata Paksha. In November 2013, it was announced that he was considering an unconditional return to the BJP. On 2 January 2014 he announced merger with BJP ahead of 2014 Lok Sabha elections. He won from the Shimoga seat of Karnataka in the Indian general election, 2014 by a margin of 363,305 votes. In 2011 he was jailed for corruption. The Karnataka High-court in 2015 set aside this order, thereby quashing the cases against him. After the high court quashed former governor H R Bhardwaj's sanction to prosecute BS Yeddyurappa, a special Lokayukta court struck down four other FIRs against him. The Karnataka High Court had set aside the sanction given by then Governor HR Bhardwaj for his prosecution in several cases of alleged illegal de-notification of land, and asked the Governor to look into it. Why Kumaraswamy joined hands with Congress and not BJP India oi-Maitreyee Bengaluru, May 17: The "cliffhanger" Karnataka Assembly election 2018, which has thrown more surprises and googlies than any Bollywood suspense thriller in the recent times, has brought to the forefront one interesting politician--Janata Dal (Secular) (JD(S)) leader HD Kumaraswamy, once again. The state president of the regional party--which is fighting a do-or-die battle in the Karnataka elections--the results of which were declared on Tuesday, has been projected as the next chief minister of the southern state by the Congress-JD(S) alliance. Well, the prospect of the former CM of Karnataka to grace the coveted chair once again looks unlikely now as the Supreme Court on early Thursday morning has given a go ahead to the swearing-in ceremony of BS Yeddyurappa, the chief ministerial candidate of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Still, we can't rule out Kumaranna (as he is popularly known among his supporters and well-wishers) becoming the next CM till Yeddyurappa proves his majority on the floor of the house. Although Yeddyurappa will be taking oath as the new CM of Karnataka on Thursday morning, the BJP is still short of majority with just 104 seats. In the 224-member Karnataka Assembly, a party or an alliance needs at least 113 seats to form the government. The Congress and the JD(S) alliance--which was quickly stitched after the results were declared--has 116 MLAs with it. Instead of giving the alliance a chance to form the government, Karnataka governor Vajubhai Vala asked Yeddyurappa to take oath and prove his government's majority within 15 days. The Congress-JD(S) alliance, which is trying its best to stop the BJP from forming the government in Karnataka, approached the Supreme Court on Wednesday midnight to stop Yeddyurappa's swearing-in. But the apex court declined to interfere with the decision of the governor. As the chances of JD(S) now look bleak to control the reins of the southern state, an immediate question that everyone is asking as why Kumaraswamy instead of aligning with the BJP went ahead with the Congress. An alliance with the BJP in any case is more profitable for the JD(S). The deal between the JD(S) and the BJP would have seen Kumaraswamy becoming the deputy CM of the state and a few coveted ministerial berths for his party men. But he decided otherwise. While it is clear that the "anti-BJP" forces goaded the Congress to tie-up with the JD(S) after the grand old party's disastrous performance in the elections, Kumaraswamy actually did not want to "hurt" his father and JD(S) patriarch HD Deve Gowda by joining hands with the BJP. According to a report by The Indian Express, the JD(S) did not ally with the BJP to form a government in Karnataka because Kumaraswamy would not like to "hurt" his father (former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda) like he had in 2006 by joining hands with the saffron party. The same report by the English daily added that Kumaraswamy admitted that the BJP had reached out to him through some channels to form an alliance with the saffron party instead of the Congress. "He has now got an opportunity to wash off the taint that came against him in the past on account of my actions. I have only violated my father's instructions once in my life. Due to my decision then, national leaders started questioning the secular credentials of my father," Kumaraswamy said. He added that his decision pained Deve Gowda and had affected his health too. So, we see it is father and not political compulsions that guided Kumaraswamy's decision to join hands with the Congress. The JD(S)' deal with the Congress might not result in anything in Karnataka, but one thing is for sure, the anti-BJP forces are coming together ahead of the 2109 General Elections. Will waive farm loans, ready to face House soon says B S Yeddyurappa India oi-Vicky Nanjappa B S Yeddyurappa, the Chief Minister of Karnataka has said that the farm loans as promised by him would be waived off. Addressing the media following a Cabinet meeting, he said that he had directed the chief secretary to look into the issue and give him details about the same. I had assured the farmer that we would waive off their loans. This decision would be finalised by tomorrow morning, Yeddyurappa also said. I will deliver on that promise, he also assured. On the trust vote, he said that he was fully confident. I wish to ask the MLAs to ask their inner voices as to who the mandate in Karnataka was for. I am sure they will chose wisely he also said. I thank the 6 crore voters of Karnataka. They have installed a people's government. I regret that the Congress and JD(S) have formed an unholy alliance after the elections although they have been rejected by the people. I seek the support of all the legislators. However the matter is before the Supreme Court and I don't want to discuss this issue. I will win the trust vote and rule for five years. I will not wait for 15 days, I may convene session sooner, Yeddyurappa also said. On the Cabinet expansion, he said that there was no date fixed as yet. He said that that the new Cabinet would be sworn in at a grand ceremony. There will be four lakh people and it would take place in the presence of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 11:52 [IST] Collapse of Kabul will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history: Donald Trump Thousands of terrorists might have been airlifted out of Kabul: Trump slams Biden Never in history has withdrawal from war been handled so badly: Trump After Assad, Trump uses animals to define migrants International oi-Shubham By Shubham US President Donald Trump came up the "animal" adjective once again on Wednesday, May 16, to describe people he hates - the migrants. Speaking to Republicans from California who visited him to discuss the state's sanctuary law, Trump said the US was taking people out of its border and called some of them as "animals" who were "bad". Strong border is a topic that is close to the heart of the US president who wants to isolate the US from the outer world to make it pure and great, Trump said people were entering the US or trying to enter but the administration was pushing them out because they were as bad as animals. Trump's words came after he spoke on migration and law enforcement, the "sanctuary cities" for immigrants and the MS-13 gang which had its origin in the US but with roots in Central American country of El Salvador. Trump called them "vicious" and "killers". The Democrats lashed out at Trump for uttering the word "animals" to define migrants. Colorado Congressman Jared Polis said immigrants are human beings and not animals, criminals, drug dealers or rapists, AFP reported. California's Democratic Governor Jerry Brown also took on Trump saying he was lying on immigration, crime and laws of the state, AFP added. Second time Trump uses "animal" Trump had used the term "animal" in a tweet in early April against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad after the latter allegedly used chemical weapons against his own people in a bid to demolish the last remaining bastions of the rebels in Douma. The US, along with France and the UK, launched missile strikes on Syria's chemical facilities a week after the alleged gas attack that killed many. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 15:59 [IST] Brexit trade deal reached between UK and European Union with just days to spare Facing pressure at home & abroad, UK govt to come up with Brexit dossier International oi-Shubham By Shubham The British government on Wednesday, May 16, said a detailed Brexit strategy dossier will be made public in the coming weeks amid chaos over charges that divisions in the cabinet were creating roadblocks with the European Union (EU) with which the UK is seeking a divorce. The Brexit is officially set to happen on March 29 next year. Brexit Secretary David Davis said the so-called White Paper would include "detailed, ambitious and precise explanations" of the British government's position ahead of the formal withdrawal. "It will communicate our ambition for the U.K.'s future relationship with the EU, in the context of our vision for the U.K.'s future role in the world," reports quoted him as saying. The paper, which reportedly will run to about 100 pages, will be revealed ahead of the EU summit scheduled in June end. The Theresa May government of Britain, which is dealing with all kinds of troubles over the Brexit negotiations, is yet to settle the question on the UK's post-Brexit trade ties. According to an AFP-JIJI report in Japan Times, May is trying to find a balance between protecting jobs and trade ties with the bloc and setting in place a fresh independent foreign policy. The report added that EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier said this week that "no significant progress" happened since the EU leaders' last meeting in March end and cautioned that key issues must be resolved before the June summit. May was also facing pressure from the Opposition over the matter. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn recently remarked in the House of Commons that the government was so busy negotiating with itself that it could not negotiate with anybody else. He reportedly told May that if she failed to take a decision on how to go forward, he would take over. Corbyn said Brexit happened 23 months ago (June 2016) and with just 10 more months to go before it formally takes shape, the government is still in a "disarray". May said three of her objectives - to forge an independent trade policy; a frictionless trade with the EU and avoid disruption between Ireland and Northern Ireland - were not easy to achieve but maintained that only her government will fulfil the expectations of the pro-leave voters of the 2016 referendum. Her government was also struggling to arrive at a consensus on the government's options for future customs arrangements, the Japan Times report added. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 12:48 [IST] Jerusalem: Japan newspaper calls Trumps move short-sighted and dangerous International oi-Shubham By Shubham Although hardliners in the US and Israel, one of its closest allies in West Asia, celebrated the recent shifting of the US embassy to Jerusalem which US President Donald Trump also acknowledged as the capital of the Jewish state last December, not all are sure about this controversial step. Voices in Japan, another of the US's close ally, are concerned. In a recent editorial published in the Japan Times, it was said giving shape to Trump's long-promises move would make peace harder to achieve and "embolden hardliners on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian divide", contrary to what Trump believed. "Of all the issues that divide Israelis and Palestinians, none cuts as deep as the status of Jerusalem. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim it as their capital. Since its final disposition will be an essential component of a peace agreement, virtually every other government has located its embassy in Tel Aviv," the editorial said. "In 1995, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution stating that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel," and U.S. presidents have for many years pledged to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Once in office, however, all hesitated after recognizing the problems such a move would create." While some rejoiced Trump's "bold" move, the Gaza border saw ruthless butchering of Palestinian protesters who had been holding a month-and-half-long protest since March 30 culminating on May 15, called the 'Nakba' (catastrophe) Day which is observed a day after Israel's independence received on May 14, 1948. At least 60 people, including an infant, were killed while almost 2,700 people were injured as the Israeli forces made armed retaliation against the Palestinian protesters. According to the UN's estimate, over 110 lives have been lost in the violence in the past one-and-half-months, the editorial mentioned. The editorial also expressed disbelief over the words of US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley who did not agree that shifting of the embassy was related to violence and countered that the decision reflected the "reality" and acknowledging it "made real peace more achievable". "The U.S. move was generally recognized as an invaluable concession to Israel, one that would be withheld until leverage was needed to nudge that government toward a difficult decision on a final settlement. To do it now deprives the U.S. of that influence," the piece said, adding that there was also no evidence that the Trump administration was ready with a plan to advance the crucial peace process despite the president pledging to "give it a shot" during his campaign for the 2016 presidential election. 'Those asked to deal with the problem have little grip on it' It said the individuals that Trump assigned the task to handle the peace process, including his son-in-law Jared Kushner, had no experience of dealing with a complicated negotiation process like that between Israel and Palestine. "It should come as no surprise, then, that the Palestinians believe that Washington has forfeited its position as a neutral arbiter, one that could facilitate a solution that they could accept. Their situation is growing increasingly desperate - more than two-thirds of the nearly 2 million people in Gaza are younger than 25, are descendants of refugees and face an unemployment rate of 44 percent - and protests are the only option," it said. The editorial also said that the Trump administration was trying to project that other regional backers of the Palestinians were busy with other issues, especially Iran. The growing divide between Iran and other big powers in the region like Saudi Arabia and others has also dented the Arab unity and making it easier for the Israeli hawks. Japan not to follow Trump The Japan Times editorial also made a reference to Tokyo, which although is a far-off player from the Israel-Palestine conflict, but yet has a role. It said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who held a summit with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a few weeks ago, acknowledged that Japan would not ape the US by moving its embassy too to Jerusalem. He also urged Abbas to make negotiations with the Israelis. Japan grants aid to Palestine Highlighting Japan's role in the region, the Japan Times editorial said Tokyo has given $1.86 billion as aid to the Palestinians, is ready to give another $10 million and even more if required. It said Japan was in favour of a moral support to the Palestinians and international law universally. "There is little chance that Japan's position will sway the U.S. president, but that is no reason for us to back a policy that is short-sighted and dangerous," it concluded. Recently, a meeting between Abe and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem generated negative vibes after the former was treated with a dessert served in a metal shoes, leaving the Japanese side offended. A livid Japanese diplomat called it to be a "diplomatic mockery" while a senior Israeli diplomat who had served in Japan in the past even called it "dumb and insensitive decision". Moving embassy to Jerusalem: After US, Guatemala does the same; Paraguay next International oi-Shubham By Shubham After the US shifted its embassy to Jerusalem on Monday, May 14, another North American state Guatemala also did the same on Wednesday, May 16, heightening the danger of more diplomatic and other forms of tussle between Israel and Palestine in West Asia. At least 60 people on the Palestinian side have already been killed, including an infant, while nearly 3,000 people were injured after the Israeli forces resorted to an armed retaliation against Palestinian protesters. The demonstrators have been protesting at the border for over a month now, starting March 30 or Land Day and culminating on Nakba (catastrophe) Day on May 15, a day after Israel's independence day. According to the UN, 112 people have been killed in the last six weeks. The blood bath continued on Monday even when dignitaries were celebrating the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem - a decision which is being seen as dangerous by the international community. That, however, did not deter Guatemala, a small central American country. Its president Jimmy Morales along with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu took part in the embassy's opening in an office complex in West Jerusalem. "It's not a coincidence that Guatemala is opening its embassy in Jerusalem right among the first. You were always among the first. You were the second country to recognise Israel," reports quoted Netanyahu as saying on the occasion, lauding the Guatemalan prime minister. Morales also said that Guatemala, Israel and the US shared "friendship, courage and loyalty". Morales said his country, Israel and the United States "share friendship, courage and loyalty". The story does not end with Guatemala, either. Paraguay, a Latin American country, said it was ready to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by the end of May as well. Romania, the Czech Republic and Honduras would also follow suit, said reports. Palestinian negotiators slammed the Guatemalan government's move saying it chose to stand "on the wrong side of history" and took "hostile step against the Palestinian people and the Arab world". For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 14:11 [IST] Will see what happens, Trump says on North Korea threat to scrap talks International oi-Shubham By Shubham In the wake of North Korea's strong message by scuttling official-level talks with South Korea and threatening to cancel the June 12 summit between its Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump on Wednesday, May 16, the American president said it was not clear whether his meeting with Kim scheduled in Singapore would still be held. Trump told the media at the Oval Office that his administration would see what eventually happens. "We haven't seen anything, we haven't heard anything. We will see what happens," reports quoted him as saying. Trump, who met his Uzbekistani counterpart Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the White House during the day, said he would continue to focus on the denuclearisation of North Korea. North Korea said in a statement hours after cancelling the talks with South Korea early on Wednesday that it had little interest in a "one-sided" affair meant to force it to give up its nuclear weapons. Pyongyang took the strong step as a protest against the continuation of US-led drills with South Korea in the Korean Peninsula. South Korea, however, said that the drills would continue as per schedule as they were just related to aviation skills and not something about an invasion. Japan also backed the drills saying such exercises were necessary to maintain a deterrence in the region. It was though not clear whether North Korea indeed wanted to reverse the peace process or just wanted to show Trump and his team that it would appear at the June 12 summit from a position of strength. Meanwhile, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News that Washington was "still hopeful" that the Trump-Kim talks would go as per the plan and that the threats from Pyongyang to cancel the meeting was something that did not surprise them. China, North Korea's closest ally in the region, also hoped that the Trump-Kim meeting wasn't derailed. For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 10:50 [IST] Cyprus Gaming Show Comes to Limassol in Late May Published May 17, 2018 by Florin P The Eventus team brings the Cyprus Gaming Show to the GranResort for two days in the final week of May 2018 On May 29 and 30, prominent speakers, delegates and legal experts are expected to attend the con organized by Eventus International. Cyprus Gaming Show 2018 takes place in Limassol and for two days it is expected to bring together some of the brightest minds in the gaming industry. The GrandResort will be hosting this event midweek, one that provides excellent networking opportunities to attendees. The Cyprus Gaming Show 2018 enjoys the backing of the National Gaming and Casino Supervision Commission and the National Betting Authority in Cyprus. These two organizations collaborated with Eventus International, which makes this years conference even more relevant for the gaming industry. Just as the name suggests, the emphasis is on the Cyprus gaming market, but the event will also be attended by specialists from all over the region. Unique Networking Opportunities at CGS 2018 One of the topics on the Cyprus Gaming Show 2018 agenda will be current gaming regulations in Cyprus and the impact of ICR on the local economy. Participants will learn about the prospects of the gambling industry in this country, for both local and international operators. Expert speakers will discuss the latest trends and engage the audience, while attendees will benefit from multiple networking opportunities. Delegates from the private and public sectors have announced their intention to attend the Cyprus Gaming Show 2018. This will help participants get a better understanding on the viewpoints of relevant parties on both sides of the aisle. The conference is also a great opportunity to meet leading exhibitors and get up to speed with the latest ideas and products. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Perhaps it is just hard-wired into the minds of the human species to make it a practice of overstating our case or perhaps it is something we just learn as a strategy for impressing or persuading others. Whatever the reason, we all are guilty of it from time to time and we all should be wary of it in evaluating what others say. But too often we are apt to ignore that cautionary advice. An article I read recently claimed that by virtue of Arrow's theorem we know that all voting methods are defective. Now while I have little doubt that every possible voting method would be defective in the opinion of someone, that is not exactly what Arrow's theorem says. Arrow's theorem actually shows that ranked voting systems are defective in a particular, well-defined way. A ranked voting system (in the sense of Arrow's theorem) is one in which each voter is asked to vote by specifying a ranking of all of the candidates in order of preference. But that is a very special kind of voting system and Arrow's theorem says nothing whatever about many other voting systems. A suspicious mind might wonder whether this overly broad conclusion is an accident or whether it is purposely drawn by ranked voting advocates so as to suggest that we simply must be satisfied with a demonstrably defective voting system. Such a person would actually prefer that rather dismal conclusion to the alternative and more natural realization that we might best turn to something other than a ranked voting system. Fortunately there are many good alternatives to ranked voting systems. There is an understandable attraction to ranked voting that derives from a mistaken impression that by ranking the candidates a voter's opinions can fully, accurately and completely expressed. This fallacy was addressed in the earliest of these articles concerning ranked voting. The fact that the ranking may overstate the feelings of a voter (who is forced to invent preferences in ranking where none exist) seems just to be ignored; we are just so accustomed to overstatement and tend to dismiss it as being normal and harmless but it does disguise that the voter is in some instances indifferent, something that needs to be reflected in any complete and accurate measure of voter preference. But even that is not the end of the story. Actual implementations of ranked voting generally relax its definition to only require a voter to specify a ranking of just a few of the candidates; this is no longer a ranked voting system. So even in the relaxed real-world version of ranked voting, the conclusion of Arrow's theorem possibly might not be justified. Nonetheless, Arrow's theorem does suggest that if we want a voting system without serious defects, we would best be advised to look elsewhere than to ranked voting systems. But despite this evidence from Arrow's theorem, there remains strong support for the particular form of ranked voting called Instant-Runoff Voting (IRV), so the topic needs further attention. Is the real-world version of IRV defective? An example could show it to be. Here we have seen three instances of overstatement -- in the interpretation of Arrow's theorem as applying to all voting systems (not just ranked ones), in the actual overstatement of preferences by the voters, and finally in applying Arrow's theorem to voting systems that allow voters not to rank all of the candidates. In everyday parlance we may be accustomed to overstatement, but here we are applying a mathematical theorem where precise adherence to details in definitions and assumptions is critically important in this arena. In mathematics, it is often the case that seemingly minor changes to a definition or to assumptions can lead to very different conclusions. The subject of this series of articles is balanced voting, and since none of the balanced systems are ranked this is the first time that it has seemed appropriate to even mention Arrow's theorem. Still, due to the great popularity of IRV, that particular ranked system has been discussed in several of the articles. One reason I wrote this article was to have an opportunity to make available a brief survey of these articles for someone who might be primarily interested in IRV. In an early article and again in a more recent one, we addressed difficulties with the very rational behind the invention of IRV. And in yet another article we provided a concrete example to clearly illustrate a serious defect in an IRV election. These articles should make it clear that IRV falls well short of being the perfect answer to better elections. Finally turning to a slightly different topic, I should take this opportunity to make it clear that Instant-Runoff Balanced Voting (IRBV) is a balanced voting system and not a ranked system. At first glance, IRBV may seem like a ranked voting system, but like other balanced systems, it is not actually a ranked system and so Arrow's theorem does not say anything about IRBV. However, IRBV is modeled on IRV and it shares much the same appeal as IRV though it lacks many of its deficiencies. However, as with IRV, our tradition of counting the votes in a distributed manner rather than at a single central place is very problematic if not completely impossible. More insight into the relationship between IRBV and IRV is developed in one of the later articles. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From No More Fake News Imagine a Congressional hearing held before media cameras, with reporters all over the US and Europe ready with shocking articles about one of the leading causes of death -- SENATOR: Sir, I have the numbers in front of me. How can you keep this secret from the public? FDA COMMISSIONER: It's not a secret, sir. Many experts know about it. SENATOR: I'm looking through the trillion-dollar federal budget. I'm looking for the money allocated to fix this horrible situation. Where are those funds? FDA COMMISSIONER: Nowhere. I know major media won't investigate medically-caused death numbers, because I've published reports for years, and I've contacted news people with the facts; and nothing happens. So we begin with a few citations. July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; "Is US health really the best in the world?" Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that's 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again. I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust, and whether she had ever been contacted by any government agency to consult on such an effort. She answered a resounding no to both questions. Here is another citation: "Anticoagulants cause the most serious adverse events, finds US analysis," BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: "It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing 'serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.'" The report called this "one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity." The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA's own database of "serious adverse [medical-drug] events." Therefore, to say the FDA isn't aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn't saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. See original here This spring's mass nonviolent protests in Gaza come as the human rights conditions in the "open-air prison" have even further deteriorated. Last year, the United Nations issued a report warning Gaza is already "unlivable." The majority of its water is contaminated, and electricity is limited to only a few hours a day. About half the population is children. Almost all are refugees who are prevented from ever leaving the tiny Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated places on Earth. For more, we speak with Norman Finkelstein, author and scholar whose most recent book is titled Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. JUAN GONZALEZ: I want to turn to State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert, speaking on Tuesday. HEATHER NAUERT: But let's go back to something that we have covered extensively here, and let's go back to the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza. We have had many Gazans who have suffered at the -- from the loss of medical care, not being able to have access to enough medical care, not having access to consistent electricity, food, jobs and many other things, as well. The misery that is faced by people in Gaza is because of a result of Hamas. That is something that we come back to. People want to blame Israel for all of this that is going on over the past few weeks. Let's take a look at the dire situation that people in Gaza are facing, and that is a result of Hamas's governing. JUAN GONZALEZ: That was the State Department spokesperson. Norm, this whole -- people forget that the blockade, how the -- the origins of the existing blockade around Gaza as a result of Israel's reaction to a democratic election that occurred in the Palestinian territories. Could you refresh the viewers' minds about this? And who is responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza? NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: OK. First of all, as Amira Hass, the respected journalist from Haaretz, pointed out today in the newspaper, the blockade of Gaza, in its milder form, but still severe form, it goes back 27 years. It started in 1991 during the first intifada. The blockade was then significantly, qualitatively intensified after the Hamas won the parliamentary elections -- what Jimmy Carter, who was an observer, called a completely and honest -- completely honest and fair elections, in January 2006. The immediate reaction of Israel, followed by the United States and then the EU, was to impose this brutal blockade on Gaza, which at a certain point even blockaded, prohibited chips, potato chips, baby chicks, chocolate from entering Gaza. And then, after Hamas preempted a coup, orchestrated by the United States, Israel and elements of the Palestinian Authority in 2007, Israel ratcheted up the blockade of Gaza. Now, who is responsible for the current crisis in Gaza? First of all, we have to be clear about -- OK, let me start with who's responsible. As you are no doubt aware, there's been a -- there's a proliferation of reports, from the World Bank, from various U.N. agencies, UNCTAD, the IMF. They put out report after report after report after report. And there's a complete -- there's a consensus. There's a consensus that the proximate cause of the horror in Gaza, the proximate cause, is the Israeli blockade. It's not Hamas. There might be some Hamas responsibility, but it's so marginal, so minimal, as compared to that blockade. Now, we have to be clear, and I don't want to get too dramatic about it, too emotive about it, but we have to be clear about that blockade. Number one, it's a flagrant violation of international law, because it constitutes a form of collective punishment. Number two, since 2012, the United Nations -- and these are very staid, conservative bureaucrats, who don't use -- they don't use poetic language. They start, in 2012, by saying -- issuing a report in the interrogative: Will Gaza be livable in 2020? In 2015, UNCTAD issued a report. It then used the declarative. It said, on its present trajectory, Gaza will be unlivable in 2020. Now, bear in mind, literally unlivable. These are U.N. reports by professional economists. By 2017, the U.N., Robert Piper, he said, "We were too optimistic. Gaza passed the unlivability threshold years ago. Gaza, as we speak, it's unlivable." Now, what does that mean concretely? Ninety-seven percent of Gaza's drinking water is contaminated. Now, bear in mind, of the 2 million people in Gaza, 1 million or more, 51 percent, are children. One million or more are children. Sara Roy, who's the world's leading authority on Gaza's economy -- she's at the Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies -- in the latest edition of her standard work on Gaza's economy, she says, "Innocent people, most of them young, are slowly being poisoned by the water they drink." Now, Sara is a very respected, cautious economist, or political economist, as she calls herself. "Innocent people, most of them children, are slowly being poisoned." That's what Gaza is today. Now, to get back to Nikki Keddie -- Haley, excuse me -- to get back to Nikki Haley, she said, "What country in the world would do anything different to protect their border?" Let's be clear: That is not a border, and that is not a border fence. Baruch Kimmerling, the sociologist in Hebrew University, the late sociologist, he said Gaza is the biggest "concentration camp" ever to exist. David Cameron, the conservative British prime minister, he said Gaza is an "open-air prison." Haaretz, the most respected of Israel's newspapers, referred to the "Palestinian ghetto." Israel's snipers are poised not on a border. They're poised on the perimeter -- call it a concentration camp, call it a ghetto, call it an open-air prison. And the people of Gaza -- it's unusual in the world today. As the United Nations Relief and Works Agency pointed out, they said Gaza is different than all the other humanitarian crises. Why? If there is a natural disaster, like a drought, people move. If there's a human-made disaster, like Syria, people move. Gaza is the only place on Earth where the place is unlivable and the people can't move. They can't leave. They're trapped. And then that raises, for me, what's the fundamental question. Even the human rights organizations which haven't been bad, even they refer to Israel's use of excessive force. They refer to Israel's use of disproportionate force. Implicit in that language is, Israel has the right to use proportionate force. Israel has the right to use moderate force. In fact, leaving aside the legalities and the technicalities, let's just look at the picture raw. Israel doesn't have the right to use any force. Two million people, half of whom are children, are trapped, caged in an unlivable space where they are, to quote Sara Roy, "slowly being poisoned." Unless you believe that Israel has the right to poison 1 million children, it has no right to use any force against the people of Gaza. They have the right to break free from the cage Israel has created for them. AMY GOODMAN: So, Norm Finkelstein, as we begin to wrap up, what do you think is the solution? Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Our Future Scott Pruitt (Image by Details DMCA Question: Which of these scandals should result in EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's removal from office? A) his cushy, poorly documented, below-market rental deal on a lobbyist friend's Capitol Hill townhouse; B) his extensive use of first-class air travel (to Europe, among other places), purportedly to avoid "vulgar" interactions with the lowly citizenry; C) his extravagant $43,000 soundproof phone booth, seemingly inspired by the "Cone of Silence" in television's "Get Smart" series; D) his overspending on personal security, and then lying about it; E) his dinner at 5-star restaurant with a Roman Catholic cardinal who doesn't believe in climate change and was under investigation for child abuse; or, F) his misuse of the Safe Drinking Water Act to give two aides massive raises, bypassing White oversight. Answer: None of the above. Yes, Pruitt seems to be a terrible, self-centered person, who spares no expense on himself as long as someone else foots the bill. But the real reason Scott Pruitt should be removed from office is because he is causing lasting harm to current and future generations. Scott Pruitt abuses the public trust by using his position to serve the Koch brothers and other fossil-fuel magnates, and he is killing us and our kids in the bargain. The Real Corruption This is the first in a series of Trump administration profiles, each of which is based on a simple premise: While many White House officials are personally deplorable, and some may prove to be personally corrupt, the real corruption isn't who they are. It's what they do. The policies they carry out are more cynical -- and far more destructive -- than any of their self-serving deeds and depravities. Pruitt is an excellent case in point. The energy industry lavishly funded his campaigns for Attorney General of Oklahoma, even when he ran unopposed. The Koch brothers have been especially generous to Pruitt, and invested heavily in lobbying for Pruitt's confirmation as EPA head. They invested well, if not ethically. Pruitt was the ideal Attorney General in his state for the fossil-fuel industry, suing the EPA 14 times for doing its job. Pruitt's emails, which were revealed after a suit from the Center for Media and Democracy, expose his coziness and collusion with the fossil-fuel industry. He has insisted that climate change is a "hoax," despite the overwhelming scientific consensus in its favor. And he has been an enormously destructive EPA administrator, gutting rules, budgets, and staff alike. "Norms" Aren't Normal That's why efforts to target his personal lapses, like a recent one from Democratic senators on the Environment and Public Works Committee, will fail to move the needle politically. For most Americans, this kind of talk about ethics is little more than static in the background of their noisy lives. If anything, it reinforces their cynicism about government, and won't change many votes. Even if efforts to force Pruitt to step down succeed, he is likely to be replaced by an equally destructive administrator, whose defects of character are only less conspicuous. Then What? Then what? For too many politicians, the goal is a return to "norms" of bipartisan civility. "It's not just concerning to Democrats, it's also (troubling) to a lot of Republicans," said Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE). "And maybe sooner rather than later they'll find their voices." But those are the norms that have made it acceptable to act against the public interest, selling our lives and our planet to the highest bidder, as long as insiders don't talk rudely or stick their fingers too deeply into the public till. Republicans aren't likely to "find their voices" against any Trump nominee. They certainly won't "find their voices" against the Koch brothers and the exploitation of the environment, because those are policies they support. And that's where the real corruption lies. Robert Redford got it right in a recent op-ed. Redford lists Pruitt's many misdeeds, from his attacks on climate science to his delaying or easing of standards on everything from auto fuel standards to the discharging of mercury, lead, and arsenic into our air, land, and water. Groups like "Boot Pruitt" get it right, too, by listing Pruitt's administrative misdeeds along with his personal corruption. Tell 'Em Ronnie Sent You It was inevitable that Trump's promise to "drain the swamp" of moneyed interests from politics would turn out to be a lie. He has put virtually every branch of government in the hands of the industries that want to exploit them. But that's not a Trump invention; it's a Republican habit. Ronald Reagan appointed Anne Gorsuch to run the EPA, and her tenure there was arguably as bad as Pruitt's. Like Pruitt, she slashed the budget, clashed with career employees, cut regulations, and appointed industry insiders to oversee their friends and colleagues. (Gorsuch was the mother of Neil Gorsuch, Trump's first Supreme Court appointee.) That's why Pruitt's opponents -- a group that should include everyone who loves the earth, or future generations -- should focus more on what he's doing, and what his party is doing. Killing Us, Not So Softly Here's the latest, real-life Pruitt scandal: Working with White House officials, Pruitt's aides suppressed a study showing that certain chemicals in the water supply were harmful at much lower levels than had previously been believed. These chemicals are used to make Teflon, firefighting foam, and other products. The harms caused by the presence of these chemicals in drinking water, according to the study, are increased incidence of pregnancy problems, thyroid disease, and cancers. An unnamed White House official said the study would be "a public relations nightmare" for the administration, a statement that is only true if the administration plans to ignore the problem. It's clear that "nothing" is exactly what this administration's environmental team, led by Scott Pruitt, intends to do. Environmental pollution kills. It increases the frequency and severity of chronic disease, which cause s four out of five American deaths each year. Air pollution alone kills between 155,000 and 200,000 Americans per year. Even at the lower estimate, that's more than five times as many people who died on 9/11. This may just be a semantic difference, but if Robert Redford gets anything wrong, it's when he describes Pruitt as a "one-man public-health risk to the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat." Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Science skeptics brag about their disdain for facts and evidence. However, we accept the earth is a sphere--Kyrie Irving comments aside. The sun--a main sequence star--is 93 million miles away. It is a nuclear process that converts 700 million tons of hydrogen into 695 million tons of helium every second. Moreover, the sun has a surface temperature of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Earth is located just the right distance from the sun where it is neither too hot nor too cold. If it were closer like Mercury and Venus the oceans would boil away; if it were farther like Mars it would be too cold. Heat from the sun's core takes one million years to travel its surface, but sun rays take only eight minutes, twenty seconds from the sun to the earth. The moon, which a quarter of a million miles away, shepards the earth in its orbit around the sun, preventing it from wobbling unpredictably. We trust scientists to give us answers to the mysteries of the cosmos. They tell us that nothing can exceed the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), except perhaps gravity and space itself. Light can travel around the earth seven times in one second. To accelerate a particle to light speed would require unimaginable amounts of energy because the faster matter moves the heavier it gets: E=MC2 matter and energy are the manifestations of the same thing. The knowledge of the cosmos scientists share with us could not be tested or confirmed by most of us. We would have no idea how to measure the speed of light. Most of us don't know how to measure the diameter of the earth (27,000 miles), of the sun (864,938 miles), or of Betelgeuse (600 million miles); or the distance of Proxima Centauri (4.22 light years from earth); or the Milky Way, which has a diameter of 100,000 light years and contains about 400 billion stars. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. We cannot prove any of these things ourselves, but we believe the people whose business it is to know. Some Americans are embarked on a science-skepticism crusade as reflected in the attitudes of the leadership at EPA on our stewardship of the planet; and the decision to open more of pristine Alaskan acreage to drilling. Pulling out of the Paris Climate accord cements doubts about humans' influence of climate change. More offshore drilling is being allowed by the federal government with some states resisting. In addition, stripping the science-related references from government texts exemplify the consolidated effort to render scientific thinking redundant. Overwhelmingly, climate scientists believe humans are partly responsible for global warming--the melting glacial ice caps, more frequent and violent storms, and record heat waves. Approximately, 97 percent of 10,302 scientists believe we are contributing to climate change. (See UCSUSA.) However, there are official skeptics who ignore what these studies conclude and stand ready to frustrate efforts to deal with climate issues. (See Hufflington Post.) The EPA has "adopted a 'red team/blue team' model designed to challenge climate-change assumptions that global warming is occurring and humans are the primary cause -- a view endorsed both by the vast majority of scientists and by a massive federal report the White House issued earlier this month." The environmental disasters of Exxon Valdez and BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill aside, the government will allow "new offshore oil and gas drilling in nearly all United States coastal waters, giving energy companies access to leases off California for the first time in decades and opening more than a billion acres in the Arctic and along the Eastern Seaboard." (Ref. NYTimes.) This approach to energy self-sufficiency ignores the environmental impact, including the climatic, of drilling for oil. Renewable energy such as solar might be more environmentally friendly in the long term. Another very questionable tactic used to turn a collective blind eye to science is the government's effort to extirpate references to science and its findings from its lexicon. This is a place--in the pages of official government documents--where the intersection of science and politics imperil science and the consumers of government information. It appears that the goal is as Vox puts it to: "Some of these changes in language are top-down, and they're meant to shake up priorities, rebrand old ideas, or obfuscate truths. But other moves are happening from the bottom up, as people working inside scientific agencies try to protect their programs from funding cuts and from their new ideological leaders." In addition, terms such as science-based and evidence-based are shunned. Even in the soft sciences such as economics, our government fails to appreciate the global benefits of trade--but sees trade as a zero-sum game, where the U.S.A. has been disadvantaged by trade treaties such as NAFTA and the TPP. We want to renegotiate the former and pull out of the latter. Beyond that, tariff on our trade partners without distinction say between China and Canada, ignore the effects of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (1930), and has the potential to harm the world economy by restricting trade. History has a propensity to repeat itself: Smoot-Hawley raised tariffs, signal U.S.A. isolationism, and invited retaliation from the rest of the world. Retaliation is precisely what the EU is promising in response to U.S.A. tariffs on trade. Whether hard or soft, science based on evidence points the way to policy with domestic and global repercussions. The hard science tells us that human beings contribute to global warming. The soft science tells us that free trade is superior to restricted trade. Both impact say something about our wellbeing. Policymakers ignore them largely for political reasons. There is consensus around the superiority of free trade to protectionism--all the participants are better off. Runaway-greenhouse conditions on Earth could give us Venus. And in both cases profit-seeking is the dominant motivating force for misguided action. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Unz Review Pay and benefits are out of control America's Republican politicians complain that "entitlements," by which they mean pensions and medical care, are leading the country to bankruptcy even as they fatten the spending on the Pentagon, which now takes 12 percent of the overall budget. And it should be noted that while workers contribute to the social programs during all their years of employment, the money that goes to the military comes straight out of the pockets of taxpayers before being wasted in ways that scarcely benefit the average citizen unless one seriously thinks that folks over in Syria, Iran and Afghanistan actually do threaten the survival of the United States of America. I was in a Virginia supermarket the other day checking out when the woman behind the cash register in a perky voice asked me "Will you give $5 to support our troops?" I responded "No. Our troops already get way too much of our money." She replied, "Hee, hee that's a funny joke" and I said "It's not a joke." Her face dropped and she signaled to her boss over in customer service and asked her to take over, saying that I had been rude. If there is any group in the United States that exceeds the sheer greed of our politicians it is the military, which believes itself to be "entitled" as a consequence of its role in the global war on terror. I am a veteran who began service in a largely draftee army in which we were paid "twenty-one dollars a day once a month" as the old World War 2 song goes. When we got out, the GI Bill gave us $175 a month to go back to college, which did not cover much. Today's United States has 2,083,000 soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen on active duty plus reserves. Now that the military is an all-volunteer rather than a conscript force, it is understandable that pay and benefits should be close to or equivalent to civilian pay scales. Currently, a sergeant first class with 10 years in service gets paid $3,968 a month. A captain with 10 years gets $6,271. That amounts to $47,616 and $75,252 a year respectively plus healthcare, food, housing, cost of living increases and bonuses to include combat pay. Though there are several options for retirement, generally speaking a soldier, sailor Marine or airman can retire after 20 years with half of his or her final "high three" pay as a pension, which means an 18-year-old who enlists right out of high school will be 38 and if he or she makes sergeant first class (E-7) he or she will be collecting $2,338 a month or more for a rest of his or her life adjusted for cost of living, Many Americans would be astonished at the pensions that general officers and admirals receive, particularly since 80% of them also land in "retirement" generously remunerated positions with defense contractors either in active positions soliciting new contracts from their former peers or sitting on boards. General David Petraeus, whom The Nation describes as the "general who lost two wars," pulls in a pension of $220,000 even though he was forced to resign as CIA Director due to passing classified information to his mistress. He is also chairman of a New York City based company KKR Global, which is part of a private equity firm Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts. He reportedly is paid in six figures plus bonuses for "oversee[ing] the institute's thought leadership platform focused on geopolitical and macro-economic trends, as well as environmental, social, and governance issues." It apparently is difficult to take money away from general and flag officers. An Air Force four-star general named Arthur Lichte was reduced in rank to a two-star in 2017 after he was found guilty of having raped a lower ranking woman officer. His pension went down from $216,000 to $156,000 due to the reduction. Normally, however, America's 1,000 general and flag officers can look forward to comfortable retirements. But on top of that rather generous bit of cash there are the considerable other benefits, as the old recruiting sergeants would put it, the "bennies." Military retirees can receive full tuition and expenses at a college or technical school if they choose to go back to school. This is why one sees so many ads for online universities on television -- they are trolling for soldier dollars knowing that it's free money. The retiree will also have access to heavily subsidized medical care for him or herself plus family. The medical care is a significant bonus under the Tricare system, which describes itself on its website as "the gold standard for medical coverage, [that] is government managed health insurance." A friend who is retired recently had a hip replacement operation that would have cost $39,000 for only a few hundred dollars through Tricare. What is significant is that even enlisted military personnel can start a second career on top of their pension, given that many of them are still in their thirties. Some that have security clearances can jump into highly paid jobs with defense contractors immediately while others also find places in the bureaucracy with the Department of Homeland Security. Working for the government twice is called "double dipping." Some would argue that military personnel deserve what they get because the jobs are by their very nature dangerous, sometimes fatal. Indeed, the number of maimed and PTSD-afflicted soldiers returning from the endless wars is a national tragedy and caring for them should be a top priority. But the truth is that only a very small fraction, by some estimates far less than 20% of Army and Marine personnel in so-called "combat arms," ever are in danger. Air Force and Navy personnel rarely experience combat at all apart from bombing targets far below or launching cruise missiles against Syrians. It is true that given the volatile nature of war against insurgents in places like Afghanistan many soldiers in support roles can come under fire, but it is far from normal and most men and women in service never experience a gun fired in anger. Some numbers-crunchers in the Pentagon have already raised the alarm that the current pay, benefits and retirement levels for military personnel is unsustainable if the United States continues its worldwide mission against terrorists and allegedly rogue regimes. And it is also unsustainable if the U.S. seeks to return to a constitutional arrangement whereby the nation is actually defended by its military, not subordinated to it and being bankrupted by its costs. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Introduction In a recent OpEdNews edition, I posted a widely read QuickLink to an article published in Black Agenda Report by its managing editor Bruce Dixon. Seeking to get Dixon's piece maximal attention, I titled my framing introduction to it "The Most Important Political Article in Ages." Despite the appearance of advertising puffery, I was not exaggerating. Rev. Dr. William Barber of the Poor People's Campaign (Image by blueCHEDDAR) Details DMCA To grasp why I find Dixon's timely piece so hefty, readers must understand my constant political perspective--as an activist analyst intensely focused on strategy and organizing. Like Karl Marx in his Theses on Feuerbach , I'm inclined to say, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it." If the world we desperately wish to change is the hellhole of U.S. politics, nothing remotely rivals in importance the current attempt to revive Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign (PPC). But as we support that campaign, nothing is more crucial than keeping it true to the spirit--and depth of underlying political analysis--of Dr. King. Rightly conducted, today's PPC could be (pun intended) just what the doctor ordered. This is why principled PPC critics like Dixon (who shares King's race and radical socialist leanings, if not his religion) deserve our close and serious attention. PPC's Enormous Potential: To Lead Us from Our Political Desert For a movement having, in King's day and now, roots in U.S. black churches, religious allusions and metaphors are of course highly appropriate. So in saying today's PPC could lead us out of our political desert, I am implying it could lead us into the Promised Land . Not, of course, that anyone acquainted with the nightmare of human history should expect the PPC to establish the millennium. But as a climate justice activist deeply influenced by Naomi Klein, I do think addressing humanity's climate emergency will require a level of rapid-fire moral maturation unprecedented in human history. Our stark choice is between maturation and climate catastrophe, perhaps even between maturation and climate Armageddon. As a broad movement crying out for moral maturation--across an interrelated spectrum of issues including climate--today's PPC is the closest approach anyone has made to a viable climate justice movement. It's also the first movement--unlike Democrats' pussy-hatted, Russophobic "McResistance" --offering a potentially deep response to the ghastly symptom of bipartisan disease known as Trump. Provided, of course, today's PPC attacks the bipartisan disease. Since doubts on that score are what I find most compelling in Dixon's critique, I'll say much more on that soon. But first I must dispose of the points--few but crucial--where I disagree with Dixon. Religion and Morality: Where Dixon Seems Off Base Any close reader of Dixon's piece, and of my words so far, might have guessed (correctly) that my differences with him relate to religion and morality. Indeed, my previous section strongly hints that I'm comfortable with the PPC's religious origins and morality-based language in ways that Dixon is not. In fact, I find in the PPC's religious origins and moral language unique sources of effectiveness where Dixon sees only defects. But before elaborating on my two chief differences with Dixon, I wish to emphasize that they're far outweighed by debt we owe him for his gutsiness in criticizing the PPC. I imagine that for many supporters, today's PPC has already reached such iconic status that its critics must seem as perverse as detractors of Mom and apple pie would have seemed to characters in early 1960s sitcoms. Dixon honestly stuck his neck out for urgent public purposes, and even where his critiques seem mistaken, they're hardly shallow or ill-willed, but instead rooted in realities clear-sighted people must acknowledge. Now, anyone reading Dixon's piece will instantly notice its snarky tone toward religion. As a frequent reader of Black Agenda Report (a black leftist publication, after all), I find this par for the course and hardly unjustified; how often, after all, has religion--especially U.S. Christianity--been used to buttress the powers that be? Or, in other words, to provide respectable support--even God's sanction--for a ruthless capitalist or militarist establishment or even Nazis ? Much more often, I'd venture, than it's been used for the vastly more Christian purpose of "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable." And that's above all true when the comfort and affliction were to be offered in this-worldly terms; religion's notorious postponement of any reckoning to the afterlife of course underlies Marx's famous jibe at religion as "the opiate of the masses." For those who know Marx's context (see the link just provided), not even Marx is as purely hostile toward religion as he's typically portrayed. But given humanity's vastly improved capacity to alleviate human misery via science, technology, and democratic institutions--resources that didn't exist when religions like Christianity were founded--no religious voice should now be trusted that hasn't come to terms with Marx. Dixon's snarkiness is totally appropriate to shallow religion, whereas the religion behind the PPC, in its vigilance about universal human sinfulness, is capable of critiquing shallow establishment religion in terms as scathing as anything found on the Marxist left. A fact driven home for me by recent readings in The Radical King and some works by prominent Protestant theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, a significant influence on King . Given the scholar-activist backgrounds of Revs. William Barber and Liz Theoharis (Theoharis actually on the faculty of Union Theological Seminary, Niebuhr's long-time home), leadership of today's PPC seems in good, uncompromising hands. And no one cognizant of the role churches played in the civil rights movement, as well as earlier social movements like abolitionism and woman's suffrage, should doubt their immense value as community bases for political organizing. This seems especially true in a society that increasingly isolates individuals, and where labor unions, formerly powerful resources for organizing, have been decimated by successful political attacks. Now embracing Unitarian Universalism, that least dogmatic of religious faiths, I personally can (from an organizing standpoint) only regret I hadn't been "churched" in my incarnations as an anti-fracking, and later Bernie or Bust, organizer. Belonging to a church gives one special access not only to members of one's own church, but to interfaith political organizing--a powerful weapon wielded by today's PPC. To close (very willingly) my criticisms of Dixon, morality seems the area where he's most off base. To berate the PPC for its emphasis on political issues as moral ones is probably to attack its greatest strength--a strength quite evident in King. Dixon rather amazingly overlooks the crucial role moral appeals played in eliminating such societal horrors as slavery, dueling, public torture, family vendettas, child labor--and in the civil rights movement itself. What's more, he flies in the face of cognitive scientist George Lakoff's important advice to liberals and progressives: that we need to start articulating the moral foundations of our political positions with the same dedication that conservatives, through their well-funded foundations and think tanks, have. But even in his biggest misstep, Dixon is neither shallow nor ill-willed; his mistake is intertwined with valid, important concerns. On the one hand, Dixon contrasts the PPC's insistence on morality with a class struggle analysis he (unsurprisingly for a leftist) rightly finds missing. In its efforts at broad-based coalition building, the PPC, which never hesitates to give moral criticism, is unduly chary of giving political criticism based on unjust imbalances of economic (and thereby, of political) power. A strange stance indeed for a movement seeking to eliminate poverty and racism--and a radical neglect of crucial insight from Niebuhr, who saw such unjust imbalances as brutal instances of collective immorality. Class and power balance issues are moral issues, and Niebuhr saw collective immorality as even more pernicious for societies than the individual kind. Finally, even Dixon's off-kilter criticism of PPC's moral language veils an extremely valid related concern. When Dixon (mistakenly) says " labeling your political opponents, their leaders, their misguided values and their persons as 'immoral' is never a persuasive political tactic " (ignoring the numerous social evils defeated by precisely moral critiques), his words do suggest a totally legitimate concern about the targets of such critiques. The powerful are in a radically different position of responsibility from the powerless; almost needless to say, Trump supporters--generally victims of propaganda in a system that offers few valid choices (Clinton was hardly a good alternative)--bear considerably less moral responsibility than Trump and the staffers of his thuggish regime. In politics, we should always fire our moral weaponry at the powerful ; the powerless, rather like bystanders of armed conflict, should be left to infer the implications of associating closely with parties rightly under moral assault. Creating shame by proxy, without the resentment provoked by personal blame, is the needed moral tactic. Democrats, Russiagate, and Third-Party Voices: What Dixon Gets Crucially Right Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Stressed? Oppressed? Isolated? Kall's Bottom-Up offers a lifeline for connecting with yourself, with others, and with your whole community or organization so that everyone thrives. He offers compelling science, stories, and insights from business, government, the arts, and more to make visible an unabashedly hopeful bottom-up revolution towards cooperation, compassion, and meaning. Join him." Peggy Holman, author of Engagement Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity and coauthor of The Change Handbook Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Just as The Tipping Point provides an explanation for big changes, Rob Kall offers a unified explanation for the magic behind the success of the biggest tech companies, the Arab Spring, Occupy and the social media revolution An important, big picture, visionary approach weaving together technology, economics, evolution, science and personal relationships -- even happiness -- to describe a wave of change as significant as the invention of the printing press that is well under way -- a wave that could rescue the planet from the top-down system that afflicts the planet." Thom Hartmann, host of nationally syndicated radio show, The Thom Hartmann Program, since 2003 and a nightly television show, The Big Picture, since 2008 Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Wallwritings (Image by World Bulletin) Details DMCA History is filled with narratives about killing fields. This troubled writer looks at the killing fields of Gaza, and is driven to begin with a story: "A man kills his mother and his father. Brought to trial, he begs for mercy because he is an orphan." There are times when two sides have legitimate claims to a side. The killer in this story does not have a "side." The story comes to mind when this troubled writer sees the deaths of Palestinians in the killing fields of Gaza and is driven to fury by the willingness of others to embrace the killer's narrative. I write, of course, of Bibi Netanyahu, grinning ear to ear, ordering Israeli soldiers to secure themselves behind safe mounds on the Gaza "border," and fire into Palestinian crowds, who were protesting their imprisonment. The New York Times, in its usual tepid "both sides" journalistic style, defends the slaughter. On May 16, the New York Times ran a story with this headline, which on-line reads: A Child of Gaza Dies. A Symbol Is Born. The Arguing Begins. The arguing begins? The man who killed his parents has a side from which to argue? No he does not. A judge who knows a phony plea for mercy when she sees one, can only utter the words, "take him away." And yet in this nightmare of Orwellian reality in which we live, Israel's occupying military force continues its death-dealing ways and calls it a side. Here is the start of the Times' "argument" story, written by Decian Walsh: "GAZA -- Layla Ghandour, an 8-month-old girl with sparkling green eyes, was in the arms of her grandmother when a cloud of tear gas engulfed them at the protest in Gaza on Monday. The child inhaled a draft of acrid gas that set off a rasping cough and watering eyes. Hours later she was dead. "The story shot across the globe, providing an emotive focus for outrage at military tactics that Israel's critics said were disproportionately violent. ['Israel's critics'? 'disproportionately violent'?] "Yet within hours the family's story was being questioned. Doctors said Layla had suffered from a congenital heart defect that, one suggested, might have caused her death. Then the Israeli military issued claims, unsupported by evidence, that it held information that disproved the family's account. [information that she died from tear gas sent from Israel's 'side'?]" --emphasis added. A 1984 film, The Killing Fields, examined deaths in the killing fields of Cambodia, an earlier story of brutal, hateful, human conduct evoked by another "complicated" colonialist conflict. Do not look for a film about "The Killing Fields of Gaza." But look to disperse the use of "complicated" excuses to kill those who stand in the way of empirical expansion. Search not for truth and wisdom about Israel, in the pages of The New York Times. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Trump (Image by IoSonoUnaFotoCamera) Details DMCA According to a piece in the Chicago Tribune the person currently at the head of the United States government was "bewitched by the grandeur of the title 'Mr. President' and the power and prestige that goes with it. The article's message is that this love affair is over. My message herein is that we must continue doing whatever we can to make sure it is, beginning with the relatively simple strategy of not using the word "President" in any and all references to this man. Ever since the election I had been chagrined by media references that complained about the man's worst actions while still using the respectful title, "President" which I thought countered the critique by giving him the credibility the office should warrant. Then the strategy for helping to depose him came to me while my wife and I were watching a segment of West Wing where President Josiah Barlet (Martin Sheen) is hiring his second Executive Secretary, a woman named Deborah Fiderer (Lily Tomlin). Just after he hires her, a security screening reveals a letter she had written previously to the White House where she suggests the President's drink be poisoned so he might focus more on human rights. Instead of rejecting her, however, and in light of learning about her weird sense of humor and her proven integrity, he let's her keep the job. Knowing that he knows about the letter she asks him why. His response is simply because she refers to him in the letter as "President Barlet." As more evidence in support of doing what we can to get reporters (and all of us) to stop referring to the former reality television personality as "President" consider the letter Robert Hickey mentions in his writing about Honor and Respect regarding the state protocol. He cites a question he received from a woman in Honolulu: How should President Trump be referred to by the media? I hear them refer to him as Mr. Trump and this just doesn't sound very respectful of him (in my opinion). Mahalo for your time. This letter reflects the idea that when "President" is not attached to Trump in media reports, people associate this with a lack of respect. This is exactly why we should start implementing the strategy! A letter to the editor in the L.A. Times recently refers to the dilemma regarding respect for the office when respect is not deserved: To the editor : As an African American male who loves this great country of ours and has tremendous respect for authority, I am appalled by the comments of President Trump. As a parent, I teach my children to respect authority, but when the person with the most authority in the country consistently makes derogatory comments about other countries and races, how do you respect a person like that? You don't respect such a person but I think we offer such respect each time we use the title of "President." As an Indigenous scholar, I abide by the Indigenous precept about words being sacred entities. This is especially true for monikers. Names are generally treated with great respect. When respect is not deserved there there are options. For example, the original Lakota word for the white skinned European settlers was Wasicun. Initially it respectfully described what might be translated into "another kind of people with special powers." As time went on and the deceit, greed and cruelty of the settlers became the prevailing theme, the word eventually took on the current meaning of "taker of the fat" that is an insulting term for "the white man." (This might have stemmed from a play on words because a similar sounding word, wasin icu, meant fat. So Wasicun --wasin icu might have become a joke about the white man taking all the fat. In any case, today, as Debra White Plume writes in "Wasichu' fat takers are the 1 percent" uses the word disrespectfully for the "Trumps" of the world to refer to "selfishness, pettiness and greediness." Another option some writers have recommended besides alternative language is to simply refuse naming Trump at all as signal of resistance. An article in The Atlantic offers this option for rejecting Trump's legitimacy. "When it comes to the current president, the refusal to use his name may be uniquely subversive because of the degree to which Trump has wrapped his entire worth, wealth, and fame up in those five letters." A number of people do this now perhaps to avoid his wrath or litigation as Meryl Streep did on stage when she indirectly and critically referred to Trump. I have a little trouble with this because avoidance strategies are often all about respect in many American Indian cultures. Never mentioning the name of a deceased person or of one's mother-in-law for example is about respect. Another position against the idea of disowning the moniker and implying "not my President" is that we need to take responsibility for being "part of the nation that elected this clown." For now I'm sticking with the strategy of simply stopping reminding people that Trump is "President Trump" or "Mr. President." If he was indeed bewitch "bewitched by the grandeur of the title" then let's continue to cause him to lose all his powers by getting the media to drop the title. In the light of the current outrages committed by Trump (the embassy relocation/provocation) and Netanyahu (the Gaza massacres), it seems to me appropriate to republish a column that I first posted on The Greanville Post in 2011. And so, here 'tis: Original URL: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Siegman is a former President of the Synagogue Council of America and the American Jewish Congress, and served on the executive committee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for nearly thirty years, from 1965 to 1994. Rabbi Siegman recently published a lengthy column on the Israel-Palestine conflict in the June 11th edition of The Nation titled, "Can Obama Beat the Israel Lobby?" In it Rabbi Siegman held that an understanding of the current state of affairs dealing with the conflict must begin with an understanding that the current government of Israel has absolutely no interest in negotiating with the Palestinians, never has and never will. I was fascinated to read Rabbi Siegman's lengthy column, for it supports a view that I have long held. Rabbi Siegman presents very convincing evidence for the position, including the fact that most Israelis, of whatever political persuasion, agree with it. Benjamin Netanyahu, Argh! This one says it all (except how personally corrupt he is). (Image by DonkeyHotey) Details DMCA With the rise to power of Benyamin Netanyahu, guessing games about whether the Right-Wing Israeli government is interested in seriously negotiating or, as Rabbi Siegman firmly says, they are not, are no longer necessary. Netanyahu's Foreign Secretary, a former Russian (and quite secular) Jew, openly talks about expulsion, not only of the Palestinians from the Occupied Territories, but also of Arab Israeli citizens from the State of Israel. The day before Netanyahu most recently met with President Obama, the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and a prominent Likudnik, Danny Danon, said, in an Op-Ed published in The New York Times (May 19, 2011) that Israel should simply go ahead and annex the Occupied Territories. Shortly thereafter, Netanyahu refused to meet in Israel with a visiting delegation from the US Congress organized by J-Street, the pro-peace US liberal Jewish lobbying organization. "Just don't want to talk about negotiatin,' no way, no how, donchaknow." Then there is the whole moving the goalposts gambit, like the bunch of right-wing Israeli government pre-conditions that is now so large that it includes the prior recognition of Israel not just as a state (which Saudi Arabia voluntarily agreed to in 2002 in a peace initiative totally ignored by their oil-soul-mates in the White House as well as Israel, of course) but as a Jewish state. And further: Hamas would not be allowed at any negotiating table (even though they are the elected representatives of the Gazan population and some respected authorities think that their "we don't recognize Israel" position [actually not held by all of its leadership] is nothing but a bargaining chip, of which they have precious few others); a discussion of Palestinian repatriation could not be on the agenda either, even though the leading Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has, since the draft peace settlement "Geneva Accords", negotiated by himself and former center-left Israeli government Cabinet Minister Yossi Beilin in 2004, accepted a token 50,000 as his negotiating starting point. And so the question arises, "Why?" Why is the Israeli Right so opposed to a settlement with the Palestinians based on a two-state solution, with the Palestinian state being demilitarized and Israel having some kind of military presence along the Palestinian portion of the River Jordan? This is a question that does not often arise in discussions of the Israel/Palestine conflict, but to my mind it is the central one. For it explains why there will never be a settlement until either the Israeli people replace the governing Right-Far Right coalition or the United States forces a settlement down its throat, as suggested in the article by Rabbi Siegman. 1. In the Woody Allen movie Sleeper, when he awakens from a (very) deep sleep after the end of a catastrophic world war and is asked what started it, he replies, "well, there was a man named Albert Shanker." A man named Ze'ev Jabotinsky is the one who started it for Israel/Palestine. He was a right-wing Zionist who in the 1920s laid down the dictum that that long-range solution for what would become Israel was to establish a state within what has been held for millennia to be the boundaries of "The Land of Israel" "granted to the Jews" "by God." Questions of logic, history, and legality do not figure into this configuration for a modern State of Israel. For Jabotinsky the solution to the problem of the Arab peoples living there was a simple one: expulsion. In the 1930s, David Ben Gurion, the future first Prime Minister of Israel referred to Jabotinsky as the "Jewish Hitler." Netanyahu's father was a secretary to Jabotinsky. Ariel Sharon's parents were close associates of his, and Begun's Irgun was strongly influenced by him. At the time of the UN-sponsored Partition of the British Palestinian Mandate into Jewish and Arab sectors in 1947, the one-third of the Jewish Agency that represented the Jabotinskyites voted against accepting it. So Jabotinsky's, "'The Land of Israel' is ours and no one else's regardless of who else happens to be living there perhaps for quite some time," position has been at the center of the political ideology of all of the generations of the Israeli Right. Of course, presently it is convenient for the Israeli Right to have the support of a strong branch of the US Republican Christian Right which also supports the creation of the modern "Land of Israel," but for different reasons than those held by any Israelis. 2. Likud and its right-wing coalition partners know that if a GOPer wins the Presidency in 2012 they won't have anything to worry for quite some additional time. So stalling now is a very good idea for them. 3. If a settlement were to be arrived at, Israel would face the very real possibility of the outbreak of some kind of civil war. A significant proportion of the settlers are not Israelis but in fact right-wing American Jewish e'migre's, often Orthodox. The biblical, "Land of Israel" story (which of course has no relevance to present day reality) is in their blood and they might very well be willing to spill quite a bit of the latter to defend the former. A right-wing Israeli government, built partially on the backs of the settlers, would have a very hard time opposing them, especially with force. 4. Finally, and this may be the key point, if there were a comprehensive settlement, with the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Israeli Right would likely become politically irrelevant. To administer a country finally at peace after decades of wars, pseudo-wars, and threats of war, almost certainly a new Center-Left coalition, with strong representation from the Arab-Israelis, would be voted into power. And then where would that leave the wealthy in a country which is rapidly approaching the United States in the rich/everyone-else split? Where would that leave the Israeli arms industry? Where would that leave the Israeli Defense Force and Mossad? Where would that leave the tiny religious parties and their outsized influence on social policy in return for their few votes in the Knesset that puts Likud over the top? Not good for their side, one should think. The day before the May 20, 2011 Obama-Netanyahu meeting, an ad in The New York Times signed by 100 Israelis, high-ranking former military and Mossad commanders, numerous winners of the Israel Prize, and a number of other well-known political and academic leaders, sponsored by J-Street, was headed, "Act Now: To Achieve a Two-State Solution," based on the 1967 borders. That in itself does not bode well for the Israeli Right, should peace ever be achieved. It would appear that if there is to be political movement on the issue of true negotiations, attention will have to be paid to these concerns, both within the United States and within Israel. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This piece was reprinted by OpEdNews with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. From Down With Tyranny (Image by TV Screen shot) Details DMCA A "perjury trap" is a prosecutorial maneuver and a form of entrapment in which "a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime." If a prosecutor calls a witness for only that purpose, rather than to get information to further an investigation, the law is clear -- it's forbidden. Perjury traps are most easily executed when the prosecutor has prior knowledge of the matter about which the witness is questioned but doesn't reveal having that knowledge. In practice perjury traps can be executed while furthering an investigation and still be traps. A prosecutor can ask investigatory questions and set a perjury trap at the same time. Thus, since perjury traps are forbidden in law only in restricted circumstances, they are difficult to avoid. If the questions leaked to the New York Times and presented as what Robert Mueller would ask Donald Trump in an official interview, are indeed Mueller's questions (regardless of who leaked them), Mueller may be setting a perjury trap for Trump. "Russia-gate enthusiasts are thrilled over the guilty plea of President Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador, but the case should alarm true civil libertarians. "In other words, the Justice Department wasn't seeking information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak -- the intelligence agencies already had that information. Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his precise recollection of the conversations and nailed for lying when his recollections deviated from the transcripts." "Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr has claimed that his 7-month investigation of President Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, which seeks to prove that Clinton and Lewinsky lied under oath in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case against Clinton, is about lies, not sex. But the public appears to recognize instinctively what the law has long acknowledged: that lies vary in degree and in kind, and that they should be treated accordingly. The President's aides fear that Starr will try to set a so-called perjury trap in order to catch the President in lies told directly to the grand jury. Perjury traps have become a popular tactic among independent counsels: if they can't prove the alleged crime they were appointed to investigate, they indict suspects for lying to investigators. But the traps are effective only because independent counsels have succeeded over the past few decades in expanding the lying laws far beyond their historical roots." Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Consortium News Diana Buttu, a Palestinian human rights lawyer, former Bir Zeit University professor, and former legal advisor to the Palestinian negotiation team. (Image by YouTube, Channel: AlternateFocus) Details DMCA Diana Buttu is a Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and former Palestinian negotiator. On Monday, she and hundreds of other protesters were roughed up and brutalized by a phalanx of heavily armed Israeli security forces as they tried to raise the Palestinian Flag in front of the new Jerusalem-based US Embassy. Buttu was outraged as she noted "from video footage we can see that people were shot in the back. Others were shot for carrying tires or for simply walking into these areas. These were individuals who posed no threat whatsoever. Even if they were attempting to cross the border, you don't use live fire to kill people who are crossing a border." Buttu spoke to Dennis Bernstein on Tuesday May 15th, 2018 Dennis Bernstein: Diana Buttu very good to speak with you again. First of all, what is your understanding of the latest statistics? I understand the number of dead is over 60, the number of wounded is some 2,700, of which 1,300 were hit by gunshots. And please put the latest Israeli slaughter into historical context. Diana Buttu: We are now at the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, the commemoration of the establishment of Israel and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Today was a particularly difficult day, both because we had to bury over 60 Palestinians, including eight children and two people who were disabled. In addition to mourning the loss of our country and experiencing the everyday process of ethnic cleansing, we are seeing an effort on the part of the Americans and the Israelis to blame the victim. This is adding insult to injury and we are back at a place now where Israel can justify the unjustifiable. Bernstein: What are hearing in terms of the ability to treat the wounded? Buttu: It is important to keep in mind that this is not just a case of overloading at the hospitals, but of the capacity of the hospitals to begin with. These are hospitals that have been running on less than three hours of electricity per day because of the Israeli-imposed blockade on the Gaza Strip. They don't have the necessary medical supplies because of the blockade. So we are talking about people who are going to die because they are unable to get the necessary treatment. Add to that the kind of weaponry that the Israelis are using. We are hearing of two new types of bullets, one of which is designed to explode inside the body and maim. We are also hearing reports of a different kind of gas which is being used on Palestinians which is akin to a nerve gas. Israeli has a policy of shoot-to-kill. Bernstein: This notion of the Israeli government that every single person in Gaza is guilty, that there are no innocent people in Gaza. What does that say to you? Buttu: The Israelis have had this policy for quite some time. Avigdor Lieberman has said many times in the past that there are no innocents in Gaza. This is why we see them deliberately targeting children and people in wheelchairs. They can excuse the death of an eight-month-old child who died yesterday from gas inhalation. This process of demonization is what allows them to continue to perpetrate a massacre. Bernstein: Some people refer to this as a war between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But there have been no Israeli casualties, none. How can you consider that a war? Buttu: It is not only zero casualties, nobody has been even remotely injured. The Israelis are gunning Palestinians down. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. These are people who are nowhere near this electrified fence that the Israelis claim to be defending. [Buttu has been challenged about whether the fence is electrified.] This is a one-sided massacre, with a green light given to it by the Trump administration. Bernstein: This slaughter is taking place on a day which the Israeli prime minister is calling one of the greatest days in Israel's history, with the decision of the US government to move its embassy to Jerusalem. Could you talk about the significance of the move in the context of what has been going on in Gaza? Buttu: Yes, this is a great day for Israel. At its very core, Israel is about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. It is ethnic cleansing and land theft that is being recognized and rewarded. Sunday was the 51st anniversary of the occupation by the Hebrew calendar. It is celebrating 51 years of the denial of freedom. The day after is when the US decided to move its embassy. Today is the 70th commemoration of the Nakba. What the United States has done is pour salt into a very open wound. It is sending a very clear message to the Palestinians that Israel will forever be rewarded for violating human rights, for stealing Palestinian land, for expanding settlements, demolishing Palestinian homes. They will never be sanctioned or censored. Instead they will be rewarded. Bernstein: The Israelis are saying that this is a Hamas terrorist operation at the border. They shot at least 27 terrorists who were trying to plant bombs. But we didn't see any Hamas or any political flags. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. With Trump making one of the worst, most reckless decisions by an American president in U.S. history he has, unwittingly, provided a brilliant opportunity for European nations to begin the process of breaking away from decades of American dominance. What Trump did was senseless in that he called the Iran Nuclear Agreement a complete disaster, that it was not working, and was allowing Iran to continue nuclear development behind the scenes. But, as he does with other issues, he presented no facts or evidence to back up his contentions. No doubt when he pulled the plug he felt confident that Britain, France and Germany, even though they strongly believed that the agreement should remain in effect, would simply fall in line and join the U.S. withdrawal. After all, isn't that what they always do, fall in line, when directed to do so by the U.S.? Well, this time the outcome may be entirely different and Trump may be in for a big surprise, one that he won't like at all. Trump's contention that this is a highly faulted agreement that needs to be ended is just one more misguided statement on his part. And his statement that inspections are almost non-existent is ridiculous and ignorant of what is really happening. The IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Association, the highly respected world inspection organization, has been closely monitoring what goes on in Iran to assure that this nation is complying with the agreement. To further try to discredit this agreement John Bolton, Trump's new National Security Adviser, in a cable news interview, sent out a subtle message that if these U.S. allies do not reject this agreement that the U.S. might impose sanctions on some of their companies that would involve technology trade. Bolton's warning was a typical threat that is used by the U.S. to force other countries to "toe the line", i.e., to do as they are told if they know what's good for them. In his cocky manner, he said, "I think the Europeans will see that it's ultimately in their interest to come along with us." Well maybe Bolton and his boss, Trump, should think a bit deeper before they make these threats against their allies who have Russia and China strongly siding with them on this matter. They should understand that, besides Britain, Germany and France, the vast majority of the other 23 members of the European Union also want this agreement to remain in effect. At various sites across Iran that have involved Iran's nuclear development program, the IAEA has highly sophisticated equipment that monitors activities and transmits key data constantly to its headquarters in Viennna where scientists conduct studies to assure compliance. There are also teams of inspectors on the ground in Iran that watch closely for any violations. These intensive inspections have been going on in Iran since the inception of the agreement in 2015 and the IAEA has regularly issued reports to all those involved in this agreement plus the UN that indicate their findings. So far they have not seen any violations by Iran. Now are there any concerns that Iran may be doing some kind of illegal nuclear development at locations of which the inspectors are not aware? Yes, that's true and so the IAEA continues to expand its search to determine if there are any such activities going on. So far they have found none and have declared that, thus far, Iran is fully complying with the provisions of the agreement. Since France, Germany and the UK, supported by the rest of the 28-member European Union, most certainly want this agreement to stay in effect they now have an opportunity to save it by refusing to join with the U.S. in withdrawing. So let's do a "what if analysis" What if the U.S. allies have had enough of these threats and decide to join with Russia and China and continue to adhere to the Iran Nuclear Agreement? Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. This article originally appeared at The forcible separation of parents and children for "months or longer" under any circumstances, even for illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexican border, would have to rank high in the annals of cruelty and heartlessness. As Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced recently, the U.S. now has just such a "zero tolerance" policy at that border. No more "smuggling" (as the AG put it) of children into this country, though we're largely talking about parents and kids, even toddlers, fleeing grim violence in their homelands. The Trump administration considers such a stance a "deterrence policy," though -- typical of the Trump era -- it's based on a false statistic. Such separations have, in fact, been going on in a less official fashion since the administration took office. And don't even blame Jeff Sessions for the policy. We now know that the urge to rip children out of the arms of their parents comes directly from the White House, from the heart, such as it is, of one Donald J. Trump. As Michael Shear and Nicole Perlroth reported in the New York Times recently, a presidential rant at a cabinet meeting against the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, that almost caused her to resign, was in part over this very matter: "One persistent issue has been Mr. Trump's belief that Ms. Nielsen and other officials in the department were resisting his direction that parents be separated from their children when families cross illegally into the United States, several officials said. The president and his aides in the White House had been pushing a family separation policy for weeks as a way of deterring families from trying to cross the border illegally." TomDispatch regular Karen Greenberg has already written for this site on the staggering numbers of children displaced by Washington's wars across the Greater Middle East and Africa, who are now, of course, denied any hope of sanctuary here (another kind of zero-tolerance stance of the Trump era). Today, however, she focuses on a different kind of Trumpian separation policy, one directed at divorcing us from the very language we speak, the words we normally use to describe reality, which are now to be officially banished to the borderlands of our consciousness. Tom Down the Memory Hole Trump's Strategic Assault on Democracy, Word by Word By Karen J. Greenberg Consider us officially in an Orwellian world, though we only half realize it. While we were barely looking, significant parts of an American language long familiar to us quite literally, and in a remarkably coherent way, went down the equivalent of George Orwell's infamous Memory Hole. This hit me in a personal way recently. I was asked to give a talk at an annual national security conference held in downtown Manhattan and aimed largely at an audience of college students. The organizer, who had pulled together a remarkable array of speakers, encountered problems in one particular area: his efforts to include representatives of the Trump administration in the gathering. Initially, administration officials he dealt with wouldn't even divulge the names of possible participants, only their titles, leaving who was coming a mystery until days before the conference opened. In addition, before agreeing to send speakers, his contacts at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known by the acronym ICE, had not just requested but insisted that the word "refugee" be removed from the conference program. It was to appear in a description of a panel entitled "Refugee Programs, Immigration, Customs and Border Protection." The reason given: the desire to get through the administration approval process in Washington without undue delay. It's not hard to believe that the administration that wanted to slow to a standstill refugees coming to the U.S. didn't have an allied urge to do away with the very word itself. In order to ensure that ICE representatives would be there, the organizer reluctantly conceded and so the word "refugee" was dutifully removed from the program. Meanwhile, the actual names of Department of Homeland Security officials coming to speak were withheld until three days before the event. Finally, administration representatives in touch with the conference organizers insisted that the remarks of any government representatives could not be taped, which meant, ultimately, that none of the proceedings could be taped. As a result, this conference was not recorded for posterity. For me -- and I've been observing the national security landscape for years now -- this was something of a new low when it came to surrounding a previously open event in a penumbra of secrecy. It made me wonder how many other organizers across the country had been strong-armed in a similar fashion, how many words had been removed from various programs, and how much of what an American citizen should know now went unrecorded. To some extent, I understood the organizer's plight, having myself negotiated requests from government officials for 15 years' worth of national security get-togethers of every sort. As director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law and before that of a similar center at New York University School of Law, I had been asked by more than one current or former Bush or Obama administration official to not record his or her remarks. Indeed, one or two had even asked to be kept away from the audience until those remarks were delivered. Still, most had come eager to debate, confident that their views were the preferable ones, aware that the perspectives of many in the room or conference hall would differ from theirs, often drastically, on hard-edged issues like torture, Guanta'namo, and targeted killings. But one thing I know: not once in all those years had I been asked to change the language of an event, to wipe a word or phrase out of the program of the moment. It would have been an unthinkable violation. The very idea that the government can control what words we use and don't at a university-related event seems to violate everything we as a country hold dear about the independence of educational institutions from government control, not to mention the sanctity of free speech and the importance of public debate. But that, of course, was in the era before Donald Trump became president. Assaulting the Language of American Democracy Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Copyrighted Image? DMCA Photo by Truthdig. On Monday I was arrested along with many other people in the street in front of the U.S. Capitol, participating in the new Poor People's Campaign, the first multi-issue coalition we've seen in years that properly takes on militarism rather than indulging the fantasy of a $1 trillion a year military coexisting with decent humanitarian and environmental policies. Yet it was hard at this peaceful gathering and in the "training" before it not to notice people's habitual shouts of "fight back!" and "go to war!" and "we must be warriors!" -- not to mention the handing out of U.S. flags. What bothers me far more than peace activists talking war talk, however, is war activists talking peace talk. I recently debated a "military ethicist" who literally claimed to support wars out of love. The Pentagon, of course, has a peace pole in it. While no peace activists ever claim that peace will help bring the world to a state of war, war activists are constantly claiming that war will produce peace -- in fact they've been doing so for 100 years now in the face of ever growing evidence to the contrary. On Thursday, the department formerly known as the U.S. War Department posted this headline: "Army Leader Focuses on Empathy, Compassion." The article made no mention whatsoever of "humanitarian" propaganda, of how to pretend that massive violence and slaughter can be used to prevent greater suffering. It included no comment on winning the "hearts and minds" of the people you are killing and occupying. It suggested no techniques for properly empathizing with those you kill or injure or torture or render homeless or force to obey foreign or domestic tyrants. The War Department article focused entirely on how a U.S. military commander can empathetically and compassionately command subordinates to engage in the mass killing of which war consists. There's no mention of the fact that U.S. veterans are much more likely to commit suicide, or the fact that they are much more likely to go on committing murder beyond the permitted times and places. In fact, there's actually no mention at all of any ways in which to be empathetic or compassionate even to subordinate soldiers. The obvious first steps of allowing "volunteers" to stop volunteering, of providing non-evil career options, of investing a few percent of the military budget in making college free, of firing John Bolton before he blows up Korea and the rest of us with it, etc., would clearly not be acceptable. But nothing else is offered instead. So, what's in the article? Virtually nothing. We're told to use something called "hard leadership," but not what it is or why it's called that, or why it has to be called something that makes it sound cartoonishly and barbarically stupid. The article fully exhausts its vocabulary in avoiding saying anything, to the point where it is reduced to telling us that there are "many lessons on the hard things of leadership," but neither what those lessons are, nor what those hard things are. "I've never had a retention problem in any of my organizations, and I'd like to think I can attribute it to the command climate that we provided," says an Army maestro. Call me an ignorant civilian, but I'd attribute it to the contracts members of the military have signed that can result in their being sent to prison if they "desert." Nonviolent activists filling the streets for peace and justice are doing so at the risk of going to jail. Violent soldiers bombing and shooting up distant streets are doing so lest they be sent to jail for refusing. One of these movements is a place for great leaders. The other is a place where leadership is more than "hard," it's impossible. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Our Future Texas Democrat Laura Moser is running in her state's 7th Congressional District. (Image by (Photo from Laura Moser for Congress)) Details DMCA Primary season is underway, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has faced growing backlash to its heavy-handed interventions on behalf of some favored candidates. A taped conversation in which Representative Steny Hoyer, a member of Democratic House leadership, pushed an insurgent candidate to withdraw sparked the latest furor, and it deepened when House minority leader Nancy Pelosi backed Hoyer's intervention. In separate opeds, Jonathan Alter and longtime Democratic operative Elaine Kamarck argued that DCCC interference is essential if Democrats are to recapture a House majority in the fall. Both applauded the citizen mobilizations that could help generate a "wave election," but essentially want activists to line up, salute, and let the pros take care of candidate selection. They couldn't be more wrong. Alter's argument is the more scabrous; it accused "remnants of lefties in Jill Steinland" of "moral vanity" for "indulging" in primary fights that drain resources over "minor policy differences." (He didn't bother to explain why a primary challenger is equivalent to a third-party candidate.) Alter fretted that more progressive candidates might actually beat "well-funded moderates with better chances of winning in November." In this most important election, Democrats should put party and country over "personal preference," he argued, and resist voting for the candidate whose views they support, and instead favor the one more likely to win in the general election. Built into this argument is the unquestioned assumption that the DCCC is best qualified to identify the right candidate. Kamarck, an early champion of the New Democrats and a longtime DNC member, echoed Alter's faith in the pros. She expressed regrets that the party has allowed candidates to be selected by voters in primaries rather than party officials in back rooms: She wants more, rather than fewer, superdelegates to help determine the party's presidential nominee. The DCCC, she admitted, is "not always right," but it is more concerned about "electability than ideological purity." In her view, voters don't understand that "not all congressional districts are Berkeley, California. " It's hard to be a weatherman if you can't tell which way the wind is blowing. Alter and Kamarck have summarized the beliefs of a party establishment that doesn't have a clue. Even in traditional political terms, the argument is unconvincing. It doesn't consider the Democratic establishment's record of abysmal failure. Over the past decade, Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress, 1,000 seats in statehouses across the nation, and the presidency to the most reviled candidate in history. The party committees haven't cleaned house or changed strategy. The same consultants, the same pollsters, the same operatives still are at the wheel. If they were mechanics, you would not keep hiring them to fix your car. The DCCC's strategy to pursue bland, "safe" candidates is particularly questionable in an off-year election; midterms are often marked by low turnout. Activist energy and base mobilization are critical. Democrats are talking about a wave election because the resistance to Trump is combining with momentum from the Sanders campaign along with movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter. Candidates can help fuel that energy or depress it. The DCCC's screen for candidates starts with those who can give or raise a lot of money. It favors "moderates" who might appeal to the center -- thus, there is a preference for veterans and ex-intelligence officers, businesspeople and corporate lawyers, even for former Republicans. The theory goes that Trump will naturally mobilize the Democratic base to vote, and moderate candidates will have a better chance to attract independents. But voters right, left, and center are increasingly suspicious of traditionally packaged, blow-dried candidates. Voters are looking for authentic leaders who will shake things up. The DCCC's business-as-usual approach is increasingly out of step with the times. Primary fights can help build energy, interest, and mobilization -- or they can be divisive. Part of that depends on how challengers are treated by the establishment. The DCCC's heavy thumb on the scale -- particularly in the wake of the revelations about the DNC's machinations in the 2016 presidential primaries -- is increasingly likely to backfire. When the DCCC unleashed a personal attack on Laura Moser in a Texas congressional race, the popular reaction in fund-raising and activism surely helped propel her into a runoff against the DCCC's designated candidate. Worse, DCCC interference may well end up leaving activists embittered, which saps energy for the general election. Alter believes there is a limited pool of money and energy that primaries needlessly squander. But energy and money in politics are a function of excitement and interest. Primary challenges -- particularly substantive ones -- can help build energy, capture interest, and generate more resources. Alter and Kamarck both assume that Trump is so threatening and outlandish that Democrats can be successful with the traditional playbook and candidates -- a strategy shared by Clinton's 2016 campaign, and one that didn't work out so well. This ignores the larger failure of establishment politics: The system hasn't produced for most Americans, who even now understand their wages aren't keeping up with the costs of necessities. By scorning primary fights as reflecting the "narcissism of small differences," Alter seems perversely oblivious to what is going on. The populist uprising in the party -- personified by the Sanders campaign in 2016 -- isn't about petty disagreements. Democrats are only beginning what will be a furious argument over what the party stands for, what its coalition is, and how it will do politics. Are Democrats the party of Wall Street and Silicon Valley? Will the party build an upscale coalition using identity politics and neoliberal economics to fuse socially liberal professionals with African-American and Latino base voters? Or will the party reconstitute itself as a party of working people, across all lines of race, that champions populist economics? Is the party wedded to big-money politics or building a politics grounded on small donors and citizen participation? Will it continue to provide bipartisan support to our interventionist foreign policy or demand an end to endless wars and the beginning of a new strategy? This year's primaries are but an early round of this argument. The energy in the party is clearly on the progressive-populist side. Potential 2020 presidential contenders reflect that reality, as they embrace reforms like Medicare for All, a good-jobs guarantee, tuition-free college, and more. This fight within the party is likely to build, not decline. To dismiss it as narcissistic or moral vanity is to miss what is a historic and long-overdue debate. Alter and Kamarck both point to the Republican Party as a cautionary lesson. In some instances, Tea Party activists indeed nominated nutcase candidates--including one who memorably decided to declare she was not a witch -- and that may have cost them Senate seats they could have won. Yes, insurgencies make mistakes too. But neither Alter nor Kamarck notes that, fueled by the Tea Party surge (and by big right-wing money), Republicans have won control across the board, and the Tea Party has driven the broader party to the right. And the big reform ideas driving the left in the Democratic Party have far wider popular appeal than the Tea Party agenda on the right. It remains to be seen how Democrats will perform in the November election. Trump's approval ratings are abysmal, though ticking up with the economy. Republican legislators are deeply unpopular, but recent polling shows them catching up with Democrats on the generic congressional ballot. Democrats have raised record amounts of money, but the flood of conservative dark money is yet to come. The calls for Democrats to unify are likely to build in coming weeks. But the debate about the party's direction has only begun. Democrats should be happy that it is taking place within the party and in its primaries. They'd be wiser to embrace the energy and open the party up, rather than demand that activists stand down and let the party's pros make the calls. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. IfNotNow was formed in 2014 by young Jews angered by the "overwhelmingly hawkish response of American Jewish institutions" to the violence of the 2014 Israel--Gaza conflict, Operation Protective Edge. They note that they wanted to "demonstrate their resistance through the beauty of Jewish ritual" and that "We will be the generation that ends our community's support for the occupation." "IF I AM NOT FOR MYSELF, WHO WILL BE FOR ME? BUT IF I AM ONLY FOR MYSELF, WHAT AM I? IF NOT NOW, WHEN?" -HILLEL THE ELDER, 1ST CENTURY, BCE "Moved to act by moral anguish and inspired by Hillel's three questions, they organized Mourner's Kaddish actions in nearly a dozen cities across the country and lamented the loss of both Israeli and Palestinian life. They had three demands: Stop the War on Gaza, End the Occupation, and Freedom and Dignity for All." IfNotNow notes, "the demand for American Jewish institutions to end their support for the occupation has only grown more urgent and clear since that summer. While the out-of-touch establishment claims to speak for our community, we know that American Jewry is eager for change." Dear Rabbi Jacobs, URJ & RAC leadership, Yesterday, 60 Palestinians were killed and thousands wounded along the Gaza border by Israeli soldiers as Israeli and American politicians and American Jewish establishment leaders celebrated Trump's embassy move. In response, URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs offered words of celebration of the embassy move along with muted remorse and victim-blaming for the Palestinians killed. As Reform Jews, we are appalled and outraged by this statement. The embassy move is needlessly provocative and destructive to the prospect of peace in Israel and Palestine. Meanwhile, Israeli repression of largely nonviolent and unarmed Palestinian protesters - including firing live rounds at children and marked medical personnel - is abhorrent. This violence is part and parcel of the Occupation, an ongoing moral disaster for those who uphold and support it and a daily nightmare for the Palestinians who live under it. As current members and alumni of Reform synagogues, URJ camps and NFTY, we were taught by our community to value peace and pursue social justice, and to view every person as someone made b'tselem Elohim, in the image of the Divine. We demand now that you commit to opposing Israeli repression and ending the Occupation the same way you have committed to other issues of enormous importance and moral clarity, such as gun violence prevention, racial justice, refugee resettlement, and environmentalism. Our community faces a moral crisis, and a choice. Which side are we on? We demand and await your answer. This letter was written by Reform members of IfNotNow and made public for their community to sign. Current signatories are below. Naomi Hornstein, URJ OSRUI camper and staff member 2001-2012, NFTY EIE 2009, NFTY No Member 2006-2010 Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Vembus latest Standard Edition release is a good news for small businesses. Backup & DR for Virtual and Physical Data Centers Chennai, India May 16, 2018: According to Marketprognosis.coms New Market Research Report On Global Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025, Global Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Market is growing continuously and expected to grow healthy Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) by Forecast year 2025. The demand for DRaaS is majorly driven by increased flexibility and automation capabilities. 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The company's services are meant to educate and empower travelers to make full use of their consumer rights, and in turn, raise the level of customer care provided by airlines.Silvia SanchezAirHelpAlexanderstrae 110178 Berlin ATEQ Welcomes New Sales & Applications Engineer Brandon Pilon, ATEQ Sales & Applications Engineer Livonia, MI ATEQ Corp. ( is proud to announce Brandon Pilons new role as a Sales & Applications Engineer. Pilon is based in the Livonia, Michigan office and is responsible for establishing and building customer relationships. Brandon will be attending trade shows, demonstrating instruments in manufacturing facilities or technical labs, providing support and assisting in instrument installation.Brandon is catching on very quickly learning how to configure, sell and service ATEQ instruments. 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While ATEQ specializes in differential pressure-decay leak testing instruments, other types of testing technologies are also available such as electrical and tracer gas leak testing along with continuous, mass and laminar flow testing. With locations in 37 countries, ATEQ is able to provide exceptional sales and services to customers worldwide. atequsa.comATEQ Corp.35980 Industrial Rd.Livonia, MI 48150734-838-3100PR Contact: Heidi Marijuana - Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis of Top Key Player Forecast to 2025 Global Marijuana Industry Global Marijuana IndustryNew Study on 2018-2025 Marijuana Market Global Key Player, Demand, Growth, Opportunities and Analysis Forecast added to Wise Guy Reports DatabaseThis report studies the global Marijuana market status and forecast, categorizes the global Marijuana market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China and other regions (India, Southeast Asia, Central & South America, and Middle East & Africa).The major manufacturers covered in this reportCara TherapeuticsCannabis SativaCannaGrow HoldingsUnited CannabisGrowblox SciencesGreenGro TechnologiesGW PharmaceuticalsLexaria CorpMMJ AmericaMedicine ManCanopy GrowthAphriaAurora Cannabis Inc.mCig IncTry Sample Report @Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanOther Regions (India, Southeast Asia, Central & South America and Middle East & Africa)The regional scope of the study is as follows:North AmericaUnited StatesCanadaMexicoAsia-PacificChinaIndiaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndonesiaSingaporeRest of Asia-PacificEuropeGermanyFranceUKItalySpainRussiaRest of EuropeCentral & South AmericaBrazilArgentinaRest of South AmericaMiddle East & AfricaSaudi ArabiaTurkeyRest of Middle East & AfricaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoIndustrial GradePharmaceutical GradeOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingChronic PainArthritisMigraineCancerOtherThe study objectives of this report are:To analyze and study the global Marijuana capacity, production, value, consumption, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2025);Focuses on the key Marijuana manufacturers, to study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in future.Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Marijuana are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersMarijuana ManufacturersMarijuana Distributors/Traders/WholesalersMarijuana Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsAvailable CustomizationsThe following customization options are available for the report:Regional and country-level analysis of the Marijuana market, by end-use.Detailed analysis and profiles of additional market players.For Detailed Reading Please visit WiseGuy Reports @Some points from table of content:Global Marijuana Market Research Report 20181 Marijuana Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Marijuana1.2 Marijuana Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Marijuana Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Marijuana Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Industrial Grade1.2.4 Pharmaceutical Grade1.3 Global Marijuana Segment by Application1.3.1 Marijuana Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Chronic Pain1.3.3 Arthritis1.3.4 Migraine1.3.5 Cancer1.3.6 Other1.4 Global Marijuana Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Marijuana Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Marijuana (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Marijuana Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Marijuana Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)2 Global Marijuana Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Marijuana Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Marijuana Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Marijuana Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Marijuana Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Marijuana Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Marijuana Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Marijuana Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Marijuana Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Marijuana Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Marijuana Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Marijuana Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Marijuana Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 North America Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 China Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.8 Japan Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)4 Global Marijuana Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)4.1 Global Marijuana Consumption by Region (2013-2018)4.2 North America Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.4 China Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.5 Japan Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.6 Southeast Asia Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.7 India Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.8 South America Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.9 Middle East and Africa Marijuana Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)5 Global Marijuana Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Marijuana Production and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.2 Global Marijuana Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.3 Global Marijuana Price by Type (2013-2018)5.4 Global Marijuana Production Growth by Type (2013-2018)6 Global Marijuana Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Marijuana Consumption and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6.2 Global Marijuana Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2013-2018)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/Countries7 Global Marijuana Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Cara Therapeutics7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Cara Therapeutics Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Cannabis Sativa7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Cannabis Sativa Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 CannaGrow Holdings7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 CannaGrow Holdings Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 United Cannabis7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 United Cannabis Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Growblox Sciences7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Growblox Sciences Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 GreenGro Technologies7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 GreenGro Technologies Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 GW Pharmaceuticals7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 GW Pharmaceuticals Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Lexaria Corp7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Lexaria Corp Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.9 MMJ America7.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.9.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.9.2.1 Product A7.9.2.2 Product B7.9.3 MMJ America Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.10 Medicine Man7.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.10.2 Marijuana Product Category, Application and Specification7.10.2.1 Product A7.10.2.2 Product B7.10.3 Medicine Man Marijuana Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.11 Canopy Growth7.12 Aphria7.13 Aurora Cannabis Inc.7.14 mCig Inc8 Marijuana Manufacturing Cost Analysis8.1 Marijuana Key Raw Materials Analysis8.1.1 Key Raw Materials8.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials8.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials8.1.4 Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure8.2.1 Raw Materials8.2.2 Labor Cost8.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of MarijuanaContinued.For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.Contact Us:Norah Trent+1 646 845 9349 / +44 208 133 9349Follow on LinkedIn: Nickel Foam 2018 Global Industry Key Players - Sumitomo Electric , Vale ,Corun , HGP , Heze Tianyu Technology Market Analysis And Forecast To 2025 Global Nickel Foam Market Global Nickel Foam MarketIn this report, the global Nickel Foam market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Global Nickel Foam market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingSumitomo ElectricValeCorunHGPHeze Tianyu TechnologyMarketechNanoshelNovamet Specialty ProductsRequest a Sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Nickel Foam in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoContinuous Band-Shaped Nickel FoamHigh-Intensity and Ultra-Intense Binding Force Nickel FoamOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingNi-Mh BatteriesNI-CD BatteriesTable of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Nickel Foam Market Research Report 20181 Nickel Foam Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Nickel Foam1.2 Nickel Foam Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Nickel Foam Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Nickel Foam Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Continuous Band-Shaped Nickel Foam1.2.4 High-Intensity and Ultra-Intense Binding Force Nickel Foam1.3 Global Nickel Foam Segment by Application1.3.1 Nickel Foam Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Ni-Mh Batteries1.3.3 NI-CD Batteries1.4 Global Nickel Foam Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Nickel Foam Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Nickel Foam (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Nickel Foam Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Nickel Foam Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025).7 Global Nickel Foam Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Sumitomo Electric7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Sumitomo Electric Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Vale7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Vale Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Corun7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Corun Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 HGP7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 HGP Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Heze Tianyu Technology7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Heze Tianyu Technology Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Marketech7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Marketech Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Nanoshel7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Nanoshel Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Novamet Specialty Products7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Nickel Foam Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Novamet Specialty Products Nickel Foam Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business OverviewContinued..Complete Report Details @Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India PingZing Disrupts, Aims to Close Expanding Real Estate Chasm PingZing? Launch at The Falls Event Center Gilbert, AZ. May 17 2018 5PM. New industry app launches signifying the importance of retaining human connection and responsiveness between agents and clients.Gilbert, AZ, United States., May 15, 2018 - May 17th, 2018 is the official launch of a new disrupter to the real estate industry. The PingZing apps release will be celebrated in the strong traditions of all great champions, a gala event, one of the biggest Gilbert, Arizona will see this year. The masterminds behind this innovative tool have extended an open invitation to everyone, welcoming people from all walks and businesses to join them in bringing into the world what they have called the re-humanization of the real estate industry.Co-founders Jerome Ralston, CEO, and Joey Almeida, COO, put together a team of innovative minds to identify current challenges facing the real estate industry. Addressing concerns of agents and consumers, issues and limitations of available technology, and exasperations over the industrys conditional dominators, PingZing aims to close the relational gap created by these tribulations. This truly is revolutionary. Real Estate apps are nothing new on their own. They are everywhere, and it seems like a new one is launched every other week. But, PingZings app IS different, Almeida says. Consumers can search for properties using the app on their smart device, or on our website. They can be assured they are viewing updated, accurate, information in real time, directly from local MLS listings. The moment they find a property they would like to view in person, they can ping one of our registered agents, and on-demand, that agent will reply or meet them within 5 minutes. Now, THAT is customer service. THAT is prioritizing responsiveness!The fact is, even with all this technological disruption and information overload, the current research proves that Real Estate will always be about relationships, connection, and responsiveness, and working with people who can be trusted, and who can be relied upon. Relationships are what make the good times more wonderful and help traverse the tough times. People say Its just business as though business isnt personal. But, "when you are passionate about what you do, love what you do, and love the people you do it with, its very, very personal. This is where most apps in the real estate industry are failing. Few, if any, preserve the critical factor of maintaining and sustaining relationships, says Ralston, Without relationships and one-on-one nurturing, people will not feel cared for, respected or valued. Without these elements, trust cannot be established; and the key to business sustainability is trust. 50 percent of sales will go to the first person to contact them, and the agent that makes at least 6 [nurtured] follow-ups has a 90 percent higher chance of getting a response and converting the online lead. (Source: Insidesales) Agents only have a 2 percent chance of converting a cold call to an appointment. The lesson is to stop making cold calls. Make warm calls using new ways to reach the decision-makers. (Source: Leap Job) Nurtured leads have a 47 percent [higher] chance of [converting] a large buying decision versus a non-nurtured lead. (Source: Annuitus Group)PingZings game-changing services streamline this essential connectivity between buyers, properties, and real estate professionals, by removing delays and frustration. The result is a direct approach fueling lasting relationships and encouraging more transactions without additional marketing, complexities or costs. "PingZing presents Agents-On-Demand technology, making agent's even more relevant in a world of data and technology, says Ralston, It promotes the improvement of our skills and fiduciary duties to our clients. It's a Win, Win. With this app, ALL REALTORS will have to up their GAME."The PingZing App is currently available on Android and will soon be released for Apple. The initial rollout of MLS listings currently spans Arizona with national expansion projected to begin within the year. The service is free for all home search users, and real estate professionals interested in registering to become an Agent-On-Demand can contact PingZing for details. Everyone can learn more about PingZing on their website: has made it possible for a homebuyer to be in front of a property they love, and by clicking the Ping button, a real estate professional can meet them in 5-minutes to walk them through. Now, that is what PingZing likes to call responsive customer service! No more waiting; No more battling with open-home dramas; No more missing out on listings; and No more missed sales opportunities. The PingZing App makes homebuying effortless, as pain-free as possible, timely, engaging, experiential, and brings back the true meaning of customer service. It benefits Agents, Professionals, Buyers and Sellers alike. Visit, or download the app, today to learn more.PingZing835 W. Warner Rd. Suite 500 Gilbert, AZ 85233Tiffany Louise Ozherelyeva214-888- 6778 (cell) Toughened Safety Glass 2018 Global Industry Key Players - Saint-Gobain Glas , Asahi Glass , Allied glasses ,Goldplus group , Garibaldi Glass Market Analysis And Forecast To 2025 Global Toughened Safety Glass Market Global Toughened Safety Glass MarketIn this report, the global Toughened Safety Glass market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Global Toughened Safety Glass market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingSaint-Gobain GlasAsahi GlassAllied glassesGoldplus groupGaribaldi GlassJeld-WenFloat glass India ltd.ASGI India ltd.Guardian IndustriesOldcastle Inc.AJJ GroupMetro GlassRequest a Sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Toughened Safety Glass in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoFlat GlassCurved GlassOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingAutomotiveBuildingHousehold UsesOtherTable of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Toughened Safety Glass Market Research Report 20181 Toughened Safety Glass Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Toughened Safety Glass1.2 Toughened Safety Glass Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Toughened Safety Glass Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Toughened Safety Glass Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Flat Glass1.2.4 Curved Glass1.3 Global Toughened Safety Glass Segment by Application1.3.1 Toughened Safety Glass Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Automotive1.3.3 Building1.3.4 Household Uses1.3.5 Other1.4 Global Toughened Safety Glass Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Toughened Safety Glass Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Toughened Safety Glass (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Toughened Safety Glass Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)7 Global Toughened Safety Glass Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Saint-Gobain Glas7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Saint-Gobain Glas Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Asahi Glass7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Asahi Glass Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Allied glasses7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Allied glasses Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Goldplus group7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Goldplus group Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Garibaldi Glass7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Garibaldi Glass Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Jeld-Wen7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Jeld-Wen Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Float glass India ltd.7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Float glass India ltd. Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 ASGI India ltd.7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 ASGI India ltd. Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.9 Guardian Industries7.9.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.9.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.9.2.1 Product A7.9.2.2 Product B7.9.3 Guardian Industries Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.9.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.10 Oldcastle Inc.7.10.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.10.2 Toughened Safety Glass Product Category, Application and Specification7.10.2.1 Product A7.10.2.2 Product B7.10.3 Oldcastle Inc. Toughened Safety Glass Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.10.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.11 AJJ Group7.12 Metro GlassContinued..Complete Report Details @Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Ventilator Market Rapid Growth Forecasted 2025 Global Ventilator Market: OverviewThe global market for ventilators is experiencing a significant expansion in its size, thanks to the continuous rise in the global geriatric population base, escalating cases of preterm births, and the augmenting number of ICU beds. Researchers expect the market to continue witnessing tremendous growth in the years to come.The prime target of this report is to provide clear and detailed information about the worldwide market for ventilators to consultants, stakeholders, and other participants of this market to assist them in making well thought of decisions about their businesses.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Ventilator Market: Key TrendsIn terms of mobility, intensive case ventilators emerged as the key segment of the global market for ventilators in 2017, thanks to the increasing demand for intensive care beds with ventilators across the world. The significant rise in ICU admission and re-admissions in emerging economies, together with, favorable reimbursement scenario is currently boosting the intensive case ventilators segment. Invasive ventilation interface has surfaced as the leading segment of this market, in terms of interface, and is expected to remain so, thanks to the widening base of applications of intensive care ventilators, especially in neurological diseases, respiratory diseases, and sleeping disorders.Hospitals and clinics are the key end users of ventilators across the world. With the high financial capabilities of hospitals, making them capable of to purchasing expensive instruments and the availability of skilled professionals, the hospital segment is anticipated to continue on the top over the next few years.Request TOC of the Report @Global Ventilator Market: Market PotentialThe global market for ventilators is expected to gain substantially from the rising investments, presence of favorable regulatory policies, and the significant surge in the healthcare industry in developing economies, especially in the Asian region, in the near future. However, the issues associated with the usage of mechanical ventilators, hesitation of physicians for technological transition, and the easy availability of comparatively cheaper products from local vendors may limit the growth of this market to some extent in the years to come.Global Ventilator Market: Regional OutlookAmong all the regional markets for ventilators, North America held the leading position in 2017 and was closely followed by Europe and Asia Pacific, thanks to the significant rise in geriatric population and the increased number of smokers, leading to augmenting prevalence of respiratory diseases. The regional market is expected to remain on the top in the near future, thanks to the presence of a highly advanced healthcare system, increasing healthcare expenditure, and the presence of established players in this region.Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @Global Ventilator Market: Competitive AnalysisThe presence of a large pool of players points towards the competitive and fragmented structure of the global market for ventilators. Philips Healthcare (Netherlands), Medtronic (Ireland), ResMed (US), Becton, Dickinson and Co. (US), Drager (Germany), Getinge (Sweden), Smiths Group (UK), GE Healthcare (US), Hamilton Medical (Switzerland), Fisher & Paykel (New Zealand), Zoll Medical (US), Air Liquide (France), Allied Healthcare Products (US), Schiller (Switzerland), and Airon Mindray (China) are some of the leading vendors of ventilators across the world. These vendors primarily rely on technological advancements to remain significant in this market. However, a shift in their focus towards mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships can be observed in the years to come.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Medical Bionics Market Outlook - Top Companies, Trends and Future Prospects Details for Business Development Global medical bionics market is forecasted to generate a revenue of $28.1 billion by 2023, according to P&S Market Research.The market is mainly driven by increasing pool of geriatric population and associated organ failures, rising number of accidents and injuries leading to amputations, and increasing number of people opting for organ transplants.Access Detailed Report Summary:The different types of products available in the medical bionics market are heart, neural/brain, ear, orthopedic, vision/eye and other bionics. Among these, heart bionics are expected to attain the largest share in the market, with more than 40.0% contribution in 2017. This leading position of the category is attributed to increasing cardiac problems globally. For instance, an estimated 17.7 million people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2015, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million were due to coronary heart disease and 6.7 million were due to stroke.Request to Get the Sample Pages at:During the forecast period, the medical bionics industry is expected to witness the fastest growth in Asia-Pacific (APAC), owing to the expanding size of diabetic patients, growing aging population, rising number of chronic diseases, increasing healthcare expenditure and per capita income, and mounting research on medical bionics in the region.Make Enquiry Before Buying the Report:Globally, key players in the medical bionics market are launching new and technologically improved products to gain a larger market share. For instance, in October 2017, LifeNet Health introduced allograft bone-healing solution, PliaFX strip, that offers optimized handling and effective performance in a convenient and preformed shape. It was the first in a new family of grafts composed of 100% cortical bone fibers, created using an exclusive patented processing technology. This bone-healing solution was developed in order to provide surgeons a graft that has the required precise handling characteristics, without relying on any other type of additive.Some of the other key players operating in the medical bionics market are Medtronic plc, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc., Retina Implant AG, and Otto Bock Holdings GmbH & Co. KG.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide market research reports, industry reports, business intelligence and research-based consulting services across a range of industries.With the help of our professional corporate relations with various companies, our market research offers the most accurate market forecasting. Our analysts and consultants interact with leading companies of the concerned domain to substantiate every single data presented in our publication. Our research assists our client in identifying new and different windows of opportunity and frame informed and customized strategies for expansion in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: Storage in Big Data Market 2018 Global Leaders: VMware, Teradata, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hitachi Data Systems, Dell EMC, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Oracle Market Research Future published a research report on Storage in Big Data Market Research Report- Global Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Market HighlightsIn this fast driven environment increasing pressure of maintaining data records led to the invention of storage in big data devices. The increase demands of efficient data storage, cost security, backups, and high adoption of software based storage options and increase in number of connected devices is the driving fuel of the storage in big data market. The usage of storage in big data market has expanded overtime and come up with easy solutions of complex problems. The problems faced by healthcare organizations and retailers are looking for new ways to get more and more data for improving the marketing efforts into the business.The Storage in Big Data Market is growing rapidly over 20% of CAGR and is expected to reach at USD ~30 billion by the end of forecast period.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 30 market data tables and figures spread over 100 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on The Storage in big data market Research Report -Forecast to 2022.Get Sample of Report @Storage in Big Data Market SegmentationThe storage in big data market has been segmented on the basis of component and vertical. On basis of component the storage in big data market consists of hardware, software and services sub-segment. The software sub-segment can be further bifurcated into software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). The study indicates that software-as-a-service would grow at a highest rate in the storage in big data market by the forecast period. The increasing penetration of cloud based services and demand for smart transport management are expected to drive the software-as-a-service market. Whereas based on vertical segment the BFSI and healthcare organizations are estimated to be the leading the utilization of these services.Key Players:The prominent players in the storage in big data market are - Amazon Web Services (U.S.), Google Inc. (U.S.), International Business Machines Corporation (U.S.), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), Dell EMC (U.S.), Hitachi Data Systems Corporation (U.S.), VMware, Inc. (U.S.), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (U.S), Teradata Corporation (U.S.), among others.Market Research Analysis:Market Research Future Analysis shows that new adoptions of cloud computing, big data, evolution of servers and network, and Internet of things (IoT) would result in sudden hike in storage in big data market. It has been observed that development in smart data record maintence system results in significant growth in storage of big data market. The major benefits of storage in big data market are improved safety, higher productivity and efficiency, easy storage of data and low installation cost. These factors would significantly increase the storage in big data market very soon.Regional analysis for storage in big data market is studied in different geographic regions as Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of world. The study reveals that North America region would evolve as a leader in storage in big data market. The study indicates large investments by American companies in cloud services and data storage softwares would result in rapid growth of storage in big data market by the forecast period. The study reveals that North America region followed by Europe would lead the storage in big data market by the forecast period. Developing economic countries from Asia-Pacific regions are increasing attention towards cloud based data storage systems and improving business performance and to gain competitive edge in the market.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Healthcare Organizations Cloud service providers Investors and consultants System Integrators Government Organizations Research/Consultancy firms Technology solution providers Bank & financial agenciesAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Corrugated boxes Global Market Share, Segmentation, Opportunities and Forecast to 2023 IntroductionThe corrugated box industry is an inevitable part of manufacturing sectors which rely heavily on ample corrugated boxes for finished goods transportation and handling. Corrugated boxes are available in various shapes and sizes and are extensively used in the boxes of various goods such as foods, beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hazardous chemicals and other materials. The growth of corrugated boxes market is influenced by the growing trend of the online shopping, rapid growth in the electronic sector and growing demand for product safety. Government regulation for corrugated boxes and adverse effects on the environment are expected to hinder the growth of the corrugated boxes market.GET SAMPLE REPORT @The continuous growth of the online shopping market is fuelling the overall growth of the corrugated boxes market. The ease of online shopping such as faster delivery, easier return policies, and free shipping, have made many customers switch from the traditional methods of shopping. The strong consumer demand for high variety in products and the availability of different kinds of goods, together drive the growth of online shopping market. Whereas, developing countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico have the largest disposable income, due to which there is a significant growth in the manufacturing and service industries here. The higher disposable income in these developing countries, results in the increase in purchasing power. As a result, corrugated boxes market has been impacted, positively.The latest trend gaining momentum in the market is the advancements in printing. The online retail market is decreasing the need for high-quality printed secondary boxes. Demand will be driven by growing use of corrugated boxes for product boxes and transportation in developing areas, and by strong growth in e-commerce and retail-ready boxes in developed countries.Global corrugated boxes has very broad market in coming recent years. Analysts has predicted that food & beverages and consumer goods industry are about to grow at a rapid pace, moreover, the speedy rising ecommerce business has also been a growth momentum which means more demand for these industries and in turn for corrugated boxes. Geographically, North America is a major revenue generator to the global corrugated boxes market where the US market has become one of the most attractive place for the manufacturers owing to the rising ecommerce venture and shifting trends towards online shopping. Europe is the second leading region and Asia-Pacific has emerged as the fastest growing region. In 2016, the global corrugated boxes market was valued at USD 61,229.4 million and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.91% during the forecast period.Key PlayersMondi Group (Austria), Smurfit Kappa Group (Ireland) , International Paper Company (U.S.), Orora Packaging Australia Pty Ltd. (Australia), WestRock (U.S.), Georgia-Pacific LLC (U.S.), Archis Packaging Pvt. Ltd. (India), Europac Group (U.K.), KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation (U.S.) and Nefab Group (Sweden).Objective of Global Corrugated Boxes Market Analysis & Forecast, from 2017 to 2023 To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next ten years of the various segments and sub-segments included in global corrugated boxes market with analysis of its development and demand in the market High growth geographies and countries were identified Regional and country specific demand and forecast for global corrugated boxes were studied Key segments covered in the report are: Type, wall construction, application and region Unit breakdown for all different classification was finalized; and same was referred for forecasting, keeping few assumptions into factor For all the regions, forecast demand for all applications were identified and then with historical figure, data collected through primary and annual reports were triangulated to derive the regional market size Historical trend is identified to forecast and estimate the future value dataTarget Audience Manufactures Raw materials suppliers Aftermarket suppliers Research institute & education institute Potential investors Key executive (CEO and COO) and strategy growth managerKey Findings Global Corrugated boxes market is expected to reach USD 61,229.4 million by 2023. By type, Rigid Boxes in global corrugated boxes accounts for the largest market share and is growing with approximately ~ 6.04 % CAGR during forecast period. By Wall Construction, Single-wall segment goods segment holds the largest market growing with approximately 5.86% CAGR by the end of forecast period. Food & beverages segment dominate the global corrugated packaging market with a share of 22.70% in 2016, in terms of value. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.56% during the forecast period. Geographically, Asia Pacific region has been projected to have the largest market share in global corrugated boxes market followed by Europe.Regional and Country Analysis of global Corrugated boxes market Estimation and ForecastThe global corrugated boxes market is expected to grow at a promising rate during the forecast period, 2017-2023. Asia Pacific showing significant growth in the corrugated box market. In China, the food and beverage and the healthcare industries are the fastest growing industries that extensively use corrugated packages. The corrugated Boxes market in the region is also growing with the growth of the processed food sector and the increasing demand for corrugated boxes by the electrical equipment and machinery manufacturers and suppliers.Table of Content: Key Points1 Introduction 102 Research Methodology 123 Market Factor Analysis 164 Global Corrugated Boxes Market, By Type 205 Global Corrugated Boxes Market, By Wall Construction 246 Global Corrugated Boxes Market, By Application 287 Global Corrugated Boxes Market, By Region 33ContinuedACCESS REPORT @Get in touch:LinkedIn:Twitter:Facebook:Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Smart Lighting Market 2023 by Global Leaders: Acuity Brands Lighting, General Electric Company, Osram Licht AG, Honeywell International, Schneider Electric SE, CREE, Cooper Industries, Digital Lumens Market Research Future published a research report on Smart Lighting Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.Market ScenarioMajor giants like Philips Lighting (Netherlands), Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. (U.S.), General Electric Company (U.S.), OSRAM Licht AG (Germany) and Honeywell International (U.S.) are concentrating on the smart lighting market due to increasing development of smart cities and growing need for energy efficient solutions for the same. Philips Lighting has come up with new solutions for smart lighting by embedding ZigBee communication chips inside the LED ceiling lights and luminaries which will help in reducing the energy consumption by controlling the lighting in an intelligent manner. Increasing demand for smart lighting solutions is one major factor driving the growth of smart lighting market. Cost effectiveness is another major factor responsible for fueling the growth of smart lighting market.Europe region holds the largest market share of global Smart Lighting Market followed by North America and Asia Pacific regions. The growth is Europe region is mainly dominated by France, UK and Germany and is attributed to the increasing demand for energy efficient solutions in the region. The region also has a well-established infrastructure which allows implementation of advanced technologies. Also the shifted focus to connected homes is one major factor responsible for driving the growth of smart lighting market in North America region.Get Sample of Report @Smart lighting market has been segmented on the basis of component, product type, light source, communication technology and application. The light source segment is bifurcated into Light emitting diode (LED, fluorescent lamp (FL) and high intensity discharge lamps (HID). Out of which, the LED light source sub segment is expected to grow at the highest arte during the forecast period. The growth is attributed to the factors like low power consumption rate and also lower maintenance costs compared to other light source types.The global Smart Lighting Market is expected to grow at approx. USD 25 Billion by 2023, at 27% of CAGR between 2017 and 2023.Key PlayersThe prominent players in smart lighting market are Philips Lighting Holding B.V. (The Netherlands), Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. (U.S.), General Electric Company (U.S.), Osram Licht AG (Germany), Honeywell International Inc. (U.S.), Legrand S.A. (France), Schneider Electric SE (France), CREE, Inc. (U.S.), Cooper Industries, Inc. (Ireland), Digital Lumens, Inc. (U.S.) and others.Regional Analysis:The regional analysis of smart lighting market is being studied for regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. It has been observed that Europe is estimated to account for the largest share of the market, whereas Asia-Pacific is projected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. The major growth in smart lighting market in Europe is attributed to technical advancements and increasing investments in infrastructure modernization projects in that region. The growth in Europe is followed by North America region.Segments:Smart Lighting market can be segmented on the basis of following:By Component Software ServiceBy Product Type-Luminaries Smart Bulbs Fixtures-Lighting Controls Sensors Switches & Dimmers Relay Units Gateways LED drivers & Ballasts-By Light Source Light Emitting Diode (LED) Fluorescent Lamps (FL) High Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID)By Communication Technology-Wired Power Line Communication Power Over Ethernet Digital Addressable Lighting Interface Wired Hybrid Protocols Others-LonWorks-KNX-Proprietary Protocols-Wireless Enocean Wi-Fi ZigBee Wireless Hybrid Protocols Bluetooth 6lowpan OthersBy Application-Indoor Lighting Residential Commercial Industrial Others-Outdoor Lighting Architectural Lighting Lighting at Public Places Highways & Roadways Lighting OthersGet Complete Report @Intended Audience Technology investors Research/Consultancy firms Technology providers Residential end-users Commercial end-users Industrial end-users Government bodiesAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Protein Crystallization and Crystallography Market 2017-2021 | Anton Paar, Art Robbins Instruments, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Dynamic Devices, Fluidigm Proteins are structurally dynamic. This is because they change their conformation or can be denaturized depending on the environment. Proteins are more stable as crystals than as solutions. Crystallization is the process of converting proteins into crystals. As proteins are static like crystals, they can be easily studied. The crystallization of proteins helps determine their original 3D structures. The most common crystallization methods are standard vapor diffusion, microbatch crystallization, microdialysis, and free interface diffusion. Protein crystal growth is affected by the potential of hydrogen (pH), ionic strength, temperature, and concentration of precipitant; concentration of macromolecule; and purity of macromolecules, additives, effectors, and ligands.The global protein crystallization and crystallography market to grow at a CAGR of 9.35% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global protein crystallization and crystallography market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the retail sales of products used in protein crystallization and the techniques used for crystallography.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEAClick to get Sample PDF:Technavio's report, Global Protein Crystallization and Crystallography Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors- Anatrace- Bruker- Formulatrix- Jena Bioscience- RigakuOther prominent vendors- Anton Paar- Art Robbins Instruments- Bio-Rad Laboratories- Dynamic Devices- Fluidigm- GE Healthcare Life Sciences- Hampton Research- Merck- MiTeGen- Oxford Instruments- PerkinElmer- QIAGEN- Tecan Trading- Thermo Fisher Scientific- WuXi AppTecView Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2020 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Travelers Vaccines Market 2018-2025 : Global Snapshot Analysis adds Global Travelers Vaccines Market 2018-2025new report to its research database. The report spread across 108 pages with no. of table and figures in it.In our aim to provide our erudite clients with the best research material with absolute in-depth information of the market, our new report on Global Travelers Vaccines Market is confident in meeting their needs and expectations. The 2018 market research report on Global Travelers Vaccines Market is an in-depth study and analysis of the market by our industry experts with unparalleled domain knowledge.The report will shed light on many critical points and trends of the industry which are useful for our esteemed clients. The report covers a vast expanse of information including an overview, comprehensive analysis, definitions and classifications, applications, and expert opinions, among others. With the extent of information filled in the report, the presentation and style of the Global Travelers Vaccines Market report is a noteworthy.Download a PDF Sample of this Report @The Global Travelers Vaccines Industry report provides key information about the industry, including invaluable facts and figures, expert opinions, and the latest developments across the globe. Not only does the report cover a holistic view of the industry from a global standpoint, but it also covers individual regions and their development. The Global Travelers Vaccines Industry report showcases the latest trends in the global and regional markets on all critical parameters which include technology, supplies, capacity, production, profit, price, and competition. The key players covered in the report provide a detailed analysis of the competition and their developments in the Global Travelers Vaccines Industry. Accurate forecasts and expert opinion from credible sources, and the recent R&D development in the industry is also a mainstay of the Travelers Vaccines Market report.Request Sample of this Research Study @The report also focuses on the significance of industry chain analysis and all variables, both upstream and downstream. These include equipment and raw materials, client surveys, marketing channels, and industry trends and proposals. Other significant information covering consumption, key regions and distributors, and raw material suppliers are also a covered in this report.Finally, the Travelers Vaccines Market report ends with a detailed SWOT analysis of the market, investment feasibility and returns, and development trends and forecasts. As with every report on Orbis Research, the Travelers Vaccines Industry is the holy grail of information which serious knowledge seekers can benefit from. The report which is the result of ultimate dedication of pedigree professionals has a wealth of information which can benefit anyone, irrespective of their commercial or academic interest.Get a Sample Research Study of this Report @Table of ContentChapter One: Travelers Vaccines Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Travelers Vaccines1.2 Travelers Vaccines Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Meningococcal Vaccine1.2.4 Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine1.2.5 Rabies Vaccine1.2.6 Typhoid Vaccine1.2.7 Yellow Fever Vaccine1.2.8 Hepatitis B Vaccine1.2.9 Hepatitis A Vaccine1.2.10 Cholera Vaccine1.2.11 Other Vaccines1.3 Global Travelers Vaccines Segment by Application1.3.1 Travelers Vaccines Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Tourists1.3.3 Students1.3.4 Workers1.3.5 Others1.4 Global Travelers Vaccines Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 Asia-Pacific Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 South America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Middle East & Africa Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Travelers Vaccines (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)Chapter Two: Global Travelers Vaccines Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Travelers Vaccines Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Travelers Vaccines Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Travelers Vaccines Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Travelers Vaccines Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Travelers Vaccines Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, ExpansionChapter Three: Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Travelers Vaccines Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 North America Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 Asia-Pacific Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.8 South America Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.9 Middle East & Africa Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)Chapter Four: Global Travelers Vaccines Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)4.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Consumption by Region (2013-2018)4.2 North America Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.4 Asia-Pacific Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.5 South America Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.6 Middle East & Africa Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)Chapter Five: Global Travelers Vaccines Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Production and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.3 Global Travelers Vaccines Price by Type (2013-2018)5.4 Global Travelers Vaccines Production Growth by Type (2013-2018)Chapter Six: Global Travelers Vaccines Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Consumption and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2013-2018)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/CountriesChapter Seven: Global Travelers Vaccines Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 GSK7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Travelers Vaccines Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 GSK Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Sanofi Pasteur7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Travelers Vaccines Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Sanofi Pasteur Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Pfizer7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Travelers Vaccines Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Pfizer Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Merck7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Travelers Vaccines Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product BChapter Eight: Travelers Vaccines Manufacturing Cost Analysis8.1 Travelers Vaccines Key Raw Materials Analysis8.1.1 Key Raw Materials8.1.2 Price Trend of Key Raw Materials8.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials8.1.4 Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials8.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure8.2.1 Raw Materials8.2.2 Labor Cost8.2.3 Manufacturing Expenses8.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Travelers VaccinesChapter Nine: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers9.1 Travelers Vaccines Industrial Chain Analysis9.2 Upstream Raw Materials Sourcing9.3 Raw Materials Sources of Travelers Vaccines Major Manufacturers in 20179.4 Downstream BuyersChapter Ten: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders10.1 Marketing Channel10.1.1 Direct Marketing10.1.2 Indirect Marketing10.1.3 Marketing Channel Development Trend10.2 Market Positioning10.2.1 Pricing Strategy10.2.2 Brand Strategy10.2.3 Target Client10.3 Distributors/Traders ListChapter Eleven: Market Effect Factors Analysis11.1 Technology Progress/Risk11.1.1 Substitutes Threat11.1.2 Technology Progress in Related Industry11.2 Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change11.3 Economic/Political Environmental ChangeChapter Twelve: Global Travelers Vaccines Market Forecast (2018-2025)12.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production, Revenue Forecast (2018-2025)12.1.1 Global Travelers Vaccines Capacity, Production and Growth Rate Forecast (2018-2025)12.1.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast (2018-2025)12.1.3 Global Travelers Vaccines Price and Trend Forecast (2018-2025)12.2 Global Travelers Vaccines Production, Consumption , Import and Export Forecast by Region (2018-2025)12.2.1 North America Travelers Vaccines Production, Revenue, Consumption, Export and Import Forecast (2018-2025)Chapter Thirteen: Research Findings and ConclusionChapter Fourteen: Appendix14.1 Methodology/Research Approach14.1.1 Research Programs/Design14.1.2 Market Size Estimation14.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation14.2 Data Source14.2.1 Secondary Sources14.2.2 Primary Sources14.3 DisclaimerAbout Us:Orbis Research ( is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.Contact Information:Hector CostelloSenior Manager Client Engagements4144N Central Expressway,Suite 600, Dallas,Texas 75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: +1 (214) 884-6817; +9164101019Email: Flexible Printed Circuit Board Market 2018 Global Key Players: BHflex, Flexible Circuit technology, Fujikura, Daeduck GDS, Career technology, Flexcom, Interflex, Orbotech Market Research Future published a research report on Flexible Printed Circuit Board Market Research Report- Global Forecast to 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPCB) Global Market - OverviewThe global flexible printed circuit board market is growing at the rapid pace owing to growing demand of small & flexible electronics product, growing advancement in conductive materials, growing market of disposable electronics, and growing advancement in technology such as IOT (internet of things) and wearable device market among others. According to a recent study report published by the Market Research Future, The global market of Flexible Printed Circuit Board (FPGA) is booming and expected to gain prominence over the forecast period. The market is projected to demonstrate a spectacular growth by 2022, surpassing its previous growth records in terms of value with a striking CAGR during the anticipated period (2016 2022).The rise in demand for small, flexible electronics will be an important trend in the market. Another trend expected to hold a positive influence on market, includes growing use of flex circuits in electronic wearable. Further, emerging interest in polymer plastic solar cells and flexible smartphones will create a plethora of opportunities for key market players in near future. An emerging trend of disposable electronics will also support market growth over the next few years. FPCB manufacturers are likely to encounter with a number of opportunities in healthcare sector.Get Sample of Report @The increase in demand of consumer electronics product fuel the global FPCB market. Maintenance of compact nature of the device along with optimum wirings for interconnectivity is the major challenge faced by the mobile market. To overcome this barrier, majority of mobile manufacturers focus on more efficient flexible PCBs solutions. FPCBs are applicable in consumer electronics such as mobile phones, LCD display, connectivity antennas, and flexible circuitry used in rechargeable batteries. With rise in demand and production of these devices, the market growth is projected to increase. FPCBs provide significant interconnectivity solutions for such electronic devices.Key Players:Some of the major players in Global Flexible Printed Circuit Board Market include 3M company (U.S.), BHflex co. Ltd. (South Korea), Flexible Circuit technology (U.S.), Sumitomo Electric industries (Japan), Fujikura (Japan), Daeduck GDS Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Career technology co. ltd. (Taiwan), Flexcom Ltd. (South Korea), Interflex Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Orbotech Ltd. (Israel) and Zhen ding Technologies (Taiwan) among others.SegmentationThe global flexible printed circuit board market is segmented into structure, technology, components, application areas, and region. On the basis of structure, the segment is further classified into single-sided, double-sided, sculptured, multi-layer, and rigid flex. On the basis of technology, the segment is further classified into polyamide etching, additive process, selective plating, and contoured circuits. On the basis of components, the segment is further classified into conductors, insulators, plated vias, adhesives, and stiffener among others. The flexible printed circuit boards are used in many application areas like consumer electronics, automotive, medical, telecommunication, and aerospace & defense among others.Industry NewsMarch 30, 2012 - Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. announced that it has reached a basic agreement with Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. to acquire all the shares of its flexible printed circuit (FPC) manufacturing subsidiary Sumitomo Bakelite Vietnam Co., Ltd.Nov. 07, 2018- TTM Technologies, Inc., a global leader in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing, will be exhibiting at the annual International Printed Circuit & APEX South China Fair (2018 HKPCA & IPC Show) at Booth 1L01. Themed "Global Wisdom Local Presence, the Fair runs from December 6-8 and will be held at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Centre, China. TTM's Sales and Technical Experts are available for product and technical on-site discussions throughout the event.Regional AnalysisThe global flexible printed circuit board market is studied for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the world. Asia Pacific holds the major market share through the forecast period. The demand for consumer electronics products which requires flexible printed circuit boards, the SoC (System on Chip) integration leading to rising of many start-ups which are the main factors that are supporting the market growth in this region. North America is anticipated to hold a significant market share through the forecast period. The adoption of flexible printed circuit boards for robotics and automation processes and the flexibility of the devices are supporting the market growth. Europe is expected to show decent growth through the forecast period. The deployment of flexible printed circuit boards in automobiles are also supporting the market growth.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Semiconductor manufacturers Professional Services/Solutions Providers Research Organizations Associations, Forums, and Alliances Technology Integrators OEM ManufacturersAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Isinglass Market to Register a Healthy CAGR for the Forecast Period 2018-2028 Globally, beer consumption has grown significantly over the years. As a matter of fact, since 1990, the total beer consumption has grown rather rapidly. Cask-conditioned beer is one such type of beer which has witnessed higher rate of consumption, attributable to easy availability and affordable prices. With the rise in demand for beer, demand for beer ingredients, such as Isinglass, has also increased, especially from the brewery industry. Isinglass is used in large scale production of cask-conditioned beers. Isinglass accelerates the process of sedimentation in live yeast, which is flocculated into a jelly-like mass which settles at the bottom of the cask. Isinglass is obtained from the dried swim bladders of fish and is mainly used in the clarification and fining of some beers and wine. Isinglass is processed and dried into several formats and is preferably used in liquid and powder form.Download PDF Brochure @The United States, UK and Germany were the traditional beer consumers. However, over the past two decades, per capita consumption of beer has increased strongly in developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region especially, China and India, which is driving the overall global demand for beer. Owing to rising demand for beer, more and more manufacturers are producing cask-conditioned beer since it is economical and has been witnessing high demand. Isinglass is also used in large-scale production of such beer. Isinglass enhances filter performance and beer foam stability. It also reduces production cost and can be used in the production of both types of beers i.e. cask conditioned and brewery conditioned beers.Some of the key players operating in the global Isinglass market are Murphy & Son Limited, LALLEMAND Inc. (AB Vickers Ltd.), The Beerblefish Brewing Company Ltd., The Boudicca Brewing Company, Eaton, Angel Brand, Kerry Ingredients and Flavors, ESSECO srl, among othersRead Report Overview @Major shareholding companies have been executing several key acquisition strategies to gain the technical know-how of acquired companies to produce high quality and innovative Isinglass for its target customersAbout UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Smart Medical Devices Market Research and Forecast 2018-2023 Global Smart Medical Devices market, Size, Share, Market Intelligence, Company Profiles, Market Trends, Strategy, Analysis, and Forecast 2018-2023A smart medical device is an appliance; software, used for variety of therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. It has been used in a wide range of applications such as monitoring heart rate; glucose monitoring; pain relief; insulin delivery; and so forth. Smartphones play a significant role in operating these smart medical devices in the healthcare sector. The increasing adoption of smartphones across the globe, coupled with rising demand for the medical devices compatible with smartphones are major driving factors that are augmenting the growth of the global smart medical devices market. The market has been analyzed on the basis of product type, test type, and end users.Moreover, rising geriatric population is another factor fueling the market. There is an increased demand for smart medical devices due to growing geriatric population since elderly people are prone to chronic diseases such as CVD, Cancer and Diabetes. Major players are launching new products coupled with the advancement in the technologies to further accelerate the growth of the global smart medical devices market. Apart from these, rising population in the emerging economies and improvement in lifestyle standards of the people along with increasing disposable income will show a lucrative growth in the market during the forecast period. However, there are certain factors such as high cost of medical devices; and security and privacy concerns of the patients (for example: personal data of the patients can be hacked) are hampering the growth of the market.Browse Full Report at:For Related Reports:Based on the region, the global smart medical devices market has been divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. North America dominates the global smart medical devices market owing to well-developed healthcare infrastructure and increasing advancement in technologies. APAC region is anticipated to be fastest growing market due to increasing population and rising disposable incomes.The companies contributing to the growth of global smart medical devices market include Abbott Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson Ltd., Fitbit Inc., Dexcom Inc., Medtronic plc, NeuroMetrix Inc., Olympus Medical systems and many more. Majority of key players are focusing on partnership, collaboration and merger and acquisition to gain a competitive edge over others and enhance their presence. For instance, in January 2015, Medtronic completed its acquisition of Covidien. This acquisition was aimed at the expansion of its product portfolio resulting in the increased market penetration and reduced production cost.Research Methodology:The market study of smart medical devices market is incorporated by extensive primary and secondary research conducted by research team at OMR Secondary research has been conducted to refine the available data to breakdown the market in various segments, derive total market size, market forecast, and growth rate. Different approaches have been worked on to derive the market value and market growth rate. The OMR team collects facts and data related to the market from different geographies to provide a better regional outlook. In the report, country level analysis is provided by analyzing various regional players, regional tax laws and policies, consumer behavior and macro-economic factors. The numbers extracted from Secondary research have been authenticated by conducting proper primary research. It includes tracking down key people from the industry and interviewing them to validate the data. This enables the analysts to derive the closest possible figures without any major deviations in the actual number. Our analysts try to contact as many executives, managers, key opinion leaders and industry experts to get first-hand information. Primary research brings authenticity to our reports.Secondary sources include:Financial reports of companies involved in the marketWhitepapers, research-papers and news blogsCompany websites and their product catalogueThe report is intended for hospitals, medical device manufacturers, diagnostic centers, government and private organizations for the overall market analysis and competitive analysis. The report provides in-depth analysis on pricing, market size, and intended quality of the product preferred by consumers. The report will serve as a source for 360-degree analysis of the market thoroughly integrating different models such as PEST analysis delivering insights into the market for better business decisions.Market Segmentation:Global smart medical devices market by product typeGlobal smart medical devices market by test typeGlobal smart medical devices market by end usersTHE REPORT COVERS:Comprehensive research methodology of Global Smart Medical Devices Market.This report also includes detailed and extensive market overview with Analyst insights & key market trends.Exhaustive analysis of macro and micro factors influencing the market guided by key recommendations.Analysis of regional regulations and other government policies impacting the Global Smart Medical Devices Market.Insights about market determinants which are stimulating the Global Smart Medical Devices Market.Detailed and extensive market segments with regional distribution of forecasted revenues.Extensive profiles and recent developments of market players.For More Update Follow LinkedIn:At OMR we provide you in-depth analysis of the medical device market which includes analysis of government regulation such as tax, export-import policies and environment laws by top geographies. We give a detailed analysis of each segment along with market driver, restraints and opportunities. OMR provides key company analysis which comprise of various strategies, product portfolio and in-depth analysis of product development and pipeline in medical device market. We provide detailed analysis of medical device market which includes market estimation and market segments. Our numbers are confirmed through extensive primary research. OMRs Medical Device Market reports will provide you a great decision making tool.We provide detailed analysis of Healthcare IT Market which includes Market Estimation, Market Segments, regulations and policies. Moreover, the markets in emerging economies such as India, China, Japan and Korea are expected to show a double digit growth due to improved infrastructure, huge customer base and improved healthcare spending.CORPORATE OFFICE:Orion Market Research Pvt Ltd116, Shagun ArcadeVijay Nagar SquareIndore, Madhya Pradesh India- 452010Email:, support@omrglobal.comIndia: +91-780-304-0404, +91-917-982-8694Global: +1-646-755-7667 Nottingham City Council IT Training Service Selects EC-Council as its Official Training and Certification Partner in Nottingham Nottingham City Council Nottingham City Council IT Training service is responsible for the development of critical IT and cybersecurity capacity and capability for all its 20 wards in Nottingham City. By partnering with EC-Council, IT professionals in Nottingham and the surrounding areas now have access to the world-class EC-Council C|EH (Certified Ethical Hacker) training and credentials.Nottingham City Council IT Training Service wants to ensure that local public-sector bodies and the many high-profile businesses in Nottingham, can access high quality cybersecurity training locally, and as such, we welcome this strategic partnership with EC-Council, said Simon Salmon, Head of IT at Nottingham City Council.IT Security remains a key concern across the globe, with 45% of organisations identifying that they have a shortage of cybersecurity skills, this amounts to a global shortage of some two million professionals. While the U.K. was once hailed as a world leader in cybersecurity expertise, today she stands the plight of facing escalating demand and a pool of resources that continues to shrink by the day. Training a task force to be able to tackle and resolve such concerns, seems to be the urgent need of the hour.The shortage, both locally and internationally, of skilled security experts remains a key issue across all business sectors. The Certified Ethical Hacker program will help promote key digital skills across the East Midlands, helping us tackle the complex and increasingly prevalent cybersecurity challenges that we face, said Jay Bavisi, President of the EC-Council Group.The shortage of quality cybersecurity professionals however, profoundly affects organizations operating in an increasingly digital world, with both public and private sector organizations feeling the impact.As a training and certification body and the proud creator of C|EH, it is very heartening for EC-Council to see Nottingham City Council, exhibit such faith in our ethical hacking program. C|EH is famous across the globe for being one of the best ethical hacker courses and associations like such, which facilitate a smooth spread of critical knowledge to the deserving people, only bolster confidence in our products thus motivating us to go the extra mile in ensuring quality at all times, said Philip Blake, Country Manager for EC-Council, United Kingdom.A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. The C|EH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.This course is designed to immerse professionals into the Hacker Mind-set so that they can defend more effectively against attacks. Unlike other ethical hacking programs, C|EH puts a professional in the drivers seat, utilizing a hands-on, labs driven environment which enhances the actual skill set required by todays cybersecurity professionals.Professionals are exposed to an entirely different way of achieving optimal information security posture in their respective organization; by hacking it! They will be taught the five phases of ethical hacking and the ways to approach your target and succeed at breaking in every time! The five phases include reconnaissance, gaining access, enumeration, maintaining access, and covering your tracks.About C|EH:The Certified Ethical Hacker program is the most desired information security training program any information security professional will ever want to be in. To master the hacking technologies, you will need to become one, but an ethical one! The accredited course provides the advanced hacking tools and techniques used by hackers and information security professionals alike to break into an organization.For more information, visitAbout EC-Council:EC-Council has been the worlds leading information security certification body since the launch of their flagship program, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), which created the ethical hacking industry in 2002. Since the launch of CEH, EC-Council has added industry-leading programs to their portfolio to cover all aspects of information security including EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI), Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO), among others. EC-Council Foundation, the non-profit branch of EC-Council, created Global Cyberlympics, the worlds first global hacking competition. EC-Council Foundation also hosts a suite of conferences across the U.S. and around the world including Hacker Halted, Global CISO Forum, TakeDownCon, and CISO Summit.For more information about EC-Council, please seeEC-Council101C Sun Ave NEAlbuquerque, NM 87109Customer Service: 505-341-3228 Beverage Fining Agent Market Dynamics, Segments and Supply Demand 2018-2028 The way in which consumers perceive and interact with beverage items is constantly evolving and has long influenced the beverage industry. With the continuous increase in population, the global production and consumption of various beverages has also increased. Consumption of beverages in different regions of the world is linked to various factors, such as standard of living, demand and supply of different types of beverages in the particular region, recent trends and other market dynamics going on in the market. When it comes to some alcoholic beverages, such as wine and beer, and non-alcoholic beverages, such as juice or carbonated drinks, quality becomes the most important aspect. Beverage fining agents are agents which not only help in removing undesirable elements from beverages, but also enhance their taste. Beverage fining agents are generally selected based on the kind of impurity a beverage manufacturer needs to remove. Since ages, egg albumin has been used as a beverage fining agent for wine refining as it gives a softening effect to the final clarified wine. Some beverage fining agents help to remove harsh flavor from a beverage while others help with effective removal of particles.Download PDF Brochure @Beverage fining agents have emerged as a prerequisite in the beverage manufacturing process. One of the major factors driving the growth of the beverage fining agent market is that beverage fining agents help in stabilizing beer and getting rid of unwanted particles that affect the overall taste and quality of fruit juices and wine.The above diagrammatic representation shows major countries and their production and consumption share in the world total for fine wine. Italy, France and Spain are the countries with a major share. These make use of beverage fining agents for fining of wine and hence, the European region dominates the fine wine market. The other regions are expected to increase the production of fine wine in the coming few years and hence, an increase in demand for beverage fining agents is being expected.Read Report Overview @Some of the key players operating in the global beverage fining agent market are Erbsloh Geisenheim AG, Ashland, Ingridion Inc, Tolsa Group, Eaton Corporation, BASF SE, DSM Chemicals, Dow Chemical Company, Akzonobel Chemicals, Scott Laboratories, AGROVIN, KOMPASS TERNATIONAL, SA W. R. Grace & Co. and CP Kelco among others. Launching new product variants, acquiring smaller players in the market and generating awareness about the benefits related to fining of beverages through various promotional activities and programs are some of the key strategies being followed by companies to support market growth in near future.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Veterinary Ultrasound Scanners Market: North America Continues to be the Largest Market MRRSE A new research study highlighting the future of the veterinary ultrasound scanners market has been added to the comprehensive repository of Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE). According to the report, titled Veterinary Ultrasound Scanners Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 - 2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 - 2026), global demand for veterinary ultrasound scanners is likely to be driven by growing emphasis on detecting zoological diseases at an early stage.To Get Sample Report Click Here:The research study offers in-depth analysis and insights on the key factors driving the growth of the veterinary ultrasound scanners market. According to the study, growing demand for meat, combined with rising awareness on the importance of preventing zoological disease is facilitating adoption among end-users in the industry.In addition to surging adoption among farm owners, demand is also increasing on account of growing pet humanization trend. Many pet owners are investing in maintaining the health and well-being of their pets, which has provided a fillip to veterinary ultrasound scanners market. Other key drivers include increase in the opening of veterinary clinics and government support for veterinary healthcare industry.Although the outlook on the veterinary ultrasound scanners market is positive, lack of proper funds and low awareness in some countries of Asia Pacific and Latin America can hinder growth prospects during the assessment period. It is likely that government initiatives will spur the growth of the market in these regions.According to the report, demand for portable scanners is likely to witness steady growth during the assessment period on account of limitation in terms of cart-based ultrasound scanners. High price of cart-based ultrasound scanners is another key factor for waning demand. On account of the limitation in terms of cart-based veterinary ultrasound scanners market, demand for portable ultrasound scanners is likely to grow during the assessment period.Browse Full Report Here:The report also offers regional-wise analysis and forecast on the global veterinary ultrasound scanners market. According to the report, North America is one of the largest markets for veterinary ultrasound scanners globally. Demand for these scanners is concentrated in the US, whereas Canada accounts for a miniscule share of the market. In addition to North America, demand for veterinary ultrasound scanners is also steady in Europe and Asia Pacific. These two markets are likely to complement demand for veterinary ultrasound scanners globally during the assessment period.The research study also offers in-depth analysis and insights on the competitive landscape in the market. According to the study, some of the key players in the market include Samsung Medison Co., Ltd., BCF Technology Ltd., Siemens healthineers, Esaote SpA, DRAMINSKI S. A., Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd., ECHO-SON S.A., Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited, Caresono Technology Co., Ltd., and BIONET CO., LTD.About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: Mezcal Market Global Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecast , 2017 - 2022 Over the next five years, sales of Mezcal bottles in the global market will resemble growth identical to their consumption during colonial times where the distilled alcoholic beverage was consumed in great quantities by indigenous people of the Latin American region. Introduced by the Spaniards and made through fermentation of agave juice, Mezcal continues to gain widespread popularity for being a beer-like beverage that tastes like Tequila.A new market study developed by Future Market Insights anticipates that by the end of 2022, over US$ 840 Mn worth of Mezcal will be consumed across the globe. On account of several factors fuelling the presence of Mezcal in various drinking cultures, the global Mezcal market is poised to expand vigorously at a CAGR of 17.8% during the forecast period, 2017-2022. The report anticipates that increasing demand for beverages that improve digestion and blood sugar regulation, coupled with growing preference towards natural and gluten-free products, will drive the growth in global demand for Mezcal in the immediate future.Request for sample Report:Mezcal has emerged as a spirit of choice among bibulous consumers in several regions of the world. Many consider it as a healthy alternative to hard liquors such as Tequila. The overall positive attitudes of consumers towards Mezcal are effectively boosting their sales in the turbulent and highly-competitive landscapes of alcoholic beverage markets.Mezcal with 100% Tequila Concentrate will be PredominantDespite the changing consumer preferences, the demand for Mezcal with 100% Tequila concentrate will gain traction through 2022. Higher concentration of Tequila in production of Mezcal is being preferred for keeping the drink additive-free, and reducing the risks of hangover. Moreover, buying 100% agave Tequila bottle is likely to cost a lot more than a bottle of Mezcal with 100% concentration of Tequila. In 2017, the global Mezcal market is anticipated to attain more than half of its value from sales of Mezcal with 100% Tequila concentrate. Comparatively, Mezcal consisting mix Tequila concentrates will lose traction in terms of demand, and rake approximately US$ 320 Mn revenues by the end of 2022.Additional insights from the report:Throughout the forecast period, North America will be observed as the largest market for Mezcal, primarily due to geographical proximity to Mexico and other Latin American countriesLatin America will be the second-largest region for growth of global Mezcal market and will procure over US$ 150 Mn value by 2022-endEuropes Mezcal market is also anticipated to reach a similar value by the end of the forecast periodIn 2017, more than 80% of revenues procured in the global Mezcal market will be amassed from sales of Mezcal JovenThrough 2022, Mezcal Anejo will be the fastest-selling product in the global marketDuring the forecast period, specialty stores will record fastest sales growth at 19% CAGR, while hotels, restaurants and cafes (HoReCa) will be collectively viewed as the largest sales channel for MezcalVisit For Table of Contents:Agave, the key ingredient in Mezcal, is prominently cultivated in Latin American countries such as Argentina and Mexico. Manufacturers from this region will continue to remain prominent in the competitive landscape of global Mezcal market through 2022. These include companies, namely Ilegal Mezcal, Destileria Tlacolula, El Tinieblo and El Silencio Holdings. Besides these, the report has also profiled companies Pernod Ricard (PR), Pierde Almas and William Grant & Sons (WGS) as key players in the global Mezcal market.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature.CONTACT:FUTURE MARKET INSIGHTS616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer Market Analysis, Professional Survey and In-depth Analysis Research Report Market Overview:E-Cigarettes & Vaporizers are devices that vaporize liquid containing nicotine, as well as varying compositions of flavourings, propylene glycol, glycerine, and other ingredients. The liquid is heated into an aerosol that the user inhales. Many E-Cigarettes & Vaporizers are designed to look like conventional cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some resemble pens or other everyday items. Larger devices such as tank systems or mods bear little or no resemblance to cigarettes. These devices are said to have minimized a significant expenses of a hard core smoker and all of vaporizers, electronic cigarettes, accessories, and batteries are eco-friendly and recyclable.Although there are no major side effects known, a very few of customers have reported with the allergic symptoms to PG which simply causes some irritation in the throat. All known side effects are typically associated with cigarette withdraw and not with E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer devices. These negligible side effects coupled with factors such as, increasing incidents of e-liquid poisoning, uncertain regulatory framework and the high costs associated with these devices may hamper the market growth during the projected period.Receive Sample Report Here @E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer Market is majorly driven by the factors such as the presence of established brands, cost-effectiveness, perceived health benefits, and product customizations. Globally, the consumption of tobacco has become a critical issue despite of several government initiatives to increase the awareness about the health issues caused by consuming tobacco. Consumers addicted to tobacco find it difficult to get rid of the addiction and would require an alternate to tobacco. This has turned out to be one of the major drivers for the growth of the E-Cigarettes and vaporizer market globally. Alarming health issues caused due to the addiction of tobacco is the main driver to promote growth in the market. Growing number of cancer patients due to excessive consumption of tobacco worldwide is one of the major reasons that prompted the addicts to get rid of it. However, several people find it difficult to succeed to do so and hence prefer e-cigarette over conventional cigarettes this in turn has resulted in to people switching from conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes over the past couple of years.Competitive Analysis:Companies are in the process of capturing & solidifying their share of the market segment, by competing and experimenting with various advantage points. The entry of new industry players in the segment has initiated a trend of volume-driven growth that has been observed to intensify with the addition of new and advanced products. The best long-term growth opportunities for this sector can be captured by ensuring ongoing process improvements and financial flexibility to invest in the optimal strategies. Few of the major players in global e-cigarettes & vaporizer market include Dash Vapes, Hubbly Bubbly, Liquideu, Uff Ecig, Simple Vape Co., Nice Vapor and Pacific Smoke International. Growing awareness about ill-effects of tobacco together with consumers rising preference for e-cigarette over conventional cigarettes to quit tobacco has driven the market in North America and Europe over the past few years.Latest Industry News:Nov 2017 Aurora Cannabis Inc. and Namaste Technologies Inc are pleased to announce that the Companies have commenced sales through Aurora's website and mobile application under the Exclusive Hardware Supply Agreement. As per the Agreement, Aurora is now offering a range of high-quality vaporizers to its medical patients through the Company's online platform. Commencement of sales under this agreement represents a significant milestone for Namaste in aligning itself with one of the industry's leading Licensed Producers. In turn, through the collaboration, Aurora is broadening its product offering.Dec 2017 Juul Labs, a San Francisco-based company is raising $150 million in its first financing as an independent company. They have already reeled in $111.5 million from 23 investors, according to a filing with the SEC. Juul Labs had quietly spun out of vaping company Pax Labs and has quickly catapulted up the charts to become the top e-cigarette producer on the market.Jan 2018 KT&G has officially released its first heat-not-burn tobacco product, also called e-cigarette, Lil, after months of planning. The local cigarette maker is expected to be engaged in heated competition with Philip Morris International (PMI) and British American Tobacco (BAT), which have already introduced their own HNB e-cigarettes; IQOS and glow, respectively, earlier this year.Access Report Details @Segments:The Global e-Cigarette & Vaporizer Market is segmented in to 2 dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding.Segmentation By Product Type: Comprises Disposable E-Cigarette, Rechargeable E-Cigarette, EGO and Tanks, Personal Vaporizers and Mods and Others.Segmentation by Regions: Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.Disposable e-cigarettes have accounted for the largest market size by product type in 2015 accounting for nearly 30% of the market size closely followed by rechargeable e-cigarette.Personal vaporizers will grow at a CAGR over 23.5% through the forecast periodRegional Analysis:Currently, North America is the largest consumer of E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer in the world market. It is closely followed by Europe. Although, China began as the first market for E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer, the U.S. and developed markets from Europe became the prime consumers of E-Cigarettes & Vaporizer, due to which these two regions collectively account for over 80% of the world market. APAC will be growing at the fastest CAGR, accounting for more than 20% of the global e-cigarette market value by 2021. Significant revenue flow will be observed from China and India over the forecast period.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Cancer Peptide Drug Market To Surpass USD 16 Billion By 2024 Global Peptide Therapeutics Market & Clinical Trials Insight 2022 report highlight* Fundamentals of Peptide Therapeutics* Peptide Therapeutics by Applications & Indications* Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company* Insight on 688 Peptide Drugs in Clinical Trials* Clinical & Patent Insight on 119 Marketed Peptides* Future Peptide Therapeutics Market OutlookDownload Report Sample Weblink:For Report Sample Contact: rajesh@pnspharma.comTable of Contents1. A Revolution of Peptide Therapeutics1.1 Peptides as Drug Candidates1.2 Necessity of Peptide Therapeutics2. Cusp of Small Molecules & Proteins2.1 Peptides v/s Small Molecules2.2 Peptides v/s Protein Biologics3. Fundamentals of Peptide Therapeutics3.1 Rational Design for Novel Peptides3.2 Aspects of Regulatory Approvals4. Peptide Therapeutics by Applications4.1 Application of Peptides in Imaging4.2 Application of Peptides in Diseases5. Peptide Therapeutics in Metabolic Disorder5.1 Prologue Metabolic Disorders5.2 Approved Peptide Drugs for Metabolic Disorders5.3 Market of Metabolic Peptides6. Peptide Therapeutics in Cancer6.1 Prologue to Cancer6.2 Approved Peptide Drugs in Cancer Therapeutics6.3 Market of Cancer Peptides7. Peptide Therapeutics in Cardiovascular7.1 Prologue to Cardiovascular Diseases7.2 Approved Peptide Drugs in Cardiovascular Diseases7.3 Market of Cardiac Peptides8. Peptide Therapeutics in HIV & Infections8.1 Prologue to Infections8.2 Approved Peptide Therapeutics in Infections8.3 Market of Anti-Infectious Peptides9. Peptide Therapeutics in CNS Disorders9.1 Prologue to CNS Disorders9.2 Neuropeptides Drug Delivery to CNS9.3 Future Market Potential10. Global Peptide Therapeutics Market10.1 Prologue to the Peptide Market10.2 Peptide Market by Application11. Global Peptide Market by Administration11.1 Current Trends in Route of Administration11.2 Current Trends over the Peptide Products12. Global Peptides Clinical Trials Overview12.1 Cyclic Peptides12.2 Depsipeptides12.3 Dipeptides12.4 Glucagon-Like Peptides12.5 Lipopeptides12.6 Natriuretic Peptides12.7 Neuropeptides Peptides12.8 Oligopeptides12.9 Opioid Peptides12.10 Peptides12.11 Peptide Hormones12.12 Peptide Fragments12.13 Multiple Peptides13. Global Peptide Market by Region13.1 North America13.2 Europe13.3 Asia14. Global Peptide Market Dynamics14.1 Favorable Parameters14.2 Challenges15. Future Peptide Therapeutics Market Outlook15.1 Future Trends in Peptide Therapeutics15.2 Future Opportunities of Peptides Therapeutics16. Cyclic Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company16.1 Research till Preregistration16.2 Marketed17. Depsipeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company17.1 Preclinical till Preregistration17.2 Marketed18. Dipeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company18.1 Preclinical till Registered18.2 Marketed19. Glycopeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company19.1 Preclinical till Phase-I20. Glucagon-Like Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company20.1 Resarch till Phase-III20.2 Marketed21. Lipopeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company21.1 Preclinical till Phase-II22. Natriuretic Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company22.1 Preclinical till Phase-III22.2 Marketed23. Neuropeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company23.1 Preclinical till Phase-III23.2 Marketed24. Oligopeptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company24.1 Preclinical till Registered24.2 Marketed25. Opioid Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company25.1 Preclinical till Preregistration25.2 Marketed26. Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company26.1 Research till Registered26.2 Marketed27. Peptide Antibiotics Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company27.1 Research28. Peptide Aptamers Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company28.1 Preclinical29. Peptide Hormones Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company29.1 Research till Registered29.2 Marketed30. Peptide Fragments Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company30.1 Research till Preregistration30.2 Marketed31. Multiple Peptides Clinical Trials Insight by Phase, Indication & Company31.1 Research till Preregistration31.2 Marketed32. Competitive Landscape32.1 Amgen32.2 Amylin Pharmaceuticals32.3 Apitope Technology32.4 BioPartners32.5 BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd32.6 Boehringer Ingelheim32.7 Circassia32.8 Corden Pharma (Peptisyntha)32.9 Eli Lily32.10 Galena Biopharmaceuticals32.11 GlaxoSmithKline32.12 Hyperion Therapeutics32.13 ImmunoCellular Therapeutics32.14 Ipsen32.15 Lonza32.16 Merck32.17 NovoNordisk32.18 Par Pharmaceuticals32.19 PeptiDream32.20 Roche32.21 Sanofi32.22 Tarix PharmaceuticalsFigure 2-1: Peptides as a Cusp of Small Molecule Drug & ProteinsFigure 2-2: Layout of Advantages of Peptide DrugsFigure 3-1: Classification Based over the Sources of PeptideFigure 3-2: Strategies for Screening of Novel peptides for Therapeutic UseFigure 3-3: Methods for Generating Peptide Therapeutics at Large ScaleFigure 3-4: Whole General Concept of Manufacturing of Peptide DrugsFigure 3-5: Process of Peptide Therapeutics FDA Approval PathFigure 4-1: Diagrammatic Representation of the Peptidic ProbeFigure 4-2: Distribution of Therapeutic Drugs Approved by FDA by Chemical SpeciesFigure 5-1: Layout of Metabolic Syndrome Leading to Several DiseasesFigure 5-2: Global - Top 10 Countries with Diabetes Burden (Million), 2030Figure 5-3: Obesity - Estimated Prevalence by Country (2025)Figure 5-4: US GLP-1 Agonist Drugs Cost Comparison (US$)Figure 5-5: Lantus Monthly Cost Comparison by Country (US$)Figure 5-6: Global - Metabolic Disorders Peptide Drug Market (US$ Billion)Figure 5-7: Victoza - GLP-1 Value Market Percentage Share of Total Diabetic Care MarketFigure 6-1: Global - All Cancer Rates Cases per 100,000 People by Top 10 CountryFigure 6-2: Global - Cancer Peptide Therapeutics Market (US$ Billion), 2014 & 2020Figure 6 3: Global - Velcade Market Sales (US$ Billion)Figure 6-4: US Velcade Sales (US$ Billion), 2016 & 2022Figure 6-5: Global - Kyprolis Revenues (US$ Billion), 2013 - 2017Figure 6-6: Global & US - Zoladex Sales (US$ Million), 2016Figure 7-1: Global & US - Angiomax Sales (US$ Million)Figure 7-2: Global - Integrilin Sales (US$ Million), 2016Figure 8-1: Global - Top 10 Leading Causes of DeathFigure 8-2: Global HIV Prevalence among Varied RegionsFigure 8-3: Fuzeon - Global Sales (US$ Millions), 2016Figure 9-1: US - Prevalence of Alzheimers disease (Millions)Figure 10-1: Global - Peptide Drug Market (US$ Billion), 2014-2022Figure 11-1: Therapeutic Peptide Based Drugs over Route of AdministrationFigure 12-1: Global All Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-2: Global - All Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-3: Global - Cyclic Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-4: Global - Cyclic Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till2022Figure 12-5: Global - Depsipeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-6: Global - Depsipeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017till 2022Figure 12-7: Global - Dipeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-8: Global - Dipeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017till 2022Figure 12-9: Global - Glucagon-Like Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-10: Global - Glucagon-Like Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number),2017 till 2022Figure 12-11: Global - Lipopeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-12: Global - Lipopeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017till 2022Figure 12-13: Global - Natriuretic Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-14: Global - Natriuretic Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-15: Global - Neuropeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-16: Global - Neuropeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number),2017 till 2022Figure 12-17: Global - Oligopeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till2022Figure 12-18: Global - Oligopeptides Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number),2017 till 2022Figure 12-19: Global - Opioid Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-20: Global - Opioid Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till2022Figure 12-21: Global - Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-22: Global - Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-23: Global - Peptide Hormones Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-24: Global - Peptide Hormones Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till2022Figure 12-25: Global - Peptide Fragments Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-26: Global - Peptide Fragments Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017till 2022Figure 12-27: Global - Multiple Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (%), 2017 till 2022Figure 12-28: Global - Multiple Peptides Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number), 2017 till2022Figure 14-1: Illustration of Peptide Therapeutics Market DriversFigure 14-2: Major Challenges Faced by the Peptide TherapeuticsFigure 15-1: Future Trends of Peptide TherapeuticsPNS Pharma is a pioneer in offering exclusive research reports for the pharmaceuticals industry. PNS Pharma offers Syndicated Research Reports on Drug Pipeline and Company Pipeline Analysis. These reports include comprehensive information related to the development of various drugs across clinical pipeline. Further, the reports include details on the originator, Owner, License, Chemical Formula, Patent Information, Phase of development, and Phase of development by country for each specific drug. The reports on company pipeline include all the drugs developed by particular companies across different therapeutic segments and phases and in different countries.Rajesh Arorarajesh@pnspharma.comPNS PharmaL29 - L34, First FloorBlock L,Connaught PlaceNew Delhi-110001+91-11-47067990 Poultry Feed Market to Witness an Outstanding Growth by 2025 Poultry feed market is a part of vast animal feed market and makes an important part of it as poultry is invariably consumed in most parts of the world. The concept of animal feed has been there in the market for several years especially in the developed markets. However, with the advent of globalization and rise in the standard of living of consumers, companies are expanding in the emerging markets of the world with improved products and wide range of options for each animal group. Poultry meat is the highest among others such as pork, beef and fish meat. Therefore, vast opportunity lies in the poultry feed segment.Poultry Feed Market: Drivers & Restraints: Rising per capita income and widespread poultry diseases are the major driving factors of the poultry feed market globally. In addition, growth of domestic and international quick service restaurants in developing countries and demand for quality meat products by consumers has significantly contributed to the rising demand of poultry feed those regions. In 2014, Asia Pacific was the largest market in terms of poultry feed demand and revenue and would continue to dominate the market for several factors. The market growth is attributed to the higher standard of living among consumers coupled with shift towards away-from-home-eating.Manufacturers are closely working with the factory farmers to direct them towards higher yield of poultry thereby increasing their return on investment (ROI). For instance, Cargill Inc. were engaged closely with Malaysia based TD Poultry to deliver best poultry solution. As a result, TD Poultry could achieve remarkable results in broilers with 1.63 feed conversion rates. Also, 2.35 kg body weight was achieved in 35 days, down from previous 40 days.The various type of poultry feed additives available in the market consists of antibiotics, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, feed enzymes and feed acidifiers. Feed acidifiers are the largest among all other poultry additive segment across the world. The regional segmentation includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is the largest market followed by North America. On the basis of type, the poultry feed market can be segmented as broilers, layers, turkey and others. The consumption of meat varies from region to region, for instance, in North America, broilers is the most preferred meat category and antibiotics falls under the largest category under the feed additives segment.Request For Report Sample:Poultry feed is required to increase the feed conversion ratio by improving gut micro flora thereby enhancing animals health. It also maintains animal health by preventing diseases among them. The manufacturers are concentrating more on the developing markets to tap the under penetrated feed market in countries such as Vietnam, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Lebanon and Turkey. These markets offer greater opportunities to increase revenue and sales with higher per capita expenditure on quality food. Moreover, it is a proven fact that with rise in per capita income, people tend to consume more meat and meat products. Therefore the poultry feed market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR through the forecast period (2015-2020).Players such as Novus International, Inc. and Kemin group continue to deliver new products for poultry farmers. In November 2012, Novus International, Inc. launched AVIMATRIX- a feed solution for optimized broiler performance by acting over gut environment through targeted and controlled release of compounds in the broilers gut. There is an increasing demand of solution oriented customized products from the poultry farmers in the emerging markets. In May 2013, a South African firm AgriProtein Technologies bagged the Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) for developing a commercial method to develop animal feed through maggots.Request For Table Of Content @Key global players of the poultry feed market include Alltech Inc., ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company), ABF Plc (Associated British Food), BASF (Badishce Anilin und Soda Fabrik), Charoen Popkhand Foods, Cargill Inc., Evonik Industries AG, CHR.Hansen Holdings A/S, Novus International Inc, Nutreco NV, Royal DSM N.V., DLG Group and InVivo NSA.Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Industrial Packaging Market Expected to a Significant Growth Over 2018-2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. The industrial packaging market can be segmented by product into drums, intermediate bulk container (IBC), crates, sacks, pails, tubes, and bulk boxes. IBC type is extensively used for the covering. Plastic sacks are replacing paper & jute sacks owing to its benefits such as low cost, light weight, durability etc.Germany and Italy are the major countries in Europe in terms of production of packaging machinery. Their major export countries include Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, Malaysia and Iran. Thus, increased export of machinery in these countries will increase the demand for industrial packaging market.Asia-Pacific region is estimated to record fastest growth in terms of rising industrialization. Increased demand is characterized by quick adoption of technological advancements, rising volume of OEMs which drives the competitors to reduce the cost per package and provide sustainable products. Moreover, low labor cost, huge scope for FDI and stable growth in industries such as automotive, construction and healthcare will impact positively foe industry growth this region.Request for an in-depth table of contents for this report @Indian industrial packaging market size exceeded USD 30 billion in 2015 and is estimated to grow over 15% CAGR. The Indian region accounts for 4% of global packaging industry. Growing packaging machinery market in Asia, Africa will further increase the demand for this industry. Enhanced automation, integrated systems and shorter turnaround time are some of the growth factors for industry growth in this region.Industrial packaging industry size is likely to expand at a significant CAGR during the forecast period. Increased international trade demands for product safety and robust packaging option to overcome damage occurred by environmental factors and transportation will drive the global industrial packaging market. This enables the manufacturers to provide easier distribution and reduce transportation losses occurred by the damage through the protective wrapping.Rising globalization and international trade are supporting the industry growth. Growing commercial industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, construction and electronics sector further propels the demand. The developed economies are the highest producers and consumers of these products. Whereas increasing demand in emerging economies will further drive the industry growth.Increasing expenditure in R&D for materials and supporting government policies will further increase the demand. Technological advancements such as digital printing and use of robotics in workshops will result in maximizing shelf life of the product, efficient use of resources and minimizing the waste thereby increasing the revenues.However, pricing pressure on small vendors hinders the industry growth. Low and reduced profit margin to the manufacturers decreases the industry attractiveness owing to numerous local vendors. Low penetration of the market in developing countries hinders the industrial packaging industry growth. Use of bio degradable raw material for packing provides future growth opportunities for the manufacturers. Stringent government regulations regarding environment and employee safety encourages the use of bio degradable materials such as PLA and PHA plastic.Industrial packaging industry is classified by material into metal, plastic, paper and wood and fiber. The plastic material segment is the most preferred type by the manufacturers owing to its various properties such as cost effective than other materials, can be molded in to specific shape & size and durability.Make an inquiry for buying this report @By type, the industry can be classified as rigid and flexible packing. Flexible segment includes paper & plastic whereas rigid segment includes wooden, metal and plastic. Increased use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in place of heavy metal cans will impact positively on the market. The flexible type especially flexible plastic is expected to show higher growth rate owing to technological leaps in this segment.By end use or application, industrial packaging market cater to various industries such as agriculture & horticulture, building & construction, automotive, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, engineering, metal products, plastic & rubber, electronics, and furniture. Food & beverage segment dominated overall demand and used more than 65% of flexible packing in 2015. This segment is expected show similar trend during the forecast period 2017 to 2024.North America is expected to show steady growth rate during the forecast period owing to developed economy, transport, and delivery infrastructures. Growing occurrence of chronic disease and increasing aging population will increase the demand in pharmaceutical and chemical segment in North America. The use of robotic systems for packages is expected to increase in demand in U.S. with the introduction of Food Safety Modernization Act.Some of the major companies in industrial packaging market are Sealed Air corporation, Amcor Limited, International paper, WestRock, Tekni-Films, Mondi Group, Sonoco, Bemish company, Schutz, AmeriGlobe, Mauser Group, Orora Group, B.A.G. Corporation, Greif Inc, Bulk handling, East India Drums & Barrels manufacturing, Chem-Tainer industries, Corr-Pak Corporation, Halsted, Sigma Plastics Group, Wuxi Sifang Drums Limited company, Nefab, Hoovers Container Solutions, Intertape Polymer Group, Jumbo Bag, and LC packaging. The manufacturers are focusing on providing low cost, environmental friendly packaging solutions for the end users.About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Global Metal Fabrication Market Evaluation Targets Advancement Anticipated until 2025 MRRSE A fresh report has been added to the wide database of Market Research Report Search Engine (MRRSE). The research study is titled Metal Fabrication Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2025which encloses important data about the production, consumption, revenue and market share, merged with information related to the market scope and product overview. The report anticipates that the sector for Metal Fabrication Market would rise at a positive CAGR during the period 2016-2025.Visit on the Below Link to Get a Sample of Report @Metal fabrication is the process of forming metallic structures and assemblies from raw metal work pieces. This process is referred to as a value added service as it completely deforms the raw material and develops a completely new structure through the use of several procedures such as metal welding, machining, metal forming, metal cutting, and others. Metal fabrication workshops work on multiple value added services under a single roof, encompassing welding, cutting, machining, shearing, and others. Metal fabricators offer additional value to clients by providing complete services under one facility. Metal fabrication workshops are primarily contracted by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), iron and steel manufacturers, building contractors, and value added resellers.Advancement in Technological Tools in Metal Fabrication is Likely to Drive the MarketVarious ERP technologies and software are used in the metal fabrication industry. This makes data easily accessible and accelerates the decision-making process. Increase in usage of computer aided manufacturing technologies is helping the metal fabrication industry improve operational efficiency and enhance production. These advancements in the technologies are anticipated to drive the metal fabrication market globally.Automation in Metal Fabrication Industry and Diversified End-use Industries Expected to Drive the Metal Fabrication MarketAdvancement in robotics and automation tools boosts their application in the metal fabrication market. Currently, automation is used in the metal fabrication market to increase efficiency and lower labor costs. Increasing demand for automated manufacturing systems in the metal fabrication industry helps in making the manufacturing facilities safe as all the critical jobs such as welding and cutting are done by robots. Apart from this, automation tools such as laser saws make it easier for fabricators to manufacture precisely cut metal parts. Fabricated metals are used in various end-use industries such as automotive, oil & gas, construction, aerospace, agriculture, consumer products, medical devices, military, and defense. As end-use industries are diversified, effects of the cyclical nature of the metal fabrication industry are mitigated. These factors are anticipated to drive the metal fabrication market.Explore Full Report Description with TOC @Lack of Skilled Labor and Developments in Additive Manufacturing Technologies to Hinder the Expansion of the Metal Fabrication MarketFinding skilled labor is becoming increasingly difficult as the industry is becoming technologically advanced. According to an OECD report, skill shortage is a rising problem across the globe. Countries such as Japan, India, Brazil, and the U.S. are facing severe skilled workforce shortages despite high unemployment rates. This is anticipated to hinder the expansion of the metal fabrication market in the near future. Rapid developments in additive manufacturing (3D printing) technologies are reducing the time taken to print an object. Additive manufacturing is a highly flexible manufacturing process with high scope of customization, which makes it easy for fabricators to design and manufacture complex parts easily. This type of manufacturing is not utilized on a large scale. However, additive manufacturing is anticipated to be commercialized in the near future, which is anticipated to change the dynamics of the metal fabrication market. Thus, lack of skilled labor and developments in the field of additive manufacturing are anticipated to restrain the expansion of the metal fabrication market in the near future.Asia Pacific Held a Major Share of More Than 40% of Global Metal Fabrication Market in 2017In terms of region, Asia Pacific and Europe are the key regions for the metal fabrication. North America and Europe hold a prominent share in the global metal fabrication market. Asia Pacific was recorded to be a rapidly expanding region of the metal fabrication market in 2016 owing to strong research and development activities in Japan, China, South Korea, and India. Construction and automotive industries are a focus segment in Asia, owing to high presence of construction and automotive companies in China and India. Japan is a key country of the market in Asia Pacific due to high R&D expenditure in the country.Global Metal Fabrication Market Fragmented into Small to Medium Size PlayersKey players in the global Metal Fabrication market are ONeal Manufacturing Service, BTD Manufacturing Inc., Ironform Corporation, Mayville Engineering Comp. Inc., Defiance Metal Products Inc., and others.About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Natural Gas Generator Market By Zibo Diesel Engine Parent Company,Shandong Naipute Gas Power Co.,Ltd.,Dresser-Rand,GE Energy,Cummins A widely used and efficient means of generating power is by using a natural gas generator. Natural gas can be used to power both emergency and portable generators and is regarded as being one of the most affordable and effective fuels among non-renewable resources for power generation. In terms of affordability, coal is perhaps the only fuel that is less expensive. However, one of the biggest disadvantages of coal is that it is a high pollutant.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Natural Gas Generator in global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, types and applications.Request For Free Sample Of The Report @Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversCaterpillarGE EnergyCumminsDresser-Rand (part of Siemens)GeneracKohlerMTU Onsite EnergyHimoinsaDoosanEttes PowerJinan Diesel Engine Co.,Ltd. (JDEC)Shandong Naipute Gas Power Co.,Ltd.Zibo Diesel Engine Parent CompanyMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversBelow 20KW20 KW to 100 KW101 KW to 500 KW501 KW to 1 MW1 MW to 2 MWAbove 2MWObtain Report Details @Market Segment by Applications, can be divided intoResidentialCommercialIndustrialDistributed GenerationOthersAbout Future Genic ReportsFuture Generic Reports is a market research and consulting organization, offering premium collection of market research reports, custom research and consulting services to corporations, no-profit organizations and government institutions across the globe.The wide range of information is presented by a team of well-trained researchers of specific sectors through exhaustive research. We deliver premier market research services that cover all industry verticals, including chemicals and material, automotive, healthcare, electronics & semiconductor, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and technology and media.We believe in building an eternal bond with our clients through offering them inclusive research study meeting their specific requirements. Our services are tailored specifically to our clients by proposing them the potential outcome, based on our in-depth analysis and insights for exploring the growth strategies through providing the best possible decision for quality production.Contact us-USA Office244 , Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesUK Office109 ,Straford Street,LeedsWest Yorkshrie LS11 6JGUnited KingdomSend Us An EmailE-mail: sales@futuregenicreports.comCall UsToll Free: +1- 844-445-2861Phone: +1- 347-983-9688 Smart Education and Learning Market: In-Depth Market Research Report 2015 2025 A very smooth and flexible learning process is replacing the traditional classroom teaching methods. Education institutes are adopting new hi-tech teaching methods which includes white boards, projectors and smart notebooks. Implementation of such technologies in classroom improves understanding of students and also engage students to learn. Coordination between hardware provider, software innovator and education material provider is making learning easy for students. Unlike traditional methods, smart education and learning methods is not bounded by number of hours, location and attendance. The smart education and learning market is defined as the combination of educational products, learning modes and applications. This market is still in the infant stage as only big institutions are receptive towards the latest technological change.Smart education and learning market is classified on the basis of learning mode, product type, verticals and region. On the basis of learning mode, the smart education and learning market can be segmented into mobile learning, social learning, E-learning, simulation based learning and adaptive learning. According to product type, smart education and learning market can be segmented into hardware, software, services and educational contents. Hardware segment can be sub-segmented into display hardware and simulation-based hardware. Software segment can be sub-segmented into mobile education application, test and assessment and ERP. Service segment can be sub-segmented into application service, portal service and support service.A sample of this report is available upon request @Educational content segment can be sub-segmented into E-textbooks and audio and video-based courseware. By verticals, smart education and learning market is segmented into public sector, retail sector, health and care sector and banking, finance, services and insurance. Based on region, the smart education and learning market can be segmented into North America, Western Europe, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Japan and Middle East and Africa (MEA). In terms of revenue contribution, North America dominates the smart education and learning market and is expected to remain dominant over the forecast period, followed by Western Europe.Growing number of mobile learning applications and learners expertise with technology and affinity towards digital learning are anticipated to drive the smart education and learning market. Moreover, improved collaboration between the hardware provider, software provider and educational material provider results in better educational technology is expected to fuel growth of the smart education and learning market. On the other hand, lack of awareness and lack of technology adoption in developing regions regarding smart education and learning is expected to hinder the growth of this market. Additionally, limited funding by the user segment is expected to hinder the growth of smart education and learning market.Request For Table Of Content @Currently, the smart education and learning market is experiencing emergence of various service providers which is anticipated to pose a healthy competition to other well established players. Some major players that are contributing significantly to the smart education and learning market are Blackboard Inc., Educomp Solutions Ltd., Adobe Corporation, Scholastic Corporation, Cisco System Inc., Smart Technologies Inc., NIIT Ltd. and Saba Software Inc. Major players such as Cisco System Inc. and Adobe Corporation follow strategy of acquisitions and mergers to enhance their market presence globally and expand their product portfolio.Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +13479183531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Aberrometer Market Report, Trends, Size, Share, Analysis, Estimations and Forecasts to 2022 This report gives an in-depth research about the overall state of Aberrometer market and projects an overview of its growth market. It also gives the crucial elements of the market and across major global regions in detail. Number on primary and secondary research has been carried out in order to collect required data for completing this particular report. Sever industry based analytical techniques has been narrowed down for a better understanding of this market.The report also evaluates the regulatory scenarios which affect various decisions in the Aberrometer market. It also provides a detailed data about the plans, rule, regulations and policies with respect to this market. After compiling all data, this report forms an excellent report repository which can help gain maximum knowledge with respect to Aberrometer market. With help of this reports, clients can understand the market strategies and make right decisions.Key Players:Lumetrics, Marco, Voptica, AMICO GROUP, NIDEK, Hanson InstrumentsGet Sample Copy of this Report:In the geographic segmentation, the regions such as North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America are given major importance. The top key driving forces of Aberrometer market in every particular market is mentioned with restraints and opportunities. The restraints are also given a counter act which prove to be an opportunity for this market during the forecast period of 2018 to 2023 respectively.A birds eye view of the Aberrometer industry made available in the report helps readers to understand the key drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities that are shaping the global Aberrometer market. Furthermore, the report evaluates challenges experienced from buyers and sellers side. The report offers advice from key industry experts on how these challenges can be overcome.This report provides comprehensive analysis of:Key market segments and sub-segmentsEvolving market trends and dynamicsChanging supply and demand scenariosQuantifying market opportunities through market sizing and market forecastingTracking current trends/opportunities/challengesCompetitive insightsOpportunity mapping in terms of technological breakthroughsGet Discount on this Report@:The report further highlights the development trends in the global Aberrometer market. Factors that are driving the market growth and fueling its segments are also analyzed in the report. The report also highlights on its applications, types, deployments, components, developments of this market.Moreover, the research highlights the changing trends in the global Aberrometer market. Technological developments are predicted to allow key companies to introduce a new Aberrometer market in the global market, thus widening the scope of this global market. The competitive rivalry in the Aberrometer market is described in detail in the report. Operations of key players in the Aberrometer market are described in detail, including their historical and projected importance in the market.Table of Contents:Global Aberrometer Market Research Report 2018-2023Chapter 1 Aberrometer Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic ImpactChapter 3 Aberrometer Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2018-2023)Chapter 5 Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2018-2023)Chapter 6 Market Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Aberrometer Market Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Market Forecast (2018-2023)Chapter 13 AppendixGet Complete Report@:About usHealthCare Intelligence MarketsHealthCare Intelligence Markets Reports provides market intelligence & consulting services to a global clientele spread over 145 countries. Being a B2B firm, we help businesses to meet the challenges of an ever evolving market with unbridled confidence. We craft customized and syndicated market research reports that help market players to build game changing strategies. Besides, we also provide upcoming trends & future market prospects in our reports pertaining to Drug development, Clinical & healthcare IT industries. Our intelligence enables our clients to take decisions with which in turn proves a game-changer for them. We constantly strive to serve our clients better by directly allowing them sessions with our research analysts so the report is at par with their expectations.Contact us:Shreyas Tanna601, Winterberry Purple, Koregaon Park, Pune, 7400242424 Flight Data Recorder Market 2018 Global Key Leaders: Honeywell International, Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, AstroNova, FLHYT Aerospace Solutions Market Highlights:The report for Global Flight Data Recorder Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance.The existing fleets are expected to be replaced by more than 40,000 new aircraft, over the next 20 years, and the global fleet is likely to reach 45,000 aircraft by 2036. Moreover, the high demand for air travel in the emerging regions, such as Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, leads to an increase in the number of aircrafts in these regions. As a result, approximately 22,000 aircrafts are expected to be delivered to these regions in the next 20 years. On the other hand, it is expected that over 15,000 aircrafts would be delivered in developed regions such as North America and Europe, by 2036. Modernization of aircraft fleets with the latest technology, and stringent government regulations, are some of the other primary factors driving the demand in the flight data recorder market. The rising demand for accurate and precise flight data among the airline operators and defense forces, also adds to the market growth.Get a Sample Report @Major Key playersHoneywell International Inc. (U.S),Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (U.S),AstroNova Inc. (U.S),SLN Technologies (India),FLHYT Aerospace Solutions Ltd. (Canada),Leonardo DRS (U.S),RUAG Group (Switzerland),Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions (U.S),L-3 Technologies Inc. (U.S), Universal Avionics Systems Corporation (U.S).Regional AnalysisThe market for Flight Data Recorder systems Market is expected to dominate in the North American region due to the rapidly rising research and development activities here. Established aviation industry and supporting infrastructure also aids the growth of the market. Existence of sophisticated technology and major manufacturers in the North American region has significantly contributed in the growth of the flight data recorder market in the North American region.Rapidly rising air passenger traffic in the Asia Pacific region has been key to the high growth rate in this region. Rising government investment towards development of new airports and upgradation of old ones, have been other major factors driving the growth of this market.Browse Complete report @Intended Audience Distributer & Supplier companies End Users Consultants and Investment bankers Government as well as Independent Regulatory AuthoritiesAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: NFC POS Terminal Market Explores New Growth Opportunities by 2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. North America and Europe NFC POS terminal markets were introduced with Apple Pay in 2015. It was launched by Apple to make it possible to pay for goods and services by tapping ones iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch to a card reader. This could be possible if the customer was banking with a bank, which supports Apple Pay thus escalating the NFC POS terminal market demands. Furthermore, Android Pay and Samsung Pay were introduced in these regions. In the UK, the Transport for London (TFL) introduced the pay for travel using contactless cards, driving the NFC POS terminal market. North America market is expected to dominate the market.In the U.S. NFC POS terminal market., some retailers had been cautious to adopt NFC POS payments in the beginning due to the lack of understanding of the added value, hardware, training expense, and security concerns. These issues were overcome as the merchants addressed and solved them thus opening doors to great benefits such as branding, loyalty, and data collection.Request for an in-depth table of contents for this report @Asia Pacific NFC POS terminal market is expected to witness a high growth during the forecast period. This can be due to the increasing adoption of smart devices across these regions. Apple Pay is supported in some countries such as Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and New Zealand in the Asia Pacific region. China and India are expected to favorably impact the market owing to the large software base and its distribution in retail stores & automotive sector. High market growth in the region is due to the reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and increase in Small and Medium Business (SMBs).NFC POS Terminal Market size is anticipated to witness growth opportunities over the forecast timeframe. Growing usage of NFC-enabled smartphones and emergence of mobile wallet services would be major drivers for the industry growth. Technological substitutions for ticketing in transportation, such as NFC-based mobile ticketing and contactless smart cards, are further driving the growth of NFC POS terminal market.An increase in the penetration of NFC-based mobile handsets is one of the prime reasons contributing to the NFC POS terminal market growth. Growing usage of NFC-enabled smartphones is likely to boost the use of NFC POS terminals for payments and digital exchange in transportation, retail, and healthcare industries. Usage of NFC payment infrastructure and popularity of NFC as a preferred payment mode for customers globally are pushing the NFC POS terminal market.Value added services in POS terminals, such loyalty cards and coupons, will ensure customers a seamless experience thus driving the NFC POS terminal market. The availability of NFC technology and its incorporation into smartphones and POS terminals will help in achieving the benefit of access control and ticketing. Modernized POS terminals can calculate the best ticketing fare based on travel length, discounts, and prior journeys thus resulting in many benefits for customers as well as transport authorities.An increase in the adoption of electronic payment systems in emerging countries fuel NFC POS terminal market. However, markets in developed countries are saturated due to the prior installations of NFC POS terminals. The use of NFC payment solutions and its growing popularity as an ideal payment mode by customers globally are driving the NFC POS market. The pay by phone trend by NFC compatible phones is pushing the adoption of NFC handsets among consumers thus speedily driving the roll-out of NFC POS terminals in various market sectors such as vending and parking.A trend boosting the NFC POS terminal market is the adoption of contactless payment cards known as smart cards, which are embedded with chips and are encrypted with data. The data stored on these cards can be read by EMV-enabled POS terminals. In these devices, the transaction takes place with the help of NFC technology, which is also present in smartphones and smartwatches. The contactless cards when placed near the POS systems can accept payments within seconds thus making it easy for customers to make payments using NFC technology and thereby propelling the NFC POS terminal market.Card issuing banks in many countries have gradually started to issue contactless cards in high numbers. There are a reasonable number of customers, who possess a contactless card and can use them, which makes it clear that NFC has a significant role in mobile wallet services thus propelling the NFC POS terminal market.Make an inquiry for buying this report @Ease of using NFC POS terminals with the existing infrastructure is preventing the further need of investments. The high cost of these solutions is expected to pose a challenge and thus hinder the growth of the NFC POS terminal market. While the installed NFC POS terminals are growing rapidly over the timeframe, the contactless technology has not been activated or is instantiable in many cases.The upgrading of the magnetic stripe to EMV is due to the legal shift. The expansion of NFC POS terminal market is an indication that retailers are looking to provide convenience to customers. Payments using smartphones are slowly getting acceptance from customers and retailers due to the mobile payments solutions such as Android Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay. The capabilities of NFC POS terminals are not only affecting the financial ecosystem but also other important business aspects, such as marketing and customer services, making NFC POS terminal an attractive market.Key market players dominating the NFC POS terminal market include Cybernet, Inc. Equinox Payments, First Data Corp., Heartland Payment Systems, Paz Technology Ltd., Ingenico SA, NEC Technology, SZZT Electronics Co., Ltd., and VeriFone Systems.About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth aconsulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Dental Adhesives and Sealants Market Trends, Drivers, Strategies, Applications And Competitive Landscape 2023 The global dental adhesives and sealants market is expected to showcase a significant growth of during the forecast period (2017-2023). This market growth can be attributed to the increase in improper food habits in the younger generation and the rising aging population in countries like Japan and China.Request Sample pages of this report :The global dental adhesives and sealants market is a vital market owing to the increase in the need of proper oral treatment. Dental adhesives are used to ensure that denture is at its place during daily activity. They are applied in diverse formulations such as powders, liquids, wafers, creams and pads.The market for dental adhesives and sealants on the basis of their form is segmented as water based, solvent based, radiation cured and others. The radiation cured form of dental adhesives and sealants dominates the dental adhesives and sealants market owing to its high dentin bond strength.Moreover, the dental adhesives and sealants market has been segmented on the basis of adhesives-type as self-etch, total etch and selective etch. The dental academic world tends to support the total etch type of dental adhesives, while clinicians in practice are in favour of self-etch and selective etch owing to their low postoperative tooth sensitivity.The key trend observed in the study includes factors such as the improper food habits and the increasing awareness related to proper oral hygiene. Oral diseases are a major health concern owing to their higher prevalence and their effects on the individuals quality of life.Access Report Summary with Detailed TOC at :Additionally, other prominent manufacturers in the industry are undergoing continuous R&D to come up with cutting-edge advancement in the industry. Some of the key players in the global dental adhesives and sealants market include 3M, Henkel AG, Johnson & Johnson, Mitsui Chemicals and DUX Dental.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a market research company, which offers market research and consulting services for various geographies around the globe. We provide market research reports, industry forecasting reports, business intelligence, and research based consulting services across different industry/business verticals.As one of the top growing market research agency, were keen upon providing market landscape and accurate forecasting. Our analysts and consultants are proficient with business intelligence and market analysis, through their interaction with leading companies of the concerned domain. We help our clients with B2B market research and assist them in identifying various windows of opportunity, and framing informed and customized business expansion strategies in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-Free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: Home Security Solution Market - Industry Trends Growth Forecast Research 2018-2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. Technological advancements in the home security solution market have developed gradually over the years. Various features, such as sensors, alarms, smart locks, motion sensing, cameras, night vision, wireless technology, and internet connections, are available in the market making it possible for residential or homeowners to utilize them. The growing demand for wireless technology and its ease of installation have offered many opportunities for the home security solution market growth globally.Home Security Solution Market size is anticipated to witness growth opportunities over the forecast timeline owing to the increasing crime rates and immoral practices in residential areas. Effective and modernized security systems, such as remote monitoring services, are increasing the consumer interest in the residential security solutions, propelling the market.Video surveillance technology is one trending factor of the home security solution market as videos gathered from the surveillance can now be shared or transferred to computers and mobile devices, making them accessible anywhere and anytime. Motion sensor lights help in lighting a doorway when an intruder is present. An increase in demand for these products will provide an opportunity for the market to grow. Furthermore, the solution providers and distributors need to work on the incorporation of advanced and technological approaches to retain old customers and acquire new ones.Request for an in-depth table of contents for this report @North America is anticipated to hold a significant market share in the home security solution market due to the presence of many companies, which are providing these solutions. In the U.S., it is expected that some 15 million and more U.S. homes will invest and install in new home security solutions in the coming years. The growing list of smart home solution services and providers in the U.S. is using home security to introduce the automation services for homes. In the U.S. market, home security solution market is exhibiting a considerable growth due to an increase in the fire & smoke injuries & deaths.The Asia Pacific industry is characterized by the usage of Internet Protocol (IP). The industry in Japan is one of the major growth areas for IP camera surveillance systems. These solutions are being adopted by nursing homes, retail chain stores, homeowners, small factories, and warehouses.Global Home Security Solution Market increase in mobile monitoring devices, attractive protection plans, growth in the usage of smartphones & tablets, and rising customer awareness will boost the home security solution market size. Furthermore, an increase in the competition among distributors and providers to deliver numerous services due to the demand for home security appliances will have positive implications for the industry.Residential home security solution market is booming owing to the growing trend towards high-security efficiency due to customer awareness. The integration of ICT and data usage is helping in achieving the trend. The incorporation of home security cloud-based wireless solutions is predicted to surge over the forecast timeframe. This is due to the ability of cloud-based solutions to deliver services such as personalization, interactivity, and multi-screen usage. It is anticipated that the dynamic forces aimed at home security solution market are slowly shifting towards hi-tech from mechanical activities as users are seeking improved & advanced operational efficiencies and want cost-effective solutions.Irrespective of the various advantages offered by home security solutions, the high installation cost of solutions and lack of security awareness would confine the growth of the industry. Rising awareness among users and augmented implementation of new solutions for home security systems would progressively result in the cost reduction of home security solution, positively driving home security solution market.Advanced solutions and technologies involve problems such as connectivity problems, compatibility issues, electrical interference, and software malfunctions. Wide inventive ideas are taken into consideration by industry players to overcome the problems and deliver a high operative solution in the home security solution market.The home security solution market by-products can be divided into biometric locks, keypad locks, magnetic/electric card locks, wireless, locks, sensors, cameras, and panic buttons/alarms. Advanced sensor developments for the recognition of intruders & unauthorized people and biometrics and card based access control will have a huge effect on the home security solution market. Biometrics security solutions have various applications such as facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and iris recognition. Biometrics is gaining admiration and demand in home security solutions market due to its remote scanning feature, in which the door locks can be controlled from a distance.Make an inquiry for buying this report @Wireless door locks scan an operators fingerprint to enable access while fingerprint door locks offer its operators a keyless door unlocking system. This home security solution market will have a huge demand in the residential sector due to its features such as advanced and personalized security. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a wireless solution applies radio frequency & electromagnetic fields and is used in physical time pursuing applications, which are gaining approval in the home security solution market.The home security solution market by solution types can be divided into access control & management, fire protection systems, intercom, intruder alarm, motion sensor lights, medical alert, and video surveillance. The industry by home type can be divided into apartments, condominiums, and independent homes. Integrated home security systems will witness a considerable market growth due to the growing awareness about elderly people requiring medical assistance, monitoring children, and detection of hazardous conditions such as gas leaks and fires.Major players in the home security solution market industry include Allegion PLC,, ASSA ABLOY, Bosch Security Systems, Control4 Corporation, Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited, Honeywell International, Inc., Ingersoll-Rand Solutions, Nortek Security & Control LLC, Tyco, and UTC Fire & Security.About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: k3 mapa assess industrial goods factories in China and Korea Wiesbaden, May 17th 2018. Three factories of a major German industrial goods producer were assessed by k3 mapa in an internal evaluation in China and Korea. The assessment is designed to enhance internal best practice sharing and will continue in European plants later this year.In May 2018 a total of three factories were assessed by a team of headquarter experts and a k3 consultant. Each factory assessment lasted two full days and consisted mainly of structured interviews, a factory tour and a standardised questionnaire, which was answered among a team of factory representatives and the answers were challenged by the experts and consultant.The spirit in the societies and the factories was positive. People want to achieve and work for it. In Europe the welfare state has almost deleted this spirit summarizes Thorsten Schuppenhauer - k3 managing director his impression.He goes on by appreciating the recent developments: I am extremely impressed. In 1997 I lived a month in China and visited Beijing and Shanghai back then. It is unbelievable how the country has changed the last 20 years. It seems to be a different country. While in Europe we muddle through the mess and Germany is falling further behind due to an irresponsible financial and economic policy, both China and Korea have defined long term strategic goals and they seem to achieve them.k3 mapa is a top management consulting company which is focused on implementation. All our consultants have at least 10 years international experience, and come from industry champions or the best companies in the consulting world. k3 provides expertise in the core functions of the value chain. It is through this expertise that k3 can help its clients tackle complex cross-functional improvement endeavours (business excellence), function specific interventions (functional excellence) as well as project and interim management (project excellence). For more information:or info@k3-mapa.comk3 mapa GmbHHeinrichsberg 165193 WiesbadenGermany Nanoimprint Lithography System Market - Next Generation Lithography, Evolution of the Technology Imprinting technology is an ancient technique for the reproduction of writings on appropriate supports. Since 1990s, one of the imprinting techniques, i.e., injection moulding has been used for compact disk (CD) production. More recently, the semiconductor industry is interested in imprint related techniques because of the mass production requirement of future microelectronic circuits with a possible critical dimension down to a few nanometers. At this deep nanometer scale, traditional photolithography is supposed to rule out because of the optical diffraction or material limitations. In fact, the actual minimum feature size in an integrated circuit (IC) is already less than 50 nm and the actual manufacturing systems are already extremely sophisticated and expensive.The semiconductor industry has always been looking for alternative patterning methods in order to follow Moores law, which has been formulated to predict the evolution of the technology nodes. Now, extreme UV lithography (EUV), 193 nm immersion lithography, mask less lithography (MLL) techniques and nanoimprint lithography (NIL) are considered as candidates for the so called Next Generation Lithography (NGL) at 32 nm and 22 nm nodes. In parallel, imprint technology has been promoted by a large scientific community and non-IC industry segments including high-density storage, optoelectronics, telecommunication as well as biochips or micro total analysis systems.Request For Free Sample Of The Report @Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Nanoimprint Lithography System in global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, types and applications.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversObducatEV GroupCanon (Molecular Imprints)NanonexSUSS MicroTecGuangDuo NanoMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversHot Embossing (HE)UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography (UV-NIL)Micro Contact Printing (-CP)Obtain Report Details @Market Segment by Applications, can be divided intoConsumer ElectronicsOptical EquipmentOthersAbout Future Genic ReportsFuture Generic Reports is a market research and consulting organization, offering premium collection of market research reports, custom research and consulting services to corporations, no-profit organizations and government institutions across the globe.The wide range of information is presented by a team of well-trained researchers of specific sectors through exhaustive research. We deliver premier market research services that cover all industry verticals, including chemicals and material, automotive, healthcare, electronics & semiconductor, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and technology and media.We believe in building an eternal bond with our clients through offering them inclusive research study meeting their specific requirements. Our services are tailored specifically to our clients by proposing them the potential outcome, based on our in-depth analysis and insights for exploring the growth strategies through providing the best possible decision for quality production.Comntact us-USA Office244 , Madison AvenueNew York City, NY - 10016United StatesUK Office109 ,Straford Street,LeedsWest Yorkshrie LS11 6JGUnited KingdomSend Us An EmailE-mail: sales@futuregenicreports.comCall UsToll Free: +1- 844-445-2861Phone: +1- 347-983-9688 A Priceless Book Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom authored by Prof V Krishnamurthy Ex Director KK Birla Academy and Former Deputy Director BITS Pilani A Priceless Book Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom by Prof V Krishnamurthy Ex Director KK Birla Academy & Former Deputy DD BITS Pilani One who opens any page of this book of 365 Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom is bound to drift into a cornucopia of various voices from towering scholars of spirituality across the globe speaking from personal experience.It is known that Information is just bits of data while knowledge is putting them together and wisdom is transcending them. When Prof Krishnamurthy puts it together and transcends, then it becomes very special. Prof. V. Krishnamurthy (born 1927) M.A. of Madras University and Ph.D, of Annamalai University, is an ex-Director of K.K. Birla Academy, New Delhi. Formerly he was Dy. Director and Prof. of Mathematics at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani for more than two decades. His teaching prowess and administrative acumen are folklore at Birla Institute of Technology and Science - BITS Pilani alumni Proud to be BITSianss spread across all latitudes longitudes and altitudes. He has authored a number of books and research papers in the areas of Linear Algebra, Functional Analysis and Combinatorial Mathematics which has won international recognition.Prof Krishnamurthy was also trained systematically in the traditional Hindu scriptures by his father Sri R. Viswanatha Sastrigal, a scholarly exponent who was himself a living example of the ideal Hindu way of life. Over the years Prof. Krishnamurthy has given several successful lectures on Hinduism, the Ramayana, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and Srimad Bhagavatam to Indian and American audiences. His expositions have been acclaimed for their precision, clarity and an irresistible appeal to the modern mind.The purpose of this compilation Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom is to spread spiritually oriented thinking across the world among those who have a basic urge to rise beyond the mundane. The main pattern of the book is the variety of its compilation by which it opens out windows to a spiritual panorama. Each page may trigger a new train of thought, the source of which is right on the same page. To put it mathematically, most of the thought-quotations indeed have a gradient for steepest ascent with optimum step size towards a Hindu environment.The origin of the book goes back to the compilers practice in 2017 to post one such thought on his Facebook page daily during the year. No title was posted for any of the thoughts except to serially number and date them. Readers were invited to suggest a heading or title for each of the thoughts as they appeared daily and that was how the heading on each page of the book was evolved. A look at these titles of the thoughts and the list of their author-sources will itself be an eye-opener into the extensive mansion of spirituality. The uniqueness of this book is that it is indeed an outcome of crowdsourcing of thoughts, opinions, arguments, counter views by scholars across the world on social media giant Facebook.The book has been published by Notion Press Media Pvt Ltd Old No.38, New No.6, McNichols Road, Chetpet, Chennai 600 031 Phone +91 9840474398. To get a copy of the book Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom authored by Prof V Krishnamurthy at a very special 20% discount, use coupon code ADVAITABHAKTI by clicking the linkThose who want to get the book Thoughts of Spiritual Wisdom authored by Prof V Krishnamurthy at the discount of 20% through Amazon, may email to him at to get a special coupon code.His other books on religion include Essentials of Hinduism (1989); Hinduism for the Next Generation (1992); The Ten Commandments of Hinduism (1994); Science and Spirituality: A Vedanta Perception (2002); Kannan sorppaDi vaazhva-deppaDi (2002) (In Tamil, with an appendix on Dhruva-Stuti - An Upanishad Capsule); and Live Happily the Gita Way (2008); Gems from the Ocean of Spiritual Hindu Thought and Gems from the Ocean of Devotional Hindu Thought (2010).For more details about Prof V Krishnamurthy seeAbout BITSAA: BITS Alumni Association (BITSAA) has emerged as one of the strongest alumni networks of any university. BITSAA International engages in charitable and educational activities by raising funds for setting up endowments, creating scholarships, rewarding teaching and research and generally promoting the development of resources at Birla Institute of Technology and Science at Pilani, Dubai, Goa & Hyderabad campuses. BITSAA International also aims to strengthen the ties, friendship and communication amongst former students, alumni faculty and friends of the Institute. BITSAA International provides a number of channels for people to stay connected with each other and with Birla Institute of Technology & Science. Notable other alumni initiatives for BITS Pilani include Guru Dakshina program by 70-75 batch to honour former faculty members, Prof Venkateswaran Faculty Excellence award by Karthik Krishna, Prof SSR Memorial Teaching Excellence Award, Atma Nirbara multi crore Pilani Resource Centre by 75-80 batch alumni and many more. For more on BITSAA seeProf BR NatarajanBITS Pilani AlumnusPilani Rajasthan India 333031Phone: +91-9799476406Email: brnatarajan@bitsaa.orgWebsite: Electronic Chemicals Market Analysis 2018, Major Key Players Reviews - Albemarle Corporation, BASF SE, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Ashland Inc., The Dow Chemical Company and Covestro AG Market Overview:The global electronic chemicals market is expected to be worth USD 63 billion in 2022 and will grow at the CAGR of 6.9% from 2016 to 2022. Electronic chemicals are used in various application namely semiconductor & IC, PCB and others. Growing advancement of electronic chemicals market would be beneficial in the near future. Electronics chemicals have been used in various applications in last few decades and is expected to be used in future as well in diverse applications.Receive a Sample Report @Geographically, maximum consumer of electronic chemicals market are in Asia-Pacific followed by U.S. in North America which shows a remarkable growth of the electronic chemicals market due to high demand of electrical, automobile industry. Rapid industrialization in countries like China, India and Mexico contribute further in the growth of this market. However, increasing number of environmental regulations is expected to hamper market growth. Row is anticipated to be the fastest growing region for electronic chemicals market for the forecasted period. High growth in the developing economies of South America and Africa is anticipated to drive demand for electronic chemicals in the Row region.Key Players:Key players of the global electronic chemicals market are Albemarle Corporation, BASF SE, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Ashland Inc., The Dow Chemical Company, Covestro AG, The Linde Group, Cabot Microelectronics, AZ Electronic Materials, Huntsman Corporation and others.Access Report Details @Reasons to buy:This report includes an in-depth study analysis of electronic chemicals market. It covers market segmentation by form and by application it helps in identifying region wise major suppliers and understanding overall consumption patterns. The report will provide useful and premium insights that will support investments in electronic chemicals market and allied companies by providing details about fast growing segments and regions. In addition, it will provide key findings that will help companies to improve their profitability by using supply chain strategies and method of cost effectiveness on various products mentioned in the report. The data used in the report is primarily based on interviews with major producing companies and industry experts which are supported by authentic industry data from secondary sources.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.WantStats Research and Media Pvt. Ltd.Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Module Power Supply Market Is Expected To Grow with a Healthy CAGR During 2018-2025 QYResearchReports Qyresearchreports include new market research report Module Power Supply to its huge collection of research reports.The commerce and business intelligence study on the global Module Power Supply market in an analytical evaluation that has been prepared to help the business decision making capabilities of vendors associated to the value chain of the market. The report serves to aid its targeted audiences to detect growth spaces and hence gain edge over their competitors. It presents an analysis of growth behavior of key segments and sub-segments in key regions of the market. To provide a thorough analysis, the report provides historic performance and current performance based on which market size and revenue projections are provided. The research report provides a conclusive analysis of the market by carefully segregating it based on a few vital criteria.This report studies Module Power Supply in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2013 to 2018, and forecast to 2025.For more info, get sample report for FREE here:This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringSiemensPhoenixcontactTDK-LambdaOMRONDetronSchneider ElectricMeanwell4NICHengfuPowerldTable of Contents1 Industry Overview of Module Power Supply1.1 Definition and Specifications of Module Power Supply1.1.1 Definition of Module Power Supply1.1.2 Specifications of Module Power Supply1.2 Classification of Module Power Supply1.2.1 Environmental Protection Module Power Supply1.2.2 High Frequency Module Power Supply1.2.3 Others1.3 Applications of Module Power Supply1.3.1 Electricity1.3.2 Industrial Control1.3.3 Medical Treatment1.3.4 Military IndustryRead Complete Table of Content of the Report at:2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Module Power Supply2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Module Power Supply2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Module Power Supply2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Module Power Supply3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Module Power Supply3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Module Power Supply Major Manufacturers in 20173.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Module Power Supply Major Manufacturers in 20173.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Module Power Supply Major Manufacturers in 20173.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Module Power Supply Major Manufacturers in 20174 Global Module Power Supply Overall Market Overview4.1 2013-2018E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2013-2018E Global Module Power Supply Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2017 Module Power Supply Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2013-2018E Global Module Power Supply Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2017 Module Power Supply Sales Analysis (Company Segment)...About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact US:Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-618-1030Web:Email: Global Sulfosuccinate Market Covering Trends, Market Share and Forecast to 2023 MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Sulfosuccinate MarketGet Free Sample Report with TOC @Global sulfosuccinate market was valued at US$ 271.5 Mn in 2013 and is anticipated to reach US$ 446.2 Mn by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 5.3% between 2015 and 2023.Sulfosuccinates are sodium salts of alkyl ester of sulfosuccinic acid. Sulfosuccinic surfactants are widely used in the cosmetic industry to improve the mildness of personal care products. Sulfosuccinates are similar to alkyl sulfonates and are based on the petro chemically derived maleic acid anhydride.Sulfosuccinate surfactants possess excellent foaming, wetting, emulsifying, and solubilizing properties. Additionally, these surfactants exhibit high surface activity, biodegradability, and low critical micelle concentration. They are used in various types of cleansing formulations, household detergents & cleaners, industrial cleaners, textiles, pharmaceuticals, polymers, paints & coatings, leather, printing, and agriculture.Rising acceptance of specialty detergents & cleaning agents and the upsurge in the demand for personal care products is anticipated to boost demand for sulfosuccinates. However, the industrial shift towards bio-based surfactants is expected to retard the growth of sulfosuccinates in the near future. In addition, the environmental and regulatory issues are likely to baffle the demand for sulfosuccinates in the next few years. Nonetheless, increasing demand for sulfosuccinate in enhanced oil recovery may open new avenues for the market within the forecast period.Household detergents & cleaners accounted for approximately 40% of the market share in 2014 and was the largest end-user segment in the global sulfosuccinate market. Population growth and increasing disposable income are expected to remain the major drivers of the household detergents & cleaners segment detergent market. This, in turn, is estimated to drive the sulfosuccinate market. As most sulfosuccinates are good foaming agents, and are mild to skin and eyes, they find extensive application in the personal care segment. Thus, personal care segment is anticipated to witness fastest growth during the forecast period,In terms of volume, Europe dominated the global sulfosuccinate market with over 35% share in 2014. Significant industrial growth is the one of the major factors driving the sulfosuccinate market in the region. Furthermore, growth in the laundry industry in Europe is likely to augment the sulfosuccinate market, as cleanliness and hygiene are highly valued in Europe. Economies such as China, India, Thailand, South Korea, and Indonesia are expected to drive the sulfosuccinate market in Asia Pacific in the near future. Additionally, rise in demand for personal care products is projected to boost the sulfosuccinate market in the region.Major players in the sulfosuccinates market include Cytec Industries Inc., The Dow Chemical Company, Stepan Company, Rhodia, Lonza Group Ltd, Croda International Plc, MFG Chemical Inc., and Huntsman Corporation.Outlook Complete Report details with List of Tables and Figures @The report segments the global sulfosuccinate market as follows:Sulfosuccinate Market Application AnalysisDish washing liquidsHousehold detergents & cleanersIndustrial cleanersPersonal care productsPharmaceuticalsOthers (Including textiles, petroleum processing, food processing agrochemicals, etc.)Sulfosuccinate Market Regional AnalysisNorth AmericaS.Rest of North AmericaEuropeFranceUKSpainGermanyItalyRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaASEANRest of Asia PacificLatin AmericaBrazilRest of Latin AmericaMiddle East & Africa (MEA)GCCSouth AfricaRest of MEAAbout Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Filters and Particle Monitoring Industry 2018 | Global Growth, Demand, Trends, Share and Key Manufacturers Analysis with Cantel Medical Co, Sartorius Group, Thales Group, Siemens AG till 2027 Filters and Particle Monitoring Market Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market - OverviewFilters and Particle monitoring play very vital role in the life science industry. As this industry is highly sensitive towards the external contamination and cannot bear a single foreign particle inside the facility, thus this market becomes the very important in the development of life science industry. Global Filters & Particle Monitoring market has been evaluated as continuously growing from past 2 decades as the government and private institutional become more sensitive and knowledgeable for the need of medical science research and development.Click to Get Sample Report @Life science industry is only industry which helps to bring out a patient from the any condition by the new achievements. Filters and particle monitoring are those equipments which helps to monitor the environment and keep it safe and clean for various applications. In the life science these equipments are mostly get used in the air monitoring and filtration and water monitoring and filtrations and others.Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market - Key PlayersThe prominent player in the market of Filters and Particle Monitoring are:- Cantel Medical Corporation (Filtration)- Sartorius Group (Filtration)- MachereyNagel Gmhb & Co. Kg (Filtration)- Cantel Medical Corporation (Filtration)- Merck Millipore (Filtration)- Danaher Corporation (Particle Monitoring)- Thales Group (Particle Monitoring)- Siemens AG (Particle Monitoring)- TE Connectivity Ltd. (Particle Monitoring)- Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Particle Monitoring)Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market - ApplicationsFilters and particle monitoring market application includes the air monitoring & filtration, water monitoring and filtration and others. Global Filters and Particle monitoring market research report provide the detailed analysis of how the filters and particle monitoring get used in these applications. This is very important for the research institutions to monitor the environment of the facility in order to bring out the best and pure conclusion.Filters helps to keep the environment clean under the facility as per the need of the facility. Some research facilities does not tolerate .001% of change in the environment by any means including the level of nitrogen and oxygen in the air and monitoring equipments helps to keep the record of the environment for both air and water.Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market - Market InfluencerIn the 21st century, Life science industry plays very vital role in the development of healthcare industry. As the life science industry is growing it is taking the healthcare industry to the new highs. The main market driver for the filters and particle monitoring market is the development in the both industries. New technological developments in the life science on the daily basis are demanding more of new facilities. Life science industry is one of the fastest growing industries in todays worlds and as the new developments are taking places, it is creating heavy demand for the filters and particle monitoring market.Get Unbelievable Discount on Report @Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market - SegmentationFor the better understating of the Global Filters & Particle Monitoring Market, this report has been segmented on the basis of Filters and Particle Monitoring:For Filter, market has been segmented:On the basis of product:- Filtration accessories- Filtration assemblies- Filtration mediaOn the basis of technology:- Ultra filtration- Vacuum filtration- Micro filtration- Nano-filtrationFor Particle Monitoring, market has been segmented:On the basis of product type:- Monitors (Fixed, Portable)- Sensors- SoftwareOn the basis of Monitoring:- Air Control monitors- Water Control monitors- OtherOn the basis of Sensors- Digital (Temperature, Noise)- Analog (Chemical testing, Moisture control)On the basis of end Users- Pharmaceutical Companies- Research institutions- Hospitals and Diagnostic centersGlobal Filters & Particle Monitoring Market Report - Regional AnalysisNorth America is having lead in the market of Filters and Particle monitoring have the market share more than the Western Europe and Asia Pacific. Countries in the North America are well developed and established in the segment of technology and this industry is totally driven by the growth and development of the technology. As the research institution and pharmaceutical market is growing these countries, demand for the filters and particle monitoring market is also increasing. The next big market for the filters and particle is Eastern Europe. Countries like Germany and France who pays high attention to the life science industry consumes more equipments of filters and particle monitoring. Asia Pacific market is emerging as the fastest growing market in the market of Filter and Particle Monitoring as countries like China, India is adapting the new technologies for life science industry.Major Table of ContentChapter 1. Report PrologueChapter 2. Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope of the Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 LimitationsChapter 3. Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size EstimationChapter 4. Market DynamicsContinued.To Know More Enquire @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Gas Turbine Generators Market Size 2018-2025 Siemens, Solar Turbines, GE, MHPS, BHEL, ALSTOM Gas Turbine Generators Market The Market research report studies the global Gas Turbine Generators market status and forecast, categorizes the global Gas Turbine Generators market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia, Central & South America, and Middle East & Africa).Global Major Players Analysis such as GE, Siemens, MHPS, ALSTOM, Solar Turbines, Dresser-Rand, BHEL, Rolls-Royce, Power Machines OJSC, AVICThe study Global Gas Turbine Generators Industry is a detailed report scrutinizing statistical data related to the Global Market. This report covers every aspect of the global market for Gas Turbine Generators, starting from the basic market information and advancing further to various significant criteria, based on which, the Gas Turbine Generators market is segmented.Request Sample Copy of Report:The study objectives of this report are:To study and forecast the market size of Gas Turbine Generators in global market.To analyze the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for top players.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, end use and region.To analyze and compare the market status and forecast between China and major regions, namely, United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Rest of World.To analyze the global key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Gas Turbine Generators are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersGas Turbine Generators ManufacturersGas Turbine Generators Distributors/Traders/WholesalersGas Turbine Generators Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsGas Turbine Generators Market Analysis By End User/Application such as Power Plant, Oil and Gas Industry, Industrial CompaniesGas Turbine Generators Market Analysis By Product/Type such as Gas Turbine Generators Rated 1.00 To 2.00 MW, Gas Turbine Generators Rated 2.00 To 10.00 MW, Gas Turbine Generators Rated More Than 10 MWBrowse Full Report Here:The Global Gas Turbine Generators Market report has Forecasted Compound Annual rate of growth (CAGR) otherwise value for explicit amount, which can facilitate user to require decision supported futuristic chart. This report covers each aspect of the global market for Gas Turbine Generators, starting from the essential market info and advancing further to various significant criteria, based on that, the Gas Turbine Generators market is segmented. Report additionally includes key players in global Gas Turbine Generators market. The Gas Turbine Generators market size is estimated in terms of revenue (US$) and production volume during this report.Finally, Gas Turbine Generators market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry.Contact Us:3626 North Hall Street (Two Oak Lawn),Suite 610,Dallas, TX 75219, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Web:Email: Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market to Record an Exponential CAGR by 2026 Business process as a service (BPaaS) is providing business processing outsourcing (BPO) service through cloud services. BPaaS can cater various business process including horizontal and vertical business services. Now-a-days, the companies are looking for service oriented approach to fulfill their BPO services need which is one of the reasons cloud services has witnessed traction in its adoption globally. Companies are adopting BPaaS solutions to obtain competitive edge and distinguish themselves from their competitors by focusing on their core business.Growing acceptance of technologies such as cloud computing, business analytics, social media platforms, and process automation software are contributing to the growth of the market. BPaaS solutions assist in reducing cost and increasing operational efficiency by restructuring the system background, hence, providing a technological environment on a unified centralized platform.A sample of this report is available upon request @Features of BPaaSIt includes all the three fundamental cloud services: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaSIt contains well deigned set of application programming interface (API)It is able to handle massive scaling of processBusiness Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market: Drivers and ChallengesThe main driver of BPaaS market is growing need to improve business process agility at minimum cost. The growing adoption of service models with suitable payment options is also contributing in the growth of the market, with service providers offering pay per use pricing options. Factors such as globalization of markets, prominence of cloud technology, increasing adoption trend of BPaas in SMBs, and increased IT spending are also driving the growth of global BPaaS market.Currently several cloud based applications are available in BPaaS market. The biggest challenge is identifying the most suitable business process service plan to cater the need of particular organizational function, and deploying it smoothly in current work scenario. In business organization, the existence of problem with IT integration is prevalent. Lack of understanding of cloud and integration of BPaaS solutions within the existing infrastructure results in different business process outcomes, this is another challenge global BPaaS market is facing.Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) Market: SegmentationSegmentation of business process as a service (BPaaS) market on the basis of process:Human Resource:Today, the biggest challenge HR department is facing in any business organization is better utilization of talent and resources available internally. In order to achieve this, HR department works on the principle beyond the traditional concept of reducing the cost per employee and focuses on improving employee experience and productivity. Human resource outsourcing meets all these HR objectives of a particular business organization.Finance and Accounting:Financial institutions worldwide are pressurized by the impact of higher volatility, and regulatory and socio-political environments. Finance and account outsourcing helps financial organizations by adding value through cost reduction and optimizations, audit recovery, revenue prediction, and enhanced stakeholder experience.Marketing and Sales:Marketing and sales management services have moved beyond expending on acquiring customers to creating platforms which builds brand loyalty. This platform assist in generating revenue, reducing cost and provide enhanced customer experience which is standard across multi-channel environments.Regional OverviewNorth America presents largest market opportunity for BPaaS service providers, in countries such as the U.S. and Canada, the growing desire to reduce the capital expenditure and improve operational efficiency is driving business organization to adopt BPaaS solutions.In Asia-Pacific region, the growth of market is driven by expanding enterprise sector and broadband penetration in countries such as China and India. In Europe region, there is a growing need among the business organizations to deploy a holistic solutions that would address the total cost of service delivery rather than just operational cost. Business enterprises in Latin America and Middle East and Africa regions are adopting BPaaS solutions in order to overcome outdated technological glitches that reduce the effectiveness of business process.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Accenture, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Cap Gemini S.A., Computer Science Corporation (CSC), and Fujitsu Limited are the key players of global BPaaS market.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Calcium Gluconate Market to Observe Strong Development by 2026 Calcium gluconate is a mineral supplement which is prepared by the neutralization of gluconic acid with lime or calcium carbonate. It is listed as one of the essential medicines on WHOs list of essential medicine. Calcium gluconate is used to treat conditions arising from calcium deficiencies such as hypocalcaemia tetany, hypocalcemia related to hyperparathyroidism and hypocalcaemia due to rapid growth or pregnancy. Apart from being an active ingredient in medicines, calcium gluconate finds its application in various food products as a nutrient supplement. It is a used as a source of calcium, in a variety of food & beverage products, such as; milk, soft drinks, juices, bottled waters, dairy products, soy products, baked goods, and confectionery.A sample of this report is available upon request @Calcium Gluconate Market: Drivers & RestraintsGlobal calcium gluconate market is expected to grow owing to increasing demand from end-use industries such as pharmaceuticaland food & beverages. Sunrise industries like the nutraceutical industry has also largely impacted the global calcium gluconate market, as it finds itself as major ingredient in multiple calcium based health supplements. Increase in the demand for health supplements from the health conscious consumers has largely driven this market globally. More than 75% of Americans are calcium deficient, and more than one in 10 Americans either has, or is at risk of developing, osteoporosis or other bone diseases. This fact is also acting as a driver for the global calcium gluconate market in that region. The segment is anticipated to witness above average growth on account of increasing use of health supplements in developed countries for over the last few years and trend is likely to continue over the forecast period.Excessive intake of calcium gluconate may lead to various side effects such as nausea, constipationand stomachupset. Rapid intravenous injections of calcium gluconate may cause hypercalcaemia, which can result in vasodilation, cardiac arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure, and bradycardia. This has proven to be a major restraint for this market.Calcium Gluconate Market:SegmentationThe global calcium gluconate market can be broadly segmented on the basis of end use, application, and form available. On the basis of end use, the market can be further segmented into; bulking agent, emulsifier, and thickening agent. On the basis of application, the global calcium gluconate market can be bifurcated into pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, and nutraceuticals. Commercially, calcium gluconate is available in three major form, i.e. gum, liquid, and powder.Calcium Gluconate Market:Region Wise OutlookGeographically, the calcium gluconatemarket is segmented into seven regions which are ; North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and Japan.Asia Pacific region is anticipated to witness high growth on account of increasing demand from end-use industries. In addition, increased government spending on infrastructure development is likely fuel market growth over the next six years.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Calcium Gluconate Market: Key PlayersSome of the major global key players in this segments are; Aaron Industries, Inc. American Biorganics, Inc, AKZO Nobel Chemicals Inc, Alfa Aesar, Coyne Chemical , Glucona America, Inc, PMP Fermentation Products, Inc, Noah Technologies Corporation, Westco Chemicals Inc, Mallinckrodt Inc., Spectrum Bulk Chemicals. These companies are developing market strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, Joint Venture, New product development and Expansion to increase their market share in Global Functional Beverages Market. Apart from these big firms, there are multiple new entrants in the market.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Black Pepper Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2026 Black Pepper is a pungent hot-tasting powder spice prepared from dried and ground peppercorns, used to flavor food. It is also known as king of spices because it contains rich anti-oxidants and other nutrients. The high demand for pepper presents an attractive market opportunity for new vendors to enter the market. In the present market scenario, it is estimated that the new crop of black pepper accounts for nearly 30% to 35% of the market. The high demand is expected to increase the price of black pepper, thereby increasing the profit margin of the vendors in this market.Apart from this, black pepper powder is also used to make medicines. It often used to cure stomach upset, bronchitis, and cancer. It is sometimes applied directly to the skin for treating nerve pain(neuralgia) and a skin disease called scabies. Black peppers are also used typically as a counterirritant for pain.A sample of this report is available upon request @Black Pepper Market: Drivers & RestraintsThe black pepper market is directly influenced by the growing processed food industry. The rise in consumption of bakery products, confectionery products, and ready-to-eat and ried food in the developed economies is driving the market for the spice. The recent trend of using natural flavor enhancer has also catalyzed the growth of the global market. In the year 2013-15, the global pepper consumption is estimated at around 400,000 tons and has been increasing steadily. Increasing demand from Far East countries, which have started using more pepper in cooking, has been quite significant in driving the global black pepper market. Growth in the cosmetics industry is also directly influencing the pepper market. Due to the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of black pepper, it is often included in skin care products.As stated earlier, that the market is experiencing a major year on year increase in demand for black pepper. But unfortunately, this demand is not backed by adequate supply, which has proved to be a major restraint in this market. This is majorly due to the intensive crop losses in various parts of the world, especially in India & Brazil. Sudden climatic changes and untimely rainfall has significantly led to the fall in the yield of black pepper.Black PepperMarket: SegmentationThe global black pepper market can be broadly segmented on the basis of; type, end use and application. On the basis of type, the market can be further segmented into organic and inorganic. Based on end use, the market can be segmented into bakery and confectionery products, frozen products, soups, sauces & dressing, beverages, meat & poultry products, snacks and convenience food, and others. Based of application, the black pepper market can be segmented into food & beverages, health care and personal care & cosmetics.Black PepperMarket: Region Wise OutlookGeographically, the global black peppermarket is segmented into seven regions which are ; North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), and Middle East and Africa (MEA) and Japan.Vietnam, followed by Brazil, India & Indonesia are the leading producer of black pepper in the year 2014 globally.India saw a fall in its average production in the same year. The leverage of large scale production and productivity helps Vietnam growers to offer world's lowest price tags.In terms of export, Vietnam leads the market globally. U.S. market continues to be the largest importer of black pepper from Vietnam. While most markets like India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Netherlands, Spain have seen an increase in their imports, except Germany. German market recorded a drop in imports from Vietnam. Thus, with a market share of approximately 50% per cent in the global market, Vietnam has been able dominate the market.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Black PepperMarket: Key PlayersSome of the major companies operating in global black peppermarket are Baria Pepper, British Pepper and Spice, Catch, Everest Spices, McCormick, MDH, Agri food Pacific, Akar Indo, Brazil Trade Business, DM AGRO, Gupta Trading, Pacific Production, PT AF, Silk Road Spices, The Spice House, Vietnam Spice Company, Visimex, and Webb James, Olam International Limited.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Encapsulation Resins Market to Discern Steadfast Expansion During 2026 Global Encapsulation Resins Market- OverviewResins are being used on a large scale to protect and insulate electronic components and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) from harsh and challenging environments including vibration, moisture, physical shock, and contamination. Encapsulation of device can help resins to form a complete barrier against such harsh environment and extreme conditions.The electronics industry is rapidly growing with increasing use of PCBs in various industrial, domestic, military, and automotive devices. Hence, it has become essential to protect these devices to avoid any performance issue of failure. With increasing use of wearable devices, these devices are potentially exposed to various elements including water or chemicals. Therefore, the manufacturers of these devices are ensuring protection in form of encapsulation resins to offer better performance when used by the end-user. Encapsulation technique is finding major application in devices is due to the growing trend of miniaturization, and to overcome the issue of misconnection of electronic components.Get a free sample request @Global Encapsulation Resins Market- Research MethodologyThe global encapsulation resins market report provides estimated market size on the basis of top-down and bottom-up approach. The report offers a forecast on global revenue, segments and various key regions. The report talks about market dynamics including market drivers, key trends, opportunities in the market, and risk factors associated with the market. Primary and secondary research has been done in order to identify major market factors and opportunities in the global encapsulation market. Primary research includes interviews with industry experts, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and stakeholders. Answers provided were also verified with the available data sources. Moreover, information obtained from secondary resources including investor presentation, annual reports are also provided in the report.The report comprises SWOT analysis, Porters five force analysis for better understanding of the market. Market attractiveness analysis is also done to identify growth opportunities in the market. Absolute dollar opportunity is also given in the report as it is one of the vital factors to know opportunities for manufacturers in the market. The report also offers an in-depth overview of the technology, product specification, and production analysis including cost, revenue, etc.The report also focuses on growth, regulations, and research and development in the encapsulation resins market in various regions. The research also covers current market size and various key companies operating in the market. The report provides profiles of the companies including financial overview, product portfolio, company overview, market share, and new product launch. It also offers detail on long-term strategies and short-term strategies by the companies to compete in the global encapsulation resins market.Global Encapsulation Resins Market- Market SegmentationThe global encapsulation resins market is segmented into product type, end use industries, and region. On the basis of product type, the market segmentation includes epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, silicone resins, and others resins.By the end use industries, the market is segmented into electronics & electricals components, automotive components, telecommunication components, and others.Region-wise, the global encapsulation resins market segmentation includes Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), North America, Latin America, Japan, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA).Competitive LandscapeThe report provides profiles of the key companies, their specifications, overall revenue, market share, size, product portfolio, new developments. The companies currently operating in the market are ACC Silicones Ltd., BASF, Dow Chemical Company, Henkel ag & co. kgaa, Hitachi Chemical, Huntsman Corporation, H. B. Fuller Company, Master Bond Inc., Fuji Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd., and Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.Buy Now Full Report @XploreMR is one of the worlds leading resellers of high-quality market research reports. We feature in-depth reports from some of the worlds most reputed market research companies and international organizations. We serve across a broad spectrum from Fortune 500 to small and medium businesses. Our clients trust us for our unwavering focus onquality and affordability. We believe high price should not be a bottleneck for organizations looking to gain access to quality information.XploreMR111 North Market Street, Suite 300San Jose, CA 95113, United StatesTel: +1-669-284-0108Email: sales@xploremr.comWebsite: Blood Collection Monitors Market To Hold a High Potential for Growth by 2025 Blood collection monitor is a compact medical devices utilized to monitor homogenous mixing of blood and anticoagulant during collection of blood from a donor. This device is primarily utilized to prevent clot formation of blood. Blood collection monitors are used in hospitals, clinics and biotechnology industries worldwide. The device also ensures prevention of blood cells being damaged during collection procedure. A typical blood collection monitor contains an audio visual alarm that notifies an abnormal condition of the donor.Rise in blood transfusion reaction and blood disorders demand the need of blood collection monitors worldwide. Increase in aging population has led to the growth in the rate of critical life-saving surgical procedures which demand blood transfusion. These factors have led to an increase in the inventory levels of blood banks and blood centers.Report Overview @According, to the World Health Organization (WHO) it has been estimated that the global elderly population is expected to reach around 2 billion by 2050; this was around 524 million in 2010. Moreover, the global geriatric population is expected to grow at the fastest rate in developed countries such as Italy, Germany, the U.K., the U.S. and Japan. Thus, increasing geriatric population globally augments the demand for blood collection monitors. Furthermore, advances in healthcare, technology and medical services demands the need of blood collection monitors to fulfill patient needs. Hence, the healthcare providers are rapidly adopting blood collection monitors with the aim of providing better healthcare services to the patient. Therefore, the global demand of blood collection monitors is experiencing a rapid pace worldwide.However, cost of installation and deployment of blood collection monitors is a prime constraint for the adoption of this technology in hospitals and blood centers. This situation further intensifies in developing countries due to ongoing economic downturn, particularly in low GDP nations and some European countries. In addition, large hospitals and blood banks that have sufficient funds to invest may not actually adopt this technology because of lack of awareness about its financial benefits in the long run. Moreover, hospitals and blood banks in developing countries may not be able to afford such high costs and hence may hold back the growth of this market.Request for Table of Contents @North America represents the largest regional market for blood collection monitors primarily due to strong demand of the devices and increasing awareness among people about blood transfusion reaction. Europe accounts for the second largest market for blood collection monitors after North America. Rise in aging population and longer life expectancy has been majorly driving the blood collection monitors market in Europe. Asia-Pacific comprises countries such as India, China, Australia, Japan and Malaysia. Japan and China accounted for the largest share of the blood collection monitors market among the Asia-Pacific countries due to strong demand and increase in awareness about the device. Technological advancement would further expect to accentuate the market growth in these regions. Rest of the World (RoW) comprises the markets in Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. The market for blood collection monitors in RoW is primarily fuelled by extensive increase of healthcare infrastructure in Brazil and Mexico.Major market players operating in the global blood collection monitors market include DSK International, Terumo Penpol, REMI ELEKTROTECHNIK LIMITED, Bioelettronica Srl, Accurate Scientific Instruments, Delcon SRL, Labtop Instruments Private Limited, Haemonetics Corporation among others.Get Sample Copy of this Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Mastitis Market International Vendors are Pfizer, Novartis AG, Astellas, Bipar Sciences, Sanofi S.A., GlaxoSmithKline, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd and others by 2023 Mastitis Market Mastitis is a breast infection, which results in breast pain, swelling, warmth, and redness. In most cases, lactation mastitis occurs within the first six to 12 weeks after giving birth (postpartum), but it can happen later during the breastfeeding. The major symptoms of mastitis include breast tenderness or warmth to the touch, malaise, breast swelling, pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breastfeeding, skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern, high fever and others.The Global Mastitis Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~7.6 % during the forecast period 2017-2023.According to the WHO, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women. Every year 200,000 new cases are diagnosed worldwide and the number is continuously increasing. Prevalence of breast cancer is more common in developed countries as compared to developing countries. The global breast cancer market is driven by increasing number of females having breast cancer. Adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to harmful radiation, increasing female geriatric population, and increasing government initiatives also contributed to the growth of the market. Since no absolute treatment is available to completely cure the disease, there is a scope for developing effective treatments. On another hand, the high cost of the treatment, adverse effects associated with the therapy, and long approval time for the drugs may restrain the growth of the market. However, the high cost of the treatment is likely to affect the growth of the market, negatively.SegmentationsThe Global Mastitis Market is segmented on the basis of types, diagnosis, treatment, and end users.Based on the types, the market is segmented into contagious mastitis and environmental mastitis.On the basis of the diagnosis, the market is segmented into the physical examination and others.On the basis of the treatment, the market is segmented into antibiotics, pain relievers, surgery, and others. The pain relievers are further segmented into acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and others. Moreover, acetaminophen is segmented into Tylenol and others. Ibuprofen is further segmented into Advil, Motrin IB, and others.On the basis of the end users, the market is segmented into hospital & clinics, research centers, and others.Top Key PlayersPfizer (U.S.), Novartis AG (Switzerland), Oncogenex (U.S.), Apthera Inc (U.K), BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals (U.S.), Oncothyreon Inc (U.S.), Astellas (Japan), Bipar Sciences (U.S.), Puma Biotechnology (U.S.), Sanofi S.A. (U.S.), Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.), AstraZeneca (U.K.), F. Hoffmann-La Roche (Switzerland), GlaxoSmithKline (U.K.), Genentech (U.S.), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (Israel), Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (India), Accord Healthcare, Inc. (India), Gilead Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), and others.Get Sample Copy atRegional AnalysisThe Americas dominate the global mastitis market owing to the increasing number of patients with various cancer such as mastitis, and rare diseases. Due to rapidly increasing patient population, governments have started supporting the manufacturers for the development of new and better drugs. Additionally, well-developed technology, high healthcare expenditure, and strong government support for research & development have fueled the growth of the market in this region.Europe commands the second largest market for mastitis, which is followed by the Asia Pacific. Availability of funds, increasing need for better treatment options, and strong government support drive the growth of the market in Europe. Germany, France & the U.K are the major contributors to the European market growth.The Asia Pacific is the fastest growing mastitis market owing to the increasing number of patients with cancers and the presence of a huge opportunity for the development of the market. Additionally, rapidly growing economies and increasing healthcare expenditure are likely to fuel the growth of the market over the assessment period.On the other hand, the Middle East & Africa holds the least share of the market owing to less availability of funds, limited availability of medical facilities, and poor political conditions in Africa. The Middle East region holds the major share of the market owing to well-developed technology and high healthcare expenditure. On the other hand, African region shows the fastest growth due to the availability of opportunities for the market growth.Table of Content1 Report Prologue2 Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope Of The Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 Limitations3 Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size Estimation4 Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.2 Restrains4.3 Opportunities4.4 Challenges4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4.6 Technology Trends & AssessmentGet Discount atAbout US:Market Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone: +1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comMRFR has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.Our Research Analysts are eager to share their knowledge and assist you in refining market research parameters, choosing right market studies, and evaluating both the market scope and the research methodologies of varied segments.We bridge the gap between our clients and their clients by identifying and decoding just the target group, while generating leads with the highest accuracy.Years of research into diverse fields of work has ingrained within us, a proficiency so distinguished that our industry-specific specialists identify with your business ideas and feel the pulse of your challenges and opportunities. This enables us for providing assistance, through our consulting and strategic consulting services, in informed managerial decision making. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industries, WantStats Research and Media often conducts industrial visits for its research analysts. Relevant inputs from various established market participants, help our clients make significant contribution in respective markets are a huge motivation for all of us to endlessly furnish quality. We depend greatly on profound insights into complex realms of our study.Pune, India Advanced drug delivery systems Market Latest Trends by 2025 Advanced drug delivery systems are the improved methods for delivering the drug molecule to the targeted site in a more controlled manner. These methods are developed in order to improve the efficacy ratio of the currently available drugs. Delivering drug at the controlled rate, slow and targeted delivery for onsite drug release and absorption are the basis for the development of advanced drug delivery systems. Furthermore, the development of improved methods of drug delivery is preferred these days over the search for novel molecules. There are various dosage forms available by which a drug substance can be incorporated for efficacious delivery. Advancements in biotechnology and nanotechnology have significantly boosted the development of novel drug delivery approaches.Various interdisciplinary studies in the field of polymer science, pharmaceuticals, organic chemistry and molecular biology are required for the development of advanced drug delivery systems. The drug delivery system comprise of drug formulation, dosage form and mechanism of release. These advanced delivery systems have the potential of overcoming one of the major problem faced by the pharmaceutical industry for the onsite drug efficacy. Development of advanced drug delivery systems needs into consideration several factors such as pharmacodynamics, drug toxicity, immunogenicity, bio compatibility, pharmacokinetics as well as drug efficacy.Report Overview @Most of the advanced drug delivery systems are developed keeping in mind the cancer treatment as the chemotherapy drugs needs to have deeper penetration into the cancer site as well avoiding various associated side effects.Advanced drug delivery systems market: Drivers & RestraintsVarious advantages of advanced drug delivery systems over the conventional delivery systems such as on site action, reduce dosing amount, increased drug efficacy, therapeutic success rate etc. support its market growth. In addition, increasing clinical research activities in the development of more advanced drug delivery systems would also be fuelling the market growth. Certain technical limitations in the development of methods, stringent regulations, high pricing for the advanced products, non-availability in the low income countries are some of the factors limiting the market growth of global advanced drug delivery systems.By Delivery Mode:Oral drug deliveryPulmonary drug deliveryTransdermal drug deliveryParenteral drug deliveryBy Carrier Type:LiposomesNanoparticlesMicrospheresMonoclonal antibodiesOthersBy End Users:HospitalsSpecialized clinicsClinical Research & Development CentersRequest for Table of Contents @Development of novel drug delivery systems is dependent on the number of funding projects for its research and development. The price of the delivery system depends on the complexity of disease, drug molecule and the delivery mode preferred. Market growth is also dependent on the adoption rate of these advanced delivery systems by healthcare practitioners. Various advanced drug delivery and drug targeting systems are currently under development which may fuel the market in future. Emergence of new bioactive materials and gene therapy are also getting attention for the development of advanced drug delivery systems. The collaborations and mergers by the industry players also have a significant impact on the market for advanced drug delivery systems.Geographically, the market for advanced drug delivery systems can be segmented into five regions, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa. North America dominates the global advanced drug delivery systems market owing to the better adoption of improved drug delivery solutions as well as follow up of advanced treatment approaches in healthcare. This is followed by the European market owing to better healthcare infrastructure facilities and growing number of research activities in the healthcare domain over the region. Asia Pacific region represents significant market opportunities in the advanced drug delivery systems due to the improvement in healthcare infrastructure as well as increasing healthcare spending and rising disease prevalence. Latin America followed by MEA represents the lowest market share as well as growth rate in the advanced drug delivery solution with the lower adoption rate over the region.Some major key players of advanced drug delivery systems market include NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc., West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., AstraZeneca, Sequus Pharmaceuticals Inc., 3M, Novartis International AG and others.Get Sample Copy of this Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Military Surveillance Drones Market 2018 - Opportunity, Driving Trends and deep study. Market SynopsisMilitary drones are powered aerial vehicles that do not carry human operators and can fly autonomously and remotely. These drones are largely being used for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. The drones can stay in air for hours or days at a time, and their high-tech cameras can scan a wide geographic area required for surveillance. Such drones are procured by several countries for monitoring their national and sea borders.GET SAMPLE REPORT @The global military surveillance drones market is a very dynamic market and is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period. The global Military surveillance drones market is driven by various factors such as increase in Internal and External Security Threats, increasing Need for Border Monitoring and development of Next-Generation Drones. Drones are the next generation of aerial platforms that are being deployed by the defense ministries around the world. The demand for such unmanned systems has been fuelled by their successful deployment, during combat missions, majorly in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of global conflicts such as the Russia and Ukraine conflict over Crimea, battle for supremacy in the South China Sea territory between China and South Korea, maritime disputes between Venezuela and Guyana, and the sea border dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua. This creates the need to up-date border surveillance systems and the treatment of operational information concerning threats.The global Military surveillance drones market is expected to grow at 11.96% CAGR during the forecast period. In 2016, the market was led by North America, with a 54.3% share, followed by Europe and Rest of the World with shares of 22.2% and 13.1%, respectively.The global military surveillance drones market has been segmented on the basis of types, payload and regions. On the basis of types, the market has been segmented into Fixed Wing, Micro/ Nano and Mini. Whereas, the payload segmented has been divided into Electro-Optic/Infrared Sensor, Cameras, Electronic Intelligence, Maritime Patrol Radar and Others. Of all types, the fixed wing segment is projected to account for the largest market share. Fixed-wing drones are equipped with wings (rather than vertical lift rotors), which are similar to the normal airplanes, and are much efficient as compared to other type of drones. On the basis of payload, Electro-Optic/Infrared Sensor segment is dominating the global Military surveillance drones market.The key players of global Military surveillance drones market include Boeing (U.S.), Airbus Corporation (Netherlands), Lockheed Martin (U.S.), Northrop Grumman Corporation (U.S.), Thales Group (France), Elbit Systems Ltd (Israel), Saab Group (Sweden), Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (Israel), AeroVironment, Inc. (U.S.) and General Atomics (U.S.).The report for Global Military surveillance drones market of comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Table of Content: Key Points1 Executive Summary 122 Introduction 143 Research Methodology 164 Market Dynamics 205 Market Factor Analysis 266 Patent Trends 297 Global Military Surveillance Drones Market, By Type 328 Global Military Surveillance Drones Market, By Payload 36ContinuedACCESS REPORT @Get in touch:LinkedIn:Twitter:Facebook:Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Meniscal Fixation Devices Market Prevalent Opportunities upto 2025 Meniscal fixation is minimally invasive surgical procedure is used to reconstruct torn meniscus. Meniscus functions include distribution and load transmission, joint stability, neuromuscular proprioception and joint nutrition. Meniscal tears are symptomatic and irreparable and meniscal fixation devices are used to remove unstable fragments. Meniscal repair is performed only during longitudinal tears (>10 mm), tears without deformity or secondary degeneration, and others. Meniscal fixation devices are used arthroscopic repair or open surgery. Meniscal fixation devices include arrows, screws, darts, and other fasteners. The latest advancement of meniscal fixation device includes a hybrid of the peripheral anchor, suture, and Slipknot.These fixation devices are used for tensioning across the meniscal tear. In addition, they are flexible, and have a potential to move with meniscus and deform during any activities, and decreases the risk of chondral injury. Meniscal fixation devices are used for meniscus repair are of three types based on suture technique. They are inside-out, outside-in, and all inside. Inside-out technique is used to treat all types of tears with a potential risk of neurovascular incisions. The outside-in technique is used for middle and anterior thirds of the meniscus and this technique is used to decrease the risk of neurovascular incisions. All-inside repair technique for vertical longitudinal, unstable tears of the posterior meniscus.Report Overview @Meniscal Fixation Devices Market: Drivers and RestraintsIncreasing demand due to the Meniscal Fixation Devices due to rising prevalence in developed countries drives the meniscal fixation devices. Recent advancement made it possible for the development of suture-based, flexible, allow for retention of the meniscal fixation devices and variable compression. Additionally, the demand for meniscal fixation devices is raising due to manufacturers continue to develop more user-friendly, cost-effective and safer devices which boosted the meniscal fixation devices. Recent advancements in bio-absorbable meniscal fixation devices lead to better clinical outcomes compared to traditional meniscal repair methods. All these factors act as driver for burgeoning growth of the meniscal fixation devices marketsComplications and failures of the meniscal repair limited the growth of the Meniscal Fixation Devices market.Meniscal Fixation Devices Market: SegmentationSegmentation based on TypeArrowsScrewsDarts andOtherSegmentation based on End UserHospitalsClinicsAmbulatory Surgical CentersMeniscal Fixation Devices Market: Market OverviewGlobal Meniscal Fixation Devices market witnessed rapid growth due to rising demand for potential benefits of meniscal fixation devices. Manufacturers are more focused on innovations to increase the applicability of Meniscal Fixation Devices in other applications. In Developed countries, demand for Meniscal Fixation Devices is increasing due to high awareness and others part of the market, manufacturers are mainly focused on marketing to increase awareness among the end user. Meniscal Fixation Devices market has a presence of many regional players which have a huge market share in emerging countries operating at regional or country level. The future of Meniscal Fixation Devices market is anticipated to grow at double CAGR during the forecast period.Request for Table of Contents @Meniscal Fixation Devices Market: Region-wise OverviewGlobal Meniscal Fixation Devices Market segmented into North America, Europe, Asia -Pacific & Japan, The Middle East and Africa regions and Latin America by region wise. North America dominates the global Meniscal Fixation Devices Market due to the high acceptance among end users, and in North America, USA is a major stakeholder due to the high penetration. Economic conditions in the APAC region are set to drive the Meniscal Fixation Devices market to new heights. European and APAC are fastest growing region due to raising awareness of Meniscal Fixation Devices. Latin America is growing at stable pace due to increasing penetration of meniscal fixation devices. The Middle East and Africa regions are showing significantly less growth because of less awareness regarding Meniscal Fixation Devices during the forecasted period. However, developed countries would maintain its position in the Meniscal Fixation Devices market because of increasing awareness and rising adoption.Meniscal Fixation Devices Market: Key ParticipantsThe key participants in Meniscal Fixation Devices Market are CONMED Corporation, Schwartz Biomedical, LLC, Stryker, Zimmer Biomet, Medtronic, and others. The companies are mainly focusing on intense marketing to convey benefits of Meniscal Fixation Devices.Get Sample Copy of this Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Global Roofing Market Examination & Future Forecast Analyzed till 2024 MRRSE A fresh report has been added to the wide database of Market Research Report Search Engine (MRRSE). The research study is titled Roofing Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024which encloses important data about the production, consumption, revenue and market share, merged with information related to the market scope and product overview. The report anticipates that the sector for Roofing Market would rise at a positive CAGR during the period 2016-2024.Visit on the Below Link to Get a Sample of Report @Roofing materials are a vital necessity in construction, as they comprise the primary barrier against natural elements such as rain. The growth of the construction industry in recent years has thus been vital for the global roofing market. The roofing market has benefited from the diversity of construction activities demanded across the world, as it has led to steady investment and consolidation of lucrative revenue avenues. The global roofing market is likely to exhibit consistent growth in the coming years on the back of the continued construction industry boom in developing regions.According to the global roofing market is likely to exhibit a CAGR of 6.5% between 2017 and 2024.Rising Demand for Eco-friendly Roofing could Shape Roofing MarketThe essential driver for the global roofing market is the steady growth of the construction industry in developing regions and sustained demand for revenue generating operations from the construction industry in developed economies. Urbanization initiatives have picked up steam in several rising economies, which has driven the demand from the global roofing market, as a key part of the construction industry. Steady emigration from rural regions in underdeveloped regions is likely to lead to the formation of growing urban centers in several countries; the high volume of emigration is likely to ensure steady demand for new housing, leading to steady demand from the global roofing market.While the roofing market is matured in developed regions such as North America and Europe, renovation activities aimed at staying abreast of changing environmental regulations are likely to play a key role in the roofing market in these regions. The global roofing market is likely to interact significantly with the energy conservation initiatives being supported throughout developed countries, as roofing materials are exposed to the elements and thus comprise a key part of the building in terms of its environmental impact.Widespread adoption of environmentally oriented roofing systems could help establish an economy of scale, which would help players distribute the innovative materials in developing regions at affordable costs. High costs of advanced roofing materials remain one of the most influential restraints on the global roofing market, making these developments important for the markets growth.Explore Full Report Description with TOC @Asia Pacific Likely to Sustain Strong Position in Global Roofing MarketThe rapid growth of emerging economies in Southeast Asia is likely to help the Asia Pacific roofing market in the coming years, leading to the region establishing firm dominance in the global roofing market. Apart from urbanization initiatives, which have become key parts of the economic plans of several Asia Pacific countries, industrial growth in dynamic economies such as India, China, Japan, and South Korea is also likely to contribute significantly to the growth of the roofing market in the region. Asia Pacific accounted for over 40% of the global roofing market in 2015 and is likely to remain similarly dominant in the coming years.The Middle East is also likely to be a major player in the global roofing market in the coming years due to the rapid pace of construction in the affluent economies. Residential as well as industrial construction has prospered in the region in recent years due to the high pace of economic growth in countries such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, and is likely to remain a key driver for the global roofing market in the coming years.The report profiles leading players in the global roofing market in order to shed light on the markets competitive dynamics. Key companies examined in the report include Johns Manville, Carlisle, GAF, Atlas Roofing Corporation, Firestone Building Products Company, IKO Industries Ltd., and Owens Corning.About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Ceramic Polymer: External coating of a huge universal tank in Czech Republic Renovated tank; durable protection against corrosive influences of industrial environments Czech Republic: The external coating of the large tank, which is part of a well-known car manufacturing company, was renovated effectively with the products CERAMIC-POLYMER STP-EP and PROGUARD 169(37). The combination of the primer and top coat provides beside a simple application a durable protection against corrosion even at extremely corrosive environmental conditions.The tank has a height of 25 meters and is used within the car factory as a universal tank for different substances. The former condition of the tank required a complete renovation of the steel casing and the concrete base.First of all, the steel was prepared for the application of the coating by sandblasting according to purity level Sa2,5. Afterwards our protective coating CERAMIC-POLYMER STP-EP was applied in a thin layer of 180 m by airless spraying. The top coat PROGUARD 169(37) features already with a layer of only 70 m a long-term weather resistance.Technical DetailsProject: External coating of storage tank, refurbishment of concrete baseSize of the tank: 25 m height, 30 m diameterArea external coating: 3.150 m2Area concrete renovation: 89 m2Coating products: CERAMIC-POLYMER STP-EP + PROGUARD 169(37)Layers thicknesses: 180 m + 70 m = 250 m total DFTExpected service life: More than 15 yearsThe external coatings for comprehensive protection under hardest conditionsCERAMIC-POLYMER STP-EPis a surface tolerant two pack ceramic composite epoxy coatingThis product offers a reliable corrosion protection, excellent abrasion resistance as well as a high chemical resistance. Thereby, it is perfectly suitable as prime coat for external application in extremely aggressive atmospheres.PROGUARD 169(37)is a 2-component highly-crosslinked polyurethane top coatThe finishing coat provides beside long-term resistance against UV radiation and weather conditions an outstanding color stability. This product is applied in one layer and cures fast. It also features a high chemical resistance. Thus, it is used for typical scopes and also very harsh environments.The Ceramic Polymer GmbH produces high-quality, solvent-free protective coatings for different kinds of industries. Due to the integration of microscopic ceramic and other special particles, coating systems with outstanding physical properties such as excellent chemical resistances, high temperature stabilities and extreme abrasion resistances are generated.The Ceramic Polymer coatings are applied directly on the blasted substrate (e.g. steel, stainless steel, concrete) without the previous use of a primer. In this way extreme adhesion is achieved.The scopes of the Ceramic Polymer coatings are for instance all kinds of storage tanks, pipelines or process vessels for the oil & gas industry as well as different maritime constructions, waste water or drinking water applications.Ceramic Polymer GmbHStephanie WuenschDaimlerring 9DE-32289 Roedinghausen / Germany+49 (0) Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Market Expansion to be Persistent During 2026 Global Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Market- OverviewSemiconductor packaging prevents physical damage and corrosion of the chips that are to be connected to the circuit boards. In the recent years, semiconductor packaging has evolved giving rise to advanced semiconductor packaging technologies. Manufacturers are moving towards new packaging options such as 2.5D integrated circuits and 3D integrated circuits. Meanwhile, manufacturers are also focusing on developing an alternative to the 2.5D packaging.Internet of Things (IoT) is also expected to have a significant impact on the advanced semiconductor packaging market. Hence, new packaging technologies supporting IoT driven semiconductor industry are being introduced. Miniaturization of devices and thermal dissipation are leading towards the growth of the advanced semiconductor packaging market. Meanwhile, the requirement for less power consumption, improved efficiency is driving the adoption of 3D semiconductor packaging in the advanced semiconductor packaging market.Get a free sample request @Global Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Market- Research MethodologyThe report on the global advanced semiconductor packaging market offers key insights on the market with help of the data obtained from primary and secondary research. The report has used top-down and bottom-up approach to provide expected market size. The report also offers insights on all the major factors playing an important role in the market growth. The report also includes key trends, market opportunities, factors driving the global market and factors hampering the growth of the market.During the primary research interview of industry experts was conducted and information provided by them was crosschecked with various data sources. Both micro-economic and macro-economic factors were also taken into account to provide important information on the global as well as regional advanced semiconductor packaging market.The report also offers segment-wise analysis and region-wise analysis of the global advanced semiconductor packaging market. The secondary research was done to gather data on the market. Sources used in the secondary research included investor presentations, annual reports and financial reports of the major companies. Absolute dollar opportunity is also provided in the report to identify various market opportunities.The report comprises vital information on the key companies operating in the global advanced semiconductor packaging market. The report enlightens on the key business strategies, developments, new product launch by the key market players. The report also includes details on the regulations in the market across the globe. The report also focuses on the technological advancements in the market and how new technologies will impact the growth of the market in future.Global Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Market- SegmentationThe global advanced semiconductor packaging market is segmented based on packaging type, application, end user, and region. On the basis of packaging type, the advanced semiconductor packaging market is divided into Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging (FO WLP), Fan-In Wafer-Level Packaging (FI WLP), Flip Chip (FC), and 2.5D/3D.On the basis of application, the market is divided into application processor/ baseband, central processing units/graphical processing units, dynamic random access memory, NAND, image sensor, and other applications.Based on the end user, the market is divided into telecommunications, automotive, aerospace and defense, medical devices, consumer electronics, and other end users.Region-wise the global market for advanced semiconductor packaging is segmented into Japan, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ), Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa (MEA).Competitive LandscapeSome of the key players in the global advanced semiconductor packaging market are Intel Corp, AMD, Amkor Technology, Hitachi Chemical, STMicroelectronics, Infineon, Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Avery Dennison, Kyocera, and ASE Group.Buy Now Full Report @XploreMR is one of the worlds leading resellers of high-quality market research reports. We feature in-depth reports from some of the worlds most reputed market research companies and international organizations. We serve across a broad spectrum from Fortune 500 to small and medium businesses. Our clients trust us for our unwavering focus onquality and affordability. We believe high price should not be a bottleneck for organizations looking to gain access to quality information.XploreMR111 North Market Street, Suite 300San Jose, CA 95113, United StatesTel: +1-669-284-0108Email: sales@xploremr.comWebsite: Polysorbate-80 Market to Receive overwhelming hike in Revenues by 2026 Polysorbate-80 (PS80), also known as tween 80 is a fatty acid esters of polyoxyethylene sorbitan. PS80 consist of a heterogeneous chemical structure distribution. PS80s are commonly used as non-ionic surfactants in the formulation of bio therapeutic products to prevent surface adsorption and stabilize protein against aggregation induced by stresses such as agitation and shear. It is widely used in food preparation, pharmaceuticals, and personal care and beauty products, such as cold creams, baby lotions, bath oils, and suntan lotions.Polysorbate80 is also used in ice cream preparation as it prevents the ice cream from melting rapidly. It is also used in formulating influenza vaccines.A sample of this report is available upon request @Polysorbate-80 Market: Drivers & RestraintsThe continuous rise in demand from the end use industry such as pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, personal care & cosmetics, plays a vital role in the growth of the global polysorbate market. Today the market is also experiencing a huge demands for the bio based products, which is also contributing to the growth of the global polysorbate market. Increasing awareness about the use of quality skin care products is a major driver for the industry.Polysorbate-80 is normally extracted from natural sources such as; turkey-red oil and coconut oil. Depletion of such natural resources might prove to be a major constraint for the market globally. Polysorbate-80 in some case has caused skin irritation and other minor skin disorders. These side effects could also act as a restraints in this market.Availability of cheap and synthetic substitutes, mainly in the form of borax & sodium borate could act as a potential threat for the market globally.Polysorbate-80 Market: SegmentationThe global polysorbate-80 market is broadly segmented on the basis of source, and application. On the basis of source, it is further be segmented into; plants source, animals source & synthetic source. Plant source is further bifurcated into palm, olive, bay tree, etc. Animal sources can be further segmented into cow fat, sheep fat, pig fat, etc.On the basis of application, the global polysorbate-80 market can be segmented into food & beverages, pharmaceuticals and personal care & cosmetics.Polysorbate-80 Market: Region Wise OutlookGeographically, the polysorbate-80 market is segmented into seven regions which are; North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and Japan.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Polysorbate-80 Market: Key PlayersSome of the key players across the value chain dominating this market are; Lotion crafter LLC, Croda International plc, Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd., Huyze Bladelin, Solenis, Croda International, Camden-grey Essential Oils, Mohini Organics Pvt. Ltd., M S Mehta & Co, Shine-Sarod Nigeria Limited, Chimi Gostaran Saba ( C. G. S. ), Reachin Chemical Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Runhua Food Additive Co., Ltd, Wmc marketing, Gulf Care Factory, and Mukasa Distributors Ltd.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Macadamia Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2026 Macadamia nut was introduced in the early 1960s to the Kenyan highlands from Australia. Macadamia is a member of the family Proteaceae, native to Australia. Australia and Hawaii are the major producing areas of macadamia with others including eastern and southern Africa, and Central and Latin America. Several species of macadamia exist in Australia but only two species such as M. tetraphylla and Macadamia integrifolia and their hybrids are grown commercially. Production of macadamia nuts in Australia is mainly in eastern shore of Australia (northern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland). Currently, Hawaii is the largest producer of global macadamia, accounting for around 70 percent of total macadamia production worldwide followed by Australia, around 22 percent, rest is produced by other countries including Malawi, South Africa, Kenya, Guatemala, Mexico, California, Costa Rica, Brazil, New Zealand and China.A sample of this report is available upon request @Tree nuts include almond, cashew, hazelnut, pistachio, walnut, macadamia, and pecan. Currently, macadamia accounts for around only one percent among all the tree nuts available across the globe. Almond nut dominates the nut segment, accounting for around 34 percent. Increasing health claims for macadamia have witnessed a surge in recent years, which if succeeded is expected to increase the consumption of macadamia nuts among consumers.Global Macadamia Market Segmentation:On the basis of application the global macadamia market is broadly segmented into food industry, and cosmetics industry. In food industry macadamia is widely used in confectionaries including chocolate bar, chocolate covered candy, ice cream and other baking products. In cosmetics industry it is used in shampoos, sunscreens, soaps and others.Geographically, global macadamia market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Pacific excluding Japan, Japan and Middle East & Africa. Currently, North America and Western Europe account for major market share for macadamia however, Asia Pacific excluding Japan is expected to grow significantly in the forecasted years.Global Macadamia Market Dynamics:Owing to increasing variety of applications of macadamia, various workshop are taking places in order to increase the international trade for macadamia and since capitalise the growing demand for macadamia. Adoption of macadamia in chocolate and ice cream among consumers is expected to drive the demand for global macadamia in the near future. The biggest restraint for macadamia market is increasing crop losses due to immature nuts and moldy / rotten nuts. The crop losses due to these type of nuts accounts for around 50 percent of the total macadamia wastage globally. Thereby, reducing inclination of crop growers for macadamia and thus, hampering the market growth.There is a high opportunity to increase the market share of macadamia in terms of revenue across countries such as Mexico, China, South Africa and others. Companies are investing in these countries through promotional activities in order to increase the footprint of macadamia worldwide.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Global Macadamia Market Key Players:Some of the key players operating in the global macadamia market are Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corp., Hamakua Macadamia Nut Company, MacFarms, Wondaree Macadamias, NAMBUCCA MACNUTS Pty Ltd, Golden Macadamias, Royal Macadamia (Pty) Ltd., Kenya Nut Company Ltd. and MWT Foods Australia.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: A Shift from Analog to Digital Broadcasting Expected to Boost Broadcast Switchers Market The prominent market players in the competitive market landscape of the global broadcast switchers market are now concentrating on developing 4K resolution broadcast switchers based on IP. The key players in the market are USA, LLC, Grass Valley, Ross Video, Snell Ltd., and Panasonic Corporation. These players collectively held 46% of overall market share in 2015.A remarkable trend among several key players is their effort towards providing services with respect to the arising demand in developing countries. Leading companies adapting this business dynamics and strategies are Sony Electronics Inc., Evertz Microsystems Ltd., and Panasonic Corporation among others. A future outlook of the global broadcast switchers market shows that the companies need to closely monitor the expanding demand from the developing nations where the rising popularity of the using multiscreen platform will propel the sales of 4K, HD, and IP based broadcast switchers.Get Sample Brochure at:Market Growth Down to Switch from Analog to Digital; High Cost Still Remains a ConcernThis substantial growth in demand for broadcast switchers is mainly down to the evolution of analog broadcasting to digital broadcasting. The strict ITU regulations along with the increasing awareness of the digital advancements in the broadcasting sector such as quick accessibility, myriad channels, and convenient storage are anticipated to drive the market growth. In addition to this, countries such as Brazil, Russia, Mexico, India, Africa, and Ukraine have made their transition from analog to digital broadcasting and thus contributing significantly to surge the adoption of broadcast switchers in the coming years.Get Sample PDFBroadcast switchers require huge investments in equipment which can pose a significant hindrance in the overall market growth. Expensive nature of creating a sound infrastructure with camera control units, light equipment cables, encoders, convertors, and on-field audio recorders will possibly create a major barrier in the development of broadcast switchers market. This rising investment cost on equipment will have an adverse effect on the medium to small-sized businesses. Moreover, cross-platform accessibility of television is also posing a threat in widespread adoption of broadcast switchers across the world.Get TOC of This Report:Transparency Market Reserach is into analytics, research, and advisory services for Fortune 500 companies, scores of high potential startups, and financial institutions. Our success stories have proven why we are a preeminent provider of cutting-edge syndicated and customized research services. Leverage the best of our seasoned research analysts who hold a keen interest and enviable expertise of almost 4 million hours in global, regional, and local market intelligence.Unit No.701, 7th Floor, NSG IT Park,Aundh, Pune - 411007 India Greek Yogurt Market Estimated to Expand at a Robust CAGR over 2026 Currently, greek yogurt is one of the most popular dairy products across the globe. Since greek yogurt is prepared through the straining process in order to separate the yogurt from the excess watery whey, it is also known as strained yogurt. The straining process makes the yogurt much thicker and creamier as compared to the regular or traditional yogurt. Greek yogurt contributes significantly to the growth of the global yogurt market. This is mainly attributed to its benefits such as higher protein and lower carbohydrates value as compare to traditional yogurt. Presently, greek yogurt is the highest growing product category among others including regular yogurt and yogurt drinks and second holds largest market share in terms of revenue, after traditional yogurt in the overall yogurt market. Demand for greek yogurt market is expected to increase in the next five to six forecast years owing to increasing lunch of new product with variety of flavours such as blueberry, vanilla, honey, chocolate and others.A sample of this report is available upon request @Global Greek Yogurt Market Segmentation:On the basis of product type, the global greek yogurt market is segmented into regular greek yogurt and non-fat greek yogurt, which is made from skim milk. Owing to increase the consumption of fat free and healthy products, non-fat greek yogurt products are gaining increasing popularity among the consumers.On the basis of distribution channel, the global greek yogurt market is segmented into supermarket/ hypermarket, grocery stores, convenience stores, and online retailing. In terms of revenue contribution, supermarket / hypermarket is expected to hold the highest share among all the other segments. However, online retail for global greek yogurt market witnesses steady growth in the forecasted years. This is attributed to increasing visibility of greek yogurt especially through online retailing.Geographically, global greek yogurt market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific excluding Japan, and Middle East and Africa (MEA). North America and Western Europe are the two most lucrative market for greek yogurt in the world. In North America around half of the yogurt sold is greek yogurt.Global Greek Yogurt Market Dynamics:Increase in health consciousness among consumer has led to shift in eating preference towards healthy and nutrition food products. Availability of high nutritional value, which includes high protein, probiotics, vitamin such as vitamin D, B12, minerals such as potassium, iodine and calcium in greek yogurt is key factor that has led to increased adoption of greek yogurt among consumers and thus, fuelling the global greek yogurt market growth.Increasing application of greek yogurt is another growth driver for greek yogurt market since it is used for various medium in different countries. For instance, in Mediterranean region greek yogurt is mainly used as savoury but in the US, Mexico and Canada it is used as sweet snack with added fruits and flavours. Greek yogurt is also used in making many sauces for instance beef and lamb sauces. Greek yogurt is also used as a substitute products, for instance it is used as a substitute product for sour cream, cream cheese and butter. Thus, increasing its application among food products.Among dairy products, greek yogurt is a good option for the consumers who have slight lactose intolerance, since in the production process much of the lactose is removed from the greek yogurt. This leads to drive the scope of greek yogurt among such consumers globally. However, high lactose intolerance is restrain for adoption of greek yogurt, thus restricting the market growth. There is a high opportunity to expand and increase the revenue for greek yogurt in the Asia Pacific excluding japan and Middle East countries.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Global Greek Yogurt Market Key Players:Some of the key players operating in the global greek yogurt market are Chobani LLC, Stonyfield Farm, Inc, FAGE International S.A., GROUPE DANONE, and General Mills, Inc. Owing to have strong distribution and marketing strategies companies are able to meet the increasing demand for global greek yogurt.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Cloud Services Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast by 2021 Cloud services are those services that are offered to users via the Internet from the server of cloud computing service provider. Such services provide scalable and easy access to various resources and applications, and are entirely managed by the cloud service providers.The examples of cloud services include web-based e-mail services, online backup solutions and data storage, document collaboration services, technical support services, and database processing among others. Cloud service providers supply the necessary software and hardware required for cloud service, thereby eliminating the need for organizations to deploy their own resources for managing networked services. The other advantage of cloud services over the traditional methods of providing infrastructure is faster deployment of services and reduction in in-house maintenance costs.Read Report Overview @On the basis of mode of delivery, the cloud services market is segmented into Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). The SaaS mode of delivery is further segmented into SMB and mobile corporate SaaS cloud services, corporate SaaS cloud services, SMB SaaS cloud services and others. North America is the largest contributor to the cloud services market due to the high penetration of internet in this region. This region is followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW).Major benefits offered by cloud services are driving business organizations in implementing the use of cloud services. Cloud services maximize the effectiveness of shared resources and ensure the business organizations higher returns and faster paybacks. In addition, cloud services offer scalable solutions to growing business organizations at low cost of ownership. This drives business organizations to invest in such services that allow them to generate higher revenues by optimizing the available resources. However, the data security issues are the roadblocks that are adversely affecting the growth of this market.Request Report for TOC @The increasing data hacking incidences using sophisticated tools result in loss of sensitive data, causing serious dents in the business revenues. Also, there are constant evolutions of new security threats that are affecting the quality of cloud services. Further, the small and medium businesses find it difficult to repeatedly invest in the customized solutions available for cloud services security. Due to such factors, the business organizations are reluctant in investing in the cloud services and prefer to carry on with conventional methods of network infrastructure.Request to Sample Report @Some of the major players in the market are improving their existing services by adding new and innovative features. This helps them in staying competitively ahead in the market. For instance, Akamai Technologies, Inc., one of the leading cloud services providers, recently added Zone Apex Mapping feature to its Ion network acceleration technology. This feature reduces DNS resolution time and avoids HTTP redirects. Other major players in the market include VMware, Inc., (U.S.), Taleo Corporation (Ireland), Oracle Corporation, (U.S.), NetSuite Inc., (U.S.), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), Joyent Inc., (U.S.), International Business Machines Corporation (U.S.), Hewlett-Packard (U.S.), Flexiant Limited (United Kingdom), ENKI Consulting (U.S.), Etelos Inc.,(U.S.), Citrix Systems Inc., (U.S.), Cisco Systems Inc., (U.S.), CA Technologies, Inc., (U.S.), and SAP AG (Germany).About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Home Security System: Market 2018 Segmented by Manufacturers (Honeywell, ADT, Securitas, Panasonic, Samsung, Vivint, LifeShield, Scout Alarm) and Forecasts to 2025 Qy Research Groups Home Security System Market Analysis to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the Home Security System industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global Home Security System market with detailed market segmentation by product/application and geography. The global Home Security System market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Home Security System players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.Home Security System Market Players: Honeywell ADT Securitas Panasonic Samsung Vivint LifeShield Scout Alarm SimpliSafe Moni SecurityGet Sample Copy of This Report Now @On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, and market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Monitor System Fire Control System Alarm SystemOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Apartment Villa OtherMajor regions are as follows: United States Europe China Japan South Korea Taiwan Other RegionsThe report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global Home Security System market based on product and application. It also provides market size and forecast till 2025 for overall Home Security System market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM), which is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend and provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions.Inquire before Buying @Also, key Home Security System market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years.Reason to Buy- Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.- The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Home Security System market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long term strategies.- Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.- Scrutinize in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.- Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation and industry verticals.Inquire for Discount @Contact Us:Call: +1-888-236-2744Email: sales@qyresearchgroups.comAbout Us:QY Research Groups is a company that simplifies how analysts and decision makers get industry data for their business. Our unique colossal technology has been developed to offer refined search capabilities designed to exploit the long tail of free market research whilst eliminating irrelevant results. QY Research Groups is the collection of market intelligence products and services on the Web. We offer reports and update our collection daily to provide you with instant online access to the world's most complete and current database of expert insights on global industries, companies, products, and trends.Room B1510, Shiji Kemao Building,No.66 Zhongguancun East Road,Haidian District, Beijing,100190, China. Radio Frequency Components Market Trends and Prospects by 2021 Radio frequency components are the fundamental components required by any communication device for its proper functioning. The advancements in technology and miniaturization property (capability to fit in small size) of RF components are the factors driving this market forward. In addition, with advancements in universal mobile telecommunication network (3G and 4G), the market has seen high demand for tuners and switchers for offering precise functionality to other radio frequency devices such as demodulators, power amplifiers, etc. Although, the radio frequency components market is witnessing good growth, the production of radio frequency components requires significant investment from vendors, posing a challenge to the growth of radio frequency component market.Read Report Overview @The radio frequency components market is segmented on the basis of components, modules, applications, and geography. The radio frequency components market is segmented on the basis of its components into five major categories, namely- RF filter (RX/TX FILTERS), duplexers, power amplifiers, antenna switches, and demodulators. On the basis of applications, the radio frequency components market is segmented into four major categories, namely- cellular phones, tablets and note books, SMART TVs, and STB (Set Top Box).Request Report for TOC @The global traction transformer market is further segmented on the basis of modules into six major categories, namely- TX module, RX module, antenna switch module, duplexer + PA module, multi duplexer module, and RX + duplexer module. The radio frequency components market is segmented on the basis of geography into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Rest of World (ROW).Request to Sample Report @Some of the leading players in the radio frequency components market include Triquint Semiconductors (U.S.), Murata Manufacturing (Japan), RDA Microelectronics (China), Skyworks Inc. (U.S.), RF Micro devices (U.S.), and AVAGO Technologies (U.S.). Other key players in the market include, ANADIGICS Inc., Vectron International, Tektronix, Inc., Epson Toyocom, WIN Semiconductors Corp., and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Anti-Reflective Coatings Market Analysis 2018, Major Key Players Reviews Royal DSM, Carl Zeiss AG, Honeywell International Inc, Hoya Corporation, Rodenstock GmbH and Cascade Optical Corporation Market Overview:Apart from the reduction of reflection on the glass surface, the anti-reflective coatings needs to be protected against mechanical, physical and chemical attack is the reason why we coat the anti-glare coatings on corrective lenses and camera lens elements, and antireflective coatings on solar cells. There are verity of demands on anti-reflective coatings. The demand for materials for exterior application are different to those for products for interior applications. To fulfil this demand, several types of binders and additives are available. Furthermore, the application technology used depends on both the binder and the market. Improvement in sustainability, reduction of harmful substances and reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOC) are some of the general trends as per the requirement and regulations in global anti-reflective coating market. The relative importance of the various trends in anti-corrosive market depends on the governmental regulations in regions and on consumer need.Access Complete Report @Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:July 2015 Quantum Coating, Inc announced the purchase of a new 64 batch thin film coating chamber. As industry demand grows, company is focusing on not only meeting current capacity, but being tenacious in our efforts to be prepared for the demand in the coming years. This addition is expected to robust coating Department of company. This system adds companys diverse coating capabilities with additional capacity to coat conductive anti-reflective films and night vision filters. The addition of the coating chamber comes after a 10-month personnel expansion taking what was a 32 employee company to an over 45 employee company in the short period of time. Along with production personnel, the expansion included the appointment of Quality Manager and sales executive to fulfill the consumer demand.May 2012 PPG Industries launched a new anti-reflective coating for glass panels used in solar modules, increasing the amount of electricity produced by three to five percent and reducing heat, according to Richard Beuke, PPG's vice president for flat glass, in Pittsburgh, Pa. The company spent nearly four years developing the angstrom-thin coating, which includes layers of titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide and magnesium, branded Solarphire. To better serve the solar manufacturing industry, largely located on the West Coast, PPG also has amplified its Fresno, Calif., glass plant and its Salem, Ore., coatings facility, at a cost of about USD12 million. The company also recently formed a Solar Performance Group.November 2017 VSP Optics Group launches TechShield anti-reflective coatings. In keeping with its commitment to provide eye care professionals with the latest technology, VSP Optics Group unveiled TechShield Anti-Reflective (AR) Coatings. This new family of lens enhancements utilizes advanced technology to make AR easier to understand, dispense, and rely upon.Access Report Details @Anti-Reflective Coatings Market - Regional Analysis:Asia Pacific region accounted largest market share in the global anti-reflective coatings market and expected to dominate during the forecast period due to rising population, automotive and growing electronics industry in the region. China being largest consumer, manufacturer and exporter of Anti-Reflective Coatings. Chinese manufacturers are mostly small manufacturers and some of the prominent manufacturers. India is the second largest consumer in Asia Pacific region. Several initiatives taken by Government of India will support the growth of coating industry in India. One of such initiative is 'Make in India'. This initiative is expected to foster growth in Indian anti-reflective coating market by allowing duty rationalization for skill development, feedstock, improving infrastructure and tax incentives for R&D investments. Approval of the GST bill is another key reform which is expected to lower logistics cost by 10-15% and create a unified market across the country. The launch of Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT) by government would help importers or exporters to file a common integrated declaration, instead of 9 forms across 6 agencies. In addition to this, North America & Europe have witnessed healthy growth in anti-reflective coatings market owing to a growing non-residential repair, renovation and new construction activities in the region.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comWantStats Research and Media Pvt. Ltd.Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India Fog Computing Market 2018 By Types, Technologies, Application and Forecasts 2025 ReportsWeb Global Fog Computing Market Size Status and Forecast 2025Fog computing, also known as fog networking, is a decentralized computing infrastructure that is likely to emerge as next generation cloud computing. In fog computing, computing and storage of data are distributed in the most logical and efficient manner between the data source and the cloud. This is because the Internet of Things (IoT), a technology closely associated with cloud, is creating enormous volumes of data, but by the time it finds its way to the cloud for analysis, it is often late to act upon it. Fog computing helps to do away with this drawback by analyzing the most time sensitive data at the network edge, close to its generation source, instead of sending large volumes of data to the cloud for historical analysis and storage.The two main components in the fog computing market are hardware, comprised of servers, routers, switches, gateways, and controller, and software comprised of customized application software and fog computing platform. Of the two, the software segment generates maximum revenue because of the low capital requirement. Fog computing is finding application in building and home automation, smart energy, connected health, smart manufacturing, transportation and logistics, security and emergencies systems among others.Get sample copy of this report:Top Manufacturers: Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Dell, Intel Corp, Schneider Electric Software, GE Digital, Toshiba, ARM Holdings,Fujitsu,Prismtech Corporation, Nebbiolo TechnologiesMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket Segment by Type, coversHardwareSoftwareServiceMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoIndustrial AutomationTransportation & LogisticsSmart GridTraffic SystemNetwork SensorsOthersGet Discount of this report:This report studies the global Fog Computing market, analyzes and researches the Fog Computing development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.The increasing Internet of Things connectivity, machine to machine communication, need for real-time computing for time-critical process and the rising demand for connected devices largely drive the fog computing market. The increasing business demand for enhanced operation efficiency, faster decision-making capability, and cost savings would make fog computing a dominant model for organizations across verticals in the future.Table of Content:Global Fog Computing Market Size, Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Fog Computing2 Global Fog Computing Competition Analysis by Players3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Microsoft3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Fog Computing Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Cisco Systems3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Fog Computing Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Dell3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Fog Computing Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.3.5 Recent Developments4 Global Fog Computing Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018)5 United States Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook6 EU Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook7 Japan Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook8 China Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook9 India Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook10 Southeast Asia Fog Computing Development Status and Outlook11 Market Forecast by Regions, Type and Application (2018-2025)12 Fog Computing Market Dynamics13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisComplete is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Exclusive Market Study Estimates that Global Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market will Grow at 5.5% CAGR During 2017 - 2027 Global revenue from the sales of perfume ingredient chemicals was valued at US$ 5,254.1 Mn in 2017 and is projected to reach a market value of US$ 8,967.3 Mn by 2027 end, increasing at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period i.e. between 2017 and 2027. According to a new publication by Future Market Insights titled Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 2027), most of the companies manufacturing perfume ingredient chemicals focus on manufacturing fragrances and materials with synthetic chemicals. The expert analysts of Future Market Insights have observed that the personal care and cosmetics industry will witness major opportunities for growth and is all set to help market players increase their market share and business revenue.Global Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: RestraintsHigh cost of raw materials and lack of low tier manufacturingLow awareness of greener products and low production growthHigh cost of extracting raw ingredients and expensive research & development programmesRaw material price fluctuations and high cost of petroleum based fuelsGrowing concerns regarding the harmful effects of using aggressive ingredientsGlobal Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: Forecast by ApplicationRequest For Report Sample@On the basis of application, the global perfume ingredient chemicals market is segmented into fine fragrance, home care, laundry care, personal care, cosmetics, and others. The fine fragrance segment accounted for a significant market value share of 22.3% in 2017, followed by the personal care segment. The personal care segment is expected to remain dominant till 2027. This segment is also expected to remain the most lucrative during the forecast period.Global Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: Forecast by Product TypeProduct type segmentation comprises synthetic aroma chemicals and essential oils. Synthetic aroma chemicals segment is further segmented into alcohols, esters, ethers, ketone, and others. Essential oils segment is sub-segmented into orange, citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus and others. Synthetic aroma chemicals segment is anticipated to witness the highest value CAGR of 5.7% in the global perfume ingredient chemicals market. Cost factor is expected to move market players to adopt synthetic products; further, a global trend towards green products is expected to create lucrative opportunities for manufacturers of essential oils owing to a growing consumer preference for herbal products.Global Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: Forecast by RegionAsia Pacific is estimated to be the most lucrative regional market in terms of revenue generation in the global perfume ingredient chemicals market, valued at US$ 1,198.0 Mn in 2017 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.2% over the forecast period. Within the Asia Pacific, China & India are expected to remain in a dominant position for perfume ingredient chemicals demand. In terms of growth, following the Asia Pacific are several European countries such as Italy, France, and U.K. A noteworthy increase in sales in other developing markets such as Brazil, Russia, Turkey, GCC countries and South Africa is anticipated over the forecast period.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Global Perfume Ingredient Chemicals Market: Key PlayersSensient Technologies Corporation, BASF SE, Eternis Fine Chemicals, YingYang (China) Aroma Chemical Group, KDAC CHEM Pvt. Ltd., Frutarom Harmony Organics Pvt. Ltd., Atul Ltd, GODAVARI BIOREFINERIES LTD, Givuadan Firmenich, International Flavors and Fragrances Inc., Symrise, Takasago International Corporation, MANA SE, Robertet SA, T. Hasegawa USA, Huabao International Holdings Limited, Zhejiang, Xinhua Chemical Co., Ltd, Henkel AG & Co KGaA ADR, and Charkit Chemical Company LLC are some of the leading companies operating in the global market that have been profiled in this report.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Microcentrifuge Tube Market Prediction 2018-2025 Corning, Eppendorf, Ratiolab, Biotix, Gilson Microcentrifuge Tube Market Recently published market study on "Global Microcentrifuge Tube Market 2018-2025" examines the performance of the Microcentrifuge Tube market 2018. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Microcentrifuge Tube market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Microcentrifuge Tube market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Top Manufacturers Analysis and Sellers such as - Eppendorf, Thermo Fisher, Corning, VWR, Bio-Rad, F.L. Medical, Ratiolab, Sarstedt, Biotix, MedSupply Partners, Biosigma, Gilson, USA Scientific, BrandTech Scientific, Scientific Specialties, Labcon North America, STARLAB INTERNATIONAL GmbH, Denville ScientificThe Global Microcentrifuge Tube Market 2018 report includes Microcentrifuge Tube market Revenue, market Share, Microcentrifuge Tube industry volume, market Trends, Microcentrifuge Tube Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report. It shows manufacturing capacity, Microcentrifuge Tube Price during the Forecast period from 2018 to 2025.Request Sample Copy of Report:Firstly, the report covers the top Microcentrifuge Tube manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Microcentrifuge Tube Market Segmented Based on Application - Laboratory Use, Industrial Use, OtherMicrocentrifuge Tube Market Segmented Based on Type - Non-sterile, SterileFurther, the Microcentrifuge Tube report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Microcentrifuge Tube industry, Microcentrifuge Tube industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Microcentrifuge Tube Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Microcentrifuge Tube research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Microcentrifuge Tube market revenue worldwide.Finally, Microcentrifuge Tube market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry.Contact Us:3626 North Hall Street (Two Oak Lawn),Suite 610,Dallas, TX 75219, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Web:Email: Key Insights of Future Prospects of 2-Methylfuran Market During 2016 - 2026 The global pharmaceuticals market is expected to increase at a CAGR of over 4-5% during forecast period. 2-Methylfuran is expected to gain traction in the near future as it is primarily used in pharmaceuticals industry. It is a light yellowish green volatile organic compound with an ethereal odor and is also known as sylvan. 2-Methylfuran changes its shading to black or yellow when exposed to sunlight. It is highly flammable and hence is stored in a ventilated, cool dry place far from heat & fire. 2-Methylfuran is widely used in manufacturing of drugs like atropine, sodium acetate, furadantine, anisodamine and thiamine furan. In pharmaceuticals industry, synthesis of vitamin B1 is done using 2-Methylfuran. It is less dense than water but its vapors are heavier when contrastedwith air. 2-Methylfuran also finds application as a tool for screening of lung cancer and production of anti-malarial drug like chloroquine. It is also used to produce methyl furfural, aliphatic compounds and sulfur and nitrogen heterocycles. Moreover, 2-Methylfuran is also used for making pesticides, flavors or fragrances and has narcotic effect. Hence, the global 2-Methylfuran market is expected to grow at a moderate CAGR during the forecast period.Request For Report Sample@Global 2-Methylfuran Market Dynamics:2-Methyl furan is soluble in alcohol and ether and has the potential to be used as an alternative fuel. This factor is expected to drive the demand for 2-Methylfuran in chemical industry. The growing pharmaceutical industry is also anticipated to be the major driving factor for the growth of global 2-Methylfuran market. Moreover, increasing demand for pesticides coupled with growing agricultural sector is expected to set an opportunity for the growth of 2-Methyl furan market. One of the major factor restricting the growth of the global 2-Methylfuran market is its high flammability and lower flash point. This makes the transportation of 2-Methylfuran difficult, which in turn is expected to restrain the growth of 2-methylfuran market in the near future. Moreover, environmental regulation are imposed for limited usage of 2-Methylfuran because of its toxic effects and thus expected to challenge the overall growth of the market. Additionally, the key players are responding to the challenges and are expanding their global presence in order to sustain their share in the global 2-Methylfuran market.Global 2-Methylfuran Market: SegmentationThe global 2-Methylfuran market can be segmented on the basis of applications and regions. On the basis of applications, the global 2-Methylfuran market is segmented into pharmaceuticals, agricultural and chemical industry. Pharmaceutical industry is estimated to account the largest share in global 2-Methylfuran market. On the basis of regions, the global 2-Methylfuran market can be segmented into North America, Western Europe, Middle East and Africa, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Japan and Eastern Europe.Global 2-Methylfuran Market: Region wise OutlookNorth America is expected to be the most dominant region in global 2-Methylfuran market. Asia Pacific is anticipated to be the most promising revenue generating region for 2-Methylfuran and is expected to grow at significant rate. Due to availability of labor and low cost of raw material, China is projected to be one of the highest revenue generating country in Asia Pacific region in 2-Methylfuran market. Middle East & Africa and Latin America are also expected to show positive growth in the near future.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Global 2-Methylfuran Market: Key PlayersSome of the major key players identified in the global 2-Methylfuran market are as follows:Capot Chemical Co. Ltd.Angene ChemicalA&J Pharmtech Co. Ltd.Sigma-AldrichFinetech Industry Ltd.ChemExper Inc.MP Biomedicals, LLC.Amadis Chemical Co. Ltd.AN PharmaTech Co. Ltd.Tractus Company Ltd.Haihang Industry Co. Ltd.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Automotive Windshield Washer System Market to Witness Steady Growth at 5.7% CAGR During 2017 - 2026 A recent analytical research report composed by Future Market Insights foresees the global automotive windshield washer system market to reflect an above-average growth in the period between 2017 and 2026.Greater Preference for DIY Auto Products to Impact the Market GrowthThe report identifies growing consumer preference for DIY installation and surging popularity of the ecommerce sector as primary growth determinants for the global automotive windshield washer system market. Over the past couple years, the trend toward purchasing DIY automotive parts & systems has gained immense traction, in turn enabling consumers with the convenience of installing auto products on their own. This trend has further induced auto component manufacturers in providing automotive windshield washer system as individual products, so that vehicle owners can later assemble and install them devoid of any additional assistance based on their requirement. Proliferation of ecommerce is further complementing the DIY trend, as consumers are able to easily track products specific to their vehicles need online and have them delivered to their doorstep without much effort.Request For Report Sample@Although deemed as one of the most crucial safety components of vehicles, wipers cause distraction owing to their movement on windshield. In a bid to resolve this issue, some automakers have come up with a novel solution to replace wipers. One such solution is ultrasonic force field, introduced by a British automaker McLaren, which has produced a new windshield washer system, the idea being derived from fighter jets. This technology that employs high-frequency sound waves will enable windshield to repel water, ice, mud, and all types of dust particles that are present in the surroundings. This may further impede sales of conventional automotive windshield washer systems to a certain extent, as this new technology is relatively expensive.However, advancements in wiper blade technology that are evident with new systems being developed are likely to retain the markets position. Automotive component manufacturers are increasingly taking efforts in designing and developing wiper blade technologies with faster response time coupled with streak-free visibility offering in extreme weather conditions.Key Research Findings from the ReportAsia-Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), with an estimated market revenue share of over 30% during 2017 to 2026, will continue to dominate the global market for automotive windshield washer system. Europe and North America are also expected to gain significant shares of the market by the end of the forecast period. Revenues from automotive windshield washer system sales in Latin America will increase at a CAGR comparatively higher than those of sales in Europe and North America through 2026.2-3 liter capacity of automotive windshield washer system will remain preferred among automakers and vehicle owners worldwide, trailed by 3-4 liter capacity. Additionally, 4-5 liter and 1.5-2 liter capacity segments are likely to latch onto roughly similar market revenue shares by 2026-end. Revenues from sales of 4-5 liter and 2-3 liter capacity automotive windshield washer system are set to record the fastest rise through 2026.While OEM is anticipated to endure as leading sales channel for automotive windshield washer system in terms of revenues, sales in the aftermarket are set to reflect the highest CAGR through 2026.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Electrical automotive windshield washer system are expected to remain preferred over their mechanical counterparts in the near future, based on technology. Mechanical segment will continue to account for sluggish revenue share of the market.Passenger cars will account for the largest revenue contribution to the global automotive windshield washer system market during the forecast period. However, revenues from HCV will increase at a slightly higher CAGR than those from passenger cars through 2026.Key market players profiled by the report include ASMO CO., LTD., Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG, Mergon Group, Denso Corporation, Exo-S, Doga S. A., Mitsuba Corporation, Trico Products Corporation, Continental AG, and HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Advanced Energy Storage Systems Market Global Leaders: ABB Limited, Siemens A.G, Toshiba Corporation. Market HighlightsGeographically, the global advanced energy storage systems market has been divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. Among these regions, Europe is projected to dominate the market during the forecast period. The major factors driving the growth of the market here are the increasing number of pumped hydro storage projects. Moreover, The Europe is addressing these new challenges in the energy system by promoting innovation in key technologies and developing suitable market rules. Technological innovation in storage falls under the Horizon 2020 programme and the Strategic Energy Technology Plan. Also, substantial growth is expected in regions such as, North America, and Asia Pacific, as these region are rapidly increasing their power generation capacity.Get Sample Report @Key Players Yuasa Corporation Samsung SDI Co. Ltd. Hitachi Limited Toshiba Corporation ABB Limited Siemens A.G. Alstom Exide Technologies L.G. Chem. LimitedAdvanced energy storage systems Global Market SegmentationThe scope of global advanced energy storage systems market is segmented into two major segments which are explained below:By Technology Batteries Flywheels Compressed Air Storage Thermal Pumped Hydro-power OthersBy Application Power Automotive OthersBrowse Complete Report @Market Research AnalysisThe global market for advanced energy storage systems seems to be highly competitive. To maintain the market position and to drive the market growth, various dynamic and diversified international organizations, domestic organizations and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. Market leaders are innovating continuously and increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, product launch, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective product portfolio. Major players are investing on internal R&D and, most of all, in acquiring other firms.Enquiry For Report @About Market Research Future:MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: Epicor Research Finds Global Business Growth is on the Rise Dubai, United Arab Emirates May 17, 2018 Globally, manufacturing business growth has increased by 3.7 percent (to 103.7 index points) despite the fact that half of manufacturers admit they have grown under challenging circumstances. This is one of the key findings of the annual Global Growth Index, launched today by Epicor Software Corporation, a global provider of industry-specific enterprise software to promote business growth.The Growth Index is designed to measure the state of business growth worldwide, by tracking the performance of manufacturing businesses in 14 territories. Taking last years results as a base figure (100), it has found that business growth across the globe has increased by 3.7 index points in the last 12 months, awarding the state of business growth with a score of 103.7.Contributing to this score is a significant growth in the number of manufacturers reporting strong sales/turnover in the last 12 monthsup 5 percent from last year to 70 percent overall. A similar trend was observed with profits and product ranges, with a 3 percent boost in the number of businesses growing in each of these areas compared to last year.Despite this worldwide increase in business growth performance, almost half (45%) of businesses also admitted that the growth they had experienced in the last 12 months had been challenging and one-in-four (23%) said it had been stressful. However, half (46%) of businesses globally also agree that investing in new/better technology is a strategy that will help them overcome their growing pains.Although we have seen impressive overall rates of growth this year, theres an underlying consensus among the businesses we surveyed, that growth hasnt been easy to achieve, said Scott Hays, senior vice president, product marketing, for Epicor.Nevertheless, businesses in the manufacturing sector have also affirmed that investing in the right technology will help position themselves for growth in the future. With automated systems reaching production lines around the world, cloud adoption continuing to rise, and enterprise resourcing planning (ERP) solutions transforming the way businesses manage workflows and share their data, this is a sentiment that we will track year-on-year, he concluded.Epicor Software Corporation drives business growth. We provide flexible, industry-specific software designed to fit the precise needs of our manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service industry customers. More than 45 years of experience with our customers unique business processes and operational requirements are built into every solutionin the cloud or on premises. With this deep understanding of your industry, Epicor solutions dramatically improve performance and profitability while easing complexity so you can focus on growth. For more information, connect with Epicor or visitVernon SaldanhaProcre8D02-12, Rahat, MudonDubai, UAEPO BOX 78835 Global Electric Heater Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 "The Latest Research Report Global (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa) Electric Heater Market 2018 Forecast to 2023 provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -""This report studies the Electric Heater market, Electric Heater converts electricity into heat through the process of resistive or Joule heating.A typical Electric Heater is usually a coil, ribbon (straight or corrugated), or strip of wire that gives off heat much like a lamp filament. When an electric current flows through it, it glows red hot and converts the electrical energy passing through it into heat, which it radiates out in all directions."Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Electric Heater in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversNIBEWatlowChromaloxZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.,LtdFriedr. Freek GmbHOMEGAZoppas IndustriesThermowattTutco Heating Solutions GroupTempco Electric Heater CorporationCCI Thermal TechnologiesHeadway Electric Heat Components CO.,LTDHotset GmbHMincoDurex IndustriesHolroyd Components LtdHoneywellThermal CorporationWinkler GmbHIndustrial Heater CorporationDelta MFGWattcoGet Sample Copy of this report @Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversImmersion HeatersTubular HeatersCirculation HeatersBand HeatersStrip HeatersCoil HeatersFlexible HeatersOther TypesMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoChemical & Plastics IndustryPharmaceutical IndustryTransportationAppliancesOthersThere are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Electric Heater market.Chapter 1, to describe Electric Heater Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Electric Heater, with sales, revenue, and price of Electric Heater, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Electric Heater, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Electric Heater market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Electric Heater sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceSend An Enquiry Request @Table of Contents1 Market Overview1.1 Electric Heater Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Immersion Heaters1.2.2 Tubular Heaters1.2.3 Circulation Heaters1.2.4 Band Heaters1.2.5 Strip Heaters1.2.6 Coil Heaters1.2.7 Flexible Heaters1.2.8 Other Types1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Chemical & Plastics Industry1.3.2 Pharmaceutical Industry1.3.3 Transportation1.3.4 Appliances1.3.5 Others1.4 Market Analysis by Regions1.4.1 North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) United States Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Canada Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Mexico Market States and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Germany Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) France Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) UK Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Russia Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Italy Market States and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.3 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) China Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Japan Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Korea Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) India Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Southeast Asia Market States and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.4 South America, Middle East and Africa1.4.4.1 Brazil Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Egypt Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Saudi Arabia Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) South Africa Market States and Outlook (2013-2023) Nigeria Market States and Outlook (2013-2023)1.5 Market Dynamics1.5.1 Market Opportunities1.5.2 Market Risk1.5.3 Market Driving Force2 Manufacturers Profiles2.1 NIBE2.1.1 Business Overview2.1.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.1.2.1 Type Type 22.1.3 NIBE Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.2 Watlow2.2.1 Business Overview2.2.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.2.2.1 Type Type 22.2.3 Watlow Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (20162017)2.3 Chromalox2.3.1 Business Overview2.3.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.3.2.1 Type Type 22.3.3 Chromalox Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.4 Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.,Ltd2.4.1 Business Overview2.4.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.4.2.1 Type Type 22.4.3 Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.,Ltd Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.5 Friedr. Freek GmbH2.5.1 Business Overview2.5.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.5.2.1 Type Type 22.5.3 Friedr. Freek GmbH Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and MarketShare (2016-2017)2.6 OMEGA2.6.1 Business Overview2.6.2 Electric Heater Type and Applications2.6.2.1 Type Type 22.6.3 OMEGA Electric Heater Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)About is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Global Photonic Integrated Circuit (IC) Market to Earn US$1.3 Bn as Application in Integration of Optical Devices Increases The global photonic integrated circuit (IC) market is prophesied in a report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) to witness a significantly high level of competition taking shape between top players, viz. Alcatel-Lucent S.A., Ciena Corp., Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., and Infinera Corporation. In such a heated competitive scenario, new entrants could cash in on rewarding growth prospects birthed through strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions. The market could expect the rise of niche offerings from new players. As the number of players operating in the market increases, the degree of competition is anticipated to simultaneously increase going forth.By the completion of 2022, the global photonic IC market is foreseen to collect revenue worth a US$1.3 bn, according to TMR. In terms of application, optical communication could continue to lead the market, reaching a valuation of US$0.7 bn by the same year. By region, North America is foretold to gather pace while raking in a US$0.5 bn in the same year.Get Sample Brochure at:Photonic Integration Helps with Miniaturization of Optical SystemsManufacturers of optical systems use the platform provided via the introduction of photonic integration for miniaturizing the systems with a view to extend the scope of their application and also control manufacturing cost. The overall system could be made compact with the integration of optical devices into a single package through the use of photonic IC. Optical amplifiers, multiplexers, lasers, and modulators are few examples of optical devices that could be integrated.Get Sample PDFIn the recent years, photonic IC has been largely employed by manufacturers due to reduced production cost of the devices as a result of the integration. Over the next few years, demand for photonic IC is projected to surge because of extensive usage in futuristic applications.Lack of Digitization Expected to Hamper Usability of Photonic ICAccording to experienced researchers, the international photonic IC market could bear the brunt of inadequate digitalization in some regions leading to decreased usability of certain products. Although photonics is said to be at the analog stage, its digital format finds application in electronics with the use of analog transistors. Digitalization could be extremely crucial for the market since a higher integration level is enabled with the engagement of digital photonics. Furthermore, application of photonic IC could be limited due to the complex designing of integrated circuits.Get TOC of This Report:However, increased demand for hybrid integration and growing application in optical communication are prognosticated to produce lucrative opportunities in the international photonic IC market.Transparency Market Reserach is into analytics, research, and advisory services for Fortune 500 companies, scores of high potential startups, and financial institutions. Our success stories have proven why we are a preeminent provider of cutting-edge syndicated and customized research services. Leverage the best of our seasoned research analysts who hold a keen interest and enviable expertise of almost 4 million hours in global, regional, and local market intelligence.Unit No.701, 7th Floor, NSG IT Park,Aundh, Pune - 411007 India Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market Ready To Shine Up To 2023 | By Top Merchants; Pharmaceuticals International, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., Piramal Healthcare, Etc Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market Market Research Future published a research report on Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market and predicts that Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 7.5% during the forecasted period and report include market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and forecast till 2023.Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that leads to the weakening of skeletal muscles, which are responsible for the movement of the body. This condition occurs due to the impairment of communication between muscles and nerve cells. This impairment causes difficulties in the contraction and relaxation of muscles which are crucial for carrying out daily activities, resulting in muscle weakness. It mostly affects the muscles that control the eyes and eyelids, facial expressions, chewing, and speaking. As per a study conducted by the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, myasthenia gravis is the most common type of neuromuscular disorder. It is a rare condition with a prevalence of 14 to 20 cases per 100,000 people in the United States.Factors such as increasing cases of neuromuscular disorders, growing awareness regarding the treatment line, and increasing number of clinical facilities across the region are driving the market growth. However, the high cost of treatment and ignorance of signs and symptoms are constraining the growth of the market.The Global market for the myasthenia gravis disease is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 7.5% during 2017 to 2023.To Explore More, Get PDF Sample Copy @Key Players for Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease MarketSome of the key players in the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market are Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (U.S.), Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. (India), Piramal Healthcare (India), Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (Switzerland), Apotex Corporation (Canada), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Israel), RPG Life Sciences (India), Cipla (India), F. Hoffmann Roche La Ltd. (Switzerland), Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (U.S.), Biogen Inc. (U.S.), and AbbVie Inc. (U.S.), GlaxoSmithKline plc (UK), Fresenius Kabi (Germany), and othersSegments for Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease MarketThe Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market has been segmented on the basis of diagnosis, treatment, and end-user.On the basis of diagnosis, the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market can be segmented into imaging, blood tests, electrodiagnostic, edrophonium tests, pulmonary function tests, and others.On the basis of treatment, the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market can be segmented into medication, surgery, autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin, and others.The medication segment is divided into acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, immunosuppressant drugs, steroids, and others.On the basis of end-user, the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market is segmented into hospitals, clinics, academic research institutes, and others.Regional Analysis for Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease MarketThe Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market consists of four regions, namely, the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.The Americas accounted for the largest market share of the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market owing to the growing number of drug manufacturers, increasing awareness about the long-term effects of muscle dystrophy, and rising government funding for the treatment of this disease in the region. Moreover, the U.S. contributes to a significant market share in the Global pharmaceutical industry.The European Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market is the second largest market followed by the Asia Pacific region.The Asia Pacific region is expected to emerge as the fastest growing market for the Global Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market due to the growing awareness about neuromuscular disorders and vast improvement in health care reforms in countries such as Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and China.The Middle Eastern region is expected to grow at a steady pace owing to factors such as the extensive development of the healthcare infrastructure and rising R&D activities in the healthcare sector.Get Prime Discount on Report @Some Brief Table of Contents of ReportChapter 1. Report PrologueChapter 2. Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope Of The Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 LimitationsChapter 3. Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size EstimationChapter 4. Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.2 Restrains4.3 Opportunities4.4 Challenges4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4.6 Technology Trends & AssessmentChapter 5. Market Factor Analysis5.1 Porters Five Forces Analysis5.1.1 Bargaining Power Of SuppliersTOC ContinuedDo You Have Specific Requirement? Ask To Our Experts@About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Statistical Report, Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:Market Research FutureHadapsar, Pune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone: +1 646 845 9312Email: Key Insights of Future Prospects of Centre And Drag Link Market During 2016 - 2026 Center link is used for transmission of motion from inner tie rods to pitman arm on both sides of a vehicle as compared to center link, which connects to an idler arm. While driving, center link allows the driver to turn front wheels in desired direction. Center and drag link assemblies offer smooth functioning of the vehicle and result in less vibrates and wobbles, thus easy to drive. Center and drag link assemblies are essential components of steering wheel, which is intended to maintain front wheel and front axle lineup. Center and drag link manufacturers are keen on developing products, which overcome challenges such as extreme temperatures, uneven terrain, bad ground conditions, safety and reliability. With increasing end user inclination towards better and efficient vehicle components, the vehicle component manufacturers need to design products meeting aforementioned challenges especially for commercial vehicle vehiclesCentre and Drag Link Market Segmentation:Center and drag link market is segmented on the basis of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW), ball size range, end use industry and product type. Based on the type of GVW applications, the market is segmented into less than 8,000 lb. GVW, between 8,000-15,000 lb. GVW, and more than 15,000 GVW. On the basis of ball size type, the segmentation includes 1 to 1.5 inch, 1.5 to 1.75 inch and 1.75 to 2.75 inch. Center and Drag link assemblies are used across various end use industries including agriculture, forestry, off-road vehicles, mining, and military. The segmentation is also done by the product type, which majorly includes light-duty vehicle, medium-duty vehicle and heavy-duty vehicle. Geographically, the center and drag link market is segmented into seven regions namely North America, Western Europe, Japan, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. Also, Asian countries offer low-cost labour, the developed products are less expensive as compared to those manufactured in developed regions of the world.Request For Report Sample@Centre and Drag Link Market Dynamics:Technological advancements in automotive industry is one of prominent factors driving the demand for development of more durable and strong products such as center and drag links. Moreover, due to fragmented nature of market, number of players in the center and drag link market has increased in recent years. This has further led to improved product development at affordable prices, which is fuelling the market growth. In addition, growing automotive industry particularly across countries such as India and China is further expected to increase demand for steering wheel components such as center and drag link among the end-users. Manufacturers of steering wheel system are focused on extensive research and development (R&D) in order to achieve a defined top-line growth. Apart from R&D gaining significant share in the aftermarket is a concern for manufacturers in North America. Thus, improvement in stock keeping units (SKUs) with an aim to increase coverage of products for different vehicle models might offer surge in unit shipment sales and result in competitive pricing. Furthermore, this is predicted to lead towards enhanced product availability at affordable prices for end users particularly in North America and increase in market share of respective companies. However, large number of suppliers does lead to increased product availability, which results in low quality and less efficiency and thus, hampering the market growth of high-end center and drag link assemblies.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Centre and Drag Link Market Key players:Some of the players in the centre and Drag link market include Federal-Mogul Corporation, KOREA Central CO., LTD., Rane (Madras) Ltd., Powers & Sons, LLC, ZF TRW and Moser Engineering among others. Original steering parts manufacturers across the globe are focused on developing quality products in compliance with reliability and durability. This has thus, led to slow replacement rates, which is indirectly leading towards market demand for center and drag link shipments in the aftermarket.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Global Electrosurgical Generator Market Segments by Manufacturers, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 "The Latest Research Report Global (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa) Electrosurgical Generator Market 2018 Forecast to 2023 provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -"Electrosurgical Generator is the application of a high-frequency electric current to biological tissue as a means to cut, coagulate, desiccate, or fulgurate tissue. Its benefits include the ability to make precise cuts with limited blood loss. Electrosurgical devices are frequently used during surgical operations helping to prevent blood loss in hospital operating rooms or in outpatient procedures.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Electrosurgical Generator in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversMedtronicJ &J (DePuy & Ethicon)B. Braun (Aesculap)ConMedOlympusERBELED SPACooper SurgicalAtriCureKarl StorzKLS MartinSoeringUtah MedicalBovieEschmannMeyer-HaakeEllmanIBBABLamideyBowaUnion MedicalBeijing BeilinShanghai HutongKINDY ELECTRONICGet Sample Copy of this report @Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversMonopole Electrosurgical GeneratorBipolar Electrosurgical GeneratorVessel Sealing GeneratorMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoOpen SurgeryMinimally Invasive SurgeryThere are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Electrosurgical Generator market.Chapter 1, to describe Electrosurgical Generator Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Electrosurgical Generator, with sales, revenue, and price of Electrosurgical Generator, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Electrosurgical Generator, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Send An Enquiry Request @Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Electrosurgical Generator market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Electrosurgical Generator sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Mortgage & Loans Software Market Industry Top Manufacturers, Trends, Size, Shares & Forecast to 2025 ReportsWeb Global Mortgage & Loans Software Market Size Status and Forecast 2025The software industry is treading along an impressive growth path and has entered the ranks of some of the world's leading industries with massive growth prospects in the near future. With applications across the fields of robotics, Internet-of-things, and automation rising at an encouraging pace, the industry is expected to continue its bullish run in the next few years as well, impacting the growth prospects of a number of niche markets it caters to.Global mortgage and loans software market has a vast collection of market research reports concerning the software industry, its sub-sectors, and a number of industries that the software sector directly or indirectly impacts. The detailed reports present a thorough account of trend analysis and market forecasts of the markets, along with accurate facts, statistics, market related data, and other important information regarding the software industry related market research reports compiled in the repository. The reports could prove to be useful to new as well as existing players concerned with the software sector in analyzing the feasibility of new investments in these markets.Get sample copy of this report:Top Manufacturers: Integrated Accounting Solutions, BNTouch,l Magna Computer, Floify, Ellie Mae, Byte Software, Calyx Software, Mortgage Lens, QC Solutions, PCLender.comMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket Segment by Type, coversCloud basedOn premiseMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoLarge EnterpriseSMBGet Discount of this report:This report studies the global Mortgage & Loans Software market, analyzes and researches the Mortgage & Loans Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.Table of Content:Global Mortgage & Loans Software Market Size, Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Mortgage & Loans Software2 Global Mortgage & Loans Software Competition Analysis by Players3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Integrated Accounting Solutions3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Mortgage & Loans Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 BNTouch3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Mortgage & Loans Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Magna Computer3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Mortgage & Loans Software Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.3.5 Recent Developments4 Global Mortgage & Loans Software Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018)5 United States Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook6 EU Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook7 Japan Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook8 China Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook9 India Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook10 Southeast Asia Mortgage & Loans Software Development Status and Outlook11 Market Forecast by Regions, Type and Application (2018-2025)12 Mortgage & Loans Software Market Dynamics13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisComplete is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global Yoga Apparel Market Manufacturer, Sales and Segmentation 2018 Qyresearchreports include new market research report "Global Yoga Apparel Market Research Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.The market study on the global market for Yoga Apparel examines current and historical values and provides projections based on accumulated database. The report examines both key regional and domestic markets to provide a conclusive analysis about the developments in the Yoga Apparel market over the 2018-2025 period.The major manufacturers covered in this reportlululemonLucyElektrixChampionNoli Yoga90 DegreeEASYOGASunyogaNikeEnter your information below to receive a free sample copy of this report @The beginning of the report outlines standard terms and terminologies used in the Yoga Apparel market, before moving on to industry statutes, policies, and industry chain structure. Following this, the report covers the competitive landscape, profiling leading players based on their key competitive characteristics. Each of the companies is examined over a time period to comprehend the changing competitive structure of the Yoga Apparel over the years.On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoCottonSyntheticsCotton-Synthetic BlendsOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingManWomanTable of ContentsGlobal Yoga Apparel Market Research Report 20181 Yoga Apparel Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Yoga Apparel1.2 Yoga Apparel Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Yoga Apparel Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Yoga Apparel Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Cotton1.2.4 SyntheticsRead Complete Table of Content @2 Global Yoga Apparel Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Yoga Apparel Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Yoga Apparel Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Yoga Apparel Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Yoga Apparel Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)List of Tables and FiguresFigure Picture of Yoga ApparelFigure Global Yoga Apparel Production (K Units) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Types (Product Category) (2013-2025)Figure Global Yoga Apparel Production Market Share by Types (Product Category) in 2017Figure Product Picture of CottonTable Major Manufacturers of CottonFigure South America Yoga Apparel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2013-2025)Figure Middle East & Africa Yoga Apparel Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate (2013-2025)Figure Global Yoga Apparel Revenue (Million USD) Status and Outlook (2013-2025)Figure Global Yoga Apparel Capacity, Production (K Units) Status and Outlook (2013-2025)About delivers the latest strategic market intelligence to build a successful business footprint in China. Our syndicated and customized research reports provide companies with vital background information of the market and in-depth analysis on the Chinese trade and investment framework, which directly affects their business operations. Reports from feature valuable recommendations on how to navigate in the extremely unpredictable yet highly attractive Chinese market.Contact Us:1820 AvenueM Suite #1047Brooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: sales@qyresearchreports.comBlog: Intelligent Chip Market 2018 Growth Factors by Types & Applications with Industry Forecasts to 2025 In this report, the global Intelligent Chip market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Intelligent Chip in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringUnited StatesEUChinaJapanSouth KoreaTaiwanSample Copy of This Report:Global Intelligent Chip market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingIntel(US)Samsung(Korea)TSMC(Taiwan)Qualcomm(US)SK Hynix(Korea)Micron(US)TI(US)Toshiba(Japan)On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoPackageUnpackageOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingIndustrial TestingAviationMilitaryDefenceMobile PhoneFull report with Table of Content:Table of Content1 Intelligent Chip Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Intelligent Chip1.2 Intelligent Chip Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Intelligent Chip Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Intelligent Chip Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Package1.2.4 Unpackage1.3 Global Intelligent Chip Segment by Application1.3.1 Intelligent Chip Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Industrial Testing1.3.3 Aviation1.3.4 Military1.3.5 Defence1.3.6 Mobile Phone1.4 Global Intelligent Chip Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Intelligent Chip Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 EU Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 South Korea Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 Taiwan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Intelligent Chip (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Intelligent Chip Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Intelligent Chip Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)2 Global Intelligent Chip Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Intelligent Chip Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Intelligent Chip Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Intelligent Chip Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Intelligent Chip Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Intelligent Chip Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Intelligent Chip Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Intelligent Chip Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Intelligent Chip Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Intelligent Chip Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, ExpansionRequest Discount:About Market Reports Center;Market Reports Center is an e-commerce platform obliging the needs of knowledge workers, experts, professionals who are subject to market research information for their work, or to make strategic business decisions. We are dedicated to create a comprehensive offering of market research which is accurate, credible and affordable.Connect for more details:Sam CollinsMarket Reports Center1-646-883-3044 (US)Email: info@marketreportscenter.comWebsite: SOFIAEuropean Union leaders will meet their Balkan counterparts Thursday to hold out the promise of closer links to counter Russian influence, while steering clear of openly offering them membership. The summit comes a day after a dinner of the 28 EU leaders focused on forging a united front in the face of US President Donald Trumps capricious assertiveness on the Iran nuclear deal and trade tariffs. Six Balkan leaders from Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo will attend the summit. Spains prime minister is staying away because his country, roiled by the Catalan independence drive, does not recognize Kosovos 2008 split from Serbia. We will meet our Western Balkan partners collectively for the first time in 15 years. It will be an opportunity for both sides to reaffirm that the European perspective remains the Western Balkans geostrategic choice, EU president Donald Tusk said. Tusk said the bloc would invest in infrastructure connections with the Balkans to boost development and bring them up to EU standards. I hope to bring our Western Balkan friends closer to the EU. The EU is increasingly looking to take its fate into its own hands as a transatlantic rift grows with Trump, who withdrew from the Iranian nuclear deal and wants to slap tariffs on European steel and aluminum. Tusk launched a stinging attack Wednesday on Trump, while adding that he was helping Europe in a way because it had got rid of all illusions that it can rely on Washington. Looking at the latest decisions of President Trump, someone could even think with friends like that who needs enemies, Tusk told reporters in Sofia on Wednesday. After suspending any enlargement four years ago, the European Commission recently unveiled its new strategy for the region which aims to give membership to some states by 2025the front runners to join are Montenegro and Serbia.In return Brussels wants reforms and a crackdown on corruption in the region. But the six countries are getting increasingly impatient for a path to membership. Bulgarias prime minister recently warned Russia and China will otherwise gain toeholds in the region. In the summit declaration, a draft of which was obtained by AFP, the Europeans outlined the theme of connectivity with investments in transport and infrastructure. But the declaration avoids using the words adhesion or enlargementEU code words for the path to membership of the bloc. This is not a subject for Sofia, a senior EU official insisted, adding that membership issues would be discussed in June when leaders decide whether to approve accession negotiations with Albania and Macedonia. Without a European perspective, the Balkans risk falling back into the misfortunes we saw in the 90s when Yugoslavia was tearing itself apart, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker warned last week. The EU is also wary of admitting new members before they settle their differences, particularly in a region still bedeviled by the aftermath of the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. These include a bitter and long-running dispute between Macedonia and EU-member Greece over its name, which Athens insists refers to its own northern province. The leaders of Macedonia and Greece are expected to meet on the sidelines of the summit although officials played down the chance of any deal. Global Turbine Governor Market Overview, Product Type and Opportunities to 2023 "The Latest Research Report Global Turbine Governor Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -"This report studies the Turbine Governor market. The Turbine Governor is one of the very important auxiliary control devices for hydro-generators. The quality of its operation directly determines the safe and stable operation of the unit. Reducing the failure rate of the Turbine Governor is the most effective means of improving the operational reliability of the unit.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Turbine Governor in global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, types and applications.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversGEWoodward, Inc.ABBVoith GmbHAndritzCCERTRIEDMitsubishi Electric CorporationMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversTurbine Hydraulic GovernorTurbine Microcomputer GovernorGet Sample Copy of this report @Market Segment by Applications, can be divided intoSmall Hydropower StationMedium-sized Hydropower StationLarge Hydropower StationThere are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Turbine Governor market.Chapter 1, to describe Turbine Governor Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Turbine Governor, with sales, revenue, and price of Turbine Governor, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Turbine Governor, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Turbine Governor market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Turbine Governor sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Automotive Cyber Security Market reaching a value worth US$ 1,150.6 Mn by the end of 2026 Rapidly increasing adoption of connected car technology by automakers across the world is recognized to be a key factor driving the US$ 460 Mn automotive cyber security market over the next few years. Persistence Market Research examines the global market for automotive cyber security in detail and estimates robust growth prospects for the market over the next eight years. As per the research findings published in a recent report, titled Automotive Cyber Security Market: Global Industry Analysis (20132017) and Forecast (20182026), the global automotive cyber security market will exhibit a healthy CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period, reaching a value worth US$ 1,150.6 Mn by the end of 2026.Regulatory Standards to Accelerate Market Expansion in the Near FutureSeveral countries across the world have set legal regulatory norms that penalize any act that results in partial or complete loss of data or harms data security to any extent, which is foreseen to be an important factor empowering the market for automotive cyber security on a global level. The Government of Australia mandates organizations to report data breaches, while Singapore recently updated its computer misuse and cyber security act. Japans cyber security basic act encourages infrastructure providers, and educational and research institutions to implement appropriate data security measures. Similarly, cyber security laws set by UAE keep a close check on all such activities that tend to hamper information or networks in any way.Request Report Sample@Emerging Economies Poised to Develop Attractive Markets for Automotive Cyber Security ProvidersIncreasing popularity of autonomous and connected cars will in turn result in an amplified base of endpoint devices. According to Persistence Market Research, automotive computing makes endpoint security a moving target and eventually uplift the automotive cyber security market. Expanding connected car ecosystems and augmenting use of IoT technology will continue to create critical need for cyber security of automobiles. Developing Asian and Middle Eastern countries have been facing tremendously growing cyber threats and thus leading automakers in these regions are expected to generate strong demand for cyber security services. Leading automotive OEMs are already into manufacturing automobiles with telematics technology. In addition, technological advances adopted by these regional markets are presumed to bring in various lucrative opportunities in near future.IBM Remains the Global Leader in Automotive Cyber SecuritySecureWorks Corp., IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation, Verizon Communications, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Microsoft Corporation, Sophos Ltd., Trend Micro Incorporated, and Lockheed Martin Corp. are some of the key companies leading the global marketplace for automotive cyber security. A majority of the companies have business expansion and collaborations on their agenda, whereas many of them are considering launching of innovative security solutions as a key to gain edge over competitors. IBM is currently the global leader in terms of value share, followed by Intel Corporation and Symantec Corporation.The global market for automotive cyber security has been categorized into various segments on the basis of technology, component, and region.By technologyManaged Security ServicesEndpoint Security ServicesIntegration ServicesConsulting ServicesUnified Threat ManagementOthersManaged security services will continue to represent the dominant segment, followed by consulting services. Integration services and end-point security services are identified to be the next key segments by technology.By componentSoftwareHardwareAccess ManagementEnd-point SecuritySecurity & Vulnerability ManagementServicesServices are expected to stay the largest segment, whereas software segment is likely to gain higher traction owing to surging demand for end-point security over the recent past.By regionNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeSEA & Other APACChinaJapanMiddle East & AfricaVisit For TOC@North America, being the largest regional market, will continue to occupy the maximum market value share by 2026 end. Europe, and South East Asia and APAC are foreseen to maintain considerable shares in terms of value throughout the assessment period.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Ammonium Oxalate 2013 Global Market Key Players - Triveni Chemicals, Vishnupriya Chemicals, Hefei Asialon Chemicals, Wuhan Silworld, AVA Chemicals - Analysis and Forecast to 2023 Ammonium Oxalate , Ammonium Oxalate Market, Ammonium Oxalate Market Growth, Presses Release, Ammonium Oxalate Manufacturers, Ammon Description :Ammonium Oxalate-Global Market Status and Trend Report 2013-2023 offers a comprehensive analysis on Ammonium Oxalate industry, standing on the readers perspective, delivering detailed market data and penetrating insights. No matter the client is industry insider, potential entrant or investor, the report will provides useful data and information. Key questions answered by this report include:Worldwide and Regional Market Size of Ammonium Oxalate 2013-2017, and development forecast 2018-2023Main manufacturers/suppliers of Ammonium Oxalate worldwide, with company and product introduction, position in the Ammonium Oxalate marketMarket status and development trend of Ammonium Oxalate by types and applicationsCost and profit status of Ammonium Oxalate, and marketing statusMarket growth drivers and challengesRequest For sample Report @The report segments the global Ammonium Oxalate market as:Global Ammonium Oxalate Market: Regional Segment Analysis (Regional Production Volume, Consumption Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate 2013-2023):North AmericaEuropeChinaJapanRest APACLatin AmericaGlobal Ammonium Oxalate Market: Type Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume, Average Price, Revenue, Market Share and Trend 2013-2023):Reagent GradeIndustrial GradeOtherGlobal Ammonium Oxalate Market: Application Segment Analysis (Consumption Volume and Market Share 2013-2023; Downstream Customers and Market Analysis)Analysis ReagentSafety ExplosivesOtherGlobal Ammonium Oxalate Market: Manufacturers Segment Analysis (Company and Product introduction, Ammonium Oxalate Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin):Triveni ChemicalsVishnupriya ChemicalsHefei Asialon ChemicalsWuhan SilworldAVA ChemicalsA.B.EnterprisesComplete Report Details @Table Of Content :Chapter 1 Overview of Ammonium Oxalate1.1 Definition of Ammonium Oxalate in This Report1.2 Commercial Types of Ammonium Oxalate1.2.1 Reagent Grade1.2.2 Industrial Grade1.2.3 Other1.3 Downstream Application of Ammonium Oxalate1.3.1 Analysis Reagent1.3.2 Safety Explosives1.3.3 Other1.4 Development History of Ammonium Oxalate1.5 Market Status and Trend of Ammonium Oxalate 2013-20231.5.1 Global Ammonium Oxalate Market Status and Trend 2013-20231.5.2 Regional Ammonium Oxalate Market Status and Trend 2013-2023Chapter 2 Global Market Status and Forecast by Regions2.1 Market Development of Ammonium Oxalate 2013-20172.2 Production Market of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions2.2.1 Production Volume of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions2.2.2 Production Value of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions2.3 Demand Market of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions2.4 Production and Demand Status of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions2.4.1 Production and Demand Status of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions 2013-20172.4.2 Import and Export Status of Ammonium Oxalate by Regions 2013-2017Chapter 3 Global Market Status and Forecast by Types3.1 Production Volume of Ammonium Oxalate by Types3.2 Production Value of Ammonium Oxalate by Types3.3 Market Forecast of Ammonium Oxalate by TypesChapter 4 Global Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry4.1 Demand Volume of Ammonium Oxalate by Downstream Industry4.2 Market Forecast of Ammonium Oxalate by Downstream IndustryChapter 5 Market Driving Factor Analysis of Ammonium Oxalate5.1 Global Economy Situation and Trend Overview5.2 Ammonium Oxalate Downstream Industry Situation and Trend OverviewChapter 6 Ammonium Oxalate Market Competition Status by Major Manufacturers6.1 Production Volume of Ammonium Oxalate by Major Manufacturers6.2 Production Value of Ammonium Oxalate by Major Manufacturers6.3 Basic Information of Ammonium Oxalate by Major Manufacturers6.3.1 Headquarters Location and Established Time of Ammonium Oxalate Major Manufacturer6.3.2 Employees and Revenue Level of Ammonium Oxalate Major Manufacturer6.4 Market Competition News and Trend6.4.1 Merger, Consolidation or Acquisition News6.4.2 Investment or Disinvestment News6.4.3 New Product Development and LaunchChapter 7 Ammonium Oxalate Major Manufacturers Introduction and Market Data7.1 Triveni Chemicals7.1.1 Company profile7.1.2 Representative Ammonium Oxalate Product7.1.3 Ammonium Oxalate Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Triveni Chemicals7.2 Vishnupriya Chemicals7.2.1 Company profile7.2.2 Representative Ammonium Oxalate Product7.2.3 Ammonium Oxalate Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Vishnupriya Chemicals7.3 Hefei Asialon Chemicals7.3.1 Company profile7.3.2 Representative Ammonium Oxalate Product7.3.3 Ammonium Oxalate Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Hefei Asialon Chemicals7.4 Wuhan Silworld7.4.1 Company profile7.4.2 Representative Ammonium Oxalate Product7.4.3 Ammonium Oxalate Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of Wuhan Silworld7.5 AVA Chemicals7.5.1 Company profile7.5.2 Representative Ammonium Oxalate Product7.5.3 Ammonium Oxalate Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin of AVA ChemicalsContinued.CONTACT US:NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. 5G Network Equipment Market is anticipated to grow at an exponential CAGR of 59.3% during the forecast period 2019-2025 5G is yet to be introduced in the global market. However, early involvement of companies in the market can benefit them in many ways and network equipment manufacturers would have developed mature products before the commercial deployment of 5G commences. A new research report by Persistence Market Research depicts the clear scenario of the upcoming 5G equipment market and the opportunities that are likely to emerge in the coming years. According to the report projections, the global 5G network equipment market is expected to witness a market value of over US$ 1,100 Mn in 2019 and increase to more than US$ 18,200 Mn in just six years. The market is anticipated to grow at an exponential CAGR of 59.3% during the forecast period 2019-2025.Inherent Challenges in Small Cells DeploymentThere are various components in the 5G equipment market including small cells, macro cells, AAU, RRU, BBU, etc. Among these components, the global market is expected to witness an explosion in the number of small cells. The macro cells that were in use till now, provide radio coverage to a wide geographical area and small cells were connected and dependent on macro cells. The major challenge in the deployment of a dense network of small cells pertains to a significant rise in the capital expenditure. These expenses would be harder to recover from telecom subscribers, considering the cost consciousness prevalent among consumers. These networks are also required to be energy efficient, weight efficient and compact.Request Report Sample@Most of the developments being carried out around the commercialization of 5G involves the use of mmWave bands, as a huge spectrum is available for telecom usage at mmWave. However, the propagation at mmWave is characterized with poor performance in Non Line-of-sight networks, and also faces signal loss owing to atmospheric factors. To meet the demands of high data rates in areas with high device density, and to counter high signal loss, carriers will have to deploy a network of small cells, thus bringing the network closer to end users. --- Analyst IT & Telecommunication, Persistence Market ResearchCompetitive LandscapeCompanies are planning to bring 5G integrated products on the floor from 2019. Top companies that are planning to launch antenna units include Qualcomm, Samsung, and NEC Corporation. Major auxiliary unit providers include Huawei, Ericsson, and ZTE Corporation. This report also introduces the other companies in this market such as Analog Devices, Siemens, and Schneider Electric that will provide supporting components.Some of the key offerings expected by big brands include Qualcomms 5G modems and Samsungs 5G enabled chips. Qualcomm is working on its Snapdragon X50 5G modem for early 5G networks, which uses advanced MIMO techniques. This modem is designed to support cloud connected devices that will require high broadband speeds of up to 5 gigabits per second. Qualcomm has followed ongoing industry developments to augment its operations in the 26 GHz millimeter wave band. Samsung on the other hand has developed a 7nm fabrication process that will be used by Qualcomm to manufacture its first 5G chips.Visit For TOC@The projected market forecast has instilled optimism in companies about their future growth in the market. Industry experts are of the opinion that the opportunities in the global market are immense, while the scale of deployments itself is unprecedented. Semiconductor companies, pure-play 5G technology companies and even traditional equipment providers will all benefit from 5G.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizesContact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Comprehensive study explores Huge Growth of Smart Building Market in Future Smart Building Market A new research study from HTF MI with title Global Smart Building Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 provides an in-depth assessment of the Smart Building including key market trends, upcoming technologies, industry drivers, challenges, regulatory policies, key players company profiles and strategies. The research study provides forecasts for Smart Building investments till 2022.Access Sample Copy @:If you are involved in the Smart Building industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Intelligent Security System, Building Energy Management System, Infrastructure Management & Network Management System, Building Automation Software & Services and major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.Buy this research report @The Study is segmented by following Product Type: Building Automation Software & ServicesMajor applications/end-users industry are as follows: Intelligent Security System, Building Energy Management System, Infrastructure Management & Network Management SystemGeographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions such as United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share and growth rate of Global Smart Building in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast)Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @Major companies covered in the report: ABB Group, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Cisco Systems, International Business Machines Corporation, Delta Controls, Johnson Controls, Honeywell International, United Technologies Corporation, Legrand & BuildingIQThis study also contains company profiling, product picture and specifications, sales, market share and contact information of various international, regional, and local vendors of Global Smart Building Market. The market competition is constantly growing higher with the rise in technological innovation and M&A activities in the industry. Moreover, many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new vendor entrants in the market are finding it hard to compete with the international vendors based on quality, reliability, and innovations in technology.Some of the key questions answered in this report:- Detailed Overview of Global Smart Building market helps deliver clients and businesses making strategies.- Influential factors that are thriving demand and constraints in the market.- What is the market concentration? Is it fragmented or highly concentrated?- What trends, challenges and barriers will impact the development and sizing of Smart Building market?- SWOT Analysis of each key players mentioned along with its company profile with the help of Porters five forces tool mechanism to compliment the same.- What growth momentum or acceleration market carries during the forecast period?- Which region is going to tap highest market share in future?- What Application/end-user category or Product Type may see incremental growth prospects?- What would be the market share of key countries like United States, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia, Japan, China or Brazil etc.?- What focused approach and constraints are holding the market tight?Make inquiry before purchase @There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Smart Building market.Chapter 1, About Executive Summary to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Smart Building market, Applications [Intelligent Security System, Building Energy Management System, Infrastructure Management & Network Management System], Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, to analyze objective of the study.Chapter 3, to display Research methodology and techniques.Chapter 4 and 5 , to show the Overall Market Analysis, segmentation analysis, characteristics;Chapter 6 and 7, to show the Market size, share and forecast; Five forces analysis (bargaining Power of buyers/suppliers), Threats to new entrants and market condition;Chapter 8 and 9, to show analysis by regional segmentation[United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia ], comparison, leading countries and opportunities; Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Supply Chain AnalysisChapter 10, focus on identifying the key industry influencers, overview of decision framework accumulated through Industry experts and strategic decision makers;Chapter 11 and 12, Market Trend Analysis, Drivers, Challenges by consumer behavior, Marketing Channels and demand & supply.Chapter 13 and 14, describe about the vendor landscape (classification and Market Positioning)Chapter 15, deals with Global Smart Building Market sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 TNF Inhibitors Market Key Drivers & On-going Trends 2017 2025 TNF (tumor necrosis factor) inhibitors are anti-inflammatory drugs. TNF inhibitors help to block the TNF alpha that occurs naturally in the body and causes inflammation. TNF drugs are used to reduce inflammation and stop disease progression by targeting the tumor necrosis factor, which is an inflammation-causing substance. TNF inhibitor drugs are employed to treat inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis. Generally, in the healthy person, the TNF levels remain steady.View Report-However, in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, the level of TNF is increasing which leads to more inflammation. TNF inhibitor drugs act as blockers for TNF substances. TNF alpha blockers are highly effective in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis. These drugs are used in patients as a conventional second-line treatments.Based on drug, the TNF inhibitors market can be segmented into etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, and golimumab. The adalimumab segment is likely to expand at a significant pace during the forecast period. The drug is effectively used in a broad range of pain management therapies and is widely available over the counter. Based on distribution channel, the TNF inhibitors market can be segmented into hospital pharmacy and retail pharmacy. The hospital pharmacy segment is likely to expand at a significant pace between 2017 and 2025, this is because patients with rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis give more preference to the hospitals for treatment.Brochure Download-Increase in elderly population and rise in the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease are some of the factors that drive the TNF inhibitors market. According to the National Health Interview Survey, in 2016, almost 20% of the global population was reported to be suffering from chronic pain, with rheumatoid arthritis being one of the major reasons. Moreover, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, by 2040, approximately 78 million (26%) of the U.S. adults are projected to have arthritis. Owing to this, the consumption of TNF inhibitor dugs is likely to increase rapidly in the near future. However, side-effects associated with the use of TNF inhibitor drugs such as skin irritation, flushing, headache, and abdominal pain are estimated to hinder the market in the next few years.In terms of region, the global TNF inhibitors market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is the leading market share, primarily due to favorable reimbursement policies for pain management prescription drugs in the region. Lenient regulations in Europe are playing a key role in the increased rate of development, approval, and commercialization of innovative molecule combinations in the pain management. This is likely to fuel the market in Europe during the forecast period.Request For Discount-The increasing prevalent population and launching of new products are estimated to drive the market in Asia Pacific during the forecast period. Despite sustained growth and development Middle East & Africa had faced several health challenges over the last decade. Factors such as economic resources, adequate health care facilities, and growing burden of communicable diseases are likely to propel the market in the region from 2017 to 2025. Moreover, rheumatology services are limited or non-existent in several parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, making these services available may boost the market in Middle East & Africa during the forecast period.Major players operating in the global TNF inhibitors market are Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Amgen, Mochida Pharmaceutical, Hanall, BioPharma, GalxoSmithKline, and Janssen Biotech.About us:Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a U.S.-based provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Contact us-90 State Street,Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Mobility on Demand Market Forecast Shows Revenue of USD 200 billion by 2024: Growth Analysis, Company Profiles & Trends Mobility on Demand Market Size, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa and etc), Applications Competitive Landscape & Forecasts 2018 2025.Mobility on Demand Market is projected to surpass USD 200 billion by 2024. The development of travel & tourism industry is expected to be one of the major drivers of the industry. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, in 2016, the direct contribution of this sector to GDP was USD 2,306.0 billion, that is approximately 3.1% of the total GDP. Transport forms a vital component of the travel industry for the sustainable growth of the sector. Using mobile technologies, travelers are seeking more freedom of movement, demanding advanced mobility solutions such as car rental services and positively impacting the mobility on demand market.Furthermore, several tourism & hospitality companies are offering services such as car rental and ride-hailing. For instance, Active African Vacations Ltd. has partnered with Self Drive Uganda to provide car rental services to the tourists.The mobility on demand market in business applications is poised to grow at a significant pace as these services help the corporate organizations to reduce the dependency on private fleets. Also, these services allow the organizations to significantly reduce fleet-related costs and optimize the fleet management. Companies such as Omoove and Ubeeqo provide these services to the corporations that are tailored according to their specific requirements.The Germany mobility on demand market is expected to grow over the next six years due to the stringent regulations imposed on taxi drivers such as the obligation to operate taxi service and obligation to set rates. Increasing environmental consciousness and openness to innovations among the consumers are expected to drive industry growth. Several automobile companies in the country are entering the mobility on demand market to regain the declining positions due to the reduction in car ownership. For instance, BMW Group entered the industry by forming a subsidiary, DriveNow, which is a car sharing company.Some of the vendors in the mobility on demand market include Avis Budget Group, Hertz Corporation, Car2Go, Didi Chuxing, DriveNow GmbH & Co. KG, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car. The industry is characterized by the presence of several global & regional players and common strategies adopted by the players include mergers & acquisitions and partnerships. For instance, in March 2018, Daimler AG acquired the European car sharing platform, Car2Go by acquiring a major share from Europcar, a car rental company. In March 2017, Fox Rent-A-Car announced the acquisition of cloud-based P2P car sharing platform, JustShareIt.Get sample Copy of this report:The smart cities initiatives by the governments of various countries including the U.S., Spain, Ireland, India, Singapore, and Sweden are expected to speed up the mobility on demand market expansion. The governments are providing incentives to the people to share rides while commuting and converting the existing public fleet of vehicles to electric vehicles. For instance, under the smart city project, the Vienna Model Region is developing e-mobility on demand to integrate the transportation system with the e-car sharing model effectively.The legalization of ride-hailing services, such as Uber and Grab, by the government of Malaysia will drive the mobility on demand market growth in the region. The government of Malaysia has made amendments to the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board (CVLB) Act and Land Public Transport Act to allow the ride-hailing operators to work as an intermediary. The intermediary business license will allow these operators to facilitate transactions and booking of these services.Growing concerns regarding the privacy and security of the customer data are expected to challenge the mobility on demand market growth. The penetration of smartphones and increasing internet usage is encouraging the users to use applications that open loopholes for cyber threats.Get Discount on this Report:Report ContentChapter 1. Methodology and Scope1.1. Methodology1.1.1. Initial data exploration1.1.2. Statistical model and forecast1.1.3. Industry insights and validation1.1.4. Definition and forecast parameters1.1.4.1. Definitions1.1.4.2. Assumptions, methodology & forecast parameters1.2. Data Sources1.2.1. Primary1.2.2. SecondaryChapter 2. Executive Summary2.1. Mobility on demand industry 360 degree synopsis, 2013 - 20242.1.1. Business trends2.1.2. Regional trends2.1.3. Service trends2.1.4. Application trends2.1.5. Car sharing business model trends2.1.6. Car rental vehicle type trendsMore Report At:Related Report:Global Location Analytics Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023"Location analytics is the process or the ability to gain insight from the location or geographic component of business data. Location analytics blends business data with geographic data to reveal the relationship of location to people, events, allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study Report4 North Main Street,Selbyville, Delaware 19975USAPhone: 1-302-273-0910US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email:sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:Blog:Industry News: news.marketsizeforecasters.comConnect with us:Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter Worldwide Hydraulic Cutting Machines Market 2018-2025 Forecast Analysis: Hire Torque Ltd, CS Unitec, Marken Manufacturing, Sysco Machinery Hydraulic Cutting Machines Market The Market research report studies the global Hydraulic Cutting Machines market status and forecast, categorizes the global Hydraulic Cutting Machines market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia, Central & South America, and Middle East & Africa).Global Major Players Analysis such as Chuliing Machinery, CS Unitec, Sysco Machinery, UNIFLEX Hydraulik, Rising Industries, Ramakant Industries, Marken Manufacturing, Hire Torque Ltd, Xiamen Delish Automation Equipment, Maxmen Metal Sawing, Surya Machine Tools (India), Energy Mission MachineriesThe study Global Hydraulic Cutting Machines Industry is a detailed report scrutinizing statistical data related to the Global Market. This report covers every aspect of the global market for Hydraulic Cutting Machines, starting from the basic market information and advancing further to various significant criteria, based on which, the Hydraulic Cutting Machines market is segmented.Request Sample Copy of Report:The study objectives of this report are:To study and forecast the market size of Hydraulic Cutting Machines in global market.To analyze the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for top players.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, end use and region.To analyze and compare the market status and forecast between China and major regions, namely, United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Rest of World.To analyze the global key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Hydraulic Cutting Machines are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersHydraulic Cutting Machines ManufacturersHydraulic Cutting Machines Distributors/Traders/WholesalersHydraulic Cutting Machines Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsHydraulic Cutting Machines Market Analysis By End User/Application such as Machinery Manufacturing, Construction, Transportation Industry, Automotive, Mold Processing Industry, Military Industry, OtherHydraulic Cutting Machines Market Analysis By Product/Type such as Hydraulics Angle Cutting Machines, Hydraulic Shearing Machines, Hydraulic Pipe Cutting Machines, OtherBrowse Full Report Here:The Global Hydraulic Cutting Machines Market report has Forecasted Compound Annual rate of growth (CAGR) otherwise value for explicit amount, which can facilitate user to require decision supported futuristic chart. This report covers each aspect of the global market for Hydraulic Cutting Machines, starting from the essential market info and advancing further to various significant criteria, based on that, the Hydraulic Cutting Machines market is segmented. Report additionally includes key players in global Hydraulic Cutting Machines market. The Hydraulic Cutting Machines market size is estimated in terms of revenue (US$) and production volume during this report.Finally, Hydraulic Cutting Machines market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About is a single destination for all the industry, company and country reports. We have a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of the technology industry.Contact Us:3626 North Hall Street (Two Oak Lawn),Suite 610,Dallas, TX 75219, USAContact No. +1-214-661-1669Web:Email: Home Energy Management Systems Market Product Functionality Anticipated To Exhibit The Highest Growth by 2024 Notable participants in the home energy management systems market include Panasonic Corporation, Cisco Systems, Honeywell International, General Electric, Ecofactor, EnergyHub, Johnson Controls, Nest Labs, Hitachi, Vivint and Ecobee amongst others.Home Energy Management Systems Market size will grow on account of escalating energy consumption and increasing investments in smart grid systems. In 2017, EIA projected the world energy consumption to increase by 56 percent by 2040. Reduced energy spending, improved equipment performance and security from theft are the other necessary factors that will complement the business growth.Request for an in-depth table of contents for this report @Stringent government measures to promote energy conservation coupled with government intervention over misuse of energy will boost the home energy management systems market. Formulation of government legislatives in developed and developing economies to accelerate the installation of smart energy systems will further fuel the industry growth. In 2015, the U.S. government under the Resident Energy Efficiency Valuation Act (REEVA) established pilot programs to help the residential sector achieve energy efficiency and reduce the energy expenditure.Europe home energy management systems market will witness growth owing to the strict energy conservation norms and rollout programs for smart meters. Incentives, regulations and labeling programs implemented by the government to mitigate environmental crisis will propel the business landscape. In November 2016, the European Union proposed an update on the Energy Efficiency Directive with a target of 30 percent energy savings by 2030.Browse Full Research Report On Home Energy Management Systems Market @The home energy management system market in the U.S. will witness growth on account of increased deployment of user friendly software services consisting home area network and wi-fi. Higher internet connectivity and real time services required for energy conservation coupled with the development of technologically efficient products and services will further accelerate the installation of HEMS in the region.Control device home energy management systems market is predicted to witness growth on account of functionalities consisting automation, smart meters, thermostats and home lighting controllers. Increasing investments toward development of smart homes and the need to optimize energy requirements will further propel the industry growth.Wi-fi technology home energy management systems market is expected to grow owing to increasing use of internet across the globe. Development of smart homes coupled with heavy investment in wireless technology will further drive the industry growth. High capacity load balancing, network access control and ability to measure performance are some of the noteworthy features that helps in providing Wi-fi technology a competitive advantage over other verticals.Make an inquiry for buying this report @Technological advancements along with growing awareness toward carbon footprint management will drive the China home energy management system market share. Modernization of old infrastructure with rising need to curtail power losses will further propel the industry growth.About Global Market Insights:Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: Food Hydrocolloids Market in Global Industry: Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis 2025 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Food Hydrocolloids Market - Global Industry Analysis Size Share Growth Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.Global Food Hydrocolloids Market: OverviewThis report provides forecast and analysis of the food hydrocolloids market on global level. It provides historical data of 2016 along with estimated data of 2017, and forecast data up to 2025 in terms of revenue (US$ Mn). The report also includes macroeconomic indicators along with an outlook on food hydrocolloids across the globe. It includes drivers and restraints of the global food hydrocolloids market and their impact on each region during the forecast period. The report also comprises the study of current issues with consumers, trends and opportunities for food hydrocolloid manufacturers. It also includes value chain analysis.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @In order to provide users of this report with comprehensive view of the market, we have included detailed competitiveness analysis, market key players, their key developments, swot analysis and strategy overview. The dashboard provides detailed comparison of food hydrocolloid manufacturers on parameters such as types of hydrocolloids offered by these. The study encompasses market attractiveness analysis by source, application, country, function etcGlobal Food Hydrocolloids Market: Scope of StudyThe report includes food hydrocolloids market company profiles and the revenue generated from food hydrocolloids market across the globe. By Source type, the global food hydrocolloids market is segmented as plant, microbial, seaweed, animal and synthetic source. These sources are further segmented into different categories. Plant source is segmented into gum arabic, guar gum, locust bean gum, pectin, starches and other. Microbial source is further segmented into xanthan gum, curdlan and gellan gum. Seaweed is segmented into carrageenan, agar-agar and alginate. Synthetic source is further segmented into carboxymethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose. By Function, the global food hydrocolloids market is segmented into thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, gelling, coating and others. By Application type, the global food hydrocolloids market is segmented into Bakery & Confectionery, Meat & Poultry, Sauces & Dressings, Beverages, Dairy Products and others.View Complete TOC with tables & Figures @Market numbers have been estimated based on data available from food hydrocolloids manufacturer website, press releases, and extensive secondary and primary research and the revenue is derived through regional pricing trends. Market size and forecast for each segment have been provided in the context of global and regional markets. The food hydrocolloids market has been analyzed based on expected demand. Prices considered for the calculation of revenue are average regional prices obtained through primary quotes from numerous regional food hydrocolloid manufacturers, retailers and distributors.All key end users have been considered and potential applications have been estimated on the basis of secondary sources and feedback from primary respondents. Country demand patterns have been considered while estimating the market for various end users of hydrocolloids in the different regions. Top-down approach has been used to estimate the food hydrocolloid market by region. Company-level market share has been derived on the basis of revenues reported by key service providers. The market has been forecast based on constant currency rates.Browse Report @A number of primary and secondary sources were consulted during the course of the study. Secondary sources include Factiva, and Hoovers, and company annual reports, its press releases, news reports and publications.Global Food Hydrocolloids Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report provides detailed competitive and company profiles of key participants operating in the global market. Some of the major companies operating in the global food hydrocolloid market are DuPont De Nemours & Company, Cargill, Incorporated, Darling Ingredients, Kerry Group PLC, CP Kelco, Ashland Inc., Fuerst Day Lawson, Ingredion Incorporated, Koninklijke DSM N.V., Rico CarrageenanThe market has been segmented as below:Global Food Hydrocolloids market By Source TypePlantMicrobialSeaweedAnimalSyntheticGlobal Food Hydrocolloids market By FunctionThickenerStabilizerEmulsifierGellingCoatingOthersAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on Blogger at: SANTIAGOThousands of women chanted No means no! during a march in Santiago Wednesday called by students to protest sexual abuse and harassment, part of a new feminist wave sweeping Chile. Banners called for the introduction of non-sexist education and the end of sexual violence following a number of cases of abuse against women and deep-rooted practices in universities and schools. To the rhythm of drums, dancing and the chants of No means no, the students, mostly women, filled a large section of the Alameda Avenue, in a largely peaceful protest, with only isolated incidents reported towards the end of the march. Today we are condemning what my aunt ignored and my mother experienced and kept quiet about, said one of thousands of placards. One group marched topless but with their faces covered by hoods. Its the time to say enoughenough abuse, violence and discrimination, said Maria Astudillo, 26, a student at Catholic University, where students are occupying some faculties.The first protests began a month ago in Austral University where a professor was accused of sexual harassment. Since then, nearly 20 faculties and schools, including the prestigious law department at Chile University, have joined the movement. The protests have been boosted by outrage over the death of an infant of almost two years old, who was raped by one its caregivers; and a series of accusations of sexual harassment, one of which involved a person considered a star of the TV soaps. On Friday, some 20,000 people joined a demonstration in Santiago called by the organization NiUnaMenos (Not one (woman) less) that campaigns against gender-based violence. Last month, two Chilean municipalities announced will begin issuing fines of up to hundreds of dollars to anyone guilty of street harassment of women. Bias Tire Market 2017 Segmentation with Key Players, Growth Rate and Forecast 2025 The report analyzes and presents an overview of "Bias Tire Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025" worldwide.The main objective of this report is to define, describe, and forecast the global Bias Tire market on the basis of types of applications, major sectors, deployment models, organization size, and regions. The report contains an analysis of the major factors influencing the growth of the market (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges). It aims to strategically analyze the micromarkets with respect to individual growth trends, prospects, and their contribution to the market. The report attempts to forecast the market size for 5 major regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America. It contains key vendor profiles and comprehensively analyzes their core competencies. The report also tracks and analyzes competitive developments, including partnerships, collaborations, acquisitions, new product developments, and R&D activities in the market.Get Sample Copy of this report @Automobile is a dominant industry in the world and is growing at a significant pace. Tires are an integral component of the automobile industry. A tire is a ring-shaped or circular component that surrounds the rim of the wheel in a vehicle. Tires transfer the total load of the vehicle from its axles to the ground through the wheel and also provide traction over the surface travelled. Most of the tires are pneumatically inflated which serve as a flexible cushion that absorbs shocks when the tire rolls over a rough surface. Tires are made of fabric, wires, natural rubber, and synthetic rubber along with several chemical compounds such as carbon black. A tire consists of a body that serves as a containment vessel for compressed air, and a tread that provides traction to it. Tires are of two types: bias and radial.Bias tires have been in use since the 19th century, much prior to the radial tires. Bias tires are manufactured through an old technology which renders the tires with high load capacities at low costs. However, the technology is known to compromise on the longevity and uniformity in shape of the tires.By type of manufacturing, the bias tire market can be segmented into general bias tires and bias-belted tires. General bias tires are constructed by utilizing body ply cords that extend from beads to beads diagonally, and also by laying down of successive plies at opposing angles in a crisscross pattern and the tread is applied to this pattern. The design of general bias tires allows the complete tire body to flex with ease, thus providing a smooth ride over rough and uneven surfaces. Bias-belted tires, however, are constructed by putting a stabilizer belt bonded beneath the tread to two or more bias plies. This method of construction renders smooth ride to bias-belted tires, similar to that of general bias tires. However, bias-belted tires have low rolling resistance due to the increased tread stiffness caused by the stabilizer belt.View Full Report @By application, the bias tire market can be divided into passenger cars, trucks, and others. The passenger cars application segment consists of cars that run on bias tires. The truck application segment comprises heavy-duty trucks and lorries that run on bias tires and have to mostly ply off-road. The others application segment includes trailers, aircraft, and other vehicles using bias tires for their operations.Based on region, the bias tire market can be segregated into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is expected to lead the market during the forecast period, primarily due to the rise in the automobile industry in the region, especially in the developing countries such as India and China. Asia Pacific is also anticipated to expand at a substantial pace during the forecast period. North America and Europe have reached the stage of maturity in bias tires and are anticipated to have slow growth during the forecast period.Some of the key companies operating in the bias tire market are Bridgestone Corporation, MICHELIN, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Pirelli & C. S.p.A., JK TYRE & INDUSTRIES LTD, Sumitomo Tires, THE YOKOHAMA RUBBER CO.,LTD., Continental AG, Cooper Tire & Rubber Company, Giti Tire, and Hankook Tire.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.Request For Enquiry @The study is a source of reliable data on:Market segments and sub-segmentsMarket trends and dynamicsSupply and demandMarket sizeCurrent trends/opportunities/challengesCompetitive landscapeTechnological breakthroughsValue chain and stakeholder analysisThe regional analysis covers:North America (U.S. and Canada)Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain.A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.Highlights of the report:A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent marketImportant changes in market dynamicsMarket segmentation up to the second or third levelHistorical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volumeReporting and evaluation of recent industry developmentsMarket shares and strategies of key playersEmerging niche segments and regional marketsAn objective assessment of the trajectory of the marketRecommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the marketAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.Contact usMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Nephrectomy Market Research Analysis by Manufacturers and Consumption Forecast 2023 Nephrectomy Market Nephrectomy is a surgical procedure for the removal of a kidney. The procedure is preformed to treat various kidney problems such as kidney cancer, and kidney diseases such as symptomatic hydronephrosis, chronic infection and polycystic kidney disease. It is also done during kidney transplant. There are various types of nephrectomy procedures such as laparoscopic surgery, robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery, open surgery, radical nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy.The Global Nephrectomy Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period 2017-2023.The global market for nephrectomy is driven by increasing prevalence of kidney cancer and chronic kidney diseases and increasing number of laparoscopic procedures. Additionally, advancement in laparoscopic nephrectomy also fuels the market growth. Furthermore, favorable reimbursement policies, increased application and significant investments in the development of new technologies for the treatment of diseases will fuel the market growth during the forecast period. Moreover, increasing geriatric population with chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity will fuel the market growth.As per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), kidney disease is often referred to as a silent disease as there are no symptoms in its early stages and can go undetected. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health burden risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). High blood pressure and diabetes are the main causes of CKD. High economic cost to health systems and decreased productivity are major drawbacks of kidney diseases. NIDDK also stated that the overall prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in the general population is approximately 14%. It also stated that in 2013, Medicare spending for patients with CKD aged 65 and older exceeded USD 50 billion which accounted for 20% of all Medicare spending in this age group. More than 70% of Medicare spending for CKD patients aged 65 and older was incurred by those who also had diabetes, congestive heart failure, or both.Key PlayersKey players in the market are Karl Storz GmbH & Co.KG (Germany), Olympus Corporation (Japan), Medtronic plc (Ireland), B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Stryker Corporation (U.S.), Richard Wolf GMBH (Germany), Ethicon, Inc. (U.S.), Smith & Nephew PLC (U.K), Cook Medical Incorporated (U.S.), and ConMed Corporation (U.S.), XCELLANCE Medical Technologies (India), and others.Get Sample Copy atSegmentationsThe Global Nephrectomy Market is segmented on the basis of procedure, products, indication and end user.On the basis of the procedure, it is segmented into laparoscopic surgery, robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery, open surgery, radical nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy.On the basis of the products, it is segmented into nephrectomy surgical kits, vascular clamps, suturing needles and others.On the basis of the indication, it is segmented into kidney cancer and kidney disease.Kidney cancer is further segmented into renal cell cancer, Wilms tumour, transitional cell cancer and others. Kidney disease is further segmented into symptomatic hydronephrosis, chronic infection, polycystic kidney disease, hypertension or renal calculus and others.Based on the end user, it is segmented into hospitals & clinics, nephrology center, research institutes, and others.Regional AnalysisThe Americas nephrectomy market is expected to show extensive growth owing to increasing of patient population with kidney cancer, and technological advancement in the healthcare also accelerates the market growth. North America is the largest market whose growth is driven by increasing healthcare spending, and increasing government support for research & development will boost the market growth. Furthermore, extensive use of laparoscopic instruments and concentration of key players influence in the market growth.Europe holds the second largest share of the global market with Germany, France and U.K exhibiting progressive growth. The increasing demand for technological advanced laparoscopic devices and increasing investment in healthcare industry for development of diagnostic and treatment services in European region will fuel the growth of the market. Additionally, rising awareness about renal failure and kidney cancer will boost the European market.Asia Pacific is the fastest growing nephrectomy market. Japan holds a major share of the regional market due to the rapid development of medical device industry and huge healthcare spending. The market in the emerging economies such as India and China is driven by rising demand for laparoscopic surgeries and huge patient population with chronic kidney diseases. Rapidly developing economy, increasing healthcare expenditure and government initiatives for research & development will drive the market. Furthermore, increasing investment by biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries in research & development and rising need for the better treatment methods drive the growth of the market.The Middle East & Africa hold the least share of the global market due to limited availability of medical facilities. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait are expected to drive the Middle East & African market whereas, the African region is expected to witness a moderate growth.Table of Content1 Report Prologue2 Market Introduction2.1 Definition2.2 Scope of the Study2.2.1 Research Objective2.2.2 Assumptions2.2.3 Limitations3 Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Primary Research3.3 Secondary Research3.4 Market Size Estimation4 Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.2 Restrains4.3 Opportunities4.4 Challenges4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators4.6 Technology Trends & Assessment5 Market Factor Analysis Toc ContinuedGet Discount atAbout US:Market Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone: +1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comMRFR has the distinguished objective of providing the optimal quality research and granular research to clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help answer your most important questions.Our Research Analysts are eager to share their knowledge and assist you in refining market research parameters, choosing right market studies, and evaluating both the market scope and the research methodologies of varied segments.We bridge the gap between our clients and their clients by identifying and decoding just the target group, while generating leads with the highest accuracy.Years of research into diverse fields of work has ingrained within us, a proficiency so distinguished that our industry-specific specialists identify with your business ideas and feel the pulse of your challenges and opportunities. This enables us for providing assistance, through our consulting and strategic consulting services, in informed managerial decision making. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industries, WantStats Research and Media often conducts industrial visits for its research analysts. Relevant inputs from various established market participants, help our clients make significant contribution in respective markets are a huge motivation for all of us to endlessly furnish quality. We depend greatly on profound insights into complex realms of our study.Pune, India Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Market | key players Johnson & Johnson, Omron Corporation Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Market The qualitative research study conducted by HTF MI titled Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 provides primary Data, surveys, Scope of the Product and vendor briefings. The market dynamic forces have been determined after conducting a detailed study of the Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market. The study provides forecasts for Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies investments till 2022.If you are involved in the Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. It offers a consequential analysis of the Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies company, key tactics followed by leading manufactures and trending segments.Get the inside scoop of the Sample report @:This report studies the global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.The research study is segmented by Types [] as well as Key Applications [Sugical Care, Monitoring, Diagnosis & Treatment] with historical and projected market share along with the growth rate, revenue figures and gross profit margin in tabular format which makes easy to understand product/service differences, market concentration rate and product distribution for past 5 years.Major geographical regions like United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India and leading players such as Johnson & Johnson, Omron Corporation, Airstrip Technologies, Inc., Diversinet Corp., Philips Healthcare, Qualcomm, Athenahealth, Viterion, Intel, Verizon, Honeywell, Samsung, Anthem,, Philips, Cisco, Vodafone, Partners Healthcare & McKesson involved in this report. The report gives a clear idea about the growth factors, reasons for deterioration of Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies in recent years and different opportunities and strategies to expand market.Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.Each player highlighted in the research study contains companies Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors, in-depth business overview, geographic footprint and contact information. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to SWOT Analysis.Buy this research @Reasons to Buy:- What will be the market size in 2022 and at what rate will it grow?- What growth potential do Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market have?- Procure strategically important competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D strategies.- Recognize emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage.- Classify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic.- Plan mergers and acquisitions meritoriously by identifying key players and its most promising contributions.- New Development and identify prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope.- Influential factors that are thriving demand and constraints in the market.To add, value to product and services research report comprises of valuable insights with distinguishable traits that influence consumers behavior and demand. The report offers a measurable and verifiable method made towards analysis of market concentration, new entrants and the technological trends in future.Some of the key questions answered in this report:- Detailed Overview of Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market helps deliver clients and businesses making strategies.- Influential factors that are thriving demand and constraints in the market.- What is the market concentration? Is it fragmented or highly concentrated?- What trends, challenges and barriers will impact the development and sizing of Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies market?- SWOT Analysis of each key player mentioned along with its company profile.- What growth momentum or acceleration market carries during the forecast period?- Which region is going to tap highest market share in future?- What Application/end-user category or Product Type may see incremental growth prospects?- What focused approach and constraints are holding the market tight?Any Query or Specific Requirement? Ask to our Expert @There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies marketChapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies, Applications of Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies, Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 3, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of , Capacity and Commercial Production Rate, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, Export & Import, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);Chapter 5 and 6, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Segment Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 7 and 8, to analyze the Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Segment Market Analysis (by Application [Sugical Care, Monitoring, Diagnosis & Treatment]) & Type [] Major Manufacturers Analysis of Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies;Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [], Market Trend by Application Sugical Care, Monitoring, Diagnosis & Treatment;Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 11, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Global Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies;Chapter 12, to describe Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Mobile Health (MHealth) Technologies sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Contact us :HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA (206) 317 1218 Global Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market: 2081 Statistics, Industry Size, Share, Emerging Technology, Growth Factors, With Competitive Forecast To 2023 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Market To Grow At A CAGR Of 8.12% By 2018 to 2023. This Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Market Growth is boosted by factors such as focus on high-quality products, changing lifestyle of consumers and rising spending power, car manufacturers are constantly trying to emphasize more on innovation for their product offering in order to enhance the efficiency in automotive sector.This study of 100 pages describes Global Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market Information By Technology (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Alkaline Fuel cell, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell), By Vehicle Type(Commercial Vehicle and Passenger Cars)and Region with forecast to 2023.Major Players Analyzed In Study Are: Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. (Japan), The Hyundai Motor Company (South Korea), Daimler AG (Mercedes-Benz) (Germany), BMW (Germany), General Motors Company (U.S.), Groupe Renault (France), Mazda Motor Corporation (Japan), Hydrogenics (Canada), Kia Motor Corporation (South Korea), Tata Motors Limited(India).Get Sample Copy of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Market Research Report Forecast to 2023 At:Market Scenario:The global hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market is a very dynamic market and is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period. The growth of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market is influenced by the long-term air quality and climate goals. Hydrogen car accounts for lower global warming emissions than a comparable gasoline car. Hydrogen can connect different energy sectors with energy transmission & distribution, thus increasing the operational flexibility of future low-carbon energy systems. Hydrogen with a low-carbon footprint, has the potential to facilitate significant reductions in energy-related CO2 emissions for lower local air pollutants and noise emissions compared to direct fossil fuel combustion. However entirely new and expensive infrastructure system, acts as a major restraint for the growth of the market.Market Research Analysis:The development of new and diversified technologies is creating exciting opportunities within the automotive industry. The world consists of a mixture of a vast collection of components. Each component has a vital role in the composition of the world. The most abundant components in the universe include hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Hydrogen is the most occurring component taking up 75% of the world, and it plays a greater role in the sustainability of life. Hydrogen itself contains no carbon so can be used in a fuel cell and water. The hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market is undergoing various changes with evolving customer expectations, acceleration of technological innovation, and shifts in competitive power. Increasing number of funding commitments for the commercialization, and development of refueling infrastructure, will be crucial factors for the growth of the market in the years to come. Geographically, U.K., Germany, Japan, and California restated commitments and funding to accelerate development of the hydrogen fueling infrastructure and announced plans to help to fund hydrogen fueling station development in the U.S., in California and the Northeast.The scope of the study segments the global Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle market by its product and region.By Technology:Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellAlkaline Fuel cellSolid Oxide Fuel CellBy Vehicle type:Commercial VehiclePassenger CarsBy Region:North AmericaAsia PacificEuropeRest of the WorldRegional Analysis:In terms of geography, North America accounted for the majority market share and will continue to dominate the market in the forecast period. California continues to witness unparalleled leadership in the area of FCV incentives and hydrogen infrastructure. The states ongoing planning and support led it to be one of the first places in the world to have commercial zero-emission FCVs on its roadways. The developments of hydrogen fueling infrastructure are majorly accelerated by companies such as Toyota Motor Sales, and countries such as U.K., Germany, Japan, and California has announced plans to help the funding of hydrogen fueling station.Asia Pacific is expected to see significant growth due to the large demand and production of automobiles. Also development of automotive manufacturing industries in economies such as Japan and South Korea continued their strong support of fuel cell technology.For more details on this report please visit:About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 Hair and Body Mist Market - Conceptual framework, scenarios, and future perspectives Growing concerns about skin and hair, improvement in lifestyle, increasing awareness about skincare and hair care, and increasing pollution causing skin and hair damage are the key factors boosting the usage of skincare products.In developed countries, especially in Asia Pacific, demand for hair and body mist has been growing at a swift pace. The growing number of employed women is one of the main factors responsible for the augmented usage of skin care products. In addition, climatic conditions in regions such as the Middle East and Asia Pacific is boosting the usage of hair and body mist. Increasing demand for hair and body mist among younger consumers is one of the key drivers of the market. Hair mists are used for hair styling and for protection from sun and pollution. Body mists are used as a perfume, to feel refreshed and smell good.Brochure For Latest Industry Insights@The major restraint of the market is the presence of toxic substances in hair and body mist, which are anticipated to create challenges for the progress of the market. Hence, manufacturers are creating products which contain natural and organic products. There is increased usage of organic and natural ingredients in body and hair products as consumers consider them as safer and toxic free than regular products that are available in the market, which contain fragrances, formaldehyde, hydro-fluorocarbons, and micro-particles of various ingredients. Testing products on animals is also one of the restraints of the market, as consumers demand cruelty-free products. However, the major opportunity present in this market is demand for organic and natural hair and body mist, as organic and natural hair and body mist is not harmful and is cruelty-free since they are not tested on animals.The hair and body mist market is segmented based on product type, distribution channel, and region. In terms of product type, the market can be largely segmented into hair mist and body mist. Body mist is available in different variants. Manufacturers are introducing hair mists with moisturizing effects, anti-fall benefits, anti-breakage properties, and humidity resistance. Most of these hair styling spray products are fast-drying and non-sticky and offer sun and scalp protection. Based on the distribution channel, the market is segmented into online distribution channel and offline distribution channel. One of the key drivers of market growth will be growing channels for product distribution. Considering factors such as convenience and easy on-the-go shopping experiences, consumers are now increasingly purchasing beauty products online. The global hair and body mist market has been analyzed for five geographic regions, namely Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India), Europe (Germany, France, Italy, and the U.K.), North America (Canada and the U.S.), South America (Brazil) and Middle East & Africa (MEA). North America holds the major share of the hair and body mist market.North America reported major share of the global hair and body mist market in 2016. India and China are anticipated to deliver substantial development to the Asia Pacific hair and body mist market, due to fast changing lifestyle and growing disposable income of people in these nations. Periodic product introduction by hair and body mist producers have garnered attention from customers, who seek novel and advanced merchandise.Download ToC Of Research Report@There are numerous companies in different regions, due to which the market is split in nature. The global hair and body mist market is huge, dominated by many key players such as Chanel S.A., The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., L Brands, Inc., LOreal S.A, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Shiseido Company, Avon Products, Inc, Amway, Burberry Group PLC, Cadiveu Professional USA, Innisfree, Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique USA, Conair Corporation, Coty, Inc., Henkel AG & Company, Edgewell Personal Care, Godrej Consumer Products Limited, Johnson & Johnson, Helen of Troy Limited, Kao Corporation, Marchesa, Mary Kay Inc., Procter & Gamble, O Boticario, Revlon, Inc., Unilever, Tom's of Maine, and Victoria's Secret.About Us:-Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Contact Us:-State Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030Email: Agricultural Robots Market 2018 : Analysis Including Key Players - CNH Industrial, CLAAS, Drone Deploy, GEA Group Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Agricultural Robots Market Research Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report, the global Agricultural Robots market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Agricultural Robots in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Agricultural Robots market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingAgribotix LLCAGCO CorporationAutonomous Solutions, Inc.BouMatic Robotics B.V.CNH IndustrialCLAASDrone DeployGEA GroupHarvest Automation, Inc.Trimble, Inc.On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoUAVDriverless tractorMilking robotsMaterials managementOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingField farmingDairy managementAnimal managementSoil managementCrop managementView Complete TOC with tables & Figures @Table of ContentsGlobal Agricultural Robots Market Research Report 20181 Agricultural Robots Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Agricultural Robots1.2 Agricultural Robots Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Agricultural Robots Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Agricultural Robots Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 UAV1.2.4 Driverless tractor1.2.5 Milking robots1.2.6 Materials management1.3 Global Agricultural Robots Segment by Application1.3.1 Agricultural Robots Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Field farming2 Global Agricultural Robots Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Agricultural Robots Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Agricultural Robots Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Agricultural Robots Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Agricultural Robots Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Agricultural Robots Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product TypeBrowse Report @3 Global Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Agricultural Robots Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Agricultural Robots Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Agricultural Robots Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 North America Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 China Agricultural Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)4 Global Agricultural Robots Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)4.1 Global Agricultural Robots Consumption by Region (2013-2018)4.2 North America Agricultural Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Agricultural Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.4 China Agricultural Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)4.5 Japan Agricultural Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2013-2018)About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on Blogger at: Acquired Aplastic Anemia Market Key players- Pfizer Inc. (U.S.), Bayer AG (Germany), Novo Nordisk AS (Dernmark) and Shire (Republic of Ireland) Market study and Forecast 2017-2023 Market ScenarioAcquired aplastic anemia is a rare, serious blood disorder, which is characterized by failure of the bone marrow and its inability to produce blood cells. Bone marrow is found in the center of the bones and appears to be like a spongy substance. It is responsible for the production of red blood cells along with other blood components.Aplastic anemia has two manifestations, i.e. Acquired aplastic anemia and inherit aplastic anemia Acquired aplastic anemia is more common, and sometimes it's only temporary whereas, it is a rare disorder as compared to inherit aplastic anemia. Various causes of acquired aplastic anemia includes toxins, such as pesticides, arsenic, and benzene, radiation and chemotherapy-treatments, infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19, and HIV. And autoimmune disorders, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes, cancer from another part of the body can spread to the bone and cause acquired aplastic anemia.View Reports Sample @The acquired aplastic anemia market growth is majorly attributed to the increasing prevalence of the blood disorders, rising funding, healthcare insurance coverage, and awareness programs for blood disorders.According to the 2014 Annual Global Survey of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), the total population of Egypt was 86,895,099 out of which 5,246 people were living with hemophilia, 513 were living with Von Willebrand disease, and 1,123 with other blood disorders. It is also reported that 4201 cases of hemophilia A were registered and among them 37% were under 4 yearsA research study published in Medicine journal in 2017 stated that hemophilia A is the most common type of hemophilia and most dominant in male patients is 1: 5000 to 10,000. Whereas, the prevalence rate of hemophilia B is 1: 34,500 male patients.Moreover, advancing technology in medical devices is adding fuel to the growth of the market. Furthermore, increasing prevalence of cancer also drives the market growth.However, availability of expensive treatment and poor reimbursement policies in the developing regions of the world are some of the factors, which may hamper the market growth during the forecast period.The global acquired aplastic anemia market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.6 % during the forecast period 2017-2023.Intended AudiencePharmaceutical CompaniesMedical Devices CompaniesResearch and Development (R&D) CompaniesGovernment Research InstituteAcademic Institutes and UniversitiesSegmentationsThe global acquired aplastic anemia market is segmented on the basis of types, by diagnosis, by treatment, and by end user.On the basis of type, it is segmented into moderate aplastic anemia, severe aplastic anemia, and very severe aplastic anemia.On the basis of diagnosis, it is segmented into bone marrow biopsy, X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and others.On the basis of treatment, it is segmented into bone marrow transplantation, immunosuppressive therapies, and others.On the basis of end user, it is segmented into hospitals & clinics, research centers, and others.Regional AnalysisThe Americas dominate the global acquired aplastic anemia market owing to well-developed technology, increasing patient with blood disorders, increasing prevalence of cancer, high healthcare spending, and increasing government support for research & development. Furthermore, increased R&D activities and the concentration of major companies have fuelled the growth of the market in this region.Europe holds the second position in the global acquired aplastic anemia market owing to the government support for research & development and availability of funds for research. This is expected to continue to drive the European market over the forecasted period. For instance, countries like Germany and France are increasing investment in the healthcare domain.Asia Pacific is the fastest growing acquired aplastic anemia market owing to the presence of rapidly developing healthcare technology, huge patient population, and high healthcare expenditure. Moreover, increasing demand for new treatment methods in countries like India and South Korea is likely to emerge as the fastest growing market across the globe. Furthermore, increasing demand for quality devices in the healthcare projected to lead to the use of advanced equipment, which, in turn, will increase the market growth of the acquired aplastic anemia in the region.On the other hand, in the Middle East and Africa, blood disorders have become a huge problem due to limited screening, ignorance of diseases, and poor access to treatment.Request Full Report @Key PlayersSome of key the players in the market are Pfizer Inc. (U.S.), Bayer AG (Germany), Novo Nordisk AS (Dernmark), Shire (Republic of Ireland), SOBI (Sweden), Octapharma (Switzerland), CSL Limited (Australia), Amgen Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc., and Bluebird bio.About US:Market Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Market Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India Fast Fashion Market | United States 2018-2022 Edition | ResearchByMarkets Global Fast Fashion Market with Focus on The United States (2018-2022 Edition) ResearchByMarkets adds new report topic "Global Fast Fashion Market with Focus on The United States (2018-2022 Edition)" to its online repository.The competition in the global Fast Fashion market is dominated by the four big players, Zara, H&M, Gap, Inc. and Uniqlo. Further, key players of the fast fashion market Zara, H&M, Uniqlo and Gap, Inc. are also profiled with their financial information and respective business strategies.Browse TOC and List of Tables & Figures:This report provides an in-depth analysis of the global fast fashion market by value and by volume.The report provides a regional analysis of the fast fashion market of the United States. Growth of the overall global fast fashion market has also been forecasted for the period 2018-2022, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.Make an Inquiry:Country CoverageThe USCompany CoverageZara (Inditex Group)H&MGap, Inc.Fast Retailing (Uniqlo)Executive SummaryThe apparel industry encompasses the clothing, the footwear, the jewellery and the accessories, and addresses the need of all gender types, the men, women and children. Each product type can further be classified based on the variations in a product. The apparel industry can be segmented on the basis of fast fashion and traditional fashion.Fast fashion is the delivering of latest runway trends but at a minimal pricing and low maintenance cost; thus having a mass appeal. In the other words, fast fashion refers to the ability to capture the latest fashion trends and bring them to public as quickly as fast food. The fast fashion has risen from out-of-the-box' thinking that departs from convention, which includes a shift from planned production to quick response production, shift from local business to global business, a shift from following trends to leading trends, and a shift from media centric marketing to spatial marketing. The major advantages of fast fashion are short production time, more styles and lower quantities. The disadvantages of fast fashion are imitation of original products and false price notion.The global fast fashion market has increased at a significant CAGR during the years 2013-2017 and projections are made that the market would rise in the next four years i.e. 2018-2022 tremendously. The fast fashion market is expected to increase due to growth in media development, increase in expenditure on fast fashion, growing youth population and growth of emerging economies. Yet the market faces some challenges such as, decline in spending on apparel, inventory management, perishable and volatile demand.Contact:ResearchByMarketsMs. Lia Seth | Client Relations Managerenquiry@researchbymarkets.comResearch By Markets is an online Market Research Report Repository.Our repository contains reports segmented by Geography and Industry. We cover all major Industry Verticals - Information Technology, Semiconductor, Electronics, Manufacturing, Food & Beverages, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, BioTechnology, Energy & Power, Banking and many more.Research By MarketsE-3, Ganga Homes, Behind Bank Of India Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, Maharashtra, India Global Aviation Cyber Security Market Analysis and Forecast Predictions MRRSE A fresh report has been added to the wide database of Market Research Report Search Engine (MRRSE). The research study is titled Aviation Cyber Security Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025which encloses important data about the production, consumption, revenue and market share, merged with information related to the market scope and product overview. The report anticipates that the sector for Aviation Cyber Security Market would rise at a positive CAGR during the period 2017-2025.Visit on the Below Link to Get a Sample of Report @Aviation cyber security solutions are software suites designed to defend aviation networks, computers, and databases from cyber-attacks and unauthorized access. As the burgeoning global aviation industry becomes more dependent on information technology (IT) solutions and digital technologies to meet the continuously rising consumer base and changes in consumer preferences, cyber security has become a serious and urgent concern. Cyber-attackers are becoming more sophisticated in the ways they attack aviation systems and companies in the aviation market are leaving no stone unturned to make their systems comprehensively secured to ensure smooth operations and high-quality services to their consumers.An increasing number of airport and airline operators are deploying effective security systems and solutions to protect their IT systems and infrastructure from cyber-attacks. These solution help in protecting the critical infrastructures and reducing the severity of cyber-threats, which can otherwise cause heavy financial losses and disruptions in the worldwide transportation network. The demand for better aviation cyber security solutions such as unified threat management, identity and access management, risk and compliance management, and vulnerability management for the aviation sector are expected to significantly drive the global aviation cyber security market over the forecast period.Transparency Market Research states that the revenue valuation of the global aviation cyber security market stood at US$2,545.2 mn in 2016. The market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2017 to 2025 and reach US$4,759.3 mn by 2025.Managed Security Services to Continue to Witness Strong GrowthIn terms of services, the global market for aviation cyber security is segmented in the report into managed security solution, training, and consulting. Of these, the segment of managed security solutions presently accounts for a massive chunk of revenue in the global market and is expected to hold over 73% of the global market by the end of the reports forecast period. The segment will significantly benefit from the increasing adoption of outsourced monitoring and management solutions in the aviation industries across regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The segment is expected to expand at a promising 7.4% CAGR from 2017 to 2025.Explore Full Report Description with TOC @However, the segment of training services is expected to lead in terms of growth rate over the forecast period. The demand for training services in the global aviation cyber security market is expected to exhibit a 7.9% CAGR from 2017 to 2025.Despite Small Share in Global Market, South America to Present Most Lucrative Growth OpportunitiesFrom a geographical perspective, the North America market for aviation cyber security dominated the global market in terms of revenue contribution in 2016. The region accounted for over 36% of the market in the said year. The leading position of North America in the global aviation cyber security market is chiefly attributed to the presence of large airline operators and airports. Same applies to Europe, which is another leading contributor of revenue to the global aviation cyber security market. However, the growing number of medium and small airline operators in other regions is expected to impact the market share of North America and Europe in the coming years.Asia Pacific is anticipated to contribute significant chunk of revenue to the global market over the reports forecast period owing to the thriving aviation industry. Due to the severity of rising cyber-threats and introduction of new airline services, Middle East & Africa (MEA) is expected to emerge as one of the key regional markets for aviation cyber security solutions in the coming years. Furthermore, South America is expected to register the highest CAGR growth over the forecast period owing to the intrduction of many new low cost carrier airline services.Some of the leading players operating in the global aviation cyber security market are Airbus Defence and Space SA, BAE Systems, Inc., Computer Sciences Corporation, General Electric Company, General Dynamics Corporation, Harris Corporation, BluVector Inc., Palo Alto Networks, Inc., root9B Holdings Inc., Rockwell Collins, Inc., Raytheon Company, Thales S.A. and Unisys Corporation.About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Latest Trending Report of Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market 2018: Key Players, Share, Trend, Segmentation and Forecast to 2025 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Professional Survey Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.This report studies Corrosion Monitoring Systems in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2013 to 2018, and forecast to 2025.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, coveringHoneywellClampOnEmersonIntertekSGS GroupApplied Corrosion MonitoringBuckleys (UVRAL)ChemTreatTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Korosi SpecindoCircul-AireCosascoHuguenot LaboratoriesIcorr TechnologiesPyramid Technical ServicesRysco Corrosion ServicesBAC Corrosion ControlAquarius TechnologiesAlabama Specialty ProductsOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoIntrusiveNon-intrusiveBy Application, the market can be split intoOil and GasChemicalPower GenerationOtherBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaView Complete TOC with tables & Figures @Table of ContentsGlobal Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Professional Survey Report 20181 Industry Overview of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.1 Definition and Specifications of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.1.1 Definition of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.1.2 Specifications of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.2 Classification of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.2.1 Intrusive1.2.2 Non-intrusive1.3 Applications of Corrosion Monitoring Systems1.3.1 Oil and Gas1.3.2 Chemical1.3.3 Power Generation1.3.4 Other2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Corrosion Monitoring Systems2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Corrosion Monitoring Systems2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Corrosion Monitoring Systems2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Corrosion Monitoring SystemsBrowse Report @3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Corrosion Monitoring Systems3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Major Manufacturers in 20173.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Major Manufacturers in 20173.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Major Manufacturers in 20173.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Major Manufacturers in 20174 Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Overall Market Overview4.1 2013-2018E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2013-2018E Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2017 Corrosion Monitoring Systems Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2013-2018E Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2017 Corrosion Monitoring Systems Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2013-2018E Global Corrosion Monitoring Systems Sales Price4.4.2 2017 Corrosion Monitoring Systems Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)5 Corrosion Monitoring Systems Regional Market Analysis5.1 North America Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Analysis5.1.1 North America Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Overview5.1.2 North America 2013-2018E Corrosion Monitoring Systems Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.1.3 North America 2013-2018E Corrosion Monitoring Systems Sales Price Analysis5.1.4 North America 2017 Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Share Analysis5.2 China Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Analysis5.2.1 China Corrosion Monitoring Systems Market Overview5.2.2 China 2013-2018E Corrosion Monitoring Systems Local Supply, Import, Export, LocalAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on Blogger at: KUALA LUMPURPolice conducted an extensive search of the home of Malaysias scandal-tainted former premier on Thursday that his lawyer decried as harassment, as the new government presses forward with probes into a massive graft scandal after seizing power in historic elections. Police arriving in a dozen vehicles converged on the home of corruption-tainted Najib Razak in Kuala Lumpur beginning late Wednesday, drawing crowds of journalists and onlookers. A lawyer for Najib said officers were searching the home and a separate apartment in a money-laundering probe. The search at Najibs home continued into Thursday afternoon. The new government headed by 92-year-old former premier Mahathir Mohamad, who secured a stunning election victory last week, has vowed to probe allegations that Najib oversaw the looting of a sovereign wealth fund. But Najibs lawyer Harpal Singh Grewal said his client, 64, viewed the search as harassment. The police just took some handbags and some clothes, Harpal said. His mention of handbags prompted snickering on Malaysian social media. Najibs wife Rosmah Mansor is ridiculed over her reported penchant for jet-set overseas shopping trips and vast collection of designer handbags, clothing and jewelry, all symboliccritics sayof the ousted governments lack of concern for economically struggling citizens. Harpal said the house contained only personal belongings, though he added that police also were attempting to open a safe, the key for which had been lost. This is harassment. Whatever... is in the house is not commensurate with the allegations, Harpal told AFP. [Najib] has told them: Tell me what you want. We will give. Harpal said the search left Najib very tired and visibly upset. There was no indication that any arrests were planned. Police officials confirmed the search to AFP but declined to give details. The police action adds to a sense of rising legal peril for Najib, who was barred from leaving the country just days after the election over allegations that he, his family, and cronies looted billions from state investment fund 1MDB.Last weeks poll ended the six-decade reign of the authoritarian Barisan Nasional coalition. Mahathir had led the coalition from 1981-2003. The search began just hours after the pardon and release from prison of Anwar Ibrahim, a top figure in the now-victorious political alliance. Anwar, 70, had spent the last three years in jail under Najib. Speaking to Australian media after his release, Anwar called also for a fresh look into another shocking scandal linked to Najib. A young Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu, was murdered and her body destroyed with explosives in Malaysia in 2006. She had been the lover of a former close Najib associate who was accused of arranging kickbacks for the purchase of French submarines in 2002 at a time when Najib was defence minister. A former Malaysian police officer Sirul Azhar Umar, who is now in Australian custody, has claimed that he was ordered by important people to carry out the killing who scapegoated him. Anwar said Sirul, who later fled to Australia after being sentenced to hang over the murder, should be allowed to face a new trial back in Malaysia to get at the truth, The Australian newspaper said. Najib has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing over the deal amid allegations that French submarine maker DCNS paid kickbacks of more than 114 million euros (US$142 million) for two Scorpene submarines. Just before the police raid, Najib went to a nearby mosque for special prayers for the Islamic holy month Ramadan, which began Thursday in Malaysia. Najib later tweeted a traditional prayer that calls for people to be forgiven of their sins. As police searched Najibs home, spectator Mimie Lai, 45, said she had travelled to the scene to see what happens to the ex-prime minister and all the scandals... involving him and his wife. I feel that finally justice is coming, somebody heard... what the people are praying for, she said. Anwars release Wednesday captivated the nation, with ecstatic supporters and journalists mobbing him amid shouts of Reformasi (Reform)his rallying cry and Anwar declaring a new dawn for Malaysia. Anwars old foe Mahathir is now an ally, and has has signaled his intention to eventually step aside so Anwar, his deputy prime minister in the 1990s, can take over. New Business Opportunities of Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network Market 2018: Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis 2023 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa) Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network Market 2018 Forecast to 2023" to its huge collection of research reports.In a typical energy harvesting system, energy is generated from motion, a thermal source, a photoelectric source, or magnetic activity. This energy is then captured, stored, managed, and fed to a sensor for transmission.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversSTMicroelectronicsTexas InstrumentsEnOcean GmbHFujitsu LimitedCypressABB LimitedLaird PlcIXYS CorporationMicrochip TechnologyMurata ManufacturingPowercastAlta DevicesAdamant NamikiLord MicrostrainCymbet CorporationView Complete TOC with tables & Figures @Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversLight Energy HarvestingVibration Energy HarvestingThermal Energy HarvestingOtherMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoBuilding and Home AutomationConsumer ElectronicsIndustrialSecurity SystemOthersBrowse Report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network market.Chapter 1, to describe Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network, with sales, revenue, and price of Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Network sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on Blogger at: Food Texturant Market 2018-2022 | Research Report | ResearchByMarkets Global Food Texturant Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2018-2022) ResearchByMarkets adds new research report topic "Global Food Texturant Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2018-2022)" to its online repository.This report provides an in-depth analysis of the global food texturants market by value and by volume. The report also gives an insight of the global food texturants market by value, by segment and by region, etc.Browse TOC and List of Tables & Figures:The report provides a regional analysis of the food texturant market, including the following regions: North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Europe.The report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global food texturants market has also been forecasted for the period 2018-2022, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.The considerable variety of texturising products in the market implies that market is very broad and one of the least consolidated amongst ingredients types.The competition in the global food texturant market is driven by big players, Cargill Incorporated, Tate & Lyle PLC, Ingredion Incorporated and DuPont. Further, key players of the food texturant market Cargill Incorporated, Tate & Lyle PLC, Ingredion Incorporated and DuPont are also profiled with their financial information and respective business strategies.Make an inquiry about this research report:Country CoverageNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificSouth AmericaMiddle East & AfricaCompany CoverageTate & LyleIngredion IncorporatedCargill, IncorporatedDowDuPont (DuPont)Executive SummaryIngredients term can be defined as a substance or compounds, artificially or naturally derived, that are mixed or combined, to add specific characteristics and functionalities to an end product. A special ingredient is any substance that is added to a food to achieve a desired effect.The different types of special ingredients are flavours & fragrances, texturants, nutritional ingredients, enzymes, sweeteners, flavour enhancers, acidulants, food colors, food preservatives and cultures whose primary role is to enhance the performance of food products in which they are added. Each segment demonstrates unique feature when applied in different type of food and beverages.Functions of specialty ingredients include enhanced appearance of product, improved taste and texture of product and extended shelf life of the product.Texturants are a type of specialty ingredient, used to control and modify the texture and mouthfeel of the food and beverage products. Food texturants are could be made of synthetic chemicals or could be extracted from natural substance and are used as a direct additive in products to provide the required physical appearance to the food product.Texturizing agents are specifically used in order to provide smoothness, creaminess, clarity, thickness, pulpiness, and thus establishing a particular flavour and appearance of the product. The texture of the food products should be appealing enough to grab the attention of the consumers.The common food texturants include emulsifiers, hydrocolloids, gums, stabilizers and others. They are widely used in various industries such as bakery and confectionery, dairy and frozen desserts, beverages, oil and fats, sweet and savory snacks, meat products, and others.Over-consumption of texturants could lead to obesity, diabetes, diarrhea, slow metabolism, etc.The global food texturant market has increased at a significant CAGR during the years 2016 and 2017 and projections are made that the market would rise in the next four years i.e. 2018-2022 tremendously. The food texturant market is expected to increase due to growth in retail e-commerce industry, increased meat consumption, increased cheese and yogurt consumption, etc. Yet the market faces some challenges such as, barriers to entry, health issues, etc.Contact:ResearchByMarketsMs. Lia Seth | Client Relations Managerenquiry@researchbymarkets.comResearch By Markets is an online Market Research Report Repository.Our repository contains reports segmented by Geography and Industry. We cover all major Industry Verticals - Information Technology, Semiconductor, Electronics, Manufacturing, Food & Beverages, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, BioTechnology, Energy & Power, Banking and many more.Research By MarketsE-3, Ganga Homes, Behind Bank Of India Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, Maharashtra, India Future Growth of Flexible Solar Panel Market 2018: Analysis, Reliability And Innovations In Technology To 2023 Market Research Report Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa) Flexible Solar Panel Market 2018 Forecast to 2023" to its huge collection of research reports.Flexible Solar Panel is a kind of thin film solar cell. Flexible solar panels can, as their name suggests, flex. They are also very lightweight and these two characteristics make them useful for camping, rapid transport and deployment in emergencies, and for use on caravans, vehicles, and even airplanes. On buildings they can be applied to curved surfaces or structures where weight is an issue. As they can be glued directly to the surface, existing penetrations don't need to be used or new penetrations made.To Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Flexible Solar Panel in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversUni-SolarMiaSolGlobal SolarSoloPower SystemsFlisomSun HarmonicsFWAVE CompanyPowerFilmMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)View Complete TOC with tables & Figures @Market Segment by Type, coversCopper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS)Amorphous Silicon (a-Si)Market Segment by Applications, can be divided intoCommercialResidentialMobileThere are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Flexible Solar Panel market.Chapter 1, to describe Flexible Solar Panel Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Flexible Solar Panel, with sales, revenue, and price of Flexible Solar Panel, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Flexible Solar Panel, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Browse Report @Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, Flexible Solar Panel market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Flexible Solar Panel sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceTable of Contents1 Market Overview1.1 Flexible Solar Panel Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS)1.2.2 Amorphous Silicon (a-Si)1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Commercial2 Manufacturers Profiles2.1 Uni-Solar2.1.1 Business Overview2.1.2 Flexible Solar Panel Type and Applications2.1.2.1 Type Type 22.1.3 Uni-Solar Flexible Solar Panel Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.2 MiaSol2.2.1 Business Overview3 Global Flexible Solar Panel Market Competition, by Manufacturer3.1 Global Flexible Solar Panel Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.2 Global Flexible Solar Panel Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.3 Global Flexible Solar Panel Price by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.4 Market Concentration Rate3.4.1 Top 3 Flexible Solar Panel Manufacturer Market Share in 20173.4.2 Top 5 Flexible Solar Panel Manufacturer Market Share in 20173.5 Market Competition TrendAbout ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on Blogger at: Global Digital Pathology Market | Current Investing Market, Latest Trends & Industry Vision Till 2023 Digital pathology is a digital version of conventional pathological tests and labs. The digitalization facilitates better workflow efficiency; accurate analysis with minimal error rate. A single digital pathological test instrument operated by a single pathologist can accomplish tests that were formerly done, using five conventional pathological instruments.Access Detailed Report Summary:The major driver for the growth of the digital pathology market includes worldwide growth in the prevalence of cancer, and cumulative use of companion diagnostics in the chronic diseases. Some of the other important drivers for the digital pathology market include the growing efficiency of the medical lab, and increasing clinical trials and drug development activities, around the globe.Request to get the Sample Report:North America accounted for the digital pathology market in 2014. The market dominance of North America is attributed to the presence of high adoption of advanced and sophisticated medical technology, in the region. It is then followed by Europe, with the large population of baby boomers, while the increasing trend towards companion diagnostics is one of the most dominant factors, driving the digital pathology market in this region.Asia-Pacific and Latin America are the fastest growing market for digital pathology, attributed to the increasing prevalence of cancer, in addition to the easy availability of consultation, enabled by digital pathology. Country wise, the U.S. and Canada are the largest market of digital pathology in North America. Germany, the U.K., France, and Italy are some of the major digital pathology markets in Europe. China, India, and Japan are the major digital pathology market in Asia-Pacific.Make Enquiry Before Buying the Report:Some of the major players operating in the global digital pathology market include, 3dhistech Ltd., Aurora Interactive Ltd., Definiens AG, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Indica Labs Inc., Leica Biosystems Gmbh, Mikroscan Technologies Inc., Objective Pathology Services Ltd., Xifin Inc., Pixcelldata Ltd., Ventana Medical Systems Inc., Apollo Pacs Inc., Corista LLC, Digipath Inc., Huron Technologies International Inc., Kanteron Systems, Ligolab LLC , Nikon Instruments Inc., Omnyx LLC, Pathxl Ltd., Sunquest Information Systems Inc., and Visiopharm.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide market research reports, industry reports, business intelligence and research-based consulting services across a range of industries.With the help of our professional corporate relations with various companies, our market research offers the most accurate market forecasting. Our analysts and consultants interact with leading companies of the concerned domain to substantiate every single data presented in our publication. Our research assists our client in identifying new and different windows of opportunity and frame informed and customized strategies for expansion in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: PTT and PDO Industry 2018 Top Manufacturers Analysis, Production Cost, Raw Materials Supply and Forecasts Upto 2022 PTT and PDO Market 2018 WiseGuyReports.Com Publish a New Market Research Report On PTT and PDO Industry 2018 Top Manufacturers Analysis, Production Cost, Raw Materials Supply and Forecasts Upto 2022.The PTT and PDO industry has also suffered a certain impact, but still maintained a relatively optimistic growth, the past four years, PTT and PDO market size to maintain the average annual growth rate of 5.43% from 320 million $ in 2014 to 375 million $ in 2017, The analysts believe that in the next few years, PTT and PDO market size will be further expanded, we expect that by 2022, The market size of the PTT and PDO will reach 460 million $.Get a Sample Report @For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comThis Report covers the manufacturers data, including: shipment, price, revenue, gross profit, interview record, business distribution etc., these data help the consumer know about the competitors better. This report also covers all the regions and countries of the world, which shows a regional development status, including market size, volume and value, as well as price data.Besides, the report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. cover different segment market size, both volume and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers.Sections:-Section 1: FreeDefinitionSection (2 3): 1200 USDManufacturer DetailDuPontShellSection 4: 900 USDRegion SegmentationNorth America Country (United States, Canada)South AmericaAsia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy)Other Country (Middle East, Africa, GCC)Section (5 6 7): 500 USDProduct Type Segmentation (AR, GR, , , )Industry Segmentation (Clothing field, Carpet field, Nonwovens field, , )Channel (Direct Sales, Distributor) SegmentationContinued..Report Details @Table Of Contents Major Key PointsSection 1 PTT and PDO Product DefinitionSection 2 Global PTT and PDO Market Manufacturer Share and Market Overview2.1 Global Manufacturer PTT and PDO Shipments2.2 Global Manufacturer PTT and PDO Business Revenue2.3 Global PTT and PDO Market OverviewSection 3 Manufacturer PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.1 DuPont PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.1.1 DuPont PTT and PDO Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-20173.1.2 DuPont PTT and PDO Business Distribution by Region3.1.3 DuPont Interview Record3.1.4 DuPont PTT and PDO Business Profile3.1.5 DuPont PTT and PDO Product Specification3.2 Shell PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.2.1 Shell PTT and PDO Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-20173.2.2 Shell PTT and PDO Business Distribution by Region3.2.3 Interview Record3.2.4 Shell PTT and PDO Business Overview3.2.5 Shell PTT and PDO Product Specification3.3 PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.3.1 PTT and PDO Shipments, Price, Revenue and Gross profit 2014-20173.3.2 PTT and PDO Business Distribution by Region3.3.3 Interview Record3.3.4 PTT and PDO Business Overview3.3.5 PTT and PDO Product Specification3.4 PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.5 PTT and PDO Business Introduction3.6 PTT and PDO Business IntroductionSection 4 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Region Level)4.1 North America Country4.1.1 United States PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.1.2 Canada PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.2 South America Country4.2.1 South America PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.3 Asia Country4.3.1 China PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.3.2 Japan PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.3.3 India PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.3.4 Korea PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.4 Europe Country4.4.1 Germany PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.4.2 UK PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.4.3 France PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.4.4 Italy PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.4.5 Europe PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.5 Other Country and Region4.5.1 Middle East PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.5.2 Africa PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.5.3 GCC PTT and PDO Market Size and Price Analysis 2014-20174.6 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Region Level) Analysis 2014-20174.7 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Region Level) AnalysisSection 5 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Product Type Level)5.1 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) Market Size 2014-20175.2 Different PTT and PDO Product Type Price 2014-20175.3 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Product Type Level) AnalysisSection 6 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Industry Level)6.1 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Industry Level) Market Size 2014-20176.2 Different Industry Price 2014-20176.3 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Industry Level) AnalysisSection 7 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Channel Level)7.1 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Channel Level) Sales Volume and Share 2014-20177.2 Global PTT and PDO Market Segmentation (Channel Level) AnalysisContinued..For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Office No.528,Amanora Chambers,Magarpatta Road,Hadapsar,Pune-411028. Banking and Financial Smart Cards Market 2018: Top Industry Players (Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, Morpho, Oberthur Technologies and American Express) Research for Markets This report studies the global Banking and Financial Smart Cards market status and forecast, categorizes the global Banking and Financial Smart Cards market size (value & volume) by key players, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia India and Other regions (Middle East & Africa, Central & South America).In 2017, the global Banking and Financial Smart Cards market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx.x % between 2018 and 2025.The major players covered in this reportGemaltoGiesecke & DevrientMorphoOberthur TechnologiesAmerican ExpressARMBell IDCardLogixDataCardHID GlobalMasterCardSmart Card IT SolutionsVisaLooking for More Information on This Market Get Free Sample Report @Geographically, this report studies the key regions, focuses on product sales, value, market share and growth opportunity in these regions, coveringUnited StatesEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaThe regional scope of the study is as follows:North AmericaAsia-PacificEuropeCentral & South AmericaMiddle East & AfricaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoContactless banking and financial smart cardsContact-based banking and financial smart cardsOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, includingBankFinanceOthersThe study objectives of this report are:To analyze and study the global Banking and Financial Smart Cards sales, value, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2025);To analyze the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, to study the sales, value and market share of top players in these regions.Focuses on the key Banking and Financial Smart Cards players, to study the sales, value, market share and development plans in future.Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Banking and Financial Smart Cards are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersBanking and Financial Smart Cards ManufacturersBanking and Financial Smart Cards Distributors/Traders/WholesalersBanking and Financial Smart Cards Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsThe report is available on discount for a limited time only @Table of Content1 Banking and Financial Smart Cards Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Banking and Financial Smart Cards1.2 Classification of Banking and Financial Smart Cards by Product Category1.3 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards Market by Application/End Users1.4 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards Market by Region1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Banking and Financial Smart Cards (2013-2025)2 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application2.1 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.2 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume and Value) by Type2.3 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume and Value) by Region2.4 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume) by Application3 United States Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)3.2 United States Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)3.3 United States Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)3.4 United States Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)4 Europe Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)4.1 Europe Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)4.2 Europe Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)4.3 Europe Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)4.4 Europe Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)5 China Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)5.1 China Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)5.2 China Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)5.3 China Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)5.4 China Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)6 Japan Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)6.1 Japan Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)6.2 Japan Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)6.3 Japan Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)6.4 Japan Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)7 Southeast Asia Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)7.1 Southeast Asia Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)7.2 Southeast Asia Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)7.3 Southeast Asia Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)7.4 Southeast Asia Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)8 India Banking and Financial Smart Cards (Volume, Value and Sales Price)8.1 India Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales and Value (2013-2018)8.2 India Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Players (2013-2018)8.3 India Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)8.4 India Banking and Financial Smart Cards Sales Volume and Market Share by Application (2013-2018)9 Global Banking and Financial Smart Cards Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales Data9.1 Gemalto9.2 Giesecke & Devrient9.3 Morpho9.4 Oberthur Technologies9.5 American Express9.6 ARM9.7 Bell ID9.8 CardLogix9.9 DataCard9.10 HID Global10 Banking and Financial Smart Cards Maufacturing Cost Analysis10.1 Banking and Financial Smart Cards Key Raw Materials Analysis10.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure10.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Banking and Financial Smart CardsLooking for more insights from this report @About Research for Markets:Research for Markets indulges in detailed and diligent research on different markets, trends and emerging opportunities in the successive direction to cater to your business needs. We have established the pillars of our flourishing institute on the grounds of Credibility and Reliability. RFM delve into the markets across Asia Pacific, North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa.Our purpose is to serve you, the most customized in-depth Market access data. Our plethora of titles made us one of the most searched market research library across the globe. We work with the most esteemed Publishers around the globe who caters vast industries. We are quick and fragile, when it comes to your various queries, and we ensure our team caters your needs to the best of our abilities, we promise to stay by your side for both pre and post sales servicing, as we believe in long everlasting symbiotic relationship.Contact:Mr. A NaiduResearch for MarketsTel: +44 8000-4182-37 (UK)Email: Global Food Texturant Market 2018-2022 Delivers Top Companies Analysis, Regions and Applications Scope of the Report:The report titled Global Food Texturant Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2018-2022), provides an in-depth analysis of the global food texturants market by value and by volume. The report also gives an insight of the global food texturants market by value, by segment and by region, etc.Request a sample of this report @The report provides a regional analysis of the food texturant market, including the following regions: North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Europe.The report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global food texturants market has also been forecasted for the period 2018-2022, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.The considerable variety of texturising products in the market implies that market is very broad and one of the least consolidated amongst ingredients types.The competition in the global food texturant market is driven by big players, Cargill Incorporated, Tate & Lyle PLC, Ingredion Incorporated and DuPont. Further, key players of the food texturant market Cargill Incorporated, Tate & Lyle PLC, Ingredion Incorporated and DuPont are also profiled with their financial information and respective business strategies.Country Coverage:North AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificSouth AmericaMiddle East & AfricaCompany Coverage:Tate & LyleIngredion IncorporatedCargill, IncorporatedDowDuPont (DuPont)Place a purchase order of this report @Executive Summary:Ingredients term can be defined as a substance or compounds, artificially or naturally derived, that are mixed or combined, to add specific characteristics and functionalities to an end product. A special ingredient is any substance that is added to a food to achieve a desired effect.The different types of special ingredients are flavours & fragrances, texturants, nutritional ingredients, enzymes, sweeteners, flavour enhancers, acidulants, food colors, food preservatives and cultures whose primary role is to enhance the performance of food products in which they are added. Each segment demonstrates unique feature when applied in different type of food and beverages.Functions of specialty ingredients include enhanced appearance of product, improved taste and texture of product and extended shelf life of the product.Texturants are a type of specialty ingredient, used to control and modify the texture and mouthfeel of the food and beverage products. Food texturants are could be made of synthetic chemicals or could be extracted from natural substance and are used as a direct additive in products to provide the required physical appearance to the food product.Texturizing agents are specifically used in order to provide smoothness, creaminess, clarity, thickness, pulpiness, and thus establishing a particular flavour and appearance of the product. The texture of the food products should be appealing enough to grab the attention of the consumers.The common food texturants include emulsifiers, hydrocolloids, gums, stabilizers and others. They are widely used in various industries such as bakery and confectionery, dairy and frozen desserts, beverages, oil and fats, sweet and savory snacks, meat products, and others.Over-consumption of texturants could lead to obesity, diabetes, diarrhea, slow metabolism, etc.The global food texturant market has increased at a significant CAGR during the years 2016 and 2017 and projections are made that the market would rise in the next four years i.e. 2018-2022 tremendously. The food texturant market is expected to increase due to growth in retail e-commerce industry, increased meat consumption, increased cheese and yogurt consumption, etc. Yet the market faces some challenges such as, barriers to entry, health issues, etc.Browse the complete report @Some Points from Table of Content:1. Executive Summary2. Introduction2.1 Specialty Ingredients: An Overview2.1.1 Specialty Ingredients: Meaning2.1.2 Specialty Ingredients: Value Chain2.1.3 Types of Specialty Ingredients2.2 Food Texturants: An Overview2.2.1 Key Functions of Food Texturants2.2.2 Application of Food Texturants2.2.3 Food Texturants Market by Segments2.2.4 Major Food Texturants: Thickeners and Stabilizers by Principal Functions as Food Additives2.2.5 Commonly Used Food Texturants2.2.6 Disadvantages of Food Texturants3. Global Market Analysis3.1 Global Specialty Ingredient Market: An Analysis3.1.1 Global Specialty Ingredient Market by Value3.1.2 Global Specialty Ingredient Market by Segment (Flavours & Fragrances, Texturants, Nutritional Ingredients, Personal Care Ingredients, Enzymes, Sweeteners, Flavour Enhancers, Acidulants, Food Colours, Food Preservatives, Cultures)3.2 Global Food Texturants Market: An Analysis3.2.1 Global Food Texturants Market by Value3.2.2 Global Food Texturant Market Value by Type (Hydrocolloids, Emulsifiers, Starches)3.2.3 Global Food Texturant Market Value by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa)3.2.4 Global Hydrocolloids based Food Texturants Market by Value3.2.5 Global Emulsifiers Based Food Texturants Market by Value3.2.6 Global Starch based Food Texturant Market by Value3.2.7 Global Starch-Based Texturants Market Value by Application (Convenience Food, Dairy, Bakery, Beverage, Soups, Sauces, Dressings, Other, Confectionery)4. Regional Market Analysis4.1 North America Food Texturant Market: An Analysis4.1.1 North America Food Texturant Market by Value4.2 Europe Food Texturant Market: An Analysis4.2.1 Europe Food Texturant Market by Value4.3 Asia-Pacific Food Texturant Market: An Analysis4.3.1 Asia-Pacific Food Texturant Market by Value4.4 South America Food Texturant Market: An Analysis4.4.1 South America Food Texturant Market by Value4.5 Middle East & Africa Food Texturant Market: An Analysis4.5.1 Middle East & Africa Food Texturant Market by ValueEnquiry before buying report @5. Market Dynamics5.1 Growth Drivers5.1.1 Accelerating Meat Consumption5.1.2 Rising Cheese Production & Consumption5.1.3 Escalating Worldwide Yogurt Production5.1.4 Increasing Global Retail Consumption of Chocolate Confectionery5.1.5 Growing Global Coffee Consumption5.1.6 Escalating Packaged Food Demand5.1.7 Increasing Demand for Fast Food and Convenience Foods5.1.8 Rising Consumer Expenditure and Disposable Income5.1.9 Increasing Global Youth Population5.1.10 Growing Global GDP Per-capita5.1.11 Escalating Global Urban Population5.1.12 Declining Unemployment5.2 Challenges5.2.1 High Cost of the Raw Materials5.2.2 Fluctuating Prices of Raw Materials5.2.3 Barriers to Entry5.2.4 Health Issues5.3 Market Trends5.3.1 Product Launches Claiming Clean Label5.3.2 Global Food Texturant Market Consumers by Geography5.3.3 Increasing Growth Rate of Emerging Economies5.3.4 Growing Alcohol Consumption5.3.5 Growth in Retail E-commerce Sales5.3.6 Rising Demand for Juices, Soft Drinks, and Alcoholic Drinks5.3.7 Changing Family Settings5.3.8 Fast-Paced Lifestyles and Lack of Indulgence in Cooking5.3.9 Food Innovation5.3.10 Regulations Relating to Texturants5.3.11 Health Benefits of Texturants5.3.12 Penetration of Key Texturant Players into China5.3.13 Natural Emulsifiers5.3.14 Canned Fruits and Veggies5.3.15 Social Festivities6. Competitive Landscape6.1 Global Ingredient Market Top Players by Key Texturant Capabilities6.2 Global Texturant (Starch Based) Market Players by Share7. Company Profile7.1 Tate & Lyle7.1.1 Business Overview7.1.2 Financial Overview7.1.3 Business Strategy7.2 Ingredion Incorporated7.2.1 Business Overview7.2.2 Financial Overview7.2.3 Business Strategy7.3 Cargill, Incorporated7.3.1 Business Overview7.3.2 Financial Overview7.3.3 Business Strategy7.4 DowDuPont (DuPont)7.4.1 Business Overview7.4.2 Financial Overview7.4.3 Business StrategyAbout Us:Orbis Research ( is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.Contact Us:Hector CostelloSenior Manager Client Engagements4144N Central Expressway,Suite 600, Dallas,Texas - 75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: +1 (214) 884-6817; +912064101019Follow Us on LinkedIn:Follow us on Twitter: Chatbot for Banking Market 2018: Global Industry Top Key Players (LivePerson, Amazon Lex, Apple, IBM Watson, Google and PayPal) Research for Markets This report studies the global Chatbot for Banking market, analyzes and researches the Chatbot for Banking development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeLivePersonAmazon LexAppleIBM WatsonGooglePayPalLiveChatKasistoWeChatAlipayLooking for More Information on This Market Get Free Sample Report @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split intoBots for ServiceBots for Social MediaBots for Payments/Order processingBots for MarketingOthersMarket segment by Application, the market can be split intoBankingFinancial ServicesInsuranceOthersThe report is available on discount for a limited time only @Table of Content1 Industry Overview of Chatbot for Banking1.1 Chatbot for Banking Market Overview1.2 Global Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.3 Chatbot for Banking Market by Type1.4 Chatbot for Banking Market by End Users/Application2 Global Chatbot for Banking Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Chatbot for Banking Market Size (Value) by Players (2017 and 2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 LivePerson3.2 Amazon Lex3.3 Apple3.4 IBM Watson3.5 Google3.6 PayPal3.7 LiveChat3.8 Kasisto3.9 WeChat3.10 Alipay4 Global Chatbot for Banking Market Size by Type and Application (2013-2018)4.1 Global Chatbot for Banking Market Size by Type (2013-2018)4.2 Global Chatbot for Banking Market Size by Application (2013-2018)4.3 Potential Application of Chatbot for Banking in Future4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Chatbot for Banking5 United States Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)5.2 United States Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)6 EU Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)6.2 EU Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)7 Japan Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook7.1 Japan Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)7.2 Japan Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)8 China Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook8.1 China Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)8.2 China Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)9 India Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook9.1 India Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)9.2 India Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)10 Southeast Asia Chatbot for Banking Development Status and Outlook10.1 Southeast Asia Chatbot for Banking Market Size (2013-2018)10.2 Southeast Asia Chatbot for Banking Market Size and Market Share by Players (2017 and 2018)Looking for more insights from this report @About Research for Markets:Research for Markets indulges in detailed and diligent research on different markets, trends and emerging opportunities in the successive direction to cater to your business needs. We have established the pillars of our flourishing institute on the grounds of Credibility and Reliability. RFM delve into the markets across Asia Pacific, North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa.Our purpose is to serve you, the most customized in-depth Market access data. Our plethora of titles made us one of the most searched market research library across the globe. We work with the most esteemed Publishers around the globe who caters vast industries. We are quick and fragile, when it comes to your various queries, and we ensure our team caters your needs to the best of our abilities, we promise to stay by your side for both pre and post sales servicing, as we believe in long everlasting symbiotic relationship.Contact:Mr. A NaiduResearch for MarketsTel: +44 8000-4182-37 (UK)Email: Big Data Analytics Market - Size, Trends, Growth, Industry Analysis, Share and Forecast to 2023 Global Big Data Analytics Market, By Component (Software & Hardware), By Solution (Fraud Detection, Risk Management, Customer Analytics & Content Analytics) By End User (Banking, Discrete manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, Government, telecom, Insurance, Transportation and Utilities)Market Synopsis of Big Data Analytics Market:The big data analytics market holds some of the major players like IBM Corporation (U.S.), Teradata Corporation (U.S.), VMware, Inc (U.S.), Tableau Software (U.S.), SAP SE (Germany), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), Pentaho (U.S.) Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), Google Inc (U.S.), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (U.S), Datameer (U.S.). The market for big data analytics is growing at a significant rate and includes many new entrants in the big data analytics market majorly in Customer analytics and content analytics solutions due to higher demand of e - commerce.Big data is generally termed as large and varied sets of data and examining the data for identifying customer trends and preferences, data patterns, relations for the companies to take better business decisions. Companies use advances analytics techniques for large, and diversified data sets, allowing the researchers, analysts and business owners to make decisions based on the data that was previously inaccessible. Big data comprises of software and hardware components and the data set ranges from Megabytes to Terabytes. A many number of companies are investing in the big data analytics, which has led banking and manufacturing industry to invest more in big data analytics majorly due to security and compliance issues. Many other industries other than banking and manufacturing are more inclined towards finding the customer experience information to better use the data for customer retention and customer delight.The Big Data Analytics Market is segmented on the basis of components, solutions, end users and regions. On the basis of components, the segmentation is further divided into software and hardware which is further divided under reporting and analytics and data warehouse management system on the basis of software component. In this segments, software components lead the market share however the hardware by the component follows the segment with a nominal growth.Get Sample Report @On the basis of solutions, the segment is divided under fraud detection, risk management, customer analytics, and content analytics. Most of the telecommunication industry and media industry are intended towards customer analytics and content analytics solutions for customer experience for new customer acquisition, retention and loyalty. The customer analytics is at the center of telecommunication industry for investments in big data analytics.On the basis of end users, the segmentation is done on the basis of Banking, discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, government, telecom, insurance, transportation and utilities. Out of these, Banking, discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing are investing highly in the big data analytics with the focus on risk management, fraud prevention and security and compliance issues. Banking, manufacturing and government will account for approximately 50 % of the spending in the data analytics market.The market for big data analytics is divided under North America, Asia pacific, Europe and rest of the world under the region. The North America, especially United States is leading and will continue to lead the market for investments in the big data analytics with more than 80% investments from the region. Another reason for the increased market growth in the North American region is due to the concentration of the large big data companies in the U.S. following U.S is the Europe and Asia pacific region in terms of the investments in big data.The competitive landscape of the big data analytics market is formed by some major players and many of the new entrants. The leaders constantly keep innovating for the new technology and investing in research and development for the cost effective portfolio. The big data analytics market has driven many end users like insurance, banking, media, telecommunication, and government.The big data analytics market is expected to reach approximately USD 275 billion by the end of 2023 with approximately 12% CAGR during the forecasted period from 2017 2023.Get Report Details @SegmentsFor the purpose of this study, Market Research Future has segmented the market of big data analytics market into type, infrastructure, end - users, and region.Component Software HardwareSolution Fraud detection Risk management Customer analytics Content analyticsEnd User Banking Discrete manufacturing Process manufacturing Government Telecommunication Insurance Transportation UtilitiesRegion North America Europe Asia pacific Rest of the world.Intended Audience Storage chipset providers Network Security providers Banking Institutions Insurance providers Research firms Software investors Software Developers IT enablers Database Cloud service providers Wireless service providers Government agencies Telecommunication companiesLIST OF TABLESTABLE 1 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY COMPONENTTABLE 2 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY SOLUTIONTABLE 3BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY END USERTABLE 4 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY REGIONTABLE 5 NORTH AMERICA BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY COMPONENTContinueLIST OF FIGURESFIGURE 1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGYFIGURE 2 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY COMPONENT (%)FIGURE 3 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY SOLUTION (%)FIGURE 4 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY END USER (%)FIGURE 5 BIG DATA ANALYTICS MARKET, BY REGION (%)ContinueAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst membersContact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Market Key players-Abbott Laboratories (U.S.), Johnson & Johnson Limited (U.S.), Novartis AG (Switzerland) and Pfizer, Inc. (U.S.) Forecast 2018-2023 Market Scenario:Arthritis means inflammation in a joint. The inflammation is characterized by swelling, pain, and redness within the joint. This type of arthritis is known to cause chronic inflammatory disorder in the hands and feet.There are two types of rheumatoid arthritis are seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking and family history are considered as some of the major cause of rheumatoid arthritis.The rising R&D of product pipeline along with the introduction of novel products are some of the major trends in this market. For instance, in February 2016, Pfizer received FDA approval for commercialization of XELJANZ XR (tofacitinib citrate) in the U.S. market. The company launched the product in Europe for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In May 2017, Sanofi received FDA approval for Kevzara drug for its commercialization in the U.S. market. Kevzara is used in the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis.View Reports Sample @The global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is expected to be driven by factors such as rising cigarette consumption, growing healthcare expenditure, increasing female population, and increasing obese population. However, the growth of this industry is hindered by increasing treatment costs and high cost associated with R&D. The global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is rather concentrated with few pharmaceutical companies dominating the market through new drug approval.The global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 4.0% during the forecast period 2017-2023.Intended AudienceSeropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug SuppliersSeropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug ManufacturersResearch and Development (R&D) CompaniesMedical Research LaboratoriesAcademic Medical Institutes and UniversitiesSegmentationThe global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented on the basis of the drug class, drug, treatment and diagnosis, route of administration, application, and end user.On the basis of the drug class, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug type (NSAID), Steroids, and Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug type (DMARDs) and biologic agents.On the basis of the drug, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into Humira (adalimumab), Enbrel (etanercept), Remicade (infliximab), Rituxan (rituximab), Actemra (tocilizumab), Orencia (abatacept), and others.On the basis of the treatment, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into synovectomy, tendon repair, joint fusion, and total joint replacement.On the basis of the diagnosis, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into C -reactive protein (CRP) Test, CCP, ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test and Synovial Fluid Analysis.On the basis of the route of administration, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into oral, subcutaneous, intravenous, and others.On the basis of the application, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into medicine, scientific research, and others.On the basis of the end user, the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into hospital, diagnostic centers, ambulatory surgical centers, and othersRegional AnalysisThe global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market is segmented into the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa.The Americas dominated the overall market in terms of revenue in 2016 owing to the growing prevalence of arthritis, and rising cases of inflammation in the U.S.Europe is the second largest rheumatoid market in the globe. The U.K is a major contributor to the European market. As per the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS), it was estimated that approximately 690,000 people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis in the U.K. Moreover, the government bodies are undertaking initiatives for the spreading awareness regarding rheumatoid arthritis is influencing the market growth.The Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing region, which accounts for more than 60% of the global population. The region has the potential to provide great opportunities for researchers to analyze the pathogenesis, epidemiology, and the factors that influence various manufacturers for expansion and setting up their manufacturing unit in this region.The Middle East & Africa region contribute the least share of the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis market owing to the low R&D activities, lack of awareness, and poor medical facilities.Request Full Report @Key PlayersSome of key the players in the global seropositive rheumatoid arthritis drug market are Abbott Laboratories (U.S.), Johnson & Johnson Limited (U.S.), Novartis AG (Switzerland), Pfizer, Inc. (U.S.), and Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.), AbbVie Inc. (U.S.), Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (U.S.), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), Amgen (U.S.), Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (U.S), Sanofi-Aventis (France), AstraZeneca (U.K), Cadila Healthcare Ltd. (India), GlaxoSmithKline Inc. (U.S.), Merck and Co. Inc. (U.S.), and othersMarket Research Future (MRFR), enable customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India COXS BAZARAid workers are scouring the worlds largest refugee camp for pregnant Rohingya rape victims, with a rush of births anticipated nine months after Myanmar forces unleashed a frenzy of sexual violence against women and girls from the Muslim minority. Specialists and Rohingya volunteers are racing against time to find women in the giant camp who are thought to be hiding their pregnancies out of shame, as fears grow that newborns could be abandoned and new mothers may die without care in coming weeks. Tosminara, herself a Rohingya refugee, has spent months coaxing these women out of the shadows, promising discretion. We tell them a password they can use when they arrive at the hospital or health post. The guard then sends the woman directly to the right spot, said Tosminara, who goes by one name. They often are shy. Sometimes they are afraid to come forward. The Myanmar army crackdown last August drove roughly 700,000 Rohingya into Bangladesh and the number of pregnancies resulting from rape is not known. But UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmour said there would inevitably be a spike in births soon given the frenzy of sexual violence in August and September last year. Marcella Kraay of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) also said a fair number of pregnancies were expected. An estimated 48,000 women will give birth in the camps this year. Those who were raped will be delivering imminently, mostly in secret and without medical care on the floors of bamboo shacks overlooking the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. Rohingya community leader Abdur Rahim said he knew two women personally who were raped by soldiers and due within the month. He had heard rumours of many others in a similar position, he added. The Myanmar military raped them. These babies are... evidence of their crimes, he told AFP. Tosminara says she is trying her best to find these women in the heaving camps. But volunteers must contend with a deep-rooted stigma that keeps many from revealing their ordeal. Sometimes neighbours say dont do anything, it will humiliate you further. So they dont want to come, said Nurjahan Mitu, a doctor who trains midwives through a UN Population Fund program. Many have sought clinical help to terminate pregnancieslegal in Bangladesh up to 12 weeks. Others have resorted to underground options resulting in complicated, incomplete abortions, said MSF midwife Daniela Sofia. The UNs Gilmour, who toured the camps in March, said girls as young as 14 were self-inducing abortions. Sofia, the midwife, assisted a 16-year-old with an abortion after the teenager arrived at her clinic in secret, terrified that her family would find out.She said the girl was pregnant after being gang-raped by Myanmar soldiers, but had no one to support her through the trauma. Nobody knew about the rape. Her family were not aware of it, Sofia told AFP. More than half the Rohingya who have fled into Bangladesh are women and girls. Children are seen everywhere but adolescent girls are largely invisible, many kept indoors by families concerned for their welfare, experts say. Emu Roy, a Bangladeshi midwife, said a paucity of maternity professionals made it difficult to know how many women were suffering in silence in the camps. Its not possible for us to go door-to-door, she told AFP. Experts are concerned that families could forcibly marry off teenage girls to cover up a pregnancy. Others fear that newborns could be abandoned. Not only are you dealing with a woman who has been... traumatized, also there could be a child that is basically unwanted as well, Kraay said. MSF alone treated 311 rape victimswomen and girls aged between nine and 50between August and March but Kraay said this was the tip of the iceberg. The Myanmar army chief has denied allegations his forces used rape to terrorize the Muslim minority. But the military last month was placed on a UN blacklist for armies and rebels known to use rape in warjoining Nigerias Boko Haram and the Islamic State group. On top of the refugees accounts, UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten said rape was used as a calculated tool of terror to force the Rohingya out of Myanmar. As the nine-month milestone looms, aid workers are ready to assign abandoned children to women who can breastfeed them, until families are found in the Rohingya community. We really want all childrenregardless of the conditions or the locations where they are bornto grow up in a happy environment, Save the Childrens Beatriz Ochoa told AFP. Global Warehouse Management Systems - key Insights Based on Product Type, End-use and Regional Demand Till 2025 MRRSE A new report added to the repository of Market Research Reports Search Engine Warehouse Management Systems Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2024 is a comprehensive repository of information, providing market share, size, and forecast.Get Free Sample Report with TOC @The emergence of digital technology and expanding application of WMS has led to increased adoption of warehouse management systems. The market for warehouse management systems (WMS) is anticipated to expand at a revenue CAGR of 14.1% during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. The global warehouse management systems market was valued at US$ 1,447.1 Mn in 2016. Warehouse management system (WMS) provides optimization, monitoring and control of complex warehouse and distribution activities such as yard management, dock scheduling, order management, labor management, inventory management, and others in an efficient manner. Hence, growing e-commerce industry and the subsequent adoption of WMS in this sector is expected to drive the warehouse management systems market. Another significant factor supporting the growth of warehouse management systems market is the increasing adoption of BYOD in various industries such as retail, 3PL, health care, and manufacturing among others. This has led to an increasing demand for cloud based warehouse management systems, subsequently driving the warehouse management systems market.The global warehouse management systems market has been segmented on the basis of component and application. On the basis of the component, the market is segmented into software and services. The software segment in the deployment type segmentation is further divided into on-premise and cloud based warehouse management systems. On-premise and cloud based warehouse management system segments are each further categorized into labor management system, analytics and optimization, and others which includes yard management and 3PL billing. In 2016, on-premise warehouse management systems accounted for maximum share of the warehouse management software market at around 76.3% of the revenue of the overall warehouse management software market. However, cloud based warehouse management software is expected to show sustainable growth during the forecast period due to technological advancements and cost effectiveness as compared to on-premise warehouse management software. Based on the services, the market is segmented into consulting, system integration, and operations and maintenance. In 2016, the maintenance segment held the largest revenue share and is also expected to expand at a highest CAGR during the forecast periodOutlook Complete Report details with List of Tables and Figures @In terms of various applications, the market is segmented into retail, electronics, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, third party logistics, and others which includes book and publishing, and home improvement. In 2016, the third party logistics (3PL) segment held the largest revenue share of around 27% in the overall warehouse management systems market.Geographically, Europe is the largest market for warehouse management systems. Asia Pacific is expected to witness fastest growth during the forecast period. China, India, Japan, Australia and Indonesia are among the major markets for warehouse management systems in the Asia Pacific region. Through the course of the reports forecast period, Asia Pacific is expected to showcase robust opportunities for growth to the market. The rising demand for extended WMS solutions to support in-store inventory, order management, and cloud integration is the chief driver of the warehouse management systems market in Asia Pacific. Besides this, the Middle East and Africa and Latin America are likely to offer substantial growth opportunities to the market in the coming years. The rising retail application in nations such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia among others on account of the expanding ecommerce market will augment the markets growth in the Middle East and Africa.Some of the major players in the global warehouse management systems market with the significant developments are HighJump Software, Tecsys, Inc., Infor Inc., JDA Software Group, Inc., LogFire Inc., Made4net LLC, Manhattan Associates Inc., Oracle Corporation, Reply, SAP SE, Softeon, Inc., and Synergy Logistics Ltd.About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market 2018 : Analysis By Manufacturers,Product,Key Stakeholders,Forecast To 2025 Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Research Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.This report studies the global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) market status and forecast, categorizes the global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in United States, Europe, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and other regions.The global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) market is valued at xx million US$ in 2017 and is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx.x % between 2018 and 2025.The major manufacturers covered in this reportCompanyLGSharpCSOTAUOBOETo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @...Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, coveringUnited StatesEuropeChinaJapanSouth KoreaTaiwanOther RegionsThe regional scope of the study is as follows:North AmericaUnited StatesCanadaMexicoAsia-PacificChinaIndiaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndonesiaSingaporeRest of Asia-PacificEuropeGermanyFranceUKItalySpainRussiaRest of EuropeCentral & South AmericaBrazilArgentinaRest of South AmericaMiddle East & AfricaSaudi ArabiaTurkeyRest of Middle East & AfricaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoQLEDQDEFOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingTVMonitorSmartphoneOthersThe study objectives of this report are:To analyze and study the global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) capacity, production, value, consumption, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2025);Focuses on the key Quantum Dot Display(QLED) manufacturers, to study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in future.Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Quantum Dot Display(QLED) are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersQuantum Dot Display(QLED) ManufacturersQuantum Dot Display(QLED) Distributors/Traders/WholesalersQuantum Dot Display(QLED) Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsTable of ContentsGlobal Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Research Report 20181 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Quantum Dot Display(QLED)1.2 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 QLED1.2.4 QDEF1.3 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Segment by Application1.3.1 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 TV1.3.3 Monitor1.3.4 Smartphone1.3.5 Others1.4 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 South Korea Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 Taiwan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Quantum Dot Display(QLED) (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025)Get Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.3 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018)2.4 Manufacturers Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)3.1 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.2 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Production and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.3 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)3.4 Global Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.5 United States Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.6 Europe Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.7 China Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)3.8 Japan Quantum Dot Display(QLED) Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)Continue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on @ Global Refinery Catalysts Sales Market 2018 : Analysis By Key Stakeholders,Forecast To 2025 Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Refinery Catalysts Sales Market Report 2018" to its huge collection of research reports.This report studies the global Refinery Catalysts market status and forecast, categorizes the global Refinery Catalysts market size (value & volume) by key players, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia India and Other regions (Middle East & Africa, Central & South America).In 2017, the global Refinery Catalysts market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx.x % between 2018 and 2025.The major players covered in this reportHaldor TopsoeAlbemarleW.R. GraceBASF SEHoneywellAxens S.A.SinopecJohnson MattheyClariant AGDowAnten Chemical Co., Ltd.Arkema GroupDuPontChempackExxon Mobil CorporationFiltra Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd.JGC Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd.KNT GroupKuwait Catalyst CompanyTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Geographically, this report studies the key regions, focuses on product sales, value, market share and growth opportunity in these regions, coveringUnited StatesEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaThe regional scope of the study is as follows:North AmericaUnited StatesCanadaMexicoAsia-PacificChinaIndiaJapanSouth KoreaAustraliaIndonesiaSingaporeRest of Asia-PacificEuropeGermanyFranceUKItalySpainRussiaRest of EuropeCentral & South AmericaBrazilArgentinaRest of South AmericaMiddle East & AfricaSaudi ArabiaTurkeyRest of Middle East & AfricaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoFCC CatalystsHydrotreating CatalystsHydrocracking CatalystsCatalytic Reforming CatalystsOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application, includingFluid Catalytic Cracking UnitHydrocracking UnitH-Oil UnitHydrotreating UnitCatalytic Cracking UnitAlkylation UnitThe study objectives of this report are:To analyze and study the global Refinery Catalysts sales, value, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2025);To analyze the top players in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, to study the sales, value and market share of top players in these regions.Focuses on the key Refinery Catalysts players, to study the sales, value, market share and development plans in future.Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Refinery Catalysts are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025Table of ContentsGlobal Refinery Catalysts Sales Market Report 20181 Refinery Catalysts Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Refinery Catalysts1.2 Classification of Refinery Catalysts by Product Category1.2.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Market Size (Sales) Comparison by Type (2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Refinery Catalysts Market Size (Sales) Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 FCC Catalysts1.2.4 Hydrotreating Catalysts1.2.5 Hydrocracking Catalysts1.2.6 Catalytic Reforming Catalysts1.3 Global Refinery Catalysts Market by Application/End Users1.3.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit1.3.3 Hydrocracking Unit1.3.4 H-Oil Unit1.3.5 Hydrotreating Unit1.3.6 Catalytic Cracking Unit1.3.7 Alkylation Unit1.4 Global Refinery Catalysts Market by Region1.4.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 United States Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Refinery Catalysts Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value and Volume) of Refinery Catalysts (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Refinery Catalysts Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2025)Get Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @2 Global Refinery Catalysts Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and Application2.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Market Competition by Players/Suppliers2.1.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Sales and Market Share of Key Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.1.2 Global Refinery Catalysts Revenue and Share by Players/Suppliers (2013-2018)2.2 Global Refinery Catalysts (Volume and Value) by Type2.2.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.2.2 Global Refinery Catalysts Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)2.3 Global Refinery Catalysts (Volume and Value) by Region2.3.1 Global Refinery Catalysts Sales and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.3.2 Global Refinery Catalysts Revenue and Market Share by Region (2013-2018)2.4 Global Refinery Catalysts (Volume) by Application3 United States Refinery Catalysts (Volume, Value and Sales Price)3.1 United States Refinery Catalysts Sales and Value (2013-2018)3.1.1 United States Refinery Catalysts Sales and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.2 United States Refinery Catalysts Revenue and Growth Rate (2013-2018)3.1.3 United States Refinery Catalysts Sales Price Trend (2013-2018)Continue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on @ Global Employee Recognition Software Market Data Survey Report 2025 Latest niche market research study on Global Employee Recognition Software Market Data Survey Report 2025 published at Orbisresearch.comDescription:Employee Recognition Software is used for analyzing data sets and covers functions such as the collection, interpretation, analysis, organization, and presentation. The increasing importance of data collection and analytics has resulted in the emergence of Employee Recognition Software market over the past few years.The global Employee Recognition Software market was valued at USD xx million in 2018 and is estimated to be worth USD xx million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of xx% from 2018 to 2025. Increasing adoption of data collection for scientific research, finance, and industrial applications is expected to drive market growth.Request a Sample of this Report @The global Employee Recognition Software market study covers key market drivers, restraints, and opportunities which determine the dynamics of the market. The market has been analyzed using tools such as SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat) and Porters Five Forces Model. Additionally, the global Employee Recognition Software market covers detailed information regarding industry value chain and raw materials.Numerous key players operating within the global statistic software market have been included in the global Employee Recognition Software market research report. Parameters such as company information, product specifications, capacity, sales revenues, volume, price, cost, and margin have been provided for the below-listed companies, which in turn will provide an in-depth understanding of the existing competition.The global Employee Recognition Software market report analyzes information for the following industry players: Terryberry Motivosity Ultimate Software Peoplecart Hoopla Loyalty Gator Loyalty Gator Wishlist Rewards Kudos Teamphoria Appreiz Paramax Awardco Workstars Workfront RewardianBrowse the Full Report@The segmentation on the basis of type provides an in-depth qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. The details regarding the different types of platforms used for statistical software will provide the reader with insights into the trends and movement of the global Employee Recognition Software market over the above-mentioned period.On the basis of type, the global Employee Recognition Software market study has been segmented into: Web-based Cloud-basedMake an enquiry before buying this report @The application of the software is the main deciding factor of its real performance. If statistic software is not user-friendly the production is meaningless and revenue generation would run in the negative. The global Employee Recognition Software market research report mainly targets end-user application and their consumption and the growth for the period mentioned above.Different end-user applications covered in this report are Small and Medium Enterprise Large EnterpriseThe global Employee Recognition Software market report encompassed industry information of a global we all we regional level to enable clients to gain key actionable insights into the dynamics and future movement of the market. This global Employee Recognition Software market report includes the region-wise segmentation of the statistic software market based on consumption, revenue, market share, etc.The following regions are covered extensively in the report: Asia-Pacific North America Europe South America Middle East & AfricaSome of the Points cover in Global Employee Recognition Software Market Research Report is:1 Global Market Overview1.1 Scope of Statistics1.1.1 Scope of Products1.1.2 Scope of Manufacturers1.1.3 Scope of Application1.1.5 Scope of Regions/Countries1.2 Global Market Size2 Regional Market2.1 Regional Production2.2 Regional Demand2.3 Regional Trade3 Key Manufacturers3.1 Terryberry3.1.2 Company Information3.1.2 Product Specifications3.1.3 Business Data (Capacity, Sales Revenue, Volume, Price, Cost and Margin)3.2 Motivosity4 Major Application4.1 Small and Medium Enterprise4.1.1 Overview4.1.2 Small and Medium Enterprise Market Size and Forecast4.2 Large Enterprise4.2.1 Overview4.2.2 Large Enterprise Market Size and Forecast5 Market by Type5.1 Web-based5.1.1 Overview5.1.2 Web-based Market Size and Forecast5.2 Cloud-based5.2.1 OverviewOrbis Research ( is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.Hector CostelloSenior Manager Client Engagements4144N Central Expressway,Suite 600, Dallas,Texas - 75204, U.S.A.Phone No.: +1 (214) 884-6817; +912064101019 Global Small Business Insurance Market Analysis By Product,Key Stakeholders Forecast To 2025 Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Small Business Insurance Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025" to its huge collection of research reports.This report studies the global Small Business Insurance market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Small Business Insurance market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.This report focuses on the global top players, coveredAllstateAllianzAXALiberty MutualUSAAWestfieldMarshAIGCPICMarket segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Market segment by Application, Small Business Insurance can be split intoSmall-sized EnterpriseMedium-sized enterpriseLarge-sized enterpriseThe study objectives of this report are:To study and forecast the market size of Small Business Insurance in global market.To analyze the global key players, SWOT analysis, value and global market share for top players.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, end use and region.To analyze and compare the market status and forecast between China and major regions, namely, United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Rest of World.To analyze the global key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Small Business Insurance are as follows:History Year: 2013-2017Base Year: 2017Estimated Year: 2018Forecast Year 2018 to 2025For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.Key StakeholdersSmall Business Insurance ManufacturersSmall Business Insurance Distributors/Traders/WholesalersSmall Business Insurance Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsTable of ContentsGlobal Small Business Insurance Market Size, Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Small Business Insurance1.1 Small Business Insurance Market Overview1.1.1 Small Business Insurance Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Small Business Insurance Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)1.2.1 United States1.2.2 Europe1.2.3 China1.2.4 Japan1.2.5 Southeast Asia1.2.6 India1.3 Small Business Insurance Market by End Users/Application1.3.1 Small-sized Enterprise1.3.2 Medium-sized enterprise1.3.3 Large-sized enterprise2 Global Small Business Insurance Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Small Business Insurance Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in FutureGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Allstate3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Small Business Insurance Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2 Allianz3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business OverviewContinue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on @ Soy Food Global Market Size, Share, Trend, Key Vendor Analysis and Outlook to 2021 ReportsWeb Soy products are made of soybean. They are a substitute for dairy-based milk and milk products such as cheese, flavored milk, yogurt, and spreads. Soy products act as a substitute for meat products and are best suited for vegan consumers. Soy processing needs the correct amount of moisture, temperature, and time, and correct processing helps in providing a pure soybean end-product. De-hulling soybeans renders a better-quality soy than non-dehulled soy.Publisher's analysts forecast the global soy food market to grow at a CAGR of 6.66% during the period 2017-2021.Request Sample CopyCovered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global soy food market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated through the sales of soy foods in different product forms, which include whole soy foods, soy oil, and other soy foods.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:-Americas-APAC-EMEAPublisher's report, Global Soy Food Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors-Archer Daniels Midland-Cargill-Hain Celestial-WHITEWAVE FOODSBuy now @Other prominent vendors-Blue Diamond Growers-Dean Foods-DuPont-Eden Foods-Freedom Food Group-Northern Soy-Pacific Foods-SunOptaMarket driver-Rising levels of lactose intolerance and dairy allergies-For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge-Increasing competition from other dairy-alternative products-For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend-Growing demand for organic variants of soy products-For a full, detailed list, view our reportFor more informationContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Stainless Steel Sink Market Report for Period 2018 till 2024 Moen, Kohler, Reginox, Dongpeng Holding, Sonata, Delta, Oulin, Franke and Others. Stainless Steel Sink Market Global Stainless Steel Sink market report emphasizes on detailed analysis of companies and manufacturers like Blanco, Dongpeng Holding, Sonata, Delta, Da long, Conlin, Oulin, Franke, Elkay, Moen, Kohler, Reginox, Teka Group and Others.Stainless Steel Sink is a sink, the principal raw material of which is stainless cold-rolled steel coils, such as typically series 300 stainless steel.Stainless steel sinks are commonly used in residential and non-residential installations including in kitchens, bathrooms, utility and laundry rooms. Stainless steel sinks are available in a variety of shapes and configurations. They may have single or multiple bowls, and may be under mount, top mount, or designed as work tops.Manufacturers in this report only include their own brand and the OEM manufacturers are not included. The capacity and production of manufacturers are handled in the same way.This market study includes data about global market statistics, market share, company performances, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2023, etc. The Global Stainless Steel Sink market report provides detailed segmentation of Global Stainless Steel Sink Market based on product type, application, end user and regional segmentation. The regional segment is further bifurcated on country level.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Stainless Steel Sink Market 2017 @Top Manufactures of Global Stainless Steel Sink market:FrankeElkayMoenKohlerReginoxTeka GroupBlancoDongpeng HoldingSonataDeltaDa longConlinOulinOthers(Note: We can profile additional players without extra charges)Global Stainless Steel Sink Market: Key Product Type:Single-bowlsDouble-bowlsThree-bowlsOthersKey Application Types for Global Stainless Steel Sink Market:Residential KitchensCommercial KitchensothersKey Regions for Global Stainless Steel Sink Market:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)(Note: We can provide specific country or region specific report on request)The Global Stainless Steel Sink Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Stainless Steel Sink Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. The report also provides Porter analysis, PESTEL analysis and market attractiveness which helps to better understand the market scenario. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities occurred in current and past few years. The Global Stainless Steel Sink Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors. The report also covers import/export data across all major regions covered in this report. Moreover, import/export data across any particular country as per requirement.The report finally provides detailed research report conclusion, which provides summary of entire report and vital suggestions from analysts particular to Stainless Steel Sink Market which will help existing as well as new players who wish to enter this market.Enquire before Buying @ put actual website like for exampleTable of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Stainless Steel Sink Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Single-bowls1.2.2 Double-bowls1.2.3 Three-bowls1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Residential Kitchens1.3.2 Commercial Kitchens1.4 Market Analysis by Regions........................Continue (Global Stainless Steel Sink Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Market Reports Company:Market Reports Company delivers high quality precise research studies which include data about top manufacturers and market survey of various industries. We also work as a consulting company and publisher of market research reports. We are specialized in providing customized reports according to clients needs and requirements which ultimately help them grow in industry and beat their competition.What We Offer:Customized Reports: We provide customized research reports on your demand.Region Specific Study: We have resources all over the world so, if you are Interested in region specific study please contact us.How we work: Perfect blend of primary and secondary research to provide best result.Expertise: Team of Industry experienced research associates and experts, primary and secondary sources, 24*7 customer care service and post-sale support.Contact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website: marketreportscompany.comEmail: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Market Study Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market 2018 : Analysis By Key Players,Segment,Forecast To 2025 Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "2018-2025 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications" to its huge collection of research reports.SummaryThis report studies the global Fiber To The Home (FTTH) market, analyzes and researches the Fiber To The Home (FTTH) development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeChina TelecomChina Mobile Ltd.Verizon Communications Inc.AT&T Inc.Vodafone Group plcNippon Telegraph & Telephone CorporationSoftbank Group Corp.Deutsche Telekom AGTelefonica S.A.America MovilTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split intoLess than 50 Mbps50 to 100 Mbps100 Mbps to 1 Gbps1 Gbps to 10 GbpsMarket segment by Application, the market can be split intoInternet TVVoIPInteractive GamingVPN on BroadbandVirtual Private LAN ServiceRemote EducationSmart HomeTable of Contents2018-2025 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications1 Industry Overview of Fiber To The Home (FTTH)1.1 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market Overview1.1.1 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market by Type1.3.1 Less than 50 Mbps1.3.2 50 to 100 Mbps1.3.3 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps1.3.4 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps1.4 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Internet TV1.4.2 VoIP1.4.3 Interactive Gaming1.4.4 VPN on Broadband1.4.5 Virtual Private LAN Service1.4.6 Remote Education1.4.7 Smart HomeGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @2 Global Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Market Size (Value) by Players (2017 and 2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 China Telecom3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Revenue (Value) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent DevelopmentsContinue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.For More Information Kindly Contact:ResearchMozMr. Nachiket Ghumare,Tel: +1-518-621-2074USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn @Follow me on @ The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 29.2% from (2018-2024). Adaptive Learning Software Market According to the new market research report by IndustryArc titledAdaptive Learning Software Market: By User (Educational institutions, Corporate training and Online courses) and Geography Forecast (2018-2024) , the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 29.2% from (2018-2024). The adoption of adaptive software programs in schools and colleges, and increase in government initiatives for education will drive the market during the forecast period.Americas has a major share in the Adaptive Learning Software MarketAmericas dominates the Adaptive Learning Software Market due to the increasing adoption of technological advancements in the region. US is expected to show a CAGR of 31.3% and may reach $603.06 million by 2024. Brazil is slated to follow US with a CAGR of 29.4% from 2018-2024, reaching a value of $59.37 million by 2024. Growing awareness and development of the education system in Brazil provides bright opportunities to the market.The application of interactive displays in traditional educational systems will drive the market growth in Canada. New software and other new technologies are also responsible for the growth of the e learning tools in this region.Selected Regulatory Analysis done in the full Report:Corporate training is expected to be the highest growing segment in adaptive learning, with CAGR of 33.7% during 2018-2024. This personalized learning platform collects data about the progress of the employees through modules, which is used to set goals. The software can also increase the flexibility of the monitoring progress. It uses algorithms to adapt the content depending on the learning needs of the students and is responsible for their queries related to their tasks.Digital learning enables employees to learn any topic efficiently, compared to the traditional method of training. Hence, it is gaining importance in corporate training. Real time learning process is availed by every employee in the organization, which creates an opportunity for learning management systems in the coming years.To purchase or browse the table of contents of the report follow the link below:Excerpts Growth Factors Mentioned in the Full Report:Adaptive learning software monitors the students progress and modifies the study material so that the tutors can provide training standards of effective quality. Educators can be more flexible so that students can become transparent and can have their own ways of training.The use of data and analytics with adaptive learning improves the performance of students. Growing demand for online learning technology and focus on the development of technologies as per needs of the students have been popular in the educational field. These factors drive the demand for adaptive learning.Educational institutions need to introduce new education techniques for the students. Adaptive learning makes education easier for students. It helps them to meet academic standards and improves their achievement.There is a demand for analytics in the progress reporting and assessment sector. Due to the increase in data, analytics along with adaptive learning has gained importance in the education and corporate training sector.The adoption of adaptive software program in schools and colleges, increase in government initiatives for education, and the concept of BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) has driven the growth of adaptive learning mechanism.Governments across various regions like US are taking initiatives to initiate the concept of adaptive learning in the educational system.Strong presence of players in regions such as US, China, UK, enhances the growth of the market during the forecast period.Request for table of contents of the full report by providing your details in the below link:Key players of the Adaptive Learning Software Market:D2L Corporation, which is a learning technology leader, has introduced Spring 17 of Brightspace for instructors that provide learners with a modern experience. It has announced its expansion into UK, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa to give a different learning experience to students. . Dreambox Learning on the other hand, has announced a collaboration with Knotion for delivering a math learning software. Knewton provides offerings to clients such as service, content, and infrastructure to make adaptive learning available.1.Blackboard2.SMART SPARROW PTY LIMITED3.Cerego4.Fishtree5.Grockit6.Apple7.PEARSON8.FISHTREE9.Kidaptive10.Wolters Kluwer11.JENZABAR12.Google13.Wolters Kluwer14.Grockit15.Company 15+Related Report :A.Learning Management System MarketB.Healthcare Learning Management System MarketAdaptive Learning Software Market is segmented as below:The advances in adaptive learning platforms are used in blended learning environments. Students can keep track of their learning means so that they can develop self-monitoring skills and engage with the learning process.The market is segmented as below:Adaptive Learning Software Market by deployment type1. Cloud based2. On premiseAdaptive Learning Software Market by end user1. ed-tech companies2. education institutions3. Corporate training4. Online coursesAdaptive Learning Software Market by entropyCompany profilesAppendix: Abbreviations, Sources, Research Methodology, Bibliography, Compilation of Experts, Disclaimer.What can you expect from the report?The Adaptive Learning Software Market Report is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Covers the following 20 points:1. Market Size by Product Categories2. Market trends3. Manufacturer Landscape4. Distributor Landscape5. Pricing Analysis6. Top 10 End user Analysis7. Product Benchmarking8. Product Developments9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis10. Patent Analysis11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume )12. Country level Analysis (15+)13. Competitor Analysis14. Market Shares Analysis15. Value Chain Analysis16. Supply Chain Analysis17. Strategic Analysis18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis19. Opportunity Analysis20. Revenue and Volume AnalysisDoes IndustryARC publish country, geography or application based reports in Adaptive Learning Software Market?Yes, we do have separate reports and database as mentioned below:1. Americas Adaptive Learning Software Market (2018-2023)2. Europe Adaptive Learning Software Market (2018-2023)3. Asia Pacific Adaptive Learning Software Market (2018-2023)4. Cloud based Adaptive Learning Software Market (2018-2023)5. On premise Adaptive Learning Software Market (2018-2023)To request for a proposal provide your details in the below link:Does IndustryARC provide customized reports and charge additionally for limited customization?Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization:1. Increase the level of data in application or end user industry.2. Increase the number of countries in geography or product chapter.3. Find out market shares for other smaller companies or companies which are of interest to you4. Company profiles can be requested based on your interest.5. Patent analysis, pricing, product analysis, product benchmarking, value and supply chain analysis can be requested for a country or end use segment.Any other major customizations can be discussed with our team and can provide a separate quote based on your requirements. You can drop an e-mail to to discuss more about our consulting services.About IndustryARC:IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences &Healthcare.IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications in a Market. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply-demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client research needs at a rapid speed, with a variety of options for your business.We look forward to support the client to be able to better address their customer needs, stay ahead in the market, become the top competitor and get real-time recommendations on business strategies and deals. Contact us to find out how we can help you today.Mr. Venkat ReddySales ManagerEmail 1: sales@industryarc.comOr Email 2: venkat@industryarc.comContact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101) Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market to Witness a Pronounce Growth During 2017-2025 Rare endocrine disorders are defined as a condition that affects fewer than 200,000 Americans at any given time. According, to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), they are more than 175 distinct rare diseases that affect the endocrine system. In Europe, any disease affecting fewer than 5 people in 10,000 is considered as rare endocrine disorders. Treatment of rare endocrine disorder is directed towards specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual and include surgery and drugs to counteract the disorders. Specific therapeutic procedures and interventions may vary depending upon particular disease. In many cases, there is no approved treatment for many rare endocrine diseases. In most of the cases, treatment is targeted towards specific symptoms.Request to Sample of Report @Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market: Drivers and RestraintsFDA's Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD) and Orphan Products Clinical Trials Grants Program (formerly known as Orphan Products Grants) supports the clinical development of products to be used for treating rare diseases or conditions where no current therapy exists or where the proposed product will be superior to the existing therapy. FDA provides grants for clinical studies on safety and/or effectiveness that will either result in or substantially contribute to, market approval of these products. In general, OOPD grant funding lasts for three-four years. The demand for orphan drugs is inelastic, meaning that it is relatively insensitive to any change in prices. Orphan drugs are developed for conditions where there are only a few effective treatment options. Relatively small number of affected population means that the cost of the drug may not severely strain health system. Orphan diseases are supported by well-organized patient-advocacy organizations, including the National Organization for Rare Disorders in the U.S. and EURORDIS in the EU. It may be politically untenable for a payer to refuse coverage for a promising new therapy on cost grounds.Healthcare providers do not have adequate information about the treatment and management of rare diseases. Most people suffering from rare diseases do not have any treatment options available for their condition. Awareness and understanding of rare diseases are often low and many patients struggle to find adequate information about their condition. As a result, upon diagnosis, patients may feel isolated, overwhelmed and unsupportedRare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market: SegmentationSegmentation based on Disease TypeAcromegalyAhumada-Del Castillo SyndromeCentral Diabetes InsipidusChiari Frommel SyndromeCushing SyndromeGrowth Hormone DeficiencyOthersSegmentation based on Distribution ChannelHospital pharmaciesDrug StoresRetail StoresE-CommerceRare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market: Market OverviewGlobal Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment market witnessed rapid growth due to rising demand for potential needs of Rare Endocrine Disorders. There have been a number of initiatives aimed at raising awareness. The Global Genes Project, one of the leading rare and genetic disease patient advocacy organizations in the world, sponsor grassroots activity to increase awareness internationally. Rare Disease Day is a global initiative aimed at increasing awareness of rare diseases for both healthcare professionals and the population at large. Along with this, many government agencies, educational institutions, clinical centers, and corporations have signed on as Rare Disease Day Partners. The future of Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment market is anticipated to grow at double CAGR during the forecast period.Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market: Region-wise OverviewGlobal Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market segmented into North America, Europe, Asia -Pacific & Japan, The Middle East and Africa regions and Latin America by region wise. North America dominates the global Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market due to the high awareness, and in North America, USA is a major stakeholder due to the high penetration. Economic conditions in the APAC region are set to drive the Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment market to new heights. European and APAC are fastest growing region due to the rising awareness of Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment. Latin America is growing at stable pace due to increasing acceptance of Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment. The Middle East and Africa regions are showing significant growth because of raising awareness regarding Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment during the forecasted period. However, developed countries would maintain its position in the Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment market because of increasing awareness and rising adoption.Request Report for Table of Contents @Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market: Key ParticipantsThe key participants in Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment Market are Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc., Novartis AG, Mylan N.V., AstraZeneca Plc., Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and others. The companies are mainly focusing on intense marketing to convey benefits of Rare Endocrine Disorders Treatment.The report covers exhaustive analysis on:Market SegmentsMarket DynamicsHistorical Actual Market Size, 2014 2016Market Size & Forecast 2017 to 2025Supply & Demand Value ChainMarket Current Trends/Issues/ChallengesCompetition & Companies involvedTechnologyValue ChainAircraft Refurbishing Market Drivers and RestraintsRegional analysis for Market includesNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeAsia Pacific & JapanThe Middle East and AfricaReport Highlights:Shifting Industry dynamicsIn-depth market segmentationHistorical, current and projected industry size Recent industry trendsKey Competition landscapeStrategies for key players and product offeringsPotential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growthA neutral perspective towards market performanceRequest to Report Methodology @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: The diplomatic row with Kuwait has quickly taken its toll on the money sent home by Filipinos working overseas. Remittances declined 9.8 percent in March to $2.36 billion from a year ago, the biggest drop in 15 years, due in part to the repatriation of Filipinos from Kuwait. The disappointing March figure, a reversal from the 4.5-percent growth in February, brought cash remittances in the first quarter to $7 billion, just up by 0.8 percent from $6.953 billion in the same period last year. It would not be entirely correct to blame the lower March remittances to the decision of President Rodrigo Duterte in February to prohibit Filipino workers from heading to Kuwait after the discovery of domestic helper Joanna Demafelis corpse in a freezer in her employers home. The labor row worsened when Mr. Duterte declared on April 30 that the ban on Filipino workers leaving for the Gulf nation was permanent and urged Filipinos there to come home if they were being mistreated. Bangko Sentral Deputy Governor Diwa Guinigundo said the negative remittance growth in March was primarily due to base effect following the sharp increase in remittances in March 2017 at 10.7 percent. But the official conceded that the continued repatriation of migrant Filipino workers from the Middle East countries could have affected the inflows of cash remittances.Preliminary data from the Labor Department showed that some 1,124 workers were repatriated from Kuwait as of Feb. 8, 2018. The Foreign Affairs Department estimated that around 262,000 Filipinos work in Kuwait, nearly 60 percent of them domestic workers. The Philippines fortunately on Wednesday lifted the ban on migrant workers heading to jobs in Kuwait. The decision followed the signing of an agreement between Kuwait and the Philippines to regulate and protect the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos seeking higher-paid employment in the wealthy Arab state. Lessons were clearly learned from the diplomatic spat with Kuwait. The Philippines was right in protecting the interests of the Filipino workers in Kuwait. But it should not have opted for the rash decision to ban the deployment of workers to Kuwait or any other country for that matter. The stakes are just too high. Global Cinnamon Market is expected to represent a value of over US$ 3,500 Mn by the end of 2026 Increasing demand for healthy food products has led to an upsurge in demand for cinnamon globally. Moreover, prevalence of various diseases is also projected to impact the global market growth during the forecast period. Persistence Market Research states that the global cinnamon market is projected to reflect a CAGR of 10.3% over the forecast period, 2017-2026.Factors Fuelling Global Market GrowthGrowth of the global cinnamon market is mainly bound by various macro-economic and micro-economic factors. With the growing prevalence of various diseases such as respiratory illness, digestive illness and gynecological illness, demand for cinnamon is projected to rev up in the global market. Moreover, growing population of diabetic patients is also projected to impact the global market growth of cinnamon positively. Attributed to various antifungal, antiviral, anti-carcinogenic and anti-bacterial properties, manufacturers in the food and beverage, medicinal, and cosmetic industry are witnessing significant demand. Increasing consumption of cinnamon enables the end users to maintain their blood and sugar levels. Due to various health related benefits, consumption of cinnamon will continue to remain high among patients with type II diabetes in the global market.Request Report Sample@Demand for cinnamon will also remain bounded by increasing demand for healthy food products. Customers increasingly prefer food products that enable the end users to lower their cholesterol level. Attributed to various health benefits, cinnamon continue to witness significant demand in the bakery products, sweets and chocolate dishes. Surge in consumption of cinnamon in the food and beverage industry is projected to contribute towards the global market growth.Manufacturers in the cosmetic industry are also increasingly opting for cinnamon during the production of various cosmetic products. Application of cinnamon in the cosmetic products enables the end users to heal dermal problems such as acne, pimples and eczema. Increasing demand for dermal and facial cosmetic products has revved up demand for cinnamon among the cosmetic manufacturers globally. Cinnamon continues to witness significant demand in the treatment solution for hair growth, face scrubs and face masks. Bound to these factors, the global market growth of cinnamon is projected to gain momentum during the forecast period.Sales to Remain High through Bakery ApplicationAs the need to improve the immunity arises, consumption of the cassia cinnamon continues to remain high globally. Based on product type, the cassia segment is projected to witness the highest growth in terms of revenue, recording for more than US$ 600 Mn by 2026-end. In contrary to this, the saigon product type segment is projected to reflect the highest CAGR during the forecast period. In terms of revenue, the quills form segment is projected to represent the highest growth, represent a value of more than US$ 200 Mn by 2017-end. On the other hand, the powder form segment is projected to reflect significant CAGR through 2026.By the end of 2026, the bakery application type segment is projected to reflect the highest CAGR. However, the culinary uses application type segment is projected to witness significant growth in terms of revenue, accounting for more than US$ 500 Mn during the forecast period. On the basis of distribution channel, the online channels segment is projected to reflect a robust CAGR throughout the forecast period. The modern trade distribution channel segment is projected to witness the robust growth in terms of revenue, recording more than US$ 200 Mn by 2017-end.Visit For TOC@Market PlayersMajor players in the global market of cinnamon are Adam Group, Pure Ceylon Cinnamon, HDDES Group, Bio Foods (Pvt) Ltd., Ceylon Spice Company, SDS SPICES (PVT) LTD., Elite Spice, Ceylon Spice Company, C.F. Sauer Company, First Spice Mixing Company, Mc Cormick Spices and EHL Ingredients.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Animal Model Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2026 Animals on whom pathological and biological studies are performed and tested are referred to as animal models. Animal models are utilized on the back of their functional resemblance to human bodies. Various guidelines have been offered that have to be followed when animal models are used for experiments.Report overview @Government Intervention in Research Institutions is rising for Developing Standard Protocols related to Animal ModelsEssential requirement for animal research for achieving progress in healthcare and medical science is well proven, which in turn has gained support from researchers. Rapid advancements in novel technologies have made animal models easy and constructive.Significant incidence rate of diseases, along with adverse effects of drugs have driven the adoption of animal models for ensuring the safety of humans. In addition, increasing government intervention in research institutes for the development of standard protocols associated with animal models will fuel expansion of the market.Researchers utilize animal models for basic research such as developing new therapeutic strategies to treat human diseases, for drug discovery which includes target identification & validation, drug screening & lead optimization, and toxicity & safety screening, and in preclinical analyses of drug safety & animal model marketAlthough animal models have been deemed less effective for human disease research, where only 5% of drugs derived are suitable for humans, the market for animal models is huge.Majority of animals used as models are bred for research purposes, albeit they are obtained from various other sources. For instance, surplus dogs from Austria used in the greyhound racing industry are being used in research labs. However there is a rising concern for animal welfare, which in turn has compelled research organizations to seek measures for reducing number of vertebrate animals in research.Additionally, there is surging requirement for organizations and researchers to encourage open engagement with policy makers and the public regarding promotion of animal researchs value and discussion about animal welfare issues.Global animal models market has been estimated by Future Market Insights new report to exhibit an impressive expansion over the forecast period (2017-2026). Revenues from the market are estimated to exceed US$ 2,000 Mn by 2026-end.Get a free sample request @North America to Remain Most Lucrative Market for Animal ModelSignificant investments are being made in animal model research in North America, along with relevant policies being reformed by the government to spur the funding plans related to animal model research. Several leading players in North America are expected to make huge investments in biogenic researches in the near future. North America will continue to be the most lucrative market for animal model. Asia-Pacific and Europe are also expected to be lucrative for expansion of animal model market.Rats are anticipated to remain the dominant species used in animal models, with revenues projected to account for more than one-third market share during the forecast period. Mice will continue to be the second most lucrative species used in animal models. Revenues from use of dogs and pigs as animal models will account for nearly equal market share by 2026-end.Key Research Findings from FMIs Report on Animal Model MarketAcademic and research institutions are expected to remain the largest end users of animal models, trailed by pharmaceutical companiesAnimal models will find the largest application in drug discovery/developmentCompetition TrackingKey market participants identified by the report include Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., Horizon Discovery Group plc, The Jackson Laboratory, Trans Genic Inc, Taconic Biosciences, Inc., Genoway SA, Eurofins Scientific SE, Crown Bioscience, Inc., Envigo CRS SA, and Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.Buy Now Full Report @About UsXploreMR is one of the worlds leading resellers of high-quality market research reports. We feature in-depth reports from some of the worlds most reputed market research companies and international organizations. We serve across a broad spectrum from Fortune 500 to small and medium businesses. Our clients trust us for our unwavering focus onquality and affordability. We believe high price should not be a bottleneck for organizations looking to gain access to quality informationContact UsXploreMR111 North Market Street, Suite 300San Jose, CA 95113, United StatesTel: +1-669-284-0108Email: sales@xploremr.comWebsite: Stem Cell Banking Market to Witness a Pronounce Growth During 2018-2026 Stem cells are the highly specialized body cells, working as a foundation cells for organ and tissue in the body. The stem cells are differentiated from other cells of the body due to their properties such as self-renovation and differentiation. The stem cells are found in the bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and adipose tissues. Stem cell banks preserves these sources in their most potent state for later use in the applications such as regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and gene therapy. The stem cells can be used for almost 20 years after their preservation. Over the last decade, the multiple clinical trials of the stem cells have conducted for optimum utilization in various applications which upsurge the demand of the stem cell preservation.Request to Sample of Report @The global stem cell market has been divided on the basis of types of stem cells, applications, by service and region.On the basis of types of stem cells, the global stem cells market has segmented into:Cord bloodCord tissuesAdipose tissuesBone marrowOn the basis of applications of the stem cells, the global stem cells market has segmented into:LeukemiaAnemiaThalassemiaAutismCerebral palsyDiabetesOthersOn the basis of service, the global stem cell banking market has segmented into:CollectionProcessingAnalysisStorageThe global stem cell banking market has expected to grow rapidly over a forecast period as the awareness about the benefits of stem cell banking has increased over a last decade and drives the global stem cell banking market. The average human life expectancy has significantly increased due to the advancements in medical research, unfortunately the human aging is associated with the various diseases which became the targeted population for the stem cell banking and drives the growth of the global stem cell banking market. The increasing number of the fertility rate resulted in the rise in the number of children which can be the new market opportunity due to increasing awareness about preservation of newborn childs umbilical cord as a type of stem cells.However, the cost is the major concern for stem cell banking and its applications in various end treatments. The higher cost of the stem cell preservation may restrict the usage of stem cell banking in developing and non-developed regions. The unfavorable government rules and regulations regarding stem cell preservations through stem cell banking also can hamper the growth of the global stem cell banking market.In terms of geography, the global stem cell banking market has been divided into five key regions, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Middle East & Africa (MEA).The North America has contributed the leading market share to the global stem cell banking due to advancement medical infrastructure and increasing awareness about the benefits of the stem cell preservations. Followed by North America, the Europe has also registered the significant growth to the global stem cell banking market. The Asia Pacific region has expected to show a robust growth over a forecast period due to rapidly developing medical facilities and services in the countries such as Japan, China and India. The rising power of per capita expenditure on healthcare facilities in the APAC also expected to boost the growth of the global stem cell banking market in the region. Latin America and MEA are at a nascent stage and expected to register a significant growth over the forecast period.Some of the key players of the global stem cell banking market are NeoStem, Esperite, Smart Cells International, StemCyte, ViaCord, Capricor, CordCare, Cryo Stemcell, Cellartis and Aldagen. The key players from the North America and Europe are contributing major share to the global stem cells banking market.Request Report for Table of Contents @Overall, the global stem cell banking market has expected to register the significant growth over the forecast period.The report covers exhaustive analysis on:Stem cell banking market segmentsStem cell banking market dynamicsStem cell banking market historical actual market size, 2013 - 2017Stem cell banking market size & forecast 2018 to 2026Stem cell banking market current trends/issues/challengesCompetition & companies involvedStem cell banking market drivers and restraintsRegional analysis includesNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeAsia PacificMiddle East & AfricaReport Highlights:Shifting Industry dynamicsIn-depth market segmentationHistorical, current and projected industry size recent industry trendsKey Competition landscapeStrategies of key players and product offeringsPotential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growthA neutral perspective towards market performanceRequest to Report Methodology @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market Showcases Promising Growth During Forecast till 2025 Market Research Reports Search Engine High voltage measuring equipment are high accuracy electrical devices used in the measurement of high voltage (35kV-400kV), extra high voltage (401kV-800kV) and ultra high voltage (>800kV) alternating and direct currents. These instruments can be primarily divided into capacitive voltage transformers, potential transformers and other equipment like high voltage capacitors, multimeters, probes, etc. They are used in several applications like power generation (substation), power transmission, industrial facilities and laboratories, etc. Both, the capacitive voltage transformers and potential transformers are types of instrument transformers. While the capacitive voltage transformer can be used for a wide range of voltages up to 1200kV, the potential transformer has a limited range of ~250kV. During the forecast period, the demand of these equipment for direct current transmission and extra high voltage (401-800kV) transmission is expected to be higher.Click Here, To Get Sample Copy of New Research High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market Report @High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Scope of StudyThis report analyzes and forecasts the market for high voltage measuring equipment at the global and regional level. The market has been forecast based on volume (Units) and revenue (US$ Mn) from 2016 to 2024, considering 2015 as the base year. The study includes drivers and restraints of the global high voltage measuring equipment market. It also covers impact of these drivers and restraints on demand for high voltage measuring equipment during the forecast period. The report also highlights opportunities in the high voltage measuring equipment market at the global and regional level.The report includes detailed value chain analysis, which provides a comprehensive view of the global high voltage measuring equipment market. Porters Five Forces model for the high voltage measuring equipment market has also been included to help understand the competitive landscape in the market. The study encompasses market attractiveness analysis, wherein end-users are benchmarked based on their market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness.The study provides a decisive view of the global high voltage measuring equipment market by segmenting it in terms of product type (capacitive voltage transformers, potential transformers & others) and applications such as power generation (substation), power transmission, industrial & others (laboratory, testing centres, commercial purposes, etc.). These segments have been analyzed based on present and future trends. Regional segmentation includes current and forecast demand for high voltage measuring equipment in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.The report provides the actual market size of high voltage measuring equipment for 2015 and estimated market size for 2016 with forecast for the next eight years. The global market size of high voltage measuring equipment has been provided in terms of volume and revenue. Market volume has been defined in units, while market revenue is in US$ Mn. Market numbers have been estimated based on product type and key applications of high voltage measuring equipment. Market size and forecast for numerous end-users have been provided in terms of global, regional, and country level markets.In order to compile the research report, we conducted in-depth interviews and discussions with a number of key industry participants and opinion leaders. Primary research represented the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. We reviewed key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents for competitive analysis and market understanding. Secondary research includes a search of recent trade, technical writing, Internet sources, and statistical data from government websites, trade associations, and agencies. This has proven to be the most reliable, effective, and successful approach for obtaining precise market data, capturing industry participants insights, and recognizing business opportunities.Click here, To Get Complete Examined Research Report with TOC @Secondary research sources that are typically referred to include, but are not limited to company websites, annual reports, financial reports, broker reports, investor presentations, SEC filings, IEA, IEEE, internal and external proprietary databases, and relevant patent and regulatory databases such as ICIS, Hoovers, oneSOURCE, Factiva and Bloomberg, national government documents, statistical databases, trade journals, market reports, news articles, press releases, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market.We conduct primary interviews on an ongoing basis with industry participants and commentators to validate data and analysis. These help validate and strengthen secondary research findings. These also help develop the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Regional OutlookDemand for the high voltage measuring equipment is anticipated to increase rapidly because of the heavy investment in transmission grids by various regions. This investment and thereby demand will be highest in Asia Pacific, followed by Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Here, the investment in transmission grids will primarily focus on providing citizens with access to electricity. On the other hand, demand will be comparatively lower in Europe and North America, where the markets are already mature and the demand is likely to come from replacement of old equipment and upgradation of the same to meet newer and stricter environmental regulations.High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report comprises profiles of major companies operating in the global high voltage measuring equipment market. The global high voltage measuring equipment market is partially consolidated. Key players include ABB, Siemens, GE Grid Solutions, Maxwell Technologies, BHEL, Crompton Greaves, and Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited. Market players have been profiled in terms of attributes such as company overview, financial overview, business strategies, and recent developments.The global high voltage measuring equipment market has been segmented as follows:High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Product Type AnalysisCapacitive Voltage TransformerPotential TransformerOthersHigh Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Voltage AnalysisHigh Voltage (35-400kV)Extra High Voltage (401-800kV)Ultra High Voltage (>800kV)High Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Current AnalysisAlternating CurrentDirect CurrentHigh Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Application AnalysisPower Generation (substation)Power TransmissionIndustrialOthersHigh Voltage Measuring Equipment Market: Regional AnalysisNorth AmericaS.CanadaEuropeK.ItalyRussiaFranceGermanyRest Of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaASEANJapanRest Of Asia PacificLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoRest of South AmericaMiddle East & Africa (MEA)GCCSouth AfricaRest of MEANeed Assistance? Send An Enquiry @About Market Research Reports Search EngineMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559(USA & CANADA TOLL-FREE NUMBER)Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Global Digital Camera Market Overview 2018 - Share, Size, Analysis, Report And Forecast Till 2023 The global digital camera market has witnessed a marginal growth over the years. This can be accredited to the increasing penetration of smartphones among consumers coupled with a lack of innovation and consumer engagement by the manufacturers.The latest report by IMARC Group, titled Digital Camera Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2018-2023, finds that the global digital camera market reached a value of US$ 18.6 Billion in 2017. A digital camera is a device in which photographic images and videos are recorded and stored in a digital form. It is user-friendly, economical and eliminates the need to develop the film. Digital camera offers a variety of functions like removable memory card, auto focus, best-shot selector, aperture or shutter priority, panorama assist, digital zoom, etc. However, with the emergence of high-resolution camera in smartphones there has been a threat to the demand for digital cameras as users can use their easily accessible mobile devices for capturing images.Read full report:Highlights of the global digital camera market:The increasing adoption of smartphone by consumers is the key factor restraining the market growth.Asia Pacific represents the largest market, accounting for the majority of the total share.The United States is the largest importer and China is the largest exporter.The rising usage of smartphones with internet connectivity which enables the users to upload the pictures on social networking sites represents the major factor hampering the global digital camera market. Additionally, the demand for digital camera in the developed countries is reaching maturity due to high ownership level of digital cameras coupled with a sluggish economic growth. Further, on account of minimal consumer engagement and a lack of innovation, the customers are no longer willing to buy new models of digital cameras, thereby limiting the growth of the digital camera market globally. Owing to these factors, the global digital camera market is further expected to reach a value of US$ 8.9 Billion by 2023, exhibiting a CAGR of nearly -11.5% during 2018-2023.The market is segmented on the basis of type into built-in lens cameras, interchangeable lens cameras, compact digital cameras, bridge cameras, digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras, digital rangefinders, line-scan camera systems, integration camera and water-resistant cameras. Region-wise, Asia Pacific currently accounts for the majority of the global share, dominating the market. Other major regions include Europe, North America, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. On analysing the import-export scenario, the United States is the largest importer and China is the largest exporter of digital cameras. On evaluating the competitive landscape of the market, it is found that the key players are Canon, Inc., Nikon Corporation, Sony Corporation, Panasonic Corporation and Olympus Corporation.Request a free sample report:The report by IMARC Group has examined the global digital camera market on the basis of:Type:Built-in lens CamerasInterchangeable lens camerasCompact Digital CamerasBridge CamerasDigital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) CamerasDigital RangefindersLine-scan Camera SystemsIntegration CameraWater-resistant CameraRegion:Asia PacificEuropeNorth AmericaMiddle East and AfricaLatin AmericaKey Players:Canon, Inc.Nikon CorporationSony CorporationPanasonic CorporationOlympus CorporationBrowse related reportsPayment Gateways Market Research Report:Africa E-Learning Market Research Report:About UsIMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.Contact usIMARC Group309 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USAWebsite:Email: sales@imarcgroup.comUSA: +1-631-791-1145Follow us on twitter: @imarcglobal Escalating Degree of Competition between Global and Local Players to Result in Lower Cost of BOPP Films The global bi-axially oriented polypropylene market is undeniably fragmented; so much so, that the top seven players accounted for less than 20% of the overall market in 2015. The low shares of these manufacturers, namely, Jindal Poly Films, Taghleef Indsutries, Oben Group, Vibac Group, Cosmos Films, and Vitopel, have resulted in intense competition. Transparency Market Research predicts that the rivalry among the players is likely to be intensified by the entry of several local players.Request to view sample of this report:The degree of competition will rise from medium to high during the forecast period as an increasing number of local manufacturers lower the cost of the final product by raising the production, the author of the study states. The offerings of economical BOPP films by local or new players will enable them to compete with existing companies.The expansion of production capacities and geographical expansions form a key part of the growth strategy of several companies. A case in point would be Jindal Poly Films Ltd. In November 2015, the company announced its global expansion plan, which includes an investment of over US$15 mn and the addition of three new BOPP production lines in various facilities across India, the U.S., and Europe.Demand for Flexible Packaging Directly Impacting Demand for BOPPBOPP is increasingly employed in flexible packaging owing to its inherent advantages such as ease of printing, low cost, inertness to food packaging, and low moisture transmission.The demand for BOPP will be in line with that for flexible packaging in the near future, the author of the study predicts. The demand for flexible packaging has been on the rise thanks to the rapid growth in the pharmaceutical, food and beverages, electronics, and personal care industries and this growth is sure to impact the demand for BOPP in the coming years. The BOPP market is also fueled by the low cost and recyclability of BOPP films.BOPP Market to be Deterred by Fluctuating Prices of Raw MaterialsThe prices of BOPP are primarily dependent on the prices of polypropylene, which have a strong correlation with crude oil. As a result, any fluctuations in the prices of crude oil impact those of BOPP. This acts as a major impediment to the global BOPP market.On the other hand, a key opportunity for players in the BOPP market, as identified by TMRs team of analysts, is the growing need for unique packaging and specialty BOPP films. Manufacturers can focus on the development of new and innovative BOPP films that cater to specific requirements such as flavor and color retention, transparent, colored, or opaque films, and heat sealable films, an analyst states.Food Leading Application Segment by Demand and RevenueTMR predicts that the BOPP market will expand at a 5.8% CAGR from 2016 to 2024 in terms of revenue. The value of the market was pegged at US$12.7 bn in 2015 and this is projected to increase to US$20.9 bn by 2024. By volume, the market is likely to register a 6.3% CAGR during the forecast period.The food segment holds the lead position in the overall BOPP market by application in terms of volume as well as value. The segment is projected to touch US$14.4 bn in revenue the end of the forecast period. Geographically, Asia Pacific will continue leading the global BOPP market, accounting for a volume share of 63% by 2024.This review is based on the findings of a TMR report titled Bi-axially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2013 2024.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Barley Market Trends Forecast Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application to 2022 ReportsWeb Barley is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates and is a member of the grass family. In terms of applications, it is used in various sectors including the food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetic industries.Publisher's analysts forecast the global barley market to grow at a CAGR of 4.74% during the period 2018-2022.FREE | Request Sample Copy is Available atCovered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global barley market for 2018-2022. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the use of barley in various sectors including the food and beverages industry.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEAPublisher's report, Global Barley Market 2018-2022, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors- Cargill- Crisp Malting- GrainCorp- Grain Millers- Groupe Soufflet- MaltexoBuy nowMarket driver- Launch of packaged food and beverage products that contain barley as ingredient- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- Campaigns against alcohol consumption- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend- Growing demand and awareness about barley water- For a full, detailed list, view our reportTable of ContinentsPART 01: EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPART 02: SCOPE OF THE REPORTPART 03: RESEARCH METHODOLOGYPART 04: MARKET LANDSCAPEGlobal cereal grain and flours marketMarket characteristicsMarket segmentation analysisPART 05: MARKET SIZINGMarket definitionMarket sizing 2017Market size and forecast 2017-2022PART 06: FIVE FORCES ANALYSISBargaining power of buyersBargaining power of suppliersThreat of new entrantsThreat of substitutesThreat of rivalryMarket conditionPART 07: MARKET SEGMENTATION BY APPLICATIONGlobal barley market by applicationComparison by applicationGlobal barley market for food and beverage applicationGlobal barley market for other barley applicationsMarket opportunity by applicationPART 08: CUSTOMER LANDSCAPEPART 09: REGIONAL LANDSCAPEGeographical segmentationRegional comparisonBarley market in EMEABarley market in the AmericasBarley market in APACKey leading countriesThe USGermanyFranceChinaMarket opportunityPART 10: DECISION FRAMEWORKPART 11: DRIVERS AND CHALLENGESMarket driversMarket challengesPART 12: MARKET TRENDSGrowing demand and awareness about barley waterIncreasing trend of craft beerGrowth in organic barley sectorPART 13: VENDOR LANDSCAPEComplete Report is Available atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global Fluorspar Market Valuable Growth Prospects and Insights on Future Scenario MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Fluorspar MarketGet Free Sample Report with TOC @The global fluorspar market features a moderately consolidated landscape as a handful of players currently account for substantial shares of the global market. The players observed at the forefront are Zhejiang Wuyi Shenlong Floatation Co Ltd., Mexichem S.A.B. de C.V., and Centralfluor Industries Group, Inc. Some of the other prominent players are Masan Group, Mongolrostsvetmet LLC., British Fluorspar Ltd, Seaforth Mineral & Ore Co., Inc., MINERSA GROUP, Kenya Fluorspar Company Ltd., China Kings Resources Group Co., Ltd., and Mongolrostsvetmet LLC. Leading players are relentlessly investing in research and development of high-performance products, to stay ahead of the pack.The global fluorspar market is marked by glut in various regions accounting for the high intensity of competition. Over the years, the entry of new players is likely to up the level of competition. The emergence of players in regions such as Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa to tap opportunities on account of enormous fluorspar reserves in Africa and China is further expected to raise the ante in the forthcoming years. Intense competition notwithstanding, a number of players are interested in manufacturing inexpensive products to attract customers in price-sensitive regions, in order to gain a better foothold in the market.The global fluorspar market is projected to rise at a lackluster CAGR of 2.7% from 2017 to 2025. The market stood at US$1,505.3 million in 2016 and is anticipated to touch a valuation of US$1,860.8 million by the end of the assessment timeline.The major product types are acidspar, metspar, ceramic, lapidary grade, optical grade, and fluorspar. Of these, acidspar or acid grade fluorspar is projected to be the most attractive segment and accounted for the major market share in 2016. The attractiveness of the segment can be attributed primarily to a large number of applications of the high-purity material in the chemical industry. It is used widely in manufacturing hydrofluoric acid (HF), which is then used to make numerous useful chemicals, notably hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC).Geographically, Asia Pacific leads as it held the leading share of the global market in 2016. The regional market is anticipated to hold its sway throughout the forecast period. The substantial automotive manufacturing activities in various economies of the region has spurred the demand for aluminum and steel, which has bolstered the uptake of fluorspar.The global fluorspar market is driven primarily by the substantial use of fluorspar in making fluorochemicals, which have widespread applications as refrigerants in the warming, ventilation, and cooling industry. The wide use of fluorspar in making a range of useful industrial chemicals, notably HFC, HCFC, fluoropolymers, and cryolite is boosting the market. The extensive application of fluorspar in the manufacturing processes of aluminum and steel is a noteworthy factor accentuating the growth of the market. The vast strides taken by infrastructural development in various developing economies has spurred the demand for aluminum and steel, which is bolstering the uptake of fluorspar. The substantial number of applications of ceramic grade fluorspar for making various products for consumer markets such as specialty glass, enamelware, and glazes and surface treatments is also providing a robust impetus to the growth of the market.The potential number of specialized applications of fluorspar, such as in making electrolytes used for lithium-ion batteries, has opened up abundant promising opportunities for market. Furthermore, the use of material having high clarity for making microscopes, telescopes, and camera lens is expected to accentuate the growth of the overall market. The growth of the hydrofluoric acid market is likely to have a direct bearing on the growth of the overall fluorspar market.Complete Report Details with List of Tables and Figures @The international thrust on phasing out the production of ozone-depleting substances, including hydrochlorofluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons, is likely to cripple the growth of the market to an extent. For instance, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer has resulted in some serious efforts by several nations to look for alternatives to HCFCs and HFCs. This led a number of well-off and industrialized countries a pledge to cut down their production and consumption of these compounds. Be that as it may, the remarkably high demand for steel and aluminum from the construction industry is likely to sustain the growth of the market.The global fluorspar market is segmented based on:Product TypeAcidsparMetsparCeramic GradeOptical GradeLapidary GradeApplicationAluminum ProductionSteel ProductionHydrofluoric AcidConcrete AdditivesLithium-Ion BatteryRegionNorth AmericaS.Rest of North AmericaEuropeGermanyItalySpainK.BulgariaRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaJapanASEANRest of Asia PacificLatin AmericaBrazilRest of Latin AmericaAbout Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Highly-Regarded Industry Veterans Greg Meserole and Scott McGuire Join Watkins Insurance Group Meserole and McGuire Bring Decades of Valuable Experience to Watkins Insurance Group Austin, TX May 17, 2018 Watkins Insurance Group, the largest full-service, locally owned independent insurance agency in central Texas, has announced that Greg Meserole and Scott McGuire have joined the agency as Vice Presidents.Meserole and McGuire now join a team of over 100 professionals at Watkins Insurance Groups Austin headquarters. Bringing with them over 45 years of experience in the industry and their excellent reputation for providing insurance/risk management services to businesses and individuals, Meserole and McGuire are a valuable addition to Watkins Insurance Group. I am excited to join Watkins Insurance Group, a true Austin original, Meserole says. The commitment Watkins has for serving the community while addressing the insurance needs of our clients epitomizes the spirit of Were here to help.Patrick Watkins, President of Watkins Insurance Group, is always focused on bringing the best talent to the agency. Greg and Scott are Iconic insurance agents in the Texas insurance marketplace, says Watkins. We are thrilled to be working with such sought after industry experts as we continue building deeper relationships with our Clients and within our Community.Founded in Austin in 1949, Watkins Insurance Group is the largest locally-owned independent insurance agency in central Texas. Headquartered in Austin and named a 2017 IIABA Best Practices agency, Watkins Insurance Group has locations throughout Texas. The agency provides tailored insurance, employee benefits, and bond solutions for business and personal risks of all sizes.Contact: Dshanya ReeseBrand Marketing AdministratorWatkins Insurance Group3834 Spicewood Springs RdSuite 100Austin TX 78759 Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market Report for Period 2018 till 2024 Prima Power, Hans Laser, Bystronic, Trumpf and Others. Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace market report emphasizes on detailed analysis of companies and manufacturers like Winbro, Hans Laser, LG Laser, Trumpf, Prima Power, Bystronic, Coherent and Others.The aerospace industry is one that can benefit greatly from conversion to Laser Drilling Machine. The modern aerospace industry has requirements for millions of holes per turbine engine to provide cooling during operation. These holes are required in a variety of thicknesses, angles, diameters, and geometries. The new class of Laser Drilling Machine offers this industry a faster, more versatile, more consistent, and cost-effective tool to meet their requirements.The data contain the data of laser drilling machines application for the whole aerospace industry.This market study includes data about global market statistics, market share, company performances, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2023, etc. The Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace market report provides detailed segmentation of Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market based on product type, application, end user and regional segmentation. The regional segment is further bifurcated on country level.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market 2017 @Top Manufactures of Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace market:TrumpfPrima PowerBystronicCoherentWinbroHans LaserLG LaserOthers(Note: We can profile additional players without extra charges)Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market: Key Product Type:YAG Laser Drilling MachineFiber Laser Drilling MachineCO2 Laser Drilling MachineOthersKey Application Types for Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market:Commercial aviationMilitary aviationothersKey Regions for Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)(Note: We can provide specific country or region specific report on request)The Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. The report also provides Porter analysis, PESTEL analysis and market attractiveness which helps to better understand the market scenario. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities occurred in current and past few years. The Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors. The report also covers import/export data across all major regions covered in this report. Moreover, import/export data across any particular country as per requirement.The report finally provides detailed research report conclusion, which provides summary of entire report and vital suggestions from analysts particular to Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market which will help existing as well as new players who wish to enter this market.Enquire before Buying @ put actual website like for exampleTable of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 YAG Laser Drilling Machine1.2.2 Fiber Laser Drilling Machine1.2.3 CO2 Laser Drilling Machine1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Commercial aviation1.3.2 Military aviation1.4 Market Analysis by Regions........................Continue (Global Laser Drilling Machine for Aerospace Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Market Reports Company:Market Reports Company delivers high quality precise research studies which include data about top manufacturers and market survey of various industries. We also work as a consulting company and publisher of market research reports. We are specialized in providing customized reports according to clients needs and requirements which ultimately help them grow in industry and beat their competition.What We Offer:Customized Reports: We provide customized research reports on your demand.Region Specific Study: We have resources all over the world so, if you are Interested in region specific study please contact us.How we work: Perfect blend of primary and secondary research to provide best result.Expertise: Team of Industry experienced research associates and experts, primary and secondary sources, 24*7 customer care service and post-sale support.Contact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website: marketreportscompany.comEmail: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Turkeys foreign ministry Wednesday rejected the 32-month sentence pressed against state official Hakan Atilla by a US court as an unfair ruling, pointing out that the New York court decision was based on fake evidences provided by supporters of Ankaras foe, Fethullah Gulen. District Judge Richard Berman of the city of New York ruled 32-month prison sentence against Atilla former CEO of Turkish-state bank Halkbank after he was convicted for violating US sanctions on Iran. Atilla will only spend 18 months in prison after having already served 14. Turkeys foreign ministry issued a statement noting that the judgment was not fair and lacked credibility of legal proceedings. By convicting a foreign government official, this court made an unprecedented decision regarding the implementation of US sanctions legislation, the statement said. The ministry lambasted the court for relying on fake evidences provided by Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) members. Authorities have accused the US-based Turkish Cleric and his organization of being behind July 2016 failed military coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Advanced Authentication Market 2018 Leading Players: IBM Corporation, CA Technologies, CSC BSS, Versasec AB, Atos Corporation Market Highlights:In todays digital world, most of the transactions are being made online. Data security is a major concern for enterprises, government organizations, and individuals. Hackers are finding new ways to steal sensitive information from enterprises and daily users by developing new viruses. These factors are driving organizations to install advanced authentication solutions, which help in convenient and secure access to information. Advanced authentication adds an additional layer of security to standard username and password authentication method. Nowadays, cyber-criminal activities are increasing such as hacking of identity badges, and numeric pins, resulted in developing authentication techniques such as OTP (one-time password) authentication, phone-based authentication, and biometrics. These factors resulted to boost the growth of the global advanced authentication market.On August 08, 2017 WatchGuard, a leading provider of UTM (Unified Threat Management) & firewall hardware acquired Datablink Company, a leading provider of advanced authentication solutions. This acquisition extends WatchGuards security portfolio beyond network & wireless security, enabling the company to deliver advanced authentication to small & midsize businesses (SMB) and distributed enterprises.The increasing security threats these days and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy are the major factors that are driving the global advanced authentication market. Supportive government regulations and the ever-expanding usage of advanced authentication across different industry verticals are some other factors responsible for the rising demand for this particular market.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players: CA Technologies (U.S.) IBM Corporation (U.S.) HP ESSN (U.S.) CSC BSS (India) Oracle Corporation (U.S.) MasterCard Inc. (U.S.) Atos Corporation (France) Versasec AB (Sweden) Gemalto (the Netherlands) Datacard Group (U.S.)Regional Analysis:The global market is segmented on the basis of region into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Rest of the world. North America leads the global advanced authentication market owing to concentration of leading players in this region.In February 2017, Leadership Compass report from KuppingerCole, a leading analyst firm for identity and access management, named CA Technologies a Leader in adaptive authentication. EGNYTE (U.S.) an American software company, which provides software for enterprise file synchronization and sharing, is offering advanced authentication bundle that provides users EGNYTE account with additional control and security over user login and password management. These optional features help companies adhere to a higher standard of business regulations and compliance.Europe holds the second position in the global Advanced Authentication Market. In 2016, Gemalto (the Netherlands), an international digital security company, launched the Gemalto Assurance Hub, which is a revolutionary approach to fraud prevention in online banking. Powered by machine learning, Gemalto Assurance Hub analyses the profile and the behavior of customers in real time. The platform only activates additional authentication measures when required, providing a smooth user experience. Atos Corporation (France), a leading digital transformation company, is planning to launch a new ultra-secure authentication method in its Evidian Enterprise SSO solution. It now uses the Nymi Band, an authentication wristband based on a person's heartbeat, to enable Always-On-Authentication. In partnership with Nymi, the leader in wearable authentication devices and creator of the Nymi Band, Atos is now offering users a new way to securely access their data and critical applications via multi-factor authentication.Since Asia Pacific is at a growing stage and moving towards digitalization, many of the market players like Mastercard, CA Technologies and others are expanding their operations in the Asian region.Segmentation:The global advanced authentication market is segmented into solution, product, deployment, and end-users. The product segment is sub-segmented into software, hardware, and services. The hardware covers a wide range of hardware tokens, biometrics, smart cards, and others. The hardware token sometimes referred as security token. It is a physical device given to an authorized user of computer services to ease authentication. The hardware token is used in addition to or in place of a password to prove that the customer is genuine.The token acts as an electronic key to access payment services. The biometrics is an authentication method that uses fingerprint, facial scans, and IRIS, or voice recognition technology to identify users. It is most often used as a form of authentication in a broader two-factor or multifactor authentication system since most biometric implementations also require employees to enter user IDs and passwords. Biometrics can be used for both physical access to corporate buildings and internal access to enterprise computers and systems.By Solution: Single Factor Authentication Multi-Factor AuthenticationBy Deployment: On-Premise CloudBy Product: Hardware- Biometrics- Smart cards- Hardware Tokens- Mobile Smart Credentials Software ServicesBy Industries: BFSI Government Retail Engineering & UtilitiesBy Region: North America Europe Asia Pacific Rest of the worldAccess Report Details @Intended Audience: Software Developers Testing Cloud Providers Banks Database Solutions IT EnablersTable of Contents1 Market Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Scope of Study1.2.1 Research Objective1.2.2 Assumptions1.2.3 Limitations1.3 Market Structure2 Research Methodology2.1 Research Global Advanced Authentication2.2 Primary Research2.3 Secondary Research2.4 Forecast Model2.4.1 Market Data Collection, Analysis & Forecast2.4.2 Market Size EstimationContinuedList of TablesTable 1 Global Advanced Authentication Market, By SolutionTable 2 Global Advanced Authentication Market, By DeploymentTable 3 Global Advanced Authentication Market, By ProductContinuedList of FiguresFigure 1 Research DeploymentFigure 2 Global Advanced Authentication Market, By Solution (%)Figure 3 Global Advanced Authentication Market, By Deployment (%)ContinuedAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our clients to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Palm Oil Market Report for Period 2018 till 2024 Sampoerna Agro, Felda Global Ventures, IOI, WILMAR, RGE Pte, Indofood Agri Resources, Golden Agri Resources and Others. Palm Oil Market Global Palm Oil market report emphasizes on detailed analysis of companies and manufacturers like Genting Group, KLK, WILMAR, RGE Pte, Indofood Agri Resources, Golden Agri Resources, First Resources, Sampoerna Agro, Felda Global Ventures, IOI, Sime Darby Berhad, Musim Mas, Astra Agro Lestari, Bumitama Agri and Others.Palm oil is one of the worlds most produced and consumed oils. This cheap, production-efficient and highly stable oil is used in a wide variety of food, cosmetic and hygiene products, and can be used as source for bio-fuel or biodiesel. Most palm oil is produced in Asia, Africa and South America because the trees require warm temperatures, sunshine and plenty of rain in order to maximize production.This market study includes data about global market statistics, market share, company performances, historical analysis 2012 to 2016, market forecast 2017 to 2023 in terms of volume, revenue, YOY growth rate, and CAGR for the year 2017 to 2023, etc. The Global Palm Oil market report provides detailed segmentation of Global Palm Oil Market based on product type, application, end user and regional segmentation. The regional segment is further bifurcated on country level.Request for Free Sample Copy of Global Palm Oil Market 2017 @Top Manufactures of Global Palm Oil market:Felda Global VenturesIOISime Darby BerhadMusim MasAstra Agro LestariBumitama AgriGenting GroupKLKWILMARRGE PteIndofood Agri ResourcesGolden Agri ResourcesFirst ResourcesSampoerna AgroOthers(Note: We can profile additional players without extra charges)Global Palm Oil Market: Key Product Type:Crude Palm OilPalm OleinOthersKey Application Types for Global Palm Oil Market:FoodsBio-DieselSurfactantsCosmeticsothersKey Regions for Global Palm Oil Market:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Others)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Others)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Others)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and Others)(Note: We can provide specific country or region specific report on request)The Global Palm Oil Market analysis report provides detailed value chain for analysis of Global Palm Oil Market. The value chain helps to analyze major upstream in raw materials, major equipments, manufacturing process, downstream customer analysis and major distributor analysis.The report also covers in-depth description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of prime players active in this market and business strategies adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis. The report also provides Porter analysis, PESTEL analysis and market attractiveness which helps to better understand the market scenario. Side by side, it also explicitly provides information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities occurred in current and past few years. The Global Palm Oil Market report explores manufacturers competitive scenario and provides market share for all major players of this market based on production capacity, sales, revenue, geographical presence and other major factors. The report also covers import/export data across all major regions covered in this report. Moreover, import/export data across any particular country as per requirement.The report finally provides detailed research report conclusion, which provides summary of entire report and vital suggestions from analysts particular to Palm Oil Market which will help existing as well as new players who wish to enter this market.Enquire before Buying @ put actual website like for exampleTable of Contents:1 Market Overview1.1 Palm Oil Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Crude Palm Oil1.2.2 Palm Olein1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Foods1.3.2 Bio-Diesel1.3.3 Surfactants1.3.4 Cosmetics1.3.5 Others........................Continue (Global Palm Oil Market Research Industry Report is prepared with the help of extensive primary and secondary sources, directories, journals, newsletters and with the help of third-party application like Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg, Businessweek, etc.About Market Reports Company:Market Reports Company delivers high quality precise research studies which include data about top manufacturers and market survey of various industries. We also work as a consulting company and publisher of market research reports. We are specialized in providing customized reports according to clients needs and requirements which ultimately help them grow in industry and beat their competition.What We Offer:Customized Reports: We provide customized research reports on your demand.Region Specific Study: We have resources all over the world so, if you are Interested in region specific study please contact us.How we work: Perfect blend of primary and secondary research to provide best result.Expertise: Team of Industry experienced research associates and experts, primary and secondary sources, 24*7 customer care service and post-sale support.Contact UsJason Smith,Sales Manager, Global Business Development,Website: marketreportscompany.comEmail: jasonsmith@marketreportscompany.comContact us: +1-888-220-3424Address: 20 N State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60602 United States Power over Ethernet (POE) Market 2018 Leading Players: Axis Communications AB, Maxim Integrated Products, Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics N.V Power over Ethernet Market Overview:Power over Ethernet or PoE is a standard or ad-hoc system, enabling the flow of electric power with data on a twisted pair ethernet cabling. Market Research Future, a home to market reports regarding communication & information technologies, among others; published a market report.According to it, the PoE market will grow at a CAGR of around 13% and attain USD 1 billion by the end of the forecast period.Power over Ethernet (POE) is a technology which enables the transfer of the electric signals with data over paired ethernet cables and allows the transfer of electric power with data over the same power cable to the POE enabled devicesDue to the advantages of PoE; such as low maintenance costs, less downtime, easy installation, etc; the market has expanded significantly. The acceptance of alternative energy sources has also fuelled industry revenues. High energy expenses have been a key driver. Owing to the cost-effectiveness of PoE, the market has reached commercial, residential, and industrial sectors while continuing to expand.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players:Key companies of the market are Axis Communications AB (Sweden), Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (U.S.), Texas Instruments, Inc. (U.S.), and STMicroelectronics N.V. (Switzerland). Some other well-known players comprise Linear Technology Corp. (U.S.), Broadcom Ltd. (U.S.), and Microsemi Corp. (U.S.).Latest Industry NewsJan 2018 - Elo, a leading global supplier of touchscreen computing solutions, released Androids I-Series 2.0, a wholly upgraded product with consistency and versatility. The product is ideal for commercial 10 to 22 inch touchscreen applications. It includes a new power over ethernet module as an optional accessory. The module is a solid choice for conference scheduler displays, AV control applications, and power-drop locations.Dec 2017 - Patton Electronics is a U.S. based manufacturer of UC, cloud, & IoT solutions for carrier, enterprise, and industrial networks. It shortly announced that its CopperLink 1101 power-over-ethernet extender has won two awards, adding accolades to the firm.Dec 2017 - CoolGear and PoE Texas have joined hands to combine USB-C with PD and power over ethernet. During early 2018, PoE Texas will launch the POE-USBC-Kit and the AT-USBC-Kit which would allow USB-C PD over ethernet. PoE lowers the adoption costs of USB-C, eliminating the need for advanced electrical infrastructure. Unlike USB-C, which has a transmission power of 10 feet (three meters) and is uncommon in buildings & homes, ethernet has a power of 328 feet (100 meters). The latter is also almost ubiquitous in modern construction.Sep 2017 - Redpark's gigabit + PoE adapter seamlessly connects an iPad or iPhone to gigabit ethernet and uses power over ethernet (PoE) to charge the device through a single ethernet cable (when connected to a compatible network switch or power injector). The gigabit + power adapter also connects an iPhone or iPad to a wired ehernet network and employs an external AC power adapter to provide power to the device, eliminating the need for a PoE network switch.Global Competitive Analysis:With the entry of new industry players, massive volume-driven growth has been observed. Companies are looking forward to gain shares by participating in various strategies. The best opportunity for this sector lies in tapping product innovations and investing wisely.Industry SegmentsThe power over ethernet market is segmented into the following categories:Types - Power Sourcing Equipment Controllers & ICs and Powered Device Controllers & ICsPowers to Port Up to 15.4W, Up to 30W, Up to 60W, and Up to 100WApplications - Security & Access Control, Connectivity, LED Lighting & Control, Infotainment, and OthersEnd Users - Residential, Commercial, and IndustrialAccess Report Details @Detailed Regional StudyThe global Power over Ethernet Market is split into North America, Europe, APAC, and Rest of the World (RoW). North America dominates the market. Regional presence of numerous players gives North America a competitive edge over other regions. The rich IT & telecom sector and higher demand for POE controllers and ICs help North America.Europe is also showing steady growth. Countries; like U.K. and Germany are major contributors to the region al market. Asia-Pacific stands as the third biggest market due to its expanding IT hubs in India, China, and Japan. China, as a manufacturing hub is adopting PoE in different industries.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Automotive Curtain Airbag Market: Industry Production, Consumption, Revenue and Market share, Reviewed till 2022 Recently, a novel report developed using proven research methodologies at the headquarters of Fact. MR has identified various prominent factors and trends prompting market growth of automotive curtain airbag market. The study is titled as Automotive Curtain Airbag Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking Global Review 2017 to 2022, which deeply analyses the global market trends, with historical data from 2016 and 2017, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) during the mentioned forecast of 2017-2022. For the benefit of the readers, the report concludes with a special focus on the detailed profiles of the major vendors in the global automotive curtain airbag market.Request for Sample Report-According to a recently published a report, the global automotive curtain airbags market is expected to represent a value of over US$ 200 Mn by the end of 2022. Growth of the global market of automotive curtain airbag is bound to several macro and micro economic factors. Demand for strong automotive curtain airbags is mainly concentrated in the transportation, automotive and healthcare industry. Frictional resistance, wear and tear of the vehicles, and complex design of the vehicles result in the unexpected accidents globally. Attributed to unexpected accidents, the passengers could injure their necks and knees. Manufacturers prefer coating the airbags integrated in the vehicles with neoprene coating to ensure that the security devices are strong and resistant to heat. The automotive curtain airbag will continue to witness considerable adoption attributed to increasing demand for security devices in the vehicles.Neoprene to Represent a Dominant SegmentIncreasing demand for curtain airbags that are strong and resistant to ozone, oil, chemicals, and heat has led the manufacturers to coat airbags with neoprene. Sales of neoprene airbags is likely to remain high as compared to the other types of coating in the global market. Currently, the neoprene coat type segment is projected to represent around US$ 50 Mn by 2022-end.Nylon is projected to represent a significant revenue growth as compared to other yarns available in the global market. The nylon yarn type segment is projected to represent more than US$ 40 Mn in the global market by 2017-end. The nylon segment is projected to reflect a relatively high CAGR in the global market of automotive curtain airbag through 2022.By sales channel, sales of the automotive curtain airbags is projected to remain high through the OEM sales channel. The OEM segment is projected to represent more than US$ 50 Mn by 2017-end. However, sales of automotive curtain airbags continue to witness relatively faster growth through the aftermarket channel globally.OEM to Represent a Leading SegmentSurge in demand for airbags that are resistant to oil, heat, ozone, and chemicals has led manufacturers prefer using neoprene for coating the airbags. Neoprene coated airbag is expected to witness the highest revenue growth in the global market. The neoprene coated segment is expected to represent a value of nearly US$ 50 Mn by the end of 2022. However, the silicone coating segment is expected to register the highest CAGR in the global market throughout 2022.On the basis of yarn type, the nylon type segment is expected to witness the highest revenue growth in the global market. By the end of 2017, nylon as compared to other types of yarn is expected to represent a value of over US$ 40 Mn globally. The nylon type segment is expected to register the highest CAGR in the global market throughout 2022.OEM as compared to other channels of sale is expected to witness highest revenue growth in the global market. The OEM segment is expected to represent a value over US$ 50 Mn by the end of 2017. However, sales of the automotive curtain airbag is expected to remain high through the aftermarket channels. The aftermarket channel is expected to register the highest CAGR in the global market throughout 2022.Browse Full Report with TOC-Table of Content:1. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Executive Summary2. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Overview2.1. Introduction2.1.1. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Taxonomy2.1.2. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Definition2.2. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Size (US$ Mn) and Forecast, 2012-20222.2.1. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Y-o-Y Growth2.3. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Dynamics2.4. Supply Chain2.5. Cost Structure2.6. Pricing Analysis2.7. Raw Material Sourcing Strategy and Analysis2.8. List of Distributors2.9. Key Participants Market Presence (Intensity Map) By Region3. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Analysis and Forecast By Coating Type3.1. Global Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Size and Forecast By Coating Type, 2012-20223.1.1. Neoprene Coated Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Size and Forecast, 2012-20223.1.1.1. Revenue (US$ Mn) Comparison, By Region3.1.1.2. Market Share Comparison, By Region3.1.1.3. Y-o-Y growth Comparison, By Region3.1.2. Silicone Coating Automotive Curtain Airbags Market Size and Forecast, 2012-20223.1.2.1. Revenue (US$ Mn) Comparison, By Region3.1.2.2. Market Share Comparison, By Region3.1.2.3. Y-o-Y growth Comparison, By RegionContinued..Check Discount on This Report-About Fact.MRFact.MR is a fast-growing market research firm that offers the most comprehensive suite of syndicated and customized automotive market research reports. We believe transformative intelligence can educate and inspire businesses to make smarter decisions. We know the limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach; thats why we publish multi-industry global, regional, and country-specific research reports.Contact UsFact.MRSuite 988427 Upper Pembroke Street,Dublin 2, IrelandTelephone: +353-1-6111-593Email: sales@factmr.comWeb:Get More Industry Insights At: Retail Inventory Management Software Market 2018 2023 Key Players: Epicor Software Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, Microsoft Corporation, JDA Software, Netsuite, Fishbowl, inFlow Inventory Software Market Highlights:Retail inventory management software helps in managing or preventing products from spoiling by eliminating stocking of raw materials which may cause loss for organizations. Inventory management has become an essential part of retail, service delivery, wholesale, and other industries. Inventory management in retail helps to optimize and deliver processes with accurate inventory levels and obtain real-time information to store data across several verticals of the organization. This data stored in real time can be used for the purpose of decision-making.Retail inventory management software consists of tools that help to track, manage and organize material flow, including the time required for the end-product to leave the warehouse. In general, retail inventory software keeps track of whole supply chain process and helps in improving the efficiency of the inventory levels. This software helps in centralizing all the warehouse data located in different locations.Retail inventory management software uses methodologies to manage the flow of goods, such as stock review, just in time technology, and ABC analysis methodology, among others. The just in time methodology refers to the ordering of products by an organization when they are ordered by customer. This removes unnecessary holding of inventory, helping in reducing costs. The need to maintaining transparency across supply chain activities and easy tracking of warehouse inventory are primarily driving the market. The increase in usage of RFID tags, barcode scanners, mobile phones, and tablets are fuelling the market growth.The real-time visibility of inventory helps in the optimal utilization of warehouse and inventory which helps to fulfill Return on Investment (ROI). The software helps in the observation of margin contribution and execution performance for each vendor for gaining feedback and negotiation of better deals. The added advantages of retail inventory management software are deploying advanced logistics management, smart supplier management, data-driven inventory optimization, and others.The global Retail Inventory Management Software Market is classified into deployment, end-user, and region.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players:Some of the key players in the global retail inventory management software market are Epicor Software Corporation (U.S.), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), SAP SE (Germany), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), JDA Software (U.S.), Netsuite (U.S.), Fishbowl (U.S.), inFlow Inventory Software (Canada), IBM Corporation (U.S.), Totvs S.A (Brazil), Retalix Ltd (Israel), and Quintiq (Netherlands), among others.Other vendors include Sage Group plc (U.K), Logility, Inc (U.S.), Lawson Software (U.S.), Aldata Software Management Inc (Canada), Accellos (U.S.), BluJay Solutions. (U.S.), Kinaxis (Canada), Kewill Systems (U.S.), Manhattan Associates (U.S.), Servigistics (U.S.), and GTNexus (U.S.), among others.The prominent players constantly keep on innovating and investing in research and development in order to present a cost-effective portfolio. There have been recent mergers and acquisitions among the key players, where the business entities expect to strengthen their reach to their customer.Regional Analysis:On the basis of geography, the market is studied for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. Among these regions, the market is majorly dominated by North America, at present, due to higher concentration of inventory management companies in countries, such as the United States and Canada.Europe has acquired the second largest market share and is expected to show a decent growth in the retail inventory management software market. However, the Asia Pacific region is expected to show the highest CAGR during the forecast period. There are various new entrants in India and China that are developing the related software for inventory management. Furthermore, the retail industry in Asia Pacific is booming, which is driving the growth of market in Asia Pacific region.Segmentation:The global retail inventory management software market is classified into deployment, end-user, and region. On the basis of deployment, the segment is further classified into on-demand and on-premise. On the basis of end-user, the segment is further classified into traditional retailers and off-price retailers.Regionally, the global retail inventory management software market is studied in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the world.Browse Full Report Details @Intended Audience: Technology Integrators Software Developers Research Organizations OEM Supply Chain Implementers Technology Investors Testing Government Agencies Third Party DevelopersTable of Contents1 Executive Summary2 Scope of the Report2.1 Market Definition2.2 Scope of the Study2.2.1 Research Objectives2.2.2 Assumptions & Limitations2.3 Markets Structure3 Market Research Methodology3.1 Research Process3.2 Secondary Research3.3 Primary Research3.4 Forecast ModelContinued.List of TablesTable1 World Population by Major Regions (2017 To 2030)Table2 Global Retail Inventory Management Software Market: By Region, 2017-2023Table3 North America Retail Inventory Management Software Market: By Country, 2017-2023Continued.List of FiguresFigure 1 Global Retail Inventory Management Software Market SegmentationFigure 2 Forecast MethodologyFigure 3 Five Forces Analysis of Global Retail Inventory Management Software MarketContinued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our clients to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Event Management Software Market Top Key Players - Lanyon Solutions, Certain, Pulse Network by Forecast to 2022 Market Scenario:The major growth driver of Event Management Software Market includes increasing expenditure on event management, growing adoption of cloud platform, and rising online education programs among others.Hence the market for Event Management Software Market is expected to grow at 11.39% CAGR (2016-2022).The Global Event Management Software Market is expected to be a very dynamic market and is expected to witness high growth in the coming years. Adoption of cloud platform by industries & corporate, increasing use of smartphones, and increasing frequency of corporate events are some of the factors driving the market.The fundamental concept behind corporate events is to generate more leads and to create brand awareness in consumer market. The count of attendees would decides the ROI generated from the events. For this, well planned event marketing is required by the event organizers. However, generating leads from events is a challenge for event organizer as there is always an uncertainty of how many attendee would come to join the event. However, lack of awareness especially in developing economies is expected to hamper the market growth in coming years.Request a Sample Report @Major Key Players: Cvent Inc. (U.S.) Etouches (U.S.) Eventbrite (U.S.) Lanyon Solutions Inc. (U.S.) Bizzabo (U.S.) Certain Inc. (U.S.) Regfox LLC (U.S.) Ungerboeck software International (U.S.) Pulse network (U.S) Active network LLC (U.S)Regional Analysis of Event Management Software Market:North America is dominating the Global Event Management Software Market with the largest market share in the region, and therefore accounting for $2.96 billion and is expected to grow over 6.95 billion by 2022.Event Management Software Market in Asia-Pacific market is expected to grow at CAGR of 9.31% from 1.32 Billion in 2016 to 2.48 Billion by 2022. The Europe market for Event Management Software Market is expected to grow at 11.23% CAGR (2016-2022).Objective Study of Event Management Software Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next five years of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Event Management Software Market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To Analyze the Event Management Software Market based on various factors- porters five force analysis, mega trend analysis, macroeconomic indicators etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by type, by deployment, by application and sub-segments. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Event Management Software Market.Key Findings: The global Event Management Software Market is estimated to grow from $ 7.57 billion in 2016 to 14.45 billion by 2022, with growing CAGR of 11.39% from forecast period 2016-2022. The event registration software among all is growing with a highest revenue value of 2.43 billion in 2016 and it is estimated to reach 4.99 billion by the end of 2022, with growing CAGR of 12.73%. The cloud based deployment of event management software is estimated to show highest revenue of 10.24 billion in 2022 from $ 4.48 billion in 2016, with growing CAGR of 14.75% during forecast period 2016 to 2022. Globally corporate is estimated to show highest revenue of 6.68 billion by 2022, growing with a highest CAGR of 13.94% during forecast period 2016 to 2022. Geographically, in 2016 North America is estimated to generate the largest revenue of 3.37 billion followed by Europe with 2.36 billion. This trend is projected to remain same by 2022, revenue in the North American region would increase to 6.95 billion.Segments:Global Event Management Software Market can be segmented as follows: Segmentation by Software Type: Analytics software, Venue Sourcing, Event Registration, On-site technology and Event Marketing among others. Segmentation by Deployment: On-premise, and cloud deployment Segmentation by Application: Corporate, Government, Education, and Association among others.Industry News: Cvent has acquired alliance tech in December 2015. Alliance Tech is an event measurement technology provider for corporate events. Etouches has acquired Zentila in June 2016. Zentila is an innovative hospitality and booking solution provider. Its meeting and bookings are based on SaaS technology platform.Browse Full Report Details @Target Audience: Research Organizations Education institutes Media Corporate Resellers and Distributors Government AgenciesTable of Contents1.1 Definition1.2 Scope of the Study1.2.1 Research Objective1.2.2 Assumption1.2.3 Limitation1.3 Market StructureContinued.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 524/528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global RTA (Ready-To-Assemble) Furniture Market By Manufacturers, Countries, Type And Application, Forecast 2018 - 2023 RTA (ready-to-assemble) Furniture is shipped unassembled to end-users, who assemble it at their end. The RTA product range covers a whole host of residential and office furniture. They come flat-packed and are typically packaged as a kit comprising furniture parts and hardware needed to assemble it.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture in global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, types and applications.Request for discount atMarket Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversSauder WoodworkingDorel IndustriesBush IndustriesInter IKEA SystemsTvilumSouth ShoreWhalen FurnitureHomestarFlexsteel (Home Styles)Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (United States, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversCommercial RTA (Ready-to-assemble) FurnitureResidential RTA (Ready-to-assemble) FurnitureMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoIndependent Specialist RetailersIndependent Furniture ChainsConvenient StoresOthers (Online)There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture market.Chapter 1, to describe RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture, with sales, revenue, and price of RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture, in 2016 and 2017;Request for free sample atChapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture, for each region, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2013 to 2018;Chapter 12, RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2018 to 2023;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourceTable of Contents1 Market Overview1.1 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Introduction1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Commercial RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture1.2.2 Residential RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture1.3 Market Analysis by Applications1.3.1 Independent Specialist Retailers1.3.2 Independent Furniture Chains1.3.3 Convenient Stores1.3.4 Others (Online)1.4 Market Analysis by Regions1.4.1 North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) United States Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Canada Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Mexico Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Germany Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) France Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) UK Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Russia Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Italy Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.3 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) China Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Japan Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Korea Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) India Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Southeast Asia Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023)1.4.4 South America, Middle East and Africa1.4.4.1 Brazil Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Egypt Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Saudi Arabia Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) South Africa Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023) Nigeria Market Status and Outlook (2013-2023)1.5 Market Dynamics1.5.1 Market Opportunities1.5.2 Market Risk1.5.3 Market Driving ForceBrowse complete report at2 Manufacturers Profiles2.1 Sauder Woodworking2.1.1 Business Overview2.1.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.1.2.1 Type Type 22.1.3 Sauder Woodworking RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.2 Dorel Industries2.2.1 Business Overview2.2.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.2.2.1 Type Type 22.2.3 Dorel Industries RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.3 Bush Industries2.3.1 Business Overview2.3.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.3.2.1 Type Type 22.3.3 Bush Industries RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.4 Inter IKEA Systems2.4.1 Business Overview2.4.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.4.2.1 Type Type 22.4.3 Inter IKEA Systems RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.5 Tvilum2.5.1 Business Overview2.5.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.5.2.1 Type Type 22.5.3 Tvilum RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.6 South Shore2.6.1 Business Overview2.6.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.6.2.1 Type Type 22.6.3 South Shore RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.7 Whalen Furniture2.7.1 Business Overview2.7.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.7.2.1 Type Type 22.7.3 Whalen Furniture RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.8 Homestar2.8.1 Business Overview2.8.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.8.2.1 Type Type 22.8.3 Homestar RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)2.9 Flexsteel (Home Styles)2.9.1 Business Overview2.9.2 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Type and Applications2.9.2.1 Type Type 22.9.3 Flexsteel (Home Styles) RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Price, Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2016-2017)3 Global RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.1 Global RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Sales and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.2 Global RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2017)3.3 Market Concentration Rate3.3.1 Top 3 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Manufacturer Market Share3.3.2 Top 6 RTA (Ready-to-assemble) Furniture Manufacturer Market Share3.4 Market Competition TrendWho we areResearch Trades has team of experts who works on providing exhaustive analysis pertaining to market research on a global basis. This comprehensive analysis is obtained by a thorough research and study of the ongoing trends and provides predictive data regarding the future estimations, which can be utilized by various organizations for growth purposes.We distribute customized reports that focus on meeting the clients specific requirement. Our database consists of a large collection of high-quality reports obtained using a customer-centric approaches, thus providing valuable research insights.Contact us:Email: sales@researchtrades.comCall us: +1 6269994607 (USA), +91 7507349866 (IND)Web:Skype ID: researchtradescon Nitric Acid Market Analysis, Top Key Players| The Dow Chemical Company, Bayer AG, BASF SE, Basic Chemical Solutions LLC, PVS Chemicals, Apache Nitrogen Products Inc., Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corp. Ltd Market Overview:Nitric Acid belongs to a class of inorganic acids which is both extremely corrosive and toxic. On the basis of nature of nitric acid, unstable nitric acid is extensively used in explosives whereas stable nitric acid is used in the production of dyes, paints, and pigments. The Nitric Acid market is expected to grow tremendously and register a strong growth over the assessment period. Growth of global nitric acid market is predominantly driven by fertilizer and explosive industry. Furthermore, increasing industrial explosive market coupled with strong demand for mining and construction activities is predicted to fuel the market growth. Increasing defense activities due to rising terrorism activities has resulted in increasing demand for explosives which in turn is estimated to propel the market growth over the forecast period. In addition to this, increase in need of fertilizer to meet the rising quality food demand with followed by raise in crop production is predicted to drive market growth. Nitric acid is majorly used in the manufacturing of fertilizer followed by adipic acid. Adipic acid is further used in the production of automobile parts. Increasing automobile production & sales across the globe is estimated to fuel the demand for nitric acid in near future. Some of the prominent drivers supporting the market growth are rapidly growing agriculture and automotive industry, and rising construction activities.Receive a Sample Report @Key Players:The Dow Chemical Company, Bayer AG, BASF SE, LyondellBasell Industries, Agrium Inc., Koch Fertilizer LLC., AkzoNobel NV, Basic Chemical Solutions LLC, PVS Chemicals, Apache Nitrogen Products Inc, Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corp. Ltd among others are some of the prominent players at the forefront of competition in the Global Nitric Acid Market and are profiled in MRFR Analysis.Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:November 2017- Agrium Inc. made a settlement with subsidiary of Trammo Inc. known as Trammo Nitrogen Products Inc., to sell Agriums North Bend, Ohio nitric acid facility. Moreover, the company sell its Conda, Idaho, and phosphate production facility to Itafos Company. With this agreement the company help win U.S. Federal Trade Commission approval of merger.April 2017- Grupa Azoty Group, a Polish chemical company signed an agreement with Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG for the license for a nitric acid production technology. Construction of new nitric acid manufacturing unit located at Pulawy (Poland) will strengthen the Grupa Azoty position among the leading manufacturers of nitric acid across the globe. In addition to this, this investment will allow company to market new products and expand its product portfolio in fertilizer segment.Access Complete Report @March 2015- M+W Group received a major contract from BASF SE for the planning, procurement, turnkey construction and commissioning of a nitric acid production plant. With this, BASF SE will be enhance its nitric acid production capacity in near futureAugust 2016- Deepak Fertilizers & Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd announced that the company will expand its Nitric acid plant capacities. With this expansion, the company meet up the increasing demand of nitric acid and strengthen its position among nitric acid manufacturers across the globe.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.comWantStats Research and Media Pvt. Ltd.Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India Sunroof Market: 2018 Global Size, Aftermarket, Share, Competitive Analysis, Automotive Industry Forecast To 2023 Sunroof Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023. Global Sunroof Market is growing at flourishing CAGR within forecast period of 2018 to 2023. This growth of Global Sunroof Market is attributed to increasing population, the demand for vehicles, leading to an increase in the production of automobiles. Substantial developments in component materials combined with increasing number of factory installed sunroofs are estimated to positively impact the market demand.This 111 pages report provides Global Sunroof Market Information By Material (Glass And Fabric), By Sunroof Type (Top-Mount, Panoramic, Solar And Others), By Vehicles (Sedan/Hatchback, SUV and others) and Region.Market Scenario:The automotive manufacturers are majorly focusing on increased investment in research and development. The increased investment in research and development will result in development of innovative and advance product lines. This will result in increased demand for power sunroof in vehicles. The automotive manufacturers are more inclined towards Research and development. They majorly focus on advantageous locations for production and short-distance supply to reduce costs. Power Sunroof are expected to be promising in future due to the dynamic factors such focus on high-quality products, changing lifestyle of consumers and rising spending power.Get Sample Copy of Sunroof Market Research Report Forecast to 2023 At:Major Players Analyzed In Study Are: Webasto (U.S.), Inalfa Roof Systems (Netherlands), Inteva (U.S.), Magna International (Canada), Aisin Seiki (Japan). Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd (Japan). Automotive Sunroof Company (Canada), Yachiyo Industry Company Ltd. (Japan) and Preh IMA Automation (PIA) Evansville (U.S.), BOS (Germany)Market Research Analysis:Power sunroof is most recent trend in the vehicles that is in huge demand. The sunroof is usually installed at the roof of the vehicle in order to allow light and fresh air to enter the interior. The power sunroof are available in two types such as manually or automatically operated according to the type of car. The size, shape, and style of power sunroof depend on the vehicle type. The development of new and diversified technologies is creating exciting opportunities within the automotive industry.The new trends being witnessed are research and development initiatives being carried by automotive manufacturers with focus on advantageous locations for production and short-distance supply to reduce costs. Recently, in 2017, Inteva products receives international innovation award for structurally integrated panoramic sliding sunroof.Power sunroof market is expected to be promising during the forecast period due to the major driving factors such focus on high-quality products, changing lifestyle of consumers and rising spending power. Automotive companies including passenger cars manufacturers are constantly trying to emphasize more on innovation for their product offering so as to enhance the efficiency in automotive sector.Regional Analysis:Power sunroof market has been catered across different geographical regions namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle-East and Africa. Europe is expected to dominate the power sunroof market during the forecast period followed by North America and Asia Pacific. In Europe, there has been increase in demand for luxury vehicles. The increased demand of luxury vehicles will result in growing installation of power sunroof in the vehicles. Panoramic sunroof is the fastest growing segment, which will dominate the market in the forecasted period. In Europe, Germany is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period due to increase i9n demand for sunroof in the vehicles. North America is expected to be the second largest market due to increase in production of passenger cars. In North America, U.S. is expected to dominate the market in future. Asia Pacific is expected to grow at highest CAGR due to growing demand for passenger cars. There has been increase production of vehicles, development of automotive manufacturing industries in economies such as Japan and South Korea continued their strong support of solar sunroof. This will result in the growth of the market in future.For more details on this report please visit:About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Contact Us:528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 Next Generation Search Engines Market to enjoy explosive growth to 2025 Next Generation Search Engines Market Global Next Generation Search Engines Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 is latest research study released by HTF MI evaluating the market, highlighting opportunities, risk side analysis, and leveraged with strategic and tactical decision-making support. The study provides information on market trends and development, drivers, capacities, technologies, and on the changing capital structure of the Global Next Generation Search Engines Market.Next Generation Search Engines Market Overview:If you are involved in the Next Generation Search Engines industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Enterprise, Individual & Other, Mobile & Desktop and major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.You can get free access to samples from the report here:Next Generation Search Engines Market: Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2023Research study is to define market sizes of various segments & countries in previous years and to forecast the values to the next 5-8 years. The report is designed to comprise each qualitative and quantitative elements of the industry facts including: market share, market size (value and volume 2012-17, and forecast to 2023) with admire to each of the areas and countries concerned inside the examination. Furthermore, the report additionally caters the detailed statistics about the vital elements which includes drivers & restraining factors which will define the future growth of the market.Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:Historical year 2013-2017Base year 2018Forecast period** 2018 to 2023 [** unless otherwise stated]Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players.The designated segments and sub-section of the market are explained below:The Study is segmented by following Product Type: Mobile & DesktopMajor applications/end-users industry are as follows: Enterprise, Individual & OtherSome of the key Manufacturers Involved in the Market are Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Ask, Quora, YouTube, DuckDuckGo & BlekkoFor each region, market size and end users are analyzed as well as segment markets by types, applications and companies. If opting for the Global version of Next Generation Search Engines Market analysis is provided for major regions as follows: North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Buy this research report @Key Answers Captured in Study areWhich geography would have better demand for product/services?What are the strategies adopted by big players in the regional market?Which country would see the steep rise in CAGR & year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth?What is the current & expected market size in next five years?What is the market feasibility for long term investment?What opportunity the country would offer for existing and new players in the Next Generation Search Engines market?What is risk involved for suppliers in the geography?What factors would drive the demand for the product/service in near future?What is the impact analysis of various factors in the Global Next Generation Search Engines market growth?What are the recent trends in the regional market and how successful they are?Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Next Generation Search Engines market.Chapter 1, About Executive Summary to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Global Next Generation Search Engines market, Applications [Enterprise, Individual & Other], Market Segment by Regions United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia;Chapter 2, objective of the study.Chapter 3, to display Research methodology and techniques.Chapter 4 and 5, to show the Overall Market Analysis, segmentation analysis, characteristics;Chapter 6 and 7, to show the Market size, share and forecast; Five forces analysis (bargaining Power of buyers/suppliers), Threats to new entrants and market condition;Chapter 8 and 9, to show analysis by regional segmentation[United States, EU, Japan, China, India & Southeast Asia ], comparison, leading countries and opportunities; Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Supply Chain AnalysisChapter 10, focus on identifying the key industry influencers, overview of decision framework accumulated through Industry experts and strategic decision makers;Chapter 11 and 12, Market Trend Analysis, Drivers, Challenges by consumer behaviour, Marketing Channels and demand & supply.Chapter 13 and 14, describe about the vendor landscape (classification and Market Positioning)Chapter 15, deals with Global Next Generation Search Engines Market sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Enquire for customization in Report @Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia or Oceania [Australia and New Zealand].HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.Contact US :Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218sales@htfmarketreport.comConnect with us at Israel and Egypt have refused access to their airports by the Turkish air force aircraft sent to airlift wounded Palestinians amid escalating diplomatic tension between Ankara and Tel Aviv in the aftermath of the massacre of over 60 Palestinians killed by the Israel army in Gaza. Turkeys deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag Wednesday lamented the refusal during a meeting with the Prime Minister of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, state-run news agency Anadolu reports. Standing beside our oppressed brothers is a humane duty for us, Akdag is quoted as saying. Turkish health ministry Tuesday announced it was coordinating with the army the evacuation of Gaza Palestinians wounded Monday in the bloodshed after the massacre of over 60 Palestinian killed by Israeli snipers near the eastern fence between the enclave and the Jewish state. About 3,000 Palestinians were wounded in the protest staged to reject the inauguration of the US embassy in the disputed city of Jerusalem. It also coincided with the 70th anniversary of Nakba marking the eviction of Palestinians from territories representing todays Israel. Some of the wounded have been also reportedly evacuated to Egypt. Turkey emerged as the leading Muslim country to take the defense of Palestinians. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seating president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), slammed Israel and called its action genocide. He rejected Israels blame on Hamas saying that the Islamist movement is a resistance movement defending Palestinian lands against an occupier. Wednesday Erdogan chided the UN over its silence on Israel tyranny, Anadoly noted. The UN is finished, ended, collapsed. At this moment, I cannot reach the UN secretary general despite having a good friendship [with him], Erdogan said. Artificial Skin Market: Global Market Size, Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013 to 2017 and Forecast 2018 to 2024 Artificial Skin Market Global Artificial Skin Market: Based on Need For Patient ( Spray-on Skin, Temporary Skin Graft, Permanent Skin Graft, Artificial Electric Skin (e-Skin), Gelatin-Contained Artificial Skin, Composite Biocompatible Epidermal Graft), Based on distribution channel (Retail Pharmacies, Hospitals, Others) and Geography -Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013-2017 and Forecast 2018-2024Global artificial skin market was valued at US $ XX Mn and expected to grow at XX% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over 2018 to 2024.Market Outline: Artificial Skin MarketArtificial skin is the synthetic skin used to replace the human skin to save the patients from burns injuries and other skin infections. It is also known as regenerative artificial skin. Artificial skin is a collagen scaffold that induces the regeneration of the skin. It is used to treat the patients with the major burns, deep wounds and also used during the plastic surgery.Market Dynamics: Artificial Skin MarketGlobal artificial skin market is driven by the increase in the number of injuries and burns worldwide. Furthermore, growing adaptation of the skin regeneration treatments in plastic surgery and rise in awareness of artificial skin products expected to boost the market growth. In addition, advancements in the artificial skin technologies such as autologous spray on skin and expansion of the applications of artificial skin into the beauty and skin care segments projected to bolster the market growth over the forecast period. However, high cost of the treatment and artificial skin products and complications such as acceptance by the body projected to hamper the market growth over the forecast period.A sample of this report is available upon request @Market Scope: Artificial Skin MarketArtificial Skin Market is segmented based on need for patients, distribution channel and geographyBased on need for patient, global artificial skin market is segmented into Spray-on Skin Temporary Skin Graft Permanent Skin Graft Artificial Electric Skin (e-Skin) Gelatin-Contained Artificial Skin Composite Biocompatible Epidermal GraftBased on distribution channel, global artificial skin market is segmented into Retail Pharmacies Hospitals OthersBased on geography, global artificial skin market is segmented into North America Europe Latin America Asia Pacific Middle East and AfricaTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Market Summary: Artificial Skin MarketCompanies operating in global artificial skin market are focusing on the develepment and launch of the new prodcts into the market in order to expand their market share. For instance, In July 2013, Greiner Bio-One has launched artificial skin, ThinCert cell culture inserts, to use in life sciences research and product testing applications. Furthermore, companies also advancing the artificial skin technologies to use with the robotics and maximizing the applications of artificial skin. In addition, companies also involving in collaborations and acquisitions to expand their market share and position in the global market. For instance, January 2018, Shiseido Company, Limited has acquired Olivo Laboratories, LLC along wot its pioneering XPL second skin technology.Regional Analysis: Artificial Skin MarketGeographically, global artificial skin market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. Europe and North America are projected to remain key markets over the forecast period owing to the advancements in the skin technologies, adaptation of artificial skin and presence of key market players. Asia Pacific artificial skin market is expected to have lucrative growth opportunity rates owing to increase in the adaptation of the artificial skin treatments, growing healthcare spending and advancements in the infrastructure. Especially, Emerging countries such as India and China projected to have the significant growth during the forecast period due to the increase in burns, injuries and adaptation of artificial skin treatments. According to World Health Organization (WHO) in India, over 1,000,000 people are moderately or severely burnt every year.Need more information about this report @Competition Assessment: Artificial Skin MarketSome of the players in the global artificial skin market include: Integra Life Sciences Corporation (U.S.) Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. (U.S.) Mylan N.V. (U.K.) Mallinckrodt plc (U.K) Smith & Nephew plc (U.K.) Shiseido Company, Limited (Japan) Greiner Group AG (Austria)Notable Market Developments: Artificial Skin Market In September 2017, Avita Medical has submitted the application for its ReCell Autologous Cell Harvesting Device (Spray On-Skin), used in the treatment of burns.Key Features of the Report: The report provides granular level information about the market size, regional market share, historic market (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2024) The report covers in-detail insights about the competitors overview, company share analysis, key market developments, and their key strategies The report outlines drivers, restraints, unmet needs, and trends that are currently affecting the market The report tracks recent innovations, key developments and startups details that are actively working in the market The report provides plethora of information about market entry strategies, regulatory framework and reimbursement scenario The report analyses the impact of the socio-political environment through PESTLE Analysis and competition through Porters Five Force Analysis in addition to recent technology advancements and innovations in the marketGet access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@precisionbusinessinsights.comToll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553Website @ Internet of Things (IoT) Security 2018 Global Market Key Players -Geographic Revenue Mix, Cisco Systems,Inc, BM Corporation, Infineon Technologies, Intel Corporation..... Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market 2018 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market 2018Wiseguyreports.Com Adds Internet of Things (IoT) Security Global Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Manufacturers, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2025 To Its Research Database.Description:This report studies the global Internet of Things (IoT) Security market, analyzes and researches the Internet of Things (IoT) Security development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeGeographic Revenue MixCisco Systems,IncBM CorporationInfineon TechnologiesIntel CorporationSymantec CorporationArm Holdings PLCCheck Point Software Technologies LtdTrend Micro,IncPTC,IncGemalto NVSophos Group PLCInside SecureWurldtech Security TechnologiesRequest for Sample Report@Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split intoNetwork SecurityEndpoint SecurityApplication SecurityCloud SecurityOthersMarket segment by Application, Internet of Things (IoT) Security can be split intoWearablesBuilding and Home AutomationSupply Chain ManagementPatient Information ManagementEnergy and Utilities ManagementCustomer Information SecurityComplete report details @If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Table of Contents:Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Size, Status and Forecast 20251 Industry Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) Security1.1 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Overview1.1.1 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market by Type1.3.1 Network Security1.3.2 Endpoint Security1.3.3 Application Security1.3.4 Cloud Security1.3.5 Others1.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Wearables1.4.2 Building and Home Automation1.4.3 Supply Chain Management1.4.4 Patient Information Management1.4.5 Energy and Utilities Management1.4.6 Customer Information Security2 Global Internet of Things (IoT) Security Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Geographic Revenue Mix3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Cisco Systems,Inc3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 BM Corporation3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Infineon Technologies3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Intel Corporation3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Symantec Corporation3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Arm Holdings PLC3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Trend Micro,Inc3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 PTC,Inc3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Internet of Things (IoT) Security Revenue (Million USD) (2013-2018)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Gemalto NV3.12 Sophos Group PLC3.13 Inside Secure3.14 Wurldtech Security TechnologiesContinued..Contact US:NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:: Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt Ltd: Pune 411028: Maharashtra,: Ph: +91 841 198 5042 GPS Tracking Device Market Survey On Segments, Trend, Growth Key Players, Industry Overview, Supply Chain and Analysis to 2018-2024 GPS Tracking Device Market - Industry Trends and Forecast to 2024 GPS Tracking Device Market in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2013 to 2018, and forecast to 2024GPS Tracking Device Market accounted to USD 1.5 billion in 2016 growing at a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015, the base year of calculation is 2016 and the forecast period is 2017 to 2024.A GPS tracking unit is a device, normally carried by a moving vehicle or person, that uses the Global Positioning System to determine and track its precise location, and hence that of its carrier, at intervals. The latest trend in this market is growth in commercial vehicle leading to the growth of GPS system, they are in small in size, easy to carry, which may further develop the market in future. There is need of GPS tracking devices for several applications like Transportation & Logistics, Construction, Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Government; Others will create a huge market for the GPS tracking devices.Order Free sample Report@This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering:Calamp Corporation,Sierra Wireless, Inc.,Orbocomm Inc.,Queclink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd,Shenzhen Concox Information Technology Co., Ltd,Laird PLC.,Tomtom International Bv,MeitrackGroup,Teltonika UAB,Atrack Technology Inc.,Trackimo LLC,Geotab Inc.,Shenzhen Coban Electronics Co., Ltd,Xirgo Technologies, Inc.,Maestro Wireless Solutions Ltd.,Ruptela UAB,Spy tech, Inc.,Verizon Wirelessamong others.In 2017, Volkswagen sign a deal with Sierra wireless Inc. to use the GPS tracking devices in their cars.On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into:Real-time Locationregular-time LocationBy Application, the market can be split into:Human BengsVehiclePetMilitaryOtherBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want):North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaReserve Your instant Discount On This Report@Global GPS Tracker Market Professional Survey Report 2018 Table Of Contents:1 Industry Overview of GPS Tracker1.1 Definition and Specifications of GPS Tracker1.1.1 Definition of GPS Tracker1.1.2 Specifications of GPS Tracker1.2 Classification of GPS Tracker1.2.1 Real-time Location1.2.2 regular-time Location1.3 Applications of GPS Tracker1.3.1 Human Bengs1.3.2 Vehicle1.3.3 Pet1.3.4 Military1.3.5 Other1.4 Market Segment by Regions1.4.1 North America1.4.2 China1.4.3 Europe1.4.4 Southeast Asia1.4.5 Japan1.4.6 India2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of GPS Tracker2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of GPS Tracker2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of GPS Tracker2.4 Industry Chain Structure of GPS Tracker3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of GPS Tracker3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global GPS Tracker Major Manufacturers in 20173.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global GPS Tracker Major Manufacturers in 20173.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global GPS Tracker Major Manufacturers in 20173.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global GPS Tracker Major Manufacturers in 20174 Global GPS Tracker Overall Market Overview4.1 2013-2018E Overall Market Analysis4.2 Capacity Analysis4.2.1 2013-2018E Global GPS Tracker Capacity and Growth Rate Analysis4.2.2 2017 GPS Tracker Capacity Analysis (Company Segment)4.3 Sales Analysis4.3.1 2013-2018E Global GPS Tracker Sales and Growth Rate Analysis4.3.2 2017 GPS Tracker Sales Analysis (Company Segment)4.4 Sales Price Analysis4.4.1 2013-2018E Global GPS Tracker Sales Price4.4.2 2017 GPS Tracker Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment)5 GPS Tracker Regional Market Analysis5.1 North America GPS Tracker Market Analysis5.1.1 North America GPS Tracker Market Overview5.1.2 North America 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.1.3 North America 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Sales Price Analysis5.1.4 North America 2017 GPS Tracker Market Share Analysis5.2 China GPS Tracker Market Analysis5.2.1 China GPS Tracker Market Overview5.2.2 China 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.2.3 China 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Sales Price Analysis5.2.4 China 2017 GPS Tracker Market Share Analysis5.3 Europe GPS Tracker Market Analysis5.3.1 Europe GPS Tracker Market Overview5.3.2 Europe 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.3.3 Europe 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Sales Price Analysis5.3.4 Europe 2017 GPS Tracker Market Share Analysis5.4 Southeast Asia GPS Tracker Market Analysis5.4.1 Southeast Asia GPS Tracker Market Overview5.4.2 Southeast Asia 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Local Supply, Import, Export, Local Consumption Analysis5.4.3 Southeast Asia 2013-2018E GPS Tracker Sales Price Analysis5.4.4 Southeast Asia 2017 GPS Tracker Market Share AnalysisRead More About This Report@About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Data Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Label Printing Machine Market is growing at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2017 to 2025 Label Printing Machine Market Global label Printing Market is anticipated to garner $2,673 million in 2025, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period according to Progressive Markets report, Label Printing Market Size, Trend, Share, Opportunity Analysis & Forecast, 2014-2025.The research offers introduction of the global label printing machine market in terms of product and scope. It comprises of summary of the industry in reference to market attractiveness, trends, and competitive scenarios. It incorporates the Porters Five Forces Analysis (PFFA) and provides a comprehensive know-how of these landscapes in the industry. It evaluates them based on the bargaining power of customers & buyers, threat of substitutes & new entrants, and industry rivalry.The study analyzes market share from 2014 to 2025. The report segments the market into type, application, end user, and region. Based on type, the report splits the market into flexography, offset/litho, letterpress, digital label printing machine, and others. The industry finds its application in labeling and packaging of consumer goods, automotive parts & accessories, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics products. Based on end user, it divides the market into food & beverage industry, textile industry, cosmetics industry, and others.Based on region, the market is analyzed across North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America Middle East & Africa (LAMEA). Countries explored in North America are Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. In the Europe, nations discussed are France, the UK, Germany, Russia, and rest of Europe. In Asia-Pacific, nations assessed are Japan, China, India, Australia, and rest of Asia-Pacific. The LAMEA countries included are Latin America, Middle East, and Africa.The research evaluates the aforementioned parameters by every end-user, type, and region for the historic period and forecast period, 20142016 and 20172025, respectively. It discusses major manufacturers of the industry, Zebra Technologies, Sato Holdings Corporation, Honeywell International, Toshiba TEC, Brady Worldwide Inc., Brother International, EPSON, Citizen Systems Japan Co., Ltd., TSC Auto ID Technology Co., Ltd., and Cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co KG. The experts assess each vendor based on different strategies adopted by them to remain updated about evolvement in the market trends. These strategies include collaboration, product development, acquisition, and product approval. They also offer an overview of every top vendor. In addition, the research helps to explore factors that drive and impede growth of the market. The aspects that propel the progress of the industry include increase in demand for digitization in financial & banking sector and connected devices. Alternative factor includes growth in the number of frauds and cyber-attacks motivate financial and banking institutions to distribute innovative solutions for cyber-security solutions.In addition, the report outlines aspect that restricts prosperity path of the global label printing machine market is less consciousness among consumers to understand complications in infrastructure of modern security. Further, it offers numerous takeaways of the industry, such as it provides great edge to manufacturers, stakeholders, and new entrants. These are comprehensive evaluation of aspects that are have potential to restrict or drive the industry. The experts explore competitive scenario, which helps them understand the present rivalry within the geographical locations. Further, they assess the opportunities that prevail within these regional distributions. An in-depth assessment of developments in the market aids manufacturers and new entrepreneurs to understand the industry behavior. The research thoroughly follows the status of the products and also provides a substantial examination of top manufacturers of the market framework.The study illustrates the abovementioned parameters of the global label printing machine market through tables and figures. For instance, there are tables that depict market value of each type, application, end user, and region for the forecast period. There a few tables and figures that show the market share during the historic period.The company makes use of primary corporate research and secondary inputs from trusted sources to build its own reference base. It maintains consistency in quality as it keeps itself updated with changes in market dynamics and gauging its net effect on global business trends.Reach UsMr. Shriram Dighe4th Floor, Unit 12, Marisoft III,West Wing, Marigold IT Park,Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014,India: +91 20 66346040Toll Free: + Tourettes Syndrome Treatment Market: Global Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013 to 2017 and Forecast 2018 to 2024 Tourettes Syndrome Treatment Market Global Tourettes Syndrome Treatment Market: By Medical Treatment ( Psychotherapy, Behaviour, Medication (Pimozide, Haloperidol, Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, ADHD Drugs), Geography -Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013-2017 and Forecast 2018-2024Global melanoma treatment market was valued at US $ XX Mn and expected to grow at XX% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over 2018 to 2024.Market Outline: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment MarketTourette syndrome is one type of neurological disorder characterized by stereotypic, repetitive involuntary movements known as tics. This syndrome usually affects the people of age between 2 to 15 years. Tourette syndrome 4 times more common in males than females. The patents may experience simple ticks include eye blinking, head jerking, eye darting or nose twitching. Complex ticks include obscene gesturing, hopping, touching or smelling the objects and stepping in a certain pattern.Market Dynamics: Tourette Syndrome Treatment MarketGlobal Tourette syndrome market is mainly driven by the growing incidence of the syndrome and efforts of organizations such as WHO, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in increasing awareness related to the disease. For instance, study conducted by CDC in 2012, about 1, 38000 children were diagnosed with the Tourette syndrome in 2011. In addition, ongoing clinical development stage molecules to treat the Tourette syndrome such as SNC -102, ABX1431 and increase in research funding are expected to boost the market over the forecast period. However, cost of therapy and side effects of drugs are expected to hamper the market growth over the forecast period.A sample of this report is available upon request @Market Scope: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment MarketTourettes syndrome market is segmented based on medical treatment and geographyBased on medical treatment, Tourette syndrome management market is segmented into Pimozide Haloperidol Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors ADHD DrugsBased on region, Tourette syndrome market is segmented into North America Asia Pacific Latin America Middle East and Africa EuropeTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Market Summary: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment MarketCompanies in global Tourette syndrome management market are actively involving in the R&D activities in development of new treatment options to treat the syndrome. Furthermore, collaborations and acquisitions also the key strategies adopted by the companies to maximize their market share. For instance, Neurocrines INGREZZA is under phase 2 clinical trials for the treatment of Tourette syndrome.Regional Analysis: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment MarketGeographically, global melanoma treatment market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. Europe Tourette syndrome management market is expected to have significant growth rate over the forecast period owing to the rise in incidence of Tourette syndrome and increase in R&D activities in development of drugs for the treatment. North America Tourettes syndrome management market is expected to notable share owing to the growing awareness related to disease and companies focus in development of the novel treatment options for the disease. Asia Pacific Tourette syndrome management market projected to have the significant growth rate owing to the improvement in healthcare infrastructure, increase in number of insurance payers and raising awareness, especially in the developing countries such as India and China.Need more information about this report @Competition Assessment: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment MarketSome of the players in the global melanoma treatment market include: Novartis AG (Switzerland) Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (U.S.) Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Japan) Apotex, Inc. (Canada) Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Israel) Cadila Healthcare (India) Janssen and Janssen Services Inc. (U.S.) Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited. (India) Eli Lilly and Company (U.S.)Notable Market Developments: Tourettes Syndrome Treatment Market In October 2017, Ingrezza given orphan drug status by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treatment of Tourette syndrome.Key Features of the Report: The report provides granular level information about the market size, regional market share, historic market (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2024) The report covers in-detail insights about the competitors overview, company share analysis, key market developments, and their key strategies The report outlines drivers, restraints, unmet needs, and trends that are currently affecting the market The report tracks recent innovations, key developments and startups details that are actively working in the market The report provides plethora of information about market entry strategies, regulatory framework and reimbursement scenario The report analyses the impact of the socio-political environment through PESTLE Analysis and competition through Porters Five Force Analysis in addition to recent technology advancements and innovations in the marketGet access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@precisionbusinessinsights.comToll Free (US): +1-866-598-1553Website @ Global Dimethyl Ether Market -Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025 MRRSE Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Dimethyl Ether MarketGet Sample Report with TOC @Dimethyl ether is a colourless gas with a faint ethereal odour. It is shipped as a liquefied gas under its vapour pressure. Dimethyl ether is the simplest ether in the ether group. Di-methyl ether can either be derived from renewable materials such as biomass, municipal waste, and agricultural waste, or from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Presently, a vast majority of commercial DME is derived from fossil fuels. LPG blending is one of the major application of dimethyl ether market across the globe.The report estimates and forecasts the market on the global, regional, and country levels. The study provides forecast between 2017 and 2025 based on volume (Kilo Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn) with 2016 as the base year. The report comprises an exhaustive value chain analysis for each of the product segments. It provides a comprehensive view of the market. Value chain analysis also offers detailed information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints for the dimethyl ether market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. The report analyzes opportunities in the dimethyl ether market on the global and regional level. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities mentioned in the report are justified through quantitative and qualitative data. These have been verified through primary and secondary resources.The report includes Porters Five Forces Model to determine the degree of competition in the dimethyl ether market. The report comprises a qualitative write-up on market attractiveness analysis, wherein application type and countries have been analyzed based on attractiveness for each region. Growth rate, market size, raw material availability, profit margin, impact strength, technology, competition, and other factors (such as environmental and legal) have been evaluated in order to derive the general attractiveness of the market. The report comprises price trend analysis for dimethyl ether between 2017 and 2025.Secondary research sources that were typically referred to during the study, but were not limited to are company websites, financial reports, annual reports, investor presentations, broker reports, and SEC filings. Other sources such as internal and external proprietary databases, statistical databases and market reports, news articles, national government documents, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market have also been referred for the report.In-depth interviews and discussions with a wide range of key opinion leaders and industry participants were conducted to compile this research report. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. Key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents were reviewed for competitive analysis and market understanding. This helped in validating and strengthening secondary research findings. Primary research further helped in developing the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for dimethyl ether in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa (MEA). Additionally, the report comprises country-level analysis in terms of volume and revenue for various segments. Key countries such as the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, the U.K., Spain, Italy, India, China, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil have been included in the study. Market segmentation includes demand for individual raw material type in all the regions and countries.The study provides a comprehensive view of the dimethyl ether market by dividing it on the basis of application, raw materials and geography segments. The dimethyl ether market has been segmented into coal, methanol, natural gas and others based on raw materials type. Raw material type segment have been analyzed based on historic, present, and future trends.The report covers detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and profiles of key players operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report includes Toyo Engineering Corporation, China Energy Ltd., Guangdong JOVO Group Co. Ltd., and others. Company profiles include attributes such as company overview, number of employees, brand overview, key competitors, business overview, business strategies, recent/key developments, acquisitions, and financial overview (wherever applicable).Complete Report details with List of Tables and Figures @The global dimethyl ether market has been segmented as follows:Dimethyl Ether Market Raw Material Type AnalysisCoalNatural GasMethanolOthersDimethyl Ether Market Application Type AnalysisAerosol PropellantsLPG BlendingTransportation FuelPower Plant FuelChemical FeedstockOthersDimethyl Ether Market Regional AnalysisNorth AmericaU.S.CanadaEuropeGermanyFranceU.K.ItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanASEANRest of Asia PacificMiddle East & AfricaGCCSouth AfricaRest of Middle East & AfricaLatin AmericaBrazilMexicoRest of Latin AmericaAbout MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Automotive Engine Market 2018-2022 Global Key Players: Cummins Inc., Fiat S.PA., Volkswagen Group, Ford Motor Company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, AB Volvo, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai Motor Company and Scania AB Automotive Engine Market 2018 Automotive Engine Market 2018Automotive Engine Market Share, Size, Trends, And Business Opportunity Analysis Report 2018 include historic data, with forecast data to 2022. Automotive Engine Market report is helpful for future strategy development, and to know about Market Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, And Global market size, share, Growth, Trends, key players forecast to 2022Global Automotive Engine Market by placement (In-Line Engine and V-Type Engine), Vehicle type (Passenger, LCV, HCV), by Fuel (Gasoline, Diesel and Others) and by Region (North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa and Middle East).Market Synopsis of Global Automotive EngineAutomotive Engine is one of the most integral parts in any vehicle. It enables the vehicle to function efficiently and run smoothly without any trouble. Overall performance, Vehicle emission and efficiency of every vehicle depends on the condition of automotive engine.With the advent of recent technological developments, the automotive engine market is expected to grow substantially. Owing to the Factors such as rigid fuel economy regulatory norms and growing demand for technologically advanced powered engines for the better performance of vehicles. Furthermore, rising disposable income can also be attributed to the growth of the automotive engine market which will ensure to spend more on high-end cars and commercial vehicles by consumers.Recently the automobile giant Audi, has developed a TFSI 4-cylinder engine which the company claims to be the most efficient 2-litre gasoline engine on par. Such technological developments will certainly boost the market growth which will pave the way for better fuel-efficient vehicles.Get Sample Report of Automotive Engine Market @Key PlayersCummins Inc., Fiat S.PA., Volkswagen Group, Ford Motor Company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, AB Volvo, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai Motor Company and Scania AB are some of the leading players operating in this market.Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:Jan 2018- Ford Motor Co significantly increased its planned investments in electric vehicles to USD 11 billion by 2022 and have 40 hybrid and fully electric vehicles. The company shifted capital investment away from sedans and internal combustion engines to develop more trucks and electric and hybrid cars.Sep 2017- The Volkswagen Group launched the most comprehensive electrification initiative in the automotive industry with Roadmap E. There will be at least one electrified version of each of the 300 or so Group models across all brands and markets. The latest Euro 6 diesel engines deliver above-average performance in the new WLTP cycle under real-world conditions. All new gasoline engines will be equipped with a particulate filter across the board.Aug 2017- Sweden's Volvo Cars agreed to make some engines available for Geely-branded vehicles. The car will be equipped with a new 1.5-liter turbo charged gasoline engine which Volvo has been developing for smaller cars.Feb 2010- Fiat S.p.A. is taking engine downsizing to a new level with the introduction of its new 900cc, two-cylinder TwinAir unit. Automakers are removing cylinders and lowering the displacement of their engines to meet tougher CO2 emissions rules that take effect in Europe in 2012. The TwinAir engine is a key part of Fiat brand's aim to remain Europe's leader when it comes to fleet CO2 emissions in Europe.Regional Analysis of Global Automotive Engine MarketAPAC is the leading market and estimated to grow at the forecasted period and it accounts for the largest share of the global automotive engine market. With rapid expansion in the automotive industry of the developing nations in the APAC region such as china, India and japan, the OEMs have been focusing on developing technologically advanced powered engines to gain high torque and performance. It is followed by Europe and North America due to the presence of long established original equipment manufacturers which provide strong base for the robust development and growth of automotive engine market in the regionThe report for Global Automotive Engine Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Browse Full Report on Automotive Engine Market @Table of Contents1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology3 Market Dynamics4 Global Automotive Engine Market, By Placement5 Global Automotive Engine Market, By Fuel6 Global Automotive Engine Market, By Vehicle7 Regional Market Analysis8 Competition Analysis.ContinuedAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR) and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have the prime objective to provide optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies depending on products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments enables our clients to know more consequently do more, which gives them answer for their each and every important question. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industryCONTACT US:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 Boosting the Vitrectomy Systems Market by 2025 Vitrectomy is a surgery that includes removing vitreous gel from the middle of the eye. Vitrectomy surgery usually occurs when there is a retinal detachment or blood in the vitreous gel that do not clear itself. Vitrectomy is done by an eye doctor with specialized training on vitrectomy procedures. This surgery provide better access to the eye doctor to the back of the eye for better diagnosis and treatment. Vitrectomy procedure includes use of a small tool to remove the vitreous gel to better treat indication such as retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, and scar tissue on the retina, tears or holes in the macula. Vitrectomy surgery can improve vision in people who have traction retinal detachment. Once vitrectomy surgery is complete patients also under go several additional surgery steps such as silicone gel, saline or a gas bubble injected into the vitreous gel to help hold the retina in position. Vitrectomy is usually differentiated into two types such as Posterior Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Anterior Vitrectomy. The vitrectomy performed for disease of the posterior segment of the eye is called Posterior Pars Plana Vitrectomy. In rare cases, vitreous gel comes through the pupil to the anterior part of the eye which can happen due to trauma, complex cataract, cornea, glaucoma surgery.The Vitrectomy Systems is segmented based on product types such as vitrectomy packs, vitrectomy machines, instruments and accessories. Vitrectomy system contains high advanced features for the better patient treatment.Request Report for Table of Contents @The global market for Vitrectomy Systems market is expected to be driven by the increasing number of eye hospitals, increasing prevalence of retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, holes in macula etc. The key drivers of the market are the increasing geriatric patients and growing trauma cases. The increasing concerns with healthcare problems, increasing experienced practitioners and growing knowledge of several treatment procedure is also expected to grow the virectomy system market.The Vitrectomy Systems is classified on the basis of product, indication, end user and geography.Based on product, the global vitrectomy systems is segmented into the following:ProbesLaser systemsPhacoemulsifiers systemsOthersBased on indication, the global vitrectomy systems is segmented into the following:Retinal detachmentMacular puckerDiabetic retinopathyMacular holesVitreous hemorrhageVitreous floatersOthersBy end users, the global vitrectomy systems is segmented into the following:HospitalsSpecialized Eye ClinicsAmbulatory Surgical CentersOthersThe increasing investment by the government and public organizations to provide better healthcare quality is expected to drive the market. Based on the product vitrectomy systems are based on products used such as probes, laser systems, phacoemulsifiers systems and others.By indications, the global vitrectomy systems has been segmented into Retinal detachment, macular pucker, diabetic retinopathy, macular holes, vitreous hemorrhage, vitreous floaters and othersBy end users, the global vitrectomy systems has been segmented into hospitals, specialized eye clinics, ambulatory surgical centers and othersBy regional presence, Vitrectomy Systems is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. North America will continue to dominate the vitrectomy systems market due to high occurrence of this eye disease in this area and better availability of healthcare facilities, better disposable income. Europe is expected to hold second largest market share in global vitrectomy systems. The increasing focus towards better healthcare system and the increasing geriatric populations in APAC region is expected to grow the vitrectomy systems market in this region.Request to View Sample of Research Report @Some of the major players in global vitrectomy systems includes Leica Microsystems, Optomic, Medical Experts Group, Orion Medic, Chammed, Topcon, Alcon and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Ecommerce Growth Market for Food and Beverage Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2024 Food and beverage industry faces many challenges for their product lining including meeting consumer demands and managing supply chains. Ecommerce helps these industries/ organizations to grow into the market according to the market trend change and avails different upcoming opportunities for the betterment of the customer and operating margins. Ecommerce gives real time tracking and information from different sources to one source which plays big role in the industry.The industry have very slow growth as there are challenges like issue for freshness of the food, product damage, logistics and other challenges. But instead of these challenges the market is seem to rise in near future due to increase in the trend of using online shopping option.Read Report Overview @Ecommerce: Market Trends and DriversEcommerce market is primarily driven by the growth in the online shopping which gives multiple options at a glance. Also retailers are using strategies like same-day-delivery are helping them to grow the ecommerce market. New preservation techniques used for the perishable foods is also one of the key driver responsible for the ecommerce growth. User-friendly interface, low costs, and daily delivery options have made the ecommerce more trending over traditional sellers. Social media is also playing important role in driving the ecommerce market as the processing can be done using mobile phones which is one of the significant way of using ecommerce.Ecommerce: Market SegmentationEcommerce market can be segmented on the basis of their type of consumers and type of products.On the basis of consumer type, the most of the uses are observed from the town region and mostly the working families will adopt to this due to lack of time and according to the convenience.On the basis of type of products, ecommerce is segmented as perishable products and non-perishable products. Perishability of the product also depend on the preservation technique used for the product and the time of delivery of the product.Request Report for TOC @Ecommerce: Market by GeographyThe ecommerce market is further segmented on the basis of regions as, China followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific, South Africa, Brazil and United States. Increase in the number of consumers is due to increase in the use of internet via broadband or mobile, where in china is growing daily with the smart phone market. Also Chinas e-tail market is dominated by Alibaba which is one of the big ecommerce site for selling different products including groceries. UK is increasing in the ecommerce of groceries because retails are moving to online shopping for the convenience of people which operate on 24 hour basis. Also door step delivery options are increasing day by day. One of the main reason UK is leading ecommerce sector is due to investment of ecommerce giant Amazon.Request to Sample Report @Ecommerce: Key PlayersThe ecommerce for food and beverage is dominated by players like, Mondelez International, PepsiCo, and General Mills due to early adoption of the e-business. As the trend goes major online retailers like Walmart, Amazon are increasing their online grocery assortments.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Market Analysis 2018, Major Key Players Reviews Arkema SA, Ashland Inc., Fosroc International Limited, Mapie S.p.A, Pidilite Industries Limited, RPM International Inc. and Sika AG Market Overview:Construction chemicals are specialty chemicals used in various construction activities residential, non-residential and renovation. These chemicals enhances the overall performance of end products used in the building and construction. The construction chemicals can be broadly classified into concrete admixtures, waterproofing chemicals, flooring compounds, and adhesives & sealants among others.As the name suggests, the market is highly dependent on the dynamics of construction industry across the globe. On a holistic, the emerging economies such as Asia Pacific and Middle East is expected to be the sweet spot for construction chemicals. For instance, Indias vision Housing For All by 2022 initiatives is expected to boost the demand. Whereas, regained stability of housing market and increasing reconstruction activities in developed economies is expected to drive the demand.Receive a Sample Report @Key Players:The key players of Construction Chemical Market are BASF SE (Germany), Arkema SA (France), Ashland Inc. (U.S.), Fosroc International Limited (U.K.), Mapie S.p.A (Italy), Pidilite Industries Limited (India), RPM International Inc. (U.S.), Sika AG (Switzerland), The Dow Chemical Co.(U.S.), W.R. Grace & Company (U.S.) and others.Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:August, 2016 BASF opened its first production plant in Sri Lanka for the production of standard and custom-made performance based construction chemicals. The plant was in line with companys geographic expansion strategy to cater the increasing demand from customers in Sri LankaApril, 2016-, BASF expanded its construction chemicals division in Russia. This expansion was in line with expanding the waterproofing chemicals portfolio for the Russian market.Access Report Details @April, 2016-, In line with the rapid growth of construction industry in India, BASF launched three new constructions solutions in the India market. Low-viscosity concrete admixtures, waterproofing solutions and waterproofing solutions for parking structure. The solutions launched are cost-effective, durable thus minimising the resources used in construction and repairs.February, 2016- Sika AG, opened two construction chemicals plant in Southeast Asia addressing the increasing construction activities in the region. The plants are located in Myanmar and Cambodia. This expansion was in line with companys strategy 2018, which involves penetration into new markets by opening new factories.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.WantStats Research and Media Pvt. Ltd.Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India Our challenge was to find a molecule thats almost exclusively present on activated T cells not just any T cell because there are many T cells that just sit around resting, Gambhir said. By coincidence, the molecule he found was the same one that Levy harnessed in his vaccine, a protein on the surface of activated T cells called OX40. Boiled down, Levys cancer vaccine is a package of two stimulating agents. One coaxes T cells into producing OX40 on their surface; the other binds to OX40 and enables the cell to engage with tumor cells. Together the tag-team agents essentially prod loafing immune cells into high gear. Once the tracer is injected, it scours the entire body, including the immune system, in search of cancer-killing T cells but only those laden with OX40. Upon meeting, the tracer binds to OX40 and, when hitched together, the radioactive complex glows under a PET scan, revealing only those T cells that have been successfully activated, ready to ravage the tumor. If the scan comes back with low to no signal in the tumor or tumors, its an indication that doctors (in theory, as the vaccine and tracer have only been tested in mice) ought to reevaluate the immunotherapy dosage or change the treatment course altogether. The power of PET Gambhirs lab tested the tracer first in cell cultures. They found that the compound was able to suss out activated T cells about 95 percent of the time. Later in mouse models, they still saw success overall, but it was a bit more subdued. In a group of about 50 mice, the PET tracer performed accurately upward of 90 percent of the time. Its really only now that this tactic is coming into play; the PET scan is usually focused on assessing only the tumor cells, said Gambhir. But now, with new imaging agents like this, were able to image the immune cells, and thats really the second half of the equation. Gambhir acknowledges that one could simply wait to see physical changes in the tumor volume to determine whether the therapy is working. But that poses a problem. It may take weeks, or even months, to definitively see whether the cancer is responding to the treatment. Say the vaccine doesnt work. In the time it took to find out, the cancer would have continued to spread, becoming more molecularly heterogeneous and even more difficult to treat the next time around. Knowing sooner gives the patient more time to try other options, hopefully leading to better outcomes. Clinical trial Levy has moved his vaccine into a phase-1 clinical trial. In the next few months, Gambhir plans to move this new OX40 tracer into that same clinical trial, so that the tracer and therapy can be tested in conjunction. We were able to predict what was going to happen in mice several weeks out by looking only 48 hours from the start of the immunotherapy. We could figure out which mouse was going to respond to the immunotherapy and which wasnt before they actually did or did not respond, Gambhir said. And thats exactly what were trying to do. Were trying to show that this approach can, in humans, allow us to image early and thereby let us evolve the therapy quickly. Were trying to show that this approach can, in humans, allow us to image early and thereby let us evolve the therapy quickly. Gambhir also is pursuing work to establish the OX40 tracer as a diagnostic for other applications, such as the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis. Its important to remember that this is a really general approach to visualizing activated T cells this shouldnt be thought of as specifically for cancer immunotherapy alone, he said. Thats just one important application. The work is an example of Stanford Medicines focus on precision health, the goal of which is to anticipate and prevent disease in the healthy and precisely diagnose and treat disease in the ill. Other Stanford co-authors of the study are Idit Sagiv-Barfi, PhD, instructor of oncology; Kezheng Wang, MD, PhD, a visiting faculty member in the Gambhir lab; postdoctoral scholar Ophir Vermesh, PhD; Debra Czerwinski, life science research assistant; Emily Johnson, life science research professional; and Michelle James, PhD, assistant professor of radiology and of neurology and neurological sciences. Gambhir and Levy are members of Stanford Bio-X and the Stanford Cancer Institute. Gambhir is also a member of the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute and the Stanford Neurosciences Institute. A researcher at Harbin Medical University also contributed to this work. The study was funded by the Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation, the Canary Foundation, the National Cancer Institute (RO11CA201719) and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Stanfords Department of Radiology also supported the work. Boosting the Sleeping Sickness Testing Market by 2025 Sleeping Sickness is the most common life-threatening infection encountered in patient populations affected in rural areas particularly in African countries. These infections are not severe but they are often neglected leading to death of the affected person. Sleeping sickness is caused due to parasitic causative agent called Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. This causative agent is carried by Tsetse flies that causes the most severe form of illness. The infection carried by Tsetse fly spreads through the blood after the fly bites are encountered. It causes inflammation of the brain and often effects the central nervous system if left untreated which even leads to death. Some of the major sleeping sickness symptoms include anxiety, mood swings, fever, headache, insomnia, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, sweating and swollen red nodule at the site of fly bite. A variety of diagnostic tests are carried out to confirm detection of parasites in the blood stream or lymph, thereby driving the growth of sleeping sickness testing market. The major diagnostic tests for the detection of sleeping sickness are broadly categorized into active screening tests and stage diagnostic tests.Request for Table of Contents @Active screening tests constituting the major share of sleeping sickness testing market include agglutination test for Trypanosomiasis, lymph node aspiration, dipstick testing, lateral flow test, rapid diagnostic tests for detection and confirmation of amplified Trypanosoma brucei DNA, and others. Out of these, card agglutination test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) is the most common diagnostic test for detection of sleeping sickness, which dominated the sleeping sickness testing market. A rapid diagnosis followed by appropriate treatment is required to be done in order to control sleeping sickness. A large number of laboratory tests and microbiological screening tests are performed to detect and confirm the presence of disease causing antigens in blood samples obtained from patients.However, stage diagnostic tests include blood smear testing, cerebrospinal fluid testing, and complete blood count test to determine the stage of disease in the patient. The sleeping sickness testing is done on the basis of characteristic stage of the infection including early stage called as hemolymphatic stage, and progressive stage called as oligosymptomatic phase. Also, sleeping sickness testing is done using molecular techniques mainly PCR and biochemical techniques including agglutination tests and ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), playing vital role in sleeping sickness testing market. Medicinal drugs including Eflornithine, Melarsoprol, Pentamidine, and Suramin are used as major treatment drugs for sleeping sickness.Growing technological advancement in molecular and clinical microbiology techniques coupled with rising incidence of sleeping sickness in the rural areas are the primary factors driving the sleeping sickness testing market. Development of advanced rapid diagnostic tests for detection of neurological infections and increased application of advanced biotechnology in clinical microbiology is fueling the growth of sleeping sickness testing market with the launch of upgraded diagnostic tests. Also, growing trend of pharmaceutical companies to manufacture novel drugs and diagnostic techniques are some other factors driving the growth of sleeping sickness testing market. However, lack of awareness about novel diagnostic tests and cost-intensive diagnostic tests are factors restraining the growth of sleeping sickness testing market. Lack of skilled manpower to run sensitive rapid diagnostic tests and kits further hinders the growth of sleeping sickness testing market.The global sleeping sickness testing market is segmented on basis of test type, technique, end user and geographic region:Segmentation by Test TypeActive Screening TestCard Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT)Immunochromatographic Rapid Diagnostic TestLoop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Test (LAMP)Lymph Node AspirationDipstick TestingLateral FlowCapillary Tube Centrifugation (CTT)Stage Diagnosis TestBlood SmearCerebrospinal Fluid Test (CBF)Complete Blood Count Test (CBC)Segmentation by TechniqueMolecular TechniquesPCRBiochemical TechniquesAgglutinationELISASegmentation by End UserHospitalsClinicsDiagnostic Centers and LaboratoriesAcademic InstitutionsSegmentation by GeographyNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificMiddle East & AfricaOn the basis of type of sleeping sickness testing, card agglutination test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) is extensively performed screening test over other tests owing to its ability to screen large populations affected with infection with an ease. However, molecular techniques such as a real-time PCR allows the doctors and physicians to perform high-multiplexed tests in order to diagnose and confirm sleeping sickness by carrying out amplification of Trypanosoma brucei DNA. Lymph node aspiration and dipstick testing are also commonly used diagnostic methods. The rising utilization rate of these diagnostic tests in hospitals and clinics is driving the growth of sleeping sickness testing market.Based on geography, global sleeping sickness testing market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Out of these, Middle East & Africa registered the largest shares in global sleeping sickness testing market due to the rising prevalence of disease in the central African countries. The region is anticipated to dominate over the forecast period on the account of growing patients suffering from sleeping sickness. On the other hand, North America is expected to register slow growth during forecast period in global sleeping sickness testing market on the account of least incidence rate of infection in the region due to strict medical regulations associated with migrants.Request a Sample Brochure of the Report @Some of the key players present in global sleeping sickness testing market are Bayer AG, Sanofi S.A., Eiken Chemical Co., Jena Bioscience GmbH, Alere Inc., BD Biosciences and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Coding and Marking Market Size to Worth $7 Billion by 2023 | Arizton Exponential demand from cosmetics, food, and beverage, and pharmaceutical industries will propel the growth of the global coding and marking marketAriztons recent market research report on the global coding and marking market provides comprehensive industry analysis, trend forecasts, and competitive analysis. The research study segments the market by technology (primary package coding (CIJ, Laser, TIJ, and TTO) and secondary and tertiary packaging coding (VIJ, PALM, and PIJ)), by product mix (equipment, consumables, and spare parts and aftermarket), by end-user industries (chemicals & construction, food & beverage, electrical & electronics, healthcare, and others), by geography (APAC, Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, North America, and Western Europe), and offers detailed competitive analysis.The global coding and marking market size is estimated to generate revenues of around $7 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of approximately 7% during 2018-2023. The development of eco-friendly marking systems to reduce bioaccumulation and eco-toxicity and increasing formulation of vegetable-based inkjets will augment the growth of the global coding and marking market size. The growing demand for this equipment from industries food and beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, and cosmetics will create new opportunities for leading vendors in the global market.Request for your free sample today!The top 3 drivers and trends impacting the growth of the global coding and marking market are discussed below:Growing Need to Deter Product Counterfeiting by Encouraging Brand Protection and Product IdentificationThe increasing requirement for product identification and brand protection is propelling the growth of the global coding and marking market size.Product counterfeiting is one of the biggest challenge faced by several manufacturers operating in the global market.The implementation of regulations by several agencies is encouraging producers to use coding and marking techniques to safeguard their brands from counterfeiting in the global market. To protect the interests of end-users the companies are using this process to print product-specific information on product packaging and increasing their brand awareness in the global market. The growing requirement to store accurate data and information will boost the use of analytics as a marketing tool and propel the growth of the global coding and marking market. These solutions also help vendors to protect their brand identity and prevent the loss of revenues for companies operating the global market. The information printed on the products by using this solution will improve traceability of goods and reduce the circulation of faulty products in the global market. Such detailed information will help companies to reduce their losses, protect brand identity, pass information about defective products, and augment the development of the global coding and marking market.Introduction of Coding and Marking Equipment with Increased Efficiency and Better Integration CapabilitiesThe introduction of equipment that is more graphic incorporating better, colorful, and easy-to-use touchscreens will transform the global coding and marking market. These innovative systems help operators achieve a high level of control and increase productivity through basic operations on their packaging and production lines in the global market. The implementation of ink containers that are equipped with self-contained cartridges that have meters for easy and accurate visual assessment of color levels will improve the efficiency of this equipment and enable superior production quality in the global market. The prominent players in that market are introducing marking and coding equipment with better integration capabilities with machinery used in production or manufacturing and packaging lines to attract new consumers and gain larger global market share. In 2016, Diagraph introduced Allen MLi-TE, a multi-head thermal-transfer printer that can accommodate up to 12 print heads. This system replaces the traversing technology that requires multiple coders for printing on single-serve sachets that offers enhanced and superior integration capabilities in the global coding and marking market. The launch of offline coding systems enhances favorable orientation and prevents error code printing since the product that is already assembled in the appropriate position before the printing starts. In this printing procedure, the products are stacked on the line ready, after which printing is processed.Request for your free sample today!Growth in Demand from Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, and Food and Beverage Industries To Boost Global Coding and Marking MarketThe exponential demand from cosmetics, food, and beverage, and pharmaceutical industries will propel the growth of the global coding and marking market. In the pharmaceutical industries, this process is gaining prominence and crucial as it improves product traceability in the global market. The implementation and adoption of strict drug quality and security regulations across various countries necessitate tracing of prescription drug products throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain. To protect counterfeiting of products in the cosmetics industry that use of these solutions helps enhance product traceability. The process further helps in identifying the bottleneck in manufacturing and supply. In the food and beverage industry ensures coding helps across varied subsets of the food and beverage industry such as baked goods and cereal, beverage, candy, and confectionary. The implementation of these solutions will augment the demand in the global coding and marking market.The leading vendors in the global coding and marking market are Danaher, Dover, Brother Industries, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems, and ITW.The complete overview of the latest market research report on global coding and marking market by Arizton is now available.The report also offers a detailed study of major trends, drivers, challenges, and also provides the market size and forecast for major geographical regions and key countries.Order a report :About AriztonArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.We offer comprehensive market research reports on industries such as consumer goods & retail technology, automotive and mobility, smart tech, healthcare and life sciences, industrial machinery, chemicals and materials, IT and media, logistics and packaging. These reports contain detailed industry analysis, market size, share, growth drivers, and trend forecasts.Arizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market Analysis by Leading Players-HKBN, AT&T, CHT, NCID, FETnet Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market Analysis to 2023 HTF MI broadcasted a new title Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 with 101 pages and in-depth assessment including key market trends, upcoming technologies, industry drivers, challenges, regulatory policies, with key company profiles and strategies of players such as HKBN, AT&T, CHT, NCID, FETnet, TSTAR, Enspyre, Skype, APTG, Brastel Telecom, Dynasky, NCID, iTalkBB, A1 Business Pte Ltd, Oregon Relay Service, Relay Indiana, TTRS, Vermont & Bell Canada. The research study provides forecasts for Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) investments till 2022.Get Access to sample pages @This report studies the global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.Product Analysis:This Report provides a detailed study of given products. The report also provides comprehensive analysis of Key Trends & advance technologies. The Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) (Thousands Units) and Revenue (Million USD) Market Split by Product Type such as Public Service & Private ServiceApplication Analysis:This report provides an advance approach to the market growth with a detailed analysis of the overall competitive scenario of the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market. The market is segmented by Application such as Enterprise, Government & Individual with historical and projected market share and compounded annual growth rate.Industry Growth:An in-depth study about key trends and emerging drivers with market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional breakdowns, competitive landscape, shares, trend and strategies for Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market. The market is expected to estimate at XX million by 2023 growing at a CAGR of XX%.Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @Key Highlights of the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market : Market Share of players that includes HKBN, AT&T, CHT, NCID, FETnet, TSTAR, Enspyre, Skype, APTG, Brastel Telecom, Dynasky, NCID, iTalkBB, A1 Business Pte Ltd, Oregon Relay Service, Relay Indiana, TTRS, Vermont & Bell Canada to better understand how deeply they have penetrated the market. Conceptual analysis of the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market products, application wise segmented study. Clear study and pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics Analysis of major regional segmentation on the basis of how the market is predicted to growKey questions answered in this comprehensive study Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025What will the market size be in 2023 and what will the growth rate be?What are the key market trends?What is driving Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market?What are the challenges to market growth?Who are the key vendors in Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market space?What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market?What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Market?What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market? Get in-depth details about factors influencing the market shares of the United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India?Enquire for customization in Report @There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) market.Chapter 1, to describe Definition, Specifications and Classification of Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS), Applications of , Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2, to analyze the Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 3, to display the Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, Export & Import, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4, to show the Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);Chapter 5 and 6, to show the Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia & India, Segment Market Analysis (by Type) [Public Service & Private Service];Chapter 7 and 8, to analyze the Change Management Software Segment Market Analysis (by Application [Enterprise, Government & Individual]) Major Manufacturers Analysis;Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type [Public Service & Private Service], Market Trend by Application [Enterprise, Government & Individual];Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 11, to analyze the Consumers Analysis of Global Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) by region, type and application;Chapter 12, to describe Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Buy this research report @Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.HTF Market Report is a wholly owned brand of HTF market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited. HTF Market Report global research and market intelligence consulting organization is uniquely positioned to not only identify growth opportunities but to also empower and inspire you to create visionary growth strategies for futures, enabled by our extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist you for making goals into a reality. Our understanding of the interplay between industry convergence, Mega Trends, technologies and market trends provides our clients with new business models and expansion opportunities. We are focused on identifying the Accurate Forecast in every industry we cover so our clients can reap the benefits of being early market entrants and can accomplish their Goals & Objectives.HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private LimitedUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road, Edison, NJ USA - 08837sales@htfmarketreport.comPh: +1 (206) 317 1218 Neuroendocrine Function Test Market is Expected to Grow fast by 2025 Neuroendocrine function test is a diagnosis process of finding out the neuroendocrine tumor. Neuroendocrine tumor produce particular tumor biomarkers that may help in detection and neuroendocrine function diagnosis. Neuroendocrine tumors are tumors that occur in the intestine that misbalances the hormonal release and often called as carcinoid tumors even found in the lung, pancreas and the rest of the body. Physiological fluctuations in the neuroendocrine cells may cause development of functional tumors and nonfunctional tumors. As functional tumors forms another nonfunctional tumors and endocrine cells may cause physiological variations based on the cause of treatment. As neuroendocrine tumors act and look differently as the other tumors which can make them difficult to spot. Due to neuroendocrine steady growth the symptoms of neuroendocrine are not noticeable at the early stages and are exposed only during undergoing surgery. For neuroendocrine cells surgery is the first line therapy thereafter medication is used for the treatment.Request for Table of Contents @Neuroendocrine Function Test Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe global Neuroendocrine Function test market is driven by the increasing prevalence of cancer. Various international organizations such as American cancer academy and world health organization is expected to fueled the overall neuroendocrine function test market. Furthermore, increase in healthcare spending along with the high prevalence rate of neuroendocrine function test in developing region is expected boost overall neuroendocrine function test market. However the global neuroendocrine function test market is likely to restrained by the lack of skilled healthcare professional and lower adoption of the advanced treatment technologies and unclear reimbursements in the developing economies.Neuroendocrine Function Test Market: SegmentationThe global neuroendocrine function test market is classified on the basis of treatment type and by end userBy Treatment TypeSurgeryMedicationBy End UserHospitalsAmbulatory surgical centersSpecialized clinicsNeuroendocrine Function Test Market: OverviewBased on treatment type, the global neuroendocrine function test market is segmented surgery and medication. As surgery is widely used in the neuroendocrine function test market. Similarly, based on end user, the market is segmented into, hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. Hospitals are expected to hold maximum share in the market due to the easy availability of medication and increasing prescription patterns for the treatment of spinal deformities and instabilities.Neuroendocrine Function Test Market: Regional OverviewIn terms of region, the global neuroendocrine function test market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is the leading player of neuroendocrine function test market owing to increasing awareness and successful research and innovations. Europe is the second leader in global neuroendocrine function test market owing to development of product and efficiency. Asia Pacific is also expected to grow due to increasing investment in health care spending and rise in research and development.Request a Sample Brochure of the Report @Neuroendocrine Function Test Market: Key PlayersThe key players in the market are Novartis AG, Eli Lilly & Company, Amgen Inc., Ipsen, F. Hoffman La Roche and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Automotive Metal stamping Market 2018: Aro Metal Stamping, Kenmode Precision Metal Stamping, Martinrea International, Shiloh Industries, Acro Metal Stamping, Manor Tool & Manufacturing Company, American Industrial Automotive metal stamping Market 2018 Automotive metal stamping Market 2018This report provides in depth study of Automotive metal stamping Market using SWOT analysis i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat to the organization. The Licorice Candy Market report also provides an in-depth survey of key players in the market which is based on the various objectives of an organization such as profiling, the product outline, the quantity of production, required raw material, and the financial health of the organization.This report has a complete understanding of market value and quantity, technological progress, macro-economic and governmental policy based on past and present data along with the current and upcoming trends in the market.This report provides valuable information for companies like manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, investors and individuals who have interests in this industry.Global Automotive metal stamping market Information Report by Technology (Blanking, Embossing, Flanging, Bending, Coining and Others), by Application (Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles and Others) and By Region - Global Forecast To 2022Get Sample Report of Automotive Metal Stamping Market @Market ScenarioMetal stamping is a process in which metals are punched to achieve the desired shape. The process is performed with the help of stamping dies. The Metals used in automotive metal stamping are aluminium, steel, brass, copper and stainless steel.The growth of global automotive metal stamping market is expected to be driven by the booming automotive industry and the rapid increase in demand for smart automobiles. The increase in competition in the automotive industry is also leading to the rising demand of the metal stamping market. The process of metal stamping is applied in various stages of manufacturing in the automotive industry, such as panels, brackets, bonnets, roofs, hangers, and others, thus constantly inducing demand in the automotive metal stamping market. Increase in the use of metal sheet for the manufacturing of automobile chassis, transmission components, interior & exterior structural components, is projected to drive the growth of global automotive stamping market over the forecast period.Key PlayersThe key players of Automotive metal stamping market are Aro Metal Stamping co. (U.S.), Kenmode Precision Metal Stamping (U.S.), Martinrea International Inc. (Canada), Shiloh Industries, Inc. (U.S.), Acro Metal Stamping Co. (U.S.), Manor Tool & Manufacturing Company (U.S.), American Industrial Company (U.S.), Wisconsin Metal Parts, Inc. (U.S.), and Clow Stamping Co. (U.S.).Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:The key strategies followed by most companies within the global Automotive Metal Stamping market are that of new product development.On November 2017, Shiloh Industries, Inc. has opened a customer service centre in Munich, Germany which will focused on portfolio of lightweight body structures and interiors, chassis systems and propulsion systems solutions, and vibration-damping solutions.On December 2017, Martinrea International Inc. Opens New State-of-the Art Technical Center. The facility will provide combines research and development, engineering and testing capabilities under one roof.On Dec 2016, Acro Building Systems have invested in another new Wire EDM machine for faster response to new tooling, die repair and prototyping needs.Automotive Metal Stamping Market SegmentationThe global Automotive Metal Stamping market is segmented in to 3 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;Segmentation by Technology: Comprises Blanking, Embossing, Flanging, Bending, Coining and Others)Segmentation by Application: Comprises Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles and OthersSegmentation by Regions: Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.Regional Analysis of Automotive Metal Stamping MarketThe metal stamping market in North America and Europe region is expected to grow, owing to the growing automotive industry in the region. The emerging trend of replacing the ferrous materials with the non-ferrous materials for reducing the weight of the machinery, is further driving the market in the region. North America region is also expected to grow further due to the existence of major players such as Kenmode Precision Metal Stamping, and Wisconsin Metal Parts, Inc. in the region.The report for Automotive metal stamping market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.Get Complete Report Details of Automotive Metal Stamping Market @Table of Contents1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology3 Market Dynamics4 Global Automotive Metal Stamping Market, By Technology5 Global Automotive Metal Stamping Market, By Application6 Regional Market Analysis7 Competitive Analysis8 MRFR ConclusionLIST OF TABLESTABLE 1 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGYTABLE 3 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET, BY APPLICATIONTABLE 4 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET, BY REGIONSTABLE 5 NORTH AMERICA AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET, BY COUNTRYLIST OF FIGURESFIGURE 1 RESEARCH TYPEFIGURE 2 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET: BY TECHNOLOGY (%)FIGURE 3 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET: BY APPLICATION (%)FIGURE 4 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET: BY REGIONFIGURE 5 NORTH AMERICA AUTOMOTIVE METAL STAMPING MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY (%)Continued.About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR) and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have the prime objective to provide optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies depending on products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments enables our clients to know more consequently do more, which gives them answer for their each and every important question. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industryCONTACT US:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 Latest trends in the Global Pacing Lead Market 2017 - 2025 Pacing Leads are used for the transmission of electrical stimulation signals from the pacemaker to the heart itself. Pacing leads and its ability of the transmission of electrical signals to the hearts are essential for the success of any pacemaker operation or device. Pacing leads having demand of biostability, biocompatibility and electrical requirement. In addition, pacing leads are ideal for long term implantable devices. Pacing leads are used during cardiovascular treatment. Pacing leads are minimally invasive medical devices that enable physicians to map the electrical system of the heart. When patient`s heart is not having sinus rhythm the cardiac output is not optimum. As pacing leads are placed to the myocardium after the cardiac surgery. The electrical activity of the heart can be paced and sensed once the pacing leads are placed and connected to pacemaker.Pacing leads can be sited on the right ventricle, atrium or in both. When pacing leads are placed only in atrium or ventricle then it is known as single chamber pacing while when pacing leads are placed in both chamber then it is known as dual chamber pacing. In single chamber pacing nearly invariably refers to employing the pacing lead on the right ventricle to make sure that the ventricles sufficiently pump blood through the body. However, if the ventricles or atria are not synchronized with each other, this often results in low cardiac output. While dual chamber pacing ensures the synchronization of atria and ventricles which results in the optimum cardiac output. However, placement of pacing lead on atrium can be lifesaving measure mainly when ventricular pacing is ineffectual.Request for Table of Contents @Pacing Lead Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe global Pacing Lead Market is driven by the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular disorders in developed nations, high disease occurrence in underdeveloped nations and various supportive government initiatives, and non-government organizations funding. The increase in the overall health care spending and resistance to conventional treatment technique has benefitted the global Pacing Lead Market. The global Pacing Lead Market is likely to be restrained by the high cost of research and development in this sector. Lack of awareness and costly medications are some restrains to global Pacing Lead Market.Pacing Lead Market: SegmentationThe global Pacing Lead Market is classified on the basis of application type and by end user.By Application typeUnipolar pacing leadsBipolar pacing leadsBy End UserHospitalsAmbulatory surgical centersPacing Lead Market: OverviewBased on application type, the global Pacing Lead Market is segmented into unipolar pacing leads and bipolar pacing leads. Similarly, based on end user, the market is segmented into, hospitals and online ambulatory surgical centers. Hospitals are expected to hold maximum share in the market due to higher rate of implants that take place in the hospitals segment as the reimbursement rates offered are better as compared to ambulatory surgical centers.Pacing Lead Market: Regional OverviewIn terms of region, the global Pacing Lead Market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is the leading player of Pacing Lead Market owing to increasing awareness and successful research in product innovations. Europe is the second leader in global Pacing Lead Market owing to development of devices and efficiency. Asia Pacific is also expected to grow due to increasing investment in health care spending and rise in research and development.Request a Sample Brochure of the Report @Pacing Lead Market: Key PlayersThe key players in the market are Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic, Biomerics, Greatbatch Medical, LivaNova Plc, MEDICOWEB, Qinming Medical, St. Jude Medical and BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG,About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: White Tea Market Trends Estimates High Demand by 2025 White tea is one of the varieties of tea which consists of young and least processed leaves of Camellia sinensis. It is made from juvenile buds, when the plant is in its primary growth phase. The beverage is soothing and nearly pale yellow in color and identified by mellow floral-fruity flavor, though its name comes from the small white hair present on the buds. White tea is also used in various other industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals etc. White Tea possess various properties such as anti-microbial properties, anti-oxidants, etc. hence have various health benefits.White Tea Market: Drivers and RestraintsAs tea market is witnessing a remarkable growth all over the world, the White Tea Market is also going parallel to the tea market. Although White Tea is not much popular, but steadily White Tea Market is getting the pace. The White Tea Market is driven by its health benefits and its medicinal properties. It contains anti-oxidants and high levels of caffeine. White Tea beverage accounts to reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases and various other problems. Another key driver for white tea market is its medicinal use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.Read Report Overview @White tea is the least processed tea, hence it takes less time and labor to process it, which accounts to drive the White Tea Market. Because the processing is minimum, White tea comes up with more natural benefits.The key producers of White tea are China and India, unfortunately other countries have to depend on the exports, hence could be considered as a restraint. Less awareness about white tea products may also hamper the market.White Tea Market: SegmentationWhite tea market is segmented on the basis of product type, applications, flavors and origin.Based on the product type, the white tea market is segmented into white peony white tea, silver needle white tea, Darjeeling White Tea, Moonlight White Tea, Shou Mei White Tea, White Matcha Tea. White peony white tea is made by first and second tips of the tea stem and are of the best quality while Silver needle white tea is the most expensive white tea which is made from the single tip of the tea stem. These tips when dried looks like silver needles. White Matcha is grown in Kenya.Request Report for TOC @Based upon the applications, the white tea market is segmented into the beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and toiletries. White tea is used as a non-alcoholic beverage drink that is consumed often and creates the major market. White tea possess anti-microbial properties, so can be used in pharmaceutical industry. Anti-ageing and anti-oxidant properties of White Tea are useful in cosmetic industries. White tea extract can be used as anti-ageing ingredient in cosmetic products. White tea can be used in toiletries such as sanitizing soaps as it possess the antibiotic properties which help in cleaning the hands.Based upon the flavors, white tea market is segmented into the flowery and fruity flavors. Flowery flavor is Smooth, creamy and possess buttery taste. It is made using white peony white tea while Fruity flavor is formed using Silver needle white tea which is very delicate, smooth and have sweet flavor with fruity tones.On the basis of variety, White tea market is segmented into conventional white tea and Organic white tea.White Tea Market: Regional OutlookDepending on the geographic regions global White Tea Market is segmented into five key regions: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Japan and MEA.Request to Sample Report @Western Europe is the leading consumer of the White Tea products followed by North America. Latin America also possess a large White Tea Market. Middle East and Africa also have a large numbers of import data for White tea. Japan is also becoming a large White Tea Market and expected to grow in forecast period.Asia Pacific White Tea Market is expected to grow during the forecast period because people are getting more health conscious and are keen to consume healthy beverages.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Next-Generation Optical Imaging Market Future Opportunities 2017 - 2025 Optical imaging is the capturing of functional information for the biological tissues, organs and even molecules for various diagnostics as well as clinical research purposes. The next phase of advancements in optical imaging systems came from the understanding of the basic principles of light and its interaction with matter. With the advancement of research & development activities, there is an increasing need of innovative optical imaging instruments described as next-generation optical imaging products. These next-generation optical imaging equipments are the translation of advanced technologies from physical sciences and engineering into biomedical optical imaging solutions. Next-generation optical imaging systems leverage advantages in computational optics, micro-fabrication and detector technology for improved high quality and in-depth visualization of scientific samples. There are various technologies available in the next-generation optical imaging market such as optical coherence tomography, diffuse optical tomography, photoacoustic imaging systems, optical microscopy, endoscopy system, hyperspectral imaging, optical brain-function imaging and others. This evolving technology promises better diagnostic accuracy, efficiency and patient safety.Request for Table of Contents @Currently, the technology is used in limited centers with a narrow competitive landscape. Various companies are still in the process of development of these equipments. Certain challenges are being faced for the development of optical imaging devices such as improving the speed of image acquisition, better and faster software for image processing, encouraging software sharing, and multiple imaging modalities.Use of technologically advanced medical imaging devices has become a crucial part of modern medicine to help the clinicians for providing the results quickly and non-invasively which is the major driving factor for next-generation optical imaging market. Further, continuous advancements in the scientific equipments and competition among market players drives the market. Along with this, adoption of innovative imaging technologies for upgrading the research facilities is also spurring the market. High cost factor associated with the products, affordability issues, as well as lack of distribution reach are some of the factors curbing the market growth.Next-generation optical imaging market: SegmentationBy Technology Type:Next Generation Optical Coherence TomographyNext-generation Diffuse Optical TomographyNext-Generation Photoacoustic Imaging SystemsNext-Generation Optical MicroscopyNext-Generation Endoscopy SystemNext-generation Hyperspectral ImagingNext-Generation Optical Brain-Function ImagingOthersBy Applications:OphthalmologyDermatologyOncologyGastroenterologyNeurologyDentistryDrug developmentOthersBy End Users:HospitalsDiagnostic CentersAcademic & Research InstitutesCompanies in this direction are adopting strategic marketing initiatives to increase their product sales such as organizing multidisciplinary workshops for updating biological scientists, engineers, and clinical researchers, presentation at various conferences as well as network building with various end users. The market for next-generation optical imaging is continuously adding up with various innovative equipments such as the recently launched next-generation endoscopy system ELUXEO in October 2016. Investments in the development of innovative imaging systems and funding from various government sources for advance research activities in this direction affects the market dynamics of next-generation optical imaging systems.Geographically, the market for Next-generation optical imaging can be segmented into five regions, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa. North America constitute the largest market share for next-generation optical imaging systems market globally because of technologically advanced laboratories, increased automation, focus on high-end research activities. This is followed by the European market because of increasing adoption trend for these next-generation systems in both diagnostic as well as clinical research settings. Asia Pacific market is anticipated to grow at a significant rate with the increasing government support for various research projects as well as increasing adoption trend of advanced equipments for research purposes. Middle East & Africa market represents the lowest market share and is anticipated to have a slow market growth or the adoption of these technologies.Request a Sample Brochure of the Report @Some major key players of Next-generation optical imaging market include Fujifilm Corporation, Agilent Technologies, Leica Microsystems, Olympus Corporation, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Boston Scientific Corporation, Glana sensors AB, Shimadzu Corporation and others.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Anthrax Vaccines Market Competitive Landscape Analysis with Forecast by 2025 Anthrax is a severe infectious disease caused by spores of a gram-positive bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. It generally infects through four routes viz. the lungs, the intestines, the skin, and injectable. Anthrax affects both humans and animals, especially ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. It does not easily spread from one person to another. Signs and symptoms of anthrax vary depending on the type of infection. Cutaneous anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, inhalation anthrax, and injection anthrax have different symptoms.Request Report Brochure @Common symptoms of cutaneous anthrax include rashes that are swollen, sore, and itchy. Nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, fever, bloody diarrhea, swollen neck, headache, and difficulty swallowing are most common signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal anthrax. Shortness of breath, coughing up blood, painful swallowing, mild chest discomfort, and nausea are symptoms of inhalation anthrax. Multiple organ failure, meningitis, and redness at the area of injection are the most common signs and symptoms of injection anthrax. Currently, two key methods are available to diagnose anthrax globally that utilizes the presence/absence of either antibodies or toxins in the patients blood sample. Moreover, healthcare specialists also recommended to use direct tests for diagnosing the presence of Bacillus anthracis in the sample (skin lesion swab, respiratory secretions, blood, and spinal fluid). Cell-free PA vaccines and live vaccines are available in the market for Anthrax vaccines.The global anthrax vaccines market is expanding significantly, due to increasing prevalence of the disease. Increased eating of undercooked or raw meat from infected animals drives the anthrax vaccines market. Increase in Industrial or manufacturing processing of contaminated materials such as hides and hair wool would also augment the market. Low rate of voluntary screening for the anthrax disease is a major restraint for the market. Awareness about anthrax diagnostic tests is extremely low in countries in Africa. Hence, companies are facing challenges with regard to market penetration in Africa. Moreover, several low- and middle-income countries in the sub-region depend on government grants for the provision of rapid diagnostic tests in the event of an epidemic. Therefore, direct reach to customers is weaker in these countries. These factors hamper the market in Africa.Enquiry for discount on this report @The global anthrax vaccines market can be segmented based on vaccine type, application, distribution channel, and region. In terms of vaccine type, the market can be categorized into cell-free PA vaccines and live vaccines. Based on application, the anthrax vaccines market can be segmented into human use and animal use. In terms of distribution channel, the market can be classified into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, and online pharmacies. In terms of revenue, the hospital pharmacies segment held a significant share of the global anthrax vaccines market in 2016.Based on region, the global anthrax vaccines market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is the leading market for anthrax vaccines. In terms of revenue, the U.S. holds a major share of the market in North America. The market in Europe is expanding rapidly, due to increasing patient population, especially in the U.K. and Germany. The markets in Asia Pacific and Latin America are projected to expand significantly in the near future. Developing economies such as China and India are anticipated to contribute to growth of the market in Asia Pacific between 2017 and 2025, owing to improved health care infrastructure, economic growth, increase in the number of insurance payers, growth of the private health care sector, and increase in awareness in these countries.Request for the TOC of the Report @Key players operating in the global anthrax vaccines market are Merck & Co., Inc., Emergent Bio-Solutions, Zoetis, Inc., PharmAthene, Inc., Biogenesis Bago S.A., Porton Biopharma Limited, Colorado Serum, and Merial (a Sanofi Compayny).About UsTransparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Polyurea Coatings Market to Observe Strong Development by 2025 A polyurea coating is formed by the reaction of a pre-polymer such as methylene diphenyl di-isocyanate (MDI) or hexamethylene di-isocyanate (HDI) with amine-terminated resins. Polyurea was developed in the 1980's for the automotive industry and was originally used as a truck-bed liner to form a lasting watertight layer. Polyurea coatings are now used for a wide variety of applications in building & construction, infrastructure, automotive, marine, and manufacturing industries. Polyurea coatings are elastomeric in nature. It is a more advanced technology than traditional coating technologies such as epoxy, vinyl ester, PU, and polychloroprene. Polyurea coatings are applied on infrastructure and building components such as tunnels, water reservoir containers, pedestrian footpaths, floor coverings, and sewage pits. Polyurea coatings are widely applied also on bridges, tanks, truck linings, and secondary containments. Due to its excellent resistance to hydrocarbons and corrosive gases, polyurea is employed as an industrial coating for highly demanding applications in oil & gas and chemical industries.View Report Preview:Depending upon the method of formulation and application of polyurea coatings, different types of polyurea coatings can be formulated to attain an extensive range of properties. These properties vary from high elongation to high tensile strength and from a very hard material to a soft one. Polyurea coatings have superior water resistance, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, durability, resistance to weathering, corrosion resistance, and mechanical strength. These coatings can be applied in a variety of designs and colors and they are available as water-based formulations also. One of the key advantages of polyurea coatings over other competing materials is their fast set characteristics. Cure times for polyurea coatings usually range from a few seconds to a few minutes as opposed to much longer cure times required for traditional coatings. Low set time ensures that a facility can be back in use without suffering revenue loss due to downtime. Polyurea coatings also form strong and durable bonds with different substrates such as metals, concrete, ceramics, and wood. Properties of polyurea coatings sustain over a wide temperature range and a variety of climatic conditions. However, polyurea coatings have some drawbacks with the most significant being higher cost of the material as compared to other substitutes. Also, the application of polyurea coatings requires the use of expensive equipment. However, polyurea coatings last substantially longer than their substitutes and hence, they are more cost-effective throughout the life of the coating.The global polyurea coatings market has witnessed rapid growth in the last decade and this trend is likely to continue in the near future. The building & construction industry is the leading consumer of polymer coatings. Rapid industrialization and urbanization in several parts of the world is likely to fuel the demand for polyurea coatings in the next few years. Polyurea coatings are also employed extensively in the industrial sector as protective coatings against corrosion. North America is the leading consumer of polyurea coatings accounting for more than 33% share of the global market. The ongoing recovery of the construction sector in the U.S. as well as the renewed focus on manufacturing in the country are factors likely to boost the demand for polyurea coatings in North America. Europe also accounts for a significant share of the plastic coatings market, owing to the rise in demand from automobile manufacturers concentrated in the region. Germany, the U.K., France, and Italy are the key consumers of polyurea coatings in Europe. Demand for polyurea coatings is expected to surge in Asia Pacific and the market in the region is expected to expand rapidly in the near future. Rapid industrial growth and boom in the construction sector in China are factors expected to provide high opportunity to the polyurea coatings market in Asia Pacific in the next few years. The polyurea coatings market in emerging economies such as India, Thailand, and Malaysia is poised to expand at a significant rate during the forecast period.Despite the slowdown in the oil & gas industry, the outlook of the polyurea market appears positive, due to increasing use of protective coatings in the oil & gas industry; as companies are beginning to prefer condition-based monitoring over the breakdown maintenance approach. Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa are the other major countries for the polyurea market.Key players operating in the global polyurea market are PPG Industries, Nukote Coating Systems, Sherwin-Williams Company, VIP GmbH, Rhino Linings, Kukdo Chemicals, Versaflex Inc., Specialty Products, Inc., and Wasser Corporation.Request to view Sample Report:The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday signed into a law a controversial Computer and cyber-crime law criminalizing fake news and online bullying. The Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act is aimed at punishing cyber fraud and illegal hacking. Under the new law, anyone who intentionally publishes false, misleading or fictitious data or misinforms, with or without any financial gain, commits an offense and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of up to $50,000 or imprisonment for up to 10 years. The bill also imposes stiff fines and jail terms for hacking, computer fraud, and cyber-espionage, publishing child pornography or sending pornographic content via any electronic means. The new law allows authorities to search and seize stored computer data, and to collect and intercept data real-time. Rights activists have warned about an increasingly hostile and oppressive environment for journalists in Kenya. New York-based media rights watchdog the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) warned that the bill could criminalize free speech, with journalists and bloggers likely to be among the first victims if it is signed into law. Last week, CPJ urged President Kenyatta not to assent to the bill. Article 19, a London-based freedom of expression watchdog, in an April statement, said the bill contains several broadly defined offenses with harsh sentences that could dramatically chill freedom of expression online in Kenya. Kennedy Kachwanya, Kenyan bloggers association chairman says writers are foreseeing a situation where the government will in the future dismiss information published against them that is not positive as fake news. Chitosan Gauzes & Granules Market Share and Growth Factors Impact Analysis 2017 - 2025 Chitosan is a polymer of saccharides composed of D glucosamine molecules. Chitosan is not abundantly available in nature; however, its precursor form i.e. Chitin is widely found in invertebrates such as shell fish, shrimps, and a few insects. It is also found in certain species of mushrooms, algae, and yeast. Chitosan is a de-acetylation product of chitin. Chitosan is found to be highly biocompatible, which has led to its wide usage in the medical field. Chitosan is also found to have anti-microbial properties, due to which it is used in agriculture as bio-pesticide and for seed processing. A major application of chitosan in the medical field is its use as an anti-bleeding agent. It has been used in case of trauma and surgeries to quickly stop the bleeding and maintain hemostasis. Chitosan gauzes and granules help in hemostasis by plasma absorption, erythrocyte coagulation, and platelet adhesion and activation. Its anti-microbial properties boost its use as a hemostatic agent in the form of gauze or granule.Request Report Brochure @Chitosan gauzes and granules are widely used in trauma cases such as war wounds and accidents in order to stop the bleeding. According to an article published in the European Journal of Medicines in 2015, around 50% of traumatic and combat deaths are caused by massive bleeding. Increasing demand for safety is likely to drive the market for chitosan gauzes & granules during the forecast period. Moreover, chitosan gauzes and granules are also employed to achieve hemostasis during surgical incisions and post-surgical wound management. Increasing number of surgeries across the globe is projected to fuel the chitosan gauzes & granules market from 2017 to 2025. Innovative product designs in terms of packaging and application form are estimated to increase the consumption of chitosan gauzes and granules. However, availability of alternative materials such as fibrin sealants, platelet gel, cyanoacrylate, and recently developed Vitigel is anticipated to restrain the market in the next few years.The global chitosan gauzes & granules market can be segmented based on product, indication, distribution channel, and region. In terms of product, the global market can be divided into gauzes and granules. The granules segment can be sub-divided into pre-filled applicators and pouches. The pre-filled applicators sub-segment is likely to witness high growth during the forecast period, owing to ease of use and storage offered by these applicators. The gauzes segment is likely to account for a leading share of the global market during the forecast period. Based on indication, the global gauzes & granules market can be segmented into trauma, surgery & dental, soft tissue biopsy, and others. The trauma segment is likely to hold a leading share of the global market during the forecast period, owing to preference for chitosan gauzes and granules in first-aid treatment. Based on distribution channel, the global chitosan gauzes & granules market can be segmented into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, online pharmacies, and others. The others segment which include institutional sales is projected to account for a major share of the global chitosan gauzes & granules market between 2017 and 2025.Enquiry for discount on this report @Geographically, the global chitosan gauzes & granules market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is estimated to constitute a leading share of the global market during the forecast period, owing to high consumption of chitosan gauzes and granules for combat and trauma injuries. Europe is anticipated to account for a significant share of the global market, while the market in Asia Pacific is projected to witness high growth during the forecast period, owing to increasing health care expenditure in the region.Major players operating in the global chitosan gauzes & granules market are Celox, Axio Biosolutions Private Limited, Tricol Biomedical, Abbott Laboratories, Scion BioMedical, Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc., gel-e, Inc., BenQ Materials Corporation, and SAM Medical.Request for the TOC of the Report @About UsTransparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Dental Turbines Market Latest Trends and Future Growth Study by 2025 Dental turbines are instrument made by combining precision parts that move in highest synchronization and speed to perform dental procedures. These instruments are used to remove dental decay and reshape a tooth prior to insertion of filling or crown. Dental turbines are also used to clean or shape the root canal during endodontic procedures. Dental drills can rotate at speeds ranging from 100,000 rpm to 400,000 rpm. The metal alloy bits used in dental turbines, also known as burrs, can be made from steel coated with either tungsten carbide or diamond. Dental drill, also known as dental hand piece, should be safe, effective, and available in wide range of speeds, enable gross hard tissue removal, enable preparation refinement, perform with minimum patient discomfort, and lightweight. Dental turbines have been widely utilized in clinical dentistry for over 30 years. Increase in incidence of dental disorders along with rise in number of specialized dental clinics, adoption of advanced technologies by dentists, and growing esthetic dental awareness are the factors boosting the growth of the global dental turbines market. However, high cost of dental hand piece device, heavy material, and brand loyalty are the factors restraining the global dental turbines market.Request Report Brochure @The global dental turbines market can be segmented based on product type, speed, end-user, and region. In terms of product type, the market can be categorized into air driven turbines, electric turbines, and hybrid air-electric turbines. Air driven turbines are cheaper than electric turbines; however, electric turbines offer higher torque than air driven turbines. Based on speed, the global dental turbines market can be classified into high speed dental turbines and low speed dental turbines. High speed turbines are preferred in procedures such as dental cuttings and finishing restoration. Low speed turbines are used for endodontic procedure and removal of plaques. In terms of end-user, the market can be divided into hospitals, dental clinics, and academic & research centers. Hospitals and dental clinics are expected to dominate in the global dental turbines market during the forecast period.Geographically, the global dental turbines market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America dominates the global dental turbines market owing to increase in number of dental visits, technological advancements, and availability of top class and specialized dental hospitals & clinics. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S., the percentage of dental visits among children aged 2 years to 17 years, adults between 18 years and 65 years, and adults above 65 years was 84.75%, 64.0%, and 62.7%, respectively, in 2015.Enquiry for discount on this report @Europe is the second largest market for dental turbines, as the population is highly conscious about oral health. Asia Pacific is expected to be the most lucrative market for dental turbines owing to rise in number of patients with dental disorders and adoption of novel dental technologies by dentists in emerging countries such as India, China, and Japan. Moreover, expansion of distribution channels by key players in this region is expected to boost the dental turbines market in Asia Pacific.Major players operating in the global dental turbines market are DentalEZ, A-dec, Inc., FONA Dental, NSK, W&H Group, Dentamerica, Inc., The Turbine Source (a division of sed, Inc.), Guilin Woodpecker Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., The Yoshida Dental Mfg. Co., Ltd., Cefla S.C., KaVo Dental, Dentsply Sirona, Inc., and Dentflex, among others.Request for the TOC of the Report @About UsTransparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Pentachloronitrobenzene Market to Perceive Substantial Growth by the End 2025 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) is a well-known fungicide derived from nitrobenzene. It is solid with off-white or yellow color and musty odor. The color of PCNB depends on its purity. PCNB was formerly synthesized in laboratory in 1868. In 1930, Bayer AG introduced PCNB to the agriculture industry as a temporary substitute to mercurial pesticides. PCNB is produced by chlorination of nitrobenzene in chlorosulfuric acid at temperature ranging from 60C to 70 C and uses iodine as a catalyst. It can also be manufactured by the nitration of chlorinated benzenes. Hexachlorobenzene is one of the by-products of the synthesis of PCNB. It is considered as hazardous as PCNB.View Report Preview:PCNB Market: Drivers and RestraintsIncrease in population in many parts of Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Africa is boosting the demand for food in these regions. Limited unutilized land area can be brought into cultivation; hence, increase of crop yield is the only viable alternative to boost food production. In order to meet this objective, countries in developing regions are increasing their use of fertilizers and pesticides. Rise in consumption of fertilizers and pesticides is, in turn, likely to augment the demand for PCNB. There is growing public sentiment against the use of synthetic chemical based fertilizers and pesticides in farming. Developed countries such as the U.S., Germany, the U.K., France, and Canada are estimated to be highly affected by these developments due to the rise in popularity of organic farming in these countries.PCNB is used as fungicide to suppress the growth of fungi in various crops such as cotton, rice, and seed grains. It is also used to prevent the formation of slime in industrial waters. Residual amounts of the compound and its metabolites can be found in crops. The degradation products, PCA, and PCTA have been found in farming soils and river sediments. PCNB is used as soil fungicide in lawns and ornamental crops. It is also used in seed treatment of field crops and vegetables (e.g., barley, corn, cotton, oats, rice, and wheat). Furthermore, PCNB is used as slime inhibitor in industrial waters.PCNB Market: SegmentationBased on application, the PCNB market can be segmented into:Soil FungicideSeed FungicideHerbicideIndustrial Water TreatmentOthersPCNB is a contact fungicide, which is used for different types of field crops, horticultural crops, certain vegetables, in greenhouses and to control diseases caused by fungal infections. The fungicide is primarily effective against soil-borne pathogens. It is also effective against foliar diseases. PCNB is also employed as seed treatment pesticide for crop seeds such as peanuts, corn, soybeans, cotton, and grain.Request to view Sample Report:PCNB Market: Region-wise OutlookBased on geography, the global PCNB market can be segregated into North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is anticipated to be a highly attractive region for the PCNB market during the forecast period. Growth in consumption of pesticides in countries such as China, India, and Indonesia is likely to boost the demand for PCNB in the next decade. Implementation of stringent environmental regulations in North America and Europe is expected to lead to sluggish demand for PCNB based pesticides. Many developed countries have already banned the usage of PCNB based pesticides. However, restricted use of the chemical as fungicide is permitted in the U.S., Canada, Israel, New Zealand, and Australia.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Smart Meters Market 2018 Key Players: Schneider Electric, Siemens AG, Honeywell International, Inc., Itron Inc., Sensus (Xylem). Smart Meters Market Smart Meters adds Smart Meters Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2025reports to its database.Executive SummaryGlobal Smart Meters Market valued approximately USD 29.5 million in 2016 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 5.9% over the forecast period 2017-2025.The major driving factor for the growth of global smart meter market is government support and incentives, as utilities are initially reluctant to make huge investment in new technology without their support. Technological advancements such as smart grid development, infrastructure development, growing population and rise in economic developments are some of the other factors boosting the growth of global smart meter market. The successful deployment of global smart meter market is dependent on logistics which influences the delivery, installation and performance of smart meter. The health effects concerning wireless signals in smart meter, security concerns, regulatory constraints and stiff competition are some of the challenges faced by global smart meter market.The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:By Type:Smart Electric MetersSmart Water MetersSmart Gas MetersBy Application:Residential Smart Meters MarketCommercial Smart Meters MarketIndustrial Smart Meters MarketBy Technology:Automated Metering Reading (AMR)Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:Historical year 2015Base year 2016Forecast period 2017 to 2025Some of the key manufacturers involved in the market are Schneider Electric, Siemens AG, Honeywell International, Inc., Itron Inc., Sensus (Xylem). Acquisitions and effective mergers are some of the strategies adopted by the key manufacturers. New product launches and continuous technological innovations are the key strategies adopted by the major players.Target Audience of the Global Smart Meters Market in Market Study:Key Consulting Companies & AdvisorsLarge, medium-sized, and small enterprisesVenture capitalistsValue-Added Resellers (VARs)Third-party knowledge providersInvestment bankersInvestorsRequest Sample Report @Table of Content:Chapter 1. Global Smart Meters Market Definition and Scope1.1. Research Objective1.2. Market Definition1.3. Scope of The Study1.4. Years Considered for The Study1.5. Currency Conversion Rates1.6. Report LimitationChapter 2. Research Methodology2.1. Research Process2.1.1. Data Mining2.1.2. Analysis2.1.3. Market Estimation2.1.4. Validation2.1.5. Publishing2.2. Research AssumptionChapter 3. Executive Summary3.1. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2015-2025 (USD Billion)3.2. Key TrendsChapter 4. Global Smart Meters Market Dynamics4.1. Growth Prospects4.1.1. Drivers4.1.2. Restraints4.1.3. Opportunities4.2. Industry Analysis4.2.1. Porters 5 Force Model4.2.2. PEST Analysis4.2.3. Value Chain Analysis4.3. Analyst Recommendation & ConclusionChapter 5. Global Smart Meters Market, By TypeChapter 6. Global Smart Meters Market, by ApplicationChapter 7. Global Smart Meters Market, By TechnologyChapter 8. Global Smart Meters Market, by Regional AnalysisChapter 9. Competitive Intelligence9.1. Company Market Share (Subject to Data Availability)9.2. Top Market Strategies9.3. Company Profiles9.3.1. Schneider Electric9.3.1.1. Overview9.3.1.2. Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary9.3.1.4. Recent Developments9.3.2. Siemens AG9.3.3. Honeywell International, Inc.9.3.4. Itron, Inc.9.3.5. Sensus (Xylem)9.3.6. EDMI Limited9.3.7. Badger Meter, Inc,9.3.8. Holley Metering, Limited9.3.9. ICSA (India), Limited9.3.10. Aclara Technologies, LLC.ContinuousFor further information on this report, visit Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Bone Wax Market to Surpass the Value of US$ 84.2 Million by 2026 Transparency Market Research (TMR) has published a new report titled, Bone Wax Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 20182026. According to the report, the global bone wax market was valued at US$ 68.8 Mn in 2017 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 2% from 2018 to 2026 to reach US$ 84.2 Mn in 2026. The report suggests that increase in usage of bone wax products in orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery procedures across the globe is anticipated to boost the growth of the bone wax market from 2018 to 2026.Request for Sample Copy of Report @North America and Europe are projected to dominate the global bone wax market. The market in these regions is driven by increase in number of surgical procedures, innovations in bone wax products, usage as a drug carrier for medications, and rise in prevalence of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. The market in Asia Pacific is projected to expand at a growth rate of 3% during the forecast period. The bone wax market in Latin America is likely to witness sluggish growth from 2018 to 2026.Increase in Number of Procedures Such as Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, and Thoracic Surgery to Fuel Market GrowthAccording to the U.S. FDA regulations, bone wax products are generally considered under the medical device Class II segment. Bone wax product offers hemostatic property which is used to physically block bleeding and the bone. Bone wax products include white beeswax as the major component which is formulated with around 70% beeswax and around 30% of softening agents. Softening agents are most often paraffin waxes, palmitates, oils, and petrolatum. Bone wax is primarily used to control bleeding from bone surfaces during surgical operations. The number of surgical procedures have been rising in the past few years. Rise in cases of orthopedic diseases has led to high number of orthopedic surgeries. Surge in epidemiology of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is a major factor propelling the number of orthopedic surgeries. Osteoporosis is an alarming health issue, especially among the elderly population.Orthopedic Surgery Segment Leads the MarketIncrease in orthopedic and accidental fracture cases along with rise in prevalence of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is a major factor propelling the number of orthopedic surgeries. Osteoporosis is a serious health concern, especially among the geriatric population. The disease is associated with weakening of knee, hip, wrist, spinal bones, and joints. It accounts for around 8.6 million fractures across the globe each year, and is more prevalent in women. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates, 75 million people are diagnosed with osteoporosis in Europe, the U.S., and Japan. Osteoarthritis is one of the ten most disabling diseases in developed countries. Nearly 25% of individuals suffering from arthritis have difficulty in performing day to day activities. According to statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 50 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with arthritis. Many of these individuals have activity limitation.Enquiry for discount on this report @Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Hospitals Segments to Expand at High CAGRsAn ambulatory surgical center or an ASC is an innovative and technologically advanced medical facility for performing outpatient surgical procedures. These centers are fully equipped with modern machinery and are able to perform a number of specialized surgical procedures. Major factors anticipated to drive the segment during the forecast period are increase in penetration of ambulatory surgical centers and presence of effective reimbursement policies. Hospitals, including tertiary care health centers, perform high-end surgeries. Medication/treatment in hospitals is easy and reliable, as patients can easily avail treatment during a doctors visit. Hospitals are the most preferred choice and highly favorable settings for various orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, and thoracic surgery procedures. Therefore, the segment is expected to witness robust growth during the forecast period.North America to be a Highly Lucrative Market for Bone Wax ProductsThe bone wax market in North America is driven by increase in adoption of synthetic bone wax products, availability of well-defined reimbursement policies for surgical procedures, and well-established health care industry. The U.S. held the major share of the market in North America, owing to increase in adoption of new products related to bone wax along with high awareness among end-users. Additionally, players operating in the U.S. focus on R&D to introduce new products with improved efficacy. Increase in adoption of bone wax products in maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, and orthopedic surgery boosts the market in the region. Moreover, established rules and regulations and favorable reimbursements for surgical procedures are expected to positively impact the bone wax market in North America in the near future.Trend of Entry of Local Players Leading to Intense Competition and Decrease in PricesThe global bone wax market is fragmented, with presence of several small scale and large scale companies. Additionally, the local players from emerging countries such as India and China are focusing on expanding their business across different regions. Key players operating in the global bone wax market are ABYRX, Inc., Ethicon, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson), B. Braun Melsungen AG, Covidien plc. (Medtronic plc), Baxter International, Medline Industries, Inc., Futura Surgicare Pvt. Ltd., GPC Medical Ltd., WNDM Medical, Inc., Surgical Specialties Corporation, and Bentley Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. The bone wax market is dominated by two major players, with strong presence across the world.Request for the TOC of the Report @About UsTransparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information we offer customized solutions through adhoc reports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.TMR believes that unison of solutions for clients-specific problems with right methodology of research is the key to help enterprises reach right decision.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Chemical Tanker Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2018-2025 Chemical Tanker is a type of tanker ship designed to transport chemicals in bulk, chemical tanker means a ship constructed or adapted for carrying in bulk any liquid product of the International Bulk Chemical Code.Global Chemical Tanker Market is expected to reach USD 37.56 billion by 2025, from USD 26.82 billion in 2017, growing at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025.Request For Free Sample Report@Global Chemical Tanker Market research studies several features of business environment, such as competitors, market structure, government regulations, economic trends, technological advances and financial analysis of companies, industries, and sectors. This helps businesses in the decision-making process of planning and implementing strategies for their markets.Chemical Tanker Market Research helps companies to obtain market information from different sources, and in multiple formats. It aims to study supply and demand, analyze data as per geography, age factors, demography, technology, product, psychographic & gender differences, and many other parameters. Access to in-depth market trends helps companies to assess the market effectiveness. Some of the multiple techniques used for market research include customer analysis, choice modeling, competition and risk analysis, product research, advertising the research, marketing mix modeling, simulated test marketing, and more.The upcoming market report contains data for historic years 2015 & 2016, the base year of calculation is 2017 and the forecast period is 2018 to 2025.Major Market Competitors/Players: Bahri, Stolt-Nielsen, Odfjell, Navig8, MOL CHEMICAL TANKERS PTE. LTD., Nordic Tankers A/S, Wilmar International Ltd., MISC Berhad, teamtankers, Iino Kaiun Kaisha, Eitzen Chemical,, JO Tankers, Stolt-Nielsen, Tokyo Marine Asia Pvt Ltd., Nordic Tankers A/S, IINO KAIUN KAISHA Ltd., and PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk., among others.Inquiry before Buying:Global Chemical Tanker Market Industry 2018 Market Research Report focuses on price, sales, revenue and growth rate of each type, as well as the types and each type price of key manufacturers, through interviewing key manufacturers. Second on basis of segments by manufacturers, this report focuses on the sales, price of each type, average price of Credit Insurance, revenue and market share, for key manufacturers.Complete report on Global Chemical Tanker Market Research Report 2017-2024 spread across 350 Pages, profiling Top companies and supports with tables and figuresMarket Definition:According to the recent article published by Info Connect Web Technologies India Pvt Ltd, growth in chemical industry is one of the major contributors of Indian economy. Currently the annual growth rate of the chemical industry is 12.5 percent. The chemical industry of India contributed 13 percent towards the total export from India in the year of 2017.Due to the increased growth rate in the chemical industry the global market for chemical tanker is anticipated to nurture in the coming years. In the recent publication by HT Media Ltd, Industry Indias stainless steel production to rise to 3.6 million tonnes at the end of year 2017. Hence, this will positively affect the growth of chemical tanker in the coming years.Chemical Tanker Market report defines the market trends and forecast the upcoming opportunities and threats of the chemical tanker market in the next 8 years. Chemical tankers are used in the shipment of various vital organic substances such as acetic acid, alcohols, propene, benzene, salt, benzyl acetate, methanol, formic acid, and phenol. Growth in chemical industry is playing a vital role for the growth of chemical tanker market.Key Questions Answered in Global Chemical Tanker Market Report:-Our Report offers:- What will the market growth rate, Overview and Analysis by Type of Global Chemical Tanker Market in 2025? What are the key factors driving, Analysis by Applications and Countries Global Chemical Tanker Market? What are Dynamics, This Overview Includes Analysis of Scope, and price analysis of top Vendors Profiles of Global Chemical Tanker Market? Who are Opportunities, Risk and Driving Force of Global Chemical Tanker Market? Who are the opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in Global Chemical Tanker Market? Business Overview by Type, Applications, Gross Margin and Market Share What are the Global Chemical Tanker Market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Market?Request for Detailed TOC:Major Market Drivers and Restraints: Growth of the chemical industry. Increasing demand for oilseeds/vegetable oils & fats. Slow growth in crude oil production. Oil bunkering regulationsKey Reasons to Purchase: To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the Global Chemical Tanker Market and its commercial landscape. Assess the Global Chemical Tanker Market production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk. To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the Global Chemical Tanker Market and its impact in the Global market. Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations. To understand the future outlook and prospects for Global Chemical Tanker Market.Customize report of "Global Chemical Tanker Market" as per customers requirement also available.Market Segmentations:Global Chemical Tanker Market is segmented on the basis of Product Fleet Type Material Method geographFor any query Speak to Analyst:Market Segmentation: The global chemical tanker market is segmented based on product type, fleet type, fleet material and geographical segments. Based on product type, the global chemical tanker market is segmented organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals, vegetable oils & fats, and other. On the basis of fleet type, the global chemical tanker market segmented into IMO 1, IMO 2, IMO 3, and others. On the basis of fleet material, the global chemical tanker market segmented into stainless steel, coated, and others.On the basis of Geography, North America South America Europe Asia-Pacific Middle East & AfricaCompetitive Analysis:The global chemical tanker market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of chemical tanker market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and South America.Access Full Report:About Data Bridge Market Research:Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.Contact:Data Bridge Market ResearchTel: +1-888-387-2818Email: Global Continuous Manufacturing Market 2018 Key Players: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., GEA Group AG, Hosokawa Micron Corporation, Corperion GmbH, Glatt GmbH. Continuous Manufacturing Market Continuous Manufacturing adds Continuous Manufacturing Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2025reports to its database.Executive SummaryGlobal Continuous Manufacturing Market valued approximately USD 263 million in 2016 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 12% over the forecast period 2017-2025. Key factors driving the growth of the market are cost-effective approach for pharmaceutical manufacturing, increasing efficiency of manufacturing operations provided by Continuous Processes, Additionally, the favourable regulatory environment is estimated to drive the acceptance of continuous manufacturing processes across the globe. However, lack of regulatory and technical clarity is the major restraining the growth of the market.The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:By Product:Integrated SystemsOlea-chemicalCarbohydratesPetrochemicalProteinsOther Organic Chemicals.Semi-Continuous Systems.Continuous GranulatorsContinuous BlendersContinuous CompressorsContinuous CoatersContinuous DryersOther Semi-Continuous System.ControlsBy Application:End Product ManufacturingSolid-Dosage ManufacturingLiquid-Dosage ManufacturingApi ManufacturingBy End Use:Full-Scale ManufacturingPharmaceutical CompaniesContract Manufacturing OrganizationResearch & Development (R&D) DepartmentContract Research OrganizationResearch InstitutesFurthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:Historical year 2015Base year 2016Forecast period 2017 to 2025Request Sample Report @Some of the key manufacturers involved in the market are Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., GEA Group AG, Hosokawa Micron Corporation, Corperion GmbH, Glatt GmbH, Korsch AG, Munson Machinery Company, Inc., L.B. Bohle Mashinen + Verfahren GmbH, Acquisitions and effective mergers are some of the strategies adopted by the key manufacturers. New product launches and continuous technological innovations are the key strategies adopted by the major players.Target Audience of the Global Continuous Manufacturing Market in Market Study:Key Consulting Companies & AdvisorsLarge, medium-sized, and small enterprisesVenture capitalistsValue-Added Resellers (VARs)Third-party knowledge providersInvestment bankersInvestorsTable of Content:Chapter 1. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market Definition and Scope1.1. Research Objective1.2. Market Definition1.3. Scope of The Study1.4. Years Considered for The Study1.5. Currency Conversion Rates1.6. Report LimitationChapter 2. Research Methodology2.1. Research Process2.1.1. Data Mining2.1.2. Analysis2.1.3. Market Estimation2.1.4. Validation2.1.5. Publishing2.2. Research AssumptionChapter 3. Executive Summary3.1. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2015-2025 (USD Billion)3.2. Key TrendsChapter 4. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market Dynamics4.1. Growth Prospects4.1.1. Drivers4.1.2. Restraints4.1.3. Opportunities4.2. Industry Analysis4.2.1. Porters 5 Force Model4.2.2. PEST Analysis4.2.3. Value Chain Analysis4.3. Analyst Recommendation & ConclusionChapter 5. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market, By ProductChapter 6. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market, By ApplicationChapter 7. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market, By End UseChapter 8. Global Continuous Manufacturing Market, by Regional AnalysisChapter 9. Competitive Intelligence9.1. Company Market Share (Subject to Data Availability)9.2. Top Market Strategies9.3. Company Profiles9.3.1. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Overview9.3.1.2. Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary9.3.1.4. Recent Developments9.3.2. GEA Group AG9.3.3. Hosokawa Micron Corporation9.3.4. Corperion GmbH9.3.5. Glatt GmbH9.3.6. Korsch AG9.3.7. Munson Machinery Company, Inc.9.3.8. L.B. Bohle Mashinen + Verfahren GmbH9.3.9. Bosch Packaging Technology9.3.10. Gebruder Lodige Maschinenbau GmbH9.3.11. Baker Perkins Ltd.ContinuousFor further information on this report, visit Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Field Mount Temperature Transmitter Market: An Insight On the Important Factors and Trends Influencing the Market Field Mount Temperature Transmitter have great usage in industrial manufacturing as a means of process control. These provide temperature as feedback during different stages in the manufacturing process. A temperature sensor like a thermocouple generates a signal, which is picked up by the transmitter to calculate heat levels. The transmitter is installed in its own housing, so that it can be used in the field where conditions may call for extra protection, such as in high performance industrial operations.Field Mount Temperature Transmitters are located close to sensor in order to increase received signal strength. Also Field mount temperature transmitter offers advantages like high immunity to conducted noise, high immunity to energy-loaded transients, high immunity to HF noise, high immunity to burst noise, extremely low temperature coefficient, high signal / noise ratio of typically 80-100 dB over other types of temperature transmitter.Read Comprehensive Overview of ReportField Mount Temperature Transmitter Market: DynamicsField Mount Temperature Transmitter categories a variety of types of temperature transmitter, all having different dynamics. The growing chemical and petrochemical industry is the key driver for global field mount temperature transmitter market. Replacement of obsolete technologies by field mount temperature transmitter in applications like commercial vending machines, liquid level indicators, pipeline and temperature monitoring and welding machines will drive the market.The demand for field mount temperature transmitter is growing in mature oil markets as it facilitates process optimization and lean manufacturing. The HCAV segment will show a healthy growth in future owing to home and industrial automation. Due compact size and low power consumption the demand for thermocouple and IC temperature transmitter is also high.Field Mount Temperature Transmitter Market- SegmentationThe global field mount temperature transmitter market is segmented by product type, end use application ad industrial application.The global field mount temperature transmitter market is segmented by product type as:ThermistorsBimetallic temperature transmitterResistive temperature detectors (RTDs)Bimetallic temperature transmitterFiber optic temperature transmitterThermocouplesPDF Brochure For Future AdvancementsThe global field mount temperature transmitter market is segmented by end use application as:Chemicals and petrochemicalProcess end-use applicationsOil & gasMetalsAdvanced fuelsGlassPlasticsEnergy & powerFood & beveragesOthersThe global field mount temperature transmitter market is segmented by industrial application as:HealthcareElectrical and electronicsHVACAerospace & defenseAutomotiveField Mount Temperature Transmitter Market- Regional OutlookGeographically, the Global Field Mount Temperature Transmitter market is designed for seven regions namely, North-America, Western Europe, Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ), Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East & Africa and Japan. Currently, Europe being the largest manufacturer of field mount temperature transmitter holds the largest share in the global market, closely followed by North America. Urbanization In these regions will further drive the demand with a steady growth rate.Download and View Report TOC, Figures and TablesOwing to increasing demand for automation Asia Pacific is expected to show highest growth rate over the forecast period. Also the demand for chemical ad petrochemicals is high in the region. Increasing R&D activities in many Asian countries will promote market growth. Also new project commissioning and energy capacity expansion will drive the market in the region. The overall outlook for the global field mount temperature transmitter market is positive.Field Mount Temperature Transmitter Market- Key PlayersSome key players in field mount temperature transmitters areEndress+Hauser AGEmerson Electric CompanyABB Ltd.Yokogawa Electric CorporationHoneywell International Inc.Siemens AGWIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KGSchneider Electric SEGeneral ElectricVaisala OyjBox Gauge Market: Competitive AnalysisKey manufacturers field mount temperature transmitters are focusing in product development including enabling wider industrial applications with the help of their R&D department. The leading market players are trying to develop energy efficient and compact field mount temperature transmitters. The global market is likely to witness further more field mount temperature transmitters developments along with growing demand, triggering the market growth during the forecast period.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Next Generation Bullet Proofing Market: Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored Bullet proof jackets often known by bullet proof vests is an armor that helps to protect the soldiers from bullets, knives, bomb explosion by absorbing the impact and stop the attack from penetrating in the body. The soft vest is made of different layers of woven and laminated fibers that protect soldiers, security guards from shotgun, small caliber hand gun and explosives. Ballistic plates are often inserted inside the soft vests.In addition, metal plates can be used with soft vest, thereby providing extra protection against rifles and knife stabbing. These vests uses different layers of strong fibers that deforms bullet, spreading its force over a wider portion of the fiber thus mushrooming the bullet into a dish shape.The bulletproof jacket market is primarily driven by the increasing security threats both internally and externally as well. Internal threats such as poverty, political violence and economic sabotage and external threats like terrorist attacks and smuggling are boosting the need of bulletproof jackets in the global market. Rising consciousness for commercial security is also fuelling the demand of bulletproof vests or jackets globally.Get Report DetailsConcern for security in commercial sectors such as retail sectors security, healthcare security, and transport security among others are increasing rapidly due to the increasing threats. Increasing investment in defense budget by the government is also one of the driving factors in the bulletproof jacket market.Increasing security threats is one of the factor due to which government is increasing the defense budget so as to enhance the security defense. Moreover, survivability of the soldiers is escalating the growth of the bulletproof jackets market globally. These jackets or vests help soldiers to protect themselves from the bullets, attack with knives and grenade explosions.Obtain BrochureHigh cost of the bulletproof vests is restraining the demand of these vests in the global market. The price of these vests is higher due to the implementation of newer technology and improved quality of materials that are used in manufacturing of these vests. Light weight bulletproof jackets are one such instance where newer material technology is used that leads higher price of the jacket.Moreover, stern regulatory framework is hindering the demand of bulletproof jacket market globally. Strict quality control policy is setting back the growth of bulletproof jacket market as there are many companies whose vests are rejected due to the quality control issues.Implementation of newer technology in the bulletproof jackets undertakes as a major opportunities in the global bulletproof jacket market. Development in the bulletproof materials with nanotechnology is expected to be an important opportunities in this market. It is experimented and observed that graphene is ten times better than steel in absorbing energy of a penetrating projectile. Advancement in technology is likely to enhance the bullet proof vests thereby proving as important opportunities in the global market.Obtain Table of ContentThe global bulletproof jackets market is segmented on the basis of protection type that includes softvest and armor plated. Further, the softvest is sub segmented based on levels into Level I, Level II A, Level II, Level IIIA. The armor plated is sub-segmented based on the level which includes Level III and Level IV. The market is further bifurcated based on geography that includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa (MEA) and Latin America.Some of the major players in the global bulletproof jacket market comprise Honeywell International, Inc (U.S.)., E.L Dupont DE Nemours & Co. (U.S.), U.S. Armor Corporation (U.S.). Some of the other players are Wenzhou Start Co Ltd (China), MKU Limited (India), EnGarde (The Netherlands), Infidel Body Armor (U.S.), Point Blank Enterprises, Inc. (U.S.), MARS Armor (Bulgaria), Vestguard UK (U.K.), Armourshield Ltd (U.K.), BulletSafe (U.S.), Compass International Corp. Ltd. (China) among others.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Worldwide CVD Diamond Market | Top Key Players- Element Six, Sumitomo Electric, MGAM, SP3, Diamond Materials, Hebei PlasmaDia, EDP, DDK, Beijing Worldia, Scio Diamond, UniDiamond | Estimated to Grow High CAGR | Forecast till 2025 CVD Diamond Market The CVD Diamond market report gives CAGR value from 2013 to 2018 and how it is expected to reach from 2018 to 2025 with High CAGR. The report provides information by geography, end user, application, competitor analysis, SWOT Analysis, Sales, Revenue, Price, Gross Margin, Market Share, Import-Export, Trends and Forecast.CVD Diamond market is diamond produced in an artificial process, as opposed to natural diamonds, which are created by geological processes. CVD Diamond market is also widely known as HPHT diamond or CVD diamond after the two common production methods (referring to the high-pressure high-temperature and chemical vapor deposition crystal formation methods, respectively). While the term synthetic is associated by consumers with imitation products, artificial diamonds are made of the same material (pure carbon, crystallized in isotropic 3D form).In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission has indicated that the alternative terms laboratory-grown, laboratory-created, and [manufacturer-name]-created "would more clearly communicate the nature of the stone".Premium Sample Report Available atThis report studies the global CVD Diamond market status and forecast, categorizes the global CVD Diamond market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in United States, Europe, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and other regions.The major manufacturers covered in this reportElement SixSumitomo ElectricMGAMSP3Diamond MaterialsHebei PlasmaDiaEDPDDKBeijing WorldiaScio DiamondUniDiamondThe regional scope of the study is as follows:- North America, United States, Canada, Mexico, Asia-Pacific, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Europe, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia, Rest of Europe, Central & South America, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Middle East & Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Rest of Middle East & Africa.On the basis of product, the CVD Diamond market is primarily split intoRoughPolishedOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report coversMachine & Cutting ToolsThermal ApplicationsElectrochemical ApplicationsGem SegmentOthersThe study objectives of this report are:To analyze and study the global CVD Diamond capacity, production, value, consumption, status (2013-2017) and forecast (2018-2025);Focuses on the key CVD Diamond manufacturers, to study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in future.Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the marketTo analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the marketTo strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.Key StakeholdersCVD Diamond ManufacturersCVD Diamond Distributors/Traders/WholesalersCVD Diamond Subcomponent ManufacturersIndustry AssociationDownstream VendorsComplete report on Global CVD Diamond Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 is spread across 123 pages and provides exclusive vital statistics, data, information, trends and landscape details in this niche sector. Get Direct Copy of this Research Report @Major Table of Content1 Global CVD Diamond Market Research Report 20182 Global CVD Diamond Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global CVD Diamond Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)4 Global CVD Diamond Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)5 Global CVD Diamond Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type6 Global CVD Diamond Market Analysis by Application7 Global CVD Diamond Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis8 CVD Diamond Manufacturing Cost Analysis9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders11 Market Effect Factors Analysis12 Global CVD Diamond Market Forecast (2018-2025 )13 Research Findings and Conclusion14 AppendixKey questions answered in the report:What will the market growth rate of CVD Diamond market in 2025 ?What are the key factors driving the global CVD Diamond market?What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of CVD Diamond market?Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of CVD Diamond market?Who are the key manufacturers in CVD Diamond market space?What are the CVD Diamond market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global CVD Diamond market?What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of CVD Diamond market?What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of CVD Diamond market?What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the CVD Diamond market?Get a Corporate Discount atAbout is digital database of comprehensive market reports for global industries. As a market research company, we take pride in equipping our clients with insights and data that holds the power to truly make a difference to their business. Our mission is singular and well-defined - we want to help our clients envisage their business environment so that they are able to make informed, strategic and therefore successful decisions for themselves.Media ContactBusiness Market ReportsPune Three employees of a cement factory owned by Nigerian business mogul Aliko Dangote have been killed by gunmen in Ethiopias restive Oromia region. An Indian national Deep Kamara, who managed the plant, was killed alongside two Ethiopian employees. According to Ethiopian daily, Addis Standard, the three men were killed while driving in a local place called Inchini. They were returning to the capital, Addis Ababa, from the factory. Dangote Cement is located in West Shewa Zone of the Oromia regional state, in Ada Berga District, Mugher Town, 85 km west of Addis Abeba. The motive of the crime is unclear. However, a cabinet member of the Oromia regional state who spoke to the Daily newspaper on condition of anonymity said he was in the factory last week as part of continued discussions between the locals and the factory management on issues related to the working relationship between the locals and the factory. The Nigerian billionaire is expected in the country this Thursday (May 17) for an emergency meeting with the factorys management. The Dangote Cement Factory was commissioned in May 2015 and is the largest such plant in the Ethiopia. Oromia has been plagued by violence for the past two years over political and economic grievances by Oromo youths. The country remains in a state of emergency. Enterprise Content Management Systems market is likely to behold a CAGR of +17% according to new research report Global Enterprise Content Management Systems Market Size, Status And Forecast 2022 Purchase This Report by calling at +1-888-631-6977.Enterprise Content Management (or ECM) is solution that is designed address an organization's documents management needs. Data such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDFs and scanned images are managed efficiently and access is granted only to the right people when needed. The major reason to implement ECM solutions is to address business gaps, and promote business growth. Streamlining data significantly contributes in the empowerment of the workflow.Enterprise Content Management Systems market to grow at a CAGR of +17% during the period.This market research report gives an in-depth idea about the global Enterprise Content Management Systems market. It highlights the recent market scenario, growth in the past few years, and opportunities present for manufacturers in the future. In this research for the completion of both primary and secondary details, various methods and tools are used. Also, investments instigated by organizations, government, non-government bodies, and institutions are projected in details for better understanding about the market.Get Sample copy of this Report @:Companies Profiled in this report includes, M-Files, OnBase, Huddle, Alfresco, LaserFiche, Lexmark, FileNet Content Manage, DocuShare, Nuxeo, SeismicDefinitions and specifications are included in the introduction of the report, through its overview. These definitions allow a user to better understand the terminologies used in the rest of the report and consequently gather information at a faster and smoother rate. The overview also provides a list of various end users, which further helps the user understand the global Enterprise Content Management Systems markets industry chain structure.Get 20% Discount on this Report @:This study provides an evaluation of aspects that are expected to impact growth of market in an undesired or constructive method. The Enterprise Content Management Systems market has been consistently examined with respect to the corresponding market segments. Each year within the mentioned forecast period is concisely considered in terms of produce and worth in the regional as well as the global markets respectively.The report thoroughly analyzes the most crucial details of the Global Enterprise Content Management Systems Market with the help of an in-depth and professional analysis. Described in a precise manner, the report also presents complete overview of the market based on the factors that are projected to have a considerable and measurable impact on the markets developmental prospects over the forecast period.Enquiry before Buying @:After studying key companies, the report focuses on the startups contributing towards the growth of the market. Possible mergers and acquisitions among the startups and key organizations are identified by the reports authors in the study. Most companies in the Enterprise Content Management Systems market are currently engaged in adopting new technologies, strategies, product developments, expansions, and long-term contracts to maintain their dominance in the global market. Moreover, extensive investments are being made in research and development to enable product enhancements and improvements. With the advent of new technologies on a regular basis, players are striving hard to incorporate the latest technology to gain a competitive edge above the rest.Table of ContentsGlobal Enterprise Content Management Systems Market Research ReportChapter 1 Enterprise Content Management Systems Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3 Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7 Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8 Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12 Global Enterprise Content Management Systems Market ForecastAbout Research N Reports:Research N Reports is a new age market research firm where we focus on providing information that can be effectively applied. Today being a consumer driven market, companies require information to deal with the complex and dynamic world of choices. Where relying on a sound board firm for your decisions becomes crucial. Research N Reports specializes in industry analysis, market forecasts and as a result getting quality reports covering all verticals, whether be it gaining perspective on current market conditions or being ahead in the cut throat Global competition. Since we excel at business research to help businesses grow, we also offer consulting as an extended arm to our services which only helps us gain more insight into current trends and problems. Consequently we keep evolving as an all-rounder provider of viable information under one roof.Contact:Sunny Denis(Sales Manager),(Research N Reports)10916, Gold Point Dr,Houston, TX, Pin 77064,+1-8886316977,, Colarusso eager for second chance at town government When voters head to the polls next month, one name on the ballot will be familiar to longtime residents of Orchard Park. Janis Colarusso, who served the town previously as... First-time candidate Honer looking to help end division in town Scott Honer has a simple reason for seeking election to the town board he says theres too much division between residents and hed like to change that. Honer, who... Tentative budget falls under tax cap For the first time since the passage of the 2017 budget, the town budget for Orchard Park will be under the tax cap. During the afternoon of Sept. 29, the... UPDATE: Judge to issue written ruling on restitution for teen who ignited Eagle Creek fire ***** A Vancouver teenager who started a wildfire last year that torched beloved Columbia River Gorge trails and views, many of which remain closed to the public, is set to return to court Thursday. The teen's hearing, announced when he admitted guilt in February, will be held to determine restitution required in the Eagle Creek fire case. Firefighting and other costs total about $40 million, and many gorge businesses were set back by the wildland blaze, which came amid the busy tourist season. The court previously asked people who lost money because of the fire to send their information to the Hood River County Juvenile Department before the hearing, and legal experts have said the judge is obligated to order restitution for the full amount of the damage. In similar cases, courts have worked out payment plans, typically a tiny fraction of what is owed. Parents also can be held liable for some of the costs. Meanwhile, many trails on the gorges Oregon side remain closed. Here's what you need to know about the aftermath of the Eagle Creek fire. Mark Graves/Staff First, a primer The Eagle Creek fire began in early September, eventually covered nearly 49,000 acres and was declared 100 percent contained in November The blaze torched some of the most beloved trails and views in the gorge, closed businesses, displaced people for days and shut down Interstate 84 and the Historic Columbia River Highway, part of which remains closed. The teen admitted guilt and was sentenced in February to five years of probation and 1,920 hours of community service. Don't Edit Jim Ryan/Staff What's open now Visitors can gaze up at Multnomah Falls from the lower viewing platform and take in sweeping gorge views from Crown Point, home to Vista House. Guy Talbot and Bridal Veil state parks are also open, and Ainsworth State Park is open only for camping. We've also compiled 15 gorge hikes that are open to the public. Among the Oregon offerings: Rooster Rock Wagon Road, Mosier Twin Tunnels, Mosier Plateau and Rowena Crest. Don't Edit Dave Killen / The Oregonian What's closed Lots of destinations, including popular spots such as Angels Rest, Horsetail Falls and the Eagle Creek Trail remain off-limits. You also cant hike to the top of Multnomah Falls. If you have questions about whether a particular trail is open, check the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area's website or contact the agency to get the latest trail statuses. Don't Edit Photo by Mark Graves/Staff; Flight courtesy of Jeff Cullen and Natalia Koneva Reopening timelines The Scenic Area, which is an arm of the U.S. Forest Service, says trails from Cascade Locks to the east will reopen this summer. Trails from Multnomah Falls and west will open by the end of the year, and tourists will be able to access the famed Benson Bridge at the falls this summer. Theres no timeframe for when trails between Multnomah Falls and Cascade Locks will reopen. Don't Edit Jamie Hale/The Oregonian The highway Six miles of the Historic Columbia River Highway are still closed, according to the Oregon Department of Transportation, and the agency doesnt have a timeline for reopening it. The agency says the stretch of highway, which unlocks access to Horsetail Falls, Wahkeena Falls and the Oneonta Tunnel, among other destinations is still dangerous. Over 1,000 cubic yards of rocks, trees and limbs fell on the section during a three-week stretch last month, according to the transportation agency. Workers have removed about 5,000 hazard trees from along Interstate 84 and 7,000 from the historic highway, the transportation agency says. Don't Edit Don't Edit Mark Graves/Staff Costs The state transportation agency alone has spent $8 million on fire recovery, and the agency projects its costs will rise above $12 million. The Forest Service and Oregon Department of Forestry firefighting and hazard mitigation costs total an estimated $20 million. The State Fire Marshal's office spent more than $6.57 million protecting homes and other structures from the blaze. And Oregon State Parks estimates the fire will cost the agency $1 million over the course of a multi-year response. The agency has incurred $160,000 in expenses, supplies and labor and is projecting to spend $325,000 more on its next set of projects stemming from the fire. The agencys lost revenue is estimated at $88,000. Those figures dont include costs to gorge businesses that closed or lost customers when the fire hit during the busy tourist season. Don't Edit Were live in the Eagle Creek fire burn area, as crews work on the Pacific Crest Trail. Posted by The Oregonian on Thursday, February 1, 2018 Follow along on a Pacific Crest Trail hike The Oregonian/OregonLive accompanied a group of workers earlier this year on an excursion along a closed part of the PCT, as its known, getting an on-the-ground look at conditions inside the burned area for the first time. The nearly 6-mile hike, which also included time on the Herman Bridge and Herman Creek trails, showed hearty evidence of the historic blaze: Scorched rocks sat exposed, their mossy covering burned away, and downed trees looked like they weathered a massive bonfire. Wide swaths of greenery had been singed. But moss and other vegetation lined parts of the trail. The canopy remained green. And the PCT offered many of the same redeeming qualities it did before the blaze. Watch a video from the trail above and read more about the trip here. Don't Edit Jamie Hale/The Oregonian Read more about the fire and its aftermath -- Jim Ryan 503-221-8005; @Jimryan015 Maxine Bernstein of The Oregonian/OregonLive staff contributed to this report Stephanie Yao Long | The Oregonian/OregonLive The grips of winter are fading and our most fleeting season is on its way. It's time to plan your perfect Oregon summer. From early June through the end of September, we've plotted out a course for 51 of the best summer events in the state to help you make the most of the warm and sunny months. So slap your favorites onto your calendar and strap in for another irresistibly sweet summer in our great state. Don't Edit Jamie Hale | The Oregonian/OregonLive Cannon Beach Sandcastle Contest Elaborate feats of art and architecture sprout up from the sand at this tide-defying celebration of gritty creativity. June 8-10, building happens June 9; Cannon Beach; free to watch, $5-$20 to compete; Don't Edit Shane Dixon Kavanaugh | The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon Divisional Chainsaw Sculpting Championships Oil paints and watercolors have their place in the art world. And chainsaws have theirs when skilled carvers turn giant logs into artful sculptures over 90 minutes or four days. June 14-17; Reedsport; $5; Don't Edit Mark Graves | The Oregonian/OregonLive Portland Pride It's easy to have a good time when you're surrounded by people just being themselves. And that's exactly what the annual Portland Waterfront LGBTQ Pride Festival and Parade is all about. June 16-17; Tom McCall Waterfront Park; $7; Don't Edit Les Miserables The touring Broadway production of "Les Miserables" offers a moving and musical look at revolution-era France - and some cool-Keller respite from the early summer heat. Also look out for "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Waitress" coming in July and September, respectively. June 19-24; Keller Auditorium, Portland; $55-$135; Don't Edit Don't Edit Billy Gates | The Oregonian/OregonLive Hillsboro Hops baseball Swing into summer with Hillsboro's minor league baseball team, scheduled to play 38 home games throughout the summer, starting June 20. And this year, the Hops will play as the old Portland Mavericks of "The Battered Bastards of Baseball" fame for Monday home games. Ron Tonkin Field, Hillsboro; $7-$18; Don't Edit Sarah Silbiger | The Oregonian/OregonLive Tigard Festival of Balloons Watch hordes of hot air balloons take off in the morning and hover glowing at dusk, or hop in a basket for a tethered ride of your own. June 22-24; Cook Park, Tigard; $5-$7 for three-day pass; Don't Edit Stephanie Yao Long | The Oregonian/OregonLive Maryhill Loops Longboarding Longboarders of all skill levels gather at the legendary Maryhill Loops Road to capture some gravity-fueled stoke and to celebrate the late Ryan Vanderveen with trainings for newcomers and races for the love of the sport. June 23-24; Maryhill, Washington; free to watch, $140 to ride; Don't Edit Sarah Silbiger | The Oregonian/OregonLive World Naked Bike Ride If you're nervous to join in on a large group bike ride, you could picture everyone naked. Or you could strip down as bare as you dare and pedal in this enormous demonstration of cyclist vulnerability and protest against oil-fueled transportation. June 23; Portland, starting location TBA; free; Don't Edit Xiaojie Ouyang | The Oregonian/OregonLive Summer Kite Festival A kaleidoscope of crazy kites fills the Lincoln City skies at this ultimate beach weekend, complete with performances by featured fliers and workshops for kiddos to make their own kites. June 23-24; Lincoln City; free; Don't Edit Don't Edit Oregon Shakespeare Festival Though the world-renowned festival of classical and contemporary works runs throughout the year, there's no time like summer to take in a few shows and some Southern Oregon sun, especially on the outdoor Elizabethan stage. Eleven shows are scheduled this summer, including "Romeo and Juliet," "Love's Labor's Lost" and "Oklahoma!" Shows run through the summer; Ashland; ticket prices vary; Don't Edit Beth Nakamura | The Oregonian/OregonLive Cider Summit Portland Summer is even sweeter when you're sipping on hard fruit ciders, so take this grouping of more than 150 local and international ciders as an opportunity to indulge. June 29-30; Fields Neighborhood Park, Portland; $25-$40; Don't Edit World Beat Festival The sights, sounds, flavors and folklore of more than 70 nations collide at Salem's celebration of our magnificently multicultural world. June 30-July 1; Riverfront Park, Salem; $5; Don't Edit Sam Caravana | The Oregonian/OregonLive St. Paul Rodeo The little town with the big rodeo keeps on bucking. Watch some of the world's best cowboys and cowgirls as they rope, wrangle and ride in a show nearly as explosive as its Fourth of July fireworks. July 3-7; St. Paul Rodeo Grounds; $16-$26; Don't Edit The Oregonian/OregonLive Estacada Timber Festival Forget all those paper products. The real benefit of Oregon's prolific logging industry is the competitive ax throwing, log rolling, pole climbing and chainsaw wielding to be seen in Estacada. July 4; Estacada Timber Park; $5; Don't Edit Don't Edit Thomas Boyd | The Oregonian/OregonLive Waterfront Blues Festival That elusive "Portland in summer" feeling is perhaps no more easily captured than at this riverside stronghold of rambunctious riffs and hard-charging harmonica. Add to that Portland's unofficial July Fourth fireworks show and you'll be feeling anything but blue. July 4-7; Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland; festival passes start at $40; Don't Edit Beth Nakamura | The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon Country Fair Let out your inner flower child at this bastion of hippie delights. And hold onto your fairy wings. It's going to get transcendental. July 13-15; Veneta; $29-$36; Don't Edit Harefest If you can't catch all the old-school rock acts at once, you can still see the next best thing. Harefest brings together tribute bands spanning from Led Zeppelin and Queen to the Beastie Boys and Motley Crue for three solid days face-melting and gut-busting rock 'n' roll. July 12-14; Canby; $40-$60; Don't Edit Kristyna Wentz-Graff | The Oregonian/OregonLive Catch a Drive-In Movie Movies are better when viewed under the setting summer sun. And even better in the comfort of your own car. Oregon's drive-in theaters are dwindling, but those that are left still offer all the good times your grandparents have told you about. Screenings throughout the summer; 99W Drive-In (Newberg), La Grande Drive-In or Milton-Freewater Drive-in; admission prices vary; , , Don't Edit Sarah Silbiger | The Oregonian/OregonLive The Big Float Inner tubes are the watercraft of choice when thousands splash into the Willamette River, embarking for a downriver beach party in the name of a river safe for recreation. July 14; Tom McCall Waterfront Park; $5-$15; Don't Edit Don't Edit Hannah Leone | The Oregonian/OregonLive Lavender farm tour As Oregon's lavender fields bloom into seas of purple, farms across the state open their doors to visitors for lavender picking, arranging and viewing. It's a sight to see and a smell to smell. July 14-15; lavender farms across the state; free; Don't Edit Dillon Pilorget | The Oregonian/OregonLive Concours d'Elegance One of the state's classiest car shows honors one of the world's classiest car manufacturers: Alfa Romeo. But between the Italian icons, you'll find pristine automobiles of all makes and models that will make your mouth water. July 15; Pacific University, Forest Grove; $5-$20; Don't Edit GRAAND Kinetic Challenge Road, sand, mud and water don't stand a chance against the pedal-powered creations of the enterprising engineers and artists of the most creative race you'll see all summer. July 20-22; Corvallis; free to watch; Don't Edit Stephanie Yao Long | The Oregonian/OregonLive Cathedral Park Jazz Festival An evening spent in the park beneath the St. Johns Bridge is made all the more dreamy with professional jazz running over you like a breeze off the Willamette. July 20-22; Cathedral Park, Portland; free; Don't Edit Stephanie Yao Long | The Oregonian/OregonLive Robin Hood Festival With a name like Sherwood, a city would be wrong to take its Robin Hood connection lying down. Merrily, the Robin Hood Festival in Sherwood, Oregon, does anything but. July 20-22; old town Sherwood; free; Don't Edit Don't Edit Kristyna Wentz-Graff | The Oregonian/OregonLive Portland Highland Games Kilted tough guys and gals who would give William Wallace a run for his money compete in traditional Scottish games, throwing big stones and logs while pipers, fiddlers, drummers and dancers keep things lively. July 21; Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham; $8-$20; Don't Edit Sam Caravana | The Oregonian/OregonLive PDX Pop Now! If ever there was a way to expose yourself to Portland's music scene, this is it. Catch the festival under the Hawthorne Bridge and catch up on what's spinning from local acts that aren't The Decemberists and Modest Mouse. July 21-22; Audiocinema, Portland; free; Don't Edit Bruce Ely | The Oregonian/OregonLive Dunefest With a freestyle showcase, drag racing, a night ride and all manner of motorized madness in the Oregon Dunes, you'll have sand in your shoes and a smile on your face for days. July 24-29; Winchester Bay, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area; $15-$40; Don't Edit Sarah Silbiger | The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon Brewers Festival Craft beer aficionados know no home like Portland's waterfront come the last weekend in July. With more taps than a Fred Astaire movie, you're bound to find a new brew - or a few - to call a favorite. And kids will have their own fun at the handcrafted soda garden. July 26-29; Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland; free to enter, starting at $7 to drink; Don't Edit Rebeca Bagdocimo | The Oregonian/OregonLive Portlandia Mermaid Parade Let your flipper flag fly at Portland's most mythical march, which unabashedly embraces the funny little fish-person in all of us. July 28; Tom McCall Waterfront Park; free; Don't Edit Don't Edit Tualatin Crawfish Festival Most may know them as crawdads here in Oregon, but that doesn't make the freshwater crustaceans any less tasty when cooked up with a nice ear of corn and some quality community company. Aug. 3-4; Tualatin Community Park; $3-$5; Don't Edit Mark Graves | The Oregonian/OregonLive Pickathon Sick of sweating in a drunken dust pit just to hear some good bands? Pickathon, now in it's 20th year, is the antidote to the typical music festival. With genuinely great music, genuinely great people and a genuinely great setting, it's all about the balance between rocking out and relaxing. Aug. 2-5; Pendarvis Farm, Happy Valley; $125-$150 for single-day admission; Don't Edit Dave Killen | The Oregonian/OregonLive Bridge Pedal Bike across a bunch of Portland bridges - including the car-free upper decks of the Marquam and Fremont bridges - for an exhilarating freeway ride and views you just don't otherwise get by bike. Aug. 12; bridges across Portland; $25; Don't Edit Stephanie Yao Long | The Oregonian/OregonLive Banks BBQ and Tractor Pull Get pulled in to one of Oregon's great small towns by its annual agriculture sports extravaganza. If the all-ages tractor pull doesn't make you want to ditch the desk job and buy a farm, the combine destruction derby will. Aug. 18-19; Banks Sunset Park; $7-$13; Don't Edit Dillon Pilorget | The Oregonian/OregonLive Hood to Coast From Oregon's highest peak to its ocean shores, the Hood to Coast relay draws runners from around the world for its sheer enormity and beautiful scenery. Aug. 24-25; Timberline Lodge to Seaside; free to watch; Don't Edit Don't Edit Willamette Country Music Festival Pulling in artists like Lady Antebellum and Kid Rock, the Willamette Country Music Festival will have you scooting your boots all the livelong day in a town so down-home it's got a Pioneer museum. Aug. 16-19; Brownsville; $75-$100 for single-day admission; Don't Edit Dillon Pilorget | The Oregonian/OregonLive PDX Adult Soap Box Derby The DIY downhill dash at Mt. Tabor is a summer highlight for anyone who enjoys unadulterated good times. Catch garage engineers from Portland and beyond as they pilot creative homemade gravity cars and try their darndest not to crash. Aug. 18; Mt. Tabor Park, Portland; free to watch; Don't Edit Brent Wojahn | The Oregonian/OregonLive Grand Ronde Contest Powwow The stakes are high when prize money is on the line, and hundreds of Native American dancers and drummers will take their shot at performing the likes of the women's jingle dance and men's grass dance the best. Aug. 17-19; Uyxat Powwow Grounds, Willamina; free to watch, $1 for parking; Don't Edit Photo by Tom Brown Airshow of the Cascades Stunt fliers rip through the wide-open Central Oregon skies in all manner of flying machines while helicopter and glider plane rides give spectators the chance to take to the skies themselves. Aug. 24-25; Madras Airport; $12-$15 for admission, additional cost for helicopter and glider rides; Don't Edit Mike Zacchino | The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon State Fair If "quintessentially summer" was listed in the dictionary, you might find a photo of the state fair's beloved Fair Lift, its many concerts and contests or its agricultural acumen. Aug. 24-Sept. 3; Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem; admission prices TBA; Don't Edit Don't Edit Motoya Nakamura | The Oregonian/OregonLive Dahlia Festival Just like the blooms to which it's dedicated, the Swan Island Dahlia Festival wows with more dahlia colors and breeds than you ever would have guessed existed. Take a stroll through 30 acres of dahlia fields or get some inspiration in three rooms stuffed full of arrangements. Aug. 25-27 and Sept. 1-3; Swan Island Dahlias, Canby; free; Don't Edit Jamie Hale | The Oregonian/OregonLive Dragons in The Wallowas Dragon boat races become even more magical in a setting like Wallowa Lake. Cheer on the 20-paddler teams from shore, or join them for the dragons' awakening ceremony in downtown Joseph. Aug. 25-26; Wallowa Lake; free to watch; Don't Edit Beth Nakamura | The Oregonian/OregonLive Faerieworlds Sometimes you just want a music festival that feels a bit like "FernGully" blended with "The Lord of the Rings." Is that so much to ask? Not at Faerieworlds, where you can strap on some wings and let mystical melodies wash over you in the woods. Aug. 24-26; Horning's Hideout, North Plains; tickets start at $40; Don't Edit Mark Graves | The Oregonian/OregonLive Rose City Comic Con While larger comic book conventions stray further into pop-culture territory, Portland's homegrown (and growing) con stays true to the genre while welcoming enough general geek culture to keep things fun for everyone. Robbie Coltrane ("Harry Potter"), Val Kilmer ("The Doors") and Ralph Macchio ("The Karate Kid") are among this year's celebrity guests. Sept. 7-9; Oregon Convention Center, Portland; $30-$45 for single-day passes; Don't Edit Photo by David Birkbeck Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire Party like it's 1592 with Elizabethan minstrels, artisans, jousters and bards in a Renaissance village fit for a queen. Thee wilt findeth no shortage of characters and old-timey diversions thither. Sept. 8-9; Kings Valley; $7-$14; Don't Edit Don't Edit Cycle Oregon Looping through the majesty of Eastern Oregon, this weeklong bike adventure passes stark peaks and devastating canyons. But the real showstopper comes on day three, when you make your way through Hell's Canyon country and the Wallowa Mountains. It's a tough ride, but you've got all summer to prepare. Sept. 8-15; beginning and ending in Baker City; $999; Don't Edit Sisters Folk Festival Roots music takes on a little something extra in the summer, so head to Central Oregon for some mighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin' from the nearly 45 acts on 11 stages at the Sisters Folk Festival. Sept. 7-9; venues across Sisters; $50-$150 for festival pass; Don't Edit Grant Butler | The Oregonian/OregonLive Feast Portland Top chefs from around the country serve up some of the best grub you're likely to eat all year. If food is your thing, find your way to Feast this summer. Sept. 13-16; venues across Portland; ticket prices vary; Don't Edit The Oregonian/OregonLive Pendleton Round-Up Sometimes you have to head east to get to the wild West. So saddle up and mosey on out to Pendleton, where real buckaroos go to see one of the best rodeos there is. Sept. 12-15; Pendleton; $17-$30; Don't Edit Dave Killen | The Oregonian/OregonLive Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival Whoever said sidewalk chalk is child's play has never been to Forest Grove in mid-September. Artists of all abilities and styles transform the town's quaint downtown sidewalks into a colorful concrete canvas to be enjoyed by all. Sept. 15; downtown Forest Grove; $7-$12 to participate, free to observe; Don't Edit Don't Edit Photo by Angelika Ursula Dietrich/Oregon's Alpenfest Oregon Alpenfest As summer fades and fall begins, head east for polka, yodeling, alphorns and beer among Oregon's Alps. This year, the 40th anniversary Oregon Alpenfest turns away from traditional German offerings in favor of the craft beer bounty to be had in the shadow of the Wallowa Mountains. Sept. 27-30; Venues around Joseph, Enterprise and Wallowa Lake; many events are free; Don't Edit Mark Graves | The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon International Air Show A synchronized flight by the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, a jet-powered truck and a big ol' B-25 called Grumpy are just a smattering of the skyborn sights that'll leave your neck sore from looking up and your cheeks sore from smiling (and be totally worth it). Sept. 28-30; Hillsboro Airport; $25-$35; Absolute! Building Maintenance recently purchased the Clorox Total 360 System to add an additional layer of surface protection to help create a healthier environment on behalf of its clients. The system helps eliminate bacteria, viruses and pathogens that can leave businesses and community members impacted for days, the company stated. "A!BM purchased the Clorox Total 360 System to enhance our cleaning offerings and further safeguard against common bacteria and viruses, including difficult-to-treat infections like Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and fast-spreading stomach bugs like norovirus - the culprit of many illnesses we saw across Michigan last year," said John Markey, CBSE, executive vice president, A!BM. The viruses and bacteria that lead to these outbreaks can survive on surfaces from days to months, making cleaning and disinfecting surfaces an important first line of defense when it comes to protecting clients' facilities, the company stated. The system uses a patented electrostatic delivery system to deliver Clorox disinfecting and sanitizing solutions. It works by charging and atomizing the Clorox disinfecting or sanitizing solution, delivering a powerful flow of charged particles that are attracted to surfaces with a force stronger than gravity, allowing the solution to easily reach and uniformly coat surfaces, including hotspots where trigger spray technology might easily miss. "With this new technology, we can cover more surfaces, quickly and even the hardest-to-reach places that may be missed through manual cleaning, leaving illness-causing germs behind," Markey said. "Since we began providing our services to schools, not a single school has had absences as a result of the flu. The Clorox Total 360 System evolves our cleaning protocols to help ensure this record continues and provides assurance that we are safeguarding all environments. This system allows us to do our job better, keeping our clients, their employees and facility guests safer, healthier and happier." Music has been a large part of Bruce Dundas' life, and now he is able to share his experience with a larger audience. The former Midlander published his first book, "Learn Bass Fiddle" earlier this year. Dundas grew up in a family that valued music in all of its forms. His father played violin while his brother played fiddle in the 1930s. Dundas himself took piano lessons, played trumpet in his school band and continues to play button-box accordion and piano accordion. But bass fiddle holds a special place in his heart. "It was just convenient. It doesn't take as much practice to play it as with other instruments," he said. Dundas, who lived in Midland from 1957 to 1961, picked up the bass fiddle after he returned from serving his country in the military in 1955. His brother taught him how to play three chords. Those three chords were all he needed while he joined a country band. Shortly thereafter, Dundas learned a couple more chords and picked up additional chords as he continued to play. He went on to perform in a few recordings and teach bass at music festivals. The idea for writing a book came to him nearly 20 years ago. "When I was teaching in Evart, people were asking me if I had written anything," Dundas said. The idea intrigued Dundas so much that, during one winter while he was snow birding in Florida, he wrote and self-published a guide about how to play the bass fiddle. While he was able to sell a few copies at different festivals, larger publishing houses were not interested in mass-producing Dundas' work until about a year ago. Dorrance Publishing, a company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, contacted Dundas and expressed interest in formally printing "Learning Bass Fiddle." Dundas, who now lives in The Villages, Florida, leapt at the chance and now hopes that his book will be able to help novice bass fiddle players find their rhythm. "I hope they'll be able to play first and fifth (chords)," he said. In addition, the book offers instructions about techniques including circle of fifths and bass runs where an instrumentalist plays chords in sequence. "It gives you a little more variation," Dundas explained. "Learn Bass Fiddle" is now available on Amazon as well as Dorrance Publishing Co.'s website, The Creative 360 gallery was packed with artists and guests June 30 for the 8th annual ArtFest 55 festival. Designed to celebrate the creativity of Michigan residents age 55 and older, the evening included an exhibition opening, talent show and writing competition all with awards. This record-breaking year included 190 entries from 19 cities across Michigan from as far away as Rock in the Upper Peninsula. There were 165 art pieces from 98 artists; 22 written pieces from 12 writers, and three performances with five performers. More than 200 people attended. Curator Colleen Reed who hung the exhibition said, "This is the highest number of pieces ever included in an exhibit here. It was a challenge to organize the art in a way that allowed each piece to shine." Donovan Entrekin, art school director of the Flint Institute of Arts, served as jurist for the exhibit. Entrekin received his MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. His undergraduate concentration was painting and printmaking, and graduate studies focused on painting and sculpture. "This is a joyous exhibit with many very good artists," he said. Entrekin's job was not an easy one. He first had to choose the art that would be accepted into the exhibition, and then choose the winners. Entrekin's criteria for inclusion was that the piece had to demonstrate a good use of the medium and also exhibit an element of mystery. Ultimately, 108 pieces grace the gallery. Winners in each category include: Best 2D: Robert Iwamasa (Midland) for his acrylic painting The Watchman. Honorable Mention: Alice Wilsey (Saginaw) for her watercolor Earth's Edge. Best 3D: Roger Reichmann (Midland) for his vintage assemblage Euclid's Box. Honorable Mention: James MaloneBeach (Mount Pleasant) for his piece called Suffer the Children, a fabricated bronze piece with doll's face and hands holding a missile. "This is a statement about the children we send to war," MaloneBeach explained. They come back damaged." Best Photography: Carol Harris Buller (Midland) for Zuhoren, a photograph of a sculpture in Salzburg, Austria. The word zuhoren is on the wall behind the sculpture. The word translates to listen, attend to or take heed. Honorable Mention: Leeny MaloneBeach (Mount Pleasant) for her self-portrait I wasn't using it anyway. "Even though I elected the mastectomy, I resented the cancer that made it necessary," she said. Best in Show: Jim Matherne (Essexville) for his watercolor Good Boy. "I started out painting with the idea of a lake walk, but, as most of my paintings go, things change!" Luana Russell and Sarah Yoder, retired English teachers for Midland Public Schools served as jurists for the writing competition. They read through 22 pieces of writing that included memoir, poetry and short stories without knowing who wrote them. "Luana and I were impressed by the excellent quality of writing exemplified by a clear focus, fresh and effective imagery and imagination," said Yoder. "The winners also elicited genuine emotion from us." "There were several especially fine entries in poetry this year," said Russell. "That was the toughest category." The written word winners are: Poetry: From Joy written by Nancy Snell (Midland) Memoir: Two Bits for Your Thoughts by Jim Crissman (Midland) Story: The Good Old Days also by Jim Crissman The talent competition included original songs, guitar playing and singing. Laura Brigham (Midland) and Janet Martineau (Saginaw) served as judges. Each act won a prize as follows. First: Mike Zurech (Midland) for his guitar performance. Second: Nancy Nickerson (Midland) for her original song Star Spangled Fishing. Accompanist: Ginger Kruger Third: Darby and Jerry Gwisdala (Midland) for their performance of the song, Far Side Banks of Jordan. The ArtFest 55 exhibition and creative writing entries will be on display through Aug. 27. There is never a charge to visit a Creative 360 exhibition. Everyone is welcome. Creative 360 is located at 1517 Bayliss St. in Midland. People who would like to be part of the ArtFest 55 festival in 2018, should start planning. Call for entries goes out in March for the June event. Creative 360 is a not-for-profit community arts and wellness organization founded in 1994. Its mission is to create environments that allow people of all ages and abilities to experience the creative process, and to enhance physical, mental and spiritual wellness through the arts and humanities. The organization's core values of inclusiveness, creativity, respect and community drive the culture at Creative 360. Activities at Creative 360 are supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Midland Area Community Foundation and the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation. Delta College has its sights set on establishing a new $12.5 million Midland Center -- possibly in downtown -- to replace its aging facility at 1025 Wheeler St. Upgrading its Midland Center has become the college's top capital priority following approval of a satellite campus project in downtown Saginaw that is now under construction. Delta officials say renovating or replacing its current Midland Center, built in 1962 as a Catholic girl's high school is necessary to meet community expectations and match the educational standards of its main campus. According to extensive analysis provided by longtime Delta Facilities Management Director Larry Ramseyer prior to his retirement on Dec. 31, 2017, the cost to re-purpose, redesign and renovate the 56-year-old Midland Center could exceed the cost to build new, especially when future operating costs are factored into the equation. "Delta is currently looking at options right now and is planning on coming to a resolution on the path forward later this summer," said Nick Bovid, Delta's new facilities management director. "The aging 1962 building requires extensive renovations to the existing structure and property to an estimated cost of about $7.78 million. Specifically, the parking lot and roof are in pretty rough shape and the classrooms were originally built to be used as a Catholic girl's high school. In addition, the boiler for the building is original from 1962." Delta chose to build, rather than renovate or repurpose another building when it embarked on a $12.7 million Saginaw Center project in the city's downtown and appears to favor a similar model for expanding and improving its Midland presence. Moving to an urban core, like it's doing in Saginaw, positions Delta to better serve disadvantaged populations. Besides being cost-prohibitive to renovate its Midland building, college officials aren't keen on its location in a residential neighborhood a fair distance away from major transportation arteries US-10 and M-20. Accessibility is a hallmark of community colleges and there is a great deal of properties available on more centrally located, easier to reach sites within the City of Midland. "I'd say renovations are still a possibility, but it's a very unlikely possibility," Bovid said. According to the Ramseyer-led research, Midland developers have expressed an interest in helping Delta move to the downtown. Delta officials said they are impressed with Midland's city redevelopment efforts, coordinated by Momentum Midland, which has seen many properties surrounding Dow Diamond repurposed to spur local and regional economic development opportunities. "There are a lot of great things happening in downtown -- from the new streetscape to Gratzi (Italian restaurant), to the re-dedication of the Tridge and the forthcoming Poseyville Riverside Park," Bovid said. "From the perspective as a facilities leader -- and also a resident of Midland -- it's exciting to see and experience all the development efforts that are happening." College trustees have made upgrading its Midland Center the school's No. 1 project for its five-year capital outlay plan. Mallory Fisher has wrapped up her last round of final exams and is about to pack her bags for her job in Texas. Within weeks, she will begin a full-time position in The Dow Chemical Co.'s Finance Development Program for Accountants in Houston, where she spent time as an intern last summer. A Midland native, Fisher began her journey at SVSU in 2014; she graduated May 11. She quickly became an active member of the campus community and earned a number of accolades during her time as a student. Most recently, she was named the Outstanding Accounting Student Representative by SVSU's chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants. "Honestly, being singled out by such an outstanding organization for work in my field was the perfect bookend to my time as a Cardinal," Fisher said. "These past four years have been filled with endless studying and self-motivation to succeed in the field of accounting." Fisher parlayed that self-motivation into a position with Dow as part of their college co-op program in 2015. As a tax department co-op, she had the opportunity to travel to Lake Jackson, Texas, in May 2017 to participate in a summer internship with Dow's Texas Operations Controllers. There, Fisher was involved in several projects that would span the length of her 12-week internship including one that required her to analyze data that would then be used by the Texas site controller and the vice president of Gulf Stream operations to make management decisions for the Dow sites in Texas. Lowell McLaughlin, associate director of Dow Chemical's department of U.S. State and Local and Canadian Property Tax, spoke highly of Fisher's attitude and aptitude. "Mallory has been a standout college co-op and intern at Dow," said McLaughlin, Fisher's supervisor. "She has a great work ethic and positive 'can do' attitude that has allowed her to grow and flourish in her roles." Fisher explained that it was the support of McLaughlin and the Dow team based in Midland that gave her the confidence to take such a huge step in her life. "Moving 1,400 miles from my family, friends, coworkers and community was a huge step for me, personally and professionally," Fisher said. "When Dow asked me if I would be willing to work in Texas, I immediately knew that this was a perfect opportunity to be daring, challenge myself, and step outside my comfort zone." Her professors noticed the difference. Betsy Pierce, assistant professor of accounting and faculty advisor to Beta Gamma Sigma, feels confident Fisher is headed down the right path as she continues to gain momentum in her career trajectory. "After her internship last summer, she came back completely energized and excited about the idea that she might be able to go back to Houston for a full-time job," Pierce said. "As it turns out, that's exactly where she's going. It's just so clear to me that she has a true love for working in the corporate field and we couldn't be more excited for her." Fisher is among the 1,083 individuals to graduate from the university this month. Students completing degrees in the colleges of Arts & Behavioral Sciences, Education, and Science, Engineering & Technology took part in the ceremony on May 12 at O'Neill Arena of the Ryder Center. Fisher is the outgoing president of SVSU's chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society recognizing those who have achieved academic excellence in business-related programs, and the outgoing vice president of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Fisher also completed Cardinal Business Edge, a program that aims to strengthen the business and leadership skills of a select group of high-performing incoming freshmen. Fisher hopes to inspire others to step out of their comfort zones to find success. She recently was invited to co-host the College of Business and Management's Best in Business Awards Night, and thought back to the days when such an opportunity might have passed her by. "During my freshman year, I admittedly hated public speaking," Fisher said. "I remember my professor told me that, as an effective communicator, I'd be invited to speak frequently because people know that I have something important to say. Co-hosting the awards ceremony in front of my professors, administrators, mentors, local business leaders, and my peers was such a great example of how much I've grown as a Cardinal and a businesswoman. "I like being known as the girl who always has a smile on her face and finds joy in life," Fisher said. "That's the person I strive to be in and out of work." (If Ora Flaningam hadn't decided on a career in the chemical field, he would have been an historian. His genealogy of the Flaningam family line goes back to Patrick Flaningam who emigrated to the United States. Over the years, there have been changes in the spelling with some opting to write Flaningham. Some decided on Flaningan. But their history remains that of the Flaningam patriarch Patrick. Ora's story continues.) Working his way through college, Ora Flaningam worked at Lapeer Metal Products making parts for Chevy autos. At Michigan Tech, he lived in the Douglass Houghton dorm and worked on the switchboard from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. for two years. There was just the one switchboard for the entire school. After graduation, he enrolled in a master's program and money ran out again. A counselor at the college told him about a teaching position at a small college named Suomi College in Hancock, not far from Houghton where Ora was living. Originally Suomi had been established as a Finnish seminary, but after a few years it became a junior college. The teaching position covered chemistry, algebra and trigonometry. "I did not want to teach," Ora said. "I was very introverted but I went over there intending to say no but I said yes. I became the department's chemistry, algebra and trigonometry teacher. I was not very good when I started but I was very good when I finished. I had to keep a week or two ahead of my students. When my students graduated they rented me a master's robe and I marched down the aisle with the other professors. It was a very, very small school. I started with 20 but ended up with 13." Reflecting on his social life while at Michigan Tech, he said, "I never dated much. I think I dated twice the whole time I was at Houghton. I didn't have money. I didn't have a car. The last year I bought a clunky little Studebaker to drive from Houghton to Hancock. Some of the girls were taking chemistry because they were getting a home economics degree." Donalee got her degree in physics and mathematics. He laughed and said, "I was never afraid to say my wife was smarter than me." Continuing his story, Ora said, "I had taken typing in high school because a teacher suggested that it would come in handy for writing notes in college. I interviewed seven or eight companies but only Dow Corning in Midland offered me a job. In 1960 I moved to Midland and rented a room from Mrs. C. V. High on M-20. Ora worked just six months at Dow Corning when he was called up to serve for six months at Fort McClellan in Alabama. In college he had joined the ROTC because he got $50 a month for doing so and now he was a second lieutenant and had to spend six months in active duty. He served in the Chemical Corps. He then returned to his job at Dow Corning but he was still in the Reserves for the next four years. Now settled in the small town of Midland, he decided to join a group at the Memorial Presbyterian Church called The Young People's Business Group. That was where he met Donalee Graham. They began dating and in 1962 were engaged. They married the following year in April. Their first home was on Kent Street and then they bought a house at 3200 Washington Street on the corner of Love Street. Just before Lian was born in 1968, they purchased a home on Stewart Road and Ora continues living there. His daughter Lian lives in Tennessee. "Donalee liked the theatre and got me interested in it," Ora said. "There was no Midland Center for the Arts then. We met in the Larkin Street Playhouse, originally a church. Then for three years we used the auditorium and stage at the Grace A. Dow Library. I ran the lights and the sound. We stored our flats and scenery and props in the area that is now the TV studio. Then we moved to the Midland Center for the Arts and I was coordinator for the sound in both the little theatre and in the main auditorium. I lost 25 pounds in six months running from the stage up to where the sound equipment was in the main auditorium. I would make as many as 14 trips in one evening." Donalee directed a lot of the plays. She also held the positions of chairman of the Theatre Guild and historian of the Theatre Guild. Ora received the Stage Crafters Award in 1971. Donalee received the Stage Crafters Award in 1973. The award is a metal bolt about 18 inches long from the Larkin Street Playhouse. The bolts were saved at the time the property was demolished. Lian attended rehearsals in her baby carrier so she grew up in the theatre. Donalee worked as a chemist in the physics lab for Dow until Lian was born. After their daughter was in school, Donalee went back to Central Michigan University and got her master's degree in computer science. In 1998, Oa retired from Dow Corning after working there for 38 years. Donalee and he then spent a month in Australia. "The Australians are a lovely, lovely people," Ora said. "After we returned in 1998, we bought a house in Florida and lived part of the year here in Midland and part of the year in Florida." Donalee died in December 2002. "We went to Jacksonville, Florida to have her condition evaluated for a liver transplant and they said her body couldn't stand the operation," Ora said. "She died three days later." The market had dropped for selling houses so Ora continued going to Florida until 2014 when the market rebounded a little and he sold their house. This year, Ora will receive his 60-year pin from the American Chemical Society as an emeritus member. Through the years Ora has done extensive work in genealogy creating a permanent record of history before it is lost. One of his many projects was putting all of the Midland Remembers columns from 1996 through 2016 on a CD rom with an every-name index. On Aug. 19, 2017 Ora was master of ceremonies at the Lapeer High School Alumni Reunion of those who graduated in 1952 and 1953. He spoke of the tremendous advances that he has lived to see and enjoy. He ended his speech with, "It has been an incredible 65 years, and looking back they were great years and I feel that I could not have lived at a better time in history." Life has been good to him and to the girl he loved. Police Raids in Nightclubs- Common Practice or Excessive Force? By Vladimer Napetvaridze On 12 may, Georgian police raided two leading clubs in Tbilisi. The heavy-handed tactics of the police caused an outcry among huge part of Georgian youngsters who organized protest rally with demand for resignation of the Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and the Interior Minister Giorgi Gakharia.As the chairman of the Georgian Parliament Irakli Kobakhidze stated, this kind of antidrug raids are common practise in the world and the part of anti-drug policy: "This is the common practice - when there is information about possible spreading of life-threatening drugs in a specific club, in that case, police can take an action to prevent this. Law must be law for everyone. This is a very important principle and it is necessary to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to ensure that the law is protected," stated Kobakhidze in his interview with TV Imedi.As for the police raids in nightclubs, this is a frequent phenomenon in different countries of the world, which always causes dissatisfaction of people. In recent years, within the framework of anti-drug policy, there have been numerous police raids in many countries:February 2017, the UK. - three men have been arrested after police carried out drugs raids on the two Vauxhall nightclubs. Officers stormed both Fire and Lightbox, near Vauxhall station, during the early hours of last Friday morning to search party-goers and staff. One 30-year-old member of staff was arrested at Lightbox on suspicion of possession of Class A drugs. Another person, also 30, was arrested on suspicion of possession of Class A drugs and of breaching a court order. The third man, 28, was arrested at the same venue on suspicion of handling stolen goods. The operation followed tip-offs that drugs were being sold inside the venues.August 2017, Russia - Police raid Moscow nightclub. Russian police raided a Moscow nightclub on Sunday, August 6 policemen equipped with body Armor entered the club wielding batons and clubbed several staff members as well. Police reportedly took 18 persons into custody. Two of the detained were charged for drug offenses.May 2017, Malaysia - Police arrested almost 200 people in raids at two nightclubs in Kuala Lumpur. The raids took place on Friday night with teams from both the city police and state army. About 564 people were screened and 191 out of them were detained. 38 foreigners, including 33 from China, three from Vietnam and two from Thailand, who were working as GROs were also arrested," he said in the statement on Saturday. Police also seized small amounts of marijuana, ecstasy, ketamine and other club drugs.October 2017, Ukraine- Police officers broke into the night club, in the framework of an anti-drug activity. Police brutally beat clients regardless of whether they were suspects or not, eyewitnesses to the incident say.July 2016, Spain- Spanish police raided Ibiza club Amnesia in response to crimes against the Treasury which saw the arrest of owner Martin Ferrer and three other men, reports Diario de Ibiza. After two subsequent days of raids, authorities find evidence of tax fraud and arrested the club owner.According to the facts provided, Kobakhidzes statement, about the common practice of police raids in nightclubs, is correct, but to use special forces and violate the majority of party-goers, regardless they are suspects of crime or not, is not an ordinary fact, at least this is not a common practice in the EU countries. HPs Spectre x360 15 sets a new performance bar for mainstream laptops, thanks to its Kaby Lake-G CPU. Fortified with Radeon RX Vega discrete graphics, it upends the stereotype that 360-degree convertible laptops cant deliver top performance. Externally, the Spectre 15 x360 might look the same at first glance, but thats just the Dark Ash Silver color. Look closer, and you can see HP has given the Spectre x360 the same sharply beveled lines of the 13-inch version . The screen bezels have slimmed down on the sides. HP also integrates an IR-based Windows Hello-compatible camera and a fingerprint reader strip. Not to throw shade, but weve seen other vendors stuff much hotter CPUs and much hotter GPUs into 15-inch convertibles, and the results have been, well, less than stellar. Thats definitely not the case with the Spectre x360, which gives you top-notch parts including: The Spectre 15 x360 15s journey has been a long one. When we reviewed the first generation in 2016 , it was basically designed to be a giant ultrabook with a big screen, rather than a pricey powerhouse. HPs Spectre x360 15 changes everything. Specifically, the version that wields Intels Kaby Lake-G CPU, fortified with Radeon RX Vega discrete graphics, upends the stereotype that 360-degree convertible laptops cant deliver top performance. And weve proven it by comparing the Spectre x360 15 with Kaby Lake-G against its twin running Kaby Lake-R , as well as some high-end clamshell designs. The Kaby Lake G version is as fast or faster than all comers. We measured our review unit at just over 14 inches wide by 9.75 inches deep. HP claims its about 19.45mm thin (about three-quarters of an inch), which we confirmed. Its slightly thicker than the previous version, which was 17.9mm. One complaint we definitely have is the weight. Our unit sans power brick came in at 4 pounds, 10 ounces. Thats actually a few ounces heavier than the previous version. Some of that comes from the hefty 4K touchscreen and its glass protective layer. One good side effect of the extra weight is the stiff chassis. Pick up the Spectre x360 15 one-handed, and you neednt fear that youll bend it. You can have any display you want as long as its 4K HP has jumped into 4K with both feet on the Spectre x360 15. While most PC makers offer a 1080p version to lower cost and increase battery life (higher-resolution screens inherently use more power), HP offers only a single, 38402160 IPS-like panel option. As more laptops offer 4K displays, its important to know that this spec isnt a slam-dunk when it comes to quality. Our units panel is reasonably bright at a measured maximum output of 319 nits, but other high-end models can hit 400 to 500 nits. Keyboard and mouse Adam Patrick Murray Unlike Apple and Dell, who are busy taking away key travel, the HP Spectre x360 15 features a full 1.5mm of travel on its keyboard. HP takes a new direction with the keyboard in this generation as well. The prior generation had speakers flanking the keyboard. In this new design, the speakers disappear and the backlit keyboard stretches edge to edge, allowing room for a 10-key numeric keypad. Yes, number-crunchers, its a properly designed 10-key, which Gigabyte and MSI still havent learned how to implement. While Apple and Dell have been acting like airline carriers, taking away creature comforts like keyboard travel, HP gives you what feels like business-class service, with a plush 1.5 mm for your weary fingers. Our only quibble is the half-height cursor keys for moving up and down. An inverted T is always preferred. The trackpad is a glass-coated Synaptics ClickPad thats slightly offset to align with the keyboard. Weve had palm-rejection issues with some of HPs extra-wide trackpads in the past, but this one we could not get to trigger. Good job. Adam Patrick Murray A fingerprint reader, HDMI 2.0, and a pair of Thunderbolt ports adorn the right side of the Spectre x360 15. What ports does the Spectre x360 have? The Spectre x360 doesnt skimp on connectivity. You get a pair of Thunderbolt 3 ports and a full-size HDMI on the right side. On the left theres an SD card reader, analog audio jack, standard barrel charger, andwait for ita USB Type A port! Yes, Internet, rejoice! Adam Patrick Murray If you do a little dance because theres still a USB Type A port on the new HP Spectre x 360 15, thats perfectly fine with us. The charger for the Spectre x360 15 is a beefy 150-watt unit. The Thunderbolt 3 ports with USB PD will also charge the laptop, but at a slower rate than youll get with the traditional barrel charger. HP Spectre x360 15 performance Much of the excitement around Intels Kaby Lake-G CPUs stems from its once-unthinkable marriage of a custom Radeon RX Vega M with a quad-core 8th-generation Kaby Lake CPU. We expected strong graphics. The surprise for us came from the CPU side of things, though. As with previous generations of its laptop CPUs, Intels 8th generation comes in two variants: low-power U chips and high-power H chips. The H chips usually rule the school, but Kaby Lake-G brings in some fresh, fast blood. Intel has been pretty coy about exactly whats inside the G series of CPUs. Sure, theyre 8th-gen, but are they low-power or high-power? Well, it turns out, theyre high-power for the most part. Intel said its using a new Dynamic Power Sharing feature thats possible only with the unique design of the Kaby Lake-G CPU. As you might guess from the name, performance between the CPU and the GPU is shared based on workload. If the GPU is at rest, power and thermals can be used to push the CPU to higher levels. Our performance tests, therefore, are really a battle between the established H and the upstart G (while the low-power U watches from the sidelines). Which will prevail? First up is Cinebench R15, which tests multi-core CPU performance when rendering a 3D scene. We included results from the two other Spectre x360 15s in our performance chart: The Kaby Lake-R twin to our test unit, with the low-power quad-core Core i7-8550U, and the previous-generation low-power dual-core Core i7-7500U. The older unit comes in last, while the younger easily outpaces it. IDG The Core i7-8705G in the Spectre x360 15 performs far closer to an H-series-class CPU, thanks to a unique power-sharing arrangement between the GPU and CPU As we expect given its Core i7-7700HQ H chip, the Dell XPS 15 clamshell outruns everyoneexcept the new Core i7-8705G. The Dell XPS 15 and the new HP Spectre x360 15 actually have the same basic CPU, but the 8th-gen Kaby Lake-G version in the Spectre x360 15 is more than 50 percent faster than the 8th-gen Kaby Lake-R version in the XPS 15. One other result we want to point out above is from the Lenovo Yoga 720. Its another 15-inch convertible laptop with a high-power Core i7-7700HQ inside, plus GeForce GTX 1050 graphics. But its a good example of the performance you give up when you try to stuff a 45-watt CPU inside a convertible laptop with a 75-watt graphics card. In this CPU test, the Spectre x360 15 is more than 30 percent faster. Single-core performance for the Spectre x360 15 also sings, as you can see from our results in Cinebench (below) using a single CPU thread. These numbers are more indicative of what youll see in most real-world use, given that few applications will use all of the cores of a CPU. IDG Thanks to higher clock speeds, the 8th-gen CPUs outrun the 7th-generation CPUs. Because all of the CPUs here use the same basic design, it comes down to how you can run the CPU. The newest 8th-gen chips take the lead, even over higher-power CPUs. HandBrake performance The Cinebench benchmark is very useful, but it usually takes just a couple of minutes to run on many laptops. Thats not long enough to see how prolonged heat affects a system. Thats why we run our HandBrake encoding test, which can push the CPU hard for more than 40 minutes on a quad-core. In theory, if a laptop isnt adequately cooled, or if it decides to sacrifice performance for fan noise, the effects will show up here. The results again put the new Spectre x360 15 ahead of the competition, but its really a tie. The good news for HP is its tied with Dells XPS 15, which is a standard clamshell design with fewer thermal compromises. What the test really tells us is the new Kaby Lake G is every bit as fast as a 45-watt H-series CPU. IDG The Spectre x360 15 ties with Dells XPS 15 buts a good thing. HP Spectre x360 15 gaming performance Wed stop most mainstream laptop testing at this point. But with the Radeon RX Vega inside Kaby Lake-G, we also want to see how it performs in games. The first result we give you is Futuremarks 3DMark Sky Diver. The results are right where Intel claimed theyd be: Between GeForce GTX 1050 and GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. IDG Intel said the Kaby Lake G in the Spectre x360 15 would perform around GTX 1050 levels and were seeing that in spades. 3Dmark is a synthetic test which may or may not apply to actual games. The first real game we tried was Tomb Raider on the Ultimate setting. IDG Tomb Raider puts the Core i7-8705G a lot closer to a GeForce GTX 1060 Max-Q than we expected. The test is a little sensitive to CPU performance, which propels the Spectre x360 15 a little higher than youll see in a more graphics-intensive games. Its entirely likely that older games will see the graphics power of the Spectre x360 15 creep up a lot closer to GTX 1060 Max-Q. If you hoped the Spectre x360 15 would run with gaming laptops in all games, we return to reality in Rise of the Tomb Raider, where the Spectre x360 15 is slightly slower than a GeForce GTX 1050 laptop. IDG Load the low power version of the Kaby Lake-G in the Spectre x360 15 up with a more intensive GPU task, and you can see it drop back to GTX 1050 territory. HP Spectre x360 15 battery performance Our last test is likely the most important one for those who buy a laptop: battery life. We loop a 4K video at a relatively bright 250 to 260 nits, with the laptop set to airplane mode, and with earbuds connected. The results for the Spectre x360 15 are fairly impressive, but not the winner. The winner is its near-twin, the Spectre x360 15 with a Core i5-8550U and GeForce MX150. Remember: Both laptops have the exact same-size battery and the exact same screen. Still, for a laptop with this much CPU and GPU performance, this is an impressive result. This still doesnt mean you can play a game on batteries for nine hours. It means you can probably watch movies on the SSD for that long. Browsing, gaming, and other CPU-intensive tasks will use far more battery. IDG Considering where the Spectre x360 15 with Kaby Lake-G falls in the power curve, this is very impressive battery life. Conclusion Theres two conclusions to be made here. The first is the HP Spectre x360 15 itself. The high-end laptop has been around for two years now, but it took Intels Kaby Lake-G to make it sing, delivering plenty of performance to go with the looks. Adam Patrick Murray We have few quibbles with the Spectre x360 15 design. But we were hoping itd be lighter rather than heavier. The slender profile hides our biggest disappointment, though: the weight. Blame the 4K panel, or look on the bright side and appreciate the sturdiness, but bottom line, this is a heavier laptop than wed like. The second conclusion is that Intels Kaby Lake-G Core i7-8705G is a pretty impressive package (our review of the CPU is here.) Its not enough to threaten Nvidias dominance at the high-end of gaming laptops, but the truth is, the lions share of gaming laptops sales are actually in the GeForce GTX 1050 range. The Spectre x360 15 can hold its own in this crowd, further blurring the line between mainstream and gaming machines. Vote for the Gaylord Herald Times Player of the Week for 9/29-10/6 Get the SC business stories that matter. Our newsletter catches you up with all the business stories that are shaping Charleston and South Carolina every Monday and Thursday at noon. Get ahead with us - it's free. Three days after officials closed the Wando River bridge over westbound Interstate 526, igniting a widespread traffic nightmare, Charleston-area motorists on Thursday morning were gearing up for yet another day of sitting in congested traffic this time with an increased likelihood of rain showers. On Wednesday, the S.C. Department of Transportation offered its less-than-ideal prognosis: the heavily traveled portion of I-526 would remain shut down for four weeks while officials worked on a temporary fix for a busted cable. The span, which is a crucial connector for Mount Pleasant commuters to downtown Charleston, is expected to reopen June 11. In the meantime, Mount Pleasant-area motorists in many cases are having to endure significantly prolonged commutes onto the peninsula. As of 2 p.m. Thursday, just ahead of evening rush hour, heavy traffic was already beginning to accumulate on Johnnie Dodds Boulevard, just before southbound U.S. 17 on the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge. You can view select areas of DOT roads, including areas experiencing delays, here via above-street cameras. Both north and southbound U.S. 17 are part of detour suggestions outlined by the DOT: Southbound US 17 across the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to I-26 in Charleston. Northbound US 17 to Highway 41 to Clements Ferry back to I-526. Do you know an alternate route or back way around traffic? We encourage you to use these routes as you can. Please remember to watch your speed as you travel these secondary roads! #chstrfc #mtpsc Mount Pleasant PD (@MountPleasantPD) May 17, 2018 Weather forecasters previously predicted stormy weather for the area throughout the week. The inclement weather, which could prove to exacerbate the delays, has largely held off. The good fortune, however, may soon run its course. How's the weather shaping up? Rain showers are likely on Thursday, according to the National Weather Service, with new rainfall throughout the day totaling less than a tenth of an inch. There's about a 60-percent chance of rain showers in the afternoon with possible thunderstorms after 5 p.m. Forecasters expect the greatest areas of precipitation to happen inland, starting in southeast Georgia during the morning and spreading north/northeast into southeast South Carolina, the Weather Service's Charleston office said. Showers and thunderstorms are likely before 11 p.m., the Weather Service said. "Although severe weather is not anticipated, a strong thunderstorm or two can not be ruled out during the day," the Weather Service said. "The main issue will be shower and thunderstorm activity potentially enhancing a risk of coastal flooding during the high tide cycle late." Gridlock dispatches Hard to see here, but there are two people in the median handing out water to motorists stuck in traffic on Highway 17 in Mount Pleasant. #chstrfc Andrew Knapp (@offlede) May 17, 2018 Mt Pleasant has become the Hotel California, you can check in anytime you like but you can never leave #chstrfc #bridgepocalypse Bill Jarrard (@WilliamHJarrard) May 17, 2018 Staff of #TraderJoes at Johnnie Dodds in Mount Pleasant along 17 Southbound handing out water and breakfast bars, encouraging folks to have a good day with smiles and well-wishes #chsnews @postandcourier Liz Foster (@TheDizzyLizzieB) May 17, 2018 Gov. Henry McMaster told transportation officials Thursday to make part of eastbound Interstate 526 a two-way road, a temporary plan that could ease gridlock ignited by the shutdown of a Wando River bridge. But local officials have expressed concerns about the effort's ripple effects on motorists going in two directions rather than drivers on just the westbound side which came to a halt after a broken cable in the James B. Edwards Bridge was discovered Monday. The potential impacts of the switch remain a target of study by traffic engineers, but a letter from McMaster told the S.C. Department of Transportation to "develop and execute a plan." "The hope is that the reversal of that lane will help ease the traffic that weve seen," the governor's spokesman, Brian Symmes, added. "The governor is absolutely mindful of the concerns. That's why all these agencies are involved." Attempts to reach DOT spokesman Pete Poore for comment on the measure were not immediately successful, but a video posted by the agency on YouTube showed crews tearing up the grassy median of I-526 near the bridge to allow westbound motorists to cross to the other side. It was not clear when any switch would be put into place. DOT Secretary Christy Hall told The Post and Courier on Tuesday that her agency had already started devising a plan to run traffic in two directions on the eastbound side of the Wando River bridge. State authorities and officials from Mount Pleasant and Charleston discussed the idea during a conference Thursday morning where the concerns were voiced. Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie said experts first had to decide whether emergency vehicles would fit along with two directions of traffic on I-526. The answer was yes. The question that lingered at the end of the meeting was what methods would mitigate the risk of having opposing traffic on a road that everyone knows as a one-way interstate, Haynie said. It went unanswered. Shortly afterward, the governor ordered the DOT to figure out a way to get it done. Haynie said the town is on board. "It's one of those things where no municipality wants to make the ultimate decision to do something that's so serious," he said. "You want to look at every possible risk. But by the governor basically ordering it, it was a relief to everybody that the decision was made at the highest level." The DOT shuttered the western side of the twin spans after a weekly review found one of eight main cables tying together its concrete segments had snapped. The bridge's closure is expected to last until June 11, extending 20-minute rush-hour commutes into 45- to 90-minute journeys. The I-526 crossover is one of several options being employed in hopes of pushing along traffic at peak times; one went into effect Thursday. By mid-afternoon, crews had set up traffic cones that split one lane into two lanes leading from the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to Interstate 26. It was working, Haynie said after fielding a report of a motorist making it from Mount Pleasant to the Convention Center in North Charleston in 30 minutes during the evening rush hour. For now, motorists are using U.S. Highway 17 and the Ravenel Bridge to get to Charleston. Another detour option takes them over S.C. Highway 41 and Clements Ferry Road, which leads to an unaffected portion of westbound I-526. Symmes said the governor is confident that a scheme for splitting I-526 would be safe and keep traffic moving. It would require some sort of barrier most likely orange cones between the two directions of traffic on the eastbound span. While the DOT was keeping an eye on both spans of the Wando River bridge for damaged cables, officials have revealed problems on only the westbound side. "If there was an issue with the eastbound side," Symmes said, "people wouldnt be traveling across it." Charleston police Capt. Chip Searson, who attended Thursday's meeting involving local and state officials, said the discussion centered on whether the move would be an overall benefit or more harmful than helpful. "Whatever you do, it will impact someplace else," Searson said. "You cut those three (eastbound) lanes down to one lane, it's going to impact something." McMaster's letter asked Hall and the DOT to keep his office informed of her progress on the work. "We certainly hope there are no problems," Haynie said. "Anybody using the reversed lane ... please drive with the utmost caution." The Every Student Succeeds Act retains some elements of the No Child Left Behind, but diminishes the federal controls over public schools. Wade Spees/staff/file Political Editor Schuyler Kropf is The Post and Courier political editor. He has covered every major political race in South Carolina dating to 1988, including for U.S. Senate, governorship, the Statehouse and Republican and Democratic presidential primaries. Jamie Lovegrove is a political reporter covering the South Carolina Statehouse, congressional delegation and campaigns. He previously covered Texas politics in Washington for The Dallas Morning News and in Austin for the Texas Tribune. Charleston, SC (29403) Today Sun and clouds mixed. High 81F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Mostly clear. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. Assistant Columbia bureau chief Adcox returned to The Post and Courier in October 2017 after 12 years covering the Statehouse for The Associated Press. She previously covered education for The P&C. She has also worked for The AP in Albany, N.Y., and for The Herald in Rock Hill. Global Plant Growth Regulators Market projected to grow with significant CAGR over the forecast Global Plant Growth Regulators Market 2018-05-17 13:06:40 Press Information precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX satya Lead-Market 8665981553 email # 678 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXLead-Market8665981553 Global Plant Growth Regulators Market projected to grow with significant CAGR over the forecastAn Introduction to the Global Plant Growth Regulators MarketRegulators are basically chemicals either naturally occurring or artificially made, which when applied to seeds or plants can alter their characteristics. They are also known as plant hormones. With the help of plant growth regulators, farmers can achieve the goal what they desire from their crops. These plant growth regulators can be helpful in making crops resistant to disease or insect. They can also help in improving root strength. Natural/organic regulators are sourced from naturally occurring living organisms like seaweed, liquid kelp etc where as synthetic regulators are made artificially.Drivers and Constraint for Plant Growth Regulators MarketGrowing profitability concern among farmers has inclined them towards organic farming and usage of organic products to safeguard their crops. This is seen as the main growth driving factor for plant growth regulators market. Other factors contributing to the growth of plant growth regulators market are growing concern among farmers for plant health, increase in import and export of food products, prolonged usage of fertilizers.On the other hand, factors like strict regulatory framework, high product cost and lack of awareness are still hindering the growth of plant growth regulators market.A sample of this report is available upon request @Global Plant Growth Regulators Market ClassificationThe global plant growth regulators can be classified on the basis of type and geographyOn the basis of type, plant growth regulators market can be segmented into the following categories: Gibberellins Cytokinins Auxins Abscisic acid EthyleneTo view TOC of this report is available upon request @Plant Growth Regulators Market Global PerspectiveCurrently the plant growth regulators market is not so prominent due to fewer players in the global market. These players are adopting mergers, acquisition and collaboration strategies in order to grow. Also, adoption of modern agricultural practices in order to meet the increased food demand for growing population along with favourable government policies will help the plant growth regulators market to grow in Long run.On the basis of geography, the plant growth regulators market can be divided into five regions. These are:-i) Europeii) Asia-Pacificiii) Middle East & Africaiv) North Americav) Latin AmericaEurope is seen as the leading market among all the above regions, mainly due to increase in organic farming activities and availability of lands for organic farming. North America is second important region for plant growth regulators market where growth is due to presence of a rapidly growing organic farming especially in the United States. In Asia-Pacific region, countries like India, China and New Zealand are likely to contribute the most. Being agriculture based economy, strong agricultural practices and a favourable FDI (in case of India) will help the plant growth regulators market to grow in these countries.Need more information about this report @Plant Growth Regulators Market Key PlayersFew of the key players in the plant growth regulators market are as provided below:- Syngenta AG (Switzerland) FMC Corporation (U.S.) The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.) Nufarm Limited (Australia) BASF SE (Germany)Plant Growth Regulators Market Recent Developments October 2013 - Tata Chemicals launched FarmGro and FarmGro G, innovative organic plant growth regulators.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@ Toll Free (US):+1-866-598-1553Website @ 2018-05-17 07:33:01 For the first quarter of the financial year 2018 we record the following key data: Rental income received slightly increases from 14.3 million end Q1 2017 to 14.6 million EPRA earnings* increase by 12.6% from 6.1 million end Q1 2017 to 6.9 million increase by 12.6% from 6.1 million end Q1 2017 to 6.9 million Important rise (+97%) of net result from 3.5 million end Q1 2017 to 6.9 million or 1.39 per share Funding cost decreases from 2.99% on 31/12/2017 to 2.90% Occupancy rate slightly increases to 94.9% Redevelopments in Belgium and Luxembourg on schedule Alternative Performance Measures (APM) in the sense of the ESMA directive of 5 October 2015 in this press release are indicated with an asterisk (*) and are further explained in the annexes to this press release. Integral press release below. This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Leasinvest Real Estate Comm. VA via Globenewswire 2018-05-17 12:00:17 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail # 377 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Letho Resources Corp.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCWire) - Letho Resources Corp. (TSX Venture:LET). has issued a press release with the following headline:Letho Appoints New Chairman of the BoardTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Letho Resources Corp., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Resources Corp.Source: Letho Resources Corp. (TSX Venture: LET)Date: May 17, 2018Time: 6:00 AM EDT--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Letho Resources Corp. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Global Medical Lasers Market - Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013-2017 and Forecast 2018-2024 Medical Lasers Market 2018-05-17 08:03:04 Press Information Precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Marketing Lead +1-866-598-1553 email # 826 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXMarketing Lead+1-866-598-1553 Global Medical Lasers Market: By Product Type (Solid-state Laser Systems, Gas Laser Systems, Diode Laser Systems, and Dye Laser Systems), By Application (Dentistry, Urology, Cardiovascular, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Gynecology, and Others), By Distribution Channel (Hospitals, Cosmetic Clinics, and Others), and Geography - Market Estimation, Dynamics, Regional Share, Trends, Competitor Analysis 2013-2017 and Forecast 2018-2024Global medical lasers market was valued at US $ XX Mn in 2017 and expected to grow at 15.0% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) over 2018 to 2024Market Outline: Medical Lasers MarketThe term laser stands for the amplification of light by stimulated emission of radiation. Medical lasers are the medical devices that use precisely focused light source in the treatment or removal of tissues. The laser light has a specific wavelength. It has a narrow beam that creates a very high-intensity light. As the laser light focuses very accurately, it can be used in very precise surgical work.Market Dynamics: Medical Lasers MarketThe technological advancements are the key factors attributed for the growth of the medical lasers market. The rise in incidence of the eye related disorders and growing awareness among the people regarding the modern treatment procedures is enhancing the growth of the market. Increase in the adoption of the new treatment procedures and growing affordability of laser procedures are boosting the growth of the market. The higher adoption of the cosmetic treatment is majorly anticipated to drive the growth of the medical lasers market. For instance, as per American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2016, there were around 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures and 15.5 million cosmetic minimally invasive procedures were performed and in 2015, around 1.1 million laser hair removal procedures were performed all across the globe. The further growth is expected over the forecasted period owing to its varied number of applications. However, the high rate of failure of laser-based surgical procedures and stringent safety regulations are may the growth of the market.Free sample of this report is available upon request @Market Scope: Medical Lasers MarketMedical Lasers market is segmented based on the product type, application, and end userBased on the product type, the market is segmented into the following: Solid state laser systemso Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Laser Systemso Alexandrite Laser Systemso Ruby Laser Systemso Holmium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser (Ho:Yag) Systemso Erbium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser (Er:Yag) Systemso Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser (Nd:Yag) Systems Gas laser systemso Metal Vapor (Copper And Gold) Laser Systemso Helium Neon (He-Ne) Laser Systemso Excimer Laser Systemso Co2 Laser Systemso Argon Laser Systemso Krypton Laser Systems Diode Laser Systems Dye Laser SystemsBased on the application, the market is segmented into the following: Dentistry Urology Cardiovascular Ophthalmology Dermatology Gynecology OthersBased on the end user, the market is segmented into the following: Hospitals Cosmetic Clinics OthersFree TOC of this report is available upon request @Regional Analysis: Medical Lasers MarketGeographically, global medical lasers market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America medical lasers market holds dominant share when compared with that of the other regional markets. The advancements in the technology and rising awareness among the people regarding the modern treatment options is adding fuel for the growth of the market in this region. The adoption of the new treatment options is anticipating the growth of the medical laser market in this region. Europe and the Asia Pacific are expected to grow at significant rate over the forecast period owing to the availability of large untapped market.Need more information about this report @Competition Assessment: Medical Lasers MarketSome of the players in the global medical lasers market include: Lumenis Ltd. (Japan) IRIDEX Corp. (U.S) Novadaq Technologies, Inc. (Canada) Spectranetics Corporation (U.S) Syneron-Candela (U.S) Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (U.S) AngioDynamics Corp. (U.S) American Medical Systems, Inc. (U.S) Biolase Inc. (U.S) Cardiogenesis Corporation, Inc. (U.S)Notable Market Developments: Medical Lasers Market In March 2018, Sensus Healthcare has launched a Sensus Laser Systems which includes applications for hair and tattoo removal, acne lesion correction, skin rejuvenation and pigmentation/large pore treatmentGet access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@ Toll Free (US):+1-866-598-1553Website @ 2018-05-17 09:34:02 NOTE: The following article contains content from AppRiver. AppRiver could soon become even more interesting for Swiss managed service providers. As AppRiver, in the next few weeks, is very likely to be the first provider in Switzerland with Microsoft 365 on the market. GULF BREEZE, Fla., May 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Microsoft 365 represents the fulfillment of Microsoft's longstanding vision to deliver an innovative portfolio of productivity, collaboration and security tools that address the future of business. It is the culmination of Microsoft's innovation, technology and forward strategy, and it will revolutionize how business users work and how administrators manage their IT infrastructure. Microsoft looked deep into its crystal ball and saw how the modern workplace was drastically transforming. The future is cloud-based. It's mobile. It's global and dispersed. It's not tied to a formal office. And it's not secure. For managed service providers (MSPs), consultants and resellers, Microsoft 365 presents a collection of enhanced business opportunities that will not only help to sell subscriptions, but also to educate clients and support the new infrastructure. Partners will need to develop a fluent understanding of the features, benefits and shortcomings of Microsoft 365 before making client presentations or recommendations. While Microsoft has generously provided a great deal of information on Microsoft 365, it can be a significant task to sort through the available assets and determine which are applicable. Begin developing your knowledge of Microsoft 365 by understanding: What Microsoft 365 encompasses Key security considerations New service and business opportunities Microsoft 365: What's "In the Box"? Many assume that Microsoft 365 is a new branding approach for the popular Office 365 suite of solutions. It isn't. Even at its most basic, Microsoft 365 is the applications, management tools and the operating system combined as one. It's a union that, at a glance, may seem unwieldy. However, its complexity is designed to transform the workplace for the better. For partners, their clients and IT professionals, it is valuable to think of Microsoft 365 as a practice, not a product. While Microsoft 365 will have a significant impact on business users, it will be an entire shift in how IT administrators manage technology and their users. In turn, partners also need to take a different approach when presenting Microsoft 365 to clients. Securing Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 radically changes the security footprint and foundation. With Microsoft 365, all the pieces are working in concert and receive structured updates that are compatible with the entire stack. Among the many enhancements, Microsoft recognized that security can't be effectively addressed at only the enterprise or IT level, since end-users can infect the network with the click of a bad link. Therefore, Microsoft intelligently moved security to the user level and partners need to educate their clients on how to use these new tools. Microsoft 365 outperforms legacy operating systems with a secure, modern state that extracts the best of Microsoft's new security capabilities. Moreover, while Microsoft 365 offers a wide range of security enhancements above and beyond Office 365, it will still require additional protections and will demand heightened monitoring and maintenance. Microsoft 365: The Channel Opportunity Beyond the opportunity to sell new subscriptions to customers, Microsoft 365 provides channel partners with a new opportunity to deliver ongoing service and support, along with the necessary hardware and security software that will power the next-generation, secure enterprise. From a financial perspective, Microsoft 365 carries a higher perceived price point than Office 365, so gross margins will likely increase if partners apply the same markup methodology. Partners should expect a 10 - 18 percent increase in earnings over typical managed services. Since Microsoft 365 is still new and there is much confusion in the market, partners can expect to receive many questions from clients. Some clients will also raise objections about the move to Microsoft 365 by attempting to hang on to current or legacy operating systems as long as possible. Based on Microsoft's impassioned approach and the widespread benefits that Microsoft 365 will deliver, the upgrade to Microsoft 365 is essentially inevitable. It's not about if, it's when since many end-of-life (EOL) events are already scheduled to occur by the end of 2020. And while Microsoft has been known to extend EOL deadlines in the past, the transitions to Microsoft 365 and reseller opportunities will happen soon. Next Steps: Getting Started The need to get up-to-speed quickly on Microsoft 365's intricacies cannot be overstated. Few have time to sort through the bulk of Microsoft materials and extract the most actionable items, so it's helpful to locate materials, podcasts and videos that act as an "interpreter" to help decipher Microsoft's marketing language and support documentation for you and your customers. There are also complimentary courses to help partners learn and sell Microsoft 365, some of which result in a certification medallion - a key element of validation that IT decision-makers will seek when selecting expert Microsoft 365 resellers. Develop your knowledge, then get ready for the new era of opportunities with selling and supporting Microsoft's visionary new platform to IT decision-makers. ----------------------------------- About the Author Scott Paul is the Senior Director of AppRiver's Microsoft Alliance. AppRiver was one of the Microsoft's original go-to-market partners for Office 365 and now has one of the most experienced Office 365 support teams in the business. The company also provides free Microsoft 365 training courses for channel partners. CONTACT INFORMATION: Jordi Vilanova AppRiver 34-932-200-101 Ext 1002 Seed Coatings Material Market projected To Grow With Significant CAGR Over The Forecast Period Coatings Material Market 2018-05-17 14:22:19 Press Information Precision Business Insights Kemp House, 152 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX Satya Marketing Lead +1-866-598-1553 email # 623 Words Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXMarketing Lead+1-866-598-1553 Seed Coatings Material Market Overview:-The process of coating the surface of seeds with various materials like plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other chemicals in order to enhance their various properties. Seed coating can help in improving the crop yield, increase shelf life of seeds and improve their seeding rates.Dynamics of the Seed Coatings Material Market:-With rising awareness among farmers about benefits of seed coating, there is an increase in demand for coated seeds. This in turn will fuel the growth for seed coatings material market. Also, there is constant pressure to meet the food demand of growing population, inclination of population towards sustainable agricultural practices, innovations in agricultural sector, and government initiatives which will support the growth in seed coatings material market.Free sample of this report is available upon request @Seed Coatings Material Market SegmentationSeed coatings material market can be segmented on the basis of type, crop type, application and region.On the basis of product type, the seed coatings material market can be segmented as below:- Colorants Minerals or Pumice Polymers Pellets OthersOn the basis of the crop type, the seed coatings material market can be segmented as below:- Grains and Cereals Fruits and Vegetables Turf and Ornamental Plants Oilseeds and PulsesFree TOC of this report is available upon request @Region Wise Analysis of the Seed Coatings Material MarketOn the basis of geography, the seed coatings material market can be divided into five key markets. They are:- Latin America Europe Asia Pacific North America The Middle East and AfricaWith U.S being the largest share holder of the seed coatings material market, North America becomes the biggest market for the seed coatings material. Government subsidies, demand for cutting-edge technologies in agriculture are the main growth drivers in this region. Being agriculture dependent economy, countries like India, China, Japan, Brazil are likely to contribute more to the growth of the seed coatings material market in coming years. Thus in the forecasted period, the seed coatings material market likely to observe more demand from Asia-Pacific and Latin American regions due to presence of untapped market and unmet needs. Also, the major players in this industry are planning to have their business expansion in these countries to address this rising demand.Need more information about this report @Major Competitors in the Seed Coatings Material MarketFew of the major players in this segment are as provided below:- DuPont (U.S.) Adjuvant plus Inc. (Canada) Monsanto Company (U.S.) Momentive Performance Materials (U.S.) Syngenta AG (Switzerland) Akzonoble N.V. (Netherlands) Bayer CropScience AG (Germany) Brandt Consolidated (U.S.) Solvay SA (Belgium) The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.) Croda Chemicals (India)Seed Coatings Material Market Key Developments The BioAg Alliance, Monsonto Company and Novozymes launched Acceleron B-300 SAT, a yield boosting microbial seed coating in the year 2017. January 2012 Sale of Landecs seed coating business to Incotec.Get access to full summary @About Precision Business InsightsPrecision Business Insights is one of the leading market research and business consulting firm, which follow a holistic approach to solve needs of the clients. We adopt and implement proven research methodologies to achieve better results. We help our clients by providing actionable insights and strategies to make better decisions. We provide consulting, syndicated and customised market research services based on our client needs.Contact to Precision Business Insights,Kemp House,152 160 City Road,London EC1V 2NXEmail: sales@ Toll Free (US):+1-866-598-1553Website @ 2018-05-17 13:00:36 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail # 391 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for Theralase Technologies Inc.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Toronto, Ontario (FSCWire) - Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSX Venture:TLT). has issued a press release with the following headline:Theralase Provides Update on Phase Ib Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Clinical StudyTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on Theralase Technologies Inc., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Technologies Inc.Source: Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSX Venture: TLT, OTCQX: TLTFF, FWB: TTX, WKN: A0DLB7, ISIN: CA88337V1004)Date: May 17, 2018Time: 7:00 AM EDT--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of Theralase Technologies Inc. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2018 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) 2018-05-17 13:37:06 Paris, Amsterdam, May 17, 2018 Press release Unibail-Rodamco S.E.: Approval of the acquisition of Westfield Corporation and of all other resolutions at the Combined Annual General Meeting of May 17, 2018 Approval of the Westfield Transaction Unibail-Rodamco's Combined Annual General Meeting took place at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild, Paris. All resolutions submitted for approval by shareholders were adopted, including those related to the Westfield Transaction and the stapled share structure of the New Group. The stapled security of the New Group, composed of one Unibail-Rodamco share and one WFD Unibail-Rodamco N.V. class A share, will be listed on Euronext Amsterdam (market of reference) and Euronext Paris and be traded under a single quotation line (ticker: URW). In addition, the stapled security will be listed on the Sydney stock exchange in the form of a Chess Depositary Interest. Detailed results of the votes are available on the Group's website ( On May 24, 2018, Westfield securityholders will convene to vote on the schemes of arrangement to approve the Transaction. The Westfield Transaction has been unanimously recommended by the Lowy family and Westfield's Board of Directors. On April 12, 2018, Westfield disclosed that the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) had registered the Westfield Securityholder Booklet. This document includes a report by an Independent Expert, which concludes that the Transaction is in the best interests of Westfield securityholders, in the absence of a superior proposal. Christophe Cuvillier, CEO of Unibail-Rodamco commented: "Today marks a new and major step forward in the acquisition of Westfield, a natural extension of Unibail-Rodamco's strategy of concentration, differentiation and innovation. I would like to thank our shareholders for their support for the proposed Transaction, which represents a compelling opportunity for continued profitable growth and value creation. We now look forward to the Westfield securityholders' vote on the Transaction, as the ultimate step toward the creation of the premier global developer and operator of flagship shopping destinations." Annual accounts and dividend The shareholders approved the Group's annual accounts for the 2017 financial year and resolved to distribute a dividend of 10.80 per share, comprised of: an interim dividend of 5.40 per share paid on March 29, 2018, of which 4.15 from the Group's tax-exempt real estate activities ("SIIC" regime) and 1.25 from the Group's non-tax exempt activities, the final dividend of 5.40 per share to be paid to Unibail-Rodamco shareholders on May 30, 2018, from the Group's non-tax exempt activities. The ex-dividend date is May 28, 2018. Supervisory Board Shareholders approved the appointment of Ms Jill Granoff as a new member of the Supervisory Board, and the renewal of the terms of Ms Mary Harris, Ms Sophie Stabile, Ms Jacqueline Tammenoms Bakker, Mr Jean-Louis Laurens and Mr Alec Pelmore as members of the Supervisory Board. Shareholders also approved the appointment of two former Westfield board members, Mr John McFarlane and Mr Peter Lowy, as members of the Supervisory Board, subject to the completion of the Westfield Transaction, pursuant to which Mr Jean-Louis Laurens and Mr Alec Pelmore will resign as members of the Unibail-Rodamco Supervisory Board and be appointed as members of the WFD Unibail-Rodamco N.V. Supervisory Board. Christophe Cuvillier, CEO of Unibail-Rodamco stated: "On behalf of Unibail-Rodamco, its Management Board and all its employees, I would like to extend my gratitude to Jean-Louis Laurens and Alec Pelmore for their support and expertise. I look forward to working with them as members of the WFD Unibail-Rodamco N.V. Supervisory Board". Timeline Achieved milestones Announcement of the Transaction December 12, 2017 Unanimous positive opinions of the EEC and the UES works councils of Unibail-Rodamco January 8, 2018 FIRB Regulatory Approval March 28, 2018 Approval of the Prospectus by the AMF and the AFM Approval of the Document E by the AMF March 28, 2018 First Australian Scheme Court hearing Publication of the Westfield Securityholder Booklet and of an Independent Expert report April 12, 2018 Placement of 2.0 Bn of hybrid securities by Unibail-Rodamco April 16, 2018 Westfield Transaction approved by 99% of 2014 and 2015 ORNANE holders April 23, 2018 Placement of 3.0 Bn of senior bonds by Unibail-Rodamco May 2, 2018 Approval of the Supplement to the Prospectus by the AMF and the AFM May 15, 2018 Approval of the ASX listing May 16, 2018 Unibail-Rodamco AGM May 17, 2018 Next steps Westfield Scheme Meetings* May 24, 2018 Unibail-Rodamco final dividend ex-dividend date May 28, 2018 Second Australian Scheme Court hearing* May 29, 2018 Unibail-Rodamco final dividend payment date May 30, 2018 Effective Date* May 30, 2018 Implementation Date* June 7, 2018 *Subject to Australian regulatory process For further information, please contact: Investor Relations Maarten Otte +33 1 76 77 58 02 Media Relations Nathalie Feld +33 1 76 77 57 94 About Unibail-Rodamco Created in 1968, Unibail-Rodamco SE is Europe's largest listed commercial property company, with a presence in 11 Continental European countries, and a portfolio of assets valued at 43.1 Bn as of December 31, 2017. As an integrated operator, investor and developer, the Group aims to cover the whole of the real estate value creation chain. With the support of its 2,000 professionals, Unibail-Rodamco applies those skills to highly specialised market segments such as large shopping centres in major European cities or large offices and Convention & Exhibition centres in the Paris region. The Group distinguishes itself through its focus on the highest architectural, city planning and environmental standards. Its sustainable vision focuses on the development or redevelopment of outstanding places to meet up, connect, shop, work and enjoy. The Group's commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability is recognised by its inclusion in the FTSE4Good and STOXX Global ESG Leaders indexes. The Group is a member of the CAC 40, AEX 25 and EuroSTOXX 50 indices. It benefits from an A rating from Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings. For more information, please visit our website: This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: UNIBAIL-RODAMCO SE via Globenewswire The Association of Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ATCON) on Thursday urged the Federal Government to remove all impediments to accessing and adopting new technologies. The ATCON President, Olusola Teniola, made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on the backdrop of the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day. Mr Teniola said that access to new technologies would enable Nigerians, especially the youth, to improve their lives. The World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) is celebrated on May 17 annually. The 2018 WTISD had the theme: Enabling the Positive Use of Artificial Intelligence for All. The theme focuses on the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Mr Teniola said that the Federal Government should make it easy for the youth to have access to technologies such as AI, robotics, machine learning, big data and others to facilitate their development. In adopting these technologies which will improve our productivity, the government need to remove all impediments to the success of the industry. Currently, we are faced with 38 taxes and levies, and recently, there is a cyber-security tax that government wants to impose on any electronic transactions. It is called cyber-security levy. We strongly resist and denounce this. The tax should not be introduced at this time in the industrys development, with the country coming out from a recession, he said. The ATCON president, however, noted that the country had made some giant strides in telecommunications is spite of many challenges. In terms of the political terrain, we have been able to have a stable and democratic government supported by electronic voting and a stable communication network that enabled that to happen. For the social and economic benefits, the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the largest in Africa and has created more than 300,000 jobs. We have an industry that represents nine per cent of the total GDP which boasts of 450 million subscribers, and the services rendered by providers has the potential to still grow to at least 120 million dollars bond of investors by 2025. All these will be achieved through broadband penetration that will enable further growth of the industry, Mr Teniola said. For the students of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and the University of Ibadan, uncertainty surrounds expectations they would have their respective unions reinstated by the authorities of their schools anytime soon. PREMIUM TIMES exclusively interviewed the vice-chancellors of the two universities, who said the students demands for the restoration of their unions would take a while to be achieved. Students Union, (SU) activties have not occurred in the two universities since the turn of this year. THE GENESIS The OAU SU was suspended in November 2017, six months after the union at Ibadan suffered a similar blow. Both cases were in the wake of students protests. In justifying the indefinite suspension of the Ife SU, then led by Edward Ibukun, the school accused the union leaders of actions that could negatively impact its reputation and endangered the members of the university community. Following security reports of incessant fighting and unruly behaviour during the Congress of the Students Union and the recalcitrant attitude of their leadership, it has become inevitable for the University administration to suspend the activities of the Students Union of the Obafemi Awolowo University, read the statement signed by the registrar, Dotun Awoyemi. Weeks earlier, the university had suspended some student activists who the school accused of leading a violent protest against power outage which reportedly lasted six days. The registrar also cited the widely reported fight between the vice-president and the social director in which head butts and stabbing were recorded during a meeting of the union executive to make decisions in respect of expenditure of funds released on September 5. Then, he mentioned the vandalisation of the vehicle of the Ekiti State Chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalists on July 14, 2017; vandalisation of NURTW buses on October 6, 2016; and forceful release of students under investigation from police custody on October 6, 2017 and recent serious fighting and open fracas at the meetings of the Union. Also, the authorities of the University of Ibadan accused the Ojo Aderemi-led union of disrupting academic activities by mobilising students for a massive protest against the non-issuance of Identity(ID) Cards and unruly behaviour of the president. University of Ibadan (UI) Interestingly, as the Ibadan failed to issue ID cards to students, Ife also did not. At both schools, students are annually charged for ID cards. Students decry this failure, saying it denies them access to opportunities off campus where they are required to prove the validity of their studentship. In reaction to students protest over the ID cards, the UI management declared: the activities of the Students Union Executive Council (SUEC) and the Students Representative Council (SRC) be suspended until further notice. Embattled Union Leaders Speak The presidents of the two suspended SUs told PREMIUM TIMES the authorities were only desperate to justify their actions. Whoever made the assertion should give a clear meaning of it, Ojo Aderemi of UI said. Nobody can be the judge in his own case, he added. No one will say he/she is a bad child, Edward Ibukun of OAU said, buttressing his UI counterpart. Meanwhile, before the union was suspended, Mr Ibukun faced allegation he connived with his colleagues in the executive council to loot N2 million belong to the union. He denies this. However, the scandal led to the blocking of the union leaders access to their e-portal pages. One of the executives, Adewumi Michael, the director of sports, disclosed that the university locked their portal pages because of the inability of the president and other executives to account for the N2 million. Students Lament The leaders of the two suspended unions have called on students in both schools to unite to form a common front towards the struggle to restore their unions. Further, they said banning SUs would have implications for a schools role in grooming future leaders and providing an environment to help students nurture democratic attributes. Stifling the voice of young people creates nothing but another generation of imbeciles and that is a recipe for failure, Mr Aderemi stated. The union exists for the defence of rights of students and the fostering of patriotism towards the nation, he added. In an interview, a Law student of OAU, Binzak Azzez, explained that the suspension of union activities in his school has exposed students to security risks, exploitation and other problems. This, he said, became the consequences of no mechanism to maintain security and regulate prices. Students resort to self-help whenever conflict arises. The strong students bully the weak ones. In fact, some sets of students now have the audacity to smoke and display cult-like activities in public places. The bus drivers are inflating transport fare while traders exploit students as well. Its important that the activities of the SU are reinstated to allay these challenges. The only body capable of suppressing these challenges is the SU. Traditionally, the SU at OAU was mostly in charge of security and adjudication of disagreements involving its members. Students barely reported conflicts to the university authorities but to the SU. It was equally esponsible for regulation of prices to ensure students were not exploited. Because theres no union to engage students, the new accommodation policy without more hostels has displaced some students to houses outside the campus, another student said, lamenting the new policy which bans unauthorised residency in the hostels on campus. Also, Otunremi Damilola, a 500 level Nursing student of UI said the absence of the union made the over 100 per cent increment on the institution accommodation fee possible. The new accommodation fee is more than the sum of students school fees, she said. Ms Damilola, who referred to the suspended union as a lesser evil in comparison to UIs management, further blamed the union leaders for disunity. The students leaders themselves are not united. The school management is aware of this and that is what they are capitalising on to exploit the students. Not Anytime Soon VCs Meanwhile, the vice-chancellors of the two universities, in separate interviews with PREMIUM TIMES, said the unions would be reinstated but not anytime soon. The UI VC, Idowu Olayinka, said: The matriculation we did recently ought to have been done in October. What is the essence of lifting the ban on students union if after three months we are back to square one? We dont want what will affect the academic calendar again. Moreover, for almost a year now that the students union has been suspended, my salary is going fine and other staffs. Students are at the losing end. For the process of restoration, he, however, said, Dialogue comprising stakeholders in UI, that is, the faculty reps, the deans of faculties, halls executives and the union of campus journalists; will be fixed. He did not give a definite timeline. Also, Eyitope Ogunbodede, the VC of OAU said: We are going to reinstate the union if the atmosphere is okay and we are sure that we wont have a murder case in our hands. While speaking on the effects of the absence of SU as decried by the students, the two varsity heads said there are other bodies responsible for students welfare asides the SU We only suspended the union activities at the central executive level. We still have students unions in our halls of residence, Mr Ogunbodede said. There are bodies ranging from the halls of residence to faculties, added Mr Olayinka, echoing his Ife counerpart. Britain has extended a 100 million dollars loan to Zimbabwes private sector, the first direct commercial loan to the southern African country in over two decades, the state-controlled Herald newspaper reported Thursday. The newspaper quoted Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya as saying that the facility, in which Britain partnered the Standard Chartered Bank, would go a long way in improving the companies competitiveness. UKs development finance institution, CDC, will share the default risk on loans to provide foreign exchange to Zimbabwean companies. The loan will be for up to three years and can be used for capital expenditure or working capital. It is believed that companies in food processing, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors are likely to benefit. This is a significant move in that it is a medium-term facility to be used for the revival of companies in Zimbabwe, Mangudya said. He said there had been a deficit of medium-term funding to Zimbabwean private companies due to Western sanctions, adding that the loan would help the companies to retool and boost productivity. The governor said the loan facility was a sign of confidence by the international community in Zimbabwe following the advent of a new administration led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. It is a seal of approval or endorsement of government polices and measures aimed at transforming the economy into a middle income by 2030. From the RBZ side, we are pleased by this facility because it will increase exports by Zimbabwean companies, he said. CDC chief executive Nick ODonohoe said they started preparing the loan facility as soon as former President Robert Mugabe left office. Mugabe resigned in November last year after a military intervention, ending his uninterrupted 37 years in power. We think its pretty significant. Zimbabwes economy has been shattered over the last two decades, yet holds real potential, ODonohoe said. He said the last direct CDC loan to Zimbabwe was to a fish farm in 1994. Sunil Kaushal, regional chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank, said the loan facility was similar to that of a previous partnership with CDC when the two lent to Sierra Leone at the height of the Ebola epidemic in 2015. (Xinhua/NAN) U.S. President Donald Trump has congratulated Americans on the one year of the commencement of the Special Counsel Robert Muellers probe into the alleged Russian collusion to undermine the U.S. presidential election of November 8, 2016. Mr Trump repeated in his tweet that the Mueller probe was a witch hunt and that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russians to help him defeat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump tweeted: Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American Historyand there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money! The president also quoted Andrew McCarthys allegation that former President Barack Obama planted officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in his campaign to spy on him. McCarthy is an American columnist for National Review, and he served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT. Andrew McCarthy says, Theres probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign. If so, this is bigger than Watergate! Despite the disgusting, illegal and unwarranted Witch Hunt, we have had the most successful first 17 months Administration in U.S. history by far! Sorry to the Fake News Media and Hater, but thats the way it is! Trump tweeted. The president has severally caller for the shutdown of the probe, describing it as a waste of millions of dollars of public fund. According to the latest publicly available spending figures, nearly seven million dollars was spent by the U.S. Government between May and September 2017 to investigate the Russian meddling in the 2016 election. (NAN) Theophilus Abbah, managing editor of Daily Trust newspaper, is one of Nigerias most regarded investigative journalists renowned for giving voices to the voiceless and helping the oppressed, the cheated, and the abused get justice. But in mid October 2017, Mr Abbah himself felt extorted and could do nothing about his own situation. Mr Abbah was at the time planning a trip to Johannesburg to attend the 10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference which held November 16-19 of that year. To process his visa for the trip, the reporter dashed to the Abuja office of VFS Global, a private firm to which the South African High Commission and a number of other embassies in Nigeria have outsourced their visa processing services. VFS charged Mr Abbah N34,270.00 for a three-month visa. But what irked the journalist was the breakdown of the payment he made. When I saw the breakdown of VFS service charge, I felt cheated because the cost of the product is so low while the service charge is very high, he told PREMIUM TIMES. The VFS service charge is three times the Visa fee. This is exploitative. I dont understand why the service charge should be higher than the cost of the product I am buying. What value are they adding for them to charge so exorbitantly? While Mr Abbah was fuming in Abuja, some of his Lagos-based journalist colleagues applying for visa to attend the same event were dealing with the same situation at VFS Lagos office. Theophilus Abbah [Photo Credit: Theophilus Abbahs Blog] Motunrayo Alaka, head of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism, who coordinated the trip, said the four journalists got two rude shocks. The first was that the total amount they expected to pay from what was written on the organisations website and what they eventually had to pay was higher by about N9, 000, Mrs Alaka said. The second shock came as they got the breakdown of the costs which shows that while the visa fee itself is N8, 600, VFS charges N25, 270 for its services as the middle person. I see this as a ripoff by VFS but more worryingly a lack of regulatory framework that protects citizens of Nigeria from such practices. On many counts, from the cost of goods and services to the process for accessing them, the Nigerian government encourages monopolies and often leaves the people to be cheated by various cartels. But Mr. Abbah and Mrs Alaka are not alone in their discontent with VFS Global and its services in Nigeria. Months of investigation by PREMIUM TIMES show that widespread complaints of extortion and exorbitant service charges have continued to trail the operation of the company in Africas most populous country. Ms. Motunrayo Alaka Martins Obono, a frequent traveller, says he is no longer comfortable with the services of the company. I think their services are a rip-off in the first place, Mr. Obono, an Abuja-based rights activist, told PREMIUM TIMES. Secondly theres usually no guarantee that your visa will be out as at when due. VFS Global is an outsourcing and technology services specialist for governments and diplomatic missions worldwide. The company manages visa and passport issuance-related administrative tasks for its client governments. The firm works predominantly with a user-pay revenue model where it receives its service fee directly from the visa applicants, in addition to the visa fees which are remitted to the diplomatic missions. Since most countries find it cumbersome to create visa processing desks in their embassies, VFS global now serves as the courier man between those that want to travel and the diplomatic missions of the countries they are travelling to. Basically, the company collects, manages and processes visa documents submitted by prospective travellers and passes the applications to the embassies who then issue the visa. The company collects the processed visas from the embassies and delivers to applicants from which it received the original applications. VFS is domiciled in Nigeria, processing visas for citizens who want to travel to mostly European and African countries such as UK, Canada, Belgium, France, South Africa, among others. Belgium visa fees and service charges on VFS information Board. To travel to any of these countries, applicants are forbidden from approaching their embassies directly, and therefore have no choice than to procure the services of VFS Global. Being a monopoly in the market in which it operates, customers have often accused VFS Global of mistreating them, saying the firm has often indiscriminately hike its service charges as well as pose a lacklustre attitude in discharging the services paid for. But what has irked customers the most appears to be the unbelievably high service charges the company receives from applicants. For instance, when PREMIUM TIMES commenced this investigations in November 2017, the South African Visa fee was put at N8,600. But VFS was collecting an additional N25,465 as service charge, almost three times the visa fee. PREMIUM TIMES put out a questionnaire on its social media handles asking Nigerians who have used VFS global to share their experiences. While some of the respondents were of the view that the companys services were below standard and not commensurate with the service fees it charges, others said its services were good but needed improvement. Their services are not bad actually but the fee they charge is on the high side, one respondent said. When you apply for Canadian visa and you are refused, you will be asked to pay for biometric and processing all over again which is not fair. I paid N45000 for myself and N38000 for my son to Canada and still was rejected, another respondent said. They should reduce their charges and help to tell the applicants if their documents are likely to be accepted. Some of the female staff are arrogant and the email and SMS alerts rarely come on time, yet another one said. Too many delays. Fraudulent SMS fee Mrs. Alaka of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism said, Another fraudulent part of the visa process as managed by the VFS is the charge for text messages. Applicants pay N400 for what must be golden text messages. I have paid this many times. The maximum number of text messages sent to the applicant is usually four. One to acknowledge receipt, a second to state that the application package has left the VFS office to the embassy, a third to announce that it is ready for collection and the last to document that the applicant has collected the package. A disclaimer on the information board at VFS Abuja office. It says the company is not liable for SMS not sent. Regular text message by service providers cost N4 per unit and bulk text messages can be as low as N2 by unit. Why then do Nigerians have to pay N100 each for four text messages by VFS? Again, I blame the regulators who allow this to happen to the detriment of the people. Going to another country is treated like it is a favour to Nigerians even though our visits contributes in huge measures to the economy of the receiving countries. Most of the respondents surveyed also complained of not receiving SMS which the company charge them N400 for. I have applied for visas through VFS several times, said Musikilu Mojeed, editor-in-chief of this newspaper. Not once did they ever send me an SMS. They only sent me emails. Yet each time I applied, they compelled me to pay N400 for SMS. In what appears a clever antic to avoid responsibility for SMS not sent or delivered, the company puts a loud disclaimer on its notice board at its Abuja Office It is not the responsibility of VFS Global to ensure SMS service is received by the applicant, the notice read. Our obligation is to send the SMS and we shall not be liable for any SMS not received. The activist, Mr. Obono, who regularly applies for UK visa through VFS Global, believes this is another way of exploiting people. CSNAC goes angry In July 2017, the Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC) wrote to the Consumer Protection Council (CPC) to investigate the activities and business operations of VFS Global for charging N400 for SMS. In a petition to the director-general of the commission, CSNAC accused VFS Global of fraudulent, unconscionable and exploitative business antics. VFS Global charge a mandatory SMS rate from visa applicants and the said service is designed in such a way that its not optional, thus stifling competition and imposing the excessively high rate on the applicants, the groups chairman, Olanrewaju Suraju, said. This is in utter breach of consumers right to choose and access to variety of quality products and services at competitive prices. The average amount chargeable by all communication companies for SMS is the rate of N4 (Four Naira) only and the said rate is way cheaper when utilizing bulk SMS service which comes at an average rate of about N1.50k (One Naira, Fifty Kobo) only. We are reliably convinced that VFS Global utilizes the said cheaper alternative. On the whole, in a normal visa application, the SMS notification usually required to be sent is less than four SMS which at most will cost about N20 (Twenty Naira) only, leaving an excess of about N380 (Three Hundred Naira) unaccounted for, in an obvious exploitation of applicants and an overcharge aimed at depriving them of their hard earned money. Similarly, the coalition identified the inefficiency of the firms SMS service, stating that, disturbingly, the said VFS Global Services and operation company in an overwhelming majority of established cases negligently and or fraudulently fail to send the relevant SMS to update applicants of the status of their application as promised despite the un-refundable payment made to that effect. This is in a flagrant breach of consumers right to satisfaction of basic needs, as the said company owes a duty to ensure that their services meet the standard of quality promised such that there is value for money in the transaction. On the above basis, we hereby demand an urgent investigation of the VFS Global Services. Consumer Protection Council speaks The Director General of the Consumer Protection Council (CPC), Barr Babatunde Adekunle Irukera The Director General of the Consumer protection Council, Babatunde Irukera, confirmed his organisation received the petition from CSNAC in addition to a myriad of complaints from other disgruntled applicants. Mr. Irukera also said there was also a complaint by a customer who said he paid the N400 but did not get the SMS alert. So he did not know that his visa application had issues until he tried to go collect his Visa a few days to his travel. From CPC standpoint, we believe that if people pay for something they must get the service they paid for, the official said. You ask people to pay for SMS service and you cannot disclaim whether they get that SMS or not. You have an obligation to demonstrate that the SMS was sent. On the controversial VFS service charge, Mr. Irukera said although discussions on pricing must be handled with care, his organisation believes companies just cant charge anything they want. We have some key issues we are looking at, the CPC official said. First, what option does a potential traveller or consumer have? Can you apply without VFS or directly through the embassies? So we will look at the fairness of what the service charge is compared to the service itself. Ireland visa fees and service charges on VFS information Board. Denmark visa fees and service charges on VFS information Board. It does involve some level of inquiry that a service charge for a product is higher than the product itself and we must make that inquiry. What we are saying is that we will meet them and ask them their pricing formula. We will also look at other embassies that dont subscribe to VFS Global and see what they are charging and we will now make a conclusion whether the pricing is fair or if it is exploitative. PREMIUM TIMES later reached out to Mr. Irukera to enquire if the meeting between CPC and VFS Global slated for January held. We had a meeting with them in January and we conveyed all the complaints and demanded information and they are in the process of providing them, he responded. We have opened an investigation on this. Sealed Lips A VFS Global office Repeated efforts to get VFS Global to comment for this story were unsuccessful. An official of the company told our reporter on two occasions, There is nobody available to respond to your questions. The telephone number listed on the companys official website failed to connect for months and multiple calls and SMS inquiries sent to it therefore remain undelivered. Repeated visits to the South African High Commission in Abuja for reaction to the exorbitant service charge by VFS Global turned out a wild goose chase. A letter of inquiry duly acknowledged by the embassy on December 19, 2017 is yet to be responded to. South African visa fees and service charges on VFS information Board. But while VFS and the South African embassy continue to evade questions, those on the receiving end of the companys actions are calling for urgent action. The ministry of foreign affairs should intervene and regulate that sector because although VFS is a private firm, it operates as a monopoly, Mr. Abbah of Daily Trust said. Nigerians do not have alternatives. If there were alternatives and competition then people will have other options. I think Nigerians should be given more options and alternative other than VFS Global. The federal government has condemned Israels deadly response to clashes along the border with the Gaza Strip, in which 58 unarmed Palestinian demonstrators were killed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a statement on Thursday expressed the federal governments concern over the killings. The Israeli Government must stop such use of excessive force against unarmed civilians, including children, and respect the basic human rights of Palestinians as well as international law, the ministry added. NAN reports that the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said 58 Palestinians were killed and nearly 1,000 were injured in violent clashes with Israeli forces along the Gaza Strips border with Israel. Israeli security forces said they were responding to deliberate attempts, spurred by Hamas, to overwhelm and breach the boundary fence to launch terror attacks in Israel. In addition to protesting the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Palestinians were also marking the 70th anniversary of what they call the Nakba, or catastrophe, of Israels creation in 1948. The Israeli army said three of the Palestinians killed on Monday were trying to plant explosives at the border fence. In two separate incidents, IDF troops opened fire on gunmen who were trying to shoot them, Hadashot TV news said. There were also several Israeli airstrikes on Hamas positions in Gaza. According to the army, tens of thousands took part in the protests at several points along the border. (NAN) The Nigerian Army on Wednesday said it killed 15 Boko Haram terrorists and rescued 49 persons in separate encounters between Boko Haram and troops in the Southern Lake Chad Basin. Onyema Nwachukwu, the spokesperson of the armys operation in the North-east, Operation Lafiya Dole, disclosed this in a statement. He said that some of the insurgents were killed in the Lake Chad Island while others were killed in villages in Northern Borno on Tuesday. Troops dislodged the insurgents from their hideout after a fierce battle, killing 11 insurgents in Gomaran village of Southern Lake Chad Basin, he said. He explained that the troops also ambushed and killed four terrorists who were escaping from the military onslaught in Northern Borno. Mr Nwachukwu, a colonel, said that the troops further engaged fleeing insurgents in Firgi and Moula, both in Bama and Dikwa council. The clearance operations also led to the recovery of one single barrel gun, one Dane gun and one locally made pistol. Other items recovered from the dislodged insurgents include four motorcycles, motorcycle spare parts, two tricycles, six water pumping machines, and two power generating sets. Additionally, the valiant troops captured two Boko Haram flags, a pair of camouflage uniform, a pair of combat boots, a camera, a bag of mechanical tools and medications. Four men, 33 women and 16 children were rescued by the troops from the insurgents hideouts . The rescued hostages are currently being profiled for subsequent hand over to officials of the Internally Displaced Persons Camp for documentation and administering, Mr Nwachukwu said. The army recently launched a major operation to clear the Boko Haram from the Lake Chad area, where the insurgents are still believed to have a foothold. Despite losing most of the territory they once controlled in Northeast Nigeria, the insurgents are still able to launch attacks in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states, mainly on civilian targets. The insurgency has caused about 100,000 deaths since 2009, according to the Borno State Government. The Nigerian military says the Tuesday attack that claimed the lives of at least three operatives of the Civillian-JTF in Konduga town of Borno State was possible because Boko Haram used an aged man who disguised as a weak and feeble traveller. The spokesman of the military operation in the North-east, Operation Lafiya Dole, Onyema Nwachukwu, said members of the Civillian-JTF on a stop and search duty in Konduga were deceived by the old man whom they allowed to inch too close to their post for a check of the content of the bag he was carrying. It has been a usual practice of the Boko Haram to deploy mostly teenage boys and girls in carrying out suicide bombing attacks. But unknown to the vigilante members, the aged man was actually a Boko Haram member on a mission to carry out attack in Konduga, a community 35km from Maiduguri. He detonated the explosive devise contained in the bag, which resulted in killing himself and three of the Civilian-JTF operatives. The elderly man pretending to be weak and feeble was being searched by men of the Civilian Joint Task Force, when he detonated a suicide vest contained in a bag he was carrying, Mr Nwachukwu said. Unfortunately three Civilian Joint Task Force members paid the supreme price in the incident. The wounded have been evacuated for medical attention. Our hearts go out to those who lost their lives as well as those injured in the callous attack. Mr Nwachukwu, an army colonel, said the Konduga incident points to the variation in the tactics of the Boko Haram terrorists in their uncanny resolve to deceptively infiltrate communities and towns to mindlessly attack vulnerable and soft targets. Aside using women and children, the terrorists are now engaging the aged in suicide bombing as witnessed in this recent incident. He warned members of the public to cast their net of suspicion beyond looking for dirty and scraggy looking individuals as suspected suicide bombers. They (Boko Haram) have also been detected to now appear clean and well dressed to look unsuspicious and enable them gain access to targets marked for suicide attack. Some of the terrorists have also been found to now conceal their suicide vests by wearing it on the thigh rather than the waist to appear less bulky and evade detection when searched. In view of these developments, members of the public are please urged to be vigilant and discerning as they go about their normal daily routines and activities. Meanwhile, Mr Nwachukwu said a combined force of the Operation Lafiya Dole and the Cameroonian Defence Forces have killed 15 Boko Haram insurgents in separate encounters in Southern Lake Chad Basin. Troops neutralised the insurgents whilst conducting operations to clear remnants of Boko Haram insurgents in the Lake Chad Islands and surrounding villages of northern Borno yesterday. Troops dislodged the insurgents from their hideout after a fierce battle, killing 11 insurgents in Gomaran village of Southern Lake Chad Basin. In two other separate encounters with the fleeing insurgents in Firgi and Moula, both in Bama and Dikwa Local Governments Areas of Borno State, troops also ambushed and neutralised 4 Boko Haram insurgents who were fleeing troops onslaught in the northern fringes. He added that the clearance operations also led to the recovery of one single barrel gun, one Dane gun and one locally made pistol. Other items recovered from the dislodged insurgents include 4 Motorcycles, motorcycle spare parts, 2 tricycles, 6 pumping machines, and 2 power generating sets. Additionally, the valiant troops captured 2 Boko Haram flags, a pair of camouflage uniform, a pair of combat boots, a camera, a bag of mechanical tools and medications. Four men, 33 women and 16 children were rescued by the troops from the insurgents hideouts . The rescued hostages are currently being profiled for subsequent hand over to officials of the Internally Displaced Persons Camp for documentation and administering. A recent attack by armed bandits on four villages in Birnin-Gwari Local Government has left at least 10 people dead, residents have said. The bandits overran Mashigi, Dakwaro, Sabon gida, and a last village killing at least ten people, a resident said. Ten bodies of people killed were recovered, while many are unaccounted for, Malam Umar, a resident, was quoted as saying in a statement by a group, Birnin Gwari Vanguards for Security and Good Governance. The armed bandits attacked the villages around 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, with the attacking lasting for about three and half hours. Also, the armed bandits burnt houses and grains stock of the affected villages, the group said. The police confirmed the attacks to PREMIUM TIMES but could not provide details. Yes I can confirm to you that there was an attack in Birnin Gwari, but it is sketchy for now. We will brief you when we get full details Kaduna police spokesperson, Mukhtar Aliyu, said in a telephone interview. Already volunteers from the southern axis of Birnin-Gwari and security officials were mobilised to ascertain the number of casualties, the Birnin-Gwari vanguards said. The affected villages are said to be in need of aid, such as food, shelter and clothes. Despite these attacks and kidnappings daily along Kaduna-Birnin Gwari road, we are saluting the federal government and security agencies for deployment of personnel to deal with the situation in Birnin-Gwari. We hope more troops and special police task force will be deployed, the group said. The latest attack occurred a day before the senator representing Kaduna Central, Shehu Sani, raised the issue of the constant attacks on Birnin-Gwari at the Senate. Birnin-Gwari, parts of Zamfara and Niger states are becoming the Sambisa of the north-west. People are killed every day. People are kidnapped every day. Villages have been raided and razed by bandits. Farmers have chosen to abandon their farms and move to cities, Mr Sani said. Mr Sanis query came barely hours after the Chief of Army Staff Tukur Buratai, flagged-off a two Battalion Forward Operation Base (FOB) at Birnin-Gwari. The FOB was tagged Operation Idon Raini at Kanfanin Doka village, the proposed site. The Senate on Wednesday resolved to invite the various security agencies to speak on why it appears the repeated attacks in Birnin Gwari appear unresolvable. Scores of people including soldiers have been killed in Birnin-Gwari in the past few months in repeated attacks by armed bandits. Dozens of others have also been kidnapped for ransom in the local government. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Wednesday confirmed it detained a serving senator for allegedly receiving several vehicles valued at over N1.1 billion from an oil mogul currently standing trial for financial crimes. The senator, Bassey Akpan (PDP, Akwa Ibom Central) was a commissioner for finance under the Godswill Akpabio administration. He is the current Chairman, Senate Committee on Gas (Upstream). EFCC spokesperson, Wilson Uwujaren, who confirmed the arrest, said Mr Akpan was taken into custody on Tuesday after the lawmaker evaded arrest for several months. Mr Uwujaren did not provide further details on the arrest. Also, he did disclose when the lawmaker would be charged to court or released on bail. However, a source close to the commission, who does not want his name disclosed, told PREMIUM TIMES that Mr Akpan was detained to enable him explain his role in the controversial receipt of the vehicles. The vehicles, most of which included top range exotic models, were allegedly received from the Chief Executive of Atlantic Energy and Sahel Energy, Jide Omokore, ahead of the 2015 presidential polls. Mr Omokore, a close ally of former President Goodluck Jonathan, is currently being accused by the presidency of involvement in a $3 billion strategic alliance pipeline contract by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Vice President Yemi Osinbajo recently accused Mr Omokore of working with ex-petroleum minister Alison-Madueke and ally, Kola Aluko, to defraud the NNPC of the $3 billion and failing to pay the mandatory royalties and taxes to government. Mr Omokore has since denied the accusations through his lawyer, R. A. Lawal-Rabana, who said his client did not collude with anybody to steal $3 billion as alleged by the presidency. As counsel involved in representing Jide Omokore in court, we wish to state that the relationship between Jide Omokores company, Atlantic Energy with NNPC/NPDC is well documented as a commercial transaction of which there has been part performance. There is nothing illegal or fraudulent about the transaction, Mr Lawal-Rabana said. However, an EFCC report on the matter accused the embattled lawmaker of receiving vehicles worth N303 million from Mr Omokore while he served as the Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Finance. The report also accused him of receiving the vehicles in his capacity as the Chairman of the Inter-ministerial Direct Labour Coordinating Committee responsible for ensuring the completion of government projects through direct labour as a cost saving strategy for the state. In return, two of Mr Omokores firms Bay Atlantic Energy and Sahel Energy were said to have benefited from contracts from Mr Akpans committee. Senator Bassey Akpan received a BMW X5 BP worth N50m; an Infinity QX56BP worth N45m; a Range Rover worth N40m; three Toyota Hiace buses worth N27m; two Toyota Hiace High-roof buses worth N16m, six Toyota Hilux D cabin vehicles worth N42m as well as other vehicles worth N83m, the anti-graft agency report said. senator, Bassey Akpan (PDP, Akwa Ibom Central) He received the vehicles from Omokore while heading a committee which was giving contracts to the same Omokore. He has been invited on several occasions, but he refused to show up. He was supposed to come to the EFCC office on Monday, but he refused, the report added. The EFCC said the vehicles, which ranged from Mercedes Benz luxury cars to campaign buses and trucks, were acquired with the proceeds of fraud. Apart from Mr Akpan, the EFCC report said Adamu Muazu, a former PDP chairman, also received vehicles valued at about N504.5 million, including a Mecedez Benz G63, valued at N45 million between May and August 2014. The report said the current chairman of the PDP, Uche Secondus, also received vehicles worth N310 million from businessman. On June 28, 2013, the EFCC said Mr Secondus received a Benz G63 worth N36 million, apart from two Toyota Hilux vehicles worth N14 million he received on April 8, 2014. On July 8, 2014, he (Secondus) received 10 Hiace buses worth N90 million, while on November 13, 2014, he received 15 Hiace mid-roof buses worth N120 million. He also received a N50 million Range Rover Biography SUV, the report added. However, Mr Secondus has denied the allegations against him. He recently filed an application in Port Harcourt, which restrained the federal government or any of its agents, including the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, from including his name among the lists of treasury looters, the government says it is releasing in series. The federal government has confirmed that it is turning a co-accused in the trial of Sambo Dasuki to a prosecution witness. Salisu Shuaib, who was initially charged alongside Mr Dasuki, will now give evidence against the former National Security Adviser. For the second time in 24 hours, the federal government on Thursday brought a 25-count amended charge against Mr Dasuki. But he was granted another bail by Justice Hussein Baba Yusuf of an Abuja high court after denying all the charges. Mr Dasuki has been in detention for over two years despite being granted bail by different courts. The Sokoto prince, who served under former President Goodluck Jonathan, was re-arraigned along with a former Minister of State for Finance, Bashir Yuguda; former Sokoto State governor, Attahiru Dalhatu Bafarawa; his son, Sagir Dalhatu; and their family company, Dalhatu Investment Limited. However, like the charge of Wednesday, former Director of Finance and Supply in the Office of NSA under Mr Dasuki, Salisu Shuaib, was dropped from the list of accused persons. The counsel to federal government, Rotimi Jacobs, confirmed to journalists that after the examination of the report of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in the alleged money diversion, it became imperative to drop Mr Shuaib from the charge. Mr Jacobs said that instead of being a co-accused person, the former director of finance will now be used to as a witness to testify for the federal government in the trial of the five defendants. Like the re-arraignment of Wednesday, Justice Hussein Baba-Yusuf ordered that the five defendants should continue to enjoy the bail granted in 2015 when they were first arraigned on the alleged offense. Part of the charge against Dasuki was that he misappropriated and engaged in alleged criminal breach of trust by dishonestly transferring N3.5 billion into the account of Dalhatu Investment Limited, an offense punishable under Section 315 of the Penal Code. Mr Yuguda was alleged to have dishonestly misappropriated a whooping sum of $9.8 million, an equivalent of N1.9billion and another N200 million he allegedly transferred to the bank account of Jabbama Ada Global Services, an offense punishable under Section 315 of the Penal Code Act. On their part, Messrs Bafarawa, Sagir and Dalhatu Investment were charged with dishonestly receiving N4.6 billion from the office of Mr Dasuki, an offense punishable under Section 97 of the Penal Code. Aside the five defendants, prominent politicians were named in the charge as beneficiaries of the alleged public fund diversion. They are a former governor of Oyo State, Rashidi Ladoja; former Chairman of the defunct National Republican Convention, Tom Ikimi; and one Robert Azibola, a cousin of former President Jonathan as well as former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim. However, all the five defendants pleaded not guilty to the amended charge dated May 11 and signed by Chile Okoroma, Director of Legal and Prosecution Department of the EFCC. Meanwhile, Justice Baba-Yusuf has adjourned trial of the defendants to July 9 and 10. Interior Ministry Releases Statistics Following Anti-Drug Policy Rallies Following the large-scale rallies of the youth, who protested against the Friday midnight police raids in Tbilisi nightclubs and arrest of dozens of clubbers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Georgia has released the statistics of seized drugs during the last five months throughout the country.According to MIA, a total of 9 kilograms of heroin, 1.2 kilograms of cocaine, 5 thousand buprenorphine-containing pills and 1.7 kilograms of MDMA and 850 grams of other drugs were seized from January 1 to May 10.Ministry of Internal Affairs also reports that one of the recent drug seizures happened at Vale border checkpoint in Samtskhe-Javakheti region, near Turkey.The police found 1.500 kilograms of hashish during the personal search of the detained Azerbaijani citizen who now faces from eight to 20 years imprisonment.Also, the central criminal department arrested two Iranian citizens recently at Tbilisi International Airport who were found to have 730 grams of heroin and 14 pills of methadone. They also face imprisonment from 8 to 20 years.The police also arrested another citizen of Iran, who was keeping drugs in his car. He faces 5 to 8 years in prison.Furthermore, earlier in May the MIA stated they arrested 9 drug dealers, adding 2 persons out of them were using a special mobile application to contact the people and provide them with drugs.The arrested men are 24 and 27 years old and were arrested in Tbilisi. Large amount of drugs were also seized from the flat and a car of one of the dealers.The Ministry stated that the rest 7 people had been arrested for selling drugs.Among the detained one person is a citizen of Turkey. Policemen seized from him 393 pills of Ecstasy containing the narcotic drug MDMA.MIA also detained a citizen of Georgia and France adjacent to Tbilisi International Airport. Police seized 12 pills of Subutex and 4 pills of Methadone from the detainee.The Interior Ministry continues its uncompromising fight against drug trafficking in cooperation with the Prosecutors Office, the statement of MIA reads. The chief registrar of the Kwara State Judiciary on Thursday asked the police to bring back some criminal suspects that were transferred to Abuja on Wednesday. Police spokesperson, Jimoh Moshood, said the suspects were transferred to Abuja for further investigation in the allegations of murder and criminal conspiracy slammed against them. But Senate President Bukola Saraki, who is from Kwara State, said the move was part of a grand plot by Inspector General Ibrahim Idris to frame him. Mr Saraki drew the attention of the nation to the alleged plot at the senate plenary on Wednesday. He subsequently proceeded to the State House with nine either other senators to report Mr Idris to President Muhammadu Buhari. Investigation into the roles of the suspects has been completed and they were about to be under prosecution under the state law on the advice of DPP (Department of Public Prosecution) and the (state) ministry of justice, Mr Saraki said Wednesday. All of a sudden, he added, the suspects were ordered to be transferred to Abuja Wednesday morning. The police denied trying to frame Mr Saraki in a statement Wednesday night, warning the lawmaker to desist from interfering in an ongoing criminal probe. Kwara governor, Abdulfatah Ahmed, also claimed the police was seeking ways of incriminating the state government, and denied any links to the arrested cultists and thugs. On Thursday the chief registrar of the Kwara State judiciary wrote to the police command in the state, demanding that the suspects should be brought back. The registrar confirmed that the police had made entry for the prosecution of the suspects in the state, saying t You would recall that on the 15th day of May 2018, your officers brought a First Information Report (F.I.R) containing the following names for the offences of criminal conspiracy, cultism and culpable homicide, the chief deputy registrar, N.A. Adeyanju, said in a letter to Kwara deputy police commissioner in charge of criminal investigation. The letter listed the names of the suspects in the FIR as Abolaji Ojulari, Lanre Solihu, Aziz Mayaki and Suleiman Babatunde. However, due to the fact that the police prosecutors were withdrawn, we asked your officers to return them and bring them back on 16th day of May 2018. Now that the police prosecutors are available, please make necessary arrangement to bring them back to court for arraignment, the registrar said. The names are amongst the six suspects the police said were transferred to Abuja from Ilorin yesterday, save for different spellings of two of the four names. The registrar did not cite the legal basis for the request or acknowledged that the suspects had been transferred to Abuja as widely reported in the media following Mr Sarakis statement and subsequent police confirmation. Kwara police spokesperson said he was not aware of the letter, but said the suspects had already been transferred to Abuja and detectives should be allowed to carry out their duties. Mr Moshood, an assistant police commissioner, did not respond to PREMIUM TIMES enquiries about whether the police would yield the courts demand. President Muhammadu Buhari is currently hosting top leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) from the South-west region to a dinner at the new Banquet Hall of the State House Villa, Abuja. Before the commencement of the dinner holding behind closed doors, Mr Buhari called on the leadership of APC from the South-west to take the forthcoming governorship election in Ekiti State seriously. He said APC needs to have the last laugh after the July 14, 2018 elections. Kayode Fayemi defeated other contestants in the APC primary election that held on Saturday. The party had to reschedule the election after the first primary ended in commotion. Mr Buhari on Wednesday said he called for the dinner to calm frayed nerves and to appeal that APC members work together for the success of the party in the coming elections. He said Ekiti will ultimately benefit if the party wins. Notable personalities at the dinner include the national leader of the APC and former Lagos State governor, Bola Tinubu; former Osun State governor, Bisi Akande; and the National Chairman of the APC, John Odigie-Oyegun. Others include the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo; Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha; Segun Oni, the minister of mines; and Kayode Fayemi. Governors at the meeting include Ibikunle Amosun (Ogun), Abiola Ajimobi (Oyo) and Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa State, who was the chairman of APC Ekiti governorship primary committee. Some members of the National Assembly, ministers and other top APC leaders from the zone are also attending the dinner. Before the dinner went into closed doors, it was announced that Messrs Fayemi and Tinubu will make brief remarks before the dinner, while Mr Odigie-Oyegun and the president will speak after the dinner. President Muhammadu Buhari in a group photo with candidate and all aspirants of the APC in the July 2018 Ekiti State Governorship Elections, after Mr. Presidents dinner meeting with APCs South West leaders. From left: President Muhammadu Buhari; APC Chieftain Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and Ekiti APC Gubernatorial Candidate/Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr Kayode Fayemi during a Dinner the President hosted in honour of the South West APC Leaders and Gubernatorial Aspirants of Ekiti State at the Presidential Villa Abuja on Wednesday Night. 02566/16/5/2018/ICE/NAN President Muhammadu Buhari has been urged to personally lead the peace resolution efforts based on bilateral and multinational approach to end needless killings and armed violence in many parts of the country. If the violence continues unchecked, Nigeria may slip into a killing field where the government and security agencies will become increasingly helpless, a group said. The National Working Group on Peace and Conflict Prevention, an initiative of the Journalists for Democratic Rights, (JODER) after its mid-week meeting in Lagos said reports of violence and mind-boggling incidences of killings of people including children, the aged and the physically challenged have been grossly underreported owing to lack of access to the media and official censorship. The meeting was attended by 30 representatives of ethnic, religious and community-based groups spread across the country. The Working Group in a report after the national meeting said verifiable evidence from volunteers in troubled communities indicate that an average of 50 people are killed every week in the Middle Belt hotspots. It said the government appears not to have an effective peace initiative backed with an economic road map apart from procurement of sophisticated arms and ammunition. The report was signed by Akinwale Kasali, Sulaiman Sanusi and Digifa Werinipre. The group said following the 18-month nationwide peace building programme with the support of the Ford Foundation, it was able to attain an important status to receive prompt and adequate report on the killings and wanton destruction of lives which assume dangerous proportion daily. In April, the working group facilitated a meeting of representatives of community-based groups in the South and Middle belt attended by about 120 representatives. It urged the Presidency and the National Assembly to create a non-military, multi-national and bilateral mechanism for the quick resolution of the festering crisis. The Working Group said the federal government urgently needs to engage community and faith-based groups in troubled spots where violence rages especially in the Middle Belt as part of the steps needed to put an end to incessant killings. The group said apart from the constructive engagement of local groups, there is the need for a civil multinational mechanism to work out modalities towards bringing the crisis to an end. The fundamental causes of the growing crisis must be identified and the problems can be solved. We are in a very tempestuous situation in Nigeria. The most important ingredients of living are the sanctity of human lives, the dignity of people and economic security. These factors are fading away. There cannot be prosperity unless there is stability. The future of democracy in Nigeria depends solely on how the country can stop mass killings and protect human lives, the group stated. It said it had written series of letters to the Presidency and the National Assembly but regrets that no practical steps have been taken. It observed that while Nigeria has a multi-national military framework, there is no equivalent of such trans-border community device driven by the civil population warning that the crisis cannot be solved mainly through naked military force. It said that the crisis in the middle belt has led to too many consequences including a kind of arms race where people are ready to fight to a bitter end due to escalation of conflict arising from the loss of loved ones. There is no adequate security for community bridge builders while the violations of human rights of non-actors by security operatives diminish the prospect of public cooperation. Parties in the dispute are procuring sophisticated weapons to prosecute the attacks on each other. This comes as the direct effect of the lack of confidence in the security operatives who face strong suspicion of partisanship, the lack of political will to mop up illicit weapons and the absence of a neutral third party that enjoys the goodwill of the contending forces, constitute major challenges. The Working Group said it will continue to visit the troubled spots with the aim of obtaining useful information and ideas that will help bring an end to the fledging violence. The group plans to hold its meetings across the six geo-political zones. BudgIT, a civil society organisation has expressed disapproval of the recently passed 2018 budget as being overly optimistic, especially the 2.3 million barrels per day (bpd) oil production benchmark and other revenue indicators. Head of Research at BudgiT, Atiku Samuel, told the News Agency of Nigeria on Thursday that the Federal Government was likely to fall short in the performance of the budget for over estimating its revenue. Even in the former proposal, as submitted by President Buhari, we felt that the budget was overly optimistic and ambitious. This is because in recent years, Federal Governments revenue have not gone above N3.5 trillion. So quoting a revenue of N6 trillion in the 2018 budget is overly ambitious and we feel that it wont happen, thus financing a N9.12 trillion budget on the back of such revenue is unrealistic. Indeed crude oil prices is going up to almost 80 dollars per barrel, and so if the crude oil price is raised to N51 dollars per barrel, it seems okay, but our biggest issue is the oil production numbers. Can we produce 2.3 million barrels per day? And the answer is no. We are currently producing about 1.8 million to two million bpd and I dont see us going above that. Even the 2.2 million bpd quoted in the 2017 budget was never met so I dont see us doing 2.3 million bpd now, he said. Mr Samuel said also, that with the over-hyped nature of the 2018 revenue projections, the capital expenditure component would suffer the most. Also, the rainy season is already here, therefore little construction will take place until the end of the year, so this will also affect the capital expenditure framework, he said. Also, we wish to state that the country is spending too much on debt servicing. Even the entire oil revenue of Nigeria cannot service the countrys debt. That shows that the government needs to ensure that other variables within the economy begins to pay their fair share of tax, he said. He also urged the Federal Government to address its revenue loopholes by effectively monitoring its revenue agencies. He said that the federal government could generate about N70 trillion through operating surplus from its agencies, yet was receiving so little because its agencies are infamous for under remittance. He called for an holistic financial, compliance and performance audit of agencies such as JAMB, NAFDAC and NNPC among others. The National Assembly on Wednesday passed the 2018 Appropriation Bill of N9.12 trillion. After consultation with the executives, the budget was increased by the legislature by N508 billion, from the N8.61 trillion proposed by President Muhammadu Buhari in November, 2017. The budget expenditure was premised on oil price benchmark of 51 dollars per barrel as against 45 dollars proposed by the president. Crude oil production was benchmarked at 2.3 million barrels per day and exchange rate of N305 to one dollar. Of the aggregate expenditure of N9.12 trillion, N530 billion was earmarked for Statutory Transfers while N2 trillion was earmarked for Debt Service. N3.5 trillion was earmarked for Recurrent Expenditure, N2.8 trillion for Capital Expenditure, while Deficit to Gross Domestic Product was put at -1.73 per cent. The increase in oil benchmark increased allocations to the following critical sectors of the economy; security N46.72 billion; health N57.15 billion; power, works and housing N106.50 billion. Budget deficit was also reduced by N50.88 billion. (NAN) President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday met with a former Borno State governor, Ali Sheriff, in his office at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. Mr Sheriff, who left the governing All Progressives Congress (APC), to serve as the national chairman of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), arrived the presidents office at about 2:40 p.m. He recently rejoined the APC. He left the presidential villa at about 3:45 p.m. without speaking to journalists. Mr Sheriff was Borno governor at the formative stage of the Boko Haram terror group and has been accused by many of being an initial sponsor of the group. He has, however, repeatedly denied the allegations. Chris Ngige, Minister of Labour and Employment, says Nigeria is abundantly blessed in human and natural resources, but lags behind smaller or even less-endowed African countries in productivity and competitiveness. Mr Ngige said this at a news conference to commemorate the 17th National Productivity Day and Conferment of National Productivity Order of Merit (NPOM) Award on Thursday in Abuja. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the President Muhammadu Buhari has approved May 22, for the 2018 annual National Productivity Day and Conferment of National Productivity Order of Merit Award. In order to achieve high productivity and competitiveness, therefore, Nigerias productivity and competitiveness gap, as a matter of priority, needs to be closed. So, real competitiveness means the ability to produce goods and services that can compete in the domestic and international markets while promoting and maintaining a high living standard and quality of life for the people. Therefore, only nations with organisations that have high levels of productivity will become domestically and globally competitive. This has the capacity to exploit existing market opportunities to sustain and expand employment and real income growth in the long term, he said. He said that the present administrations commitment to the change and sustainable growth cannot be overemphasised as it would improve the standard of living of Nigerians. He said that the government was conscious of the critical place of productivity in the realisation of the change agenda. No nation can be self-reliant and competitive in the international market without productivity improvement in all sectors of the economy. Productivity is indeed the most important determinant of socio-economic growth, wealth creation, employment generation and overall improved standard of living. Indeed, no nation enjoys a standard of living higher than its level of productivity. Given this cardinal role of productivity, it is imperative that the citizenry be consistently reminded of the need for developing a productive mindset that would ensure the productivity growth of all sector of the economy, he said. He said it was against the backdrop that the federal government through the National Policy on Productivity declared that a day shall be observed as the National Productivity Day throughout the country yearly. Speaking, Kashim Akor, Director-General, National Productivity Centre (NPC), said that selection of the awardees was done by a committee set up for the purpose of the nomination. Mr Akor said the nomination of the individuals awardees was based on efficiency, hard work, innovation, creativity, punctuality, among others to the development of their organizations. He also noted that the nomination for the companies was based on those that are contributing to the diversification aspect of the government. We also look at their contributions to the economy, generation of wealth, creation of jobs, and acclaimed breakthrough in terms of research among others, he said. He said as part of the programme to mark the day, there would an Award Lecture with the theme: Productivity for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth by Ibukun Awosika, Chairman, Board of Directors, First Bank of Nigeria Ltd. The All Progressives Congress (APC) has inaugurated State Congress Committees to conduct congresses on Saturday in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The committees consist of five members for each state. The party also at the partys secretariat on Thursday inaugurated three-member committees to entertain appeals that may arise from the state congresses. Some State Congress Committee chairmen are Pius Odubu (Adamawa), Danjuma Danbazzau (Taraba), Austin Eweka (Kano), Domingo Obende (Niger), Jonathan Zwingina (Abia), Olugbenga Obadara (Delta),Uche Ekwunife (Lagos), Mathew Omegara (Ondo), Peter Obadan (Ogun), Abdullahi Gwarzo (Oyo) among others. The Appeal Committees consist of Chris Akoma as chairman of Ebonyi State, Gbenga Elegbeleye (Rivers), Bashir Lado (Ogun), Abubakar Maikudi (Bauchi), Jerry Ugog (Kano), and Kogolo Peter (Imo). APC National Organising Secretary, Osita Izunaso, inaugurated the committees on behalf of the National Chairman, John Odigie-Oyegun. Mr Izunaso said the congress must be conducted in strict conformity with the official APC Guidelines for State Congresses on. He said the State Congress Committees are expected to hold meetings with participants in the respective states on Friday before Saturdays nationwide congresses to elect state executive committees which include the traditional 17-member State Working Committees. The Organising Secretary urged the Congress Committees to ensure a free, fair, democratic and transparent process. He also warned against unilateral postponement of state congresses without approval by the partys National Working Committee (NWC). Dont deny anybody who has a payment teller a form. It is undemocratic You dont have the power to postpone the election. If you go to a State and you find out that it is impossible to conduct the election, you inform the NWC for approval. The National Convention is closeby, we want to conclude these processes as quickly as possible. For the Appeal Committees, Mr Izunaso said every petition from individuals who contested elections must be entertained. He cautioned the Appeal Committees to gauge the security situation in their respective state in deciding where to hold appeal sittings. He said the NWC has the final decision on appeals. If the place is volatile for the Appeal Committee, and they cannot sit there, you can sit in Abuja. A High Court of the Federal Capital Territory on Thursday adjourned the trial of Kogi State Senator, Dino Melaye, indefinitely, on the basis of his medical condition. The police is prosecuting Mr Melaye in Abuja and in Lokoja. In Abuja, he is accused of attempted suicide and damaging government property, after he attempted to jump out of a moving police vehicle. He was later hospitalised. In Lokoja, Mr Melaye is accused of providing false information to police and supplying arms to thugs. The judge in Abuja, Olasunbo Goodluck, had asked the defense lawyer, Rickey Tarfa, to provide official explanation for Mr Melayes absence in court on Wednesday. Following that order, Mr Tarfa, a senior advocate of Nigeria, provided a medical report from the National Hospital, Abuja, indicating that the Mr Melaye was in critical condition and under intensive care. The prosecutor, Shuaibu Labaran, questioned the admissibility of the medical report. According to Mr Labaran, the medical report admitted before the court was sourced from a piece of evidence tendered at the Kogi State High Court. Mr Labaran argued that the medical report signed by a doctor, identified as Olaomi OO. from the National Hospital, was not obtained directly from lawyers in the matter before the FCT High Court. He asked the court to hold that the failure of the defense to certify the photocopied medical report rendered the report officially defective. It is our further submission that Exhibit B and C are duplicate copies of the supposed medical report emanating from the National Hospital, which the defense placed heavy reliance to convince this court as to the justification behind the absence of the defendant in this case, he said. Assuming the document emanated from the National Hospital Abuja, it has become a public document which requires certification. Our objection is that it has no bearing with the document of this court, Mr Labaran submitted. Mr Labaran also alleged that the information contained in the medical report were largely subject of speculations. There was drama when the prosecutor argued that the medical report did not indicate that Mr Melayes health condition was critical. Responding to a statement by the judge that the same medical report had indicated that the defendant was currently being held at the Intensive Care Unit, Mr Labaran pledged to suspend his objection once he saw the paragraph where the word: ICU was mentioned. Alright read the last paragraph, said the judge. After reading through the paragraph, Mr Labaran admitted seeing ICU, but denied pledging to suspend his objection. His volte face triggered laughter in the court. Delivery the ruling, the court held that based on the provisions of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, the medical report was admissible and could be considered by the court. Ms. Goodluck therefore adjourned the matter indefinitely. This court is of the view that it can adjourn this matter sine-die until the medical conditions of the defendant is reported to have improved, the court ruled. Eight weeks after they returned to work, non-teaching workers of Nigerian universities have warned they may resume their strike. The workers are angry over the failure of government to implement the agreement it reached with them during the strike. They are also unhappy with the rate government is giving approvals for establishment of new universities, saying resources should be concentrated on raising standard of existing ones. In a statement on Thursday, the workers urged Nigerians to persuade the federal government to implement the agreement so as to avert the resumption of the suspended strike. The workers, who are members of three unions, NASU, SSANU, and NAAT, suspended their strike on March 15, three month and 10 days after it began. Their gesture was on the basis that the Nigerian government will immediately implement the agreement reached with them. Before suspending the strike, Samson Ugwoke, the national chairman of the Joint Action Committee of the three unions, at a press briefing on March 13 had warned the unions would not hesitate to resume it if government reneged on the agreement. But the statement on Thursday signed by Mr Ugwoke and spokesperson of SSANU, Abdussobur Salaam, the unions said said Nigerians should not blame them if they resumes the nationwide industrial action. They decried the reluctance of the federal government to implement the Memorandum of Understanding seven weeks after it was signed by the two parties. According to the statement, SSANU at its 33rd Regular Meeting on May 10 and May 11 at Bayero University Kano, deliberated extensively on critical issues affecting the union, the educational sector, university sub-sector, and the nation as a whole. BAYERO UNIVERSITY KANO The unions expressed disappointment that government has not implemented some aspects of the 2009 Agreement and other MoUs it entered into with university-based non- teaching staff unions. According to the unions, the situation is an invitation to anarchy. They also noted the continued disobedience of government to the National Industrial Court judgment of December 5, 2016 on university staff schools. NEC notes that this development is unbecoming of a democratic government supposedly run under the rule of law. It has become the penchant of Government to choose which court judgments to obey and which to disregard. In cases where an attempt is made to obey court judgments, implementation is done selectively and at whim, the union said in the statement. It also decried the the rate of approvals for establishments of universities by the government. The union said establishment of universities has almost become like constituency projects, as almost every senator seems to be sponsoring a bill for the establishment or upgrade of an institution to a university in his or her constituency. The union urged the federal government to improve the funding and infrastructures of existing universities so as to increase their carrying capacities, noting that though the universities on ground may have challenges meeting up with the increasing admission needs of the country, the solution is not the proliferation of universities. The union said the two owner states of LAUTECH (Oyo and Osun) are yet to reinstate the monthly personnel allocations to the Ogbomoso-based institution. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomosho This development has caused workers of the university to be owed upward of eleven months in arrears of salaries. We urged the governors of the two states to take a step further in the resolution of the crises in LAUTECH by promptly reinstating the monthly personnel emoluments of the university, the statement said. The union also urged the governing council of NIGER DELTA UNIVERSITY (NDU) to reinstate the disengaged staff or face industrial action from SSANU and review its unpopular policy of disengaging the workforce. It said it is important for university councils and managements to be creative in generating funds and innovate means to connect with industry. The union also called for monitoring of the general payment of fees in universities across the country so as to ensure that students are not exploited by all manners of fees. We supports the directive barring federal universities from charging tuition fees. Government may have directed the stoppage of tuition fees, university managements may spread the costs of the stopped tuition fees on other ancillary fees such as Acceptance Fees, Caution Fees, Medical Fees, among others, the statement said. PREMIUM TIMES reported how the federal government on March 10,2018 said it will look for N8 billion withinfive weeks to pay the striking workers. Spokespersons of the federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Samuel Olowokere, and the Federal Ministry of Education, Chinyere Ihuoma, did not respond to calls and text messages sent to them for their comments. The Federal Executive Council (FEC) presided over by President Muhammadu Buhari approved $995 million for the reconstruction of the phase II of AbujaKeffiAkwangaLafiaMakurdi road. The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, revealed this to State House correspondents at the end of the Councils meeting held at the Council Chamber of the Presidential villa, Abuja, on Wednesday. He said the $995 million for the execution of the project would be obtained from the China-Exim Bank as loan. I need to stress that this section that comprises 16:0 kilometers, which is the Lagos by-pass and the section that also comprises 251.7 kilometers from Ninth Mile through Otukpo to Makurdi. The reason is that it is the Abuja -Keffi road which was awarded in 2015, for which finance is now available. So, this is the second phase for which the finance is not yet available but the award is the pre-condition to now get the loan from the China-Exim Bank, so that by the time work on the first phase finishes, we can seamlessly continue the second phase all the way to Makurdi, he said. The minister also disclosed that another N15.45 billion was approved for the reconstruction of 58.9 kilometer MagamaKwajaniNingi road connecting Bauchi and Kano states. (NAN) The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has debunked the accusation that he orchestrated the recent arrest of some youth in Kwara South by the Police. In a statement issued on Thursday in Abuja, the minister said that he vehemently rejects this accusation levelled by Kwara South Youths Stakeholders. In the statement signed by his Special Adviser, Segun Adeyemi, the minister stressed that he had nothing to do with the arrest of the youth. He said he believed that, contrary to the allegation by the stakeholders, the arrest had nothing to do with the Ward Congress in his hometown of Oro. After all, suspected cultists were also recently arrested and paraded by the police in Ilorin. The police, in the exercise of their constitutional responsibility, do not need to be goaded by anyone to carry out arrests where necessary, he said. Concerning the outcome of the election in his Oro Ward 2, the minister said he had made his observations on the conduct known to the appropriate party authorities, in line with his strong belief in the rule of law. Suffice it to say, however, that the only credible Ward election was the one held by the genuine party members in Oro Ward 2. That explains why, after the election, there was a rally around Oro Town that eventually terminated in my country home, The minister stressed that he did not believe there was any linkage between the election and the arrests. (NAN) Nigerias Chief of Army Staff, Yusuf Buratai, has said that the Army will collaborate with other security agencies in the country to dislodge miscreants who hide in Birnin Gwari axis along Kaduna expressway to wreck havoc on innocent citizens. Mr Buratai, who spoke with State House correspondents shortly after meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday, said concerns over the unabated killings led to the formation of an army battalion in the area. We will continue to cooperate along with other security agencies that are charged with the responsibility of securing our country and the deployment of a unit there is quite strategic, it is in line with the Nigerian Army order of battle that was approved in 2016. We have to implement all of them to achieve the strategic objectives of the government. This is essentially why we have to put the battalion there and to work with other security agencies, the army chief said. On the status of report regarding the activities of Boko Haram in the North-east, Mr Buratai assured that the ongoing Operation Last Hold by troops will further consolidate the armys achievements in the area. He said the operation which is aimed at consolidating on the overall successes made by the army will culminate in the eventual return of the Internally Displaced Person (IDPs) to their various communities. It has gone very successful, its progressing very well and be rest assured that the Operation Last Hold will further consolidate on our achievements so far but we hope the internally displaced persons from that community will go back to their communities and pick up their lives again. I think that is the aim of Operation Last Hold, it is a consolidation of the overall successes that we have achieved in the North-east, Mr Buratai said. Residents around a police station in Port Harcourt have reportedly fled their homes after soldiers stormed their neighbourhood to carry out a reprisal attack against police officers. A soldier was reportedly shot dead by a police officer at the police station along Ada George Road in downtown Port Harcourt on Wednesday night. John Agim, spokesperson for the Defence Headquarters, told PREMIUM TIMES a soldier was killed Wednesday night, but said an investigation would unravel what led to the use of lethal force by the unnamed police officer. Yesterday evening, a soldier was killed, but I do not know what led to it, Mr Agim told PREMIUM TIMES by telephone Wednesday. His colleagues heard about it and launched a reprisal attack. Mr Agim could not immediately say if anyone was killed during the reprisal attack. He said a joint investigation by the police and the Nigerian Army would clarify the issue. There is going to be a joint investigation between the police and the Nigerian Army, Mr Agim, a brigadier-general, added. Some residents around the police station scampered for safety after waking up to see a contingent of troops in their neighbourhood. Boma Fineface, a resident of the area who told PREMIUM TIMES of his ordeal, said the soldiers scared many residents away. He said about two police officers were arrested and taken to a Nigerian Army detention facility at Bori Camp Headquarters in Port Harcourt. The Rivers State police commissioner, Zaki Ahmed, and the commands spokesperson, Omoni Nnamdi, did not immediately return several calls and text messages seeking comments Thursday afternoon. Nigerian soldiers often embark on reprisal attacks against sister agencies or even private individuals and organisation. Last month, soldiers stormed a community in Benue State and razed large parts of it in a reprisal attack that followed claims that one of their colleagues was lynched by the townspeople. In December, soldiers clashed with police officers in Ekiti State, causing commotion and anxiety amongst residents. But todays fracas in Port Harcourt would be amicably resolved between the police and the Nigerian Army, in a remarkable departure from the previous clashes, Mr Agim said. For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME. Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest warscreating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III. Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever. Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union. Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists' dark agenda. Endgame's compelling look at past atrocities committed by those attempting to steer the future delivers information that the controlling media has meticulously censored for over 60 years. It fully reveals the elite's program to dominate the earth and carry out the wicked plan in all of human history. Endgame is not conspiracy theory, it is documented fact in the elite's own words. The 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient is Joann S. Lublin , former management news editor at The Wall Street Journal. Lublin began her nearly 47-year career at the Journal, and worked in bureaus across the U.S., where her beats included labor issues, housing and urban affairs. She served as the Journal's deputy bureau chief in London before transferring to New York, creating the "Managing Your Career" column and sharing a Pulitzer Prize. Her coverage of corporate governance, executive pay, management recruiting and succession appeared on the Journal's front page and Business & Tech section. The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual whose career exemplifies the consistent, superior insight and professional skills necessary to further the understanding of business, financial and economic issues. John Hillkirk, senior enterprise editor at Kaiser Health News, will receive the 2018 Lawrence Minard Editor Award. Hillkirk was formerly a reporter and editor at USA Today. During his 33-year career, he led the newspaper's Investigations team to numerous awards and nominations. The Minard Editor Award was named in memory of Lawrence "Laury" Minard, founding editor of Forbes Global and a former final judge for the Loeb Awards. This award honors excellence in business, financial and economic journalism editing, and recognizes an editor whose work does not often receive public recognition. The 2018 Gerald Loeb Awards banquet and celebration will be held on Monday, June 25, 2018, at Capitale in New York City. Tyler Mathisen, co-anchor of CNBC's Power Lunch, will be the host of this year's show. Additional presenters from television news will be announced in coming weeks via @LoebAwards on Twitter. This event is attended by many of the country's most influential journalists, editors, publishers, producers, and media personalities. The official invitation for the 2018 Gerald Loeb Awards with ticket, table, sponsorship and advertising information can be viewed at Lublin and Hillkirk will receive their career achievement awards at the banquet and this year's winners in the 12 competition categories, which represent the nation's highest honors in business journalism, will also be announced. The following 2018 #LoebAwards finalists were chosen from more than 470 entries submitted by local, regional and national outlets: Audio Category Finalists Rachel Estabrook , Nathaniel Minor , and Ben Markus for "The Taxman" Colorado Public Radio , , and for "The Taxman" Colorado Public Radio Amber McKinney , Bill Donahue , Alex Lawson , Steven Trader , and Kelley Marcano for "Law360's Pro Say Podcast" Law360 , , , , and for "Law360's Pro Say Podcast" Law360 David Brancaccio , Katie Long , Nicole Childers , Ben Tolliday , Daniel Ramirez , and Paulina Velasco for "Robot-Proof Jobs" Marketplace , , , , , and for "Robot-Proof Jobs" Marketplace Laura Sullivan , Meg Anderson , Rick Young , Emma Schwartz , and Fritz Kramer for "The Housing Fix" NPR and FRONTLINE Beat Reporting Category Finalists Liz Kowalczyk for "Pushing for Profit, Failing at Care" The Boston Globe for "Pushing for Profit, Failing at Care" The Boston Globe Oscar Williams-Grut for "Exposing Crypto 'Pump-and-Dumps'" Business Insider for "Exposing Crypto 'Pump-and-Dumps'" Business Insider Julia Angwin , Jeff Larson , Ariana Tobin , Madeleine Varner , Noam Scheiber , and Hannes Grassegger for "Automating Hate" ProPublica , , , , , and Hannes Grassegger for "Automating Hate" ProPublica Rebecca Robbins for "Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong's Business Empire" - STAT Breaking News Category Finalists Paresh Dave , David Pierson , Joe Fox , and Ben Muessig for "Snap Inc.'s IPO" Los Angeles Times , , , and for "Snap Inc.'s IPO" Mike Isaac , Farhad Manjoo , Kevin Roose , and Ashwin Seshagiri for "Ouster at Uber" The New York Times , , , and for "Ouster at Uber" The Joel Schectman , Dustin Volz , and Jack Stubbs for "Source Code" Reuters , , and for "Source Code" Reuters Dana Mattioli , Anna Wilde Matthews , Sharon Terlep , Charley Grant , and Laura Stevens for "The CVS-Aetna Deal" The Wall Street Journal , , , , and for "The CVS-Aetna Deal" The Wall Street Journal Damian Paletta , Heather Long , Philip Rucker , Jeff Stein , Mike DeBonis , and Erica Werner for "The GOP Tax Bill" The Washington Post Commentary Category Finalists Shirley Leung for "Portfolio: Shirley Leung " The Boston Globe for "Portfolio: " The Boston Globe Ed Silverman for "The Pharmalot View" STAT for "The Pharmalot View" STAT Andy Kessler for " Andy Kessler's Portfolio" The Wall Street Journal for " Portfolio" The Wall Street Journal Catherine Rampell for "Inside the GOP's Economic Policy Agenda" The Washington Post Explanatory Category Finalists Neil Irwin for "Corporate Strategy and the Economy" The New York Times for "Corporate Strategy and the Economy" The Robert Smith , Stacey Vanek Smith , Elizabeth Kulas , Bryant Urstadt , and Alex Goldmark for "Planet Money Goes to Space" NPR's Planet Money , , , , and Alex Goldmark for "Planet Money Goes to Space" NPR's Planet Money Marshall Allen for "Wasted Medicine" ProPublica for "Wasted Medicine" ProPublica Brian Grow , John Shiffman , Blake Morrison , Elizabeth Culliford , Reade Levinson , Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs , Zach Goelman , and Mike Wood for "The Body Trade" Reuters Feature Category Finalists Bianca Bosker for "The Mayo Mogul" The Atlantic for "The Mayo Mogul" The Atlantic David Segal , Michael Corkery , and Jessica Silver-Greenberg for "Addiction Inc." The New York Times , , and for "Addiction Inc." The Patrick Radden Keefe for "Trump's Favorite Tycoon: The Washington Misadventures of Carl Icahn " The New Yorker for "Trump's Favorite Tycoon: The Washington Misadventures of " The New Yorker Tony Bartelme for "Stickin' With the Pig: A Tale of Loyalty and Loss" The Post and Courier Images/Graphics/Interactives Category Finalists Eric Roston and Blacki Migliozzi for "How a Melting Arctic Changes Everything" Bloomberg News and Blacki Migliozzi for "How a Melting Arctic Changes Everything" Bloomberg News Robin Kwong , David Blood , Leslie Hook , Joanna Kao , Nicolai Knoll , Callum Locke, Rebecca Turner, and ndrew Rininsland for "The Uber Game" Financial Times , , , , , for "The Uber Game" Financial Times Paradise Papers Reporting Team for "Paradise Papers: Visualizing Stories of Financial Secrecy" International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Quoctrung Bui, Conor Dougherty , Adam Pearce , Alyssa Schukar , Emily Badger , and Susan Chira for "'Visual First' Projects" The New York Times , , , , and for "'Visual First' Projects" The Christine Chan , Matthew Weber , and the Reuters team for "The Trump Effect Graphics" Reuters International Category Finalists Eric Talmadge , Tim Sullivan , Hyung-jin Kim, Martha Mendoza , Han Guan Ng , and Jung-yoon Kim for "Republic of Kim" The Associated Press , , Hyung-jin Kim, , , and Jung-yoon Kim for "Republic of Kim" The Associated Press Paradise Papers Reporting Team for "Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite" International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, The New York Times and The Guardian US and The Guardian US Matt Richtel , Andrew Jacobs , Dionne Searcey , Thomas Fuller , and Anahad O'Connor for "Planet Fat" The New York Times , , , , and Anahad O'Connor for "Planet Fat" The Josh Chin , Liza Lin , Eva Dou , Clement Burge, Wenxin Fan , Natasha Khan , Dan Strumpf , Charles Rollet , Jeremy Page , Elliot Bentley , Jenny O'Grady , Tyler Paige , and Giulia Marchi for " China's Surveillance State" The Wall Street Journal Investigative Category Finalists Leslie Picker , Scott Zamost , Dawn Giel , Chris Mulligan , Jackie Dessel, Jeff McCracken, and Christina Cheddar-Berk for "Broken Bonds" CNBC , , , , for "Broken Bonds" CNBC Emily Steel , Michael S. Schmidt , Jodi Kantor , Megan Twohey , Susan Chira , and Catrin Einhorn for "Culture of Harassment" The New York Times , , , , , and for "Culture of Harassment" The Jason Szep , Peter Eisler , Tim Reid , Lisa Girion , and Grant Smith for "Shock Tactics" Reuters , , , , and for "Shock Tactics" Reuters Mike Baker and Justin Mayo for "Quantity of Care" The Seattle Times and for "Quantity of Care" The Brett Murphy for "Rigged: Forced Into Debt. Worked Past Exhaustion. Left With Nothing." USA TODAY Network Local Category Finalists Jessica Boehm and Catherine Reagor for "HOA Foreclosures" The Arizona Republic and for "HOA Foreclosures" The Arizona Republic Jason Grotto, Sandhya Kambhampati , and Hal Dardick for "The Tax Divide" Chicago Tribune & ProPublica Illinois , and for "The Tax Divide" Chicago Tribune & ProPublica Illinois Raquel Rutledge , Rick Barrett , and John Diedrich for "Burned Investigation" Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , , and for "Burned Investigation" Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Dan Egan for "Oil and Water" Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Personal Finance Category Finalists Paul Kiel and Hannah Fresques for "Too Broke for Bankruptcy" ProPublica and for "Too Broke for Bankruptcy" ProPublica Susie Cagle for "Would You Take Out a Loan for a Pair of Jeans?" Racked for "Would You Take Out a Loan for a Pair of Jeans?" Racked Ron Lieber for "The Equifax Breach" The New York Times for "The Equifax Breach" The Stacy Cowley , Jessica Silver-Greenberg , and Natalie Kitroeff for "Student Debt" The New York Times Video Category Finalists Bill Whitaker , Ira Rosen , Sam Hornblower, Robert Zimet, Scott Higham, and Lenny Bernstein for "60 Minutes and the Washington Post: The Whistleblower" CBS News 60 Minutes , , Sam Hornblower, for "60 Minutes and the Washington Post: The Whistleblower" CBS News 60 Minutes Emily Rand , Vladimir Duthiers , Jim Axelrod , Len Tepper , Rayner Ramirez , Mosheh Oinounou, Diana Miller, and Ryan Kadro for "CBS News: Made in America*" CBS News , , , , , for "CBS News: Made in America*" CBS News Chris Buck , Kyra Darnton , Solana Pyne , Laurence B. Chollet , Karen M. Sughrue , Erik German , Maria Villasenor, Noah Madoff , and Jeff Bernier for "Future of Money" Retro Report & Quartz , , , , , , Maria Villasenor, , and for "Future of Money" Retro Report & Quartz Shawn Killebrew , Suroosh Alvi , and Andrea Blake for "The Future of Firearms" VICE on HBO The Gerald Loeb Awards were established in 1957 by the late Gerald Loeb, a founding partner of E.F. Hutton. Loeb created the awards to encourage and support reporting on business and finance that would inform and protect the private investor and the general public. Journalists and media outlets nationwide submit entries to compete for the Loeb Awards, the most prestigious honor in business journalism. In 1973, Loeb appointed UCLA Anderson the steward of the G. and R. Loeb Foundation. The Dean of UCLA Anderson chairs the award's final judging committee of leading journalists, news executives and academics. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates primarily from sponsorship and private support. For more information about The Gerald Loeb Awards, please visit, email [email protected] or call (310) 825-4478. About Gerald Loeb Gerald Martin Loeb was born in 1899 in San Francisco, California. He began his career in 1921, in the bond department of a securities firm. He moved to New York City in 1924 to help establish E.F. Hutton and eventually ascended to vice-chairman of the board. During Gerald Loeb's career, he was a favorite of business and financial journalists for his willingness to be interviewed and was described as "probably the most quoted man on Wall Street" (Forbes Magazine 1955). He was also an author of two investment strategy books, a guest columnist for Forbes Magazine and widely considered a Wall Street icon. In 1957, he established the G. and R. Loeb Foundation (under the stewardship of the University of Connecticut) to present The Gerald Loeb Awards for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism. In 1973, Mr. Loeb transferred the stewardship of the awards to UCLA Anderson School of Management under the deanship of Harold Williams. About UCLA Anderson School of Management UCLA Anderson School of Management is among the leading business schools in the world, with faculty members globally renowned for their teaching excellence and research in advancing management thinking. Located in Los Angeles, gateway to the growing economies of Latin America and Asia and a city that personifies innovation in a diverse range of endeavors, UCLA Anderson's MBA, Fully Employed MBA, Executive MBA, UCLA-NUS Executive MBA for Asia Pacific, Master of Financial Engineering, Master of Science in Business Analytics, doctoral and executive education programs embody the school's Think in the Next ethos. Annually, some 1,800 students are trained to be global leaders seeking the business models and community solutions of tomorrow. Media Contact: Jonathan Daillak, (310) 825-4478 [email protected] SOURCE UCLA Anderson School of Management Related Links DUBLIN, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Marine Engine Monitoring System Market by Engine Type (Propulsion Engine, Auxiliary Engine), End Use (OEM, Aftermarket), Component (Hardware, Software), Ship Type (Commercial, Naval), Deployment (On-Board, Remote) & Region - Global Forecast to 2025" report has been added to's offering. The marine engine monitoring system market is estimated to be USD 508.4 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 656.5 Million by 2025, at a CAGR of 3.72% during period 2018 to 2025. This growth can be attributed to the increase in international seaborne trade, the rise in the demand for deliveries of smart engines, recreational boats, and growth in maritime tourism. The marine engine monitoring system market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World (RoW). The marine engine monitoring system market in Europe is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, owing to increasing investments in the defense sector and restructuring efforts undertaken by ship manufacturing companies in the region. Asia Pacific is the largest market for marine engine monitoring system. Over the past few years, this region has witnessed rapid economic development as well as the growth of the manufacturing and energy sectors, thereby increasing maritime trade. The rise in seaborne trade has subsequently led to an increase in the demand for ships used to transport manufactured goods worldwide. Thus, the increase in the number of ships has contributed to the growing demand for propulsion systems and propellers in the region. China, South Korea, and Japan are the key markets for marine engine monitoring systems in the Asia Pacific region. The marine engine monitoring system market is anticipated to witness significant growth in the near future, primarily driven by the growth in international seaborne trade and increased demand for marine propellers from the new shipbuilding & repair market. Increased navy budgets worldwide, rise in the usage of inland waterways, and technological innovations in marine propulsion systems are key opportunities in the market. However, factors such as stringent environmental regulations and uncommon data standards are restraining the growth of the market. Fluctuation in oil prices, shipping overcapacity, and low freight rates are key challenges for market growth. Key Topics Covered: 1 Introduction 2 Research Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Premium Insights 4.1 Attractive Opportunities in the Marine Engine Monitoring System Market 4.2 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Product Type 4.3 Asia Pacific Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Country and Ship Type 4.4 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Sensor Type 4.5 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By End User 4.6 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Propulsion Engine Subtype 4.7 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Engine Type 5 Market Overview 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Market Dynamics 5.2.1 Drivers Penetration of the Smart Engine for Situational Awareness and Safety Increase in Demand for Remote Engine Monitoring System for Marine Engines Growth in Maritime Tourism Growth in International Marine Freight Transport 5.2.2 Restraints Stringent Environmental Regulations Worldwide Lack of A Common Data Standard 5.2.3 Opportunities Increased Naval Budgets Worldwide Development of Big Data Analytics 5.2.4 Challenges Fluctuations in Oil & Gas Prices Shipping Overcapacity Dipping Global Marine Freight Rates 6 Industry Trends 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Intelligent Engine 6.2.1 Features of the Intelligent Engine: 6.2.2 Advantages of the Intelligent Engine: Increase in Engine Reliability: Fuel and Lube Oil Utilization Cost Decreases: Follow Up of Stringent Air Contamination Emission Standards: 6.3 Trends in Marine Engine Monitoring 6.3.1 Artificial Intelligence 6.3.2 Big Data Analytics 6.3.3 Internet of Things (IoT) 6.3.4 Augmented Reality 6.4 Use of New Information Technologies in the Maintenance of Ship Systems 6.4.1 Diagnostic Technology: 6.4.2 Cloud Computing: 6.4.3 Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID): 6.4.4 E-Navigation 6.4.5 Data Fusion Technologies 6.4.6 Open Architecture 6.4.7 Multi-Sensor Data Fusion 6.5 Regulatory Bodies Across Various Regions 7 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Component 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Hardware 7.2.1 Displays and Control Modules 7.2.2 Controller, Routers & Switches 7.2.3 Sensors Temperature Sensor Displacement Sensor Torque Sensor Speed Sensor Pressure Sensor Bearing Wear Monitoring Sensor Vibration Sensor Water in Oil Sensor 7.3 Software 8 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Engine Type 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Propulsion Engine 8.2.1 Gas Turbine 8.2.2 Diesel Engine 8.2.3 Steam Turbine 8.2.4 Dual-Fuel Engine 8.3 Auxiliary Engine 9 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Ship Type 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Commercial 9.2.1 Merchant Ships Bulk Carrier Container Ships Oil Tankers LNG & LPG Tankers Chemical Tankers Passenger Ships 9.2.2 Recreational Boats 9.3 Naval 9.3.1 Surface Naval Ships Aircraft Carriers Amphibious Warfare Auxiliary Ship Corvette Cruiser Destroyer Patrol Crafts 9.3.2 Underwater Naval Ships Submarines 10 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By Deployment 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Remote 10.3 On-Board 11 Marine Engine Monitoring System Market, By End User 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 11.3 Aftermarket 12 Regional Analysis 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Asia Pacific 12.2.1 China 12.2.2 South Korea 12.2.3 Japan 12.2.4 Philippines 12.2.5 Vietnam 12.2.6 India 12.3 Europe 12.3.1 Germany 12.3.2 France 12.3.3 Turkey 12.3.4 Italy 12.3.5 Norway 12.3.6 Russia 12.3.7 UK 12.4 North America 12.4.1 US 12.4.2 Canada 12.5 Rest of the World 12.5.1 Latin America 12.5.2 Middle East and Africa 13 Competitive Landscape 13.2 Rank Analysis of Key Players in the Marine Engine Monitoring System Market 13.3.1 Contracts 13.3.3 Agreements, Expansions, Joint Ventures, Acquisitions, and Partnerships 14 Company Profiles 14.1 ABB 14.2 AST Group 14.3 CMR Group 14.4 Caterpillar 14.5 Cummins 14.6 Emerson Electric 14.7 Hyundai Heavy Industries 14.8 Jason Marine Group 14.9 Kistler Group 14.10 Kongsberg Gruppen 14.11 Man Diesel & Turbo 14.12 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 14.13 Noris Group 14.14 Rolls-Royce 14.15 Wartsila For more information about this report visit Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 SOURCE Research and Markets Related Links OVERLAND PARK, Kan., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- 55 or older? Celebrate the best time of your life with Sprint's new Unlimited 55+ plan: $35 per month per line for two lines of unlimited data, talk and text for people who are 55 and up. You can consider that 55+ reasons to join Sprint (NYSE: S) and switch from your current carrier! Enjoy your age and benefit from it by signing up for this amazing plan from Sprint. Here's the plan: Starting Friday, May 18 , new customers who are 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited data, talk and text for $35 per month per line with Autopay. 1 , new customers who are 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited data, talk and text for per month per line with Autopay. The first line is $50 per month and the second line is an additional $20 per month. per month and the second line is an additional per month. With Sprint Global Roaming included, travel worry-free with the industry's best global roaming package and stay connected with text and basic data for no additional charge in more than 185 worldwide destinations. Unlimited 55+ allows you to keep your devices connected with unlimited mobile hotspot data at 3G speeds. You can stream videos in DVD quality with speeds up to 480p+ resolution, music at up to 500kbps, streaming cloud gaming at up to 2Mbps. This offer is for a limited time only and you'll need a valid ID so Sprint can make sure you meet the age criteria. "We know customers love unlimited no matter what their age, so we've designed a plan with the 55 plus age group in mind," said Roger Sole, chief marketing officer. "If you're considering which wireless plan to choose, this is the one. Unlimited 55+ gives you unlimited data, talk and text at a great price. Plus, with free global roaming to more than 185 countries, you can cross some international adventures off your bucket list without worrying about high wireless charges." At Sprint, we've made it super easy to switch. You can bring, buy or lease your phone to take advantage of this great offer. If you want to go even bigger, you can opt-in for a $10 per line per month upgrade and receive 10GB of mobile hotspot2 plus HD streaming with video streams at up to 1080p resolution, music at up to 1.5Mbps, and gaming at up to 8Mbps. If you want to save on your current wireless phone plan and get excellent perks, this is the place! Want more information about how to sign up for Unlimited 55+? Starting May 18, visit for more information and visit your local Sprint store to sign up for Unlimited 55+. With Sprint, you'll save money on your monthly wireless bill and you'll be on a great network. The company's investment and the work performed by our network engineers have helped drive a 35 percent increase in Sprint's national average download speed year-over-year.3 Sprint is also preparing to launch the first 5G mobile network in the U.S in the first half of 2019. Sprint's Next-Gen Network build includes upgrading cell sites to triband service using 800MHz, 1.9GHz and 2.5GHz, adding thousands of new cell sites to expand coverage, densifying the network with more small cells to increase capacity and speed, and deploying 5G technology. About Sprint: Sprint (NYSE: S) is a communications services company that creates more and better ways to connect its customers to the things they care about most. Sprint served 54.6 million connections as of March 31, 2018, and is widely recognized for developing, engineering and deploying innovative technologies, including the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the United States; leading no-contract brands including Virgin Mobile USA, Boost Mobile, and Assurance Wireless; instant national and international push-to-talk capabilities; and a global Tier 1 Internet backbone. Today, Sprint's legacy of innovation and service continues with an increased investment to dramatically improve coverage, reliability, and speed across its nationwide network and commitment to launching the first 5G mobile network in the U.S. You can learn more and visit Sprint at and 1 Data deprioritization during congestion. Other mo. charges apply. 2 MHS reduced to 2G speeds after 10GB/mo. 3 Based on Ookla's analysis of Speedtest Intelligence data comparing April 2017 to April 2018 for all mobile results. SOURCE Sprint Related Links "Our private label wines are bottled by one of South America's top wine producers, and perfect for a toast to one another on this holiday and any occasion," says Rodrigo Davila, the restaurant group's director of wine and spirits. "We offer six private label varietals ranging from Sauvignon Blanc to Cabernet so our guests may choose a quality wine that speaks to their taste while also pairing perfectly with their meal," he adds. Wine is an integral part of the Texas de Brazil dining experience, meant to be shared with family and friends. Texas de Brazil offers an extensive wine cellar that has earned the prestigious Wine Spectator Award of Excellence consistently since 2006. With a focus on South American and California vintages, Texas de Brazil's wine list regularly features 90+-rated wines at approachable prices. Dining patrons enjoy an upscale, continuous dining experience which includes an expansive 50-item salad area and the main course, a meat-lovers' fantasy. Renowned for its genuine rodizio-style dining, patrons enjoy freshly-grilled meats carved tableside by costumed gauchos who deliver succulent lamb chops, leg of lamb, picanha, filet mignon, chicken breasts wrapped in bacon, Brazilian sausages and more. Diners pace their feast with a simple green or red disk that indicates when additional servings are welcome. There is something on the menu to suit every taste. Family-owned and operated in the US, Texas de Brazil has become the world's largest Brazilian-American steakhouse group with 56 restaurants worldwide. For reservations, hours, locations and pricing at participating restaurants, visit *Check individual locations for full details. About Texas de Brazil Texas de Brazil is an authentic churrascaria, featuring a continuous dining experience that blends the unique culture of Brazil, with the generous hospitality of Texas. The menu features a vast selection of grilled meats, a 50-item salad area, an award-winning wine list and a la carte dessert selections. The eatery was founded in 1998 as a family-owned business. Now, Texas de Brazil has 56 domestic and international locations. For more information, please visit SOURCE Texas de Brazil Related Links WASHINGTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Airlines for America (A4A), the trade association representing the leading U.S. airlines, today announced that Rebecca Spicer has been named Senior Vice President, Communications. Spicer brings to the association more than two decades of public affairs experience, having worked in television news, the White House communications office and association senior management. At A4A, Spicer will be responsible for the association's communications initiatives that execute key public relations strategies, promote the industry's image and help achieve advocacy objectives. "Rebecca brings a unique perspective to the airline industry. She has deep roots in journalism and understands how Washington works, having served at the White House and in advocacy communications," said A4A President and CEO Nicholas E. Calio. "Rebecca has a proven track record generating effective public affairs initiatives that produce results for a heavily-regulated, highly-competitive industry. Her experience will be valuable to advancing A4A's advocacy agenda and policy priorities." "I am excited to join the A4A team, working with the member companies and telling the stories of the 700,000 men and women in the airline industry who work to get travelers and cargo to where they need to be safely. They are contributing to the economy, building businesses and connecting communities across the country and around the world," said Spicer. "It's a great story to tell, and I'm looking forward to being part of this dynamic industry." Spicer joins A4A from the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA), where she most recently served as the Senior Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs. For 12 years, she managed communications strategy for public affairs campaigns and membership engagement programs. She implemented programs that strengthened the beer distribution industry's public image and advanced policy priorities. Prior to joining NBWA, Spicer served in the George W. Bush White House as associate director of communications, where she produced televised presidential events. Earlier, she worked in television news for 12 years. Spicer produced the 6 p.m. newscast at WJLA in Washington, D.C., which received several awards. She also worked at television stations in Houston, Texas; New Haven, Conn.; and Birmingham, Ala.; as well as CNN in Atlanta, Ga. She received the American Society of Association Executives' Rising Star Award, and PR Week magazine named her a "Top 40 Under 40" public relations professionals in the country. Spicer holds degrees from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., and Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind. She serves on the Board of the National Council for Adoption and on the Advisory Council of the Salvation Army National Capital Region. She also has served on the National Advisory Council of the Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tenn. Spicer and her family live in Alexandria, Va. She will join A4A in June. Download photo ABOUT A4A Annually, commercial aviation helps drive $1.5 trillion in U.S. economic activity and more than 10 million U.S. jobs. U.S. airlines fly 2.3 million passengers and more than 55,000 tons of cargo each day. Airlines for America (A4A) advocates on behalf of the American airline industry as a model of safety, customer service and environmental responsibility and as the indispensable network that drives our nation's economy and global competitiveness. A4A works collaboratively with the airlines, labor groups, Congress and the Administration to improve air travel for everyone. For more information about the airline industry, visit our website and our blog, A Better Flight Plan, at Follow us on Twitter: @airlinesdotorg. Like us on Facebook: Join us on Instagram: SOURCE Airlines for America Related Links The News in Brief By Mariam Chanishvili US Judges visit Georgia Within the framework of the "International Law Week", the judges invited from the US will hold meetings in state structures today. The event is organized by the European University. The representatives of the US Court will meet with the head of the Georgian Bar Association, a chief prosecutor, secretary of the High Council of Justice and the Georgian Minister of Corrections. On May 16, within the master classes held at the European University, Georgian lawmakers will have a unique opportunity to share experience with the US Court representatives and discuss Georgian legal system. On May 17, International Conference - Challenges of Justice will take place at Biltmore Tbilisi Hotel. Representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial governments of Georgia will participate in the event. OSCE PA Georgian President arrives in Donbas Gigi Tsereteli, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), held a meeting in Donbas region, Ukraine. The delegation members visited the houses destroyed during the conflict with Russia and held meetings with the locals. Tsereteli talked about the need to alleviate the humanitarian situation in the conflict zone. "People living in Donbas are victims of this conflict. Destruction of residential houses, hospitals and schools, as well as damaged agriculture infrastructure affected the region, he stated. On July 7-11 the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will discuss the Ukrainian crisis at its annual conference in Berlin, as reported by the press service of the Parliament of Georgia. The visit of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation was organized by the Ukrainian MPs and the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. COLUMBUS, Ga., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Aflac, the leader in voluntary insurance sales at the worksite in the United States and cancer insurance pioneer, reaffirms its long-standing commitment to help those facing cancer through the launch of its Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance plan. The new plan design reflects the evolution of patient needs and challenges, and it covers modern approaches to prevention, early detection and diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care. "We recognize that as cancer treatment evolves, so do the needs of policyholders, and so should our products," said Wendy Herndon, second vice president of Product Development and Implementation at Aflac. "Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance directly aligns with our core value of putting the policyholder at the center of everything we do, helping those facing cancer and their families go through treatment and recovery as worry-free as possible. The newest addition to our flagship product line ties back to the roots of our business as we continue to develop fresh solutions to re-shape traditional benefits delivery." Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance provides more options to help meet the needs of policyholders through all life stages. Coverage is now offered for screening tests and surgeries performed on the basis of genetic testing results, and the wellness payout for early diagnosis is also increased. Other additional benefits include nonsurgical treatment such as immunotherapy, an annual care benefit to help manage costs with delayed effects, and surgery on a non-diseased body part. Also, every Aflac policyholder can explore My Cancer Circle, an online tool that helps caregivers coordinate volunteers and friends to assist with tasks such as meal preparation or transportation. Through Aflac's partnership with CancerCare, policyholders can get personalized notifications and access instant messaging when they use the My Cancer Circle app. Other benefits of CancerCare available to everyone include: Educational workshops and publications for both cancer patients and care partners and the bereaved. Counseling services face-to-face, online or by phone, from licensed oncology social workers to help patients access practical assistance and resources. Furthering its commitment to help patients facing cancer, Aflac recently announced the introduction of My Special Aflac Duck, a social robot created by Sproutel and Aflac to serve as a caring companion for children with cancer. This innovative, special companion, coupled with Aflac's latest cancer product refresh, is an ongoing reflection of the company's dedication to be there when policyholders need them most. Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance is available through the worksite, as well as on an agent-assisted individual-paid basis, and offered with high, medium and low options all with Health Savings Account (HSA) compatibility. To learn more about Aflac products and Aflac's commitment to childhood cancer, visit About Aflac When a policyholder gets sick or hurt, Aflac pays cash benefits fast. For more than six decades, Aflac insurance policies have given policyholders the opportunity to focus on recovery, not financial stress. In the United States, Aflac is the leader in voluntary insurance sales at the worksite. Through its trailblazing One Day PaySM initiative, for eligible claims, Aflac U.S. can process, approve and electronically send funds to claimants for quick access to cash in just one business day. In Japan, Aflac is the leading provider of medical and cancer insurance and insures 1 in 4 households. Aflac insurance products help provide protection to more than 50 million people worldwide. For 12 consecutive years, Ethisphere has recognized Aflac as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies. In 2018, Fortune magazine recognized Aflac as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America for the 20th consecutive year and included Aflac on its list of World's Most Admired Companies for the 17th time. Aflac Incorporated is a Fortune 500 company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AFL. To find out more about Aflac and One Day PaySM, visit or Aflac herein means American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus and American Family Life Assurance Company of New York. About CancerCare Founded in 1944, CancerCare is the leading national organization providing free, professional support services and information to help people manage the emotional, practical and financial challenges of cancer. Our comprehensive services include counseling and support groups over the phone, online and in-person, educational workshops, publications and financial and co-payment assistance. All CancerCare services are provided by oncology social workers and world-leading cancer experts. To learn more, visit or call 800-813-HOPE (4673). Media contact Kristen Fraser, 706.580.3813 or [email protected] Analyst and investor contact David A. Young, 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667, FAX 706.324.6330, or [email protected] SOURCE Aflac Related Links CHICAGO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- It might have been one of the coldest Aprils in the region's recorded history, but home sales in the seven-county metropolitan Chicago area took a turn to the warmer side last month. Overcoming chilly temperatures and a continued shortage of homes listed for sale, April generated a +3.2% sales increase over April 2017, according to a RE/MAX analysis, and that came after declines of -6.4% in the first quarter of this year and -8.7% in March alone. Home sales for the metro area totaled 10,404 units in April, up from 10,078 a year earlier. It was the highest level of April sales recorded since 2006. The median sales price gained +2.9% to $252,000, and the average time a home sold in April spent on the market before going under contract declined to 80 days from 90 in April 2017. "While the number of homes for sale in the Chicago area continues to trail last year's total, the gap got smaller in April," said Jeff LaGrange, Vice President of the RE/MAX Northern Illinois Region. "The end-of-April inventory of homes for sale was -5.1% lower than the prior April, but that's better than the -8.8% difference we saw in March. We'd love to see that trend continue." LaGrange noted that the improvement in the inventory situation was occurring in the attached-home segment of the market where the listing inventory was up +3.3%. In contrast, the inventory of detached homes for sale was -8.2% lower than it had been 12 months earlier. However, LaGrange pointed out that even the detached inventory picture is something of an improvement over first-quarter results, where the year-over-year decline was -11.9%. Sales data used by RE/MAX is collected by MRED, the regional multiple listing service. It covers detached and attached homes in the Illinois counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will. Detached homes are typically stand-alone single-family dwellings. Attached homes include condominium and cooperative apartments along with townhouses. Total April home sales were up in all seven metro counties, as well as in Chicago. Sales rose +3.2% in Cook, +5.1% in DuPage, +6% in Kane, +1.3% in Kendall, +0.8% in Lake, +4.6% in McHenry and +0.8% in Will. Chicago sales gained +2.1%. Median prices were also up across the board, gaining +2.6% in Cook, +6.1% in DuPage, +2.9% in Kane, +6.9% in Kendall, +4.2% in Lake, +3.6% in McHenry and +3% in Will. The increase in Chicago was +4%. Detached-Home Sales Sales of detached homes gained +2.2% in the metro area in April, with 6,423 homes changing hands, compared to 6,287 in April of last year. The median sales price was $275,000, a gain of +5%, and average market time fell from 104 days a year earlier to 91 days this April. Sales rose in five counties and in Chicago, while the median sales price rose in all seven counties and in Chicago. Sales activity increases were strongest in Kendall, up +6.1%, and Chicago, up +7.9%. Other gains ranged from +4.2% in Kane to +1.2% in McHenry. Increases in median sales price varied from a high of +7.1% in Kendall to +2.9% in DuPage. The listing inventory at the end of April was 20,457 units, equivalent to a 3.2-month supply based on the pace of April sales. Attached-Home Sales Total sales of attached homes equaled 3,981 units in April, an increase of +5% over the same month last year. Of that total, 69% were in Cook County, and Chicago alone accounted for 42.1%. The inventory of attached homes at the end of April was 8,628 units, equal to just a 2.2- month supply, a situation that should continue to encourage new construction, according to LaGrange. Sales activity rose in six counties led by a gain of +18.9% in McHenry. Cook County sales rose +3.5% though Chicago sales were down -1.1%. The only county with lower sales was Kendall, which had a -10.6% decline. Other results were gains of +11.7% in Kane, +10.4% in Will, +8.5% in DuPage and +4.3% in Lake. Six counties had a higher median price, while Cook was unchanged. Gains were +10.8% in McHenry, +8.6% in Kane, +7.6%, in Will, +7.5% in Kendall, +6.9% in DuPage and +4.8% in Lake. The Chicago median rose +3%. RE/MAX Northern Illinois has been the leader in the northern Illinois real estate market since 1989 providing a full range of residential and commercial services. With more than 2,200 sales associates and 106 offices throughout the area, RE/MAX Northern Illinois has helped thousands of families with their home buying and selling needs. For more information, visit or download the Illinois Property mobile real estate app. Contact: James Nathan [email protected] 1-773-588-0777 SOURCE RE/MAX Northern Illinois Related Links STAMFORD, Conn., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Aircastle Limited (NYSE: AYR) ("Aircastle") announced today the pricing of a public offering of 7,887,029 common shares by Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (the "Selling Shareholder"), at $21.50 per share. Aircastle will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the shares by the Selling Shareholder. The offering is expected to close on May 18, 2018, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and Citigroup Global Markets Inc. are acting as underwriters for the offering. Aircastle has filed a registration statement (including a base prospectus) and a prospectus supplement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the base prospectus and prospectus supplement and the other documents Aircastle has filed or will file with the SEC for more complete information about Aircastle and this offering. You may obtain these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at Alternatively, the prospectus supplement and accompanying base prospectus may be obtained by contacting Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, Attention: Prospectus Department, 200 West Street, New York, NY 10282, by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling (866) 471-2526 and Citigroup, c/o Broadridge Financial Solutions, 1155 Long Island Avenue, Edgewood, NY 11717 by calling (800) 831-9146. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the common shares, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. Safe Harbor Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, the Selling Shareholder's intention to consummate the offering. Words such as "anticipates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "projects," "believes," "may," "will," "would," "could," "should," "seeks," "estimates" and variations on these words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. The consummation of the offering is subject to market conditions and other factors that are beyond our control. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that the offering will be completed on the contemplated terms or at all and you should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements contained in this press release. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could affect such forward-looking statements, see Aircastle's filings with the SEC and previously disclosed under "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of Aircastle's 2017 Annual Report on Form 10-K. In addition, new risks and uncertainties emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Aircastle to predict or assess the impact of every factor that may cause its actual results to differ from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. Aircastle expressly disclaims any obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statement to reflect future events or circumstances. About Aircastle Limited Aircastle Limited acquires, leases and sells commercial jet aircraft to airlines throughout the world. As of March 31, 2018, Aircastle owned and managed on behalf of its joint ventures 234 aircraft leased to 81 customers located in 44 countries. Contacts: Aircastle Advisor LLC The IGB Group Frank Constantinople, SVP Investor Relations Leon Berman Tel: +1-203-504-1063 Tel: +1-212-477-8438 [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE Aircastle Limited Related Links As a technology leader, AITHERAS is always evaluating new market solutions, but is careful and selective when vetting new tech to ensure customers get to choose from the highest quality products. AITHERAS cemented the partnership due to V5 Systems' security solutions, which have been validated in use and by 13 top technology awards to date, including three New Product of the Year awards from Security Today magazine and the "2017 Security's Best Award" from ASIS, the leading organization for security professionals worldwide. This partnership allows AITHERAS to quickly expand its security offerings to the outdoor security market. Adding surveillance to outdoor environments was previously limited by security products that require a fixed power source and cumbersome installation process. V5 Systems' award-winning security solutions can be deployed where there is no connection to the electrical grid. As a result, public safety can be easily and rapidly expanded in outdoor areas where wired infrastructure does not exist. For example, smart cities can deploy and redeploy these self-powered devices to cover blind spots and outdoor events, as well as to track criminal activity wherever it moves. Joseph T. Friend, SVP of Corporate Development at AITHERAS, said "We are very excited about our relationship with V5 Systems. We believe that the technology that V5 Systems has developed is cutting-edge for our customers and will provide comprehensive security and predictive analytics for potential breaches. We have never seen anything like this technology. Our partnership positions both companies to be on the leading edge of outdoor security." Shahid Nakhoda, the SVP of Business Development at V5 Systems, said, "AITHERAS is the type of partner that is extremely forward-thinking when it comes to technology adoption. Our shared values meant that we clicked right away. With them, we hope to take our turnkey security solutions to law enforcement professionals at the federal level in addition to state and local jurisdictions. Our partnership is not only focused on domestic defense, but also on securing our assets around the world." As a result of the partnership, AITHERAS will be able to provide full life-cycle support to V5 Systems' industry-leading products. Watch these 2-minute videos to learn more about the top V5 Systems security solutions V5 Portable Security Unit: V5 Portable Gunshot Detection Solution: About AITHERAS LLC AITHERAS, founded in 2008 and headquartered in Rockville, MD, is an advanced technology firm and solutions provider to federal, state, local and commercial clients. AITHERAS offers innovative technical solutions that solve real business problems at the federal level. They have expertise in a wide range of advanced technologies and subject matter expertise including, but not limited to, open-source Big Data, artificial intelligence, enterprise architecture, data warehousing and analytics, testing and quality assurance, project management and infrastructure solutions. Their current profile of capabilities in the data analytics space is in the areas of quantitative analysis, applied mathematics, complex distributed process flows to process large volumes of data, information retrieval, machine learning, natural language processing, data mining and manipulation, data analysis, and information in social systems. Core Competencies: Data Analytics Big Data Open Source Development Private and Public Cloud Development Cyber Security, Physical Security, and Information Assurance SCADA Services Application Development Complex Patent Legal-Analysis-Search Support Records Management, Case and Document Management Litigation Support Services, e-Discovery, Pre-Trial and Trial Support, Jury Selection Enterprise Digitization and Search development To learn more about AITHERAS visit Follow AITHERAS on social media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn About V5 Systems V5 Systems is a California-based technology company that provides leading-edge portable, wireless, self-powered outdoor computing and security solutions for Industrial IoT applications. The company delivers turnkey video surveillance and gunshot detection solutions that can be deployed in under 30 minutes, while the computing platform itself can act as a host for 3rd party hardware and software integration. These solutions utilize a proprietary power management system, composed of bullet-resistant solar panels and battery backup. The power system eliminates the need for fixed power and hard-wired communications. To learn more about V5 Systems visit Follow V5 Systems on social media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn SOURCE V5 Systems Related Links SHANGHAI, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC) today announced that it has achieved high scores in the 2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) conducted annually by leading US market research firm, VLSIresearch. The survey, which began in 1988, is the only one of its kind that lets customers in multiple regions provide anonymous feedback on their overall experience with worldwide suppliers of semiconductor equipment and subsystems. AMEC is the only China-based company to be recognized in the list of winners that includes companies from the US, Europe, Asia and Israel. AMEC earned a second-place ranking in the 10 BEST Focused Suppliers of Chip Making Equipment category, with customers citing the company as a trusted and recommended supplier. AMEC was also ranked in two additional survey categories, achieving third place in THE BEST Suppliers of Fab Equipment and fourth place in THE BEST Suppliers of Fab Equipment to Specialty Chip Makers. AMEC's CEO, Dr. Gerald Z. Yin, remarked that providing an exemplary customer experience is a success imperative for a company offering advanced micro-fabrication equipment. "We are very pleased that customers recognize AMEC's value and benefit from the performance, productivity, quality, and cost advantages of our Etch and MOCVD technology and products," he said. "It is a special thrill when their satisfaction with our service and support is also recognized in a prestigious global survey." Dr. Yin continued: "AMEC is still a young and fast-growing company, however. As we journey to maturity, we must work harder and smarter to continuously innovate and improve so that we may become an even better supplier to our customers. We're grateful to work with such innovative companies in several regions, and we appreciate their ongoing support." VLSIresearch's President, Risto Puhakka, commended AMEC for the company's strong showing in its first VLSIresearch CSS. "We are impressed by the quality feedback shared by customers on AMEC's behalf, as well as their enthusiasm for the technology solutions and support they receive from their supplier. This is the first time that a China-based company has ranked in the CSS. It is an indication of China's fast-growing semiconductor manufacturing industry which is being well served by leading indigenous process technology companies like AMEC, as well as other global players." AMEC's COO, Dr. Zhiyou Du, noted that ensuring customer satisfaction would be impossible without the company's talented employees. "At our headquarters and in the field, every AMEC employee is committed to supporting and helping our global customers innovate new products and achieve success in their respective markets. The CSS results reflect their dedication and accomplishments. Maintaining high satisfaction levels is a strategic imperative for AMEC and we will continue to invest in the people, technology and infrastructure to meet the imperative." About VLSIresearch VLSIresearch is an award-winning provider of market research and economic analysis on the technical, business, and economic aspects of the semiconductor supply chain. Providing intelligence for faster and better decision making, seasoned executives in high technology, government, and finance rely on VLSIresearch's insights to guide them to the right decisions. The formula is simple: Better intelligence leads to better decisions which deliver better results. Founded in 1976, VLSIresearch is the leading technology research and advisory company focused on semiconductor related manufacturing. The company's website is Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC) AMEC is China's leading provider of advanced process technology to global manufacturers of semiconductors and solid-state lighting (SSL) products. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company is an entrenched supplier of dielectric and TSV Etch tools, helping chipmakers build devices at process nodes as low as 7nm. To date, nearly 800 AMEC process units have been positioned at 40 leading-edge semiconductor fabs across Asia. The company is also well established in Europe with AMEC MEMS tools running in production at major IDMs. In addition, with its MOCVD system, the company helps SSL manufacturers build today's most advanced LED products. To learn more about AMEC, please visit SOURCE Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. Related Links EMERYVILLE, Calif., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Student loans are usually something that borrowers want to get out of the way. Thinking about having student loans for years or even decades can be a discouraging thought. But student loan repayment can be a long-term process and still be manageable for the borrower. American Financial Benefits Center (AFBC), a document preparation company that helps student loan borrowers apply for and stay enrolled in federal repayment plans, encourages borrowers to think about long-term student loan repayment. "Borrowers who know about income-driven repayment should know that a long repayment is not necessarily a bad thing," said Sara Molina, Manager at AFBC. "It's understandable that folks want to get that debt off their plate, out of their life, and with less payable interest. But for people who really need it, an extended repayment term may be a good option." Income-driven repayment plans (IDRs) are offered to federal loan borrowers by the Department of Education. The plans may benefit borrowers because they base monthly payments on income and family size, often making them a more affordable plan for borrowers. However, borrowers may be hesitant to enter into these plansor stay in them for longbecause the repayment period for IDRs is 20 or 25 years. Borrowers are able to leave the plans if they want, but they must be conscious of possible ramifications like interest capitalization if they do so. Depending on the circumstances, borrowers may be allowed to remain in the plan and overpay each month so they end up with a shorter loan term. A key feature of these plans, however, is loan forgiveness of any remaining balance at the end of the 20 or 25 years of repayment. While this forgiveness may be taxed, the loan balance forgiven may still be high enough to make financial sense for borrowers who decide to stretch out repayment. AFBC is a private, independent company which has helped thousands of borrowers successfully apply for IDRs and get on track to potential loan forgiveness. AFBC continues to support clientele with yearly recertification throughout the life of their student loans. "Borrowers in IDRs are so much less likely to default or fall behind with their loans," said Molina. "This has a huge, positive effect on a borrower's finances. We're happy to have given borrowers real support in applying for a better repayment plan and take pride in continuing that support." About American Financial Benefits Center American Financial Benefits Center is a document preparation company that helps clients apply for federal student loan repayment plans that fit their personal financial and student loan situation. Through its strict customer service guidelines, the company strives for the highest levels of honesty and integrity. Each AFBC telephone representative has received the Certified Student Loan Professional certification through the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA). American Financial Benefits Center Newsroom Contact To learn more about American Financial Benefits Center, please contact: American Financial Benefits Center 1900 Powell Street #600 Emeryville, CA 94608 1-800-488-1490 [email protected] Related Images long-term-student-loan-repayment.jpg Long-Term Student Loan Repayment Credit: eamesBot/Bigstock image2.png Related Links AFBC home page SOURCE American Financial Benefits Center Related Links SEATTLE, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC) is hosting its annual Spring Conference from May 16-18, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seattle, Washington. The theme of this year's conference is "Bridging the Divide: Global Collaboration and New Partnerships to Fight Counterfeits." Given the complexities and prevalence of counterfeiting; not one industry, country, nor business can combat it alone. The agenda for this conference, which attracts nearly 500 attendees from more than 40 countries, reflects the IACC's collaborative approach to fighting fake goods. In addition to accessing high-level sessions focusing on emerging anti-counterfeiting trends, attendees can participate in intimate roundtable sessions and fireside chats with government IP attaches and intermediary companies such as Alibaba Group, Amazon, eBay, and Google. These events are designed to spur dialogue and cooperation amongst different parties that share a common commitment to addressing counterfeiting in various marketplaces. On the organization's strategy on anti-counterfeiting, IACC President Bob Barchiesi said in his opening remarks, "We form partnerships that take advantage of each other's expertise. This approach sparks the creativity and innovation needed to protect IP." Vishal Amin, the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, is the Spring Conference keynote speaker. Mr. Amin's office coordinates and develops the U.S.'s overall IP policy and strategy, promotes innovation and creativity, and ensures effective IP protection and enforcement, domestically and abroad. For more information, visit About IACC The IACC ( is a Washington, DC-based not for profit organization representing the interests of companies concerned with trademark counterfeiting and the related theft of intellectual property. The members of the IACC include many of the world's best-known brands across all product sectors. The IACC has played a leading role in the development of cross-industry voluntary agreements, to address the illicit trafficking of counterfeit and pirated goods online, including its IACC MarketSafe and RogueBlock initiative. SOURCE International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition Related Links EVANSTON, Ill., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Aptinyx Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing transformative therapies for challenging neurologic disorders, today announced that it has appointed Robert J. Hombach, a healthcare industry veteran, to its board of directors. Mr. Hombach has over 25 years of financial and operational leadership experience in the healthcare sector. Mr. Hombach most recently served as executive vice president, CFO and COO of Baxalta, a global biopharmaceutical company spun out in 2015 from Baxter, until it was acquired by Shire in 2016. He served as corporate vice president and CFO of Baxter from 2010 until the spin-off. Prior to serving as CFO, he held a number of finance positions of increasing responsibility in the corporate planning, manufacturing, operations, and treasury areas at Baxter. "The breadth and depth of Bob's experience in Fortune 500 and growth-stage companies across finance, corporate development, and operations will be an incredible asset as we continue to build Aptinyx as a leading neuroscience company. We are honored to welcome Bob as a new member of Aptinyx's board and believe his expertise will be invaluable as we continue to advance our pipeline of innovative NMDA receptor modulators for the treatment of various neurologic disorders," said Norbert Riedel, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Aptinyx. Mr. Hombach has served as a board member for a number of public, private, and not-for-profit companies. He was previously on the board of Naurex, the predecessor company to Aptinyx that was acquired by Allergan in 2015, and currently is a director of BioMarin Pharmaeutical Inc. and CarMax Inc. He holds an M.B.A. from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and a B.S. in Finance cum Laude from the University of Colorado. About Aptinyx Aptinyx Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company discovering and developing transformative therapies for challenging disorders of the brain and nervous system. Aptinyx has a proven platform for discovery of novel compounds that work through a unique mechanism to modulate rather than block or over-activate NMDA receptors and enhance synaptic plasticity, the foundation of neural cell communication. Drugs that modulate NMDA receptors in this distinct way have both robust efficacy and favorable safety. The company's lead drug candidate, NYX-2925, is in Phase 2 clinical development as a therapy for neuropathic pain and its second drug candidate, NYX-783, is in Phase 1 clinical development for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Both programs have received Fast Track designation by the FDA. Aptinyx is also advancing additional compounds from its proprietary chemistry platform, which continues to generate a rich and diverse pipeline of small-molecule NMDA receptor modulators with the potential to treat an array of neurologic disorders. For more information, visit SOURCE Aptinyx Inc. Related Links BALTIMORE, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, the American Urological Association (AUA), a leading global urology association, released a new clinical guideline on the surgical management of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). LUTS is a term used to describe a range of symptoms related to problems of the lower urinary tract (bladder, prostate and urethra). They can include such 'storage' symptoms as a sudden or urgent need to urinate and increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia) to such 'voiding' symptoms as a weak urine stream or the inability to empty the bladder completely. While LUTS can affect men of any age, they are more common in older men, and more often attributed to an enlarged prostate gland, otherwise known as BPH. Once diagnosed, treatment will depend on the cause and severity of LUTS, which is why the AUA guideline panel strongly suggests physicians and patients engage in a shared decision making process to select the best care option for each individual patient. "There are many effective surgical options for treating LUTS due to BPH," said Harry E. Foster, Jr., MD, Chair of the guideline development panel and Professor in the Department of Urology at Yale University School of Medicine. "Selecting optimal care for each patient can be an involved process that requires physicians to help patients make informed decisions regarding their treatment plans. This new clinical guideline offers both a framework to facilitate such shared decision-making, and guidance as to which surgical treatments are appropriate for treating BPH." The focus of this guideline is on the treatment of LUTS attributed to BPH, utilizing common surgical techniques and minimally invasive surgical therapies. The new guideline makes 22 recommendations in total, including: Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) should be offered as a treatment option for men with LUTS attributed to BPH. Clinicians may use a monopolar or bipolar approach to TURP, depending on their expertise with these techniques. Clinicians should consider open, laparoscopic or robotic assisted prostatectomy, depending on their expertise with these techniques, for patients with large prostates. Clinicians should consider photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) as an option using 120W or 180W platforms for patients for the treatment of LUTS attributed to BPH Clinicians should consider PUL as an option for patients with LUTS attributed to BPH provided prostate volume <80g and verified absence of an obstructive middle lobe; however, patients should be informed that symptom reduction and flow rate improvement is less significant compared to TURP. Water vapor thermal therapy may be offered to patients with LUTS attributed to BPH provided prostate volume <80g; however, patients should be informed that evidence of efficacy, including longer-term retreatment rates, remains limited. Clinicians should consider holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) or thulium laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuLEP), depending on their expertise with either technique, as prostate size-independent suitable options for the treatment of LUTS attributed to BPH. HoLEP, PVP, and ThuLEP should be considered in patients who are at higher risk of bleeding, such as those on anti-coagulation drugs. The guideline was developed by a panel with specific expertise in the guideline subject. It was distributed to peer reviewers of varying backgrounds as part of the AUA's extensive peer review process before being approved by the AUA Board of Directors. The full guideline is available online at About the American Urological Association: Founded in 1902 and headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological Association is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology, and has more than 21,000 members throughout the world. The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care through education, research and the formulation of health policy. Contact: Christine Frey, AUA 443-909-0839, [email protected] SOURCE American Urological Association Related Links Recognizing that the optimal laser technique can vary based on the stone's location, size, composition or density i , the EMPOWER system offers physicians and hospitals many choices in mode, power and frequency for a complete line of Ho:YAG lasers and fibers. This high power laser portfolio offers greater efficiency with higher hertz, in addition to offering customizable user settings. The EMPOWER Stabilization mode reduces retropulsion effect, meaning that it produces a vapor tunnel bubble path to the stone in order to stabilize the stone and limit retropulsion of the stone*. From quality access, dilation, lithotripsy, retrieval and draining devices, to its best-in-class scopes, visualization platform, financial solutions and on-site case support, Olympus is demonstrating its commitment to bringing stone management full circle for its customers. Benefits of the EMPOWER solutions include the following: Greater versatility: This high power platform offers greater efficiency and higher hertz compared to competitive systems with similar power offerings.* Greater dusting capability: The H65 system offers a full 60 hertz of power in a 65 watt Holmium Laser Generator. Stabilization mode: Produces a vapor tunnel bubble that clears a path through the water in order to reduce retropulsion and keep the stone in place while applying energy.* A full line of fibers to complement physician technique, such as the ball-tip fiber and true 200 micron fiber designed to minimize scope deflection loss and increase irrigation during fiber use. Easy transition between modes, facilitated by an intuitive user interface. Procedure versatility, through the H65 system, for lithotripsy (dusting, fragmenting, stabilization and popcorning), soft tissue procedures (incision, tumor ablation and hemostasis) or BPH treatment (HoLEP, HoLAP and hemostasis). The option, through the H35 system, for a smaller-footprint device, while offering a full 30 hertz of frequency. At AUA, Olympus will sponsor a hands-on technique Skills Enhancement Workshop (SEW) session at the SEW booth, #2607, Saturday, May 19 from 10:00 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 3:30 p.m. PST. On hand will be several expert physicians to discuss their techniques and passion for laser lithotripsy. Also of note will be Olympus' acceptance of the 2018 AUA Health Science Award. AUA will present the award to Olympus during the Congress proceedings, recognizing Olympus' longstanding leadership in medical innovations for urology. "Urologists demand the ability to customize their treatment of stones with laser lithotripsy and can now approach all stones with greater efficiency with this EMPOWER laser platform," said Randy Clark, Group Vice President, Olympus America Inc. "With Olympus being a leader in stone management and visualization, we are giving urologists a full circle solution to treating stone disease. In partnership with our customers, we continue to drive increased quality of care, cost reductions and patient satisfaction." Attendees of the AUA 2018 conference are encouraged to see the EMPOWER line at the Olympus booth #1223, May 18 - 21 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. For more information, please call 1-800-848-9024 or visit us at About Olympus Medical Systems Group Olympus is a global technology leader, crafting innovative optical and digital solutions in medical technologies; life sciences; industrial solutions; and cameras and audio products. Throughout our nearly 100-year history, Olympus has focused on being true to society and making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling. Our Medical Business works with health care professionals to combine our innovative capabilities in medical technology, therapeutic intervention, and precision manufacturing with their skills to deliver diagnostic, therapeutic and minimally invasive procedures to improve clinical outcomes, reduce overall costs and enhance quality of life for patients. For more information, visit *Data on file at Olympus. i Aldoukhi AH, Roberts WW, Hall TL, Ghani KR. Holmium laser lithotripsy in the new stone age: dust or bust? Front Surg. 2017;4(57). Doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2017.00057 SOURCE Olympus Medical Systems Group Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, May 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- A baker's dozen of Bay Area highway, transit and goods-movement projects today earned more than $660 million in new funding as the California Transportation Commission (CTC) finalized its first awards through a trio of competitive statewide programs established by the Senate Bill 1 transportation investment package signed into law by Gov. Brown last year. Projects in the nine-county Bay Area, which accounts for about 20 percent of the state population, earned more than 25 percent of the total $2.642 billion awarded today by the CTC through the Solutions for Congested Corridors, Trade Corridor Enhancement and Local Partnership programs. This is on top of the $1.4 billion awarded last month to 10 Bay Area transit projects for distribution over the next decade by the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) through its Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, which includes both SB 1 and state cap-and-trade funds. "SB 1 is already playing a critical role in making California companies more competitive, and the CTC and CalSTA deserve a lot of credit for their hard work in putting these dollars to work quickly," commented Metropolitan Transportation Commission Chair and Rohnert Park City Councilmember Jake Mackenzie. "Both agencies recognize the need to expand the Bay Area transportation network to catch up with recent growth and the need to modernize our freeways, transit systems and freight corridors to maintain the Bay Area's position as an engine for economic growth throughout the state." The largest of the CTC's SB 1 awards for the Bay Area is a $233 million commitment to Caltrans and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) through the Solutions for Congested Corridors program to establish express lanes along both directions of U.S. 101 between State Route 237 in Mountain View through San Mateo County to Interstate 380 near San Francisco International Airport. The CTC also awarded Caltrans $85 million through the Solutions for Congested Corridors program to complete the final Sonoma County portion of the multi-phase widening of U.S. 101 through the Marin-Sonoma Narrows. Awards for Bay Area projects approved for funding through the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program include $175 million for the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) to build a grade-separation that will carry 7th Street over railroad tracks serving the Port of Oakland; $12 million for ACTC and the Port of Oakland to implement their GoPort package of intelligent transportation system elements; $53 million for Caltrans and the Solano Transportation Authority to tackle a second phase of the reconfiguration of the Cordelia Junction between I-80 and State Route 12; $4 million for VTA to develop plans for a new U.S. 101/State Route 25 interchange south of Gilroy; and $4 million for the City of Emeryville to improve at-grade rail crossings in the East Bay city. Projects approved by the CTC for SB 1 funding through the competitive Local Partnership Program include $34 million for the Contra Costa Transportation Authority to upgrade the I-680/State Route 4 interchange; $20 million for San Mateo County agencies to advance the U.S. 101 Express Lanes project; $17 million for VTA to improve the U.S. 101 and Highway 237 interchanges with Mathilda Avenue; $15 million for AC Transit to buy hybrid buses; $7 million for improvements to Jefferson Street in San Francisco; and $3 million to upgrade Rumrill Blvd. in San Pablo. Each of the 10 Bay Area transit projects selected last month by CalSTA to receive SB 1 funds through the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program is slated to receive money in the 2018-19 to 2022-23 fiscal years. These include Phase 2 of the BART-to-Silicon Valley extension ($238 million); BART's Transbay Core Capacity project ($144 million); new railcars for Caltrain's soon-to-be electrified service ($123 million); Capitol Corridor enhancements ($80 million); Muni's Transit Capacity Expansion Program ($27 million); SMART's Larkspur-to-Windsor Corridor Project ($21 million); the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority's Dublin/Pleasanton capacity improvement program ($21 million); SamTrans' U.S. 101 Express Bus pilot ($15 million); AC Transit's Zero-Emission Bus purchase program ($14 million); and regional transit improvements in Solano County ($11 million). Funding agreements for fiscal years 2023-24 through 2027-28 include an extra $492 million for Phase 2 of the BART-to-Silicon Valley extension; another $174 million for BART's Transbay Core Capacity projects; and $41 million for further expansion of the Caltrain railcar fleet. SB 1, formally known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, is expected to generate $52.4 billion for transportation investments over the next decade. This includes: $24.4 billion by increasing the state excise tax on gasoline by 12 cents per gallon; by increasing the state excise tax on gasoline by per gallon; $16.3 billion from an annual vehicle licensing fee based on vehicle value; from an annual vehicle licensing fee based on vehicle value; $7.3 billion by increasing the state excise tax on diesel fuel by 20 cents per gallon; by increasing the state excise tax on diesel fuel by per gallon; $3.5 billion by increasing the sales tax on diesel fuel to 5.75 percent; by increasing the sales tax on diesel fuel to 5.75 percent; $706 million through repayments from the state General Fund; and through repayments from the state General Fund; and $200 million from an annual $100 Zero Emission Vehicle fee that will start in 2020 MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. SOURCE Metropolitan Transportation Commission Related Links RICHARDSON, Texas, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) has begun considering proposals for 2018 Healthy Kids, Healthy Families grants seeking partnerships with nonprofit organizations engaged in affecting the health and wellness of Texans through sustainable and measurable programs. The grants will anchor BCBSTX's strategic community investment focus to fight Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) two conditions greatly impacting the life span, productivity and quality of life of Texans. Last year, nearly $1.8 million in HKHF grants were awarded to 8 statewide organizations to help raise awareness around the prevention and early detection of COPD and CKD. "As a statewide health insurance company, we want to make a difference with conditions like COPD and CKD two diseases affecting the health and wellness of many Texans," said Dr. Robert Morrow, who leads Community Investment for BCBSTX and is President, Houston and Southeast Texas. "These grants support strategic partnerships with organizations that have a shared interest in creating communities of healthy Texans. "As a physician, I understand that most health happens beyond the doctor's office and outside of hospital walls. That's why we are investing in organizations that are making a measurable difference with programming aimed at preventing illness and promoting healthy lifestyles." The BCBSTX grant cycle is a two-step process with part one concluding May 25. Step two begins June 1 and runs through June 29 only for those organizations invited to apply. After step two, the review process lasts approximately six weeks. Grant award announcements will be made throughout September 2018, with funding starting November 2018. Launched in 2011, HKHF started as a three-year initiative designed to improve the health and wellness of at least one million children through community investments. The program was extended as BCBSTX's ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of children and families in Texas. To date, the HKHF program has impacted the lives of millions of Texas children. Since the program's inception, BCBSTX has awarded more than $10 million in HKHF grants. For more information on how to apply for a HKHF grant, please email [email protected] or follow this link to begin the application process. About Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) the only statewide, customer-owned health insurer in Texas is the largest provider of health benefits in the state, working with nearly 80,000 physicians and healthcare practitioners, and 500 hospitals to serve more than 5 million members in all 254 counties. BCBSTX is a Division of Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) (which operates Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans in Texas, Illinois, Montana, Oklahoma and New Mexico), the country's largest customer-owned health insurer, and fourth largest health insurer overall. Health Care Service Corporation is a Mutual Legal Reserve Company and an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. | | | | BCBSTX 2016 Social Responsibility Report SOURCE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Related Links "Boys & Girls Clubs are committed to providing youth with resources such as interactive computer programs to help prepare them for a great future," said Jim Clark, president and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of America. "Thanks to Lenovo, we're helping more youth find their passion and discover different STEM careers." Club research shows that a high-quality Club experience enhances positive outcomes for members. The partnership with Lenovo helps enhance this by providing kids and teens with the knowledge to build simple apps and engaging them to shape their own experiences, while equipping Club staff with the resources to provide these fun, accessible moments over time. "Expanding our partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs nationally is a natural extension to our long-standing relationship with the Research Triangle Clubs," said Lenovo North America president Matt Zielinski. "What's especially exciting about this initiative is that we're engaging Lenovo employees across the U.S. to help inspire Club members in their communities to pursue STEM studies and rewarding careers that they can find at companies like Lenovo." During the hackathons, Club members break into teams and go through a series of steps to complete the project. The steps include: defining an audience and how the app will be used, developing a visual and a working prototype, and creating and practicing a presentation. Upon completion of the programming, Club members have the opportunity to present their app to showcase the knowledge and skills they learned from the program. Judges then award prizes to the winning teams. Lenovo hosted its first hackathon earlier this month with Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta in Newnan, GA. Other events are planned for Hartford, CT; Santa Clara Valley, CA; Central Florida; Miami-Dade; Greater Dallas; King County, WA; Chicago and Greater Milwaukee. Lenovo is donating the PC equipment used for the hackathons. To learn more about the Lenovo and Boys & Girls Clubs of America partnership, please visit About Boys & Girls Clubs of America For more than 150 years, Boys & Girls Clubs of America ( has enabled young people most in need to achieve great futures as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Today, 4,300 Clubs serve 4 million young people through Club membership and community outreach. Clubs are located in cities, towns, public housing and on Native lands throughout the country, and serve military families in BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide. They provide a safe place, caring adult mentors, fun and friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school hours. Club programs promote academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. In a Harris Survey of alumni, 54 percent said the Club saved their lives. National headquarters are located in Atlanta. Learn more at on Facebook and Twitter. About Lenovo Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is a $43 billion global Fortune 500 company and a leader in providing innovative consumer, commercial, and data center technology. Their portfolio of high-quality, secure products and services covers PCs (including the legendary Think and multimode YOGA brands), workstations, servers, storage, networking, software (including ThinkSystem and ThinkAgile) solutions, smart TVs and a family of mobile products like smartphones (including the Motorola brand), tablets and apps. For more information about Lenovo, visit or follow them on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter (@Lenovo). SOURCE Boys & Girls Clubs of America Related Links BALTIMORE, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- After an expansive nationwide search, the Kennedy Krieger Institute Board chair Howard B. Miller today announced the appointment of Bradley (Brad) L. Schlaggar, M.D., Ph.D., as the organization's next president and CEO. He will assume this position this summer, continuing the organization's longstanding mission of improving the lives of children and adolescents with disorders and injuries of the brain, spinal cord and musculoskeletal system. Dr. Schlaggar joins Kennedy Krieger after 19 years on the faculty of Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, where for the last four years he served as division head of pediatric and developmental neurology, co-director of the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center and neurologist-in-chief at St. Louis Children's Hospital. Prior to becoming division head, Dr. Schlaggar directed the pediatric neurology residency program for eight years. "Brad Schlaggar is an amazing professional with incredible credentials," said Dr. Nancy Grasmick, co-chair of the CEO search committee. "He currently leads one of the finest pediatric neurological centers in the nation." "Dr. Schlaggar will be an asset to the team of brilliant minds at Kennedy Krieger who are all dedicated to advancing care, education and research to help the young people we serve," Miller said. "He is an exemplary physician, researcher, and leader." "Dr. Schlaggar and Kennedy Krieger are in a unique position to collaborate with others around the world to advance discoveries that will change children's lives for the better," said Dr. Gary Goldstein, the current president and CEO of Kennedy Krieger. "Just as importantly, he is caring and supportive of others, qualities that will make him a particularly good fit within the culture here at Kennedy Krieger." Dr. Schlaggar earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Brown University, and his Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, where, after residency, he ascended the ranks to become the A. Ernest and Jane G. Stein Professor of Developmental Neurology, and professor of neurology, psychiatry, radiology, neuroscience, and pediatrics. He currently serves as the chair-elect of the St. Louis Children's Hospital medical executive committee and is a member of many organizations including the American Neurological Association, Society for Pediatric Research and the Child Neurology Society. He is a co-founder and vice president of the Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. His research using neuroimaging to investigate cognitive development has been recognized with several awards including the 2009 Norman Geschwind Award in Behavioral Neurology from the American Academy of Neurology and the 2013 E. Mead Johnson Award from the Society for Pediatric Research. "I am honored to join Kennedy Krieger and to be a part of a community that works tirelessly to ensure each patient has the opportunity to embrace their full potential," Dr. Schlaggar said. Dr. Schlaggar will replace current president and CEO Dr. Goldstein, who will transition to a new role at Kennedy Krieger Foundation. About Kennedy Krieger Institute: Internationally recognized for improving the lives of children and adolescents with disorders and injuries of the brain, spinal cord and musculoskeletal system, Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, serves 24,000 individuals a year through inpatient and outpatient clinics, home and community services, and school-based programs. Kennedy Krieger provides a wide range of services for children with developmental issues, from mild to severe, and is home to a team of investigators who are contributing to the understanding of how disorders develop, while at the same time pioneering new interventions and methods of early diagnosis. Visit for more information about Kennedy Krieger. SOURCE Kennedy Krieger Institute Related Links JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- More consumers now have the opportunity to enjoy a better way to shop for insurance as Brightway Insurance continues to expand across the country, opening new stores in Florida, Indiana, South Carolina and Tennessee on Monday, May 21. "We're pleased to welcome our newest Franchise Owners and their teams to the Brightway Family," said Brightway President, Talman Howard. "We offer a turnkey business solution that helps franchise owners realize their dream of business ownership with the support of a national brand." Angie Whitlock will open Brightway, The Angie Whitlock Agency in Lafayette, Ind. For information, visit will open Brightway, The Angie Whitlock Agency in For information, visit Stephen Aldridge and Robert Osteen will open Brightway, The Osteen & Aldridge Agency in Fort Mill, S.C. For information, visit and will open Brightway, The Osteen & Aldridge Agency in For information, visit Jason and Erica Grubbs will open Brightway, The Torres-Grubbs Agency in New Port Richey, Fla. For information, visit will open Brightway, The Torres-Grubbs Agency in For information, visit Timothy Walters will open Brightway, The Walters Agency in Morristown, Tenn. For information, visit will open Brightway, The Walters Agency in For information, visit Kim Shumaker will be the Principal Agent opening Brightway, The Sunnyside Agency in Elgin, S.C. For information, visit Brightway Agency Owners enjoy comprehensive business support including customer service, carrier relationships, marketing, accounting and technology. As a result, Brightway agencies consistently outsell other insurance agencies three-to-one.* Brightway franchisees make more than three times the income of individuals who are self-employed in other businesses. For top performers, the gap is six-fold. What's more, having an insurance background is not a prerequisite to becoming a Franchise Owner with Brightway. In fact, 40 percent of the above-average performing Brightway Franchise Owners did not have prior insurance experience. Entrepreneurs who wish to learn more about business opportunities with Brightway should visit About Brightway Insurance Brightway Insurance is a national property/casualty insurance retailer selling through a network of franchised independent stores throughout the country. With more than $521 million in annualized written premium, the company is one of the largest personal lines agencies in the United States. Brightway began franchising operations in 2008 and has since grown to more than 800 people in 19 states serving customers in all 50 states. Forbes has recognized the company as America's No. 1 Franchise to Buy. Additionally, the company was named a top franchise three years in a row by Entrepreneur magazine and one of the fastest-growing private companies in America nine consecutive years by Inc. 5000. People wishing to learn more about franchise ownership with Brightway may visit and find us on LinkedIn. Consumers seeking a better insurance buying experience may visit and find us on Facebook. SOURCE Brightway Insurance Related Links TUCSON, Ariz., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- AudioEye, Inc. (OTCQB: AEYE) ("AudioEye" or the "Company") a leader in technology-based website accessibility, and founded in the belief that it is the right of every individual to enjoy equal access to the Internet, and the responsibility of every entity to provide equal access to online content, today commends Assemblymember Adam Gray and the State of California for the introduction and passing of ACR No. 222, recognizing Global Accessibility Awareness Day in California today, May 17, 2018, and the third Thursday of May going forward. "California is the birthplace of the tech revolution, so it is only fitting that our state leads the way in ensuring that the technological innovations made possible by so many ground-breaking companies and people are accessible to all," said Assemblymember Adam Gray from Assembly District 21, who introduced the resolution, which has already passed the State Assembly. The assemblymember added, "AB 434 was an important step in advancing the state's position on digital accessibility. Acknowledging a day that helps create global awareness of the importance of accessibility was the right next step." In October 2017, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill No. 434, requiring state agencies to make their respective sites accessible by July 1, 2019. Each state agency will be required to achieve conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, or any subsequent version, at a minimum Level AA success criteria. Compliance with the requirement would make the website of every state agency accessible to individuals relying on the use of assistive technologies such as screen readers, keyboard navigation and/or other assistive devices that allow them to access and consume digital content. Jennison Asuncion, a technology professional, co-founder and driving force behind Global Accessibility Awareness Day, spoke on behalf of GAAD. "As GAAD Co-founders and Californians working in tech, Joe Devon and I are more than thrilled to learn that the State that drives technological innovation is recognizing this day, which is all about raising awareness about digital access and inclusion for the one billion people who have disabilities." AudioEye Board of Directors, Independent Director and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California, Tony Coelho, is credited by colleagues as the author of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Coelho has commended the state's act saying, "California has always taken a progressive stance on issues critical to people with disabilities. It is a simple act to acknowledge a day that brings awareness to the immensity of the barriers faced by people with disabilities as they try to participate equally in society." Mr. Coelho added: "The Internet provides so many conveniences many of us take for granted. For people with disabilities, access to all the conveniences and benefits of the web, can be life changing. The fact that web accessibility has not been treated with equal importance as the need for accommodations in the physical world is disappointing. Like the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and subsequent movements to ensure equal rights for all people, with actions such as these taken by the State of California and champions like Assemblymember Gray, soon all people will truly experience equal access." AudioEye, a company dedicated to inclusivity through technology, is hosting events in Atlanta, New York, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco to raise awareness of the importance of digital accessibility. AudioEye CEO Todd Bankofier leads the company with a focus on people first, "Accessibility is about people benefitting from the greatest technological advances in the history of the world. There is no reason we can't solve challenges created by technology with technology, to level the playing field for all people." Mr. Bankofier added: "Global Accessibility Awareness Day began with a simple Blog post in 2011, ironically, by a Los Angeles-based web developer. Today, it is a global movement bringing together hundreds of thousands of people from technology and disability advocacy to keep the conversation going about how we can leverage technology for greater inclusivity. Global Accessibility Awareness Day is key to awareness across industries and organizations. We appreciate the leadership Assemblymember Gray and the State of California are taking to raise awareness and make a difference in the ability of all people to access the Internet, the great equalizer of our time, and level the playing field for all people." About Global Accessibility Awareness Day The idea of Global Accessibility Awareness Day started with a single blog post written by a Los Angeles-based web developer Joe Devon. Jemison Asuncion, an accessibility professional from Toronto discovered Joe's blog post purely by accident, thanks to coming across a tweet for Joe. After reading it, he immediately contacted Joe and they joined forces, leveraging their extensive and respective networks to realize the event. Starting in 2015, rather than using a fixed date, Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is the third Thursday of May. To learn more or see a list of events around the world visit: About AudioEye, Inc. AudioEye is a technology company serving businesses committed to providing equal access to their digital content. Through patented technology, subject matter expertise and proprietary processes, AudioEye is transforming how the world experiences digital content. Leading with technology, AudioEye identifies and resolves issues of accessibility and enhances the user experience, making digital content more accessible and more usable for more people. AudioEye's common stock trades on the OTCQB under the symbol "AEYE." The Company maintains offices in Tucson, Atlanta and Washington D.C. For more information about AudioEye and its online accessibility solutions, please visit Forward-Looking Statements Any statements in this press release about AudioEye's expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, prospects, financial condition, assumptions or future events or performance are not historical facts and are "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined under the federal securities laws. These statements are often, but not always, made through the use of words or phrases such as "believe", "anticipate", "should", "intend", "plan", "will", "expects", "estimates", "projects", "positioned", "strategy", "outlook" and similar words. You should read the statements that contain these types of words carefully. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from what is expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements, including the risk that the Company's bookings will not increase as currently expected or at all. There may be events in the future that AudioEye is not able to predict accurately or over which AudioEye has no control. Other risks are described more fully in AudioEye's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements reflect management's analysis as of the date of this press release and AudioEye urges you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. AudioEye does not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to such forward-looking statements to reflect events or uncertainties after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. For Further information, please contact: Elsa Guerrero, VP of Marketing, AudioEye, Inc. Email: [email protected] Phone: 520-448-3832 Matt Kreps, Darrow Associates Investor Relations Email: [email protected] Phone: (214) 597-8200 SOURCE AudioEye, Inc. Related Links LITTLETON, Colo., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- CanPay, the first legitimate debit payment solution for the cannabis industry, today announced it processes ecommerce payments, bringing greater convenience, safety, and efficiencies to retailers and their customers. In addition to expanding payments online, CanPay has doubled the number of states it operates in nationwide to 14, including New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Michigan and New Mexico, serves 10's of thousands of users across 120 retail dispensaries, and integrates with leading POS systems OMMPOS and LeafLogix. With the cannabis industry projected to exceed $24 billion by 2025 and over half of the U.S. population in support of legalization, it's no surprise the marketplace is thriving. As the industry becomes further established, ecosystem partners are primed to play a key role in further legitimizing it, and leading the charge is ecommerce. An influential aspect of any retail businessnearly 80 percent of Americans have made an online purchasecannabis will be no exception to the overwhelming convenience and profitability of the digital marketplace. As the original ecommercepayment integration for cannabis customers, CanPay further solidifies itself as the universal payment tool for purchases wherever cannabis is legally sold, enabling online orders for in-store pickup and delivery. "The Cole Memo being rescinded caused a lot of market uncertainty in the first part of 2018. Now that the dust has settled, we're seeing more and more financial institutions come forward to serve the industry through compliant cannabis banking programs. We're also seeing more retail operators demand transparent, stable, and legitimate payment services to operate above reproach," said Dustin Eide, CEO of CanPay. "The rapid expansion of CanPay's services to-date is a testament not only to overall industry growth, but the massive need we're able to fulfill by de-cashing cannabis purchases." Historically, ecommerce has not been available to the cannabis industry partially due to the extreme transparency online payment systems require. CanPay's solution opens the door and creates the opportunity for increased profitability for retailers through more effective online selling and higher spend per transaction. Simultaneously, the buying process becomes more convenient and safer for consumers. "In forging a new cannabis culture built on unparalleled quality, access, and transparency, we've partnered with CanPay to provide customers with a legitimate, secure online payment option," said Patricia Rosi-Santucci, CEO of Wellness Connection of Maine. "As trailblazers, integrating with CanPay allows us to forge the next wave of cannabis retail through an ecommerce experience that offers customers a greater incentive to go cashless from a convenience and speed standpoint." Patients and consumers can download the CanPay app by visiting Retailers and dispensary owners can find out more by visiting the CanPay website: About CanPay CanPay is the first debit payment solution for the state regulated cannabis industry, currently serving consumers and businesses in Washington, California, Colorado, Maine, Florida, Oregon, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New Mexico. Through the Closed-Banking Feedback Loop, CanPay partners with select financial institutions that have developed stable, compliant banking programs specific to the cannabis industry. By delivering a traditional and legitimate electronic payment solution to this growing yet highly-regulated industry, CanPay allows retailers and customers the convenience of a debit payment while mitigating risks and costs associated with cash transactions. To learn more about CanPay, visit SOURCE CanPay Related Links HOUSTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- alliantgroup is proud to announce the addition of John Higginbotham, Chairman and CEO of Blue Ridge Networks, to the firm's Strategic Advisory Board. Higginbotham brings over 30 years of experience as an executive for multiple technology companies and remains well-versed in the latest technology and cybersecurity trends. In his new consultative role with the firm, Higginbotham will leverage his deep knowledge of cyber-based threats and vulnerabilities for the benefit of small and large businesses as well as offer his insight on how companies can best ensure their confidential data remains secure. Additionally, Higginbotham will provide strategic guidance to the firm as it expands its outreach to the cybersecurity and technology industries on the various tax credits and incentives available for their benefit. Along with the recent addition of former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge as alliantgroup's Chairman of Cybersecurity and Technology, the addition of Higginbotham represents another important step in the firm's expansion into this vital sector of the economy. "It is an honor to be joining a firm that is doing such vital work for U.S. businesses," said Higginbotham. "I look forward to advising companies on how to pursue the best cybersecurity practices and helping alliantgroup in its future outreach initiatives to the cybersecurity and technology sectors." Since 2010, Higginbotham has served as the Chairman and CEO of Blue Ridge Networks, a recognized pioneer and leader in proven network cybersecurity solutions for some of the largest government, financial, critical infrastructure and healthcare clients. He has also been a Managing Member for SpaceVest since 2006, an investment and management consulting organization serving small to mid-size high technology enterprises. In 1991, he founded SpaceVest Capital, an institutional venture capital organization that actively managed approximately $270 million of investments in more than 30 high technology companies. He was a Managing Partner for this organization from 1991 to 2006. Prior to founding SpaceVest Capital, from 1981 to 1991, Higginbotham co-founded and later served as the Senior Vice President for International Technology Underwriters, a company that was a global leader for insurance and financial risk underwriting for aerospace companies, satellite communications operators and national space programs. Higginbotham originally began his career with Hewlett Packard in 1979, when he helped successfully initiate the company's global entry into the microcomputer marketplace as a Product Manager. "It gives me great pride to officially welcome John to our Strategic Advisory Board," said alliantgroup CEO Dhaval Jadav. "John brings to the table his decades of experience as a technology executive and his vast knowledge on the latest cybersecurity trends. I have no doubt that he will prove to be a vital resource for our clients and further enhance alliantgroup's services to cybersecurity and tech firms." alliantgroup 's mission is one of education and awareness we exist to help industry organizations, businesses and the accounting firms that advise them take full advantage of all federal and state tax credits, incentives and deductions available. These powerful incentive programs are legislated by government to help businesses grow and remain competitive locally as well as abroad. We are proud to have helped over 12,000 businesses claim more than $6 billion in tax incentives. alliantgroup's international headquarters is in Houston, Texas, with offices across the country and internationally including New York, Boston, Chicago, Orange County, Sacramento, Indianapolis, Washington, D.C and London and Bristol in the U.K. For more information on alliantgroup, please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. SOURCE alliantgroup Related Links CHESTER, Pa., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- This evening, May 17, at 6 p.m., Chester Community Charter School will recognize 120 of its students' parents who have achieved the highest grades in the school's year-long "Parents' Report Card" program. The parents will be honored at an event at the Clarion Hotel, in Essington, PA, where they will receive a catered dinner and an opportunity to win a wide variety of prizes. The "Parents' Report Card" program began in 2004 and recognizes the parents' involvement in the school's Parent Teacher Association (PTA), as well as for the roles they play in their children's achievements in areas such as homework completion, classroom attendance, observation of the school's dress codes and demonstration of positive behavior throughout the school year. The parents are scored by the students' homeroom teachers. The report cards are based on a total score of 40, and are ranked as follows: 90% or higher = 4 pts, 80-89% = 3 pts, 70-79% = 2 pts, and 69% or lower = 1 pt. Commenting on the annual event, Dr. David Clark, CEO of Chester Community Charter School, said, "We give this awards dinner every year to show our appreciation and to honor our parents who have dedicated themselves to not only their own children but also to the entire CCCS community, throughout the school year." About Chester Community Charter School Chester Community Charter School opened its doors on September 9, 1998, serving 97 students from its modest, four, meeting rooms, in the lobby of the Howard Johnson Hotel, in Chester, PA. Since that time, the school has steadily grown to include more than 4,200 students in 12 state-of-the-art-buildings, spanning four campuses. Through collaboration with the Gureghian Charitable Foundation, and CCCS's High School Search and Selection Program, more than $9.5 million in scholarships and financial assistance to prestigious private secondary schools have been awarded to 350 of the school's graduates, since 2016. What: Chester Community Charter School 12th Annual Parent Award Banquet When: Thursday, May 17, 2018 6 p.m. Where: Clarion Hotel 76 E. Industrial Highway Essington, PA 19029 CONTACT: A. Bruce Crawley Tel: 215-751-0140 [email protected] SOURCE Chester Community Charter School Related Links @alextdaugherty A national Hispanic conservative group is providing political support for Miami Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo after he bucked GOP leadership last week in an attempt to force a vote on immigration legislation. The LIBRE Initiative, a group backed by the Koch brothers, is releasing mailers in Curbelo's Miami-to-Key West congressional district this week thanking the incumbent facing a tough reelection effort for trying to get an immigration bill passed in the House of Representatives. Curbelo initiated a petition last week that would allow the House of Representatives to vote rapid fire on four immigration bills while bypassing House Republican leaders. The bill that gets the most support beyond a simple majority passes the House of Representatives and heads to the Senate for consideration. Curbelo's petition currently has the support of 20 Republicans, and it needs the support of about a half dozen more along with all Democrats to be successful. The Miami Republican initiated his effort after leadership stalled on putting a slew of immigration bills on the floor for consideration. About 690,000 DACA recipients are waiting for the courts to finalize their legal status after President Donald Trump's move to end an Obama-era program that protected them from deportation stalled earlier this year. "I don't know that there's ever been a more fair, open and inclusive process than the one were proposing, and those who fear it is probably because they believe their own ideas are weak and they don't want to see what the scoreboard's going to say about that," Curbelo said. The LIBRE Initiative's effort in Curbelo's district is part of a seven-figure campaign by the group, which includes a national television ad and advocacy on Capitol Hill and mailers to other lawmakers from both parties outside Florida. The group is also investing in voter education and outreach efforts in Central Florida, where thousands of Puerto Ricans have moved since Hurricane Maria in October of last year, ahead of the 2018 election. "Our nation deserves leaders that are willing to take on the big issues facing our communities," LIBRE president Daniel Garza said in a statement. "This is why were highlighting the work of Congressman Carlos Curbelo, so Latinos and others understand that he is working toward a permanent, bipartisan, solution for Dreamers and improvements to border security. Sitting on the sidelines while Dreamers and our communities face growing uncertainty is not an option." Curbelo faces a likely challenge from Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in November, provided both win their primaries against long-shot opposition. CHICAGO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Approximately 150 delivery drivers employed by The American Bottling Company will initiate an Unfair Labor Practice strike on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. The American Bottling Company is a subsidiary of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (NYSE: DPS). Teamsters Local 727 represents about 150 drivers, including Driver Service Representatives, Full Service/hourly Drivers, Bulk and Transport Drivers based out of the Company's Northlake and Harvey, Illinois facilities. Local 727 also represents over 300 production and warehouse Dr. Pepper employees who are covered by a separate collective bargaining agreement which is still in effect. The Union's bargaining committee of rank-and-file members and Teamster representatives met 13 times with management since March 14th to try to reach an agreement on a new contract. The workers' contract expired April 30th at midnight and the Parties have not signed an extension. As a result, the Drivers have been working without a contract since May 1st. Throughout negotiations, Dr. Pepper management has committed several unfair labor practices. Consequently, after a thorough discussion of the Company's unlawful conduct during negotiations, the members authorized a strike as a result of Dr. Pepper's unlawful labor practices. The unfair labor practice strike will commence on May 22, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. "Dr. Pepper management has completely disregarded our members through its violations of labor laws during bargaining," said John Coli Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Local 727. "These drivers work tirelessly every day to deliver products to customers, whether it's in the 90-degree heat in the summers or below zero cold in the winters. To be treated with the disrespect that management has displayed during these negotiations is truly shameful. If this billion-dollar corporate bully thinks it can violate federal labor law and simultaneously offer to pay these workers substantially less than other equivalent workers in the beverage industry, it is sorely mistaken. Our members will not be bullied or paid half the pension that others in the same industry receive. We will stand behind them every step of the way and fight for what is right." Teamsters Local 727 represents nearly 10,000 hardworking men and women throughout the Chicago area. Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico. PRESS AVAILABILITY at Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, 401 N. Railroad Ave. in Northlake and 1230 171st St. in Hazel Crest. Contact: Caleen Carter-Patton (847) 696-7500 SOURCE Teamsters Local 727 SAN ANTONIO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Church's Chicken announced today the openings of its newest restaurants in San Antonio, TX. The global quick service restaurant chain will be satisfying the area's chicken passionates under new franchisee, Ampler Chicken LLC. The locations will host grand opening celebrations through May-June, 2018. The franchise group now owns a total of 70 restaurants in the Texas region. The Director of Operations of Ampler Chicken LLC, Roger Menchaca, has many years of experience in the operations restaurant industry, the new franchisee plans to continue the STAR Image remodeling of the brand throughout Texas to grow their Church's portfolio. With the experience and dedication, Menchaca and his team will be working hands-on with the restaurants. "The San Antonio market is our first STAR Image remodeling, with many more to come in the future, Ampler Chicken LLC, is dedicated to growing the Church's brand," said Menchaca. "We want to ensure that our San Antonio community knows that we are proud in investing, and that we will continue to get more deeply involved in the neighborhoods around our restaurants locations to ensure success into the businesses and be a job creator in the community." Guests will find the San Antonio restaurants showcasing the attractive STAR Image Design, which includes Church's latest interior seating options, new exterior design and color palettes, and contemporary lighting inside and out. The Company said another opening is slated for tomorrow in Aransas Pass located at 1901 W. Wheeler. About Church's Chicken Founded in San Antonio, TX in 1952 by George W. Church, Church's Chicken, along with its sister brand Texas Chicken outside of the Americas, is one of the largest quick service chicken restaurant chains in the world. The brands specialize in Original and Spicy Chicken freshly prepared throughout the day in small batches that are hand-battered and double-breaded, Tender Strips, honey-butter biscuits made from scratch and freshly baked, and classic, home-style sides all for a great value. Church's Chicken and Texas Chicken have more than 1,500 locations in 23 countries and global markets and system-wide sales of more than $1 billion. Contact: Peyton Sadler 305.631.2283 [email protected] SOURCE Church's Chicken Related Links In early May of 2018, abusing his position as a member of the Saint Frances Academy faculty, Penalver engaged in sexual relations with a minor student. Worse yet, Penalver had begun grooming this student using his school email account since April. After the student sought his support for emotional and mental distress, instead of helping her, he used his position of trust and authority to sexually abuse, assault, and exploit her, coercing her into exchanging sexually explicit photographs and videos, and forcing her to engage in sexual acts while on school property-- acts to which she could not legally consent. The lawsuit further alleges that, upon information and belief, Penalver harassed, engaged in inappropriate sexual communications with, and/or sexually abused, assaulted, and/or exploited other students at Saint Frances Academy. Upon information and belief, agents, employees, and/or administrators at Saint Frances Academy knew or should have known about Penalver's propensity to harass and exploit others, yet Saint Frances Academy, Inc., and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore failed to protect Jill Doe and other students and failed to prevent Penalver's unconscionable actions. Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that Saint Frances Academy administrators knew or should have known that, on or about November 12, 2017, Penalver had been formally charged with criminal harassment in the District Court of Maryland for Baltimore City. The lawsuit further alleges that, upon information and belief, prior to Penalver's assault of Jill Doe, members of the Saint Frances school community had knowledge that Penalver had previously engaged in inappropriate communications with other students. Saint Frances Academy, Inc.'s and the Archdiocese's failure to adequately and properly supervise Penalver, failure to adequately investigate complaints and concerns regarding Penalver's conduct and propensities, and failure to terminate Penalver on or before November 2017 exposed Jill Doe and others to a teacher with a propensity to harass, abuse, harm, and assault others. As such, the lawsuit claims that Saint Frances Academy, Inc. and the Archdiocese are liable for Penalver's actions. Hassan Murphy, Managing Partner at Murphy, Falcon & Murphy, said today, "It is beyond disturbing that at Saint Frances Academy, an institution dedicated to the development and education of underprivileged Baltimore City youth, a teacher and administrator would be able to sexually harass, exploit, abuse and violate a student in this manner." Murphy added, "Saint Frances Academy and the Archdiocese's failure to protect their students from Penalver's proclivity to harass and violate others indicates a lack of leadership and a serious lack of appreciation for the immense faith bestowed upon their institution by the parents and families of their students." Murphy continued, "We call on Saint Frances to work with us to immediately identify any additional victims of this abhorrent conduct so that they may get the help and treatment that they desperately need. Victims of sexual abuse suffer dramatically increased incidences of suicidal behavior, self-harm, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Without treatment, these risks increase each and every day, and we at the Murphy Firm will not stop until Jill Doe and any other student that has been harmed receives the help and justice they deserve." About Murphy, Falcon & Murphy, P.A. Murphy, Falcon & Murphy, P.A. is a Baltimore-based law which specializes in complex civil, criminal and civil rights litigation. Our powerhouse legal team has a history of unrelenting dedication to its clients in Baltimore and across the country. Our team of seasoned trial lawyers have extensive experience in a wide variety of cases with success rates that dwarf national averages and are dedicated to providing smart strategies and creative approaches to complex litigation. Our team is driven and strategy-focused characteristics that have helped us secure more than $700 million in verdicts and settlements, and our attorneys have won some of the largest verdicts in high-profile, high-stakes cases in some of the toughest jurisdictions around the country. Recently, the firm filed a class-action regarding the tragic Chattanooga school bus crash in which six children died. That matter is currently pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee. Learn more at *Each case is different. Past success does not guarantee a favorable result in any future case. 1 "Jill Doe" is a pseudonym. Contact: Hassan Murphy [email protected] (410) 539-6500 SOURCE Murphy, Falcon & Murphy BURLINGTON, Mass., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- ClickSoftware, the leading provider of field service management software, today announced it will be presenting and exhibiting at Field Service Forum, May 30-31 at Novotel Amsterdam City Hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. On May 31 at 9:40 a.m., Hilla Karni, ClickSoftware's vice president of product and market readiness, will make the case for shifting from reactive to predictive field service. She will discuss the unnecessary costs associated with legacy processes and the impact of predictive field service on business key performance indicators. Later that day, Karni will lead a roundtable discussion on change management, with a focus on large-scale rollouts of technologies, policies or processes. ClickSoftware will also have an exhibition stand for attendees to learn more about ClickSoftware's solutions. WHO: Hilla Karni, Vice President, Product and Market Readiness, ClickSoftware WHERE: Novotel Amsterdam City Hotel Europaboulevard 10, 1083 AD Amsterdam, Netherlands WHEN: May 31, 2018 "Shifting from Reactive to Predictive Field Service" Value Chain Talk 9:40 - 9:55 a.m. "How Change Management Can Make or Break Your Implementation" Executive Roundtable 3:30 - 4:25 p.m. About ClickSoftware ClickSoftware is a global leader in field service management solutions, delivering value through improved efficiency, effectiveness, and enhancing customer experiences. ClickSoftware blends unparalleled industry expertise and state-of-the-art computer science to deliver meaningful, measurable business valueoptimizing critical business processes and delighting customers. Click Field Service Edge arms field service leaders with the smartest technologies and best practices from around the globe to deliver real-world results, real-time recommendations, and real operational intelligence. For more information, please visit Follow us on Twitter. Click. Actual intelligence. At work. Media Inquiries: Jill Rosenthal InkHouse for ClickSoftware [email protected] SOURCE ClickSoftware Related Links FRIBOURG, Switzerland, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Morphean launches significant upgrade to cyber secure cloud platform with two-factor authentication to increase data protection and ensure GDPR compliance Cloud analytics and security-as-a-service innovator, Morphean, has put cybersecurity at the heart of the design of its upgraded intelligent software platform. Morphean takes cybersecurity to the next level, allowing users to deploy two-factor authentication to access the platform and the insights derived using artificial intelligence. This ensures the PII held remains impenetrable, readying its customers for a cyber secure future. (Logo: ) In light of the increasing global cyber threats, Morphean's VSaaS platform delivers a robust and secure cloud environment. The upgrade will remove some of the burden of regulatory compliance such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), meaning the user can focus on implementing the insights delivered by the platform to drive business performance. Rodrigue Zbinden, CEO at Morphean, states, "Security as a Service means exactly that. Creating world class business intelligence technology is no longer enough in today's cybersecurity landscape. We must ensure our solution is more secure in every way than an on-premise alternative. That is why Morphean only hosts its platform in Tier 3 data centres or higher. We collaborate with proven hosting partners, respecting the strongest certification standards in all regions we operate. Morphean has already begun upgrading its existing customers as part of the as-a-service model." The growing number of network connected devices, and the resulting volume of data, provides new opportunities for businesses to extract meaningful insights from that hosted data, but also puts the security of such data firmly in focus. Where once these data sources were limited to physical security devices such as surveillance cameras and access control, with the growth of IoT the Morphean platform will now collect data, and extract insight from any network connected technology. This is possible in a variety of sectors, including retail, transportation, industrial applications and government-related industries. In retail, utilising data from IoT devices is enabling immersive shopping experiences that appeal to today's digitally-native shopper, allowing for customer journey mapping and ongoing stock replenishment. "From very early on, cybersecurity has been an important consideration within our technology," Mr. Zbinden continues. "Having access to game changing business intelligence is only effective if the technology utilised is 100% cybersecure, and compliant with local legislation. We believe the new Morphean platform effectively achieves this." SOURCE Morphean TSX Venture: KBLT FRA: 27O TORONTO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. ("Cobalt 27" or the "Company") (TSXV: KBLT)(FRA: 27O), announced today that the Company has entered into a US$80 million revolving term credit facility (the "Credit Facility") led by National Bank of Canada with a syndicate of financial institutions including Bank of Montreal and The Bank of Nova Scotia (the "Lenders"). The Credit Facility is to be used for general corporate purposes and investments in the mineral industry, including the acquisition of streams, royalties, and other interests. The Company intends to increase the size of the Credit Facility as it builds its cobalt-focused investment portfolio. "Adding a revolver to our balance sheet is an important step towards becoming a cash flow positive streaming company. This US$80 million Credit Facility, combined with our recently completed CAD$200 million equity financing, significantly strengthens Cobalt 27's liquidity and provides the financial capacity to accelerate our plans to close streaming transactions," stated Anthony Milewski, Chairman and CEO of Cobalt 27. "The positive response we have received from our banking syndicate reflects confidence in Cobalt 27's strong asset base and business model." The Credit Facility is secured by the Company's assets and has an initial term of two years, which is extendable by mutual consent of all Lenders and Cobalt 27. The initial drawdown under the Credit Facility is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions precedent customary for a financing of this type. About Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. Cobalt 27 Capital Corp. is a minerals company that offers direct exposure to cobalt, an integral element in key technologies of the electric vehicle and battery energy storage markets. The Company owns over 2,980 Mt of physical cobalt and manages a portfolio of ten royalties. The Company intends to continue investing in a cobalt-focused portfolio of streams, royalties and direct interests in mineral properties containing cobalt, while potentially adding to its cobalt physical holdings when opportunities arise. For further information please visit the Company website at or contact: Betty Joy LeBlanc, BA, MBA Director, Corporate Communications +1-604-828-0999 [email protected] Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved of the contents of this press release. Forward-Looking Information: This press release contains certain information which constitutes 'forward-looking statements' and 'forward-looking information' within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, without limitation: statements pertaining to the Credit Facility; and statements pertaining to the timing and amounts to be drawn under the Credit Facility. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, most of which are beyond the Company's control. For more details on these and other risk factors see the Company's most recent Annual Information Form on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities on SEDAR at under the heading "Risk Factors". Should one or more of the risks or uncertainties underlying these forward-looking statements materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results, performance or achievements could vary materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this release and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise it to reflect new events or circumstances. The forward-looking statements contained in this release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. SOURCE Cobalt 27 Capital Corp Related Links HONG KONG, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Cogobuy Group ["Cogobuy" or the "Company", stock code: 400.HK; with its subsidiaries (the ''Group'')], a leading e-commerce platform serving the electronics manufacturing industry in China, is pleased to announce the Company's cooperative partner, Beijing Unisound Information Technology Co., Limited (''Unisound''), a China's leading IoT and AI services provider, releases Swift, the World's first AIoT chip. Unisound owns the sole IP rights to the new chip, and has already deployed it into its UniOne IoT and AI Chip Solutions business, marking a milestone in the development of its Yunduanxin (Cloud Terminal Chip) ecosystem. The new chip will help accelerate the growth of the new AIoT ecosystem, originally launched by Baidu and IngDan. The Group's IngDan platform, a long term strategic partner with Unisound, is focusing on the sustainable build out of an AIoT ecosystem. With Unisound, IngDan has been working closely with the company in the development of its new AIoT chip, and has also provided related hardware supply chain services. Unisound's latest AIoT Chip with its own patented technology, supports deep learning with a 50x increased performance compared with other AI chips on the market. The rationality of products and user scenarios have been tested in the markets of home appliances, smart speakers, and children's robots based on the shipment scheme of IMV would have reached one million level. In future, to best account for costs, stability, and integration in AIoT's diversified product categories, the IngDan Lab will use its ability in the provision of AI solutions to assist Unisound in developing solutions for the IoT vertical application. IngDan will also promote the new chip to projects on its platform, and in the near term, both companies have indicated that they will jointly focus on the development of the smart speakers' product category. Mr. Jeffrey Kang, CEO of Cogobuy Group, said, "IngDan's partnership with Unisound has been mutually beneficial. Unisound's core expertise lies in AI technology, while IngDan's strength is in helping the AI technology companies in the production and launch of their products. We are pleased to be supporting Unisound's new leading chips and facilitating their launch into China's IoT market. Looking ahead, we will focus on building an AIoT closed circuit, and facilitating the growth of the AIoT industry in China." Dr. Huang Wei, CEO of Unisound, said, "UniOne has now entered mass production, Unisound is pleased at our progress with Cogobuy towards our Yunduanxin strategic closed ecosystem. Unisound will continue our efforts to grow and support China's AIoT industry with our full-stack solutions. Working with IngDan, we aim to expand our foothold in AI-powered products and service, promoting the realization of 'Smart Future' as we work together to build an integrated new industrial ecosystem." About Cogobuy Group Cogobuy Group is an e-commerce service platform serving the electronics manufacturing industry in China. Through the e-commerce platform, which includes a direct sales platform, an online marketplace, and a dedicated team of technical consultants and professional sales representatives, the Company provides customers with comprehensive online and offline services across pre-sale, sale, and post-sale stages. The Company serves mainly SME electronics manufacturers. For further information, please refer to the Company's website at About the IngDan AIoT E cosystem The IngDan AIoT Ecosystem is an industrial empowerment plan initiated by the tech companies like Baidu and Unisound. Since the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC) launched the "China Smart Home Innovation Industry Ecosystem" with Unisound in 2017, leading AI tech companies, such as IngDan and Unisound, have joined forces to grow the IngDan Lab's capabilities. The industrialization of AI chips has prompted their rapid mass production and smart upgrades of over 20,000 IoT projects on the IngDan Platform, as well as the transformation of China's IoT industry. For investor and media enquiries Please contact Ms. Wanyee Ho / Ms. Amy Guo at [email protected]. SOURCE Cogobuy Group Related Links "CHC is honored to be recognized as part of Becker's prestigious 2018 list," said CHC President and CEO Jim Kendrick. "Our valuesRespect, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellencedefine what we stand for and 'Excellence' drives everything we do. We surround ourselves with employees that exhibit excellence which makes CHC a great place to work. It really shows in how we help community hospitals improve amid tough challenges within healthcare today." CHC's organizational success spans more than 21 years and has impacted hospitals across 30 U.S. states. Prior to this year, CHC was named as a great place to work by Becker's Healthcare in 2015 and 2016, and also ranked among The Dallas Morning News' Top 100 Places to Work in 2015 and 2016. Join the Community Hospital Corporation team Building on the foundation of CHC's culture, Laurie Breedlove, CHC Senior Vice President of Human Resources, added, "We continually strive to demonstrate superior service and a collaborative spirit by showing respect with one another, with a client or with a hospital patient in every interaction that we have." CHC owns, manages and consults with hospitals through three distinct organizations CHC Hospitals, CHC Consulting and CHC ContinueCARE, which share a common purpose to guide, support and enhance the mission of community hospitals and healthcare providers. Becker's 150 Top Places to Work in Healthcare is developed annually based on nominations and editorial research. Organizations do not pay and cannot pay for inclusion. About Community Hospital Corporation HELP WHERE HOSPITALS NEED IT Community Hospital Corporation owns, manages and consults with hospitals through three distinct organizations CHC Hospitals, CHC Consulting and CHC ContinueCARE, which share a common purpose to guide, support and enhance the mission of community hospitals and healthcare providers. Based in Plano, Texas, CHC provides the resources and experience community hospitals need to improve quality outcomes, patient satisfaction and financial performance. For more information about CHC, please visit SOURCE Community Hospital Corporation Related Links OKLAHOMA CITY, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Continental Resources, Inc. (NYSE: CLR) today announced the Continental Board of Directors elected Shelly Lambertz to the Board as a Class II Director, effective immediately following the conclusion of the 2018 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Ms. Lambertz replaces James L. Gallogly, who submitted his resignation effective at the end of the 2018 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, to be able to focus on his duties as the upcoming President of the University of Oklahoma. Logo - "Continental is excited to have an accomplished woman in Shelly Lambertz joining its Board of Directors," said Director John T. McNabb II, head of the Board's Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. "She brings significant financial and management experience, and a breadth of knowledge about the company and its operations. As the first woman to serve on Continental's Board, she will provide a fresh perspective and her insight will serve the company well going forward." Ms. Lambertz is the Chief Operating Officer of Hamm Capital. Her role includes overseeing investments and assisting in the management of private companies. She also serves as a director of The Harold Hamm Foundation. Investor Contact: Media Contact: Rory Sabino Kristin Thomas Vice President, Investor Relations Senior Vice President, Public Relations P/F: 405.234.9620 405-234-9480 [email protected] [email protected] About Continental Resources Continental Resources (NYSE: CLR) is a top 10 independent oil producer in the U.S. Lower 48 and a leader in America's energy renaissance. Based in Oklahoma City, Continental is the largest leaseholder and the largest producer in the nation's premier oil field, the Bakken play of North Dakota and Montana. The Company also has leading positions in Oklahoma, including its SCOOP Woodford and SCOOP Springer discoveries and the STACK plays. With a focus on the exploration and production of oil, Continental has unlocked the technology and resources vital to American energy independence and our nation's leadership in the new world oil market. In 2018, the Company will celebrate 51 years of operations. For more information, please visit SOURCE Continental Resources Related Links CHICAGO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicago based Union Partners announced effective May 16, 2018 that it has acquired Contractors Steel, a leading steel service center that serves North America from five strategic locations in the Midwest. Contractors Steel maintains over 100,000 tons of carbon and structural plate, beams, pipe, tube, angles, and channels, to name a few products, within 2.1 million square feet of indoor and outdoor storage space. Founded in 1960 by Don Simon, Contractors Steel built their reputation on having one of the largest inventories of a wide variety of carbon and structural steel products to service their customers within 24 hours. Contractors also has a full range of processing capabilities that include long product, laser cutting, drilling, tapping, machining, cambering, grinding, saw cutting, shearing/press breaking, plate and structural rolling, plate processing, and plate burning. Known for their dedication to superior customer service, their facilities operate 24 hours a day and they maintain a fleet of over 90 trucks to meet customer demands. Through the years, the Contractors' name has remained synonymous with the values of respect, hard work and excellence. "Contractors Steel is a company where entrepreneurialism and family values took hold decades ago a model we are replicating with Union Partners today. We are honored to welcome Contractors to the family and humbled that Don Simon, who is greatly admired in the industry, has chosen us to carry on his legacy," stated Chris Hutter and Paul Douglass, co-founders of Union Partners. "Further, we have had the opportunity to work with Marc Bokas during the acquisition process and are pleased to announce that he will succeed Mr. Simon as CEO of Contractors Steel. Marc has demonstrated the passion, drive and knowledge of Contractors and we look forward to growing the legacy of the company with him." "I am extremely grateful to have been able to serve the steel industry for as long as I have," stated Don Simon, founder of Contractors Steel. "Throughout my 60 years in the industry, I have seen a lot of changes occur and rather than shy away, my team and I embraced these shifts as opportunities to grow the business. I see that same mindset in Union Partners and believe in their determination and ability to breathe new life into the steel service center industry. I could not be happier that the legacy of Contractors, and the fantastic workforce that supports it, will continue to thrive under Union Partners' strong vision and stewardship." Marc Bokas, CEO of Contractors Steel, added, "Union Partners' acquisition of Contractors Steel Company opens a whole new range of opportunities for our employees and customers. Their innovative, professional and forward-looking approach to business and innovation will drive us to enhance our performance in all ways and to become a top employer and supplier in our industry. The future never looked brighter. Combining the best practices and policies of Contractors Steel Company along with those of the Union Partners' family of companies, we shall strive to produce an optimum operating entity that will meet or exceed all industry standards and expectations. I greatly appreciate this opportunity and look forward to a fantastic future for myself and all of Contractors Steel Company employees." The strategic acquisition of Contractors provides further expansion for Union Partners as they focus on increasing their geographical reach and product offerings to better attend to their customer base across North America. Contractors joins Union Partners' family of companies that includes Maksteel, Lamination Specialties, Mapes & Sprowl, Cortran, Lee Steel, Chicago Steel, Berg Steel, JIT Steel Service, JIT Steel Transport, Opus Metals and its greenfield development on the campus of Big River Steel. Angle Advisors acted as the exclusive investment banking advisor to Contractors Steel in completing this transaction. For more information on Union Partners, please visit their website at About Union Partners Chicago based Union Partners I LLC is a hands-on, full-service metals and logistics company. Their steel service centers specialize in metal distribution and processing, and related logistics services. Founded by families with multi-generational experience in steel, real estate, and logistics, the company prides itself on combining the integrity of family-owned businesses with the innovation of entrepreneurial values. SOURCE Union Partners I LLC Related Links CUJO AI is recognized as the revolutionary artificial intelligence company that provides telecommunications companies a multi-solution in-home network security software platform. It helps network operators protect their customers against advanced attacks and data compromises from within the network. Powered by advanced machine learning, and developed by the brightest industry experts, CUJO AI privately and securely analyzes network and device activity in order to detect abnormal threat behaviors as they emerge. Network operators that deploy CUJO AI solutions on their infrastructure provide personalized customer experience, offer advanced protection and ensure seamless device management on home, mobile and public networks. CUJO AI's platform helps various ISP departments reduce costs, save time and deliver additional value to their customers. "We are delighted to have the support of Charter, a company delivering forward-thinking connected home experience. Together, we will accelerate CUJO AI's mission to protect every home in the world against cyberthreats," said Einaras von Gravrock, CEO of CUJO AI. "CUJO's leading edge technology will help Charter enhance its superior connected home experience, providing customers advanced security, privacy and additional control over their in-home networks," said Andrew Ip, SVP of Emerging Technology and Innovation for Charter Communications. "Charter's state-of-the-art, fiber powered network connects customers to what matters most to them, and this technology will play a vital role as we continue to meet the their evolving needs." This investment round will help CUJO AI meet growing international demand. In addition, CUJO AI will continue to scale the business and hire world-class talent for its technology, cyber analysts and commercial teams around the world. "CUJO AI is currently experiencing widespread demand, revenue growth driven by rapid expansion into new international markets and a significant increase in its customer base. In order to meet this demand, we're making strategic investments to advance our AI-powered technology and further global expansion efforts," said Einaras von Gravrock, CEO of CUJO AI. Founded in 2015, CUJO AI has grown rapidly to 150 employees. The company won numerous technology awards, including the 'Best Fixed Telecom Opportunity of the Year' at the Telecom Council SPIFFY Awards. About CUJO AI: CUJO AI is the leading artificial intelligence company providing network operators AI-driven solutions, including AI security, advanced device identification, advanced parental controls, network analytics, and more. CUJO AI Platform creates intuitive end-user facing applications for LAN and wireless (mobile and public wifi), powered by machine learning and real-time data. Each solution can be implemented as a white-label offering. CUJO AI employs a staff of 150 professionals in 5 offices, 4 countries. CUJO AI is ISO27001 certified. More information about CUJO AI can be found at CUJO AI Media Relations: Eve Masiulyte Email: [email protected] Tel.: 323-284-7216 S: SOURCE CUJO AI Related Links MINNEAPOLIS, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On its journey to become the number one applied HVAC manufacturer in North America, Daikin Applied announced its proposal to expand production capabilities with a new state-of-the-art, built-to-order manufacturing facility in Southern Minnesota, north of the city of Faribault. Daikin Applied is a division of Daikin Industries, the world's number one air conditioning company headquartered in Japan. As the global HVAC leader, Daikin Industries has more than 90 production bases around the world to meet the specific needs of regional world markets, including two successful US plants in Faribault and Owatonna, Minnesota. Daikin Industries' executives and team members explored multiple site options outside of the US, in different regions of the US, and different Minnesota locations; and have recognized Southern Minnesota as the best opportunity for the planned state-of the-art manufacturing facility, given the region's skilled talent base and past achievements in designing and producing complex, highly specified equipment. Vice President and General Manager Will Fort leads operations at both Minnesota plants, and will spearhead the development of this new factory. "We have grown our operation within the city of Faribault over fifty years. In 2000, we opened the Owatonna factory, and completed a major expansion there in 2014 to triple its size," said Fort. "Our strong growth in recent years is the result of having highly skilled people in the plants, expert product design and marketing teams in our Plymouth headquarters, and the commitment from Daikin Industries to manufacturing excellence." Daikin Applied currently employs approximately 900 people in its factories in Southern Minnesota. As such, they have become a significant employer in the region. "We're fully invested in this community," said Matt Alexejun, Senior Director of Human Resources for manufacturing. "We know that our company only grows when our people grow. So we invest not just in the best training for our employees; we extend that commitment into the community by offering programs and training opportunities at local high schools and colleges." "We certify master regional braze trainers through excellent Dojo training in Japan," said Fort. A Dojo is an immersive learning space. "The regional trainers then pass that international knowledge, skill and certification onto all our production braze operators, ensuring the quality of our product. No one else in the industry can do that." Daikin engages prospective employees in the community through partnerships and company-funded vocational programs at local colleges and high schools, securing training grants with the Minnesota Department of Economic Development, and continues to invest in internal people-centered development programs. The new factory is expected to add significant new employment opportunities to the community. Daikin Applied CEO Mike Schwartz said, "We have some of our best people in Minnesota and Japan partnering on this important project. We're also appreciating the cooperation and assistance of the civic leaders in St. Paul and Southern Minnesota to help make this happen." To that end, Jim Glen, manufacturing liaison engineer, who brings to the team over 28 years of manufacturing experience in the region, is actively engaged with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, Rice County and the City of Faribault to finalize state and local government financial assistance approvals to support the infrastructure, investment and employment needs of the new facility. Approval of these financial resources at the local and state government levels is key to the project proceeding, and will allow transformation of the site and bringing the factory on line in 2019. About Daikin Applied Daikin Applied, a member of Daikin Industries, Ltd, designs and manufactures technologically advanced commercial HVAC systems for customers around the world. Customers turn to Daikin with confidence that they will experience outstanding performance, reliability and energy efficiency. Daikin Applied equipment, solutions and services are sold through a global network of dedicated sales, service, and parts offices. For more information or the name of your local Daikin Applied representative, call 800-432-1342 or visit, About Daikin Industries Ltd. Daikin Industries, Ltd. is a Forbes 1000 global company with 2017 revenues of nearly $21 billion and more than 65,000 employees worldwide, making it the largest HVAC manufacturer in the world. Daikin is engaged primarily in the development, manufacture, sales and aftermarket support of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) equipment, refrigerants and other chemicals, as well as oil hydraulic products. Daikin was named one of the world's most innovative companies by Forbes magazine. For more information, visit Media Contact: Cassie Batinich, Director Media Relations [email protected] 952-346-6073 SOURCE Daikin Applied Related Links MAUMEE, Ohio, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Dana Incorporated (NYSE: DAN) has once again been honored by Ford Motor Company as a top-performing supplier, receiving two awards at the 20th annual Ford World Excellence Awards. Only 52 companies were selected as winners from thousands of Ford suppliers globally. This marks the fourth consecutive year Dana has received an award from Ford, and the company's first in the Brand Pillar category. Dana earned the Green Pillar Award, which is presented to top supplier parent companies that demonstrate excellence in the delivery of fuel-efficient technologies in support of Ford's drive to become a global leader in environmentally sustainable and socially responsible products. Dana was one of four companies globally to receive the award. "Our World Excellence awards recognize the outstanding achievements of Ford Motor Company's top-performing suppliers around the world," said Hau Thai-Tang, executive vice president, product development and purchasing. "Suppliers like Dana are key to Ford's continued success as we work towards our goal of becoming world's most trusted mobility company." Dana also received a Silver Award, which recognizes the company's axle manufacturing facility in Columbia, Missouri, for exceeding expectations to achieve the highest levels of excellence in quality, delivery, value, and innovation. "Receiving the Green Pillar Award from Ford Motor Company is a demonstration of our team's commitment to developing technologies that not only offer a significant benefit for the end-user, but also help to reduce the impact on the environment," said James Kamsickas, Dana president and CEO. "We are pleased to receive this award from one of our largest customers and are excited to continue collaborating with them to deliver innovative solutions that provide maximum performance and fuel efficiency." About Dana Incorporated Dana is a world leader in highly engineered solutions for improving the efficiency, performance, and sustainability of powered vehicles and machinery. Dana supports the passenger vehicle, commercial truck, and off-highway markets, as well as industrial and stationary equipment applications. Founded in 1904, Dana employs approximately 30,000 people in 33 countries on six continents who are committed to delivering long-term value to customers. The company reported sales of more than $7.2 billion in 2017. Based in Maumee, Ohio, the company's operations in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan were selected as a Top Workplace for the last two years by The (Toledo) Blade and its research partner, Energage. Dana is ranked among the Drucker Institute's listing of the 250 most effectively managed companies. For more information, please visit About Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions. Ford employs approximately 202,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit SOURCE Dana Incorporated Related Links WASHINGTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. is reminding local students that the DC law firm is still actively accepting applications for its 2018 Ethiopian Heritage College Scholarship Fund! However, the deadline is fast approaching, and eligible students must submit completed applications by June 29, 2018 in order to be considered for this year's scholarship award. Now in its 10th year, CSCS' Ethiopian Heritage College Scholarship Fund provides financial support to college-bound high school seniors from newly immigrated Ethiopian families. Over the years, the EHCSF has helped local students from Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia fund their higher education, obtain degrees, and go on to be thriving and passionate members of our local communities. The scholarship is available to high school seniors in the DC Metro area who plan to pursue higher education at an accredited 2- or 4-year institution. In addition to providing high school transcripts and other required documents, applicants must also submit an essay to be judged by a panel and selected by the firm's Partners. Students who will be enrolled full-time this coming 2018-2019 academic year are encouraged to submit their applications before the June 29th deadline. You can learn more about the scholarship fund and view the application and rules here. Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. is a nationally recognized personal injury and civil trial law firm that fights for victims harmed due to the negligence of others. Over the years, the firm's award-winning lawyers have recovered more than half a billion dollars in compensation for clients throughout Virginia, Maryland, and DC, and have been actively committed to supporting numerous local and legal initiatives that make our communities better and safer places to live. More information about the firm can be found at SOURCE Chaikin, Sherman, Cammarata & Siegel, P.C. Related Links Proudly American, this new brand of vodka is uniquely designed to celebrate the American spirit. American Anthem will donate $1 from each bottle made, split between 'Operation Gratitude' and 'The Mission Continues' -- two exceptional charitable organizations that are dedicated to strengthening and supporting military personnel and their families. With ingredients sourced from America's heartland, this brand-new American vodka uses corn from Indiana and Iowa for a product that is delicious, versatile, and gluten-free. American Anthem is the perfect complement to backyard cookouts, rooftop parties, happy hour or by poolside, and it invites us to come together and unify. "American Anthem inspires us to unite with the pride, the generosity, the people and the uniquely American values of the place we call home," said Ryan Robertson, Brand Director, American Anthem. "It's a privilege to partner with two great charitable organizations, 'Operation Gratitude' and 'The Mission Continues', and we're honored to be able to offer additional local engagement opportunities for consumers to give-back with these partners via our brand website." "We are excited to partner with American Anthem to expand our support of our Military and our mission to give everyone over legal drinking age a way of expressing their appreciation to those who serve," said Kevin Schmiegel, Chief Executive Officer of Operation Gratitude. "Providing opportunities like this for our nation to say 'Thank You' to service members and their families is critically important, because so many grateful citizens want to do so, but many don't know how." "Our partnership with American Anthem vodka is an exciting new opportunity for The Mission Continues," said Spencer Kympton, president of The Mission Continues. "Their contribution will further propel our efforts to empower veterans creating a positive impact in communities nationwide." Let's celebrate the American spirit. For delicious American Anthem cocktail recipes and to find out where you can purchase the product, visit us at and follow us on Instagram and Facebook, @AmericanAnthemVodka. About Diageo Diageo is a global leader in beverage alcohol with an outstanding collection of brands including Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, Bulleit and Buchanan's whiskies, Smirnoff, Ciroc and Ketel One vodkas, Captain Morgan, Baileys, Don Julio, Tanqueray and Guinness. Diageo is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE) and our products are sold in more than 180 countries around the world. For more information about Diageo, our people, our brands, and performance, visit us at Visit Diageo's global responsible drinking resource,, for information, initiatives, and ways to share best practice. To learn more about charity partners visit: Operation Gratitude at and The Mission Continues at Follow us on Twitter for news and information about Diageo North America: @Diageo_NA. Visit us @ Follow us on social media @AmericanAnthemVodka CONTACT: Jamie Hakim, Diageo North America [email protected] Marcy Polanco, JOY Collective [email protected] SOURCE Diageo North America Related Links Bookings open to the public on May 24, 2018. More details on 2019 itineraries can be found on the Ports and Itineraries for 2019 page of Sailings to Bermuda, Bahamas and Canada from New York The Disney Magic returns to New York in September for a selection of departures to a diverse collection of destinations, including luxurious Bermuda, sun-kissed Bahamas and historic New Brunswick, Canada. Three special five-night cruises feature two days in Bermuda, allowing extra time for guests to indulge in the island nation's famous pink-sand beaches, world-class shopping, abundant water activities and distinctive blend of British and Caribbean culture. During two seven-night sailings from New York to the Bahamas, cruisers are treated to a double-dose of pixie dust. A stop at Disney's private island, Castaway Cay, is paired with a day at Port Canaveral, Florida, where every guest receives a one-day Walt Disney World Park Hopper ticket and round-trip transportation to the theme parks in nearby Orlando. A single five-night cruise to Canada transports guests from New York to charming Saint John, New Brunswick with a stop in Bar Harbor, Maine. Saint John is the home of majestic natural phenomena like the renowned Reversing Falls and the world's highest tides, located where the Saint John River meets the Bay of Fundy. Baja and Mexican Riviera Voyages from California In September, the Disney Wonder sets sail for a limited engagement in San Diego, where guests embark on adventures to Baja and the Mexican Riviera. Baja itineraries highlight the region's famous beaches and exciting water activities with calls on Cabo San Lucas and Ensenada, Mexico. Two exclusive seven-night Mexican Riviera sailings feature the snorkeling and scuba diving hot spots Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. Disney Cruise Line guests can enrich their experience by combining select San Diego-based cruises with a pre-cruise package from Adventures by Disney, a leader in family guided group vacations. During this three-night itinerary, guests embark on a rare behind-the-magic visit to The Walt Disney Studios and Disney Archives, a private tour of Walt Disney Imagineering and a visit to the place where it all began the Disneyland Resort. Vacations to Bahamas and Caribbean from Texas Beginning late November, the Disney Wonder will make Galveston its home port for a special series of sailings to the Caribbean and Bahamas, with options at four, six and seven nights. Caribbean cruises include stops in Grand Cayman; Cozumel, Mexico; and Falmouth, Jamaica. Bahamian itineraries feature stops in Castaway Cay and Key West, Florida. Two of the Bahamian sailings also take guests to Nassau, Bahamas, while another includes an exclusive second day on Disney's private island. Tropical Escapes from Florida In fall 2019, the Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy continue sailing guest-favorite itineraries to the Bahamas and Caribbean from Port Canaveral, while the Disney Magic returns to Miami in November with a variety of cruise lengths and itineraries. The Disney Magic's diverse lineup includes three-, four- and five-night Bahamian sailings and five- and six-night Western Caribbean cruises, and most itineraries feature a day ashore at Castaway Cay. Other ports of call on Bahamian voyages include Nassau and Key West, while stops in Grand Cayman and Cozumel headline the Western Caribbean itineraries. The Disney Dream sails three- and four-night cruises to Nassau and Castaway Cay. These itineraries make for the perfect family getaway, combining the magic of Disney with the ease and enjoyment of a tropical cruise vacation. The Disney Fantasy sails seven-night Caribbean voyages, and every cruise includes a stop at Castaway Cay. Eastern Caribbean itineraries visit the Virgin Islands of Tortola and St. Thomas, and Western Caribbean cruises call on Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Falmouth. These weeklong experiences allow for even more family fun as guests make memories aboard their Disney cruise ship and at port in renowned tropical destinations. The Disney Fantasy will also sail a selection of special itineraries. In October, an eight-night voyage transports guests south to St. Kitts, Antigua and San Juan, Puerto Rico, while a six-night Western Caribbean itinerary includes calls on Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico. Both itineraries are capped off with a day at Castaway Cay. In December, two unique seven-night itineraries include one cruise to San Juan, Tortola and Castaway Cay, and another voyage featuring two days on Disney's private island after visits to Cozumel and Grand Cayman. Disney Vacation Club Charter Cruises for 2019 Today, Disney Vacation Club announced the dates for two special members-only Disney Cruise Line charter cruises: a five-night Pacific Coast sailing aboard the Disney Wonder on May 15 and a seven-night cruise to Bermuda aboard the Disney Magic on Oct. 5. Bookings for both cruises open to Disney Vacation Club members on June 23, 2018. To learn more about Disney Cruise Line or to book a vacation, visit, call Disney Cruise Line at 888-325-2500 or contact a travel agent. SOURCE Disney Cruise Line Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- DoorDash's company-wide Project DASH (DoorDash Acts for Sustainability and Hunger) initiative tackling the issues of hunger and food waste is on pace to donate six million meals to people facing hunger by the end of the year. Since launching the program four months ago, DoorDash has donated 1.8 million meals to hunger-related nonprofits with the help of its restaurant partners through both food recovery and "one-meal for one-meal" donation efforts. As part of the program, the company has also rescued more than 10,000 pounds of excess food, utilizing its logistics technology to deliver unused food from restaurants to local shelters and food banks. Project DASH bolsters the company's mission of delivering good with a three-fold approach: through its Food Recovery efforts helping restaurants donate excess food to local shelters and food banks; One for One Meal Donations, and WeDash for Good, a program where every DoorDash employee "dashes" monthly and funds earned are donated to local hunger relief organizations in the communities DoorDash serves. DASH has expanded beyond the initial pilot, with food rescue programs currently in place in cities including Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Jose and Washington D.C. As part of its partnership with Feeding America, the nation's largest hunger-relief organization, DoorDash Drive API technology is now integrated and is helping to power Feeding America's MealConnect platform. DoorDash is the first Feeding America partner to utilize its driversDashersto deliver MealConnect retail food donations to the Feeding America network of food banks and their partner agencies. DoorDash provides valuable logistical expertise between partnering restaurants' surplus food with local Feeding American distribution sites, which receive the donations. "Delivering good is not just a tagline we useit's the sole purpose of Project DASH and is integrated into the very fiber of what DoorDash seeks to accomplish everyday," said Tony Xu, co-founder and CEO of DoorDash. "We're proud of our first-of-it's-kind integration with Feeding America's MealConnect, allowing more restaurants to deliver excess food than they could before by providing our logistics technology that helps to power the platform." The average restaurant has over 100,000 pounds of excess food annually and only 1.4 percent of that is donated. The partnership is aiming to address food waste while serving the local communities. About DoorDash Founded in 2013, DoorDash is a San Francisco-based technology company passionate about transforming local businesses and dedicated to enabling new ways of working, earning, and living. Today, DoorDash connects customers with their favorite local and national restaurants in more than 800 cities across the United States and Canada. By building intelligent, last-mile delivery infrastructure for local cities, DoorDash aims to connect people with the things they care about one dash at a time. Read more on the DoorDash blog or at SOURCE DoorDash Related Links PLANO, Texas, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (NYSE: DPS) ("DPS") is offering to exchange up to $100 million of its outstanding 3.430% Senior Notes due 2027, which were privately placed on June 15, 2017 (the "2027 Notes"), for a like principal amount of 3.430% Senior Notes due 2027 that have been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and $300 million of its outstanding 4.500% Senior Notes due 2045, which were privately placed on June 15, 2017 (the "2045 Notes" and, together with the 2027 Notes, the "Notes"), for a like principal amount of its 4.500% Senior Notes due 2045 that have been registered under the Securities Act. The exchange notes are being offered pursuant to a registration rights agreement previously entered into in connection with the issuance of the Notes. The terms of the exchange notes are substantially the same as the terms of the Notes, except that the exchange notes have been registered under the Securities Act and the transfer restrictions, registration rights and provisions for additional interest relating to the Notes do not apply to the exchange notes. Any Notes that are not exchanged will continue to be subject to the existing transfer restrictions. The exchange offer will expire at 11:59 p.m., New York City time, on June 14, 2018, unless extended. Tenders of the Notes must be made before the exchange offer expires and may be withdrawn at any time before the exchange offer expires. The terms of the exchange offer are set forth in a prospectus dated May 17, 2018. Documents related to the offer, including the prospectus and the associated letter of transmittal, have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and may be obtained from the exchange agent, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. Wells Fargo's address, telephone number and facsimile number are as follows. By Registered or Certified Mail: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Corporate Trust Operations MAC N9300-070 P.O. Box 1517 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480 Air Courier Service: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Corporate Trust Operations MAC N9300-070 600 Fourth Street South, 7th Floor Minneapolis, Minnesota 55479 Facsimile Transmission: (612) 667-6282 Attn: Corporate Trust Operations Confirm by Telephone: 1-800-344-5128 This press release shall not constitute an offer to exchange nor a solicitation of an offer to exchange the Notes. The exchange offer is being made only by the prospectus dated May 17, 2018 and only to such persons and in such jurisdictions as is permitted under applicable law. About Dr Pepper Snapple Group Dr Pepper Snapple Group (NYSE: DPS) is a leading producer of flavored beverages in North America and the Caribbean. Our success is fueled by more than 50 brands that are synonymous with refreshment, fun and flavor. We have seven of the top 10 non-cola soft drinks, and nine of our 10 leading brands are No. 1 or No. 2 in their flavor categories. In addition to our flagship Dr Pepper and Snapple brands, our portfolio includes 7UP, A&W, Bai, Canada Dry, Clamato, Crush, Hawaiian Punch, IBC, Mott's, Mr & Mrs T mixers, Penafiel, Rose's, Schweppes, Squirt and Sunkist soda. Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, in particular, statements about future events, future financial performance including earnings estimates, plans, strategies, expectations, prospects, competitive environment, regulation, and cost and availability of raw materials. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts and can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as the words "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "plan," "intend" or the negative of these terms or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements have been based on our current views with respect to future events and financial performance. Our actual financial performance could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty of estimates, forecasts and projections, and our financial performance may be better or worse than anticipated. Given these uncertainties, you should not put undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. All of the forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by reference to the factors discussed under "Risk Factors" in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017, any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, the prospectus dated May 17, 2018 and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements represent our estimates and assumptions only as of the date that they were made. We do not undertake any duty to update the forward-looking statements, and the estimates and assumptions associated with them, after the date of this release, except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. Contacts: Media Relations Chris Barnes, (972) 673-5539 Investor Relations Heather Catelotti, (972) 673-5869 SOURCE Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. Related Links MINNEAPOLIS, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Braun Intertec, an engineering, consulting and testing firm with offices throughout the central United States, is pleased to announce Eduardo Pulido has joined our San Antonio office as operations manager for construction materials testing (CMT). Pulido brings a wealth of experience in both geotechnical engineering and construction materials engineering and testing. "I'm pleased to have Eduardo Pulido join our San Antonio team," says Jon Carlson, CEO of Braun Intertec. "Thanks to our growing team of highly-skilled engineers, technicians and scientists like Eduardo, Braun Intertec continues to expand its business and service expertise to assist our clients across the state of Texas." Pulido will be responsible for the technical operations of the Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Department in our San Antonio office where he will develop client relationships and oversee personnel and financial management of his department. Pulido brings seven years of experience combined in the renewable energy sector, oil and gas industry as well as industrial and commercial sectors. Throughout his career Pulido has been responsible for managing construction materials engineering and testing services on a variety of projects including commercial and residential land development, institutional buildings, underground pipelines and utilities, embankments, roadways and waste-water treatment plants. In addition, he has conducted marine and land geotechnical engineering explorations and studies which have involved various geotechnical engineering analyses including shallow and deep foundations, expansive soils, soil corrosivity, excavation safety and pavement thickness design. Braun Intertec has 14 offices across the state of Texas which provide specialty services that include: deep foundation design and testing, building sciences, nondestructive examination, structures evaluations and forensic investigations, drilling and cone penetration testing (CPT), geospatial and unmanned aerial vehicle services. For more information about Braun Intertec, visit About Braun Intertec Based in Minneapolis, employee-owned Braun Intertec ( is a premier engineering, environmental consulting and testing firm with nearly 1,000 employees located in Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Braun Intertec subsidiaries include Agile Frameworks, LLC, based in Minneapolis, as well as GME Consulting Services, Inc., based in Dallas. SOURCE Braun Intertec Related Links ALBANY, New York, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Transparency Market Research (TMR) has published a new report titled, "Extracorporeal CO2 Removal Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2018-2026". According to the report, the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market was valued at US$ 50.0 Mn in 2017 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 6.0% from 2018 to 2026. Rise in demand for innovative technologies and adoption of ECCO2R devices is expected to boost the growth of the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market from 2018 to 2026. North America and Europe are anticipated to dominate the global market during the forecast period owing to early availability of novel medical technologies, developed health care infrastructure, and increased patient awareness. Asia Pacific is expected to account for significant market share by 2026. This is attributed to large chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patient base in developing countries such as China and India. Rise in adoption of technologically advanced products manufactured by key manufacturers such as ALung Technologies and Xenios AG is likely to drive the global ECCO2R market. (Logo: ) Request to View Sample of Report - Rise in Demand for Minimally Invasive Ventilation to Drive Market ECCO2R technique is widely used to avoid invasive mechanical ventilation, especially in patients failing non-invasive ventilation. It also has a feasible therapeutic application to facilitate mechanical ventilation in ARDS patients. ECCO2R can be a promising adjuvant therapeutic strategy for the management of patients with severe exacerbations of COPD and to achieve protective or ultra-protective ventilation in patients with ARDS without life-threatening hypoxemia. Rise in demand for minimally invasive ventilation is anticipated to propel the extracorporeal CO2 removal market during the forecast period. Over invasive mechanical ventilation extracorporeal life support offers safer simpler respiratory applications with veno-venous support and biocompatible membranes. Gas Exchange Units Segment Leads the Market The report offers detailed segmentation of the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market based on product and end-user. In terms of product, the disposables segment is projected to account for leading share of the global market during the forecast period from 2018 to 2026. Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) devices include disposables, which are used per case per patient basis. Gas exchange units are also called oxygenator/cartridges. These play an important role in effective CO2 removal. Access cannulas are also integral part of ECCO2R procedure. Factors attributed to the higher share of the disposables segment of the global market include high demand for and consumption of disposables in extracorporeal CO2 removal procedures. Request PDF Brochure of this Report: Hospitals Segment Dominates the Market The hospitals segment is projected to account for a significant share of the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market during the forecast period. The segment is anticipated to expand at a CAGR 6.0% from 2018 to 2026. Major reason responsible for the dominance of hospitals segment such as COPD & ARDS are life threatening diseases that require immediate care. Therefore, increase in number of hospital visits and rise in prevalence of COPD and ARDS are expected to boost the hospitals segment during the forecast period. The surgical centers segment is projected to hold substantial share of the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market during the forecast period. Surgical centers are well-equipped with sophisticated instruments; hence people in developing and underdeveloped countries prefer these settings. Request for Custom Research: Significant Incremental Opportunity in North America In terms of revenue, North America is likely to continue to dominate the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market during the forecast period, owing to early adoption of technologies and large patient pool of COPD and ARDS. The region is projected to be the most attractive market for extracorporeal CO2 removal devices, with high attractiveness index. The market in the region is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period due to high demand for novel medical technologies. Increase in prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases and surge in demand for rapid and safe minimally invasive ventilation devices have accelerated the growth of the extracorporeal CO2 removal market in North America. Request for Multiple Chapters: Highly Consolidated Market, with Key Players Accounting for Over 50.0% Share The report also provides profiles of leading players operating in the global extracorporeal CO2 removal market. ALung Technologies, Inc., Xenios AG, Estor S.p.A., Medtronic plc, Medica S.p.A., and Getinge Group are the major players operating in the market. These players offer products with proprietary technologies, for example ALung Technologies offers proprietary products such as Hemolung RAS. Several key companies have recently introduced analytical instruments that can carry out rapid analysis in near-patient settings. Novalung is core technology platforms offered by the Xenios AG include blood extracorporeal CO2 machines, artificial lungs, temperature control, vascular access devices, and biocompatible surface. More Trending Reports by Transparency Market Research: Mechanical Ventilators Market: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Devices Market: About TMR Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The company's exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR's experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information. Contact Transparency Market Research State Tower 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY - 12207 United States Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Email: [email protected] Website: Research Blog: SOURCE Transparency Market Research "We're incredibly excited and honored to be finalists for the Entrepreneur of the Year award," says Hasson. "What FIGS is doing for the medical industry is revolutionary and this accolade further ignites our commitment to improving the lives of medical professionals and transforming the healthcare industry on a global scale." Now in its 32nd year, the program has expanded to recognize business leaders in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries throughout the world. To learn more about the Greater Los Angeles program, please visit Join the conversation on social media by following us @EY_EOYUS and using #EOYGLA. About FIGS FIGS is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by raising the standards of how medical apparel is designed, branded and sold. FIGS is the first medical apparel company to sell directly to the consumer through a thoughtful, data-driven e-commerce platform that utilizes predictive analytics, a streamlined UI / UX experience and lifestyle-driven imagery. FIGS designs are innovative, modern and functional and have become a cult-like commodity in the medical space. Products are designed thoughtfully, are thoroughly tested and held to the highest standards of quality and usefulness. That's why every set of FIGS is made from its proprietary fabric that is antimicrobial, anti-wrinkle, liquid repellent, lightweight, antimicrobial and features four-way stretch technology. They have changed the meaning of the word scrub. No longer are medical professionals limited to wearing scratchy, heavy, boxy, ill-fitted uniforms. They now can wear something that is purposeful, functional, stylish and like fashion companies has evolving styles, product launches and seasons. Improving the medical professional's experience on a global scale is paramount to FIGS' mission. Through the company's Threads for Threads initiative, FIGS has donated hundreds of thousands of scrubs to healthcare providers in need in over 35 countries around the world. They've partnered with organizations like Every Mother Counts, International Medical Corps, Project CURE and more. About Entrepreneur Of The Year Entrepreneur Of The Year, founded by EY, is the world's most prestigious business awards program for entrepreneurs, chosen from an independent panel of judges including entrepreneurs and prominent leaders from business, finance, and the local community. The program makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global awards program of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries. Please visit About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit SOURCE FIGS Related Links The Henry Crown Fellowship Program was established in 1997 to mobilize a new breed of leaders to tackle the world's most intractable problems. Henry Crown Fellows spend four weeks over the course of two years in structured retreat, exploring their leadership, core values, visions for a good society and desired legacies. Fellows also launch individual initiatives of their own choosing that will stretch their boundaries and have a positive impact on the community, the country or the world. "I'm incredibly honored and excited to join this community of forward-thinking innovators. I look forward to exploring new ways to impact our communities and make meaningful changes around the world," said Spear who co-founded FIGS in 2013, a recommerce company that set out to disrupt the $50 billion dollar medical apparel industry by selling modern, stylish and functional medical apparel direct to consumer. FIGS has succeeded and is now a cult-like commodity in the medical industry with impressive YOY growth of 600%. Prior to co-founding FIGS, Spear worked at Citigroup's investment banking and private equity divisions, and then in Blackstone's hedge fund group. Spear is a graduate of Tufts University and holds an MBA from Harvard Business school. She is a 2018 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist. "We are especially delighted with this year's class of Henry Crown Fellows, the 22nd since the Fellowship was founded," said Peter Reiling, executive director of the program. "For society, they represent a potent force of talent, ready to focus their energies on some of the greatest challenges of our times. For themselves, they are embarking on a personal journey 'from success to significance' - one that will change their lives forever." About FIGS FIGS is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by raising the standards of how medical apparel is designed, branded and sold. FIGS is the first medical apparel company to sell directly to the consumer through a thoughtful, data-driven e-commerce platform that utilizes predictive analytics, a streamlined UI / UX experience and lifestyle-driven imagery. FIGS designs are innovative, modern and functional and have become a cult-like commodity in the medical space. Products are designed thoughtfully, are thoroughly tested and held to the highest standards of quality and usefulness. That's why every set of FIGS is made from its proprietary fabric that is antimicrobial, anti-wrinkle, liquid repellent, lightweight and features four-way stretch technology. They have changed the meaning of the word scrub. No longer are medical professionals limited to wearing scratchy, heavy, boxy, ill-fitted uniforms. They now can wear something that is purposeful, functional, stylish and like fashion companies has evolving styles, product launches and seasons. Improving the medical professional's experience on a global scale is paramount to FIGS' mission. Through the company's Threads for Threads initiative, FIGS has donated hundreds of thousands of scrubs to healthcare providers in need in over 35 countries around the world. They've partnered with organizations like Every Mother Counts, International Medical Corps, Project CURE and more. About the Henry Crown Fellowship Program The Henry Crown Fellowship Program was established in 1997 to honor the life and career of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown (1896-1990) and was initially funded by the Henry and Gladys Crown Charitable Trust Fund. The Fellowship is the flagship program within the Aspen Global Leadership Network. For more information, visit About The Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing with critical issues. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on Maryland's Eastern Shore. It also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners. For more information, visit SOURCE FIGS NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Infor, a leading provider of industry-specific cloud applications, today announced that CRN , a brand of The Channel Company, has named Salena Butler, Annette Cunningham, Honora Handley, and Julie Schrady to its prestigious 2018 Women of the Channel list. The executives who comprise this annual list span the IT channel, representing vendors, distributors, solution providers and other organizations that figure prominently in the channel ecosystem. Each is recognized for her outstanding leadership, vision and unique role in driving channel growth and innovation. Butler, vice president, channels, was also named to the 2018 CRN Power 100, an elite subset of its prestigious annual Women of the Channel list, for the second year in a row. The Power 100 belong to an exclusive group drawn from this larger list: women leaders whose vision and influence are key drivers of their companies' success and help move the entire IT channel forward. At Infor, Butler is a leader in worldwide channel business development, partner and field enablement, and sales process management. Cunningham joined Infor in 2016 as regional vice president, responsible for all channel partners representing multiple Infor solutions in the UK, Ireland and Benelux. Handley joined Infor as a senior director of alliance marketing in 2017, holding responsibility for alliances marketing and communications to drive engaging and modern campaigns and communications. Schrady has been with Infor since 2014 and currently serves as vice president of global partner recruitment. "Salena, Annette, Honora and Julie have been instrumental in Infor's recruiting and enablement, and sales efforts while helping to strengthen our program and relationships with partners," said Jeff Abbott, senior vice president, global alliances and channels, Infor. "All four of these women have dedicated so much of their time and efforts to continually improve and innovate our channel operations and could not be more deserving of the recognition of being named to this year's list." CRN editors select the Women of the Channel honorees based on their professional accomplishments, demonstrated expertise and ongoing dedication to the IT channel. "This accomplished group of leaders is steadily guiding the IT channel into a prosperous new era of services-led business models and deep, strategic partnerships," said Bob Skelley, CEO of The Channel Company. "CRN's 2018 Women of the Channel list honors executives who are driving channel progress through a number of achievementsexemplary partner programs, innovative product development and marketing, effective team-building, visionary leadership and accelerated sales growthas well as advocacy for the next generation of women channel executives." The 2018 Women of the Channel list will be featured in the June issue of CRN Magazine and online at About the Channel Company The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by more than 30 years of unequaled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace. CRN is a registered trademark of The Channel Company, LLC. All rights reserved. The Channel Company Contact: Kim Sparks The Channel Company (508) 416-1193 [email protected] About Infor Infor builds business software for specific industries in the cloud. With 16,500 employees and over 90,000 customers in more than 170 countries, Infor software is designed for progress. To learn more, please visit Infor Contact: Emily Streeter Infor (312) 618-0532 [email protected] SOURCE Infor Related Links PARAMUS, New Jersey, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, a global pharmaceutical company, today announced data from a Phase 2a, proof-of-concept study of GBR 830, an investigational, anti-OX40 monoclonal antibody being studied for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD), that were presented at the International Investigative Dermatology Meeting (IID) in Orlando, Florida. The exploratory Phase 2a study was conducted to investigate the safety of GBR 830, evaluate its effects on AD biomarkers, and generate the first clinical evidence of its biological activity. Patients were randomized to receive two doses of GBR 830 or placebo, and were assessed for response at Day 29 and Day 71. (Logo: ) New data from the study demonstrated that subsequent to treatment with GBR 830, epidermal hyperplasia, proliferation, and mRNA biomarkers for disease activity were reduced, indicating a possible effect on both the acute and chronic stages of AD. "This biomarker evidence further validates our recently announced decision to rapidly advance the clinical development of GBR 830," said Fred Grossman, President and Chief Medical Officer at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. "At Glenmark, we are committed to the pursuit of this potential new treatment for atopic dermatitis, and this biomarker data may provide important information for future clinical decision making." In the Biological Activity Set of 40 patients (GBR 830 n=29; placebo n=11) who underwent lesional skin biopsy before and after treatment, a significant reduction from baseline in disease related biomarker signatures was observed in patients receiving GBR 830 compared to placebo. Reduced mRNA expression included Th1, Th2 and Th17/Thh22 related biomarkers of disease activity. Improvement of the pathological epidermal phenotype in GBR 830 treated patients was shown by reduction of skin thickness, reduced expression of hyper proliferation biomarker K16 mRNA and Ki67 expressing cells, as well as reduced protein expression of OX40 and its ligand OX40L. In the intent-to-treat population of all randomized subjects (GBR 830 n=46; placebo n=16), a greater proportion of GBR 830-treated patients achieved a 50% improvement in disease severity compared to placebo, as measured by the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI 50) at Day 29 (43.6% vs. 20.0%) and Day 71 (76.9% vs. 37.5%). "As the lead investigator on this study and a physician with a passion for investigating how to improve the lives of people living with atopic dermatitis, I am pleased to present these biomarker results from treatment with GBR 830 at IID," said Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD, and Director of the Center of Excellence in Eczema and Professor of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. "As our fundamental knowledge of the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis grows, understanding the role biomarkers play in disease control and presentation is vital to addressing the unmet need among these patients." In the study, GBR 830 was safe and well-tolerated. The most common treatment emergent adverse event was headache, with no meaningful differences observed between GBR 830 (13%) and placebo-treated (25%) patients. The GBR 830 Phase 2a study has been completed. Enrollment for a Phase 2b study in AD is expected to begin in June 2018. About GBR 830 in Atopic Dermatitis GBR 830 is designed to inhibit OX40, a costimulatory immune checkpoint receptor expressed on activated T cells and memory T cells. Costimulatory signals are essential for T cell activity, and binding between OX40 and OX40L is a biomarker for the severity of autoimmune diseases. The activation of this pathway leads to conversion of activated T cells into memory T cells, which promotes inflammation. In addition, regulatory T cells also contribute to inflammation, and OX40 signaling by these cells downregulates immune suppressing functions. It is believed that GBR 830 may inhibit the dual activities of OX40 and OX40L binding in both activated T cells and regulatory T cells, thus potentially reducing inflammation associated with symptoms of atopic dermatitis. About Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (GPL) is a global innovative pharmaceutical company with operations in more than 50 countries. Glenmark has a diverse pipeline with several compounds in various stages of clinical development, primarily focused in the areas of oncology, respiratory disease and dermatology. Glenmark has improved the lives of millions of patients by offering safe, affordable medications for nearly 40 years. For more information, visit SOURCE Glenmark Pharmaceuticals LONDON and SINGAPORE, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Gresham Technologies plc, the leading software and services company that specialises in providing real-time data integrity and control solutions, today announced the appointment of Khee Joo Tan (KJ) to the company as director of sales for the AP region. (Logo: ) KJ will lead business development, direct sales and partnerships to expand Gresham's Clareti platform client base, which already includes major banks and asset managers. KJ has over 25 years experience, most recently as Senior VP for Smartstream, where he ran sales and partnerships for APAC. He will join an already strong, regional Gresham team based in Singapore, Kuala Lumpa, Sydney and Melbourne. Having recently been recognised by the prestigious Queens Award for Enterprise: International Trade, this appointment further demonstrates Gresham's commitment to the AP market. Bill Blythe, Global Business Development Director of Gresham: "The opportunity for Gresham in AP is enormous and KJ joins us at a key time in the company's regional expansion. His deep industry knowledge within financial markets will help us accelerate our growth and build on our fantastic client reputation." KJ commented: "Data Integrity is now a top issue at board level. Disruptive developments in the sector, such as the ASEAN Banking Integration Framework, and increasingly demanding regulations mean that firms need more innovative technology to evidence control of their data. I am excited to join the Gresham team, the Clareti platform is the most advanced technology in its field and already proven at the highest level." KJ previously held roles at Smartstream, Tibco, TCS and FRS Global and holds degrees and post graduate honors from the University of Auckland, the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney. About Gresham Technologies plc Gresham is a leading software and services company that specialises in providing real-time data integrity and control solutions. Listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (GHT.L) and headquartered in the City of London, its customers include some of the world's largest financial institutions, all of whom are served locally from offices located in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Gresham's award-winning Clareti software platform has been designed to provide financial institutions with complete certainty in their data processing. Clareti is a highly flexible and fully scalable platform for ensuring the integrity of data across an enterprise. It is designed to address today's most challenging financial control, risk management, data governance and regulatory compliance problems. Further information can be found on the Gresham website or on Twitter @GreshamTech SOURCE Gresham Technologies plc BOSTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Henley, the global private equity real estate investor, has purchased two hotels in the vibrant urban areas of Little Havana and South Beach, Miami. It will fund the transformation of the properties by introducing both private and shared accommodations at each location, providing travelers more options than a traditional hotel or Airbnb stay. Garrett Solomon, President of Henley USA, remarks: "Each property will take its cues from the surrounding community, combining the social aspects of staying in a hostel with innovative design, high-quality amenities and locally influenced food and beverage." Located in one of the United States' top-performing hospitality markets, the Miami properties have been purchased for $15.4M and will undergo a renovation and repositioning program under the management of Life House, an experienced technology-driven, lifestyle hotel company. Ian Rickwood, CEO of Henley, comments: "Miami's popularity as a holiday destination is showing no sign of slowing down. However, affordable, community-oriented lodgings are in limited supply, with only one high-end hostel located in Miami Beach. Through repositioning these properties as boutique hotels with the option for shared accommodations, we can both maximize the value of the assets and deliver returns to our investors, whilst adding to the supply of this popular but highly fragmented sector. "There is good scope to build on the growing popularity of Little Havana and the famous South of Fifth area in Miami Beach, particularly as there are significant hotel supply restrictions in both areas due to a prohibitive zoning ordinance. We plan to roll out more assets like these in the coming months across the USA." Henley Established in 2006, Henley is a leading UK private equity real estate investor focusing on development, investment and asset management in the commercial, residential, healthcare, land infrastructure, debt and other alternative real estate assets. Since inception, Henley has approximately doubled in size every year. The company currently has around $2 billion in assets under management. With offices in Boston, Massachusetts; Newport Beach, California and Naples, Florida, Henley USA is headed by Garrett Solomon, who previously founded the award-winning, nationally recognized residential land development and management company, Corbelis. Prior to forming Corbelis in 2012, Solomon spent almost two decades with a series of well-known real estate private equity firms. SOURCE Henley USA WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- HUB International of California, a wholly owned subsidiary of HUB International Limited, a leading global insurance brokerage, risk advisory and employee benefits consultancy firm, announced today the hiring Mark Dobbs as a Vice President of and Producer for the national Real Estate Specialty Practice. HUB California Adds Mark Dobbs to HUB'S National Real Estate Specialty Practice in Westlake Village Dobbs has over fifteen years of experience in global commercial real estate business facets to include international investment banking, real estate investment, insurance, and risk management solution implementation. Most recently Dobbs was Vice President of the Construction and Real Estate Group for global insurance brokerage firms Marsh & McLennan and Alliant where he attended to middle market and large institutional real estate clients. Dobbs also previously worked within the real estate industry as a Senior Investment Consultant specializing in the multifamily market and within the investment banking sector in London, England (Goldman Sachs). Dobbs joins HUB International several months after the global brokerage announced its intention to create a number of industry-unique cross-border Specialty Practices. The roles.and purposes of Specialty Practices are to provide sales and account servicing personnel with a deep understanding of their respective industry silo. In that uniting of the resources and personnel expertise of over four hundred offices in the United States and Canada and over ten thousand employees worldwide HUB will bring to bear a collegial enterprise dedicated to improving client experience, Producer specific education and consulting capabilities and risk management deliverables. Dobbs will be an integral part of the Real Estate Specialty Practice and is indicative of the expertise and experience that will shape the core of the HUB Real Estate Specialty Practice. Dobbs' Manager, Darren Caesar said of Dobbs' hiring, "We are excited to have Mark aboard! His experience and knowledge in the Real Estate Market match perfectly with our Real Estate Programs and services he will introduce to his clients and centers of influence." James "Chip" Stuart, HUB California's Chief Sales Officer and National Specialty Practice Leader for the Real Estate Specialty Practice concurred with Caesar saying of Dobb's joining HUB, "Mark will join the HUB Real Estate Specialty providing HUB client's tools and resources to help reduce premium costs and administrative burdens. He will have access to exclusive new HUB insurance programs for Real Estate owners and managers in Southern California." Dobbs said of his new role with HUB, "My extensive commercial real estate background allows me to better leverage the full scope of HUB's risk management services to advise my clients and to effectively communicate, guide and implement the most effective strategies. With over seven years of prior experience in commercial real estate exclusively such as development, management, acquisitions, and brokerage I believe this experience allows for a deep understanding of the needs and an ability to anticipate the complex requirements of commercial real estate owners and operators in all facets of their business." Dobbs holds a bachelor's degree in international business administration from San Francisco State University. He also completed studies at the University of Paris, Oxford University, and the European Business School at the University of Wales. About Hub International Headquartered in Chicago, IL, Hub International Limited is a leading global insurance brokerage that provides property and casualty, life and health, employee benefits, investment, and risk management products and services through offices located in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. Hub California is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hub International Limited. Media Contact: Darren D. Caesar CIC MA Executive Vice President Chief Commercial Lines Officer HUB International Insurance Services Inc. California Office: 805-879-9521 Fax: 805-617-1749 [email protected] SOURCE HUB International Related Links The two-year deal will feature Razer as the exclusive peripherals partner for Immortals and LA Valiant. Teams will be sporting Razer's esports-grade PC peripherals, including equipment comprising of mice, keyboards, headsets and surfaces, and the newly formed Immortals Mobile Division will be using the Razer Phone. "Team Razer is committed to fostering a roster of passionate and truly ambitious esports players," says Razer Co-Founder and CEO Min-Liang Tan. "Immortals and LA Valiant exude a caliber of excellence that makes our partnership with them a natural fit, and one that we are very excited to support." Team Razer will be supporting LA Valiant in an effort to cultivate a growing community of esports fans. With the help of Team Razer, LA Valiant will be hosting numerous local activations in the greater Southern California area in the upcoming year. "Razer has long established its bona fides as a true lifestyle brand across gaming and esports," said Noah Whinston, CEO of Immortals and the Los Angeles Valiant. "We're very excited to embark on the journey with Razer to field test its peripherals line and new mobile gaming phone for both peak gaming performance and in everyday life." Immortals also compete in leading esports titles such as DOTA2, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. The Immortals Mobile Division currently competes in Clash Royale and Arena of Valor. The Immortals Mobile Division is the second addition to Team Razer's mobile-focused esports athletes. As part of the sponsorship agreement, Razer will outfit Immortals with the Razer Phone, the world's first smartphone designed for gaming. The Razer Phone is the ideal handset for high-level mobile esports with the fastest refresh rates and smoothest graphics among today's smartphones. For more information on Team Razer visit For more information on Immortals and LA Valiant: Visit the Immortals website at Like the Immortals Facebook page, follow Immortals on Twitter and Instagram Like the LA Valiant Facebook page, follow LA Valiant on Twitter and Instagram Subscribe to Immortals on YouTube and Twitch and LA Valiant on YouTube. ABOUT RAZER Razer is the world's leading lifestyle brand for gamers. The triple-headed snake trademark of Razer is one of the most recognized logos in the global gaming and esports communities. With a fan base that spans every continent, the company has designed and built the world's largest gamer-focused ecosystem of hardware, software and services. Razer's award-winning hardware includes high-performance gaming peripherals, Blade gaming laptops and the acclaimed Razer Phone. Razer's software platform, with over 40 million users, includes Razer Synapse (an Internet of Things platform), Razer Chroma (a proprietary RGB lighting technology system), and Razer Cortex (a game optimizer and launcher). Razer services include Razer zGold, one of the world's largest virtual credit services for gamers, which allows gamers to purchase virtual goods and items from over 2,500 different games. Founded in 2005 and dual-headquartered in San Francisco and Singapore, Razer has nine offices worldwide and is recognized as the leading brand for gamers in the USA, Europe and China. Razer is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 1337). ABOUT IMMORTALS Immortals, LLC, is a global esports organization based in Los Angeles. Founded in 2015, Immortals has raised strategic investment from AEG, Lionsgate, the Milken Family, and Steve Kaplan. The franchise owns and operates the Los Angeles Valiant, one of two Los Angeles-based franchises in Activision Blizzard's Overwatch League, which launched in January 2018. Immortals competes in leading esports titles including CS:GO, DOTA2, and Super Smash Brothers as well as mobile esports Clash Royale and Arena of Valor in its newly created Immortals Mobile division. Immortals strives to create a long-lasting community of professional gamers, aspiring players, and passionate fans, united by a commitment to competitive excellence and a welcoming environment for all. ABOUT LA VALIANT The Los Angeles Valiant are one of two Los Angeles-based franchises in Activision Blizzard's Overwatch League, which began play in January 2018 as the first esports league to feature local market affiliations for its teams. The Valiant is owned and operated by Immortals, LLC, a global esports organization based in Los Angeles. Founded in 2015, Immortals has raised strategic investment from AEG, Lionsgate, the Milken Family, and Steve Kaplan. Immortals competes in leading esports titles including CS:GO, DOTA2, and Super Smash Brothers as well as mobile esports Clash Royale and Arena of Valor in its newly created Immortals Mobile division. Immortals and the LA Valiant strive to create a long-lasting community of professional gamers, aspiring players, and passionate fans, united by a commitment to competitive excellence and a welcoming environment for all. Press Contacts: Americas Alain Mazer [email protected] Kevin Allen [email protected] Europe/Africa Jan Horak [email protected] Asia Pacific Raymond Lau [email protected] China Leonard Le [email protected] For Immortals/LA Valiant Nick Valente [email protected] Jen Neale [email protected] Razer - For Gamers. By Gamers. SOURCE Razer Related Links SUZHOU, China, May 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Innovent Biologics (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. (Innovent Biologics) today announced the findings from the ORIENT-1 trial investigating Sintilimab, the company's fully human anti-PD-1 therapy (IBI308), in patients with relapsed/refractory classical Hodgkin Lymphoma (r/r cHL). The preliminary result of the ORIENT-1 trial was published at ASCO's official website on May 16, 2018. The updated and final analysis on its primary endpoint mentioned in this press release will be presented at the 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago in a poster session on Saturday, June 4, 2018. ORIENT-1 is a multicenter, single-arm, phase 2 registrational study assessing the efficacy and safety profile of IBI308. A total of ninety-six patients with r/r cHL were enrolled. It is the largest study for this indication in China. The primary endpoint is objective response rate (ORR), defined as the percentage of study subjects who either experienced a partial response (PR) or a complete response (CR), which was assessed by independent radiographic review committee (IRRC) according to the revised international working group response criteria for malignant lymphoma in 2007 (IWG 2007). Complete response rate (CR) is a secondary endpoint. Based on the assessment by IRRC, among the 96 patients with a minimum 24-week follow-up, the results showed an overall response rate (ORR) of 79.2%, disease control rate (DCR) of 97.9%, meeting the pre-set statistical criteria. The median duration of response has not been reached and the majority of the patients are continuing to respond to therapy. The study did not reveal any unexpected safety issues and there is no death reported. The safety profile of Sintilimab is similar to what have been reported in connection with other anti-PD-1 antibody products developed. The new drug application (NDA) for IBI308 for the treatment of r/r cHL was officially accepted by the Center of Drug Evaluation of the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) on April 19, 2018 and was granted the "Priority Review Status" on April 23, 2018. "Sintilimab, jointly developed by Innovent Biologics and Eli Lilly and Company, is a novel anti-PD-1 antibody with global IP rights. I am very grateful for my colleagues at Innovent Biologics, various government agencies and our partner Lilly for their effort and dedication." said Dr. Michael Yu, the founder and CEO of Innovent Biologics. "Sintilimab will bring new hope for patients with relapsed and refractory classical Hodgkin Lymphoma in China. Our mission is to develop and commercialize high quality biopharmaceutical products that are affordable to ordinary people. Now we have just completed the very first critical step toward that mission." "We are very pleased with the Lilly/Innovent research and development collaboration. Together, we are making progress toward our shared goal of bringing innovative medicines to China. We firmly believe that our in-depth collaboration with Innovent may bring medical advances that eventually benefit many cancer patients throughout China," said Levi Garraway, M.D., Ph.D., senior vice president, global development and medical affairs, Lilly Oncology. About Sintilimab Sintilimab is a fully human anti-PD-1 antibody. It binds to the PD-1 receptor on T cells, blocking the PD-L1 ligand from interacting with PD-1 to help restore T-cell response and immune response, thus destroying the tumor cells. Sintilimab is jointly developed by Innovent Biologics and Eli Lilly and Company in China. It is also the first drug submitted for NDA by Innovent Biologics. About ORIENT-1 Trial ORIENT-1 (NCT03114683) is a multicenter, single-arm, phase 2 registrational study assessing the efficacy and safety profile of IBI308. A total ninety-six patients with r/r cHL were enrolled. It is the largest study for this indication in China. The primary endpoint is objective response rate (ORR), defined as the percentage of study subjects who either experienced a partial response (PR) or a complete response (CR), which was assessed by independent radiographic review committee (IRRC) according to the revised international working group response criteria for malignant lymphoma in 2007 (IWG 2007). Complete response rate (CR) is a secondary endpoint. The study requires that the assessment of CR can only be performed by PET at week 15. Therefore, the CR data only represents a single point assessment at week 15. About Relapsed/Refractory classical Hodgkin Lymphoma (r/r cHL) Hodgkin Lymphoma is a relatively rare B cell malignancy, often seen in population aged between 20 and 40, and most of the patients are classic in terms of pathology subgroup. Although the current treatment for HL is very efficacious with high cure rate, about 20% of them will relapse after initial treatment due to treatment failure or intolerance to drug treatment. How to treat r/r cHL effectively is a serious challenge among oncology and hematology community. The average survival is only 1-2 years once a patient relapses after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). About Innovent Biologics Innovent Biologics, a leading biopharmaceutical company in China, was established in 2011. Its core business is to develop and commercialize therapeutic antibodies for complex and debilitating diseases. As of today, Innovent Biologics has established a pipeline composed of 16 monoclonal antibody products, covering four major disease areas: oncology, ophthalmology, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Seven candidates are in clinical stage, four of them are in phase 3 clinical trials and Sintilimab has been accepted for NDA by CFDA with a designation of priority review. In addition, Innovent Biologics designs and builds its manufacturing facilities in accordance with the GMP standards of the CFDA, FDA and EMA. Three production lines have passed the audits conducted by a global biopharmaceutical company in accordance with its global standards. Innovent Biologics has attracted private financing from a number of world-renowned VC firms, including Fidelity, Lilly Asia Venture, Capital Group, Legend Capital, Temasek, SDIC, China Life, and Hillhouse Capital and has established a deep strategic partnership with Eli Lilly. Inspired by its corporate spirit of "Start with Integrity, Succeed by Action," Innovent Biologics' mission is to develop and commercialize high quality biopharmaceutical products that are affordable to ordinary people. About the partnership between Innovent Biologics and Lilly Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly) and Innovent Biologics (Innovent) in March 2015 announced one of the largest biotech drug development collaborations in China to date between a multi-national and domestic company. Under the terms of the agreement, Lilly and Innovent shall collaborate to provide support to the development and potential commercialization of at least three cancer treatments over the next decade. In October 2015, they announced an expansion of their drug development collaboration which has already been one of the largest collaboration in China between a multi-national and domestic biopharmaceutical company. These collaborations represent that Innovent has struck one of the most comprehensive strategic partnerships of any Chinese company with a multinational partner in terms of the scope and breadth ranging from discovery to commercialization and involving up to six therapeutic antibodies for cancers. For inquiries, please contact: Innovent Biologics, Inc. Email: [email protected] Tel: 86 512 6956 6088 SOURCE Innovent Biologics, Inc. LONG BRANCH, N.J., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- J.F. Kiely Construction Co., a leading utility construction company headquartered in Long Branch, New Jersey, attended the 7th annual Touch a Truck in Wall Township, providing several pieces of its construction equipment for public display. The annual event, hosted by Wall Township, was held on Saturday, April 28. Designed to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the event brought residents of the community together for a day of fun while bringing awareness and donations to the foundation. J.F. Kiely Construction Co. Supports the Make-A-Wish Foundation Through Wall Township's 7th Annual Touch-A-Truck Event As a long-time supporter of community events, J.F. Kiely Construction Co. provided a variety of their iconic blue and yellow trucks and vehicles for guests to explore. "Supporting our communities through wonderful events like this is an easy decision for us," said John M. Kiely, President of J.F. Kiely Construction Co. "My father and I always believe we should invest in and support the communities in which we serve," Kiely continued. About J.F. Kiely Construction Co.: J.F. Kiely Construction Co. provides design - build projects to the natural gas, petroleum and water resources industries. Established in 1952, J.F. Kiely Construction Co. performs work for publicly traded utility companies, energy companies, municipalities and private entities throughout the Northeast. J.F. Kiely Construction Co. is part of the Kiely Family of Companies. For more information about J.F. Kiely Construction Co. please visit Contact: James M. Pagano 700 McClellan Street Long Branch, NJ 07740 [email protected] 732.403.8600 x231 SOURCE J.F. Kiely Construction Co. 2000 was the last time that Guam had a significant and focused conversation around political status. There had been campaigns, big and small, around commonwealth or constitutions. Each time there were discussions, community events and also sometime of plebiscite. 2000 was the last time that there was a big community push around the issue, as that was the year a plebiscite was scheduled and some funds made available for public education. This came after commonwealth had died or stalled in the US Congress, and it was decided to start the process over by having a new plebiscite to help determine the direction of future political status negotiations. This new start to the process never really came. The 2000 plebiscite was delayed several times and never took place. I recently went through more than a year of the Pacific Daily News to get a sense of that time, and came across dozens of letters to the editor and articles dealing with the plebiscite and the three status options. Some of the letters to the editor focused on supporting a particular status option, more however were focused on the framework for the discussion and a good portion lamented there not being enough information available to make a decision. A small percentage focused on supporting or challenging the idea of restricting who could participate in the plebiscite. Almost 20 years later we are at a new sort of phase in the discussion. Much has changed, although some elements remain the same. Now, just as before, there is apathy in the community and in the government. There are concerns that there isnt enough information available. There are worries over the framework. One key difference now is that there is a court case that is currently being appealed, over who is eligible to participate in the self-determination vote. As part of the educational efforts, the Pacific Daily News published editorials from each of the political status task force chairs. They provided them with space to put forth their best argument about their status. The arguments are similar to the ones we make today. The faces are familiar, with some notable differences. In 2000 the task force chairs were Antonio Artero Sablan, Jose Ulloa Garrido and Eddie Duenas. Sablan and Garrido have stepped down as chairs, whereas Duenas has not. ********************* Vote is the right of the people by Antonio Artero Sablan What more do you need to know? depends on how much you already know. Everyone must know something, and maybe enough to vote tomorrow. Why, then, are some folks still so confused? We have seen no less than 30 years of Guam initiatives, from the first Political Status Commission and constitutional convention to the Guam Commonwealth Act and todays Commission on Decolonization, to improve our political status from that of an unincorporated territory. Our libraries, filling cabinets and brains are so full of this matter, we need only recall. Nonetheless, four task forces are compiling information for the commissions educational campaign-one each for independence, free association, statehood, and other a panel studying the potential economic impact of those options. This new compilation will be presented to the public in upcoming months. Meanwhile, the Colonized Chamorro Coalition, Organization of People for Indigenous Rights and Guam Statehood Association are activating their troops. Some members have gone to Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Fiji for research on related issues. The Independence Task Force has launched an essay contest, begun preliminary village meetings, and been the subject of radio talk programs and in chat rooms on the Worldwide Web. Status quo is not an option because decolonization means reversing, if you will, the colonial status of a place and people. When the U.N. Charter was signed in 1946 one-thirds of the worlds population lived in non-self-governing territories like Guam. Today, those former colonies make up more then two-thirds of U.N. membership. The Philippines Islands, a former U.S. territory, is now a republic. Out of the Pacific Islands have emerged four distinct political entities, island nations. Non-U.S. territories in this part of the world have asserted their sovereignty recently, including New Caledonia and East Timor. Guams colonial status, hundreds of years old now, is NOT decolonization. The Guam Commonwealth Act was our honorable attempt to safeguard the Chamorro right to self-determination and secure our relationship with the United States with a mutual-consent proposition. But we have had no response in the period of time for which that proposal was made. The so-called Chamorro vote - only the start of this process - is the right of the people of this place thats been ruled by American colonial policy for the last century. It is a political definition, NOT Chamorro-only Thats an irresponsible shortcut; self-determination, and especially Self-determination for Organic Act citizens have proven much too long. The facts remain. Well have a vote soon, and we all want a safe, clean democratic island home called Guam for all her people. Support independence for a better Guam, Biba Chamoru! ********************** Statehood is the best option for Guam by Eddie Duenas It is imperative that those who will be voting in the July plebiscite be provided with factual information on the three options statehood, free association and independence. The plebiscite is a political process to remove Guam from the United Nations oversight. In a nutshell, statehood will fully integrate Guam with the United States as a state of the union. Independence and free association will dis-integrate Guam from its present relationship with the United States and will turn Guam loose to chart its own destiny. If statehood should not prevail in the plebiscite, and Congress accepts and acts on the results, Guams status quo as we know it today would be repealed and Guam would no longer be a U.S. territory. This, consequently, would force the discontinuance of all federal assistance, aids and grants for social, economic, education programs as well as highway and infrastructure funding. Persons who got their U.S. citizenship by virtue of the 1950 Organic Act of Guam run the risk of not enjoying their full benefits while living in a non-U.S. Guam. Under the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1962, a native-born or naturalized U.S. citizen could lose his or her citizenship by taking an oath or making affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof. And their descendants born on Guam also could run into problems with their citizenship since Guam would no longer be a U.S. territory. Statehood is the only option that can guarantee not only your U.S. citizenship but also that of your descendants and the generations to come. And Guam will continue the status quo until statehood is attained. As a state, Guam would acquire state sovereignty and have full control on all state matters. The people would have full protection and permanent citizenship under the U.S. Constitution, vote for the president and vice-president and have two senators and one representative in Congress. Guam would also write is own state constitution, set up a state government (three equal branches executive, legislative and judicial) and have equal access to federal revenue sharing programs, grants and entitlements available to all states. This will increase Guams level of federal assistance. Social Security Supplemental Income and the Earned Income Tax Credit would also be available for Guam. These programs will certainly provide millions of dollars to our SSS recipients and low-income wage earners. Having two senators and a representative in Congress should enable Guam to get more federal dollars in appropriations, grants, aids and entitlements than its currently receiving as a territory. After living for more than 100 years under the U.S. flag, Guamanians have assimilated the American way as part of their lifestyle. Their loyalty to the United States is unquestionable, even in the darkest hours of enemy occupation during WWII. Their desire to remain in the American family was well documented in the two previous plebiscites conducted. ********************* Free association best of both worlds By Jose Garrido In envisioning a brighter future for Guam, the people of this island should bear in mind two essential facts in our history both as a United States territory and our far longer ancestral history as a Chamorro nation. Free association will create a government which acknowledges both ingredients of this history. With free association, Guam would be recognized internationally as a sovereign nation with control over its political affairs. At the same time, we would also maintain a defined association with the United States, specifically in the area of defense. Free association would allow Guam to achieve sovereignty in partnership with the United States. Free association presents us with an opportunity to control Guams land, air, seas and natural resources for our benefit, rather than for another country. The United States would still maintain its military presence, but would provide financial assistance to Guam in return for the military use of land. Based on research and comments from a U.S. congressional representative, our citizenship status would not be affected by a change in political status. Guam citizenship would also be granted. Bearers of a Guam passport could retain rights to travel freely within the United States, establish residency and work there, and volunteer in the U.S. armed forces without being drafted. These rights are already enjoyed by existing free associations between the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republics of Belau and the Marshall Islands. Free association offers optimism for greater economic development through changes such as the removal of the Jones Act, control of our Exclusive Economic Zone and all of the ocean minerals and resources within and the return of excess land to landowners. Free association gives us the autonomy to be creative in developing our island economy, making decisions with the best interests of Guam in mind. With free association, Guam would be eligible to participate in programs offered by the United Nations, the Pacific Community and other international bodies catering to sovereign nations. Guam could tap into the programs of international agencies such as the Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency and many others, helping us improve education, fisheries health care and banking. Four thousand years ago, Chamorros managed their resources, governed their clans and provided for their futures. Today, we have knowledge skills, creativity and competence to manage our resources in the new millennium. We have survived wars, typhoons, earthquakes and more. We can surmount the challenges ahead. Free association provides us with a confident future sovereignty for Guam in association with the United States. Free association, the best of both worlds. WASHINGTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- After months of promises that they would stop being a megaphone for terrorists and their supporters, a new investigation has found that digital platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube continue to host hundreds of violent and disturbing terrorist videos, images and posts. Many remain online for weeks to be seen by thousands of users giving terrorists a valuable platform to spread hate and recruit members. The "Fool Me Once" report, which is the result of an investigation by Digital Citizens Alliance and Global Intellectual Property Enforcement Center, found posts showing violence against terrorist targets, messages on how to manipulate digital platforms to spread terror messages online and recruiting videos. Among the disturbing and offensive videos, images and posts found on platforms are: Numerous images of violence, including beheadings, throwing victims off rooftops and the caging, maiming and torture of terrorist targets. Posts on how to use digital platforms to serve the terrorist agenda. In one instance terrorists posted, "A Guide to Social Media Platforms and how to manipulate each Social Media Platform." Recruiting videos promoting terrorists groups. In one example, Digital Citizens monitored a YouTube video promoting the Islamic State and watched as its viewership increased from 15,000 on April 26 to over 34,000 by May 8 . While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed during recent congressional testimony that the company's systems take down "99 percent" of terrorist content, the investigation found numerous examples of disturbing images. In one example detailed in the report, a May 1 post shows the horrifying ways in which the Islamic State torture, maim, and execute its victims. "If digital platforms are unable to effectively police their own content when they are under scrutiny from Congress and state policymakers and facing serious trust issues with their users, it's time for someone else to do it for them," said Tom Galvin, executive director of the Digital Citizens. "That means Congress, state attorneys general and regulators need to step in and protect Americans. Fool us once, shame on the platforms. Fool us twice, shame on us." "Social media companies such as Google and Facebook say there is no place for terrorism and hate speech on their platforms," said Eric Feinberg, CEO of GIPEC. "They continue to tell the public that they are employing human and technological solutions to stop terrorist accounts and posts to their platforms. This research shows that despite their promises their efforts are not cutting it and they still have a long way to go.' The investigation underscores that the business model utilized by these digital platforms is at the root of offensive, illegal and illicit content. That business model to harvest user information so it can be sold to advertisers and third parties and to enable nearly anyone to post content with essentially no ramifications creates the ideal environment for terrorists, criminals and bad actors. A 2016 memo recently surfaced in which a top Facebook executive stated the company shouldn't let negative consequences get in the way of its mission demonstrates that the company is focused on its business vision above all else. "Maybe it costs a life by exposing someone to bullies. Maybe someone dies in a terrorist attack coordinated on our tools. And still we connect people," wrote Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, Facebook Vice President. These flaws have led to a downturn in trust in digital platforms. A majority of Americans view these digital platforms as irresponsible companies that should be regulated. Seventy-one percent of Americans said trust in the platforms had dropped in the last year. While Digital Citizens holds out hope that digital platforms will address the issues of offensive, illegal and illicit content, it also believes it's time for Congress, regulators and state policymakers to look at steps they can take. It seems the window for companies to act on their own to satisfy the public is closing. There are multiple avenues for government to pursue and it could be a mix of federal and state actions in the United States: Congress could revise privacy and other laws that govern how content is treated online to force platforms to take greater legal responsibility. Regulators and watchdog agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission could investigate to understand just how much digital platforms know about the offensive and illegal content on their platforms. There is reason to wonder: in 2011 Google paid $500 million to close a U.S. investigation that the company knew that rogue online pharmacies were illegally marketing medications through Google AdWords as early as 2003. to close a U.S. investigation that the company knew that rogue online pharmacies were illegally marketing medications through Google AdWords as early as 2003. States could intervene as they have with big tobacco and other industries especially as we learn the impact of digital platforms on young teens. For example, state attorneys general could work together to negotiate agreements in which digital platforms agree to take more steps to block illegal and offensive content. And in Europe new regulations are due to take effect this month to protect user privacy and other efforts are underway to force digital platforms to be more accountable for the content that appears on their sites. "After everything that has happened in the last two years, the discovery of offensive and hateful Jihadi videos and posts on leading digital platforms is an indicator that perhaps the companies simply don't have the capability or the will to police themselves," added Galvin. "In that case, someone will have to do it for them." About the Digital Citizens Alliance Digital Citizens is a coalition of consumers, businesses, and Internet experts focused on educating the public and policymakers on the threats people from all walks of life face on the Internet. Recent Digital Citizens initiatives include working with state attorneys general to educate citizens about the proper disposal of opioids and other dangerous drugs, a look into how new pirate devices and apps enable hackers to infect consumers' computers, and an investigation into how millions of college emails and passwords are for sale on the Dark Web. For more information please go to Contact: Adam Benson, 202.999.9104, [email protected] SOURCE Digital Citizens Alliance Related Links BOSTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- JMC Capital Partners ("JMC") is pleased to announce the acquisition of Source Code Corporation ("Source Code"). Headquartered in Waltham, MA, Source Code is a leader in the design and manufacture of dedicated servers for independent software developers and a leading provider of IT services. For more information related to the acquisition, please visit "We are thrilled to partner with JMC," said Arthur Ataie, CEO of Source Code. "The Source Code management team is excited about the opportunity to leverage JMC's experience to continue to expand our business and to strengthen our position in our core markets. We look forward to capitalizing on the resources this new relationship provides." JMC plans to continue Source Code's strategy and performance through a combination of strategic acquisitions and organic growth. "We are pleased and excited to add Source Code as a JMC Platform Company," said Michael D'Amelio, Managing Partner at JMC. "Source Code's management team has done an excellent job at growing their business and we look forward to continued success." About Source Code Founded in 1992, Source Code is a leading manufacturer of custom built server and storage devices as well as a provider of IT services. Source Code ships thousands of server systems each month from our various locations. The flagship facility is located in Norwood, Massachusetts with over 40,000 sq. ft. and is ISO 9001:2008 certified. With corporate headquarters in Waltham, MA and additional facilities in Beverly, MA, Westfield, MA, and Buffalo, NY, Source Code can provide quick turn-around on high-quality solutions at a competitive price. For more information, visit About JMC Since their inception in 1999, JMC has adhered to a consistent approach and strategy focused around driving value through operational and strategic excellence in industrial product and industrial technology focused companies. JMC's Partners come from operating backgrounds and have executed this strategy as owners and operators as well as investors. We are able to streamline the acquisition process, focus on the important outcomes, and provide rapid and timely transactions. For more information, visit Contact: Natasha Carr (617) 670-2606 [email protected] SOURCE JMC Capital Partners Related Links SALT LAKE CITY, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Kimono is one of 26 projects advancing to the final round of competition in the IMS Global Learning Consortium 2018 Learning Impact Awards. The competition awards innovative technology with potential to improve learning and educational experiences. Kimono advances to the finals along with entries chosen from nominations and regional competitions around the world. The final competition and subsequent awards will take place May 21-24 at the 2018 Learning Impact Leadership Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Kimono's entry for flexible, standards-based data integrations describes how Kimono streamlines and standardizes the way data is collected and shared via iPaaS, or integration platform as a service, and enables educators to share learning data back to the student information system (SIS). "Enabling teachers to send grades back to the SIS with the push of a button saves teachers valuable time and helps them focus on their real jobs," said Steve Curtis, CEO at Kimono. "It also ensures parents and administrators have more timely access to learning information." Teachers reported saving anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours per day using Kimono's grade passback feature. Kimono estimates for every dollar spent on its platform, schools receive over $25 in value back in time saved by their teachers. With digital applications becoming more numerous in the classroom, schools expect these apps to come bundled with integration solutions. Kimono reduces the burden for application partners, as it connects with any student information system and enables partners to create complex mappings and customizations for their customers, without managing point-to-point integrations. A panel of experts will evaluate the Learning Impact entries, which consist of a short video, paper, and Q&A session submitted by each finalist. However, the edtech community can also review entries and vote. Voting is open until noon EDT on May 23, and the winners will be announced on May 24 during the Learning Impact Leadership Institute awards luncheon. Kimono is a premium interoperability platform that connects the student information system with other applications. Through iPaaS, or integration platform as a service, Kimono helps districts and schools solve complex, evolving integration problems with real-time solutions that improve the accuracy, accessibility, and privacy of student information. Kimono currently serves eight states, over 2000 districts, and more than 14 million students. Contact: Jessica Bleak, Marketing Director 801.440.3316 [email protected] SOURCE Kimono Related Links CINCINNATI, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Kroger Co. (NYSE:KR) and online supermarket Ocado today announced an exclusive partnership agreement in the United States that will accelerate Kroger's creation of a seamless shopping experience for America's families. The alliance will bring to the U.S. for the first time the unparalleled technology underpinnings of the Ocado Smart Platform, which includes online ordering, automated fulfillment and home delivery capabilities. As part of the partnership agreement, Kroger will increase its existing investment in Ocado by five percent in a subscription rights agreement. This will bring the company's total investment to more than six percent. Ocado will partner exclusively with Kroger in the U.S., enhancing Kroger's digital and robotics capabilities and helping expand its seamless coverage area to provide every family in America with the convenience of shopping for anything, anytime and anywhere. "We see Ocado as an innovative, exciting and transformative partnership in pursuit of our Restock Kroger vision, to serve America through food inspiration and uplift," said Rodney McMullen, Kroger's chairman and CEO. "We are actively creating a seamless digital experience for our customers. Our partnership with Ocado will speed up our efforts to redefine the food and grocery customer experience creating value for customers and shareholders alike." "Ocado's unique, proprietary and industry-leading technology is set to transform the shopping experience of consumers around the world," said Tim Steiner, CEO of Ocado Group. "Our success as a retailer shows that we can offer customers unrivalled choice, quality and convenience, efficiently and profitably. The opportunity to partner with Kroger to transform the way in which US customers buy grocery represents a huge opportunity to redefine the grocery experience of Kroger's customers and create value for the stakeholders of both Kroger and Ocado. As we work through the terms of the services agreement with Kroger in the coming months, we will be preparing the business for a transformative relationship which will reshape the food retailing industry in the U.S. in the years to come." Kroger and Ocado are already working to identify the first three sites in 2018 for development of new, automated warehouse facilities in the U.S., and will identify up to a total of 20 over the first three years of the agreement. "We look forward to innovating together with Ocado to provide our customers the best possible online and in store experience," said Alex Tosolini, senior vice president of business development. "Through Restock Kroger, we will continue expanding partnerships to create customer value." The new relationship is not expected to affect Kroger's earnings per diluted share guidance range for 2018 and 2019 as it is already reflected in the company's Restock Kroger plan. About Kroger At The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR), we are dedicated to our Purpose: to Feed the Human Spirit. We are nearly half a million associates who serve nine million customers daily through a seamless digital shopping experience and 2,800 retail food stores under a variety of banner names, serving America through food inspiration and uplift, and creating #ZeroHungerZeroWaste communities by 2025. To learn more about us, visit our newsroom and investor relations site. About Ocado Ocado is a UK based company admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange (Ticker OCDO). It comprises one of the world's largest dedicated online grocery retailers, operating its own grocery and general merchandise retail businesses under and other specialist shop banners, together with its Solutions division. About Ocado Solutions Ocado Solutions is responsible for corporate partnering, which began with its agreement to operate the online business of Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc in the UK, and more recently with agreements with Groupe Casino, Sobeys and ICA Group to develop their online businesses in France, Canada and Sweden respectively. OSP is an enabling platform provided as a service to retailers. It comprises access to Ocado's physical infrastructure solutions to run highly efficient warehouse operations for the single pick of products, together with the entire end-to-end proprietary software applications required to operate an online grocery business - from user interfaces, through warehouse operating and control systems, to logistics, route planning and optimisation. It is underpinned by Ocado's expertise and experience as a dedicated online grocery operator in the UK. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 about future performance of Kroger. These statements are based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it. These statements are indicated by words such as "will," "continue," "expect," and similar words. Various uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. These include the specific risk factors identified in "Risk Factors" and "Outlook" in Kroger's annual report on Form 10-K for our last fiscal year and any subsequent filings, as well as the following: Kroger's ability to achieve sales, earnings and cash flow goals may be affected by: labor negotiations or disputes; changes in the types and numbers of businesses that compete with Kroger; pricing and promotional activities of existing and new competitors, including non-traditional competitors, and the aggressiveness of that competition; Kroger's response to these actions; the state of the economy, including interest rates, the inflationary and deflationary trends in certain commodities, and the unemployment rate; the effect that fuel costs have on consumer spending; volatility of fuel margins; changes in government-funded benefit programs; manufacturing commodity costs; diesel fuel costs related to Kroger's logistics operations; trends in consumer spending; the extent to which Kroger's customers exercise caution in their purchasing in response to economic conditions; the inconsistent pace of the economic recovery; changes in inflation or deflation in product and operating costs; stock repurchases; Kroger's ability to retain pharmacy sales from third party payors; consolidation in the healthcare industry, including pharmacy benefit managers; Kroger's ability to negotiate modifications to multi-employer pension plans; natural disasters or adverse weather conditions; the potential costs and risks associated with potential cyber-attacks or data security breaches; the success of Kroger's future growth plans; the ability to execute on Restock Kroger; and the successful integration of Harris Teeter and Roundy's. Kroger's ability to achieve sales and earnings goals may also be affected by Kroger's ability to manage the factors identified above. Kroger's ability to execute its financial strategy may be affected by its ability to generate cash flow. SOURCE The Kroger Co. Related Links MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Lacework, the industry's first solution to bring automation, speed and scale to cloud security, today announced that Veeva Systems has chosen the Lacework Cloud Security Platform to provide advanced security and compliance capabilities atop its infrastructure hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Lacework enables Veeva, a leader in cloud-based software for the global life sciences industry, to help automate configuration monitoring, threat detection and incident response across its fleet of workloads deployed on AWS. Veeva is the latest leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company to use the Lacework Cloud Security Platform. Other customers include Snowflake Computing, Guidebook and Vera. "The goal of security is to enable engineering and operations to securely release innovative new services and applications that drive our core business," said David Tsao, Global Information Security Officer at Veeva Systems. "With the Lacework Cloud Security Platform, we're able to keep our highly dynamic AWS environment secure while offering high quality, actionable security signals. The level of automation built into the platform, its host-based IDS, and its compliance audit capabilities, keeps the security of our AWS environment moving at the same pace as development." Lacework brings end-to-end security and compliance to organizations deploying applications on AWS. The Lacework Cloud Security Platform addresses the unique demands of the cloud: speed, scale and automation. The technology backbone of the platform, Polygraph, combines active cloud resource monitoring, advanced analytics and smart visualization. Utilizing the Lacework Cloud Security Platform, security teams can quickly, and easily, minimize security risks, detect threats and close compliance gaps without slowing down the pace of innovation. "Veeva's selection of Lacework for cloud security and compliance further showcases our momentum in delivering truly automated, end-to-end security for AWS to our forward-thinking and security-conscious customers," said Dan Hubbard, Chief Security Architect at Lacework. "There is a need for speed, scale and automation when keeping today's highly dynamic cloud workloads secure. Our SaaS-based solution deploys in minutes, immediately delivering demonstrable value to Veeva's already established AWS infrastructure." Lacework was recently named a Cool Vendor in the May 2018 Gartner Cool Vendors in Cloud Security report. The Lacework Cloud Security Platform delivers advanced protection for AWS accounts and users, AWS S3 buckets and workloads. Its host-based intrusion detection system (IDS) tracks activities and detects anomalies down to the most granular level, including processes and files. The end result is fine-grained visibility with one of the richest cloud security dataset presented in a meaningful, easy to navigate UI. For more information on Lacework, please visit Gartner Disclaimer Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. About Lacework Lacework is the industry's first solution to bring automation, speed, and scale to cloud security enabling enterprises to safely innovate fast in the cloud. Unlike conventional security tools built for static datacenters, Lacework is designed to self-adapt to the cloud ever-changing configuration and workloads. Just like DevOps automates code deployment, Lacework automates cloud security, empowering IT to continuously keep cloud environments secure and compliant. Based in Mountain View, California, Lacework is a privately held company funded by Sutter Hill Ventures. Find out more at Media Contact John Kreuzer Lumina Communications on behalf of Lacework (408) 896-3307 [email protected] SOURCE Lacework Related Links MONTEREY, Calif., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- IDG's CIO has announced LanguageLine Solutions as a recipient of the 2018 CIO 100. The 31st annual award program recognizes organizations around the world that exemplify the highest level of operational and strategic excellence in information technology. "Each of our winners has achieved notable success in accelerating businesses to the front lines of the digital revolution," said Maryfran Johnson, Executive Director of CIO Programs. "This year's winners are inspiring examples of how IT leadership, business partnerships, and customer engagement can reshape the future." LanguageLine has been the global leader in innovative language-access solutions since 1982. The company's 2018 CIO nomination focused on the advancement of its state-of-the-art Olympus platform, which at more than $30 million represents the largest technology investment in industry history. When it was launched, Olympus signified a complete digital conversion within an industry that was built around legacy phone lines. Thanks to Olympus, LanguageLine now has the unrivaled ability to handle a massive volume of phone and video calls efficiently and effectively. On this new platform, LanguageLine bridged over 36 million language interactions in more than 240 languages in 2017. The average connect time for these calls in the top 10 languages was 12.4 seconds an astoundingly low figure. "One in five U.S. residents now speaks a language other than English at home," LanguageLine President and CEO Scott W. Klein said. "Most forward-looking organizations are thinking about inclusion of not only non-English speakers, but the significant deaf and hard-of-hearing community as well. Olympus is unmatched in its ability to meet the surging demand for interpreter services." For thousands of LanguageLine clients, including major public hospitals, large corporations, and 911 call centers, ensuring that calls are handled within seconds is critical, and a matter of life or death in some cases. Recipients of this year's CIO 100 Award were selected through a three-step process. First, companies filled out an online application form detailing their innovative IT and business initiatives. Next, a team of external judges (many of them former CIOs) reviewed the applications in depth, looking for leading-edge IT practices and measurable results. Finally, CIO editors reviewed the judges' evaluations and selected the final 100. Executives from the winning companies will be recognized at The CIO 100 Symposium & Awards Ceremony, to be held August 15 at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. About LanguageLine Solutions LanguageLine Solutions has been the global leader in innovative language-access solutions since 1982. The company sets the global standard for phone, video, and onsite interpreting, as well as translation, localization, and testing and training for bilingual staff and interpreters. LanguageLine is trusted by more than 28,000 clients to enable communication with the limited English proficient, deaf, and hard-of-hearing communities. LanguageLine provides the industry's fastest and most dependable access to more than 9,000 professional linguists in more than 240 languages - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Media Contact: Scott Brown 831-224-3187 [email protected] SOURCE LanguageLine Solutions Related Links RESTON, Va., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Leidos (NYSE: LDOS), a global science and technology leader, was awarded a task order by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, Ala., to provide information technology support services to more than 37,000 USACE customers around the world. The single-award, firm-fixed-price task order has a one-year base period of performance and two option years with a total contract value of approximately $239.5 million if all options are exercised. Work will be performed nationwide. USACE provides vital engineering services for U.S. citizens around the world, with the mission to strengthen the nation's security by building and maintaining infrastructure and military facilities where service members train, work and live. The task order, placed under the U.S. General Services Administration's Alliant Government-wide Acquisition Contract, is part of the USACE Information Technology Enterprise Services Next Generation program. Leidos will partner with both large and small companies to ensure the right technology and mix of technical experts are available to perform agile and responsive IT support services at all times. "For over 33 years, we've partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers to deliver innovative solutions that support their critical missions," said Senior Vice President Liz Porter, Leidos Federal Energy Environment Operations Group Manager. "We will continue to institute a culture focused around preparation, communication and quick identification and elevation of issues to provide USACE with reliable and secure IT services." Leidos has previously partnered with the Corps to provide project management, engineering, environmental, and construction services across its 13 districts, Europe, and Asia. The company currently holds prime contracts with more than half of USACE districts Louisville, Ky.; St. Louis; Baltimore; Kansas City, Mo.; Fort Worth, Texas; Mobile, Ala.; and Huntsville, Ala. About Leidos Leidos is a Fortune 500 information technology, engineering, and science solutions and services leader working to solve the world's toughest challenges in the defense, intelligence, homeland security, civil and health markets. The company's 31,000 employees support vital missions for government and commercial customers. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Leidos reported annual revenues of approximately $10.17 billion for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2017. For more information, visit Statements in this announcement, other than historical data and information, constitute forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause our actual results, performance, achievements, or industry results to be very different from the results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Some of these factors include, but are not limited to, the risk factors set forth in the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 29, 2017, and other such filings that Leidos makes with the SEC from time to time. Due to such uncertainties and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. SOURCE Leidos Related Links VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. (CSE: LDS), (OTCQX: LDSYF), (Frankfurt: LD6, WKN: A14XHT) ("LDS" or the "Company") announces that its affiliate, CSPA Group, Inc. ("CSPA"), has commenced modifications to its processing facility in Adelanto, California to accommodate an increased demand for white label and contract extraction and processing. The planned modifications will increase the extraction capabilities of the Adelanto facility to over 800 liters of extracted material per month. These modifications are the first step in expanding the facility's capacity to accommodate the projected contract and white label business. The increased capacity is in addition to the current ingredient requirements of CannaStrips and Reveur. The current market price, depending on quantity, quality and the final test results of extracted oil, is between $7,000 and $8,000 per liter, with high-grade distillate ranging between $10,000 and $15,000 per liter. Brad Eckenweiler, the CEO of LDS, stated, "These modifications are the result of a detailed analysis of our current processing procedures to identify opportunities to maximize efficiencies and increase volumes. One important aspect of the modification process is that those modifications will not impact our current production operations." CSPA is positioning its extraction operations to provide its distributors and manufacturers with the highest quality available in extracted ingredients for white label and third-party manufactured products. The Company will continue updating its shareholders on the progress as information becomes available. About Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. is a licensed, state-compliant, vertically integrated cannabis-related company. From our isogenic pollination nursery to our cutting edge, state-of-the-art production facility located in Southern California, LDS has become one of the most diverse, innovative and scientifically based cannabis companies throughout North America. The Company's technology produces infused strips (similar to breath strips) that are not only a safer, healthier option to smoking but also a new way to accurately meter the dosage and assure the purity of the product. From start to finish, the production process tests for quality and composition of all the ingredients used in each and every strip, resulting in a delivery system that is safe, consistent and effective. On behalf of the board of directors of Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. Brad Eckenweiler CEO & Director FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] 1-866-347-5058 Cautionary Disclaimer Statement: The Canadian Securities Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release. Information set forth in this news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on assumptions as of the date of this news release. These statements reflect management's current estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations. They are not guarantees of future performance. The Company cautions that all forward looking statements are inherently uncertain and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control. Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to the Company's limited operating history and the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations. In addition, marijuana remains a Schedule I drug under the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Although Congress has prohibited the US Justice Department from spending federal funds to interfere with the implementation of state medical marijuana laws, this prohibition must be renewed each year to remain in effect. Accordingly, actual and future events, conditions and results may differ materially from the estimates, beliefs, intentions and expectations expressed or implied in the forward looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information. SOURCE Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. SAN FRANCISCO and SHANGHAI, May 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On May 12th, Yi Wang, the founder and CEO of Liulishuo (formally known as LingoChamp) was invited to attend the 2018 Stanford China Education Forum EXPO in Stanford University. The EXPO, held by Stanford Graduate School of Education and Education Practitioners and Innovators of China (EPIC), is a platform for bold ideas, inspiration, talent, and cutting-edge education technology. It gathered more than 15 industry leaders and education practitioners from spheres including STEM education, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence technologies, Early Childhood Education, etc., to demonstrate their innovative educational products and engage participants in an intellectual and inspiring conversation. During the panel Yi joined, he discussed issues around the topic "Education Entrepreneurship in AI+ Era" with Joy Chen, Executive Advisor of TAL Education Group, and Linfeng Yang, CEO of OnionMath. Both TAL and OnionMath are focusing on K-12 education, and therefore have lots of insights to share with Liulishuo, which is currently incubating its K-12 product. "OnionMath is working on Math, Physics, and will include more science subjects in the future. With the help of AI, we are able to offer personalized learning materials to our students so as to improve their learning performances," said Linfeng. "We've seen that Liulishuo has also been using AI technologies to make breakthrough in linguistic learning. Given we are from different subjects while both proved AI could bring good outcomes to learning, I am optimistic that AI technologies will be adapted to all subjects in the near future." Yi agreed with Linfeng, stating that he was also confident about the application prospects of AI in all-subjects, and even cross-subjects. "AI will certainly start a new era of learning," said Yi. When asked by the host, Tom Costin from Owl Ventures, whether he had gone through any difficulties or doubts on his way to entrepreneurship, Yi gave an honest answer. "Yes, there used to be a hard time," said him. "When I at first had the idea of bringing AI to language learning, AI was still an unfamiliar concept to the public. It was not easy to convince the capital of the prospects of AI." However, Liulishuo recruited software engineers and research scientists working on natural language processing (NLP) to develop its flagship product, Liulishuo mobile app, and launched their AI English teacher. The product speaks for itself. Liulishuo now has over 70 million users, covering 379 cities in China and 175 countries around the world. It has also been featured by Apple as 'Selected Apps of the Year' and 'App Store Essentials'. More good news is Liulishuo's innovative AI English teacher has been proven to triple the learning efficiency compared to human teachers by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language) standards, according to a study using the TOEIC Bridge Test from ETS. Furthermore, Liulishuo has been upholding its social responsibility to promote education equality. In June 2016, they started our 'Rural Education Support Project', to bring AI teacher to students and teachers in rural areas, inviting them to experience the benefits brought by new technologies. During the Q&A session, Yi shared more perspectives with the audience interested in Chinese education industry. He credits much of Liulishuo's early successes to the timing of the product launch. "If you looked at App Store's ranking list at 2012, you will find most of the apps were developed by sole developers. Most of them are developing apps for out of personal interests, rather than for business reasons. But my team and I foresaw the trend of mobility in business. It wasn't just going to be about the utility of apps, but about solving problems for users. Mobile is a platform that can always be with you, so it has the ability to impact everything that you do, especially learning." This is why Liulishuo has been maintaining the gamified settings and vibrant learning community in the basics in order to interact closely with their users and create an immersive learning ambiance for them. After the panel, Yi expressed his gratitude towards the Stanford education EXPO and expressed what the future goals of Liulishuo were. Clinging to the goal of helping everyone become a global citizen, Liulishuo will keep on exploring the mode of 'AI+Education' and bring high-quality education resources to more parts of China. About Liulishuo Liulishuo is a world's leading AI-driven education technology company, founded by Yi Wang, Ben Hu and Hui Lin in September 2012. With a world's leading AI lab, Liulishuo has developed the world's most intelligent and highly effective AI English teacher which provides a personalized and adaptive learning path for every learner based on deep learning technologies. It is proven to triple the learning efficiency compared to human teachers in the CEFR standards. Its flagship product Liulishuo is a leading English learning app and vibrant language learners' community in China with over 70 million users, covering 379 cities in China and 175 countries around the world. It has been featured by Apple as "Selected Apps of the Year" and "App Store Essentials". For more information about Liulishuo, visit: SOURCE Liulishuo Related Links EDWARDSVILLE, Ill., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Madison Mutual Insurance Company recently announced a strategic partnership with Roost, a leader in home telematics for property insurance carriers, to increase policyholder engagement by offering its policyholders a free Roost Smart Water Leak and Freeze Detector or Roost Smart Battery. Through technology deployment of Roost Smart Sensors, Madison Mutual policyholders in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin will be better able to help mitigate the cost and hassle of fire-, smoke- and water leak-related claims all while leveraging the leading smart sensor notification platform and customer engagement solution. To learn more about Madison Mutual Insurance Company, visit "Our policyholders rely on Madison Mutual to look out for their best interests and to be there in times of need," said Mike Wenos, Madison Mutual Insurance Company President. "Not only will our agreement with Roost deliver smart sensors that give our customers the best new tools to mitigate their risk of water and fire loss, but it also strengthens our relationship and regular engagement with our policyholders." The award-winning Roost Smart 9V Battery is a simple retrofit solution that transforms existing smoke alarms into smart alarms. If the alarm sounds and no one is home, a smartphone notification is delivered. The Roost Smart Water Leak and Freeze Detector is designed to sense water leaks as well as humidity and freezing temperature situations. Easily located in places around the home most prone to water leaks, the sensors deliver smartphone alerts via the Roost app to help minimize water damage and loss. Wi-Fi enabled smart sensors do not require a hub and set up in less than five minutes. "Madison Mutual Insurance cares about protecting their policyholders and employing the latest and most powerful tools to ensure their safety day in and day out," said Roel Peeters, co-founder and CEO of Roost. "By offering Roost's Home Telematics solutions, Madison Mutual is taking advantage of our best technology to both mitigate loss and deepen engagement with their policyholders." Madison Mutual Insurance Company Since 1920, Madison Mutual Insurance Company has steadily grown and now serves policyholders in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin. Madison Mutual is committed to the well-being of its policyholders, independent agents, employees and the communities in which it operates. Its automobile, home, farm and umbrella products are available through more than 400 independent agencies that represent the company. SOURCE Madison Mutual Insurance Company TULSA, Okla., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (NYSE: MMP) announced today that Michael Mears, chief executive officer, is scheduled to participate in a question and answer session about Magellan at the 2018 MLP and Energy Infrastructure Conference hosted by the Master Limited Partnership Association at 11:05 a.m. Eastern on Wed., May 23 in Orlando, Florida. The session will be moderated by Becca Followill of U.S. Capital Advisors, with an audio webcast available live on the day of the event on the partnership's website at A replay of the webcast also will be available for 30 days at In addition, management will be meeting with institutional investors and research analysts during the conference. The slides used for these meetings also will be available at About Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (NYSE: MMP) is a publicly traded partnership that primarily transports, stores and distributes refined petroleum products and crude oil. The partnership owns the longest refined petroleum products pipeline system in the country, with access to nearly 50% of the nation's refining capacity, and can store more than 100 million barrels of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel and crude oil. More information is available at SOURCE Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. Related Links "I'm honored to be recognized by such an inspiring organization and to be included alongside some of the very best business leaders in our community," said Lauter. "I believe the work that Junior Achievement does to foster the next generation of entrepreneurs is incredibly impactful, so to be honored by them is really special." After many years in the pool and spa industry, in 1996, Bob led the group that acquired the spa division of Fort Wayne Pools and catapulted that acquisition into the launch of Master Spas with the introduction of the luxurious Legend Series hot tubs. With a vast array of state-of-the-art features, the Legend Series quickly became one of the fastest growing hot tub brands in the market, spurring the development of a nationwide dealer network that today is worldwide. With Bob at the helm, Master Spas' commitment to innovation and quality has propelled it to be recognized as a true pioneer in the hot tub industry. From becoming the first manufacturer to use waterline fiber-optic lighting in a spa, to introducing the first Spa Theater System, and revolutionizing the industry with the introduction of Michael Phelps Signature Swim Spas, Master Spas has always been focused on innovative luxury. When asked about this year's hall of fame inductees, Lena Yarian, President of Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, said, "Bob Lauter exemplifies the attributes of a true entrepreneur. He was willing to take a risk, and through innovation, perseverance and hard work, built an amazingly successful business. Bob truly values his team and recognizes the importance they have played in the company's success. At the same time, he has made it a priority to give back to youth by working with his dealers to help build a new elementary school in Jamaica." In addition to his groundbreaking work in the hot tub industry, Bob worked to weave a strong commitment to the community into the fiber of Master Spas. In 2010, Master Spas started the NAZ Project to fund an elementary school building in Jamaica for the NAZ Children's Centre. Master Spas continues its support and is now funding the development of a high school on the same campus. In Fort Wayne, Master Spas supports local youth through numerous programs with The Crossing and an internship program for local high school graduates and college students. About Master Spas Master Spas is based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, 90 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Operating out of a state-of-the-art, 265,000-square-foot manufacturing facility on a 27-acre manufacturing campus, Master Spas is the largest portable spa, hot tub and swim spa manufacturer in the world with all products built in the U.S.A. The company's management team boasts more than 150 years of spa manufacturing success and one of the strongest track records in the industry. For more information, please visit: SOURCE Master Spas Related Links MAZ, founded by former Apple and Adobe designers and engineers, is used by brands like Bloomberg, Hearst, Conde Nast, USA Today, Outside TV, and hundreds of others. Brands, media and news companies, TV broadcasters, and organizations, like schools and trade associations, are creating more content than ever before. Instead of needing only to push that content to a single distribution channel, they are tasked with reaching consumers across an ever expanding multitude of devices and platforms. Most companies solve these content logistics problems by hiring developers to manually build out each distribution output one-by-one, only to find themselves needing to build again and again as new output types inevitably emerge. Instead, they can now use MAZ, the world's first Content Logistics System. MAZ partners can manage the processing, filtering, packaging, and shipping of their content to all major outputs, including social media like Twitter and Facebook, voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, news services like Apple News, as well as the ability to create full mobile and TV apps for platforms like iOS, Android, Apple TV and Roku; all from a single system, without any code. "Every brand today has to somehow get their content to every single distribution channel in order to reach consumers, and there are more and more popping up every year," said MAZ CEO, Paul Canetti. "This year it's Alexa, and next year it will be something else. Content logistics is a growing problem, and we have built a solution that truly fulfills the promise of 'Create once, publish everywhere.' Not only for outputs that exist today, but for the ones yet to come as well." Learn more about how MAZ can solve your content logistics problem. Visit for more information. About MAZ: MAZ is The Content Logistics Company. Brands and media companies like Bloomberg, Hearst, Conde Nast, USA Today, Outside TV, and hundreds of others use MAZ to process, curate, publish, and monetize their content to audiences across mobile, social media, TV, voice assistants, and more. MAZ has processed and published over half a billion pieces of content to millions of users across 200+ countries. The company was selected as one of Inc. Magazine's "30 Under 30 - America's Coolest Young Entrepreneurs" as well as one of Entrepreneur Magazine's "Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America". Contact: Whitney Rothe 1-855-629-3444 [email protected] SOURCE MAZ Related Links DENVER and NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Reaffirming its commitment to promoting literacy and instilling a love of reading in children, McGraw-Hill Education today announced its support for the Denver Public Library's Read Aloud program for the 2018-2019 school year. McGraw-Hill Education's donation will enable more than 6,000 children to receive a book through the program to cultivate the love of reading from an early age. The donation will also help to train volunteers who lead Storytime sessions in various libraries and educational centers across the Denver area. "As a learning science company, we understand just how crucial early literacy is to success in school, college and beyond," said Marty Lange, SVP, Chief Product and Operating Officer for the School Group at McGraw-Hill Education. "The Denver Public Library's Read Aloud program directly supports our mission of developing not only children's literacy but also a love of books from an early age, and we are proud to support an organization making such a positive impact on the lives of Denver's children." The Read Aloud program, now in its 30th year, aims to develop pre-reading skills and instill a love of reading and books among preschoolers, as well as promote the use of the Denver Public Library and its branches among families. The program currently reaches 350 classrooms, particularly educationally at-risk and low-income preschoolers, with volunteers and library staff members providing weekly Storytimes to children across various educational centers. Ninety-eight percent of teachers in participating schools have indicated that their students have become more interested in books as a result of participating in the program. "The Read Aloud Program is an invaluable resource for both students and readers, and contributions from companies like McGraw-Hill Education help ensure we can continue to make a positive impact moving forward," said Brianna Austin, Read Aloud Program Coordinator. "Teacher surveys and verbal feedback always highlight that students learn from and look forward to the weekly visits from their readers. Those visits increase students' interest in books and strengthen early reading skills, all of which helps young readers develop self-esteem and confidence. It's really beautiful to see the excitement, both from students and volunteer readers, when they see each other and share books every week." At the end of each semester, each child receives a brand-new book to keep. By donating books to children and supporting the building of mini Read Aloud libraries in participating classrooms, the program aims to continue fostering a love of reading outside of Read Aloud sessions. About Denver Public Library Founded in 1889, the Denver Public Library connects people with information, ideas and experiences to provide enjoyment, enrich lives and strengthen our community. With 26 locations throughout Denver, the library provides essential resources to the community including early literacy programs, computer and Internet access and training, family and adult programs. Learn more at and keep up on library news and events through social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. About McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill Education is a learning science company that delivers personalized learning experiences that help students, parents, educators and professionals drive results. McGraw-Hill Education has offices across North America, India, China, Europe, the Middle East and South America and makes its learning solutions available in more than 60 languages. Visit us at or find us on Facebook or Twitter. Media Contacts: Chris W. Henning Denver Public Library (720) 865-2044 [email protected] Nina Chang McGraw-Hill Education (646) 766-3055 [email protected] SOURCE McGraw-Hill Education Related Links LONDON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- London's Hanway Associates to host Cannabis Europa, a major conference examining the state of Medical Cannabis in Europe North American investors eyeing up European market as attitudes towards medical cannabis change Experts around the world gather at The Barbican in London on 22nd May, for Cannabis Europa to discuss future of medical cannabis in the UK on 22nd May, for Cannabis Europa to discuss future of medical cannabis in the UK Speakers include Members of UK Parliament, Members of European Parliament, business leaders, academics, scientists, and medicine regulators The conference will focus on the rapid pace of the industry's evolution in a complex, diverse continent with a vast number of potential patients Cannabis Europa is the leading platform for the growth and development of Europe's fledgling medical cannabis industry. The conference will provide a unique space to learn about, share, and shape the future of what is quickly becoming one of the 21st century's most important social, economic and healthcare issues. There is no universal model for cannabis regulation and Europe has a clear opportunity to take a global leadership position. Regulators, policymakers, business leaders, scientists, patients, and advocates from across the continent and beyond will gather to help shape the development of what will become the world's largest medical cannabis market. Major discussion topics will include thoughts on the role of the EU and EMA vs. local jurisdiction; how to further improve the education of European doctors and patients about cannabis-based medicines; how cannabis challenges our current medical system; and thoughts on how Europe can take a leading role in this new healthcare development. Speaking at the event is Dr Monica Vialpando, a pharmaceutical development scientist and principal at Vialpando LLC, who said, "We are only just beginning to understand the medical properties derived from the cannabis plant. As our clinical understanding grows, policy needs to shift in order to keep pace with medical developments that could benefit the lives of millions of people. Events such as Cannabis Europa are central in steering this debate." The conference is organised by consultancy Hanway Associates, in conjunction with Prohibition Partners and The European Cannabinoid Therapy Association. Title sponsorship has been provided by Canaccord Genuity, the leading investment bank for the cannabis sector. George McBride, Partner at Hanway Associates said: "There is a rapidly growing wave of medical cannabis reforms sweeping around the globe. It is only a matter of time before the UK joins Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia and the dozens of other countries in permitting medical cannabis access. The inaugural Cannabis Europa sits at the heart of a growing debate around an issue which has the capacity to positively affect the lives of millions of people across the continent." To view full itinerary, please visit Key Details What: Cannabis Europa, medical cannabis summit Where: The Barbican Centre, London When: 22 May Time: 09:00 - 17:30 Ticket Price: 360 Headline Speakers: Keynote by Michael Abbott - Chairman of Columbia Care - Chairman of Columbia Care Bruce Linton - CEO of Canopy Growth Corp - CEO of Canopy Growth Corp Carola Perez , Director, Spanish Observatory of Medical Cannabis , Director, Spanish Observatory of Medical Cannabis George Freeman MP - former Life Sciences Minister, Conservative Party Jeff Smith - Co-chair of APPG for Drug Policy Reform, Labour Party - Co-chair of APPG for Drug Policy Reform, Labour Party Neil Maruoka - Analyst, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare, Canaccord Genuity About Hanway Associates London's global cannabis consultancy. Founded on Hanway Street in Soho by a scientist, a lawyer and a creative. Hanway Associates consult, connect and communicate to bridge the gaps between the medical cannabis industry, academia and policymakers. Hanway assist entrepreneurs & organisations navigate this emerging industry, and engage with government, media and the public. SOURCE Hanway Associates LAGUNA HILLS, Calif., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Thousands of people suffering from severe arthritis and hip pain now have an additional hip replacement option at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center to regain their mobility and relieve pain and stiffness. The anterior approach, among the least invasive surgical options, offers potential advantages, including more rapid return to normal activities, reduced risk of dislocation and more accurate leg length control and implant positioning. The anterior approach to hip replacement allows surgeons to reach the hip joint from the front of the hip as opposed to the lateral (side) or posterior (back) approach. This way the hip can be replaced without detachment of the muscle from the pelvis or femur. The orthopedic surgeon works through the natural interval between muscles. By keeping muscles intact, the anterior approach may result in less pain, faster recovery, quicker stability and fewer post-operative restrictions. The hip replacement approach selected is the one best suited to the patient's anatomy. Pelvic structure, obesity, heavy musculature or prior surgery may dictate a posterior approach. "Each approach has advantages and risks, but six months after surgery, the result is the same," explains R. Lance Montgomery, M.D., Saddleback Medical Center orthopedic surgeon. "The patient feels great, and in most cases can return to the activities enjoyed before their pain started." According to Dr. Montgomery, "preserving the muscles means less trauma and faster rehabilitation. With both approaches, we get patients up and walking a few hours post-surgery. With the anterior approach, however, patients are well on their way to a recovery after just three weeks. The lower risk of post-surgical dislocation also has a positive psychological impact." To improve access to the hip joint during the anterior approach, Saddleback Medical Center acquired the technologically advanced Hana surgical table allowing the leg to be safely positioned and held steady at any angle, providing a clear view of the hip joint through smaller incisions. Implants are positioned more easily, and accuracy confirmed through intra-operative x-rays. Necessary adjustments can be made before closing the wound. The result is more precise placement, less soft-tissue trauma, faster recovery and higher patient satisfaction. To learn more, visit MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center is listed among America's Best Hospitals, Best of Orange County Hospitals, Truven Health Analytics Top 50 U.S. Cardiovascular Hospitals, American Heart Association Cardiac and Stroke Care Gold Plus and Leapfrog Group's Top A Grade for Patient Safety. Centers of Excellence include cancer, heart, pulmonary, orthopedics, spine, diabetes, neurology, neurosurgery, gastroenterology, emergency and critical care, breast health, imaging, women's health, geriatrics, and minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgery. It is a Magnet organization, the highest honor for nursing excellence. The Women's Hospital at Saddleback Medical Center offers personalized obstetrics, perinatal programs and neonatal intensive care unit. Recent U.S. News & World Report high-performance rankings include heart failure and colon cancer surgery. It is part of MemorialCare with five hospitals, 200 care locations, MemorialCare Medical Group and Greater Newport Physicians in Southern California. Visit SOURCE MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center DARMSTADT, Germany, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Not intended for UK- or US-based media ASCO Abstract # ERBITUX (cetuximab): 3521, 3534, e15711; avelumab: 9507, 9537, 9090, 9008, 8563, 3057, 4544, e21531, e13603, e18932, e21623, e21620, e21544; tepotinib (c-Met kinase inhibitor): 9082, 9016; M6620 (ATR inhibitor): 2549, e21048; M3814 (DNA-PK): 2518 M7824 (TGF- trap/anti-PD-L1): 3007, 9017, 2566; M2698 (dual p70S6k/Akt inhibitor): 2584 Two-year safety and efficacy data in mMCC for avelumab from pivotal JAVELIN Merkel 200 trial Further data reinforcing commitment to precision medicine and position of ERBITUX (cetuximab) as a standard of care in mCRC Early clinical activity in advanced NSCLC and HPV-associated cancers for investigational bifunctional immunotherapy, M7824 Encouraging interim analysis of Phase II data in NSCLC sub-population for c-Met inhibitor, tepotinib Record number of abstracts accepted across oncology, immuno-oncology and DNA Damage Response (DDR) Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced new data from a number of high priority clinical development programs across its oncology portfolio to be presented at this year's American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO), June 1-5, 2018, Chicago. Abstracts representing seven therapeutic agents and eight tumor types will highlight Merck's position as a key emerging player in oncology. "This year's data at ASCO demonstrate the potential of our pipeline to really deliver transformative advancements in cancer care," said Luciano Rossetti, Executive Vice President, Head of Global Research & Development at the biopharma business of Merck. "With our strong commitment and focus on the areas we believe in most, Merck's oncology and immuno-oncology pipeline is demonstrating significant potential in the near term with our later-stage priority programs and, in parallel, our early pipeline includes truly innovative programs that could make a real difference for patients." Data for the legacy brand ERBITUX continue to build on Merck's heritage in oncology reinforcing its role as a standard of care in RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), the standard of care in first-line recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN), and a standard of care for patients with locally advanced SCCHN (LA SCCHN), who may not be able to tolerate cisplatin-based regimens in full. New data for avelumab* (BAVENCIO), which is being jointly developed and commercialized with Pfizer, include an oral presentation on two-year results from the pivotal JAVELIN Merkel 200 trial. These long-term results include data on avelumab's duration of response and represent the first study to report long-term survival data for an immunotherapy in metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma (mMCC). The company will also present further evidence for M7824, an investigational TGF- trap/anti-PD-L1 bi-functional immunotherapy fusion protein, from expansion cohorts of the ongoing M7824 Phase I clinical trial (NCT02517398) program. TGF-, a cytokine released by cells (including tumor cells), suppresses anti-tumor immune responses through a vast number of mechanisms leading to uninhibited tumor growth and metastasis. These data include results in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers (presented in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute) and data in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In NSCLC, signs of clinical activity were seen across PD-L1 expression levels, with an overall response rate (ORR) at the recommended Phase II dose (n=40) of 40.7% observed in PD-L1+ patients (1% PD-L1+; 68% of the all-comer population) and in patients with high PD-L1 expression (80% PD-L1+; 18% of the all-comer population), ORR was 71.4%. These data signal the potential of M7824 and provide evidence that combining a transforming growth factor- (TGF-) trap with the anti-PD-L1 mechanism in one molecule may generate anti-tumor activity in these patient groups with significant medical need. Treatment with M7824 was well tolerated in both studies and safety data were consistent with that observed in the overall Phase I clinical program. No new safety signals were identified. For tepotinib,[**] an investigational highly selective small molecule inhibitor of the c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase, new data to be presented include promising initial results from an ongoing Phase II VISION study providing further indication for the potential of tepotinib in patients living with advanced NSCLC harboring MET exon 14 skipping mutations. Alterations of the c-Met signaling pathway are found in various cancer types and correlate with aggressive tumor behavior and poor clinical prognosis. Based on investigator assessment of data from 15 patients in the study, 60% (9/15) had a confirmed partial response (PR) and 20% (3/15) had stable disease (SD). In addition, independent assessment of 13 patients demonstrated treatment with tepotinib led to a confirmed PR in 46.2% (6/13) and SD in 7.7% (1/13) of patients. In this study, the safety data are consistent with that observed in previous studies and confirm that treatment with tepotinib is well tolerated; no new safety signals were identified. Tepotinib is an important part of Merck's strategic focus on precision medicines and these results reinforce the company's progress in delivering treatments to those patients more likely to benefit, in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. Both M7824 and tepotinib were discovered in-house at Merck. Further pipeline updates include Phase I dose escalation data for the investigational DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) inhibitor M3814, Phase I triplet therapy with ATR-inhibitor, M6620 +veliparib+cisplatin in advanced solid tumors, and Phase I data for M2698, a potent and selective dual inhibitor of p70S6K and AKT1/3 in the PAM pathway (PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway). The PAM pathway regulates cell survival and growth and this pathway often displays unusual activity in many human cancers. *Avelumab is under clinical investigation for treatment of NSCLC, mUC and mesothelioma and has not been demonstrated to be safe and effective for these indications. There is no guarantee that avelumab will be approved for NSCLC, mUC and mesothelioma by any health authority worldwide. **Tepotinib is the recommended International Nonproprietary Name (INN) for the c-Met kinase inhibitor (MSC2156119J). Tepotinib is currently under clinical investigation and not approved for any use anywhere in the world. Tepotinib, M7824, M3814, M2698 and M6620 are under clinical investigation and have not been proven to be safe and effective. There is no guarantee any product will be approved in the sought-after indication by any health authority worldwide. Notes to Editors Accepted Merck-supported key abstracts slated for presentation are listed below. In addition, a number of investigator-sponsored studies have been accepted (not listed). Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location Erbitux (cetuximab) Poster Sessions Impact of primary tumor side on outcomes of every-2-weeks (q2w) cetuximab + first-line FOLFOX or FOLFIRI in patients with RAS wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in the phase 2 APEC trial. Timothy Jay Price, MBBS, FRACP, D.H.Sc 3534 Sun, Jun 03, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Final overall survival (OS) analysis of first-line (1L) FOLFOX-4 plus or minus cetuximab (cet) in patients (pts) with RAS wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in the phase 3 TAILOR trial. Shukui Qin, MD, BA 3521 Sun, Jun 03, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Publication Cost-effectiveness (CE) of FOLFIRI (F) + cetuximab vs F + bevacizumab in the first-line treatment of RAS wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in Germany: data from the FIRE-3 (AIO KRK-0306) study Stintzing S, van Oostrum I, Pescott CP, et al. e15711 Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location Avelumab Oral Presentations Two-year efficacy and safety update from JAVELIN Merkel 200 part A: A registrational study of avelumab in metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma progressed on chemotherapy. Paul Nghiem, MD, PhD 9507 Mon, Jun 04, 10:12 AM - 10:24 AM Arie Crown Theater Avelumab (anti-PD-L1) in combination with crizotinib or lorlatinib in patients with previously treated advanced NSCLC: Phase 1b results from JAVELIN Lung 101. Alice Tsang Shaw, MD, PhD 9008 Fri, Jun 01, 4:30 PM - 4:42 PM Hall D1 Poster Sessions Avelumab (anti-PD-L1) in patients with platinum-treated advanced NSCLC: 2.5-year follow-up from the JAVELIN Solid Tumor trial. Arun Rajan, MD 9090 Sun, Jun 03, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Phase 1b study of avelumab in advanced previously treated mesothelioma: long-term follow-up from JAVELIN Solid Tumor. Raffit Hassan, MD 8563 Sun, Jun 03, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Second-line avelumab treatment of patients (pts) with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma (mMCC): Experience from a global expanded access program (EAP). John WT Walker, MD, PhD 9537 Mon, Jun 04, 1:15 PM - 4:45 PM Hall A Association of efficacy and adverse events of special interest of avelumab in the JAVELIN solid tumor and JAVELIN Merkel 200 trials. Karen Kelly, MD, FASCO 3057 Mon, Jun 04, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A SPEAR-bladder (study informing treatment pathway decision in bladder cancer): First- through third-line time to treatment failure in the US. Gurjyot K. Doshi, MD 4544 Sat, Jun 02, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Publication Avelumab in patients with previously treated metastatic melanoma: phase 1b results from the JAVELIN Solid Tumor trial Keilholz U, Mehnert J, Bauer S, et al. e21531 Characteristics, treatment patterns and safety events from 4 cohorts of advanced or metastatic cancer patients based on healthcare claims data Russo L, Esposito D, Lamy FX, et al. e13603 Healthcare resource use and expenditures among patients with Merkel cell carcinoma by level of comorbidity Kearney M, Thokagevistk K, Boutmy E, et al. e18932 Projecting long-term survival for avelumab in patients with refractory Merkel cell carcinoma Phatak H, Proskorovsky I, Lanitis T, et al. e21623 Predicting overall survival in patients (Pts) with treatment-naive metastatic Merkel Cell carcinoma (mMCC) treated with avelumab Bullement A, D'Angelo SP, Amin A, et al. e21620 A novel, open-access data commons for improved disease management in Merkel cell carcinoma patients Murphy M, Sartor O, Bertagnolli M, et al. e21544 Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location M7824 (beta-trap) Oral Presentation Safety and activity of M7824, a bifunctional fusion protein targeting PD-L1 and TGF-beta, in patients with HPV associated cancers. Julius Strauss, MD 3007 Sat, Jun 02, 5:12 PM - 5:24 PM Hall B1 Poster Discussion Results from a second-line (2L) NSCLC cohort treated with M7824 (MSB0011359C), a bifunctional fusion protein targeting TGF-beta and PD-L1. Luis G. Paz-Ares, MD, PhD 9017 Sun, Jun 03, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Arie Crown Theatre Poster Session Selection of the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) for M7824 (MSB0011359C), a bifunctional fusion protein targeting TGF-beta and PD-L1. Yulia Vugmeyster, PhD 2566 Mon, Jun 04, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location Tepotinib Poster Discussion Tepotinib in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) harboring MET exon 14-skipping mutations: Phase II trial. Enriqueta Felip, MD 9016 Sun, Jun 03, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Arie Crown Theatre Poster Session Can duration of response be used as a surrogate endpoint for overall survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer? Boris M Pfeiffer 9082 Sun, Jun 03, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location M2698 Poster Session Precision oncology: Results of a phase I study of M2698, a p70S6K/AKT targeted agent in patients with advanced cancer and tumor PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PAM) pathway abnormalities. Apostolia Maria Tsimberidou, MD, PhD 2584 Mon, Jun 04, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location M3814 Poster Discussion A phase Ia/Ib trial of the DNA-PK inhibitor M3814 in combination with radiotherapy (RT) in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors: Dose-escalation results. Baukelien Van Triest, MD, PhD 2518 Mon, Jun 04, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM S406 Title Lead Author Abstract # Presentation Date / Time (CDT) Location M6620 Poster Discussion Phase I trial of the triplet M6620 (formerly VX970) + veliparib + cisplatin in patients with advanced solid tumors. Geraldine Helen O'Sullivan Coyne, MD, PhD 2549 Mon, Jun 04, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A Publication Safety and tolerability of intravenous M6620 (VX970) administered with gemcitabine in subjects with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Plummer R, Cook N, Arkenau H-T, et al. e21048 Mon, Jun 04, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Hall A All Merck Press Releases are distributed by e-mail at the same time they become available on the Merck Website. Please go to to register online, change your selection or discontinue this service. About Avelumab Avelumab is a human anti-programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) antibody. Avelumab has been shown in preclinical models to engage both the adaptive and innate immune functions. By blocking the interaction of PD-L1 with PD-1 receptors, avelumab has been shown to release the suppression of the T cell-mediated antitumor immune response in preclinical models. Avelumab has also been shown to induce NK cell-mediated direct tumor cell lysis via antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in vitro In November 2014, Merck and Pfizer announced a strategic alliance to co-develop and co-commercialize avelumab. Approved Indications in the US The FDA granted accelerated approval for avelumab (BAVENCIO) for the treatment of (i) adults and pediatric patients 12 years and older with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma (mMCC) and (ii) patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) who have disease progression during or following platinum-containing chemotherapy, or have disease progression within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment with platinum-containing chemotherapy. These indications are approved under accelerated approval based on tumor response rate and duration of response. Continued approval for these indications may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in confirmatory trials. Important Safety Information from the US FDA Approved Label The warnings and precautions for BAVENCIO include immune-mediated adverse reactions (such as pneumonitis, hepatitis, colitis, endocrinopathies, nephritis and renal dysfunction, and other adverse reactions), infusion-related reactions and embryo-fetal toxicity. Common adverse reactions (reported in at least 20% of patients) in patients treated with BAVENCIO for mMCC and patients with locally advanced or mUC include fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, diarrhea, nausea, infusion-related reaction, peripheral edema, decreased appetite/hypophagia, urinary tract infection and rash. About Erbitux (cetuximab) Erbitux is a highly active IgG1 monoclonal antibody targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). As a monoclonal antibody, the mode of action of Erbitux is distinct from standard non-selective chemotherapy treatments in that it specifically targets and binds to the EGFR. This binding inhibits the activation of the receptor and the subsequent signal-transduction pathway, which results in reducing both the invasion of normal tissues by tumor cells and the spread of tumors to new sites. It is also believed to inhibit the ability of tumor cells to repair the damage caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels inside tumors, which appears to lead to an overall suppression of tumor growth. Erbitux also targets cytotoxic immune effector cells towards EGFR expressing tumor cells (antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, ADCC). The most commonly reported side effect with Erbitux is an acne-like skin rash. In approximately 5% of patients, hypersensitivity reactions may occur during treatment with Erbitux; about half of these reactions are severe. Erbitux has already obtained market authorization in over 100 countries world-wide for the treatment of RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer and for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Merck licensed the right to market Erbitux, a registered trademark of ImClone LLC, outside the U.S. and Canada from ImClone LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company, in 1998. About M3814 M3814 is an investigational small-molecule which is thought to inhibit DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). DNA-PK is a key enzyme for non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), an important DNA double strand break (DSB) repair pathway. Clinical studies investigating combinations of M3814 with other commonly used DNA-damaging agents such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy are underway. About M7824 M7824 is an investigational bifunctional immunotherapy that is designed to bring together a TGF- trap and 'fuse' it with the anti-PD-L1 mechanism. M7824 is designed to simultaneously block the two immunosuppressive pathways - targeting both pathways aims to control tumor growth by potentially restoring and enhancing anti-tumor responses. M7824 is currently in Phase I studies for solid tumors. About M2698 M2698 is an investigational small-molecule which is thought to inhibit p70S6K and Akt. Both targets are part of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PAM)pathway, which is often dysregulated in solid tumors. About tepotinib Tepotinib (MSC2156119J) is an investigational small-molecule inhibitor of the c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase. Alterations of the c-Met signaling pathway are found in various cancer types and it is thought to correlate with aggressive tumor behavior and poor clinical prognosis. About M6620 M6620 (previously known as VX-970) is an investigational small-molecule thought to inhibit ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR). ATR is believed to be a key sensor for DNA damage, activating the DNA damage checkpoint and leading to cell cycle arrest. Inhibition of ATR could potentially enhance the efficacy of DNA-damaging agents, but is also being investigated as a monotherapy against tumors with high levels of replication stress induced by overexpression of oncogenes. About Merck Merck is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Almost 53,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life - from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions. In 2017, Merck generated sales of 15.3 billion in 66 countries. Founded in 1668, Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company. The founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed corporate group. Merck holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the company operates as EMD Serono, MilliporeSigma and EMD Performance Materials. Contact: Gangolf Schrimpf +49-6151-72-9591 Investor relations: +49-6151-72-3321 SOURCE Merck KGaA READING, Pa., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Service has been restored to more than 45,000 Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed) customers who lost power following the damaging thunderstorms that hit the region late Monday. Currently, approximately 14,000 customers remain out of service from wind gusts approaching 70 mph, with the hardest hit areas including Stroudsburg and Easton. The restoration effort includes more than 1,500 Met-Ed linemen, electrical contractors, FirstEnergy utility personnel, damage assessors, hazard responders, forestry supervisors, and dispatchers that are on the ground. Additional resources also are en route. To handle the influx of outside workers, Met-Ed has set up a staging site in Shawnee, an area that sustained substantial damage to the electric system. The main priority for Met-Ed is making repairs to a major substation in the Shawnee area of Smithfield Township, in Monroe County, and a 34.5-kilovolt power line that connects the substation to the grid. About 17 broken poles will need to be replaced, downed wire re-strung, and cross-arms, transformers and other equipment replaced as part of this labor-intensive rebuild effort. Because this substation is in a remote area, specialized, off-road tracked vehicles are being brought in to help expedite the restoration process as a number of the downed poles are in a swampy area. Due to this significant damage, Met-Ed expects customers in the Easton area to be restored by late Friday, and customers in the Stroudsburg area to be restored by late Saturday. "Our restoration efforts continue to be challenged by the rainy conditions, which have hampered our ability to use helicopters to patrol some of the more remote damage locations," said Ed Shuttleworth, regional president of Met-Ed. "Met-Ed personnel, assisted by other FirstEnergy and contractor resources, will continue to work around the clock to safety restore service to our customers." As part of its storm restoration process, Met-Ed has taken the following steps: Ramped up storm updates on social media and on the company website. Follow Met-Ed on Twitter @Met Ed and on Facebook at Communicated with emergency management officials, state officials, regulators, and local officials about storm restoration efforts Staffed additional dispatchers and analysts at regional dispatch offices Met-Ed also is providing ice and water at three Giant Food Store locations. Customers who are without power can receive up to 2-8 lb. bags of ice and up to 3 gallons of water per household per day. Store # Address 6093 837 Male Rd, Wind Gap, Pa. 18091 6330 301 Town Center Blvd, Forks, Pa. 18040 6455 3560 Route 611, Suite 105, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18321 Met-Ed reminds customers to immediately report downed wires to their utility at 888-LIGHTSS (888-544-4877), or to their local police or fire department. Customers should never go near a downed wire even if they think it is no longer carrying electricity. Extra caution should be used in areas where downed lines are tangled in trees or other debris. After local power lines are repaired and put back in service, damage to individual customer service wires may become apparent. Customers are reminded that if their neighbor's power is on and theirs is not, the problem may be isolated to their individual service, and service to the neighbor could be fed from a different circuit. Customers are encouraged to report such problems, even at this latter stage in the restoration process. Met-Ed, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), serves approximately 560,000 customers in 15 Pennsylvania counties. Follow Met-Ed on Twitter @Met Ed and on Facebook at FirstEnergy is dedicated to safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its 10 electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate more than 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Follow FirstEnergy on Twitter @FirstEnergyCorp or online at SOURCE FirstEnergy Corp. Related Links LA PAZ, Bolivia, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Minera San Cristobal, Bolivia's most important mining company, announced that it successfully completed the entry process to the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). This admission represents a major step forward for Minera San Cristobal and the mine's parent company, Tokyo-based, Sumitomo Corporation, reaffirming the company's commitment to the global gold standards in sustainable development, ethical corporate behavior, and compliance with human rights. As Bolivia's largest mine, Minera San Cristobal includes an investment of USD$1.8 billion. As the first Bolivian mining company accepted to the ICMM, Minera San Cristobal accredits its success to the vital role their parent company, Sumitomo, has played as an investor committed to the industry's best practices. Sumitomo's corporate best practices combine cutting edge technology, investments in local workforces, and proper employee training and education as the keys to generating revenue for shareholders, while having a positive impact on local communities. Minera San Cristobal' s President, Mitsuhiro Hirano, explains, "Through the methodical operation requirements given to us by our parent Company Sumitomo, Minera San Cristobal has become Bolivia's largest and most lucrative mine for zinc, lead and silver. Our entry into ICMM reaffirms our dedication to sustainable development and ethical corporate values, which Sumitomo has instilled in us since our first day of operation. With continued guidance and support, we will keep elevating the level of our Bolivian operation to grow and flourish." Tom Butler, ICMM's Chief Executive Officer added: "I am delighted to welcome Minera San Cristobal as a new member to ICMM. MSC have shown real leadership in their environmental and social performance and have valuable experience to share with our other members. With a portfolio of South American operations and headquarters in Bolivia, Minera San Cristobal will bring additional geographical diversity to the Council." Sumitomo's guiding Business Principle, based on Japanese philosophies, encourages its employees to maintain a harmonic balance between the individual, the nation, and society, as the key to a successful operation. Finding its base in Sumitomo's ideology, Minera San Cristobal looks to lead local Bolivian and regional market standards for the mining industry, that emphasize the company's dedication to minimal environmental impact and sustainable relationships with local communities. About Sumitomo Corporation Sumitomo Corporation (Japanese: Hepburn: Sumitomo Shoji Kabushiki-gaisha) is a leading Fortune 500 global trading and business investment company with 107 locations in 65 countries and 22 locations in Japan. The entire SC Group consists of more than 900 companies and 70,000 personnel. SC conducts commodity transactions in all industries utilizing worldwide networks, provides related customers with various financing, serves as an organizer and a coordinator for various projects, and invests in companies to promote greater growth potential. SC's core business areas include Metal Products, Transportation and Construction Systems, Infrastructure, Media and ICT, Living Related and Real Estate, Mineral Resources, Energy, and Chemical and Electronics. About Minera San Cristobal Located in the province of Nor Lipez in the Department of Potosi, Minera San Cristobal is Bolivia's most important mining undertaking. The operations combine the use of state-of-the-art technology with constant trainings for employees, a strict control of industrial and occupational health and safety, environmental preservation, and social commitment to the communities. MSC aims to contribute to development of the region where it operates, the Department of Potosi and the country as a whole. SOURCE Minera San Cristobal CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Solve, an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, announced the Solver recipients of the remaining $1.5 million pool of prize funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Atlassian Foundation International. During the Solve at MIT Opening Plenary, Nicola Watkinson, General Manager, The Americas, Australian Trade and Investment Commission and Deputy Consul-General, Australian Consulate-General (New York) announced the second-round funding recipients of the DFAT Indo-Pacific Development Prize. Mark Reading, Head of Foundation, Atlassian announced the second-round funding recipients of the Atlassian "10 in 10" Prize. Last year, at the Solve at MIT meeting, both organizations announced their collective pledge of $2 million prize funding. The following second-round funding recipients will each receive a portion of the remaining $1.5 million pool of prize funding to scale their work: 40K Plus Plus Baan Dek Foundation Open Learning Exchange Raspberry Pi Foundation Ruangguru Rumie Wanji WeRobotics "We are extremely impressed by the Solver teams selected to receive the next round of fundingand thrilled to celebrate these innovators at Solve at MIT," said Mark Reading, Head of the Atlassian Foundation. "This type of collaboration is critical as Atlassian works to prepare 10 million disadvantaged youth for the workforce of the future within 10 years." "Supporting innovation is critical to the future of education in the Indo-Pacific and across the world," said Nicola Watkinson, Deputy Consul-General, Australian Consulate-General. "We are pleased to join MIT Solve and the Atlassian Foundation in spearheading this effort." "We are delighted to work with DFAT and the Atlassian Foundation over the course of the last year and grateful for their generous funding of our innovative Solver teams," said Solve's Executive Director, Alex Amouyel. "This next wave of funding will allow these Solver teams to have immense social impact at scale." About DFAT: The innovationXchange (iXc) is an initiative of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Launched in 2015, the iXc seeks to achieve impact in foreign affairs and development through the application of new tools and approaches that accelerate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Australia's Foreign Policy White Paper. By partnering with over 30 organisations, including Google, GSMA, USAID, XPRIZE, Atlassian, and now MIT Solve, the iXc has leveraged the skills, knowledge, and finance of others for development impact. These partnerships have led to a number of open innovation challenges across a wide range of themes, including the LAUNCH Food Challenge (focusing on improving nutrition), the MIKTA Education in Emergencies Challenge (continuing education in crisis situations) and the Google Impact Challenge (technology for development). More information is available at About Atlassian: Atlassian unleashes the potential of every team. Our collaboration software helps teams organize, discuss, and complete shared work. Teams at more than 112,000 customers, across large and small organizationsincluding Citigroup, eBay, Coca-Cola, Visa, BMW, and NASAuse Atlassian's project tracking, content creation and sharing, real-time communication, and service management products to work better together and deliver quality results on time. Philanthropy has always been a part of Atlassian's DNA. Back when the company was a small startup, the company's founders baked corporate philanthropy into the business model, making the conscious decision to Pledge 1%. Because of this pledge, the Atlassian Foundation International is able to set a bold goal of helping to educate 10 million disadvantaged youth in 10 years, giving them the skills they need for the workforce of the future, "10 in 10". About Solve: Solve is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that advances lasting solutions from tech entrepreneurs to address the world's most pressing problems. Solve issues four Challenges each year across its pillarsEconomic Prosperity, Health, Learning, and Sustainabilityto find the most promising Solver teams who will drive transformational change. Solve then deploys its global community of private, public, and nonprofit leaders to form partnerships these Solver teams need to scale their impact. Last year, more than 1,000 people from 103 countries submitted solutions to Solve's four Challenges. Solve's open Challenges include: (1) Work of the Future, (2) Frontlines of Health, (3) Coastal Communities, and (4) Teachers & Educators. Join the community at The Solve at MIT event program can be found here, and confirmed speakers can be found here. If you're interested in joining Solve as a member, including attending Solve at MIT, see here. PR Contact: Andrea Snyder, MIT Solve [email protected] SOURCE MIT Solve Related Links Mr. Lindenberg, who previously was the Deputy Head of Investment Banking and Head of Structured Finance, will report to Kevin Cronin , MUFG's Head of U.S. Wholesale and Investment Banking for the Americas. Mr. Lindenberg succeeds Fumitaka "Hama" Nakahama , who will return to Tokyo as Head of the Global Corporate and Investment Banking Planning division, effective July 1. "This is a well-deserved promotion for Jon," said Mr. Cronin. "With more than 30 years of experience and a strong record of accomplishment, I am confident he can successfully lead our investment bank on the next phase of its journey. "At the same, we will miss our friend, Hama, who oversaw numerous significant advances in investment banking areas such as Project Finance, Funds Finance, and Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO) warehousing during his tenure with MUFG Americas," Mr. Cronin added. "Hama has consistently demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the bank, our clients, and our colleagues. I am comforted by the fact that his considerable talents will continue to be utilized on behalf of MUFG's global franchise." MUFG also announced other moves within its Investment Banking group: Shinichi Sato , currently Deputy General Manager of MUFG's Investment Banking Credit Division in Europe , the Middle East and Africa , will relocate from London to New York to take over as Deputy Head of Investment Banking for the Americas; and , currently Deputy General Manager of MUFG's Investment Banking Credit Division in , the and , will relocate from to to take over as Deputy Head of Investment Banking for the Americas; and Erik Codrington , a Managing Director in the Structured Finance group, has been appointed Head of Structured Finance. Messrs. Lindenberg and Codrington began their new roles on May 15, 2018; Mr. Sato's new responsibilities become effective as of June 8, 2018. Under Mr. Lindenberg's leadership since 2012, the Structured Finance franchise has topped the Thomson Reuters league tables for the last nine years. Other notable achievements attained during his time as Head of Structured finance include: Placing No. 1 in Project Finance International 's rankings for Top Bond Arranger in 2017; 's rankings for Top Bond Arranger in 2017; Being selected as Global Bond House of the Year and Corporate Issuer of the Year for 2017 by Project Finance International ; and ; and Being recognized as 2017's Top Lead Arranger for clean energy and energy smart technologies financings by Bloomberg New Energy Finance for the second consecutive year, and the sixth time in the past eight years. Named Deputy Head of Investment Banking for the Americas in 2016, Mr. Lindenberg joined MUFG in 2009 after spending 18 years with Citigroup. He earned a B.S. in Economics, with high distinction, from Indiana University; and has an MBA, with highest honors, from the University of Michigan's Graduate School of Business. Mr. Sato has worked in a number of corporate and investment banking areas, and in several securities businesses including securitization, aviation, and debt research over the course of his 24-year career at MUFG. He received a Master's degree in Finance with a concentration in Financial Engineering from London Business School, and earned an MBA with distinction from the University of Oxford. Mr. Codrington has more than 25 years of experience in financing large-scale energy and infrastructure projects throughout the Americas, including advisory, debt capital markets, and syndicated loans. Mr. Codrington joined MUFG in 2011 after working at Citigroup and JPMorgan; he also served four years as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He is a graduate of Cornell University, and earned an MBA from The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Both Messrs. Sato and Codrington will report to Mr. Lindenberg. About MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation Headquartered in New York, MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation is a financial holding company, bank holding company and intermediate holding company with total assets of $157.3 billion at March 31, 2018. Its main subsidiaries are MUFG Union Bank, N.A. and MUFG Securities Americas Inc. MUFG Union Bank, N.A. provides an array of financial services to individuals, small businesses, middle-market companies, and major corporations. As of March 31, 2018, MUFG Union Bank, N.A. operated 355 branches, comprised primarily of retail banking branches in the West Coast states, along with commercial branches in Texas, Illinois, New York and Georgia, as well as 21 PurePoint Financial Centers and one international office. MUFG Securities Americas Inc. is a registered securities broker-dealer which engages in capital markets origination transactions, private placements, collateralized financings, securities borrowing and lending transactions, and domestic and foreign debt and equities securities transactions. MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation is owned by MUFG Bank, Ltd. and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. MUFG Bank, Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., which is one of the world's leading financial groups. Visit or for more information. About MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world's leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with over 1,800 locations in more than 50 countries. The Group has over 150,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing. The Group aims to "be the world's most trusted financial group" through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all of the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG's shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. For more information, visit On April 1, 2018 the name of MUFG's commercial bank changed from "The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd." to "MUFG Bank, Ltd." Many of the bank's overseas subsidiaries followed suit on the same day, but branches and subsidiaries in some countries will carry out the name change at a later date. MUFG's New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol has also changed to "MUFG." For more information regarding overseas subsidiaries, visit SOURCE MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation Related Links VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Campers frustrated by sold-out campsites have a new ally in Campnab. Developed by two Vancouver-based campers, the app monitors campgrounds for cancellations. It then notifies users of availabilities, via text message. The app promises to get nature-lovers into the great outdoors, this summer. Campnab creator Eric Shelkie works on the Campnab app, while out camping with his family. Online campsite booking systems are problematic. Savvy campers reserve spots many months in advance. This leaves others unable to find a campsite, spoiling their summer plans. Eric Shelkie (Campnab's creator) experienced this frustration first-hand. He had recently bought a campervan but found himself unable to book a campsite. Shelkie's ah-ha moment came while watching his wife repeatedly hit the refresh button on a campground booking website. He explains, "It took a while, but, a spot did open up. I started to wonder how often this happened." Shelkie then programmed an application to automatically watch for new vacancies. Soon, he found himself bombarded by more openings than he could use. So, he asked friend, and designer, Eric Karjaluoto whether they should "make it pretty" and open it up to the public. Within days, they made Campnab ( available to B.C. residents. Shortly thereafter they did the same for campers in Ontario. "What we found was eye-opening. In those 2 provinces, up to 4,000 new campsites opened up, every day. I suspect most don't realize how many cancellations there are, so, they give up on lookingand those spots potentially go unused." Through the app, campers note when, where, and how long they want to camp. They also provide their mobile phone number and select a payment option. Campnab then continually scans that park for cancellations. If a suitable spot comes available, the app sends a notification via text message. From there, it's up to the camper to book his/her spot. Campers access the service in two ways. Infrequent campers can use the pay-per-use option. This costs $10 $20 to track a single location, date, and duration. Regular campers may opt for memberships ($5 $15/month), which allow them to monitor more campgrounds, at a lower price. Although Campnab is still in its infancy, users are enthusiastic about the service. Campnab member Christine Muzsik remarks, "I love Campnab! I'm booked up for most of the weekends in July and Augusthalf of which I found through Campnab." Besides BC and Ontario parks, Campnab now scans parks in Washington State, California, and Oregon. It also scans Canadian National Parks, and many parks and recreation sites across the United States. About Campnab Campnab ( is a side-project by smashLAB ( (tiny) Vancouver-based design studio. Available downloads/information For more information, please contact: Eric Karjaluoto Campnab 604 683 2250 [email protected] Related Files Related Images eric-shelkie-camping-and-coding.jpg Eric Shelkie camping and coding Campnab creator Eric Shelkie works on the Campnab app, while out camping with his family. enjoying-the-fruits-of-his-labors.jpg Enjoying the fruits of his labors Eric Shelkie and his family enjoy a weekend of camping, made possible through the campsite notifications app he created. more-people-around-campfires.jpg More people around campfires Campnab's mission is to help people discover natureand share moments with friends around a bustling campfire (s'mores optional). canoeing-at-agonquin-park.jpg Canoeing at Agonquin Park The creators of Campnab are frequently hiking, biking, and canoeing in Canada's spectacular parks. Related Links Campnab About Campnab SOURCE Campnab Related Links TSX-V: NDR VANCOUVER, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - New Dimension Resources Ltd. (TSXV: NDR) (the "Company" or "New Dimension") is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Cameron McLean as Vice President Exploration. Mr. McLean is a professional geologist with over 20 years of exploration and management experience, having worked on numerous projects within Canada and internationally and in a wide range of commodities. Mr. McLean is a graduate of the University of Alberta and is a registered professional geologist with the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario. Prior to joining New Dimension, Mr. McLean led the exploration team at North American Palladium's Lac des Iles Mine in Northern Ontario. In this role, Mr. McLean and his team oversaw the conversion of over 22Mt of resources to reserves and added more than 10Mt of new resources to Lac des Iles' mineral inventory. Previously, Mr. McLean has also led successful teams exploring for gold, silver, diamonds, uranium, REE, base metals and PGE's in Peru, Siberia, Greenland, and across Canada. Eric Roth, New Dimension's CEO, commented today: "I am delighted to be welcoming a person of Cameron's calibre to the role of VP Exploration for New Dimension. Cameron has extensive experience in both gold and base metal exploration, and his skill set will be key in assisting us with our goal of discovering high grade precious metal resources on our projects in Argentina and Canada. Cameron has already been involved, in a consulting capacity, in the planning phase of our Las Calandrias and Los Cisnes drill programs, and will therefore be able to contribute proactively from the moment we initiate these drill programs. Going forward, I look forward to keeping the market informed on progress at our key projects". On Behalf of the Board of New Dimension Resources Ltd. "Eric Roth" ___________________________ Eric Roth, Ph.D., FAusIMM President & CEO About New Dimension Resources New Dimension is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of quality mineral resource properties throughout the Americas, with a focus on precious metals. The Company's current focus is on the discovery through drilling of new high grade gold-silver resources at its 100%-owned Las Calandrias, Los Cisnes and Sierra Blanca projects, all located in the highly prospective Deseado Massif of Santa Cruz Province, southern Argentina. The Company also holds an option on the Savant Lake gold project in Ontario, together with an active JV interest (with Yamana Gold) in the Domain gold project in Manitoba. Qualified Persons and Disclosure Statement The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101, and approved by Eric Roth, the Company's President & CEO, a director and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Cautionary Notes and Forward-looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of New Dimension, including completion of the acquisition of the Santa Cruz Properties, trading of the Company's shares, the appointment of directors and officers of New Dimension, and receipt of all necessary regulatory and third-party approvals required in connection with the acquisition and the Private Placement. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that such expectations will prove to be correct. All such forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and analyses made by New Dimension in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. This information, however, is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from this forward-looking information include those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in New Dimension s most recently filed MD&A. New Dimension does not intend, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or revise the forward-looking information contained in this news release, except as required by law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release does not constitute an offer to purchase securities. The securities to be offered in the Private Placement have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the benefit or account of, a U.S. person, except pursuant to an available exemption from such registration requirements. SOURCE New Dimension Resources Ltd. Related Links LONDON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- A study of two data centres found that utilising higher temperatures resulted in energy savings of between 41% and 64%, whilst driving significant improvements in PUE A small increase in capital expenditure for additional air cooling systems, redesigned cooling coils and additional adiabatic coolers is offset by reduced energy costs Payback in terms of reduced Total Cost of Ownership is achieved over three years Energy efficiency is an issue that concerns all who are involved with the design and operation of data centres. The cooling function in general, and the operation of water chillers in particular, are large consumers of power and as such, require focused efforts to improve overall energy efficiency. Water chillers account for between 60 and 85% of overall cooling-system energy consumption. Consequently, data centres are designed, where possible, to keep usage of chillers to a minimum and to maximise the amount of available "free cooling", in which less power-hungry systems such as air coolers and cooling towers can keep the temperature of the IT space at a satisfactory level. One approach to reducing water chiller energy consumption is to design the cooling system so that a higher outlet water temperature (CHW) from the chillers can be tolerated while maintaining a sufficient cooling effort. In this way, chillers consume less energy by not having to work as hard, and the number of free cooling hours can be increased. As with any complex system, attention needs to be paid to all parts of the infrastructure, as changes in one area can have direct implications for another. A new White Paper from Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, examines the effect on overall cooling system efficiency by operating at higher chilled water temperatures. White Paper #227, "How Higher Chilled Water Temperature Can Improve Data Center Cooling System Efficiency", outlines the various strategies and techniques that can be deployed to permit satisfactory cooling at higher temperatures, whilst discussing the trade-offs that must be considered at each stage, comparing the overall effect of such strategies on two data centres operating in vastly different climates. Among the trade-offs discussed were the need to install more air-handling units inside the IT space to offset the higher water-coolant temperatures, in addition to the need for redesigned equipment such as coils, to provide adequate cooling efforts when CHW (chilled water temperature) exceeds 20C. The paper also advises the addition of adiabatic, or evaporative, cooling to further improve heat rejection efficiency. Each approach requires an additional capital investment, but results in lower long-term operating expenses due to the improved energy efficiency. White Paper 227 details two real-world examples in differing climates; the first is in a temperate region (Frankfurt, Germany) and the second in a tropical monsoon climate (Miami, Florida). In each case, data was collected to assess the energy savings that were accrued by deploying higher CHW temperatures at various increments, whilst comparing the effect of deploying additional adiabatic cooling. The study found that an increased capital expenditure of 13% in both cases resulted in energy savings of between 41% and 64%, with improvements in TCO between 12% and 16% over a three year period. Another inherent benefit of reducing the amount of energy expended on cooling is the improvement in a data centres PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) rating. As this is calculated by dividing the total amount of power consumed by a data centre by the power consumed by its IT equipment alone, any reduction in energy expended on cooling will naturally reduce the PUE figure. The Schneider Electric study found that PUE for the two data centres examined was reduced by 14% in the case of Miami and 16% in the case of Frankfurt. White Paper #227 "How Higher Chilled Water Temperature Can Improve Data Center Cooling System Efficiency" is immediately available for free download by clicking here, or visiting About the authors Paul Lin is a Senior Research Analyst at Schneider Electric's Data Center Science Center. He is responsible for data centre design and operation research and consults with clients on risk assessment and design practices to optimize the availability and efficiency of their data centre environments. He holds a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Jilin University Victor Avelar is the Director and Senior Research Analyst at Schneider Electric's Data Center Science Center. He is responsible for data centre design and operations research and consults with clients on risk assessment and design practices to optimize the availability and efficiency of their data centre environments. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from Babson College. John Bean Jr is the Director of Innovation for Racks and Cooling Solutions at Schneider Electric. Previously he was World Wide Engineering Manager for Cooling Solutions at Schneider Electric, developing several new product platforms and establishing engineering and laboratory facilities in both the USA and Denmark. Before joining APC, John was Engineering Manager for other companies involved in the development and manufacture of mission-critical cooling solutions. About Schneider Electric Schneider Electric is leading the Digital Transformation of Energy Management and Automation in Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries. With global presence in over 100 countries, Schneider is the undisputable leader in Power Management - Medium Voltage, Low Voltage and Secure Power, and in Automation Systems. We provide integrated efficiency solutions, combining energy, automation and software. In our global Ecosystem, we collaborate with the largest Partner, Integrator and Developer Community on our Open Platform to deliver real-time control and operational efficiency. We believe that great people and partners make Schneider a great company and that our commitment to Innovation, Diversity and Sustainability ensures that Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment. Discover EcoStruxure Discover Life Is On Related resources: Hashtags: #datacentre #PUE #Efficiency #Cooling #EcoStruxure Follow us on: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Google+ YouTube Instagram Blog SOURCE Schneider Electric STOCKHOLM, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The EFECT-study evaluated standard hormonal therapies for women with advanced breast cancer and DiviTum was used as a non-invasive tool for monitoring therapy response. 244 patients had blood samples analyzed with DiviTum in a collaboration between AstraZeneca, Prato Hospital, Italy, Institute Jules Bordet, Belgium, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Canada and Biovica, Sweden. DiviTum measures the activity of serum thymidine kinase (TK) activity which plays a critical role in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. The study found that serum TK is a circulating prognostic and monitoring marker in patients with advanced breast cancer treated with hormonal therapy. By evaluating levels of TK during treatment DiviTum can provide important information for treating physicians. Patients resistant to on-going hormonal therapies can be identified, enabling alternative treatment options. The ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) annual meeting taking place June 1-5 in Chicago is the largest scientific cancer congress in the world (40 thousand participants in 2017). "Endocrine therapy is the treatment of choice for patients with metastatic breast cancer expressing hormone receptors; however, as clinicians, we currently do not have tools to early identify those patients who will do good with endocrine therapy alone or may need additional treatment. The results from our work with DiviTum are exciting and confirm in a larger number of patients our previous observation that this assay may indeed help clinicians in this hard task. DiviTum will certainly become a very useful tool for the development of innovative clinical trials in this field, and ultimately for clinical practice," says Dr Luca Malorni, MD, PhD, Prato Hospital, Italy. "These results reinforce what we have seen in previous studies, proving that DiviTum can provide clinically relevant information highly beneficial for women with advanced breast cancer on hormonal therapy," says Anders Rylander, CEO Biovica and continues,"We are convinced that bringing products like DiviTum to the market will contribute to bringing the best possible treatment for cancer patients." Malorni L et al, ASCO Annual Meeting 2018; abstract #12031 CONTACT: Anders Rylander, CEO Biovica. Phone: +46(0)18-444-48-35, E-mail: [email protected] This information was brought to you by Cision,c2522938 The following files are available for download: PDF,c2411683 Biovica Imagebank Newsimages Q4A0171 Color Alt Shade SOURCE Biovica International AB ARLINGTON, Va., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- An unprecedented survey, that examines how managers, human resources (HR) professionals, and employees feel about hiring individuals with criminal records was released today. Among the groupings, 74 percent of managers and 84 percent of HR professionals nationwide said they were willing or open to hiring individuals with a criminal record. Across all groups surveyed, over 80 percent said they were willing and open to working with individuals with criminal records. Only a small minority were unwilling to make the hire or work alongside these individuals. "Workplaces are transforming quickly, and talent strategies must evolve along with them," said Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, president and chief executive officer of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). "Organizations can no longer grow without tapping into the reservoirs of potential talent hidden in our communities. In many industries, accessing human capital is now harder than accessing financial capital, so it is a mistake to exclude vetted, qualified candidates because of their source." The survey was conducted by SHRM and the Charles Koch Institute (CKI) to better understand how people in the business community viewed hiring those with criminal records. Securing employment is a vital rung in the ladder of opportunity and essential to ensuring the success of individuals with a criminal record. Stable employment prevents these individuals from reoffending, making it a critical factor in reducing the recidivism rate. Business executives, HR professionals, and other employees can help break these individuals out of this cycle by considering this source of untapped talent for open roles and encouraging others to do the same. "The key to reducing recidivism and improving public safety is finding employment for people. If individuals with a criminal record can be considered for employment based on their talent and skills, the benefits for the businessand societyare far-reaching," says Vikrant Reddy, senior research fellow at CKI. "HR professionals are well positioned to provide counsel and generate a tailored set of best practice principles that will benefit both the business and the individuals seeking a second chance." Many managers and HR professionals are willing to hire and work alongside individuals with a criminal record. When participants were asked how willing their coworkers would be to work with individuals with a criminal record 84 percent of managers were either neutral, willing, or very willing, while 88 percent of HR professionals said the same. When asked how willing or unwilling they were to hire individuals with a criminal record, about two-thirds of managers and HR professionals said they were either neutral or willing to make the hire. However, when asked about how willing or unwilling their coworkers were to hire those with criminal records, 36 percent of managers said willing or very willing, and 26 percent of HR professionals said the same. Organizations have varied practices and approaches regarding communication on employing individuals with criminal records. When asked if their company or organization's HR department communicated its policy, approach, or perspective on hiring individuals with criminal records: Forty-three percent of HR professionals said yes, 43 percent said no, and 14 percent said they were not sure. Thirty-six percent of managers said their policy was communicated to employees. When asked if their company or organization's senior leadership communicated to employees its policy, approach, or perspective on hiring individuals with criminal records, only 33 percent of HR professionals said leadership had communicated a policy. When asked if their company or organization had a formal or informal policy regarding hiring individuals with a criminal record: Thirty-two percent of HR professionals said they had a formal policy. An equal number of HR managers said that they did not have a formal or informal policy. Forty-two percent of managers thought their company did have a formal policy while 51 percent of non-managers were "not sure" whether their company had a policy, either formal or informal. However, there is a discrepancy among managers and non-managers surrounding the benefits and barriers around those hires. When asked if the company or organization where they work had hired individuals with criminal records, 66 percent of HR professionals said their organization or company had done so, while 39 percent of managers, and 17 percent of non-managers said the same. When asked what the specific concerns that companies or organizations could have about hiring those with criminal records, managers felt the biggest barrier to hiring those with criminal records are how customers would react, with legal liability being a close second. Yet HR professionals and non-manager employees appear to be much more worried about legal liability than managers. There is disagreement between managers and non-managers about the reasons companies choose to hire those with criminal records: While 50 percent of managers say that hiring the best candidate for the job regardless of criminal history is "very much" a factor only 20 percent of non-managers agree. While about 44 percent of managers believe that making the community a better place and giving individuals a second chance are important factors, 21 percent of non-managers agree that making the community a better place is very important and 30 percent of non-managers agree that it's very important to consider giving people a second chance as a factor in their company's process of hiring people with a criminal record. While 43 percent of non-managers believe decisionmakers are incentivized by tax rebates or other government incentives, only 27 percent of managers agree. Many organizations screen for criminal history, but a smaller group does that in the initial application. Seventy-three percent of organizations do check for criminal history during the hiring process; however, only 46 percent of organizations said they require job applicants to indicate their criminal history on the initial employment application. FOR MEDIA INQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT Trice Jacobson [email protected] 202-258-4035 Stacia Komosinski [email protected] 571-243-6987 ABOUT THE CHARLES KOCH INSTITUTE For more than five decades, Charles Koch's philanthropy has inspired bold new ideas to improve American lives. Inspired by a recognition that free people are capable of extraordinary things, the Charles Koch Institute supports education and dialogue to advance these principles and challenge convention. We work to remove barriers to opportunity for all Americans, helping individuals transform their lives. To learn more visit SURVEY METHODOLOGY SHRM and CKI surveyed four groups to better understand practices and attitudes surrounding individuals with a criminal record which included human resources professionals, executives, managers, and individual contributors. The survey data was collected in two waves: The first wave of data was collected from March 16, 2018 to March 26, 2018. The web-based survey was conducted among 15,000 SHRM members received 1,228 responses. This data reflects the thoughts and opinions of SHRM HR professionals and is unweighted. The second wave of data was collected from March 23, 2018 to March 26, 2018, by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago with the help of SSI/Research NOW, a non-probability sampling vendor that obtained 50 percent of the total complete surveys. On March 23, 2018, the data collection process was soft launched among a sub-sample of AmeriSpeak panelists. Once the initial data was collected and reviewed the rest of the panelists were invited to participate on March 26, 2018. The survey was conducted among a total of 6,738 panelists and received 2,253 responses. This data was first weighted using panel-based sampling weights and was then filtered to the external population using totals associated with age, sex, education, race/Hispanic ethnicity, housing tenure, telephone status, and Census Diction. A 4.82 percent margin of error was reported. SOURCE Charles Koch Institute Related Links (Photo: ) (Photo: ) A large majority of the participants believes in the importance of celebrities, industry experts, bloggers and opinion makers in future corporate communications (76 percent). Only 4 percent regard Influencer-PR as a descending branch. Nevertheless, only a handful of press spokesmen utilize influencers as the mouthpiece of their company's message. As such, more than half of the participants feel that their domestic Influencer-PR is either unimportant (41 percent) or completely irrelevant (13 percent). But: At least for every third participant the collaboration with opinion makers in their own presswork is important (35 percent) and in 5 percent of the cases, crucial. Source: PR-Trendmonitor 2018 Data pool: 596 professionals and managerial representatives of German press offices Method: Online survey, multiple choice Survey period: February 2018 Initiators of the survey: About news aktuell: With the help of its three strong brands ots, zimpel and studio, the dpa subsidiary news aktuell is making the communication of companies and organisations increasingly efficient and successful. The network ots provides coverage and visibility for PR content. The PR software zimpel offers premium contacts for the direct correspondence with journalists. The production service studio creates engaging content and makes company stories tangible. news aktuell has been on the market since 1989 and currently employs over 135 people. The company is based in Hamburg. Additional offices are located in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich and Dusseldorf. Press contact: news aktuell GmbH Janina von Jhering Stellvertretende Leiterin Konzernkommunikation Telefon: +49-40/4113 - 32598 vonjhering SOURCE news aktuell GmbH JUNO BEACH, Fla., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) will provide a live webcast of its 2018 annual meeting of shareholders, which begins at 8 a.m. MST (11 a.m. ET) on Thursday, May 24, 2018. Participants will be able to access the live webcast on the company's website at A replay of the NextEra Energy annual meeting webcast will be available for 90 days by accessing the same link as listed above. NextEra Energy, Inc. NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with consolidated revenues of approximately $17.2 billion, operates approximately 46,790 megawatts of net generating capacity and employs approximately 14,000 people in 33 states and Canada as of year-end 2017. Headquartered in Juno Beach, Florida, NextEra Energy's principal subsidiaries are Florida Power & Light Company, which serves approximately 5 million customer accounts in Florida and is one of the largest rate-regulated electric utilities in the United States, and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which, together with its affiliated entities, is the world's largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun. Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emissions-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power units in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa and Wisconsin. A Fortune 200 company and included in the S&P 100 index, NextEra Energy has been recognized often by third parties for its efforts in sustainability, corporate responsibility, ethics and compliance, and diversity, and has been ranked No. 1 in the electric and gas utilities industry in Fortune's 2018 list of "World's Most Admired Companies." For more information about NextEra Energy companies, visit these websites:,, SOURCE NextEra Energy, Inc. Related Links EAST HANOVER, N.J., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Novartis will present data from across its oncology portfolio at the upcoming 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to be held June 1-5 in Chicago; and the 23rd Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association (EHA), scheduled for June 14-17 in Stockholm. With studies highlighting more than 25 compounds investigated in a range of disease areas including breast, renal cell and lung cancers, leukemias and other blood disorders, and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), the 84 abstracts that are part of the ASCO and EHA scientific programs illustrate the breadth and depth of Novartis' work in oncology. "Novartis is improving the lives of people with cancer through a relentless commitment to scientific innovation," said Liz Barrett, CEO, Novartis Oncology. "Whether examining investigational treatment combinations, investigating treatment options that may redefine treatment goals of diseases like CML, or demonstrating the value of our therapies through real-world studies, Novartis continues to push boundaries as we reimagine cancer." Novartis data at the 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting will highlight the following: New data evaluating Kisqali (ribociclib)* in broad range of patients with hormone receptor positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 negative (HR+/HER2) advanced breast cancer and additional update on investigational treatment, BYL719 (alpelisib): Ribociclib (RIB) + fulvestrant (FUL) in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2) advanced breast cancer (ABC): Results from MONALEESA-3 [Abstract #1000; Sunday, June 3 , 8:00 AM CDT ] , ] Ribociclib (RIBO) + letrozole (LET) in patients (pts) with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2) advanced breast cancer (ABC) with no prior endocrine therapy (ET) for ABC: Preliminary results from the phase 3b CompLEEment-1 trial [Abstract #1056; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] CompLEEment-1 trial [Abstract #1056; , ] Ribociclib (RIB) + tamoxifen (TAM) or a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (NSAI) in premenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2-) advanced breast cancer (ABC) who received prior chemotherapy (CT): MONALEESA-7 subgroup analysis [Abstract #1047; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] , ] First-line ribociclib (RIB) + letrozole (LET) in hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative (HER2) advanced breast cancer (ABC): MONALEESA-2 biomarker analyses [Abstract #1022; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] , ] BYLieve: A phase II study of alpelisib (ALP) with fulvestrant (FUL) or letrozole (LET) for treatment of PIK3CA mutant, hormone receptor-positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2) advanced breast cancer (aBC) progressing on/after cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6i) therapy [Abstract #TPS1107; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] Data evaluating real-world effectiveness and safety outcomes of first-line Votrient (pazopanib) in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Prospective, multinational, observational study of real-world treatment outcomes with pazopanib in patients with advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma (PRINCIPAL Study) [Abstract #4574; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] , ] Comparison of clinical outcomes with first-line pazopanib in clinical trial eligible and non-clinical trial eligible patients with renal cell carcinoma [Abstract #4561; Saturday, June 2 , 8:00 AM CDT ] New analyses of ENESTop and ENESTfreedom evaluating Treatment-free Remission (TFR) at 144-week follow-up after Tasigna (nilotinib) treatment discontinuation in eligible adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia in the chronic phase (Ph+ CML-CP): Long-term treatment-free remission (TFR) in patients (pts) with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP) after stopping second-line (2L) nilotinib: ENESTop 144-week results [Abstract #7003; Saturday, June 2 , 4:00 PM CDT ] , ] Long-term treatment-free remission (TFR) following frontline (1L) nilotinib in patients (pts) with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP): ENESTfreedom 144-wk results [Abstract #7063; Monday, June 4 , 8:00 AM CDT ] Additional data presented at ASCO include: Trametinib in pediatric patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1)associated plexiform neurofibroma: A phase I/IIa study [Abstract #10504; Saturday, June 2 , 4:12 PM CDT ] , ] Dabrafenib in pediatric patients with BRAF V600positive high-grade glioma (HGG) [Abstract #10505; Saturday, June 2 , 4:24 PM CDT ] , ] Efficacy and safety results from a phase I/IIa study of dabrafenib in pediatric patients with BRAF V600mutant relapsed refractory low-grade glioma [Abstract #10506; Saturday, June 2 , 4:36 PM CDT ] , ] Phase I/II study of spartalizumab (PDR001), an anti-PD1 mAb, in patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer [Abstract #6024; Saturday, June 2 , 1:15 PM CDT ] , ] Phase I/II study of LAG525 spartalizumab (PDR001) in patients (pts) with advanced malignancies [Abstract #3012; Monday, June 4 , 8:00 AM CDT ] , ] A phase I study of LXH254 in patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors harboring MAPK pathway alterations [Abstract #2586; Monday, June 4 , 8:00 AM CDT ] Sandoz, a Novartis division and the pioneer and global leader in biosimilars will present data for the company's filgrastim biosimilar: Comparison of efficacy and safety of biosimilar filgrastim in a randomized clinical trial (PIONEER) and real-world practice (MONITOR-GCSF) [Abstract #111; Monday, June 4 , 10:21 AM CDT ] Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company and leader in nuclear medicine theragnostics, will present an update on outcomes from the NETTER-1 study evaluating Lutathera (lutetium Lu 177 dotatate) in patients with progressive midgut neuroendocrine tumors: First update on overall survival, progression-free survival, and health-related time-to-deterioration quality of life from the NETTER-1 study: 177Lu-Dotatate vs. high dose octreotide in progressive midgut neuroendocrine tumors [Abstract #4099; Sunday, June 3 , 8:00 AM CDT ] Novartis data at the 2018 EHA Annual Congress will highlight the following: Updates on outcomes with Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel) in adult relapsed or refractory (r/r) patients with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and patient-reported quality of life in pediatric and young adult patients with r/r B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL)**: An updated analysis of JULIET, a global pivotal phase 2 trial of tisagenlecleucel in adult patients with relapsed or refractory (r/r) diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) [Abstract #S799; Saturday, June 16 , 11:30 AM CEST ] , ] Outcomes of young adult patients ( 18-25 years) with relapsed/refractory (r/r) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) following treatment with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy [Abstract #S1565; Sunday, June 17 , 8:00 AM CEST ] , ] Improvement of patient-reported quality of life following tisagenlecleucel infusion in pediatric and young adult patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia [Abstract #PF181; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] , ] Initial experience in US commercial manufacturing of tisagenlecleucel, a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy for pediatric relapsed/refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia [Abstract #PS1156; Saturday, June 16 , 5:30 PM CEST ] New data evaluating Jakavi (ruxolitinib)*** for patients with myelofibrosis, including those with early stage disease, and patients with polycythemia vera who are resistant to or intolerant of hydroxyurea: Comparison of ruxolitinib and real-world best available therapy in terms of overall survival and thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera who are resistant or intolerant to hydroxyurea [Abstract #PF628; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] , ] Safety and efficacy of ruxolitinib (RUX) in patients (pts) with DIPSS low-risk myelofibrosis (MF) in the phase 3B expanded-access JUMP study [Abstract #PF623; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] expanded-access JUMP study [Abstract #PF623; , ] Predictors of response to ruxolitinib (RUX) in patients (pts) with myelofibrosis (MF) in the phase 3B expanded-access JUMP study [Abstract #PF616; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] expanded-access JUMP study [Abstract #PF616; , ] Results from 48-week follow-up of the EXPAND study: a phase 1b , open-label, dose-finding study of ruxolitinib in patients with myelofibrosis and low platelet counts (50-99 109/L) at baseline [Abstract #PF611; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] Further analyses of ENESTop and ENESTfreedom evaluating TFR at 144-week follow-up after Tasigna (nilotinib) treatment discontinuation in eligible adult patients with Ph+ CML-CP: Long-term treatment-free remission (TFR) following second-line (2L) nilotinib (NIL) in patients (pts) with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP): ENESTop 144-wk results [Abstract #PF377; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] , ] Long-term treatment-free remission (TFR) in patients (pts) with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP) following frontline (1L) nilotinib (NIL): Results from ENESTfreedom [Abstract #PF368; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] Safety analysis of the SUSTAIN study evaluating crizanlizumab in patients with sickle cell disease: Crizanlizumab treatment is not associated with the development of proteinuria and hematuria in patients with sickle cell disease: A safety analysis from the SUSTAIN study [Abstract #PF712; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] New data evaluating Revolade/Promacta (eltrombopag)**** in patients with either persistent or chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): Eltrombopag treatment improved platelet counts in patients with persistent or chronic immune thrombocytopenia: Efficacy and safety results from the Phase III EXTEND study and a Phase IV study [Abstract #PF671; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] Interim results from the ITP World Impact Survey (I-WISh) about the burden of disease and impact of ITP on patient quality of life and productivity: The burden of disease and impact of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) on patient quality of life and productivity: Results from the ITP World Impact Survey (I-WISh) [Abstract #PF654; Friday, June 15 , 5:30 PM CEST ] Throughout the 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting and EHA Annual Congress, Novartis will host dedicated content on that will feature unique insights and perspectives on emerging areas of cancer care and research. Product Information Approved indications for products vary by country and not all indications are available in every country. The product safety and efficacy profiles have not yet been established outside the approved indications. Because of the uncertainty of clinical trials, there is no guarantee that compounds will become commercially available with additional indications. For full prescribing information, including approved indications and important safety information about marketed products, please visit For Lutathera full prescribing information, including approved indications and important safety, please visit Alpelisib (BYL719), LAG525, spartalizumab (PDR001), LXH254 and crizanlizumab (SEG101) are investigational compounds. Efficacy and safety have not been established. There is no guarantee these compounds will become commercially available. Disclaimer This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by words such as "potential," "can," "will," "plan," "expect," "anticipate," "look forward," "believe," "committed," "investigational," "pipeline," "launch," or similar terms, or by express or implied discussions regarding potential marketing approvals, new indications or labeling for the investigational or approved products described in this press release, or regarding potential future revenues from such products. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current beliefs and expectations regarding future events, and are subject to significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. There can be no guarantee that the investigational or approved products described in this press release will be submitted or approved for sale or for any additional indications or labeling in any market, or at any particular time. Nor can there be any guarantee that such products will be commercially successful in the future. In particular, our expectations regarding such products could be affected by, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including clinical trial results and additional analysis of existing clinical data; regulatory actions or delays or government regulation generally; global trends toward health care cost containment, including government, payor and general public pricing and reimbursement pressures; our ability to obtain or maintain proprietary intellectual property protection; the particular prescribing preferences of physicians and patients; general political and economic conditions; safety, quality or manufacturing issues; potential or actual data security and data privacy breaches, or disruptions of our information technology systems, and other risks and factors referred to in Novartis AG's current Form 20-F on file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Novartis is providing the information in this press release as of this date and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. About Novartis Located in East Hanover, NJ Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation is an affiliate of Novartis which provides innovative healthcare solutions that address the evolving needs of patients and societies. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis offers a diversified portfolio to best meet these needs: innovative medicines, cost-saving generic and biosimilar pharmaceuticals and eye care. Novartis has leading positions globally in each of these areas. In 2017, the Group achieved net sales of USD 49.1 billion, while R&D throughout the Group amounted to approximately USD 9.0 billion. Novartis Group companies employ approximately 124,000 full-time-equivalent associates. Novartis products are sold in approximately 155 countries around the world. For more information, please visit Novartis is on Twitter. Sign up to follow @Novartis at For Novartis multimedia content, please visit For questions about the site or required registration, please contact [email protected] * Kisqali was developed by the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) under a research collaboration with Astex Pharmaceuticals. ** Novartis and the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine (Penn) have a global collaboration to research, develop and commercialize chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) therapies for the investigational treatment of cancers. *** Jakavi is a registered trademark of Novartis AG in countries outside the United States. Jakafi is a registered trademark of Incyte Corporation. Novartis licensed ruxolitinib from Incyte Corporation for development and commercialization outside the United States. **** Marketed as Promacta in the United States and as Revolade outside the United States. Novartis Media Relations Central media line: +41 61 324 2200 E-mail: [email protected] Eric Althoff Mary Curtin Creaser Novartis Global Media Relations Novartis Oncology Communications +41 61 324 7999 (direct) +1 862 778 2550 (direct) +41 79 593 4202 (mobile) +1 862 345 4102 (mobile) [email protected] [email protected] Michelle Bauman Sandoz Global Biopharma Communications +1 973 714 8043 (mobile) [email protected] Novartis Investor Relations Central investor relations line: +41 61 324 7944 E-mail: [email protected] Central North America Samir Shah +41 61 324 7944 Richard Pulik +1 212 830 2448 Pierre-Michel Bringer +41 61 324 1065 Cory Twining +1 212 830 2417 Thomas Hungerbuehler +41 61 324 8425 Isabella Zinck +41 61 324 7188 SOURCE Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Related Links WASHINGTON, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- At its May 2018 meeting, the Board of Directors of the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) elected Ms. Eriny Hanna and Mr. Thomas Wickham to seats on the Board. Terms of service begin July 1, 2018. Eriny Hanna is a second-year student at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Ms. Hanna graduated Magna Cum Laude from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Neuroscience and minors in Biology and Psychology. She is the recipient of several merit-based scholarships that provide her with full medical school tuition, and she currently serves as Treasurer of the American Medical Women's Association at Vanderbilt. Other leadership roles include membership on the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Curriculum Committee and serving as a student representative on the BioVU Community Advisory Board, part of the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. As an undergraduate, Ms. Hanna was Editor-At-Large of the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal. Thomas Wickham is a second-year student at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Maine. Mr. Wickham earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Science and a Masters of Public Health Degree in Urban Health from Northeastern University Bouve College of Health Sciences in Boston. He is President of the Student Government Association at the University of New England and served as Vice President of the University's chapter of the American Medical Student Association. Mr. Wickham also is a member of the Maine Osteopathic Association Board of Directors and has served in laboratories at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He has presented at the American Federation of Medical Research and has been published in Stroke and the Journal of Investigative Medicine. "Student directors are essential members of our Board," said NRMP Board Chair Dr. Susan Guralnick. "Ms. Hanna and Mr. Wickham were selected from a large group of qualified and accomplished nominees, and we look forward to their contributions to the Board. We are especially delighted that our partnership with the osteopathic community continues to grow with election of Mr. Wickham as the first osteopathic student to hold a director position." Ms. Hanna and Mr. Wickham replace Ms. Jennifer Bai and Mr. Kipp Johnson. Ms. Bai will graduate from the University of Maryland School of Medicine this month and transition to residency in the Plastic Surgery program at Northwestern/McGaw on July 1. Mr. Johnson is an M.D./Ph.D. candidate at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. About NRMP The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), or The Match, is a private, non-profit organization established in 1952 at the request of medical students to provide an orderly and fair mechanism for matching the preferences of applicants for U.S. residency positions with the preferences of residency program directors. In addition to the annual Main Residency Match for more than 42,000 registrants, the NRMP conducts Fellowship Matches for more than 60 subspecialties through its Specialties Matching Service (SMS). Contact: Laurie Curtin 202-618-3884 [email protected] SOURCE National Resident Matching Program Related Links JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- OnDefend has joined BDO Alliance USA, a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms with similar client service goals. As an independent member of the BDO Alliance USA, OnDefend can provide access to strategic relationships, marketing and resources by drawing on the capabilities of BDO USA, LLP, one of the nation's leading professional services firms, and other Alliance members. Coppola Public Relations "We believe the professionals of OnDefend share BDO's commitment to exemplary client service and we want to welcome them into the BDO Alliance USA," said Michael Horwitz, BDO USA, LLP partner and executive director of Alliance Services. On May 7, OnDefend attended the 2018 BDO Alliance USA Conference where they were introduced for the first time to national Alliance members as well as to the national BDO USA team. Primarily known for enterprise cybersecurity testing and compliance consulting, OnDefend officially unveiled CyberSURE at the conference. CyberSURE is the company's new cybersecurity solution for midsize and smaller businesses that previously had no affordable or viable option to become cyber secure. A proprietary user-led software solution, CyberSURE is a plug-and-play security platform that assesses a company's real-time cyber risks, assigns a Cyber Score, lists recommendations and provides tools and support to secure the company. Once the client's Cyber Score improves, they receive a Cyber Secure Certificate to certify they are safe to do business with. CyberSURE clients also have access to a discounted cyber insurance policy to cover issues related to attacks and hacks. The software is easy to use and comes with additional support and services provided by OnDefend. "CyberSURE is a first of its kind solution giving local and regional companies an affordable way to visualize their current cybersecurity risks as well as the tools to become cyber secure," said OnDefend Cofounder Ben Fink. "CyberSURE will help these companies meet the goal of securing and protecting their company from threats while giving them an easy way to ensure a cyber-safe future." CyberSURE will initially be available to select strategic relationships, such as the BDO Alliance USA. "We are excited to expand our relationship with BDO USA," said OnDefend Cofounder Chris Freedman. "Being a trusted Alliance member allows opportunities to work even more closely in collaboration with BDO USA and its Alliance members across the country." Before joining the Alliance, OnDefend was known to BDO USA as a national provider of preventative cybersecurity testing services to help corporations prepare for and prevent cyber breaches, as well as compliance consulting for national regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA/HITECH and others. OnDefend and BDO USA then began to interact through various strategic opportunities which led to OnDefend being invited to join the BDO Alliance USA. About OnDefend OnDefend, based in North Florida, is a national provider of cyber security testing and compliance consulting services and solutions, with clients ranging from Fortune 500 to regional corporations. Led by co-founders Chris Freedman, Ben Finke and Billy Steeghs and with a combined 40 years of applied experience, the firm has created proven security solutions to defend clients against continually evolving and persistent cyber adversaries. Having combined several cybersecurity and IT firms with seasoned executives and a global team of highly skilled security professionals, OnDefend is quickly becoming a global leader in the information security industry. About the BDO Alliance USA The BDO Alliance USA is a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms with similar client service goals. The BDO Alliance USA presents an opportunity for these firms, by accessing the resources of BDO USA, LLP and other Alliance members, to expand services to their clients without jeopardizing their existing relationships or their autonomy. The BDO Alliance USA was developed to provide Member firms with an alternative strategy for gaining competitive advantage in the face of a changing business landscape. The Alliance represents an opportunity for BDO to enhance relationships with reputable firms that share a mutual business understanding. The BDO Alliance USA is a subsidiary of BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. About BDO BDO is the brand name for BDO USA, LLP, a U.S. professional services firm providing assurance, tax, advisory and consulting services to a wide range of publicly traded and privately held companies. For more than 100 years, BDO has provided quality service through the active involvement of experienced and committed professionals. The firm serves clients through more than 60 offices and over 550 independent alliance firm locations nationwide. As an independent Member Firm of BDO International Limited, BDO serves multi-national clients through a global network of 1,500 offices in 162 countries. BDO USA, LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, is the U.S. member of BDO International Limited, a U.K. company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms. For more information, please visit Related Images ondefend-named-to-bdo-alliance.jpg OnDefend Named to BDO Alliance cybersure-for-mid-and-small-sized.jpg CyberSURE for mid- and small-sized businesses. Related Links SOURCE OnDefend Related Links For Parata, SCPC membership provides the opportunity to reinvest profits into the greater good of the long-term care (LTC) pharmacy space and contributes to Parata's ongoing commitment to listen to and address their customers' concerns. "Our customers introduced us to the idea of a partnership with SCPC," said Mark Longley, Parata's EVP, Sales and Business Development. "We have an obligation to stay informed about issues in LTC and help any way we can. Our research proved this to be an easy decision to make. It's a win for all involved." SCPC's member companies own and operate around 350 LTC pharmacies across the US, serving about 750,000 patients in skilled nursing and assisted living facilities each day. Pharmacies serving these populations have their own challenges Parata's technology aims to solve. Parata's sponsorship underscores the company's support for LTC pharmacies and the unique challenges the industry faces. "Parata exists because we know empowering pharmacists helps patients experience better outcomes," said Parata CEO DJ Dougherty. "Partnering with an industry advocate like SCPC helps us give our customers a voice, empowering them to do what's right for the pharmacy and the patient. We think of it as another way to serve our community." As a Bronze Business Partner, Parata will participate in the SCPC Annual Meeting and Business Partners Summit Meeting in July of this year. MEDIA CHANNELS: Parata Facebook Page: Parata Twitter Account: Parata YouTube Page: Parata LinkedIn: ABOUT PARATA: Parata Systems provides pharmacy technology solutions that empower pharmacists to help people lead healthier lives. Founded in 2001, Parata offers the most extensive pharmacy automation portfolio in the industry designing, building, and supporting both vial-filling and pouch packaging solutions. ABOUT SCPC The Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition (SCPC) is the only trade group in Washington dedicated exclusively to the public policy and advocacy interests of independent LTC pharmacies. SCPC's membership includes more than 350 LTC pharmacies across the country serving 750,000 patients in America's skilled nursing and assisted living facilities across America. The organization provides leadership and advocacy on a wide range of federal legislative and regulatory policies impacting LTC pharmacies and the patients they serve. SOURCE Parata Systems Related Links MOSCOW, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- PhosAgro (Moscow Exchange: PHOR) (LSE: PHOR), one of the world's leading vertically-integrated phosphate-based fertilizer producers, acted as one of the partners of the Global Symposium of Soil Pollution, which was held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (the "FAO") in Rome, Italy in early May 2018. Together with PhosAgro, financial support for the FAO's Global Symposium on Soil Pollution was provided by the Russian Federation, the European Commission, the Swiss Confederation and the International Fertilizer Association. PhosAgro CEO, IFA Vice President for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and President of the Russian Fertilizer Producers' Association, Andrey Guryev, participated in the Symposium, together with leading scientists, policy-makers, private sector and civil society representatives as well as other stakeholders, was be the first step in implementing the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management and sought to establish an agenda for action to preserve the world's soils, including agricultural soils that may become polluted by fertilizers that contain potentially-harmful heavy metals like cadmium. According to the FAO, soil pollution, including from heavy metals like cadmium, nickel and arsenic, affects food security by decreasing crop output and quality. PhosAgro CEO, Andrey Guryev said, "Thanks to the joint activities launched through the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution as it would hopefully provide a structure that gives soil stakeholders throughout the value chain the right incentives to contribute to protecting soils, bringing sustainable benefits in terms of human health, agricultural production and rational use of resources by major fertilizer producers like PhosAgro. As a producer of high-quality mineral fertilizers that are naturally low in pollutants like cadmium, Phosagro is particularly committed to engaging in a constructive way around FAO's work on preventing and mitigating soil pollution, awareness raising and improved fertilizer management." "We believe that the fertilizer industry can and must play a role in sustainable and safe agricultural production by making it easier for farmers, especially those engaged in intensive farming practices, to efficiently grow crops without contributing to the accumulation of pollutants in soils." PhosAgro Deputy CEO, Siroj Loikov spoke at the forum, noting that "PhosAgro and the fertilizer industry play a key role in delivering plant nutrients for agricultural soils that grow the food we all eat. When produced and used properly, these fertilizers help farmers to grow safe and healthy food in a sustainable way, and to meet growing demand as the global population increases. Together, we must continuously engage in developing new technologies and production techniques, and conduct research that will improve the industry's production processes and products." About PhosAgro: PhosAgro ( is one of the world's leading vertically integrated phosphate-based fertilizer producers in terms of production volumes of phosphate-based fertilizers and high-grade phosphate rock with a P 2 O 5 content of not less than 39% (according to IFA, Fertecon and CRU). PhosAgro's main products include phosphate rock, over 35 grades of fertilizers, feed phosphates, ammonia, and sodium tripolyphosphate, which are used by customers in 100 countries spanning all of the world's inhabited continents. The Company's priority markets outside of Russia and the CIS are Latin America, Europe and Asia. PhosAgro's shares are traded on the Moscow Exchange, and global depositary receipts ("GDRs") for shares trade on the London Stock Exchange (under the ticker PHOR). Since 1 June 2016, the Company's GDRs have been included in the MSCI Russia and MSCI Emerging Markets indexes. SOURCE PhosAgro KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Polsinelli was named today among the 28 leading law firms in brand strength, earning the No. 27 spot on BTI Consulting Group's 2018 BTI Brand Elite, marking its second-consecutive appearance on the prestigious list. By earning another spot on BTI's Brand Elite list, Polsinelli is recognized as being on general counsels' short-list for firms they seek out first and as being one of the top they would recommend to colleagues. "This recognition based on client feedback is a result of our deliberate focus on understanding our clients' business priorities and commitment to their service experience," said Polsinelli Chairman and CEO Russ Welsh. "As we continue to grow and expand our capabilities from coast to coast, we are committed to delivering client service excellence and practice depth to drive forward the business goals of our clients." BTI's Brand Elite list includes "law firms with substantially better brands than other firms," and Polsinelli is most noted for its leadership in using technology to improve the client experience, as well as its ability to change how legal services are being delivered to clients. The recognition builds upon the firm's recent ranking in BTI's 2018 Client Service A-Team Report as the No. 24 firm in Client Service Excellence, and the U.S. News & World Report "Law Firm of the Year" in Health Care for the second time in the 2018 "Best Law Firms" list. BTI conducts in-depth interviews with more than 600 corporate counsels at companies with greater than $1 billion in revenues, and analyzes nine distinct characteristics that drive the consideration and hiring of law firms. About Polsinelli Polsinelli is an Am Law 100 firm with more than 800 attorneys in 20 offices. Ranked #24 for Client Service Excellence1 and #10 for best client relationships2 among 650 U.S. law firms, Polsinelli was also named among the top 30 best-known firms in the nation3 for the second-consecutive year. The firm's attorneys provide value through practical legal counsel infused with business insight, and focus on health care, financial services, real estate, intellectual property, mid-market corporate, labor and employment, and business litigation. | Polsinelli PC | In California, Polsinelli LLP 12018 BTI Client Service A-Team Report 22017 BTI Industry Power Rankings 32018 BTI Brand Elite Media contact: Carrie Trent, [email protected] SOURCE Polsinelli Related Links FRANKLIN, Tenn., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Precera Bioscience, Inc. ("Precera"), formerly Sano, appointed Pamela Weir as President and Chief Executive Officer effective January 1, 2018. Ms. Weir brings 30 years of pharmaceutical experience across diverse functions of Commercial, R&D, Operations, Business Development and General Management. She has led the development and launch of multiple brands and franchises in the US and global markets across numerous therapeutic areas. Ms. Weir's background spans large pharma (Sanofi, Bayer), mid to small pharma (Altana/Nycomed, Alpharma) and biotech (Medicines360, ContraMed). "We're thrilled that Pamela has joined Precera and built a new vision and direction to realize the full potential of this novel platform," stated Murray Blackshear, Precera Founder & Chairman of the Board. "I'm excited to build on the scientific milestones achieved by Precera and look forward to making this transformative technology broadly available to clinicians and patients, ultimately impacting how prescription drugs are utilized," said Pamela Weir, CEO of Precera. "I'm honored to be joined by my colleagues on the executive team." J. Scott Daniels, PhD leads all R&D functions including the laboratory team as Precera's Chief Scientific Officer. He has advanced the fields of biotransformation and drug metabolism during tenures at DuPont, Millennium and Pfizer, publishing in areas of drug metabolism, chemical toxicology and pharmacology. Prior to arriving at Precera, Dr. Daniels was a faculty member and Director of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics in the Department of Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University Medical School. Ms. Betty Hawkins joined Precera in April 2018 as Senior Vice President of Business Development & Operations. She has extensive diagnostic and pharmaceutical experience leading teams and launching products. Previously, Ms. Hawkins was the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives with Diatherix and prior to that, held senior commercial positions with AstraZeneca in the Payer Market, Oncology and Primary Care divisions. Currently, patients are not receiving the full benefit of their medicines. Avoidable medication issues (non-adherence, medication errors, drug interactions, sub-optimal dosing) cost the U.S. healthcare system over $200 billion per year. Precera is tackling these persistent healthcare challenges and aims to improve patient outcomes with the first and only clinical tools that comprehensively enhance adherence, reconcile the medical record, identify drug-drug interactions, enable dose tailoring and reveal medications unknown to the clinician. "With Precera's unique clinical tools, precision prescribing is now possible," stated Pamela Weir, CEO of Precera. For more information, visit About Precera Bioscience Precera is a biosciences company dedicated to individualizing prescribing through cutting-edge science. Precera offers the only clinical tools that address all aspects of medication therapy management: adherence, drug-drug interactions, medical reconciliation and dose tailoring. In addition to products available to hospitals and clinics, Precera's platform can also optimize clinical drug development. The company has a history of partnering with healthcare companies and academic institutions, that share its mission to optimize patient medication therapy. For more information, visit Media Contact: Ginny Pennekamp 615-933-0900 [email protected] SOURCE Precera Bioscience, Inc. Related Links HOLMDEL, N.J., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Preferred Property Program (PPP), a leading national Managing General Agency, today announced that Wayne Dow has been named Vice President of Programs. Dow will be joining the Bell Works office to oversee the marketing of PPP products to all of our network brokers. Preferred Property Program Ken Hager, President of Preferred Property Programs stated, "We are excited to have Wayne join our team of professionals to help us market our wide suite of product offerings for the real estate sector. With his many years of experience on both the company side as well as the MGA side of the business, Wayne is widely regarded as a subject expert in the Community Association Marketplace. His expertise will allow us and our brokers to continue to grow profitably and to more efficiently market our various product offerings." Dow comes to PPP with 20 years of experience, most recently serving as Underwriting Manager at Kevin Davis Insurance Services for the past 12 years. Prior to KDIS, Wayne was with Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance; first as Fidelity/Crime Claim Counsel and then moving over to the underwriting side of the business with responsibility for a newly developed program of insurance addressing the needs of the Community Association Industry. Wayne is also a licensed attorney in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For more information, please contact Alicia Ambrose, [email protected] or visit the PPP website at About Preferred Property Program: Established in 1998, PPP is Managing General Agency operating a risk purchasing group, domiciled in Illinois and administered by JGS Insurance in New Jersey. As such, a policy is issued by different companies for our various programs for the membership of the group. Community Associations must sign and pay a membership fee in order to be eligible for coverage. In addition, we issue standard insurance policies (Low Limit & Equipment Breakdown Policies). These Programs are designed for Condominiums, Cooperatives, Homeowners Associations, Planned Unit Developments, Apartments and Timeshare Associations. SOURCE Preferred Property Program Related Links PHOENIX, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Providertech, a leader in patient engagement automation solutions, announced today their participation in GE Healthcare's Centricity Partner Program. Providertech's CareX platform offers scalable and secure solutions to help healthcare providers and payers engage with patients at every touchpoint in their care journey. Now integrated with Centricity Practice Solution, Providertech's automated patient engagement workflows enable clinicians and practice management to efficiently improve quality outcomes for patients through proactive communications. Providertech to Simplify Chronic Disease Management for Patients With New Product Integration "The integration with Providertech ensures practices can effectively deliver proactive health information, preventative messaging and appointment reminders to targeted populations," said Neeti Gupta, Director of ISV Marketing Programs for GE Healthcare. "This reduces an office's manual efforts, so they can focus their time and energy on delivering high-quality care." Since launch, Providertech has strived to increase patient compliance as reimbursement models shift toward outcomes-based care. In support of this, Providertech offered one of the first text messaging solutions targeting chronic disease populations. As a GE Healthcare partner, Providertech can: Extend their reach to clinical providers through a trusted channel Strategically align platform offerings with GE Healthcare for more effective solutions and better healthcare outcomes Deliver secure and streamlined services to end-users through a certified and tested integration "Our integration with Centricity Practice Solution ensures simplified implementation of our automated communication solutions," said Lisa Blue, Vice President, Clinical Innovation for Providertech. "We're able to directly integrate into their EMR so providers and office staff can leverage the automation without weeks of set-up." "Providertech's appointment reminder solution provided immediate relief to our front office staff," said Amy Bastianelli, Director of Population Health at La Comunidad Hispana. "And, because they are integrated with our EMR, Centricity Practice Solution, implementation was quick and easy." For more information about Providertech, please visit About Providertech Providertech offers scalable outreach platforms that use automated workflows to send text, voice, and email messages leading to improved outcomes and enhanced patient engagement. Easily integrated into EMRs, Providertech's solutions enable healthcare providers, payers, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) to more efficiently manage chronic care patients and promote wellness while helping to advance value-based care initiatives. Media Contact: Lisa Blue (602) 565-2724 [email protected] SOURCE Providertech LLC Related Links "As the CEO of a biotechnology company, Helen will bring a unique perspective on science and innovation to our Board," said Steve Rusckowski, Chairman, President and CEO, Quest Diagnostics. "Under her leadership at Halozyme, revenues more than quintupled and market value nearly doubled over a four year period. Her deep healthcare experience will strengthen our Board and bolster our efforts to accelerate growth and drive operational excellence." Daniel C. Stanzione, Ph.D., Lead Independent Director of Quest Diagnostics, added: "As a physician with strong business experience in various healthcare roles and organizations, Helen brings expertise in industry management, strategic planning and operations that will be beneficial to our company. We are delighted that she will serve on our Board." Prior to joining Halozyme, Dr. Torley served as Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for Onyx Pharmaceuticals; as Vice President and General Manager of the US Bone Health and Nephrology businesses, as well as in other management positions, at Amgen Inc.; and in various senior management positions at Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sandoz/Novartis; and was in medical practice as a senior registrar in rheumatology at the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, Scotland. About Quest Diagnostics Quest Diagnostics empowers people to take action to improve health outcomes. Derived from the world's largest database of clinical lab results, our diagnostic insights reveal new avenues to identify and treat disease, inspire healthy behaviors and improve health care management. Quest annually serves one in three adult Americans and half the physicians and hospitals in the United States, and our 45,000 employees understand that, in the right hands and with the right context, our diagnostic insights can inspire actions that transform lives. SOURCE Quest Diagnostics Related Links NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, The Conference Board's Governance Center released a report detailing the role and expectations of corporate directors from the perspective of activist hedge funds. Some who engaged with The Conference Board believe their directors should behave on boards "as if they owned the whole company." Hedge funds think the directors they appoint should treat the board directorship as if only the interests of the hedge fund were at play. This challenges the conventional notion that directors have a duty to act in the interest of all shareholders. In the report, Just What is the Corporate Director's Job?, the viewpoints featured are from a panel discussion with two principals and a managing director of three activist hedge funds, in addition to a separate interview with a hedge fund representative. Insights from the report include but are not limited to the following: For activist hedge funds, incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into strategy is not a given. While some hedge funds have recently said they would like to see environmental, social, and governance considerations integrated into strategy and planning, this was not the case for some of the hedge fund representatives who spoke with The Conference Board. Rather, hedge funds see ESG as a separate issue to be studied by boards before it is integrated into company strategy. This could reflect that their investment time-horizons are too short to be concerned about ESG factors, which tend to have longer-term impacts. While some hedge funds have recently said they would like to see environmental, social, and governance considerations integrated into strategy and planning, this was not the case for some of the hedge fund representatives who spoke with The Conference Board. Rather, hedge funds see ESG as a separate issue to be studied by boards before it is integrated into company strategy. This could reflect that their investment time-horizons are too short to be concerned about ESG factors, which tend to have longer-term impacts. When activist hedge funds look for director nominees, they look for those who are knowledgeable about the portfolio company. They also want the candidates to be actively involved in strategy development and engaged enough with management to understand the short-term and long-term plans of the company. They also want the candidates to be actively involved in strategy development and engaged enough with management to understand the short-term and long-term plans of the company. Activist hedge funds prefer shorter public disclosure reports. Management's public disclosure materials need to be more succinct and concise. Hedge funds would prefer management deliver an integrated summary report to the board that includes a letter from the chair, the company capital asset strategy, a summary of corporate governance, and sustainability metricsall in 50 pages or less. "Directors chosen by activist hedge funds can be the most isolated and yet most sought-after members on the board because they often come equipped with more information about the target company than the sitting directors themselves," said Gary Larkin, the report's author and research associate at The Conference Board. "The main reason is those directors are part of a well-thought out process to engage a target company by placing someone on the board to institute changes." "Activist hedge funds are disrupting the traditional notion of what the job of the corporate director looks like and challenging how directors should approach their fiduciary duties," said Doug Chia, executive director of The Conference Board Governance Center. "While boards and management teams will find this alarming, the activist approach may be indicative of where the job of the director is headed." The report marks the sixth of several Governance Center reports that feature insights from boardroom stakeholders about the role of the corporate director. In addition to highlights from conversations and interviews, the report includes an overview of activist hedge funds, a hypothetical corporate director's job description based on a panel discussion, and case studies of proxy fights and settlements including activist hedge funds. Media can contact The Conference Board for a copy of the report. About The Conference Board's Governance Center The Conference Board's Governance Center draws upon authoritative research from The Conference Board. Our mission is to work in the public interest to provide knowledge and thought leadership on global corporate governance issues for boards and c-suite leaders, investors, and other leading organizations. About The Conference Board The Conference Board is a global, independent business membership and research association working in the public interest. Our mission is unique: To provide the world's leading organizations with the practical knowledge they need to improve their performance and better serve society. The Conference Board is a non-advocacy, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. SOURCE The Conference Board Related Links VANCOUVER, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Choom (CSE: CHOO;OTCQB: CHOOF) is pleased to announce the appointment of several key executives to our Board of Advisors to help steer the brand into Canada's emerging rec-use marijuana market. "We are very proud to introduce these new additions to the Choom team. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from a variety of industries. Our ability to attract this phenomenal talent is a testament to Choom's vision and strategic plan as we launch our brand in Canada's recreational use cannabis segment. As we rapidly execute our business model we have established an advisory team with extensive experience in Consumer Branding, Retail Supply Chain, Government Relations, Entrepreneurship, Operations, and Financial Services to provide guidance during our next phase of growth. We look forward to leveraging their experience and thought leadership to expedite Choom's retail launch," said Chris Bogart, Choom President & CEO. Appointments to Choom's Advisory Board include: DEREK CHAN Derek joins Choom after his previous role as CFO for Vega, North America's leading all-natural health and performance nutrition brand. During his 9 years at Vega, his financial oversight helped the company grow 15x in sales. Derek managed the Company's private equity financing and participated in the M&A process, culminating in the successful sale of Vega to White Wave Foods for US$550 million. Mr. Chan brings over 20 years experience in senior finance roles across various industries spanning consumer packaged goods, hospitality, and technology. Derek holds a Chartered Professional Accountant designation and a Bachelor of Science from Simon Fraser University. Prior to leaving public practice, Derek was at KPMG LLP where he worked with a portfolio of private and public companies in audit and tax advisory services. JOHN HEANEY John brings over 20 years of combined experience in private legal practice and government counsel. Most recently, John was the Chief of Staff for the Government of Alberta, where his role was paramount to ensuring the government was in touch with the needs and wants of Albertans. John has been a key official in developing the Alberta government's energy royalty review and climate-change legislation. John also worked at several law firms in British Columbia, most notably as a lawyer at Heenan Blaikie LLP. His expertise in legal counsel, strategic planning, and government relations is critical to Choom as it approaches the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada. Mr. Heaney holds a Bachelors of Law (LLB) from the University of Victoria. BOBBY BLACK Bobby Black is an icon of marijuana media and is best known for his 21-year tenure as senior editor, columnist and primary brand ambassador for High Times Magazine. During his tenure at High Times, Bobby produced and hosted numerous events, including the Cannabis Cup, the Stony Awards and Doobie Awards shows, Ganja Goddess parties, and the Miss High Times Contest/Pageant. Bobby has also served as editor for both Sensi and Greenleaf magazines, as well as contributing to several other cannabis publications. He is the host of Blazin' With Bobby Black on Cannabis Radio, the former host of Contact High on Sirius Radio, and co-founder of the 420-friendly travel agency Higher Way Travel. Most recently, he has accepted the position of Chief Operating Officer at Crockett Family Farmsone of the most respected and award-winning cannabis genetics and cultivation in North America, based in California. As the Choom Ambassador of Good Times, Bobby brings a 'high' level of cannabis expertise to our leadership team and will be instrumental in educating our audience of cannabis users and the 'cannacurious' on the past, present, and future state of marijuana, as we navigate the new frontier of legal adult use in Canada. SAY HELLO TO CHOOMTM Choom was inspired by the Choom Gang- a group of buddies in Honolulu during the 1970's who loved to smoke weedor as the locals called it, choom. Evoking the spirit of Hawaii, Choom is synonymous with cultivating good times with good friends. We are focused on delivering an elevated customer experience through our curated retail environments, high-grade handcrafted Cannabis supply, and a diversity of brands for the Canadian recreational consumer. Say hello to Choom. Cautionary Statement: NEITHER THE CANADIAN SECURITIES EXCHANGE NOR ITS REGULATIONS SERVICES PROVIDER HAVE REVIEWED OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. Forward-looking information This news release contains forward-looking information relating to the Company's proposed activities and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking information relates to management's future outlook and anticipated events or results, and include statements or information regarding the future plans or prospects of the Company. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. These factors include risks and uncertainties associated with the results of diligence investigations, developments in the cannabis sector, delays resulting from or inability to obtain required regulatory approvals and ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, reliance on key personnel, regulatory risks and delays and other risks and uncertainties discussed in the management discussion and analysis section of the Company's interim and most recent annual financial statement or other reports and filings, including the Company's Listing Statement, made with the applicable Canadian securities regulators. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward looking information. SOURCE Choom Holdings Inc. The Philippines, in the process of building its ICT/IoT market, is forecasted to grow spending in IoT from US$ 55.1 million in 2014 to US$ 766.8 million in 2020. This shift of total spending in the ASEAN IoT market is expected from a government and companies that are actively looking for partners in the ICT/IoT space. To address this demand, IFSEC Philippines, the leading security, fire and safety event for the Philippines, was first introduced last year. Returning for the second edition, IFSEC Philippines will take place from 30 May to 1 June 2018 at the SMX Convention Center, Pasay City, Metro Manila. The show will feature more than 120 world-renowned brands including Axis Communications, Hikvision, ZKTeco, Emirates Fire Fighting Equipment, Nemtek and Comnet, showcasing state-of-the-art technologies in safety and security. Over 5,000 trade buyers from around the Philippines are expected to attend the show to source for niche requirements in home automation technology that includes CCTV, Access Control & Biometrics and other future trends, such as Drone Technology, Smart Buildings, Physical Perimeter Security and IoT. Interested trade visitors are welcome to attend the show for free and invited to pre-register online at Registered visitors of IFSEC Philippines can also attend several seminars that will take place throughout the three-day show for free. The IFSEC Philippines Theatre will address 22 topics to be presented by industry experts, covering issues on ASEAN cybersecurity landscape, artificial intelligence, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and technological trends that are shaping 2018, amongst others. IFSEC Philippines is supported by the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Asian Professional Security Association (APSA) Philippines Chapter, Mall Security Management Association of the Philippines (MSMAP), Philippine Association Detective and Protective Agency Operators Inc. (PADPAO), Philippine Society for Industrial Security Inc (PSIS), Safety Organization of the Philippines Inc (SOPI), Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP), Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA), Security Guards Association of the Philippines (SEGAP) and Chartered International Institute of Security and Crisis Management (CIISCM). To find out more about IFSEC Philippines, kindly visit or contact UBM Exhibitions Philippines Inc at +632-551-7803. About UBM: UBM plc is the largest pure-play B2B Events organiser in the world. In an increasingly digital world, the value of connecting on a meaningful, human level has never been more important. At UBM, our deep knowledge and passion for the industry sectors we serve allow us to create valuable experiences where people can succeed. At our events people build relationships, close deals and grow their businesses. Our 3,750+ people, based in more than 20 countries, serve more than 50 different sectors -- from fashion to pharmaceutical ingredients. These global networks, skilled, passionate people and market-leading events provide exciting opportunities for business people to achieve their ambitions. For more information, go to; for UBM corporate news, follow us on Twitter at @UBM, UBM Plc LinkedIn. SOURCE UBM Asia (Malaysia) A Digital solution for Job seekers and Merchants at the NRA show in Chicago May 19th to the 22nd 2018 at McCormick Place NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - The App allows Job Seekers to scan a QR code on the merchant's window or door and simply upload their digital copy of their CV and availabilities. The Merchant simply registers, selects a package, uploads their locations and immediately receives an unique sticker for their display. They gain access to a user-friendly dashboard to monitor and manage activity. SmartCard Marketing Systems Inc (OTC: SMKG) is also pleased to announce the expansion of its ISV accelerator program for the digital Workforce Management industry with the initial release of The company is also expanding its existing affiliation with and now adding a Shift Seeker app for the restaurant and hospitality industry. The companies have aligned to seamlessly integrate and market a bundled solution offering for the industry. The launch will take place at the NRA show hosted at the McCormick Place this upcoming week from May 19th to the 22nd which is a great forum to showcase in the LakeShore Pavilion booth #10122. Massimo Barone CEO stated "We are excited about the launch and entry into the digital Workforce management market. The combined offering with and products bundle offers the SME the opportunity to join the social media services industry and reach out to tech-savvy job seekers. About the NRA National Restaurant Association The National Restaurant Association is a restaurant industry business association in the United States, representing more than 380,000 restaurant locations. It also operates the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. The association was founded in 1919 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. About SmartCard Marketing Systems, Inc. SmartCard Marketing, Inc. (OTC: SMKG) is a Fintech solutions provider to the global payments industry delivering a cloud-based EMV Host platform to Issuing & Acquiring banks, telecoms & global enterprises. The company offers proprietary industry applications for payment acceptance. The company's brands include;, a coupon & incentive management platform with QR Code payments acceptance, a Remote Check Deposit solution, a mobile ticketing & events management solution, an alternative payment transaction gateway & its most recent offering for Task & Content management. For more information, go to Visit our Youtube channel SOURCE SmartCard Marketing Systems Inc (SMKG) Related Links CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- SonaCare Medical, the leading developer and manufacturer of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technologies, congratulates Naren Sanghvi on his receipt of The William and Francis Fry Honorary Fellowship for Contributions to Therapeutic Ultrasound, presented by The International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU). The William and Francis Fry Award is a lifetime achievement award, given annually to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to therapeutic ultrasound. Potential recipients of this award are nominated by a Committee of the past 5-6 awardees and ratified by the ISTU Board. Naren Sanghvi received this award at the 18th International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound, hosted in Nashville, Tennessee. Naren Sanghvi is the co-founder of Focus Surgery Inc. (a subsidiary of SonaCare Medical) and a pioneer in the field of HIFU technology. He is both the inventor and developer of SonaCare Medical's Sonablate HIFU device for the treatment of prostate disease. Mr. Sanghvi served at the Indiana University School of Medicine as an associate professor and senior research scientist in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, where he performed pioneering work in the development of echocardiography, breast ultrasound imaging, and prostate treatment with ultrasound. He worked alongside Prof. F. J. Fry and developed the first clinical HIFU ultrasound image guided device for the treatment of brain cancer in 1972. Mr. Sanghvi is a member and fellow in the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, the Acoustical Society of America and the International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound. He also serves the National Institute of Health (NIH) as a scientific reviewer and invited peer reviewer for several medical and engineering journals. "This honor could not be more well deserved," comments SonaCare Medical CEO, Dr. Mark Carol. "Everyone in the field knows of Naren and most know him personally. Naren has been an inspiration to us at SonaCare Medical and to many others in the field of focused ultrasound ablation. He pioneered and is a continuing influence on the focused ultrasound technology that we believe is changing the medical landscape today and will continue to influence therapeutic advancements in the future." SonaCare Medical will be exhibiting at the American Urology Association's annual meeting this weekend, May 19th 21st. For more information about the Company's innovative advancements in therapeutic ultrasound please visit AUA booth #2317 or contact [email protected]. Since Sonablate received FDA clearance on October 09, 2015, more than 1,600 patients have had a Sonablate HIFU prostate procedure across the 40+ locations in the U.S., including top-tier academic institutions in California, Indiana, Oklahoma, Maryland, New York, Arizona, and Texas. Over 70 U.S. physicians now offer HIFU prostate tissue ablation to their patients as a minimally invasive alternative to surgery or radiation. ABOUT SONACARE MEDICAL, LLC SonaCare Medical is a world leader in minimally invasive focused ultrasound technologies. SonaCare Medical is committed to developing focused ultrasound related technologies that support precise and innovative procedures for the treatment of a range of medical conditions. SonaCare Medical, with its subsidiary Focus Surgery, Inc., designs and manufactures medical devices, including the following: Sonablate, which has 510(K) clearance in the U.S.; Sonablate 500, which has CE Marking and has obtained regulatory authorization in more than 50 countries outside the U.S.; Sonatherm laparoscopic HIFU surgical ablation system, which has 510(K) clearance in the U.S., has CE Marking and has obtained regulatory authorization in more than 30 countries outside the U.S. For additional information, visit FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS. The Company's forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company's business and performance, the economy and other future conditions and forecasts of future events, circumstances and results. As with any projection or forecast, forward-looking statements are inherently susceptible to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. The Company's actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied in its forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement made by the Company speaks only as of the date on which it is made. The Company is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, subsequent events or other factors. SOURCE SonaCare Medical, LLC Related Links HONOLULU, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- A comparison study was reported at ARVO 2018, which has recently concluded in Honolulu, Hawaii. Drs. Christopher Lievens, Christina Newman, Alan Kabat and optometry student Jacob Weber conducted this study at the Southern College of Optometry (SCO). This study included 50 healthy subjects. Subjects were examined by a masked investigator using a standard autorefractor (Nidek TonoRef II) followed by subjective refinement using a standard phoropter (monocular subjective refraction with binocular balance). Subjective measurements were also conducted in the corresponding subjects using the VASR, a Voice Activ Subjective Refractor by Vmax Vision. The VASR is a Voice Activ Subjective Refractor that utilizes voice-guided refraction and artificial intelligence. Phoropter values were measured in 0.25 diopter steps, while VASR data was refine-able to the nearest 0.01 diopters. Final corrected visual acuity was recorded for each eye after each procedure using standard Snellen targets. The phoropter measurements were conducted by faculty members at SCO (Lievens, Newman and Kabat) and the VASR subjective measurements were conducted by an optometry student (Weber). The results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference from the mean in equivalent sphere measurements (p = 0.1383) between Vmax VASR and the phoropter. Non-parametric analyses (Wilcoxon) were performed as there was a negative skew and the data was platykurtic. Dioptric values for traditional refraction ranged from +1.13 to -12.75 (95 percent confidence interval = -1.63 to -3.63), with a median of -2.50. The VASR, values ranged from +1.08 to -14.39 (95 percent confidence interval = -1.26 to -3.46), with a median of -2.69. The spherical equivalent datasets were highly correlated (r = 0.993); cylinder power and axis were as well (Cylinder: p = 0.6377, r = 0.864) (Axis: p = 0.6991, r = 0.738). Visual acuity measurements were similar for both groups: 14 percent of subjects had better acuity with VASR (> 1 line Snellen), three percent of subjects had worse acuity with VASR (>1 line Snellen), and 83 percent had less than 1 line Snellen difference. For spherocylindrical refractive error, the results obtained with the Vmax VASR by a second-year optometry student with two hours of training were not statistically different from those achieved using traditional phoropter methods by an SCO optometrist and faculty member. This indicates that the training requirement to refract with the VASR is substantially easier than training to refract using a phoropter, which takes several months (or even years). Dr. Shui Lai, Ph.D., CEO of Vmax Vision, stated, "The study showed that the difference in the median refraction values between the Vmax measurement and the phoropter measurement is 0.19D and the 95 percent confidence intervals for the two methods are almost completely overlapped (-1.26 to -3.46); a clear indication the VASR and the phoropter produced essentially identical outcomes. The VASR method has a higher percentage in better visual acuity (VA) - one line or more in 14 percent of the subjects vs. the phoropter method which produced better VA in three percent of the subjects, and the rest are within one line of VA. Put another way, the VASR measurements produced equal or better acuity in 97 percent of the subjects, when compared with phoropter refraction." The VASR (Voice Activ Subjective Refractor) autorefraction utilizes wavefront aberrometry and its subjective refraction uses proprietary point spread function technology. The VASR exam is voice-guided during the entire refraction and it combines artificial intelligence to optimize refraction outcomes. Other advanced features include subjective nighttime refraction, four-minute complete auto and subjective refraction in normal sighted patients; increasing patient flow. The VASR's small footprint of 12' by 18" reduces a refraction lane to a tabletop station. The low weight and small in size make it ideal for portability. Media Contact: Jessica Lopez Phone: 321-972-1823 Email: [email protected] Related Links Vmax Vision Vmax Vision Videos SOURCE Vmax Vision NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Advertisers spend a lot of money on paid search. By 2019, paid search ad spending will reach nearly $40 billion in the U.S. alone. But, according to research from Columbia Business School's Kinshuk Jerath, this tactic has many subtleties and doesn't always result in increased profits for advertisers. Rooted in the problem of keyword management costs--the operational costs associated with customizing keyword searches and ads--Jerath's research questions the effectiveness of tools like broad match that have been developed by search engines to help advertisers mitigate those costs. Figuring out all of the possible keywords that consumers might search for and customizing bids and ad copy based on geographical location, time of day, and other characteristics requires a huge investment of advertising resources. But broad match automates the process, saving advertisers a great deal on these resources. While the use of broad match has become commonplace, accounting for the lion's share of search ads displayed and clicked, Jerath identifies one increasing issue. "Tools like broad match have led to too many advertisers competing over the same keywords, because now bidding on keywords is so easy," said Kinshuk Jerath, Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. "The result is that the search engines are actually the only real winners." About the Research The paper, entitled Keyword Management Costs and "Broad Match" in Sponsored Search Advertising and co-authored by Wilfred Amaldoss of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and Amin Sayedi of the University of Washington's Foster School of Business, weighs the costs and benefits of using a tool like broad match to automatically increase brand visibility online, instead of manually bidding on keyword match results. More importantly, it raises the question of how broad match accuracy influences the effectiveness of advertisers' paid search campaigns. The key findings of the research suggest that, ultimately, broad match is only effective to a point, a threshold driven largely by the accuracy of broad match that is controlled by the search engine, not the advertiser. Broad match was initially developed because the keyword management costs associated with tailoring sponsored searches was inhibiting advertisers from participating in bidding for multiple keywords, forcing search engines to reduce their prices on sponsored searches. Many advertisers have now adopted broad match as a cost-saving and time-saving measure. When the tool matches advertisers with high-relevance keywords, there is a visible value-add for advertisers. But what Jerath and his co-authors discovered through this study is that when the match between a consumer's keyword search and the advertiser's product is low or intermediate, exactly when broad match seems most useful as such keywords are difficult to pre-list for advertisers, using broad match can actually decrease return. Implications for Advertisers What can happen, Jerath explains, is a situation where, as an advertiser, you're getting too many inaccurate search results with high competition because everybody else is using broad match too. For example, if a consumer searches "German luxury cars" then, in addition to brands like BMW and Audi, ads of brands like Jaguar (which is British) and Cadillac (which is American) may be matched too if they have opted for broad match, which leads to higher competition in the auction and overall higher ad spend. Furthermore, while it would seem natural to expect search engines to continuously improve broad match results, the research shows that search engines are only motivated to do so to the point that advertisers choose broad match. Beyond that point, further increases in accuracy start to reduce search engine profits by driving down bid prices. Jerath's research indicates that there is work to be done in auditing tools that search engines offer advertisers because, while taking for granted their accuracy and effectiveness, anything that makes advertising cheaper creates more competitionand can ultimately hurt your return on investment. To learn more about the cutting-edge research being conducted at Columbia Business School, please visit About Columbia Business School Columbia Business School is the only world-class, Ivy League business school that delivers a learning experience where academic excellence meets with real-time exposure to the pulse of global business. Led by Dean Glenn Hubbard, the School's transformative curriculum bridges academic theory with unparalleled exposure to real world business practice, equipping students with an entrepreneurial mindset that allows them to recognize, capture, and create opportunity in any business environment. The thought leadership of the School's faculty and staff, combined with the accomplishments of its distinguished alumni and position in the center of global business, means that the School's efforts have an immediate, measurable impact on the forces shaping business every day. To learn more about Columbia Business School's position at the very center of business, please visit SOURCE Columbia Business School Related Links BRUSSELS, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The ISA joins forces with the associations of obese patients in France (CNAO) and Portugal (Adexo) in supporting European Obesity Day 2018 In Europe, it is estimated that over 50% of the people are currently overweight or obese, and that over 20% are obese. By 2030, it is estimated that over 50% of the European population will have obesity. European Obesity Day, celebrated this year on 19th May, is an opportunity to enhance collective efforts to Tackle Obesity Together, by raising awareness about obesity and the many other diseases on which it impacts. This year the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) joins forces with Collectif National des Associations d'Obeses (CNAO - French association for the obese patients) and Adexo (Association of obese and ex-obese patients in Portugal) in supporting European Obesity Day and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) related-activities. (Logo: ) Obesity is a growing public health challenge worldwide and affects people of every age. Common causes of obesity include more sedentary lifestyles, and a combination of lack of physical activity and increased calorie intake. On the other hand, obesity and excess body weight have a direct impact on health and life expectancy, and are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some cancers and joint and muscle disorders. In addition to having direct impact on the individuals' health, obesity costs the EU 70 billion each year in healthcare cost and productivity. To support European Obesity Day on 19th May, 2018, the ISA joins forces with CNAO and Adexo in helping raise awareness about obesity and its consequences. On this occasion, the ISA developed in collaboration with CNAO and Adexo an animated video which takes us through the small steps that can be taken towards reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity and their importance in tackling obesity. Watch the video through this link and download the related infographic by clicking here. Read ISA press release for European Obesity Day 2018 in full on our website here. Follow the conversation about European Obesity Day 2018 on social media by using #EOD2018 and #ISA4EOD. About the ISA The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) AISBL is an international non-profit organisation with scientific aims representing manufacturers and users of low calorie sweeteners. Contact the ISA Secretariat at: [email protected] SOURCE International Sweeteners Association (ISA) "The work Barbara has done in the world of refrigerants has resulted in innovative solutions that have a larger positive impact on people's lives, all with a smaller environmental footprint," said Craig A. Rogerson, Chairman, President and CEO of Hexion Inc. and Chair of SCI America. "The SCI is pleased to award Barbara's remarkable success in the industry, her contributions to science, and her commitment to a more sustainable planet." Most recently, Minor developed several new low GWP refrigerants based on HFO technology for supermarket, transport and self-contained refrigeration and large building air conditioning. Opteon XP40 was designed for retrofit and new supermarket refrigeration systems to replace R-404A. Thousands of supermarkets globally have already been converted to XP40 since 2013, providing a significant, positive environmental impact. Other refrigerants in commercial use today include XP44 for refrigerated trucks and trailers, XP10 and XP30 for large building chillers, and recently commercialized XL20 and XL40 for condensing units, ice machines, and reach-in coolers and freezers. "Barbara's innovative contributions to science and technology matched with her deep understanding of customer and market needs have been central to the success of many new refrigerants," stated Chemours CEO Mark Vergnano. "We are so proud that she has received this richly-deserved recognition for her many contributions to Chemours, the environment, and society as a whole." Minor will receive the medal at a dinner in her honor on September 25, 2018 at the Hyatt at the Bellevue in Philadelphia. About Barbara H. Minor After graduating from Bucknell University with a degree in Chemical Engineering, Minor joined the DuPont company in 1981 where she worked for 34 years. In 2014, Minor was one of the first women named a DuPont Fellow in the company's 200+ year history, which is the highest technical level in DuPont. She joined Chemours, following its spinoff from DuPont in 2015 and is now one of only two corporate fellows in the organization. Minor has spent most of her career developing non-ozone depleting and low global warming refrigerants for air conditioning and refrigeration applications. She developed several new refrigerants to help meet phase-out requirements for ozone-destroying CFCs and HCFCs and high global warming HFCs. In 2010, she was recognized for her contributions in the development of a low GWP hydrofluoroolefin refrigerant named HFO-1234yf (Opteon YF) for automotive air conditioning. Because HFO-1234yf contains an unsaturated double bond, it has >99% lower GWP than the current refrigerant HFC-134a used in vehicles today. It has been broadly adopted by the automotive industry and is used globally in over 50 million vehicles. Minor holds over 160 US patents for refrigerants, cleaning agents, and aerosol propellants and has many publications in the field. She is well known not only for her technical accomplishments, but also for her strong mentoring of young scientists and her leadership roles in industry organizations such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). She is routinely regarded within the industry as the key thought and innovation leader. About the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Perkin Medal The annual award is recognized as the highest honor given for outstanding work in applied chemistry in the United States. It commemorates the discovery of the first synthetic dye (the so-called Perkin mauve) by Sir William Henry Perkin in 1856. This discovery was a significant step forward in organic chemistry that led to the birth of a major segment of the chemical industry. The SCI Perkin Medal was first awarded to Sir William at a banquet held by the SCI in New York in 1906. Since then, more than 100 such awards have been given to notable scientists. About the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) SCI America Group, launched in 1894, is part of the Society of Chemical Industry's international organization. It provides a unique networking forum for chemical industry leaders, industrial scientists and technologists to exchange new business ideas and best practices. It celebrates achievement to promote public awareness of the contributions of industrial chemistry and inspire students to enter technical careers. SCI America events are managed by the Science History Institute. About the Science History Institute Formed by the merger of the Chemical Heritage Foundation and the Life Sciences Foundation, the Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of innovators and of discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences. Headquartered in Philadelphia, with offices in California and Europe, the Institute houses an archive and a library for historians and researchers, a fellowship program for visiting scholars from around the globe, a community of researchers who examine historical and contemporary issues, an acclaimed museum that is free and open to the public, and a state-of-the-art conference center. For more information visit About The Chemours Company The Chemours Company (NYSE: CC) helps create a colorful, capable and cleaner world through the power of chemistry. Chemours is a global leader in titanium technologies, fluoroproducts and chemical solutions, providing its customers with solutions in a wide range of industries with market-defining products, application expertise and chemistry-based innovations. Chemours ingredients are found in plastics and coatings, refrigeration and air conditioning, mining and general industrial manufacturing. Our flagship products include prominent brands such as Teflon, Ti-Pure, Krytox, Viton, Opteon, Freon and Nafion. Chemours has approximately 7,000 employees and 26 manufacturing sites serving approximately 4,000 customers in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. Chemours is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware and is listed on the NYSE under the symbol CC. For more information please visit CONTACT: Cynthia Salitsky Chemours Global Communication Leader, Fluoroproducts +1.302.773.3283 [email protected] Bob Kenworthy Science History Institute Manager of Affiliate Relations & SCI Administrator +1.215.873.8292 [email protected] SOURCE The Chemours Company Related Links NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Collingwood Group, a Situs company and Washington, D.C.-based business advisory firm, announced today that they have entered into a strategic technology partnership with Decision Ready Solutions, Inc. in order to significantly expand its existing claims advisory business. The Collingwood Group Collingwood has over a decade of experience providing financial services clients with specialized business advisory services, including high value claims advisory, and loss analysis services. Collingwood's partnership with Decision Ready Solutions positions the firm as an industry leading provider of full service, out-sourced claims processing, pre- and post-filing claims quality control reviews, and claims processing technology. Collingwood's newly expanded claims outsourcing business provides clients with a highly scalable service designed to support the entire claims management and processing function and capable of managing firms' FHA (Parts A & B for CWCOT, Conveyance, PFS, SFLS and Reconveyance and HECM claim types), VA, USDA, Conventional: Fannie Mae (571), Freddie Mac (104SF), and PMI (1073) claims. "Owing largely to the highly specialized nature of claims management and processing, firms have historically underinvested in advanced technology to support their claims management and processing functions relying instead on subject matter experts and manual processes. In our experience, however, subject matter expertise is only one of the several critical components required to support a high performing claims function, and an overreliance on labor-based processes often results in higher error rates resulting in correspondingly higher claims curtailment and denial rates," said Collingwood Group President and Managing Director, Brian O'Reilly. "We've actively followed the evolution of claims technology for a decade and identified Decision Ready as the unrivaled leader of claims processing and management technology bar none. Through this strategic partnership, Collingwood will continue to provide the industry with the unrivaled subject matter expertise synonymous with the Collingwood brand along with the scalability of Decision Ready's proven platform. Coupled with Situs' counter-party strength and three decades of experience as a trusted provider of outsourced fulfillment services to the largest financial institutions globally, we are confident that our expanded offering will be well received by the industry," O'Reilly continued. "Decision Ready in partnership with Collingwood will lead the much-needed transformation in managing servicer advances, recovery and loss management. The claims processing segment has historically been plagued with legacy technology and complex processing rules. We are excited to bring our combined expertise in technology and deep understanding of investor guidelines to the servicing marketplace," said Ravi Ramanathan, CEO of Decision Ready Solutions. ABOUT THE COLLINGWOOD GROUP A Situs company, Collingwood is a Washington, D.C.based provider of specialized business advisory, business solutions and transaction services to the residential housing finance industry. ABOUT SITUS Situs is a global provider of strategic business and technology solutions to the real estate and finance industries. Situs has been involved in more than $1 trillion of real estate debt and equity deals across the U.S., Europe and Asia, and has acquired a number of platforms. In 2012, Situs acquired Deutsche Bank's European Servicing operations and became one of the largest third-party loan servicers in Europe; and Hatfield & Phillips, the largest non-performing loan and CMBS Special Servicer in Europe in 2016. Situs' acquisition in 2017 of The Collingwood Group, a Washington, DC, advisory firm focused on residential housing finance, expanded Situs' offer in the residential market, and was bolstered by the 2018 acquisition of MountainView Financial Solutions, an industry-leading valuation and risk analytics solutions provider for the financial services sector. Situs is a rated primary and special servicer with Moody's, Fitch and Morningstar, has more than $165 billion (137 billion) of assets under management and is ranked a top 20 commercial loan servicers in multiple categories by the Mortgage Bankers Association. In 2016, Situs received a second consecutive "Advisor of the Year" award from Real Estate Finance & Investment magazine, and the "Capital Advisor Firm of the Year" award from Property Investor Europe. In 2017, the firm won the "Industry Contributor of the Year" award from Real Estate Finance & Investment magazine. ABOUT DECISION READY SOLUTIONS Decision Ready is a privately held mortgage technology and services company, founded in 2010 by seasoned financial services executives. Decision Ready's web-based technology suite is broad and focuses on multiple aspects of mortgage banking enterprise risk, including comprehensive solutions to address compliance, audit, vendor management and quality control needs. The current focus includes leading transformative solutions in default servicing, claims processing and bankruptcy management. MEDIA CONTACT Situs Cecilia Panozzo Phone: + 1 212 294 1304 [email protected] SOURCE Situs CAMDEN, N.J., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- In the United States, the roots of hunger go deep. In Camden, 35 percent of households live below the poverty level and far too many children go to bed hungry. This is why The Malcom Jenkins Foundation and PepsiCo have partnered with Feed the Children to kick off "Get Ready Fest: Helping Feed Camden"a signature event of The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation, providing 800 Camden-area families with wellness resources, food and essentials. The event kicks off at Noon at Antioch Baptist Church, 690 Ferry Ave, Camden, NJ. This distribution event is part of a larger initiative between PepsiCo and Feed the Children to help feed communities in cities throughout the United States. "The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation (TMJF) is proud to team up and partner for this important event in the Camden area," said Malcolm Jenkins, a New Jersey native, Founder and Chairman of TMJF and Safety for the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. "Our work with Feed the Children since 2014, through our 'Get Ready Fest', aligns with our mission to achieve positive change in the lives of youth, particularly those in under-served communities, by providing resources, innovative opportunities and experiences that will help them succeed in life and become contributing members of the community," he added. "We're proud to bring PepsiCo's partnership with Feed the Children to Camden," said Chanel Thomas, sr. account manager, customer management, Mid-Atlantic Region, PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division. "We are excited to help our friends and neighbors in the Camden community. Frito-Lay and PepsiCo are committed to giving back to our communities where we live and work, and this is a small way we can help make a difference." Each qualifying recipient at today's event will be given: One 25-pound box of nonperishable food items One 15-pound box of personal-care items One box of AVON products Books from Disney Publishing Worldwide Frito-Lay snacks PepsiCo beverages Life Original Cereal Quaker Standard Oats Chewy Granola Bars Variety of Campbell Soup products In addition to providing enough food and daily essentials, the Get Ready Fest TM event offers an array of health-related services and information through the support of various community resource partners. These services include health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., education and social service information relating to GED, job training, and senior and veteran support services. Additionally, the event includes a children's resource area that provides services, children's books, school supplies, haircuts, face painting, and snacks. Super Bowl Champion Malcolm Jenkins, Safety for the Philadelphia Eagles, and members of The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation will be on site participating in the event. Volunteers from The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation, PepsiCo and Feed the Children will be onsite serving families and assisting with distribution during today's event. About Feed the Children Established in 1979, Feed the Children exists to defeat hunger. It is one of the largest U.S.-based charities and serves those in need in the U.S. and in 10 countries around the world. It provides food, education, essentials and disaster response. Domestically, it operates 5 distribution centers (located in Oklahoma, Indiana, California, Tennessee and Pennsylvania). In fiscal year 2017, Feed the Children distributed 91.7 million pounds of food and essentials in the U.S. and around the world valued at $373 million. Through our partnerships and programs, Feed the Children's outreach benefited approximately 6.4 million children and families globally. It is accredited by GuideStar Exchange and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Visit for more information. About The Malcom Jenkins Foundation Founded in 2010, The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation (TMJF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to achieve positive change in the lives of youth, particularly those in under-served communities; by providing resources, innovative opportunities and experiences that will help them succeed in life and become contributing members of the community. The Foundation is committed to youth development initiatives and programs, which emphasize character development, leadership, education, life skills health and recreation. For more information visit: About PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $63 billion in net revenue in 2017, driven by a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker and Tropicana. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose our fundamental belief that the success of our company is inextricably linked to the sustainability of the world around us. We believe that continuously improving the products we sell, operating responsibly to protect our planet and empowering people around the world enable PepsiCo to run a successful global company that creates long-term value for society and our shareholders. For more information, visit SOURCE PepsiCo Related Links Cooper joins TierPoint as Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer, reporting to President and Chief Financial Officer Mary Meduski. Before TierPoint, Cooper served as Vice President, Finance and Accounting for the North American operations of Nidec Motor Corporation and has also held leadership positions at SunEdison and LMI Aerospace. A Certified Public Accountant, Cooper started her career at KPMG and earned her Master of Accountancy degree from the University of Missouri. She also earned a Bachelor's degree in Literature from Beijing University in China and a Master's degree in Literature from Washington University in St. Louis. Scaglione has been promoted to Senior Vice President, Financial Operations, also reporting to Meduski. Before his promotion, he served as Vice President and General Manager of TierPoint's Midwest operations. He joined the company upon its acquisition of Cosentry in 2016, where he was a Regional Vice President of Sales. Prior to Cosentry, Scaglione held leadership positions at World Wide Technology, XIOLINK, and Deloitte Consulting. He earned both his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and his MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. About TierPoint With a unique combination of secure, connected data center and cloud solutions at the edge of the internet, TierPoint ( specializes in meeting enterprises where they are on their journey to IT transformation. TierPoint has one of the largest customer bases in the industry, with approximately 5,000 clients ranging from the public to private sectors, from small businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises. TierPoint also has one of the largest and most geographically diversified footprints in the nation, with over 40 world-class data centers in 20 markets and 8 multi-tenant cloud pods, connected by a coast-to-coast network. Led by a proven management team, TierPoint's highly experienced IT professionals offer a comprehensive solution portfolio of private, multitenant, hyperscale, and hybrid cloud, plus colocation, disaster recovery, security and other managed IT services. Contact: Pete Abel, 314-720-3129, [email protected] SOURCE TierPoint Related Links PORTLAND, Ore., May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Travel Oregon announced that 2017 was the travel industry's eighth consecutive year of strong growth and economic impact, generating record revenues for the state. Independent findings by Dean Runyan Associates indicate that travel-related spending throughout the state increased by $500 million last year, reaching a record $11.8 billion, while the number of Oregonians directly employed in the industry rose to 112,200, a 2.2 percent increase over the prior year. "From destination marketing to regional investments in tourism and matching grant programs, everything we do at Travel Oregon is aimed at improving the lives of all Oregonians," said Todd Davidson, Travel Oregon CEO. "This report affirms the impact of our mission - to drive economic development, enhance communities and create jobs through tourism in every corner of the state." The report, which provides detailed estimates of statewide, regional and county travel impact, includes the following findings: Visitors to Oregon generated $11.8 billion in revenue for the state in 2017. This represents a 4.7 percent increase in spending in real dollars compared to the previous year and marked the eighth straight year of growth. generated in revenue for the state in 2017. This represents a 4.7 percent increase in spending in real dollars compared to the previous year and marked the eighth straight year of growth. Last year, Oregon destinations hosted 28.8 million overnight visitors, with hotel room revenue throughout the state increasing by 8 percent. destinations hosted 28.8 million overnight visitors, with hotel room revenue throughout the state increasing by 8 percent. Domestic visitor air arrivals to Oregon increased by 5.5 percent over the previous year. increased by 5.5 percent over the previous year. The travel industry added more than 2,700 new jobs in 2017, a 2.2 percent increase over the prior year, bringing total statewide travel industry jobs to 112,200. Secondary impacts from the re-spending of travel-generated revenues by businesses and employees were equivalent to 58,300 jobs in 2017, with earnings of $2.8 billion . . The travel industry's gross domestic product was $5 billion in 2017. in 2017. The travel industry is one of the top three export-oriented industries in rural Oregon counties. The findings reported by Dean Runyan Associates confirm the economic significance of the travel industry in Oregon. To read the full report, including specific regional and county breakouts, go to About Travel Oregon The Oregon Tourism Commission, dba Travel Oregon, works to enhance visitors' experiences by providing information, resources and trip planning tools that inspire travel and consistently convey the exceptional quality of Oregon. The commission aims to improve Oregonians' quality of life by strengthening economic impacts of the state's $11.8 billion tourism industry that employs 112,200 Oregonians. Visit to learn more about the industry's positive impacts and go to to be inspired. SOURCE Travel Oregon Related Links BRISBANE, Australia, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Cryptsoft continues to widen its role as the supplier-of-choice of Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) technologies by further expanding into important supply chains, adding Trusted Concepts to Cryptsoft's ever-growing list of satisfied customers. Already the dominant supplier of Software Development Kits (SDKs) that are enabling customers in the storage, data management, virtual machine security, and cloud verticals to make the switch from proprietary key management protocols to standards-based KMIP, this represents yet another wave in the sea change sweeping the administration, commercial, financial, judicial, law enforcement, IC, and defense communities in their drive towards COTS and therefore Cryptsoft's KMIP SDKs. "Trusted Concepts is dedicated to providing high-end information technology services to federal and commercial clients. After extensive testing, we placed our trust in Cryptsoft to supply us with the KMIP technology needed to accomplish development and integration goals meeting our scheduled delivery," said Chris Greenlee, Vice President, Trusted Concepts. "Trusted Concepts chose a leader in KMIP to be a leader in delivering key management solutions to a most discerning customer base," said Marc Briceno, VP Sales, Cryptsoft. "Building on our previous selection wins in the federal and defense sector, Cryptsoft is pleased to enable yet another valued customer serving demanding market segments with modern, standards-based key management." About Cryptsoft Cryptsoft is a privately held Australian company that operates worldwide in the enterprise key management security market. Cryptsoft's Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) software development kits (SDKs) are the market's preferred OEM solutions. Cryptsoft's solutions have been selected by prominent global companies for interoperable enterprise key management and encryption technology in their storage, security and cloud products. Cryptsoft is an OASIS Foundational Sponsor. About Trusted Concepts Trusted Concepts is a Small Business dedicated to providing high-end information technology services to federal and commercial clients. Trusted Concepts provides reliable and repeatable results by leveraging best practices and proven technologies throughout a project's lifecycle. Projects are varied, ranging from R&D tasks involving massively parallel systems and object-oriented databases, to network programming in C on embedded Linux. Trusted Concepts also engages in a number of ongoing projects using the latest web-based and database technologies. PRLog ID: SOURCE Cryptsoft Related Links Craig A. Peters, MD, division director at Children's Health and chief of Pediatric Urology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, will receive the John W. Duckett, Jr., MD Pediatric Urology Research Excellence Award. Established in 2009 and provided through a fund established by Mrs. Peggy Duckett-Drach and the Society for Pediatric Urology, this award honors a physician-scientist or researcher for their outstanding work in pediatric urology. Kenneth J. Pienta, MD, Donald S. Coffey professor of urology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, will be honored with the Richard D. Williams, MD Prostate Cancer Research Excellence Award. Made possible by Mrs. Beverly Williams, this award, which was established in 2013, is presented annually in recognition of an individual's outstanding and impactful work in prostate cancer research over the past 10 years. Marshall L. Stoller, MD, professor and vice chair of Urology at the University of California, San Francisco, will be honored with the 2018 Urology Care Foundation Distinguished Mentor Award. This award reflects Dr. Stoller's longstanding commitment to fostering the next generation of urologic research leaders through his mentorship, exceptional training environment and guidance to early-career investigators. Hunter Wessells, MD, FACS, professor and chair of urology at the University of Washington, will be recognized with the Urology Care Foundation Distinguished Alumnus Award. This award honors former Urology Care Foundation Research Scholars who have achieved a substantial body of impactful research and who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to scholarship and academic leadership in the field of urology. Christina B. Ching, MD and Vivek Narayan, MD will be honored with the Urology Care Foundation Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award. Each year, a one- and two-year Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar is chosen to receive the Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award based on the quality and potential impact of their studies, overall research productivity and publications generated during the award period. Dr. Ching's two-year study, titled "Role of Reg3 and HIP/PAP on Urothelial Antimicrobial Activity and Barrier Function Against Uropathogens," advanced our understanding of urinary tract infections and Dr. Narayan investigated new ways to treat kidney cancer with his one-year project, titled "Comprehensive Peripheral Blood Immune Cell and Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Profiling for the Prediction of Clinical Response to Novel Immunotherapies in Renal Cell Carcinoma." About the Urology Care Foundation The Urology Care Foundation is the world's leading nonprofit urological health foundation and the official foundation of the American Urological Association. We partner with physicians, researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, families and the public to support and improve the prevention, detection and treatment of urological diseases through research and education. To learn more about the Urology Care Foundation and its programs visit: About the American Urological Association: The 113th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association takes place May 18-21 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. Founded in 1902 and headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological Association is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology, and has more than 21,000 members throughout the world. The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care through education, research and the formulation of health policy. To learn more about the AUA, visit SOURCE Urology Care Foundation Related Links NEW YORK, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- As the #1 anti-aging brand in European pharmacies, Vichy Laboratories is a dermatologically-proven skin care brand driven by clean, safe and potent ingredients in pleasurable formulas. Their latest launch is an award-winning innovation, LiftActiv Vitamin C Brightening Skin Corrector. This Vitamin C Serum combines 15% Pure Vitamin C with Natural Origin Hyaluronic Acid and Vichy's Mineralizing Thermal Water for skin that is brighter and feels firmer in just 10 days, and is the newest addition to Vichy's anti-aging line: LiftActiv. Comprised of only 11 ingredients, this high level derm-grade Vitamin C Serum at an accessible price of $28.50 is paraben-free, fragrance-free, silicone-free and oil-free, further showcasing Vichy's commitment to providing pure, yet potent formulas to help maintain skin health. Discover more at Discover more at Discover more at "My patients are very concerned about safety, and as a physician, I want to ensure that efficacy and results are also behind the product. My patients are also very informed on current skin care trends, Vitamin C being a particular buzz-word ingredient with rising popularity. It helps minimize fine lines and fights against skin aging caused by daily aggressors all of which are benefits many of my patients are seeking. However, not all Vitamin C treatments are created equal. The LiftActiv Vitamin C Serum offers the best of both worlds: an effective yet accessible formulation that's simple and clean yet boasts a high concentration of Vitamin C," says Dr. Erin Gilbert, Vichy Consulting Dermatologist. Exposure to sunlight or pollutants can cause stress, overworking the skin's defenses, and further depleting the amount of Vitamin C in the skin. This contributes to signs of skin aging such as dull and uneven skin tone, loss of firmness, dehydration and fine lines. The LiftActiv Vitamin C Serum combats daily aggressors with 15% Pure Vitamin C from pure ascorbic acid (the most bioavailable form of Vitamin C). Vitamin C, an antioxidant known to help brighten the skin, assists in reducing the appearance of several signs of aging, and helps protect against further skin stress. The formula also features Natural Origin Hyaluronic Acid, which penetrates the skin to hydrate and plump, and like all Vichy products contains Vichy's exclusive Mineralizing Thermal Water, which is naturally rich in 15 essential minerals that help to strengthen skin's moisture barrier and shield skin from daily aggressors like pollution, stress and fatigue. Vichy is thrilled to announce that LiftActiv Vitamin C Serum has won two awards: the 2018 O, The Oprah Magazine Beauty O-Ward in the category Best Anti-Aging for All and 2018 Self Healthy Beauty Award. At $28.50, Vichy LiftActiv Vitamin C Serum: Brightening Skin Corrector is available for purchase at,, and select CVS, Walgreens, Duane Reade, Target, Ulta & Rite Aid stores. Effectiveness in 10 Days In 10 days*: 83% agreed skin looks more radiant 73% agreed complexion looks fresher 71% agreed skin appears smoother Immediately*: 96% agreed formula penetrates quickly 90% agreed formula doesn't leave the skin shiny 88% agreed formula doesn't leave the skin oily *Self-assessment study on 52 women aged from 40 to 65, once daily application About Vichy: Purity is Potency Vichy is the #1 Anti-Aging Brand in European Pharmacies. Created by Dr. Haller in 1931, Vichy is among the first French doctors' brands trusted by millions of women in Europe and around the world. For over 85 years, Vichy has been committed to providing clean, safe and effective skin care solutions to women of all skin types, skin concerns, ethnicities and ages. At the crux of this legacy is Vichy's most pure and potent ingredient: Vichy's exclusive Mineralizing Thermal Water, charged with the highest concentration of 15 rich minerals essential to skin health, to fortify and protect skin from daily aggressors like pollution, stress and fatigue. This thermal water is formed by nature and impossible to reproduce scientifically. The Vichy formulation charter is centered around the thermal water and combining other potent and natural origin ingredients with sensorial formulations all coming together to provide a clean, safe and effective skin care experience. Discover Vichy for everyday skin health. For additional information, please visit,, SOURCE Vichy Laboratoires USA Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The global wearable sensors market size is anticipated to reach USD 2.86 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., progressing at a phenomenal CAGR of 38.8% during the forecast period. Wearable sensors are a vital aspect of wearable devices owing to growing focus on health and fitness monitoring activities. Wearable sensors are emerging as a revolution in monitoring healthcare and fitness parameters and reducing overall hospital cost for patients. (Logo: ) Wearable sensors are expected to gain traction over the forecast period. The application of these sensors in fitness bands is estimated to hold largest market share in 2016. However, the smart watch segment is anticipated to exhibit the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The growth of the segment is accredited to its capabilities in monitoring and rendering a comprehensive analysis of user activities. As technology advances, end users such as Apple, Samsung, and Fossil are focusing on providing game-changing products, which is a key determinant driving the popularity of wearable sensors. The consumer segment is expected to remain dominant with fitness tracking emerging as a key trend among users in the recent past. Increase in demand for wearable sensors for remote monitoring of health and fitness through motion sensing technologies and data analysis techniques is anticipated to be a major factor driving segment growth. The healthcare vertical is anticipated to grow at a healthy CAGR over the forecast period, fueled by technological developments in remote monitoring. Browse full research report with TOC on "Wearable Sensors Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Sensor Type, By Device (Smart Watch, Fitness Band, Smart Glasses, Smart Fabric), By Vertical, By Region, And Segment Forecast, 2018 - 2025" at: Further Key Findings From the Report Suggest: The global wearable sensors market accounted for USD 149.3 million in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 38.8% from 2017 to 2025 in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 38.8% from 2017 to 2025 The smart watch segment is anticipated to reach USD 1,083.3 million by 2025 and is expected grow at a high rate over the forecast period by 2025 and is expected grow at a high rate over the forecast period The fitness band segment dominated the market in 2016, with an estimated USD 48.5 million The consumer vertical emerged as the largest segment and is estimated to generate revenue over USD 1,253.5 million by 2025 by 2025 Demand for wearable sensors in defense is anticipated to witness moderate growth over the forecast period Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region over the forecast period. Numerous enterprises and several new players within China and Japan have been investing in advanced sensor manufacturing. The regional market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 41.0% over the forecast period is expected to be the fastest-growing region over the forecast period. Numerous enterprises and several new players within and have been investing in advanced sensor manufacturing. The regional market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 41.0% over the forecast period Key players in the wearable sensors market include Robert Bosh GmbH, STMicroelectronics N.V., NXP Semiconductors N.V., Texas Instruments, and Knowles Electronics, LLC. Browse related reports by Grand View Research: ERP Software Market - The global ERP software market size was valued at USD 27,648.0 million in 2014. Need for efficiency and transparency in organizations is expected to propel demand over the forecast period. The global ERP software market size was valued at in 2014. Need for efficiency and transparency in organizations is expected to propel demand over the forecast period. Online Movie Ticketing Services Market - The online movie ticketing services market size was estimated at USD 13.98 billion in 2014. High internet penetration, digital media and rigorous promotion and advertising of films are expected to drive industry demand. The online movie ticketing services market size was estimated at in 2014. High internet penetration, digital media and rigorous promotion and advertising of films are expected to drive industry demand. Electronic Display Market - The global electronic display market size was valued at USD 313.5 billion in 2014. Technological advancements, expansion of consumer electronics industry and increasing applications across different end-use segments are expected to drive the global market growth. The global electronic display market size was valued at in 2014. Technological advancements, expansion of consumer electronics industry and increasing applications across different end-use segments are expected to drive the global market growth. Workforce Analytics Market - The global workforce analytics market size was valued at USD 430.9 million in 2015. The growing demand to enhance the productivity and curb the operational cost is expected to aggravate the demand for workforce analytics software platform across various industries. Grand View Research has segmented the global wearable sensors market on the basis of sensor type, device, vertical, and region: Wearable Sensor Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025) Accelerometer Gyroscope Optical Force & pressure Inertial sensor Temperature Magnetometers Medical based sensors Others Wearable Sensors Device Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025) Smart Watch Fitness band Smart glasses Smart fabric Smart footwear Other wearable Wearable Sensors Vertical Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025) Consumer Defense Healthcare Industrial Others Wearable Sensors Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025) North America U.S. Canada Europe U.K. Germany France Asia Pacific China India Japan Latin America Brazil Mexico MEA Explore the BI enabled intuitive market research database, The Grand Library, by Grand View Research, Inc. About Grand View Research Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and healthcare. Contact: Sherry James Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Grand View Research, Inc. Phone: +1-415-349-0058 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: [email protected] Web: SOURCE Grand View Research, Inc. LOS ANGELES, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Saturday, May 26, 2018, in preparation for Memorial Day the Boy Scouts of America, with support of local community members, will honor our nation's fallen heroes at the Annual Flag Placement ceremony. Beginning at 7:30 am, over 6,000 Scouts and adult leaders will participate in this event paying tribute to veterans and their spouses by placing 88,000 American Flags on graves throughout the Los Angeles National Cemetery in West Los Angeles. The event is open to the public and registration will begin at 7:30 am. The day's program will be produced and presented by youth from the Boy Scouts of America and will highlight the significance of this important Memorial Day activity. Scouts will, in their own way, honor each veteran as the flag is placed in front of each grave marker. The media is encouraged to take part in recognizing this patriotic community service. The best photo opportunities can be found between the hours of 8:00 am and 9:00 am. Media must arrive at the cemetery no later 7:30 am in order to access the property. Additionally, beginning Tuesday May 29th Thursday May 31st Scouts will be retrieving the 88,000 flags planted on May 26th. Retrieval takes place from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm each evening until all flags have been collected. To register or for more info, visit For more information and to arrange interviews in English or Spanish, please contact event chairman Keith Smith at C-818-429-7791/ [email protected] or Joshua Bryan at 310-839-9905 or via email [email protected] 2017 Media Coverage: CBS: FOX: About Boy Scouts of America, Western Los Angeles County Council WLACC serves nearly 10,000 youth throughout Western Los Angeles County. The Council operates three Camps: Camp Josepho in the Pacific Palisades, Camp Whitsett located in the Sequoia National Forest and Camp Emerald Bay on Catalina Island. For more information on programs offered, please visit: Handle: @BSAwestLA @theboyscoutsofamerica Tags: #BSAwestLA #MemorialDay #BoyScouts SOURCE Western Los Angeles County Council, Boy Scouts of America Related Links SAN DIEGO, May 17, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Zanroo, the fastest-growing marketing technology startup in Southeast Asia, championed diversity and innovation in the Asia-Pacific at the Gartner Digital Marketing Conference this week (May 15-17, 2018; At the event, Zanroo engaged with global leaders in the marketing industry to demonstrate the wealth of innovation and digital insight accessible in the region. Zanroo's proprietary social media intelligence tools enable brands and businesses to glean social media insights from markets that they otherwise would not be able to. Unique to Zanroo, its technologies have the capacity to capture and analyze complex multilingual data sets in more than 15 different countries in the region and across the world. This empowers foreign and domestic businesses alike to better understand how they can engage with their consumers within their respective markets. "Our vision is to truly be a global company, but our ideals remain steadily set in our Southeast Asian roots. At its core, Zanroo seeks to increase people's understanding of the world around them and, in turn, empower them to connect with one another in profound and meaningful ways. We're at Gartner to represent that message in an international arena," said Zanroo Chief Executive Officer and Founder Chitpol Mungprom. Since its formation in 2013, Zanroo has experienced impressive annual revenue growth steadily ranging between 250 and 300 percent. It has also since achieved Series-A funding, becoming the first Thai company to do so and receiving an estimated USD$7.4 million. Zanroo is recognized as the first Southeast Asian marketing technology company to receive ISO 27001 certification the gold standard for information security management. "Our growth continues to enable us to extend our impact into new markets and provide our clients with sustainable strategic insights. It also allows us to develop new technologies that harness the power of big data to procure profitable business outcomes for our clients," said Mr. Mungprom. In Q4, Zanroo anticipates launching a new innovative product, Arun, that rapidly collects and processes big data for real-time crisis management and campaign activations. Zanroo is also currently exploring how they can collaborate with global partners to enhance their existing product portfolio and meet the increasing demands of businesses operating within their markets. ABOUT ZANROO Zanroo is the fastest-growing insight discovery marketing technology start-up based in Southeast Asia. Using real-time big data analytics, Zanroo enables its clients to develop and drive laser-focused social marketing engagements and digital activations that catalyze action. Founded in 2013, Zanroo has grown from its roots in Thailand to have a presence in more than 15 countries across the world and offices in six key markets throughout the region. For more information, please visit Connect with us on LinkedIn - Friend us on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - Look for us on Instagram SOURCE Zanroo Related Links EXPERT OBSERVATION Brighter news for Brisbane landlords as the vacancy rate declined to 3% from 3.7% a year earlier, according to SQM Research figures. Asking rents for Brisbane units increased by +0.4% in the month, too, mainly driven by the upper end of the market (renting good quality property in inner Brisbane still doesn't come cheap, despite the soft market overall). Brisbane appears to have a turned a corner as population growth picks up and dwelling commencements now decline sharply. The 6mMA figures attempt to capture the latest trends, but do incorporate the Christmas period, when vacancy rates tend to be high. Hobart appears to be through the worst for renters with vacancy rates rising slightly to 0.7%. Adelaide is building plenty of houses, but hasn't experienced the surge in investors seen in the larger cities, and accordingly vacancy rates keep tightening, now down to 1.3%. Melbourne was also tighter again on strong population growth at 1.3%. Sydney's vacancy rates was flat at 2.3% in the month, but plenty higher than a year earlier when it was 1.7%, while Perth continues to turn the corner. NGU Real Estate, based in Brisbane, have had one of its online property video ad campaigns banned after it portrayed women as being "similar to cattle." The real estate firm have been well known for the flashy video advertising they put together in the past. Lamborginhi's have extensively featured, while most videos follow women around the home, many dolled up in lavish dresses or skimpy fitness wear. The recent complaints came from a promotional video (screenshots above and below), which had women women partying on a boat, swimming in a pool and performing a fashion show down the homes hallway. In the clip the women head to the home by boat, despite the six level Norman Park home not fronting the river, as well as arriving in a Bentley and Ferrari. The trophy home (without video) was featured in Property Observer last month after it was marketed as the Versace of Brisbane. The video ad has been called "sexist" and "objectifying to women." NGU Real Estate said it respects the complaints but does not believe it has breached any marketing codes. The models are portrayed in a confident manner and the key female is fully clothed and in portrayed in a position of power and confidence," NGU Real Estate told Mumbrella. "The content was created by women and intended to portray women in a confident and positive light, they added. The ad watchdog agreed, however the Ad Standards Board dubbed the women portrayed as being "similar to cattle." The women may have been modelling clothes, but the selected woman goes to stand next to the key female after being selected, and the implication is that she has been chosen rather than the clothes," they said. The Panel considered that this particular scene in the advertisement did employ sexual appeal in a manner which is exploitative of women in regards to the portrayal of women as commodities or objects to possess, Ad Standards concluded upholding the complaint. The Mumbella website noted NGU Real Estate said the ad had since been removed, however it does still appear on Youtube, as well as on the live listing. NGU noted that the company has not acted unlawfully because advertising is self-regulated. After the company set up in 2016, it made $20 million in one month by the video showcasing. That month it saw 270,000 views on its properties. Last year NGU announced Australias first real estate mega office for their business in Brisbane, offering buyers and sellers the opportunity to dine and deal. A fitout started after they purchased property at 37A Archer St, Toowong. The 807sq m commercial space would be real estates version of Googles Silicon Valley base, according to NGU Group CEO Emil Juresic. NGU believes the real estate industrys franchise model is dead, Mr Juresic said. No longer do buyers peer into a shop window to view properties. "Technology has changed everything and in response we are creating a central state-of-the-art real estate work environment. Mr Juresic said the innovative and holistic design of the new NGU Real Estate headquarters includes a wide range of facilities from auction rooms to a top-class restaurant. There will be five meeting zones, a resting area, gymnasium, restaurant, two boardrooms, a conference centre and a large number of carparks, he said. In the first six months of operation in 2016, the agent recorded $33 million worth of property sales and claimed to be "dominating the industrys digital marketing sphere." Revenue at Hachette Book Group rose 5.4% in the first quarter ended March 31, over the comparable period last year, parent company Lagardere reported. Total sales for the Lagardere publishing group increased 0.4%, to 442 million euros. Lagardere said revenue for the total publishing group was affected by a negative 23 million euros exchange rate, which was offset by the acquisitions of Brainbow, Bookouture, Summerside, and Jessica Kingsley. The company also noted that e-books' share of revenue fell again in the quarter, dropping from 10% in the first period of 2017 to 9.1% in the most recent quarter. Within the U.S., HBG CEO Michael Pietsch said the first quarter gains came from many places: #1 bestselling books by HBG house authors James Patterson, David Baldacci, Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, and Brad Meltzer." He added that backlist hits also had an impact, citing You Are a Badass, Obama: An Intimate Portrait and Pachinko. Breakout bestseller such as Russian Roulette and Dear Madam President, also contributed to the sales gain, Piestch said Pietsch was optimistic about prospects for the second quarter, pointing to the publication of the publisher's biggest book of the year, James Patterson and Bill Clinton's The President is Missing (which Knopf is co-publishing). The book is due out June 4. Controversy has dogged the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) since David Fenza, its longtime executive director, was fired on March 11. In late April, former U.S. poet laureate Rita Dove, AWPs 19861987 board president, wrote an open letter to the organization's current board, in which she claimed that an administrator of the University of Marylands English department [whom she declined to identify for PW] said Fenza was dismissed for creating a hostile work environment. She then asked: Where was the hostile work environment? Were there any formal complaints? To date, the AWP board has not responded to Doves letter. AWP chair David Haynes told PW that the board cannot respond to such questions, citing its legal obligations to protect Fenzas privacy. However, according to a dozen women who spoke to PW, multiple complaints were lodged against Fenza over the span of a decade. What Dove wants, she says in the letter, is transparency, since Fenza maintains he was fired without cause. And Fenza, for his part, is standing firm that he is the one who has been wronged by AWP. At no time during the last 18 months did the board let me know about complaints from the staff, Fenza told PW. For the previous 28 years, my performance evaluations were always good to excellent. AWP, a nonprofit which provides support and resources to writers, college and university creative writing programs, and writers conferences, has been hosted by the University of Maryland since July 2017. Prior to that, AWP had a longstanding affiliation with George Mason University. Though it maintains its status as an independent nonprofit, AWP is now a subunit of UMDs English department. Bonnie Thornton Dill, dean of the School of Arts & Humanities at UMD, signed Fenzas letter of termination. (Under the arrangement AWP has with UMD, its staffers are employed by UMD.) UMD administrators declined to disclose whether any complaints have been filed against Fenza since AWP moved to the universitys College Park campus. But the sources who reached out to PW allege that Fenza created a hostile work environment for some women on staff, while protecting AWP conference director Christian Teresi, who still works for the organization. The women who spoke to PW said a number of formal grievances were filed against Teresi. Though most of the women who spoke to PW about their experience at AWP did so on the condition of anonymity, a number provided PW with human resources documents, letters, and emails to support their allegations of gender discrimination, bullying, and retaliation. Theres a whole story that isnt being told, said one of the women. Its not fair to former employees like me, or to AWP members, that there is only Fenzas version out there, amplified in different publications. We talked a lot about serving our members the three years I worked there; the best way to serve our members is for them to know the truth. In one discrimination complaint filed against Teresi in 2011, a woman wrote that he inappropriately interrogated her when she requested leave for her own health issues and to care for an ailing infant. He later gave her a negative performance evaluation. His behavior toward her, she noted in the complaint, seems to be motivated by my role as a mother. Shortly after filing the complaint, the woman resigned, though she continued the grievance process. GMU dismissed her claims of gender discrimination due to insufficient evidence, but Linda Schwartzstein, GMU's vice provost, subsequently wrote to the woman, and said that given the possibility that [the negative] performance evaluation rating was an act of retaliation by Fenza and Teresi, the evaluation had been removed from her personnel file. Several women told PW that they filed complaints in 2013 concerning gender-based pay disparities, alleging that a man in a similar position to them with less experience and fewer qualifications received a higher salary. One woman said she received a raise but resigned shortly thereafter. Another woman said she completed the grievance process and then resigned. She added, I really thought something would be done about Fenza, or at least about [Teresi], and it wasnt. So I left. Amber Withycombe worked at AWP as its development director from 2011 to 2013, and she recalled her time there was personally and professionally very difficult, with constant friction between Fenza and staff due to what she and many other former employees have described as his autocratic and capricious management style. Tensions, Withycombe said, were compounded by Fenzas reluctance to mediate between Teresi and other employees. Staff departures, particularly in the conference department, were frequent and rarely discussed, she said. Current and past board members made comments to me about the high turnover that suggested they were well aware of how challenging it was to work at AWP. In June 2013 five senior staffers, including Withycombe, compiled for Fenza (and copied to a GMU HR rep) their grievances, along with those of junior staffers, regarding Teresis behavior. Withycombe provided copies of these documents to PW. In her grievance, she wrote to Fenza: It is clear to me that [Teresi] is held to a different standard and expectation than other employees. AWP staff members have repeatedly made you aware of his unprofessional behavior, but you have not addressed it in a way that has curbed its continuation. I urgently request that you find a course of action that leads to the establishment of a healthy and functional workplace for all AWP staff. Fenza and Teresi told PW they were aware of only one complaint filed with GMU: the 2011 one that had been dismissed. As long as I have worked at AWP, I have strived to make it an inclusive and respectful workplace, wrote Teresi. None of my evaluations in my 16 years at AWP give credence to what you have suggested. Fenza also noted that, since 2012, AWP has hired more experienced and professional staff, which reduced turnover. Staff turnover at AWP has slowed since 2014, which might be a consequence of the grievances filed by those five senior staffers in 2013. According to 20132014 AWP board president Judith Baumel, during her tenure the board was made aware of serious accusations of harassment and discrimination against women and people of color at the organization. Together with GMUs HR office, we worked with Fenza to address these. Baumel said that she left the board in 2014, too soon to see any real changes. Current AWP employees declined to respond on the record to PWs questions concerning the organization's office environment, but former development director Pamela Mills, who retired last month, said that she enjoyed a very professional, collegial, and respectful working relationship with her colleagues. She noted, however, that there had been issues when she was hired in the fall of 2013 that were being handled by HR with lots of staff training and professional development workshops to repair internal staff problems." Despite the effort to change AWP's working environment around 2014, issues continued to linger. William Miller, who directed GMUs creative writing program from 1992 until his retirement this month, said after that period questions were raised about whether the organization had addressed those issues to HRs satisfaction." He added that "there were intimations HR was not satisfied." Miller noted, though, that "GMU did not tell AWP to leave. It was AWPs decision to move to UMD after the agreement with GMU expired, he said, citing the organizations need for more office space and higher salaries. Chloe Schwenkea transgender activist with extensive managerial experience in academia and nonprofit organizationswas named interim director of AWP in April, and the board is searching for a permanent director. Withycombe hopes new leadership will allow AWP to move forward.I so loved working with most everybody at AWP, she said. AWP has so much potential. I hope they find a leader who heals the debacle of the last dozen years with honesty and transparency. Brad Martin is retiring as CEO of Penguin Random House Canada effective June 30. Kristin Cochrane, who has served as president and publisher of PRH Canada since 2015, will take over as CEO on July 1. Martin began his career in 1981 as a sale representative for McClelland & Stewart. He joined Penguin Books Canada in 1984, and was later named president of that company in 1996. He left for what would become Bantam Doubleday Dell Canada in 1998 and rose to the position of CEO of Random House of Canada in 2007. Finally, in 2013, he assumed the role of CEO of the newly formed Penguin Random House Canada. He will be remembered for, among numerous accomplishments, the acquisition and integeration of McClelland & Stewart's assets into PRH Canada. Cochrane joined Doubleday Canada in 2005 as associate publisher and has been with the company ever since. She has become one of the most recognizable and powerful women in Canadian media. With her new position, she will oversee sales, finance, operations, human resources, marketing and publicity. In his letter announcing her promotion, PRH CEO Markus Dohle observed that "as a leader, Kristin has an impressive track record of mentoring and empowering her publishing teams to make our iconic Canadian imprints even more successful." According to research by media agency MediaCom and technology company ViewersLogic, second-screening that is the act of watching TV while using a mobile or other connected device was found to actually improves viewers chances of following up on an ad by 75%. This reflects the ease with which a viewer can access a website/app from the brand theyve just seen using a mobile device.The results, taken from 1,877 people in the UK, were consistent across all age groups, gender and TV channels sampled, the companies said.Women were more receptive to actively responding to an ad while second-screening, with 59% of all their active responses happening while using another device . That compares with 51% of men. The 40-54 age group was the most responsive, with 57% of all active responses happening while multitasking; and 55+ was the least responsive demographic, with 50%.In another surprising finding, people who saw ad while second-screening were observed as being more brand-aware. One example tested found a 12%-point difference in brand awareness between those who were second screening during the ad exposure and those who were not.The research also found that the so-called zapping rate (the average number of channel changes a user does per hour) is 10% lower while viewers are engaged with their mobile phones than without them. This was found to be the case with all age ranges except 18-24, who actually changed channels more frequently while second-screening.In the past few years, the way people watch TV has changed quite drastically; on average, people spend around 30% of their TV time simultaneously looking at their phone or tablet, said Pauline Robson, head of insight at MediaCom . Historically, brands have shuddered at the thought of attention wandering to the second screen. However, our research has flipped that misconception on its head and shown that advertisers should actively look for shows where the audience is most likely to be second-screening. Media plans should actively take into account the second screening effect in order to improve efficiency; the opportunities for brands are huge. A new report from Human Rights Watch highlights increased indiscriminate killing of civilians in Afghanistan by the Taliban and other groups since 2016, despite their claims that they do not target civilians. The report comes on the heels of suicide bombings in Kabul last week that killed 29 people, including 10 journalists. Despite the non-stop violence, U.S. personnel recently expressed cautious optimism to oversight representatives about the U.S.s mission there, and our conditions-based strategy, as well as reform initiatives by the Afghan government. Documenting their findings in a Special Report released at the end of March, the Inspectors General (IG) of the Department of Defense, State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) conducted a trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Qatar as part of their mission to provide oversight on ongoing military, diplomatic, and reconstructions efforts taking in place in countries around the world. Countering this optimism, though, the IGs recognized that the terror threat in Afghanistan remains high and deadly, and it is uncertain whether these new initiatives will make a lasting difference. As the violence highlighted above shows, things have not been going very well in Afghanistan. Reconstruction projects produce bad to lukewarm results, wasting millions of dollars in the process. The amount of land held by the Afghan government has been consistently declining over the last several years. A key issue at the heart of U.S. underperformance in Afghanistan is corruption. As the IGs make clear, substantive progress cannot be made without significant reductions in corruption. Corruption is pervasive and deep-rooted throughout Afghanistan, and it is hard to see how other objectives can be met if the Afghans are unable to effectively address this issue, they write. Given the history of this conflict, that should sow doubt in all of our minds about the indefinite nature of the U.S.s presence. Corruption has plagued the U.S.s efforts from the very beginning. As the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) wrote in September 2016, there was not sufficient appreciation for the threat corruption posed to the long-term U.S. goal of a peaceful, stable Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the 2001 invasion. By 2005, U.S. officials realized that corruption was a significant obstacle to rebuilding efforts, but there was no cohesive, consistent response...anticorruption efforts lacked sustained political commitment, strategies, expertise, and resources. One reason efforts lagged is that fighting corruption required relying on the very people that benefited from it. It required the cooperation of Afghan elites whose power relied on the very structures that anticorruption efforts sought to dismantle. This included warlords and other powerbrokers whom the U.S. supported to achieve security and stability goals. The Taliban were able to gain control of Afghanistan in the 1990s by promising to end the predatory ruling of warlords that dominated the country after the retreat of the Soviet Union. This became their slogan again after the emergence of the Karzai administration, as many regional warlords were appointed to senior government positions, all the while continuing to subject the Afghan population to terror and corrupt governance. Reconstruction efforts also run the inherent risk of creating new sources of corruption as well, as new power players emerge. Reconstruction and state-building efforts often do not work as intended because those who become or remain empowered during reconstruction frequently use new institutions and resources to ensure their political survival, pursue personal agendas and maximize the economic and political goals of the groups they represent, says Megan Stewart, an assistant professor at American Universitys School of International Service. This exact thing happened in Afghanistan, as previously non-influential individuals gained power through their connection to the U.S. and the international community. As SIGAR John Sopko has written, [t]hey mobilized their own militias and commanded strong loyalty from the army or police, while benefiting from access to foreign militaries and aid agencies...these strongmen strengthened their links to the drug trade, smuggling, and criminal networks. Tribal politics are also at play something else the U.S. didnt understand very well as many senior government positions under Karzai were filled by non-Pashtuns. Pashtuns have dominated Afghanistan for much of its modern history and saw the U.S. turning over its country to corrupt members of its ethnic archrival, the Tajiks. This further strengthened the position of the Taliban. The Afghan government under President Ashraf Ghani has committed to a broad package of reforms. There has been some optimism surrounding the passing of the Inherent Law, which reduces the mandatory retirement age for military leaders from 72 to 60, forcing out those who rose through the ranks based on patronage. But the Defense, State, and USAID IGs ultimately express skepticism that these reforms will see any significant change. They write that it remains to be seen whether the Afghan government will sustain its commitment to...underlying reforms. During the last 17 years of United States involvement in Afghanistan, such commitment has been inconsistent. Many of the milestones already achieved represent low hanging fruit. Its clear that the U.S. sees corruption as a major issue in Afghanistan, and yet oversight officials remain skeptical of the long-term viability of reform. This is the folly of a conditions-based approach to our presence there. Weve committed indefinitely to a battle that we arent sure we can win, and even if we can win, its not clear it will be worth the cost. Jerrod A. Laber is a writer and journalist living in northern Virginia. He was a Writing Fellow with Amercas Future Foundation and a Free Society Fellow with Young Voices. Follow him on Twitter @JerrodALaber. France and England were traditional enemies. In North America alone they have fought each other in four different wars. But it was not until the Seven Years' War (1756-63) that the issue of who controlled the continent was settled once and for all. During that struggle Great Britain finally made the conquest of New France a priority and invested enough men and equipment to accomplish its aim. With the help of the Royal Navy, New France was effectively cut off from reinforcements, while at the same time it allowed the British to build up the necessary strength in the thirteen colonies to destroy the French presence in North America. British Naval Supremacy coupled with England's escalation of the war in North America sealed the fate of New France during the Seven Years' War.[1]. In order to understand what happened in North America during the war, it is necessary to understand that the conflict there was only one part of, what some historians view, as the first real global war. Britain and France not only fought in North America, but in India, Europe and on the seas. Given so many theatres of war, each with differing degrees of importance, it was necessary that nations had to choose priorities.[2]. It was easy for England to set priorities. Thanks to her island status and the supremacy of the Royal Navy, it was unnecessary for Britain to field a large conventional army to defend its shores or to fight in Europe. Since the United Kingdom's greatest interest was in sea trade and amassing colonies, it was only natural that the war at sea and in the colonies got preference. The only problem was that she was obliged to protect the Kingdom of Hanover, which was technically in Union with England. Britain solved this problem by making an alliance with Frederick the Great of Prussia, who was arguably the greatest General of the time. They also financed a German Army to fight in Hanover as well as sending a few troops of their own.[3]. Some of you may still be debating the laurel vs. yanny recording that exploded online this week like another summer storm. It is an allegory for our troubled time, in which some of us simply cannot even hear what others hear, let alone understand the positions they take. Unfortunately, so is the ugly debate over whether Sen. John McCain, one of our greatest living heroes, deserves an apology from someone mocking the fight of his life. It has come to this -- reverence for the gift McCain has given our country can be subjugated by partisan rage. That McCain has become a casualty of our vulgar tribalism is a dark stain on our country. When most of us (according to polling) look at McCain, we can only see the son of an admiral, refusing early release from a North Vietnam prison and choosing further detention and torture at the hands of his captors, for the sake of solidarity with his brothers in arms. For years. Yet many others view McCain as some Republican misfit who disappointed them. While some are willing to acknowledge his sacrifice, they choose to give his political choices more weight. They are not overcome by his valor, but overwhelmed by his votes across the aisle. Voting against so-called skinny repeal of Obamacare last summer, which many believe McCain did on behalf of his colleagues who felt forced to support it but wanted it to fail, was -- to GOP partisans and to President Trump -- apostasy. No one is surprised Trump has not asked his aide to publicly apologize for her now famous aside that McCains opposition to the nomination of Gina Haspel for CIA director didnt matter because hes dying anyway. Trump has mocked McCains service and imprisonment before, blasted him for blocking repeal of the Affordable Care Act and has never publicly apologized for anything except the Access Hollywood recording, on which he bragged about sexual assault. But the staffer, Kelly Sadler, did apologize to McCains daughter Meghan and offer to make a public apology, which she has yet to do. To distract from the painful episode, which has been addressed not only by Meghan but her mother, Cindy, on Twitter, the White House continues decrying leaks. On Tuesday night, pollster Peter Hart conducted a focus group in Wisconsin and found some Trump voters lined up against the war hero. According to the Washington Post, one Trump supporter called McCain petty while another referred to him as a turncoat. Hart concluded: If anybody has a doubt about how solid the Trump core is, come listen to this group. They couldnt even find a nice word to say about John McCain. Fortunately, on the same night, McCains son appeared in his stead at the International Republican Institutes annual Freedom Dinner, where Defense Secretary James Mattis paid homage to the senator. Tonight, there is a man standing here right beside me, and you and I can see him in our minds eye, said Mattis, who was there receiving a Freedom Award. Hes a giant, in my mind, of American public life. He leads steadfastly, nothing can diminish him, he steadfastly represents the best of our country. Mattis added: Everything I love about America is resident in this man, who denied cynicism and victimhood to be a role model for so many of us. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who also received a Freedom Award, said to McCains son: You should know that your dad is in our hearts tonight. John McCain has shown multiple generations of Americans what it means to be a true patriot, and all of us are in his debt. While at least eight GOP senators are on the record calling for someone at the White House to issue some form of an apology, not one addressed the subject when Trump joined them at the Capitol for lunch Tuesday. One of McCains best friends, Sen. Lindsey Graham, instead sent a tweet after the gathering that Trump himself would have written: President @realdonaldtrump is a believer in peace through strength. President Trump today gave an excellent overview of our North Korea and Iran policy, and how he forcefully plans to deal with both threats. Two days earlier, Graham called Sadlers comment disgusting on Face the Nation. He didnt stop there. I just wish somebody from the White House would tell the country that was inappropriate -- thats not who we are in the Trump administration. ... I think most Americans would like to see the Trump administration do better in situations like this. It doesn't hurt you at all to do the right thing and to be big. Its hard to imagine that the fear of ruffling Trumps feathers was so overpowering not one senator could rise and respectfully suggest that a statement expressing at least that the incident was unfortunate would be a fitting response to mocking a war hero battling cancer. They could have said that they desperately hope McCain doesnt die during this back-and-forth, so perhaps some closure is in order. When asked after the lunch, as he knew he would be, about whether the subject was raised, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wore his trademark expressionless expression and said no but: The person who said that should apologize, and apologize publicly. McConnell was fresh off his visit with McCain over the weekend, and had to be hoping -- as were all his colleagues -- that McCain wasnt following the disappointing developments. Certainly, they know, his family is. McCain is facing the final chapter in his journey with trademark stoicism, humor and gratitude, speaking of how lucky he has been to live the life he has. He tells friends who visit that he loves them. Ever the brave veteran, he is unbroken. But for the McCain family -- who live by a heros code, understand the depth of his sacrifice, and now suffer as they face losing him -- this dark episode cuts deep into their aching hearts. And they know, most strikingly at this of all hours, that a nation that would make McCain a dividing line has broken so much of what he and many others worked so hard to help build. Race Analysis 10/26/18 -- Joe Donnelly voted against Brett Kavanaughs nomination, and recent polls have shown a tied race. Hes below 50 percent in a state where undecideds probably approve of President Trump. 9/13/18 -- This is another race where Democrats looked to be in solid position over the summer, but where that position has deteriorated. Joe Donnelly still leads, but it is largely on the back of a month-old poll from Trafalgar Group. The Brett Kavanaugh nomination is something of a gut check for Donnelly, who needs to keep some Republicans in his corner without depressing the hyper-activated Democratic base. 5/14/18 -- Congressmen Luke Messer and Todd Rokita beat each other up in the primary, and it allowed businessman Mike Braun to sneak up the middle and capture the nomination. The danger for Republicans is that Braun hasnt been thoroughly vetted, because Messer and Rokita focused so much of their fire on each other. The danger for Democrats is that someone who hasnt been to Washington is a pretty good foil for Joe Donnelly in this environment. Polling shows a tight race, which is not what an incumbent Democratic Senator running in a red state wants at this point in the cycle. Assuming no major skeletons are in Brauns closet, Donnelly is in deep trouble. ----------Race Preview---------- Indiana is an anomaly in many ways. Unlike northern tier states such as Minnesota and Michigan, large portions of the state have a Southern heritage; unlike Ohio and Illinois, it lacks a massive industrial super-city that drew in scores of Eastern and Southern European immigrants around the turn of the century. Because of this, its politics have been very different from those of other Great Lakes states. In the late 19th and early 20th century, it was the most Democratic Great Lakes state. Today, it is the most heavily Republican. Democrat Vance Hartke won a senate seat in the state in an upset in the good Democratic year of 1958. He was re-elected in the 1964 landslide. He won a third term in 1970 against a quality Republican opponent, but lost in a landslide to Republican Richard Lugar in 1976. Lugar won six terms before losing a primary challenge in a landslide to state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. Mourdock, in turn, made a controversial statement about rape shortly before the election, which went to Democrat Joe Donnelly. Donnelly is unlikely to be so lucky this time around. Republicans have a pair of well-qualified potential opponents in representatives Luke Messer and Todd Rokita. President Trumps low job approval ratings will hurt whoever emerges from the primary, but the red nature of the state pretty much guarantee it will remain on our radar screen. President Donald Trump's call last June to revitalize America's deteriorating civil nuclear program has taken on new importance. A few weeks ago, Russian legislators in the State Duma, in retaliation for U.S. sanctions, introduced a bill that would cut off trade with the U.S. nuclear power industry, which produces roughly 20 percent of U.S. electricity. Russia provided about 20 percent of the fuel needed to power those reactors. The Trump administration accused the head of Iran's central bank of funneling money to Hezbollah and designated him as a global terrorist on Tuesday, placing further financial constraints on Tehran a week after President Trump called for reimposing sanctions that were lifted as part of an Obama-era nuclear deal. The new designation is separate from the nuclear sanctions that were reinstated last week against Iran. But after Mr. Trump announced his decision to back out of the nuclear deal, he promised to impose sanctions on any companies including banks that do business with Iran. Last week, the United States Treasury Department, in coordination with the United Arab Emirates, sought to disrupt an Iranian currency exchange network that transferred money to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to help fund Hezbollah, which the United States considers a terrorist group. The exchange system worked with Iran's central bank, and the Treasury Department said Tuesday's actions were a continuation of attempts to disrupt it. Lots of people have little faith in the government and politicians, but it doesn't have to be that way. If politicians address rampant corruption, public trust in officials and this state as a whole would benefit. site:(newstimes OR ctpost OR nhregister OR middletownpress OR registercitizen OR stamfordadvocate OR thehour) AND type:photo AND (storm OR thunderstorm OR tornado OR ne051618NEStorm) AND publicationDate:[2018-05-15 TO 2018-05-16] Oozing lava and fiery eruptions have reshaped a small community on the Big Island of Hawaii. Residents of Leilani Estates, a census-designated place of population 1,560 in the District of Puna, have long lived in the shadow of the Kilauea volcano. Kilauea first erupted May 3, and its blazing emissions have transformed parts of the tranquil Hawaiian neighborhood into mounds of ash and hardened magma. READ ALSO: Kilauea emits 'code-red levels' of sulfur dioxide gas Images taken before the volcanic eruption show idyllic, tree-lined streets and simple one-story homes. The after images tell a different story. Hot lava bubbles up from fissures in the roadways, and crackling fires turn green lawns black. See before-and-after photos in the above gallery. Kilauea's emissions have destroyed more than 40 structures, including two dozen homes, and forced thousands to evacuate for fear of a possible explosive eruption. Officials said it's impossible to predict how long the eruptions will continue. Asta Miklius, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory, told The Associated Press there is ample magma in the volcano's system. AWE AND FEAR: Lava in Hawaii sloshes, oozes, crackles, roars "How long it will last will depend on whether the summit magma reservoir gets involved," she said. Hawaii Gov. David Ige mobilized the Hawaii National Guard to assist with evacuations and security. Ige also signed an emergency proclamation providing state money for response efforts. There are about 770 structures in the subdivision where lava is flowing. Your browser does not support the iframe HTML tag. Try viewing this in a modern browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Internet Explorer 9 or later. Amy Graff, an SFGATE staff writer, and the Associated Press contributed to this report. Another year, another set of rankings from U.S. News & World Report - the 2018 America's Best High Schools. What does U.S. News think "best" means? According to the magazine's methodology for the list, the answer mostly involves standardized test scores and graduation rates. Never mind that the former are limited in what they tell us about a school, and the latter are, and have repeatedly been, easily fudged in one way or another. For 2018, U.S. News gave charter schools - which are publicly funded but privately operated - seven of the top 10 spots, including the top three, which are part of Arizona's BASIS charter network. Here's the list: 1. BASIS Scottsdale, Arizona 2. BASIS Chandler, Arizona 3. BASIS Oro Valley, Arizona 4. BASIS Tucson North, Arizona 5. BASIS Flagstaff, Arizona 6. Meridian School, Round Rock, Texas 7. International Academy of Macomb, Clinton Township, Michigan 8. BASIS Peoria, Arizona 9. Baccalaureate School for Global Education, New York 10. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Virginia Seven of the top 10 are charter schools (BASIS schools plus Meridian), which is delighting charter school advocates who are reveling in the news during 2018 National Charter Schools Week - so declared by President Donald Trump. But what do these lists really tell us - and what don't they tell us about these schools? The new high school rankings don't talk about why comparing traditional public schools to charters is a problem. Traditional public and charter schools don't operate the same way. Charters operate with different rules than public districts. They don't have to be transparent to the public, and in many places they are run by for-profit companies. The BASIS charter network - the one with six Arizona schools in the ranking's top 10 - is a nonprofit but is operated by a for-profit company. And that company is owned by the people who started the schools in 1998. There are 20 BASIS charter schools in Arizona and several others elsewhere, including one in Washington, D.C. Nationally, the highest-performing charter schools often have high attrition rates and fewer English-language learners and students with disabilities than do traditional school districts. In 2015-2016, 1.2 percent of the students at the BASIS schools in Arizona had a learning disability, compared with 11.3 percent of students statewide, according to this piece about the charter network. Charter school management organizations often spend a good deal of money to market and recruit students. Charters can control the number of students they accept, which traditional public schools can't. The Arizona Republic reported in this article that BASIS schools get more in basic funding than traditional public schools, but they pay teachers much less and ask parents to make donations. The paper said it had obtained records showing that BASIS Scottsdale asks parents to contribute at least $1,500 per child each year - even though charter schools are tuition-free by design - to subsidize teacher pay. The network was started in 1998 by two economists, Michael and Olga Block, who wanted to challenge students with Advanced Placement-focused curriculum. All high school students are required to take half-a-dozen Advanced Placement tests - a requirement that marries well with rankings that depend in part on student AP participation. The Republic reported that the Blocks own a private company called BASIS.ed, which provides the educational services at BASIS schools. The Republic said that "according to an agreement between BASIS Schools and BASIS.ed, the Blocks' private firm keeps 11.75 percent of all school revenues - state, federal and local tax dollars - for management fees." Noting that the Blocks "made a $1.68 million downpayment on an $8.4 million condominium in New York City" last December, the Republic reported on a letter sent to BASIS parents from two executives at BASIS.ed, Peter Bezanson and Craig Barrett. The letter said, according to the newspaper, that the Blocks had put "their heart and soul" and their own money into the schools and to "claim that they should not profit from their life's work is unkind and, frankly, un-American." That's right: They labeled as un-American those who criticize people who are getting rich from publicly funded schools. But putting that aside, the notion that it is fair to rank these schools with traditional public schools is nonsensical. So here's how U.S. News decided that BASIS schools in Arizona deserved top honors in its 2018 high school rankings: --Step 1: The first step determined whether each school's students were performing better than statistically expected for students in that state. U.S. News started by looking at reading and math results for all students on each state's high school proficiency tests. U.S. News then factored in the percentages of economically disadvantaged students - who tend to score lower - enrolled at the schools to identify schools performing much better than statistical expectations. To pass Step 1, high schools' performance had to be one-third of one standard deviation above the average. . . . --Step 2: For schools passing the first step, Step 2 assessed whether their historically underserved students - black, Hispanic and low-income - performed at or better than the state average for historically underserved students. . . . --Step 3: For schools passing the first and second step, Step 3 required schools to meet or surpass a benchmark for their graduation rate. This is the third year U.S. News has included this step. . . . --Step 4: Schools that made it through the first three steps became eligible to be judged nationally on the final step - college-readiness performance - using Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate test data as the benchmark for success. AP is a College Board program and IB is an International Baccalaureate (IB) program; both offer college-level courses at high schools across the country. . . . This fourth step measured which schools produced the best college-level achievement for the highest percentages of their students. This was done by computing a College Readiness Index based on the school's AP and IB participation rate - the number of 12th-grade students in the 2015-2016 academic year who took at least one AP or IB test before or during their senior year, divided by the total number of 12th-graders at the school - and how well the students performed on those tests. Cambodias Prime Minister Hun Sen is in breach of the countrys electoral laws by urging people to vote for him in an upcoming general ballot, election observers said Thursday, because he is rallying for his ruling Cambodian Peoples Party (CPP) outside of the official campaign period. Hun Sen has called for Cambodians to support him at the July 29 polls at nearly every public appearance he has made in recent weeksincluding while speaking at events for factory workers, students, and civil servantsdespite a law which only allows campaigning between July 7 and 27. Korn Savang, senior election observer for the Committee on Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel), told RFAs Khmer Service it is illegal for Hun Sen to abuse the role of public servant to benefit ones own political party by campaigning during the appearances. When the prime minister is advocating for people to vote for him and his party outside of the electoral campaign period, he is abusing his title and misappropriating state resources for his own political gain. Comfrel, along with fellow electoral watchdog Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (NICFEC), have said that they will not participate in Julys election as monitors following the banning of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) by Cambodias Supreme Court in November for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. The CNRP received more than 3 million votesaccounting for nearly half of the countrys registered votersin Cambodias 2013 general election, and enjoyed similar success in last years commune ballot, making it the only legitimate challenger to the CPP ahead of July. Hun Sens crackdown on the opposition in recent months is widely seen as part of a bid to ensure his party stays in power after the vote. Political analyst Lao Mong Hay echoed Korn Savangs concerns, but said he was not surprised that Hun Sen does not face legal trouble for campaigning outside of the official period, as Cambodias courts and the National Election Committee (NEC)the nations top electoral bodylack independence. This is when the National Election Committee, which is expected to be neutral, should step in and introduce some sanctions against him and other individuals who breach this rule, he said. But Dim Sovannarom, a spokesperson for the NEC, said that the committee is only empowered to act during the electoral campaign period. The NEC is a technical body that abides by the electoral law, and the law stipulates that the NECs jurisdiction only kicks in during the electoral campaign period, which runs from July 7-27, he said. Outside of that period, the NEC has no authority on the matter. The NEC just follows the law. We do not have any other options. Yem Ponhearith, a spokesperson for the CNRP, told RFA that Hun Sen and other government officials act in violation of the laws on campaigning during every election yet the NEC has never taken action against them. It is illegal for Hun Sen to call on people to vote for him and his political party in his capacity as the prime minister, he said. The prime minister must behave like onehe represents the whole country, not just his party. Every time he starts calling for people to vote for him and his party in his capacity as the prime minister, he enters into the electoral campaign too soon. Its not right. Hun Sen began urging Cambodians to vote for him in the upcoming election as early as December, when he told several thousand factory workers in the capital Phnom Penh that he hoped that they and their families would vote for the CPP and for me, so that I can continue to rule this country. This is not an election campaign, the prime ministerwho has led Cambodia for more than three decadessaid at the time, adding that no one can ban me from saying this, and asking for people to vote for me is not wrong. Party registration Meanwhile, as of Thursday, a total of eight political parties have been accepted by the NEC to participate in Julys election, after the committee extended the period for parties to register beyond the original May 14 deadline. The eight parties recognized by the NEC are the CPP, the royalist Funcinpec Party, the Cambodian Youth Party (CYP), the Khmer National United Party (KNUP), the Khmer National Party of Cambodia (KNPC), the Grassroots Democracy Party (GDP), the New Light Party (NLP), and the One Khmer Party (OKP). Of the eight parties, only the CPP and Funcinpec Party currently hold seats in the National Assembly, or parliament, and ran in the last general election of 2013. The other parties are largely considered government-aligned or too insignificant to garner many votes. On May 14, only four parties had been recognized by the NEC, while sixteen others were being vetted by the committee, prompting it to extend the registration deadline to May 19. Nearly 8.4 million people have registered to vote in the July election. On Thursday, Dim Sovannarom mocked Comfrel and Nicfec in response to their decisions earlier this week to abstain from election monitoring, calling them tiny NGOs whose absence will do little to affect the ballot. Higher education associations based in all of Cambodias 25 provinces will send a total of 2,000 members to observe the elections, he added. CPP spokesperson Sok Eysan also slammed the electoral watchdogs on Thursday, saying that by deciding not to participate, they had waived their right to comment, predict, analyze, and recommend anything in relation to the vote. In an interview with RFAs Khmer Service in early April, Comfrel director Koul Panha, who fled Cambodia last year after authorities disbanded the Comfrel-led Situation Room cluster of election monitoring NGOs, questioned the legitimacy of the July 29 election in the absence of the CNRP. Koul Panha had said Comfrel would wait until the May 14 deadline for political parties to register before deciding whether it would participate as a monitor in the upcoming vote, and also urged would-be international observers to be aware of the political situation in Cambodia before accepting an invitation from NECthe countrys official electoral bodyto do the same. US weighs in Amid Hun Sens crackdown on the political opposition, both the U.S. and EU have withdrawn donor support for Cambodias elections, citing government actions seen as limiting democracy in the country. In a statement on Thursday, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert decried the Cambodian governments decision to prohibit the CNRP from participating in the national elections, saying it would prevent millions of Cambodian voters from exercising their democratic right to vote for candidates of their choice and had [called] into question the integrity of the electoral process. We urge the Cambodian government to reinstate CNRP candidates immediately, she said. Nauert also noted that the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention had recently concluded that CNRP President Kem Sokhas imprisonment, following his arrest in September last year on charges of treason, is arbitrary, and said that the State Department was renewing its call for his immediate release. Also on Thursday, Florida Congressman Ted Yoho, the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, introduced to U.S. Congress his new draft bill known as the Cambodia Democracy Act of 2018, which he has said aims to punish Cambodia over the governments recent restrictions on the countrys democratic process. We must send a signal to Hun Sen and his CPP cronies that they cannot deny the freedoms that the Cambodian people yearn for and deserve, he said, while announcing the bill on the House floor. In a statement last week, Yoho said the legislation would push back against the Hun Sen regimes undermining of democracy and related human rights abuses by applying financial sanctions to the figures who carry out this despicable agenda and codifying the [U.S. President Donald Trump] Administrations existing visa restrictions for these individuals. The CPP has countered that Yohos Cambodia Democracy Act was a violation of Cambodias sovereignty. Reported by RFAs Kher Service. Translated by Nareth Muong. Written in English by Joshua Lipes. The Prek Te River running through Sre Norn village in Cambodia's Kratie province is shown in an undated photo. Toxic substances including chromium and cyanide used to flush gold mines were improperly handled and seeped into a river, sickening hundreds and killing more than a dozen people in two northeastern Cambodian provinces, the countrys industry minister said on Thursday. Minister of Industry and Handicraft Cham Prasidh told Cambodian media that the government will take action against mining outfits responsible for allowing toxic mining chemicals to seep into the water supplies of Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces. Experts from the ministry examined the water in the river of Prek Te in Kratie and found chromium and cyanide. The substances were found at various mining sites between Kratie and neighboring Mondulkiri and the ministry believed that they were improperly handled and that rain washed them into the river. Cham Prasidh repeated an earlier assertion, offered by officials in early May after over 200 residents of two villages in Kratie provinces Cheth Borey district were sickened, with 18 later dying, that some deaths were the result of the consumption of homemade wine. The minister did not give a breakdown of deaths caused by toxic mine substances or homemade wine. Cambodias minister of health put the total number of deaths in Kratie at 14, while local villagers and authorities say 18 people died. Shortly after the Kratie deaths were reported 80 indigenous ethnic Phnorng residents of four villages in Mondulkiri province fell ill after drinking contaminated water from a stream that had long been the source of drinking water for the area. Prap Chuob, a Phnorng resident of Chak Char village, said that villagers are now afraid to use the stream for drinking water. The contamination was caused by a Chinese mining company that had been drilling upstream near the water source, he told RFAs Khmer Service on Tuesday. In late 2017, after Chinese mining firms began to operate in the region, he said, six cattle died as the result of suspected water contamination. U.S.-based advocacy group found that around four million Cambodians lack access to clean water, while some six million others lack access to proper sanitation and hygiene. Among those who face a shortage of clean water, the group said, some 80 percent live in rural areas of the country. Reported by RFAs Khmer Service. Translated by Nareth Muong. Written in English by Paul Eckert. The ruling Chinese Communist Party's crackdown on Protestant churches continued on Thursday with warnings to churches in several provinces that they should shut down and the demolition of property funded by believers. A Christian church follower in the eastern province of Jiangxi said that a church of more than 200 members in Jinxian county had recently been ordered to close down. "The Supreme Love group in Jinxian county received [the warning] last month. Believers there told me that they have been harassed by the government and told not to hold gatherings any more," the church member said. "But they carried on meeting, and now they have been threatened," the church member said. "They hold their services in a village, maybe 200 or 300 people at a time." Meanwhile, religious affairs officials in the southeastern province of Fujian ordered a church in Nanping city to register with the government-approved Three Self Patriotic Association of Protestant churches. An anonymous source in the area told RFA that the county religious affairs bureau had told members they were banned from holding meetings in each other's homes. In the port city of Xiamen, authorities shut down a kindergarten built and fully funded by the city's Xunsiding church. Video of the incident seen by RFA showed a number of parents and children at the gates of the kindergarten, singing and praying in apparent protest. Local sources said the church had received notification from the religious affairs bureau and the education bureau saying that the kindergarten hadn't obtained the necessary approvals before opening its doors. Retirement home torn down And in the southern province of Guangdong, authorities in Luhe county near Shanwei city shut down an old people's home set up and run by the Baishitang Church. "The church spent hundreds of thousands of yuan on building this old people's' home," a Protestant church member who asked to remain anonymous told RFA on Thursday. "The Shanwei authorities sent out 200-300 riot police to demolish it,"the church member said. "They would sometimes hold church services in the old people's home." The church member said that local leaders had threatened the church, warning them not to lodge official complaints or hire a lawyer, on pain of detention. "So they didn't dare to hire a lawyer in the end, and the whole affair has been left unresolved," the church member said. On Monday, authorities in the southwestern province of Guizhou also ordered local Protestant believer Yan Hengping to stop holding meetings for prayer and worship in his home town in Guizhou's Dafang county. "We have run into problems, but it's not the whole church, just one branch of it," Yan told RFA. "It's not a large branch, just a few dozen people." Memorial service raided Last Saturday, police in the southwestern province of Sichuan detained a large group of Christians after they gathered for a memorial service on the 10th anniversary of the devastating 2008 earthquake. Police raided the planned earthquake memorial service at the church in Jiangxin Mansions on Chengdu's Taisheng North Road on Saturday morning, detaining all worshipers at the venue and putting them onto two buses, church members told RFA. The U.S. State Department hit out at the raid in a statement this week. "We are deeply concerned by the Chinese governments reported harassment of the Early Rain Covenant Church," spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement. "The United States government joins the people of China in mourning the loss of tens of thousands of lives in the tragedy, and notes the value of memorializing their lives and calling for full accountability to prevent or mitigate future disasters," Nauert said. "Regarding reports that Chinese authorities confiscated bibles, we call on China to uphold its international commitments to promote respect for religious freedom for all persons." Literature seized Early Rain Covenant Church pastor Wang Yi, who was taken away by Qingyang district police in the provincial capital Chengdu late on Friday, told RFA that the operation was led by state security police, backed up by the local religious affairs bureau. "It was mostly led by the state security police within the police department, but other departments were involved, including the cultural affairs bureau ... which confiscated 15,600 volumes of books and pamphlets from us," Wang said in an interview on Wednesday. "I registered a complaint to say that the entire process was illegal, and that we wanted the publications back," he said. "They have to reply to me within seven days." Officials who answered the phone at the cultural affairs bureau and the religious affairs bureau of the Chengdu municipal government declined to comment on the case when contacted by RFA on Wednesday. China is home to an estimated 68 million Protestants, of whom 23 million worship in state-affiliated churches, and some nine million Catholics, 5.7 million of whom are in state-sponsored organizations. But the ruling Chinese Communist Party, which embraces atheism, exercises tight control over any form of religious practice among its citizens. The administration of President Xi Jinping regards Christianity as a dangerous foreign import, with officials warning against the "infiltration of Western hostile forces" in the form of religion. Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Wong Siu-san and Lam Kwok-lap for the Cantonese Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie. Authorities in China's capital are holding three people on public order charges after a protest by laid-off employees from the state-owned banking sector converged on Beijing to complain about a lack of promised benefits after they were made redundant. The laid-off workers gathered outside the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's Beijing headquarters earlier this week, chanting, "Give us back our social security! Give us back our health insurance! These layoffs were illegal!" Around a dozen police officers came to the scene, with scuffles recorded on video footage shown to RFA. They detained protester Nan Wenzhi and two others at the scene. Nan's wife told RFA on Thursday that her husband is still being held at the local police station two days later. "I didn't know he was going to be held until ... the police called me yesterday evening and said that I should go down to the police station if I wanted to see Nan Wenzhi," she said. "I haven't had any details yet, but he didn't seem very optimistic," she added. "They could pin a charge on him at any time." A fellow protester surnamed Yu told RFA that Nan is currently being held on suspicion of "picking quarrels and stirring up trouble." "Nan Wenzhi was an employee of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Hebei province," Yu said. "He was shouting slogans outside ICBC [headquarters]." "When the police from Beijing's Dongcheng district arrived, the security guards from the Agricultural Bank of China said he wasn't one of theirs, so the police detained him for picking quarrels and stirring up trouble," he said. "A former employee of the Agricultural Bank from Hubei province was detained at the same time, as well as one other person," he said, adding that the other two detainees were taken away because they had tried to stand up for Nan. "They were saying that Nan Wenzhi should be part of our group, and they were just taken away, just like that," Yu said. "Nan Wenzhi didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to get a resolution with this issue with the banks for himself and everyone else," he said. Petitioner strategy The detentions come as a secret recording of a closed-doors official meeting in the northern province of Hebei, which borders Beijing, revealed the ruling Chinese Communist Party's strategy regarding petitioners: ordinary people who pursue complaints through official and judicial channels over miscarriages of justice and official wrongdoing. Participants at a meeting of the "stability maintenance" committee of Hebei's Wu'an city, who included local law enforcement agencies, were told by Han Baokui, head of the municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, that they should "strike hard" against petitioners, who are "against the party and the government." In the recording, Han details a number of approaches to people having the temerity to complain about the government. "We must also resolutely pursue anyone entering Beijing with the aim of inciting petitioners," he tells the meeting. "They are opposing the party and the government. So how should we deal with them? Find the person and hit them." It was unclear whether Han intended the word "hit" literally or metaphorically in this context, but petitioners have long complained of physical beatings at the hands of the authorities. "And you can always make something happen to to other members [of their group] or their family members," he says. "That's a good way of dealing with it." Han, who says he served on a party committee directing law enforcement for five years, advocates tracking people's use of the social media platform WeChat to target them. "Discipline needs to be tight," he says. "You need to make sure that nobody is talking about this outside these operations ... which you need to be sure is being carried out very quietly." "Anyone leaking secrets must be disciplined, either by the party or via a police investigation, and resolutely pursued." An official who answered the phone at the Wu'an People's Political Consultative Conference declined to comment when asked to verify the recording. "None of our leaders are here; they are in a meeting," the official said. 'Twisted logic' But Hangzhou rights activist Li Wei, a member of the anti-corruption New Citizens' Movement who has himself been a target of the "stability maintenance" regime, said the recording was an accurate reflection of the way the system works. "The lower ranks of police officers will take their cue from those above them, whether or not their orders are legal, and regardless of whether they infringe human rights," Li said. "There are no depths to which they will not sink." "The stability maintenance system operates outside of the law, and things will carry on this way." Guangzhou-based rights lawyer Sui Muqing said the recording reflected the authorities' approach to anyone trying to use China's historic "letters and visits" complaints system to highlight alleged wrongdoing. "A lot of issues emerge from listening to this recording," Sui said. "They are using extrajudicial and illegal measures to target petitioners, such as the use of phone-taps, monitoring and house arrest at will, as well as illegally treating others as guilty by association." "The petitioning system was created by the Chinese Communist Party, based on a complaints and injustice review procedure that dated back to imperial times," he said. "Now, they have designated petitioning as an anti-party activity." "This is extremely twisted logic, because a dictatorial country needs to keep on creating new enemies to shore up the state machine, while draining the country and society of its resources," he said. "But at the same time of course, they are also eating into their own legitimacy." Petitioning ban China's army of petitioners files thousands of complaints and grievances in person every day to offices across the country, prompting Beijing to ban petitioning to higher authorities without going through local complaints departments first. The ban has done little to curb the sheer numbers complaining about issues ranging from the loss of farmland, forced eviction, deaths in detention and the non-payment of salaries and benefits to official abuse of power and health problems linked to pollution. Many petitioners complain of beatings, illegal detention in "black jails," "legal study centers" or psychiatric institutions after they return home, while reports have emerged of petitioners who die en route, while in the custody of police or interceptors. Activists and petitioners "under treatment" have been detained, tied up, beaten, forced to wear manacles and leg irons, and forcibly fed psychoactive drugs, as well as denied access to the outside and to visits from their friends and family. Hospitals often refuse to discharge such "patients" without the agreement of law enforcement agencies, and inmates are sometimes forced to sign "guarantees" that they will drop all further action against the government before being released. Reported by Yang Fan for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Ng Yik-tung and Sing Man for the Cantonese Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie. North Korean citizens have been largely unmoved by state propaganda heralding the diplomatic achievements of national leader Kim Jong Un, according to sources in the nuclear-armed, sanctions-hit state. North Korea is looking forward to expanded trade and a chance of eased international sanctions in the wake of talks in April with the South Korean president and a possible meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in June, state media say. Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the ruling Korean Workers Party, and North Koreas Chosun Central Television are eagerly trumpeting Kims great achievements, a source in North Hamgyong province told RFAs Korean Service. However, most North Korean residents dont trust this propaganda, RFAs source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Propaganda about North Korea becoming a great economic power because of Kim Jong Uns brilliant strategic plan can now be heard everywhere in the media, at regional events, and in meetings, the source said. But our citizens, who have been fooled by propaganda before, have some doubts about it. Even if a North Korea-U.S. summit follows last months successful talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, very few people believe that this will open a road for us to become a great economic power, RFAs source said. People have been fooled for so long now that whatever Kim Jong Un promises, they refuse to believe it, he said. We do not believe him. There is no one who trusts him. Not a single person! Conflicting messages Also speaking to RFA, a source from Yanggang province said that the ruling partys Central Committee has recently announced a coming historic meeting between the U.S. and North Korea, calling this a major decision they have made to secure a better future for the country. Yet people do not really care at all, he said. While promising results from the coming summit meeting, North Korean propaganda outlets still call on North Koreas people to oppose imperialism and the United States itself, he said. People are getting confused by these conflicting messages, and most of them are finally just indifferent. Even the party workers are becoming confused, he said. Reported by Jieun Kim for RFAs Korean Service. Translated by Leejin Jun. Written in English by Richard Finney. Detained Myanmar journalist Kyaw Soe Oo (C) is escorted by police to a court for his ongoing trial in Yangon, May 2, 2018. All five remaining witnesses for the prosecution in the case against two Reuters news agency reporters on trial in Myanmar for possessing state secrets are policemen, a defense lawyer said Thursday, raising questions as to whether the witnesses will contradict previous testimony by another officer that authorities set up the pair. At the most recent court session on Wednesday, Police Lance Corporal Naing Lin, called by the prosecution, testified that he met the two reporters Wa Lone, and Kyaw Soe Oo on the night of their arrest on Dec. 12, but denied handing over classified documents to incriminate them. The two were taken into custody on the outskirts of Yangon shortly after they had dinner with two police officers who gave them documents related to a brutal military crackdown on Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state. They were formally charged on Jan. 10 and face up to 14 years in prison if found guilty. Naing Lins testimony contradicted that of Captain Moe Yan Naing, another witness for the prosecution, who testified in court on April 20 that Police Brigadier General Tin Ko Ko had ordered Police Sergeant Naing Lin and another officer to set up the reporters. The day before Naing Lin took the stand, Police Chief Major General Aung Win Oo denied accusations that police had entrapped the reporters and said that the testimony to be given by the remaining witnesses would be important to the case. Yes, it will be important because all of them are police officers, Than Zaw Aung told RFAs Myanmar Service. With the police chief saying that we should wait and see what the other witnesses will testify in future hearings, we are very interested to see and hear who will show up at court and what they will say. The attorney went on to say that Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo met Naing Lin and another officer who gave them documents from Police Security Battalion 8, which was stationed in Rakhine state between April and November 2017. After Moe Yan Naing testified, we knew that what the reporters told us was correct and that Police Brigadier General Tin Ko Ko had ordered their setup, Than Zaw Aung said. One day after the police chief said to wait and see what other witnesses would testify, Naing Lin appeared in court and testified that he didnt give anything to the reporters, he said. It is very interesting to see what is behind the words of the police chief. Because Moe Yan Naing testified that Tin Ko Ko ordered the entrapment, the court has the authority to summon the police brigadier general to testify, he added. Myanmar Now case Meanwhile, a court in the central Myanmar city of Mandalay on Thursday turned down a request by the editor of a domestic publication on trial for defamation to disallow video evidence against him submitted by a supporter of an extremist Buddhist monk he is accused of insulting. Swe Win, editor-in-chief of the nonprofit independent Myanmar Now news service, is facing charges under Section 66(d) of the 2013 Telecommunications Act for allegedly defaming notorious firebrand monk Wirathu, who frequently uses hate speech targeting the countrys Muslim minority. State prosecutor Kyaw Myo Shwe said during a hearing on Feb. 13 that he would withdraw the lawsuit against Swe Win if he apologized for sharing a Facebook post criticizing Wirathu for supporting the alleged murderer of a prominent Muslim lawyer. However, Swe Win declined the offer. The Maha Aung Myay Township Court on Thursday rejected a request by Swe Wins lawyer Myo Min Zaw that it take action against Kyaw Myo Swe for submitting unreliable evidence in the form of a screenshot photo of his client that was published on the Burmese version of the online news service Frontier Myanmar. When the court asked Kyaw Myo Swe to submit the original web page, he could not produce it. The judge said the evidence submitted by the defense did not play a vital role in the lawsuit, so she rejected the complaint, Myo Min Zaw said after the hearing. For a second time, Kyaw Myo Swe offered to drop the lawsuit if Swe Win apologized to Wirathu, but the editor refused. Kyaw Myo Swes next hearing is scheduled for May 30. Section 66(d) prohibits the use of the telecom network to defame people and carries a jail sentence of up to two years for those found guilty of violating it. The controversial statute is frequently used by those in powerful positions to silence their critics. Reported by Wai Mar Tun and Khaymani Win for RFAs Myanmar Service. Translated by Khet Mar. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. A Vietnamese Catholic priest and members of his parish in north-central Vietnams Nghe An province have submitted a letter to local authorities asking that they be allowed to provide testimony on behalf of another parishioner whom authorities are prosecuting on phony charges related to a land dispute incident. Father Nguyen Duc Nhan and the members of Ke Gai parish under the Vinh diocese in Hung Nguyen districts Hung Tay commune submitted the letter on May 11 about fellow church member Vo Dinh Phuc, accused of illegally detaining other people. They made the request just four days after they petitioned provincial police to take action against local officials they say ordered thugs to beat them as they tried to make improvements on disputed land claimed both by church and local authorities. The thugs, known as "Red Flags" for the national flag emblems they wear on their shirts, attacked the parishioners on Dec. 17 as they dug an irrigation ditch on the land to prevent their fields from flooding. The beatings, which left one parishioner unconscious, took place in front of police who did nothing to stop them, witnesses told RFA's Vietnamese Service. The provincial police office acknowledged receipt of the complaint in a Jan. 29 letter, but instead summoned four parishioners on May 3 for questioning about their alleged involvement in the Dec. 17 incident. The four refused to meet with police, and parishioners responded with their petition accusing authorities of trying to make the complaint disappear by threatening them. Nghe An police sent two more summonses with a more serious but phony charge that the parishioners had illegally detained other people. One of these notices, sent to Vo Dinh Phuc on May 9, said that he would receive notification of authorities decision on the charge. Phuc said the accusations are inaccurate. I am a common peasant, he told RFA. Until now, I havent had a criminal record. I am both a good citizen and a Catholic. On that day [Dec. 17], a person was beaten unconscious, he said. I felt so upset and intervened without beating or detaining any others. Now they [the police] are accusing me of committing such an act, and it is unjustifiable. They [the police] have not sent any more summonses, and instead are proceeding with prosecution, said Nguyen Van An, another church member who received a summons. Citing Article 88 Responding to the trumped-up charge, the parishioners in their letter asked that they be allowed to testify on Phucs behalf based on Article 88 of Vietnams Criminal Code which says authorities proceeding with a court case are entitled to ask government services, organizations, and individuals to provide evidence to help clarify the case. This is an act of trampling on justice that will set a dangerous precedent, Nhan told RFA. It is so difficult to live in a lawless society. Human rights, truth, and justice are trampled. Government-supporting Red Flags groups frequently mobilize to attack Catholic priests and parishioners in Vietnam in what social media users and rights groups describe as state-sponsored abuse in the one-party communist country. Vietnamese attorney Vo An Don told RFA that authorities routinely level ambiguous accusations such as disrupting social order, opposing enforcement officials, or abusing the rights to democracy and freedom to infringe upon the interests of the state against citizens as a pretext for suppression. In March, U.S.-based rights group Boat People SOS urged U.S. State Department officials to voice concern over the rise in Vietnam of activist groups tied to the harassment of dissidents and religious communities, ahead of a U.S.-Vietnam human rights dialogue that will be held on May 23 in Hanoi. Reported by RFAs Vietnamese Service. Translated by An Nguyen. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. YEREVAN -- New Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, brought to power by mass demonstrations, has called on Armenians who have been holding strikes and civil-disobedience protests in recent days to interrupt their protests. Dozens of demonstrators rallied in Yerevan on May 17, demanding the resignation of Prosecutor-General Artur Davtian after a Yerevan court rejected the release of 10 members of the Sasna Tsrer group from pretrial detention. The 10 are charged with the armed, two-week occupation of a Yerevan police station in 2016, a standoff with authorities that led to the deaths of two police officers. The May 17 protests came after dozens of people rallied in Yerevan for days demanding the resignation of Mayor Taron Markarian, whom they accuse of corruption, misusing state funds, and illegally cutting down trees in a park in the capital. Markarian is an ally of longtime former President Serzh Sarkisian, who stepped down as prime minister on April 23 after weeks of peaceful street protests led by Pashinian. In a live video stream on Facebook, on May 17, Pashinian called on all citizens to stop their protests at 3 p.m. local time (1100 GMT/UTC). "When we closed roads [during the protests in April led by Pashinian] we did so because there was no government in Armenia that enjoyed the people's trust. Today there is a government that enjoys the people's trust," Pashinian said. Pashinian asked all those who have complaints and grievances to formulate them and present them to the government in written form. "Confrontation between the government and society should be replaced by cooperation between the government and society," he said. Pashinian's call came amid speculation that the protests staged by various groups demanding the resignations of local authorities, pay rises, or protesting job cuts made by the previous authorities may have been "orchestrated" by former government loyalists in order to "sabotage" the work of the Pashinian government. However, Pashinian told RFE/RL on May 17 that he did not see any elements of "sabotage." Talking to journalists earlier in the day, Pashinian called on the protesters "to take a break." "We will fail if we try to solve all problems at once. It is good that citizens are using their right to freely express their grievances, but we have to understand that it is impossible to solve all the problems right away," he said. Pashinian also said "it does not make sense at this point to demand the resignation of Markarian and Davtian." Pashinian was voted in as prime minister of the South Caucasus country on May 8. Opponents of Sarkisian, who had been president for 10 years and moved to the newly powerful post of prime minister in mid-April, see him as part of a long-entrenched ruling elite that is unresponsive to the interests of many Armenians. A Bosnian tycoon who leads a party in the ruling coalition has been cleared of charges he organized a criminal group and interfered in a high-profile court case in Kosovo against Balkan drug boss Naser Kelmendi. Fahrudin Radoncic, a former owner of Bosnia's largest newspaper, Dnevni Avaz, and leader of the Union for a Better Future (SBB) party, had said the case brought against him in 2016 was "politically fabricated." Radoncic was accused of organizing and leading a four-member group, including two other SBB officials, that intimidated witnesses in the Kelmendi case, among other alleged offenses. All four were cleared on May 16 of charges of interfering in the drug trial of Kelmendi, a Kosovo-born ethnic Albanian with Bosnian citizenship. A Kosovo court in February jailed Kelmendi for six years for trafficking drugs. Hasija Masovic, the chairman of the Sarajevo court council that issued the ruling on May 16, said the prosecution's case was based on "assumptions, without clear evidence." She added that the prosecutors had failed even to clearly state what the actual offenses were. Radoncic, whose party will compete with the largest Bosniak party, the Party for Democratic Action (SDA), for Muslim Bosniak votes in October general elections, said that the defendants were "victims" of a "fabricated indictment." "We have stated from the beginning that we were innocent," Radoncic told reporters in Sarajevo. "I am so glad that a fair court process has shown there was not a single [piece of] evidence or legal reason for us to be tried, except for the wish to politically eliminate us." Prosecutors have not said whether they will appeal the verdict. Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters British Prime Minister Theresa May pledged her commitment to helping Macedonia resolve its dispute with neighbor Greece during a visit to Skopje on May 17. May is the first U.K. prime minister to visit Macedonia in almost 20 years. Her visit followed a trip to Bulgaria for an EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia. European Union leaders expressed determination to strengthen and intensify their ties to the Western Balkans, but they dampened any hopes of a quick move to allow any new countries into the bloc. "The EU reaffirms its unequivocal support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans," it said in a joint declaration on May 17 after a summit in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. The declaration said the EU was "determined to strengthen and intensify its engagement at all levels" and vowed to "substantially" enhance "connectivity in all its dimensions: transport, energy, digital, economic, and human." But French President Emmanuel Macron in comments to reporters stressed that much work was needed before the six Western Balkans countries that remain outside the bloc -- Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Kosovo -- would be ready for membership. He said the EU "supported dialogue, a perspective, but added that he is not in favor of moving toward enlargement before we have all the required certainties and before genuine reform has been made." The gathering marked the first EU-Western Balkans summit in 15 years and was seen by many as an effort to counter the growing political, military, and economic influence of countries such as Russia, Turkey, and China in the region. The European Commission recently announced a strategy for the region that has a goal of offering membership to some states by 2025. Some countries, particularly those near the region, such as Bulgaria and Croatia, favor enlargement to counter outside influences, while opponents often cite political instability, cross-border disputes, and endemic corruption among some countries as reasons to hold off. Ahead of the summit, European Council President Donald Tusk said the region's integration into Europe must remain "a firm commitment on both sides." "I am convinced that the EU is the only partner that cares genuinely about the stability of the entire region and a prosperous future for its peoples -- as opposed to treating it as a geopolitical game of chess, in which the people are pawns," he wrote in a letter to regional leaders. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the summit it was in the interest of peace and security for all of us that we have a secure Western Balkans region that is developing well economically." Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said it was important to keep communications open with countries of the region. "The summit may be a symbolic act, but it can again trigger a little more dynamism," he said. "If there is no European perspective in the Balkans, then the Turkish influence and other influence becomes stronger and stronger. We don't want that to happen." One regional dispute has stymied members for decades: the dispute between Macedonia and EU member Greece over Macedonias name. Greece has for years blocked Macedonia's efforts to join the EU and NATO, arguing that its name implies a claim on the Greek province of Macedonia. Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on May 17 that an agreement between the two countries could be finalized before an EU summit in June. However, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said after the summit that the two countries were "not in a position yet" to announce a deal. "I believe we have covered a major part of the distance, but there is still distance to cover," Tsipras told a press conference. Meanwhile, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stayed away from the summit in protest of his country's opposition to Kosovo's independence from Serbia, which has not been recognized by Belgrade. The EU has told Serbia and Kosovo that it must settle their differences before either can be admitted to the bloc. With reporting by dpa, AFP, and Reuters The European Union says it will launch this week the process of activating a regulation to soften the impact of U.S. sanctions on European firms doing business in Iran. The May 17 announcement comes after President Donald Trump said last week that the United States would abandon the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers and reimpose sanctions lifted as part of the deal -- despite the European powers' sustained efforts to convince Washington to continue to adhere to it. The U.S. Treasury Department has put European businesses on notice that they have 90 days to wrap up most business with Iran before the renewed U.S. sanctions take effect. Speaking after a meeting of EU leaders in Sofia, Bulgaria, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told a news conference that the EU will launch on May 18 the process of activating its so-called blocking statute. We have to protect our companies. We have to protect mainly those who bona fide -- mainly small and medium-sized enterprises -- did invest in Iran, and we cannot leave them alone, he said. The blocking regulation, which was originally crafted in 1996 in response to U.S. sanctions against Cuba, makes it illegal for EU companies to comply with laws with extraterritorial application. Juncker said the EU leaders also decided to allow the European Investment Bank to facilitate European companies' investment in Iran and added that the European Commission itself will maintain its cooperation with the country. The EU hopes Tehran will continue to comply with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed by Iran and six world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China. The agreement obliged Tehran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. But Trump pulled out on May 8, claiming that Iran had violated the spirit of the deal by financing militant violence in the Middle East and by continuing to test ballistic missiles. European Council President Donald Tusk said the European Unions leaders agreed unanimously to stick to the Iran deal as long as Iran remains fully committed to it. Earlier in the day in Sofia, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said EU countries were aware that the 2015 nuclear agreement is "not perfect," but said it should be preserved. "We should remain in this agreement and conduct further negotiations with Iran on the basis of other issues, such as the ballistic-missile program," Merkel said. Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron said that European companies should continue to have the freedom to do business with Iran. "International companies with interests in many countries make their own choices according to their own interests. They should continue to have this freedom," Macron said on arriving in the Bulgarian capital. He was speaking after the world's largest container shipping firm, A.P. Moller-Maersk, and the French oil giant Total announced they were withdrawing from Iran to observe the newly reimposed U.S. sanctions. Total said it will pull out of a billion-dollar project to develop Iran's huge South Pars natural-gas field by November 4 unless it can secure an exemption from the renewed sanctions imposed as a result of Trump's decision. Total was the first major European company to resume business in Iran after sanctions were lifted in 2016 in exchange for curbs on Iran's nuclear activities. Tehran has repeatedly hailed the Total project as a symbol of the nuclear accord's success at helping to revive and modernize Iran's critical oil and gas industry, which drives the country's economic growth and generates much of the government's revenues. The U.S. Treasury Department gave foreign companies notice last week that they have three to six months to "wind down" their business with Tehran before they face possible penalties for violating U.S. sanctions. The United States in the past has fined European and Asian banks and businesses billions of dollars for violating its sanctions. It most recently imposed such stiff penalties on China's ZTE technology giant that the firm has said it will be forced to go out of business unless it gets a reprieve. The U.S. sanctions essentially force most global companies to give up doing business in Iran if they want to continue operating in the United States. Germany's Allianz, an insurance giant with a major presence in the United States, said it intends to wind down what it called its "totally minimal" business in Iran. Iran has called on European leaders to provide "guarantees" that the economic benefits from the deal will continue to flow, warning that it may start enriching uranium again if it no longer stands to gain economically from continuing to honor the nuclear deal. With reporting by dpa, AFP, and Reuters The U.S. Senate has approved Gina Haspel to be director of the CIA, despite her role in the spy agency's past use of brutal interrogation techniques. The 54-45 vote split both parties, with six Democrats joining most Republicans in support of Haspels nomination in the 100-member chamber. A 33-year veteran of the CIA, Haspel will be the first woman to lead the agency