Joe Manchin/Youtube(WASHINGTON) -- Invoking the same colorful imagery he used in his 2010 re-election bid, West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin released a new ad Monday literally taking aim with a shotgun at the most recent lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act, which would dismantle protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions. "I havent changed," Manchin asserts in the ad. "I might be a few years older and Ill still take on anyone that messes with West Virginia. Now the threat is Patrick Morriseys lawsuit to take away health care from people with pre-existing conditions. He is just dead wrong and that aint going to happen." The ad reflects his 2010 strategy, when Manchin first ran for the U.S. Senate and released an ad featuring him firing a rifle at an anti-coal cap-and-trade bill that was supported by members of his own party, including then-President Barack Obama. Again promoting dual themes, this new ad showcases Manchins support for the health law that has repeatedly been threatened with repeal by Republicans who seemingly always fall short, as well as his continued support for the Second Amendment in an overture to gun-toting West Virginians who strongly seek to protect the right to bear arms. The new lawsuit, which aims to strike down Obamacare, was brought before a Texas court this month by the Justice Department and 20 Republican attorneys general, led by Texas Ken Paxton and includes Manchins opponent in the general election, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. The attorneys general argue that the federal health law is unconstitutional after Congress weakened it by eliminating the individual mandate through the GOP tax bill passed last year. "West Virginia has been hurt by lying liberal Joe Manchin putting the interest of Washington liberals ahead of the health care and gun rights of West Virginians," said Morrisey for Senate spokesperson Nathan Brand. "Joe Manchin has a "D" rating from the NRA, and voted against President Trump's efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. Lying liberal Joe has been wrong for West Virginia." Manchin is a vulnerable Democrat this cycle and running for re-election in a deeply-red state that Trump overwhelmingly won by a huge margin in the 2016 presidential election. The conservative Democrat, who often walks a tightrope between the national partys platform and appealing to conservative voters back home, is staunchly tethering his campaign to the issue he views most at stake for West Virginians: healthcare. In a shift in tone from his 2010 campaign during which he opted for a narrative that distanced his campaign from Washington Democrats and Obamas signature piece of legislation it appears as though Manchin is now not only embracing the health law, but also actively protecting it from his opponent. "I'm more concerned right now about pre-existing conditions. I'm more concerned about 800,000 West Virginians losing their ability to have insurance or buy insurance because they've been sick. Something's wrong here, we've gotta change that," Manchin told ABC News in June. In toeing that fine line, Manchin often boasted a relatively amicable relationship with President Donald Trump, even privately meeting with him at the White House, before Manchin voted against the tax bill. But Trump has thrown his full support behind Morrisey. "You're going to have a chance you're going to have a chance to get a senator that's going to vote our program," Trump said in April during a roundtable on tax reform, which Morrisey attended. "Joe Manchin, hes really not helped us." Trump held a rally for Morrisey last month, hoping to precipitate support for the Republican candidate. "He will fight for you like no one has ever fought for the people of West Virginia," Trump said of Morrisey, adding, "I like Joe, but Joe doesn't vote, he just doesn't vote for us." This closely-watched Senate race is a toss-up, according to the Cook Political Report, and with Trump leaning in heavily to support Morrisey in his bid to unseat the Democrat, Manchin is locked in a tough fight as November nears. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visits the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary on September 9th (Photo: VNA) Ambassador Nguyen Tien Thuc informed the leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam about the embassys performance, activities of the Vietnamese People Association, and the situation of the Vietnamese community in Hungary. The over 5,000 Vietnamese here have always been united and supported each other. They are an important bridge in the two countries relations, he said. At the meeting, many expatriates showed their attention to Vietnams situation and submitted proposals. They said development guidelines and policies should be built basing on the interests of the country and people so as to enhance peoples trust. They also called on the Party and State to pay more attention to developing agriculture, building new-style rural areas, improving farmers living standards and protecting the environment. They promised to remain united and contribute to the development of Hungary and Vietnam. General Secretary Trong appreciated the expatriates opinions and briefed them about Vietnams situation. He said his visit to Hungary aims to elevate bilateral relations, adding that the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary have grown during the past seven decades. The Hungarian people provided the Vietnamese with precious assistance for nation-building and protection in the past. Nowadays, the two sides continue promoting friendship and cooperation in a pragmatic and effective manner for the sake of the two peoples and for the development of each country. He applauded the embassys efforts to fulfill their duties and activities of the Vietnamese People Association and member organisations in Hungary to support the expatriates. The leader emphasised that the Party and State always consider overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of Vietnam. He asked the expatriates to always remember their origin, assist each other, uphold national cultural identities and contribute to the two countries connections. Each person is a nucleus, a seed and a bridge in the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, he noted. He also asked the Embassy to work harder to help reinforce the traditional bilateral ties and support the Vietnamese community in Hungary./. PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc inspects preparations for WEF ASEAN on September 9th (Photo: VNA) While inspecting preparations for the event, slated for September 11th-13th at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi, the PM said this is an opportunity for Vietnam to affirm its aspiration for a higher position. He said it is a need to step up communication work to popularise activities relating to the meeting as well as promote the image of Vietnamese land and people. Attention should be paid to both the opening ceremony and related discussions, he said, stressing absolute safety during the event, with focus on health and sanitation issues. According to Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, six Presidents and Prime Ministers and three Deputy PMs are expected to attend the event. Up to 970 people have registered for the meeting as official delegates, raising the total number of participants to nearly 1,200. About more than 300 domestic and foreign reporters will come to cover the important event, he said. In 2010, Vietnam hosted the World Economic Forum on East Asia for the first time and over the past eight years, the country has obtained remarkable economic achievements, including the GDP per capita rising from USD1,160 in 2010 to USD2,385 in 2017. The WEF was established in 1971 as a non-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva. The forum engages political, business, and other leaders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Founded in 1967, ASEAN groups together Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam./. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (middle) speaks at the working session (Photo: VNA) Speaking at a working session in Hanoi on September 8th with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the PM urged the ministry to create an environment conducive to high technology, play a guiding role in digital transformation and industry 4.0. He also instructed the ministry to enhance its management of the press and social media and develop human resources for national construction and development. Pointing out the sectors shortcomings, the PM said many shortcomings remain in press planning and management work, resulting in commercialization of press coverage which erodes public trust in the press. Meanwhile, policy consultation remains slow with poor quality. Phuc also pointed to a serious problem that Vietnam is one of the countries highly vulnerable to malware infection via multimedia devices. Outlining the direction and tasks for the ministry, the PM said the ministry must guide the efforts to build a digital economy, an e-government and develop e-commerce in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. The ministry was required to work closely with the Party Central Committees Commission on Education and Information in orienting press coverage, and better managing social media. PM Phuc also called attention to the development of telecommunications infrastructure, adding that the ministry should support the building of several leading firms so that they will train others during the Industry 4.0. The ministry should concentrate on developing the IT and electronic telecom industries to transform Vietnam into a manufacturer of IT and telecommunications electronics and software developer from its current status of importer and outsourcing country. At the meeting, acting Minister of Information and Communications and deputy head of the Party Central Committees Commission on Education and Information Nguyen Manh Hung reported that with nearly 1 million km of optical cable lines reaching villages, communes and districts in 63 cities and provinces nationwide, Vietnam has become one of the countries with the worlds highest fiber optic cable coverage. The mobile coverage has reached 99.5 percent of the population while 3G/4G coverage has come to 98 percent. In the next period, Vietnam will strive to become among top 10 countries globally with the most developed telecommunications network. With more than 28,000 IT firms and 900,000 workers, the IT industry has expanded by over 20 percent annually over the past decade. Last year, the sector earned USD91.6 billion in revenue, USD81.6 billion of which was from hardware, USD3.8 billion from software, USD5.4 billion from IT services, and USD800 million from digital contents. Its exports reached USD83.4 billion, contributing over VND39.2 trillion (USD1.7 billion) to the State budget. In the next decade, the postal sector is expected to surpass telecommunications in terms of revenue thanks to an annual growth of 35-40 percent. Head of the Commission on Education and Information Vo Van Thuong asked the ministry to continue refining laws and policies on information and mass media to fix existing shortcomings. He suggested that domestic social media suppliers need to receive support to increase their competitiveness while legal responsibility for information supply should be enhanced so as to address the spread of fake information./. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong shakes hands with Mayor of Szentendre city Verseghi-Nagy Miklos (Source: VNA) The Vietnamese Party chief is on an official visit to Hungary from September 8th-11th at the invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Szentendre city is known as the land of painters, with many museums and photo galleries. During his stay in the city, Party leader Trong met with Mayor of Szentendre city Verseghi-Nagy Miklos, who gave a warmly welcome to the Vietnamese delegation. Host and guest highlighted the traditional friendship between the two nations, which has been incessantly expanded in recent years. The two sides have exchanged many high-ranking delegations and promoted fruitful cooperation across spheres, especially economy, science, education and training, they said, noting that many Vietnamese officials, doctors and engineers have been trained in Hungary. Szentendre set up relations with Hoi An city of Vietnams central province of Quang Nam, the mayor said, expressing his impression on the hospitality of Vietnamese people. He voiced his belief that the visit made by Party leader Trong will contribute to pushing the friendship and cooperation between his country and Vietnam. The Party chief thanked the municipal authorities and people for their warm welcome, expressing his delight to have a chance to visit Szentendre - a culture and art city with long-lasting history, peaceful environment, and charming architectural works. He said that his visit to Hungary aims to bolster all-round cooperation between the two nations, including cultural exchanges and collaboration between their localities. The Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship, an invaluable asset of the two countries, needs to be preserved and passed to next generations of their people, he underlined. The Party General Secretary stressed that the Southeast Asian nation has been grateful for Hungarys support during the national protection and construction. Thousands of Vietnamese officials and engineers received training in the central European country, many of them are holding important positions in the State apparatus, he added. He expressed his belief that the bilateral cooperation will further develop in the fields of politics-diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, culture, and tourism. Also, he lauded collaboration between Szentendre city and Hoi An ancient town, hoping that their cooperation will be bolstered in an effective and practical manner in the future. Sharing experience in preservation of heritages and tourism development as well as cultural and art exchanges will make significant contributions to consolidating and developing the Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship./. Photo provided by Shandong Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd (SEPCO III) shows part of Morocco's NOOR III Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project in Ouarzazate, Morocco, on June 7, 2018. (Xinhua) RABAT, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Driving from Rabat, capital of Morocco, all the way south over the Atlas Mountains, it took eight hours to reach the city of Ouarzazate, the gateway of the Sahara Desert. Looking north from the downtown, a tower measuring 248 meters high shines in the sun. It is the tallest solar tower in the world, which is built by a Chinese construction company as part of Morocco's Noor III Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) project. In order to reduce dependence on energy imports, the Moroccan government has been actively developing renewable energy, and plans to raise the proportion of renewable energy to the total energy consumption to 42 percent by 2020. Under the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China in 2013, Chinese builders came to Morocco to provide a solid fulcrum for the energy restructuring of this North African country. The initiative, formally known as the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Africa and Europe along the ancient trade routes of the Silk Road. Since 2015, Shandong Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd (SEPCO III), a subsidiary of Power Construction Corporation of China, has undertaken the construction of NOOR II and NOOR III CSP projects in Ouarzazate. The NOOR Solar Complex, a four-phase project, is the world's largest CSP station under construction. The NOOR II project has already been put into commercial operation, while the NOOR III project recently achieved its first grid connection target. After completion of all four phases of projects, the NOOR station will provide clean energy for more than 1 million Moroccan households, and even export surplus electricity to Europe. According to the staff of the NOOR projects, the 200-MW Noor II has the world's largest installed capacity as a parabolic trough power plant, while the 160-MW installed capacity of the NOOR III is the largest among the world's tower power plants. Zhou Hejun, project director of the NOOR III, said CSP plants are more stable and cause less damage to the power grid compared with their photovoltaic counterparts. The CSP will be the main global trend of solar energy generation in the future, Zhou noted. Zhao Guangjian, project director of the NOOR II, the two NOOR projects created 5,500 jobs for Moroccans during the peak period. A total of 300 Moroccan engineers are currently in employment, while the later operation and maintenance will also largely rely on Moroccan technicians, Zhao told Xinhua. Mohammed Said Mulani, director of a construction subcontracting company in Ouarzazate, said his enterprise has grown rapidly and acquired expertise in constructing CSP stations through participation in the NOOR II and NOOR III projects. "SEPCO III ... shares relevant expertise to subcontractors without reservation ... allowing us to have the opportunity to learn the latest technology in the fields of renewable energy," Mulani told Xinhua. 4 1 [ Editor: Zhang Zhou ] CAPE TOWN, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- The 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) offers significant potentials for a development paradigm for China-Africa cooperation, South African experts said. Speaking from the perspectives of both business and academic research, the analysts interviewed by Xinhua noted that the FOCAC Summit presented the "the possibility, if consciously involving the masses of Africans, of most far-reaching opportunity to break with past practice." Professor Jay Jay Williams from the University of the Western Cape School of Government said what Africa needs is real development that "directly and sustainably impacts the lives of the people on the ground", just as indicated by Chinese President Xi Jinping in his key-note speech at the forum held on Sept. 3-4. Having worked in many development initiatives throughout the continent, Williams believes that the resources and goodwill of the Chinese people should be properly utilized and not abused by African officials who are not fully committed during implementation. Williams stressed the need for grassroots-driven and bottom-up planning programs in implementing the eight initiatives proposed by the Chinese president. One indicator that many of the considerations raised by those at the coalface of African economic development is the question of ensuring the development through the highly skilled and professionally trained workforce and competent officials who will be responsible for project management and implementation. Williams stated that the strong commitment of the Chinese government should "present a strong opportunity for people at grassroots to really benefit, for their conditions to be changed." "What we have to look for is the substance of how implementation occurs, particularly who directly will benefit," he said. His reaction flows from an assessment of the far-reaching initiatives, reaching across the spectrum which the Chinese leader stated will be focused on industrial promotion, infrastructure connectivity, trade facilitation, professional skills transfer, training and green development, among others. As part of these initiatives, China will carry out 50 agricultural assistance programs and provide emergency humanitarian food aid amounting to 1 billion yuan (147 million U.S. dollars) to African countries affected by natural disasters and that this will be complemented by 500 senior agricultural experts who will be sent to Africa. The sheer depth of the commitment to partnership and solidarity with Africa's development calls for the instrument to break the logjam that has held the continent developmentally hostage, Williams said. "What emerges from FOCAC is a clear and unambiguous declaration from China that it sees its very future as intertwined with that of Africa and that it is prepared to utilize both its vast reservoir of technological expertise and its standing as the second most powerful economy in the world to facilitate growth and development in Africa," stated author and development analyst Ruben Richards. "This act of practical solidarity and partnership, without the conditions or interference in the development trajectory agendas of countries on the continent and China's position, opens the path to breaking the stranglehold of economic relations, which has severely compromised Africa's engagements with the developed world in the past," Richards said. "We are all very cognizant of our history, where unjust relations were the order of the day, effectively holding back our peoples' advancement, so what clearly is different with the messages coming out of the FOCAC Summit is that China wants to break with that past," he added. Dr. Phillip Dexter, Chief Oerating Officer of Nehawu Investment Holdings, said that in the last 20 years China has increasingly invested in and assisted African countries in development. The eight initiatives announced by president Xi will intensify this commitment and assist to promote growth and development in a partnership between Africa and China, Dexter said. This FOCAC has seen the most representative participation by African countries and demonstrates the strength of the partnership between Africa and China, he said. It is up to African countries to take advantage of the initiatives announced by the Chinese president, said Dexter. He further evaluated the summit by saying that Africa has committed to a common market and the Chinese-proposed eight initiatives will add momentum to that. In a world where some developed economies are becoming isolationist and protectionist, there are great opportunities to build a South-South cooperation, Dexter said, adding that "the future looks very bright for us." Dexter said China has observed the "five No's" in the past, namely no interference in African countries' pursuit of development paths that fit their national conditions; no interference in their internal affairs; no imposition of China's will on them; no attachment of political strings to aid; and no seeking of selfish political gains in investment and financing cooperation. The "five No's" have been a feature of China's policies for some time, Dexter said, adding "it is only unfortunate that other global powers do not practice such." [ Editor: Zhang Zhou ] A couple attend the Belgian Beer Weekend at the Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium, on Sept. 9, 2018. The 20th edition of the Belgian Beer Weekend was held in Brussels from Sept. 7 to Sept. 9. Belgian breweries presented a wide range of their products at the event, attracting the public to discover different kinds of beer in Belgium, where the beer culture was inscribed on the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016. (Xinhua/Zheng Huansong) 9 1 [ Editor: WPY ] Addressing the event, themed Defining the Future of Bilateral Economic Relations, Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung said that Vietnam always highly values investment projects of US investors, especially those in renewable, green and sustainable energy, oil and gas, infrastructure, finance-banking, education-training, tourism, agriculture, high technology, along with other traditional areas such as agriculture and aquaculture. The Deputy PM noted that the governments and businesses of both countries have faced new challenges and they need to give assessments and new solutions, thus helping to maintain the growth trend of bilateral economic relations. The governments and businesses should seek new opportunities and orientations, while promoting start-up spirit and renovation in business in a bid to foster bilateral economic, trade, and investment ties and the whole Vietnam-US relations in general, he said. Over the past years, economic, trade and investment cooperation has become an important foundation and motivation for the Vietnam-US relationship. The US has become one of the biggest trade partners of Vietnam, with two-way trade reaching US$54 billion in 2017 from only US$7.8 billion in 2005. In the first half of 2018, import-export revenue between the two nations was estimated at US$27.4 billion. In term of investment, as of June 2018, the US had 877 valid projects in Vietnam with total capital of US$9.37 billion, ranking 10th out of 128 countries and territories investing in Vietnam. Leaders of US firms, including many prestigious enterprises in the world, lauded the investment and business environment of Vietnam and expressed their hope to run long-term business in the country. Currently, Vietnam mostly exports aquatic products, cashew nuts, garments and footwear to the US while importing high-technology products from the country. Particularly, many contracts and agreements to buy aircraft and aircraft engines are being negotiated between businesses of the two countries. Alongside, nearly 30,000 Vietnamese students are studying in the US, the highest number among ASEAN countries and the sixth biggest among countries having students in the US. The Deputy PM expressed his belief that this will be a high-quality workforce to contribute to Vietnams economic development and a motivation for trade and investment ties between the two countries. Meanwhile, VCCI President Vu Tien Loc highlighted the Vietnamese Governments efforts in boosting reform and integration by reducing business conditions and specific examinations, restructuring the economy, improve infrastructure, reinforcing the foundation of the financial system, enhancing the quality of human resources, and promoting renovation, thereby opening up opportunities for US investors. The US-Vietnam Business Summit, held one day before the World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018 that focuses on the ASEAN 4.0: Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, paid great attention to the formation of digital partnerships between business communities of the two nations, showing the common interest of both countries in economic digitalisation and innovative economic promotion, said Loc. Digital connections between the two economies is an important solution to strengthening and enhancing the efficiency of cooperation between the two business communities, he said, affirming that Vietnam hopes the US business community will share their experiences and skills in developing the digital economy. Loc also called for support of both Vietnamese and US Governments to businesses in cooperation promotion and technology transfer. Hosting reception in Hanoi on September 10 for Chairman of the Federation of Korean Industries Huh Chang-soo, who led a RoK business delegation, PM Phuc lauded Korean investors for continuing their investment in large-scale projects in Vietnam, hoping that they will carry on pouring more capital into high-tech sectors, heavy industry, and infrastructure development. PM Phuc voiced his hope that RoK companies will bring state-of-the-art technologies to Vietnam, work to protect the environment, create jobs for local people, and contribute to Vietnam-RoK relations. He wished for stronger cooperation between enterprises of both nations and suggested the RoK side import more from Vietnam in order to balance trade. Furthermore, the Government leader asked businesses to channel more efforts into realising the set target of US$100 billion in bilateral trade by 2020. Vietnam and the RoK are enjoying a fruitful strategic cooperative partnership, he said, adding that nearly 160,000 Vietnamese and RoK nationals are living in each nation, serving as a bridge to connect the two peoples and contribute to their future. Huh Chang-soo, for his part, highlighted Vietnams strong economic growth and sound relations between the two nations, saying that the two factors will open up various cooperative opportunities for Vietnamese and RoK enterprises. He said that bilateral relations have not only been thriving in economy, but also in other sectors such as culture, tourism, cuisine, and sport. Representatives of RoK corporations informed the Vietnamese leader of their activities in Vietnam and hoped to receive further support from the Vietnamese Government and relevant authorities. Lameness prevention: it's all in the head An understanding of how cows think, how they see the world and how they move is essential for lameness prevention. >>> US-Vietnam Business Summit defines future of economic relations Hosting a reception for several visiting US corporations representatives on the sidelines of the US-Vietnam Business Summit on September 10, Deputy PM Dung highlighted the importance of the event which discussed measures to boost effective cooperation methods between Vietnam and US investors in the context of the fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). In recent years, both nations have enjoyed substantial changes in their relations, he said, adding that Vietnam has always seen, and will continue to see, the US as a leading partner. The Asian nation wishes to bolster its comprehensive partnership with the US on the basis of respecting each others independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political institutions, contributing to maintaining regional and global peace, stability, cooperation, and development. He said that collaborations in economy, trade, and investment have become a crucial pillar of and a key driver for bilateral ties. After 20 years of the normalisation of relations, the US has become one of the largest trade partners of Vietnam. Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce Michael Kelly, who led the US business delegation, said that US investors want to expand their business scale and foster long-term investment in Vietnam. Meanwhile, there is also a queue of firms seeking investment opportunities in the country. US Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel J. Kritenbrink said he is upbeat about the prospects and results of the cooperation between companies of both sides. He underlined that the US Embassy always encourages US firms to enhance their presence in Vietnam. Jovana Benoit, the wife of Haitian Ambassador to Vietnam, Jean Lesly Benoit, inaugurated her first boutique in Vietnam under the brand Jovana Louis, at No. 9, Le Ngoc Han Street, in Hanoi, on September 10. Jovana Louis, which was named after the designers maiden name, features all of the designs by Jovana that are her whole life passion: "I was born for fashion. Everything I do is all about fashion. Even when I have problems, I seek fashion designs to make me beautiful, make myself elegant. Jovana Louis' designs are not just casual outfits but are vital energy sources for women to be more radiant and for those looking to be elegant and confident. Jovana admitted that she was inspired by the French, Caribbean and Asian cultures. That is the reason why her designs have the warm colours of the Caribbean in her hometown, the elegance of Paris and the typical cuts of Asia and Vietnam, which Jovana considers her second home. "As soon as I arrived in Vietnam, it was difficult for me to find my size. I like Vietnamese fashion and style, but I'm tall and I usually use warm Caribbean colours, so I decided to create my own clothes with the mix of the local style. In addition, it is easy to find beautiful fabrics here. Jovana Benoit, who is also a famous model, loves the traditional Vietnamese long dress - ao dai. She has said that her designs were inspired by the Vietnamese culture and fashion. Sharing her love for Vietnam, Jovana said: "Our family has been living in Hanoi for five years now. The Vietnamese people and culture inspired me a lot. That's why we decided to stay in Hanoi and open this store. Thanks to my husband, as an ambassador, we travel often, but finally, I have found my second country, it's Vietnam. I love Vietnam. She also announced that after Vietnam, another store will open next year in the United States. Jovana Benoit introduces her design to a customer. Jovana Benoit and her staff at Jovana Louis. Jovana Louis, located at No. 9, Le Ngoc Han Street, in Hanoi, is the first boutique run by the Haitian designer. Jovana Louiss designs have a blend of French and Asian cultures. According to Artist Phan Thanh Liem, he will put on a show of selected traditional water puppet performances. Currently, all preparations are complete and about 200kg of equipment has been transported to Italy. He will perform in three cities: Napoli and Brescia in Italy, and Nice in France. He will give a 30 minute performance using the miniature water puppet stage in each of the cities. Artist Phan Thanh Liem was born and raised in a family with a seven generation history of traditional water puppetry in Rach village, Nam Chan commune, Nam Truc district, Nam Dinh. He is a successful design artist of water puppetry stages, as well as a screenwriter and contributor to the research and creation of a lot of water puppetry. Phan Thanh Liem has received many invitations to bring his miniature water puppet stage to the US, the UK, Canada, the Republic of Korea (RoK) and China. The Orient Festival will gather diverse cultures from Asian countries such as India, China, Japan, Thailand, RoK, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Rajasthan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Tibet. The festival also has a variety of activities such as photography exhibitions, typical culinary booths, traditional ritual performances, music, dance, traditional martial arts, and yoga. >>> Party leader arrives in Budapest, starting official visit to Hungary >>> Party leader concludes Russia visit, starts trip to Hungary The visit is a historic event, as it is the first official visit by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam to one of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe since the regime transition in these nations. At the same time, the visit affirms Vietnam's policy of considering Hungary as a key traditional partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Hungary is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. In particular, the capital city of Budapest is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Hungary is now a member of the European Union and NATO. In recent years, Hungary has achieved remarkable achievements in economic development. Accordingly, after being strongly affected by the world financial crisis of 2008, the Hungarian economy has recovered since 2010. In 2017, its GDP growth rate reached 4%; the unemployment rate fell to 4%; and trade turnover increased by nearly 10%, of which export turnover reached more than EUR100 billion. In the first quarter of 2018, GDP growth was at 4.4%, up 0.3% over the same period in 2017. In recent years, Hungary has steadied its political situation. The Hungarian Civic Alliance (FIDESZ) won three consecutive elections in 2010, 2014 and 2018 with overwhelming victories, winning two thirds of the seats in the National Assembly. After the recent parliamentary election, the new FIDESZ government, which was formed last May, continues to pursue the policies of the previous term, aiming to maintain a GDP growth rate of 4% a year, while seeking to keep stable finances and reduce the public debt and unemployment rate. Hungarian Prime Minister V. Orban has set a long-term plan with the goal of establishing Hungary as one of the top five living and working EU member states by 2030, with high competitiveness, highly developed infrastructure and highly improved population indicators. In terms of external relations, Hungary prioritises deep integration into Europe, strengthening relations with its neighbours and with the region. It also focuses on energy diplomacy, protecting the interests of the Hungarian community in neighbouring countries, and restoring and fostering relations with traditional partners, seeing Vietnam as a leading partner in Southeast Asia. Vietnam and Hungary have a traditional friendship and mutual trust. In recent years, bilateral cooperation has developed strongly. The two sides regularly maintain exchanges of delegations at all levels, especially at senior levels. Economic and trade relations between the two countries have increased sharply, with trade turnover in 2017 reaching over US$355 million for the first time. The Hungarian government offers a US$500 million preferential credit package to support development projects in the fields of healthcare, water treatment, informatics and agriculture. So far, Hungary has invested in 17 projects in Vietnam with a total registered capital of more than US$63 million, ranking 57th among 126 countries and territories with direct investment in Vietnam. Cooperation has also been promoted in the fields of legislation, justice, national defence and security, and healthcare at local levels, in which education and training is the traditional field between the two countries. Hungary has previously helped Vietnam train thousands of experts and engineers with high qualifications. In recent years, Hungary has continuously increased the number of scholarships for Vietnam (currently 200 scholarships per year). The Vietnamese Party has established formal relations with the ruling FIDESZ Party and maintains its traditional relationship with the Hungarian Socialist Party and the Hungarian Workers Party. The official visit to Hungary by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is an important political event, marking new milestones, new momentum and new heights for Vietnam-Hungary relations. The visit is also an opportunity to enhance the mutual understanding and trust between the leaders and people of the two countries, contributing to deepening the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two, aiming to raise the framework of bilateral cooperation to a comprehensive partnership, in order to create a new and more substantial change in all fields, thereby enhancing the country's position, as well as consolidating and promoting Vietnam's influence in Central-Eastern Europe. May Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's official visit to Hungary be a great success, bringing the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary to new heights, for the interests of the people of both countries and for the peace, stability, cooperation and development of the region and the world. A joint statement on the results of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trongs official visit to Russia affirmed the consistent policy of Vietnam in strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia, in order to meet the long-term interests of their peoples, and affirmed the importance of maintaining joint efforts to promote cooperation in all areas. Taking place ahead of big events of the two countries, including the 25th anniversary of a treaty on the basic principles for bilateral friendship in 2019 and the 70th anniversary of the diplomatic relationship between Vietnam and Russia in 2020, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's visit to Russia is a special event that holds important historical significance for both Vietnam and Russia. The leaders agreement on consolidating, expanding and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia showed a deep strategic vision, meeting the long-term interests of their peoples in the new period. During his trip, the Vietnamese Party leader held talks with President Vladimir Putin and met Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin, and Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of Russia Andrey Turchak. He laid wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Mausoleum, and the Statue of President Ho Chi Minh in Moscow. He also attended a ceremony to celebrate the 60th founding anniversary of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association as well as meetings with Russian veterans and experts who have worked in Vietnam, and visited Kaluga province. During the talks and meetings, leaders of the two countries discussed how to further develop the Vietnam-Russia friendship and all-round cooperation, as well as international and regional issues of their common concern. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnamese officials received a warm reception, gracious hospitality and genuine friendship from Russian leaders and people. President Vladimir Putin affirmed that Russia has always held Vietnam in high regard as a leading partner in the Asia-Pacific region, expressing his confidence that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's visit would create an important milestone and be a new driving force for the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership. The two leaders expressed their pleasure at the comprehensive development in bilateral relations, with many fields, from political, diplomatic, economic, financial, security and defense cooperation to cultural cooperation, health care, science, education and training, industry, electricity, mining and mining, agriculture, information and telecommunications, urban transport infrastructure, tourism, cooperation between localities. The leaders of the two countries discussed measures to further develop the Vietnam-Russia friendship and all-round cooperation, as well as international and regional issues of their common concern. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Russian leaders expressed their resolve to strengthen the bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation, to match their political ties, culture and the shared potential of the two countries. The leaders stressed the need for radical efforts to boost economic and trade cooperation, and the effective implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union as well as its member nations. They highly valued the important role played by the Vietnam-Russia Intergovernmental Committee for Economic, Commercial, Scientific and Technological Cooperation. The two sides highlighted the need to improve the effectiveness of activities of the Vietnam-Russia Senior Working Group on priority investment projects in order to develop and implement projects in the fields of industry and electrical energy; mining and mineral processing; agriculture; information and telecommunications; and urban and transport infrastructure in localities all over Vietnam. Talking about cooperation in energy, oil and gas, a strategic sector for bilateral ties for years to come, the leaders agreed to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese and Russian firms to effectively carry out their existing projects. They said there will be more new projects with the participation of national oil and gas companies from both sides. They agreed to facilitate the operation of priority investment projects in both nations. During the talks, the leaders of the two countries agreed that border and territorial disputes and other disputes in the Asia-Pacific region should be addressed through peaceful means, while not using or threatening to use violence on the basis of international law, to ensure peace, stability, and security in the region. They affirmed that the two countries support the full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and welcome the relevant parties efforts to soon adopt a Code of Conduct in the East Sea. The two leaders expressed their pleasure at the comprehensive development in bilateral relations between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the United Russia party that contribute to tightening the foundations of traditional friendly relations and to political trust between the two parties, the two governments and the people of the two countries while promoting cooperation and exchanges on the Party channel regarding important issues of mutual concern. The important results achieved during the official visit to Russia by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong create a solid basis to consolidate and deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, affirming the two sides' determination on strongly promoting the relations between Vietnam and Russia in all fields, commensurate with the aspirations of the two peoples, for the benefit of the two peoples and the prosperity of the region and the world. An official welcoming ceremony was held at the airport for the Party leader and delegation. During his stay in Hungary from September 8-11, the Party leader will hold talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and have meetings with other top leaders of the host country, including the Acting Chairperson of the National Assembly and the President. He will also meet with leaders of the Hungarian Socialist Party, the Hungarian-Vietnamese Friendship Association and the Hungarian Workers' Party. He will join various activities in Hungary, such as laying wreaths at the Heroes' Square in Budapest, visiting the ancient town of Szentendre, delivering a speech at the inaugural session of the 2nd Vietnam-Hungary University Rectors Conference, and visiting the Vietnamese Embassy to talk with representatives of the Vietnamese community in Hungary. The Party General Secretary's visit to Hungary is intended to enhance the mutual understanding and trust between leaders and people of both sides, while deepening the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation towards lifting the collaboration to a Comprehensive Partnership" framework and creating new and substantial changes in all fields, thereby consolidating and promoting Vietnam's influence within Central Eastern Europe. The visit also affirms the policy of Vietnam to consider Hungary a leading traditional partner in Central Eastern Europe, as well as strengthening the relationship between the two ruling parties of both sides, laying the basis for promoting bilateral relations in the fields of strength and potential for both sides. The Vietnamese Party chief is on an official visit to Hungary from September 8-11 at the invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Szentendre city is known as the land of painters, with many museums and photo galleries. During his stay in the city, Party leader Trong met with Mayor of Szentendre city Verseghi-Nagy Miklos, who gave a warmly welcome to the Vietnamese delegation. Host and guest highlighted the traditional friendship between the two nations, which has been incessantly expanded in recent years. The two sides have exchanged many high-ranking delegations and promoted fruitful cooperation across spheres, especially economy, science, education and training, they said, noting that many Vietnamese officials, doctors and engineers have been trained in Hungary. Szentendre set up relations with Hoi An city of Vietnams central province of Quang Nam, the mayor said, expressing his impression on the hospitality of Vietnamese people. He voiced his belief that the visit made by Party leader Trong will contribute to pushing the friendship and cooperation between his country and Vietnam. The Party chief thanked the municipal authorities and people for their warm welcome, expressing his delight to have a chance to visit Szentendre - a culture and art city with long-lasting history, peaceful environment, and charming architectural works. He said that his visit to Hungary aims to bolster all-round cooperation between the two nations, including cultural exchanges and collaboration between their localities. The Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship, an invaluable asset of the two countries, needs to be preserved and passed to next generations of their people, he underlined. The Party General Secretary stressed that the Southeast Asian nation has been grateful for Hungarys support during the national protection and construction. Thousands of Vietnamese officials and engineers received training in the central European country, many of them are holding important positions in the State apparatus, he added. He expressed his belief that the bilateral cooperation will further develop in the fields of politics-diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, culture, and tourism. Also, he lauded collaboration between Szentendre city and Hoi An ancient town, hoping that their cooperation will be bolstered in an effective and practical manner in the future. Sharing experience in preservation of heritages and tourism development as well as cultural and art exchanges will make significant contributions to consolidating and developing the Vietnam-Hungary traditional friendship. The Party chiefs official visit, from September 5-8, made headlines in official websites of the Kremlin, the Russian Government, the State Duma of Russia and the Russian Federation Council. The independence newspaper ran an article by Grigory Lokshin, Vice President of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association, who said that the Vietnamese leaders visit will open up a new page in the bilateral relationship. Vietnam has changed unrecognizably after 30 years of reform and become an equal partner of Russia, the article said, adding that the country has also maintained its fine policy towards Russia. G. Lokshin expressed his belief that cooperation projects signed during the visit, along with the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, which was put into force in October 2016, will help the two countries fulfill the target of raising bilateral trade to US$10 billion in 2020. He held that the partnership, including collaboration in exploiting oil and gas on Vietnams continental shelf, has helped Russia create a more balanced configuration and contributed to maintaining peace and stability in the region. Meanwhile, the Izvestia daily also published an article highlighting Russian President Vladimir Putins appeal for Vietnams investment in Sibiri and the Far East. The article cited the President as saying that Russia hopes for investment flows of Vietnamese companies in agriculture and projects to the Sibiri region and the Far East, following a project invested by TH True Milk in Kaluga province. The Regnum News Agency also quoted Chairman of the State of Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin as saying that the visit has contributed to promoting the bilateral legislative ties, while creating new momentum for the Russia-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership. At the meetings of the Nhan Dan newspaper delegation, the PCP leaders informed them on the positive changes of the party in the recent past, which was strengthened both in terms of politics and economic, as well as its role in the political life in Portugal. People from all walks of life, including many young people, continue to give strong support to the PCP in order to realise the goal of improving the living conditions and protection of the interests of Portuguese workers. This was the second time that Nhan Dan Newspaper had organised a Vietnamese booth at the Avante Press Festival. The PCP leaders highly appreciated the decision of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which entrusted Nhan Dan Newspaper to participate in traditional activities at the festival. The presence of the Vietnam booth was an important highlight at the festival, demonstrating its support for and solidarity with the PCP, while sharing information and development experiences. The PCP leaders emphasised that it was a concrete manifestation of the time-honoured and fine friendship between the two parties and peoples, helping the Portuguese people and international friends to understand more about Vietnam. On behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Khanh expressed his delight to witness the increasing position and strong development of the PCP in the socio-political life in Portugal. Briefing the hosts on Vietnam's current situation, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Le Quoc Khanh emphasised that, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnam has continued to obtain remarkable achievements in socio-economic development and international integration, whilst the country's position in the international arena has continued to be enhanced. The work of Party and political system building has been focused and has observed important results. From the opening day of the festival, the Vietnamese booth has attracted many visitors who came to learn about the country and people of Vietnam through photos, materials, newspapers, books and publications. Many people shared the joy at the positive changes of Vietnam over the past 30 years of the renewal process. Numerous overseas Vietnamese and Portuguese friends enthusiastically participated in the organisation and activities of the booth. During the festival, the delegation of Nhan Dan Newspaper also took part and delivered a speech at a seminar on Karl Marx, as well as holding many exchanges with international delegations attending the festival. At a meeting with HSP Chairman Toth Bertalan in Bundapest as part of his ongoing official visit to Hungary, the Party chief called on the HSP to help the 5,000-strong Vietnamese community in Hungary to integrate into the host society, while contributing to the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. The leader affirmed that his visit aims to consolidate and accelerate the bilateral traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation. He highlighted Hungarys support for the just cause of Vietnamese people during the past struggle for independence, as well as the present national construction and development process. Vietnam always keeps in mind the valuable and effective assistance of the Hungarian State and people, he said, adding that various Vietnamese generations have studied in Hungary and many of them have held important positions in the State apparatus as well as the socio-economic life of Vietnam after returning home. Hungary provides 200 scholarships annually to Vietnamese students who serve as an important bridge for the bilateral relations, General Secretary Trong said. For his part, Toth Bertalan described Party General Secretary Trongs visit as an important event in the history of the bilateral ties. The HSP always supports policies that aim to further consolidate and enhance the fine friendship and cooperation with Vietnam, he said. Regardless of time, Hungary is always a faithful and close friend of Vietnam, he added, affirming the faithful friendship as an immutable value. Hungary is a door for Vietnam to expand its relations with the European Union while Vietnam serves as a gateway for Hungary to step up its ties with Southeast Asia and Asia at large, the host said, expressing his hope that the Vietnamese Party chiefs visit will open up door for both sides. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 At the meeting, Ambassador Nguyen Tien Thuc briefed the Party leader on the embassys performance, the activities of the Vietnamese People Association, and the current situation of the Vietnamese community in Hungary. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong lauded the embassys efforts to fulfil their duties, as well as the activities of the Vietnamese People Association, and the member organisations in Hungary to support expatriates. He informed the local people of the situation in the country, the achievements in socio-economic development, the Party and political system building, external affairs, difficulties and challenges. He also emphasised that his visit to Hungary aims to deepen the time-honoured bilateral relations in various areas. In the context of rapid and complicated changes in the global and regional situation, Vietnam attaches great importance to its fine relations with Hungary and considers Hungary as one of the leading partners of Vietnam in Central and Eastern Europe, whilst Hungary also sees Vietnam as its most important partner in Southeast Asia, the Party chief noted. The Party leader also emphasised that the Party and State always consider overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of Vietnam. He asked the expatriates to always remember their origin, assist each other, uphold their national cultural identities and contribute to the two countries connections. As reported by Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), the forum focused on several main issues, including challenges and efforts to share universal values on the basis of the rule of law, response to natural disasters, and the vision to deepen the ASEAN-Japan defence cooperation. Delegates at the event shared their views on the decisive role of respecting international law in peace and stability in the region and around the globe. However, competition among the worlds powers, arms races and unilateral efforts to change the status quo not only put international law in front of many challenges but also threaten freedom and openness, a platform of peace and prosperity in the region. Agreeing with the views on the importance of respecting international law, Senior Lieutenant General Vinh emphasised the need for countries to correctly and objectively understand the interpretation of international law, while fully and seriously implementing international treaties and agreements that they have joined to ensure the respect of the law. Representatives of countries participating in the forum also stressed that, while discussing the rule of law, it is impossible not to mention the East Sea and East China Sea, adding that countries should not militarise, or use or threaten to use force in the areas. Disputes must be settled by peaceful measures and on the basis of respect of diplomatic and legal processes, they stressed. The 10th Japan-ASEAN Defence Vice-Ministerial Forum opened in Japans Nagoya city on September 10. Photo: VOV) The participants also underlined the need for the parties concerned to continue fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and building a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC), a binding legal document between ASEAN and China, with the concerns of other countries taken into account. At the forum, the ASEAN countries showed their support for Japan to enhance their defence ties with the 10-member group in accordance with the Vientiane Vision, especially activities aiming to improve the capacity of ASEAN member nations. Vietnamese Deputy Defence Minister Vinh informed those present that Vietnam assumed the role of coordinator of the ASEAN-Japan Dialogue since August 2018. He stressed that the country will continue to coordinate with Japan in order to materialise the cooperation contents between ASEAN and Japan in the spirit of the Vientiane Vision reached by the defence ministers of Japan and ASEAN countries. On the occasion, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh also met with his Japanese counterpart Ro Manabe, during which both sides expressed their satisfaction in terms of the defence cooperation between Japan and Vietnam in recent years. They agreed to promote collaboration in naval ship exchanges, the defence industry, cyber security, war remediation, and UN peace-keeping operations. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Tran Dai Quang sent a message of congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II. On the same day, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc cabled a congratulatory message to his UK counterpart Theresa May. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh extended his congratulations to UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Jeremy Hunt. In their messages, Vietnamese leaders emphasised that the strategic partnership between Vietnam and the UK is developing fruitfully in all fields. They expressed their belief that with a strong foundation of bilateral relations over the past 45 years and the great potential for further cooperation that has been strongly affirmed through mutual visits by the two countries leaders, the Vietnam-UK friendship and cooperation will continue to reap greater success, meeting the aspirations and interests of the two peoples, for peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large. The government leader made the statement during a reception in Hanoi on September 10 for Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, Adam Sitkoff. The PM welcomed the US delegation, who will be attending the World Economic Forum on ASEAN 2018 and the Vietnam-US Business Summit 2018. He said Vietnam appreciates its ties with the US, which have been growing over the past years. US exports to Vietnam have also grown in recent times, he added. The host affirmed that the Vietnamese Government has always and will continue to offer support for US firms doing business in Vietnam, considering it an important factor of bilateral ties. Sitkoff, for his part, thanked the PM for hosting the delegation, which he said reflected on his strong commitment to promoting bilateral economic and trade links. He informed the host that the delegation had discussed digital economy development with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the Vietnam-US Business Summit earlier in the morning. US firms highly value the Vietnamese PM and Governments efforts in improving administrative reform and business climate, as well as attracting foreign tourist arrivals, he said, adding that they are very interested in the Vietnamese market. Representatives from US firms expressed their determination to expand business operations in Vietnam and wished that the Vietnamese Government and the PM would create more favourable conditions for them to do business in the country, especially in the fields of digital economy and connectivity, smart city development, pharmaceuticals, energy, and high-quality human resources training. >>> Party chief meets Hungarian Socialist Party Chairman >>> Party chief visits representatives of Vietnamese community in Hungary The CPV chief said Vietnam considers Hungary a leading partner in central Eastern Europe and congratulated Hungary on scoring a number of important socio-economic achievements, catapulting the country into the position of one of the leading economies in the European Union with political stability and social unity. Orban, for his part, said Hungary considers Vietnam its most important partner in Southeast Asia, affirming that the visit will create a new milestone and driving force for the bilateral traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation. Both sides agreed to maintain regular visits and exchanges between high-ranking leaders, strengthen political consultations and strategic dialogues via Party, Government, and National Assembly channels, as well as between ministries, agencies, and localities. They expressed their determination to foster effective collaboration in diverse areas, especially in economy, trade, investment, national defence, education-training, science-technology, environment, healthcare, culture, sports, and tourism, as well as share experiences in maintaining and upholding traditional cultural identities during the process of development. Host and guest pledged to strengthen consultation on regional and global issues of shared concern and effective cooperation at multilateral organisations and forums, particularly at the United Nations, the Asia-Europe Meeting and the Mekong-Danube Cooperation Initiative. The General Secretary affirmed that Vietnam supports Hungary in extending coordination with ASEAN member states and stands ready to serve as a bridge for the country to expand economic ties with the bloc. Expressing commitment to promoting the Vietnam-EU comprehensive partnership, the Hungarian PM vowed to push forward the early signing, ratification, and full implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, contributing to reinforcing EU market connectivity, including that between Hungary, Vietnam, and the ASEAN. As there remains room for bilateral partnership, the two sides asserted to increase activities of the Vietnam-Hungary Inter-Committee on Economic Cooperation; create favourable conditions for the two countries business communities to meet and seek new opportunities; as well as expand cooperation in healthcare, water management, information technology, pharmaceuticals, food safety, environment protection, and renewable energy. The Vietnamese leader hailed Hungary for considering Vietnam a priority partner in its official development assistance policy. He suggested working closely together in fields that suit Hungarys capacity and meet Vietnams demand. He thanked the Hungarian government for committing to continuing the supply of the 200 scholarships it awards to Vietnamese students each year. The two sides welcomed the signing of several cooperation documents in national defence-security, justice, healthcare, education-training, and the organisation of the second Hungary-Vietnam conference of universities rectors in Budapest. They promised to expand ties across culture, sports, and tourism in order to raise mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples, as well as to step up the plans marking the 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2020. The host said the Hungarian government will continue to provide all possible support for Vietnamese nationals in Hungary so they may lead stable lives and serve as a bridge connecting the two nations. Following the talks, the two leaders held a press conference, issued a joint statement on the establishment of the Vietnam-Hungary comprehensive partnership, and witnessed the signing of several important cooperation documents. The inked documents include an inter-government agreement on judicial assistance in civil matters, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on defence cooperation between the Defence Ministries of the two countries, another MoU on collaboration between the Vietnamese Ministry of Health and the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and a plan on education cooperation in the 2019-2021 period between the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources. The Hungarian Water Association also signed MoUs with the Peoples Committee of Quang Nam province on the implementation of the Quang Binh II clean water supply project, with the Peoples Committee of Vinh Long province on a water treatment project in the province, and with the Peoples Committee of Thanh Hoa province on a clean water supply project in the locality. >>> Party General Secretary visits Hungarys Szentendre city >>> Vietnam, Hungary agree to lift relations to comprehensive partnership He made the wish while meeting the media together with visiting General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong following their talks and witnessing the signing of cooperation documents in Budapest on September 10. Orban said both sides have agreed to further lift their ties to the comprehensive partnership level, as well as hailing Vietnam as an especially successful country with an annual economic growth of 6%. He forecast that in the next decade, Vietnam will become one of the worlds fastest growing countries. As Hungary holds a particular strength in science-technology, the country wants to engage in Vietnams development via an official development assistance programme, he said, adding that Hungary always encourages its firms to invest in Vietnam. The host said the early enforcement of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement will bring great benefits to all parties concerned. Towards the 70th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, Orban conveyed his hope that the Hungary Culture Centre will be inaugurated in Vietnam by 2020. The two leaders said they discussed each countrys situation as well as reviewed and outlined major orientations towards further developing bilateral ties. In order to lift two-way trade in the near future, they called for attention to improving investment policies and environment, so as to create favourable conditions for the two countries businesses to meet and seek cooperation opportunities. The Hungarian side vowed to offer support for Vietnamese goods to have greater presence in the country while Vietnam welcomes Hungarian businesses to invest in the fields of Vietnams demands and Hungarys strengths. In education-training, both sides will work closely together to effectively use scholarships that the Hungarian government has provided for Vietnam, thus meeting Vietnams demand for human resources in the long term. With regards to joint work at multilateral forums, they agreed that each global issue needs to be settled via dialogue and peaceful means, on the basis of respecting independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations and their right to self-determination, international law, and the United Nations Charter. The Vietnamese side expressed support for Hungary in expanding coordination with ASEAN member states, and joining cooperation mechanisms beneficial to the European nation. Hungary backed Vietnam in strengthening the comprehensive partnership with the European Union. The two sides agreed to foster consultation and coordination at international organisations and forums to which they are members, towards stepping up effective and practical dialogues and multilateral cooperation. The Vietnamese Party chief affirmed that amidst complicated developments in the region and the world, Vietnam has always and will continue to treasure its traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership with Hungary, considering the European nation a top partner in central Eastern Europe. He believed that realising the comprehensive partnership and reached agreements will lift bilateral ties to a greater height for the long-term benefits of the two countries people. In the morning the same day, the Vietnamese leader and his entourage laid a wreath at a square dedicated to national heroes in the capital city. On September 10, the head of the delegation, Tran Thanh Man, who is Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, held talks with Politburo member and Vice Chairman of the Workers Party of Korea Pak Tae Song. They informed each other of their Party and States situation, and exchanged views on measures to boost relations between the two Parties and States. Pak Tae Song welcomed the Vietnamese delegations visit and attendance at the founding day celebrations, affirming that this is great encouragement for the DPRKs Party, Government, and people. He affirmed that the DPRK always attaches importance to and wishes to intensify collaboration between the two Parties and States. He said he believes Vietnam will go on to gain even greater achievements in the nation building and safeguarding process. Man congratulated the DPRKs people on their achievements over the past seven decades and wished them many more successes. He stressed the need for the two countries to strengthen cooperation to bring about practical benefits to their people, as well as to contribute to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and across the world. On the same day, the Vietnamese official had a meeting with Pak Myong Chol, President and General Secretary of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland of the DPRK. Along with its attendance at the founding day celebrations, the Vietnamese delegation also visited several economic, cultural, and historical establishments in Pyongyang. >>> Vietnam, Hungary agree to lift relations to comprehensive partnership >>> Hungarian PM wishes to enhance multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam At their meeting, the two sides agreed to create favourable conditions for the two legislatures to exchange high-level delegations, as well as enhance exchanges between parliamentary agencies and friendship parliamentarians groups to share experience in law-making, supervision, personnel training. They vowed to step up collaboration between the two countries localities and offer all possible support to their friendship parliamentarians groups to effectively tap their role in developing ties between the two legislatures. Stressing the importance of economic, trade and investment cooperation in boosting bilateral relations, host and guest agreed to step up the cooperation to match with fine political and cultural ties. Csaba affirmed that the Hungarian National Assembly backs Vietnams comprehensive cooperation with the European Union. He vowed to boost the NAs soon ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement after it is signed so as to create a driving force for economic collaboration between Vietnam and Hungary and other EU countries. This was the second time Nhan Dan Newspaper had attended the Avante Press Festival - an important political and cultural event hosted by the Portuguese Communist Party in September annually. At the event, photos, materials, newspapers, books and publications introducing Vietnams renewal process, and national construction and defence under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), were displayed. Vladimiro Vale, member of the Portuguese Communist Partys political bureau, applauded Vietnams presence at the festival, stressing that Nhan Dan Newspapers booth brought value to the event. The event reflected the two parties solidarity, friendship, cooperation and mutual support in building a peaceful and democratic world. Many Portuguese showed their interest in Vietnam, saying that the event offers them a chance to meet with Vietnamese friends, and get more information about the CPVs development policies. They also expressed their love for Vietnams people, climate and food. Covering an area of 25ha in Seixal city of Portugal, this years Avante Press Festival attracted about 250,000 people. The September 6-9 event featured hundreds of booths of communist and leftist parties from many countries. It contributed to enhancing solidarity among nations and advanced forces over the world. Dozens of seminars related to all aspects from politics, economy, culture and society were also held within the framework of the event. * US President Donald Trump on September 9 hailed the absence of nuclear-capable missiles in the military parade in Pyongyang celebrating the 70th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). * Preliminary results of the 2018 Swedish parliamentary elections showed on September 9 night that Centre-Left bloc of the Social Democratic Party, the Green Party and Left party gained 40.7 percent of votes, narrowly heading in the race. * Local authorities in Northwest, one of the two crisis-hit English-speaking regions of Cameroon, on September 9 declared an indefinite curfew in the entire region. * The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on September 9 announced that the warring parties have agreed to freeze all military actions in the capital Tripoli, after more than two weeks of deadly clashes. * The Moroccan Royal Navy rescued 19 Moroccans suspected of illegal immigration off the Atlantic city of Casablanca, including a woman and a child, the Moroccan army announced in a statement on September 9. * Eighty Russian administrative areas held regional and local elections Sunday (September 9) with President Vladimir Putin visiting a polling station and voting, the Kremlin said. * A total of 28 people have been confirmed injured and nearly 5,000 residents were relocated after a 5.9-magnitude earthquake hit southwest China's Yunnan Province September 8 morning. * Arif Alvi, a senior leader of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), was sworn in as Pakistan's president on September 9. * Alibaba co-founder and chairman Jack Ma on September 10 announced in an open letter that he would step down a year later, when the company CEO Daniel Zhang will take over as the chairman of the board. * Moldova's President Igor Dodon was slightly injured in a car accident near capital city of Chisinau on September 9, according to news reaching here from Moldova. * Florence is forecast to become a major hurricane by Monday (September 10) as it continues to approach the US East Coast, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said late Saturday (September 8). The tropical storm is centered about 1,270 km southeast of Bermuda and moving west at 9 km per hour, the NHC said. * The Leadership Office of Sudan's ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on September 9 approved the dissolution of the national unity government and named a new prime minister to tackle the country's growing economic crisis. The Egypt Defense Expo (EDEX) at the Cairo International Convention Center will be organized by the defense and military production ministries in cooperation with British Clarion Events, a world's leading defense and security events organizer. The three-day defense expo is expected to attract more than 300 exhibitors and 10,000 visitors, Egypt's military spokesman Tamer al-Refai said in a statement. The event will be the first of its kind in Egypt and any other African country, with high-tech defense systems from around the world, as well as Egypt-made military hardware expected to be on display. People dance during a parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Pyongyang, DPRK, on Sept. 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli) BEIJING, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, on Sunday sent a congratulatory message to Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), on the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK. On behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and people, as well as in his own name, Xi extends his warm congratulations and sincere wishes to Kim, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the DPRK government and people. Kim is the chairman of the WPK and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK. In the message, Xi said the people of the DPRK have attained remarkable achievements in the cause of socialist revolution and construction over the past 70 years. "In recent years, comrade chairman has led your party and people into taking proactive measures in social and economic development and achieved important results, and the development of socialism in the DPRK has entered a new historical stage," Xi said, "I'm really pleased to see all this." Xi stressed that China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors linked by a mountain and rivers, and the China-DPRK traditional friendship forged and cultivated by the two countries' older generations of leaders is precious treasure shared by both sides. The CPC and the Chinese government attach great importance to the China-DPRK friendly cooperative relations, unswervingly committed to maintaining, consolidating and developing such ties, Xi added. Mentioning his three meetings with Kim this year, Xi said they have clearly charted the development direction of bilateral relations. "I am willing to work hand in hand with comrade chairman to promote the China-DPRK relations for long-term, healthy and sound development so as to benefit both countries and both peoples and to boost regional peace and security," the Chinese president said. Xi said he sincerely hopes that the DPRK people will attain greater achievements in national development and construction under the leadership of Kim and the WPK. The Chinese president sincerely wished the DPRK prosperous and its people happy and safe. Death toll of clashes in Libya's Tripoli rises to 78: ministry TRIPOLI, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- The death toll of the clashes between government forces and armed militias in Libya's capital Tripoli has increased to 78, the Ministry of Health said Sunday. The ministry's Department of Wounded said in a statement that the clashes in Tripoli had left 78 dead and 210 injured until Saturday. The statement also said 103 injured people had left hospitals after treatment, adding that 16 people remain missing. Tripoli recently witnessed violent clashes between government forces and militants of the "7th Brigade" militia from the nearby city of Tarhuna, some 80 km southeast of Tripoli. On Thursday, the UN Support Mission in Libya announced that the warring parties signed a UN-sponsored cease-fire agreement to end the clashes, which had displaced more than 1,800 households. Following the 2011 uprising that toppled former leader Muammar Gaddafi's regime, Libya has been suffering escalating violence, chaos and political division. WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- A man was killed and four others were wounded early Sunday during a shooting at a McDonald's near Auburn University in U.S. state of Alabama, police said. Auburn Police said in press release that they received a call at approximately 2:24 a.m. local time that of shots fired in the 200 block of West Magnolia Avenue. Officers found a 20-year-old man dead from gunshot wounds and four others who were injured from the gunfire. Three victims were transported to East Alabama Medical Center by ambulance with non-life threatening injuries. A 16 year-old male was also flown to Piedmont Columbus Regional Medical Center by air ambulance with serious injuries. The incident is being investigated and is not believed to be a random shooting, according to police. The incident remains under investigation. Soldiers march during a parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Pyongyang, DPRK, on Sept. 9, 2018. (Xinhua/Xing Guangli) Pyongyang, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- A massive parade was held in Kim Il Sung Square in central Pyongyang on Sunday morning to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The DPRK's top leader Kim Jong Un and other senior officials attended the celebration, together with hundreds of foreign guests, ambassadors and representatives of DPRK nationals living abroad. Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, said under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, the DPRK has made great achievements in economic construction. He urged citizens to carry out the strategic line of economic construction put forward at the Third Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and to contribute to world peace and the unification of the Korean Peninsula. The two-hour parade saw thousands of people from all walks of life, including soldiers, workers, peasants and students, march through the square, waving flowers and shouting slogans such as "Long live supreme leader Kim." Some vehicles rolled through with banners, paying homage to the massive statues of the leaders and showcasing the achievements of the past 70 years. Some military weapons, including rockets and tanks, were also demonstrated in the parade. But the scale was not as big as expected and long-range missiles were not displayed. The parade was the first of its kind after the DPRK-South Korea and the DPRK-U.S. summits were held successively and the situation on the Korean Peninsula entered a state of dialogue. The celebrations began Saturday evening with a concert at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium. China and Pakistan pledged on Sunday to jointly promote the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and push forward the development of bilateral ties. The pledges were made as visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Pakistani President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad separately. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) meets with Pakistani President Arif Alvi (R) in Islamabad, Pakistan on Sunday, September 9, 2018. [Photo:] Alvi, who was sworn in as the Pakistani president Sunday, received Wang as his first foreign guest. He said friendship with China is Pakistan's national policy and over the past more than five decades Pakistan has always cherished the friendship with China, which is based on mutual benefit and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. The president hailed the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative as visionary, saying that CPEC, an important part of the Belt and Road construction, has brought and will continue to bring tangible benefits to the Pakistani people. The new Pakistani government is committed to strengthening the construction of CPEC, and is willing to learn from China in such areas as poverty alleviation, anti-corruption and job creation. Wang said the bilateral relations and friendship between China and Pakistan remain unchanged despite the changing domestic and international situation, adding that his visit was aimed at getting in touch with the new Pakistani government so as to continue and facilitate the bilateral cooperation in all fields. During the meeting, Wang also briefed Alvi on Chinese experiences on poverty alleviation and anti-corruption. He reiterated China's willingness to join hands with Pakistan to constantly enrich and extend the construction of CPEC, and closely coordinate with Pakistan on international and regional issues, so as to safeguard the two countries' core interests and the international fairness and justice. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad, Pakistan on Sunday, September 9, 2018. [Photo:] During his meeting with Wang, also on Sunday, Pakistani Prime Minister Khan said that his government is firmly committed to further promoting the development of Pakistan-China relations. Noting that CPEC is an iconic project of bilateral economic cooperation and an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative, Khan said Pakistan stands ready to work with China on CPEC. The Pakistani prime minister expressed his hope to learn from China's experiences in poverty alleviation and anti-corruption, adding that he is looking forward to paying a visit to China in November and attending the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai. For his part, Wang appreciated Khan's remarks after winning the general elections in July that Pakistan will continue taking the relations with China as the cornerstone of its diplomacy and that Pakistan will firmly facilitate the development of CPEC. Wang said China is willing to join hands with Pakistan to make the bilateral relations a model of good neighborliness and friendship, a pillar of regional peace and stability and an example of joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. He said CPEC has generated driving forces to the social and economic development of Pakistan, and will be extended to industrial cooperation according to Pakistan's needs, so as to increase employment, expand trade, and improve people's livelihood to make more Pakistanis benefit from CPEC. During his visit to Pakistan, Wang also held talks with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser. DUBLIN, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- The number of British nationals becoming Irish citizens stood at 529 persons in 2017, more than five times higher than the figure of 98 recorded in the previous year, reported local media on Sunday. The Irish Times, a local daily newspaper, quoted Senator Neale Richmon of the Irish parliament as saying that the 2016 number of British nationals giving up their citizenship for Irish passports was almost doubled than the 2015 figure which stood at 54. "Such a spike is clearly tied to the Brexit referendum and the uncertainty that has prevailed since the vote," said Richmon, who is the chairman of the Senate's special committee on Brexit. Britain held a referendum on Brexit in June 2016 which voted in favour of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union (EU). Richmon said that many British who had applied for Irish citizenship had done so because they were "very worried that they would find themselves high and dry" after Britain leaves the EU next March. According to Richmon, there are over 300,000 British nationals living in Ireland and many of them have showed strong and growing interest in applying for the Irish citizenship even though the cost of such an application is around 1,100 euros (1,270 U.S. dollars), the second highest of its kind in the EU after Austria. Jack Ma, founder and chairman of China's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, attends a plenary session on E Commerce during the 48th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 24, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua] Alibaba Executive Chairman Jack Ma announced on Monday that he will retire from his position on September 10, 2019, appointing current CEO Daniel Zhang as his successor. An official statement released by Alibaba said that Ma will remain in his role as executive chairman for the next 12 months to ensure a smooth transition. Jack Ma was an English teacher before creating the e-commerce giant Alibaba in 1999. He has turned the company into one of the world's leading e-commerce companies. When the Alibaba Group listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2014, Jack Ma became one of the richest men in China. According to Forbes, his net worth this year is around 40 billion U.S. dollars. China's top legislator on Sunday presented a signed letter from General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping to Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). China's top legislator Li Zhanshu met with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Pyongyang on Sunday. [Photo: Xinhua] Li Zhanshu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, is on a visit to the DPRK starting from Saturday as Xi's special representative to attend the activities marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK. Xi said in the letter that the DPRK, under the successive leadership of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, has made extraordinary achievements on the course of the socialist construction in the past 70 years. At present, DPRK's socialist construction has taken on a new look in various fields as the country concentrates on the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, Xi said. It is an unswerving policy of the CPC and the Chinese government to safeguard, consolidate and develop China-DPRK relations, Xi said in the letter. Xi said that he and Kim had reached important consensus during their three meetings this year, opening a new chapter in the development of China-DPRK relations. Xi said he is willing to work with Kim to strengthen the guidance of China-DPRK relations, implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders and push for greater progress in bilateral ties. Noting that the 70th founding anniversary is a big event for the DPRK, Li said President Xi attaches great importance to the event and dispatched a delegation to Pyongyang to send China's warm congratulations. This year is of special historic significance for China-DPRK relations, said Li, adding that the three meetings between Xi and Kim had ushered in a new historic stage of the bilateral ties. No matter how the international and regional situation changes, China's firm commitment to the consolidation and development of bilateral ties will not change, nor will Chinese people's friendship towards their DPRK peers or China's support to DPRK's socialist course, Li said. Li said his visit aims to implement the important consensus between Xi and Kim, enhance high-level strategic communication, carry out friendly exchanges in various fields and have in-depth exchanges of views on further development of the traditional friendship so as to create a better future for the China-DPRK ties. On the Korean Peninsula issue, Li said that achieving lasting peace and denuclearization of the Peninsula accords with the trend of the times and the aspiration of the people. China commits to the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability of the region and solving problems through dialogue and consultation, said Li. "We have high regards of the efforts the DPRK has made towards regional peace and stability," said Li, adding that he hopes the DPRK and the United Sates could implement the outcomes of their summit, work jointly to preserve the general trend of peaceful talks. Li said China is willing to work with relevant parties and play a constructive role toward a political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. Kim expressed his appreciation for Xi's letter and asked Li to convey greetings and best wishes to Xi. Kim said Li's visit symbolized the deep friendship from the Chinese side and touched the WPK, the DPRK government and its people. The traditional friendship created and nurtured by the the older generations of leaders of both countries has been the most valuable treasure, Kim said. Recalling his three meetings with Xi, Kim said he felt in person the valuable and warm DPRK-China friendship, adding that the DPRK will firmly carry on and do its best to develop the friendship no matter how the international situation changes. The DPRK is carrying out the new strategic line and focusing on the development of economy, said Kim, adding that his country expects to learn from China and further expand exchanges and cooperation in different fields so as to jointly promote the socialist course in both countries. Kim said the DPRK adheres to the consensus reached during the DPRK-U.S. summit and has taken measures in this regard while the U.S. side should take corresponding actions to jointly promote the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. In southern part of Astana, capital city of Kazakhstan, stand a group of grand buildings, which are the highest institution of the country - Nazarbayev University. It is where Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed Silk Road Economic Belt on September 7, 2013 during a speech. The Belt and Road Initiative, which refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, was actively responded and joined by a number of countries in the past five years. Over 100 countries and international organizations have signed cooperative documents with China on the co-construction of the Belt and Road. Chinas trade volume with Belt and Road countries totaled over $5 trillion, and its direct outbound investment in these countries reached over $60 billion in the past five years, creating more than 200,000 jobs for local communities. The Belt and Road Initiative is making dramatic contribution to the global economic growth. In addition, the Belt and Road construction is also growing as an open and inclusive cooperation platform and a global public product forged by various countries by integrating different civilizations and regions. Its cooperation model and development ideas are more and more recognized by the international community. Central Asia is one of the earliest regions to enjoy the benefits of the Belt and Road construction. Over the past 5 years, China and the five countries in the region have enhanced strategic synergy while consolidating mutual trust, and all of the five countries have signed cooperative agreements on the Belt and Road construction with China. The two sides also have conducted comprehensive cooperation within regional mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia. Besides, China has inked cooperative agreement on trade and economy with Eurasian Economic Union. Thanks to the co-construction of the Belt and Road, countries in Central Asia witnessed increasingly closer relationships among each other. The Belt and Road construction is accelerating the integration of this ancient Silk Road region into the global economic system, and assisting it to regain vitality. As neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, China and Kazakhstan established comprehensive strategic partnership in as early as 2011. As the place where Xi first laid out the Belt and Road Initiative and a pilot zone of the plan, Kazakhstan is an ideal partner of China to co-construct the Belt and Road. Under the guidance of leaders of the two countries during the past five years, China and Kazakhstan have aligned the Belt and Road Initiative with the Bright Road new economic plan. China has invested a total of $43 billion in Kazakhstan, and the 51 major capacity cooperation projects of the two countries saw an investment of nearly $28 billion. China and Kazakhstan have started currency swap and settlement, and established China-Kazakhstan Production Capacity Cooperation Fund as well as an international exchange. Over 1,800 China-Europe freight trains passed Kazakhstan in 2017, and commodities worth $120 million were transported by the China-Kazakhstan section of China-Asia freight train service. China-invested farm product processing factory in Kazakhstan has produced 2,300 tons of cooking oil and 4,600 tons of flour. Besides, five Confucius Institutes and five training center for learners of Kazakh language and culture have been established in Kazakhstan and China respectively. More than 14,000 Kazakh students studied in China. What we need to do now is to actively implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state and comprehensively promote China-Kazakhstan cooperation on the co-construction of the Belt and Road. We should also build a China-Kazakhstan community with shared future, as a solid progress on the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. (Zhang Xiao is Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan) The worlds first research report on Africas energy interconnection planning was issued at the Forum on African Energy Interconnection Development held in Beijing on Tuesday. The report, issued by the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), offers a package solution for Africas clean energy development and interconnection of power grids. I come from rural Benin, and electricity was not available there in the past, which is also a reality faced by most deficient regions in Africa, said Abel Didier Tella, Director General of the Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA). But now the situation has changed as some villages have adopted solar power supply devices made in China, said Tella. He hoped that the power supply system in rural Africa will become intelligent one day to realize smart allocation of power supplies in various regions, which is also one of the major goals in Chinas global energy interconnection development plan. Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York on September 26, 2015 that China would propose discussions on establishing a global energy network to facilitate efforts to meet the global power demand with clean and green alternatives. His remarks gave a clear direction to global energy construction. Africas economic development has entered into a new phase in recent years, featuring industrialization, urbanization and regional integration, Liu Zhenya, Chairman of GEIDCO, told Peoples Daily. Liu noted that the key to sustainable development of Africa lies in the methods of energy development, such as to enhance resource exploitation through clean development, to advance economic transformation by shifting energy structure, and to promote regional integration by interconnection. He added that the African energy interconnection platform will provide systematic solutions and roadmaps to accelerate Africas sustainable development on strategic, planning, economic and technological levels. It will enable large-scale energy exploitation in Africa and bring significant opportunities to the development of African countries and China-Africa cooperation, Liu said. Enjoying 12 percent, 32 percent and 40 percent of the worlds total hydro, wind and solar powers, Africa still sees a low exploitation in general. For instance, the volume of hydropower actually exploited accounts for only 10 percent of the theoretical value. In addition, all of the three types of energies are widely distributed, instable and difficult to be stored, which is an urgent problem that needs to be addressed by the energy interconnection platform. Statistics indicated that the per capita energy consumption in Africa takes only one third of the global average, and the continents power capacity, which stands at 190 million kilowatts, accounts for only 3 percent of the worlds total. Electricity shortage impacts African peoples daily life and seriously hampers the national production. For example, Guinea is a western African country with rich mineral resources. It is home to 41 billion tons of bauxite, two thirds of the global total, and 15 billion tons of proved iron ores. But the development of both aluminium and steel industries depends on powerful electricity grid. At the forum, the GEIDCO and Guinea jointly launched the African Energy Interconnection Sustainable Development Alliance as a platform to make solar and hydroelectric power the major energy supplies in Guinea and introduce hydropower from the lower Congo River over nearly a thousand kilometers. The platform is expected to drive the development of Guineas aluminum and steel industries and create about 1.2 million jobs. The global energy interconnection platform initiated by China aims at global coverage, said Tella. He told Peoples Daily that Africa needs Chinese solution to achieve energy self-sufficiency and build Africa into a continent of great connectivity. Its hoped that Africa-China energy cooperation will become a model for global cooperation, said the APUA Director General. Chinese enterprises at all levels and of all types play an irreplaceable role in building African energy interconnection platform, said Shu Yinbiao, Chairman of Chinas State Grid. The State Grid has 120 cooperative projects in Africa, totaling $4.5 billion in contract value, Shu noted, adding that over 90 percent of these projects workers are locals and over 3,000 local engineers and technicians have been trained by the Chinese side. Its proved that Chinese enterprises are able to gain a foothold in Africa thanks to their advantages in technology, price and efficiency. The pressing needs of African people on energy and power supply match Chinas long-term cooperation plan in related fields, which also reflects the essence of the building of a closer China-Africa community of shared future. China-Africa ties had been lifted to new heights since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), thanks to the personal involvement of Chinese President Xi Jinping in the planning and promotion of such relationship, guidance of his far-sighted ideas, strong inspiration of his actions as well as the significant model role he played, the Peoples Daily said in a commentary. During the just-concluded Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), he has put forward new ideas, initiatives and measures to bolster China-Africa ties in a series of important speeches that are highly appreciated by the international community, defining the historical position and future direction of bilateral ties. The Peoples Daily commentary under the byline of Guo Jiping was published on Saturday, days after the two-day summit closed on Tuesday. An abstract translation of the article is as follows: The just-concluded 2018 Beijing Summit of the FOCAC is not only the largest-ever and highest level home-field diplomatic event hosted by China, but also another reunion of the big family of China and Africa. During the summit, Xi delivered a series of important speeches under the theme of "China and Africa: toward an even stronger community with a shared future through win-win cooperation". He offered the explanation to the root cause of the ever closer China-Africa ties as time goes by. When pursuing collaboration with Africa, China values sincerity, friendship and equality; pursues common interests and puts friendship first; takes a people-oriented approach in pursuing practical cooperation with efficiency; and takes an open and inclusive approach, according to Xi. China followed a five-no approach in its relations with Africa: no interference in African countries pursuit of development paths that fit their national conditions; no interference in African countries internal affairs; no imposition of its will on African countries; no attachment of political strings to assistance to Africa; and no seeking of selfish political gains in investment and financing cooperation with Africa, the president stressed in his speech. He also charted the course of the bilateral relationship. China and Africa, according to him, will build a community with a shared future that assumes joint responsibility, pursues win-win cooperation, delivers happiness for all, enjoys cultural prosperity, enjoys common security and promotes harmony between man and nature. Xi also provided a remedy on how China-Africa cooperation would climb to another new high. China would, on the basis of the ten cooperation plans already adopted, launch eight major initiatives in close collaboration with African countries in the next three years and beyond, he pledged. China would, based on the eight initiatives, make the Belt and Road Initiative and Agenda 2063 of the African Union (AU), the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the development programs of African countries better complement each other, the president said. China would advance its cooperation with Africa to improve the well-being of Chinese and African people and deliver more benefits to them, he added. The keynote speech made by Xi at the opening ceremony of the summit was strongly echoed by African leaders, who described it as a great speech. They believed that Xis foresighted proposals to build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future and to co-construct the Belt and Road will definitely change the African continent and propel China-Africa relations to an unprecedented height. Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who serves as the rotating chairperson of the African Union, described China's treatment of Africa "as an equal," calling it "a revolutionary posture in world affairs" and "more precious than money." China and Xi, as a big country and an important leader in the world respectively, treat Rwanda, a small country that suffered severe disasters in history, on an equal footing, and lend a strong hand to help Rwandas development and construction, said the president who met with Xi once again during the summit after receiving Xis Rwandan trip this July. Even the western media who always look at China-Africa relationship through tainted glasses admit that African leaders leave Beijing summit in satisfaction after attending the largest gathering of African heads of state ever staged outside the continent. They gave thumbs up to the eight major initiatives and the co-construction of Belt and Road, said the reports, warning that the Western countries would lose Africa if they did not realize the competition. China-Africa relationship sets a model for the solidarity and cooperation between China and other developing countries, and provides a reference and benchmark for a new type of international relations, especially amid the rising tide of anti-globalization, unilateralism and protectionism. Standing at the new historic point, China and Africas march to build a closer community with a shared future carries the expectations of 2.6 billion Chinese and Africans, and draws the attention of the whole world. It is not only an important move to implement Xis thought on the diplomacy of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, but also a centennial project in the history of international relations and exchanges of human civilizations. (Guo Jiping is a well-known pen name used for Peoples Daily editorials meant to outline Chinas stance and viewpoints on major international issues.) Meet Mark Foster in Pennsylvania and Cao Wei in Henan Province. They are the first casualties of the trade war. Mark, 55, lost his job to tariffs on steel and aluminum. The hard part was not only losing his job and money, but his independence. His company used pricy American steel, which led to higher production costs in the face of spiking tariffs, and resulted in job cuts. Cao Wei, 56, runs a pig farm in China and is struggling with his farm business as soybean feed prices have shot up by 20 percent in recent months. He uses American soybeans, which were once cheap. Both Mark and Caoare like Tom Joad in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath.They are kind, smart, ambitious and full of energy. They work their butts off for a better life. But their chances could be cut short by bad policies made for political convenience. Some leaders try to suppress economic truth and they need to be told so. Yes, they are all ears in Washington. Dozens of companies voiced concerns to the United States Trade Representatives office on the administrations plan to impose tariffs on a wide array of Chinese imports. Several blocks away, Chinese commerce officials met their American counterparts on how to stop the bleeding. But will they really listen? It reminds me of the story about a scorpion and a frog. They both want to cross a river. But the frog is afraid of being stung. The scorpion argues that should it sting, they would both drown. An agreement to work together! But is this where we are headed? According to estimates by Oxford Economics, tariffs from both sides will knock at most 0.2 percent off each countrys growth rate this year. That may not sound like a big deal, but both sides are betting it will hurt the other more, and so it has become a pain endurance contest. White House trade adviser Peter Navarro and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer have said the darkening cloud over Chinas economy is a reason for the US to delay negotiations; Chinese analysts estimate America is less tolerant of pain because of its divided politics. So is time on eithers side? I doubt it. Already investors are puzzled, employers hesitant and consumers hurt, but most worryingly we are less sure about ourselves. Tariffs are like nicotine, hurting slowly, but killing eventually. Halfway across the river, the scorpion still stings the frog, dooming them both. The frog asks the scorpion, Why? The scorpion replies, Its in my nature. Actually, nobody is immune to the combative animal spirit. But we know better than to succumb to the urge because we owe this to our history and our people. Both China and the US are crossing the river of economic uncertainties.They need to rein in the impulse to sting and use their brains and courage to wade through the water. Even the worst peace is better than the best war. Jack Ma (File photo) Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Chinas e-commerce giant Alibaba, announced that he will quit his role as chairman next year, through a post on his personal social network this Monday, reported. CEO Daniel Zhang is set to take over the chairmanship on September 10, 2019, on Alibaba's 20th anniversary. Ma announced the decision in a letter on Weibo, addressed to all teachers on Chinas National Holiday, Teachers Day. The billionaire said he will still keep his job as a board member until the 2020 annual stockholders meeting, and will also provide a transition plan for Alibaba. Its thought that Ma has been toying with this decision for the past decade. After quitting as chairman, he will devote more time and money to educational philanthropy and his environmental protection cause, he told South China Morning Post last Saturday. Sept. 10 marks not only Chinas Teachers Day, but also the 19th anniversary of Alibaba's creation as well as Ma's 54th birthday. Before creating the e-commerce empire, Ma had been an English teacher. The successor Zhang, an 11-year veteran at Alibaba Group, was appointed CEO in May 2015. Over the years, he has assisted with top management positions across the organization and led the company to build Cainiao Network, a comprehensive global logistics network. Reception center of the 4th Eastern Economic Forum. (Li Yan/ Peoples Daily Online) The 4th Eastern Economic Forum will be held from September 11 to 13, 2018 in Vladivostok, Russia. The media center of the forum has provided journalists from various countries with 200 office tables, a briefing hall, tea break area, as well as equipment and technical support. Journalists from around the globe have gathered in the media center and started their related work. Journalists busy with work. (Li Yan/ Peoples Daily Online) The briefing hall. (Li Yan/ Peoples Daily Online) Coffee break area of the media center. (Li Yan/ Peoples Daily Online) China to adopt new tool to crack down on overseas tax evasion A tax service hall in Beijing. (Photo/ Transferring assets to foreign countries to avoid tax will not work for Chinese people anymore, as Chinas State Administration of Taxation started to uncover the concealed money by exchanging tax-related information with tax authorities of foreign countries (regions) starting this September, reported on Monday. Since it used to be difficult to show clear evidence of the existence of overseas financial accounts funds, taxation collection on overseas assets has been a big challenge for China. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS), whose official name is Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, is born to tackle the problem. On July 15, 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) approved the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, intending to enhance international cooperation on taxation in the battle against cross-border tax evasion. Countries which signed the Multinational Competent Authority Agreement on Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information have committed themselves to disclosure of tax-related financial accounts of corresponding taxpayers under the CRS and sharing the information with other countries. As required in the CRS, overseas financial institutions will submit on an annual basis the tax-related information to the competent authorities of the country (region) where they are located, and the countries (regions) which signed the relevant competent authority agreements will automatically exchange that information with one another. The information includes the name of account holder, the taxpayer identification number, address, account, account balance, interest income, dividend income, and income from financial assets transactions. According to the latest data, as of August 7, 2018, 103 countries (regions) have signed relevant competent authority agreements, including Brazil, UK, Italy, Colombia, Switzerland, Turkey, and Argentina. Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, and Luxembourg, which was once regarded as tax havens, have already joined relevant competent authority agreements about a year ago in September 2017. Official information indicates that individuals who have residence in China, or individuals who have no residence in China and have lived in the territory of China for over a year are all regarded as Chinese tax resident individuals. And, according to the agreements, the CRS doesnt exclude low net-worth accounts holders. However, considering that the purpose of such information exchange is to collect those overdue taxes, and that the massive data processing would be a heavy task, the initial stage of the information exchanging under the CRS will be focused on high net-worth individuals. The clauses for anti-tax avoidance in the revised Individual Income Tax Law of China, which will come into operation on January 1, 2019, have provided legal basis for collecting taxes from overseas Chinese tax residents. Chinas soybean import pattern went through dramatic changes after the country decided to impose an additional 25 percent tariff on US soybean imports in July 2018. Chinese importers have gradually shifted to domestic producers and products from other countries in an effort to replace US soybeans due to the rise in price. China is the worlds largest soybean consumer, and over 80 percent of its soybeans are imported. Brazil and the US, two major sources of soybeans for China, contributed to more than 60 percent of Chinas annual soybean imports. Heilongjiang-based Jiusan Group, a major soybean processing enterprise, handles about 12 million tons of soybeans each year. About 8 million tons of soybeans processed by the company were imported, in which the US soybeans accounted for 40 percent. However, Jiusan Group halted purchase from the US since the second half of 2018. According to Zhang Lichen, vice president of the company, the price of US soybeans was at least 700 to 800 yuan ($102 to $117) higher than before since the 25 percent tariff came in effect. Enterprises expanded imports from South America and are trying to enlarge imports from Canada and Russia as a countermeasure, Zhang explained. He cited imports from Brazil as an example, saying that the portion of soybeans from Brazil had been raised to around 65 percent from the original 50 percent. Chinese enterprises basically stopped imports of soybeans from the US since this July. As a result, Russia and Canada, who have been optimistic about the Chinese market, are planning to increase exports of soybeans to China. The Chinese market is huge, and we dont think too much about the ongoing changes in international trade patterns, said the general manager of a Russian agricultural complex in Amur Oblast. The rising price of the crop also enhanced the competitiveness of domestic soybeans which were at a competitive disadvantage. It has been confirmed that since the end of April this year, the Heilongjiang government has raised subsidies for soybean growers from 200 to 210 yuan per mu (0.067 hectare) to further encourage soybean production. Insiders predicted that the increased subsidy will help expand to nearly 10 million mu of soybean plantations, making the national total increase to 127 million mu. In general, Chinas soybean supply will maintain stable, and the high dependence on foreign countries will be relieved. A view of the student dormitory of the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center in Vladivostok, Russia on April 26, 2018. [Photo: Xinhua/Wu Gang] From a cheerful girl, Yin Hongyan became morose and depressed almost overnight after Qingchuan, a county in southwest China where she lived, was caught up in a massive earthquake in 2008. Nearly 70,000 people died and about 18,000 others went missing. Yin's beloved grandmother was among the victims. She thought she would never smile again. Then the invitation arrived. During an official visit to Russia in March 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping recounted the heartwarming story at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. After the devastating earthquake, Russia raced against time to extend a helping hand, he said. Then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev invited 1,500 children from the disaster-hit areas to rehabilitate in Russia. A HEALING TOUCH Yin was among the group of shocked survivors who were taken to the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center in Vladivostok to help them get over their grief and trauma. She recounted how she was given special attention by the teachers at the center, who took walks with her every day and told her inspiring stories, helping her to get back on an even keel. She was finally able to accept her grandmother's death. "Farewell, grandma, I am smiling again," she wrote in her diary. Like Yin, Xi Junfei spent three life-changing weeks at the center overlooking the violet sea beyond Amur Bay. When he arrived, he was tired and devastated. The welcoming Russian teachers and students, greeting them in Chinese, helped him and other survivors feel at home. The staff prepared spicy noodles, the food the children ate at home, to make them acclimatize. The location also helped. They woke up to the sound of waves, which had a soothing effect, and were encouraged to swim and skate. Chinese girls with their handicraft teacher at the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center in Vladivostok, Russia on July 21, 2008. [Photo: Xinhua/Zheng Yue] "Our plan was to help them leave behind the memories of the tragedy," said a teacher working at the center, who gave her name only as Courova. Xue Xue, who was 13 then, said she still has the photo frame she made at a craft class at the center. "It felt good to be loved and taken care of," she said. When it was time for them to return to China, almost every child had gained weight. They hugged their teachers and friends and promised to come back one day. LIFE-CHANGING TRIP Now the promise is going to come true as the center celebrates its 35th anniversary this year and the youngsters have been invited to the celebrations. Only, they are no longer youngsters but young men and women, whose paths in life have been influenced by those three weeks in Russia, where they were taught to face the future and its uncertainties with courage. One of them, Xi Junfei, is studying at the Far Eastern Federal University in Russia. He said his love for Russia and his decision to study there stemmed from the rehabilitation at the center. Xiao Yu, 24, now works with a newspaper in southwest China's Sichuan province. His career decision was influenced by his counselor, a Russian journalist who was volunteering at the center. "I want to become someone like my counselor," Xiao said. "Bringing to light stories of people helping others." Cai Wenqing cannot wait to go back to her "Russian home." "I lived in Room 310," she said. Cai has begun frantically learning Russian since she got the invitation. "I want to thank my teachers in Russian," she said. FRIENDS FOR GENERATIONS Xi visited the center in 2010. "I saw with my own eyes ... the loving care the Russian teachers showed to our children," he said during his speech in Moscow in 2013. "As we Chinese often say, love knows no borders. The Chinese children have learned for themselves the love, friendship and kindness of the Russian people." The center, which has received more Chinese children since 2008, has become a perfect example of the growing cultural and people-to-people bond between China and Russia. Russia and China are like the bamboo and pine trees that grow together, former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov once said, urging the two countries to make sure the friendship passes on from generation to generation. The interactions have continued through tourism, youth exchanges and local-level cooperation. Back at the center, Courova and other teachers were busy decorating the classrooms with Chinese paper cuttings and calligraphy for the upcoming anniversary and reunion with their Chinese students. "Have they changed? Grown taller?" an excited Courova asked, the same way a mother talks about her children who would be finally coming home after years of absence. (Zhou Xiangji, Wu Gang, Li Ao and Luan Hai also contributed to this report) China's Future Science Prize, one of the country's most prestigious non-governmental science awards, announced on Saturday the 2018 winners in the areas of life science, physical science, and mathematics and computer science. Renowned agricultural scientist Yuan Longping, China's "Father of Hybrid Rice," in collaboration with Zhang Qifa and Li Jiayang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), shared The Life Science Prize for their pioneering work in breeding new rice varieties with high-yield and superior quality. Ma Dawei from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry at CAS, Feng Xiaoming from Sichuan University, and Zhou Qilin from Nankai University received The Physical Science Prize for creative contributions to the invention of new catalysts and reactions, which have provided a new approach to the synthesis of organic molecules, especially drug molecules. Lin Benjian, an academician from CAS and also an expert with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, world's largest dedicated independent semiconductor foundry, received The Mathematics and Computer Science Prize for expanding nanoscale integrated circuits. The winners will also share $100 million in prize money for each award category. Touted as China's Nobel Prize, as both are privately funded, the Future Science Prize aims to increase public internet in science and connect science and business. The Future Science Prize rewards outstanding original research that was finished in China and has global impact. It is not limited to Chinese citizens and is privately funded by 12 eminent Chinese entrepreneurs who want more public involvement in the countrys development of science. The prize was launched in 2016 by entrepreneurs aiming to utilize cutting-edge computer science technology, such as AI and big data in the business sector, and investors who understand that scientific development is the foundation of long-term prosperity. Fifteen prominent scholars worldwide form the panel of judges, including Wang Xiaodong, director of the National Institute of Biological Sciences in Beijing Li Kai, a member of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States Computer science professors Paul M. Wythes and Marcia R. Wythes, Princeton University and Luo Liqun, professor of Biology at Stanford University. In a shootout with police forces 11 'terrorists', including two of the most dangerous elements, were killed on Monday in Egypt's North Sinai city of Arish, statement by interior ministry read. National security sector has recieved information indicating that a group of terrorist elements have been taking an abandoned fuel station in the area of Gessr Al-Wadi near the Al-Arish police station as their hideout. The sector has also been informed that the group has been preparing to carry out terrorist operations against the forces. Security forces found "five automatic rifles - rifle cartridges - two explosive devices). Legal action has been taken. The raids are part of the comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018, a counter-terrorism campaign that involves the army, navy, air force and police. The operation was launched in February to target terrorist and criminal elements and organisations in north and central Sinai, parts of the Nile Delta and the Western Desert. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt removed the ticket discounts which were given to judges, police, military forces, and journalists on Monday, Metro spokesman Ahmed Abdel Hadi told Al-Ahram. Abdel Hadi said that the idea of canceling the reduced rates for some of the country's sectors as a solution to prevent overcrowding and congestion at the beginning of the new academic year occurred during the last board meeting. He pointed out that those categories can still take advantage of reduced rates through subscriptions, whether annual, semi-annual or every three months. Meanwhile, Metro Chairman Ali Fadali agreed in a recent meeting with the head of the Press Syndicate Abdel Mohsen Salama to provide reduced subscriptions to journalists, according to Abdel Hadi. The decision was approved at the last meeting of the Board of Directors. Subscriptions will be facilitated away from metro stations. The Metro spokesman explained that the reduction was not for half of the ticket, as rumored, but a reduced rate which would be available through subscriptions. Parliament speaker said he strongly condemns Turkish interference with the internal affairs of Cyprus An Egyptian parliamentary delegation, led by speaker Ali Abdel-Aal, held talks with a number of senior Cypriot officials on Monday. Following a press conference with his Cypriot counterpart Demetris Syllouris, speaker Abdel-Aal said his two-day visit to Cyprus comes to reflect the current excellent relations between the two countries. "We pay an utmost attention to our relations with Cyprus in both political and economic sectors," said Abdel-Aal. Since he came to power in Egypt in 2014, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi has held a number of summits with leaders of Cyprus and Greece to discuss their growing mutual interests in the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt signed a maritime demarcation agreement with Cyprus and conducted a number of joint military exercises with Greece. Abdel-Aal said Egypt fully supports the rights of Cyprus in exploring natural gas in the Mediterranean and strongly condemns Turkey's aggressive and hostile attitudes towards Cyprus. Speaker Abdel-Aal is due hold talks with Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, and their ministers of tourism, energy, and foreign affairs. Egypt's parliamentary delegation to Cyprus includes head of foreign affairs committee Tarek Radwan, head of tourism committee Sahar Talaat Mostafa, head of energy committee Talaat El-Sewedy, MP and head of the Egyptian-Cypriot Friendship Association Karim Darwish, businessman and MP Tharwat Bassiliy, and parliament's secretary-general Ahmed Saadeddin. Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is set to fly on Tuesday to Ethiopia's Addis Ababa to attend a ministerial retreat on the African Union (AU) Commission reform. In an official statement, Egyptian foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said Shoukry will attend the meeting concerning the AU in the Ethiopian capital on 12 and 13 September, where the participating members will conduct the monetary and administrative review process of the commission for 2016 and 2017. The retreat will cover discussions over the AU reform process and what has been achieved to ensure the competence of the commission and a follow up on the execution of recommendations in the future financial and administrative revision, according to Abu Zeid. Talks over alternatives related to a reform in the electoral process and the appointment commission leadership will also be discussed. The Egyptian foreign minister is set to hold a number of meetings with his African counterparts on the sidelines of the meetings. Egypt has repeatedly cited support for institutional reform in the AU, participating in discussions over the issue in the latest assembly last June. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt's health ministry Spokesperson Khaled Megahed said on Monday a total of 70 Egyptian pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia during the annual hajj season, which concluded the last week of August. The latest reported cases were for two pilgrims who died of acute cardiovascular and respiratory collapse, the spokesman said, adding that coordination is underway with the authorities concerned to issue death certificates. Deaths from heat exhaustion, fatigue, and natural causes are not uncommon among pilgrims on the hajj in Saudi Arabia. Last year, 110 Egyptians died of natural causes during the pilgrimage, according to figures released by the health ministry at the time. Egyptian pilgrims started returning home on 26 August from the worlds largest annual gathering of Muslims. All capable Muslims are required to perform the hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam, at least once in their lifetime. Saudi Arabia said last month that more than 2.37 million pilgrims performed the five-day ritual, mostly from outside the kingdom with some 600,000 from inside the country. Around 80,000 Egyptians were estimated to have gone on hajj this year, Egyptian officials said. Search Keywords: Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met on Monday with UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl during his current visit to Cairo, expressing Cairo's support to the agency's pivotal role to support and alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people, Egypt's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a statement. Shoukry presented the financial challenges facing the agency that undermine the UNRWA's capabilities of fulfilling its humanitarian commitment toward nearly 5.4 million Palestinian refugees. The Commissioner-General of UNRWA thanked Egypt for its support during its chairmanship of UNRWA's Advisory Committee last year and the extensive contacts by the Egyptian diplomacy with international donors to help bridge the funding gap of UNRWA. Foreign Minister Shoukry voiced Cairo's concern over the challenges facing the work of the UNRWA, while emphasizing that the organization is one of the most important tools that facilitate the living condition of the Palestinian people. Shoukry praised the UNRWA's decision to commit to the start of the current school year by receiving hundred of thousands of Palestinian students in UNRWA schools despite the financial difficulties. Krahenbuhl expressed his appreciation for the Egyptian efforts exerted to reach a truce in Gaza and to achieve Palestinian reconciliation, pledging to continue coordination and consultation with Cairo to overcome the funding challenges facing the agency. Last week, Egypt said it was deeply concerned after the US decision to end its decades-long funding for the UN agency that helps Palestinian refugees. Ahmed Abu Zeid expressed Egypt's "deep concern about the humanitarian situation of the Palestinian refugees, which is becoming more difficult by the day, especially with the increasing restrictions on UNRWA, rendering it unable to fulfill its important role to care about vital and necessary refugee affairs." Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt's Armed Forces Chief of Staff Mohamed Farid flew to Kuwait on Monday to meet his Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jordan and US counterparts. The Egyptian Army Chief of Staffs participation came in response to an invitation from his Kuwaiti counterpart. The meeting will discuss military cooperation between the participating countries and confronting threats and challenges in light of recent regional developments. Farid is expected to hold a series of military meetings during the visit. Search Keywords: Short link: Russia's military said on Sunday that two U.S. F-15 fighter jets dropped phosphorus bombs over Syria's Deir al-Zor province on Saturday, the TASS and RIA news agencies reported, an allegation the United States denied. The air strikes targeted the village of Hajin, the last major stronghold of Islamic State in Syria, and resulted in fires, but there was no information about casualties, the Russian military said. A Pentagon spokesman denied that U.S. planes dropped phosphorus bombs. "At this time, we have not received any reports of any use of white phosphorous," said Commander Sean Robertson. "None of the military units in the area are even equipped with white phosphorous munitions of any kind." Human rights groups have said the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State has used white phosphorous munitions over the course of the Syria conflict. The bombs can create thick white smoke screens and are used as incendiary devices. The rights groups criticize use of the munitions in populated zones because they can kill and maim by burning people to the bone. The coalition or partner forces likely conducted aerial strikes in July on eastern Syria where remnants of Islamic State are holed up, the coalition has said. U.S.-Russian tensions have heightened in recent days as the Trump administration considers military options should Syria ignore U.S. warnings against using chemical weapons in an expected assault on Idlib, the last big enclave of rebels opposing Syria's government. Russian and Syrian jets resumed strikes in Idlib and Hama on Sunday as Damascus stepped up its assault after a Russian-Iranian-Turkish summit failed to agree on a ceasefire. Search Keywords: Short link: The leader of Germany's Social Democrats said on Monday her party would not approve any participation of Germany in the war in Syria, opening a potential new line of conflict in Chancellor Angela Merkel's loveless coalition government. SPD leader Andrea Nahles issued a terse statement after the Bild newspaper reported that Germany's conservative-led defence ministry was examining possible options for joining U.S., British and French forces in any future military action if the Syrian government again used chemical weapons. "The SPD will not agree - either in parliament or in the government - to the participation of Germany in the war in Syria," Nahles said. "We support the foreign minister in his efforts to avert a humanitarian crisis through discussions with Turkey and Russia." Bild reported on Monday that a senior German defence official had met the newly arrived U.S. defence attache last month to discuss possible German support for a military alliance against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russian and Syrian jets and helicopters on Sunday resumed intensive strikes in Idlib and Hama as Damascus stepped up its assault on the last major stronghold of rebel forces. Bild said German and U.S. officials had discussed various options, including the possibility that German fighter jets could help with battle damage assessments, or drop bombs for the first time since the war in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. German participation in any military action remains a sensitive and deeply unpopular topic given the country's Nazi past. Participation in any military strikes in Syria would also put Germany on a direct collision course with Assad's main backer, Russia, for the first time. Bild said a decision on whether to participate in such strikes would be made by Merkel, who had ruled out joining April 2018 air strikes against Syria by U.S., French and British forces after a previous use of chemical weapons. It said participation in military action would be notified to parliament after the fact, if speedy action were required. The German foreign and defence ministries, in a joint statement, said they were in close touch with U.S. and European allies about the current situation in Syria, potential crisis scenarios and options for joint action. "The goal is that the conflict parties ... avoid escalating an already terrible situation ... That is particularly true for the use of banned chemical weapons which the Assad government has already used in the past," it said. No immediate comment was available from the U.S. embassy. Search Keywords: Short link: At least two people were killed and 10 wounded when gunmen attacked the headquarters of Libya's National Oil Company on Monday, the health ministry said. NOC chairman Mustafa Sanallah told the news channel Libya 218 that staff members had been killed and others wounded, some of whom were in a "serious condition". Search Keywords: Short link: President Donald Trump's national security adviser said on Monday the United States, Britain and France had agreed that another use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government would result in a "much stronger response" compared to previous air strikes. "We've tried to convey the message in recent days that if there's a third use of chemical weapons, the response will be much stronger," national security adviser John Bolton said while fielding questions after a policy speech. "I can say we've been in consultation with the British and the French, who joined us in the second strike, and they also agree that another use of chemical weapons will result in a much stronger response," Bolton said. Search Keywords: Short link: Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar was reported on Monday as saying air and ground attacks on Syria's Idlib must stop and a ceasefire must be established in the area. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan last week failed to secure a pledge for a ceasefire in Idlib from Russia and Iran, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's main backers, at a trilateral summit in Tehran. "Our most important effort is towards stopping all air and ground attacks on Idlib immediately and establishing a ceasefire and stability in the region," Akar was quoted as saying by the broadcaster NTV. Tehran and Moscow have helped Assad turn the course of the war against an array of opponents ranging from Western-backed rebels to the Islamist militants, while Turkey is a leading opposition supporter and also has troops in the country. Idlib is the insurgents' only remaining major stronghold and a government offensive could be the war's last decisive battle. Erdogan and his Russian counterparts Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani agreed in a statement after the summit that there could be no military solution to the conflict and it could only end through a negotiated political process. Erdogan had called for a truce in an attempt to avoid a full-scale Syrian government assault on Idlib. But Putin said this would be pointless as it would not involve the Islamist militant groups that Russia deems terrorists, and Rouhani said Syria must regain control over all its territory. Both Turkey and the United Nations have warned of a massacre and humanitarian catastrophe involving tens of thousands of civilians in the event of a full-scale offensive. Turkey, which currently hosts some 3.5 million refugees, has also said that it could not accommodate any more migrants if an attack on Idlib caused a new surge of refugees towards its border. Search Keywords: Short link: Russia has requested to brief the UN Security Council on the results of the Tehran summit between Russia, Iran and Turkey on the fate of Syria's Idlib province, diplomats said Monday. The council is expected to meet on Tuesday at 11 am (1600 GMT) to hear the briefing as Syrian forces, backed by Russia and Iran, were preparing for an all-out military assault on the rebel-held province. The United Nations has warned of a major humanitarian catastrophe if the offensive takes place in the enclave where some three million people live -- about half of whom have already been displaced in the seven-year war. On Friday, the presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey failed to agree during the Tehran summit on how to stave off military action on the northwestern province. At a council meeting on Friday, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia defended the military plans for Idlib, saying armed groups linked to Al-Qaeda were "a legitimate target for liquidation." The United States, Britain and France fear mass casualties among civilians during the assault on Syria's last major rebel bastion. The Russian mission to the United Nations said in an email seen by AFP that the public meeting would be to "brief council members on the results" of the Tehran summit of the so-called Astana guarantors. The three countries last year set up the Astana process, a negotiating track to end Syria's war that has largely eclipsed the UN-led peace process. Search Keywords: Short link: The South African government is ready to intervene in a dispute between telecoms company MTN Group and the Nigerian government, if MTN asks for help, South Africa's Telecommunications Minister Siyabonga Cwele told Reuters. "If they need our assistance, then we will engage our counterpart in Nigeria," Cwele said on the sidelines of a telecoms conference in Durban. Cwele also said that MTN has told the South African government that talks continue between the company and the Nigerian government. Search Keywords: Short link: Some British food, including beef and lamb, would become "uncompetitive overnight" on foreign markets in the event of a no-deal Brexit, food industry representatives told lawmakers on Monday. Crashing out of the EU without an agreement would leave producers with customs arrangements set by the World Trade Organization - where agricultural tariffs could top 50 percent, Sarah Baker, from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, said. The United Kingdom is due to leave the European Union on March 29, but there is no full exit deal and Britain's ruling party is split over Prime Minister Theresa May's "Chequers" plan to largely accept a "common rulebook" over goods. That "Chequers" plan was the least bad option for Britain, industry officials told the UK parliament's Scottish Affairs Committee. A failure of that plan, and a subsequent departure without an agreement, would leave producers facing heavy tariffs, they added. "Agriculture is probably the most heavily-protected (sector) and therefore tariffs of above 50 percent are not unusual (under WTO terms)," Baker said. Products including beef, lamb and seed potatoes "would just become uncompetitive overnight," she added. The case was particularly pressing in Scotland where agriculture made up a bigger share of the economy than the UK as a whole, she told Reuters after the hearing. Other products would take time to establish a strong presence outside Europe, said other officials. "We are ambitious for markets beyond Europe, but at the moment Europe is the ball game," said James Withers, Chief Executive of Scotland Food & Drink. Supporters of Brexit say it will let Britain sign its own trade deals with Europe and beyond, while freeing it from what they see as stifling Brussels regulation. They have also said there is no need to leave without a deal and have accused opponents of Brexit of scare-mongering. Steve Baker, a former junior Brexit minister who resigned over May's Chequers proposals in July, told the Press Association on Monday he thought May should seek a Free Trade Agreement under the terms placed on the table by European Council president Donald Tusk in March. Search Keywords: Short link: A U.S. judge on Monday refused to let accused Russian agent Maria Butina out of jail pending her trial, saying Butina poses a "very real risk of flight," and also granted a prosecution request for a gag order in the high-profile case. "I cannot envision a scenario for Ms. Butina to be released from jail," U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said during a status hearing in the case, adding that such a move would result in her being "placed into a car with diplomatic tags" and being whisked away to the airport for a Russia-bound flight. Chutkan imposed a media gag order after prosecutors accused Butina's defense attorney, Robert Driscoll, of violating court rules by speaking publicly about the evidence in ways that could taint the jury pool. The judge said she agreed that Driscoll's repeated comments to the news media had "crossed the line." Chutkan also warned Driscoll to stop using "quite descriptive" and "colorful" language in the briefs he has filed with the court in the case. The 29-year-old Butina, a former American University graduate student, was charged in July with acting as an agent of the Russian government and conspiracy to take actions on behalf of Russia. She has pleaded not guilty. She could face years in prison if convicted. Her lawyers had sought Butina's release from jail pending trial. Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt and the United States signed a $65 million grant to support infrastructure in the country, a statement by the Egyptian Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation read on Monday. In an official statement, the ministry said minister Sahar Nasr signed the agreement for the grant with Sherry Carlin, the USAID Mission Director in Egypt. Nasr said the agreement affirms the strategic relationship between Egypt and the US, as well as economic cooperation between the two countries. She mentioned that the deal comes as an execution of orders by Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on meeting the needs of citizens through infrastructure development, where 1.1 million people in the most vulnerable part of Upper Egypts rural areas would benefit. The Upper Egypt governorates include Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, Beni Suef, and Minya. The infrastructure upgrade will include water treatment, as well as adding sanitation lines in rural areas. Demise Lamaute, the economic officer of the Middle East Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development, said the USAID-funded Workforce Improvement and Skills Enhancement (WISE) is cooperating with the Ministry of Education and Technical Cooperation to launch a portal for technical education schools to facilitate people joining the labor market in various governorates. Addressing a press conference on Monday on the outcome of WISE programs, she said WISE is currently working in five governorates in collaboration with the private sector to determine the workforce needs, while preparing students to join the workforce, and connecting them with potential employers. Since 2016, the USAIDs project to improve the skills and job-readiness of technical students has secured employment for nearly 7,000 and internships for over 5,350 students. More than 24,000 students have benefited from career guidance sessions and over 21,000 students received training in entrepreneurship. This project is part of the $30 billion that the America has invested in Egypt through USAID since 1978. Search Keywords: Short link: Heba Khamis tells the story of bringing business and charity together in an artistic way 26-year old Yasmeen Khamis is a young entrepreneur who has discovered a way, along with her friend and partner Farah El-Masry, to bring charity into development while allowing art to be a consequential factor. This, she said, is the story of the Doodle Factory, a project that is co-run by Khamis and El-Masry to help sick girls and boys raise the money they need for their medical treatment. It all started less than three years ago when Khamis, who had been helping with fundraising for several charities, including a hospital dedicated to the treatment of people with burn injuries, heard of the story of Souad, a girl who needed LE 30,000 to undergo an operation that would have cured her severe hearing disability. Khamis was certain she wanted to help the girl, but was unsure how to do so. Along with El-Masry and a photographer, Khamis took a bunch of colouring papers and crayons and went to the girls house at a village at the far end of Giza called El-Khossous. Upon arriving at the familys house, Khamis was not sure what she was doing. I did not have a clear plan in mind, I just thought that if this girl tried drawing something, then maybe we could use the drawing to somehow try and help her raise money for her operation. I was not sure what I was going to do, and I was not sure it was necessarily going to work. I just knew I wanted to try, Khamis said. Inside the dimly lit, humble house, Khamis and El-Masry brought out the papers and crayons. Khamis and El-Masry had no idea what to say to the girl, even though they felt she was capable of lip-reading. After all, they were not sure if she could actually draw. But things worked themselves out because once we got the papers and colours out, her older brother started to draw and she instantly joined, Khamis recalled. The visitors to Souads house spent about three hours managing and photographing an art session that ultimately produced three large paintings. We collected the paintings and left, but as I was leaving the house, I had no clue what the next move was, Khamis said. In a few days, Khamis and El-Masry decided that they could imprint Souads drawings onto large cloth handbags, while using crops of the drawings as imprints for laptop covers and notebooks. Then, a few days down the road, a video of the art session and pictures of the art products were uploaded online to the page of a charity that Khamis and El-Masry had worked with in the past. It really did not take very long. We posted the video and the drawings in March and by May, we had managed to raise enough money for her operation, Khamis said. It just sort of clicked that we could do this again and again for other kids, Khamis added. Neither Khamis nor El-Masry was interested in the basic charity fundraising approach. I think that it is not good enough to only collect money, not just because there is already a very saturated market for medical fundraising projects, but also because I think that development is better than just donations it brings about a higher sense of purpose and also, in a sense, helps the children and the families feel that they covered the expenses of the required medication through their work rather than just being handed the money by someone who is more economically privileged, Khamis said. This social concept is very important to our work, she added. With that guiding principle, in the summer of 2016, Khamis and El-Masry decided that their new project The Doodle Factory was not going to be a charity but a business. During the past two years, they have helped children get the medical treatment they need through drawing. They have also started to earn a small income from the operation. It is a very, very small profit that weve managed to start making, but if we want to expand and help hundreds and thousands rather than just tens of children fight their illnesses, then obviously the Doodle Factory has to be a successful business model, she said. The project is a labour of love and passion for Khamis and El-Masry, combining their love of art with their academic studies of business. Originally, the two young entrepreneurs had thought about starting a project that tells the stories of the traditional crafts. I was always thinking that, for example, so many people who go to buy nice engraved copper plates from Khan El-Khalili are usually unfamiliar with the lyrics engraved there or the story of these lyrics. I think handmade artwork is exquisite and learning the story behind it is part of appreciating its beauty, she said. For now though, Khamis and El-Masry are focused on the Doodle Factory, ensuring that their products are not just inspired by the imagination of young Egyptian girls and boys, but are also produced using 100 percent Egyptian materials. This is part of our cause, to promote Egyptian products, Khamis said. Khamis added that their future plans dont just focus on health, although this is a priority for the first phase. Along with health, we want to work to improve education and shelter, as these are some of the most essential basics for children, she said. In an effort to expand, the products made by the Doodle Factory are not just made available online, but are also beginning to be offered at concept stores. We are trying to sell more and to reach out to more outlets with a plan of three collections per year: one for spring/summer, one for fall, and one for back-to-school. Khamis and El-Masry are committed to continuing by making a colouring day, five days a week, for as many groups of challenged children as possible and branding the made-in-Egypt products first at the local level and maybe in the future working on an exporting plan. Search Keywords: Short link: Since the founding of the United Nations in 1945, Africa has arguably undergone the most dramatic transformations of any region in the world. From a continent largely under colonial rule in the 1940s, the decades that followed would see a multitude of African countries fight for and win independence, while immersed in struggles for socioeconomic development, peace and security. Today, less than a century later, Africa is a continent ripe with human and natural resources and enormous untapped economic and social potential. It has increasingly pursued a transformational agenda, with the aim of achieving shared prosperity, unity, peace and integration. Its renewed focus on human development has resulted in strengthened social and economic inclusion, improved primary and secondary education opportunities, increased gender equality across the continent, increased longevity and significant reductions in maternal mortality, as well as strengthened regional capacity for identifying and addressing peace and security challenges. While celebrating these accomplishments and its forward momentum, the continent has also shown strong recognition of the challenges that it continues to face. As such, it is only fitting that Africa is pursuing historically ambitious global and regional frameworks for development, peace and security. The global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals were largely influenced by the Common African Position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, through which African Member States negotiated in solidarity to ensure a comprehensive global agenda focused on structural economic transformation, inclusive growth, people-centred development and durable peace and security. Beyond this global framework, the African Union has also adopted Agenda 2063, which is a comprehensive continental framework that aims to achieve the African Unions vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arenain other words, the Africa We Want. Africas implementation of these two ambitious agendas requires not just a new approach to its own development, and peace and security interventions, but also a realignment of the way the continent interacts and partners with the rest of the world. Official development assistance (ODA), which has long served as the cornerstone of Africas relationship with its development partners, has proven to be one-dimensional and too fragile a foundation for the continents ambitious vision. Furthermore, the strategic partnership between the United Nations and the African Union, while long recognized as vital for the effectiveness of our mutual efforts, has also historically been plagued by fundamental challenges, including a lack of clarity and complementarity in our respective roles and the fragmentation in our interventions that hinder the desired outcomes. Given this background, there is growing realization that Africas transformative agenda will require an equally transformative approach to its key global partnerships, particularly with the United Nations. In line with this, the United Nations and the African Union have been steadily working to strengthen their partnership and establish a higher level of cooperation characterized by mutual respect, solidarity, complementarity and interdependence. In this context, in the past year, the United Nations and the African Union have signed comprehensive joint frameworks on peace and security, as well as on the coherent implementation of the 2030 and 2063 development agendas, with the overarching aim of strengthening our strategic partnership and enabling both organizations to deliver as one in support of Africas vision. The Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) is committed to strengthening the coordination and collaboration between the United Nations and Africa. While this will certainly be a challenge given the many actors involved in the African landscape, the renewed focus on partnership galvanized by Agendas 2030 and 2063 has provided a powerful opportunity for the global community, including United Nations entities, to revisit the ways in which they partner with Africa, as well as with each other, towards achieving Africas vision. I have always felt that my nine years of experience working with the African Union have been beneficial for my current post as Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa. I was fortunate to gain an understanding of its work and values, and hope to utilize that knowledge in the implementation of the OSAA mandate to deliver enhanced collaboration between the two organizations. As it is also clear that there are gaps in our partnership with the African Union, it will be OSAAs role to help to identify those gaps, deficits and blind spots, as well as to develop innovative, impact-driven responses that add value to our efforts. In addition to its close collaboration with the African Union, OSAA is also working to forge closer partnerships with all stakeholders, including Member States, civil society, the private sector, academia and others. One key concern for OSAA is how we can work more effectively with United Nations system entities to enhance the Organizations partnership with the African Union, and ensure coherence and coordination in the systems support for Africa in general. To these ends, stronger internal coordination and increased focus on synergies are absolutely essential. At a time when multilateral institutions such as the United Nations are increasingly asked to do more with less, and when the most critical challenges facing Africa and the world are multisectoral in nature, it is imperative to strengthen coordination and coherence within the United Nations and collectively capitalize on our comparative advantages. In this context, key coordination bodies such as the Interdepartmental Task Force on African Affairs and the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa will be essential vehicles for joint programming, helping United Nations entities working globally and regionally to identify challenges, and plan and implement their interventions jointly rather than in silos. All of this notwithstanding, as we consider coordination and planning, goals and targets, monitoring and evaluation, we must not lose sight of what remains at the heart of our work: people. Africa is more than just a mass of land and resources, and the success of our coordination in support of its aspirations must be measured in more than just increases in gross domestic product or incremental progress towards selected targets. The power of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 is based on the fact that they both were crafted with the express intention of keeping people at their centre and ensuring that everyone can live in dignity. At their heart lies not just economic growth, environmental protection or reduced conflict, but rather a fundamental commitment to social justice for all and to leaving no one behind. These are important promises that have been implicitly made to every African and, as such, should guide the work of the United Nations and its partners in support of the continent. *The writer is UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa. *This article was first published in UNChronicle, August 2018 Search Keywords: Short link: BISHKEK, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov met with visiting Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Qiliang here on Friday, pledging to strengthen cooperation with China in defense and security. Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to bilateral defense and security cooperation and is ready to work with China to prevent and combat the "three forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, which will contribute to regional peace and security, Jeenbekov said. Xu, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said the two countries have expanded their military exchanges, enriched cooperation, and improved their military mutual trust, adding that the cooperation has been fruitful within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and has played an important role in safeguarding security and stability of the two countries and even Central Asia. He said China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to implement the consensus reached by the two countries' heads of state and to inject new vitality into the development of a comprehensive strategic partnership. The Kyrgyz president said Kyrgyzstan firmly supports the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The ancient Silk Road and BRI have created a close bond between the two peoples and in recent years, bilateral relations in such fields as politics, economy and culture have developed in an all-round way, Xu said. During his visit, Xu also met with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan, Rayimberdi Duishenbiev. HAVANA, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- A group of retired Cuban fighter pilots on Sunday marked the 57th anniversary of their training and studies in China. The elderly pilots gathered at the Wushu School in Havana's Chinatown for a ceremony that was also attended by China's ambassador to Cuba Chen Xi. China helped Cuba despite the fact that it was "undergoing a difficult period" at the time, noted retired colonel Henry Perez, who serves as coordinator of the group, which originally numbered 223 students. "China's help was decisive for the future of the fledgling Cuban revolution," said Perez. Defense attache at the Chinese Embassy to Cuba, First Col. Huangfu Qunxing, spotlighted the close ties between the two countries and the role the fighter pilots played in strengthening the bilateral relationship. After training in the cities of Linfen and Shenyang for two years, from 1961 to 1963, the 117 Cuban pilots and 106 ground technicians went on to form the core of Cuba's Air Force. Today, only 87 of the air force veterans survive. CAIRO, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian-U.S. joint military exercise known as "the Bright Star" kicked off on Saturday at a military base in Egypt's seaside province of Alexandria, the Egyptian state TV reported. Scheduled to be held from Sept. 8 to 20, the military manoeuvres include land, naval and air forces from Egypt, the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Greece, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, in addition to other 16 states that participate as observers. "The Bright Star exercises contribute to enhancing strategic and security relations between the United States and Egypt," said the Egyptian military spokesperson in a former statement on Thursday, while announcing the continuous arrival of participant forces. The massive drills were launched in 1981 and held biannually until 2009, after which they were suspended due to the ouster of former Egyptian Presidents Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi in 2011 and 2013 respectively, in addition to the dissatisfaction of former U.S. President Barack Obama's administration with the Egyptian new leadership. The Bright Star maneuvers were resumed in 2017 after eight years of suspension, under Obama's successor Donald Trump who repeatedly exchanged remarks of praise and support with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. Cairo receives annually 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in military and economic aid from Washington since Egypt signed the 1979 U.S.-sponsored peace treaty with Israel. Part of the aid, about 300 million dollars, was suspended last year by Washington over human rights concerns in Egypt, but Trump's administration released in late July 195 million of them. The UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths addresses the media in Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 8, 2018. After two days of delay because of the absence of Houthi delegation, one of the major warring parties to the conflict in Yemen, the new round of the UN-led peace talks collapsed on Saturday. (Xinhua/Xu Jinquan) by Murad Abdu ADEN, Yemen, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- The UN-sponsored talks between the Yemeni warring rivals failed Saturday after two days of delay because of the absence of a delegation representing the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Undermining the first attempt in two years to negotiate an end to the four-year civil war raised fears among the majority of Yemeni people about the fate of their impoverished Arab country. The UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths told a press conference in Geneva that the UN failed to get the Houthi delegation from the capital Sanaa to join the talks with the Saudi-backed Yemeni government team that arrived early in Switzerland. The exhausted Yemeni citizens started their preparations for the worst after their expectations of a permanent peace from Switzerland's Geneva faded away again for the fourth time. "The failure of Geneva talks means that our future will be more difficult," said Amjad Abdullah, a Yemeni citizen, adding that "all the warring factions will engage in fighting instead of peace talks because they don't care about the suffering of ordinary people." "We expected that this year would be the last one with fighting and suffering but unfortunately it turned out that we were wrong because more years of war will come," he said. All the leaders of the warring factions in Yemen are linked to other neighboring powerful countries that provide them with instructions and directions about what to do, according to the observers. "The Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels only keep exchanging accusations and ultimatums because they did not receive instructions from Iran or from Saudi Arabia to engage in peace talks to end the war," Haitham Haidrah, a political activist and observer said. The international community must take necessary measures to bring peace to Yemen by preventing foreign interventions that keep fueling proxy wars in Yemen, said local observers. Fighting heavily erupted hours after the failure of Geneva talks amid expectations that the country will be thrown into more chaos. In the Red Sea coast city of Hodeidah, the pro-government forces backed by a Saudi-led coalition continued to make ground advancement during the second day of an offensive launched to capture the city's strategic port from the Iranian-backed Houthis. The country's Foreign Minister Khaled Yamani who leads the government delegation to Geneva accused Houthis of "intending to sabotage the UN-sponsored talks in Geneva by creating obstacles to the UN that was not firm enough with them." The UN envoy to Yemen announced during a press conference he exerted hard efforts and tried by all means to bring the Houthi negotiation team to Geneva but received no response. Griffiths said that that he will fly to Muscat and Sanaa again in the upcoming days in order to meet the Houthi leaders but gave no clue or specific time about next negotiations. The Saudi-backed Yemeni government issued a statement and highly appreciates the efforts of UN envoy, which aimed at implementing the UN Security Council resolutions and restarting the peace talks. The government delegation responded to the UN envoy invitation and showed up on the appointed date and time of the peace consultation in Geneva; whereas the Houthis made up excuses, failed to show up, and created obstacles to the peace process, the statement said. For his part, chief of Yemen's Houthi rebel group, Abdulmalik al-Houthi, on Saturday accused the Saudi-led coalition of hindering Houthi delegation from traveling to UN-sponsored peace talks in Geneva. "The reason behind the failure of the UN-hosted round of consultants was because the aggression coalition has blocked our national delegation from travelling to Geneva," al-Houthi said in a speech aired by the group's al-Masirah television. The last UN-backed peace negotiations for Yemen were held in 2016 in Kuwait, which continued for several months in the Gulf country but no constructive results had been reached due to serious differences between the rival parties. The impoverished Arab country has been locked into a civil war since the Iranian-backed Shiite Houthi rebels overran much of the country militarily and seized all northern provinces, including capital Sanaa, in 2014. The internal military conflict between the Iranian-backed Houthis and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government recently entered its fourth year, aggravating the suffering of Yemenis and deepening the world's worst humanitarian crisis. CAIRO, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian army launched on Friday the first home-made Gowind-class corvette as part of a 2014 contract with France to upgrade the country's marine fleet. The warship, named the Port Said Frigate, was manufactured by the army' Alexandria Shipyard Company in cooperation with France's state-owned shipbuilder Naval Group, according to an army statement. "The frigate is the most advanced piece of Egypt's marine forces," state-run Ahram Online website quoted Ahmed Khaled, commander of the Egyptian Naval Forces, as saying during the launching ceremony. The warship is aimed to enhance Egypt's naval capabilities in the Red Sea and Mediterranean, ensure safe maritime navigation and bolster the security of the Suez Canal, Khaled said. The corvette frigate is part of a deal worth 1 billion euros (1.16 billion U.S. dollars) signed with France in 2014 to provide four naval frigates to the Egyptian naval forces. Egypt received the first corvette frigate manufactured by the French company in September 2017. Under the deal, the other three corvettes will be built in Egypt under a transfer of technology agreement. Designed for surveillance and surface and subsurface combat, the multi-mission corvette can also perform monitoring and policing missions. In recent years, Egypt has signed deals worth multi-billion dollars with a number of European countries to boost its military capabilities amid regional turmoil and conflicts. By Wang Dongming and Wu Dengfeng PORT in QINGDAO, SHANDONG, Sep. 10 (ChinaMil) -- The PLA Navy's first-generation comprehensive supply ship Hongzehu (Hull 881), known as the first supply ship of China, was lowered its flag slowly for the final time after a long whistle and was officially retired after its 38 years' service to the nation at a military port in Qingdao of China's Shandong Province on the morning of September 6. The supply ship Hongzehu carried out sea trial on September 6, 1979, and was officially commissioned to the PLA Navy in 1980. It was first named as Taicang ship and later renamed as Taicang vessel. The hull number of the ship was changed three times from "X575" and "Beiyun 575" to"575. In September 2002, it was renamed as Hongzehu with a new hull number of 881. The total length, width, and height of the supply ship Hongzehu is 168.2 meters, 21.8 meters, and 36.2 meters respectively and has a full-load displacement of 22,000 tons. The main responsibility of the supply ship Hongzehu was to provide underway replenishment such as fuel, barreled oil, fresh water, soft water, and some refrigerated food to ocean-going fleets. It was a veritable "floating base on the ocean". As a witness to history, the supply ship Hongzehu has filled in a blank of Chinas naval weaponry and provided opportunities for the PLA Navy to sail from shallow water to the deep oceans. It has also cultivated a large number of backbone talents to various types of new supply ships, hence won its reputation of Chinas first supply ship. In 2002, the supply ship Hongzehu sailed over 33,000 nautical miles in 132 days, and successfully completed the PLA Navy's first global voyage. In the past 38 years, it has sailed to the Nansha offshore area for more than 10 times to carry out combat support missions. It has also played a supporting role in many joint naval exercises between Chinese and foreign nations, traveled to three oceans and five continents, and visited 29 ports in 26 countries. During its official retirement on Thursday morning, nearly 300 retired sailors from different parts of China came to a combat support ship detachment with the PLA Northern Theater Command, where the comprehensive supply ship Hongzehu docked, to bid their farewell to this "veteran". "When I saw the ship for the first time, I felt the ship was really huge," said emotionally Liu Chunlong, the third captain of the supply ship Hongzehu, adding that "It has completed its historical mission before its retirement and the glory belongs to Hongzehu!" The truth behind the glorious retirement of the comprehensive supply ship Hongzehu is the constant development and growth of China's naval forces. In 2013, the new generation comprehensive supply ship of Taihu (Hull 889) was commissioned into the PLA Navy combat service. The comprehensive supply ship Dongpinghu (Hull 960), the improved vision of the supply ship Taihu, was officially commissioned in 2015. In 2017, the new comprehensive supply ship Hulunhu (Hull 965) sailed into a military port The Chinese naval supply ships have been upgraded from generation to generation, laying a solid foundation for the PLA Navy to move into the deep oceans. General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of Chinas Central Military Commission (CMC), meets with visiting Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami in Beijing on the afternoon of Sept. 7. (Photo by Li Yinghui) General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of Chinas Central Military Commission (CMC), meets with visiting Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami in Beijing on the afternoon of Sept. 7. (Photo by Li Yinghui) BEIJING, Sep. 10 (ChinaMil) - General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of Chinas Central Military Commission (CMC), met with Brigadier General Amir Hatami, defense minister of Iran, in Beijing on the afternoon of Sept. 7. General Wei Fenghe, Chinas state councilor and defense minister, held talks with Brigadier General Amir Hatami in Beijing on the same day. Zhang Youxia said that the friendship between China and Iran has stood the test of the complex international situation and the two countries have formed a deep feeling of sharing weal and woe. In 2016, President Xi Jinping and President Hassan Rouhani jointly announced the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership. Since then, the strategic mutual trust between the two countries has continued to improve, and pragmatic cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative has been solidly promoted. China always views the relationship between the two countries from a strategic perspective. Zhang hopes that the two sides can continue to support each other on major issues concerning their core interests and jointly contribute to the world peace and regional stability. China also attaches importance to the development of the bilateral military relations. In recent years, the cooperation between the two militaries in various fields has developed steadily and has achieved tangible results. China is willing to work with Iran to continuously deepen strategic mutual trust and push the relations between the two militaries to a new level, said Zhang. Being a legally binding international agreement recognized by the United Nations, the Iran nuclear deal framework contributes to maintenance of the peace and stability in the Middle East and the global nuclear non-proliferation regime. Therefore it should continue to be effectively implemented. China is willing to work with relevant parties including Iran to achieve this goal, Zhang Youxia added. Hatami said that the two countries share a long history of friendship and a promising future of relations between the two countries and the two militaries. The Iranian side thanks China for its support to Iran on issues concerning its core interests and is willing to work with China to fully implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, strengthen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and promote the continuous development of relations between the two countries and the two militaries. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has received the letter that President Donald Trump has said he was expecting from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. A State Department official is confirming that Pompeo has the letter. It's not immediately clear whether it's been delivered to Trump. Pompeo returned early Friday from India. Trump was in Montana and the Dakotas on Friday before a late return to the White House. The main press center for the upcoming inter-Korean summit will be set up in Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul. President Moon Jae-in is to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang on Sept. 18-20. Because a press pool will cover the event in Pyongyang, Cheong Wa Dae says the center will serve up to 1,000 journalists to help them monitor the situation in Pyongyang in real time. An online platform will also be set up, providing access to photos and videos of the summit. All the information will be provided in nine languages including English, Chinese, Arabic and Spanish. The summit will be broadcast live on YouTube as well. It is common for companies to organize various informal events where workers can come with their partners. One of those... On arrival in Korea he was taken from Samsung Medical Center to Seoul National University Hospital, which has an isolation ward. Both the patient and the hospital were faster to respond than in 2015, raising hopes that the outbreak can be better contained this time round. It was the first case of MERS in the country since the outbreak here three years ago. A 61-year-old Korean man who had been visiting Kuwait was diagnosed with Middle East respiratory syndrome on Saturday afternoon. According to health authorities, the patient felt unwell on arrival at Incheon International Airport on Friday afternoon. He immediately took a taxi and called Samsung Medical Center on his way to inform it that he had been in the Middle East. The hospital checked him into an isolated section on arrival and later moved him into a negative pressure room. The hospital reported to authorities the same night that there was a suspected case of MERS and transferred him to SNU Hospital early next morning. As soon as his diagnosis was confirmed on Saturday, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put 22 people who had been in close contact with the patient in isolation at home. In 2015, 186 people were diagnosed with MERS here and 38 of them died. Most of the patients were infected in hospital. But this time the MERS patient did not come into contact with other patients in the hospital. Prof. Kim Nam-joong of SNU Hospital, who is treating the patient, said, "His symptoms aren't serious yet and there's a low chance of massive infection. But we have to be careful until his treatment is finished." Meanwhile, a British woman in her mid-20s who took the same flight but was not thought to have come into direct contact, developed fever and a cough but tested negative in a preliminary test on Monday. North Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile assembly facility in Pyongsong, South Pyongan Province seems to have been dismantled completely, Voice of America reported last week. High-resolution civilian satellite imagery from Sept. 1 shows that there remains only what looks like a roll of cloth but no building or building materials where the facility used to stand. Planet Labs' satellite imagery of the same location shows no shadow of high-rise buildings. But at the same time North Korean ports that handle coal shipments, which are banned under UN Security Council, are busy again. VOA's analysis of a month worth of satellite images shot by Planet Labs shows that the number of ships carrying coal arriving at and leaving Nampo increased in July and August. Similar moves were detected in Songrim, South Hwanghae Province and in Wonsan, Kangwon Province. That suggests the regime is increasingly busy with illegal coal exports. National security adviser Chung Eui-yong flew to China on Saturday to brief officials there about his latest meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Chung told reporters after returning to Seoul, "Chinese officials hope that the upcoming inter-Korean summit and UN General Assembly, which will offer a chance for a U.S.-North Korea summit, will serve as major turning point in resolving Korean Peninsula issues." Chung responded to questions whether efforts to declare an official end to the Korean War were discussed with Chinese officials by saying, "I explained the matter sufficiently." Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi visited Seoul in July to discuss the issue with Chung. Meanwhile, National Intelligence Service chief Suh Hoon, who was among the delegation, flew to Japan on Sunday, where he met Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday morning to discuss cooperation in trying to denuclearize North Korea and bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, according to Cheong Wa Dae. North Korea held a massive parade in Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang on Sunday morning to mark the 70th anniversary of its founding as leader Kim Jong-un and senior officials and a handful of foreign dignitaries looked on. The regime did not display any intercontinental ballistic missiles or medium- and long-range ballistic missiles at the parade, which lasted an hour and a half, mobilizing some 12,000 troops. Instead, it displayed chiefly conventional weapons such as new KN-09 300-mm multiple rocket launchers and 152-mm self-propelled guns. The absence of ballistic missiles was an apparent nod to the denuclearization efforts of the international community. "North Korea's allies, such as China, Russia, Cuba and Syria that dispatched senior envoys, would have been embarrassed if ICBMs had been displayed," a diplomatic source said. Contrary to expectations, Kim did not give a speech. Kim Yong-nam, the titular head of state, who delivered a speech on his behalf, stressed the need to achieve economic goals rather than emphasizing the nuclear force, AP reported. He also urged the military to "to be ready to work to help build the economy." There is speculation that Kim Jong-un deliberately avoided the opportunity to mention the denuclearization issue. Home Just In From the Kathmandu Press: Monday, September 10, 2018 Major Nepali and English broadsheet dailies published from Kathmandu on Monday have given priority to a host of wishes from political, sociocultural and economic spheres. Some newspapers have reported that a rift has surfaced between Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and chief ministers of seven provinces about rights and responsibilities of provincial governments. Likewise, a verdict of Chitwan District Court to acquit 12 suspects of Krishna Prasad Adhikari murder case has also been prioritised significantly. Meanwhile, the Nepali Congress party has started preparations for its mahasamiti meeting which is expected to amend the party statute to transform the organisation into a federal structure, and the newspapers have highlighted this issue as well. Few other issues from financial and sociocultural sectors have also been featured on the front pages today. Important Rift between PM and CMs delays inter-province meeting Kantipur, Naya Patrika and The Himalayan Times report that the Prime Minister is angry with chief ministers as the chief ministers collectively prepared to file their grievances with the central government in writing. Therefore, the Prime Minister decided to halt a meeting of Inter-Province Council, which was earlier scheduled for Sunday. The chief ministers were already in Kathmandu for the event, according to the reports. Chitwan court acquits Krishna Prasad Adhikari murder suspects Among 13 suspects who were facing a murder charge at the Chitwan District Court in connection with the death of teenage boy Krishna Prasad Adhikari in 2004, 12 have been acquitted on Sunday, according to reports published in Annapurna Post, Nagarik, The Himalayan Times and Republica. Chief Judge Kul Prasad Sharma handed down the verdict to the accused including alleged main suspect Chhabilal Poudel. The court, however, has not said anything about Rudra Acharya, who is still absconding. Nepali Congress heading towards charter amendment Gorkhapatra and Republica have reported that the main opposition party Nepali Congress has begun preparations to amend the party statute to transform its organisation in line with the deral structure. A panel formed to suggest amendments has proposed eight levels of organisations in the party, according to Gorkhapatra. Likewise, Republica adds that four types of memberships have been proposed. The mahasamiti meeting, scheduled to begin in November 21 in Kathmandu, is expected to finalise the amendments. Ignored More than 1,000 Chinese nationals working in Nepal Annapurna Post reports in a three column story that 1,021 Chinese nationals are working in Nepal currently. The number is the highest among foreign nationals working in Nepal. There are total 1,556 foreigners from 56 countries working in Nepal. Following China on the list are United Kingdom, United States, India and Pakistan. New law sought to govern district coordination committees Representatives of various district coordination committees have demanded that the federal government formulate a new law to govern the committees uniformly across the country, according to Gorkhapatra anchor story. A gathering of the representatives held in Kathmandu recently made 12 decisions including forwarding the demand to the government. Accordingly, a memorandum has been submitted to the Prime Minister. Sugar import halted to encourage domestic producers In a bid to encourage domestic sugar producers, the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers has directed the Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Supplies to stop importing sugar, The Himalayan Times reports. Earlier, sugarcane farmers had requested Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli to do the needful so that their produce could find a market and their pending payments from sugar mill operators were released. Nepal to attend BIMSTEC army drill as observer Though Prime Minister has directed the Nepali Army to cancel its plan to participate in the joint military exercise of BIMSTEC countries to begin in Pune of India today, the national military organisation is attending the event as an observer, according to The Kathmandu Post. Three army officials from Nepal had already reached Pune last week as part of preparations and they have not returned home despite the decision to withdraw from the event, the report informs. Interesting Nepalis establish bank in US A group of Nepalis currently living and working in the United States have established a community bank named Everest Federal Credit Union last month and the bank is authorised to extend its service to all states of the country, Annapurna Post reports in its anchor story. The bank plans to open at least 10 branches within next five years. Kathmandu, September 10 Officials of Nepal and China have agreed to hold the first meeting of a joint mechanism formed to promote energy cooperation between the two countries in the last week of September in Kathmandu. According to the Ministry of Energy, the meeting shall take place on September 27 and 28 in Kathmandu. Energy Minister Barsha Man Puns press coordinator Roshan Khadka says a meeting on Sunday finalised the agenda for the meeting and decided to send it to Beijing. Earlier, the Chinese side had requested Nepal to come up with the agenda proposal. It has been learned that the two countries will discuss construction of an intercountry transmission line and grid connection, possible joint ventures in Nepali hydropower sector among others. Likewise, other areas of energy cooperation will be identified. Kathmandu, September 10 The ruling Nepal Communist Party has decided to postpone its Secretariat meeting till Wednesday. Earlier, the meeting was scheduled for Sunday. But, the meeting was rescheduled for Monday as one of its two chairmen, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, returned home from India only on Sunday. The meeting, however, could not take place today as well. Instead, the two chairpersonsKP Sharma Oli and Dahalheld a meeting to decide that the Secretariat meeting will be held on Wednesday only. A Standing Committee meeting will follow the Secretariat meeting. It has been learned that both the meetings will discuss giving a final shape to the unification between former CPN-UML and CPN-Maoist Centre into the Nepal Communist Party. Kathmandu, September 10 The Parliamentary Hearing Special Committee on Monday endorsed the name of Om Prakash Mishra for his appointment as Chief Justice of Nepals Supreme Court. The Committee endorsed the name after its members held a hearing session with him for three hours this morning. Mishra will take up the top judicial job after President Bidya Devi Bhandari makes the appointment. During the Committee meeting today, Mishra said he would concentrate his efforts on freeing the judiciary of corruption. He said he would work to enhance peoples trust in the court. I will work to promote peoples trust in the judiciary. Likewise, I will effectively monitor activities in the judiciary sector so as to stop corruption, Mishra told lawmakers during the meeting. Likewise, he said he would ensure inclusive judiciary under his leadership and qualified people from disadvantaged and marginalised groups would be prioritised for appointment as justices and judges. He said he was competent enough for the Chief Justice as he has so far handed down verdicts on 17,000 cases. The Constitutional Council had forwarded Mishras name for the top position after the Hearing Committee rejected Deepak Raj Joshee, who was senior to Mishra, citing controversies surrounding his academic certificates and lack of clear vision in reforming the judiciary. Home Just In Nepali Congress youth leader shot dead in Rolpa Liwang, September 10 The chief of Rolpa Municipality Committee of Nepali Congress youth wing, Nepal Tarun Dal, has been found dead on Sunday evening. Rohit Pun was reportedly shot dead by an unidentified group in Sulichaur of Rolpa Municipality in Rolpa district. The main opposition party has claimed former cadres of the Maoist party, which has now been merged into the ruling Nepal Communist Party, carried out the murder. Meanwhile, the Tarun Dal imposed a bandh across the district in protest of the murder. Academic institutions, transportation facilities, markets and industries have been shut down. Hundreds of passengers have been hard hit due to the shutdown. . . - . 18.30 - , , . , , . ... In this past election, like many before it, the left used the specter of The Klan and Old Jim Crow in order to motivate black people to vote... KELOWNA, British Columbia, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GOLDEN RIDGE RESOURCES LTD. (TSX-V: GLDN) ("Golden Ridge" or the "Company") is pleased to report additional assays from the second and third holes drilled at the Williams Zone, located on the Companys Hank Project in BCs Golden Triangle District. HNK-18-005 intersected similar geology and mineralization to previously announced drill hole HNK-18-001, with 326 metres of potassic altered monzonite and Stuhini volcanic rocks grading 0.29% Cu, 0.36 g/t Au and 1.92 g/t Ag (Figure 2). HNK-18-002 intersected similar geology over 276.15 metres, grading 0.31% Cu, 0.24 g/t Au and 2.33 g/t Ag (Figure 3). The strongest grades in both holes occur to the east, adjacent to a north-northeast striking fault which appears to have dissected a portion of the higher grade mineralization. At surface east of the fault is shallow level intense phyllic alteration, which typically caps porphyry copper-gold systems similar to that at Williams. The current geological interpretation suggests that the rocks east of the fault have been offset downwards relative to the west side and that potential exists for additional high grade mineralization below the phyllic alteration east of the fault (See Figures 2 and 3). Additional IP lines are currently being surveyed and preliminary chargeability data support the interpretation of deeper mineralization in the eastern block. Once the IP work is completed, the final geophysical results will be published in a Company news release. Drilling to the northeast in HNK-18-013 has intersected visually strong mineralization within Stuhini Group volcanic rocks on the east (hanging wall) side of the monzonite. The north-northeast-striking fault is further separated from the north-striking monzonite to the north in HNK-18-013, which may allow for a greater width of strongly mineralized hanging wall to the north. The Williams porphyry mineralization remains open to the north and northeast along strike from HNK-18-013. Assays from these additional holes are pending and will be released immediately following receipt, review and QA/QC checks. Highlights: Additional drilling at the Williams Zone demonstrates continuity in thickness and grade. Higher grade mineralization appears to be dissected by a fault on the eastern side, with the potential for additional, better grade mineralization at depth to the east. Mineralization remains open to the north, northeast and at depth, with visually better mineralization intercepted to the northeast. IP Survey Update: Preliminary raw data from the IP survey now underway by Peter E. Walcott and Associates Ltd. is currently being reviewed on an ongoing basis by Company geologists. The data shows high chargeability values at the Williams Zone which merge with high to very high chargeability values in the LAZ, suggesting connectivity of the two zones. Further IP lines to the southeast are currently underway to better define the high chargeability extension to the southeast across Hank Creek. Table 1 Significant Intercepts Length (m) .Dip (deg) Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m)1 Au (g/t) Cu (%) Ag (g/t) 453.24 -60o HNK-18-002 133.85 410 276.15 0.24 0.31 2.33 including 143 157 12 0.93 0.46 5.14 including 386 400 14 0.35 0.61 6.45 550.77 -60o HNK-18-005 148 536 388 0.33 0.28 1.89 including 148 474 326 0.36 0.29 1.92 including 148 214 66 0.79 0.56 3.30 including 160 181.4 21.4 1.22 0.87 4.75 including 356 392 36 0.42 0.39 2.69 1 The intervals reported in these tables represent drill intercepts and insufficient data is available at this time to state the true thickness of the mineralized intervals and all gold values are uncut. Drilling Results Update: 2018 drilling at the Companys Hank Property has now been completed. The Company drilled 6,731 meters in total in 2018, exceeding its originally planned budget of 6,000 meters. The Company intends to continue acquiring more IP geophysical data and that information, along with all the remaining pending assays, will be reviewed before proceeding with additional drilling. Comment: Chris Paul, Vice President of Exploration for Golden Ridge, commented: The continuity of grade and thickness at the Williams Zone is very encouraging, as are the increasing grades toward the east. The abrupt change in grade across the fault to the east suggests a portion of the high grade has been displaced, possibly downwards, and the true thickness and grade of the Williams is yet to be seen. Drilling to the northeast in HNK-18-013 has revealed more of the strongly mineralized hanging wall east of the monzonite, which is also dissected on its eastern side. The IP survey by Peter E. Walcott and Associates has been a valuable tool in delineating the known mineralization as well as potential extensions to the north and south. The results so far have been excellent and once all the IP data, assays and geology are compiled, we plan to design additional step-out drill holes and continue targeting the extensions of the system along strike and at depth in the next phase of drilling. Disclosure: The Company has posted complete assay tables for Cu, Au and Ag for the first three holes drilled at the Williams Zone (HNK-18-001, HNK-18-002 and HNK-18-005) to its website in .csv format for public download. Hole HNK-18-003 was abandoned in overburden and re-entered at a different dip. HNK-18-004 was drilled in the Kaip Zone, assays for which are pending. Table 2 Collar Information For Holes Drilled in the Williams Zone Hole ID Assays Received UTM_83E UTM_83N Elevation (m) Azimuth Dip Length (m) HNK-18-001 Received 409368 6343935 1062 100 -60 425.81 HNK-18-002 Received 409585 6343829 947 275 -60 453.24 HNK-18-005 Received 409585 6343829 947 330 -60 550.77 HNK-18-007 Pending 409248 6343876 1070 45 -60 603.5 HNK-18-009 Pending 409487 6344253 1211 240 -60 424.89 HNK-18-012 Pending 409600 6343744 929 280 -60 331.32 HNK-18-013 Pending 409659 6343970 1016 280 -60 568.45 HNK-18-015 Pending 409659 6343970 1016 280 -80 520.29 Qualified Person Wade Barnes, P.Geo., the Companys Project Geologist, is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 who supervised the work program and preparation of the technical data in this news release. About Golden Ridge Golden Ridge is a TSX-V listed exploration company engaged in acquiring and advancing mineral properties located in British Columbia. Golden Ridge currently has an option to acquire a 100% interest in the 1,700-hectare Hank copper-gold-silver-lead-zinc property located in the Golden Triangle district, approximately 140 kilometres north of Stewart, British Columbia. Golden Ridge may earn the 100% interest in the Hank property by performing $1.7M of exploration work by the end of 2018. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF GOLDEN RIDGE RESOURCES LTD. Mike Blady Mike Blady President and Chief Executive Officer For more information regarding this news release, please contact: Mike Blady, CEO and Director T: 250-717.3151 F: 250-717.1845 W: Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements contained in this news release, constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information is based on plans, expectations and estimates of management at the date the information is provided and is subject to certain factors and assumptions, including: that the Company's financial condition and development plans do not change as a result of unforeseen events, that the Company obtains required regulatory approvals, that the Company continues to maintain a good relationship with the local project communities. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those projected in such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause the forward-looking information in this news release to change or to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to, the risk that any of the assumptions referred to prove not to be valid or reliable, which could result in delays, or cessation in planned work, that the Company's financial condition and development plans change, delays in regulatory approval, risks associated with the interpretation of data, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to mineral exploration and development activities and to the Company as set forth in the Company's Managements Discussion and Analysis reports filed under the Company's profile at There can be no assurance that any forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader should not place any undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information or statements, other than as required by applicable law. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at A photo accompanying this announcement is available at A photo accompanying this announcement is available at CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ATCO Ltd. (TSX: ACO.X, ACO.Y) ATCO will host an Investor Day on Friday, September 14, 2018 in Toronto. Members of ATCOs senior executive team will provide an update on the companys growth plans, recent developments and strategic direction. The event will be webcast live beginning at 10:00 a.m. EST (8:00 a.m. MST). Interested parties will be able to participate in the webcast by visiting ATCOs website at . A copy of both the presentation and the webcast will be archived and accessible for replay on . With approximately 7,000 employees and assets of $22 billion, ATCO is a diversified global corporation delivering service excellence and innovative business solutions in Structures & Logistics (workforce housing, innovative modular facilities, construction, site support services, and logistics and operations management); Electricity (electricity generation, transmission, and distribution); Pipelines & Liquids (natural gas transmission, distribution and infrastructure development, energy storage, and industrial water solutions); Commercial Real Estate; and Retail Energy (electricity and natural gas retail sales). More information can be found at . Media & Investor Inquiries: D.A. (Dennis) DeChamplain Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer 403-292-7502 Forward-Looking Information: Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as anticipate, plan, estimate, expect, may, will, intend, should, and similar expressions. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. The Companys actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in this forward-looking information as a result of regulatory decisions, competitive factors in the industries in which the Company operates, prevailing economic conditions, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the Companys expectations as of the date hereof, and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation. TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plateau Energy Metals Inc. (Plateau PLU or the "Company")(TSX VENTURE:PLU)(FRANKFURT:QG1)(OTCQB:PLUUF), a lithium and uranium exploration and development company, announced today that it has filed on SEDAR a National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) technical report supporting the maiden Lithium Mineral Resource estimate for the Companys Falchani Lithium Project located on the Macusani Plateau in the Puno District of southeastern Peru. The mineral resource estimate and technical report were prepared by The Mineral Corporation (the QP), and disclosed in the Companys press release dated July 24, 2018. The independent QP makes certain assumptions in the technical report that are based on limited metallurgical test work and no operating cost engineering. These have not been substantiated by sufficient metallurgical, processing and engineering work to date. To validate initial metallurgical programs to date, the Company continues to work with its metallurgical consultant, ANSTO Minerals, to evaluate potential processing flow sheet options, reagent requirements and downstream processing. The ongoing metallurgical programs shall be followed by work with a process engineering firm, to arrive at potential operating costs to produce a battery grade Lithium Carbonate product, as part of advancing the Falchani Lithium Project to development stage. As such, any costs assumptions at this time are purely conceptual in nature and should not be relied upon. A corporate update on its activities is forthcoming in the following weeks. Qualified Person Mr. Ted OConnor, P.Geo., a Director of Plateau Energy Metals, and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. For further information, please contact: Plateau Energy Metals Inc. Website: Alex Holmes, CEO & Director Facebook: +1-416-628-9600 Twitter: About Plateau Energy Metals Plateau Energy Metals Inc. is a Canadian lithium and uranium exploration and development company focused on its properties on the Macusani Plateau in southeastern Peru. The Company controls all reported uranium resources known in Peru, significant and growing lithium resources and mineral concessions covering over 91,000 hectares (910 km2) situated near significant infrastructure. Plateau Energy Metals is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol 'PLU', quoted on the OTCQB under the symbol PLUUF and the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol 'QG1'. The Company has 71,620,208 shares issued and outstanding. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the sale of its Ringtail e-discovery software to Nuix, a security, risk and compliance software company. The purchase price for the sale of the Ringtail software, related assets and transition support services is $55.0 million. As the largest Ringtail customer, FTI Consulting has entered into a three-year preferred partner licensing agreement with Nuix for the Nuix Ringtail Review platform. Ringtail is a superb software and it, together with its highly experienced team, has achieved a leading reputation in the e-discovery industry, said Sophie Ross, Global Chief Executive Officer of the Technology segment at FTI Consulting. We believe Nuixs development expertise and commitment to Ringtail will allow Ringtail to flourish and grow, and we are pleased that our consultants will continue to offer and use Ringtail along with other tools to serve our global clientele. Commenting on the transaction, Rod Vawdrey, Group Chief Executive Officer of Nuix, added, The acquisition of Ringtail further builds on our position as a leading e-discovery processing, review and analytics platform. Corporations, governments and legal service providers who depend on Total Data Intelligence from Nuix will be further empowered to simplify, de-risk and speed up their enterprise e-discovery needs without compromise. Technology is transforming the e-discovery industry and customer requirements are increasing in complexity and cost, and our customers and partners have been asking for a better end-to-end solution. Integrating the power of Ringtail into the Nuix platform equips our extensive partner and distribution network to raise the bar for excellence in e-discovery. About FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 4,600 employees located in 28 countries, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $1.81 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2017. Safe Harbor Statement This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which involve uncertainties and risks. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning our plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events, future revenues, future results and performance, expenses, expectations, plans or intentions relating to acquisitions, dispositions, financing transactions, share repurchases and other matters, business trends and other information that is not historical, including statements regarding estimates of our future financial results. When used in this press release, words such as estimates, expects, anticipates, projects, plans, intends, believes, forecasts and variations of such words or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, estimates of our future financial results, are based upon our expectations at the time we make them and various assumptions. Our expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith, and we believe there is a reasonable basis for them. However, there can be no assurance that managements expectations, beliefs and estimates will be achieved, and the Companys actual results may differ materially from our expectations, beliefs and estimates. The Company has experienced fluctuating revenues, operating income and cash flows in prior periods and expects that this will occur from time to time in the future. Other factors that could cause such differences include declines in demand for, or changes in, the mix of services and products that we offer, the mix of the geographic locations where our clients are located or where services are performed, fluctuations in the price per share of our common stock, adverse financial, real estate or other market and general economic conditions, and other future events, which could impact each of our segments differently and could be outside of our control, the pace and timing of the consummation and integration of future acquisitions, the Companys ability to realize cost savings and efficiencies, competitive and general economic conditions, retention of staff and clients, new laws and regulations, or changes thereto, including the 2017 Tax Act, and other risks described under the heading Item 1A, Risk Factors in the Companys annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC), including the risks set forth under Risks Related to Our Reportable Segments and Risks Related to Our Operations, and in the Companys other filings with the SEC. We are under no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements to conform such statements to actual results or events and do not intend to do so. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (Nevada Copper or the Company) is pleased to announce the results of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the development of its open pit project (the Open Pit Project) at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow property (Pumpkin Hollow). The PEA contemplates the option of developing the Open Pit Project independently from the Companys underground mine at Pumpkin Hollow (the Underground Project) which is fully funded as to expected construction capital expenditures and under construction (see News Release dated August 28, 2018) and presents an alternative to the previously disclosed option for the integrated development of the Pumpkin Hollow mine. The PEA for the Open Pit Project describes the opportunity to develop the Open Pit Project for a substantially lower upfront capital cost compared to previous technical studies by implementing the same margin-over-tons philosophy that has been used to optimize the Underground Project. The PEA study focuses on a fresh mining perspective for the deposit, while utilizing strengths of the previous feasibility study data (as set out in the Existing Technical Report)1 on aspects of metallurgical test work and environmental design, with a focus on project value / economic returns, rather than chasing scale. The go-forward Open Pit Project work plan following the PEA will include analysis of the successful 2018 drilling program to produce an updated Mineral Resource, and the completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study for the Open Pit Project which will further test the staged production plan set out in the PEA using the (to be) enhanced Mineral Resource. Highlights include: Reduced upfront cost, simplified build and phased expansion: Initial capital cost estimate: US$592M with a mine design and plant processing rate of 37Kstpd, which reduces implementation risk versus previously studied 70Kstpd integrated project 2 Very low capital intensity of US$7,588/st Cu-eq 3 for 37Kstpd production and low operating costs Focus on high grade Northern Pit, with South Pit as the supplementary feed Strong standalone project economics: Pre-tax NPV 7.5 of US$1,174M and IRR of 21% 4 Post-tax NPV 7.5 of US$927M and IRR of 19% Average life of mine EBITDA: $272M per annum (steady state operations average) Payable Copper: life of mine average 177M lbs per annum (steady state operations average) First five-year copper grades averaging 0.57%Cu (0.61% Cu-eq.) C1 Cash Costs: US$1.67/lb net of by-product credits 20 year mine life Project returns highly resilient across copper price cycle Phased expansion delivers opportunity to fund required project capex internally: Potential to fund ongoing development work and construction through future cash flows from the Underground Mine, reducing need to access equity capital markets Open Pit comprises two optional phases, in-line with Nevada Coppers strategy of incremental production expansions that can be achieved with low capital intensity and short lead times Phase 2 expansion capital costs of US$447M to increase to a 70Kstpd rate in year 8 of the life of mine Significant optimization opportunities identified to be studied: Current PEA results are yet to include the findings from the successful 2018 drilling campaign, which has identified additional shallow mineralization in areas currently classified as waste, to improve grade and reduce early stripping Maintains optionality for future exploration results that may enlarge the open pit potential Open Pit Project can deliver excellent returns as either a 37Kstpd or 70Kstpd operation Improvements to logistics and freight through targeting increased domestic sales ______________________________ 1 Source: NI 43-101 Technical Report NI43-101 Technical Report: Pumpkin Hollow Development Options - Pre-feasibility Study 5,000tons/day Underground Project; Feasibility Study for a 70,000 tons/day Open Pit/Underground Project, with an effective date of September 15, 2017 and an amended report date of January 3, 2018 (the Existing Technical Report) 2 Source: Existing Technical Report 3 Cu-eq. calculated using prices / recoveries: Cu 3.20/lb & 89.3%; Au $1,325/Oz & 67.3%; and Ag $20.01/Oz & 56.3%. Applies to all Cu-eq references throughout this press release. 4 Utilizes analyst consensus long-term copper price of $3.20/lb Matt Gili, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nevada Copper, commented: We are highly encouraged with the results of the PEA for our open pit project at Pumpkin Hollow. The report clearly illustrates the potential to put this large, open pit project into production with lower capital costs and in a shorter period of time than originally envisaged. The phased development approach also aligns with our strategy of pursuing optionality through low-capital intensity and staged production growth to generate shareholder returns. We have used this same margin-over-tonnes philosophy with the Pumpkin Hollow underground mine, which will be in production in 2019, and we are looking forward to the next steps in advancing the open pit project. Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) and Sedgman Canada Limited (Sedgman) prepared the PEA report, supported by the Nevada Copper project team. The PEA study focuses on the Pumpkin Hollow open pit North and South deposits and does not include the underground development. Geology and Mineralization The Pumpkin Hollow property is located within the Walker Lane mineral belt of western Nevada. Within the Pumpkin Hollow property the Western deposits, comprising the North and South deposits, represent the proposed Open Pit Project. The North deposit is a Cu-rich, magnetite-poor skarn breccia body hosted by hornfels of the Gardnerville Formation. The South deposit is a magnetite-chalcopyrite body closely associated with an intrusive contact of granodiorite into limestones of the Mason Valley Formation. Mineral Resources Included in the Open Pit Project Mine Plan The total resources included in the PEA mine plan (the Mine Plan) are shown in the table below. The mineral resource used in the PEA has been updated to include the approximately 45,000 ft (13,700m) of drilling undertaken in 2015 at the Pumpkin Hollow site. Golder has included this additional drilling data for the PEA mineral resource. The Company is currently carrying out a targeted drill program on the northern extension zone and connector zone between the North and South deposits. Results from this drilling is not included in the PEA but the Company will include this data in future studies. Information regarding the additional drilling data and resource modelling methodology is detailed in the PEA. Mineral Resources Included in the Mine Plan5 Category Cut-off %Cu Tons (M) % Cu % Cu Eq. Oz/st Au Oz/st Ag Measured 0.17 133 0.51 0.55 0.002 0.063 Indicated 0.17 264 0.46 0.50 0.001 0.058 Measured & Indicated 0.17 397 0.48 0.51 0.001 0.060 Inferred 0.17 8 0.56 0.57 0.000 0.034 Proposed Open Pit Project Mining Plan The Open Pit Project has been designed to be a conventional truck-and-shovel operation with a combination of hydraulic and electric cable shovels and haul trucks. The Open Pit Project mineralized material is found in the North and South deposits. The Mine Plan has been phased and developed to minimize pre-production stripping to deliver material as soon as possible and provide an attractive life of mine grade profile of 0.48%Cu (0.51% Cu-eq) and the first five years with a grade average of 0.57%Cu (0.61% Cu-eq). To minimize pre-stripping, mining initially takes place in select areas of the shallower South Pit while access is being opened to the higher-grade North Pit which is the focus of the main part of the mine life, before the South pit material comes on-line towards the tail. The Mine Plan produces at 37Kstpd rate for production years 1 to 7, before expanding to 70Kstpd rate from year 8 to 20. Material is delivered by haul truck to a primary crusher, with discharge from the crusher conveyed to a coarse stockpile adjacent to the mill. Mining is planned to be conducted using 50 ft benches with variable inter-ramp pit slope angles (46o to 55o) depending on geotechnical domain. The PEA utilized the Geovia Whittle pit optimization process to define ultimate pit limits and target the most economic ore early in the mine life. Over the mine life, a total of 1,655Mst will be moved which includes 405Mst of ore as mill feed. The mining fleet includes 240t class trucks, loaded by a 45 yd3 diesel-hydraulic and electric shovels and 22 yd3 wheel loader. Drill and blast will be undertaken with track mounted drill rigs drilling 10 inch holes. Explosives are planned as down hole service by explosives supplier. Haul roads are designed to be 120 ft wide to allow for two-way traffic at a maximum gradient of 10%. Strip ratios vary over life of mine with an average of 2.91 excluding pre-strip (3.1 including pre-strip). Figure 1 illustrates a long-section of the Open Pit Project showing the 37Kstpd pit and the ultimate 70Kstpd pit as set out in the PEA, while also indicating the ultimate pit of the 2015 Feasibility Study for a 70Kstpd Open Pit/Underground Project as set out in the Existing Technical Report. ______________________________ 5 1) CIM definitions were followed in the development of Mineral Resources 2) Mineral Resources were estimated at a cutoff grade of 0.17% Cu 3) Resources were stated at a Cu price of $3.00/lb 4) Included Au and Ag were valued at prices of $1,343/Troy Oz and $19.86/ Troy Oz respectively 5) The Mineral Resources include the following modifying factors 2% dilution, 98% mining recovery. 6) Includes North and South deposits. 7) Excludes materials that are oxidized, transition or volcanics. 8) Columns may not total due to rounding. 9) Cu Eq. calculated using prices / recoveries: Cu 3.20/lb & 89.3%; Au $1,325/Oz & 67.3%; and Ag $20.01/Oz & 56.3%. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at Proposed Open Pit Project Processing Plant The treatment technology proposed for the project is the conventional flotation concentration. The processing plant will consist of crushing and grinding circuits, followed by a flotation process to recover and upgrade copper and silver from the feed material at a daily production rate of 37Kstpd for the first 7 years of production before expanding to 70Kstpd for the remaining 13 years of production. Crushed material with the approximate particle grind size P80 of 6 inch, will be fed to the grinding circuit via SAG Mill feed conveyor. Oversized material from the SAG Mill trommel screen will be conveyed to the pebble crusher. The pebble crusher will discharge to the SAG Mill. The product from the SAG Mill will be fed into the grinding cyclone feed pump-box, from where it will be pumped to the primary cyclopack. The cyclone underflow product will report via chute to the ball mill for further grinding. The cyclone overflow product with the approximate particle grind size P80 of 150 microns, is the final ground product and will report to the rougher flotation conditioning tank. The flotation circuit will consist of one rougher and two stages of cleaner flotation, with the single tower/Verti-mill being used for the fine grinding of the rougher concentrate. The copper concentrate will be thickened using a hi-rate thickener and the underflow pumped to the agitated stock tank prior to filtration, and the thickener overflow will be collected in the process water tank. The tailings will be disposed of by dry stacking of filtered tailings. The tailings will be thickened prior to the tailings filtration plant. The PEA metallurgical test work is based on the Integrated Feasibility Study NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Pumpkin Hollow Copper Open Pit and Underground Ore Project, prepared for Nevada Copper Corporation by Tetra Tech Inc. in July 2015, as reported in the Existing Technical Report. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at Open Pit Project Infrastructure The Pumpkin Hollow site is currently accessible via an existing network of roads, designed for accommodating heavy equipment and other vehicles. Power for the Open Pit Project will be drawn from the existing network of transmission lines located adjacent to the site. The site infrastructure for the Open Pit Project will include fencing, temporary facilities, network of onsite roads, water associated infrastructure including tanks and pumps, treatment plant, 120kV line with tie into nearby HV infrastructure, various site buildings including truck shop, warehouse, a mine dry facility, and operations offices, as well as items such as truck scale, fuel and distribution facility and wash bay. The Open Pit Project is estimated to provide direct employment of 300 to 600 hourly and staff personnel across the different phases of the life of mine, which would be expected to be drawn from the surrounding communities to provide support to the project. During the construction phase, the peak work force is expected to be approximately 600 to 800. The Open Pit Project construction will provide additional employment opportunities to the surrounding communities. Open Pit Project Economic Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis The operating assumptions for the financial model for the Open Pit Project are as follows: Production Units LOM Total Life of mine years 20 Annual tons processed (LOM average) Mtons 20 Total tons processed Ktons 405 Total tons concentrate produced (dry mass) Ktons 6,825 Copper recovered to concentrate Ktons 1,740 Net revenue from sales (before royalty) US$ millions 10,123 Net revenue from sales (after royalty) US$ millions 9,523 LOM Opex Mining* US$ millions 2,233 Processing & tailings management US$ millions 2,050 General and administrative+ US$ millions 124 Life of Mine operating costs US$ millions 4,408 Mining* US$/t rock 1.35 Processing & tailings management US$/t RoM ore 5.06 General and administrative+ US$/t RoM ore 0.31 Total Life of mine operating cost US$/t RoM ore 10.87 LOM Avg Unit Costs Mining* US$/ lb payable 0.68 Processing & tailings management US$/ lb payable 0.60 General and administrative+ US$/ lb payable 0.04 RGGS Royalty US$/ lb payable 0.18 TC/RCs, Shipping US$/ lb payable 0.37 By-product Credits US$/ lb payable -0.21 C1 Cash Costs US$/ lb payable 1.67 AISC (All-in Sustaining Costs) US$/lb payable 1.99 LT Copper price US$/lb 3.2 Economic Indicators Pre-tax operating cash flow US$ millions 5,115 Pre-tax NPV at 5% US$ millions 1,717 Pre-tax NPV 7.5% US$ millions 1,174 Pre-tax IRR % 21 Post-tax NPV at 5% US$ millions 1,385 Post-tax NPV at 7.5% US$ millions 927 Post-tax IRR % 19 * Includes mining equipment lease costs. Excludes capitalized waste stripping + Includes environment, water and Nevada Rule 9 allowance for power infrastructure The initial and sustaining capital costs are presented as follows: Capital costs US$ millions Initial capital costs (pre-production)^ 592 Expansion capital costs 447 Sustaining capital costs 445 Total LOM Capital Costs 1,485 ^ Includes pre-production leasing cost Breakdown of the capital cost is shown below: Item Initial Capital Expansion Sustaining LoM Capital US$M US$M US$M US$M Mining (including capitalized waste) 115 123 284 522 Process Plant and Tailings 361 295 85 742 Infrastructure 91 11 28 130 Reclamation and permits - - 47 47 Contingency 26 17 - 43 Total 592 447 445 1,485 A sensitivity analysis was performed, to test the impact of changes to copper price included in the economic model, with the following results: A photo accompanying this announcement is available at A photo accompanying this announcement is available at Qualified Persons and Technical Report The written technical disclosure and data in this news release was approved by Gregory French, P.G., Vice-President Exploration & Project Development of Nevada Copper, Robert McKnight, P.Eng., Executive Vice-President and CFO of Nevada Copper, both of whom are non-independent Qualified Persons within the meaning of NI 43-101., together with the following independent qualified persons: Ted Minnes P.E., Golder, consultant, responsible for mine planning, mine design and cost estimation. Ronald Turner, PG, Golder, consultant, responsible for geology and mineral resource estimation. Aleksandar Petrovic, P.Eng. Sedgman, responsible for mineral processing, infrastructure design and cost estimation. A technical report in respect of the PEA will be filed by Nevada Copper on SEDAR within 45 days of this press release in accordance with the requirements of National Instrument 43-101. Notes on Preliminary Economic Assessments The Existing Technical Report contemplates two potential options for developing the Pumpkin Hollow mine. Case A (the 2017 Underground PFS) contemplates an underground mine as a stand-alone case and that is not impacted by the results of the PEA, and construction has commenced on the Underground Project on this basis. Case B (the 2015 Integrated Open Pit and Underground FS) is described as an integrated open pit and underground mine case. Despite the fact that construction has commenced on the Underground Project, the Open Pit Project can be developed and designed (including with regard to surface facilities and services) as an integrated operation for some years to come before Case A and Case B might be considered to become mutually exclusive to one another. The PEA was undertaken to contemplate an alternative approach to developing the Open Pit Project by emphasizing a smaller scale and lower cost operation. Nevertheless, the results of the 2015 Integrated Open Pit and Underground FS remain valid and represent a viable option for the Company at this time. The PEA considers an alternative development option for the Open Pit Project at a conceptual level and does not change the key assumptions and conclusions set out in the 2015 Integrated Open Pit and Underground FS. Please note that the PEA is preliminary in nature, that it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. About Nevada Copper Nevada Coppers (TSX: NCU) Pumpkin Hollow project is the only major, shovel-ready and fully-permitted copper project in North America. Located in Nevada, USA, Pumpkin Hollow has substantial reserves and resources including copper, gold and silver. Its two fully-permitted projects include: the high-grade Pumpkin Hollow underground project which is in construction with a view to near-term commencement of copper production; and the Pumpkin Hollow open pit project, a large-scale copper deposit with substantial mineral reserves, and which is currently undergoing an optimization program to target a reduced-capex, staged-development approach. Additional Information For further information please visit the Nevada Copper corporate website ( ). NEVADA COPPER CORP. Matthew Gili, President and CEO For further information call: Rich Matthews, VP Marketing and Investor Relations Phone: 604-355-7179 Toll free: 1-877-648-8266 Email: We seek safe harbour. NEW YORK, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Halyard Capital, a New York based private equity fund, announced the successful sale of its portfolio company, Jun Group to Advantage Solutions (Advantage), a leading business solutions provider. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The closing occurred earlier in September. Jun Group is a New York based mobile video and branded content advertising platform serving many of the largest advertisers and publishers in the U.S. marketplace. The world's best-known brands trust Jun Group to connect them with their customers because everything Jun Group does is viewable, brand-safe, and transparent. We congratulate Mitchell Reichgut, Corey Weiner and the entire Jun Group team on building a tremendous business and attracting a high quality, strategic acquiror like Advantage, said Bruce Eatroff, Founding Partner of Halyard Capital. Eatroff added, Over the last three years, Jun Group has been a true market leader in app-based mobile brand advertising. Brendyn Grimaldi, Principal from Halyard Capital added, The successful exit of Jun Group is evidence of both the strength of the Jun Group team and business model and the substantial opportunity the Company has to continue its path of exceptional growth as part of the larger Advantage organization. Mitchell Reichgut, CEO of Jun Group, said We thank the Halyard Capital team for their support and guidance. As investors, they provided not just capital but experience and resources to help us grow our team and our business. Corey Weiner, President and COO of Jun Group added, Halyard has been an excellent investment partner to our business and we appreciate the support and guidance of the entire team. Jun Group was advised on the sale transaction by investment bank, Petsky Prunier. Kramer Levin provided legal advice to Jun Group and Akin Gump represented Halyard Capital. About Halyard Capital Halyard Capital ( is a New York-based private equity firm with over $600 million of capital under management, focused on buyout and growth equity investment opportunities in technology-enabled information, data analytics and business services companies that serve industry verticals with strong macroeconomic trends, such as Marketing Services, IT Services and Media. The firm has extensive experience and a proven track record within the performance-based marketing sector, having invested in businesses that include Datamyx, Aberdeen, EducationDynamics, SRAXmd and TRANZACT. About Jun Group Imagine advertising only to people who say they're interested. Jun Group does this at scale, building customized audiences by polling our network of 100MM people. We then deliver gorgeous, full-screen video, and branded content across their devices. The world's best-known brands trust Jun Group to connect them with their customers because everything Jun Group does is viewable, brand-safe, and transparent. "Jun" means truth. The company is based in New York, with offices in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Orange County. Please visit or follow us on Twitter @jungroup or LinkedIn for more information. For Media Inquiries, please contact Bruce Eatroff at LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Los Angeles Coalition for Responsible Housing Solutions , an association of housing experts and allied business associations from across Los Angeles County, will join in opposition to the proposed Interim Ordinance to Temporarily Limit Rent Increases that will be heard at the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 . The Coalition also objects strongly to the Board of Supervisors hearing this item on Rosh Hashana , the Jewish New Year, after continuing the motion multiple times throughout the Summer. The proposed ordinance would impose a maximum rent increase amount of 3% and have base rents set as they are on September 11, 2018. The motion, which sought the increases before the Countys own Tenant Protections Working Group had concluded and provided a final report, has had numerous false starts since its introduction in early July. The hearing this week is expected to kick off a 60-day report period for a host of County departments to provide feedback on implementation, program costs and legal issues. The timeline of this motion and urgency seem poorly timed with actual rent increases. Even under modest data , rents in Los Angeles have increased less than 2% over the last year. Rents are no longer increasing in the Los Angeles area and in the unincorporated areas as it had in the past. The Board is seeking political points after the fact, said Elizabeth de Carteret, a coalition board member. While Los Angeles County is the most populated in the United States, its housing jurisdiction is limited to pockets of unincorporated areas, where only 4.5% is zoned residential . In fact, the unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County have approximately 300,000 housing units, over 70% are single-family, 60% are owner occupied and only 55,000 housing units are apartments. Under current laws, the County cannot implement rent control on single family homes or apartments built after 1995. de Carteret continued, families and the elderly should have immediate access to help during emergencies or when buildings transition to new ownership, but rent control allows other renters to potentially exploit a system that will allow them to stay in modest housing with low rent in perpetuity. The County should address issues such as ensuring tenants are protected during changes of ownership, funding a mediation program and expanding code enforcement. The motion purports to protect tenants from unreasonable rent increases and uses September 11, 2018 as the baseline rent until the board has the opportunity to fully deliberate on and adopt permanent tenant protection policies. The Working Group was approved for formation by County motion in May of 2016, yet the group was not convened until February 2018 and no report was issued until last month. Going into the last weekend before the Democratic primary, Governor Andrew Cuomo was riding high, capping off a packed week of well-timed infrastructure announcements with a splashy grand opening for the brand new span of the Mario Cuomo Bridge. Then came the "loud pop." According to engineers, the concerning sound was first given off by the rickety remnants of the adjacent Tappan Zee on Friday evening, leading them to fear a "potentially dangerous situation" involving the former structure collapsing on the new crossing. By Saturday, Cuomo was left with no choice but to delay the opening of his father's bridge, over which he'd swaggeringly driven his favorite vintage car just one day earlier. Cuomo's political opponents slammed the unsafe ribbon-cutting as "unconscionable, gross negligence," and some observers wondered whether he'd knowingly risked the safety of the public and his own mother for the sake of a politically expedient photo-op. This will get dismissed as "Cuomo being Cuomo" and "lol politics" but the engineers knew it was unsafe and he went along with the stupid spectactle anyway. It's not just brazen dishonesty, it's potentially endangering people for a campaign press op. It should be disqualifying. Italian Alex Pareene (@pareene) September 8, 2018 Somehow, this was not the worst thing to happen to the governor this weekend. At the same time that Cuomo was sheepishly backpedaling on his signature infrastructure project, the New York State Democratic Committee, which the governor effectively controls, was stepping in its own self-made mess: Someone had signed off on a campaign flyer, sent to mailboxes across the city, attacking Cynthia Nixon for being "silent on the rise of anti-Semitism." Sent ahead of the Jewish High Holidays, the mailer falsely claimed that Nixon supported the campaign to boycott Israel, and that she has refused to fund yeshivas if elected. (In fact, she does not support BDS, and has hardly said a word about yeshivas throughout her whole campaign). The mailers were swiftly and sternly rebuked by pretty much everyoneincluding politicians on both sides of the aisle, several rabbis, and the New York Times editorial board, which had offered a lukewarm endorsement of the governor only last week. When the committee's executive director, Geoff Berman, dutifully stepped in to take the heat for Cuomo, he hardly improved matters. This isn't an apology. This isn't even an acknowledgement of who is accountable Cuomo, Berman, or both. The only reason this "will not happen again" is because the primary is on Thursday. vote for Zephyr Teachout on Thursday! (@sethmpk) September 9, 2018 Last thought before sundown: Berman must resign. Scott Stringer (@scottmstringer) September 9, 2018 Though Berman has acknowledged that the mailer was "wrong and inappropriate," the state committee has thus far refused to answer repeated questions about how the deceitful ad got made, if anyone has been disciplined over the mistake, and whether it was targeted to certain demographics. Instead, Berman has vowed to work with the Nixon campaign to send out a separate mailer to the "same universe of people" that received the initial attack. (NY1 reports that universe is about 7,000 people). But last minute snail mail won't repair the damage, according to Nixon, who's now demanding that the governor's camp robocall New Yorkers to disavow the flyer. During an appearance at Zabar's in the Upper West Side on Sunday, the candidate slammed the dog-whistle, adding that it "strains credulity" that Cuomo did not know about the decision. Flanked by Rabbi Barat Ellman and other supporters, Nixon noted, "As a mother of Jewish children whose grandparents barely escaped the Holocaust and had lots of relatives who did not, this is a truly shameful thing to be accusing my family of, particularly at a time when anti-semitism is really on the rise in this country." "It's the kind of thing you'd expect from Donald Trump," she added, cradling a cinnamon raisin bagel with lox. The mailer sent by the NY Democratic Party in the 11th hour falsely attacking Cynthia Nixon is beyond unacceptable its downright Trumpian. A tweeted apology calling it a mistake is laughable. The state party must compensate the Nixon campaign immediately. Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) September 9, 2018 During a press conference on Sundayostensibly about President Trump's tax plan, as it happensGovernor Cuomo flatly denied any responsibility for the screw-up. "I didn't know about the mailer, I heard about the mailer, I haven't seen the mailer," he told reporters. Likewise for the threat posed by hosting a massive campaign event next to the still-crumbling Tappan Zee. "It's not our bridge," he said. "We are not responsible for it." Anyway, Cuomo insisted, it was the contractor's decision when to open the bridge, and merely a "coincidence" that they'd deemed it ready just one week before the Democratic primary. Meanwhile, emails obtained by the Journal News suggest that Cuomo was directly involved in planning the opening of the first span of the bridge. Nixon, in response, compared the governor's attempted dissociation from the scandals to his repeated buck-passing when it comes to the subway. "He claims credit for something when he thinks it's an accomplishment and the minute that anything goes wrong, he says, 'Well you know we actually don't own that,'" she reportedly said, during a separate campaign stop in Tarrytown on Sunday. "This is such an old tired song from him." Later in the evening, Terry Towle, the lead contractor for the Mario Cuomo Bridge, announced that the new span will open to traffic on Tuesday, though "there remains a possibility of the old bridge east span failing." A new Siena Research Institute poll, which was conducted before the weekend, shows Cuomo leading Nixon by 63 percent to 22 percent among likely primary voters. The Democratic primary will take place on Thursday, September 13th. Reporting by Jen Chung. Yes, you can transfer your domain to any registrar or hosting company once you have purchased it. Since domain transfers are a manual process, it can take up to 5 days to transfer the domain. Domains purchased with payment plans are not eligible to transfer until all payments have been made. Please remember that our 30-day money back guarantee is void once a domain has been transferred. For transfer instructions to GoDaddy, please click here. Have you been enjoying this sudden respite from life as a human sweat towel? Finding it pleasant to step outside and be wet from rain, rather than from steaming humidity? Would you be quite happy to live in this moment forever? If so, The Weather has cooked up a gnarly concoction of rainy delights, especially for you. Most of the storm coverage you've seen today likely revolves around Florence, a category 4 hurricane currently hurtling toward the eastern seaboard "with inevitability rarely seen in storms several days away from landfall," as the Washington Post ominously put it. Florence is in fact beating a path of destruction toward the Carolinas, but as AccuWeather meteorologist Evan Duffey tells Gothamist, she "will stay to the south of New York City by a good bit," moving West to strike between the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic late Thursday night or early Friday morning. (Courtesy of AccuWeather) The rain projected to envelop New York City this week actually comes from a separate weather system: The moisture event formerly known as Tropical Depression Gordon. According to Duffey, Gordon constitutes the "most pressing and immediate" weather element for New Yorkers this week. Gordon began as a tropical storm, having been downgraded to a tropical depressionwhich, according to Duffey, ranks "a step below a tropical storm"as it moved from the Gulf into Mississppi last week. Through tomorrow evening, New Yorkers will marinate in Gordon's soggy leftovers. "Then we're just going to be dealing with normal summertime shower and thunderstorm activity," Duffey predicts. In a press release, Governor Andrew Cuomo's office warned of "soaking rain" to persist through Monday evening, although so far, the city seems to have experienced little more than a constant spritzing mist and temperatures in the low 60s. Unfortunately, that bubble may burst tomorrow, when scattered thunderstorms plunge us back into the swampy 80s, with parallel humidity levels. (Courtesy of AccuWeather) Experts expect Florence could stall out over North and South Carolina, lashing them with absolutely merciless rain. As of 11 a.m. EST, according to the National Hurricane Center, Florence was tracking toward Bermuda, roughly 1,240 miles southeast of Cape Fear, North Carolina. Florence is currently bringing winds between 115 and 185 mph. According to meteorologist Eric Holthaus, Florence could cause "catastrophic flooding" in North Carolina. September 10, 11 AM EDT: Here are the Key Messages for #Hurricane #Florence. You can always get the latest forecast at National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic) September 10, 2018 States of emergency have been declared in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. "We do know that were in the bull's eye, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper told reporters today. Les Moonves, the embattled CEO of the CBS Corporation, officially stepped down Sunday after the New Yorker surfaced a second wave of sexual misconduct allegations against him. The network also announced that it would withhold his staggering exit package, reportedly a sum in the neighborhood of $100 million, having apparently taken this second round of credible claims as sufficient grounds for firing. Reporter Ronan Farrow, whose article on Harvey Weinstein helped jumpstart the #MeToo movement last October, published his first Moonves expose in early August. The allegations catalogued in that investigation revealed a man who publicly positioned himself as an advocate for workplace equality, while privately forcing himself on his colleagues behind closed doorsallegedly cornering women who showed up at his office for business meetings, attempting to strongarm them into sexual submission, and retaliating against those who turned him down. At the time, the CBS board of directors announced that it had hired two outside law firms to look into the complaints against Moonves, but seemed loath to act. For his part, the 68-year-old executive acknowledged that, although his past advances "may have made some women uncomfortable," he "always understood and respectedand abided by the principlethat 'no' means 'no,'" and maintained that he had "never misused [his] position to harm or hinder anyone's career." Settlement discussions ensued, and thanks to a contract Moonves signed in May 2017, he could have received between $100 million and $180 million if the corporation fired him without cause. Naturally, the potential payout upset many people, including Time's Up, which accused CBS of fostering a "culture of toxic complicity." On Sunday, amid reports of CBS waffling, Farrow shared stories from six more women, including television executive Phyllis Golden-Gottlieb, who filed a criminal complaint against Moonves late last year. Golden-Gottlieb says that, in 1986, Moonves forced her to perform oral sex on him, and when she avoided subsequent advances, took steps to sideline her professionally. In 1988, she says, that retaliation turned physical when Moonves allegedly threw her hard into a wall. Other womena former assistant, a make-up artist, a junior executive, a writer, massage therapistsattested to similarly hostile sexual aggression by Moonves. In a statement to the New Yorker, Moonves admitted he's had "consensual relations" with three of the women interviewed, but did not say which ones. "Anyone who knows me knows that the person described in this article is not me," he insisted. And yet, Farrow's investigation suggests that Moonves set a corporate tone that encouraged senior male employees to act with impunity. "It's top down, this culture of older men who have all this power and you are nothing," a longterm producer said in Farrow's first piece. "The company is shielding lots of bad behavior." Indeed, other women told him that Jeff Fagerexecutive producer of 60 Minutesengaged in similar behavior, and helped cover up complaints against another CBS bigwig, Charlie Rose. Rose was eventually ousted in the wake of a Washington Post report detailing decades of alleged groping, lewd phone calls, and unwanted nudity. Hours after Farrow's second article came out on Sunday, CBS announced that Chief Operating Officer and Moonves deputy Joseph Ianniello will serve as interim CEO. Rather than awarding Moonves $100 million, the company will donate $20 million to "one or more of the organizations that support the #MeToo movement and equality for women in the workplace." To hear incumbent State Senator Simcha Felders allies tell it, the Orthodox Jewish community in his district is under attack. On a recent evening, the unlikely source of this alleged onslaught could be seen knocking on doors in Brooklyn with his name tag affixed to a straw Panama hat, his bright eyes framed by round spectacles, outfitted with a starchy button-down and hiking boots. In other peoples eyes, plucky primary challenger Blake Morris is on what many consider a quixotic quest to unseat an entrenched Albany powerbroker. Morris, who lives just inside the 17th districts north-easternmost tendril in Ditmas Park, cultivates a quirky air of yesteryear. Stepping off his wrap-around porch, he quickly turns a question about politics into a short lecture on the local history of steam trains, Dutch farming, and finally the use of prison ships by the British in the Revolutionary War. Then, a few blocks from home, Morris briefly got lost looking for Democrats. This man is the great progressive hope of State Senate district 17. And while he is attempting to mobilize progressive Democrats around the fringes of this traditionally conservative district, Morris claims he is also making inroads into the insular Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn via late-night chats at kosher pizza shops on Avenue J and secret meetings in peoples homes. They are very fearful, Morris said of the roughly 100 Orthodox voters he says hes met in nearly a dozen private meetings. They dont want their neighbors to know that theyre interested in doing something differently than the community. Morris discovered that many Orthodox voters could be found by canvassing pizza shops at midnight, after the sabbath ends and the search for Havdalah pizza begins. They say Oh, I would never support you, youre a secular-Jew-type-person. But then after talking with them, they realize that we have a lot of common interests, Morris explained. These time-consuming efforts, paired with an online campaign that has volunteers posting in private Facebook groups and WhatsApp chats as well as making phone calls based on friendly referrals is part of Morris attempt to peel away voters from Felder, whom Morris is challenging in the primary election on Thursday, September 13th. Felder is best known as the man who has been infuriating New Yorks loyal Democrats by caucusing with Republicans and tipping the balance of power in the GOPs favor since 2012the same year the district was gerrymandered by the Republican-controlled State Senate in what political insiders describe as a deal to empower the growing Orthodox Jewish community in Borough Park and Midwood. So far, its been a great deal for Senate Republicans, delivering them the critical single-vote majority to which they currently cling. Felder himself defies any conventional political labelhes used heretic, among others. He has run unopposed for years, recently winning on the Democrat, Republican, and Conservative party lines. Felder argues that his unconventional alliance with Republicans has also been a great deal for his district. It shows that his only allegiance is to his constituents, he says, putting them above party and politics. His role as pivotal swing vote also brought in plenty of money for local projects, and as Felder told the Jewish Star in 2010, I would say I love slush, every flavor. Sen. George Amedore Jr., R-Rotterdam, left, and Sen. Terrence Murphy, R-Carmel, right, tape Sen. Simcha Felder, D-Brooklyn to his chair as a joke while waiting for the start of a session in the Senate Chamber at the state Capitol during the last scheduled day of the 2018 legislative session, in Albany. (Hans Pennink / AP / Shutterstock) But as intolerable as Felder is to liberal Democrats, Blake Morris is an unlikely white knight. After failing to find someone willing to challenge Felder, Morris gave himself the job. Now, he will be the first to challenge Felder in a Democratic primary. Few gave Morris much of a chance at the outset, but when the GOP-allied IDC State Senators folded back into the Democratic party, the spotlight settled on Felder, with Governor Andrew Cuomo writing a letter urging this last remaining rogue Democrat to return. At this point, Morris has received endorsements from the state Democratic party, the Working Families Party, labor union 32BJ SEIU and a slew of progressive groups and candidates. City & State calls the race a wild card, but many call it a longshot. Morris also successfully fended off an attack on his name, when Felders lawyers attempted to get him thrown off the ballot because Blake is actually his middle name, not his first name (he is officially Lawrence Blake Morris). The failed attempt to derail Morris was an ironic gambit for Felder, who once said he doesnt know who he is. Morris is not shy about his identity. He is an unabashed progressive who touts single-payer health care, gun control, affordable housing, gay rights, marijuana legalization, andlike many Albany newcomersanti-corruption legislation. Longtime political observers remain dubious that a progressive Democrats message will resonate in a community known for its conservative leanings, and said they believe the district is happy with Felder. Nevertheless, Morris and several volunteers say they are finding common ground among Orthodox families on issues like affordable housing, universal healthcare, and improved education standards in Yeshivas. The Orthodox community is not a monolith, they say, and some Orthodox are quietly promising to vote for the liberal alternative after hearing Morris's pitch. Morris believes this unusual effort, paired with an all-out door knocking campaign targeting so-called prime Democrat voters in non-Orthodox neighborhoods, will deliver him the win. I have the evidence, Morris said referencing his canvassing statistics. Over 70 percent of the people that we encounter, prime Democratic voters, say they are voting for Blake. Its unclear how much of an impact Morris's unorthodox Orthodox outreach will have on voter turnout. Its hard to say how broad that support is or whether it will translate into much-needed votes on primary day. When you have a secret thing going, its hard to know how deep the ocean is, Morris said. The common analysis is that the peculiar politics of Brooklyns 17th State Senate district, centered on Borough Park and Midwood, is the product of influential Orthodox power brokers who deliver votes for Felderwho is Orthodox himself. But while political observers note that the ultra-Orthodox, in particular, are reliable voters who have cast ballots as a group, the so-called bloc vote is more like a collection of Legos than a monolith. And in a race where just 10,000 voters are likely to decide the winner, every piece of the electorate counts. The Orthodox community is strongly favorable to Simcha, said Yeruchim Silber, director of New York government relations at Agudath Israel of America. No serious leaders of the Orthodox community, to my knowledge, have had any kind of engagement with [Blake Morris]. In fact, one local politico who lives in the district said that he doubts many in the Jewish enclave know who Blake Morris is. Im someone thats involved in politics and I havent heard his name. I havent been approached by this person. I havent received a piece of mail. I didnt even know his name, said Ezra Friedlander, CEO at The Friedlander Group, suggesting that the press was hyper focusing on a candidate that was unknown in the community. Morris's campaign contends, however, that it studiously avoids the company of political consultants and that it has engaged over 4,000 average voters in person through the efforts of their 400 volunteers, with three rounds of mailings, robocalls, and digital canvassing reaching many more. For his part, Felder appears to be campaigning through his established connections to local rabbis and doing interviews in Orthodox media. Felder declined an interview request for this story. Unfortunately right now this could only work to his detriment, Sheri Toiv, Felders spokeswoman, wrote in an email. However, Felders sparsely-used campaign Twitter account has sprung to life recently, tweeting out photos of him with prominent rabbis and retweeting fiery op-eds endorsing him. One opinion piece in Hamodia, which Felder tweeted out twice, warned that the Orthodox Jewish community is under attackin the media, online, and, most dangerously, in the halls of government. Our Torah way of life is being challenged on many fronts. It goes on to assert: Make no mistake, this coming election is not only a referendum on Simcha Felder, but a direct challenge and threat to the Orthodox Jewish community that supports him. Posters and short videos, some retweeted by the campaign, tie Felders reelection to support for Yeshivas and Jewish culture writ large. "The headlines have taken dead aim and unless you have been sleeping, you know the #Orthodox #Jewish community is under attack"@ChaskelBennett is firing on all cylinders, in his fiery endorsement of @NYSenatorFelder Yosef Rapaport (@YosefRapaport) September 5, 2018 Felders fundraising in the race appears to show that he certainly has the resources to be, as Silber put it, taking nothing for granted and working as if they are 20 points behind. As of the last reporting period, Felder had $600,000 on hand from major real estate and political donors versus Morris's meager $27,000 raised primarily from small-dollar donors. But Morris says that dollar difference is not indicative of the peoples support or even of the local Orthodox communitys support. Hes using the Orthodox as a front. They are not the ones donating to his campaign, Morris said. Felder is just using Orthodox community as a fig leaf for [Republican State Senate Majority Leader John] Flanagan." While voting data experts say that the district is by far the most Jewish district in the state with 66 percent of residents and 43 percent of active voters considered likely Jewish, the district is also home to many other groups, including a large community of Chinese and growing number of South Asians; a slice of the Russian-speaking community in Sheepshead Bay; young professionals and artists in portions of Flatbush, Sunset Park and Kensington; and a few swatches of tony Ditmas Park, where Morris lives. Those demographics are key to Morris's ground game. One recent evening, Morris stood in the nerve center of his headquarters (which is also his dining room), waving his hand over a large map, propped against a fireplace, showing the district. His main strategy, Morris said, has been to pursue voters outside the 48th Assembly district, which forms the center of the Senate districts heavily-Orthodox Borough Park and Midwood neighborhoods. Morris says he is working around the edges of Simcha Felders power center while quietly making inroads among Jewish voters. Some of Morriss most engaged supporters appear to harbor a deep disdain for Felder. Hes an evil, evil monster, one campaign volunteer muttered, glancing down at a Felder mailing near the dried seaweed snacks in Morris's charming Victorian home. In the words of Amy Hackett, a veteran Democrat canvasser at age 77, the real attraction to Blake Morris is that large sections of this neighborhood have a visceral dislike of the incumbent Senator Felder. Morris sums up his plan of attack the way he says his father, a traveling salesman, might have if he had gone into retail politics: diversify your voter base. Progressive voters are Morris's department stores and retail chains, that might bring him 90 percent of his votes, but he will spend a lot of time and energy on Jewish voters, his small shops, who will make up just 10 percent of his voters. If swaying the voting behavior of the multifaceted and insular Orthodox community seems like a Sisyphean task, Morris says he cant help himself. I was raised to believe that behind every no, there is a yes, he said. But hes not doing it alone. I think absolutely the Orthodox needle can be moved for this election, said Naomi Rabeeya, a volunteer for Morris who describes herself as a progressive, but observant Jew. She has spent countless hours pouring herself into the campaigns Orthodox outreach. Much of the conversation is happening online where people can more freely express themselves, Rabeeya said, and many of those online activists are women. Beyond this electionthats keythings are changing in District 17. Ahuva Buchbinder, a 24-year-old Modern Orthodox Jewish medical assistant who lives in the district, said she is voting for Morris and encouraging her ultra-Orthodox friends to support him too. Theres this common assumption when I talk to people about Felder, Buchbinder said. That He understands us because hes one of us. He looks like us. But when I ask people if they can name a piece of legislation that Felder has voted for that they were in favor of, most people kind of stare at me like a deer in headlights, because they cant. One quirk of pitching the Orthodox community, Buchbinder explained, is that they have no interest in the progressive rallying cry against the GOP-allied Senator Felder. All of this, Felders a fake Democrat, doesnt faze them, because they are fake Democrats too. He represents them in that way. They dont care. Buchbinder has found that what they do care about is supporting the Child Victims Act, which Felder has not. Other Orthodox voters told her they were upset about the speed cameras being deactivated in front of schools, which was a result of a last-minute deal pushed by Felder at the end of Albanys legislative session. (The City Council subsequently found a way to turn the cameras back on, without going through the legislature.) Still, Buchbinder admits she is not sure if the Morris campaigns message was finely tuned enough or broadcast widely enough to get through to enough of the Orthodox community. You cant win an election here without talking to the Orthodox, she said. Frank G. Runyeon is a journalist in NYC reporting on everything from political power brokers to tainted drinking water tanks. He previously worked as City and States senior reporter and has published investigative scoops in The New York Times. Follow him on Twitter. Sport Local hero Skaik stays on course after making cut at Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship Skaik, who carded a level-par 71, started off with three pars and a birdie. Despite a bogey on hole seven, Skaik briefly moved to four under par overall and within touching distance of the leaders after two further birdies on holes 10 and 14. Late last night Yerevan Police detained two members of the Zharankutyun (Heritage) political party when they were caught attempting to paint the name of the party on Baghramyan Avenue, near the National Assembly. Heritage Board President Armen Martirosyan (photo, left) told Hetq that the two detained individuals, Hovsep Ghazaryan (a board member) and party supporter Vahagn Hovhannisyan, were taken to the Arabkir police station and have been seen by party lawyers. Martirosyan says the two did nothing illegal, noting that many painted graffiti on Yerevan streets and walls during the political protests that racked Yerevan in April of this year and that no one was punished. We took advantage of this precedent and the guys attempted to do similar graffiti, Martirosyan said. In a Facebook post on its page the party writes that it is waiting for clarification from the police. Elections for the new Yerevan Municipal Council are scheduled for September 23. The prime ministers of Armenia and Georgia met today in Yerevan and discussed the prospects of strengthening friendly relations during a private one-on-one conversation. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze, and a delegation he heads, at his official residence in Yerevan. According to an Armenian government press release, Pashinyan first congratulated Mamuka Bakhtadze on his election to the post in June 2018. I warmly recall my visit that I paid to Georgia after your election and I hope that the optimism that resulted from my visit will double due to your visit today," Pashinyan is reported to have said today. The Armenian prime minister reiterated his proposal, introduced during his visit to Tbilisi, that relations between the two countries must be founded on the principle of mutual trust and the principle that neither country, or its people, intend to undermine the other. Turning to foreign relations, Pashinyan stressed that the two countries must consider the unique nature of the region. Mamuka Bakhtadze thanked Pashinyan for his warm reception and said that visiting Armenia is always a happy occasion for him. I believe that our relations, formed over the centuries, are very important. Our history isnt starting from page one. Its a centuries-old history that we are advancing, said Bakhtadze. The Georgian prime minister said his country has started on a long road of reforms, replete with challenges, and that the two governments could collaborate in this respect. Turning to economic relations, Bakhtadze said that the $400 million trade volume between Armenia and Georgia is not sufficient given the underlying potential, and that measures must be taken to increase trade. Bakhtadze said the two governments work to increase trade to $1 billion. Darth Raidius said: The notable commanders of the American Civil War (1861-1865) are held in high esteem, not least by Americans, with generals like Lee, Grant, Sherman and Jackson enjoying much praise, sometimes to gross exaggeration. While I do not doubt their military competence, it does make me wonder; why have I never heard of any European generals of that time earning such recognition? There were certainly conflicts aplenty in the period, such as the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Austro-Prussian War (1866) or the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), with many opportunities for talented commanders to display their brilliance. So, let's discuss who were the finest commanders Europe had to offer in this time period (roughly 1850-1875 or so), and why. And, perhaps, how they would compare to their American counterparts in a grand Euro-American conflict. Click to expand... He became one of the most influential and admired British generals after a series of successes in Canada, West Africa, and Egypt, followed by a central role in modernizing the British Army in promoting efficiency. He served in Burma, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, China, Canada and widely throughout Africaincluding his Ashanti campaign (18731874) and the Nile Expedition against Mahdist Sudan in 188485. Wolseley served as Commander-in-Chief of the Forces from 1895 to 1900. His reputation for efficiency led to the late 19th century English phrase "everything's all Sir Garnet", meaning, "All is in order." One of the great British generals of this time would have to be Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, who's chief claim to fame these days is as the inspiration for the Gilbert and Sullivan song 'Modern Major General'.He entered the army in 1852 as an ensign, the lowest officer rank, as the son of a poor family managing on a military pension. 43 years later he became Commander in Chief of the Forces, holding just about every honour imaginable. As Wikipedia puts it: One of those in attendance at the Mundelein Seminary revealed how horribly upset he was about the allegations of priest abuse in Pennsylvania and New York. Cardinal Cupich reportedly commiserated shortly, and then declared the Church has a bigger agenda than to be "distracted" by the reported abuse - something those in attendance were shocked to hear. CHICAGO - The Chicago Sun-Times broke a story Monday that paints an even dimmer light on Chicago's Cardinal Blaine Cupich. The story allegedly retells a recent non-public meeting Cupich held with students and faculty at the Mundelein Seminary in Lake County. From the Sun-Times account: Cupich thanked the man for speaking up and said he, too, was sick over the situation. Minutes later, though, the cardinal said something that struck some of the seminarians as tone-deaf. I feel very much at peace at this moment. I am sleeping OK, Cupich said, according to the person in attendance, a man studying to be a priest, who recalled that some fellow seminarians shook their heads in disbelief. The source said Cupich also told the group that, while the churchs agenda certainly involves protecting kids from harm, we have a bigger agenda than to be distracted by all of this, including helping the homeless and sick. That account was confirmed by other sources, including another seminarian also present at the gathering. This report, and others, of suspected corruption within the Catholic Church's hierarchy has stirred the Petersburg, Illinois-based Roman Catholic Faithful group to energize once again. From a statement posted by Matt Abbott: In July 2009, the board members of Roman Catholic Faithful (RCF) elected to suspend operations after 12 years of fighting corruption in the Church. Our organization began after we learned the bishop of Springfield, Ill., the late Daniel Ryan, was paying young male prostitutes for sex. Soon afterward, calls for our assistance came from around the United States. We sponsored a number of symposia in cities across the country and picketed the USCCB on at least two occasions. ... Yet, we closed our doors after we became convinced that clerical corruption could not be fought simply on a piecemeal basis on a local level; rather, it became clear that the greater part of the post- conciliar Church had lost the Faith. We urged our supporters to attend the Traditional Mass whenever possible, to recite the daily Rosary, to live the life of grace and to pray very hard for the reform of the Church. However, the events that have unfolded during the last several months, particularly the report of the grand jury that investigated the sexual molestation of children in Pennsylvania, have led us to believe that we must once more jump into the fray. It has become impossible for us to read the grand jury report and stand idle. The various committees and commissions proposed by several bishops are a complete waste of time and money. This amounts to the wolves investigating the wolves. So, the Roman Catholic Faithful says, this is what they plan to do: We are going to put your diocese and episcopal sees under a microscope. We are willing to crawl into the darkest dens of depravity where children are molested and expose this entire network and enterprise to the public. To those of you willing to assist us and cooperate, we thank you in advance. For those of you who will oppose our crusade, let me make this clear: We are going to name names and take whatever remedial action we find necessary, including picketing, urging boycotts of financial contributions by parishioners and ... well, let's just say we have a few other ideas as well. It is imperative for our children to learn world history and well as American history. One of the more popular quotes today is Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Most would agree that the United States is the leader of the world today and will only remain so if our children are prepared to meet future challenges. Some say this is the responsibility of parents, but most also realize our future is largely determined by the quality of teachers and specific curriculum provided students. Thirty-three years ago, in 1985, the New York Times' Magazine published a lengthy article titled, Decline and Fall of Teaching History. Twenty-five years later, in 2010, results from the 2010 gold standard of testing (the National Assessment of Educational Progress) showed that only 13 percent of the nation's high school seniors, 18 percent of 8th graders, and 22 percent of fourth graders showed proficiency in their knowledge of American history. It would be folly to believe that results have improved during the past eight years. A once valued subject -- American history -- is no longer treated as a priority in our public schools, which will have dire ramifications as children grow up ignorant and unaware of the essential beliefs which have guided our nation for nearly three centuries. Daniel Doherty in his article, The Decline of American History in Public Schools, presented these excellent reasons as to why history is important to study: We study our own history, at least in part, to commemorate and remember all of those who gave their lives to preserve the liberties and freedoms we cherish as Americans. To forget the suffering of Washington and his army at Valley Forge, the determination of the soldiers at Normandy, or the courage of the passengers aboard Flight 93 would be an affront to their legacy and reflect the narcissism and ingratitude of our own people. "Furthermore, by reducing the importance of U.S. history in public schools, we deprive American children of an opportunity to learn about their heritage. And in so doing, we fail these students by neglecting to adequately educate them. The study of history -- and particularly American history cultivates an understanding and appreciation for the ideals the nation was founded upon. Thomas Jefferson, for example, believed deeply than an educated citizenry was essential to the preservation of the American experiment. After all, how can one expect posterity to preserve American democratic principles if they cannot define what they are?" What is being taught in our schools absolutely impacts an individual's future as well as that of our nation. Obviously, our nations history must be taught, with examples of our successes and failures explained so that each generation has facts and knowledge to help them succeed in creating a better future. Here are 25 American History facts that most students don't know. How well would you do? Prevailing Common Core History Standards: Founding Documents In 2010, every state but Alaska, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia adopted Common Core educational standards, as set of requirements for what elementary and secondary school children should know in each grade. Common Core did not originate as a "state-led" process, but a group of private trade organizations commissioned a small group of consultants to write Common Core behind closed doors. This elite-drive, closed-door process initially created a set of what can accurately be described as mediocre mandates in math and English Language Arts. Later Science and Social Studies were added to the Common Core curriculum. Joy Pullmann, an authority on Common Core, relates in her article, If Anything, Common Core Teaches Kids to Hate the Constitution, that although "the Common Core identifies three text -- and only three texts -- that every American student must read: the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution (Preamble and Bill of Rights), and Abraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address, Hillsdale's history professor Dr. Terrence Moore, upon thoroughly examining Common Core mandates, was shocked to find that the texts have been artfully selected to convey a particular bias against the Founding Fathers. In his book, The Story-Killers, Moore notes how the first mention of the Constitution is in middle school, and Common Core only recommends that students read the Preamble and First Amendment. An inch and a half below the listing of the Preamble and First Amendment for the middle school, is the recommendation to read Monk, Linda R. Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution. This annotated guide to the Constitution transmits what the authors of the Common Core want young people of this nation to think about the Constitution, that the Founding Fathers were racists and male chauvinists and therefore the nature of the Constitution must be evolving. As to why legislators are not concerned with the biased and abbreviated ways in which the very important Founding Documents are being presented? Simply seeing the words Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence seems to satisfy them. As to parents, most have no idea what their children are being taught in the public schools under the guise of the Common Core curriculum, which was portrayed as reform agenda. New Civics as a form of anarchy A 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that only 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government, which was a significant decline from previous years. Only nine states and the District of Columbia require one year of U.S. government or civics. Thirty-one states only require a half-year of civics or U.S. government education, and 10 states have no civics requirement. Civics in the traditional American sense meant learning about how our republic governs itself. Now there is the dangerous rise of "New Civics." While New Civics claims the name of civics, New Civics is really a form of anti-civics. The New Civics sweeping colleges and K-12 teaches that citizenship means looking for grievances, then agitating for bigger government to address them. Expressly, if U.S. civics education exists at all, is being transformed into a political machine to push left-wing causes, undermine American government, and incite civil unrest. According to Peter Wood, NAS President: Its largest preoccupation is getting students to engage in coordinated social action. Sometimes this involves political protest, but most commonly it involves volunteering for projects that promote progressive causes. Whatever one might think of these activities in their own right, they are a considerable distance away from what Americans used to mean by the word civics.' Find here a 525-page report about New Civics from the National Association of Scholars, which joins the growing number of critics who believe that some version of traditional civics needs to be restored to American education. This should be a bi-partisan concern. For America to function as a self-governing republic, Americans must possess a basic understanding of their government. That was one of the original purposes of public education and it has been the lodestar of higher education in our nation from the beginning. MIllennials clueless about Socialism Cal Thomas, in his article, Millennials are clueless about Socialism (call it the 'Bernie Sanders effect'), writes: Many millennials are OK with socialism, even communism, according to a YouGov poll commissioned by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Forty-five percent of those polled between the ages of 16 and 20 said they would vote for a socialist, while 20 percent said they could vote for a communist. Even more shocking is the poll's discovery that: 1/3 of millennials believe more people were killed under George W. Bush than Joseph Stalin, whose regime murdered 20 million people between 1924 and 1953. The total killed under all communist regimes (so far) is estimated at 100 million. Capitalism, which offers millennials more opportunities than the socialism and communism so many of them admire, is viewed favorably by 42 percent of young people. More than half of millennials say the capitalism system works against them, while four in 10 call for a complete change so that the highest earners pay their fair share in taxes. Cal Thomas reasons that "in part, these results are a product of a public education system that increasingly treats all ideas and organizing principles save democracy and capitalism as equal. Moral judgments are not to be made, thanks in part to an emerging philosophy divorced from right and wrong." Liberals, through the adoption of the Common Core agenda in our schools, are succeeding in shaping young peoples minds, which should be a call to parents to rescue their children from an education system that is failing them on many levels. Srinagar:Newly appointed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Monday slammed India for lack of any meaningful improvement on addressing issues highlighted in the UN report on human rights violations in Kashmir. It was Bachelets first address to the United Nations Human Rights Council after her appointment while succeeding Zeid Raad al Hussain as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights this month. In her opening remarks at the 39th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Bachelet said the people of Kashmir had the same rights to justice and dignity as people all over the world, The Indian Express quoted Bachelet as having said. The people of Kashmir have exactly the same rights to justice and dignity as people all over the world and we urge authorities to respect them, she said. Bachelet also reiterated the UNHRCs request for unconditional access to Kashmir on either side of the Line of Control, the report said. The Office of the HRC continues to request permission to visit both sides of the LoC, and in the meantime, will continue its monitoring and reporting, she said. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council in June, Bachelets predecessor Zeid Hussain had sought an establishment of a commission of inquiry to conduct a comprehensive independent international investigation into allegations of human rights violations in Kashmir and asked the governments of India and Pakistan to fully respect the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir as protected under international law. Srinagar: Shattered by the assassination of her husband, 35-year old Nazia Akhtar appears unable to deal with the tragedy that struck her family on Saturday. Hurriyat(G) activist Rehman Sultani, 42, was killed by unknown gunmen near his home in Bomai. Did the assailant not know he was going to orphan five daughters besides widowing a mother, Akhtar said, wailing and mourning at her home on Sunday. She gazed at her youngest daughter Duha Hakim, just four years of age, who couldnt understand the difference between being ill and being dead. When she (Duha) saw the body of her father, she cried mama, dont we have sufficient money to treat Abuji. We will approach nearby darasgah, they keep money in a collection box, said the mother of five girls aged between 15 and 4 years. Hugging each of her daughters, Akhtar screamed uncontrollably in pain. The youngest was born while her deceased husband, Sultani was in jail and saw her first when she was three months old. The grieving widow said that early Saturday morning Sultani received a call from police asking him to accompany them to court for a challan was to be produced in one of the cases against him. He feared arrest, Akhtar said, but instead got a bullet in his head on his return from the court as he was approaching his home in a vehicle. None of us heard any sound of bullet. The unknown gunmen fired from a silencer fitted pistol as evident from the empty cartilage, said her father, Muhammad Yahya. Family members say Sultani got associated with Tehreek-e-Hurriyat soon after he spearheaded a successful agitation for the removal of an army post in Bomai, which was known as Rajinder post, after soldiers from the camp were accused of killing two youths in the area in 2009. Sultani actively participated in the 2016 agitation, however, he never advocated stone pelting and believed in peaceful agitation, his family says. He (Sultani) used to participate in protests but was never involved in any type of violence, said Abdul Rashid, his relative, adding that the deceased was arrested that year under PSA and jailed for two years. Sultani was released from prison a few months earlier and had started leading Friday prayers in a local mosque. He was leading a normal life. On Friday he used to lead prayers at a nearby mosque and thereafter he would remain busy at his field besides taking care of his children, said his father-in-law. Sultanis family refute militants killed him, saying his past association with different agitations was the most likely cause. He was not in the good books of different security agencies. Even during 2010 agitation he was hit with a bullet in leg allegedly by government forces and remained bedridden for around seven months, Sultanis uncle said. 1 killed, 2 injured in Salyan pickup van accident A person died and two others were injured when a pickup van met with an accident at Sharada Municipality-13 in Salyan on Monday. All 6 missing bodies of boat capsize recovered Bodies of all six missing victims of Begnas boat capsize were recovered on Sunday, taking the death toll in Saturdays tragic incident to eight. Bangladesh set to buy power from Nepal The recently held Cabinet meeting of the Bangladeshi government has approved its statutory bodys proposal to import electricity generated by the Upper Karnali Hydropower Project in western Nepal, which is currently being developed by an Indian company. Catch them or else If Nepal still cannot prosecute war crimes at home, other countries may step in Court extends Bistas judicial remand The Kanchanpur District Court on Sunday extended the judicial remand of Dilip Singh Bista, a mentally ill person that Kanchanpur police claim to have raped and murdered 13-year-old Nirmala Panta, by four days. Dashain becomes a bargaining chip The arrival of Dashain, the most significant Hindu festival that witnesses a mass departure from the countrys capital city Kathmandu, has become a bargaining chip for transport entrepreneurs who seem hell-bent on getting the government to lift the freeze on their bank accounts.Holiday travel plans of over 2.5 million people are at stake as the private-sector players remain adamant about not starting advance bookings for the festival until their demands are fulfilled. The government authorities, on the other hand, appear to be clueless about what measures to take to open advance bookings ahead of Dashain. Erring Ministers will be punished Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Co-chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal claimed that his three-day visit to India had been successful. Girls death sparks protest The locals of Chakki Bazaar in Mahakali Municipality-7, Kanchanpur, staged a sit-in outside the municipal office building on Sunday, demanding investigation into the death of Kabita Thagunna. India ups flight security after hijack alert The Indian government has significantly increased the number of air marshals on Kathmandu-bound flights, particularly from Delhi, after security forces and aviation agencies received clue of a possible hijack attempt, The Hindustan Times reported. Inter-State Council meeting postponed Irked by the activities of provincial chief ministers, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has postponed the much-awaited first Inter-State Council meeting scheduled for 11am on Sunday. With this unprecedented move, the prime minister has sent a clear message to the chief ministers that he was not happy with their recent activities including their joint meeting at Pokhara. Kanchanpur rape, murder case: Govt probe committee member resigns A member of the high level investigation committee formed by the Home Ministry toprobe the rape and subsequent murder of 13-year-old NirmalaPanta of Kanchanpur resigned on Monday. Man held with leopards pelt Police arrested a 19-year-old man in possession of a leopards pelt from Aathbis Municipality-2 in Dailekh district on Thursday. Nepal Army to participate in BIMSTEC drill as observer A day after withdrawing its participation from the controversial BIMSTEC joint military exercise, Nepali officials decided on Sunday that Nepal will participate as an observer in the drill. NMA officials meet Health Minister Yadav Nepal Medical Association (NMA) officials met with the Health and Population Minister Upendra Yadav on Sunday to remind him of their ultimatum to address their demand that the ministry withdraw the provisions in the Criminal Code regarding medical negligence. No more in dependence The trade and transit agreement with China ends Nepals dependence on India Police make public 2 arrested with 10 kg gold Police on Monday made public two persons arrested in possession of 10 kg gold from Sardibas, Chumnubri Rural Municipality-3, Gorkha on Saturday. Police minister Jelta Wong says crime will drop during the APEC summit - but its what follows that has many Papua New Guineans deeply concerned YUAN MENGCHEN, WANG HONGYU & LEVI J PARSONS | Xinhua PORT MORESBY -- Papua New Guinea's police minister Jelta Wong says there should be no concerns about safety for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in November and participants will have the "best security" for the event. The APEC economic leaders' meeting brings together 21 member economies as well as thousands of media representatives, delegates and support staff. With such a huge logistical undertaking, PNG police and its armed forces have spent over a year performing drills and training exercises to make sure everything is "perfect" when APEC participants arrive. According to the minister, equipped with the latest security surveillance gear and communications technology from China, authorities now have the capability to detect incidents before they happen. "PNG wants to see, touch and embrace the world leaders because this is the first time they've come to our country," Wong told Xinhua. He said domestic crime rates will fall during the summit. He said if there is any issue during the event, he will personally travel to the location and make sure it is fixed, 24 hours a day. UNDPA officially closes its Nepal liaison office The United Nations Department of Political Affairs has officially closed the doors of its Nepal Liaison Office, which was established in 2011 following the closure of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, the UN said in a statement on Friday. Writ filed at SC against agreement to amend Criminal Code The Forum for Protection of Consumer Rights has filed a writ petition at the Supreme Court (SC) against the agreement reached between the government and Nepal Medical Association (NMA) regarding amendments to provisions of the newly enforced Criminal Code. 1. Yes. If a city of 150,000 cant provide safe drinking water for 10 days, a probe is needed. 2. Yes. Not only should there be a state investigation, but customers should get a rebate. 3. No. The city will be working with TCEQ to develop an after-action plan. That will suffice. 4. No. The whole episode was just an annoyance. An outside investigaton is unnecessary. 5. Unsure. Its hard to say without knowing more details about the issue. Vote View Results Ruth Anderah . The High court has ordered Detective Senior Commissioner of Police Elly Womanya or any other Police Officer in whose custody Eddie Mutwe is being illegally detained, to release him unconditionally and immediately. Justice Musa Ssekaana made the order following the submission of the applicants Lawyer Eron Kiiza, informing court that since 4th of this month when the Attorney Generals representative Peter Tusuubira informed court that they were charging Bobi Wines Body Guard with Treason before Gulu Magistrate court; upto today this has not been done. Now Justice Ssekaana says his Court cannot sanction such violation of the Constitution, the Police must release him as per the laws governing habeous corpus proceedings. An advocate Eron Kiiza filed an application before the High court in Kampala indicating that the family of Eddie Ssebuufu a.k.a Eddy Mutwe did not know his where about, since his arrest on August 25th 2018 from Kamwokya Ssemakokiro Plaza in Kampala. Court heard that Eddy Mutwe was picked by the Militarys Special Forces Command Soldiers on the fateful day and taken to Mbuya, so he wanted the Attorney General of Government, the CDF and the Director Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence to ensure that Eddy Mutwe is produced in court if he committed any crime. The lawyer says his continued detention without trial, and more than the mandatory 48hrs is unconstitutional. By Damali Mukhaye. The opposition forum for Democratic change has revealed that it is going to launch a private investigation into the continuous killing of Ugandans by unknown assailants. This follows the death of the former Buyende DPC Muhammad Kirumira who was gunned down on Saturday together with Resty Nalinya at Bulenga. Addressing journalists at the party headquarters in Najjanakumbi, the party president Patrick Amuriat said government has failed to ensure justice prevails since no report has been given for the previous killings. It is from this that Amuriat says they are starting up their own investigations. Kirumiras shooting happened exactly three months after the former Arua municipality MP Ibrahim Abiriga was also killed in a similar manner. By Ritah Kemigisa. The minister for East African Affairs Julius Maganda has revealed that parliament can be legally abolished if legislators go astray in the constitutional obligations. His remarks come at a time the president warned that he can do away with parliament. His statement followed the much anticipated debate which He opposed on the findings of a parliamentary probe into the Arua violence which led to the brutal arrest and torture of MPs and other civilians. Now Maganda says the presidents warning is just a reminder to the legislators to do their work. He says laws are there and can thus be revisited and reviewed by the president to end parliament. By Moses Ndhaye. President Yoweri Museveni insists that non-government organizations are funding demonstrations in the city. He says that these civil society Organizations are targeting the jobless youth whom they pay to burn tires in the middle of the roads and he says this must stop. On Saturday last week, a consortium of civil society organizations in a joint press conference denied engaging in giving money to the youth to carry out demonstrations as government alleges. President Museveni meanwhile also warned opposition leaders to stop engaging in acts which are bound to destabilize the country. He has asked them to stop telling lies to the foreign powers adding that these external powers will not help in the developing the country. Museveni meanwhile warned the media to stop reporting negatively about issues affecting the nation. Monday, September 10, 2018 The Georgia Supreme Court accepted a petition for voluntary discipline of an 18 month suspension of an attorney who pleaded guilty to a felony Peeping Tom charge The indictment charged him with unlawfully going upon a residential premises of a named individual for the purpose of becoming a peeping tom, at which time he peeped through the windows of the residence and invaded the individuals privacy. Dale was sentenced, as a first offender, to four years to be served on probation, provided that he complies with the terms of his probation, which include that he pay restitution to the victim in the amount of $1,200, that he perform 40 hours of community service, and that he serve four weekends in jail. The State Bar acknowledges that these three conditions have already been satisfied, and also that Dale has paid a fine and surcharges to the court, and that he pays monthly probation and Georgia Crime Victims Emergency Fund fees of $32. Dale also remains subject to producing specimens as requested to be tested for the presence of drugs and alcohol, and to protective and no-contact orders with respect to the victim and her family, as well as a waiver of his Fourth Amendment rights. Mitigating factors justified a sanction less than disbarment The record includes numerous letters from individuals who have known Dale for a significant period of time in various roles and settings. Each of the letters expresses the writers opinion that Dales conduct represents an aberration in an otherwise commendable life. Some of the writers indicate they have personal knowledge that the criminal conduct arose at a time when Dale was facing a challenging time in his personal and professional life. And some of the writers vouch for the fact that Dale has expressed deep remorse for his conduct and that they believe he has been rehabilitated. The State Bar agrees that the voluntary discipline sought by Dale is an appropriate level of discipline under the circumstances and in light of the applicable mitigating factors. (Mike Frisch) At Varirata at the weekend, raskol opportunists targeted a young family and stole their belongings and their car. Tawali, an East Cape resort only accessible by boat, has been the target of three robberies in as many years an example of the decline of law and order in Milne Bay previously considered one of the safest destinations for local and international tourists. More than 20 tourists were taken hostage and robbed at gunpoint at Tawali Dive Resort in Milne Bay over the Repentance Day long weekend and on Saturday a group was held-up at Varirata National Park just outside Port Moresby. PORT MORESBY Our promise to the world that Papua New Guinea will provide a safe and secure APEC has been undermined by a recent increase of criminal activity including serious incidents at some of PNGs supposed safest locations. Tawali Dive Resort where 20 tourists were taken hostage at gunpoint recently. Milne Bay and its many beautiful locations have become a tourism mecca over the last few years. Have PNG's raskols begun to work out that where there's tourism, there's lucrative pickings? The magnificent Varirata national park overlooking Port Moresby has been a great picnic spot for over 50 years. But not far enough from the capital to be safe While crime affecting privileged tourists and expatriates often attracts global attention, it is a tiny proportion of the law and order crisis in PNG, with the countrys women being by far the most at risk in frequency and severity of violence. The intensifying increase in crime has been attributed to the squeeze on people who are under immense financial pressure and growing poverty because of a declining economy. While expatriates, tourists and foreigners do not rate a mention in the World Banks Trends in Crime and Violence in Papua New Guinea, PNGs crime figures are extremely high by any measure for example, the murder rate in Lae is 14 times higher than Nairobi and are probably underreported due to a widespread lack of confidence in the formal institutions of law and order. When a 15 year old boy was brutally assaulted by police in August, there was outrage domestically and abroad but this incident cannot be viewed in isolation. Papua New Guinea has a longstanding tradition of military-style and heavy-handed policing, and some of my fellow countrymen assert direct links between this behaviour and that of some kiaps under the previous Australian colonial administration. There is deeply ingrained public distrust of law enforcers, who are known for extortion attempts, disproportionate and unnecessary violence and gang-like activities. PNG is ready to host the 2018 APEC forum in Port Moresby with security high on the agenda. But locals are asking 'what happens after the fun & games'? This year has seen the Papua New Guinean security presence in Port Moresby substantially beefed up the sirens of motorcades an ever-present part of life as are the police with their new cars, motorbikes and jet skis. Our officials are so worried that APEC member countries have been given special dispensation to bring their own safety and security personnel with them to protect their leaders and delegates. On 19 November, we will officially pass the APEC baton to Chile, and Port Moresbys glossy new exterior and heightened levels of security will quickly disintegrate. But the concern for those who live here, and whose country it is, are that this footnote in economic history may end up being the flame for a tinderbox that is ready to ignite. * Safua Siune is a pen name Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 6 Vote(s) - 3 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 09-09-2018 06:30 AM Posts: 67,593 Post: #1 Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen Advertisement But Judge Dolly Maizie Gee denied their request to seal the records quickly without pleadings, and today Qatars lawyers released a plan to seal much of the plaintiffs filings that allege factually that the plaintiff is a secret agent of their government who pretended to be a private citizen to entice their American plaintiffs into a contract, which was really a front for a spy ring. There are three reasons Qatar is probably so desperate to suppress this information about their government agent. Firstly, the Qataris are probably worried that SDNY prosecutors may implicate Al-Rumaihi in one of Michael Cohens crimes now that hes a cooperating witness. Second, Qatars initial false claims in open court the deposition is not a fully open proceeding were tailored to protect their spy, Al-Rumaihi, from being deposed in court. Lastly, Al-Rumaihis secret spying operation potentially exposes him to federal criminal charges for spying, unregistered foreign agency, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. Also, the Qatari government probably wants to maintain plausible deniability of the entire spying operation, though that ship has sailed one story at a time this year. However, four months into the federal libel trial, things arent looking good for Ahmed Al-Rumaihi and Qatar, now that their lawyers at DLA Piper have admitted that he wasnt a private citizen, but rather a government official. Qatars lawyers wrote: In March 2017, Mr. Al-Rumaihi was appointed member of the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs and Investments (SCEAI), to which QIA reports, and he maintains that position today. The SCEIA is the highest decision making body concerning energy, investment and economic affairs in Qatar. more: A federal judge in Los Angeles is being asked to seal the libel lawsuit that exposed the Qatari governments national spy ring in America with direct connections to the Al Thani royal family.But Judge Dolly Maizie Gee denied their request to seal the records quickly without pleadings, and today Qatars lawyers released a plan to seal much of the plaintiffs filings that allege factually that the plaintiff is a secret agent of their government who pretended to be a private citizen to entice their American plaintiffs into a contract, which was really a front for a spy ring.There are three reasons Qatar is probably so desperate to suppress this information about their government agent.Firstly, the Qataris are probably worried that SDNY prosecutors may implicate Al-Rumaihi in one of Michael Cohens crimes now that hes a cooperating witness. Second, Qatars initial false claims in open court the deposition is not a fully open proceeding were tailored to protect their spy, Al-Rumaihi, from being deposed in court. Lastly, Al-Rumaihis secret spying operation potentially exposes him to federal criminal charges for spying, unregistered foreign agency, and conspiracy to defraud the United States.Also, the Qatari government probably wants to maintain plausible deniability of the entire spying operation, though that ship has sailed one story at a time this year.However, four months into the federal libel trial, things arent looking good for Ahmed Al-Rumaihi and Qatar, now that their lawyers at DLA Piper have admitted that he wasnt a private citizen, but rather a government official. Qatars lawyers wrote:In March 2017, Mr. Al-Rumaihi was appointed member of the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs and Investments (SCEAI), to which QIA reports, and he maintains that position today.The SCEIA is the highest decision making body concerning energy, investment and economic affairs in Qatar.more: spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 09-09-2018 08:49 AM Posts: 67,593 Post: #2 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460982 09-09-2018 11:55 AM Post: #3 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen we're colludin' they're hatin' spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 09-09-2018 01:48 PM Posts: 67,593 Post: #4 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen Eustace Muffins Banned User ID: 442047 09-09-2018 03:34 PM Posts: 11,088 Post: #5 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen NormalIsSubjective User ID: 460774 09-09-2018 03:50 PM Posts: 21,601 Post: #6 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen spo snouou Wrote: (09-09-2018 06:30 AM) A federal judge in Los Angeles is being asked to seal the libel lawsuit that exposed the Qatari governments national spy ring in America with direct connections to the Al Thani royal family. But Judge Dolly Maizie Gee denied their request to seal the records quickly without pleadings, and today Qatars lawyers released a plan to seal much of the plaintiffs filings that allege factually that the plaintiff is a secret agent of their government who pretended to be a private citizen to entice their American plaintiffs into a contract, which was really a front for a spy ring. There are three reasons Qatar is probably so desperate to suppress this information about their government agent. Firstly, the Qataris are probably worried that SDNY prosecutors may implicate Al-Rumaihi in one of Michael Cohens crimes now that hes a cooperating witness. Second, Qatars initial false claims in open court the deposition is not a fully open proceeding were tailored to protect their spy, Al-Rumaihi, from being deposed in court. Lastly, Al-Rumaihis secret spying operation potentially exposes him to federal criminal charges for spying, unregistered foreign agency, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. Also, the Qatari government probably wants to maintain plausible deniability of the entire spying operation, though that ship has sailed one story at a time this year. However, four months into the federal libel trial, things arent looking good for Ahmed Al-Rumaihi and Qatar, now that their lawyers at DLA Piper have admitted that he wasnt a private citizen, but rather a government official. Qatars lawyers wrote: In March 2017, Mr. Al-Rumaihi was appointed member of the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs and Investments (SCEAI), to which QIA reports, and he maintains that position today. The SCEIA is the highest decision making body concerning energy, investment and economic affairs in Qatar. more: Is there a Kushner angle lurking in that mess somewhere? The son-in-law has some interesting Qatari connections. Is there a Kushner angle lurking in that mess somewhere?The son-in-law has some interesting Qatari connections. spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 09-09-2018 05:47 PM Posts: 67,593 Post: #7 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen NormalIsSubjective Wrote: (09-09-2018 03:50 PM) Is there a Kushner angle lurking in that mess somewhere? The son-in-law has some interesting Qatari connections. yes well ..quite possibly Quote: accepting Kushners new spin about his security clearance forms shows he failed to surround himself with assistants capable of handling communications or lawyers who could read a government form and make sure their client couldnt be accused of a felony. Thats not the sort of team you want handling foreign policy, which requires careful communication. Less than a month after I first asked why anyone was defending him, Kushner made his most egregious foreign policy error, helping convince President Trump to get fully behind the Saudi-led effort to isolate Qatar. That went against the advice of the departments of Defense and State, risked undermining the U.S. air campaign against ISIS, and ended up pushing Qatar closer to Iran. Its Hard To Overstate How Badly Trump Botched The Qatar Crisis The presidents avoidable errors made things worse yes well ..quite possibly LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 451917 09-09-2018 06:05 PM Post: #8 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen "Imran Awan, the former long-time staffer of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and other congressional Democrats pled guilty Tuesday to one count of making a false statement on a home equity loan. Which is ridiculous. He was caught leaking confidential information from the servers of Congress to foreign agents. The U.S. Attorneys Office for the District of Columbia issued a press release about Awans plea agreement that excluded any mention of his IT work for Congressional Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz. The headline: Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Making False Statement on Application for Home Equity Loan, indicates the DOJ is covering up one of the worst scandals in American history. Frank Miniter, whose new book, Spies in Congress,details the alleged spy ring believed to be led by Awan that may have been operating in the offices of more than 40 Democratic members of Congress." This sounds almost as bad as the awan (pakastani) spy operation that was enabled by democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz"Imran Awan, the former long-time staffer of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and other congressional Democrats pled guilty Tuesday to one count of making a false statement on a home equity loan. Which is ridiculous.He was caught leaking confidential information from the servers of Congress to foreign agents.The U.S. Attorneys Office for the District of Columbia issued a press release about Awans plea agreement that excluded any mention of his IT work for Congressional Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz. The headline: Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Making False Statement on Application for Home Equity Loan, indicates the DOJ is covering up one of the worst scandals in American history.Frank Miniter, whose new book, Spies in Congress,details the alleged spy ring believed to be led by Awan that may have been operating in the offices of more than 40 Democratic members of Congress." spo snouou Vocem sine nomine audivit! User ID: 350320 09-09-2018 11:55 PM Posts: 67,593 Post: #9 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen He Man Subscriber User ID: 426524 09-09-2018 11:58 PM Posts: 39,619 Post: #10 RE: Qatar begs federal judge to hide lawsuit exposing spy ring links to Michael Cohen NormalIsSubjective Wrote: (09-09-2018 03:50 PM) spo snouou Wrote: (09-09-2018 06:30 AM) A federal judge in Los Angeles is being asked to seal the libel lawsuit that exposed the Qatari governments national spy ring in America with direct connections to the Al Thani royal family. But Judge Dolly Maizie Gee denied their request to seal the records quickly without pleadings, and today Qatars lawyers released a plan to seal much of the plaintiffs filings that allege factually that the plaintiff is a secret agent of their government who pretended to be a private citizen to entice their American plaintiffs into a contract, which was really a front for a spy ring. There are three reasons Qatar is probably so desperate to suppress this information about their government agent. Firstly, the Qataris are probably worried that SDNY prosecutors may implicate Al-Rumaihi in one of Michael Cohens crimes now that hes a cooperating witness. Second, Qatars initial false claims in open court the deposition is not a fully open proceeding were tailored to protect their spy, Al-Rumaihi, from being deposed in court. Lastly, Al-Rumaihis secret spying operation potentially exposes him to federal criminal charges for spying, unregistered foreign agency, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. Also, the Qatari government probably wants to maintain plausible deniability of the entire spying operation, though that ship has sailed one story at a time this year. However, four months into the federal libel trial, things arent looking good for Ahmed Al-Rumaihi and Qatar, now that their lawyers at DLA Piper have admitted that he wasnt a private citizen, but rather a government official. Qatars lawyers wrote: In March 2017, Mr. Al-Rumaihi was appointed member of the Supreme Council for Economic Affairs and Investments (SCEAI), to which QIA reports, and he maintains that position today. The SCEIA is the highest decision making body concerning energy, investment and economic affairs in Qatar. more: Is there a Kushner angle lurking in that mess somewhere? The son-in-law has some interesting Qatari connections. That is what I was thinking also. Interesting thread. 5* That is what I was thinking also. Interesting thread. 5* Making LOP Great again since 06-07-2013! Robert Reich @RBReich "News flash: If you ban mask mandates, outlaw abortions, dictate what educators can teach in schools, and stop people from voting, you're not the party of "limited government."" Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 5 Vote(s) - 4.2 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460865 09-10-2018 01:41 AM Post: #1 China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against Advertisement by Tyler Durden Fri, 09/07/2018 - 04:55 China has launched ahead of the United States with several dozen successful hypersonic missile tests that Washington cannot ignore, Missile Defense Agency commander Lieutenant General Samuel Greaves warned Tuesday. The Chinese have now done several dozen successful hypersonic (missile) tests we just cannot (ignore), Greaves briefed a group of government officials held by the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance. Under Secretary of Defense for Management and Engineering Michael Griffin also acknowledged that China had alarmingly carried out dozens of successful hypersonic missile tests and warned that Russia was not far behind the Chinese in hypersonic missile development. Hypersonic missiles [are] being developed by both China and Russia. We are concerned about both When they have done dozens of tests we have not done that is a concern, he said. In August, China allegedly showed one the tests via footage from a new missile test that would likely make a mockery of US missile defense systems in battle. The experimental waverider vehicle, Chinas first, rides the shock waves generated during hypersonic flight. It could one day carry multiple nuclear warheads to North America undetected. China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Againstby Tyler Durden Fri, 09/07/2018 - 04:55China has launched ahead of the United States with several dozen successful hypersonic missile tests that Washington cannot ignore, Missile Defense Agency commander Lieutenant General Samuel Greaves warned Tuesday. The Chinese have now done several dozen successful hypersonic (missile) tests we just cannot (ignore), Greaves briefed a group of government officials held by the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance.Under Secretary of Defense for Management and Engineering Michael Griffin also acknowledged that China had alarmingly carried out dozens of successful hypersonic missile tests and warned that Russia was not far behind the Chinese in hypersonic missile development. Hypersonic missiles [are] being developed by both China and Russia. We are concerned about both When they have done dozens of tests we have not done that is a concern, he said.In August, China allegedly showed one the tests via footage from a new missile test that would likely make a mockery of US missile defense systems in battle. The experimental waverider vehicle, Chinas first, rides the shock waves generated during hypersonic flight. It could one day carry multiple nuclear warheads to North America undetected. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 418253 09-10-2018 01:45 AM Post: #2 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against If they destroy the US who would buy all their junk. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460865 09-10-2018 02:02 AM Post: #3 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 01:45 AM) If they destroy the US who would buy all their junk. If that happens no one will have to, beause they will move in and colonise what is left afterwards. If that happens no one will have to, beause they will move in and colonise what is left afterwards. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460404 09-10-2018 02:14 AM Post: #4 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against they know kung fu LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461319 09-10-2018 02:25 AM Post: #5 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against dont believe everything you read. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 446450 09-10-2018 02:35 AM Post: #6 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against Good. Time for the big dumb US bully to go the fuck home where it belongs until it is asked for its assistance. Time to end the war crimes. Now that other countries can openly challenge US hegemony, it's time to zip it. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 458005 09-10-2018 03:04 AM Post: #7 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against That is why they are not building massive aircraft carriers. The Chinese know that is old tech and easily sunk. The US is still building them due to kickbacks to corrupt politicians, not any real military advantage. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 457413 09-10-2018 03:23 AM Post: #8 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against The US has a lot of tricks up their sleeve. A lot that we dont know about. It seems like everyone else is behind the times. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 451695 09-10-2018 03:28 AM Post: #9 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against The time for Babylons destruction is at hand. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 457413 09-10-2018 03:32 AM Post: #10 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 02:35 AM) Good. Time for the big dumb US bully to go the fuck home where it belongs until it is asked for its assistance. Time to end the war crimes. Now that other countries can openly challenge US hegemony, it's time to zip it. Yeah, and win the russians and the Chinese are at your door whos your country going to call? Yeah, and win the russians and the Chinese are at your door whos your country going to call? LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461291 09-10-2018 03:36 AM Post: #11 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 01:41 AM) China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against by Tyler Durden Fri, 09/07/2018 - 04:55 China has launched ahead of the United States with several dozen successful hypersonic missile tests that Washington cannot ignore, Missile Defense Agency commander Lieutenant General Samuel Greaves warned Tuesday. The Chinese have now done several dozen successful hypersonic (missile) tests we just cannot (ignore), Greaves briefed a group of government officials held by the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance. Under Secretary of Defense for Management and Engineering Michael Griffin also acknowledged that China had alarmingly carried out dozens of successful hypersonic missile tests and warned that Russia was not far behind the Chinese in hypersonic missile development. Hypersonic missiles [are] being developed by both China and Russia. We are concerned about both When they have done dozens of tests we have not done that is a concern, he said. In August, China allegedly showed one the tests via footage from a new missile test that would likely make a mockery of US missile defense systems in battle. The experimental waverider vehicle, Chinas first, rides the shock waves generated during hypersonic flight. It could one day carry multiple nuclear warheads to North America undetected. Good Good LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 451755 09-10-2018 03:36 AM Post: #12 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:23 AM) The US has a lot of tricks up their sleeve. A lot that we dont know about. It seems like everyone else is behind the times. Just wait for the beam of heaven .. Just wait for the.. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 457413 09-10-2018 03:45 AM Post: #13 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:36 AM) LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:23 AM) The US has a lot of tricks up their sleeve. A lot that we dont know about. It seems like everyone else is behind the times. Just wait for the beam of heaven .. Yup Yup LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 446450 09-10-2018 03:46 AM Post: #14 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:04 AM) That is why they are not building massive aircraft carriers. The Chinese know that is old tech and easily sunk. The US is still building them due to kickbacks to corrupt politicians, not any real military advantage. I concur. Carriers are 100% obsolete death traps. In any real war they'll all be relocated to the bottom of the sea.. I concur.Carriers are 100% obsolete death traps. In any real war they'll all be relocated to the bottom of the sea.. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 446450 09-10-2018 03:48 AM Post: #15 RE: China Just Tested Several Dozen Hypersonic Missiles The US Can't Defend Against LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:32 AM) LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 02:35 AM) Good. Time for the big dumb US bully to go the fuck home where it belongs until it is asked for its assistance. Time to end the war crimes. Now that other countries can openly challenge US hegemony, it's time to zip it. Yeah, and win the russians and the Chinese are at your door whos your country going to call? Paranoia alert* They're interested in commerce not conquest.. this is 2018 not 1576. Paranoia alert*They're interested in commerce not conquest.. this is 2018 not 1576. 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Disturbed Finger lickin' good User ID: 1 09-10-2018 04:17 AM Posts: 8,079 Post: #1 Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Advertisement Motive still unknown.... PuddyCat I Want Tuna User ID: 348173 09-10-2018 04:34 AM Posts: 23,112 Post: #2 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. The incident happened at about 11 p.m. on Sunday when a man attacked people with a knife and iron bar in front of the MK2 cinema on Quai de la Loire, a street in northeast Paris. Its an area frequented by party-goers. BFM TV reported that three people two men and a woman were injured in front of the cinema. A man who was playing petanque and saw the attack threw a ball on the suspect, causing him to flee. A short time later, two British tourists were stabbed on Rue Henri Nogueres, a nearby street, before the suspect was taken into custody by officers from the anti-crime brigade. A total of seven people were injured, including four people who were reported to be in critical condition. The suspect was also injured and was said to be unconscious. The AFP news agency reported that the suspect is a man from Afghanistan who targeted strangers in the street. It added that, according to a source close to the investigation, there is no indication of a link to terrorism. A man has gone on a stabbing spree in the French capital of Paris, injuring at least seven people including two British tourists, according to officials. A motive for the attack was not immediately known.The incident happened at about 11 p.m. on Sunday when a man attacked people with a knife and iron bar in front of the MK2 cinema on Quai de la Loire, a street in northeast Paris. Its an area frequented by party-goers.BFM TV reported that three people two men and a woman were injured in front of the cinema. A man who was playing petanque and saw the attack threw a ball on the suspect, causing him to flee.A short time later, two British tourists were stabbed on Rue Henri Nogueres, a nearby street, before the suspect was taken into custody by officers from the anti-crime brigade.A total of seven people were injured, including four people who were reported to be in critical condition. The suspect was also injured and was said to be unconscious.The AFP news agency reported that the suspect is a man from Afghanistan who targeted strangers in the street. It added that, according to a source close to the investigation, there is no indication of a link to terrorism. Politics only interests me because it transforms people into dribbling nincompoops (The World Is Mad) LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 456628 09-10-2018 04:41 AM Post: #3 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. excellent , scored a direct hit with a patonque ball . well done that man . of course it would be better if he threw a feminist at him but you can't have everything . LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461341 09-10-2018 04:48 AM Post: #4 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. There is that magic number again .................7 ! LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461352 09-10-2018 04:49 AM Post: #5 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Disturbed Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:17 AM) Motive still unknown.... "There once was a man from Nantucket" "There once was a man from Nantucket" Loud Sneeze lop guest User ID: 397577 09-10-2018 04:54 AM Post: #6 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Disturbed Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:17 AM) Motive still unknown.... Wink wink. Not to make light of it, but... Wink wink. Not to make light of it, but... CaramelVodka Registered User User ID: 443342 09-10-2018 04:54 AM Posts: 1,176 Post: #7 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. oh crap 2 of my good friends are there today Disturbed Finger lickin' good User ID: 1 09-10-2018 04:56 AM Posts: 8,079 Post: #8 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Loud Sneeze Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:54 AM) Disturbed Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:17 AM) Motive still unknown.... Wink wink. Not to make light of it, but... It's the European way of reporting things like this. In a few days it will probably turn out it's terrorism. It's the European way of reporting things like this.In a few days it will probably turn out it's terrorism. CaramelVodka Registered User User ID: 443342 09-10-2018 05:15 AM Posts: 1,176 Post: #9 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. its 5:13 AM Monday, September 10, 2018 (GMT+2) Time in Paris, France I wanna text my friend now but its too early Edit she just posted it's 5:50 a.m. I'm guessing she's good there in Rome now (This post was last modified: 09-10-2018 11:51 AM by CaramelVodka .) LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460137 09-10-2018 06:01 AM Post: #10 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. How come no psychologist cop diagnosed him instantly with insanity as usual? Disturbed Finger lickin' good User ID: 1 09-10-2018 06:03 AM Posts: 8,079 Post: #11 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. CaramelVodka Wrote: (09-10-2018 05:15 AM) its 5:13 AM Monday, September 10, 2018 (GMT+2) Time in Paris, France I wanna text my friend now but its too early im gunna have to wait till tomorrow AND SEE IF SHE POSTS PICS as normal I dont wanna text my friend and spook her shes on a romantic vacation right now I hope she's safe! I hope she's safe! LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461366 09-10-2018 07:32 AM Post: #12 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Disturbed Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:17 AM) Motive still unknown.... How do we know it's not a global citizen that did these horrific acts?? How do we know it's not a global citizen that did these horrific acts?? Archangel Michael User ID: 441975 09-10-2018 07:45 AM Posts: 14,103 Post: #13 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. 'Global citizens' have flooded Europe with these people for their own nefarious goal of destroying Europe and genociding Whites. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460750 09-10-2018 07:54 AM Post: #14 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Disturbed Wrote: (09-10-2018 04:17 AM) Motive still unknown.... Cultural enrichment as per Emmanuel Macron, President of France. He said he will bring in more. Cultural enrichmentas per Emmanuel Macron, President of France.He said he will bring in more. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 460750 09-10-2018 08:24 AM Post: #15 RE: Man From Afghanistan Stabs 7 people in Paris. Due to the influx of migrant registrations, we are no longer able to process applications for adoption. We are migrating our infrastructure to allow emergency hosting for our new server. Please excuse us. English Cultural enrichment by butchery. Pay back for the sheep voters choosing Macron instead of Le Pen. They asked for it. 8 are wounded among which 4 in severe critical condition. Macron in Marseille last week: "We need to legalize". (expect more). Adopt a migrant.Due to the influx of migrant registrations, we are no longer able to process applications for adoption. We are migrating our infrastructure to allow emergency hosting for our new server. Please excuse us.EnglishCultural enrichment by butchery.Pay back for the sheep voters choosing Macron instead of Le Pen.They asked for it.8 are wounded among which 4 in severe critical condition.Macron in Marseille last week: "We need to legalize".(expect more). Advertisement Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 2 Vote(s) - 3 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443824 09-10-2018 02:22 PM Post: #1 Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel Advertisement And it doesnt stop at Syria. Their main goal is regime change in Iran. The US goal in Syria is to control all the country's activities in the interests of Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said in an interview with Interaffairs. According to the FM, US neither wants Syria to be the main country of resistance to Israel, nor to have strategic relations with Iran and Russia, as it wants Syria to become one of the instruments of US foreign policy with the approval of Israel. Why would the US risk triggering WWIII in support of a nation that brings nothing back to the US?And it doesnt stop at Syria. Their main goal is regime change in Iran.The US goal in Syria is to control all the country's activities in the interests of Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said in an interview with Interaffairs.According to the FM, US neither wants Syria to be the main country of resistance to Israel, nor to have strategic relations with Iran and Russia, as it wants Syria to become one of the instruments of US foreign policy with the approval of Israel. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 454461 09-10-2018 04:08 PM Post: #2 RE: Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel OhZone Registered User User ID: 455065 09-10-2018 07:40 PM Posts: 139 Post: #3 RE: Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel Do not drink too deeply of the fount of knowledge lest you learn something you do not wish to know. It is very easy to deceive a man and very difficult to undeceive him. I never cease to be amazed at the ability of some people to override reason and negate logic. Flic Vange Registered User User ID: 400136 09-10-2018 08:00 PM Posts: 1,778 Post: #4 RE: Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel Kim Jong-un ought get rid of his nukes straight over Israel, 2 problems sorted at once. Voltaire: I detest your views but I would give my life to protect your rights to express them. Bitcoin-bc1qq9r87uasrxv59hz92zy9t47r96aezdfuqnujfx Bitcoin-bc1qq9r87uasrxv59hz92zy9t47r96aezdfuqnujfx LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461430 09-10-2018 08:05 PM Post: #5 RE: Syrian FM: US wants to control Syria in the interests of Israel All this Russia stuff to stop America and Russia from having a mutual relationship. If America and Russia got on, where would that leave England. England is always going to mess around with the USA to maintain their "historic" relationship. England is the USA's slimy little friend who will spread rumors about others so it can always be your bestest bud. Why did Britain move troops to Canada and France take over Mexico during the Civil War? Divide and conquer. Not only Israel. England to punch above its weight has always stirred up conflicts between anything that threatens its power relationships.All this Russia stuff to stop America and Russia from having a mutual relationship. If America and Russia got on, where would that leave England. England is always going to mess around with the USA to maintain their "historic" relationship.England is the USA's slimy little friend who will spread rumors about others so it can always be your bestest bud.Why did Britain move troops to Canada and France take over Mexico during the Civil War? Divide and conquer. Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 0 Vote(s) - 0 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Germany mulls future military options on Syria LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443824 09-10-2018 02:25 PM Post: #1 Germany mulls future military options on Syria Advertisement BERLIN (AP) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman says Germany is talking with allies about the situation in Syria but isn't confirming a report that Berlin is mulling the possibility of participating in future military strikes. Without naming sources, the Bild newspaper reported Monday that the defense ministry is examining the possibility of some kind of involvement in future military action if Syria's government carries out a further chemical attack. It said that followed a U.S. request to the chancellery. Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said that "of course the German government is in contact with partners and allies" on Syria. However, he said "there has been no situation in which a decision had to be made" and that he "won't participate in speculation." Now Germany is getting involved too. The stage is set for WWIII.BERLIN (AP) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman says Germany is talking with allies about the situation in Syria but isn't confirming a report that Berlin is mulling the possibility of participating in future military strikes.Without naming sources, the Bild newspaper reported Monday that the defense ministry is examining the possibility of some kind of involvement in future military action if Syria's government carries out a further chemical attack. It said that followed a U.S. request to the chancellery.Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert said that "of course the German government is in contact with partners and allies" on Syria. However, he said "there has been no situation in which a decision had to be made" and that he "won't participate in speculation." LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443824 09-10-2018 02:28 PM Post: #2 RE: Germany mulls future military options on Syria China to join Idlib offensive, took part in Russian Mediterranean drill. Chinese warships, fighter jets and bombers took part in the big, week-long Russian naval exercise in the eastern Mediterranean that ended on Saturday, Sept. 8, DEBKAfiles military sources reveal. It was the first time that Beijing took any military role in the seven-year Syrian war, a development that has been kept under close wraps by Moscow, Washington and Jerusalem. Our military sources report that 3,500 Chinese marines are on standby for flights to Syria to join the Russian-Iranian-Syrian campaign for retaking Idlib province from rebel hands. They will fly through Russia. Beijing owns a special interest in this campaign in view of the strong presence among the jihadist groups holed up in Idlib of several thousand Uighur Islamists from Xinjiang, who are members of the banned Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), Al Qaedas branch in China. All the power countries are in.China to join Idlib offensive, took part in Russian Mediterranean drill.Chinese warships, fighter jets and bombers took part in the big, week-long Russian naval exercise in the eastern Mediterranean that ended on Saturday, Sept. 8, DEBKAfiles military sources reveal. It was the first time that Beijing took any military role in the seven-year Syrian war, a development that has been kept under close wraps by Moscow, Washington and Jerusalem. Our military sources report that 3,500 Chinese marines are on standby for flights to Syria to join the Russian-Iranian-Syrian campaign for retaking Idlib province from rebel hands. They will fly through Russia. Beijing owns a special interest in this campaign in view of the strong presence among the jihadist groups holed up in Idlib of several thousand Uighur Islamists from Xinjiang, who are members of the banned Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), Al Qaedas branch in China. Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 2 Vote(s) - 5 Average 1 2 3 4 5 German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies ALADIN * weird wizard1* User ID: 456668 09-10-2018 03:31 PM Posts: 5,423 Post: #1 German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies Advertisement An exhibition of preserved human bodies can remain open in Berlin, a German court confirmed on Monday, ending a years-long legal battle between creator Dr Gunther von Hagens and the local council. The exhibit at Berlin's central Alexanderplatz square shows bodies that have been preserved through a method known as plastination, which drains them of fluids before replacing them with silicone. The process allows the skinned bodies of humans and animals to be exhibited in life-like poses. "The museum can continue to exist," Rurik von Hagens, the creator's son, told. A spokesman for the court also confirmed the settlement, saying the museum had agreed to announce the arrival of new exhibits two weeks in advance to give the council Berlin-Mitte time to determine the origin of the specimens. Under the table, a poker player hands over a card with his foot - a scene from the "Body Worlds" Gunther von Hagens' touring exhibition of preserved human bodies, "Koperwelten" or "Body Worlds," has been displayed in different locations around Germany and the world since 1996. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a ma s k on their nose and mouth ... German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodiesAn exhibition of preserved human bodies can remain open in Berlin, a German court confirmed on Monday, ending a years-long legal battle between creator Dr Gunther von Hagens and the local council.The exhibit at Berlin's central Alexanderplatz square shows bodies that have been preserved through a method known as plastination, which drains them of fluids before replacing them with silicone. The process allows the skinned bodies of humans and animals to be exhibited in life-like poses."The museum can continue to exist," Rurik von Hagens, the creator's son, told. A spokesman for the court also confirmed the settlement, saying the museum had agreed to announce the arrival of new exhibits two weeks in advance to give the council Berlin-Mitte time to determine the origin of the specimens.Under the table, a poker player hands over a card with his foot - a scene from the "Body Worlds"Gunther von Hagens' touring exhibition of preserved human bodies, "Koperwelten" or "Body Worlds," has been displayed in different locations around Germany and the world since 1996. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 459459 09-10-2018 03:58 PM Post: #2 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies I went to BODY WORLD in London UK. It was interesting and educational. loNe-RPT Registered User User ID: 450073 09-10-2018 04:12 PM Posts: 2,982 Post: #3 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies ALADIN Wrote: (09-10-2018 03:31 PM) German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies An exhibition of preserved human bodies can remain open in Berlin, a German court confirmed on Monday, ending a years-long legal battle between creator Dr Gunther von Hagens and the local council. The exhibit at Berlin's central Alexanderplatz square shows bodies that have been preserved through a method known as plastination, which drains them of fluids before replacing them with silicone. The process allows the skinned bodies of humans and animals to be exhibited in life-like poses. "The museum can continue to exist," Rurik von Hagens, the creator's son, told. A spokesman for the court also confirmed the settlement, saying the museum had agreed to announce the arrival of new exhibits two weeks in advance to give the council Berlin-Mitte time to determine the origin of the specimens. Under the table, a poker player hands over a card with his foot - a scene from the "Body Worlds" Gunther von Hagens' touring exhibition of preserved human bodies, "Koperwelten" or "Body Worlds," has been displayed in different locations around Germany and the world since 1996. ofcourse. - Canaan's myth that 'this ape body of us is the real body' needs to be maintained. ofcourse.- Canaan's myth that 'this ape body of us is the real body'needs to be maintained. loNe-RPT Registered User User ID: 450073 09-10-2018 04:15 PM Posts: 2,982 Post: #4 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies factually it is a "displaying of our Ape frame" . which burps and shits. so unlike Eden's . well - then you get why 'they' promote this sht. (This post was last modified: 09-10-2018 04:15 PM by loNe-RPT .) Travel assistant lop guest User ID: 433715 09-10-2018 05:03 PM Post: #5 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies I hope the donors were volunteers. Archeologists are just grave robbers with accreditation. singing spider terrarising the 'hood User ID: 461370 09-10-2018 05:10 PM Posts: 21,297 Post: #6 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies Travel assistant Wrote: (09-10-2018 05:03 PM) I hope the donors were volunteers. Archeologists are just grave robbers with accreditation. they were many people liked the idea to become an artsy scientific exhibit after death also conservation of mortal remains is not such a new idea Gunter von Hagens just developed a more perfect method they weremany people liked the idea to become an artsy scientific exhibit after deathalso conservation of mortal remains is not such a new ideaGunter von Hagens just developed a more perfect method nobody starts at point zero Travel assistant lop guest User ID: 433715 09-10-2018 05:35 PM Post: #7 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies I would like to see a plasticized obese person singing spider terrarising the 'hood User ID: 461370 09-10-2018 05:49 PM Posts: 21,297 Post: #8 RE: German court: Body Worlds Berlin can continue displaying dead bodies Travel assistant Wrote: (09-10-2018 05:35 PM) I would like to see a plasticized obese person I bet there is one in the exhibition I bet there is one in the exhibition nobody starts at point zero Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 0 Vote(s) - 0 Average 1 2 3 4 5 US to close Palestinian mission in Washington, official says Roddy's Creed Registered User User ID: 450888 09-10-2018 05:27 PM Posts: 5,455 Post: #1 US to close Palestinian mission in Washington, official says Advertisement The US State Department has announced it is shutting down the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington, DC, a move which a top PLO official says is aimed at collectively punishing the Palestinian people. We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian Mission to the US, Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Saeb Erekat said in a statement earlier. According to the official, the move is another affirmation of the US policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people. The situation shows that Washington is willing to disband the international system in order to protect Israeli crimes and attacks against the land and people of Palestine, Erekat stressed, adding that Palestine will not succumb to US threats and bullying. The official noted that Palestine continues to call upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open its immediate investigation into Israeli crimes. On late Sunday Reuters released a draft text by National Security Advisor John Bolton, which says that the US will fight back using any means necessary if the ICC ever dares to probe an American or an Israeli. In May this year the Palestinian Foreign Ministry asked the ICC to open a probe into Israeli violations against Palestinians, linked to illegal settlements, calling Tel Avivs actions crimes against humanity. The US move comes less than three weeks after Trump promised Palestinians that they will get something very good in future negotiations. Considering Americas unwavering support for Israel, Palestinian leadership was skeptical of US promises. In late August the White House withdrew all funding from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, describing its approach to handling the issue as unsustainable and the US contribution as disproportionate. The total number of registered Palestinian refugees qualifying for the UN assistance is more than 5 million. The UN agency said it was disappointed by the US move, saying that these very programs have a proven track record in creating one of the most successful human development processes and results in the Middle East. I do not label myself. What I stand for is based on my own convictions, and I don't care which box - the left one or the right one - they happen to belong. We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian Mission to the US, Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Saeb Erekat said in a statement earlier. According to the official, the move is another affirmation of the US policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people.The situation shows that Washington is willing to disband the international system in order to protect Israeli crimes and attacks against the land and people of Palestine, Erekat stressed, adding that Palestine will not succumb to US threats and bullying.The official noted that Palestine continues to call upon the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open its immediate investigation into Israeli crimes. On late Sunday Reuters released a draft text by National Security Advisor John Bolton, which says that the US will fight back using any means necessary if the ICC ever dares to probe an American or an Israeli. In May this year the Palestinian Foreign Ministry asked the ICC to open a probe into Israeli violations against Palestinians, linked to illegal settlements, calling Tel Avivs actions crimes against humanity.The US move comes less than three weeks after Trump promised Palestinians that they will get something very good in future negotiations. Considering Americas unwavering support for Israel, Palestinian leadership was skeptical of US promises.In late August the White House withdrew all funding from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, describing its approach to handling the issue as unsustainable and the US contribution as disproportionate. The total number of registered Palestinian refugees qualifying for the UN assistance is more than 5 million. The UN agency said it was disappointed by the US move, saying that these very programs have a proven track record in creating one of the most successful human development processes and results in the Middle East. Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 5 Vote(s) - 2.6 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:06 PM Post: #1 Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Advertisement Visitors wearing pornographic Alpine outfits at the Munich beer festival have been accused of tasteless cultural appropriation Personally, I think a dirndl can be very sexy. No, it cant. The dirndl is a dowdy and chaste form of national dress. The sexy version you see tourists wearing at Oktoberfest is a travesty. Are you sure you havent got that the wrong way round? Yes, Im sure. The sexy dirndl is the worst sort of cultural appropriation. Actually, I can think of several dozen worse sorts. I doubt it. Many Germans are appalled by what they see as a pornographic take on traditional dress, worn by British and Australian women visiting Oktoberfest. No, Hamburgerwagon says these dresses are great. It one of the best things about Oktoberfest in Cincinnati. Visitors wearing pornographic Alpine outfits at the Munich beer festival have been accused of tasteless cultural appropriationPersonally, I think a dirndl can be very sexy. No, it cant. The dirndl is a dowdy and chaste form of national dress. The sexy version you see tourists wearing at Oktoberfest is a travesty.Are you sure you havent got that the wrong way round? Yes, Im sure. The sexy dirndl is the worst sort of cultural appropriation.Actually, I can think of several dozen worse sorts. I doubt it. Many Germans are appalled by what they see as a pornographic take on traditional dress, worn by British and Australian women visiting Oktoberfest. Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:08 PM Post: #2 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs blind prophet Teiresias User ID: 458642 09-10-2018 07:09 PM Posts: 27,587 Post: #3 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs I went to one in Munich back in the 90's. But those outfits get a thumbs up from me sir. Also the gear some of the ladies wear at Renaissance fairs seems cool too. blind prophet Teiresias User ID: 458642 09-10-2018 07:10 PM Posts: 27,587 Post: #4 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs No likey fake boobs though. Eustace Muffins Banned User ID: 442047 09-10-2018 07:10 PM Posts: 11,088 Post: #5 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Hamburgerwagon Wrote: (09-10-2018 07:06 PM) Visitors wearing pornographic Alpine outfits at the Munich beer festival have been accused of tasteless cultural appropriation Personally, I think a dirndl can be very sexy. No, it cant. The dirndl is a dowdy and chaste form of national dress. The sexy version you see tourists wearing at Oktoberfest is a travesty. Are you sure you havent got that the wrong way round? Yes, Im sure. The sexy dirndl is the worst sort of cultural appropriation. Actually, I can think of several dozen worse sorts. I doubt it. Many Germans are appalled by what they see as a pornographic take on traditional dress, worn by British and Australian women visiting Oktoberfest. No, Hamburgerwagon says these dresses are great. It one of the best things about Oktoberfest in Cincinnati. Its very simple, unattractive-fat-flat chested women hate big breasts , especially big breasts on thin females . Its very simple, unattractive-fat-flat chested women hate big breasts , especially big breasts on thin females . LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 311341 09-10-2018 07:11 PM Post: #6 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Gag, no one wants to see those obnoxious lady lumps with all the head....on those beers. Eustace Muffins Banned User ID: 442047 09-10-2018 07:11 PM Posts: 11,088 Post: #7 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs blind prophet Wrote: (09-10-2018 07:10 PM) No likey fake boobs though. The 2nd picture in post#2 are of fake boobs. The 2nd picture in post#2 are of fake boobs. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443809 09-10-2018 07:11 PM Post: #8 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs It works the goat f*cker immigrants into a frenzy so they are going to have to crush German culture to pacify the invaders. one saw this one coming Pasta Lover Registered User User ID: 418981 09-10-2018 07:11 PM Posts: 9,463 Post: #9 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Hamburgerwagon Wrote: (09-10-2018 07:06 PM) Visitors wearing pornographic Alpine outfits at the Munich beer festival have been accused of tasteless cultural appropriation Personally, I think a dirndl can be very sexy. No, it cant. The dirndl is a dowdy and chaste form of national dress. The sexy version you see tourists wearing at Oktoberfest is a travesty. Are you sure you havent got that the wrong way round? Yes, Im sure. The sexy dirndl is the worst sort of cultural appropriation. Actually, I can think of several dozen worse sorts. I doubt it. Many Germans are appalled by what they see as a pornographic take on traditional dress, worn by British and Australian women visiting Oktoberfest. No, Hamburgerwagon says these dresses are great. It one of the best things about Oktoberfest in Cincinnati. It seems like you might be overcompensating. It seems like you might be overcompensating. Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:11 PM Post: #10 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs blind prophet Wrote: (09-10-2018 07:09 PM) I went to one in Munich back in the 90's. But those outfits get a thumbs up from me sir. Also the gear some of the ladies wear at Renaissance fairs seems cool too. Yes, yes, very fine ladies at the Oktoberfest. Yes, yes, very fine ladies at the Oktoberfest. Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:13 PM Post: #11 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Bring me a beer, HEIDI! LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461427 09-10-2018 07:14 PM Post: #12 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs I always bring the jugs to Oktoberfest Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:17 PM Post: #13 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 07:14 PM) I always bring the jugs to Oktoberfest Strange Candy that one jellybean what ruins yer bag User ID: 459231 09-10-2018 07:18 PM Posts: 37,353 Post: #14 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs You don't have to show any, of course. But I thought it was alright because know? Jugs n beer, a good time. Lederhosen is sexy. I always thought boobs and Oktoberfest went hand in hand.You don't have to show any, of course.But I thought it was alright because know? Jugs n beer, a good time.Lederhosen is sexy. Hamburgerwagon lop guest User ID: 459265 09-10-2018 07:18 PM Post: #15 RE: Germany's Oktoberfest War on Boobs Oktoberfest, the weekslong German celebration dating back to the 1800s is known for beer, traditional Bavarian food and parades, but recently it has become recognized for something else scantily clad women. At least thats how some Germans feel. In a newspaper interview, a Munich-based crime author accused tourists of poorly imitating dirndls, traditional Bavarian clothing worn by women during Oktoberfest. Franz Thalhammer, 70, a former chairman of Munich's Georgenstoana Baierbrunn folk group, called out Australian and Italian tourists specifically for sexualizing the uniform. Someone get this old dude a Viagara Oktoberfest, the weekslong German celebration dating back to the 1800s is known for beer, traditional Bavarian food and parades, but recently it has become recognized for something else scantily clad women. At least thats how some Germans feel.In a newspaper interview, a Munich-based crime author accused tourists of poorly imitating dirndls, traditional Bavarian clothing worn by women during Oktoberfest.Franz Thalhammer, 70, a former chairman of Munich's Georgenstoana Baierbrunn folk group, called out Australian and Italian tourists specifically for sexualizing the uniform. Advertisement Shanghai (Gasgoo)- Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd (Changan Automobile) reported that its August sales slumped 34.6% year on year to 134,222 units, while edging up 4.3% from the previous month. For the first eight months, the automaker delivered 1,470,332 vehicles in total, an evident year-on-year decline of 18.1%. The Changan Automobile's self-owned brand saw its August sales drop 17.5% over the year-ago period to 89,090 units, basically the same as the July performance. With the weather getting cooler, the automaker sees a sale growth prospect in the rest time of the year thanks to such stimulus factors as the back-to-school season and flock launching of new vehicles at the Chengdu Motor Show 2018, etc. SUV models still held the dominance among all vehicles delivered in August. The sales of the CS55 surged 31.7% month on month to 10,185 units. Changan Automobile will launch the new CS55 with upgraded exterior, interior and facilities on September 12. The sales of the CS75 presented a month-on-month jump of 17.2% with 7,605 vehicles delivered last month, terminating the consecutive downturn from the previous months. However, only 3,238 units of the CS35 SUV were handed over in August, showing up substantial decline year on year and month on month. At the Chengdu Motor Show 2018, the automaker unveiled the new-generation CS35 called the CS35 PLUS, the first Changan-branded model featuring Tencent's vehicle intelligent-connected system dubbed All in Car. The new model will go on sale in October. The EADO Series was still the hottest-selling sedan model. In August, the sales of the EADO Series amounted to 9,226 units, skyrocketing 118.5% compared with the same period a year ago. The second-generation of the EADO XT was launched at the Chengdu Motor Show, priced between RMB 77,900 to RMB 109,900. As to JV performances, Changan Ford saw its August sales tumble 65.9% from a year ago to 23,936, almost halved over the performance made in January. For the first eight months, the Sino-U.S. JV delivered a total of 275,572 vehicles, suffering a year-on-year plunge of 43.8%. Changan Mazda posted a month-on-month jump of 32.3% with 12,932 vehicles delivered in August. Meanwhile, the automaker's Jan-Aug sales edged down 3.6% over a year ago to 112,948 units. The CX-8 is set to hit the market in the second half of the year. Positioned as a mid-full size SUV model, the CX-8 is expected to further drive the overall sales. Moreover, Changan Automobile delivered 5,268 NEVs in August, a month-on-month growth of 16.9%. By far, the automaker's cumulative NEV sales have reached 40,950 units this year. Reportedly, there are another two new NEV models, namely, the all-new EADO EV and the CS75 PHEV, to be rolled out in the near future. Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 2 Vote(s) - 4 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Page: 1 2 3 4 China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:11 PM Post: #1 China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith Advertisement The campaign corresponds with a drive to "Sinicize" religion by demanding loyalty to the officially atheist Communist Party and eliminating any challenge to its power over people's lives." "China's government is ratcheting up a crackdown on Christian congregations in Beijing and several provinces, destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith, according to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China.The campaign corresponds with a drive to "Sinicize" religion by demanding loyalty to the officially atheist Communist Party and eliminating any challenge to its power over people's lives." LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:15 PM Post: #2 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith The group said in a report that Xinjiangs Muslim population of about 13 million has been subjected to forced political indoctrination, collective punishment, restrictions on movement and communications, heightened religious restrictions, and mass surveillance in violation of international human rights law." "Human Rights Watch said Monday it has evidence that the Chinese government is carrying out a systematic campaign of rights abuses against Turkic Muslims living in the countrys western Xinjiang Province, accusing authorities of arbitrary detention, torture and far-reaching controls over everyday life.The group said in a report that Xinjiangs Muslim population of about 13 million has been subjected to forced political indoctrination, collective punishment, restrictions on movement and communications, heightened religious restrictions, and mass surveillance in violation of international human rights law." general mishka lop guest User ID: 441771 09-10-2018 08:25 PM Post: #3 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith The title is deceptive. China allows for Christianity, one must be a member of an official Church. You can even be Catholic, just as long as you don't hold the Pope above the Chinese State. the Catholic and Protestant Churches in China are pretty faithful. The Chinese only get uppity when underground churches teach political subversion LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:38 PM Post: #4 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:25 PM) The title is deceptive. China allows for Christianity, one must be a member of an official Church. You can even be Catholic, just as long as you don't hold the Pope above the Chinese State. the Catholic and Protestant Churches in China are pretty faithful. The Chinese only get uppity when underground churches teach political subversion Requiring Christians to hold a communist, atheist state above that of their religion hardly allows for Christianity. Requiring those who wish to practice to attend state-sanctioned and controlled churches is hardly tolerant of religious liberties. And it seems to me that the Chinese are more fearful of what might happen if they do not have ultimate control of churches and their followers, than what is actually occurring. "Bob Fu of the US-based group China Aid said that the recent closure of churches in Henan province and a prominent house church in Beijing is a "significant escalation" and that the "international community should be alarmed and outraged for this blatant violation of freedom of religion and belief." Under President Xi Jinping, believers are seeing freedoms shrink dramatically even amid a religious revival. Activists say Xi is waging the most severe suppression of Christianity since religious freedom was written into the constitution in 1982. Fu also provided video of piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that the signatories had renounced their Christian faith. He said that marked the first time since Mao's radical 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations, under pain of expulsion from school and loss of welfare benefits." Requiring Christians to hold a communist, atheist state above that of their religion hardly allows for Christianity. Requiring those who wish to practice to attend state-sanctioned and controlled churches is hardly tolerant of religious liberties. And it seems to me that the Chinese are more fearful of what might happen if they do not have ultimate control of churches and their followers, than what is actually occurring."Bob Fu of the US-based group China Aid said that the recent closure of churches in Henan province and a prominent house church in Beijing is a "significant escalation" and that the "international community should be alarmed and outraged for this blatant violation of freedom of religion and belief." Under President Xi Jinping, believers are seeing freedoms shrink dramatically even amid a religious revival. Activists say Xi is waging the most severe suppression of Christianity since religious freedom was written into the constitution in 1982.Fu also provided video of piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that the signatories had renounced their Christian faith. He said that marked the first time since Mao's radical 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations, under pain of expulsion from school and loss of welfare benefits." LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:39 PM Post: #5 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:25 PM) The title is deceptive. China allows for Christianity, one must be a member of an official Church. You can even be Catholic, just as long as you don't hold the Pope above the Chinese State. the Catholic and Protestant Churches in China are pretty faithful. The Chinese only get uppity when underground churches teach political subversion There is nothing deceptive in the title, China is burning Bibles and requiring Christians to renounce their faith. There is nothing deceptive in the title, China is burning Bibles and requiring Christians to renounce their faith. FurriesRock lop guest User ID: 439413 09-10-2018 08:40 PM Post: #6 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:11 PM) "China's government is ratcheting up a crackdown on Christian congregations in Beijing and several provinces, destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith, according to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China. The campaign corresponds with a drive to "Sinicize" religion by demanding loyalty to the officially atheist Communist Party and eliminating any challenge to its power over people's lives." If you want the right to keep Islam out, then you must recognize China's right to keep out any religion they choose. If you want the right to keep Islam out, then you must recognize China's right to keep out any religion they choose. general mishka lop guest User ID: 441771 09-10-2018 08:45 PM Post: #7 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:38 PM) general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:25 PM) The title is deceptive. China allows for Christianity, one must be a member of an official Church. You can even be Catholic, just as long as you don't hold the Pope above the Chinese State. the Catholic and Protestant Churches in China are pretty faithful. The Chinese only get uppity when underground churches teach political subversion Requiring Christians to hold a communist, atheist state above that of their religion hardly allows for Christianity. Requiring those who wish to practice to attend state-sanctioned and controlled churches is hardly tolerant of religious liberties. And it seems to me that the Chinese are more fearful of what might happen if they do not have ultimate control of churches and their followers, than what is actually occurring. "Bob Fu of the US-based group China Aid said that the recent closure of churches in Henan province and a prominent house church in Beijing is a "significant escalation" and that the "international community should be alarmed and outraged for this blatant violation of freedom of religion and belief." Under President Xi Jinping, believers are seeing freedoms shrink dramatically even amid a religious revival. Activists say Xi is waging the most severe suppression of Christianity since religious freedom was written into the constitution in 1982. Fu also provided video of piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that the signatories had renounced their Christian faith. He said that marked the first time since Mao's radical 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations, under pain of expulsion from school and loss of welfare benefits." US Churches are worse, almost all of them are 501c3 Churches They hold tax free status above both State and GOD Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. I understand Faithful Chinese Christians Titus 3:1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, US Churches are worse, almost all of them are 501c3 ChurchesThey hold tax free status above both State and GODLuke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.I understand Faithful Chinese ChristiansTitus 3:1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:46 PM Post: #8 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith FurriesRock Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:40 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:11 PM) "China's government is ratcheting up a crackdown on Christian congregations in Beijing and several provinces, destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith, according to pastors and a group that monitors religion in China. The campaign corresponds with a drive to "Sinicize" religion by demanding loyalty to the officially atheist Communist Party and eliminating any challenge to its power over people's lives." If you want the right to keep Islam out, then you must recognize China's right to keep out any religion they choose. I am presuming that China is dealing with citizens here, not hordes of aliens who are being encouraged to invade their country, and assisted by fifth columnists who are working in high places within their government to ensure that the plan is a success. I am presuming that China is dealing with citizens here, not hordes of aliens who are being encouraged to invade their country, and assisted by fifth columnists who are working in high places within their government to ensure that the plan is a success. general mishka lop guest User ID: 441771 09-10-2018 08:49 PM Post: #9 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith FYI US Churches are tax free if they sign a 501c3, which means they have less freedom to preach. I would argue, about the same freedom Chinese churches are given. Chinese churches yes are FORCED, but US Churches are all too happy to sign up to get tax free status LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 08:50 PM Post: #10 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:45 PM) LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:38 PM) Requiring Christians to hold a communist, atheist state above that of their religion hardly allows for Christianity. Requiring those who wish to practice to attend state-sanctioned and controlled churches is hardly tolerant of religious liberties. And it seems to me that the Chinese are more fearful of what might happen if they do not have ultimate control of churches and their followers, than what is actually occurring. "Bob Fu of the US-based group China Aid said that the recent closure of churches in Henan province and a prominent house church in Beijing is a "significant escalation" and that the "international community should be alarmed and outraged for this blatant violation of freedom of religion and belief." Under President Xi Jinping, believers are seeing freedoms shrink dramatically even amid a religious revival. Activists say Xi is waging the most severe suppression of Christianity since religious freedom was written into the constitution in 1982. Fu also provided video of piles of burning Bibles and forms stating that the signatories had renounced their Christian faith. He said that marked the first time since Mao's radical 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution that Christians had been compelled to make such declarations, under pain of expulsion from school and loss of welfare benefits." US Churches are worse, almost all of them are 501c3 Churches They hold tax free status above both State and GOD Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. I understand Faithful Chinese Christians Titus 3:1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, Those who created the tax structure sure as sh*t had Chinese style controls of religious organizations in mind for America when they did it. It was the camels nose under the tent. I am sure that under a regime like Obama, certain Christian churches who were not beholden to the system and controlled would be targeted by Louis Lerner and others government officials with Chinese-envy. Those who created the tax structure sure as sh*t had Chinese style controls of religious organizations in mind for America when they did it. It was the camels nose under the tent. I am sure that under a regime like Obama, certain Christian churches who were not beholden to the system and controlled would be targeted by Louis Lerner and others government officials with Chinese-envy. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 446450 09-10-2018 09:00 PM Post: #11 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith Well done, China. Religion is garbage.. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 408320 09-10-2018 09:03 PM Post: #12 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 09:00 PM) Well done, China. Religion is garbage.. Communism is a religion. Communism is a religion. general mishka lop guest User ID: 441771 09-10-2018 09:05 PM Post: #13 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith LoP Guest Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:50 PM) general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:45 PM) US Churches are worse, almost all of them are 501c3 Churches They hold tax free status above both State and GOD Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. I understand Faithful Chinese Christians Titus 3:1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, Those who created the tax structure sure as sh*t had Chinese style controls of religious organizations in mind for America when they did it. It was the camels nose under the tent. I am sure that under a regime like Obama, certain Christian churches who were not beholden to the system and controlled would be targeted by Louis Lerner and others government officials with Chinese-envy. I totally agree The Chinese leadership must be envious of our structure. Do American Christians leave their churches to join underground ones that refuse to sign the 501c3 status? No way! US Christians would rather have comfortable pews, BBQ lunches and softball games than endure what underground Christians in China have to endure I totally agreeThe Chinese leadership must be envious of our structure. Do American Christians leave their churches to join underground ones that refuse to sign the 501c3 status? No way!US Christians would rather have comfortable pews, BBQ lunches and softball games than endure what underground Christians in China have to endure PioneerSpirit Registered User User ID: 441578 09-10-2018 09:11 PM Posts: 15,196 Post: #14 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 08:25 PM) The title is deceptive. China allows for Christianity, one must be a member of an official Church. You can even be Catholic, just as long as you don't hold the Pope above the Chinese State. Then that's not Christianity. China makes it's own 'Catholic' bishops and cardinals. they are not recognized by the Vatican. The one run by the government is a fake Catholic church. Then that's not Christianity.China makes it's own 'Catholic' bishops and cardinals.they are not recognized by the Vatican.The one run by the government is a fake Catholic church. "They notice that you notice" - Mothman Prophecies A tradition cannot make an historical claim and then refuse to have it evaluated by history PioneerSpirit Registered User User ID: 441578 09-10-2018 09:12 PM Posts: 15,196 Post: #15 RE: China is reportedly burning bibles and making Christians renounce their faith general mishka Wrote: (09-10-2018 09:05 PM) US Christians would rather have comfortable pews, BBQ lunches and softball games than endure what underground Christians in China have to endure agreed. agreed. "They notice that you notice" - Mothman Prophecies A tradition cannot make an historical claim and then refuse to have it evaluated by history Advertisement Username: Password: or Register Thread Rating: 2 Vote(s) - 3 Average 1 2 3 4 5 Trump officials discussed secret coup plans with Venezuelan army officers LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 443824 09-11-2018 12:09 AM Post: #1 Trump officials discussed secret coup plans with Venezuelan army officers Advertisement According to The Times, the meetings were sparked by a comment made by President Trump in August of 2017, that he did not rule out a military option to restore calm in Venezuela. That comment reportedly prompted at least three groups of Venezuelan military officers opposed to the rule of President Maduro to reach out to the White House. One of these groups, said The Times, had one of its representatives contact American diplomats in an unnamed European country. That outreach led to a series of covert meetings abroad, according to The Times, the first of which took place in the fall of 2017. The meetings continued until recently, and were held with a number of Venezuelan military officers who claimed to represent the views of several hundred members of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. The rebellious officers allegedly told the US governments representative that they planned to launch a military coup aimed at deposing President Maduro and installing a transitional government that would guarantee peaceful elections. They reportedly asked the White House representative to supply them with secure communications equipment, which they could use to coordinate their operations. However, the White House eventually decided that backing a military coup in Venezuela would be too risky due to the potential for spiraling bloodshed. It thus distanced itself from the plan. Additionally, some US government officials were alarmed by the composition of the rebel officers: at least one of them was a serious violator of human rights who had previously been accused by the US of involvement of participating in drugs smuggling and having close links with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which is on Washingtons official list of foreign terrorist organizations. Eventually the plotters canceled their plans for a coup, having assessed it would be met by fierce resistance by pro-Maduro forces. The Times reached out to the White House, which rejected the papers report, saying it was important to dialogue with all Venezuelans who demonstrate a desire for democracy. But it refused to respond to specific questions about the allegations of a possible coup in Venezueal with Washingtons backing. President Maduro has already blamed the US for two attempts to assassinate him in the past 18 months, with the most recent one involving the use of an exploding drone. In 2002, Maduros predecessor, the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, was briefly deposed by a military putsch. Chavez was able to beat back the rebels with the help of his civilian and military supporters, and then accused Washington of having had direct involvement with the attempt to remove him from power. The US has strongly denied Chavezs charges. United States President Donald Trump authorized American officials to attend secret meetings held by Venezuelan military officers who conspired to launch a military coup against President Nicolas Maduro. The claim was made on Saturday by The New York Times, which cited interviews with 11 current and former American officials and information from an unnamed Venezuelan former military commander. The former commander claims to have attended the secret talks, which allegedly were held over several meetings during the past year.According to The Times, the meetings were sparked by a comment made by President Trump in August of 2017, that he did not rule out a military option to restore calm in Venezuela. That comment reportedly prompted at least three groups of Venezuelan military officers opposed to the rule of President Maduro to reach out to the White House. One of these groups, said The Times, had one of its representatives contact American diplomats in an unnamed European country. That outreach led to a series of covert meetings abroad, according to The Times, the first of which took place in the fall of 2017. The meetings continued until recently, and were held with a number of Venezuelan military officers who claimed to represent the views of several hundred members of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. The rebellious officers allegedly told the US governments representative that they planned to launch a military coup aimed at deposing President Maduro and installing a transitional government that would guarantee peaceful elections. They reportedly asked the White House representative to supply them with secure communications equipment, which they could use to coordinate their operations.However, the White House eventually decided that backing a military coup in Venezuela would be too risky due to the potential for spiraling bloodshed. It thus distanced itself from the plan. Additionally, some US government officials were alarmed by the composition of the rebel officers: at least one of them was a serious violator of human rights who had previously been accused by the US of involvement of participating in drugs smuggling and having close links with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which is on Washingtons official list of foreign terrorist organizations. Eventually the plotters canceled their plans for a coup, having assessed it would be met by fierce resistance by pro-Maduro forces.The Times reached out to the White House, which rejected the papers report, saying it was important to dialogue with all Venezuelans who demonstrate a desire for democracy. But it refused to respond to specific questions about the allegations of a possible coup in Venezueal with Washingtons backing. President Maduro has already blamed the US for two attempts to assassinate him in the past 18 months, with the most recent one involving the use of an exploding drone. In 2002, Maduros predecessor, the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, was briefly deposed by a military putsch. Chavez was able to beat back the rebels with the help of his civilian and military supporters, and then accused Washington of having had direct involvement with the attempt to remove him from power. The US has strongly denied Chavezs charges. LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 461483 09-11-2018 12:57 AM Post: #2 RE: Trump officials discussed secret coup plans with Venezuelan army officers So it's OK for trump to coup others as long as he's not getting couped ....LOL Double standard dumbass strikes again LoP Guest lop guest User ID: 450676 09-11-2018 01:17 AM Post: #3 RE: Trump officials discussed secret coup plans with Venezuelan army officers More Fake News BS! All you freaks have are unconfirmed words. You are all going to hang! I hope Trump gets you all! STRONGER TOGETHER. Employees of AXA Philippines gather to volunteer for the insurance companys annual Corporate Responsibility Week. AXA Philippines president and chief executive Raul Hora, together with employees, packs meals for the indigenous people community in Pampanga. When people work together, more can be accomplished.In the recent annual Corporate Responsibility Week of AXA Philippines, nearly 450 employees partnered with several non-government organizations and foundations with advocacies on health, education and the environment to touch 2,250 lives. AXAs annual Corporate Responsibility Week is part of our continuing commitment to empower communities to live better lives, said AXA Philippines president and chief executive Rahul Hora. During the week-long celebration, themed CR Week in Action, the company partnered with Metrobank Foundation, Hands on Manila, Rise Against Hunger, Simply Share in Cebu, National Bookstore Foundation, Adarna House, Inc., Manila Doctors Hospital, Philippine Red Cross Rizal and Cebu Chapters, Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the University of San Carlos in Cebu City. AXA Philippines volunteers packed meals for Aeta mothers and their families in Porac, Pampanga to last six months; packed food for students of Napo Elementary School in Cebu to last three months; and prepared 150 candles and mosquito traps for the mothers of Trece Martires, Cavite.A blood drive was also held with Philippine Red Cross and Manila Doctors Hospital, and a training session on first aid and financial literacy was conducted for mothers and children in Cebu. Volunteers are also set to run at the Philippine Red Cross run for a cause; books are set to be delivered to the library of Napo Elementary School, and Project Aral Kits from National Book Store will go to underprivileged students. Volunteers also made the wishes of kids with life-threatening illnesses come true.We thank our employees for giving their time and sharing their expertise to help our various advocacies, enthused Hora. Immigration authorities arrested Taiwans No. 1 most wanted criminal who was being sought by Taipei police for the murder of a Canadian teacher who was cut into several pieces and dumped into the river. Police identified the man as Oren Shlomo Mayer, currently detained at the BI Detention Center in Bicutan, who was nabbed in Cainta, Rizal by members of the Bureaus Fugitive Search Unit and agents from the Philippine National Police, Intelligence Group, National Capital Region. Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente said Mayer would be deported to Taiwan where he will face charges of homicide for allegedly murdering 43-year-old Canadian teacher, Sanjay Ryan Ramgahan, last Aug. 21. We have received information both from US and Taiwan authorities about Mayers crimes, and both request that he be deported to Taiwan, Morente said. Mayer, who also goes by the name Oz Diamond, reportedly dismembered his victim before dumping his severed body parts in the river. Mayer has a pending felony warrant from the Taiwan New Taipei District Prosecutors Office issued last Aug. 24 and has been charged with offenses of homicide. Taiwan police said Mayer fled to Manila last Aug. 25, four days after he and two other suspects were implicated in the murder of Ramgahan as the latter was walking his dog along a riverside park near Zhongzheng Bridge in Taipeis Citys Yonghe District. Reports reveal that Mayer continuously relocated in the country to evade arrest.He is on the list of Taiwans most wanted fugitives, and is said to be a big-time drug personality in that country, said Morente. He is an undesirable alien, and it is our duty to deport him so he may be punished for his crimes, he stated. He added Mayer was also an undocumented alien as his passport was already revoked by the US government. According to BI Intelligence Officer and FSU Chief Bobby Raquepo, Mayer was suspected of being the biggest supplier of marijuana in Northern Taiwan, and that the killing might have been precipitated by an alleged drug dispute with the victim. The murder was allegedly planned by three suspects. Mayer, with a cohort, allegedly rode bicycles to the area and waited for their victim whom they pounced on and tied with a metal chain, before hacking with machetes. The Commission on Audit has held former Makati City mayor Jejomar Binay Jr. culpable for disallowed use of P45 million in intelligence and confidential fund in 2011 and 2013. Also held liable were former city budget officer Lorenza Amores and former acting city administrator Marjorie de Veyra for the offense committed in 2011 and ex-city administrator Eleno Mendoza Jr. for a separate offense in 2013. CoA ordered those accountable to return the money to the city government. Binay, Amores, De Veyra and Mendoza, however, had been given six months to file their plea upon the receipt of their notices of disallowance. For failure to do so, the disallowance becomes final and executory, CoA warned. Last Sept. 5, CoA issued the first notice of disallowance, identifying Binay, Amores and acting De Veyra as the persons responsible for the 2011 transaction. It issued a second notice of disallowance also on Sept. 5 involving the 2013 intelligence and confidential fund to Binay, Amores and Mendoza. Binay authorized the disbursement of the fund as cash advances, while the city administrator acted as project accountable officer and special disbursing officer. On the other hand, the city budget officer issued certifications on the correctness of the computation of the intelligence and confidential fund.An audit showed the Makati City government erred to include the personal services of its public safety department in the computation of its public order program budget. For 2011, the citys public order program budget was set at P371.71 million, including P295.95 million for the public safety department. The city government issued cash advances of P50 million charged against intelligence and confidential funds. CoA said the correct adjusted public order program budget without the public safety departments inclusion should have been only P87.21 million, of which 30 percent of this only amounted to P26.164 million. Only P20 million disbursed through a Dec. 2, 2010 check was covered by the notice of disallowance. In the 2013 transaction, CoA said the city government released anew P50 million in four equal installments of P12.5 million through checks dated March 27, June 6, Aug. 12 and Oct. 7, all in 2013. The last two releases were disallowed in audit since only P25 million was approved by the Office of the President. It will be noted that the Presidents approval of the request of the city government for the release of ICF of P50,000,000 was allowed only for P25,000,000 applicable to the first-semester intelligence and confidential fund operations of the city government, CoAs decision read. A pro-administration lawmaker on Monday sought a congressional inquiry into the Department of Transportations reported decision to revive the P3.6-billion contract entered by the Aquino administration with the Power Plates Development Concepts Inc. and J. Knieriem BV Power Plates under the Motor Vehicle License Plate Standardization Program. Negros Oriental Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. made the statement as he warned that Transportation officials must be ready to face the wrath of President Rodrigo Duterte and the millions of disgruntled Filipino motorists should the multibillion-peso car plates production deal previously junked for various irregularities would be resurrected. This move by DoTr reeks of unpardonable graft, we can smell it right after Secretary Tugade gave the go signal to reevaluate the highly anomalous deal, said Teves, member of the House Committee on Public Order and Safety. Teves said he would file a resolution into the DoTrs decision to reconsider the allegedly anomalous contract. I would strongly advise our officials against resurrecting this controversial deal. Instead, they should help gathering evidence to pin down officials behind this mess of Dengvaxia proportions, Teves said. Teves said the alleged questionable car plate deal did not absolve President Benigno Aquino III and former Transportation Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya from possible criminal liabilities as Abaya, among other Transport officials, were facing graft charges for the P3.8 billion worth of license plates during the Aquino administration.Teves said aside from the companys alleged clear violation of Republic Act 9184 or the Government Procurement Act, the car plate supplier allegedly committed violations of critical provisions of its multi-billion contract, such as sub-contracting resulting to the delivery of sub-standard product output. What inspires the DoTr to revive the deal is no longer a mystery if one is to recall the tainted background of the deal, said Teves. Citing 2014 annual audit report, Teves said the Commission on Audit issued a notice of disallowance that rejected the P487.9 million advance payment that LTO gave PPI-JKG. Auditors noted that there were irregularities in the allocation of the agencys budget for the deal and several contract violations. He called on CoA to stand firm by its previous findings, particularly on the contract violations of the supplier and that the company should be penalized for the injury it caused the general public. The Supreme Court has dismissed the petition filed by tax informer Danilo Lihaylihay, which seeks to compel the government to pay him close to P12 trillion representing his 25 percent reward for his role in the recovery of the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcos family and their cronies. In a 22-page decision dated July 23 and penned by Associate Justice Marvic Leonen, the SCs Third Division dismissed Lihaylihays petition for mandamus for lack of merit. The respondents in the case were former Treasurer of the Philippines Roberto C. Tan, former Secretary of Finance Margarito B. Teves, the governor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and the secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The SC ruled that the grant of informers reward depend on the considerations by the appropriate government officers under Republic Act 2338, also known as An Act to Provide for Reward to Informers of Violations of the Internal Revenue and Customs Laws. Under the law, the Court noted that the information supplied must be new or not yet known to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It added that it (information) must not pertain to a pending or previously investigated case, and must have actually led to or was the actual cause for discovering fraud upon tax laws. It added that the information must have actually led to the recovery of sums relating to the fraud, as well as the conviction and/or punishment of the liable persons. Lihaylihay, who identified himself as a confidential informant of the state (CIS), based his claim on the two letters dated March 11, 1987 which he sent to lawyer Eliseo Pitargue, the former head of the BIR-Presidential Commission on Good Government Task Force, concerning the Marcoses ill-gotten wealth. In his first letter, Lihayhay informed the BIR-PCGG about the ill-gotten wealth of the late President Ferdinand Marcos deposited in 177 banks in 72 countries and include tons of gold and 500,000 pieces of 10-karat diamonds. The second letter concerned alleged dollar deposits at the Union Bank of Switzerland of Marcos daughter, Irene Marcos-Araneta. In 2006, Lihaylihay also wrote to BIR Commissioner Mario C. Bufiag demanding payment of 25 percent informers reward on the PHP18.2 billion supposedly recovered by the Philippine government through compromise agreements with the Marcoses. He also insisted on the need for the government to collect Fortune Tobacco Corporations tax deficiencies amounting to PHP97 billion, to recover P47 trillion deposits in Switzerland, and to deliver to him the informers rewards for the recovery of the said ill-gotten wealth. Lihaylihay said the government owes him a total of P11.875 trillion and P50 billion, representing his reward for the jewelry recovered from former First Lady Imelda Marcos and several government lands as informers rewards. However, the SC noted that based on Lihaylihays letter to the BIR-PCGG in 1987, the petitioner made broad claims about the Marcos familys ill-gotten wealth and added that there is a need for the government to recover them.The petitioner, the SC said, failed to cite specific acts of tax fraud, violations of internal revenue and customs laws. From his 1987 letters to the present petition, his bases for rewards swelled from the Swiss bank deposits, gold bars, and diamonds mentioned in his original letters to Atty. Pitargue to virtually all forms of the Marcos familys ill-gotten wealth, the SC explained. He would not even stop there. He also turned his attention to President Marcos cronies such as Roberto Benedicto, Lucio Tan, Fabian Ver, Herminio Disini, and Jose Campos. Rather than animate the States efforts with direct and reliable information, he has embarked on a fishing expedition, casting his lot on a progressively widening net, it added. While it may be true that many cases brought against the Marcos family and their cronies involve violations of tax laws, the SC said, the law governing informers rewards demand specific information that would help in either securing convictions for tax offenses or recovering proceeds that should have otherwise been paid to the government as taxes. Additionally, the SC said Lihaylihay failed to show that his supplied information was the main basis that prompted the government to prosecute the Marcoses and their cronies for possible tax offenses and recovering from them their ill-gotten wealth. On the contrary, the SC noted that the petitioners March 11, 1987 letters acknowledged ongoing efforts by the BIR and the PCGG to prosecute the Marcoses and recover their ill-gotten wealth. The Court added that Lihaylihay also failed to prove that he was the sole and exclusive source of information leading to the discovery of fraud and violations of tax laws committed by the Marcos family. While this Court appreciates active citizen participation in addressing the iniquities of public officials, it must underscore the need to comply with procedural and substantive standards set by law for the grant of remedies. The availability of reliefs is not a matter of personal preference, but of order and judicial economy, and due process, the SC said. The present Petition could have been dismissed outright for its readily discernible flaws. This Court has, nevertheless, gone out of its way to painstakingly explain the plethora of grounds for dismissal, it added. The High Tribunal also castigated Lihayhay for resorting to forum shopping in his bid to get a reward . It noted that the petitioner filed a similar petition for mandamus before the SC, raised the same issue before in two cases being tried before the Sandiganbayan and noted several news reports saying that the Commission on Audit has also denied his claim for an informers rewards. This decision is rendered with a stem warning for petitioner not to trifle with court actions. Frivolous litigation translates to injudicious delays, hampers the resolution of more meritorious cases, and compels courts and tribunals to unnecessarily expend themselves. Its ultimate result is a weakening of the courts and tribunals capacity to effectively and timely dispense justice, the Court declared. The Philippine National Police on Monday arrested eight suspects reportedly involved in the bloody bombing incident in Lamitan, Basilan last July 31 that left 11 people killed and wounded seven. PNP Chief Oscar Abayalde said that aside from the eight arrested suspects, 10 more direct accomplices, namely Furuji Indama, alias Boy Sopek and Abu Jhovel, one of the leaders of the Abu Sayyaf Group and principal architect in the bombing, are the object of a massive manhunt. Albayalde identified the eight bombing suspects as Musa Jallaha, Hadji Hurang, alias Nura Narimin, Nsir Nuruddin, alias Battuh Murah, Al Basir Ahmad, Abdurahim Lijal, alias Mike Lijal, Ammar Indama, alias Ammar Matahul Mohammad, Julamin Arundoh, alias Mammin Totong and Saad Tedie, alias Boga Tedie. He said that the eight suspects participated in the transport, planning, and assembly of IED components to the bombing site which exploded prematurely minutes after the van carrying the explosive cargo was intercepted at a checkpoint which went off minutes later. Albayalde added that Musa acted as middleman for the purchase of the van and helped in loading the IEDs into the vehicle; while Julamin, a bomb expert, assembled and rigged the IED. Saad, meanwhile, took part in the planning that assisted in the preparation of the explosive. The PNP has identified and charged 25 members of a breaking faction of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and several accomplices in the Aug. 28, Isulan, Kudarat bombing that left three persons killed and 36 others wounded. Albayalde said an information was filed over the weekend before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Sultan Kudarat against the suspects. Two separate criminal cases for murder and multiple frustrated murder were filed before the Regional Trial Court Branch 2 of Isabela City, Basilan against the 18 suspects.Following the bombing incidents in Basilan and Sultan Kudarat, Albayalde said terrorism remains on top of the security concerns of the national police, particularly in the Asean region. He said terrorism was among the top issues discussed during the 38th Asean National Police Conference hosted by the Royal Brunei Police Force in Bander Seri Begawan. The PNP delegation had the honor to present the Philippines country paper on Terrorism wherein the PNP recognized the significant contribution of international initiatives and cooperation in addressing terrorism, Albayalde said. The PNP has presented the backdrop of the infamous five-month Marawi City siege in 2017 which Albayalde said recognized the close coordination between Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia through the Police Attache that helped in the identification, accounting and neutralization of foreign terrorist fighters who took part in the Islamic City. Against the backdrop of the infamous five-month siege of Marawi City in 2017, the PNP recognized the close coordination between Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia through the Police Attaches that helped in the identification, accounting and neutralization of foreign terrorist fighters who took part in the Marawi City siege and are still staying in Southern Philippines, Albayalde said. It was also noted that since the start of 2018 that no cross-border incident has taken place as a result of existing mechanisms of cooperation between Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia in relation to safeguarding our maritime tri-boundary through joint and coordinated patrols in the Sulu, North Sulawesi and Celebes Seas, he said. Note: This article is part of the Principles Project, a list of principles, axioms, and beliefs that undergird a Christian view of economics, liberty, and virtue. Click here to read the introduction and other posts in this series. The Principle: #22A Free markets are information systems designed for virtuous people. The Explanation: As a self-identified evangelical Christian, I share a common trait with all other self-identified evangelicals: we self-identify with the information system that goes by the name of evangelicalism. That tautologythe people who self-identify as evangelicals are the people who self-identify with evangelicalismmay not be very useful in understanding what evangelicals believe, but it can be helpful for us to recognize that evangelicalism, like all other religious tradition, is a shared information system. To claim that evangelicalism, or Catholicism, or Orthodoxy is an information system is merely to say that, whatever else they may be, these traditions provide a systematic means of creating, collecting, filtering, processing, and distributing information about a particular form of Christianity. Consider, for example, one of the particular subsets of evangelicals that I myself belong tothe Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). To say I am a member of that denomination conveys information about me to outsiders that is both broad (e.g., I am Protestant, and therefore not Catholic or Orthodox) and narrow (such as Baptist views on believers baptism, congregational church government, local church autonomy, and liberty of conscience). This information system also helps to shape the way I think about other aspects of the faith, as well as my place within the larger tradition of Christianity. Because the SBC serves as a form of information system, I can use it fruitfully in my own decision-making processes. For instance, if I move to a new city and look for a new local church home, I can search out what SBC congregations are in my area. Knowing that a church is aligned with the SBC provides information about what I can expect in such areas as beliefs, worship, and ecclesiology. But what would happen if the information system became distorted? Imagine I become a member of First Baptist Church of Rome, Texas because it claims to be an SBC church. After joining the church, though, I find that the pastor refers to himself as the Bishop of Rome and believes hes the latest in a continuous succession of Texans whose apostolic line can be traced back to St. Peter. This church and its pastor would obviously not be in line with the views of the Southern Baptist Convention. A distortion in the information system (i.e., the delusional belief of the misguided pastor) prevented the signal from conveying useful information that would help me in my decision-making. The only way to fix the problem is to introduce either a systematic corrective action (e.g., remove the pastor and reestablish the Baptist bona fides of the church) or a personal one (e.g., I have to find a new church). From this example we can see that information systems can be useful in making decisions but that they can also become distorted and in need of correction. Like denominations and religious movements, markets are alsowhatever else they may bea type of information system. A market serves as an information system in that it creates, collects, filters, processes, and distributes information about the economic preferences of people within a society. The market is simply a summary term for a variety of voluntary exchanges of tangible commodities or non-tangible services that are undertaken between two people or between groups of people represented by agents. The information in this particular system allows people to know whether and under what conditions they are willing to engage in the exchange. These exchanges are engaged in because both parties benefit; if they did not expect to gain, they would not agree to the exchange. To say that a market is a free market is to say, in part, that when it functions as an information system (creating, collecting, filtering, processing, and distributing information) it largely does so free of distortions. In other words, to be a free market, a market must be (mostly) free of distortions. While it is possible to have individual or small markets that are free of distortions (e.g., I trade with you and we are both honest people), when the markets became larger or are aggregated together, it becomes much less possible to prevent distortions from entering the system. As Christians we recognize this is a natural outcome of living in a sinful world. But where Christians tend to disagree is about what mechanisms are necessary or most useful in correcting such distortions when they occur. Christians that endorse free enterprise tend to believe that, when structured properly, the markets themselves tend to provide their own self-correcting mechanisms. We believe this is typically the preferred form of weeding distortions from a market. However, there is disagreement within this group (such as between political conservatives and political libertarians) about whether market distortions can ever be corrected by governmental intervention. While free market advocates believe government intervention in markets should be either verboten (libertarians) or rare and limited (conservatives), liberal Christians tend to prefer such interventionism be frequent and as expansive as they believe is necessary to achieve their aims. The problem with this preference for interventionism is that it forgets the purpose of markets is to facilitate exchanges for the mutual gain of both parties. Rather than improving the gain of both parties, government intervention more often than not creates greater levels of distortion. This distortion frequently provides an unfair benefit to one party over anotherand often to detriment of society as a whole. When governments intervene, no matter what the claimed intention, the result almost always favors the rich and powerful over the poor and powerless. Hundreds of years of governmental intervention into markets has shown this empirical claim to be true. What is needed for free markets to flourish is not a more powerful and interventionist government but a more virtuous citizenry. That is the reason the Acton Institute existsto promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. In summarizing the Institutes purpose, Acton co-founder and president Father Robert Sirico has said: [Lord] Acton realized that economic freedom is essential to creating an environment in which religious freedom can flourish. But he also knew that the market can function only when people behave morally. So faith and freedom must go hand in hand. As he put it, Liberty is the condition which makes it easy for conscience to govern. Free markets are one of the most powerful information systems God ever designed. But we must never forget that they were designed for virtuous people. Without virtue, neither markets nor people can ever truly be free. BeijingThe international community should impose sanctions on China over its treatment of the minorities in its far west region, Human Rights Watch said Monday, where as many as one million people may have been swept up in mass detentions. China has long imposed draconian restrictions on the lives of Muslim minorities in its Xinjiang region in the name of combating terrorism and separatism, with police measures intensifying in recent years. Upwards of one million ethnic Uighurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities are being held in counter-extremism centers, according to the estimates cited by a United Nations panel on racial discrimination last month. In response to the governments actions, the international community should impose targeted sanctions on Chinese officials linked to abuses in Xinjiang, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report detailing Chinas repressive actions in the region. The Chinese government has impeded reporting in Xinjiang, preventing a clear accounting of the situation. But mounting evidence in the form of government documents and the testimony of escapees suggests Beijing has interned large numbers of people in a sprawling network of extra-judicial internment camps, where they are subject to political and cultural indoctrination. The report says prisoners in the camps are forced to learn Mandarin Chinese, sing praises of the Chinese Communist Party, and ... those who resist or are deemed to have failed to learn are punished. HRW says prisoners have no legal rights or access to lawyers or family.The HRW report outlined the increasingly severe crackdown on Xinjiangs minorities, including facial recognition and DNA sampling, to monitor and control the regions population. It also described the physical and mental abuse of prisoners in the camps, citing interviews with several former detainees who have since fled the country. China has branded reports of such camps completely untrue, saying that the education and training centers to which minor criminals are assigned serve merely to assist in their rehabilitation and reintegration. A Chinese official told the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva last month that tough security measures in Xinjiang were necessary to combat extremism and terrorism, but did not target any specific ethnic group or restrict religious freedoms. HRWs call for sanctions follows a letter from members of the US Congress last month calling for the country to place sanctions against seven officials and two surveillance equipment manufacturers, which have provided surveillance equipment for use in the centers. The US administration is set to announce this Monday (sept. 10) the closure of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington as a sanction against Palestinians over their refusal to espouse President Donald Trumps peace deal between Palestine and Israel. The announcement, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), will be made by Trumps Security Advisor John Bolton in a speech to a conservative legal group and later in a statement by the State Department. WSJ, which has seen draft copy of the speech, also announced that the punitive move is also due to Palestinians call for Israel to be probed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its continued unlawful settlement policy. Bolton is also expected to wield sanctions against the court. The sanctions will include the freeze of judges and prosecutors assets and a ban on their travels to the U.S. The United States supports a direct and robust peace process, and we will not allow the ICC, or any other organization, to constrain Israels right to self-defense, Bolton is expected to say, according to the WSJ. If the court comes after us, Israel or other allies, we will not sit quietly. Bolton, who would renew Washingtons unconditional support to Israel, would reportedly say that the Trump administration will not keep the office open when the Palestinians refuse to take steps to start direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has rejected President Trumps peace proposal, which imposes Jerusalem as capital of Israel despite international consensus that the fate of the disputed city will be determined through talks between the two feuding sides. Trump in December unilaterally declared the Old city Israels capital and materialized the move with the transfer of the US embassy there in May. The shutdown of the Palestinian de facto embassy has been in the pipeline since last year. The State Department mid-November informed PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki that the PLO office in DC would be closed because the Palestinians had violated a 2015 US Congressional mandate. Militias fighting for the control of capital Tripoli have agreed to withdraw from their positions in and around capital Tripoli, the UN Support Mission for the country (UNSMIL) said in a statement on Sunday. Parties agreed today to freeze their forces movements, a monitoring & verification mechanism to consolidate the ceasefire + development of a plan to withdraw armed groups from sovereign locations and critical infrastructure in #Tripoli, UNSMIL tweeted. UNSMIL last week announced a ceasefire agreement between armed factions in and round Tripoli, which slipped out of the control of UNSMIL-backed Government of National Accord (GNA). GNA has been struggling to impose itself since its establishment in the capital, in March 2016. The fighting which started two weeks ago caused the death of over 30 people and wounded at least 100 others. They damaged oil facilities and led to the closure of the capital international airport before it was re-opened on Friday. The agreement to withdraw from the capital was initialled in the western city of Zawiya under the auspices of the UN mission. A day earlier, Khalifa Haftar who heads the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA), opposed to the GNA, threatened to overran the capital to flash out the militia groups. Tripoli must be liberated and will not remain in spoiled hands. The armed forces move after accurate calculations. We will move towards Tripoli in the proper time, Haftar was quoted as saying by his spokesman. Haftar has accused the GNA of housing terror groups and armed factions aligned with Muslim Brotherhood. A lawyer of a 24-year old Lebanese tourist arrested in May for insulting Egypt in a Facebook video will be freed this Monday and deported to her home country after a court reduced and suspended her condemnation. Hassan Berzi Sunday said his client Mona al-Mazbouh will be freed today Monday. A court of appeal ruled for her release. The court however fined her 30,000 Egyptian pounds (around $1,670) and ordered her deportation to Lebanon on Wednesday. Another court in July sentenced her to eight years in prison for deliberately spreading false rumors harming society and attacking religion, and public indecency. She was arrested late May at Cairo international airport, on her way back home, at the end of her holidays. The woman in a 10-minute video, which went viral, complained about sexual harassment and conditions in Egypt. Egyptians protested against the video and called for her arrest. The Lebanese young woman released another video noting that she had not meant to insult the country as a whole, reports say. Libyan army renegade general, allegedly connected to the CIA, has threatens to spread war to neighboring Algeria. In a video circulated on social media over the past 48 hours, Libyan National Army (LNA) Commander Khalifa Haftar was seen saying that the war could be spread, in moments, to the Algerian border. Algiers was exploiting the security situation in Libya, he said. The general who has aligned his resistance in the country with the eastern parliament and government based in Tobruk also accused Algeria of sending soldiers to Libya, similar to what happened at the beginning of the Libyan crisis in 2011. Algeria was then accused of dispatching mercenaries and weapons to save the Gaddafi regime from collapse. The Algerian government had at the time accused the opposition of misinterpreting the situation in Libya. This weekend threat is not the first. In 2014, Haftar had accused Algeria of trying to seize Libyas wealth. The Soviet-trained Khalifa Haftar took part in the coup that brought Gaddafi to power in 1969 and served in the Libyan army under Muammar Gaddafi. He commanded the Libyan contingent against Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Haftar has been described as Libyas most potent warlord, having fought with and against nearly every significant faction in Libyas conflict, and as having a reputation for unrivalled military experience. The Algerian foreign ministry has yet to respond to the LNA commanders threats. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Sunday dissolved the government and appointed Motazz Moussa as the countrys new Prime Minister, a ruling party official said. Moussa who was Sudans irrigation and electricity minister before the Cabinets dissolution will form a smaller government to tackle a growing economic crisis, Faisal Hassan Ibrahim, a top aide to President Bashir, told reporters. The economic situation needs to be resolved and for this President Bashir decided to cut the government at all levels, he said. President Bashir has decided to have a smaller 21-member government, he said. The outgoing cabinet was made up of 31 ministers. The ministers of foreign affairs, defense, and presidential affairs will remain in their posts when the new government is formed, Hassan said. According to AFP, Bashirs decision to fire the entire government was approved by the top leaders of his ruling National Congress Party (NCP) at a late-night meeting. The shake-up comes as the country is grappling with an economic crisis. Foreign currency shortage and an increasingly expensive black market for dollars weakened its ability to import and made prices soar. Sudans economic crisis has deepened since January 2018 and investors remain cautious about doing business with Sudan, which remains on the United States list of states sponsors of terrorism. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has welcomed Thursdays meeting in Djibouti with the foreign ministers of Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia with the Djiboutian head of diplomacy. The meeting, held on September 6 in Djibouti, resulted in the signing of a cooperation agreement between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. Through his spokesman, the UN chief stressed that the agreement reached among the four Ministers to work together to restore peace and stability in the region is a positive example for the Horn and beyond. The Secretary-General reiterates the readiness of the United Nations to support countries in the Horn of Africa region in consolidating the recent remarkable gains. he said. In July, Djibouti has petitioned UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to help peacefully resolve the border dispute with Eritrea following the recent end to that nations 20-year border dispute with Ethiopia. Takeda Alemu, Ethiopias ambassador to the United Nations told the Security Council, in July, that Addis Ababa had conducted fruitful and useful discussions with the Djibouti foreign minister. The Djibouti Eritrea standoff is seen as the final rift needed to be solved to restore durable peace to the Horn of Africa region. @alextdaugherty Republican Maria Elvira Salazar wants to reform the nation's immigration system, but will vote to spend money on Donald Trump's border priorities if elected to Congress. Salazar, running to replace retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in a Miami-based seat that Trump lost by more than 19 percentage points in 2016, did not directly endorse Trump's border wall in a Sunday night interview with MSNBC host Kasie Hunt, but she did endorse specific parts of a border security plan that most Democrats do not support. "I would definitely vote in order to secure the border," Salazar said when asked about the wall. "Does that mean the wall that the president wants, the big, beautiful wall?" Hunt responded. "That means any type of tower, any type of technology, any type of guards for border security that will secure the border because we do not want (imprisoned Mexican drug lord) El Chapo or his friends smuggling drugs," Salazar said. "Listen, the undocumented people do not want to be undocumented. That's why we need to reform our immigration system and we need to give visas to those that are coming to pick up Jalapeno peppers in Southern California or to clean toilets in Orlando or in Manhattan. They need some type of legality so they can stay here, they can pay taxes, they can contribute to the economy and continue working as they are right now without a criminal record." Salazar blamed Barack Obama for prioritizing Obamacare over an immigration overhaul while in office and Bill Clinton for passing immigration laws that laid the framework for Trump's family separation policy. "This is not a matter of Democrats or Republicans, when it comes to immigration everybody's at fault," Salazar said. Hunt also asked Salazar, a broadcast journalist for decades until January, about Trump's comments declaring the press as the enemy of the people. Salazar disagreed with his remarks. "We have the best press in the world," Salazar said. "The press, the press we need always." Salazar faces Democrat Donna Shalala and pro-Trump independent Mayra Joli in the general election. Watch the interview here. @samanthajgross After her ties to the medical marijuana industry led to two different banks shutting down her campaign account, Democratic candidate for agriculture commissioner is calling for change. Nicole "Nikki" Fried teamed up with U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist Monday morning in a call for reform of federal medical marijuana policy. Fried, a Fort Lauderdale-based lawyer, is one of the states most prominent lobbyists for expanding access to medical marijuana. During a call Monday morning, Fried and Crist used the account closures to underscore their stance on protecting state programs from federal interference. Frieds official campaign account was terminated twice in the past few weeks -- once by Wells Fargo and once by BB&T. Both banks maintain that federal policy -- which prohibits the use, sale and possession of all forms of cannabis -- trumps state law when it comes to marijuana-related contributions in bank accounts. Fried said that the account closures, which both happened in a span of three weeks just two months before election day, put her campaign in "an extremely tough position." "This unnecessary action directly underscores the dire need for marijuana policy reform on the federal level," she said. "[Bank account closures] happen in the medical marijuana businesses daily." A review of Frieds campaign finances shows a $1,000 donation from Savara Hastings, executive director of the Florida-based American Medical Marijuana Physicians Association and $3,000 from Jake Bergman, CEO and founder of Atlanta-based Surterra Holdings LLC, which intends to become a national medical marijuana business. Fried said that since her account closures made national news last week, her campaign has been approached by other state-chartered credit institutions who have "offered an olive branch." "The silver lining is that it became a national issue," she said. In 2016, Fried played a crucial role in the passing of HB 307, a bill relating to the use of medical marijuana for those with terminal illness. She said that she is being targeted by banks because of her role as a vocal advocate for medical marijuana. Crist said that what happened to Fried is a reminder of conflicts that have yet to be resolved between the state and federal laws. In June, Crist sponsored the "STATES Act," a bipartisan piece of legislation that addresses such conflicts between federal law and law in states where medical marijuana is legal. The bill was supported by 95 members of Congress. "What has happened to Nikki is an unfortunate reminder of the conflict between state and federal marijuana laws, highlighting an urgent need for action," he said. "The STATES Act gives each state the best approach to marijuana policy without fear of federal interference." If she wins in November, Fried said she would go to Washington, D.C. to lobby on behalf of Florida citizens. She also has goals to work with the Chief Financial Officer's office to create policy that would protect banks and create a state bank that could house money from medical marijuana companies and patients in one location. "We have over-regulation of medical marijuana in our state, and under-regulation of weapons," she said. "I believe Tallahassee is broken and our priorities need to be realigned." Fried is running against North Fort Myers Republican Rep. Matt Caldwell, an eight-year veteran of the Florida House. Photo: Nikki Fried campaign Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis speaks during an afternoon campaign stop at The Compass Rose in Valparaiso, Fla., on Saturday, June 9, 2018, with Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. Michael Snyder Northwest Florida Daily News via AP Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis made speeches in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017 at an annual right wing conference hosted by an activist who has said that African-Americans owe their freedom to white people and that the countrys only serious race war is against whites, according to a report by the Washington Post. The Post reports that the David Horowitz Freedom Center conferences, called "Restoration Weekends," took place in Palm Beach and Charleston, S.C., and featured highly controversial speakers such as: a former Google engineer who was fired after arguing that there are fewer women in technology fields and leadership in part because of "biological causes;" an author who has written that "Europe is committing suicide" by allowing refugees and immigrants to enter its borders; and a British media personality who said that in the United Kingdom, "discrimination against whites is institutionalized and systemic." Only one of these appearances, the one last year, had been previously reported by the Naples Daily News. DeSantis' financial disclosure forms show that the center reimbursed DeSantis for meals and a luxury hotel stay in Palm Beach that year. Horowitz himself also has a list of racially charged comments in his past, including a recent tweet that "Black Africans enslaved black Africans. America freed them sacrificing 350k mainly white Union lives. American blacks are richer, more privileged, freer than blacks anywhere in the world, including all black run countries." Horowitz also tweeted that "the country's only serious race war (is) against whites." For DeSantis' part, his speeches at the events largely focused on criticizing Democratic policies. But in 2015, DeSantis praised Horowitz in his remarks, according to the Post. "David has done such great work and Ive been an admirer," he reportedly said. "Ive been to these conferences in the past but Ive been a big admirer of an organization that shoots straight, tells the American people the truth and is standing up for the right thing." DeSantis' congressional spokeswoman, Elizabeth Fusick, told the Washington Post that DeSantis doesn't "buy into this 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon' notion that he is responsible for the views and speeches of others." The Palm Coast congressman's views on race have taken center stage in the race for governor, as he battles against the Democratic nominee, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum who is the first black nominee for governor by a major party in Florida's history. The day after primary night, DeSantis said on Fox News that Gillum is an "articulate" spokesman for the left wing, and that "the last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda." Since then, race has remained an ugly cloud over the campaigns. PASCAGOULA, Miss. -- The death of an inmate has prompted an investigation by the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation per request by Sheriff Mike Ezell. Details are limited at this time, but according to Ezell, during routine rounds Monday morning, deputies found a woman unresponsive in her cell. After CPR was conducted and medical help was sought, the woman was pronounced dead at the Jackson County Adult Detention Center. Because next of kin has not been informed, officials are not releasing the inmate's name. This story will be updated as more information becomes available. U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis speaks during a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on June 28, 2018, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Alex Wong Getty Images U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis submitted a resignation letter on Monday to Speaker Paul Ryan, saying it was "effective immediately." "As the Republican nominee for Governor of Florida, it is clear to me that I will likely miss the vast majority of our remaining session days for this Congress," he wrote. "Under these circumstances, it would be inappropriate for me to accept a salary." The letter asks that the resignation be retroactive to Sept. 1 so DeSantis is not paid for the month of September. DeSantis was on his third term in Congress. Absent this resignation, DeSantis could have remained in office until the date his successor was sworn in, which will be on Jan. 3, 2019 just days before Florida's next governor will take office on January 8. It has been an honor to serve the people of Florida's Sixth Congressional District. Ron DeSantis (@RepDeSantis) September 10, 2018 The decision is consistent with DeSantis' strict ideology about Congress, as he declined his pension and health care plan shortly after he was elected. However, it could also indicate that he is feeling pressure from the Andrew Gillum campaign. Democrats pounced on the news, alleging that it was timed intentionally to "distract" from a Sunday night report from The Washington Post revealing DeSantis had spoken at a racially charged conference four times. A spokeswoman for his Congressional office has said he is not "responsible for the views and speeches of others." "Ron DeSantis' entire political career has been about helping one person: Ron DeSantis," Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Terrie Rizzo wrote in a statement. "Ron DeSantis can abandon his post, but he can't avoid questions about why he chose to associate himself with hateful, fringe organizations." Geoff Burgan, spokesman for Andrew Gillum's campaign, referenced the Times/Herald to the party's statement and declined to comment further. During his three terms, DeSantis had a very low absentee rate for most of his tenure representing the Palm Coast area. However, GovTrack, which tracks Congressional votes, shows that he has missed 53.8 percent of his votes July to September, a considerable spike. DeSantis was a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of the most right wing members, and has been one of Congress' loudest voices against the special counsel investigating Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, who has stumped with DeSantis and is one of his closest allies in Congress, said he feels like "Robin without Batman." He added that he spoke to DeSantis this morning about his resignation, but otherwise had no insight into why DeSantis chose Monday to submit his letter. "While Ron ran in the primary he was running against someone who had a government job who spent every day campaigning ... He felt like it would have been hypocritical for doing what he criticized Adam Putnam for," Gaetz said. DeSantis traveled back and forth from Washington to Florida while the House was in session. "Based on what I've been reading about Andrew Gillum, serving taxpayers over self may be foreign concept," Gaetz added. DeSantis' absence from Congress comes three weeks before lawmakers must pass a spending package to keep the federal government running past September 30. DeSantis has typically bucked GOP leadership to vote down the proposals amid concerns about federal spending. READ MORE: Defending Trump, threatening shutdowns: What 5 years in Congress tell us about Ron DeSantis. Trump has hinted at a government shutdown in October, though congressional Republicans are expected to at least pass a short-term spending bill to keep the government running during campaign season. With today's news, there are now six vacant seats in U.S. House, whose constituents will likely have no representative until after the November election. Running to take over DeSantis' potentially vulnerable seat is Republican Mike Waltz, who bears many similarities to DeSantis as a former Green Beret, adviser to Dick Cheney, and Fox News contributor. The Democrat have fielded Nancy Soderberg, a former ambassador to the United Nations and deputy national security adviser to President Bill Clinton who easily won her primary. This story will be updated. Miami Herald Washington correspondent Alex Daugherty contributed. Lelectricite est devenue, de nos jours, un besoin dune importance majeure, et cela, dans tous les domaines dactivite. Que ce soit dans les maisons ou [] International 84 dead in Yemens Hodeida after talks fail Khokha (Yemen), Sep 9 (Agencies) | Publish Date: 9/9/2018 11:39:27 AM IST Clashes and air strikes have left 84 people dead around Yemens Red Sea port city of Hodeida since the collapse of UN-brokered peace talks, hospital sources said Sunday, AFP reported. The sources in Hodeida province, controlled by Huthi rebels, said 11 soldiers and 73 insurgents had been killed since the talks were abandoned on Saturday. Dozens of rebels and at least 17 soldiers had been wounded. Attempted peace talks between Yemens Saudi-backed government and the Huthis, linked to Saudi Arabias arch-rival Iran, collapsed on Sunday, sparking fears of an escalation in the Yemen conflict. The rebels refused to leave Yemen for Geneva, saying the UN had not met their demands -- including a plane to transport their wounded to nearby Oman and a guarantee their delegation would be allowed to return to the capital Sanaa. In 2014, the Huthis seized control of a string of Red Sea ports and the capital, driving the government out of Sanaa and the president into exile. In 2015, Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in the conflict to bolster President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, recognised by the UN as Yemens president. They now control Yemens airspace. Nearly 10,000 people have since been killed and the country now stands at the brink of famine. The coalition launched a major offensive to retake Hodeida, the entry point for some 70 percent of Yemens imports including food and aid, in June. In July, the coalition announced a temporary ceasefire to give a chance to UN-brokered peace talks. A classic case of man bites dog played out in Igembe North, Meru County over the weekend when a cow caused the death of a lioness that had been terrorising area locals. According to reports from Meru, the cows panic runs as it attempted to flee led to the death of the big cat. The cow, which had been roped to a tree, tried to flee when it saw the lion approaching. However, the rope, which had been used to tether the cow, trapped the lioness, consequently strangling it to death as it attempted to free itself. Area chief, Daniel Kobia, alerted Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officers from the Meru National Park, who reported to the scene and collected the lions carcass. The KWS officers confirmed that the lion died from strangulation. According to residents, the lion had been causing fear for the past five weeks and had mauled several domestic animals. However, their complaints to KWS about the stray lion fell on deaf ears. The photos and a video. KENYA: Tethered cow strangles lion to death at Luciuti village in Igembe North, Meru County. The African Voice (@teddyeugene) September 7, 2018 The villager who discovered the body of slain Rongo University College student Sharon Otieno wants police protection and counselling, the Sunday Standard reports. Moses Ongili, a farmer from Ogero village in Homa Bay County, told the local daily that he is mentally disturbed and is still reeling in shock after stumbling on the horrifying remains of the 26-year-old student on Tuesday evening. According to Ongili, he has not been the same since learning of the circumstances under which the woman whose body he discovered was murdered. He does not trust strangers and fears they are the killers of Sharon Otieno coming after him for uncovering their trails. When journalists visited him at his home, Ongili demanded a letter from the police that authorised him to speak. I need a letter from police which warrants my interview with you. We can only talk under the guard of police officers because I dont know your intentions, he was quoted. When he finally agreed to recall the moment, Ongili said the cattle he was herding inside Wire Forest that evening led him to the body. It was around 3.30pm and a storm was brewing over the Homa Hills. So I was driving the cattle out of the forest towards home when those in the lead crowded at the spot where the body was, he said. He said he monitored from a distance to see if they had seen a prey animal or a snake but he could not see much since the area was bushy. I slowly tiptoed towards the scene to get a glimpse of what the attraction was, said Ongili, adding, It was ghastly. I felt my body freeze in shock. She lay naked facing down. Ongili said he quickly fled the scene out of fear that those behind the gruesome murder might still have been lurking in the area. Along the way, he met a few village mates whom he informed of what he had seen. I then rushed home, tied my cattle and went to Oyugis Police Station where I recorded a statement. I returned to the scene with the police who took the body to Rachuonyo South Sub-county Hospital mortuary, said Ongili. According to Ongili, the discovery has left him psychologically tortured and he has not been able to sleep nor eat since Tuesday because he had never witnessed such a horrible scene in his entire life. I have neither slept well nor eaten since I found the body. It disturbs my mind and I need help, he said. He also requested not to have his photograph taken because it would aggravate the trauma he was undergoing. Residents of Ogera village suspect Sharon was killed elsewhere before the body was dumped at the scene. We found her blood concentrated at a single spot where the body lay. She might have been killed elsewhere, said Erick Ochieng, a resident. Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor has since established that Sharon died from excessive bleeding. A postmortem conducted on Friday revealed she was stabbed three times in the neck, four times in the back and once in the left side of the abdomen. The attack also pierced the seven-month foetus she was carrying. Nairobi governor Mike Sonko has called out his Migori counterpart Okoth Obado over the murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno. According to Sonko, the Migori governor should have used a condom if he didnt want to take responsibility for Sharons unborn baby. Sharon, who was seven months pregnant, is said to have been carrying the governors child before she was brutally murdered. Speaking on Saturday while addressing a gathering during the third anniversary celebrations of his late Father Gideon Kioko at his Mua farm, Machakos County, Sonko urged the authorities to stop playing with Kenyans and immediately arrest governor Obado. Lastly, people have been talking about the Sharon issue with fear. The main suspect here is my fellow governor, Okoth Obadoshame on youShenzi kabisa. The postmortem conducted on Sharon indicates she was stabbed six times because governor Obado asked Sharon to abort the baby and she refused. Why didnt he then use a condom? Shame on you, fired Sonko. Sonko further called on the authorities, specifically the Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji and Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti to stop playing with Kenyans and immediately arrest governor Obado. Im now urging the DPP and Kinoti to stop playing games with Kenyans. Let him be arrested and prosecuted. Let us not lie to each other. Obado should carry his own cross. And I am telling Governor Josphat Nanok (COG chair) not to call me to any press conference to show solidarity with any murderer. We cannot forgive such a person, Sonko added. Here is a video of Sonkos remarks. 16:55 The Shiv Sena on Tuesday lashed out at the Bharatiya Janata Party, saying it came to power by climbing on the "Hindutva ladder" but threw it off once its purpose was met. Accusing the BJP of "stabbing Hindutva in the back" by breaking alliance with the Shiv Sena prior to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the Uddhav Thackeray-led party said not a single promise made to Hindus has been fulfilled till now. The Congress at least flattered Muslims for so many years, while the BJP, instead of "cajoling" Hindus, is bent on making them secular, it said in an editorial in party mouthpiece Saamana. The Hindus today are disappointed, the Sena claimed, alleging that the BJP used Hindus the way the Congress used Muslims. Not a single promise made to Hindus has been fulfilled by the BJP, be it the Ram temple or the Uniform Civil Code. All of this was on the BJP's aggressive Hindutva agenda, but the aggressiveness which was there before coming to power, deflated later, it said. "The BJP has become like the Congress. At least the Congress flattered Muslims for so many years. The BJP, far from cajoling, is making Hindus secular. The country's journey from the Congress to the Congress has begun," said the Sena, which is an ally of the BJP at the Centre and in Maharashtra. Slamming RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat for his remarks that Hindus have no aspiration of dominance, the Sena said it was expected of him to speak about the current situation in the country, where Hindus are being dubbed terrorists and attempts are being made to finish them. Addressing a gathering at the second World Hindu Congress in Chicago last Friday, Bhagwat had said Hindus have no aspiration of dominance and asked them to come together and organise themselves. Narendra Modi became the prime minister only because Hindus came together and got aggressive, but what was gained by coming together and this aggressiveness? the Sena asked. "Hindutva was stabbed in the back by breaking alliance with the Shiv Sena. And, those who aggressively spoke for Hindutva and for the country were termed enemies by the BJP," it said. "It (BJP) came to power climbing the ladder of Hindutva and once its work was done, the ladder was thrown away. The fake Hindutvavadis in power today aspire to silence the voice of an aggressive Hindutva and finish Hindus in their own country by terming them terrorists," it said. Bhagwat was expected to speak about all of this in Chicago, the Sena said, and asked why there was no place for the party in the World Hindu Congress when it openly and aggressively talks about Hindutva. There may be other organisations like the Sena working for the cause of Hindutva according to their capabilities. They too should have been given a place in the World Hindu Congress, it opined. "If Hinduism has to come together, why this untouchability?" the Marathi daily quipped. The Sena claimed that Hindutva was finished from Nepal while India's prime minister remained "silent", and that the Himalayan country became a "den" of China and Pakistan. -- PTI Democrats on Capitol Hill are using just about every tool they can think of to try to stop Every Student Succeeds Act money from being used by schools to purchase firearms. On Friday, two top Democrats on the House education committee asked congressional leadership to include a ban on Title IV money from going to guns and firearms training in the education funding bills currently under consideration on Capitol Hill. The grants are intended to fund school safety efforts, education technology, and supportive school climates. But Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., the top Democrat on the House committee, and fellow committee member Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., say if Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos lets those grants go to guns, shell be subverting the fundamental purpose of the grant. Diverting federal fund to arm teachers would not only jeopardize student and staff health and safety, but also run counter to Congressional intent, precedent, and common sense, wrote Scott and Bonamici, who also copied lawmakers who oversee the appropriations process. Last month, a report that DeVos was mulling over a proposal to let Title IV aid go to firearms and firearms training outraged Democrats, school advocates, and others. The Trump administration said the issue originated through a question Texas districts asked about whether the grants could be spent on guns. Ultimately, DeVos stated publicly that she would not weigh in on the issue one way or the other. Republican leaders of congressional education committees, however, have said this decision is best left up to states and districts . Also on Friday, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., asked for the Senate education committee to hold a hearing on the issue of Title IV grants and guns , and for DeVos to testify. Congress is supposed to pass fiscal 2019 spending bills funding the federal government by Sept. 30. You can read Scott and Bonamicis letter below: Follow us on Twitter at @PoliticsK12 . If Democrats take control of the House of Representatives next year, expect civil rights to grab the spotlight and for congressional subpoenas in the name of education oversight to become more popular. But you may not see as much of U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos as some might think. The bad blood between Democrats and the Trump administration started, well, right at the start, when they clashed with Betsy DeVos in that now-famous confirmation hearing more than 18 months ago. And Democrats have been scrapping with DeVos and the U.S. Department of Education ever since. The two sides have publicly squabbled over how shes handled states Every Student Succeeds Act plans, her approach to Obama-era guidance on school discipline and transgender students, K-12 spending, her changes to civil rights investigations, and, most recently, whether schools could spend ESSA money to arm teachers. But what if Democrats found themselves the big winners from the November mid-terms and Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., ends up holding the gavel on the House education committee? What issues would they focus on the most? How would they handle DeVos? And could Democrats eyes get too big for their stomachs? We asked some Capitol Hill veterans for answers, and here are a few answers we received. Civil Rights in Focus Scott said in a statement that in addition to closing persistant gaps in educational equity and achievement, Democrats must hold the Trump administration accountable for attacking students civil rights and prioritizing corporate profits over the best interests of young people across the country. In this case, accountable probably has a very specific meaning. One thing theyre definitely going to do is do a lot of oversight of the department. The secretarys given them a lot to work with, said Charles Barone, a former staffer for retired Rep. George Miller of California, a top Democratic lawmaker on education for year (Barone is now the director of policy at Democrats for Education Reform). Does any of that change what the secretary is going to do? Probably not. But its something they should do. Civil rights is really the issue to watch here, for several reasons. One other factor that could push civil rights to the forefront: Scott is a former civil rights attorney. If Democrats win the House and Scott runs the committee, he would be the first black chairman of the committee since Rep. Augustus F. Hawkins of Californiaduring Hawkins leadership, the committee went by the name Education and Labor. Since DeVos has had a significant impact on civil rights policy, Democrats could turn the tables and use it their House majority to defend Obama-era initiatives, said Alice Cain, a former staffer for retired Rep. George Miller of California, a top Democratic lawmaker on education for years. It has seemed like everything Obama did, they want to undo, across agencies, said Cain, whos now the executive vice president for Teach Plus, an educator advocacy group. (Obamas first education secretary, Arne Duncan, made this argument explicitly in a recent piece for Education Week commentary .) You can also expect a lot of oversight hearings in general, and in particular on higher education. And Democrats could be particularly interested in using subpoenas to draw out what theyve said are conflicts of interest regarding DeVos higher education work. Legislation Under Consideration So what would Democrats actually try to pass? Its going to be tough to get significant policy bills through. But keep the spring teacher walkouts and protests in mind. It doesnt get the most attention these days, but school infrastructure is an area where President Donald Trump and Democrats, in theory, could still find common ground, especially after educators highlighted. And Democrats have the Rebuild Americas Schools Act already in the tillthe legislation includes $100 billion for upgrading buildings and new projects. Its hard to get anything to move in Congress these days, but school infrastructure projects might not cause the hyperpartisan outcry triggered by other issues. More generally, newly empowered Democratic House appropriators could bump up money for the office for civil rights, Title II, Title IV, and other areas of DeVos budget. Theyd have to work with the Senate to make those increases a reality, but the departments budget increased in the first spending bill Trump signed, and might rise again next year. Then theres perhaps the primary driver of this years educator activism from earlier this year. Teacher pay was a big issue this spring, said Lisette Partelow, the K-12 Director of Strategic Initiatives at the left-leaning think tank Center for American Progress and a former Hill staffer. They might want to do something about how a federal piece of legislation could address that. But getting either bill to pass will be very far from easy. And the forecast is pretty gloomy for big-ticket bills, like those covering the Higher Education Act and the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. In addition to difficulty getting bipartisan support in the Senate, there are some in the advocacy communityparticularly those who advocate for students with disabilitieswho might pressure Democrats not to push to reauthorize high-profile laws while Trump and DeVos are in office, regardless of whether Congress can make across-the-aisle progress. (See the bit about the delayed special education rule above, which several advocacy groups opposed.) Even if Democrats control the House next year, what theyre able to accomplish would depend a great deal on the Senate, which probably isnt going to flip to the Democrats through the midterms. And its also possible that Trump will be less inclined to work with Democrats if they take power away from Republicans in the House. By the same token, a Democrats not going to win any points by showing up at a bill signing with Trump these days, said Martin R. West, a professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a former staffer for Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the GOP chairman of the Senate education committee. Still, its not as if Republicans have been energetically working their way through a big K-12 to-do list. (The House GOP higher education bill has also stalled out.) So there may not be much of an education policy agenda for Democrats to stymie if they take the House, West added. One way Democrats could signal they are serious about addressing policy and not just making noise? Moving a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals bill in the first 100 days. Thats according to John Bailey, a visiting fellow fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a staffer for President George W. Bush. Its harder when you have to actually govern and allocate floor time and actually get things done, Bailey said. Outside of even the relevant committee, [DACA] was something that they all sort of rallied around. DeVos on the Hill Compared to her predecessors relatively sleepy Capitol Hill hearings, when DeVos testifies, it tends to draw a crowdand make news. Her comments about guns and undocumented students to Democratic lawmakers have made headlines, for example. So should we expect to see DeVos up on the Hill all the time if Democrats run the House? Not necessarily. The House staffer we spoke with indicated that while frequently calling DeVos up to testify might be appealing to a certain extent, Democrats would be more interested in her deputies who can discuss her departments approach in detail. So if Democrats are in control next year, we might get a relatively heavy dose of Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Kenneth L. Marcus and Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education Frank Brogan in House hearings, among others. Names to watch on higher education who could spend some time speaking into the committees witness microphones are Robert Eitel, a senior counselor to DeVos on higher education issues, and Diane Auer Jones, a senior adviserboth come from jobs in the world of for-profit colleges. Barone said that while constantly calling DeVos to testify would be politcally appealing, its doubtful it would have a broader impact. Shes already been subject to intense scrutiny around a number of issues. And that hasnt changed how she conducts policy, Barone said. I wouldnt expect any change to come from trotting her out in front of the committee and putting more pressure on her. And while DeVos may not be the most popular Trump official on Capitol Hill, Republicans wouldnt just let her dangle in the wind as Democrats go after her on civil rights and ESSA, West said: Republicans do have a different view than most Democrats in Congress as to how those issues should be handled. I doubt that you would see them failing to defend the steps that the department has taken thus far. Very Different Dynamic Cain recalled that the last time the House flipped to the Democrats, in 2007, subsequent meetings between her boss, other Democrats on the Hill, and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings were cordial and conducted in good faith. I think we had trust that Secretary Spellings had the same goals. Maybe a different way of getting to them sometimes. But the discussion was: How do you get there? Its a very different dynamic right now, Cain recalled. I dont think Democrats and Republicans would say [now] theyre even trying to get to the same place. \When we wrote in 2006 about the prospect of Democrats taking the House and the SenateMiller and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts talked about making some changes to the No Child Left Behind Act, which was strongly supported and signed into law by President George W. Bush, but keeping its core elements like annual testing. The environment around ESSA and oversight of the law is significantly different today. Despite a less-forgiving political climate and the temptation to attack DeVos, her staff, and their policies at every opportunity, Cain said Democrats should also lay out a positive agenda for education if they were to win the House. If theyre holding five oversight hearings for every one Heres our vision hearing, then yeah, its going to be perceived as overreach, Cain said. Highlighting Students One tactic the Democrats might try is giving voice to students they believe have been negatively impacted by DeVos moves, according to Partelow of the Center for American Progress. They could hear testimony from transgender students, for example, who have been affected by the secretarys decision to rescind the Obama transgender guidance. What does that mean for them? Are they afraid to use the bathroom at schools? They might be subject to more bullying and harassment, she said. Aside from such tactical moves, however, Democrats would have to prioritize where education stands in the list of areas where they want to push back on the Trump administration, as well as what education issues to investigate. And elementary and secondary education might take a backseat to higher education issues Democrats want to highlight, like how proposals for reducing college tuition, and how DeVos has handled student loans and for-profit colleges. I would say that Congress has no shortage of things to investigate, Partelow said. Photo: Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos testifies at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in January, 2017. --Carolyn Kaster/AP-File Follow us on Twitter at @PoliticsK12 . [September 10, 2018] IoT Solutions World Congress Focuses on End-user Adoption and Explores Cutting-edge Industrial IoT Strategies The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), the world's leading organization transforming business and society by accelerating the adoption of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is partnering with Fira Barcelona to bring IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) to Barcelona. With exhibits spanning two halls, 300 exhibitors, and more than 14,000 visitors from 120 countries expected, IOTSWC has grown to become the global reference for industrial IoT and the annual meeting for industry stakeholders to establish new partnerships. The Congress, which runs from October 16-18, 2018, will be co-located with Blockchain Solutions World and AI & Cognitive Systems Forum. At the Congress, 300 top-level industry speakers will talk about how the IIoT is transforming industries, improving efficiencies, reducing costs, changing business models and creating new service revenue streams. IIC continues to build thought leadership, with 25% of the Congress represented by speakers from the global talent from IIC member companies. "IOTSWC will continue to explore the latest industrial IoT innovations to bring visitors the expertise and strategies they need to capitalize on IoT," said Dr. Richard Soley, Executive Director, IIC. "Regardless of where your organization is in its IoT journey, the Congress is where you will the gain the knowledge to move forward into the next phase of your IoT vision." IIC Member Pavilion In the IIC Member Pavilion - Hall 2, Stand D411 - the following IIC members will showcase their industry specific solutions to customers: Asavie, Basler AG, Entrust Datacard, FogHorn Systems, Fraunhofer (News - Alert) IOSB, Juniper Networks, Kx, Lynx Software Technologies, Moxa, Inc., NetApp, Real-Time Innovations (RTI), Rubicon Labs, TCS/NetFoundry, Thales eSecurity, and Wibu-Systems. The following IIC Member demonstrations will also be on display: Smart Factory Web Testbed , led by IIC members Fraunhofer IOSB and Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), the Smart Factory Web Testbed forms a network of smart factories that share production resources and assets to improve order fulfillment. The testbed provides insight into how to connect factories to a Smart Factory Web and exchange data reliably; how to provide information securely to authorized partners; and how to adapt production capabilities quickly and efficiently in response to orders. , led by IIC members Fraunhofer IOSB and Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), the Smart Factory Web Testbed forms a network of smart factories that share production resources and assets to improve order fulfillment. The testbed provides insight into how to connect factories to a Smart Factory Web and exchange data reliably; how to provide information securely to authorized partners; and how to adapt production capabilities quickly and efficiently in response to orders. Automotive Security Demonstration, which addresses safety violations resulting from cybersecurity compromises. The demo validates assurance scenarios for safety and cybersecurity within a vehicle, orchestrates security threats and vulnerability compromises in a vehicle. The demo includes a LiFi-based V2X wireless communication system that transmits real-time data about brakes, steering and safety and security. New Interface to IIC Library of Knowledge At IOTSWC, the IIC will launch the IIC Resource Hub, a new interface to its library of knowledge and a web-based tool guiding users through the analysis and planning of their own IIoT projects, referencing IIC resources and providing actionable intelligence. This library of knowledge is represented in IIC foundational documents, testbed insights, toolkits, demos and relationships with standards and industry groups around the world. The IIC Member Pavilion will feature a demonstration of the Resource Hub designed to make it easier for IIoT project managers and system architects to access the IIC library of knowledge. The Testbed Area In the IOTSWC testbed area, attendees will see live demonstrations of Industrial IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in action and will learn how the solutions can benefit their organizations. Testbeds remain the centerpiece of the IOTSWC exhibition floor, giving attendees the opportunity to experience these most advanced and innovative solutions in a visual, dynamic and tangible way. Awards Program The IOT Solutions Awards is set to recognize the work, leadership and transformation that stand out in IOT, Blockchain and AI solutions for both the public and private sector in the areas of innovative technology, business transformation, testbed and industry. Nominees will be notified in September and will receive their awards at the gala reception on October 17th in Barcelona. Members of the press interested in meeting IIC Executive Director Richard Soley or IIC member companies represented in the IIC pavilion can request appointments via the IIC press office at Press and analysts will need to register for IOTSWC at About Industrial Internet Consortium The Industrial Internet Consortium is the world's leading membership program transforming business and society by accelerating the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The IIC delivers a trustworthy IIoT in which the world's systems and devices are securely connected and controlled to deliver transformational outcomes. The Industrial Internet Consortium is a program of the Object Management Group (OMG). For more information, visit Note to editors: Industrial Internet Consortium is a registered trademark of OMG. For a listing of all OMG trademarks, visit All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. View source version on [ Back to the Next Generation Communications Community's Homepage ] After an initial exit poll from SVT showed the Sweden Democrats with the second-largest amount of votes, the center-right Moderate party surpassed the nationalist group, with 19.8 percent of voter support. The Sweden Democrats remain the third-biggest party - failing to overtake the Moderates - and were credited with 17.6 percent of the vote, below the 20 to 30 percent Akesson had hoped to win. With most ballots from Sunday's election counted, the ruling Social Democrats led by Prime Minister Stefan Lofven had 28.1% of the vote - their worst showing in decades. Ahead of the election, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven had warned, "The haters are mobilizing in Sweden and are egging on people against people". Sweden took in more asylum seekers per capita than any other country in Europe in 2015, magnifying worries about a welfare system that many voters already believe is in crisis. The election had been watched closely for signs about the extent to which a cascade of anti-immigrant fear could hit even Sweden, which has always been one of Europe's most open nations toward refugees. The two main parliamentary blocs were left tied but well short of a majority and the far-right Sweden Democrats are promising to wield "real influence" in parliament despite making more modest gains than many had predicted. An anti-immigration party has won nearly 20% of votes in the Swedish election, an early exit poll suggests. What is preventing the traditional conservative parties in Sweden from working with them to form a government? Mattias, a Stockholm resident at an election night party in the city, said he was "extremely concerned" about the far right's steady climb. The Sweden Democrats - led by Jimmie Akesson - worked to soften its neo-Nazi image while helping to break down longstanding taboos on what Swedes could say openly about immigration and integration without being shunned as racists. "The fact that the Sweden Democrats didn't do as well as some of them had dared to hope means that that trio [the Moderates, Christian Democrats and Sweden Democrats, ed.], which I think probably would be prepared to form some sort of government together, they can't because they haven't got almost enough votes". "It feels like Sweden could take a step in this election that we won't be able to recover from very easily". Sweden, recognized for its open-door immigration policy, has always been a destination for refugees. "The election is between potential democracy and potential facism", he told AFP. "I'm afraid we're becoming a society that is more hostile to foreigners". In principle, they could take over power tomorrow - or as soon as parliament reopens - if the four of them were prepared to reach some sort of, even vague and implicit, accommodation with the Sweden Democrats. While the final election results were due late Sunday, the composition of the next government may not be known for weeks. "Everything is about us", Akesson said. None of the seven parties has been willing to negotiate with the Sweden Democrats, which first entered parliament in 2006 with 5.7 percent of votes. "When the same party time and again increases, and the other parties stand still, then you have to listen to that part of the population that is voting for this party". Sweden's struggles have captured attention around the world, including in the United States, where President Donald Trump has at times held it up as an example of the failures that come from too much immigration. That could help reignite US demands that Beijing narrow its trade gap, which has temporarily been overshadowed by their clash over complaints China steals or pressures foreign companies to hand over technology. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has said tariffs pose a threat to the American economy and the group advocated for using other methods - like direct negotiations - to encourage fairer trade with China. The Trump administration may roll out the tariffs on the $200 billion in phases. Beijing says it will retaliate. And I hate to say that, but behind that, there's another $267 billion ready to go on short notice if I want. Rockland already pays tariffs ranging from 5 percent to 15 percent on some of the raw materials it imports from China, and Berman predicted any additional duties would be devastating to the company. The groups expressed concern over the administration's suggestion that the United States might impose tariffs on all Chinese imports. The tweet came after Apple warned that Trump's proposed tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese-made products would affect the company. As trade relations between the two countries continue to get strained, Apple said in a letter to the United States trade representative that the move would "hurt" the company, according to CNBC report. But sellers of factory machinery and other more advanced exports express confidence they can keep their US market share. But Beijing will struggle to keep responding in kind as it imports less than United States dollars 200 billion in U.S. goods per year. While Apple did not offer an estimate of how much Trump's China tariffs would increase costs of production, the company argued that the tariffs will only hurt American consumers and companies, without curbing China's technology policies. Data for June was revised to show the trade deficit rising to $45.7 billion, instead of the previously reported $46.3 billion. In July, exports of goods and services fell 1.0 percent to $211.1 billion. The Shanghai market is down roughly 23 percent in dollar terms so far this year while the Dow has risen almost 5 percent. The country's global trade gap was $27.9 billion. Separately, the US and Canada have resumed negotiations to try to keep Canada in an updated North American trade pact that also includes Mexico. But the tariffs do not appear to have dented the appetite for Chinese-made products in the United States. Trump took to Twitter Sunday to declare victory and write: "This is just the beginning". Citing Trump's new tariffs, Ford on August 31 said it was dropping plans to ship the Focus Active from China to America. But in a statement Sunday, Ford said "it would not be profitable to build the Focus Active in the U.S." given forecast yearly sales below 50,000. "Exciting!" Trump said Saturday in a tweet aimed at the Cupertino, California-based company. Ford didn't move production of the Focus to China by accident; it did so because the US market has shifted away from smaller vehicles toward SUVs, which has made production of the Focus in the USA -a relatively expensive location-an illogical choice. President Donald Trump concedes that some Apple Inc products may become more expensive if his administration imposes "massive" additional tariffs on Chinese-made goods, but he says the tech company can fix the problem by moving production to the US. Then, after Trump started threatening his new tariffs against China, Ford decided in August that it wouldn't sell the Focus Active in the USA after all. After months of discussion among USA companies that the tariffs would cause costs of a wide variety of huge range of industrial and consumer goods. Apple, in pushing back on the tariff proposal, said it bought more than $50 billion worth of components from US-based suppliers a year ago and that it's the largest U.S. corporate tax payer. With Ford joining Apple in criticizing President Trump's tariffs, the pressure on the administration to back down and de-escalate the trade war is perhaps greater than ever. Trump pledged on Friday that he is prepared to slap $267 billion in tariffs on Chinese products, in addition to the $200 billion he has already promised. For instance, as CNBC reported, the Koch Network launched a six-figure ad campaign, meant to campaign against Trump's tariffs. Furthermore, as the Huffington Post reported, citing federal statistics, USA trade deficit with China, and the European Union has jumped to a five-month high, in spite of the tariffs. "The days of the USA being ripped-off by other nations is OVER!" The plan, said industry analyst Ed Kim of AutoPacific, was to pare down the Focus lineup to Active wagons and import them from China. Before driving onto the runway the man had driven the auto into the glass doors of one of the airport terminals. This is not a typical day at Lyon International Airport, as a auto was seen careening across the dirt and onto the runway, followed by 20 police vehicles and at least one helicopter. A man has rammed his vehicle through two glass doors and sped onto a runway at the global airport in Lyon, south-east France, before being arrested by police who laid chase in vans and on foot. He was later detained. Within seconds, he is surrounded by at least a dozen police officers and several police cars and is arrested. The driver then jumped out while the vehicle was still rolling and sprinted off on foot, pursued by a police van. The airport has been closed and all flights have been successfully grounded, according to reports. Flights were grounded at Lyon-Saint-Exupery worldwide airport after the auto hurtled across the runway zone before coming to a halt on rough ground next to the tarmac. Multiple police officers, police cars, and a helicopter chased him before ultimately detaining him, Reuters reported, citing police. The Duke and Duchess have been invited to visit the Commonwealth Realms of Australia and New Zealand by the countries' respective governments. The Queen made Prince Harry a youth ambassador for the Commonwealth earlier this year, while the Duchess of Sussex had flowers and foliage from all 53 Commonwealth countries embroidered into her veil on her wedding day. Their Royal Highnesses touch down in Wellington on October the 28th. Prince Harry and Meghan will undertake an official visit to Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are set to visit Melbourne, Sydney and New Zealand as part of their royal tour for the Invictus Games 2018. "I know they will receive a very warm Kiwi welcome wherever they go", Ardern said. This outing comes after a Kensington Palace insider last week confirmed Meghan's pregnancy to New Idea and said the pair would have to cancel her first royal tour of Australia. After a brief visit, they'll make their way back to Sydney and end their trip in New Zealand. They will also visit Auckland before departing on November the 1st. Their trip will take place between October 16 and 28. This World Heritage site is sure to wow Prince Harry and Meghan, thanks to its breathtaking natural beauty, including coloured sand cliffs, tall rainforests growing out of the sand, and white water lakes. Through their work with the Invictus Games in Sydney, Harry and Meghan will once again show how they are supporting the recovery and rehabilitation of servicemen and women. Meghan Markle's mother is taking baby-care classes amid rumours that the royal couple's first child is on the way. Further details regarding the itinerary will be released closer to their arrival. On a good night for the smaller parties, the ex-communist Left almost doubled its score to 9.8% and the centre-right Centre and Christian Democrat parties both advanced. The poll showed that the far-right, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats - led by Jimmie Akesson - would get 19.1 per cent of the votes in what would be a major increase compared to the 13 per cent support received in 2014. About 7.5 million registered voters choose from nearly 6,300 candidates for a four-year term in the 349-seat Riksdag - but it's highly unlikely that any single party will get a majority. The ruling center-left Social Democrats and Greens and their Left Party parliamentary allies were seen winning 39.4 percent of the vote, while the opposition center-right Alliance were seen at 39.6 percent. Reuters reported that right-leaning parties won gains compared to previous elections in the traditionally liberal country, thanks in large part to fears over immigration. Akesson had labeled the vote a choice between immigration and welfare in a campaign that was unusually antagonistic. Sweden went to the polls Sunday in a general election that is expected to be one of the most unpredictable and thrilling races in the Scandinavian country for decades amid heated debate on immigration. That could weaken the Swedish crown in the short term, but analysts do not see any long-term effect on markets from the election because economic growth is strong, government coffers are well stocked and there is broad agreement about the thrust of economic policy. Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, who brought the Social Democrats to power in 2014, said he meant to remain in the job. That gave the center-left 144 seats in the 349-seat parliament against 142 for the Alliance, suggesting weeks of uncertainty before a workable government can be formed. Once a nation that welcomed refugees in high numbers, anti-migration sentiment started to creep into public discourse in 2015, when Sweden took in more than 160,000 asylum seekers. Outgoing Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has accused the SD of extremism and said that a vote for it was "dangerous". Polling stations across Sweden have opened for one of the most hotly contested elections in recent history. However the Liberal Party leaders intervention makes this extremely hard, and suggests that any attempt by the Moderate Party to reach an arrangement with the Sweden Democrats would result in the Alliance electoral coalition collapsing. Marine Le Pen of France's far-right National Rally - formerly known as the National Front - hailed the Swedish party's rise, tweeting: "Yet another bad night ahead for the European Union". The center-right Moderates have become especially tough on immigration, echoing numerous positions of the Sweden Democrats. Mainstream politicians have so far refused to cooperate with the Sweden Democrats. Separately, Swedish tabloid Expressen interviewed a representative of the right-wing Sweden Democrats. Lofven had called the election a "referendum on the future of the welfare state", but the far right presented it as a vote on immigrants and their integration. The nationalist Sweden Democrats were on track to get 17.8 percent. "We used to be a very calm nation", she said. Calling the proposed investigation of war crimes in Afghanistan "utterly unfounded", Bolton said the Trump administration will ban the court's judges and prosecutors from entering the United States if they move ahead with any prosecutions of Americans. The Trump administration is reportedly set to announce the closing of the Palestine Liberation Organization's office in Washington, D.C., in a bid to pressure the Palestinian leadership to participate in Middle East peace efforts. "The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel", Bolton is expected to say, according to the prepared remarks. Palestinian officials described the planned mission closure as the latest pressure tactic by a Trump administration that has slashed funding to a United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees and to hospitals in East Jerusalem. In late August the White House withdrew all funding from the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, describing its approach to handling the issue as "unsustainable" and the U.S. contribution as disproportionate. "We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian mission to the US", Palestine Liberation Organisation secretary-general Saeb Erekat said. A provision in a US law says the PLO mission must close if the Palestinians try to get the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israelis for crimes against Palestinians. Palestinian leaders confirmed they'd been informed by the Trump administration that it plans to shut the Palestinian mission in Washington, condemning the move as proof the disbanding global efforts toward a peace deal with Israel. The planned address will be his first since joining the Trump White House. If the global body doesn't listen, the Trump administration could ban ICC judges and prosecutors from entering the country. "We will not cooperate with the ICC". Bolton's draft speech says the Trump administration "will fight back" if the ICC proceeds with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by USA service members and intelligence professionals during the war in Afghanistan. We will not join the ICC. "We will not co-operate with the ICC. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us", says Bolton's draft text. The ICC was formally established in 2002, although then-President George W. Bush authorized the "un-sign" the Rome Statute and the Senate never ratified it. Bolton suggested the ICC was created to attack USA leadership, not to truly hold egregious global criminals accountable. The ICC was established in 2002 by the Rome Statute, but that treaty was never ratified by the U.S. "In theory, the ICC holds perpetrators of the most egregious atrocities accountable for their crimes, provides justice to the victims, and deters future abuses", Bolton said. Bush's successor, President Barack Obama, took some steps to co-operate with it. The move comes after several financial measures the Trump administration has taken toward the Palestinians. Palestinians have reacted with dismay to the US funding cuts, warning they could lead to more poverty and anger, which are among the factors stoking their decades of conflict with Israel. The Basra Operations Command confirmed to Reuters calling off the curfew, which was due to start at 3pm local time (12:00GMT) as a measure to quell weeks-long protests which had intensified over the past week. Protesters outside Iran's consulate on Friday burned an Iranian flag and chanted "Iran, out!" as they stormed the building. The Iraqi government had on Tuesday imposed a night-time curfew and deployed large numbers of security forces across Basra, mainly around government buildings and banks, after protesters set fire to two facilities. Hundreds of protesters on Thursday night set fire to a government building as well as the offices of Shiite militias. He also said that Iraqis suffering from the lack of essential services "is a natural effect of the poor performance of senior officials in sensitive positions in successive governments built on political quotas and favoritism, without care for professionalism and efficiency". The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has also condemned the attack, saying it harms the Arab country's interests. A few hours after burning the Iranian consulate, the demonstrators headed toward the USA consulate, but the attempt was unsuccessful because of upgraded security measures, the source said. Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the ultimate authority for devout members of Iraq's Shi'ite majority who normally holds himself above day-to-day politics, placed blame for the unrest with political leaders and said a new government should be formed, "different from its predecessors". The interim head of parliament planned to convene an emergency meeting on Saturday, Reuters reported. But Iraqis remain deeply sceptical as the country remains in a state of political limbo after elections in May. Shi'ites in the south, where most of Iraq's oil wealth is produced, say Baghdad politicians have squandered state funds while leaving them desperate. But the government has blamed provocateurs in the crowds and said troops have been ordered not to use live rounds. Mr Al Abadi has scrambled to defuse the anger and authorities have pledged a multi-billion dollar emergency plan to revive infrastructure and services in southern Iraq. The prime minister said he would be ready to attend a meeting of parliament with the ministers and officials concerned to try to find a resolution. The new parliament finally met on Monday for the first time, but broke up after a day with no faction assembling enough votes to elect a speaker, much less name the next prime minister. Teens use of social media has exploded over the past six years, while their preference for face-to-face interactions with friends has markedly declined. But the sky does not appear to be falling, according to the results from a new national survey of teenagers by the nonprofit Common Sense Media. Surprisingly, the group found, teens on the whole say using social media makes them feel less lonely, less depressed, and more confident. They also say theyre aware of social medias potential to distract and manipulate them, even if they sometimes struggle to moderate their own use. Its not all bad news, said Common Sense senior research director Michael Robb. Teens social media lives defy any simplistic judgments. The new report, titled Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences , was released Monday. Its the first update of a 2012 survey by the same name , creating a unique window through which to view the rapid, dramatic shifts in how teenagers communicate and relate to each other. Among the most striking findings: 70 percent of teens now say they use social media more than once a day, compared to 34 percent of teens in 2012. Snapchat is now the most popular social media platform among teens, with 41 percent saying its the one use most frequently. 35 percent of teens now say texting is their preferred mode of communication with friends, more than the 32 percent who prefer in-person communication. In 2012, 49 percent of teens preferred in-person communication. One-fourth of teens say using social media makes them feel less lonely, compared to 3 percent who say it makes them feel more lonely. Nearly three-fourths of teens believe tech companies manipulate them to get them to spend more time on their devices and platforms. For K-12 educators and administrators, many of whom say theyre struggling to keep up with students social media use, the new survey results offer both solace and insight, Robb said. While often highlighted, the experiences of young people who have had the most problems with social media do not appear to be reflective of teens as a whole, he said. And its increasingly evident that parents and educators have a clear role to play in helping teens learn to limit and mold their own social media use. The number one biggest thing is to understand your students social media lives, Robb said. Facebook Supplanted by Snapchat, Instagram Back in 2012, Facebook dominated the landscape, and social media was something for teens to periodically check in on. In 2018, though, social media is no longer a monolith. Teens now communicate, express themselves, share experiences and ideas, rant, gossip, flirt, plan, and stay on top of current events using a mix of platforms that compete ferociously for their attention. The ephemeral-messaging service Snapchat is particularly popular, Common Sense found. Sixty-three percent of teens say they use Snapchat, and 41 percent say its the platform they use most frequently. Instagram, meanwhile, is used by 61 percent of teens. And Facebooks decline among teens has been precipitous, according to the new report. Just 15 percent of teens now say Facebook is their main social media site, down from 68 percent six years ago. (Softening the blow: Facebook owns Instagram.) All told, 81 percent of teens now use social media, and 70 percent use it more than once a day. Nearly three-fourths check social media almost daily, Common Sense found, including 38 percent of teens who do so constantly or a few times an hour. More than one-third of teenagers post their own content to social media daily. Older teens and girls tend to be the heaviest social media users. Because these new technologies have so quickly become integral to most teenagers lives, Robb said, it can be easy for adults to focus on what is being displaced. Thats not entirely misguidedteens declining preference for in-person communication is particularly worth noting, he said. One question to conside, Robb said, is if that trend reflects a vicious cycle in which the quality of the face-to-face time teens do have is diminished because their friends are more interested in their phones than in each other. The survey data suggest that could be the case: The proportion of teens who say social media often distracts me when I should be paying attention to the people Im with has grown from 44 percent in 2012 to 54 percent in 2018. But its also important for parents and educators to ask what they might be missing out on, Robb said. Almost a third of teens consider social media very or extremely important in their lives, the survey found. For many teens, social media is the primary vehicle for organizing and participating in their social lives . And the teens who score lowest on measures of happiness, depression, self-esteem, loneliness, and relationships with their parents are the most likely to say social media is important to them, Common Sense found. Before rushing to discourage social media use, Robb said, grown-ups should think twice. You dont want to accidentally cut off a major source of support and connections for teens who really need it, he said. Overstating the Social Media Threat? And big-picture, teens themselves dont seem to feel that social media is nearly the threat that its been made out to be by parents and popular culture. Overall, teens are not more likely to self-report feeling lonely, depressed, or unhappy after using social media than they were in 2012, Common Sense found, in fact, that 20 percent of teens said using social media makes them feel more confident, compared to 4 percent who said it makes them feel less confident. In addition, the researchers found almost no connection between the frequency of teens social media use and their social-emotional well-being (by asking teens whether they agreed or disagreed with statements such as I like myself and Compared to other people my age, I feel normal.) And despite popular fears, the majority of teens surveyed said that getting new friends, followers, and likes on social media is not particularly important to them. Such findings may come as a surprise to many educators, who often describe a losing battle to keep up with their students social media use. A recent survey by the Education Week Research Center, for example, found that more than half of U.S. K-12 school principals are extremely concerned about their students social media use outside the classroom. Robb said the takeaway is not that everything is hunky-dory, but that there are specific areas where grown-ups can help. Digital distractions, for example, are clearly a problem, and teens have a decidedly mixed track record at regulating their own social media usage, Common Sense found. Fifty-seven percent of teens agreed that social media distracts them from homework, for example, but fewer than one-third usually turn off or silence their phones during homework time. Similarly, 44 percent of cellphone-owning teens said they regularly keep their phones on and active at night, leading to sleep that is sometimes interrupted by calls, texts, and notifications. On that front, Robb said, parents can have an immediate impact through such basic steps as insisting that teens charge their phones outside of their bedrooms at night. Educators can also target their supports better by recognizing that students who are the most socially and emotionally vulnerable also appear most likely to experience feelings of missing out or low self-worth as the result of using social media, he said. And there are steps the companies behind the most popular social media sites can take to encourage healthier use of their products, Robb said. Nearly two-thirds of teen Snapchat users, for example, say theyve participated in a feature called Snapstreaks, which rewards friends who communicate with each other over the platform every day. More than a third of teens whove tried the feature find it stressful, Common Sense found. Its a great example of why so many teens believe they are being manipulated by tech companies, Robb said. And the adults around them shouldnt take for granted that social media has to present them with such powerful forces to resist. Its low-hanging fruit that [Snapchat] could address by making design choices that dont deliberately put undue pressure on teens to use a platform when they dont have any internal need to, he said. Photo: Bill Tiernan for Education Week. See also: for the latest news on ed-tech policies, practices, and trends. On Sunday, members of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Norfolk put away an old tool and picked up a new one when they made the move from their former building on West Norfolk Avenue to the new facility on West Omaha Avenue. As featured on +2 Members of Our Savior have new tool to use to build Gods church A church building is like a hammer it's a tool used to build something. The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), backed by the EU, will launch its Womens Business Program in Morocco Sept.18. This initiative encourages women entrepreneurship for inclusive growth and supports women entrepreneurs looking for adequate access to finance and business training. EBRD works with women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help promote womens participation in business. From accessing finance to business advice, the Bank helps women entrepreneurs gain the skills, knowledge and resources they need. EBRD provides access to finance through credit lines to local banks dedicated to women-led SMEs, alongside advice to help their businesses become more competitive. It also offers training and mentoring to enable women entrepreneurs to share experiences and learn from each other. The EBRD works with partner financial institutions to help them offer financial products that better meet the needs of women-led businesses, changing the way they work. In Morocco, only 50 per cent of formal women-led firms use a bank account and even those who do are often unable to use the full range of what banks have to offer. The EBRD will team up with two Morocco banks BMCE Bank of Africa and BMCI to carry out its Womens Business Program to help them meet the specific needs of women-led SMEs. Women entrepreneurs will also receive business advice, training, mentoring and network-building services, as well as access to the EBRDs online self-diagnostic. A strong focus will be placed on supporting entrepreneurs based outside of Moroccos main commercial centers. Frustration over lack of economic opportunities and social mobility has driven thousands of disenchanted Tunisians to undertake the perilous Mediterranean crossing in an attempt to reach Europe. Some 3,811 Tunisian migrants, now in an irregular situation, arrived by sea in Italy during the first eight months of 2018 compared to 1,721 recorded during the same period of last year, according to the Tunisian Forum of Economic and Social Rights (FTDES). Citing figures from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Forum President Masoud Romdhani reported an increase in the number of victims and missing, saying the number of victims that perished in the sea during that period reached 1,600. He added that 6,369 people have failed to reach the Italian coast, against 3,178 during the same period of 2017. In statements to the press, Masoud Romdhani said despair, lack of confidence, and the social and economic difficulties in Tunisia force these young people to leave the country. In this connection, he called on all parties concerned to put in place a comprehensive development plan capable of relaunching economic growth and social balances, underlining the role of authorities in fulfilling constitutional commitments by guaranteeing the rights of Tunisians, especially young people, and by putting in place urgent development plans for the benefit of remote regions. Romdhani also advocated the adoption of bold and serious steps in the fight against corruption and the upgrading of public administration, while working to revise the economic and social choices that have demonstrated their failure. The disenchantment prompted other Tunisians, especially from provinces long neglected by the government, to join extremist groups. At least 5,500 Tunisians have traveled in recent years to Iraq, Libya and Syria to join the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, according to U.N. estimates. Tunisia, the only nation that emerges as a democracy after the 2011 populist revolts across the region, known as the Arab Spring, continues to face a multitude of political, social and economic challenges. The economy of the North African nation grew by 2.6 percent in the first half of this year, compared to 1.9 percent during the same period of 2017, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Tunisian authorities hope to reach a 3 percent economic growth by the end of 2018. As Algeria has repeatedly violated the territorial integrity of its Libyan neighbor, warlord Khalifa Haftar has expressed his exasperation and threatened to launch war on Algeria, if it continues to profit from the current instability in his country to conduct regular military incursions in the Libyan territory. In a video circulated on social media, Haftar threatened that war could be spread, in moments, to the Algerian border and that Libyan forces are ready to go to war immediately. It is in such virulent and unequivocal terms that the retired Libyan General Khalifa Haftar send his warning to Algeria while he was addressing thousands of his supporters gathered in Benghazi Saturday. The warning came following a recent incident where a number of Algerian soldiers crossed into Libya. Libya, which shares several hundred-km long borders with Algeria, deemed the incursion a violation of its territorial integrity. Algeria, which has already acknowledged previous incursions in Libya, justifying them as isolated acts that will not happen again, should take seriously Khalifa Haftars latest warning, because Haftar has already sent several emissaries to Algiers to call it to order but to no avail, and also because Bouteflikas army is currently going through the worst crisis, since the independence of Algeria. Actually, the Bouteflika clan decided to behead the Algerian army of all its strong generals, thus putting the military in a state of disarray that foreshadows the worst. The anger of Libyas strongman is explained by the non-penitent character of the Algerian regime, which seemingly seeks to take advantage of the chaotic situation in Libya to annex Libyan territories. Libyans claim that the Algerian army, pretending the fight against terrorism, sneaks into Libyan territories in an attempt to nibbling them insidiously. As a reminder, on May 7, 2017, the Tobruk-based Libyan parliament, allied with Marshal Khalifa Haftar, issued a statement openly denouncing an interference by the Algerian authorities in the Libyan conflict. The statement had denounced a tour that the Algerian Foreign Minister had conducted at the time in southern Libyan cities without any control or authorization, as if they were Algerian cities. According to Algerian State-run television ENTV, Algerian Foreign Minister held a phone conversation with Fayez Serraj, Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the Government of National Accord (GNA) over Khalifa Haftars statements. Bolton makes it clear that America First doesnt depend on getting along with anybody. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images It was a predictable step for an America First administration that does not acknowledge international institutions, treaties, or norms as reflecting U.S. values or interests. But still, the virulent attack on the International Criminal Court that national security adviser John Bolton made today at a meeting of the conservative Federalist Society was notably over the top. The U.S. has had an up-and-down relationship with the I.C.C. founded to provide sanctions against individuals committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and acts of genocide since it was founded by the Rome Statute in 1998. Bill Clinton signed the statute in 2000 but did not submit it to the Senate for ratification, saying he wanted to observe the I.C.C.s record first. George W. Bush formally renounced any U.S. obligations to the court when it began operating in 2002. Barack Obama announced a policy of cooperation with the I.C.C. as an observer nation. Now the pendulum is swinging back with a vengeance, as Bolton labeled the court illegitimate and dead to us. But he went further than a policy of passive hostility, as the Guardian reported: The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court, Bolton said. He said the Trump administration would fight back and impose sanctions even seeking to criminally prosecute ICC officials if the court formally proceeded with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by US military and intelligence staff during the war in Afghanistan or pursued any investigation into Israel or other US allies. It was no coincidence that this declaration of war on the war crimes tribunal was made the same day as a State Department announcement that the U.S. was closing the Palestinian Liberation Organizations office in Washington. In its statement, the department says its decision is also consistent with administration and congressional concerns with Palestinian attempts to prompt an investigation of Israel by the International Criminal Court. The beef against the I.C.C. is something of a personal hobbyhorse for Bolton, as the New York Times observes: The United States declined to join the court during Mr. Bushs first term, when Mr. Bolton was an under secretary of state and later ambassador to the United Nations. After he left the Bush administration, the White House showed a little less resistance to the courts work, even expressing support for its investigation of atrocities in Darfur [W]ith Mr. Bolton back in power, the White House has swung back to the language of 2002 and 2003. In his speech, he made familiar arguments against the court, saying that it infringed on American sovereignty, had unchecked power, and was ineffective, unaccountable, and indeed, outright dangerous. Looks like Bolton has found an administration more to his liking. Former U.S. ambassador-at-large for War Crimes Issues David Scheffer, who participated in the creation of the I.C.C. while warning regularly of the danger of the tribunal exceeding its authority, summed it up: The Bolton speech today isolates the United States from international criminal justice and severely undermines our leadership in bringing perpetrators of atrocity crimes to justice elsewhere in the world. This was a speech soaked in fear and Bolton sounded the message, once again, that the United States is intimidated by international law and multilateral organizations. I saw not strength but weakness conveyed today by the Trump Administration. Team Trumps consistent disdain for the soft power of multilateral institutions and diplomacy, which has been a bulwark of U.S. foreign policy since World War II, is going to undermine this country for years after Trump and Bolton leave Washington. Better call Collins. Photo: Pool/Getty Images Susan Collins won election to the Senate by running as a pro-choice Republican who would put Mainers, and ideological moderation, above her party and its orthodoxy. Brett Kavanaugh won nomination to the Supreme Court by being a longtime GOP operative and friend of the Federalist Society a right-wing legal network that exists to ensure no Republican president ever nominates a judge who lacks fealty to conservative orthodoxy (especially, on abortion) ever again. There is some uncertainty about whether Kavanaugh would be the fifth vote for overturning Roe v. Wade (its possible that the courts new anti-choice majority will find decapitating the precedent less prudent than quietly bleeding it dry). But there is no doubt that he will be a fifth vote for enabling red states to further nullify reproductive rights through draconian regulations on abortion providers. And Kavanaugh is just as certain to rule with the reactionary right on most every jurisprudential controversy, from protecting corporate speech, to eviscerating voting rights, to restricting the federal governments capacity to regulate the economy. He also may have committed perjury the last time he was confirmed to a federal judgeship. And yet, Susan Collins has signaled that shes happy to make her constituents look stupid by (once again) playing Mitch McConnells useful idiot. Over the weekend, Collins told the Portland Press Herald that she believes Kavanaugh will uphold Roe v. Wade because he often describes the decision as precedent upon precedent. When the Press Herald confronted her with an email Kavanaugh had sent as Bush administration official in 2003 in which hed written, I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level since Court can always overrule its precedent, and three current Justices on the Court would do so Collins said that this did not concern her. And that has concerned many a Mainer and progressive. In mid-August, liberal activists started a crowdfunding campaign that aimed to raise $500,000 for Collinss Democratic challenger in 2020 a sum that it pledged to return to donors if the incumbent Republican votes no on Brett Kavanaughs nomination. As of this writing, that campaign has raised more than $878,000. This still might not be enough to put the fear of losing reelection into Collins. As of late July, she had the tenth-highest home-state approval rating of any U.S. senator at 56 percent, according to Morning Consult. Incumbency is incredibly powerful in Senate elections, and even more so in those of small states where longtime senators have had the opportunity to put in a great deal of face time with constituents. Nevertheless, Maine is a blue state in presidential elections, ticket-splitting is on the decline, Democratic turnout is likely to be high in 2020, and Collinss claim to pro-choice bona fides is a key pillar of her appeal. Its not impossible that progressives could make her pay an electoral price for selling out reproductive rights. Collins has held open the possibility that she will buck her party on Kavanaugh. In her interview with the Press Herald, Collins said that she was undecided on the judges nomination and evinced concern about the possibility that Kavanaugh lied under oath during his confirmation hearing to be a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2004, Kavanaugh told the Senate that he wasnt involved in the vetting process for Judge William Pryor; newly released emails suggest that he was. If in fact (Kavanaugh) was not truthful, then obviously that would be a major problem for me, Collins told her local paper. If Collins caves to liberal pressure, Democrats will still need the Senates other pro-choice Republican, Alaskas Lisa Murkowski, to break ranks. That isnt inconceivable Alaska native groups are lobbying Murkowski to oppose Kavanaugh, who has a record of ruling against indigenous rights. Representative Ron DeSantis, Republican of Florida, and candidate for Florida fovernor, during a Trump rally in July 2018. Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images The Washington Post reports that Congressman Ron Desantis, the Republican nominee for governor in Florida, spoke four times at a conference organized by a hard-right conservative who has been labeled as a driving force of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-black movements by the Southern Poverty Law Center. DeSantis appeared between 2013 and 2017 at the David Horowitz Freedom Center conferences in Florida and South Carolina. Horowitz is a former left-wing activist who runs a conservative organization that has described its mission as combating the efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values and disarm this country as it attempts to defend itself in a time of terror. Horowitz has accused President Obama of being an anti-American radical and claimed that the real race war in America is against white people. The Post provides a flavor of the sort of crowd his confabs tend to attract: Fellow speakers included a former Google engineer who was fired after arguing that biological causes in part explain why there are relatively few women working in tech and leadership; a critique of multiculturalism who has written that Europe is committing suicide by welcoming large numbers of refugees and immigrants; and a British media personality who urged the audience to keep the United States from becoming like the United Kingdom, where discrimination against whites is institutionalized and systemic. Other attendees have included Milo Yiannopoulos and Steve Bannon. The paper reviewed three of the four speeches DeSantis gave at the events, and found that he did not touch on race specifically in those remarks. But DeSantis, who won his primary race over an Establishment Republican by hugging himself tightly to President Trump, has already gotten in trouble on the issue once in recent days. Just a day after winning the primary, he appeared on Fox News to warn voters not to monkey this up by voting for his opponent, Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum, who is black. He also called Gillum articulate. The comments were widely condemned as racist, and a Fox News anchor later said on-air, we dont condone this language. A spokeswoman for DeSantis told the Post that Desantis appreciates those who support his efforts and is happy to be judged on his record. He does not, though, buy into this six degrees of Kevin Bacon notion that he is responsible for the views and speeches of others. A member of the clergy prays at St. Patricks Cathedral. Photo: Mary Altaffer/Getty Images New York State may be sitting on even more undisclosed cases of clergy sex abuse than Pennsylvania. The Catholic population here is the second largest in the nation behind Californias and almost no state makes it harder for victims to seek compensation. Theres never been a vast disclosure here, like the Spotlight investigation in Boston or the grand-jury probes in other states. But now a sweeping disclosure seems to be close at hand. Barbara Underwood, the attorney general, issued civil subpoenas on Thursday to all eight Catholic dioceses in the state, demanding all the records they have on abuse, payments to victims, and potential cover-ups. Shes also created a hotline and a web form for victims who have never come forward to file complaints. The documents shes seeking go back decades, and state law only allows abusers to be charged within five years of the offense so no matter what Underwood finds, there likely wont be many criminal charges. However, shes asked district attorneys throughout the state to partner with her and consider empaneling grand juries, depending on what surfaces in the coming months. A scandal over clergy sexual abuse has been creeping across the state since February, when a retired priest admitted to a reporter in Buffalo that he had molested many children when he was younger. Since then, about 80 of Buffalos clergy have been publicly accused of similar crimes, and another 41 residents in Rochester have leveled accusations. The bishop in Buffalo is facing calls to resign, and has been forced to put his mansion, which the Church has owned for decades, on the market, to cover victim compensation. The recent Pennsylvania report, which describes a conspiracy to protect predator-priests that went to the highest levels of the Churchs regional leadership, suggested New York was poised for its own reckoning. It named 27 priests who had also served in New York or committed acts of abuse here, and in at least one ghastly case, it showed New Yorks Church hierarchs were complicit in the cover-up. Edmond Parrakow, who worked at parishes in Yonkers and the Bronx in the 70s, reportedly admitted in 1985 that hed sexually abused 35 boys; but instead of defrocking him, let alone reporting him to law enforcement, his colleagues in New York transferred him to Pennsylvania. There he told altar boys not to wear clothing under their cassocks, one of them recently recalled to the grand jury, and touched their genitals in what he claimed were physical examinations. Another reason New York may be next, says Anne Barrett Doyle, who helps run the website, is that the Church itself says 5.8 percent of its American clerics have been credibly or not implausibly accused of sexual abuse between 1950 and 2016. To date, 86 clerics have been outed in the archdiocese of New York City, and around 400 in the state as a whole, out of thousands who have served here meaning that either reports of abuse in this state are uncommonly rare, or hundreds of sex offenders here have never been exposed. (Doyle estimates that a bare minimum of 7,000 clerics have served in the New York Archdiocese since 1950, based on published reports. If 5.8 percent of those were credibly accused of abuse, it would mean roughly 320 have never been publicly identified. Or if New York Citys rate were on par with Bostons, it would mean some 666 have never been outed. The archdiocese has dismissed these as made-up numbers, with no basis in fact. As of 2004, the archdiocese estimated that only 1.19 percent of its clerics had been plausibly accused since 1950, and it says every report of abuse among its ranks has been passed along to law enforcement.) Doyle chalks New Yorks low reporting rate to the tight statutes of limitations: most victims cannot sue their abusers or seek criminal charges against them after they turn 23 years old. I think only Michigan and Alabama are worse than New York state, Doyle said. Its shocking, because New York is so enlightened, in so many other areas, in terms of victims rights. For years, advocates have been pushing for the state to loosen those restrictions. Their annual rallies in Albany have drawn increasingly large crowds. But Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head of the New York Archdiocese, has bullishly resisted legislative reform that would allow more lawsuits. Between 2007, two years before Dolan was appointed, and 2015, the archdiocese spent $2.1 million lobbying in Albany. This past spring, Dolan said a bill under consideration, which would have temporarily lifted the statutes of limitations for civil cases, would have been toxic for the Church. (Church officials have, however, supported legislation that would completely eliminate the criminal statute of limitations on these cases.) In 2016, Dolan set up a victim compensation fund in New York City, and had paid out $40 million to 189 victims by the end of last year. I wish I would have done this quite a while ago, he said when he announced it. I just finally thought, Darn it, lets do it. Im tired of putting it off. But most victim advocates remain skeptical. Doyle called it a savvy, preemptive move, intended to deter lawsuits. He was starting, one by one, to pick off victims who might come forward and blow the whole sewer open, Doyle said. During the last two legislative sessions, the reform bills in Albany have cleared the State Assembly but been blocked in the Republican-dominated Senate. The law may well change next year, especially if Democrats gain a majority in the Senate; and if it does, it could facilitate the investigation Underwood is starting. (Shell be stepping down at the years end, but all the candidates running to succeed her have pledged some degree of support for continued investigations.) The recent scandals in western New York started on a balmy morning this past winter, when Robert Hoatson, a former priest who lives in New Jersey and runs a counseling service for abuse survivors in the tri-state area, called a press conference across the street from the Buffalo dioceses headquarters. Michael Whalen, a 52-year-old man with shaggy, shoulder-length hair, stood before the assembled reporters and told them about how a local priest had abused him when he was 14. It ruined my life, he said. The psychological damage, he said, spurred him toward alcoholism and heavy drug use. The same afternoon, a local reporter tracked down the priest Whalen had accused, who was by then 78 and retired. In a ten-minute interview outside his cottage, the priest said he didnt remember Whalen in particular but casually admitted hed abused probably dozens of boys throughout his career. More victims started coming forward, and three weeks later, Buffalos bishop released the names of 42 priests who had been accused over the years. But it wasnt enough. People were saying, I reported my guy; hes not on there, Hoatson recalled. By mid-summer, the names of 79 priests and one nun had surfaced in public accusations. The bishop, Richard Malone, set up a compensation fund for victims, more than 90 of whom have filed claims so far. To help cover the cost, Malone put up for sale his $2 million property on one of Buffalos toniest streets, owned by the Church for 66 years. But those gestures havent done much to quell public anger. Kathy Hochul, the states lieutenant governor, and Brian Higgins, the Congressman representing Buffalo, who are both Catholic, have joined local legislators in calling on Malone to resign a call hes so far refused. The shepherd, he said at a press conference in August, does not desert the flock at a difficult time. John Flynn, the citys top prosecutor, says hes been in discussions with Underwoods office about convening a grand jury for a thorough investigation. Hes an Irish Catholic, and I think hes had a hard time seeing that his church can be this corrupt, Hoatson said. But I think now hes convinced, because the cases just keep pouring out of Buffalo. Following Buffalos lead, 17 residents in Rochester came forward in June and named eight priests who they said had abused them when they were young. They demanded that the Rochester diocese release any records it has on clergy sexual abuse. Mitchell Garabedian, the plaintiff attorney portrayed by Stanley Tucci in the movie Spotlight, was representing them. Garabedian said another 24 victims have since approached him. To date the Rochester diocese has not handed over any documents or names. So far, though, the wave of disclosures has not reached New York City. The Manhattan district attorneys office already investigated hundreds of accusations of sexual assault by clergymen back in 2002, said Danny Frost, the spokesman for current DA Cy Vance. And later in 2002, the local archdiocese agreed to turn over all new reports of abuse without screening them first. Vances office is now looking at ways to update that arrangement and make sure the archdiocese has done its part, Frost said. But the advocates arent satisfied. Marci Hamilton, a lawyer and religion scholar who has worked extensively on this issue, said she and some others met with one of Vances staffers several years ago and urged a more thorough investigation. And we thought that it would happen, she recalled. As you can see, we got absolutely nowhere. Vance, when he took office in 2010, appointed as his chief assistant an attorney who had represented the archdiocese in litigation. (That attorney, Daniel Alonso, no longer works for him.) Until this year, Vance along with the DAs in Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx stayed mum on whether he supported the reform bills being presented in Albany. But during the last legislative session, Vance announced his support for the first time and personally urged Governor Andrew Cuomo to make it a priority . George Arzt, a veteran consultant who advised Vance on his 2009 campaign, said it would be unreasonable to ask Vance to launch a major investigation, absent any egregious new evidence of local abuse or cover-ups. You cant go on a tear and say, I know there are 15 pedophiles located somewhere, Arzt said. You just cant do that. You still have to protect the innocent. Neal Kwatra, a political strategist who was formerly chief of staff for Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, believes the pressure is building for Vance to scrutinize the archdiocese harder. He noted that Vance took political bruises for not pursuing a case against Harvey Weinstein in 2015. I think its going to be a political impossibility for cases like this not to get more resources and more scrutiny, Kwatra said. This cultural moment around #MeToo coupled with the clergy abuse scandal elevates this to a different kind of political lane. One clear takeaway from Pennsylvania, and every other state where serious investigations have been done, is that prosecutors are the fulcrum. They have to take risks: of alienating powerful Church leaders, of losing Catholic votes, of investing serious resources without getting convictions in return. Underwoods support will make those risks a little less steep. What we often hear from prosecutors is that they want to be able to win, said Doyle, the victim advocate. But weve seen that when a prosecutor, for whatever reason, is particularly dedicated to child protection, and to investigating an institution that is covering it up, their courage and fearlessness can make all the difference. If Susan Collins announces for Brett Kavanaugh, the games over. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Senate math for Democrats fighting to defeat confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice was originally straightforward if daunting: flip one of two pro-choice Senate Republicans (Collins and Murkowski) and hold all the Democrats, and the deed would be done. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer asked vulnerable red-state Democrats up for reelection this year (especially Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who all voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch last year) to keep their powder dry as long as possible to determine if their votes even mattered. And some progressives criticized Schumer for this catch-and-release strategy, arguing that solidifying the Democratic caucus first would make it possible to bring the hammers of hell down on Collins and Murkowski as each being potential deciding votes. But then something very big happened that oddly enough has been underappreciated in its impact on the Kavanaugh confirmation fight: John McCain died, and Jon Kyl was appointed to take his seat. Since McCain had been absent from the Senate most of the year due to illness, Republicans could not afford to lose more than one senator on a tough vote like this one. Kyl was actually Kavanaughs sherpa (a senior party figure designated to guide a nominee) during the confirmation process, so he will be there with bells on to vote for the judge. And thus the scenario in which Democrats could go after Collins and Murkowski individually as the deciding vote has evaporated. They now must flip both Republicans before any of the red-state Democratic senators matter at all. And that means the moment either Collins or Murkowski announces for Kavanaugh, its game over. Its a subtle but crucial difference from the situation before McCain died. Progressives inclined to place pressure on Donnelly, Heitkamp, and Manchin (or for that matter, Alabamas Doug Jones or Montanas Jon Tester there are many cats that must be herded to keep the caucus intact) should take this change of circumstances fully into account. The odds of defeating this confirmation have gone down significantly, not only because Kavanaugh got through his interrogation in the Judiciary Committee without any big revelations, but because Republicans can now afford to lose a senator without losing the vote. To some extent this has become a game of chicken: how long can the red-state Democrats stay on the fence, and how late in the process can Collins and Murkowski delay their announcements? Murkowski has indicated she probably wont tip her hand until right before the Senate vote, which would be consistent with her habit in the past of pursuing concessions before deciding whether to put on the party harness. She may also be more gettable for Kavanaugh opponents because she has reasons beyond abortion policy to worry about him: Native Alaskans fear hell vote to kill fishing rights they rely on in a case that could reach the Supreme Court almost immediately after he would join the Team of Nine (as he insisted on calling it through his hearings). But to the extent that at least one of these two Republicans is very likely to vote for Kavanaugh, progressive groups need to reconsider the costs of making this a litmus test for Senate Democrats. As Mike Tomasky, no centrist squish, said in a New York Times op-ed, it may make little sense: You have to look at the situations these people find themselves in, consider their re-election prospects and consider the alternative. Take Mr. Manchin, whose circumstance is the one I know best. Hes running for re-election in a state, my home state, where Mr. Trump is still enormously popular. Yet, Mr. Manchin is around eight points ahead of his Republican opponent, Patrick Morrisey, the state attorney general. Right now, Mr. Morrisey hasnt yet quite found a theme on which to hammer Mr. Manchin. But if Mr. Manchin were to cast a (numerically meaningless!) vote against Mr. Kavanaugh presto. The rest of the race would be about that, and nothing but that. Millions of dark money dollars would pour in for TV ads blasting Mr. Manchin for going against the wishes of their president. Yes, there is one dubious poll from Indiana showing that another highly vulnerable red-state Democrat, Joe Donnelly, would actually do better in November if he voted against Kavanaugh. But in general, national groups should not second-guess Democratic senators own assessments of what they need for political survival. So at present the smart Democratic strategy is to focus with the light and heat of a thousand suns on Susan Collins, who will probably announce her decision on Kavanaugh earlier rather than later. Assuming she wants another term in the Senate in 2020, she may be most concerned about heading off a conservative primary challenge from Maine governor Paul LePage (who is term-limited this year) or someone of his abrasively conservative ilk. Thats why the initiative to crowdfund a Democratic opponent for Collins if she votes for Kavanaugh which has already raised nearly $900,000 is a smart move. And if she decides to vote for Kavanaugh anyway, then as Tomasky notes, it really doesnt matter if he has 51 votes or 56. The only rationale for going after red-state Democrats in that case would be as part of a drive for ideological and partisan purity in the Democratic Party. And at that point progressives need to seriously ask themselves if more left-bent candidates are likely to win in states like North Dakota and West Virginia in the foreseeable future. The federal Preschool Development Grants are back, but they offer substantive differences from the legacy program created during the Obama administration. The grant application, released Friday, allows states the opportunity to apply for a share of $250 million to bolster their preschool programs. But while the original program set aside some funds for states that were basically starting from scratch, this new program wants to see collaboration and coordination among existing programs. The legacy Preschool Development Grants were part of a broad economic stimulus program, and a downpayment on a preschool for all program that President Barack Obama announced during a State of the Union address in 2013. The original program awarded money to 18 states in 2015 and 2016. Also, the Obama-era Preschool Development Grant program defined the high-quality preschool slots that it wanted to provide. For example, teachers would be required to have a bachelors degree, class sizes could be no more than 20 students, with one teacher for 10 students, and the preschool slots had to be a full school day, among the requirements. This new iteration of the grant programcreated as part of the Every Student Succeeds Actbacks off on all of those requirements. ESSA specifically states that the federal government cannot require or prescribe for states specific measures or indicators of high quality, the length of a school day or year, or any teacher or staff requirements. The Trump administration had proposed getting rid of the program entirely, but Congress funded the program as part of a spending bill passed earlier this year. The program has been a priority of Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state, the top Democrat on the Senate education committee. The administration expects to make around 40 awards of $500,000 to $15 million. Applications are due by November, and awards are expected to be announced by December. It wouldnt be the first time something Sessions said under oath turned out to be false. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos has offered yet another indication that Attorney General Jeff Sessions may have perjured himself when testifying before Congress about the campaigns Russia links. In two television interviews and a court filing, Papadopoulos shared his account of a March 2016 Trump campaign meeting the first full meeting of Trumps national security team during which he told Trump and campaign officials that he could set up a summit between Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin. Sessions, a close ally and campaign advisor to Trump, was quite enthusiastic about the potential meeting, according to Papadopoulos a detail which directly contradicts what Sessions told Congress under oath last year. Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in jail on Friday after having pleaded guilty in October to lying to federal investigators in order to conceal his Russia contacts lies that he has said were intended to protect himself and President Trump. Special Counsel Robert Muellers team had specifically requested jail time, arguing that Papadopouloss deceptions harmed the Russia investigation during its critical early stages and prevented U.S. authorities from detaining and questioning the Kremlin-linked professor, Joseph Mifsud, who Papadopoulos had met with several times in an attempt to set up the Trump-Putin meeting. Papadopouloss lawyers, seeking leniency, argued in a court filing on Friday that President Trump has done more to cover up the Russia links than Papadopoulos. While some in the room rebuffed Georges offer [to set up the Putin meeting], the filing said in reference to the March 2016 meeting. Mr. Trump nodded with approval and deferred to Mr. Sessions who appeared to like the idea and stated that the campaign should look into it. (President Trump has repeatedly denied that he or his campaign colluded with Russia before or after the 2016 presidential election.) Candidate Trump at the time, he nodded at me, I dont think he was committed either way, Papadopoulos explained to This Week host George Stephanopoulos in an interview that aired on Sunday. [Trump] was open to the idea and he deferred of course to then-senior senator Jeff Sessions, who I remember being quite enthusiastic about hosting. George Papadopoulos says he explained to Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions during the 2016 meeting that he has "a connection that can establish a potential summit between candidate Trump and President Putin," adding Sessions was "quite enthusiastic." ABC News (@ABC) September 9, 2018 In Friday nights CNN special on Papadopoulos, the former aide elaborated that he looked at candidate Trump directly in his eyes and said, I can do this for you if its in your interest and if its in the campaigns interest. And the collective energy in the room, of course, there were some dissenters, but the collective energy in the room seemed to be interested. The dissenters were apparently conservative think tank members on Trumps national security team, but Papadopoulos singled out Sessions as having the opposite reaction. Sessions, when asked under oath about the offer last year, said, I believe that I wanted to make clear to [Papadopoulos] that he was not authorized to represent the campaign with the Russian government or any other foreign government for that matter. Asked if he shut down the meeting idea, Sessions agreed that, Yes, I pushed back. Ill just say it that way. Sessionss lawyer, Chuck Cooper, told CNN that the attorney general stands by his testimony, while the Justice Department declined to comment on the matter. If Sessions perjured himself, convicting him of that would likely be very difficult, since it would have to be proved that he knowingly lied about his response to Papadopouloss offer. This is also not the first time that Sessionss statements to Congress regarding his and the Trump campaigns Russia contacts have turned out to be false, and he has yet to face any consequences other than being pressured to recuse himself from any role in the Russia investigation. Trump has wanted to fire Sessions for that decision ever since. When pressed by Stephanopoulos on whether he was indeed saying that Sessions had lied, Papadopoulos hedged, replying instead that, All I can say is this this was a meeting from about two years ago my recollection differs from Jeff Sessionss. He added that the [Trump] campaign was fully aware with what I was doing with regards to his attempts to set up the Putin summit, including campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and campaign adviser Sam Clovis. I think Sam Clovis was telling me excellent work at the time, Papadopoulos recounted. Papadopoulos was cryptically non-committal, however, on whether or not he also told Trump campaign officials about the possible hacked Clinton emails he later heard about from Mifsud. Another Trump campaign staffer, John Mashburn, has testified that Papadopoulos sent him an email mentioning the hacked Clinton dirt. Papadopoulos said he had no recollection of that and noted that evidence of the email hasnt turned up, but added that he could not guarantee that he didnt share news of the Clinton dirt with others on the campaign. If Papadopoulos did tell other campaign officials about the hacked emails, or if any of the other attendees of the March 2016 national security team meeting witnessed Sessionss response to Papadopouloss summit offer, we may have to wait for the Mueller investigations full report to find out. Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti still want a deposition from Trump. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images Last month, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws involving the hush payment to Stormy Daniels, among other felonies. Trumps former fixer said President Trump himself had directed him to commit the crime in the lead-up to the 2016 election, which worsened Trumps legal troubles in a variety of ways. Over the weekend, Trumps legal team tried to resolve at least one of those matters by releasing Daniels from what has already proven to be a wildly unsuccessful non-disclosure agreement. On Friday, a lawyer for Essential Consultants, the company Cohen set up to pay Daniels, sought to void the agreement in a legal filing, and to recoup the $130,000 payment. (Trump reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000, and its unclear who would get the money if Daniels returned it.) Today, Essential Consultants LLC and Michael Cohen have effectively put an end to the lawsuits filed against them by Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, Brent Blakely, Cohens lawyer, told CNN. The rescission of the Confidential Settlement Agreement will result in Ms. Clifford returning to Essential Consultants the $130,000 she received in consideration, as required by California law. On Saturday, Trumps attorney Charles Harder said in a separate court filing that the president would not seek to enforce the agreement, and would not contest Danielss assertion that the Settlement Agreement was never formed, or in the alternative, should be rescinded. Harder called on Daniels to immediately dismiss Trump from her lawsuit. Trumps legal team had initially tried to force Daniels into an arbitration that could have required her to pay the president more than $20 million for breaking her silence over their alleged 2006 affair, which Trump has denied. Daniels sued Trump in an effort to void her NDA, arguing that the agreement was invalid because Trump never signed it, or possibly because its purpose was illegal. Danielss case had been put on hold pending the outcome of the federal investigation into Cohen in New York; following his guilty plea, Danielss attorney Michael Avenatti said they would move forward with efforts to make Trump give a deposition in the case. Daniels is also suing Trump for defamation for suggesting she was lying about being threatened to keep quiet about the affair. Daniels already described her alleged relationship with Trump in a 60 Minutes interview and offered to return the $130,000. Avenatti dismissed Trumps latest moves as an effort to avoid giving a deposition under oath, and said they would keep pursuing the case until they have full disclosure and accountability. Michael Cohen is back to playing games and trying to protect Donald Trump. He is now pulling a legal stunt to try and fix it so that we cant depose Trump and present evidence to the American people about what happened. He is not a hero nor a patriot. He deserves what he gets. Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 8, 2018 Let me be clear - my client and I will never settle the cases absent full disclosure and accountability. We are committed to the truth. And we are committed to delivering it to the American people. #Basta Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 8, 2018 I have been practicing law for nearly 20 yrs. Never before have I seen a defendant so frightened to be deposed as Donald Trump, especially for a guy that talks so tough. He is desperate and doing all he can to avoid having to answer my questions. He is all hat and no cattle. Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 8, 2018 Daniels and Avenatti are scheduled to appear on The View on Wednesday, and last week they said they had a big announcement. Daniels had also teased that she isnt done causing trouble for the president. Democrats arent the only 2020 threat. Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Republican pros have, in recent weeks, quietly settled on new conventional wisdom: If Donald Trump is not impeached first, he is likely to face a primary challenge of some sort in 2020. The matter was regarded as an open question for most of 2018, but a new emergent consensus among the partys consultants and strategists has taken root after Paul Manaforts conviction and Michael Cohens implication of the president in federal court. And New Hampshire, which has historically been fertile ground for political insurgencies, is likely to be the place were we see the first clues about who the candidate will be, and what form exactly the challenge will take. It is inevitable that Donald Trump will face a primary, said Jennifer Horn, who stepped down as the states GOP chairwoman after Trumps election, talking to me even before the dual legal blows to the president. It certainly remains to be seen who, and how strong, how credible, that challenge will be. The field of potential candidates who might fit the eventual bill is wide, and likely to be popping up in New Hampshire this fall. Outgoing Ohio governor John Kasich, by far the best-known and likeliest challenger to Trump after losing to him in 2016 and spending the last two years making his displeasure painfully public, is due back in the Granite State right after Novembers midterms. Retiring Arizona senator Jeff Flake, a former tea-party hero whos become Trumps most prominent Republican critic in Washington, has also been exploring ways to continue his vocal opposition from this past January. He stopped by New Hampshire this spring, urging someone to formally take Trump on with a campaign. Proponents of Nebraska senator Ben Sasse yet another young conservative whose outspoken frustration with the president has raised his stature significantly in the eyes of Washingtons NeverTrump intelligentsia have quietly, and casually, spoken by phone with local power brokers about the political environment. All the while, in-state operatives have informally kept tabs on an array of other potential candidates, including, wistfully, Mitt Romney almost certainly soon to be a Utah senator, but with no apparent interest in running for president again as he quietly vacationed with family at his home in Wolfeboro, on Lake Winnipesaukee, this summer. Back in D.C., meanwhile, Bill Kristol, the Weekly Standard founder and famous neoconservative, has been working to recruit a challenger, setting up meetings with interested donors and political figures, and stealthily running polls and focus groups in New Hampshire and elsewhere. But what would a primary challenge actually look like, and how much of a threat would it actually be to Trump? Operatives interested in helping such an effort have narrowed it down to two scenarios. Theres option A: an all-out NeverTrump-style protest campaign against the president that would challenge him directly. While that would almost certainly fall far short, it would serve to prove to anti-Trump conservatives that the Republican Party is not yet fully unified behind the president potentially weakening him, or exposing his weaknesses, enough to ensure a Democrats election. Its important for there to be an alternative candidate to Trump, said veteran GOP operative Stuart Stevens, Romneys chief strategist in 2012 and one of the presidents most outspoken critics on the right. But I cant tell you who that alternative would be. Such a challenge might essentially echo the experience of 1976, when Ronald Reagan took on President Gerald Ford, only to see Jimmy Carter take the White House; of 1980, when Ted Kennedys challenge of Carter kicked off a year that saw Carter hand the presidency to Reagan; or of 1992, when a relatively weak campaign run by TV pundit Pat Buchanan still spooked President George H.W. Bush, who went on to lose to Bill Clinton. Or, B, perhaps the likelier option: a wait-and-see campaign that doesnt really go anywhere, unless Trump implodes and the alternative candidate is ready to swoop in and save the GOPs day. To be successful, even this type of candidate would likely already need to be laying quiet, just-in-case groundwork in order to rise above the inevitable free-for-all that would result in Trumps hypothetical implosion donors ready to donate, organizers ready to organize, activists ready to activate. Kristol, for one, is counting on a Trump slump as he uses funds from his own political group to test the presidents electoral weaknesses and meets with fellow conservatives. People are too intimidated by the snapshot of the current data, which is probably Trump at his peak strength, Kristol told me, pointing to the strong economy (for now), the absence of Mueller conclusions (for now), and the lack of a Democratic sweep of the midterms (for now). Kristol himself visited New Hampshire shortly after Flake did. But why New Hampshire the early-voting state where Trump romped in 2016, and where recent polling shows him in little trouble with fellow Republicans? Its Iowa, after all, where Trump fell short in the first nominating contest of 2016. But Trumps strength among GOP leaders is unquestioned enough there that even a wait-and-see campaign would likely face massive resistance. In New Hampshire, the open primary system lets independents, and even Democrats, vote in GOP primaries, and so offers a much more promising ground for a rebellion. I just finished reading a book about the French resistance. It reminds me of that. People are meeting over their garages their ateliers trying to figure out whos going to do it, said former New Hampshire attorney general Tom Rath, the longtime GOP operative in the state who helped Kasich in 2016 and remains plugged into the governors broader orbit. For now, most of the preparation is just talk rather than concrete moves like hiring staff or organizing support networks, let alone raising money. But, say Republicans of all stripes, the preparation for any kind of challenge likely needs to get real with in a matter of a few months specifically, before 2019. If anyone wants to do this, they need to start talking to people in New Hampshire pretty soon, they need to start getting organized, said Horn. But there are a number of very strong networks here that were built for people like John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, in previous cycles that might be accessible to the right candidate. Such prep just needs to strike a delicate balance, stealthily measuring the environment before going public: it likely cant afford to risk drawing Trumps dangerous ire before that kind of campaign is ready for prime time. If youre going to shoot at the king, you have to hit the king. And if youre going to shoot, you have to be sure. So waiting is wise. Look at the midterm elections: Republicans need to see if theyre going to get their clock cleaned, and if the nationwide anti-Trump fervor is as significant as many expect, said Ari Fleischer, the George W. Bush White House press secretary whos become a more-often-than-not Trump defender. Heres whats known that will shake up the environment: midterm elections, government shutdown possibilities and government rancor that creates discontentment or contentment and Bob Mueller. From left to right, Kasich, Flake, and Sasse. Photo: Getty Images Among operatives looking for a challenger, most of the conversation centers on the Flake-Sasse-Kasich trio, whose members havent exactly doused the speculation. Flake, whos used his long exit from the Senate to rhetorically if not tactically pummel Trump, said on TV earlier this year that conservatives needed to put up a primary challenger, and when he popped up in New Hampshire that month, he jokingly described himself as that rarest of species: the American conservative, Americanus NeverTrumpus, subgenus: RINO, short for Republican in Name Only. There is a scurrilous rumor afoot that we are not only rare but endangered, but I dont believe it, said the Arizonan, telling his crowd he wasnt planning to run himself, but that he hadnt ruled it out. Someone needed to remind Republican voters about conservatism, and a campaign even a losing one might be the right way to do it, he explained. Sasse has been more circumspect. Supporters of the Nebraskan have spoken casually with influential Republicans in New Hampshire, but hes shown no recent interest in visiting or making lasting ties. When hes swung through his neighboring state of Iowa in recent months, local GOP leaders have rolled their eyes and occasionally heaped scorn on him for his shots at Trump he called candidate Trump a megalomaniac strongman and refused to support him in 2016. A former business consultant and college president, Sasse released a book in 2017 about the decline of American adulthood and responsibility (Trumps name isnt mentioned, but the subtext is not exactly subtle), and hes since been a leading critic of Trumpian trade policy. Still, much of the excited chatter about Sasses political future from NeverTrump corners is less about any overt national ambition and more tied to allies quiet launch this year of a conservative political nonprofit focusing on the decline of the core values that underpin our democracy. Now, hes set to release a second pointed book of the Trump era (Them: Why We Hate Each Other and How to Heal) this fall. Neither Flake nor Sasse, however, has tried making real inroads with the kinds of activists theyd need on their side to gain some legitimacy among the voters of New Hampshire. I asked Joe McQuaid, the conservative publisher of the New Hampshire Union-Leader, perhaps the most influential paper in the state, if any interesting potential candidates had come calling him, especially given his oft-stated discomfort with Trump. Not interesting, he shot back. Kristol said donors are hesitant to fund a nuisance candidate who would pester Trump rather than a genuine contender. That hasnt stopped him from drawing up his own private list of possibilities that go beyond the Flake, Sasse, Kasich trio. We have certain names that we think are credible or plausible but no one thought that Gene McCarthy was plausible at this point in 66, he said, referring to the last time a sitting president thought to be pursuing reelection didnt wind up with his partys nomination. That who-knows-what-could-happen attitude has seen a slight renaissance among Trump detractors in recent weeks. The link to a NH Journal survey showing 40 percent of New Hampshires Republicans standing in favor of a primary featured prominently in local operatives texts and emails with each other last month, as did a new University of New Hampshire poll showing that just over half of likely Republican voters currently plan to vote for Trump, compared to over four-in-ten who are leaning toward someone else or are unsure. The frenzied news coverage that followed a development as benign as Kasichs response to a recent Trump tweet got strategists chatting among themselves about how a Trump challenger would likely generate massive amounts of free media every time he opened his mouth. And the close result in Ohios special House election last month a state where Kasich beat Trump in 2016 reignited another round of speculation among NeverTrumpers about how 2020s delegate math would differ from the last go-round. Trumps 2016 primary win, after all, was largely powered by his ability to rack up delegates while the other candidates split the Establishments support. If he were just facing a single opponent, would his path be so easy? (Yes, probably, they still think. Easier.) Kasich is likely first in line. When the governor returns to New Hampshire in November, itll be for the same public First Amendmentthemed dinner that, in 2004, was widely seen as the kick-off for John McCains 2008 effort. Now, when Kasich meets with his tighter-than-ever political team, including political adviser John Weaver and chief of staff Beth Hansen, either in Columbus or on their regular conference calls, hes weighing whether to step aside from electoral politics after leaving office next year, to run for president as an independent, or to challenge Trump in a primary. But people familiar with the conversations tell New York that Kasich, whos run unsuccessfully twice before, is unlikely to run unless he thinks he can win, and he knows the odds are nearly impossibly long for an independent candidate. Many of Kasichs allies, however, believe that Trump could easily undergo a political or legal implosion by 2020, and either bow out of office or run as a deeply weakened incumbent. The party has shrunk, and as that happens Trump is more popular within that distilled number, said Weaver. But well see what happens in the midterms, and with the Mueller investigation. Still, GOP operatives eager to see a strong challenge are hoping Kasich gets far more aggressive in the coming months, worrying that even against a weakened Trump, he needs to lay more groundwork raise more money, gain more allies, hire more staff. Even if the presidents political standing is shot by that point, after all, Trump has been raising funds for his reelection for months. A notoriously shaky fundraiser, Kasich still has a political nonprofit, a super-PAC, and his zombie presidential campaign account from 16 at his disposal, which a small group of donors including Walmart board chairman Greg Penner and former Cleveland Cavaliers owner Gordon Gund have kept afloat to fund the governors travel and electoral work, according to Federal Election Commission filings. In recent months, however, Kasich has tried branching out, privately surveying corporate leaders and receptive political figures. He met with former New Hampshire Senator John E. Sununu in Columbus last month, and he recently spoke with Los Angeles billionaire Rick Caruso, a top supporter of his previous bid. Michael Bloomberg hosted a book party for him last year, and his friend Arnold Schwarzenegger has made his interest in a Kasich 2020 campaign clear. Nonetheless, his most noteworthy recent steps toward 2020 have still come in public, with his Trump criticism in frequent television appearances. Trump, for his part, loves trashing Kasich, and Kasich sees obvious opportunity in fighting back. When the president tweeted about the governor after a too-close-for-comfort special congressional election in Ohio last month, calling him very unpopular, Kasich responded with a GIF of a laughing Vladimir Putin. I think Donald would find it fun if John Kasich ran, said Newsmax exec Christopher Ruddy, a longtime Trump friend and confidante. He made mincemeat of John in the last race, and hed do it again. That view is close to the consensus, even among Trumps critics. Trump, after all, has an approval rating in the high-80s as far as his own party is concerned, according to Gallup. An April University of New Hampshire poll showed two-thirds of the states Republicans backing Trump over Kasich in a hypothetical primary matchup. None of which means Trump is home-free: even the presidents staunchest allies expect some sort of a challenge they bring up Kasich and Flake more than Sasse but they regard the prospect as more of a short-term annoyance than a serious concern. Were not blind. But its tough to know what is [their] message right now, said Kellyanne Conway, the senior White House adviser who was Trumps last campaign manager. Senator Flake has been a fairly reliable vote for the Trump agenda, and Governor Kasich has not always been helpful, but the president carried his state by 9-plus points, has visited several times. A challenge from Trumps right would hardly be credible, Conway insisted, and what would a moderate primary insurgency even look like? The grumbling is always about style, its not substance, she said of Trumps remaining GOP detractors. I wish he would tweet less and do this more. Why did he use that word, and not this word? Its the grammar police. Trumps allies acknowledge that a primary fight is the kind of personal challenge on which he might usually fixate, but they say most of the time Trump mentions Kasich, Flake, or Sasse these days, its with passing annoyance rather than worry or anger. Hes got other fish to fry, starting with his looming investigations and trying to hunt down the anonymous author of the New York Times op-ed about the administrations secret fifth column. The White House, the reelection campaign, the Trump-aligned super-PACs, and the Republican National Committee have all opted against ordering up regular polling of a prospective primary field or setting a regimented opposition research plan. Thats partly because they still havent felt significant pressure coming from potential rivals. Its also because Team Trump has scrambled to shut the door on potential trouble whenever it pops up. In January, the RNC hugged Todd Ricketts who had, in 2016, helped fund an anti-Trump super-PAC tight, signing him on as its finance chair. In February, Trump named a reelection campaign manager to get his operation seriously up-and-running. Shortly after Flake visited New Hampshire the next month, Trump then stopped through the state himself, while his daughter Ivanka touched down in Iowa. Then, in April, Trump nixed Vice-President Mike Pences hire of Jon Lerner, a GOP pollster, upon learning of his own NeverTrump past. Finally, in May, the RNC axed its debate committee, signaling the party likely wont hold any sanctioned primary debates in 2020, even if a challenger does emerge. Still, Trump-allied party leaders have skeptically eyed high-profile Republicans making a name for themselves these days: some Trump loyalists, for example, have grown wary of United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, whos widely thought to be eyeing a presidential run down the line, though not, her allies insist, in 2020. Theyve monitored Romney whos on Kristols list even though he has expressed zero interest in stepping back into presidential politics. And theyve watched closely as Pence plays a growing midterms role with his day-to-day campaigning, fundraising, and endorsing including with multiple Iowa and New Hampshire trips but also as he goes out of his way to insist he has no 2020 plans of his own. (After the Times reported on his potential ambitions last August, Pence made a show of responding, tweeting, Whatever fake news may come our way, my entire team will continue to focus all our efforts to advance the presidents agenda and see him re-elected in 2020. Any suggestion otherwise is both laughable and absurd.) Others, still, have maintained ties to influential figures in New Hampshire, just in case things change dramatically. The Romney 2012, Kasich 2016, and Rubio 2016 campaign networks there remain largely intact, and many of the operatives and lawmakers involved in those operations have been careful not to align themselves too closely with Trump, in case a primary does arise down the line. Rubio, meanwhile, last month endorsed for reelection a Hampstead-based state senator whod co-chaired his campaign effort in the state. Rand Paul this month endorsed one of his former backers there for Congress. And filings from the New Hampshire secretary of States office reviewed by New York reveal that both Kasichs campaign committee and Pences super-PAC donated thousands of dollars to Governor Chris Sununus reelection effort this spring a good way to keep themselves on the most powerful local Republicans good side. And yet, the waiting game continues as Trump marches toward the midterms, toward a Mueller conclusion, toward 2020. Back in Washington, the Democratic National Committee and the lefts largest opposition research group, American Bridge, have already compiled hundreds of hours of footage and thousands of pages of research on Kasich, Flake, Sasse, Pence, Haley, and others. It may feel prudent to them to wait for the external conditions to align just right, warned Kevin Madden, a former Bush and Romney aide, but when we were plotting 2008 or 2012, we were putting together the building blocks at this point in the election cycle, he said. Waiting time is now almost over. We will probably be about three hours into 2018 midterm coverage on Election Night before every single political conversation turns to 2020. Photo: Courtesy of the publishers Welcome to Reading Lists, comprehensive book guides from the Strategist designed to make you an expert (or at least a fascinating dinner-party companion) in hyperspecific or newsworthy topics. This week: a selection of books about the opioid crisis. Last month, two books that each shed light on Americas ever-widening opioid epidemic were published: Dopesick, by journalist Beth Macy, which provides a scrupulously reported explanation of the drugs history, the influence of corporate greed on the drugs proliferation, and interviews with addicts and their families. The second was Cherry, a novel that tells the story of an Army medic turned heroin addict turned bank robber in Cleveland, Ohio. These two new releases are the latest in a new (and distressing) canon of writing about an epidemic the epidemic of epidemics, according to Michael Brumage, executive health director at Charleston Health Department that is predicted to claim over 500,000 lives in the next ten years. That kind of scale cant and really shouldnt be ignored, but its obviously not the whole story. To find that out, we polled a variety of experts on the books to read to better understand this crisis. That list includes Robert L. DuPont, president of the Institute for Behavior and Health and author of Chemical Slavery: Understanding Addiction and Stopping the Drug Epidemic; Sam Quinones, author of Dreamland: The True Tale of Americas Opiate Epidemic; Ann Marlowe, author of How to Stop Time: Heroin From A to Z; Maia Szalavitz, author of Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction; Perri Peltz, the director of HBOs Warning: This Drug May Kill You; Eve Marson, the director of Dr. Feelgood; and Barry Meier, the Pulitzer Prizewinning author of Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of Americas Opioid Epidemic. Their replies were remarkably consistent, making this a tighter-than-usual edit of books, all of which were recommended by multiple experts. Essential reading on the opioid crisis The Big Fix: Hope After Heroin $24 Tracey Helton Mitchells 2016 memoir chronicles the decade she spent addicted to heroin and on the streets of San Franciscos Tenderloin District, as well as her eventual recovery and subsequent life as a mother of three and PTA treasurer. Beth Macy, author of Dopesick, calls the book a call to embrace the principles of harm reduction, and an illustration of how addicted individuals respond differently to different treatments. While Mitchell didnt ultimately use medication-assisted treatment in her journey, she does believe in its efficacy, and her story gives real hope to others struggling to achieve remission. Author Maia Szalavitz agrees: Mitchell details why we need to help people even if they arent drug abstinent, or even seeking drug abstinence, she says. $24 at Amazon Buy $24 at Amazon Buy Drug Dealer, MD: How Doctors Were Duped, Patients Got Hooked, and Why Its So Hard to Stop $19 For Drug Dealer, MD, Anna Lembke interviewed health-care providers, pharmacists, social workers, hospital administrators, insurance-company executives, journalists, economists, advocates, and patients and their families, all in an effort to unpack the many forces driving the opioid crisis. Ultimately, she blames our dysfunctional health-care system. Dr. Lembke, a Stanford addiction-medicine specialist, holds her physician colleagues feet to the fire in this book, says Macy. Its a scorching rebuke to the pill for every ill culture adopted by too many Americans, from children who are overdiagnosed with ADHD and end up trading Ritalin for harder drugs when they get to be teens to Lembkes belief that doctors who helped usher in the worst drug epidemic in the history of our nation ought to be the ones now guiding us out of it. Perri Peltz, the director of Warning: This Drug May Kill You, calls the book an indictment. Lembke takes on the comfortable myth that our opioid crisis can somehow be laid at the feet of those who become addicted, she says. Instead, she shows us how well-meaning but misinformed physicians, and patients conditioned to trust them unconditionally, all played a role in this devastating epidemic. $19 at Amazon Buy $19 at Amazon Buy Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of Americas Opioid Epidemic $27 now 19% off $22 Pain Killer, which was recommended by three of our experts, tells the story of Purdue Pharma the company that turned OxyContin into a billion-dollar drug, and unleashed a public-health crisis and the family behind it. Pain Killer was way ahead of its time when it came out in 2003, before heroin really hit hard, Sam Quinones says. It is the pioneering work on this topic. Lembke called the book riveting, as did DuPont. $22 at Amazon Buy $22 at Amazon Buy Dreamland: The True Tale of Americas Opioid Epidemic $18 now 28% off $13 Quinones tackles two stories of capitalism in Dreamland, a book recommended by four of our experts: (1) Purdues relentless marketing of OxyContin and (2) the simultaneous inundation of black tar heroin from Mexicos west coast. The book contains interviews with pharmaceutical pioneers, Mexican entrepreneurs, narcotics investigators, as well as addicts and their families, and it shows how the collision of these two events led to an unmitigated disaster that has devastated communities across the country. Eve Marson, the director of Dr. Feelgood, says the book paints a devastating picture of Americans whose lives have been destroyed by both prescription opiates and street heroin. [Quinones] carefully reveals how these two epidemics are intrinsically linked. The writing is taut and meticulous, says Peltz. And the portraits he paints of the humans affected are powerful and painful. Quinones documents in this book how Americas two powerful addictions opioids and greed combined to create one of the most devastating epidemics in the countrys history. $13 at Amazon Buy $13 at Amazon Buy Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company That Addicted America $28 now 11% off $25 Unlike Pain Killer, Dopesick was an immediate New York Times best seller. Like Pain Killer, it was recommended by almost all of our experts. Macy spent three decades reporting in central Appalachia, which she calls the birthplace of the modern opioid epidemic. The book explores the lives of heroin users, drug dealers, cops, judges, doctors, and health activists, and describes in detail the criminal case brought against OxyContin and Purdue that pushed them to change their formula (and consequently led more people to move from Oxy to street heroin). The books power comes from the focus on individuals and communities suffering in this epidemic, says DuPont. Macy focuses on West Virginia, and tells the story from the point of view of a community affected. $25 at Amazon Buy $25 at Amazon Buy Strat picks for additional reading Cherry $27 now 11% off $24 Nico Walker wrote Cherry, his debut novel, from a federal prison in Ashland, Kentucky, where hes been serving time since 2013. The book is semi-autobiographical; like his unnamed narrator, Walker is a former army medic, addict, and bank robber. The book describes heroin addiction (and withdrawal or dope sickness) in such painful, intimate detail that New Yorks book critic, Christian Lorentzen, described it in a recent review as the first great novel of the opioid epidemic. $24 at Amazon Buy $24 at Amazon Buy American Pain: How a Young Felon and His Ring of Doctors Unleashed Americas Deadliest Drug Epidemic $17 now 35% off $11 American Pain tells the story of Chris George, the 27-year-old son of a South Florida home builder who became the so-called King of the Florida Pill Mills, which are the pain clinics that dispensed meds without tracking the patients. Within two years, George raked in $40 million and moved an untold amount of unregulated OxyContin. Temple chronicles the rise and fall of a massive pill mill and its owners in Florida, at a time when pills were the new gold in that state, says Quinones. $11 at Amazon Buy $11 at Amazon Buy The Family That Built an Empire of Pain For a (slightly) shorter primer on Purdue and the Sackler family that founded it and still reaps the benefits of OxyContin, you cant do much better than this feature from The New Yorker, from last fall. Patrick Radden Keefe covers the lives and careers of the three Sackler brothers, two of which founded Purdue. The story then maps out how the company developed and studied its drugs, and crucially how it pioneered the trade of pharmaceutical marketing and employed an army of workers to push OxyContin on physicians throughout the company, even when they had reason to believe it could be dangerous. Buy at The New Yorker Buy get the strategist newsletter Actually good deals, smart shopping advice, and exclusive discounts. Email This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Terms & Privacy Notice By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments, rolling luggage, pillows for side sleepers, natural anxiety remedies, and bath towels. We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change. Every editorial product is independently selected. If you buy something through our links, New York may earn an affiliate commission. Theyre high-waisted, skinny, and still comfortable. Photo: Courtesy the retailer Everyone wants something different from their jeans. I live for high-waisted skinny jeans that hold me in (people with bellies and butts know they jiggle), while remaining comfortable to sit in. Theres a sense of security that comes with feeling contained, but I am by no means looking for jeans as shapewear. In the plus-size world, where amount of stretch seems to be the focus when it comes to skinny jeans, finding a pair that offered me the structure I craved without feeling like my guts were being choked seemed like an impossible task. And then I tried Universal Standards Slim Cut Seine Jeans. When I first put these jeans on, I legitimately giggled. (The size-inclusive range runs from sizes 6 to 32 with both 27- and 32-inch inseams.) I was excited. These jeans had the exact balance of structure and comfort I wanted. My stomach and butt have never felt so secure theres no jiggling here and yet they have just enough stretch (2 percent spandex) to remain tight over my hips and calves, with only the tiniest bit of looseness at the ankles (a godsend for the thick-calved girl addicted to skinny jeans). I have an hourglass shape and there is none of that dreaded waist gap that happens when jeans hug your hips but get too baggy higher up. Even after multiple washes, theres been no sagging. And, miracle of miracles, as structured as they are, I can still move (and sit) without restriction. Ive danced in these babies. My only complaint is a minor one: My solid black pair attracts a lot of lint, so now I keep a lint roller in my bag. The jeans also cost $90, which is more than I was used to paying, but theyve also yet to succumb to any inner-thigh wear and tear, even after being in heavy rotation for six months, so I know theyll last. And yet, for all of the pros I can list about these jeans, the one I keep coming back to is how secure I feel while wearing them. I used to laugh at the notion of jeans that make you feel good, because for a long time, as a plus-size woman I had so few options that how jeans made me feel was the least of my priorities. But times have changed and, you guys, these jeans just make me feel good. Who knew? More Strat-approved plus-size jeans Lane Bryant Super Stretch Skinny Jeans $70 Fashion blogger Annette Richmond told us about these Lane Bryant skinny jeans in our guide to the best plus-size jeans: I was never a jeans and T-shirt girl because I have thick thighs that rub against each other when I walk. Ive had issues with jeans in the past that tear or rip in the thigh area because of the constant friction, but not with these Super Skinnies. They have just enough stretch to be comfortable and supportive without being restrictive or so stretchy that they lose shape easily. $70 at Lane Bryant Buy Lucky Brand Trendy Plus Size Ginger Navy Wash Skinny Jeans $99 Another favorite from our plus-size jeans guide were these Lucky Brand skinnies from model Karissa Rodriguez: Ive been living in my Lucky jeans for the last two years because my body changes constantly, and these jeans just always fit no matter where I am. Im a size 14, but sometimes Im a 16, and I always know these fit me just the way I want. I wear them to every single one of my castings with a white T-shirt, black T-shirt, tank, everything. $99 at Macy's Buy Levi 310 Shaping Super Skinny Jeans (Plus Size) $60 Plus-size model Essie Golden likes her Levi 301s: Levis has a good pair I wear a 22 in them and I didnt even know Levis went up that high. They shape you out and hold you in place without creating rolls. After two or three months, I always get holes in my jeans in the thigh area, and these have lasted after two or three years without doing that at all. These also make my butt feel good and create tummy control, which I appreciate. When I bend over, I never have to worry about hanging out and theyre mid-rise jeans. They move with me. $60 at Levi's Buy get the strategist newsletter Actually good deals, smart shopping advice, and exclusive discounts. Email This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Terms & Privacy Notice By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us. The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments, rolling luggage, pillows for side sleepers, natural anxiety remedies, and bath towels. We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change. Every editorial product is independently selected. If you buy something through our links, New York may earn an affiliate commission. The Category 4 storm is expected to cause widespread destruction when it makes landfall later this week. The category 4 storm could slam into the islands Thursday with winds exceeding 100 miles per hour (161 kph), making it the most powerful storm to hit Hawaii since Hurricane Iniki in 1992. "It's not a question of whether they're going to be hit or not", Brock Long, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told a press briefing. He's also got a freezer full of fish he's caught on dives and deer he's hunted on the island to last them through the storm. The campers called authorities Wednesday, but emergency crews could not mount a rescue operation. "We often get in during scary and serious situations, but we're trained and that's what we do", San Diego Fire-Rescue Deputy Chief John Wood said. Hawaii visitors should be on high alert at this time. They floated the five out on their backs, Demerais said. "Exactly when this critical turn will happen is very hard to forecast, so confidence in this portion of the track is unfortunately rather low", The Pacific Hurricane Center said. A hurricane warning remains in effect for the Big Island and the islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Kahoolawe. While hurricanes and tropical storms frequently roam close to the islands, direct hits are rare. He recalled that Iniki's turn into the islands was sudden. Stores along Waikiki's glitzy Kalakaua Avenue stacked sandbags along the bottom of their glass windows to prepare for flash flooding. The Marriott Resort Waikiki Beach in Honolulu designated a ballroom on the third floor as a shelter for guests and began removing lounge chairs from around the pool and bar area. India's top court to rule on decriminalizing gay sex As the New York Times notes, the justices made it clear that they knew they were making a historic decision. Divya Roop, a vocal LGBTQ activist in India , was encouraged by the ruling but said it was a first step. The National Weather Service says there are heavy bouts of rain on the east of the Big Island and lighter rain in other areas. Hurricane Lane churned slowly toward Hawaii late on Wednesday as schools, government offices and business closed and residents stocked up on supplies and boarded up homes. "I know people are taking trips to Costco, buying ramen, rice, the usual". The governor said travellers should expect congestion at the airports on Saturday and Sunday from the backlog of cancelled flights. It's mostly sunny in Honolulu. Earlier Tuesday, the weather service issued a hurricane warning for Hawaii island. Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Only four named storms - two hurricanes and two tropical storms - have made landfall in Hawaii since 1959. Hurricanes rarely make landfall in Hawaii and the last major storm to strike the state was almost three decades ago, when Hurricane Iniki barrelled into the island of Kauai, leaving six people dead and causing billions of dollars in damage. A hurricane warning remained in effect for Oahu and Maui County. The central Pacific basin also just doesn't see many tropical cyclones - only about 5 per year - making it much less active than the eastern Pacific Basin, near the coast of Mexico and Central America, or the western Pacific, which sends massive typhoons crashing into Asia. "This decision is a significant step in the right direction which opens up a clear avenue of justice for the Rohingya who were driven out of their homes, often as soldiers opened fire on them and burned down their villages", Biraj Patnaik, South Asia director of Amnesty", said on Friday. The unprecedented ruling paves the way for Fatou Bensouda, the ICC's chief prosecutor, to further examine whether there is sufficient evidence to file charges in the case, exposing the country's leadership to future sanction. Previously, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said she had contacted the Myanmar government in relation to the imprisonment of the journalists. On Aug. 25, 2017, Myanmar launched a major military crackdown on the Muslim ethnic minority, killing nearly 24,000 civilians and forcing 750,000 others, including women and children, to flee to Bangladesh, according to the Ontario International Development Agency. But the drumbeat of calls for accountability is getting louder, with the International Criminal Court also soon due to rule on whether it has jurisdiction over the crisis because it spilled across the border into Bangladesh. "We look forward to the recommendations of the preliminary examination concerning the crimes allegedly committed against the Rohingya people and hope for a full investigation and trial of those accountable for all alleged crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC", Sundari said. Adilur Rahman Khan, vice-president of the International Federation for Human Rights, said in a statement. Bensouda said it "is not completed until the bullet (fired in one state) strikes and kills the victim (standing in another state)". 'I'm very sorry': Nadal's classy words for shattered Thiem It was the first still moment in almost five hours of epic, smash-ball, anything-you-can-hit-I-can-hit-harder tennis. The conditions were tough. "I think he was also not on his top level in the first set, for sure not", Thiem said. Thursday's ruling now leaves a path for the ICC to announce the formal opening of a preliminary investigation into the Rohingya crisis. Indonesian journalists on Friday gathered outside the Myanmar Embassy in Jakarta to protest the conviction of two Reuters journalists sentenced to seven years in prison for violating a state secrets law. Some of its biggest successes have been over war crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the destruction of religious Muslim shrines in Timbuktu in Mali. Myanmar has denied committing atrocities against the Rohingya, saying its military carried out justifiable actions against militants. Myanmar recently rejected the findings of a United Nations probe alleging genocide by its military against the Rohingya minority in the country. Trump on Twitter quoted a Fox News description of the event without long-range nuclear missiles as a sign of North Korea's "commitment to denuclearize". "We will prove everyone wrong!" He revealed the new missile is expected to be dubbed the Unha-4. And immediately after the parade thousands of citizens rallied through the square, alongside floats displaying economic themes and calls for Korean reunification - the peninsula has remained split since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty. During the event, a video was played of Kim meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. North Korea's state-run media published Friday what it said was an "indictment" by its South Korean wing, denouncing USA forces on the peninsula and calling their withdrawal "the irresistible trend of the times". There is nothing like good dialogue from two people that like each other! "Much better than before I took office", Trump tweeted. North Korea is clearly trying to switch its emphasis away from just military power to its efforts to improve the country's domestic economy. "Theme was peace and economic development", the United States president said. Kim, clad in a black Mao-style suit, reviewed the military parade from a balcony overlooking Kim Il-sung Square, the central Pyongyang area named after his grandfather and North Korea's founder. Instead, the country's ceremonial head of state Kim Yong-nam addressed the assembled crowd with a focus on economic development rather than nuclear might. While North Korea rolled out some of its latest tanks and marched its best-trained goose-stepping units for the parade at Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square, it held back its most advanced missiles and devoted almost half of the event to civilian efforts to build the domestic economy. Both sides are now insisting on a different starting point. Tropical Storm Isaac, 9th named storm of season, forms in Atlantic The storm crossed the hurricane threshold Sunday morning, with winds climbing just above the 75 miles per hour threshold. 11 A.M. Swells from the storm, which are likely to cause life-threatening conditions, are already beginning to affect the East Coast. Despite no agreement yet between Pyongyang and Washington on the denuclearization process the two agreed to at their landmark Singapore summit in June, and with Pyongyang demanding the USA agree to a peace treaty to end the 1950-53 Korean War, there have, over the last week, been some encouraging signals. "I am very curious to hear what is in the letter to Trump, because this parade could have been more provocative", Hanham said, adding satellite evidence showed North Korea continued missile-related activities such as testing solid fuel motors. Both the Mass Games and the military parade have been criticized by human rights advocates and North Korean defectors for the pressure placed on performers and for painting a distorted picture of the country through stage-managed displays. Soldiers march in a parade for the 70th anniversary of North Korea's founding day in Pyongyang, North Korea, today. North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un (C) waves as he stands beside China's Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Li Zhanshu (center R) during the Arirang Mass Games in Pyongyang, Sept. 9, 2018. He claims to have perfected his nuclear arsenal enough to deter U.S. aggression and devote his resources to raising the standard of living. The mass games involve tens of thousands of people holding up placards or dancing in precise unison and are meant to be a display of national unity. The economy was also a big part of a concert held on the eve of the anniversary for foreign dignitaries and a large foreign media contingent allowed in for the events. The individual told the Times that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told Trump that he would denuclearize before Trump's term ends in 2021. Trump was in Montana and the Dakotas on Friday before a late return to the White House. North Korean soldiers march during a parade on September 9 in Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang. There were also reports of the withdrawal of security forces from the streets of the city. Abadi, under pressure to promise more money to fix Basra's public services, said funds that had previously been allocated would be released. One protester was killed and 25 were injured on Wednesday evening when demonstrators shut down Iraq's main sea port of Umm Qasr, on the border with Kuwait. But the government has blamed provocateurs in the crowds and said troops have been ordered not to use live rounds. Highlighting the failure to supply Basran residents with clean water, Sistani said there was a "government failure" in tackling the problem, saying the crisis could have been largely mitigated if not for the "inefficiency of some officials" and "the disinterest of others". Protesters set fire to what remained of the government buildings torched the night before. The new parliament finally met on Monday for the first time, but broke up after a day having failed to elect even a speaker. The government has said the protesters' demands are legitimate, while blaming the violence on saboteurs. Muqtada al-Sadr called on the Iraqi parliament to hold a televised, emergency session to discuss the situation in Basra, a meeting Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he is ready and willing to attend. "This reality can not change if the next government is formed according to the same criteria adopted when forming previous governments". "The government - federal and local - is tasked with safeguarding the lives of demonstrators and preventing the use of undue force", leading Sairoon member Hassan al-Akouli said at a news conference in Baghdad. ICC says it can probe forced exodus Bensouda said it "is not completed until the bullet (fired in one state) strikes and kills the victim (standing in another state)". The past four years saw Iraq's political factions mainly come together during a war against Islamic State group. Smaller protests also took place on Friday in other cities including Karbala and Baghdad. Local residents say the government is corrupt and has allowed infrastructure to virtually collapse in the region that generates much of Iraq's oil wealth. Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr, whose political bloc won the largest number of seats, on Thursday called for a special parliamentary session to address protesters' concerns. Abadi, for his part, is trying to hold onto his post in the next government through forming an alliance with Sadr, a former militia chief who has called for Iraq to have greater political independence from both neighbouring Iran and the United States. Amiri and Maliki are Iran's two most prominent allies in Iraq, while Abadi is seen as the preferred candidate of the US. On a good night for the smaller parties, the ex-communist Left almost doubled its score to 9.8% and the centre-right Centre and Christian Democrat parties both advanced. The Sweden Democrats, a party with white supremacist roots, saw its vote share increase from 12.9 percent in the previous election to 19.2 percent on Sunday, Reuters reported. But the outcome, if the polls are proved correct, leaves the centre-right and centre-left blocs that have defined Swedish politics for decades neck-and neck, and well short of a parliamentary majority in the 349-seat Riksdag. An exit poll has indicated that Sweden's first general election since the Scandinavian country accepted a significant number of asylum-seekers was likely to have the centre-left party governing now as its victor, with an anti-immigrant party with white supremacist roots coming second. Akesson had labeled the vote a choice between immigration and welfare in a campaign that was unusually antagonistic. Sweden's anti-immigrant far-right made gains in legislative elections Sunday and vowed to exert "real influence" as kingmaker, after both the left-wing and center-right blocs failed to obtain a majority and the make-up of the next government remained up in the air. Mohamed Nuur, a Social Democrat candidate of Somali descent told The Associated Press that he sees Akesson taking Sweden back to the past. "For me, the Sweden that he (Jimmie Akesson) wants to see ... that is not our future", Nuur said. However, Stefan Lofven, the Swedish prime minister, will have heaved a sigh of relief at the disappointing result for the nationalist Sweden Democrats, . It could take weeks or months of coalition talks before the next government is formed. "This government we have had. have prioritised, during these four years, asylum-seekers", Jimmie Akesson, the far-right party's leader, told his final election rally this weekend. The Social Democrats have tried to appease anti-migrant sentiment in the country by urging more integration programs and resources for refugees in marginalized communities, and to help them access education. The center-right Moderates have become especially tough on immigration, echoing numerous positions of the Sweden Democrats. The center-right Moderate Party is set to take to take third place with 17.7 per cent. Lofven accused some of his opponents of being prepared to work with the far-right party, which he vowed his party would not to. Krristersson is already in trouble with right-wing voters who couldn't stomach voting for Sweden Democrats but embrace all or part of their agenda. The elites in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe will play parliamentary tricks and electoral games, but they really don't get it. Its strong rhetoric has shocked many Swedes. With neither Lofven's "red-green" bloc nor his own Alliance standing a chance of winning a majority, Kristersson has said Sweden needs "a strong cross-bloc cooperation to isolate the forces. pushing for Sweden to withdraw from global cooperation". "It feels like Sweden could take a step in this election that we won't be able to recover from very easily". At least 6 killed in South Sudan plane crash The United Nations radio station Radio Miraya said there "about 20 people on board" and that there were only three survivors. At least 22 people were aboard the flight from the capital Juba's worldwide airport to the city of Yirol when it crashed. Todays guest post is written by Thomas Guskey , Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Kentucky. At no time in the history of education has there been more emphasis on fostering student inquiry. We encourage teachers develop lessons around probing, essential questions designed to help students become creative problem solvers. We stress the importance of distinguishing fact from opinion when investigating issues. We compel students to use primary sources of evidence and to consider the quality of research studies when judging the validity of their findings. Oddly, while pressing students to become more thoughtful and systematic in their approach to inquiry, educators are becoming less so. The approach they take in their own professional inquiry differs significantly from what they prescribe for students. In fact, educators frequently conduct professional inquiries in ways they would never consider acceptable from students. This is especially true regarding inquiries on reforms in assessment and grading. When questions arise about some aspect of assessment or grading, educators today seldom turn to reliable sources of research or evaluation evidence. They dont look for well-designed studies that have been published in reputable journals. They dont consult scholarly organizations such as the American Educational Research Association, the National Council for Measurement in Education, or the American Psychological Association - organizations that collaboratively developed the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Instead they turn to books, blogs, and social media as their primary sources of information. Many educators begin the inquiry process with a Google search that identifies every blog ever posted by anyone who ever formed an opinion on the topic. Some may restrict their Google search to Scholarly articles on ..., but thats relatively rare. Others bypass the Google search and start the inquiry process by posting their question on Facebook or on Twitter chats where they receive a myriad of responses from individuals whose firmly held opinions may or may not be based on verifiable evidence. Occasionally Facebook and Twitter chat responders preface their comments with In my opinion ... or I believe ..., but their authoritative tone gives the impression their opinions or beliefs are indisputable truths. This is not to suggest that all books, blogs, and social media are bad. Ive written books, posted blogs, and occasionally participated in Facebook discussions and Twitter chats. But we must recognize these outlets for what they are and, more importantly, what they are not. In particular, they are notauthoritative or trustworthy sources of information upon which to base education policies or practices. Ironically, no teacher would allow students to conduct inquiry in this manner. In teaching students how to investigate a problem and conduct systematic inquiry, teachers explain the first step after clearly defining the problem is to establish what is already known about that problem. This requires exploring what others have found in studies of the same or similar problems, and determining the quality of those investigations. In formal inquires for research papers, theses, or dissertations, this is referred to as a review of the literature. Teachers who teach inquiry skills insist that the resources students consider in their literature reviews offer verifiable evidence from reputable sources - not opinions or conjecture. Blogs, Facebook discussions, or Twitter chats are rarely considered acceptable at any level. They fail to meet the most modest criteria of credibility or reliability. When conducting inquiry into assessment or grading policies and practices, educators must do the same. In their literature reviews, they should consider established research bases such as the Education Resources Information Center, or ERIC , an online library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education. They should consult JSTOR , short for Journal Storage, a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. Some find useful information in the What Works Clearinghouse , also sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Proquest Research Library , or even Google Scholar . Basing policies and practices on the opinions gathered from books, blogs, and social media is a sure ticket to disaster. Well-intentioned educators who do soon find they are confronted by equally strong and passionate opposing opinions held by board members or parent groups who then organize to squelch reforms. Because these opposing stakeholders often have credibility in their communities that writers, bloggers, and social media consultants do not, their opinions frequently prevail. As a result, the road to assessment and grading reform is strewn with the wreckage of numerous districts and schools that tried valiantly to restructure policies and practices, but failed miserably in their attempts. The commitment and passion of writers, bloggers, Facebook contributors, and Twitter chatters is certainly commendable. They help to bring assessment and grading issues to the forefront in discussions of education reform. But policies and practices based on these sources often do more to extend naivete and perpetuate myths than they do to promote truth. It also diminishes the quality of professional inquiry and slows advances in our field. Lets conduct our own professional inquiry in the same thoughtful manner we want our students to use. Lets not allow our own inquiry skills to diminish while seeking to enhance those of our students. Instead, lets model what we want our students to learn, exemplifying the best of professional, scholarly practice. Not only will that be far better for our students, it also will help make education the evidence-based profession we want it to be. Connect with Thomas at Photo courtesy of Shutterstock. Twenty-one Opposition parties led by the Congress are holding a nation-wide 'Bharat Bandh' today to protest against skyrocketing fuel prices. The normal life was thrown out of gear as protestors blocked roads and highways at many places across the country. The nation-wide shut down also saw the participation of a some industry bodies and traders' associations. Petrol and diesel prices scaled to an all-time high on Monday as the prices of the two fuels were jacked up by another 23 paise and 22 paise per litre, respectively. Congress has demanded that petrol and diesel be brought under the ambit of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which would push down fuel prices by about Rs 15-18. The petrol price in Delhi has now shot up to Rs 80.73 per litre while diesel, too, touched a high historic high of Rs 72.83 a litre as oil prices in the international market continued to rise amid weakening rupee against the US dollar. Petrol in Mumbai scaled to Rs 88.12, up 23 paise, while diesel was priced at Rs 77.32, up 23 paise. The price of petrol touched Rs 89.97 per litre in Parbhani, Maharashtra, the highest in India. The Centre currently levies excise duty of Rs 19.48 per litre of petrol and Rs 15.33 per litre on diesel whereas VAT varies from state to state. As the protest against rising fuel prices intensified, BJP chief Amit Shah met petroleum minister Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi. Bandh supporters also blocked railway tracks in many parts. A number of long-distance trains were stopped at Patna, Gaya, Bhagalpur and Muzaffarpur. The Congress party's protest March against the fuel price started from Rajghat at 8 am today. Rahul Gandhi, who is back from Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, is leading the protest. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government for failing to rein in fuel prices and inflation. Read all the latest updates on BusinessToday.In's live blog on fuel price hike. 4:26 pm: There is no relief expected in near term as government wants rupee to stabilise. "Cutting excise tax is likely to cut development," government sources told India Today. 4:20 pm: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has announced a reduction in petrol and diesel price by Rs 2 each. The new rates of petrol and diesel will come into effect from tomorrow morning. 3.32pm: BJP President Amit Shah meets Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi over the rising fuel prices. 3.28pm: Some school buses were reportedly attacked by protesters in Pune. BJP MP Anil Shirole took to Twitter to attack the Opposition and said the incident shows "pathetic desperation of your leaders". So called 'Opposition Parties' u have every right to protest but misguiding youth, targeting innocent school children, destroying public property & trying to instill fear in citizens for ur own cheap political gains is really deplorable. Shows Pathetic desperation of ur leaders - Anil Shirole (@AnilShiroleBJP) September 10, 2018 3.05pm: Shops shut, empty roads in Mumbai. 3.02pm: Congress workers vandalise a petrol pump in Ujjain. Madhya Pradesh: Congress workers vandalise a petrol pump in Ujjain during #BharatBandh protests - ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 2.55pm: Petrol pumps and buses being set ablaze, putting to risk lives. A child died after an ambulance was stuck in the protests in Bihar's Jehanabad. Who is responsible? asks Ravi Shankar Prasad. Everyone has a right to protest but what is happening today? Petrol pumps and buses being set ablaze, putting to risk lives. A child died after an ambulance was stuck in the protests in Bihar's Jehanabad. Who is responsible?: Ravi Shankar Prasad,Union Minister - ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 #Bihar: The death of the child is not related to bandh or traffic jam, the relatives had left late from their home: SDO Jehanabad Paritosh Kumar on reports that a 2-year-old patient died after the vehicle was stuck in #BharathBandh protests - ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 Narendra Modi used to roam the country and say, the prices of fuel are rising. Today he is the Prime Minister and says nothing: Congress President @RahulGandhi at the #BharatBandh protests. - Congress (@INCIndia) September 10, 2018 Narendra Modi used to roam the country and say, the prices of fuel are rising. Today he is the Prime Minister and says nothing: Congress President. 12.18pm: Modiji said that what didn't happen in 70 years, we will do in 4 years. Wherever he goes, he just goes to sow division: Congress President Rahul Gandhi. 12.13pm: Even today when the Opposition has called for a 'bandh', the government has increased fuel price in some places, says Akhilesh Yadav. The BJP government is so proud of themselves that even today when the Opposition has called for a 'bandh' they have increased fuel price in some places. Government can even say that inflation will bring development: Former UP CM Akhilesh Yadav - ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) September 10, 2018 10.53am: People paying for Rs 4343 crore spent on these (PM Modi's) 'farzi' (fake) ads, says CPI (M) leader Sitaram Yechuri. Fuel prices allowed to soar, by a callous govt, making lives of ordinary Indians impossible. Most appropriate that Modi photos are at all petrol stations. But People paying for the 4343 cr spent on these farzi ads. Shameful. - Sitaram Yechury (@SitaramYechury) September 10, 2018 10.48am: MNS workers taken into custody. Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam also arrested in Mumbai. Dear Mumbai Police No use of ur bandobast at my residence anymore . Got out of house despite ur tamasha. Stop checking my building's cctv unit.#BharatBandh - Sanjay Nirupam (@sanjaynirupam) September 10, 2018 10.32am: Former PM Manmohan Singh says the government has crossed every limit, and "we will soon get a chance to change this government". "Everybody is worried, including farmers and youngsters. The government has failed to fulfill all the promises it made to the people of the India. We ask all the stakeholders to unite against the government, and it is only possible if we forget our small issues and the government's failures to the people." 10.16am: The rupee slumped to a fresh record low of 72.18 by falling 45 paise against the US dollar on strong demand for the US currency from importers as the greenback strengthened against other currencies overseas on upbeat jobs data. The sinking value of rupee will have a major impact on oil prices. 10.05am: Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje announced a four-per cent reduction in value-added tax (VAT) on petrol and diesel on Sunday, which will reduce their prices by Rs 2.5 per litre in the state. The decision will cost the exchequer Rs 2,000 crore and will provide the people a relief of Rs 2.5 per litre on petrol and diesel. 10.04am: The relaxation given by the Rajasthan government is mere showoff, says Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi. 10.03am: The Congress party says the Modi government has looted Rs 11-lakh crore from the people of India in the past four years. Tax on Petrol - During Congress Govt - Rs.9.48 /litre During BJP Govt - Rs.36.12 /litre. Modi Govt has looted 11 lakh cores from the people of our country since last 4 years! - Bhupesh Baghel (@Bhupesh_Baghel) September 10, 2018 9.40am: AAP supports the Congress-led Bharat Bandh. AAP leader Sanjay Singh along with other AAP leaders visits Rajghat to protest against the deteriorating rupee value and fuel price hike. 9.21am: There is a strong discontent against the Centre government over its failure to manage the economy, CPI leader D Raja tells India Today. 9.19am: Rahul Gandhi pays his respects at Rajghat before joining protests. Petrol at Rs 80.73/litre (increase by Rs 0.23/litre) and diesel at Rs 72.83/litre (increase by Rs 0.22/litre) today in Delhi. Petrol at Rs 88.12/litre (increase by Rs 0.23/litre) and diesel at Rs 77.32/litre (increase by Rs 0.23/litre) today in - Randeep Singh Surjewala (@rssurjewala) September 10, 2018 #BharathBandh: Protesters in Gujarat's Bharuch burn tyres and stop buses; traffic movement halted - ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 Protesters in Gujarat's Bharuch burn tyres and stop buses. 9.05am: The runaway prices of fuel and the free fall in the value of the Rupee shows that the Modi Govt has completely failed in managing the economy, says the Congress party. 9.03am: Jan Adhikar Party Loktantrik workers block railway tracks in Patna. Jan Adhikar Party Loktantrik workers block railway tracks in Patna's Rajendra Nagar Terminal railway station in support to #BharatBandh that has been called by Congress and other opposition parties today over fuel price hike. - ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 8.50am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi joins Bharat Bandh protest against the fuel price hike. The body of Siddharth Sanghvi, HDFC Bank vice president, based in Mumbai, who went missing five days ago, has been recovered. One Sarfaraz Shaikh has been arrested in connection with the alleged murder. Shaikh, a cab driver, has confessed that he killed the 39-year-old bank executive. Shaikh has been booked under Indian Penal Code sections 364 (kidnapping or abduction with intent to confine), 365 (kidnapping or abduction with intent to murder) and 302 (murder). The cab driver also confessed that he carried out the crime under the instructions of Sanghvi's colleague. A few of Sanghvi's co-workers have been detained. Senior police officials, as mentioned in a report in India Today, said that several HDFC bank employees are being investigated. Sanghvi went missing on September 5 after he left his Kamala Mills, Lower Parel office. CCTV footage from the Kamala Mills compound showed Sanghvi's blue Maruti Ignis car leaving the parking lot at around 7:50 pm. Sanghvi is believed to have gone missing by 8:30 pm, after his family who were trying to contact him could not get through. Following that, the family contacted Sanghvi's colleagues. They eventually approached Mumbai Police to file a missing person's report. Sanghvi's phone was found to be switched on the next day. The police were able to trace the signal to Navi Mumbai's Kopar Khairane, where they found his car with blood stains near the rear seat. According to reports, Sanghvi's promotions and increments were the object of envy of many of his colleagues. He was promoted thrice in a span of ten years, which could have led to his alleged murder. Sanghvi had joined the company in 2007 and was promoted to the position of assistant vice president in 2011. In 2015, he was made deputy vice president and was elevated to the position of vice president in January, 2017. (Edited by Anwesha Madhukalya) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), probing the Punjab National Bank scam has started extradition process of Nirav Modi's brother Neeshal Modi. The extradition request has been sent to Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to extradite Neeshal Modi from Belgium. "We have initiated process of Neeshal Modi who is wanted accused in PNB scam. A chargesheet has been already filed against him and his extradition is instrumental for the investigation," said an official. Sources have told India Today that Neeshal Modi set up shell companies for Nirav Modi to route the money which was taken from the Punjab National Bank to the tune of Rs 13,000 crore. Neeshal Modi, who is a Belgian citizen has been spotted in Belgium, said a source. A red corner notice has already been issued against the duo by Interpol. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has charged Neeshal Modi with criminal conspiracy, criminal breach of trust, cheating, dishonesty and the Prevention of Corruption Act. Officials say though Neeshal is a Belgian citizen, he can still be extradited because the crime was committed on Indian soil. An extradition treaty exists between India and Belgium. A special Fugitive Economic Offenders Act court in Mumbai has summoned Neeshal and asked him to appear before it on September 25 at 11 am. If he fails to do so, the court said his assets will be confiscated. Meanwhile, India has submitted all documents required for Nirav Modi's extradition to authorities in the United Kingdom. "The authorities have told us that they are looking into it. Extradition and provisional arrest are complicated process and it may take some time," a senior official said. The Delhi government's ambitious plan to offer doorstep delivery of 40 government services, including obtaining a birth or marriage certificate, driving licence, pensions and new water connection, kicks-off today. More services will get added in the future and better still, the convenience of skipping snaking queues, and possibly greedy officials, in the government offices won't hurt your wallet - the fee for this facility is reportedly Rs 50. How does it work? The Delhi government has given the contract for executing the project to VFS Private Limited. Dev Kumar, VFS' company head for South Asia business development, said that under the scheme, 11 call centres will be set up in 11 districts of the national capital. The idea is that citizens can simply call a centralised number to set up a home visit with a mobile sahayak [facilitator]. The helpline number provided is 1076. "Through this number, people will be able to call and get information regarding their requirements from a particular department and service," said Kumar. Additional services include timely verification, documentation and instant online upload. So, suppose a person wants to apply for driving licence, he/she would have to call a designated call centre and give the details. Thereafter, the agency would assign a Mobile Sahayak, who will visit the applicant's residence and collect the required details and documents. The applicant will then have to visit the Motor Licensing Office just once - for the driving test. If the service calls for biometric identity verification, all the necessary equipment such as biometric devices and a camera will be taken to the applicant's home. Applicants will reportedly receive the approved licenses/certificates/permits by post. What are the services covered by the scheme? According to Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot, 40 services are currently under this scheme, across seven departments such as revenue, transport, Delhi Jal Board, labour and welfare. The list includes issuance of caste certificate, address proof, income certificate, RC and ownership transfer of vehicles, ration cards, domicile certificate, new water and sewer connection, issuance of Priority Household Card, approval of installation of passenger lift, lift shaft and machine room, and Handicap pension scheme. He added that within a span of two to three months, more than 100 services will be provided in the form of home delivery. What about grievance redressal? In case of mismanagement and improper operations, complaints can reportedly be made at the designated customer care number. Will the scheme check corruption? According to Gahlot, the Delhi government's transport department is the most corrupt in terms of middlemen and unrequited commission agents but this new scheme will put an end to that while people would no longer have to waste time and energy to get their work done. He further stated if things go to plan, the scheme will be expanded to the provision of ration. The latter will be delivered at citizens' doorsteps, thus curbing corruption further. The controversial journey so far Last year, Delhi's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government had proposed a 'Doorstep Delivery of Public Services' scheme and had accused Lieutenant Governor (LG) Anil Baijal of stalling it. The latter, in December, had denied the allegation. A statement released by the LG's office stated that Baijal had "observed that there are issues with the present proposal as it would introduce another layer of human interface with its attendant complications including concerns associated with safety and security of women/senior citizens, possibility of corruption, delays, loss of documents, breach of privacy". The statement had added that Baijal instead recommended a "model which provides for 100% digital delivery of services to people". However, on July 4, a five-judge Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court had laid down broad parameters for the governance of the national capital, paving the way for the AAP government to proceed with the scheme. With PTI inputs The Axis Bank stock rose in early morning trade amid announcement that Amitabh Chaudhry has been appointed as managing director and CEO of the private sector lender from January 1, after incumbent Shikha Sharma steps down at the end of this year. The stock rose to its 52-week high level of 675.70 in early morning trade rising more than 4.63% in early morning trade. At 9:54 am, the stock was trading 4.13% or 26.65 points higher at 671.80 on BSE. The stock has been gaining for the last three days and has risen 5.51% during the period. The stock has gained 36.51% during the last one year and risen nearly 20% since the beginning of this year. It received a buy recommendation from Motilal Oswal on September 9 with a target price of 750. The country's third-largest private sector lender on Saturday appointed Amitabh Chaudhry as MD and CEO for a period of 3 years, with effect from January 1, 2019 up to December 31, 2021. Chaudhry resigned from the post of MD and CEO of HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company on the same day. In July 2017, the board of Axis Bank had approved re-appointment of Sharma, to be her fourth term as MD and CEO begun from June 2018. However, in April this year, Sharma called for her new term to be reduced to seven months from a three-year tenure without citing reasons, which was accepted by the board of Axis Bank subsequently. It was learnt that the RBI had asked Axis Bank's board to reconsider the decision to re-appoint Sharma as its CEO for the fourth term amid concerns over rising bad loans on the bank's books. She had completed her third term as the bank's head on May 31. Chaudhry, 54, has been associated with HDFC Life since January 2010. He has been associated with HDFC Life since January 2010. Chaudhry started his career in the Corporate Banking with Bank of America in 1987, where he worked in diverse roles. Chaudhry is a B.Tech in (Electronic and Electricals) from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani and is an alumnus of lndian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Daily News Podcast: Trump calls on Apple to move production from China to US Loading the player... Govt to fine-tune e-commerce rules; panel formed to look into issue The government has set up a group of secretaries to review a recently released draft ecommerce policy, which has drawn severe criticism from many stakeholders. The nascent but booming online retail space has largely been without regulations until a task force led by then commerce secretary Rita Teaotia put together the draft policy. The new group will be chaired by the secretary in the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP). Secretaries of the IT ministry and department of commerce as well as representatives of Niti Aayog and the department of economic affairs are other members of the group. Jack Ma to hand over Alibaba's helm to CEO Daniel Zhang in September 2019 Jack Ma, who founded e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and helped to launch China's online retailing boom, has announced that he will step down as the company's chairman next September. In a letter released by Alibaba, Ma said he will be succeeded by CEO Daniel Zhang. Ma handed over the CEO's post to Zhang in 2013 as part of what he said was a succession process developed over a decade. SEBI may summon Kochhars soon; board to discuss coordinated efforts with govt, RBI Capital markets regulator SEBI may soon summon ICICI Bank's on-leave CEO Chanda Kochhar and her husband with regard to a probe into alleged regulatory lapses with regard to his business dealings. Besides, some other top officials of the bank, as also from Videocon, which allegedly benefitted due to its association with Kochhar's husband, are also likely to be called for their personal hearings regarding charges against them Jio, Airtel, other telcos fined for not meeting service quality norms in March quarter Regulator TRAI has imposed penalties on major telecom operators, including Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular (now merged), for slipping on various service quality benchmarks for the March quarter. The fines cover various parameters and service areas, and all the operators are in the process of making the payment, sources told PTI. Trump calls on Apple to move production from China to US US President Donald Trump called for Apple to make its products in the US instead of China to avoid suffering the consequences of his trade war with Beijing. Trump has repeatedly called for companies to move production to the United States, or to keep it there, while pushing aggressive trade actions aimed at narrowing the US trade deficit, which he equates with theft from Americans. Google CEO Sundar Pichai tells Ravi Shankar Prasad that free cross-border data flow to help startups According to PTI, advocating free flow of data across borders, Google CEO Sundar Pichai has written to IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad saying such a step will encourage global companies to contribute to India's digital economy as well as benefit Indian startups that are looking at expanding globally. The development comes at a time when the government is working on a data protection framework for the country. Hyundai India is setting the stage for the re-launch of the iconic Santro. Though there'll hardly be any similarity between the older model and the new version, apart from the tall boy design, the name and price-tag should make it a major competitor in the entry-level hatchback segment. In the meantime, the current entry-level hatchback Eon is getting discounts of up to Rs 45,000 and extra exchange bonus of Rs 10,000. The pre-discount price of a Hyundai Eon is Rs 3.3 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi) for the base variant and goes up to Rs 4.66 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi) for the top variant. The company claims there are discounts of up to Rs 60,000 on the Eon which brings down the price of the base variant down to Rs 2.7 lakh (including exchange bonus). The car is available in two engine variants, one with a 0.8-liter engine and the other with a 1-liter engine. The Eon has been Hyundai's representative against two of Maruti's best-selling vehicles, Wagon R and Alto. In terms of fuel alternatives, the car comes in petrol as well as LPG. Hyundai India is expected to launch the new Santro before the advent of festive seasons. The company is advertising it as a complete family car. So far, the car has been spotted a number of times in camouflage. The tall boy design will sit between Wagon R and a conventional hatchback. The new Santro is also expected to come with Hyundai's first AMT gearbox. Hyundai is readying for a blitzkrieg of car launches in the coming months. Apart from the crowd puller Santro, the company is also expected to launch a compact SUV going against the likes of EcoSport, Brezza as well as Tata Nexon. This new car will sit under the Hyundai Creta but above Hyundai i20 Active. Complying with the government's grand plan of going all electric by 2030, the brand is also working on it EV portfolio. Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan is said to have blamed the 'over optimism of bankers' and 'growth slowdown' for sky-high non-performing assets (NPAs) in his reply to 30-member Lok Sabha Committee on Estimates. The panel, headed by BJP veteran Murli Manohar Joshi, had asked Rajan for a briefing on the banking sector's mounting bad loans. According to CNBC-TV18, Raghuram Rajan told the panel that banks didn't do 'due diligence' on large loans and relied on promoter, SBI Capital Markets and IDBI. The former RBI governor added that post-2008 slowdown made growth projections of banks unrealistic. Rajan reportedly blamed the policy paralysis that delayed the ongoing projects due to slow decision-making in the UPA government after it was accused of various scams. The former RBI chief is learnt to have said that banks extended more loans to prevent 'zombie' loans from turning non-performing assets. The laws didn't allow banks to seize property and banks chose to evergreen loans, Rajan reportedly told the committee. Holding banks' management accountable, the former RBI boss said that high NPAs were due to bankers' exuberance, incompetence and corruption. He also blamed lack of monitoring and extending loans to companies which had history of defaults. Bad loans touched Rs 8.99 lakh crore as of December 31, 2017, with PSBs accounting for over 86 per cent of the pie. Rajan, who was RBI governor for three years till September 2016, is currently the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at Chicago Booth School of Business. A member of the committee had earlier told India Today that Joshi wrote a letter to Rajan on August 7, where he said that the "committee admires his experience and knowledge and if he is unable to testify to the summons in person, the committee would like a written testimony of his expert view on the NPA crisis, how it has been created and how India should tackle it". Refuting the notion of slow credit growth under his tenure, Rajan said that PSU banks' personal and housing loans didn't slow despite Asset Quality Review (AQR). Niti Aayog vice chairman Rajiv Kumar had recently said that it wasn't demonetisation but deleveraging of credit under Rajan's tenure that led to economic slowdown. Pinning the blame squarely on Rajan's policies as governor of central bank, Kumar had said the economic growth was declining due to rising NPAs in the banking sector. "When this government came into office, this figure was about 4 lakh crore. It rose to 10.5 lakh crore by the middle of 2017," he added. "Under the former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, they had instituted new mechanisms to identify stressed and non performing assets. This is why the banking sector stopped giving credit to the industry. In fact, in some cases like MSMEs, credit growth shrank. Even in the large industries, the growth of credit came down to measly 1 per cent in some quarters," Niti Aayog vice chairman had claimed. "This has been the highest deleveraging of commercial credit to the industry in India's economic history," Kumar had said. When Chandni released in 1989, it put Switzerland's beautiful locales in the imagination of common Indians. While it was not the first film to be shot there, Sridevi and Rishi Kapoor dancing at the backdrop of Swiss mountains did wonders for the country's tourism in the subsequent years. Now, the Swiss authorities are planning to install a statue of the veteran actor who passed away in Dubai in February this year. "Considering Sridevi's role in promoting tourism here, there is a proposal to honour the actor by having her statue here," a senior official familiar with the development said, as mentioned in agency reports. The statue will be the second one, after renowned filmmaker Yash Chopra's that was unveiled in Interlaken in 2016. "Many of Chopra's films featured Switzerland as a backdrop and he is credited with boosting the popularity of the Alpine nation among Indian tourists," the official said. In 2011, Yash Chopra was also awarded the honorary title of Ambassador of Interlaken by the government of Interlaken. A train is also named after him. "Chopra's last movie as a director- Jab Tak Hai Jaan also had Switzerland in its original screenplay however it had to be cancelled due to his sudden demise. There is also a lake which is known as Yash Chopra Lake here as he shot many of his scenes at the lake in Lauenensee," the official said. The first Indian movie to be shot in Switzerland was Raj Kapoor's Sangam in 1964. It was followed by An Evening in Paris in 1967. Following that Switzerland became the most sought-after foreign location for Indian filmmakers. It seared Switzerland's image as the romantic paradise in every Indian's mind. One of the most popular movies to be shot in Switzerland was Yash Chopra's blockbuster hit Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge in 1995. "However, for many Indian tourists visiting the country today, it is Chopra's 1995 production Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge that is their Swiss point of reference. Interestingly, for the tourists who happen to be cinema fanatics, there is also a provision to arrange Bollywood packaged trips here," the official said. (With PTI inputs; edited by Anwesha Madhukalya) - T. S. Eliot Thoughts After Lambeth "The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide." Democratic institutions are becoming more robust: Qamar Bajwa Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa said on Sunday that democracy was flourishing in the country with time. He was speaking to the media at President Arif Alvis oath-taking ceremony. Democratic institutions are quickly becoming more robust and will only get stronger with the passage of time, Gen Qamar said, adding, This is an important day for the continuity of democracy in the country. Alvi was sworn in as Pakistans 13th head of state in a ceremony held at Aiwan-e-Sadr in Islamabad. Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar administered the oath in a ceremony, which was attended by top civil-military brass including Prime Minister Imran Khan, the COAS and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Gen Zubair Hayat. Saudi and Chinese diplomats also attended the presidential oath. The newly-sworn in president was later given his first guard of honour by a contingent of the armed forces at Aiwan-e-Sadr. EAC discussed banning imports of luxury cars,smartphones-cheese ISLAMABAD: A wide-ranging strategy sesssion of the newly formed Economic Advisory Council (EAC) to devise ways for avoiding seeking a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) featured discussion on banning imports of luxury cars, smartphones and cheese, a senior government advisor told Reuters. The EAC held its first session last week, chaired by Finance Minister Asad Umar, who took office last month. A lull in exports and a relative spike in imports has led to a shortage of dollars in the economy, putting pressure on the Rupee, and dwindling foreign currency reserves. This has prompted most financial analysts to predict Pakistan will turn to the IMF for its 15th bailout since the early 1980s. But new Prime Minister Imran Khan has criticised a culture of dependency and his partys officials have expressed concerns that the reforms and austerity the IMF might demand would strangle promised government spending. Ashfaque Hasan Khan, a university professor who is a member of the EAC, told Reuters that during Thursdays meeting, the focus was on outside-the-box ideas that would help curb imports. I didnt find any member (who) suggested that Pakistan should go to the IMF because there is no other alternative, he said. We need to take some actions. Do nothing scenario is unacceptable. Umar could not be reached for comment on the EAC meeting. He recently told the Senate that while Pakistan needs to meet a $9 billion financing requirement, the IMF should only be a fallback option. Khan said the more radical steps discussed were a year-long ban on imports for cheese, cars, cell phones and fruit that could save some $4-5 billion. A push on exports could generate up to $2 billion in extra inflows, he added. You see how much cheese is coming in this country from abroad, Khan said. The market is full of imported cheese. Does this country, which doesnt have dollars, deserve this, that it is importing cheese? Last year, the previous government hiked tariffs by up to 50 percent on 240 imported items, including cheese and high-horsepower cars, and imposed regulatory duties on dozens of new imports. But no outright import bans were issued. Umar recently said Pakistan would not rule out asking friendly nations usually code for historic allies China and Saudi Arabia for assistance to avoid going to the IMF, as well as raising money on international debt markets. Friendly relationship with China is cornerstone of Pak foreign policy: Imran Khan ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday said the friendly relationship with China is the cornerstone of Pakistans foreign policy and that his government was committed to the implementation of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). In a meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is on an official visit to Pakistan, the prime minister thanked Foreign Minister Wang Yi for good wishes of the Chinese leadership. The state councilor congratulated the prime minister on his assumption of the office and expressed best wishes of the Chinese leadership for the new government. He conveyed the desire of the Chinese leadership to work with the new government for further enhancing the strategic partnership between Pakistan and China. He underscored the significance of China-Pakistan relationship which served as a model of friendship in the interstate relations. He underscored the significance of CPEC for the mutual benefit of the people of both the countries. He also conveyed the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang for an official visit to Prime Minister Imran Khan. The prime minister thanked Chinese Premier Li Keqiang for his congratulatory telephone call and for his message of support to the new government. He also thanked the Chinese premier for the invitation to visit China and stated that he looked forward to his visit and meetings with the Chinese leadership. During the meeting, both the sides discussed the regional situation and global issues. Later, the Chinese foreign minister called on President Dr Arif Alvi at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. The foreign minister congratulated the president on his assumption of the office and conveyed the good wishes of the Chinese leadership for the new government. He said that he was honoured to be the first to have a meeting with the president immediately after his oath-taking ceremony. While underlining the significance of China in Pakistans foreign policy, President Alvi said he looked forward to strengthening the strategic partnership between Pakistan and China in all areas. Recognizing the significance of CPEC for both the countries, the president re-affirmed the commitment of the government towards the implementation of the initiative. He also extended an invitation to President Xi Jinping to visit Pakistan at his earliest convenience. The Chinese minister emphasized the significance of strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and expressed the hope to further enhance it. He also referred to his call on the prime minister and delegation-level talks with the foreign minister during the visit which had provided an opportunity to exchange views on all matters of mutual interest including regional and multilateral issues. The president thanked Wang Yi for the message of goodwill from the Chinese leadership and reiterated the resolve to work with China to take the bilateral relationship to new heights during his tenure. Imran Khan met Saudi Information Minister Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday invited greater investment by Saudi public and private sector in petroleum, energy, livestock and agriculture sectors, besides stressing the need to address the imbalance of bilateral trade currently tilted towards Saudi Arabia. In a meeting with Saudi Minister for Information Dr Awwad Bin Saleh Al Awwad, who called on him to convey the greetings and felicitations of Saudi leadership on assuming the office of prime minister, Imran Khan underscored the strong relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia which are based on a durable, broad-based and comprehensive partnership. Expressing satisfaction at the pace of progress in bilateral relations, he called for sustaining the momentum through tangible progress in areas identified for bilateral cooperation. The Saudi minister expressed solidarity of the Saudi leadership with the government and people of Pakistan. The prime minister conveyed his gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz for their sincere wishes. The Saudi minister also invited Imran Khan to visit the Kingdom. The Saudi minister arrived in Islamabad on Friday on a two-day visit. He also called on National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaisar, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, besides having a meeting with Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry. Later, the Saudi minister called on President Dr Arif Alviat Aiwan-e-Sadr. During the meeting, the president emphasized the need for regular exchange of cultural and media delegations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as there existed vast opportunities for cooperation between the two fraternal countries in the fields of information, culture and tourism. Pak Embassy in USA appealed for donation WASHINGTON: The Pakistan Embassy in the United States sent out an appeal this weekend, urging the Pakistani-American community to donate generously to a fund set up by the government to build Diamer-Basha and Mohmand dams. But experts continue to debate the concept of building dams with public donations. The government hopes to raise a sizable portion of the fund from the Pakistani-American community, which is considered the most affluent among the Pakistanis living abroad. Imran Khan has got ample supporters and fundraisers within the Pakistani-American community. Still, I doubt theres a critical mass of Pakistanis overseas with the financial capacity (much less the will) to participate in this campaign, says Michael Kugelman, a Pakistan expert at the Woodrow Wilson Centre for Scholars in Washington, describing the appeal as an ambitious ask. Khan knows the diaspora better than anyone, tweeted Xulqi Moon, pointing out that Imran Khan has travelled across the world, collecting funds. He has decades of experience of donations and charity collection and he will achieve his target, the supporter wrote. The Pakistani embassy in Washington, however, did not get involved in the debate about whether its possible to build dams with donations. Instead, it sent out a letter to influential Pakistanis in the United States, encouraging them to participate in the campaign. The letter said that Pakistan had opened a special account at the National Bank of Pakistan in New York and asked Pakistanis to send their donations to NBP account #55302141, through routing #026004721 and swift code NBPUS33. The letter reminds donors also to mention their dates and places of birth in bank to bank information field of wire transfer instructions. Mr Kugelman pointed out that one thing was left unsaid in the appeal to overseas Pakistanis to donate $1,000 each: The diaspora isnt quite as affluent as some think. Many wont be in position to donate. Mr Kugelman, however, appreciated the governments focus on the issue. Credit is due to the Pakistan government for rightly identifying water as one of the countrys biggest challenges, he said. But instead of trying to crowd fund via the diaspora to build a new dam, how about focusing on repairing existing infrastructure, e.g. Tarbela? Less costly, less complicated. He advised the government not to discount the demand-side aspects of water management either. About Me Scott Because prophetic scriptures are found throughout the bible, it is obvious that a comprehensive, systematic approach would be useful, if not necessary, for the understanding of prophecy. Past prophecies have been fulfilled in a literal manner, as confirmed by the dating of these writings and historical records of confirmation. These past prophecies also serve as a model of how to interpret future prophecies. A literal view of prophecy clearly indicates a certain sequence of events will occur within a single generation, concluding with the Tribulation and Second Advent and these events will be obvious. The prophetic signs appear to be present in this generation and we believe these signs are revealed in the news from around the world. View my complete profile By Kenneth Li CBS Corp CEO Leslie Moonves resigned from the company, the company said on Sunday, amid fresh allegations of sexual assault and harassment. CBS also announced a deal to end litigation against controlling shareholder Shari Redstone and National Amusements Inc for control of the broadcaster and media company. Chief Operating Officer Joe Ianiello will take over as interim CEO as the board searches for a replacement, according to the announcement. The settlements end years of uncertainty over the future of CBS and could potentially open the door future deals. The announcement comes after six more women accused Moonves of sexual assault and harassment in a report published on Sunday in the New Yorker magazine. National Amusements agreed to avoid pressing for a merger of CBS and Viacom, which is also controlled by National Amusements, for at least two years. In earlier court filings, NAI had dropped support for a deal before it was sued in May by CBS for control of the company. The settlement does not preclude other parties from suggesting a merger or bringing other potential transactions to the board, one source said. Moonves, 68, who turned CBS from an aging radio and TV broadcaster into a provider of shows to digital platforms, was expected to reap an estimated $100 million in severance. But Moonves could end up with nothing pending an investigation into allegations of violence against women conducted by law firms hired by an independent committee of the CBS board of directors. CBS said it and Moonves will donate $20 million of Moonves' severance to organizations supporting the #MeToo movement. Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal Police has reached on the conclusion that the illegal gold that was seized on Sunday from Sardibas, Chumnubri Rural Municipality-3, Gorkha was sent by the Chinese nationals. Arrestee duo Mutup Lama, 58 and Lopchan Tenbe, 28, of Chumanubri rural municipality-7, Chhekampar of the district have revealed about the involvement of Chinese national in the illegal transition of the gold in Nepal. Sirdibas Police Post had arrested the Lama and Tenbe in possession of 5 kg gold each during a regular security check. Both the arrested persons were paraded amid a press conference on Monday. Guwahati, Sep 10 : Normal life in Assam today was thrown out of gear since early in the morning as Bharat Bandh called by Congress against rising fuel price in the country. Vehicular movement has been effected in Guwahati as all buses went off in roads. Protesters burnt tyres in Karimganj, Barpeta and many other places in the state. The Congress workers staged protests against Modi government in various places. Kathmandu, Nepal: The rape and murder case of 13-year-old Nirmala Panta of Kanchanpur become mysterious after a member of the high level investigation committee, formed by the Home Ministry to probe the case, resigned prior to reach on the logical conclusion. Committee member, Birendra KC, who is also the under-secretary at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law of Province 7, announced his resignation from the committee member organizing a press conference in Kathmandu on Monday. KC has reasoned his resignation for extending another 15 days deadline of the probe committee and the threat he received. I have a doubt that Nirmala would not get justice because the committees term was extended for another 15 days unnecessarily, KC said in the press conference. It would be morally wrong for me to stay in the committee after the extension of the deadline, because it was not necessary, he said. During the press conference he also claimed that he even received life threat. However, he did not elaborate about the persons, nature and reason behind the threat he received. The government had formed a three member committee under the leadership of joint secretary Hari Prasad Mainali with the task to investigate on the heinous crime occurred in Kanchanpur district. Notable review of Japan's modern administration of its death penalty | Main | Events and resources covering Ohio sentencing and prison reform ballot initiative known now as Issue 1 September 10, 2018 Another effective examination of ups and down of federal clemency (and the persistence of hope) in modern times Against the backdrop of almost complete disuse of the federal clemency power (especially the power to commute prison sentences) which had become a modern norm, the clemency activity over the last few years of the Obama Administration and at the start of the Trump Administration have been encouraging. But this effective extended review of recent developments, with a focus on the case of "Life for Pot" defendant John Knock, highlights that for many downs rather than ups define the reality of all the buzz around clemency. The article's full headline highlights its themes: "The Prisoners Left Behind: How Barack Obamas clemency operation failed thousands of drug offenders, some serving long sentences for cannabis crimes, and left them at the mercy of Donald Trumps whims." Here is an excerpt: Knock is one of more than 1,500 drug offenders set to die in federal prison under 1980s-era drug sentencing laws, despite a critical shift in drug punishments since then. Dozens of those lifers are marijuana offenders like him. With no other recourse, Knock had turned to clemency as his best chance at freedom. Obamas program was well intentioned but hobbled by poor planning. Trump has commuted the sentence of just one drug offender so far, but thats enough to give some inmates a shred of hope. But those hopes were misplaced. Although President Obamas program did grant more than 1,700 commutations more than any other president clemency experts say bureaucracy and poor planning stifled the programs ability to free many more. Out of the 13,000 people denied between 2014 and 2017, thousands appeared to be worthy candidatesat least on paper, according to a 2017 analysis by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.... But in fact, the commission found that only 3 percent of drug offenders who appeared to meet all of the DOJs criteria actually received clemency. Conversely, only 5 percent of the people who did receive clemency appeared to meet all of the criteria. Without much transparency in the review process, several critics now compare it to a lottery system. It felt like a lottery, in the sense that if you say you need six criteria to be considered, people are going to take you at your face value, said Courtney Oliva, executive director of NYUs Center on the Administration of Criminal Law. Thousands of other petitions got no response at all. On Obamas final day in office, 11,000 pending petitions rolled over into President Donald Trumps administration, leaving thousands of cases still languishing in limbo as inmates looked to another president for mercy.... [I]n early June the president did commute the life sentence of Alice Johnson, who had served twenty years in prison for her role in a large cocaine distribution ring. Before Trump, President Obama had denied Johnsons requests for clemency three times. Trumps move came at the request of a celebrity, Kim Kardashian West, who visited the White House again this week to discuss criminal justice reform. Kardashian also said this week she has a second candidate for clemency in mind, a man named Chris Young who is serving a life sentence for cannabis and cocaine convictions. He was thirty years old when he was sent to prison almost a decade ago. Two days after granting Johnsons clemency, Trump said he was considering other pardons from a list of 3,000 names. But despite his decision for Alice Johnson, some still doubt the possibility of a wholesale initiative like Obamas. I think theres a lot of uncertainty as to what it means because I dont trust this administration, said Courtney Oliva. Assuming we have a normal president again someday, youre going to want a system thats not path-dependent on Kim Kardashian. But to John Knock and his family, the latest clemency approval has ushered in a surge of optimism. How do I feel? Hopeful, Knock wrote in a letter, days after Johnsons release. Obama had seven layers of bureaucracy one had to pass through. Trump has one. Its disruptive to the way the system has always worked, Knocks sister Beth Curtis said. If it is done directly through the White House, and the White House considers petitions that had been carefully vetted by people in the criminal justice community, thats a very positive thing.... I still have hope, Knock said. Knocks name is among the several that have been sent directly to senior advisor Jared Kushner, according to Curtis, and Knocks was sent by a man who knew John in high school who is a friend of Mike Pence. September 10, 2018 at 10:16 AM | Permalink Comments Post a comment Another effective examination of ups and down of federal clemency (and the persistence of hope) in modern times | Main | I do not think Prez Trump meant this tweet as a compliment to the Attorneys General, but it kinda is September 10, 2018 Events and resources covering Ohio sentencing and prison reform ballot initiative known now as Issue 1 A few months ago, I flagged here the interesting and intricate drug sentencing and prison reform initiative headed for the November 2018 ballot here in Ohio. Originally called the "Neighborhood Safety, Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Amendment," the initiative now is just known within Ohio as Issue 1. With early voting in Ohio now just a month away and Election Day 2018 not much more than 50 days away, the new Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (DEPC) at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law has a lot of Issue 1 programming about to begin and has a lot of resources already assembled on its website. This Thursday, September 13 at 12noon, starts a series five public panels under the title Ballot Insights. Registration for these panels is available at this link, where you can also find more details on scheduled speakers and on which aspects of the Issue 1 will be the focus for particular panels (e.g., a first panel in October is focused on the Issue 1 provisions expanding "earned time credit" for Ohio prisoners to reduce their sentences through rehabilitative programming; a second panel in October looks at how to ensure any increased funding for drug treatment is utilized effectively). I have the pleasure of moderating the first Issue 1 panel this coming Thursday, which is titled simply "Neighborhood Safety, Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Amendment: Step in the Right Direction." This panel will include a leading proponent of Issue 1 (Steven JohnsonGrove of the Ohio Justice & Policy Center), a leading opponent of Issue 1 (Louis Tobin of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association), and a leading Ohio criminal justice reform expert (Daniel Dew of The Buckeye Institute). The bios of the presenters are detailed at this link. In addition to all the panels, DEPC has also created a Resources Page for Issue 1, which includes links to the ballot language, position statements from various groups and select media coverage. DEPC is also building out a Commentary Page on Issue 1 for publishing original commentary that the Center has solicited. (A pair of public health scholars submitted this first commentary for publication on the DEPC site.) Prior related posts: September 10, 2018 at 10:58 AM | Permalink Comments Post a comment "Sex Offenders, Custody and Habeas" | Main | Another effective examination of ups and down of federal clemency (and the persistence of hope) in modern times This new press piece under the headline "Cruel yet popular punishment: Japan's death penalty" provides an accounting of capital punishment's operation and reception in the only major modern democracy other than the US using it. Here are excerpts: Years waiting on death row, inmates told their fate just hours before their execution, and guards paid extra to do an "unbearable" job - Japan's capital punishment system is criticized as cruel and secretive yet remains popular. Unusually for an major industrialised power, capital punishment in Japan enjoys broad public support with few calls for its abolishment. Inmates are executed not by professionals but by ordinary prison staff who may have been guarding the condemned for months or even years, and who receive extra pay of 20,000 yen each. "It's awful, the body bounces like a 70-kilogram object on a nylon rope," said Toshio Sakamoto, who witnessed noosed inmates plunge to their deaths, and described the process as "unbearable." Blindfolded convicts, usually those who have killed more than one person, are led to a spot with their feet bound and hands cuffed. Then, a trapdoor opens below. The mechanism is triggered by a button in an adjacent room, pressed simultaneously by several officers, although none is told which button is the "live one" that will cause the prisoner's fall.... Japan is the only major industrialised democracy other than the United States to carry out capital punishment. The system was thrust into the international spotlight in July when the country hanged 13 doomsday cultists but the secretive methods have come under fire for being cruel for criminals, families and guards. Under law, the death sentence should be carried out six months after confirmed by the top court. In reality however, prisoners languish on death row for many years -- Japan has a total of 110 awaiting execution. "Prisoners are typically only given a few hours' notice before execution, but some may be given no warning at all," said Amnesty International in a recent statement. "Inmates are kept in isolation suffering the anguish of never knowing when they are going to be put to death - sometimes for decades," added the pressure group. Families are only informed after the execution, noted Amnesty. The government cites broad public support as a reason to maintain capital punishment but there is little public debate as the whole process is veiled in secrecy. The authorities have just once allowed a 30-minute media visit inside the glass-walled execution room in the Tokyo Detention House, arguably the best-kept among Japan's seven facilities with gallows. A 2014 government survey of around 1,800 people showed 80 percent thought capital punishment was "unavoidable", with only one in 10 in favor of abolishing it. But 38 percent thought it should be abolished if Japan introduces life imprisonment without parole -- something the penal code does not currently allow. One 62-year-old businessman in Tokyo said it would be "insane" to think of scrapping capital punishment. And Mika Koike, a 29-year-old IT engineer, said: "Taking the victims and their families into consideration, I think there is no other clear, absolute way to punish the offenders." Kotaro Yamakami, a 25-year-old politics student, said murderers should pay in kind.... For now, there is no sign that Japan's leaders are pondering any changes. On July 5, the eve of executions of seven Aum cultists, a smiling Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was photographed in a drinking party with fellow politicians, giving the thumbs-up for a collective snapshot with his justice minister who had signed off on the hanging orders. Ambassador Nguyen Tien Thuc informed the leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam about the embassys performance, activities of the Vietnamese People Association, and the situation of the Vietnamese community in Hungary. The over 5,000 Vietnamese here have always been united and supported each other. They are an important bridge in the two countries relations, he said. At the meeting, many expatriates showed their attention to Vietnams situation and submitted proposals. They said development guidelines and policies should be built basing on the interests of the country and people so as to enhance peoples trust. They also called on the Party and State to pay more attention to developing agriculture, building new-style rural areas, improving farmers living standards and protecting the environment. They promised to remain united and contribute to the development of Hungary and Vietnam. General Secretary Trong appreciated the expatriates opinions and briefed them about Vietnams situation. He said his visit to Hungary aims to elevate bilateral relations, adding that the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary have grown during the past seven decades. The Hungarian people provided the Vietnamese with precious assistance for nation-building and protection in the past. Nowadays, the two sides continue promoting friendship and cooperation in a pragmatic and effective manner for the sake of the two peoples and for the development of each country. He applauded the embassys efforts to fulfill their duties and activities of the Vietnamese People Association and member organisations in Hungary to support the expatriates. The leader emphasised that the Party and State always consider overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of Vietnam. He asked the expatriates to always remember their origin, assist each other, uphold national cultural identities and contribute to the two countries connections. Each person is a nucleus, a seed and a bridge in the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, he noted. He also asked the embassy to work harder to help reinforce the traditional bilateral ties and support the Vietnamese community in Hungary Vietnamnews Doanh said over the years, Vietnam has been an important partner and worked closely with the WEF in various spheres, including the New Vision for Agriculture (NVA). Joining this initiative in 2010, the country has promoted partnerships between the State and the private sector through public-private partnership (PPP) commodity-based working groups in the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture in Vietnam (PSAV), aiming to achieve sustainable growth in local agriculture. So far, the PSAV has successfully implemented seven PPP working groups for coffee, tea, vegetables and fruits, aquatic products, pepper and spices, rice and agricultural chemicals, the official said. These commodity-based working groups have also piloted farming models and expanded the cultivation of new varieties and the application of environmentally friendly techniques. Nearly 220,000 farmers have been assisted to take part in demonstration farm models, received training and applied advanced farming measures that meet sustainability standards. Danh noted these models have satisfied socio-economic and environmental criteria of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The WEF has recognised that PPP commodity-based working groups in Vietnam have generated good outcomes and are one of the most successful models of its NVA in Asia, he added. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is pressing on with an agricultural restructuring plan to improve agricultural products added values and step up sustainable development. It is working to develop value chains in three groups: the national key group with 10 commodities with export turnover of more than 1 billion USD each, provincial key products and regional specialties. Promoting these value chains aims to increase the quality and competitiveness of Vietnamese farm produce, ensure inclusive growth and protect the environment. It is necessary to boost PPP-based production and investment models in agriculture, the Deputy Minister said. Doanh added the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development wants the WEF, through the Grow Asia initiative, to continue assisting Vietnams agriculture to restructure. Vietnamnews Recent years, many direct flights connecting from Vietnam to Korea have been put into service, as a result, in the first eight months of this year, the number of Vietnamese tourists to Korea reached 292,000, an increase of 42.7 percent over last year. During the past three years, MICE tourist delegations traveling to Korea also increased. Mo ta anh With aiming to boost more promotions, tourist activities in Vietnam, the KTO in Vietnam, Jeju Tourism Promotion Department, Busan Tourism Promotion Department, Daegu city, Gangwon Economic Association and Suwon Cultural Department joined in the 14th International Tourism Expo in HCMC held from September 6 to 8 in HCMC. Mr. Chung Chang Wook, Head of KTO in Vietnam hoped through this event, tourism partners would receive useful tourist information from Korea tourist agencies, contributing to develop new tourism products. Besides, visitors have chance to experience Korean culture, tourism with Imagine your Korea program adding that the cooperation between two countries travel agencies and promotion organizations would be strenghtened more through ITE 2018. HA ANH Translated by Quy Thi Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on September 10 2018/09/10 At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Chile Roberto Ampuero will pay an official visit to China from September 13 to 15. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold talks with Foreign Minister Ampuero. The two sides will have in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest. This visit will help deepen political mutual trust, expand common understandings on cooperation, and inject new impetus into the China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership. Chile is an important country in both Latin America and Asia Pacific regions. It is also a comprehensive strategic partner for China. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the leaders on both sides, China-Chile relations have been growing steadily with frequent high-level exchanges and fruitful cooperation in various fields. Under the new circumstances, China stands ready to work with Chile to maintain the momentum of all-around exchange, act on the opportunities brought by the Belt and Road Initiative to fully release the dividends of an upgraded bilateral free trade agreement, and elevate friendly ties and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries. Q: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Pakistan recently, right after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrapped up his visit to that country. Could you tell us what are the considerations for State Councilor Wang's visit? What outcomes have been achieved? A: Not long ago, Pakistan formed a new government after successfully completing its election process. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit is aimed to coordinate with the new Pakistani administration and compare notes on cooperation across the board so as to ensure a good start for the China-Pakistan relations under the new circumstances. China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. Our relationship is as stable as Mount Tai regardless of party differences and political transitions. The China-Pakistan friendship has withstood the test of the changing international situation and times. This unbreakable friendship is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. In the meantime, the development of China-Pakistan relationship is not targeted at any third party, nor will it be affected as each of us develops bilateral ties with other countries. During his visit, State Councilor Wang Yi met with Pakistan's President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan, Speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser and leaders of the military, and held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on deepening the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and other international and regional issues of mutual concern and reached many consensuses. Politically, the two sides will further deepen strategic mutual trust and strengthen strategic communication. We will also more staunchly support each other's core and major interests and more closely communicate and coordinate with each other on major issues of mutual interest. Economically, the two sides will step up development cooperation with focus on people's livelihood. China will give more assistance on a priority basis to such areas as agriculture, education, medical service and drinking water, delivering tangible benefits to more people. The two sides will enhance the building of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and decide the future development path and the course for cooperation through negotiations in light of Pakistan's next-stage socio-economic development priorities and the needs of its people. We will prioritize the faster development of industrial cooperation and livelihood projects, gradually extend them to the western part of Pakistan and enable more Pakistanis to benefit from the CPEC. In terms of security, the two sides decide to bolster defense and security cooperation. We will promote exchanges between our militaries and law-enforcement institutes and firmly crack down on the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. China will support Pakistan in continuing to resolutely fight terrorism in accordance with its national conditions. Pakistan's new government has stressed many times that it will continue to regard its relations with China as the cornerstone of its foreign policies. Likewise, China will continue to prioritize Pakistan in its foreign policies and neighborhood diplomacy. China is ready to work with the new Pakistani administration to forge China-Pakistan relations into a model of good neighborliness, a pillar of regional peace and stability, and an exemplar of the Belt and Road Initiative. Q: Last week, the US side threatened to place duties on almost all Chinese exports into the United States. What is your response to this? A: My colleague from the Commerce Ministry has already responded to similar questions. I just want to reiterate that if the US insists on imposing new tariff measures on China, the Chinese side will surely take countermeasures to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. Q: The Human Rights Watch in New York today accused China of suppressing Uighurs in Xinjiang. What is your reaction to that? A: This organization has formed a habit of treating China with prejudice, distorting facts and stirring up troubles. So, I don't want to make any specific response to its accusations or remarks. As for the situation in Xinjiang you mentioned, I want to say that Xinjiang is enjoying overall social stability, sound economic development and harmonious co-existence of different ethnic groups. It is a wish shared by people of all ethnic groups for Xinjiang to maintain enduring social stability, since it serves their fundamental interests. The series of measures implemented in Xinjiang are meant to improve stability, development, solidarity and people's livelihood, crack down on ethnic separatist activities and violent and terrorist crimes, safeguard national security, and protect people's life and property. Another point I want to make is that the Chinese government protect citizens' right to freedom of religious belief in accordance with the law, and people of all ethnic groups fully enjoy such right in accordance with the law. Q: The US State Department said last week that it is recalling its top diplomats from the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama. This follows each of these countries' decision to establish diplomatic ties with China. They previously had them with Taiwan. What is your response to this move? A: The one-China principle is a consensus shared by the international community. It is based on this principle that China established diplomatic ties with the relevant countries in accordance with international law and basic norms governing international relations, as well as the fundamental interests of the people not only in China but also in these countries. This is a well-justified decision in response to the call of the times. A sovereign country can choose with whom it wishes to develop diplomatic ties, because it has the sovereign right to do so. Such right should be respected, and other countries are in no position to say otherwise. Our advice for the relevant country is that it should not forget the fact that it established diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China decades ago on the basis of acknowledging the one-China principle. It should adopt a correct view of other countries' establishment of diplomatic ties with China, cautiously and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, and refrain from further saying or doing anything irresponsible for the sake of its own image and cross-Strait peace and stability. Q: Just now you gave an elaborate reply to State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Pakistan. The Pakistani media has noted that there was no announcement of any new economic aid to Pakistan, as the country is reeling under the economic crisis under the new government. Was there any assistance commitment from China to Pakistan? A: China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners. Our friendship gets reflected not only in the political area but also in economic cooperation. China and Pakistan have made remarkable achievements in the building of the CPEC. During his visit to Pakistan, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reached important consensus with the Pakistani side on accelerating the building of the CPEC. As I just said, the two sides decided to determine the future development path and the course for cooperation under the CPEC through negotiations in light of Pakistan's next-stage socio-economic development priorities and the needs of its people. Priorities will be given to speeding up industrial cooperation and livelihood projects, and we will gradually extend them to the western part of Pakistan and enable more Pakistanis to benefit from the CPEC. The aim of the CPEC is to benefit the Pakistani people and deliver tangible benefits to the ordinary Pakistanis. Q: The DPRK held a military parade yesterday to celebrate its founding anniversary. Special Representative of President Xi Jinping also attended the military parade. What is your comment? A: Li Zhanshu, Special Representative of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress led a delegation of the CPC and the Chinese government to visit the DPRK and attended the celebration events marking the 70th anniversary of the DPRK's founding. It showcased the great importance China attaches to its relationship with the DPRK and represented China's warm congratulations to the DPRK's 70th founding anniversary. During his stay in the DPRK, Special Representative Li Zhanshu met with Chairman Kim Jong-un and handed over a letter from General Secretary Xi Jinping. You may all have read news about that. I want to add that together with the heads of other delegations who were invited to attend the 70th anniversary, Special Representative Li Zhanshu attended a range of celebration events. What's special about this year's celebration, as many media noted in their reports, is that the DPRK demonstrated more of its achievements in the economic field and its determination to improve its economy and people's livelihood. On the Korean Peninsula issue, China's position is firm and clear. China remains committed to the denuclearization of the Peninsula and to upholding peace and stability on the Peninsula. Meanwhile, as a friendly neighbor of the DPRK, China stands ready to consolidate friendship with the DPRK and support the DPRK in improving its economy and people's livelihood. The League of Women Voters of Chattanooga, UTCs Womens Studies Department, The Womens Fund of Greater Chattanooga, and the new UTC group Mocs Go Vote 2018 will co-host a Meet and Greet for the State House candidates in districts 26-30. The Meet and Greet will take place on Monday, Sept. 24, in the Chattanooga Room on the second level of UTCs University Center, 642 E. 5th St., from 5:30-7:30 p.m. All qualified candidates for the Tennessee House in districts 26 through 30 have been invited to participate in the Meet and Greet. The moderator will be Dr. Amanda Wintersieck, UC Foundation assistant professor of Political Science and Public Service at UTC. The Meet and Greet will have standing rules that all participants must follow, including a three-minute time limit for self-introductions. After the introductions, the candidates will go to separate tables to meet and talk with members of the public from their districts. No derogatory comments about opponents will be allowed, and debating or arguing is also not allowed at this event. The Meet and Greet is nonpartisan. None of the co-hosts endorse candidates or contribute to political campaigns. This event will provide a venue where the public can be educated on candidates platforms, allowing voters to make informed decisions. All are invited to attend and participate. We can't seem to find the page you are looking for. You may have typed the address incorrectly or you may have used an outdated link. Jeremy Morrison expected to make his career driving debut with a single assignment for trainer Jim Campbell at Harrahs Philadelphia on August 30, but learned from Campbell that morning he was getting a second opportunity later on the card. He appreciated the extra chance. That was a big relief, knowing I had another drive instead of just having one, Morrison said, adding with a laugh, Then I could mess up two times instead of once. But there was no messing up. Morrison picked up a cheque by finishing fifth with 33-1 longshot Thisguyisonfire in his first race, and then picked up his first win by guiding favourite Fashion Forever to victory by two and three-quarter lengths in 1:55.1 in the second. It will be a memory forever for the 28-year-old Morrison. Hes a nice trotting colt, so I knew he would have no problem getting around there, Morrison said about Fashion Forever. When I went across the wire, it was a good feeling. [Winning] doesnt happen all the time, and when it does, it makes all the work worth it. It was very exciting. Morrison has been with Campbell since January 2017. He was born in Canada, where his parents worked for trainer Bob McIntosh, and moved to Michigan at the age of eight. After graduating high school, Morrison travelled to Florida and got started in harness racing by working for Lindy Farms. Three years later, Morrison moved to Sweden for several months, where he worked for Per Lennartsson. He returned to the U.S. and worked for a year in Indiana for the OMara Stable during which time he bought his first horse and then headed to New Jersey, first working for Jonas Czernyson before Campbell. Ive learned a lot from a lot of people, Morrison said. I learned to shoe when I was in Sweden and thats when I first started jogging horses. I want to stay here and learn more. I dont know everything, but Im eager to learn. I just want to watch, maybe get a few drives, and learn as I go. There is always something new to learn. Morrison enjoys the thrill of seeing the stables horses compete, whether he is watching from afar or sitting behind them. I love the feeling of when they go behind the gate, he said. You get that nervous feeling and your heart starts beating a little faster; the adrenaline starts picking up. You cant do much when youre just watching from the sidelines, its just very exciting. To me, its easier to drive because youre just concentrating on one horse. As soon as I got behind the gate all the nervousness went away and it was just me and my horse. When Im watching on the screen my heart is really pounding because I cant do anything to help. At this point, though, Morrison is more focused on training than driving, although he has gotten drives this year in qualifiers from trainers such as Czernyson, Ron Burke, Nifty Norman, Andrew Harris, and Clyde Francis. Ive been very lucky, Morrison said. Ive been at the right place at the right time when some drivers werent (at qualifiers). It makes you feel good when people come to you, it makes you feel important. I appreciate the chances. I like driving, but I see myself being more of a trainer than a driver. I do enjoy driving. It was fun. I didnt really think about being a driver until I started doing it. The more I drive, the more I like it. And winning doesnt hurt. No, Morrison said with a laugh. Not at all. (USTA) More than 1,000 prospective buyers gathered at the Mark Ford Training Center on Sunday (Sept. 9) to examine, evaluate and purchase the 116 available Standardbred prospects up for sale at the fourth annual Goshen Yearling Sale. Many of the stakes-eligible horses will be competing in the sire stakes programs in New York and Pennsylvania next year and the crowd reflected many connections from those racing jurisdictions. The total gross of the sale was just under $1.5 million, as 66 colts and 50 fillies sold for an average price of $12,912. The sales topper was trotting colt (Hip 117) Unpaid Advisor (Chapter Seven-Pole Dancer), who was bred and consigned by Boxwood Farm. The successful $50,000 bid was made by Charles Colbrunn of Longwood, Florida. The highest priced pacer was the filly (Hip 20) Eye Popping (So Surreal-Paramelons Hanover), who was bred and consigned by Steve Jones Cameo Hills Farm. The gavel dropped at $45,000 that was bid by Scott Di Domenico of Jamesburg, New Jersey. The top seller from the 25-horse Hanover Shoe Farm consignment was trotting filly (Hip 58) Demimonde Hanover (Sebastian K-Daddys Lhasa), who went for $36,000 to Mark Ford of Campbell Hall, New York. This was the first yearling from the first crop of Sebastian K available for sale. Winbak Farm was well represented with 38 yearlings and sold the third highest priced prospect overall in the sale. Trotting colt (Hip 50) Bronze Yankee (Muscles Yankee-Brontease) brought $42,000 from Blake MacIntosh of Cambridge, Ontario. MacIntosh was also the successful bidder of Twinbrook Farm's top seller (Hip 37) Twin B Salsa (Art Major-Western Heat). The pacing filly commanded $26,000 when the bidding ceased. Blue Chip Farms top money-getter from its 11-head consignment was the trotting filly (Hip 104) Really Blue Chip (Credit Winner-Muscles Secret), who was purchased by Anthony MacDonald of Guelph, Ontario for $31,000. We had a beautiful day for this sale and it reflected in everyones attitude, as a large crowd of enthusiastic buyers were keeping our spotters busy all day, said Mark Ford, the president of the Goshen Standardbred Horse Sales Co. The only hiccup that occurred was our internet service providers lack of reliable service on Sunday that killed our live stream and delayed the posting of results; something that was totally out of our control. You can view the complete sales results in a searchable database by clicking here. (Goshen Yearling Sale) Timothy Meier Appointed Vice President for Development Contact: Dianne Lamendola, Assistant to the President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance , 719-265-2002,COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Sept. 10, 2018 / Standard Newswire / -- On September 6, 2018, the Board of Directors of The Christian and Missionary Alliance (the C&MA, The Alliance) unanimously affirmed Dr. Timothy (Tim) Meier as the new vice president for the Development area of ministry, effective October 10, 2018. Development is responsible for the communications, funding, and marketing functions at the U.S. C&MA National Office. It produces Alliance Life magazine, Alliance video, resources for the Missions Emphasis and Great Commission Day campaigns, and many other print and digital communications materials to equip Alliance churches, church leaders, and laypeople to engage more deeply in God's work through The Alliance.Tim earned his undergraduate degree in Christian ministries at Indiana Wesleyan University. He then earned a master of divinity and a doctor of ministry in leadership in the global context at Alliance Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the director of Envision, a ministry of The Alliance that identifies and develops missional leaders through short-term trips, internships, leadership development, and ministry opportunities. There are approximately 70 site leaders in more than 20 urban-based Envision sites throughout the world, including the United States.Prior to leading Envision, Tim served with his wife, Rachel, in youth and worship ministries for five years at Mendham Hills Community Church (C&MA) in Chester, New Jersey. They then ministered for four years as Alliance international workers in France.Tim will conclude his leadership with Envision at the end of September. Wisely, he has chosen to take a brief period of time for soul renewal and to be with his family. He plans to begin his new role October 10."I am truly humbled to join the Development team in leadership for this next season," notes Tim. "I believe The Alliance is poised for forward momentum, healthy change, and a moment in our history that will pave the way for future generations of new churches, new types of engagement, and aggressive expansion all for the Kingdom of Jesus."Tim and Rachel have two sons and live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. September brings a chance to see a comet. It will be bright enough that you can readily glimpse it using binoculars, though it will be much easier to see using just a small telescope. Comet Giacobini-Zinner was discovered in December 1900 by the French astronomer Michel Giacobini at the Nice Observatory in France. Initially, Giacobini calculated that this newfound comet had a relatively short orbital period of just under 7 years, but no one saw the object during its anticipated 1907 return. Then in 1913, about six months before the comet was expected to return to perihelion, the German astronomer Ernst Zinner at the Dr. Karl Remeis-Observatory in Bamberg, Germany, discovered a comet. It carried his name for a week (going by Comet Zinner) before astronomers figured out that it was, in reality, the lost Comet Giacobini, which had a slightly shorter orbital period than astronomers originally calculated. Ever since then, the comet has borne the names of both men. Observers missed Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner twice more in 1920 and 1953, when it wasnt well placed for observation, but it has been seen at 14 other returns. A Jupiter lineage Comet Giacobini-Zinner is catalogued officially as 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. The 21P means that its the 21st short-period comet to have its orbit calculated. The very first comet to have its orbit calculated (1P) was the famous Halleys Comet. A short-period comet returns to the suns vicinity at intervals of 200 years or less. Comet 21P belongs to Jupiters family of comets, which contains hundreds of comets with orbital periods less than 20 years that dont venture beyond the orbit of Jupiter. In other words, the biggest planet in the solar system has captured scores of small comets, and because of Jupiters strong gravitational field, it will occasionally perturb a comets orbit. Comet 21Ps orbital period varies between 6.4 and 6.6 years, so its perihelion or its closest approach to the sun can happen in any month. This happens because the comets orbit may shift a little every time it passes by Jupiter. This year, Giacobini-Zinner will arrive at perihelion on Monday (Sept. 10). Small and interesting 21P is a small comet, only about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) in diameter, locked in a small and interesting orbit. It is more steeply inclined to the plane of the solar system (32 degrees) than all but about 1 percent of all known periodic comets. This unusual orbital geometry brings the comet to perihelion only five days before it crosses the plane of Earths orbit going from north to south (a point in its orbit called the descending node). Currently, this point in space is only 3.3 million miles (5.2 million km) outside of the Earths orbit, close to where our planet will be on Oct. 8. If the comet were to pass us on that date, it would be at its smallest possible distance from Earth while at opposition to the sun, which means the viewing circumstances would be at their absolute best. This almost happened in 1946 (when 21P reached the nodal crossing point 15 days too early) and again in 1959, but this time, the comets arrival here is 21 days too late. What to expect This month provides us with one of the best opportunities to see 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. The comet will arrive at perihelion on Monday (Sept. 10) at a distance of 94.2 million miles (151.5 million km) from the sun. On the same day, the comet will also be at perigee, its closest point to Earth, at a distance of 36.3 million miles (58.5 million km). As to what you should expect to see, the brightness of 21P will probably hold at near seventh magnitude all through the rest of September. Unfortunately, seventh magnitude is below the threshold of naked-eye visibility even under a dark, clear sky, but using good binoculars or a small telescope and sky map depicting the comets path against the constellations, you should have no difficulty in spotting the object. Interestingly, in a few cases, the comet has experienced unexpected short-term outbursts in brightness around the time of perihelion, making it appear about a half-magnitude brighter. That would place 21P right at the verge of naked-eye visibility. Binoculars are not likely to reveal much more than a fuzzy blotch of light. But through the eyepiece of a 4-inch telescope, magnifying at 100x, the comet should have a teardrop shape; the head (also called the coma) should appear well-condensed. Search for a bright, diffuse spot of light at the center of the coma, appearing almost like a star that cannot be focused. As for the tail, look for a narrow beam of light protruding out from the coma. With larger instruments and higher magnification, you might even catch sight of a jet or streamer extending out from the coma. When volatile material on the comets surface reacts to the harsh temperatrues and radiation fron the sun, material shoots out into space like a jet, creating streaks of light that appear to emanate from the comets coma. When and where to look The comet will be primarily a morning object all through September, well-placed for observation in the after-midnight and predawn hours. Currently, Giacobini-Zinner is located in the constellation of Auriga, the charioteer. In the nights that follow its closest approach, 21P will track on a southeastward trajectory against the background stars. On the morning of Sept. 11, the comet will reach a spot on the sky bordering three constellations: Auriga; Taurus, the bull; and Gemini, the twins. Make a special effort to look for 21P during the morning hours of Sept. 15; on that date, it will cross through Messier 35, a beautiful star cluster in Gemini. Of M35, the 19th century British astronomer William Lassell wrote in the New Handbook of the Heavens (McGraw Hill, 1948), It is a marvelously striking object. No one can see it for the first time without an exclamation. Walter Scott Houston, who wrote a column called Deep-Sky Wonders in Sky & Telescope magazine for nearly half a century, called M35 his personal favorite open cluster. In this cluster, faint stars form curves and festoons, with a reddish star in the center. This cluster will be the backdrop for 21P on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 15. And if youre using a moderately large (6-inch aperture or greater) telescope, dont be fooled by the faint, little, open star cluster NGC 2158, which is in the same field of view as M35 and looks like the head of a small comet. Back in 2012, in a column on Gemini, I shared how I stumbled across NGC 2158 and, for a few short moments, thought that I had discovered a comet. Many others have fallen into this same trap, including Scotty Houston himself! From Sept. 16 to Sept. 22, Comet 21P will travel along the border separating Gemini and Orion, the hunter. Then, on Sept. 23, the comet will enter the large and very dim stellar wilderness known as the constellation of Monoceros, the unicorn, where 21P will reside for the rest of the month. As we move into October, the comet will likely dim as it rapidly pulls away from both the sun and Earth. It will also drop progressively lower in the sky, reaching the boundaries of Canis Major, the big dog, by Oct. 10. To figure out exactly where Comet 21P will appear, as viewed from a specific location and time, check out this ephemeris calculator from NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. You can also track the comet with NASAs interactive app. Meteors, too? It stands to reason that this Earth-kissing comet can also produce a stream of meteors (comet crumbs?) that can periodically interact with our planet. Skywatchers first noticed these meteors in October 1926, two months before the comet itself passed by, coming from the direction of the head of the constellation Draco, the dragon. So, the meteors were christened the October Draconids, or Giacobinids. Stupendous meteor storms with rates of 4,000 to 6,000 meteors per hour accompanied the visits of 21P in 1933 and 1946. Nowadays, the Draconid meteor shower peaks around Oct. 8, but usually only in those years surrounding 21Ps return, especially very favorable ones (such as this year). On the evening of Oct. 8 this year, the Earth will intersect the plane of the comets orbit. Will we pass through an appreciable cloud of particles in the wake of the comets September passage? While a meteor storm is unlikely, it is possible. Well have more to say on this in early October, so stay tuned! Follow us: Facebook and Twitter Space A Bright Green Comet Will Grace Septembers Skies In a show of appreciation, a South Bay art educator and his students have made artwork gifts of gratitude for city and school board leaders from the beach cities of Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo. The current administration in Washington is fond of saying how well the economy is doing. But is it really? Tax cuts that were supposed to put more money in the pockets of average citizens have instead increased the riches of the wealthiest Americans. The rest of us have seen overall price increases in food, gas, housing, and other daily expenses. The federal minimum wage has not seen an increase since 2009, almost 10 years ago. People in minimum-wage jobs have to work two, even three or more, jobs just to provide basic necessities for their families. Affordable housing is difficult to come by, particularly here in the Chattanooga area. Its no wonder Tennessee ranks first in the country in bankruptcy filings. But we can help change this by putting the right person in office. Dr. Danielle Mitchell, the Democratic candidate for Congress in Tennessees 3rd Congressional District, is a small business owner herself. She comes from a background of poverty and knows the value of hard work. She believes in paying a fair, livable wage that helps raise people up instead of keeping them held down. She supports quality education to help improve the chances of getting and keeping good-paying jobs. She is a strong advocate for local businesses rather than big corporations, and wants to bring the message of breaking the cycle of financial hardship that puts the burden of growing the economy on the working class so the wealthiest reap the benefits. The most vulnerable among us children, the disabled, the elderly are the ones who stand to suffer most, and Republicans in power seem to be okay with this kind of policy. Your current Congressman, Chuck Fleischmann, has been silent on these issues, showing his support for the administrations policy with his silence. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who will listen to our concerns and fight for us in Washington. We are hard-working citizens of the 3rd District; lets put Dr. Danielle Mitchell in office to be that voice for us. After years of silence, we need to be heard. Kathy Lutes Ebel by Delana Isles ELECTED Member for the Leeward and Long Bay constituency, Akierra Missick, has asked her constituents and the wider TCI to forgive her prolonged absence due to illness. During a House of Assembly meeting on Tuesday, August 28, Missick got emotional while she recounted her medical emergency that was potentially life threatening in a personal statement to her colleagues in the House and the listening public. She recalled that when she became ill after the last session of the House for the month of June, she assumed she had picked up a flu bug, but was proven wrong when she became severely sick and had to be admitted to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. Emotion thickening her voice, Missick recalled: "It wasnt the flu, I was admitted to the hospital in Provo for three days, I had my entire bone marrow suppressed, I was in an isolation ward, my family and friends were unable to see me due to having an autoimmune matter thyroid problem. "The medication that they put me on to treat my thyroid decided it was just going to wipe out and I was in that .000005 percent risk rate of having all my bone marrow suppressed and unable to fight any form of infection and unable to function, organs were beginning to shut down. "Once I got well enough, stable enough with the IVs and the medication at the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, the decision was taken that it was an emergency to have my thyroid removed because there was no way to treat it given the reaction I had to the medication. She said this was nerve wracking enough on its own, but other factors added to the stress of the moment. "What made it even more difficult was that I was unable to be the beneficiary of assistance from the NHIB, they were unable to get me an appointment despite this matter being urgent and the report saying it was urgent, so I had to fund my own trip overseas to have it dealt with. "The reason why I am choked up about this is because I was in a position to help myself, my family was in a position to help me She added that she is saddened that this is an issue for others who suffer from this or other life threatening conditions, and called on her colleagues to work together and with her to see what can be done at the NHIB to help save peoples lives. "I wouldnt say I was one foot in the grave, I was two in there, and I just being kept going because of the doctors at Cheshire Hall Medical Centre. "I want to say a heartfelt thank you for forever Dr Braithwaite and Dr Forbes who saw my labs [results] and tried their hardest not to scare me, but told me it was bad and I needed urgent treatment and so I was able to go out and get the urgent treatment. She thanked the nurses, her friends, and the staff at Misick and Stanbrook, her HOA colleagues, the speaker of the House, and everyone else who visited her in the hospital. Missick eventually had to have her thyroid removed during a medical procedure in a Florida hospital where she stayed for four days. "The road is long. I am by no means necessarily healed. It will be a challenging 12 months ahead but I am prepared for that, and I want to tell the people of Leeward and Long Bay that as long there is strength and breath in my body, I will continue to represent them. "I also apologise to the people of Leeward and Long Bay, to the people of Turks and Caicos for missing such an important session like the budget, for missing the session on the gaming bill where I would have liked to have contributed, but it wasnt that I was off in Europe having a vacation, I was in a hospital bed trying to recover as best as possible. Missick resolved to have more dialogue with the Ministry of Health and public health on thyroid conditions in the TCI, its prevalence in the territory, and what measures can be taken to help or treat the issue. By Olivia Rose BAHAMAS prime minister Dr Hubert Minnis visited the Turks and Caicos Islands on Thursday (September 6) to scope out the all-inclusive family resort Beaches. According to the Bahamas Journal, the PM was accompanied by Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio DAguilar and other officials. Earlier this week government press secretary Anthony Newbold said Dr Minnis and his delegation planned to tour Beaches to determine if the brand is suitable for Exuma. He said: "Theyre going to go and see whats happening down there and come to some conclusion as to what the government thinks about Beaches. "We know that Sandals presently operates two very successful properties here in the Bahamas, on Cable Beach and in Exuma. "So any successful operation is always welcomed here. We could use some more tourists always, so well see what happens. Newbold said that Sandals have "made a success of Exuma when others "couldnt quite cut it. "Theyve been pretty successful with whatever theyve done and so if they were to decide to ask the government to go to Exuma, they must feel pretty comfortable that they can make a success of that as well. Back in 2016 Sandals Resorts International chairman Gordon Butch Stewart signalled his interest to expand the world-renowned Beaches resort brand to the Bahamas. By Delana Isles FORMER premier Dr Rufus Ewing threw some punches in the Governments direction last week, prompting Deputy Premier Sean Astwood to throw back some of his own. The issue arose from the abrupt adjournment of the House of Assembly after a requested amendment to a motion led to an hour-long debate with accusations being made and insults being traded. This led to the former premier questioning whether the Government was incompetent or just too scared to debate the opposition. On Thursday, August 30, the deputy premier fired back accusing Ewing of his own incompetence under his leadership. Ewing takes the first swing A Facebook post on Wednesday, August 29, touched on not just the disputed motor vehicle import policy motion. In it the former premier said the PDM Governments lack of a comprehensive agenda with timelines to address the issues important to the TCI people has resulted in their constitutional requirement to meet once every six weeks not being met very often. He stated: "The convening of a parliamentary sitting just to meet constitutional mandate of six weeks uncloaks the Governments lack of strategic planning and leadership abilities. He said that there were items on the Tuesdays order paper that were important to the people, but the meeting was "purely just to meet the constitutional mandate of six weeks. Ewing questioned why Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson "intentionally threw an unprovoked temper tantrum, or as we call it hissy fit and suspended the House of Assembly? He wanted to know if there were issues that the Government does not want to be addressed, such as leader of oppositions motion to debate the issue of aged vehicles, or whether the premier was disturbed by issues surrounding the Service Charge Bill that was on Tuesdays order paper for the first reading. "Having placed such an important bill on the Order Paper, why be concerned about its progress through to a second reading? He said that maybe all of those reasons factored into the early suspension of the assembly. He then pointed to a letter that has been in circulation over the past week from hospitality employers to their employees. The letter, which he attached to his social media post, warned hospitality workers that they will have to scrap service charge if the Government goes ahead with the Draft Service Charge Bill that restores 100 percent of the charge to workers. In the letter, employers emphatically stated that this will be the action taken if the Service Charge Bill was passed without further dialogue with them and proposed amendments being made to it. Ewing opined that all of these inactions and actions on the part of the Government are reflective of "a weak and indecisive government that is clueless and without vision and strategic planning abilities and are there just for the ride, wasting taxpayers money convening parliament meetings without real and meaningful purpose. He stated that disrespecting a former chief minister and now leader of opposition by use of temper tantrum tactics as a distraction and means to an end is the "lowest of low and unbecoming of a leader. The former premier said that the premier ought to apologise to the members of the House of Assembly and the entire Turks and Caicos Islands for her behaviour. "If the Speaker of the House does not see the need for this then he is blinded by political patronage and should remove himself from the chair that he continues to dishonour. Astwood fires back First observing that he usually avoids referring to events of the past, the deputy premier said that since the "failed former leader of the PNP, Hon. Rufus Ewing, accused the current PDM administration of either running scared or being incompetent, I will have to remind him of the PNP Government being both scared and incompetent under his leadership. He reminded the former leader that in April 2016, the PDM, while in opposition at the time, successfully brought a private members motion to the House of Assembly asking for the reinstatement of 100 percent gratuity that had been amended by the PNP Government in 2004 to allow 40 percent of the gratuity paid by guests to be retained by hotel and resorts. He said that Ewing and his Cabinet members gave numerous reasons why the reinstatement could not be done and that all government ministers abstained from voting for the motion. Those ministers and members were Rufus Ewing, Akierra Missick, Washington Misick, Portia Stubbs Smith, Norman Saunders, Ruth Blackman and Donhue Gardiner, Astwood pointed out. "This is a matter of public record, all eight members of the PDM opposition voted yes and the motion was carried. The PNP Government then refused to implement it. He said this was a clear indication that the Rufus Ewing led PNP Government had no intention of ensuring that 100 percent service charge was received by the people in the tourism industry who rightfully deserve it. "PDM was the only party that ran on reinstating 100 percent gratuity and the only government to bring the bill to the House of Assembly to ensure that this happens. He added that history shows that the only party that was scared to restore the 100 percent to the hospitality workers was the Rufus Ewing led PNP Government. He added that as it relates to the motor vehicle policy issue, Misick could not expect to debate an incomplete motion when the Government was not privy to information he wanted to be added in at the last moment as reference. "With all his years of legislative experience, Hon. Misick should have known better. Hon. Misick must accept fault for his failure to prepare a proper motion. "If he is serious about his private members motion, he should resubmit the motion with the reference document attached. He continued: "The former failed PNP leader refers to the premier disrespecting the leader of the opposition, however, he neglected to mention the disrespect displayed by the leader of the opposition towards the premier. Disrespectful words The deputy premier said that after the premier asked the speaker to take a ten minute break to allow Misick to collect his thoughts, the party leader "became irate and hurled disrespectful words towards the premier and the premier responded. He said that while the premier apologised to Misick, "the HOA, and the country for her response to the him, Misick is yet to offer a similar apology. On the issue of incompetence, Astwood said that it was the Ewing administrations premature firing of the former attorney general that resulted in his Government being sued and ultimately having to settle, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars. He added that this is just one example of incompetence under Ewings leadership. "The Rufus Ewing led PNP Government was also sued by students that were entitled to scholarships that his Government refused to honour. "The fact that Hon. Rufus Ewing called the wrong election date in 2016 which resulted in him going into an election like a deer in headlights, magnified his level of incompetence. He added that the ultimate demonstration of incompetence and recklessness was when the former premier and former member of the National Security Council in a press release after hurricane Irma publicly stated that the terriotrys radar station was damaged and needed to be repaired, thereby announcing to the world that its borders were open to be breached. "The former leader of the PNP was out of touch when he was premier and he continues to be out of touch and clueless as to what is transpiring in the HOA, but if he wants to go down the road of being reminded of his lacklustre performance as the former premier of this country, I will oblige him, Deputy Premier Astwood stated. By Gemma Handy PEOPLE wishing to have a say on the future trajectory of the TCIs relationship with Britain have been given more time to do so. Islanders now have until September 18 to submit written comments to the UKs Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) which is leading the inquiry into Londons governance of its overseas territories. There was "no big reason for extending the deadline by 15 days, FAC spokeswoman Estelle Currie told the Weekly News. "With the summer break, people were away and requested whether they could still submit evidence, so the team pushed the deadline back a little to offer some leeway, she added. The probe was first announced on July 20, initially giving residents just over six weeks to respond. The timeframe was met with anger by residents in fellow territories in the region who claimed it was not long enough for leaders to formulate and present a national position. Cayman Islands officials were among those to demand more time. A Caymanian Times editorial this week slammed the "very poorly publicised July news that the FAC "was about to undertake what could turn out to be a Brexit-level inquiry into the future of the OTs. "Polite resistance, diplomacy and lobbying resulted in an additional fortnight for the OTs governments and citizens to have their say, the editorial claimed. Of Britains 14 remaining territories, six are in the Caribbean/North Atlantic region and share similar concerns about the level of autonomy afforded to them. The probe has reignited discussions about everything from their lack of official representation in the House of Commons to independence. In the British Virgin Islands, a series of meetings to gather input from the public found that while most people were ostensibly content to remain part of the UK, they were keen for reform. "People generally are pushing for a constitutional review with an eye toward obtaining a greater degree of autonomy for the BVI, Freeman Rogers, editor of the BVI Beacon, told the Weekly News. There has not been a major drive for independence but the topic has come up "with increasing frequency in light of recent unpopular UK decisions, he continued. Fury erupted earlier this year across the OTs when London declared its territories would be forced to adopt public registers of company ownership by the end of 2020 to put the brakes on money laundering. Many fear the move will negatively impact lucrative offshore financial services industries. BV Islanders also shared Caymanians ire about the low-key nature of the FAC inquirys announcement. "I think some people here were upset that the UK didnt launch any sort of effort here to advertise the review or to solicit input from the VI public, Rogers added. One reason for the FACs investigation the first of its kind in 11 years is to scrutinise what Britains exit from the European Union in March will mean for its territories. FAC chair, senior Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, said the relationship between the OTs and the mother country had evolved greatly over the last few decades and would change again after Brexit. TCI Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson previously described Brexit as an "immediate concern for the Islands as a beneficiary both of EU funding and freedom of movement. In Bermuda, there was speculation as to Londons motives for staging an inquiry among respondents to a Bernews article. Some suggested the UK wanted a greater slice of the islands relatively wealthy economy. Others urged Bermuda to "look out for its own interests, just as Britain was by pursuing Brexit with apparent scant regard for the impact on its OTs. London is only accepting comments submitted via the FACs online portal which can be found by visiting and entering foreign affairs committee into the search box. How effectively the UK ensures the "security and stability of its OTs is under the spotlight. Opinions are sought on territories adherence to human rights along with the way they are financed, represented internationally, and their assets and natural resources. The FAC said last week it was likely to be "many months before the findings are made public. By Delana Isles THE GOVERNMENT is heading back to the drawing board on the service charge issue as hoteliers warn of an economic downturn and job losses if they are forced to pay workers the entire 100 percent collected. The issue is a Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) campaign promise to TCI hospitality workers that they will restore the entire sum collected back to them. That promise is proving quite difficult for the PDM administration to fulfil as its first major attempt - in the form of a Draft Service Charge Bill - has received resounding protest from the local hotel community. The new bill proposes to restore 100 percent of the service charge collected to the workers, sets the service charge to be collected at 10 percent of a guests bill and allows hoteliers to add an additional five percent to that bill in the form of a facility fee that they will be able to retain for themselves. While the bill has made it past Cabinet, it has not quite made it to the House of Assembly for passage. On Tuesday, August 28, during a meeting of the House of Assembly, the bill was to have been tabled and read for the first time. However, that never occurred as the session descended into chaos (on another issue), prompting Premier Sharlene Cartwright Robinson to adjourn the meeting to a later date. Since that time, one hotel has clearly and now publicly stated that they will have to take drastic actions if the bill is passed. That hotel is Ports of Call, owned and operated by Dale and Wendy Papke, both of whom clearly outlined in a commentary in this issue of the Weekly News that they will be forced to downsize and lose business if the bill is passed in its current form. In light of this development, on Thursday (September 6), the Weekly News reached out to the Labour Minister, Sean Astwood to ascertain what measures the Government is taking to resolve the issue before the bill is debated in the House of Assembly. Astwood said that the premier has convened another meeting with hoteliers to be held sometime in the coming days. Although he was unable to say exactly what date that will be, he noted that the meeting is expected to be held before the next sitting of the House of Assembly on September 24. It is expected that the bill will come up for discussion on that date, as it was on the previous Order Paper of the assembly but never got to the stage of being read into the record. A downturn In his commentary to this publication, Papke predicted a major downturn for the TCI if the bill is passed and the Government continues to tighten its immigration rules. He said that in the last two years, the Government has been ignoring the well-being of businesses on the Islands with some of the policies they have put in place. "We believe that the hotels and condo resorts will have to lay off some employees or roll back wages should the proposed service charge amendments become law. "We personally have no problem with paying the employees 100 percent of the service charge collected but feel the Government has no right setting the amount charged. "Presently 60 percent of the fees collected are given to the employees with the remaining 40 percent used by management to partially cover operation expenses. "The Government is proposing 100 percent distribution to the employees on an equal basis as opposed to position or hours worked, Papke said. The Ports of Call owner is but one of many hoteliers who feel the same way. Last week, a joint statement from owners of non-inclusive condo-resorts in the territory was disseminated to hospitality workers. The letter, which lays out the options available to them if the bill is passed, has been in circulation for more than a week, and was published on the Facebook page of former premier, Dr Rufus Ewing last week Wednesday. In a section of the letter titled Impacts it reads: "You need to understand that if the draft service charge ordinance is approved in its current form it will severely damage the current TCI condo business model that delivers your pay and service charge, with potential impacts such as reduced hours, withdrawal of services offered, unemployment, closures and will discourage future developments. "This is not shared to scare anyone or as a threat, but to help you understand the real business threat that we are facing. Other impacts predicted in the letter will be to taxi drivers, restaurants, local businesses, contractors and less investment in resorts. It continued: "We cannot increase our charges to our guests (which is the Governments suggestion) and believe that many will choose to go elsewhere - which will in turn reduce revenue and service charge. The letter goes on to appeal for a compromise to be achieved with the Government before the bill is presented to the House of Assembly. The new bill, which Cabinet has already approved and sent on for debate and potential passage in parliament, sets the service charge to be collected at a flat 10 percent where before it varied up to 15 percent. However, the collection of the service remains a voluntary one and non-inclusive hotels can opt out of its collection entirely if they choose. This was conveyed in the letter to hospitality workers - that they run the risk of losing out entirely on the service charge if the House of Assembly passes the bill in its current state. The condo-resorts reminded their employees that at the end of the day, the owners have that choice, and it is one they may have to institute if a satisfactory solution is not met. Mobile World Congress Americas in Los Angeles Nokia and Sprint will show the first live demonstration in the U.S. of a 5G New Radio (NR) connection over a dual mode-capable Massive MIMO radio, bringing this revolutionary technology one step closer to reality. Shown at Sprints booth (#S1702) during Mobile World Congress Americas, the companies will use Sprints 2.5 GHz spectrum, Nokias commercial AirScale Base Station and Massive MIMO Active Antenna, and a VIAVI TM500 5G test device emulator. The demonstration highlights Sprints approach using its 2.5 GHz spectrum and game-changing Massive MIMO technology to deploy mobile 5G in the first half of 2019. This first in the U.S. live 5G NR system connection using a Massive MIMO Active Antenna can support up to 120 MHz of spectrum in 2.5 GHz. The Nokia AirScale Massive MIMO Active Antenna is expected to deliver up to 3 Gbps peak downlink throughput for a single sector over 5G and LTE simultaneously using Sprints spectrum. This enables Sprint to offer both 4G LTE and 5G on the same radio to continue meeting its customers demand for unlimited data and high-bandwidth applications. 5G will enable a great experience using 4K and 8K video streaming, and applications such as HD Virtual Reality. Dr. John Saw, Chief Technology Officer, Sprint, said: Sprint has long collaborated with Nokia on its Massive MIMO and 5G innovations, and were excited by this first live 5G NR system connection to help us bring mobile 5G to the U.S. market in the first half of 2019. Because of our large spectrum holdings Sprint is one of the only operators in the world with enough capacity to operate LTE and 5G simultaneously using Massive MIMO and huge licensed channels of 100 MHz of spectrum on the same radios. Marc Rouanne, President of Mobile Networks, Nokia, said: This joint 5G NR demonstration using Nokias Massive MIMO technology is another proof point of our innovative work with Sprint as part of their Next-Gen Network strategy. The significant cell capacity Massive MIMO offers is why the technology is playing a central role in 5G, which will allow Sprint to provide increased coverage, reliability and speed across its nationwide network. Massive MIMO, invented by Nokia Bell Labs, will be on display with the live 5G NR connection demonstration. Nokia and Sprint will also be showcasing other 5G demonstrations at Sprints booth, including low latency use cases for public safety and car platooning, and an Augmented Reality demo for Enterprise. Nokia will also be showing a variety of innovative 5G demonstrations at the Nokia booth (#S.1102 in the South Hall). Mobile World Congress Americas will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Sept. 12-14, 2018. News Service This Page has moved to a new address: Sorry for the inconvenience Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration Service Brexit alone will not make life 'rosy' for Britons and 'irrational positivity' will not help, Liam Fox has warned. The International Trade Secretary said Britain would have to work hard to gain the benefits of quitting the EU. Dr Fox is a leading Brexiteer and his remarks will surprise many in Westminster. They also signal a divide with Boris Johnson who has heavily promoted need to be more optimistic about the 'glorious vision' of Brexit. Brexit alone will not make life 'rosy' for Britons and 'irrational positivity' will not help, Liam Fox (pictured last week on the Marr show) has warned Dr Fox's signal a divide with Boris Johnson (pictured yesterday in Thame) who has heavily promoted need to be more optimistic about the 'glorious vision' of Brexit Dr Fox told the Truth Trade website: 'We have got to be rational and say that everything will not be wonderful because we are leaving the European Union. 'We have to say there are great opportunities that come from Brexit but that is not a guarantee that everything is going to be rosy on the other side. 'Let's not have an irrational positivity, but look at the opportunities and look in a balanced way at the pluses we can control. We will be subjected to the same global pressures as before.' The Cabinet minister also warned Theresa May his support for her Chequers blueprint for Brexit was conditional. Dr Fox said the initial draft was difficult for Brussels to accept - warning switching strategy to a simpler trade deal was preferable to watering down Chequers. He said: 'We'll see what happens. A lot of the Chequers [deal] is very challenging to the European Union. Liam Fox also warned Theresa May his support for her Chequers blueprint for Brexit was conditional 'They have said they will offer Britain a much better deal than any other country but they will not offer a deal that compromises their current institutional relationships. We have to wait and see what that means. 'This is a negotiation. We will negotiate this and then we will determine whether we think this is a good deal or not a good deal for Britain.' Labour MP Chris Leslie, who is supporting the campaign for a second referendum, said told The Times Dr Fox was 'disagreeing with himself'. He said: 'One Liam Fox touts all the supposed benefits of Brexit, like fantasy free-trade deals, while the other admits that leaving the EU is no guarantee of a rosy future.' I think I am privileged as an United States citizen and a registered Tennessee voter to have the opportunity to have an avenue to air my opinions. I just want to make a few observations about our upcoming state elections. I am pleading with the candidates for governor, U..S senator and any and all local persons running for office to refrain from negative ads. I was ashamed at the previous primaries and how those running for office continuously promoted ads defaming their opponents. In the governors primary race Diane Black and Randy Boyd spent untold dollars trying to tell voters how sorry their prospective opponents were without really ever explaining their visions and goals for our state. I was impressed how Bill Lee worked to stay above the fray and continued to show us what his vision was for the state of Tennessee. And, after being way back in the pack emerged as the front runner and winner of his primary. Now we have Phil Bredesen and Marsha Blackburn beginning to do the same things. It may be political PACS that are airing the commercials but I am sure it is with their blessings. I think Mrs. Blackburn was a good representative and Mr. Bredesen was a good governor but we may never know what we are looking for in our next senator if all we hear is how sorry and crooked the other one is. We may be only one of 50 states that could be considered proud of how our candidates represent their visions and goals for our state without resorting to negative ads and without knowing how close they are to the president or how well they did in their previous positions. If I could have conversations with each of them I would ask them to forget about the past and want to know what their passions and dreams are for our great state. We need to forget what our political affiliations are and know what our candidates are willing to fight for and ignore the "he said, she said" dirty ads. I consider myself an independent voter and don't want to be tied to a political party and just vote for the individual who I feel will represent our state to the best of their ability. I sorely hope you will understand my message and embrace my way of thinking. Clifton W. Duggan Trump admin to close PLO office in Washington, DC The action is the latest in a series of US measures against the Palestinian leadership Al Jazeera News : The United States will shut the Palestine Liberation Organisation's diplomatic office in Washington, DC, over the Palestinian government's refusal to enter into US-led negotiations with Israel. "We have been notified by a US official of their decision to close the Palestinian mission to the US," PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat said in a statement on Monday. "This is yet another affirmation of the Trump administration's policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people, including by cutting financial support for humanitarian services including health and education." According to a draft text of a speech seen by the Wall Street Journal and Reuters, Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, will also reportedly threaten the International Criminal Court (ICC) with sanctions if it carries out investigations into the US and Israel. "The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel," Bolton is expected to say in his speech to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington, DC. "The Trump administration will not keep the office open when the Palestinians refuse to start direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel." The speech is also expected to say that the Trump administration "will fight back" if the ICC formally proceeds with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by US service members and intelligence professionals during the war in Afghanistan. If such a probe proceeds, the Trump administration will consider banning judges and prosecutors from entering the US, put sanctions on any funds they have in the US financial system and prosecute them in US courts. "We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us," the draft text said. The action against the PLO, which serves as the main entity representing the Palestinian people, is the latest in a series of measures by the Trump administration against the Palestinian leadership. Over the past year, Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, has repeatedly questioned Mahmoud Abbas' commitment to peace and Trump's so-called "ultimate deal". Gazipur JL leader sent to jail for giving proxy in court Staff Reporter : A Jubo Leage (JL) leader of Sreepur upazila of Gazipur district on Sunday sent to the jail as he appeared in the court to give proxy of Mayor Anisur Rahman of Sreepur municipality in a case. Sources said, Mayor Anisur Rahman is in Indonesia on a nine-day official tour. But he was supposed to appear at the court on September 9 in a case filed for allegedly misappropriating Tk 51.1 lakh between 2010 and 2013. Some news portal on that day published news that Sreepur Mayor and two others are in jail. But the real scenario came to open when the people of the concern municipality area knew it. Nur-e-Alam Molla, a Jubo League leader and Convener of Sreepur upazial Freedom Fighter Jubo Command, appeared in the court on Sunday to give proxy of Mayor Anisur Rahman. No one knew it. But the Special Judge Mizanur Rahman did not grant bail to the Mayor in the case filed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and ordered to send the Mayor to the jail. In this circumstances, Nur-e-Alam Molla had to go to the jail from the court as he appeared in the court instead of the Mayor and as no one knew it. Mokhlesur Rahman, younger brother of the Mayor and also Assistant Head Master of Mauna Bohumukhi High School of Sreepur, said, Mayor Anisur Rahman went to Indonesia to attend a conference on rural development on Saturday night. He may come back to the country on September 18. Badruzzaman Badal, Secretary of Sreepur municipality, also confirmed the news of Mayors official tour to Indonesia. Concern lawyer Syed Rezaur Rahman said, I did not verify who came in the day of appearance. Nur-e-Alam Mollah on Monday said in the court that the Mayor requested him to give proxy in the court. But it was not verified whether his claim is true. The Anti-Corruption Commission filed the case with the Sreepur Police Station on January 21 in 2015 against Mayor Anisur Rahman and two former officials of Sreepur Municipality in Gazipur for allegedly misappropriating Tk 51.1 lakh between 2010 and 2013. An ACC probe found that Anisur and former Accountant Abdul Mannan realised Tk 43.75 lakh as municipality and holding tax but they did not deposit the money in the government exchequer, said an ACC official. The two with former Secretary Mashrekul Alam also misappropriated Tk 7.35 lakh, which they collected from five markets as value added tax and income tax. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. Left:Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves read from a statement on Monday, on the alleged attack on a Peace Corps Volunteer which was cited as the reason for pulling out the rest of the group.Right:Left: The sketch artists rendition of the two assailants who the Volunteer said attacked her. Investigations are ongoing into the alleged assault on a Peace Corps Volunteer, although video footage showed no evidence of an attack on anyone at the time claimed. Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves revealed this piece of information during a press briefing Monday, after news broke last week that a decision had been taken to pull out all volunteers from St. Vincent, citing safety concerns. Reading from a prepared statement, Gonsalves stated that the police were still conducting investigations, and that officials from the United States Embassy in Barbados had visited the country on August 27 and have been assisting the police. A sketch artist rendition of the description given by the 70-year-old Volunteer who in her statement said that her assailants were of Middle Eastern descent and "did not speak with a Caribbean accent. The Prime Minister read out the details of the alleged attack and, according to the allegations made by the Volunteer, the incident occurred around 7:30 a.m. on August 20 just a few days after she arrived in the country following her initial five-week training in St Lucia. She was placed with a host family, and was on the said day making a familiarization visit, utilizing public transport to Kingstown. Her statement went on, that after coming off the mini-bus, she walked around for a while, and then asked for directions to the Peace Corps Office located in New Montrose. While she was walking, she said that she was grabbed from behind, her arms were pinned, and she was pushed into an alcove (an opening in a wall) next to an empty table and partition. She further alleged that during the attack, she was punched in the stomach, her blouse was ripped open, her breasts were grabbed and squeezed, her head slammed down on a vendors table, and she was spat on. The incident lasted two to three minutes, the Volunteer alleges, and she also said that her assailants who she said were dressed in typical military fatigue, also hurled many "angry and derogatory words about the Peace Corps, female Peace Corps, and US President Donald Trump. With the assistance of passers-by, she was able to seek medical attention at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital and tended to by medical staff. Gonsalves read from that statement, that she sustained scratches to the face, neck, upper arm and chest, and bruises to the left upper arm, left part of her abdomen and left breast. The police were contacted, and with the local Peace Corps Co-ordinator, Cuthbert Mr. Cool James, the Volunteer agreed to go back to the scene of the alleged incident. On arriving on the scene, the Volunteer pointed to what she said was her bag it would later be determined that all the contents, including EC$60.00, were accounted for, except her Identification Card, which she said contained her home address back in the US and a Peace Corps folder. The PM, reading from the statement, said that he had been advised that footage from Closed Circuit Television Cameras suggests no evidence of an alleged incident, and that it showed the Volunteer placing the bag on the table at the very spot it was found some hours later. The footage was also made available to members of the media present at the press briefing. "When we received that report, the police responded promptly to the individual at the hospital, and we operated in an efficient and effective manner, Commissioner of Police (Ag) Colin John said at the press briefing. He said that they have been following all leads, and have been in full cooperation with the US authorities. "We really take this matter seriously, John said, adding that the Head of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Assistant Superintendent (ASP) Hesran Ballantyne has been assigned to lead the investigation. The police were also seeking the help of members of the public, especially those that may have been in the vicinity of the Leeward Bus Terminal at the said date and time, the CoP(Ag) added. With schools now re-opened, police are moving, as part of their crack-down on music in vehicles, to ensure that noise levels are satisfactory in areas where schools are located. Inspector Henry Providence, second in command of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) Traffic Branch, told THE VINCENTIAN the police have received reports of the noise coming from vehicles which stop to pick up or let off students at some schools, especially in Kingstown. Providence said that as part of this exercise, the police would speak to the Principals of the schools located in those areas. He disclosed that the lawmen were expected to speak to the Principal of the JP Eustace Secondary School at Edinboro this week, as they have been receiving numerous reports in respect of that area. Inspector added that the exercise would also move into the rural communities which still pose a challenge, as drivers use the opportunity to play their music excessively in those areas. He is calling on persons who have been affected to report such incidents to the police. Providence said the crack-down, which started about two weeks ago, has been successful so far, and drivers are complying. Up to Monday, over 50 persons were ticketed for the offence, and one Gaston Browne was charged and taken to Court. Browne, who was driving a private vehicle, was charged under Regulation 31 of the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Regulations Chapter 483 of the Laws of SVG 2009, which states that "no musical instrument, noisy instrument or loud speaker shall be played or operated in any motor vehicle in a public place except on a written permission by the Commissioner of Police. Upon conviction, a person could be fined a minimum of $250 or maximum of $2,500 or three months in prison, or both. Browne was fined $500 forthwith or two weeks in prison, when he appeared at the Kingstown Magistrates Court last week Wednesday. The Police are using an interpretation from the Noise Act to determine what a musical instrument is, as the Traffic Regulations does not make that definition. Providence said the police intend to lay more charges of this nature on other persons, based on reports they have received. He cited reports that some drivers of public service vehicles have been telling passengers who complain of the loud music, to get out and take another vehicle. He warned that the law states that it is an offence to refuse passengers, and they are to be taken to their destinations, except in circumstances in which they are misbehaving or acting violently. Providence is convinced that more than 90 percent of the public is supporting the operation, and is urging them to continue their cooperation. He is also happy that the media is on board, which he said was very important in getting the message out. "We cannot ease up now, we will continue to move forward, he assured. The exercise is also targeting drivers with extra lights and horns on vehicles. Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said that he had been advised by local suppliers that there was to be no impending shortage of gas as a result of the closure of Petrotrin. The assurance was given that there will be no disruption in the supply of fuel locally, following the announcement last month of the decision by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to close that countrys oil refinery Petrotrin. Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said further in Parliament yesterday, that as a consequence of the closure of the 101-year-old plant, Cabinet had taken a decision to waiver the Common External Tariff (CET) to allow for local purchasers to source fuel from outside the region. It had been announced that the decision had been taken as a result of financial burden of the Trinidadian fuel refining facility, it being reported that Petrotrins net debt at the end of 2015 amounted to $11.4 billion. But the facility supplied 75 percent of the regions fuel and according to Gonsalves, a decision was taken for the waiver of the CET in order to ensure that there was no major increase in the price of fuel. He said that he had already spoken with CARICOM Secretary General Irwin LaRocque at the Ninth Meeting of the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) in Barbados on August 5, indicating that this country would be submitting a formal application for the waiver. While he said that he remained confident that the rest of CARICOM would have no opposition to the application, he noted that the application process usually took two to three weeks, but that the suppliers did not have storage capacity to last beyond a three-week period. Gonsalves said that he was given the assurance, however, by managers of both SOL and Rubis, the two suppliers of fuel in the country, that they did not anticipate any disruption of fuel. He further stated that arrangements were being made to ensure that there was a supply stored at the fuel storage facility at Lowmans Bay, which has a storage capacity of three months. "I want to assure those concerned, that there is to be no disruption of supply, Gonsalves said. With regard to the new price of fuel, Gonsalves said that at least one of the suppliers indicated that they thought it would be unlikely, but he noted that there had been a formula devised to deal with such issues. The private sector has been encouraged to purchase high definition CCTV cameras, as efforts continue here to deal with the issue of crime. The discussion on the issue of security along the area of Villa referred to as the tourism strip, continues, with the private sector being encouraged to purchase Closed Circuit Television cameras. Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance, said during a press briefing on Monday, that he along with the Commissioner of Police (Ag) Colin John, and other high-ranking members of the Royal St Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force (RSVGPF) met with members of the business and hotel sectors to discuss the issue of security. "And we again suggested to them to get CCTV cameras, Gonsalves said. He explained that business owners and hoteliers were encouraged to purchase cameras that complied with certain specifications, for example cameras must be able to be accessed from one central location, and must be high definition. In the past, some individuals purchased cheaper CCTV cameras that made it difficult to determine physical features on individuals. While admitting that they were already using such equipment, some business operators and hoteliers said that they were installed to prevent internal theft by employees. However, it was noted that space would be made available on utility poles for example, for such individuals to mount CCTV cameras. Gonsalves further stated that the government was in advanced discussions with the Taiwanese and the negotiations were about to be concluded, for a project that would see the installation of CCTV cameras at high traffic areas across the country such as bus stops. The cameras will be monitored from a central location at the Central Police Station in Kingstown, he said. It was expected that a pilot project will roll out later this year, with plans for the full project to be implemented next year. Gonsalves said the government of both SVG and Taiwan were not able to provide CCTV cameras for every utility pole across the country, and that the private sector need to get on board. (DD) US-based State Street Corporation, a leading provider of financial services, has announced the opening of its first Abu Dhabi office, which will be located in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), the countrys international financial centre. This is the firms second office in the UAE, building on its 26-year presence in Dubai. To mark this milestone, State Street also unveiled a research1 paper that draws on survey responses from 306 institutional investors based in the Mena region responsible for more than $4.9 trillion in assets under management (AUM), who were asked about their outlook for growth and future economic trends in the region. According to the research, more than three quarters (78 per cent) of those surveyed are optimistic about their own growth prospects in the Middle East. As a result of this optimism, 75 per cent foresee growing inflows into Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) domiciled funds over the next five years. To find this level of concurrence and optimism among major institutions is unusual, said Liz Nolan, chief executive officer (CEO), EMEA, State Street and chairperson for State Street Global Advisors, EMEA. The results show there is an almost universally positive outlook and prediction of growth in MENA. Having had a presence in the region for more than a quarter of a century, we have a unique perspective on the institutional investor community, and their positive outlook mirrors our own. In a sign of growing sophistication and increasing risk appetite, 91 per cent plan to diversify their portfolios to historically complex asset classes including: emerging market equities, hedge funds, and infrastructure. Furthermore, 42 per cent state they will increase their allocation to exchange traded funds (ETFs); and almost three quarters (73 per cent) believe there will be growth in demand for funds which are led by environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. Amongst the major initiatives identified as providing impetus for the development of the GCC region as a financial hub, Saudi Arabia is seen as an engine of growth, with key drivers of inflows cited by 83 per cent of respondents as the inclusion of Saudi stocks in emerging market indices, as well as the Saudi Vision 2030 economic plan, which was cited by 74 per cent of participants. The optimism about the economic outlook for the region is complemented by State Streets expansion. The firms new office will strengthen its current service offering for its Middle East clients in areas including global custody, accounting, risk and performance analytics, and securities lending, as well as indexed, overlay, multi-asset and active investment management. We extend our heartiest congratulations to State Street Corporation and welcome them to the ADGM family. State Street joins a rapidly growing list of global financial institutions that have chosen to anchor their operations in ADGM to better serve a fast-growing region with dynamic business and investment needs, said Richard Teng, CEO, Financial Services Regulatory Authority, ADGM. The strong endorsement by State Street demonstrates its confidence in the exciting prospects and opportunities offered by Abu Dhabi and the region. Their branch office attests to ADGMs strengths as a fast-growing and award-winning international financial centre. We look forward to supporting State Street in its global growth aspirations. The firms presence in the Middle East will be led by Oliver Berger, senior executive officer for State Street Bank and Trust, and Emmanuel Laurina, senior executive officer for State Street Global Advisors. TradeArabia News Service Dalma Capital Management Limited, a Dubai Financial Services Authority regulated fund manager, announced today that Dr Nasser Saidi has joined the board of directors of Quencia Open Ended PCC Limited as a non-executive director. The fund is available to professional investors only and serves as the umbrella under which Quencia Saudi Equity Open Ended PC, the first DIFC domiciled fund focused on investing in the Saudi stock exchange, was launched in April 2018. Zachary Cefaratti, CEO, Dalma Capital, said: Our entire team at Dalma Capital are delighted to welcome Dr Saidi to Quencias board, particularly at this transformative time for the Saudi equity market. We believe the fund is well positioned to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the largest remaining market to be included in EM indexes and Dr Saidis expertise will be invaluable in better understanding the impact of the ongoing transformation beyond the EM upgrade and looking into Saudi Vision 2030. Dr Saidi commented: It is a great pleasure to be joining as non-executive director of the board of Quencia, the first DIFC domiciled Saudi equity fund managed by Dalma Capital and led by Majed Kabbara, a Saudi market veteran and top-tier portfolio manager. The major transformation currently underway in Saudi coupled with its upgrade to emerging market status should create attractive investment opportunities and I look forward to working with the funds team to help investors capitalize on such opportunities. Majed Kabbara, Managing Director Asset Management, Dalma Capital said: We are thrilled to have Dr Saidi joining our Quencia funds board. His extensive macroeconomic and corporate governance experience will provide a lot of insight to the funds team and help shape our top down and bottom up views. We are very excited to work with Dr Saidi on developing the fund and adding value to investors. Mishal Kanoo, non-executive director of Dalma Capital and Chairman of the Kanoo Group, which has invested in Saudi Arabia since the 1930s said: I am very glad that Dr Saidi has joined the board of the Quencia fund managed by Dalma Capital. Saudi Arabia remains an attractive market and ongoing reforms in the Kingdom, including the opening of its capital markets to foreign investors, are likely to bolster equity prices to better reflect their fundamental value. Dr Saidi is the founder and president of Nasser Saidi & Associates. Dr. Saidi holds a number of directorship and board roles including chairman of the regional Clean Energy Business Council, deputy chairman of Eureeca Capital, a member of the IMFs Regional Advisory Group for Mena, co-chair of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Developments (OECD) Mena Corporate Governance Working Group, and member of the Advisory Board of the OMFIF. Dr Saidi is the former chief economist of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and is also the founder and former executive director of the Hawkamah-Institute for Corporate Governance and the Mudara Institute of Directors. His previous roles include the Minister of Economy and Trade and Minister of Industry of Lebanon between 1998 and 2000. Dr Saidi was also the first vice-governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon for two successive mandates, and a member of the UN Committee for Development Policy (UNCDP) for two mandates over the period 2000-2006. Quencia Saudi Equity Open Ended PC is the first DIFC domiciled fund focused on investing in the Saudi stock exchange, Tadawul. The fund is the initial protected cell to be launched under the umbrella of Quencia Open Ended PCC Limited, a qualified investor fund (QIF) structured as a company limited by shares and registered as a protected cell company (PCC) in the DIFC. - TradeArabia News Service Shuaa Capital, a leading financial services firm, has joined FinTech Abu Dhabi as a Corporate Champion in the 2nd edition of Innovation Challenge organised by Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and KPMG Lower Gulf Limited (KPMG LG). ADGM and Shuaa Capital, through its ADGM subsidiary Shuaa Capital GMC Limited will work with a selected FinTech firm to co-create a purpose-built prototype solution for an identified business need. The challenge is to develop a mechanism to monitor and regulate the issuance of digital tokens, which are backed by fiat currency, so consumers have assurance that there is a fiat equivalent for each token issued. The product of this collaboration will be presented at 2018 FinTech Abu Dhabi Summit on 17 September to an audience of financial institutions, regulators, professional services firms and start-ups from local and global communities. Mohamed Hesham, vice president of Corporate Finance Advisory at Shuaa Capital said: Crypto-assets are part of the future of the financial sector globally and it is only natural that our region takes a stepping stone towards exploring its benefits and challenges. We at Shuaa are excited to participate alongside ADGM and contribute to the evolution of the regions financial services sector. Financial institutions, their clients and regulators everywhere are actively seeking to bring products and services into the digital age but are too often frustrated by uncertainty and unreliability. We see an opportunity to foster a responsible and inventive crypto-assets market here at home by leveraging Shuaas established expertise and our tradition of innovation alongside our partners and regulators, Hesham added. Wai Lum Kwok, executive director (Capital Markets), Financial Services Regulatory Authority of ADGM, said: We are excited to be working with Shuaa Capital as one of our Corporate Champions in this years Innovation Challenge. In our increasingly integrated economy, payments and transactions on blockchain networks, using stable coins as a digital medium of exchange, are becoming more mainstream. By collaborating with Shuaa Capital and the FinTech firm, we aim to co-create and deploy an innovative solution that will enhance operational efficiencies, regulatory outcomes and transparency in the financial industry. The FinTech Abu Dhabi Innovation Challenge is an ADGM initiative, in collaboration with KPMG, to support the development of FinTech in Abu Dhabi and the wider MENA region. This initiative also serves as a catalyst for collaboration between corporate institutions and start-ups in the industry. A team of selected start-ups will be tasked to develop a prototype solution addressing real business issues identified by UAE-based institutions (Corporate Champions). The selected Corporate Champions will be given the opportunity to tap into KPMGs expertise in managing the innovation process. In addition, ADGM will assist successful firms to tap market opportunities in Abu Dhabi, leveraging ADGMs FinTech ecosystem and network. TradeArabia News Service The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry recently hosted a workshop which provided the business community with more clarity on existing real estate laws in the UAE and recent regulatory developments impacting the sector. The workshop, led by Dubai-based law firm Galadari Advocates & Legal Consultants, was held at the chambers premises and attended by its members besides lawyers and legal consultants, real estate brokers, real estate agents, real estate investors, real estate counsel and contract administrators. Participants were briefed on several aspects related to the sector including, market risks and challenges, case studies of real estate disputes, and practical tips for maximising the benefits of real estate investments. The workshop, entitled Insight into Real Estate Laws, was led by several experienced lawyers from Galadari Advocates & Legal Consultants who specialise in real estate, corporate, litigation and arbitration, including Ken Dixon, Partner; Gerry Rogers, Senior Associate - Corporate & Commercial; Manish Narayan, Co-Head Real Estate Projects; and Daniel Brawn, Senior Associate - Construction and Arbitration. The speakers advised participants on identifying and avoiding common real estate risks and highlighted rights outlined under existing real estate laws related to ownership, foreign ownership, freehold, co-ownership, and leases. Sessions were also designed to demonstrate how real estate laws in the UAE impact buyers, sellers and guarantors and offered guidance on the dispute resolution process. At the end of the workshop, Dixon said several recommendations were shared with participants to mitigate real estate risks and the attendees were also made aware of the standard documents that are required for various types of real estate transactions. Accoring to him, the workshop was very useful as it raised awareness about important real estate matters impacting the business community and provided a platform for participants to pose their questions directly to the experts. Jehad Kazim, the director, Legal Services Department, at Dubai Chamber, stressed the importance of organising such workshops as UAE real estate laws are updated frequently in line with the requirements of the fast-growing market. It is imperative that the business community stays up-to-date on changes and matter impacting the sector, she noted. Dubai Chamber regularly organises training seminars and workshops to highlight the major business trends and laws impacting the emirates private sector. These events fall in line with its strategic objectives of creating a favourable business environment and supporting business growth in the emirate.-TradeArabia News Service Saudi Arabian cabinet has given approval for converting the State Property Department into a general authority, which will be named General Real Estate Authority, said a report. This move will help enhance the efficiency of the kingdoms assets management, reported Argaam citing Yarob Al Thunayan, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance for Communication and Information. "The independence of the general real estate authority will give the entity more room for business development. Accordingly, it will directly or indirectly set up many new firms," stated Al Thunayan. The authority will also work closely with the private sector to develop the states assets, said the top official. The new entity would be in charge of the state properties and would define the best investment opportunities, lay out policies and develop a related data base, in line with Saudi Vision 2030, he added. Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), is a global, non-profit association of leading graduate business schools, has relaunched the second version of the Study in India initiative, in its endeavour to strengthen India as a management education destination for international students. Under this initiative, students globally can explore India as a graduate management education destination and seek admission to any of the 13 participating business schools. The business schools associated with the Study in India initiative are: Great Lakes Institute of Management; IFIM Business School; Indian School of Business; Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad; International Management Institute, New Delhi; ISBR Business School; K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research; NMIMS; SDA Bocconi Asia Center; SPJIMR; T A Pai Management Institute; Universal Business School; Xavier University, Bhubaneshwar. Gaurav Srivastava, regional director - South Asia, GMAC, said: With the evolution of the economic and academic landscape, India has emerged as a promising market for management education amongst global aspirants. After the successful launch of the study in India initiative the second version further strengthens our organisations mission to connect candidates across the South East Asia, Africa and Middle East regions for pursuing quality business education from leading b-schools in India, he said. Srivastava continued: Furthermore, foreign students now have the opportunity to pursue internship opportunities in India and fast track their careers. We would like to thank the b-schools for their relentless support to this initiative. Study in India will assist b-schools to access a larger talent pool and increase diversity at their campuses, he added. As per the recent notification from Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, after completion of studies in India, foreign students may be granted with Intern Visa for pursuing Internship in India. For doing employment in India after completion of studies, foreign students must go back to the country of their origin/domicile and apply for Employment Visa at the Indian mission/Post concerned. In case there may be a course requirement to complete industrial training/summer project/internship etc. which may be a part of the prescribed curriculum, no special permission is required for completion of such industrial training/internship etc. Hence, foreign students may participate in industry internship during summer between the first and second year of their graduate management education on the strength of their student visa granted to pursue management studies in India. Launched in 2017, Study in India generated over 2700 leads from 64 nations including Nigeria, Korea, Bangladesh, Ghana, Philippines, Morocco, Tanzania, Indonesia, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, USA, Congo, Vietnam, among others. William Ofusu Adi from Ghana was the winner of [email protected] Contest 2017 and won a round trip to India to visit the Indian School of Business campus with the help of GMACs support. This year too, three lucky winners of the [email protected] Contest 2018 will have a chance to visit any of the partnering b-school campuses of their choice, it stated. Students can visit the Study in India website to discover more about studying and living in India. TradeArabia News Service Majid Al Futtaim, a leading shopping mall and leisure pioneer and the United Nations Childrens Fund (Unicef) have announced their partnership to help send one million children to school by 2020. The two parties have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that aims at providing quality education opportunities for the most vulnerable and marginalized children across the Mena region, starting with 200,000 direct beneficiaries who will include children, parents and teachers. Aligned to Majid Al Futtaims socio-economic sustainability goal, Transforming Lives and the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4), the partnership will focus on improving access to integrated and inclusive early childhood development programs. This will result in improved child-friendly education, safe learning environments, promoting life skills and citizenship education for children in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Lebanon and United Arab Emirates. The MoU was signed by Alain Bejjani, chief executive officer, Majid Al Futtaim Holding and Shahida Azfar, deputy executive director, Unicef, in a signing ceremony held at Majid Al Futtaim headquarters in Dubai. Despite the decreasing number of out-of-school children in the Mena region, which has dropped by over 18 per cent since 2008, bringing hope and new opportunities to millions, the region still has nearly 22 million children who are either out of school or at risk of dropping out. These children include the most vulnerable, including girls who live in rural areas and those from minority communities. We are extremely proud to partner with Unicef to enhance the lives of one million children across the region. Majid Al Futtaim, like other private sector organisations, has a unique opportunity and an obligation to play a meaningful role in providing access to early learning opportunities and a quality education, said Bejjani. As an organisation that puts people at its heart, we believe public-private partnerships are critical to the future success and well-being of local communities, where we work to create the future leaders of tomorrow. Millions of children are not in school because of poverty and lack of services. These include children on the move who have been forced out of their homes to seek safety for their lives. Majid Al Futtaims extensive network through its partners, employees and customers will enable more people to help disadvantaged children get access to quality, inclusive and safe learning environments so that no child is left behind, said Eltayeb Adam, Gulf Area office representative, Unicef. The partnership will roll out several awareness campaigns to educate the public on how to contribute to a reduction in the number of out-of-school children as well as raising funds through. TradeArabia News Service Strategic collaboration and exchanging resources with prestigious partners has a positive effect on the performance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), according to a new Finnish study. Published in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, the study was conducted in collaboration between researchers from the University of Vaasa, Aalto University and the University of Eastern Finland. SMEs often have limited resources at their disposal, and this is why companies aiming at rapid internationalisation should consider collaboration with others. The study explored the types of partner affiliations that are beneficial for companies. The findings indicate that in order for SMEs to enhance their performance, they should build partnerships and networks around collaboration helping them to acquire strategic resources, said the study. Examples of such resources include product development expertise and access to distribution channels, which may be unique, rare and non-imitable, it said. Furthermore, collaboration with prestigious partners and market leaders builds the credibility and identity of SMEs in their own networks. According to Professor of International Business and Sales Mika Gabrielsson from the University of Eastern Finland, the resource-based theory sheds new, interesting light on corporate collaboration within SMEs, and the findings also have high managerial relevance. Professor Gabrielsson said: It seems that in addition to strategic exchange of resources, companies should also pay attention to reputation when selecting potential partners. According to Senior Researcher Jukka Partanen from the University of Vaasa, previous studies have shown that partner prestige and reputation are important especially in the early stages of a company. Our research shows that partner reputation continues to play a key role in an SMEs life also later on, Partanen added. TradeArabia News Service Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company (QIMC) plans to set up a glass container manufacturing unit at an estimated cost of QR230 million ($63.16 million), said a report. QIMC has signed an agreement with Germany's GlassGlobal, a consulting firm specialised in providing technical and advisory services to the glass industry worldwide, in this regard. The design capacity of the project is 200 tonnes per day and it utilises local sand as the main raw material and will need natural gas to melt sand and other raw materials, added the Gulf Times report. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed recently on the sidelines of the Qatar German Business and Investment Forum by QIMC chief executive Abdul Rahman Abdullah al-Ansari and GlassGlobal counterpart Andre Ommer. The agreement aims to establish a general framework for technical co-operation between the two companies to complete the evaluation of the feasibility of a project to produce glass containers in Qatar and to provide technical advice to the project through reviewing and evaluating the technical offers from the equipment suppliers and then participate in supervising the implementation of the project though out commissioning and start-up, it said. The project has already obtained preliminary approvals and necessary official licences and currently work is being done to obtain the final approvals required for its implementation. The project is the result of co-operation between QIMC and the Gulf Glass Factory Company, which includes number of Qatari and foreign investors and businessmen. The proposed project aims to produce glass bottles and various containers used in the packaging of food products (oils, pickles, jams, honey) and beverages (drinking water, soft drinks, juices and dairy), added the report. The urea plant of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) has achieved its highest monthly production rate in July, reaching 60,209 metric tonnes. The company marked the occasion with an event on September 7. GPICs managing director Ibrahim Al Musaiteer; several members of the board of directors; president Dr Abdulrahman Jawahery; and the executive management and officials were present at the event, said a statement from the company. Al Musaiteer expressed pleasure at the achievement which, he said, comes as a result of the company's keenness to modernise its operations and its operating systems and its endeavour to provide development and training programmes aimed at raising the professionalism and efficiency of employees, it said. He expressed confidence in the companys Bahraini employees and their ability to make maximum use of all training opportunities it provides efficiently and effectively, it added. Dr Jawahery said the company has achieved this thanks to the Almighty and the dedication of its employees, who followed the directives of the board of directors. He said everybody at GPIC co-operates in a one family spirit to implement this strategy successfully to exceed targets. Dr Jawahery noted that everyone has contributed to the achievement of the urea plant and added this translates to the efforts exerted by the employees, which reaffirms their confidence in directives of the board of directors. He said the management is committed to providing all necessary factors that contribute to the achievement of more records at all levels of work, taking full account of the application of the highest international standards in occupational safety and health. Dr Jawahery said all of the companys products are subject to international regulations for quality, the environment, occupational health and safety and responsible care, and that GPIC has received the highest honours and awards in this regard. He said training national cadres both within and outside Bahrain to achieve sustainability is a priority. This, he added, poses great challenges, which require everyone to make more efforts and work in a spirit in a one-family spirit. TradeArabia News Service American Business Council Dubai (AmCham) has relocated its headquarters to Dubai Multi Commodities Centre's (DMCC) Almas Tower in Jumeirah Lakes Towers (JLT). DMCC is a leading flagship free zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise. The relocation is a testament to DMCCs state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class services, regulations and over 15,000 companies, of which 400 are American, and that make up the business community. AmChams employees join the 100,000 people living and working in the free zone, said a statement from the authority. The relocation by AmCham Dubai was marked with a ribbon cutting ceremony on September 9, at Almas Tower. Ahmed Bin Sulayem, executive chairman of DMCC, cut the ribbon alongside AmChams president, Anne Jafery and US Consul General Philip Frayne. The ceremony was attended by representatives from Boeing, Pfizer, Emirates Airline, Emerson, FedEx, American Hospital and others. Ahmed Bin Sulayem, executive chairman, DMCC, said: We are delighted to welcome the AmCham Dubai to Almas Tower and to the wider DMCC family. This marks an exciting new chapter in the business relations between the UAE and the US, he said. The US is an important market for us and continues to play a significant role in DMCCs growth plans. Having AmCham under the same roof will further cement DMCCs appeal to the international business community, and we look forward to welcoming many more American companies to DMCC, he added. AmCham Dubai was the first bilateral trade organisation established in the UAE under the local patronage of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry. It is also an affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC. A total of approximately 500 members, AmCham Dubai represents the business and commercial interests of industries and corporations as well as American and Emirati professionals, working in a wide range of industries and businesses in the UAE. Anne Jafery, President, AmCham Dubai, said: We are excited to be joining DMCCs vibrant free zone community of businesses. We view DMCC as a strategic relationship and look forward to the value-add that they bring to all their resident companies. Our strength lies in coalescing the voice and presenting the issues and concerns of the American business community to our UAE colleagues and friends in the public and private sector. New bigger offices in Almas Tower is a testament to our commitment to furthering the trade and investment relationship between our nations, Jafery said. DMCC is committed to strengthening its ties with strategic partners around the world. Similarly, AmChams key mission is to strengthen commercial ties between the US and UAE. US Consul General in Dubai Philip Frayne said: I am extremely pleased to be here and look forward to building on the already strong ties that bind the US and the UAE. For more than 35 years, the AmCham Dubai has been on the ground and a vital contributor to the robust trade and investment relationship that exists between our nations, he said. The continued growth and development of this relationship will be a keen focus during my tenure here in the UAE and I am pleased to have AmCham Dubai as a collaborative partner in this endeavour. AmChams choice to locate their new office in DMCC is a strategic opportunity that will certainly highlight this venue for companies interested in establishing operations here in the region, he added. In 2017, the total trade between the UAE and US totalled $24.3 billion, with the US exporting $20 billion to the UAE and the UAE exporting roughly $4.3 billion worth of trade to the US, an increase of 44 per cent from 2015. The robust trade relationship between the two nations reflects the success of the UAEs increasingly diverse economy, it stated. TradeArabia News Service Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, will demonstrate its Mobile First Architecture, a next generation networking architecture for the software defined enterprise at Gitex Technology Week running from October 14-18 in Dubai, UAE. The company will be exhibiting under the theme Delivering better experiences through digital transformation and The Mobile First Architecture is purpose-built for the digital era and enables enterprises to rapidly innovate and transform their network so that they can deliver amazing experiences and simplify IT. It provides a secure, intelligent, non-stop networking experience on a single, open, software-defined architecture that extends from data centre to branch environments for a consistent IT experience across the entire enterprise. Jose Vasco, regional director, MEMA at Aruba said: Gitex is firmly established as the Middle Easts largest tech exhibition and networking platform last year attracting over 100,000 visitors from 140 countries. We have been participating at Gitex for many years due to the importance of this regional event where many of our customers and partners attend. HPE Arubas senior leadership from the US and Europe will attend the show together with the companys regional leadership in order to drive key discussions with customers and partners. Our objective is also to reach out to new potential clients and grow our regional business across key verticals such as education, hospitality, healthcare, government and retail. TradeArabia News Service Crowne Plaza Muscat reopened on September 1 following the completion of the renovation of various facilities, Gulf Hotels Oman has announced. Working in partnership with Douglas OHI, a leading provider of construction services in the Sultanate, and design consultants Hoehler + alSalmy, the project included a completely remodelled lobby, lounge, porte cochere and arrival area. Guests can also now relax at the newly built double deck infinity pool or enjoy a meal overlooking the sea in the suspended restaurant, the Edge. The all-day dining restaurant and pool bar have also been revamped. Commenting on behalf of Gulf Hotel (Oman) Board of Directors, Hannah Macki said: We are thrilled for our guests to experience a uniquely new Crowne Plaza Muscat that still carries the traditional hospitality we are known for. This could not have been possible without the support of our partners Douglas OHI, design consultants Hoehler + alSalmy and the hotel operator. Their hard work was instrumental in successfully completing the renovation on time and to the highest standards. Herve Corvest, area general manager, Crowne Plaza Muscat, said: It gives us great pleasure to invite guests and visitors alike to a brand new experience in the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Muscat. Whether they are travelling on business or looking for a rejuvenating retreat from their hectic lives, Crowne Plaza Muscat is excited to welcome guests to unwind, recharge, and experience a new level of Omani hospitality. The enhanced facilities have been carefully designed to provide our guests with the best experiences build upon our reputable services and amenities. As one of the world's largest upscale brands, guests can enjoy both their downtime and work time and take advantage of all Muscat has to offer through the Crowne Plaza. With 200 rooms, overlooking the Gulf of Oman, a private bay and easy access to local businesses, Crowne Plaza Muscat offers guests unrivalled serenity, hospitality and beauty all year round. - TradeArabia News Service British Airways (BA) and Indian domestic carrier, Vistara, have today announced a new partnership that will open up more routes between India and London than ever before. As part of the new agreement, customers can book seats on Vistara flights to destinations across India from Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi. Seats are available to buy online from today, for travel from September 27. British Airways operates two direct flights a day from Heathrow to Mumbai, a double daily service to Delhi and a daily flight to Chennai. The airline also flies direct to Hyderabad and Bengaluru from Terminal 5 and is rolling out a 4.5 billion, five-year customer investment plan, that includes the installation of the best quality Wi-Fi and the delivery of 72 new aircraft. The agreement means that British Airways customers will now be able to visit 13 new destinations across the region, opening up cities such as Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Goa, Kolkata, Kochi, and Pune, that have previously been more difficult to access from the UK. Rishi Kapoor, British Airways head of Alliances, said: We have been flying to India for more than 90 years, so it is incredibly exciting for us to be able to announce this partnership with such a well-respected carrier. We have been wanting to expand our network in the region for some time and to have Vistara on board is great news for our customers and for companies based in these important cities. Whether its soaking up the beaches in Goa, Indias sunshine state, exploring Kochi, Keralas colourful city, or taking in the temples and culture of Amritsar, this partnership opens up a whole new range of destinations for holidaymakers too. Sanjiv Kapoor, chief strategy and commercial officer, Vistara, said: We are delighted to extend our existing interline and through check-in partnership with British Airways to a codeshare agreement. This partnership reaffirms our commitment to taking Indias finest airline brand beyond Indian borders, and it gives us the opportunity of welcoming travellers from around the world to experience the new feeling of flying in India with Vistara. We share a lot in common with British Airways, key among which is our focus on delighting customers. We are confident that our respective customers will truly enjoy the reciprocal benefits of this collaboration. British Airways customers travelling on the codeshare flights will be able to check their bags straight through to their final destination and both airlines use the same terminals at Delhi and Mumbai airports, making it even easier for customers to connect on to domestic services. Customers travelling on Vistara will enjoy complimentary meals and will be able to choose between three different cabins, including Indias only Premium Economy class. As part of the codeshare agreement, British Airways Executive Club members can also collect Avios and earn tier points when booking on BA coded Vistara flights. British Airways offers dedicated services on flights to India, including tailored menus and local language speaking cabin crew. - TradeArabia News Service Copthorne Hotel Dubai, a popular four-star hotel located in Port Saeed in Deira, has appointed Sri Widodo as the propertys new executive housekeeper. With over two decades of housekeeping experience, Widodo previously worked with international and local hospitality chains in the Middle East and Indonesia such as Shangri-la, Nikko and Rotana. Before joining Copthorne Hotel Dubai, he was the executive housekeeper at Tamani Hotel Marina in Dubai. Widodo will manage the daily operations of the housekeeping department at Copthorne Hotel Dubai, making sure that the guestrooms, hotel lobby, corridors and public areas are clean and tidy and the property looks fresh and attractive for business. He is also in charge of organising and planning the housekeeping teams work schedules, the deep cleaning programme for the hotel, training and development of staff and the management of the departments financial success. Glenn Nobbs, general manager, said: We are confident that Widodos lifelong experience as a housekeeper and his strong record of leadership will ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and guest satisfaction, in keeping with the Copthorne Hotel brand standards. - TradeArabia News Service A brief report By TCN News with Lubna Sarwath: A panel discussion on Threat to democracy and constitution of India was organised by the Socialist Party (India) on 9th September 2018 at Lamakaan, Hyderabad. The focus of the discussion was the various threats posed to the democracy of India in todays times both in the country and in the state of Telangana. Support TwoCircles The panellists spoke on diverse issues ranging from the role of the election commission of India, vacancies in the posts of judges leading to poor performance of the judiciary, communalisation of politics, encroachment of wakf properties in Telangana state, pseudo nationalists to environmental issues. The panel comprised Dr Sandeep Pandey Magasasay Award Winner; Founder Member-Socialist Party(India;); Dr Kalapala Baburao: retd Chief Scientist, IICT; President-Human Rights Forum-Hyderabad; Adv Syed Taraq Quadri: General Secretary-Soofi Academy; former State Minorities Commission Member; Shri Ravela Somaiah: Convenor-Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Vignana Samiti and Er Sagar Dhara: former UNEP consultant; Author of two Supreme Court Committee Reports. Important issues were brought to the forefront by Dr Sandeep, who asked How can India be one of the largest beef exporters in the world, whereas the common man in India is being lynched on streets in the name of cow? He also said the non-disclosure clause in electoral bonds of political parties is the biggest issue for Indian elections today and this rule must go. Due to this clause BJP is the richest party today after 2014. He also criticised the recent arrests of activists and lawyers in the name of plot of assassination calling it ridiculous as these well-meaning activists actually do not have time and thought for such work. Dr. Babu Rao pointed out that no political party talks about climate change which is the biggest threat today. He criticised the Haritha Haram the plantation drive of the Telangana Government. Plantations do not make forests nor does it justify deforestation in the name of growth and development. Advocate Quadri demanded that the dharna chowk must be opened up again. Telangana state was formed as a result of dharnas and today the dharna chowk- the platform for protest has been removed by the Government. The minorities need a government they can trust. With wakf properties being encroached and illegal sale of the wakf properties, it is difficult for the minorities to trust this present Government. Sagar Dhara said that panchayats should be given more financial powers. Devolution of powers as per constitution must happen in practise. He said that it is important for us to evolve our own strategies to remove inequalities and have inclusive growth. Today USA and China are in huge debts only because of the growth factor. Ravela Somaiah said it is difficult for the people to choose a political party as nearly all of the parties lack high principles and crave only power and money. We need to fight market fundamentalism and communal fundamentalism and strive for upholding the democratic values of our constitution. Lastly in consensus of the participants and the panellists the following resolutions were passed: 1- To urge the Election Commission of India not to declare election dates in any of the poll bound states of India, before it can vouch for and declare that all the electoral rolls are purified and authenticated in the poll bound states. Especially in light of the NERPAP(National Electoral Poll Purification and Authentication Process) of Election Commission of India launched in 2015, having disclosed that around 5,62,151 bogus votes are found in Hyderabad constituency alone. 2- To urge the Governor of Telangana to declare before the citizens of Telangana the reasons how the Governor justified the dissolving of Telangana Legislative Assembly and was it constitutional and democratic in letter and spirit? Similarly, the Election Commission of India, is urged to seek constitutional and democratic reasons for dissolving the Telangana Legislative Assembly almost 9 months ahead of scheduled mandate given by citizens of Telangana. 3- Further President of India and Governor of Telangana are urged to impose Governors Rule as the Chief Minister has declared himself and his cabinet unwilling and/or incapable to lead and govern the state of Telangana, and, especially, as the Government of Telangana did not take any care to purify and authenticate the electoral rolls, it is imperative that a free and fair governance be enabled under Governors Rule. Why give back governance in the name of care taker government to a government that threw away the role of its governance 9 months in advance, without proper justification, thus demonstrating its incompetence and/or unwillingness? 4- Peoples Committees would be formed to work on electoral process anomalies as an urgent issue apart from other issues. Dr Lubna Sarwath is an environmentalist and General Secretary and spokesperson of Socialist Party (India) Because the real question is, what are we going to do about it? How does this season of the Jewish year invite us to work with this overwhelm? Many of you have heard me quote the poet Jason Shinder z"l, with whom I worked at Bennington when I was getting my MFA. He used to say, "Whatever gets in the way of the work, is the work." If the overwhelm of today's news cycle is getting in the way of the spiritual work we need to do, then it becomes the doorway into that spiritual work. But one of the dangers of overwhelm is that we become inured to what we see. It becomes the status quo. Police violence against people of color, business as usual. Islamophobia and antisemitism, business as usual. Discrimination against trans and queer people, refugee children torn from their parents, xenophobic rhetoric emanating from the highest levels of government: business as usual. It's so easy to shrug and say, that's the new normal. And it's easy to turn away, because who wants to look with clear eyes at a world so filled with injustice? If I want to know what I would have done during the Civil Rights movement, I'm doing it now. So what am I doing now? Too often the answer is "nothing" -- I'm overwhelmed by the barrage of bad news. Many of you have told me you feel the same way, paralyzed by what feel like assaults on liberty, justice, and even hope. So much is broken: it's overwhelming. There's a meme going around the internet -- maybe you've seen it -- that says, "if you want to know what you would have done during the Civil Rights movement, you're doing it now." It's Rosh Hashanah, the day our tradition names as Yom Ha-Din, the Day of Judgment. If I told you that our two big fall holidays map to love and to judgment, you might have guessed that the birthday of the world would be the day of love, while Yom Kippur would be the day of judgment. But it's the other way around. Our tradition connects Yom Kippur with chesed, unbounded love. Today is the day of gevurah, the day of din: boundaries, and strength, and judgment, and discerning where we've gone astray. Many of us feel that the whole world has gone profoundly astray. And the first step toward fixing that truth is facing that truth. We must not turn away. I want to pause here to say: of course we can turn away sometimes. Everyone needs to turn away sometimes. Many of you have come to me with increased anxiety and depression because of the horrendous injustices in the world around us, and I have often counseled taking Shabbat away from the news cycle. No one can carry the weight of the world all the time, and the heart and soul can't be healthy if they're constantly marinating in outrage and trauma. By all means, turn away when you need to. In fact, consider turning away before you need to, so that you can get the sustenance you need in order to turn back. Turning back is the quintessential move of this time of year. The Days of Awe are all about teshuvah: repentance, return, turning ourselves around, re-orienting ourselves in the right direction again. Turning back is what we're here for today. Turning to face what's broken in the world, and then doing something about it. The first step is opening our eyes and choosing to see. Choose to see hatred of immigrants and fear of difference. Choose to see assaults on voting rights. Choose to see white supremacy and racism. Choose to see injustice both large and small. It really is tempting to turn away. But before we can fix what's broken, we have to see it clearly. Of course, we may not all agree on what needs repair. One thing that doesn't help us is the human tendency toward homophily -- the tendency of "birds of feather" to "flock together." (And anytime I think or speak about homophily, I owe a great deal to my ex-husband Ethan, who wrote on this subject in his book Rewire.) It's human nature to surround ourselves with people with whom we agree: Democrats hang out with Democrats, and Republicans with Republicans. (And so on.) I used to imagine that the answer was simply to expose ourselves to other viewpoints, but I've come to believe that that's insufficient. I mean, yes, encountering other viewpoints is broadening. But it won't fix this problem. Because this isn't just a problem of information flow. It's a problem of fundamental human disconnection, of which the information flow is a symptom. It's a spiritual problem. And the spiritual question it asks of us is exactly the question of this moment in the Jewish year: am I doing the work I need to do? Where do I need to course-correct? Where do I need to be more generous in how I see myself and others, and where do I need to draw a firmer line? We can disagree on which media source is the most trustworthy, but we shouldn't accept rhetoric that holds that the free press is the enemy of the republic. We can disagree on who to vote for, but we shouldn't accept systemic voter suppression. We can disagree about which rights we hold most dear, but we shouldn't accept the dismantling of human rights and dignity for anyone. Siddhartha Mitter writes that the first question we should ask any political aspirant is, "How does human dignity shape your vision of society?" It's a question, he notes, that "can admit many answers'liberal,' 'conservative,' 'progressive,' etc. Its not a question of partisanship and tactics. Its a question of morality." Policies that diminish human dignity are wrong. This is a fundamental Jewish value, and it's a value that we need to center as we move into the new year. The new year demands that we envision a better world, and then find the persistence and commitment to figure out how to get from here to there. The new year demands that we figure out how to build bridges with those with whom we disagree, without endangering the most vulnerable among us. Migrant children need to be welcomed and cared-for, not caged. Refugees need to be protected, not deported. Trans and queer people need to be valued and uplifted, not harmed. People of color need to be valued and uplifted, not harmed. Jews and Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs need to be valued and uplifted, not harmed. The new year demands that we stand firm against unethical policies without demonizing the people who enact those policies. Jewish tradition is clear that every human being is made in the image and the likeness of God, and every human being is animated by a soul that is fundamentally pure. That is true even of those with whom we most profoundly disagree. But Jewish tradition is also clear that we make choices, and those choices can obscure our pure souls with schmutz. And when our choices pull us askew from what God and our tradition's highest values ask of us, we need to make teshuvah, we need to repair and to return. Vision is our theme for this high holiday season at CBI. That theme calls us to ask: what do we need to see? What are we reluctant to see? What would it be like to see differently? Because if we can en-vision a better world, then we can build that better world. As the Psalmist wrote (and as we've been singing for a month now) - / Lulei he'emanti lirot b'tuv Adonai b'eretz chayyim. "What if I wholly believed to see the goodness of God in this land of life?" What if I could really and truly believe that I would see God's goodness in the world? What would that faith feel like? The way to cultivate that faith is to act. You want to see God's goodness in the world? Then do something to bring that goodness into being. "We are loved by an unending love," says Rabbi Rami Shapiro's poetic riff on Ahavat Olam. "We are embraced by arms that find us even when we're hidden from ourselves. We are touched by fingers that soothe us even when we're too proud for soothing. We are counseled by voices that guide us..." [Listen to it here.] And he also writes, "ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices." It's up to us to see a better world, and then to make that vision real. In this sense, we're all called to be prophets, and then to build our vision into being. A prophet, in Jewish tradition, is someone who exhorts us to do and be better. We need to envision a better world than this, and then we need to set our hands to the task of building that better world. That's how we make teshuvah. Teshuvah is an evergreen high holiday theme, but this year I feel a new urgency. This year we need course correction, and we need vision. It takes vision to imagine a world where the vulnerable are protected, and the strong lift up the weak. It takes vision to imagine a world where the planet's abundance is truly shared. It takes vision to imagine a world where no one feels diminished by anyone else's mode of dress or skin color or gender identity or way of worshipping. It takes vision to imagine a world where no one would seek to diminish anyone else's rights or dignity. It takes vision to imagine a world where no one exercises entitlement to or dominion over another human being. A world without rape and sexual assault. A world without white supremacy. A world without antisemitism or Islamophobia. The world Judy Chicago wrote of in her poem that we often sing as part of our Aleinu: "and then all will be so varied, rich, and free / and everywhere will be called Eden once again." We must imagine that world -- and then we must build it. I know that may feel implausible. I know that so many hopes feel precarious right now. I want to honor that, even as I challenge us to draw strength from how far our nation has come. Once upon a time chattel slavery was the law of the land. It was legal to own another human being. That changed because of hard work, and activism, and legislation, and struggle. And that's what these times demand of us, too. So that our transgender loved ones can be safe and protected. So that women continue to have ownership of our own bodies. So that the rights of marriage and adoption granted to people of all sexual orientations are not taken away. So that the laws that protect our nation's fragile environment are not gutted. So that white supremacists will understand that (in George Washington's words) to bigotry we will give no sanction -- that hatred of any person is tantamount to hatred of all people, because we are all created in the image and the likeness of the Divine. Teshuvah calls us to turn toward God, turn toward our highest selves, turn toward our ideals. But it's not enough to just aim ourselves in the right direction: we also have to do something about it. So what are we going to do? Will we register new voters and fight voter suppression? Will we work toward affordable health care, or to protect the environment? Will we take a stand against prejudice and unethical behavior? Will we find a candidate who inspires us, and support them with our phone calls or our wallet? Will we urge our public servants to put human dignity front and center in every choice they make about how to govern? Teshuvah calls us to resist apathy, and overwhelm, and the internal voice that says "I can't actually fix anything so I might as well not try." Teshuvah calls us to take action to preserve and uphold human dignity and human rights, to love the stranger for we were strangers in the land of Egypt, to do what we can to build a more just and righteous world. If we want to know what we would have done during the Civil Rights movement, we have an opportunity to do it now. That's the antidote to relentless bad news and overwhelm. That's how we make teshuvah. That's the turn to which this season calls us. Be brave enough to envision a world better than the one we know now. And then set your hands to bringing that vision to life. That's the work, and this year it feels more critical than ever. As our sages remind us, it's not incumbent on us to finish the task, but neither are we free to refrain from beginning. Shanah tovah. This year my shul's theme for the Days of Awe is Vision. My sermons reflect and refract that theme in different ways. Cross-posted to my From the Rabbi blog. Uh-oh! It could be you, or it could be us, but there's no page here. On August 30, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Senior Colonel Wu Qian announced that Xu would be traveling to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in early September to implement agreements reached between the Central Asian leaders and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Diplomat reports in its article Why Is China's Top Military Official Visiting Central Asia? that Xus visits, Wu said, would include talks between Xu and regional military leaders and visits to military installations. General Xu Qiliangs visit will deepen the strategic mutual trust with these three countries, and promote the pragmatic cooperation in the military field in a substantial and deep manner, he said. President Xi most recently met with Central Asian leaders in June in conjunction with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, which welcomed India and Pakistan as new members. Xi had individual meetings with Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev ahead of the summit. Each meeting highlighted brotherly relations between China and the Central Asian states, expressed the leaders mutual commitment to fight the three evils of terrorism, separatism and religious extremism, and made reference to the Belt and Road Initiative. In the public statements put out by the Chinese, military matters are not mentioned directly through most assuredly entered the discussion of combating the three evils. Kyrgyzstan and China agreed in June to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership. China raised its relations with Kazakhstan to the comprehensive strategic partnership level back in 2011 and agreed to do so with Tajikistan last year, with headlines highlighting increased intelligence exchanges. With that background, Xus visits to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan mark additional, steady efforts to strengthen security relations between China and the countries of Central Asia. Xus first stop was in Kazakhstan where on September 4 he met with Chairman of the Kazakh Senate Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Xu also, according to the Chinese, met with Defense Minister Nurlan Ermekbaev. Later that same day, according to local media, Xu touched down in Tajikistan for a three-day visit. On September 5, Xu met with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon as well as with General Sherali Mirzo, the countrys defense minister. Presumably, Xus visit to Kyrgyzstan in the coming days will follow a similar pattern. Details, of course, are thin and filtered through bland diplomatic language talk of being friendly and great neighbors, mention of the BRI, and so on. Nevertheless, the fact that Xu is spending three days in Tajikistan is meaningful. In Tajikistan, Chinas interests are heavily influenced by the countrys long borders with not only Afghanistan but Xinjiang. In late August, the South China Morning Post reported that a source claimed that Beijing was building a training camp in Afghanistans Wakhan Corridor, which borders Tajikistan. The corridor gives Afghanistan a very small and very mountainous border with China. As I wrote last week with regard to the talk of a training camp in the area, Tajikistan serves as vital link in the chain between China and Afghanistan. Given the terrain, sparse infrastructure, and difficult-to-control borders, Chinas concerns about the overall region necessitate deepening defense relations with Tajikistan in addition to similar strengthening of security relations with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Today, in Washington, US Energy Secretary Rick Perry held talks with Saudi Arabia's Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid bin Abdulaziz al-Falih, and on Thursday he is going to Moscow. The Trump administration calls on the world's largest producers and exporters to continue to keep output up. Oil prices rose on Monday as growth of U.S. drilling braked and investors anticipated lower supply once new U.S. sanctions against Irans crude exports kick in from November. As Reuters writes in the article Oil up as U.S. drilling growth stalls, Iranian sanctions bite, Brent crude oil jumped 90 cents to $77.73 a barrel by 10:30 EDT (1430 GMT). U.S. light crude was 67 cents higher at $68.42 a barrel. The low rig count set the stage for us to move higher, said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Price Futures Group in Chicago. At the end of the day, you also have storms that could impact inventories for some time to come. U.S. drillers cut two oil rigs last week, reducing the total count to 860, Baker Hughes said on Friday. The growth of the number of rigs drilling for oil in the United States has stalled since May, reflecting increases in well productivity but also bottlenecks and infrastructure constraints. U.S. inventories fell Tuesday through Friday, traders said, citing data from information industry service Genscape. Declining inventories could further support prices. A higher oil price scenario is built on lower exports from Iran due to U.S. sanctions, capped U.S. shale output growth, instability in production in countries like Libya and Venezuela and no material negative impact from a U.S./China trade war on oil demand in the next 6-9 months, said Harry Tchilinguirian, oil strategist at French bank BNP Paribas. We see Brent trading above $80 under (that) scenario, he told Reuters Global Oil Forum. Outside the United States, Iranian crude oil exports are declining ahead of a November deadline for the implementation of new U.S. sanctions. Although many importers of Iranian oil have said they oppose sanctions, few seem prepared to defy Washington. Governments can talk tough, said Energy consultancy FGE. They can say they are going to stand up to Trump and/or push for waivers. But generally the companies we speak to ... say they wont risk it, FGE said. U.S. financial penalties and the loss of shipping insurance scare everyone. While Washington exerts pressure on countries to cut imports from Iran, it is also urging other producers to raise output hold down prices. U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry will meet his counterparts from Saudi Arabia and Russia on Monday and Thursday respectively as the Trump administration encourages the worlds biggest producers and exporters to keep output up. Investors are concerned about the impact on oil demand of the trade dispute between the United States and other large economies, as well as the weakness of emerging markets. An exclusive interview of "Caucasus Watch" with Dirk Wiese, the Federal Government's coordinator for inter-societal cooperation with Russia, Central Asia and the Eastern Partnership countries, EU-Policy in South Caucasus: Not against Russia. - Georgia was again promised NATO membership at the last NATO summit in Brussels by US President Trump. However, as with the remarks made by former President George W. Bush, these promises were very vague and have no set timeframe. What is your personal opinion on the matter? - NATO and Germany both stand by their close partnership with Georgia and are working to deepen it further. At the last summit in July, the Alliance once again committed to the Bucharest decisions. Currently, the focus remains on the implementation of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP), which allows for Georgia to move closer to NATO standards and structures, without Georgias formal NATO membership being on the agenda. - Do you think that closer cooperation between Georgia and NATO would also promote integration with the EU? - Georgias efforts to move closer to the EU and NATO are two separate processes. Integration into the EU, as well as accession to NATO, is Georgias declared strategic goal, which is why the Government is taking these steps to move closer to both institutions. I also talked about this with the new Foreign Minister Zalkaliani when he visited Berlin in July. The entry into force of the Association Agreement with the EU two years ago was a milestone on Georgias path to move closer to the EU. The same can be said of the discontinuation of the visa requirement for journeys to the Schengen area. - Armenia has been highly dependent on Moscow for its foreign policy making. Do you think that the Velvet Revolution will in general provide new opportunities for moving closer to the EU? - Armenia and the EU have had a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement since 1999, and Armenia has been part of the EUs Eastern Partnership since 2009. A new agreement with the EU, the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, was signed on 24 November 2017 in Brussels on the fringes of the Eastern Partnership Summit. This Agreement will deepen cooperation between the EU and Armenia in areas such as the rule of law and fighting corruption, which have been identified as reform priorities by the new Armenian Government. I hope that, once the Agreement has been ratified, it will provide further momentum for cooperation between Armenia and the EU. The Agreement focuses on closer cooperation between Armenia and the EU in a wide range of policy fields, ranging from foreign and security policy, to justice and home affairs and trade issues. In all these areas, the Agreement will help further intensify relations. - Do you see Armenias membership in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) as a barrier to deeper economic ties with the EU? Especially with regard to the possibility of a future Association Agreement? - An association and free trade agreement with Armenia is currently not on the agenda. It is also not being pursued by Armenia because of its membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. However, this does not preclude close economic relations between Armenia and the EU: trade between both sides has developed dynamically in recent years and the EU accounts for about a quarter of the countrys external trade. - Azerbaijan was able, after achieving independence, to establish functioning relations with all relevant powers outside the region. There is now mounting evidence that Azerbaijan is considering joining the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO). What consequences would such a decision have for relations between the EU and Baku? - I cannot confirm the premise underlying your question. In my observation, Azerbaijan continues to pursue a foreign policy that aims for good relations with all major partners and is not seeking to join military alliances. And the example of Armenia shows, as I said, that the EU is able to offer tailor-made cooperation to a country that is a member of the CSTO and the Eurasian Economic Union. - Ankara is arguably Azerbaijans main partner. Do you think that the growing split between the West and Turkey will also have a negative impact on European-Azerbaijani relations? - I do not want to speculate about Turkeys future relationship with the West. However, I believe that Azerbaijan has an interest in functioning relations between Turkey and the EU and will use its opportunities as effectively as possible. Azerbaijan has had a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU since 1999 and has been part of the Eastern Partnership since 2009. On this basis, relations between the EU and Azerbaijan will continue to be nurtured until the proposed new framework agreement is adopted. - At the end of August, Federal Chancellor Merkel visited all three states of the South Caucasus. Can you say something about the meaning of the trip? - I believe that the Federal Chancellors visit to all three countries of the South Caucasus demonstrates the interest that Germany has in the region. These three countries the Chancellor visited at the end of August have developed very differently in the two and a half decades since their independence - also in their relationship to Europe. However, they all belong to the EUs Eastern Partnership. It aims to actively shape and expand relations with each country. The same holds true for bilateral relations between Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. We have a great interest in a stable political and economic development of this region, with its difficult territorial conflicts and are particularly keen to promote democracy and the rule of law in these countries. It is important for us to engage in exchange with civil society. The fact that a business delegation accompanied the Federal Chancellor shows that German companies are also interested in a deeper economic exchange with the region. - Moscow seems in general to see EU efforts to draw the Caucasus closer as a threat to its own influence in the region. Are there any considerations on how to lessen the impact of Russias tough zero-sum logic on EU initiatives such as the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)? - At a basic level, it is important for me to emphasise that the European Neighbourhood Policy - and with it the Eastern Partnership - is not directed against anyone. It is designed to further the process of stabilisation and economic development in the respective countries. Russia should also have an interest in that. - In general, what do you consider to be the greatest successes of the Eastern Partnership since the start of the project in 2009? What do you see as the biggest setbacks? - As a result of the Eastern Partnership, EU relations with the six eastern neighbours Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine have intensified significantly since 2009, as have relations between these countries. The Association and Free Trade Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine are particularly important. We are currently working together to implement these agreements which will bring these countries closer to the EU through comprehensive political, economic and social reforms. It is also a success that Armenia has managed to conclude the aforementioned Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement which strengthens and deepens relations with the EU, while respecting Armenias membership in the Eurasian Economic Union. This shows that the EU is responding to the wishes and aspirations of each partner. But of course we have not achieved what we hoped for in all areas. Despite political commitment to the EU approach, reform implementation is not always smooth. Often it is slow, sometimes there are setbacks. This makes it all the more important that reforms are not hampered by individual interests. Conversely, this also means that the EU must continue to strongly support its partner countries in their reform programmes: politically, financially, but also by providing advice and technical assistance. - In which areas do you see the greatest potential for success in the future of the Eastern Partnership? The Eastern Partnership is a success within the partner countries and for the partner countries, if the tangible added value also reaches the local people: in the form of increased prosperity and more democracy. Therefore, the Eastern Partnership will focus on concrete and realistic steps in the coming years. At the last summit of the Eastern Partnership in November 2017, 20 concrete targets for 2020 were agreed. We will continue to work on the implementation of these goals, for example, for more digital collaboration, better connectivity and more youth exchanges. It is particularly important to me that we also expand cooperation with the civil society in the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The Federal Government has again increased the funding for this by 3 million euros this year. All of this has a positive impact on peoples daily lives - and thus also strengthens the support for the necessary reforms. Seven PKK terrorists were neutralized in southeastern Turkey yesterday, Anadolu agency reported. Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered, were killed or captured. Two PKK terrorists have been neutralized in southeastern Siirt province, according to the regional governor's office statement Sunday. The statement said an air supported operation had been conducted against the PKK terrorists in Eruh district. Also, a Turkish soldier was martyred when a military vehicle rolled over in Yuksekova district in southeastern Hakkari province, according to the regional governor's office statement. Meanwhile, five PKK terrorists were neutralized in southeastern Sirnak province, the Interior Ministry said in a statement later on Sunday. Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Kremlin does not have any information concerning the start of the offensive in Syrias Idlib province, TASS reports. "[We have] no such information," he said in reply to the question about whether the Russian and Syrian governments have coordinated the date of the offensive in Idlib. Russian President Vladimir Putin is going to visit Azerbaijan on September 25, Leonid Kalashnikov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, said. "Presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin, will hold a working meeting on September 25 during Russian leader's visit to Baku," quoted him as saying. Heads of state will discuss "issues that they weren't able to during September 1 talks in Sochi," Kalashnikov noted. According to political scientist, Rovshan Ibrahimov, Vladimir Putin's return to Azerbaijan will be a continuation of his meeting with Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev in Sochi. "It should be noted that meetings between heads of our states have become frequent. This shows positive trend in strengthening Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation. Around 17 economic and political documents were signed in Sochi, and then Putin met with new leader of Armenia Pashinyan, so it's possible that Russian president will propose to hold various meetings at the level of heads of states between Armenia and Azerbaijan," he noted. "Presidents will also probably talk about Russia-Iran-Azerbaijan trilateral meeting and implementation of the North-South project. Both sides have political will at the highest level to implement this project, which can really improve trade and economic relations between three countries, as well as, for example, India, where the North-South begins, and the EU countries," he stressed. Head of the Expert Council of Baku Network, Elkhan Aleskerov, stressed that Azerbaijan expects that this visit will helpt to strengthen foundation of relations and continue strategic cooperation between two countries. "Right now Baku is at the center of one of the main geopolitical projects, interesting for Russia, Iran, and many other countries. I'm talking about the North-South transport corridor, which will help to improve relations between Caspian states in the long-term. So President Putin will discuss this topic, as well as issues that are relevant for Russia within Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran and Russia-Azerbaijan-Turkey trilateral formats, as well as talk about stabilization of situation in the South Caucasus," he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin will make an official visit to Japan in June of next year, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated on Monday on the outcomes of the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, TASS reports. "We will meet in June of next year during a G20 event in Osaka, and then we will hold a closing ceremony of the year of intercultural relations [between Russia and Japan] in Tokyo. Today, we have made an agreement on this," Abe noted. The Japanese PM promised that he would do everything in his power so that every meeting with the Russian President would bring results. The chief of staff of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will make an official visit to Russia in October, Abe said. "Our defense cooperation has been actively evolving. In October, the chief of staff of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will visit Russia," Abe said, adding that Tokyo and Moscow "will closely cooperate in responding to the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking, as well as to unconventional threats." A gang of terrorists has taken advantage of the establishment of a de-escalation zone in Syria's Idlib province and entrenched their positions in the region, Russia cannot but respond to their aggression, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov told Sputnik in an interview. "A gang of terrorists has taken advantage of the fact that a de-escalation zone had been established in Idlib and entrenched their positions there, they have increased their ranks and begun raids against the civilian population of Syria, attacks on the Russian bases We cannot but react to such aggression," Syromolotov said. The diplomat noted that "it must be taken into account that there are also civilians and armed opposition groups, who were not involved in terrorist activities and could potentially join the settlement process in Syria in the Idlib de-escalation zone." The deputy foreign minister also explained the details behind preparations for a possible operation in Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone. "As regards the parameters of counter-terrorist operations in Idlib, such operations are generally planned carefully and secretly with the participation of all parties, neither the military nor diplomats talk about such things publicly," he said. The US goal in Syria is to control all the country's activities in the interests of Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said in an interview with Interaffairs, reports. According to the FM, US neither wants Syria to be the main country of resistance to Israel, nor to have strategic relations with Iran and Russia, as it wants Syria to become one of the instruments of US foreign policy with the approval of Israel. The US is mulling air and missile strikes on Syrian government forces if they use chlorine gas in their operation to liberate Idlib. The US strikes could also target Russia and Iranian positions in the area, the Wall Street Journal wrote on Sunday, Sputnik reported. The article added that the Pentagon may be crafting military options, but President Trump hasnt decided yet what exactly would trigger a military response or whether the US would target Russian or Iranian military forces aiding Assad in Syria. The WSJ added that Washington has not yet decided whether the use of chlorine gas could necessitate US airstrikes on Assads forces. According to the publication, if Washington decides to strike, it would possibly be on a larger scale compared to the air and missile attacks it had previously launched in Syria. If it does, then it would have to decide whether to hit Russian air defense installations in a bid to inflict maximum damage on Assads forces, the newspaper added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) The head of the military warned soldiers to remain impartial in the case of Senator and former naval officer Antonio Trillanes IV, amid reports of divisiveness in the armed forces. This comes after Trillanes said some military personnel were aiding him in his fight against President Rodrigo Duterte's proclamation 572. The proclamation voided the amnesty granted to Trillanes in 2011 and ordered his arrest. General Carlito Galvez Jr., Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff, assured that the interest of the country is the military's priority, but nonetheless reminded his personnel to abide by the rule of law and obey the chain of command. "While I am aware that the troops have individual views on many issues, those merely hallmark an intelligent and mature organization like the AFP. But we always put the interest of the organization and the nation above our own," Galvez said Sunday. "I am nonetheless reminding every soldier, airman, sailor, and marine not to meddle or take part in partisan politics. Our loyalty is to the Constitution," he added. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also denied claims of divisiveness within the AFP and maintained that the military upholds a high morale. "Taas nga ng mga sweldo niyan, edi mataas ang morale niyan, so that's not true," Lorenzana said. [Translation: It's (Their morale is) high. They even have a high salary so their moral is high, so that's (the allegations) not true] "If you are concluding that the military is a mess, wala kaming gulo rito [there is no mess here]," he assured. The AFP chief added that those who will disobey orders will immediately be removed from their post and investigated. He also issued a warning against those who will attempt to "sow intrigue and discord" among the military, that they will not succeed in their endeavors. "I command the troops to adhere to the rule of law and always obey the chain of command. Violation of these instructions will be dealt with severely and personnel who will get involved will be immediately relieved from their posts and investigated," Galvez said. President Duterte said Trillanes failed to comply with the minimum requirements for amnesty since he never admitted guilt for the coup attempts, and failed to take an oath and formally apply for amnesty. However, he said he will defer to the decision of the Supreme Court on the case. "If the Supreme Court says my proclamation is null and void then let it fall. But if I'm affirmed or sustained, then it's the military now," Duterte said Saturday. Trillanes was involved in the Oakwood mutiny in July 2003, the Marines stand-off in February 2006, and the Manila Peninsula incident in 2007. He denied the President's claim and maintained that his admission of guilt was already included in his application for amnesty. READ: Trillanes to Duterte: You don't control defense dept., insiders gave me documents Galvez said he has commissioned the general court-martial to continue hearing Trillanes' case. However, proceedings will be put on hold until the Supreme Court rules on the legality of the President's order. US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry is going to visit Moscow this week to hold negotiations with Alexander Novak, head of the Russian Ministry of Energy. In addition, he will probably hold talks with other Russian officials. As Kommersant reported citing several sources, negotiations between Perry and Novak are preliminary scheduled for September 13. They will discuss situation in the oil market in the context of OPEC+ actions and impact of the US sanctions against Iran, which will enter into force in November. Possible new sanctions against Russia, in particular against the Nord Stream- 2, will also be on the agenda. Russian Energy Ministry refused to comment on this information. It's assumed that Perry will meet representatives of the oil and gas industry. However, many key figures - Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller, Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, Novatek co-owner Gennady Timchenko - won't be able to hold meeting with him, since they are on the sanctions list. Rick Perry will be the first high-level US official to visit Russia since April pf 2017, when Rex Tillerson, who was head of the State Department at that time, visited Moscow. Current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hasn't visited Russia yet, although US National Security Advisor John Bolton visited Moscow at the end of June. As Alexey Belogoriev, deputy director of the Energy and Finance Institute, said in an interview with Vestnik Kavkaza, negotiations between Perry and Novak will be dedicated to search for common ground in energy industries of Russia and the United States. "It's an attempt to create format for energy dialogue. It's hard to say that there are some pressing issues that can be resolved within the framework of the Russian-American bilateral dialogue, since our countries' energy complexes aren't connected in any way," he said. "In other words, any issues, including renewable energy sources or climate issues, will be discussed without any results, because they can't be resolved in bilateral format. Of course, they will also talk about issues related to the Nord Stream-2, Ukrainian gas transit. Russian side can try to convey its point of view to American side that the Nord Stream-2 is just economic project, not political one," he noted. Advertisement By West Kentucky Star Staff Sep. 10, 2018 | PADUCAH By West Kentucky Star Staff Sep. 10, 2018 | 10:54 AM | PADUCAH Two Paducah men have ben charged with stealing equipment from their former employer. The McCracken County Sheriff's Department says it was notified Aug. 25 about the theft of an ATV and compound Bow from a home on Jenn Lane in the Lone Oak area. The victim reported that he was doing remodel work at a relative's home and had left the items there. Detectives said 23-year-old Jacob Sanders admitted during an interview to being involved in the theft. Detectives also identified 22-year-old Christopher Crocker as a suspect. Both Sanders and Crocker worked for the victim at the time of the theft. Sanders turned himself in at the Sheriff's Department on Friday. Crocker was arrested Sunday at his home. Deputies said Crocker later admitted to his involvement in the theft. Both Sanders and Crocker were charged with theft by unlawful taking, over $500/under $10,000, a class D Felony. This week has events to feed your mind and belly. Start things off with a visit to Candytopia, now open on Market Street. Then, take an LED-lit hip hop yoga class, check out Juanita More!'s new culinary collab at Jones, and get the behind-the-scenes scoop on the de Young Museum's upcoming Contemporary Muslim Fashion exhibit. Tuesday, September 11th It's Trap Yoga Tuesday at Temple. (Courtesy of ShakeYaAsana) Coffee & Bagels With the Founder of Daybreaker When: 8am to 9am Where: Mindspace, 575 Market St. (SoMa), Why: Daybreaker cofounder Radha Agrawal is holding an intimate breakfast-time talk about cultivating meaningful relationships and your dream tribe. // Tickets ($20) include a copy of her new book, Belong: Find Your People, Create Community and Live a More Connected Life, and are available at Trap Yoga When: 7pm to 8pm Where: Temple Nightclub, 540 Howard St. (SoMa), Why: Yoga meets hip hop at this dynamic flow class incorporating elements from core power yoga, pilates, and lower back work. LED lighting and live DJ tracks promise this isn't your average moment of zen. // Register at Wednesday, September 12th Jones on Instagram: Bet you cant wait to wrap your mouth around this piece of meat! 1/2 pound MOREburger Juanita More! Gets Cooking at Jones When: 5pm to 9pm dinner, 11am to 3pm brunch Where: Jones, 620 Jones St. (Tenderloin), Why: San Francisco's most iconic drag personality, Juanita More!, is spicing things up at the rooftop bar Jones. Now dubbed More!Jones, the place will offer a new Latin-Mediterranean fusion menu devised by Chef Cory Armenta (Hecho, Hi Tops), drag brunches on Sundays and, kicking off today, Wednesday night family-style prix fixe meals ($35/person). Free Cardio Dance When: 7:30pm to 8:30pm Where: Salesforce Park, 425 Mission St. (SoMa), Why: Get fit for free with al fresco dance classes including hip hop, salsa, Zumba, and more in this new rotating series. Urban Nerf Gun Spy Game When: 7pm to 9pm Where: Jericho Hill (Union Square) Why: Take to the streets of downtown SF in a game of war with Nerf guns. There will be three missions followed by bites and drinks. // Thursday, September 13th Eight Tables' dong-po pork. (Robert Birnbach) Panel Discussion on Contemporary Muslim Fashions When: 10am to 11am Where: San Francisco Design Center, Galleria Atrium, 101 Henry Adams St. (SoMa), Why: Can't wait for the de Young Museum's blockbuster new fashion exhibit to open on September 22nd? Get a behind the scenes look at the making of the exhibit at this discussion with the museum's costume and textiles curator Jill D'Alessandro. You'll hear tales of the museum's New York photo shoot with Muslim model Halima Aden, and of working with local Muslim teens to create an upcoming podcast. // Event is free; register at Ladies Tell Stories When: 6pm to 8:30pm Where: Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, 3301 Lyon St. (Presidio), Why: The Hustle's 2X storytelling serieslaunched across seven American citieslands at the Palace of Fine Arts for an evening with eight badass womenincluding Poshmark cofounder Tracy Sun, Hipcamp founder Alyssa Ravasio, and Code for America founder Jennifer Pahlkawho will get 10 minutes each to share about pivotal moments in their lives. Sip some wine, put on a fake tattoo, and listen up. // For more info and tickets ($25-$35), go to Eight Tables' Gaggan Pop-up Dinner When: 6:30pm Where: Eight Tables, 8 Kenneth Rexroth Lane (Chinatown), Why: China Live's fine dining destination has been crushing itthe George Chen restaurant was just named one of Time magazine's 100 World's Greatest Places. Tonight, join chef Chen for a special one-time dinner with Bangkok chef Gaggan Anand (of the eponymous World Top 50 restaurant). The evening kicks off with a Champagne reception followed by a 15-course paired dinner exploring progressive Indian eats presented in a playful emoji-style theme. Space is limited and proceeds support the nonprofit Chefs for Change. // Tickets ($550) are available by calling 415-788-8788. Friday, September 14th Eat Real Fest on Instagram: #Breakfastgoals. @justdatesyrup will be pouring at #EatRealFestival on Sept 14-16. Will you be there? Eat Real Festival When: 3pm to 10pm Friday. 11am to 10pm Saturday; 11am to 6pm Sunday Where: Jack London Square, 2 Broadway (Oakland); Why: One of the East Bay's biggest foodie bashes is happening this weekend. The Eat Real Festival returns to the waterfront with a block party of local food vendors who support sustainable practices. You can also check out various classes and hands-on activities including cheese-making, butchery, and fermentation. // Entrance to the festival is free; food costs vary. Tickets for tastings and classes ($5-35) are available A Ballet + Concert Inspired by Mad Max When: 7pm, Sept. 14-15 Where: The Midway, 900 Marin St. (Bayview), Why: Enter the post-apocalyptic world in Fury, a new immersive concert experience with music from Yassou and composer Kristina Dutton, and principal dancers from the SF Ballet and Lines Ballet. // Tickets ($28-$125) are available at Fall Cocktail Party When: 10pm to 2am Where: Bar Fluxus, 18 Harlan Place (Union Square), Why: Head to this hidden art bar from the proprietors of Madrone to sip on wine flights, fall cocktails, and seasonal beers. See an artist live paint while playing chess against attendees (he's undefeated), play boardgames, or hit the dance floor. // Admission is free before 11pm with registration at Saturday, September 15th (Courtesy of Phoenix Hotel) End of Summer Pool Party When: 1pm to 3pm Where: Phoenix Hotel, 601 Eddy St. (Tenderloin), Why: Don your swimsuit for barbecue, cocktails, a giveaway and more at Skyy Vodka's Proudly American pool party to benefit the SF-Marin Food Bank. // Tickets ($15) are available at Asian-American Food Tasting When: 6pm to 10pm Where: San Francisco Design Center, Galleria Atrium, 101 Henry Adams St. (SoMa) Why: Taste dishes from Campton Place, Salt House, Farallon and more at Plate by Plate, a benefit for the Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB), which provides resources for immigrant communities. Expect wine and cocktails from P.C.H. Pacific Cocktail Haven, Suntory, Asahi Beer, and more. // Tickets ($110-$250) are available at; SF Cheese Fest When: 6pm to 9pm Where: Social Hall SF, 1270 Sutter St. (TenderNob), Why: The fourth annual festival is your opportunity to sample new and classic cheeses from more than 20 makers in the California Artisan Cheese Guild, including Cypress Grove, Cowgirl Creamy, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co, and more. Plus, live jazz, beer, wine, and ciders. // Tickets ($75-$84) are available at The Wing, a women-focused co-working and community space, is opening its fifth (and first West Coast) location at 115 Sansome Street in early October (renderings here). The Wing's Secret Garden Pop-Up When: 11am through 6pm, Sunday Sept. 16 Where: Marigold Flower Shop, 2681 21st St. (Potrero Hill) The soon-to-open-in-SF women-focused coworking space The Wing is landing in Potrero for a weekend pop-up celebration including Equator coffee, Smitten ice cream, flower bouquets by Marigold, and special Wing merch. Go hang out, shop, learn about membership, and pick up a zine about women in San Francisco history. // Register at Kurnalpi Nickel Project Update Adelaide, Sep 10, 2018 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Mithril Resources Ltd (the "Company") ( ASX:MTH ) is pleased to advise that the recently completed work program at its 100% owned Kurnalpi Nickel Project (located 70 kms north east of Kalgoorlie, WA - see Figures 1 in link below) has identified strongly elevated copper-cobalt within a new target position and strengthened the Company's understanding of the project's nickel sulphide prospectivity.- Drilling strengthens Company's understanding of project's nickel prospectivity with main nickel sulphide horizon requiring further drill testing- 1.46% copper, 1.12% cobalt returned from grab sample of historic drill spoils on a newly acquired tenement at southern end of project- Ground EM, diamond drilling planned as next stepThree Reverse Circulation holes (18GDSRC005 to 18GDSRC007 - 540 metres) were drilled as an initial test of a downhole EM conductor, plus gossan and disseminated sulphide intercepts previously obtained by Mithril at the northern end of the project (Mithril's ASX Announcement dated 30 May 2018).Two holes drilled into the EM conductor intersected a four - metre wide zone of barren stringer sulphides (pyrrhotite / pyrite) at the modelled conductor depth (thus explaining the conductor), and a third hole (18GDSRC007) drilled beneath the gossan intersected a four - metre wide zone of weakly disseminated nickel sulphides (see Figure 2 in link below). No significant assays (i.e. > 0.25% nickel) were returned from either intercept.Significantly the main nickel sulphide horizon was not tested with 18GDSRC007 unable to reach target depth due to unfavourable ground conditions (see Figure 2 in link below).Drill testing of the main nickel sulphide horizon remains a priority and Mithril will need to utilise diamond drilling to confidently do this.As shown on Figure 3 (see link below), the ultramafic rocks which host the nickel sulphide horizon continues for over 7 kilometres to the south of the drilling within Mithril's 100% - owned tenure.Strongly anomalous levels of nickel +/- cobalt and copper in a number of wide-spaced shallow RAB / aircore drilling undertaken in the mid 1990's highlights the potential of the project's southern area, i.e.;- 20m @ 0.69% nickel, 0.07% cobalt from 32 metres in KURA50 including 8m @ 0.96% nickel, 0.09% cobalt from 36 metres, and- 8m @ 0.07% nickel, 0.02% cobalt, 0.15% copper from 28 metres in KURA99 (intercept at end of hole).A grab sample of remnant drill spoils for the KURA99 intercept returned 1.46% copper and 1.12% cobalt (Sample No. KUROCK03). The mineralisation is hosted by weakly weathered sheared carbonaceous metasediments and doesn't appear to be related to ultramafic rock types. This suggests the Kurnalpi Project has potential for other mineralisation styles areas well as nickel sulphides.The copper - cobalt target is a newly recognised exploration opportunity given that the KURA99 drill hole lies on a tenement (EL28/2760) that was only recently applied for (see Figure 3 in link below).Management CommentMithril's Managing Director, Mr David Hutton said that the results continue to demonstrate the project's prospectivity and why Kurnalpi is a priority project for the Mithril."Nickel sulphide exploration is difficult and takes patience but importantly our work to date has demonstrated that nickel sulphides are present at Kurnalpi within favourable ultramafic rocks. The identification of a new copper cobalt target is highly encouraging and reinforces the project's potential"."We are confident that ongoing exploration will be ultimately successful and we look forward to carrying out further ground EM geophysics and drilling as soon as possible".JORC details for historic ("KURA" series) RAB / Aircore drilling at Kurnalpi Project has been previously detailed in Mithril's ASX Announcement entitled "Strong Targets at the Kurnalpi Nickel-Cobalt Prospect" - dated 7 February 2018.To view tables and figures, please visit:About Mithril Resources Limited Mithril Resources Limited (ASX:MTH) is an Australian resources company whose objective is the creation of shareholder wealth through the discovery of mineral deposits. The Company and its exploration partners are actively exploring throughout the Kalgoorlie, West Kimberley and Murchison Districts of Western Australia for economic nickel, copper, zinc, and vanadium deposits. In the Kalgoorlie District, Mithril is exploring for nickel on the Kurnalpi, Lignum Dam and North Scotia Projects which lie along strike from, or adjacent to previously mined high-grade nickel at the Silver Swan and Scotia Nickel Deposits. In the West Kimberley, Mithril is exploring for zinc on the Billy Hills Project which lies adjacent to the previously mined Pillara Zinc Deposit. In the Murchison, Mithril is exploring for copper, nickel and zinc mineralisation on the Nanadie Well Project and for copper, silver, zinc and lead on the Bangemall Base Metal Project. Mithril's exploration partner Monax Mining Ltd is also exploring for vanadium on the Limestone Well tenements. Raises $5.5M and Announces Share Purchase Plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record Date to determine eligibility to participate in SPP 7 September 2018 Opening Date 14 September 2018 Despatch of SPP Offer Document and Application Form 14 September 2018 Closing Date 28 September 2018 Allotment of SPP Shares 3 October 2018 Commencement of trading of Shares on ASX 4 October 2018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Melbourne, Sep 10, 2018 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Bluechiip Limited (Bluechiip or the Company), ( ASX:BCT ), a leader in the development of sample-tracking technology for harsh environments, today announced it has successfully raised $5.5 million via an oversubscribed placement to sophisticated and professional investors.The placement comprised approximately 93 million ordinary fully-paid shares at an issue price of $0.059 per ordinary share.Settlement of the placement is scheduled to occur on Thursday 13 September 2018 with allotment of the placement shares to occur on Friday 14 September 2018.The placement was conducted in accordance with ASX Listing Rules 7.1 and 7.1A and will be settled in one tranche. Approximately, 39 million new ordinary shares will be issued under the Company's Listing Rule 7.1A capacity and the balance under Listing Rule 7.1 (approximately 54 million new shares).CCZ Statton Equities acted as Lead Manager to the placement.Andrew McLellan, Bluechiip Managing Director & CEO, said, "The board is delighted with the oversubscribed placement, especially coming after our recently updated agreement with Labcon North America for A$15.9 million of sales over a three-year period, announced on 29 August. The capital raised will provide a foundation for Bluechiip to finalise its product portfolio through to validation and release of our chips, readers and software. It also enables us to fully support our OEM partners' product release and to fund working capital to meet our growing orders. Furthermore, the capital raised will allow us to accelerate the opportunities and discussions we currently have in place.We are also pleased to announce a Share Purchase Plan and invite all existing shareholders to subscribe for shares at the same price as the placement and without brokerage.Bluechiip is now well positioned for a very exciting and sustainable future and we thank our new and existing shareholders for their support."Share Purchase PlanFollowing the placement, Bluechiip will now invite existing shareholders to invest in the Company via a Share Purchase Plan (SPP). Under the SPP, holders of existing Bluechiip shares on the share register as at 7pm (Sydney time) on the record date of Friday 7 September 2018 and who are eligible shareholders in Australia or New Zealand will each be invited to subscribe for up to A$15,000 of new fully paid ordinary shares in Bluechiip at the placement price of $0.059 per ordinary share.No brokerage costs are applicable under the SPP.Participation in the SPP is optional and the SPP will not be underwritten. Further information in relation to the SPP, including the SPP terms and conditions, will be outlined in a separate SPP booklet which will be despatched to eligible shareholders later this week.The timetable for the SPP is as follows:The Bluechiip Board reserves the right to scale back and/or close the offer early. The timetable is indicative only and Bluechiip may, at its discretion, vary any of the above dates by lodging a revised timetable with ASX. The commencement of trading of new shares is subject to confirmation from ASX.Funds raised from the placement and SPP will be applied to:- Support the development and validated release of Bluechiip's core product line, chips, readers and software to support OEM partner product releases- Working capital to build inventory of chips and readers including the handheld reader and multi-sample reader- Continue to progress and convert BCT's expanding pipeline of OEM opportunities- General working capital purposesAbout Bluechiip Limited Bluechiip Ltd (ASX:BCT) understands that every sample - stem cells, blood, eggs, sperm and other biospecimens - is critical, so our objective is to manage each one with optimal quality in the most efficient way. Bluechiip's advanced management solution is the only one that provides sample temperature with ID in cryogenic environments to. Most importantly, this delivers confidence in every sample. Bluechiip's unique patented technology is a MEMS-based wireless tracking solution that contains no electronics. It represents a generational change from current tracking methods such as labels (hand-written and pre-printed), barcodes (linear and 2D), and Radio Frequency Identification. Bluechiip tags are either embedded or manufactured into storage products such as vials or bags. Each product can be easily identified, and critical information such as sample temperature, is detected by readers and stored in the Bluechiip software. In addition to functioning in extreme temperatures, the Bluechiip(R) Advanced Sample management solution can survive autoclaving, gamma irradiation sterilization, humidification, centrifuging, cryogenic storage and frosting. Bluechiip's technology has applications in healthcare, including in cryogenic storage facilities (biobanks and biorepositories), pathology, clinical trials and forensics. Other key markets include cold-chain logistics/supply chain, security/defence, industrial/manufacturing and aerospace/aviation. Bluechiip: Delivering confidence in every sample. Drilling Commences at Mallina Project Spodumene Pegmatites Brisbane, Sep 10, 2018 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Sayona Mining Limited ( ASX:SYA ) ( OTCMKTS:DMNXF ) ("Sayona" or the "Company") is pleased to report an exploration update at its 1,898km2 project area in the Pilgangoora district of Western Australia.Highlights- A 20 hole, 2,500m RC drill programme has commenced at Mallina over the Area C prospect and other spodumene pegmatites- Includes first drilling over the 1,400m strike length of Area C prospect where soil anomalism and high grade spodumene rock samples to 4.60% Li2O were identified- Other regional projects advancing, including new pegmatite identified at the Tabba Tabba projectA 20 hole, 2,500m RC drill programme has commenced at the Mallina project. The programme is principally designed as a first pass test of the 1,400m Areas C prospect, where rock chip sampling has returned spodumene mineralisation up to 4.6% Li2O.The Mallina project, located in the world-class Pilgangoora lithium district of Western Australia, hosts multiple areas of spodumene bearing pegmatites within a 20 km2 zone (see Figure 1 in link below). The Area C prospect is the most extensive of these and is geochemically the strongest identified to date and has not been previously drill tested. The bedrock is largely obscured by thin cover and it is anticipated drilling will outline the pegmatite morphology and possible extensions to the north where the cover is deeper.The drilling has been awarded a co-funded government grant. This incentive scheme by the State Government of Western Australia provides a rebate of 50% on direct drilling costs, up to a maximum of $150,000.Regional exploration within the Pilbara lithium project has focussed around the Mallina, Tabba Tabba and Moolyella projects (see figure 2 in link below). At Tabba Tabba, recent geochemistry has identified four new soil anomalies which require detailed mapping and infill sampling, as well as a newly recognised LCT type pegmatite. Statutory approval to drill test three pegmatite targets has been completed and further work may increase this planned drill activity. Exploration over the project has being expedited following the discovery of spodumene pegmatite in adjacent tenure.Dan O'Neill, Managing Director, commented "The Company is pleased to be drill testing the lithium mineralisation at the Area C prospect and advancing its other extensive ground holding in the Pilgangoora district".To view figures, please visit:About Sayona Mining Ltd Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) (OTCMKTS:SYAXF) is an Australian, ASX-listed (SYA) company focused on sourcing and developing the raw materials required to construct lithium-ion batteries for use in the rapidly growing new and green technology sectors. The Company has lithium projects in Quebec, Canada and in Western Australia. Please visit us as at SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Governor Jerry Brown signed the SB-100 bill, which sets an overall 100 percent clean energy goal for California, 50 percent by 2025. The bill was backed by both democrats and republicans just days after a statewide report indicated that California is at high-risk for the effects of climate change. These effects can include more intense wildfires, periods of more intense drought and flooding, sea-level rise and severe heat-related events. Senator Kevin De Leon wrote the bill in hopes of protecting California as well as future generations from the effects of climate change. "Climate change is here, he said. "It's real, it's deadly and it's extraordinarily expensive. We are building a bolder future one with a 100 percent clean energy grid; one that won't poison our children or our planet." The signing happened as environmental, business and political leaders gathered in San Francisco for the Global Climate Summit, which will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 12. Brown also signed an executive order setting a target of 2045 to achieve carbon neutrality. "We're going to meet the Paris Agreement and we're going to continue down that path to transition our economy to zero emission, zero carbon emission and to have the resiliency and sustainability that science tells us we must achieve," Brown said. SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON, Calif. - Viewer Dan Ryant sent us this video he captured in the Sacramento River Canyon near Gibson. He shot the video on Sept. 8. A representative from Union Pacific told Action News Now anchor Cecile Juliette that the water cars can be dispatched whenever there is a fire threatening the railroad. They soak the track, which is mostly concrete in this area, but there are also wooden ties and other structures that the railroad depends on. The siding is wooden, and they have vulnerable signal huts that help with communication between trains and their central dispatch. They said anytime there is a fire near a railroad track, they will pull out their water cars. A big thanks to Dan for sharing this cool video with us here at Action News Now. Pensions in a changing climate is the first in a series of four reports on the pensions sector produced by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP), which is part of the responsible investment organisation ShareAction. The report assesses the worlds 100 largest public pension funds (with combined assets worth over $11 trillion) against the TCFD recommendations. This is the first published analysis of pension funds using the TCFD framework. It highlights the value of the TCFD framework in rigorously and fairly assessing financial institutions. Funds are rated from AAA to D, with an X-rating reserved for those who show no evidence of responding to climate change. Disappointingly, 63 per cent of pension funds are found to provide very little to absolutely no information on the financial implications of climate change to their portfolios, putting them at risk of breaching their fiduciary duties to savers. Environmental lawyers have warned that such funds may be exposed to heightened litigation risks, as one Australian fund found out when a member took them to court. Results show that three of the four funds to achieve an AAA - AA rating (AP4, FRR, and ABP) come from Europe, with Sweden and the Netherlands each housing five funds with a leading rating (AAA-B). The strong performance of European funds reflects a growing momentum at the EU policy level in favour of stimulating low-carbon investments, and clarifying investors duties around sustainable investments. The three UK pension funds, USS, Railpen, and Electricity Supply Pension Scheme, received a rating of only CCC or D, and are found to be lagging against some UK insurance companies and smaller funds who are demonstrating clear climate leadership. Earlier this year, six of the UKs largest pension funds came under fire by MPs for being worryingly complacent on climate risks. In the US, despite a clear lack of leadership from the national administration on climate change, there are signs that pension funds are fighting back at the state level. In contrast to the overall weak performance of US-based pension funds, New York and California are the only US states to house AAA - C rated funds, showing that innovative and progressive climate-related investment responses are possible, even in a hostile political environment at the national level. Low-carbon investments in assets like renewable technology are vital for driving the transition to a low-carbon economy. The pensions industry particularly needs to play a central role in stepping up these investments, as the industry accounts for one third of all assets owners investments globally. Such investments signal strong risk management and that a fund is seizing profitable opportunities. However, AODP calculated that the worlds 100 largest public pension funds are investing just $90 billion in low-carbon technology, representing less than 1% of their combined assets. This is dramatically shy of the IPCCs recommended annual investment of $1.1trillion per year that is needed from the investment system, if we are to secure savers future financial health and accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon economy. These lacklustre investment figures are exacerbated by the fact that only 10% of assessed pension funds have introduced policies to exclude coal from their investment portfolio, despite it being the most polluting fossil fuel. Felix Nagrawala, AODP Analyst, said: AODP is turning up the heat on public pension funds who fail to address climate change in their investments. Our comprehensive review of the climate-competence of the industry against the TCFD recommendations exposes those funds who are all talk and no action, and those showing real climate innovation. Pension funds have a duty to serve the long-term interest of their members, which isnt being met if the money they invest is depleted along with the health of the planet. Its high time the industry takes action." Niklas Ekvall, CEO, AP4 said: As large investors, pension funds own substantial parts of the global economy and have a stake in maintaining its long-term health and stability. AP4 has identified climate change as the single biggest systematic threat to asset values in the long term, and therefore we have taken action to ensure our investment portfolio supports the low-carbon transition through investment and engagement activities. We hope our ambitious agenda in line with the TCFD recommendations will have an impact and be an inspiration to other investors towards a solution to the global climate challenge that we currently experience. Mickael Hellier, Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR) said: Being recognised as a leader with an AAA rating in the AODP 2018 pensions index reflects the work FRR is doing to address climate change as a long-term material financial risk. We value this report by AODP, which highlights that the industry has a long way to go in accounting for climate change in investments and working to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, trustee of the New York State Common Retirement Fund, said: "I am proud that New York states pension fund has once again been recognized by AODP as the leading U.S. investor in the battle against climate change. Climate risk poses a major threat to long-term value, but mitigating that risk presents investment opportunities and is key to our decision-making and our engagement with portfolio companies. Global investors are helping build a lower carbon economy, regardless of the current administration in Washington. Herman Bril, Director of Investment Management Division at UN Joint Staff Pension Fund, said: At UNJSPF, we consider ESG factors, including climate-related risks and opportunities, in our investment practices as part of our fiduciary duty toward our beneficiaries. A key part of our approach to sustainable investing is the belief that portfolios which integrate material ESG metrics in their investment process have the potential to provide returns that are superior to those of conventional portfolios, while exhibiting lower risk over the long term. ClientEarth pensions lawyer Joanne Etherton said: Internationally, were slowly seeing improvement in pension funds responses to climate change. But too many funds, including in the UK, are lagging, and still exposing their pension members to potential and unnecessary investment risk. Climate change should be a standing agenda item for all asset owners and managers. Failure to properly consider and manage the ensuing financial risks may amount to a breach of fiduciary duty; end investors should interrogate this strategy as a serious governance issue. It is time for all pension funds and advisors to finally get to grips with the climate challenge. Chris Fox, Senior Director, International Investor Engagement at Ceres, says: AODPs research provides a powerful overview of the climate performance of the global pensions industry, and clearly highlights the need for deeper action towards aligning pension investments with the <2C goal. We hope the ranking will be a wake-up call, alerting funds not just to the risks associated with climate change but also the far-reaching opportunities associated with the low-carbon economy. This news comes just before hundreds of investors and policy-makers gather in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit where delegates from across the world will make commitments to step up their climate ambitions. Over 60% of the worlds largest public pension funds have little or no strategy on climate change, which could put them in danger of breaching their legal duties. AP4, Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR), New York State Common Retirement Fund (NYSCRF), and ABP come top in a new global pensions ranking on climate, as the three largest UK funds lag relative to the rest of Europe. European funds are showing leadership; five funds in each of Sweden and the Netherlands achieved a leading rating. California and New York house leading US pension funds, in spite of weak national climate regulation. Less than 1% of assets of the worlds largest 100 pension funds are invested in low-carbon solutions, and only 10% of assessed pension funds have a policy to exclude coal from their investment portfolio. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) The Department of Agriculture (DA) said the price of commercial rice is expected to stabilize by November, but it will not fall below the P40 mark. Agriculture Secretary Manny Pinol said Monday, "Nasa kwarenta, kwarenta'y dos kasi mataas ang bilihan ng palay ng farmers." [Translation: It will be 40, 42 (pesos) because farmers still sell it for a high price.] The expected price stabilization will be due to the increase in supply, as November marks the start of the harvest season, he said. While Pinol insisted there was no shortage of the grain, he said speculation about supply has led to higher farm gate prices for "palay" or unmilled rice. From an average price of 19 per kilo last year, palay is now sold for as high as 29 per kilo. Senator Cynthia Villar, chairperson of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Food, said she wants the DA to impose a price ceiling on rice to prevent traders from taking advantage of consumers.. Pinol said economic managers shot the proposal down. "They said it's not going to work," Pinol said. He attributed the DA's budget cut to economic managers' low regard for agriculture, noting the cut would affect agriculture projects for 2019. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) proposed a budget of 55.9 billion for the DA next year, which is 10 percent lower than the agency's current budget of 62.5 billion. Pinol said, "Ang pagkakasabi niya, parang rice production is not among the priority programs... I actually talked to (Socio-economic Planning Secretary Ernesto) Pernia about this. Ang sabi ko, sana wag 'yung ganoong statements kasi nakaka-discourage." [Translation: They said it's like rice production is not among the priority programs... I actually talked to Secretary Pernia about this. I said, I hope there were no statements like that because it's discouraging.] Malacanang said it is eyeing the appointment of a customs official, who will focus on signing and approving import permits for rice, to bring rice prices down. The appointment will also prevent delays in rice importation, it added. Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said, "Kasi naaantala yung importation kasi minsan yung pumipirma, kasama ng chairman ng Customs. So natatambak o hindi pipirmahan yung import permits." [Translation: Importation is delayed because sometimes the person who has to sign is with the Customs chair. So, import permits pile up or are not signed.] Villar urged the DA to shift its focus to mechanizing rice production to help farmers achieve higher yield at a lower cost. She said the Philippine Rice Research Institute should also share its technology with farmers instead of offering it to big companies. "Wala nang batang gustong mag-plant. Ngayon, kung i-memechanize natin, baka bumalik sila kasi di naman sila magpa-plant, magpapatakbo sila ng makina... Philrice should teach them how to produce these inbred seeds na sila na ang gagawa, ibibigay lang natin yung learning, yung technology," she said. [Translation: No child wants to plant now. Now, if we mechanize it, they might return because they won't physically plant, they will operate the machines... Philrice should teach them how to produce these inbred seeds that they will make, we will only have to give the learning, the technology.] Pinol said he's hoping the issues regarding rice would be a wake-up call for the government to realize that agriculture is an important sector that deserves funding and attention. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has supplied the science showing that trauma at home is profoundly affecting children. Parents are responsible for disruptive students. Laconia, NH: Parents are asked to fill out ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE forms about their children. What has changed is some of the things that are coming into nurses offices that werent decades ago . Mental health crises, particularly depression and anxiety, and problems with stress management come into the office more frequently, says Violet Filley, who has been a nurse for 23 years and works with sixth-graders to 12th-graders at Round Rock Opportunity Center. During the course of two days earlier this month, about 300 nurses from districts around Central Texas learned the latest in managing ADHD, diabetes and mental health disorders, how to recognize child abuse and how to look for signs of stress and sleep deprivation in students.. If you think school nursing is just about taking temperatures and handing out bandages, a visit to the Kids First workshop at the University of Texas School of Nursing proves you wrong pretty quickly. Aug 24, 2018, Austin (TX) Statesman: What does the school nurse want to know about your child? A lot. Austin, TX: School nurses have to deal with the decline in children's health. Children today have problems unlike anything kids experienced a decade or two ago. Here is my update on childhood in the 21 st century as shown in news coverage from the past week. Its impossible to think that officials are blind to whats happening everywhere. What will it take for them to admit this is an absolute disaster that simply cant continue? Traumatic stress early in life can significantly affect a childs health, happiness and future. Studies show children who have gone through what are formally known as adverse childhood experiences or ACEs are more likely to develop diseases and adopt risky behaviors, ultimately shortening their life, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those same experiences can also derail a childs education and put that child at a steep disadvantage compared to peers. Thats why educators at Pleasant Street School have instituted initiatives both in and out of the classroom to help students deal with the strain, and thereby become better learners. ACEs can include divorce, a death in the family, poverty, or witnessing drug overdoses or incidents of domestic violence, explained Pleasant Street Principal David Levesque. Parents have been asked to fill out questionnaires on what potentially traumatic events their child may have been exposed to even before they enter school. With the incidence of ACEs among Pleasant Street students increasing, Were relying on parents to help by helping their child ahead of time, Levesque said. But a big part of the pilot program at Pleasant Street has been instituting a better support system within the school for students who are struggling with problems outside of school. In cases where a student becomes extremely disruptive, rather than sending that child to the school office, the teacher will take the student outside the classroom to find what the problem is. Meanwhile, Levesque or another staff member takes over the class while the teacher has one-to-one time with the troubled student. A big part of taking a trauma-informed approach is identifying behaviors not as willful misbehavior, but rather as a symptom of need. Janesville, WI: HUGE INCREASE in elementary school discipline problems. Adverse childhood experiences that parents are responsible for get the blame. Aug 25, 2018, Janesville (WI) Gazette: Our Views: Discipline problems confound educators Teachers typically dont like to do it, but incidents prompting a trip to the principals office are happening with astonishing frequency in the Janesville School District. In one school alone, Madison Elementary on the west side, there were 691 incident referrals in the 2017-18 school year. Thats about 1.5 incidents for each child attending the school and up from 191 incident referrals in 2014-15. And these incidents dont include the random spitball shot at the classroom whiteboard. They involve harassment, bullying, fighting, theft or repeated violations of school rules. It leaves us wondering, how does teaching get done at Madison Elementary? To address disciplinary issues, the school district plans to hire a dean of students to be shared among Madison and Wilson schools. . The Holy Grail within the education world is the system/strategy/program that minimizes discipline problems and maximizes academic achievement. Nowadays, educators are focused on so-called adverse childhood experiences, believing that if they can address the core reason for students misbehaving, they wont misbehave. Its a noble goal, and we hope the district succeeds in better identifying and helping those students with troubled home lives. Joplin, MO: District expands "behavioral health treatment" to all their campuses. Aug 28, 2018, KZRG, Joplin, MO: Joplin Schools Bringing More Mental Health Services to the District A memorandum of understanding has been reached between the Ozark Center and Joplin Schools to expand the availability and accessibility of behavioral health treatment services to students on campuses around town. There is potential for Ozark Center to work in the high school, the three middle schools, all eleven elementary schools and the preschool. Executive Director of Student Services, Sandra Cantwell, says they will also partner with Missouri Southern with five bachelor level social workers in elementary schools, UMKC for a graduate-level social worker at one middle school, and a graduate-level social worker from the University of Arkansas that is stationed at the high school. Michigan: Easterseals opens diagnostic center for autism; wait time had been 6 months to one year. Aug 30, 2018, Oakland (MI) Press: Easter Seals approved for autism evaluation center to serve hundreds of children Easterseals Michigan has been named an approved autism evaluation center by the Blue Care Network and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. With locations in Waterford, Pontiac, Southfield and Auburn Hills, Easterseals is hoping to cut down on the wait time parents and guardians face when setting up an initial assessment for their child. Sometimes, it can take from six months to a year, according to the organization. The assessments will take place at the Auburn Hills campus, 2399 East Walton Blvd. Families living with autism have enough struggles to deal with on a daily basis. Timely access to services shouldn't be one of them, Colleen Allen, president and CEO of the Autism Alliance of Michigan said. The wait lists for a comprehensive, quality autism evaluation are extensive. Mt. Pleasant, MI: District teachers 'trauma-formed'; CDC blames 'drastic change' in kids on parents Aug 30, 2018, Alma (MI) Morning Sun: MPPS Teachers undergo 'trauma-informed school' training Mt. Pleasant Public Schools are equipping their teachers with knowledge on how to engage students experiencing trauma. "We've begun a process across the district to educate our staff on how to work with students who have may have experienced or are experiencing traumatic situations," Community Education Director Kim Funnell said. The idea of this trauma-informed training is to inform the staff that the students may be acting out or disengaged in classes because of a possible Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE), according to Funnell. ACEs was first termed during a study that was done by the Center for Disease Control between 1995 and 1997. Since then, the CDC has been studying the prevalence of ACEs in the national population. The study identifies these experiences as emotional, physical and sexual abuse, as well as having a household member being incarcerated, having a mental illness and/or abusing drugs. Survey data from 2016 indicated that 26 percent of people reporting experiencing one ACE and over 12 percent reported experiencing four or more. A study from the National Survey of Childrens Health in 2018 reported that around 68 percent of children aged zero to 17 have experienced one or more ACEs. "The the first layer of the training is to have the staff understand the effects of trauma in the brain with development and learning," Funnell said. "If you're in that traumatized state, you aren't able to learn." "We found that through the years that while we have the best curriculum and a highly-educated staff, we haven't been moving that needle," she said. "Over the years, there's been a dramatic change in what kind of student has been coming to school." Virginia: State law now requires "mental health education. Readers are told one in 5 teens has a mental illness. Aug 30, 2018, Richmond (VA) Republican Standard: Mental Health Education Now Required For Virginia High School Students As students across Virginia get ready to go back to school, some will be met with a new required course this year: mental health. State law now mandates that mental health education be incorporated into the curriculum for physical education and health for students in the 9th and 10th grade. Virginia and New York are the only two states in the U.S. to require mental health education in public schools. The move is to change the public discourse on the notion of mental health. Unfortunately, one in five people between ages 13 and 18 suffer from some type of mental illness, according to data from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Furthermore, 50 percent of all lifetime cases of a disorder begin by age 14, and 75 percent by age 24. Dr. Aaron Spence, superintendent of Virginia Beach City Public Schools said that his divisions schools are adding four behavior interventionists this year. These are people who, when a child is dealing with some significant mental health issues, can go in, work with them, work with the teacher and work with their family to try to redirect that behavior, Spence explained. Eagle County, CO: $400K for more school counselors; 'overwhelming need' cited. Aug 31, 2018, Aspen Times: Basalt High School gets funding for mental health position for 2018-19 school year When a mental health advisory committee with representation from the Roaring Fork and Eagle River valleys was formed, its members discussed numerous issues pertaining to the topic of mental health, which has already generated a national discussion. The committee, which includes health professionals, parents and those who have been affected by mental health, identified many pertinent concerns for schools in the neighboring valleys, but highlighted one in particular. School-based counselors was the overwhelming need, Eagle County Commissioner Jeanne McQueeney said. Schools are really in charge of educating our children. Theyre not really experts in mental health, and what they needed was people who could respond when kids are in crisis. Last week, the Eagle County Board of Commissioners assigned $400,000 from the countys Mental Health Fund to assist in getting more school-based counselors in Eagle and Roaring Fork Valley schools. The Roaring Fork School District received $80,000, and subsequently secured a mental health position at Basalt High School for the 2018-19 academic year, working in conjunction with the Aspen Hope Center. Ireland: 'Urgent need' for secondary places for autistic students; hundreds have none. Aug 31, 2018, Irish Times: Hundreds of autistic teenagers in inappropriate schools Urgent need to invest in secondary school places for such children, warns campaigner Hundreds of teenagers with autism are in inappropriate secondary schools, or not in school at all, due to a dearth of suitable places, a leading rights campaigner has warned. Across whole areas of south Dublin, until last year, not one secondary school had an autism unit. In addition there had been insufficient investment in special schools deemed most suitable for some children with autism and additional complex needs. Principal at Christophers national school, Carmel Dempsey, described as a growing issue the anxiety among parents of autistic children about whether they would secure a suitable secondary school place. Mr Harris said there was an urgent need to invest in appropriate secondary school places for children with autism and called for it to become mandatory on all mainstream secondary schools to provide spaces for autistic children. UK: Shocking report. $390M (US dollars) for 'intolerable' mental health crisis in British schools; teachers can't cope. Aug 31, 2018, Guardian: Calls for action over UK's 'intolerable' child mental health crisis Children and teenagers are facing an intolerable mental health crisis and an urgent cash injection is needed in schools to prevent a lifetime of damage, teachers, doctors and MPs have warned. Amid concerns about deeply worrying rates of self-harm and soaring numbers of children seeking help for problems such as eating disorders, teachers, campaigners and politicians have made a desperate plea to the government. The intervention comes after a Childrens Society report revealed more than 100,000 children aged 14 in the UK are self-harming, with 22% of girls affected. The revelation was described as deeply worrying by the charity. Teachers leaders have said schools are at a crunch point in terms of the mental health challenge facing classrooms, saying they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. . Louise Regan, the former president of the National Education Union, added: Teachers are overwhelmed by the sheer number of students showing signs of mental health problems a primary teacher I spoke to recently said there was a child she felt really worried about. She was anxious about the pressure being put on her, but said she did not have anyone else to turn to for support. The mental health campaigner Natasha Devon echoed calls for funding. The North Norfolk MP, Norman Lamb, said the UK faced an intolerable crisis; children only had one childhood and one education. When its gone, its gone, and that will leave a lifetime of damage We are failing an entire generation of young people. Last year, the government announced a 300m [$390M US dollars] mental health plan for schools. Lamb said the plan was ambitious but the timescale was hopelessly inadequate and many children would not see its impact of it. He added that the latest figures on self-harm should be a wakeup call and that an urgent injection of cash was needed. Another teacher from a comprehensive school in Hertfordshire, also speaking anonymously, said: We see more kids breaking down with anxiety, having to leave class. Some students in my class have panic attacks once a week and have to leave lessons. The soaring rate of mental health problems among young people, particularly girls, has been put down to a combination of social media, pressure from school, austerity and gender expectations. Calls were also made for a change in school culture and a switch of focus from exams to wellbeing. Bernadka Dubicka, the chair of the faculty for child adolescent psychiatry at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said social media created a new set of challenges for young people, but there were lots of other reasons young people became distressed. Anne Dachel is Media Editor for Age of Autism. (NC) It can be hard for kids and parents to get used to a new sleep schedule and daily routine this time of year. Check out these tips to keep your body healthy and your energy levels at their peak. Eat your breakfast. Its always a good idea to start your day off right with a healthy, nutritious meal. When you skip breakfast, youre missing out on a lot of great benefits, including maintaining a healthy weight, better appetite control, increased energy and greater concentration. Breakfast also gives you a chance to get in important vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and fibre from healthy foods like grains and fruits. So, how to make a quick and healthy breakfast when youre on the go? Try these quick and easy ideas: Make oatmeal with milk or a dairy alternative. Top with fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. Layer plain dairy or plant-based yogurt with your favourite low-sugar cereal and blueberries. Add lean ham and low-fat cheese to a toasted whole grain English muffin. Top a slice of toast with avocado, nut butter and banana or yogurt and peach slices. Blend a breakfast smoothie with dairy or plant-based milk and frozen fruit. Try adding greens, nuts, seeds and protein powder for a balance of carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fibre. Make your breakfast the night before. Try overnight oats and chia-seed pudding. Keep hard-boiled eggs, whole fruit and trail mix on hand to grab and go. Try a probiotic. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for your overall health, especially your digestive system. While we usually think of bacteria as being bad for you, the human body is full of them both good and bad. Probiotics are known as good bacteria because they help keep your gut flora healthy. Regular consumption of probiotics has been shown to help treat and prevent gastrointestinal issues, including acute or antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Think zinc. Zinc supplements especially the type called zinc picolinate can help maintain your immunity during cold and flu season, especially if you take it as soon as you first start showing any symptoms. Head to your local Canadian Health Food Association member health food store to stock up on back-to-school wellness items. Find your nearest location at Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) Filing criminal raps against the former defense chief is up to Solicitor General Jose Calida, Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo said Monday. Over the weekend, President Rodrigo Duterte alleged former Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin committed usurpation of authority when he approved the amnesty of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV. Panelo told CNN Philippines' The Source only the President can make that call. When asked whether charges should be filed against Gazmin, Panelo said, "I think so. But it's the SolGen's call." However, former President Benigno Aquino III granted amnesty to Trillanes and other mutineers in Proclamation No. 75 in 2010. The proclamation tasked the Department of National Defense to receive and process applications, then determine who was eligible for amnesty. In a 2011 letter to Aquino, Gazmin identified 38 military officers and 53 enlisted personnel including Trillanes as qualified. Panelo argued that the way the letter was phrased implied Gazmin was "the one who granted the amnesty, not the President." "Amnesty, as well as pardon, is exclusive to the President... you cannot delegate that to anyone," he said. However, Trillanes on Monday responded that Aquino did in fact grant him amnesty, and Gazmin's authority to sign his amnesty came from the President. He added that this was even recognized by other institutions. "Si President Aquino ang nagbigay ng amnesty through the proclamation... In any public document na kinukuha mo, yung designated na pipirma-whether administering officer iyan-basta dinelegate sa kanya ang authority na iyon, sa kanya iyon," said Trillanes. "Nagkaroon ng effect kasi dinismiss na yung mga kaso ko," he added. "Rinecognize ng courts iyan. Nirecognize ng lahat." [Translation: President Aquino gave the amnesty through the proclamation... In any public document you'll get, if the designated signatory or administering officer (signs)-as long as it's delegated to him-it's his (authority)... It had an effect because cases against me were dismissed. The courts recognized it. Everyone recognized it.] Panelo also denied that there was a conflict of interest between Calida and Trillanes. The Solicitor General, who was revealed to have opened the investigation into Trillanes' amnesty, had gone head to head with the senator before. Trillanes was involved in a probe into alleged irregularities from Calida's family security firm, which booked millions worth of deals with government agencies. On Monday, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana disclosed that Calida had asked for the documents relating to Trillanes and other applicants' amnesty. "He asked me personally by phone to get the amnesty records sa Department of Defense and [Armed Forces of the Philippines]. Ang ginawa ni SolGen Calida meron siyang tao na pinapunta dito to research," said Lorenzana. "Hindi ko alam anong purpose ni SolGen Calida," he added. Lorenzana did not say if the documents were provided. As the administration is waiting for a Supreme Court verdict before it would move to arrest Trillanes, the Defense Secretary added that a decision from the high court could also affect other applicants including those serving in the government. Among those also involved in military coup attempts are Office of Civil Defense Deputy Administrator Chief Nicanor Faeldon, Senator Gringo Honasan, and Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano. Alleged usurpation is an added argument that executive officials are raising against Trillanes, who is a vocal administration critic. They previously said that Trillanes did not apply for amnesty at all, and that he did not admit to guilt to his crime. Trillanes later showed media coverage and screen caps of his application as proof of otherwise. He dismissed the alleged usurpation as "palusot" an excuse to attack on him from another front. "Their first assertion was, hindi ako nagfile personally. Doon nila tinaya ang kanilang basis of proclamation. Noong nablanko dahil may video, may dokumento, umaatras na," said Trillanes. "Swallow your pride, admit your mistake, step back, stand down, live to fight another day." [Translation: Their first assertion was, I did not file (the application) personally. That's where they bet the whole basis of the proclamation. Now that's been disproven because of videos and documents, and they're going back on it.] However, Panelo maintained Trillanes must still produce his application documents which Trillanes' camp reasons are actually being kept by the government. Trillanes, a former naval officer, was among those involved in the Oakwood mutiny in July 2003, the Marines stand-off in February 2006, and the Manila Peninsula incident in 2007. The uprisings were made in protest of corruption under former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's term. Panelo also claimed that Trillanes was not a good citizen even after he received the amnesty. "Subsequent acts show that he has been planting seeds of hate against the President... He's even inciting people to rebel against this government and the President," Panelo said. "The state has the inherent duty and right to protect itself from any attacks inimical to its interest coming from any other source." The senator has been critical of Duterte and his policies, including the bloody war on drugs. Trillanes believes the attempt to revoke his amnesty is political persecution and a way of stifling opposition. Two other embattled Duterte critics are Senator Leila De Lima, who is detained on what she maintains are trumped up drug charges; and former Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, who was unseated by her own colleagues in a controversial Supreme Court ouster. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) The Armed Forces is holding in abeyance military trial proceedings against now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV pending a Supreme Court (SC) ruling on the legality of a presidential proclamation that withdrew the former Navy officer's amnesty and in line with a recent pronouncement fom Malacanang. "Our loyalty is to the Constitution. With the recent pronouncement of the Chief Executive, GCM (general court martial) proceedings will be held in abeyance until the SC has ruled on the legality of Proclamation No. 572," AFP chief Gen. Carlito Galvez, Jr. said in a statement on Sunday. Trillanes on September 6 asked the Supreme Court to nullify President Rodrigo Duterte's order that voided his amnesty and ordered for his arrest. Malacanang on September 7 said Duterte has deferred to the civilian court hearing petitions filed by the Justice Department before arresting Trillanes. Two cases are pending before separate Makati Regional Trial courts. The President ordered the military not to arrest Trillanes until the case is resolved in court. "He will allow the judicial process to proceed and he will wait for the issuance of an appropriate warrant of arrest. Gusto niya civilian courts, abide by the rule of law. Maski mas matagal iyan, let it be because that's the rule of law," Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said. Related: Duterte to wait for order from Makati court before arresting Trillanes Roque The Justice Department has filed motions at Makati Regional Trial Court Branches 148 and 150, asking the courts to issue alias warrants and a hold departure order against Trillanes. A court issues an alias warrant if the original warrant of arrest has been returned by the peace officer and the case has been archived. Duterte on August 31 voided Trillanes' amnesty for alleged failure to comply with the minimum requirements to qualify under the Amnesty Program. It said Trillanes never admitted guilt for the coup attempts and failed to formally apply for amnesty. Duterte also ordered his staunch critic's arrest. Donald Trump Doesnt Understand Apple Already Manufactures In The US Donald Trump is insisting that Apple should move its manufacturing over to the United States. The problem with this being that Donald Trump doesnt seem to understand that Apple already does its manufacturing in the United States. Calling for Apple to do what Apple already does isnt all that useful. Whats being missed is that Apple only assembles equipment in China. And thats of trivial value so we dont care where it is done: Donald Trump tweeted on Saturday that Apple should make products in the United States if it wants to avoid tariffs on Chinese imports. The company told trade officials in a letter on Friday that the proposed tariffs would affect prices for a wide range of Apple products, including its watch. Apples AirPods headphones, some of its Beats headphones and its new HomePod smart speaker would also face levies if the current package of $200bn in tariffs goes ahead as expected in the coming days. The usual point of trade is to make us better off. So, if having tariffs to block trade makes us worse off which is what price rises do then why are we having tariffs? Well, the correct answer is because the President of the United States doesnt understand this. Apple prices may increase because of the massive Tariffs we may be imposing on China but there is an easy solution where there would be ZERO tax, and indeed a tax incentive. Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting! #MAGA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 8, 2018 But why would we want to do that? The thing is that Apple already, pretty much, makes things in the US. What it doesnt do is assemble them there. So, take an iPhone, say it costs $800. About 40% of that $320 is pure profit to the company. Thats added in Cupertino in California yes, the recent tax changes mean that it is, not Bermuda, not Ireland. The expensive parts of the kit itself are the processors and the screens. The screens are made in Taiwan or Japan and no one else in the world knows how to make them not even Apple. The processors are made in Texas. All thats left is the cheap stuff a few wires etc and the assembly. And we know how much that costs, about $10 per iPhone. And thats the bit thats done in China too. In terms of who adds the value and where then Apple already manufactures in the US. The only bit thats done in China is that $10 worth of sticking it altogether. And why would we care at all where $10 of an $800 piece of kit is done? As we started out saying Donald Trump doesnt understand trade. His ideas about Apple just show this. Tim Worstall Posted: 10th, September 2018 | In: Key Posts, News, Politicians, Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink (ANSA) - Milan, September 10 - Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Monday that Italy would consider cutting the amount of money it puts into the United Nations. The comments came after Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations' new human rights chief, said the UN wants to see a team to Italy over reports of migrants facing attacks and racism. "The UN is an organization that costs billions of euros, to which Italy gives over 100 million every year in contributions and we will weigh with our allies on the usefulness of continuing to give these 100 million euros to fund waste, embezzlement, theft for a body that wants to give lessons to Italians and that also has countries that engage in torture and (still have) the death penalty," Salvini said. "If I were the UN," Salvini continued, "I would have half a world to send inspectors to before Italy. Go look for racism elsewhere, not in Italy." Bachelet said Monday that: "we intend to send personnel to Italy to evaluate reports of a sharp increase in acts of violence and racism against migrants, people of African descent and Roma." She added that a team would also be sent to Austria for similar reasons. Libya: Moavero meets Haftar in Benghazi Inclusive dialogue with everyone for united, stable country (ANSAmed) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 10 - Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi is in Benghazi, Libya, to meet with Khalifa Haftar, the Italian foreign ministry said in a Tweet on Monday. The ministry added that the meeting focuses on ''inclusive political dialogue'' promoted by the UN special envoy for Libya, Ghassan Salame ''with all interlocutors for a united and stable Libya''. Favoring inclusive dialogue and a process of national reconciliation promoted by the UN is one of the objectives pursued by Moavero with his mission to Libya. Moavero has recently stressed that Fayez al-Sarraj's government has legitimate recognition in the complex Libyan scenario. The minister's aim is to reach a peaceful and inclusive political process ahead of elections, although a date has not been set yet. With General Haftar, who said three days ago that he is ready to boycott elections if he will have no guarantee of their ''transparency'', Moavero vies to share the objectives of the International Conference to be held in November in Italy. The conference, the minister recently stressed at a gathering in Cernobbio, Italy, ''means to pursue the road of stability, peace and most of all awareness of all of Libya's internal and external actors interested in favoring a positive evolution of this country towards more stability, enabling the Libyan people to express their very best, a right of all populations''. (ANSAmed). WASHINGTON - The CIA is once again ready to carry out secret attacks in Africa against al Qaeda and ISIS militants with drones deployed at an air base in the Sahara, the New York Times reports. According to the paper, Trump has taken up a program that had been scrapped by his predecessor Barack Obama. The intelligence agency in particular is reportedly moving many of its vehicles to north-east Niger crack down on terrorists in southern Libya. The Obama administration had decided to shut down the secret program of the CIA and entrust drone management to the Pentagon to ensure more transparency after a series of attacks that had struck civilians. The US had refused to take responsibility for the attacks. Now Trump has reportedly given the green light for the resumption of programs in the Sahara. The CIA is already carrying out limited programs in eastern Afghanistan to strike Pakistan and in southern Saudi Arabia to hit Yemen. NYT sources said drones from Niger have not been used so far in deadly actions but only for surveillance flights. However, according to the paper, they will soon be used to attack Islamic militants with the Trump administration strongly concerned over the deteriorating condition in southern Libya. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) A Makati court will not issue an arrest warrant nor a hold departure order against Senator Antonio Trillanes as it deferred to a pending Supreme Court case on the presidential proclamation that voided the former Navy officer's amnesty. The Makati Regional Trial Court Branch 150, which handled Trillanes' rebellion case, on Monday said it deferred action on the Department of Justice's motion. Instead, it will wait for the high court's decision on the petition filed by Trillanes to nullify President Rodrigo Duterte's order. The case was dismissed on account of Trillanes' amnesty given by the Aquino administration. "The court has to observe judicial courtesy because there is a pending petition filed by Senator Trillanes before the Supreme Court... The court will not issue any hold departure order or warrant of arrest as of this moment," Branch 150 Clerk of Court Atty Diosfa Valencia said in a media briefing. She added if Supreme Court rules in favor of Trillanes by an issuance of a temporary restraining order, the hearing before Branch 150 could be stopped. "Nakadepende din kami sa order ng Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court will order that there would be no proceedings at all before the lower courts, then we would abide by their rules," Valencia said. Despite the lower court's decision to defer to Supreme Court, Makati RTC Branch 150 Judge Elmo Alameda still set a hearing date on September 14 to hear the senator's side. Valencia said this will be done to "observe due process." The Armed Forces has also deferred its court martial procedure pending the Supreme Court ruling. Aside from Branch 150, DOJ also filed a motion at Makati RTC Branch 148, asking it to issue alias warrants and a hold departure order against Trillanes. It will hear the motion on September 13. Branch 148 dismissed a separate coup d' etat case against the senator also on account of the amnesty. Branch 150 Judge Elmo Alameda said in his order; "There is also the constitutional issue raised before the Supreme Court by the accused on the validity or legality of the revocation of Proclamation No. 75 which may be a ground for this court to wait for the ruling of the Honorable Supreme Court because of the presence of strong probability that the issues raised therein would be rendered moot if this court would proceed to act on the Omnibus Motion." Duterte on August 31 voided Trillanes' amnesty for alleged failure to comply with the minimum requirements to qualify under the Amnesty Program. It said Trillanes never admitted guilt for the coup attempts and failed to formally apply for amnesty. Duterte also ordered his staunch critic's arrest. CIA could use drones to strike terrorists in Libya Trump exhumes program scrapped by Obama (ANSAmed) - WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 10 - The CIA is once again ready to carry out secret attacks in Africa against al Qaeda and ISIS militants with drones deployed at an air base in the Sahara, the New York Times reports. According to the paper, Trump has taken up a program that had been scrapped by his predecessor Barack Obama. The intelligence agency in particular is reportedly moving many of its vehicles to north-east Niger crack down on terrorists in southern Libya. The Obama administration had decided to shut down the secret program of the CIA and entrust drone management to the Pentagon to ensure more transparency after a series of attacks that had struck civilians. The US had refused to take responsibility for the attacks. Now Trump has reportedly given the green light for the resumption of programs in the Sahara. The CIA is already carrying out limited programs in eastern Afghanistan to strike Pakistan and in southern Saudi Arabia to hit Yemen. NYT sources said drones from Niger have not been used so far in deadly actions but only for surveillance flights. However, according to the paper, they will soon be used to attack Islamic militants with the Trump administration strongly concerned over the deteriorating condition in southern Libya. (ANSAmed). Libya: armed men barricaded in NOC Tripoli Special forces on the ground, no news of victims or wounded (ANSAmed) - TUNIS, SEPTEMBER 10 - The headquarters of the National Oil Corporation (NOC) in Tripoli, attacked this morning by gunmen, are currently closed off while the gunmen are still barricaded inside, Libyan television Alharar wrote on Twitter, quoting the command of the military zone. According to eye witnesses on the ground quoted by Libyan media, the security operation is still ongoing and special deterrence forces Rada are being deployed there. Some ambulances have reached the location but there have been no reports so far of victims or wounded. An eye witness told the website Al-Wasat that an unspecified number of company employees were able to leave the building while others are still inside. The assailants have machine guns and grenades, according to reports. The interior minister was quoted by Al Ahrar TV as saying that the attack was carried out by six gunmen and that there are hostages. At the moment, the situation appears to be confused and it is still unclear whether the president of NOC is inside and whether the action has been claimed. (ANSAmed). (ANSAmed) - TUNIS, SEPTEMBER 10 - Six gunmen who attacked the headquarters of Libya's National Oil Comporation (NOC) in Tripoli have been killed, Al Hadath television reports. At least three attackers reportedly blew themselves up during the attack. Several local media sources agree in reporting that the attackers are allegedly of African origin. The victims of the attack are two security officers. All NOC employees have been rescued, said the company's president, Mostafa Sanallah, talking to television al Libya. Sanallah also told the broadcaster that he left his company's headquarters a few minutes after the attack, saying that he heard ''two explosions''. (ANSAmed). BEIRUT - Russian and Syrian government air raids have resumed in western Syria, at the border between the regions of Idlib and Hama in areas outside the control of Damascus' forces but under the influence of Turkey, according to local sources. The sources spoke about dozens of air raids over the last few hours. They said about 20 civilians had been wounded in areas along the frontline between loyalists and anti-regime militia, including al Qaeda militants. Meanwhile, local sources also said, Turkey has deployed more soldiers on observation towers built over the past few weeks along the frontline, as deterrence against the threat of a ground offensive by Russian and Syrian troops on Idlib. Milan - Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said Monday that Italy would consider cutting the amount of money it puts into the United Nations. The comments came after Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations' new human rights chief, said the UN wants to see a team to Italy over reports of migrants facing attacks and racism. "The UN is an organization that costs billions of euros, to which Italy gives over 100 million every year in contributions and we will weigh with our allies on the usefulness of continuing to give these 100 million euros to fund waste, embezzlement, theft for a body that wants to give lessons to Italians and that also has countries that engage in torture and (still have) the death penalty," Salvini said. "If I were the UN," Salvini continued, "I would have half a world to send inspectors to before Italy. Go look for racism elsewhere, not in Italy." Bachelet said Monday that: "we intend to send personnel to Italy to evaluate reports of a sharp increase in acts of violence and racism against migrants, people of African descent and Roma." She added that a team would also be sent to Austria for similar reasons. Mideast: media, US to close PLO headquarters in Washington Bolton to make announcement Monday (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, SEPTEMBER 10 - The Trump administration is expected to announce on Monday the closure of the PLO diplomatic office in Washington, the Wall Street Journal reports. The article was quoted by Israeli media. According to the report, the official announcement will be made today by national security advisor John Bolton. The reason for the decision, according to the same source, is the Palestinian refusal to accept talks led by the US on the conflict. After Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the Palestinian leadership of President Abu Mazen froze relations with the Trump administration saying it wasn't a credible peace mediator and opposing a peace plan on which the US administration was working. Bolton, the same source said, as a further tool of pressure, should announce measures against the International criminal court in the Hague if the body will start investigations on Israel's actions in Gaza. (ANSAmed). (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, SEPTEMBER 10 - The Palestinian Liberation Organization has been officially informed by the US administration that its office is being closed, senior PLO official Saeb Erekat said on Monday. ''We have been officially informed that the US administration,'' Palestinian news agency WAFA quoted him as saying, ''will close the embassy in Washington to punish us for the fact that we are continuing to work with the International Criminal Court against Israeli war crimes.'' Erekat called the US decision ''another blow by Trump against peace and justice''. Erekat then reiterated that Palestinians will continue to fight for freedom and independence and that the US wants to ''protect the Israeli occupiers and their crimes''. ''We will continue,'' he added, ''to make recourse to the International Criminal Court to immediately open an investigation into Israeli crimes.'' (ANSAmed). Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) Embattled Senator Antonio Trillanes IV is asking Makati Regional Court Branch 148 to junk the Justice Department's "very urgent ex-parte omnibus motion" for the court to issue an alias warrant of arrest and hold departure order against him. Trillanes' comment filed Monday said he was asking for the denial of the motion "for lack of jurisdiction and/or lack of merit, pursuant to prevailing laws and/or jurisprudence." Trillanes said the cases against him have been dismissed back in September 2011, adding the order in the case had "long become final and executory." "Obviously, the order dismissing the case having already attained finality, the case cannot be revived or re-opened anymore, especially by mere ex-parte motion of the prosecution." The Department of Justice (DOJ) made the motion on September 4. Trillanes was granted amnesty by former President Benigno Aquino III in 2011. President Rodrigo Duterte signed Proclamation No. 572 on August 31, voiding the amnesty. It covered only Trillanes, excluding other individuals granted amnesty for committing similar acts. Makati Regional Trial Court Branch 148 is set to hold a hearing on the DOJ's request on September 13, 9 a.m. Meanwhile, the Makati Regional Trial Court Branch 150, which handled Trillanes' rebellion case, on Monday said it deferred action on the DOJ's motion. Instead, it will wait for the high court's decision on the petition filed by Trillanes to nullify Duterte's proclamation. Trillanes said it was a clear case of political prosecution. He had earlier criticised the Modi government on continues fuel price hike. In a bid to provide relief to consumers from the sky-rocketing prices of petrol and diesel, Andhra Pradesh CM N Chandrababu Naidu has announced a reduction of Rs 2 per litre in the prices of both petrol and diesel. Mumbai: In a bid to provide relief to consumers from the sky-rocketing prices of petrol and diesel, Andhra Pradesh CM N Chandrababu Naidu has announced a reduction of Rs 2 per litre in the prices of both petrol and diesel. He had earlier criticised the Modi government on continues fuel price hike by saying that soon petrol and diesel would be sold at a whopping Rs 100 per litre and the Rupee will further fall to Rs 100 against US dollar. Fuel prices continued to rise further on Monday with petrol being sold in Delhi at Rs 80.73 and diesel being sold at 72.83 per litre. Petrol and diesel prices are the highest in Mumbai with petrol being retailed at Rs 88.12 and diesel at Rs 77.32 per litre . 21 Opposition parties has unitedly called 'Bharat Band' on Monday to protest the hike in fuel prices and depreciation in Rupee, against the BJP-led government. India has the highest proportion of female commercial pilots in the world at 12 per cent. The percentage of female pilots in India is twice as high as in most Western countries. (Photo: YouTube) New Delhi: When Shweta Singh wanted to become a pilot in India 20 years ago, she had to first persuade her parents to let her pick an uncommon profession for women, then deal with unwelcoming male colleagues in the cockpit. Today, she says, it would be a much easier career to embrace. More Indian women want to become pilots, and more benefits await them: union-mandated equal pay, a safe workplace, day care services and a booming aviation sector. India has the highest proportion of female commercial pilots in the world at 12 per cent, despite the countrys patriarchal society, which typically frowns on women in such jobs. It was difficult, Singh said, recalling her early days of being a pilot. It was a male-dominated area and not easy to break into. But society is changing, said Singh, a senior trainer at Jet Airways Ltd on temporary assignment to Indias aviation regulator as deputy chief flight operations inspector. The percentage of female pilots in India is twice as high as in most Western countries, including the United States and Australia. Globally, less than 5 per cent of pilots are women, according to the International Society of Women Airline Pilots. Demand for pilots globally is surging. Planemaker Boeing Co estimates a need for 7,90,000 new pilots globally over the next 20 years, double the current workforce, as air travel rises. India is the worlds fastest-growing aviation market, with domestic capacity growing 22 per cent in the first half of the year, so airlines there are under particular pressure. Recruiting more women is an obvious way to help solve the pilot shortage, but social constraints have worked against that, said Maria Bucur, a professor of history and gender studies at Indiana University. The training and stressful work needed to become and work as a pilot require choices of women that go against most of the gendered expectations our society has of them at that age: to have babies, she said. EQUAL RIGHTS Because pilot pay is based on seniority and flying hours under union agreements, it is one of the rare professions in India where there is no gender pay gap. The starting salary, including flying allowance, for pilots there is $25,000 to $47,000 a year depending on the airline and type of aircraft. That is similar to the starting salary for corporate lawyers or architects. About 13 per cent of the pilots at IndiGo, operated by InterGlobe Aviation Ltd, are women, up from 10 per cent five years ago, the company said. Some of IndiGos 330 female pilots are also managers. The company provides day care and says it offers pregnant women office duties and an allowance equivalent to what they would have earned flying, helping them constructively stay engaged with the profession. At SpiceJet Ltd, 12 per cent of pilots are women, including some department heads, and there is a mandate to grow that to 33 per cent in the next three years, chairman Ajay Singh said this year at the Farnborough Airshow in Britain. The company also gives women a fixed monthly flying schedule. Because everyday safety can be a concern for women in India, airlines offer a pick-up and drop-off service from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Women are accompanied by an armed guard - a practice introduced after a horrific rape in New Delhi in 2012. It is the safest job. Women are more protected here than in any other place, Singh said. CHANGING SOCIETY A year after graduating from flight school in 2002, Rupinder Kaur struggled to find a job and wondered whether spending 2 million rupees to get her flying license had been the biggest blunder of her life. It took a year, she said, but she finally landed a job at a regional airline, Air Deccan. Now, with Indias aviation market booming, finding work is easier, says Kaur, 37, a pilot at IndiGo working on secondment with Indias aviation regulator as a flight operations instructor. In India it is generally a rat race, where you choose a profession based on what the majority of people are doing, she said, adding that airlines should ensure women make up a certain percentage of their workforce, especially in piloting. It is still not that easy for us. We have to give our 200 per cent, she said, because women are expected to efficiently manage families and jobs. The stakes are high for the country as a whole. Women contribute 18 percent to Indias gross domestic product, and only a quarter of Indias workforce is female, according to a report by consultant McKinsey. In China, women contribute 41 per cent of the countrys economy and make up nearly half the workforce. Recruiting more women to work could help India boost its GDP by 18 per cent, or $770 billion, over the usual annual growth, McKinsey said. There are signs that the number of female pilots in India will keep rising. At the Bombay Flying Club, which has courses for commercial pilots, the number of women in the classroom has grown to about 25 per cent from less than 10 per cent five years ago, according to the institutes principal and chief instructor, C Kumar. The society is changing and there is more acceptance about working in the aviation sector, Kumar said. Rooted in heartland India, the film demanded it to be shot as authentically and as genuinely as possible. Mumbai: Varun Dhawan plays an innocent tailor from heartland India in YRF's upcoming entertainer Sui Dhaaga Made in India. The superstar essays the role of Mauji who dreams to make a name for himself. Rooted in heartland India, the film demanded it to be shot as authentically and as genuinely as possible. Cycle is the most common mode of transportation in small towns and director Sharat Katariya wanted Mauji to have a cycle to enhance the visual appeal of the location and the character. Mauji loves his cycle. He takes it everywhere he goes. Cycle is the most preferred transportation option in rural India and we had to include it because the cycle adds so much visual appeal to Maujis character. He chills on his cycle, he dreams on his cycle, he laughs, he cries on his cycle. Mauji and Mamta (Anushka Sharma) have some really beautiful moments with each other bonding, talking and getting to know each other when they go for the rides together. The cycle captures the beautiful, innocence of small town life and romance, said Varun. Watch the video here: A long cycle ride in the midst of Indian Summers. Here's what went into the making of Mamta and Mauji's 10 hour long cycle ride! Watch Mauji and Mamta's journey in theatres on 28th September. @AnushkaSharma | @Varun_dvn | #ManeeshSharma | @Sharatkatariya Yash Raj Films (@yrf) September 10, 2018 Anushka added, 'We were in the peak summers of North India. I had to sit crossed legged on the cycle, which I was not used to. My body twisted the whole time cause I had to sit in a particular way. Sharat had said, never are you guys going to touch each other in the film, but I was somehow holding the (seat) to save my life. We were sweaty, we were in aches and pains, my back was gone. " Varun further added, We were shooting in the summer heat in Chanderi and Delhi and I was required to sometimes cycle for nearly 10 hours at a stretch. It was tough. I had to ride it daily for about 15 days and I was exhausted. There was a scene of Anushka and I falling down from the cycle. We fell right near the cliff and the crew came running to see if we were ok. For Mauji, the cycle is a symbol of struggle as well as aspiration. It is an invaluable addition to the character sketch of Mauji. A film about finding love and respect through self-reliance, Varun and Anushka have been paired for the first time and have become the most-awaited, freshest on-screen jodi of 2018. It brings together National Award winning producer-director combo of Maneesh Sharma and Sharat Katariya after their blockbuster Dum Laga Ke Haisha. The film is a special salute to the inherent entrepreneurial spirit that the youth of India and our local artisans have. Sui Dhaaga - Made in India is set to release on September 28 this year. The film to be directed by Om Raut will have Ajay Devgn playing the lead role, and apparently, Devgn has personally asked Saif to come on board. Saif Ali Khan is perhaps one of the only actors of his generation who has yet to appear in a period film. But thats about to change. We hear that he will soon be seen in Tanaaji: The Unsung Hero, a biopic based on the life of the Maratha warrior Tanaji Malusare. The film to be directed by Om Raut will have Ajay Devgn playing the lead role, and apparently, Devgn has personally asked Saif to come on board. Says a source in the know, It took Saif a long time to agree to be a supporting actor. After Kal Ho Naa Ho, he had vowed to never do a two-hero film in which he would have a weaker role. But Ajay has personally assured him that he will have a strong author-backed role. Ajay and Saif have worked together in the past in Milan Luthrias Kachche Dhaage and Vishal Bhardwajs Omkara. Hopefully, Tanaaji will be the hit that Saifs career needs at the moment. The new rates of petrol and diesel will come into effect from Tuesday morning. The announcement came amid nation-wide Bharat Bandh protests called by Congress and opposition parties against the rise in fuel prices and depreciation of the rupee. (Photo: File | ANI) Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Monday announced a reduction of tax on petrol and diesel by Rs 2 a litre each, in the state. The announcement, which came amid nation-wide Bharat Bandh protests called by Congress and opposition parties against the rise in fuel prices and depreciation of the rupee, was made in the state assembly. "The central government has been imposing a heavy burden on people by steeply increasing the prices of petrol and diesel despite heavy income in the form of various levies and dividends. Though the state is faced with a deficit budget, we have decided to reduce the tax and ease the burden on people," Naidu was quoted as saying by news agency PTI. The state would have to forego revenue of Rs 1,120 crore due to the measure, he added. The Andhra Pradesh government is currently levying 31 per cent Value Added Tax plus Rs 4 as additional tax per litre of petrol and diesel. The additional tax component is now being reduced to Rs 2 a litre, a senior official of the Commercial Taxes Department said separately. Consequently, the price of petrol is expected to come down to Rs 84.71 a litre and diesel Rs 77.98 from Tuesday morning when the tax cut comes into effect. Naidu had earlier criticised the Centre over continues fuel price hike and said that soon petrol and diesel would be sold at a whopping Rs 100 per litre and the rupee will further fall to Rs 100 against US dollar. (With PTI inputs) Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 10) Government authorities said Xiamen Airlines officials will be in the country on September 12 to 14, after formal invitation from a Senate committee to further discuss their liability and the result of the investigation. The Senate Committee on Public Affairs concluded Monday its investigation on the Xiamen Air incident, hoping to come up with recommendations soon. Xiamen Airlines flight MF8667 skidded off Ninoy Aquino International Airport's runway on August 18, causing widespread flight delays and affecting thousands of passengers. Aviation officials said while the cockpit voice recorder is already in their custody, they have yet to issue the result of an initial investigation, pending consultations with Xiamen Air, the pilot of flight MF8667, and the Civil Aviation Authority of China among others. Airport officials said damage from the incident has reached more than 100 million, but airport and transportation officials are liable, as well in providing disservice to the hundreds of thousands of affected passengers. Sen. Grace Poe, chairperson of the Senate's Public Services Committee said, "Oo, may pagkukulang ang mga airlines at airport management dito. Malaki ang pagkukulang nila." [Translation: Yes, the airlines and airport management had great lapses.] IAF is expected to send a batch of its pilots to France for training on the Rafale jets by the year end. The agreement between Indian and French Governmental was finalised in September, 2016, for purchasing 36 Rafale fighter jets at an estimated cost of Rs 58,000 crore. (Photo: Representational | AP) New Delhi: Amid the ongoing political controversy of the Rafale jet deal, the Indian Air Force is making the necessary arrangements for the induction of the fighter jet by training its pilots and putting in place the other necessary infrastructure. IAF is expected to send a batch of its pilots to France for training on the Rafale jets by the year end. Some IAF teams have already been to France in a bid to manufacturers of Rafale put in place some of the enhancements which are specific to IAFs requirements on the fighter aircraft. The agreement between Indian and French Governmental was finalised in September, 2016, for purchasing 36 Rafale fighter jets at an estimated cost of Rs 58,000 crore. The first batch jets which are capable of carrying a number of lethal weapons and missiles are expected to be delivered beginning September next year. Manufacturers of Rafale jets, the Dassault Aviation, is believed to have already started test flight of Rafale jets to be handed over to India and the company has been told to strictly adhere to the timeline for delivery of the aircraft. These jets will come with various India-specific modifications, including Israeli helmet-mounted displays, radar warning receivers, low band jammers, 10-hour flight data recording, infra-red search and tracking systems among others. While a team of IAF pilots have already trained on Rafale jets in France, they are expected to go back again by end of the year, sources added. The first unit of the fighter jets is expected to be deployed at the Ambala Air Force station, which has a strategic importance considering that the Indo-Pak border is around 220 km from the base. The second squadron of Rafale will be stationed at Hasimara in West Bengal. The Centre has already cleared an amount of nearly Rs 400 crore for developing infrastructure like shelters, hangers and maintenance facilities for the Rafale aircrafts at these two Air Force stations. Sources claimed that French agencies were in constant touch with their Indian counterparts regarding the progress in supplying of these jets. In July last year, Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa, during his visit to France, flew a Rafale jet at the Saint-Dizier airbase to gain a first-hand experience of the aircraft. As per the agreement the delivery of the jets will start in 36 months and will be completed in 67 months from the date the contract was inked. 'We have combined to save the unity and peace of the country,' Manmohan Singh said. 'The Modi government has done a lot which is not in national interest. Now it has crossed the limit and time is coming to change it,' said former prime minister Manmohan Singh. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) New Delhi: Participating in Opposition Bharat Bandh protest on Monday, former prime minister and senior Congress leader Manmohan Singh attacked the Narendra Modi-led BJP government at the Centre, saying that it has now crossed all limits. "The Modi government has done a lot which is not in national interest. Now it has crossed the limit and time is coming to change it," said Manmohan Singh. Manmohan Singh further said that voice from across the country can be heard saying people are unhappy with the Modi-government. "Time for all parties to shed their issues and move forward unitedly ... it is possible only when you keep aside your own small issues and be ready to save the unity, sovereignty and democracy in the country," he said. "We have combined to save the unity and peace of the country," Manmohan Singh added. Also Read: 'Fuel price rise out of our hands', BJP defends amid Bharat Bandh protests The former prime minister said all sections of society -- youth, farmers and common people -- are unhappy with the Modi-government, which has failed to fulfil promises made to the people. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi was also present at the rally, held at the Ramlila ground here, but did not speak. Leaders of at least 21 opposition parties, led by Congress, are participating in the country-wide protest against rise in fuel prices and depreciation of the rupee. The rupee hit a fresh low of 72.64 against the US currency, falling 91 paise in late morning deals on Monday. Congress chief Rahul Gandhi led the Opposition protests in Delhi. Making his first appearance after returning from the Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage, Rahul Gandhi began the bandh after paying tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat. The bandh began after the Congress president offered holy water from the lake. OBCs had joined the upper castes to make the Bharat Bandh on September 6 in MP a success, causing nervousness in the BJP. Bhopal: The decision to amend the SC, ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act by the Centre, widely seen as strategic perception management move by the BJP to make a dent into the base of Mayawati-led BSP and Congress among the underprivileged communities, may boomerang on the saffron party in the year-end Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh due to widespread protests by the upper castes against the move. The warning was sounded by upper caste BJP leaders in MP in the form of an SOS sent to the central high command seeking impact creating corrective measures urgently to assuage ruffled feathers of a particular section of people and prevent a backlash. The anger among the savarnas (upper castes) is too deep rooted to be contained by any small measures. It has to be big impact-making steps by the Centre to prevent them from landing in the fold of Congress out of vengeance, a senior Madhya Pradesh BJP leader, not willing to be quoted, told this newspaper. The spontaneous response to the September 6 Bharat Bandh, supported by upper caste, anti-quota outfits in MP, have forced state BJP leaders to press the panic button. Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan also dropped hints on a series of sops being in the pipeline for the upper castes to assuage their ruffled sentiments. The chief ministers hints on a largesse for the upper castes in coming days seemed to have hardly convinced the upper caste BJP leaders who fear losing hold over their vote banks. The move apparently aimed at making a dent in SC bases of BSP and Congress may upset ruling BJPs apple cart in the year-end Assembly polls in MP, said a senior BJP leader. His apprehensions come in the wake of a decision by Samanya Pichravarg, Alpsankyak Kalyan Samaj (SAPAKS), floated as a social organisation a couple of years ago to espouse the cause of upper caste and OBC employees of the MP government, to take a plunge into the year-end Assembly polls in the state by fielding its candidates in all the 230 seats. We may cut into votes of mainly the BJP in the polls, said SAPAKS president Hiralal Trivedy, a retired IAS officer. Brahmins (5 per cent), Thakurs (2.5 per cent), Banias (trading community) (three per cent) and Kayasthas (2.5 per cent) are the key upper caste voters who constitute around 13 per cent of the total population in Madhya Pradesh. OBCs comprising Yadavs, Kurmis, Lodhis, and Kushwahas, Nais, Nahars and Nishads constitute around 60 per cent of total population of the state. The gap between votes garnered by the BJP and the Congress in the last three Assembly elections in the state has hovered around 8.5 per cent and any decision by the upper castes to desert the BJP may bring Congress to power. If the upper castes, considered partys base in urban areas, dump the BJP in favour of the Congress it may upset the calculation of the BJP, which is eyeing a fourth consecutive term in power in MP in the coming Assembly polls, said Nivedita Mishra, a retired political science professor. If the OBCs, equally aggrieved over the move by the Centres decision to amend the SC/ST Act, decide to turn against the BJP, then it would spell doom for the saffron party in the MP polls. Significantly, OBCs had joined the upper castes to make the Bharat Bandh on September 6 in MP a success, causing nervousness in the BJP. We have decided to launch an intensive week-long campaign across the state to break the emerging alliance between OBCs and the upper castes over the issue by convincing them that the OBCs may lose the privilege of reservation if they find a common cause with the upper castes since the latter are against the whole reservation system, a senior leader, part of BJPs think tank, disclosed to this newspaper. He, however, revealed that the decision taken by the Central leadership of the party to amend the SC/ ST Act was a strategic one to counter the Congress propaganda dubbing the BJP as anti-dalit ahead of Assembly elections in the BJP-ruled states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. The BJP has been battling a perception that it is anti-dalit because of incidents like Una flogging in Gujarat. The Congress exploited this perception by almost snatching Gujarat from us in last years Assembly elections there, said a BJP leader. The amendment to the SC/ ST Act by Centre will help the BJP blunt any attempt by the Congress to call the saffron party anti-Dalit during the campaign in poll-bound states of MP, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. Moreover, a radical step like this will not only endear our party to voters, particularly the dalits, but also help clear the path for the BJP to replace Congress as pan-India party, said a Central BJP leader from MP. We can always find a way to assuage anger of upper castes to retain our base among them, he said. According to a post-poll survey conducted by Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) in 2014, the BJPs share of votes of upper castes, OBCs and SCs has registered an increase from 35.3 per cent to 47.8 per cent, from 25.2 per cent to 33.8 per cent and from 14.5 per cent to 24.5 per cent, respectively, between 2004 and 2014. Killer was hired by Siddharth Sanghvis colleague to kill him as the person was jealous of deceased's recent promotion. Mumbai: The body of HDFC Bank vice president Siddharth Sanghvi, who went missing on September 5, was found in Kalyans Haji Malang, on Sunday. The Mumbai police arrested Sarfaraz Shaikh, a driver with a taxi aggregator, among three others but has not divulged about their connection to the murder of Sanghvi. Read: Cops apprehend four for killing banker Sanghvi 20-year-old Sarafaz Shaikh, resident of Navi Mumbai, was spotted on CCTV cameras near Sanghvis Maruti Suzuki Ignis, which was found dumped on September 6 in Koparkhairane. According to reports, Shaikh has confessed to murdering the 39-year-old banker outside his office in Kamala Mills, Lower Parel. He claimed that he was hired by Sanhvis jealous colleagues to kill him. Shaikh further added that after killing the banker, he used his vehicle to dispose off the body in Navi Mumbai on September 5. Reports said that Shaikh was hired by Sanghvis colleague to kill him as the person was jealous of the deceased's recent promotion. Shaikh has been trying to mislead the police investigating the case since his detention on Sunday. He initially claimed that he was hired by a woman to kill Sanghvi. We showed him a number of photographs, including that of Sanghvis wife, but he later backtracked, Mumbai Mirror reported a police official saying. Shaikh then allegedly claimed that he killed Sanghvi during a robbery gone wrong. But he was trapped again for giving varying statements after the police questioned him about why he dumped the body so far from the crime scene. Shaikh then finally told the police that three people had approached him with a murder contract. According to sources to Mumbai Mirror, Shaikh has not revealed much about the identities of three people; all that he has divulged on constant questioning is that two of them worked with HDFC Bank, were jealous of Sanghvis quick promotions and wanted him killed. Sanghvi was last seen on CCTV cameras leaving his office in Kamala Mills around 7.30 pm on September 5. His family called him up around 8.30 pm, but there was no response. An hour later, they tried again but found that his phone was switched off. The panic-stricken family then called Sanghvis friends and colleagues, but failed to get his whereabouts. A missing person complaint was filed the next day at NM Joshi Marg police station. The police on the same day, found Sanghvis car around 9:30 pm in Navi Mumbai. Traces of blood were found in the rear seat of the bankers car. Police also recovered a knife from the bankers vehicle. Sanghvi lived with his wife and four-year-old son at Malabar Hills in South Mumbai. Sanghvi joined the HDFC bank in 2007 as senior manager. In 2011 he was promoted to assistant vice-president and in 2015, he was made the deputy vice-president. In January 2017, Sanghvi was promoted to the post of vice president. In span of ten years, Sanghvi was promoted thrice and this might have been one of the reasons why his colleagues were jealous of him. 22 opposition parties are joining Congress in protest to corner Narendra Modi-led NDA government in the Centre. New Delhi: The Congress has called for a nationwide shutdown or Bharat Bandh on Monday to protest rising fuel prices and depreciation of the rupee. At least 21 opposition parties are joining the Congress in protest on Monday to corner Narendra Modi-led NDA government in the Centre. Congress president Rahul Gandhi gave clarion call from Raj Ghat after paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi. Apart from other opposition parties, the Congress has asked civil society groups to join their protest against the government. Congress leader Randeep Surjewala had said that the common man was bearing the burden of escalating prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas. The Congress demanded that petrol and diesel should be brought under the ambit of goods and services tax (GST), by which oil prices could drop by about Rs 15 to Rs 18. On Monday, petrol is sold Rs 80.73 per litre (increase by Rs 0.23 per litre) and diesel at Rs 72.83 per litre (increase by Rs 0.22 per litre) in Delhi. Petrol was priced at Rs 88.12 per litre (increase by Rs 0.23 per litre) and diesel at Rs 77.32 per litre (increase by Rs 0.23 per litre) in Mumbai on Monday, the day Congress called Bharat Bandh over rise in fuel prices. The rupee weakened to hit a fresh low of 72.64 against the US currency, falling 91 paise in late morning deals on Monday on rising crude oil prices, strengthening dollar and a widened current account deficit. Here are updates from the Bharat Bandh over surging fuel prices: 03:44 pm: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu announces a reduction in petrol and diesel price by Rs 2 each, in the state. The new rates of petrol and diesel will come into effect from tomorrow morning and orders for the same will be issued later today. 03:30 pm: Such remarks from BJP leadership tell you they are very arrogant, they are insensitive to the needs of people. When people are suffering, they are making it worse by such outlandish statements, Congress leader Sachin Pilot on Rajasthan Minister Rajkumar Rinwa's statement. 03:25 pm: Pune Police arrests six Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) workers who were trying to forcefully close shops in the city. 02:30 pm: Fuel prices are tied to crude oil prices in the world market. Government is trying. There are so many expenses... People don't understand that the crude prices are high and they should lower their other expenses," Rajasthan minister Rajkumar Rinwa told reporters. 12:57 pm: "The death of the child is not related to bandh or traffic jam, the relatives had left late from their home," SDO Jehanabad Paritosh Kumar on reports that a 2-year-old patient died after the vehicle was stuck in Bharat Bandhprotests called by the Congress and other opposition parties over rise in fuel prices. #Bihar: The death of the child is not related to bandh or traffic jam, the relatives had left late from their home: SDO Jehanabad Paritosh Kumar on reports that a 2-year-old patient died after the vehicle was stuck in #BharathBandh protests ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 12:46 pm: "Everyone has a right to protest but what is happening today? Petrol pumps and buses being set ablaze, putting to risk lives. A child died after an ambulance was stuck in the protests in Bihar's Jehanabad. Who is responsible?," Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on protests and nation-wide shutdown called by the Congress and other opposition parties over rise in fuel prices. "Diesel, petrol price rise is out of our hands because oil producing countries have limited production... We're not saying we can't do anything. We're saying this is momentary trouble," Ravi Shankar Prasad added. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 12:31 pm: Congress leader and 1984 riots accused Sajjan Kumar seen during Bharat Bandh protest in Delhi. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 12:30 pm: Left leaders Sitaram Yechury and D Raja with AAP leader Atishi during Bharat Bandh protests in Delhi. Left leaders Sitaram Yechury and D Raja with AAP leader Atishi during #BharatBandh protests in Delhi ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 12:14 am: Congress workers carry a motorcycle on a bullock cart during Bharat Bandh protests in Delhi's Preet Vihar. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 12:01 pm: "The BJP government is so proud of themselves that even today when the Opposition has called for a 'bandh' they have increased fuel price in some places. Government can even say that inflation will bring development," former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav said. 11:51 am: "Frustrated opposition doesn't have any strategy and leadership, what else can be expected from them? I hope God gives them sense so they can differentiate between positive and negative otherwise in future they will even lose their position as Opposition," Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and BJP leader Yogi Adityanath on Bharat Bandh called by the Congress and other opposition parties over rise in fuel prices. 11:50 am: "'Bharat' will not be 'bandh', it will keep moving and progressing. No one is paying heed to this call by the Congress, their 'Mahagatbandhan' (grand alliance) balloon will also burst soon," Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said on nation-wide shutdown called by the the Congress and other opposition parties over rise in fuel prices. 11:37 am: "Narendra Modiji is silent, he has not spoken a word on rising fuel prices, condition of farmers and on atrocities against women," Congress president Rahul Gandhi during Bharat Bandh protests in Delhi. The Congress president said that the united opposition will defeat BJP in 2019 national elections. "In PM Modi's rule, hatred being spread and country being divided," Rahul Gandhi alleged. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 11:15 am: Congress workers in Madhya Pradesh vandalise a petrol pump in Ujjain during Bharat Bandh protest. Madhya Pradesh: Congress workers vandalise a petrol pump in Ujjain during #BharatBandh protests ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 11:14 am: Bharat Bandh: MNS workers in Mumbai forcefully shut down shops and establishments at Baratmata Juction Naka in Parel. #BharatBandh: MNS workers in Mumbai forcefully shut down shops and establishments at Bharatmata Junction Naka, Parel ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 11:02 am: Loktantrik Janata Dal workers in Patna carry a motorbike on their shoulders to protest against fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 11:00 am: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urged opposition parties to shed their differences and unite to save democracy in country. "Modi govt has done a lot which is not in interest of nation, it has now crossed limits," said Manmohan Singh at Bharat Bandh protest in New Delhi called by opposition parties to protest against fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | @ANI) 10:50 am: Jan Adhikar Party workers vandalise vehicles during Bharat Bandh protest in Patna against rise in fuel price. Jan Adhikar Party workers vandalise vehicles during #BharatBandh protest in Patna against fuel price hike. #Bihar ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 10:19 am: East Coast Railway Zone has cancelled 12 trains including Bhubaneswar-Howrah Jan Shatabdi Express and Bhubaneswar-Visakhapatnam Inter City Express in the view of Bharat Bandh called by the Congress and other opposition parties against fuel price hike. 10:17 am: In Mumbai, Congress workers staged 'Rail Roko' at Andheri railway station against fuel price hike. Mumbai: Congress workers stage 'Rail Roko' at Andheri railway station against fuel price hike. #BharatBandh ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 10:07 am: "The Modi government is stealing from the people of India with excessive taxes on fuel," Congress tweeted on Monday, the day it has called for Bharat Bandh against rising fuel prices. The Modi Govt is stealing from the people of India with excessive taxes on fuel. #MehangiPadiModiSarkar #BharatBandh Congress (@INCIndia) September 10, 2018 09:58 am: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has joined the Congress protests against the surging fuel prices. AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Somnath Bharti along with others marched towards Rajghat to protest against depreciating rupee and rise in fuel prices. (Photo: Twitter | @AamAadmiParty) 09:47 am: Congress workers in Chhattisgarh held protest in Raipur against fuel price hike. Chhattisgarh: Congress workers protests in Raipur against fuel price hike. #BharatBandh ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 09:44 am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi, NCP Chief Sharad Pawar and Sharad Yadav at Bharat Bandh protest against fuel price hike in Delhi. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 09:25 am: Bharat Bandh: Security has been tightened in Jaipur. "Precautionary measures have been taken. Police have been directed to take stringent actions against the protesters who will restore to violence during protests," said police. Security has been tightened in Jaipur over #BharatBandh. Police says, "Precautionary measures have been taken. Police have been directed to take stringent actions against the protesters who will restore to violence during protests." #Rajasthan ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 09:02 am: Congress President Rahul Gandhi and leaders of the opposition parties march from Rajghat towards Ramlila Maidan, to protest against fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 08:57 am: Jan Adhikar Party Loktantrik workers blocked railway tracks in Patna's Rajendra Nagar Terminal railway station in support to Bharat Bandh. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 08:50 am: Protesters in Gujarat's Bharuch burnt tyres and stopped buses; traffic movement was halted in the city. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 08:47 am: UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and Congress President Rahul Gandhi leading the Bharat Bandh protests against NDA in Delhi's Rajghat. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 08:38 am: Bus services of the North Eastern Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NEKRTC) in Kalaburgi are not operational on Monday because of the Bharat Bandh called by the Congress over rising fuel prices. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 08:06 am: CPI and CPM workers in Andhra Pradesh's Vishakapatnam protest against the fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 07:29 am: "Extra deployment of forces has been done across the city today. Firm action will be taken on any miscreants taking the law into their hands," Commissioner Of Police, Pune City, Dr Venkatesham K, tweeted. 07:25 am: Janata Dal (Secular)-Congress ruled Karnataka is supporting the Bharat Bandh. Schools and colleges in the state capital Bengaluru are closed on Monday. Public transport, cinema theatres, multiplexes among others. A host of organisations such as Karnataka Rakshana Vedike, KSRTC, BMTC, Ola and Uber Drivers and Owners Association, Auto Drivers' Association will support the Bharat Bandh in the state. Also Read: Bharat Bandh: Bengaluru schools shut, no public transport today 07:24 am: In West Bengal, the ruling Trinamool Congress said that while it supported the issues related to increasing fuel prices, it would not support the Bharat Bandh called by the Congress. The reason, it stated, was that strikes like the Bharat Bandh would lead to a waste of working hours. Trinamool Congress Secretary General Partha Chatterjee had urged the Trinamool activists and common people to keep shops and establishments functional on Monday. 07: 22 am: The ruling BJD in Odisha has refused to support the Bharat Bandh called by the Congress. BJP also said that it was against the hike in fuel prices. The Odisha government has however, announced that all schools in the state would be closed on Monday to ensure the safety of students. 07:20 am: Congress workers in Telangana hold protests in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district's Bhongir and Musheerabad bus depot in Hyderabad, against fuel price hike. Telangana: Congress workers hold protests in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district's Bhongir (pic 1) and Musheerabad bus depot (pic 2) in Hyderabad, against fuel price hike #BharatBandh ANI (@ANI) September 10, 2018 07:18 am: Bharat Bandh: Protests being held in Odisha's Bhubaneswar by opposition parties against fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) 07:00 am: Congress workers blocked a train in Sambalpur as Bharat Bandh has been called by the Congress and other opposition parties over fuel price hike. (Photo: Twitter | ANI) The nuns claimed the police officers were trying to delay the probe into the case to save the bishop. They also alleged that the police action in the case help the culprits eliminate the victimised nun and the nuns stand by her. (Representational image) Kochi: The protest by Catholic reformation organisations against alleged laxity in the probe into the rape complaint by a nun against a Roman Catholic bishop entered the second day here Sunday with a group of five nuns accusing top police officials of trying to sabotage it. The nuns from a convent in Kottayam, to which the rape survivor belonged, slammed the reported move to hand over the probe against bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar diocese to the crime branch wing. Taking part in the protest seeking justice for their sister allegedly raped by a Roman Catholic bishop for the second day, they reposed confidence in the ongoing probe by Vaikom deputy superintendent of police K. Subhash. The nuns claimed the police officers were trying to delay the probe into the case to save the bishop. We have full faith in the investigation being carried out by the deputy superintendent of police. But the top police officials are not giving him permission to take the bishop into custody and interrogate him. They are not allowing him to carry out a free and fair investiga-tion.They are delaying the probe and trying to sabotage the case, one of the nuns said. They also alleged that the police action in the case help the culprits eliminate the victimised nun and the nuns stand by her. The nuns said they have decided to initiate legal action against an Independent MLA who had allegedly attacked the complainant using abusive language. A resolution to this effect was adopted by the Cabinet at its meeting headed by chief minister K Palaniswami. Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Cabinet on Sunday recommended to governor Banwarilal Purohit to release all the seven convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case by invoking his powers under Art 161 of the Constitution, which gives the Governor the authority to pardon someone proved guilty in court. A resolution to this effect was adopted by the Cabinet at its meeting headed by chief minister K Palaniswami. This will be sent to the Governor immediately. You can see our urgency by the fact that the Cabinet met on a Sunday, fisheries minister D. Jayakumar told reporters at the Secretariat shortly after the two-hour Cabinet meeting in the evening. The governor has to necessarily accept the Cabinet recommendation, he has no other choice, said the minister when asked if there could be some delays or hiccups in the Raj Bhavan. We have used Article 161 and recommended to the Governor on that basis. Supreme Court interprets the law and its direction is of vital importance. A reporter asked minister Jayakumar if it was alright to release the convicts involved in the brutal killing of an ex-PM. All that is past. The CBI probe and investigation is past. What is present? The Tamil people want their release, shot back the minister. The seven convicts Murugan alias Sriharan, Nalini Sriharan, Santhan, A.G. Perarivalan, Jayakumar, Ravichandran, Robert Payas have been in jail for the last 27 years amid several mercy petitions, court hearings, political rallies and human rights campaigns for their release. Perarivalans mother Arputhammal, who has been fighting relentlessly through the years for his release, choked with emotion while expressing gratitude to the government as she faced the TV cameras soon after meeting CM Palaniswami with a bouquet of flowers. The Sunday cabinet initiative was inspired by the Supreme Court directive to the TN Governor on Thursday to consider the mercy plea of Perarivalan and take a decision as deemed fit. The AIADMK government decided to stretch the relief to cover not just Perarivalan but all the seven. The cabinet resolution was welcomed by almost everyone in the state. Global factors behind oil hike, people understand govt not responsible, says Ravi Shankar Prasad. Congress party workers set a scooter on fire during the Bharat Bandh called by Congress and other parties against fuel price hike and depreciation of rupee at Jayadev Vihar in Jabalpur. (Photo: PTI) New Delhi: Attributing the hikes in oil prices to global factors, the BJP on Monday accused the Congress and other Opposition parties of resorting to violence during the Bharat Bandh on Monday and claimed that the people did not support their call. While admiting that the people were facing a momentary difficulty due to increasing petrol and diesel prices, the BJP claimed they understand this was due to factors beyond the control of the Central government. Noting oil prices had fallen after the BJP government had come to power in May 2014, before they went up again, senior Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said it was a problem whose solution was not in its hands. We are standing with the people in their problem. We are trying to redress the issue and will do that, he said. He claimed the people understood the governments point of view and refused to support the Bharat Bandh call given by the Congress and several other Opposition parties. That is unnerving the Congress and other Opposition parties. Their resort to violence is designed to overawe the people of India. An atmosphere of fear is being created, he said. Citing the death of a three-year-old girl in Bihar as she could not get medical help in time due to pro-bandh protesters allegedly stopping an ambulance, he asked if Congress president Rahul Gandhi will take responsibility for this. Hitting out at the Congress and other Opposition parties, Mr Prasad said they should stop this dance of violence and game of death. In an attempt to show that the revenue it has earned from taxes on petroleum products has been used for pro-poor measures, the BJP highlighted the governments expenditure on a number of welfare schemes. Mr Prasad said the government spends over Rs 1.62 lakh crores on subsidised food, lakhs of crores of rupees on building national highways and rural roads, and has given over one crore houses to the rural poor. It has also spent thousands of crores on the rural employment guarantee scheme, among others, he said. Taking a dig at the Congress, the BJP said that the Narendra Modi government was not a family-run dispensation and asserted that it has been working for the poor and had lifted over five crore people from extreme poverty. The ruling party also dismissed allegations by Mr Gandhi against the government, saying the country was most worried when the Congress president speaks. Referring to the global factors behind the oil price rise, Mr Prasad cited the decision of several oil-producing countries to reduce supply, the political instability in Venezuela and the US sanctions on Iran. The police has identified the CRPF jawan as Iqbal Ahmad, a resident of Garkote village of Uri in Baramulla district. Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir police has arrested a jawan of Central Reserve Police Force following a complaint of rape by a woman from the states north-western town of Sopore. The woman also alleged that the CRPF jawan was now blackmailing her by saying that he would circulate the video on the incident. The woman, a housewife, has in her complaint to the police said that the accused was blackmailing her for the past nearly two years after he had barged into her house in the towns Chinkipora locality and abused her. She had earlier narrated her ordeal in a video clip, which went viral on social media last week. The police has identified the CRPF jawan as Iqbal Ahmad, a resident of Garkote village of Uri in Baramulla district. Sources said that the accused was at home when arrested by the police. Confirming this, a local police officer, Mashkoor Ahmed Zargar, said, The police registered an FIR under Sections 452, 376 and 506 of the Ranbir Penal Code after a formal complaint was lodged with us. He added that the accused was being questioned. The woman has also alleged that the accused would take her out and then drive her to different places where some other persons would also join them in these forced outings. She recently told her husband about the ordeal and he took her to the police station to lodge a formal complaint. The police said that the preliminary investigations have revealed that the couple with their two children live in a house located adjacent to a camp of the CRPFs 179 Battalion. The womans husband has told the police that, as per the statement made before him by his wife, the CRPF jawan had committed rape on her two years ago and since he would blackmail her by saying that he had got a video of the incident and would circulate it if she refused to have sex with him and go with him out. The man has reportedly given the police as many as eighteen cellphone numbers from he received threatening calls during the past some day. Former SP MP Raghuraj Shakya, who is considered a Mulayam loyalist, has joined the morcha along with hundreds of his supporters. Lucknow: Within 10 days of announcing the formation of the Samajwadi Secular Morcha (SSM), senior Samajwadi leader Shivpal Yadav has begun getting support from disgruntled elements in the parent Samajwadi Party. Former SP MP Raghuraj Shakya, who is considered a Mulayam loyalist, has joined the morcha along with hundreds of his supporters. Kamal Yusuf Malik , who had joined Peace Party and then the BSP after quitting the SP, is now back with Shivpal Yadavs morcha. He has resigned from the BSP. Ateeq Ahmad, mafia don and former SP MP, is yet another leader set to join the morcha. He fell out with SP president Akhilesh Yadav after he was denied a ticket for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections from Kanpur even though his name was declared by Shivpal Yadav, then the state unit chief. Ateeq Ahmad is now lodged in Deoria jail and he confirmed to reporters during a recent court hearing that he would support Mr Shivpal Yadav. If sources are to be believed, some more disgruntled elements from the SP will join Mr Shivpal Yadav soon. Former SP minister Sharda Shukla, who had switched over to the RLD to fight the 2017 Assembly polls after being denied a ticket by Akhilesh Yadav, is also in touch with Shivpal Yadav and may announce his joining the morcha in a week. Another former SP minister Shadab Fatima, who has been sidelined in the Akhilesh era, is also trying to make a comeback with the morcha. Sources in the Shivpal camp said several SP leaders who were apprehensive that their seats may go to other parties in the alliance had expressed a desire to contest on the morchas banner. Mr Akhilesh Yadav does not interact with party leaders, except a chosen group. Senior leaders are naturally feeling neglected and since they remain ideologically bound to socialist principles, the morcha seems a good alternative, said one of the disgruntled leaders. A close aide of Shivpal Yadav, meanwhile, claimed that four MPs and MLAs from the BJP were in touch with Mr Shivpal Yadav. Two BJP MPs who feel that they will be denied tickets have sent feelers to Mr Shivpal Yadav, They want to join the morcha and contest the Lok Sabha elections. Two legislators, who are keen to contest the general elections, have also expressed willingness to join the morcha, he added. Mr Shivpal Yadav, on the other hand, is busy touring various district and plans to hold a massive rally in Lucknow in October, after which he will flag off the election campaign of his morcha. Life hit in 4-5 states, some violence erupts; little impact in rest of India. Congress president Rahul Gandhi, flanked by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and NCP supremo Sharad Pawar, joins other senior Opposition leaders, including Ghulam Nabi Azad and Sharad Yadav, at the Bharat Bandh protest in New Delhi. (Photo: Bunny Smith) New Delhi: Sporadic incidents of violence were reported on Monday during a Congress-led Opposition sponsored Bharat Bandh against spiralling fuel prices that disrupted normal life mainly in Bihar, Kerala, Karnataka, Assam and Odisha. Offices and educational institutes remained closed and vehicles were off the roads in states hit by the bandh that drew a mixed response. A three-year-old girl died in Bihars Jehanabad district which the BJP alleged was due to delay in finding a vehicle to take her to hospital. The allegation was denied by the local administration. Congress president Rahul Gandhi, making his first public appearance after returning from the Kailash Mansarovar yatra, led the bandh in Delhi and targeted the Narendra Modi government at a protest rally at Ramlila maidan. While questioning the Prime Ministers silence on spiralling fuel prices, Mr Gandhi said that the combined Opposition would defeat the BJP in the next Lok Sabha election. The bandh was called by 21 Opposition parties that included the Congress, its allies and the Left to demand the inclusion of petrol and diesel under the GST, which would make oil prices drop by about Rs 15 to Rs 18 a litre. Scores of activists from the Congress and other Opposition parties were detained in several states for forcibly trying to enforce the bandh, according to reports from the state capitals. While the Congress and other Opposition parties claimed the bandh was a success, the ruling BJP claimed it was a flop. In Delhi, Mr Gandhi marched from Rajghat, where he paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and offered holy water from the Mansarovar lake, to Ramlila maidan with other Opposition and Congress leaders. At the Ramlila maidan rally, he was joined by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Nationalist Congress Partys Sharad Pawar, Lokta-ntrik Janata Dals Sharad Yadav, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, among other leaders. Mr Gandhi said that under Mr Modis rule hatred is being spread and country is being divided. What the country wants to hear, what the youth want to hear, PM Narendra Modi does not talk about. I dont know which world he is in, he keeps giving speeches, Mr Gandhi said. Mr Gandhi took a dig at Mr Modis common refrain that no development took place in the country in 70 years under Congress governments and claim that the BJP-led government would do that in four years. It is true, what he has done in four years has not happened in 70 years. Wherever you see, one Indian is fighting another. Wherever you go, they divide people one religion with another, one caste with another and one state pitted against the other, added Mr Gandhi. The Congress president also criticised the note ban. The PM claimed black money will be eradicated. But is has turned out that back money of all thieves has turned white. Then came Gabbar Singh Tax (a term he uses for GST)... Corruption has risen because of that, ask any businessman. But Narendra Modi does not speak about it. This is the truth of the country, he said. Former PM Manmohan Singh lashed out at the Modi government saying, The Modi government has done a lot which is not in national interest. Now it has crossed the limit and time is coming to change it. Voices from across the country can be heard saying people are unhappy with the government. CPI(M) chief Sitaram Yechury, courted arrest at Parliament Street police station in New Delhi. Protesters targeted buses, including some school vehicles, and disrupted rail traffic at some places in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, officials said. At some places, petrol pumps were also targeted. Schools, colleges and shopping establishments remained closed at a number of places in Maharashtra, MP, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat, officials added. In Odisha, train services were disrupted at many places as Congress workers blocked railway tracks to enforce the bandh. At least 10 trains were cancelled. The PDP urged the government to review its decision of holding these elections at this juncture. Srinagar: Shrugging off the decision of Jammu and Kashmirs two major parties, the National Conference and the Peoples Democratic Party, to stay away from the coming rural and urban bodies elections, the state government said Monday that the democratic exercise will be held as per schedule. Panchayat polls are on... (urban) local bodies elections are on. A decision was taken in July. The voter list drafts for both these have been printed. It is already final. The delimitation reservation of the constituencies has been done, state chief secretary B.V.R. Subrahmanyam told reporters during a visit to south Kashmir. He added: In few days time formal notifications will be issued. It is done by the CEO (chief electoral officer), not us. One month after that the panchayat elections will be held... around November 5. The CEO will notify dates for that too. We are just waiting... Within one week you will see the entire process. Asked about the security scenario in which the state government plans to hold these elections, former IPS officer and adviser to governor K. Vijay Kumar, who was accompanying the chief secretary, said: Thats also the part of the overall plan and on the basis of requirements being reviewed. It will be a feasible plan based on dynamics. Earlier on Monday, former chief minister and PDP president Mehbooba Mufti announced the partys decision to boycott the panchayat as well as municipal elections at a press conference, citing the situation on the ground created by the governments linking these polls with the Article 35A case pending before the Supreme Court, and apprehension among the people. Reading from a statement, Ms Mufti said the PDP was watching for some time the situation with concern and that after holding discussions at many levels it was noted with concern that the situation created by linking the local elections with the Article 35A case pending in the SC has created serious apprehensions in the minds of the people who genuinely see it as an assault on the special constitutional position of the state. She said the party felt that while the special position of the state is a matter of survival for its people and society, the democratic system is its sustenance. She, however, also said that any attempt to impose any electoral exercise in the current atmosphere of fear and apprehension would seriously erode the credibility of the process and the institutions and defeat the purpose of it. The PDP urged the government to review its decision of holding these elections at this juncture against the will of the people and instead focus on confidence-building-measures, so that the state is assured of the inviolability of the constitutional guarantees that make it a special part of the Union of India. PDP chief spokesman Rafi Ahmad Mir said it was a unanimous decision of the party leadership and the rank and file. The party under the leadership of its president has taken a conscious decision to boycott these elections. This decision is in line with the will of the people and the prevailing political situation. Last week the NC, the states oldest political party, too had announced it would stay away from these elections unless and until the Centre clears its position vis-a-vis Article 35A of the Constitution. It also said the situation is not conducive in the state for holding these elections. NC president and former chief minister Farooq Abdullah had said: Our party will not participate in these elections unless and until the Government of India and the state government clarify their positions in this regard and take effective steps for protection of Article 35A in and outside the courts. He had also said the decision of the state administration to hold these elections was taken in a hurried manner and without taking into consideration the prevailing situation created by the powers that be by their unnecessarily fiddling with Article 35A. Three other accused, Riyaz Bhatkal and his brother Iqbal Bhatkal, and Amir Reza Khan, are still absconding. Two powerful explosions ripped through a popular eatery and an open air theatre, killing 44 people and wounding 68. (Photo: PTI / File) Hyderabad: The two men found guilty of setting off the two blasts that killed 44 persons at Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park here in 2007 were sentenced to death on Monday. Another accused was given life imprisonment. The sentences were read out by second additional metropolitan sessions court in-charge judge T Srinivas Rao at the Cherlapally central prison. The court sentenced Mohammed Akbar Ismail Choudhary and Aneeq Shafique Sayeed to death. They were convicted on September 4, 11 years after the blasts took place. Tariq Anjum, who was accused of harbouring the convicts in Delhi and other places before and after the blasts, was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Special public prosecutor K. Surender told this newspaper: The court found that Aneeq and Ismail were guilty of the charges framed by the prosecution of conspiring to form a group and planting bombs. Tariq has been found guilty of harbouring the accused before and after the blasts. The first two were given death punishment and a penalty of Rs 10,000 for each offence and Tariq was given life imprisonment. The two blasts that occurred in a span of five minutes at the eatery and the amusement park on the evening of August 25, 2007, killed 44 people and left about 68 persons injured. According to the prosecution, the bomb planted by Aneeq at Lumbini Park exploded at 7.40 pm and the bomb planted by Ismail at Gokul Chat exploded five minutes later. Another bomb planted under the foot-overbridge at Saroornagar did not explode. Aneeq and Ismail were sentenced to life imprisonment in the case of the unexploded bomb recovered at Dilsukhnagar under the foot-overbridge. However, as the death penalty is the highest punishment, said Challa Seshu Reddy, the special public prosecutor of Counter Intelligence Cell. The first charge sheet in the case was filed on May 16, 2009, and a month later, two supplementary charge sheets were filed in the court by the Counter Intelligence Cell. The prosecution questioned 159 witnesses in the case. Three other accused, Riyaz Bhatkal and his brother Iqbal Bhatkal, and Amir Reza Khan are still absconding. As the accused are still absconding, the court said that they will face trial after they are caught, said Mr Surender. Aneeq and Choudhary were found guilty under several sections of the Indian Penal Code., including murder, and also under the Explosive Substances Act, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act (PDPPA). Defence counsel Gandham Gurumurthy said the defence will challenge the judgment in the case of all three once the judgment copy is received. Responding to a query, he said: The accused have the right to challenge the judgment in the higher courts and can also go for Presidential pardon. Director General of Police (DGP), O.P. Singh, who had visited the hospital on Saturday, also expressed his condolences. Police sources said that in his suicide note, the officer had said that he was taking the drastic step due to domestic issue. (Representational image) Lucknow: An IPS officer, who was in a critical condition after he consumed poison last week, died on Sunday. Surendra Das, 30, was a 2014 batch officer posted as SP in Kanpur. He had been admitted to a private hospital in Kanpur after he attempted suicide on the night of September 4. Dr Rajesh Agarwal, a senior doctor at the private hospital where the officer was undergoing medical treatment, said that he had suffered multiple organ failure. A team of doctors had arrived from Mumbai on Thursday for the treatment of the officer and had used an advanced medical setup called ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) to remove poison from his blood. Police sources said that in his suicide note, the officer had said that he was taking the drastic step due to domestic issue. UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed condolences at the demise of the young officer. Director General of Police (DGP), O.P. Singh, who had visited the hospital on Saturday, also expressed his condolences. Mehbooba added that measures, which were unheard of in the past, were taken by the PDP-led government. Srinagar: Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday said her party will make every sacrifice to preserve Article 35 A of the Constitution, which is facing a legal challenge in the Supreme Court. Addressing a workers meeting of the PDP at Kangan in central Kashmirs Ganderbal district, Mehbooba said her party was committed to preserve the sanctity of Article 35 A. During my government, I made every effort from engaging top notch lawyers to raising political awareness in the country and the state about the need for protection of Article 35 A. In future also whatever will be required, me and my party will do (it) for protecting the special status of the state, she said. The PDP president said resolving the problems in Jammu and Kashmir and working towards peace in South Asia by ensuring Indo-Pak friendship were the founding principles of her party. Ever since its formation, the PDP has been striving hard for realising these objectives with all seriousness, she said. When our party formed government in 2002 with the Congress, we laid out a schematic plan for attainment of these basic goals and bringing succour to common masses in the state, she added. Mehbooba added that measures, which were unheard of in the past, were taken by the PDP-led government to get the ball rolling on several vexed issues. Red heifers feature in tales in both Christianity and Judaism and its birth and sacrifice is said to proceed construction of Third Temple. According to theologies, the Third Temples construction following the destruction of the previous two heralds the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. (Youtube Screengrab/ The Temple Institute) It turns out that the Temple Institute announced the birth of an entirely red female calf that brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world. Interestingly, the allusions to red heifers feature in tales about the end of times in both Christianity and Judaism. According to a news published in The Sun, the cows birth and sacrifice is said to proceed the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. According to theologies, the Third Temples construction following the destruction of the previous two heralds the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. Furthermore, various Evangelical Christian theologians have linked the building of the Third Temple to Judgement Day. According to Rabbi Chain Richman, director of the Temple Institute, the red heifers birth suggests that the time could be right for the Third Temple. Taking to their YouTube page, the The Temple Institute announced the birth of the red heifer. The video includes a glimpse of the red calf and its mother. The cow apparently went through examination by rabbinical experts who confirmed that it was a viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer. They admitted however the cow could be disqualified through natural causes. The Raise a Red Heifer program was started by the Temple Institute three years ago and they have trying to breed a perfectly red cow. Frozen embryos of red angus cows have been imported and implanted into traditional Israeli domestic cows, reports Breaking Israel News. The newborn red heifer was verified by a board of rabbis from the Temple Institute as fulfilling the prophesied requirements. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible states the cow must be red without blemish, must not have worked. Accounts state that there have been nine true heifers in history and the 10th will herald the construction of the Third Temple. The Temple Institute believes a red heifer will be needed to be scarified to complete the ritual of purification for the temple heralding the coming of the Jewish Messiah. While red heifers have previously been found by the organisation they were disqualified for not meeting prophetic standards. One was found in 1999, but was disqualified for being male and a second was born in 2002, which was found to have a patch of white hair. Evangelical Christians believe the construction of the Third Temple will herald their own end times prophecy. The prophecy has even been linked to the US President Donald Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Delhi police is currently combing through CCTV footages to identify and track down the men who shot Umesh and later fled from the spot. Policemen inspect the car of the taxi driver who was shot dead by unidentified men at Kotla Mubarakpur in New Delhi on Sunday. (Photo: PTI ) New Delhi: In a shocking case of road rage in the national capital, a 40-year-old cab driver was shot dead by unidentified men in South Delhis Kotla Mubarakp-ur, police said on Sunday. The victim, Umesh, is a resident of Sangam Vihar. He was found dead in Kotla Mubarakpur area of South Delhi on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday. Police officials said that the deceased had parked his car nearby and was talking to a friend. About four men arrived at the spot in a Honda City car where he was standing and engaged in an argument with the driver. Following this, one of them shot him to death. According to media reports, the argument between them may have ensued after Umeshs car accidentally brushed past theirs. This led to the argument, during which the accused pulled the trigger. A passerby rushed the driver to a hospital, whe-re he was declared dead upon arrival. Conside-ring that the murder took place in an upscale locality in the national capital, the incident has sparked fear among locals. Delhi police is currently combing through CCTV footages to identify and track down the men who shot Umesh and later fled from the spot. Instances of deadly violence over road related fights are not uncommon in the national capital, where residents are even murdered over disputes concerning parking spa-ce. Earlier this year, an insurance agent was stabbed to death by his neighbour over a parking dispute in West Delhi. The arms cache came to light after ATS raided the residence of Vaibhav Raut, a cow protector from Nalasopara, in the early hours of August 11. Mumbai: The state Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) - which arrested two more persons from Jalgaon in connection with the Palghar arms seizure case - have found three crude bombs from the residence of one of them. ATS officials told the court that they were also likely to be part of the conspiracy to kill rationalist Narendra Dabholkar. The duo was allegedly on the lookout for persons critical of the Hindu religion or culture. The duo, identified as Liladhar Lodhi and Vasudev Suryavanshi, was apprehended from Jalgaon and is suspected to be involved in the Dabholkar murder. Both were produced before a court on Sunday, where officials informed the judiciary that they had also seized three crude bombs and explosives from Lodhi's residence. The investigators sought their custody to ascertain the larger plot. The duo have been remanded by the court to ATS custody till September 17. Two mobile phones, four pen drives, two vehicle number plates, one DVD, five pocket diaries with details on code language and SIM cards were also found from their residence. An ATS officer told the court, The two accused were also carrying out reconnaissance to identify persons who were supposedly anti-Hindu. There is a possibility that some such people might have been identified by them. The identities of potential victims need to be ascertained. Since the two arrested accused were based in Jalgaon, the investigators also suspect that they might have planned an attack there. The crude bombs and explosives were found from Jalgaon, which hints at the possibility of an attack. The arms cache came to light after ATS raided the residence of Vaibhav Raut, a cow protector from Nalasopara, in the early hours of August 11. The ATS later arrested Sharad Kalaskar, Sudhanva Gondhalekar from Pune, and Shrikant Pangarkar (former Shiv Sena corporator from Jalna) in connection with the case. The officials seized a large cache of firearms and 20 crude bombs along with semi-complete firearms and material used to make bombs, from the Nalasopara residence of Raut and the Pune home of Gondhalekar. 8 were arrested for stone pelting from Kalachowkie, Kurar, Goregaon and surrounding areas. Mumbai: Mumbai remained calm except stray incidents of stone pelting damaging BEST buses and private vehicles that were reported from some pockets. The city police detained at least 882 persons from various parts of the city for disturbing law and order situation. Total six people were arrested by Pune Police. The officials registered eight separate cases following the stray incidents of violence. The Bharat Bandh carried out on Monday took a violent turn as at least 17 BEST buses were damaged due to stone-pelting by the protestors. The officials stated that there were no casualties. Few buses were damaged, mostly on the window panes, fortunately no one was injured in these incidents, said Hanumant Gophane, BEST chief spokesperson. Stone pelting incidents on vehicles were also reported at Vashi Naka. However, the buses and public transport like auto-rickshaws and taxis were plying regularly throughout the day as the auto-rickshaws and taxis drivers union did not participate in the bandh. At various places, workers of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) and Congress also blocked the roads including Western Express Highway and some roads of Thane area, disrupting the traffic for around 30-40 minutes. The protestors forced petrol pumps to shut down and some shops too. Meanwhile the MNS came to a petrol pump at Chembur with a donkey to demonstrate against the hike in fuel prices. The police had stepped up security in the city after some regional outfits backed the bandh. The city and railway routes witnessed brief blockades that were cleared by the policemen deployed. Apart from the local police, platoons of the State Reserve Police, rapid action force were also deployed across the city for timely response. While no serious incident was reported, we arrested eight persons for stone pelting. These incidents were reported from pockets of Kalachowkie, Kurar, Goregaon and surrounding areas. The eight cases registered were across various police stations in the city, said Manjunath Singe, deputy commissioner and Mumbai police spokesperson. The arrests were made for damaging public property as per the IPC and under sections of the Maharashtra Police Act. The police presence was visible on the streets till late evening on Monday. The Government Railway Police (GRP) had been on their toes since morning following reports of agitations planned at some of the stations. Protesters from Andheri and Dadar railway stations were cleared immediately. We did not allow the protesters at Govandi station to enter station premise. Situation was normal and trains on all routes of Central, Western and Harbour lines were running on time, said Purushottam Karad, deputy commissioner of police, GRP. No doubt Donald Trumps businessmans eye on Indias building boom is a contributory factor. The impression is that the United States has been courting an indifferent or even hostile India all these years. By signing the Communication and Information on Security Memorandum of Agreement, or CISMOA, which the Americans generously renamed COMCASA (Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement) to reflect its India-specific nature, Prime Minister Narendra Modis government has achieved what all his predecessors yearned for. The impression is that the United States has been courting an indifferent or even hostile India all these years. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As the veteran diplomat, Eric Gonsalves, told American reporters in 1981: We are prepared to be as pro-Western as you will permit us to be. But every time we try to make an opening, you kick us in the teeth. To take just one instance, an unasked India embarrassed the Americans by offering every facility that Pakistan didnt after 9/11 exactly 17 years ago. It was much the same on the eve of Operation Desert Storm. Nor was Atal Behari Vajpayees fatuous description of India and the US as natural allies the only reason that prompted Ram Jethmalani to write to him before President Bill Clintons visit in 2000, suggesting a mutual defence treaty. The eminent lawyer argued that substantial advantages would flow if New Delhi were a stop on what he called the Washington-London-Jerusalem-Tokyo democratic axis. Whats new is that with Pakistan on the edge of crisis, the US has no choice. No doubt Donald Trumps businessmans eye on Indias building boom is a contributory factor. But with Europe at sixes and sevens and China rearing formidably in the Asia-Pacific, the main reason is strategic. Asaf Ali, whom Jawaharlal Nehru sent to Washington before Independence as Indias first ambassador, suffered the first rebuff, failing to convince George C. Marshall, then US secretary of state, that a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with a politically stable and economically viable India would be a bastion for the free world against the great northern neighbour which now casts its shadow over two continents. Marshall didnt reciprocate Nehrus hope that India should align with the United States somewhat and build up (its) economic and military strength. Four other Indians pursued the American dream. Early in 1948, Col. Brij Mohan Kaul, Indias first military attache in Washington and destined to lead the Army to disaster at Bomdila in 1962, asked US defence secretary Louis Johnson, a former American representative in British India, for B-25 bombers and other arms, and proposed long-term defence collaboration and exchange of information. Backing the request, Sir Girija Shankar Bajpai, secretary-general of the new external affairs ministry who had represented British India in Washington, assured the acting secretary of state, Robert A. Lovett, that India would always be with America in defending the free world against Soviet Communism. It was Indias press, not government, that was anti-American. The $363 million India spent on its Army was not enough to resist aggression from the north. Bajpai wanted to send a military mission to Washington. Next, Inder Singh Chopra, the embassys first secretary, supported by the new military attache, Sandhurst-trained Brig. Dilip Chaudhuri, wanted ammunition to be used exclusively in the Indian military training programme and sought US reactions to a longer shopping list. Chopra told Joseph A. Sparks, director of the office of South Asian affairs, that the US could count absolutely on having India at its side, but India wanted to know where it stood on military cooperation. He suggested the American defence attaches in New Delhi would be given all the information they sought on a reciprocal basis as part of a long-term military agreement. The response was a brush-off. Kaul did not get his bombers. The Army departments Kenneth C. Royall did not turn up for his appointment with Bajpai. Though the US military thought Chopras request for ammunition completely reasonable, the state department objected it would result in an immediate and commensurate increase in Indias military potential vis-a-vis Pakistans. Indias attempt to establish a formal blueprint of relations was rejected with the retort there were no comprehensive discussions on overall policy even with Canada. The state department proudly noted it had classified India upwards to the category of countries receiving restricted US military information so that the Indians could be fobbed off with relatively harmless but somewhat impressive military information ... The reason for this deviousness was that India was of negligible positive strategic importance while Pakistan occupied one of the most strategic areas in the world and could provide a staging area for forces engaged in the defence or recapture of Middle East oil areas. Pakistan was ideal for ideological and intelligence penetration of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet industrial heartland could be bombed from Pakistani cities. A five-day conference in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) of senior American officials, including the CIA, regretted in February-March 1951 that it was impossible to overlook Indias huge military potential, raw materials, industrial output, manpower and communications facilities. Hence the determination to bring about an early buildup of Pakistan ground forces assisted by the provision of military equipment to Pakistan which was willing to make a significant contribution to the defence of the Middle East, provided its fear of India (was) removed. Arguing that the existing disparity in military strength between the two dominions has its own dangers, the US cannily decided on British advice that Pakistans rearmament should not be directed too obviously against India. It should be camouflaged under some sort of blanket assurance to countries of the Near East generally. The past neednt weigh too heavily upon us. But it cant be ignored either. It shows that the US wouldnt have obliged India if it didnt suit current American national interests. Interests determine alliances. To adapt Palmerstons famous adage, there are no eternal allies or permanent enemies in diplomacy. Careem, which said its services were now available in Sudans capital Khartoum, has hired 10 Sudanese employees. Careem will compete against several local ride-hailing apps, such as Tirhal, but not Uber Technologies itself. Middle East ride-hailing firm Careem said on Sunday it had started a service in Sudan, one of few international companies to enter the country since US economic sanctions were lifted last year. Sudan is grappling with an economic crisis as a foreign currency shortage and an increasingly expensive black market for dollars weakened its ability to import and made prices soar. Careem, which said its services were now available in Sudans capital Khartoum, has hired 10 Sudanese employees and signed up hundreds of drivers to its app to launch operations. The company expects to have as many as 30 employees in Sudan and be present in at least one other city in the northeast African country by the end of the year. My goal and aim are to cover as many (cities) as possible in the next one or two years, Careems Managing Director for Emerging Markets Ibrahim Manna told Reuters by phone. Sudan has the potential to be one of Careems biggest markets in terms of a number of trips taken due to the population size and demand for transportation services, he added. Careem will compete against several local ride-hailing apps, such as Tirhal, but not Uber Technologies itself, which does not operate in the country. Dubai-based Careem is Ubers main Middle East rival, competing in most of the regions major cities including Cairo, Dubai, and Riyadh. Last year it became the first ride-hailing firm to operate on the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Careem plans to reinvest revenue earned in Sudan back into the country over the next two to three years as it grows its business there, Manna said. Remitting cash from Sudan can be difficult due to the countrys hard currency shortage. International banks remain cautious about doing business with Sudan which remains on the United States list of state sponsors of terrorism - alongside Iran, Syria, and North Korea - despite the US lifting economic sanctions. (Source) Human rights groups have said US-led coalition against Islamic State has used white phosphorous munitions over the course of Syria conflict. The air strikes targeted the village of Hajin, the last major stronghold of Islamic State in Syria, and resulted in fires, but there was no information about casualties, the Russian military said. (Photo: AFP) Moscow: Russias military said on Sunday that two US F-15 fighter jets dropped phosphorus bombs over Syrias Deir al-Zor province on Saturday, the TASS and RIA news agencies reported, an allegation the United States denied. The air strikes targeted the village of Hajin, the last major stronghold of Islamic State in Syria, and resulted in fires, but there was no information about casualties, the Russian military said. A Pentagon spokesman denied that US planes dropped phosphorus bombs. At this time, we have not received any reports of any use of white phosphorous, said Commander Sean Robertson. None of the military units in the area are even equipped with white phosphorous munitions of any kind. Human rights groups have said the US-led coalition against Islamic State has used white phosphorous munitions over the course of the Syria conflict. The bombs can create thick white smoke screens and are used as incendiary devices. The rights groups criticise use of the munitions in populated zones because they can kill and maim by burning people to the bone. The coalition or partner forces likely conducted aerial strikes in July on eastern Syria where remnants of Islamic State are holed up, the coalition has said. US-Russian tensions have heightened in recent days as the Trump administration considers military options should Syria ignore US warnings against using chemical weapons in an expected assault on Idlib, the last big enclave of rebels opposing Syrias government. Russian and Syrian jets resumed strikes in Idlib and Hama on Sunday as Damascus stepped up its assault after a Russian-Iranian-Turkish summit failed to agree on a ceasefire. Wang, who arrived on a three-day visit on Friday, met Khan in Islamabad with a high-level delegation. In this picture released by Press Information Department, visiting Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, left, meets with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in Islamabad. (Photo: AP) Islamabad: Pakistan and China on Sunday pledged to complete the multi-billion dollars China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on Prime Minister Imran Khan and expressed desire to further enhance the bilateral strategic partnership. Wang, who arrived on a three-day visit on Friday, met Khan in Islamabad with a high-level delegation. "Foreign Minister underscored the significance of the CPEC for the mutual benefit of the people of both countries," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement. Wang also conveyed the desire of Chinese leadership to work with the new government for further enhancing the strategic partnership between Pakistan and China. He underscored the significance of China-Pakistan relationship which served as a model of friendship in interstate relations. Wang also conveyed the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang for an official visit to Khan. Khan reiterated that Pakistan's friendship with China is a cornerstone of Pakistan's Foreign Policy. "The Prime Minister reiterated that the Government is committed to the implementation of the CPEC," according to the statement. During the meeting, regional situation and global issues were also discussed. Earlier, he met his counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa. He also attended the swearing in ceremony of new president, Arif Alvi. Wang's visit came amidst reports of unease in Beijing over how the new PTI government would approach over USD 50 billion Chinese investments in various projects under the CPEC connecting China's Muslim-majority Xinjiang province with Gwadar port in Pakistan. Khan in the past had criticised former prime minister Nawaz Sharif for the lack of transparency and corruption in the CPEC projects. Newly-appointed Finance Minister Asad Umar has promised to bring about transparency to the CPEC projects whose details remained closely guarded secrets. India has protested to China over the CPEC, which is being built through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). About 2,700 people are still in shelters. Electricity is back but still uneven. Some 8,000 homes are still without water. Bishop of Sapporo hopes things will get back to normal soon. Sapporo (AsiaNews) Some 40 people have lost their lives in the earthquake that hit the island of Hokkaido in northern Japan on 6 September, the government announced. For their part, rescue operations have stopped. The 6.7 earthquake struck the island at 3.08 am last Thursday, destroying homes and infrastructures and leaving residents in the dark. At present, around 2,700 people are still in reception centres set up by the authorities. The power supply has been restored but remains uneven. Hokkaido Prefecture and Hokkaido Electric Power Co. have urged residents to limit the use of electricity. Some 8,000 homes have been cut off from water supplies. Meanwhile, the Japanese Church has moved to help people affected by the quake. "I have given an order to open the parishes to welcome the victims, especially foreign travellers and people with different abilities, Mgr Bernard Katsuya, bishop of Sapporo, told AsiaNews. The Diocesan centre will be open for people in need. At this moment, we are attending the emergencies, he said on Saturday. "Since the infrastructure has been rapidly restored, we hope that the present situation will go back to normal soon. We will need to organise long-time assistance such as assigning volunteers. At present, aftershocks continue and people are trying to be ready by getting food and water. by Mathias Hariyadi Thousands of Catholics celebrated the birth of the parish of St Joseph in Serengkah. Thanks to the missionary work of a Chinese man, Tan A Hak, a Dayak tribal chief asked to be baptised along with 68 children. Mgr Pius Riana Prapdi, bishop of Ketapang, praised the "spirit of altruism and sharing" practised by Tan A Hak and Mgr Pacificus Bos, apostolic prefect of the time. Serengkah (AsiaNews) The celebrations that marked the first hundred years of the Catholic community in the Diocese of Ketapang, West Kalimantan province, were full of enthusiasm and participation. The event took place yesterday in the parish of St Joseph in Serengkah, where a seed of Christianity bore the first fruit a century ago with the conversion of tribal Dayak. Even today, traveling in the vast and remote district of Ketapang is quite complicated due to poor roads: it takes about six hours of off-road travel to reach Serengkah from Ketapang City. In 1910 five Chinese traders, all brothers, arrived in the area after a long journey that saw them go first to Penang (Malaysia) and then Singapore. After a few years, two of the brothers returned to China whilst the other three, Tan A Hak, Tan A Ni and Tan Kau Pue, settled in Serengkah, which at the time was accessible only by river boat. Of the three brothers, only Tan A Hak loved to travel and socialise with the local population. Moved by a strong spirit of evangelisation, he introduced natives Dayak to Christianity. Stories about his work eventually reached Pontianak, home to the apostolic prefect for Kalimantan, Mgr Pacificus Bos. The bishop visited Ketapang in 1911 and met Tan A Hak after ten hours going up river on a boat. After that, two Dutch Capuchin missionaries, Fr Salvator and Fr Marcellus, began to make regular pastoral visits to the remote location. In 1918, Mgr Bos was informed that Gumalo Moerial, a local Dayak tribal chief, had asked to be baptised along with 68 children, which was done following ten days of catechesis by Tan A Hak. The following year a missionary Catholic school was built in Serengkah. Yesterday, thousands of Catholics from every corner of the Diocese of Ketapang took part in the service remembering the events that led to the birth of the local community. Mgr Blasius Pujoraharja, bishop emeritus of Ketapang, travelled to the parish of St Joseph from Yogyakarta (Central Java) to take part in the festivities. His successor, Mgr Pius Riana Prapdi, and the district chief Martin Ratan led the celebrations. The provincial superior of the Passionist Fathers, Fr Mark Robin, was also present along with 22 local priests. In his address to the crowd that filled the Church of Saint Joseph, Mgr Prapdi invited everyone "to exercise the spirit of altruism and sharing practised by Mgr Pacificus Bos and Tan A Hak. Both bore witnesses to faith in Serengkah and the Diocese of Ketapang ". In the cemetery behind the church, Tan A Hak's spiritual legacy was remembered at the family plot. One of his daughters, Sister Agnetha, is an Augustinian nun and now works as a nurse in Menyumbung, a remote village in the diocese. (Fr Mardianus Indra PR contributed to this article. Photo credit: Fr Mardianus Indra Pr) He was subject to preventive detention since September 2017. If convicted of treason, he risks a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. Two months after his arrest, the Supreme Court dissolved the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). In the elections of last July, Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has been in power for 33 years, won an undisputed victory. Phnom Penh (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Cambodian opposition leader, Kem Sokha (photo), was released from prison this morning after a year of detention for "treason". For 33 years in power, Prime Minister Hun Sen had recently started a large crackdown on political opponents in anticipation of last July's elections, which gave his party an undisputed victory. Kem Sokha, head of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), was arrested on September 3, 2017. Two months later, the Supreme Court dissolved the political formation. Dozens of supporters and journalists gathered outside Kem Sokha's home in the capital, where he returned in the early morning from a remote prison. In an official note, the Court of Phnom Penh declared that the opposition leader was freed from preventive detention, on the condition that "he should not flee from proceedings against him". If convicted of treason, he risks a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. His daughter, Monovithya Kem, reveals that the conditions of the bail provide that the politician is "confined within the radius of a block of his residence", suggesting that his movements will be limited. On the occasion of the 2013 elections, the CNRP had achieved important results, driven by the significant dissatisfaction of the young Cambodian population. So the party ended up in Hun Sen's sights and many of the main members fled abroad. Kem Sokha's predecessor, Sam Rainsy, lives in exile in Paris to escape a series of accusations that he claims to be politically motivated. by Purushottam Nayak About 3,000 Catholics gathered to remember the violence of 2004 and 2008. For Fr Singh, Mary intercedes for us above all in times of fear. In the wake of the 2008 violence, Catholics may be materially poor but are strong in their Christian faith. Raikia (AsiaNews) About 3,000 people came together yesterday to celebrate the Nativity of Mary in Our Lady of Charity, a church in Raikia that was vandalised in 2004 and 2008. Five Catholic priests and ten nuns prayed with the community dedicated to the Virgin Mary. "God chose Mary as the Mother of our Saviour Jesus Christ who constantly intercedes for us in times of need, especially in times of persecution, fear and threat, said Fr Manoranjan Singh, a victim of anti-Christian violence in 2008, during the service. Children lit candles and led the procession from outside the church to the altar. Afterwards, the Bible was carried in a procession. The Church itself was attacked in 2004 and 2008. On 26 August, 2004, a mob of 300 Hindu fundamentalists vandalised it. At the time, the parish's Vijay High School had been allowed to plant trees and build a fence around the building. However, a group of local Hindu merchants opposed the decision. On that fateful day, a swami, Lakshmanananda, led about a mob of a thousand to protest against the new installations, egging them on to tear down the fence and uproot the trees. When a group of Christians, especially women, protested against the violence, the most radical ones attacked the church itself, shouting slogans such as "eliminate the Christian religion" and "kill all Christians". To save themselves, the members of the parish fled. But this did not stop the fury of the extremists who attacked the priests, beating and threatening them; destroyed the main door, urinated on the altar, broke statues, sacred images and the crucifix, and threw the hosts on the ground. The vandals also smashed musical instruments, tore the garments and set fire to the Bible and other sacred texts. Some Catholic homes were also attacked. Church leaders condemned these criminal acts. However, the persecution continued in the village. In fact, in 2008, Dalit and Adivasi Christians became the victims of even worse crimes in Khandamal district. Hindu extremists attacked members of lower castes in order to drive them out. For Fr Singh, Mother Mary has been at the side of the faithful in the most difficult moments of anti-Christian violence. Similarly, Fr Pradosh Nayak noted that "We were not born by chance or by mistake because behind every birth of being human there is a reason. And Mother Mary was predestined to play a greater role in the history of Christian salvation. Let us be inspired by her virtues of honesty, simplicity, holiness and be ready to say yes to Gods will." "We receive blessings, wisdom, wisdom, health and safety through the intercession of Our Lady," said Priya Rani, a first-year high school student. "My faith is governed by God and this faith grows stronger every day when I recite the rosary, noted Jasinta Naya, a survivor of the 2008 violence. "Christians may very well be materially poor, but we are strong in our Christian faith, something that fundamentalists cannot tolerate." The country is going through "a challenging historical phase". The first cardinal of Myanmar renews support for the civil government of Aung San Suu Kyi and underlines "the important role of the military in the democratic transition. The invitation to the international community: "We need cooperation and accompaniment, words like 'genocide, ethnic cleansing, sanctions, Icc' do not help". Yangon (AsiaNews) - The history of Myanmar "is a wounded story. It is time to heal, not to open new wounds, writes Card. Charles Maung Bo (photo), Archbishop of Yangon, in an appeal sent today to "those who are interested in peace" in the country. Myanmar's first cardinal highlights how the country is going through " The people of Myanmar have waited long for a meaningful freedom and human development. The youth of this country await new opportunities for development. The students await quality education. Millions of youth await gainful employment opportunities. Thousands of migrant workers await return to home of their dreams. A country waits in hope. A country waits for a new dawn of comprehensive peace". Card. Bo traces the challenges that have marked his people since colonization and identifies in conflict, displacement and migration what has hurt the nation. The archbishop of Yangon recalls, however, that "since 2010, signs of hope have breached the horizon". Among these was in 2016 the establishment of the democratic government, for which "the peace process was an urgent mandate". "Democracy must be strengthened. It is still in its infancy, "says the cardinal renewing his support for the democratic leader Aung San Sui Kyi. "In the hands of Daw Aung San Sui Kyi the people of Myanmar invest their hope for a country of peace and prosperity. They hope she will fulfill her mandate by bringing understanding among the civilian government, army and the Buddhist clergy together for durable peace. ". For this to happen, the role of the army in the democratic transition is "very important": "Civil and military government must work together to make this country a nation of hope for millions of people". Card. Bo also cited a joint communique issued on 23 August by the Episcopal Conference (CBCM), the Council of Churches (MCC), the Evangelical Christian Alliance (Meca) and Cooperation for the Mission of Christ. The document states: "In this present situation, we feel that destructive elements, undue pressures and disturbances are hindering the Peace Building among the different entities and Union's strides towards building a Democratic Federal Union". Then, referring to ethnic conflicts and humanitarian emergencies afflicting the country, such as those in the states of Rakhine and Kachin, the archbishop criticizes the use of "extreme terms". "[ extreme terms on Myanmar like, genocide, ethnic cleansing, sanctions, ICC would not assist us for our journey towards Peace and Democracy. Understanding our delicate situations, we need cooperation and accompaniment by the international community. Concluding his appeal, Card. Bo states: Myanmar is a nation of promise. Let all of us help to fulfill that promise. Let us move forward. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Johnnie Walker Special Edition a Tribute to Wixaritari Mexico City - Johnnie Walker Blue Label scotch whisky has launched a special edition to pay tribute to the Wixaritari, or Huichol, people and their culture during September, the month of Mexico's independence celebrations. The 50 bottles with distinct motifs were decorated by Mexican artists from Menchaca Studio, which specializes in arts and handicrafts, using chaquiras, or small plastic beads, traditionally used by the Wixarika to create intricate designs. "This edition shows the parallelism between Huichol design and the craft of whisky-making: unmatched talent and a remarkable history behind them. The best raw materials are required along with exemplary patience and passion, as well as excellence achieved through constant experimentation," said London-based spirits company Diageo, owner of the Johnnie Walker brand. The distiller explained that each of the 50 bottles has a unique design, with a special lot number etched on to it. Menchaca Studio founding director Cesar Menchaca explained that the limited-edition bottles drew inspiration from the Wixarika's passion for art, life and culture, bringing to life mystical characteristics like peyote, a cactus with psychoactive alkaloids, particularly mescaline, deemed as a sacred fruit and bearer of wisdom; a blue deer representing the light of life; and snakes and scorpions, considered to be guardians of wisdom. The special edition scotch will be sold exclusively by Loma Linda restaurants in Mexico City for 11,000 Pesos ($570 USD) per bottle, a portion of which will be donated to the Wixaritari people. According to the market research firm Euromonitor International, Mexico's whisky market was worth US $2.8 billion in 2016, and is expected to reach $3.7 billion by 2021. Johnnie Walker dominates the domestic market with a 25% share, followed by Pernod Ricard's Passport with 13.1% and Diageo's Buchanan's with 9.8%. Credit: Pamela LittkyThe world lost a Hollywood legend last week when Burt Reynolds died at the age of 82. Among the many artists to pay tribute to the late actor was Alice in Chains, who honored the icon with a hilarious reference to what was perhaps Reynolds' most notable off-screen appearance. During their show in Irving, Texas over the weekend, the grunge rockers displayed a nude image of Reynolds superimposed on the cover of their 1992 album, Dirt. "Remembering a legend," AiC says of the tribute. The image was taken from Reynolds' then-infamous 1972 nude photo for Cosmopolitan, the magazine's first-ever male centerfold. The appearance helped make Reynolds a sex symbol. Reynolds was known for his roles in 1972's Deliverance, 1974's The Longest Yard and 1977's Smokey and the Bandit. His 1997 comeback role in Boogie Nights earned him an Oscar nomination. Alice in Chains is currently on tour behind the band's new album, Rainier Fog. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. It is not news to most people that Christianity is declining in the West, especially in Europe. It may hearten American Christians to know, however, that their determined hold on their faith has been noticed. A recent study by Pew Research examined what it is like to be a Christian in different countries around the world and found that despite pressures to become more secular, the United States still ranked as a nation that had some of the most committed Christians in the world. The study had Christians from all over the world respond to questions about their daily prayer life and how important religion was to them. Based on the survey, Ethiopia was ranked as having the worlds most committed Christians. Nearly 98 percent of self-identified Ethiopian Christians in the poll stated that faith was very important to their daily lives. The Philippines ranked second with 91 percent of Christian respondents stating that their faith was important in their daily lives. The percentage of American Christians who said that their faith was very important to their daily lives was much lower than Ethiopia and the Philippines, only 68 percent, but it was lightyears ahead of many of its fellow Western countries. Only 23 percent of Christians in Italy said that their faith was important to their lives, and France, Germany and the United Kingdom had less than 13 percent of respondents claim that their faith was important to their lives. When it came to daily prayer, the statistics were similar. The report noted that Christians in Africa and Latin Americatend to pray and attend church at higher rates than Christians in most of the rest of the world. For instance, at least four out of five Christians in Nigeria, Liberia, Senegal, Cameroon and Chad pray every day. Once again, European countries had noticeably lower statistics. Less than 10 percent of Christians in no less than nine European countries said they attend church each week, and the results were similar when it came to daily prayer in Europe. The survey relies largely on self-reporting, so there is greater room for error, but the study does support what seem to be common trends when it comes to religion. The West is becoming increasingly secular while faith finds fertile ground in Africa and Latin America. Unfortunately, the survey did not appear to deal with the level of commitment required of Christians in the Middle East, China and North Korea where believers may be imprisoned or killed for practicing their faith. Still, flawed though it may be, the survey does at least remind Christians surrounded by a secular culture that the religion is alive and well, even if their neighbors seem to belay that fact. Blasphemy is one of those sins that has almost become a joke. When someone disagrees with either a very popular opinion or mocks something that another person greatly enjoys, there is a jokingly horrified exclamation of blasphemy! In fact, most people are only peripherally aware that true blasphemy is a sin at all. Rather like heresy, the actual meaning of blasphemy has been forgotten over time in the West. The word blasphemy has a very different definition today than it did in biblical times. Today, blasphemy is defined as any utterance that insults, mocks or is irreverent towards a deity or religion. Some argue that a remark only counts as blasphemy if it insults the actual deity or is deliberately offensive toward a religions followers. Still others claim that for a remark to be truly blasphemous, it must be made by a member or former member of the religion that is being insulted. Coming from a religious outsider, the comment is merely rude or insulting as the outsider cannot be certain that their insult will truly strike the religions beliefs. An insider, however, knows where to hit to make it hurt.As is the case with a number of Christian teachings, the modern definition of blasphemy is often retroactively applied to the teachings found in the Bible. There are, however, innumerable problems with placing a contemporary concept on ideas that are multiple millenniums older. This is especially problematic with blasphemy as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is seen in Christianity as the only mortal sin. Anything else can be forgiven except that.If blasphemy is any irreverent remark made about a religion, many Christians are naturally terrified that they have accidentally committed the one unforgivable sin. Did that stupid joke they made after a few too many drinks and a long week really damn their soul for the rest of eternity? Have they blasphemed the Holy Spirit without realizing it? The broad definition of blasphemy in the modern world leaves a great deal of room for accidental blasphemy. The biblical concept of blasphemy, however, is quite different.The word blasphemy is found throughout the Bible. There is, however, no Hebrew equivalent. The English word blasphemy is based on the Greek blasphem meaning to slander or to injure. When looking at non-Greek manuscripts, the phrases that are usually translated as blasphemy involve words such as qalal or curse, gadap or revile and herep or despise when the object of the verb is God. In those cases, the curse was drawing the holiness and integrity of God into question. Blasphemy was something that threatened the fabric of the religious community, not a slightly off-color remark made after too many drinks on New Years Eve.Interestingly, blasphemy in the Bible does not refer only to a persons words. Modern concepts of blasphemy involve almost solely the idea of speech. Biblical blasphemy, however, also includes a persons actions. A person who deliberately insults God in speech is seen as much the same as someone who deliberately and willfully flouted Gods commandments. For example, Davids use of his position as king to rape Bathsheba and murder Uriah are sometimes translated as blasphemy.Unfortunately for Christians, what counts as blasphemy is something of a source of debate. Likewise, the definition of what precisely is the unforgivable sin is also debated. Some people argue that intentional rejection of the Holy Spirit is the mortal sin. Others argue that would mean that conversions are impossible. Only Christians believe in the Holy Spirit. All other religions reject it. If there is no forgiveness or redemption for rejecting the Holy Spirit, then no one from any other religion could ever convert to Christianity. This flies in the face of the Gospel, the Great Commission and the many converts that Christ Himself won during His time on earth. Others believe that the mortal sin is knowing, deliberate and malicious insult toward the Holy Spirit while aware of the price of the sin. In this line of thinking, the mortal sin is knowing God and rejecting Him anyway. For better or for worse, there is evidence both for and against this idea in the Gospels as well.Ordinary blasphemy is a bit easier to define using both tradition and examples found in the Bible. While one could argue that bad jokes do technically fall under the category of blasphemy, Scripture seems to favor the idea that blasphemy requires some preexisting knowledge that what a person is doing or saying is wrong and in some way insults God. To go back to the example of David, David was loved by God and in his position because of Gods favor. David then used what God had given him to break Gods commandments. Similarly, when a Christian curses God, they do so knowing that they are in the wrong, but they do so anyway. They know that they are both wrong in their actions and incorrect in their words, but they say it anyway. This is still not considered to be a mortal sin, but is sinful.Blasphemy becomes something of a fuzzy grey area when it comes to drawing the line between where blasphemy ends and another sin begins. If deliberately acting against God is blasphemy, then would it not be true that almost any sin would be, by definition, blasphemous? There is no single answer to this question, but the best way to draw the boundaries of blasphemy would be to go back to the sins that would later be defined as blasphemy. Judging by the original Hebrew Old Testament, blasphemy involves cursing or reviling God. It implies acting or speaking with knowledge and with malice. As such, that joke you thought was funny may not edge into blasphemous territory, but it would probably be better to avoid retelling it in the future. Even if it is not blasphemous, learning to think before speaking is only ever helpful. A four armed man with an elephants head, this is perhaps one of the best known images in Hinduism. Often shown sitting on a lotus or an impossibly sized mouse, the elephant headed god Ganesha is one of the most recognizable Hindu deities. He is also one of the most important deities in Hinduism. Honored by all sects of Hinduism, Ganesha is the son of the god Shiva and the goddess Parvati. According to Hindu legend, Ganesha was created when Parvati became dirty after celebrating a festival with Shiva. When she realized that her skin was filthy, she went to take a bath. Before bathing, Parvati removed the dirt from her skin and fashioned it into a boy. She then told him to stand guard while she was bathing.While Parvati was in the bath, Shiva came looking for her. The boy, however, did not let Shiva pass and obstructed his path. Enraged, Shiva cut off the boys head and went to Parvati. When Parvati realized what had happened, she was horrified. She explained to Shiva that Ganesha was her son. In response to Parvatis anguish and anger, Shiva instructed several helpers to locate a person or being who was sleeping with their head pointed north and bring the head to Shiva. The helpers went searching and found an elephant who fit Shivas requirements. When they brought the head back, Shiva affixed it to the boys torso and revived him. Shiva then made the newly created Ganesha the leader of armies and declared that people would worship Ganesha and invoke his name before than began any venture.As a deity, Ganesha is also known as Ganesa, Ganesh, Ganapati, Vinayaka and Pillaiyar. He is the Lord of Good Fortune, Lord of Beginnings and Remover of Obstacles. When undertaking a challenge, Hindus will pray to Ganesha and ask him to bless their attempt and remove any obstacles that will keep them from success. Interestingly, Ganesha is a deity who not only removes obstacles, but also creates them in order to keep people in check.In addition to acting to remove obstacles and help bring prosperity, Ganesha is known as a patron of letters and learning. Elephants in India are associated with unmatched wisdom and knowledge gained through careful listening and reflection. In the myth that depicts Ganeshas origins, Shiva cuts off Ganeshas head when he keeps Shiva from Parvati. By impeding Shivas progress, the young Ganesha was acting as the force of ignorance which keeps out divine wisdom and enlightenment. Ignorance is associated with the mind. By losing his head, Ganesha lost his ignorance and had it replaced with an elephants wisdom. When Ganesha grew older, legend has it that Ganesha was the first scribe to write down the epic poem the Mahabharata. According to the tale, Ganesha was writing down the epic as it was dictated to him by the sage Vyasa. Halfway through the dictation, Ganeshas pen snapped. Unwilling to force Vyasa to pause and interrupt the transcription or to risk missing part of the story, Ganesha snapped off one of his tusks and used it as a replacement pen. He is usually depicted holding this broken tusk in Indian art. The broken tusk underscores Ganeshas role as a patron of the arts and of learning. It is also seen as symbolic of willing sacrifices, especially those made in pursuit of artistic endeavors.In addition to the association of Ganesha with elephants, for obvious reasons, he is also often linked with mice. In Hinduism, many deities are seen as having a particular animal that acts as the vahana or vehicle that carries the god or goddess to wherever they need or wish to go. Ganeshas vahana is a mouse. It seems odd to put a deity with the head of an elephant on the back of the mouse, but the mouse is actually seen as underscoring Ganeshas connection with knowledge and the removal of obstacles. An elephant is not impeded by obstacles because of its enormous size. They simply push through barriers and keep walking forward effortlessly. A mouse, on the other hand, can easily be blocked by a small barrier. That said, a mouse can slide through even the smallest of cracks and reach places an elephant cannot. When caught by strong ropes, an elephant will be trapped it if cannot yank itself free. A mouse, however, will slowly gnaw its way through the binding and escape. As such, elephants are associated with the effortless and unrelenting pursuit of enlightenment. A mouse, however, represents the hard work that is needed to cut through the many things that tie a person to ignorance and keep them from reaching wisdom and enlightenment.Like many Hindu deities, portrayals and stories about Ganesha are filled with layers of symbolism. The combination of the elephant and mouse represents how Ganesha can remove obstacles of any size. His large belly stands for generosity and total acceptance. He is associated with successes, learning and wisdom. As such, it is no wonder that statues of Ganesha are so commonly found in Indian homes and places of business. He is a deity that anyone would want on their side. We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. The APO Group has launched an enhanced press release monitoring service for Africa and the Middle East. New features include advanced PR value metrics, a detailed summary page and extra information about the websites covering each press release - making APO Group's monitoring reports the most sophisticated and comprehensive on the market. Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, Founder and CEO, APO Group. Print monitoring solution PR value APO Group is the leading media relations consultancy for Africa and the Middle East, and its reports now offer deeper insights to Africa Wire and MENA Wire customers, helping them better understand the media impact of their press releases and offering even greater visibility on the ROI of their campaigns.Africa Wire and MENA Wire are the leading wire services in the region. They enable instant widescale press release distribution in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic to all African and Middle Eastern media outlets - providing public and private organisations privileged access to over 350 000 journalists working across all print, broadcast and digital media.Using a unique combination of cutting-edge technologies developed by APO Innovation Lab, and human endeavour to find print coverage and help ensure accuracy and relevance, APO Group provides all wire customers with a complimentary bespoke monitoring report which collates media clippings from news websites, print publications and social media, and delivers insights on media sentiment and journalistic engagement.In February, APO Group introduced the first print monitoring solution for press release distribution in Africa, enabling customers to gauge their message penetration in print newspapers and trade magazines. With over 400 publications covered across the whole continent, this was a significant breakthrough for press release monitoring, as it provided clients with details of offline, earned media coverage that had previously been impossible to track in such a large number of diverse markets.Now, the consulting firm has gone even further with the new PR Value feature, designed to provide a total dollar value of the coverage achieved; updated metrics on many of the websites screening press releases including countries of origin, site descriptions and circulation figures; and YouTube and Soundcloud monitoring data to show the level of coverage on video and audio platforms.Our enhanced media monitoring service reflects our commitment to exploring new ways of delivering superior media intelligence to our customers, said Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, founder and CEO of APO Group. For us, distributing press releases across a specific region is not merely about pushing corporate news to journalists. It is about supporting our clients in establishing market presence and enhancing target audience engagement. To help them achieve this, we strongly believe it is crucial to provide them with as much information as possible about the success of their campaigns.Innovation has always been at the heart of APO Groups business model. Every year, the firm allocates 6,5% of their total budget to its Innovation Lab to identify the unmet needs of its fast-growing client base and design new solutions in response to communications challenges. With these latest upgrades, the company can now claim to offer a complete media monitoring solution, enabling their customers to gain a comprehensive overview of their press release coverage in Africa and the Middle East.Year-on-year, an increasing number of organisations turn to APO Group to support them in establishing their reputations and accelerating speed-to-market within the region and beyond. Among them, more than 50 PR agencies - including Edelman, Fleishman Hillard and Ogilvy rely on press release monitoring reports from APO Group to refine their strategies and help them gather more metrics and greater insights into the performance of their clients news. Even though the positive impact of digital transformation has been lauded, there are still instances where more traditional approaches are preferred. In part, this can be attributed to the economic realities of consumers in more developing markets. Integrated innovation Developing differences In Africa, the effects of digital on mass consumer promotions have been minimal. USSD and SMS are more accessible than digital mediums. In our experience, 90% of all mass consumer promotions are generated by USDD and SMS entries. This is not to say that digital does not have a place in developing markets. Smaller, more product-focused campaigns are very effective to run on digital due to the richer content experience provided. For example, social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are mostly used in conjunction with a promo-centric landing page.This has given rise to converged campaigns where consumers can select the mechanism they would like to enter on. In other words, they can either choose sending through a USSD code, submitting their details on a website, or even using a social network page as a driver for entry. Building from there, brands can also take the strategic direction of generating, tracking and validating unique codes on-pack. This enables them to drive multiple purchases. So, instead of a consumer needing to buy just one product to enter, multiple products are required to qualify for entry with each having its own unique code.While these provide strong synergies, the real value for South Africa and the rest of the continent will be in utilising instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram. Many of our campaigns over the past several years have delivered significant results in integrating this mobile communication with on-pack promotions.The ability to link these mediums are giving brands who have a presence in other markets the ability to run a competition with one point of entry (the mobile number). This provides a massive growth area and has the additional benefit of collecting Big Data to create even more meaningful insights. Pared with what is happening in-store, creates a more bespoke consumer experience. So, you could have an on-pack promotion that awards the right prize to the right consumer in the store.But despite the promise of this integration, the biggest potential for markets in Africa still lies with on-pack promotions.This is fuelled by the fact that consumers on the continent are still mainly attracted to incentives. We have seen that the more developed a market becomes, the less these incentives play a role in the purchase decision. Additionally, the retail culture here has been created around using incentives through promotions to drive sales. Compare this to the United States where there are no on-pack promotions but instead, the market is focused on coupons and price matching to drive behavioural change.Even though some suggest that digital in-store displays can help drive engagement, this is not necessarily the only way to do so. In South Africa, it is less about the mechanism of in-store branding than it is about the incentive used. If the display is innovative and eye-catching, then pairing that with quality incentives will result in increased consumer attention.While there is a rush to embrace online shopping and more digitally-enabled platforms to drive sales, physical stores will always have a place in Africa, at least for the foreseeable future. However, digital should be used as the means to pull the right consumers into a store. In other words, Google Maps can be used to guide someone to the closest store when they search for a new fridge on their browser. Furthermore, this can link to their online profile and match in-store specials to what they have purchased before to provide a more comprehensive retail offering.In Africa, this hybrid between digital and in-store will help guide purchasing decisions and promotions for some time to come. It is therefore important to remember that in the rush to adopt digital, traditional should not fall by the wayside. The Committee to Protect Journalists has condemned an Egyptian court's sentencing of photojournalist Mahmoud Abou Zeid, also known as "Shawkan," to five years in prison, and called on authorities to release him immediately and remove any restriction on his release on appeal. Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid, also known as Shawkan, looks on behind bars in his trial on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, on May 31, 2016. Shawkan was sentenced to five years in prison on September 8, 2018. Credit: Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh/CPJ. BREAKING: #Egypt hand down 75 #deathpenalty sentences and 47 life sentences, in a mass trial related to the al-Rabaa protest in 2013. Among those sentenced was photojournalist #Shawkan who received 5 years. Read more about his case here: Amnesty UK (@AmnestyUK) September 8, 2018 The award-winning photojournalist was convicted last week on charges of murder and membership of a terrorist group, according to news reports . He is due for release within a few days after already having spent five years in jail, his lawyer Karim Abdelrady said, according to the same reports.Abdelrady wrote on his Twitter page , and the journalist's brother Mohamed told CPJ, that Shawkan will be released under "police observation" for five years, meaning he will have to appear at a police station every day at sunset. Mohamed added that the journalist and his lawyer will appeal the verdict in Egypt's court of cassation."We are relieved that Shawkan, whose only 'crime' was taking pictures, can finally walk out of prison, but he will not be fully free," said Sherif Mansour, CPJ's Middle East and North Africa program coordinator."His treatment, and that of scores of other journalists under Egypt's totally discredited judicial system, is a stain on Egypt. The least the authorities can now do is to release him without any restrictions whatsoever on his right to live and work freely."With 20 journalists behind bars when CPJ conducted its most recent annual prison census Egypt is the third worst jailer of journalists worldwide. Shawkan has been imprisoned since August 14, 2013, when he was arrested while covering clashes between Egyptian security forces and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi for the UK-based photo agency Demotix.His family has expressed grave concern for his health. Even as authorities have prolonged cases such as Shawkan's, they have continued to arrest and charge more journalists in recent months, CPJ research shows. The Most Extensive and Reliable Source of Information Related to the Mexican Drugs Cartels. You will not find this level of coverage anywhere else, join us! Send information, pictures or videos, you remain 100% anonymous. Envia fotos, videos, notas, enlaces o informacion todo 100% Anonimo. Want to be a contributor or citizen reporter for Borderland Beat? We love to have you in our team, send Sol Prendido or HEARST an email! WARNING: Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. COMMENTS: We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. PRAGUE (PTI): President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday invited Czech defence companies to take advantage of the opening of defence manufacturing sector in India and set-up joint ventures to produce for the country and for rest of the world. President Kovind after holding talks with his Czech counterpart Milos Zeman said there is immense potential for India-Czech defence collaboration to meet the growing requirements of the Indian defence industry. During the meeting, they took stock of the ongoing defence co-operation, the External Affairs Ministry said in a statement. The two countries signed five MoUs including between the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India and the Czech Academy of Sciences; on work plan for support of Indo-Czech projects in diverse areas of science and technology; on visa waiver agreement for diplomatic passport holders and between ELI Beamlines and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in the field of Laser Technology. President Kovind, who arrived here Thursday on the final leg of his three-nation European tour, said India values the Czech Republic as an important trade, technology and investment partner. "The Czech strengths in manufacturing and advanced technology make it a natural fit to partner Indian growth and next-generation development," he said. He said Czech major Skoda Auto and its parent company Volkswagen have announced plans to invest USD 1 billion in India under the 'Make in India' initiative. "President Zeman and I committed today to write a new chapter in our trading relations," he said. He said India-Czech Joint Economic Commission meeting to be held next month at the Ministerial level, will deliberate in detail and take steps to enhance trade and investment cooperation and diversify the partnership into new areas. "India and the Czech Republic share historical, warm and friendly relations. My state visit is aimed at deepening our economic relations spread over trade, technology and investment collaboration. In our discussions, President Zeman and I, reviewed progress in our bilateral relations and discussed the roadmap for the future," he said. "I sense high enthusiasm in the business community on both sides to engage and build robust partnerships in sectors such as defence, high-tech manufacturing, heavy engineering, automotive industry and civil aviation," he said. The president said there is high enthusiasm in the business community on both sides to engage and build robust partnerships in sectors such as defence, high-tech manufacturing, heavy engineering, automotive industry and civil aviation. "I thank the Czech side for recognising the need to enhance the mobility of Indian professionals and students into the Czech Republic to upscale economic partnership. We look forward to the launch of Special Procedures for Highly Qualified Employees meant for India in October 2018," he said. He said the two countries look forward to initiating co-operation for peaceful use of nuclear energy between the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership, India and a relevant institution on the Czech side. "We emphasised the importance of cooperation on defence and security. We committed to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. I thank President Zeman for his express support for an early adoption of Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the UN. We also agreed to further deepen our multi-lateral partnership." He thanked the Czech side for supporting India's claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council and its membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament of the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. 4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. 5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. 6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. 7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. 8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N. 9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress. 10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N. 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.) 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. 14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art." 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch." 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over. 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. 33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus. 34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems. 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government. 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike. BUCKS COUNTY >> Over the 2021 Halloween Weekend (October 30 and 31) the Warrington Township Police Department responded to multiple burglaries. According to police, the suspects gained entry to unoccupied homes by breaking a rear sliding door or window. The burglarized homes were ransacked for jewelry, cash, and personal belongings. Two vehicles have been linked to the crimes - a... Buffalo Humanities Festival features best-selling author Angie Thomas Thomas debut novel, The Hate U Give, is the basis of a new film starring Hunger Games actress Amandla Stenberg This is what the humanities is all about and the festival is trying to create the conditions for this kind of review, reflecting on issues that are essential to our present. BUFFALO, N.Y. Angie Thomas, author of the best-selling novel The Hate U Give, which has been adapted into a soon to be released major motion picture, will be the keynote speaker at the 2018 Buffalo Humanities Festival. The three-day annual event organized by University at Buffalos Humanities Institute (HI), one of the most important entities supporting the humanities in Western New York, takes place Sept. 20-22 at various community locations. The festivals theme this year is revolutions, the second installment of a three-year sequence that began with the environment and continues next year with democracy. The Buffalo Humanities Festival is presented in partnership with Canisius College, Niagara University, SUNY Buffalo State and Humanities New York. Thomas, a former teen rapper and inaugural winner of We Need Diverse Books Walter Dean Myers Grant (2015), will deliver her address, The Hate U Give: Finding your activism and turning the political into the personal, at 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21, at the Albright Knox-Art Gallery. General admission tickets for Thomas talks are $20 for the public and $15 for students. There is a separate VIP reception with Thomas in the AK Cafe. The VIP reception is included with the purchase of a VIP Full Festival Pass, which is $60 for the public and $40 for students. Tickets are available online. Inspired by Black Lives Matter and the words of visionary hip-hop artist and activist Tupac Shakur, The Hate U Give is an urgent call to all, but especially the youth of today, to use their most powerful weapon, their voice, against the plague of hate, says David Castillo, UB professor of Romance languages and literatures and HI director. Thomass debut novel about a 16-year-old girl who witnesses the police shooting of her unarmed friend revolves around the notion of truth within that particular tragedy. As the novel develops, touching on issues of racism and police violence, the main character, Starr Carter, finds herself further torn between the opposing worlds of her disadvantaged neighborhood and the suburban prep school she attends. The circumstances described in the novel distill our own reality in a peculiar world that allows us to question motivation, truth, appearances, racial coding, and expectations and how they affect our view of reality, says Castillo. The books emphasis is on the power to resist and Carters voice is crucial. We have to develop voices consistent with a set a principles. Without providing spoilers, Carter demonstrates that her voice is her power. This is the revolution that Thomas signs off on, a variation of Tupacs famous call to follow your heart but take your brain (and your voice, Thomas adds) with you, he says. There are many ways to interpret revolution and its related terms, according to Castillo. As a noun in a traditional scientific sense, revolution allows HI to draw connections to the sciences, but there is also the figurative circularity of history. Awareness of a past moment in a circle might help us design, create and imagine the possibilities that allow us to attempt to get it right this time, says Castillo. History has to inform our decision making or were condemned to repeat past mistakes. But revolution or, specifically, the verb revolve, can mean to repeatedly consider something from different angles: contemplate, study or speculate. These qualities are essential to being a humanist, says Castillo. This is what the humanities is all about and the festival is trying to create the conditions for this kind of review, reflecting on issues that are essential to our present. In addition to Thomas keynote, the three-day festival opens at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20, with Anti-Social Media: Digital Space and the Destabilization of Democracy, presented by Humanities New York. This conversation will explore how celebrated technologies such as Facebook and Google reinforce stereotypes and weaken democracy. The days panel will consist of Safiya Umoja Noble, assistant professor at the University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communication and author of Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, and Siva Vaidhyanathan, Robertson Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Virginia and author of Anti-Social Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy. Ulises Mejias, associate professor of communication studies at SUNY Oswego will moderate the conversation. The festivals third and concluding day begins with a performance by Dan Hoyle of BORDER PEOPLE and continues with talks, panels and community conversations focusing on revolutions: examinations of past, present and future movements effecting social, political and cultural change. Lunch is included with each festival pass. A reception featuring music by the Autonomous Vehicles and beer by Community Beer Works closes out the festival. Two new builders merchant branches have opened following a 9 million investment. Sovini Trades Supplies new stores are in Eccles and Ellesmere Port in the North West, and have created 11 jobs in the area. This follows a 9 million deal with property services giant Liberty Group. The firm, which is part of parent company The Sovini Group, already has three branches, including its original branch in Aintree, Liverpool. It says it plans to open more stores in the UK in the next few years. Director Anita Harrison-Carroll said: I am delighted to announce the companys recent expansion which has created local employment opportunities and scope for business development across the wider region. We are looking forward to welcoming new businesses to our supply chain as we explore more opportunities across the North West and wider. Burnham-On-Sea Police sealed off part of the towns College Street on Monday (September 10th) as they launched an investigation into an overnight assault that left a man with head injuries. An area of College Street was taped off by Burnham Police opposite Abbott and Frost estate agents, as pictured, as evidence was gathered on the attack. A spokesperson for Avon & Somerset Police told We were called at about 11.30pm on Sunday to College Street. Two men were approached by a group of men who demanded money. One victim was attacked, resulting in them needing hospital treatment for a head injury. One resident told he had heard a lot of noise from a group of people at the location last night and had informed Police. If anyone witnessed the incident or has any information they should call 101 and quote reference 5218202778. Alternatively, they can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or report it on-line quoting the above reference number. | BY Ricki Green | MullenLowe Profero, the global digital transformation network of MullenLowe Group, has announced the appointment of Hamilton Jones as managing director for Australia. Hamilton joins from Sydney-based digital agency Deepend, where he helped build customer-led design and strategic design practices in his role as managing director. An expert in harnessing technological change to fuel business innovation, Hamilton has also worked with strategic design outfit Designit (part of global tech consulting firm WIPRO), running transformation services in APAC. Hamilton will boost MullenLowe Proferos expertise in business transformation, offering over a decade of senior strategic management to the networks clients, which include Harley Davidson,100PLUS, Millennium and Peninsula Hotels. Hamilton replaces previous MD Chris Henderson, who is leaving MullenLowe Profero to relocate back to Europe with his family, after three successful years with the agency. Vincent Digonnet, MullenLowe Group APAC CEO, thanked Chris for successfully transforming a digital agency into a genuine business transformation operation with experience design and technology at its core, and welcomed Hamilton to the MullenLowe family. Says Digonnet: Hamiltons 20 years of digital experience, spanning strategy, service design, product development, media and marketing, make him such an exciting appointment for us at this particular point in time. His experience and his skills will allow us not only to strengthen our capabilities, but to scale them. We are delighted to welcome him to the team. Says Jones: Being able to contribute to the journey of transformation in digital through an agency like MullenLowe Profero is an exciting opportunity. The team here is well established with highly capable experience design and product development people, and Im really looking forward to getting started. | BY Ricki Green | How often do you mull over which alfoil to purchase? You probably just grab the first one you see, right? Putting some quirkiness into a category that is typically dull and conservative, a new TV spot from Multix via DDB Melbourne is a light-hearted look at the consequences of not choosing the right type of alfoil. Says Rebecca Lowth, marketing manager, Multix: The alfoil and baking paper aisle in a grocery store is just a sea of the same colours and no real defined differentiation. So most people dont even think about which one to choose. However, Multix is the market leading bags/wraps/foils brand and we are constantly evolving to meet savvy Australians household needs. Our alfoil is better because its made from a superior, higher cost alloy, and with this new campaign we wanted to raise awareness of that. Says Stu Turner, ECD, DDB Melbourne: We liked the idea of creating a character that would get very upset when you didnt make the right choice and would punish you accordingly, using alfoil in creative ways of course. The positioning of Choose wisely we hope will enter the mind of the consumer at the point of purchase, in a fun way that makes them laugh. We have taken the knight character into social as well with some really strange and humorous content to further extend the campaign. Off the back of its strong relationship with Multix, part of the McPhersons Group, DDB Melbourne has also recently started working with Dr Lewinns and Akin (also part of McPhersons). Client: McPhersons Marketing Manager Household Consumables: Rebecca Lowth Marketing Project Manager: Josefina Chediack Agency: DDB Melbourne Executive Creative Director: Stuart Turner Art Director: Becky Morriss Copywriter: Anna Yates Head of Broadcast: Tuesday Picken Client Service Director: Lucy Haworth Senior Business Manager: Caryn Boyd Production Company: FINCH Director: Alex Roberts Executive Producer: Corey Esse Producer: Amy Dymond DOP: Tim Tregoning Production Designer: Lucinda Thomson Costume Designer: Lenna Boord Post-Production: Nakatomi Colourist: Martin Greer | BY Ricki Green | Specsavers has launched a confronting campaign titled The Priceless Eyes Project via Cummins&Partners. In Australia, someone loses part or all of their vision every 65 minutes, and yet in the past year, less than one in five Australians had their eyes tested by an optometrist. So the brand is set to launch an elaborate social experiment aimed at generating discussion about the value of our eyes, titled The Priceless Eyes Project via Cummins&Partners. Says Sarah McInnes, marketing director, Specsavers: We have a big problem in this country with people not understanding the crucial importance of preventative eye care. No Australian should suffer from preventable vision loss or blindness. Masquerading as Vesper-Sacs, an advanced medical research company searching for live test subjects, Specsavers posed a shocking question to Australians: how much would you sell your eyes for? People were unanimous they wouldnt give up their eyes for any amount, proving the point: our eyes are priceless. The experience, which participants described as like an episode of (sci-fi series) Black Mirror saw everyday Australians reach their own conclusions about the importance of looking after their sight. Specsavers went to great lengths to pull off the stunt, constructing a high-tech facility in a CBD office tower from scratch complete with staff, a company backstory, brochures, a corporate video and even stationery. Says Chris Ellis, creative director, Cummins&Partners: The team started with a human truth: you wouldnt trade your eyes for anything. We then put it to the test in a real scenario. The result is genuine emotion from everyday Australians when confronted with the prospect of a world without vision its undeniable. Says Sean Cummins, chief creative officer, Cummins&Partners: The best advertising doesnt just get people to think, but act. We believe this compelling piece of work will do both. Adds McInnes:Specsavers is committed to shaking Australians out of their shell be right attitude by driving behavioural change. The fact is that many treatable eye conditions have no visible symptoms. Specsavers recommends over 65s have their eye tested annually. And every two years for under 65s. The Priceless Eyes campaign launches in Australia across TV, online, social media and print from 9 September 2018. The campaign film was directed by Aaron Wilson from AIRBAG. Client: Specsavers Marketing Director, Australia and New Zealand: Sarah McInnes Director, Australia and New Zealand: Peter Larsen Head of Optometry Australia and New Zealand: Ben Ashby Marketing Manager: Nick Oswald Lisa Otterburn: Senior Campaign Manager Head of Public Relations ANZ: Cathy Rennie Matos Agency: Cummins& Partners Creative Director: Chris Ellis Creative Director/Art Director: Heath Collins Senior Copywriter: Liam Jenkins Creatives: Adam Slater, Cam McMillan, Chay ORourke Executive Producer: Karley Cameron Group Account Director: Marnie McKenzie Strategy Director: Melissa Warren Account Manager: Dominique Grainger Project Manager: Karina Baird Chief Creative Officer: Sean Cummins CEO: Chris Jeffares Production: AIRBAG Director: Aaron Wilson Producer: Selin Yaman DOP: Ed Goldner Production Designer: Jackson Dickie Editors: Cindy Clarkson, Meng Han Managing Partner: Adrian Bosich | BY Ricki Green | Australian family owned Squeaky Gate Growers Co. may sound like a funny name for olive oil but this brand has a unique and important story within the Australian Olive Oil category and is using home-grown humor through an integrated marketing campaign via Communicado to explain it. The youngest entrant to the mainstream Australian made Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) segment, Squeaky Gate Growers Co. is doing things a bit differently in terms of its sourcing model which in turn is the very essence of the new consumer campaign. Sourcing olive oil from a number of Australian growers, the brand is about supporting the local olive farming industry. Through the nature of its operations, Squeaky Gate Growers Co. partners with the largest number of independent olive oil producers in the country. Sourcing from growers who may otherwise not have had an opportunity to market their produce, Squeaky Gate Growers Co. is good for the consumer and good for the local industry made up of farmers, packaging suppliers, bottling plants and the broader infrastructure. Says Nicole Puhar, brand manager at Conga Foods, the company behind Squeaky Gate Growers Co. says: We really believe this is the way it should be. This philosophy has already resonated with consumers who are passionate about the brand and what it represents. That is as much a testament to the Aussies who are supporting us as it is to the quality olive oils we are proud to bring to the market. And Puhar is not wrong, Squeaky Gate Growers Co. has become the number two Australian EVOO brand since entering the market in 2014. Launching September, the face of the brands first campaign is Jean Kittson, an Australian writer, actor and comedian, (of The Big Gig, Let the Blood Run Free and Good News Week fame) fronting as a has-been cooking show celebrity Kerryn Fogarty making a comeback with some comical and memorable lines. Says Puhar: Jean came on board and we were thrilled. says Puhar while the production of olive oil in Australia is serious business, humour allows our story to be told with personality, granting license to be a bit cheeky and achieve cut through and engagement for our modest budget. Central to the campaign idea, is a fictional cooking show aptly named The Way it Should be which talks directly to the Squeaky Gate Growers Co. brand proposition; sourcing from farm gate to farm gate and supporting the local industry to bring great quality olive oil to consumers. Developed from category insights generated through research, the campaign hones in on key themes resonating with Australian consumers. The brand champions simple pleasures, cooking uncomplicated food and being an honest to goodness product. The campaign coverage includes TV media across the Foxtel network and catch up TV, supported by digital, social media content and amplification, influencer partnerships plus trade activations for what will be a 2 year schedule. Says Puhar: We think this investment is important for everyone connected to the brand and we could not have made this happen without our consumers loyal support and love of our products over the years. Squeaky Gate Growers Co. Extra Virgin Olive Oils are available in major supermarkets, independent grocery stores across Australia. Squeaky Gate Growers Co. new campaign launches 9th September 2018 Research Agency IPSOS Connect Creative Agency Communicado Production Hooves Social Media Communicado | BY Lynchy | Close on the heels of forming a North Asia sub-region, in sync with its global Together strategy of collaboration and integration, Havas has appointed Ryuji Mitsuishi Banderas as Managing Director, Havas Japan. The appointment is a part of a new management structure to support Havass rapid growth and expansion in North Asia. In his new role, Mitsuishi ( pictured) will lead the creative side of the business with a focus on client service, strategic thinking, innovation and effectiveness, reporting to Levent Guenes, Chairman & CEO of North Asia. Mitsuishi joins Havas from Google Japan where he held a variety of positions focusing on brand strategy and creativity. Prior to Google, Mitsuishi worked at agencies such as MRM/McCann Worldgroup, DDB and Beacon communications, where he led local and global digital/creative strategies for international and local brands. Additionally, Stephen Cox, previously, CEO of Havas Japan has been elevated to the newly created role of Vice Chairman and Chief Integration Officer, North Asia, reporting to Guenes. Cox will focus on collaboration between Havas and the Vivendi Group companies Universal Music Group, Daily Motion, Gameloft, and Canal+ Group as well as assist Guenes on strategic inorganic growth to strengthen the Havas value proposition. This will help clients navigate the transforming marketing and consumer landscape in these key markets. Guenes said, Japan and Korea are fast-moving markets rooted in innovation, creativity and technology. The creation of our North Asia sub-region adds a key pillar in our journey of moving to a single Havas Group APAC leadership structure, as part of accelerating our global Together strategy. Stephens promotion will facilitate the collaboration between Havas Group and Vivendi which is significant in this region to create a powerful marketing force, unique only to Havas. Ryujis proven track record of building and enhancing brand capabilities with digital and creativity at the core will help us to position Havas Japan for long term success. I am delighted with the appointments and welcome Stephen and Ryuji in their new roles. The sub-regional structure for North Asia, earlier, saw Guenes being appointed as Chairman & CEO of North Asia, in addition to his current role of Chief Growth Officer, Asia Pacific. Guenes is responsible for leading the strategic vision for the region, paired with a particular focus on inorganic growth supported by his extensive experience in leading a diverse sub-region like Southeast Asia and more recently the M&A function in APAC. Under the new structure, Toshio Naka will continue in his role as Managing Director Havas Japan (Media) while Joseph Rhee will continue to manage Havas South Korea. Havas is a dynamic and growing agency with a compelling value-proposition. I am delighted to be a part of Havas Japan, leading the creative team and contributing to the agencys continued success, said Mitsuishi. The Havas model of being more client-centric by breaking the silos that exist within the media and creative functions will help us develop synergies that will drive Havas and the industry forward in this region. I look forward to working closely with Levent, Joseph, Toshio, and Ryuji as well as the Vivendi companies to drive our amibition to be a network to reckon with in this region, added Cox. | BY Lynchy | For some, the night can be a haunting place, where they are left alone with their thoughts as the world around them goes to bed. Making them feel more alone than ever. In the last fiscal year, Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) has seen approximately 53% increase in the number of teens aged 10 to 19 years old writing in to SOS to receive emotional support, as well as a sharp increase in the number of calls made by this age group into the 24-hour hotline from midnight to three am. While SOS is supporting these teens through their channels, this rising number is a cause for concern. Therefore, as part of Suicide Prevention Awareness Week, TBWA\Singapore has partnered with SOS to launch a campaign that reaches out to youths on a platform that they are most familiar with Instagram. Today SOS will launch #ThroughTheNight, a social media campaign aiming to help teens and those in need get through their darkest hours. Singaporeans from different disciplines will be invited to contribute a message of support to #ThroughTheNight on Instagram. Turning a single hashtag into a platform of hope, where youths can seek comfort and motivation in the words and craft of others. SOS has partnered with musicians, artists and youth influencers to engage the public on the issue of suicide, by hosting live sessions on their social channels from 10-16 September, at midnight to three am. Several cafes and ice cream shops have also come on board to contribute to the campaign. Spokesperson of SOS said, Since 2015, SOS has invited the public to start conversations and to take the topic of suicide seriously. Its time we form a more empathetic community by spreading hope to people going through their darkest times. We invite everyone to add their message of encouragement and join us in helping our youths and those around us get #ThroughTheNight. Gary Steele, executive creative director, TBWA\ Singapore said, Helping our youths and those in need get #ThroughTheNight is a campaign that anyone can participate in, regardless of what we do or where were from. Just like previous campaigns, we believe that even simple actions can make a big impact on the topic of suicide. We hope everyone can join us in making a difference. Monday, September 10, 2018 at 6:17AM For select gamers in the U.S., starting up your Xbox One is as easy as calling out for Alexa. The console now supports voice commands via Amazon Alexathat is if youre part of the Xbox Insiders program. This Amazon Alexa skill will let you do things like switch the console on, open games, capture screenshots, control media playback, among other things. Not sure what else you can do, just say, Ask Xbox what can I say? Of course, to play, you will need to use your controller. This isnt the first time voice control has come to the Xbox One. Microsofts own assistant Cortana is supported by the Xbox One but youll need either their headset or the now discontinued Kinect cameras and motion tracker to get this to work. So, of course, the convenience of talking to nearby smart speakers will make things more convenient. In case youre asking, the Xbox One doesnt support Google Assistant just yet. But Microsoft isnt closing the door on supporting it in the future. The company has said it will "continue to evolve this experience and grow our voice integration across devices, digital assistants, and voice services." Photo: Getty Images Okanagan Dairy farmers are concerned about the outcome of NAFTA Talks. The daily milking routine at Cliffview Dairy Farm near Enderby these days is punctuated with any news about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. Milk and access to Canada's supply managed dairy industry has in late stages of the talks been a major hindrance to reaching a deal on a new NAFTA agreement. Henry Bremer's father started the farm near Enderby in 1974 and he is in the process of transitioning the 150 head operation to his two sons. "The idea of wide open access to American producers makes us very nervous," said Bremer President of the Kamloops Okanagan Dairyman's Association. "With the last few agreements, we have already given away a lot of access." Farm gate sales in our region represent 80-million dollars a year in milk sales alone, which is about 14 percent of the BC dairy output. "Any reduction in those number would be devastating to family farms and the province in general," added Bremer. There are also health considerations as the use of a bovine growth hormone Bovine somatotropin or BST is banned in Canada but not in the United States. "BST free milk in the US is on par with Canadian prices while regular milk is slightly less, so the benefit to the consumer would be negligible," said Bremer. "We pride ourselves with producing high-quality milk in Canada." The United States exports $636 million in dairy products to Canada annually but is producing more than Americans can consume. The BC Dairy Association says the provincial dairy industry is primarily a family run business with an average operation having 135 cows, compared with mega-farms in the United States with up to 10,000 animals. Photo: Similkameen Sizzle Who needs to rely on the weather for high temperatures, when Canada's spiciest festival is back? Rest assured you can leave your sweaters at home, because the heat will be provided in Keremeos this weekend at the annual Similkameen Sizzle hot pepper festival. "It's the only hot pepper festival in Canada," said chair Joan Bauman. This will be the 17th year running for the fiery fest, dedicated to celebrating more than 200 varieties of peppers grown in the Similkameen Valley, as well as fostering community spirit all at no charge. Kids and adults alike will find plenty of excitement this weekend, starting with a family dance on Friday. Sept. 14 from 6 to 10 p.m. at Memorial Park in downtown Keremeos, featuring local band The Fender Benders. Then, get your carbohydrate fix before the pepper events begin with a pancake breakfast Saturday morning, and be sure to check out the three inflatable bouncy castles, one of which is for adults. "Everybody's a kid!" Bauman laughed. Throughout the afternoon, judges will be blind-tasting jellies, hot sauces, salsas and chillis submitted for prizes, all infused with the Similkameen's finest zesty veggies. Plus, this year, there is a new category. "We had a lot of people last year saying 'Oh, we have a good hot mustard, great spicy pickles,'" Bauman said. "So we have a new miscellaneous item category. We'll see what we get!" For $2, you can get in on the taste-testing, sampling each of the six spicy chillis in the running this year. And if you've really got the hots for peppers, you can test your mettle in the pepper-eating contest, facing off against contestants willing to torch their tastebuds for glory, starting at 4 p.m. Be warned, though. Bauman said some pretty serious competitors have been known to show up. "It starts with jalapenos and works its way up," she said. "Last year we had 12 contestants. One guy said he had driven from Vancouver just to participate. So we get people from all over." If you can't take the heat, the iconic dancing peppers are still a treat. The two unfortunately nameless mascots will be out and about all weekend. "That's a good idea, though," Bauman said, when asked what the red and green felted friends' names are. "We should maybe have a competition one of these years to name them." Bauman is looking forward to greeting an estimated 1,000-1,500 attendees at the event, a final sayonara to summer. "It's a great event. We're happy to have the sponsors and volunteers to keep it all free." Photo: The Canadian Press Three-year-old Savannah Hargrave, daughter of fallen firefighter James Hargrave, at National Firefighter Memorial. Stephen Forsey always went big, once even cooking everything in the family fridge for his daughter's birthday party that had 10 people. Family always came first for Forsey, and many of them gathered Sunday in the national capital as the gregarious father and husband was among 67 firefighters whose names were added to a national memorial. A large crowd of firefighters and their families from all over the country packed the memorial near Ottawa's downtown core, forcing some in the back to stand on tree planters to get a view of the ceremony. Ten families, including Forsey's, received a ceremonial helmet as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stood to their left. The memorial has 1,411 names of firefighters who have died since 1848. Forsey was among the firefighters from Ontario singled out in the prime minister's speech at the 15th annual memorial event. Trudeau said the firefighters he has spoken with casually talk about saving lives as just a regular day on the job. He said country's fire departments answer pleas for help without hesitation, no matter how dangerous the call. "Our firefighters protect us when we're in danger. We ask these brave women and men, who never let us down, to protect our families and our homes and they answer that call, serving with courage and distinction," he said. Forsey had wanted to be a firefighter since a high school aptitude test suggested it as a profession. He spent 28 years with Toronto's fire department, answering calls his children described as difficult and others that were humbling, including one shortly before his death during which he helped an elderly woman who was also a Holocaust survivor. "He loved going to work and it was his dream job," his daughter, Renee, said. "He was so happy to be a firefighter." Forsey, a captain, died suddenly in late February 2017 of a work-related illness. He was 52. Lt.-Col. Lee Goodman, the military's fire marshal, said fire services are grappling with how to help firefighters with the long-term physical and mental health toll the job takes on them. Symptoms can appear while they are on the job, or years after retirement, she said. "We cannot fully protect firefighters from their occupational risks, but we can certainly improve their health outcomes through better awareness, better procedures, and better support for them and their families," Goodman said. Since his death, Forsey's family has attended multiple memorials for their dad. Sunday's memorial had a different feel a more official one where a large contingent of family gathered to hear Trudeau and others speak. "Unfortunately he can't be here, but we ... are honouring him in his own way," said Forsey's son Brandon. Photo: The Canadian Press Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium With arms flailing and raised voices, a shipping manager and a customs chief in the Belgian port of Zeebrugge talk through all the things that could go wrong if the Brexit talks fail. Trucks backed up for miles on the highway. Car manufacturing plants idled as deliveries are delayed. Mountains of paperwork paralyzing small companies that can't afford teams of lawyers. Not since the 1970s have port towns like this had to deal with customs in their massive trade with Britain, and that could change on Brexit day on March 30, 2019. Britain and the European Union are struggling to agree on the terms of business after that date, raising the chances of a sudden return of tariffs and border controls. And while Brexit has not so far been a big concern for many people in continental Europe, the prospect of there being no deal is starting to unnerve companies and authorities particularly in places like ports that operate on the front lines of global trade. "It is scary," says Marc Adriansens, the managing director of the ICO car shipping company. "Now, all companies around here and on the continent, they start to be worried. And they say: 'Okay, it could be serious.'" Kristian Vanderwaeren, the administrator-general of Belgian customs, says this will cost companies a lot to prepare for. "It's a huge, huge problem," he says. Ominous warnings of what would happen if trade is suddenly disrupted between Britain and the EU have dominated headlines since the campaign before the Brexit vote in June 2016. The aim for both Britain and the EU is to agree on the terms of future trade as well as on two-year transition period after Brexit day that would give companies and governments more time to adapt to any new rules. The lack of progress is raising the risk of Britain falling out with no agreed terms, a feared situation called variously a "hard," ''no-deal" or "cliff-edge" Brexit. What's at stake is visible during Vanderwaeren's check of the port in the brisk traffic of trucks on the aptly-named Brittannia dock. Everything from engine parts to orange juice is lined up for transport to Britain, part of the half trillion pounds ($650 billion) in goods and services traded between the continent and the U.K. every year. Ever since the Middle Ages, ships from England have been mooring on the Flemish coast to unload wool and pick up local cloth and other goods from European partners far and wide. Commerce has grown over time and Zeebrugge is now the port that handles the most cars anywhere in the world, with about 2.8 million rolling through every year 1 million of which are to and from Britain. The local authorities are getting ready for the worst of Brexit outcomes to protect that business. Joachim Coens, the CEO of Zeebrugge port, says that if tariffs and customs checks on trade with Britain do in fact return, new digital technologies can be used to smoothen out border controls somewhat. Vanderwaeren plans to double the number of customs officers in Zeebrugge by hiring another 140 to check the Belgian border. The IT system has been upgraded, scanning machines for customs checks have been bought and more sniffer dogs will be made available. "We are preparing for a Brexit-proof port," said Coens. The Republic of Ireland, an EU member country, gets most of its goods transported through U.K. territory and has sought to ensure it is not cut off from the rest of the bloc because of Britain's exit. It got help from a new ship, formally called the "Celine" but also dubbed "the Brexit Buster," that will be able to transport goods directly between Dublin and Belgium, bypassing Britain. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar was on hand when the ship, which is 234 metres (767 feet) long and has nine decks big enough to carry vehicles, was christened in April. That will not be enough, however, to soften the impact of a "hard" Brexit on Zeebrugge, where nearly half of all goods shipped through the port either goes to or comes from Britain. Adriansens says his company handles half of the 1 million cars traded annually with Britain through the port. After the Brexit vote in 2016, sales went down by 15 per cent and have not recovered. He says there could be another 20 per cent drop if Brexit happens without a trade deal. "Out of the 500,000, this is 100,000 cars... This is something we don't like to lose, but we cannot control that," said Adriansens. Photo: Canadian Armed Forces Military aircraft and many of the Armed Forces personnel loaned to British Columbia by the federal government at the height of the wildfire season are preparing to return to their home bases. A news release from the Department of National Defence says most federal resources will be sent home as officials in B.C. determine there's no longer a need for mop-up support on wildfires in the Okanagan. About 100 personnel, mostly reservists from three separate Canadian brigade groups, will stay in Southern B.C. to help with a fire near Princeton. Canadian Armed Forces planes carried more than 47,000 kilograms of freight, transported 115 passengers and conducted 49 reconnaissance flights and other missions over the wildfires in the weeks after B.C. requested assistance on Aug. 13. More than 400 soldiers and other personnel assisted with mop-up, aircraft maintenance and various other duties during the deployment. B.C. declared a provincial state of emergency as hundreds of wildfires flared in August, but rescinded the order last Friday as all but the southeastern corner of the province is now listed at a low to very low risk of further fires. The BC Wildfire Service says more than 13,300 square kilometres of woodland has been charred by more than 2,000 wildfires since April. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says his thoughts are with those affected and he is pleased members of the forces could assist. "Though the damage is devastating, I am proud of the contribution our Canadian Armed Forces have made during this time of need," Sajjan says in the release. "From transporting equipment and firefighters, to containing the fire's spread through mop-up operations, our women and men in uniform demonstrated their professionalism and readiness to answer the call to serve and protect their fellow Canadians," he says. Photo: Contributed Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation has received a boost from Gambrinus Malting Corporation of $5,000. "Were incredibly happy as a company to be able to support the Foundation," says Ken Smith director of operations for Gambrinus Malting Corporation. "My daughter was born at VJH, so its a particularly special place for me personally. Were excited as a company to be able to give back and help our community with what hopefully will be the first of many donations to come." Since 1992, Gambrinus Malting Corporation has been crafting unique, small-batch specialty malts for artisanal and craft brewers around the world from Armstrong. We are so pleased when local companies like Gambrinus Malting choose to support to the Foundation and local healthcare, says Lisa Westermark, Executive Director. It is especially meaningful when they are personally connected and have had a positive experience such as the joy of a new family member. A: I never wanted to start my own company. I always enjoyed working in big corporations; I loved being part of a newsroom and being on the trading floor. I got to the point where I saw this need. It was also a time when I was interviewing a lot of my friends who at least on paper had these billion-dollar businesses, and I remember thinking, Theyre not any smarter than I am; how are they getting to where they are? Breakthru has signed a letter of intent to become the exclusive distributor for CannTrust as recreational marijuana is set to become legal in Canada on Oct. 17. In doing so, Breakthru joins a growing number of major alcohol companies to recently invest in the global potential of the burgeoning marijuana industry. Giant beer companies such as Molson Coors parent company of Chicago-based MillerCoors and Constellation Brands, which bases its beer business in Chicago, are planning to develop and sell cannabis-infused drinks in Canada. The primary demand of the striking workers is to include a guarantee of year-round health insurance in their new contracts. Currently, many hotel employees lose their health insurance when hotels temporarily lay people off during the slow season, generally October through March, and have coverage reinstated when they are brought back to work when the weather warms. Though workers with seniority are employed year-round and get insurance year-round, the union wants all employees, regardless of tenure, to have uninterrupted health insurance, even during the slow months when they are not working at the hotels. In addition to the Palmer House, which has more than 1,600 guest rooms, the Hilton hotels where workers are striking include the DoubleTree Magnificent Mile, Hilton Chicago and the Drake hotel. We are negotiating with the union in good faith and are confident that we will reach an agreement that is fair to our valued team members and to our hotels, Paul Ades, senior vice president for labor relations at Hilton, said in an emailed statement last week. I was feeling crazy, but this really directed my anxiety, Ezra continues. In that way it's transformed me, I can't even tell you how. Having the willpower to go out and do the first panel, then connect the second one to it, was what got me going. The next morning, I started getting up bright and early. I had something to do to take my mind off everything else; going out there, publicly proving you're not defeated yet however long it takes." Compensation, she says, wasn't part of her motivation. Fenn did not want to disclose her financial arrangements, but she confirmed that Esser's estimates were in the ballpark. There is a common misconception, she said, that surrogates are driven primarily by the money, but at least among her circle of surrogates, that's not true. She said there has to be something bigger, given the intense emotional and physical effort that being a surrogate entails. In her case, there was also the knowledge, from the experience of a close family member, of how heartbreaking it can be to want a child but not be able to have one. "In actuality, when you break the money down into the hours spent, it's very misleading" to suggest that people do this for money. Kaufman County Jail(DALLAS) -- Charges against an off-duty Texas police officer who allegedly shot a man in his apartment could be changed from manslaughter to murder when the case is presented to a grand jury, a prosecutor said Monday, as the victim's mother demanded answers and implored "all the powers that be" to seek justice for her son. Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson said her office plans to present a "thorough" case to a grand jury in the coming days. A murder charge against Officer Amber Guyger has not been taken off the table, she noted. The Texas Rangers, a law enforcement agency assigned to conduct an independent investigation of the case, obtained an arrest warrant against Guyger, 30, on Sunday on suspicion of manslaughter. Guyger allegedly shot 26-year-old Botham Jean last week in his apartment when she mistakenly walked in, believing it was her residence, according to officials. Johnson said the final charges against Guyer have not been determined. "The Texas Rangers made the decision to issue an arrest warrant for manslaughter," Johnson said, adding that a grand jury will make the ultimate decision on charges against Guyger. "Believe me, we will make certain that justice is done in this case," she said. Johnson said no timetable has been set on when the case will be presented to the grand jury. "I have full confidence in my investigators, my staff, that we will get to the bottom of everything and we will present not only the evidence that we already have, but we will have ... even more evidence that we will be presenting to the grand jury," she said. Mother demands answers Following Johnson's press conference, Jean's mother, Allison Jean, said she still doesn't understand how her son was shot to death in his own home by a police officer in uniform. "I'm not satisfied that we have all the answers," she said outside the Dallas County District Attorney's Office. "And the No. 1 answer that I want is what happened. I have asked too many questions and I've been told that there are no answers yet." As she spoke, she stood between her daughter, Allisa Charles Findley, and youngest son, Brandt Jean. "I'm looking forward to all of the powers that be to come up with the answers to make me more satisfied that they are doing what is in the best interest of getting justice for Botham," she said. Guyger was arrested Sunday evening when she surrendered to police in neighboring Kaufman County. She's since been released on $300,000 bail. She was still wearing her uniform after working a full shift when she arrived at the South Side Flats apartment complex where she lives in Dallas around 10 p.m. Thursday night, according to an arrest warrant made public Monday. Victim mistaken for burglar Guyger said she parked her car on the fourth floor of the building instead of the third floor which corresponded to her apartment, which is directly beneath Jean's fourth-floor unit, according to the warrant. "Guyger entered the building and walked down the fourth-floor hallway to what she thought was her apartment," according to the warrant. "She inserted a unique door key, with an electronic chip, into the door keyhole. The door, which was slightly ajar prior to Guyger's arrival, fully opened under the force of the key insertion." When the door opened she saw a "large silhouette" in the nearly completely dark apartment and believed it was a burglar, according to the warrant. Guyger, while still in uniform, no longer had her bodycam, which had been left at the station, per police protocol. "Guyger drew her firearm, gave verbal commands that were ignored by ... Jean. Guyger fired her handgun two times striking [Jean] in the torso," the warrant states. "Guyger entered the apartment, immediately called 911. Upon being asked where she was located by emergency dispatchers, Guyger returned to the front door to observe the address and discovered she was at the wrong apartment." Jean was taken by ambulance to Baylor Hospital, where he died. Johnson would not disclose details of what more her office has learned of the encounter, saying the investigation into Jean's death is continuing and that she doesn't want to do anything to compromise the probe. Red doormat Lee Merrit, an attorney for the Jean family, said the evidence so far shows that Guyger was not only at the wrong door of the apartment complex, she was on the wrong floor and standing on a large red doormat before she entered Botham Jean's apartment. "If the prevailing narrative is true, and again it's clouded in a shroud of mystery, and she entered the wrong home and found a stranger there, why was she so quick to rely on deadly force is a great mystery for us," Merrit said. "When Officer Guyger entered this apartment, she entered in her uniform. She was operating under the color of state authority. She used her service pistol to kill Botham Jean. She used her training and we would expect our law enforcement officers in the city of Dallas to be able to diffuse a situation, to gather facts," he added. "We want to know what went wrong in her training, what went wrong before she clocked out that had her so disoriented ... that she couldn't make her home from another person's home." Johnson said Guyger took a blood-alcohol test but the results have not come back. Guyger, who has served on the police force for the last four years, shot a suspect in May 2017 after a struggle in which police say the man reached for an officer's Taser. Guyger was one of multiple officers who approached a wanted person on the morning of May 12, 2017, identified by police as Uvaldo Perez, which triggered a fight, and eventually the shooting. Guyger fired only one round, striking and wounding the suspect, according to a report on the Dallas Police Department's website. He was treated at an area hospital and survived. The police department's database shows the grand jury returned a finding of "no bill," meaning no charges were filed. Sadness and anger in Saint Lucia Jean, whose funeral is scheduled for Thursday, was a beloved member of a local church and an employee at the prestigious accounting and consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dallas. Allen Chastanet, the prime minister of Saint Lucia, attended both press conferences. He said he has known Allison Jean -- whom he called an "outstanding citizen of Saint Lucia" -- for years and worked with her when she was a permanent secretary in the Saint Lucia Ministry of Education and in the Ministry of Transportation. "Allison did an incredible job of raising her son," Chastanet said. "We all in Saint Lucia are extremely proud of Botham and what he represented and how he represented Saint Lucia. "I have to say that in Saint Lucia there are two very strong emotions: One clearly of great sadness, sadness that a young man lost his life at such a young age, sadness knowing how close Allison and their family were to Botham. The other emotion is one of anger to think that a young man would be in his apartment and the possibility could be that somebody could come to his door and he ends up being dead." Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. In Chicago, just because a shooting has been cleared doesn't mean a shooter has been brought to justice. Even with the low percentage of shootings that result in arrests, it can take more than a year of filings, fights over evidence and delays before a case may finally be resolved. The Tribune is examining that first weekend of August, hoping to shed light on the challenges authorities face in solving crime, as well as the impact unsolved shootings may have on the city's ongoing cycle of violence. Tribune reporters have logged every shooting from that weekend and are continuing to compare those records with ones the city maintains of both incidents and arrests. Thick smoke filled the second floor of the home in the 10000 block of South Avenue L around 3:45 p.m. as the 69-year-old man removed a window in the back and dropped the boy to two police officers, according to Cmdr. Frank Velez, a spokesman for the Chicago Fire Department. When two black spectators were escorted in to watch the proceedings, Van Dykes lead attorney, Daniel Herbert, asked for their names and whether they were relatives of Laquan McDonald, the 17-year-old who was shot by Van Dyke in an on-duty incident that led to the murder charges. The judge declined to make the two spectators answer either question, saying it was a public trial and the public had a right to attend. To be sure, the majority of prospective jurors appeared tense to be part of the high-profile case that roiled the city after the release of the graphic video of the shooting. At least two asked for water during their questioning, and the judge often had to tell them to relax, assuring them that everyone in the room the attorneys and himself included were nervous. The afternoon shooting occurred about four blocks from where a 21-year-old man was shot earlier in the day. That victim suffered a gunshot wound to the neck in the 800 block of East 89th Street just after 1:30 p.m., police said in a media notification. The man was also taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center in critical condition, authorities said. The man was sitting in the area when someone came out of an alley just to the north and fired several shots, hitting the man, then ran off, police said. The Emanuel administration has said that because a state law limits the number of questions on each ballot to three, the councils batch would leave no space for Quinns. The former governor says his binding referendum is unaffected by the three-question rule because its a constitutionally protected right of voters to limit the number of terms their mayors can serve. Roskam is no stranger to an expensive, closely watched race with national implications. Twelve years ago, he narrowly defeated now-U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, bucking that years midterm trend of GOP losses as Democrats took back control of the U.S. House. Duckworth at the time had the backing of party heavyweights such as U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and now-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and her story of her Black Hawk helicopter being shot down in Iraq was fresh in voters minds. Communities along a stretch of coastline that's vulnerable to rising sea levels due to climate change prepared to evacuate the storm, which forecasters expect to be close to Category 5 strength by Tuesday. The South Carolina governor ordered the state's entire coastline to be evacuated starting at noon Tuesday and predicted that 1 million people would flee. And Virginia's governor ordered a mandatory evacuation for some residents of low-lying coastal areas. Prosecutors say Sameer Gadola exploited teen boys by urging them to send photos of themselves. His lawyers say Gadola made "terrible mistakes" when he was 21 years old but didn't share the photos with anyone or meet the victims. Couple says they will promote Vanuatu in The Netherlands Trump used to whisper in my ear, for example, about how a prominent CEO often broke down crying in conversations with him. He wanted me to publish the information, but attribute it to a confidential source. (I didn't.) He slagged his two ex-wives, both on-the-record and while requesting anonymity. (I didn't publish the anonymously sourced information.) He went harshly on the record and on background about the casino mogul, Steve Wynn. (I didn't write the anonymous stuff.) He also had bad things to say while requesting anonymity about a host of politicians, celebrities and competitors in the real estate business. Which means that he or she would risk the education of thousands of students. Lets not forget that CPS, led by highly touted reformers since 1995, still struggled for years to nudge the graduation rate above 50 percent. In 2011, when Emanuel took office, the five-year graduation rate was 56.9 percent. By last year it has ballooned to 78.2 percent. Can the U.S. do more than denounce Assad? The U.S. still has 2,200 troops in northeast Syria. That preserves some leverage for the U.S. in the face of Russia and Irans presence in Syria. Turkey, which also has troops in Syria, strongly opposes the upcoming offensive in Idlib, primarily because the assault would trigger another wave of refugees into its country. Relations between Washington and Ankara have bottomed out, but the two capitals have a common goal in discouraging an Idlib assault perhaps by pushing Putin to restrain his client Assad. Another possibility, of course, is that Pritzker, like so many before him, is intimidated by my handsomeness. That would be understandable. Im quite sure many attractive celebrities have refused to visit the Tribune Editorial Board without a signed guarantee that I keep away from the building, lest my jaw-dropping good looks make said celebrities seem bland by comparison. (No members of the editorial board have confirmed this, but I assume its true and they just dont want me to feel guilty. Handsomeness is a burden.) The Brewers held at least a share of the division lead for 67 days this season but have been looking up at the Cubs since Aug. 1. Their recent hot streak, coupled with the Cubs losing six of 11, has them right back in it. And of their 17 remaining games, the Brewers face only two teams the Cubs and Cards with winning records. Americas employers added a solid 531,000 jobs to the economy in October, the most since July and a sign that the recovery from the pandemic recession is overcoming a virus-induced slowdown. Fridays report from the Labor Department also showed that the unemployment rate fell to 4.6% last month, from 4.8% in September - a good sign, but well above the pre-pandemic jobless rate of 3.5%. After getting dropped off at a train station in the middle of the night at some town not far from the prison, he said he arrived in Chicago around 8 a.m. and caught the Metra to Aurora, where his dad met him and took him to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get his state ID. Both Franchini-Rodriguez and Hernandez have said the future of the parade will depend largely on the support from within the Hispanic community. The parade committee also could cut costs by moving the parade to the downtown district and off Collins Street and out of the Hispanic business district. Two officers opened fire on the suspect, who suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital for treatment, the release said. Both officers also were transported to a hospital for precautionary reasons and were later treated and released. The lawyers for all defendants told the judge Monday that they objected to the presence of a photographer during the arraignment. Bakalis expressed concern that public dissemination of images of the defendants, who will be shackled and wearing jail attire for the hearing, could spread the wrong message. You have to have a passion for history, he said. I want to go deeper than just reading about it. I want to get a much more visceral sense. Elgin Fire Station 4 at 599 S. McLean Blvd. is across the street from the bar and firefighter paramedics were immediately called, Elgin Fire Capt. Dan Rink said. However, because police needed to ensure the shooter had left the area, the firefighters remained in the ambulance in the station driveway for nearly eight minutes before getting permission to go to the hospital. So, when Melissa Thorson, who works with McDonalds marketing team, approached the department with an idea of having Cone with a Cop in River Grove, they were eager to learn more. Arroyo said that Thorson actively looks for ways for people to have new experiences at their local McDonalds. "Based on the feedback we received, it's apparent more analysis and outreach are required before this project moves forward," Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn said in the release. "We will be asking our project team to perform that analysis and do the necessary outreach so the impacted communities are more involved in the decision-making process." I want the school staff to know that that not only am I, the SRO, are here for them, but the entire La Grange Police Department is here to support them with their needs, he said. I also wanted to gain the majority of the students trust Those 167 lives would have earned $170 million over the course of their lives, $65 million would have been saved in police costs, $218 million would be saved in corrections costs and real estate values would have increased by $6 billion, Freeman said. The goal is to gather community input on what qualities and characteristics are needed in a superintendent, according to a news release. The meeting will also serve as an opportunity for the search firm to provide information to the public about the search process. The close of in-person voter registration with a deputy registrar the latter of which can be found at the Lake County Clerks Office, most libraries, and at townships and city and village halls and via mail or with a precinct committeeman is Oct. 9, according to the clerks office. But, if you miss that date, a voter can register online with the State Board of Elections or in person at the two Secretary of State offices in Lake County through Oct. 21. (L-R): Ambassador of Mauritius in New York, Jagdish D. Koonjul, Jennifer Robinson, Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Noah Patrick Kouback, Professor Robert McCorquodale and Nicola Peart I couldnt agree more with the two opinions in Talk of the County about Chris Blanks. You should have opinions in the paper from editorial people that have a purpose. These are nothing but hate-filled, whiny, racist type of opinions. This is not what a newspaper is for. What are you trying to do, fill space? The newspaper opinion section usually has something that really matters to people in their locality. Hate-filled, constant attacking of political leaders, especially the president, makes absolutely no sense. This goes on and on and on, and you should not be doing it. We should be writing columns on why, for example, a particular mayor or a governor doesnt do certain things for the people. But, to simply just attack them in a racist way is just not acceptable. When I look at those types headlines and opinions, those things go right in the trash. I wouldnt read words out of any of those stories. So if youre trying to get people to read, that is not the way. A: Im interested in becoming a surgeon and this would help me to know if Id actually like the medical field. Cutting open a person can sound scary, but a simple procedure can save someones life. A lot of this program has to do with the brain, but it also offers a lot on basics like CPR and stitches, and what medical school is like. In order to qualify to be a school board member, a person must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years old or older, a resident of Illinois and of the district for at least one year, and a registered voter. The man was found by emergency responders laying face up in the water about 10 to 15 feet from shore. Naperville fire officials said the man did not have a pulse and was not breathing when paramedics found him. Nobodys going to rush us, he said. Ive been asked a number of times about the petition. Im sorry, but I represent the village of Norridge, which is 15,000 people, not the [4,600] who signed the petition because many of them might not be from Norridge. I represent Norridge and will do whatever is best for the village. Ketona was taken to Methodist Hospitals Northlake in Gary before he was airlifted to University of Chicago where he died Saturday, officials said. The board selected an alternate option to add the four classrooms in the 70,000-square-foot-school at a cost of $527,761, said Superintendent Peggy Buffington. She said the contingencies were built into the schools budget. I was 23 years old, fresh out of art school and just beginning my musical career. I'll never forget the feeling of personal responsibility I felt. I felt as if I had made it to a more advanced stage in my music and art I might have been able to more positively influence our culture. I had discovered my favorite musician a few years prior in Cat Stevens. In those days of limitless imagination I had always wanted Cat to come back to the music scene and to work on a song with him. It was astounding to me how he sat at the crossroads of everything that was happening. I knew then that he was needed more than ever this man of great peace who had been the voice of a searching generation who found his calm in Islam. Following the hearing, the review board voted 4-2 to recommend the project be approved by the village board, with several conditions. Those conditions include permitting only right turns from the site onto Harlem Avenue, recommending parking on Iowa Street be reserved for local residents only, presentation of a final landscaping plan to the village board, allowing deliveries only between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. and requiring snowfall be stored or removed from the property and not placed on the public way. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Ross estimated that she interviewed Brief close to a thousand times during the course of the book, but she also talked to his brother, children, a friend of his wifes and more. She reached out to Florida, Tennessee and Texas to talk to people who are part of Briefs life. Unemployment still high, but job fair set to help a return to work As Puebloans continue to return to work and help the decline of unemployment figures, a job fair is set to help those still searching for jobs. Doing Business in China 2019 is designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in China. Compiled by the professionals at Dezan Shira & Associates, this... From June to September 2016, Stomp, a well-known percussion performance stage show, was shown in Beijing some 70 times, which attracted about 50,000 people. This year, it will return to the city from Sept. 26 to Oct. 6, and will be staged at the Poly Theater. The show, created in Brighton, in the United Kingdom, in the summer of 1991, is the result of a 10-year collaboration between Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. The duo first worked together in 1981 as members of the street band Pookiesnackenburger and the theater group Cliff Hanger. Together, these groups presented a series of street comedy musicals at the Edinburgh Festival throughout the early 1980s. The show now in its 17th year, is an international hit, and has been staged in 53 countries with over 20,000 performances, including one at the 2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony in London. "It's always a surprise to us that Stomp continues to be so popular all over the world. I think the universal language of rhythm is something in all of us, no matter where we are from. The show has grown as it has traveled, influenced by the different performers, different cultures and different rhythms from around the world," Cresswell says. After Beijing, the show will travel to Guangdong, Chengdu, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Stomp first played in Hong Kong in the 90s. And Cresswell recalls that it was great to visit although they had to search all over to find scrap metal for the show. They have since played in Shanghai and Beijing. The circular or square Hakka enclosure houses in east China's Jiangxi Province have a history of over 400 years. However, today, only Li Minghua, 56, masters the knowledge and skills to build and fix the traditional houses. Nestled in mountains, the Hakka round houses, a variation on which is more widely known in adjacent Fujian Province as tulou, date back to the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) when a group of people from north China migrated to the south and settled down. Called the Hakka, literally meaning "guest families", they adapted to the local environment and developed their own language, customs, and the unique architecture. According to Li, people live in small rooms in the enclosures, which have the function of the defense fortress. The walls are made with lime, clay, and sand mixed with brown sugar, egg white, and sticky rice. After fermenting for 15 days, the materials are mixed with cobblestones and tung oil before they are rammed into thick, solid walls of the enclosures as a kind of protection against invaders while providing accomodation. "For generations, apprentices started young to learn the building techniques, which are much more complicated than today's home building," said Li, who learned carpentry and craftsmanship at age of 14. Built on a base of stone, the thick walls of these unique buildings are fortified with cobblestones and wood, and their layout incorporates the tradition of feng shui. According to a latest survey on cultural relics, Jiangxi has over 500 such historical Hakka round houses -- 376 of them in Longnan County. Some architects have called them "Oriental Roman Castles." The architectural style was added to the tentative list of China's world heritage by National Cultural Heritage Administration in 2012, according to Zhang Xianzhong, director of Cultural Heritage Bureau of Longnan County. Zhang said many houses have decayed facades and some are even facing the threat of destruction. And most of the original inhabitants have moved out. The county government is setting aside funds to repair them. But despite the efforts to preserve the round houses, the biggest challenge is a shortage of skilled craftsmen. As the province's only recognized cultural heritage inheritor of the Hakka architecture, Li has worked on round houses all over the province, repairing them in their original style. Li is currently undertaking maintenance on a Yanyuanwei round house built in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), which covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters. "It takes three months to complete the maintenance. My team works from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day," he said. "The youngest in our construction team is already 41 years old. Craftsmen able to maintain this architecture are in short supply," said Li. He said he used to have six apprentices, but all of them have left, some moving to cities to develop their own home decoration businesses. "Traditional craftsmanship does not make money. Not even my own son is willing to take on my business to fix the traditional houses," said Li. Modern lifestyles have made the traditional architecture lose its appeal to younger generation. Li said rooms in the round houses are small and dark. Nowadays, people want to live in spacious and bright houses. However, the round houses are important to the Hakka as a means of narrating and witnessing the Hakka history and culture, Li said. He has called on young people to safeguard their historical roots and the spiritual home of Hakka people. "I grew up living in round houses. They are just like a mother to me," Li said. "The Hakka pay attention to filial piety. I take it as my life-long mission to protect, repair and restore these houses." The Thangka Art Festival has been stealing the spotlight of the 4th China Tibet Tourism and Culture Expo on September 8, 2018, in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region. (Photo by CGTN) The China Tibet Tourism and Culture Expo has opened in the country's western region and is showcasing traditional products. Tibetan culture is also being celebrated during the event. Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, also known as the Roof of the World, Tibet is a place where many come to seek inner peace. But for people living here, they're eager to go elsewhere and share their made-in-Tibet products and techniques. That is why hundreds of exhibitors have seized the chance at this year's Tibet tourism and culture expo. For visitors, it's easy to be mesmerized by the hundreds of products on display, but it's the Thangka Art Festival that's been stealing the spotlight. Thangka master Norbu Sethar has been participating in the expo since the very beginning. White Night, an overnight art festival, which is taking place in Riga for the 13th straight year, offers a rich program of activities, shows, exhibitions and performances in Riga, Latvia's capital city, this Saturday night, the local authority informed. The 53 events included in this year's White Night program in Riga, are taking place not only in the city center, old town and Riga's creative quarters, but also in the city's more remote neighborhoods like Vecmilgravis and Kliversala. The forum's program features some already familiar and popular projects like the White Night Trams, as well as a video and music program developed by the contemporary art festival Survival Kit 10 and the avant-garde music festival Sound Forest. Riga's international contemporary art biennial RIBOCA in collaboration with the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater is presenting an open-air piano music project "Black and White" in one of the city's parks and Canadian artists have brought an interactive installation, "Wave Field", to Riga. A jazz music program at Ziemelblazma culture palace in Vecmilgravis neighborhood features pieces by Latvian composers inspired by the Riga-born US painter Mark Rothko and Riga Zoo hosts a poetry reading event titled "Poets and Other Animals". The project Baltic Stencil is unveiling a number of street-artworks created by Estonian artists and the film festival 2ANNAS and the Bize movie theater are screening animation and Baltic film programs. White Night in Riga is part of the international project European White Nights which 16 years ago was initiated by five European cities: Brussels, Madrid, Paris, Riga and Rome. The idea of the forum is to bring contemporary art closer to people by involving them in various exciting art-related activities on this particular night in September. Privacy Overview This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. You are here: China A total of 28 people have been confirmed injured and nearly 5,000 residents were relocated after a 5.9-magnitude earthquake hit southwest China's Yunnan Province Saturday morning. The earthquake hit Mojiang Hani Autonomous County at 10:31 a.m. Saturday, according to the local quake-relief headquarters. The headquarters said Sunday that around 25,000 residents have been affected by the quake, more than 29,000 houses and 34 schools located in 10 townships were damaged. Infrastructure including roads, bridges, sewage treatment plants and pipe networks in the affected areas have also been damaged. Three reservoirs in the county were severely damaged. More than 1,500 people have taken part in the relief work. Tents, quilts, blankets, folding beds, food, and water have been distributed to affected residents by local quake relief agencies. Moreover, the Ministry of Emergency Management said it sent disaster-relief supplies on Sunday to quake-hit areas including 2,000 tents and 8,000 foldaway beds, as well as quilts and clothes. An emergency workgroup from the ministry is currently in the county to assist with local disaster-relief efforts. He Yujiao was excited to return to Far East Russia's Vladivostok, a city that helped her physically and mentally heal from the massive Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Nearly 70,000 people died and about 18,000 were missing after a magnitude 8.0 earthquake devastated the county in Southwest China's Sichuan province. He was traumatizedher father had died. After the earthquake, Russia raced to extend a helping hand. Then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev agreed with then-president Hu Jintao to invite 1,570 primary and high school students from the Wenchuan quake zone to recuperate in Russia. During a state visit to Russia in March 2013, President Xi Jinping recounted at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations the heartwarming story of Russia's prompt assistance. He, now a 21-year-old law student at Ningbo University in Zhejiang province, was one of the students taken to the Ocean All-Russia Children's Care Center in Vladivostok in 2008. When she arrived, tired and devastated, the Russian teachers and students welcomed her and the other survivors in Chinese and helped them feel at home. The staff prepared spicy noodles, food the children ate at home, to help them feel at ease. The location also helped. They awoke to the sound of the ocean surf, which had a soothing effect. The children were encouraged to swim and to skate. "Our plan was to help them leave behind the memories of the tragedy," said a teacher at the center who gave her name only as Courova. When it was time for the children to return to China, almost every one had gained weight. They hugged their teachers and friends and promised to come back one day. Forty-one young people who visited Russia after the Wenchuan earthquake at the invitation of the Russian government are now revisiting the country for one week. The youngsters whose homes were in quake-affected regions in Sichuan, left the provincial capital of Chengdu for Beijing on Friday. They reached the Russian city on Saturday morning, said Liu Fei, an official from a newspaper affiliated with the Sichuan Department of Education. Liu will accompany the youngsters to Vladivostok to conduct cultural exchanges with locals. The Chinese youngsters will sing Russian songs and perform traditional Tibetan and Qiang dances for Russian audiences, he said. He said she is so happy to again see the center, of which she has so many happy memories. During her three-week stay in Vladivostok, she saw the sea for the first time, and a Russian teacher taught her how to make a ceramic baby. As He did not have an English name, a young Russian volunteer gave her own name, "Rechael", to her. "The young Russian videographer who filmed our life for 21 days knew a little Chinese," He said. "He would tell jokes in Chinese to make us laugh. Thanks to them all, we forgot the sorrow caused by the quake, and our peace of mind returned." Back at the center, Courova and other teachers were busy decorating the classrooms with Chinese paper cuttings and calligraphy, getting ready for the reunion with their Chinese students. "Have they changed? Grown taller?" Courova asked with the same excitement a mother might show talking about her long-missed children. A growing number of men are using cosmetics and skin care products, and for some of them, wearing makeup has become a lifestyle choice, statistics show. In February last year, Chinese research institute CBNData and e-commerce platform Tmall released the report Cosmetics and Skincare Consumption Trend in China. From 2013 to 2016, online sales of male skin care products continued to increase. In 2016, such sales of makeup products to men ages 18 to 22 rose by 100 percent year-on-year. In 2016, the five provinces and autonomous regions that led online sales of male facial masks were Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hebei and Anhui. The same year, some Chinese and European cosmetics brands started to invite Chinese male stars to be their spokesmen, with notable effects. Brands prefer xiaoxianrou - young male celebrities with fine, delicate features who often appear with elegant makeup - as young female fans are willing to pay for what they represent. Meanwhile, xiaoxianrou are paying attention to skin care themselves, adding credibility to such products. In April, consulting company iResearch and online discount retailer Vipshop released a report on fashion consumption trends among Chinese born after 1995. Of 532 males born between 1995 and 1999, about one in five used BB cream - which has a creamy formulation, is typically lighter in texture than foundation, and is used to even out facial skin tone - or lip products. One in 10 of these men used eyebrow products or eyeliner. Vipshop's data show that for cosmetics, males born between these years bought facial masks, skin care sets and cleansing products, with the highest number of such sales being reported last year. Mao Xun, a fashion commentator, said lip protection and hand cream are basic cosmetics, but not for the exclusive use of women. Personal grooming, such as cutting the fingernails, will help to give men a good image. "As for skin care, Chinese men have a higher brand loyalty, but Chinese females like to try new products," he said. "Chinese women's makeup favorites are lipstick and foundation. "While Chinese men born in the 1980s can barely accept the idea of using foundation, the post-90s generation are more likely to use popular online products such as BB cushion and eyebrow powder." He said that if a man has an uneven skin tone or pimples, applying products to conceal this will help provide a uniform complexion. "It's OK to use light makeup to showcase yourself in an upbeat way, but do not imitate the heavy makeup of some male idols," he said. Mao said men should do more exercise, as this will be beneficial for their skin. Also, a good body shape will make them appear vigorous and stylish. Wu Yifan, 22, couldn't agree more. "The most important aspect of skin care is to have a regular schedule of work and rest, and good eating habits," said Wu, who has just graduated from a university in Tianjin, and who never stays up late at night and goes to the gym regularly. He uses cleansing foam, essence oil, lotion and eye cream, but not makeup. He also uses sun block, which is routine for both men and women from the southern province of Hainan - where he comes from - to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Skin care is a habit that Wu formed when he was a middle school student. His mother and elder sister taught him about it from scratch and prepared products for him. Wu said a man's eyebrows are important, and an energetic and good image will be presented if they are trimmed. He once bought an eyebrow pencil and eyebrow growth serum but now rarely uses them. "You first need to have an objective assessment of your skin. If you need to improve it, you should choose the products that suit you best," he said. Wu even used to own more varieties of skin care products than his girlfriend until he found those that were the most suitable for him. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the China-promoted Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Since its formal proposal by President Xi Jinping in 2013, the BRI has emerged as the 21st century's biggest economic cooperation project for both China and the participant countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and the entire world. President Xi's vision for the multi-billion-dollar initiative is to boost world trade through an interconnected world, while creating a win-win scenario for all parties. Hailed by President Xi as "the project of the century", the BRI came at a time when the rise of protectionism and anti-globalization is sweeping through the developed world. Although some Western countries and analysts are raising concerns about the transparency, debt sustainability and usefulness of BRI projects, within a brief period of five years, this game-changing initiative has won support from more than 100 countries and international organizations, over 40 of which have signed cooperation agreements with China. While critics of the BRI have called it an attempt to reorder the global economy in China's favor and modern imperialism using harsh rhetoric such as "China Threat," or "Debt Trap", the initiative has become a particular boon for four countries of South AsiaPakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, which are wildly enthusiastic for partnering with China on economic, political, and infrastructural development. Although China's biggest neighbor, India, is reluctant to join the BRI due to its opposition of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the BRI, on the grounds that parts of the project passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir - every other neighbor including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal have joined the initiative. It is important to understand that CPEC is a very significant project, not only for Pakistan but also for the whole world. Under the CPEC framework, already 22 of 43 projects have been completed or are ongoing. On January 29, 2018, the corridor entered a new phase due to the launch of the first phase of the Gwadar Port's Free Zone and the Gwadar Expo 2018. Indeed, CPEC is transforming the lives of ordinary Pakistani people for the better as more employment opportunities are being created with each development. Hailing the scale and the ambition of this project, Pakistan's former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif remarked, "Let me make it very clear, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, an economic undertaking, is open to all countries in the region." Understanding the grand ambition of the project, India's ally and fraternal neighbor, Bangladesh formally joined the BRI after a historic visit by President Xi in October 2016 when the two countries signed several deals worth US$38 billion. Needless to say, the BRI has been supporting Bangladesh's infrastructure development to help it realize its economic development goals. Seven friendship bridges have been completed across Bangladesh under Chinese grants, and the eighth one is under construction. The Chinese-financed project the Anwara 2 Economic Zone, Karnaphuli Multi-Channel Tunnel, the Dasherkandi Sewage Treatment Plant Project are all vibrant examples of good neighborly relations between China and Bangladesh. On the other hand, the BRI has also become a ray of hope for the landlocked Nepal. The Himalayan country became a signatory to the initiative on May 12, 2017 with a clear vision to reap benefits from China's exemplary economic development. Under the initiative, China is aiding Nepal in a number of infrastructure projects including roads, hydropower projects, bridges and industrial parks, all of which will surely reduce the country's strategic vulnerabilities and its dependence on India. A Nepal-China economic corridor has been proposed under the BRI. The China-Nepal-India corridor is another proposed trilateral cooperation project which will expand connectivity not only within these three countries but also with other regions. However, although China has provided significant development assistance to South Asian countries, the BRI has also garnered some negative concerns which are nothing but distortions. Citing the example of the Hambantota Port deal, when some analysts in the West and Asia have been vocal about the fact that Sri Lanka has fallen prey to China's "give loan and in return grab land" policy, they should take an honest and unbiased look at the significant achievements of the BRI projects in the island country through which the country's economy has greatly benefited. They should keep in mind that after the refusal to build the Hambantota Port by India, it was China which provided the funding and built Hambantota Port with good intentions. Critics should also keep in mind that after 99 years, China Harbor Engineering Company (CMPH) will transfer all its shareholdings to the Sri Lankan government and the Sri Lanka Port Authority (SLPA) at a token price of US$1 upon termination of the agreement. In the past five years various major Chinese-backed infrastructure projects such as the Lakvijaya Power Station, the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway and the Moragahakanda dam project had brought great benefits to the local people's lives there. The Matara-Kataragama railway extension project in southern Sri Lanka will be officially opened for the public in October this year. It is hoped that the United States and its allies as well as Western media outlets will view the BRI in a fair and objective attitude without acting impulsively. In addressing the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping reaffirmed that the BRI will actively promote international cooperation, increase assistance to other developing countries, and help reduce the development gap between the Global South and North. Over the past five years, the BRI has been serving as China's blueprint for global development and coordination based on an open platform concept. In the words of China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the initiative is a "symphony of all relevant parties". The BRI vision statement claims "Principles of Peaceful Coexistence" which include a "mutual respect for each other's sovereignty." It is expected that India should abandon its stereotyped view about BRI and climb on this progressive initiative for the common development and prosperity of the region. Rabi Sankar Bosu, Secretary of New Horizon Radio Listeners' Club, West Bengal, India Opinion articles reflect the views of their authors only, not necessarily those of The 2018 Beijing FOCAC Summit has crystallized the consensus on creating an "even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future." The speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony outlines his country's future approach vis-a-vis Africa and renders it the biggest player in the Continent. But "the surging trend toward multi-polarity" in the world as Xi reiterated in his speech certainly requires synergies which often go beyond bilateral initiatives. China a steady supporter of multilateralism favors collaboration with other partners aimed at advancing African development. The EU belongs to them. In the 20th China-EU Summit that was held in Beijing in July 2018, the two sides agreed to continue to reinforce their consultations on foreign policy and security matters, including exchanges on Africa. They also decided to explore possibilities for triangular cooperation on promoting sustainable energy access, energy efficiency and low greenhouse gas emission development in African countries. Generally speaking, the EU has envisioned the trilateral cooperation since 2008. A European Commission communication focused then on the shared interest of the EU and China in promoting stable and sustainable development in Africa and presented concrete objectives. These included peace and security, support for African infrastructure, management of the environment and natural resources as well as agricultural and food security. The 2008 European Commission communication reflected perhaps the need of the EU to coordinate actions with China as the latter had already launched its comprehensive "African Policy." Ten years ago, the European determination to cooperate with China in several activities in Africa had gone hand-in-hand with the then dominant Western approach of international relations. According to this theory, China might endorse European norms and values and possibly westernize itself by accepting to join Western-led initiatives. At that time, the Eurozone was still robust and therefore the EU was keen on presenting itself as a model for the world despite China's skepticism about the former's motivations. This changed in the next years though. While the EU entered a period of crises the economic and the refugee ones causing serious cohesion problems to its unity and model, China emerged as a dynamic global player with both economic power and political prestige. Within this context, Sino-European relations on African affairs could not easily develop with China as a listener rather than an agenda-setter. Also, the EU's presence in Africa remains haunted due to historical reasons which is not the case with that of China. Additionally, the two sides diverge over their policy of (non)-interference in the affairs of African countries. The case of Libya's bombardment in 2011 was characteristic. While European countries such as Britain and France supported the military intervention, China did not. Moreover, political conditionality is a main element of the EU engagement in Africa, whereas the Chinese administration is largely interested in good terms for investments, business and trade. Existing divergences do not of course mean that there is no room for joint actions. Both China and the EU agree on the importance of eradicating poverty and support the African Union's Agenda 2063. Moreover, they want stability in African countries and for Africa to participate in multilateral initiatives, for instance, the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden and some peacekeeping operations under the UN umbrella. They also cooperate on small arms control. In 2012, for example, the EU-China-Africa Expert Working Group on Conventional Arms was launched. Previous successes can generate some optimism for some future actions in Africa as they were described in the 20th China-EU Summit. Beyond relations between China and the EU on African affairs, some single EU member states seek to enhance cooperation with Beijing on this subject. When President of France Emmanuel Macron visited China last January and met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, he talked about their common will to deepen concertation on Africa. Subsequently, the French Agency for Development and China Development Bank announced their partnership to support projects fighting climate change in Africa. Germany and China also want to work together in Africa. To that end they jointly opened a center for sustainable development in Beijing last year. Most scholars dealing with Sino-European relations in Africa pose the question whether the two sides are partners or competitors. No answer can be given as they can be both. What matters more is for Africa through this process and with the help of both China and the EU to realize its invigoration. George N. Tzogopoulos is a columnist with For more information please visit: Opinion articles reflect the views of their authors, not necessarily those of Flash Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, on Sunday sent a congratulatory message to Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), on the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK. On behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and people, as well as in his own name, Xi extends his warm congratulations and sincere wishes to Kim, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the DPRK government and people. Kim is the chairman of the WPK and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK. In the message, Xi said the people of the DPRK have attained remarkable achievements in the cause of socialist revolution and construction over the past 70 years. "In recent years, comrade chairman has led your party and people into taking proactive measures in social and economic development and achieved important results, and the development of socialism in the DPRK has entered a new historical stage," Xi said, "I'm really pleased to see all this." Xi stressed that China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors linked by a mountain and rivers, and the China-DPRK traditional friendship forged and cultivated by the two countries' older generations of leaders is precious treasure shared by both sides. The CPC and the Chinese government attach great importance to the China-DPRK friendly cooperative relations, unswervingly committed to maintaining, consolidating and developing such ties, Xi added. Mentioning his three meetings with Kim this year, Xi said they have clearly charted the development direction of bilateral relations. "I am willing to work hand in hand with comrade chairman to promote the China-DPRK relations for long-term, healthy and sound development so as to benefit both countries and both peoples and to boost regional peace and security," the Chinese president said. Xi said he sincerely hopes that the DPRK people will attain greater achievements in national development and construction under the leadership of Kim and the WPK. The Chinese president sincerely wished the DPRK prosperous and its people happy and safe. Flash A massive parade was held in Kim Il Sung Square in central Pyongyang on Sunday morning to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The DPRK's top leader Kim Jong Un and other senior officials attended the celebration, together with hundreds of foreign guests, ambassadors and representatives of DPRK nationals living abroad. Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, said under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, the DPRK has made great achievements in economic construction. He urged citizens to carry out the strategic line of economic construction put forward at the Third Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and to contribute to world peace and the unification of the Korean Peninsula. The two-hour parade saw thousands of people from all walks of life, including soldiers, workers, peasants and students, march through the square, waving flowers and shouting slogans such as "Long live supreme leader Kim." Some vehicles rolled through with banners, paying homage to the massive statues of the leaders and showcasing the achievements of the past 70 years. Some military weapons, including rockets and tanks, were also demonstrated in the parade. But the scale was not as big as expected and long-range missiles were not displayed. The parade was the first of its kind after the DPRK-South Korea and the DPRK-U.S. summits were held successively and the situation on the Korean Peninsula entered a state of dialogue. The celebrations began Saturday evening with a concert at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium. Flash China's top legislator on Sunday presented a signed letter from General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping to Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). Li Zhanshu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, is on a visit to the DPRK starting from Saturday as Xi's special representative to attend the activities marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK. Xi said in the letter that the DPRK, under the successive leadership of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, has made extraordinary achievements on the course of the socialist construction in the past 70 years. At present, DPRK's socialist construction has taken on a new look in various fields as the country concentrates on the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, Xi said. It is an unswerving policy of the CPC and the Chinese government to safeguard, consolidate and develop China-DPRK relations, Xi said in the letter. Xi said that he and Kim had reached important consensus during their three meetings this year, opening a new chapter in the development of China-DPRK relations. Xi said he is willing to work with Kim to strengthen the guidance of China-DPRK relations, implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders and push for greater progress in bilateral ties. Noting that the 70th founding anniversary is a big event for the DPRK, Li said President Xi attaches great importance to the event and dispatched a delegation to Pyongyang to send China's warm congratulations. This year is of special historic significance for China-DPRK relations, said Li, adding that the three meetings between Xi and Kim had ushered in a new historic stage of the bilateral ties. No matter how the international and regional situation changes, China's firm commitment to the consolidation and development of bilateral ties will not change, nor will Chinese people's friendship towards their DPRK peers or China's support to DPRK's socialist course, Li said. Li said his visit aims to implement the important consensus between Xi and Kim, enhance high-level strategic communication, carry out friendly exchanges in various fields and have in-depth exchanges of views on further development of the traditional friendship so as to create a better future for the China-DPRK ties. On the Korean Peninsula issue, Li said that achieving lasting peace and denuclearization of the Peninsula accords with the trend of the times and the aspiration of the people. China commits to the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability of the region and solving problems through dialogue and consultation, said Li. "We have high regards of the efforts the DPRK has made towards regional peace and stability," said Li, adding that he hopes the DPRK and the United Sates could implement the outcomes of their summit, work jointly to preserve the general trend of peaceful talks. Li said China is willing to work with relevant parties and play a constructive role toward a political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. Kim expressed his appreciation for Xi's letter and asked Li to convey greetings and best wishes to Xi. Kim said Li's visit symbolized the deep friendship from the Chinese side and touched the WPK, the DPRK government and its people. The traditional friendship created and nurtured by the the older generations of leaders of both countries has been the most valuable treasure, Kim said. Recalling his three meetings with Xi, Kim said he felt in person the valuable and warm DPRK-China friendship, adding that the DPRK will firmly carry on and do its best to develop the friendship no matter how the international situation changes. The DPRK is carrying out the new strategic line and focusing on the development of economy, said Kim, adding that his country expects to learn from China and further expand exchanges and cooperation in different fields so as to jointly promote the socialist course in both countries. Kim said the DPRK adheres to the consensus reached during the DPRK-U.S. summit and has taken measures in this regard while the U.S. side should take corresponding actions to jointly promote the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. FOCUS ON DEFENSE CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA AND OCEANIA Flash China and Pakistan pledged on Sunday to jointly promote the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and push forward the development of bilateral ties. The pledges were made as visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Pakistani President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad separately. Alvi, who was sworn in as the Pakistani president Sunday, received Wang as his first foreign guest. He said friendship with China is Pakistan's national policy and over the past more than five decades Pakistan has always cherished the friendship with China, which is based on mutual benefit and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples. The president hailed the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative as visionary, saying that CPEC, an important part of the Belt and Road construction, has brought and will continue to bring tangible benefits to the Pakistani people. The new Pakistani government is committed to strengthening the construction of CPEC, and is willing to learn from China in such areas as poverty alleviation, anti-corruption and job creation. Wang said the bilateral relations and friendship between China and Pakistan remain unchanged despite the changing domestic and international situation, adding that his visit was aimed at getting in touch with the new Pakistani government so as to continue and facilitate the bilateral cooperation in all fields. During the meeting, Wang also briefed Alvi on Chinese experiences on poverty alleviation and anti-corruption. He reiterated China's willingness to join hands with Pakistan to constantly enrich and extend the construction of CPEC, and closely coordinate with Pakistan on international and regional issues, so as to safeguard the two countries' core interests and the international fairness and justice. During his meeting with Wang, also on Sunday, Pakistani Prime Minister Khan said that his government is firmly committed to further promoting the development of Pakistan-China relations. Noting that CPEC is an iconic project of bilateral economic cooperation and an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative, Khan said Pakistan stands ready to work with China on CPEC. The Pakistani prime minister expressed his hope to learn from China's experiences in poverty alleviation and anti-corruption, adding that he is looking forward to paying a visit to China in November and attending the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai. For his part, Wang appreciated Khan's remarks after winning the general elections in July that Pakistan will continue taking the relations with China as the cornerstone of its diplomacy and that Pakistan will firmly facilitate the development of CPEC. Wang said China is willing to join hands with Pakistan to make the bilateral relations a model of good neighborliness and friendship, a pillar of regional peace and stability and an example of joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. He said CPEC has generated driving forces to the social and economic development of Pakistan, and will be extended to industrial cooperation according to Pakistan's needs, so as to increase employment, expand trade, and improve people's livelihood to make more Pakistanis benefit from CPEC. During his visit to Pakistan, Wang also held talks with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser. Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday congratulated via a video on the opening of a forum in Kazakhstan to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the video, Xi also extended sincere gratitude to Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and sincere regards to all the guests at the forum. After the initiative was put forward, it has gained extensive attention from the international community and active response from related countries, Xi said. The countries participating in the initiative have continued to enhance policy coordination, accelerated the implementation of major economic and trade projects, endeavored to form an infrastructure network, steadily promoted cooperation in industry and finance, and strengthened people-to-people exchanges, which have brought tangible benefits to people of these countries, he added. Kazakhstan is a firm supporter of and active participant in the Belt and Road Initiative, Xi said. In the past five years, with joint efforts of China and Kazakhstan, the two countries have obtained substantial fruits in the cooperation on the initiative, the Chinese president said. Sticking to the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China is willing to work with Kazakhstan and other related countries to realize common development and prosperity with openness and inclusiveness, and build the Belt and Road into a road for peace, prosperity, openness, innovation and civilization, so as to make greater contribution to benefiting people of all related countries and promoting the building of a community of shared future for mankind, Xi said. He wished the forum a complete success at the end. NYPD(NEW YORK) -- New York City police are searching for a suspect who allegedly assaulted a store worker by tossing wine bottles at him in one of a pair of violent robberies on Sunday. Alleged assaults at the second robbery scene left two people in serious condition. Officials with the New York Police Department said a man robbed two stores in Lower Manhattan on Sunday and waged vicious attacks on the stores workers. Police said the suspect, described as a man between 40 and 60 years old, entered Seward Park Liquors at around 12:45 p.m. and threatened to hit the cashier if he didnt open the cash register. The individual approached the 41-year-old male employee with a bottle of liquor in his hands and threatened to hit him with it if the employee didn't give him the money from the cash register, police said in a statement. When the employee refused, the individual tried to hit him with the bottle and then continued to throw bottles of liquor at him. The NYPD released surveillance video from the scene, showing the suspect throwing glass bottles and chasing the employee around the store. The suspect eventually obtained a key to the cash register and fled the scene with about $200 in cash, according to police. The victim was treated at the scene by emergency medical personnel. A man matching the same description attacked workers at a shoe store in the same area less than two hours later, police said. Police said he walked into the Reno Fashion shoe store, located about a mile away from first crime scene, where he allegedly assaulted two employees and attempted to remove money from the register, according to the statement. Video showed the suspect viciously punching and kicking the store workers, a 66-year-old man and an 88-year-old woman, leaving them both in serious condition, according to police. In addition he struck the male employee on the head with several glass jars and a large ceramic pot. Both victims suffered numerous lacerations to their heads and were removed to Bellevue Hospital in serious but stable condition, the NYPD statement said. Police said he fled the scene on foot, but it was unclear if he had stolen anything. The NYPD released images and video from the scenes on Sunday, asking anyone with information to call the its Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. By Gillian Duncan, The National | Sep. 09, 2018 Emirates has reiterated that drinking alcohol is "not prohibited" on its flights, in the wake of UK media reports questioning the legality of serving alcohol on board. The airline's Emirates Support account has replied to several customers over Twitter who asked whether they ran the risk of being arrested in the UAE for drinking alcohol during a flight. In a reply to one concerned traveller, it said: "Alcohol consumption is not prohibited on our flights. Furthermore, alcohol is served in the lounges in Dubai airport and available for purchase in the Duty Free." In a statement issued to The National, Emirates said it continued to "invest" in its food and beverage programme, but stated "unruly" behaviour from passengers under the influence of alcohol would not be tolerated. "Emirates continues to invest in our food and beverage programme, which is an integral part of our in-flight experience," said the statement. "However, like on any other airline, or indeed any hospitality establishment, unruly or disruptive behaviour from intoxication will not be tolerated, and there may be legal consequences. The safety and well-being of our passengers and crew on board will always be our top priority." The tweets were prompted by a string of stories in the British media on Friday, which erroneously claimed that British consular officials had issued a fresh warning to tourists to abstain from drinking alcohol on planes to the UAE following the arrest of Ellie Holman, a British-based dentist in Dubai in July, who had told press in the UK her brush with the law was due to her drinking a glass of wine on an Emirates plane. It later emerged she was held after attempting to enter the country on an expired visa and using her phone to record discussions at the immigration counter. The press coverage followed a post on the UK Government's UK in the UAE Facebook page on Thursday, which included a reminder to British nationals that they require a special licence to legally consume alcohol in the Emirates. The UK in the UAE Facebook page clarified its position on Saturday, saying it had not changed the advice it gives British nationals on drinking alcohol in the UAE. "If you hold a residence permit it is illegal to purchase or consume alcohol without a liquor licence. Carry it with you at all times, NB a licence is only valid in the Emirate that issued it," said the post. "If caught carrying or drinking alcohol without a licence or with alcohol in your blood, you can be arrested. It is a punishable offence to be under the influence of alcohol in public, including when transiting through the UAE." Tourists are unable to obtain a licence, it said. But it is possible for them to buy alcoholic drinks, says the foreign travel advice for the United Arab Emirates on The advice also pointed out that being under the influence of alcohol without a licence is an offence. "However, you should be aware that it is a punishable offence under UAE law to drink or be under the influence of alcohol in public. British nationals have been arrested and charged under this law, often in cases where they have come to the attention of the police for a related offence or matter, such as disorderly or offensive behaviour." We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Concurs de granturi adresat COMUNITATILOR (APL) pentru sporirea rezilientei lor la schimbarile climatice si FEMEILOR ANTREPRENOARE in vederea dezvoltarii unor afaceri prietenoase mediului -by Reese Erlich I sneaked into Myanmar on a tourist visa because the military junta running the country made it almost impossible to travel as a journalist. So I thought I was the only foreign reporter in the capital of Yangon in July of 1995. I was relaxing one morning when BBC TV ran a bulletin that famous opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi had just been released from house arrest. I scrambled into a taxi and went straight to her house in a wealthy neighborhood of Yangon. I envisioned being the first reporter to interview her. I had the scoop of the century! When I arrived, however, her front yard was filled with dozens of diplomats and reporters. Most had flown in from Bangkok that morning when the government relaxed visa requirements. I joined the scrum of reporters asking her questions. Suu Kyi had genuine poplar support as a democracy advocate in this country once called Burma. She stood against the country's brutal military rulers. She was also a darling of the United States and Britain because of her advocacy of free markets, anti-communism and other pro-western policies. Most significantly neither Suu Kyi nor her supporters that I interviewed understood the complexities of Myanmar's 135 officially recognized ethnic groups. Her father had been a leftist and nationalist leader in the fight against British colonialism. That revolutionary nationalism helped free the country. But nationalism of the Buddhist majority applied against ethnic and religious minorities was to take the country in a repressive direction. Suu Kyi was jailed and released several times until her party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), was allowed to field parliamentary candidates in 2015. The NLD won the election and Suu Kyi became Myanmars de facto leader. But she hardly mentioned minority rights The generals exercise real power in Myanmar. They claim the Rohingya, who live in the western state of Rakhine, are really Bangladeshis, despite the fact they have lived in Myanmar for centuries. The government denies Rohingyas the right to vote or hold elected office, and restricts their access to healthcare, education, and jobs. Brutal attacks In 2016 and then again on August 25, 2017 an armed Rohingya militia attacked police and army posts, killing dozens of security personnel. In the following days the military viciously attacked Rohingya civilians, eventually driving hundreds of thousands out of the country. In numerous documented cases, the military beat, raped and murdered civilians. Right-wing nationalist Buddhist monks, with government cooperation, incited their followers to attack Rohingya villages, killing some civilians and driving out the rest. So much for the concept that Buddhism is somehow immune from the extremism affecting other major religions. In August this year a UN report described the military actions as "genocide" and called for an international tribunal to put the generals on trial. Despite these atrocities, Suu Kyi defends the military's actions. She also justifies the jailing of two Reuters reporters who exposed the massacres but were convicted on trumped up charges of violating the British colonial era Official Secrets Act. Last month they were sentenced to seven years in prison. Alice Baillat, research fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs now living in Bangladesh, told me Suu Kyi's political options are constrained by the powerful military. However, "she has not used her moral authority, popularity and power position, however limited, to stem or prevent the unfolding crisis and protect the civilian population." Armed attacks Rohingya politics are complicated as well. For two years an armed group called the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) has been attacking police and military targets in Rakhine state. ARSA's leader Ata Ullah was born in Pakistan and lived in Saudi Arabia. The International Crisis Group wrote, "The insurgent group, which refers to itself as Harakah al-Yaqin (Faith Movement), is led by a committee of Rohingya emigres in Saudi Arabia and is commanded on the ground by Rohingya with international training and experience in modern guerrilla war tactics." James M. Dorsey, senior fellow S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapores Nanyang Technological University, told me that as a Sunni Muslim group, ARSA has received political support and some relief supplies from militant groups such as Laksha Taiba in Pakistan. He noted, however, that ARSA is not a terrorist group such as Al Qaeda or ISIS, nor does it seek to create an Islamic caliphate. But, he warned, continued government repression could push some Rohingya in that direction. "If you're Rohingya, gravitating to militancy is 1 + 1 = 2," he said. Other ethnic groups in Myanmar have their own armed militias, noted Simon Billenness, executive director of the International Campaign for the Rohingya based in Boston. ARSA, he told me, attacks primarily military targets and doesn't intentionally kill civilians. "ARSA has more in common with the ethnic armed forces than it has to any international terrorist group," he said. U.S. Policy Both Republican and Democratic administrations have wrestled unsuccessfully with Myanmar policy. The country has valuable gemstones and sits in a volatile area bordering China, Bangladesh and Thailand. The last few presidents have tried to break Myanmar's close economic and political ties with China, and bring it into the US sphere of influence. The Obama administration lifted economic sanctions after the military gave up some power, even as attacks on Rohingya began. The Trump administration re-imposed sanctions on individual generals and threatened more stringent, unilateral sanctions. In my opinion, unilateral US sanctions are wrong in principle and unhelpful in practice. Who is Trump to denounce human rights violations against Muslims while denying them entry to the United States and keeping them jailed indefinitely in Guantanamo? US unilateral sanctions, while ostensibly defending human rights, in practice aim at replacing hostile regimes with ones friendly to the U.S. "If Donald trump comes out swinging with sanctions, he won't get a lot of Chinese and Russian support," said analyst Dorsey." If there was a multilateral effort to improve immediate living conditions with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) at the core, it could create a tolerable situation." The Trump administration should immediately help fund the UN's requested $951 million to help the Rohingya living in refugee camps. I don't expect much positive from the dotard Donald, but at least he can help fund refugee relief. Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. Market Research Future publishes a market reports related to the healthcare sector among others, recently forecasted in its report on Global Cardiac Pacemakers Market Research Report- Forecast to 2023 that the market will demonstrate a steady CAGR of 7.9% while achieving million dollar growth readily in the forecast period. Cardiac pacemakers are medical devices used to manage the heart rates in diseases like heart arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, and others. The market has implantable and external cardiac pacemakers along with biventricular, single-chambered, and dual-chambered cardiac pacemakers. The use of the implantable pacemakers is preferred over the external pacemaker. Get PDF Sample Copy of Report @ Increasing prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AFib), growing geriatric population, and rising healthcare expenditures are the major drivers for the market growth during the forecast period. The Global Cardiac Pacemaker Market is expected to grow at an approximate CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period. Key Players for Global Cardiac Pacemaker Market The key players in the Global Cardiac Pacemaker Market are Medtronic (U.S.), Abbott. (U.S.), Boston Scientific Corporation (U.S.), BIOTRONIK (Germany), LEPU MEDICAL (U.K), SORIN Group (Europe), MEDICO S.p.A. (Europe), OSCOR Inc. (U.S.), and others. Regional Analysis for Global Cardiac Pacemaker Market The Americas dominate the Global Cardiac Pacemaker Market owing to the well-developed healthcare sector, huge patient population, changing lifestyle, increasing healthcare expenditure, and growing geriatric population. Europe is the second largest Cardiac Pacemaker Market owing to the availability of funds for research, huge patient population, increasing healthcare expenditures, and well-developed healthcare sector. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing region in the Global market. The presence of a huge patient population and continuously developing economies like India and China drive the market growth during the forecast period. On the other hand, the Middle East & Africa holds the least share in the Global cardiac pacemaker. A majority of the market in the Middle East & Africa is held by the Middle East due to the well-developed healthcare sector and huge healthcare expenditure. Get Complete Access of Report @ About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Statistical Report, Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Contact Us: Market Research Future Hadapsar, Pune 411028 Maharashtra, India Phone: +1 646 845 9312 Email: Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market Overview The junction between the lumbar and thoracic part of the spine is known as thoracolumbar region. The thoracolumbar spine devices is used in this region to provide a steady support to the spine and avoid bending of thoracic spine. This minimal invasive devices is used as an alternative to spinal fusion surgery. The use of thoracolumbar spine devices ensures the retention of mobility of the spine, while spinal fusion surgery can cause movement ceastion. The growing incidence of spinal disorders such as vertebral fracture, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and excessive kyphosis worldwide is driving the global thoracolumbar spine devices market. Further, fissures in the thoracolumbar region can be a major cause for surgical intrusion. These vertebral fractures are either caused through accidents or calcium and other mineral deficiency. This deficiency is caused due to osteoporosis and rickettsia that ultimately deteriorate the bone causing fractures. Moreover, cases of spinal ailments such as spondylolisthesis and prolapsed intervertebral disc are rising globally. Besides, 80% of people suffer from lower back pain throughout the globe. All the above mentioned factors increase the adoption of thoracolumbar devices for treatment purposes. Generally, open surgery can be a painful procedure and can require a prolonged hospital stay. This has resulted in rising inclination towards minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) amid patients, governments, healthcare providers, and others. The shift from traditional open surgeries to minimally invasive surgeries has improved the patient gratification owing to fast recovery and shorter hospital stay. The cumulative demand for minimally invasive spine surgery is one of the key factors that is clearly impacting the growth of the global thoracolumbar spine devices market. The global market for thoracolumbar spine devices is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of approximately 6.5% during the forecast period 2017-2023. Avail Premium Sample copy at Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market Top Players Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Depuy Synthes (Johnson & Johnson) (U.S.), Exactech, Inc. (U.S.), Globus Medical, Inc. (U.S.), Medtronic Plc. (U.S.), NuVasive, Inc. (U.S.), Orthofix International N.V. (U.S.), Stryker Corporation (U.S.), Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), Paragon Medical, Inc. (U.S.), Norman Noble, Inc. (U.S.), Nutech (India), Titan Spine (U.S.), Wenzel Spine, Inc. (U.S.), X-Spine Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Tecomet, Inc. (U.S.), Marox Corporation (U.S.), Axial Medical (U.S.), Spine Wave, Inc. (U.S.), K2M, Inc. (U.S.), Captiva Spine, LLC (U.S.), Coligne AG (Switzerland), Yellowsteps SAS (U.S.), Medyssey Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Aesculap Implant Systems, LLC (U.S.), Ulrich Medical (Germany), and others. Intended Audience Thoracolumbar Spine Device Suppliers Thoracolumbar Spine Device Manufacturers Research and Development (R&D) Companies Medical Research Laboratories Academic Medical Institutes and Universities Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market Regional Analysis The global thoracolumbar spine devices market consists of regions namely America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. The Americas region is estimated to dominate the market over the forecast period owing to the growing support by key players for outsourcing the manufacturing process to the developing economies. The large share of Americas region is due to expansion of the U.S. healthcare industry in the emerging economies. The European market is anticipated to register a substantial growth owing to the increasing number of cases for spine disease, increasing geriatric population, technology advancements, and improving reimbursements. As per a study published in 2014 by the British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery, the rate for spinal fusion surgery for lumbar and cervical regions has augmented swiftly, however the rate of thoracic surgeries has declined over a period of time. The Asia Pacific region is anticipated to emerge as the fastest growing thoracolumbar spine devices market owing to the increasing healthcare infrastructure, rising awareness among people, and large patient pool. The Middle East & Africa has the potential to transpire as a large scale development and production hub for medical devices. The major factor contributing to this transformation would be low cost of product development in this region. Avail Stunning Discount at Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market Segmentation: The global thoracolumbar spine device market is segmented on the basis of product type, devices type, procedure, materials, and end user. On the basis of product type, the global thoracolumbar spine device market can be segmented into instrumentation, implants, spine biologics, and other. On the basis of devices type, the global thoracolumbar spine device market can be segmented into anterior stabilization device, posterior stabilization device, retractors, and other. On the basis of procedure, the global thoracolumbar spine device market can be segmented into open surgery, minimally invasive surgery (MIS), and other. On the basis of material, the global thoracolumbar spine device market can be segmented into titanium, stainless steel, and others. On the basis of end user, the global thoracolumbar spine device market can be segmented into hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, academic institutes, research centers, and others. Major TOC of Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market Research Report- Global Forecast till 2023 1 Introduction 2 Research Methodology 3 Market Dynamics 4 Market Factor Analysis 5 Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market, By Product 7 Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market, By Device Type 8 Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market, By Material 9 Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market, By Region 10 Global Thoracolumbar Spine Devices Market, By End User 11 Competitive Landscape 12 Company Profile 13 MRFR Conclusion Have Any Query, Ask to Expert at About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Contact Market Research Future Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar, Pune 411028 Maharashtra, India +1 646 845 9312 Email: Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. Market Scenario: The tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) inhibitors represent one of the major treatment methods for inflammatory diseases. Globally, this drug class is known to be the most successful drugs in the overall pharmaceutical industry. Several conditions such as inflammations, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and seronegative spondyloarthropathies, can be treated with the help of these drugs. The total sales of the top three blockbuster TNF-alpha inhibitors namely Remicade, Enbrel, and Humira had surpassed USD 32 billion in 2016. Xaluds lead product XT-150 harnesses the power of the bodys potent anti-inflammatory protein IL-10 to treat inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) and joints. XT-150 is in the stage of the preclinical trials for multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, and osteoarthritis. In leading rodent model study for neuropathic pain XT-150 has been highly efficacious. Single injection delivers it into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord ensuring that the therapy reaches its target. In the present scenario, developing countries have stringent regulatory requirements for approval of a new drug. It is a difficult task for marketing authorization application to get single regulatory for a new drug product which belongs to various categories of drugs such as NCE, biologicals, controlled drugs, etc. Therefore, the knowledge of precise and detailed regulatory requirements for market authorization application of different categories of drugs should be known to establish a suitable regulatory strategy. There is a need for pronounce and a fine balance between the persistence of gaining market access to pharmaceuticals, to protect the public health and facilitate healthy growth of pharmaceutical manufacturers. Get Exclusive Report with Current Market Trend @ Industry News: In May 2016, Pfizer acquires Anacor for its inflammatory & immunology portfolio. Anacor is a biopharmaceutical company focused on small molecule therapeutics from its boron chemistry platform, and its asset Crisaborole is in FDA review if approved will be a first-line treatment option for patients with atopic dermatitis. They have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Pfizer will acquire Anacor for approximately $5.2 billion which assumes the conversion of Anacors outstanding convertible notes. Anacor will be a strong fit with Pfizers innovative business due to the strategic focus on inflammation and immunology and is expected to enhance near-term revenue growth for the innovative business. Key Players for Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Market: AbbVie Inc. (U.S.), Ablynx (Belgium), Apogenix GmBH (Germany), AryoGen Biopharma (U.S.), Bionovis (Brazil), CASI Pharmaceuticals (U.S.), Celltrion Healthcare (South Korea.), Celgene Corporation (U.S.), Delenex Therapeutics (Switzerland), Dexa Medica (Indonesia), EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals (U.S.), Janssen Biotech (U.S.), GlaxoSmithKline Inc. (U.S.), HanAll Biopharma (South Korea.), Intas Pharmaceuticals (India), LEO Pharma (Denmark), LG Life Sciences (U.S.), MedImmune (U.S.), Momenta Pharmaceuticals (U.S.), Novartis AG (Switzerland), Sanofi-Aventis (France), Zydus Cadila (India), and others. Intended Audience Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitors Drug Suppliers Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitors Drug Manufacturers Research and Development (R&D) Companies Medical Research Laboratories Academic Medical Institutes and Universities Research Methodology Global Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Market: Segmentation The global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented on the basis of the drug, disorder type, route of administration, stage of clinical trials, and application. On the basis of the drug, the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented into Humira, Enbrel, Remicade, and others On the basis of the disease type, the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented into Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinson's diseases, ischemic stroke, multiple sclerosis, and others. By the route of administration, the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented into oral, subcutaneous, intravenous, and others. On the basis of the stage of clinical trials, the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented into the preclinical trial, phase 1 clinical trial, phase 2 clinical trial, phase 3 clinical trial, and phase 4 clinical trial. On the basis of the application, the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented into medicine, scientific research, and others. Global Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Market: Regional Analysis The global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market is segmented as the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa. The Americas is projected to hold the largest share of the global tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors market. P2D Biosciences, a US-based company, received $ 2.3 million funding from NIH (National Institutes of Health) with four grants. The grants include the development of new drugs for the treatment of acute leukemia and Alzheimer's disease and a new drug to improve stem cell transplant therapy for treating leukemia and lymphomas, which will help P2D to develop medical advances that improve the lives and health of people who are affected with these diseases. Europe is expected to capture the second lead in this market in the coming five years owing to substantial technological advancements. In 2016, LEO Pharma, a Denmark based company entered biologics through a strategic partnership with AstraZeneca. The partnership will help LEO Pharma enhance their product portfolio. A strategic alliance with a healthcare giant will help LEO pharma expand their geographic presence and become a world leader in dermatology segment. Moreover, Asia Pacific is expected to witness the fastest growth rate over the forecast period. The Middle East and Africa are also expected to show healthy growth in the coming five years. Get Amazing Discount on Report @ Some Brief Table of Contents of Report Chapter 1. Report Prologue Chapter 2. Market Introduction 2.1 Definition 2.2 Scope Of The Study 2.2.1 Research Objective 2.2.2 Assumptions 2.2.3 Limitations Chapter 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Primary Research 3.3 Secondary Research 3.4 Market Size Estimation Chapter 4. Market Dynamics 4.1 Drivers 4.2 Restrains 4.3 Opportunities 4.4 Challenges 4.5 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.6 Technology Trends & Assessment TOC Continued Need more Information Ask to Our Experts @ About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Statistical Report, Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Market Research Future Hadapsar, Pune 411028 Maharashtra, India Phone: +1 646 845 9312 Email: Questo comunicato e stato pubblicato piu di 1 anno fa. Le informazioni su questa pagina potrebbero non essere attendibili. The UK in EU Challengeclaimants have today [Monday 10 September 2018] published the Governments Summary Grounds of Resistance, their reply and supplementary questions for the Prime Ministers lawyers and asked the High Court to expedite a hearing in the case of Susan Wilson and others versus the Prime Minister. The challenge focuses on the fact that the executive decision to invoke Article 50 was made with incomplete information about serious Leave campaign illegalities and that the Government has continued to disregard the impact of these now proven illegalities on the democratic process. The move comes on the same day Parliament will debate a petition - Rescind Art.50 if Vote Leave has broken Electoral Laws regarding 2016 referendum- which is based on the same legal premise. The UK in EU Challengehas been brought by a group of British citizens living in EU countries who, through a combination of private money and an ongoing crowdfunding driveto cover legal costs, are asking the High Court to find on two issues that could fundamentally alter the Brexit process: 1) That the Referendum result is invalid as a result of illegal practice by the Leave campaign (as proven beyond reasonable doubt by the Electoral Commission) 2) That the Referendum result cannot be relied upon to be the will of the people because voters were influenced by the Leave campaigns fraudulent behaviour Sue Wilson, lead claimant and chair of Bremain in Spain, said: We took the decision to publish the Summary Grounds of Resistance and our response in order to provide complete transparency about the challenge and the repercussions of the Vote Leave campaign for members of the public. We must be able to trust in the democratic process and to be sure that votes and power cant be bought. If the Prime Minister was aware of the allegations of cheating during the Referendum at the time she sent her letter giving notice for the UK to withdraw from the EU as appears to be the case here she needs to be held accountable. I hope that the Court will now give us permission to proceed with this important claim. Claimant Carole-Anne Richards added: The Government wants to have its cake and eat it. It says that the decision to invoke Article 50 was because the Referendumvote gave it a mandate, but also says its decision to invoke should not be subject to legal challenge because the Referendum was 'advisory' and not mandatory. Clearly it cant have it both ways. A decision from the High Court about whether the claim can proceed is expected within the next week. If permission is granted, a full hearing is likely to take place in October. Rupert Croft, managing director of Croft Solicitors, which are acting for the claimants, said: The next step is for a High Court Judge to decide how the case should proceed. We have requested that a hearing is listed on an expedited basis to decide the claim. We believe that the claim is of significant constitutional importance, but, unless its heard quickly, theres a risk it will become academic. Elinore Grayson, another UK in EU Challenge claimant, said: This case strikes at the heart of democracy. Our reply to the Governments Summary Grounds shows how resolute we are in our belief that the Referendum result must be revisited in light of the Leave campaigns illegal campaign activity. We await the High Courts findings with optimism that the right decision will be made. For further information, please visit: ENDS Notes for editors The claimants have formed a group for the claim: UK in EU Challenge. The claimants are represented by Croft Solicitors and Patrick Green QC, who successfully acted on behalf of the Expat Interveners in the Gina Miller Article 50 claim, Jessica Simor QC (who acted for one of the successful claimants in the Gina Miller Article 50 claim), Professor Pavlos Elefheriadis, Adam Wagner and Reanne Mackenzie. For further information please contact: Carole-Anne Richards (Claimant, Italy) Email: Sue Wilson, Chair Bremain in Spain Email: Rupert Croft or Edward Hazzan at Croft Solicitors on 01242 285855. BEIJING, Sept. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Belt and Road @ index, China Brand Furniture and Building Material Expo will take placeA in Dubai World Trade Center from 16th to 18th September 2018. Belt and Road @ index is hosted by CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade) and organized by CIEC Overseas Exhibition Co., Ltd. A featured areaA will showcaseA Chinese brands and products in Index Element 2018, the biggest interior and furniture event produced by DMG. At President Xi Jinping's state visit to theA United ArabA Emirates in July, the two counties deepened economic ties. China is the UAE's top trading partner, with trade volume over USD 50 billion in 2017. The UAE is also a gateway, accounting forA 60 percent of Chinese exports to the Middle East. The UAE is an importantA location in theA Belt and Road Initiative. Belt and Road @ index, China Brand Furniture and Building Material Expo is an event to promote cooperation andA to connectA architects, interior designers, developers and procurement professionals with Chinese brands and products in the interior furnishings and fit-out scene across all industries. Index Element 2018 in September will combine the traditional show with a brand new theme: 'East meets West', to celebrate the 'Silk Road' that lives on to this day. This show is aimed at individual designs and value driven products from Asia. The China Pavilion atA Belt and Road @ index, China Brand Furniture and Building Material ExpoA will be located in Sheikh Saeed Hall. Over 50 Chinese brands targeting the Middle East and North African markets will display products covering office and home furniture, bathroom and kitchen supplies, homewares, lighting, and textiles with unique Chinese designs. Renowned Chinese brands including DeRUCCI Bedding, Hangzhou Dechang Furniture Hardware and Chongqing Gaotian Industrial and Trade Co., Ltd will be attending the expo with new product launches,A hoping to stealA the spotlight. Highlights of their products are expected to be bedding supplies, office tables and chairs. The show will present a wide selection of interior products that should suit the taste and budgets of all our visitors, covering their sourcing needs this autumn. Professionals who show their interest in the Chinese products can enjoy the professional B to B service in the match-making area built specifically for visitors of the China pavilion. To visit Belt and Road @ index, visitors can receive a FREE entry voucherA when registeringA on the official website A A suicide car bomb rammed into a local government office in Somalias capital on Monday, killing at least six people in an attack claimed by al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): A suicide car bomb rammed into a local government office in Somalias capital on Monday, killing at least six people in an attack claimed by al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab. A loud blast destroyed the office in Mogadishus Hodan district and sent up huge clouds of smoke. A Reuters reporter saw five bodies and the body parts of a sixth person. We have carried six dead people and 16 others injured. The death toll may rise, Abdikadir Abdirahman, director of Amin Ambulance service, told Reuters. Al Shabaab said it was behind the attack. We completely destroyed the district headquarter office. There are many casualties. We shall give details later, Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaabs military operation spokesman, said. The terrorist group has frequently carry out attacks in the capital and other areas since the army, backed by African peacekeepers, pushed it out of the capital in 2011. Witness Hussein Osman said he saw a 4x4 vehicle run into the building. I was just outside the district office ... I ran away and now I see from far the office completely destroyed, he added. Last week, a suicide car bomb destroyed another district office in Mogadishu. Somalia has been gripped by violence and lawlessness since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled in 1991. /257 If you asked your crazy conspiracy theorist uncle to list the places where shady business is definitely afoot, he'd probably say Area 51, HAARP, Congress, and -- hilariously and somewhat inexplicably -- Denver International Airport. This isn't an isolated belief. According to professional tinfoil hat wearers everywhere, DIA is built atop a secretive network of bunkers where everyone from the Illuminati to the NWO to the Freemasons are preparing for the apocalypse. Ordinarily the airport doesn't like to discuss the conspiracies ("Huh, you're right, our building does look like a giant swastika"), but last week, presumably after realizing that modern conspiracy theories are so toxic that "apocalypse bunker for the lizard people" looks quaint by comparison, they erected a series of posters around designed not only to warn travelers about construction work, but also to poke a little fun at the expense of the colorfully paranoid. In a power move that we wouldn't mind seeing other conspiracy-embattled companies pull, the airport shredded every Infowarsian fantasy out there, from the aforementioned "airport as survival bunker" idea ... Denver International Airport Another five Bahraini minors were arrested at dawn on Monday in the kingdoms northwestern village of Diraz. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Another five Bahraini minors were arrested at dawn on Monday in the kingdoms northwestern village of Diraz. Among those taken into custody by Manamas security forces was 14-year-old Ali Al-Sayed Mahdi. Mahdis grandfather headed a delegation last month that visited the Bahraini monarch Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and demanded he release all detainees under the age of 18. The number of Bahraini minors taken into police custody without cause or an arrest warrant has risen substantially since last October. Countless rights groups, including Human Rights Watch (HRW), blasted Manama in the past for routinely detaining children and subjecting them to ill-treatment that may rise to the level of torture. /257 Thousands of Bahrainis are expected in Iraqs holy cities of Najaf and Karbala for Ashura commemorations this week despite calls by the government in Manama to avoid travel to Iraq. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Thousands of Bahrainis are expected in Iraqs holy cities of Najaf and Karbala for Ashura commemorations this week despite calls by the government in Manama to avoid travel to Iraq. Bahraini tour operators, which reported that an estimated 8,000 religious pilgrims are scheduled to travel to Iraq, are coming under increasing pressure to cancel all trips. Over the weekend, the foreign ministry in Manama urged all Bahraini nationals to leave Iraq immediately due to the current unrests. The call came after days of unrest in the southern Iraqi city of Basra where more than a dozen people were killed during protests over endemic corruption, rising unemployment, and a lack of basic utilities. But Bahrainis appear to be undeterred with 15 buses loaded with hundreds of pilgrims already having departed the kingdom on Sunday. Ashura is the culmination of a 10-day annual mourning period during the Islamic lunar month of Muharram, which honors the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammads grandson, Imam Hussein. /257 Sri Lanka claims of having a proud heritage in terms of arts and crafts. This unique culture has helped Sri Lanka earn recognition in the world. Making of crafts has been an ancient art form and is applied to all most all spheres in the daily lives of people. There is an immense demand for these crafts from other countries. When one considers the individuals who are occupied with making artwork, it is evident that they are mostly destitute people from rural areas. They hardly receive acknowledgment nor are they felicitated for their special skills and artwork. Perhaps they lack the latest facilities to engage in their creations. However, there is good news for this industry that is coming in the form of ShilpaAbhimani-2018 Presidential Handicraft Award Ceremony which is scheduled to be launched on September 11 (tomorrow) at the BMICH.The event is jointly organised by the Ministry of Industry & Commerce and National Crafts Council (NCC) and is expected to provide encouragement to these craftsmen and help them pursue their profession.The event will be held under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena and Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen. The exhibition will conclude on September 16 (Sunday). National Crafts Council (NCC) The NCC is an institution which coordinates matters relating to crafts. The NCC was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 35 of 1982. Its ideals were promotion, development, fostering and preservation of handicrafts and the upliftment of the social and economic status of craftspersons. The mission of the NCC is preservation, development, encouragement and promotion of local handicrafts with a traditional and cultural value and the enhancement of economic and social status of craftsmen. During the past few decades, the NCC has initiated a host of various projects and programmes to preserve and develop handicrafts and ensure the future of handicrafts. ShilpaAbhimani-2018 Shilpa Abhimani-2018 Presidential Handicrafts Competition and Exhibition is the biggest event for handicrafts in Sri Lanka. This is an exhibition which helps value the creativity of the islands craftsmen. The NCC has hosted contemporary and innovative projects to felicitate the craftsmen by preserving and developing the handicrafts sector in Sri Lanka. The Shilpa Abhimani National Handicrafts Exhibition is a celebration of handicrafts heritage and is held annually. The exhibits capture the hearts and minds of visitors and keeps the venue alive. Demonstrating their crafts are done through workshops, marketing their designs and interactive buyer seller meetings are added features of the event. The crafts categories are clay, leaves & grass, Dumbara designs, cane and bamboo, metal, jewellery related crafts, masks and puppets, carved masks, musical instruments, textiles and textile based batik and lace, lacquer works and parasols (Sesath), wood based crafts, leather crafts, stone based crafts, traditional paintings and sculptures, coconut/ kitul/ talipot/ palmyra related miscellaneous crafts and souvenirs. Purpose of ShilpaAbhimani Speaking to the , NCC Chairperson Heshani Bogollagama said that the NCC had begun organising programmes with the intention of honing the skills of nearly 26,000 craftsmen in the country who are registered under the NCC. Conducting this type of training, providing them with rare raw materials, giving them equipment necessary for their crafts and marketing facilitation are done through these programmes, she explained. She said that the purpose of organising Shilpa Abhimani-2018 was to motivate the local craftsmen and give value to their creations. She added that this is the only exhibition which provides opportunities for craftsmen, who are spread across the country, to show their talents and be felicitated. During this National Handicrafts Exhibition, exhibits from 54 fields of handicraft classified under 20 basic sections will be on display. Gold Awards are presented for exhibits falling under the traditional and modern segments that preserve tradition. In addition financial awards and certificates will be given to craftsmen. The NCC Chairperson said that since some issues existed in the fields of Arts and Crafts and the marketing industry in Sri Lanka, the exhibition would offer and opportunity for the local craftsmen to directly present their products for the customers. 110 stalls have been put up for the craftsmen to exhibit their products like silver jewellery, wooden masks, batik, coir products, intricate lace-work, wood carving, lacquer work, musical instruments and ceramics. It is noteworthy to mention that Sri Lanka Exports Development Board would conduct educational programmes on behalf of the local craftsmen to help them find the ways and means to export their products, capture international market and develop the economy of the country. It is fitting to admire the initiative of NCC and the Ministry of Industry & Commerce to take steps to uplift the local craftsmen, who are isolated in the society. This would provide them with the facility to master their products and enter the international arena of crafts. LKIs Wignaraja says such a move will affect SLs future trade and other international treaties Even talking about it in a very official manner would be detrimental to Sri Lanka- Wignaraja President Sirisena recently appointed an expert committee to study SLSFTA and submit report within 2 months By Nishel Fernando A leading academic warned that attempts and the discourse to backtrack on the already enacted Sri Lanka-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SLSFTA) would hurt the countrys chances of entering into future foreign treaties. We see calls to re-negotiate, renege and to leave the SLSFTA in newspapers. When we observe these kind of conversation, it really affects our economic interest, because no other country in the world would want to sign a FTA with Sri Lanka in the future, if we attempt to re-negotiate or leave that agreement, the Chair of the Global Economy Programme at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKI), Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja said. He said this attending a panel discussion last Friday themed Free Trade: What is in it for us? organised by the Colombo Chapter of the Young Professionals Organisation (YPO). Wignaraja stressed that SLSFTA is a legally-binding document between the Government of Sri Lanka and a foreign government. Hence, he cautioned that even speaking of renegotiating or abandoning the agreement would hurt Sri Lankas chances of entering into future foreign treaties. Even talking about it in a very official manner would be detrimental to Sri Lanka. Nobody would want to sign a FTA with Sri Lanka. That wouldnt just stretch to FTAs, but it would also stretch to all other international treaties, he said. President Maithripala Sirisena recently appointed an expert committee to study SLSFTA and to submit a report to him within two months amid diverse views expressed to him by various parties on the agreement. However, it was not clear as to what would be the next course of action once the report is submitted to the President. Mangala Yapa, Managing Director of Agency for Development at the Development Strategies and International Trade Ministry pointed out that the government had held over 20 rounds of consultations with trade chambers, professionals and other stakeholders prior to signing the SLSFTA last January. He noted that this was considerable when compared to non-existent stakeholder engagement prior to signing the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement, Pakistan-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement and other multilateral agreements. Moderating the panel discussion, Parliamentarian Harshana Rajakaruna said that SLSFTA has become a political subject as the Opposition is increasingly engaged in making up stories for cheap political gains. Rajakaruna stressed that education is the key to dispel the misinformation on SLSFTA and other proposed FTAs. Commenting on the benefits from SLSFTA, Yapa highlighted that US $16 billion worth investments from Singapore, which includes a US $14.8 billion oil refinery in Hambantota is under consideration. However, Dr. Wignaraja emphasised that SLSFTA is not merely an agreement on investments and asserted that costs and benefits should be looked at in realistic set of lenses. He pointed out that Sri Lanka needs to double up its efforts to increase exports to Singapore in order to reduce the large trade deficit, which is in favour of Singapore, and pointed out that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows from Singapore to Sri Lanka only accounted for 5.3 percent. He was hopeful that recently launched National Export Strategy (NES) would provide the necessary push to increase exports to Singapore. Dr. Wignaraja also said Sri Lanka could also seek technical assistance from Economic Board of Singapore to restructure Board of Investments (BOI) to increase the countrys FDI share. He further proposed to the government to consider establishing a BOI office in Singapore to draw more Singaporean investments. Meanwhile, Economic Advisor to the Ministry of Finance, Deshal de Mel highlighted that FTAs are crucial for Sri Lanka to plug into regional supply chains in order to increase the export of intermediate goods, which remains negligible at the moment. He stressed that the global trade patterns have changed and the most dynamic elements of modern trade comprise of intra-industry trade through regional value chains. He also said FTAs are a good tool to ensure policy stability in terms of investments and trade for foreign investors, in order to increase the flow of foreign investments to Sri Lanka. De Mel further pointed out that there have been several positive spill-over effects on improving Sri Lankas legal framework from the SLSFTA such as the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act and immigration reforms. Yapa also shared that SLSFTA led the government to expedite the enactment of the Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act, which was drafted over a decade ago. Immigration reforms are also soon to be presented to Parliament updating Sri Lankas outdated immigration laws. Low stakeholder participation for ETCA consultations Development Strategies and International Trade Ministry recently expressed concern over the lack of stakeholder participation for consultation on the proposed Economic and Technology Cooperation Agreement (ETCA) with India. Speaking to Mirror Business, a top official of the Ministry noted that although 50-60 organisations and individuals were invited for the most recent consultation following the conclusion of the 10th round of ETCA negotiations, the turnout was less than 20. The official noted that the highly critical organisations of SLSFTA, such as Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA), have refused to participate in the consultations. The 11th round of ETCA negotiations is expected to be held in October. The ministry official said that crucial details of the on-going negotiations were revealed to the stakeholders during the last consultation round. Some organisations are criticising us without knowing whats going on, the official lamented. Meanwhile, Mangala Yapa, Managing Director of Agency for Development at the Development Strategies and International Trade Ministry said recently that ETCA negotiations might be concluded in another 3-4 months. A Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Building National Harmony has been appointed on Friday following a motion to that effect which was passed in Parliament last Wednesday. Despite national harmony in the country or reconciliation -- as it is called -- in the recent times being a long sought situation the news about this Parliamentary Select Committee did not seem to have created any enthusiasm among the people in general and minority communities in particular who are at the receiving end whenever the peace and harmony among communities are disturbed. This is nothing but the lack of trust on the peace efforts made by government or non-governmental entities for the past four decades. The situation in the country is such that the peace efforts are looked at by both the people of the south as well as north with suspicion or ridicule. Also, interestingly those efforts have always been stimulus of fresh controversies and certain southern politicians have created a situation where even the word reconciliation is being hated or ridiculed. Earlier we have had two PSCs -- one during President Ranasinghe Premadasas tenure and the other during the Chandrika Kumaratunga regime- round table conferences, All Party Conferences and peace talks with armed rebels since 1984, for the same purpose, and a huge amount of tax payers money had been spent on them. But all have gone down the drain with nobody or no entity being prepared to take the responsibility for any such effort or its failure. The present government has given or pretends to give an elevated place for peace, national harmony and reconciliation in the process of governance. It is such a prominent place that it has been a major concern in the governments constitution making process and the very place, in turn, has become a stumbling block in that process. Governments concern about peace and communal harmony is being well manifested by the number of entities -- ministries and other organizations -- that have been formed by it, apart from the PSC appointed last week. One of the initial steps that were taken by the government on its assumption of office in January, 2015 was the creation of two ministries charged with the responsibility of bringing in much needed peace and harmony. The Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation has been placed under President Maithripala Sirisena, indicating the top priority that has been given by the government to national harmony while another ministry, the Ministry of National Coexistence, Dialogue and Official Languages has been assigned to Mano Ganesan, a minority leader. Apart from this, two more bodies namely, the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR) and the Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanisms (SCRM) have been established for the same purpose, in the wake of the present government assumed office in 2015. ONUR was the result of a resolution which was moved by the Prime Minister; approved by the Cabinet and was Established under President, chaired by Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. The SCRM seems to have stemmed from the resolutions adopted by the UNHRC on Sri Lanka. Mano Tittawella is the Secretary General of the SCRM, which is entrusted with coordinating transitional justice mechanisms in Sri Lanka such as the Office of Missing Persons (OMP), Truth Seeking Commission, Accountability Mechanism and Office for Reparations -- some of which are yet to be set up. However, we did not see any of these ministries or bodies being in action or at least on the ground when the canard on contraceptive pills was spread after several Muslim owned properties were torched in February or when anti-Muslim riots were unleashed in several towns in the Kandy District in March. Neither did we see these entities when the Northern Provincial Council passed resolutions that provoked Sinhalese sentiments nor when Tamil politicians such as Vijayakala Maheshwaran called for the resurrection of the LTTE. Instead, the ONUR itself is in a midst of a controversy over its inappropriate usage of wordings in some of the radio dramas it had sponsored, in the name of reconciliation. Unless the latest Parliamentary Select Committee takes these matters into consideration it also would be another body further burdening the public coffers, in the name of reconciliation. According to a recent survey, 53 Saudi soldiers were killed and 23 others wounded in the battlefields last month, according to a source in Yemen's army and popular committees. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): According to a recent survey, 53 Saudi soldiers were killed and 23 others wounded in the battlefields last month, according to a source in Yemen's army and popular committees. The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the names of 53 Saudi soldiers killed in the Jizan, Najran and Asir fronts and 23 wounded in the media have been released. Meanwhile, the Saudi news agency claimed that the number of deaths in the Yemen conflict has reached 22. The Yemeni military source insisted that the Saudi regime, by hiding its failures on the battlefields against Yemen over the past four years, has cited the numbers of deaths and injuries of Saudi military personnel less than their true number. The Saudi Army's casualties in the Yemeni war have so far reached to 425 dead and 269 injuries. According to the Yemeni Ministry of Health, 25 to 30 Yemeni patients are losing their lives due to the lack of drugs and the country's health conditions and the closure of Sana'a International Airport. In a statement condemning the UN's weak role in human affairs, the ministry called for the removal of the blockade and the suspension of the continued aggression of the Saudi coalition in Yemen. The statement emphasized that the issue of sending wounded and treating them abroad should be a priority for the United Nations. In another development, In a statement, Ansarullah's executive office called on the United Nations representative to uncover the reality for the world of a deadlock on the path to peace talks in Geneva. The office emphasized that the only language to engage the aggressor forces in negotiation is the continuation of the popular presence on the battlefields and continually reinforcing strategic options against the enemy. The statement added that the Saudi coalition sees any kind of dialogue as a tactic, not the option and action of the Saudi coalition to violate the rules at Sana'a's delegation presence in the Geneva peace talks, disrespect for peace operations. /257 The United Nations human rights boss Michelle Bachelet has called on Saudi Arabia to hold to account the perpetrators of deadly airstrikes on civilians in Yemen. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The United Nations human rights boss Michelle Bachelet has called on Saudi Arabia to hold to account the perpetrators of deadly airstrikes on civilians in Yemen. In her maiden speech to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva Monday, the former Chilean president touched on the Saudi airstrike on a bus of children in Sa'ada last month, which left more than 50 people dead. Bachelet urged the Saudi military to show greater transparency in their rules of engagement in Yemen which is under an all-out invasion by the kingdom since 2015. On Saturday, UN-brokered talks in Geneva collapsed after representatives of the Houthi movement were prevented by Saudi Arabia from attending the negotiations. Yemen is under a blockade of the Saudis who refused to give permission to an Omani plane to land in Sanaa and take the Houthi delegation to Geneva for peace talks. UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths told a news conference that the Houthis were keen to get to Geneva. "They would have liked to get here. We didn't make conditions sufficiently correct to get them here," he said. Reports on Monday said some 84 people have been killed in Saudi airstrikes and clashes around Yemens strategic port city of Hudaydah since the failure of the peace talks. The last round of Yemen peace talks held in Kuwait in 2016 in a bid to hammer out a power-sharing deal also fell apart after the Saudi-backed side left the venue. Some 15,000 Yemenis have been killed and thousands more injured since the onset of the Saudi aggression on Yemen. Saudi and UAE troops and their mercenaries are currently waging an offensive against Hudaydah, the entry point for some 70 percent of Yemen's imports including food and aid. They began their assault in June despite warnings that it would compound the impoverished nations humanitarian crisis. Last month, a Saudi air raid hit a school bus as it drove through a market in the town of Dhahyan in northern Sa'ada, killing a total of 51 people, among them 40 children. The kingdom admitted "mistakes" in the attack but insisted that the vehicle hit in the airstrike was a "legitimate target". The attack prompted Human Right Watch to urge an end to all weapons sales to Saudi Arabia after it was revealed that a US-made bomb had been used in the attack. The Saudi attack "on a bus full of young boys adds to its already gruesome track record of killing civilians at weddings, funerals, hospitals, and schools in Yemen," Bill Van Esveld, a senior children's rights researcher at HRW, said in a statement. "Countries with knowledge of this record that are supplying more bombs to the Saudis will be complicit in future deadly attacks on civilians," he added. /257