A: It is and it isnt. If you turn your eyes away from Jerusalem to Israels coastal plain, where 70 to 75 percent of Israeli Jews live, this is not a country of mad extremists. The profile of Israelis is noisy, hedonistic, impatient, rude, warmhearted, materialistic, you name it, but the vast majority gave up the occupied territories years ago. The only reason they object to a far-reaching compromise with Palestinians is that they dont want to be suckers. The common myth here is that we handed them Gaza on a silver plate and got rockets in return. They dont want to see this mistake repeated on the West Bank. Perhaps even more striking than the popularity of Becoming has been the extraordinary popularity of its author. Obamas 10-city U.S. book tour has attracted sold-out crowds across the country, with fans willing to pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars to see her. One VIP seat for Obamas appearance in Dallas on Dec. 17 is selling for more than $10,000. The classical music world has long viewed Glass as an outsider. Glass isnt a composer who is offered teaching gigs, although hes been a mentor to scores of young musicians. And this years Kennedy Center Honors, which he will receive Sunday, is one of only a handful of major awards hes received, all late in his career. My first big award was the Praemium Imperiale, the Japanese international arts award founded in 1988, he says. I was 75. I had long ago given up any thought of getting any. In 2015, this was followed by Canadas Glenn Gould Prize and the National Medal of the Arts, bestowed by President Barack Obama. My feeling is, you have to be about 75, he says of the accolades. At that point, when it happens, its, Oh! Thats nice! He mimes the kind of surprised pleasure one might evince at a thoughtful gift from an office mate. I mean, he adds, if it happens in your 40s, its maybe nicer, but I think if I got an award earlier, I would have been very suspicious of myself. I didnt have to worry about that. A day later, Whitaker was still going on The Steve Gruber Show on WJIM in Lansing, Mich.: It was gratuitous. . . . It cant be confirmed. And so I think in the classic, you know, President Trump fashion, it becomes a fact. Hes very effective at these kind of you know, these statements that either cant be verified or you know sort of fly under any way of confirmation, Whitaker said. History is going to continue to move forward and I guess, you know, reveal whether these statements are true or false. Tawny port is the opposite of the vintage and ruby styles. Aged in 600-liter vats called pipes, the wine is drawn off, or racked, into large vats once a year so sediment can be removed, then returned to the pipes. In the process, about 3 percent of the wine is lost: some in the discarded sediment, the rest the angels share to evaporation. Before the final blend is bottled (usually beginning six years after harvest), the pipes are topped off with younger and/or older wine to balance the flavors and create a house style unaffected by vintage variation. Because the wine is exposed to oxygen in this way, it takes on a browner tawny color and a nutty flavor. Aged tawny, labeled as 10, 20, 30 or 40 years old as an approximate average age of the wine in the blend, is a special treat. A special subset of port called colheita is a single-vintage tawny. Todays Headlines The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning. Email address By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Kathy F.: Get a metal pan and fill it with ice, then set the ice-filled pan on top of the gum and wait for it to harden. When it finally becomes frozen and hard, use a dull knife to scrape off as much as possible. For the remaining gum, use a dry-cleaning solvent on a clean cloth, and wipe off as much as possible. DNA is, like, not to be finished. So I wrote a piece called Dolores, right? Its not finished yet. I think beginnings and endings are consensual. Theres no such thing as a short story. . . . The DNA, some people say, is the signature and every composer has a signature. A lot of people dont know that Beethoven, when he wrote the Fifth Symphony, that second movement and here, Shorter begins humming in a happy rasp, then resumes He took eight years to figure that out! But to suffer is not right, either. There just has to be something in the music that knocks at the door, that challenges the gatekeepers. Art induces a kind of funniness. Or a tickle, or jingle bells laughing all the way. . . . And without ever giving up. Never giving up: That means playing for a long time? No! [laughs] . . . Potential is another way of saying mystery. Among them were a package of stories reported by WJLA anchor Jonathan Elias about the dangers of socialism. Eliass series was set primarily in Brazil, whose economic troubles he said were the result of an array of expensive social programs [that are] bloating the government. But he began with references to the political success of Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, noting over an image of a military parade in Moscows Red Square that it wasnt long ago that socialism was considered a dirty word in American politics. Some of these tools are easy to find on your phone or tablet, and some you might have to dig for a bit. The location of the controls will vary from device to device, but on most phones and tablets, you pick a photo, then touch edit. That should reveal an icon that looks like a menu, or a dial, which uncovers options. Often its one more layer down for the full set of controls. You may have to touch an arrow or an icon to get there. Check your manual, or just keep digging until you get to the longest list of adjustment controls. City officials announced in August that they had struck a preliminary agreement with George Washington University Hospital to run a hospital that would be built in Ward 8. The news was welcomed by politicians and activists who have pushed for the closure of United Medical Center, the public hospital in Southeast Washington that for decades has been plagued by mismanagement and poor quality of care. Police said they determined he had been shot in the 100 block of Irvington Street SW and was either driven to the hospital or made it there some other way. Eubanks said the timing of his departure seemed right, given that Alsobrooks is about to take over and that he is steeped in projects at the University of Maryland, where he is director of the Center for Educational Innovation and Improvement. The lawyers did not discuss the substance of prosecutors allegations against Manafort, and there was some dispute over how much Manaforts team had been told. Early in the hearing, Downing said he was not sure how long it would take to respond to prosecutors allegations, not knowing the details of what constitutes the breach. Weissmann said they had lengthy discussions on the issue. The photo of the smiling pair is the opening image of an album Leggett put together for Baker to mark the end of their parallel journeys. It was taken at the groundbreaking for the Purple Line a light rail project that will someday connect their two counties and that both men worked hard to push through. The reason that I knew that you all could rest assured that Id do the best I could is because I had to go home and justify the sacrifices shes made over these 32 years for me, Baker told the crowd. I never wanted to go home and look her in the face knowing that I did not do the best I could. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Millstein said he spoke to Core officials for the first time this past week, adding that he implored them to reach out to the community. While he recognized not everyone would approve of what he said was Douglass straight real estate transaction with Core, he noted he is a felon and supports integrating former inmates into the community. On June 19, Kessler emailed May, asking if she was available to discuss potential accommodations for his group. I have demonstrators for a rally on August 12th, 2018 who will be using public transit to arrive at a demonstration site at McPherson Square Metro Station. I would like to coordinate with your department for the safety of my demonstrators and the general public. We are anticipating a potential for violence from left-wing Antifa groups and are concerned about the public transit process being vulnerable points for an ambush, the email said. The groups plan would not take politics entirely out of the redistricting process. Under the proposal, the four top leaders of the General Assembly the speaker and minority leader in the House, and the majority and minority leaders in the Senate would each pick one retired circuit court judge to serve on a selection committee. Those four judges would pick a fifth to round out the committee, which would then pick 22 candidates for the redistricting commission. Of that group, five would be Democrats, five Republicans and 12 independents. Just a week later, Northam infuriated project opponents by removing two of the six members of the board who were considering the permit. After being roundly criticized, including by the NAACP, Northams office said earlier this week that the two new members would not be seated until after the vote. His office said Thursday that the new members will be sworn in soon but will not vote Dec. 10. The ground-level effects of the rules that began 3 years ago are evident here in Milwaukee, where deep pockets of poverty have led to the greatest concentration of people affected by the policy. ResCare has received from the state 67,000 referrals for people in the city who must meet the work requirement and were not fulfilling it. Unless she finds a job in a hurry, McNeal will become one of them now that her only child, Traveon, turned 18 and is no longer considered a dependent under state rules, even though he is still in high school. What we think we can do with $50 million is show the way in these 10 states, Bloomberg said in an interview. If they do things that we think make sense, then we will help fund it. Two men testified Paquin befriended them as boys at a parish in Haverhill, Mass., and invited them on trips that included visits to Kennebunkport. They said he gave them alcohol and let them drive his car without a license. One of them testified he was drugged. As a result, if it wants timely compliance with its subpoenas, the House will have to augment an expedited litigation approach with a willingness to bring to bear all of its political muscle against the executive, exactly as our Constitution contemplated. The House will have to use the power of the purse and its legislative options such as not voting on administration-desired bills to ensure that its subpoenas are complied with in a timely fashion. The House will also have to prioritize its efforts choosing just one or two subpoenas to pursue, to keep the public focus on the most important and pressing demands for information and on the administrations unjustified resistance. Lets not delude ourselves into thinking all of the sudden theres a righteous element in Congress. However, it is encouraging to see senators talking about who are we as Americans and human rights being an essential part of our foreign policy, Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) told me. And that was John McCains approach to foreign policy, that if you disconnect yourself from your values, you lose your standing and hurt your interests. Unfortunately for the governor, Maryland was not one of those states. And, while Mr. Frosh has a responsibility to defend the laws of this state in court, no law gives the governor the power to create this commission or decide the shapes of districts. One of these men is doing his job; the other is playing to the media. Thats not to say critics of Marylands districts dont have a point. Some of them are downright Dali-esque in design. But Maryland is not the only state with surreal districts. Thats why I support Mr. Froshs decision to appeal the ruling against Marylands districts to the Supreme Court. I want him to lose, no matter how it might hurt my party, because it creates the possibility of a ruling that would limit gerrymandering everywhere, not just in Maryland. The United States is an extraordinarily generous nation, but this administration will no longer use taxpayer dollars to support governments that consistently fail to address trafficking. The most urgent types of assistance to these countries will continue, including humanitarian aid and lifesaving global health programs such as HIV treatment and Ebola preparedness and response. But the new restrictions will hold these governments accountable while providing further incentive for them to live up to their responsibility to end this scourge. The United States will encourage Tier 3 countries to step up efforts to eliminate human trafficking, including the establishment of new laws and national action plans. The question is what Mr. Trump proposes to do now that he has Beijings attention. One approach would be to continue condemning Chinas failure to meet U.S. demands, and press ahead with higher tariffs, then settle in for what might be a protracted trade war. But the collateral damage to U.S. businesses and consumers would be severe. The wiser course, which Mr. Trump has hinted at adopting in recent days, would be a temporary truce: a further delay in additional U.S. tariffs in return for comparable Chinese concessions, to be followed by negotiations serious negotiations on the full range of issues between the two countries. Among the benefits of this method: It would preserve tougher U.S. trade measures as leverage for the future, and it would give the administration time to smooth out the other trade disputes Mr. Trump started with friendly countries such as Canada and Mexico, so that he and they may yet present China with a united front. It is merely a pause or, at best, a reversion to the path we likely would have been on had we skipped the past few months of Sturm und Drang. Thats essentially what happened with NAFTA 2.0, by the way: Trump spent months wreaking economic and diplomatic devastation, only to triumphantly announce roughly the same North American Free Trade Agreement update that would have resulted without all that pain. Cohens court appearance came just a day after Trump said he was considering a presidential pardon for another keeper of his secrets Paul Manafort, the former chairman of his campaign, who was found guilty of a host of white-collar crimes and pleaded guilty to others. Why would I take it off the table? Trump asked, during a New York Post interview, about the possibility of pardoning Manafort, who faces a decade or more in prison. What else do we know related to this charge? We know that Trump adviser Roger Stone allegedly told associates he was in contact with WikiLeaks, the conduit for emails hacked by Russian intelligence. (Stone denies this.) We know that Stone contacted conservative author and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, encouraging him to gather information on hacked Clinton emails. We know that Corsi responded to Stone: Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps . . . Impact planned to be very damaging. (The friend in this email amazingly and disgustingly appears to be the anti-American cybercriminal Julian Assange.) We know that Stone issued the tweet, Trust me, it will soon the Podestas time in the barrel, six weeks before WikiLeaks began releasing 50,000 emails that Russian agents had reportedly stolen from Clintons campaign chairman, John Podesta. And we know, from Corsi himself, that he and Stone conspired to lie about the motivation of this tweet. I admit that, at the time, I did not fully appreciate just how damaging and degrading a Trump presidency could become. Trumps two years of shameless and cynical exploitation of fears and anxieties within the ranks of his white base of support, and his unprincipled governance, have left this country more fractured along racial lines than at any time since the civil rights revolution. Some argue that such weapons would make nuclear war more likely, but the truth is just the opposite; Russias use of nuclear weapons is more likely if we dont develop submarine- and sea-launched low-yield weapons. Others argue that the development of such U.S. weapons would lead to a nuclear weapons arms race. But the race is already in progress and America is playing from behind, hindered by self-imposed constraints. Yet another group of advocates argues that the weapons are too expensive, but nuclear weapons would account for only about 6 percent of the defense budget at a peak of nuclear modernization a wise investment, given that they are the ultimate national security guarantee. But cold weather doesnt rebut the data that shows the planet is warming over climate time scales. Think of it this way: Weather is like your mood, and climate is like your personality. Weather is what occurs in a certain place at a certain time. Climate is the long-term average of weather over decades. The fact it was cold and snowy one day last week? Thats weather. Global warming or not, cold days still occur, particularly in winter. But since 2000, were seeing far more new hot-temperature records than cold ones. In fact, in 2017, we saw more than 10,000 cold-temperature records broken at weather stations across the United States. And more than 36,000 high-temperature records were broken the same year. Alongside this crackdown, the purges of alleged Gulenists (followers of exiled preacher Fethullah Gulen, whom Erdogan accuses of plotting a failed 2016 coup) have continued unabated. In the high-security prison where Im being held, many inmates are accused of being members of the Fethullah Gulen terrorist organization, as the government calls it. This mirrors my experience when I was first taken into custody: There were two dozen soldiers and a few teachers, all Gulenists. These days anybody the government doesnt like can be accused of being a Gulenist (and/or a supporter of terrorism). The whole process from custody to pretrial detention to prosecution tramples upon basic human rights. As in Janesville, too, the effects of the assembly plants demise on these communities are certain to spread far beyond the loss of the GM jobs themselves about 1,500 at Detroit, 1,400 at Lordstown and 2,500 at Oshawa, with salaried positions across General Motors making up the rest. Work at local suppliers will dry up. In Janesville, the assembly plant had been the only customer for a seat-making factory whose 800 workers lost their jobs in tandem with the GMers as successive shifts disappeared. And with GM and suppliers offering the best wages in town, their loss has had a particularly harsh effect on what economists call induced employment. Auto work at GM and nearby suppliers accounts for about 8,000 jobs in the four Ohio counties that draw workers to the Lordstown plant, and an equal number of local jobs are likely to vanish as a ripple effect of reduced spending power in the area, according to an analysis for The Washington Post by Susan Helper, an economics professor at Case Western Reserve University and former chief economist for the Commerce Department. Thats about 8 percent of the employment in those counties, Helper says. His DNA is completely about being a team player, said Rep. Joe Courtney (D-Conn.), who is a close friend and roommate of Perlmutters but is backing Pelosi. I dont know exactly what Eds going to do, but I think there is a very powerful impulse inside of him that I think is going to do everything possible to find a safe landing for the caucus as a whole. Whitaker never provided any of his records, according to two people familiar with the investigation. He had told the FTC that most of his communications were privileged legal discussions because he provided legal advice to the companys founder. He also said he had a minimal role at the company and wouldnt have personally ever said anything about the business, according to an investigators notes. The state elections board has investigative and subpoena powers to pursue the allegations. If it chooses, it may hold off certifying the election results until it has completed its investigation. The board also has the power to refer the matter for criminal investigation to state and federal prosecutors; it did so in 2016 after similar reports of irregularities in Bladen County. The U.S. attorneys office declined to comment on any possible investigation. In two major developments this week, President Trump has been labeled in the parlance of criminal investigations as a major subject of interest, complete with an opaque legal code name: Individual 1. New evidence from two separate fronts of special counsel Robert S. Mueller IIIs investigation casts fresh doubts on Trumps version of key events involving Russia, signaling potential political and legal peril for the president. Investigators have now publicly cast Trump as a central figure of their probe into whether Trumps campaign conspired with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign. Together, the documents show investigators have evidence that Trump was in close contact with his lieutenants as they made outreach to both Russia and WikiLeaks and that they tried to conceal the extent of their activities. On Thursday, Trumps longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress when he insisted that Trump was not pursuing plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow after January 2016, casting Trumps repeated claims that he had no business interests in Russia in a new light. A draft special counsel document revealed Tuesday also indicates that prosecutors are closely scrutinizing Trumps interactions with a longtime adviser, Roger Stone, as Stone was allegedly seeking information about WikiLeaks plans to release hacked Democratic emails. Legal experts said its still unclear how much peril the president might face as a result of the new evidence Mueller has gathered about the Moscow project and WikiLeaks, but his prominence in the prosecutors papers puts the president in an awkward starring role. Its deeply troubling. Its not a place that anybody wants to be, or where you would want your friends or family to be, former federal prosecutor Glen Kopp said. And its certainly not a place that you would want your president to be. Trump, identified as Individual 1 in Cohens guilty plea, was said to have received direct updates from Cohen as he pursued a Moscow Trump Tower project with the Kremlin up until June 14, 2016. The president also appears in the draft charging document for Trump ally Jerome Corsi, who allegedly told Stone about WikiLeaks plans to release damaging Democratic emails in October of that year because he knew Stone was in regular contact with Trump. The Washington Post reported this week that Trump spoke with Stone the day after he got the alert from Corsi. In the draft documents, prosecutors sought to have Corsi plead guilty to lying when he said he didnt know about WikiLeaks plans and urging others to visit WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to obtain emails damaging to Democrats. Trump has given slightly differing accounts of his Moscow business ties over time. In July 2016, he tweeted: For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia. A day later he claimed, I have nothing to do with Russia. In January 2017, he told a reporter: I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because weve stayed away. Trumps personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, said Thursday that the presidents written answers to Mueller about the Moscow project, which he submitted just before Thanksgiving, conform with Cohens version of events. They discussed a project, starting in 2015, continuing into 2016, and it went nowhere, he said. President Trump stops to talk with reporters Thursday about his former personal attorney Michael Cohen as he walks to Marine One from the White House to depart for the Group of 20 summit in Argentina. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) The president, as far as he knows, he remembers there was such a proposal for a hotel, Giuliani said. He talked it over with Cohen as Cohen said. There was a nonbinding letter of intent that was sent. As far as he knows it never came to fruition. That was kind of the end of it. Alan Dershowitz, a Trump ally and constitutional lawyer, said Cohens confessions dont suggest Trump committed any crime but could suggest that Trump wasnt telling the public the whole truth about the Moscow deal. This is politically damaging, but Im not sure how legally damaging it is, Dershowitz said. This is all about questionable political behavior. Its a good reason for people voting against Trump. But I dont see a crime yet. But Tim OBrien, a Trump biographer and frequent critic, said the developments pose significant new challenges for the president. This is part of the fact pattern that gets to the heart of whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin during the campaign, OBrien said. I think the unforgiving grinding force of the U.S. justice system, which he has tried to undermine since he became president, is encircling him. I dont think we know where he will land. But he is certainly mired in something that he is ill-equipped, legally and personally, to handle. Some legal experts argued Mueller appears to be drawing a picture of a candidate who was beholden to the Kremlin. Emails released in the Cohen plea show Trump seeking a financial endorsement from the Russian government on a private project while Russian President Vladimir Putin was offering to say flattering things about Trump. It creates the potential for Trump to feel an obligation to pay back President Putin, or Russia in general that . . . do not put the best interests of America forward, Kopp said. You are creating a potential vulnerability for a future leader of America. Trump privately stewed as he followed news coverage of Cohens plea early Thursday morning, a White House official said. A Justice official called the White House Counsels Office on Wednesday evening to let personnel know that Cohen would be pleading guilty in a case the following day, according to one person with direct knowledge of the notice. They were not told the details, however, which they learned about shortly before Cohens plea Thursday morning. Giuliani said the president believed the news development was a gratuitous slap from the Mueller team just as he was about to depart the White House for a trip to the Group of 20 summit in Argentina. In public, Trump was defiant, telling reporters that Cohen was a liar and a weak person who would do anything to save himself from fraud charges he faces related to his taxi business. Speaking before he stepped onto the Marine One helicopter for his trip, he also denigrated Cohens intelligence, calling him not very smart. He was convicted of various things unrelated to us, Trump said. Hes a weak person, and what hes trying to do is get a reduced sentence. So hes lying about a project that everybody knew about. I mean, we were very open with it. He questioned the scrutiny of the Moscow project. There would have been nothing wrong if I did do it, Trump said. When Im running for president, that doesnt mean Im not allowed to do business. Trump often grows aggrieved seeing Cohen on TV, aides say. Among White House advisers, Cohen is seen as an existential threat as much or more so than the Mueller investigation itself because of his longtime role as Trumps fixer. Trumps legal team did not learn until Thursday that Cohen had sat for dozens of hours of interviews with Muellers office, according to a senior administration official. Trump was infuriated earlier this year when Cohen released tapes of him, and asked his lawyers and advisers if anything could be done to stop him from releasing any more. The Trump legal team cast Cohen as a flawed character whose word is meaningless, as it had when he pleaded guilty in August to eight felony counts, including paying women for their silence about alleged affairs with Trump. Legal experts said prosecutors were not likely to build a guilty plea a brick in the overall case on the word of one person. The prosecutors filings show they have corroborated and buttressed Cohens account with contemporaneous emails, and people familiar with the probe say they have also obtained corroborating testimony from other witnesses. This is obviously a significant plea and statement. It means that when the president was representing during the campaign that he had no business interests in Russia, that that wasnt true, said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat in line to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. If the president and his associates were being untruthful in real time as they were pursuing this deal, what does it mean now about how much we can rely on what the president is saying about any continuing Russian financial interest? Giuliani said the president and his business have not tried to hide his pursuit of a Moscow tower project, and voluntarily disclosed some of the documents Muellers team used in its probe of Cohen for lying to Congress. According to a person familiar with the investigation, Cohen and the Trump Organization could not produce some of the key records upon which Mueller relies. Other witnesses provided copies of those communications. In the White House, two aides said Trump had complained more in recent days about Muellers prosecutors and has kept close tabs on the comments of Corsi and Stone. Trump has praised his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort extensively for fighting Muellers team, which accused Manafort this week of breaching a plea agreement by lying repeatedly to prosecutors as part of his pledged cooperation in the Russia probe. Cohen had not been on the front of Trumps mind, both of these aides said. Many in the White House try to avoid talking with the president about the Mueller probe, for fear they will be subpoenaed. And both of the aides said it was unclear why Trump was complaining more about the investigation recently. During the midterm campaign, the president occasionally told advisers that people had forgotten about the Mueller probe and remarked positively that it was no longer dominating TV headlines. Alice Crites contributed to this report. The inspector general and the Office of Special Counsel have launched at least 15 investigations into Zinkes conduct, 10 of which have been closed. The inspector general has cleared Zinke of wrongdoing in several cases, including a recent finding that he did not improperly alter the boundaries of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument to benefit a political ally in Utah. But that same office concluded in October that Zinke violated department policy by having his wife accompany him in government vehicles, and by instructing his security detail to take an associate to the airport when he was not in the car. The six White house employees, who included members of the press office, deleted their social media posts once they were told they had violated the Hatch Act, the Office of Special Counsel said. As a result, federal investigators issued warning letters rather than taking disciplinary action and advised that similar social media activity in the future would be considered a willful violation of the law that could result in further action, according to Erica S. Hamrick, deputy chief of the Hatch Act unit. That is not the position of the Argentine government, and there was no agreement on that statement, said a senior Argentine official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. Those are the words of the U.S. government. We have a great relationship with the Chinese, and we want to build on it. Trump wrote on Twitter: Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail... Questions have also mounted on social media in Japan, where widely shared blog posts and tweets have voiced unusually strong criticism of a legal system in which, experts say, prosecutors are powerful, conviction rates after indictment are above 99 percent, interrogations can stretch for 20 days without attorneys being present, visits by family members are restricted, and the presumption of innocence is less strong than in the United States or Europe. I am happy to be freed and welcome any other community service as an alternative, as long as my conscience is not violated, Kim said. Although France has one of the most extensive railway networks in the world, the map looks somewhat like a wheel: All the spokes originate in midsize provincial cities and converge on Paris at the center. You can get to the capital from Besancon by fast train in about 2 hours. But much of the surrounding area is relatively unserved by public transport. Without a car, a basic commute would take hours, often along a circuitous route. He told Hungarian media he saw no hint of government infringement on liberties or human rights, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. He vouched for Orban with his longtime friend, the president. And after a meeting with the right-wing prime minister in September, Cornstein pronounced that the two had used their easy rapport to reach the cusp of a deal that would keep CEU in Hungary forever. DHS officials said Nielsens request did not indicate how many law enforcement officers the agency is seeking, but described the call for help as a unremarkable measure . In line with the Presidents direction and given the very real threat we face at the border from potential mass migration actions of course, DHS has reached out for assistance from partners across the federal government to defend our sovereignty, protect our frontline men and women, and secure our border, Waldman said in a statement. The survey will run in two stages. The first will go through central North Korea and along the northwestern coast to the city of Sinuiju near the Chinese border. The second phase will go from an area near the Mount Kumgang tourist region and along the east coast up to a riverside station near the border with Russia. The train will include passenger and sleeping cars as well as a power-generator car and a fuel-tank. Our soldiers who had fought and died together on the beaches of World War II and the mountains of Afghanistan, and have stood shoulder to shoulder in some of the most difficult places in the world, that are always there for each other, somehow this is insulting to them, Trudeau said then. A Victoria Police spokesman said two people were expected to be issued with infringement notices for riotous behaviour and that the investigation was ongoing. On Thursday night, flares were lit during what has been a week of wild celebrations at the normally quiet seaside town. Police were called to complaints of a flare being lit on the Rye foreshore on Thursday night about 11pm, however when they arrived a large gathering of young people dispersed without further incident. No arrests were made. Last Saturday night, police were pelted with bottles and frightened locals sheltered in businesses after schoolies celebrations descended into chaos. Riot police, dogs and a helicopter were sent to the Rye foreshore as police scrambled to contain a large gathering of youths about 9.30pm. Flares were also reportedly set off from the roof of a house. The incidents have raised questions about the growing number of teens heading to Rye for schoolies, which locals say is ballooning by hundreds of people each year. Some locals believe it is getting rowdier, with residents telling The Age after Saturday's incident that schoolies in Rye had "never been this intense". Army veteran John Perrins from nearby Tootgarook said on Sunday schoolies celebrations had been getting busier over the decade he had lived on the peninsula. But this is worst Ive seen, he said. Others said they were unimpressed with the rubbish left behind on the beach each day, with Jess Burtt writing on Instagram on Friday: "I pulled in at Rye foreshore and was absolutely horrified of what I saw... thank you schoolies for showing how much disrespect and utter ignorance you can have! "I am so ashamed that the latest graduates heading out into the world to make change can possibly do this to a place they are so lucky to have." However, other locals say teenagers arriving in Rye for schoolies are well behaved and have pointed the finger at the 'toolies' - older people who haven't recently graduated - who join the celebrations and cause trouble. Jen, who lives directly opposite the foreshore park where the teens gather each night, told The Age on Friday she felt the behaviour of the kids had been great this year. Beachboxes at White Cliffs beach on the Rye foreshore. Credit:Will Salter "It's blown out of proportion and I'm probably one of the people who lives opposite and sees it all. There are a lot of kids there, a huge amount. Yes there is a bigger volume of kids and there has been a bigger police presence this year as well. But as far as the kids go, they've been really terrific," she said. "There have been a couple of incidents, but from what I hear it's older kids coming in and causing trouble. My own son is a schoolie, he was across there... and they said it was a gang of older kids that caused the problem. They'd come from another establishment after it closed. "But it was definitely older people, men in their 30s coming and causing problems. They want to cause trouble, turning up drunk." She said her father, aged in his 80s, lives next door to one of the large apartment blocks where schoolies have been living and he has had no issues. He has been contacted regularly by local police who have quelled any safety concerns. However, she did say that the event is growing by hundreds each year and she believed the council would soon need to organise more structure on the foreshore. "Over the last five years it's really grown, the last two years it's really pick up pace, so its time for the council to step in and organise." Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor David Gill said the council had been working closely with police and youth agencies to "reduce negative impacts" of schoolies on locals. UPDATED: Police have located a Perth woman who had gone missing twice in as many years. Amber Wilson had last been seen in the vicinity of Rockingham Hospital about 7.20pm on Wednesday. Missing woman, Amber Wilson Credit:WA Police Police and SES volunteers were on Friday searching bushland around the area, with police holding concerns for her welfare. But police announced later Friday morning Ms Wilson had been found. Thousands of Australian schoolchildren have walked out of class to demand federal government action on climate change are only going to learn how to join the dole queue, a senior federal government minister says. Students will be protesting across the country asking for climate change action. Credit:Karleen Minney The "Strike 4 Climate Action" inspired by a 15-year-old Swedish schoolgirl's activism will involve children in capital cities and 20 regional centres such as Ballarat and Newcastle. Thousands of students gathered in Sydney's Martin Place and on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House in Melbourne at noon on Friday to kick off the national protest action. But Resources Minister Matt Canavan said he wanted children in school learning about how to build mines, do geology and how to drill for oil and gas, "which is one of the most remarkable science exploits in the world". Buenos Aires: The opponents of the worlds most powerful summit have brought a special guest to Buenos Aires, the host city for the Group of 20 gathering this weekend. The Baby Trump balloon will fly over thousands of protesters around the summit in a contest of ideologies and possibly a clash with police. G20 protester Luciana Ghiotto in front of the blimp. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen The inflatable effigy of US President Donald Trump, portrayed as a baby in a nappy with a mobile phone in his hand, will be a rallying point for demonstrators including union members, environmentalists, anarchists, socialists and more. If nothing else, it raises the issue of why the leader of the United States acts like a baby and spends most of his time on Twitter, says one of the men inflating the blimp. The grim state of the Liberal Party is easy to see from a distance but still has the power to shock when cabinet ministers observe, almost casually, that some of their own side believe the government may have to be burnt to the ground. The idea is outlandish but real to some who believe their party has lost its way and will need a new conservative direction after losing the next election. Illustration: Andrew Dyson Credit: The Liberal Party would be purified in the flames of the election campaign and rise from the ashes of defeat. In this bizarre fantasy, more fitting for a Harry Potter novel than Australian politics, the phoenix would be stronger for the loss of those who were never the partys true believers. Muttered about more often than spoken aloud, this vision is a serious prospect for those who are resigned to defeat. On Sky News at night, you can hear the theory that the "broad church" of the Liberal Party is gone for good and that a formal divorce between moderates and conservatives is only a matter of time. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is resisting calls to stop the Adani coal mine if he wins the next election, in a position that clears the way for third-party activists to launch a blitz against Labor MPs in marginal seats. In his first public comments since the Indian mining giant announced it would self-finance a much smaller project than originally proposed, Mr Shorten stressed Labor remained sceptical about the Galilee Basin development but would not revoke approvals if they were already in place by May next year. "We don't know what they'll be up to by the time we get into government. So we'll deal with facts and the situation we're presented with if we win the election in 24 weeks' time," he said. "We'll be making decisions at that point based on the national interest. Of course we're not interested in sovereign risk or breaking contracts. We'll be guided by the best science and the national interest." Environment Minister Melissa Price played down fears the Queensland mine would damage the Great Barrier Reef, arguing it would have "no direct impacts". London: He could have misspelled his address, or entered an incorrect age something fairly harmless but no, the error John Stevenson made in an online form for the US Department of Homeland Security was clicking on the wrong answer to a question. The US visa waiver ESTA website. The question asked whether he was a terrorist. Stevenson, a Scottish grandfather, said he had made an honest mistake, but it might ruin his plans to fly with his wife to New York City on Monday. He ran into trouble filling out the automated online form on the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation, known as ESTA, that allows people from selected countries to apply for travel to the United States without a visa. Four Finalists Named in Weber State University Presidential Search November 30, 2018 SALT LAKE CITY After an extensive national search, the Weber State University Presidential Search Committee has recommended four finalists to the State Board of Regents for the position of Weber State President: Katherine P. Frank, Frank R. Lamas, Brad L. Mortensen, and Melody Rose. The Weber State University Presidential Search Committee is honored to recommend these four impressive candidates to the Board of Regents, said Jesselie Anderson, Regent and search committee co-chair. We look forward to the Regents having the opportunity to fully consider these candidates in choosing a new leader for Weber State. Nolan Karras, search committee co-chair and chair of the Weber State Board of Trustees, added, We thank the universitys trustees, faculty, students, and staff, along with the community as a whole, for their meaningful participation in this process. It truly has been a collective effort. The 21-member search committee has spent several months soliciting input through public meetings and in-person interviews. The Board of Regents will interview the following finalists (listed here in alphabetical order): Katherine P. Frank is the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Life at Central Washington University and Professor of English. At CWU, she focuses on institutional sustainability and student success, which include the transition to a new university budget model, complete General Education redesign, and opening of an eighth off-campus instructional site. Prior to her current position, she served as Dean of Arts and Sciences at Northern Kentucky University where she led the universitys largest college. She has also served as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indiana University East and as Chairperson of English and Foreign Languages at Colorado State University-Pueblo. She earned her bachelors degree from Bates College and her masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Washington. Frank R. Lamas is the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at California State University, Fresno, where he leads 53 departments and programs. He has more than 30 years of administrative experience in higher education. He was also an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington and Canisius College in the Department of Higher Education. His research interests include social and academic determinants of retention/student success among college students and leadership. He has previously served as board chairman of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. He earned his bachelors degree from the State University of New York at Potsdam and his masters and doctoral degrees at the State University of New York at Albany. Brad L. Mortensen joined Weber State in 2004 and has served as Vice President of University Advancement for 11 years. He develops partnerships and philanthropic resources that promote educational access, student success, inclusiveness, and faculty and staff vitality. He leads communication and strategic efforts to strengthen alumni and community connections, and recently began guiding Weber State's efforts to support regional economic development. Active with several Northern Utah organizations, he has chaired the Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce and United Way of Northern Utah. Utah Business recognized him as 2018 CXO of the Year. His prior professional endeavors include the Utah System of Higher Education, Utah governors office, Arizona legislature, and two policy fellowships. Mortensen earned a bachelors degree from Utah State University, a masters degree from Syracuse University, and a doctoral degree from the University of Utah. Melody Rose has 25 years of experience in public and private higher education. Currently the President at Marylhurst University, Rose previously spent 20 years with public institutions. As Chancellor of the Oregon University System, she oversaw all seven public universities, after having spent 17 years at Portland State University. At Portland State, Rose founded the Center for Womens Leadership, served in faculty governance, and provided leadership as Department Chair, Vice Provost, and Dean. Across sectors, she has focused on keeping student success and access at the forefront of data-based decisions. She earned a bachelors degree from University of California, Santa Cruz, and two masters degrees and a doctoral degree from Cornell University. Next steps The finalists will be on the Weber State University Ogden campus on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, to meet with groups representing faculty, staff, students, trustees, and administration. Each finalist will participate in a public meeting the afternoon of December 5, where attendees from the Weber State community and the general public will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. Public meeting schedule Weber State University Shepherd Union Ballroom C 3910 West Campus Drive, Ogden, UT 84408 1:00 1:50 p.m. Brad L. Mortensen 2:00 2:50 p.m. Katherine P. Frank 3:00 3:50 p.m. Frank R. Lamas 4:00 4:50 p.m. Melody Rose More information on the public meetings is available at weber.edu/presidentialsearch. On Thursday, December 6, 2018, the Board of Regents will interview the finalists in a closed session. The board may convene a public meeting at Weber State Shepherd Union Ballroom C at 5:45 p.m. that day to select the president. However, it may convene at another time, which will be announced at a later date. ### About Weber State University Visit weber.edu to learn more about Weber State University. About the Utah System of Higher Education The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) is governed by the Board of Regents and is comprised of Utahs eight public colleges and universities. The CEO of USHE is the Commissioner of Higher Education. For more information, visit higheredutah.org. For photos of the finalists, visit the following links. Katherine Frank Frank Lamas Brad Mortensen Melody Rose Hollywood history is full of fun coincidences and interesting side details, like certain actors repeatedly appearing in the same movies or the fact that every celebrity credits their success to a pact with the same ancient snake god. But sometimes it gets even weirder than that. Just look at how ... 5 Rival Helicopter Pilots Covering The O.J. Simpson Chase Both Later Came Out As Transgender When O.J. Simpson, the famous soccer player and star of Capricorn One, fled from police on June 17, 1994, it was huge news. It interrupted the NBA finals, putting annoyed basketball fans among the 95 million Americans who watched the pursuit live. And two helicopter pilots, Dana Vahle and Zoey Tur, were transmitting every moment for rival news stations. Two years earlier, both had covered the uprising in the wake of the Rodney King verdict, presumably while throwing things at each other from their helicopters while trying to get the better angle. Their on-the-job rivalry was serious, with Tur thinking Vahle a jerk. But then later they learned that they had an unlikely kinship. At the time, Tur was known as Bob, and Vahle was known as Dick. Both were married with children, but neither felt happy, and both eventually realized why. The '80s and '90s were not a welcoming time for transgender people (not that it's a cakewalk now). Vahle's initial steps toward transitioning cost her a job and her marriage, and Tur struggled with depression and suicidal ideation. But Vahle committed to transitioning in 2011, and Tur followed suit in 2013. Today they're friends and are both much happier, even though they've lost other friends, struggled in their careers, and have written off their own generation as being incapable of understanding them. But they have hope for the future. Indeed, most media coverage of their stories has been positive and respectful. Most of it. That's not to say everything about her was fake. She is a pastor ... although not for some sleepy village, but for "Seeds of Wealth," a church that promises worshippers that they can "unlock the seeds ... that will release into financial freedom." This church is closely aligned with Mike Murdock, a Texas televangelist who preaches "prosperity theology" -- the idea that donating large amounts of money to churches guarantees not only future wealth, but also a guaranteed spot in The Good Place. All told, he's a pretty questionable person in his own right. Continue Reading Below Advertisement To be fair, Hayter is only a minister, and probably doesn't have much say over who "Seeds of Wealth" chooses to be involved with. For that, you'd have to speak to the person running it, umm ... Marina Hayter. The upshot of these revelations is that the BBC, which is already having a hard time persuading people that they're not shilling for the government, is now being accused of hiring Hayter to appear on the show as a supporter of May. We'd make a joke about we'd need to be paid to support Theresa May too, but considering that her own party doesn't like her, it seems a little redundant. (Like Theresa May might be in a few weeks! British political humor!) Williamson, WV (25661) Today Evening rain followed by a mix of rain and snow overnight. Low 32F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 100%.. Tonight Evening rain followed by a mix of rain and snow overnight. Low 32F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 100%. Bayer plans to cut 12,000 jobs and exit its animal-health business in an effort to mollify Wall Street, which has punished the company over the tidal wave of lawsuits that came alongside the US$63-billion takeover of Monsanto. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Bayer plans to cut 12,000 jobs and exit its animal-health business in an effort to mollify Wall Street, which has punished the company over the tidal wave of lawsuits that came alongside the US$63-billion takeover of Monsanto. The German company announced a rash of moves, including exiting the sun- and foot-care segments, that it said would boost its core pharma and agricultural businesses. The cuts, including a significant number in Germany where layoffs are politically sensitive represent about 10 per cent of the workforce. The shares fell 2.3 per cent in Frankfurt trading, erasing initial gains after the announcement. Bayer is under mounting pressure to prove that its new model makes sense. The Monsanto deal turned it into the worlds largest agricultural chemicals and seeds maker, with giant pharmaceutical and consumer health units under the same roof. Investors remain unconvinced. The shares slumped after the acquisition was announced and closed, and Bayers market value has plunged some 30 billion euros (US$34.1 billion) since August, when a California jury ruled against its signature weed killer Roundup, saying it may have caused a school groundskeepers cancer. At least 9,000 other lawsuits are pending. "Todays decisions were not made necessary by the recent acquisition, and certainly not by glyphosate litigation in the U.S.," chief executive officer Werner Baumann said on a call with reporters, referring to Roundups chemical compound. "Absolutely nothing to do with it." Some investors may be disappointed with the short-term cost of the restructuring, the first strategic shakeup since the Monsanto deal was completed. Bayers fiscal 2019 earnings targets are below the forecast of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Nonetheless, "they delivered what everyone was hoping for," said Ulrich Huwald, a Hamburg-based analyst with Warburg Research. "Its a good package on the face of it." Of the 12,000 job cuts, half will probably come from corporate and supporting functions while another third will be in crop science as the Monsanto integration proceeds, Bayer said. Another 1,250 positions will probably come from pharmaceuticals with 350 related to a new facility in Wuppertal, Germany. Another 1,100 will be cut in Bayers consumer-health division. Baumann repeatedly declined to say how many of the reductions would be in Germany overall. Bayers animal-health operations are probably worth as much as 6.5 billion euros (US$7.4 billion), according to Wimal Kapadia, a London-based analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. That unit sells vet products for both pets and livestock, and its best-selling product line is the Advantage flea treatment for small animals. After the stock fell about 40 per cent over the past year, Bayer has faced growing questions about how its disparate units will remain competitive. Restructuring and cost cuts were widely expected ahead of an investors day meeting in London on Wednesday. By exiting peripheral businesses like animal health, Bayer aims to plow resources into core units like pharmaceuticals, where it needs to catch up to competitors. Baumann said the company is most interested in its core areas of hemophilia and hematology, cardiology, womens health and cancer. "We have, certainly, the financial strength," he said. Bloomberg News COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A popular Colorado Springs tourist attraction that takes riders up to the summit of Pikes Peak will reopen again after its fate was in question. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A popular Colorado Springs tourist attraction that takes riders up to the summit of Pikes Peak will reopen again after its fate was in question. The Gazette reports the Pikes Peak Cog Railway is slated to reopen in May 2021 following a nearly $100 million reconstruction next year. Broadmoor hotel President and CEO Jack Damioli said in March that the railway would not open this year and could remain closed permanently, noting it had "run its useful life." Oklahoma Publishing President and CEO Gary Pierson says the railway reconstruction will include the demolition and rebuilding of the track and a remodeling of the depot in Manitou Springs. The railway plans to decommission four of eight train cars and refurbish the other four. Oklahoma Publishing is the railway's parent company. ___ Information from: The Gazette, http://www.gazette.com LAS VEGAS - Authorities say a commercial passenger jet bound for Tampa, Florida returned safely to Las Vegas with engine cover damage just minutes after takeoff. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. LAS VEGAS - Authorities say a commercial passenger jet bound for Tampa, Florida returned safely to Las Vegas with engine cover damage just minutes after takeoff. No injuries were reported after Frontier Airlines flight 260 landed at 7:26 a.m. Friday with 166 passengers and crew members aboard. McCarran International Airport spokeswoman Christine Crews says emergency crews found debris on the runway while the aircraft taxied to a gate under its own power. Crews says the pilot of the Airbus 320 reported an engine "concern" before circling back to the airport 15 minutes after takeoff. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating. Airline spokeswoman Allison Redmon says an engine cover cowling came loose and separated from the aircraft. She says passengers were given refunds and were being re-booked on other airlines. JAKARTA, Indonesia - Investigators of the Oct. 29 crash of a Lion Air flight into the Java Sea say the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft was deemed airworthy when it made its final takeoff from Jakarta. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. National Transportation Safety Committee investigator Nurcahyo Utomo holds a model of an airplane during a press conference on the committee's preliminary findings on their investigation on the crash of Lion Air flight 610, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018. Black box data collected from their crashed Boeing 737 MAX 8 show Lion Air pilots struggled to maintain control as the aircraft's automatic safety system repeatedly pushed the plane's nose down, according to a preliminary investigation into last month's disaster. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) JAKARTA, Indonesia - Investigators of the Oct. 29 crash of a Lion Air flight into the Java Sea say the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft was deemed airworthy when it made its final takeoff from Jakarta. The officials summoned reporters Thursday to clarify comments made at a news conference the day before, where some media reported the investigators had said the plane was not airworthy when it took off. "The NTSC and the Head of Aviation Communication never stated that Lion Air, Boeing 737-8 MAX aircraft registered PK-LQP, was not airworthy," said investigator Nurcahyo Utomo. The issue of airworthiness is crucial because of concerns over technical issues with the new Boeing 737 MAX that crashed and questions over the airline's safety procedures. Black box data showed the pilots fought against an automated system that pitched a Boeing jetliner's nose down repeatedly because of a faulty sensor until they finally lost control. All 189 people aboard the flight between the Indonesian capital of Jakarta and a regional airport died in the disaster. The National Transportation Safety Committee investigators were reporting this week on data from the aircraft's black boxes. The preliminary report stopped short of placing blame for the crash the investigation is continuing but it provided new details about the pilots' difficulties handling the highly automated jet and Lion Air's inability to fix problems with sensors on the plane. The investigators say the cockpit voice recorder, which is still missing and being searched for, is needed to understand what exactly caused the jet to plunge in the Java Sea just 11 minutes after takeoff. On Wednesday, Utomo said the plane had experienced technical problems on four of the six flights before it crashed. On its penultimate flight from the Balinese capital of Denpasar to Jakarta, as during the final one, pilots struggled to prevent an automatic safety feature from forcing the nose of the aircraft down due to problems with its sensors. The report released Wednesday noted that during the Denpasar to Jakarta flight a "stick shaker" activation a warning signal to pilots continued throughout the flight as the flight crew struggled and eventually succeeded to bring the aircraft under control. "This condition is considered as an un-airworthy condition and the flight shall not be continued," it said of that flight. Utomo said that based on maintenance records, flight engineers had made repairs and run tests as needed. "Based on the test results, the aircraft was declared airworthy, also when the plane departed from Jakarta, the aircraft was in airworthy condition," he said. Another investigator, Ony Suryo Wibowo, said there were special procedures to be followed when there are problems with an aircraft. "But in principle, when the engineer has stated it's airworthy, then it's airworthy," he said. Wibowo said the pilot would make the final choice about whether or not to cancel or abort a flight, and the investigators were trying to understand how the pilot made his decision. "When the plane is on the ground, the responsibility for airworthiness is on the engineer, and when the plane is in the air, the airworthiness is entirely in the pilot's hands," he said. Experts say Boeing may need to change its new anti-stall system, perhaps developing an algorithm to disregard sensor readings that appear off-base. The aircraft maker has a great deal at stake in defending its plane. More than 200 MAX jets have been delivered to airlines around the world. Pilots at American Airlines and Southwest Airlines complained this month that they had not been given all information about the new automated anti-stall safety system on the MAX. ___ This story has been corrected to show the date of the crash was Oct. 29 and corrected to fix the name of the National Transportation Safety Committee. TORONTO - Uber is hiring a head of grocery product in Toronto, a sign that the company may be eyeing moves to disrupt the supermarket industry. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Uber is hiring a head of grocery product in Toronto, a sign that the company may be eyeing moves to disrupt the supermarket industry. The bread section is seen in a grocery store in Toronto on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Doug Ives TORONTO - Uber is hiring a head of grocery product in Toronto, a sign that the company may be eyeing moves to disrupt the supermarket industry. The U.S.-based technology giant says in a LinkedIn job posting that the role will help the company define and build "a brand new product offering, which will fundamentally evolve how people purchase their groceries." The posting says the successful candidate will work with a newly-formed team based in Toronto. Uber has used the city as its test bed for food-related innovation before, launching Uber Eats there in 2015. Its chief executive officer Dara Khosrowshahi has also hinted recently that delivering food to someone in their home in 30 minutes or less is "magical" and he sees grocery as being an "adjacency." Uber Canada confirmed to The Canadian Press that it is seeking a head of grocery, but offered no hint about what its plans for the role are. In a statement to The Canadian Press, the company would only say, "Our Eats team is always looking to expand into new areas where our technology can help people get food more easily and efficiently." CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - America's next moon landing will be made by private companies not NASA. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this Oct. 12, 2018 file photo, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jim Bridenstine speaks during a news conference at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia. America's next moon landing will be made by private companies, not NASA. Bridenstine announced Thursday, Nov. 29 that nine U.S. companies will compete in delivering experiments to the lunar surface. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin, File) CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - America's next moon landing will be made by private companies not NASA. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced Thursday that nine U.S. companies will compete to deliver experiments to the lunar surface. The space agency will buy the service and let private industry work out the details on getting there, he said. The goal is to get small science and technology experiments to the surface of the moon as soon as possible. The first flight could be next year; 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the first manned moon landing. "We're going at high speed," said Thomas Zurbuchen, head of NASA's science mission directorate, which will lead the effort. NASA officials said the research will help get astronauts back to the moon more quickly and keep them safer once they're there. The initial deliveries likely will include radiation monitors, as well as laser reflectors for gravity and other types of measurements, according to Zurbuchen. Bridenstine said it will be up to the companies to arrange their own rocket rides. NASA will be one of multiple customers using these lunar services. The announcement came just three days after NASA landed a spacecraft on Mars. NASA wants to see how it goes at the moon before committing to commercial delivery services at Mars. This new partnership is loosely modeled after NASA's successful commercial cargo deliveries to the International Space Station, as well as the still-unproven commercial crew effort. SpaceX and Northrop Grumman, formerly Orbital ATK, have been making space station shipments since 2012. SpaceX expects to start transporting astronauts to the orbiting lab next year; so does Boeing. Altogether, these Commercial Lunar Payload Services contracts have a combined value of $2.6 billion over the next 10 years. NASA wants lots of companies involved to encourage competition and get to the moon fast, so astronauts can benefit once an orbiting outpost is up and running near the moon. Bridenstine expects to have humans working intermittently on the moon, along with robots and rovers, within a decade. The nine companies, representing seven states, are: Astrobiotic Technology Inc., Pittsburgh; Deep Space Systems, Littleton, Colorado; Draper, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Firefly Aerospace Inc., Cedar Park, Texas; Intuitive Machines, Houston; Lockheed Martin, Littleton; Masten Space Systems Inc., Mojave, California; Moon Express, Cape Canaveral; and Orbit Beyond, Edison, New Jersey. Lockheed Martin already has a moon lander in the works modeled after the Mars InSight lander, which the company built for NASA. Insight arrived at Mars on Monday. The McCandless Lunar Lander is named after the late astronaut and former Lockheed Martin employee Bruce McCandless, who in 1984 performed the first free-flying spacewalk without a lifeline to the orbiting shuttle, using a jetpack built by the company. The picture of McCandless floating by himself in the blackness of space, with the blue Earth in the background, is one of NASA's most iconic. Bridenstine said while NASA wants the companies to succeed, the space agency is certain some of the efforts will fail. Expectations should not exceed 50 per cent, Zurbuchen stressed. "These are not expensive missions," Bridenstine told reporters before the announcement in Washington. "This is like a venture capital kind of effort where at the end of the day, the risk is high but the return is also very high for a low investment." He added: "Our goal is to learn as much as we can possibly learn and help this fledgling industry develop here in the United States." ___ The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. NEW YORK - After repeated food poisoning outbreaks linked to romaine lettuce, the produce industry is confronting the failure of its own safety measures in preventing contaminations. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this Nov. 20, 2018 file photo, romaine lettuce sits on the shelves as a shopper walks through the produce area of an Albertsons market in Simi Valley, Calif. After repeated food poisoning outbreaks linked to romaine lettuce, the produce industry is confronting the failure of its own safety measures in preventing contaminations. The latest outbreak underscores the challenge of eliminating risk for vegetables grown in open fields and eaten raw. It also highlights the role of nearby cattle operations and the delay of stricter federal food safety regulations. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill, File) NEW YORK - After repeated food poisoning outbreaks linked to romaine lettuce, the produce industry is confronting the failure of its own safety measures in preventing contaminations. The E. coli outbreak announced just before Thanksgiving follows one in the spring that sickened more than 200 people and killed five, and another last year that sickened 25 and killed one. No deaths have been reported in the latest outbreak, but the dozens of illnesses highlight the challenge of eliminating risk for vegetables grown in open fields and eaten raw, the role of nearby cattle operations that produce huge volumes of manure and the delay of stricter federal food safety regulations. A contested aspect of the regulation, for example, would require testing irrigation water for E. coli. The Food and Drug Administration put the measure on hold when the produce industry said such tests wouldn't necessarily help prevent outbreaks. Additional regulations on sanitation for workers and equipment other potential sources of contamination only recently started being implemented. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said he thinks the combination of rules, once fully in place, will make vegetables safer to eat. "I don't think any one element of this is going to be the magic bullet," Gottlieb said. Health officials say improved detection may make outbreaks seem more frequent. Still, that is intensifying pressure on growers and regulators to prevent, catch and contain contamination. PREVENTION It's not yet known how romaine got contaminated in the latest outbreak. The spring outbreak was traced to romaine from Yuma, Arizona. Irrigation water tainted with manure was identified as a likely culprit, and investigators noted the presence of a large animal feeding operation nearby. Subsequently, an industry agreement in Arizona and California was adjusted to expand buffer zones between vegetable fields and livestock. The industry says the change was in place for lettuce now being grown in Yuma, which hasn't been implicated in the latest outbreak. But Trevor Suslow of the Produce Marketing Association said there isn't consensus about the exact distances that might effectively prevent contamination. He noted specific buffer zones aren't required by the new federal rules on produce safety. "They look to the industry to determine what is the appropriate distance," Suslow said. Growers in Yuma also started treating irrigation water that would touch plant leaves with chlorine to kill potential contaminants, Suslow said. But he said such treatment raises concerns about soil and human health. Meanwhile, the proximity of produce fields to cattle operations is likely to continue posing a problem. Travis Forgues of the milk producer Organic Valley noted consolidation in the dairy industry is leading to bigger livestock operations that produce massive volumes of manure. TESTING Already, the industry agreement in Arizona and California requires leafy green growers to test water for generic E. coli. But James Rogers, director of food safety research at Consumer Reports, said it's important to make water testing a federal requirement. Since romaine is often chopped up and bagged, a single contaminated batch from one farm that skips testing could make a lot of people sick, he said. Teressa Lopez of the Arizona Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement also said federal regulation can ensure greater compliance, even though the industry agreement has stricter measures. Despite industry measures implemented after a spinach outbreak more than a decade ago, health officials noted this month there have been 28 E. coli outbreaks linked to leafy greens since 2009. The produce industry says the failure to prevent the Yuma outbreak could also reflect the limitations of testing water for generic E. coli. Elizabeth Bihn, a food science expert at Cornell University, said the tests look for the amount of fecal matter in water. The problem is, "some feces has pathogens in it, some feces doesn't," said Bihn, who is part of a federal program helping farmers comply with the new produce regulations. Testing for specific E. coli strains that are harmful is more difficult, and it doesn't rule out the possibility of other harmful bacteria, Bihn said. CONTAINING Whole-genome sequencing is making it easier to detect outbreaks, which is pressuring the produce industry. The FDA warned against all romaine last week because it said it was able to identify it as a likely source early enough. The agency narrowed its warning to romaine from California's Central Coast after the produce industry agreed to label romaine with harvest dates and regions, so people know what's OK to eat. The labeling is voluntary, and the industry said it will evaluate whether to extend it to other leafy greens. Gottlieb said improving traceability would allow targeted health alerts that don't hurt the entire industry. The FDA recently hired a former Walmart executive who used blockchain technology to improve traceability in the retailer's supply chain. Stephen Basore, director of food safety at a Florida romaine grower, said he expects more regulations and self-imposed industry guidelines. "Anytime there is an issue, the immediate response is saying our protocols aren't enough," he said. ___ AP reporter Josh Replogle contributed from Florida. ___ The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. On Wednesday night, Alex Shao stayed up until 2:30 a.m. shoveling snow. He couldnt have been more excited. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1090 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. On Wednesday night, Alex Shao stayed up until 2:30 a.m. shoveling snow. He couldnt have been more excited. The University of Manitoba commerce student is one of five team members of OnTheStep, a new on-demand snow removal service app that launched on Nov. 12. The team set a first-snowfall goal of five snow removal requests, Shao said. Instead, they got triple that amount after about 10 centimetres fell over the city on Wednesday which meant the apps founders have had to pick up their shovels to try to meet the demand. Shao said the first request came while he was still at school on Wednesday. "I made the biggest scene (running) out of class," Shao said. "I just bolted." Shao and OnTheStep co-founder Buhle Mwanza spent the rest of their night shoveling driveways across the city, from River Heights to Sage Creek to Transcona. The app is available on Google Play and in the App Store, and allows users to make requests for snow removal in minutes. After creating an account, users are prompted to include details of the job (like the street address, how big the driveway is and whether the surface is concrete, gravel or brick). The app sets a recommended minimum offer for the job, and allows users to increase this price. Since launching the app, the OnTheStep team Shao, Mwanza, marketing manager Tyrel Praymayer, developer Victory Iyakoregha and head of recruitment Tristen Wong has also announced a partnership with newcomer employment initiative Hire a Refugee that will help them meet the growing demand for their services. "Being a son of an immigrant family, and kind of feeling like an outsider when I was growing up, I really kind of have a connection with people who are feeling the same way," Shao said. "Were really trying to promote diversity and equality of opportunity for all Winnipeggers, because we really feel like diversity is something that makes Winnipeg special." Hire a Refugee founder Omar Rahimi said the partnership wasnt necessarily something he expected the first time he saw snow, he was 18 years old and had just arrived in Canada from the Iraqi refugee camp where he was born. The initiative is a way for newcomers to find odd jobs they can work like painting, landscaping, cleaning and, in the winters, snow removal even if they arent fluent in English, Rahimi said. Its an opportunity he said he wishes he had when he first arrived in Canada in 2001. "I didnt know what to expect. I was nervous," Rahimi said. "I think the main thing I wish somebody told me at the time is to be patient, and things will get better." Since starting the employment initiative last year, Rahimi said he has seen how something as simple as shoveling a driveway or cleaning windows can help forge connections between people from different communities. This summer, he was at a job painting garage doors with other refugees from the initiative when the woman who owned the house started chatting with one of the painters. "They became really good friends," said Rahimi. "Now, she visits their family. They eat each others food. They got to know each other." Shao said the app is still evolving, and making this sense of community a part of its mandate is front of mind for the OnTheStep team. "Were trying to really expand our diversity. Right now, I know were all male, but we are trying to get female members onto the team," Shao said. "Its changing every single moment." caitlyn.gowriluk@freepress.mb.ca TORONTO - Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.'s $88.7 million purchase of Canadian mattress start-up Endy won't mean the two will be amalgamated or that the legacy brand will cease selling products from Endy's bed-in-a-box competitors. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Endy CEO Mike Gettis, left, and chairman Rajen Ruparell are shown in this undated handout photo. Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.'s $88.7 million purchase of Canadian mattress start-up Endy won't mean the two will be amalgamated or that the legacy brand will cease selling products from Endy's bed-in-a-box retailer competitors. Toronto-based Sleep Country said Friday that the two will operate separately and that Sleep Country won't abandon selling the Bloom mattress-in-a-box that it launched in May 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO - Endy TORONTO - Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc.'s $88.7 million purchase of Canadian mattress start-up Endy won't mean the two will be amalgamated or that the legacy brand will cease selling products from Endy's bed-in-a-box competitors. Toronto-based Sleep Country said Friday that the two will operate separately and that Sleep Country won't abandon selling the Bloom mattress-in-a-box that it launched in May 2017. "Bloom is not going anywhere. We sell it out of our stores and we sell it online and we plan to keep doing that," said David Friesema, Sleep Country's chief executive officer, on a call with analysts. "It is one of our fastest growing product launches we ever had in our history." Friesema said Sleep Country was interested in buying Endy built by two friends that met as high school students in Calgary and disrupted the mattress industry when they launched their company in 2015 because of the synergies between the two brands. Despite Endy and its U.S. rival Casper increasing competition in the sleep products industry, he said the Endy purchase wasn't meant to be a "defensive move." "We have been watching carefully and we have been talking for awhile," Friesema said. "This is the right time to make the purchase." Executives said both companies were keen on the acquisition because they will each benefit from it. Endy will be able to leverage Sleep Country's logistics, warehouse and shipping expertise, while Sleep Country will be able to tap into Endy's e-commerce technology and digital marketing prowess. They said it is unlikely that Endy products will land in Sleep Country stores, though they admitted executives had discussed the possibility but decided to leave the decision up to Endy to make in the future. Their partnership comes at a key time for both brands. Sleep Country has long been grappling with bed-in-a-box competitors and the growth of e-commerce. It only launched an online sales offering about a year ago and has been keeping an eye on how it can reinvigorate its brick-and-mortar spaces and boost its sleep accessory sales. Meanwhile, Endy's last year has put it on track to post $50 million in revenues this year, though it has also been challenged by competitors. Casper has aggressively expanded in Canada and is slowly opening retail stores a feature Endy has yet to delve into. Friesema said Endy will continue to evaluate whether it should jump into brick-and-mortar. "We do test things," he pointed out. "That will probably be more likely than ever being in a Sleep Country store, but there is no decision that has been made 100 per cent on that yet." Rajen Ruparell, Endy's co-founder and chairman, added that for now the company has been focused on growing its traffic online because 100 per cent of its sales are done through e-commerce. He also said the 38-employee company was committed to remaining as "lean and efficient as possible," even as it grows. For now, the companies are waiting for the deal $63.7 million in cash paid at closing and up to an additional $25 million in 2021 based on the achievement of growth and profitability in targets in 2020 to close and regulatory approvals to be received by Thursday. "It's early days. We just got married last night and we are encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit between the organizations," Stewart Schaefer, Sleep Country's chief business development officer, said. "The team will come together and look under the covers and see where there are synergies." Companies in this story: (TSX:ZZZ) TORONTO - Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc. announced a deal to acquire a Canadian mattress-in-a-box retailer in a nearly $89-million deal that looks to boost its online offerings. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Sleep Country Canada holdings Inc. says it will acquire online mattress retailer Endy for nearly $89 million. David Friesema, the CEO of Sleep Country Canada, sits on the new "Bloom" mattress, as he poses for a photo at a store in Toronto on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. The Toronto-based company says its signed a definitive agreement to acquire the mattress-in-a-box firm, a Canadian start-up that launched in 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Aaron Vincent Elkaim TORONTO - Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc. announced a deal to acquire a Canadian mattress-in-a-box retailer in a nearly $89-million deal that looks to boost its online offerings. "We recognize that consumer shopping habits are evolving and we remain focused on serving our customers any way they want to shop, and providing them with the choice to navigate easily between traditional and online channels," said David Friesema, Sleep Country's CEO, in a statement Thursday. The company signed a definitive agreement to acquire the start-up Endy, which launched in Canada in 2015. Sleep Country Canada will pay up to $88.7 million for the acquisition. It will pay $63.7 million cash at closing and up to $25 million more in cash in early 2021 if certain growth and profitability targets are achieved in the previous year. The company's revolving credit facility will be upsized by $60 million to $210 million to finance the transaction, which is subject to customary closing conditions and expected to close on Dec. 6 of this year. Endy will continue to operate separately following the acquisition with founders Rajen Ruparell and Mike Gettis remaining at the helm of the business, Friesema said. Gettis will continue to serve as Endy's CEO, while Ruparell will chair a board comprised of Sleep Country and Endy senior management that will provide general oversight. "This acquisition will allow us to continue to grow rapidly and exceed customer expectations in a rapidly evolving retail climate, while remaining separate," said Ruparell in a statement. Sleep Country already sells a mattress-in-a-box product, Bloom, which comes in four different styles and price levels. Companies in this story: (TSX:ZZZ) BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - President Donald Trump signed a revised North American trade pact with the leaders of Canada and Mexico on Friday, declaring the deal a major victory for workers. But tensions over tariffs, looming GM layoffs and questions about the pact's prospects in Congress clouded the celebratory moment. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. President Donald Trump, left, holds up his audio translator headphones as he speaks to Argentina's President Mauricio Macri, right, during their meeting at Casa Rosada, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - President Donald Trump signed a revised North American trade pact with the leaders of Canada and Mexico on Friday, declaring the deal a major victory for workers. But tensions over tariffs, looming GM layoffs and questions about the pact's prospects in Congress clouded the celebratory moment. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is meant to replace the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has long denigrated as a "disaster." The leaders signed the new deal on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires after two years of frequently blistering negotiations. Each country's legislature still must approve. "This has been a battle, and battles sometimes make great friendships, so it's really terrific," Trump said, before lining up next to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to sign three copies of the deal Trump using a black marker for his signature scrawl. The signing came at the beginning of a packed two days of diplomacy for the American president that will conclude with high-stakes talks Saturday with Chinese President Xi Jinping on ways to ease an escalating trade war between the two countries. "There's some good signs," Trump said. "We'll see what happens." President Donald Trump, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, and Mexico's President Enrique Pena Neto, left, participate in the USMCA signing ceremony, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) For the new North American trade deal, legislative approval is the next step. That could prove a difficult task in the United States, especially now that Democrats instead of Trump's Republicans will control the House come January. Democrats and their allies in the labour movement are already demanding changes. Within hours of the signing, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said the deal must have stronger labour and environmental protections in order to get majority support in Congress and "must prove to be a net benefit to middle-class families and working people." Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who is seeking to become House speaker in the new year quipped, "The trade agreement formerly known as Prince no, I mean, formerly known as NAFTA, is a work in progress." Still, Trump projected confidence, saying: "It's been so well reviewed I don't expect to have very much of a problem." Trump is describing USMCA as a landmark trade agreement. But most companies are just relieved that it largely preserves the status quo established by NAFTA: a regional trade bloc that allows most products to travel between the United States, Canada and Mexico duty free. During the negotiations, Trump repeatedly threatened to pull out, a move that would have disrupted businesses that have built complicated supply chains that straddle the borders of the three countries. The new agreement does make some changes to the way business is done in North America. It updates the trade pact to reflect the rise of the digital economy since the original NAFTA took effect nearly a quarter century ago. It gives U.S. dairy farmers a bit more access to the protected Canadian market. President Donald Trump, center, shakes hands with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto looks on after they signed a new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that is replacing the NAFTA trade deal, during a ceremony at a hotel before the start of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. The USMCA, as Trump refers to it, must still be approved by lawmakers in all three countries. (AP Photo/Martin Mejia) The biggest changes target the auto industry. The new deal encourages auto companies to invest or expand in the United States and Canada, not low-wage Mexico, by requiring that 40 per cent of a car's content be made where auto workers earn at least $16 an hour; otherwise, the cars won't qualify for USMCA's duty-free treatment. Trudeau said the deal "lifts the risk of serious economic uncertainty" and said Canada worked hard for a "new, modernized agreement." But he also used the ceremony to call on Trump to remove steel and aluminum tariffs the U.S. slapped on Canada and Mexico. Trudeau also referenced recent downsizing moves by GM in North America as a "heavy blow." Pena Nieto, who will hand off to his successor Saturday, said he was honoured to be at the signing on the final day of his administration, calling it the culmination of a long process "that allow us to overcome differences and to conciliate our visions." Before Trump arrived in Argentina he injected additional drama into the proceedings by cancelling a planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also of interest was whether Trump would have an encounter with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who was attending amid global dismay over the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump gathered with the leaders for a traditional group photo, but did not appear to acknowledge Putin or the crown prince as he walked by. A senior White House official said Trump and bin Salman exchanged pleasantries during a subsequent leaders' session. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the crown prince's situation. Trump told reporters later: "We had no discussion. We might, but we had none." The president insisted he cancelled his meeting with Putin because of Russia's actions in Ukraine and not because of the federal investigation into Russian interference in his own election. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the same point: "On the basis of what took place with respect to the ships and the sailors, that was the sole reason." Trump announced via Twitter Thursday that he was cancelling the planned meeting with Putin over Russia's seizure of Ukrainian vessels. The abrupt announcement came not long after his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, admitted lying to Congress to cover up that he was negotiating a real estate deal in Moscow on Trump's behalf during the Republican presidential primary in 2016. The news ensured any meeting with Putin would have put a spotlight on the U.S. special counsel's investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow during the election. Trump has denied any wrongdoing. Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov called the cancellation a missed opportunity, saying in remarks from Buenos Aires that were carried by Russian state television that he doubted "this move would help settling a number of important international problems." He added: "Love can't be forced." Trump opened Friday with a cordial meeting at the Casa Rosada with Argentine President Mauricio Macri, a longtime business acquaintance. Posing for photos in the gilded Salon Blanco, Trump said they would discuss trade, military purchases and other issues. The U.S. businessman-turned-politician noted he had worked with Macri's father on real estate developments and joked that when he and Macri first met they'd never have imagined their future roles on the world stage. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump concluded the evening with the other leaders at a formal dinner and cultural performance at Teatro Colon. ___ Associated Press writers Rob Gillies in Toronto and Deb Riechmann, Darlene Superville and Paul Wiseman in Washington contributed to this report. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled a planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin as he headed to the Group of 20 Nations summit Thursday, citing Russia's seizure of Ukrainian vessels as a source of tension in a relationship he has fostered in the face of criticism. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn before leaving the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018 to attend the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled a planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin as he headed to the Group of 20 Nations summit Thursday, citing Russia's seizure of Ukrainian vessels as a source of tension in a relationship he has fostered in the face of criticism. Trump tweeted his decision from Air Force One shortly after his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, revealed he had lied to Congress to cover up that he was negotiating a real estate deal in Moscow on Trump's behalf during the Republican presidential primary in 2016. The news ensured any meeting with Putin would spotlight the special counsel's investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow during the campaign. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and on Thursday called Cohen a "weak person" looking for a reduced sentence. The president arrived in Argentina late Thursday for a global economic meeting expected to be dominated by Trump's seat-of-his-pants diplomacy. The Putin meeting a continuation of a controversial summit between the two in July was just one of a series of high-stakes items on Trump's agenda, which also includes talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping on how to ease a rising trade war. Although Trump had previously floated cancelling the meeting with Putin, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters he did not make the final decision until boarding the plane for Argentina and speaking with national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The Kremlin said it had not been formally notified of the decision, which came hours after Moscow said the meeting was on track. "I look forward to a meaningful Summit again as soon as this situation is resolved!" Trump tweeted from Air Force One. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko praised Trump on Twitter, saying, "This is how great leaders act!" Sanders also said Trump will not hold formal meetings with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and South Korea's Moon Jae-in, but will instead speak informally with those leaders at the conference. She did not offer any explanation for those changes to the schedule. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk from Air Force One, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018, as they arrive at the Ministro Pistarini international airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Trump traveled to Argentina to attend the G20 summit. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) The stakes for the sit-down between Putin and Trump were raised this week by Russia's stepped-up aggression in the Kerch Strait, stemming from its years long occupation of Eastern Ukraine. Russia recently seized three Ukrainian vessels and crews. Russia said Ukraine didn't have permission to pass between Russia's mainland and the Crimean Peninsula. Ukraine insisted its vessels abided by maritime laws. Tensions had already been high over the war in Syria and allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential race. Trump has sought to improve the relationship with Putin, but was roundly criticized after the July summit in Helsinki for failing to publicly denounce Russia's interference and appearing to accept Putin's denials of such activity. While Trump's statement was strongly worded, he has made similarly dramatic moves before only to walk them back. In the spring he cancelled a planned summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, only to revive the meeting a week later. The G-20 meeting in Buenos Aires comes amid growing economic uncertainty and global displeasure with Trump's trade policy. The most pressing issue on Trump's packed schedule of meetings is whether he can reach a detente with Xi over trade after months in which both sides have raised tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of each other's goods, shaking financial markets and threatening the global economy. Without an agreement, the U.S. is set to increase the tariffs on January 1. Departing the White House Thursday, Trump said he was "very close" to a deal with China, but added, "I don't know that I want to do it, because what we have right now is billions and billions of dollars coming in to the United States in the form of tariffs or taxes." With China, experts said Trump likely wants to see something come out of the meeting. "I think it's in President Trump's interest to have this meeting be viewed as a success," said David Dollar, a senior fellow in the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. "The markets are looking for some kind of dialing down of the rhetoric, and in particular markets are hoping there will not be an escalation of U.S. tariffs on January 1. So there's a foundation for some kind of agreement." That approach leaves open the possibility for a preliminary or vague deal. Trump's Singapore summit with Kim produced a vague agreement on denuclearization with few, if any, specifics. Since then progress between the two nations appears to have slowed, but Trump continues to hail the meeting as a historic breakthrough. Trump's advisers have sought to manage expectations heading into the talks, though some have projected optimism. "If China will come to the table, or in this case the dinner table, with some new ideas and some new attitudes and some new co-operation, as the president said, there is a good possibility they could make a deal," economic adviser Larry Kudlow said this week. "He's open to it. So nothing is written in cement or stone." On the ground for just two days, Trump is packing every moment with diplomacy, conducting bilateral meetings with numerous world leaders as well as group events. Trump's visit will also put him in the same room as Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the first time since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The U.S. resident and prominent critic of the Saudi royal family was brutally killed last month upon entering the country's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, a plot that sparked a diplomatic row that cast the future of the U.S.-Saudi relationship into doubt. U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that the Saudi crown prince, known as MBS, must have at least known of the plot. Lawmakers in both parties have called on Trump to, at minimum, avoid the young heir apparent as punishment. But Trump publicly announced his decision to effectively give the prince a free pass in the name of "America First," citing vastly exaggerated claims of Saudi military contracts and investments in the United States. The president also views Saudi Arabia as a vital counterbalance to Iranian influence in the Middle East. While no official sit-down is scheduled, Trump has kept the door open to a casual meeting. "I don't know that he's going to be there," Trump said last week. "But if he is, I would." The crown prince arrived in Argentina on Wednesday and on Tuesday White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said, "I wouldn't say that we've ruled out any interaction." Taking office on an "America First" platform, Trump has long had an uneasy relationship with his position on the world stage and has largely eschewed taking on a moral leadership role. Instead he has tailored his portfolio to promote American interests and to sow disruption. He has slapped tariffs on the European Union and pulled the U.S. out of the landmark Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal. Trump also has suggested he might be willing to pull the U.S. out of NATO if member counties don't significantly boost their defence spending. PORTLAND, Maine - Trade hostility from across the ocean was supposed to take a snip out of the U.S. lobster business, but the industry is getting a lifeline from its northern neighbour. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this Sept. 5, 2018, file photo a lobster walks over the top of a lobster trap off the coast of Biddeford, Maine. Heavy demand from Canada is buoying the American lobster industry as both countries head into the busy holiday export season. It's a positive sign for the U.S. seafood dealers and fishermen even as the industry struggles with Chinese tariffs. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File) PORTLAND, Maine - Trade hostility from across the ocean was supposed to take a snip out of the U.S. lobster business, but the industry is getting a lifeline from its northern neighbour. Heavy demand from Canada is buoying American lobster as both countries head into the busy holiday export season, according to federal statistics and members of the industry. It's a positive sign for U.S. seafood dealers and fishermen, even as the industry struggles with Chinese tariffs. China emerged as a major consumer of American lobster earlier this decade, but the country slapped heavy tariffs on exports in July amid its trade kerfuffle with President Donald Trump's administration. Lobster exports slowed to a crawl. Industry watchers forecast the move as a potential calamity for U.S. seafood, but Canada has boosted the value of its lobster imports from America by more than a third so far this year, up to more than $180 million through September. Canada has its own lobster fishing industry, which harvests the same species as U.S. fishermen, and the country sells lobsters domestically as well as to Europe and Asia. The country's importing so many from the U.S. this year because it needs enough supply to send to China, said members of the lobster industry on both sides of the border. "They go there to go to China, to avoid the tariffs," said Spiros Tourkakis, executive vice-president of East Coast Seafood, a dealer in Topsfield, Massachusetts. The brisk sales to Canada are among a number of unexpectedly positive signs in a U.S. lobster fishery that had been primed for a difficult year. The lobster fishing business is based mostly in Maine, where the catch fell by about a sixth last year to a little less than 111 million pounds. The price to fishermen was also down slightly last year. This year's catch total won't be available until early 2019, but it appears to have been a strong year, and prices to fishermen seemed to be a little bit better, said Beth Casoni, executive director of the Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association. Lobsters have also been easy to find in stores for domestic consumers, and the retail and wholesale prices have been competitive with recent years. "Most of the guys feel like they've had a pretty good year," Casoni said. "About a month ago everybody was really concerned about not going to China due to the tariffs. From what I've heard, there hasn't been much of an impact locally." The Chinese tariffs remain a concern for New England's international seafood dealers, who have seen China grow from a tiny fraction of the international market to one of its biggest buyers. The country took about 5 million pounds of U.S. lobster, valued at $40 million, from July to September last year, and saw those number about halved this year. The loss of Chinese market share has come at a time when American lobster shippers have also lost ground in Europe, as Canada and the European Union reached a seafood trade deal that put the U.S. at a disadvantage. A big test for the U.S. lobster industry will be the Christmas holiday in Europe and Chinese New Year, which are typically major shipping periods for the crustaceans. "My latest thinking is that the U.S. economy is strong and this is going to carry over into lobster," said John Sackton, a seafood analyst and publisher of SeafoodNews.com. "Exports have not stopped, just down about 50 per cent, so some are still being shipped." BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Canada is confident it will win legal challenges to American steel and aluminum tariffs that remain despite the new NAFTA deal, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Friday in Buenos Aires following a high-profile signing ceremony for the trade treaty. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. SEAN KILPATRICK / THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers short remarks during the Women's Economic Empowerment Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Canada is confident it will win legal challenges to American steel and aluminum tariffs that remain despite the new NAFTA deal, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said Friday in Buenos Aires following a high-profile signing ceremony for the trade treaty. "We do not accept the legality of these tariffs," she said. "We have challenged and are continuing our legal challenges. We think this is simply wrong and frankly, we are very confident we are going to win those legal challenges." Freeland's remarks offer a glimpse into the political and legal heavy lifting set to follow Friday's signing of the trade pact an agreement reached through hand-wringing negotiations and a ceremony confirmed only at the 11th hour. U.S. President Donald Trump conceded Friday the process to reach the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, was a battle but went on to say that "battles sometimes make great friendships." Canadian officials had insisted Canada would not take part in a signing ceremony unless the steel and aluminum tariffs were lifted. Trump imposed them in June, ostensibly on the national-security grounds, and has refused to budge on them. But Canada's refusal to sign the deal with the tariffs in place softened this week, said one insider: "At the end of the day, removing the uncertainty from the rest of the economy is too important to pass up." Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right to left, participates in a signing ceremony for the new North American Free Trade Agreement with President of the United States Donald Trump and President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick In his remarks Friday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed the importance of locking down an agreement while he stood with Trump and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Signing on to the three-way trade agreement alleviates the serious economic uncertainty that lingered throughout the negotiations, Trudeau said, adding uncertainty would have only caused more economic damage had the deal not been reached. "There's much more work to do in lowering trade barriers and in fostering growth that benefits everyone," Trudeau said. "As a result (of the new agreement), the tariff-free access NAFTA guaranteed for more than 70 per cent of Canada's total exports is secure. That's essential for businesses, families, jobs, entrepreneurs, and hardworking people in every corner of our country. " Trudeau raised the tariff issue with Trump before the three leaders emerged together for the signing ceremony, said officials in the Prime Minister's Office. A Canadian official also said that the big advantage of signing onto the agreement now is a side letter on the auto industry, which exempts Canada from potential tariffs on exports of up to 2.6 million vehicles well above current levels. Friday marked an important deadline for the trade pact because a new Mexican president takes over Saturday who might not honour the tentative deal struck by his predecessor. Trump acknowledged that Friday was Pena Nieto's last day in office and congratulated him on the achievement of signing on to the deal. The signing of the three-way trade pact is largely ceremonial because it still needs to be ratified by all three countries before it can formally take effect. U.S. lawmakers have already indicated they don't expect to tackle the USMCA or CUSMA, as Ottawa now calls it, except when calling it the "new NAFTA" until after the new Congress is sworn in early next year. The deal 32 chapters, 11 annexes and 12 side letters sets new rules for the auto sector, including a higher threshold for North American content and rules requiring that 40 per cent of car parts be made by workers paid at least $16 an hour. It preserves a contentious dispute-resolution system the U.S. dearly wanted gone, extends patent protections for biologic drugs and allows U.S. farmers a 3.6-per-cent share of Canada's famously guarded market for poultry, eggs and dairy products a concession that dismayed Canadian dairy producers. Earlier this month, a coalition of no fewer than 40 Republicans in Congress wrote to Trump urging him not to sign the agreement, expressing disdain for "inappropriate" and "insulting" language that commits the three countries to supporting and protecting sexual orientation and gender-identity rights. Separately, a smaller group of Republican senators even tried to convince the White House to hit the gas pedal on ratification efforts, fearful that the new influx of Democrats in the new year will make congressional approval of the deal "significantly more difficult." And just this week, Democrats whose regions were hit hard by deep job and production cuts at General Motors took their frustrations out on an agreement they thought was supposed to foster North American growth in the auto sector. "If we're going to see more plants going to Mexico, I'm not going to support NAFTA 2.0," said Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell. "These are peoples' lives; these are people who work in my district and I'm working hard to keep those jobs here." With files from James McCarten in Washington Follow @kkirkup on Twitter OTTAWA - A Vice Media reporter must give the RCMP material he gathered for stories about an accused terrorist, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in a case that pitted press freedoms against the investigative powers of police. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Journalist Ben Makuch of Vice Media arrives to the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa on May 23, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick OTTAWA - A Vice Media reporter must give the RCMP material he gathered for stories about an accused terrorist, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in a case that pitted press freedoms against the investigative powers of police. In its 9-0 decision Friday, the high court said the state's interest in prosecuting crime outweighed the media's right to privacy in gathering the news when all the factors in play were taken into account. Vice Media said the ruling made it a "dark day for press freedom." Organizations representing Canadian journalists also decried the decision as setback that imperils their work. "Police have an important job to do in protecting us from crime, but they cannot expect journalists to do that job for them," said Martin O'Hanlon, president of CWA Canada, a union that represents over 6,000 media workers. "The media is not, nor should it ever be, an arm of the state." In 2014, reporter Ben Makuch wrote three articles about the involvement of Farah Mohamed Shirdon, formerly of Calgary, with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Shirdon had left Canada for Turkey in March of that year. A month later, he appeared in an ISIL propaganda video that turned up on the internet. He tore up his Canadian passport, threw it into a fire and said, "With help from Allah, we are coming to slaughter you." Exchanges between Makuch and Shirdon through a text-messaging service were crucial to the articles. In 2015, the RCMP obtained a production order under the Criminal Code, directing Vice Media and Makuch to provide documents and data relating to communications with Shirdon, who might now be dead. Makuch brought an application to quash the production order, but it was dismissed a decision upheld by the Ontario Court of Appeal. The Supreme Court agreed to examine Makuch's case, with a full bench hearing arguments last May. In a previous case, the court had set out nine conditions for assessing the reasonableness of a search of a media outlet. Vice Media argued at the Supreme Court that lower courts had been incorrectly applying, or failing to apply, that balancing test. Philip Tunley, a lawyer for the multimedia outlet, told the high court there should be clear protections for journalists when enforcement agencies come knocking. He said the result of current law and practice was "a chilling effect" on the media's important role in gathering and publishing news in Canada. Federal lawyer Croft Michaelson told the hearing there was "no merit" to criticisms of the legal framework in place for deciding on police access to media materials. In its arguments, the Crown called the test a principled and flexible framework intended to curb any potential chilling effect that an order might have on the ability of the media to do its work. Although the Supreme Court was unanimous in dismissing Makuch's appeal, the judges provided two distinct sets of reasons. Justice Michael Moldaver said on behalf of the majority that the framework continues to provide a suitable model for considering applications for search warrants and production orders relating to the media, though certain elements should be tweaked. Even then, Moldaver wrote, the production order for Makuch's materials should stand because disclosure of the materials would not reveal a confidential source, no "off the record" or "not for attribution" communications would be disclosed, there is no alternative source through which the materials could be obtained, and Shirdon used the media to publicize extremist views. Moldaver added that he struggled to see why a chilling effect should be presumed in such matters, saying this "should be assessed on a case-by-case basis." Tunley had no comment Friday, and it was not clear when or even if the materials would be given to the RCMP. The Mounties said they respect the judicial process but would not comment on the next steps in their investigation. "This is a dark day for press freedom, which is a basic tenet of democracy," Vice Media said in a statement. "While we've lost this battle, nothing can shake our belief that a free press is instrumental to a truthful understanding of the world in which we live." Makuch, who is based in New York, was not at the court for the decision's release, but he tweeted: "I am profoundly disappointed in todays ruling, not just as an appellant in this case or a reporter, but as a citizen of Canada." The Canadian Association of Journalists and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression also called the ruling deeply disappointing. "It creates a chill for anyone who wants to speak truth to power or expose government wrongdoing," said CAJ president and CJFE board member Karyn Pugliese. "The country's highest court erred significantly in todays decision." Follow @Jim Bronskill on Twitter The Winnipeg Police Service spiced up its traditional holiday campaign against impaired driving Friday, showing off a newly acquired roadside drug-screening device meant to determine whether a driver has recently used either cannabis or cocaine. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. The Winnipeg Police Service spiced up its traditional holiday campaign against impaired driving Friday, showing off a newly acquired roadside drug-screening device meant to determine whether a driver has recently used either cannabis or cocaine. The Draeger DrugTest 5000 will be deployed at police Checkstops, said WPS Const. Stephane Fontaine, the forces impaired-driving countermeasures co-ordinator. However, police wont be using it to test drivers without first having reasonable suspicion theyve been using drugs. "If you suspect that theres been recent consumption of those two drugs, but youre unable to form the grounds that you need to arrest for impaired driving, this is a tool to help you either eliminate going to an arrest or, ultimately, supporting your suspicion," Fontaine said. "Keep in mind, if the person is showing gross signs of impairment, this device will not be used." In those cases, police would already have a reason to suspect drug-impaired driving, and would move onto the next step towards laying an impaired-driving charge: formally confirming that suspicion by having the driver evaluated by one of 32 Winnipeg police officers trained to recognize drug impairment, demanding a sample of the drivers blood for testing, or both. (A new federal law makes it a criminal offence for drivers to have more than certain amounts of drugs in their blood.) The WPS has seven of the $5,000 machines, which are the only roadside drug-screening device approved by the federal government. The force is just beginning to train officers on how to use them, Fontaine said, and each district will receive its own device. A Free Press reporter volunteered for a screening by the DrugTest 5000. The reporter spent roughly 30 seconds swabbing the inside of his mouth with a sample collector attached to a plastic cassette, which was then inserted into the bulky analyzer device by an officer. About five minutes later, the device printed out a negative result, indicating the saliva didnt contain any chemical traces of cannabis or cocaine above the devices measurement threshold. Fontaine said the new device is meant to detect cannabis use within the past six hours, but couldnt say exactly how long a driver should wait after using cannabis before getting behind the wheel. "Its not a safe thing for me to provide you with some magical number, because of all of the different variables that come into play when youre dealing with cannabis," Fontaine said. "Everyone wants to compare it to alcohol... We cant do that same correlation with cannabis, and thats simple reality." The police recommendation to cannabis users is simply: "Not to consume and drive under the influence," he said. Fontaine wouldnt comment on whether Winnipeg police have noticed an increase in cannabis-impaired driving since Oct. 17, when the drug was legalized in Canada for non-medical use. Drug-impaired driving arrests are only confirmed months later, he said, "when we have the toxicology report back." "Its very premature to comment on any stats, just because its such a short time period since official legalization," he said. "Ultimately, theres a lot of time that needs to pass before we have all of the answers." Winnipeg police will start operating the holiday season Checkstop program this weekend. Police are encouraging inebriated revellers to avoid driving by using cabs, public transit or designated drivers. "Our message is simple: if youre under the influence of alcohol or drugs, dont drive," Fontaine told reporters. solomon.israel@freepress.mb.caTwitter: @sol_israel The province is privatizing its wildfire-fighting service, a move that could mean the end of 52 jobs, a union spokeswoman says. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. The province is privatizing its wildfire-fighting service, a move that could mean the end of 52 jobs, a union spokeswoman says. The province announced Thursday that Babcock Canada will provide wildfire suppression in Manitoba. The global engineering company claims to be one of the largest aerial firefighting businesses in the world, flying 5,500 missions last year. The province expects to save at least $1 million annually, money that would have gone towards aircraft warehouse repairs and upgrades to smaller planes, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler said. "We believe that this will be a huge saving right up front when there is a fire starting out," Schuler said. "We believe this is very safe. We're getting a very good product and we're getting good value for the taxpayer." Schuler said the agreement comes after a competitive bidding process that began in August. Manitoba still owns its fleet of seven water bombers, but will be leasing the aircrafts to Babcock, which will partner with Air Spray another firefighting service in the province, but the Manitoba Wildfire Program staff will control aircraft deployment. The deal has the Manitoba Government and General Employees Union sounding the alarm. "It's extremely frustrating and disappointing to know that the fire crews that we have, that the professionals we have that protect Manitobans that work is going to be farmed out, it's been sold off," MGEU president Michelle Gawronsky said. "This is a private company, an international private company that their bottom line is going to be what's important to them, not necessarily ensuring that Manitobans' safety is coming first." Gawronsky said up to 52 pilots, mechanics and people in clerical positions will be affected by the decision. It is not yet clear when Babcock will take over, but Gawronsky said she has already received notices that as of March 30 when the union's no layoff clause expires there will be job losses. Babcock Canada will now provide wildfire suppression in Manitoba. The global engineering company claims to be one of the largest aerial firefighting businesses in the world. (Judy Klassen / The Canadian Press files) "We don't know how many of these (employees), if any of them, are going to have jobs when this is done," she said. "What is happening to all these members that work in any of the places right now that this government is busy privatizing, or cutting or slashing? And again, this is a government that promised to provide and protect services Manitobans rely on, and to protect the people that provide those services." Schuler said Babcock representatives will be meeting with the affected workers to discuss future job opportunities. "I cant speak for the company. I am under the impression that the company would like to retain some of their services, but... I dont want to get into labour negotiations. That is between the corporation and the employees," he said. The province is no longer accepting proposals for general transportation air services and air-ambulance service posted in August, as well. If companies that expressed interest can't meet safety and speed requirements, privatization may not occur. With files from Jessica Botelho-Urbanski danton.unger@freepress.mb.ca jessica.botelho@freepress.mb.ca While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Argentina, signing the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister was in Winnipeg, insisting the federal government now turn its focus to trade issues closer to home. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Argentina, signing the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister was in Winnipeg, insisting the federal government now turn its focus to trade issues closer to home. "The new NAFTA will be arrived at, and all free-traders and all Canadians who understand the nature of our economy as a trading nation will breathe a palpable sigh of relief. Thats dangerous," Pallister told reporters Friday. "Its dangerous if we dont act on a larger issue. Imagine if we had in our country equal to a seven per cent tariff we impose among provinces on each and every transaction that we made with goods or services seven per cent additional charge discouraging to do business with each other. We do." The premier also asserted Canadian families are losing approximately $1,500 per year due to internal trade barriers. "Ive been working on this file for a long time, and Ive seen only gradual progress. I think now because Canadians understand better than they did before the debates around free trade... The time to strike on some of these items, getting these barriers down, is now," he said. Provinces have been working to reduce or align regulations cross-country for 23 items, including food and meat inspection, restrictions on tire sizes and weights, and building codes. Dominic LeBlanc, the federal minister responsible for internal trade, said in a statement Wednesday the Canadian government is already at work on some of the items Pallister mentioned. Ottawa is clarifying labelling regulations for food, modernizing meat inspection and standardizing what can be called vodka across the country, Leblanc said. Pallister said he wants to see the federal government acknowledge some of its own regulatory hurdles, pointing to the federal finance minister's budget update last week that alluded to provincial barriers. "First step: admit youve got a problem. In Bill Morneaus statement, he admitted the provinces had a problem. He didnt say anything about the federal problem, so lets start with that," the premier said. Pallister will raise the issue at the next first ministers' conference, scheduled for Dec. 7 in Montreal. jessica.botelho@freepress.mb.ca Twitter: @_jessbu OTTAWA The Manitoba government will not intervene in Saskatchewans court challenge of the federal governments carbon tax. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. OTTAWA The Manitoba government will not intervene in Saskatchewans court challenge of the federal governments carbon tax. "We continue to consider options for our own legal challenge," a spokesman for Premier Brian Pallister wrote Thursday evening, on the eve of the deadline to take part in the Saskatchewan lawsuit. Today, at 4 p.m., will mark the deadline for provinces to weigh in, some four months after Saskatchewans government asked its Court of Appeal to rule on whether the federal plan is constitutional. The federal Liberals have asked all provinces to put a minimum price on emissions of $20 per tonne by Jan. 1. For provinces that dont, Ottawa will implement a federal carbon tax and rebate the money to residents. Pallister launched a plan a year ago that would have met that requirement, but fell short of Ottawas escalating carbon levy in 2020. He withdrew that plan in early October, claiming Ottawa hadnt adequately considered Manitobas hydroelectric glut in insisting on eventually raising the levy. Thats why Ottawas planning to impose a tax in April on Manitoba, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Ontario. On Thursday, New Brunswick served notice it will follow Ontario in intervening in support of Saskatchewans suit, which argues the move is unconstitutional. Meanwhile, British Columbia opted Tuesday to support Ottawas plan. No other provinces are expected to serve notice up until todays deadline. After that point, each has weeks to submit formal interventions. Manitoba sought an independent legal opinion last year, which found Ottawa had a right to impose a tax on provinces, but had to accommodate provincial initiatives that use different means to achieve the same objectives. Ontario recently penned its own carbon plan; its unclear whether Ottawa will consider it as it had set a Sept. 1 deadline to submit such proposals. Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna has decried the politicization of her carbon-pricing initiative, while repeatedly signalling out conservative governments for what she deems insufficient action to tackle climate change. with files from The Canadian Press dylan.robertson@freepress.mb.ca After more than two years of assisting women in a North African conflict zone, a local grassroots group is taking an indefinite break. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. After more than two years of assisting women in a North African conflict zone, a local grassroots group is taking an indefinite break. The Winnipeg Womens Resource Centre in Bor, South Sudan, is suspending operations "indefinitely," it said in its final newsletter, dated Wednesday. "I dont want to let it go," said Rebecca Deng, one of the centres founders, who arrived in Winnipeg as a South Sudanese refugee more than a decade ago. In 2013, after getting the news 33 women had been massacred at St. Andrews Cathedral in Bor, the South Sudanese community in Winnipeg rallied. They decided to try to help the women in Bor by providing them with literacy and job-skills training and counselling. In 2014, a board was formed, plans were made and money was raised. In 2016, Deng travelled to Bor to get things going and deliver 24 sewing machines for job training. When she landed in the capital, Juba, she had to dodge bullets after the city erupted in fighting. That didnt stop Deng, who was determined to get to Bor and get the resource centre programs up and running before returning to Winnipeg. Over time, the problems of working in a developing country dealing with conflict and facing food shortages were many, Deng said. The banking system and transferring money was a huge challenge. Not having a building of its own nor a non-government organization on the ground in Bor to work with was also difficult for the grassroots group based in Winnipeg. Still, it accomplished a lot, she said. Its literacy class included 56 women, who got training in math and basic business skills. Three sewing classes trained 24 women at a time. Three graduates got jobs with non-government organizations (including War Child) and several others found work. "Elder circles" met several times a week outdoors, with an average of 17 women discussing topics such as gender-based violence and addictions. The goal was to get the women talking and developing their own support networks, Deng said. Deng knows the value of supporting women. The single mom, who didnt speak, read or write English when she arrived in Canada, has since finished adult education and is completing a university degree. After working, studying and trying to manage the resource centres programs from afar, Deng said, she needs a rest. "Im taking a break to regroup." She hopes non-profit organizations the group has approached about partnerships in Bor will come around to provide training for women in the city of more than 300,000. "I dont want to give that up." The board members and those who helped establish the Winnipeg Womens Resource Centre said it was time to "lay it down." "South Sudan is hard place to work," said Cathy Campbell, a retired St. Matthews Anglican Church priest who befriended many South Sudanese women in the community. She said women in South Sudan and in Canada benefited from the alliances and friendships that were formed. "We got a huge amount done," said Campbell, a board member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. "Some of the relationships will, hopefully, continue to bear fruit in a bigger way." The Winnipeg Womens Resource Centre in Bor raised and committed $91,370 from 2016 to the end of 2018 for its programming. It spent $77,426 in South Sudan and $4,687 in Canada for a total of $82,113. The balance $9,257 is being held by the Primates World Relief and Development Fund, which has committed to spend the money in South Sudan. carol.sanders@freepress.mb.ca A new law to protect municipal employees who wish to expose serious wrongdoing in the workplace comes into effect today. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A new law to protect municipal employees who wish to expose serious wrongdoing in the workplace comes into effect today. However, not all Manitoba local government employees will be covered, and some may never be because municipal councils must pass a resolution to be covered under the legislation. Winnipeg and Brandon have been the first to do so, and their workers will immediately be protected. Earlier this year, the legislative assembly passed amendments to the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act to broaden protections to municipalities, but the legislation gives municipalities the flexibility to determine whether or not to be covered by its provisions. The legislation also extends protections to school divisions and districts and enhances the investigative powers of the provincial ombudsman. Finance Minister Scott Fielding, a former Winnipeg city councillor, invited all municipalities to participate. "Its our duty to protect employees who step forward and speak up," he said at a news conference Friday. Mayor Brian Bowman welcomed the new protections for municipal employees, saying it will strengthen public accountability. "Ill say to our valued members of the public service that we absolutely want them to do the right thing, and we want them to feel safe and protected in doing their best to address concerns that they have in the workplace," he said. Bowman added that local taxpayers may have been better protected from some of the scandals that have rocked the city in the past had the legislation been in place earlier. Ralph Groening, who was elected as president of the 137-member Association of Manitoba Municipalities this week, said he could not estimate how many municipalities will choose to be covered by the legislation. "There are complexities to small communities, so that is the challenge and thats why we requested flexibility (to opt in)," he said, noting that some local governments employ as few as three or four administrative staff. Groening said he anticipated that other cities, such as Selkirk and Portage la Prairie, may be next to opt in. The Manitoba Civil Service Commission and the provincial ombudsmans office will provide guidance and education to municipalities about the new act. The legislation authorizes the ombudsman to receive and investigate complaints of reprisals against employees and to make recommendations to address acts or threats of reprisals. It also clarifies which disclosures are to be investigated by a designated officer of a municipality and which by the ombudsman. It also strengthens the investigative powers of designated officers. And it requires that an investigator take steps to protect the identity and procedural rights of all people involved in the investigation. Further, it strengthens protection for whistleblowers by prohibiting disclosure of their identities in civil court proceedings or administrative tribunal hearings. The amendments also ensure that a review of the act is conducted every five years. The legislation was first brought in to protect provincial employees. larry.kusch@freepress.mb.ca While writing her fascinating book, The Politics of Resentment, political scientist Katherine Cramer visited communities throughout Wisconsin to learn about the concerns of local residents. In small towns and rural communities, Cramer heard that residents were frustrated by not receiving their fair share. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Opinion While writing her fascinating book, The Politics of Resentment, political scientist Katherine Cramer visited communities throughout Wisconsin to learn about the concerns of local residents. In small towns and rural communities, Cramer heard that residents were frustrated by not receiving "their fair share." They didnt get their fair share of decision-making power or their fair share of funding from governments. But most notably, residents of small towns and rural communities felt they didnt get their fair share of respect. It was this feeling of resentment that residents of small towns and rural communities werent given respect that partly fuelled support for Donald Trump in rural America in the 2016 presidential election. When the results rolled in, Trump lost badly in the cities and narrowly edged out Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the suburbs. But Trump scored landslide victories in small town and rural America. After the election, Cramer returned to the Wisconsin small towns she had visited to talk to residents about why they had voted the way they did. She confirmed that Trumps belligerent populism and his willingness to shake up the status quo in Washington, D.C., had resonated. Urbanites had not been listening to the concerns of rural Americans, they reasoned; Trump was a powerful response to the perception they were being ignored. And in the recent U.S. midterm elections, suburban voters tended to turn away from Trump while rural voters staunchly maintained their support for both the president and the candidates who received his endorsements. If whole swaths of people in a democracy feel ignored and neglected, we should eventually expect a response. That response in the U.S. came in the form of Trump. Could something similar happen in Canada? If anything, Canada is even more susceptible than the U.S. to the dangers of the urban-rural divide. Canadian society has become more urban over the course of several decades, with both rural Canadians moving to and immigrants settling in big cities. The 2016 Canadian census reveals that more than 35 per cent of Canadas population now lives in the countrys three biggest cities: Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. As a result, rural Canadas political power has declined over time and its place in the countrys cultural consciousness has receded. Canadian media, for example, is now concentrated almost entirely in big cities, and its coverage often reflects this. Rural Canadians may feel that issues covered by the CBC in its national newscasts, for example, reflect the concerns of urban Canadians but not their own, fuelling a feeling of being left out and neglected. We already see an important urban-rural divide in support for political parties in Canadian elections. Political scientists have long recognized that where Canadians live in either urban, suburban or rural areas can have an important effect on who they vote for. For example, Justin Trudeaus Liberal party won a strong majority government in the 2015 election, but that included only one-third of the countrys rural seats. The rest went to the opposition parties, especially the Conservatives. What can be done to ensure Canadas rural-urban divide doesnt result in a Canadian Trump? Writing in the journal Policy Options last year, Sean Speer and Jamil Jivani addressed precisely this question. Among other answers, Speer and Jivani argue that a more inclusive and respectful politics that incorporates both urban and rural concerns could soothe tensions. The key, they argue, is empathy, which is sometimes lacking when urban and rural Canadian talk about one another. Such empathy is particularly important in political parties and the media. This brings us to recent news of a distinctly rural fundraiser held by Conservative MP Rachael Harder, who hails from Lethbridge, Alta. Harders local party association was responsible for organizing a "Guns and Guinness" fundraiser, in which participants spent the afternoon shooting at clay pigeons and then convened afterward for a barbecue with beer. In response, federal Organized Crime Reduction Minister Bill Blair harrumphed that the fundraiser was "incredibly disappointing," given that Canada is "seeing recording levels of tragic homicides involving firearms." Blairs parliamentary secretary, Peter Schiefke, labelled the fundraiser "incredibly irresponsible." Blair and Schiefke, incidentally, are from two of Canadas biggest cities Toronto and Montreal, respectively. Of course, the only violence involved in Harders fundraiser was directed at clay pigeons. The view that an afternoon of clay shooting has some sort of connection to violent crime will likely strike rural Canadians as a quaintly urban prejudice. Is it any wonder, in light of dismissive comments such as Blairs, that rural dwellers feel as though they dont get their fair share of respect? Speer and Jivani are right that bridging the urban-rural divide will require a great deal of empathy. It was disappointing to see a federal minister take the opposite view. Royce Koop is an associate professor and head of the political studies department at the University of Manitoba. (Editor's note: Winnipeg mother Katharina Nuss was visited by a social worker recently after an anonymous person reported to Child and Families Services that she let her seven-year-old and three-year-old children walk from their home to a nearby bakery on their own as a "confidence building" exercise. The children were unaccompanied, but never out of her sight. Read our related story. She is petitioning the province to enact a "free-range parenting" law for Manitoba.) Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 29/11/2018 (1092 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. (Editor's note: Winnipeg mother Katharina Nuss was visited by a social worker recently after an anonymous person reported to Child and Families Services that she let her seven-year-old and three-year-old children walk from their home to a nearby bakery on their own as a "confidence building" exercise. The children were unaccompanied, but never out of her sight. Read our related story. She is petitioning the province to enact a "free-range parenting" law for Manitoba.) I am encouraged by the amount of discussion and conversation that has been happening around whether the law should more explicitly allow children under twelve more independence. Dan Lett, in a Nov. 3 column, argues that protecting children requires diligence, and I fully agree with that. As I have said before, my issue is not with receiving a visit from a Child and Family Services worker I understand and support CFSs need to follow up when a concern is brought to their attention. Katharina Nuss has started a petition urging Families Minister Heather Stefanson to tell CFS to back off and allow free-range parenting. She's shown with her children, nine-year-old Frieda (bottom), seven-year-old Johanna and Raphael, 3. (Winnipeg Free Press files) What I take issue with is being told that it is not acceptable for children under 12 to be on their own under any circumstances, and that is the focus of the petition I started. Lett makes the argument that there is no harm done in being overly cautious, and that a few CFS visits that turn up no concern are a small price to pay as it may keep some children from suffering serious neglect or abuse. It seems to be a sensible argument. However, this does not take into account that the status quo is not neutral, but is actually doing damage. It prevents children from engaging in activities that are key for healthy development. By denying our children opportunities to gradually learn independence, we put them at risk of a number of conditions and challenges. There is a sizeable body of respectable research that demonstrates the importance of self-directed play, outdoor play, risk-taking, and incremental independence for childrens physical, social, emotional and mental well-being. According to the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health of Canada, "Access to active play in nature and outdoors-with its risks-is essential for healthy child development. We recommend increasing children's opportunities for self-directed play outdoors in all settings-at home, at school, in child care, the community and nature." Psychology professor Dr. Peter Gray says "Over the same decades that play has been declining, we have seen a well-documented increase in all sorts of mental disorders in childhood five to eight times as many children today suffer from major depression or from a clinically significant anxiety disorder as was true in the 1950s" ParticipAction has identified the protection paradox: "Children are overprotected in the name of safety, but trying to keep them safe by keeping them close and indoors may set them up to be less resilient and more likely to develop chronic diseases in the long run." "Children are overprotected in the name of safety, but trying to keep them safe by keeping them close and indoors may set them up to be less resilient and more likely to develop chronic diseases in the long run." Dr. Mariana Brussoni et al. state that "The evidence indicates that the overall positive health effects of increased risky outdoor play provide greater benefit than the health effects associated with avoiding outdoor risky play (and) that risky play supportive environments promoted increased play time, social interactions, creativity and resilience. "These positive results reflect the importance of supporting childrens risky outdoor play opportunities as a means of promoting childrens health and active lifestyles." As it stands right now, we have a law, enforced by CFS, which says kids cannot be unsupervised until the age of 12. Reality, however, paints a different picture of what we as a society deem normal and acceptable. Many children under 12 play outside without a parent hovering over them at all times as they should, according to the research. Many children walk to school alone, or with friends or siblings, long before they are 12. School patrols are responsible for helping children (often under 12, often unaccompanied) navigate traffic, before they are 12. If CFS tells parents that children under 12 should never be unsupervised, that means we are turning a blind eye to many such "violations," and the law is being enforced very selectively. What I am advocating is not for CFS to ignore a concern when it comes in. Rather, I would like to see a change in the law that explicitly allows for children to have these basic freedoms and learning opportunities, and which creates room for parental discretion based on the circumstances and an individual childs maturity. That way, there is no basis for someone to call CFS solely because a parent is not hovering over their child every moment of their day. CFS then would not have to get involved in such a situation, which frees up valuable resources for them to attend to children and families that truly do need support and protection. Calls to CFS about children going to the local bakery, with a parent watching, are not, in fact, the ones that save lives, but ones that divert CFS resources from situations where the lives and safety of children are at risk. These situations only make parents and children anxious, and damage CFSs reputation. To use an analogy: we do not aim to address the dangers of driving by saying that staying out of a car is a small price to pay, but rather by trying to balance the need for safety with peoples need to get places. To use an analogy: we do not aim to address the dangers of driving by saying that "staying out of a car is a small price to pay," but rather by trying to balance the need for safety with peoples need to get places. Similarly, we should try to strike a balance here. I believe we need to find a way, while protecting all children's safety and well-being, to also honour their need for healthy development. A change in the law would do both: it would give children the opportunities to develop the skills needed to become competent and confident in the world, while freeing up valuable CFS resources to focus on children and families that truly do need protection and support. Additionally, it would reflect the reality that our society already expects and allows our children to have gradually increasing independence before they are 12. WASHINGTON - Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort may face additional charges after lawyers in the special counsel's Russia investigation said he lied to them and broke his plea agreement, prosecutors said Friday. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this May 23, 2018, file photo, Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, leaves the Federal District Court after a hearing, in Washington. ManafortAos attorneys are heading to court Friday at a time of frenetic activity in the special counselAos Russia investigation. Prosecutors this week obtained a guilty plea from President Donald TrumpAos longtime fixer Michael Cohen and appear to be lining up charges against another Trump supporter. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File) WASHINGTON - Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort may face additional charges after lawyers in the special counsel's Russia investigation said he lied to them and broke his plea agreement, prosecutors said Friday. The latest development in Manafort's case comes at a time of public activity in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Prosecutors obtained a guilty plea from President Donald Trump's longtime legal fixer on Thursday and appear to be lining up charges against another Trump supporter. The prospect of new charges adds to the legal peril of Manafort, the onetime political consultant who already faces years in prison after being convicted of financial fraud crimes in Virginia and pleading guilty to conspiracy counts in Washington. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson set a tentative sentencing date of March 5 as prosecutors plan to disclose next week what they believe are the lies Manafort told since pleading guilty in September and agreeing to co-operate with the investigation. Manafort's lawyers, who deny that Manafort lied, will have an opportunity to respond and a judge is expected to hear arguments before deciding whether he breached his plea deal. Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann told the judge that prosecutors had not yet decided whether to file new charges against Manafort for the alleged lies, saying, "That determination has not been made yet." Attorneys Kevin Downing and Thomas Zehnle, right, with the defense team for Paul Manafort, walk from federal court in Washington, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, after a scheduling conference. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) The same is true of whether they'll pursue the 10 felony counts they dismissed in Virginia or others they planned to drop in Washington as part of the plea deal, Weissmann said. Jurors deadlocked on those Virginia counts and convicted Manafort on eight others. Trump is facing continued questions about whether he might pardon Manafort. At the same time, he is playing down the significance of the guilty plea of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, for lying to Congress. None of the recent moves by Mueller has definitively answered the question of whether Trump or his associates co-ordinated with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. And they don't directly accuse the president of any criminal wrongdoing or indicate that the president faces legal jeopardy. But Trump has continually surfaced in Mueller's investigation, with references to him in Cohen's plea on Thursday and in a draft plea offer extended to conservative writer and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi and made public this week. Trump has expressed sympathy for Manafort, Corsi and his longtime confidant Roger Stone, telling The New York Post this week that they were "very brave" for resisting the Mueller investigation. He said a pardon for Manafort, who has denied lying to investigators, wasn't "off the table." That prospect of a pardon has drawn criticism, including from Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee who said it would be a "complete abuse of power" and could prompt congressional action against the president. Manafort faces up to five years in prison on each charge in his plea agreement. He is also set to be sentenced in Virginia in February. Trump has spent recent weeks casting Mueller's team as hell-bent on destroying the lives of those in the president's orbit. Armed with information passed along by Manafort's attorneys to the president's legal team, Trump has accused prosecutors of dirty tactics and pressuring witnesses to lie. Trump's lawyers' arrangement with Manafort's lawyers was unusual because it continued after he pleaded guilty to two felony charges and agreed to co-operate with the prosecutors. Trump's legal team also has received help from Corsi. He told The Associated Press that while in contact with Mueller's team, he directed his lawyer to informally share information with Trump's attorneys, including Jay Sekulow. Sekulow also received the draft plea documents a couple of weeks ago. The legal team alerted the Justice Department but privately was put off by a reference to Trump in the document. Corsi, who rejected the plea deal, has said he expects to be charged by Mueller with lying to investigators as part of the probe's scrutiny of WikiLeaks and whether he or Stone had advance knowledge of the group's release of thousands of hacked emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Mueller and U.S. intelligence agencies have said Russia was the source of the material provided to WikiLeaks. Both Corsi and Stone have denied having any contact with WikiLeaks or having any foreknowledge of its plans. Corsi also denies making false statements to investigators. ___ Associated Press writer Michael Balsamo contributed to this report. ___ Follow Chad Day and Eric Tucker on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChadSDay and https://twitter.com/etuckerAP GIG HARBOR, Wash. - Police found no evidence of wrongdoing after investigating allegations that relatives of radio personality Casey Kasem were responsible for his 2014 death but will now turn the matter over to prosecutors, officials in Washington state said Friday. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this Oct. 27, 2003, file photo, Casey Kasem poses for photographers after receiving the Radio Icon award during The 2003 Radio Music Awards at the Aladdin Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Police found no evidence of wrongdoing as they investigated allegations that relatives of radio personality Casey Kasem were responsible for his 2014 death but will now turn the matter over to prosecutors, officials in Washington state said Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. (AP Photo/Eric Jamison, File) GIG HARBOR, Wash. - Police found no evidence of wrongdoing after investigating allegations that relatives of radio personality Casey Kasem were responsible for his 2014 death but will now turn the matter over to prosecutors, officials in Washington state said Friday. The administrative investigation didn't find evidence of a crime, said Gig Harbor Police Chief Kelly Busey. He said he would forward the case to Pierce County prosecutors for review. The longtime "American Top 40" host had a form of dementia and a severe bedsore when died at age 82 at a hospital in Gig Harbor, southwest of Seattle. Gig Harbor police opened their investigation last month after Kasem's wife, former actress Jean Kasem, submitted a private investigator's report claiming three of Casey Kasem's children from a previous marriage were responsible for the radio host's death. Jean Kasem has not commented; The Associated Press has left an email message with her attorney. It's the latest development in years of legal wrangling between Jean Kasem and her three stepchildren. The groups fought over visitation access to Casey Kasem before his death, with his daughter Kerri Kasem assuming control of his medical care. Jean Kasem, who appeared on "Cheers," was married to the announcer for more than 30 years but was stripped of control over his medical care in the final days of his life. He died in June 2014 in Gig Harbor, where his wife had taken him after checking him out of a Los Angeles-area medical facility where he was receiving round-the-clock care. Jean Kasem, 64, has contended her decision to move her husband to Washington state was made to protect his privacy. Prosecutors in Los Angeles County in 2015 declined to charge Jean Kasem with elder abuse. That year, three of Casey Kasem's children and his brother filed a wrongful death lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, accusing their stepmother of elder abuse. That lawsuit against Jean Kasem is still pending, as well as a countersuit she filed in response, KOMO-TV reported. The administrative investigation released this week by Gig Harbor Police found that Casey Kasem received appropriate care and that any medical decisions were made by family authorized to act on his behalf, Busey said. There was also no evidence of collusion between the family members and doctors "that would construe any part of this incident to be considered a homicide," the department said in a statement. Kasem's two daughters told KOMO they feel vindicated by the police findings. "We're very grateful to the police department for conducting this investigation and concluding there is no evidence to support Jean's wildly ridiculous claims," Julie Kasem told the TV station. ___ This story has been updated to correct the spelling of the police chief's last name to Busey, instead of Busy, in one instance. ___ Information from: KOMO-TV, http://www.komotv.com/ KIEV, Ukraine - Ukraine toughened its stance in its increasingly tense confrontation with Russia on Friday, banning entry to all Russian men of fighting age in what Ukraine's president said was an effort to prevent the Kremlin from destabilizing the country. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 30/11/2018 (1091 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. FILE - In this Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 file photo, an aerial photo of the thousand-year-old Monastery of Caves, also known as Kiev Pechersk Lavra, the holiest site of Eastern Orthodox Christians is taken through morning fog during sunrise in Kiev, Ukraine. The Ukrainian intelligence agency is searching the home of the father superior of Kiev's biggest and oldest monastery which is part of the Russian Orthodox Church. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka, File) KIEV, Ukraine - Ukraine toughened its stance in its increasingly tense confrontation with Russia on Friday, banning entry to all Russian men of fighting age in what Ukraine's president said was an effort to prevent the Kremlin from destabilizing the country. The ban will last 30 days as long as the martial law introduced this week in much of Ukraine after Russia seized three Ukrainian naval vessels and their crews. The naval incident further escalated the tug-of-war that began in 2014 when Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and supported separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. It also has prompted global concern and renewed Western criticism of Russia, with the U.S. and its allies expressing support for Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers drive APCs near Urzuf, south coast of Azov sea, eastern Ukraine, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. Ukraine put its military forces on high combat alert and announced martial law this week after Russian border guards fired on and seized three Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka) Yet, both sides could gain from this. By opening fire on the Ukrainian vessels, Moscow reinforced its message that Crimea is Russian for good. In Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko is likely to benefit from the martial law he imposed. His approval ratings have been plummeting ahead of March's presidential election, and playing up the Russian threat could help him get re-elected. In a meeting with security officials, Poroshenko said the ban targeting men between the ages of 16 and 60 should prevent Russian servicemen disguised as civilians from sneaking into the country as they did in Ukraine's east, where Moscow backed the separatist insurgency with troops and weapons in a conflict that has left more than 10,000 people dead. Ukraine long has imposed entry restrictions on Russian men and the latest move will further tighten them, hurting bilateral trade and other exchanges across the nearly 2,300-kilometre (1,425-mile) border. Residents of towns and villages on both sides of the frontier make regular cross-border trips to see relatives and shop at local markets, but they won't be able to do so for the duration of the ban. Ukrainian fighter jets fly during military exercise near Urzuf, south coast of Azov sea, eastern Ukraine, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018. Ukraine put its military forces on high combat alert and announced martial law this week after Russian border guards fired on and seized three Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka) Cultural exchanges were also caught in cross-fire. Bolshoi Theater's soloist Andrei Merkuriev said he was denied entry to Ukraine to attend a ballet show that he staged in the southern port city of Odesa. In Russia, officials and lawmakers reacted with dismay but said that they wouldn't retaliate to avoid hurting ordinary Ukrainians. Poroshenko's move follows Thursday's decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to scrap his much-anticipated meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires. Trump said it wasn't appropriate for him to meet with Putin since Russia hasn't released the Ukrainian ships and their crews. The latest confrontation began last weekend as the three small vessels tried to pass through the narrow Kerch Strait separating Russia's mainland from Crimea. The Russian coast guard refused to let them pass from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov, and after many tense hours of manoeuvring fired on the Ukrainian boats and seized them along with 24 crewmen. Ukraine charged that its ships were in international waters, while Russia claimed the boats were violating its border. A woman prepares to cross the checkpoint at the border with Russia in Hoptivka, Ukraine, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Ukrainian officials announced earlier on Friday that all Russian men aged between 16 and 60 will be barred from entering Ukraine for the duration of the 30-day-long martial law. (AP Photo/Pavlo Pakhomenko) A Crimean court ruled this week that the Ukrainian seamen will remain behind bars for two months pending Russia's investigation into the clash. Activists said they have been taken to a jail in Moscow. Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, claimed Friday that Moscow had demonstrated an exemplary patience, trying to prevent the Ukrainian ships from coming through for most of the weekend. "Not a single country in the world except us would spend the entire day running after those madmen in its territorial waters, calling them, asking who they were and trying to stop them," she said. There were signs tensions wouldn't be letting up any time soon. Russian RT television on Friday broadcast footage of a convoy of massive vehicles carrying long-range Bal anti-ship missiles moving toward Kerch, near the area where the naval incident occurred. Meanwhile, a separate fight has been brewing between Kyiv and Moscow over the Orthodox Church. For centuries, the Ukrainian church has been part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Now, it's moving close to forming an independent church, a momentous step pushed by Poroshenko that would split the world's largest Orthodox denomination. The Russian Orthodox Church and Russian authorities have strongly condemned the move, warning it could trigger sectarian violence. Ukrainian authorities have sought to portray the Russian Orthodox in Ukraine as supporting Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine claims that have been rejected by its clerics. Ukraine's domestic security agency SBU said Friday it had searched the home of Father Pavlo, who leads the ancient Pechersk Monastery in Kyiv, for supposedly "inciting hatred," accusations he vehemently denied. The Pechersk Monastery, the main spiritual centre of Ukraine, is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. "I'm feeling the pressure from all sides. But I would like to assure you that I am part of the holy church and I do not recognize any other church," Father Pavlo said, speaking by the ornate gilded altar at one of the monastery's cathedrals. The search of the cleric's home came a day after Poroshenko announced that the Constantinople patriarchy had approved a decree granting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence from the Russian Orthodox Church, a major boost to the president's approval ratings as he runs for re-election. ___ Vasilyeva reported from Moscow. Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow contributed to this report. JVP MP Bimal Ratnayake yesterday said two Parliament Select Committees (PSCs) should be appointed to recover the losses and damages caused to the country by the political coup. He told Parliament that President Maithripala Sirisena was responsible for the political impasse and that he should apologize to the nation for his actions. "The purported government is not accepted by the international community. Even the Rajapaksa-friendly countries such as Swaziland and the Maldives do not accept it. Only some pro-Rajapaksa media institutions support them. The PSCs should comprise of professionals in the legal fraternity and other respected disciplines in order to enlighten the people on the true situation. Information on the coup should be taught to students so that this would not be a bad precedent. The PSCs should not merely assess the losses to the economy and resources, but should also look into the damage caused to the image of the country. They should recover the losses from those involved in the coup," he said. (Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera) SIMFEROPOL AFP Nov29, 2018 - Ukrainian sailors held by Russia since it seized three of Kievs ships have been taken from Russian-annexed Crimea to Moscow, two of their lawyers told AFP on Thursday. Crimean courts sentenced the 24 sailors to two months of detention this week, despite international calls for their release. They are being taken to Moscows Lefortovo prison, said Dzhemil Temishev, one of the lawyers defending the sailors. Temishev said he and several other lawyers were barred from seeing the sailors in a detention centre in Crimeas main city Simferopol, where they were brought to court earlier this week. American Consumer News, LLC dba MarketBeat 2010-2021. All rights reserved. 326 E 8th St #105, Sioux Falls, SD 57103 | U.S. Based Support Team at [email protected] | (844) 978-6257 MarketBeat does not provide personalized financial advice and does not issue recommendations or offers to buy stock or sell any security. Our Accessibility Statement | Terms of Service | Do Not Sell My Information 2021 Market data provided is at least 10-minutes delayed and hosted by Barchart Solutions. Information is provided 'as-is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and is delayed. To see all exchange delays and terms of use please see disclaimer. Fundamental company data provided by Zacks Investment Research. iShares MSCI Australia ETF's stock was trading at $17.46 on March 11th, 2020 when Coronavirus (COVID-19) reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization. Since then, EWA stock has increased by 46.2% and is now trading at $25.53. View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19. The following companies are subsidiares of American International Group: AGC Life Insurance Company, AIG APAC HOLDINGS PTE. LTD., AIG Advisors S.r.l., AIG Aerospace Insurance Services Inc., AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte. 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Ltd., AIG Travel Assist Inc., AIG Travel Assist Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., AIG Travel EMEA Limited, AIG Travel Inc., AIG Uganda Limited, AIG Vietnam Insurance Company Limited, AIG WarrantyGuard Inc., AIG-FP Pinestead Holdings Corp., AIG-Metropolitana Cia. de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., AIGGRE EOLA LLC, AIGGRE Europe Real Estate Fund I GP S.a r.l., AIGGRE U.S. Real Estate Fund I GP LLC, AIGGRE U.S. Real Estate Fund I LP, AIGGRE U.S. Real Estate Fund II GP LLC, AIU Insurance Company, AM Holdings LLC, Ageas Protect, AlphaCat Managers Ltd., American General Corporation, American General Life Insurance Company, American Home Assurance Co. Ltd., American Home Assurance Company, American Home Assurance Company Escritorio de Representacao no Brasil Ltda., American International Group Inc., American International Group UK Limited, American International Overseas Association, American International Overseas Limited, American International Realty Corp., American International Reinsurance Company Ltd., American International Underwriters del Ecuador-Holding S.A., American Security Life Insurance Company Limited, Arthur J. Glatfelter Agency Inc., Avondhu Limited, Blackboard Customer Care Insurance Services LLC, Blackboard Insurance Company, Blackboard Services LLC, Blackboard Specialty Insurance Company, Blackboard U.S. Holdings Inc., Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c), Commerce and Industry Insurance Company, Crop Risk Services Inc., Eaglestone Reinsurance Company, Ellipse, Fortitude Group Holdings LLC, Fortitude Life & Annuity Solutions Inc., Fortitude Reinsurance Company Ltd., Franklin Life Insurance Company, Fuji Fire and Marine, Glatfelter Insurance Group, Globe and Rutgers Insurance Group, Grand Isle SAC Limited, Granite State Insurance Company, Group Risk Services Limited, Group Risk Technologies Limited, Illinois National Insurance Co., Jefferson Eola Venture LLC, Johannesburg Insurance Holdings (Proprietary) Limited, Laya Healthcare Limited, Lexington Insurance Company, MG Reinsurance Limited, Mt. Mansfield Company Inc., National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh Pa., National Union Fire Insurance Company of Vermont, New Hampshire Insurance Company, PT AIG Insurance Indonesia, Pine Street Real Estate Holdings Corp., Private Joint-Stock Company AIG Ukraine Insurance Company, Risk Specialists Companies Insurance Agency Inc., SA Affordable Housing LLC, SAFG Retirement Services Inc., Service Net Warranty LLC, Stratford Insurance Company, SunAmerica Affordable Housing Partners Inc., SunAmerica Asset Management LLC, Talbot Holdings Ltd., Talbot Underwriting Holdings Ltd., Talbot Underwriting Ltd., Thai CIT Holding Company Limited, The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, The United States Life Insurance Company in the City of New York, The Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, Travel Guard, Travel Guard Group Canada Inc./Groupe Garde Voyage du Canada Inc., Travel Guard Group Inc., Tudor Insurance Company, VALIC Financial Advisors Inc., Valic Retirement Services Company, Validus Holdings, Validus Holdings (UK) Ltd., Validus Holdings Ltd., Validus Reinsurance (Switzerland) Ltd, Validus Reinsurance Ltd., Validus Ventures Ltd., Volunteer Firemen's Insurance Services Inc., Western World Insurance Company, and Western World Insurance Group Inc.. 7 hours ago Coal mine fire in Russia's Siberia kills 14, dozens missing MOSCOW (AP) Russian authorities late Thursday called off a search for dozens of people still missing about 250 meters (820 feet) underground, following a coal mine fire in Siberia that killed at least 14 miners and rescuers. Rescue teams were rushed out of the mine for safety reasons because of a buildup of explosive methane gas and a high concentration of toxic fumes from the fire. Read Article How can Saudi Arabia be brought low? If the King wont remove from power his 33-old-son, Prince Mohammad bin Salman, there may be no alternative but to do battle (non-violently) with its regime. There seems to be no doubt that it was bin Salman who gave the order to murder Saudi Arabias dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. This is not the only reason to take up (non-violent) arms against Saudi Arabia. Others are its massive buying of Western military hardware. Another is its war in Yemen where it has killed tens of thousands of civilians. Another is that it still follows the intolerant strictures of the Wahabi sect of Islam. In 2015, the German vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, publicly accused Saudi Arabia of financing Islamic extremism in the West and warned that it must stop. He said the Saudi regime was funding extremist mosques and communities that pose a danger to public security. In his autobiography, Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service (home of James Bond), wrote that some time before 9/11, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the powerful Saudi ambassador in Washington, told him that The time is not far off in the Middle East when it will be literally God Help the Shiite. More than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them. Thanks to Wikileaks we know that Hillary Clinton, when Secretary of State, wrote a cable in December 2009 that Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for Al-Qaida, the Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan. In his autobiography, Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service (home of James Bond), wrote that some time before 9/11, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the powerful Saudi ambassador in Washington, told him that The time is not far off in the Middle East when it will be literally God Help the Shiite. More than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them. Another is the evidence that it is considering developing nuclear weapons. Last week, the New York Times in a dispatch by David E. Sanger and William J. Broad asked if bin Salman was laying the groundwork for building an atomic bomb. Saudi Arabia may have arranged to buy an already-made bomb from Pakistan whose own successful nuclear weapons programme was funded in part by Saudi money. Pakistan called it the first Sunni bomb. Whats to be done? Sanctions have already been imposed by the US on 17 Saudi officials close to bin Salman. Bin Salman has been spared. Trump has made clear in public the reason for this is because Western countries need its oil and, second, the arms market is too lucrative to pass up. The truth is that, though enormous, the sales are only a small percentage of Americas total arms production. It could be forsaken. Oil is more problematic, but a boycott of part of its production is doable. Already, oil prices are substantially below the countrys financial needs. Its financial deficit is dangerously-high says the IMF. This is the time to hit it. The price of oil needs to be driven down. This means other oil producers increasing the production. The first place to start is Iran whose oil industry is savaged by American sanctions. The second is Russia. Other countries that could increase their production are Nigeria, Mozambique, Angola, Ghana and Uganda. Theyll need Western help. Western countries, with a minor increase in taxes, could reduce the consumption of oil significantly. Would Saudi Arabia retaliate? Why would it? It needs income badly. It cant afford not to sell as much as it can. Let Saudi Arabia suffer until bin Salman is sacked and brought to justice. The following companies are subsidiares of NOV: AG Holding UK, APL France SAS, APL Management Pte Ltd, APL Norway AS, APL do Brasil Ltda., ASEP Group Holding B.V., ASEP Otomotiv Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Ackerman Holdings C.V., Ackerman Holdings GP LLC, Ackerman International Holland B.V., Advanced Production and Loading, Advanced Wirecloth, Aggregate Plant Products Co., American Pipe and Construction International, Ameron B.V., Ameron Holdings Pte. Ltd., Ameron International, Ameron International Corporation, Ameron Pole Products LLC, Ameron Polyplaster Industria E Comercio de Tubos Ltda., Ameron Singapore Holding, Ameron Singapore Poly Holdings Pte. Ltd., Ameron Trading Holdings Pte. 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Ltd., Fjords Processing Limited, Fjords Processing UK Ltd., Fryma S.a.r.l., GOT German Oil Tools GmbH, GP USA Holding LLC, GPEX, German Oil Tools (Middle East) FZE, Grant Prideco (Jiangsu) Drilling Products Co., Grant Prideco (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Grant Prideco AB TCA Holding LLC, Grant Prideco European Holding, Grant Prideco Holding, Grant Prideco III C. V., Grant Prideco Inc., Grant Prideco Jersey Limited, Grant Prideco L.P., Grant Prideco Mauritius Limited, Grant Prideco Netherlands B.V., Grant Prideco PC Composites Holdings, Grant Prideco S. de R.L. de C.V., Grant Prideco USA, Grant Prideco de Venezuela, Greystone Technologies Pty. Ltd., GustoMSC B.V., GustoMSC U.S., Hebei Huayouyiji Tuboscope Coating Co., Hitec AS, Hydralift AmClyde, Hydralift France SAS, Hydralift Holdings UK Limited, Inspecciones y Pruebas No Destructivas, IntelliServ Norway AS, Intelliserv, Intelliserv GP Holdings LLC, Intelliserv International Holding, Intelliserv LLC, Interval LLC, JiangYin Tuboscope Tubular Development Co., Merpro Group Limited, Merpro Products Limited, Merpro Tortek Limited, Midsund Bruk AS, Mono Group Pension Trustees Limited, Mono Pumps New Zealand Company, Monoflo NOV S.A.I.C., Moyno Inc., Moyno de Mexico S.A. de C.V., NKT Flexibles I/S, NOV (Asia), NOV (Barbados) Holding SRL, NOV (Barbados) SRL, NOV (Caymans), NOV (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., NOV - Oil Services Angola LDA., NOV APL Limited, NOV ASEP Elmar Mexico, NOV Africa Pty Ltd, NOV Australia Pty Ltd, NOV Azerbaijan LLC, NOV Brandt Europe France, NOV Brandt Oilfield Services Middle East LLC, NOV CV1 GP LLC, NOV CV2 GP LLC, NOV Completion Tools AS, NOV Completion Tools LLC, NOV Completion and Production Solutions Korea Ltd., NOV DH de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., NOV DHT Canada Holding ULC, NOV Denmark Cooperatief U.A., NOV Downhole Argentina, NOV Downhole Bolivia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Colombia, NOV Downhole Comercializacao de Equipamentos para Petroleo Ltda., NOV Downhole Congo, NOV Downhole Eurasia Limited, NOV Downhole Europe B.V., NOV Downhole Germany GmbH, NOV Downhole Italia S.R.L., NOV Downhole Kazakhstan, NOV Downhole Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Downhole Pty Ltd, NOV Downhole Thailand, NOV Dreco GP LLC, NOV EU Acquisition SNC, NOV Elmar (Middle East) Limited, NOV Elmar NL B.V., NOV Elmar Pte. Ltd., NOV Enerflow ULC, NOV Eurasia Holding LLC, NOV European Holding LLC, NOV Expatriate Services, NOV FGS Malaysia Sdn Bhd, NOV FGS Singapore (Pte.) Ltd, NOV Fiber Glass Systems Fabricacao De Tubos E Conexoes Ltda, NOV Flexibles Equipamentos E Servicos Ltda., NOV Flexibles Holding ApS, NOV Floating Production AS, NOV Fluid Control B.V., NOV GEO GP LLC, NOV GEO LP1 C.V., NOV GEO LP2 C.V., NOV GP Holding L.P., NOV GP1 Holding LLC, NOV Gabon SARL, NOV Germany Holding GmbH, NOV Ghana Limited, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Equipment Manufacturing LLC, NOV Grant Prideco Drilling Products Middle East FZE, NOV Grant Prideco L.L.C., NOV Holding Danmark ApS, NOV Holding Germany GmbH & Co KG, NOV Holding Germany Management GmbH, NOV Holdings B.V., NOV Hydra Rig Pte. Ltd, NOV India Private Limited, NOV Intelliserv UK Limited, NOV International Holdings C.V., NOV International Holdings GP LLC, NOV Intervention & Stimulation Equipment US LLC, NOV Intervention and Stimulation Equipment Aftermarket Comercio de Equipamentos e Servicos Ltda., NOV Kenya Limited, NOV Kostroma LLC, NOV Kuwait Light & Heavy Equipment Repairing & Maintenance Co., NOV LP (Trading), NOV MSI Pipe Protection Technologies Inc., NOV MSI Pipe Protection Technologies Mexico, NOV Mexico Holding LLC, NOV Middle East FZCO, NOV Mission Products UK Limited, NOV Mozambique Limitada, NOV NL Mexico Holding B.V., NOV Netherlands Finance Holding C.V., NOV Netherlands Finance Holding LLC, NOV North America I/P, NOV Oil & Gas Services Egypt (S.A.E), NOV Oil & Gas Services Uganda Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Ghana Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Namibia (Proprietary) Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services Nigeria Limited, NOV Oil and Gas Services South Africa (Pty) Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Tanzania Limited, NOV Oilfield Services Vostok LLC, NOV Oilfield Solutions Ltd., NOV Park II B.V., NOV Process & Flow Technologies AS, NOV Process & Flow Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies Pte. Ltd., NOV Process & Flow Technologies UK Limited, NOV Process & Flow Technologies US, NOV Rig Solutions Pte. Ltd., NOV Romania, NOV Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd., NOV Saudi Arabia Trading Co., NOV Services Ltd., NOV Servicios de Personal Mexico, NOV Subsea Products AS, NOV TV2 LLC, NOV TVI LLC, NOV Tanajib Kuwait for Services and Maintenance of Oil Rigs Refineries and Petrochemicals, NOV Tuboscope Italia S.R.L., NOV Tuboscope Middle East LLC, NOV Tuboscope NL B.V., NOV Tubulars and Connectors Ltd., NOV UK (Angola Acquisitions) Limited, NOV UK Finance Limited, NOV UK Holdings Limited, NOV UK Korea LP, NOV Wellbore Technologies Norway LLC, NOV Wellbore Technologies do Brasil Equipamentos E Servicos Ltda., NOV Wellsite Services Germany GmbH, NOV Worldwide C.V., NOV-BLM SAS, NOVM Holding LLC, NOW Downhole Tools, NOW International LLC, NOW Nova Scotia Holdings LLC, NOW Oilfield Services, NQL Holland B.V., National Oilwell (U.K.) Limited, National Oilwell Algerie, National Oilwell DHT, National Oilwell Middle East Company, National Oilwell Services de Mexico, National Oilwell Varco (Beijing) Investment Management Co. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco (Thailand) Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Algeria, National Oilwell Varco Almansoori Services, National Oilwell Varco Bahrain WLL, National Oilwell Varco Belgium SA, National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S, National Oilwell Varco Egypt LLC, National Oilwell Varco Eurasia, National Oilwell Varco Guatemala, National Oilwell Varco Guyana Inc., National Oilwell Varco Hungary Limited Liability Company, National Oilwell Varco Korea Co., National Oilwell Varco MSW S.A., National Oilwell Varco Mexico, National Oilwell Varco Muscat L.L.C., National Oilwell Varco Norway AS, National Oilwell Varco Peru S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Petroleum Equipment (Shanghai) Co., National Oilwell Varco Poland Sp.z.o.o., National Oilwell Varco Pte. Ltd., National Oilwell Varco Rig Equipment Trading (Shanghai) Co., National Oilwell Varco Romania S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco Solutions, National Oilwell Varco UK Limited, National Oilwell Varco Ukraine LLC, National Oilwell Varco de Bolivia S.R.L., National Oilwell Varco de Chile - Servicios Limitada, National Oilwell Varco do Brasil Ltda., National Oilwell de Venezuela, National-Oilwell Pte. Ltd., National-Oilwell Pty. Ltd., PT Fjords Processing Indonesia, PT H-Tech Oilfield Equipment, PT NOV Oilfield Services, PT National Oilwell Varco, PT PROFAB INDONESIA, Pesaka Inspection Services SDN.BHD., Pipex Limited, Pipex PX Limited, Pipex Structural Composites Limited, Pridecomex Holding S. de R.L. de C.V., Pridecomex TA Industries, Procon Engineering Ltd., Profab Engineering Pte. Ltd., Profab Services Pte Ltd, Quality Tubing FSC, R&M C.V., R&M Canada Cooperatief U.A., R&M Energy Systems Australia Pty Ltd., R&M Energy Systems de Argentina S.A., R&M Energy Systems de Venezuela, R&M Environmental Strategies, R&M Singapore Holding LLC, R&M UK Holding LLC, RE.MAC.UT. S.r.l., RHI Holding LLC, ReedHycalog, ReedHycalog International Holding, ReedHycalog LLC, ReedHycalog UK Limited, Robannic Overseas Finance A.V.V., Robbins & Myers, Robbins & Myers (Suzhou) Process Equipment Company Limited, Robbins & Myers B.V., Robbins & Myers Foundation, Robbins & Myers GP LLC, Robbins & Myers Holdings, Robbins & Myers Holdings UK Limited, Robbins & Myers Inc, Robbins & Myers Italia S.R.L., Robbins & Myers N.V., Rodic S.A. de C.V., Romaco S.a.r.l., STAR Sudamtex Tubulares S.A., STBH2O TUNISIE, STSA, Screen Manufacturing Company Unlimited, Seabox AS, Slip Clutch Systems Limited, Smart Drilling GmbH, Soil Recovery A/S, South Seas Inspection, Subseaflex Holding ApS, T-3 Energy Preferred Industries Mexico, T-3 Energy Services, T-3 Energy Services Cayman, T-3 Energy Services Cayman Holdings, T-3 Energy Services India Private Limited, T-3 Energy Services Mexico, T-3 Investment Corporation IV, T-3 Mexican Holdings, TVI Holdings, Telluride Insurance Limited, Tianjin Grant TPCO Drilling Tools Company Limited, Tube-Kote, Tubo-FGS, Tuboscope & Co. LLC, Tuboscope (Holding U.S.) LLC, Tuboscope Brandt de Venezuela, Tuboscope Machining Services AS, Tuboscope Norge AS, Tuboscope Pipeline Services Inc., Tuboscope Services, Tuboscope Vetco (Deutschland) GmbH, Tuboscope Vetco (France) SAS, Tuboscope Vetco (Oesterreich) GmbH, Tuboscope Vetco Canada ULC, Tuboscope Vetco Capital Limited, Tuboscope Vetco Moscow CJSC, Tuboscope Vetco de Argentina S.A., Tubular Coatings Solutions Ltd., Tucom Composites Polyester Sanayi Ticaret Ltd., Varco BJ B.V., Varco CIS, Varco Canada ULC, Varco I/P, Varco International de Venezuela, Varco L.P., Varco US Holdings LLC, Vetco Coating GmbH, Vetco Enterprise GmbH, Vetco Saudi Arabia Ltd., Visible Assets, Wilson International, Woolley, XL Systems, XL Systems Antilles, XL Systems Europe B.V., XL Systems International, voestalpine Middle East Free Zone Establishment, voestalpine Tubulars Corporation, voestalpine Tubulars GmbH, and voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG. The following companies are subsidiares of Bristol-Myers Squibb: 1096271 B.C. ULC, 345 Park LLC, A.G. Medical Services P.A., AHI Investment LLC, AbVitro LLC, Abraxis BioScience Australia Pty Ltd., Abraxis BioScience Inc., Abraxis BioScience International Holding Company Inc., Abraxis BioScience LLC, Abraxis BioScience Puerto Rico LLC, Acetylon Pharmaceuticals Inc., Adnexus, Adnexus a Bristol-Myers Squibb R&D Company, Allard Labs Acquisition G.P., Amira Pharmaceuticals, Amira Pharmaceuticals Inc., Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Apothecon LLC, B-MS Generx Unlimited Company, BMS Benelux Holdings B.V., BMS Bermuda Nominees L.L.C., BMS Data Acquisition Company LLC, BMS Forex Company, BMS Holdings Sarl, BMS Holdings Spain S.L., BMS International Insurance Designated Activity Company, BMS Investco SAS, BMS Korea Holdings L.L.C., BMS Latin American Nominees L.L.C., BMS Luxembourg Partners L.L.C., BMS Omega Bermuda Holdings Finance Ltd., BMS Pharmaceutical Korea Limited, BMS Pharmaceuticals Germany Holdings B.V., BMS Pharmaceuticals International Holdings Netherlands B.V., BMS Pharmaceuticals Korea Holdings B.V., BMS Pharmaceuticals Mexico Holdings B.V., BMS Pharmaceuticals Netherlands Holdings B.V., BMS Real Estate LLC, BMS Spain Investments LLC, BMS Strategic Portfolio Investments Holdings Inc., Blisa Acquisition G.P., Bristol (Iran) S.A., Bristol Iran Private Company Limited, Bristol Laboratories Inc., Bristol Laboratories International S.A., Bristol Laboratories Medical Information Systems Inc., Bristol-Myers (Andes) L.L.C., Bristol-Myers (Private) Limited, Bristol-Myers Middle East S.A.L., Bristol-Myers Overseas Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb (China) Investment Co. Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb (China) Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb (Israel) Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb (NZ) Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Proprietary) Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Shanghai) Trading Co. Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb (Singapore) Pte. Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Taiwan) Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb (West Indies) Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb A.E., Bristol-Myers Squibb Aktiebolag, Bristol-Myers Squibb Argentina S. R. L., Bristol-Myers Squibb Australia Pty. Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb Axia Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb B.V., Bristol-Myers Squibb Belgium S.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb Business Services Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co., Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada International Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Delta Company Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Denmark Filial of Bristol-Myers Squibb AB, Bristol-Myers Squibb EMEA Sarl, Bristol-Myers Squibb Egypt LLC, Bristol-Myers Squibb Epsilon Holdings Unlimited Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Farmaceutica Ltda., Bristol-Myers Squibb Farmaceutica Portuguesa S.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb GesmbH, Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaA, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holding Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings 2002 Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Germany Verwaltungs GmbH, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Ireland Unlimited Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Pharma Ltd. Liability Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Ilaclari Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb India Pvt. Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb International Company Unlimited Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb International Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Investco L.L.C., Bristol-Myers Squibb K.K., Bristol-Myers Squibb Kft., Bristol-Myers Squibb Luxembourg International S.C.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Bristol-Myers Squibb MEA GmbH, Bristol-Myers Squibb Manufacturing Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Marketing Services S.R.L., Bristol-Myers Squibb Middle East & Africa FZ-LLC, Bristol-Myers Squibb Norway Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb Nutricionales de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Bristol-Myers Squibb Peru S.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma (HK) Ltd, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma (Thailand) Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma EEIG, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Holding Company LLC, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Ventures Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Unlimited Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb Polska Sp. z o.o., Bristol-Myers Squibb Products SA, Bristol-Myers Squibb Puerto Rico Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Puerto Rico/Sanofi Pharmaceutical Partnership Puerto Rico, Bristol-Myers Squibb Romania S.R.L., Bristol-Myers Squibb S.A.U., Bristol-Myers Squibb S.r.l., Bristol-Myers Squibb SA, Bristol-Myers Squibb Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Holding Partnership, Bristol-Myers Squibb Sarl, Bristol-Myers Squibb Service Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb Services Sp. z o.o., Bristol-Myers Squibb Spol. s r.o., Bristol-Myers Squibb Theta Finance Ltd., Bristol-Myers Squibb Trustees Limited, Bristol-Myers Squibb Verwaltungs GmbH, Bristol-Myers Squibb de Colombia S.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb de Costa Rica Sociedad Anonima, Bristol-Myers Squibb de Guatemala S.A., Bristol-Myers Squibb de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Bristol-Myers Squibb/Astrazeneca EEIG, Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer EEIG, Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Partnership, Bristol-Myers de Venezuela S.C.A., CHT I LLC, CHT II LLC, CHT III LLC, CHT IV LLC, CR Finance Company LLC, Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals, Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals Inc., Celem LLC, Celem Ltd., Celgene, Celgene A.B., Celgene AS, Celgene Ab (Finland), Celgene Alpine Investment Co. II LLC, Celgene Alpine Investment Co. III LLC, Celgene Alpine Investment Co. LLC, Celgene ApS, Celgene B.V., Celgene BVBA, Celgene Brasil Produtos Farmaceuticos Ltda., Celgene CAR LLC, Celgene CAR Ltd., Celgene Chemicals Sarl, Celgene China Holdings LLC, Celgene Co., Celgene Corporation, Celgene Distribution B.V., Celgene EngMab GmbH, Celgene Europe B.V., Celgene Europe Limited, Celgene European Investment Company LLC, Celgene Financing Company LLC, Celgene Global Holdings Sarl, Celgene GmbH [Austria], Celgene GmbH [Germany], Celgene GmbH [Switzerland], Celgene Holdings East Corporation, Celgene Holdings II Sarl, Celgene Holdings III Sarl, Celgene Ilac Pazarlama ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Celgene Inc., Celgene International Holdings Corporation, Celgene International II Sarl, Celgene International III Sarl, Celgene International Inc., Celgene International Sarl, Celgene K.K., Celgene Kft., Celgene Limited [Hong Kong], Celgene Limited [Ireland], Celgene Limited [New Zealand], Celgene Limited [Taiwan], Celgene Limited [UK], Celgene Logistics Sarl, Celgene Ltd, Celgene Luxembourg Sarl, Celgene Management Sarl, Celgene NJ Investment Co, Celgene Netherlands B.V., Celgene Netherlands Investment B.V., Celgene Pharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Celgene Pte. Ltd., Celgene Pty Ltd, Celgene Puerto Rico Distribution LLC, Celgene Quanticel Research Inc, Celgene R&D Sarl, Celgene RIVOT LLC, Celgene RIVOT Ltd., Celgene RIVOT SRL, Celgene Receptos Limited, Celgene Receptos Sarl, Celgene Research Incubator At Summit West LLC, Celgene Research S.L.U., Celgene Research and Development Company LLC, Celgene Research and Development I ULC, Celgene Research and Development II LLC, Celgene Research and Investment Company II LLC, Celgene S. de R.L. de C.V., Celgene S.L.U., Celgene S.R.L., Celgene SAS, Celgene Sarl AU, Celgene Sdn Bhd, Celgene Services Sarl, Celgene Sociedade Unipessoal Lda, Celgene Sp. Z.o.o., Celgene Sro [Czech Republic], Celgene Summit Investment Co, Celgene Switzerland Holding Sarl, Celgene Switzerland II LLC, Celgene Switzerland Investment Sarl, Celgene Switzerland LLC, Celgene Switzerland Sarl, Celgene Tri A Holdings Ltd., Celgene Tri Sarl, Celgene UK Distribution Limited, Celgene UK Holdings Limited, Celgene UK Manufacturing II Limited, Celgene UK Manufacturing III Limited, Celgene UK Manufacturing Limited, Celgene d.o.o., Celgene sro [Slovakia], Celmed LLC, Celmed Ltd., ConvaTec Divestiture, Cormorant Pharmaceuticals, Cormorant Pharmaceuticals AB, Crosp Ltd., Delinia Inc., Deuteria Pharmaceuticals Inc., DuPont Pharmaceuticals, E. R. Squibb & Sons Inter-American Corporation, E. R. Squibb & Sons L.L.C., E. R. Squibb & Sons Limited, EWI Corporation, EngMab Sarl, F-star Alpha, FermaVir Pharmaceuticals L.L.C., FermaVir Research L.L.C., Flexus Biosciences, Flexus Biosciences Inc., Forbius, Galecto Biotech, GenPharm International L.L.C., Gloucester Pharmaceuticals LLC, Grove Insurance Company Ltd., Heyden Farmaceutica Portuguesa Limitada, IFM Therapeutics, Impact Biomedicines Inc., Inhibitex, Inhibitex L.L.C., Innate Tumor Immunity Inc., JuMP Holdings LLC, Juno Therapeutics GmbH, Juno Therapeutics Inc., Kosan Biosciences, Kosan Biosciences Incorporated, Linson Investments Limited, Mead Johnson (Manufacturing) Jamaica Limited, Mead Johnson Jamaica Ltd., Medarex, Morris Avenue Investment II LLC, Morris Avenue Investment LLC, MyoKardia, O.o.o. Bristol-Myers Squibb, Oy Bristol-Myers Squibb (Finland) AB, Padlock Therapeutics, Padlock Therapeutics Inc., Pharmion LLC, Princeton Pharmaceutical Products Inc., Receptos LLC, Receptos Services LLC, RedoxTherapies Inc., Route 22 Real Estate Holding Corporation, SPV A Holdings ULC, Seamair Insurance DAC, Signal Pharmaceuticals LLC, Sino-American Shanghai Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited, Societe Francaise de Complements Alimentaires(S.O.F.C.A.), Squibb Middle East S.A., Summit West Celgene LLC, Swords Laboratories, VentiRx Pharmaceuticals Inc., Westwood-Intrafin SA, Westwood-Squibb Pharmaceuticals Inc., X-Body Inc., ZymoGenetics, ZymoGenetics Inc., ZymoGenetics LLC, ZymoGenetics Paymaster LLC, iPierian, and iPierian Inc.. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen will plead guilty to a federal charge of lying to Congress on Thursday, according to news reports. He will admit that he misled federal lawmakers about his contacts with Russians during the 2016 campaign season. Cohen has already testified in a Manhattan courtroom that he made an illegal hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, a pornographic actress who claims to have bedded Trump a decade ago, in coordination with, and at the direction of Trump. The latest twist in his saga will come with an attached string of dozens of hours of of testimony that could be criminally damaging to the president. Cohens new charge comes from Special Counsel Robert Mueller. His previous ones, bank and tax charges to which he has already pleaded guilty, were lodged by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. He is expected to be sentenced to between four and five years in prison in December for his first federal case. Its unclear if the new guilty plea will involve more jail time. Cohen has publicly turned against President Trump since the FBI raided his home and offices in April. Prosecutors deemed the $130,000 Stormy Daniels payment illegal because it was intended to help Trump avoid an embarrassing electoral loss to Hillary Clinton and was therefore an in-kind political contribution far in excess of the limits of the law. US, (Daily Mail), 29 November 2018 - Countryside Properties PLC operates as a home builder and urban regeneration partner in the United Kingdom. It operates through two segments, Partnerships and Housebuilding. The Partnerships segment specializes in the urban regeneration of public sector land that delivers private, affordable, and private rented sector homes in partnership with local authorities and housing associations. This segment also develops brownfield land in the Midlands, the North West of England, and Yorkshire. The Housebuilding segment delivers homes to local owner occupiers; and develops primarily private and affordable homes located in outer London and the home counties. The company also offers estate management services. It has a total land bank of 42,000 plots. The company was formerly known as Hackplimco (No. 121) plc and changed its name to Countryside Properties PLC in January 2016. Countryside Properties PLC was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Brentwood, the United Kingdom. Read More Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, a diversified financial institution, provides various financial products and services to personal, business, public sector, and institutional clients in Canada, the United States, and internationally. The company operates through four strategic business units: Canadian Personal and Business Banking; Canadian Commercial Banking and Wealth Management; U.S. Commercial Banking and Wealth Management; and Capital Markets. The company offers chequing, savings, and business accounts; mortgages; loans, lines of credit, student lines of credit, and business and agriculture loans; investment and insurance services; and credit cards, as well as overdraft protection services. It also provides day-to-day banking, borrowing and credit, investing and wealth, specialty, and international services; correspondent banking and online foreign exchange services; and cash management services. The company serves its customers through its banking centers, as well as direct, mobile, and remote channels. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was founded in 1867 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Read More Cenovus Energy Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, produces, and markets crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas in Canada, the United States and the Asia Pacific region. The company operates through Oil Sands, Conventional, and Refining and Marketing segments. The Oil Sands segment develops and produces bitumen in northeast Alberta. Its bitumen assets include Foster Creek, Christina Lake, and Narrows Lake, as well as other projects in the early stages of development. The Conventional segment holds assets primarily located in Elmworth-Wapiti, Kaybob-Edson, and Clearwater operating areas of British Columbia and Alberta, as well as various interests in natural gas processing facilities. The Refining and Marketing segment transports and sells crude oil, natural gas, and NGLs. This segment owns a 50% ownership in Wood River and Borger refineries located in the United States; and owns and operates a crude-by-rail terminal in Alberta. Cenovus Energy Inc. was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Calgary, Canada. Read More There is not enough analysis data for Chinook Energy. 4.8 Community Rank Outperform Votes Chinook Energy has received 294 outperform votes. (Add your outperform vote.) Underperform Votes Chinook Energy has received 118 underperform votes. (Add your underperform vote.) Community Sentiment Chinook Energy has received 71.36% outperform votes from our community. MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about Chinook Energy and other stocks. Vote Outperform if you believe CKE will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote Underperform if you believe CKE will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days. Previous Next GlaxoSmithKline Plc is a healthcare company, which engages in the research, development, and manufacture of pharmaceutical medicines, vaccines, and consumer healthcare products. It operates through the following segments: Pharmaceuticals; Pharmaceuticals R&D; Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. The Pharmaceuticals segment focuses on developing medicines in respiratory and infectious diseases, oncology, and immuno-inflammation. The Pharmaceuticals R&D segment focuses on science related to the immune system, the use of human genetics and advanced technologies, and is driven by the multiplier effect of Science x Technology x Culture. The Vaccines segment produces pediatric and adult vaccines to prevent a range of infectious diseases including, hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, measles, mumps and rubella, polio, typhoid, influenza, and bacterial meningitis. The Consumer Healthcare segment develops and markets brands in the oral health, pain relief, respiratory, nutrition and gastro intestinal, and skin health categories. The company was founded in 1715 and is headquartered in Middlesex, the United Kingdom. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Brinker International: BI INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LLC, BI MEXICO HOLDING CORPORATION, BIPC GLOBAL PAYROLL COMPANY LLC, BIPC INVESTMENTS LLC, BIPC MANAGEMENT LLC, BRINKER AIRPORTS LLC, BRINKER ALABAMA INC., BRINKER ARKANSAS INC., BRINKER ASIA INC., BRINKER BRAZIL LLC, BRINKER CANADIAN HOLDING CO. ULC, BRINKER CANADIAN RESTAURANT CO. ULC, BRINKER CB LP, BRINKER CB MANAGEMENT LLC, BRINKER FHC B.V., BRINKER FLORIDA INC., BRINKER FREEHOLD INC., BRINKER GEORGIA INC., BRINKER INTERNATIONAL PAYROLL COMPANY L.P., BRINKER LOUISIANA INC., BRINKER MICHIGAN INC., BRINKER MISSISSIPPI INC., BRINKER MISSOURI INC., BRINKER NEVADA INC., BRINKER NEW JERSEY INC., BRINKER NORTH CAROLINA INC., BRINKER OF BALTIMORE COUNTY INC., BRINKER OF CARROLL COUNTY INC., BRINKER OF CECIL COUNTY INC., BRINKER OKLAHOMA INC., BRINKER OPCO LLC, BRINKER PENN TRUST, BRINKER PROPCO FLORIDA INC., BRINKER PROPERTY CORPORATION, BRINKER PURCHASING INC., BRINKER RESTAURANT CORPORATION, BRINKER RHODE ISLAND INC., BRINKER SERVICES CORPORATION, BRINKER SOUTH CAROLINA INC., BRINKER TEXAS INC., BRINKER VIRGINIA INC., CHILIS BEVERAGE COMPANY INC., CHILIS INC. a Delaware corporation, CHILIS INC. a Tennessee corporation, CHILIS INTERNATIONAL BASES B.V., CHILIS OF BEL AIR INC., CHILIS OF KANSAS INC., CHILIS OF MARYLAND INC., CHILIS OF WEST VIRGINIA INC., Grady's Inc., MAGGIANO'S OF ANNAPOLIS INC., MAGGIANO'S OF HOWARD COUNTY INC., MAGGIANO'S OF KANSAS INC., MAGGIANOS BEVERAGE COMPANY, MAGGIANOS HOLDING CORPORATION, MAGGIANOS INC., MAGGIANOS OF TYSONS INC., MAGGIANOS PROPERTY CORPORATION, MAGGIANOS TEXAS INC., PEPPER DINING HOLDING CORP., PEPPER DINING Inc., and PEPPER DINING VERMONT INC.. Speaker Karu Jayasuriya told Parliament that the gazette notification pertaining to the appointment of a new prime minister had value till the new administration was defeated by a no-confidence motion on November 14. He said this in response to a statement made by UNP MP Patali Champika Ranawaka that the Speaker had initially accepted former president Mahinda Rajapakse as a legally installed Prime Minister. "I took the initiative to provide facilities to the new government under the gazette notification which had value till it was defeated by a no-confidence motion," the Speaker said and added that he had discussions with the President after November 26 under the concept of consensus and compromise. He said President had assured him he would accept any group which had a majority support in Parliament on November 7 but that did not happen. (Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwadana) The Bank of Nova Scotia provides various banking products and services in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, the Caribbean and Central America, and internationally. It operates through Canadian Banking, International Banking, Global Banking and Markets, and Global Wealth Management segments. The company offers financial advice and solutions, and day-to-day banking products, including debit and credit cards, chequing and saving accounts, investments, mortgages, loans, and insurance to individuals; and business banking solutions comprising lending, deposit, cash management, and trade finance solutions to small businesses and commercial customers, including automotive financing solutions to dealers and their customers. It also provides wealth management advice and solutions, including online brokerage, mobile investment, full-service brokerage, trust, private banking, and private investment counsel services; and retail mutual funds, exchange traded funds, liquid alternative funds, and institutional funds. In addition, the company offers international banking services for retail, corporate, and commercial customers; and lending and transaction, investment banking advisory, and capital markets access services to corporate customers. Further, it provides Internet, mobile, and telephone banking services. The company operates a network of 952 branches and approximately 3,540 automated banking machines in Canada; and approximately 1,400 branches, 5,200 ATMs, and 22 contact centers internationally. The Bank of Nova Scotia was founded in 1832 and is headquartered in Halifax, Canada. Read More Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC is a publicly owned hedge fund sponsor. The firm provides investment advisory services for its clients. It primarily caters to institutional investors which include pension funds, fund-of-funds, foundations and endowments, corporations and other institutions, private banks and family offices. The firm invests in equity and alternative markets across the world. It employs quantitative and qualitative analysis to make its investments. For its multi-strategy portfolios, the firm employs strategies like convertible and derivative arbitrage, corporate credit, long/short equity special situations, buyout investments, merger arbitrage, private investments, and structured credit. It also invests in real estate and traditional real estate assets including multifamily, office, hotel and retail, loans, portfolio acquisitions, loan pools, operating companies, structured debt products, public securities, and non-traditional real estate assets including gaming, distressed land and residential, cell towers, parking, golf, debt and senior housing. For private equity investments, it considers investments in a variety of special situations that seek to realize value through strategic sales or initial public offerings. The firm typically invests in the energy investments. It prefers to invest in United States. It also manages a buyout fund, Och-Ziff Energy Fund. Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC was founded in 1994 and is based New York City with additional offices in Houston, Texas, London, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Japan, Bangalore, India, Singapore, and Beijing, China. Read More Hannover RAck SE, together with its subsidiaries, provides reinsurance products and services worldwide. It operates through Property & Casualty Reinsurance, and Life & Health Reinsurance segments. The Property & Casualty Reinsurance segment offers specialty lines comprising marine, aviation, facultative and direct business, credit, surety, and political risks reinsurance products; and treaty, catastrophe XL, and structured reinsurance, as well as insurance-linked securities. This segment also provides risk solutions for agricultural, livestock, and bloodstock businesses; aviation and space business; and marine and offshore energy business. The Life & Health Reinsurance segment offers group and individual credit life, enhanced annuities, group life and health, and Sharia-compliant Takaful reinsurance products. This segment also provides risk solutions in the areas of critical illness, disability, health, longevity, long term care, and mortality and morbidity, as well as underwriting services. In addition, it offers various financial solutions, including new-business financing; monetization of embedded value; reserve and solvency relief; and divestiture of non-core businesses. The company was formerly known as Hannover RAckversicherung AG and changed its name to Hannover RAck SE in March 2013. The company was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in Hanover, Germany. Hannover RAck SE is a subsidiary of Talanx AG. Read More Sasol Ltd. is a holding company. The firm engages in the provision of liquid fuels, chemicals, and low-carbon electricity. It operates through following segments: Mining, Exploration and Production International, Energy, Base Chemicals, Performance Chemicals, and Group Functions. The Mining segment secures coal feedstock for the Southern African value chain, mainly for gasification, but also to generate electricity and steam. The Exploration and Production International segment develops and manages oil and gas exploration and production in Mozambique, South Africa, Canada, and Gabon. The Base Chemicals segment involves the marketing of commodity chemicals based on the group's upstream Fischer-Tropsch, ethylene, propylene and ammonia value chains. The Performance Chemicals segment markets commodity and differentiated performance chemicals. The Energy segment sells and markets liquid fuels, pipeline gas, and electricity. The Group Functions segment includes the head office and centralised treasury operations. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Abbott Laboratories: 3A Nutrition (Vietnam) Company Limited, ABON Biopharm (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., AGA Medical Belgium, AGA Medical Corporation, AGA Medical Holdings Inc., ALR Holdings, AML Medical LLC, APK Advanced Medical Technologies LLC, ATS Bermuda Holdings Limited, ATS Laboratories Inc., Abbott, Abbott (Jiaxing) Nutrition Co. Ltd., Abbott (UK) Finance Limited, Abbott (UK) Holdings Limited, Abbott AG, Abbott Asia Holdings Limited, Abbott Asia Investments Limited, Abbott Australasia Holdings Limited, Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd, Abbott B.V., Abbott Bahamas Overseas Businesses Corporation, Abbott Belgian Investments, Abbott Bermuda Holding Ltd., Abbott Biologicals B.V., Abbott Biologicals LLC, Abbott Bulgaria Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Capital India Limited, Abbott Cardiovascular Inc., Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc., Abbott Delaware LLC, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Abbott Diabetes Care Limited, Abbott Diabetes Care Sales Corporation, Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Abbott Diagnostics International Ltd., Abbott Diagnostics Technologies AS, Abbott Doral Investments S.L., Abbott Equity Holdings Unlimited, Abbott Equity Investments LLC, Abbott Established Products Holdings (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Finance Company SA, Abbott Financial Holdings SRL, Abbott France S.A.S., Abbott Fund Tanzania Limited, Abbott Gesellschaft m.b.H., Abbott GmbH & Co. KG, Abbott Health Products LLC, Abbott Healthcare (Puerto Rico) Ltd., Abbott Healthcare B.V., Abbott Healthcare Costa Rica S.A., Abbott Healthcare LLC, Abbott Healthcare Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Healthcare Private Limited, Abbott Healthcare Products B.V., Abbott Healthcare Products Ltd, Abbott Holding (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Holding GmbH, Abbott Holding Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Limited, Abbott Holding Subsidiary (Gibraltar) Limited Luxembourg S.C.S., Abbott Holdings B.V., Abbott Holdings LLC, Abbott Holdings Limited, Abbott Holdings Poland Spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Hungary Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Abbott Iberian Investments (2) Limited, Abbott Iberian Investments Limited, Abbott India Limited, Abbott Informatics Asia Pacific Limited, Abbott Informatics Canada Inc, Abbott Informatics Corporation, Abbott Informatics Europe Limited, Abbott Informatics France, Abbott Informatics Germany GmbH, Abbott Informatics Netherlands B.V., Abbott Informatics Singapore Pte. Limited, Abbott Informatics Spain S.A., Abbott Informatics Technologies Ltd, Abbott International Corporation, Abbott International Enterprises Ltd., Abbott International Holdings Limited, Abbott International LLC, Abbott International Luxembourg S.ar.l., Abbott Investments Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Ireland, Abbott Ireland Financing Designated Activity Company, Abbott Ireland Limited, Abbott Japan Co. Ltd., Abbott Kazakhstan Limited Liability Partnership, Abbott Knoll Investments B.V., Abbott Korea Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Bangladesh) Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Chile) Holdco (Dos) SpA, Abbott Laboratories (Chile) Holdco SpA, Abbott Laboratories (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Abbott Laboratories (Mozambique) Limitada, Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited, Abbott Laboratories (Philippines), Abbott Laboratories (Puerto Rico) Incorporated, Abbott Laboratories (Singapore) Private Limited, Abbott Laboratories A/S, Abbott Laboratories Argentina Sociedad Anonima, Abbott Laboratories B.V., Abbott Laboratories C.A., Abbott Laboratories Finance B.V., Abbott Laboratories GmbH, Abbott Laboratories Inc., Abbott Laboratories International LLC, Abbott Laboratories Ireland Limited, Abbott Laboratories Limited, Abbott Laboratories Limited - Laboratoires Abbott Limitee, Abbott Laboratories NZ Limited, Abbott Laboratories Pacific Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Poland Spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Laboratories Products B.V., Abbott Laboratories Residential Development Fund Inc., Abbott Laboratories S.A., Abbott Laboratories SA, Abbott Laboratories Services Corp., Abbott Laboratories Slovakia s.r.o., Abbott Laboratories South Africa (Pty) Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Laboratories Trustee Company Limited, Abbott Laboratories Uruguay S.A., Abbott Laboratories Vascular Enterprises, Abbott Laboratories d.o.o., Abbott Laboratories de Chile Limitada, Abbott Laboratories de Colombia S.A., Abbott Laboratories de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Abbott Laboratories druzba za farmacijo in diagnostiko d.o.o., Abbott Laboratories s.r.o., Abbott Laboratories(Hellas) Societe Anonyme, Abbott Laboratorios S.A., Abbott Laboratorios S.A., Abbott Laboratorios del Ecuador Cia. Ltda., Abbott Laboratuarlari Ithalat Ihracat ve Ticaret Ltd.Sti, Abbott Laboratorios Lda, Abbott Laboratorios do Brasil Ltda., Abbott Limited Egypt LLC, Abbott Logistics B.V., Abbott Management GmbH, Abbott Management LLC, Abbott Manufacturing Singapore Private Limited, Abbott Mature Products International Unlimited Company, Abbott Mature Products Management Limited, Abbott Medical (Hong Kong) Limited, Abbott Medical (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Abbott Medical (Portugal) Distribuicao de Produtos Medicos Lda, Abbott Medical (Schweiz) AG, Abbott Medical (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Abbott Medical (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Australia Pty. Ltd., Abbott Medical Austria Ges.m.b.H., Abbott Medical Balkan d.o.o. Beograd (Novi Beograd), Abbott Medical Belgium, Abbott Medical Canada Inc./ Medicale Abbott Canada Inc., Abbott Medical Danmark A/S, Abbott Medical Devices Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Espana S.A., Abbott Medical Estonia OU, Abbott Medical Finland Oy, Abbott Medical France SAS, Abbott Medical GmbH, Abbott Medical Hellas Limited Liability Trading Company, Abbott Medical Ireland Limited, Abbott Medical Italia S.p.A., Abbott Medical Japan Co. Ltd., Abbott Medical Korea Limited, Abbott Medical Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag, Abbott Medical Laboratories LTD, Abbott Medical Nederland B.V., Abbott Medical New Zealand Limited, Abbott Medical Norway AS, Abbott Medical Overseas Cyprus Limited, Abbott Medical Sweden AB, Abbott Medical Taiwan Co., Abbott Medical U.K. Limited, Abbott Medical spoka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia, Abbott Middle East S.A.R.L., Abbott Molecular Inc., Abbott Morocco SARL, Abbott Nederland C.V., Abbott Nederland Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Netherlands Investments B.V., Abbott Norge AS, Abbott Nutrition Limited, Abbott Nutrition Manufacturing Inc., Abbott Operations Singapore Pte. Ltd., Abbott Operations Uruguay S.R.L., Abbott Overseas Cyprus Limited, Abbott Overseas Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Overseas S.A., Abbott Oy, Abbott Point of Care Canada Limited, Abbott Point of Care Inc., Abbott Poland Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Procurement LLC, Abbott Products (Philippines) Inc., Abbott Products (Spain) S.L., Abbott Products Algerie EURL, Abbott Products B.V., Abbott Products Distribution SAS, Abbott Products Egypt LLC, Abbott Products Limited, Abbott Products Limited Liability Company, Abbott Products Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Products Operations AG, Abbott Products Operations LLC, Abbott Products Romania S.R.L., Abbott Products Tunisie S.A.R.L., Abbott Products Unlimited Company, Abbott Resources Inc., Abbott Resources International Inc., Abbott S.r.l., Abbott Saudi Arabia Trading Company, Abbott Scandinavia Aktiebolag, Abbott Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, Abbott South Africa Luxembourg S.a r.l., Abbott Strategic Opportunities Limited, Abbott Trading Company Inc., Abbott Universal LLC, Abbott Vascular Devices (2) Limited, Abbott Vascular Devices Limited, Abbott Vascular Inc., Abbott Vascular Instruments Deutschland GmbH, Abbott Vascular International, Abbott Vascular Japan Co. Ltd, Abbott Vascular Limitada, Abbott Vascular Netherlands B.V., Abbott Vascular Solutions Inc., Abbott Ventures Inc., Abbott West Indies Limited, Abbott drustvo sa ogranicenom odgovornoscu za trgovinu i usluge, Advanced Neuromodulation Systems Inc., Alere, Alere (Shanghai) Diagnostics Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Healthcare Management Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Medical Sales Co. Ltd., Alere (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd., Alere A/S, Alere AB, Alere AS, Alere AS Holdings Limited, Alere BBI Holdings Limited, Alere Bangladesh Limited, Alere China Co. Ltd., Alere Colombia S.A., Alere Connect LLC, Alere Connected Health Limited, Alere Connected Health Ltd., Alere Diagnostics GmbH, Alere DoA Holding GmbH, Alere GmbH, Alere GmbH (Austria), Alere GmbH (Germany), Alere HK Holdings Ltd., Alere Health B.V., Alere Health BVBA, Alere Health Corp., Alere Health Sdn Bhd, Alere Health Services B.V., Alere Healthcare (Pty) Limited, Alere Healthcare Connections Limited, Alere Healthcare Inc., Alere Healthcare Nigeria Limited, Alere Healthcare S.L., Alere Holdco Inc., Alere Holding GmbH, Alere Holdings Bermuda Limited, Alere Holdings Pty Limited, Alere Home Monitoring Inc., Alere Inc., Alere Informatics Inc., Alere International Holding Corp., Alere International Limited, Alere Lda, Alere Limited, Alere Limited (New Zealand), Alere Medical BVBA, Alere Medical Co. Ltd., Alere Medical Pakistan (Private) Limited, Alere Medical Private Limited, Alere North America LLC, Alere Oy Ab, Alere Philippines Inc., Alere Phoenix ACQ Inc., Alere Pte Ltd, Alere S.A., Alere S.r.l., Alere S/A, Alere SAS, Alere San Diego Inc., Alere Scarborough Inc., Alere Spain S.L., Alere Switzerland GmbH, Alere Technologies GmbH, Alere Technologies Holdings Limited, Alere Technologies Limited, Alere Toxicology AB, Alere Toxicology Inc., Alere Toxicology S.r.l., Alere Toxicology Services Inc., Alere Toxicology plc, Alere UK Holdings Limited, Alere UK Subco Limited, Alere ULC, Alere US Holdings LLC, Alere s.r.o., Alisoc Investment & Co, Amedica Biotech Inc., Ameditech Inc., American Generics S.A.S., American Medical Supplies Inc., American Pharmacist Inc., Antares S.A., Apica Cardiovascular Limited, Aquagestion Capacitacion S.A., Aquagestion S.A., Arriva Medical LLC, Arriva Medical Philippines Inc., Arvis Investments Limited, Atlas Farmaceutica S.A., Avee Laboratories Inc., Axis-Shield AD III AS, Axis-Shield AD IV AS, Axis-Shield AS, Axis-Shield Diagnostics Limited, Axis-Shield Ltd., BBI Animal Health Limited, BBI Diagnostics Group 2 Public Limited Company, Banco de Vida S.A., Bioabsorbable Vascular Solutions Inc., Bioalgae S.A., Biohealth LLC, Biosite Incorporated, Bosque Bonito S.A., Branan Medical Corporation, Brandex Europe C.V., British Colloids Limited, CFR Chile S.A., CFR Interamericas EL Salvador Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable, CFR Interamericas Nicaragua Sociedad Anonima, CFR Interamericas Panama S.A., CFR Pharmaceuticals, California Property Holdings III LLC, CardioMEMS LLC, Caripharm Inc., Cephea Valve Technologies, Cephea Valve Technologies Inc., Colibri Medical Aktiebolag, Comercializadora y Distribuidora CFR Interamericas Honduras S.A., Concateno South Limited, Concateno UK Limited, Consorcio Tecnologico en Biomedicina Clinico-Molecular S.A., Continuum Services LLC, Cozart Limited, Dextech S.A., Diagnostik Nord GmbH, Distribuciones Uquifa S.A.S., Domesco Medical Import-Export Joint-Stock Corporation, Duphar International Research B.V., Endocardial Solutions, Epocal (US) Inc, Esprit de Vie S.A., European Chemicals & Co, European Drug Testing Service EDTS AB, European Services S.A., Evalve Inc., Evalve International Inc., FARMINDUSTRIA S.A., Fada Pharma Paraguay Sociedad Anonima, Fadapharma del Ecuador S.A., Farmaceutica Mont Blanc S.L., Farmacologia Em Aquicultura Veterinaria Ltda., Farmacologia en Aquacultura Veterinaria FAV Ecuador S.A., Farmacologia en Aquacultura Veterinaria FAV S.A., Fernwood Investment S.A., First Check Diagnostics LLC, Focus Pharmaceutical S.A.S., Forensics Limited, Forestcreek Overseas S.A., Fournier Pharma Corp., Fournier Pharma GmbH, Fournier Pharmaceuticals Limited, Framed B.V., Gabmed GmbH, Garden Hills LLC, Global Analytical Development LLC, Globapharm & CO LP, Glomed Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Golnorth Investments S.A., Gynocare Limited, Gynopharm Sociedad Anonima, Gynopharm de Centroamerica S.A., Gynopharm de Venezuela C.A., Hi-Tronics Designs Inc., IDEV Technologies Inc., IG Innovations Limited, IMTC Finance B.V., IMTC Holdings B.V., IMTC Technologies Inc., Ibis Biosciences LLC, Igloo Zone Chile S.A., Igloo Zone S.L., Inmobiliaria Naknek S.A.C., Innovacon Inc., Instant Tech Subsidiary Acquisition Inc., Instant Technologies Inc., Instituto de Criopreservacion de Chile S.A., Integrated Vascular Systems Inc., Inverness Canadian Acquisition Corporation, Inverness Medical (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Inverness Medical Innovations Australia Pty Ltd., Inverness Medical Innovations Hong Kong Limited, Inverness Medical Innovations SK LLC, Inverness Medical Investments LLC, Inverness Medical LLC, Inverness Medical Shimla Private Limited, Inversiones K2 SpA, Inversiones Komodo S.R.L., Ionian Technologies LLC, Irvine Biomedical Inc., Kalila Medical, Kangshenyunga S.A., Knoll UK Investments Unlimited, LLC VeroInPharm, Laboratoires Fournier S.A.S., Laboratorio Franco Colombiano Lafrancol S.A.S., Laboratorio Franco Colombiano del Ecuador S.A., Laboratorio Internacional Argentino S.A., Laboratorio Synthesis S.A.S., Laboratorios Lafi Limitada, Laboratorios Naturmedik S.A.S., Laboratorios Pauly Pharmaceutical S.A.S., Laboratorios Recalcine S.A., Laboratorios Transpharm S.A., Laboratory Specialists of America Inc., Lafrancol Dominicana S.A.S., Lafrancol Guatemala S.A. Sociedad Anonima, Lafrancol Internacional S.A.S, Lafrancol Peru S.R.L, Lake Forest Investments LLC, Lightlab Imaging Inc., Limited Liability Company Abbott Laboratories, Limited Liability Company Abbott Ukraine, Limited Liability Company VEROPHARM, Lung Fung Hong (China) Limited, Mansbridge Pharmaceuticals Limited, MediGuide LLC, MediGuide Ltd., Medscreen Holdings Limited, Metropolitana Farmaceutica S.A., Midwest Properties LLC, Murex Argentina S.A., Murex Biotech Limited, Murex Biotech South Africa, Murex Diagnostics Inc., Murex Diagnostics International Inc., Natural Supplement Association LLC, Negocios Denia Sociedad Anonima, Neosalud S.A.C., Nether Pharma N.P. C.V., NeuroTherm LLC, Normann Pharma-Handels GmbH, North Shore Properties Inc., Novamedi S.A., Novasalud.com S.A., Nutravida S.A., OJSC Voronezhkhimpharm, Omnilab Iberia Sociedad Limitada, OptiMedica, Orgenics France SAS, Orgenics International Holdings B.V., Orgenics Ltd., PBM-Selfcare LLC, PDD II LLC, PDD LLC, PT Alere Health, PT. Abbott Indonesia, PT. Abbott Products Indonesia, Pacesetter Inc., Pantech (RF) (PTY) LTD, Pembrooke Occupational Health Inc., Penagos S.A., Pharma International Sociedad Anonima, Pharmaceutical Technologies (Pharmatech) S.A., Pharmatech Boliviana S.A., Polygon Labs S.A., Quality Assured Services Inc., RF Medical Holdings LLC, RTL Holdings Inc., Ramses Business Corp., Recben Xenerics Farmaceutica Limitada, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory Inc., Rich Horizons International Limited, SC VEROPHARM, SJ Medical Mexico S de R.L. de C.V., SJM International Inc., SJM Thunder Holding Company, SPDH Inc., Saboya Enterprises Corporation, Salviac Limited, Scanax AS, Sealing Solutions Inc., Selfcare Technology Inc., Shandong Abbott Dairy Product Co. Ltd., Shanghai Abbott Medical Devices Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Abbott Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Shanghai Si Fa Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Sinensix & Co., Spinal Modulation LLC, St. Jude Medical, St. Jude Medical AB, St. Jude Medical ATG Inc., St. Jude Medical Argentina S.A., St. Jude Medical Asia Pacific Holdings GK, St. Jude Medical Atrial Fibrillation Division Inc., St. Jude Medical Brasil Ltda., St. Jude Medical Business Services Inc., St. Jude Medical Cardiology Division Inc., St. Jude Medical Colombia Ltda., St. Jude Medical Coordination Center, St. Jude Medical Costa Rica Limitada, St. Jude Medical Europe Inc., St. Jude Medical Export Ges.m.b.H., St. Jude Medical GVA Sarl, St. Jude Medical Holdings B.V., St. Jude Medical India Private Limited, St. Jude Medical International Holding, St. Jude Medical LLC, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings II, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings NT, St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings SMI S.a r.l., St. Jude Medical Luxembourg Holdings TC S.a r.l., St. Jude Medical Mexico Business Services S. de R.L. de C.V., St. Jude Medical Middle East DMCC, St. Jude Medical Operations (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., St. Jude Medical Puerto Rico LLC, St. Jude Medical S.C. Inc., St. Jude Medical Systems AB, St. Jude Medical Turkey Medikal Urunler Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Standard Diagnostics Inc., Standing Stone LLC, Swan-Myers Incorporated, TC1 LLC, Tendyne Holdings Inc., Tendyne Medical Inc., Thoratec Delaware LLC, Thoratec Europe Limited, Thoratec LLC, Thoratec Switzerland GmbH, Tobal Products Incorporated, Topera GmbH in Liquidation, Topera Inc., Tremora S.A., Tuenir S.A., TwistDx, UAB Abbott Laboratories, UAB Abbott Medical Lithuania, Union-Madison Realty Company Inc., Unipath Limited (dba Alere International/aka Cranfield), Unipath Management Limited, Unipath Pension Trustee Limited, Veropharm, Veropharm Limited Liability Partnership, Vida Cell Inversiones S.A., Vida Cell S.A., Vivalsol, W&R Pharma Handels GmbH, Western Pharmaceuticals S.A., X Technologies Inc., Yissum Holding Limited, ZonePerfect Nutrition Company, eScreen Canada ULC, eScreen Inc., ( ), and Abbott Laboratories Baltics. UNP Deputy Leader Sajith Premadasa said yesterday he had no intention of accepting the post of Prime Minister at this point in time but indicated that he could be the party's prime ministerial candidate at a future general election. Mr. Premadasa said this at a media briefing held at parliamentary complex when responding to s question asked by the journalists with regard to a statement made by UNP spokesman Harin Fernando that Mr. Premadasa would be party's prime ministerial candidate at a future general election. "Mr. Fernando has referred to what may happen in the future and not about the present," he said and added that in any case it was the party's working committee which had to decide on such matters. Meanwhile, Mr. Premadasa said the party had decided that its current leader Ranil Wickremesinghe should be the Prime Minister in the event of reverting to status quo prior to October 26. He said had had not had any political discussions with former president Maihinda Rajapaksa or with anyone else at a recent religious ceremony held in memory of late educationist R.I.T. Alles. "Some media reports said I was playing a political game. Sajith Premadasa does not play political games," Mr. Premadasa said. (Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana) Video by Susantha Emera Incorporated, an energy and services company, through its subsidiaries, engages in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity to various customers. The company operates through Florida Electric Utility, Canadian Electric Utilities, Other Electric Utilities, Gas Utilities and Infrastructure, and Other segments. It generates electricity through coal-fired, natural gas and/or oil, hydro, wind, solar, petcoke, and biomass-fueled power plants. The company is also involved in the purchase, transmission, distribution, and sale of natural gas; and the provision of energy marketing, trading, and other energy asset management services. In addition, it transports re-gasified liquefied natural gas from Saint John, New Brunswick to consumers in the northeastern United States through its 145-kilometer pipeline. As of December 31, 2020, the company's electric utilities served approximately 792,500 customers in West Central Florida; 529,000 customers in Nova Scotia; 131,000 customers in the island of Barbados; 19,000 customers in the Grand Bahama Island; and 34,000 customers in the island of Dominica, as well as gas utilities and infrastructure served approximately 426,000 customers across Florida and 540,000 customers in New Mexico. It also provides insurance and reinsurance services to Emera and its affiliates, as well as offers financing services. The company was incorporated in 1998 and is headquartered in Halifax, Canada. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Exxon Mobil: AKG Marketing Company Limited, Aera Energy LLC, Al-Jubail Petrochemical Company, Ampolex (Cepu) Pte Ltd, Ancon Insurance Company Inc., Barnett Gathering LLC, Barzan Gas Company Limited, Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Celtic Exploration Ltd., Coral FLNG S.A., Cross Timbers Energy LLC, Ellora Energy Inc., Esmeroon Oil Transporta Imperial Oil Limited, Esso (Thailand) Public Company Limited, Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd, Esso Deutschland GmbH, Esso Erdgas Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Esso Exploration Angola (Block 15) Limited, Esso Exploration Angola (Block 17) Limited, Esso Exploration and Production Angola (Overseas) Limited, Esso Exploration and Production Chad Inc., Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited, Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria (Deepwater) Limited, Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria (Offshore East) Limited, Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited, Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited, Esso Global Investments Ltd., Esso Italiana S.r.l., Esso Nederland B.V., Esso Norge AS, Esso Petroleum Company Limited, Esso Raffinage, Esso Societe Anonyme Francaise, Exxo Holdings Inc., Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, Exxon Chemical Arabia Inc., Exxon International Finance Company, Exxon Luxembourg Holdings LLC, Exxon Mobile Bay Limited Partnership, Exxon Neftegas Limited, Exxon Overseas Corporation, Exxon Overseas Investment Corporation, ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co. Ltd., ExxonMobil (Taicang) Petroleum Co. Ltd., ExxonMobil Abu Dhabi Offshore Petroleum Company Limited, ExxonMobil Alaska Production Inc., ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., ExxonMobil Australia Pty Ltd, ExxonMobil B Resources Company, ExxonMobil Capital Finance Company, ExxonMobil Capital Netherlands B.V., ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, ExxonMobil Chemical France, ExxonMobil Chemical Gulf Coast Investments LLC, ExxonMobil Chemical Holland B.V., ExxonMobil Chemical Services (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ExxonMobil China Petroleum & Petrochemical Company Limited, ExxonMobil Development Africa B.V., ExxonMobil Development Company, ExxonMobil Egypt (S.A.E.), ExxonMobil Exploracao Brasil Ltda., ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc., ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Norway AS, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Romania Limited, ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Tanzania Limited, ExxonMobil Finance Company Limited, ExxonMobil Financial Investment Company Limited, ExxonMobil France Holding SAS, ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Europe Limited, ExxonMobil General Finance Company, ExxonMobil Global Services Company, ExxonMobil Golden Pass Surety LLC, ExxonMobil Holding Company Holland LLC, ExxonMobil Holding Norway AS, ExxonMobil Hong Kong Limited, ExxonMobil International Services SARL, ExxonMobil Iraq Limited, ExxonMobil Italiana Gas S.r.l., ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc., ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Ventures Inc., ExxonMobil LNG Services B.V., ExxonMobil Lubricants Trading Company, ExxonMobil Oil Corporation, ExxonMobil PNG Limited, ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical BVBA, ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical Holdings Inc., ExxonMobil Pipeline Company, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, ExxonMobil Production Norway Inc., ExxonMobil Qatargas (II) Limited, ExxonMobil Qatargas Inc., ExxonMobil Ras Laffan (III) Limited, ExxonMobil Rasgas Inc., ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, ExxonMobil Russia Kara Sea Holdings B.V., ExxonMobil Sales and Supply LLC, ExxonMobil Technology Finance Company, ExxonMobil Ventures Finance Company, ExxonMobil Ventures Funding Ltd., Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Golden Pass LNG Terminal Investments LLC, Golden Pass LNG Terminal LLC, Gulf Coast Growth Ventures LLC, Imperial Oil Limited, Imperial Oil Resources Limited, Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited, Imperial Oil/Petroliere Imperiale, Infineum Italia s.r.I., Infineum Singapore Pte. Ltd., InterOil Corporation, Jurong Aromatics Corporation Pte Ltd, MPM Lubricants, Marine Well Containment Company LLC, Mobil Australia Resources Company Pty Limited, Mobil California Exploration & Producing Asset Company, Mobil Caspian Pipeline Company, Mobil Chemical Products International Inc., Mobil Corporation, Mobil Equatorial Guinea Inc., Mobil Erdgas Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Mobil Exploration & Producing Australia Pty Ltd, Mobil International Petroleum Corporation, Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd, Mobil Oil Exploration & Producing Southeast Inc., Mobil Oil New Zealand Limited, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, Mobil Producing Texas & New Mexico Inc., Mobil SerLimited, Mobil Venezolana De Petroleos Inc., Mobil Yanbu Petrochemical Company Inc., Mobil Yanbu Refining Company Inc., Mountain Gathering LLC, Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A., Palmetto Transoceanic LLC, Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Global Company LDC, Permian Express Partners LLC, Phillips Exploration LLC, Qatar Liquefied Gas Company Limited, Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited, Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited (II), SPI Limited, Saudi Aramco Mobil Refinery Company Ltd., Saudi Yanbu Petrochemical Co., SeaRiver Maritime Inc., South Hook LNG Terminal Company Limited, Tengizchevroil LLP, Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l, Trend Gathering & Treating LLC, Wolverine Pipe Line Company, XH LLC, XTO Delaware Basin LLC, XTO ENERGY, XTO Energy Canada, and XTO Holdings LLC. First BanCorp (Puerto Rico) is a holding company, which engages in the provision of personal, commercial, and corporate banking services through its subsidiaries. It operates through the following segments: Commercial and Corporate Banking, Consumer (Retail) Banking, Mortgage Banking, Treasury and Investments, United States Operations, and Virgin Islands Operations. The Commercial and Corporate Banking segment consists of the company's lending and other services for large customers represented by specialized and middle-market clients and the public sector. The Consumer (Retail) Banking segment includes consumer lending and deposit-taking activities conducted mainly through FirstBank's branch network in Puerto Rico. The Mortgage Banking segment focuses on the origination, sale, and servicing of a variety of residential mortgage loan products and related hedging activities. The Treasury and Investments segment deals with treasury and investment management functions. The United States Operations segment represents all banking activities conducted by FirstBank on the United States mainland. The Virgin Islands Operations segment includes all banking activities conducted by FirstBank in Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Lloyds Banking Group: A G Finance Ltd, A.C.L. Ltd, ACL Autolease Holdings Ltd, ADF No.1 Pty Ltd, Addison Social Housing Holdings Ltd, Alex Lawrie Factors Ltd, Alex. Lawrie Receivables Financing Ltd, Amberdate Ltd, Anglo Scottish Utilities Partnership 1, Aquilus Ltd, Automobile Association Personal Finance Ltd, BOS (Ireland) Property Services 2 Ltd, BOS (Ireland) Property Services Ltd, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages (Scotland) No. 2) Ltd, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages (Scotland) No. 3) Ltd, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages (Scotland)) Ltd, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 1 plc, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 2 plc, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 3 plc, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 4 plc, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 5 plc, BOS (Shared Appreciation Mortgages) No. 6 plc, BOS (USA) Fund Investments Inc., BOS (USA) Inc., BOS Edinburgh No 1 Ltd, BOS Mistral Ltd, BOS Personal Lending Ltd, BOSSAF Rail Ltd, Bank of Scotland (B G S) Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland (Stanlife) London Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Branch Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Central Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Edinburgh Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Equipment Finance Ltd, Bank of Scotland Foundation, Bank of Scotland LNG Leasing (No 1) Ltd, Bank of Scotland London Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Nominees (Unit Trusts) Ltd, Bank of Scotland P.E.P. Nominees Ltd, Bank of Scotland Structured Asset Finance Ltd, Bank of Scotland Transport Finance 1 Ltd, Bank of Scotland plc, Bank of Wales Ltd, Barents Leasing Ltd, Barnwood Mortgages Ltd, Birchcrown Finance Ltd, Birmingham Midshires Financial Services Ltd, Birmingham Midshires Land Development Ltd, Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Services Ltd, Black Horse (TRF) Ltd, Black Horse Executive Mortgages Ltd, Black Horse Finance Holdings Ltd, Black Horse Finance Management Ltd, Black Horse Group Ltd, Black Horse Ltd, Black Horse Offshore Ltd, Black Horse Property Services Ltd, Boltro Nominees Ltd, British Linen Leasing (London) Ltd, British Linen Leasing Ltd, British Linen Shipping Ltd, C.T.S.B. Leasing Ltd, CBRail S.A.R.L., CF Asset Finance Ltd, CF1 Ltd, CM Venture Investments Ltd, Cancara Asset Securitisation Ltd, Capital 1945 Ltd, Capital Bank Leasing 12 Ltd, Capital Bank Leasing 3 Ltd, Capital Bank Leasing 5 Ltd, Capital Bank Leasing 9 Ltd, Capital Bank Property Investments (3) Ltd, Capital Personal Finance Ltd, Cardiff Auto Receivables Securitisation 2018-1 Plc, Cardiff Auto Receivables Securitisation 2019-1 Plc, Cardiff Auto Receivables Securitisation Holdings Ltd, Cardnet Merchant Services Ltd, Cashfriday Ltd, Cashpoint Ltd, Caveminster Ltd, Cedar Holdings Ltd, Celsius European Lux 2 S.A.R.L., Central Mortgage Finance Ltd, Chariot Finance Ltd, Cheltenham & Gloucester plc, Cheltenham II Securities 2020 DAC, Cheltenham Securities 2017 Ltd, Chepstow Blue Holdings Ltd, Chepstow Blue plc, Chester Asset Options No.2 Ltd, Chester Asset Options No.3 Ltd, Chester Asset Receivables Dealings Issuer Ltd, Chester Asset Securitisation Holdings Ltd, Chester Asset Securitisation Holdings No.2 Ltd, Chiswell Stockbrokers Ltd, Clerical Medical Finance plc, Clerical Medical Financial Services Ltd, Clerical Medical International Holdings B.V., Clerical Medical Investment Fund Managers Ltd, Clerical Medical Managed Funds Ltd, Clerical Medical Non Sterling Guadalix Hold Co BV, Clerical Medical Non Sterling Guadalix Spanish Prop Co SL, Clerical Medical Non Sterling Megapark Hold Co BV, Clerical Medical Non Sterling Megapark Prop Co SA, Clerical Medical Non Sterling Property Company S.A.R.L., Cloak Lane Funding S.A.R.L., Cloak Lane Investments S.A.R.L., Conquest Securities Ltd, Corbiere Asset Investments Ltd, Create Services Ltd, Credit Card Securitisation Europe Ltd, Dalkeith Corporation, Deva Financing Holdings Ltd, Deva Financing plc, Deva One Ltd, Deva Three Ltd, Deva Two Ltd, Dunstan Investments (UK) Ltd, Edgbaston RMBS 2010-1 plc, Edgbaston RMBS Holdings Ltd, Elland RMBS 2018 plc, Elland RMBS Holdings Ltd, Eurolead Services Holdings Ltd, First Retail Finance (Chester) Ltd, Fontwell Securities 2016 Ltd, Forthright Finance Ltd, France Industrial Premises Holding Company, General Leasing (No. 12) Ltd, General Reversionary and Investment Company, Gresham Nominee 1 Ltd, Gresham Nominee 2 Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 1) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 10) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 11) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 12) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 13) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 14) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 15) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 16) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 19) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 20) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 21) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 22) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 23) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 24) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 25) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 26) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 27) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 28) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 29) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 3) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 30) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 31) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 32) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 33) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 34) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 35) Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 36) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 37) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 38) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 39) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 40) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 41) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 44) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 45) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 46) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 47) UK Ltd, Gresham Receivables (No. 48) UK Ltd, Guildhall Asset Purchasing Company (No 3) Ltd, Guildhall Asset Purchasing Company (No.11) UK Ltd, HBOS Covered Bonds LLP, HBOS Final Salary Trust Ltd, HBOS Financial Services Ltd, HBOS Insurance & Investment Group Ltd, HBOS International Financial Services Holdings Ltd, HBOS Investment Fund Managers Ltd, HBOS Social Housing Covered Bonds LLP, HBOS UK Ltd, HBOS plc, HSDL Nominees Ltd, HVF Ltd, Halifax Credit Card Ltd, Halifax Financial Brokers Ltd, Halifax Financial Services (Holdings) Ltd, Halifax Financial Services Ltd, Halifax General Insurance Services Ltd, Halifax Group Ltd, Halifax Investment Services Ltd, Halifax Leasing (June) Ltd, Halifax Leasing (March No.2) Ltd, Halifax Leasing (September) Ltd, Halifax Life Ltd, Halifax Loans Ltd, Halifax Ltd, Halifax Mortgage Services Ltd, Halifax Nominees Ltd, Halifax Pension Nominees Ltd, Halifax Premises Ltd, Halifax Share Dealing Ltd, Halifax Vehicle Leasing (1998) Ltd, Heidi Finance Holdings (UK) Ltd, Hill Samuel Bank Ltd, Hill Samuel Finance Ltd, Hill Samuel Leasing Co. Ltd, Home Shopping Personal Finance Ltd, Horizon Capital 2000 Ltd, Housing Association Risk Transfer 2019 DAC, Housing Growth Partnership GP LLP, Housing Growth Partnership LP, Housing Growth Partnership Ltd, Housing Growth Partnership Manager Ltd, Hyundai Car Finance Ltd, IBOS Finance Ltd, ICC Enterprise Partners Ltd, ICC Equity Partners Ltd, ICC Holdings Unlimited Company, Inchcape Financial Services Ltd, Intelligent Finance Financial Services Ltd, Intelligent Finance Software Ltd, International Motors Finance Ltd, Kanaalstraat Funding C.V., Katrine Leasing Ltd, LB Healthcare Trustee Ltd, LB Motorent Ltd, LB Quest Ltd, LB Share Schemes Trustees Ltd, LBCF Ltd, LBG Brasil Administracao LTDA, LBG Capital Holdings Ltd, LBG Equity Investments Ltd, LBI Leasing Ltd, LDC (General Partner) Ltd, LDC (Managers) Ltd, LDC (Nominees) Ltd, LDC GP LLP, LDC I LP, LDC II LP, LDC III LP, LDC IV LP, LDC Parallel (Nominees) Ltd, LDC V LP, LDC VI LP, LDC VII LP, LDC VIII LP, LTGP Limited Partnership Incorporated, Legacy Renewal Company Ltd, Leicester Securities 2014 Ltd, Lex Autolease (CH) Ltd, Lex Autolease (VC) Ltd, Lex Autolease Carselect Ltd, Lex Autolease Ltd, Lex Vehicle Finance 2 Ltd, Lex Vehicle Leasing (Holdings) Ltd, Lex Vehicle Leasing Ltd, Lime Street (Funding) Ltd, Lingfield 2014 I Holdings Ltd, Lingfield 2014 I plc, Lloyds (Gresham) Ltd, Lloyds (Gresham) No. 1 Ltd, Lloyds (Nimrod) Specialist Finance Ltd, Lloyds America Securities Corporation1, Lloyds Asset Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Bank (Branches) Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank (Colonial & Foreign) Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank (Fountainbridge 1) Ltd, Lloyds Bank (Fountainbridge 2) Ltd, Lloyds Bank (I.D.) Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank (International Services) Ltd, Lloyds Bank (Stock Exchange Branch) Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank Asset Finance Ltd, Lloyds Bank Commercial Finance Ltd, Lloyds Bank Commercial Finance Scotland Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Asset Finance (HP) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Asset Finance (No.1) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Asset Finance (No.2) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Asset Finance (No.3) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Asset Finance (No.4) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH, Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc, Lloyds Bank Covered Bonds (Holdings) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Covered Bonds (LM) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Covered Bonds LLP, Lloyds Bank Equipment Leasing (No. 1) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Equipment Leasing (No. 7) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Equipment Leasing (No. 9) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Financial Services (Holdings) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales, Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands, Lloyds Bank General Insurance Holdings Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Insurance Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Leasing (No. 11) Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Leasing (No. 17) Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Leasing (No. 20) Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Leasing (No. 3) Ltd, Lloyds Bank General Leasing (No. 5) Ltd, Lloyds Bank GmbH, Lloyds Bank Hill Samuel Holding Company Ltd, Lloyds Bank Insurance Services Ltd, Lloyds Bank International Ltd, Lloyds Bank Leasing (No. 6) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Leasing (No. 8) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Bank MTCH Ltd, Lloyds Bank Maritime Leasing (No. 10) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Maritime Leasing (No. 13) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Maritime Leasing (No. 17) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Maritime Leasing (No.16) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank Offshore Pension Trust Ltd, Lloyds Bank Pension ABCS (No. 1) LLP, Lloyds Bank Pension ABCS (No. 2) LLP, Lloyds Bank Pension Trust (No. 1) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Pension Trust (No. 2) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Pensions Property (Guernsey) Ltd, Lloyds Bank Properties Ltd, Lloyds Bank Property Company Ltd, Lloyds Bank S.F. Nominees Ltd, Lloyds Bank Subsidiaries Ltd, Lloyds Bank Trustee Services Ltd, Lloyds Bank plc, Lloyds Banking Group Pensions Trustees Ltd, Lloyds Capital GP Ltd, Lloyds Commercial Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Commercial Properties Ltd, Lloyds Commercial Property Investments Ltd, Lloyds Corporate Services (Jersey) Ltd, Lloyds Development Capital (Holdings) Ltd, Lloyds Engine Capital (No.1) U.S LLC, Lloyds Far East S.A.R.L., Lloyds General Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Group Holdings (Jersey) Ltd, Lloyds Holdings (Jersey) Ltd, Lloyds Hypotheken B.V., Lloyds Industrial Leasing Ltd, Lloyds International Pty Ltd, Lloyds Investment Bonds Ltd, Lloyds Investment Fund Managers Ltd, Lloyds Investment Securities No.5 Ltd, Lloyds Leasing (North Sea Transport) Ltd1, Lloyds Leasing Developments Ltd, Lloyds Nominees (Guernsey) Ltd, Lloyds Offshore Global Services Private Ltd, Lloyds Plant Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Portfolio Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Premises Investments Ltd, Lloyds Project Leasing Ltd, Lloyds Property Investment Company No. 3 Ltd, Lloyds Property Investment Company No. 4 Ltd, Lloyds Property Investment Company No.5 Ltd, Lloyds Secretaries Ltd, Lloyds Securities Inc., Lloyds TSB Pacific Ltd, Lloyds UDT Asset Leasing Ltd, Lloyds UDT Asset Rentals Ltd, Lloyds UDT Hiring Ltd, Lloyds UDT Leasing Ltd, Lloyds UDT Ltd, Lloyds Your Tomorrow Trustee Ltd, Loans.co.uk Ltd, London Taxi Finance Ltd, London Uberior (L.A.S. Group) Nominees Ltd, Lotus Finance Ltd, MBNA, MBNA Direct Ltd, MBNA Europe Finance Ltd, MBNA Europe Holdings Ltd, MBNA General Foundation, MBNA Global Services Ltd, MBNA Indian Services Private Ltd, MBNA Ltd, MBNA R & L S.A.R.L., MBNA Receivables Ltd, Mainsearch Company Ltd, Maritime Leasing (No. 19) Ltd, Membership Services Finance Ltd, Mitre Street Funding S.A.R.L., Molineux RMBS 2016-1 plc, Molineux RMBS Holdings Ltd, Moor Lane Holdings Ltd, NFU Mutual Finance Ltd, NWS Trust Ltd, Nominees (Jersey) Ltd, Nordic Leasing Ltd, Ocean Leasing (July) Ltd, Oystercatcher Nominees Ltd, Oystercatcher Residential Ltd, PIPS Asset Investments Ltd, Pacific Leasing Ltd, Penarth Asset Securitisation Holdings Ltd, Penarth Funding 1 Ltd, Penarth Funding 2 Ltd, Penarth Master Issuer plc, Penarth Receivables Trustee Ltd, Pensions Management (S.W.F.) Ltd, Peony Eastern Leasing Ltd, Peony Leasing Ltd, Peony Western Leasing Ltd, Permanent Funding (No. 1) Ltd, Permanent Funding (No. 2) Ltd, Permanent Holdings Ltd, Permanent Master Issuer plc, Permanent Mortgages Trustee Ltd, Permanent PECOH Holdings Ltd, Permanent PECOH Ltd, Perry Nominees Ltd, Prestonfield Investments Ltd, Proton Finance Ltd, R.F. Spencer And Company Ltd, Ranelagh Nominees Ltd, Retail Revival (Burgess Hill) Investments Ltd, SARL Coliseum, SARL Hiram, SAS Compagnie Fonciere De France, SCI Astoria Invest, SCI De LHorloge, SCI Equinoxe, SCI Rambuteau CFF, SW Funding plc, SW No.1 Ltd, SWAMF (GP) Ltd, SWAMF Nominee (1) Ltd, SWAMF Nominee (2) Ltd, Saint Michel Holding Company No1, Saint Michel Investment Property, Saint Witz 2 Holding Company No1, Saint Witz 2 Investment Property, Salisbury II Securities 2016 Ltd, Salisbury II-A Securities 2017 Ltd, Salisbury III Securities 2019 DAC, Salisbury Securities 2015 Ltd, Sandown 2012-2 Holdings Ltd, Sandown 2012-2 plc, Sandown Gold 2012-1 Holdings Ltd, Sandown Gold 2012-1 plc, Savban Leasing Ltd, Scotland International Finance B.V., Scottish Widows Administration Services (Nominees) Ltd, Scottish Widows Administration Services Ltd, Scottish Widows Annuities Ltd, Scottish Widows Auto Enrolment Services Ltd, Scottish Widows Europe, Scottish Widows Financial Services Holdings, Scottish Widows Group Ltd, Scottish Widows Industrial Properties Europe B.V., Scottish Widows Ltd, Scottish Widows Pension Trustees Ltd, Scottish Widows Property Management Ltd, Scottish Widows Schroder Personal Wealth (ACD) Ltd, Scottish Widows Schroder Personal Wealth Ltd, Scottish Widows Schroder Wealth Holdings Ltd, Scottish Widows Services Ltd, Scottish Widows Trustees Ltd, Scottish Widows Unit Funds Ltd, Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers Ltd, Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Society, Seabreeze Leasing Ltd, Seaspirit Leasing Ltd, Share Dealing Nominees Ltd, Shogun Finance Ltd, Silentdale Ltd, St Andrews Group Ltd, St Andrews Insurance plc, St Andrews Life Assurance plc, St. Marys Court Investments, Standard Property Investment (1987) Ltd, Standard Property Investment Ltd, Sussex County Homes Ltd, Suzuki Financial Services Ltd, Swan Funding 2 Ltd, Syon Securities 2019 DAC, The Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Plc, The British Linen Company Ltd, The Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland, The Mortgage Business plc, Thistle Financing Holdings Ltd, Thistle Investments (AMC) Ltd, Thistle Investments (ERM) Ltd, Thistle Leasing, Three Copthall Avenue Ltd, Tower Hill Property Investments (10) Ltd, Tower Hill Property Investments (7) Ltd, Tranquility Leasing Ltd, Trinity Financing plc, UDT Budget Leasing Ltd, UDT Sales Finance Ltd, Uberior (Moorfield) Ltd, Uberior Co-Investments Ltd, Uberior ENA Ltd, Uberior Equity Ltd, Uberior Europe Ltd, Uberior Fund Investments Ltd, Uberior Infrastructure Investments (No.2) Ltd, Uberior Infrastructure Investments Ltd, Uberior Investments Ltd, Uberior Nominees Ltd, Uberior Trading Ltd, Uberior Trustees Ltd, Uberior Ventures Australia Pty Ltd, Uberior Ventures Ltd, United Dominions Leasing Ltd, United Dominions Trust Ltd, Universe The CMI Global Network Fund, Upsaala Ltd, Vine Street IX LP, WCS Ltd, Ward Nominees (Abingdon) Ltd, Ward Nominees (Birmingham) Ltd 1, Ward Nominees (Bristol) Ltd 1, Ward Nominees Ltd 1, Waverley Fund II Investor LLC, Waverley Fund III Investor LLC, Waymark Asset Investments Ltd, West Craigs Ltd, Wetherby II Securities 2018 DAC, Wetherby III Securities 2019 DAC, Wetherby Securities 2017 Ltd, Wood Street Leasing Ltd, and Zurich Insurance Group - UK Workplace Pensions and Savings Business. Growing from strength to strength to become one of Sri Lankas Biggest Financial Services Retail Network since it was established on 21st November 2013, mCash is celebrating its 5th Anniversary with great pride, looking back on many milestones achieved within a short span of five years. Launched by Mobitel, mCash is one of the pioneering Mobile Financial Services Platform in the country, which has forever transformed the way Sri Lanka conducts its financial transactions. mCash has truly empowered its customers by enabling people to use their mobile phones for financial transactions, placing them in control of their finances. The efficacy, speed and convenience of mCash is evidenced by its burgeoning base of customers of Mobitel & Etisalat, who embraced the mobile money platform to enhance their lives. mCash fulfils all the security requirements customers need, as it is licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and has Commercial Bank as the Custodian Bank and Deutsche Bank as the trustee bank. Further backed by Mobitel, the National Mobile Service Provider, mCash has become a household brand. Commenting on mCashs 5th Anniversary, Kalhara Gamage General Manager, Mobile Financial Services at Mobitel says, It is a source of great pride for us to look back at the massive strides that mCash has taken to become one of the most widely used mobile financial services platforms in the country within a short period. Clearly, commitment to innovation has underlined mCashs success at every turn. With every innovation that mCash introduced, it made financial transactions that much easier for people of Sri Lanka. mCash boasts a retail network with over 16,000 Touch Points spread island-wide with hundreds of partners on-board. It offers an amazing variety of services to fulfil every conceivable lifestyle and commercial need of the people. Theres nothing mCash cant do and this attitude will help us forge ahead to achieve even more milestones into the future. mCash facilitates a wide array of services via the mobile phone such as Deposits, Withdrawals, Sending & Receiving Money, Paying utility & institute bills, shopping, online payments, making charitable donations, Digital Standing Orders and robust B2B business solutions. Committed to digital inclusivity, mCash has partnered with other mobile operators such as Etisalat, allowing Etisalat customers to experience the wide array of mCash Services and Offers. Any Mobitel or Etisalat Customer could simply get onboard of mCash free of charge by dialing #111# from the mobile. The mCash Mobile App has also further made mCash transactions more user-friendly whereby customers could download it from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and the Windows Mobile Store. Most recently, mCash launched Sri Lankas First Ever Mobile Platform to offer Loans up to 25,000 via mCash by partnering with LOLC Finance where customers could apply for loan simply from the mobile. These Digital Loans offer access to finance, a true enabler for grassroots communities. In yet another innovation, mCash launched Bank Deposits via mCash by partnering with NSB to launch NSB iSaver Service - allowing any Sri Lankan to save digitally by simply visiting 16,000+ mCash Retailers island-wide. This not only inculcates the savings habit but encourages greater adoption as it is a digital savings product. mCash has entered into strategic partnerships where needed, launching Cardless ATMs with Commercial Bank for the first time in Sri Lanka to allow Cardless Cash Withdrawals for mCash customers and also recently with Sampath Bank, where mCash boasts the largest ATM network in Sri Lanka for Mobile Money Withdrawals with over 1000 ATMs island-wide. mCash further enhanced the user experience to customers with the introduction of a QR Code for payments where customers can simply scan the code and process a payment. This is currently live for mCash top ups, withdrawals, send & receive money and pay for shopping at any of the mCash merchants and retailers islandwide. mCash B2B solutions are transforming business and the mCash Robust Platform is empowering sectors such as Banking, Insurance, Finance and Travel to name a few. mCash rewards customers with popular unbeatable offers during Valentines, Avurudu, Christmas seasons etc. Available at the click of a button, customers can top up their mCash Account digitally using Internet & Mobile Banking Platforms of leading banks. Bank of America Corp. is a bank and financial holding company, which engages in the provision of banking and nonbank financial services. It operates through the following segments: Consumer Banking, Global Wealth and Investment Management, Global Banking, Global Markets, and All Other. The Consumer Banking segment offers credit, banking, and investment products and services to consumers and small businesses. The Global Wealth and Investment Management provides client experience through a network of financial advisors focused on to meet their needs through a full set of investment management, brokerage, banking, and retirement products. The Global Banking segment deals with lending-related products and services, integrated working capital management and treasury solutions to clients, and underwriting and advisory services. The Global Markets segment includes sales and trading services, as well as research, to institutional clients across fixed-income, credit, currency, commodity, and equity businesses. The All Other segment consists of asset and liability management activities, equity investments, non-core mortgage loans and servicing activities, the net impact of periodic revisions Read More NTT DOCOMO, INC., a telecommunications company, provides various mobile services in Japan and internationally. It operates through three segments: Telecommunications Business, Smart Life Business, and Other Businesses. The company offers iPhone, iPad, smartphone, tablet, and feature phone products and services under the docomo name, as well as d POINT CLUB, a point program. It also provides technical and operational services to mobile operators and other companies. In addition, the company offers LTE, FOMA, and FOMA high-speed services; docomo Wi-Fi services; VoLTE voice call services; docomo Hikari, an optical Internet service; and docomo Shop services. Further, it provides optical-fiber broadband, satellite mobile communications, and international services; distributes video, music, and electronic books, etc.; and offers finance/payment services, online shopping service, other life-related services, etc. Additionally, the company engages in the mobile device protection service, commissioned development/sale, system maintenance businesses, etc. As of March 31, 2019, it had 78.45 million cellular subscriptions; and 70.15 million d POINT CLUB memberships. NTT DOCOMO, INC. has collaboration with Tohoku University to research on an artificial-intelligence technology to detect periodontal disease by photographing a person's gums with a smartphone. It also has a mobile payment alliance agreement with Merpay, Inc., LINE Pay Corporation, and KDDI Corporation for merchant stores. The company was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. NTT DOCOMO, INC. is a subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. Read More 11 Wall Street research analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Hugo Boss in the last twelve months. There are currently 6 hold ratings and 5 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street research analysts is that investors should "hold" Hugo Boss stock. A hold rating indicates that analysts believe investors should maintain any existing positions they have in BOSS, but not buy additional shares or sell existing shares. View analyst ratings for Hugo Boss or view top-rated stocks. The following companies are subsidiares of Illinois Tool Works: A V Co 1 Limited, A V Co 2 Limited, A V Co 3 Limited, ACCU-LUBE Manufacturing GmbH - Schmiermittel und -gerate -, AIP/BI Holdings Inc., Accessories Marketing Holding Corp., Advanced Molding Company Inc., Allen Coding GmbH, Allen France SAS, Alpine Automation Limited, Alpine Engineered Products, Alpine Holdings Inc., Alpine Systems Corporation, Anaerobicos S.r.l., AppliChem GmbH, Arylux Hungary Elektromechanikus Alkatreszgyarto Kft, Avery Berkel France, Avery India Limited, Avery Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Avery Weigh Tronix, Avery Weigh-Tronix (Suzhou) Weighing Technology Co. Ltd., Avery Weigh-Tronix Finance Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Holdings Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix International Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix LLC, Avery Weigh-Tronix Limited, Avery Weigh-Tronix Properties Limited, Azon Limited, B.C. Immo, Beijing Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Berkel (Ireland) Limited, Berrington UK, Brapenta Eletronica Ltda., Brooks Instrument (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, Brooks Instrument B.V., Brooks Instrument GmbH, Brooks Instrument KFT, Brooks Instrument Korea Ltd., Brooks Instrument LLC, Buell Industries Inc., CAPMAX Logistica S.A. de C.V., CCI Realty Company, CFC Europe GmbH, CS (Australia) Pty Limited, CS (Finance) Europe S.a.r.l., CS Mexico Holding Company S DE RL DE CV, CSMTS LLC, Calvia Spolka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnosci, Capital Ventures (Australasia) S.a r.l, Capmax Logistica S.A. de C.V., Celeste Industries Corporation, Coeur, Coeur (Shanghai) Medical Appliance Trading Co. Ltd, Coeur Asia Limited, Coeur Holding Company, Coeur Inc., Compagnie Hobart, Compagnie de Materiel et d'Equipements Techniques-Comet, Constructions Isothermiques Bontami C.I.B., Crane Carrier Company, Despatch Industries, Diagraph Corporation Sdn. Bhd, Diagraph ITW Mexico S. de R.L. De C.V., Diagraph Mexico S.A. DE C.V., Dongguan Ark-Les Electric Components Co. Ltd., Dongguan CK Branding Co. Ltd., Dorbyl U.K. (Holdings) Limited, Duo Fast de Espana S.A.U., Duo-Fast Korea Co. Ltd., Duo-Fast LLC, E.C.S. d.o.o., ECS Cable Protection Sp. Zoo, ELRO (Holding) AG, ELRO Grosskuchen GmbH, ELRO-WERKE AG, Elga Skandinavian AS, Elro Group, Eltex-Elektrostatik-Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Envases Multipac S.A. de C.V., Eurotec Srl, FEG Investments L.L.C., Fasver, Filtertek, Filtertek De Mexico Holding Inc., Filtertek De Mexico S.A. de C.V., GC Financement SA, Gamko B.V., Gun Hwa Platech (Taicang) Co. Ltd., HOBART Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung, Hartness International, Hobart (Japan) K.K., Hobart Andina S.A.S., Hobart Brothers International Chile Limitada, Hobart Brothers LLC, Hobart Dayton Mexicana S. de R.L. de C.V., Hobart Food Equipment Co. Ltd., Hobart Foster Belgium, Hobart International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Hobart Korea LLC, Hobart LLC, Hobart Nederland B.V., Hobart Sales & Service Inc., Hobart Scandinavia ApS, Hobart Techniek B.V., Horis, ILC Investments Holdings Inc., ITW (China) Investment Company Limited, ITW (Deutschland) GmbH, ITW (EU) Holdings Ltd., ITW (European) Finance Co. Ltd., ITW (European) Finance II Co. Ltd., ITW (European) Finance III Co. Ltd., ITW (Ningbo) Components & Fastenings Systems Co. Ltd., ITW AEP LLC, ITW AOC LLC, ITW Aircraft Investments Inc., ITW Alpha Sarl, ITW Ampang Industries Philippines Inc., ITW Appliance Components EOOD, ITW Appliance Components S.A. de C.V., ITW Appliance Components S.r.l.a, ITW Appliance Components d.o.o., ITW Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, ITW Australia Property Holdings Pty Ltd., ITW Australia Pty Ltd, ITW Automotive Components (Chongqing) Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Components (Langfang) Co. Ltd., ITW Automotive Japan K.K., ITW Automotive Korea LLC, ITW Automotive Parts (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, ITW Automotive Products GmbH, ITW Automotive Products Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Bailly Comte, ITW Befestigungssysteme GmbH, ITW Belgium, ITW Brazilian Nominee L.L.C., ITW Building Components Group Inc., ITW CER, ITW CP Distribution Center Holland BV, ITW CS (UK) Ltd., ITW Canada Inc., ITW Celeste Inc., ITW Chemical Products Ltda, ITW Chemical Products Scandinavia ApS, ITW Colombia S.A.S., ITW Construction Products (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Construction Products (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., ITW Construction Products AB, ITW Construction Products AS, ITW Construction Products ApS, ITW Construction Products CZ s.r.o., ITW Construction Products Italy Srl, ITW Construction Products OU, ITW Construction Products OY, ITW Contamination Control (Wujiang) Co. Ltd., ITW Contamination Control B.V., ITW Covid Security Group Inc., ITW DS Investments Inc., ITW DelFast do Brasil Ltda., ITW Delta Sarl, ITW Denmark ApS, ITW Dynatec, ITW Dynatec Adhesive Equipment (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Dynatec GmbH, ITW Dynatec Kabushiki Kaisha, ITW EAE B.V., ITW EAE Mexico S de RL de CV, ITW EF&C France SAS, ITW EF&C Selb GmbH, ITW Electronic Business Asia Co. Limited, ITW Electronic Components/Products (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Electronics (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Epsilon Sarl, ITW Espana S.A., ITW FEG Hong Kong Limited, ITW FEG do Brasil Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW Fastener Products GmbH, ITW Finance Designated Activity Company, ITW Finance Europe S.A., ITW Fluids and Hygiene Solutions Ltda., ITW Food Equipment Group LLC, ITW France Finance Alpha S.A.S., ITW GH LLC, ITW GSE ApS, ITW GSE Inc., ITW Gamma Sarl, ITW German Management LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings LLC, ITW Global Investments Holdings Y Compania Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones, ITW Global Investments II Inc., ITW Global Investments Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Europe GmbH, ITW Global Tire Repair Inc., ITW Global Tire Repair Japan K.K., ITW Graphics (Thailand) Ltd., ITW Graphics Asia Limited, ITW Graphics Italy S.R.L. in liquidazione, ITW Great Britain Investment & Licensing Holding Company, ITW Group France (Luxembourg) S.ar.l., ITW HLP Thailand Co. Ltd., ITW Holding Quimica B.C. S.L. Sole Shareholder Company, ITW Holdings Australia L.P., ITW Holdings I Limited, ITW Holdings II Limited, ITW Holdings III Limited, ITW Holdings IV Limited, ITW Holdings IX Limited, ITW Holdings Inc., ITW Holdings UK, ITW Holdings V Limited, ITW Holdings VI Limited, ITW Holdings VII Limited, ITW Holdings VIII Limited, ITW Holdings X Limited, ITW Holdings XI Limited, ITW Hungary Finance Beta Kft, ITW ILC Holdings I Inc., ITW IPG Investments LLC, ITW Imaden Industria e Comercio Ltda., ITW India Private Limited, ITW International Holdings LLC, ITW Invest Holding GmbH, ITW Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company, ITW Ireland Unlimited Company, ITW Italy Finance Srl, ITW Italy Holding Srl, ITW Japan Ltd., ITW Korea LLC, ITW LLC & Co. KG, ITW Limited, ITW Lombard Holdings Inc., ITW Lys Fusion S.r.l., ITW M FILMS II LLC, ITW MH LLC, ITW Meritex Sdn. Bhd., ITW Metal Fasteners S.L., ITW Mexico Holding Company S. De R.L. de C.V., ITW Mexico Holdings LLC, ITW Morlock GmbH, ITW Mortgage Investments II Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments III Inc., ITW Mortgage Investments IV Inc., ITW Netherlands Administration BV, ITW Netherlands Beta B.V., ITW Netherlands Finance Alpha BV, ITW New Universal LLC, ITW New Zealand, ITW Novadan Sp. Z.o.o., ITW PPF Brasil Adesivos Ltda., ITW Packaging Technology (China) Co. Ltd., ITW Participations S.a r.l., ITW Pension Funds Trustee Company, ITW Performance Plastic (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Japan Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids Korea Limited, ITW Performance Polymers & Fluids OOO, ITW Performance Polymers (Wujiang) Co. Ltd., ITW Performance Polymers ApS, ITW Performance Polymers and Fluids Group FZE, ITW Peru S.A.C., ITW Philippines Holdings LLC, ITW Poly Mex S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Polymers Sealants North America Inc., ITW Pronovia s.r.o., ITW Pte. Ltd., ITW Qufu Automotive Cooling Systems Co. Ltd., ITW Real Estate Germany GmbH, ITW Residuals III L.L.C., ITW Residuals IV L.L.C., ITW Rivex, ITW SMPI, ITW SPG Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Simco-Ion (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., ITW Slovakia s.r.o., ITW Spain Holdings S.L., ITW Specialty Film LLC, ITW Specialty Films France, ITW Specialty Materials (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., ITW Spraytec, ITW Sverige AB, ITW Sweden Holding AB, ITW Test & Measurement Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, ITW Test & Measurement GmbH, ITW Test and Measurement Italia Srl, ITW Test and Measurement Services Industry and Trade Ltd., ITW Texwipe Philippines Inc., ITW Thermal Films (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., ITW UK, ITW UK Finance Beta Limited, ITW UK Finance Delta Limited, ITW UK Finance Gamma Limited, ITW UK Finance Limited, ITW UK Finance Zeta Ltd., ITW UK II Limited, ITW Universal II LLC, ITW Welding, ITW Welding AB, ITW Welding GmbH, ITW Welding Products B.V., ITW Welding Products Group FZE, ITW Welding Products Group S. DE R.L. De C.V., ITW Welding Products Italy Srl, ITW Welding Products Limited Liability Company, ITW Welding Produtos Para Solgdagem Ltda., ITW Welding Servicios Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ITW Welding Singapore Pte. Ltd., ITW de France, ITW do Brasil Industrial e Comercial Ltda., Ideal Molding Technologies LLC, Illinois Tool Works (Chile) Limitada, Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Nederland B.V., Illinois Tool Works Norway AS, Impar Comercio E Representacoes Ltda., Industrie Plastic Elsasser GmbH, Inmobiliaria Cit. S.A. de C.F., Innova Temperlite Servicios S.A. de C.V., Innovacion y Transformacion Automotriz S.A. de C.V., Instron (Shanghai) Ltd., Instron (Thailand) Limited, Instron Brasil Equipamentos Cientificos Ltda., Instron Foreign Sales Corp. Limited, Instron France S.A.S., Instron GmbH, Instron Holdings Limited, Instron International Limited, Instron Japan Company Ltd., Instron Korea LLC, International Leasing Company LLC, International Truss Systems Proprietary Limited, Isolenge - ITW Sistemas de Isolamento Termico Ltda., KCPL Mauritius Holdings, Kester, Kester Components (M) Sdn. Bhd., Kleinmann GmbH, Krafft S.L., Loma Systems, Loma Systems (Canada) Inc., Loma Systems BV, Loma Systems sro, Lombard Pressings Limited, Lumex Inc., Lys Fusion Poland Sp. z.o.o., M&C Specialties (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., M&C Specialties Co., MAGNAFLUX GmbH, MEHB Holdings Limited, MGHG Property LLC, MOA Enterprises Inc, Manufacturing Avancee S.A., Meritex Technology (Suzhou) Co. Ltd., Meurer Verpackungssysteme GmbH, Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, Miller Insurance Ltd., NDT Holding LLC, NOVADAN APS, Norden Olje AB, North Star Imaging Europe, North Star Imaging Inc., Nova Chimica S.r.l., Orbitalum Tools GmbH, PENTA-91 OOO, PR. A. I. Srl, PT ITW Construction Products Indonesia, Pacific Concept Industries Limited (Enping), Panreac Quimica S.L., Paslode Fasteners (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Peerless Machinery Corp., Penta Dnepr LLC, Penta Sever OOO, Penta Volga OOO, Polyrey, Premark FEG L.L.C., Premark HII Holdings LLC, Premark International, Premark International LLC, Prolex Sociedad Anonima, QSA Global Inc., Quimica Industrial Mediterranea S.L., Ramset Fasteners (Hong Kong) Ltd., Rapid Cook LLC, Refrigeration France, S.E.E. Sistemas Industria E Comercio Ltda., ST Mexico Holdings LLC, Sealant Systems International Inc., Sentinel Asia Yuhan Hoesa, Shanghai ITW Plastic & Metal Co. Ltd, Simco (Nederland) B.V., Simco Japan Inc., Societe de Prospection et dInventions Techniques SPIT, Speedline Holdings I Inc., Speedline Holdings I LLC, Speedline Technologies GmbH, Speedline Technologies Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Speedline Technologies Mexico Services S. de R.L. de C.V., Stokvis Celix Portugal Unipessoal LDA, Stokvis Danmark ApS, Stokvis Holdings S.A.R.L., Stokvis Promi s.r.o, Stokvis Prostick Tapes Private Limited, Stokvis Tapes (Hong Kong) Co. Limited, Stokvis Tapes (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Taiwan) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., Stokvis Tapes BVBA, Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V., Stokvis Tapes Deutschland GmbH, Stokvis Tapes France, Stokvis Tapes Italia s.r.l., Stokvis Tapes Limited, Stokvis Tapes Limited Liability Company, Stokvis Tapes Norge AS, Stokvis Tapes Oy, Stokvis Tapes Polska Sp Z.O.O., Stokvis Tapes Sverige AB, Stolvis Holdings II S.A.R.L., Technopack Industria Comercio Consultoria e Representacoes Ltda., Teknek (China) Limited, Teknek (Japan) Limited, Teksaleco Ltd., The Miller Group Ltd, Thirode Grandes Cuisines Poligny, Tien Tai Electrode (Kunshan) Co. Ltd., Tien Tai Electrode Co. Ltd., Unichemicals Industria e Comercio Ltda., VR-Leasing Sarita GmbH & Co. Immobilien KG, VS European Holdco BV, Valeron Strength Films B.V.B.A., Veneta Decalcogomme S.r.l., Versachem Chile S.A., Vesta, Vesta (Guangzhou) Catering Equipment Co. Ltd, Vesta Global Limited, Viltronics Soltec, Vitronics Soltec B.V., Wachs Canada Ltd., Wachs Subsea LLC, Weigh-Tronix Canada ULC, Weigh-Tronix UK Limited, Wilsonart International Holdings LLC, Wynn Oil (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd., Wynn's Automotive France, Wynn's Belgium BVBA, Wynn's Italia Srl, Wynn's Mekuba India Pvt Ltd, ZF TRW (Engineered Fasteners and Components), and Zip-Pak International B.V.. The following companies are subsidiares of Ingersoll Rand: 211 E. Russell Road LLC, Air-Relief, Belliss & Morcom Brasil, Belliss and Morcom, Boardwalk Enterprises, Charm Merger Sub Inc., CompAir, CompAir (Hankook) Korea Co. Ltd., CompAir Acquisition (No. 2) Ltd., CompAir Acquisition Ltd., CompAir BroomWade Ltd., CompAir Canada, CompAir Finance Ltd., CompAir GmbH, CompAir Holdings Limited, CompAir Holman Ltd, CompAir International Trading (Shanghai) Co Ltd, CompAir Korea Ltd, CompAir South Africa (SA) (Pty) Ltd., CompAir UK Ltd, CompAir USA, Consolidated Distribution Holdings Ltd., DV Systems Inc., Emco Wheaton, Emco Wheaton GmbH Branch, Emco Wheaton Gmbh, Emco Wheaton UK, Emco Wheaton USA Inc, Enza Air Propriety Limited (South Africa), GD Aria Holdings #2 Limited, GD Aria Holdings Limited, GD Aria Investments Limited, GD First UK Ltd, GD German Holdings GmbH, GD German Holdings I Gmbh, GD German Holdings II GmbH, GD German Investments GmbH, GD Global Holdings, GD Global Holdings II, GD Global Holdings UK II Ltd., GD Global Ventures I B.V., GD Global Ventures II B.V., GD Global Ventures III B.V., GD Industrial Products Malaysia SDN. BHD., GD Investment KY, GD UK Finance Ltd., Gardner Denver (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Gardner Denver Austria GmbH, Gardner Denver Bad Neustadt Real Estate GmbH & Co KG, Gardner Denver Belgium NV, Gardner Denver Brasil Industria E Comercio de Maquinas Ltda., Gardner Denver CZ + SK sro, Gardner Denver Canada Corp, Gardner Denver Cyprus Investments II Ltd., Gardner Denver Cyprus Investments II Ltd. - US Branch, Gardner Denver Cyprus Investments Ltd., Gardner Denver Cyprus Investments Ltd. - US Branch, Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH, Gardner Denver Engineered Products India Private Limited, Gardner Denver FZE, Gardner Denver Finance II LLC, Gardner Denver Finance Inc & Co KG, Gardner Denver France SA, Gardner Denver France SAS, Gardner Denver Group Services Ltd, Gardner Denver Group Svcs Ltd, Gardner Denver Hoffman, Gardner Denver Holdings, Gardner Denver Holdings Limited, Gardner Denver Hong Kong Investments Limited, Gardner Denver Hong Kong Ltd, Gardner Denver Iberica, Gardner Denver Industries Ltd., Gardner Denver Industries Pty Ltd., Gardner Denver Industries Pty Ltd. Branch, Gardner Denver International, Gardner Denver International Ltd., Gardner Denver Intl Ltd Middle East Regional Rep Office, Gardner Denver Investments, Gardner Denver Italy Holdings S.r.L., Gardner Denver Japan, Gardner Denver Kirchhain Real Estate GmbH & Co KG, Gardner Denver Korea, Gardner Denver Korea Ltd, Gardner Denver Ltd, Gardner Denver Ltd South Africa, Gardner Denver Ltd., Gardner Denver Ltd. Branch (Ireland), Gardner Denver Machinery (Shanghai) Co, Gardner Denver Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Gardner Denver Nash Brasil Industria E Comercio De Bombas Ltda, Gardner Denver Nash Deutschland GmbH, Gardner Denver Nash LLC, Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd, Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd., Gardner Denver Nederland BV, Gardner Denver Nederland Investments B.V., Gardner Denver Oberdorfer Pumps, Gardner Denver Oy, Gardner Denver Petroleum Pumps, Gardner Denver Polska Sp z.o.o., Gardner Denver Pte Ltd., Gardner Denver S.r.l., Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH, Gardner Denver Schopfheim Real Estate GmbH & Co KG, Gardner Denver Schweiz AG, Gardner Denver Slovakia, Gardner Denver SudAmerica S.r.l., Gardner Denver Sweden AB, Gardner Denver Taiwan Ltd., Gardner Denver Thomas, Gardner Denver Thomas GmbH, Gardner Denver Thomas Pneumatic Systems (Wuxi) Co., Gardner Denver Thomas Real Estate GmbH & Co KG, Gardner Denver UK, Gardner Denver Water Jetting Systems, Garo Dott. Ing. Roberto Gabbioneta S.r.l., Hamworthy Belliss & Morcom, ILMVAC (UK) Ltd., ILS Innovative Labor Systeme, ILS Inovative Laborsysteme GmbH, Indonesia Foreign Trade Representative Office, LeROI, LeRoi International Inc, MP Pumps Inc., Mako Compressors, Nash, Nash Elmo, Oina VV, Oina VV Aktiebolag, Robuschi, Rotary Compression Technologies, Runtech Systems, Runtech Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Runtech Systems Inc., Runtech Systems OY, Shanghai CompAir Compressors Co Ltd, Shanghai Compressors & Blowers Ltd., Syltone, TCM Investments, TIWR Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, TODO AB, Tamrotor Marine Compressors AS, Thomas Industries, Thomas Industries Inc., Tri-Continent Scientific, Welch Vacuum Equipment (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Zinsser Analytic, Zinsser Analytik GmbH, and Zinsser NA. (Tokyo) AFP: A Tokyo court yesterday extended the detention of former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn, local media said, after his arrest on allegations of financial misconduct that have shaken the auto industry. The extension means Ghosn could remain in a Tokyo cell for another 10 days while prosecutors investigate allegations he under-reported his salary by millions of dollars over five years. The 64-year-old tycoon was arrested on November 19 and prosecutors have already extended his detention once, while two of the companies he led Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors have voted to remove him. The extension gives prosecutors until December 10 to decide whether to indict Ghosn on charges of under-reporting his salary. If he is indicted, he could then be released awaiting trial, or held in pre-trial detention. Prosecutors could also choose to file additional charges against him, and with each charge they can seek to hold Ghosn for another 22 days. Ghosns detention even before charges have been officially filed against him has prompted some criticism abroad, particularly in France, where the executive holds citizenship. On Thursday, the deputy head of the Tokyo prosecutors office rejected the criticism, saying: We do not unnecessarily keep people in custody for a long time. I do not criticise other countries systems just because they are different, Shin Kukimoto added. Ghosn, who denies the allegations against him, faces an array of claims involving hiding money and benefits he received while chairman of Nissan and head of an alliance between the Japanese firm, Mitsubishi Motors and Frances Renault. Nissan had been investigating Ghosn and close aide Greg Kelly for months after a whistleblower report, and accused the pair of a scheme to misrepresent the Brazil-born chiefs earnings. Sources have since said Ghosn signed secret documents instructing aides to defer part of his salary, without disclosing this to shareholders. The scheme allegedly involved under-reporting Ghosns income by around US$44 million over five fiscal years to March 2015. It allegedly began after new regulations came into force in the fiscal year 2009/2010, including a law requiring any company executives earning 100 million yen (US$885,000) or more to declare it. The same source said Nissan funds were secretly used to pay for residences for Ghosn in Rio de Janeiro and Lebanon, homes that local media said cost huge sums and had no legitimate business purpose. Those sorts of expenses should have been disclosed as compensation but were arranged without shareholder approval and generally in secret, the source added. Local media also reported that Ghosn used Nissan corporate money to make a donation to his daughters university and fund a family trip, and paid his sister around US$100,000 a year for a fictitious role as an advisor. Ghosns arrest sent shockwaves throughout the auto industry and beyond, with Japanese and French officials at pains to stress the alliance between the three companies would not collapse. On Thursday, executives from the three firms reaffirmed their commitment to the alliance despite reports of tension in the partnership, particularly on the part of Nissan, which outsells its French counterpart Renault. While Mitsubishi Motors and Nissan have removed Ghosn, he remains chairman and CEO of Renault. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire on Thursday said there was no question of changing the alliances balance of power. The rules of the partnership state that Renault chooses the alliances CEO, who wields a tie-breaking vote in board decisions, while Nissan names the deputy. Japanese media said yesterday that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would meet French President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of the G20 Summit this weekend to discuss the case. Japans government declined to confirm the meeting, but a spokesman said it was important to maintain stable relations despite the case against Ghosn. There is not enough analysis data for Anglo African Oil & Gas. 3.9 Community Rank Outperform Votes Anglo African Oil & Gas has received 44 outperform votes. (Add your outperform vote.) Underperform Votes Anglo African Oil & Gas has received 32 underperform votes. (Add your underperform vote.) Community Sentiment Anglo African Oil & Gas has received 57.89% outperform votes from our community. MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about Anglo African Oil & Gas and other stocks. Vote Outperform if you believe AAOG will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote Underperform if you believe AAOG will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days. Previous Next A special team led by Inspector General of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara, senior DIG of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and Police Spokesman had left for Batticaloa to probe the killing of two police constables. The two victims were found dead with gunshot injuries at the Vavunathivu police roadblock this morning. Video by Wasantha Chandrapala Pix by Wasantha Chandrapala Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF's stock was trading at $54.68 on March 11th, 2020 when COVID-19 reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Since then, GVIP shares have increased by 90.7% and is now trading at $104.2712. View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19. The following companies are subsidiares of Procter & Gamble: "Procter & Gamble Services" LLC, "Procter & Gamble" LLC, Agile Pursuits, Agile Pursuits Franchising, Arbora, Arbora & Ausonia, Arborinvest, Billie, Braun (Shanghai) Co., Braun GmbH, Braun-Gillette Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG, Celtic Insurance Company, Compania Procter & Gamble Mexico, Compania Quimica S.A., Corporativo Procter & Gamble, Cosmetic Products Pty. Ltd., Detergent Products B.V., Detergent Products SARL, Detergenti S.A., Eurocos Cosmetic GmbH, FPG Oleochemicals Sdn. Bhd., Fameccanica Data S.p.A., Fameccanica Industria e Comercio Do Brasil LTDA., Fameccanica Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Fater S.p.A., Fountain Square Music Publishing Co., Gillette (China) Ltd., Gillette (Shanghai) Ltd., Gillette Aesop Ltd., Gillette Australia Pty. Ltd., Gillette Canada Holdings, Gillette Commercial Operations North America, Gillette Diversified Operations Pvt. Ltd., Gillette Egypt S.A.E., Gillette Group UK Ltd, Gillette Gruppe Deutschland GmbH & Co. oHG, Gillette Holding Company LLC, Gillette Holding GmbH, Gillette India Limited, Gillette Industries Ltd., Gillette International B.V., Gillette Latin America Holding B.V., Gillette Management LLC, Gillette Nova Scotia Company, Gillette Pakistan Limited, Gillette Poland International Sp. z.o.o., Gillette Poland S.A., Gillette U.K. Limited, Gillette del Uruguay, Giorgio Beverly Hills Inc., Hyginett KFT, Industries Marocaines Modernes SA, LLC "Procter & Gamble Novomoskovsk", LLL "Procter & Gamble Distributorskaya Compania", Laboratorios Vicks, Liberty Street Music Publishing Company, Limited Liability Company 'Procter & Gamble Trading Ukraine', Limited Liability Company with foreign investments Procter & and Gamble Ukraine, MDVIP, MERCK KGAA NPV, Marcvenca Inversiones, Modern Industries Company - Dammam, Modern Products Company - Jeddah, New Chapter, New Chapter Canada Inc., Olay LLC, Oral-B Laboratories, P&G Distribution Morocco SAS, P&G Hair Care Holding, P&G Industrial Peru S.R.L., P&G Innovation Godo Kaisha, P&G Israel M.D.O. Ltd., P&G K.K., P&G Northeast Asia Pte. Ltd., P&G Prestige Godo Kaisha, P&G Prestige Service GmbH, P&G South African Trading (Pty.) Ltd., PGT Health Care (Zhejiang) Limited, PGT Healthcare LLP, PPI ZAO, PT Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia, PT Procter & Gamble Operations Indonesia, Phase II Holdings Corporation, Procter & Gamble (Chengdu) Ltd., Procter & Gamble (China) Ltd., Procter & Gamble (China) Sales Co. Ltd., Procter & Gamble (East Africa) Limited, Procter & Gamble (Egypt) Manufacturing Company, Procter & Gamble (Enterprise Fund) Limited, Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Consumer Products Co. Ltd., Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Enterprise Management Service Company Limited, Procter & Gamble (Guangzhou) Ltd., Procter & Gamble (Health & Beauty Care) Limited, Procter & Gamble (Jiangsu) Ltd. China, Procter & Gamble (L&CP) Limited, Procter & Gamble (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Procter & Gamble (Manufacturing) Ireland Limited, Procter & Gamble (Shanghai) International Trade Company Ltd., Procter & Gamble (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Procter & Gamble Acquisition GmbH, Procter & Gamble Administration GmbH, Procter & Gamble Algeria EURL, Procter & Gamble Amazon Holding B.V., Procter & Gamble Amiens S.A.S., Procter & Gamble Argentina SRL, Procter & Gamble Asia Pte. Ltd., Procter & Gamble Australia Proprietary Limited, Procter & Gamble Azerbaijan Services LLC, Procter & Gamble Bangladesh Private Ltd., Procter & Gamble Blois S.A.S., Procter & Gamble Brazil Holdings B.V., Procter & Gamble Bulgaria EOOD, Procter & Gamble Business Services Canada Company, Procter & Gamble Canada Holding B.V., Procter & Gamble Chile , Procter & Gamble Chile Limitada, Procter & Gamble Colombia Ltda., Procter & Gamble Commercial LLC, Procter & Gamble Commercial de Cuba S.A., Procter & Gamble Czech Republic s.r.o., Procter & Gamble DS Polska Sp. z o.o., Procter & Gamble Danmark ApS, Procter & Gamble Detergent (Beijing) Ltd., Procter & Gamble Deuttschland GmbH, Procter & Gamble Distributing (Philippines) Inc., Procter & Gamble Distributing New Zealand Limited, Procter & Gamble Distribution Company (Europe) BVBA, Procter & Gamble Distribution S.R.L., Procter & Gamble Eastern Europe, Procter & Gamble Ecuador Cia. Ltda., Procter & Gamble Egypt, Procter & Gamble Egypt Distribution, Procter & Gamble Egypt Holding, Procter & Gamble Egypt Supplies, Procter & Gamble Energy Company LLC, Procter & Gamble Espana, Procter & Gamble Europe SA, Procter & Gamble Export Operations SARL, Procter & Gamble Exportadora e Importadora Ltda., Procter & Gamble Exports, Procter & Gamble Fabricacao e Comercio Ltda., Procter & Gamble Far East, Procter & Gamble Finance (U.K.) Ltd., Procter & Gamble Finance Holding Ltd., Procter & Gamble Finance Management S.a.r.l., Procter & Gamble Financial Investments LLP, Procter & Gamble Financial Services Ltd., Procter & Gamble Financial Services S.a.r.l., Procter & Gamble Finland OY, Procter & Gamble France S.A.S., Procter & Gamble Germany GmbH, Procter & Gamble Germany GmbH & Co. Operations oHG, Procter & Gamble GmbH, Procter & Gamble Grundstucks-und Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, Procter & Gamble Gulf FZE, Procter & Gamble Hair Care, Procter & Gamble Hellas Ltd., Procter & Gamble Holding (Thailand) Limited, Procter & Gamble Holding France S.A.S., Procter & Gamble Holding GmbH, Procter & Gamble Holding S.r.l., Procter & Gamble Holdings (UK) Ltd., Procter & Gamble Home Products Private Limited, Procter & Gamble Hong Kong Limited, Procter & Gamble Hungary Wholesale Trading Partnership (KKT), Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Health Care Limited, Procter & Gamble Inc., Procter & Gamble India Holdings, Procter & Gamble Indochina Limited Company, Procter & Gamble Industrial - 2012 C.A., Procter & Gamble Industrial Colombia Ltda., Procter & Gamble Industrial S.C.A., Procter & Gamble Industrial e Comercial Ltda., Procter & Gamble Interamericas de Costa Rica, Procter & Gamble Interamericas de Guatemala, Procter & Gamble Interamericas de Panama, Procter & Gamble International Operations Pte. Ltd., Procter & Gamble International Operations SA, Procter & Gamble International Operations SA-ROHQ, Procter & Gamble International S.a.r.l., Procter & Gamble Investment Company (UK) Ltd., Procter & Gamble Investment GmbH, Procter & Gamble Italia, Procter & Gamble Japan K.K., Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan Distribution LLP, Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan LLP, Procter & Gamble Korea, Procter & Gamble Korea S&D Co., Procter & Gamble Lanka Private Ltd. Sri Lanka, Procter & Gamble Leasing LLC, Procter & Gamble Levant S.A.L., Procter & Gamble Limited, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing (Thailand) Limited, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Belgium N.V., Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Berlin GmbH, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., Procter & Gamble Manufacturing SA (Pty) Ltd, Procter & Gamble Marketing Romania SRL, Procter & Gamble Marketing and Services doo, Procter & Gamble Maroc SA, Procter & Gamble Mataro, Procter & Gamble Mexico Holding B.V., Procter & Gamble Mexico Inc., Procter & Gamble Middle East FZE, Procter & Gamble Nederland B.V., Procter & Gamble Netherlands Investments B.V., Procter & Gamble Netherlands Services B.V., Procter & Gamble Nigeria Limited, Procter & Gamble Nordic, Procter & Gamble Norge AS, Procter & Gamble Operations Polska Sp. z o.o., Procter & Gamble Overseas India B.V., Procter & Gamble Overseas Ltd., Procter & Gamble Pakistan (Private) Limited, Procter & Gamble Partnership LLP, Procter & Gamble Peru S.R.L., Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals France SAS, Procter & Gamble Philippines, Procter & Gamble Polska Sp. z o.o, Procter & Gamble Portugal - Produtos De Consumo, Procter & Gamble Product Supply (U.K.) Limited U.K., Procter & Gamble Production GmbH, Procter & Gamble Productions, Procter & Gamble Productos de Consumo, Procter & Gamble RHD, Procter & Gamble RSC Regional Service Company Ltd., Procter & Gamble Retail Services BVBA, Procter & Gamble S.r.l., Procter & Gamble SA (Pty) Ltd, Procter & Gamble Satis ve Dagitim Ltd. Sti., Procter & Gamble Seine S.A.S., Procter & Gamble Service GmbH, Procter & Gamble Services (Switzerland) SA, Procter & Gamble Services Company N.V., Procter & Gamble Services Ltd., Procter & Gamble Share Incentive Plan Trustee Ltd., Procter & Gamble South America Holding B.V., Procter & Gamble Spol. s.r.o. (Ltd.), Procter & Gamble Sports and Social Club Ltd., Procter & Gamble Sverige AB, Procter & Gamble Switzerland SARL, Procter & Gamble Taiwan Limited, Procter & Gamble Taiwan Sales Company Limited, Procter & Gamble Technical Centres Limited, Procter & Gamble Technology (Beijing) Co., Procter & Gamble Trading (Thailand) Limited, Procter & Gamble Tuketim Mallari Sanayii A.S., Procter & Gamble UK, Procter & Gamble UK Group Holdings Ltd, Procter & Gamble UK Parent Company Ltd., Procter & Gamble Universal Holding B.V., Procter & Gamble Verwaltungs GmbH, Procter & Gamble Vietnam, Procter & Gamble d.o.o. za trgovinu, Procter & Gamble de Venezuela S.C.A., Procter & Gamble de Venezuela S.R.L., Procter & Gamble do Brasil S/A, Procter & Gamble do Brazil, Procter & Gamble do Nordeste S/A, Procter & Gamble-Rakona s.r.o., Progam Realty & Development Corporation, Redmond Products, Richardson-Vicks Real Estate Inc., Richardson-Vicks do Brasil Quimica e Farmaceutica Ltda, Riverfront Music Publishing Co., Rosemount LLC, SPD Development Company Limited, SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, Scannon S.A.S., Series Acquisition B.V., Shulton, Surfac S.R.L., Sycamore Productions, TAOS - FL, TAOS Retail, Tambrands Inc., Temple Trees Impex & Investment Private Limited, The Art of Shaving - FL, The Dover Wipes Company, The Gillette Company, The Gillette Company LLC, The Gillette co., The Procter & Gamble Distributing LLC, The Procter & Gamble GBS Company, The Procter & Gamble Global Finance Company, The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company, The Procter & Gamble U.S. Business Services Company, This is L., US CD LLC, Vidal Sassoon (Shanghai) Academy, Vidal Sassoon Co., WEBA Betriebsrenten-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Walker & Company Brands, and iMFLUX Inc.. The following companies are subsidiares of Humana: 154th Street Medical Plaza, 516-526 West Main Street Condominium Council of Co-Owners, 54th Street Medical Plaza, American Eldercare, American Eldercare of North Florida, Anvita Health, Arcadian Health Plan, Arcadian Management Services, Atlantis Physician Group, CAC Medical Center Holdings, CAC-Florida Medical Centers, CDO 1, CDO 2, CHA HMO, CHA Service Company, Care Partners Home Care, CareNetwork, CarePlus Health, CarePlus Health Plans, Cariten Health Plan Inc., Certify Data Systems, CompBenefits, CompBenefits Company, CompBenefits Corporation, CompBenefits Dental, CompBenefits Direct, CompBenefits Insurance Company, Complex Clinical Management, Concentra Managed Care, Continucare Corporation, Continucare MDHC, Continucare MSO, Continucare Medical Management, Dental Care Plus Management, DentiCare, Emphesys, Emphesys Insurance Company, Enclara Healthcare, FPG, FPG Acquisition Corp., FPG Acquisition Holdings Corp., FPG Senior Services, Family Physicians of Winter Park, Go365, HUM Provider Holdings, HUM-e-FL, Harris Rothenberg International, Health Value Management, Humana Active Outlook, Humana At Home (Dallas), Humana At Home (Houston), Humana At Home (San Antonio), Humana At Home (TLC), Humana At Home 1, Humana Behavioral Health, Humana Benefit Plan of Illinois, Humana Dental Company, Humana Digital Health and Analytics Platform Services, Humana EAP and Work-Life Services of California, Humana Employers Health Plan of Georgia, Humana Government Business, Humana Health Benefit Plan of Louisiana, Humana Health Company of New York, Humana Health Insurance Company of Florida, Humana Health Plan, Humana Health Plan of California, Humana Health Plan of Ohio, Humana Health Plan of Texas, Humana Health Plans of Puerto Rico, Humana Healthcare Research, Humana Inc., Humana Innovation Enterprises, Humana Insurance Company, Humana Insurance Company of Kentucky, Humana Insurance Company of New York, Humana Insurance of Puerto Rico, Humana Management Services of Puerto Rico, Humana MarketPOINT, Humana MarketPOINT of Puerto Rico, Humana Medical Plan, Humana Medical Plan of Michigan, Humana Medical Plan of Pennsylvania, Humana Medical Plan of Utah, Humana Pharmacy, Humana Pharmacy Solutions, Humana Regional Health Plan, Humana Veterans Healthcare Services, Humana WellWorks LLC, Humana Wisconsin Health Organization Insurance Corporation, Humana at Home, HumanaDental, HumanaDental Insurance Company, Humco, Hummingbird Coaching Systems LLC, Independent Care Health Plan, KMG America, Kindred Healthcare, MCCI Group Holdings, MCCI Holdings, MCCI Medical Group, MCCI Specialty, MCCI/Lifetime of Aventura, MD Care, METCARE of Florida, Managed Care Indemnity, Medical Care Consortium Incorporated of Texas, MetCare, Metropolitan Health Networks, Naples Health Care Specialists, North Region Providers, Nursing Solutions, OSF HealthCare, PHP Companies, Partners in Integrated Care, Preferred Health Partnership, Preservation on Main, Primary Care Holdings, Primary Care Holdings II, Primary Care Specialists of the Palm Beaches, RMA Medical Centers of Florida, RMA Medical Group of Florida, ROHC, SeniorBridge, SeniorBridge Family Companies (CT), SeniorBridge Family Companies (FL), SeniorBridge Family Companies (IN), SeniorBridge Family Companies (MO), SeniorBridge Family Companies (NY), SeniorBridge-Florida, Texas Dental Plans, The Dental Concern, Transcend Population Health Management, and Transcend Population Health Management II. The following companies are subsidiares of Quest Diagnostics: AmeriPath, AmeriPath Cincinnati Inc. (OH), AmeriPath Cleveland Inc. (OH), AmeriPath Consolidated Labs Inc. (FL), AmeriPath Florida LLC (DE), AmeriPath Hospital Services Florida LLC (DE), AmeriPath Inc. (DE), AmeriPath Indianapolis PC (IN), AmeriPath Kentucky Inc. (KY), AmeriPath Lubbock 5.01(A) Corporation (TX), AmeriPath New York LLC (DE), AmeriPath Texas Inc. (DE), AmeriPath Tucson Inc. (AZ), American Medical Laboratories, American Medical Laboratories Incorporated (DE), Associated Clinical Laboratories L.P. (PA), Associated Clinical Laboratories of Pennsylvania L.L.C. (PA), Athena Diagnostics, Athena Diagnostics Inc. (DE), Blueprint Genetics, Blueprint Genetics FZ-LLC (UAE), Blueprint Genetics Inc. (DE), Blueprint Genetics Oy (Finland), California Laboratory Associates, Cape Cod Healthcare - Business, Celera, ClearPoint Diagnostic, Clearpoint Diagnostic Laboratories LLC (TX), Cleveland HeartLab, Cleveland HeartLab Inc. (DE), Clinical Laboratory Partners, Colorado Pathology Consultants P.C. (CO), ConVerge Diagnostic Services, Consolidated DermPath Inc. (DE), DFW 5.01(a) Corporation (TX), DGXWMT JV LLC (DE), Dermatopathology of Wisconsin S.C. (WI), Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma LLC (OK), Diagnostic Pathology Services Inc. (OK), Diagnostic Reference Services Inc. (MD), ExamOne Canada Inc. (New Brunswick), ExamOne LLC (DE), ExamOne World Wide Inc. (PA), ExamOne World Wide of NJ Inc. (NJ), Focus Diagnostics, HemoCue, Hoffman M.D. Associated Pathologists Chartered (NV), Institute for Dermatopathology Inc. (PA), Isabella Street Urban Renewal LLC (NJ), Kailash B. Sharma M.D. Inc. (GA), Kilpatrick Pathology P.A. (NC), LabOne, LabOne LLC (MO), LabOne of Ohio Inc. (DE), Laboratorio de Analisis Biomedicos S.A. (Mexico), Lancet Labs, MACL, Med Fusion LLC (TX), Med fusion, MedPlus, Mid America Clinical Laboratories LLC (IN), Nomad Massachusetts Inc. (MA), Nuclear Medicine and Pathology Associates (GA), Ocmulgee Medical Pathology Association Inc. (GA), Pathology Building Partnership (MD) (gen. ptnrshp.), PeaceHealth Laboratories, PhenoPath Laboratories, PhenoPath Laboratories PLLC (WA), Q Squared Solutions Holdings LLC (DE), Q Squared Solutions Holdings Limited (UK), Quest Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. (China), Quest Diagnostics Brasil Holdings Ltd. (UK), Quest Diagnostics Clinical Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics Clinical Laboratories Inc. (DE), Quest Diagnostics Domestic Holder LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics HTAS India Private Limited (India), Quest Diagnostics Health & Wellness LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics Holdings Incorporated (DE), Quest Diagnostics Holdings Ltd. (UK), Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (MD), Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (NV), Quest Diagnostics India Private Limited (India), Quest Diagnostics Infectious Disease Inc. (DE), Quest Diagnostics International Holdings Limited (UK), Quest Diagnostics International LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics Investments LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics Ireland Limited (Ireland), Quest Diagnostics LLC (CT), Quest Diagnostics LLC (IL), Quest Diagnostics LLC (MA), Quest Diagnostics Massachusetts LLC (MA), Quest Diagnostics Mexico Holding Company Trust (Mexico), Quest Diagnostics Mexico S de RL de CV (Mexico), Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute (CA), Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute Inc. (VA), Quest Diagnostics Receivables Inc. (DE), Quest Diagnostics Subsidiary Holdings Ltd. (UK), Quest Diagnostics TB LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics Terracotta LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics Venture LLC (PA), Quest Diagnostics Ventures LLC (DE), Quest Diagnostics do Brasil Ltda. (Brazil), Quest Diagnostics of Pennsylvania Inc. (DE), Quest Diagnostics of Puerto Rico Inc. (PR), Quest HealthConnect LLC (CA), ReproSource, Reprosource Fertility Diagnostics Inc. (MA), Solstas Lab Partners, Sonora Quest Laboratories LLC (AZ), Specialty Laboratories Inc. (CA), Summit Health, UMass Memorial Medical Center - Anatomic Pathology Outreach Laboratory Business, Unilab Corporation, and Unilab Corporation (DE). The estimated total number of infections remains static over the years The Human T - Lymphotropic Virus is very rare in Sri Lanka and it can lead to neurological disorders The world is heading towards eliminating AIDS, and Sri Lanka has also fast tracked its response to this The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome commonly known as AIDS are two conditions that people fear. From having no cure in the past, both HIV and AIDs could be controlled today, thanks to extensive research done on both conditions. Contracted mainly as a result of unprotected sex, HIV/AIDS could also be contracted from unscreened blood transfusions and using used needles for drug intake or even when getting a tattoo. In view of World AIDS Day which falls tomorrow (December 1) the Health Capsule spoke to Dr. Iresh Jayaweera, from the World AIDS Day organising team of the National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSCAP) who shed light on the importance of testing oneself for HIV, treatments and prevalence in Sri Lanka. The crucial test Know your status the World AIDS Day theme for 2018 calls upon everybody to test themselves for HIV/AIDS. Many of those diagnosed with HIV have gotten it from their marital partner, Dr. Jayaweera said in his opening remarks. Anyone having unprotected sex can be at risk of getting HIV. But the risk is zero if it is a mutually monogamous relationship in which both partners are free of HIV. In Sri Lanka it is estimated that around 3500-4200 people are infected with HIV. But only 2/3rds of them know that they have HIV. Others are in the community. If they dont test and find out, it will lead to the AIDS stage which has a high mortality. It is important to find out ones HIV status by testing, since people with early HIV infections are asymptomatic and only a blood test can detect HIV. According to him, if all the people with HIV in Sri Lanka are diagnosed for treatment their Viral Load in blood will be undetectable after about 6/52 of treatment. In other words if there is an undetectable viral load, the risk of infecting someone is almost zero. This will help to prevent and control new infections. The world is heading towards eliminating AIDS, and Sri Lanka has also fast tracked its response to this. It is only possible if you diagnose 90% of people living with HIV (PLHIV). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) As per the guidelines laid by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Sri Lanka, treatment is recommended for all adults and adolescents with HIV immediately, regardless of their CD4+ cell count. Antiretrovirals (ARVs) are a group of drugs that inhibit different steps in the HIV replication process and the cornerstone of HIV/AIDS management. ARVs have been consistently proven to reduce death due to HIV/AIDS and to reduce the development of AIDS-defining conditions. It should be noted that treatment is lifelong. Treatment literacy The Health Capsule learned that most people who seek treatment for HIV come from Western Province. Unlike other conditions getting diagnosed with HIV involves a heavy dose of counseling and education to the patients, he further said. It is continued throughout the care spectrum. So PLHIV are well aware about the treatments available and their treatment regimens, their effectiveness and how to adhere to the treatment plan. We also inform the public that effective treatment is available free of charge. Other types of STDs and symptoms Herpes simplex Virus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Human Papilloma Virus and Human T-Lymphotropic Virus are several other sexually transmitted diseases, Dr. Jayaweera added. Hepatitis B and C virus infect the liver and they can lead to Jaundice when severe. These conditions can also lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver. Various treatment options are available. Hepatitis B can be easily prevented by vaccination. According to him, the human papilloma virus cause genital warts and cervical and penile cancers in addition to other complications and once infected it is difficult to eliminate from the body. On the other hand, the Human T-Lymphotropic Virus is very rare in Sri Lanka and they can lead to neuorological disorders. Out of these conditions it is possible to cure Hepatitis B and C with continuous treatments. Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka From the graphs given (Annual Report 2017), it is quite evident that the cumulative number of PLHIV by province of residence in the Western province is higher when compared to other provinces. Out of that 670 people are receiving ART in Colombo alone. Awareness on safe sex methods We are proud to say that spreading awareness on safe sex methods has been a success, he further said. We have been doing it with the Family Planning Association which is our main stakeholder and its success is evident with Sri Lanka still being a low prevalence country for HIV, in which less than 2 out of 10,000 people have HIV. The estimated total number of infections remains static over the years. A recent bio-behavioral survey done by the Ministry of Health showed high levels of condom use even among high risk populations such as commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men. About 10% of newly diagnosed HIV patients belonged to youth age group who are school leavers. It is difficult to introduce education about barrier methods to youth due to various societal factors. Confidentiality of patients It is a known fact that contracting HIV is associated with much stigma. This stigma keeps many of those with HIV away from seeking treatment. Stigma and discrimination prevails due to lack of knowledge among people. Therefore it is important to support PLHIV so that they could lead a normal life. Another one of their concerns include confidentiality. The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSCAP) had been providing care for sexually transmitted diseases since 1950s and there is a well-established system to ensure the confidentiality of our patients, Dr. Jayaweera continued. Even for the healthcare workers the information will be available on a need-to-know basis for the further care of patients. The staff enrolled is trained at the enrollment as well as refresher training programmes to tackle confidentiality issues, stigma and discrimination. Patient identification is not mandatory to seek treatment. In addition to that, there is a number system instead of using their names. Only the caring physician and his or her team have access to information. About NSCAP The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka is the focal point for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV. It is a specialized public health programme under the Deputy Director General (Public Health services) of the Ministry of Health. Under the NSACP there are 33 full time STD clinics and 23 branch STD clinics around the country. Of these STD clinics, 21 have the capacity to provide treatments for HIV free-of-charge for people living with HIV. Other than the curative care provided by the clinics, following activities are carried out; Prevention of transmission of HIV among high risk population including commercial sex workers, men having sex with men, beach boys and drug users . Scaling up of HIV testing services among general population. Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of Syphilis and HIV. Information, Education and Communication on HIV and sexually transmitting diseases. It is important to address the stigma and discrimination related to HIV/STIs which will promote people reaching HIV/STI services and testing including those harder to reach, Dr. Jayaweera said in his concluding remarks. Our main goal of Ending AIDS by 2025 may not be accomplished if the general population is not sensitised on the HIV/STI epidemic in Sri Lanka. Therefore media support with current updates on the available services and care provided by NSACP has become timely and imperative for preventing this epidemic from progression in Sri Lanka. For more information visit www.aidscontrol.gov.lk MAXIMUS, Inc. engages in the operation of government and human services programs. It operates through the following segments: U.S. Services; U.S. Federal Services; and Outside the U.S. The U.S. Services segment offers a variety of business process services, and appeals and assessments for state, provincial and national government programs. The U.S. Federal Services segment includes process solutions, program management, as well as system and software development, and maintenance services for various United States federal civilian programs. The Outside the U.S segment comprises of national, state, and county human services agencies with a variety of business process services, and related consulting services for welfare-to-work, child support, higher education institutions, and other human services programs. The company was founded by David V. Mastran in 1975 and is headquartered in Reston, VA. Read More Thomson Reuters Corporation provides business information services in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific. It operates in five segments: Legal Professionals, Corporates, Tax & Accounting Professionals, Reuters News, and Global Print. The Legal Professionals segment offers research and workflow products focusing on legal research and integrated legal workflow solutions that combine content, tools, and analytics to law firms and governments. The Corporates segment provides a suite of content-enabled technology solutions for legal, tax, regulatory, compliance, and IT professionals. The Tax & Accounting Professionals segment offers research and workflow products focusing on tax offerings and automating tax workflows to tax, accounting, and audit professionals in accounting firms. The Reuters News segment provides business, financial, national, and international news to professionals through desktop terminals, media organizations, and industry events, as well as directly to consumers. The Global Print segment offers legal and tax information primarily in print format to legal and tax professionals, governments, law schools, and corporations. The company was formerly known as The Thomson Corporation and changed its name to Thomson Reuters Corporation in April 2008. The company was founded in 1851 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Thomson Reuters Corporation is a subsidiary of The Woodbridge Company Limited. Read More CoreLogic, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides property information, insight, analytics, and data-enabled solutions in North America, Western Europe, and the Asia Pacific. The company operates in two segments, Property Intelligence & Risk Management Solutions (PIRM) and Underwriting & Workflow Solutions (UWS). The PIRM segment combines property information, mortgage information, and consumer information to deliver housing market and property-level insights, predictive analytics, and risk management capabilities. It also offers proprietary technology and software platforms to access, automate, or track the information and assist its clients with decision-making and compliance tools in the real estate and insurance industries. This segment primarily serves commercial banks, mortgage lenders and brokers, investment banks, fixed-income investors, real estate agents, MLS companies, property and casualty insurance companies, title insurance companies, government agencies, and government-sponsored enterprises. The UWS segment combines property, mortgage, and consumer information to provide comprehensive mortgage origination and monitoring solutions, including underwriting-related solutions, and data-enabled valuations and appraisals. This segment also provides proprietary technology and software platforms to access, automate, or track the information and assist its clients with vetting and onboarding prospects, and meeting compliance regulations, as well as understanding, evaluating, monitoring property values. It primarily serves mortgage lenders and servicers, mortgage brokers, credit unions, commercial banks, fixed-income investors, government agencies, and property and casualty insurance companies. The company was formerly known as The First American Corporation and changed its name to CoreLogic, Inc. in June 2010. CoreLogic, Inc. was incorporated in 1894 and is headquartered in Irvine, California. Read More The Free Trade Zone Manufacturers Association (FTZMA), one of the largest manufacturing associations in Sri Lankas largest free trade zone in Katunayake yesterday said the current political crisis is having implications on the future order books of its members. FTZMA membership is made up of mainly large multinational companies with principals from the US, UK, European Union and several other countries. The zone employs roughly 45,000 workers and has over 52 organizations which operate 80 plants within the zone. Since the crisis started on October 26, we have had many concerned inquiries from our customers and other stakeholders both local and international regarding the present political situation in the country. The image portrayed especially in the West has been extremely negative both in the print as well as digital media. Being one of the oldest democracies in the world, this has been debilitating and shameful especially some of the recent incidents that took place in parliament. This has had implications for most of the future order books of our members as well as the potential of losing GSP Plus for exports to the EU, FTZMA said in a brief statement. The industry association also said they were extremely disturbed and disappointed with the behaviour of all political parties in not reaching a consensus to the political flux. Hence, FTZMA urged the Sri Lankan political leadership who are at loggerheads to put the country first rather than their personal agendas. While it is important to preserve the sovereignty of our country, we must also accept the fact that we are operating on a global platform which is highly interconnected and transparent to our end customers and consumers. Upholding the constitution, law and order, consistent policy making, and political and economic stability are key to growing our businesses and attracting further FDIs, FTZMA added. The following companies are subsidiares of MetLife: 1001 PROPERTIES LLC, 10700 WILSHIRE LLC, 1201 TAB MANAGER LLC, 150 NORTH RIVERSIDE PE MEMBER LLC, 1925 WJC OWNER LLC, 23RD STREET INVESTMENTS INC., 500 GRANT STREET ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 500 GRANT STREET GP LLC, 60 11TH STREET LLC, 6104 HOLLYWOOD LLC, AFP GENESIS ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS Y FIDECOMISOS S.A., AFP PROVIDA S.A., AGENVITA S.R.L., ALICO EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LIMITED, ALICO HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ALICO OPERATIONS LLC, ALICO PROPERTIES INC., AMMETLIFE INSURANCE BERHAD, AMMETLIFE TAKAFUL BERHAD, American Life Insurance Company, BEST MARKET S.A., BIDV METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BLOCK VISION HOLDINGS CORPORATION, BLOCK VISION OF TEXAS INC., BORDERLAND INVESTMENTS LIMITED, BOULEVARD RESIDENTIAL LLC, BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER LLC, CC HOLDCO MANAGER LLC, CHESTNUT FLATS WIND LLC, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MASTER D, COMPANIA INVERSORA METLIFE S.A., CORPORATE REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC, COVA LIFE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, DAVIS VISION INC., DAVISVISION IPA INC., DELAWARE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, DES MOINES CREEK BUSINESS PARK PHASE II LLC, ECONOMY FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY, ECONOMY PREFERRED INSURANCE COMPANY, ECONOMY PREMIER ASSURANCE COMPANY, EURO CL INVESTMENTS LLC, EXCELENCIA OPERATIVA Y TECNOLOGICA S.A de C.V., FEDERAL FLOOD CERTIFICATION LLC, FORTISSIMO CO. LTD, FUNDACION METLIFE MEXICO A.C., GLOBAL PROPERTIES INC., General American Life Insurance Company, Grand Bank N.A., HASKELL EAST VILLAGE LLC, HIGH STREET SEVENTH AND OSBORN APARTMENTS LLC, HOUSING FUND MANAGER LLC, INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL AND ADVISORY SERVICES LIMITED, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO DOS LIMITADA, INVERSIONES METLIFE HOLDCO TRES LIMITADA, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY METLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LHC HOLDINGS, LHCW HOLDINGS, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING, LHCW HOTEL HOLDING LLC, LHCW HOTEL OPERATING COMPANY, LONG ISLAND SOLAR FARM LLC, LUMENLAB MALAYSIA SDN. BHD., Logan Circle Partners, MARKETPLACE RESIDENCES LLC, MAXIS GBN S.A.S., MC PORTFOLIO JV MEMBER LLC, MCJV LLC, MCMIF HOLDCO I LLC, MCMIF HOLDCO II LLC, MCP - WELLINGTON LLC, MCP 100 CONGRESS MEMBER LLC, MCP 1500 MICHAEL LLC, MCP 1900 MCKINNEY LLC, MCP 2 AMES LLC, MCP 2 AMES ONE LLC, MCP 2 AMES OWNER LLC, MCP 2 AMES TWO LLC, MCP 220 YORK LLC, MCP 22745 & 22755 RELOCATION DRIVE LLC, MCP 249 INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK MEMBER LLC, MCP 3040 POST OAK LLC, MCP 350 ROHLWING LLC, MCP 4600 SOUTH SYRACUSE LLC, MCP 550 WEST WASHINGTON LLC, MCP 60 11TH STREET MEMBER LLC, MCP 7 RIVERWAY LLC, MCP 9020 MURPHY ROAD LLC, MCP 93 RED RIVER MEMBER LLC, MCP ALLEY 24 EAST LLC, MCP ASHTON SOUTH END LLC, MCP BLOCK 23 MEMBER LLC, MCP BRADFORD LLC, MCP BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER 2 MEMBER LLC, MCP BUFORD LOGISTICS CENTER BLDG B LLC, MCP BURNSIDE MEMBER LLC, MCP CENTER AVENUE INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, MCP CLAWITER INNOVATION MEMBER LLC, MCP COMMON DESK TRS LLC, MCP DENVER PAVILIONS MEMBER LLC, MCP DILLON LLC, MCP DILLON RESIDENTIAL LLC, MCP ENV CHICAGO LLC, MCP FIFE ENTERPRISE CENTER LLC, MCP FRISCO OFFICE LLC, MCP GRAPEVINE LLC, MCP HIGHLAND PARK LENDER LLC, MCP HUB I LLC, MCP HUB I PROPERTY LLC, MCP LODGE AT LAKECREST LLC, MCP MA PROPERTY REIT LLC, MCP MAGNOLIA PARK MEMBER LLC, MCP MAIN STREET VILLAGE LLC, MCP MOUNTAIN TECHNOLOGY CENTER MEMBER TRS LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS HOLDCO LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS MASTER LESSEE LLC, MCP NORTHYARDS OWNER LLC, MCP ONE WESTSIDE LLC, MCP ONYX LLC, MCP PARAGON POINT LLC, MCP PLAZA AT LEGACY LLC, MCP PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC, MCP SEATTLE GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL I LLC, MCP SEATTLE GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL II LLC, MCP SEVENTH AND OSBORNE MF MEMBER LLC, MCP SEVENTH AND OSBORNE RETAIL MEMBER LLC, MCP SHAKOPEE LLC, MCP SLEEPY HOLLOW MEMBER LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL ANAHEIM LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL BERNARDO LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL CANYON LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL CONCOURSE LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL FULLERTON LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL KELLWO00OD LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL LAX LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL LOKER LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL REDONDO LLC, MCP SOCAL INDUSTRIAL SPRINGDALE LLC, MCP STATELINE LLC, MCP THE PALMS AT DORAL LLC, MCP TRIMBLE CAMPUS LLC, MCP UNION ROW LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE ONE LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE OWNER LLC, MCP VALLEY FORGE TWO LLC, MCP VANCE JACKSON LLC, MCP VINEYARD AVENUE MEMBER LLC, MCP VOA HOLDINGS LLC, MCP VOA I & III LLC, MCP VOA II LLC, MCP WATERFORD ATRIUM LLC, MCP WEST BROAD MARKETPLACE LLC, MCP ENGLISH VILLAGE LLC, MCPF ACQUISITION LLC, MCPF FOXBOROUGH LLC, MCPF NEEDHAM LLC, MCPP OWNERS LLC, MCRE BLOCK 40 LP, MEC HEALTH CARE INC., MET 1065 HOTEL LLC, MET CANADA SOLAR ULC, METLIFE 1007 STEWART LLC, METLIFE 1201 TAB MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MANAGER LLC, METLIFE 425 MKT MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 555 12TH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE 8280 MEMBER LLC, METLIFE ACOMA OWNER LLC, METLIFE ADMINISTRADORA DE FUNDOS MULTIPATROCINADOS LTDA., METLIFE ALTERNATIVES GP LLC, METLIFE ASHTON AUSTIN OWNER LLC, METLIFE ASIA HOLDING COMPANY PTE. LTD., METLIFE ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE ASIA SERVICES SDN. BHD, METLIFE ASSET MANAGEMENT CORP., METLIFE ASSIGNMENT COMPANY INC., METLIFE AUTO & HOME INSURANCE AGENCY INC., METLIFE BL FEEDER, METLIFE BL FEEDER LP, METLIFE BORO STATION MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CABO HILTON MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAMINO RAMON MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CAPITAL CREDIT L.P., METLIFE CAPITAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, METLIFE CAPITAL TRUST IV, METLIFE CB W/A LLC, METLIFE CC MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CHILE ADMINISTRADORA DE MUTUOS HIPOTECARIOS S.A., METLIFE CHILE INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A., METLIFE CHILE SEGUROS GENERALES S.A., METLIFE CHINO MEMBER LLC, METLIFE COLOMBIA SEGUROS de VIDA S.A., METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE INCOME FUND GP LLC, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE INCOME FUND LP, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR LLC, METLIFE COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE REIT LLC, METLIFE CONSQUARE MEMBER LLC, METLIFE CONSUMER SERVICES INC., METLIFE CORE PROPERTY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY FUND LP, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY REIT LLC, METLIFE CORE PROPERTY TRS. LLC, METLIFE CREDIT CORP., METLIFE DIGITAL VENTURES INC., METLIFE EMEKLILIK VE HAYAT A.S., METLIFE EMERGING MARKET DEBT BLEND FUND, METLIFE EU HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE INSURANCE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPE SERVICES LIMITED, METLIFE EUROPE d.a.c., METLIFE EUROPEAN HOLDINGS LLC., METLIFE FINANCIAL SERVICES CO. LTD, METLIFE FM HOTEL MEMBER LLC, METLIFE FUNDING INC., METLIFE GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE GLOBAL BENEFITS LTD., METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY I GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDING COMPANY II GMBH, METLIFE GLOBAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION S.A. De C.V., METLIFE GLOBAL INC., METLIFE GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER PRIVATE LIMITED, METLIFE GROUP INC., METLIFE HCMJV 1 GP LLC, METLIFE HCMJV 1 LP LLC, METLIFE HEALTH PLANS INC., METLIFE HOLDINGS INC., METLIFE HOME LOANS LLC, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE LIMITED, METLIFE INNOVATION CENTRE PTE. LTD., METLIFE INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT TRUST, METLIFE INSURANCE BROKERAGE INC., METLIFE INSURANCE K.K., METLIFE INSURANCE LIMITED, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HF PARTNERS LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED LLC, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND I LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND II LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND III LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND IV LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND V LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VI LP, METLIFE INTERNATIONAL PE FUND VII LP, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT HOLDINGS LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE INVESTMENTS ASIA LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED, METLIFE INVESTMENTS SECURITIES LLC, METLIFE INVESTORS DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, METLIFE INVESTORS GROUP LLC, METLIFE IRELAND TREASURY D.A.C., METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND GP LLC, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY FUND LP, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS, METLIFE JAPAN US EQUITY OWNERS LLC, METLIFE LATIN AMERICA ASESORIAS E INVERSIONES LIMITADA, METLIFE LEGAL PLANS INC., METLIFE LEGAL PLANS OF FLORIDA INC., METLIFE LHH MEMBER LLC, METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE S.A., METLIFE LOAN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, METLIFE MAS S.A. 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DE C.V., ML CERRITOS TC MEMBER LLC, ML CLAL MEMBER LLC, ML DOLPHIN GP LLC, ML DOLPHIN MEZZ LLC, ML MATSON MILLS MEMBER LLC, ML MILILANI MEMBER LLC, ML ONE BEDMINSTER LLC, ML PORT CHESTER SC MEMBER LLC, ML SENTINEL SQUARE MEMBER LLC, ML SLOANS LAKE MEMEBR LLC, ML SOUTHLANDS MEMBER LLC, ML SOUTHMORE LLC, ML SWAN GP LLC, ML SWAN MEZZ LLC, ML TERRACES LLC, ML THIRD ARMY INDUSTRIAL MEMBER LLC, ML VENTURE 1 MANAGER S. DE R. L. DE C.V., ML VENTURE 1 SERVICER LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 1 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 2 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 3 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 4 LLC, ML-AI METLIFE MEMBER 5 LLC, MLIA MANAGER I LLC, MLIA PARK TOWER MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF COLONY MANAGER LLC, MLIA SBAF MANAGER LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS II LLC, MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS LLC, MLIC CB HOLDINGS LLC, MLJ US FEEDER LLC, MM GLOBAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER S.A. 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LTD., SOUTHCREEK INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS LLC, ST. JAMES FLEET INVESTMENTS TWO LIMITED, SUPERIOR PROCUREMENT INC, SUPERIOR VISION BENEFIT MANAGEMENT INC., SUPERIOR VISION HOLDINGS INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE INC., SUPERIOR VISION INSURANCE PLAN OF WISCONSIN INC., SUPERIOR VISION OF NEW JERSEY INC., SUPERIOR VISION SERVICES INC., Safeguard Health Enterprises, Security First Group Inc., THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH AVENUE MEZZANINE LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL HOLDING LLC, THE BUILDING AT 575 FIFTH RETAIL OWNER, THE DIRECT CALL CENTRE PTY LIMITED, TRANSMOUNTAIN LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY, UVC INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ASSOCIATION INC., VERSANT HEALTH CONSOLIDATIONS CORP., VERSANT HEALTH HOLDCO INC., VERSANT HEALTH LAB LLC, VIRIDIAN MIRACLE MILE LLC, VISION 21 MANAGED EYE CARE OF TAMPA BAY, VISION 21 PHYSICIAN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, VISION TWENTY-ONE MANAGED EYE CARE IPA INC., Versant Health, WDV ACQUISITION CORP., WFP 1000 HOLDING COMPANY GP LLC, WHITE OAK ROYALTY COMPANY, and WHITE TRACT II LLC. The following companies are subsidiares of Lithia Motors: 797 Valley Street LLC, Albany CJD Fiat, Baierl Auto Group, Baierl Auto Parts LLC, Baierl Automotive Corporation, Baierl Chevrolet Inc., Baierl Holding LLC, Broadway Ford, Buhler Ford Inc, Cadillac of Portland Lloyd Center LLC, Camp Automotive Inc., Carbone Auto Body LLC, Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat of Morgantown, Cranberry Automotive Inc., Crater Lake Ford Lincoln, Crater Lake Mazda, DCH (Oxnard) Inc., DCH Auto Group, DCH Bloomfield LLC, DCH CA LLC, DCH Calabasas-A LLC, DCH California Investments LLC, DCH California Motors Inc., DCH DMS NJ LLC, DCH Del Norte Inc., DCH Essex Inc., DCH Financial NJ LLC, DCH Freehold - V LLC, DCH Freehold LLC, DCH Holdings LLC, DCH Investments Inc. (New Jersey), DCH Investments Inc. 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William Lyon Homes (NYSE:WLH) released its earnings results on Wednesday, November, 6th. The construction company reported $0.37 EPS for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.30 by $0.07. The construction company earned $466.90 million during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $487.15 million. William Lyon Homes had a net margin of 3.04% and a trailing twelve-month return on equity of 6.98%. The business's quarterly revenue was down 12.7% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business earned $0.68 EPS. View William Lyon Homes' earnings history. There is not enough analysis data for CNOOC. 4.0 Community Rank Outperform Votes CNOOC has received 306 outperform votes. (Add your outperform vote.) Underperform Votes CNOOC has received 206 underperform votes. (Add your underperform vote.) Community Sentiment CNOOC has received 59.77% outperform votes from our community. MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about CNOOC and other stocks. Vote Outperform if you believe CEO will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote Underperform if you believe CEO will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days. Previous Next To be held at the Jasmine Hall, BMICH on 13th December at 6p.m. Across the world, species, particularly species rich in ecosystems are being replaced by less complex landscapes due to human impacts in the Anthropocene. There is now a great urgency to document and conserve the biota of the world in order to establish baseline data for understanding patterns of change and resilience in the environment at both regional and global scales. Cryptogams, including lichens are more often ignored and unacknowledged, although they play a vital role in the ecosystem. Lichens are self-contained miniature ecosystems and behave as good farmers in the nature. It is estimated that 6% of the Earths land surface is covered by lichens. There are about 20,000 known species of lichens. Some lichens have lost the ability to reproduce sexually, but nevertheless continue to speciate. Gothamie Weerakoon, Senior Curator of Lichens and Slime Moulds at the Natural History Museum of London Her research interests are focused on the taxonomy and ecology of tropical lichens, bio-indication and conservation of lichenised fungi in endangered habitats. Her responsibility as the Senior Curator of British, General and Historical herbaria is to manage and develop one of the worlds largest lichen collections, lichenicolous fungi and slime moulds with approx. 450,000 specimens. She has spent much time in the field in South and South East Asia observing lichens in their native habitats and described more than 75 new lichen species, mostly in Graphidaceae from the Old World tropics. Lichens are found growing almost everywhere in the world from sea level to high alpine elevations, in many environmental conditions, and can grow on virtually any surface including man-made structures - glass, tiles, fibre, rubber, concrete etc. Longest living lichens recorded from Arctic and Antarctic continents which are over 3000 years old are considered to be among the oldest living organisms. Lichens play a vital role as bio-indicators of air pollution, ozone depletion, metal contamination and climate change since they are extremely sensitive to environmental changes. Although it goes unnoticed, many animals including humans depend on lichens - mimicry, to capture food, bedding and housing, dyes, antibiotics, perfumes, tea, flavouring agents etc. Tropical regions in the world are the hot spots for lichens. During the last 5 years over 80 new species were discovered in Sri Lanka. For lichen family Graphidaceae, Sri Lanka has been identified as the worlds hot spot. However, these fascinating organisms have not received due attention. Most of the lichens are exclusively found in specific habitats in the country and are point endemics. There is an urge to identify these organisms and conserve in their natural habitats. The WNPS Public Lecture is open to all members and non-members. Free Entrance. The current Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo -- with 426 total cases, including 245 deaths -- is now the second largest and second deadliest in history, according to Thursday's report from the nation's Ministry of Health. A 2000-01 outbreak in Uganda included 425 cases and caused 224 deaths, according to the World Health Organization. The deadliest outbreak occurred in West Africa in 2014, when the disease killed more than 11,000 people. Accidents, disasters and safety Africa Central Africa Communicable disease control Continents and regions Democratic Republic of Congo Disaster relief Diseases and disorders Ebola Epidemics and outbreaks Health and medical Infectious diseases Non-profit and NGO organizations Public health Vaccination and immunization World Health Organization "This is a milestone nobody wanted to hit," WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic wrote in an email. On average, Ebola -- which causes fever, severe headache and in some cases hemorrhaging -- kills about half of those infected, but case fatality rates in individual outbreaks have varied. The latest outbreak in Congo, which began in August, has a case fatality rate of 57%. Of the total cases, 379 have been confirmed, and 47 are probable, according to the ministry. An additional 87 suspected cases are under investigation. On a positive note, 126 patients have recovered, the ministry said. This is the 10th outbreak since 1976 in Congo, where the virus is endemic, and the second this year. North Kivu province, which includes the cities Beni, Kalunguta and Mabalako, remains the epicenter of the outbreak, though cases have been reported in neighboring Ituri province, according to WHO. The two provinces are among the most populated in the nation and border Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan. "The risk of the outbreak spreading to other provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as to neighbouring countries, remains very high," WHO said in a statement Thursday. However, there have been no confirmed cases in Congo's neighbors, Jasarevic said. "All neighboring countries have implemented heightened surveillance and are detecting and investigating alerts and suspected Ebola cases." Cases continue to mushroom Recent spread of the infection to people in Butembo, a city that's home to 1.2 million, "raised concerns," wrote Lawrence O. Gostin, a professor and faculty director of the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown Law, and his co-authors in an editorial published online Thursday in the medical journal JAMA. Seeing "gaps in the response," Gostin and his co-authors recommend that the United States and allies "mobilize high-level political attention and resources for the Ebola response" and "develop a plan to deploy public health personnel to North Kivu." In October, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention personnel who had been stationed in Congo had been pulled back from the worst affected areas due to safety concerns, a US government official familiar with the situation said at the time. Not only is North Kivu experiencing spread of deadly Ebola, but long-term conflict smolders there, with 50 armed groups causing intermittent violence, according to WHO. A senior White House official confirmed this month that US government personnel who had been working on the ground in Beni had been evacuated to other parts of Congo due to safety concerns. The official said that the situation is being evaluated constantly and that in the meantime, the US continues to provide technical and financial assistance to contain the outbreak. Jasarevic described the overall environment as "complex and challenging." "On Friday, 16 November, a second attack in one week occurred in Beni," he reported. "UN peacekeepers and government forces engaged with rebel forces. By Sunday, November 18 all activities in Beni were re-launched, including vaccination." Jasarevic says the response in areas outside Beni has not been affected by conflict, but WHO estimates that more than a million refugees and internally displaced people are traveling through and out of North Kivu and Ituri, and this movement is a potential risk factor for the spread of Ebola. Despite such risks and safety concerns, Congo's response effort has been robust. The Ministry of Health has 900 people active in the response, according to Jasarevic, and of these, 85% are from the local area. Additionally, WHO has deployed 300 of its own staff to the region. The latest minstry report indicates that 37,559 people have received an experimental vaccine in a campaign that began August 8. "This includes over 11,100 health and frontline workers, and 9,300 children," Jasarevic said. The experimental rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine, made by pharmaceutical company Merck, proved highly protective against the deadly virus in a major trial in Guinea, according to WHO. Gostin and his co-authors are doubtful. "Despite deploying an experimental vaccine, cases doubled in October 2018," they wrote. More generally, they believe that the overall response, which also includes contact tracing and investigational treatments, may not be adequate. 'Cascading transmission' of the disease "Of 137 confirmed cases between October 28 and November 26, only 19 were found through contact tracing, 32 were on contact lists but lost to follow-up, and 83 (61%) had no known links to confirmed cases," Gostin and his co-authors wrote. "These data suggest contact tracing and vaccination have not prevented cascading transmission." Gostin also believes that "community distrust is deep after decades-long humanitarian crises, impeding information-sharing and cooperation." They note that WHO and UN pledged enhanced security operations this month, "yet lethal attacks have persisted." Nora Love, field director for the International Rescue Committee's operations in the region, offers a more nuanced view. From mid-September through the end of last week, the nonprofit humanitarian group has trained over 730 health care workers who staff the dozens of health care facilities between the group's two field offices in Beni and Butembo. "It's a very lush green area that rains every day, and the temperatures are pretty nice, but it's definitely a city at the edge of a country, and you can see that it also has been under conflict. There's definitely a tension within the communities here," Love said. "You know that you're in a conflict area. There's always some sort of insecurity happening every single day." Despite this, she does not feel "unwelcome here from the community," she said, and she does not feel under threat because she works within health facilities, "which are a little bit more isolated than going to a village." Getting ahead of an infectious disease "The people who are doing the safe burials have been the most exposed and the most vulnerable because people are very emotional after they lost a loved one," Love said. "And the protocols for safe burial are different than the traditional burials here, and that causes some distress within the community." Traditional burials involve touching the body of the deceased. To prevent spread of the infectious disease, safe burials require protective equipment and sanitizing the family's environment. Still, Love has witnessed "violent reactions" at hospitals and health facilities when deaths occur. Patients have been forcefully removed from the hospital by their loved ones, she said. "Last week, they went to a hospital when somebody died, and they did vandalism and burned some things," Love said. "Luckily, so far, no health workers have been harmed by this, but there's always a watching and being aware that it could flare up." Violence is not the only challenge, as Beni has recently experienced a "significant increase" in the number of malaria cases, according to a recent report from the Ministry of Health. Love's main frustration has been the difficulty of getting "ahead of things. Just when we feel we've made strides in one location, then the outbreak has moved somewhere else," she said. As a result, her organization has been exploring new strategies to see whether it can become more flexible and more rapid in its response. Meanwhile, the larger response persists. Health care workers continue with vaccination efforts as WHO along with Congo conducts its first randomized control trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the experimental drugs offered under "compassionate use" to treat Ebola patients. WHO said it remains "focused on the ongoing containment efforts to end the outbreak" and recommends that neighboring provinces and countries "enhance surveillance and preparedness activities." "We want to make sure that the international community does have its eyes on it and not just the UN," Love said. Jasarevic remains hopeful: "We are confident that working together with all our partners, we can and will end it." Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker said Thursday he was working with senators from both parties to try to cut a deal to formally rebuke Saudi Arabia over its role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the latest sign that Republicans want to go further than President Donald Trump in responding to the actions of a key US ally. Corker's announcement came hours after Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said that the CIA has now agreed to brief him on Khashoggi, following outrage from both sides of the aisle that Wednesday's Saudi and Yemen briefing on Capitol Hill did not include the Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency Government and public administration Government bodies and offices Government departments and authorities Government organizations - US Intelligence services International relations and national security Jamal Khashoggi Lindsey Graham Misc people National security Political Figures - US Politics US Congress US federal departments and agencies US federal government US government independent agencies US intelligence agencies US Senate Bob Corker Chris Coons Continents and regions Donald Trump Legislation Middle East Middle East and North Africa Saudi Arabia White House Yemen Corker, a Tennessee Republican who's retiring at the end of his term in January, told CNN his hope is to reach a broad bipartisan deal that will piece together various senators' proposals taking aim at the Saudi kingdom. Then, he said, he hopes to use the new deal as a substitute for a resolution moving through the Senate that would end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. "We are working on an amendment that would strike what's on the floor and more fully express ourselves as to what our policy should be towards Saudi Arabia," Corker said. Exactly what that language entails -- and whether it would seek to end the US role in Yemen or seek to impose sanctions on the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman -- remains to be seen. "I think it would have teeth," Corker said of the developing plan, which he said he hoped would be on the floor Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who co-authored the bipartisan Yemen resolution, said he's open to considering a small number of amendments to his plan, but was worried too many changes could weaken the proposal. "There are strike-all amendments that would be too weak for me to support and I imagine the other cosponsors to support," Murphy said. "But listen, I get it. We're super out of practice in legislating, so all of this sounds absolutely fantastical, the idea that we might have to make tough decisions about what amendments to support, whether it's worth compromising the underlying bill, but this is legislating. This is what the Senate is supposed to do. So let's get into it." The Senate on Wednesday rebuked the Trump administration by agreeing to discharge the Yemen resolution from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and send it to the Senate floor, setting up high-stakes votes next week. Senators from both parties -- including Graham, one of Trump's most vocal allies -- seemed furious after a closed-door briefing with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who defended the administration's response to Khashoggi's murder, saying after the briefing there was "no direct reporting" that connected bin Salman to the killing. Graham said Thursday that he's been told that the separate CIA briefing on Saudi is now going to happen, expecting it to take place next week and after that the South Carolina Republican will decide how hard to go after the Saudis. "The CIA called and that's good," Graham said. "They said they are going to brief me, and I said appreciate it." At this point Graham said he believes the briefing is just for him, but he "hopes" that others can get a briefing if they want it, saying, "I would recommend they brief the entire Senate." After speaking with the White House on Wednesday, Sen. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says he believes there is potential for a CIA briefing next week for all Senators on Khashoggi. Coons said there has been no firm commitment yet. "I haven't heard directly from the anyone in the White House with a commitment that we will be briefed by the CIA Director but I think the message was heard clearly and my expectation is that they'll now reconsider their options," Coons said. "My hope is that we'll get a full briefing from Gina Haspel next week." Coons also spoke with the director of White House Legislative Affairs on Wednesday and told her that the previous briefing, without senators hearing from the CIA, was a "genuine mistake." The CIA commented Wednesday after the briefing to say that the agency had already briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee. "While Director Haspel did not attend today's Yemen policy briefing, the Agency has already briefed the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Congressional leadership on the totality of the compartmented, classified intelligence and will continue to provide updates on this important matter to policymakers and Congress. The notion that anyone told Director Haspel not to attend today's briefing is false," according to the statement from CIA Press Secretary Timothy Barrett. Richard Branson says Virgin Galactic is on the verge of a major achievement: It will send astronauts into space by Christmas. The billionaire entrepreneur told CNN Business' Rachel Crane this week he is "pretty confident" his space tourism venture can achieve its milestone by the end of the year. "We have a brilliant group of astronauts who literally believe 100% in the project, and give it their everything," he said. The first few trips to space will be flown by test pilots without anyone else on board. Branson says he will be the first passenger. Eventually, paying tourists will also make the trip. "I'm not allowed up until the [test pilots] have broken it in a few times, first," he said. "I would love to have gone on this very [first] flight, but [pilots] are incredibly brave people." SpaceShipTwo, Galactic's rocket-powered plane, will fly into space after it detaches from beneath the wing of a mothership. It has been thoroughly tested on the ground and at lower altitudes, Branson said. But, the first few flights to space will be "the dangerous ones." The pilots will fly the space plane at at 2,300 miles per hour, accelerating to top speed in about eight seconds, Branson said. Earlier this year, the company resumed powered test flights of the rebuilt SpaceShipTwo, named VSS Unity. The latest test in July sent the craft to a peak altitude of 32.3 miles. The goal is to send VSS Unity more than 50 miles above Earth, high enough to earn passengers astronaut wings from the US government. If Virgin Galactic reaches space before the year is done, it'll put Branson's venture ahead of its direct competitor, Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin. Founded in 2000, Blue Origin also plans to offer paying customers suborbital flights. Galactic could also beat Elon Musk's SpaceX which has a booming business making unmanned trips to orbit and is gearing up to fly astronauts to the International Space Station next year. "Safety's all that matters if you're putting people into space," he said. "So none of us will race to be the first." But, he added, "Virgin Galactic will be the first." "Elon's done extraordinary things. We hope to do extraordinary things. Jeff, I'm sure, will do extraordinary things," Branson said. "The demand for space travel, whether it's satellites, putting people into space, is enormous...So, exciting times ahead." The design and flight control systems of SpaceShipTwo were overhauled following a 2014 test flight crash that killed a co-pilot. Branson has said the accident made him question whether to continue pursuing his riskiest business venture. But the company said it received an outpouring of support, including from customers who had reserved $200,000 to $250,000 tickets to one day ride in SpaceShipTwo. Hundreds of people are still lined up for a shot. The flight will offer tourists a few minutes of weightlessness and views of Earth's curved horizon. It's not clear when Virgin Galactic will be fully operational. Branson is known to set deadlines that aren't met. Virgin Galactic has been developing SpaceShipTwo since 2004, and Branson initially said commercial rides would begin in 2007. Eleven years later, the firm is still working on getting its 600 customers into space. "Space is difficult. Rocket science is rocket science," Branson said. "I obviously would love to prove our critics wrong, and I'm reasonably confident that before Christmas, we will do so. I think once we're in space, we'll obviously need to do a number of other test flights before I go up, and then before we start putting the ... astronauts who signed up to go into space with us." Correction: An earlier version of the story incorrectly stated the speed of SpaceShipTwo and the number of customers Virgin has lined up for travel. The UK has exceeded UN targets for HIV diagnosis and treatment, proving efforts to control the epidemic can work. The number of people newly diagnosed with the infection fell by 17%, from 5,280 in 2016 to 4,363 in 2017. An estimated 92% of the of 102,000 people living with HIV in Britain have been diagnosed, according to Public Health England (PHE). Of those, 98% are on treatment, and 97% of those on treatment are virally suppressed, meaning HIV is undetectable in their blood. The figures make the UK one of the first countries to reach the UN's 90-90-90 targets, which urge countries to achieve a 90% success rate in the diagnosis, treatment and viral suppression of HIV, the health body says. "Many of us will remember a time when an HIV positive result was effectively a death sentence. Today's report is a poignant and powerful reminder of how far we've come," UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in a statement. "Now in the UK, almost everyone with HIV is not only diagnosed and in treatment but living long, healthy lives -- and we're one of just a handful of countries to meet these ambitious UN targets." The UK figures contrast sharply with the alarming findings of a report published earlier this week, which found "disproportionately higher" rates of HIV diagnoses in Eastern Europe than in the West. The improved results in the UK were put down to increased HIV testing, higher rates of condom use and a reduction in the time between diagnosis and starting treatment. The availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is also thought to have had an impact. PrEP involves the use daily pills -- usually antiretroviral drugs -- to reduce the risk of contracting HIV through sex, and has been shown to be up to 90% effective, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But more can be done -- an estimated 43% of new HIV diagnoses in 2017 were made at a late stage of infection, the UK figures showed. "There can be no doubt prevention efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the UK are working," said Professor Noel Gill, Head of STIs & HIV at Public Health England. "Our efforts must continue apace in order to eliminate HIV. With an estimated 8,000 people still unaware of their infection it is vital that people seek out an HIV test if they consider themselves at risk, or accept the offer of an HIV test by a healthcare professional, as early diagnosis is key to stopping transmission." The UK results represent a "great achievement," said Sarah Fidler, professor of HIV and communicable diseases at Imperial College London, who was not involved with the report. She praised the work of British health agencies, which have "harnessed resources, media, advocacy and messaging around HIV testing." "The challenge we now face is how to ensure we can sustain these services in the UK," Fidler added. "If we are to maintain the momentum, we cannot afford complacency. Any reduction in HIV prevention or the care of patients with HIV threatens these amazing achievements." Around 39 million people were living with HIV/AIDS worldwide in 2017, according to UNAIDS, the United Nations program that sets international targets. Globally, about 75% of people living with HIV/AIDs were diagnosed, the group says. UTICA, N.Y. -- Local and state leaders are working together to encourage more people to participate in the United States Census. Thursday dozens of local officials met to discuss the upcoming 2020 census and the steps they can take to make sure everyone participates. The census happens every 10 years and is used to learn more about trends and people living in a particular area. The information is then used to help with funding for local infrastructure, education, health care, economic development and community service programs. This roundtable discussion is used to familiarize the area with the impact of the census and brainstorm strategies to ensure an accurate count. It drives federal participation in programs because it's a lot of data, so we can understand our communities. And it has to do with congressional allocation appropriation, the number of congressmen estate is determined by the population, said Deputy Secretary of State Mark Pattison. Census forms will start being delivered in March. GERMAN FLATTS, N.Y. -- FEMA officials and the New York State Department of Conservation are helping residents in Herkimer County learn more about their risk for flooding. Flooding is an ongoing issue in Herkimer county. FEMA held a public meeting in German Flatts to discuss a flood plain map proposal. Mohawk resident Donald Meeker says his home has been impacted by flooding in the past. "Our house was literally surrounded like an island, Meeker said. So, it was kind of scary. Really loud, and we couldn't even evacuate because there was so much water surrounding us." Local, state, and federal officials want residents to know if they live in the flood zone, and learn about potential changes to flood insurance rates. "Probably a small, small percentage is going to find themselves outside of the floodplain, but probably more likely there's more properties that are in the flood plain listing now than there was in the past," said German Flatts Town Supervisor Peter Rovazzi. Flood insurance rates could increase for people whose homes are not up to code with flooding regulations. Next FEMA will begin preparing for their 90-day appeal period that starts in February. The appeal period is a chance for residents to send in any technical concerns about the flood plain maps that they want FEMA to review. You can check FEMAs website to see if your home is in the flood zone. NEW BERLIN, N.Y. -- Love animals and want to help during this holiday season? Believe it or not, shelters across the Mohawk Valley will readily accept donations beyond just money. A Mohawk Valley veterinary agency is trying to help collect items that shelters run out of, and need readily throughout the year. You can drop donations off at these locations: Leatherstocking Veterinary Services, 117 County Highway 17, New Berlin, N.Y. 13411 New Berlin Veterinary Clinic, 5094 State Highway 8, New Berlin, N.Y. 13411 Pittsfield Veterinary Clinic, 1033 State Highway 80, Edmeston, N.Y. 13335 Heritage Veterinary Clinic, 4 Heritage Drive, Cooperstown, N.Y. 13326 Marcy Veterinary Clinic, 9225 River Road, Marcy, N.Y. 13403 Leatherstocking Veterinary Group is collecting donations that can be dropped off to their clinic through the month of December. They say any donation, big or small, will help a local pet in need this holiday season. Items they are looking to collect: 1. Pet food and treats 2. Towels and blankets 3. Kitty litter and cat boxes 4. Puppy or kitten formula and nursing bottles 5. Newspaper 6. Collars, leashes and harnesses 7. Grooming supplies 8. Toys 9. Crates and carriers 10. Paper towels and cleaning supplies 11. Hand wash and hand sanitizer 12. Laundry detergent, fabric softener and bleach 13. Dog and cat beds 14. Flea and tick treatment 15. Heating pads 16. Copy paper, pens, pencils, post-it notes and staples 17. Garbage bags, mops, brooms, and sponges 18. Food bowls or livestock water buckets 19. Rubber and latex gloves 20. Plastic shopping bags Spring Farm Cares Animal and Nature Sanctuary is specifically requesting: Horse Cosequin, applesauce, pitch forks, Jolly Balls, Himalayan salt on a rope, children's books about animals, and fly masks. Shelter the donations will be distributed to: Leatherstocking Veterinary Services will be accepting donations for Spring Farm Cares Animal and Nature Sanctuary, located in Clinton, NY. New Berlin Veterinary Clinic will be collecting donations for the Chenango SPCA,located in Norwich, N.Y. Pittsfield Veterinary Clinic will be gathering donations for Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans,Oneonta, N.Y. Heritage Veterinary Clinic donations will benefit the Susquehanna SPCA,Cooperstown, N.Y. Marcy Veterinary Clinic donations will go directly to Stevens-Swan Humane Society, Utica, N.Y. and Spring Farm Cares Animal and Nature Sanctuary, Clinton, N.Y. ILION, N.Y. Ilions mayor is warning residents about elevated lead levels in the villages water, but only those with older homes built prior to 1950 need to be concerned. The mayor said residents will receive a notice in the mail, letting them know to run their water for 10 to 15 seconds before drinking in order to purge the system. During the months of August through October, the health department tested water samples in about 20 resident's homes. These samples showed just above the acceptable level for lead and copper. It did show that there was lead in the water in the places they tested, Mayor Brian Lamica said. It was just above what is allowed, so its not like its off the charts. Its not like its a big issue that people have to really worry about." Officials said the lead isn't from the water supply, instead it is from the laterals that lead to these homes. "What I have proposed to our village board is that those residents that are affected, that the village work with them to replace the lateral line which is the homeowners responsibly," Lamica said. If the village helps with these replacements, the cost to the homeowner would be around $400 to $500, rather than $4,000 if they did it on their own with private contractors. No formal solution has been announced as of yet. SIDNEY, N.Y. -- A Hartwick man was arrested this week, accused of making methamphetamine in a New Lisbon home. According to the Otsego County Sheriffs Office, Anthony J. Pagillo, 32, was arrested Wednesday after deputies received a complaint from a homeowner in New Lisbon. The homeowner told deputies that the suspect, who had been living in a bedroom in the home, may have had drug paraphernalia in his bedroom. Deputies responded to the home on Nov. 26 and found chemicals and equipment used to make meth in the suspects bedroom. A search warrant was obtained, and the New York State Police Contaminated Crime Scene Emergency Response Team (CCSERT) was called to help with the collection of evidence. CCSERT agents found several items in the bedroom including pseudoephedrine, reagents, solvents, and equipment used to make meth. The suspect was not at the home when the search warrant was executed. Pagillo was found and arrested Wednesday in the village of Sidney, and charged with one felony count of unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine. He is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 4 at 4 p.m. Worchester, N.Y. - Otsego County Sheriff Richard Devlin is urging people to check in on their elderly parents' finances more regularly after he says a 91-year-old Worchester man was bilked out of more than $11,000 over a two year period by his caregiver. Devlin says over the last two years, 31-year-old Stephanie Shulgay had been taking cash advances on the man and his wife's bank account by using their credit and debit cards. He says Shulgay was a home health care aid for the 91-year-old man and his wife before her passing in April. She was a trusted next door neighbor. Shulgay also is alleged to have used the stolen money to gamble at local casinos as well as to pay some of her personal bills and some of the bills of her elderly uncle. The New York State Department of Financial Services was called in to investigate and Devlin says Shulgay turned herself in on Thursday. She was arraigned in the Town of Worcester Court by Judge William Fisher on one count of grand larceny and was released on her own recognizance. She is scheduled to reappear in court on December 4th. We did knock on Shulgay's door on Friday, but no one answered. Devlin says this case is disheartening, "This is becoming a large problem nationwide with the elderly being victimized, whether it's through phone solicitation or other means. They usually have limited finances to start with and having trouble meeting needs and then to have someone do this, is just horrible." Devlin urges anyone who hires someone to care for their aging parents, make sure to not have them care for their parents' finances, "Certainly not to let any one person have control of the finances. Theres powers of attorney, theres different things that can be done, theres financial services available, but some people cant afford those, theres an additional cost. Certainly in any case there should be some checks and balances, even if its just a person reviewing the expenses and where the money's going." Devlin says Shulgay was certified by a local health care agency, "They had her vetted and certified and it still happened. So even when you take necessary precautions, it still happens. So people need to be aware of those things and like I said, a set of checks and balances, spot checking the expenses just to make sure that the person is being taken care of properly." World leaders are set to open a two-day Group of 20 summit in Argentina on Friday, with global trade concerns set to dominate, while the flare up in Russia-Ukraine tensions and the fallout from the murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi are also likely to feature. While there have been some signs that Chinese and US delegations could reach a ceasefire on trade, there are growing worries that President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping will not be able to make a breakthrough at their highly-anticipated meeting at the summit. Before departing Washington on Thursday, Trump said he was very close to reaching a deal with China but added I dont know that I want to do it because what we have right now is billions and billions of dollars coming into the United States in the form of tariffs or taxes. Trump said China wants to make a deal, and was open to one, but said he liked the deal we have right now. The US began hiking tariffs on Chinese goods earlier this year and Beijing has responded in a tit-for-tat fashion, sparking tensions that a full trade war could erupt. Trump has already threatened to further increase tariffs on some 200 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods. Ottawa meanwhile confirmed the new trade deal between Canada, the US and Mexico would be signed in Buenos Aires on Friday. However the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will still need ratification from each countrys legislative body. Following the G7 summit in Canada in June, Trump triggered a war of words with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling him dishonest, and withdrawing support for a joint G7 communique, after the Canadian leader vowed retaliation for US tariffs on steel and aluminium. Buenos Aires (dpa), Nov 30, 2018 NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. -- New Hartford police are asking for help in a grand larceny investigation at a Consumer Square business. They are attempting to identify a female (pictured) following a theft at Best Buy. According to police, it happened at the store back on November 12. Anyone with information is asked to call (315) 724-7111. With winter fast approaching, snowmobilers are hopeful for a snowy season ahead. But how prepared are you, or your children when it comes to snowmobiling safety? The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is reminding people to not only register their snowmobiles, but to also be educated in the snow. There are courses available across the Mohawk Valley in order to keep people safe when riding their snowmobiles this season. Course are being held in Westmoreland, Utica, Camden, Rome and Ilion throughout the month of December. Kids can take the course beginning at age 10, but the courses are meant to help snowmobilers of all ages. For a full list of courses, head to the DMVs website. BYRON, N.Y. -- A statewide Amber Alert for a missing 14-year-old girl was canceled Thursday night, as the teen was found safe in Pennsylvania. The alert was issued for Kamerie Elliot, who was abducted on West Bergen Road in Byron, N.Y. at about 8 a.m. Thursday. Guillermo Torres-Acevedo Guillermo Torres-Acevedo Kamerie Elliot Kamerie Elliot The Genessee County Sheriffs Office said the girl and the suspected abductor, 22-year-old Guillermo Torres-Acevedo, were found safe at about 7 p.m. Thursday. No further information was immediately available. HERKIMER, N.Y. -- Two people were injured in a two-car crash, involving a cab, in Herkimer Friday morning. State police say a vehicle was pulling into the Glenwood Motel on State Route 5, when it was hit by a car in oncoming traffic. The cab company, Affordable Cab, says the driver of their car was rushed to the hospital. Authorities say they did have to close a portion of the road while they cleared scene of the crash. NewsChannel 2 will have more information as soon as it becomes available. TIPPECANOE COUNTY, Ind (WLFI) - A video of two people in rural West Lafayette drowning a cat in a body of water is getting attention on social media. The video was uploaded on November 23rd but has since been removed. It depicts someone in a black SUV giving the person holding the phone an O-K. The person recording then kicks the trap containing a cat, which had a collar on, into the water. It happened at a small pond just south of Hadley Lake on the property of 52 Mobile Home Estates. To see that happen, I cried, said a woman who was a former renter at the mobile home park. She wishes to remain anonymous for legal reasons. I cried like a baby and I'm not even going to lie. I couldnt believe the heartlessness. "To dispose of them in this way is unforgivable and it's criminal," said Sharon Dull, who works for North Central Indiana Spay and Neuter. It was posted by Erik Heat on his Instagram and YouTube pages. News 18 reached out to Heat through Facebook. He said the videos were only found on his pages and that he was not involved in what happened, also that he had cooperated with investigators. An official complaint was filed with the Tippecanoe County Sheriff's Animal Control department on Monday, November 26th, three days after it was originally uploaded. Ken Baldwin is the owner of 52 Mobile Home Estates. Our anonymous source said she remembered asking Baldwin about the stray cat situation in the neighborhood when she moved in. She recalled him saying that they keep the population under control using live traps. He was never very specific about what he did with them, she said. I thought he took them to the humane society or a shelter. When she saw the video, she recognized the black SUV as Baldwins. "I saw that video and I immediately knew, she said. I knew that black truck, that black Chevy truck and just the way his voice sounded, I knew it was Ken." She also recognized the place where it happened. We took our kids fishing in that pond about 30 or 40 times that summer we lived there, its the same dock as in the video, its the same place, she said. Dull said her spay and neuter organization had reached out within the past two or three years to help the mobile home park with stray cat problems. "We have reached out to this specific trailer park and offered assistance to TNR (Trap Neuter Return) the cats, she said. I know of at least three other animal groups who have tried to assist as well." But she said these attempts to help were always ignored. She also said there are steps the mobile home park could take to limit the amount of abandoned pets that sometimes add to the stray problem. They could require the tenants who are pet owners to spay and neuter their pets or they could just ban animals all together, she said. They dont have to allow people to have pets. In the state of Indiana it is a Class C felony to intentionally torture an animal. That comes with a fine of up to 10-thousand dollars and the possibility of one and a half years in prison. "I really hope that justice is served for this cat, not only for this cat but for any other animals, said our anonymous source. There is no reason that this should be allowed to happen. Dull has a message for anyone who sees animal abuse happen in our area. "Report it. We have an outstanding prosecutor that is pursuing these cases, our animal control officers are doing an excellent job, she said. Report these to WE Tipp or just call animal control. News 18 tried, unsuccessfully, to get a comment from Baldwin today. Anyone with information about the video is asked to contact the Tippecanoe County Sheriff's Department at 765-423-9388. A black cat with a pink collar that belonged to a family in the Hadley Lake area has recently gone missing. It is not confirmed if the missing cat is the same one that was killed in the video. Anyone who finds the missing cat can contact the WLFI station to be put in contact with the owners. During the hearing on the Quo Warranto Writ Petition against holding of the posts of Prime Minister and other ministers by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and MPs supporting him, Senior Counsel Gamini Marapana PC yesterday contended that the Court of Appeal could not grant interim relief prayed by the Petitioners as the matter is pending in the Supreme Court. The Bench comprising Justices P.Padman Surasena (President/CA) and Arjuna Obeysekera yesterday took up the petition of Writ of Quo Warranto disputing the holding of office by Prime Minster Mahinda Rajapaksa and 48 Ministers. Gamini Marapana PC with Navin Marapana appearing for Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa submitted that the Supreme Court had already issued an Interim Order proclamation on the dissolution of Parliament. He stated the Supreme Court had issued the interim Order operative till December 7 and fixed the matter for hearing on December 4, 5 and 6 and that the Interim Order was a temporary one staying the operation of the proclamation of dissolving the Parliament by the President. If this court grants the Interim Order as prayed by the Petitioners and the Supreme Court vacate interim order, there would be a complex problem, he argued. K.Kanag Iswaran PC with Suren Fernando appeared for the Petitioners. Romesh de Silva PC, Manohara de Silva PC, Sanjeeva Jayawardena PC, Ali Sabry PC, Kushan Alwis PC appeared for the Ministers. The Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto (a writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what warrant an office or franchise is held, claimed, or exercised) was filed by Purported Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and his purported Ministers as well as Parliamentarians of diverse parties totaling 122 petitioners. Petitioners seek a mandate from the Court requiring the Respondents to show by what authority they claim to function as Prime Minister and/or Ministers and/or Deputy Ministers. They also the Court for a declaration that the Respondents are not entitled to hold the office of Prime Ministers and Ministers or Deputy Ministers. They are asking the Court to restrict the Respondents from functioning as Prime Minister, Ministers and Deputy Ministers until the final determination and hearing of their application. Petitioners in their petition state as follows: On 14th November 2018, Parliament passed a vote of no-confidence against the purported government of the Respondents. On 15th November 2018, Parliament convened again and the Speaker stated the in view of the no-confidence vote passed on 14th November 2018, there was, among other things, no government and that he did not recognize Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Prime Minister. On 16th November 2018, because the Respondents purportedly continued to function in office, Parliament passed another vote of no-confidence against the government. Therefore under and in terms of Article 48 of the Constitution, the Cabinet stood dissolved from 14th November 2018 Petitioners claims. They dismay that His Excellency the President notwithstanding the dissolution of Cabinet continues to lawfully be in charge of Ministries of Defence and of Mahawali Development and Environment. They complain that the in view of the fact that the purported Ministers are unlawful, illegitimate and purported to exercise government power in direct violation of express provision of the Constitution. They caution that a state of anarchy and chaos would ensue in the country given that the purported Government ha lost two votes of no-confidence and does no command a majority in Parliament. (S.S.Selvanayagam) LAPORTE, Ind. (WLFI) A Purdue University graduate killed in the Chicago hospital shooting will be laid to rest Friday. Dr. Tamara O'Neal was one of three people shot to death by her former fiance on Nov. 19 at Mercy Hospital. O'Neal graduated from Purdue in 2002 with an undergraduate degree in psychology. She was one of two Purdue grads killed in the shooting. Doctor of Pharmacy Dayna Less, a May 2018 Purdue graduate, was also killed. Chicago police officer Samuel Jimenez lost his life responding. O'Neal's visitation was held Thursday. The funeral is Friday morning in her hometown of LaPorte. Purdue University President Mitch Daniels released the following statement the day after the shooting: "We are proud of Tamara and Dayna for the lives of service they chose to pursue. We are deeply grateful and admiring of officer Jimenez for his sacrificial bravery that spared other innocent lives." Book defends the value of face-to-face diplomacy Exploring face-to-face diplomacy Associate Professor of Government Marcus Holmes, author of Face to Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations, argues that face-to-face diplomacy has much value, even in a modern world of communication The reason is the insight social neuroscience offers. Photo by Stephen Salpukas Photo - of - Hide Caption Many political scientists believe that face-to-face diplomacy has little, if any value. Some even call it dangerous. Regimes change. Leaders lie. They change their mind. The priorities of their country change. Its impossible to look inside another persons heart or mind and glean what they really mean or intend. Researchers point to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who in 1938 traveled to Munich and seemingly avoided a war by agreeing to hand the Sudetenland to Germany after Adolf Hitler told him he wasnt interested in invading the rest of Czechoslovakia. That was a catastrophic mistake. They point to former U.S. President George W. Bush, who after meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin at the Slovenia Summit in 2001, proclaimed, I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. I was able to get a sense of his soul. Later, Bushs National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, said the president, naively trusted Putin and then (was) betrayed. {{youtube:medium:center|e6u6J-Xi4r8, Defending face-to-face diplomacy}} However, those who engage in face-to-face diplomacy regularly, maintain it is invaluable in allowing them to do their jobs, said Marcus Holmes, associate professor of Government at William & Mary. And Holmes, author of the new book Face to Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations, agrees with face-to-face practitioners. The reason is social neuroscience. One of the more important discoveries by neuroscientists in the last 20 years is this idea that we actually have fairly refined access to the minds of other people; in face-to-face interaction, we get clues about the intent of other people and these clues, under certain conditions, can be quite accurate, Holmes said. A system in the brain that has generated a lot of excitement the mirroring system suggests that in face-to-face interaction were basically simulating for ourselves what occurs in the brain of the other person. It implies that were on a similar wavelength when we interact face-to-face, and thats not the case when we interact via other modalities speaking on the telephone, sending a cable, wire or tweet, even an e-mail. They dont allow people to understand each other the way face-to-face interaction does. Neuroscience brings a very different way to think about face-to-face interaction that political scientists havent fully appreciated over the last several decades. Holmes said that state departments and foreign ministries around the world are continually re-assessing how to engage. Does it make sense to pursue face-to-face diplomacy? To tweet? Send an email? One important implication of face-to-face diplomacy is that it allows you to read others, but it also means you can be read, Holmes said. Sometimes this is desirable, other times you might want to keep things close to the vest. In the book I try to develop the various conditions under which foreign ministries and state departments would want to pursue different types of diplomacy. There is little question, Holmes said, that the current U.S. administration, under President Donald Trump, values face-to-face diplomacy. The president often talks about personal chemistry, about the value of liking other people and being liked on the international stage. I actually agree that these are important characteristics, and one of the keys of diplomacy is building personal relationships that can help you sustain through difficult times, Holmes said. The situation with North Korea is very precarious. North Korea has a lot of reasons to distrust the United States. The United States has a lot of reasons to distrust North Korea. The idea of engaging with the North Koreans, in this personal face-to-face way, is a good one when it comes to starting to build trust. Holmes said he was optimistic when Trump met with Kim Jong-un last summer. He was at least starting a dialogue to try and understand one another, something Holmes said the two countries havent had in a long time because the U.S. has not given North Korea the opportunity to say directly what their iintentions and concerns are. Do they simply wish to defend themselves from a U.S. invasion, in which case having a nuclear weapon certainly helps, or do they intend us harm? he said. Do they want nuclear weapons because one day they want to strike against the United States? I dont think were able to answer that sitting in our offices in Washington, D.C., New York or Los Angeles. Ultimately if their concern is their own security, which I think is probable, reassurance will only come from them trusting us. And we need a relationship for that to happen. Holmes points to the Able Archer training exercises of 1983 as an example of where this question about intention was critical and how face-to-face interaction helped to answer it. That year, despite heightened tension and distrust between the United States and Soviet Union, the U.S. and NATO launched the most realistic training exercise ever undertaken, Able Archer. It was a simulated conflict escalation that included an attack on the Soviet Union, one President Ronald Reagan was certain no one, especially the Russians, would believe was a real attack or a ruse to obscure a real attack. Reagan was wrong. The Russians saw it as more than an academic exercise. They began ramping up their defense weaponry and readied their nuclear forces. Historians report that, fortunately, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence for the U.S. Air Force in Europe Leonard Perroots did not order a counter-rise in the alert level of Western military forces, which the Soviets may have used to justify their fear of attack. The episode ended there. That moment is crucial for Reagan because it made him understand that he needed to get into a room with a Soviet leader, sit down and explain that not only was the NATO simulation sincerely a simulation, but that the U.S. and NATO had no intention of bombing or invading the Soviet Union, Holmes said. Because of Able Archer, he changed his approach to the Soviet Union, starting with the Geneva Summit in 1985. Through a series of meetings, Reagan worked with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear weapons through the INF Treaty. Reagan had the intuition that if he could convey sincerely that there was no intent to invade or attack Russia theyd be able to move forward, Holmes said. He was right. Senor Trumpanzee seems to think he's a better president than Reagan was. I doubt anyone would agree but he told right wing operatives Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, according to their just-released book, Trump Enermies that "The amazing thing is that you have certain people who are conservative Republicans that if my name werent Trump, if it were John Smith, they would say Im the greatest president in history and I blow Ronald Reagan away... got the biggest regulation cuts in history in less than two years, judges, environmental stuff, getting out of the Paris horror show. If you said that conservative president John Smith did that, they would say hes the greatest president. Far greater than Ronald Reagan." His policies are chipping away at the successful economic engine that Obama left him and slowly but surely, the imbecile is destroying the economy. Steve Benen explained what's wrong : Trump doesn't understand the basics of his own economic policies. Benen, frustrated, was merciless: A couple of months ago, Donald Trump boasted at a White House event that thanks to his tariffs, theres a lot of money coming into the coffers of the United States of America. A lot of money coming in. Soon after, the president released a video via social media in which he said Americans are taking in a lot of money as a result of his tariffs. A month later, the Republican reversed course, suggesting to the Wall Street Journal that the tariffs hed spoken about for months may not actually exist. We dont even have tariffs, Trump said, adding, Where do we have tariffs? We dont have tariffs anywhere. On Thanksgiving, he switched back to his original position. Now, as of already, were taking in-- right now, were taking in billions. China is-- people dont understand this: China is right now paying us-- right now, paying us billions of dollars a month. Thats never happened before. Its true that its never happened before, but its also true that its not happening now. Nearly a year after Trump launched a trade war, assuring Americans that the fight will be easy to win, the president is still confused about the basics of his own policy. There is no foreign money coming into the coffers of the United States from China as a result of the tariffs. As Politico recently explained, President Donald Trump said Monday that China is paying the U.S. billions of dollars in tariffs as he ramps up his trade war with Beijing. But thats inaccurate: American consumers and businesses are the ones who will be paying higher costs for imports after he slapped penalties on $200 billion in Chinese goods. This is not some obscure triviality, only of interest to trade wonks. Rather, this is the principal presidential defense of his entire policy: Trump has told Americans, repeatedly over the course of several months, that billions of dollars are filling U.S. coffers from Beijing. Its proof, according to the Republican, that his entire strategy has merit. Reality, however, should still have some meaning. The actual amount of money China is paying us as a result of Trumps tariffs is zero. When the American president boasted on Thanksgiving that China is paying us billions of dollars, he was off by billions of dollars. Trumps entire defense is based on payments that simply dont exist outside his overactive imagination. Either the president doesnt know this, in which case his entire trade gambit is being driven by his profound ignorance, or Trump understands the details perfectly well, and hes just brazenly lying to the public, hoping Americans wont know the difference. Either way, if the president sees this money as proof of his policys merit, shouldnt the absence of that money be evidence of his policys failure? Yes... as well as the bankruptcies his policies are causing across the Midwest-- not to mention the plant closings and job disappearances. Monday, local newspapers across the farm belt ran a report from the Associated Press. Short version: "84 farms filed for bankruptcy in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana in 12 months... Thats more than double the number over the same period in 2013 and 2014." The number of farms filing for bankruptcy is increasing across the Upper Midwest, following low prices for corn, soybeans, milk and beef, according to a new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Current price levels and the trajectory of the current trends suggest that this trend has not yet seen a peak, said Ron Wirtz, an analyst at the Minneapolis Fed. The increase in Chapter 12 filings reflect low prices for corn, soybeans, milk and beef, the Star Tribune reported. The situation has gotten worse for farmers since June because of the retaliatory tariffs that have closed the Chinese market for soybeans and held back exports of milk and beef. Chapter 12 bankruptcy allows for repayment of debt over three years. Minneapolis Fed analyst Ron Wirtz says the bankruptcy trend has not yet peaked. Dairy farmers are having the most problems right now, said Mark Miedtke, the president of Citizens State Bank in Hayfield. Grain farmers have had low prices for the past three years but high yields have helped them through. Were just waiting for a turnaround. Were waiting for the tariff problem to go away. The Nation, John Nichols wrote that GM's closures confirm what we know-- Yesterday, at, John Nichols wrote that GM's closures confirm what we know-- Trump is a liar and a fool who never cared about the men and women who build cars in places like Michigan and Ohio. This was election year bullshit: "If Im elected, you wont lose one plant, youll have plants coming into this country, youre going to have jobs again, you wont lose one plant, I promise you that." The heartbreaking reality is that Trump was never going to be a good president for the American workers who build cars and other vehicles in the nations historic factory towns. A reality-TV star with almost no understanding of the complex and demanding circumstance of domestic manufacturing in an age of globalization and automation, Trump peddled a combination of bumper-sticker slogans and past-their-expiration-date policy proposals on the 2016 campaign trail. That was enough to win narrow victories in a number of manufacturing states-- Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin-- that were hurting after years of bipartisan neglect. It is true that many voters who felt they had been let down by both parties took a chance on Trump. But Trump assumed the presidency without an agenda, and he embraced the schemes of a Congress led by two of the worst players in Washington on manufacturing issues: House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. It was only a matter of time before Trumps facade of empty rhetoric and false premises crashed into the reality of 21st-century economics and technological change. The midterm elections revealed the extent to which confidence in Trump had already crumbled. In the three Great Lakes states that gave Trump the presidency by delivering the Electoral College votes he had needed two years ago-- Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin-- voters handed victories to the Democrats in three gubernatorial races and three US Senate races. Despite Trump's gigantic tax cuts-- much of which went into big bonuses for top management-- GM is closing down 2 plants in southeast Michigan, one in Maryland and one in northeast Ohio. The idea is to boost profits by slashing 15% of the company's salaried workforce (about 8,000 people). GM sees a future defined by ride-sharing networks, self-driving cars and electric vehicles (though they're discontinuing the Volt). Trumpanzee, who, during his campaign consistently promised-- based on nothing but pure hot air and shameless guile-- that he would bring prosperity to the Rust Belt, had this to say: "This country has done a lot for General Motors. They better get back to Ohio and soon. So we have a lot of pressure on them." I'm sure that will scare them into action; not. And, what about Michigan? The Sound of Music by Nancy Ohanian UPDATE: Trump Has A Gut During a Washington Post interview Tuesday, Senor Trumpanzee was asked about Wall Street's collapse and GM closing plants and laying off workers under his watch. He blamed Jerome Powell, his pick to run the Federal Reserve, with whom, he warned, he's "not even a little bit happy... Im doing deals, and Im not being accommodated by the Fed. Theyre making a mistake because I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody elses brain can ever tell me." Sri Lanka signed two multi-million dollar contracts with Chinese firms for a port upgrade project on Thursday in the middle of a political hiatus that has raised doubts over the legitimacy of the government and the legality of the deals, the Reuters reported yesterday. An official at the state-run Sri Lanka Ports Authority told Reuters it signed two contracts with Chinese firms worth more than $50 million combined on Thursday after the deals were approved by Rajapaksas disputed cabinet last week. One of Rajapaksas cabinet ministers, speaking on condition of anonymity, also confirmed the deals had been approved by the cabinet, while documents seen by Reuters showed the deals were set to be rubber-stamped at the meeting. The deals are a $32 million contract to enhance the deep berth capacity of state-run Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) in Colombo with China Harbour Engineering Company, and another one worth $25.7 million for the purchase of three cranes from Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries for the same project, according to the ports authority official. Asked about the deals, the former cabinet spokesperson under Wickremesinghes government, Rajitha Senaratne, told Reuters: We will have to re-examine definitely. They dont have the legal power to decide. The ports authority official said the tenders for the deals had been advertised in state-owned newspapers, as is the norm in Sri Lanka, and that they were sent to a cabinet-appointed procurement panel months ago. India, which accounts for around 80 percent of Colombos trans-shipment business, has raised concerns over increasing Chinese projects in Colombo. New Delhi had been pushing Sri Lanka for the award of an estimated $1 billion contract for a second foreign-operated container terminal in Colombo. But that deal was the subject of an argument between Sirisena and Wickremesinghe just before his ouster, in which Sirisena reportedly said the country couldnt give any more of its assets to foreigners. The political instability and economic malaise have raised questions over Sri Lankas ability to service large external debt taken to finance reconstruction following the end the civil war in 2009. It owes around $8 billion to China, official data shows. A communist country also referred to as a Marxist-Leninist state, is a country that is governed and administered by a single party based on Marxist-Leninist philosophy. The aim of a communist state is to achieve communism or a sense of common ownership of the means of production and do away with social classes. Some of the communist states have a functioning political participation process involving a number of non-party organizations such as trade unions and workers representatives. The phrase communist state is mainly used by the western countries to refer to the countries that practice communism. However, these countries do not describe themselves as communists not do they consider themselves as have achieved communism. They call themselves Socialist or Workers States. Brief Overview of the Communist States During the Soviet Union era, communist nations could be found in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. However, these communist countries are quickly turning into multi-party state and adopting different philosophies. Some of the multi-party states with governing communist parties include Brazil, Nepal, India, and Russia. Today, there are only five communist states, some of which are struggling to hold on to communism. This article focuses on the five communist countries that are still adherent to Marxism-Leninism. 5. Laos (since 1975) The Lao Peoples Democratic Republic became a communist country in 1975 after a revolution that was supported by the Soviet Union and Vietnam. Before then, the country was a monarchy. In 1975, Pathet Lao, a communist movement in Laos, with the help of the Peoples Army of Soviet Union and the Vietnam toppled the Royalist Lao Government, with King Savang Vatthana stepping down on December 2, 1975. The Pathet Lao government under the leadership of Kaysone Phomvihane changed the countrys name to Lao Peoples Democratic Republic and allowed the Vietnamese government to have its armed forces in the country and propose advisers to help in managing the country. Laos ruling party, the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party, emerged from the Communist Party of Vietnam and has governed the country since 1975. The party has three policy-making organs; Central Committee, Secretariat, and Politburo, which is the highest organ. LPRP applies the principles of democratic centralism in its operations. In the past, the party was operated semi-secretly but it is now becoming more open as new leaders take control.The party is run by high ranked military officials. 4. Cuba (since 1959) The Cuban Revolution of 1959 is one of the bloodiest events in history and a political turning point for Cuba. During the revolution, thousands of citizen were executed for political crimes, with Fidel Castro taking over the government. By 1961, Cuba was a fully communist state with close ties to the Soviet Union. Today, Cuba is the only communist state outside of Asia. Following the revolution, the United States imposed a ban on trade with Cuba. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Cuba turned to China, Venezuela, and Bolivia as new trade partners and sources of subsidies. The ruling party in Cuba is the Communist Party of Cuba. The party ascribes to the Marxist-Leninist philosophy and its role is described in the Cuban Constitution as the leading force of the society and of the state. The original Communist Party of Cuba was formed in the 1920s. It was renamed to Popular Socialist Party in 1944. In 1961, the Integrated Revolutionary Organization. The current CPC was founded on October 3, 1965, with Fidel Castro as the First Secretary of the Central Committee. 3. Vietnam (since 1954) Vietnams status as a communist country is linked to its association with the Soviet Union. After the Indochina War, Vietnam was partitioned into two; North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam, which was allied to the Soviet Union, became communist while South Vietnam, which supported the United States, remained democratic. After two decades of war, the two parts came together and Vietnam became a unified communist country in 1976. It remained a truly communist state until 1986 when it started reaching out for international support leading to several political reforms. The founding and ruling party in Vietnam is the Communist Party of Vietnam. CPV has been the only legal party in the country since 1988 and its supremacy is guaranteed by the constitution. The party has maintained a unitary government and has control over the media, state, and military. The Vietnamese and the countrys press refer to CPV a Dang ta meaning Our Party. The current General Secretary of the Central Committee is Nguyen Phu Trong. 2. China (since 1949) The Peoples Republic of China has one of the strongest economies in the world. Surprisingly, it is one of the communist superpowers. China was proclaimed a communist country in 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong and his Little Red Book. Maos goal was to eliminate capitalism in his country as part of the Cultural Revolution. China is often referred to as Red China because of the influence the communist party has over the country. The founding and ruling communist party in China is the Communist Party of China or the Chinese Communist Party. It is the single ruling party in the country. CPC was founded in 1921 and grew very quickly that in 1949 it drove the nationalist Kuomintang out of China and established the Peoples Republic of China. The party is based on democratic centralism. The National Congress which is convened every 5th year is the partys highest organ. Other organs include the Standing Committee, Central Committee, and Politburo. There are other political parties in China which make up the United Front. 1. North Korea (since 1948) North Korea became a communist country in 1948 following South Koreas declaration of independence. North Korea declared its sovereignty almost immediately and Kim II Sung was installed as the countrys new leader. Interestingly, the government of North Korea does not consider the country as a communist, instead, the ruling family is promoting a brand of communism anchored on the concept of Juche or self-reliance. Juche was introduced in the 1950s and promotes the ideas of the leadership of Kim and became a state policy in the 1970s. North Koreas constitution was reviewed in 2009 and all the mentions of Marxist-Leninist ideas were removed. The word communism was also removed. The ruling party in North Korea is the Workers Party of Korea. The party was founded in 1949 following the merger between the Workers Party of South Korea and the Workers Party of North Korea. Panel discussion with Dr. Yasantha Rajakarunanayake, Dr. James Shanahan and Dr. Chrisantha Fernando moderated by Virtusa Executive Vice President, CIO and General Manager Madu Ratnayake The Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM)conducted the first-ever SLASSCOM AI Asia Summit on 7th November at The Kingsbury. The conference attracted over 300 attendees from the industry and addressed topics relating to AI Applications, Data Science, Analytics and Machine Learning. Participants were able to learn and connect with acclaimed international and local speakers present at the event. Jeevan Gnanam, Chairman SLASSCOM welcomed the attendees and shared his vision for an AI Nation where Data Science and AI become Sri Lankas third pillar of IT exports. He also spoke on the opportunity to use this event as a catalyst to drive a national agenda for AI engaging all stakeholders. This was followed by a keynote by Timothy Kooi, Head of Data Analytics at DHL Asia Pacific who shared examples of AI and Analytics applied in business. Technical sessions were conducted by Dr. Yasantha Rajakarunanayake, Senior Director Technology at MediaTek, Dr. Adam Easton, Chief Executive Officer at SimCentric Technologies, Dr. James Shanahan, Founder and Principal of Boutique Data Consultancy, Dr. Rukshan Batuwita, Data Scientist at Google, Dr. Chrisantha Fernando, Senior Research Scientist at Google DeepMind, and Dr. Sadeep Jayasumana, Research Scientist at Five AI, Cambridge. Christopher Gunawan, Senior Solution Architect, Data and AI, Microsoft, spoke on the role of AI empowering business transformation. Two research case studies were presented by Professor Asoka Karunananda and Dr. Subha Fernando from the University of Moratuwa, representing the Sri Lanka Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI). Svein Olaf Olsen, Co-founder Anzyz Technologies also shared his experience on building a next-generation, self-learning tool to handle Big Data using AI. Audience at the event The event also hosted two panel discussions focusing on AI: Where next? and Opportunities for AI Startups. The first panel discussion was moderated by Madu Ratnayake, Executive Vice President, CIO & General Manager - Virtusa, and included Dr. Yasantha Rajakarunanayake, Dr. James Shanahan and Dr. Chrisantha Fernando as panelists. The panel discussion on AI Startups was moderated by C.D Athuraliya, Co-founder, Conscient AI with panelists from several local AI/Analytics startup companies. Ransith Fernando, Managing Director & Co-founder - Forest Pin, Apurva Udeshi, Founder - Zeptolytics, Jerome Perera, Head of Analytics and Data Science - SAKS Global and Nuwan Dehigaspitiya, Founder/CEO & Chief Architect, Boolean Lab contributed as panelists for this session. The conference concluded with closing remarks from Shevan Goonetilleke, Chief Operating Officer WSO2 and Head of the SLASSCOM Technology Forum. He thanked the conferencepartners and sponsors, including Innovation Partner - GIZ, Strategic Partners - IKT Norge and the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Gold Sponsor Microsoft, Silver Sponsor IFS R&D International, Exclusive Enterprise Communications Partner Dialog Enterprise, and the Startup Sri Lanka Ecosystem Partner Hatch. The hottest topic discussed, in Parliament, offices, homes and in the street, is the unruly behaviour of our politicians and especially the threat of a no-confidence motion against Speaker Karu Jayasuriya and his response -- ready to wear jumpers if he had overstepped his powers. With that picture before us, I was curious to find out the functions and duties of the clerk to the House of Representatives, as I felt that the Speaker, an ordinary Member of Parliament, elevated to the high post as Speaker should be guided and advised by some knowledgeable body, of responsibilities and conduct of the person so elected as Speaker. And that responsibility falls on the clerk to the House of Representatives. Here is what I gathered in browsing the internet -- This will be of interest to the public to judge whether our representatives in Parliament are worthy to govern. The office of the clerk is the legislatures secretarial services. The office of the clerk is a politically-independent organisation, providing services to Parliament, as distinct from services to the government, and providing services to members in their parliamentary role, rather than in their party or electorate capacities. Although the office of the clerks primary client group is Members of Parliament and its principal relationship is with the Speaker, with other presiding officers and with committee chairs, it also deals with office holders such as the Leader of the House, party leaders and party whips and with staff members. The office of the clerk is a politically-independent organisation, providing services to Parliament, as distinct from services to the government, and providing services to members in their parliamentary role, rather than in their party or electorate capacities The office of the clerk carries out the functions required under Section 3 of the Clerk to the House of Representatives Act 1988 which provides that The functions of the Clerk to the House of Representatives shall be: [a] To note proceedings of the House of Representatives and any committee of the House. [b] To carry out such duties and exercise such powers as may be conferred on the Clerk of the House of Representatives by law or by Standing Orders and practices of the House of Representatives. [c] To act as the principal officer of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and in the capacity to manage that office efficiently, effectively and economically. [d] To ensure that the staff of the Office of House of Representatives carry out their duties including duties imposed and; [i] Proper standards of integrity and conduct [ii] Concern for the public in brief [e] To be responsible, under the directions of the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the official reporting of the proceedings of the House of Representatives and Committees. In view of the above, it could be presumed, the Speaker would have consulted the clerk to the House of Representatives when he acted. It would have been sensible, if those creating this ugly situation, discussed the matter with the clerk, unless of course their intention was to disrupt parliamentary proceedings, giving the impression to the public that the government has no majority in Parliament. Whatever it maybe, the public awaits anxiously the verdict of the judiciary, which will put an end to these despicable tom foolery denounced locally as well as internationally and usher in a stable government. That is the only hope. File photo: U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinas President Xi Jinping (Reuters) WASHINGTON REUTERS Nov 29 - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was open to a trade deal with China but was not sure he wanted one, as he headed to Argentina for the G20 summit and a meeting with President Xi Jingping. Trump and Xi were scheduled to meet on Saturday to discuss trade amid increasing tensions between the worlds top two economies. Trumps hardline trade adviser, Peter Navarro, will attend a meeting between Trump and Xi, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters. Billions of dollars were coming into the United States, Trump said, because of the tariffs he has placed on Chinese imports. However, U.S. companies and consumers are bearing part of the cost by paying higher prices for the goods. I really dont know but I will tell you that I think China wants to make a deal. Im open to making a deal. But frankly, I like the deal we have right now, Trump said. Kiev (dpa) - Ukraine is requesting support from NATO following a recent naval clash with Russia, including a plea to member state Turkey to close the Bosporus to Russian vessels. We will request that the Republic of Turkey close the Bosporus so that the Russians know that their country has violated international law, Admiral Ihor Voronchenko said Thursday at a conference on maritime security in Kiev. Closing the Bosporus Strait would prevent Russian vessels from travelling between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Ukraine accuses Russia of restricting access to another waterway on the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, which connects with the Sea of Azov. The Russian coastguard opened fire and then captured several Ukrainian naval ships in the Kerch Strait at the weekend, alleging they had illegally crossed into Russian territorial waters near the disputed Crimea region. Russia occupied and annexed Crimea four years ago in response to Ukraine ousting its Russian-backed president in a pivot towards the West. Parliaments Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has stated that the MI5 intelligence agency made a series of mistakes in its handling of the case of Salman Abedi, failing to prevent him from carrying out a horrific terrorist attack. Abedi detonated a bomb at the end of a packed Ariana Grande concert in Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017, killing 22 people and injuring over a hundred. The ISCs report stated that, there were a number of failures in the handling of Salman Abedis case and, while it is impossible to say whether these would have prevented the devastating attack on 22 May, we have concluded that, as a result of the failings, potential opportunities to prevent it were missed. MI5 accepted that they moved too slowly. In reality, the report and all such admissions are tailored to hide a host of damning facts about Abedis relationship with the British state that explain why such supposed mistakes were made. The ISC is composed of tried and trusted MPs and Lords selected by the prime minister and sworn into the Queens Privy Council. Its investigation is meant to complete a whitewash begun in December 2017 with a report on UK terror attacks by David Anderson QCbuilding on the cover-up launched in the hours after the attack. Immediately after the bombing, Prime Minister Theresa May claimed Abedi was a lone wolf, only known to the security services to a degree. Two D-Notices (a request to the press not to report on a particular issue) were issued over the attack and were for the most part slavishly obeyed by the mainstream media. Information soon emerged, mostly via the US, that tore the governments claims to shreds. It was revealed that the FBI had warned MI5 in January 2017 that Abedi belonged to a North African terrorist group looking for a political target in Britain. Then it was reported that Abedi was in contact with a Libyan Islamic State battalion and that he had twice visited in prison the convicted terrorist and fighter in Libya and Syria, Abdal Raouf Abdallah, which would have triggered extensive security checks as a matter of course. Abedi regularly travelled from his home in Manchester to Libya to visit his parents, who were members of the anti-Gaddafi Libyan Islamic Fighting Groupwhich is closely tied to the British state. He is reported to have fought with Islamist forces himself. Actively investigated by MI5 in January 2014, Abedi soon had his case closed, to be reopened in 2015 and closed again within one day. At the time he detonated his bomb, four days after returning from a trip to Libya, he was supposedly not considered a threat. Andersons December report was designed to cover for the security services in the face of these incriminating disclosures. He previously defended GCHQs mass surveillance of the entire population in a BBC documentary and paved the way for the Snoopers Charter with the report, A Question of Trust. He wrote, It is not the purpose of the internal reviews, or of this report, to cast or apportion blame. The case of Abedi outlined was cast in terms of tragic mistakes only noticeable in retrospect. Anderson made no mention of the fact that came to light in August this yearthat Abedi and his brother had actually been evacuated from Libya aboard a Royal Navy ship in 2014, with the personal knowledge of then Prime Minister David Cameron. He refused to comment on whether he had known about the evacuation when compiling his report and, if so, why he had chosen to omit it. The only conclusion to be drawn from the available evidence is that Abedi was viewed as an intelligence asset, allowed free rein to participate in jihadist formations aligned with British imperialism in the Middle East and North Africa. Only this explanation makes sense of the incredible lapses in security revealed by the ISC, whatever combination of fact and fiction they may be. According to the committee, Abedis two visits to Abdal Raouf Abdallah in Altcourse prison brought no follow-up action and were not passed to MI5. He was never referred to the governments Prevent strategymeant to prevent people being radicalized by extremismand did not have his travel monitored or restricted. Another security failing caused serious concern due to its highly sensitive security aspects and will only be revealed only to the prime minister in a classified report. Concealing this information strongly suggests that it is highly incriminating and possibly relates to Abedis role as an asset in the operation to topple Gaddafi. Theresa May was home secretary at the time when the security services allowed LIFG members to travel to Libya, providing them with passports after they had been previously confiscated and giving them security clearance as part of the military operations to overthrow Gaddafi. Abedi was never referred to Prevent, yet in 2015-2016 over a thousand schoolchildren were referred to its deradicalization programmes. The UK is a world leader in mass surveillance and had direct links with multiple Libyan Islamist militias. These errors of judgement were part of a deliberate policy. The ISCs members know this is precisely how MI5 and MI6 operate: maintaining and protecting networks of jihadist fighters, who can be deployed against Middle Eastern and African governments. If some go rogue and kill British citizens, then that is considered collateral damage. This pattern was confirmed in October, when head of counter-terrorism policing Neil Basu said that fighters returning from Syria were no longer considered the biggest terror threat to the UK. According to the UKs own counter-terrorism strategy documents, around 900 British nationals of national security concern are thought to have travelled to Syria, and 40 percent of them are thought to have returned. Basus comments prefigured a statement from Chief of the British General Staff General Mark Carleton-Smith last weekend. Smith declared that the threat from terrorism paled in comparison to the threat posed by Russia. Having served as a bogeyman to justify endless wars of intervention and attacks on democratic rights, the terrorists are now far more helpful as allies in proxy wars against rival powersabove all Russia. The only ISC recommendations likely to be enacted are those which use state-created atrocities as an excuse for yet greater state surveillance and censorship in connection with rapidly escalating militarism. The report states that communication companies were failing to fulfil their duty to detect terror planning online and suggested government pressure be brought to bear. Home Secretary Sajid Javid jumped at the opportunity, saying We have updated our counter-terrorism strategy, introduced new legislation to allow threats to be disrupted earlier and have increased information sharing with local authorities. We are also ensuring technology companies play their part by stopping terrorists from exploiting their platforms. The media passed over the ISC report with nothing more than a so what, with no further reporting on it after 24 hours. The BBC and the Guardian said nothing of Abedis extensive connections with Britains Libya campaign in their coverage. BBC home affairs and security correspondent, Dominic Casciani, provided an apologia for MI5, writing, The big problem is that intelligence on suspects is fragmentary. A British-Libyan young man travelling to Libya is not the stuff of red alerts. The Labour Party maintains its silence over Britains deadly imperialist intrigues. Instead of questioning the government about its relationship with Abedi, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott used the ISC report to call for more police and security: This raises serious questions for the entire policing and security system, not simply MI5 alone. These questions include the proper identification, prioritisation and prevention of terrorists, which is an increasingly integrated process, involving multiple agencies, or at least it should be. But this government has undermined policing with cuts of 21,000 officers. And community policing, the frontline ears and eyes on the ground in the fight against terror, has been hardest hit. Survivors and those bereaved by the Manchester attack criticised the government and intelligence agencies. Survivor Robby Porter is considering taking legal action against MI5. This could have been stopped, he said, and we're finding out now that it should have been stopped. The author recommends: UK terror report confirms Manchester and London terror attackers known to MI5 [17 December 2017] Brazils fascistic president-elect, former army captain Jair Bolsonaro, hosted a meeting Thursday at his home in Barra de Tijuca, the wealthy beachside neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, with President Donald Trumps right-wing national security adviser John Bolton. The hour-long discussion reportedly touched on Venezuela, Cuba, Chinese influence in Latin America and Bolsonaros proposal to ape Trump by moving Brazils embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Bolton staged the brief stop in Rio and breakfast meeting with Bolsonaro on his way to the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, where the main question posed is the US trade war against China. Bolton gave no statement to the press following the meeting, but tweeted: We enjoyed a broad and productive discussion with the president-elect of Brazil and his security team. Similarly, Bolsonaro, who takes office on January 1, used his Twitter account to describe the encounter as a very productive and pleasant meeting with the National Security Adviser of the United States. Accompanying Bolsonaro in the meeting was a group of incoming cabinet members who are representative of the most right-wing and military-dominated government to take office since the end of the two-decade-long US-backed military dictatorship in 1985. These included his future defense minister Fernando Acevedo e Silva and head of the Institutional Security Cabinet Augusto Heleno Ribeiro, who are both retired generals. Also present was his foreign minister, Ernesto Araujo, who has described climate change as a plot by cultural Marxists to undermine Western economies and boost China, and declared that his mission will be to liberate Brazil from anti-Christian globalists. Boltons visit follows his bellicose speech earlier this month in Miami in which he laid out an agenda of regime change against the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. He labeled them a troika of tyranny, an obvious mimicking of George W. Bushs axis of evil theme, rolled out in advance of the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the same speech, Bolton described Bolsonarowho has praised the countrys former US-backed military dictatorship and threatened opponents with jail or exileas a likeminded leader and his election as one of the positive signs for the future of the region. Last Tuesday, Bolton echoed this theme, declaring that Bolsonaros election presented a historic opportunity for Brazil and the United States to work together in a number of areas, such as economy, security and others. Bolsonaro indicated his alignment with Washington against Venezuela. Venezuela is a longstanding question, we have to find solutions, he said following the meeting with Bolton. Measures need to be taken. Until now, Brazil has not followed Washingtons example in imposing sanctions against Caracas. Similarly, the incoming Brazilian president has staked out a hard line against Cuba, forcing the exit of some 8,300 Cuban doctors. They were working in remote and poor areas of Brazil under a program known as Mais Medicos (More Doctors), initiated under the former Workers Party (PT) government of impeached President Dilma Rousseff. Bolsonaro has threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Havana. No doubt, for the Trump administration, the most attractive feature of the incoming far-right Brazilian president is his anti-China stance, which he promoted during the election campaign, repeating the slogan that China was not buying in Brazil, but buying Brazil. Bolsonaro also staged a trip to Taiwan last February, a provocative affront to Beijing. For Washington, the principal strategic question in Latin America is countering the growth of Chinese trade and investment, which is challenging its hegemony in a region that US imperialism long regarded as its own backyard. Anti-Chinese campaign demagogy is cheap, but shifting Brazils economic relations is a more complicated matter. China has supplanted the US as Brazils number one trading partner. Between 2003 and June of this year, Chinese firms have poured almost $US54 billion in investments into around 100 projects in Brazil, according to figures from Brazils planning ministry. Bolsonaros incoming vice president, another former general, Hamilton Mourao, recently described Bolsonaros anti-Chinese statements as campaign rhetoric. Mourao cautioned that, while Brasilia would seek closer relations with Washington, we cant neglect the other great actors on the international arena, we cant neglect the relationship with China. Brazil has been a direct beneficiary of the escalating trade war with China, with its export of agricultural products, principally soybeans, increasing dramatically as a result of rising US-China tariffs. Similar pragmatic profit interests arise in relation to Bolsonaros pledge to shift the Brazilian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, an imitation of Trump with the same domestic political aim: currying favor with a powerful evangelical Christian political bloc. After Egypt canceled a scheduled diplomatic meeting in apparent response to the proposal, Bolsonaro declared that the move had not yet been decided. The Arab countries together constitute the second largest buyer of Brazilian animal protein exports, which amount to some $13.5 billion. The reaction of the Workers Party and its pseudo-left satellites to Boltons visit has been to intensify a campaign to appeal to Brazilian nationalism and to the Brazilian bourgeoisie on the grounds that the president-elects policies threaten national interests, i.e., the profit interests of Brazilian banks and corporations. These elements unleashed a cry of outrage over media reports that the ex-army captain greeted Bolton with a military salute, which they charged was a humiliating gesture of Brazilian subservience to US imperialism. Pseudo-left leader Guilherme Boulos of the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) described the gesture as shameful, an unacceptable subservience, while demanding to know what happened of Bolsonaros campaign slogan: Brazil above all. The most sinister aspect of this campaign is an increasing attempt to portray the military figures that have been brought into the incoming government as the adults in the room who will curtail Bolsonaros right-wing excesses. The PT-aligned website 24/7 featured a flattering interview with ex-general Mourao, the incoming vice president, expressing his pragmatic approach to Brazils international relations. On Thursday, following the Bolton-Bolsonaro meeting, the same website published the results of a poll conducted of its readers claiming that 90 percent agreed that the military group that surrounds Bolsonaro should stop him from subordinating Brazil to the foreign policy of Washington. This appeal to nationalist military officers to save Brazil from Bolsonaro has the most reactionary implications, opening the door to a military coup to save the nation. It is, at the same time, symptomatic of the upper middle class social layer that composes the principal constituency of the Workers Party, which is hostile and opposed to any struggle to mobilize the Brazilian working class against Bolsonaro and to unite it with the workers of the United States and the entire hemisphere in the struggle for socialism. Life expectancy in the United States continued its extraordinary decline in 2017 after stagnating in 2016 and falling in 2015. Not since the combined impact of World War I and the Spanish Flu in 1918 has the country experienced such a prolonged period of decline in life expectancy. The annual mortality report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) highlights the disastrous impact of the social crisis on the American working class. Suicides and drug overdoses, what have been termed deaths of despair, have been identified as the driving forces behind the continuing decline in how long Americans are expected to live. In 2017, over 2.8 million Americans died, an increase by approximately 70,000 from the previous year and the most deaths in a single year since the US government began keeping records. From 2016 to 2017, the age-adjusted death rate for the entire population increased by 0.4 percent. The average life expectancy in the US declined from 78.7 to 78.6 years. Life expectancy dropped for males from 76.2 to 76.1 but remained the same for females at 81.1. Life expectancy for females has consistently been higher than males and the gap continues to widen. In 2017, the difference in life expectancy between females and males increased 0.1 year from 4.9 years in 2016 to 5.0 years in 2017. Age-specific death rates between 2016 and 2017 increased for age groups 2534, 3544, and 85 and over. These statistics indicate a healthcare system failing the elderly and a societal crisis ravaging younger workers. Deaths of despair, including alcoholism, are a leading cause of deaths in younger ages groups. The US suicide death rate rose to the highest in 50 years last year. Since 2008, it has ranked as the 10th leading cause of death for all ages in the US. In 2016, suicide became the second leading cause of death for ages 1034 and the fourth leading cause for ages 3554. From 1999 to 2017, suicide rates have increased for both males and females, with the greatest yearly increases occurring since 2006. The average annual increase in suicide rates shifted from about one percent per year from 1999 through 2006 to two percent per year from 2006 through 2017. The age-adjusted rate of suicide among females increased from 4.0 per 100,000 in 1999 to 6.1 in 2017, while the rate for males increased from 17.8 to 22.4. The study also focuses on suicide in depressed rural regions. In 1999, the suicide rate in rural counties was 1.4 times the rate of most urban areas. The rate in rural areas was 13.1 per 100,000 with urban areas having a rate of 9.6 per 100,000. The difference further increased in 2017 with the suicide rate for the most rural counties (20.0 per 100,000) increasing to 1.8 times the rate for the most urban counties (11.1). The rate in drug overdoses has skyrocketed in the same period. From 1999 to 2017, the overdose rate soared from 6.1 per 100,000 to 21.7 per 100,000. The rate increased by an average of 10 percent per year from 1999 to 2006, by 3 percent per year from 2006 to 2014, and a staggering 16 percent per year from 2014 to 2017. The rise coincides with the opioid crisis ravaging through parts of the US, concentrated in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The figures contained in the latest CDC report are a reflection of the diseased nature of American society and the failure of the capitalist system. The last decade has seen a historic rise in social inequality in the aftermath of the economic crash of 2008 and the bailout of Wall Street, overseen by Obama and the Democrats, which saw the greatest transfer of wealth in history from the working class to the rich. Low-wage, tenuous employment, where it is available, has replaced the jobs that were destroyed in the process. The boondoggle that is known as Obamacare, far from providing the population with healthcare, has funneled billions of dollars to the healthcare industry and increased corporate profits by compelling workers to buy substandard health insurance out of their own pocket. CDC director Robert R. Redfield lamented over the implications of his organizations report: The latest CDC data show that the US life expectancy has declined over the past few years. Tragically, this troubling trend is largely driven by deaths from drug overdose and suicide, he said in a press release. Life expectancy gives us a snapshot of the Nations overall health and these sobering statistics are a wakeup call that we are losing too many Americans, too early and too often, to conditions that are preventable. As indicated by the prevalence of suicide in rural regions, joblessness and social isolation reap a terrible toll. Workers are driven to despair under the ruling class assault against the living standards won by the working class in the 20th century. There is no solution to the continued decline in life expectancy forthcoming from the ruling class. In reality, the increased death rates are seen as the cost of doing business, necessary to funnel ever greater sums of money into the pockets of robber barons like Jeff Bezos and fuel unprecedented spending on the US military. A socialist response is required to meet the needs of the working class. A direct assault must be launched on the wealth of the corporate and financial elite. The wealth of the one percent must be expropriated to fund universal healthcare and turn the giant pharmaceutical companies into publicly-owned utilities. The decades-long campaign to strip workers of their social gains must be reversed. Society must be transformed to ensure that every person has access to high quality healthcare, education and housing, and ensure the right to a high-paying job and leisure. Above all, this requires the building of a mass working class movement independent of both big business parties, fighting for socialism. Unprecedented weather conditionsa combination of record-breaking temperatures, tornado-like winds and unusually low humidityfanned huge fires that have threatened entire townships in coastal central Queensland this week. Already, at least 8,000 people have been forced to evacuate in the face of the northern Australian states first-ever catastrophic fire emergency. No one has yet been reported killed, but an unknown number of homes have been destroyed. Flames as high as 20 metres have suddenly loomed over homes, giving residents just minutes to flee. Comparisons have been drawn with recent devastating bush fires in Western Australia and this months infernos in California. A firefighting commander, Rural Fire Services Central Region manager Brian Smith said: This is something we dont want to overstate, but theyre comparing this to the conditions in the Waroona fires in Western Australia, which completely wiped out a town a few years ago, and also to the recent California fires. Nearly 200 fires, with fronts up to 50 kilometres wide, burnt thousands of hectares on Wednesday, causing authorities to warn of catastrophic fire risks from central Queensland north to the tropical city of Townsville. Around 100 fires were still burning across the state yesterday, and that number could rise again, with five more days of heatwave predicted. More than 40 schools remained closed and the main north-south highway was cut for a period. Hundreds of firefighters have been flown in from interstate to help relieve their exhausted and over-stretched Queensland counterparts. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services inspector Andrew Sturgeous said the state had never seen fires like this before. In the region around the central Queensland city of Rockhampton, the official fire danger rating reached 135 on Wednesday, well above the catastrophic level of 100. That rating, the highest possible, indicates fires of such severity that no house can survive, no matter how well constructed. Residents were shocked and often caught unawares. About 50 people at Campwin Beach, south of Mackay, were forced to leave their homes at 2 a.m. on Thursday. Vicky Crichton told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation she was woken by authorities telling her to evacuate immediately. It was so quick I just opened the door and it was like opening the door to hell. In another typical account, Lindsay Barram, 70, told AAP that the people of the small township of Mount Larcom, north of Gladstone, had to flee with just minutes warning, taking just the clothes on their backs. He described the sky turning black, reducing the sun to a glowing red fireball. You could see the smoke getting much, much worse, he said. You knew you were in trouble The wind was just horrific when we left, it was nearly blowing me over, actually. Queensland State Disaster Commissioner Bob Gee said conditions were not normal for Queensland and people would burn to death if they did not heed warnings to evacuate. Some residents complained of being nearly arrested by police to force them into paddy wagons to flee. Because of its normally higher humidity, Queensland previously has been spared the frequent fire disasters that strike Australias southern states, but this weeks dry heat broke many records. Summer has not even begun, yet temperatures soared above 40C (104F) in many locations. Weather bureau forecaster Bruce Gunn said too many records were set on Wednesday to list them all. Temperatures in Rockhampton reached 41.7C and Mackay had an unprecedented six consecutive days above 35C. The weather conditions were unlike anything seen before, Gunn said. In the past in Queensland, weve only found a few minutes (of catastrophic conditions) here and there in individual events. In Rockhampton we had catastrophic conditions sustained for 3.5 hours. Certainly something outside our experience. This is a foretaste of a potentially disastrous summer across Australia. In its latest Seasonal Bushfire Outlook, the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre predicted above-normal fire risks across much of southern Australia, due to very low rainfall and above average temperatures. The Bureau of Meteorology, in its detailed outlook for summer, warned that most of Australia has an 80 percent chance of higher-than-normal temperatures between December and February. In a display of official indifference, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said neither he nor Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack planned to visit the fire-ravaged area. Morrison said people needed to focus on the firefighting effort and the firefighting response. Morrison told reporters in Canberra: The entire country is there to help in this time of great need. But his Liberal-National Coalition government merely activated a national disaster assistance plan, allowing the Queensland state Labor Party government to seek as-yet unspecified federal help and financial assistance. State Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk described the fire situation as off the charts nobody has recorded these conditions any time in the history of Queensland. While the fires are unprecedented, however, the emergency provides more evidence of the disastrous impact of the extreme weather events caused by climate change. Scientists have long warned of these processes. An Australian Climate Council report in 2015 found there had been a nearly 20 percent increase in global fire seasons between 1978 and 2013. As a result, firefighters had less time to carry out hazard reduction burns, undertake training and community awareness campaigns, or give crews a rest. And firefighting personnel and equipment could not easily be shared between countries in the northern and southern hemispheres. In a report published on Wednesday by the Lancet medical journal, scientists and health experts from 27 organisations around the world said climate change impactsfrom heatwaves to worsening storms, floods and fireswere surging and threatened to overwhelm health systems. Rising heat and wilder weather linked to climate change made it the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. Already, 157 million more people worldwide were exposed to heatwaves last year than in 2000. Despite increasingly dire warnings from scientists, Australian governments, like capitalist states around the world, have demonstrated their inability to take the necessary measures to halt global warming. International agreements that have been adopted are totally inadequate, and even these are under constant attack as each ruling class seeks to maximise corporate profits. The author also recommends: Climate change, capitalism and socialism New climate change report: Impact of global warming already being felt [26 November 2018] To stem climate change, capitalism must be ended [22 November 2018] The fire in Paradise, California: From natural disaster to social catastrophe [21 November 2018] As world leaders head to the G20 Summit, the United States is poised to intensify its conflicts with Russia, China and Europe. Commenting on the fast-approaching event, the German weekly Der Spiegel called American President Donald Trump the terror of the assembled world leaders. No one, perhaps least of all Trump, knows the outcome of the summit in advance, or which part of the world will be the main target of US threats. Russia The explosive and unpredictable character of the summit was demonstrated by Trumps hairpin turn Thursday on a planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I probably will be meeting with President Putin, Trump told reporters as he was leaving the White House for Buenos Aires. I think its a very good time to have the meeting. Just an hour later, Trump took to Twitter to declare that he would not meet Putin, allegedly in protest over the Russian coast guards seizure of three Ukrainian Navy ships after they entered and refused to leave Russian-claimed waters for 12 hours. In the hour between the statements, Trump spoke with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, who were on the plane, and by telephone with National Security Adviser John Bolton. Over that hour, another event had transpired. Michael Cohen, Trumps former personal lawyer pled guilty to lying to Congress and declared that Trump had, in the words of the New York Times, negotiated to build a tower in Moscow much later during the 2016 presidential election than previously acknowledged. Figures both inside and outside the White House made clear the connection between Trumps trip and the latest stage in the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said it is hardly coincidental that Mueller once again filed charges against Cohen just as the president is leaving for a meeting with world leaders at the annual summit. The special counsel did the very same thing as the president was leaving for a world summit in Helsinki, Giuliani noted. A former Pentagon official under Obama drew the same connection. Its all about the political optics in light of the Trump Tower Moscow news and the fact that Trump simply cant bring himself to ever confront Putin in public, he told the Times. Trumps last meeting with Putin took place in Helsinki, Finland last summer, just days after Special Counsel Mueller had indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers related to the unproven charges of Russian hacking of the Democratic Party during the 2016 election. Trumps refusal to confront Putin regarding the bogus accusations was declared by most of the American and European media to be the low point of his administration. Since then, Trump has substantially intensified the United States bellicose actions against Russia, initiating a major new round of sanctions and announcing last month that the United States would leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty. There can be little doubt that the acceleration of Muellers investigation and Ukraines triggering of a crisis in the Azov Sea were closely coordinated with sections of the US political establishment seeking a more confrontational posture by Trump against Russia. Shockingly reckless actions are being proposed in res6ponse to the crisis. The Atlantic Council, for example, advised Ukraine to invite the United States and NATO to send a fleet of armed ships to visit Mariupol, the main city on the Sea of Azov coast and defy Russia to fire on or block NATO from exercising the right to visit Ukraines ports. Those ships should be armed and have air cover but be instructed not to fire unless fired upon. China Prior to Ukraines provocation, Trumps central focus was to have been trade negotiations with China. The United States is scheduled to massively expand tariffs on Chinese goods, from the current level of 10 percent to 25 percent, on January 1. The summit will be the first Trump has attended since US Vice President Mike Pence announced a China policy that the American press has dubbed a new cold war, in which the United States is actively working to block Chinas development of high-value manufacturing as a strategic and military priority. The G20 summit has been preceded by a furious anti-Chinese campaign in the American media. The New York Times this month published a scaremongering five-part series on the rise of Chinese economic influence, while, on Thursday, the Washington Post published a hysterical op-ed declaiming Chinas ominous plan to penetrate and sway the United States. Even as Trump was shooting immigrant children with tear gas and rubber bullets, both newspapers ran editorials denouncing alleged Chinese human rights violations against the Uighur population of Western China. While sections of the American press have speculated that Trump might pull back from escalating the tariffs, Trump said Monday that the prospect of any accommodations was highly unlikely. Europe Given Trumps past behavior at international summits, further clashes with the United States NATO allies are entirely possible. Trump is scheduled to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who he will pressure to increase military spending, while threatening the European Union with auto tariffs. No one can predict the exact contours of the G20 Summit and who Trump will target for military aggression, trade war, threats and intimidation. What is clear, however, is that Trump, while representing a definite faction of the US political establishment, channels the sentiments of the whole spectrum of American politics for an escalation of great-power competition, whether against Russia, China, Europe or all three. Anyone wishing to know how the Left Party and its trade union and pseudo-left milieu would react to a social uprising in Germany has only to take a look at what the newspapers in solidarity with the party have to say about the demonstrations against the Macron government in France. The headline, The Language of Violence, greets readers of Mondays Neues Deutschland (ND), traditionally associated with the Left Party. The daily was referring to the mass protests last weekend by the Yellow Vests movement, which is demonstrating against higher petrol taxes in France. Protesters blocked roads and demanded the resignation of French President Emmanuel Macron. In two separate articles, ND spreads the lies of the French government and the police, which have claimed that the violence in Paris stems from the demonstrators. Paving stones were tossed at police officers, barricades were erected, shops plundered. The police reacted with tear gas and water cannon, ND writes in its cover story. The pre-Christmas Avenue des Champs-Elysees presented a picture of devastation. Without a hint of criticism, the ND cited Macrons condemnation of the protests: Shame on those who attacked the security forces, shame on those who used violence against other citizens and journalists, the French president said. ND then reprinted the propaganda of the French state authorities blaming violent extremists who took advantage of the opportunity to riot. Even more hostile was a Page 5 article titled Yellow Vests Groomed for Violence. At the start of the article, NDs French correspondent Ralf Klingsieck suggested that the Paris demonstration should not even have taken place, while presenting salacious details that solicit reader sympathy for the police. The Champs-Elysees presents a picture of devastation, Klingsieck writes. The Yellow Vests demonstrations on Saturday in Paris, which were not approved by the police, degenerated into violence. Sections of the approximately 8,000 demonstrators who were prevented from marching in the direction of Place de la Concorde had torn up the pavement to throw stones at the police, who in turn reacted with tear gas and water cannons, the article continues, reading much like a police report. In some places, chairs and benches were piled up in the street to make barricades and then set afire. At the fringes of the demonstration, shop windows were smashed and displays plundered. It took hours for the police to restore calm. Klingsieck also regurgitates the official propaganda of the security authorities without comment: Their demonstration in Paris was infiltrated by violent right-wing extremists and thugs of the black blocks who disguised themselves by wearing yellow vests, French interior minister Christophe Castaner told the press. All of these claims are lies. In fact, it was the police who, from the beginning, were groomed for violence and used the language of violence. The security forces started the clashes on the Champs-Elysees and were responsible for most of the riots. Immediately after demonstrators set up the first roadblocks, police units responded with water cannon, rubber bullets and tear gas. Policemen lashed out at the demonstrators with clubs and tried to encircle them. In response, some demonstrators sought to defend themselves with paving stones and set off fireworks. Junge Welt, the other daily paper close to the Left Party, more or less admitted in its editorial that the violence stemmed from the police, but then also sought to discredit the protests. Both the neo-fascist formation Rassemblement Nationale (RN, formerly National Front) led by Marine Le Pen and the right-wing conservative Les Republicains of former President Nicolas Sarkozy used the growing resistance for their own purposes, the paper wrote. According to opinion polls support for both parties is currently increasing. This claim corresponds to the stance of the French unions and pseudo-lefts, who argue that the protests merely play into the hands of the extreme right. In reality, figures like Sarkozy are widely hated, while the far right is increasingly denouncing the Yellow Vest protesters as left-wing violent extremists. Marion Marechal-Le Pen, the niece of RN leader Marine Le Pen, said the movement was full of far-left militants. We heard people saying, Capitalism is dead! If thats the ultra right, then it has changed considerably. The publications around the Left Party are hostile to the protests in France because they are developing independently of the established political parties and unions. The Yellow Vests movement sprang up spontaneously some weeks ago to protest against the loss of purchasing power through a series of tax hikes and, above all, the increase in fuel tax planned for 1 January, the ND notes, before expressing its central concern. The unions were completely surprised by this and, like the political parties, had no influence on the movement, which organised itself through forums on the Internet. In recent days, the protests of the Yellow Vests have coincided with a series of strikes across Europe. In France, striking port, refinery and Amazon workers have defended the roadblocks set up by the Yellow Vests. The Left Party regards this development, along with the goals of the Yellow Vests movement, as a threat. In fact, the demands for Macrons resignation, an end to social inequality, and against the militarisation of Europe can only be won through the mobilisation of the French and European working class on the basis of an international socialist programme. The Left Party, which articulates the interests of the privileged middle classes, is on the other side of the barricades in the class struggle. In the 2014 European elections, the party pasted placards reading RevolutionNo, Thanks! signalling to the ruling class that it would do everything necessary to stop a revolutionary development. Four years later it is clear what that means. In recent weeks, leaders of the Left Party have lined up behind Macron and his plans for a European army under German-French leadership. The ND has also published a comment describing Macrons plans for an EU army as a terrific idea. The World Socialist Web Site wrote at the time: It is evident that the construction of a European military union and the preparations for war are also directed against growing social and political domestic opposition. Significantly, in his Berlin speech, Macron sought the support of the German bourgeoisie as hundreds of thousands protested in France against higher petrol taxes. Protesters blocked roads and demanded the resignation of the president of the rich. The fact that Macrons appeal has been applauded by the Left Party speaks volumes about the pro-imperialist and anti-worker character of the organisation. On November 4, police and health department officials in Kansas City, Missouri, carried out a coordinated series of raids on four picnics hosted by Free Hot Soup Kansas City, a Facebook community that organizes picnics where hungry people can eat food and converse in a friendly, public environment. The Kansas City Health Department, aided by police, threw away edible food and bleached a portion of it, claiming that Free Hot Soup was an organization and that the picnics were food establishments that needed permits. The raids followed a neighborhood association meeting that had as its first action item Remove KC Free Soup at the park. Health inspectors spied on the group using social media to determine the distribution locations. After video of the health departments actions went viral on social media and sparked international outrage, Kansas City officials let subsequent distribution events go forward. Nellie McCool, who founded Free Hot Soup Kansas City in 2015, recently spoke with the WSWS about the incident. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Josh Varlin: Can you describe what happened November 4? Were you at Prospect Plaza Park when the police and health department came? Nellie McCool: I was not, I was called while it was happening and I rushed over there right after it happened. The normal crew went out to all their different sites where they like to hold picnics with their friends, and Prospect Plaza Park was met with an inspector who immediately asked to destroy the food. Weve been at that park three years, every Sunday weve gone and had picnics there, so weve gotten to really know the community. We arent a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, we arent an organization or any kind of establishment. We dont accept any funding or do any fundraisers as a single entity. A Facebook community is the only way we actually exist as an entity, Free Hot Soup. There are several communities all over the country. I was involved in one in Portland, Oregon, that started in 2013, and then joined the one in Vancouver, Washington, when it started in 2014. I came back and started one in Kansas City when I moved back in 2015. JV: You mentioned the legal issues. Would you be able to expand on what Free Hot Soup is and why its not a food establishment? NM: Free Hot Soup is a Facebook community that recognizes socioeconomic disparity. We recognize that there are underprivileged populations in certain parts of our city, in this case in Kansas City, and we dont believe that organizations can be the entire solution. For instance, Prospect Plaza Park, which is ZIP code 64127, has a household median income of roughly $21,000, which is less than half of the median income statewide. Its 54.7 percent black, and Kansas City has an extensive history of racial segregation. Developer J.C. Nichols wouldnt allow blacks to get mortgages in certain parts of the city, so blacks and any non-white ethnic group were basically cornered into really poor-quality parts of the city. Though those laws dont exist anymore, its obvious when you go to those parts of the city that segregation is still alive. When you go to this public park, normally people in the community dont feel safe bringing their kids there. There was a boy who was killed in the park in spring 2017. For the short amount of time we are there, we bring food, we use the food to strike up conversations with people, and for that one hour, were told, families in the surrounding community feel safe bringing their kids to this park. Its much more than a public food service. Its an activist project taking poverty and violent crime and looking these issues in the face and saying, What can I do to help? There are individuals where Ive set up ways for them to get their bills paid through my Facebook community, or get their homes furnished, or get their birth certificate, or take them to the hospital or shelters, or set them up for other families who would like to sponsor them for Christmas. JV: Free Hot Soup is organizing on social media, using Facebook groups to coordinate distribution of food to people who need it. The authorities were essentially spying on these Facebook groups to do this coordinated wave of raids. What do you think about that? NM: There are so many different communities who use Facebook groups to coordinate events among themselves. This was, I would say, harassment and stalking. If they knew where we were, why did they not have a conversation beforehand? But they came in and, in the case of Prospect Plaza Park, they came in knowingly about to bleach the food. They had the report written prior to beginning their protocol, which they didnt even follow, because they bleached baked goods, which are considered a nonhazardous food and therefore are not regulated by the Health Department. Then they left it in the park, a public park, for the general public to scavenge through. We saw people scavenging through it when we came back later with 41 Action News and other reporters to discuss what had happened at that park. JV: What do you think about the involvement of the North Blue Ridge Neighborhood Association and Democratic State Representative Ingrid Burnett? NM: Their first action step on their minutes was Remove KC Free Soup at the park. Not even trying to give us permits. Its not about public health. Its absolutely, We dont like having you here. JV: What services, if any, does Kansas City provide to homeless people? NM: They continue to toot their horn about the 43 organizations that help the homeless, so I guess thats their goal. Kansas City is tearing down low-income housing projects all over the city and theyre not replacing them. Youve got a limited amount of shelters for single adults. Families with children get priority at low-income housing and shelters. When you tear down these huge low-income apartment complexes, those families are now going into those shelters. So, everybody else who is trying to get on their feet or needs to use the shelter is now put at the very bottom of the list. These neighborhoods have very limited employment options. Prospect Plaza Park, that ZIP code, the unemployment rate is 46 percent. Youve got tons of people who are working for Jackson County, Missouri, but theyre only making $10/hour. If theyre living on the street, they are likely using public transportation, which costs money. If they want to take a shower or have a bed to sleep in, they have to pay for a motel, which costs money. Otherwise theyre going to sleep at bus stops or at public parks on benches, which exposes them to theft and other types of harassment, so a lot of them will lose their IDs, Social Security cards and birth certificates and suddenly they dont have any form of identification anymore. For them to get a car or get a home or get a job if they dont have one, they are now 10 steps behind. You have people out there who are homeless and are working but they cant get to where they need to be. The minimum wage in Missouri is one of the lowest in the entire country. The United National Front (UNF) a short while ago submitted a motion in parliament to curtail funds to the Cabinet ministers, deputy ministers and state ministers of the new government. The motion was presented by MP Patali Champika Ranawaka at the parliament session which commenced at 10 am today. In an open letter to New York University President Andrew Hamilton, academics at NYU condemned the life sentence handed down to British academic Matthew Hedges by the United Arab Emirates for supposed espionage. While Hedges has since been granted clemency following international outrage, his case underscores the contempt with which the UAE governmentwith which New York University has deep tiesviews academic freedom. The hearing that sentenced Hedges to life imprisonment was five minutes long, contained no evidence presented by UAE authorities to substantiate the charges, and did not include an argument in his defense. Hedges, a PhD student at Durham University conducting academic research on Emirati diplomacy, was arrested in May as he was preparing to leave the country. The letter, signed by 214 faculty and PhD students as of this writing, demands that Hamilton condemn Hedges arrest, sentencing and detention; institute a forum and committee on academic freedom across the university and its international network, including the NYU campus at Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) in the UAE, and take measures to protect academic freedom from governmental interference. Despite the blatantly unfair trial and the urging of faculty, the initial response of the administration (prior to the granting of clemency) was to insist that academic freedom is safe at NYUAD. In an email, Hamiltons office said, Those teaching and studying at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus engage in rigorous intellectual discussion, scholarly research, and academic analysis every day with no restrictions. A subsequent statement by NYU left open the possibility that Hedges was guilty, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. It would of course be a significant concern to us if someone engaged in routine scholarly activity were imprisoned for it, said spokesman John Beckman. However it is important to note that we do not have any information regarding the case of Mr. Hedges beyond what has been publicly reported. John Archer, a professor of English at NYU and one of the organizers behind the open letter, noted: To state that we only have information on Matts case from public reports implies he may have done something wrong. It is eerily similar to [President Donald] Trumps response to the [Jamal] Khashoggi murder. President Hamilton is out of step, then, with what is known. The universitys response was both cowardly and dishonest. It allowed defenders of the monarchical regime of the UAE to cite NYU in defense of the regimes antidemocratic actions and whitewash NYUs role in bolstering the countrys image. Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a prominent UAE academic and flunky of the regime, tweeted, Commenting on the case of #MatthewHedges NYU president, Andrew Hamilton said: Those teaching and studying at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus engage in rigorous intellectual discussion, scholarly research, and academic analysis every day with no restrictions. In reality, NYU faculty and students know that academic freedom is by no means guaranteed at NYUAD. NYUs Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute severed ties with NYUAD last year after the UAE barred three professors from teaching in the country. The professors, including Mohamad Bazzi, associate professor of journalism, and Arang Keshavarzian, associate professor of Middle Eastern studies, were almost certainly prevented from teaching due to their religious backgrounds and/or political views. Despite widespread outrage from faculty and academic organizations at this restriction on academic freedom, the NYU administration covered for the UAE government then as it does now. In 2015, the UAE prevented NYU Professor Andrew Ross, a labor studies scholar and a signatory of the Matthew Hedges open letter, from entering the country due to his research on labor conditions in the Gulf monarchy. Bazzi spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the imprisonment of Hedges and the response of the NYU administration to the faculty protest. He noted that it was unclear if the UAE granted Hedges clemency in response to widespread criticism, or if rescinding the sentence had been planned all along. Either way, however, the regimes actions sent a chilling message. I would argue that the criticism contributed to this [granting of clemency], Bazzi said. Some might argue that this was the UAEs intention all along, to set an example and get a long sentence on the record, as a warning to other academics and researchers and as something of a slap in the face to the UK government and [Home Secretary] Jeremy Hunt in particular. There are a lot of indications that this case and the prosecution of Hedges did not live up to international standards, Bazzi explained. The sentence was hurried, and he didnt have legal counsel present when the sentence was handed down. There were also reports that he was forced to sign a confession in Arabic during the investigationhe doesnt read or speak Arabic. Weve now seen the UAE share these video clips Monday morning before announcing the pardon showing Hedges speaking and at one point hes asked for his rank in MI6 [British foreign intelligence] and he says he was a captain, and thats a bit of a farce because that rank doesnt exist in MI6, it doesnt have military ranks. Theres a lot of evidence out there to counter the idea that Matthew Hedges was a spy. Its disappointing that NYU chose to focus on this idea that the NYU leadership doesnt have enough information about the case. Its a legalistic way to avoid the central question raised by this case. The NYU administration's subservience to the UAE government is bound up with the creation of NYUAD itself. The UAE gave NYU $50 million to establish the campus, and Khaldoon Khalifa Al-Mubarak, a leading member of the government, now sits on NYUs Board of Trustees. Mubarak hired the building contractor that enforced brutal working conditions during the construction of the campus. NYUs student newspaper, the Washington Square News, notes that between 2012 and 2018based on what appears to be a partial data setthe UAE gave over $78 million in gifts or contracts to NYU. This sum nearly equals all major foreign gifts to Columbia University, and surpasses Cornell Universitys total. WSN notes that the Department of Education report supplying this data shows that [the NYU-UAE] relationship is saturated with million-dollar contracts, on top of a $10 million monetary gift from the Executive Authority of Abu Dhabi in 2014. NYU has pocketed these immense sums while remaining silent on the central role being played by the UAE in the horrific Saudi-led, US-backed war in Yemenwhich has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands from starvation, relentless bombings and the spread of diseases like cholera, while leaving 14 million on the brink of famine. The backing that Hamilton and his operatives have given to the UAEs attacks on academic freedom has only bolstered the regime in this blood-soaked campaign. The Democratic Party won control of the House of Representatives in the US midterm election November 6, making what now appears to be a gain of 40 seats from the Republicans, the largest Democratic victory since the 1974 election held after Republican President Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace over the Watergate scandal. Some 61 new Democratic representatives have arrived on Capitol Hill, including 31 who defeated Republican incumbents, 12 who won Republican seats left vacant by retirement, 17 who won Democratic-held seats where the incumbent retired, and twoAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressleywho defeated incumbent Democrats in a primary challenge. Yet despite the turnover of more than one quarter of its membership, the first meeting of the House Democratic Caucus reelected the top three leaders without opposition. The 78-year-old Nancy Pelosi, who has led the House Democrats since 2002, was nominated for House speaker by a vote of 203-32. Steny Hoyer, 79, Pelosis deputy since 2002, was elected House majority leader by acclamation. James Clyburn, 78, the third-ranking Democrat since 2006, was elected House majority whip by acclamation. The reelection of the Pelosi-Hoyer-Clyburn leadership is a reaffirmation by the congressional Democrats that there will be no significant change in the program, tactics or strategy of the Democratic Party, despite the overwhelming anti-Trump vote on November 6. By one tally, a record 111 million people voted in the midterms, and they gave a nine million-vote majority to Democratic candidates over their Republican opponents. Far from taking this vote as a mandate to oppose the Trump administrations right-wing policies, let alone move towards confronting Trump directly over his attacks on democratic rights, persecution of immigrants and moves towards economic warfare and outright military conflict, the Pelosi leadership has been at pains to declare its determination to cooperate and collaborate with the White House wherever possible. Pelosi preached conciliation with Trump as soon as the scale of the Democratic victory November 6 became apparent. She has repeatedly offered to work with the administration on issues like infrastructure spending, prescription drug prices and measures to defend the US election machinery from supposed cyber-attacks by Russia, China or Iran. And following her insistence during the election campaign that Trumps barbaric treatment of immigrants was a diversion from the real issues, she has remained virtually silent as Trump has ordered the teargasing of women and children on the border, the building of concentration camps and an effective end to the right of asylum, while mobilizing the military to enforce this regime of terror and intimidation. Democratic strategists have even suggested finding ways to split Trump away from the Republican-led Senate in areas where there is common ground with the Democrats, such as protectionist measures directed against China or federal spending for infrastructure projects, a 2018 version of the notorious triangulation policy pursued by the Clinton White House in the 1990s. None of these actions come as a surprise to anyone who studies the political record of Pelosi and the Democrats over the past two decades. Pelosi herself is one of the wealthiest members of Congress, married to a real estate investor with a fortune approaching $100 million. She is a trusted servant of American imperialism, chosen by the Democratic leadership to serve on the House Intelligence Committee, where she rose to the position of ranking memberthe senior Democratbefore succeeding Richard Gephardt in 2002 as the leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives. It is not possible within the framework of this commentary to describe Pelosis right-wing political record in detail. Suffice it to say she specializes in a handwringing verbal condemnation of the worst atrocities of Republican administrations, while doing nothing to stop them. Under Barack Obama, she was a full-throated supporter of the most reactionary measures taken by the Democratic administration: drone-missile assassinations, the wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen, the bailout of Wall Street, the arrest and deportation of more immigrants than all previous US administrations combined. Pelosi has a noxious record on national security issues, particularly domestic spying, as befits a longtime member of the House Intelligence Committee who was regularly briefed, both as minority leader and as house speaker, on the most sensitive and antidemocratic actions taken by the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations. She voted to establish the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, devised and voted for a resolution supporting US troops after Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, repeatedly backed military appropriations for the war in Iraq, even after the Democrats won control of the House in 2006 based on a limited appeal to antiwar sentiment. She opposed calls for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and for the impeachment of George W. Bush for launching a war based on lies. In December 2005, when widespread NSA domestic spying was made public, she admitted having known about it for years, while she was the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. In 2007, she devised a legislative maneuver to allow a minority of Democrats to join with most Republicans to renew funding for the Bush military offensive in Iraq (the surge), which ignited all-out slaughter between rival Sunni and Shiite militias in the war-torn country. Pelosi was so identified with the Democratic Partys betrayal of popular antiwar sentiment that Cindy Sheehan, who became a prominent antiwar activist after the death of her son in Iraq, chose to run against her in the 2008 congressional election. Under Obama, Pelosi was credited with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, an effort to shift the burden of healthcare spending from the government and corporations to individual working people, packaged falsely as a progressive reform. She also ensured passage of the Dodd-Frank legislation, billed as punishment of Wall Street for the 2008 financial crash. But no bankers went to jail and the supposed regulations proved a dead letter. Today, the biggest banks and hedge funds are bigger than ever and engage in gambling even more recklessly than in 2008, setting the stage for an even bigger collapse. Given this atrocious right-wing record, it is a remarkable fact that the only opposition to the re-nomination of Pelosi as the Democratic leader in the House came from the right, from Democrats seeking to push the party into an even closer alignment with Trump and the Republicans, particularly on issues like trade, immigration and the military build-up. The most prominent leader of this group, Representative Seth Moulton, a two-term congressman from Massachusetts, is a former Iraq War unit commander and the godfather of the political operation that has placed 11 veterans of the national security apparatusCIA operatives, military officers, civilian war plannersamong the newly elected House Democrats. Meanwhile, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the congresswoman-elect from New Yorks 14th District and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, idolized by the pseudo-left and endlessly promoted by the corporate media, gave her backing to Pelosi, declaring that those opposing her within the Democratic caucus wanted to push the party further to the right. This happens to be true, but it amounts to a self-indictment of groups like the DSA, which claim that this right-wing imperialist party, eternally committed to the defense of corporate America and its imperialist interests, can be pushed to the left. A lengthy profile in Jacobin, the pro-DSA magazine, effectively endorses Pelosi, citing Ocasio-Cortezs observation that her only challengers are to her right and arguing, Pelosis re-ascent isnt a disasterin a darker timeline, it could have been centrist Steny Hoyer in her place. Now there is a bold perspective: Using a political microscope to find the miniscule differences between a proven war criminal and servant of capital and her deputy for the past 16 years! There is no way forward for working people through the Democratic Party. The first step in any genuine struggle to fight for jobs and decent living standards, defend democratic rights and oppose imperialist war is for the working class to break free of the Democratic Party and build an independent mass political movement of its own, fighting for a socialist and antiwar program. Around 100,000 plantation workers held a one-day strike in Sri Lanka on Monday to demand a 100 percent increase in their daily wage. Estate workers in all of the islands hill districts, including Nuwara-Eliya, Badulla, Kandy, Matale, Kegalla, Ratnapura and Kalutara, and in the Colombo district, participated in the industrial action. The Ceylon Workers Congress (CWC) plantation union called the walkout but did not organise any demonstrations. Despite this, workers held protests and rallies for up to three hours in various districts. Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim workers from other industries backed the strike, while shopkeepers in the major plantation towns closed their shops to register their support. A protest near Norwood The plantation workers have been holding daily protests on their respective estates since early October. The National Union of Workers (NUW), supported by the Democratic Peoples Front (DPF) and Up-country Peoples Front (UPF), however, have kept the demonstrations isolated from one another. Mondays walkout was similarly limited to one day, with CWC officials ordering workers to remain at their estates. The NUW and DPF refused to endorse Mondays strike, but their members nevertheless joined it. The plantation unions, which also function as political parties, are determined to prevent these wage struggles from escalating out of their control and sparking mass industrial action by other workers, which would lead to a political confrontation with the government. The unions played the same role earlier this year when railway, postal, water board, university and other workers took industrial action and held demonstrations demanding higher pay and improved working conditions. When President Maithripala Sirisena unconstitutionally removed Wickremesinghe as prime minister, and replaced him with former President Mahinda Rajapakse on October 26, the plantation unions worked to contain the wages struggle and prevent plantation workers from compounding the political crisis. Plantation union leaders have been ministers in, and political advocates of, both the Rajapakse and Sirisena-Wickremesinghe governments, and have loyally backed their attacks on workers living conditions. Workers lining up for a rally at Pussellawa CWC leader Arumugam Thondaman became a cabinet minister in the newly appointed Rajapakse administration, and immediately claimed that the new prime minister had promised that plantation workers would receive a 100 percent pay rise. Rajapakses promise, of course, was bogus. It was just part of his manoeuvres to secure a parliamentary majority. For their part, P. Digambaram and Mano Ganeshan, leaders of the NUW and DPF respectively, who previously held ministerial positions in Wickremesinghes administration, backed the deposed prime minister and his United National Party (UNP)-led faction. The CWC was forced to call this weeks one-day strike in a desperate attempt to dissipate their employees anger. The plantation workers collective agreement ended on October 31, yet nothing has come of Rajapakses fraudulent pay rise promise. CWC chief Arumugam Thondaman called a press conference in Kotagala after Mondays walkout, declaring that the strike was a great victory and claiming it would put pressure on companies and show the peoples strength to the government. Thondamans claims, like Rajapakses promise, are meaningless. As in the past, the CWC and the other plantation unions will continue to hold back-room discussions with the companies, and then seek to impose their demands on the workers. The plantation companies have consistently rejected workers demands for a 100 percent wage increase, offering instead a meagre 20 percent, or 100-rupee, increase on the current basic daily wage of 500 rupees ($US2.70). Last week Employers Federation of Ceylon Plantation Services Group chairman Roshan Rajadurai told the media that it was impossible to grant workers wage demands amid declining tea prices and rising production costs. Around 35 percent of our teas are unsold due to market conditions; prices are coming down, he said. Our teas are expensive; there are teas of the same quality at lower prices in the world market from countries such as India. Rajadurai repeated the plantation chiefs previous 20 percent pay offer and claimed that workers could earn an extra 400 rupees through additional allowances tied to productivity. On Monday, striking workers denounced the unions and the government. A worker from the Ottery estate in Dick-Oya, near Hatton, told the WSWS: We joined the strike to establish workers unity, but we dont have any faith that the CWC or the other trade union leaders will fight for our demands. We demonstrated for our wage demand in Dick-Oya town on October 26, the same day that President Sirisena appointed Rajapakse as prime minister. After that the trade union leaders told us to forget about our wage issue. Workers picketing near Dickoya On Sunday, a day before this weeks strike, Rajapakse issued a public statement declaring that Sri Lanka was on the brink of economic collapse and compared it to the situation that faced Greece three years ago. He pledged that his government would strictly control public expenditure and that the people must support him like during the war period and build the country. Mangala Samaraweera, a former finance minister and a leader of Wickremesinghes faction, also warned that Sri Lanka was near economic collapse and referred to Greece. Political stability, he said, could only be established by allowing the Wickremesinghe faction to rule. These references to the Greek financial crisis make clear that whichever political faction finally seizes control of the government, it will unleash similar attacks on the jobs, wages and social rights of Sri Lankan workers to those imposed on the Greek workers, on the orders of big business and international finance capital. Sri Lankan chief of defence staff, Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne, was arrested on Wednesday and placed in remand until December 5 by a Colombo Fort court. Wijegunaratne, who had evaded arrest since September, has been charged with harbouring a senior navy officer, Lieutenant Commodore Chandana Prasad Hettiarachchi, who is accused of abducting 11 Tamil youth in 20082009. Hettiarachchi is believed to have led navy personnel who kidnapped individuals and demanded ransoms during the communal war against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The Colombo Fort magistrate said the military chief had to be denied bail because he could influence witnesses or disrupt ongoing investigations into the Tamil youth abduction case. The magistrate ordered special protection for Wijegunaratne whilst in custody. The high-profile case covers just one of the numerous war crimes committed by the military during the nearly three-decade civil war. Consecutive presidents and prime ministers have provided legal protection to senior military officials since the war ended in May 2009. The youth and studentsKasthuriarachchilage John Reed, Rajiv Naganathan, Pradeep Vishvanathan, Thilakeshwaram Nagalingam, Mohamed Saajith, Jamaldeen Dilan, Amanon Lyon, Roshan Lyon, Antony Kasturiarachchi, Thiyagarajha Jegan and Mohomed Anverwere abducted in Colombo and nearby areas. The kidnappers demanded ransom payments from their relatively wealthy families. According to reports, the youth were held at the Naval Prison in Colombo and later seen in underground cells at the Trincomalee Naval base. Although families paid ransoms, the youth have not been heard of since their abductions. Hettiarachchi and Sampath Munasinghe, who was a private assistant to former navy commander, Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda, and 10 other navy officers have been arrested as suspects in the case, which has dragged for nearly a decade. Hettiarachchi has also been accused of killing Tamil parliamentarian Nadarajah Raviraj in Colombo in November 2006. Commenting on the defence chiefs arrest, Jamaldeen Jennifer Weerasinghe, 58, the mother of one of the abducted youth, told the Hindu: I am happy today. She was hopeful that those who took our children away will be brought to justice. Weerasinghe added that if the admiral was innocent, Why did he evade arrest? If he doesnt have anything to hide, why must he run away from the courts? Weerasinghe, married to a retired army officer, said that if her son were alive, he would be 34. The navy must surely know what happened to our children, she said. But like all other war crime allegations against military officers, those accused in the current case will ultimately go scot-free, or one or two scapegoats will be found to blame. Nadarajah Wimaleswaran, a member of the Socialist Equality Party, and his friend, Sivanathan Mathivathanan disappeared in March 2007 at Kayts in the navy-controlled Velani area. An SEP investigation and campaign proved that the navy was responsible for their disappearance. Upon hearing of the military chiefs arrest, Wimaleswarans wife Sivajini told the WSWS: I think that my husband and his friend were arrested by the navy. I heard that some forces were arrested for other such cases, but we dont know what happened to the disappeared persons, including Wimaleswaran... My son lost his fatherwe cannot amend his expectations. She added: We have been living in a small hut and are poor. Many families that lost the head of their households during the war are living in poverty. This situation was created by governments in Colombo. As soon as news emerged that police were about to arrest Wijegunaratne, President Maithripala Sirisena moved to protect him and other military officers. At an August 28 meeting with military officers and the law and order and defence ministry secretaries, Sirisena ordered the police not to provide courts any internal information on cases related to military officers. While Sirisena claimed the information could threaten national security, the real purpose of his directive was to see the cases dismissed due to a lack of evidence. Sirisena told an emergency cabinet meeting on September 12 that military leaders accused of crimes should not be arrested. Any inconvenience or harassment of the military and war heroes should be stopped, he said. Two weeks ago, Wijegunaratne accused police Criminal Investigation Division investigator Nishantha Silva of having close connections with the LTTE. Silvas immediate senior officer rejected this crude attempt to discredit the police case, citing the investigators actions against the Tamil separatist group. Last week, Wijegunaratne was accused of confronting Lieutenant Commander Laksiri Galagamage, a key witness in the case. Galagamage told police that Wijegunaratnes security team physically attacked and tried to shoot him. The UN estimates that around 40,000 civilians were killed during final stages of the war that ended with the LTTEs military defeat in May 2009. According to recent Missing Persons Office reports, at least 20,000 persons disappeared during the conflict. Relatives and Tamil people in the North and East have held ongoing protests and demonstrations, demanding information about their abducted and disappeared loved ones. Security forces are also accused of killing Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunga in January 2009, disappearing cartoonist and journalist Pragith Eknaligoda in 2010 and attacking several senior journalists. Sirisena came to power in January 2015 by exploiting mass anger over the war atrocities and other attacks on basic democratic rights and workers social conditions by former President Mahinda Rajapakses government. A regime-change operation was orchestrated by Washington and Ranil Wickremesinghes United National Party in order to bring Sri Lankan foreign policy into line with US preparations for war against China. The US and other major powers used the UN to threaten war crimes investigations against the military in order to pressure Rajapakse to break off relations with Beijing. Sirisena and Wickremesinghe won support from the Tamil National Alliance by pledging to bring justice to the Tamil war victims. They quickly ditched these promises and began encouraging Sinhala communalism to divide the working class. The defence chiefs arrest is bound up with the factional power struggle gripping the ruling class amid new pressure from Washington and its allies, including India. Sirisena and Wickremesinghe, who became prime minister in 2015, shifted Lankas foreign policy in favour of the US and India and built closer military relations. Facing mounting financial problems, however, they turned to Beijing, in particular selling Hambantota port to a Chinese company. Washington declared that Sri Lanka was getting caught in Chinas debt trap. Now the defence chief has been detained amid renewed hypocritical US expressions of concern about human rights violations in Sri Lanka, again designed to warn against any deviation toward China. Last month, Sirisena instigated a constitutional coup, sacking Wickremesinghe and replacing him with Rajapakse. In the ongoing political crisis, the US has made clear it is backing the Wickremesinghe faction in order to maintain the anti-China shift. Irrespective of what happens with Wijegunaratnes trial and related cases, both warring factions of the ruling elite depend on support from the military, which was expanded and nurtured during the war and became a formidable factor in official politics. Oops....! We couldn't find that... 404 error Unfortunately the page you were looking for could not be found. It may be temporarily unavailable, moved or no longer exist. Check the URL you entered for any mistakes and try again. Alternatively, search for whatever is missing or take a look around the rest of our site. As the boat lurches over another huge wave, a whale slaps its massive tail, against the water in front. These mammals make Olympic gymnasts look like amateurs as they acrobatically lift their enormous bodies in gravity-defying displays. Africa Animals Beaches Destinations and attractions Dolphins and whales Eastern Africa Ecosystems and habitats Environment and natural resources Landforms and ecosystems Life forms Madagascar Mammals Marine mammals Rainforests Continents and regions Islands and reefs Points of interest We're traveling across Antongil Bay to the far-flung Masoala Forest Lodge on Masoala peninsula, a vast national park on Madagascar's northeast coast, and the island's last remaining untouched rainforest. Between July and September, thousands of humpback whales also journey here to calve and mate, during their long migration from Antarctica. Remote wilderness Arriving two hours later we're immediately awestruck by deserted honey gold beaches and spectacular rainforests swarming down mountains. The thick forest has escaped the deforestation that tragically ravages the rest of this Indian Ocean island. Masoala Forest Lodge is hidden among this green world, on a never-ending stretch of beach, with not another building in sight. "I chose here for the wilderness," says the lodge's owner Pierre Bester, a South African, who also run lodges in isolated parts of Mozambique and Malawi. Maria Bester, Pierre's German wife, is there to greet us as we clamber ashore. The lodge is an effortless blend of rustic and luxury, with a dining hall resembling a long house and seven palm-thatched treehouses, raised on stilted wooden platforms, standing right on the beach. During breakfast the following morning we're treated to the sight of dolphins swimming past. Endemic wildlife A lot of Masoala's wildlife is endemic: strange nocturnal Aye-aye, vibrant Helmet vanga birds and Madagascar serpent eagles among them. Cut off from mainland Africa 160 million years ago, Madagascar has some of the world's rarest and most unusual flora and fauna. The forest is a throng of giant buttress roots and towering rosewoods, Ramy and Madagascar dragon trees. Vines and lianas twist everywhere, headstrong streams rush over rocks and epiphytes glow in the sun. We're looking for red-ruffed lemurs and find a group of them almost immediately, leaping through the trees, resembling dramatic fireballs with their magnificent crimson fur. Back on the beach we snorkel among shockingly bright fish. Rainforest amphitheater "Often we hear whales singing," says Seraphin, our guide. "Female humpback whales choose their mate by their singing skills. Their song is one of the animal kingdom's most complex." The following day we travel by boat to a pristine arc of beach, hemmed in by rainforest, where hidden coves stretch far into the distance. From here we travel by traditional pirogue boat up the Antalavia River to a giant pool of cascades in a natural rainforest amphitheater. Pygmy kingfishers and parrots swoop past as we splash about. The coastal path back skirts the forest. We have the whole place to ourselves, except for a man wandering across the sand with his cows; and a family returning from their tanety (hillside farm), with homemade shrimp traps and baskets of cassava leaves. Kayaks are available to explore the sculpted granite monoliths that seem to have been flung across the sea. "Lichen eats the rocks here, eroding them into these dramatic shapes which rear from the water," Pierre explains. Orchids are more abundant here than any other African forest; enormous clumps elegantly shroud the trees. The most famous orchid is vanilla. Indeed, most of the world's vanilla is cultivated around Masoala. However, it doesn't grow naturally here -- it's in fact native to Mexico. "The French brought it over," says Seraphin. "The bees which pollinate the flowers do not live in Madagascar so each flower has to be hand-pollinated, making it extremely labour-intensive." In 2018 Pierre and Maria opened two new private villas: one on Cap Masaola, a secluded point on the peninsula, and the other on a private palm-covered island with white beaches just off it. Both can be reached by kayak through the tranquil, turquoise Cap Masaola lagoon. This is real Robinson Crusoe (in luxury); the area is totally unvisited by tourists because it's so hard to get to. Pierre, however, has been kayaking here -- it's how he first found this area -- since 1998. Our final week is spent on Ile St Marie, a small island -- just 63 by six kilometers -- off Madagascar's northeast coast. Houses are stilted and thatched with big verandas and most restaurant names are the owner's family name preceded by Chez (French for "at home") -- because they are just that. You sit on someone's veranda eating a delicious home-cooked meal of zebu or chicken in a creamy vanilla sauce. Masoala Forest Lodge, Masoala, Madagascar, Madagascar; +261 32 05 415 87 Marine conservation We are staying at Princesse Bora, a hotel with a long infinity pool by the sea. The owner, Fifou Mayer, passionate about whales, is one of the founders of Cetamada, an association which protects Madagascar's marine life, and guests are even allowed to go out in its research boats. The island is perfect for exploring by bicycle and the hotel have some available for guests. We cruise along quiet lanes, stopping at a crumbling pirate cemetery, dating back to when the island's bays were busy hideouts for pirates (it's close to the East Indies trade route) and a quaint Catholic church, which is Madagascar's oldest. One day we hire quad bikes and head off to the wild east coast, along dirt tracks, past remote little villages. We continue our exploration by pirogue through mangroves and wander along beaches, where palm trees lean so far over they appear to be doing press ups into the sea. We swim in the island's lagoon, and visit Ile aux Nattes, a tiny neighboring island, even more isolated than Ile St Marie (and reached by another quick five-minute pirogue ride). Back at the hotel, Fifou tells us that Malagasy people keep the northeast corner of their homes for their ancestors, so it's a special place. It seems entirely appropriate that we have spent all our time in Madagascar's northeast, surely the most special area on this island. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe CASPER Wyoming schools would be required to create a comprehensive safety plan and conduct nationally recognized, proactive security training under a bill advanced by a state legislative committee Wednesday, a measure that represents lawmakers primary attempt to better safeguard schools from active shooters. The bill passed on a 9 to 4 vote in the Joint Education Committee fewer than two... Northern Wyoming Daily News sponsors Silver Tree for seniors WORLAND Upon walking into the Northern Wyoming Daily News there is a little Christmas tree on the counter adorned with white lights, silver tinsel and silver ornaments with paper silver bells nestled in between. The Silver Tree is a type of Angel Tree but for senior community members who will be alone for this holiday season. The idea for the silver tree came from Northern Wyoming Daily New... The government of Uganda is developing a plan to increase its exports to the US under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act in the next five years. AGOA, a US trade legislation enacted in May 2000, was is meant to help sub-Saharan African countries export to the US more than 6,000 different products duty free. The Act originally covered an eight-year period from October 2000 to September 2008, but legislative amendments signed into law by former US president George Bush in July 2004 extended AGOA to 2015. The legislation was further extended to 2025. Stories Continues after ad Trade, Industry and Co-operatives Minister Amelia Kyambadde says the new plan aims to restructure Ugandas AGOA business. The minister says much as Uganda has participated in AGOA, the country has no strategy to the extent that some players didnt know who to work with or the quality and standards of goods to export. Uganda currently lags behind its neighbours Kenya and Tanzania in exports to the US. In 2017 Kenyas exports were worth US$454 million, Tanzanias were US$145 million, Ugandas $108 million and Rwanda exported just US$66 millions worth. She hopes engaging SMEs will help the country realise over US$200 million per year. Under the new strategy government wants to put emphasis on coffee, spices, crafts, and casein as the main preferences of the US market. Since its inception in 2000, AGOA has given duty-free and quota-free access to the US market on around 6,000 products from qualifying sub-Saharan African countries with textiles and apparel accounting for some 90% of total exports. The trade pact was renewed for a further ten years in 2015, which means it is due to remain in place until 2025 a decision that has given renewed impetus to sub-Saharan Africa as an apparel sourcing destination. Red Dead Online Has Double Rewards in Overrun Featured Series and Call to Arms For the Next Two Weeks The Budapest Transport Centre (BKK) has severed its contract with German company Scheidt & Bachmann, which had been commissioned to deliver an electronic ticket system, the website Azonnali reports. Serious problems between the BKK and the German company were discussed by the Budapest urban development committee earlier this month. BKK CEO Kalman Daboczi said the project is so far behind schedule that Scheidt & Bachmann is in breach of contract. The company was unable to renew certain bank guarantees as it should have done, and did not meet its obligation despite being urged to do so in letters. It was then that the BKK began preparations to sever the contract, a step which the BKK wanted to avoid, he said. According to original plans, the electronic ticket system was to be operational in 2017. Related articles: Further Delay In Introducing Electronic Ticket System In Budapest MTI Photo: Szigetvary Zsolt The iconic Chain Bridge will be lit in the Scottish national colours of blue and white both today and tomorrow, in honour of Scotlands national holiday: St Andrews day. Iain Lindsay, the UKs ambassador to Hungary, will address a short ceremony on Eotvos Square before the lights are turned on. The Chain Bridge will be lit from afternoon until midnight on both days. The building of Budapests iconic bridge and the Castle Tunnel were overseen by Edinburgh-born engineer Adam Clark. Related articles: Blue & White Coloured Chain Bridge Coming Soon To Celebrate St Andrews Day MTI Photo: Lakatos Peter This week 476 media outlets became parts of the new Hungarian media holding controlled by pro-government forces. The name of the mammoth is Central European Press and Media Foundation. Two important announcements were made on Wednesday. First, it was revealed that PM Orbans close friend, Lorinc Meszaros further expanded his portfolio: he bought media outlets owned by Austrian businessman Heinrich Pecina, a company owned by Laszlo Puch and also media outlets owned by casino magnate and film commissioner Andy Vajna, as well as Gabor Liszkay. Shortly after it was also announced that Meszaros is donating all his media companies to the Central European Press and Media Foundation. Next, the Foundation revealed that owners of Echo TV, Figyelo, 888.hu, Lokal, Ripost and Origo.hu also offered their media outlets to the foundation. This means that important pro-government businessmen including Meszaros, Vajna, Maria Schmidt and Arpad Habony gave up their media portfolios. Vajna (pictured on top) was allowed to keep his radio network and his TV channel, TV2, is not part of the new holding, either. With this move, the Central European Press and Media Foundation might become the biggest media holding in Europe. When all the deals are finalized, the Foundation will own 476 media outlets. Photo courtesy of Northfoto.com The wages of health-care sector public workers, district nurses and health-care workers without higher education qualifications will go up by 72% over the next four years, the human resources minister said. The pay rises will be implemented in four phases between 2019 and 2022, Miklos Kasler said. The health-care workers concerned will first see their wages increase by 8% in July 2019, then by 14% in January 2020. Wages will increase again by 20% in November of that year and then by another 30% in 2021, the minister said. The government will spend 14.1 billion forints (EUR 43.5m) on the pay hikes next year and 79.4 billion forints in 2020, he said. Kasler also announced that the government would consolidate 55 billion forints worth of debt amassed by hospitals. The government has also discussed the reform of basic care and emergency care services as well as its five national health schemes, the minister added. Related articles: Employment In Healthcare In Hungary Hungarys GDP growth rate is set to remain above the European Unions average growth rate of 2.5% until at least 2021, but some estimates say it could exceed the EU average all the way through 2023, the head of the Fiscal Council said. This above-average growth, however, is not unique to Hungary, Arpad Kovacs (pictured on top) told a business conference in Sopron, in western Hungary. All four of the Visegrad Group countries are growing faster than the EU average, he said. He also said that Hungary was in the lower tier of the blocs overachievers. On another subject, the fiscal council head said Hungarys budget was in good shape. Kovacs also said that 2017 was the first year when the total amount of EU funds allocated to Hungary exceeded the countrys public debt. Meanwhile, he predicted that an economic crisis would hit around 2020-2022, adding, however, that its impact would be less severe than that of the 2008 crisis. He said there were a variety of ways Hungary could prepare for a crisis so as to ensure that its budget remains stable and its public debt declines. Related articles: Hungarys Full-Year Economic Growth To Exceed Expectations OECD Raises Hungary GDP Growth Forecasts MTI Photo Hungarian MEPs were divided on a report passed by the European Parliament calling on Hungary to extradite former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Ruling Fidesz called the document an ideologically-driven attack on Hungary, while opposition MEPs supported it. The report, which MEPs passed with 470 votes in favour and 116 against, calls on the Hungarian authorities to hand over all of their information on Gruevskis case. Fidesz MEP Laszlo Tokes said in reaction the Hungarian authorities had handled the former Macedonian prime ministers case lawfully. He speculated that the migration issue and the Soros lobby were behind the push to oust and convict Gruevski. Socialist Party MEP Tibor Szanyi accused the European Peoples Party of aiding and abetting Fidesz, saying that the Gruevski case was further proof that EPP was incapable of keeping [Hungarian Prime Minister] Viktor Orban, this real dictator, on a tight leash. Csaba Molnar and Peter Niedermuller of the leftist opposition Democratic Coalition said the Orban government has embarrassed Hungary on a global scale. We European Hungarians wont put up with Orban turning our country into a collection site for failed politicians, criminals and terrorists, they said. State secretary for international communications Zoltan Kovacs said in reaction that the European Parliaments pro-migration majority proved once again that only migrants matter to them, and they go after everyone who protects the borders. In the Sargentini report, the European Parliament defended Ahmed H, who had been convicted of committing a terrorist act, ignoring that he attacked Hungarian police officers and wanted to break through the fence, Kovacs wrote in a Facebook post. Meanwhile, the EP immediately attacked the former Macedonian prime minister who had built a fence in an effort to stop migrants, the state secretary added. Related articles: Local Opinion: Did Gruevski Flee To Hungary With Official Consent? Hungarian Authorities 'Made No Mistake' In Gruevski Procedure Opposition Turns To EC Over Gruevski Affair In Hungary MTI Photo Two of countrys leading men have joined the movement to end gun violence, since Dierks Bentley and Florida Georgia Lines Tyler Hubbard have both voiced their support for Congress to enact universal background checks. In conjunction with the Toms apparel companys new End Gun Violence Together campaign, Bentley and Hubbard have directed online followers to the Toms website, where they can send postcards urging action to their representatives. More than 90% of Americans support universal background checks. And Im one of them, reads the default language of the postcards, which are part of $5 million Toms is giving to various organizations around the cause. Establishing universal background checks at the federal level would eliminate the gun show loophole that allows numerous firearms to be sold without buyers being screened. Instagram Photo Proud of my friend @blakemycoskie and @toms for jumping into the discussion on how we can work together to #endgunviolence, wrote Bentley on Instragram on Wednesday. He has a gift for bringing people together and Im happy to see him applying it to this cause. In his own Instagram post on Thursday, Tyler Hubbard appealed to his fans empathy and sense of responsibility. This is not a political post, but a post about the betterment of humanity, he wrote. In an accompanying video, Hubbard noted the staggering amount of mass shootings that have taken place in 2018 alone. As a proud gun owner myself, thats a right and a privilege I take very, very serious, he said. We can all come together and agree that something has to change. Its unacceptable. We shouldnt have to walk out of the house and live in fear anymore. Instagram Photo Country music has had a complicated, often cozy, relationship with guns in recent years. Numerous songs see: Luke Bryans Huntin, Fishin and Lovin Every Day have extolled the virtues of guns as part of the sportsmans lifestyle and country living, but country also had ties to the National Rifle Association through its lifestyle brand NRA Country. In the wake of the Route 91 shooting, that relationship appeared to be in flux and many artists including Florida Georgia Line were scrubbed from the NRA Country website. Story continues Bentley and Hubbard are the two latest high-profile country performers to wade in to the contentious debate around guns and gun violence, a topic on which many other country artists with notable exceptions such as Tim McGraw, Maren Morris, Brothers Osborne and Eric Church have remained silent. A handful of other performers have addressed the issue in more subtle ways, with Carrie Underwood examining the lives connected to one cut short by a gun in The Bullet and Kane Brown calling the violent present an American Bad Dream on his new album. In the last 18 months, gun violence has had a direct impact on country fans, with the Route 91 massacre in Las Vegas counting 58 lives lost and leaving hundreds of others with injuries in late 2017. More recently, a shooter opened fire at the country-focused Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California where patrons actually included Route 91 survivors leaving another 12 people dead. Conan producer Jordan Schlansky just had his meal, childhood and possibly life ruined by Ralph Macchio. While shooting a remote in Japan, Schlansky and boss Conan OBrien sat down for a traditional dinner. There, Conan insulted his employee numerous times, calling Jordan the high priest of meaningless conversation and even a pervert for smelling his food before tasting. The smug Schlansky was no slouch himself, telling the comic that their server only likes OBrien because you are a jester. Also Read: Conan Chokes up as He Bids Farewell to the One-Hour Format and His Basic Cable Band (Video) Later, the know-it-all Schlansky explained his obsession with Japanese culture it was all The Karate Kid Part II, of course. Recounting his childhood, Jordan insisted multiple times that the 1986 movies Japan scenes were shot in Okinawa, which is a Japanese island in the East China Sea. Unfortunately for the walking Wikipedia, OBrien called in a favor to fact-check his travel companion. Hi Conan, its me, Ralph Macchio, a video message saved to OBriens cell started. Listen, Im sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to tell that Jordan guy that all the scenes in Karate Kid Part II that are supposed to be Japan were actually shot in Hawaii. Oh, and Jordan, those werent real dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.' Also Read: Jimmy Fallon Doing Trump Doing Elvis Is What Late-Night Needed This Week (Video) Schlansky sat in shock. You fraud! Conan rubbed the moment in. Your childhood hero just came out of my phone and took a st into your mouth. Watch the video above. Read original story Watch Conan Producer Jordan Schlansky Get Totally Owned by Childhood Hero Ralph Macchio (Video) At TheWrap Photo credit: LauriPatterson - Getty Images From Delish Hey, you-person who's casually still hoarding a couple servings of mashed potatoes and three measly slices of turkey in their fridge. It's time to throw that food in the garbage. Why? Because the freakin' United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) said you should...because it could very well make you incredibly sick. According to the USDA, Monday was the very last day you could safely eat all your Thanksgiving leftovers without fear of listeria, a bacteria related to food-borne illnesses. In case you didn't learn your lesson from some of the many (like, so, so many) food recalls that have occurred in 2018, listeria can cause Listeriosis. The Center for Disease Control calls it a serious infection that "primarily affects pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems." So all you thriving, healthy, 30-somethings might not be in harm's way like the elderly, but c'mon: throw the food in the garbage PLEASE. Don't follow the USDA's instructions and you might suffer from a fever, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, convulsions, and muscle aches. Alas, there's still hope for all the smarty pants out there. If you thought ahead and froze your extra food, you can defrost it anytime in the next six months and then eat it within seven days in the fridge. Go ahead and dig right in or make one of our go-to leftovers recipes. ('You Might Also Like',) Even the most well-traveled individual can't help but feel a sense of spirituality while visiting the world's southern-most city, located on the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Ushuaia, a port town in Argentina and the gateway to Antartica, has become a destination for adventure-seekers to experience everything from the arrival of migrating penguins to dog-sled rides through the Valley of Wolves. As one of the founders of Naya Traveler, Sarah Casewit regularly scouts the best spots around the world so she can curate trips for clients. So her trip to Ushuaia was part work, part playand part awakening. Casewit, who has called Argentina home for the past seven years, found a certain clarity at the end of the world. "Knowing that what lies beyond is the last continent, a white desert of ice, is humbling," she told Vogue. She traveled down to Fin del Mundo during the Southern hemisphere's spring, when the air is crisp and pure, and Magellanic and Gentoo penguins return to the region. Casewit notes that while the industrial town does feels outdated, that may have enhanced her experience. "What lay beyond the windswept array of steel houses renewed my love for nature and put me back in touch with the great outdoors." Instead of staying in one of the city's many hotels, the Morocco-native decided to forgo amenities (many of the hotels are resort-style) and stayed in a home on the main strip of town. Upon arrival, Casewit traveled to Tierra del Fuego's tip on Lapataia Bay, where she was greeted with endless valleys that left an impression. Casewit said that boating along the Beagle Channel is essential to get to know the area. "Nowhere else de you experience the immensity of Tierra del Fuego so intensely as you glide along the dark tides." Visitors will spot Les Eclaireurs lighthouse while en route to Hammer Island, where flocks of penguins are sure to delight. Hiking is also a must: Casewit recommends completing the 3-mile hike to Esmeralda Lagoon for an easy and scenic hike. Story continues After a day of sightseeing, a proper afternoon tea should be enjoyed at La Cabana, a colorful teahouse at the edge of Glacier Martial. Casewit recommends dinner at Kaupe Restaurant, one of the city's top spots, for a "delicious introduction to local cuisine." When all you want is a coffee, Ramos Generales is worth a stop; its over 100 years old, and packed with history. Below, get a look at Casewit's time exploring the End of the World. Naya Traveler's Sarah Casewit Explores Ushuaia a.k.a The End of the World Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit Photo: Sarah Casewit A Michigan mother who allowed her 6-year-old to amass 26 unexcused school absences spent five days in jail and has been placed on nine months of probation. Brittany Ann Horton, 28, was sentenced Nov. 16 after pleading guilty in May to truancy, according to a statement from the Muskegon County Prosecutors Office obtained by PEOPLE. In addition to her jail time and probation, Horton was ordered to pay $525 in fines. She was first contacted by school administrators to resolve the absences back in October of 2017, according to the statement. After attempts to resolve the issue failed including a meeting Horton didnt attend administrators handed the case over to prosecutors. Letters and meetings were set up for Horton in February but she neglected to respond to attempts to contact her, according to the statement. In March, she was charged. After failing to appear at her arraignment, Horton pleaded guilty in May, but her punishment was delayed to give her a chance to fix the problem, according to the statement. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Instead, the child accumulated 14 additional unexcused days. PEOPLEs attempts to contact Horton were not successful. The areas Operation Graduation program steps in after nine unexcused absences excused absence, like sickness, are not counted, according to the statement. Prosecution is considered a last resort after options like providing support to parents with the help of other agencies are exhausted, according to the statement. We go through extraordinary steps to resolve the issue without prosecution, a spokesperson from the prosecutors office tells PEOPLE. Over 90 percent of the cases that are sent to our office, no charges are filed. This case represents one out of many many cases where the mother absolutely refused to deal with the problem, and our office is committed to making sure the children of our community are not deprived of an education. Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - At least 18 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli gunfire Friday in small protests along the Gaza border, the health ministry in the Palestinian enclave said. The 18 were hit with live ammunition as a few thousand gathered in different spots along the heavily-guarded border line, the ministry said. None were reported to be in life-threatening condition. Palestinians in Gaza have since March 30, especially on Fridays, held often violent protests backed by the strip's Islamist rulers Hamas. Numbers have dwindled since a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel earlier this month after a flare-up. At least 235 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed since March, mostly by Israeli fire during border clashes but also by air and tank strikes. Two Israeli soldiers have been killed over the same period, one by a Palestinian sniper and another during an aborted special forces operation inside Gaza. Protesters are calling for Palestinian refugees to be allowed to return to their former homes now inside Israel. Israel accuses Hamas of seeking to use the protests as cover to carry out infiltrations and attacks, and says the army actions are necessary to defend the border. Israel has fought three wars with Hamas since 2008. Around 6,000 Palestinians have been shot by Israeli forces over the past eight months, according to the health ministry. Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which has provided care for Palestinians since the protests began, warned this week that Gaza's healthcare system is being overwhelmed by the high number of casualties. No criminal charges will be filed against the 42 migrants who were arrested after they clashed with Border Patrol agents at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Diego, Calif. on Sunday. The only two individuals Customs and Border Protection referred for prosecution ended up not being charged because they had medical problems and could not be held at the San Diego detention center, according to reports. Others were not charged because they came in family units with children. Still others escaped prosecution because in the chaos surrounding Sundays incident, authorities missed pieces of information necessary to file charges, such as the names of the officers who made arrests. Depending on their country of citizenship and their cases final disposition, the Border Patrol may turn those people over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Customs and Border Protection spokesman Ralph DeSio. The Trump administration was heavily criticized for the Border Patrols response to the incident after photos showed women and small children running from clouds of tear gas. The migrants were part of a caravan of about 7,000 people that arrived in Tijuana two weeks ago. About 1,000 tried to rush the border and illegally cross into the U.S., Border Patrol chief Carla Provost said. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) Back-to-back earthquakes measuring 7.0 and 5.7 shattered highways and rocked buildings Friday in Anchorage and the surrounding area, sending people running into the streets and briefly triggering a tsunami warning for islands and coastal areas south of the city. No tsunami arrived and there were no immediate reports of deaths or serious injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey said the first and more powerful quake was centered about 7 miles (12 kilometers) north of Anchorage, Alaska's largest city, with a population of about 300,000. People ran from their offices or took cover under desks. The 5.7 aftershock arrived within minutes, followed by a series of smaller quakes. "We just hung onto each other. You couldn't even stand," said Sheila Bailey, who was working at a high school cafeteria in Palmer when the quake struck. "It sounded and felt like the school was breaking apart." A large section of an off-ramp near the Anchorage airport collapsed, marooning a car on a narrow island of pavement surrounded by deep chasms in the concrete. Several cars crashed at a major intersection in Wasilla, north of Anchorage, during the shaking. Anchorage Police Chief Justin Doll said he had been told that parts of Glenn Highway, a scenic route that runs northeast out of the city past farms, mountains and glaciers, had "completely disappeared." Traffic in the three lanes heading out of the city was bumper-to-bumper and all but stopped Friday afternoon as emergency vehicles passed on the shoulder. The quake broke store windows, knocked items off shelves, opened cracks in a two-story, downtown building, disrupted electrical service and disabled traffic lights, snarling traffic. It also threw a full-grown man out of his bathtub. Flights at the airport were suspended for hours after the quake knocked out telephones and forced the evacuation of the control tower. And the 800-mile Alaska oil pipeline was shut down while crews were sent to inspect it for damage. Story continues Anchorage's school system canceled classes and asked parents to pick up their children while it examined buildings for gas leaks or other damage. Fifteen-year-old Sadie Blake and other members of the Homer High School wrestling team were at an Anchorage school gymnasium for a tournament when the bleachers started rocking and the lights went out. People started running down the bleachers in the dark, trying to get out. "It was a gym full of screams," said team chaperone Ginny Grimes. When it was over, Sadie said, there was only one thing she could do: "I started crying." Jonathan Lettow was waiting with his 5-year-old daughter and other children for a school bus near their home in Wasilla when the quake struck. The children got on the ground while Lettow tried to keep them calm. "It's one of those things where in your head, you think, 'OK, it's going to stop,' and you say that to yourself so many times in your head that finally you think, 'OK, maybe this isn't going to stop,'" he said. Soon after the shaking ended, the school bus pulled up and the children boarded, but the driver stopped at a bridge and refused to go across because of deep cracks in the road, Lettow said. At Chugiak High School, acting principal Allison Susel said ceiling tiles came down, books and other items fell from shelves, and water line breaks caused damage. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin tweeted that her home was damaged: "Our family is intact house is not. I imagine that's the case for many, many others." She posted a video of the inside of her parents' home, with broken dishes littering the kitchen floor. A large set of antlers appeared to have fallen off a wall of the living room. Gov. Bill Walker issued a disaster declaration. He was in an elevator in a high-rise Anchorage office building and said it was a "rough ride" coming down. He described the quake as a 7.2, though it was unclear why his figure differed from that of the USGS. Walker says it will take more than a week or two to repair roads damaged by the earthquake. "This is much more significant than that," he told reporters at a news conference. Walker leaves office on Monday, and he said members of Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy's staff had been involved with the earthquake response to ensure a smooth transition. "This isn't a time to do anything other than take care of Alaskans, and that's what we're doing," he said. In Kenai, southwest of Anchorage, Brandon Slaton was home alone and soaking in his bathtub when the earthquake struck. Slaton, who weighs 209 pounds, said it created a powerful back-and-forth sloshing that threw him out of the tub. His 120-pound mastiff panicked and tried to run down the stairs, but the house was swaying so much that the dog was thrown into a wall and tumbled down the stairs, Slaton said. Slaton ran into his son's room after the shaking stopped. The boy's fish was on the floor, gasping, its tank shattered. Slaton put the fish in a bowl. "It was anarchy," he said. "There's no pictures left on the walls, there's no power, there's no fish tank left. Everything that's not tied down is broke." Alaska was the site of the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the U.S. The 9.2-magnitude quake on March 27, 1964, was centered about 75 miles (120 kilometers) east of Anchorage. It and the tsunami it triggered claimed about 130 lives. The state averages 40,000 earthquakes a year, with more large quakes than the 49 other states combined. Southern Alaska has a high risk of earthquakes because the Earth's plates slide past each other under the region. Alaska has been hit by a number of powerful quakes over 7.0 in recent decades, including a 7.9 last January southeast of Kodiak Island. But it is rare for a quake this big to strike so close to such a heavily populated area. David Harper was getting coffee at a store when the low rumble began and intensified into something that sounded "like the building was just going to fall apart." He ran for the exit with other patrons. "People who were outside were actively hugging each other," he said. "You could tell that it was a bad one." ___ Associated Press writers Becky Bohrer in Juneau, Alaska; Mark Thiessen in Anchorage; Jennifer Kelleher in Honolulu; Gene Johnson in Seattle; Gillian Flaccus in Portland, Oregon; Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Washington; and John Antczak in Los Angeles contributed to this report. Toronto (Canada) (AFP) - An accused Canadian serial killer will stand trial on January 6, 2020 for the premeditated murders of eight men with ties to Toronto's gay village, a judge ordered Friday. Bruce McArthur, a 67-year-old self-employed landscaper, was charged earlier this year after coming under suspicion in a probe into missing persons. Body parts of seven of the victims were found hidden inside large planters that McArthur stored at a client's home in midtown Toronto. The remains of an eighth victim were later discovered in a ravine behind the property. Detective Sergeant Hank Idsinga, the lead investigator, said the forensic probe into the killings was Toronto's largest ever. Excavations or searches were carried out at more than 75 properties in the Toronto area where McArthur had done landscaping work. Police also looked at 15 cold cases dating back to 1975 for possible links to the accused, before Idsinga concluded it was unlikely more victims would be uncovered. The victims in the case were McArthur's former lover, two Afghan immigrants, two refugees from Sri Lanka and another from Iran, a Turkish national, and a homeless sex worker. All went missing from 2010 to 2017. Pietermaritzburg (South Africa) (AFP) - Former South African president Jacob Zuma will return to court in May for a hearing on whether corruption charges against him should be dropped, a judge ruled on Friday. Zuma, who served as president from 2009 until February, is battling to quash charges against him linked to a $2.5-billion corruption case linked to a 1990s arms deal. He has been charged with 16 counts of fraud, racketeering and money laundering. "The criminal proceedings... are postponed to 20 May 2019," Judge Mjabuliseni Isaac Madondo said during a brief hearing at Pietermaritzburg High Court at which Zuma was present. The former president is accused of taking around four million rand ($340,000, 280,000 euros) in bribes from French defence company Thales, which is also in the dock. At the time of the deal, Zuma was a provincial economy minister and later deputy president of the ruling ANC party. Both Zuma and the French arms maker deny all charges. The charges were first brought against Zuma in 2005 but dropped by prosecutors in 2009, before being reinstated in 2016. Beset by scandal, Zuma was forced to resign in February after a long stand-off with the ANC. His successor Cyril Ramaphosa has vowed to root out corruption in government and the party. Healthcare labs are increasingly using AI tools to develop treatments and in medical research. Photo: Cole Burston/Bloomberg via Getty Images A healthcare startup that uses data from Apple Watches and Fitbits to improve the outcomes of chronically ill patients has raised $6.75m (5.26m), and is set to announce major new deals with US healthcare providers. Myia, the San Francisco-based health monitoring firm that has partnered with the American College of Cardiology, said on Friday that the seed funding would help it expand its preventative healthcare platform. The firm will soon announce two partnerships with large-scale US healthcare providers, its CEO, Simon MacGibbon, told Yahoo Finance. The funding round was led by BootstrapLabs and Zetta Venture Partners, two Silicon Valley-based artificial intelligence funds. Myia uses the streams of personal and health data from wearable devices like Apple Watch and Fitbit to monitor chronically ill patients and, by applying machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, tries to predict relapses before they happen. We think that remote patient monitoring is going to be a big deal, MacGibbon said in an interview, noting that thus far the data collected by wearables has provided little value for patients and healthcare providers. How on earth can healthcare providers be successful if they dont know whats happening to their patients 99.9% of the time? Myia aims to reduce the number of emergency hospital visits for patients with chronic and post-operative conditions, and said its platform sets a new bar on quality of life for those who are ageing or homebound. The company declined to disclose its valuation, but co-founder Alex Gold told Yahoo Finance that it was commensurate with that of other seed funding rounds within the AI space. The American College of Cardiology and the Boston Consulting Group also participated in the funding round. It is quite a big advantage to have the American College of Cardiology behind us not just as a financial backer, but as an adviser and for the credibility that they lend, MacGibbon said. Story continues Through our collaboration with Myia, we are developing tools for clinical teams to monitor and improve their patients health status, said cardiologist Dr John Rumsfeld, the chief innovation officer of the American College of Cardiology, in a statement. Some 6.5 million Americans suffer from advanced cardiovascular disease, making it one of the largest drivers of hospital admissions in the US. Many of these visits are preventable by a proactive lifestyle and medication adjustments, Myia noted in a statement, and just 1% of heart failure patients today are on the correct dose of medication something the firm hopes its technology will help change. The firms funding announcement comes in the same week that Amazon announced it is working with groups within the healthcare industry to make use of unstructured medical data. Myia employs 12 people in the US, and does not plan on increasing its headcount dramatically until its next funding round, MacGibbon said. Though Myias brain trust, which includes its chief technology officer Bryan Smith and chief medical officer Dr Farzad Azimpour, is based in the US, the company also uses an off-shore engineering team from Eastern Europe. The funding gives us two years of runway, MacGibbon said. It will also allow Myia to acquire enough healthcare data to build out its platform. Acquiring the data in healthcare and capturing the requisite endpoints to train algorithms is not straightforward or cheap, he said. Myia is truly exciting, said Nicolai Wadstrom, the CEO of BootstrapLabs. Myia has the potential to both mitigate some of the most critical illnesses we are facing in our society as well as empower patients to take charge of their own health data. A powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a 5.7 magnitude tremor have caused extensive damage around parts of Alaska after striking near Anchorage. A tsunami warning was issued for areas of the Alaskan coast - forcing people to head to higher ground - before later being lifted. The warning covered coastal areas of the Cook Inlet and southern Kenai Peninsula after the initial tremor hit about 7.5 miles north of the city, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. Part of an off-ramp near Anchorage international airport collapsed, leaving a car stuck between deep chasms in the concrete. Several cars crashed at a major intersection in Wasilla, north of Anchorage. Anchorage Police Chief Justin Doll said he had been told that parts of the Glenn Highway, a road that runs northeast out of the city past glaciers and mountains had completely disappeared. However, Mr Doll said that there were also reports of damage to a number of bridges, there were no early reports of serious injuries or deaths. People went back inside buildings in Anchorage after the first earthquake, but the aftershock sent them running back into the streets again. Images and video started to appear of the damage, with local newsrooms some of the first to highlight the state of their offices. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said that her house had been damaged. Lawyer Hank Graper was driving when the quake struck. He told the Associated Press that he only realised it was an earthquake after he saw traffic poles at the side of the road swaying. Story continues Mr Graper called it the most violent earthquake hes experience in his 20 years in Anchorage. Brandon Slaton from Kenai, Alaska, was soaking in the bathtub when the earthquake struck the force of the tremor eventually threw him out of the bath. It was anarchy, Mr Slaton told the Associated Press. Theres no pictures left on the walls, theres no power, theres no fish tank left. Everything thats not tied down is broke. Alaska averages 40,000 earthquakes per year, with more large quakes than the 49 other states combined. The state has been hit by a number of powerful quakes over 7.0 in recent decades, including a 7.9 last January southeast of Kodiak Island. But it is rare for such earthquakes it hit so close such a heavily populated area. The USGS expect a number of aftershocks to hit over the next week - with the possibility of thousands of smaller tremors. Associated Press contributed to this report For now, theyre known as Lulu and Nana, pseudonyms that are meant to give them some amount of anonymity amid the international uproar over their birth. As the first babies born after their genomes were edited (while they were embryos, by the genetics tool CRISPR) the twin girls, born in Shenzhen, China are the subject of scientific and public scrutiny that will only escalate as they get older. Jiankui He, a professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology, stunned the world when he claimed, both in a video posted by his lab and in an interview with a journalist, that he used CRISPR to disable a gene involved in helping HIV to enter healthy cells. By doing so, he gave the resulting edited embryos, including the twin girls, resistance to the virus. Doing so means He violated current guidelines prohibiting using CRISPR on human embryos for pregnancy. For now, Hes claims are only claims, since he has not published his work in a scientific journal for others to review and validate. While he did present his findings at a conference a few days after his YouTube announcement, researchers can only take the data at face value. He says he plans to publish the data, but now that the report has been released to the public, its difficult to predict which journals would accept the manuscript. The Chinese researchers university denied knowledge of his experiment and said that He has been on leave since last February. Chinese authorities have now suspended Hes work, and Xu Nanping, vice minister of Chinas Ministry of Science and Technology, said Hes study was abominable in nature and violated Chinese laws and regulations, according to the governments Xinhua news. The reason for the scientific censure boils down to the fact that He pre-empted a continuing debate over how and when CRISPR should be used in people. The technology, discovered in 2012, provides unprecedented precision and power to edit any genome, including the DNA of people, by snipping out portions of mutated genes and either allowing the genome to repair itself or by providing healthy versions of the gene. But because the approach is relatively new, scientists are still learning about exactly how precise their edits can be, and what some of the potential negative and long term consequences of altering human DNA could be. Story continues Chinese geneticist He Jiankui of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, speaking during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing at the University of Hong Kong. Nearly all international genetics groups have guidelines prohibiting using CRISPR to edit human embryos and implanting them for pregnancy, as the Chinese researcher did. Experts fully support using CRISPR in cells that cant be passed down from generation to generation, like skin cells or blood cells. But what He did will forever change the twins DNA. Because he altered their genomes when they were embryos, those changes were picked up by every new cell that the embryos made as they continued to divide and develop, eventually forming the twins. So when the girls are ready to have children, their eggs too may contain the CRISPR edits that He gave them, and they could pass on their altered genes to their children and all future generations of children in their lineage. Having the gene itself is not necessarily a bad thing the edit He made is meant to protect people from getting infected with HIV but the problem is that scientists arent convinced yet that the HIV protection will be the only thing the CRISPR edit did to the twins genomes. Its not clear, for example, that CRISPR is as precise as researchers would like it to be. It makes mistakes. In some cases, CRISPR may make unintended changes in random parts of the genome, like an autocorrect feature that mistakenly corrects typos to produce an entirely different word. In other cases, it may not make the edits as consistently as needed, so some cells may be edited while others are not, and some cells may even be partially edited, leaving a patchwork result scientists call mosaicism. According to experts who reviewed some of the data He presented at a conference days after his stunning announcement, they say there is evidence that both girls born with the CRISPR edits showed such signs of mosaicism when they were embryos, meaning they are now likely to have the same mishmash of CRISPRd and unCRISPRd cells in their bodies. That means that they may not even benefit from the resistance to HIV that Hes grand experiment was meant to provide. Theres also evidence that compromising the HIV gene may have other consequences for example, making people more susceptible to West Nile Virus and possibly the flu. Its because of these unanswered questions and potential risks that scientists have favored a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos meant for pregnancy, at least until they have a better grasp on how CRISPR works and what some of the long term effects of editing might be. While the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2017 allowed for the eventual possibility of human babies whose genomes have been edited by CRISPR, it provided strict criteria for how that should happen: under strict monitoring and only in cases where there is no other medical option. Neither of those criteria were met in the controversial CRISPR study. The university and the hospital where the births took place denied knowledge of his work, and the scientific community was blindsided that he had been proceeding with transferring human embryos for pregnancy. The gene he altered also does not represent an unmet medical need among the couples he worked with, only the fathers were HIV positive, meaning they were unlikely to pass on their infection to their children. Whats more, the fathers were on anti-HIV medications, which controlled their infection and make it even less likely they would infect their partners or their children. In the twins case, what happens when they want to have children? Will they be allowed to have children naturally, and pass on their edited genes and whatever potential side effects might arise from their altered DNA? Or will regulatory or scientific authorities step in and attempt to control whether their genes continue into future generations by requiring the twins to have IVF and only implanting the embryos that do NOT show signs of the edited gene? Would those regulatory and scientific bodies even have the right to make such a request? The implications go beyond just these twins, says Dr. Kiran Musunuru, professor of cardiovascular medicine and genetics at University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. If we talk about the sanctity of human life, and the inherent dignity of human life, not much has been gained here. These babies were treated as subjects in a grand medical experiment, and we have to believe that they will be studied for the rest of their lives; its sad actually. In his presentation and in his video, He justified his unorthodox actions by focusing on the personal. He said the father of the twins now feels motivated to find work and care for his family, and that altering the gene will protect future generations from HIV. But HIV experts say that judicious use and distribution of currently available drugs can effectively stop transmission of the virus, without taking such drastic steps of trying an proven genetic procedure and exposing people to its unknown risks. While their identities are still protected for now, its unlikely the twins will remain anonymous for long. In bypassing ethical guidelines prohibiting the experiment that he conducted, He not only violated basic tenants of responsible scientific inquiry, but he also forever changed how the girls will be viewed by society, and ultimately the decisions they make as a result of their involuntary status as the worlds first CRISPR babies. Saudi crown prince faces crimes against humanity prosecution Case unlikely to advance while prince is in Argentina for G20 Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Wednesday, ahead of the G20 summit. Photograph: Handout/Reuters A prosecutor in Argentina has accepted a request to prosecute Mohammed bin Salman for alleged crimes against humanity, hours after the Saudi Arabia crown prince arrived in the country for the G20 summit. It is highly unlikely that such a prosecution could be successfully launched before the prince leaves Buenos Aires, but the move is an embarrassing development as world leaders gather for the two-day summit, which begins on Friday. The advocacy group Human Rights Watch presented a writ earlier this week, arguing that Argentinian authorities should invoke universal jurisdiction laws to seek prosecution of the prince for mass civilian casualties caused by the Saudi-led coalitions campaign in Yemen, and for the torture of Saudi citizens including Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. On Wednesday a source said that the court had accepted the writ, and a prosecutor had asked a judge to determine if either Saudi Arabia or Yemen are investigating the prince for possible crimes against humanity. If no cases have been opened in either country, HRW argues that the principle of universal jurisdiction could apply. Before that could happen, however, the supreme court would have to rule whether Prince Mohammed is covered by diplomatic immunity a decision which would be unlikely to come before the prince leaves the country after the G20 finishes on Saturday. The centre-right government of Mauricio Macri has said it is not concerned by the legal manoeuvres. We dont believe the Human Rights Watch writ will prosper, said a spokesperson for the foreign minister, Jorge Faurie, who greeted the prince at the airport Wednesday. Mohammed bin Salman is protected by diplomatic immunity and he is also travelling in his official status as representative of a foreign head of state. Besides, cases involving diplomatic immunity can only be decided by the supreme court and his visit will be too brief for it to reach the court. The case is in the hands of the court and the government will not interfere with it, the spokesperson said. Story continues Kenneth Roth, HRWs executive director, said: The Argentine judiciary, by taking steps toward a formal investigation, is sending a clear message that even powerful officials like Mohammed bin Salman are not above the law and will be scrutinized if implicated in grave international crimes. A cloud of suspicion will loom over him as he tries to rebuild his shattered reputation at the G20, and world leaders would do well to think twice before posing for pictures next to someone who may come under investigation for war crimes and torture. Eat This, Not That! You pour it out, wear it on your sleeve and love people from the bottom of it. But do you take carewe mean, proper careof your heart?For decades, heart disease has been the No. 1 killer of Americans.The good news: You can make quick, easy changes to your lifestyle to cut your risk, and add years to your life, and it's never too late. Here are the top 50 things you're probably doing that put you in dangerfrom the Eat This, Not That! Health to you, with all our heart. Read onand to ensure your Police have arrested a 20-year-old suspected of carrying out a shooting inside an Alabama mall last week on Thanksgiving Day, a melee which ended with police officers fatally shooting the wrong man. U.S. Marshal Fugitive Task Force in Georgia took Erron Brown into custody on Thursday morning, the city of Hoover, Alabama, announced in a press release. He faces an attempted murder charge. Erron Martez Dequan Brown, 20, is charged with attempted murder in the Nov. 22. 2018 shooting at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, Ala., according to police. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS) A Hoover police officer, responding to reports of gunshots, fatally shot 21-year-old Emantic EJ Bradford Jr. at Riverchase Galleria mall after the officer said he mistook Bradford for the gunman. The gunman shot an 18-year-old man, who sustained non-fatal injuries, and a 12-year-old girl was also wounded during the incident. Brown allegedly targeted the 18-year-old victim, following a physical altercation between the two inside of the mall. Police have not said who shot the child, The Birmingham News reported. Police said responding officers saw Bradford armed with a gun and running from officers when he was fatally shot. Police claimed they mistook him as the shooter shortly after. The police department changed its story later, issuing a correction. Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford, Jr., 21, seen in his senior year of high school, was fatally shot by police responding to reports of a shooting. (Photo: Associated Press) The victims family and their attorney have said that Bradford had a permit to carry a concealed handgun and that he joined the U.S. Army last year. Authorities have not confirmed that Bradford, who described himself as a U.S. Army combat engineer, had a permit. Firearms are not permitted at the mall, according to its website. This is an important milestone in the continued work to find answers about what happened in last Thursdays tragic incident, the city of Hoover said following news of Browns arrest. The City of Hoover remains committed to transparency and will continue to communicate with the public as new information becomes available. Related... Man Shot Dead By Police After Alabama Mall Shooting Fatal Police Shooting Of 21-Year-Old Emantic Bradford In Alabama Sparks Protest Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. The riots during which an undercover policeman was allegedly beaten by fellow cops(PA) Four policemen in the US have been indicted for beating up a black fellow police officer who was working undercover. One of the cops Dustin Boone even boasted that its a blast beating people, before the assault took place during protests in St Louis in September last year over the acquittal of a white officer for fatally shooting a black man. Its gonna get IGNORANT tonight!! he texted on the day of the verdict. Its gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these s***heads once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!! The riots followed the acquittal of officer Jason Stockley (PA) Two days later, prosecutors allege that Boone, 35, plus Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, beat up a protester with a riot baton and kicked him, although he was complying with their orders. Unknown to them, the man was a policeman working undercover. His injuries were so bad he could not eat and lost 20 pounds. Now a US federal court has indicted the three officers plus a fourth policeman, Bailey Colletta, 25, for trying to cover up the incident. The indictment says the undercover cop, known only as L.H., was beaten up while he was compliant and not posing a threat to anyone. The protests followed the case of St Louis police officer Jason Stockley. He killed African-American Anthony Lamar Smith, 24, in December 2011 after chasing him following an alleged drug deal. Stockley had an unauthorised, personal AK-47 and was recorded on a dash cam during the chase saying he was going to kill Smith. Shops were damaged during the riots (PA) After Smith crashed, Stockley fired five fatal shots. However, Stockley was found not guilty of first-degree murder, provoking huge protests in the city. During those protests, police were pelted with rocks and deployed tear gas. Watch the latest videos from Yahoo UK Rio de Janeiro (AFP) - President-elect Jair Bolsonaro named Admiral Bento Costa Lima Leite his minister of mines and energy Friday, continuing his militarization of Brazil's incoming government. Seven of ex-army captain Bolsonaro's 20 ministers announced so far are from the armed forces. "I'm not appointing military people because they're from the military. It's because of their training and what they did when they were active," said Bolsonaro in quotes carried by the Universo Online website. As with all his major announcements, far-right Bolsonaro used Twitter to share the news. He is expected to announce his environment and human rights ministers next. The 60-year-old Lima Leite is currently serving as general manager of nuclear and technological development for the Brazilian navy. The future mines and energy minister will also join the board of directors of Brazil's nuclear development authority, Nuclebras. Bolsonaro has already put the ministries of defense, institutional security, science and technology, infrastructure, and transparency, supervision and control in the hands of military personnel while his government secretary is a retired general. And there may be more as retired general Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto is a strong candidate to be named the executive's secretary of social communication. "There are two ministers to go. They might both be from the military, I don't know yet," said Bolsonaro. Around 8:30 a.m. AKST on Friday, a massive earthquake shook the city of Anchorage, Alaska. The National Weather Service initially issued a tsunami warning for nearby coastal waters, but at 10:00 a.m. AKST, the warning was canceled. CANCELLATION: M7.0 005mi N Anchorage, Alaska 0829AKST Nov 30: No tsunami observed #NTWC NWS Tsunami Alerts (@NWS_NTWC) November 30, 2018 Gov. Bill Walker has issued a disaster declaration in Alaska in response to Friday's earthquake, which was approved by President Donald Trump. A number of people sustained injuries, according to the Anchorage Daily News. Many injuries were due to lacerations from broken glass. One person suffered serious airway burns after fighting a fire at his home, which was caused by the earthquake. The Anchorage School District has canceled classes and its buildings will be examined for potential damage and gas leaks, according to the Associated Press (AP). Anchorage Municipal Manager Bill Falsey said that over two dozen mainline water breaks have occurred in the city, leaving some residences flooded, according to the AP. Major quake here in Anchorage. You can see power outage across much of the city. Lots of damage. #earthquake #anchoragequake pic.twitter.com/nsgeoJf579 Don Rearden (@donrearden) November 30, 2018 Evacuations have taken place throughout the city as stores, buildings and homes have been impacted. Employees working in the air traffic tower at the Anchorage Airport were also evacuated, as the tower is inspected for damage. Story continues Pictures shared on Twitter show widespread power outages already impacting areas. For cleanup crews and families and individuals impacted by the damage, south-central Alaska is welcoming a break from typical bitter December cold. Gusty winds and a period of snow, however, can create new obstacles for the crews handling repairs and cleaning up the destruction left behind by the earthquake this weekend. Road and bridge damage has also been reported in and around the city. Earthquake Alaska A tow truck holds a car that was pulled from on an off-ramp that collapsed during a morning earthquake on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, in Anchorage, Alaska. The driver was not injured attempting to exit Minnesota Drive at International Airport Road. Back-to-back earthquakes measuring 7.0 and 5.8 rocked buildings and buckled roads Friday morning in Anchorage, prompting people to run from their offices or seek shelter under office desks, while a tsunami warning had some seeking higher ground. (AP Photo/Mike Dinneen) The United States Geological Survey also released an aftershock forecast, warning Anchorage residents to be prepared for aftershocks and ensuing damage. "According to our forecast, over the next 1 Week there is a 4 % chance of one or more aftershocks that are larger than magnitude 7.0. It is likely that there will be smaller earthquakes over the next 1 Week, with 20 to 2,200 magnitude 3 or higher aftershocks. Magnitude 3 and above are large enough to be felt near the epicenter. The number of aftershocks will drop off over time, but a large aftershock can increase the numbers again, temporarily." Within the first 12 hours following the major earthquake, the USGS reported over 100 aftershocks in the area measuring at least 2.5 on the Richter scale. #AlaskaEarthquake UPDATE: #SewardHwy MP 104-114, (Potter Weigh Station to MP 104) due to continued settling and aftershocks, rock fall continues in this area, please avoid traveling if possible. Alaska DOT&PF (@AlaskaDOTPF) December 1, 2018 The Anchorage Police Department is operational in the city and alerted people that many roads and bridges are closed. They added that there has been major infrastructure damage across Anchorage with damage to many homes and buildings. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin shared on Twitter that her house was damaged by the quake. At the European Council on Nov. 25, leaders from the European Union endorsed the terms on which the U.K. will leave the E.U., and the political declaration that outlines our future relationship. This is a major milestone, after nearly two years of negotiations. Both sides have had to compromise to deliver a solution which works for both the U.K. and the E.U. For some in the U.K., the compromises made during the divorce proceedings have been difficult to reconcile. But soon this Withdrawal Agreement will go to parliament and my colleagues will have to weigh those grievances against the alternatives no deal or, worse, no Brexit at all. So its important to keep the national interest at the forefront of our minds. This agreement was never going to answer all the questions about the U.K.s future relationship with the E.U. rather it is the mechanism that allows us to begin negotiations on our future economic partnership once we have left, as set out by the European Treaties. These future talks will set the parameters for our trade relationship with Europe and, in turn, our ability to strike ambitious free trade deals around the world with established partners and new rising economies. That, after all, is the principle economic opportunity of Brexit to grow our trade, on our own terms, with partners beyond the shores of Europe. Let me reassure those with lingering concerns about the terms of our withdrawal: After we leave the E.U. on March 29, the UK will have an independent trade policy covering goods and services, we will be able to set our own tariffs, and we will be able to negotiate, sign and ratify new free trade agreements. And among our first priorities is an agreement with the United States. The U.S. is already our single largest trading partner. Trade between our two countries is worth more than 180bn and accounts for a fifth of all U.K. exports. It is underpinned by the worlds closest investment relationship with over $1 trillion invested in one anothers economies. Whats more, over one million British citizens work for American companies in the UK and more than one million Americans work for British firms in the U.S. Good jobs for working people in both of our countries the benefits of free trade made real. Story continues Our preparations to begin trade talks with the U.S. are advanced. White House Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, recently launched a call for comments on his draft negotiating objectives. On our side of the Atlantic, my team is busy analysing the responses to our own public consultation and we will publish our negotiation objectives before negotiations begin. Just this week, U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. Woody Johnson told us that the United States is ready to get to work. The relationship between our countries has been special for many years, but Brexit has given us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to raise it to a new level. With our shared history and mutual economic interests, we are in a position to set the global benchmark for how two leading, open and mature economies can trade with each other. We can revolutionise the rules on the digital economy, encouraging innovation and investment. We can unleash the economic power of data flowing freely across borders. We can lead the world on emerging technologies like AI and the internet of things tackling together the new challenges and sharing the rewards they present. Soon, two of the worlds top five economies will have the chance to show how we can liberalise trade in both goods and services, boosting profitability and consumer choice without diluting standards. Trade can be, and should be, mutually beneficial. Yet trade is not an end in itself. It is a means of spreading prosperity. Prosperity leads to social cohesion which in turn underpins political stability. And it is political stability that is the cornerstone of our collective security. The security of its people is the most fundamental responsibility of any government. Trade is part of the same continuum and, in that objective, the U.S. will find no firmer ally than the U.K. Brexit allows us the freedom to create a truly global Britain at heart of the worlds fastest growing markets. To become the worlds foremost champion of free trade and its most ambitious practitioner. We will use our independent seat at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to help reform the organisation, making it fit for the 21st century. We will pursue trade deals that liberalise trade in services more than ever before. And we will give developing countries terms of trade that will help to fast-track their route out of poverty. But an independent Britain can go even further. Since the WTO was founded in 1995, the global economy has changed beyond all recognition. Advances in communications technology have transformed the way we interact with our partners and consumers around the world. But the global rules-based system has not kept up with the pace of this change. We see it as the U.K.s duty to champion a modernization of global trade rules ensuring that data flows freely and valuable copyright is protected, lifting the red tape that stifles innovation and tackling the alarming rise in protectionism around the world. In this, our stance is unwavering. We are anti-protectionist and pro-free trade. We will work with likeminded friends and allies in Europe and beyond to preserve and promote free trade around the world. This will be at the heart of our thinking as we negotiate a future economic partnership with Europe. Then we can establish a truly global Britain once again. Nairobi (AFP) - Burundi on Friday said it had launched international arrest warrants for ex-president Pierre Buyoya and 16 former senior officials over their alleged role in the 1993 assassination of Melchior Ndadaye, the country's first democratically elected Hutu leader. "The findings of the inquiry show that these people were involved in this crime -- its planning and preparation and execution," Attorney General Sylvestre Nyandwi said. The others include 11 former senior defence officials and five civilians close to Buyoya. Burundi asked the various countries where these men are living in exile to extradite them, saying: "It is imperative that they are questioned on the role they played" in the murder. Buyoya is currently the African Union's representative in Mali and a respected figure on the continent as well as overseas. Buyoya, a Tutsi, came to power in 1987 with the help of the army. He stepped down in 1993, when Ndadaye was elected, but Ndadaye was killed just four months later in an attempted coup by hardline Tutsi soldiers. The murder led to several years of civil war between the two ethnic groups, in which an estimated 300,000 people died. The country is currently ruled by the Cndd-FDD party, which is an offshoot of the main Hutu rebel group. SALEM, Ore. (AP) Oregon regulators and a California winery accused of misrepresenting the Oregon origins of its bestselling pinot noir, an act which infuriated local winemakers, said Thursday after a preliminary meeting they're hopeful they can resolve the dispute. The owner and a vice president of Napa Valley's Copper Cane winery flew to Portland to meet Wednesday with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission Executive Director Steven Marks. The commission earlier found Copper Cane had committed seven violations with labeling and that it wants to revoke its ability to sell within Oregon. Its pinot noir grapes are grown in three Oregon wine regions and trucked to California, where it is made into wine. At issue are labels on California winemaker Joe Wagner's Elouan Pinot Noir and Willametter Journal wines that refer to Oregon's winegrowing regions. Also at issue: Copper Cane's wine is more pronounced than the more nuanced and delicate pinot noirs produced in Oregon, and has cheaper prices. Local winemakers say Copper Cane's Oregon-centric marketing is going to confuse consumers and erode a growing industry here. Jim Blumling, Copper Cane's vice president of operations, said in a phone interview that he and Wagner had a "collaborative conversation" with Marks to come to an amicable solution. State liquor commission spokesman Matthew VanSickle agreed, saying "overall, it was a good preliminary meeting." Copper Cane has a right to a hearing to dispute the charges and the proposed revocation of its ability to sell its products in Oregon, but must request to reserve this right by Dec. 20, which it hasn't yet done. Blumling said both the commission and Copper Cane want the winery to keep buying grapes from Oregon vineyards. Rep. David Gomberg, a member of the Oregon Legislature and a critic of Copper Cane, said the winery is cutting into the "prestige" of Oregon pinot noir. Story continues Last year, 120,000 cases of Copper cane's Elouan wine the vast majority being pinot noir were sold nationwide, Blumling said. In comparison, 70 percent of Oregon wineries produce fewer than 5,000 cases of wine per year, according to the Oregon Wine Board. Oregon wineries also tend to charge more than other states, with the finicky pinot noir being the main seller. Consumers recognize and are willing to pay for that premium quality, the Wine Industry Advisor, an online industry publication, recently noted. Wagner's Elouan and Willametter Journal wines refer in labels and shipping and display cartons to Oregon's Willamette Valley, Rogue Valley and Umpqua Valley wine regions. The Oregon liquor commission says only wines "finished" in Oregon can claim association with an Oregon wine region. And a label may cite a wine region only if 95 percent of the grapes are from that particular region, according to the Oregon Wine Board. ___ Follow Andrew Selsky on Twitter at https://twitter.com/andrewselsky Junior Hoilett celebrates after his stunning goal gave Cardiff victory over Wolves Cardiff City have climbed out of the relegation zone after fighting back to beat Wolverhampton Wanderers 2-1 in the Welsh capital. Matt Doherty gave Wolves an early lead with a smart finish from a corner, before Aron Gunnarssons acrobatic effort hauled Cardiff level. AS IT HAPPENED: Cardiff 2 Wolves 1 READ MORE: 5 talking points ahead of the Premier League weekend Wolves thought they were going to cling on for a hard-earned point but the Bluebirds Junior Hoilett secured all three points with a wonderful curling effort from 25 yards. Both sides came into the match in desperate need of a win and Cardiff now found themselves in the heady heights of 15th, while for Wolves manager Nuno Espirito Santo the problems are beginning to mount it is their fifth loss in their last six matches. Junior Hoiletts stunning winner was enough to separate the two sides In an effort to snap that streak, Wolves manager Nuno Espirito Santo made some rare changes. Moroccan international Roman Saiss started in defence and Adama Traore was given another chance in a front three. If Wolves needed any reminder of what awaited them from Neil Warnocks physical side, it took less than five minutes for Aron Gunnarssons long throw to lead to a chance for Joe Ralls; the midfielder sent his shot whistling wide of Rui Patricios near post. And it was a set play which lead to the opening goal, but at the other end. Warnocks switch to a back three failed to fix their awful record defending set pieces as Wolves took the led against the run of play in the 15th minute. READ MORE: Ranked! The 30 best strikers in Premier League history READ MORE: Klopp rejects midfield concerns in feisty derby press conference A corner was swung in, Cardiff keeper Neil Etheridge made a smart save from Raul Jimenez but he could only push the ball into the path of wingback Matt Doherty who slammed the ball home. This week Sky has been hyping up their derby day Sunday with several of the Premier Leagues biggest teams in action. This match wont be like them. Story continues Traore and Gunnarson fight for the ball For much of the match, ineffective long-ball tactics were the order of the day. Passes frequently went astray, headers were often unclaimed, and shots went wide or high. Traore was particularly culpable. He often had plenty of space to use his blistering pace on the break but all too often he ran into defenders, or if he did get past them his final ball was poor. One of the rare moments of quality inevitably came from a set piece, as Harry Arter sent a swerving effort that beat Patricio in goal, but his shot cannoned off the post. The Bluebirds almost scored straight from the kick off when good work from Victor Camarasa down the right led to Josh Murphy flashing a shot just across the face of goal. However, that was as good as it got for the opening 15 minutes as Wolves then began to dominate and Ruben Neves and Joao Moutinho finally began to exert some control in midfield. Matt Doherty gives Wolves the lead Neves almost doubled Wolves lead when his long-range swerving shot proved too hot to handle for Etheridge. But to their credit, Cardiff fought back and it took a vital deflection from Conor Coady to send Arters goal bound shot wide. However, the Bluebirds would not be denied. The resulting corner was cleared to Arter, the Irish international lobbed the ball back into the mixer, Patricio came for the ball but couldnt reach it as Sean Morrison found Gunnarsson who acrobatically equalised. Aron Gunnarsson equalises for Cardiff All the momentum was with Cardiff and they took the lead from Junior Hoiletts stunning strike. A cross was eventually cleared to the Hoilett on the left-hand corner of area, the Canadian international ran onto it and curled a wonderful shot across goal and into the top corner. It was a strike worthy of winning any match, especially one where chances were at a premium like this one. Wolves had their chances to haul themselves back level; first Ivan Cavaleiro shot straight at the keeper when given time and space on the left of the six yard box. Helder Costa then blasted a first-time shot over the bar from almost the same place as time ticked away. BEIJING (Reuters) - A flammable gas leak at a plant owned by ChemChina subsidiary Hebei Shenghua Chemical Industry Co caused a blast that killed 23 people and injured 22 this week in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, ChemChina said in a statement on Friday. PVC producer Hebei Shenghua had leaked vinyl chloride during production, and it caught fire and caused a chain explosion that burned trucks and buildings, parent company ChemChina said. In the statement posted on its website, ChemChina apologized for the accident and said it reflected serious problems in its safety management systems. Zhangjiakou, about 156 km (96 miles) northwest of Beijing, is set to host the 2022 Winter Olympics along with the capital. The National Administration for Work Safety Emergency Response said it will launch an inspection of all large-scale chemical plant plants in the wake of the last explosion, the official Xinhua news Agency reported. Public anger over safety standards has grown in China in recent years after three decades of swift economic growth have been marred by accidents ranging from mining disasters to factory fires. In August 2015, 165 people were killed in a chemical warehouse explosion in the port city of Tianjin. The government found that the disaster was causes by improperly or illegally stored hazardous materials. China has vowed to improve industrial standards, but environmentalists say they fear oversight weaknesses persist, including an opaque production process for hazardous chemicals. (Reporting by Meng Meng and Aizhu Chen; Editing by Tom Hogue) PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping held up Panama as a "natural" partner for deeper ties, according to an article published on Friday ahead of a visit likely to unnerve traditional Panamanian ally United States. Xi heaped compliments on Panama ahead of his arrival on Sunday in a column that he penned in local newspaper Estrella de Panama, saying the country enjoyed "world fame for the Panama Canal, geisha coffee, and tasty tropical fruits such as bananas." He said China and Panama were "natural partners" to cooperate on China's "Belt and Road" initiative, a Chinese government strategy to build global infrastructure projects. Last year, the two countries established diplomatic relations after Panama broke off ties with Taiwan, which China views as a wayward province with no right to bilateral relations. The Dominican Republic and El Salvador followed suit in cutting out Taiwan in favor of China. "In just a year and a half, bilateral ties have gained strength with extraordinary cooperation," Xi wrote. "The entire international community has listened to the declaration of Panama to adhere to the one-China policy and seen the will of our peoples to support the development of bilateral relations in unison." Washington has expressed rising concern over the growing influence of China, which has turned Central America into a proxy battleground for influence between superpowers for the first time since the Cold War.[nL2N1VU005][nL3N1VF1Z1] Panama has insisted its relationship with Washington is still solid. "We believe that the development of an agenda between Panama and China should not affect in any way our relationship with the United States, with which we have had a very strong common agenda for more than a hundred years," said Panamanian Vice President and Foreign Minister Isabel de Saint Malo on Thursday. Xi said that China had become the second biggest user of the Panama Canal, behind the United States. Panama and China opened free trade talks in July that could turn the Central American country into a hub for Chinese goods across Latin America. [nL1N1U51D1] Chinese companies have won multimillion dollar tenders to build a bridge over the Panama Canal and a cruise ship terminal. (Reporting by Elida Moreno; Writing by Michael O'Boyle, Editing by Rosalba O'Brien) Bouake (Ivory Coast) (AFP) - Schools in Ivory Coast's second city remained closed again on Friday in protest over a violent attack by prison guards on students at a nearby university. At least eight students were wounded on Wednesday evening, five of them by gunfire, when a group of prison wardens invaded a campus in Bouake and opened fire following a scuffle in a bar, the city prosecutor said. CEECI, the national students union, put the figure at 11, saying some of them had been shot while other had sustained injuries "from knives or machetes". Two prison guards were also injured in the brawl. Following the violence, the organisation blocked classes at two high schools and a number of primary schools, urging pupils to join them in a protest which extended into Friday. CEECI is demanding the government relocate Bouake prison and its wardens' lodgings which are situated opposite a campus of Alassane Ouattara University in the western part of the city. "We have ordered the students and school children to go home. Classes will resume on Monday," CEECI head Moustapha Ben Diomande said on Friday. Students and local witnesses said Wednesday's clashes pitted around 100 students against about 20 guards, who forced their way onto campus and began shooting. "They were armed with kalashnikovs and machetes, we were just throwing stuff," one student told AFP. Speaking to AFP, sources from each side confirmed the incident began with a dispute in a bar between a student and a guard, which quickly spiralled. The guards then went down to the campus, sparking clashes that only ended two hours later when the police and the army intervened. Bouake, which is located in the centre of the country and has a population of a million, has a long history of instability. Last year, it was seized by rebel soldiers during a mutiny over wages, and years before, it served as the rebel headquarters following a failed 2002 coup which split the country in half and led to years of unrest. In August, 6-year-old Clinton Stanley Jr. was kicked out of his new school before he even had a chance to step inside a classroom. Administrators at the Florida school didnt approve of his hairstyle, which he wore in locs, and said he couldnt return until he changed it. Now the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and American Civil Liberties Union are filing a legal complaint with the states Department of Education, alleging that the private schools hair policy is racially discriminatory. The complaint cites HuffPost data showing that it is not uncommon for private schools in the state to maintain hair policies with clear racist undertones. The school in question A Books Christian Academy is private, but it participates in several of the states voucher programs, which provides publicly funded scholarships for kids to attend private schools based on factors like income. Clinton was supposed to attend A Books Christian Academy on one such scholarship. But the American Civil Liberties Union and Legal Defense Fund complaint says that A Books policy is illegal, violating federal civil rights laws that schools in state voucher programs are required to follow. A Books ban on dreads a style that Black students are particularly likely to wear does not advance any legitimate school objective, says the complaint. Therefore, A Books policy illegally discriminates against Black students. The complaint also notes that at one point, school administrators told Clinton that his hair was too long because it fell below his ears. But promotional materials for the school show a white male student with hair falling below his ears. Clinton Stanley Jr. was excluded from accessing an education at A Books Christian Academy simply because he is a Black male with locs, says the complaint. Clinton Stanley Sr., who was with his son when he was turned away from the school, documented the experience in a Facebook video at the time. He also wrote about his sons experience in a blog post for the ACLU. Story continues I was bewildered that the all-white staff in charge of a predominantly Black school would have the audacity to shame something so closely tied to Black identity, wrote Stanley. Angel Harris, an assistant counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said she hopes that the Department of Education decides to investigate A Books Christian Academy and that the school changes its policies. She added that she hopes other schools with similar policies will take note. The Legal Defense Fund previously sent a letter to the Florida Department of Education about the issue in October. The attorneys decided to file the formal legal complaint when they did not hear back from the department, she said. The Florida Department of Education does not condone discrimination of any kind in Florida schools, spokeswoman Audrey Walden told HuffPost. She said the department was still reviewing the complaint, which it received Thursday. In August a HuffPost investigation found that at least 20 percent of private schools participating in Floridas newest voucher program have strict hair policies with specific racial undertones. Floridas newest voucher program in which A Books does not participate provides scholarships to students who are victims of bullying. Hair policies in these schools require natural styles and ban dreadlocks. One school even has a ban on progressive hairstyles, while another schools handbook says many styles of fashion are clearly a result of the liberal influence of todays secular society. This article was updated with comment from the Florida Department of Education. Related Content Exclusive: Florida Wants To Help Bullied Kids Unless Theyre Gay Florida Schools In Anti-Bullying Program Ban Dreadlocks And 'Progressive Hairstyles NAACP Legal Defense Fund Asks Florida To End Racist Hair Policies At Schools Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. By Alex Dobuzinskis (Reuters) - A former Dallas police officer was charged with murder on Friday for shooting an unarmed black neighbor whose apartment she said she mistakenly entered instead of her own, prosecutors said. Amber Guyger, 30, surrendered to authorities after a grand jury indicted her on a charge of murder in the Sept. 6 death of Botham Jean, 26, Dallas County District Attorney's spokeswoman Kimberlee Leach said by phone. Guyger, who lived in an apartment one floor below Jean's unit, told investigators she mistook Jean for an intruder after she entered his apartment by mistake and he appeared in the darkness, police said. Guyger walked into the apartment after returning from a work shift and was able to enter because Jean's door was slightly ajar, according to a Texas law enforcement account of the incident. The killing of an unarmed black man by a white officer in uniform sparked demonstrations in the Texas city, with protesters calling for Guyger, a four-year veteran of the Dallas police force, to be charged with murder. The shooting followed several years of scrutiny of law enforcement in the United States over questions of racial bias. An attorney for Guyger did not immediately return a call seeking comment. "We have taken the position from day one that we want to make sure that justice is done for everybody and it's equal justice, it's not one-sided or it's not blinded," Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson, whose prosecutors presented evidence to the grand jury, said at a news conference. Guyger was arrested in September for shooting Jean and initially charged with manslaughter, a lesser offense for an unlawful killing that does not involve malice aforethought. She was released after posting bond of $300,000. The bond was re-instated after she was charged with murder, Leach said. Within days of the manslaughter charge, Johnson pledged to convene a grand jury to more fully examine the shooting. Story continues Jean's mother, Allison Jean, spoke at the news conference on Friday alongside the district attorney. "I look forward to the next step, which is a conviction of murder of Amber Guyger and also of a penalty, the proper penalty, that will cause her to reflect on what she has done," Allison Jean said. Guyger was at first placed on administrative leave after shooting Jean but was fired days later, with the Dallas police chief citing her actions the night of the shooting and afterward. (Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles; editing by Bill Tarrant and Leslie Adler) Hes got a chance: But Betfairs David Haye says it will take a huge fight from Tyson Fury on Saturday David Haye says the odds are stacked against Tyson Fury this weekend but he warned Deontay Wilder that the giant Gypsy King CAN find a way to beat him. The former unified Cruiserweight and WBA Heavyweight Champion Of The World fears that the way Fury has lived his life over the past few years may come back to haunt him. The Brits weight ballooned dramatically during his two-and-a-half-year absence from the ring but despite slimming back down, Haye fears his physical shape could prove to be problem. READ MORE: Fury calls for Wilder weigh-in to be cancelled READ MORE: Tyson Fury, Deontay Wilder clash again at press conference This is the most excited I have been about a fight since Anthony Joshua v Wladimir Klitschko in 2017 and I believe its the most important one since that Wembley showdown, said the Betfair ambassador. Im expecting something on a similar scale as well in LA on Saturday, with two undefeated fighters going head-to-head its guaranteed fireworks. Fighting fit: Tyson Fury works out in front of Los Angeles ahead of the big night Tyson Fury is the outsider here but he has a history of upsetting the applecart. Nobody goes to Germany and does what he did; grabbing all the belts from the lineal champion, it was an incredible achievement and something no-one predicted. Im hearing all the same things now in fact, Im saying them myself! that Fury doesnt have the firepower to deal with Deontay Wilder, but Tyson can find a way. Haye added: Im leaning pretty heavily towards Wilder, taking into account how the two of them have lived their lives over the past few years. Wilder is ready: the star gets kitted up for some promo ahead of the big fight While Fury has been battling drug abuse and alcohol binges, Wilder has been living healthy, fine tuning in the gym and generally keeping himself in peak condition. Are we going to see the best version of Fury? Ideally he would have faced better opposition that he did in his two comeback fights although we dont know what hes been doing behind closed doors hopefully hes been sparring with guys who can emulate Wilders style in some way. Story continues Fury will to be at his absolute best as Wilder is the real deal. He comes from a fighting family and we know he has plenty of heart he got up off the floor against Steve Cunningham and hell probably have to do it again here. Tyson will be aiming for a points win here but at no point will he be able to get excited even if plenty of rounds have passed it only takes one Wilder punch to knock him out. But you never know. Maybe he doesnt need any more comeback fights maybe Fury is Wilders boogyman! A shooting at Chicagos Mercy Hospital, quickly followed by a false alarm at Marylands Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, sent shockwaves through the medical community this month and exposed the reality that hospitals, the institutions tasked with caring for the victims of violent incidents, are also at risk of enduring them. The FBI defines an active shooter incident as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. Of the 50 such events that took place in 2016 and 2017, according to FBI data, only four occurred in healthcare settings, compared to 17 in areas of commerce and seven in schools. But the attack at Mercy Hospital, which left a doctor, a pharmacy resident, a police officer and the gunman dead, served as a stark reminder that medical centers must also prepare for the grim possibility of mass violence. Hospital shootings, while still rare, have become more common over the last two decades, rising from just a handful in 2000 to more than 20 in 2015, according to research from Brown University; a 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine study identified 154 between 2000 and 2011. (Many hospitals shootings are the result of mental instability and suicides or escape attempts, according to the Brown data, which may not fit the FBIs definition of an active shooter incident.) To keep up, hospitals and researchers are intensifying their efforts to prepare for and prevent these tragedies, joining workplaces of all kinds in running active shooter trainings and partnering with organizations such as Stop the Bleeding Coalition, which promotes the use of tourniquets to staunch bleeding from a gunshot wound. But in this regard, hospitals face a unique responsibility as places where sick and injured people go to heal thus making evacuation plans both more difficult, and more critical. Making sure that every hospital has a concrete plan in place to deal with these incidents, and that drills are carried out regularly for these incidents and that those drills are carried out with law enforcement and other community agencies, that would be the dream world, says Jeff Solheim, president of the Emergency Nurses Association. Story continues Brigham and Womens Hospital (BWH) is one institution that has stepped up security. It publicly rolled out a new security campaign in 2017, two years after a man entered the Boston hospital and fatally shot a doctor who had treated his late mother. (Browns data shows that grudges of some kind motivated 79 of 241 hospital shootings recorded between 2000 and 2015.) The campaign focused on eliminating piggybacking and tailgating non-authorized individuals slipping into secure areas by following staff members and urged the hospitals employees to either question suspicious individuals or report them to security. Even hospitals that havent faced violence first-hand are taking action. Theres no doubt theres been an increased focus on it. It feels like theres a lot more activity going on, Solheim says, though he adds that some institutions could be more proactive. [Hospitals are] adding active shooters into their disaster drills. Five or six years ago, we would never have thought about putting an active shooter in a disaster policy and procedure. Today, however, hospitals are doing just that. Childrens Health Childrens Medical Center Dallas, a pediatric hospital in Texas, began offering offering active shooter simulations for emergency department staff in 2016. Ninety-two percent of participants said they felt more prepared for such a situation, according to a paper published in the Journal of Emergency Nursing in August. The papers authors called ongoing active shooter classes a definite recommendation for both their hospital and others. Even the scare at Walter Reed was triggered by this sort of preparation: The military hospital went into lockdown after its emergency alert system mistakenly sounded the alarm about an active shooter on campus. (Representatives from Walter Reed did not immediately provide further context.) Mishaps aside, Paul Brennan, immediate past president of the International Association of EMS Chiefs, which is involved in drafting active shooter response guidelines for healthcare settings, says staff education and training, robust emergency alert systems and collaboration with local law enforcement and EMS are vital for hospitals trying to stay prepared. Many hospitals also have a workplace violence committee, he says, and many institutions are required to complete an annual hazard vulnerability analysis. Staff preparedness is key, Brennan says. If youre not teaching and training your staff, and youre not drilling, youre not doing exercises, your staff is either going to forget, or theyre not going to be educated enough to respond well when something happens. No matter how well-trained, however, Brennan says hospitals face a unique set of challenges when it comes to active shooter scenarios. For one thing, they tend to be quite large, with fairly open campuses. Very few hospitals have every single door locked, controlled, and someone there, with metal detectors, Brennan says. Its really challenging to be 100% confident that you have everything covered. Perhaps more importantly, the thousands of people inside a hospital at any given time have vastly different levels of training, responsibility and mobility making it difficult to apply standard advice to the medical environment, Brennan says. Individuals facing an active shooting are typically advised to first try to run away from the gunman; hide if they cannot escape; and attempt to fight off the shooter only as a last resort. But in a hospital, patients may be either immobile or in the midst of treatment, leaving them unable to run, hide, fight, and raising ethical dilemmas for the doctors, nurses and other caretakers who may be forced to choose between assisting their patients and saving their own lives. With these difficulties in mind, a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August suggested an additional strategy for healthcare workers: secure, preserve, fight. In other words, hospital employees should first secure areas where life-saving patient care is in progress by electronically or mechanically barring entry to those zones; preserve patient lives by moving them to secure areas, even if that means ceasing non-critical care; and only fight off the gunman if absolutely necessary. But Dr. Gabor Kelen, director of the emergency medicine department at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says its not clear how well this strategy or any actually works. (Kelen co-authored the 2012 study on hospital shootings, two years after the son of a patient shot and injured a Johns Hopkins doctor before killing both himself and his mother.) There isnt enough data and experience to know which of the strategies has the greatest yield, and which of these strategies fits to the psychological moment of even trained people, Kelen says. The dearth of data, Kelen says, emphasizes just how rare these incidents are. He stresses that the percentage of patients and healthcare workers who will find themselves in an active shooting situation is infinitesimal, and that most trainings are undertaken out of an abundance of caution. You make sure that hospitals are fire-proof and lightning-proof. I would put that in this category, Kelen says. I think the staff appreciates that there is some real attention to their wellness and the patients wellness. I do think that it remains important. Brennan agrees, emphasizing that most events hospitals train for will never come to pass but its important to be prepared if they do. Hospitals traditionally are very, very safe, but its not a never event, Brennan says. Shootings are low frequency, but the results can be deadly. Donald Trump has said he may be willing to pardon Paul Manafort amid new reports alleging his former campaign chairman lied to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Speaking in the Oval Office, the president said a pardon was never discussed, but I wouldn't take it off the table". Mr Trump also kept up his recent attacks on Mr Mueller's Russia probe, comparing it to the 1950s era of Joseph McCarthy. "We are in the McCarthy era. This is no better than McCarthy. And that was a bad situation for the country. But this is where we are. And its a terrible thing, Mr Trump said. Mr Trump, speaking as part of an interview with The New York Post, went on to describe Manafort, as well as long-time confidant Roger Stone and right-wing commentator Jerome Corsi as actually very brave. All three of said to be of interest to Mr Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling and possible collusion with Trump campaign officials Prosecutors for the special counsel said in a court filing on Monday that Manafort had lied to them, breaching a plea agreement signed after he was found guilty of eight counts of financial crimes in August. Those charges related to political lobbying work in Ukraine.. In its court filings, the special counsel wrote Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsels Office on a variety of subject matters. Manafort said in the same filing that he disagreed with the special counsels allegation. His legal team said they believed he had given truthful answers to all questions. Mr Trump's interview followed a report in The New York Times that Manafort's attorney has been briefing Mr Trump's lawyers about what Manafort has been telling federal investigators. Such conversations are unusual but not illegal. Manafort was likely facing about 10 years in prison for the eight guilty counts in the Virginia case, sentencing experts have said. Story continues Under the terms of the plea agreement, Manafort plead guilty in September to two charges of conspiracy. The president has been vocal in his support for Manafort, lauding him as a very good person during the Virginia trial. Meanwhile, key Democrats have rejected the notion Mr Trump may pardon his former campaign chairman. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, described the potential move as a blatant and unacceptable abuse of power in a tweet following the presidents interview. The pardon power is not the Presidents personal tool for protecting himself and his friends, the senator wrote. Reuters contributed to this report. The Hague (AFP) - A Dutch church has resorted to the power of prayer to stop the deportation of an Armenian family sheltering there, holding round-the-clock religious services for more than a month to keep police at bay, officials said Friday. The Bethel Church in The Hague has taken advantage of a loophole in Dutch law which says that police cannot enter the premises while a religious service is underway. The five members of the Tamrazyan family, who have been living in the Netherlands for nine years, took refuge in the church on October 25 after Dutch authorities turned down their request for asylum. "The Tamrazyans knocked on our door one night in a panic and asked us to shelter them and protect them from the police. It was urgent," church pastor Derk Stegeman told AFP. Ever since then, parishioners have held a continuous service 24 hours a day to make sure that it is illegal for police officers to go inside the protestant church. "We have 500 pastors signed up to lead the services", with some coming from other parts of the Netherlands, said Stegeman, who had recently completed a gruelling six-hour non-stop service. "It's incredible what people's solidarity can achieve." - 'Confronted with a dilemma' - The church has since attracted a blaze of media attention and messages of support on social media, while using its website to appeal for volunteers donations and food. The Tamrazyans -- two adults, two daughters aged 21 and 19 and a son aged 14 -- left their home in The Hague after learning of the shock decision to reject their asylum claim. The family reportedly fled Armenia after the father received death threats for his political activities. In a statement on its website, the church said that it "respects court orders, but finds itself confronted with a dilemma: the choice between respecting the government and protecting the rights of a child". "The purpose of the Church Asylum is to create rest and safety for the family and to offer some respite to the family during which we invite politicians to discuss with us the family's fate." Story continues The Dutch immigration service said it did not comment on current cases. The country's justice ministry has the power to exceptionally grant asylum to minors who are subject to expulsion orders. The church saga echoes the case which gripped the Netherlands in September in which two Armenian children disappeared to avoid deportation. Howick, 13 and his sister Lili, 12, were due to be deported to join their mother in Armenia, after a last-ditch legal bid failed to stop their expulsion. But they were found shortly after the justice ministry said they would be allowed to stay. Algiers (AFP) - Archaeologists in Algeria have discovered stone tools and cut animal bones that may be up to 2.4 million years old, bringing into question East Africa's title as the cradle of humanity, according to research published Thursday in the journal Science. The artifacts -- more ancient than those discovered in the region until now -- were found in Setif, some 200 miles (300 kilometers) east of Algiers, by a team of international researchers, including Algerians. The tools closely resemble those called Oldowan, found until now mainly in East Africa. The tools were unearthed near dozens of fossilized animal bones which contained cut marks, as if relics of prehistoric butchers. The bones came from animals including the ancestors of crocodiles, elephants and hippopotamuses. "East Africa is widely considered to be the birthplace of stone tool use by our ancient hominid ancestors -- the earliest examples of which date as far back as about 2.6 million years ago," said the report in Science. "The new findings make Ain Boucherit the oldest site in northern Africa with in situ evidence of hominin meat use with associated stone tools and they suggest that other similarly early sites could be found outside of the Eastern Africa Rift." One hypothesis is that early ancestors of modern day humans quickly carried stone tools with them out of East Africa and into other regions of the continent. Another is a "multiple origin scenario," in which early hominids made and used tools in both East and North Africa. "The site of Ain Lahnech is the second oldest in the world after Gona in Ethiopia, which goes back to 2.6 million years ago and is widely considered the cradle of humanity," lead author Mohamed Sahouni told AFP. The discoveries were made in two layers -- one dating to 2.4 million years ago and the second dating to 1.9 million years old. - More in the Sahara? - The findings suggest that the ancestors of modern people were present in north Africa at least 600,000 years earlier than scientists thought. Story continues Until now, the oldest known tools from northern Africa were 1.8 million years old, and were found at a nearby site. No humans remains were found. Therefore, scientists don't know what species of hominids were at the site, or what ancient cousin of homo sapiens (who appeared much later), used these tools. The dig was undertaken by experts from research institutions in Spain, Algeria, Australia and France. "Now that Ain Boucherit has yielded Oldowan archeology estimated to 2.4 million years ago, Northern Africa and the Sahara may be a repository of further archaeological materials," the study said. "Based on the potential of Ain Boucherit and the adjacent sedimentary basins, we suggest that hominin fossils and Oldowan artifacts as old as those documented in East Africa could be discovered in North Africa as well." Large sheets of brown paper covered the glass walls to the City Hall offices of Chicago Alderman Ed Burke on Thursday, as federal agents raided the place of work for Donald Trumps longtime former tax consultant. The offices were shut down upon the arrival of the federal officials, who quickly obstructed views into the rooms they remained in throughout the day. Mr Burke is reported to have worked closely with the president for nearly 12 years in cutting property taxes for his Trump Tower in Chicago by more than $14m. Nearly 15 agents brought boxes inside the offices at about 7:30am local time, with a few of them eventually making their way into an underground parking garage across the way while searching for Mr Burkes vehicle. The 74-year-old Democrat chairs the City Councils finance committee. Hes also a partner at a property-tax law firm. It was reported in June of this year that Mr Trump had stopped using Mr Burke as a consultant, with the alderman citing irreconcilable differences in letters filed with the Cook County courts and the Illinois State Property Tax Appeal Board. It appeared the raid was coming to a close just after 1:00 pm, with the remaining agents exiting the offices through the back door just before 2:00 pm carrying a computer, two monitors and a cardboard file box, the Chicago Sun Times reported Thursday. Mr Burkes family responded with shock and confusion to news of the raid, with the aldermans brother and state representative Dan Burke telling the Times he was confident of his siblings innocence no matter the cause. Its shocking. I dont know what to think, he said Thursday. I dont have a clue. Any time there is this type of thing, where they come in and paper your windows, certainly thats a concern. But I know my brother. For his entire life and career hes been abiding by the law. Mr Burkes wife, Ann Burke, who serves on the Illinois Supreme Court, was sworn into the top court the same day of the raid. Story continues The aldermans location at the time of the raid as well as during his wifes swearing-in ceremony, which reportedly took place inside her offices remained unclear as of Thursday afternoon. Mr Burke has come under scrutiny in recent years for numerous business dealings throughout his tenure in office, including a $100m compensation fund for city workers that was operated our of his committee. The states Inspector General was reportedly unable to look into those funds with transparency during an investigation into Mr Burke, as it was walled off from the watchdog offices. A message left at Burkes ward office wasnt returned. There was no answer at his City Hall office. His law office declined comment. The White House also did not respond to requests for comment. Additional reporting by AP. Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson (PA) A British MEP has warned far-right activist Tommy Robinson poses a potential security risk to the European parliament after being given a job by UKIP leader Gerard Batten. Labours Seb Dance has raised concerns about Robinsons access to the parliament with the institutions president, Antonio Tajani. It comes a week after Batten, an MEP for London since 2004, announced that he had appointed the English Defence League founder as an adviser on prison reform and rape gangs. The decision was condemned by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage and triggered the defection of MEP Patrick OFlynn to the SDP. MORE: UKIP has now lost 10 MEPs after Bours quietly left party It has not been confirmed that Batten has used European funds to employ Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, however many in Brussels believe that is the case. Dance has now asked Tajani to clarify whether Robinson will have access to the European parliament buildings in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. In a letter seen by Yahoo Finance UK, Dance writes: UKIP leader Gerard Batten MEP has appointed far-right activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser. European parliament rules specify that accredited parliamentary assistants and officials of the European parliament must submit a criminal record check to the recruitment services in order to secure their employment. UKIP leader Gerard Batten speaking at a free Tommy protest (Getty) However, it remains unclear whether a criminal record check is required for local assistants in a member state (in this case the United Kingdom). If it the case that local assistants do not require a criminal record check, the question is raised whether Mr Robinson would be allowed access to the European parliament buildings, considering the potential security risk that his presence might cause. As President of the European parliament, would you be able to provide clarity on the security requirements of local assistants in access to parliament buildings in all three places of work? Robinson was sentenced to 18 months in prison for mortgage fraud in 2014 and 10 months in 2013 for using someone elses passport to travel to the US. Story continues MORE: EXCLUSIVE UK MEPs will keep expenses for three months after Brexit at 400,000 cost In May, the 35-year-old was jailed for 13-months for contempt of court, but that conviction has since been quashed and the case referred to the attorney general. Batten spoke in support of Robinson at free Tommy protests outside the Old Bailey. And the UKIP leader has defended his decision to employ Robinson, saying that he has only minor convictions and deserves a second chance. I think hes a good person to have on side, a lot of people respect his stand on things and his courage, Batten told the BBC. However, Farage accused Batten of taking UKIP in a shameful direction by employing Robinson and OFlynn said it had been a distraction from the partys work on Brexit. Elon Musk will not be smoking cannabis in public again, the boss of Nasa has assured the public, amid concern about the SpaceX boss's behaviour. Nasa administrator Jim Bridenstine has said that Mr Musk has promised not to repeat a moment where he smoked a joint and drank whisky on a comedian's podcast. That incident caused consternation across the space industry, because Mr Musk's rocket company SpaceX is expected to soon begin carrying US astronauts on its rockets. His behaviour had led to worries about whether he was responsible enough to lead an organisation that will take US astronauts to space for the first time in years. I will tell you that was not helpful, and that did not inspire confidence, and the leaders of these organisations need to take that as an example of what to do when you lead an organisation thats going to launch American astronauts, Mr Bridenstine told reporters at Nasa headquarters, according to a report in The Atlantic. Those concerns led Mr Bridenstine to personally launch a safety review of the private companies involved in space missions. The contract to take US astronauts back into space is worth nearly $7 billion, and includes stipulations that the staff working on it remain drug and alcohol free. As well as SpaceX, the process will look at the culture at Boeing. Together, those two companies are planning to begin the first launches with American astronauts from the US since the Space Shuttle programme finished in 2011. The reviews are necessary to ensure that the companies are able to keep astronauts safe when they head into space, the Nasa chief said. As well as the drink and drugs concerns, Mr Musk raised worries when he talked publicly about working long hours and feeling under intense stress at his other job as the leader of electric car company Tesla. The reviews had already been considered before Mr Musk very publicly smoked a joint as part of the Joe Rogan podcast, Mr Bridenstine said. But it highlighted an issue of concern to the space agency and Mr Musk has committed not to behave that way in the future, he said. Story continues They were launched in part because of several failed Nasa missions that led to the deaths of the astronauts involved. Incidents such as the Apollo 1 fire and two disasters involving Space Shuttles led him to want to make sure that the culture at Nasa and the private companies it works with was set up to ensure its astronauts stayed safe, he said. Rather than waiting untilwe dont believe theres going to be an incident, but if there is an incidentrather than waiting until theres an incident, we do a cultural assessment of our contractors [now], Bridenstine said, according to The Atlantic. We want to get ahead of it. We want to see, right now, today, are they experiencing pressure from schedule, are they experiencing pressure from cost, and are those concerns challenging their thought process in a way that could be dangerous? Residents were ordered to evacuate some areas near burn scars in Riverside County, east of San Fransisco in California, on November 27, as approaching storms posed risks of mud and debris flows. Flood warnings were issued in areas across California as heavy snow and rain were expected until Friday, November 30, AccuWeather reported. This footage was taken at the Marin County Sheriffs main office in San Rafael, California, on the morning of November 29. Credit: Marin County Sheriff via Storyful Caitlin Miron has found something huge: She was honoured for discovering a chemical compound with the ability to prevent cancer growth, but it could also have significant applications in halting the spread of HIV, too. In an exclusive interview with Yahoo Canada News, the Ontario PhD student revealed why her discovery could be more far-reaching for everything from HIV to Zika than originally reported. There is also a quadruplex forming sequence in an area of HIV thats responsible for infection of a human host, Caitlin Miron, the PhD student at Queens University, Department of Chemistry who identified the compound said to Yahoo Canada News. Mirons research starts with the study of DNA. Most people have likely seen the double helix model of DNA but in our cells, to access the information in that double helix, the DNA has to become temporarily single-stranded. Miron uses a necklace as an analogy for how single-stranded DNA functions. The strand of DNA is the chain of the necklace and then beads, or cellular machinery that reads and processes DNA to make proteins, are able to move freely along that chain. They can keep doing that until they come to a knot, Miron said. Usually the cell has a way to unravel that knot but if somebodys gone there first and used superglue on that knot,it is basically a permanent object and its a barrier so the beads cant get passed it. The knot is an unusual fold of DNA, a guanine quadruplex or G4, and the newly discovered compound is that superglue that stabilizes the unusual architecture and blocks access to specific sections that come after it. According to Miron, in the last ten years, research and advances in bioinformatics has show that a number of these knots can form directly in front of oncogenes, sections of DNA that if processed make proteins that contribute to cancer development and metastasis, which is the term used to describe cancer that spreads to a different part of the body from where it began. Story continues If we can block that process from happening, then maybe were going to be able to prevent certain aspects of cancer development or metastasis, Miron said. Through Mirons research, it has also been discovered that this compounds affects could move beyond cancer treatment. These knots are also known to form in a lot of different viruses, the Zika virus has one, so there are applications outside of cancer treatment, Miron said. In terms of the possible use in cancer treatment in particular, Miron says that there are different knots in different quadruplexes, some of which can be associated with most cancers and some that are more specific. At least one of [the knots] that leads to cancer cell immortality, that ability to continue dividing over and over again, is associate with about 85 per cent of cancers, Miron said. There is a little bit of potential specificity in there but it may also be something that could be broad spectrum, we dont know at this point. Incredible news in the field of cancer research this week congratulations to the Canadian PhD student Caitlin Miron for her groundbreaking work! Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) November 24, 2017 Beginning her research The Ottawa native started her journey with Dr. Anne Petitjean at her lab at Queens University. Morin began volunteering over the course of her undergraduate degree, initially in biochemistry but switching to chemistry after loving her time in the lab. She was initially drawn to the study of DNA in high school, which continued to motivate her research interests throughout her undergraduate degree and into her PhD. A significant turning point in Mirons research occurred when the PhD student received scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and Mitacs Globalink as travel supplements to study her compounds from the Petitjean lab in Kingston, Ontario at the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB) in Bordeaux, France, under the supervision of Dr. Jean-Louis Mergny. Dr. Jean-Louis Mergny is probably one of the top researchers in the field of guanine quadruplex recognition, Miron said. Theyve pioneered this kind of high throughput screening platform that you can test a very large number of compounds to generate hits. When Miron arrived at the IECB, she did not have extensive experience with Mergnys particular study of G4 and she had to learn a lot in the field, using the chemical compounds she brought over from Queens University. It wasnt a field of research that we werent particularly based in so I had very little experience with the techniques that I was going to have to learn and the field itself, Miron said. It was mostly a matter of just getting there and diving in and asking questions and going from expert to expert with my compounds. Current status and future plans At this point in the discovery, the provisional patent has been filed and publishing these findings would be the next step in the process. It could take a year before the formal patent is filed and additional research is required before it could be formally introduced to the medical industry. We are trying to think about how can we make these compounds more targeted to cancer cells, how can we improve their entrance through a cell membrane into a cell, all those things for biocompatibility, that will be important down the line for pharmaceuticals, Miron said. With this great success in research and significant notoriety, Miron has been wrapping up the work she has done with the Petitjean lab and the IECB, and is also focusing on bringing the techniques that she learned in France to Queens University. The PhD student was honoured to be recognized for the 2017 Mitacs Award for Outstanding Innovation, calling the whole process and subsequent acknowledgment from Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, an emotional experience. Its a nice validation of the importance of the research and our progress in moving it forward, Miron said. As she continues to advance in her career, Miron has her mind set on working in industry versus academia, and is also interested in expanding her scope of research as she plans to move into a post-doctoral program, possibly even leaving her compound discovery behind for others at the Petitjean lab to continue. I would like to see where it goes but at the same time, if the last four years have taught me anything its that I also really like learning new things, and exploring new fields and getting that kind of multidisciplinary research, Miron said. I would like to stay in health applications but I dont think I would limit myself to just cancer research, Im definitely interested in looking at other things as well. By Dmitry Zhdannikov and Olesya Astakhova LONDON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is becoming increasingly convinced it needs to reduce oil output in tandem with OPEC but is still bargaining with the producer group's leader, Saudi Arabia, over the timing and volume of any reduction, two industry sources told Reuters. The Russian Energy Ministry held a meeting with the heads of domestic oil producers on Tuesday, ahead of a gathering in Vienna of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies on Dec. 6-7. "The idea at the meeting was that Russia needs to reduce. The key question is how quickly and by how much," said one source familiar with the talks between Russian oil firms and the ministry. "Most people agreed that we cannot reduce immediately, it needs to be a gradual process like last time," said the source, who asked not to be identified as he is forbidden from speaking to the media. The Energy Ministry declined to comment. Russian oil companies Rosneft and Gazprom Neft declined to comment. Lukoil , Tatneft , Surgutneftegas, Gazprom and Novatek did not immediately respond to a request for comment. OPEC and its allies led by Russia have been restraining production under a pact reached in late 2016 to prop up oil prices. Moscow agreed to curb output by 300,000 barrels per day, or one sixth of the overall cut of 1.8 million bpd, but Russian companies took several months to reach that level of reduction. Now, Riyadh has suggested OPEC and its allies reduce output by 1 million bpd from January 2019 to arrest a price decline as Brent crude fell below $59 a barrel this week from as high as $85 in October due to concerns about a possible glut. If Russia bore the same proportion of such cuts as it did under the existing agreement, its share of the reduction would amount to 166,000 bpd. "It was also said that reducing by one sixth this time is a big ask," the source said. A second source briefed on the discussions said: "We need to reduce but would not want to reduce by much." OPEC and its allies will be meeting amid concerns over a slowing global economy and rising oil supplies from the United States, which is not involved in the existing pact. Saudi Arabia is coming under renewed pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump, who has asked the kingdom to refrain from output reductions and help to lower oil prices further. Possibly complicating any decision at next week's talks is the crisis around the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last month. Trump has backed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman despite calls from many U.S. politicians to impose stiff sanctions on Riyadh. Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet Prince Mohammed in Argentina at this weekend's G20 summit, which Trump is also to attend. Moscow has so far not committed to any new production cuts. On Wednesday, Putin said Russia was in touch with OPEC but Moscow would be satisfied with an oil price of $60 a barrel. Putin previously said Russia would be content with oil at $70. "We are in contact with OPEC and we are ready to continue our joint efforts if needed," Putin said. Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said on Wednesday the kingdom would not cut oil output on its own. "We generally have our reservations about the likelihood of a 2016-style cooperation this time around, though the Russian position will undoubtedly be crucial," JBC Energy think-tank said in a note. (Editing by Dale Hudson) President Trumps trip to the G-20 meeting in Argentina may be called Lets Make a Deal. He is supposed to meet with Chinese President Xi Jingping Saturday for dinner, and analysts expect the President to discuss the current trade standoff with Xi. Height Capital Markets Vice President Clayton Allens most recent note on the G-20 tells clients he believes the President is willing to negotiate now more than at any other period in the trade dispute despite recent threats from Trump to escalate it. Allen calls it one of Trumps negotiating tactics, the use of last-minute threats as a way to ramp up pressure immediately before a meeting. But Allen doubts there will be any detailed settlement negotiated to end the trade dispute writing, We still expect the best possible result this weekend will be a temporary pause in tariffs, including the remaining $267 billion in Chinese imports Trump has threatened to raise the existing 10% tariff on $250 Billion of imported Chinese goods to 25% in January if the countries fail to end the dispute with the threat of new tariffs on an additional $267 billion of goods not currently subject to tariffs. Allen predicts the new tariffs will be applied in stages rather than all at once if Saturdays meeting between Xi and Trump fails to produce at the very least a pause in the dispute. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands during a joint statement to members of the media Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China in 2017. (Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP) But one noted China expert hopes there is no temporary pause or for that matter any deal. We are bleeding technology and so the pain and the cost to the US to actually entering into a deal is far greater than not dealing with them, said Gordon Chang, author of the Coming Collapse of China. Chang told Yahoo Finance there is enormous pressure on Xi that makes it difficult for the Chinese leader to deal with the United States in good faith. He owns this trade struggle with the US and if he doesnt prevail he will be blamed by his opponents. He has no incentive to compromise Chang said. But Height Capitals Allen points out that President Trump celebrates his public persona as a master dealmaker. Allen says it may be more important for the President to announce a deal without details in order to save face. Allen cites the rollout of the deals with North Korea and the EU which, ..are more accurately described as ongoing talks. According to Allen, President Trump will most likely announce a deal with Xi that keeps open the possibility of additional talks, promises additional purchase of US goods but ultimately doesnt force any immediate changes. Adam Shapiro is an anchor for Yahoo Finance. Follow him on Twitter @ajshaps. Follow Yahoo Finance on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flipboard, LinkedIn, and reddit. Lagos (AFP) - Several high-profile figures in Nigeria, including a former government minister, have claimed that President Muhammadu Buhari has died and been replaced by a lookalike from Sudan. Tweets, Facebook posts and YouTube videos repeating claims that the leader of Africa's most populous nation is an imposter called "Jubril" have been shared and viewed over 500,000 times. But there is no evidence to back up the claim and the government has not commented. - What are we verifying? - Former military ruler Buhari, 75, has made several trips to London for medical treatment since mid-2016. Initially, the presidency claimed he had a "persistent ear infection". But concern mounted from early last year about his prolonged absences, prompting speculation the condition was more serious and might affect his ability to stay in power. A lack of information about the exact nature of his illness, his gaunt features and a reduction in public appearances have fed speculation about his well-being. Claims about Buhari's identity emerged a month after Buhari returned from another lengthy medical trip to the British capital. The earliest online mention of the claim found by AFP was in a video posted by Twitter user @sam_ezeh on September 3, 2017. The video has since been shared more than 5,000 times on Facebook and Twitter. In it, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) movement, Nnamdi Kanu, speaks to his supporters and says Buhari had actually died. "The man you are looking at in the television is not Buhari... His name is Jubril, he's from Sudan. After extensive surgery they brought him back," he says. In separate broadcasts on the outlawed pirate radio station Radio Biafra, Kanu has called Buhari "Jubril Al-Sudani". But on each occasion, he gave no evidence for the claim. The IPOB leader is a fervent critic of Buhari and the Nigerian government. His movement wants a separate independent state for the Igbo people who dominate southeast Nigeria. Story continues Despite the lack of evidence, the claim has been picked up by other opponents of Buhari, who in February next year is seeking a second, four-year term of office. On April 5, 2018, Femi Fani-Kayode, a former government special advisor and minister under president Olusegun Obasanjo, repeated the claim on Twitter (1). A similar post on his Facebook page was shared more than 400 times. Press releases and statements by IPOB and its sympathisers have repeated the claim (2). The rumour appears to have been fuelled further by a real-life event in May this year, when a Nigerian diplomat -- Habibu Almu -- was found dead in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Nigeria's foreign ministry said on May 14 that Almu had been "stabbed to death" and that a Sudanese woman of Nigerian origin had been arrested. Sudanese police said the killing did not appear to be politically motivated but Kanu and others have claimed the death was linked to an apparent cover-up of Buhari's death (3). Buhari's appearance has come under scrutiny in many posts. One post compares Buhari apparently writing with his right hand in one photograph and his left in another. But analysis indicates the image of the right-handed Buhari had been reversed. One video even speculates on how a dead Buhari could have been operated on to transfer his appearance to "Jubril from Sudan", showing a scene from the 1997 film "Face/Off" (4). - What conclusion can we draw? - The rumour has been stoked by Buhari's illness, which saw him receive treatment abroad for a large part of 2017, and the killing of a Nigerian diplomat in Khartoum earlier this year. Those pushing the claim are known critics of Buhari and his government but have provided no concrete evidence to back up their assertion. (1)https://web.archive.org/web/20181130090829/https://twitter.com/chimbiko_jerome/status/904380366328389632 (2)http://archive.is/rsSUS (3)https://web.archive.org/web/20181130091145/https://twitter.com/MaziNnamdiKanu/status/1064273290422886400 (4)http://archive.is/mfzRp The 21-year-old has since been sacked (PA) A fake paramedic who is believed to have responded to 999 calls and treated more than 100 patients is now the subject of a police investigation. The Evening Standard reports that the 21-year-old man has been sacked by London Ambulance Service (LAS), having gone rogue after failing his paramedic exams. Most of the incidents occurred in July and the man was arrested in September. Details came to light this week following publication of LAS latest serious incidents report. The Met Police said in a statement: The 21-year-old was arrested on suspicion of fraud, burglary, theft by employee, assault by beating, dangerous driving, driving otherwise in accordance of license, and driving without insurance. He was taken into custody at a south London police station and later released under investigation. Inquiries are ongoing. MORE: Top private girls school asks parents to sign pledge to curb phone use MORE: Pregnant woman gets two months in jail for stealing Pringles A spokeswoman for LAS told the Evening Standard: As soon as we became aware of the activities of this individual, we initiated a full internal investigation, informed the police and contacted patients affected. The individuals employment with us was also immediately ended. Following our investigation, we have improved, and will continue to improve, our security, systems and processes. Watch the latest videos from Yahoo UK PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia (AP) Relatives of people aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that disappeared four years ago presented five pieces of possible plane debris to the government on Friday and called for a renewed search for the missing jet. The Boeing 777 jet vanished with 239 people aboard while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. So far only fragments have washed ashore, and two massive ocean searches have been called off. Grace Nathan, whose mother Anne Daisy was on the flight, said the new debris was found by villagers in Madagascar over the past two years as part of a privately funded search. She said one of the pieces has a readable label and is believed to be a floor panel from the plane. She urged the government to find more plane debris that could be either buried in sand or floating in waters off Africa to help shed light on one of aviation's greatest mysteries. She also said many private companies are willing to help find the jet on a "no cure, no fee" basis. "Why should we turn a blind eye to evidence washing up on the shores? It should be looked at as a jigsaw puzzle. The more we have, the more we can learn," she said. "I think the government should be more open to allow (private companies) to continue to search." Nathan and a few other relatives in the Voice 370 group representing families of those on the plane handed over the debris to Transport Minister Anthony Loke. Loke said the debris will be verified by investigators but the government is only open to continuing the search if there is credible evidence of the plane's location. American wreckage hunter Blaine Gibson said the debris has been inspected by independent experts, who believe it is from a Boeing 777 plane. The piece that may be a floor panel indicates the plane may have shattered on impact and that there is no intact fuselage underwater, he said. Malaysia signed a "no cure, no fee" deal with U.S.-based Ocean Infinity in January to resume the hunt for the plane, a year after the official search of the southern Indian Ocean by Australia, Malaysia and China was called off. But the second search was halted at the end of May after it found nothing. A Malaysian-led independent investigation report released in July highlighted shortcomings in the government's response to the plane's disappearance, including lapses by air traffic control and a failure to swiftly initiate an emergency response and monitor radar continuously. It also raised the possibility of "intervention by a third party" and reiterated Malaysia's assertion the plane was deliberately diverted and flown for over seven hours after severing communications. The report said there was insufficient information to determine if the aircraft broke up in the air or during an impact with the ocean. Retiring senator Jeff Flake acknowledged on Friday that he would not be holding up President Trumps judicial nominees if he was worried about being reelected. Flake, who announced his retirement in October after several ugly clashes with Trump, has vowed to oppose the presidents judicial nominees until he gets a vote on a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller from being fired. On Thursday, he halted the progress of 21 judicial picks in the Judiciary Committee and stopped another nominee on the Senate floor. The bill would allow Mueller to challenge a firing and require a Senate-confirmed official to fire him. Confirming judges is important, Flake said in a CNN interview. But we need to protect the special counsel. . . . This has to be priority now. You have to take a stand. I have leverage because we have a narrow majority on the Judiciary Committee and so Im using it, he added. You use leverage to get votes to the floor that should be on the floor. When asked whether hed have been able to use that leverage if he werent retiring, the Arizona Republican said, Probably not, but its not that it shouldnt be done. I just felt that it was important to do. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said this week that he probably would block another effort to force a vote on the Mueller bill, and called it a solution in search of a problem. Republicans have already blocked a vote on the bill twice this month. I dont think that was a smart move, said Republican senator Orrin Hatch of Flakes tactics. Its starting to irritate people. . . . Hes a good guy. But I think hes carrying it a little bit far. Senator Ted Cruz concurred that Flakes strategy was not productive. We dont want to provoke a Constitutional crisis, Flake said. I think its for the good of the country, I really do. Mike Lynch, former CEO of Autonomy. Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images The former Autonomy CEO Michael Lynch and ex-finance executive Stephen Chamberlain have been charged with fraud, related to its 2011 sale to Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), by US authorities. Lynch and Chamberlain have been accused of artificially increasing reported sales numbers in order to meet targets that secured them performance bonuses. Figures were also allegedly presented to portray Autonomy as a money-making software business. The areas affected allegedly include revenues, costs and growth. Speaking to the Financial Times, Lynchs lawyers described bringing a business dispute over British account standards to a criminal court as a travesty of justice. Chris Morvillo of Clifford Chance and Reid Weingarten of Steptoe & Johnson continued: HP has sought to blame Autonomy for its own crippling errors, and has falsely accused Mike Lynch to cover its own tracks. Mike Lynch will not be a scapegoat for their failures. He has done nothing wrong and will vigorously defend the charges against him. It is claimed that Lynch and Chamberlain booked sales early, lied to auditors and regulators, and backdating agreements. They also allegedly portrayed the business as a software company when it was essentially a hardware vendor. HP bought Autonomy for around $11bn (8.6bn) in 2011. In 2012 the US tech company complained that financial figures and performances had been exaggerated, and wrote down the companys value by $8.8bn. The recriminations between Lynch and HP have led to several lawsuits between the parties. READ MORE: German drugs giant Bayer to cut 12,000 jobs worldwide In April 2018, Autonomys former chief financial officer Sushovan Hussain was found guilty of fraud, altering figures in order to make the company an attractive takeover target for HP. Charges filed in California posted online argue that as Lynch headed up the company as chief executive, he was responsible for validating the companys accounts and for information given to shareholders. Chamberlain is also held responsible for overseeing Autonomys figures. The document accuses the pair of a scheme to defraud shareholders and of intimidating or paying off potential whistleblowers. If found guilty of the 14 charges they face, they could face 20 years in jail, and Lynch has been told to pay back $815m from the proceeds of the take over. Chamberlain has been given a demand for $4m. HP are arguing for reparations of $5bn from Hussain and Lynch, in case to be heard in Britain in 2019. Paris (AFP) - France's parliament on Tuesday adopted a largely symbolic ban on parents smacking their children, a practice which though condemned by the UN still enjoys widespread support in the country. The measure was unanimously approved in a final vote in the Senate, making France the 55th state to prohibit corporal punishment of children. It will be written into the Civil Code and read out to couples when they exchange their marital vows, with newly-weds told that "parental authority is exercised without physical or psychological violence". The measure, which was adopted by MPs in November, had been expected to easily pass the Senate despite some lawmakers on the right railing against what they see as "interference" in family life. Violence towards children is already banned under France's penal code, but a 19th-century addendum to the Civil Code's definition of parental authority made allowances for parents when "disciplining" their children. According to France's Childhood Foundation, 85 percent of French parents admit to smacking their children. Attempts by previous governments to ban the practice have run afoul of conservatives, but resistance has softened in recent years. The new law does not contain a specific punishment for parents who break the rules. Its main goal is to encourage society to change its ways, Maud Petit, the MP who sponsored the measure, said. The legislation brings France in line with international treaties on the rights of children. In 2015, the Council of Europe, which makes recommendations on rights, singled out France for failing to follow the example of other European countries by banning smacking. A year later, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child urged France to "explicitly prohibit" all forms of corporal punishment of children. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) France says it wants more "transparency" from Japan about an investigation into Carlos Ghosn, head of Japanese carmaker Nissan and French automaker Renault. French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the probe Friday with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires. Macron's office says he insisted on the importance to France of maintaining the alliance. Both leaders noted that the Japanese judicial procedure needs to run its course. A French official said France wants more transparency from Japan about the investigation. The official wasn't authorized to be publicly named under government policy. France's government owns 15 percent of Renault, whose shares fell after Ghosn's arrest Nov. 19. He is suspected of falsifying financial statements and underreporting income. He has not commented publicly. The G20 Summit in Argentina kicked off with world leaders huddling on the sidelines to discuss their response to the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was seen discussing the death with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who appeared to be ignored during the groups official family photo portrait session. Meanwhile, confusion remains over whether Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet during the summit. See the latest updates in our live blog below Please allow a moment for the live blog to load The president kicked off Friday morning with a series of angry tweets after the White House reaffirmed he had cancelled an expected discussion with Mr Putin, despite the Kremlin claiming otherwise. Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail..., he tweeted. ....Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. Put up zero money, zero guarantees and didnt do the project. Witch Hunt! Reports suggest Mr Trump is in a terrible mood and completely distracted as he headed to the event. The president responded to news of Mr Cohens plea deal by saying he was a weak person and not a very smart person. Mr Trump will be having a number of meetings at the summit in Buenos Aires starting the day at 6.50am local time and finishing 10.10pm. He said on Thursday he had cancelled a meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, due to the countrys conflict with Ukraine. The president has downgraded a number of his bilateral meetings as he feels theres nothing in them for him, according to CNN. Issues such as the trade war between the US and China and the conflict over Ukraine are likely to dominate the agenda. Ahead of the summit Mr Trump said current tariff levels on Chinese imports would rise as planned. Story continues The summit is being held in South America for the first time and Michael Shifter, head of the Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington-based think tank, said G20 summits wer once considered an opportunity for Latin American members Argentina, Brazil and Mexico to shape the global agenda. That turned out to be a fleeting aspiration, Mr Shifter said. ...Argentine president Mauricio Macri, the summits host, has lowered expectations. ... Now a success would be a summit meeting that goes smoothly, without any major disruption. Ottawa (AFP) - G7 nations on Friday called Russia's seizure of three Ukrainian ships off Moscow-annexed Crimea unjustified and demanded the release of the 24 sailors, saying the standoff had "dangerously raised tensions." The foreign ministers of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the US, as well as the EU's high representative called on Russia "to release the detained crew and vessels and refrain from impeding lawful passage through the Kerch Strait." In a joint statement issued by Canada, which currently holds the rotating G7 presidency, they expressed their "utmost concern" and warned that the incident has "dangerously raised tensions" in the region. "There is no justification for Russia's use of military force against Ukrainian ships and naval personnel," it read. Ukraine put its forces on alert and imposed martial law in its border regions after the sea confrontation last Sunday, which was the first open military confrontation between Kiev and Moscow since Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. That year saw the start of an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russian-backed separatists that has claimed more than 10,000 lives. According to their lawyer, Russia has transferred the Ukrainian sailors -- sentenced to two months of detention -- from Crimea to Moscow. The Group of Seven industrialized nations urged "restraint, due respect for international law, and the prevention of any further escalation." At the same time, the group reiterated that it "does not, and will never, recognize Russia's illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula" while reaffirming its "unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity." A gas leak caused an explosion this week that killed 23 people in a northern Chinese city that will host part of the 2022 Winter Olympics, authorities said Friday. The blast in the small hours of Wednesday in the city of Zhangjiakou, some 200 kilometres (125 miles) northwest of Beijing, also injured 22 people. "Initial investigations have shown that the explosion was caused by a gas leak from the Hebei Shenghua Chemical Co. of ChemChina," Zhangjiakou mayor Wu Weidong told reporters. "Vinyl chloride spread to the public road outside the factory and was ignited by an open flame." Fifteen people from the company are now in police custody, city authorities said through their official WeChat account later Friday evening. Authorities previously reported that a truck carrying combustible chemicals had blown up while entering a factory, igniting other nearby vehicles, but the cause of the explosion had not been known until now. Thirty-eight trucks and 12 cars were also damaged in the explosion, which eyewitnesses say created a huge fireball that engulfed vehicles on an entire stretch of road. The explosion occurred in the city's Qiaodong district some 45 minutes away from Chongli, which will host some of the mountain sport competitions during the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing. Industrial accidents are common in China, where safety regulations are often poorly enforced. In 2015, giant chemical blasts in a container storage facility killed at least 165 people in the northern port city of Tianjin. He Jiankui is reflected in a glass panel as he works at a computer at a laboratory in Shenzhen in southern China's Guangdong province - AP A Chinese government official has declared the research of scientist He Jiankui, who said he created the worlds first gene-edited babies, a violation of Chinese law, and called for all related work to be halted. The genetically edited infant incident reported by media blatantly violated Chinas relevant laws and regulations, Xu Nanping, a vice-minister for science and technology, told Chinese state broadcaster CCTV Thursday evening. It has also violated the ethical bottom line that the academic community adheres to. It is shocking and unacceptable. Earlier this week, national and local authorities said investigations had been launched into Mr Hes work and conduct after videos and interviews from him and his lab were published on Youtube, and by two prominent Western media outlets. The shocking claims have yet to be independently verified by experts and published in a journal, though if true, would represent a monumental leap in biomedical research. Mr He spoke Wednesday in Hong Kong, defending his work at a global industry summit and describing years of secret, self-funded research. He also revealed a second woman was potentially pregnant as a result of his work, though had suspended further work at the moment given international outcry over the disclosure of his research. So far, hes claimed to have produced two gene-edited baby girls, dubbed Lulu and Nana, whose DNA was altered to be more resistant to HIV. All couples he recruited for this study had an HIV-positive father, and a non-infected mother. By using a method called Crispr-Cas9, Mr He was able to target specific blocks of DNA with pinpoint precision. While the technology to change DNA has existed for decades, it has improved vastly in recent years allowing scientists to make very targeted changes. Still, that practice is surrounded by intense ethical debate, questions on the regulation of safety and is governed by laws in some countries; in the UK, it is illegal to gene edit human embryos over 14 days old. Story continues In China, where scientists have forged ahead with astonishing speed, regulations are still catching up. Globally speaking, the field is so new and cutting edge that experts simply dont know the full impact and risk involved for a gene edited embryo as it develops into adulthood, and how changed DNA might pass into future generations. In the future, such technology could be used to eradicate inherited illnesses, but it could also pave the way for designer babies engineered to have certain traits like hair colour or intelligence. After news of Mr Hes work came to light earlier this week, Chinese scientists were quick to denounce it, as was his institution, the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen. Then university has said it wasnt involved in the study, though documents available online about the work included the name of the institution. US professor Michael Deem is also now under investigation by his institution, Rice University, for his involvement in Mr Hes research. Mr Deem advised Mr Hes graduate work at the university. A non-governmental HIV/AIDS organisation, Baihaulin, has acknowledged that it helped Mr He spread the word to recruit participants for his trials, according to state media. Bai Hua, the founder of the group, hung up on repeated calls from the Telegraph on Thursday for comment. President Trumps description of the discussions surrounding the building of a Trump Tower in Moscow, which he provided to Special Counsel Robert Mueller last week, align with Michael Cohens account of those conversations, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told the New York Times Thursday. Cohen, Trumps former personal attorney, plead guilty Thursday to lying to Congress about the timing of discussions related to the Moscow development and Trumps involvement in those conversations. Cohen testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in August that the Moscow Trump Tower project fell through in early 2016 but admitted as part of his plea agreement that discussions of the project, which involved Trump personally, extended until at least June of that year. Cohens plea came just days after Trump submitted written responses to Muellers questions following a protracted period of negotiation over the scope of the questions he would answer. Some of the questions pertained to the Moscow Trump Tower project, prompting speculation that Mueller attempted to catch the president in a perjury trap by having him place his version of events on the record only to have Cohen contradict that account in his guilty plea. Giuliani, however, maintains that Trumps answers to the questions pertaining to the Moscow development are entirely consistent with the account Cohen provided Thursday morning. The president said there was a proposal, it was discussed with Cohen, there was a nonbinding letter of intent, and it didnt go beyond that, Giuliani told the Times. Cohen also admitted Thursday that he was motivated to mislead Congress in order to avoid contradicting Trumps repeated claim, made during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, that he did not have any commercial interests in Russia. I was aware of Individual 1s [Trumps] repeated disavowals of commercial and political ties between himself and Russia, his repeated statements that investigations of such ties were politically motivated and without evidence, and that any contact with Russian nationals by Individual 1s campaign or the Trump Organization had all terminated before the Iowa Caucus, which was on February 1 of 2016, Cohen told the judge. Asked about Cohens account of the discussions surrounding Trump Tower Moscow, the president accused Cohen of lying, prompting speculation that his written responses to Mueller would contradict Cohens account. So hes lying very simply in order to get a reduced sentence, O.K.? Trump told reporters before embarking on a trip to Buenos Aires for the G-20 summit. Fraudster Abdelkarim Rekaya (PA) A man who pretended to be a victim of the Grenfell Tower disaster, committing a fraud of nearly 90,000, has been jailed. Abdelkarim Rekaya enjoyed 209 nights in a four-star hotel, before being provided with a flat in Chelsea in the year after the fire. The short-haired and bearded 28-year-old kept his head bowed as he was sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court to four years and six months in prison. Rekaya is the latest in a string of fraudsters to be sentenced in relation to the disaster which struck in June 2017 and killed 72. So far, 13 people have been convicted in separate cases, with a total of more than 630,000 in bogus claims for money that was meant for those whose lives had been devastated. The Grenfell Tower fire killed 72 people (PA) Rekaya, from Tunisia, pleaded guilty at the same court in September to fraud by false representation and obtaining leave to remain by deception. He came to the UK in 2008. You decided to use the situation to your personal advantage, to enrich yourself dishonestly, by plundering the public funds put aside to assist the genuine victims of that disaster in their hour of need, said Judge Giles Curtis-Raleigh said. As well as fraudulently claiming accommodation, Rekaya was also granted 12 months leave to remain in the UK in November last year, through the Grenfell Tower survivors policy. Of this the judge told him: You chose to exploit a national tragedy to improve your position. Prosecutor Catherine Farrelly told the court that Rekaya had claimed to be sleeping rough in the tower on the night of the blaze and had said he managed to escape through the front door. Ms Farrelly said: This was a complete and utter lie. MORE: Top private girls school asks parents to sign pledge to curb phone use MORE: Pregnant woman gets two months in jail for stealing Pringles Hotel costs came to more than 60,000, while the cost to cover the studio flat in Lots Road, Chelsea, between January this year and his arrest in June amounted to almost 3,000, she said. Story continues Police said the total cost for the flat amounted to 15,895.77 including furniture, electrical goods and bills. People on a silent walk earlier this year to commemorate the one year anniversary of the disaster (PA) After taking into account utilities and other allowances including travel costs, the total cost to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea amounted to 88,183.70. Rekaya was jailed for four years for fraud and a further six months for the second charge relating to his right to remain in the UK. Mitigating, Anthony Metzer QC said his client had had a difficult life and fled Tunisia after being kidnapped and beaten up there. Bellal Elguenuni, who the court heard had lived in Grenfell Tower for around 10 years, said such crimes had stalled the fight for justice. Watch the latest videos from Yahoo UK World leaders descend on Buenos Aires this weekend for the G-20 summit, with Russias seizure of Ukrainian sailors, the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and Britains impending exit from the E.U. all high on the agenda. But while substantial progress is not expected on these issues in the Argentine capital the G-20 is oft-derided as a costly talking shop many hope for meaningful headway on one burning issue: the escalating trade war between China and the U.S. Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to sit down with U.S. President Donald Trump on the G-20 sidelines with hopes for a negotiated resolution to the hiked tariffs hes put on $250 billion Chinese imports. Trump has also threatened tariffs on $267 billion of other Chinese exports while Beijing has responded with $110 billion of its own tariffs on U.S. products, with the tumult upsetting global supply chains and imperiling economies across the globe. It got bigger than anyone thought it was going to get, says Jeffrey Towson, a private-equity investor and business professor at Peking University. Trump has shown his hand, that hes willing to take it to a more serious level. China hasnt really given an indication that theyre going to match that or try something else. Although this month Trump indicated that a deal could be struck, his administration has also accused China of not improving unfair practices in an update to a March report. Read more: Farmers Know Trumps Trade War Is Hurting Them Trump has long said that intellectual property theft, currency manipulation and aluminum and steel dumping by Beijing contribute to a record $375 billion trade deficit. Theres little sign that the tariffs are correcting that, however, with Chinas monthly trade surplus rising to an unprecedented $34 billion in September. Nevertheless, analysts are skeptical that any deal could be thrashed out. China appears willing to renegotiate certain aspects of policy, such as boosted IP protection and cyber security regulations, as well as increased market access to bring it into line with WTO rules. Story continues But Trump has repeatedly said he wants to bring down the trade imbalance by a whopping $200 billion, which would require China imposing artificial limits to trade. Not only is this highly problematic for the worlds largest trading nation, it would also run counter to WTO rules. The irony is that China is now in a position of trying to uphold the WTO system, and essentially the rule-based international trading order, while Trump has no use for rules, hes a results-based businessman, and doesnt want to be constrained by rules or laws, says James H. Nolt, a China specialist for the World Policy Institute. The Trump administration appears to be eyeing a system similar to the voluntary restraint agreement that the Reagan government imposed from April 1981 to limit the number of Japanese vehicles imported into the U.S. Read more: Even this Chinese CEO Whos Benefiting From Trumps Trade War Says Its a Dumb Idea But while that was relatively straightforward to implement the handful of Japanese automakers divvied up their own market shares, and instead increased profits by producing higher-quality cars Chinese trade is spread amongst hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized exporters. It would also run foul of the WTO, which was formed in 1995 precisely to boost free commerce. Meanwhile, real action to address the trade imbalance though nowhere near the quixotic $200 billion target would be to negotiate Chinese market access for U.S. financial services providers. This is something that the Beijing government has repeatedly supported, though repeatedly stalled rolling out, and has the potential to benefit both nations economies. Trump, however, is no friend of the banks, being a debtor and many times bankrupted himself, and is lukewarm on the prospect. This is not least that expanding financial services to China wont bring home the low-skilled manufacturing jobs that appeal to his base, and in fact could even facilitate U.S. businesses shifting capacity to China. That leaves both nations at something of an impasse, with the real fear that Trump might move ahead with the extra tariffs. What China can realistically offer to counter this is unclear. No country is going to cede sovereignty that way and give up treaty rights, least of all China, which of course suffered under unequal treaties during the 19th and early 20th century, adds Nolt. Theyre quite content to have a rules-based system, even to agree to modified rules, but theyre not going to agree to them based on power alone and might makes right. Susan and James Kenneavy (Police Scotland) An air, sea and land search is underway for a husband and wife whose car was found washed-up on a Scottish beach during bad weather. James and Susan Kenneavys empty Ford Kuga was found by workmen on Drummore beach, near Stranraer in the south of Scotland, on Thursday morning. The discovery followed heavy rain and flooding on a coastal road. Emergency services were out at first light on Friday after being halted on the previous night. A police spokesman said they were seeking the publics help to trace the missing couple, and the movements of their car, with the registration, SJ15UKX. The emergency services were forced to abandon their search on Thursday night (Police Scotland) Police said the couple were thought to be both in their 70s, and had not been recently seen at home nor in contact with their family. We are very worried about Mr and Mrs Kenneavy, said Insp Craig Nicolson. We know the Drummore coastal road was closed last night due to coastal flooding, but I would ask anyone that saw the vehicle or who knows the whereabouts of the couple to contact Police Scotland. Dummore Beach (British beaches) One local Edward Beck, told the BBC hat locals had been aware of weather warnings from the Met Office and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. Mr Beck added that conditions along the coastal route could be extremely treacherous and said storm waves of up to 60ft high could hit the main road. He had known the couple for more than 30 years, reported the BBC. You can be driving through three, four feet of water and a lot of cars can suck water into the engine and you can get stranded, he added. That part [of the road] actually looks like its in the sea if you hit it at the right time. The authorities were first contacted on Thursday afternoon regarding the disappearance. The HM Coastguard Search and Rescue Helicopter based at Prestwick, Drummore, Stranraer and Portpatrick coastguard rescue teams and lifeboats from Stranraer and Portpatrick were all sent to assist, said a spokesman for HM Coastguard. Watch the latest videos from Yahoo UK Tehran (AFP) - Iran said Friday the European Union must be given more time to set up a trade mechanism meant to circumvent reimposed US sanctions on Tehran, but warned it could not "wait forever". Brussels is working on a payment system to continue trade and business ties with Iran after the US ditched a landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran earlier this year and reintroduced a raft of sanctions on the country. "Europe's efforts for implementing a financial mechanism are continuing despite mounting US pressure," Iran's deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi told the official IRNA news agency. "We believe that Europe must be given more time ... they have so far been unable to introduce operational measures, but we are not supposed to wait forever," he added. The US sanctions aim to cut off Iran's banks from international finance and significantly reduce its oil exports. The EU hopes its "special purpose vehicle" (SPV) announced in September will keep the nuclear deal alive and pursuade Tehran to stay on board by giving companies a way of trading with Iran without fear of US sanctions. But Brussels is struggling to find a host for the SPV and many EU countries are fearful of repercussions from US President Donald Trump's administration. "Americans are out to block all paths and have already started pressuring countries aiming to implement the mechanism and work with it," said Araghchi, refusing to comment on potential SPV hosts due to the "sensitivity" of the issue. Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg have already rejected hosting the special payment system, Bloomberg News reported. Araghchi said Iran will stay in the nuclear deal as long as it meets Tehran's interests, but will "make a different decision" the moment it no longer does. Damascus (AFP) - Israeli jets bombed several areas in southern Syria and near Damascus on Thursday drawing retaliatory fire from the ground, a monitoring group said. The Israeli military made no comment on the reported strikes, during which Syrian air defences opened fire for the first time since the deadly downing of a Russian transport plane in September, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. "Israeli forces bombarded for an hour positions in the southern and southwestern suburbs of Damascus as well as in the south of Syria at the border of Quneitra province," Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said. Syrian state media said air defences downed a number of "hostile targets" close to the capital. "Our air defences fired on hostile targets over the Kisweh area and downed them," the official SANA news agency reported, citing a military source. The Israeli military denied that any of its aircraft were hit, while not commenting on the reported strikes. "Reports regarding an IDF (Israeli military) aircraft or an airborne IDF target having been hit are false," it said in an English-language statement. It said a Syrian surface-to-air missile was fired in the direction of an open area of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights but it was unclear if it had hit Israeli-held territory. Israel has carried out hundreds of air strikes in neighbouring Syria against what it says are Iranian targets, many of them in the area south of Damascus. Abdel Rahman said there are "weapons depots belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah (group) as well as Iranian forces" in Kisweh. Iran and Russia are the government's key allies in the civil war that has raved Syria since 2011, and Moscow's intervention in 2015 dramatically turned the tables against the rebels. The accidental downing of the Russian transport aircraft by Syrian ground batteries during an Israel air strike on September 17 killed 15 service personnel and prompted Moscow to significantly upgrade Syrian air defences. Story continues Moscow pinned responsibility for the downing on Israel, saying its fighter jet used the larger Russian one for cover, an allegation Israel disputed. The move raised fears in Israel that its ability to rein in its arch foe Iran's military presence in its northeastern neighbour would be sharply reduced. Abdel Rahman said Thursday was the first time Syria's air defences had been called into action since the September downing and the delivery of advanced new Russian missiles. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had told Moscow his government would continue to hit hostile targets in Syria to prevent Iran from establishing a military presence across the border. He added that Israel would "continue security coordination" with Russia. burs/scw/kir Ivanka Trump insisted her father had not authorised the use of lethal force on migrants at the US border. There was one problem: footage which showed him doing exactly that. The presidents daughter and adviser appeared visibly uncomfortable after being confronted with the video during an interview on ABC News. Moments earlier she had described pictures of migrant families being tear-gassed by American forces at the US-Mexico-border as devastating and heartbreaking. Asked whether she was concerned about Mr Trump authorising troops to use deadly force if necessary, she told Good Morning Americas Deborah Roberts: I dont believe that thats what he said, but his primary role as commander in chief is obviously to protect the nations borders. He has to protect our countrys security. But lethal force, in this case, that is not something that anyones talking about. Ms Trump was then confronted with a clip of her father telling reporters last week: If they have to, theyre going to use lethal force. Ive given the OK, if they have to. I hope they dont have to. After seeing the footage, Ms Trump defended her father. Lethal force under any circumstance would be the last resort, she said. But he is the commander in chief of the armed forces of this country so he always has to protect the border. Hes not talking about innocents. Hes not talking about innocent asylum-seekers. An order signed by the president last week gave permission for troops US-Mexico border to execute military protective activities that the secretary of defence determines are reasonably necessary, including a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention, and cursory search. The order applied to 5,900 military personnel deployed to the region ahead of the arrival of a caravan of Central American migrants, mainly of them seeking asylum in the US after fleeing poverty and violence. On Sunday, US border agents fired tear gas at migrants they said they been trying to illegally enter the country from the Mexican border town of Tijuana. Pictures emerged of families with young children fleeing the gas, scenes condemned as shameful by American activists and Democrat politicians. LONDON (Reuters) - A Japanese pilot, who was arrested at London's Heathrow airport as he prepared to fly an aircraft while more than nine times over the aviation alcohol limit, was jailed for 10 months on Thursday. First officer Katsutoshi Jitsukawa, 42, failed a breath test less than an hour after he was due to have taken off in the cockpit of a Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo in October, police said. He was arrested last month and had earlier pleaded guilty at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court in London to performing an aviation function with alcohol in his blood exceeding the prescribed legal limit. Tests showed he had 189 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood in his system, more than nine times the 20 mg limit for pilots. "Clearly, the consequences could potentially have been catastrophic had security staff and police not intervened and he had continued to perform his role on the aircraft in the state he was," said Inspector Iain Goble, of London's Aviation Policing. "This is an incredibly serious offence as Jitsukawa, a member of the airline crew, had responsibility for performing a critical role," he added in a statement. "This conviction reflects he displayed not only total disregard for the safety of all the passengers and staff on his flight, but also the wider public." (Reporting by Stephen Addison; editing by Michael Holden) Judge sets Manafort sentencing date as Mueller declines to rule out second trial originally appeared on abcnews.go.com Special counsel Robert Mueller is pushing forward in his case against Paul Manafort after their cooperation agreement fell apart earlier this week, and prosecutors didn't rule out a second trial against the onetime Trump campaign chairman. That determination has not been made, special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissman said, leaving the matter of a second trial open for consideration. Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling during the 2016 campaign, accused Manafort earlier this week of lying to prosecutors after signing onto a plea agreement that mandated his full cooperation. But what Manafort is accused of lying about remains a mystery. In court on Friday, special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissman told the court that Mueller would describe Manaforts breach of the plea agreement in a future court filing. Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC, set December 7 as the deadline for that filing. PHOTO: Former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the special counsel probing Russian interference in the 2016 election, departs Capitol Hill following a closed door meeting, June 21, 2017. (Andrew Harnik/AP,File) Manaforts legal team has disputed accusations that their client lied to prosecutors, telling Judge Jackson in a court filing earlier this week that Manafort believes he has provided truthful information and does not agree with the governments characterization or that he has breached the agreement. On Friday, Manaforts lead attorney, Kevin Downing, argued in court that defense counsel should be entitled to some form of discovery regarding claims that their client lied. Earlier this week ABC News reported that Manaforts legal team had been quietly briefing the presidents lawyers about the special counsel inquiry. The presidents lead attorney, Rudy Giuliani, told ABC News Wednesday that Manaforts legal team had shared pieces of information that pertain to our part of the case. (MORE: Manafort's lawyer briefed Trump's legal team on Mueller probe: President's attorney) Story continues The news reignited speculation that Manafort could be angling for a pardon from the president, a possibility that the president left open in an interview with the New York Post Wednesday. It was never discussed, but I wouldnt take it off the table, Trump told the New York Post. Manafort agreed to plead guilty to two counts of conspiracy in D.C. District Court in September. In exchange for leniency, Manafort was required to provide broad cooperation with the special counsel, including interviews, briefings, producing documents, [and] testifying in other matters. Already at that point, a jury in Virginia had convicted Manafort on eight of 18 federal counts of tax and bank-fraud charges charges. The jury gridlocked on the remaining 10 charges, though Manafort later admitted his guilt to those charges as part of his plea deal in Washington. During the Virginia trial, prosecutors invoked his past work as a political consultant for pro-Russia elements in Ukraine and payments from political figures there in connection with the money laundering allegations he faced. (MORE: A presidential pardon may not cure Paul Manafort's legal troubles: Experts) He maintained those overseas relationships both before and during his stint as then-candidate Trump's campaign chairman during the 2016 contest. Manafort joined Trump's campaign in March 2016 and was elevated to the campaign adviser position in May of the same year. He departed the Trump campaign in August 2016 after reports appeared in the New York Times and Associated Press that suggested he had engaged in illegal lobbying activities in Ukraine. Manafort did not appear at Fridays hearing. His last appearance was before the judge in his Virginia case was on Oct. 19. Then, he appeared in the courtroom in a wheelchair with his lead attorney citing "significant concerns" with his health. Manafort has been behind bars since the judge in his Washington case revoked his bail in June, and is currently being held in solitary confinement. He is set to be sentenced separately for charges in Virginia on Feb. 8, 2019. On Friday, Judge Jackson tentatively set March 5, 2019 as the sentencing date for the Washington, DC, charges against Manafort. In an upcoming episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney Kardashian opens up about the decision to freeze her eggs. (Image: Michael Tran/Getty Images) Kourtney Kardashian is a mother of three, but she hasnt ruled out having more kids in the future. In a sneak peek for Sundays episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the oldest Kardashian sister said that shes in the process of freezing her eggs. Ive been so up and down emotionally because Ive been doing the shots for the egg freezing, she tells her friends in the teaser. Its like crazy. I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. Im so crazy, I cant take it. Kardashian also showed off the bruises on her stomach from taking hormone injections. The injections themselves werent really a big deal because I have a really high pain tolerance, she says. But I think everything was just really heightened. Some days I would feel so anxious. Its just very emotional, so that I think is the hard part. Kardashian says she even had to reassure then-boyfriend Younes Bendjima that her mood swings werent because of him. He thinks everything is about him, she says. So Im like, No, this has nothing to do with you. She later added that she feels fine I just cry myself to sleep every night. Kardashian, 39, admits that shes not sure if she wants more kids but doesnt want to completely close the door on the possibility. I just feel like this is for safety, she says. I hope that going through all of this is worth it. I dont want to put my body through something like this again. The emotions of it all are just a lot. That Kardashian is feeling like shes going crazy on the medications for freezing her eggs is completely understood, Spencer Richlin, a reproductive endocrinologist with RMA of Connecticut, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Before an egg retrieval, a woman will take gonadotropins, which are medications that stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs, he explains. The reason that you have to give patients these hormones is because normally the body only produces one egg during each cycle, Jane Frederick, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at HRC Fertility, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Story continues But during stimulation which takes approximately eight to 12 days, we want to stimulate the ovary to make multiple large follicles each with an egg, Richlin says. We want to retrieve as many eggs as we can for our patients. (In a perfect world, that would mean getting 10 to 15 eggs or more during a cycle, Frederick says.) The medications and added hormones involved in the process can, for some, bring more emotions to the surface, Richlin says. Add that to the fact that a woman is likely feeling anxious and excited about the outcome, and she can be especially emotional, he says. The eggs themselves can make women feel more emotional, David Ryley, a reproductive endocrinologist with Boston IVF, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. The eggs produce large amounts of estrogen, he says. Some women (not all) get more emotional from estrogen levels that are higher than normal. Many women will just report feeling different, Frederick says. Its kind of like when youre on your cycle but the symptoms may be more ramped up. But Ive never had someone say they were ready to tear their hair out. She tries to put things in perspective: The good news is you only take the medication for 10 days. Its a very short, focused period of time, so you can ensure that you have preserved your fertility. Overall, most women seem to think its worth it. Richlin says he has never seen a patient stop in the middle of egg retrieval or IVF due to the side effects. The process of egg-freezing can take as little as two weeks, he says. It is incredibly worthwhile, helps keep options open and is rewarding, as we keep the opportunity of pregnancy open for the future. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. WASHINGTON (AP) The Kremlin said Wednesday it still expects a meeting between President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump to go ahead as planned despite a suggestion from Trump that it could be canceled. Trump, in an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday, said he might cancel the sit-down with Putin in Argentina following Russia's seizure of three Ukrainian naval ships last weekend. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday that the meeting is on and that Russia has not received "any other information from our U.S. counterparts." Putin's foreign affairs adviser, Yuri Ushakov, noted that the meeting, which is set for Saturday, has been prepared through official channels and Moscow expects Washington to notify it of any changes in the same way. "This meeting is necessary for both sides," Ushakov said. "It's important in view of the developing situation in the world." The long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine burst into the open on Sunday, when Russian border guards fired on three Ukrainian vessels and seized the ships and the crew. In a phone call Wednesday, Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed their concern about the incident, said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She said the two will further discuss it later this week during the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Trump said he would be receiving a "full report" from his national security team on Russia's recent actions in eastern Ukraine and the Black Sea. He said he would decide on a course afterward. "Maybe I won't have the meeting," he said. "Maybe I won't even have the meeting." Trump added: "I don't like that aggression. I don't want that aggression at all." The comments were Trump's strongest to date in condemnation of Russia's recent actions in Ukraine, where tensions are flaring. But White House aides were still planning for the Putin meeting after Trump's comments. Story continues Ushakov, Putin's aide, said the naval encounter between Russia and Ukraine likely will be on the agenda of the planned meeting, which will start with the two presidents meeting privately before being joined by senior officials. He said the Kremlin expects that the talks will touch on nuclear arms control, noting that it's particularly important to discuss them in view of the U.S. intention to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. "It's extremely important to prevent an uncontrollable and senseless arms race," he said. Ushakov said the two presidents also are to discuss regional crises, including the situation in Syria, the Iranian nuclear deal and North Korea. The meeting between Trump and Putin is set to be just one of several high-profile foreign-policy engagements for the U.S. leader on the whirlwind two-day visit to Argentina. Trump also is set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping over dinner, in what may be a pivotal session to determining if and how the ongoing trade dispute between their countries could be resolved. The White House on Tuesday warned Xi against trying to wait out Trump in the ongoing talks, suggesting the Chinese economy was not as resilient to a trade war as the U.S. economy. The warning from Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, came ahead of the two leaders' high-stakes sit-down on Saturday evening. Over the last year, the two countries have levied a series of tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of imports from each other, with the latest round of U.S. duties set to go into force in the new year. Xi said on Wednesday the international community needs to build consensus to solve the conflict between free trade and protectionism. In a speech to lawmakers in Spain, where he is conducting a state visit before attending the summit in Argentina, he said the world is facing "instability, uncertainty and hot topics without precedents in our history." "I think we are at a crossroads," Xi said. "In economic terms we need to decide if we are going to follow the economic globalization and free market or if we are going to choose unilateralism and protectionism." National security adviser John Bolton said Trump will also be meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Argentine President Mauricio Macri, South Korea's Moon Jae-in and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sanders called the trip an opportunity for the president to cement relations with other world leaders and advance a global economic system based on "free, fair and reciprocal trade." The Trump-Xi meeting would be the first since the two countries began hitting each other with import taxes earlier this year. The United States targeted $250 billion in Chinese products, and Beijing lashed back by slapping tariffs on $110 billion worth of U.S. goods. The two sides have been in negotiations for months, but Kudlow described them as being stalemated until just a few weeks ago. Kudlow said the administration has been "extremely disappointed" by China's engagement in trade talks but the meeting between Trump and Xi on the sidelines of the G-20 summit could be a game-changer. "Perhaps we can break through in Buenos Aires or not," he said. Kudlow added that if the U.S. doesn't get "satisfactory" responses to its trade positions more tariffs will be imposed. He said Trump is "not going away." "I hope they understand that," he said. China's foreign ministry has said a recent phone conversation between Xi and Trump about trade and other issues was "extremely positive." ___ Associated Press writers Vladimir Isachenkov and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow and Aritz Parra in Madrid contributed to this story. The Kremlin was caught off guard by President Trumps sudden cancellation of a planned meeting between with Russian president Vladimir Putin, Russian state news agencies said Thursday. Trump had planned to sit down with Putin at the G-20 summit in Argentina, but canceled the meeting in a tweet Thursday, citing Russias Sunday capture of three Ukrainian ships and 24 sailors. Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin, Trump wrote. On Sunday, Russian and Ukrainian forces clashed off the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in 2014. Russian border guards opened fire on three Ukrainian ships and captured their crews as they sailed in the Sea of Azov, which is shared by the two nations. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has asked for NATO ships to be sent to the region to provide security. Foreign military ships entered Russias territorial waters without responding to any requests made by our border guards. Therefore, all actions were taken in strict compliance with the law, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said of the incident. The cancellation means the Russian president will have a couple of more hours for useful meetings with other leaders, Peskov was quoted as saying Thursday. Putin and his delegation are already on their way to Argentina, Russian news services said. CHICAGO (AP) The Latest on hearing for a prominent Chicago alderman accused of corruption (all times local): 11:30 a.m. A prominent Chicago alderman has turned down a plea agreement in his federal corruption case that his lawyer says could have meant little to no prison time and will go to trial instead. Willie B. Cochran's lawyer informed the judge of his client's decision Wednesday during a change-of-plea hearing where the 65-year-old Democrat was expected to enter a guilty plea. After first huddling with assistant U.S. prosecutors in a hallway, defense lawyer Christopher Grohman told the judge prosecutors made an offer on a plea deal and Cochran rejected it. Cochran's multicount indictment accuses him of stealing money from a charitable fund, spending some of it at casinos. Grohman says the deal required a guilty plea to one fraud count. A fraud conviction carries a 20-year maximum sentence, though guidelines would recommend far less time. The U.S. attorney's office declined any comment. ___ 12:01 a.m. A prominent Chicago alderman who pleaded not guilty earlier to corruption charges is scheduled to change his plea. A change-of-plea hearing for Willie B. Cochran is scheduled for Wednesday in Chicago federal court. Filings don't offer details, including what charges the Democrat might plead guilty to or whether it is part of a plea deal. Prosecutors allege the 65-year-old stole money from a charitable fund, spending some of it at casinos and using some for his daughter's college tuition. They say he demanded cash from an attorney for developers in exchange for taking action in his official capacity. The 15-count indictment handed down in 2016 includes bribery and wire fraud counts. Defense attorney Christopher Grohman informed the court in August that Cochran was talking to prosecutors about a plea agreement. FREEHOLD, N.J. (AP) The Latest on the murder charges filed in the killing of a New Jersey family of four at their mansion (all times local): 5:50 p.m. Lawyers for a New Jersey businessman charged with killing his brother's family says he loved them and had no reason to harm them. The lawyers say 51-year-old Paul Caneiro is wrongly charged in the deaths of younger brother Keith Caneiro; his wife, Jennifer; and their young son and daughter. Defense lawyers Robert Honecker Jr. and Mitchell Ansell say Paul Caneiro spent three decades working with his brother and happily attended his family events. Their statement Thursday says "Paul Caneiro just couldn't say no to his family." Paul Caneiro is charged with shooting and stabbing the victims and setting fire to their Colts Neck mansion, then setting his own house on fire to hide evidence and make it look as if someone had it in for their family. Friend Brian Bott says technology executive Keith Caneiro was excited about some upcoming job interviews after getting his master's degree this year. Bott says he doesn't know whether he planned to stay in business with his brother. ___ 1:10 p.m. Prosecutors are releasing details about how a New Jersey man killed his brother's family and then set fire to their home. Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni revealed Thursday the manner of deaths for Keith Caneiro, his wife Jennifer and their two children in their Colts Neck mansion on Nov. 20. Keith Caneiro was shot on the lawn of his estate, his wife was shot and stabbed, and their children were repeatedly stabbed in the quadruple slayings. Paul Caneiro is charged with four counts of murder and other charges. He's due in court Friday morning. Prosecutors say financial motives stemming from two businesses the brothers ran in Asbury Park prompted the killings. ___ 11 a.m. Prosecutors say financial motives led a New Jersey technology executive to kill his brother, the brother's wife and their young children before setting fire to their two homes. Story continues Authorities say 51-year-old Paul Caneiro killed the family in Colts Neck and then set fire to that home and his own. They said he set the fire at his own home to destroy evidence and to make it look like the extended family was being targeted. Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni says the financial motive stemmed from two businesses the brothers ran in Asbury Park, a technology firm and a pest control company. He says he cannot detail their financial picture. Paul Caneiro is now charged with murder in the deaths of 50-year-old Keith Caneiro, his 45-year-old wife Jennifer and their children, 11-year-old Jesse and 8-year-old Sophia. He is also charged with later setting fire to his own house before rousing his sleeping wife and daughters, who were not injured in the blaze. ____ 10:30 a.m. Authorities say both a gun and a knife were seized from a New Jersey man charged with murder in the deaths of his brother, his brother's wife and their two children. A criminal complaint filed Thursday accuses 51-year-old -old Paul Caneiro of the Nov. 20 slayings of his four family members at their mansion in Colts Neck, New Jersey, and then setting fire to the house to try to cover up the crime. Prosecutors said previously that Paul's brother, Keith, was fatally shot but have not yet confirmed how the other three were killed. The criminal complaint indicates Paul Caneiro may have used the seized knife to stab one or more of the other three victims. The criminal complaint does not indicate a motive. Paul was a partner in two businesses with his brother. His lawyer said he planned to comment later Thursday, after prosecutors hold an 11 a.m. briefing. ___ 9 a.m. Authorities have filed charges against the brother of the man whose body was found along with his wife and children after their New Jersey mansion was set on fire. NJ.com reports court records show Paul Caneiro was charged Thursday with four counts of murder in the deaths of his brother, Keith, along with Keith's wife and their two children. Paul Caneiro has been in custody since authorities accused him of setting fire to his own home. His lawyer has maintained his innocence. Attorney Robert Honecker did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the newest charges. The Nov. 20 fire at Paul Caneiro's home took place hours before flames were discovered at the Colts Neck mansion where Keith Caneiro and his family lived. The Monmouth County prosecutor plans to announce more details on Thursday morning. ___ Information from: NJ.com, http://www.nj.com BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) The Latest on President Donald Trump at the Group of 20 summit (all times local): 8 p.m. South Korea's presidential office says U.S. President Donald Trump has reaffirmed a willingness to hold his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un early next year. Spokesman Yoon Young-chan says Trump made the comments in a meeting Friday with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on the sidelines of the Group of 20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Yoon says Trump also said a planned visit by Kim to Seoul for his fourth summit with Moon would create momentum for efforts to stabilize peace in the Korean Peninsula. Kim met Trump in June in Singapore, where they issued a vague statement on a nuclear-free peninsula without describing how and when it would occur. Post-summit talks settled into a stalemate. __ 5 p.m. President Donald Trump will meet Saturday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, after a travel snag thwarted their plans to meet Friday. Technical issues with Merkel's aircraft delayed by a day her arrival in Argentina for the Group of 20 summit. The new plan to meet on Saturday was announced by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. Trump has already held several bilateral meetings throughout the day Friday, and is set to meet Saturday over dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping. ___ 3:15 p.m. President Donald Trump says he might have a discussion with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during a summit they're both attending in Argentina, but so far they've haven't. Relations between Washington and Riyadh are tense in the wake of the brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post. Khashoggi, who had been critical of the royal family, was killed by the Saudis at the nation's consulate in Istanbul. A White House official says that so far, Trump has only exchanged pleasantries with the crown prince at the leaders' opening session just as he did with nearly every leader in attendance. Story continues Trump spoke after a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe where Trump hopes to visit next year. Trump also met with Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison. ___ 2:20 p.m. President Donald Trump says he hopes the U.S. and Japan can balance their trade deficit "very quickly." Trump says the U.S. is doing a lot of trade and other business with Japan, but that he wants faster progress on reducing the trade imbalance. Trump took office criticizing U.S. trade deficits with other countries. He has vowed to turn around those relationships, including by imposing tariffs. Trump commented as he sat down with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Argentina where they are attending a summit of rich and developing nations. Abe congratulated Trump on a "historic victory" in the November congressional elections. Trump's Republican Party lost control of the House but slightly expanded its Senate majority. Abe also said the U.S.-Japan alliance "has become more robust than ever" under Trump. ___ 1:25 p.m. President Donald Trump chatted with the leaders of Canada, Japan and France during a group photo session at the Group of 20 summit in Argentina. But he walked by without appearing to acknowledge Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump canceled a formal sit-down with Putin at the summit over Moscow's seizure of Ukrainian vessels. Trump also is not meeting privately in Buenos Aires with the crown prince, who is trying to rebuild his image after the killing of Washington Post columnist and royal family critic inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. ___ 1:10 p.m. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders is insisting that President Donald Trump canceled a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin because of Russia's actions in Ukraine and not the federal investigation into Russian interference in Trump's election. While Sanders says the inquiry has damaged U.S.-Russia relations, she reiterates that "the reason for our canceled meeting is Ukraine." She says hopefully the situation will be resolved "soon so that productive conversations can begin." Trump tweeted Thursday that he canceled the meeting over Russia's seizure of Ukrainian ships and sailors. He announced the cancellation shortly after his former lawyer pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump real estate project in Moscow. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the cancellation a missed opportunity, saying "love can't be forced." ___ 10:50 a.m. President Donald Trump is praising Mexico's outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto, whose government has been a target of Trump's ire over trade, migration and Trump's proposed wall on the U.S. southern border. Trump has railed about factory jobs lost to Mexico and the U.S. trade deficit with its southern neighbor two hot-button issues that vexed relations with Nieto. But on Friday, Trump lauded Pena Nieto as a "special man." Trump congratulated Pena Nieto on ending his presidency by signing the new agreement governing trade relations among the United States, Mexico and Canada. Trump said it's "an incredible way to end a presidency. You don't see that happen very often." Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is to be sworn into office Saturday as Mexico's president. ___ 10:30 a.m. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is calling on President Donald Trump to remove tariffs on steel and aluminum. Trudeau issued his plea as he joined Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to sign the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, successor to the North American Free Trade Agreement. There was talk Trudeau would skip the signing over the tariffs. But he attended and used his remarks to declare the tariffs a major obstacle to their economies. He says the U.S. and Canada need to keep working toward lifting the levies. Trump enraged Canada and other U.S. allies by declaring imported steel and aluminum a threat to America's national security and therefore a legitimate target for U.S. tariffs. Trudeau says the new trade deal is a major step for Canada's economy. ___ 9:50 a.m. President Donald Trump has joined the leaders of Mexico and Canada to sign a revised North American trade deal. Trump gathered with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on the sidelines of Friday's meeting of the Group of 20 nations in Buenos Aires. The revamped deal, which Trump calls the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trump has long raged against NAFTA. He says the new agreement "changes the trade landscape forever." Lawmakers in each country must now ratify the agreement. That could prove to be a difficult task in the United States, especially now that Democrats will control the House of Representatives come January. Already Democrats and their allies in the labor movement are demanding changes. ___ 9:45 a.m. President Donald Trump says a new trade pact being signed by the United States, Mexico and Canada is a "model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever." Trump spent more than a year pushing the leaders of Canada and Mexico into agreeing to a rewrite of North American trade rules. Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexico's outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto are signing the new pact Friday at the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Trump now faces what could prove a more formidable foe: The U.S. Congress, which must ratify the agreement. He says the parties have "taken a lot of barbs and a little abuse" during the renegotiation. He turned to Trudeau, saying "It's been a battle," but battles sometimes make "great friendships." ___ 9:10 a.m. The Mexican government has presented President Donald Trump's son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner with the Order of the Aztec Eagle. It's the highest honor America's southern neighbor gives to foreigners. Mexico's Foreign Relations Department says Kushner earned the honor for his work on renegotiating a new trade agreement being signed Friday by Mexico, the United States and Canada on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Argentina. It replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. Kushner, who has been working on U.S.-Mexico issues, says relations have improved because the countries decided not to work across the table, but on the same side to craft "win-win" solutions to migration, drug trafficking and abuse, and other issues plaguing relations. Kushner says there's a "strong level of trust" between the U.S. and Mexico, despite news reports citing clashes between the neighbors. ___ 7:55 a.m. President Donald Trump is meeting Argentine President Mauricio Macri as he kicks off two days of diplomacy at the G-20 meeting. The leaders greeted each other warmly Friday as the annual meeting of leaders from rich and developing nations opened in Buenos Aires. Trump spoke about his longtime personal friendship with Macri and said they would discuss trade, military purchases and other issues. Macri is hosting his counterparts as he struggles with a raft of domestic issues, including trying to halt economic turmoil that has caused the steep depreciation of the Argentine peso. Trump and Macri enjoy a personal relationship dating back to their days as businessman. Macri visited the White House soon after Trump took office in 2017. ___ 7:25 a.m. President Donald Trump is blasting the investigation in which his former lawyer pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Moscow real estate deal he pursued for Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Michael Cohen says he lied to be consistent with Trump's "political messaging." Trump says Cohen is lying now. In a tweet Friday from Argentina, Trump recalled "happily living" his life as a developer before running for president after seeing the "Country going in the wrong direction." Trump says "Against all odds" he decided to run for president and continue to run his business, which he calls "very legal & very cool." He says he "talked about it on the campaign trail." Trump tweets he "Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. Put up zero money, zero guarantees and didn't do the project. Witch Hunt!" ___ 3:25 a.m. President Trump kicks off two days of diplomacy at the Group of 20 summit in Argentina on Friday after his abrupt decision to cancel a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin overshadowed the proceedings before they even started. Trump barreled into the two-day meeting by announcing via Twitter that he was canceling on Putin over Russia's seizure of Ukrainian vessels. His agenda Friday is expected to include meetings with world leaders, the signing of a revamped trade deal with Canada and Mexico, as well as a number of group activities for the gathering of rich and developing nations. Coming into this G-20, Trump faces a series of diplomatic challenges most notably whether he can strike an agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping (shee jihn-peeng) to ease trade tensions. MOSCOW (AP) The Latest on Russia-Ukraine tensions (all times local): 4:45 p.m. A senior Russian Orthodox Church cleric says the raid at his home was meant to put the "political" pressure on his church. The Ukrainian intelligence agency earlier on Friday raided the home of the father superior of Kiev's biggest and oldest monastery which is part of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian church, which has been part of the Russian Orthodox Church for centuries, moved close to forming an independent church fueled by the conflict with Russia Ukraine's Orthodox communities earlier this year. There are currently three Orthodox communities in Ukraine including two breakaway churches. Ukrainian authorities sought to portray the Russian Orthodox clerics in Ukraine as supporting separatists. Father Pavlo, who leads the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev, said in a live broadcast that the raid at his home was ordered personally by the Ukrainian president who has been pushing for a new independent Ukrainian church. Pavlo said he won't recognize any other church in Ukraine. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia have escalated since last weekend, when Russian border guards opened fire on three Ukrainian naval vessels near Crimea and captured their crews. ___ 4:30 p.m. A Russian activist says she has visited Ukrainian seamen who have been transferred to a Moscow jail. Russian border guards in the Black Sea near Crimea fired at three Ukrainian vessels on Sunday, seizing the ships and their crews. Russia says they have violated its border while Ukraine says the vessels were in compliance with international maritime law. Two dozen Ukrainian seamen have been ordered to stay in custody for the next two months. Russian TV station Dozhd on Friday quoted Kogershyn Sagiyeva, a member of the Moscow oversight council which is allowed to inspect prisons, as saying that 21 seamen have been transferred to the Moscow Lefortovo jail while three other seamen are in a hospital in another jail. She said she met with some of the seamen and they appeared to be in good shape. Story continues ___ 4:15 p.m. European Council President Donald Tusk says the EU is expected to extend sanctions on Russia over its "totally unacceptable" seizure of Ukrainian ships and their crews near Crimea. Tusk said Friday that "Europe is united in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," calling the standoff "a cause of great concern." Speaking on the sidelines of a G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, he urged the leaders meeting there to discuss points of tension including "Russian aggression in Ukraine." He didn't elaborate on the sanctions or other measures the EU might take. Russian President Vladimir Putin is among the leaders involved at the G-20. Russia and Ukraine have traded blame over the ship incident. ___ 4 p.m. Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban says his country is supporting Ukraine in the latest escalation of tensions with Russia. Speaking through a translator in Prague after meeting his Czech counterpart Andrej Babis on Friday, Orban says: "The Hungarian position is clear. We are a pro-Ukrainian government." But he added that "The peculiarity of the situation is that there is a Ukraine-friendly government in Hungary, while in Ukraine there is an anti-Hungarian government." Orban's statement comes amid a dispute between Ukraine and his country over the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine. But Orban said his support for Ukraine is not going to change. Orban is considered to have one of the best relationships with Russian President Vladimir Putin's among European Union politicians. ___ 12:40 p.m. Russia's foreign ministry says that Moscow is not going to mirror the travel ban that Ukraine has imposed on Russian men. Ukrainian officials announced earlier on Friday that all Russian men aged between 16 and 60 will be barred from entering Ukraine for the 30-day duration of martial law. The statement is the latest step in the escalation of the long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine which began in 2014 with Russia's annexation of Crimea. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters that Russia is not planning to impose similar measures on Ukrainians. Zakharova blamed the Ukrainian government for implementing a policy that hurts ordinary people. ___ 12 p.m. The Ukrainian intelligence agency is searching the home of the father superior of Kiev's biggest and oldest monastery which is part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Ihor Guskov, chief of staff of the SBU intelligence agency, told reporters on Friday that its officers are searching the home of Father Pavlo, who leads the Pechersk Monastery in Kiev. He said the cleric is suspected of "inciting hatred." The Ukrainian church, which has been part of the Russian Orthodox Church for centuries, moved close to forming an independent church fueled by the conflict with Russia Ukraine's Orthodox communities earlier this year. There are currently three Orthodox communities in Ukraine including two breakaway churches. Ukrainian authorities sought to portray the Russian Orthodox clerics in Ukraine as supporting separatists. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia have escalated since last weekend, when Russian border guards opened fire on three Ukrainian naval vessels near Crimea and captured their crews. ___ 10:50 a.m. Ukraine's president says that the country has barred Russian men between 16 and 60 from traveling to the country. The move comes as the long-simmering conflict between the two nations escalated in the Black Sea on Sunday. Russian border guards opened fire on and captured three Ukrainian vessels and their 24-member crew. President Petro Poroshenko tweeted Friday that the restrictions on Russian travelers have been taken in order to prevent the Russians from forming "private armies" fighting on Ukrainian soil. ___ 10:30 a.m. A Russian government-appointed ombudswoman says the three commanders of the Ukrainian vessels captured near the Russia-annexed Crimean Peninsula last weekend are being transferred to Moscow. The long-simmering conflict between Russia and Ukraine bubbled over Sunday when Russian border guards opened fired on three Ukrainian vessels in the Black Sea. The Russians then captured the 24-member crew. Russia says the Ukrainians had violated its border while Ukraine says its ships were acting in line with international maritime rules. The Tass news agency on Friday quoted Russian government-appointed ombudswoman Lyudmila Lubina as saying that the vessels' commanders are being transferred to Moscow for interrogation. The other 21 have also been transferred away from Crimea, but it wasn't immediately clear to where. A Crimea court earlier this week ruled to keep the Ukrainian seamen behind bars for two months pending the investigation. Laura Loomer, a far-right conspiracy theorist and activist, handcuffed herself to the front door of Twitter's headquarters in New York City on Thursday, after she was banned from the platform for hate speech. But the protest ended just over two hours later, with little fanfare, when Ms Loomer had to ask police officers to help free her from the cuffs. The 25-year-old was permanently banned from the social media platform on 21 November after she posted a tweet attacking Ilhan Omar, an incoming congresswoman who is Muslim. Ms Loomer's tweet, which accused the politician of being "anti Jewish" and supporting sharia law, was deemed by Twitter to have violated the company's rules against hateful conduct. The 25-year-old was banned for hate speech (Periscope) Facebook soon followed suit and has also banned the conspiracy theorist. In response, Ms Loomer spent her short protest dressed in a sweater which had #STOPTHEBIAS written on the back. The 25-year-old also wore a yellow star, similar to those that Jewish people in Europe were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. Ms Loomer spent part of her time on Thursday shouting at Twitter employees, telling them that they worked for an "evil" company. Having only attached herself to one of the two doors, the activist did not fully obstruct the entrance and the company's employees seemed largely unconcerned by the protest as they walked past her. "They don't want you guys to know the truth," she told other passers by. The conspiracy theorist alleged that she had been "silenced" for being a "Jewish conservative journalist" and that Twitter was "upholding sharia law" through the act of banning her. "We have notified the relevant authorities who are responding," a spokesperson for Twitter said, in a statement released during the protest. "The account holder was suspended for violating our policies. We apply the Twitter Rules impartially and not based on ideology." Story continues Despite Ms Loomer's apparent anger, her protest, which began at around 3.45 pm local time, ended at 6pm. At that point Ms Loomer asked police officers who were present to free her by cutting through the handcuffs. The 25-year-old previously made headlines after she disrupted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's appearance before Congress in September. As Mr Dorsey prepared to speak, Ms Loomer launched into a tirade against the tech billionaire from the audience. But she was drowned out by Republican congressman Billy Long, who shouted her down with his auctioneer's patter, to amusement from his fellow politicians. Ms Loomer has also been embroiled in several other controversies, including an incident last year in which Uber and Lyft banned her after she attacked the companies for a lack of "non-Muslim" drivers. UTICA, N.Y. (AP) Democrat Anthony Brindisi defeated Republican U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney, following a contentious race that was settled by absentee ballots more than three weeks after Election Day. Brindisi, an attorney and state assemblyman from Utica, was ahead by less than 2,000 votes on election night. On Wednesday, his lead had grown to just under 4,000 as additional absentee ballots were counted. While the results from 1,881 remaining ballots have yet to be reported, Brindisi's lead makes it mathematically impossible for Tenney to prevail. Brindisi, 40, campaigned on calls for civility and bipartisanship in a district that supported Donald Trump in 2016. He was in Washington on Wednesday to prepare for his new job. "I'm going to work on issues just as hard for people who did not support me as for those who did support me," Brindisi said Monday during an interview with WKTV-TV. "I believe that once elections are over, that's when the governing begins. When people call my office we're not going to ask them... are you a Democrat or a Republican. That does not matter to me." He cited health care, funding for new roads, bridges and water systems, campaign finance reform and help for farmers as some of his top priorities. Tenney has not conceded and her campaign did not respond to messages seeking comment Wednesday. Last week she acknowledged that the numbers didn't look good for her campaign. "I don't think we have a chance of prevailing," Tenney said on WUTQ-FM radio. "I haven't had a chance to speak to Anthony yet. Of course, we will. My office will do everything it can to coordinate with him and make sure he has a smooth transition." Tenney was an early and vocal supporter of Donald Trump and whose brash rhetoric had similarities to the president's. Democrats complained when Tenney's staff sent out a memo attempting to link her Italian-American opponent to the mafia because of his father's legal work for organized crime figures years ago. Story continues She called her own alma mater, Colgate University, which is in the district, a "left-wing crazy school" and circulated a petition calling for the imprisonment of Hillary Clinton. While defending gun ownership rights, Tenney said during in an interview that many people behind mass murders are Democrats. Tenney, 57, argued that her comments were blown out of proportion by an adversarial media. But her rhetoric turned off some of the area's leading Republicans, including her predecessor, former Republican U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna, who called Tenney a "pariah" who is "full of anger and hate." Republicans outnumber Democrats in the district, which includes dairy farms and struggling former manufacturing towns such as Binghamton and Utica. Voters there favored Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 16 percentage points. Trump's margins in 2016 meant that to win the district, Brindisi had to appeal to independents and Republican moderates. Republicans fought hard to defend Tenney. Trump, his son Eric and House Speaker Paul Ryan all visited the district to raise money or campaign. ATLANTA (AP) A man suspected in an Alabama mall shooting that resulted in police killing another black man on Thanksgiving agreed Friday to return home from Georgia to face charges. Handcuffed and wearing a blue jail uniform, Erron Martez Dequan Brown, 20, appeared emotionless during a brief hearing. He appeared to glance back at someone in the courtroom audience. Brown, of Bessemer in suburban Birmingham, told Magistrate Judge Lillian Caudle he would voluntarily return to Alabama, where authorities now have 15 business days to remove him from the Fulton County jail. Alabama officials did not indicate when Brown might arrive at the jail in Birmingham. Court records aren't yet available to show whether Brown has an attorney to speak on his behalf. Federal marshals arrested Brown on an attempted murder charge Thursday near Atlanta. He is charged with attempted murder in the shooting of a teenager who was wounded at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, just south of Birmingham. Authorities say an officer responding to the scene at the mall fatally shot another armed black man, Emantic "EJ" Bradford Jr., who was initially believed to be the shooter. Bradford's killing prompted demonstrations by protesters who say he was shot because he was black. Bradford's family has retained a pathologist to perform an independent autopsy, the family's attorney said Friday. A statement issued Friday by family attorney Ben Crump says the autopsy will "determine whether he was shot multiple times and if he was shot from the front or the back." The statement said the autopsy results will be released to the media after they become available to the Bradford family. Protests will continue over the police killing of Bradford, 21, organizers have said. Bradford's funeral is set for Saturday at Birmingham's municipal auditorium. The Rev. Jesse Jackson will give the eulogy. Man Utd star Alexis Sanchez will be sidelined until the new year with a hamstring injury Manchester United forward Alexis Sanchez will miss the rest of the year with a hamstring injury. The Chilean has struggled at Old Trafford since moving there from Arsenal in January and he will not feature for the rest of 2018. Jose Mourinho confirmed that he missed Tuesday nights last-gasp victory over Young Boys due to the problem and hit out at the media. READ MORE: Ronaldo deserves Ballon dOr READ MORE: Why Chelseas loan army will have to be cut down READ MORE: Chicharito open to leaving West Ham Mourinho complained that every time a player is dropped or on the bench at United, its a much bigger issue than other clubs. The first thing I can say is that in every club, when a player is not playing it is a simple managers decision, he explained. In our club when a player does not play it is always because of the player is not behaving and has disciplinary issues. Of course that is not the case again. He has an important injury, I dont want to risk by saying for how long he will be out but from the top of my experience I would say he is not playing this year. He added: No scans yet but the player is experienced, the player knows what the injury is. Also from the top of my experience, just the painful scream and the way the injury happened I know its going to be for a long time. Its not the little muscular injury that in one week or 10 days the player is ready. Its for me and also for Alexis, the feelings before the scans is that the grade is different than the (Victor) Lindelof one and the Lindelof one was not an easy one so Alexis has what I used to call an aggressive muscular injury. It will be a blow for Sanchez, with reports that he was looking to engineer a move away from Old Trafford in January. Despite Sanchezs arrival on a lucrative four-and-a-half year contract in January being seen as a coup, considering they beat neighbours City to his signature, he has failed to fire under Mourinho, scoring four goals in 30 appearances. Mexico City (AFP) - He has tried hard to sound like a business-friendly budget balancer, but Mexico's next president, the anti-establishment leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, still has the markets spooked. Mexican stocks and the peso have slid as the veteran politician prepares to take office on Saturday for a six-year term. And the central bank cut its economic growth forecast for 2019 by one-tenth of a percentage point on Wednesday -- to a range of 1.7 to 2.7 percent -- over uncertainty about the future of Latin America's second-largest economy. Lopez Obrador, 65, won Mexico's July 1 election in a landslide, and euphoric supporters are full of hope that the fiery populist will bring sweeping change, slash poverty and fight endemic corruption. But his critics -- and he has many of them -- worry he will be autocratic, radical and bad for business. "AMLO," as he is widely known, has had a combative relationship with the business elite, but sought to sound more soothing as president-elect, promising market-friendly policies and naming the respected economist Carlos Urzua as finance minister. "The new government will maintain financial and fiscal discipline. State obligations with domestic and foreign companies and banks will be respected," he said in his victory speech. - People power vs. markets - Despite that message, the five-month transition period has been full of tension with the business world. Stocks fell 4.2 percent after Lopez Obrador canceled construction of a new $13-billion airport for Mexico City -- a project backed by the multi-billionaire Carlos Slim -- following a referendum on the issue that was marred by irregularities. Moves by lawmakers in his coalition to slash banking fees and bring pension funds under state control have also caused market routs. In all, stocks have lost more than 12 percent since his election. On Monday they hit their lowest level since March 2014. Rating agencies have taken note. Fitch revised its outlook for Mexico to negative after the airport decision, and Moody's warned the move had created "volatility" and "uncertainty." Story continues Lopez Obrador, a populist fond of "letting the people decide," nevertheless went ahead with a second referendum -- this time on building a tourist train linking Mexico's most famous Caribbean beaches with the ancient Mayan ruins of the Yucatan peninsula, and a host of other pet projects. With no supervision by electoral authorities, he won the support of nearly all 950,000 voters who took part. - All eyes on budget - That decision-making style has some analysts worried. "Uncertainty about how the next government's policy decisions will be made could have an impact on investment, both foreign and domestic," said Carlos Serrano, chief economist at BBVA Bancomer bank. Others say the markets will just have to get used to the new president's style, after decades of buttoned-down governments from the same two parties that had ruled Mexico for 89 years. "He is different from what markets are accustomed to," said Pamela Starr of the University of Southern California. But he "will be less radical than the markets are fearing" and "work closely with the private sector," she said. All eyes are now on Lopez Obrador's first budget, which he must send to Congress by December 15. "We'll see in that first federal budget whether his team actually puts together a balanced budget, conservative and austerity-driven, or whether they're really going to cut loose and spend," said Duncan Wood, director of the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center in Washington. (Reuters) - Marriott International said on Friday that a guest reservation database of its Starwood Hotel brand was breached, potentially exposing information on about 500 million guests. The company said its investigation showed that an unauthorized party had copied and encrypted information, and that there had been unauthorized access to the Starwood network since 2014. The company said it had taken steps to rectify the situation. Marriott was not immediately available for further comments. %InlineRelated-url="https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2018/11/27/crowds-mob-texas-atm-where-dollar100-bills-were-being-accidentally-distributed/23602353/" CTA="SEE ALSO" title="Crowds mob Texas ATM where $100 bills were being accidentally distributed "% For about 327 million of these guests, the information includes some combination of name, mailing address, phone number, email address, passport number, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, date of birth, gender among other personal details, Marriott said. Related: Look back at other notable data breaches: For some, the information also includes payment card numbers and expiration dates, but those numbers were encrypted, the hotel chain said. There are two components needed to decrypt the payment card numbers, and at this point, Marriott said it has not been able to rule out the possibility that both were stolen. The company said it reported this incident to law enforcement and continues to support their investigation and has already begun notifying regulatory authorities. Marriott bought Starwood in 2016. (Reporting by Munsif Vengattil and Arjun Panchadar in Bengaluru; Editing by Anil D'Silva) By Andreas Rinke and Paul Carrel BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States should consider banning from their ports Russian ships originating from the Sea of Azov after Russia captured three Ukrainian vessels there, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's protege said on Friday. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who is leading the race to succeed Merkel as leader of her ruling conservatives, also said Germany must be ready to take more responsibility in foreign policy and to spend more on defense. Russia seized the Ukrainian vessels and their crews on Sunday near Crimea, the Ukrainian region which Moscow annexed in 2014, over what it said was their illegal entry into Russian waters, which Ukraine denies. "If it's confirmed that the aggression came from Russia ... then I think there must be a clear answer," Kramp-Karrenbauer told Reuters in a television interview. "One answer might be, for example, to stop Russian ships coming from the region - from the Sea of Azov - from entering European or U.S. ports until this situation with Ukraine is resolved," she said. The comments from Kramp-Karrenbauer, 56, mark a tougher tone than the posture adopted by Merkel, who has called for de-escalation and dialogue. Kramp-Karrenbauer, sometimes referred to as AKK or "mini Merkel", is locked in a close race for the leadership of Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with Friedrich Merz, a long-time Merkel rival who promises more radical change. Polls show she is more popular with CDU members and voters at large. The winner, to be decided in a vote by 1,001 delegates at a party congress on Dec. 7-8, will take pole position in the race to succeed Merkel as chancellor. On foreign and defense policy, Kramp-Karrenbauer said Germany must be ready to do more -- a message sure to please U.S. President Donald Trump who has repeatedly pressed the German government to raise its defense spending. "Europe - and in particular Germany - must assume more responsibility," Kramp-Karrenbauer said. "We must be ready to take on this responsibility and that has consequences domestically. That means, for example, we must be ready to spend more money on defense at home and abroad." AUTO ANGST Turning to trade tensions with the United States, Kramp-Karrenbauer said she was concerned about plans by top executives from German carmakers Volkswagen , BMW and Daimler to meet U.S. officials at the White House next week. Trump has been threatening for months to impose tariffs on all EU-assembled vehicles, a move that could upend the industry's business model for selling cars in the United States. "In the past, it has only been possible to avert punitive tariffs when we maintained a clear and strong position, for instance as the European Union," Kramp-Karrenbauer said. "Given that, one must take care not to undermine such a strong, united political position through bilateral discussions." The United States currently imposes import tariffs on cars assembled in the EU of 2.5 percent, compared with 10 percent tariffs for U.S.-built cars entering the European market. (Additional reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Gareth Jones) Politicians visiting Capitol Hill this week might have witnessed a truly elegant display of shade outside a United Methodist Church building. The sign outside the UMC building referenced Matthew 25:35, a Bible verse about welcoming the stranger that has become a rallying cry for those opposed to President Donald Trumps immigration policies. But the buildings version of the verse had a twist. I was a stranger and you tear gassed me, the sign reads. ...Wait a second. A sign outside the United Methodist Building criticizes federal agents' decision to use tear gas on immigrants, including children, at the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo: Twitter / @umcjustice) The sign, located right next to the Supreme Court and steps away from the Capitol, subtly condemned federal agents use of tear gas at the U.S.-Mexico border on Sunday. Border Patrol agents used tear gas to drive back migrants breaching a fence to enter the U.S. at the San Ysidro border crossing. The wind carried fumes from the tear gas canisters to people hundreds of feet away who were not attempting to enter the country, The Associated Press reported. No serious injuries were reported from the incident, but photos of a mother frantically dragging her two children away from the fumes sparked outrage among Democratic politicians and immigration advocates. Both President Donald Trump and Kirstjen Nielsen, the secretary of homeland security, have defended the agents use of tear gas at the border. On social media, Christian activists who were upset over the images repeatedly pointed to Matthew 25. In that chapter, Jesus teaches that those who care for strangers and others in need will be welcomed into heaven. The original Bible verse reads: Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For ... I was a stranger and you invited me in ... Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. R. Warren Gill is a spokesperson for the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, the buildings proprietor. Church and Society posted the message to highlight the disconnect between the words of Jesus and the actions of the U.S. government, Gill told HuffPost. Story continues People are fleeing authentic and disturbing violence, violence most Americans only see in fiction, Gill wrote in an email. And [they] were welcomed at the border with tear gas. The United Methodist Building (left) is steps away from the Supreme Court. (Photo: Google Maps Screen Shot) The General Board of Church and Society is the social justice and advocacy arm of the UMC, Americas second-largest Protestant denomination. The United Methodist Building is the only nongovernmental building on Capitol Hill. It houses offices for faith-based advocacy organizations representing the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Islamic Society of North America and many others. The sign will change in a few days to reflect the start of the Advent season, Gill said. It has often been used in the past to make statements about the issues of the day or to celebrate particular seasons. Church and Society sees the sign as an extension of the churchs advocacy work, Gill said. For example, during the confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the sign read, Women have the right to live without violence. Gill said he believes law enforcement officials should be banned from using chemical weapons like tear gas against civilians, especially children. I think Jesus was clear. We are called to love our neighbors and protect children. We must welcome the stranger, Gill wrote in an email. There were barefooted babies at the U.S.-Mexico border this weekend, and the U.S. government threw tear gas at them. Its shocking, and its immoral. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Also on HuffPost Migrant Belongings Left Behind Crossing Into America A child's backpack recovered in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Photo taken near Arivaca road, AZ. Credit: Michael Wells, mwellsphoto.com Migrant Belongings Left Behind Crossing Into America A tree carving from a migrant station in the Sonoran Desert. "America" could refer to the Mexican soccer team or the country whose undocumented labor markets routinely employ those who can make it through the deadly desert. Credit: Michael Wells, mwellsphoto.com Migrant Belongings Left Behind Crossing Into America A water drop maintained by the Tucson group Samaritan Patrol. This group often leaves water along migrant trails in southern Arizona for those who inevitably run out. Credit: Michael Wells, mwellsphoto.com Migrant Belongings Left Behind Crossing Into America A large "migrant station" near the town of Arivaca, AZ. Migrant stations are places where people rest, eat, change clothes, and leave items behind while crossing into the U.S. Over time, these sites can become large archaeological repositories of items used by migrants. Credit: Michael Wells, mwellsphoto.com Migrant Belongings Left Behind Crossing Into America Migrant shrine in southern Arizona near Arivaca Lake. Migrants will often leave offerings at ad hoc shrines along their dangerous journeys. Credit: Michael Wells, mwellsphoto.com This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Mexico City (AFP) - Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will be sworn in as Mexico's next president Saturday, as a country fed up with corruption, crime and poverty seeks a new direction under the divisive anti-establishment leftist. The man widely known as "AMLO" won Mexico's July 1 elections in a landslide, and his coalition -- led by the party he founded four years ago, Morena -- took strong majorities in both houses of Congress. It was the biggest win for any president, and the first for a leftist, since Mexico transitioned to multi-party democracy in 2000. As the sharp-tongued, silver-haired leader prepares to slip on the presidential sash for a six-year term, the question is: what will he do with that mandate? Lopez Obrador, 65, has been short on specifics of how he plans to deliver the "transformation" he promises. He inherits a sticky set of problems from his unpopular predecessor, Enrique Pena Nieto. They include endemic corruption, gruesome violence fueled by Mexico's war on drug cartels, and the caravan of 6,000 Central American migrants camped at the US-Mexican border -- not to mention the minefield that diplomacy with Mexico's giant northern neighbor has become under President Donald Trump. Facing crises on multiple fronts, Lopez Obrador is promising a presidency like no other in Mexican history. He has forsworn the presidential residence, the presidential jet, more than half the presidential salary and the presidential security detail, promising to lead his anti-corruption, pro-austerity charge by example. But critics fear his government will be one of radicalism and authoritarian tendencies. The business world is particularly nervous: the Mexican peso and stocks have plunged since the election. However, the former Mexico City mayor has not lost his popular support. His approval rating is 66 percent, according to a poll published Monday by newspaper El Financiero. "I think he still has a fairly romantic honeymoon ahead of him -- but there are signs his support could deteriorate very quickly," said Mexico specialist Duncan Wood of the Wilson Center in Washington. Story continues - Market jitters - The biggest warning sign: jitters over the future of Latin America's second-largest economy. Lopez Obrador has tried to sooth the markets, promising fiscally conservative policies. But the five-month transition period has been bumpy. Lopez Obrador incensed business leaders when he announced he would cancel construction of a new $13-billion airport for Mexico City, after holding a referendum on the issue that was plagued by irregularities. Moves by lawmakers in his coalition to slash banking fees and bring pension funds under state control have also stoked fears. Mexican stocks have lost more than 12 percent since his election. On Monday, they hit their lowest level since March 2014. And on Wednesday, the central bank lowered its economic growth forecast for 2019, citing uncertainty over Lopez Obrador's policies. - Trump troubles? - Then there is the tricky matter of Trump. The American president bullied the Pena Nieto administration with his vows to make Mexico pay for a wall on the border and brinksmanship in negotiating an updated trade deal between the US, Mexico and Canada -- which will ultimately be signed the day before Lopez Obrador takes office. So far, Lopez Obrador and Trump have gotten off to a warm start. Trump said they had a "great talk" after the election, and reportedly even calls his new counterpart "Juan Trump" -- a nod to their shared populism and anti-establishment victories. But Trump is pressuring Lopez Obrador on immigration, pushing a deal to keep asylum-seeking migrants in Mexico while their claims are processed in the United States. The day after the inauguration, Lopez Obrador's foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, is due to meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington for talks on the issue. "The policies coming out of Washington are putting Lopez Obrador in a very difficult situation," said Pamela Starr of the University of Southern California. "That said, while Trump has bashed the migrant caravan... he has never bashed Lopez Obrador. That gives me pause to think that potentially the two of them might be able to work something out." - Vague plans - Political analysts have been critical of Lopez Obrador's vague plans. Despite promising sweeping change, he has offered few new policy ideas on his key issues: fighting corruption, crime and poverty. For his highly energized voter base, that does not seem to matter -- for now. "They're buying his promises," Mexican political analyst Jose Antonio Crespo told AFP. "He has generated very high expectations. It will take people a while to figure out who their new president really is." An agitated Trump tried to play down his ex-aides deal with prosecutors but experts call it potentially very significant Michael Cohen in New York in April. Trump could be legally vulnerable on a number of fronts, analysts said. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters A deal announced on Thursday between Michael Cohen, the longtime personal lawyer and fixer for Donald Trump, and federal prosecutors has left the president and his family vulnerable to new legal hazards and could represent one of the most significant advances so far in the work of special counsel Robert Mueller, legal analysts said. Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress about a deal he pursued on Trumps behalf to build a Trump tower in Moscow. Court documents revealed Cohen was in contact with top Kremlin officials about the prospective tower; that Trump was closer to the negotiations than previously acknowledged; and that the deal was alive as late as June 2016 six months longer than Cohen told Congress. The court filing appeared to expose multiple and repeated public lies by Trump about his links to Russia. I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because weve stayed away, Trump said at a press conference during the presidential transition. I have no deals because I think that would be a conflict. Confronted with the contradiction outside the presidential helicopter on Thursday morning, a visibly agitated Trump said this deal was a very public deal everybody knows about this deal, then denied there was ever a deal, then said if there had been a deal it would have been no problem. This was a deal that didnt happen, Trump said. That was no deal. If you look this was an option. To my way of thinking, it was an option that we decided not to do. Former US attorney Barb McQuade called the Cohen deal potentially very significant, pointing out that in court documents, Cohen admitted to lying to Congress in hopes of limiting the ongoing Russia investigations. Perhaps the most significant issue Ive seen raised: does Cohen contradict Trumps recent written answers to Mueller? Preet Bharara Story continues McQuade said: That says to me that you know people only lie and take a risk like that when the consequences of telling the truth are even worse. So what would be so bad about it? Certainly the mere fact that they were negotiating a building in Russia was not in any way illegal, so what more was he trying to hide there? Trump could be legally vulnerable on a number of fronts, analysts said. Last summer, Mueller charged Russian hackers with a conspiracy to defraud the United States by tampering with the 2016 election; it is possible that a Trump associate or family member could at some point be charged as a co-conspirator. Michael Cohen is likely someone to be a trusted confidant who knows about these things and has now agreed to cooperate about them, said McQuade. This suggests that his cooperation is about the heart of the Mueller investigation and that is collusion with Russia. Other analysts said that the pattern of lying by former Trump aides about the campaigns Russia ties at least seven former Trump aides and associates have either been charged with making false statements or face such charges could mean trouble for Trump, if the president were shown to have directed it. There are an awful lot of Trump underlings now caught lying to Congress and others about Russia and Trump specifically, tweeted Neal Katyal, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center. Why? At whose direction? Who stood to gain from the lies? Former US attorney Preet Bharara was one of many to point out that just last week, Trump submitted written answers to questions from Mueller, reportedly including questions about a potential real estate deal in Moscow. This is perhaps the most significant issue Ive seen raised so far: does Cohen contradict Trumps recent written answers to Mueller specifically on the Moscow Trump Tower project, Bharara tweeted. If so and Cohens version is corroborated, Trump is guilty of a false statement. The Cohen deal could pose difficulties for Trumps family members, too. Court documents referring to Trump as Individual 1 said Cohen briefed family members of Individual 1 within the Company about the [Moscow] project, and that COHEN agreed to travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow Project and took steps in contemplation of Individual 1s possible travel to Russia. If Donald Trump Jr was part of those conversations, he could be in fresh trouble. In May, Trump Jr told the Senate he wasnt involved with the Moscow deal, and denied awareness that Cohen had contacted the Kremlin to negotiate the deal. But the brazen nature of Trumps public lying could represent the ultimate hazard for the president, whose party suffered huge losses in elections earlier this month and who himself comes up for re-election in 2020. Andy Wright, a law professor and founding editor of the Just Security blog, called the Cohen news a bombshell development. He said: The president was lying to the American people at a critical time during the vetting of his candidacy about whether or not he was pursuing a deal with Russia. Before we get to the law, thats very troubling. I still think that those fundamental dynamics about lying to American people apply. The legal process is also incredibly important, but at the end of the day its our democracy that matters more than whether Donald Trump gets punished. In continued efforts to promote Uganda as a tourist destination, the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) Thursday hosted a cultural gala for UN delegates who are in the country for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Conference currently ongoing at Speke Resort Munyonyo. The Gala held at the Ndere Cultural Center with also attracted government representatives, the media and other members of the public. It was meant to showcase the beauty of the Pearl of Africa through cultural performances, food, cuisine and true Ugandan hospitality so as to leave a lasting memory in the minds of the delegates for repeat visits after the conference. Addressing delegates at the event, the UTB Marketing Manager, Ms. Claire Mugabi, said, Uganda is a culturally diverse and rich countrya key selling point for us as a tourist destination. We wanted treat the delegates to a true Ugandan cultural experience at the Ndere Cultural Center. They enjoyed various cultural performances from different parts of Uganda, folklore, food and drink among others. Stories Continues after ad Rose Malango, the UN resident coordinator extended her sincere gratitude to UTB for hosting the delegates to a delightful evening of beautifully choreographed cultural performances. She said, Uganda is truly an endowed country and the cultural experience we have reveled in today highlights the country as culturally diverse and rich but more than that, we were able to see art, unity and enjoy story telling. The delegates have seen Uganda in a way many has never seen or heard about. Uganda has a rich cultural diversity and is endowed with 64 tribes and language each with a distinct cultural heritage, history, language, food, dance, dressing, beliefs, customs, music and folklore. The country is also known for its food and cuisine punctuated with a wide variety of tropical fruit and organic food, its diversity but also has various uniqueness cultures observed as one moves from region to region. We hope that we can see repeat visits in big numbers by engaging delegates and other visitors who come to Uganda for conferences and events, Ms. Mugabi said. The vast majority of tourist arrivals in Uganda are continental visitors from African countries. In 2017, these constituted 80 percent of the total 1,402,409 arrivals for the year while overseas visitors/tourists made up 20 percent or 273,731 of the arrivals. The tourism industry IN Uganda currently contributes 10 per cent to gross domestic product (GDP), making it the countrys leading foreign exchange earner. The industry contributes more than US $1.4b (Shs5.1 trillion) annually and is projected to earn the country the much needed forex of about Shs10 trillion (US $2.7 billion) by 2020. Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos; AP (3), Getty Images WASHINGTON Special Counsel Robert Muellers investigation into President Trumps efforts to build a skyscraper in Moscow has led him to ask questions about the role two of the presidents children played in attempting to secure a Russian real estate deal, sources tell Yahoo News. Muellers interest in the Trump family real estate companys plans for a skyscraper in Russia was confirmed on Thursday when Michael Cohen, the presidents former attorney and fixer, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the proposed deal. In charging documents, Mueller said Cohen falsely claimed that the effort to build a Trump Tower Moscow ended in January 2016 in an attempt to minimize links between Trump and the project and to give the false impression the effort ended before the Republican primaries in 2016. Yahoo News first reported in May that congressional investigators had obtained text messages and emails showing Cohens work on Trump Tower Moscow continued for longer than he admitted under oath. But Cohen wasnt the only person at the Trump Organization who was pursuing deals to build a skyscraper in the Russian capital. Multiple sources have confirmed to Yahoo News that the presidents elder daughter, Ivanka, who is now a top White House adviser, and his eldest son, Don Jr., were also working to make Trump Tower Moscow a reality. The sources said those efforts were independent of Cohens work on the project. One of the sources said Ivanka was also involved in Cohens efforts. And a separate source familiar with the investigation told Yahoo News that Mueller has asked questions about Ivanka and Don Jr.s work on Trump Tower Moscow. Muellers charging documents against Cohen included a line that described the Trump familys involvement in the project. According to Mueller, one of the things Cohen lied about was that he briefed family members of Trumps who worked at the Trump Organization about the proposed Moscow skyscraper. Prior to joining the White House, Ivanka was an executive at the company. Don Jr. and Trumps middle son, Eric, remain with the Trump Organization. Story continues A spokesperson for the special counsels office declined to comment on this story. Cohen and his attorney, Guy Petrillo, did not respond to requests for comment, nor did lawyers representing the president. Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle arrive at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree at the Ellipse near the White House on Nov. 28, 2018. (Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP) A source familiar with the Trump Organization confirmed to Yahoo News that Ivanka and Don Jr. engaged in separate efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. The source said these efforts began years earlier than Cohens project and concluded in 2013. They were not looking at any other deals after that, the source said. The source also confirmed that both Ivanka and Don Jr. were aware of Cohens attempts to build in Moscow. According to the source, Ivankas role was limited to recommending an architect and Don Jr. was only peripherally aware of the plan. Michael was looking at that deal. Don and Ivanka knew about it and Don testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was peripherally aware of it, the source said, adding, Thats why were so perplexed Cohen would lie about briefing them, because no ones ever disputed that they knew he was looking at it. Don Trump Jr. did not respond to a request for comment on this story. An attorney for Ivanka Trump declined to comment on record. Just prior to his inauguration, Trump vowed his familys real estate company would do no new deals abroad while he was in office. It would not be illegal for the Trump Organization to have conducted business in Russia prior to that point, and Mueller inquiring about Ivanka and Don Jr.s work on Trump Tower Moscow does not mean they are targets of his investigation. The source familiar with the Trump Organization said the pair were not aware of any work Cohen did on the project beyond the period he initially described to congressional investigators. White House advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump walk to Air Force One to depart for Argentina and the G-20 Summit with President Trump at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on Nov. 29, 2018. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) Theres no question they knew about it, but they had no knowledge of any work on the project after January 2016, the source said. The Trump Organizations dealings in Moscow have attracted added attention given the U.S. intelligence communitys conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump. The president has repeatedly denied that he colluded with Russia and has called Muellers probe a politically motivated witch hunt. Messages obtained by the government show Cohen reached out to Putins office for help as he pursued the Moscow project. He initially said the Russian government did not respond to his overtures, but Muellers charging documents said Cohen did receive a response from Putins government. On or about January 20, 2016, COHEN received an email from the personal assistant to Russian Official 1 (Assistant 1), stating that she had been trying to reach COHEN and requesting that he call her using a Moscow-based phone number she provided, Mueller wrote. According to Mueller, Cohen and the officials assistant spoke for approximately 20 minutes and he requested assistance in moving the project forward, both in securing land to build the proposed tower and financing the construction. Mueller said Felix Sater, a developer who was working on the project with Cohen, subsequently followed up. Sater is a Russian-born longtime business associate of Trumps who first met Cohen while they were both in high school. During the mid 2000s, Sater worked with Trumps real estate company to build hotels in Florida and New York. He also discussed potential projects in Russia with Trumps company during that period. As part of his deal to build Trump-branded properties, Sater had an office in the Trump Organizations Manhattan headquarters and a company business card. Sater was convicted on charges related to a stock fraud scheme involving organized crime figures in 1998. He also spent years working as federal intelligence asset providing crucial information to the government about mobsters and terrorists. Sater declined to comment on this story beyond saying that his work to build a Trump Tower in Moscow began in 2003. Correspondence provided by Sater to government investigators that was obtained by Buzzfeed showed that he reached out to Cohen in May 2016 and said Putins top spokesman Dmitry Peskov wanted to invite him to attend an economic forum in St. Petersburg the following month. Sater said Peskov wanted to talk with Cohen there and possibly introduce him to Putin. Peskov was the same official whom Cohen emailed in January 2016. According to Muellers charging documents, Cohen eventually told Sater he couldnt make the trip to Russia on or about June 14, 2016, just as Trump was on the way to securing the Republican presidential nomination. President Trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen leaves Federal Court in Manhattan after entering a guilty plea on Nov. 29, 2018. (Photo: Andrew Kelly/Reuters) Trump never managed to build a skyscraper in Russia, but he has tried for the better part of three decades. His first attempt was in 1987, when he traveled to the former Soviet Union to examine possible building sites. According to Buzzfeed, Trumps company announced another exploratory trip in 1996 and that he had his eye on an abandoned factory in the country in 2005. Reports have previously emerged detailing Ivanka and Don Jr.s involvement in the Trump Tower Moscow efforts. The Buzzfeed report revealed that Sater accompanied the two Trump children to Moscow in 2006. A source told Yahoo News that, while there, the pair held meetings about the project separately from Sater. The book Russian Roulette, which was written by Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Mike Isikoff and by David Corn, detailed a 2013 effort that involved the Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov and his son Emin. According to the book, Don Jr. was in charge of that project and Ivanka flew to Russia and scouted sites with Emin. The Agalarovs helped Trump host his Miss Universe pageant in Russia in 2013 and helped arrange the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting. The Trump Organization registered the web address TrumpTowerMoscow.com in December 2012. A source familiar with the deal said this was in conjunction with the work being done with Agalarovs. Trump tweeted at Aras Agalarov about the deal on Nov. 11, 2013, two days after the pageant. He expressed optimism they would get the skyscraper built together. I had a great weekend with you and your family, Trump wrote, adding, You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: North Korea's foreign minister kicked off an official visit to Communist Vietnam Friday, a trip analysts say carries the potential for the hermit nation to learn from Hanoi's post-war "doi moi" economic transformation. Vietnam's economy has flourished since market reforms in the 1990s opened its doors to foreign investment and free trade deals, with GDP growth hitting five percent or higher for the past decade. It has done so while maintaining a single-party Communist state with a tight grip on power and little tolerance for dissent. It a model that experts say could appeal to Pyongyang -- with an economy long crippled by wide-ranging sanctions and years of self-imposed isolation. While the full plan for Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho's three-day visit to Vietnam has not been made public, a diplomatic source in Hanoi told AFP he is due to visit a technology park near the city and meet with agriculture experts. He will also meet Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, according to his official schedule. North Korea's regime wants "to expand their economic relations with other countries and not be completely dependent on China," Kevin Gray, professor of international relations at the University of Sussex told AFP. "There are also lessons there that North Korea could potentially learn" from Vietnam's opening up, he added. Ri's Hanoi trip also coincides with a current diplomatic thaw following a series of meetings with Seoul and Washington -- including a landmark summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and US President Donald Trump in June. "North Korea is using this period of not testing (its nuclear weapons) to recover its external relations to appear as a respectable member of the international community," said Carl Thayer, emeritus politics professor at the University of New South Wales in Canberra. Pyongyang "wants to learn from Vietnam's economic transformation", he said, with the caveat that Hanoi's embrace of free trade would be "a bridge too far". Story continues Economic prosperity is a carrot often dangled by Washington in front of the North in exchange for denuclearisation. On a July visit to Vietnam US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarked on the "once-unimaginable prosperity and partnership" between former war foes Hanoi and Washington. "Your country can replicate this path. It's yours if you'll seize the moment. The miracle could be yours; it can be your miracle in North Korea as well," he said in comments aimed at Kim Jong Un. Hanoi's exports to Pyongyang reached $7.3 million last year, mainly of food products, according to official data. Lagos (AFP) - Nigerian police claimed on Friday that over 100 "bandits" had been killed in a crackdown targeting crime in the northwest state of Zamfara, following a surge in kidnappings for ransom and cattle rustling. Zamfara has been plagued by violent crime over the past year, with Amnesty International warning in July that people living in the impoverished state were "at the mercy" of armed bandits who take hostages and raid villages. A joint operation team on Thursday "repelled ambush attacks from armed bandits" at Mahanga Forest in Zamfara State and "in the process killed one hundred and four bandits," national police spokesman Jimoh Moshood said in a statement. Confirming the death toll Moshood told AFP: "Yes, 104 bandits (were killed). Not people, armed bandits that had been terrorising and killing innocent people." Over 1,000 policemen had been deployed to Zamfara at the beginning of the month, the statement said, adding that since then 85 people have been arrested in connection with kidnappings and cattle rustling. Amnesty International Nigeria spokesman Isa Sanusi said it was difficult to assess the success of security operations in the remote region. "In many cases, the pronouncements of security agencies are quite contrary to the situation on ground in Zamfara state," Sanusi said. "Bringing the killers to justice is more important in taming the tide of impunity that allowed the security situation in Zamfara state to continue deteriorating." The kidnappings are just one security concern putting pressure on Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari who is seeking a second, four-year term in closely contested February polls. Facing criticism for an increase in Boko Haram jihadist attacks, among other security threats, Buhari is working to show that his government is able to tackle rising violence in Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer. The problem has sparked the concern of neighbouring Niger. Story continues In August, Niamey announced it was sending security reinforcements to the Maradi area on the south-central part of the border, which abuts Zamfara. Nigeria's interior minister said in October that at least 30 bandits were killed in their troubled frontier. In the last two years, kidnapping for ransom has reached unprecedented levels in the region, where entire villages have been deserted for fear of raids and kidnapping by criminal gangs. Those abducted are often released within days if the ransom is paid but residents say they can be killed if no money is forthcoming, and their bodies dumped in the bush. RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) Although a mere 900 votes separated two North Carolina congressional candidates, the trailing Democrat conceded the race weeks ago. But as the Republican prepared to go to Capitol Hill, election investigators are worried something fishy went on with absentee ballots. Now, North Carolina election officials have agreed to hold a public hearing into alleged "numerous irregularities" and "concerted fraudulent activities" involving traditional mail-in absentee ballots in the 9th Congressional District, apparently in two rural counties. The state elections board voted 7-2 on Friday to hear evidence by Dec. 21 before deciding whether to certify the result. Republican Mark Harris leads Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes from nearly 283,000 cast in eight south-central counties reaching from Charlotte to near Fayetteville. The hearing will ensure "the election is determined without taint of fraud or corruption and without irregularities that may have changed the result of an election," board member Joshua Malcolm, a Democrat, said in his motion. If board members find enough problems that could have altered the outcome or cast doubts on the election's fairness, they could order a new election, which could not take place until after the new session of Congress convenes Jan. 3, likely creating a temporary vacancy. Also on Friday, The Associated Press retracted its call of a winner in the 9th District. The AP, which had called the race for Harris on Nov. 9, said it is treating the board's action as if the race has proceeded to a recount. AP does not call winners in any election that is subject to a recount. Democrats already won enough House seats nationwide in November to take back the chamber. But a Democratic victory in the 9th District would flip a seat that has been held continuously by Republicans since 1963. The board's public vote came after a three-hour closed door meeting, with two Republican members joining all Democrats and the lone unaffiliated member in voting to hold the hearing. The state Republican Party had vowed to go to court if the board didn't certify Harris' victory Friday. The board finalized nearly all other Nov. 6 election results earlier this week. Story continues McCready conceded the race the day after Election Day, when Harris led by less than 1,900 votes. McCready reaffirmed his decision a week later when more counted ballots cut the margin by half. But just ahead of Friday's hearing, McCready said it's critical to determine now whether wrongdoing occurred. "We must do everything we can to protect the integrity of our ballots and the sanctity of our elections because our democracy depends on it," McCready said in a statement. Board members have said little publicly about what they're examining. But the focus appears to be on Bladen County, located partially in the district, and adjoining Robeson County, which is entirely in the district. The board confirmed it seized some Bladen absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes the day after the election. In separate sworn affidavits released Thursday by the state Democratic Party, two county residents said an unidentified woman came to their homes, telling each of them she was supposed to collect absentee ballots in the area. The residents said the woman took their ballots, which weren't sealed in their envelopes as required by law. "Because of the way she presented herself, I thought she was legitimate," Emma Shipman, one of the residents, wrote in an affidavit. Harris said late Friday that the board should certify the race results now while continuing their investigation. "I support any efforts to investigate allegations of irregularities and/or voter fraud, as long as it is fair and focuses on all political parties," Harris said in a release. "But to date, there is absolutely no public evidence that there are enough ballots in question to affect the outcome of this race." Harris, a minister and former Baptist State Convention president, received 61 percent of the 684 Bladen County mail-in absentee ballots turned in for the race, or 162 votes more than McCready, according to unofficial results. It's the only county where Harris won more mail-in absentee ballots than McCready. Bladen and Robeson counties had the highest percentages among 9th District counties of requested mail-in absentee ballots that weren't returned, according to Michael Bitzer, a Catawba College political science professor analyzing race data. The total of nearly 1,700 unreturned ballots in the two counties is greater than Harris' lead. Robeson and Bladen counties were among the hardest hit by Hurricane Florence in mid-September. Harris upset GOP Rep. Robert Pittenger in the May primary, thanks in large part to a strong showing in Bladen County. Among mail-in ballots, Harris won an overwhelming 96 percent of those votes cast, election data show. Harris supporters attributed his Bladen County primary performance to strong connections with local religious leaders. Korede, the practical young nurse in Lagos, Nigeria, who serves as the narrator of Oyinkan Braithwaites buzzy and darkly comedic debut novel My Sister, the Serial Killer, cant seem to signal her affections to Tade, the handsome doctor who works in her hospital. Shes unlucky in love, to be surebut not nearly so much as the boyfriends of her beautiful younger sister Ayoola who keep turning up dead. What the police dont know, but Korede does, is that Ayoola prefers to deliver a knife to the heart rather than risk a potential rejection. Three and they call you a serial killer, Korede reminds her sister, after being called yet again to help disappear the body of a bad date. But when Ayoola attracts the attention of the dreamy Dr. Tade, Korede must decide whether or not to warn him. Blood may be thicker than waterbut Korede is running out of bleach. Braithwaite, a poet, writer and editor who lives and works in Nigeria, wields a colloquial idiom and quick wit with aplomb, crafting a vibrant world in which sisterly bonds and obligations run up against morality. She illustrates for an American readership that recent re-evaluations of how dynamics should play out between men and women have hardly been confined to the U.S. The deeper questions that abound here are all timely: Is Ayoolas moral compass so damaged because of the sisters abusive late fatherand therefore outside of her control? Did the men perhaps deserve it? Dont all men perhaps deserve it? And arent we all ultimately monsters, each in our own way? (The answers, as Braithwaite knows, are maybe, no, no and no. But asking the questions is provocative enough.) Braithwaite has updated these downright Dostoyevskian ideas for the social-media set, and the interrogation of how technology intersects with their lives only adds to the novels campy appeal. Ayoola loves to flaunt on Snapchat and Instagramsometimes a bit too soon after committing one of her murderswhile Korede spends her free time watching TED talks. But beneath the Weekend at Berniesstyle morbid hilarity lies a real examination of the often nettlesome bonds of family, and what we owe to the ones we love. Mancusis debut novel, A Philosophy of Ruin, will be published in June 2019. By Gabriela Baczynska BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier told Britain on Thursday the Brexit deal the bloc agreed with Prime Minister Theresa May was the only one possible. Barnier was speaking to a nearly-empty EU parliament chamber as the bloc awaits the verdict from London where May is trying to sell the deal to her divided parliament, which will vote on it on Dec. 11. The EU insists the Brexit accord sealed after 18 months of talks will not be renegotiated. "Given the difficult circumstances of this negotiation and given the extreme complexity of all the issues of the British withdrawal, the deal that is on the table ... this deal is the only one and the best possible," Barnier said. "Now is the time for ratification," he said. The Bank of England said on Wednesday Britain risked suffering an even bigger hit to its economy than during the global financial crisis 10 years ago if it left the EU without a deal in four months' time. "It's not a question of winners and losers because Brexit is a lose-lose. There is no added value," Barnier said. "I am convinced we will be able to work together for a real and unprecedented partnership," he said of Britain's future relationship with the EU, talks on which will start after Brexit day on March 29, 2019. During the EU parliamentary debate on Thursday, Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said May's deal would be voted down in the British parliament as "the worst deal in history". Barnier received much praise from EU lawmakers on Thursday for his handling of the Brexit negotiations, a sentiment shared in many EU quarters, beefing the Frenchman's chances should he run for the top job in the bloc next year. (Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Philip Blenkinsop and Janet Lawrence) MOSCOW -- On an ordinary school day in February, Maria Ushankova's 14-year-old son came home puzzled, saying his class was given a lecture on family values. A woman, who introduced herself as "an Orthodox teacher," referring to the Russian Orthodox Church, told teenagers that having relationships outside marriage is a sin, condoms don't protect people from HIV or getting pregnant because pores in latex are large enough to let sperm and viruses through, and abortion is murder. She handed out flyers saying that abortion turns a woman into "a sexually and economically exploited killer of her own children" and showed the kids several excerpts of a film that depicts an aborted fetus being mutilated. "It was very unpleasant to watch and quite hard on my son," says Ushankova, a professional doula living in Dubna, a small town north of Moscow. "I can easily imagine some teenagers being really traumatized by it. Not to mention that telling teenagers about the ineffectiveness of condoms is, well, weird at the very least." Ushankova complained to education officials, who acknowledged the material in question was not suitable for presenting to teenagers in schools. The officials suspended the Orthodox teacher from lecturing in Dubna. [ MORE: 5 things to know about HIV/AIDS around the world.] The theme of this year's World AIDS Day, occurring on Dec. 1, is encouraging people to know their HIV status. But as the annual day of awareness approaches its 30-year anniversary, countries such as Russia represent one of the greatest challenges global public health officials confront in nations where conservative mores and institutions, such as the Orthodox Church, represent growing barriers to educating the public. Russia, in particular, faces an escalating HIV crisis. According to a recent WHO report, 130,000 new cases of HIV were registered in Eastern Europe. As many as 104,000 of them were registered in Russia. Russia and Ukraine together account for 75 percent of all new infections in Europe and for 92 percent in Eastern Europe. Story continues Russia's HIV infection rate is currently at 71.1 new infections per 100,000 people. In Ukraine, it's 37 new infections per 100,000; in Belarus, 26.1 new infections per 100,000 people. Those figures contrast to Western Europe, with 6.4 new infections are found per 100,000 people and in Central European countries, where the rate of new infections is 3.2 per 100,000 people. [ MORE: 10 countries with the most well-developed public health-care systems.] What Ushankova's son experienced, however, is hardly an isolated case. While Russian schools don't have sex education lessons on their curriculums, reports of Orthodox teachers and priests lecturing teenagers about sex, gender roles, birth control and abortion surface regularly. The trend itself is hardly surprising. Since Vladimir Putin returned to the Kremlin as president for the third time in 2012 and, amid Moscow's relations with the West souring, government authorities has pivoted to social conservatism and "traditional values," and the Russian Orthodox Church has grown in power and influence. In addition to successfully lobbying legislation for its benefit, taking over lucrative pieces of real estate, and interfering with the country's art scene, the Church has also found its way into the school curriculum. It is now controversially trying to fill the niche of sex education, promoting abstinence and condemning contraception as useless or harmful. Meanwhile, roughly 100,000 more people a year have been diagnosed with HIV for the past three years. Raising Awareness Faces a Conservative Backlash The idea of talking about sex remains taboo in Russian society. According to a poll released in January 2017 by the independent Levada pollster, 33 percent of Russians don't talk about sex to their family members, deeming it "inappropriate." In two-thirds of families, parents don't discuss sex with their children, adds Boris Shapiro, professor and head of the psychology department at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. And neither do teachers in schools: The few attempts to introduce sex education into the curriculum in Russia over the past four decades failed. In the mid-1980s, the prominent Soviet psychologist Irina Dubrovina developed a curriculum called "Ethics and Psychology of the Family Life," and for several years it was taught in Soviet schools, recalls Alexander Adamsky, head of the Moscow-based Eureka Institute for Educational Policy Problems. "Soon enough it quietly died down, having had barely any impact," he says. "People teaching it didn't have any special training, shied away from delicate matters or projected their own prejudices and insecurities on them." The idea was revisited in the late 1990s. Supported by the Education Ministry and the U.N., Russian educators and prominent psychologists started working on a sex education program for schools. Shapiro was one of them. "At some point sociologists working on the project distributed survey forms among teachers, parents and students that featured scary words like 'masturbation' and 'clitoris'," says Shapiro, who authored several textbooks on the subject in the 1990s. "Conservative forces, together with the Church, were very vocally outraged and even filed a complaint with the federal Prosecutor's Office. The ministry shut the project down." Since then any mention of sex education in school has faced backlash from conservative lawmakers and parents' associations that advocate for what they call "traditional family values." [ MORE: A czar, a ballerina and a conservative backlash in Russia.] Last year, activists in one of the parents' groups -- the All-Russia Parents' Resistance -- protested against the only state-backed educational initiative that addresses the issue of safe sex: a countrywide lecture on HIV prevention that took place ahead of last year's World AIDS Day. During those lectures, children across the country were shown a short film about HIV in their classrooms and were encouraged to have discussions afterward. Activists insisted information about sexually transmitted diseases and use of condoms is harmful to children, "molests" them and promotes unhealthy interest for sex among teenagers. [ MORE: The 10 most health-conscious countries.] "Adults are broadcasting ideas about starting sex life early, about having sex before marriage and same-sex relations being normal as long as 'sex is physiologically safe,'" says Anna Kulchitskaya, of the All Russia Parents' Resistance. "And early sex life leads to more teenage pregnancies, teenagers contracting STDs, interest in studying plummeting and other problems." This year, lectures on HIV will be incorporated into biology, history, social studies and safety of living courses, according to Elina Zhgutova, a member of the Civic Chamber, a civil society organization that analyzes draft legislation in Russia and monitors activities of the country's parliament. The Church Steps In Conservative institutions didn't stop with opposing sex education. In October 2017 the Association of Parents' Committees and Communities -- another parents' association promoting traditional family values and protesting against sex education in schools -- proposed that the Education Ministry add a subject called "Morality of Family Life" to school curriculums. By that time the Orthodox Church had already successfully lobbied for schools to teach a course called "Introduction to Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics," which included six subjects to choose from: "Introduction to Orthodox Culture", Introduction to Islamic Culture", "Introduction to Buddhist Culture", "Introduction to Jewish Culture", "Secular Ethics" and a comparative analysis of all four religions. Since 2012, children in schools across Russia have to study one of those six subjects for a year. "Introduction to Orthodox Culture" remains the most popular subject, according to church officials. Textbooks and the program for "Morality of Family Life" were written by Nina Krygina, a Russian Orthodox nun, and Dmitry Moiseyev, a Russian Orthodox priest. In 2017 it was already being taught as an experimental, extracurricular subject in selected schools in 60 Russian regions. The textbook teaches women to obey their husbands, condemns sex before marriage as "skullduggery" and equates abortion to murder. Contraception is mentioned in passing as something that "kills love" and breeds egoism. [ MORE: The countries seen as the best for women.] In one of the chapters, authors of the textbook refer readers to an article in another book, "The Science of Virginity," also written by a Russian Orthodox priest. It argues that women's bodies "remember" genes of their first sex partners and replicate those genes in all future children. The Education Ministry has not responded to a request for comment on the number of schools in which the morality curriculum is being taught now or whether it will be added to the curriculums in schools all around the country. Neither have spokespeople for the Russian Orthodox Church. In many Russian regions, this subject -- together with extracurricular lectures given by priests -- is already widespread, says Anna Ozhiganova, a researcher with the Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Science who has been studying the church's influence on education in Russia. "I wouldn't rule out adding it to the curriculum in the future," she says. Reality Check A recent survey by the state-backed pollster VTsIOM reflects the trend. A decisive majority of Russians -- 61 percent -- believe the "moral side" of sexual relationships should be the main focus of sex education, while only 30 percent believe that other aspects of sex life should be discussed at school. As a result, Russian teenagers know little about safe sex, says Daria Rakhmaninova, a biology teacher who is organizing sex education seminars to be available on demand in some progressive Moscow schools. "They don't know about birth control, they don't know about sexually transmitted diseases," she says. "Some heard about HIV, but that's about it." In the meantime, the HIV epidemic is rampant in Russia. As of May, 968,698 people were living with the diagnosis, according to Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the Moscow-based Federal Center for Fighting AIDS. Together with those who haven't been diagnosed yet, the number is likely to be much higher -- Pokrovsky estimates the figure to be around 1.3 million. This year, the number of new infections is going to amount to 100,000. Between 53 percent and 54 percent of those new cases come from heterosexual contacts, Pokrovsky says. "In that sense, for us (HIV specialists) there is no doubt: children need to know how to protect themselves before they start having sex." Daria Litvinova is a journalist based in Moscow. She has covered all things Russia for The Moscow Times, and has also written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, Coda Story and other publications. You can find her on Twitter here. Port Moresby (AFP) - As an openly gay man in Papua New Guinea, where sex between men is illegal and stigma and violence widespread, 24-year-old Kapera Patrick remembers thugs pelting him with abuse, stones and bottles. His life changed when he was taken in by a family in Hanuabada, a settlement in Port Moresby that has become a haven of tolerance, offering sanctuary for dozens in a gay community that is gradually coming out of hiding. A ramshackle collection of thousands of dwellings built on stilts over the water and connected by rickety and treacherous wooden planks, Hanuabada is a world away from the sanitised districts of the capital that recently played host to Asia-Pacific leaders. The sprawling settlement, whose name means "big village" in the local Motu language, was built over the sea as locals believe the water protects them from sorcery coming down from the mountains. A caged pig squats outside many of the huts -- for meat or barter -- and naked children at play squeal with delight as they skip expertly on the narrow and often broken planks that serve as the village's "streets". Home to as many as 50,000, Hanuabada has become synonymous with a small but thriving gay, lesbian and transgender community that has flocked here as word spread that they would be safe. "I used to live in a place called Joyce Bay and I got abused. They threw bottles at me, stones at me. And then I heard about this place. I came here and the family brought me in and accepted me," says Patrick, who does informal jobs to get by. Hanuabada is "a very free place and the people know me. They don't abuse me. I've been accepted for my sexuality," he told AFP, speaking through an interpreter in his native Pidgin. While nothing like as open as the West, the community has still hosted small drag parties and men both gay and curious come to Hanuabada to meet up, many having their first sexual experiences here. Story continues Patrick's adoptive "sister", Marelyn Baita, an eloquent 29-year-old, explained how the community grew. "They used to live outside but some of their friends brought them here," she said. "The community knew them and protected them." Now the only "abuse" Patrick gets is affectionate and good-natured. His friends refer to him as "she" and "sister", and wolf-whistle when he poses with -- possibly exaggerated -- campness for photos. People in the village have accepted the gay community "because that's the way they are," said Baita. "We cannot change it. That's their personality. That's their life," she told AFP. - 'Just silly' - Gay rights advocates in Papua New Guinea detect a gradual improvement in hostile attitudes but say real change cannot come until sodomy is decriminalised. Parker Hou, who was once beaten up and deliberately burned for his sexuality, said the law meant "illegal" gay people lack access to medical services -- explaining the high rate of HIV. The law "causes most of our friends to go into hiding. If I'm infected, I'm too scared to go to the clinics," said the 44-year-old, who is campaigning to change what he derides as an "English Victorian law from the 1800s". "We are using this English law to discriminate against our own Papua New Guinean citizens. I find it just silly," he said with sadness in his voice. Low levels of education -- nearly half the population is illiterate in the poverty-stricken country -- also plays a huge factor in prejudice faced by the community, says David Lawrence, a prominent gay rights activist. Bullied and hounded out of school, Lawrence twice attempted suicide but has since become a vocal campaigner and met Queen Elizabeth in 2015 after winning an award for his work. He said he has met gay people raped for their sexuality and at least three have been murdered, allegedly by "ashamed" members of their family or community. - 'Dress up like ladies' - But social media has transformed life for Papua New Guinea's gay community in recent years, said Lesley Bola, who works for UNAIDS. Members of the community mainly contact each other via Facebook -- often using fake accounts -- and "can express themselves freely" without fear of retribution, said Bola, adding that he had seen a shift in the past 10 years. Bola works with clinics on changing attitudes in the medical profession but admits it can be a struggle at times. Being gay in Papua New Guinea is "like survival of the fittest", said the affable 51-year-old. But small pockets of tolerance like Hanuabada show that attitudes can change with increased "exposure" to the LGBT community, campaigners say -- something Marelyn Baita has seen first-hand with her father. "When he first came here, seeing gay people, my father couldn't try to understand them. He was so angry. They are men but they tend to... dress up like ladies," she said with a smile. "He was angry but they continued to live with us year after year and he came to accept them." Lima (AFP) - Just like the Sentinelese tribal people who recently killed an American who ventured onto their Indian Ocean island, Amerindians from the Amazon rainforest reject all contact with the outside world. But their way of life, and indeed their lives, are under threat from drug trafficking, illegal deforestation and mineral exploitation. Peru, half of which is covered by the Amazon rainforest, is one of the few countries left in the world where uncontacted tribes continue to live in absolute autonomy, away from modern society. The Peruvian Amazon is home to 16 indigenous communities numbering some 4,500 people, according to the culture ministry, that live in voluntary isolation. Amongst them are the Mashco-piro, Cacataibos, Isconahuas, Matsigenkas, Mastanahuas, Murunahuas, Nantis and Yoras tribes. Three more communities, around 2,500 people, are in a situation of "initial contact." They all live in reserves in three regions in the east of Peru: Ucayali, Madre de Dios and Cusc. Contact between these groups and outsiders is rare, but sometimes violent, in much the same way as 27-year-old American John Allen Chau's encounter with the Sentinelese in the Andaman Islands. Only around 150 members of that tribe remain on North Sentinel Island and all outsiders are barred from even approaching within three miles (five kilometers) of their land. - 'Atrocious' - In the Amazon, this refusal to mix with the outside world is in large part a reaction to previous contact that has seen the Indians suffer attacks and outbreaks of diseases brought by colonizers to which they have no immunity, something that has decimated their communities. During the Amazon Rubber Boom from 1879-1912, said by an Irish diplomat at the time to have inflicted "atrocious" crimes against indigenous people, many Mashco-piro were captured and exploited in conditions akin to slavery, pushing the rest of their community deeper into the forest to protect themselves. Story continues However, unlike North Sentinel, the Amazon is not an island and external threats are numerous and hard to ward off. In this little-populated area, illegal activities pose the biggest threat, in particular drug trafficking as the narcotics gangs look to take advantage of jungle areas that are difficult to access. "Drug traffickers don't care about protected areas, except to expand" their illegal coca plantations, said police colonel Arquimedes Leon. "For them, it's the jungle and they couldn't care less." Beyond that, the Amazon's natural riches attract all sorts of prospectors, whether to exploit its gold or its cedars and mahogany trees, which are in danger of extinction. Incursions by outsiders "are often violent and displace communities from their habitats," said the Native Federation of the Madre de Dios River, a region considered the epicenter of illegal mineral exploitation in Peru. - Tourism threat - But it's not just illegal activity causing damage to the Indians homeland, but also the building of roads to develop tourism in the Amazon. In January, Peru's parliament voted to authorize the construction of roads through the rainforest, and that despite Pope Francis, who was visiting the region at the time, calling for the protection of uncontacted peoples. The pontiff hit out at "the great pressure from big business that covets oil, gas, wood, gold, or the monoculture agribusinesses." His appeal seems to have been in vain. Peruvian authorities have yet to take any measures to protect isolated communities, and all the while Peru continues to lose more than 120,000 hectares of forest every year. Any project in the area "needs to be planned" to avoid seriously affecting "either the Indians" or the environment, said Nancy Portugal, head of the culture ministry's isolated peoples section. There's little hope, though, given the minimal surveillance capabilities and meagre resources of the vast region's local authorities. The Mashco-piro, a nomadic group of around 900 hunter-gatherers, live on two reserves close to the country's major tourist hubs of the old Inca capital of Machu Picchu and the nearby city of Cusco. To protect the Mashco-piro, the culture ministry has implemented controls to try to prevent unscrupulous tourism agencies from selling excursions to meet the untouched tribes. But they face an uphill battle. Don't worry, adult video aficionados. Even though Starbucks will soon begin filtering porn for customers using the chain's in-store WiFi network, Pornhub has a workaround so you can still get your kicks while you sip your grande mocha. Sure, the desire to watch pornography in such a public venue is a bit unnerving, but who are we to judge. Pornhub, who has as much to lose as anyone in this scenario, on Thursday announced its brand new "Safe For Work" category specifically designed to help those of you who are just itching to surf to the site while visiting a public coffee shop. While we were aware some peoples preference in a sexual partner mimics that of their coffee, we were unaware that people were acting on such impulses when getting their caffeine fix, said Corey Price, VP, Pornhub, in a statement. To comply with Starbucks new policy, weve created an option that allow fans to still enjoy great content to which they are accustomed, but that is appropriate for consumption in public places. From Sexy Waluigi to Toto Image: Pornhub The actual content on the SFW page is, well, as varied and quirky as everything else you'd find on Pornhub: music videos, video game clips, and a hodgepodge of other stuff. In a statement to The Verge, Starbucks recently noted that using its WiFi to view pornography has always been banned, it's just lacked the technological tools to actually filter all that stuff out, something they promised to do back in 2016. But it seems they finally have things in order and will have the filtering in place by 2019, following public pressure from activist groups like Enough is Enough. There aren't a lot of details out yet about how Starbucks will filter so it remains to be seen if people will actually be able to access the new SFW Pornhub page or if the entire Pornhub URL will be blocked from view. Either way, you've got to hand it to Pornhub for not letting any obstacle stand in their way in their attempt at world domination. In the meantime, if you're craving the ultimate in SFW content from Pornhub, may we suggest these hilariously wholesome videos from Ryan Creamer (a former Mashable employee). Saudi Arabias controversial Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman faces the possible wrath of an Argentinian prosecutor as well as the potential cold shoulder from world leaders during a G20 summit in Buenos Aires this week that marks his first foray outside the Arab world after the 2 October murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi allegedly at the hands of agents within his political and security entourage. The prince arrived in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, landing in the city after an official visit to Tunisia, amid calls for his prosecution for war crimes by human rights organisations over his handling of the war in Yemen. Late on Wednesday, Human Rights Watch declared that the Argentinians are moving ahead with a case against him, asking a judge to begin collecting evidence from Saudi and Yemeni sources and the countrys diplomats to render an opinion on his diplomatic status. The 33-year-old crown prince could have cancelled the trip, and it carries some risks. But hes betting his gamble will pay off. Argentina, which suffered through its own long night of brutal dictatorship at the hands of thuggish generals, has a constitutional clause allowing for prosecution of international figures on war crimes charges, though it remains unlikely that Argentinian judges indict him, or that Buenos Aires centre-right government would implement any ruling. G20 summits are generally an opportunity for leaders of the worlds richest, their chief bankers and finance ministers to discuss trade and the management of the global economic system. Last year, Saudi King Salman cancelled his trip to the G20 summit in Hamburg, dispatching his finance minister and another top official instead in the wake of the crisis surrounding the ongoing blockade against Qatar Amid continuing global uproar over the killing and dismemberment of the Saudi journalist, Prince Mohammad too could have easily cancelled dispatching another official in his place. Instead, he arrived a day or two early. Story continues The summit may present some awkward moments at the seaside Costa Salguero convention centre, where the event will be held. It will be the first time the prince will confront Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, with which Riyadh cut trade ties over a tweet by Ottawas foreign minister calling attention to human rights abuses in the kingdom, in what was seen as an epic temper tantrum by the young would-be monarch. German chancellor Angela Merkel and the Dutch premier Mark Rutte, who have both suspended weapons sales to Saudi over the Khashoggi killing and the Yemen war, will also be attending the leaders summit, which begins on Friday. The Saudi crown prince is going to be keen to make this trip as an expression of him having weathered the storm following the Khashoggi affair but a real test of that is going to be whether or not world leaders will actually have their pictures taken with him, shaking his hand, said HA Hellyer, senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute and Atlantic Council. Theres still a lot of domestic anger about the Khashoggi affair in a lot of western capitals. As always, huge and raucous demonstrations are planned against the gathering of the world leaders, and protesters will likely invoke Prince Mohammads name and image as a trope to underscore a capitalist system they consider brutal and exploitative. But the prince probably calculate that the prestige of appearing among world leaders in photos and handshakes outweighs the risks of encountering protesters or snubs, or the relatively minuscule possibility of being arrested on charges of war crimes against Yemeni civilians. World leaders at least years G20 summit in Hamburg (Wikimedia Commons) Being photographed shaking hands with world leaders not only solidifies his international stature and quells any doubts about whether hes become a pariah to lawmakers in the US considering punishments against him; it may also subdue any talk of replacing him as heir to the Saudi throne at home. The administration of Donald Trump, who has described Prince Mohammad as the cornerstone of his ill-defined vision to secure a Middle East peace and confront Iran, has already done its part to launder his image. In a widely derided piece that included several inaccuracies, secretary of state Mike Pompeo described critics of the crown prince as appeasers of Iran. Abandoning or downgrading the US-Saudi alliance would also do nothing to push Riyadh in a better direction at home, he wrote in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. The crown prince has moved the country in a reformist direction, from allowing women to drive and attend sporting events, to curbing the religious police and calling for a return to moderate Islam. Even Turkeys Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has spearheaded the effective campaign of leaks that have kept the Khashoggi matter in world headlines for nearly two months, has insisted hes willing to meet with Prince Mohammad at the summit. The prince has asked Erdogan about the possibility of a meeting in Buenos Aires. Erdogans answer was: Well see, Turkeys foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told the Suddeutsche Zeitung on Monday. Mr Erdogan has all but accused the prince of ordering the killing of Khashoggi, insisting the murder came at the behest of the highest levels of the Saudi government, while absolving King Salman. On Wednesday, more possible evidence tying Prince Mohammad to the murders emerged in a report by the newspaper Milliyet, alleging that the team of killers dispatched from Riyadh initially planned to be killed in two villas in the northwestern Turkish province of Yalova owned by two Saudi businessmen, Mohammad Ahmed al-Fozan and Abdulaziz Ibrahim al-Omary, it described as friends of Prince Mohammad. Mr Erdogan has repeatedly insisted he wont allow Khashoggis killers to get away unscathed. But there are also indications that the Khashoggi affair is falling off Turkeys agenda. A number of conscientious journalists and human rights activists continue to follow up the savage murder, columnist Deniz Zeyrek wrote in the opposition newspaper Sozcu on Tuesday.But at the government level we dont hear the same determination and loud voice of 10 days ago. While most children are gearing up to send their Christmas wishlists off to the North Pole, a little boy in the U.K. was busy penning a more somber type of letter one to his father in heaven. Teri Copland wrote on Facebook that her 7-year-old son, Jase, recently asked her if he could send a note to his late father, James Hyndman, via the Royal Mail, a British courier company. "Mr. Postman," the handwritten envelope read. "Can you please take this to heaven for my dads birthday, thanks." The boy's mother dutifully sent the letter, not expecting any sort of response but Copland said what her son received in return "restored (her) faith in humanity." Jase was sent a letter by Sean Milligan, an Assistant Office Manager at the Royal Mail, on Nov. 28, explaining that the letter he sent to his father had, in fact, been delivered. "I just wanted to take this opportunity to contact you about how we succeeded in the delivery of your letter, to your dad in heaven," Milligan wrote to the young boy. "This was a difficult challenge avoiding stars and other galactic objects on route to heaven. However, please be assured that this particular of mail has been delivered." "Royal Mail's priority is to get our customers' mail delivered safely," the note concluded. "I know how important your mail is to you. I will continue to do all I can to ensure delivery to heaven safely." Milligan immediately took to Facebook to share her gratitude over the kind gesture. At the time of publication, her post has already been shared over 250,000 times and racked up nearly 50,000 comments from people around the world. "A few weeks ago my 7 year old [sic] son posted this card to his dad in heaven and today he got a lovely reply from the postman," she wrote on Facebook. "I actually cannot state how emotional he is knowing his dad got his card... you didnt have to make the effort to do this you could have just ignored it but the fact that yous [sic] have made the effort for a little boy you've never met is such a lovely thing to do." "Royal Mail you've just restored my faith in humanity and thank you it honestly means the world to him please share this so all the staff at Royal Mail know just how greatful [sic] we are," she added. The woman had previous convictions, including theft and criminal damage (Getty) A pregnant woman has been sentenced to jail for two months in Ireland for stealing and causing criminal damage to a tube of Pringles. Kathleen McDonagh had started eating the crisps before paying for the 1.30 snack at a Tesco shop in Cork. The 25-year-old had previously been banned from the store and a string of previous convictions, including for theft. McDonagh said she had only opened the crisps so that security would let her pay for it. Instead, she was arrested and subsequently jailed for damaging the product as it could no longer be sold. The incident took place in a Tesco store in Cork, Ireland (PA) The incident took place in December 2016 but has only just come to court. She had already been banned from the store at the time of the incident. MORE: Appalling moment police are attacked with bricks and fireworks by mob of up to 100 teenagers MORE: Hunt for missing couple after car washes up on Scottish beach McDonagh was known to its staff when she took the tin of Pringles and headed to the self-checkout area. Security staff approached her to order her to leave the store when she popped the Pringles top and opened the foil seal. An inspector told the court that she said: I opened it so you have to leave me pay for it. McDonaghs lawyers asked for leniency from the court, explaining that she was recently married and several months pregnant. She had also pleaded guilty. Regardless, the court imposed a sentence of four months, with two months suspended. The judge said it was difficult to see her actions as anything but smart Alec behaviour. Watch the latest videos from Yahoo UK By Matthias Williams and Daren Butler KIEV/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Petro Poroshenko said on Thursday Ukraine was on the cusp of securing its own independent church, snapping centuries-old ties to a Russian clergy that Kiev accuses of meddling in its affairs. Poroshenko's comments came after the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul, home to the global spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, announced it had drafted a constitutional charter for an "autocephalous", or self-governing, Ukrainian church. Ukraine's push to create an independent church has incensed Moscow at a time of escalating crisis between the two neighbors following Russia's capture of three Ukrainian vessels that Kiev fears may be a precursor to a full-scale invasion. Relations collapsed following Russia's seizure of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and the outbreak of a Kremlin-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine that has killed more than 10,000 people. "Today, at the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, historical decisions have been taken on the creation of an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church," Poroshenko said in a televised address. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will soon announce when the Ukrainian clergy is to meet to pick the head of the new church, Poroshenko added. Earlier, the Ecumenical Patriarchate said in a statement that "the Holy and Sacred Synod drafted the Ukrainian Church's Constitutional Charter". CHURCH RIVALRY Ukraine had sought the Ecumenical Patriarchate's consent to establish an independent church and won its backing in October, prompting the Russian Orthodox Church to break off diplomatic ties with the Istanbul-based Patriarchate. Ukraine's leadership accuses the Moscow-backed faction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, widely known as the Moscow Patriarchate, of being a tool of the Kremlin to spread Russian propaganda and foster Russian expansionism. The Moscow Patriarchate strongly denies this and says it is working to promote peace in Ukraine. Russia accuses Poroshenko of manufacturing crises, both on the church issue and in the naval standoff that erupted on Sunday, in order to whip up Ukrainian national pride and boost his sagging popularity ahead of elections next March. Poroshenko said Russia had tried to thwart Ukraine's bid for church independence but added: "The Lord was with us because we are leading a righteous struggle for our independence." Ukraine and Russia trace their Orthodox Christian roots to Volodymyr the Great, the prince whose baptism in 988 in Kiev led to the christianisation of the region known as "Kievan Rus". Two large Orthodox Churches compete for influence in Ukraine. The Moscow Patriarchate, which is aligned with the Russian Orthodox Church, earlier dominated in Ukraine but has been challenged by a rival, known as the Kiev Patriarchate, formed after the 1991 break-up of the Russian-dominated Soviet Union. Support for the Kiev Patriarchate swelled after the annexation of Crimea. It supports church independence and Ukraine's closer integration with the West. (Additional reporting by Natalia Zinets in Kiev; Editing by Gareth Jones) Friedrich Merz is thought to be neck-and-neck with Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - REUTERS The pretender came out fighting on Wednesday night at the most important hustings in the race to succeed Angela Merkel. Friedrich Merz, an old rival of the German chancellor, is vying to make a remarkable comeback by replacing her as leader of her Christian Democrat party (CDU). And he didnt hesitate to attack her record as leader, claiming she has abandoned the partys conservative profile. You don't need to copy every single Social Democrat policy, that just doesn't have to happen, he said, referring to the Germanys main centre-Left party. By the time Mr Merz had finished a speech in which he appealed for more funding for the Germany military, several audience members leapt up in a standing ovation. Wednesday's hustings in Dusseldorf was make-or-break for Mr Merz, who retired from politics in 2009 after losing to Mrs Merkel in a battle for control of the party. He is locked in a three-way race to take over as CDU leader when Mrs Merkel stands down next month and, if polling is to be believed, he is neck-and-neck with Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the current party chairman and a Merkel loyalist. The third candidate, Jens Spahn, is lagging far behind. While Mr Merzs unlikely comeback has attracted support from more conservative areas of Germany, he needs the backing of the party here in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germanys most populous state, if he is to pull off what would be a stunning upset. The state will send close to a third of the 1,001 delegates who will elect the new leader in a secret ballot at the party conference in Hamburg on December 7. North Rhine-Westphaliais traditionally more Left-leaning than other parts of Germany, and was one of few places where Mrs Merkel gained votes in last years election. But in a worrying sign for Mr Merzs opponents, their reception at Wednesday's hustings was polite but subdued in comparison to Mr Merzs. Whoever convinces NRW has won half the battle, Franz Otterbeck, a long-time party member says. Merz comes from North Rhine-Westphalia, he's from the Sauerland region and they're straight talkers there, but I don't know if that has helped him. Story continues CDU candidates for the party chair Friedrich Merz, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Jens Spahn Credit: REUTERS/Thilo Schmuelgen Mr Merz's strategy of openly attacking Merkel and her government has proved risky. Since leaving politics in 2009 he has followed lucrative career in the private sector and is the only candidate who hasnt been involved in the party as it has slumped from close to 40 per cent in the polls to less than 30 over the last three years. He has ruffled feathers in the CDU by accusing the party of shrugging its shoulders at the rise of the populist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) and becoming too social democrat. But he appeared to go too far last week with a call to change the right to asylum in the German constitution comments that attracted criticism from across the political spectrum. When he said that he took things to a needlessly complicated level, says Dr Otterbeck, who fears Mr Merz may have ruined his chances with the move. Polls regularly show Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer is the most popular candidate with the general German public, and the mood in the exhibition hall reflected how close the race is. We did a little quiz on our way in where we had to pick out which candidate said what, and we realised we couldn't really tell the difference, says Renate Hermanns. In the end they are all conservatives. But Ms Hermanns says she knows she who is backing. Merz is the only one who is smart enough to take on international politics. He has strength, power and emotion. Ms Kramp Karrenbauer, she says, is too indecisive: too Merkel-like. Debris and mud rushed down from the barren areas left behind by an August wildfire in Trabuco Canyon, California, on Thursday, November 29. Heavy rains had prompted flash flood warnings from the National Weather Service. Thousands of residents were ordered to evacuate because of the warnings. These videos were shot by Orange County Public Works at the Trabuco Canyon Road bridge over normally dry Trabuco Creek. The Holy Fire burned for more than a month in August and September, torching more than 23,000 acres. Credit: Orange County Public Works via Storyful Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), right, shown Aug. 23 at the Capitol with Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), just sank President Donald Trump's judicial nominee Thomas Farr. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/ASSOCIATED PRESS) WASHINGTON In a shocking defeat for President Donald Trump, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) announced Thursday that he cant support his controversial judicial nominee Thomas Farr, torpedoing the nomination. Scott said in statement, first reported by The State, that a 1991 Justice Department memo leaked this week raised concerns for him over Farrs role in a voter suppression scheme that took place during the 1984 and 1990 campaigns of Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.). Farr worked with Helms campaign at the time. I am ready and willing to support strong candidates for our judicial vacancies that do not have lingering concerns about issues that could affect their decision-making process as a federal judge, Scott said in his statement. This week, a Department of Justice memo written under President George H.W. Bush was released that shed new light on Mr. Farrs activities. This, in turn, created more concerns. Weighing these important factors, this afternoon I concluded that I could not support Mr. Farrs nomination. Without Scotts support, and with Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) already saying he was a no vote, Farr doesnt have the votes to be confirmed to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Every Democrat opposed him. Civil rights groups and the Congressional Black Caucus have been trying to sink Farrs nomination for nearly a year. The 64-year-old attorney wrote North Carolinas extreme voter ID law in 2013, which was later struck down by a federal appeals court. The court found the law targeted black people with almost surgical precision. Farr also defended the states racially discriminatory gerrymandering in federal court in 2015 (and lost), and he may have lied to the Senate about his role in disenfranchising tens of thousands of black voters when he worked for Helms in 1990. It is unconscionable that the Senate would even consider someone with Thomas Farrs record, Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said Tuesday. In 2018, this should simply be unacceptable. Story continues Scotts rejection of Farr marks the second time hes opposed one of Trumps court picks. In July, the South Carolina Republican refused to support circuit court nominee Ryan Bounds, citing his record of racist writings in college. His vote killed that nomination, too. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. By Sanjeev Miglani and Hesham Hajali NEW DELHI/CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and told him about plans to scale up investments in India's tech, farm and energy sectors, an Indian official and the Saudi news agency (SPA) said on Friday. The two leaders, who are in Argentina for the G20 summit, met in the prince's residence in Buenos Aires and discussed Saudi Arabia's readiness to supply India with oil and petroleum products. The G20 summit in Buenos Aires is the first major international event the Saudi prince has attended since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October. The Saudi prince told Modi he would soon be finalizing an initial investment in India's National Investment and Infrastructure Fund, a quasi-sovereign wealth fund, to help accelerate the building of ports, highways and other projects, a top Indian diplomat said. "The crown prince also referred to future projects for investments, in sectors such as tech, energy and farm," Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale, who is accompanying Modi to the G20, said in a readout of the meeting. Ways in which Saudi Arabia could replace its agricultural imports from other countries with Indian agricultural produce were also discussed, the Saudi news agency said. Since he took office in 2014 at the head of a Hindu-nationalist government, Modi has sought to expand ties with Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations to deny arch foe Pakistan an advantage and to leverage India's fast-growing economy as an attractive investment. STABLE OIL The meeting with the Saudi crown prince was Modi's first in a set of "bilaterals" on the sidelines of the G20 that will be followed by meetings with U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. "We expect that in the next two to three years there will be significant scaling up of Saudi investments in India," Gokhale said. The two leaders also talked about cooperation in arms manufacturing and Saudi Arabia's efforts to develop a domestic arms industry, SPA said. Modi stressed the importance of stable energy prices and the two leaders discussed ways in which Saudi Arabia, a top crude oil supplier, could help stabilize prices, particularly for India, Gokhale said. India, the worlds third-biggest oil importer, has been grappling with a combination of soaring prices and a falling currency, which makes imports of dollar-denominated oil more expensive, until a recent fall in oil prices. Saudi Arabia has told India it is committed to meeting its rising oil demand and is the "shock absorber" for supply disruptions in the oil market. The crown prince also discussed with Modi Saudi oil giant Aramco's investment in refineries in India, including the company's project to build a large refinery on the western coast of India, SPA said. The two leaders also explored investing in solar energy through Softbank's Saudi-backed Vision Fund and opportunities to export Saudi non-oil products to India. (Reporting by Sanjeev Miglani in NEW DELHI and Hesham Hajali in CAIRO; Editing by Leslie Adler, Darren Schuettler and Paul Tait) Hong Kong (AFP) - A scientist who upended a Hong Kong conference with his claim to have created the world's first genetically-edited babies cancelled a fresh talk and was heavily criticised by organisers Thursday, who labelled him as irresponsible. He Jiankui had told a packed biomedical conference Wednesday he was "proud" to have successfully altered the DNA of twin girls born to an HIV-positive father, an apparent medical breakthrough. But details of the experiment, which has not been independently verified, triggered an immediate backlash and He said the trial had been halted. The founder of an HIV support group reported to be based in Beijing said Thursday that he regretted introducing families to He for the trial, according to local media. Bai Hua, the group's head, said he had introduced 50 families to He's team. "In the beginning we did not understand what it was they were really doing. Actually right now my personal feeling is that they are a bit crazy," he told RTHK. Bai added that he had spoken to two of the families involved in the trial and questioned whether the risks and ethical issues had been fully explained to them. "The team all along emphasised that the chance of success was high, and that there were risks, but they were low," he told RTHK. Professor He was supposed to speak at the summit again Thursday but disappeared from the schedule. David Baltimore, a Nobel laureate and chairman of the organising committee, told reporters it was He's decision not to attend. Organisers of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing denounced He's "unexpected and deeply disturbing" claim that human embryos had been edited and implanted, and called for closer supervision of the field at the conclusion of the conference Thursday. "Even if the modifications are verified, the procedure was irresponsible and failed to conform with international norms," they said in a statement. Story continues "Its flaws include an inadequate medical indication, a poorly designed study protocol, a failure to meet ethical standards for protecting the welfare of research subjects, and a lack of transparency in the development, review and conduct of clinical procedures," it added. - Life-long impact - University professor He, based in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, said the twin girls, born a few weeks ago, had their DNA altered to prevent them from contracting HIV. Eight volunteer couples -- HIV-positive fathers and HIV-negative mothers -- signed up to the trial, with one dropping out before it was put on hold. He said there had been "another potential pregnancy" involving a second couple, but it is unclear whether that pregnancy is still ongoing. Experts warned that editing human embryos can create unintended mutations in other areas -- so-called "off-target effects" -- which can have an impact through the lifetime. Southern University of Science and Technology distanced itself from He, saying he had been on unpaid leave since February and had "seriously violated academic ethics". He, who was educated at Stanford University, said the twins' DNA was modified using CRISPR, a technique which allows scientists to remove and replace a strand with pinpoint precision. Co-creator of the technology Jennifer Doudna said she felt "horrified" at hearing He's talk, adding she felt deeply concerned for the people affected and questioned whether they really understood the procedure. Summit organisers said germline genome editing could become "acceptable" in future if rigorous criteria are met, including "strict independent oversight". However they added that there were too many scientific and technical uncertainties to permit clinical trials at this stage. A "must-run" segment defending an anti-Muslim extremist is broadcast on a Portland, Oregon, local TV station. (Photo: ) Sinclair Broadcast Group, which owns local news stations that reach a collective 40 percent of Americans, rolled out a must-run segment Wednesday morning that defended a far-right conspiracy theorist. The segment, by former Trump campaign senior adviser Boris Epshteyn, blasted Twitter for banning Laura Loomer last week for promoting hate, Media Matters first reported. Loomer, an anti-Muslim extremist who had around 260,000 followers on the site, would use the platform to claim without evidence that Sharia law had gone into effect in places like Michigan. In his segment, Epshteyn defended the tweet that finally got Loomer kicked off Twitter an attack on Muslim Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Omar had condemned the evil doings of Israel in a 2012 tweet, writing, Israel has hypnotized the world. The message, as Omar explained more fully during her campaign, was a criticism of the nation of Israel and its violent conflict with neighboring Palestine, not of Jewish people. But Loomer, who is Jewish, used Omars 2012 tweet to claim the representative-elect is anti-Jewish and participates in a religion in which women are forced to wear the hijab. Epshteyn also pushed the false notion that Omars message was a hateful critique of Jewish people, framing her ban as unfair conservative censorship. He went on to ask why Loomer had been banned when Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam and a known anti-Semite, had not been. In a series of tweets from its official account, Sinclair said Epshteyns comments dont reflect the companys views and emphasized that they were labeled clearly as commentary. However, there was no acknowledgment of the segment being a must-run on all its stations. We'd like to take a moment and address some concerns regarding a commentary segment by @borisep that was aired on Sinclair stations this week. The opinions expressed in this segment do not reflect the views of Sinclair Broadcast Group. Sinclair Broadcast Group (@WeAreSinclair) November 28, 2018 When Boriss segments are aired on our stations, they are labeled clearly as commentary. We also offer our stations reporting from the Beltway and beyond that are not partisan or bias in any way. Sinclair Broadcast Group (@WeAreSinclair) November 28, 2018 Twitter has been called out for its remarkably uneven policy of banning members. Yet Loomers hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric has been well-documented on the website. She was also previously banned from using Uber and Lyft after tweeting complaints about the Islamic immigrant driver[s] employed by both services. Story continues Epshteyns message directly follows another eyebrow-raising segment Sinclair reportedly broadcast to its nearly 200 networks. In it, Epshteyn defended using force, including tear-gassing children, against the Central American migrant caravans. Sinclair is known for making stations air its right-leaning must-run segments. The company demanded earlier this year that local news anchors recite a script bashing the mainstream media, and a video compilation of the bizarre mandate went viral. This story has been updated to include Sinclairs response via Twitter. Related Coverage Sinclair Broadcasting Orders Local Anchors To Record Bizarre 'Hostage' Video How To Hit Sinclair Where It Hurts, According To An Anonymous Sinclair Anchor New Sinclair Segment Defends Tear-Gassing Of Migrant Children At Border Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Bratislava (AFP) - Slovakia's prime minister clashed with the defence ministry on Friday over a deal to acquire US-made F-16 war planes in what is slated as the NATO member's biggest military purchase. The defence ministry announced Friday that it had concluded three agreements to buy 14 Lockheed Martin-made warplanes plus arms and training valued at 1.58 billion euros ($1.8 billion). Hours later, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini issued a statement saying that the contracts were invalid because they had not been approved by the finance ministry. "Premier Pellegrini considers the contracts regarding the purchase of F-16 fighters signed earlier in the day by the defence ministry to be invalid for the moment, as the finance ministry still hasn't approved the deal," a statement said. The defence ministry is headed by Peter Gajdos from the hard-right Slovak National Party (SNS), a junior coalition partner to Pellegrini's populist left SD-Smer Social Democracy. Analysts suggested Friday that the clash was likely rooted in an internal power struggle within the coalition. A former communist NATO and eurozone member of 5.4 million people, Slovakia is seeking to replace its ageing fleet of Soviet-designed, Russian made MiG-29 fighter jets. The US State Department approved the F-16 deal in April. Pellegrini's government had formally decided in July to go ahead with the purchase. Southwest Airlines has apologised after an employee mocked a child's name (Stock) Southwest Airlines has issued an apology after a boarding agent mocked the name of a five-year-old girl. Traci Redford told ABC7 that she was travelling with her daughter Abcde (pronounced Ab-city) at John Wayne Airport in California when the Southwest employee at the gate noticed her daughters unusual name. Redford and her daughter, who has epilepsy, were boarding the plane early when the agent started mocking my childs name, laughing, pointing at me and my daughter and talking to other employees. According to Redford, she immediately asked that the gate agent stop, saying: Hey, I can hear you, so if I can hear you, my daughter can, too. Id appreciate it if youd just stop. The incident escalated further, according to Redford, when she was made aware of a Facebook post by the same agent of Abcdes boarding pass, where the employee continued to mock the five-year-olds name. While I was sitting there, she took a picture of my boarding pass and chose to post in on social media, mocking my daughter, Redford said. It was actually brought to my attention by somebody who had seen it on Facebook and reported it to Southwest Airlines. The airline has since released a formal apology, stating: We extend our sincere apology to the family. Name shaming? This Texas woman claims a @SouthwestAir agent made fun of her 5-year-old daughter's name as they were preparing to board their flight at @JohnWayneAir in Orange County. Her daughter's name is Abcde (pronounced Ab-city). @ABC7 pic.twitter.com/iHpBPoakYI Veronica Miracle (@ABC7Veronica) November 28, 2018 We take great pride in extending our Southwest Hospitality to all of our customers, which includes living by the Golden Rule and treating every individual with respect, in person or online. Story continues The post is not indicative of the care, respect, and civility we expect from all of our employees. The airline also said that while it does not disclose personnel actions publicly, it has reached out to the employee involved and was using this as an opportunity to reinforce our policies and emphasise our expectations for all employees. According to Redford, she's using the experience as a chance to teach her daughter that "not everyone is nice and not everyone is going to be nice and it's unfortunate." By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to protect the special counsel's office probe into possible Russian election interference stalled in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, spurring Republican Senator Jeff Flake to make good on his threat of opposing judicial nominations until the bill moves forward. Fellow Republican Vice President Mike Pence was called in as president of the senate to break a tie vote on confirming Thomas Farr as a U.S. District Judge in North Carolina, after Flake voted "no." Flake is a strong advocate for the protection bill, known as the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act, which would make it harder for President Donald Trump to undermine the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The measure has already been approved at the committee level with support from both parties. Trump has called Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe, which is also looking into possible collusion between Moscow and Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, a witch hunt. Russia denies interfering in the 2016 election and Trump has denied any collusion occurred. Speaking to reporters earlier on Wednesday, Flake, who is retiring soon, said he believed the bill could pass but that he had been told "somebody will block it." "So my commitment to not vote for judges before the committee or on the floor until we get this done stands," Flake said. Shortly after, Republican Senator Mike Lee took to the floor to block the bill, saying it goes against the U.S. Constitution and gives the special counsel's office too much power, "creating a de facto fourth branch of government." Flake in turn put the Farr nomination in jeopardy, creating a tie with his vote. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell had said on Tuesday he would "probably" block a renewed effort to bring the bill to a vote, calling it "a solution in search of a problem." With Republicans holding a slim majority in the Senate, Trump's nominees should win approval without much resistance. Farr, though, already faced a tough time, with moderate and progressive groups objecting to his positions on civil rights. As a lawyer for North Carolina in 2014 he defended the state's voter registration law, which civil rights groups said intentionally suppressed minority votes. (Reporting by Lisa Lambert; Addditional reporting by Susan Heavey and Susan Cornwell; Editing by James Dalgleish) Washington (AFP) - Local officials in a Washington neighborhood have voted to rename a street outside Saudi Arabia's embassy in honor of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. If approved by the city council, the advisory commission's measure means a stretch of road going past the expansive embassy building in the upscale Foggy Bottom neighborhood would be ceremonially renamed "Jamal Khashoggi Way." Khashoggi, a US resident, was murdered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October. After initially denying the murder, Saudi Arabia has acknowledged Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate but blamed his death on a "rogue" operation. Top officials from the administration of President Donald Trump have said they've seen no direct evidence linking the murder to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but the CIA reportedly has found a connection. According to CNN, the idea to change the street's name started about a month ago following an online petition. "We suggest renaming the street address of the Saudi Embassy into Jamal Khashoggi Way to be a daily reminder to Saudi officials" that such killings are "totally unacceptable and as an expression of Washington's unstinting support for freedom of the press," the petition states. A similar action was taken outside the Russian embassy, where a street was this year renamed in honor of prominent Vladimir Putin critic Boris Nemtsov, who was assassinated in Moscow in 2015. Taiwan will enact a separate law for same-sex unions after conservative groups won a recent referendum battle, the premier said, as LGBT activists Friday urged the government to abide by a landmark ruling to offer equal marriage rights. Gay rights campaigners want the existing marriage law to be amended and have said separate regulations would make them second-class citizens. But conservative groups argue that gay marriages should not come under the current Civil Code, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Taiwan's top court last year voted to legalise gay marriage, the first place in Asia to do so. It ruled that the change should be implemented in two years but did not specify how it wanted gay marriage to be brought in. Premier William Lai of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) announced the plan for a separate law during a meeting with lawmakers Thursday to review the party's local election defeat last weekend. Some observers have said the gay marriage issue played into the results and hit a nerve in conservative southern Taiwan, the DPP's traditional stronghold, where it lost control of Kaohsiung city for the first time in 20 years. President Tsai Ing-wen had championed gay marriage before she was elected but has since said there needs to be more consensus in society. Rival referendums on same-sex unions held alongside the local elections Saturday saw "pro-family" groups defeat pro-gay campaigners in what Amnesty International called a "bitter blow and a step backwards for human rights in Taiwan". A referendum on whether marriage should only be recognised as between a man and a woman in Taiwan's Civil Code won more than seven million votes, as did another calling for same-sex unions to be regulated under a separate law. Gay rights activists had proposed that the Civil Code should give same-sex couples equal marriage rights, but only garnered three million votes. Story continues "We have to respect public opinion and abide by the referendum outcome. We have to revise a law other than the Civil Code, which is (to enact) a separate law," cabinet spokeswoman Kolas Yotaka told reporters, quoting the premier. She said the government would abide by the Constitutional Court ruling when drafting the new law. "As for the characteristic of the separate law and what it will be called... we will propose a bill that reflects and meets public consensus," she said. - 'No more division' - LGBT activists in Taiwan now fear their newly won rights under the court ruling are under threat. "We hope the social turmoil can come to an end soon and cause no more division and harm to any more families," rights group Marriage Equality Coalition Taiwan said in a statement. According to the group, three gay people committed suicide after the referendum result while more than a dozen have attempted suicide or self-harmed. It urged the cabinet to abide by the top court ruling as well as consulting gay rights group when drafting the bill. "Pro-family" groups on Friday urged the government to realise the referendum outcome as soon as possible and vowed to set up a taskforce to monitor the law-making process. "The ball is in the government's court. The people are watching with their eyes wide open if it acts seriously and responsibly to realise their decision," said the Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation in a statement. Lorena and her two children hold out their arms to show the numbers they were given to be on a list at Casa del Migrante to seek political asylum in the United States on Nov. 28, 2018. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) JUAREZ, Mexico At approximately 1 oclock on Wednesday, a white van adorned with a pink heart decal surrounding the letters DIF pulls up to the foot of the Paso del Norte, one of the bridges that leads from Juarez to El Paso, Texas. Two young men in black fleece jackets embroidered with the same pink heart the logo of Juarezs department of family services emerge to assist their passengers: a group of wary-looking asylum seekers. There are exactly 31 of them, nearly half of them small children, some too young to walk. They have no backpacks or suitcases, clinging only to each other as they as they climb cautiously from the back of the van and quietly form a line by a fence next to the bridge entrance. A man and woman wearing orange and tan shirts with the Mexican flag on their sleeves appear to have arrived separately but at the same time as the asylum seekers, and seamlessly replace the DIF workers, employees of the municipal government in Juarez, as their shepherds. They are with Grupos Beta, the humanitarian branch of Mexicos federal immigration agency, whose mission is to offer assistance and protection to migrants. The Grupos Beta officers, who refer questions from reporters to their superiors, each clutch a clipboard holding several sheets of lined paper, which they appear to be double- and triple-checking meticulously. Its unclear whether this version of the list contains the names of the migrants, each of whom has an identifying number written in black permanent marker on the inside of their wrists. Including children. These organized drop-offs have become a regular occurrence at the Paso del Norte over the past few weeks, ever since Mexican authorities began removing hundreds of asylum seekers from the bridges between Juarez and El Paso, where theyd previously been camped out. The encampments emerged over the summer, after CBP began placing officers in the middle of the international bridges to block those without documentation from proceeding to the port of entry forcing asylum seekers to wait on the Mexican side for permission to cross. Earlier this month, Mexican officials ordered all those camped out on the bridges between Juarez and El Paso to relocate to la Casa del Migrante, a Catholic-run migrant shelter located approximately 30 minutes away from the Paso del Norte by car. Story continues According to various advocates and others who observed the situation on the bridges over the summer, it was volunteers with the Mexican Red Cross who first created a waiting list to help maintain order within the encampments as asylum seekers waited for their turn to cross. The list was then transferred to the Casa del Migrante along with the asylum seekers, when they were forced to move there in November. Accounts vary on when, exactly, and with whom, the practice of tracking migrants with numbers on their arms originated, but it has now become a part of the process for all who wish to seek asylum at one of the U.S. ports of entry in El Paso. What, in part, started as an effort by the municipal government in Juarez to offer shelter to the growing encampment of asylum seekers on the bridges has evolved into a complicated, ad hoc arrangement of Mexican NGOs, municipal, state, and federal agencies to funnel asylum seekers away from the U.S. ports of entry in El Paso. At the center are U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials, who control the flow of migrants, notifying Mexican immigration authorities in Juarez how many people from the list can be allowed over the border each day and when. A representative from Grupos Beta collects the names and list numbers from asylum seekers after they arrived in a group of 30 from Casa Del Migrante in Juarez, Mexico, on Nov. 28, 2018. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) A spokesperson for CBP acknowledged that officials in El Paso communicate to Mexican immigration officials in Juarez how many new asylum seekers can cross the border each day, depending on capacity at the ports of entry, stating that CBP is not denying or discouraging travelers from seeking asylum or any other form of protection, or from claiming fear of return to their home country. But the ACLU and other local immigrant rights advocates argue that U.S. border officials are violating their responsibilities under federal and international law, by preventing migrants who say they are fleeing persecution from freely accessing official U.S. ports of entry. So far, most asylum seekers whove been thrust into the new Juarez system have only had to wait a few days before they are allowed across the bridge. But in Tijuana, across from San Diego, where CBP has relied on a similar waitlist process to meter the flow of asylum seekers, the recent arrival of thousands of migrants traveling in caravans from Central America has overrun shelters and led to confrontations with local residents, a clash with border guards who used tear gas to disperse crowds attempting to climb the border fence and months-long wait times. They also warn of the high potential for corruption within such operations, noting that similar wait-management systems have also recently emerged in Matamoros and near other border crossings across from the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, where migrants have reported Mexican officials demanding payments in exchange for a spot on the list. Though CBP denies involvement or knowledge of how the waitlist process in Mexico works, Blanca Navarette, director of Derechos Humanos Integrales en Accion, a Juarez-based human rights organization, calls CBP a violator of human rights that transfers its responsibility to receive [asylum seekers] to the Mexican authorities. Clearly, the root of the problem is CBP, said Alan Dicker, an El Paso-based advocate who has been observing CBPs interactions with asylum seekers at the ports of entry as a volunteer for the ACLU. Dicker dismissed the agencys claim that restricting access to ports of entry is simply a response to capacity constraints, noting that in the past, CBP has opened temporary facilities to accommodate influxes at the border. Migrants wait outside Casa del Migrante in Juarez on Nov. 28, 2018. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) If they decided to put a few more processing officers here to expand their capacity, they could do it very easily, he said. They have decided not to do things like that anymore and artificially create this sort of capacity issue. After the group of 31 crossed Wednesday afternoon, another smaller group was transported from the shelter to the bridge at seven that night. Anyone else who attempted to present themselves without documentation that day was stopped, including a 15-year-old girl and her mother whod traveled by themselves from Guatemala. When the diminutive pair, both of whom were well under 5 feet, approached the halfway point on the bridge without documents, the CBP agents physically blocked them from passing. But that was the extent of their interaction with U.S. authorities, who instead allowed a private security guard contracted by the state bridge authority in Juarez to oversee pedestrian tolls and other activity on the bridge to swoop in and tell the women that if they wanted to request asylum in the United States they had to go back to the bottom of the bridge, talk to the Grupos Beta people in orange, go to Casa del Migrante and get on the list. Customs and Border Patrol agents stop a woman and her daughter at the International Boundary Line of the Paso del Norte Port of Entry between Juarez and El Paso on Nov. 28, 2018. The mother did not verbally declare asylum to the agents before a private security officer explained they sign up to be put on the list for entry to ask for asylum. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) Shaw Drake, policy counsel for the ACLU of Texas Border Rights Center, said that sequence of events illustrates the crux of the problem with putting CBP agents in the middle of the bridge with general instructions to turn away anyone without documents. CBP summarily turning them away with no questions whatsoever potentially puts people at risk and is in violation of [the agencys] legal responsibility to inspect and process people who are presenting themselves to agents at the ports, he said. Without any conversation with that person, those agents have no idea if that family or individuals were Mexican citizens, immediately fleeing violence in Juarez or any other situations they may have been facing. Mexican citizens seeking asylum in the United States are being directed to the shelter in Juarez along with nationals of Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba and various other countries. The entire baseline of post-World War II refugee law is to ensure that governments do not return individuals into the hands of their persecutors, said the ACLUs Shaw, arguing that there is no other more clear-cut case of non-refoulment [violation] than returning a Mexican asylum seeker to Mexico and into a system that requires them to interact on multiple levels with the Mexican government. A young woman named Lorena and her two young children left their home in southern Mexico at 4 a.m. on Wednesday and boarded a plane to Juarez, carrying an assortment of personal records, including police reports documenting the consistent death threats she and her family have received from local cartel members who murdered one of her brothers for refusing to pay a quota. Lorenas children play outside in Juarez on Nov. 28, 2018, after spending the day traveling from southern Mexico to seek asylum in the United States. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) Within a few days of her brothers murder, Lorena said, the men who killed him began targeting her and other members of her immediate family. Sometimes they would deliver the message by phone, other times in person, but it was always the same: They were going to kill Lorena and her kids. Faced with similar threats, Lorenas other brother fled to the United States, where he successfully obtained asylum. Now, she and her children hope to do the same. Upon arriving in Juarez, the three were greeted by Alex Varela, a U.S citizen and former Marine from El Paso who has spent much of his life on both sides of the border and has parlayed his binational savvy into a variety of odd jobs ranging from construction to the occasional gig as a private security guard for Americans doing business in Juarez. Varela, who also runs a soup kitchen with his church, in the past has helped escort asylum seekers over the bridges that span this part of the Rio Grande to make their claims at one of the official U.S. ports of entry. He says he agreed to do the same for Lorena after meeting her family and hearing about their plight during a recent trip to southern Mexico with his church. But its been at least two years since Varela last accompanied a family to request asylum at the border, and a lot has changed since then. Alex Varela talks on his phone on Nov. 28, 2018, after taking a woman and her three children to his relatives home in Juarez,. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) Before, Varela recalls that asking for asylum at the border the first step in what can ultimately be a lengthy, complicated legal process required little more than walking across the pedestrian bridge and presenting oneself at the U.S. port of entry in El Paso. You would go, talk to someone, and youd start the paperwork, he said. However, since this spring, CBP agents have been stationed in the middle of the Paso de Norte and other bridges, at the international line that technically separates the U.S. and Mexico, essentially blocking anyone without documentation from reaching the port of entry. This arrangement, which began following the implementation of the Trump administrations ill-fated zero-tolerance policy, resulting in the separation of thousands of immigrant families along the southwest border, has continued even as the White House has implemented policies to prevent migrants from seeking asylum except at official ports of entry. Lorena and her children shop at the grocery store in Juarez with Alex Varela on Nov. 28, to buy food for the temporary home they are staying at until their numbers are up on the waiting list. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) Previously, under international law, even refugees who crossed the border illegally could still request asylum by presenting themselves to border agents. Ahead of Lorenas arrival this week, Varela went to survey the situation at the Paso de Norte, where he says he explained to a CBP officer that he was trying to help a Mexican family seek asylum in the United States. He was told they had to get on the list and was referred to Grupo Beta, who instructed him to bring the family to the migrant shelter and wait for their numbers to be called. So when Lorena and her children arrived in Juarez on Wednesday, thats what Varela did. By the time Lorena and her children got to Casa del Migrante on Wednesday there was no more space for them; the 280-bed shelter was full. A woman named Rosie, who said she did not have the authority to allow media into the shelter, took Lorena and her children inside to put them on the list. They returned a few minutes later with numbers 1173, 1174, 1175 scrawled on their inner wrists in black ink, and a piece of paper with a phone number to call the shelter in the morning to find out what numbers were being processed that day. Its how you would mark an animal, said Varela. A woman from southern Mexico holds out her arm where administrators at Casa del Migrante wrote a number on her arm to hold her place in a growing list of asylum seekers in Juarez, Mexico, on Nov. 29, 2018. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) Outside the shelter, Lorena said the woman had asked her for all three of their names, dates of birth, where they were from, and why they wanted to leave. She also said the woman told her that the United States isnt granting asylum to anyone right now and that if she attempts to cross, her kids will be taken away. Under current administration policy, which changes frequently, neither is true. Varela would take Lorena and the children to a vacant house owned by one of his relatives in Juarez until space opened in the shelter or their numbers got called, whichever came first. But not everyone who arrives in Juarez is fortunate enough to have a local contact. As Varela waited for Lorena outside the shelter, a young man and woman from Cuba arrived by themselves, only to hear that they too would have to find somewhere else to stay. Lorena and her children arrive on Nov. 28 at the temporary home in Juarez where they are staying until their numbers are up on the waiting list. (Photo: Adria Malcolm for Yahoo News) _____ Read more from Yahoo News: HOUSTON (AP) Texas' attorney general sued the San Antonio police chief Friday for what he said are violations of the state's immigration law targeting "sanctuary cities" and sought millions of dollars in sanctions. The lawsuit Ken Paxton filed in state court was a rare enforcement action of Senate Bill 4, passed last year by the Texas Legislature and mostly upheld by a federal appeals court. SB4 is one of the toughest state laws targeting illegal immigration. It prohibited law enforcement agencies from refusing "detainer" requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, doing anything to stop an officer from asking about a suspect's immigration status, or stopping them from cooperating with immigration authorities. Several big-city police chiefs staunchly opposed SB4, including William McManus, San Antonio's police chief. They said the law would discourage immigrants from helping the police and make it harder to prosecute crimes. The Pew Research Center has estimated 1.6 million people without legal authorization live in Texas. Paxton's lawsuit accused McManus of improperly handling a human smuggling case in December 2017 in which 12 immigrants were found inside a tractor-trailer. ICE typically prosecutes major cases of human smuggling, which occur frequently in South Texas due to the proximity of the U.S.-Mexico border. But in this case, McManus repeatedly declined the help of an ICE officer, instead having the driver charged with a state crime and releasing the migrants to Catholic Charities. He also contacted the legal group RAICES, which worked with the migrants to obtain visas for witnesses of crimes who cooperate with law enforcement. That infuriated top Texas Republicans who supported SB4. Paxton, who is himself under indictment for securities fraud, accused San Antonio of having "put the safety of police officers and the public at risk by defying state law." Story continues The city responded Friday with a statement accusing Paxton of "furthering a political agenda." San Antonio changed how it deals with human smuggling cases after a July 2017 incident in which 10 people died after riding inside a packed trailer that made it through a U.S. Customs and Border Protection checkpoint. More than 20 migrants were detained as material witnesses. Some were ultimately deported. Police policy now says that officers "will not refer" migrants to ICE unless the person has a federal deportation warrant, and that the department along with other groups will assist victims and witnesses with getting visas. Paxton's lawsuit asks a judge to prohibit San Antonio from enforcing that policy of committing "future violations of SB4." It also demands civil penalties of at least $25,500 a day for every day after Sept. 1, 2017, when the city policy took effect. That alone would surpass $11.5 million, and the lawsuit also demands other civil penalties. City spokesman Jeff Coyle said federal officials had been consulted on its process for handling human smuggling cases. "The City has a long history of cooperating with federal authorities and we will continue to do so," Coyle said. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which opposes SB4, said Paxton's lawsuit "overstates the requirements" of the law. "No one neither immigrant nor local official should be intimidated by today's filing," MALDEF said in a statement. An ICE spokeswoman declined comment Friday. EU and UK flags fly during a Brexit demonstration. Photo: Alberto Pezzali/NurPhoto via Getty Images The UK markets have failed to rally from their autumn slump, and Theresa Mays proposed Brexit deal does not appear to have instilled renewed confidence in investors. There are stocks that some believe hold such advantages over their competition that they could be Brexit-proof, offering unique opportunities compared to peers and able to deepen their appeal regardless of the outcome of the vote on 11 December. Bioventix Bioventix (BVXP.L) is one such company. The company is the product of a management buyout in 2003, led by chairman Ian Nicholson and chief executive Peter Harrison, and has seen its stock price quintuple since its 2014 IPO. They provide monoclonal sheep antibodies, used in diagnostic processes such as blood testing. Their long-term vision, refining their product with an aim to secure revenues for 2025-2035, allows them to increase the switching risk for their customers. Keith Ashworth-Lord, who runs the Sandford DeLand UK Buffettology Fund, explains its revenue model: Every time a test is done on one of the machines, the big five machine manufacturers JNJ, Siemens, Roche, Abbott and Beckman Coulter they just take a royalty, typically 2%. Its a very small part of the cost of the machine manufacturer, thats the beauty of it. Its like an annuity. Bioventixs financial data. Chart: Yahoo Finance Ashworth-Lord is bullish on their prospects, calling it one of his bomb-proof businesses, regardless of the Brexit that is ultimately delivered, stating Brexit, has absolutely no impact on it. He continued: Its a must-have product. Theyre the only ones who make it, for tests on the appropriate machines. Bioventix makes up 3.85% of the Buffettology fund, the fourth largest holding in a concentrated portfolio, and Ashworth-Lord has used the latest sell-off to top up on holdings, saying: When we had that mini-correction last month, that was great, that was wonderful. I just went shopping My only regret is that the correction wasnt deeper and longer lasting. Story continues Synairgen Synairgen (SNG.L) is a much smaller company than Bioventix, with only a 15m market capitalisation, but has its own advantage over other companies. The company was founded by three scientists from Southampton University, Stephen Holgate, Donna Davies and Ratko Djukanovic. Focusing on asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Synairgen uses its facilities at the Southampton General Hospital, where its BioBank comprising various human samples, allows it to test potential treatments on both diseases. So valuable is the collection of tissue that the company keeps its resources in several places to ensure it is well protected. The BioBank is a rare resource that could be in demand regardless of Brexits effect. Synairgens financial data. Chart: Yahoo Finance Because other, non-human models give less accurate guidance on the effectiveness on treatments, Synairgen offers access to companies that partner with it to test their own drugs. A small company valued at about 6m (5.3m), it is at risk if it cannot find larger partners to do business with, but a 5m payment plus royalties from its partner Pharmaxis shows the scale of the payoff when the business model works. That risk might be why the company is priced superficially cheaply, at just over eight times earnings. Optibiotix Another life sciences company enjoying recent success is Optibiotix (OPTI.L), which develops and utilises microbes that can be added to food or used in supplements to improve human health. It is now valued at 95m after its recent run-up. They currently focus on obesity, high blood cholesterol and diabetes, conditions which increasingly affect the worlds population. Selling across the world, any obstacles to exporting could harm the companys prospects, but a recent development could leave them in demand regardless of the type of exit that is eventually negotiated. Optibiotixs financial data. Chart: Yahoo Finance Shares have spiked over 30% since last Thursday after its SlimBiome ingredient was given medical device status and a CE mark, which allows it to be marketed as a medical device in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand. It also signed distribution deals to gain access to emerging markets. Approval for its products under EEA regulation means that Brexit may have a limited effect on reaching markets abroad. Social policy should not be determined by a trade agreement. In a letter delivered to President Trump earlier this month, 46 conservative members of Congress said they were deeply concerned by the unprecedented inclusion in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) language, for the first time in a Free Trade Agreement. This language is housed in Article 23.9 and Article 23.12, 23 being the chapter on labor. It requires the parties to protect workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), and to promote equality in these areas. As we have seen in recent years, of course, such edicts often run headlong into the constitutional right of religious business owners not to violate their core beliefs, in addition to raising thorny questions in a variety of areas including bathroom privacy. This stands to take away freedoms from every private business and churches as well. Congress is also concerned this would violate the constitutional separation of powers because Congress has steadfastly refused to include SOGI language in federal law, and the executive branch does not have legislative power to force new policy through a trade agreement. The member letter is right. A trade agreement is not the appropriate place to adopt such a controversial social policy. As the letter states, It is especially inappropriate and insulting to our sovereignty to needlessly submit to social policies which the United States Congress has so far explicitly refused to accept. And the agreement is due to be signed tomorrow. To be clear, there is a legal question of whether the current language would create a new obligation for compliance. But there is also a concern about the precedent this would set for future trade agreements and the strong likelihood that an activist court would point to the language as an excuse to cement these policies in U.S. law. On top of that, the language stands in stark contrast to the Trump administrations own approach to the issue, as the president is working to undo Obama-era executive orders that went beyond federal law to implement SOGI protections in certain contexts. Story continues Why is this happening? According to an article in Politico, Canada wanted an entire chapter advancing Justin Trudeaus social policy, and the current language is the resulting compromise. But self-government means that Americans decide the rules for Americans. It does not mean that unaccountable, appointed bureaucrats negotiate behind closed doors, promising foreign governments that we will pass laws or policies on issues like this. Although trade agreements can contain language relating to human rights and anti-discrimination policy, such as agreeing not to use child or slave labor or to enforce anti-discrimination laws in accordance with a countrys national law, a trade agreement is no place to be advancing an unsettled and controversial new concept. There are good reasons for civil-rights laws to be decided by the legislature, not the executive, not the least of which is that the Constitution specifically gives this power to Congress. This was a problem when Barack Obama issued executive orders in 2014 declaring gender identity to be a protected class in government employment and contracting. Its also a problem when an executive agency like the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) rewrites anti-discrimination law in a trade agreement. A trade agreement may require approval from Congress, but it is not given the same level of scrutiny as real legislation. Because Congress has granted the president Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), he has the ability to negotiate fast-tracked treaties. (Notably, this delegation of authority has been questioned as unconstitutional.) Congress will not be able to debate the language negotiated by the president or add amendments. Congress will be presented with an up-or-down vote on the entire agreement. That isnt how laws should be made, and the USTR should not oblige Congress with a duty to affirmatively legislate. But because of TPA, if the SOGI provisions are included in the agreement, they will become law unless Congress is willing to vote down the entire thing. They will be passed by both houses and signed by the president. Speaking of the president, meanwhile, a recently leaked memo from the administration contemplating this very issue (in the context of federally funded education programs) held that, under federal law, sex refers simply to biological sex and not to ones chosen gender identity. Thus the USTR has clearly put the Trump administration in a difficult position, entirely unnecessarily. It appears the people who have made their way into the USTRs office are not on board with the administrations policy on this issue. Trump should not allow this. The U.S. retains sovereignty to determine its anti-discrimination policies for itself, and for Canada to foist its preferred agenda on us is indeed insulting. Its frankly embarrassing for the USTR to have agreed. The United States is a world leader, and what we do is often pointed to as best practice by other countries. Is this best practice? The language has cost us friends in some of the developing countries in Africa and other continents with more traditional and conservative views on marriage, the family, and sexuality. The members of Congress who signed the letter are right to urge the president to fix the problem before the agreement is signed tomorrow in Buenos Aires. President Trump has an excellent record for constitutionally sound policy, and the USTR should not be allowed to blemish that record at Canadas boorish insistence. If the White House ignores or tries merely to minimize the problem, it will be up to Congress to have the courage to vote down the agreement and insist on a redrafting that stays within the limits of legitimate and constitutional trade negotiations. James Dobson is the founder and president of Family Talk and the James Dobson Family Institute, a nonprofit organization that produces his daily radio program, Dr. James Dobsons Family Talk. Jenna Ellis is the director of public policy at the James Dobson Family Institute. President Donald Trumps plan to make Central American asylum-seekers wait in Mexico while their cases move forward contains a fatal flaw, according to half a dozen experts interviewed by HuffPost: The obscure provision of immigration law underlying the plan specifically exempts immigrants from being forced to return to Mexico after applying for asylum. The White House is reportedly close to clinching a deal with Mexicos incoming government to send asylum-seekers back across the southern U.S. border while their cases wind through Americas beleaguered immigration courts. But even if Mexicos president-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, supports the proposal, the Remain in Mexico plan is riddled with legal problems that cast doubt on its feasibility. The Trump administrations apparent interpretation of the Immigration and Nationality Act is perhaps the most glaring. An American well-wisher, left, is swarmed by migrants as he hands out canned soup, adding his efforts to those of many local Mexican groups distributing food outside of a sports complex where more than 5,000 Central Americans are sheltering in Tijuana, Mexico. (Photo: Rebecca Blackwell/ASSOCIATED PRESS) This is clearly not what the asylum statute contemplates, Barbara Hines, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, told HuffPost. Its just one more way to try to keep people from applying. The Department of Homeland Security has not explained the details of the plan that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is trying to negotiate with the incoming Lopez Obrador administration. DHS did not respond to a request for comment on this article. But the broad outlines of the plan under negotiation, first reported by BuzzFeed News earlier this month and later elaborated by The Washington Post, would require asylum-seekers arriving from Mexico to return there once their credible fear interviews have been conducted in the U.S. The interviews are the first major step toward filing an asylum application. A Safe Third Country agreement that would require migrants to first apply for asylum in Mexico, instead of being allowed to enter the U.S. to state their case, is off the table, according to that countrys soon-to-be interior secretary, Olga Sanchez Cordero. Story continues That leaves only one obvious way to make the plan work. The Department of Homeland Security would rely on a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that allows the U.S. to return migrants who arrive at legal ports of entry by land back to the country they came from while they await deportation proceedings, according to several legal experts on immigration. But theres a catch: Asylum-seekers dont appear to be subject to that section of the law. The problem with the Trump administrations plan lies buried in the complexities of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 235 of the act does, in fact, allow the U.S. to send migrants back to Mexico if they arrive by land while they await deportation proceedings. But the same section of the law exempts people who make asylum claims and pass their credible fear interviews from getting sent back to a neighboring country. The takeaway is that our government hasnt thought it through, David Leopold, an immigration lawyer with decades of experience, told HuffPost. Theyre so focused on closing the door to asylum that they havent really thought about the fact that the statute doesnt cover what they want to do. You cant just throw someone outside the United States and say, Now, apply for asylum. Theres no way to predict whether the courts will agree with the experts consulted by HuffPost. Immigration law is notoriously complex, and the meaning of the statute wasnt immediately obvious to everyone interviewed. It contains a maze of references that require jumping from one section of the law to another to decipher its meaning. Some had to read it multiple times before arriving at the conclusion that it exempted asylum-seekers. If a student in my class wrote this, theyd get an F, said former Chief Counsel of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Stephen Legomsky, who now works as a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. However, he too thought a literal reading of the provision showed it exempts the asylum-seekers Trump wants to repel. None doubted that the Trump administration could try to push forward, but all suspected it would face an immediate challenge in federal court. At the very least, we can say with 100 percent confidence that this is a difficult legal question that will have to be answered by a judge, assuming this change does come out, Sarah Pierce, an analyst with the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute, told HuffPost. Those challenges wouldnt be limited to the plans dubious legality. Pushing asylum-seekers back to Mexico would wreak logistical mayhem on an immigration court system already backlogged by more than 1 million cases. Until now, asylum claims have been made and litigated in U.S. immigration courts. Forcing asylum-seekers to fight their cases in Mexico would require the U.S. to either set up immigration courts in that country, shuttle migrants back and forth across the border for hearings, or require video-conferencing. Any of those new burdens could lead opponents to challenge the plan as a violation of due process. Im having a hard time even getting what theyre imagining, said Stephanie Leutert, director of the Mexico Security Initiative at the University of Texas Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs. The logistics seem really insurmountable. Lee Gelernt, an attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, declined to comment on his organizations analysis of the contiguous country provision until the Trump administration formally announces a policy. But for the plan to work, the U.S. government would have to ensure that migrants who were returned to Mexico would be safe and that they would receive the same legal guarantees and due process there that they would in U.S. courts. Those two threshold requirements are going to doom any proposal, Gelernt said. I suspect there will be other legal defects. And Trumps own words have undermined his immigration policies in the past. Last month, a federal judge temporarily blocked the Trump administrations plan to strip Temporary Protected Status from Haitian, Salvadoran, Nicaraguan and Sudanese migrants, contending that the presidents harsh words about them may imply racial bias. The Trump administration has long envisioned turning migrants who arrive by land from Mexico back to wait there while their deportation cases move forward. The idea was first floated in a sweeping executive order on immigration signed by Trump five days after taking office. But three weeks later, Mexicos secretary of foreign affairs, Luis Videgaray, flatly rejected the idea. The Lopez Obrador administration, however, appears willing to put the idea on the table as part of a larger plan to reduce Central American migration through Mexico to the United States. The new president, who takes office Saturday, has publicly discussed the idea of offering more Mexican work visas for Central American migrants and proposed working with the Trump administration to encourage private investment in southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, in an effort to encourage people to stay in their home countries. Behind closed doors, Lopez Obradors team is trying to persuade the Trump administration to secure about $20 billion in private investment over six years for Mexicos impoverished southern region as part of the deal that would allow Central American asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais. Clarification: Language in this story has been amended to clarify the timeline of reporting about the plan under negotiation between the U.S. and Mexico regarding asylum-seekers. Related Coverage Contradicting Trump, Incoming Mexico Government Denies Making Deal To Host Asylum-Seekers Trump Falsely Claims Border Agents Were Badly Hurt In Migrant Tear Gas Clashes Methodist Church Sign Subtly Criticizes U.S. Use Of Tear Gas At The Border Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Donald Trump stands alongside Rod Rosenstein during immigration meeting in May: Getty Images Donald Trump has appeared to confirm he wants Rod Rosenstein in prison after the president retweeted a meme of a number of his perceived enemies behind bars, including the deputy attorney general. Asked by the New York Post on Wednesday evening why he thought Mr Rosenstein belonged in jail, the president responded, He should have never picked a special counsel. He followed it up on Thursday morning with a fresh attack on Robert Muellers investigation into possible election collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign team. From left to right: Robert Mueller, John Podesta, Rod Rosenstein, Barack Obam, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Huma Abedin, James Clapper, Bill Clinton, James Comey and Loretta Lynch (Twitter) Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime? At the same time Mueller and the Angry Democrats arent even looking at the atrocious, and perhaps subversive, crimes that were committed by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats," he tweeted, without providing evidence. "A total disgrace! When will this illegal Joseph McCarthy style Witch Hunt, one that has shattered so many innocent lives, ever end-or will it just go on forever? After wasting more than $40,000,000 (is that possible?), it has proven only one thing-there was NO Collusion with Russia. So Ridiculous! Brian Klaas, an American political scientist at University College London, told The Independent Mr Trump's prison tweet was an escalation in his "dangerously authoritarian behaviour". "Rod Rosenstein has been a bulwark of the rule of law against Trumps attempts to politicise it as a weapon to prosecute his opponents and protect his political allies," he said. "And now, simply for properly doing his job, the president is pushing the message that Rosenstein should be in jail. Its extremely dangerous for the foundations of American democracy to politicise rule of law like this." The tweet, posted by Trump-supporting account @The_Trump_Train, included shots of Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Mr Mueller, with the caption: "Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?" Story continues Rumours were rife before the midterms Mr Trump was set to sack Mr Rosenstein, who was charged with overseeing Mr Mueller's investigation after the then-attorney general Jeff Sessions recused himself. Mr Trump has publicly railed against Mr Rosenstein's refusal to end the probe in the past, but said last month he had a "great" meeting with the lawyer aboard Air Force One. Buenos Aires (AFP) - The leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada on Friday signed a huge regional trade deal to replace the old NAFTA, denounced by President Donald Trump as a killer of US jobs. "This is a model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever," Trump said at the signing ceremony in Buenos Aires, on the sidelines of a G20 leaders' summit. Trump said negotiating the deal known in Washington as the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, had seen the leaders take "a lot of barbs and a little abuse." But he insisted that the "incredible milestone" would aid US workers, especially in the auto industry, while putting in place "intellectual property protection that will be the envy of nations all around the world." Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was less effusive about the renegotiated pact, but said the USMCA would resolve the threat of "serious economic uncertainty" that "would have gotten more damaging." While praising the "historic" nature of the deal, Trudeau also told Trump that the progress gave "all the more reason why we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries." Mexican President Pena Nieto, on his last day in office, called the revamped version of NAFTA important in shoring up "the view of an integrated North America with the firm belief that together we are stronger and more competitive." For Trump -- whose G20 diplomacy is overshadowed by legal troubles back home and his abrupt cancellation of a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin -- the signing was a victory. He said he did not foresee a problem in getting congressional approval. "It's been so well reviewed I dont expect to have very much of a problem," Trump said. On Saturday, he will meet with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to address the trade war triggered by Trump's insistence on China ending what he says have been decades of unfair trade practices. Story continues - 'Polluting legacy' - While the leaders presented a united front, Trump's tearing up of the old NAFTA, which he has repeatedly ridiculed, was a shock to the system that prompted months of severe tensions between the long-peaceful neighbors. Trump himself acknowledged that it hadn't been easy, but said "battles sometimes make great friendships." Even at the signing ceremony, there were echoes of the uncomfortable background to the USMCA, which Trump has made exhibit number one in his case to voters that he is putting "America first." All three leaders stood at lecturns adorned with the US presidential seal, with Trump taking the middle position. But while Trump proudly refers to the USMCA -- a title that again puts the United States in the leading position -- Trudeau pointedly called the deal being signed the "new North American Free Trade Agreement" and the "modernizing NAFTA." Mexico has its own version in Spanish, accentuating its name first. For the Sierra Club, a US environmentalist group, the "hastily sealed" deal will promote Trump's "polluting legacy for years after he leaves office (via) special handouts to corporate polluters like Chevron and ExxonMobil." But in a statement, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the updated pact "marks a critical step in modernizing and rebalancing North American trade." "The new agreement secures strong outcomes for farmers, ranchers, businesses, and workers across North America, including in areas such as auto manufacturing and intellectual property." Speaking at the G-20 summit Friday, President Trump expressed frustration with the recent acts of Russian aggression directed at Ukraine in explaining his last-minute cancellation of a previously scheduled bilateral meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin. We dont like what happened, were not happy about it, no one is, Trump said when asked by reporters about the Russian attack on Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait off the coast of Crimea this week. And hopefully theyll be able to settle it out soon because we look forward to meeting with President Putin. But on the basis of what happened with the ships and the sailors, that was the sole reason for the cancellation. During a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Trump addresses canceling his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin: "We don't like what happened" in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/22yMAO9WV6 CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) November 30, 2018 Russian warships fired on, and subsequently seized, three Ukrainian ships and 24 sailors during a violent clash in the Black Sea on Sunday. The attack is the most explicit act of Russian aggression directed at Ukraine since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. The White House abruptly cancelled Trumps meeting with Putin in response, citing the Kremlins failure to return the captured ships and sailors to justify the cancellation while leaving open the possibility that the situation might be resolved. Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting . . . in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin. I look forward to a meaningful Summit again as soon as this situation is resolved! Trump tweeted Thursday while en route to the summit. Story continues The cancellation announcement came just an hour after Trump told reporters he believed it was a very good time to have a meeting with Putin. In response to the attack, Ukraine has increased its troop presence on the border with Russia and enacted a ban on Russian men of military age entering the country. The new restrictions will prevent the Kremlin from forming squads of private armies that are representatives of Russian official troops and will not allow them to carry out operations, which they tried to do in 2014, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko said Friday in announcing the new policy. The Trump Organization considered giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a penthouse worth $50 million as part of a failed 2016 project to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to multiple reports. If we have Putin in the penthouse every oligarch in Russia would want to live in that building, Felix Sater, a businessman who worked on the project and suggested the idea, told The Washington Post. BuzzFeed News first reported the plan Thursday. The attempted real estate development was back in the spotlight on Thursday after Michael Cohen, President Donald Trumps former lawyer and fixer, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the timing of his negotiations over the project. He had told the House Intelligence Committee that the talks ended in January 2016, but hes now admitted he was in talks during Trumps campaign as late as June 2016. Its not clear whether Trump was aware of the penthouse plan. HuffPost has reached out to the Trump Organization and the White House for comment. Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani told CNN: The president never heard of this and the concept never got anywhere beyond an unfunded letter of intent and never even a proposal or draft contract. Trump on Friday morning tweeted a defense of his business activities. Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail, he wrote. Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. Put up zero money, zero guarantees and didnt do the project. Witch Hunt! Oh, I get it! I am a very good developer, happily living my life, when I see our Country going in the wrong direction (to put it mildly). Against all odds, I decide to run for President & continue to run my business-very legal & very cool, talked about it on the campaign trail... Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2018 ....Lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. Put up zero money, zero guarantees and didnt do the project. Witch Hunt! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2018 The Trump Organization tried in vain for 30 years to get a foothold in Russia and Ukraine, exploring possibilities for more than 20 developments, according to The Wall Street Journal. Story continues But the 2016 development is the focus of heightened interest now because of Cohens admission that he lied about it. Court filings on Thursday refer to Trump as Individual-1. Sater is Individual-2, CNN reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Sater and Cohen worked together furiously behind the scenes to try to get the Trump Tower Moscow deal off the ground, BuzzFeed News reported. Sater recalled that he had told Cohen about the penthouse idea and Cohen loved it. My idea was to give a $50 million penthouse to Putin and charge $250 million more for the rest of the units. All the oligarchs would line up to live in the same building as Putin, Sater said. Related... Heres Everything You Need To Know About Michael Cohens New Guilty Plea If Trump Thinks Michael Cohens Plea Is Bad, Wait Till Dems Run The House Intel Committee Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. President Donald Trump, front center, listens to Frances President Emmanuel Macron as they pose with world leaders for a group picture at the start of the G-20 Leaders Summit inside the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Bottom row from left are South Africas President Cyril Ramaphosa, Britains Prime Minister Theresa May, Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Argentinas President Mauricio Macri and Chinas President Xi Jinping. Middle row, from left, are European Councils President Donald Tusk, the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Spains Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Frances President Emmanuel Macron, Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Koreas President Moon Jae-in. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde stands in the top row, second from right. (Photo: Ricardo Mazalan/AP) Leaders of the Group of 20 have agreed to fix the world trading system but only 19 of them agreed to support the Paris accord on fighting climate change. Applause rose up in the hall Saturday as the leaders, including U.S. President Donald Trump, signed off on a final statement at the end of a two-day summit. The statement acknowledges flaws in the world trading system and calls for reforming the World Trade Organization. It doesnt mention protectionism however, because negotiators said the U.S. had resisted that. The statement says 19 of the members reiterated their commitment to the Paris climate accord but the U.S. reiterates its decision to withdraw. The non-binding agreement was reached after difficult all-nIght talks by diplomats. (AP) ______ See more images here: President Donald Trump with Chinas President Xi Jinping during their bilateral meeting, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) Chinese President Xi Jinping R meets with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 1, 2018. (Photo: Xinhua/Li Xueren via Getty Images) Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his press conference at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 1, 2018. (Photo: Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images) President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a meeting during the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 1, 2018. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) G20 leaders and their partners pose for a photo at the Colon Theatre during a gala at the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: G20 Argentina/Handout via Reuters) Argentinas President Mauricio Macri greets Ivanka Trump, the daughter and assistant to President Donald Trump, far right, as Juliana Awada, Macris wife, first lady Melania Trump and President Donald Trump, looks on at the Teatro Colon for the G20 leaders dinner, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) Demonstrators march during the Group 20 summit, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Andres Martinez Casares/Reuters) Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L), Russias Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov (2-L) Russias President Vladimir Putin (C) Russias Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov (C-R) and Chinas President Xi Jinping (R), hold a meeting in the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, on Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Mikhael Klimentyev/Sputnik/AFP/Getty Images) Protesters with signs of the face of, from left, Russias President Vladimir Putin, Chinas President Xi Jinping, President Donald Trump and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, covered by the Spanish phrase Get out imperialists!, march against the G20 summit being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Leaders from the Group of 20 industrialized nations are meeting in Buenos Aires for two days starting today. (Photo: Martin Mejia/AP) President Donald Trump is welcomed by Argentinas President Mauricio Macri as he arrives for the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 30, 2018. (Photo: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters) Leaders attending the G-20 Summit pose for the family photo at the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Ricardo Mazalan/AP) President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are seen during the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters) Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman adjusts his robe as leaders gather for the group at the G-20 Leaders Summit at the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Ricardo Mazalan/AP) Riot police block an avenue as protesters march against the G20 summit being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. Leaders from the Group of 20 industrialized nations are meeting in Buenos Aires for two days starting today. (Photo: Sebastian Pani/AP) Russias President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump are seen during the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Marcos Brindicci/Reuters) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, second from the right, confers with National Security Adviser John Bolton, far right, as President Donald Trump, left, answers questions from members of the media during a meeting with Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, left, and Russias President Vladimir Putin speak at the start of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Natacha Pisarenko/AP) President Donald Trump meets with Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi, right, and Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) Argentinas first lady Juliana Awada welcomes U.S. first lady Melania Trump as she arrives for a visit at the Villa Ocampo museum during the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Pilar Olivares/Reuters) PHOTOS: Trump participates in the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the opening of the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Sergio Moraes/Reuters) President Trump, Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, and Mexicos President Enrique Pena Neto, left, participate in the USMCA signing ceremony on Friday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP) U.S. President Donald Trump and Argentinas President Mauricio Macri meet before the G20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 30, 2018. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) A figure made of recycled materials resembling President Trump is seen during a protest ahead of the G-20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday. (Photo: Pilar Olivares/Reuters) President Trump and first lady Melania Trump leave the White House to travel to the G-20 summit in Argentina Thursday. (Photo: Jim Young/Reuters) Demonstrators perform outside the presidential palace ahead of the Group 20 summit, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday. The writing on the banner reads: Property of the G20, who chooses? (Photo: Sergio Moraes/Reuters) Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan look Buenos Aires for G20 Leaders Summit 2018 at Ministro Pistarini International Airport on Thursday in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo: Daniel Jayo/Getty Images) Balloon depicting President Donald Trump is seej utside the Congress building in Buenos Aires on Thursday as part of the Peoples Summit. (Photo: Alberto Raggio/AFP/Getty Images) Chinese people wait for Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of the G-20 leaders summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday. (Photo: Sergio Moraes/Reuters) Frances President Emmanuel Macron and first lady Brigitte Macron visit the Remembrance Park, a monument on the banks of the Rio de la Plata in memory of the 30,000 people who disappeared or were killed under the 1976-1983 military regime, in Buenos Aires Thursday. (Photo: Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images) Members of the human rights organization Madres the Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of Plaza de Mayo) march together ahead of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday. (Photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters) See more news-related photo galleries and follow us on Yahoo News Photo Twitter and Tumblr. Read more from Yahoo News: Volvo is scaling back plans for its new assembly plant just outside Charleston, South Carolina, as a result of the trade war triggered by President Donald Trump . The $1.1 billion factory opened earlier this year and was expected to earmark about half of its capacity for export markets, including China, where Volvo's parent, Zhejiang Geely, is based. But the Chinese market for American-made vehicles has largely dried up as a result of tariffs the Chinese have enacted in response to Trump's import tariffs. That is impacting a number of automakers with manufacturing operations in the U.S., including BMW and Ford, as well as Volvo. Volvo's North American CEO, Anders Gustafsson, warned earlier this month that the tariffs could force the company to rethink plans to ramp up production and hire new workers at the South Carolina plant. A company statement issued this week confirmed that "trade issues may impact the pace of the expansion." Volvo's global CEO, Hakan Samuelsson, went a step further, telling some reporters at the Los Angeles Auto Show on Thursday that Volvo is slowing the pace at which production is being ramped up in Charleston, a move that will also result in a slowdown in hiring, a company spokesman confirmed. The factory started producing the S60 sedan and will add the next-generation XC90 sport utility vehicle in 2021. The initial, 1,500-man workforce was originally expected to grow to about 4,000 once up to full speed. But that now appears to be a figure in play. "We thought Charleston could build cars for China," Samuelsson told USA Today. "That will not work." The big question, Gustafsson and other Volvo officials have told CNBC, is whether the trade war with China is a temporary matter or one that could drag on for some time. Volvo appears not to be taking chances and is now making plans to shift at least some of the production of the new Volvo S60 sedan to one of its two plants in China. Story continues BMW (BMW-DE) is studying similar options, the company has confirmed, for some of the sport utility vehicles produced at its own South Carolina assembly plant. The plant has become "the highest value exporter of U.S.-made vehicles," North American CEO Bernhard Kuhnt said during a Los Angeles Auto Show presentation. Ford (F) has not said whether it will have to make cuts at any of its own U.S. plants producing vehicles like the Mustang that it had been exporting to China. While China has seen an explosion in production capacity in recent years, many automakers still find it makes sense to import some vehicles for that market, often lower-volume models that can't be produced there profitably. Until recently, imports were saddled with a 25 percent tariff. Ironically, Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken several steps to reduce automotive trade tensions this year, like lowering those tariffs to 15 percent on cars brought in from other global markets. But in response to the first round of the Trump trade war, China increased duties on American-made vehicles to 40 percent. The White House has sent a series of mixed and often conflicting signals about how efforts to resolve the trade dispute are going. If anything, the president has indicated an interest in finding a way to match the higher Chinese tariffs on American-made vehicles. Meanwhile, Trump continues to threaten to apply new tariffs on automotive imports from Europe and other trade partners, as well as China. "Get smart Congress," Trump said in a Wednesday tweet, arguing that "the countries that send us cars have taken advantage of the U.S. for decades." WATCH: Twelve US execs explain how Trump's trade war affects their bottom lines After his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen agreed to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation on Nov. 29, President Donald Trump dismissed Cohen as trying to get a much lesser prison sentence by making up a story. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS) WASHINGTON Donald Trumps former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on Thursday to lying to key congressional intelligence committees to help his ex-boss, but even worse news for the president is now just five weeks away. Come Jan. 3, the House version of that committee will no longer help Trump undercut special counsel Robert Muellers Russia investigation and will almost certainly help it instead. Playtime is over, said Rick Wilson, a prominent Republican critic of Trump who has been sounding the alarm about Trumps connections to Russia since 2016. There is no more fun, funny, amusing moment when Donald Trump gets to have Devin Nunes run interference for him, go out and lie to the press for him. Nunes is a Republican congressman from California and Trump loyalist and was a member of his transition team. For the past 22 months, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which Nunes chairs, has openly worked with Trump and his White House aides to discredit Mueller with selective leaks to conservative media. Nunes even wrote a memo that he claimed would prove Muellers investigation was an abuse of power and then had Trump declassify it for general release. Nunes office did not respond to a request for comment. Rep. Adam Schiff, the California Democrat who will take control of the committee in January, said he will restore oversight of the intelligence community, including outstanding questions in the Russia investigation. He added, We will do this work regardless of the posture of the president or the White House, as the American people expect and as is our job. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who will likely become speaker in the new Congress, after her party picked up 40 seats in this months midterm elections, said that oversight committees will be looking for the truth, not covering up for Trump, and that she hopes Republican members will work with them. House Republicans have been complicit in the Trump administrations culture of corruption, said Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne. Our challenge will be to overcome the Trump administrations stonewalling. Story continues That Mueller used Cohens false congressional testimony to charge him in federal court serves as a warning to those who have already testified on the Russia probe as well as those who will do so under Democratic control. The world will look a lot different, Wilson said. The Trump White House will keep creating new opportunities to perjure themselves. Cohen worked for Trumps business and for him personally for nearly a dozen years. He previously pleaded guilty to arranging illegal payments in the closing days of the 2016 campaign to a porn actress and a Playboy model to keep them from discussing the affairs they said they had with Trump. Thursdays plea was regarding Cohens false testimony to Congress about Trumps efforts to build a hotel in Moscow. Trump claimed during the campaign falsely that he had no business interests in Russia. In fact, Cohen told a federal judge, negotiations to build a Trump hotel there continued through most of the 2016 campaign, and Cohen had lied about it to Congress to protect Individual 1, the owner of the company he worked for, which is to say, Trump. As he left the White House on Thursday morning to attend the G-20 summit of the worlds largest economies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Trump falsely claimed that his efforts were well known throughout the campaign and that he had every right to pursue the Moscow project. If I did do it, there would have been nothing wrong. That was my business, he said, and then added that the only reason Cohen pleaded guilty Thursday was to avoid getting a long prison sentence. Hes a weak person and not a very smart person. What hes trying to do is end and its very simple. Hes got himself a big prison sentence, and hes trying to get a much lesser prison sentence by making up a story. Muellers decision to schedule Cohens new guilty plea just as Trump was leaving the White House on a foreign trip where he was to meet one on one with Russian President Vladimir Putin echoed Muellers indictment of a dozen Russians for interfering in the 2016 election just days before Trump was scheduled to meet with Putin in Helsinki. The timing was not lost on Trumps lawyer handling Muellers criminal investigation. It is hardly coincidental that the special counsel once again files a charge just as the president is leaving for a meeting with world leaders at the G20 summit in Argentina, Rudy Giuliani said in a statement. The special counsel did the very same thing as the president was leaving for a world summit in Helsinki. Trump went ahead with that meeting in July, for which he received renewed criticism for appearing to accept Putins denial of having interfered in the election on Trumps behalf. But Trump canceled this coming meeting just minutes after boarding Air Force One. He blamed the decision on Russias recent aggressive actions toward Ukraine in the Black Sea, though, rather than the Cohen plea. The FBI has been investigating Trump and his campaigns contacts with Russia since before his election. Trump openly praised the countrys authoritarian ruler throughout his campaign, and Putins spy agencies worked to elect Trump by stealing emails from Democrats and releasing them through an ally, WikiLeaks. Trump repeatedly praised WikiLeaks and pointed to the stolen emails as proof that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was corrupt. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey not long after taking office and told first Russian diplomats visiting the Oval Office and then NBC News that he had done so because of the Russia investigation. Mueller, who served as FBI director under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, was appointed special counsel to continue the probe after Comeys firing. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Tunis (AFP) - Police in Tunisia have arrested 12 suspected members of the Islamic State group and seized bomb making materials since a suicide attack last month, the interior ministry said Friday. The authorities have also "dismantled four takfiri (Sunni extremist) sleeper cells in several parts of Tunisia", the ministry said in a statement. The announcement follows an attack by 30-year-old female suicide bomber Mna Guebla on October 29 that wounded 26 people on the capital's busy upmarket Avenue Habib Gourguiba, in the first militant attack in the capital since November 2015. The attack went unclaimed but the Tunisian authorities said the suicide bomber had sworn allegiance to IS. Police have arrested 12 people suspected of supporting IS, an interior ministry spokesman told AFP, without specifying where and when the arrests were made, nor the suspects' links to the perpetrator of October's attack in Tunis. The suicide bomber had contact with IS officials "inside and outside the country, and liaised with them over the internet", the ministry said in its statement. The IS officials had taught the bomber how to make explosive devices, and she built the one used in the attack, the statement said. A laboratory producing explosives and electronic components has also been uncovered in a Tunis suburb, the ministry said. The four dismantled cells are suspected of having been in contact "with terrorist officials entrenched in the Tunisian mountains to organise a series of attacks... aimed at sensitive targets with weapons, a car, poison or remote explosives", the statement said. Investigators confiscated "a very large quantity of explosive and chemical products, along with a drone equipped for remote bombings", the statement added, without specifying where the haul was found. In a separate statement late on Thursday, the interior ministry said a police patrol had been targeted by an armed group in the middle of Kasserine, a marginalised city in western Tunisia. Story continues A passerby was shot and wounded, the ministry said. The attack was claimed by IS in a statement on its Telegram account, saying its fighters had opened fire on the patrol. Thousands of Tunisians have joined jihadist groups fighting in Iraq, Syria and neighbouring Libya. In November 2015, a suicide bombing killed 12 security agents on a bus used by the presidential guard, in an attack claimed by IS. In June 2015, a student went on a shooting rampage in the coastal resort of Sousse and killed 38 people, including 30 Britons and an attack in March that year on the Bardo National Museum in Tunis left 22 people dead, all but one of them foreign tourists. Those attacks, also claimed by IS, devastated Tunisia's crucial tourism sector. Allow me to quote Skipper, the endearing and knowledgable leader of the penguins in Dreamworks Animations 2005 masterpiece Madagascar, when he said, cute and cuddly boys, cute and cuddly. While the flightless bird was directing his squad after getting busted by New York City police for escaping the zoo, he might as well have been instructing Tyler Seguin before his game against the Calgary Flames on Wednesday night. During warmups, the Dallas Stars, um, star, noticed a female spectator had placed an adult refreshment on the edge of the boards while taking in the action. To add some hilarity to the situation, Seguin purposely skated into the glass where the beverage was sitting. Classic. Oops did I spill your drink? Let me buy you another one pic.twitter.com/jgjqTf6tLo Pete Blackburn (@PeteBlackburn) November 29, 2018 After seeing what was probably somewhere between $10 and $15 hit the ground, the victim of this heinous crime was upset. Most men would panic at this point, but Seguin went on to show the world that he is a champ. The 26-year-old flashed that perfect smile in her direction a grin thats basically impossible to stay mad at. Bold move. But, what can I say? Its simultaneously beautiful, inspiring and sickening. Tyler Seguin is a beer-spilling menace. (Getty) Having seen this and heading out to a local establishment with a few friends after my shift, I decided to try this move out myself. So, I walked up to a woman at the bar, knocked the full beer that she was holding right out of her hand without a word and smiled in her direction. To make a long story short, this strategy didnt work nearly as well for me. She wasnt impressed and her boyfriend (who I was completely unaware of) might have roughed me up a bit before I was politely thrown out of the building. I guess things are a little different when youre not raking in $9.85 million a season starting in 2019-20 and your appearance can only be described as a solid six after a few drinks. Story continues Just to rub some salt in the wounds of the average Joe, Seguin went on to assist on Jamie Benns second period goal before netting the overtime winner in his sides 4-3 victory over the Flames. Jerk. More NHL coverage from Yahoo Sports: By Roberta Rampton BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - The United States, Canada and Mexico signed a North American trade pact on Friday, with President Donald Trump brushing aside concerns that he could face difficulties getting the deal through the U.S. Congress. The leaders of the three countries agreed on a deal in principle to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which governs more than $1.2 trillion of mutual trade, after acrimonious negotiations concluded on Sept. 30. Friday's signing potentially ends a big source of irritation for the U.S. administration as it pivots to a much bigger trade fight with China that threatens the global economy. All eyes are on a meeting between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday after a G20 summit in Buenos Aires. Trump had vowed to revamp NAFTA during his 2016 presidential election campaign. He threatened to tear it up and withdraw the United States completely at times during the negotiation, which would have left trade between the three neighbors in disarray. The three were still bickering over the finer points of the deal just hours before officials were due to sit down and sign it. "It's been long and hard. We've taken a lot of barbs and a little abuse and we got there," Trump said after the signing. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still had a few barbs of his own on Friday. He called the deal by its old name NAFTA, prodded Trump over U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs, and said General Motors Co's decision to cut production and slash its North American workforce, including in Canada, was a "heavy blow." "Donald, it's all the more reason why we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum between our two countries," Trudeau said. Mexico's outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto was warmer. On his last day in office, he said the new deal was forged with the "firm belief that together we are stronger and more competitive." Legislators from the three countries must still approve the pact, officially known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), before it goes into effect and replaces NAFTA. But the U.S. landscape will shift significantly in January when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives, after winning midterm elections in November. Presumptive incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi described the deal as a "work in progress" that lacks worker and environment protections. "This is not something where we have a piece of paper we can say yes or no to," she said at a news conference on Friday, noting that Mexico had yet to pass a law on wages and working conditions. Other Democrats, backed by unions that oppose the pact, have called for stronger enforcement provisions for new labor and environmental standards, arguing that USMCA's state-to-state dispute settlement mechanism is too weak. "There is still a ways to go to gain support in the new Congress for this agreement," said Representative Bill Pascrell, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means trade subcommittee. Still, Trump and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer expressed confidence that the NAFTA replacement would pass Congress. "It's been so well reviewed I don't expect to have very much of a problem," Trump said. Lighthizer said the pact was negotiated from the beginning to be a bipartisan agreement. "I think we'll get the support of a lot of Democrats," he told reporters. Trump had forced Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the 24-year-old agreement because he said the existing pact encouraged U.S. companies to move jobs to low-wage Mexico. U.S. objections to Canada's protected internal market for dairy products was a major challenge facing negotiators during the talks, and Trump repeatedly demanded concessions and accused Canada of hurting U.S. farmers. Matt Blunt, the head of the main lobbying group for GM, Ford and Fiat-Chrysler , applauded the deal, saying it would keep north American automotive manufacturing competitive and included a first-ever provision to address currency manipulation. "However, we remain concerned that the continued imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico will undermine the benefits of the USMCA," added Blunt, who heads the American Automotive Policy Council. Foreign brand automakers have expressed concerns that the new rules of origin, which require more high-value content be produced in the United States or Canada, will be too burdensome. BDI, Germany's main industry association, said in a statement that the autos rules of origin were "a retrograde step compared with NAFTA." (Reporting by Roberta Rampton, Matt Spetalnick and Caroline Stauffer in Buenos Aires and David Ljunggren in Ottawa; Additional reporting by David Lawder, Richard Cowan and Lisa Lambert in Washington; Editing by Susan Thomas and Rosalba O'Brien) By Kylie MacLellan BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May urged Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to hold those responsible for journalist Jamal Khashoggi's murder to account and said he should take action to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, her office said on Friday. The G20 summit in Argentina is the first major international event Prince Mohammed has attended since the murder of the Washington Post columnist, a critic of the crown prince, in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October. The killing has strained Saudi Arabias ties with the West and battered Prince Mohammed's image abroad. Saudi Arabia has said the prince had no prior knowledge of the murder. "The Prime Minister stressed the importance of ensuring that those responsible for the appalling murder of Jamal Khashoggi are held to account, and that Saudi Arabia takes action to build confidence that such a deplorable incident could not happen again," May's office said in a readout of her meeting with Prince Mohammed. May had earlier pledged to be robust when she talked to bin Salman and said that the investigation into Khashoggi's killing must be full and credible. May is keen not to alienate allies around the world as Britain prepares to leave the European Union next year in its biggest foreign and trade policy shift in more than 40 years. French President Emmanuel Macron told the crown prince earlier on Friday that Europe would insist on international experts being part of the investigation into the murder of Khashoggi. May will also meet with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday, a senior British official said, with discussion likely to include Turkey's investigation into the killing. May also encouraged the Saudis to end the conflict in Yemen. Western nations are calling for an end to the Saudi-led military campaign, launched by Prince Mohammed, as a humanitarian crisis there worsens. "On Yemen the Prime Minister set out the urgent need to bring an end to the conflict and bring relief to millions threatened by famine," she said. She urged Saudi support for United Nations Special Envoy Martin Griffiths and for progress at the upcoming Stockholm talks. Britain has come under pressure to cease arms sales to Saudi Arabia because of the high death toll in air raids by the Western-backed Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. (Reporting by Kylie MacLellan, writing by Sarah Young and Caroline Stauffer; editing by Guy Faulconbridge, Hugh Lawson and Tom Brown) Kiev (AFP) - Ukraine on Friday barred Russian men aged 16-60 from entry as tensions mounted between the two countries over Moscow's seizure of three Ukrainian ships last week. The move came after Kiev imposed martial law in border regions this week in response to the Russian seizure of the ships and 24 sailors off Moscow-annexed Crimea. The incident was the most dangerous in years between the ex-Soviet neighbours -- who are locked in conflict over Russian-backed separatist regions -- and has raised fears of a wider escalation. "As of today, entry is restricted for foreigners -- in the first instance for male citizens of the Russian Federation age 16 to 60," the head of the border service Petro Tsyhykal said at a meeting with President Petro Poroshenko that was broadcast live. Poroshenko said the restriction will not apply to "humanitarian cases". Moscow slammed the move, but said it will not impose similar restrictions on Ukrainians. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the decision was part of the "ill-conceived, wild direction" of the Ukrainian leadership. She told a press briefing Friday that to try and mirror the travel ban "would lead to some kind of insanity". Belarus, which has become a transit point between the two countries since direct flights between Kiev and Moscow were suspended in 2015, said Friday that Ukraine had barred entry for 144 Russians this week. "Different airports in Ukraine banned entry to a total of 50 Russians arriving from Belarus in one day," a representative of the Belarusian border service told Russian agencies. "Thus, since the start of the week, 144 Russian citizens travelling via different airlines, including foreign ones, have returned to (Belarus') capital Minsk." - Ukrainian sailors 'taken' to Moscow - Moscow and Kiev have traded angry accusations since Russian navy vessels fired on, boarded and captured the three Ukrainian ships last Sunday. Story continues Courts in Crimea sentenced the 24 Ukrainian sailors to two months detention, despite international calls for their release. US President Donald Trump scrapped a planned meeting at the G20 summit with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over Moscow's detention of the sailors. Russia insists they crossed into Russian waters illegally, with Putin saying the border guards "fulfilled their military duty" in seizing the ships. Crimea's human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Lubina on Friday told Russian media that the sailors have been transferred from Crimean jails to Moscow. Ukraine has called their detention "illegal". Kiev imposed martial law for 30 days in 10 regions that border Russia, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea on Wednesday. The decision came after Poroshenko warned of a build-up of Russian tanks near Ukraine's borders, escalating the most dangerous crisis in years between the ex-Soviet neighbours. Ukraine, which has said it fears it is now under threat of a "total war" from Moscow, this week launched military drills in the Sea of Azov, with soldiers role-playing repelling a Russian attempt to land on the coast. European leaders this week rebuffed calls from Ukraine for greater support against Russia, after Kiev urged NATO to send ships into waters disputed with Moscow. German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Kiev to be "sensible" following the request from Poroshenko, just hours after the European Union failed to agree to threaten new sanctions against Moscow. But, while blaming Russia for tensions, Merkel showed no signs of being ready to back military support. Ukraine has also urged Western governments to impose more sanctions on Russia over the incident. EU President Donald Tusk said Friday he was "sure" the bloc will roll over its sanctions on Russia next month because of Moscow's "aggression in Ukraine". "The escalation in the Sea of Azov is a cause of great concern to us. Russia's use of force against Ukrainian ships is unacceptable," Tusk told reporters before the start of the G20 summit in Argentina. "Europe is united in its support to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is why I am sure that the EU will roll over sanctions against Russia in December," he added. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said the issue would be raised at next week's regular meeting of alliance foreign ministers in Brussels, where Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin is also expected. Urzuf (Ukraine) (AFP) - A Ukrainian general wearing camouflage and a bulletproof vest looks out from his Mi-8 helicopter flying over the Sea of Azov, the flashpoint of rising tensions between Kiev and Moscow. "Our presumed enemy is Russia. We don't have any other enemies," says Sergiy Nayev, Ukraine's commander of military operations in the pro-Russian separatist east of the country. The 48-year-old general is observing from the skies anti-aircraft defence exercises near the village of Urzuf on the coast of this small sea, after the Russians seized three Ukrainian military ships and 24 sailors nearby on Sunday. Ukraine's soldiers are practising repelling a Russian attempt to land on the coast. The ex-Soviet republic believes it is now under threat of a "total war" from Moscow. "Did you see? We got it!" shouts Nayev as a surface-to-air missile destroys a rocket representing in the exercise an enemy plane. The incident at sea last weekend was the first open military confrontation between Kiev and Moscow since Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. That year saw the start of an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russian-backed separatists that has claimed more than 10,000 lives. Kiev has imposed martial law for a month in its border regions as it claims Russia is reinforcing its military presence at the Ukrainian frontier. Nayev says Russia has moved "more than 150 planes and helicopters (and) more than 250 tanks" near the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, which are partly controlled by the rebels. The military exercises at Urzuf on Thursday were planned in advance and take place every two months, but this time in a more tense atmosphere. "Here, some 30 Russian planes could attack," says the general, explaining why he has beefed up the anti-aircraft defences. As for the separatists, they "don't have any planes but they have tanks and artillery. All that comes from Russia," Nayev says -- an accusation Moscow denies despite evidence to the contrary. Story continues Two Su-25 fighter planes and two Mi-24 helicopters are taking part in the exercise along the Ukrainian coast of the Sea of Azov not far from the key port of Mariupol. "By sea, Russia is only about 50 kilometres (30 miles) from here," says Nayev. But he says the Russians don't come to this area of the Azov. "One day, two ships came but I sent out two (military) planes and they left." And if the Russians did show up, the Ukrainian defence "is capable of destroying many Russian planes," says Nayev. Nor should they try to come by sea, the general adds. "The enemy will not land here. It would not make any sense for him to do that since we will retaliate." Madrid (AFP) - The UN refugee agency appealed on Friday for an urgent solution to the plight of 12 migrants stranded in the Mediterranean, as activists said they had evacuated one of them to Malta. Spanish aid group Proactiva Open Arms, which helped a Spanish fishing vessel rescue the migrants more than a week ago, told AFP that one young man suffering from dehydration had to be evacuated to Malta in "a highly weakened state." The 11 others also needed to get to a safe port as soon as possible, the group said. The 13-strong crew of the "Nuestra Madre Loreto" fishing vessel rescued the migrants on November 22. The migrants from Egypt, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, had originally set out from Libya and were found drifting in a rubber dinghy in Maltese waters. The Spanish authorities had already tried to get Tripoli to take them back and were in talks with Italy and Malta. But Pascual Dura, captain of the aid vessel sheltering them, told AFP that both countries had already refused to let them dock at their ports. The Madrid office of the UN refugee agency appealed on Friday for an urgent solution. It had been in touch with the Spanish authorities since Monday, it said "... to express deep concern at the possibility of a forced return of the people rescued to Libya". More than 106,000 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the start of the year, according to the International Organization for Migration, and at least 2,119 others have died in the process. ISTANBUL (AP) The two women in the photograph were smiling, but Halmurat Idris knew something was terribly wrong. One was his 39-year-old sister; standing at her side was an elderly woman Idris did not know. Their grins were tight-lipped, mirthless. Her sister had posted the picture on a social media account along with a caption punctuated by a smiley-face. "Look, I have a Han Chinese mother now!" his sister wrote. Idris knew instantly: The old woman was a spy, sent by the Chinese government to infiltrate his family. There are many like her. According to the ruling Communist Party's official newspaper, as of the end of September, 1.1 million local government workers have been deployed to ethnic minorities' living rooms, dining areas and Muslim prayer spaces, not to mention at weddings, funerals and other occasions once considered intimate and private. All this is taking place in China's far west region of Xinjiang, home to the predominantly Muslim, Turkic-speaking Uighurs, who have long reported discrimination at the hands of the country's majority Han Chinese. While government notices about the "Pair Up and Become Family" program portray it as an affectionate cultural exchange, Uighurs living in exile in Turkey said their loved ones saw the campaign as a chilling intrusion into the only place that they once felt safe. They believe the program is aimed at coercing China's 10 million Uighurs into living secular lives like the Han majority. Anything diverging from the party's prescribed lifestyle can be viewed by authorities as a sign of potential extremism from suddenly giving up smoking or alcohol, to having an "abnormal" beard or an overly religious name. Under Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Uighur homeland has been blanketed with stifling surveillance, from armed checkpoints on street corners to facial-recognition-equipped CCTV cameras steadily surveying passers-by. Now, Uighurs say, they must live under the watchful eye of the ruling Communist Party even inside their own homes. Story continues "The government is trying to destroy that last protected space in which Uighurs have been able to maintain their identity," said Joanne Smith Finley, an ethnographer at England's Newcastle University. The Associated Press spoke to five Uighurs living in Istanbul who shared the experiences of their family members in Xinjiang who have had to host Han Chinese civil servants. These accounts are based on prior communications with their family members, the majority of whom have since cut off contact because Uighurs can be punished for speaking to people abroad. The Uighurs abroad said their loved ones were constantly on edge in their own homes, knowing that any misstep a misplaced Quran, a carelessly spoken word could lead to detention or worse. In the presence of these faux relatives, their family members could not pray or wear religious garbs, and the cadres were privy to their every move. The thought of it and the sight of his sister, the old woman and their false smiles made Idris queasy. "I wanted to throw up," said the 49-year-old petroleum engineer, shaking his head in disgust. "The moment I saw the old woman, I thought, 'Ugh, this person is our enemy.' If your enemy became your mother, think about it how would you feel?" ___ Tensions between Muslim minorities and Han Chinese have bubbled over in recent years, resulting in violent attacks pegged to Uighur separatists and a fierce government crackdown on broadly defined "extremism" that has placed as many as 1 million Muslims in internment camps, according to estimates by experts and a human rights group. Uighurs say the omnipresent threat of being sent to one of these centers, which are described as political indoctrination camps by former detainees, looms large in their relatives' minds when they are forced to welcome party members into their homes. Last December, Xinjiang authorities organized a "Becoming Family Week" which placed more than 1 million cadres in minority households. Government reports on the program gushed about the warm "family reunions," as public servants and Uighurs shared meals and even beds. Another notice showed photos of visitors helping Uighur children with their homework and cooking meals for their "families." The caption beneath a photo of three women lying in bed, clad in pajamas, said the cadre was "sleeping with her relatives in their cozy room." A different photo showed two women "studying the 19th Party Congress and walking together into the new era" a nod to when Xi's name was enshrined in the party constitution alongside the likes of Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong. Becoming Family Week turned out to be a test run for a standardized homestay program. The Xinjiang United Front Work Department said in February that government workers should live with their assigned families every two months, for five days at a time. The United Front, a Communist Party agency, indicates in the notice that the program is mandatory for cadres. Likewise, Idris and other interviewees said their families understood that they would be deemed extremists if they refused to take part. Cadres, who are generally civilians working in the public sector, are directed to attend important family events such as the naming of newborns, circumcisions, weddings and funerals of close relatives. They must have a firm grasp of each family member's ideological state, social activities, religion, income, their challenges and needs, as well as basic details on immediate relatives, the notice said. Families were to be paid a daily rate of 20 to 50 yuan ($2.80 to $7.80) to cover the cost of meals shared with their newfound relatives. Some families might be paired with two or three cadres at a time, according to the notice, and the regularly mandated house calls could be supplanted with trips to the local party office. A February piece on the Communist Party's official news site said: "The vast majority of party cadres are not only living inside villagers' homes, but also living inside the hearts of the masses." Overseas Uighurs said the "visits" to their relatives' homes often lasted longer than five days, and they were closely monitored the whole time. The cadres would ask their family members where they were going and who they were meeting whenever they wanted to leave the house. "They couldn't pray," said Abduzahir Yunus, a 23-year-old Uighur originally from Urumqi, Xinjiang's capital. "Praying or even having a Quran at home could endanger the whole family." Yunus, who now lives in Istanbul, said his father used to lament to him about being visited three to four times a week by the administrator of his neighborhood committee, a middle-aged Han Chinese man. The surprise house calls began in 2016, and it was "impossible to say no," Yunus said. They often coincided with times traditionally designated for prayer. "Their aim is to assimilate us," Yunus said. "They want us to eat like them, sleep like them and dress like them." After Yunus's parents and older brother were detained, only Yunus's sister-in-law and 5-year-old brother remained in the house. Around the beginning of 2018, the Han Chinese man started staying with them full-time. Uighurs said they were particularly repulsed by the thought of male visitors living under the same roof as their female relatives and children a practice contrary to their faith. Women and kids are sometimes the only ones left at home after male family members are sent to internment camps. In recent years, the government has even encouraged Uighurs and Han Chinese to tie the knot. Starting in 2014, Han-Uighur spouses in one county were eligible to receive 10,000 yuan ($1,442) annually for up to five years following the registration of their marriage license. Such marriages are highly publicized. The party committee in Luopu county celebrated the marriage of a Uighur woman and a "young lad" from Henan in an official social media account in October 2017. The man, Wang Linkai, had been recruited through a program that brought university graduates to work in the southern Xinjiang city of Hotan. "They will let ethnic unity forever bloom in their hearts," the party committee's post said. "Let ethnic unity become one's own flesh and blood." ___ Not all "Become Family" pairings involve Han Chinese visitors. A Uighur cadre named Gu Li said she regularly pays visits to a Uighur household, staying three to five days at a time. "We've already started calling each other family," she said in a telephone interview from Xinjiang. "China's 56 ethnic groups are all one family." Gu said civil servants of many ethnicities Uighur, Han and Kazakh participate in the program. All government employees in the region are required to conduct such visits in order to better understand villagers' needs, according to Gu: "Because we're always sitting in our offices, we don't know what they really need. Only through penetrating the masses can we truly serve them." As with many of the government's other initiatives in Xinjiang, the "Pair Up and Become Family" program is presented as a way to rescue Muslim minorities from poverty. Public servants show up at homes bearing bags of rice and gallons of cooking oil, and their duties include helping with chores and farm work. Xu Jing, an employee at Turpan city's environmental bureau, recounted her shock after entering her assigned relative's home. Xu said the only light in the residence came from a small window, and she realized that Xasiyet Hoshur wasn't lying when she said she lived on 3,000 yuan ($433) a year. "But it's OK, everything is getting better," Xu wrote in her reflection, published on Turpan's government site. Hoshur's daughter was attending university on a 5,000 yuan ($722) national scholarship. On the one hand, China maintains that employment and living standards are key to warding off the temptations of religious extremism. On the other hand, official descriptions of the visitation and homestay program are laden with suggestions that the ethnic minority families are uncivilized and that their way of life needs to be corrected. One notice, first highlighted by University of Washington ethnographer Darren Byler, focused on a Uighur family's use of a raised, cloth-covered platform for eating and working. In traditional Uighur culture, this setup is preferable to a table, but the testimonial published by the Xinjiang Communist Youth League said frequent use of the platform was "inconvenient" and "unhealthy." The post quoted a cadre saying: "Even though we already purchased a TV and rice oil for our relatives, after living with our relatives for a few days, we still insisted on using our own money to buy our relatives a table and lamp." In the People's Daily, a Uighur baker in Kashgar named Ablimit Ablipiz was quoted praising the party for improving his habits. "Ever since these cadres started living in my home, we've picked up a lot of know-how about food safety and hygiene," Ablipiz said. Uighurs must also conform culturally. Over the Lunar New Year, an important Chinese holiday not traditionally celebrated by Uighurs, cadres encouraged households to hang lanterns and sing "red songs," ballads honoring the party's revolutionary history. Byler said families could not ask whether the meat was halal and acceptable to Muslims when they had to make or eat dumplings for the festival. ___ Thousands of miles away, in Turkey, Uighur relatives in exile watch what is happening with dread. Earlier this year, Ablikim Abliz studied a photo of his uncle's family gathered around a table. Clad in thick winter jackets, his uncle and the smiling Han Chinese man beside him both held chubby-faced children in their laps. His uncle had posted the photo to his WeChat page along with the caption "Han Chinese brother." The 58-year-old Abliz said his entire extended family in China has been sent to internment camps. When he saw his uncle's photo, his first reaction was relief. If his uncle had been assigned a Han family member, Abliz thought, that meant he was safe. But the consolation was short-lived. A friend who tried to visit his uncle in Turpan this summer told Abliz that his uncle's front door was boarded up and sealed with police tape. Abliz has not been able to reach any of his family members since. As for Idris, he fears that his sister is living under immense pressure with her Han Chinese "mother." Shortly after her sister's first post about her new relatives, a friend responded on WeChat: "I also have one! You guys better be careful!" The same friend later posted photos of herself and a Han Chinese woman doing a Chinese fan dance, playing the drums and wearing traditional Han clothing. His sister would never have volunteered for such a program, Idris said. She and his younger sister had been trying to get passports to bring their children to Turkey and reunite with Idris, but their applications were not accepted. Last summer, both of his sisters deleted him on WeChat. A few months later, his aunt deleted him, too. For more than a year, Idris has not been able to communicate with his relatives. He wonders, with growing unease, how they're getting along with their new "family." Washington (AFP) - The US Department of Homeland Security asked the Pentagon on Friday to extend its deployment of troops to the US-Mexico border into next year. Approximately 5,600 active-duty troops are currently supporting border agents as part of a contentious mission ordered by President Donald Trump ahead of the mid-term elections in November. The border deployment was supposed to wrap up by December 15, but due to an "ongoing threat" may now be extended until January 31, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spokeswoman Katie Waldman said in a statement. "This request refines support to ensure it remains aligned with the current situation, the nature of the mission, and CBP operational requirements," she said. Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Davis said the Defense Department was still reviewing the request and did not have an immediate response for DHS. In addition to the 5,600 active-duty forces, another 2,100 or so National Guardsmen have been deployed to support operations at the border. Their mission is to assist short-handed border patrol agents deal with the arrival of large groups of migrants in so-called "caravans." Critics have called the deployment order a political stunt, coming as it did in the days ahead of the November 6 elections. In the Mexican city of Tijuana, across the border from San Diego in California, more than 6,000 migrants are camped out hoping to apply for asylum, or sneak into the United States in some cases, fleeing poverty and violence in their home countries. Much of the US troops' work so far has been to put up mile after mile of concertina and barbed-wire fencing along the border. Washington (AFP) - The former right hand man of notorious Mexican druglord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was sentenced Friday to life in prison, judicial sources said. Damaso Lopez Nunez, known as "The Lawyer" when he worked for the ultra-violent Sinaloa cartel, had been convicted of trafficking by a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. The 52-year-old was captured in Mexico in May last year and extradited to the United States two months later. He was considered a potential witness against Guzman, who is currently on trial in New York. According to the US Department of Justice, Lopez was the deputy head of a Mexican maximum security prison in 2001 when he helped Guzman escape. He then joined the cartel as Guzman's lieutenant. In that role he took part in the production and shipment to the United States of tons of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and marijuana, according to the US Justice Department. He also directed some of the killings and kidnappings associated with the Sinaloa gang. And he was linked to the May 15, 2017 murder of Mexican journalist Javier Valdez, an AFP contributor. LOS ANGELES Volkswagen is deciding where to locate a new factory in North America to build electric vehicles for the U.S. market, the German automaker's new head for the Americas said on Wednesday. Scott Keogh, the newly appointed CEO of Volkswagen Group of America, said a new plant was needed to build a vehicle yet to be revealed under the Volkswagen brand, priced between $30,000-$40,000, that is due in 2020. "We are 100 percent deep in the process of 'We will need an electric car plant in North America,' and we're holding those conversations now," Keogh told journalists at the Los Angeles auto show. An electric car that could take on Silicon Valley's Tesla is part of the massive investment in electric vehicles that Europe's largest carmaker plans to make. Volkswagen announced earlier this month it would spend almost 44 billion euros ($50 billion) on developing electric cars, autonomous driving and new mobility services by 2023, while exploring areas of cooperation with U.S. automaker Ford. To meet a production timeline for 2020, the new electric car will initially be sourced outside of the United States, Keogh said, but then will be produced at the newly chosen site. Volkswagen's existing U.S. plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the Passat and Atlas are built, could be one option as there is enough room at that facility, but it will not necessarily be chosen, Keogh said. Tesla has thus far captured the largest share of the U.S. market for electric vehicles, but a host of new models will hit the market from German automakers and others over the next two years. For Volkswagen, although it is behind Tesla, it is not necessarily too late to capture a U.S. market that presents a "massive opportunity," Keogh said. "The market timing actually is quite perfect," he said. "You need to have this intersection of, 'Can you get costs down enough that you can produce a car at that price point, make enough money, have the technology capabilities that this is a car that we would want to put in the marketplace, and have market acceptance?'" he said. Story continues "And when all these things intersect that's ideally when you want to throw the dart." Reporting by Alexandria Sage Related Video: US president Donald Trump and Chinas president Xi Jinping will discuss trade at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo: Artyom Ivanov/Getty Images Here are the top business, market and economic stories you should be watching today in the UK, Europe and abroad: G20 in the spotlight A two-day annual summit of the worlds top economies will open on Friday in Argentina with leaders struggling to contain the fallout from a US-China trade war that has roiled global markets, hurt business confidence and upended traditional trade flows. Onlookers and attendees are bracing for the kind of divisive geopolitical drama that US president Donald Trump often brings to the international stage. The bitter US-China trade dispute has pitted the worlds two largest economies against one another, with each side imposing tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of imports. All eyes will be on a planned meeting between Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping on Saturday to see whether they can make progress toward resolving differences that threaten the global economy. Criminal charges over $11bn Autonomy deal The United States has filed criminal charges against the high-profile UK executive Mike Lynch over the $11bn (8.6bn) sale of the British software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HPE) seven years ago. The charges filed in a court in San Francisco carry a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and include 14 counts of conspiracy and fraud. British entrepreneur Lynch co-founded Autonomy in 1996 and served as its CEO. In 2011, the company was bought by HP, but the deal turned sour a year later when HP wrote off three-quarters of the British companys value. It accused Lynch and his colleagues of financial mismanagement. Lawyers for Lynch, who has always denied any wrongdoing, said in a statement on Friday that the indictment was a travesty of justice and he would contest the charges. Stock market overview European stock markets were sinking on Friday, with Londons FTSE 100 (^FTSE) down by about 0.7% in mid-morning trading. The DAX (^GDAXI) in Germany and CAC 40 (^FCHI) in France were also in negative territory, erasing much of the gains accrued this week. Story continues US stock futures were slipping ahead of the open on Friday and WTI crude futures (CL=F) were also down to trade around $51 per barrel. Asian markets mostly edged up on Friday, with Chinas benchmark Shanghai Composite (000001.SS) leading the way with a 0.8% gain. Australias ASX All Ordinaries (^AORD) bucked the trend by dropping 1.5%. With files from Reuters Mitchell Dworet and Melissa Willey have never met and dont have much in common. Dworet, whom everyone calls Mitch, is an outgoing real estate agent from a busy part of Florida; Willey is a reserved stay-at-home mother of nine from a small town in southern Maryland. But one thing unites them: both had kids on a high school swim team, and now both of those kids are dead. Dworets 17-year-old son Nicholas was killed during the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., in February. Soon after, some parents of other children who had been victims of gun violence contacted Dworet, offering him support, guidance and understanding. A month later, 1,000 miles north in Maryland, Willeys daughter Jaelynn, 16, was shot to death by a fellow student at Great Mills High School. When Dworet heard about it, he contacted Willey on Facebook. I felt like I should reach out, he says. I wanted to pay it forward. Read the full cover story here. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn before leaving the White House in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018 to attend the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Search for a new Yakima police chief The city of Yakima is making progress in finding a new police chief. City officials issued a request for executive recruitment services Nov. 1, asking for proposals from search firms. The deadline for proposals is Friday. The city had received proposals from two recruiting firms as of Thursday. City officials said recruiting a chief can cost $20,000 to $25,000. City Manager Cliff Moore said the city hopes to pick a search firm by the end of the year and have the new police chief in place by April or May. The chief will supervise 128 officers, oversee a budget of about $30 million, and manage a department that responds to more than 150 calls a day on average. Yakima police Capt. Gary Jones is serving as interim chief. Should U.S. troops be removed from Afghanistan, site of the longest running war in U.S. history? Hanukkah is just around the corner, which means it's time for the annual Yedioth Ahronoth sufganiyot survey. The traditional taste test, which this year included 55 participants, is designed to help you decide which deep-fried Israeli delicacy is worth the calories and subsequent guilt. Here are some of the best sufganiyot for 2018. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter A few editorial notes 1. If there is something we have learned from this year's tasting, it's that no matter how sophisticated the decorations, fillings, and coatings of this fried delicacy, in the end, what we prefer are the simple and classic strawberry jam doughnuts. 2. It's unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on one's point of view) that pastry-cooks put more effort into the design of the sufganiyah (thus overpricing it, some even sell their product at double-digit prices). Sufganiyot (Photo: Assaf Levi) 3. Another important point to note: dear pastry chefs, please stick to the calendar. We understand you've been working days and nights trying to improve your recipes, but, having witnessed sufganiyot displays as early as September, we ask you to be patient and wait until the holiday season before displaying your product. It's best to eat sufganiyot during the cool season of the year, not in the hot summer days. Just the thought of ingesting this oil-soaked sponge during the sweat-filled mid-September days terrifies us. 4. Roladin's head chef, Shlomi Fadida, reminded us that the customer is always right, even when it comes to Hanukkah's sweet treats. Back in August, for example, Roladin held a huge tasting survey, in which customers took part in determining the bakery cafe chain's choice of leading sufganiyah flavors for 2018 (though we would have preferred to know that the sufganiyot menu is planned by experienced bakers and not by costumers the chain is trying to please). The taste test Among the survey's participants this year are families from Gaza border communities, Israeli navy soldiers, experienced Israel Postal Company staff members and start-up employees with a sweet tooth. When it comes to the presentation of this year's sufganiyot selection, the decision was unanimous: these are not pastries, but works of art. Therefore, when it came time for a final ruling, we have taken into account the sufganiyah's look as well. We also put emphasis on taste, texture, and price. The results Best nostalgic taste The classic sufganiyah is something we will always cherish, and when made properly, they win every time. The long-serving Hazvi bakery in Bnei Brak received the most praise from our tasters, young and old alike. It seems everyone wants the classic sufganiyah with jelly and sugar powder. Price: NIS 3.5 apiece. Address: 78 Kahneman St., Bnei Brak. Orders and reservations: 03-6740674 The most surprising Jacobs Bread boutique killed it this year with a sufganiyah collection based on salty snacks, like Bamba Bisli, popcorn, and even lime and mint cream. Price: Starting at 8 NIS apiece. Orders and reservations: 03-55511333 Nomili Patisserie Cafe's sourdough We've never heard of this before: sufganiyot made from natural sourdough and pure butter. Dan Kelly, a Paris-trained pastry chef, concocted this recipe for Nomili Patisserie Cafe in Kfar Saba. The sufganiyah come with a pastry creme or Belgian chocolate ganache filling. Our tasters loved it. Price: NIS 10 apiece. Address: 3 Sokolov St., Kfar Saba. Orders and reservations: 09-7662616. Macaron-based sufganiyah The fairy-tale sufganiyot of the Showroom Bakehouse have excited our tastersboth in terms of presentation and variety of fillings. The collection called "Hypnotic Macaron" is based on classic flavors of macarons such as pistachios, strawberries, berries, champagne and more. Each sufganiyah is decorated with fondant icing that adds an interesting twist to the presentation of this deep-fried dessert. Price: NIS 14-16 apiece. Orders and reservations: click this link David Outmezgine's 'Volcano' Personal truffles sufganiyah wrapped in chocolate and topped with a thin gold or silver foil, created by confectioner David Outmezgine. The coating explodes in the mouth, revealing a rich filling in a variety of flavors inside. The most popular sufganiyah was Outmezgine's "Volcano," which is filled with cappuccino cream. "It's not a sufganiyah anymore, it's reminiscent of a Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball with a fried dough texture," said one survey participant. It's a pity that it is overpriced. Price: NIS 45 apiece; delicious, but pricy. The chain's reservation center: 03-9393655. Paris in Biscotti The Biscotti patisserie chain takes the well known "Paris-Brest" French dessert (made of choux pastry and a praline-flavored cream) and incorporates into its collection of sofganyot, turning the holiday delight into something new. Our tasters especially enjoyed the Ferrero Rocher-style filled sufganiyah with a nougat coating and hazelnuts crumble. Price: NIS 10 apiece. Orders and reservations: 03-5704015 / 03-5704018 Roladin's Pierre Herme-inspired sufganiyah The Roladin chain drew inspiration this year from the collaboration between the Pierre Herme French patisserie and luxury Swiss chocolate brand Lindt. The result looks pretentious and over-designed. The most liked offering is the "Royal," a sufganiyah with milk and bitter Lindt chocolate cream filling, chocolate almond sable, profiterole, and a chocolate-hazelnut shot. The "Infinity Vanilla"filled with a white chocolate pastry cream with caramel and almonds crunch and a vanilla shotis also worth a try. Price: NIS 12 apiece Orders and reservations: click here. Pretzel bagel sufganiyah The pretzel bagel sufganiyah by the boutique bakery "Elchanan Bread Culture" in Mishmarot (a kibbutz in northern Israel) was the star of our survey, perhaps because it reminded our tasters of the American-style doughnut. The recipe was invented by baker and owner Eldad Shmueli, and the variety of sofganyot includs a filling or top with flavors of chocolate, nuts, vanilla pastry cream, pistachio praline, strawberry jam, raspberry jam, guava jam, citrus jam, salted caramel and Dulce de leche Price: NIS 9-11 apiece Orders and reservations: 04-8838200 Dallal Bakery You can't argue with the quality of the Dallal Bakery shop. Here too the sofganyot filled with Dulce de leche / chocolate / vanilla / pistachio were among our tasters' favorites, as well as a kids' favorite, especially the classic ones. Price: NIS 8 for filled sufganiyah, NIS 5 for a classic sufganiyah Orders and reservations: 03-5109292 Boutique Central's brioche This year, the Boutique Central patisserie chain serves Brioche sofganyot. On the menu: filled sofganyot with various flavors, such as creme brulee, creamy pastry creme enriched with white chocolate and vanilla sticks, and yummy chocolate cream. Our tasters especially enjoyed the almond tuile sufganiyah, which was ranked especially high. Prices: NIS 6-7 for a baked or classic brioche sufganiyah, NIS 9 for a sufganiyah with filling. For orders and reservations, click here Tatti Bistro's cinnabon How much further can we go? Our tasters liked the cinnabon sufganiyah, so who are we to argue? The gimmick belongs to the Tatti Bistro, and they come with a cinnamon pastry cream and cream cheese filling or with a coffee-walnut filling. Price: NIS 8.5. Orders and reservations: 03-5392500 Metuka's Sabrina sufganiyah Metuka bakery's take on a classic Sabrina cake was well liked by our tasters. The bakery offers a Sabrina sufganiyah with vanilla cream and fresh strawberries. Price: NIS 12 apiece For deliveries: 1-700-723-723 Shani Bakery The Shani Bakery in Haifa serves bite-size sofganyot suitable for children. They are filled with "Kinder Click"a Kinder Bueno filling topped with Belgian chocolate ganache and crunchy Click chocolate bar ballsor with a chocolate cream with chocolate and colored candy toppings. Price: NIS 6-11 apiece, 64 for a package. A year ago, on December 1, 2017, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Fatou Bensouda, decided to close the "Marmara case." This is the same old story from 2010, in which Israeli forces commandeered a flotilla, led by the Mavi Marmara, on its way to Gaza. Nine activists were killed during the takeover. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter Following the incident, a number of investigation committees were established, most prominently that of the UN Security Council, led by former Prime Minister of New Zealand Jeffrey Palmer. The Palmer Committee determined that Israel used excessive force, but that the blockade itself was legal. Following that conclusion, Bensouda decided to close the case in 2014. In 2015, a committee of three ICC justices demanded the case be reopened. Bensouda appealed the decision. After her appeal was rejected, she again investigated and again decided to close the case. IDF forces board the Mavi Marmara (Photo: IDF Spokesperson) But last week, a panel of judges ordered the prosecutor to open an investigation, in order to file a claim against Israel. The authority to file a claim, it should be noted, is that of the prosecutor alone. Thus, for years the prosecutor has ruled that there are no grounds for an investigation, and various panels of judges insist on having one anyway. That Gaza flotilla was an initiative by IHH, a Turkish-Islamic organization. Even before the flotilla set sail, European intelligence sources noted that IHH was linked to the global Jihad movement, including al-Qaeda. The European Union's delegate to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, Jean-Louis Burgier, affirmed that IHH is connected to the global terrorist network. Fatou Bensouda When members of the organization were aboard the Mavi Marmara on their way to Gaza, they chanted the song of annihilation, "Khaybar Khaybar, ya Yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa Yahud" ("Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, Mohammeds army will return" is a thinly disguised call to murder Jews, referring to a battle in Khaybar when Mohammed slaughtered scores of Jews). One of the flotilla's prominent members was Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, who energized the participants with hate speech. Like other members of the global Jihad, IHH members made it clear, even before the incident, that they were destined to be martyrs. Of the 500 participants in the flotilla, 40 were members of the IHH and of the nine killed, eight were IHH members. A few months after they returned to Turkey, members of IHH traveled to Tehran to meet their ally, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then president of Iran. Saleh Ozer, the organization's leader, declared: "We are here today with the yearning and determination to build a Middle East without Israel and America." Similar statements were made by IHH leaders later on. IHH members attack IDF soldiers (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit) All this information, and probably additional information, was available to Bensouda. One cannot "accuse" her of being overly sympathetic to Israel, but she understood that this was a planned provocation by a terrorist organization that forged an alliance with "progressive forces"the red-green alliance of jihadists and the radical left, whose only common denominator is anti-Semitism. Considering these facts, an investigation should have been launched against Turkey, which sponsored the flotilla and the IHH, and encouraged and equipped them. In the struggle between Jihad and its supporters and a free country, the West was supposed to side with the latter. But presumptions go through a dangerous change when it comes to Israel. It is fighting an organization that is recognized as a terrorist organization, whose members declare in advance their desire to become martyrs, an anti-Semitic ideology dominated the deck, but wonder of wondersthe ICC court's judges repeatedly demand an indictment against Israel. During the last round of discussions at the UN General Assembly, various committees submitted nine condemnations of Israeland not even one proposal against any other country in the world. This is a shameful extension of the obsessive bias against Israel. These organizations have an automatic majority against Israel, but what about the judges?! In the United States, a bipartisan majority in Congress passed the "Hague Invasion Act," which states that if there is an attempt to arrest an American soldier or an American citizen for prosecution, the United States will invade The Hague in order to release the detainee, which sounds like a strange law. But reality, it turns out, is even stranger. Back in 1985, a statue of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, created by the Sculptor Louis Mittelberg, was erected in Paris Place Pierre Lafue. Now, over 30 years later, the statues replica made Aliyah to Tel Aviv. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter The idea to bring a replica of the statue to Israel was born when Beit Hatfutsot, the Museum of the Jewish People, showcased an exhibition called The tales of a French-Jewish family, which chronicled the story of the Dreyfus family for several generations. 'A tribute to Captain Dreyfus' Dreyfus great-granddaughter, Yael Perl Ruiz, is excited about the new statue. Now, the younger generation, that doesnt know the story, can learn about the Dreyfus affair and find interest in it. Its of tremendous importance, she said. The statue, named a tribute to Captain Dreyfus, memorializes the famous story of the Jewish French artillery officers ordeal, that stirred France in the late Nineteenth Century. Dreyfus being publicly humiliated after his conviction. In 1895, Dreyfus was falsely accused of treason and of spying for Germany. This was followed by a highly public trial that stirred raging anti-Semitic sentiments in the press and the French public, and ended in a humiliating conviction and public stripping of his ranks. Dreyfus was sent to exile in the infamous Devils Island in French Guiana, known for its horrible conditions (featured in the successful book, and later film "Papillon," telling the tale of an inmates life on the island.) Dreyfus' hut in Devil's Island. The French public was torn on Dreyfus, a rift illustrated by writer Emile Zolas open letter, "JAccuse," blaming authorities of anti-Semitism. This caused a political outrage that lead to Dreyfus exoneration and clearing of guilt. Dreyfus returned to France and later served his country in World War One. The affair has since become an international symbol of the struggle against racism and anti-Semitism. Dreyfus great-granddaughter said that the family feels the posing of the statue in Israel is a meaningful event that brings closure. He returned from the island traumatized, he had nightmares. He only survived because he was a person with strong values, she said. An anti-Semitic caricature presenting Dreyfus as a traitor. The statue was erected between Rothschild Avenue and Herzl Street in Tel Aviv, near the French Institute. Dreyfus 91-year-old grandson attended the unveiling. Emile Zolas great-granddaughter, Martine Le Blond-Zola, also attended the ceremony alongside her close friendDreyfus' great-granddaughter Yael Perl Ruiz. Philippe Val, the former editor of the magazine Charlie Hebdo that suffered a terror attack in 2015, also attended the ceremony. The Chief Rabbinate publishes a list of foreign rabbinical courts recognized for the performance of conversions and divorce. The move follows a petition by ITIM Institute against the so-called 'blacklists' of disqualified courts. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter Their goal is to finally regulate a domain that has been characterized by vagueness and uncertainty. However, criteria have not yet been determined for the Rabbinate to recognize individual rabbis from abroad. Rabbinical Court (Photo: Gil Yohanan) To date, the Chief Rabbinate has denied the claim that it maintains lists of recognized rabbis or rabbinical courts, and certainly the existence of a secret "black list" of those who are disqualified in their eyes. According to the Chief Rabbinate, each case is examined on its own merits. The rabbinate also admitted that it had never formulated criteria for the recognition of rabbis abroad. However, two years ago, after being criticized by the court, it undertook to formulate such measures. Now, for the first time, two lists, whose existence has previously been denied, have been published; including some 80 courts around the world that the Chief Rabbinate recognizes to perform conversions, and about 70 that are recognized to testify regarding an individual's "marital status." However, a list of individual rabbis, if it indeed exists, was not revealed. In addition, the rabbinate published the recently formulated criteria for recognizing new courts. Yet the courts appearing on these lists do not necessarily fulfill all the requirements, but have been approved for reasons that have yet to be explained. The new criteria stipulate that Rabbis from foreign courts who wish to be included on the list will be invited to an oral examination performed by rabbis of the Rabbinical Court of Israel, and appointed by the rabbinate. The test will examine their knowledge in theory and in practice in the laws of divorce and conversion. Based on the results, the committee will then decide whether to recommend recognizing these courts to the Chief Rabbinic Council. Justice for rabbis who were rejected in the past ITIM organization, which led the legal struggle to formulate the criteria, welcomed the publication of the lists, which are expected to make life easier for those who apply for assistance with state religious services. "This is another important step towards the regulation of relations between the State of Israel and Diaspora Jewry, and we are happy that after our adamant struggle, the list has finally been published and there is something to work with," said ITIM Director Dr. Shaul Farber Despite the achievement, Farber expressed reservations about the composition of the list and the new criteria. "We must examine why rabbis whom the Chief Rabbinate say are trusted are not on the list. But it is a positive step towards transparent and improved religious services for the Jewish public in Israel and abroad." ITIM also called on the Rabbinate to act fairly and impartiality towards community rabbis whose conversions have been rejected with no explanation given. Rabbi Lau meets with European rabbis The list 'a source of concern' Shmuel Shetach, the director of the Ne'emanei Torah v'Avodah, a religious Zionist movement, also expressed reservations about the move. "The list of rabbinical courts published is one step forward and two steps backwards. Instead of publishing clear and equal criteria that will bring about a de facto recognition of all communities abroad, the rabbinate continues to play games and excludes a large part of Diaspora Jewry, "Shetach said. "While the time has come for a methodical listnot 'black lists' leaving bureaucrats to do whatever they wantthe fact that the current list does not include rabbis and important communities abroad is a source of deep concern. "We expect and hope to see a completion of the process of recognizing the rabbis of the Diaspora, which can advance the healing of the great rift between Diaspora Jewry and the State of Israel," he added. Meanwhile, the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) announced Tuesday that it had reached an agreement with the Chief Rabbinate according to which, the State of Israel would recognize conversions and divorce from Europe only if they were performed in courts approved by senior rabbis from the Chief Rabbinate. European rabbis expanding their activities A delegation of CER's rabbis, headed by CER's President Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, arrived in Israel last week and met with Chief Rabbi David Lau. Lau promised them that the rabbinate would not recognize conversions performed by "roving" rabbis, but only those belonging to recognized courts. The rabbis issued a statement pledging to "expand its activities and provide court services to smaller communities There will be no conversion in places where there is no infrastructure for Jewish communal life. An international database will be set up to promote closer cooperation between the courts in Europe and in Israel." An Airbus A340 government aircraft carrying German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her delegation to the G20 summit was forced to land en route after suffering technical problems on Thursday evening, the captain said. Around an hour into the trip from Berlin, the captain told passengers he had decided to land at Cologne-Bonn airport in northwestern Germany after the "malfunction of several electronic systems", but said there had been no security risk. It was not immediately clear when a new aircraft would arrive to continue the 15-hour flight to Argentina. Merkel and other passengers initially remained on board the aircraft, called "Konrad Adenauer" as mechanics inspected its brakes and several fire engines waited nearby, according to a Reuters reporter on board. Later, the delegation travelled by bus to a hotel in Bonn. Delegation sources said efforts were underway to organise new flights for Merkel and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, possibly on a commercial carrier. The delay could complicate Merkel's schedule at the two-day meeting in Argentina, where the Group of 20 industrialised countries already expect to face "very, very difficult" negotiations on myriad issues. Merkel, who had planned bilateral meetings with the presidents of the United States, China, Russia and India, was unlikely to arrive in Buenos Aires until Friday evening, German government sources said. WASHINGTONThe United States on Thursday displayed pieces of what it said were Iranian weapons deployed to militants in Yemen and Afghanistan, a move by President Donald Trumps administration to pressure Tehran to curb its regional activities.he presentation of hardware by the Pentagon, much of which was handed over by Saudi Arabia, coincides with growing concern in Congress over US military support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemens civil war, which has led to a deep humanitarian crisis. Members of Congress have escalated their opposition to Saudi Arabia after the October killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Despite administration pleas not to downgrade ties with the Saudis and thereby counter Iran, the Senate voted on Wednesday to advance a resolution to end military support for the Saudis in Yemen. If Iran were found to be shipping arms to Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries, it would be in violation of UN resolutions. We want there to be no doubt across the world that this is a priority for the United States and that its in international interest to address it, said Katie Wheelbarger, the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. Journalist Marc Lamont Hill was fired by CNN Thursday following comments he made about Israel's treatment of the Palestinian. "Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN, a network spokesperson said. During a speech he was giving, Hill called for a "free Palestine from the river to the sea." "I support Palestinian freedom. I support Palestinian self-determination. I am deeply critical of Israeli policy and practice. I do not support anti-Semitism, killing Jewish people, or any of the other things attributed to my speech. I have spent my life fighting these things," he added on Twitter Culture Minister Miri Regev slammed the decision to reject Moshe Edris appointment as police commissioner: the Israeli government knows how to take dramatic decisions. Officials should be decided on in the government with the help of a committee, appointed by the relevant minister, that advices on possible candidates. Syria has approached the UN Friday, following a series of attacks it said were initiated by Israel and the US. The Syrian Foreign Office said attacks are a direct consequence of the USs lack of respect to international law and human values, in line with the targets of Israeli aggression. We ask the UN Security Council to act in order to immediately put an end to this aggression, said the Syrian statement. A.D. JOHNSTON High School English and Spanish teacher Micaela Zelinski stands in her classroom in Bessemer. She recently won an award for helping launch a Book Club and Reading Club at the school. By LARRY HOLCOMBE [email protected] BESSEMER - A.D. Johnston High School English and Spanish teacher Micaela Zelinski said she loves a good book and maybe the only thing better is sharing it with others. She's particularly drawn to contemporary young adult literature with the hope that she'll find something she can incorporate in her classroom or with the school's relatively new Book Club. This is Zelinski's second year teaching. Last year, she launched an after-school Book Club. She said the "small but tight-knit" group read a variety of good books, starting with "The Walled C... By RALPH ANSAMI [email protected] BESSEMER The Gogebic County Board of Commissioners on Wednesday received a $31,297 check from the Michigan Counties Workers Compensation Fund. The 2017 dividend check is for the countys portion of the self-funded programs division of the Lansing-based agency. MCWCF Administrator Timothy McGuire said county commissioners throughout the Upper Peninsula sit on the workers compensation board. Gogebic Countys representative is veteran county board member Joe Bonovetz, of Bessemer. There are a total of 11 members on the board. Because of the... Households in Hobart are facing moderately unaffordable rents as Tasmanias capital city topples Sydney as the least affordable city to rent in the country, according to the latest release of the Rental Affordability Index (RAI). [Hobart] is in a housing gridlock, Ellen Witte, a partner at SGS Economics and Planning said. Witte said that rental affordability in Hobart further declined over the winter. As a result, the average-income household is now spending 30% of its income on rent, which subsequently makes saving for a deposit on a mortgage difficult. The RAI, which is released biannually by National Shelter, Community Sector Banking, SGS Economics & Planning and the Brotherhood of St Laurence, is an indicator of the price of rents relative to household incomes based on new rental agreements. An RAI of 100 and below reflect that households would be required to spend up to 30% of their income on rent, while an RAI of 100-120 indicates that households are facing moderately unaffordable rents. Greater Hobart hit an RAI of 101 in June 2018. This means that median rents in metropolitan Hobart are now unaffordable, even to median-income rental households. National Shelter Executive Officer Adrian Pisarski said that the market conditions remains poor, with little or no improvement for low- and moderate-income renters in the capitals, and shows poor affordability in the regions. It is clear to National Shelter we need a national housing strategy to help improve the dire situation far too many renters across Australia experience, he said. Compared to improvement in purchase affordability, renters are doing it tough. While we have many housing markets in Australia, none of them are positive for renters. We need a multi-party commitment to improve rental affordability over the long term. Other Australian cities, including Sydney, saw improvements in rental affordability. In many cases, however, the gains did not reach low-income households. Looking beneath the headline figures, rental stress is affecting the majority of very low-income households in Australia. Pensioners and single parents are hit particularly hard., said Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking. Conny Lenneberg, executive director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence, had a similar sentiment, noting the struggles many Aussies have to go through to achieve a decent home. High rents are pushing unemployed people on very low Newstart payments into deeper poverty, she said. Jobseekers are forced out to the urban fringes of our cities to find suitable accommodation, but that places them far from jobs and public transport connections. Housing-cost pressures mean some renters on Centrelink are being pushed into homelessness. We need to raise Newstart and its very modest rental supplement as a priority. News Washington, DC - President Donald J. Trump Signed S. 3554 into Law: S. 3554, which extends for one year, through November 24, 2019, the collateral requirements for Small Business Administration disaster loans. News Phoenix, Arizona - Wednesday, Governor Doug Ducey ordered that flags at all state buildings be lowered to half-staff immediately until sunset Thursday, November 29, 2018 in honor of the life and legacy of Congressman Ed Pastor, who passed away Tuesday night. Flags will also be lowered on the day of interment, which has not been set. Today, Arizona mourns the loss of an Arizona trailblazer and true public servant, Congressman Ed Pastor," said Governor Ducey. "Born in Claypool, Arizona, Congressman Pastor served 23 years in Congress, becoming the first Latino to represent Arizona in Congress. Before that, Congressman Pastor served three terms as a Maricopa County Supervisor, as an aide to Governor Raul Castro, in numerous community roles, and as a high school chemistry teacher. The first in his family to graduate from college, he earned both a bachelor of arts degree in chemistry and law degree from Arizona State University. My deepest sympathies go out to Congressman Pastors family and loved ones. In honor of his life of service, I'm ordering flags across the state be lowered to half-staff in recognition of the long-lasting impact he will leave on Arizona. Arizona News Phoenix, Arizona - Kirk Adams, chief of staff to Governor Doug Ducey, Monday announced his planned departure from the Governors Office. Adams has served as chief of staff since January 2015 and will remain on staff until December 14, 2018. Kirk Adams has been a critical member of my team and key to our successes leading the 2014 transition committee, serving as chief of staff since day one of my first term and most recently seeing our team through one of the most historic legislative sessions in state history, said Governor Ducey. Kirks long list of accomplishments prior to joining our team has grown exponentially over the last four years thanks to his unrivaled talent, policy depth, remarkable leadership and ability to build consensus among Arizona stakeholders. I am grateful to Kirk for his service and for his work to build an exceptionally talented team that will help continue Arizonas success as a national leader for opportunity, jobs and economic growth. Adams, a native Arizonan, helped lead the Governors Office staff through a number of significant events from tackling a billion dollar budget deficit, to the negotiation of Proposition 123, a measure that settled a long-standing lawsuit and increased K-12 school funding by $3.5 billion over ten years, to the historic 2018 legislative session which saw included 20 percent teacher pay raises by the year 2020 and the unanimous passage of the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act. Earlier this year, Kirk oversaw the governors efforts to honor the late Senator John McCain during the memorial services hosted at the Arizona State Capitol. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity Ive had to serve as Governor Duceys chief of staff, said Adams. The decision to leave this role is not one I made lightly Ive often said I have the best job in the country, and that is attributed to the governors leadership and the exceptional team we built over the last four years. While I will miss the job and every member of the governors office, I am looking forward to new opportunities outside of state government. Adams previously served in the Arizona House of Representatives, first elected in 2006, and was elected as House Speaker just two years later. He is an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow and previously served as chairman of the Arizona Leadership Council for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). Kirks four-year tenure as chief of staff exceeds the average length of service for a gubernatorial chief of staff, which is less than three years according to the National Governors Association. Arizona News Phoenix, Arizona - Governor Doug Ducey announced that Daniel Scarpinato will serve as Chief of Staff, succeeding Kirk Adams who announced his departure after four years in the Governors Office. Daniel Scarpinato was instrumental to the development and execution of our achievements during my first term as governor. He has also been a leader and collaborator among our team and staff making meaningful contributions in policy, communications, and operations strategies, said Governor Ducey. Daniels experience, his ability to solve problems, and his reputation for working with others to get things done gives me great confidence in his ability to lead our exceptional team as we advance an agenda of opportunity for all. Daniel Scarpinato previously served as Governor Duceys Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Strategic Planning from January 2015 through July 2018. In July, Scarpinato joined the governors 2018 re-election campaign, serving as Senior Advisor. Prior to joining the Governors Office, Daniel served as the National Press Secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) in Washington D.C., and before that as Western Regional Press Secretary for the NRCC. Additionally, he has served as Director of Communications for the Republican majority in the Arizona House of Representatives, worked as an education and political reporter for the Arizona Daily Star and as editor of the Arizona Capitol Times Yellow Sheet Report. Daniel was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona and is a graduate of the University of Arizona, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the Arizona Daily Wildcat. The Governor also announced Gretchen Conger will serve as the sole Deputy Chief of Staff with an expanded portfolio of responsibilities. Its no wonder Gretchen Conger has won the respect of countless leaders in public policy and in the business community. Gretchens deep expertise in policy and budget, coupled with her extensive relationships has allowed her to turn proposals into reality by working with stakeholders and our Legislature, said Governor Ducey. In her new elevated and expanded role, Gretchen will help ensure the success of my agenda to continue moving Arizona forward. This marks Congers second promotion within the administration, where she served as Director of Legislative Affairs before being elevated to Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Budget in 2016. Prior to joining the administration in January 2015, Conger served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Chamber Foundation and as the Vice President of Public Policy for the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Gretchen, a graduate of the University of Arizona, also led a successful ballot measure campaign in 2012 and worked in state government as the legislative liaison for the Department of Financial Institutions and the Department of Real Estate. Arizona News Phoenix, Arizona - Attorney General Mark Brnovich issued a warning today about deceptive flyers appearing on residences in the Phoenix area that promote a solar energy effort. The flyers claim to be a Public Notice from the Maricopa County Solar Initiative, and claim that Arizona and the Federal Government ITC (26 USC 25D) are paying to have solar energy systems installed on qualified homes in this neighborhood. The flyers tell consumers to call to schedule their site audits. Consumers who call are subjected to a solar sales pitch by a private company. In addition, the Maricopa County Solar Initiatives website improperly uses a modified version of the county seal, but the Solar Initiative is linked to a private business and is not associated with the county. The Solar Initiative is also not registered to do business in Arizona. Similar flyers previously appeared in Clark County, Nevada, this summer, and law enforcement officials there have warned that the Clark County Solar Initiative notices are deceptive. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has aggressively prosecuted businesses masquerading as government agencies, including obtaining consent judgments against Mandatory Poster Agency and Compliance Filings Service, resulting in full restitution for Arizonans totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. A picture of the Public Notice is below: A picture of the improperly modified county seal used by the Solar Initiative is below: If you believe you are a victim of consumer fraud, you can file a complaint online at the Arizona Attorney Generals website. You can also contact the Consumer Information and Complaints Unit in Phoenix at (602) 542-5763, in Tucson at (520) 628-6648, and outside of the metro areas at (800) 352-8431. Arizona News Cottonwood, Arizona - Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced former City of Cottonwood employee Hans Burnett was sentenced to three years probation, 120 hours of community service, and 60 days of deferred jail time after he pleaded guilty to one count of Criminal Damage in connection with his previous work as a foreman at the City of Cottonwood Water Testing Laboratory in 2016. Burnett instructed his subordinate employees to modify test results and rewrite the paperwork associated with Cottonwood drinking water compliance samples. The altered results were submitted to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as part of the Cottonwood laboratorys drinking water compliance obligations. Coliform is a category of bacteria that drinking water quality rules require be tested for on a regular basis. No one is known to have been sickened as a result of the altered test results. The Arizona Department of Health Services alerted ADEQ after they discovered the issue at the City of Cottonwood lab. ADEQ sent inspectors to the public water systems and collected water samples. Analysis of samples is now ongoing through a separate lab. ADEQ continues to monitor the data submitted from water samples. Burnett was sentenced Monday afternoon in Yavapai County Superior Court. Assistant Attorney General Adam J. Schwartz prosecuted this case. Our directory features more than 18 million business listings from across the entire US. However, if we're missing your business, add your business by clicking on Add Your Business. 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Disabilities Gay / Lesbian Hispanic Mens Interests Native American Senior Citizens Social Services Teen Issues/Interests Womens Interest Software General Sports Baseball Basketball Bicycling Boating / Maritime Bowling Boxing Fishing Football Golf Hockey Hunting Martial Arts Outdoors Rugby Soccer Tennis Water Winter/Snow Sports/Fitness General Stocks General Supermarkets General Technology Biotechnology Computer Electronics Enterprise Software Games Graphics/Printing/CAD Hardware / Peripherals Industrial Information Internet Multimedia Networking Public Sector/Government Robotics Semiconductor Software Telecommunications Webmasters Telecom General Wireless Television General Tobacco General Trade General Transportation General Travel General Utilities General Volunteer Volunteer Weather Weather In the wake of Sunday's precautionary seven-hour closing of the Delaware Memorial Bridge and resulting traffic jams due to an ethylene oxide leak at Croda's neighboring chemical plant which Croda in a preliminary investigation blamed on a bad pipe gasket James Markos, a risk and reliability engineer and former chemical-plant power supervisor, sends this link to a U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board (CSB) video. It shows how ethylene oxide can endanger lives and property when it catches fire. The video and text explain an ethylene oxide explosion at a Sterigenics medical equipment sterilization plant in Ontario, Calif., back in 2004. A two-ton door was blown 75 feet, the lab was wrecked (its steel walls badly bent), and the nearby control room cut apart by blown-out windows and falling computers. Four workers were injured. There have been "numerous explosions" of ethylene oxide in industrial situations, due to incomplete monitoring and lack of training, sometimes magnified by lack of proper equipment, CSB says. In the California plant, technicians and their supervisor, while testing the unit after a successful sterilization, bypassed procedures for repeatedly flushing the gas out of the unit before opening it, because they thought the lengthy process was unnecessary with sterilization materials removed. Lacking monitoring sensors, they didn't realize the gas remained in explosive concentrations, the board found. So when the gas reached a burner flame, it ignited, with "catastrophic results." Fourteen years later, at Atlas Point, Croda installed monitors and sensors earlier this year when it finished the new ethanol-to-ethylene oxide unit where a pipe leaked Sunday. The unit remained closed after the bridge and the other operations at the 140-acre plant complex reopened late Sunday. Besides Croda's on-site monitors, state officials set up field monitors by the bridge and on other properties bordering the site soon after the leak was reported Sunday at 4:15 p.m. Fire company and Croda officials say monitors showed ethylene oxide concentrations outside the plant property did not reach dangerous levels. But the bridge was still closed as a precaution until after 11 p.m. Ethylene oxide is also toxic, and a carcinogen for people who are regularly exposed to it. But the escaped gas dissipates harmlessly, if it can be diluted before it reaches a flame or spark, company and state officials said. Firefighters poured water to spread the gas and ensure it wouldn't blow up. Delaware state environmental officials are continuing their investigation. A check of state records shows a handful of environmental violations at the site since Croda took over in 2007, and none in nearly four years: In January 2015, Croda told the state Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control that emissions from a new electric generator, which burns gas from Wilmington's Cherry Island landfill, "far exceeded" its permitted discharge of nonmethane organic compounds. Three days later, the company said it had fixed the problem. The state had the company detail what went wrong and how it was fixed, and give "reasonable assurance" it wouldn't happen again. In 2014, Croda missed a state deadline for its operating permit renewal, which was later granted on schedule. In May 2008, less than a year after taking over the plant from another British company, Uniqema, Croda told state environmental officials it had released 96 pounds of ethylene oxide into the atmosphere from an uncontrolled machine. "Croda did not understand which chemicals it was processing at the time of the incident, nor did it recognize the presence of ethylene oxide" in the tank that leaked, and it took too long to report the leak, according to the violation notice. The state also told Croda to document what happened, as the law requires. Earlier in 2008, an annual compliance review (partly covering the period Uniqema ran the plant) found "several instances where required monitoring (of boiler emissions) was either not conducted or not reported as required." The department threatened to pull Croda's operating permits unless it explained what happened and why it wouldn't likely happen again. - The two police men have been attacked by some military men at Sofoline in Kumasi - The 4th Infantry Battalion soldiers reportedly attacked the two police men after they went to rescue their colleague who was under attack by the same soldiers Some military men of 4th Infantry Battalion at Sofoline in Kumasi have been spotted attacking two police men who went to rescue their colleague under attack. The two police men who went to the rescue of their colleague under attack by the soldiers were not spared, as they were also beaten. According to reports by MyNewsGH.com, the police men revealed that they did not know what caused the attack that was meted out to their colleague. Soldiers attack policemen in street fight Source: Supplied Source: UGC READ ALSO: Policeman caught on camera stealing a phone from the Marina Mall The soldiers also seized the magazine of the policemens service rifle in the process. The Suntreso Patrol team dispatched to the scene to rescue the affected officer upon tip-off met the absence of the incident Upon their arrival at the scene, they did not the police officer and were told by eye witnesses that the affected police officer was seen heading towards the military barracks. READ ALSO: Video: Kofi Adomah's resignation from Adom FM is not real - Evangelist Addai The patrol team decided to pursue the police officer to the military barracks but midway, but they could not as some ambushed military men came out to block the road and engaged them in a brawl. Meanwhile, the police officers have been issued with medical forms to attend hospital for treatment. No arrest has been made and the Magazine with the rounds of ammunition has equally not been recovered. READ ALSO: JJs mother said Zanetor was another mans child - Nana Konadu Meet Ghana's Peculiar Female Tiler: Faces of Ghana| #Yencomgh Click here to get the latest exciting English Premier League news. Get match highlights, reports, photos & videos all in one place. Source: Yen Beautiful voluptuous Ghanaian actress, Lydia Forson, has criticised the Akufo-Addo government over failure to live up to expectation. According to the bubbly actress, she was not impressed with the general performance of the current government, as seen by YEN.com.gh in a Citinewsroom.com report. She said plainly that Akufo-Addo government has failed to deliver on its promises. READ ALSO: Tell the truth or I expose you Afia Pokua warns Captain Smart over divorce saga Responding to a question on whether the governments performance ticks all her boxes, Lydia Forson said: No, absolutely not. You know when they won the election I wrote a piece, it was supposed to feature in the New African Woman. I said that you know what, they were setting themselves up for failure, she explained further. READ ALSO: Ghanaian women reveal why they would go in for rich guys than dabi dabi ebeyeyie men She stated, however, that she would not completely discredit the president or completely give up because if Ghana does well, it is to the benefit of everyone. But still, she believes the government was arrogant about their promises prior the 2016 elections because the president knew he could not really fulfil the promises he was preaching. My article was based on their social media promises. They wanted to win by any means necessary. But I think when you have been in opposition for a very long time you forget what is like to be the head that wears the crown. So maybe any other party government may not be frustrated as we are. Maybe things take time to pick up, Lydia Forson elaborated further. But because of all the promises they made and the boldness with which they made them. They were almost arrogant about their promises, she stressed. READ ALSO: She must hit the gym Fans fear over latest photo of Maame Serwaa displaying her large melons Forson reasoned that the NPP probably were doing old school politics during the 2016 elections. She said even though she was not surprised at the turn of events, she was expecting that the government does exactly what it promises within the timeliness. Her comments are similar to those of journalist Caroline Samson, who said in an earlier report by YEN that she had regretted voting for Akufo-Addo because he has failed Ghanaians. READ ALSO: She is now a big girl Ghanaians excited over latest photo of Sarkodie and his daughter Meanwhile, the actress has been in the news recently following a make-up photo of hers which was criticised by fans. She was also in the news following a video in which her friends acted as armed robbers to surprise her on her birthday. Lydia was captured in the video screaming the name of Jesus to be saved from the armed robbers. READ ALSO: Christian Atsu pays 7,000 pounds to set African prisoners free Yenkasa: Some Musicians Share Thoughts on Kuami Eugene's 'Rockstar' Album| #Yencomgh READ ALSO: 5 crucial things that are more important than building a national cathedral Click here to get the latest exciting English Premier League news. Get match highlights, reports, photos & videos all in one place Source: Yen - A clash between landowners and land guards at Dodowa has left several people injured - Patients at the Dodowa Hospital were left traumatized as a result - This was after the land guards stormed the hospital after those injured in an earlier clash were rushed there A gunfight between land guards and landowners at Dodowa has reportedly left several people injured, YEN.com.gh has learnt. The incident, which occurred on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, reportedly left several people injured and some patients are traumatized as a result. This was after some victims of a brawl were taken to the hospital for treatment, after they had sustained machete wounds following a fierce clash between two factions. READ ALSO: Admit your mistakes - Top music executive 'descends' on NAM1 As the hospitals authorities were busily providing treatment to the wounded, the irate groups then stormed the facility to continue with their scuffle. The Medical Superintendent of the Dodowa District Hospital, Dr. Ken Brightson, who confirmed the incident, said the scene became more chaotic when he insisted on giving medical care to some victims in a vehicle who were being taken to the police station to write a statement. This was because the only police officer who was in the vehicle with the other victims had called for reinforcement, and the presence of the team led to a fight and subsequent gunshots. According to Dr. Brighton, patients on recovery have been left traumatized after the repeated gunshots left the hospital in chaos. READ ALSO: Conti and Katanga to revert to all-male halls - KNUST authorities Brain Storming: What is the Full Meaning of VAT? | #Yencomgh Click here to get the latest exciting English Premier League news. Get match highlights, reports, photos & videos all in one place. Source: Yen Ghana - A Mobile Money fraudster, Nurudeen Abdul Ganiyu, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison - He allegedly duped several people with over 30 registered SIM cards - He reportedly used the money to construct a 3-bedroom house A 32-year-old mobile money fraudster, Nurudeen Abdul Ganiyu, has been jailed for 10 years by a Wa circuit court. Ganiyu reportedly duped several people, including the former Upper West Regional chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Alhaji Abdul-Rahman Abubakari affectionately called Alhaji Short. According to a report by MyNewsGH.com, the convict was arrested in October 2018, and had in his possession over 30 registered SIM cards, which he registered with different names using falsified national identity cards. READ ALSO: Admit your mistakes - Top music executive descends on NAM1 YEN.com.gh understands that he succeeded in duping more than 50 people of various sums of money. Proceeds of his activities spanning two-years have been channeled into the construction of a three-bedroom apartment located at the Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) offices, one of the prime areas within the Wa municipality. According to him, the house is at lintel level, but the court has ordered the confiscation of the property to the state. Ganiyu was convicted on his own plea of guilt, and upon his arrest, showed no signs of remorse as he gave details of his modus operandi to the police. READ ALSO: Land guards fire gunshots at Dodowa; patients traumatized Meet Ghana's Peculiar Female Tiler: Faces of Ghana| #Yencomgh Click here to get the latest exciting English Premier League news. Get match highlights, reports, photos & videos all in one place. Source: Yen.com.gh The much anticipated Africas first and biggest platform of connecting mobile, internet and Technology in contributing to Sustainable Development Goals achievement is to be officially opened in ACCRA GHANA (WEST AFRICA) FROM 29 TH NOVEMBER TO 29 TH DECEMBER 2018. Ghana Mobile Congress (GMC-2018) seeks to Connect Ghana to Africa to Create Sustainable Jobs in Mobile, Internet and Technology. To enhance this strategic national priority is by promoting, facilitating and empowering existing industry players and start-ups. The theme for the one (1) month event that will provide insights into Mobile, Internet and Technology is Connecting Africa to Create Jobs. It will showcase current and future Mobile related technological developments to connect Ghana to Create Jobs by existing industry players and awarding start-ups nationwide with such mission. CONNECTING MOBILE, INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGYOPENS IN ACCRA GHANA Source: UGC Industry players which include Infrastructure providers, Mobile operators, Hand set manufacturers, Distributors and retailers, Content and applications providers, Manufacturing technology, Other service and product providers and Start-ups will Connect, Create, Innovate and provide opportunities for next generation services and open new vistas of growth to Create Jobs. Delegates, participants and the world at large will promote, network their new or existing businesses and find employment creation opportunities in ICT and other sectors of the economy on Job creation foundation platform. There will be discussion forums on Jobs Creation, Technology, Policies, Business Opportunities and Digital Life by the Media, Government & regulators, Executive & judiciary arms, Ministers of state, Members of parliament, Ministries, Departments, Agencies(MDAs), Metropolis, Municipals, Districts,Assemblies(MMDAs),Country's representatives, Investors, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Executives, Business sector giants,Academicians, Associations,Not-For-Profit organizations, Civil societies, Policy makers, Opinion leaders, Exhibitors, Lecturers, Students, Religious leaders, Traditional rulers, Special invited guests, General public, Shopping & Public centres etc. GMC-2018 development objectives include, connecting Ghanaian industry players in mobile, internet, technology to the African market to create sustainable employment opportunities. Thus,showcasing skills, new products, technologies for Africa and global market. Recognising ten (10) Job Creation Start-ups new innovations and initiatives nationwide.Establishing Job Creation Foundation platform for promotionof job creation , network organisation, people and resources for sustainableemployment in ICT and other sectors of the economy. Also,outlining Governments policies in making Ghana a strong definitive voice in Africas mobile,internet, technology to create business opportunities.Gathering of leadership from the African and global telecom ecosystem and ICT industry to provide insights into current and future developments. The venues for the one (1) month Ghana Mobile Congress 2018 activities are: 1. Advanced Information Technology Institute (AITI) Ghana-India Kofi Annan Center for Excellence 2. Circle Mall, Accra Digital Centre and other selected venues nationwide. 3. Selected Mobile, Internet, Technology hubs, Centres and Organisations nationwide PARTNERS: Media, Government & regulators, Executive & judiciary arms, Ministers of state, Members of parliament, Ministries, Departments, Agencies(MDAs), Metropolis, ,Districts, Assemblies(MMDAs), Countries representatives, Investors, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Executives, Business sector giants, Academicians, Associations, Not-For-Profit organizations, Civil societies, Policy makers, Opinion leaders, Exhibitors, Lecturers, Students, Religious leaders, Traditional rulers, Special invited guests, General public, Shopping and Public centres etc. Source: Yen Europe, NATO Sidestep Calls for Military Aid to Ukraine, Voice Support The page you requested is only available to subscribers. 1. If you are a Premium Service subscriber, please log in here to access this story: Log-in : Password : 2. If you are not a subcriber, you can: -- buy access to this page: unlimited access for seven days costs 3.00 EUR + VAT (at 20%) if applicable. Clicking on the "Ok" button below will place the item in your shopping cart and return you to our home page, where you will be able to select additional stories. -- select additional stories and services from our home page and pay for them at the same time. -- see your shopping cart. You can also see the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the "Order" tab on the navigation bar at the top of any page, or by clicking on the "Your order" light blue link in the top right-hand corner of our home page, immediately under the log-on box. UPPER DARBY The Upper Darby School Board Tuesday night approved architectural services to cost out the option of building a middle school in Clifton Heights. A 7-0 vote appointed Hatfield-based firm KCBA Architects to determine the viability and cost of building a potential third middle school on a 13-acre plot of land owned by the district along North Springfield Road in the borough. The cost for KCBAs services was approved for $4,780 which will provide very preliminary information if a plan would fit at this space. Board President Rachel Mitchell and Ken Rucci were not present at the meeting. Any suggestion to build on the Clifton Heights land has struck a chord with borough residents who actively use the ballfields located there for youth sports, carnivals and holiday celebrations. After Clifton Heights schools were absorbed into the Upper Darby School District in the 1970s a lease agreement was made to allow the borough to use the ballfields for $1 a year. Residents are concerned that building a school on the land would remove the active recreation spaces there. Clifton Heights Mayor Joe Lombardo has been supporting his constituents on the matter and addressed the board and administrators Tuesday before the vote. He said traffic on North Springfield Road is already a nightmare with Westbrook Park Elementary and Holy Cross Catholic schools in the area. Lombardo asked that the borough be involved in the process as it carries on. The district is looking to build a new school to accommodate approximately 600 students as overcrowding continues at deteriorating Beverly Hills and Drexel Hill middle schools. MEDIA An attempt to disband the countys Board of Prison Inspectors Wednesday failed on party lines, with Democrats on Delaware County Council supporting the measure and Republicans opposing it. County Councilman Brian Zidek made the motion to eliminate the five-person prison board and replace it with a County Jail Oversight Board. Currently, the prison board consists of three members appointed by the countys Board of Judges and two appointed by county council. Zidek was proposing an oversight board that would include the countys chief executive, Marianne Grace; two Common Pleas Court judges, including the president judge; county Sheriff Jerry L. Sanders Jr.; county Controller Joanne Phillips; county council Chairman John McBlain or his designee; and three citizen members appointed by Grace for three-year terms with approval of county council. In reading the proposal, Zidek stated, County council has concluded that it is in the best interest of the county to elect to cause the jail to be governed pursuant to the modern statute and to dissolve the Prison Board and implement a County Jail Oversight Board. Zidek and Councilman Kevin Madden voted in favor of the motion. McBlain and council Vice Chairman Colleen Morrone and Councilman Michael Culp opposed it. Zidek described the manner in which the prison board was operating as wholly unacceptable. He said any requests by him through email or phone calls to discuss matters have not been answered. The current prison board has not been responsive to county council, he said. We can do better. In addition, he said attorneys representing the prison board have declined to come before county council to discuss about $500,000 in fees. The prison board is considering ways to operate the 1,800-prisoner facility, which is currently managed and operated by a private firm, The GEO Group. The contract with the Florida-based private firm expires Dec. 31. Related to that, the prison board is reviewing requests for proposals for firms interested in running the facility. It has also hired Phoenix Management to do an analysis of private operation versus a county-run facility. That $100,000 report was initially thought to be finished in the summer and has now been postponed until March, citing gaps in collecting information from other counties. In 34 days, we have nobody managing this prison, Zidek said, adding that the prisoners and hundreds of GEO staff would be impacted by any changes made by the county or by the company at that time. County officials have said the prison board has its authority through a statute passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1839. Zidek maintained that at that time, prisons were work houses and largely self-sustaining. He also said the 1839 act required prisoners to be held in solitary confinement yet they are not. He also maintained that the funding of the jail is discretionary on the part of county council, not required and dependent on a review of prison accounts. However, he said, the Prison Board does not maintain accounts and requests that the county council fund the operations of the jail in advance based on a contract with a third party that has not been audited in apparent violation of the 1839 Act. He also noted that the state Legislature has updated the 1839 Act, including a 2009 amendment to the Pennsylvania Prisons and Parole Code, as well as a provision allowing for counties like Delaware that are governed by a Home Rule Charter to set up a County Jail Oversight Board. Nether Providence resident Christine Reuther said the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by then-state Sen. Dominic Pileggi, R-9 of Chester, Delaware County opted out of the oversight board requirement a year later in a retroactive amendment. It was passed and, once again, Delaware County was able to keep its 19th century Prison Board, she said. However, she claimed that county council has had the authority for the past eight years to change the way the prison is governed. In making her opposing vote, Morrone explained she needed an opportunity to better review the proposal at hand to give meaningful feedback for the proposal. McBlain contested claims that Zidek were making by stating they were subjective in manner. In the proposal, Zidek named Jan. 8, 2019, as the date for the Oversight Board to be effective with an organizational meeting to occur within 15 days later. After the motion failed, Zidek said he planned to revive the issue at future council meetings. A Ridley Park chiropractor has been charged with writing fraudulent painkiller prescriptions for patients, including Percocet, Xanax and Oxycodone. Marc Steven Persson, 40, of the 600 block of Academy Road in Swarthmore, is charged with six counts each of delivery and criminal attempt to deliver a controlled substance, as well as seven counts each of forgery and procuring a drug by fraud. Every day, opioids are killing our loved ones across the state, and the abuse of prescription drugs still remain a risk factor when it comes to heroin use and addiction, said Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun Copeland in a release. While the majority of practitioners here in Delaware County are law-abiding professionals who care deeply about their patients, the reckless and careless actions of Mr. Persson show a complete disregard for the well-being of his patients who he put in grave danger. Ridley Township officers were dispatched to Perssonal Health Chiropratic at 100 E. Chester Pike May 9, 2017, where they spoke to two of Perssons employees, according to an affidavit of probable cause written by Ridley Detective Shawn McGee. The employees said they became suspicious after getting multiple notifications from local pharmacies that Perssons patients were presenting prescriptions that were being rejected and flagged as fraudulent, according to the affidavit. Persson had previously been partners with a medical doctor who provided prescriptions for Perssons chiropractic patients, according to the affidavit. The doctor left around March 2017 and another doctor came in for one day to fill the spot. The affidavit states that the employees received notice from a local pharmacy April 7, 2017, that one of Perssons patients had presented a prescription for 90 pills of 5 mg Percocet written on a pad belonging to the former partner, but signed by the second doctor. After reviewing the signature, the employees identified it as Perssons handwriting, according to the affidavit. The doctor also confirmed he had not written the prescription, the affidavit says. The employees were notified by another pharmacy May 9 that someone posing as the former partner had called in a prescription for another patient, but provided an incorrect Drug Enforcement Agency number for that doctor. That prescription was for Xanax and the nerve pain medication Gabapentin. The same patient had previously filled a prescription fraudulently signed by the replacement doctor for 120 pills of 5 mg Oxycodone, according to the affidavit. At least two other patients were also able to fill allegedly fraudulent prescriptions for the narcotics Hydromorphone and Oxycodone-Acetomenaphine. The employees said they recalled Persson specifically requested that they pull the charts for five patients April 6, 2017, including those identified in the affidavit. McGee and Ridley Detective Sean Brydges spoke with Persson last May. During that interview, Persson at first stated that he had used his former partners prescription pad to provide the April 7 Percocet prescription, but had signed the prescription using his own name, according to the affidavit. He allegedly said he believed it was OK for him to do that because the patient had received the same prescription from the second doctor before. When presented with the prescription bearing the second doctors forged signature, Persson allegedly admitted that he had forged the signature and had fraudulently written or called in prescriptions for at least three other patients. Persson stated that he may have written/forged more, however, he could not recall how many prescriptions but stated there were more, according to the affidavit. Perssons wife, also an employee of the practice, additionally told investigators that her husband had been writing or calling in fraudulent prescriptions after the doctors stopped working there, according to the affidavit. Investigators interviewed one former patient who indicated he had seen a doctor at the chiropractic office in January 2017, who wrote him a prescription, but had not seen one there since March. There were no doctors writing the prescription, as soon as I would come in he (Marc Persson) would hand me my prescription and I wouldnt ask questions, just think it was normal routine, the patient said, according to the affidavit. Detectives also interviewed both doctors. The former partner said he had requested that Persson return all of his prescription pads left at the business, but could not confirm that was done. The second doctor also said he had not given Persson permission to use his name, signature or DEA number, according to the affidavit. Online court records indicate Persson was preliminarily arraigned Nov. 13 before Magisterial District Judge Philip S. Turner and released on $50,000 unsecured bail. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Dec. 3 before Turner. Deputy District Attorney Sharon McKenna, chief of the Narcotics Unit, is prosecuting the case. It was unknown Wednesday whether Persson has an attorney. He did not respond to a call seeking comment. He had a working session on November 30 with the province that ranks first in the Central Highlands and third in the country in terms of forest coverage and forms part of the Central Highlands Gong Cultural Space, the Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) (Source: VNA) The province is projected to accomplish all its set targets, with its GDP growth to reach 8 percent, and GRDP per capita, VND45.36 million this year. It, however, is dealing with declining prices of key farm produce, low human resources quality, and complicated political security and social order. PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc said the province has built some hi-tech productive production models and achieved encouraging outcomes in constructing new rural areas, generating jobs, and taking care of peoples health and policy beneficiaries. However, the poverty rate in the province remains high, especially among ethnic minority people. There are some villages where all households are classified as poor, he said. The province has yet fully tapped potential and advantages of some sectors, such as agriculture while its 4,900 businesses are operating mainly as small and medium-sized ones, he said. He instructed competent ministries and sector, including the Ministry of Finance, to work with the province in assisting over 100 ethnic households living in landslide and flooding-prone areas in Krong Pa district to move to safer places. This is an important work that needs to be promptly done to ensure the life of people living here, he said. While approving the provinces goal of balancing its budget, he suggested the locality to focus on high-tech farm and forestry processing; tourism service; and developing a selected industry based on its comparative advantage like wind and solar energy or processing industry for its future socio-economic development. He asked the province to drastically improve its business environment, sharpen its competitiveness, and assist business development. Each office, district, and commune needs to work harder, especially in tackling difficulties to make it easier for businesses to promote production and tap the provinces strengths. He also asked the locality to continue reforming administrative procedures, and tapping its land resources and position as the centre of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam development triangle. Gia Lai needs to draw high-tech projects into agriculture and make the best use of its advantageous tourism features to create jobs for local people, he said./. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) welcomes Cambodian Minister of Planning Chhay Than (Source: VNA) Chhay Than said his working visit aims to tighten collaboration between the two planning ministries, and thanked the Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Planning and Investment for supporting his ministry in human resources training. He informed the host of the successful outcomes of the talks between the two planning ministries, during which they discussed different measures to expand collaboration in all fields and drafted a Cambodia-Vietnam connectivity programme. The minister confirmed that Cambodia always remembers Vietnams support for its past struggle for national liberation from the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime as well as the current nation building and development cause. He also extended his sympathy to the Vietnamese Government and people over severe losses caused by recent floods and storms. The Vietnamese PM appreciated cooperation results of the two planning ministries, which, he affirmed, have contributed to socio-economic development in each country and the bilateral relations. He welcomed the ministries signing of an agreement framework on Vietnam-Cambodia economic connectivity by 2030, urging both sides to early build a master plan on the two economies connectivity by 2030 as mentioned in the agreement framework. He voiced his belief that the ministries will promote the cooperation tradition to help tighten the bilateral relations./. 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By FreeBeacon , Nov. 29, 2018 Defeated Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams' lawsuit against Georgia over the 2018 election attacks the state over restrictions to early voting, but she supported legislation in 2011 to reduce the early voting period in the state. Abrams' group Fair Fight Action filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia over what it called the state's "grossly mismanaged" election system, following her loss to Republican Brian Kemp. Abrams vowed to take the state to court in a contentious speech on Nov. 16 acknowledging her defeat but calling Kemp's victory illegitimate and accusing the former secretary of state of systematic voter suppression. Read More: Join us - become an Elderado today at: LarryElder.com Follow Larry Elder on Follow Larry Elder on Twitter "Like" Larry Elder on Facebook By Politico , Nov. 28, 2018 As President Donald Trump threatens to shut down the Mexican border access and demands $5 billion from Congress to build a wall, Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Xavier Becerra and state lawmakers are heading to Mexico City this week to celebrate the inauguration of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The message: The country's most populous state wants to work with Mexico despite the president's rhetoric. Read More: Join us - become an Elderado today at: LarryElder.com Follow Larry Elder on Follow Larry Elder on Twitter "Like" Larry Elder on Facebook By Town Hall , Nov. 28, 2018 Let's revisit this post from election week, in which I highlighted a number of notable Republican victors in the media's much-discussed "year of the woman." Since that piece went live, a number of the tentative outcomes have changed: Young Kim narrowly lost in California, Martha McSally narrowly lost in Arizona (though could end up in the Senate anyway), and despite winning comfortably, Cathy McMorris Rodgers stepped aside from leadership, with Liz Cheney taking her place as the top-ranking Republican woman in the House. A number of female incumbents from competitive districts also lost by a hair, such Mimi Walters and Mia Love, the latter whom was defeated by a white man. Oddly, identity fetishists on the Left don't seem to be complaining about that outcome. But one of the results that remains intact is the victory of Cindy Hyde-Smith, who became the first woman ever elected to Congress (in either house) by Mississippi voters. Read More: Join us - become an Elderado today at: LarryElder.com Follow Larry Elder on Follow Larry Elder on Twitter "Like" Larry Elder on Facebook The event, themed Developing Vietnam coffee towards sustainability, aims to promote and honor the value and image of Vietnam coffee in general and farmers in particular. It also offers opportunity to connect and cooperate for investment, expand production and seek markets for the purchase and processing of products between companies and producers in value chain in order to improve the competitiveness of Vietnamese coffee products in the integration period. The festival will include many activities such as displaying high-quality coffee booths from famous growing areas, a celebration ceremony, a seminar on developing the coffee sector in value chain and visits to effective coffee production models. The program will also advertise and introduce images, potentials and strengths of Dak Nong to call for investment. Dak Nong now is the third largest coffee growing province with over 127,000 hectares and a harvest output of 267,500 tons./. By Breitbart , Nov. 28, 2018 El Centro Station agents patrolling east of the Calexico Port of Entry came upon a suspected illegal immigrant who just crossed the border from Mexico. During an interview, the agents learned the man is a Honduran national who claimed membership in the hyperviolent MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha 13) gang, according to El Centro Sector Border Patrol officials. The Honduran national told agents he traveled through Mexico as part of a large group of caravan migrants coming from Central America with the intention of filing for asylum in the U.S., officials stated. Read More: Join us - become an Elderado today at: LarryElder.com Follow Larry Elder on Follow Larry Elder on Twitter "Like" Larry Elder on Facebook Photo for illustration The Vietnam Southern Food Corporation (Vinafood 2) represented Vietnam at the tender and won the contract with a price of USD469.8 (CIF price) a ton. The tender is part of the total volume of 250,000 tons of rice which the country opened to contractors on October 18th, 2018 under the Government-to-Private (G2P) form. During last months tender, Vietnam won 29,000 tons, including 15,000 tons of Vinafood 2 with a bidding price of USD427.68 a ton, and 14,000 tons of Vinafood 1, priced at USD427.5 a ton. Recently, on November 20th, Vietnam also gained a deal to ship 118,000 tons of 25% broken rice to the market in its tender for importing 500,000 tons of rice based on G2P contracts, while the remaining rice volume will be supplied by Thailand and other countries. The Vietnamese and Thai rice suppliers were required to ship the combined volume of 203,000 tons of rice to the Philippines before December 30th this year./. The October 2018 edition of the World Economic Outlook predicts that global economic growth will remain steady between 2018 and 2020 at the 2017 growth rate of 3.7% (IMF 2018). This exceeds the growth rate in any year between 2012 and 2016. So, the global economy is growing, but so is uncertainty. Headlines that have appeared in the Financial Times in 2018 include: Stocks unsettled by global trade uncertainty, Counting the costs of Brexit uncertainty, Latin America faces up to growing uncertainties, Italian bonds under pressure from budget uncertainty, and Boeing deal with Embraer faces political uncertainty". A Google news search for uncertainty gives about 0.6 million results for the whole of 2017, but 2.5 million results for the first ten months of 2018. Can we measure 'uncertainty' more precisely? Or compare the amount of 'uncertainty' in the US to that in China, the UK, or Ireland? Measurements of economic and political uncertainty have been made only for a set of mostly advanced economies (Baker et al. 2016). We have constructed a new index of uncertainty for 143 countries using Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country reports. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to construct a panel index of uncertainty for a large set of developed and developing countries. Constructing the World Uncertainty Index We constructed the World Uncertainty Index (WUI) a quarterly index of uncertainty for 143 individual countries from 1996 onwards. The WUI is defined using the frequency of the word 'uncertainty' (and its variants) in the quarterly EIU country reports. To make the WUI comparable across countries, the raw count is scaled by the total number of words in each report. In contrast to existing measure of economic policy uncertainty, two factors help improve the comparability of the WUI across countries: The WUI is based on a single source. This source has specific topic coverage economic and political developments. Reports follow a standardised process and structure. The process through which the EIU country reports are produced helps to mitigate concerns about the accuracy, ideological bias, and consistency of the WUI. But we only have one EIU report per country per quarter, meaning there is potentially quite large sampling noise. Stylised facts This dataset allows us to establish five key facts: 1. Global uncertainty has increased significantly since 2012. Figure 1 shows that average uncertainty has increased since 2012, well above its historical average (computed between 1996 Q1 and 2010 Q4). The index spikes near the 9/11 attacks, the SARS outbreak, the second Gulf War, the euro area debt crisis, El Nino, the Europe border-control crisis, the UK referendum vote for Brexit, and the US presidential elections. Interestingly, while text-based measures of uncertainty have been rising since the early 2000s, financial market measures rose until about 2010, but have fallen back to low levels (Pastor and Veronesi 2017). 2. Uncertainty spikes are more synchronised in advanced economies than in emerging and low-income countries. Within advanced economies, uncertainty synchronisation is higher in the euro area countries (Ahir et al. 2018). We find that uncertainty synchronisation is positively related with trade and financial linkages (see Figure 2), even when controlling for business cycle synchronisation, so that more integrated economies tend to be characterised by similar uncertainty spikes. 3. Uncertainty is higher in emerging and low-income economies than in advanced economies. You can see this in Figure 3. There is significant heterogeneity. For example, the WUI for the UK, because of the increase in uncertainty associated by the vote in favour of Brexit, is higher than those of many emerging market and low-income countries. 4. There is an inverted U-shaped relationship between uncertainty and democracy. As countries move from a regime of autocracy and anocracy towards democracy, uncertainty increases (Figure 4). As countries move from some degree of democracy to full democracy, uncertainty declines. 5. Increases in the WUI foreshadow significant declines in output. This is shown in Figure 5, which runs a standard panel-VAR estimation on GDP growth on shocks to the WUI uncertainty country-level index. A valuable dataset We believe that this dataset can be extremely valuable to researches for many applications. First, since innovations in the WUI foreshadow significant declines in output, the WUI could be used as an alternative measure of economic activity when these are not available (such as quarterly GDP for many countries). Second, the dataset can be used to examine the impact of differences in the level of uncertainty across countries on key macroeconomic outcomes. Third, the broad country coverage allows us to tackle important research questions so far not explored because of data limitations, such as the role played by institutions and regulations in affecting uncertainty and shaping the response of economic variables to uncertainty shocks. References Second award win for Failte Irelands Meet in Ireland team this week Failte Ireland has been awarded a top digital technology accolade for its meetinireland.com website a platform for meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE) professionals looking to bring business to Ireland.The website, which was designed by Simply Zesty, won the top spot in the Best in Travel, Tourism & Sport category at The Spiders, Irelands leading technology awards. Meetinireland.com was recognised for its innovative design and appeal for its target market, as well as helping to deliver 80 business meetings and events opportunities worth in excess of 35m alone in the first year since it was launched.The award is the second accolade the Meet in Ireland team has won this week, having being named IBTM Stand Personnel of the Year in Barcelona and beating off competition from 270 other exhibitors from around the world. IBTM World is a leading global event for the MICE industry, and the award recognised the Meet in Ireland teams professionalism and innovation in selling Ireland as a MICE destination to more than 4,000 buyers.Meet in Ireland Manager at Failte Ireland, Ciara Gallagher said:Our Meet in Ireland website is an essential platform for the work we do to promote Ireland as a world-leading meetings, incentive, conference and events destination. Like every trade platform we attend, our website needs to put us a step ahead of our international competitors, showcase the best of Ireland, and provide MICE professionals with compelling reasons to consider Ireland for their event or conference. The website has proven to be a key part of our wider business strategy, and has contributed significantly to our targets whilst still very much in its infancy.The Spider Award win is the icing on the cake, with the team also being named IBTM Stand Personnel of the Year in Barcelona earlier this week. This win is important as it shows that the work we do to stand out from the crowd at these major international trade events is working, and the way in which we are selling Ireland as a MICE destination is resonating with buyers, which in turn leads to more business for Ireland.The Meet in Ireland brand is the official MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and events) brand for the island of Ireland. Owned and managed by Failte Ireland, it facilitates a partnership with Tourism Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland to promote Ireland as a leading conference and meeting destination overseas. Jump to top Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen (Photo: AFP/VNA) The visit will be made at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, according to a statement released by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 29th. Vietnam and Cambodia officially established diplomatic relations on June 24th, 1967. The two nations have regularly maintained the exchange of visits at all levels. Vietnam has become one of Cambodias leading economic partners with two-way trade reaching nearly USD3.8 billion in 2017, up more than 25 percent year-on-year. The two countries are striving to raise the figure to USD5 billion in the coming years. Vietnam has to date invested in 206 projects in Cambodia with combined registered capital of USD3.02 billion, ranking in the top five foreign investors in Cambodia. Meanwhile, Cambodia has poured USD58.1 million into 18 projects in Vietnam. In 2017, up to 835,000 Vietnamese visited Cambodia while 222,000 Cambodians went on tours of Vietnam./. Due diligence in Russia has never been simple. Two recent developments make it more complicated. One makes business more transparent. Sort of. The other makes it less transparent. Foreign companies working in Russia will place themselves at peril if they dont pay close attention to both. The Public Register of Bribers The Russian General Prosecutors Office created a public register of companies that have been convicted since 2014 of violating Article 19.28 of the Code of Administrative Violations (prohibiting improper payments on behalf of, or in the interests of, legal entities). The register, which is available here, identifies, for each case, the name of the company, the court and the date of the court decision. However, it contains no information about the facts of the case, the underlying evidence, or the amount of fine. The register is designed to help state procurement officials comply with a law that bans companies that have been convicted of bribery from participating in state tenders for two years by making all of this information easily accessible. (Although such information was previously available, collecting it required going to the individual courts.) While the register is designed for Russian state officials, foreign companies concerned about anti-corruption due diligence would also be well advised to make sure that their local partners are not listed. If so, they should immediately attempt to obtain an explanation from the listed company of the facts and circumstances of the case, conduct public source research to obtain additional information about the matter, and evaluate the risks of continuing to work with the listed company. Failure to take such steps could be interpreted by regulators as turning a blind eye to a (now) open and notorious red flag. Even if the relationship is purely historical, they should confirm that the company has not previously committed any impropriety for their benefit. The register is, after all, available to the DOJ and SEC who will likely use it as a source of investigative leads. Finally, the register is also useful in that it provides a clear and accessible measure of Russian enforcement trends. For example, the register reveals that in 2018, 280 companies have been prosecuted, in 2017 429 companies were prosecuted and in 2016, 349 companies were prosecuted (disproving the oft-heard claim that Russia does not prosecute corruption cases.) Analysis of the data contained in the register also highlights enforcement trends across industries and regions. Hiding UBOs While the register makes available more information about local partners, another law simultaneously makes it harder to know with whom one is working. As a general matter, companies regulated by the Russian Central Bank must publicly disclose information about their beneficial owners, governing bodies and business activities. However, Federal Law 482-FZ, which attracted little notice when it was passed last New Years Eve, allows the government to exempt from this requirement the following classes of companies: banks and credit companies insurance companies and their depositaries, non-governmental pension funds and their managing companies investment funds Based on this law, in September-November this year the Russian Government issued a series of decrees allowing insurance companies and their depositaries (Decree No. 1322 dated November 3, 2018),non-governmental pension funds and their managing companies (Decree No. 1150 dated September 28, 2018) and managing companies of investment funds (Decree No. 1201 dated October 5, 2018) to avoid public disclosure of information about their shareholders and controlling individuals (usually treated in practice as companies and individuals who by virtue of their role in the governing body or their ownership share may exercise control or influence over company decisions) who are subject to foreign sanctions. On November 23, the Russian Government issued two more decrees (Decrees 1404 and 1405, both dated November 23, 2018) allowing banks to avoid public disclosure of information about their controlling individuals, sole executive bodies and their deputies, board members, chief accountants and their deputies, as well as directors and chief accountants of banks branches who are subject to foreign sanctions. Both decrees will take effect on December 5, 2018. In short, 482-FZ makes it all the more important to conduct thorough due diligence on Russian counter-parties and to obtain from them appropriate anti-corruption certifications as well as certifications that their UBOs are not subject to any sanctions. ____ Tom Firestone, pictured above left, is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Baker McKenzie and co-chair of the firms North America Government Enforcement Practice. He previously served as Resident Legal Adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Roman Butenko, above left, is an associate in Bakers Moscow office and is currently on assignment in the firms Washington office working on FCPA issues. This article was written exclusively for Fethiye Times by Casey Russell. From 10th December, for six days, the mysterious and world renowned whirling Dervishes will take centre stage at the Konya Mevlana Culture Centre, and perform their Sema dance on the evening of each day. The Mevlana ritual dance the Sema is meant to represent the true journey to maturity and enlightenment, and, over time it has become part of Turkeys traditional culture and history, this is despite Rumi coming from Persia, which is, today, modern day Iran. Watching The Mevlana performance is the one of the main reasons that people visit Konya, so, here is an informative guide to what to expect when you witness this once in a lifetime spectacle. The Mevlana performance The dance, when performed, is split into seven different parts. The ritual begins with a nat-(I.e, eulogy)-exalting Prophet Muhammed, who represents divine love. The name for this part is called the Nat-l Serif Afterwards, part two continues the same exalting as in the first one, but also in this section, the sound of the special dervish drum, called a Kudum, starts to echo through the hall. When all of the exalting has stopped, the third part begins with the haunting sound of a special reed flute, which is called a Ney. The Ney is meant to represent the Breath of God. The fourth section is when the dervishes, lead by the master-(called a Seyh)-,walk out in a circle and give a greeting to their friends. They do this three times. In the fifth part, there are many selams, a special prayer said by the Dervishes. Each selam has its own different meaning; The first is the humans perception of his own service and of his glorious creator. The second, is a human beings total amazement in the presence of Allahs power. The third, is a humans sacrificing his mind to love, and all of his feelings to love. This is said to be your way of surrendering to Allah, and becoming part of him. In Islam, it is called Fenafillah, meaning Die before you die. The last Selam is his completion of his spiritual journey. The Seyh Efendi and the the Semazenbasi take part in the turning of this Selam. At this point, they are both overjoyed having faith in the Prophets, Books-(I.e.- The Quran, The Torah)-, The Angels and Allah. The Sema After some more reading from the Quran, the dancing begins. After receiving permission from eldest son of the Seyh-(master), by kissing him on the hand, the dervishes drop their large black hirka-( a long, heavy black coat)-representing their deliverance from worldly attachments. Now with their black robes removed, it reveals a long white robe underneath. With their right arms extended reaching up towards the heavens and their left arm pointing to the ground, Grace from above is received from Allah, and is distributed to humanity. The dancers gracefully spin, and in unionson, all the dervishes eventually start spinning together, creating a hypnotic and mesmerising constellation. Walking among them, the master checks to see if the dervishes are doing the performance correctly. The dance is repeated over five, 10 minute sessions, and finishes with the hafiz, a scholar who remembers the whole Quran through memory, chants passages from the Quran, thus, completing the spectacular ritual The performance takes place every Saturday throughout the year, but we went during December, where from the 10th-17th of December each year, theres a performance each evening in remembrance of Jalal Al-Din Rumi, renown Afghan philosopher and poet who created the dance. The Order of the Mevlevi When Rumi died on the seventeenth of December, 1273, his son organised his followers into the brotherhood called the Mevlevi, or whirling dervishes. In the centuries that followed, hundreds of schools were set up to teach the dance, but ultimately, the teachings of Rumi and his ideology started to influence the countrys political, economic and social life, so in 1925, Ataturk banned them as he considered them, an obstacle to the countrys advancement. They were revived in 1957, however, and the Mevlana are now so popular, that in 2017, the Mevlana Museum was noted as Turkeys most visited museum. There is evidence in all walks of social media posted by people from all over the world that Rumis verse and poetry are still celebrated and followed today. Instagram is often awash with phrases from Rumis writings and often people will post a saying which they dont even know the origination of..Rumis beliefs are still standing strong. Where to get your tickets To get tickets for the grand Mevlana performance finale-on the 17th -, follow this link, its really recommended to book them in advance and be warned, dont leave it too late: https://ebilet.konyakultur. gov.tr/?NewAccount=&Type=1 Tickets for the performances from the 10th to the 16th December can be pre-ordered or bought fat the door. Usually, the performance will begin at 7pm, so to guarantee a seat, its advisable to arrive at the Culture Centre by 6:30pm. There are salep sellers outside the centre and traditional crafts and Mevlana souvenirs for sale at small stalls inside and the area has a really wintery, seasonal feel. For more information, please visit this website: https://ilikevents.com/event/ 3118-konya-whirling-dervishes- festival Getting there Konya can be reached from Fethiye by car in under 7 hours. Buses also operate regularly to Ankara, where a connection can be caught to Konya. Going by train and flying is also an option, where you fly to Istanbul or Ankara, and catch a connection either by aircraft or rail to Konya. In my next article, Ill bring you a Whistle Stop Tour to give you ideas of where else to visit and what to do in one of my favourite citiesKonya. Casey Rusell I am Casey Russell, a 15-year-old home schooled traveller, writer, photographer and sailor. I live aboard my familys Oceanis 45 foot sailing yacht and travel extensively throughout the mediterranean for most of the year exploring the lost islands and hidden archaeological treasures of the region. Photography is a hobby of mine and this year i am keen to explore new techniques and effects, the articles that I write are always accompanied by awesome images. So, Come along with me on my travels and let me show you the hidden corners of this magical region To read more articles by Casey please visit his blog, Adventurer in Training How to fund your business is one of the biggest topics of discussion between entrepreneurs these days, particularly after a credit crunch and a recession. There is a range of funding options available, yet choosing the right choice for your business can mean the difference between success and failure. Below are some of the best ways to fund your business when youre looking to get off the ground. Make use of your Savings The savings that are sitting in your account, making little interest in the current financial climate, are a great way to make your money work for you. Funding your business with your own personal savings means you wont need to ask anyone else to help you get started. Not only will you avoid getting into any debt at the outset, but it also shows future investors that you are committed enough to put your own money behind your business. Apply for Business Grants Business grants can be difficult to find yet there are thousands available, in different forms. Getting through the application process might be tiresome and frustrating, but the fruits of your labour could pull through with significant results. If you qualify for a business grant, it could provide exactly the right kind of boost you need to get your business off the ground. Alternatively, the cash injection can help it grow in more substantial and better ways. Seek an Angel Investor An Angel Investor is an individual or a group of people that offer an amount of cash in exchange for a share in your business. They could be someone youve worked for in the past, a friend or someone found through a funding network. When making your pitch to an Angel Investor, its important to demonstrate you know what youre doing, which includes ensuring you have an exit strategy should things go pear-shaped. Some tips to help include: Demonstrate your passion for your business. Angels wont be interested in investing in businesses that are trying to cash in on the latest trends. Show that you have experience on your side, whether that is through an unpaid advisor or simply the age and employment history of your team. Angels want to see that you can deal with a tough and changing economy effectively. Provide solid plans and analysis that demonstrate you know your market and have the expert knowledge needed to be successful. Develop a way to keep in touch with investors who you wish to attract. This is especially helpful if you do not have a strong track record as a successful entrepreneur. Sending them big company updates and developments will help keep them in the loop. Take out a Bank Loan Despite the closures of many high-street banks, there are still some that havent yet closed shop. Make sure you have a solid business plan and clarity on how you will receive your revenue before you approach any banks. While banks may be much stricter with how much and who they will lend to, The government has earmarked additional funding for small businesses. Ask your bank about the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme which may help you secure finance. Use your Credit Card Using your credit card to fund the early stages of your business may not be ideal, yet it is a viable way to secure the cash flow that you need. If you need a low sum of cash for a short period of time, theres no reason to rule this method of funding out. When using this option it is important that you are able to pay the money back quickly as the cost can rise once any interest-free periods have run out. Try Crowdfunding Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can be a fun way to raise money for your business. To get started you set a goal for how much money you need and individuals will pledge amounts to help you meet it. Usually, you offer incentives for people to pledge, such as a free book for a certain amount of money. It is important to remember that there is no long-term return on investment for this type of funding and you cannot write off donations for tax reasons. Consider a Short-Term Credit Option If you are refused finance from the banks, that doesnt mean that no-one will ever lend to you. Online credit companies offer you smaller amounts that Banks usually dont accommodate. This form of finance often requires less documentation than bank loans and relies largely on your credit history and credit rating. You will have to undergo an affordability assessment to ensure you can meet repayments and interest rates can often be fairly high. LearnLux, a Boston, Massachusettsbased digital financial wellness platform, secured $2m in seed funding. Backers included Sound Ventures, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Underscore VC, and former Wealthfront CEO Adam Nash and others. Founded by sibling duo Rebecca and Michael Liebman in 2015, LearnLux provides a digital financial wellness platform with interactive learning tools that teach personal finance in an engaging way. The company offers learning materials and tools around topics like 401(k), Healthcare, Benefits and Taxes to increase employee productivity and utilization of voluntary benefits. For employees, it delivers financial guidance on demand, enabling them to make informed decisions through lessons tailored for all knowledge levels. FinSMEs 29/11/2018 Rags, a Lehi, Utah-based fashion brand, raised $1.5m in second seed funding. The round was led by Kickstart Seed Fund, with participation from existing investor and board member Jeremy Andrus, CEO of Traeger Grills, as well as James Ho of AEA Investors and Davis Smith of Cotopaxi. In conjunction with this financing, Curt Roberts, partner at Kickstart, will be joining Rags board of directors. The company, which has now raised a total of $3m, intends to use the funds to accelerate its growth and expand the product line. Founded by Rachel Nilsson in 2014, RAGS is known for its innovative (RAG) design that has a patent-pending neckline that makes it very easy to pull on and off, with no buttons and snaps. Each style is unique eith new releases of limited-edition designs coming out every week. The companys offering currently includes products for kids, kids tees, dresses, seasonal, baby pouches, women, men, and accessories. FinSMEs 29/11/2018 Visitors at Vietnam's stall (Photo: VNA) The bazaar 2018 had more than 40 representative agencies of countries with over 100 stalls. The Vietnamese Embassy had two stalls displaying traditional handicraft products and cuisine. Vietnams stalls attracted the attention of diplomatic corps and local visitors with special products such as lacquer product, water puppet, Dong Ho painting, traditional long dress, palm leaf conical hat and bamboo dragonfly, as well as Vietnams popular dishes of noodle soup, pumpkin and green pea sweetened porridge and coffee. In addition, the Vietnamese Embassy also cooperated with the Hanoi Trade Joint Stock Corporation (Hapro), Trung Nguyen legend Group and Dakmark Food Joint Stock Company to display and introduce Vietnams agricultural products such as whole bean coffee, instant coffee, tea, rice, pepper, coconut and cashew nuts. It attracted many businesses and visitors to learn about the agricultural products of Vietnam. The bazaar is an annual activity organized by DMEDD in order to introduce and sell handicraft products and food of countries. All proceeds of the fair were donated for children in need in Turkey./. . - . ... Hoang Lien Son mountain range The magazine revealed that thanks to the newly-installed cable car system to the peak of Fansipan - the roof of Indochina, the number of tourists increased significantly. The range, located around 195 miles northwest of the capital city, "remains rugged, rural and a world away from hectic Hanoi. National Geographic said the scenery and life around Hoang Lien Son are still wild and natural. Tourists can enjoy hiking in and around Hoang Lien Son National Park and nearby Muong Hoa Valley, then rest at houses of Hmong, Red Dao, Tay ethnic minority groups and others. Each year, the magazine announces the world's best tourist attractions based on nominations from the worldwide travel community. Other spectacular places that made the list are Canterbury Region, New Zealand, Dordogne (France), Dakar (Senegal), Peruvian Amazon, Mexico city (Mexico), Greenland (Demark) and others. Hoang Lien Son is one of Vietnams grandest mountain ranges. Apart from the Fansipan peak, Sa Pa Town, with its picturesque rice terraces and dreamy cloud scenes, is a major tourism draw./. : , , 150 : . - . . : . : - . , , . , . : . . , - , , , , . : - ? : . , . . 500 , , . : . , ? : , , , , , , , . , . , 403 35- . . , , . : ? . : . , , , . , . , , , .. , , , . , , . , , , . : , , , , , : . , , . ? : , , . , . . - , , , , , , . : .. , . . : , , , , . , , . , , . , . . : ? : , , , , , , . , , , . : . . ? : ? . , , . , . - . , , , , , , . , , , , . : , . : ? : ? : . ? : . . , - , . , , ? : , , . - . . -. , , , , . : ... : . : . ? : , , . . , , , - -. , , . : , - , 168 3 500 . . ? . : . . , , , , , , , . , : , 5 3 ?. , 5 , , , , . . , -, . , , , . , , - - . - - . , , , . , , - , . : - ? : - . . , - , , . - , , , , . : , . : , . : . : , , . , . 1300 . .. , , , , . : , , , . . , . -. , ... : , 11 . : , , , . Christoph Miller, head of the trade fair department at VDW, said: For German manufacturers, ASEAN is a major customer region with a highly dynamic character. More and more production is being generated in the ASEAN region or being relocated from other markets into the ASEAN region. For the most part, these trends are emerging from the automotive and automotive supply industries, electronics, shipbuilding and general machinery construction. A German machine tool (Photo: VNA) The overall potential of the ASEAN region shows that after the strong years from 2012 to 2015, current machine tool consumption has stabilised at a level of about EUR3 billion (USD3.4 billion), based on total imports to each country. Drivers here are Thailand and Vietnam, he said. Among export markets for the German machine tool industry, ASEAN as a whole region is ranked seventh. The two biggest markets in the region Vietnam and Thailand are also major export markets for the German automotive industry, ranking 14th and 16th, respectively. Overall, it is clear that Asia with China as the biggest export market, followed by Japan, the Republic of Korea and ASEAN is a major export region for the German machine tool industry, he said. VDW, together with major machine manufacturers and control system manufacturers, has launched a project to define a universal interface based on the OPC Unified Architecture format (a machine to machine communication protocol for industrial automation developed by the OPC Foundation), he said. According to VDW, Germany will debut high technologies and new solutions in metalworking at METALEX 2019, which will be transferred to countries in the ASEAN region. Germany is eyeing the ASEAN market due to the regions dynamic and strong development. In addition, the Industry 4.0 trend will provide opportunities for German companies to launch high technologies and new solutions in metalworking, together with know-how, to ASEAN and Vietnam in particular, it said. According to the Vietnam Customs, Vietnams machinery and equipment imports were worth USD24.58 billion in the first nine months of the year, accounting for 14.2 percent of the countrys total import revenue. China, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Germany were the biggest suppliers of machinery and equipment to Vietnam. According to experts, more and more firms have invested in machinery and equipment to increase productivity and efficiency to improve their competitiveness in the global market./. This blog covers software patent news and issues with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, connected cars) as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices. It has been seven years today since the brutish assassination of my friend and colleague Charles Ingabire by the barbaric government of Rwanda ruled by the abominable Paul Kagame . Charles Ingabire It has been seven years today since the brutish assassination of my friend and colleague Charles Ingabire by the barbaric government of Rwanda ruled by the abominable Paul Kagame . Charles Ingabire was an exemplary journalist and a model of integrity to many of us fighting for a free Rwanda. We often forget that prior to his assassination , he was repeatedly targeted for assaults , he was just recovering from one ( he had been severely beaten ) in which he had sustained severe injuries . He had been living in severe distress and fear for his life but still he would not relent on his determination to continue informing our people. It was something he took to heart. It was personal to him. It was not a job, it was a duty. On numerous occasions , when we were faced with the cruelty of Kagames despotic regime and its diabolical agenda , we would get discouraged but he always refused to give up. To him abandoning the fight for the right to inform and being informed was never an option. Never. Many years after Charles Ingabires assassination , the now famous whistle blower Edward Snowden said that when exposing a crime is treated like committing a crime you are being ruled by a criminal . Today , Inyenyeri News Group remembers Charles Ingabire , a hero in his own right. Noble Marara Greetings, No doubt, there is a lot to be concerned about this year; however, 2020 has also been quite a year for recorded music. Let u... FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Kenji Sukeno) has today signed an agreement with Yestar Healthcare Holdings Company Limited (hereinafter Yestar) to invest about 6 billion yen in the company by subscribing to third-party allocation of its new shares. After completing the required investment procedures, Fujifilm will acquire 9.56% of the company's shares issued. The Yestar Group handles processing and marketing of Fujifilm's medical X-ray films, photographic products, and industrial films in China. Through this investment, Fujifilm aims to reinforce a comprehensive business partnership with Yestar Group and further expand its business in the Chinese market, which continues to make economic growth with the nation's 1.3-billion population. Since establishment, the Yestar Group has expanded business as the agency for Fujifilm's photographic products in the Chinese market. It became Fujifilm's exclusive agency for color photographic papers in the Chinese market in 2013, distributing Fujifilm products across China's photographic market. It entered into the medical field, commencing to process and market Fujifilm's medical X-ray films in 2010. The Yestar Group has continued to broaden its scope of business to include medical equipment and other products, boosting its presence in China's healthcare market. Through this investment, Fujifilm is reinforcing its partnership with Yestar Group especially in the field of medical equipment business. Fujifilm and the Yestar Group will accelerate offering a wide range of Fujifilm's products and solutions across China. Fujifilm also plans to explore the possibility of working with Yestar Group to jointly develop products specifically designed for the Chinese market. By providing products and solutions optimized for diverse market needs, Fujifilm will continue to contribute to further improving the quality and efficiency of medical care, maintaining and boosting human health and enhancing the quality of life. Pinch of Salt: So much to be thankful for The ranking, which was announced by the Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company in Hanoi on November 29, aimed to honour enterprises that are profitable, have potential to become key pillars of the Vietnamese economy and contribute to the introduction of Vietnamese brands to the international business community. The Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group, Samsung Electronics Vietnam, Honda Vietnam, PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV Gas), Vietnam Dairy Products Company (Vinamilk), Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank), Hoa Phat Group, Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Viettinbank) and Vingroup also made into the Top 10. PetroVietnams total revenues reached VND499.5 trillion (US$21.47 billion) in the first 10 months of 2018, 21.1% higher than the set target and up 23.6% year-on-year. In the reviewed period, the group contributed VND90.9 trillion (US$3.9 billion) to the State budget, 23.2% higher the yearly target. According to the Vietnam Reports survey, the average pre-tax profit of the top 500 most profitable companies in 2017 grew more than 65% from 2016. The sectors with the highest return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (REO) were telecommunications, information technology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, transportation, food, beverages and cigarettes. The survey said most business insiders expect technology to remain the leader in attracting investment. Technology was the most common answer among enterprises (51.4% of respondents), construction and real estate (40%) and retail (34.3%). In the Profit500 Ranking, the companies with the highest average pre-tax profits are in telecommunications, information and technology. The enterprises have potential to show stable growth profit indicators. In the 2018 Profit500, the number of firms in construction, building materials, real estate (14.8%), electricity (12.8%), finance (11.2%), and food, beverages and cigarettes (10.4%) accounted for a majority of businesses on the list. Lost above the rooftops of the city : Drone disappears without a trace in Bonn city Bonn Drone pilot Sebastian Heider lost his drone over the rooftops of Bonn city center on Wednesday when he wanted to capture images of the Christmas market. He is now looking for clues as to what happened and offering a reward for its return. Teilen Teilen Weiterleiten Weiterleiten Tweeten Tweeten Weiterleiten Weiterleiten Drucken It suddenly became a drone that no longer did what the owner wanted it to do and it disappeared without a trace. That's what pilot Sebastian Heider from Bonn experienced when he lost control of his "DJI Mavic Pro Platinum" in the city center on Wednesday. Heider was there to take pictures of the Bonn Christmas market and the City Skyliner tower. He had obtained permission from the public order office, the police and the university. The only condition was that he not maneuver the drone directly over people at the Christmas market and in the city center. Two positions had been approved by the authorities: the roof of the "Sinn" fashion store and the roof of Bonn University. The drone had already seen 300 flights, 45 flying hours and 400 kilometers. And flying is not only Heider's hobby, he takes aerial photographs for various clients. According to Heider, the flight over the fashion store "Sinn" went without a hitch and then he went to the Hofgarten in Bonn. After he had set up the drone, he started it and positioned it above the university up in the air. "At some point I realized that I no longer had any control," said Heider in response to a GA inquiry. Heider offers reward for the missing drone He's been flying for seven years, but that's never happened to him before. "I have done many flights, so I know what I'm doing," says Heider. There was always a connection between his remote control and the drone, 100 meters away, he says. But on this day, he could no longer control the 30 x 30 centimeter flying object, which weighs one kilogram. Besides that, it drifted away in the wind, which is normally not possible, as it can hold its position through a special mechanism. The mode to get the drone to return to the pilot did not work either. One day after the incident, he suspects a software error. He wrote a post on Facebook and hopes that someone has found the drone. He also contacted the manufacturer to report the bug. Heider can imagine that his "DJI" was either picked up and taken by someone or stuck on a roof. He is currently looking at the roof of the University of Bonn, where he received the last two GPS data. He also contacted the university to get possible information about the whereabouts of his 1,500 euro drone. If someone found his drone, Heider wants to pay a reward. On the device there is a name tag with his address and telephone number. Drone pilots have to take a few things into account "The drone is not fault-free," says Heider. " If you fly with it, you have to follow some rules." Theoretically, someone could be injured. The German Air Traffic Act (insurance obligation according to Section 43 Para. 2 of the Air Traffic Act) obliges you to take out insurance. Without insurance, high fines are imposed. As a general rule, the pilot may only operate his drone within visual range. Flying over industrial and railway facilities, crowds, nature reserves and airport control zones is prohibited. The drone pilot also has to pay attention to weather conditions and obstacles in the flight path at all times. With insurance coverage, a flight altitude of 100 meters is permitted, but flying is prohibited at night. However, there is the option of obtaining special permits if you can show proof of a drone driver's license. Orig. text: Felix Schroder The visit will be made at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, according to a statement released by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 29. Vietnam and Cambodia officially established diplomatic relations on June 24, 1967. The two nations have regularly maintained the exchange of visits at all levels. Vietnam has become one of Cambodias leading economic partners with two-way trade reaching nearly US$ 3.8 billion in 2017, up more than 25 percent year-on-year. The two countries are striving to raise the figure to US$ 5 billion in the coming years. Vietnam has to date invested in 206 projects in Cambodia with combined registered capital of US$ 3.02 billion, ranking in the top five foreign investors in Cambodia. Meanwhile, Cambodia has poured US$ 58.1 million into 18 projects in Vietnam. In 2017, up to 835,000 Vietnamese visited Cambodia while 222,000 Cambodians went on tours of Vietnam. English Estonian The annual general meeting of shareholders (the Meeting) of AS PRFoods (the Company) was held on 30th November 2018 in the conference room Beta at hotel Radisson Blu Hotel Olumpia, located at Liivalaia 33, Tallinn, Estonia. The Meeting started at 11:00 and ended at 12:02. 21 shareholders, holding 26,066,058 shares, attended the Meeting representing 69.17% of the total votes represented by all the shares with voting rights. Therefore, the Meeting was competent to pass resolutions. The following resolutions were passed at the Meeting: 1. Approving the Companys 2017/2018 annual report (18 months) The shareholders decided to approve the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2017/2018 in the form submitted to the annual general meeting. Voting results: Votes No of Votes Proportion to total votes (%) In favour 26,064,058 99.99% Against 0 0.00% Impartial 2,000 0.01% Did not vote 0 0.00% Total 26,066,058 100.00% 2. Deciding on sharing the profit The shareholders decided: (a) To confirm the net profit of the financial year of 2017/2018 (18 months) in amount of 57,000 euros and retained earnings of AS PRFoods of 1,904,000 euros as at 30 June 2018; (b) To transfer 1/20 of the net profit in amount of 2,850 euros to statutory reserve capital; (c) To pay dividends in amount of 386,829 euros on account of the retained earnings, i.e. 0.01 euros per one share: the shareholders entered to the share register of AS PRFoods as at the end of workday of accounting system on 28th December 2018 have the right to dividends; based on the above the date of changing of rights attached to shares (ex-date) is 27th December 2018 from that date the person having acquired the shares is no more entitled to receive dividends for the financial year of 2017/2018; dividends are paid to the shareholders on 5th April 2019, by transferring the relevant amount to the bank account attached to the securities account of the shareholder. (d) not to distribute the remaining net profit. Voting results: Votes No of Votes Proportion to total votes (%) In favour 26,058,858 99,97% Against 0 0% Impartial 7,200 0,03% Did not vote 0 0.00% Total 26,066,058 100.00% 3. Appointment of auditor for the financial year 2018/2019 and determining auditors remuneration The shareholders decided to appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (register code 10142876) as the Companys auditor for the financial year 2018/2019 and to determine the remuneration of the auditor pursuant to the agreement to be executed with the auditor Voting results: Votes No of Votes Proportion to total votes (%) In favour 26,056,218 99,96% Against 0 0.00% Impartial 9,840 0,04% Did not vote 0 0.00% Total 26,066,058 100.00% All decisions at the meeting were adopted in accordance with the stipulations of the law and Companys articles of association. Indrek Kasela AS PRFoods Member of the Management Board Phone: +372 452 1470 investor@prfoods.ee www.prfoods.ee Across the urban transit spectrum, electric scooters have arrived with a big splash. The small, dockless vehicles, a product of the tech startup scene that carry riders at around 15 mph, have helped to upend the old transit paradigm and sharpen a "micro-mobility" focus. But for scooters to be a viable transit solution that can thrive and grow, they need to be integrated into a city's transportation infrastructure and managed through partnerships that maximize their benefits and minimize their negative impacts.Scooters have enormous potential as an inclusive, efficient system in the model of bikesharing systems that have already taken off across the country. With a low barrier to entry -- rides generally cost a couple dollars -- electric scooters offer residents in car-focused cities such as Los Angeles and Austin an alternative way to travel short distances. A new study from Populus , a transportation-focused data-analysis company, found that scooters have already had an impressive 3.6 percent average adoption rate (by comparison, over 12 years carsharing systems like Zipcar came in at 2 to 3 percent), while 70 percent of the Populus survey's respondents supported them.Unlike traditional bikeshare programs in cities such as Los Angeles, where the Metro transportation agency formally introduced 1,400 bikes in neighborhoods including downtown and Venice, scooters have come via the private sector with startups leading the way. With a haphazard roll-out in many areas (the CEO of Bird reportedly announced his scooter company's arrival in Santa Monica with a LinkedIn message to the mayor ), residents and officials worry about a series of operational issues.First, scooters have no home dock, meaning they are often left strewn in random locations. Their batteries are charged by contract workers who, seeking to ensure the biggest payout, sometimes gather as many as possible in a single location, or even hold them until they are reported stolen and a $20 reward is issued. Then there are insurance questions, as well as helmet and general safety concerns. New York City, where sidewalks are narrow and bike lanes are already cluttered, has simply banned scooters.For most cities, though, outlawing a promising and appealing transportation alternative isn't viable. Just as cities partner with industry in other sectors, calculated, careful, regulated partnerships for scooters hold the most promise.For scooters to integrate into a city's existing transportation system - and to ensure they are safe for riders from teenagers to professionals to the elderly - each company needs to work with local government, following the model of New York City's Citi Bike. That might get easier with industry mergers and consolidations: In July, the ridesharing company Lyft acquired Motivate, which owns Citi Bike and which, Lyft says, is responsible for 80 percent of bike-sharing in the United States (for instance, it manages bike-sharing programs including metropolitan Washington, D.C.'s Capital Bikeshare and Minneapolis' Nice Ride). Lyft has also started to roll out its own scooters in select cities.In one example of an evolving partnership, San Francisco first banned scooters, but then implemented a formal proposal process to review permit applications. Using metrics including operational experience, equitable community outreach and labor plans, the city recently decided to issue permits to two companies, Scoot and Skip. While not a full partnership, this model is a step in the right direction. ensuring that the city is involved in the groundwork for these companies to operate and hopefully thrive.Thoughtfully constructed partnerships for scooters can ensure that both residents and government have the chance to welcome this sustainability-focused alternative and that scooters can co-exist alongside pedestrians, bikes and cars. As an alternative to car usage and a supplement to bikesharing, scooter companies working in concert with government have the potential to transform the way people participate with the transportation framework around them -- and how we think about getting around. <= 70 years > 70 years > 75 years > 80 years > 85 years > 90 years No estimate Monterey Park, Calif., Census Tract 4817.11 Shelby County, Ill., Census Tract 9595 Chatham County, N.C., Census Tract 201.04 Stilwell, Okla., Census Tract 3769 The Bronx, N.Y., Census Tract 396 Pascoag, R.I., Census Tract 129 Dallas About the data Just how long many Americans will live is largely a reflection of where they were born.For the first time, neighborhood-level life expectancy data covering most of the country were published in September, revealing large disparities. The joint effort by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation utilized death records reported by 48 states.Life expectancies generally mirror demographics. Babies born into neighborhoods with more white residents, or those with high incomes and college-educated populations, tend to live longer. Communities with poor access to food and health care have low life expectancies. Major gaps are further present across neighborhoods in close proximity within the same cities. As a response, places such as Alameda County, Calif., and Kansas City, Mo., have launched initiatives aimed at advancing health equity.Weve identified several outlier neighborhoods, represented as Census tracts, from the data. Some have extremely high or low estimated life expectancies. In other neighborhoods, the normal assumptions about race, poverty and other demographic characteristics as they relate to health do not seem to apply.While neighborhoods with exceptionally high life expectancy are predominantly wealthy, there are notable exceptions scattered throughout the country. One that stands out is in the northern part of Monterey Park, a small Los Angeles suburb with some of the highest concentrations of Chinese Americans of any U.S. city. Despite the tracts median income of only $40,000 and high poverty, those born there were projected to live an estimated average of 93 years (+/-7). The neighborhood is close to a senior center, medical center and park. Several other Asian communities had similarly high estimates. Another demographically similar neighborhood with about the same life expectancy is a section of New York Citys Chinatown.Educational attainment is one of the strongest predictors of a neighborhoods life expectancy. But select areas with average or below-average levels of education still have exceptionally high estimated longevity. One is an area of rural Shelby County, Ill., made up of several small villages and farming communities. Census estimates suggest more than half the population has no education beyond high school, yet its life expectancy is nearly 92 years (+/-7).Most neighborhoods with the highest life expectancies tend to be communities of affluent residents with high levels of education. The tract with the nations highest estimated life expectancy is found in Chatham County. Its average life expectancy falls between 90 and 104 years, when the margin of error is considered. The area is a wealthy enclave with two large retirement communities: Fearrington Village and The Preserve at Jordan Lake.At just 56 years (+/-2), Stilwells estimated life expectancy is the lowest of any Census tract in the nation. The community, traditionally dependent on agriculture and ranching, is home to a large contingent of Native Americans, and about half of all children there live in poverty.Predominantly black communities typically have low life expectancies, according to the CDC. This isnt true of a few African-American neighborhoods in New York, though, such as a tract in the Williamsbridge section of the Bronx. About 78 percent of its residents are black, and more than a quarter live in poverty. However, the neighborhoods estimated life expectancy is 86 years (+/-8).By most measures, Pascoag is a typical lower middle-class to middle-class community. An unincorporated village northwest of Providence, it has relatively high numbers of children living in poverty, along with education levels and household incomes somewhat below national averages. Yet its an outlier in that its estimated life expectancy was about 90 years (+/-7).Dallas offers an example of the vast differences in life expectancy that can be found in close proximity. Six predominantly African- American tracts making up an area of southeast Dallas recorded life expectancies between 65 and 69 years. For mostly white neighborhoods on the other side of an interstate highway a few miles to the north, the numbers were in the low to mid-80s. SPEED READ: The Trump administration's new guidance allows states to change who receives health insurance subsidies and how they are used. The new rules undermine the Affordable Care Act and could lead to the proliferation of health plans that offer fewer benefits and consumer protections. CMS Administrator Seema Verma discussed the new guidance at the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council conference on Thursday. The Trump administration released new guidance for states on Thursday that would undermine major tenets of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or so-called Obamacare, President Obama's signature health reform law.Most notably, the new "State Empowerment and Relief Waiver Concepts" urge states to start offering federal subsidies to people buying plans that dont comply with the ACA. It would be a boost to short-term and association health plans, which offer fewer benefits and consumer protections but at a lower cost.By introducing these concepts, the Trump administration is accomplishing some of the same goals -- and in some instances, taking them further -- that Congressional Republicans had in mind when trying to repeal and replace the ACA in 2017, Larry Levitt, senior vice president of the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation, told The Washington Post The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is also giving states the option to put subsidies into a consumer-driven account that people could use for health-care costs other than monthly premiums. Its a similar approach that CMS Administrator Seema Verma took in Indiana, where she helped redesign the state's Medicaid program.States will now also have some freedom to decide who is eligible for subsidies. Under the ACA, anyone with an income 400 percent of the federal poverty line is eligible for subsidies on the insurance marketplace. This new guidance would allow states to tweak or add to that regulation, perhaps prioritizing younger, healthier populations over lower-income residents.Finally, states will have more flexibility to establish reinsurance programs, which use government funds to protect insurance companies from the most expensive patients and bring down premiums for everyone. Reinsurance has been used in several states since the beginning of the ACA to hold down costs.As HHS released this information, Verma gave remarks at the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) on Thursday outlining and defending this plan.For far too long, states have looked to Washington with a 'mother, may I?' approach," Verma said. "Washington has placed unworkable restrictions on the states, in the process undermining the very goal of its own policy, which was to make insurance more accessible by making it more affordable.But many health experts say the federal governments recent actions regarding the Affordable Care Act are what's driving up health costs and driving down the insured rate. The Trump administration has, among other things, repealed the ACA's individual mandate, which required everyone to have health insurance, reduced the open enrollment period by weeks, cut ACA outreach and marketing funding by more than 90 percent, and made it easier to buy short-term and association health plans that don't comply with the ACA. (States are fighting the latter move either by banning or restricting the sale of those plans or by taking the matter to court.)As a result, fewer people appear to be signing up for insurance: At the open enrollment midway point, 2.4 million had signed up, compared to 2.8 million this time last year. According to a Georgetown University report , last year was the first time the number of uninsured children rose in a decade. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that an additional 5 million people will lack health insurance in 2027.Verma fought back on those assertions."No one can say that this [is] due to the Trump administration. This chaotic and declining market is what the administration inherited in 2017," she said at the ALEC conference.Premiums have finally showed some stabilization this year, with the price of average plans decreasing by 1.5 percent across the country.Many opponents of the Trump administrations approach to the Affordable Care Act argue that it chips away at the consumer protections and that more popular aspects of the law could also end up on the chopping block -- like protecting people with preexisting conditions and allowing young adults to stay on their parents' insurance until theyre 26.Verma says those concerns are overblown.Critics of state flexibility will always assume the worst. Indeed, cynics will always be able to imagine negative ways states might screw up if given some flexibility," she said. "But if a state does get something wrong -- unlike the federal government -- states have the flexibility and the incentive to fix it." SPEED READ: New York is really the test case of how much you can push bail reform absent of legislative action, says Aubrey Fox, executive director of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency. Mayor Bill de Blasio has made criminal justice reform a priority of his administration. New York City's bail reforms have contributed to a 27 percent drop in the city's jail population and a one-third reduction in the number of people facing bail. The city now has the lowest incarceration rate of any big U.S. city. Like many states, New York hasn't changed its bail procedures in more than 40 years. Despite increasing calls for bail reform around the country, only California has eliminated cash bail and only a handful of other states -- including Alaska, Delaware New Jersey and New Mexico -- have reformed their systems to cut down on people sitting in jail because they can't afford bail.New York City got tired of waiting on the state.Over the past three years, the city has implemented and expanded a series of programs and rules meant to lower the number of people who have to pay bail in the first place or who have to sit in jail -- often for months -- if they can't afford it.New York is really the test case of how much you can push bail reform absent of legislative action, says Aubrey Fox, executive director of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency, a nonprofit that assists the citys bail diversion program.It turns out, cities can make meaningful change on their own.Over the past four years, the city has reduced the number of defendants facing bail by almost one-third, itsjail population has dropped by 27 percent, and it now has the lowest incarceration rate of any big U.S. city, according to New York Citys Office of Criminal Justice. (During that time, arrests were down citywide, which contributed to these drops.)The city reached another milestone recently, helping the 10,000th defendant avoid bail and instead await trial under supervised release, which is the anchor of the city's bail changes. The city has partnered with nonprofits that help evaluate whether a defendant should qualify for supervised release, and if so, work with the defendant to make sure they attend all their court dates.There is a social worker assigned to the case. The defendants have to call, and they have to come in. The amount of contact is determined by the social worker, says Fox. If they have other needs like counseling, drug treatment or need help with a job, our social workers can offer those supports.Since the program launched, 87 percent of defendants under supervised release have attended all their court dates, according to the New York City Criminal Justice Agency.The supervised released program started as a pilot in 2009. In 2015, a year after the inauguration of Mayor Bill de Blasio who set his sights on reforming the citys criminal justice system, the city pumped more than $17 million into expanding the effort across all five boroughs.The mayor wants to eliminate cash bail. He has been very clear that a lack of cash shouldnt be the reason people are in jail, says Elizabeth Glazer, director of New York Citys Office of Criminal Justice.Under de Blasio, the city has also eliminated jail sentences of less than 30 days, launched an online bail website and expanded the bail expediters program, which places people inside the courthouses to coordinate bail payments with family members while simultaneously keeping judges and jailers abreast of the status of a bail payment. Bail expediters keep nearly 2,000 people a year from being booked into jail, according to New York City.The city also passed new bail rules in 2017 aimed at reducing the number of people incarcerated. But it hasn't been living up to all of them.According to a new analysis by the Bronx Freedom Fund, an organization that posts bail for low-income residents in the Bronx, the city regularly violates those 2017 rules. For instance, 76 percent of the organization's 238 clients who had bail posted from April to September were not released within four hours as required. And 70 percent were notgiven access to their contact information while in custody, which is often stored on phones seized during their arrest.City officials acknowledge that improvements can be made to the system and note that several factors can delay the release of a defendant, such as needed medical or mental health care and outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions.We are always looking for ways to improve the bail process and make it faster, says New York City Department of Correction Press Secretary Jason Kersten. We expect to reduce our discharge time and streamline the process even more in the future.Meanwhile, up in the state capital, lawmakers have been locked in a stalemate over bail reform for years. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called for bail reform, but his efforts have been blocked by the Republican-controlled state Senate. In November, however, the Democrats regained control of the Senate. Time will tell if the city gets an ally from above. It was his 63rd birthday but instead of staying home to celebrate Wednesday, Andres Garcia got in his truck and drove 25 miles to Los Angeles City Hall to see the little sidewalk vending business he's run for 15 years finally become legal.There, in the ornate City Council Chambers, he and more than 200 other sidewalk vendors "micro-entrepreneurs" as Councilman Curren Price Jr. calls them rose up to cheer, embrace one another and shout in Spanish, "we won, we won," as the council voted 13-0 to legalize street vending in the nation's second-largest city."For us, it's very important," Garcia said of the LA street vendors whose numbers have been estimated as high as 50,000. "If someone complains, the police, they could come in and take everything from us. Make us throw all our stuff away and we lose all our money for that day."In recent years, police have often looked the other way, he said, but he has been hassled more than once in the past when somebody complained that he stakes out space to sell chips, candy, drinks and other items in Hansen Dam Park, a popular recreational area in the farthest northeast corner of the city's San Fernando Valley.Passage of the ordinance takes away that risk but marks just the beginning of a new day for street vendors. The city must still implement a system for issuing permits to vendors and to figure out how much to charge for them. About 58 inmates are attempting to sue the state of Iowa over the recent ban of pornography in prisons, claiming it violates their constitutional rights.Inmates at Fort Dodge Correctional Facility are upset about the new law, which went in effect Nov. 14 at all nine state prisons and shut down the designated "pornography reading rooms." The men filed a class action suit in October in U.S. District Court, but a judge told them Nov. 1 that they would have to file amended and substituted complaints on the proper forms, and that each plaintiff must pay a filing fee or file an application to proceed as an indigent person by Friday.U.S. District Senior Judge Robert Pratt also said two signatures on the lawsuit are illegible and may not be included.So the lawsuit, at this time, hasn't been accepted by the court.The inmates' lawsuit, which is confusing and difficult to understand, claims the legislation was passed under the guise of "morality" and was brought by a "Government contrived of Nazis or tyrants.""It is our contention to stop this tyranny, arising from a group of religious tyrants/slaves, who hide behind the mantle of righteousness, and law, and have no regard for the Declaration of Independence and/or United States Constitution as they stand."The lawsuit also suggests that if women correctional officers can't handle an environment that allows photos of female nudity and related images, "they should find employment elsewhere." The plaintiffs ask what's next -- outlawing photos or images of models wearing fashion, swimsuits or lingerie?The lead plaintiff of the lawsuit, 70-year-old Allen Curtis Miles, was convicted of first-degree murder in Polk County District Court for the fatal stabbing of Cheryl Kleinschrodt in March 1982.The reading rooms, which were supervised by prison staff, allowed prisoners who were not convicted of sexual or sexual-related offenses to look at sexually explicit materials, according to the Iowa Department of Corrections. Inmates would receive these materials in the mail but officials would store them until an inmate requested to view them and be taken to a reading room. Once the inmate was done, the materials would go back to storage.The inmates who received less explicit materials, like nude photos or a Playboy magazine, would be allowed to keep those in their cells, Iowa Department of Corrections spokesman Cord Overton said Thursday.But the new law also bans inmates from having those in their cells.The reading rooms were set up in response to a federal court ruling in the 1980s that found Iowa's prison rules dealing with sexually explicit materials were unconstitutional.During the legislative session when the bill was proposed, Iowa prisons legal counsel Michael Savala said the department modeled the new legislation after a Federal Bureau of Prisons policy and state officials believe it will stand up to court challenges.Overton said he couldn't estimate how much the reading rooms were used because that information wasn't tracked. Staff members who would supervise the rooms may have been supervising other rooms at the same time, so it makes it impossible to provide an estimation, he said."When we discussed this issue with lawmakers, the broad point was that any staff time spent supervising these types of activities was staff time that could be spent more productively," Overton said.Time spent screening, sorting and supervising the use of these materials could be better spent focusing on security and rehabilitation, Overton said.Overton pointed out that the prison population has grown significantly since the 1980s and '90s, especially the sexual offenders, who have always been prohibited from having these materials. There are more than 1,000 sex offenders in an overall population of 8,594 inmates, as of Thursday.Notice of the ban went out to inmates in July so they had time to cancel subscriptions or let family and friends know that nude and sexually explicit material would not be allowed on or after Nov. 14, Overton said.Overton said department leadership advised inmates and staff that if pornography was found during the course of a routine search it could lead to discipline. But there haven't been any real issues so far, he said.Judge Pratt, in his response to the inmates' lawsuit filing, suggested the plaintiffs file separate complaints because prisoner complaints, he said, present "unique circumstances not present in other civil actions and a multitude of problems may arise." He pointed out several concerns if a single suit is brought by more than one inmate, including that the prison population is transient and lawyers have limited ability to meet with plaintiffs to discuss strategy or draft documents. Pratt said it's also likely that one inmate may take control of lawsuit and act on behalf of others without legal authority or permission from others.Pratt warns the inmates if they fail to comply with his order, it could result in the dismissal of the case.The inmates hadn't filed any amended or substituted complaints as of Thursday morning. Four St. Louis police officers were indicted Thursday on federal charges claiming that three of them beat an undercover colleague during protests last year and all four then covered it up, federal prosecutors say.The indictment also claims that several of the officers exchanged messages that "expressed disdain" for protesters and "excitement about using unjustified force against them and going undetected while doing so."Prosecutors allege that officers Dustin Boone, Randy Hays and Christopher Myers threw a 22-year police veteran to the ground and kicked and hit him with a police baton on Sept. 17, 2017, amid protests downtown that followed the acquittal of former police Officer Jason Stockley on a murder charge for the fatal shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith. They believed the undercover officer was a protester and assaulted him "while he was compliant and not posing a physical threat to anyone," the indictment says.Officer Bailey Colletta is accused of lying to a federal grand jury investigating the incident.All four of the accused officers are members of the St. Louis Police Officers' Association, which is providing them with legal representation, according to Jeff Roorda, business manager.Roorda referred all questions to the officers' attorneys, saying, in part, "We encourage elected officials, the media and the public to allow them their day in court without speculation about their guilt or innocence."Hays' and Colletta's lawyers declined to comment. The others did not return messages.After learning that the person they attacked was an undercover officer, the three male officers lied about the arrest, claiming the man resisted arrest and was not compliant, the indictment says. They also tried to contact the undercover officer to dissuade him from pursuing disciplinary or legal action, the indictment says.The undercover officer is identified only by the initials "L.H." The age, gender and initials match only one officer: Luther Hall. Hall was working undercover aiding other officers in identifying criminal activity, sources said.At the time of the assault, police sources said Hall suffered a bloody lip during his arrest.But sources close to Hall said Thursday that injuries from the assault were much more extensive. He has not been able to return to work.Hall was kicked in the face, which inflamed his jaw muscles to the point where he could not eat. He went from about 185 pounds to 165.The cut above his lip was a 2-centimeter hole that went through his face.He also sustained an injury to his tailbone, which still causes him pain, the sources said.And in October, he underwent surgery to repair two herniated discs in his neck and one in his back. He is still wearing a collar to keep his neck immobile.Myers destroyed Hall's cellphone with the intent to obstruct any subsequent investigation, sources said, and Boone, Hays and Myers obstructed justice by conspiring to prevent information about the beating from reaching federal investigators. Colletta and Hays were in a romantic relationship at the time of the incident and investigation, the indictment says.Colletta initially denied knowing Hall and denied that she had ever come into contact with him on the night of his arrest, the indictment says, and lied when saying he was "brought to the ground very gently."The indictment says the officers exchanged a series of messages during the days of protest duty.In one Sept. 15, 2017, message, Myers writes "let's whoop some ass."On Oct. 5, 2017, Hays writes "going rogue does feel good."Boone later replies that "it's gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these (expletive) once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!!" On Sept. 17, he wrote that it was "a blast beating people that deserve it."Boone, 35, Hays, 31, and Myers, 27, all face charges of depriving Hall of his constitutional rights and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Myers also faces a charge of destruction of evidence relating to the cellphone, and Colletta, 25, faces a charge of attempting to obstruct grand jury proceedings.U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen declined to comment, saying he would not make any statements outside of a mews release announcing the charges.St. Louis Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards, who called the officers "outliers" in a statement, said the four officers have been suspended without pay from the police force.In his own statement, Police Chief John Hayden said police sought the FBI's help after learning about the allegations involving Hall."I am deeply disappointed in the alleged actions of these individual officers; however, it is in no way reflective of the hard work and dedication exhibited by the men and women of our Department who serve the community on a daily basis with integrity and honor," his statement says.Hayden said Hays had eight years with the department, Myers had three, Boone had two and Colletta, 18 months.The officers could face up to 20 years in prison if convicted, although recommended federal sentencing guidelines will likely call for much less prison time.Others alleged mistreatmentAll four were among the 200 officers assigned to the police "Civil Disobedience Team," prosecutors say, working protest duty.They're also among current and former officers that St. Louis city prosecutors have purportedly excluded from testifying in criminal cases.St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, in a statement Thursday, said her office had dismissed 91 cases associated with the officers and would continue to review "cases where these officers' testimony or involvement is fundamental."Following the alleged assault on Hall, then-Acting Chief Lawrence O'Toole asked police union leaders for a donation to cover the cost of a broken camera. Roorda confirmed at the time that the union's nonprofit foundation, Shield of Hope, donated $500 to Hall to help cover those expenses or any other costs.It was not immediately clear whether Thursday's indictment would close out a federal investigation into police activity during the controversial police "kettle" on the night of Hall's arrest.St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and O'Toole were among the officials who asked the U.S. attorney's office to investigate less than two weeks later.The mass arrest prompted criticism by a federal judge and a series of federal lawsuits alleging that police violated arrestees' Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to be free from unlawful seizure and their First Amendment rights to assemble in public and express their views free from retaliation.The suits say arrestees were pepper-sprayed and physically injured even when attempting to be compliant with police orders.Former Post-Dispatch reporter Mike Faulk, who was among the reporters assigned to cover the protests that night, was also arrested and has filed his own lawsuit.Police supervisors have said that protesters blocking the street and refusing to disperse were given multiple warnings about possible arrest and the use of chemical munitions. They denied seeing any inappropriate use of force, saying pepper spray was used only on those who resisted police orders.After the indictments were announced, Tony Rothert, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, wrote that "there has still been no real accountability for the individual officers who engaged in the same behavior toward protesters. St. Louis officials must address this rampant lawlessness by its police.""We expect professionalism from every City employee," Krewson said in a statement. "No exceptions. The charges brought against these officers today do not reflect the standards we hold ourselves to as public servants."Police have also said multiple officers have been injured by rocks and bottles thrown by protesters on various occasions."In a few instances, some officers have fallen short of the professionalism required to work in our Police Department," Edwards said in a statement. "I take accountability and transparency very seriously. When a public safety employee acts outside the scope of their authority, it is imperative that they be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."Hall was not a member of the Ethical Society of Police, a police association which represents primarily black officers.But the organization's community liaison, the Rev. Darryl Gray, said the group has been calling on the department to investigate the assault ever since it happened."Anytime we have police officers who are labeled as rogue officers, other officers need to know there is accountability and there are consequences to police officers who think they're above the law or try to hide their own viciousness and hatred behind the badge and under the cover of darkness," Gray said. Description GIS 30 November 2018: The Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, External Communications and National Development Unit and Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, highlighted today the proposals of Government with regard to the Financing of Political Parties Bill during a press conference held at the New Treasury Building in Port Louis. He emphasised that accountability and transparency will be the underlying principles of the Financing of Political Parties Bill with the objectives to prevent undue influence and corruption as well as to avoid donations to a political party being appropriated by unauthorised persons. All political parties, he said, will be required to register with the Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC) and added that the parties will be allowed to receive donations from private individuals and corporate bodies subject to appropriate transparency and disclosure rules. Donations from religious groups, parastatal bodies and any state-owned-enterprise as well as anonymous and overseas donations will be prohibited, he stated. Prime Minister Jugnauth further underlined that provision will be made for State funding to political parties and candidates taking part in National Assembly/municipal council/ village council/ Rodrigues Regional Assembly elections. A Political Activities Public Financing Fund, under the supervision of the ESC will be established and the ESC will be responsible for the disbursement of funds to qualified political parties and candidates. Moreover, the Prime Minister outlined that candidates will be eligible for State funding provided they obtain at least 10% of the total number of votes polled in their respective constituencies. He also spoke on the present expenditure limits that are being revised in line to promote more accountability. Speaking on the functioning of the ESC, he highlighted that the institution will be endowed with necessary resources to inspect, verify, review and investigate the financial affairs of political parties and thereby recommend legal proceedings in case of violations. Breach of the legislation will be sanctioned by fines and loss/suspension/reduction of public funding, he added. Code for America Reaches 10,000 Users for ClearMyRecord.org Seattle Takes Data-Driven Approach to Firefighting with New Platform New What Works Cities Offshoot Will Address Economic Mobility Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter called upon Americas innovators and technologists in both the public and private sectors to use their work "with a public purpose," in a written piece published by The Atlantic last week.Carters piece essentially paints the rapid-fire development of new technology and innovations as a double-edged sword, noting that this progress has "brought immeasurable improvements to billions around the globe" but also that it "now threatens to overwhelm us." Carters words are also a bit of a call from on high for technologists to channel the intense focus on public purpose that drove progress for past generations, saying that our own priorities should drive change just as much if not more than market forces.The piece is notable for the civic tech community, because it serves as one of the most public and prominent declarations of support for their core mission by a powerful voice in recent memory. Carter himself is no stranger to civic tech. In addition to leading the Department of Defense from February 2015 to January 2017, Carter has overseen the founding of the Defense Digital Service, as well as the Defense Innovation Board, which includes major civic tech leaders such as Code for America Founder Jennifer Pahlka.The national civic tech group Code for America has now reached 10,000 users for its clearmyrecord.org site, which is a free service aimed at helping eligible folks in several California counties reduce or dismiss convictions from criminal records.Code for America announced the milestone recently on its Twitter page, also noting that a future step will see them bring the platform to other states. Its currently only in use in California, largely in the most populous counties of that state, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara and Solano.Clear My Record is a nonprofit service, and the way it works is fairly simple. Basically, users go to the site and complete a pre-screening form that will be used to help a participating attorney understand their unique situation. The attorney next determines what their options are for clearance, and then after a period usually within four weeks the applicant learns what their next steps will be.The service can be used to clear multiple convictions within California at once. The site has a support team, and it also notes that its application process is easy to understand, only requiring 10 minutes to complete.Code for America itself is a nonprofit and nonpartisan group that uses technology to help government better serve people. In line with that mission, Clear My Records central goal is to help eligible folks get convictions off their records in order to better position themselves for basic needs such as jobs, housing and education.Seattle is now prototyping a new platform called FireSTAT , which could help the Seattle Fire Department use data and performance metrics to improve its decision-making processes and ultimately become more efficient.Richard Todd, a strategic advisor for Seattles citywide Innovation and Performance team, detailed the creation of FireSTAT in a recent blog post , saying the platform actually grew out of his team reorganizing its work to focus on three service offerings: results-driven management; use of data analytics in problem-solving; and redesigning existing services and processes to have greater impact. FireSTAT seems to be a solid example of all three focuses.To develop it, the team worked directly with the fire department, Todd said, noting that it had previously seen a chance to improve its work with its operational data, but a host of obstacles stood in the way. Namely, the fire department found it difficult to access data sets spread throughout 13 systems monitoring performance that were essentially hard-to-read spreadsheets, and a structure that didnt lend itself easily to using data for problem-solving an undertaking that was largely only possibly via direct communication from leadership to groups.These are, of course, problems that many public agencies within cities face, and they are also problems that many innovation teams such as Todds are called in to address. In the blog, he details what his team did to work through these problems and how their early FireSTAT efforts have yielded results.Three mighty philanthropic organizations have come together to fund an offshoot of the civic innovation group What Works Cities, and this offshoot is aimed at helping address economic mobility in communities throughout the nation.The three philanthropic groups involved are among the most recognized in the country Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Ballmer Group. Earlier this month, the trio announced they would be giving a total of $12 million in the service of analyzing economic mobility throughout Americas communities, as well as ultimately building new ways to help residents bolster their economic prospects. An announcement for the effort said that it will work to identify barriers to economic mobility, understand the impact of potential interventions, and share what works.This is notable for civic technologists as well as those who work for local and state government for a few reasons. In recent years, fostering better economic mobility among citizens has become a bedrock issue for those working to make a difference, one that if solved has a positive impact for an array of other challenges including access to technology, digital skills training, health, housing and education.Today, economic mobility is top-of-mind for city leaders around the country, said Patti Harris, CEO of Bloomberg Philanthropies, in the announcement posting. Through this new partnership, we will follow the data to help communities develop approaches that have the potential to increase opportunity and improve residents lives.A group of 10 cities in America will work with What Works Cities, which is a long-tenured Bloomberg Philanthropies campaign aimed at helping cities overcome obstacles with the use of data-driven governance. This work will see those cities working to now engage their communities with the use of data-driven governance to measure economic mobility challenges, as well as to subsequently develop, prototype and spread solutions.The new effort is being billed by organizers as an offshoot of What Works Cities. During a reception in Hanoi on November 29 for Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan province Du Jiahao, Politburo member Binh wished that both sides would seriously realise the common perceptions of their senior leaders and increase exchanges to improve the efficiency of cooperation in diverse areas. He wished that Hunan and Vietnamese localities would facilitate the sharing of experience in Party building, socio-economic development, and economic and trade collaboration, contributing to the healthy, stable, and effective development of Vietnam-China relations. Du, for his part, expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnamese people would surely accomplish tasks set by the 12th National Party Congress. He affirmed that the Chinese Party, Government, and people are willing to further foster the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam, adding that China pledges to continue facilitating high-level exchanges and meetings, strengthen political trust, and promote strategic connectivity with Vietnam. Hunan stands ready to step up practical and mutually-beneficial cooperation with Vietnamese localities in the fields of economy, trade, investment, education, and tourism, thus laying a solid foundation for the friendship between the two parties, nations and people of China and Vietnam. The same day, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Peoples Committee of Hanoi Nguyen Duc Chung held talks with the Chinese guest. The two sides informed each other about their respective party and national situations, and discussed ways to nurture ties between Hanoi and Hunan in the near future. The decision by the California town, Paradise, not to undergo a full-scale evacuation was a difficult one that will be reviewed for months or years. The decision by Sonoma County officials last year not to send an alert during the devastating fires there was followed by much debate.In the future, decisions made about when to alert, whom to alert and how may be made easier by a set of guidelines developed by the Governors Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).A bill, SB 833, signed into law last year, tasked Cal OES with drafting definitive guidelines on mass alerting and evacuation and those guidelines have been developed. The report is being turned over to an advisory board for full adoption, according to Mitch Medigovich, deputy director of logistics management of Cal OES.Cal OES worked with stakeholders at the city and county level to identify best practices and develop some guidelines and standards with the knowledge that some flexibility will need to be incorporated for localities, depending on the local environment.The intent is to have a fairly comprehensive guide, to have roles and responsibilities, templating for calls and the action thats going to go on, Medigovich said. Its going to focus on a whole series of guidelines to help those that havent thought through this or havent used their systems much.As Medigovich noted, a disaster like the Paradise Camp Fire can happen quickly and require quick thinking and action. Having templates and guidelines for what to do in certain situations gives emergency management and public safety officials a head start on how to take action.Inevitably the time you are going to need to make that emergency alert is going to be at 2 a.m. on a Sunday, he said. So, the prepackaged messaging and knowing whos cleared to release and who has the ability to do it really has to be well-established and thought through, so you can get the right message out in a timely manner.The report explains how to take advantage of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), how and when to use geo-fencing, etc. This breaks down and explains how you would use your broadcasters on the emergency alert side of that versus Wireless Emergency Alert messaging, Medigovich said.There is discussion of reverse 911 systems and other tools in the proverbial tool box, including using sirens and going door to door. Medigovich said there are many technological tools to use and users need to realize that those are constantly being updated so that if one didnt work as needed at one time, it may have been updated to be more effective.We saw that with geo-fencing, he said. People said, Well, that tool doesnt allow me to do what I want to do. And you say well, yeah, it has certain limitations, but it continues to get better and people may have had outdated information in the past.Often, the first time a jurisdiction is forced to use mass alerting becomes a learning experience and sometimes a painful one. But establishing a good program with good training and best practice usage can help.An example is Lake County in California, which was hit by wildfires in 2015 and struggled with alerting. When faced with more fires in 2017, the process of using IPAWS and WEA went much better. They made releases on the broadcasting side Wireless Emergency Alerts, social media and demonstrated absolute proficiency in 2017, Medigovich said. (TNS) - As rain begins to fall in Southern California from the latest storm, towns and counties prepared for the imminent problems it could cause, especially in areas previously affected by wildfires.Amid worries of mudslides and debris flow, parts of Riverside County where the Holy fire had burned in August were placed under mandatory evacuation Wednesday afternoon. The rain also prompted Orange County officials to issue voluntary evacuations for communities that may receive mud and debris flowing from Holy fire burn areas.Though no mandatory evacuations were put in place in Los Angeles County, officials in the Los Angeles area also remained cautious as the ingredients for potentially dangerous conditions were in place.Los Angeles CountyThe Woolsey fire, which burned through more than 96,000 acres in Los Angeles and Venutra Counties, has consumed vegetation from many hillside communities in Los Angeles County, leaving many homes and roads vulnerable to possible mudslides, rock slides, and debris flows.One to two inches of rain is expected to fall in the Woolsey fire burn areas throughout Wednesday night and Thursday, said Eric Boldt, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service.Issues are expected to come from the rain, Boldt said, but he expects them to be minor, such as small mudslides and rocks coming off canyon walls, possibly leading to road closures.Emily Montanez, a spokeswoman for the L.A. County Office of Emergency Management, said officials were not fretting quite yet over the predicted rains. She said officials were in a wait-and-see mode over the weather.Officials with Los Angeles Countys Department of Public Works have been inspecting flood infrastructure in burn areas, such as storm drains and culverts, making sure they are clear and able to handle the coming storm, said Steve Frasher, public information officer for the department.Frasher said officials have also been working with homeowners to set up sandbags and small plywood walls to divert some water flow and small mudslides away from homes and along driveways and into the road.Though it is possible, Frasher said there are no large mudslides expected for the burn areas.Its certainly not an amount that would trigger a dire warning. Its not a Montecito or La Tuna Canyon scenario that we had last year. However were always mindful that theres that potential out of any rain event, he said.Malibu Mayor Rick Mullen said residents in his city remain cautious as their once grassy and bushy hillsides are now left bare and charred.Were kinda in unknown territory cause the scale of loss of vegetation is pretty unprecedented, Mullen said. People have been sandbagging their properties left and right and are being cautious and preemptive.Most problems in burn areas come from heavy downpours that remain in one area for a long period of time, Boldt said. Yet with wind gusts blasting at about 40 to 50 miles per hour along the mountain areas, the storm is expected to blow through the area rather quickly. Downpours are expected to last only 15 to 20 minutes at a time, with the heaviest rains coming between after midnight and through 6 a.m. Thursday, he said.Still, county officials warned that residents within burn areas should prepare their families and animals for possible evacuation, having their cars full of gas, backed into driveways and with several evacuation routes in mind.Riverside CountyWith the National Weather Service in San Diego forecasting rainfall in the region through Friday of around one inch near the coast to two to four inches in the mountains, officials in Riverside and Orange counties were on high alert for flooding and potential mud and debris flows in the burn areas of this summers Holy fire, which burned some 23,000 acres in and near the Cleveland National Forest.Mandatory evacuations were put in place Wednesday afternoon for some areas burned by the fire as the storm is forecasted to bring periods of heavy rain into the area.The evacuation order issued around 3 p.m. affected 1,017 homes and approximately 3,500 residents. Fire officials went door-to-door to notify residents and give evacuation information, said Capt. Fernando Herrera, a public information officer with Cal Fire/Riverside County.Because of an approaching storm, a mandatory evacuation order has been issued, effective at 3 p.m. on Nov. 28, Herrera said in a statement. Evacuations are mandatory for the Amorose, Alberhill, Glen Ivy A, Glen Eden, Grace, Horsethief A, Laguna A, Matri, McVicker A, Rice and Withrow A zones. People in these zones MUST GO NOW.The communities are located south of Corona, in areas around Temescal Valley.The Riverside County Sheriffs Departments Lake Elsinore Station listed storm-related road closures on its Facebook page.Jannlee Watson, a community leader in Temescal Valley, said the Riverside County Sheriffs Department was going door-to-door in the communities of Horsethief A and Glen Eden.She said she was glad to see law enforcement let people know that it wasnt safe to stay in their homes.I know some people in Glen Eden evacuated yesterday when it was voluntary, Watson said. People dont see the danger, and they arent as prone to leave. Its not like a fire where you can see it coming.Yet despite the mandatory orders, most houses in the Horsethief A neighborhood on Wednesday night had lights on and cars parked in the driveway.People dont see the danger, and they arent as prone to leave. Its not like a fire where you can see it coming, Watson said.Kevin OBrien, a resident of Horsethief A, said he didnt leave his house during the Holy fire, and wouldnt leave before or during a flash flood.My neighbors backyard was on fire, but we stayed put, OBrien said. I sat on the roof and hosed down the house.Im not worried about the flood. If the mud comes down the street, I feel fine in my house, he added.OBrien said he feels worried for people further down the Santa Ana Mountains, as the flood carries debris and mud down the streets like a river.Less than a dozen people were at the evacuation center early Wednesday evening at Temescal Canyon High School.Food, water, cots and blankets were available for anyone who checked in at the schools gym.A hotline for evacuees was set up at 951-940-6985, and a care and reception center is open at Temescal Canyon High School, located at 28755 El Toro Road, Lake Elsinore.Evacuees large and small animals will be accepted at the care and reception center and at the San Jacinto Animal Campus, 581 S. Grand Ave., San Jacinto, Herrera said.On Tuesday, a voluntary evacuation order was put in place before it was upgraded Wednesday.This map shows the areas evacuated in Riverside County.The voluntary evacuation order issued yesterday was changed to mandatory because projected rainfall increased, elevating the possibility of dangerous debris flows, according to a statement from Cal Fire/Riverside County. Areas that burned are at-risk of debris flows, which are deadly, fast-moving landslides.The evacuation orders also forced the closure of several Lake Elsinore area schools: Rice Canyon Elementary, Withrow Elementary, Luiseno School, and Terra Cotta Middle School. Nicole Dailey, an assistant to the city manager in Lake Elsinore, said district officials would give an update on the closures on Thursday.There is also a risk of flooding, mud flows, rockfalls and other landslides during and immediately after, Cal Fire Riverside said. Debris flows can happen with little to no warning. If your home is in an at-risk area, it is critical that you understand the seriousness of the situation and are always prepared.Orange CountyThere are very few homes in Orange County that sit within the Holy fires burn area. However, rains are expected to drive some mud and debris from the burn areas, down into some communities within the county, said Capt. Tony Bommarito with the Orange County Fire Authority.On Tuesday night, voluntary evacuations were issued for homes located within Trabuco Creek, Rose Canyon and the Mystic Oaks and El Cariso areas, which are off the Ortega Highway.Those areas are under a flash flood watch, but depending on what the National Weather Service says as they monitor the rains, it may be upgraded to a flash flood warning, which would lead to mandatory evacuations, Bommarito said.[NWS] is saying theres a high possibility that the criteria will be met for a flash flood warning, he said.The heaviest downpours in the area are expected on Thursday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., Bommarito said.Evacuation routes can quickly become impassable due to mud, debris or flooding, county officials warned in a statement. Residents with large animals were also told to follow their personal plans to move their animals before the rainfall arrives.San Bernardino CountyEric Sherwin, spokesman for the San Bernardino County Fire Department, said there were no mandatory or voluntary evacuations in place throughout the county, but the fire department would be on notice and let any residents know if danger is imminent.Officers and emergency services are tracking the storm, Sherwin said. Were keeping an eye on it and if any threats emerge, well let the people know.The county alerts residents of danger through the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS). It alerts residents through recorded messages on landlines and text messages on cellphones. San Bernardino County keeps a database of all landlines, but those who want to get notified on their cellphone need to sign up for the service.San Bernardino County residents can sign up for TENS alerts by calling 211 or 888-435-7565.Sherwin also noted that the fire department was aware of snow possibly dropping to lower elevations.All of our mountain equipment is prepared to respond to those situation, he said.Staff writer Josh Cain contributed to this story.2018 the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.)Visit the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) at www.sbsun.comDistributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. (TNS) Autonomous and connected vehicles could be driving down Ohio's roads in the not-too-distant future.Columbus, Dublin, Athens and Marysville have all signed agreements with DriveOhio , the Ohio Department of Transportation smart-mobility initiative, to test autonomous and connected vehicles, as well as smart-mobility infrastructure, according to a news release."Self-driving cars are going to reshape our transportation system, and we want to be ready for it," Dublin City Manager Dana McDaniel said in a news release. "The best way to prepare for an autonomous future is to begin integrating these technologies into our vehicles and infrastructure."The city of Springboro is nearing an agreement, and several other cities including Dayton, Youngstown and Cleveland have expressed interest in the program."Companies that create technologies for autonomous and connected vehicles want to test their innovations in real-world environments and Ohio offers the best variety of conditions and locations for that," Jim Barna, executive director of DriveOhio, said in a news release.DriveOhio assists participating cities in many areas. It helps cities inform local law enforcement about autonomous and connected vehicles, determine what attributes cities have that would be attractive to researchers and promotes partnerships with companies affiliated with DriveOhio.The first self-driving shuttle in Ohio launched in September , along the Scioto Mile in Downtown Columbus by May Mobility, a Michigan-based startup, as part of an initiative announced in July by Smart Columbus and DriveOhio . The shuttle will start accepting passengers in December, said ODOT spokeswoman Erica Hawkins.Marysville is moving ahead with connected technology and last week the city and ODOT announced that all of the city's 27 traffic lights and 1,200 vehicles will be upgraded with connected technology . Honda and Marysville debuted "the world's most connected intersection" in October, which links information from the street to a car equipped with certain technology. (TNS) Two Iranian men were indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury in New Jersey in connection with a widespread computer hacking and extortion scheme that affected major computer systems across the United States and Canada, including the Colorado Department of Transportation.The two men, who lived in Iran, launched their scheme in December 2015 to hold large computer systems hostage until owners paid a ransom to have their malicious software removed.Colorados transportation department was hacked in late February, the indictment said. After gaining access to the departments computer network, the hackers attempted to extort CDOT to de-encrypt their files. Colorado did not pay the ransom, but the attack cost the state at least $1.5 million, The Denver Post previously reported.The agencys computer system was shut down for days as employees fought the attack and worked to restore department data. The agency even brought in the Colorado National Guard to assist Faramarz Shahi Savandi, 34, and Mohammad Shah Mansouri, 27, face six counts in the indictment. They are accused of authoring the ransomware, named SamSam, and unleashing it on more than 200 victims, including the cities of Atlanta and Newark, the port of San Diego, and six health care corporations.The two men allegedly would extort their targets by demanding that the ransoms were paid in Bitcoin, a digital currency. The men would then use Iran-based Bitcoin exchangers to convert the digital currency into rial, Irans monetary system.The two allegedly collected $6 million in U.S. ransom payments and caused more than $30 million in losses to more than 200 victims, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in the news release.In a statement emailed to The Denver Post, Deborah Blyth, chief information security officer for the Colorado Governors Office of Information Technology said, Todays indictment shows how seriously we take this type of criminal activity. We want to thank the FBI for their partnership and commitment to prosecuting the malicious actors who are responsible for these devastating cyber attacks. Icebergs time has finally come. Photo: Rob Lawson/Getty Images Romaine is or at least was the undisputed king of lettuce, but the E. coli outbreak that took it off grocery store shelves last week was a major boon for its often overlooked rival, the almighty iceberg. After the Centers for Disease Control banned all romaine last week, demand went through the roof for alternatives, and prices of iceberg and Boston lettuce skyrocketed by as much as 168 percent. Typically, a 24-count carton of iceberg goes for $16.56 to $20.85, but by November 26, the day the CDC eased its romaine warning, prices of iceberg had hit $44.35 to $45.65 per carton. Iceberg: Its still better than no lettuce at all! Opinion The updates are driving us nuts In the olden days if you wanted to upgrade your toaster or washing machine, or any appliance for that matter, the simplest and uncomplicated solution was to go out and buy a new model that came with the improvements you were looking for. Your toaster PM Phuc lauded the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Vietnam Youth Federation for creating a helpful dialogue channel among the PM, government members, and young intellectuals to seek effective paths to boost startups and innovative projects. The PM assigned relevant ministries and agencies to consider constructive policies and mechanisms to create a legal framework and a level playing field for up and coming startups. The Ministry of Science and Technology was asked to acquire startup ideas to submit to the PM. In the near future, the Government will assign specific tasks to ministries and agencies to create the best conditions for innovation to flourish, he said. Participants at the event discussed the strengths and shortcomings of young Vietnamese startups, the operating efficiency of support centres for startups and innovation projects in Vietnam, relevant policies and mechanisms, the national startup strategy with its pillars of high-quality human resources, big data, artificial intelligence, special national and local mechanisms in the field, financial and accounting mechanisms, and business requirements, among others. Representatives from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education and Training, and the Ministry of Information and Communications updated participants on the policies and mechanisms in place to support startups, including measures towards further enhancing innovation in schools, connecting with enterprises, and proposing mechanisms that allow state enterprises to places orders for new, innovative products. According to a recent survey, Vietnam has nearly 1,000 startups projects each year, including small- and medium-sized enterprises and startup models. Date: Jun 12, 2018 7:45 PM Subject: ATTENTION: Cc: ATTENTION: This is Diplomat Philip Richard with respect to the phone conversation , I wish to bring to your notice as you knew it that i am at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia where am taking a transit to your country as i informed you on phone conversation. I am with the consignment belonging to you. The customs officers here in the airport insisted to search and open this consignment because it does not have a Diplomatic Yellow Tag which it suppose to have to enable me deliver the consignment but your partner advised that the consignment should not be allowed to search or scan and i can not allow them. You are advise to pay the Diplomatic Yellow Tag clearance fees of 1,200 USD =3,903 PGK dollars immediately so that i can proceed to your country for the delivery. Send it with the information of the customs officer below. SEND IT THROUGH WESTERN UNION TRANSFER WHICH WILL BE FASTER. FIRST NAME; NURHAIDAH BINTI SECOND NAME; HAMSAR ADDRESS; KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Thanks for your better understanding and cooperation. Diplomat Philip Richard . From: " UNphilip Richard" < unphiliprichard@yahoo.com Date: Jun 12, 2018 7:45 PMSubject: ATTENTION:Cc: Date: Aug 10, 2018 1:57 PM Subject: Re: REQUESTING INFORMATION in DIPLOMATIC PACKAGE. Cc: good day and it' s good hearing from you once again, it was a heartbroken to me after several days, weeks and almost a month i spent so far abandoning my duty which i ' m suppose to attend trying to deliver this luggage given to me from the Camp knowing fully well the implication of such amount of money i was caring and how risk it could be, i had issues about that money in several occasions and no one could respond. well, my last transit in Philippines was another issue from the Philippines Custom Service which i told the officer and she advised me to look for a near by Bank and deposit the money which i did and right now the money is said to be deposited in Philippine Trust Bank, a branch of Standard trust Bank. so you' re advised to write to the Bank and demand for verification of deposited fund from a Diplomat which was in your name confirm it and request for the next step for the transfer to your local account in your country. Here is the Bank email: Best Regards. hello,good day and it' s good hearing from you once again, it was a heartbroken to me after several days, weeks and almost a month i spent so far abandoning my duty which i ' m suppose to attend trying to deliver this luggage given to me from the Camp knowing fully well the implication of such amount of money i was caring and how risk it could be, i had issues about that money in several occasions and no one could respond.well, my last transit in Philippines was another issue from the Philippines Custom Service which i told the officer and she advised me to look for a near by Bank and deposit the money which i did and right now the money is said to be deposited in Philippine Trust Bank, a branch of Standard trust Bank. so you' re advised to write to the Bank and demand for verification of deposited fund from a Diplomat which was in your name confirm it and request for the next step for the transfer to your local account in your country.Here is the Bank email: support@stbank.org Best Regards. From: " Jim Richison" < ri6008449@gmail.com Date: Aug 10, 2018 1:57 PMSubject: Re: REQUESTING INFORMATION in DIPLOMATIC PACKAGE.Cc: Standard Trust Bank Philippines. Mindano Avenue Cebu Business Park, Cebu City, Philippines. +639667268000 Date: 09/08/2018 Our Ref: STB/PC/001/18 Dear customer, thank you for your inquiries and the Bank demands the security PIN given to the depositor and should be used to access the fund, please provide us with this pin for proper assessment of this deposited fund and for security reasons Bank will like to ascertain the following information for the deposited fund. 1. Security Pin. . 2. Name of Depositor. . 3. date deposited. . . 4. Amount. . 5. Reciever Full Name. . 6 Address of Receiver. 7. Receiver' s Mobile Number. . 8. Date Of Birth of Receiver. . 9. Gender. . 10. attach a passport Photograph of the receiver. . provide the following information for assessment Warm regards Mr. Mart Gonzales Director Head of Internal Audit Secretary. On Aug 11, 2018 11:36 AM, < support@stbank.org > wrote: Date: Aug 15, 2018 3:34 PM Subject: Procedure. Cc: Standard Trust Bank Philippines. Mindano Avenue Cebu Business Park, Cebu City, Philippines. +639667268000 Date: 15/08/2018 Our Ref: STB/PC/001/18 ATTN: Dear , Reference to your request regarding the fund deposit of $ 3,450,000.00 (Three Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars)to be paid to you as the beneficiary .It has affords us to let you know that after our board meeting this morning, we have verified through the payment instruction to you as the beneficiary. With this development, the joint board Standard trust Bank has approved to transfer the total funds to your account base on your maximum cooperation. The transfer will surely follow according to the banking rules and regulation global system. Sequels to your transfer, we will like to have the following documents as stated below from The Supreme Court of the Philippines to enable us endorse this payment without any government impersonation over your payment. (1) Any Current I.D ,Either Work I.D ,Drivers License or Copy of Your International Passport (2) Affidavit For Change of Beneficiary (3) Probate from Philippines High Court. With the provision of these documents your payment will be transferred to your designated bank account without any delays. Best Regards Mr. Mart Gonzales Director Head of Internal Audit Secretary. From: < support@stbank.org Date: Aug 15, 2018 3:34 PMSubject: Procedure.Cc:Standard Trust Bank Philippines.Mindano Avenue Cebu Business Park,Cebu City, Philippines.+639667268000Date: 15/08/2018Our Ref: STB/PC/001/18ATTN:Dear ,Reference to your request regarding the fund deposit of $ 3,450,000.00 (Three Million Four Hundred and FiftyThousand United States Dollars)to be paid to you as the beneficiary .Ithas affords us to let you know that after our board meeting this morning,we have verified through the payment instruction to you as thebeneficiary.With this development, the joint board Standard trust Bank has approved totransfer the total funds to your account base on your maximum cooperation.The transfer will surely follow according to the banking rules andregulation global system.Sequels to your transfer, we will like to have the followingdocuments as stated below from The Supreme Court of the Philippines to enable usendorse this payment without any government impersonation over your payment.(1) Any Current I.D ,Either Work I.D ,Drivers License or Copy of YourInternational Passport(2) Affidavit For Change of Beneficiary(3) Probate from Philippines High Court.With the provision of these documents your payment will be transferredto your designated bank account without any delays.Best RegardsMr. Mart GonzalesDirector Head of InternalAudit Secretary. Hello My friend, May the almighty God continue to bless you and your family for your very kind and prompt response to my email indicating your willingness to assist me transfer this funds for investment purposes in your country or any country that you will recommend,am well impressed by your person and I feel I have found the right person, but time will tell. As you know, the success of this transaction will depend on our total mutual trust. I want everything to be clear to you right now but you have to read carefully, Due to the United Nation policy on Afghanistan, there is a plan to move some troops out of Afghanistan so I will be among the people that will be moving out. I cannot take this money to the United States because since they know me as military personnel. Due to this, I have made an arrangement for a Red Cross diplomat agent to move this fund. The question is who will be in charge of the money in my absence? This is exactly why I need your help. I want to guarantee you that you will not stand any risk in this as I have mapped out the strategy to have this box moved out of here safely Through Diplomatic means.you have to keep everything confidential till you receive the box.do not disclose it to any other person for security reason. I have made all the arrangement on how to carry out the transaction, i will be in your country as soon as you receive the money. Please make sure that you keep everything confidential till you receive the consignment box. The plan: The box will leave on board the Red Cross jet and arrive Indonesia airport because he is on Transit. Upon the arrival, I shall let you have the contact of the diplomat for you to reach an agreement with him on how and where the box will be delivered to you in your country. You shall let him have your full names, address of delivery and your phone numbers for him to make the necessary logistics involved. Note: It has to be clear to you that the diplomat is not aware of the content of the box as I will only tell him that it contains your personal belongings. Then you shall take control and reach an agreement with him as regards to the delivery of the box to you.You are going to help the diplomat to secure the diplomatic yellow tag before he move down to your country to convey the consignment to you,Because i instructed not to open the consignment. The yellow tag is required to avoid the customs and other security agents at the airport not search the consignment, this is in accordance with United Nation' s diplomatic delivery act. Do not be afraid of anything. You must have to be aware that you are going to assist the diplomat to get the diplomatic yellow tag there in Indonesia airport before he move down to your destination, the diplomat shall not have any doubt that the box belongs to you because I instructed at no time the box will be open or search.The diplomat shall make use of his diplomatic immunity to ensure that the box is delivered to you as a diplomatic package which shall be free from any form of check at the airport. The box: The box contains the money which i attach in this mail and will be protected with a pin code which I will make available to only you alone. You shall not in any case disclose the content of the box to the diplomat for security reasons. I told him that is your personal belonging. That is why the diplomatic yellow tag is require from him. As soon as you receive the box and the pin code, you shall have in mind that your percentage will be 30% of the total sum while you shall ensure that my own percentage of 70% is intact. As soon as i come to your country, you will help me to invest it in a good profitable venture, I will contact you again as soon as the consignment arrive in Indonesia and furnish you with the contact of the diplomat. can you travel to Indonesia and you will take the custody of this box so that you will have the money pay in to your account direct.?? I wait your urgent answer.Regards, In God We Trust Yours Maria Ann Brooks. On Aug 19, 2017 1:14 AM, " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com > wrote: Date: Aug 19, 2017 7:26 PM Subject: The Diplomat Will Live Today Night. Cc: Dear I want to let you know that the diplomat will be leaving Kabul, Afghanistan midnight today, to arrive Thailand International airport tomorrow morning, before he will fly down to your country airport to deliver my box to you. Note: please i don' t want any one to know about this transaction until we are done Besides i don' t want you to tell the diplomat what is inside the consignment box is money, i made it known to them when i register the box, that the content of the consignment box is family valuable items. I will send you the security code number of the box immediately the diplomat delivered my box to you, i have also passed your details to the Red cross diplomat, he will contact you immediately he arrive to Indonesia airport, so that you will assist him in getting him a yellow tag that will enable him to leave Indonesia airport immediately and start coming to your country to deliver my box to you. The diplomat will get in contact with you when he arrive to your airport so that you will direct him where to come and deliver my box to you. I have already passed your details to him so that he will call you when he arrive to Indonesia airport before he proceed to your country to deliver my box to you and attached is my military identification card for you to know that what we are do is genuine and no harm . Finally, i want you to send me your telephone numbers again, also your nearest airport. And where you want the diplomat to come and deliver my box to you immediately he arrive your country airport, Let me stop here for now until i hear from you, have a nice day. God bless you. NOTE- Am not a Muslim, Am Christian. Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks. From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 19, 2017 7:26 PMSubject: The Diplomat Will Live Today Night.Cc: On Aug 20, 2017 6:26 PM, " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com > wrote: Dear I just want to informed you that the consignment box had arrived to Indonesia Airport this morning, please contact the diplomat who is now in Indonesia airport with the consignment box. Contact of the diplomat is as follows Name: Mr, Jonathan Williams Email Address: ( Infoexpresscompany@diplomats.c om Please contact him immediately and update me on the development, bear in mind that the diplomat dose not know the actual content of the consignment, so do not disclose the content to him, for security reason. I pray almighty God so that everything will go smoothly.The code number will send to you as soon as you finalize with the diplomat. The diplomat will direct you on what to do base on how to get the diplomatic yellow tag to enable him to clear the consignment box over there in Indonesia International airport to enable him start move down to your destination, contact him now because he is in Indonesia airport with the consignment box. Best Regards, Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks. On Aug 21, 2017 7:00 PM, " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats. com > wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > ATTENTION SIR: > > > > Dear Client, > > > > Find below my flight details.I could not get a direct flight from here to your country Airport.before i proceed i will want you to provide me with the following,very important > > > > > > > > Your Name . . . . . > > > > Your Address . . . . . > > > > Your Phone Number . . . . > > > > Your Occupation . . . . . . . . > > > > Your Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > > > > Your Nearest Airport . . . . . . > > > > Your country . . . . . . . . . . . . . > > > > > > > > Your Faithfully > > > > Mr, Jonathan Williams. On Aug 22, 2017 2:06 AM, " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com > wrote: Thanks Yours Maria Ann Brooks. Darling thanks,for contact him Yes send your information to him for he to know you,and that information i send to him concerning you is the same ok,please send to him again to be sure from us i love you and i shall wait to hear good news from you please what ever he ask you follow up to him and do it, my love On Aug 22, 2017 6:31 PM, " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats. com > wrote: > > > > > > > > > ATTENTION SIR: > > > Dear Client, > > > Find below my flight details.I could not get a direct flight from here to your country Airport. > > > I am traveling on Friday night 25th August 2017. I will be landing on Monday 28th August 2017. at Your country international airport and i hope you can come at the airport and wait for me before then, otherwise,i will come to your address. > > > Before i can get on the flight with your consignment,i will have to place a diplomatic yellow tag on the box which will help me pass through the airport without the box being search by the immigration and airport authority because this package is confidential and it is only the diplomatic yellow tag can prevent the customs not to search or scan the box. > > > Note I can not get in the flight without tagging the box because the content of the box is confidential. The yellow tag will prevent the customs not to get close to the consignment.With the tag on the box,i will have a safe trip. > > > To obtain a legal diplomatic yellow tag from the Ministry Of Security and Justice here,it will cost me > > > If you can send this money today or letest Tomorrow,then i can get the tag on the box and get ready to fly. > > > You have to inform me when you are ready to send the money,so that i will give you the details which you will use to send the money through Money Gram or Western Union Money transfer without any delay. > > > Your Faithfully > > > Mr, Jonathan Williams. On Aug 23, 2017 12:44 PM, " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com > wrote: Dear i received your mail and i want to assure you that you are 100 percent safe and the diplomat will deliver the consignment box to your given address directly and i need your update concerning on your conversation with the diplomat and also inform me the date the diplomat will bring the Box to your country because immediately you receive the Box from him then i will send you the security code number of the Box. Regards, Maria Ann Brooks. From: " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats. com > Date: Aug 23, 2017 5:18 PM Subject: Re: Note Sir Cc: ATTENTION:Sir Dear Client, I received your mail,and i have waiting for your answer concerning the payment,so go ahead and use this information with address and make the payment directed to Indonesia,immediately i arrive in your country i will call you to pick up your box, i am here for given you good service, Iam still in Indonesia and expecting to receive your payment for the yellow tag through Money Gram Money Transfer the International Money Transfer with the information below and in receipt of your payment for the yellow tag in bringing your box to your country Air port by 08:56 on the Friday night 25th August 2017. for the delivery of your consignment box to you in your country ,you have to send the money today so as to pay for the yellow tag for the box because without the yellow tag i am going no where, again i urge you to send the money immediately today or tomorrow to enable me go to the ministry for the yellow tag,EURO 1.150 Euros. This is the information where you have to send the money to them by Money Gram Money Transfer Name: . . . . . . . . . . Yeni Oktavia Address:. . . . . . . . Pulomas Barat X no.29 RT 02/RW 03,Kayu Putih,Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur City. . . . . . . . . . . JAKA RTA Country:. . . . . . . INDONESIA I EXPECT TO RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT TODAY OR BY TOMORROW ALSO SCAN AND SEND ME THE PAYMENT SLIP / MTCN NUMBER IMMEDIATELY YOU MADE THE PAYMENT FOR EASY RETRIEVAL OF THE PAYMENT HERE! THANKS FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION, KINDLY RESPOND URGENTLY TO THE RECEIPT OF THIS MAIL YOUR ' S IN SERVICE, Mr, Jonathan Williams. Date: Aug 23, 2017 9:43 PM Subject: PLEASE TRY AND CONTACT MR WILLIAN BACK.TODAY Cc: Dear i received your mail and you have to understand that am here in the camp and i don' t have any access to go out now, Regarding to the mail you received from Mr Williams concerning on the payments of 1.150 euros for the yellow tag before he will travel to your country on Friday, please you have to contact Mr Williams as soon as possible for him to direct you on how you will send the 1.150 euros in order to get the yellow tag on time. Please you have to try and contact Mr Williams back immediately and send him the amount of 1.150 euros and he will get the yellow tag on time before the date which he will travel to your country and also try to inform me immediately you finalize everything with Mr Williams. Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks. From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 23, 2017 9:43 PMSubject: PLEASE TRY AND CONTACT MR WILLIAN BACK.TODAYCc: Date: Aug 26, 2017 8:15 PM Subject: PLEASE TRY AND CONTACT MR WILLIAM BACK.TODAY Cc: Dear i received your mail and i want you to update me as soon as you send the money to Mr William and also inform me the date he will make the trip to your country and immediately you receive the Box from Mr William there in your country then i will send you the security code number of the Box. Contact of the diplomat is as follows Name: Mr, Jonathan Williams Email Address: ( Infoexpresscompany@ diplomats.com Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 26, 2017 8:15 PMSubject: PLEASE TRY AND CONTACT MR WILLIAM BACK.TODAYCc: Date: Aug 26, 2017 8:26 PM Subject: Re: hope to hear from you Cc: Dear i received your mail and i want you to update me as soon as you send the money to Mr William and also inform me the date he will make the trip to your country and immediately you receive the Box from Mr William there in your country then i will send you the security code number of the Box. Contact of the diplomat is as follows Name: Mr, Jonathan Williams Email Address: ( Infoexpresscompany@diplomats. com Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 26, 2017 8:26 PMSubject: Re: hope to hear from youCc: BARRISTER RODCHAMBERS & ASSOCIATE BARRISTER. Tatiana Rodriguez Address: #1300 B. Masangkay Street Manila, 1013 Metro Manila, Philippines. Email: rodchembers@gmail.com Tel: +639664022810 27/08/2018 > Dear i have received your information and i will act on it, as the Law of the land demands, you shall be liable for charges as follows: Legal representation and file registration. . p55,000, High Court Stamp. .p27,500 Affidavit for Change of Beneficiary. .p49,900 Probate. .p72,850 . .TOTAL FEE OF. p205,250 ( Two Hundred and Five Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Philippines Peso), EQUIVALENT TO. . $3,863.46 we shall proceed in providing you this said documents after the payment of the charges from the High Court and mind you that once application has been made and signed, you have 48 hours to act on the approved request otherwise, the High Court shall without notice withdraw your request and mark it as spam. on your request we shall provide you with account details for your payment to be made. Best Regards, Barrister Tatiana Rodriquez (Lawyer In-Charge) On Aug 27, 2018 1:16 PM, " Barrister Tatiana Rodriguez" < rodchembers@gmail.com > wrote: Date: Aug 28, 2017 8:14 AM Subject: hope to hear from you Cc: Hello My Darling Regards to your message, Thanks for helping me,please this is not a joking issue the diplomat need to get the yellow tag, to enable him continue his trip to avoid any further stoppage on arrival in your country, please help me on the issue of the yellow tag as you said make the payment, so he can obtain it and continue his trip to your country.i love you I will be expecting to receive good news from your next message, do take good care of yourself with lots of love i write to you again.also inform me the date the diplomat will bring the Box to your country because immediately you receive the Box from him then i will send you the security code number of the Box. Thank Yours Yours sincerely, Sgt Mari Ann Brooks. From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 28, 2017 8:14 AMSubject: hope to hear from youCc: Date: Aug 28, 2017 8:15 AM Subject: Re: WhatsApp Messenger: Android + iPhone + Nokia + BlackBerry + Windows Phone Cc: Hello My Darling Regards to your message, Thanks for helping me,please this is not a joking issue the diplomat need to get the yellow tag, to enable him continue his trip to avoid any further stoppage on arrival in your country, please help me on the issue of the yellow tag as you said make the payment, so he can obtain it and continue his trip to your country.i love you I will be expecting to receive good news from your next message, do take good care of yourself with lots of love i write to you again.also inform me the date the diplomat will bring the Box to your country because immediately you receive the Box from him then i will send you the security code number of the Box. Thank Yours Yours sincerely, Sgt Mari Ann Brooks. From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Aug 28, 2017 8:15 AMSubject: Re: WhatsApp Messenger: Android + iPhone + Nokia + BlackBerry + Windows PhoneCc: Date: Aug 28, 2018 4:22 PM Subject: Re: Reply ! Cc: if you loose that money do not blame me. go and make your payment before it' s late. From: " Barrister Tatiana Rodriguez" < rodchembers@gmail.com Date: Aug 28, 2018 4:22 PMSubject: Re: Reply !Cc: Date: Sep 2, 2017 3:08 AM Subject: hope to hear from you Cc: Dearly i received your mail and you have to inform me as soon as you receive the Box from Mr Williams, so that i will send you the security code number of the Box immediately.i love you with all my heart Yours Sgt Maria Ann Brooks. From: " Maria Ann" < mariannbrook@gmail.com Date: Sep 2, 2017 3:08 AMSubject: hope to hear from youCc: Date: Sep 8, 2017 7:25 PM Subject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD. Cc: ATTENTION:Sir Dear Client, I received your mail,i shall wait for your payment as you said.Listen you have delay so much for the payment and they will ask us the demurrage charges for this consignment box so i adverse you kindling make this payment today or Next before it will be too late to us, That is my suggestion send the money to pay the immigration i have been calling the Number you give to me is not connecting so fast and make the payment This is the information where you have to send the money to them by Money Gram Money Transfer Name: . . . . . . . . . . Yeni Oktavia Address:. . . . . . . . Pulomas Barat X no.29 RT 02/RW 03,Kayu Putih,Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur City. . . . . . . . . . . JAKARTA Country:. . . . . . . INDONESIA KINDLY RESPOND URGENTLY TO THE RECEIPT OF THIS MAIL YOUR ' S IN SERVICE, Mr, Jonathan Williams. From: " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats.com Date: Sep 8, 2017 7:25 PMSubject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD.Cc: Listen you have delay so much for the payment and they will ask us the demurrage charges for this consignment box so i adverse you kindling make this payment today or Next before it will be too late to us, That is my suggestion send the money to pay the immigration i have been calling the Number you give to me is not connecting so fast and make the payment This is the information where you have to send the money to them by Money Gram Money Transfer Name: . . . . . . . . . . Yeni Oktavia Address:. . . . . . . . Pulomas Barat X no.29 RT 02/RW 03,Kayu Putih,Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur City. . . . . . . . . . . JAKARTA Country:. . . . . . . INDONESIA KINDLY RESPOND URGENTLY TO THE RECEIPT OF THIS MAIL YOUR ' S IN SERVICE, Mr, Jonathan Williams. On Sep 8, 2017 7:25 PM, " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats. com > wrote: Date: Sep 15, 2017 3:14 PM Subject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD. Cc: ATTENTION:Sir Dear Client, I received your mail,go ahead and make payment and send the payment information here,hope i make my self clear to you and if you continue delay the charges will come This is the information where you have to send the money to them by Money Gram Money Transfer Name: . . . . . . . . . . Yeni Oktavia Address:. . . . . . . . Pulomas Barat X no.29 RT 02/RW 03,Kayu Putih,Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur City. . . . . . . . . . . JAKARTA Country:. . . . . . . INDONESIA KINDLY RESPOND URGENTLY TO THE RECEIPT OF THIS MAIL YOUR ' S IN SERVICE, Mr, Jonathan Williams. From: " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats.com Date: Sep 15, 2017 3:14 PMSubject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD.Cc: Date: Sep 19, 2017 1:28 AM Subject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD. Cc: ATTENTION:Sir Dear Client,We are inform you again,go ahead and make payment and send the payment information here,hope i make my self clear to you and if you continue delay the charges will come This is the information where you have to send the money to them by Money Gram Money Transfer Name: . . . . . . . . . . Yeni Oktavia Address:. . . . . . . . Pulomas Barat X no.29 RT 02/RW 03,Kayu Putih,Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur City. . . . . . . . . . . JAKARTA Country:. . . . . . . INDONESIA KINDLY RESPOND URGENTLY TO THE RECEIPT OF THIS MAIL YOUR ' S IN SERVICE, Mr, Jonathan Williams. From: " Info Express" < Infoexpresscompany@diplomats.com Date: Sep 19, 2017 1:28 AMSubject: EXPRESS SECURITY SERVICE COMPANY LTD.Cc: Date: Sep 19, 2018 10:40 PM Subject: Good Day My Dear, Cc: Good Day My Dear, How are you doing today and your family, hope you are in Good condition, now i will like to explain in details of my position and why i initiated this contact with you, having gotten your contact while looking for a reliable and trust worthy person that i can trust and work together on this. My name is SGT McKee.Florence, I am 31 yrs old, never married, from United State of America, presently in Sulaymaniyah Iraq. In our ground inspection in one of the destroyed buildings by France soldiers air raid on ISIS control area here in Syria, We discovered TWO well secured Metallic boxes abandoned in one of the destroyed building. On our investigation, Me and my colleague discovered that One of the box contain about $2.3 Million United States Dollars and the second box is filled with Gold my share of the total money is ($1,200,000 One Million two Hundred Thousand united states Dollars ) the boy with me who was rescued from the rebelled area. . But since it was only me and my colleague who knows about this and have shared the money between us, i have decided to move mine out of Syria were it will be secured pending when i will be free to come over to meet with you for sharing. there are several security measure why i cant send the box to United State of America that is why i needed your help on this. All i need from you is assurance and trust to help me secure this box in your country so that by next month when our time here is over i will fly down to your country to meet with you for Sharing between Me and you. You will also help me to invest my share in any lucrative business there in your country. Reply me if you can handle this as soon as possible so that I give you all the details arrangement am making to move the fund down to a better place. Please write me back once read my massage. Regards SGT McKee.Florence. From: " floral mcke" < floralmcke1@gmail.com Date: Sep 19, 2018 10:40 PMSubject: Good Day My Dear,Cc: Date: Sep 26, 2018 2:14 AM Subject: Due to the United Nation policy on Syria troops, Cc: May God Bless you and your family indicating your willingness to assist me transfer this funds for investment purposes in your country or any country that you will recommend Am well impressed by your person and I feel I have found the right person, but time will tell.As you know, the success of this transaction will depend on our total mutual trust. I want everything to be clear to you right now but you have to read carefully.The deal is all about the money I made here, and I have it kept safely in a box and stored in an abandoned mine in Sulaymaniyah Iraq. Due to the United Nation policy on Iraqi troops,presently i am in Iraq I' m among the people that moved out of Syria I cannot take this money to the United States because since they know me as military personnel,they will want to know how I come about it. Due to this,( I HAVE MADE AN ARRANGEMENT FOR A RED CROSS DIPLOMATIC AGENCY TO MOVE THIS FUND)The question is who will be in charge of the money in my absence?This is exactly why I need your help.the strategy to have this box moved out of here safely please you have to keep everything confidential till you receive the fund as a consignment,please dear i beg you in the Name of God Don' t Hurt me when you receive the consignment box because this this is only fund i have on earth . Finally,I want you to stand as the beneficiary and receive the fund and keep it safe so that as soon as i come to your country,I will give you 30% of the total money for the assistance after you have receive the money.I believe I can trust you.(Where we are now. .we can only communicate through our military communication facilities which are secured so no body can monitor our emails and conversation as am writing to you,.I will only reach you through email,because our calls might be monitored). I just have to be sure whom I am dealing with, Please send your information so that i will forward it to the diplomatic Agent(Mr Philip Richard ) who will deliver the consignment box to your home country. Make sure that all your information are complete. Your Name:_ _ Sgt.McKeever Florence. Your Address_ _PO BOX 196 Caliph al-Mansur Your passport/ Id card copy_ _ _Yes it is not available Your Phone Number_ _ (206) 684 5174. Your Gender:_ _ _ _Female. Marital Statue_ _Single. Your Occupation_ _ _ Military. Your Age_ _ _ _31 Years Your Nearest Airport_ _Sulaymaniyah Iraq International Airport. Your country_ _.Iraq. Current Telephone Number_ Military Mobile Radio Transmission. Regard, SGT FLORENCE. From: " floral mcke" < floralmcke1@gmail.com Date: Sep 26, 2018 2:14 AMSubject: Due to the United Nation policy on Syria troops,Cc: Date: Sep 28, 2018 3:28 PM Subject: Please Contract the Diplomatic Agent E-mail Immediately. Cc: Hello Dear. Good Day How are you doing today i hope all is well with you and your families?Please am so sorry for my late reply . How is work going over their. Please friend i have make all the arrangement how Diplomatic Agent will move tomorrow evening because his flight ticket is already be done and he will moving tomorrow evening please dear friend i don' t hurt Me, because this only what i have in this world I have Send the Diplomat To Deliver My Consignment Box To Your Home Country .Please Contract the Diplomatic Agent E-mail Immediately Because I Have Tell The Diplomat That You Will Contract Him. just tell him that your.the one who will receiving my Consignment Box to your home country.This is the Diplomatic e-mail contract him now Dr.PhilipRichard23@gmail.com Regards, SGT MCKEE FLORENCE. From: " floral mcke" < floralmcke1@gmail.com Date: Sep 28, 2018 3:28 PMSubject: Please Contract the Diplomatic Agent E-mail Immediately.Cc: Date: Oct 5, 2018 7:22 AM Cc: This is Mr Philip Richard the diplomat Agent who assigned by your partner a military lady called Sgt McKee to deliver a particular box to your country the Red Cross Company to deliver to your country as well as your home address.This the information she send to me i think is correct to avoid any mistake. I left today to here in TIANJIN CHINA In on transit where i am presently with the box do to the air problem and i am about to board to your country for the proper delivery of this box to your destination in your home country. I am making every possible arrangement to travel to your country to deliver the box to you according to the agreement,i supposed to go directly from to your international air port,but because of security reason and immigration problem and to secure the box i have to travel direct to here in TIANJIN CHINA which is the easiest country and easiest rout to bit the immigration but here there still same requirement and this is the direction of the flight. The box is here and i don' t i don' t need any delay to avoid loss,what i need from you is 630 USD which is 2,325 Kina. Please the money Sgt McKee give to me is not compete to get the yellow tag,Please i need this money immediately. For diplomatic Yellow Tag and non inspection fee to pay to the immigration to allow me to move to your country safely so that they will not search the box , this is only what i need to come there. once i get this money i will pay for the diplomatic Yellow Tag and non inspection fee to travel freely to your country without searching the box by the immigration. This is only what i need, the flight ticket is here with me which will expired in 10 days coming.please i need this money immediately to enable me to move to your country, once i submit the diplomatic yellow Tag and non inspection fee, i will move immediately.Please use this information send the money ,God bless you. . Information Western Union. Money Transfer. Please WhatsApp Me. +1 75452991. Mr Philip Richard The Diplomat Agent. From: " Dr Philip Richard" < dr.philiprichard23@gmail.com Date: Oct 5, 2018 7:22 AMCc: Date: Oct 5, 2018 7:23 AM Subject: Hello Dear . Cc: Hello Dear . . How are you doing, i hope you are in good atmosphere, Please my Dear Friend i am sorry for my late reply due to i was busy at my duty post. Please my dear, Mr Philip Richard E-mail me telling me that He need some money to complete with the one i gave him so that he will get the Yellow Tag and Non Inspection Fees, My dear Friend i am not feeling comfortable since today i receive his mail and i have been thinking because i really don' t know what else do. Please i will like you to go ahead and send him the money because the money i gave to Diplomatic Agent is 12500 US$ and now he is telling me that he paid the Red Cross Company 9870 US$ which is for their saving of my box and Good Day got his flight ticket at 2350 US$ that is why the money i gave to him is not complete to get the Yellow Tag and Non Inspection Fees. I would have send him the money immediately but this country can not send out money to another country, if not i will send him the money immediately. . Right now am totally confuse, i don' t know what i will do. because the money i gave to him is not complete to get the yellow tag and Non Inspection Fees that is why Mr Philip Richard is asking you for the money so that he can get the Yellow Tag and Non Inspection Fees so that he will continue his journey to your country. My Dear i don' t want you to tell the Diplomatic Agent what is inside that box, please i want you to keep it as a secret and never share it with anybody until you receive the box over there in your home country. when you receive My Consignment Box, this the security code number. . (CRB00003245697AE)Open it and take 43000 US$ give it to Mr Philip Richard the diplomatic agent. it is for his Job Money. Please i trust you but don' t hurt me when you receive the consignment Box, please try and send me mail immediately okay?. Try Your Best and send him the money and may God be your strength. Regards, SGT Florence. From: " floral mcke" < floralmcke1@gmail.com Date: Oct 5, 2018 7:23 AMSubject: Hello Dear .Cc: Date: Oct 7, 2018 8:42 AM Subject: Hello Cc: Hello. Good Morning how are you doing today i hope all is well with you, i have try my best to help you and Sgt but in the eyes of God i dont have the money if i have the money i will not be here wasting my time for nothing.,Please try your level best send the money before my flight ticket expired.Sgt Florence want to send the money but her country cannot send money to another country if not she will send the money immediately.. i need one of your photo it will help me to know you when i fly down to your home country airport. Please try reply me back once you receive my mail.God bless. Mr Philip Richard The Diplomat Agent From: " Dr Philip Richard" < dr.philiprichard23@gmail.com Date: Oct 7, 2018 8:42 AMSubject: HelloCc: Date: Oct 26, 2018 3:52 PM Subject: Hello. Cc: Hello Friend Good morning am fine,thanks for your mail i have read it and understand it very well,i want to informed you that Mr Philip Richard is still is China waiting for you to send the money so that he will get the Yellow Tag,Mr Philip Richard have change his Air ticket so please try send him the money Or you try your level best raise the money from your friends or You try get some loan from the bank tell them in next 3 days coming you will paid back the loan,try send him the money so that he will get the Yellow Tag and start coming to your home country,,and i dont want Mr Philip Richard to know what is inside the box,let keep everything secret because i dont trust anybody, is only you i trust because i have already have all your information' s,dont give Mr Philip the code number of the box Please keep everything secret,Honey try look for some money so that we can use the money beg Mr Philip Richard, borrow money from your friends just tell your friend that you will refund him the money in next three days coming,try follow my instructions i know that almighty God will answer us. this country dont send money to another country if not i will send him the money immediately without informing you to send him the money. God bless. . Regards, SGT Florence. From: " floral mcke" < floralmcke1@gmail.com Date: Oct 26, 2018 3:52 PMSubject: Hello.Cc: Date: Nov 20, 2018 4:42 AM Subject: THANKS FOR YOUR PAST EFFORT Cc: Hello my Dear I ' m happy to inform you about my success in getting my 3.5 Million Dollars under the cooperation of the my new partner from Senegal .Please i am in DUBAI now for an investment projects with my own share of the total money but i didn' t forget to compensate you for your past efforts and attempts to assist me in deal despite that it failed.Now you will need to contact the CBAO BANK OF SENEGAL and tell them to post you a Visa card of 450,000 us dollars which i kept for you before i travel to DUBAI. Please contact the bank with this email address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CBAO BANK OF AFRICA PLC. Email : cbaobank2@gmail.com PHONE NUMBER = +221708601971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FROM Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson. Thanks From: " Jim Richison" < ri6008449@gmail.com Date: Nov 20, 2018 4:42 AMSubject: THANKS FOR YOUR PAST EFFORTCc: Date: Nov 24, 2018 2:15 AM Subject: DHL CHARGES Cc: CBAO BANK OF SENEGAL . OFFICE ADDRESS: Rue Kaolack x Rue Saint Louis X BP : 4111 Boulevard de St Louis, Dakar,Senegal. Email : cbaobank2@gmail.com PHONE: +221776629376 DATE:23/11/2018 FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION. SIR We received your information and the bank are still waiting to receive the money from you so that we will pay for DHL office and deliver your VISA CARD to you,please you don' t need to delay on this payment to avoid delaying this transaction.We are advising you to send the 370 Dollars so that we will pay for DHL charges and deliver your VISA CARD to you . DELIVERING ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOUR FAITHFULLY MR.MOUSTAPHA DIALLO TRANSFER MANAGER From: " cbao bank" < cbaobank2@gmail.com Date: Nov 24, 2018 2:15 AMSubject: DHL CHARGESCc: If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more.... You can see more examples of compensation letters here. Chhay Than said his working visit aims to tighten collaboration between the two planning ministries, and thanked the Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Planning and Investment for supporting his ministry in human resources training. He informed the host of the successful outcomes of the talks between the two planning ministries, during which they discussed different measures to expand collaboration in all fields and drafted a Cambodia-Vietnam connectivity programme. The minister confirmed that Cambodia always remembers Vietnams support for its past struggle for national liberation from the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime as well as the current nation building and development cause. He also extended his sympathy to the Vietnamese Government and people over severe losses caused by recent floods and storms. The Vietnamese PM appreciated cooperation results of the two planning ministries, which, he affirmed, have contributed to socio-economic development in each country and the bilateral relations. He welcomed the ministries signing of an agreement framework on Vietnam-Cambodia economic connectivity by 2030, urging both sides to early build a master plan on the two economies connectivity by 2030 as mentioned in the agreement framework. He voiced his belief that the ministries will promote the cooperation tradition to help tighten the bilateral relations. Indian Battalion Launch Awareness Campaign On Ticks And Flies Control In Livestock In Malakal Veterinary team of Indian battalion based at Malakal organized a veterinary camp cum awareness campaign in Asosa area of Malakal town on 27 Nov 2018 in co-ordination with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Resources, Fisheries & Irrigation of Central Upper Nile State. Heap of cow dung breeding site for flies[Photo credit: UNMISS] MALAKAL, 30 November 2018 [Gurtong]-The emphasis of the awareness campaign was to educate the local people (livestock owner and their families) with regards to Ticks and Flies Control in Livestock. Indian veterinary team led by Lt Col YS Sengar, delivered lecture cum demonstration on aspects of ticks and flies prevention and control in livestock. Lt Col Sengar said, The animals in these areas are severely affected with ticks and flies infestations. These insects not only cause the nuisance to the animals and the farmers but also transmit many fatal insect-borne diseases to animals and thereby reduce livestock production. The main objective of this awareness campaign is to provide farmers with the informations necessary to enable them to design and evaluate sustainable strategies that are suitable for the control of ticks and flies under their particular conditions, he added. During the camp, more than 550 animals including cattle and goats were treated and dewormed at the camp site. The conduct of the camp achieved the aim of rendering treatment to sick animals at their door steps and professional advice on various aspects of animal health management to farmers at grassroots level. Hon. Daniel Yhor, Agriculture Minister of state, visited the campsite with his staff. He interacted with owners of the livestock and also witnessed the demo given by Indian Veterinary team. Agriculture Minister said, I am sure that preventive measures demonstrated in camp will help in minimizing the ill effect of these insects in livestock. I hope such veterinary awareness campaign would also be a conducted in other areas of the state also in the future. He lauded the well thought initiative of the Commanding Officer of INDBATT-1, Col Amit Gupta, in reaching out to the locals for betterment of their livestock. The Veterinary aid camp was highly successful with active participation of large number of animal owners. Owners of the livestock expressed gratitude for conducting camps for welfare of their livestock. Peta Lay, a local livestock owner said, We are very thankful to the UNMISS peacekeepers for their continuous efforts in improving the health of the animals and educating us about control of the ticks and flies which are adversely affecting our animals health. They have also given us medicines and feed supplements for the benefit of the animals. Now we bring the traveling exhibition to Helsinki. We have invited Finnish artists Leena Kisonen and Sari Airola , as well as Chinese artists Gao Jing , Zhai Wensi , Hanqin , and Zhu Gege . In October 2018 in Shanghai, China, the Sino-European Illustrations and Images Exhibition have been successfully organized, with the support from artists, schools, organizations, and governments of China and Finland and other European countries. Contemporary Illustrations and Images Exhibition of China and Europe Meanwhile, students from Shanghai printing and publishing College and students from visual communication of Aalto University are also invited to exhibit their selected works and projects. The exhibition sets up an international cultural and creative platform of art education, creation, and communication. The inspiration for artistic practice derives from the unique perspective and personal experience of artists, which are between reality and personal perceptions. Whether it is from the perspective of creation, teaching or researching, this subtle but ever-changing experience varies from person to person. Its always worthy of being explored excitedly by artists and educators. In true life, if you listened to and respect inspirations brought by truth, you will realize clearly your own direction in the art creation process. During practice, the direction will be clearer over time. On the basis of such thoughts, we came up the theme of the exhibition as As Alike As Each. Exhibition Info Artist Sari Airola Finland Leena Kisonen Finland Zhai Wensi China Gao Jing China Zhu Gege China Han Qin China Students from Shanghai printing and publishing College Students from visual communication of Aalto University Exhibition Duration16. 11. 2018 05. 12. 2018 CuratorAixia Li/ Wensi Zhai Unit: Shanghai Childrens Book Research Center China-EU International Childrens Picture Book Art Studio VenueRed Gallery, Pursimiehenkatu 16, 00150 Helsinki Artists: Sari Airola Chairperson in the Finnish illustration Association Teaches in Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Sari Airola is a Helsinki based illustrator, author, and teacher She has been the illustrator since 1997. And author since 2006 Her background is in Art Education Sari Airola works on picture books and editorial illustration Her special interests are in contemporary illustration, reading skills and multicultural education Sari Airola is a chairperson in the Finnish illustration Association She teaches in Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Leena Kisonen Illustrator/Artist/Graphic designer Specializing in lifestyle illustration for products, packaging, and spaces Her work is a colorful swirl of motifs, patterns, and lettering Leena is a native of the North, and her illustrations have a lot of Scandinavian influence Leena loves all things Japanese, which also shows strongly in her work Leena is based in Helsinki, Finland and she works with clients in Europe, Asia, and the US. Her clients include Google, Intercom, Snapchat and Isetan Department Store in Tokyo among many more In 2018 she has received an Applied Arts Award and the 3x3 Magazine honorary mention for her work for Google created wi Anyways Creative Zhai Wensi Illustrator/Member of the Graphic Design Association Graduated from center academy of fine arts and also graduated from Aalto University with MA in Environmental Art Her work won the 'Best of the Best (Commercial)' award in Hiii Illustration 2016 international competition In recent years, she focuses on focus on illustration practice Gao Jing A professional member of the Shenzhen Illustration Association Specializes in illustration and picture book, her picture book won the National Bingxin Award The picture book was selected for Hiii illustration international competition Her work was also selected for Hundreds of Excellent Publications Recommended to Teenagers by the SARFT Zhu Gege Artist/Designer Graduated from the China Academy of Art and Ecole nationale superieure d'art de Dijon with MA in plastic arts Since 2010, she works as a performer and focuses on the relationship between body and public space From 2017, she starts to practice in new ways and materials- ink and digital. Her work was inspired by everyday life and surrounding Han Qin Artist and Curator The curator of the Shanghai 99 art museum MA degree from Ecole Nationale superieure des beaux-arts de Paris Her personal works have been exhibited in many galleries all over Europe Worth to mention: Counselor Gao Yuhang of the Ministry of Education of the Chinese Embassy in Finland attended the exhibition An infection in a region with low vaccination coverage. Community immunity is important. I wish the young patient a speedy recovery. A reminder from the bottom of my heart: mothers and fathers, vaccinate your children, she stated on Twitter on Thursday. Annika Saarikko (Centre), the Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, has urged parents to vaccinate their children following news that a case of measles has been confirmed in Ostrobothnia, Western Finland. Mediauutiset reported earlier yesterday that an unvaccinated preschool-aged child has been diagnosed with measles in Luoto, Ostrobothnia, after returning from a family holiday in the Middle East. Dozens of their family members and friends have been exposed to the highly contagious disease, according to the Vaasa Central Hospital. People infected with measles are infectious approximately four days before and after the onset of rash, which is a classic sign of the virus. The child in question may have come in contact with people in a daycare centre, in a hospital in Kokkola and at a public event during the communicable period. The Vaasa Central Hospital also revealed that many of the people exposed are either not vaccinated or only partly vaccinated against the virus, which can be transmitted by direct contact or airborne droplets. Luoto has a population of roughly 5,500 and is located between Kokkola and Pietarsaari in Ostrobothnia. Aleksi Teivainen HT Source: Uusi Suomi The delegation, led by Sen. Lt. Gen. Luong Cuong, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and Chairman of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam Peoples Army, had a meeting with First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee Raul Castro in Havana on November 28 (local time). They reviewed the development of the friendship between the peoples, Parties, Governments and armed forces of the two countries over the recent past. Earlier, the Vietnamese officers were greeted in an official welcome ceremony at Monumento El Cacahual, the resting place of Cuban hero Antonio Maceo. The ceremony was hosted by Alvaro Lopez Miera member of the PCCs Politburo, First Deputy Minister of the Cuban Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and Chief of the General Staff of the countrys Revolutionary Armed Forces. After that, the two sides discussed bilateral cooperation in defence and other issues of shared concern. Talking to local media, Sen. Lt. Gen. Cuong said the two sides have the responsibility to continue enhancing the solidarity and trust between the two countries, especially defence relations a key area of both sides. During their stay, the delegation also paid respect to Ho Chi Minh at the late Vietnamese Presidents monument in Havana, visited some military units, and met with staff of the Vietnamese Embassy. The Police University College on Monday published its annual review of hate crime in the country, revealing that over two-thirds (69.8%) of the offences reported last year were motivated by hostility towards ethnic or national origin of the victim and one-fifth (20.2%) by hostility towards the religious convictions of the victim. The number of hate crimes reported to police increased by eight per cent year-on-year to 1,165 in Finland in 2017. Roughly five per cent of the offences were motivated by the disability and one per cent by the transgender identity or appearance of the victim. The review defines hate crime as a crime committed against a person, group or institution on grounds of their real or perceived ethnic or national background, religion or belief, sexual orientation, transgender identity or appearance, or disability. The incidence of offences motivated by ethnic or national background or religious conviction spiked particularly in the wake of a terrorist knife attack carried out in Turku, South-west Finland, in August 2017. A similar spike in public hostility towards ethnic, national and religious minorities was registered following the sudden influx of immigrants into Finland in 2015. The number of hate crime has decreased and evened out slightly after the spike in 2015, although it remains at a higher than earlier, Jenita Rauta, a researcher at the Police University College, told Helsingin Sanomat. Offences motivated by religious convictions were most commonly committed against Muslims. The Police University College also reported that the majority, or 813, of the 1,165 hate crimes reported to police were motivated by hostility towards the ethnic or national origin of the victim. Such offences were most commonly assaults and took place in a public outdoor place, such as a road or marketplace. Verbal slander, threats and harassment, however, made up a half (582) of the hate crimes reported last year, following a 42 per cent increase in the incidence of such offences. Aleksi Teivainen HT The 15-billion-euro infrastructure project is so massive that, if completed, it would have a notable impact on the economic situation in Finland. Kustaa Valtonen, a co-founder and board member of Finest Bay Area Development, reveals that the development company will shed further light on how it intends to fund its ambitious project to build an underwater railway tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn on Monday, 3 December. This would be the biggest project in Finland since the mid-1800s, when the channels were being built. That project was worth roughly 50 per cent of the countrys gross domestic product. This will have a smaller impact, but will be impactful nonetheless, he said on Thursday. Finest Bay Area Development signed a letter of intent for building the 100-kilometre-long underwater railway tunnel last year with a business consortium consisting also of Fira, Poyry and A-Insinoorit. The objective was to proceed with the planning stage and consolidate the consortium by bringing in new partners from China. Valtonen on Thursday was tight-lipped about the details of the funding arrangement but reiterated his confidence in the multibillion-euro project. The objective, he affirmed, is still to begin commercial operation in late 2024. Weve promoted the project on several fronts, he told Uusi Suomi. One of these is looking into the environmental impacts, a process that started last spring. Weve had an average of 40 people working from our partners, mainly from Poyry, since last May. Markku Oksanen, Poyrys head of infrastructure, water and environment in Northern Europe, has similarly stated that the past year has gone according to plan. Valtonen and Peter Vesterbacka, the other co-founder of Finest Bay Area Development, have previously announced that external funding for the project will be sought especially from China and elsewhere in Asia. The fundraising effort began last summer with a tour with stops in Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong, according to Valtonen. The official environmental impact assessments will begin shortly in Finland and later in Estonia. Both Finland and Estonia have expressed their tentative support for the infrastructure project. Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila (Centre) and Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas conceded last spring that private funding will be required to construct an undersea tunnel between the two capitals. The project is also discussed today by Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner (Centre) and Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kadri Simson. Aleksi Teivainen HT Source: Uusi Suomi The conference, known as the Astana Club, took place in the Kazakh capital on November 12-13 and was the fourth such annual conference to be held. Participants included the heads of state and former heads of state of Belgium, Portugal, Pakistan, Turkey, Poland, Egypt, and Croatia, as well as dozens of leading foreign policy figures and Nobel laureates. HEADS OF STATE , Nobel laureates and foreign policy experts recently gathered at a secretive conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, for the unveiling of a Global Risk Report identifying the greatest threats to world stability in 2019. The Astana Club abides by so-called Chatham House rules which mandate that the opinions of participants remain anonymous for the purpose of debate. The event took place in the Nazarbayev Centre in Astana and was chaired by the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. The key themes of the 2018 Astana Club were Global Risks for Eurasia in 2019 and Toward a Greater Eurasia: How to Build a Common Future. The focal point of the event was the unveiling of the Global Risk Report, which was compiled with the input of 1000 leading figures in politics, economics, conflict, and international relations representing 60 countries. Key authors of the report include the Vice President of Egypt and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohamed El Baradei and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rajenda Pachauri. The report predicts mounting geopolitical crises in the year ahead, fuelled by economic protectionism, climate change, and spiralling income inequality. A total of 10 key risks well face in 2019 were identified: Escalation of the confrontation between the US and China A high likelihood of a full-scale trade war breaking out between world powers A further degradation of relations between Russia and the West Escalating violence in combat hot-spots across Eurasia The growth of separatism and ethno-nationalist conflict, particularly in the Middle East The intensification of environmental challenges and water shortages An increased threat from cyber-attacks, particularly on national infrastructure The beginning of a new arms race An increased likelihood of a nuclear or [similar] technological disaster The rules of the conference mean that it is unclear which global figures made these particular predictions, but we know that they were informed with data provided by dozens of government bodies and think tanks. In a closed-door meeting, the president of Kazakhstan introduced the report by remarking we havent observed such levels of confrontation in a very long time the so-called multi-polar world order is being left in the past. He went on to say that the changing balance between global players threatened to bring about large-scale military conflict in the year ahead. Nazarbayev also concluded his speech with a pointed warning to the United States, China, and Russia, saying it is necessary to realise that misunderstanding and miscalculation in crisis situations invariably leads to military confrontation. The report also calculated that cyber-attacks similar to the 2017 WannaCry incident allegedly perpetrated by North Korea will cost governments as much as $1 trillion in 2019. It was also predicted that the cost of trade wars, particularly between the US and China, may be as high as 17% of global GDP, a level last seen during the Great Depression. All of this will likely affect prosperity in the West, with mounting signs of an economic slowdown already becoming clear. The 1000 experts consulted for the report were also asked to give their opinions on the likelihood of certain scenarios being realized next year. These opinion polls made for similarly grim reading: 77% of participants predict the world will become more vulnerable in 2019 56% believe protectionist policies will escalate and that globalization will be rolled back 68% believe the trade war between the US and China will escalate significantly Of these, 18% predict a full-scale global trade war in 2019 Economy inequality, which is already at its highest level since 1929, is predicted to reach record highs in 2019, further fuelling global instability. It was also widely predicted that Americas withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal will greatly increase the likelihood of a large-scale war in the Middle East before the end of next year. Other flash points for concern include rising tensions in the South China Sea, where China is currently building military installations on disputed territory. Of particularly great concern throughout the conference was the state of European unity, with fears that it may unravel in the year ahead. Chairperson of the Kazakh Senate's Committee of International Relations, Defence and Security and daughter of the president, Dariga Nazarbeyeva, used her speech at the conference to draw attention to the implications of a divided Europe. European unity is at its weakest point in decades Brexit, the migration crisis, the aggravation of contradictions between older and newer members of the EU, and the emboldening of Eurosceptics tests the strength of Europe. Those present at the Astana Club also listed a number of recommendations to mitigate the risk of global conflict in 2019. One of the boldest suggestions put forward by several former heads of state was to introduce an updated version of the 1975 Helsinki Accords, in which the Western world first agreed to improve relations with the Soviet Bloc. A contemporary version of the Helsinki Accords would include strengthened pledges concerning nuclear non-proliferation and would be aimed at improving relations between the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union. Other recommendations included the creation of a Central Asian Schengen Area that would provide visa-free travel between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. It was also suggested that Chinas controversial Belt and Road infrastructure initiative, which links China to the region and with Europe, be taken advantage of as a vehicle for cooperation. Whether these suggestions will amount to anything concrete remains to be seen. What the 2018 Astana Club meeting does reveal is the immense levels of anxiety felt by world leaders at this current point in time. The predictions made in the Global Risk Report, and the responses to them, suggest that the world is on the verge of serious economic and political catastrophe. The decisions made in the year ahead may affect global peace and prosperity for a generation. As Ahmet Davutoglu, the former prime minister of Turkey said in his closing speech; now is an absolutely critical time for humanity. Text: Adam Oliver Smith - HT Images: Vladislav Semyonov The annual event, themed Information safety on artificial intelligence platforms and smart devices, is co-organised by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA), the Information Security Department and the Vietnam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT) under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC). In his opening remarks, MIC Deputy Minister Nguyen Thanh Hung emphasised that, after 11 years, the Vietnam Information Safety Day has become an important annual event and a large international forum to discuss and share information, experience and measures, contributing to raising societys awareness of information security. In order to promote the work of ensuring information safety and cyber security, state agencies and social organisations should pay attention to updating new knowledge and technology for their staff, while installing technical systems that ensure information standards and meet the requirements for preventing and combating cyber-attacks, Hung said. He suggested that the community of information security businesses accelerate the research and application of modern platforms and technologies to create new information security products and services, which respond to the constantly changing cyber-attack risks in a more effective manner. During the plenary session on Friday morning, delegates were updated with a report on the reality of Vietnams information safety in 2018, assessment indicators of the VNISA, and presentations delivered by large corporations, both at home and abroad (Amazon, Google, Cisco, Huawei, Jiral and Viettel, among others), on the issues of protecting consumer information, ensuring information security for Internet of Things (IoT), and AI-based cloud computing in service of the implementation of the fourth Industrial Revolution in Vietnam. In the afternoon, delegates attended two discussion sessions, featuring digital transformation, IoT and data security, AI technology, cloud computing, and ensuring information safety. An information security demonstration zone has been held for the first time within the framework of the Vietnam Information Safety Day. (Photo: ictnews.vn) A display showcasing the latest information safety products and technologies was held within the framework of the programme, featuring 25 pavilions from leading businesses and corporations, both at home and abroad. Especially, there was also a demonstration section of information security technologies for experts, researchers and engineers to introduce their latest products on information security and safety. This year, Vietnam will bring the countrys iconic pho noodle soup and fried spring rolls, or nem ran, to the festival. The ASEAN Culinary Festival 2018 features a live cooking show with celebrity chefs from the RoK and Malaysia. There will also be cuisine and beverage booths that will present information on gastronomy tourism in various ASEAN nations. The event has been annually held by the ASEAN-Korea Centre since 2016 to give Koreans a better understanding of the traditional cuisines and culinary skills of ASEAN countries which are top priorities of the RoKs New Southern Policy. The food festival is expected to foster cultural exchange between the RoK and ASEAN member states, creating closer ties among their peoples that will pave the way for more Korean visitors travelling to Southeast Asian nations. According to the ASEAN-Korean Centre, ASEAN member states welcome around 7 million tourist arrivals from the RoK each year, who come not only for popular tourist destinations but also to taste local foods. Da Nang is emerging as one of the destinations most favoured by Koreans. Nem ran (or cha gio as it is known in southern Vietnam) is a tasty, traditional dish. It is so popular that it is hard to attend a Vietnamese wedding, funeral, or Tet (Lunar New Year) party without seeing a tray loaded with these delicious spring rolls. Meanwhile, the pho noodle soup originated from Hanoi before it was brought to the south where people added their own influences to the dish. This year, travel site Rough Guides named pho among the worlds top 15 foods that are easy on a globetrotters pocket, while the dish was also listed as the worlds 20th best food experience by the travel publisher Lonely Planet. As an existing print subscriber it is easy to get FREE access to all our online content. When you click get started below it will walk you through creating an online account to attach your print subscription number to. After your account is created it will ask you to either add a subscription for online access or click on the print subscriber button. Click the print subscriber button header and it will open a dropdown, now click on get started. The page will reload and you will be prompted to enter an account number and a zip code. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO USE THE NUMBER OFF OF THE MOST RECENT ISSUE OR ANYTHING AFTER JANUARY 28, 2019 TO GAIN ACCESS! OLD ACCOUNT NUMBERS WILL NOT WORK The account number and zip code are easily available on your most recent issue of the High Plains Journal or Midwest Ag Journal in the address fields as is shown here. Sometimes the account number has extra zero's in front of it, just ignore those. Subscribing to our services is a three step process. First you have to create an account and then you have to pick if you want to subscribe to digital and or print. Some people only want to be a digital subscriber to get access online and others want to also receive the print edition. If you are already a print subscriber and want online access, it is free, you simply have to create an online account and then attach your print subscription account number to the online account you create. Solar Company Reassessing Array For Pontoosuc Lake Country Club PITTSFIELD, Mass. Nexamp believes there is still a path to getting a solar array at Pontoosuc Country Club. The Boston-based company was just recently denied by the Conservation Commission because of the access road to the proposed 6.5-megawatt array infringed on wetlands. The array was hotly contested among the neighbors, who mounted a coordinated opposition to the project at Conservation Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals meetings on it. In the wake of that denial, Nexamp's business development manager Joseph Fiori asked the Zoning Board of Appeals to hold off on voting for that permit in hopes to reassess the project. "We have our work cut out for us. We do think there are solutions and we want to be able to propose those solutions in a comprehensive way," Fiori told the Zoning Board of Appeals on Wednesday. The ZBA agreed to table its vote until January to give Nexamp time to make any changes to the proposal and seek either an appeal, resubmit a new plan, or find an alternative that does not require the Conservation Commission's approval for the access road. Fiori said the company hasn't had time to look at alternatives yet. "We received today the actual order [from ConCom] and have read through those comments this morning and we are sort of waiting on that to determine how best to address those concerns," he said on Wednesday. The issue has been before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a few months. In October, there was a lengthy meeting with Nexamp presenting its plans and the neighbors giving a presentation opposing it. The ZBA later held a site visit to see the lay of the land themselves. ZBA member Esther Bolan said she was willing to vote on it Wednesday night but the other members agreed to give Nexamp a chance to further address concerns raised by the ZBA, the ConCom, and the neighbors. "There is a lot to address," ZBA Chairman Albert Ingegni. Ingegni also said the ZBA was ready to cast a vote on the issue Wednesday night. The ZBA and the ConCom approvals are separate and have different focuses. However, the ZBA prefers to have any Conservation Commissions issues addressed first for instances such as this when changes could be required. The neighbors who have been fighting the plans have realized that the victory with the Conservation Commission isn't the end and had attended the ZBA meeting in great numbers only to have the hearing continued. Ongoing Coverage: A number of residents continue to question the reasoning behind a proposed bylaw that would allow accessory dwelling units. While there has been some pressure toward allowing units only in owner-occupied buildings, the board has so far leaned against that. Williamstown Planning Board Fields Questions on Housing Bylaw WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. Several of the residents who attended Tuesday's Planning Board meeting have, for months, been following the board's discussion about a possible bylaw amendment to open up opportunities for accessory dwelling units or ADUs. But some were much newer to the conversation, including one who asked why the board is looking at changing the bylaw in the first place. "I don't understand why we want to turn it into a split-level town," Andrew Munzer told the board. "It's the wrong direction. I think we should stick with what's made this town great for hundreds of years and not deviate in a way that's going to split up all these houses." The Planning Board members responded, in part, by noting that the ADU concept is not new in Williamstown. In fact, town meeting passed an accessory dwelling unit bylaw in 2012. One problem is that the bylaw was so limited in scope and restrictive that it has seldom been used; just four ADUs have been permitted since the 2012 vote. Another problem is that while new two-family housing is permitted by right in the town, conversions of single-family homes are not allowed at all, a fundamental fairness issue that frequently has led planners to note at meetings that if the town does nothing, someone can buy an existing home, tear it down and build a new duplex on the same lot. The board has discussed the possibility, should the current ADU bylaw draft not be successful, of simply amending the current bylaw regarding duplexes to strike the word "new." But the draft bylaw under discussion goes further, allowing both conversion of single-family homes and construction of detached ADUs, something struck from the 2012 bylaw, which allows only conversion of existing structures that have been in place for 10 years and which meet setback requirements. What it wouldn't do, planners argue, is fundamentally change the nature of the town. "Are we trying to change the face of the town by shoving additional housing in? No," Planning Board member Alex Carlisle said in direct response to Munzer's comment from the floor. "The idea is this is minimal change to the town while adding housing in a niche." Chris Winters, the longest-tenured member of the board who joined in 2006, said increasing housing choices in town has been a point of discussion for the body for at least that long. That discussion led, among other things, to a 2013 housing needs assessment commissioned by the Affordable Housing Committee and a 2017 Planning Board study of housing issues backed by a grant from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership. Winters argued that while fears of unintended consequences from the proposed bylaw are overstated, the consequences of the town's simultaneously aging and declining population are real. "Rather than talking about lot line-to-lot line construction, we should be remembering that we're losing population," Winters said. "The worst thing that could happen to this town and our property values is if the school district self-destructs because there aren't enough kids to have an excellent school. That's what I'm worrying about. That's the end of Williamstown as I know it when people don't want to move here because the education system is not seen as excellent. "We're losing population because young families can't move here. Are there issues with jobs and economic development? Sure. But we can't address that. All [the Planning Board] can do is address the zoning issues." The board members believe that much of Williamstown's existing housing stock is underutilized, and allowing more ADUs would, for example, let older residents to age in place and bring in rental income from a portion of the property. "It addresses the issue of the fact we have a town that's fundamentally built out," Planning Board member Stephanie Boyd said. "So how do you add more housing units to a town where all the lots, for the most part, have houses on them?" For the most part, the residents who spoke from the floor of Tuesday's meeting expressed support for the principle of allowing ADUs, though some insisted that owner occupation needs to be a requirement for additional units on a property. Roger Lawrence, a frequent participant at meetings of the Planning Board and other town bodies, told the planners that instead of crafting Williamstown's own ADU bylaw, it should simply have an up-and-down vote on a model bylaw drafted by the commonwealth to give communities options to consider. Specifically, Lawrence said the Planning Board should put forth a bylaw amendment that keeps the owner-occupied language included in the model bylaw. "It's pretty clear to me having read [the model bylaw] that owner-occupancy is one of the central tenets of the document," Lawrence said. Other residents who approached the podium were either opposed or agnostic on the question of owner-occupation. Paul Harsch, who raised other concerns about the proposed bylaw in general, asked how the town could legally evict renters in the ADU if a property changes hands and the new owner does not plan to be an owner-occupant. Ann Hogeland echoed that sentiment but recommended that any ADUs be allowed only with the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals. "I think that would alleviate some of the concerns we're hearing about parking because the ZBA would do a careful review," Hogeland said. She also suggested that instead of allowing up to three dwelling units on a property -- two in a subdivided existing home plus a detached ADU -- the Planning Board scale back the proposed bylaw to allow only either an internal ADU or an attached ADU at a residence. "Perhaps we should move slowly," Hogeland said. Hugh Guilderson said the town needs to move to promote more moderate-income housing or it will run the risk of going the way of the Cape Cod town he left to move to Williamstown. "[Williamstown faces a] future with no school teachers, no EMTs, no nurses, no plumbers because moderately priced housing simply was disappearing," Guilderson said. One resident, Kevin Kennefick, used Tuesday's meeting to ask the board whether the ADU bylaw its drafting would be applied equally across the town's residential districts. It would. Unlike the redistricting that was part of a more ambitious bylaw revision to which Kennefick strenuously objected and which the Planning Board ultimately pulled earlier this year, the current bylaw would apply to all of the town's residential zones. In light of last year's decision to pull bylaw amendments intended to increase flexibility and options for property owners, the Planning Board on Tuesday discussed whether any bylaw proposed this year should be one that the panel is reasonably certain will receive the two-thirds majority vote needed at town meeting. "There's a balance between what I think we should do and what you guys think and what could be passed at town meeting," Boyd said, referring to the audience at Tuesday's meeting. "We want to make it easy and less expensive to encourage housing types that aren't too expensive I'm thinking maybe we should leave it the way it is and work on something else." Carlisle, the lone member of the five-person Planning Board to argue in favor of owner-occupation, said he would hate to see the board spend a year working on a bylaw amendment that fails in May. At another point, Boyd, who has been siding with the majority against owner-occupation, asked whether an ADU bylaw that had that requirement might be better than nothing. In the end, though, Boyd suggested the one action step the Planning Board agreed to Tuesday to move the current draft bylaw forward: the creation of an information sheet to explain the issue to voters who have not been as engaged in the process. "Proposals can fail because people haven't had time to understand them," Boyd said. "A marketing plan, essentially, would be helpful." Planning Board Chair Amy Jeschawitz tasked Boyd with drafting an information sheet that would include background on the reasoning behind the bylaw, examples of how it could be applied and arguments for and against its most controversial aspect, owner occupation. Jeschawitz also hopes to include guidance she is seeking from the town counsel about issues that may arise from enforcement of an owner-occupation provision. Russian news agency TASS cited a report by Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) as saying that the FSBs border guard forces captured three Ukrainian navy vessels in the Black Sea as they were attempting to illegally enter the Russian waters, and Russias ships were forced to use weapons. Russia has also instituted criminal proceedings against that act of national border infringement. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian side reported that Russian ships blocked its three navy ships traveling freely through Kerch Strait to the Sea of Azov. Ukraines Foreign Ministry has asked Moscow to return the seized sailors and compensate for the damage caused by the incident. The aforementioned case has caused a tense atmosphere in Ukraine because of security concerns. The Ukrainian parliament voted in favour of President Petro Poroshenkos proposal to impose martial law over 30 days in border areas. Kiev has also urged its allies and partners to take appropriate measures, such as imposing new sanctions and strengthening existing sanctions, and granting military aids to help Kiev defend its territory and sovereignty. President Poroshenko even called on the Ukrainian parliament to declare the state of war. For its part, Moscow flatly rejected the charges of Ukraine. After an urgent meeting of the United Nations on the incident, a representative of the Russian delegation at the UN said three Ukrainian navy vessels had illegally violated Russias waters and refused to withdraw as the Russian ships warned, affirming that the action has violated the UN Charter as well as international law and practices. According to the spokesperson of the Russian President, Ukraines imposition of martial law is an interior affair of its own, adding that this, however, risks increasing conflicts in Ukraine, especially in the southeastern region. The UN and countries have expressed deep concern about the conflict in Kerch Strait, calling on the two sides to resolve the issue through peaceful negotiation, refrain from actions or words that could hike tensions, and keep tight control to prevent the case from dangerous escalations. The European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) have urged the cooling of Russia-Ukraine tensions in the Black Sea, while asking Moscow to restore free movement in Kerch Strait. NATO called on Russia to ensure free access to Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov in accordance with international law. Germanys Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen also urged Russia to free the captured Ukrainian ships and crew. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl emphasised that the tensions should be resolved through negotiations and that the West should seek dialogue with Russia, as in the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) framework. Meanwhile, the confrontation at sea between Russia and Ukraine is threatening to become a new obstacle in Russia-US relations, which have inherently been not so smooth. In an interview granted to The Washington Post on November 27, US President Donald Trump revealed that he is likely to cancel a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 Summit 2018, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this weekend, due to the Russia-Ukraine collision case in Kerch Strait. Ukrainian media said a US reconnaissance plane has entered the Black Sea. The Moscow-Kiev relations, which have long been tense over territorial issues, have now worsened more seriously. The relations between Russia and the West, especially the Russia-US ties, have also become difficult to heal after a series of turbulences over the past few years. In that context, the only solution to remove the conflict detonator towards normalising relationships is that the parties concerned calm down and sit at the negotiating table. At a recent urgent meeting of the UN Security Council, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo emphasised that only constructive actions could help the stakeholders remove deadlocks concerning the confrontation in Kerch Strait. International observers said there is presently an urgent need for the parties to take constructive actions with aims to cool down the tensions following the recent clash in an area of sea with strategic significance to both Russia and Ukraine. The red line shows the path crossing over a wetlands to the airport, paralleling the runway and exiting through Airport Road to Route 2. NORTH ADAMS, Mass. Opponents and proponents of the planned Mohawk Bike Path in the West End held forth on Wednesday at a standing-room-only hearing at City Hall. Many of the arguments at the state Department of Transportation public hearing were repeats from past hearings during which abutters on Chenaille Terrace had asserted the bike path on city land would be detrimental to their neighborhood. Project manager David Shedd, Greenman-Pedersen Inc. transportation engineer Matthew Kearney, and other MassDOT representatives explained the project and took public comment. "The plans are not complete, and we still have some design to go ... and the purpose of the hearing is to solicit your input regarding the project," Shedd said. "The plans are not yet complete, and we may not be able to answer all of your questions or respond to all of your concerns at this time." Kearney gave an updated outline of the project and said this 1-mile segment of the proposed trail would begin in Williamstown at the former Spruces and follow Route 2 to Galvin Road, where it would cross the roadway and continue to Harriman-West Airport and eventually follow Airport Road back to Route 2. Of this, 0.8 miles will be paved, 0.2 will be sidewalk and shared lanes, and 0.07 will be the boardwalk over the Paull Brook to the airport grounds. Where the path joins Route 2, there will be a 6-foot grass buffer between the path and traffic and where the path crosses the road there will be a HAWK, or High-Intensity Activated crossWalK, beacon. Kearney said the light will only be activated when a path user hits the button. This will trigger a flashing yellow light that eventually turns solid yellow, then red. The light will blink red once the path user is finishing his or her crossing. There will be two overlook areas, one at the former Spruces and one at the airport. He said these areas should draw people and keep them from stopping on the trail in residential areas. "We want to make sure the places where people slow down and stop aren't right behind houses, so we are looking at an overlook area at the airport," he said. Shedd said the North Adams branch is estimated to cost $3.2 million and is not yet funded. The funding should be available in fiscal 2020 and the project should land on the county's Transportation Improvement Plan. The Williamstown section that will run from Simonds Road to the Spruces is on the TIP for 2019. The North Adams section could go out to bid as early as October of next year once clearing the 75 percent and 100 percent design review processes. What started off as a slow trickle of community speakers turned into a deluge of unsupportive abutters and interested residents supporting a bike trail in the community. The hearing stretched toward the three-hour mark. One comment that came up frequently was optioning to move the path closer to the Hoosic River on the north side of the road and avoiding neighborhoods, Route 2, and crossing Route 2 altogether. "I am for the bike trail, but I am for a very safe bike trail and I believe that crossing Route 2 is a very big mistake," resident Wendy Champney said. "We have a beautiful resource we have the Hoosic River ... and we are so blessed to have this and we ignore it." Jane Culnane added that moving the path would get it away from homes. She noted that some areas of the path would be less than 50 feet from residences. Lauren Stevens of the Hoosic River Watershed Association said alternative paths would create other issues with different abutters. It would bring the trail through private property and, in some cases, would require the removal of homes. He asked that those against the path to try to look at it as an asset. "With the Ashuwillticook Trail where people originally wanted the state to put up fencing between their properties and the path," he said. "They ended up taking the fences down because they wanted access to it ... it is another way to look at it of really increasing backyard space for the folks who live around there." Shedd said moving the path closer to the river would create more environmental challenges as well as affect more private property. This first section in North Adams would be entirely on public property. Engineers have repeatedly stated that areas along the river have issues including restrictive space and grading, private property, and proximity to the railroad. There are several bottlenecks designers are trying to parse to get the trail from Airport Road to Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. Culnane had more specific questions about the barriers and natural barriers that would be installed between homes and the trail and was told that the city would maintain them unless residents preferred to do it themselves. She also asked if barriers would be put up to shield homes from construction and was told that typically this would not be done but could be looked into. Shedd said because of the nature of the project, construction won't be continuous in one area. "You could be on one portion of the project and you may not see someone for the first season it is such a big project," he said. "It is not a continuous operation along the whole corridor you would only be impacted at certain times." Culnane also wanted to know if people's property would be surveyed before construction to make sure no damage was done during the work. Shedd said this is typically only done for projects that include blasting but could be added to the project. Along with Culnane, resident Jennifer Bloxom had concerns about how the construction would affect wildlife and the stasis of the environment. Kearney said he has tried to minimize impact on the environment and wetlands. "We tried to stay outside of the tree line on the grassy area. I understand that doesn't help during construction," he said. "All I can do at this point is design it as best as possible to avoid the impact on the wildlife while respecting the wishes of the abutters as much as possible." Culnane said it would take away from the beauty of the area. Many purchased their homes Chenaille Terrace, a quite cul de sac, because of this natural beauty, she said, and was sure a bike trail would disturb the deer, bear, and bobcat that people are used to seeing. MassDOT engineers and designers answered questioned and updated residents on the project on Wednesday. Resident Bret Beattie, however, saw the path as an opportunity for people, specifically youth, to interact with nature. "When I think about wildlife and I think about youth and the need for youth to engage with nature not looking at it through a glass window but seeing a deer on the trail," he said. "Stopping dead in their tracks because they see some nature." Another one of Bloxom's concerns was increased flooding on her property, which is bordered by a waterway. Shedd said it is not in the scope of the project to alter the waterway, and it should not make any flooding worse. One resident was concerned about bikers parking their vehicles in their neighborhoods to jump on the trail and Kearney said it would be up to the city if or how they wanted to enforce parking. He added that there would be designated parking along the trail. There were also concerns about sidewalks and the signal. There were worries that with so many more pedestrians in the area using the signal traffic would back up. In general, there was a safety concern about crossing the road but avid biker and user of the rail trail Barbara Lampron said drivers really "respect" the light in Cheshire where the trail crosses Route 8 and that it works well. A general sentiment that resonated throughout the night was that the proposed path was a done deal. "I see that this horseshoe red and I hear a lot of words and people are expressing their concerns and anything in favor of that red is acknowledged," Champney said. "Is it a done deal? Is it in cement? I feel like a sheep being herded the slaughterhouse." City Councilor Jason LaForest had similar concerns and noted many of these same issues were brought up at previous meetings, but the path has not changed dramatically. "I see you taking notes on things that already have been voiced for the second and third time, so I hope that will be addressed as you get to a higher percentage of your design phase," he said. State Rep. John Barrett III said he thought it was getting late for a design change and that the designers and project managers are following the directive of the community. "It should be understood that the whole concept of this latest one, and I don't mean to throw the mayor under the bus here, it comes from the town of Williamstown and the city of North Adams," he said. "It is based on what the local community wanted so when you ask if this is a done deal I don't know if it is, but these people are carrying out the directive they received from the local community." He did say he thought a bike path was important to the area and while he was neither in favor nor in opposition to the selected path, he thought was important to protect the neighborhood. There was support for the path in general and almost all of those who opposed it said they often used the rail trail or were avid bikers. The issue seemed to really be the location. Others came out in full support including City Councilor Joshua Moran who felt the path was critical for development in the city and area. "It will not only offer up the best views in the Hoosic River valley but will be the catalyst that will usher in a bike-pedestrian path that will connect Lanesborough to Williamstown," he said. "This is not an easy project, but I believe this design represents the best possible route." Beattie agreed and feared that if the city did not go forward now, it would be left out. "I know this will be a sacrifice for some in this room, but it is for the generations to come and great sacrifices have always been made by the current generations for the generations to come," he said. "We don't want to be left out and kick the can farther down the road and we have to start somewhere, or we will be left out of this opportunity." South Berkshire Evacuates Sheffield Campus, Dismisses Classes In a school community update just before 5 p.m., Regulbuto wrote that the potential bomb threat was brought to the attention of the administration on Friday morning, the building was evacuated and first-responders called. The decision to evacuate students from the campus was made in conjunction with the Sheffield Police Chief Eric R. Munson III. The Police and Fire department and State Police and Arson and Bomb Unit responded to the campus. The school buildings and campus were thoroughly searched, and law enforcement declared that the buildings and campus are safe. Sheffield Police are still investigating the incident. Students and staff who need to pick up their own possessions or vehicles will be allowed to enter through the schools' main entrances only between 5 to 6:30 p.m. Friday evening and Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. There will not be access to the buildings from the community entrance. "A huge thank you to the staff, first responders, Berkshire School, Massini Bus Company, our students and families for the immediate response, support and understanding as we dealt with this incident today," Regulbuto wrote. "The community came together to ensure our schools are a safe place for students and staff to learn and grow. "Enjoy the weekend, and hug everyone a little tighter tonight." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHEFFIELD, Mass. A potential bomb threat at Mount Everett Regional School has forced the evacuation of the campus and early dismissal of school, according to school officials. In an email communication to the school community shortly before 11 a.m., Superintendent of Schools Beth Regulbuto stated that the more than 600 students were headed to Berkshire School "in accordance with our Evacuation Procedures." Students will be dismissed directly from the Berkshire School evacuation site on their regularly scheduled afternoon buses. Children in Grade 4 and under will be brought to the Sheffield Senior Center if no one is home to receive them. "As soon as the fleet of buses can get to the Berkshire School campus, students will be put on their regular bus to head home," Regulbuto sent in a follow-up email at 11:30. "I will send a follow-up message as soon as we can confirm a dismissal time." All after-school activities on the Sheffield campus are canceled. New Marlborough Central School, located in Mill River with Grades prekindergarten through 4, will be following its regular school day. The public junior-senior high school has an enrollment of about 360 and the attached Undermountain Elementary School has about 290 in Grades prekindergarten through 6. Berkshire School is a private day and boarding school on Undermountain Road, less than three miles away from the high school. Regulbuto was asking parents not to come to the campus because emergency personnel need it to remain clear to transport students to the evacuation site. Students and parents will be apprised as to when they can recover personal items from the campus. Parents can call 1-413-229-8778, Ext. 158, in the event of an emergency. Information will be provided to the school community as it becomes available. Mount Everett Regional is part of the Southern Berkshire Regional School District that educates children from the towns of Alford, Egremont, Monterey, Sheffield and New Marlborough. The Old Man of Israel The Fellowship | November 30, 2018 The Old Man of Israel Yitzhak Sadeh Lived: August 10, 1890 August 20, 1952 Why you should know him: Known as The Old Man, General Sadeh was the commander of the Palmach, the elite fighting force that came before the IDF, which he helped found upon Israels establishment. Born Izaak Landoberg to a Jewish family in what was then the Russian Empire, he was the grandson of a rabbi and studied under another rabbi before joining the Imperial Russian Army in World War I. During the war, Yitzhak saw much action and was decorated for his bravery. After the war, he helped Joseph Trumpeldor found the HeHalutz (Pioneer) movement, and made aliyah (immigrated to the Holy Land) in 1920. Once in the Holy Land, Sadehs military experience was put to use, first as a Haganah (the precursor to the IDF) commander in the Holy City, Jerusalem. In 1929, Arabs rioted and began carrying out attacks against Jews. Sadeh took part in the battle defending Haifa during this violence. He again defended the Jewish people during the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, establishing the Nodedet, or Wandering Troop, in Jerusalem. During this same period, he was commander of the Jewish Settlement Police and founded the commando arm of the Haganah, the Jewish peoples elite strike force. As World War II took place, Sadeh continued his work protecting the Holy Land. In 1941 he founded the Palmach, the elite Haganah unit that prepared for guerilla war in case the Nazis and their Axis partners invaded what was still British-mandate Palestine. Sadeh commanded the Palmach until the end of the war, after which he led operations to bring Jewish immigrants (many of them Holocaust survivors) to the Holy Land. Although older, Sadeh continued his service as Israel fought for her independence in 1948. He first defended his kibbutz from a full-scale Arab attack, then counter-attacked with his troops, conquering much of the Jezreel Valley. In June of that year, Sadeh established the IDFs first armored brigade, which not only captured Lod Airport (now Ben Gurion International Airport) but opened up the road to the Negev Desert. Later, his forces in the Negev crossed into Egypt and Gaza. When Israel had at last won her independence, the Palmach was disbanded and Sadeh retired from the military. In his later years, he wrote stories, plays, and essays, promoted sports, and Israel, and became known as a beloved and colorful character in the Jewish state before passing away in Tel Aviv in 1952. In his memory, the Yitzhak Sadeh Prize for Military Literature is given each year, while many kibbutzim and streets throughout Israel have been named for him. The chief of army staff, Tukur Burutai has ordered a thorough investigation into a militia camp training in Rivers state. This comes shortly after the Rivers state governor, Nyesom Wike, accused the army of disrupting the training of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency Training programme. According to the governor, in a statement on Thursday, the House of Assembly passed a law approving the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency. The governor noted further that, the Nigerian Armys action is aimed at instigating insecurity in the State. Wike, also mentioned that Zamfara and Kogi States have vigilante groups, which were commissioned and the Chief of Army Staff did nothing. However, in a statement by the defense Headquarters on Friday, it stated clearly the intention of the army to investigate a discovered militia camp at NYSC Orientation Camp, Nonwa Gbam, Tai Local Government Area (LGA), Rivers State. Chinese authorities on Thursday ordered suspending research activities of persons involved in the gene-edited babies incident, denouncing the matter as "extremely abominable in nature" and in violation of Chinese laws and science ethics. The gene-edited twins matter reported by the media has brazenly violated Chinese laws and regulations and breached the science ethics bottom line, which is both shocking and unacceptable, Xu Nanping, vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, told Xinhua. Xu said the ministry is firmly against the research, noting that clinical procedures of gene-editing on human embryos for reproduction purposes are explicitly banned in China. The ministry has ordered relevant units to impose the suspension, said Xu. He Jiankui, a Chinese researcher based in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, claimed on Monday to have altered the DNA of twin girls born a few weeks ago to prevent them from contracting HIV. His claim remains unproven but the incident has triggered a heated debate in the scientific community and on social media. China's National Health Commission (NHC) also spoke against the incident. Zeng Yixin, deputy head of the NHC, said unlawful activities on the matter will be investigated and wrongdoings will be resolutely dealt with. As science and technology gain rapid progress, research and applications in this field must shoulder more responsibilities, and codes of ethics should be strictly abided by, Zeng added. The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), a research society mainly comprised of researchers and scientists, said He Jiankui's candidacy of an award for young scientists will be disqualified, as CAST adopts a "zero tolerance" attitude to those who breach scientific ethics and norms. Huai Jinpeng, Party chief and executive vice chairman of CAST, characterized the matter as "extremely abominable in nature" and said it has seriously damaged the image and interests of the Chinese scientific community. People and institutions involved in the matter have "brazenly challenged the bottom line of scientific research ethics and desecrated the spirit of science," said Huai. "The Chinese scientific community is committed to its original aspiration that science and technology shall always serve mankind and sustained healthy development of society," he noted. The Nigerian army has demanded an apology from online news publication, theCable over a recent report on their platform. In the publication by the online news platform, it claimed the army had removed Christian Chukwu, as it spokesperson and appointed someone else. The army says the malicious report not only undermines the reputation of the senior officer which he has built over the years in the course of his career as well as misleading members of the public. See full statement by army below The attention of the Directorate of Army Public Relations has been drawn to a news report trending in the online media published by the Cable titled ARMY REPORTEDLY REMOVES TEXAS CHUKWU AS SPOKESMAN, RE-APPOINTS USMAN. In the said story, the report stated inter alia, that Army reportedly removes Texas Chukwu as spokesman, reappoints Usman. The Directorate wishes to state categorically that the report is not only malicious but an attempt by the writer to tarnish the reputation of the senior officer which he has built over the years in the course of his career as well as misleading members of the public. The write-up further alleged that his removal followed outcry from different quarters on his inability to manage information on counter-insurgency campaign, which is completely untrue and unsubstantiated. Contrary, the Directorate wishes to state that, the re-appointment of Brig Gen SK Usman is a routine deployment in the NA following his completion of the Strategic course at National Institute of Policy & Strategic Studies NOT based on media management as alleged by the report. It is also pertinent to state that i am proceeding to a Strategic Course at NIPSS #Jos. The Directorate wishes to state that the writer has only succeeded in exhibiting his ignorance or complete lack of knowledge about postings and appointments in the @HQNige The Directorate therefore calls on the authority of @thecableng to advice the reporter to cultivate the habit of verifying facts as well as balancing his report before rushing to the press. The medium is requested to tender an unreserved apology to the senior officer as well as the Directorate of Army Public Relations through the same medium within 24 hours or be ready to face legal action. Chelsea youngster, Callum Hudson Odoi, put in a scintillating display during his sides Europa league clash with Paok Thessaonki at the Toumba stadium, Greece, yesterday which ended 4-0 in their favour. The 18 years old also got on the scoresheet after a mazy run down the left hand channel before going on to assist Alvaro Morata for their fourth of the night with a wonderful pin point cross from the left for the Spaniard to nod home. The youngsters goal sets him apart as the youngest player to have scored a goal at the competition since 2009. Amasing isnt it??? The win yesterday saw the Blues returned to winning ways after their humiliation at the hands of Tottenham during the domestic meeting between side over the weekend. It also preserved their 100 percent run in the Europa league. Callum whose goal during the clash yesterday was his first for the Blues in a competitive fixture then took to his twitter handle at the end of the match to react by revealing how happy he is to get his first goal for his club. What he said: https://twitter.com/Calteck10/status/1068274295158292481 Governor Nasir el-Rufai has allegedly ordered for the arrest of eight retired workers in Kaduna state for conducting a prayer against him. The workers said they have not been paid their entitlements since they were disengaged by the government. Emmanuel Dogo, leader of Kaduna state Retired Workers Forum, said the prayer Alqunuci, (an Islamic prayer, which is said to be powerful, is invoked by those seeking justice) was done because they became frustrated. All efforts to make the government pay our entitlements had proved abortive, so what we do is to pray for Gods intervention, he said. It is because of this prayers that the governor ordered for the arrest of eight of our members in Zaria. Yesterday (Thursday), they were asked to report to Kaduna state police command. They were later taken to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and were detained. We have been to the state CID, trying to find out what their offence but they told us that they will charge to court. Alice Ayuba, chairperson of Kaduna State Disengaged Women Teachers Forum, according to theCable, said both Muslims and Christians who were sacked and not paid, constituted prayer groups. Retired workers used to hold prayer programmes and according to what I heard, in Zaria, where our Muslim brothers were praying, the governor ordered for their arrest because they saying the Muslim prayers called Alqunuci. I am not a Muslim, but I am told that very powerful prayers that are usually offered there. Like me that I am talking to you, I served the government for 16 years. I was sacked without being given anything. I am the chairperson of Disengaged Women Teachers Forum, Kaduna state, while those who were arrested belong to the Kaduna state Retired Workers forum. But we work hand because we are pursuing the same goal. Since there is nobody to fight for us, we resorted to tell God our complaints, because we believe that only God can fight this injustice for us since the governor is very powerful and nobody can face him. So we have handed everything to God, that is what led to this kind of prayers. President Muhammadu Buhari has urged the peaceful coexistence of people practicing Islam and Christianity in Nigeria. Buhari in his opinion on religion published in the Church Times, UKs largest Anglican newspaper on the 30th November, 2018, said though a Muslim, he is also a descendant of Abraham, just like Ajayi Crowther. Buhari urges Nigerians to mix with people of to different religions, noting that, thats the only way great possibilities can be reach. Read full opinion here In 1844, the Revd Samuel Ajayi Crowther returned home to Yoruba land (now part of modern-day Nigeria). Twenty years earlier, he had been kidnapped and sold to European slave traders who were bound for the Americas. He was freed by an abolitionist naval patrol, and received by the Church Missionary Society. There, he found his calling. Crowther made his voyage home to establish the first Anglican mission in Yoruba land. He came with the first Bibles translated into Yoruba and Hausa languages. He opened dialogue and discussion with those of other faiths. And his mission was a success: Crowther later became the first African Anglican bishop in Africa. Today, Nigeria has the largest Christian population on the continent. The messages and teachings of Christianity are part of the fabric of each persons life. Along with the millions of Christians in Nigeria today, I believe in peace, tolerance, and reconciliation; in the institution of the family, the sanctity of marriage, and the honour of fidelity; in hope, compassion, and divine revelation. Like Bishop Crowther, I am a descendant of Abraham; unlike him, I am a Muslim. I believe our two great religions can not only peacefully coexist but also flourish together. But Muslims and Christians must first turn to one another in compassion. For, as it says in Amos 3.3: Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? As they are People of the Book, I believe that there is far more that unites Muslims and Christians than divides them. In fact, I believe that the messages of the Bible are universal: available for anyone to exercise, and instructive to all. We must resist the temptation to retreat into our communities, because, if we do, we can only look inwards. It is only when we mix that we can reach new and greater possibilities. Whichever religion or religious denomination they choose to follow, Nigerians are devout. Anything that Nigerians believe will place impositions on their practice, and belief is therefore sure to cause widespread alarm. And, unfortunately, there are those who seek to divide Nigerians and our two great religions and to do so for their own advantage. I stand accused paradoxically of trying to Islamise Nigeria while also being accused by Boko Haram terrorists of being against Islam. My Vice-President is a devout man, a Christian pastor. He, too, is accused of selling out his religion, because of his support for me. This is not the first time that I nor, indeed, my Christian-Muslim evenly split cabinet have been the subject of such nonsense. Fortunately, the facts speak differently from the words of those who seek to divide us from one another. Since my administration has been in power, Boko Haram has been significantly and fatally degraded; I have befriended church leaders and church groups both within and outside our country; my Vice-President has addressed and opened dialogue with Muslims up and down our land. Heres a story of Adenike, an amputee student of Ibadan Polytechnic, shared by a Twitter user, Awa Ti Ibadan. She lost her leg at the age of 5 due to serious medical complications and this never deterred her from chasing her dreams in life. Efforts are being made on social media to solicit for funds to make life better for the promising damsel whose good behaviour has been attested to by her friends and coursemates. Read her story: As a toddler, Adenikes legs began to rot away. At age 5, her two legs were amputated in order to save her life. My friend @ayaworanho3d did a documentary on Adenikes story. It was nominated for the best documentary at the AMVCA 2018. Despite her state & paucity of funds, she chose to go to school, believing her condition will not stop her from having an education. Today shes a student of the Polytechnic of Ibadan. Adenike is a cheerful girl, always smiling & full of life despite everything. The current prosthetics which she uses no longer functions. She has outgrown the prosthetics, making it difficult for her to move around without human support. If you know any organization that supports amputees or foundations that can help provide funds (or prosthetics) PLEASE Help mention them on this tweet. If you can help make recommendations to individuals that can help Adenike get new prosthetics & a new life again, PLS help. PS: Adenike did not demand this but my heart really wishes to gives this a shot for her. A new prosthetics for Christmas. Watch Adenikes documentary video by Aderemi Davies: Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers state has said that the Nigerian army isnt interested in the fight against Boko Haram, rather in causing disruption in his state. The governor said this, in reaction to the disruption of the training of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency Training programme by the army recently. According to Wike, in a statement on Thursday, Nigeria cant be safe, if his state his unsafe. He noted further that, the army was causing insecurity in the country just to attract more security votes, making mention to the $1b the army got from excess crude oil account. See full statement below The disruption of the training of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency Training programme by the Nigerian Army is the worst act of irresponsibility, aimed at instigating insecurity In the State. The Army is not concerned about the killing of soldiers in Borno. They are only interested in creating insecurity in Rivers State. If you dont want Rivers State to be safe, then Nigeria will not be safe. They want to use their guns against us. Zamfara and Kogi States have vigilante groups. They commissioned them and the Chief of Army Staff did nothing. The House of Assembly passed a law approving the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency. The Army is the agency causing insecurity mainly to attract more security votes. They collected $1Billion from our excess crude account, yet our soldiers were killed. All they are doing is to intimidate people for political reasons. When you fight a state blessed by God, you will crumble. Nobody can intimidate us in Rivers State. We did not hire boys for political reasons. This has been a transparent process and that is why the personnel are trained at the NYSC Orientation Camp at Nonwa. We involved the Police and the DSS to ensure that the trainees are profiled for the good of the society. The main aim of this agency assist the security agencies with intelligence and information, since there is a lacuna in this regard . The State Government will continue with the training. All the antics of the Nigerian Army will not deter the government and people of Rivers State. No one man has been a Chief of Army Staff forever. Every job has an expiry date. When Buratai leaves office, he will be held to account for his illegal actions. If they stop the training elsewhere, personnel of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency will be trained at the Government House Port Harcourt . Vanguard Mutterings over a widening gulf in the Presidency with associates of President Muhammadu Buhari and those of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo pursuing stealthy separate political aspirations have surfaced. The Nation Atiku to Buhari: sign Electoral Act Amendment into law PEOPLES Democratic Party (PDP) National Chairman Prince Uche Secondus has demanded the immediate resignation of Inspector General Mr. Ibrahim Idris and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman Prof. Mahmood Yakubu.Secondus, who spoke at PDP National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, said the party has lost confidence in the capacity of the IG and the INEC Chairman to guarantee free ThisDay The federal government Thursday expressed reservations over moves to grant the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, United States of Americas visa, fearing it might be deemed to be an endorsement of the main opposition partys candidate by the US government. Guardian Nigeria is planning to supply electricity to Burkina Faso, a West African country, amid cries of acute power deficit by Nigerians. The Sun We thought the various state houses of assembly would justify their mandates but that has not been the case. Sylvanus Viashima, Jalingo Comrade BobboiKaigama is the national President of Trade Union Congress (TUC) and a governorship aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Taraba state. He speaks on new minimum wage, Daily Times A detective with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Adekunle Odofin, on Thursday gave the Federal High Court, sitting in Maitama, Abuja, a graphic Leadership Hon Ali Isa (JC) representing Billiri/Balanga federal constituency of Gombe State is the chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Emergency and Disaster Preparednes Daily Trust An emergency meeting of six African leaders including President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday ended in Ndjamena, the Chadian capital with a resolution to adopt new strategy in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgents. President Buhari had convened a one-day consultation with Heads of State and Governments of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) to address Tribune The Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has said that the 2019 election is a must win for the main opposition, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Speaking at the meeting of the Senator representing Kaduna Central, Shehu Sani has reacted to a statement by the federal government, urging the U.S not to grant Atiku Abubakar visa. Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, recently during an interactive session with newsmen advised the United States, against granting visa to presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for now. According to Mr Mohammed, though he knows that the prerogative to grant anyone visa, lies solely with the U.S, but granting Atiku visa now, would be confused as endorsing one candidate against the other. However, in his reaction, Shehu Sani said it would be very unpatriotic to ask another country not to grant visa to a candidate, especially when the person has no proven criminal case or has breached a national or international law. He wrote: Senator Ben Bruce of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has taken a huge swipe at the present government of President Muhammadu Buhari. The senator, who is a strong member of the campaign team of Atiku Abubakar, PDPs presidential candidate in a tweet on Friday, asked why the countrys refineries are still not functioning. The senator said the Buhari led government, promised that the refineries, will become functional on 2018, and 2018 will end in a few weeks, yet the situation of the refineries is still the same. Ben Bruce said the APC led government cant talk of the next level, if the present level hasnt been fixed, revealing that Nigeria now imports fuel from Ghana. He wrote: Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) meets with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Madrid, Spain, Nov. 28, 2018. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) MADRID, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- China and Spain agreed on Wednesday to build on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties to jointly promote the development of the relationship and deliver more benefit to the two peoples. The consensus was reached at a meeting between visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Xi said he was very glad to visit Spain for the first time after his re-election as Chinese president in March. Since the establishment of China-Spain diplomatic ties, bilateral relationship has withstood changes in the international landscape and enjoyed a healthy and stable development, he said, noting that the friendship has stayed as strong as ever. Praising Sanchez's endeavor to develop bilateral relations and his support for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Xi said China always cherishes the traditional friendship with Spain and highly values Spain's important role in international affairs. China is willing to "work with Spain to enrich the content of China-Spain comprehensive strategic partnership, uplift the level of cooperation in various fields," so as to set an example for different civilizations to communicate and learn from each other and for countries with different social systems to achieve win-win cooperation. Xi stressed that the two sides should strengthen the "guiding and driving" role of high-level exchanges in the development of ties, cement exchanges and cooperation between the two government departments and legislative bodies, deepen political mutual trust, and continue to extend mutual support and understanding on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns, so as to forge ahead the steady development of bilateral ties. "There are multiple advantages including historical and geographic factors for China and Spain to conduct cooperation on the BRI," said Xi, calling for greater synergy between the BRI and Spain's "Strategic Vision for Spain in Asia" and the "Mediterranean Corridor", r economy and trade contacts, and more cooperation in such areas as ports, shipping, aviation, new energy vehicles, finance. Xi also called on the two sides to optimize technology and innovation cooperation, deepen people-to-people exchanges, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in culture, local areas, tourism, journalism, medical care, cultural heritage protection, and sports. China stands ready to maintain communication and coordination with Spain on improving international governance, tackling climate change and other global and regional hot issues, Xi added. "China supports the integration process in Europe. China and Europe should support each other and strengthen collaboration in jointly safeguarding global order and promoting global governance," said Xi. "We are willing to seek greater synergy between the BRI and Europe's development strategies, jointly advance Eurasian interconnection and promote development and prosperity of the Eurasian continent,"said Xi, expecting the Spanish side to play a positive role in this regard and safeguard the correct direction for the development of China-Europe relations. For his part, Sanchez said that Xi's visit is of great historic significance and will open a new era for Spain-China relations, as it is the first visit by a Chinese head of state to Spain in 13 years and coincides with the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Hailing the "satisfactory" development of bilateral ties, Sanchez said Spain and China have become important trading partners, with increasingly r cultural and educational exchanges. The Chinese in Spain have also made positive contributions to Spain's development and the friendship between the two countries. Under the new situation, Spain stands ready to increase political mutual trust and expand exchanges and cooperation with China. And Spain will actively take part in the construction of the Belt and Road, which is of historic significance, said Sanchez. Sanchez said that Spain firmly supports multilateralism and has similar positions with China in international affairs, expressing the will to ly communicate and coordinate with China, in order to promote the healthy and stable development of Europe-China relations. After the talks, the two leaders watched the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in areas including culture, economy, people's livelihood, advanced materials, telecommunications, third-party markets cooperation, education and finance. The two sides also issued a joint statement on strengthening comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. Before the talks, Xi was welcomed by King Felipe VI with a grand ceremony at Plaza de la Armeria next to the royal palace. The Chinese president was also conferred with a golden key to the city of Madrid by Mayor Manuela Carmena at a presentation ceremony held in Madrid City Hall. Noting that her citizens have been fond of the Chinese Spring Festival and recognizing the ties between Madrid and China, Carmena said she looked forward to more cooperation between the Spanish capital and China. Xi said that Madrid became a friendship city of Beijing back in 1985 which injected vigor into every field of cooperation between the two countries. Delighted to accept the golden key, he said it will carry forward the friendship between China and Spain and hoped the doors of mutual exchanges will open even wider. Day Without Art is one of the events hosted by the Global Health and AIDS Coalition for World AIDS Week on campus. The event consists of covering up art pieces to mourn the loss of people who have died from HIV or AIDS. Al Aqal Al Mutamaiz Company Job 2018 in Qatar Latest Trade Test & Technical Center Construction Posts Qatar 2021 A leading, established and well known Al Aqal Al Mutamaiz Company required urgently experienced and strong person for the post of Tile Mason in Qatar. How to Apply on Trade Test & Technical Center Job Advertisement Apply as per details in job advertisement. In some cases, you may apply online at vacancies after registering at https://www.jobz.pk online. Note: Beware of Fraudulent Recruiting Activities. If an employer asks to pay money for any purpose, do not pay at all and report us at contact us form. Apply as per instuctions & dates mentioned in official job ad. Govt jobs may not be applied online here. Human typing error is possible. Error & omissions excepted. HTV Driver & General Workers Jobs 2018 in Malaysia Latest AK Enterprises Pvt Ltd Posts Malaysia 2021 Experienced, strong and responsible persons for the posts of Heavy Driver, HTV Driver & General Workers required for a leading and well known oversea company in Malaysia. How to Apply on AK Enterprises Pvt Ltd Job Advertisement Apply as per details in job advertisement. In some cases, you may apply online at vacancies after registering at https://www.jobz.pk online. Note: Beware of Fraudulent Recruiting Activities. If an employer asks to pay money for any purpose, do not pay at all and report us at contact us form. Apply as per instuctions & dates mentioned in official job ad. Govt jobs may not be applied online here. Human typing error is possible. Error & omissions excepted. U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters before leaving for the G20 Summit in Argentina from the White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on Nov. 29, 2018. Donald Trump said on Thursday that considering the unsolved confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, he has decided it would be "best" to cancel his scheduled meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that considering the unsolved confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, he has decided it would be "best" to cancel his scheduled meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump tweeted during his flight to Argentina that "based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting... in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin." "I look forward to a meaningful Summit again as soon as this situation is resolved!" he added. The remarks marked a U-turn of Trump's previous notes hours ago before leaving for the trip that it is "very good time" to meet with Putin in Argentina. While speaking to the media before leaving for Buenos Aires, Trump said he "probably" would meet with Putin, although he threatened earlier on Tuesday to cancel the scheduled meeting due to his displeasure of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia confrontation near the Kerch Strait that separates the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. "I probably will be meeting with President Putin. We haven't terminated that meeting," he said. "They would like to have it. I think it's a very good time to have the meeting." He added that he would get a final report on the Ukraine-Russia tension during the upcoming flight. "I'm getting a full report on the plane as to what happened with respect to that and that will determine what I'm going to be doing," Trump said. Trump also told the media that he would have been willing to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Argentina, but there was no time in his schedule. The Ukrainian Navy said Sunday that Russian forces opened fire and seized three Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait, adding that six Ukrainian military sailors were wounded, two of them in serious condition, in the attack. Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said the three Ukrainian ships, namely Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yany Kapu, breached the Russian border and conducted dangerous maneuvers in spite of orders of accompanying vessels from the FSB and Russia's Black Sea Fleet. The Ukrainian Navy said in response that it has informed Russia in advance about the passage of Ukrainian vessels from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov through the Kerch Strait, calling Russia's actions an "act of aggression." Gastrotraveling Just two blocks from the White House and within walking distance to everything the nation's capitol has to offer, it's easy to see why The Willard InterContinental in Washington DC is known as the "Residence of Presidents" and has remained an anchor in a town that's undergone countless transformations over the hotel's 200 year existence. Gastrotraveling In 1862, National Hawthorne wrote, 'The Willard may be much more justly called the center of Washington and the Union than either the Capitol, The White House, or the State Department. Welcoming its first presidential patron, Martin Van Buren, followed by Franklin Pierce in 1853, and then Abraham Lincoln's inauguration in 1861 where he took residence in the days leading up to his Presidency, the hotel has welcomed nearly every U.S. president since. Gastrotraveling Key moments include President Coolidge hanging his hat in the Willard Suite for a month in 1923 where he also took his second oath of office. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt & President Roosevelt celebrated Teddys 60th birthday here in 1938 and Dr. Martin Luther King sat in the hotels lobby with his closest advisors in 1963 making final edits to his famous I Have a Dream speech. In 1968, the hotel was tragically shuttered descending into abandonment until preservation groups and a Historic Landmark designation saved it from demolition reopening in 1986 after a complete restoration to an even higher level of grandeur. The Willard Intercontinental Although its facade inside and out exudes timelessness, it's hard to believe that in addition to its rebirth in 1986, the property has undergone a metamorphosis since its inception. Starting Suite for as a row house on the corner of 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in 1818, The Willard spent its first 30 years under a series of different names before Henry Willard took over as manager in 1847. He immediately spearheaded a complete makeover tearing down the original exterior replacing it with a new brick exterior and larger interior. It remained this way until 1901 when it was completely torn down to make way for the soaring Beaux-Arts style structure you see today. Gastrotraveling The grand main lobby that opens to Pennsylvania Ave. is also connected to the other side of the block by Peacock Alley, an opulently appointed corridor leading to the F Street NW entrance while also connecting to 3 historic ballrooms and a room showcasing an extensive mixed media exhibit documenting the property's evolution with photos and newspaper clippings from its early years, coverage of famous guests, to its eventual abandonment and restoration. The Willard Intercontinental A crown jewel in the many events held at The Willard on an annual basis, cherry blossom season is the most significant celebrating their unique role in hosting Japan's first delegation to the United States on behalf of President James Buchanan in 1860. Every March 20 April 15, real cherry blossom trees are displayed in the common areas while Cherry Blossom Afternoon Tea, Japanese inspired cuisine, specialty cocktails, and nightly programs promote traditional Japanese art and culture. The Willard Intercontinental Refreshed Luxury Ranging from 425 square foot Classic Guest Rooms up to 3,000 square foot Presidential Suites, The Willard has a wide range of choices with some of the largest hotel rooms in the District including The Jenny Lind Suite complete with a sunken spa tub allowing you to luxuriate in front of windows overlooking close up Washington monument views. The Willard Intercontinental Commemorating its 200th birthday in 2018, The Willard completed a 6-month $18 million renovation impacting all 335 guest rooms and suites. While maintaining original historic flairs, bathrooms are now enhanced with walk-in marble showers and in-room technology upgrades include furniture with integrated power outlets & USB charging ports. Customized drapes, reupholstered antiques, gold leaf embroidered headboards, and crystal lighting further define the interiors' impeccably appointed ambiance. The Willard Intercontinental Cafe du Parc Renovations also encompassed onsite authentic French brasserie Cafe du Parc including reinvented menus and the addition of several new Pershing private dining rooms featuring birds-eye views of the lobby and Peacock Alley. The Willard Intercontinental Cafe du Parc showcases Executive Chef Luca De Marchis's philosophy that traditional dishes should maintain the essence of their core ingredients yet evolve with modern culinary techniques and influences. Originally from Sestri Levante, a small Italian village between Cinque Terra and the French Riviera, Chef De Marchis' Mediterranean and Italian culinary roots are richly displayed in classic dishes likeSupreme de CanardandSteak au Poivre. The Willard Intercontinental Rooted in his birthplace of Tokyo, Sous Chef Gyo Santa's passion for Japanese culinary traditions is expressed in the quality and freshness of ingredients balanced with presentation like their grilled Vegetable Strudel and salads including their signature blueberry Kale. The Willard Intercontinental In-room dining here isn't merely an amenity but a must-do experience. Even turndown service includes a bit of history with small servings of animal crackers, opera cake, and peanuts upon arrival commemorating Swedish Nightingale Jenny Lind who stayed at the Willard in December 1850 while on her national tour managed by P.T. Barnum. The Willard Intercontinental Round Robin Bar Open since 1847, The Round Robin Bar at the Willard features portraits of past guests like Walt Whitman, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, and Presidents Wilson, Harding and Coolidge. Their monthly History Happy Hour is a 2-hour event distilling American history through cocktails and a hands-on mixology class led by Jim Hewes, winner of Historian of the Year in 2017 by Historic Hotels of America, who has been serving up cocktails for over 30 years at this iconic watering hole. The Willard Intercontinental Round Robin's signature mint julep was established when U.S. Senator Henry Clay famously shipped in a barrel of Kentucky Bourbon for his diplomatic efforts. Known for bringing together the North and South, Clay frequented the bar to imbibe juleps during his 40 years in Washington. Without a doubt, the Mint Julep is an iconic American cocktail, says Hewes who still uses Henry Clays original recipe including sour mash corn whiskey distilled in Bourbon County. To this day, the Mint Julep is The Willard's most popular drink with nearly 20,000 of them served each year. Coverage made possible by participating in a sponsored visit. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Sebelum Anda bermain, Anda perlu mengetahui apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk masuk ke dalam permainan roulette kasino online ini. Jika Anda sudah mendaftar di situs judi casino online dan sudah memberikan user ID, login terlebih dahulu dan pilih menu live casino yang tertera di situs judi tersebut. Pertama pilih dealer dan putuskan sendiri, lalu pilih meja atau kursi di dalam ruangan. 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Two Dozen: Jenis taruhan dengan hanya dua pilihan: 1-18 atau 19-36. Jika taruhan Anda adalah 50, itu dikalikan dengan 1 hingga 50 jika Anda menang. 11. Merah atau Hitam: Masukkan taruhan Anda dengan memilih Merah atau Hitam sebagai warna angka yang muncul saat taruhan 50. 12. Genap/Ganjil: Pilih angka yang menghasilkan jumlah jenis taruhan ganjil. A worker gives technical instructions to a farmer at a wheat field in Xunxian County, central China's Henan Province, May 18, 2016. (Xinhua/Zhu Xiang) BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- For thousands of years, Chinese farmers have relied on their experience to grow crops, but Zhang Yufeng in central China's Henan Province has recently turned to big data. A screen in his field shows temperature, humidity, wind, rain, soil conditions, pest control and disaster warning information. In March, the warning of a cold spell reminded him to take precautions, which prevented a loss of 133-hectares of wheat. The data and information Zhang receives is provided by a satellite-land system at the local agricultural meteorological station in Xun County, the city of Hebi. The system, put into operation in 2015, gets real-time data on temperature, humidity, wind direction, soil temperature and humidity, etc., with 39 sets of land-based sensors installed in the field. The data will be compared with that collected by Fengyun meteorological satellites to provide accurate data that will then be sent to farmers. "Important data such as pest control information, and best wheat harvest time can be provided timely, which helps increase yield by about 25 kg per mu (0.067 hectare)," said Ren Liwei, an official of the local meteorological bureau. The station has also developed a mobile app to make the latest land data accessible to farmers, anywhere and anytime. With cameras installed in the fields, farmers are able to look at their land on the phone. If farmers find pests or any other problems, they can take photos, upload them and get help from experts via the app. "Messages will be sent to my phone telling me the best time to sow, spray insecticide, water, and harvest. We feel much more secure with big data behind all this," Zhang said. FROM EXPERIENCE TO BIG DATA Jiang Huizhi, a senior agronomist in Xun County, has witnessed how experience and big data matter in agriculture. "In the past, farmers mainly relied on experience that was gained and passed on by generations. One example is the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms," he said. The 24 solar terms are important astronomical points on the Chinese calendar, and were added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016. "One farmer's proverb says, rice will be harvested in the field when Autumnal Equinox falls, usually between Sept. 22 and 24," he said. Now, farmers have come up with new sayings, one of which goes, "drones spray insecticides, and big data shows the right time to reap." "We didn't have technologies or advanced equipment in the past, so we had to turn our to experience, which has played an essential role in agriculture," he said. "Now, technologies such as big data and the Internet of Things provide farmers with accurate and scientific data in various aspects, helping us to better irrigate, manure, and spray insecticide," he added. According to Jiang, the wheat yield per mu has been increased from 200kg to 300 kg in the 1980s to 650 kg today in the county. "High technologies are especially helpful in forecasting disasters such as cold spells, gales and freezing weather," he said. "It is the trend to grow crops with big data," said Guo Yujie, associate professor with North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power. "The application of big data, high technologies and the Internet of Things will be stepped up, with fewer people farming in China." At Qixing farm, the largest paddy farm in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, a big data center has been built, which receives data collected from high-resolution Gaofen-1 satellites. "The big data system has covered an area of 81,300 hectares at Qixing farm, providing data on land, environment, machine and other related business management," said Peng Rongjun, director of the farm. A total of 200 monitor spots, 20 meteorological machines and 20 sets of underground water-level monitoring equipment have been installed in the fields at the year-end of 2016, creating an Internet of Things that collects production data. Heilongjiang is China's largest grain-producing region, accounting for one-tenth of the country's grain output and one-fifth of the country's authenticated green food. The provincial agriculture department has been developing an agriculture big data service platform in the province since 2017. The platform consists of one data center, 16 cloud-computing platforms, and 84 sub-systems, providing data on planting and production, machine management, manuring, crop protection, green food and quality control, etc. A number of 1,359 machine cooperatives, 6,055 family-run farms and 27,000 machines can be monitored with the machine management control center, covering an area of 6.33 million hectares. Data on manuring can also be collected on an area of 8.67 million hectares, and on pest control over 2 million hectares. SMART AGRICULTURE With the help of big data, smart agriculture is also on its way. At the 400-hectare vegetable greenhouse of Zhonghe Group in Hebi, the roller shades can be controlled to changes in light, temperature and humidity, all at the mobile phone. "It took much time and labor to manage the roller shades by hand, and workers sometimes had to work against big winds, which was quite tough," said Wei Aihu, director of the company's information department. "Now, with the help of the smart control system, much labor has been saved, cutting down costs of nearly 800,000 yuan (about 115,246 U.S. dollars) each year," he added. The company has also been equipped with automatic irrigation, ventilation and waste clearing systems. "Big data helps us know about the environment accurately, thus reducing loss from meteorological disasters or risks. Productivity has also been lifted and costs cut down with smart equipment," he said. "Big data will be further applied in agriculture." China released a plan on the application and development of big data in agriculture in 2015, aiming to build a national-level agriculture data platform. So far, a number of tech companies have taken part in the development and application of big data in agriculture. Aliyun, Alibaba's Cloud computing subsidiary, has launched a cooperation program with Shaanxi Haisheng Fresh Fruit Juice Co. Ltd. to develop an agricultural smart system, with artificial intelligence technology applied. For example, the growth cycle of a sweet melon can be monitored by scanning a barcode. The company is able to control the whole process from sowing and growing, to harvesting and transportation, guaranteeing quality. "Agriculture in China has entered a new era with three data collecting systems, satellites in space, drones in the sky and the Internet of Things in the fields," said Wu Wenbin, a scientist with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A triangle-shaped robot, developed by Wu's team, is working in the corn field in Minzhu Township in Heilongjiang, planning a route for itself, and measuring the height of the crops and monitoring factors influencing their growth. "With such robots, we will be able to collect and analyze data, and operate machines on mobile phone, which will become the mode of agriculture in the future," Wu said. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Argentine students in an advanced Chinese language class hold papers with "G20 Argentina welcomes you" written in Chinese characters on Wednesday at the Confucius Institute at the University of Buenos Aires in the country's capital. [Photo by XU JINGXING / CHINA DAILY] Nation seen as the champion of global economic governance, free trade China can play a big role in boosting the international community's confidence in safeguarding the multilateral trading system at the G20 Leaders' Summit, experts said. President Xi Jinping will attend the two days of meetings in Argentina starting Friday. Leaders of the G20 nations will meet in the capital, Buenos Aires, amid the slowing growth of global trade and investment at a time of growing worries about protectionism. China's foreign policies, featuring mutual respect and win-win cooperation, remain in step with the purpose and goal of the G20, so it can push for the forum to play a more important role under the new circumstances, said Xu Xiujun, vice-director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. As an important contributor to global economic governance, China has been actively engaged in macroeconomic policy coordination and multilateral cooperation under the framework of the G20, Xu said. Xu highlighted the role of the G20 in coping with the financial crisis 10 years ago, saying the G20 countries should take collective action to deal with the challenges that the existing trade system are facing in a bid to enhance global economic growth. Speaking highly of China's role in ensuring the success of the G20 Summit held two years ago in Hangzhou, Cambridge University professor Alan Barrell said he expected a more significant role for China this time in advancing globalization, according to Xinhua. Barrell lauded China's consistency and determination in pursuing common development and advancing globalization. He questioned the anti-globalization actions of some countries, saying protectionism is not the answer to global trade. "Protectionism eventually brings bad things It always has shown to be bad in the long run," he was quoted as saying. He said Xi's speech at the recent China International Import Expo in Shanghai demonstrated China's resolve to further open up and push for more balanced global trade, because "China is not only exporting, but also welcoming imports". With economic globalization suffering setbacks and free trade under threat, the G20 Summit in Argentina, themed "Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development", will focus on issues like the global economy, trade and investment, sustainable development, infrastructure and climate change. Argentine President Mauricio Macri said that as host, his country will continue the consensus and results achieved at the summit in Hangzhou. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a news conference on Wednesday that China hopes the summit will send out a positive message of upholding multilateralism, advocating the spirit of partnership, improving global economic governance, dealing with climate change, guiding innovative growth and promoting inclusive development. He added that China hopes the summit achieves pragmatic outcomes so as to inject fresh impetus into the world's economy in pursuit of robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. Zhou Fangyin, a senior researcher at the Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, said the effectiveness of the G20 in international coordination of economic policy should be emphasized. The effectiveness of the G20 comes from countries' commitment to multilateralism and united actions, Zhou added. The actors of "The Lion King," from left Antony Lawrence who plays Scar, Calvyn Grandling (Simba), Josslynn Hlenti (Nala) and Mthokozisi Emkay Khanyile (Mufasa), pose for a photo in Seoul. Courtesy of Clip Service By Kwon Mee-yoo The first-ever English production of Disney's hit musical "The Lion King" has landed at the Keimyung Art Center in the southern city of Daegu and is receiving rave receptions in sold-out performances almost every day. Based on the 1994 animated film of the same name, the musical portrays the journey of a lion cub on his way to his rightful place along with whimsical depictions using masks and puppets of a variety of animals living in grasslands. Calvyn Grandling from South Africa plays Simba, the young lion who searches for his path of life. Grandling performs the coming-of-age story convincingly, based on his personal experiences. "I'm from South Africa and I had to make a choice when I was 20 years old going to university or joining The Lion King. I chose The Lion King to make money for my family and the show provided that opportunity for me," Grandling said. "Simba is forced to go on his own journey, away from his home. He feels guilty for something he is not. I used to look at that for negative, but I learned how to overcome personal struggles from Simba. It's a really big on for an actor to be true on stage." The show's most famous tune "The Circle of Life" represents much to Grandling as well. "When I go back home, people call me the lion king and chant Nants ingonyama from the song The Circle of Life. Listening to the song has so many meanings to me as it explains the whole story with great lyrics, music, ensemble and the heartbeat that goes through the show." Grandling said unlike his father Mufasa's full mask, his face is half covered by a mask and half exposed to complete the lion's appearance. "It's like half the circle of life as if it portrays Simba's journey to the king," the actor said. Mthokozisi Emkay Khanyile, who played Mufasa in London's "The Lion King" production, joined the international tour for the solemn yet affectionate father of Simba. "The Lion King has a lot of Asian influences in set, costume and puppet design as well as African style. It is exciting for me to share it with Korean audiences," Khanyile said. "Since we are playing set in Africa, a lot of tiny little adlibs I add to the show and character come from my experiences." Khanyile's Mufasa mask is one of the most impressive props of the show. "With the Mufasa mask, I am very big and domineering. There's a point in the show in which he takes off the mask and puts his swords on the ground to communicate with his son, showcasing the loving father side. So the mask carries a lot of meaning, even when you do not have it on," Khanyile explained. The moment is when he sings "They Live in You," a song newly arranged for the stage version. "There is so much subtext going on this song. Mufasa tells his son to look at the stars and the stars are kings of the past looking over them. It's intangible, but the song encapsulates the father-son sentiment so perfectly," he said. "The song is reprised by Simba in the second act as He Lives in You and shows the spiritual support when needed. It's so delicate and beautiful and I am grateful to sing it every night." A scene from musical "The Lion King" / Courtesy of Disney By Park Hyong-ki Goldman Sachs Group in New York / AP-Yonhap By Jin Yu-young "Absurdimals" by Gwendolyn Javor Weld County District Attorneys Office(FREDERICK, Colo.) -- Prosecutors released discovery documents on Thursday in connection to the murder case against Chris Watts, the Colorado man sentenced this month for killing his pregnant wife and their two toddlers. The release included photos, text messages and video of the moments after Watts killed his wife, Shanann Watts, 34, and daughters, Celeste, 3, and Bella, 4, in August at the family's home in Frederick, Colorado. In a video recorded by a neighbor's security camera, Chris Watts is scene loading items, including a red gas can, into his truck the morning after the murders. Authorities believe he used the truck to dispose of the bodies. Watts pleaded guilty to all three killings after initially telling police hed strangled his wife in a rage because she killed their children. "My babies are gone, I put my hands around my wife's neck and did the same thing," Watts said during his confession. "I just felt anger. Nothing, I didnt feel anything." He had said his wife murdered the children because their marriage was imploding, but investigators concluded that he killed all three of them. "I was scared. I didn't know what else to do," said Watts, after telling investigators he buried their bodies in a remote oil field. Shanann's body was discovered in a shallow grave, and the childrens' were found in oil tanks, court documents show. "When I came home and then walked in the house, nothing. Vanished. Nothing was here," he told KMGH-TV at the time he said his wife went missing. "My kids are my life. ... I mean, those smiles light up my life." Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences without parole on Nov. 19. Shanann Watts' parents sued Christopher Watts for her wrongful death after his sentencing, seeking funds to cover funeral expenses, the loss of their daughter's future income and compensation for emotional distress. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Russia deployed another S-400 air defense missile system on Thursday in northern Crimea amid tensions in the Kerch Strait, the authorities said. The fourth battalion of the newest S-400 system took up combat duty in northern Crimea, Russian Black Sea Fleet spokesman Alexei Rulev said. The other three battalions have been deployed in the eastern, western and southern parts of the peninsula since Crimea was incorporated into Russia in March 2014 following a local referendum. Before the deployment in Crimea, the fourth battalion successfully completed drills at the Kapustin Yar testing ground in Astrakhan Region, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Russia has strengthened its forces in Crimea amid ongoing confrontation with Ukraine in the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov. Ukraine put its armed forces on full combat alert and imposed 30 days of martial law after Russian forces shot at and seized three Ukrainian naval ships near the Kerch Strait for allegedly violating the Russian border Sunday. Russia's S-400 system is designed to destroy air targets, including warplanes, ballistic and cruise missiles, at a distance of up to 400 km and at an altitude of up to 30 km. Kim Seol-kyung is a translator who graduated from Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation (GSTI) with a master's degree in English-Korean translation in 2015. She was first introduced to literary translation while at Ewha GSTI, where courses were stimulating and intriguing, and the translation of both fiction and poetry, especially from Korean to English, was intrinsically motivating for her. "I had to give it a go eventually, and the Korea Times Translation Awards seemed like a great opportunity." She translated novelist Kim Ae-ran's "A Covering Hand" for the 49th Modern Korean Literature Translation Awards. "I was amused by the touch of irony weaved throughout the story including the subtle twist at the end which leaves speculations about the credibility of a young character and which is also implied in the story's title, 'A Covering Hand.' The writer's calm, descriptive style of writing was also an aspect I personally looked forward to in translating the work," she said. For Kim, translating an entire work requires a certain rigor and commitment and maintaining momentum was a considerable part of the effort. Other than that, the translation process itself was an enjoyable and gratifying experience for her. Kim believes that a good translation is a faithful representation of the original work and a seamless read in the target language. "As a translator, I sometimes think what I do is similar to an actress who plays her role, except in the linguistic sense. The more my performance is in tune with the text, the more my effort is unnoticeable, the more my personality remains undetected in the end product, and the writer's is left intact, the more likely the gig will have been a good one." Yang Eun-mi Yang Eun-mi is a poet who earned her master's degree in creative writing from the University of Edinburgh where she won the Grierson Verse Prize. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis regarding problems in Korean-English translation, how global readers react to English editions of Korean literature, and most of all fundamental factors that might be hinder Korean literature from globalizing. Ed Bok Lee is a poet who authored poem collections "Whorled" and forthcoming "Mitochondrial Night." Lee, raised in South Korea and the United States, earned his master's degree from Brown University. Yang and Lee met in 2014 when they were both in residency at the Toji Cultural Center in Wonju, Gangwon Province, and decided to collaborate as co-translators of contemporary Korean poetry. "There aren't enough contemporary Korean poets translated into English. As a poet of Korean descent who is fluent in English, I wanted to contribute to this in some way," Lee said. Ed Bok Lee By Jung Da-min The Corea Image Communication Institute (CICI) held a winter gathering Monday at the Grand Hyatt Seoul. At the CICI-Korea CQ Winter Welcoming Gathering, members of CICI reviewed this year's cultural events, where opinion leaders home and abroad gathered to learn about and experience Korean culture. CICI's plans for next year have also been revealed. Among the nine main events held this year were: A tour of KEB Hana Bank Place 1 and lecture on '2018 Economic View' in February and a visit to 'Nine House' in Gapyeong, the house of Jazz vocalist Nah Youn-sun and her husband In Jae-jin, Jarasum Jazz Festival director, in May. August saw the Culture Communication Forum 2018 (CCF 2018), where 10 delegates from 10 countries were invited. In October there was a visit to the National Hangeul Museum and a special lecture by Seung H-Sang, Chief Commissioner of the Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy. 2018 participants also experienced a visit to CEO of Designhouse, Lee Young-hey's hanok "Jiwoohun" and a lecture on hanbok by Kim Young-jin, CEO of Tchai Kim in November. In 2019, CICI's event series will kick off with the CICI Korea 2019 Korea Image Awards on Jan. 10. Main events that will be held next year include a special lecture by Kim Rando, professor of consumer science and trends at Seoul National University, as well as a visit to Chief Commissioner of the Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy, Seung H-Sang's "Iroje." Additionally, there will be a special lecture by professor Yoo Hong-jun, former director of the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA). Interested parties can also expect a visit to the Yoo Geum Museum and a special lecture on "Preservation of Hanok in North Korea" by Dr. Elisabeth Chabanol director of the French School of Asian Studies and team leader of French-North Korean joint investigation. A South Korean train is departing from Seoul Station for a joint railway inspection with North Korea, Friday. Yonhap A South Korean train departed for North Korea on Friday for an 18-day joint railway inspection that the Koreas are conducting as part of efforts to modernize, and eventually reconnect, rail lines across their border. The train, made up of six cars and carrying dozens of South Korean officials and experts, left Dorasan Station, just south of the inter-Korean border, around 9:05 a.m. for Panmun Station, near the North's border city of Kaesong. The train will be used to inspect 1,200 kilometers of rail track in the North through Dec. 18. The inspection is part of a summit agreement between the leaders of the Koreas, signed in April, to modernize and eventually reconnect rail systems across their border in a bid to foster reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula. "The inter-Korean railway connection project is intended to overcome division and open a new future of the Korean Peninsula," Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon told a ceremony at Dorasan Station to mark the launch of the inspection. "Through the one connected railway, the South and the North will prosper together and the ground for peace on the Korean Peninsula will be consolidated. The trains running on the track will also carry peace and prosperity with them to Northeast Asia and the world," he added. South Korean delegates aboard a train moving toward North Korea for a joint railway inspection. Yonhap The train crossing into North Korea. Yonhap President Moon Jae-in delivers a speech before the start of a dinner meeting with South Korean residents living in Argentina at a hotel in Buenos Aires, Friday (KST). Yonhap By Kim Yoo-chul BUENOS AIRES South Korea wants to sign a working-holiday visa program with Argentina to allow eligible people to travel and work in each other's country, President Moon Jae-in said Friday (KST). "At a meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri, I will suggest plans for building mutual trust and improving relations. One of them is to sign a working-holiday program," Moon said at a dinner meeting with some 230 South Korean business leaders and residents living in the Argentine capital. The program will allow Koreans to gain a unique travel, work and life experience and enhance their understanding of Argentina's culture and vice versa, Moon said. The upcoming summit between Moon and Macri scheduled for early Saturday (KST) marks the first such South Korea-Argentina meeting in 14 years, according to Cheong Wa Dae. "Separately, South Korea is also eyeing a deal with Argentina to help South Koreans living here get more tax breaks and even pension benefits," Moon said, adding such increased exchanges will strengthen the longstanding ties between South Korea and Argentina. "South Korea will provide more assistance to ethnic Korean living in the Argentine capital and other cities here to help them better understand the Korean language, history and culture," Moon said. President Moon Jae-in, center, is briefed on fallen Argentine heroes who fought for democracy during the military dictatorship during his visit to the National History Museum in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Friday (KST). From 1976-1983, a brutal military junta ruled Argentina. Yonhap Conscientious objectors celebrate their release outside a prison in Daegu, Friday. Yonhap Most conscientious objectors imprisoned for refusing military service were released on parole Friday, following the Supreme Court's recent not-guilty verdict.? The Ministry of Justice said that 58 inmates convicted for refusing to serve in the military, due to religious beliefs and reasons of conscience, were released from prisons and detention centers nationwide. The release reduced the number of such objectors serving jail terms to 13, it said. The 58 people have spent more than six months in prison, the ministry said, adding that five other imprisoned conscientious objectors found unfit for parole in the ministry's screening won't be released this time. A released conscientious objector holds out his hand to his family waiting for him outside the Daegu prison, Friday. A total of 58 conscientious objectors were released on parole, while 13 who have not yet met minimum requirements for it are still behind bars. The release came after the Supreme Court on Nov. 1 acquitted a man indicted for refusing conscription on the grounds of religious faith. The released conscientious objectors will engage in various social services. Yonhap Foreign ownership of South Korean land increased 1.8 percent in the first half of 2018 compared with the end of last year, the transport ministry said Friday. Foreigners owned 243.25 million square meters, or 0.2 percent, of Korean land in the first half. It was up from 238.90 million square meters at the end of December, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said in a statement. The value of land held by foreigners also increased 0.5 percent to 30.282 trillion won ($26.9 billion) from 30.118 trillion won during the same period, it said. By country, 5 out of 10 foreigners who hold property in Korea were from the United States, with others from Japan, China and Europe, the statement said. Chinese people had made an aggressive investment in land on Jeju Island, a southern scenic resort island, until 2014, but their land purchases began to fall off in 2015, it said. The Salvation Army started its annual year-end street fundraising campaign on Friday. It is collecting donations at 440 red kettles across the country until Dec. 31. The religious institution had a launch ceremony at 11 a.m. in Gwanghwamun, central Seoul. This year's target is 14.5 billion won ($12.94 million), up from 10.8 billion won last year. Members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions destroy signs that read "flexible working hours" and "irregular employment" at a rally on Yeouido, Seoul, Nov. 21, the day the umbrella union held a strike. / Korea Times photo by Shin Sang-soon President Moon Jae-in and first lady Kim Jung-sook arrive at Ministro Pistarini International Airport for the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday (KST). AP-Yonhap By Kim Yoo-chul BUENOS AIRES President Moon Jae-in plans to ask U.S. President Donald Trump to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as early as possible, a presidential aide said Friday. Finding a breakthrough to the stalled denuclearization talks between Washington and Pyongyang will be the main topic at Moon's summit with Trump in the Argentine capital early Saturday (KST). Cheong Wa Dae and White House officials said only translators could be allowed to attend the meeting. "Moon plans to deliver his hopes at the upcoming meeting with Trump for an early second summit between the U.S. and North Korea to advance the denuclearization process of the North," the aide told The Korea Times, asking not to be named. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters aboard Air Force One that Trump's meeting with Moon had been changed to "pull-asides," meaning Trump will meet "informally, not formally" with him on the sidelines of the G20 summit. Moon and first lady Kim Jung-sook arrived in the Argentine capital, Thursday, to participate in meetings with leaders from the advanced economies. U.S. President Donald Trump talks to reporters with first lady Melania Trump as they leave the White House in Washington, D.C., Friday, (KST) to travel to the G20 summit in Argentina. Reuters-Yonhap The Trump administration is pushing hard for a second summit between Trump and Kim by "early 2019," hoping to provide momentum to the stalled denuclearization talks that have so far produced few tangible results since the two leaders' June meeting in Singapore. Moon, who has claimed the role of "mediator and facilitator" on North Korean issues, is facing pressure to keep the denuclearization talks going after a planned meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his North Korean counterpart Kim Yong-chol over the specifics of a second Trump-Kim summit was called off by the North because of a "matter of scheduling." It remains to be seen whether Moon will deliver any handwritten messages that he may have received from Kim to Trump. Washington wants Pyongyang to present details in achieving final, fully verified denuclearization (FFVD). An early second summit between Trump and Kim is crucial for several inter-Korean economic projects that have been put on hold due to growing fears that fast-developing inter-Korean relations may get out of step with Washington. Moon is moving quickly to improve inter-Korean relations. But his engagement-focused North Korean policy is in jeopardy due to little progress despite concerted efforts in bringing a lasting peace to the Korean Peninsula. His approval rating in South Korea this week fell below 50 percent for the first time since he took office in May last year. A survey showed support for Moon was down 3.2 percentage points over the week to 48.8 percent. The continued fall in his approval rating coincides with worsening economic indicators and a widening income gap between the haves and have-nots. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un shakes hands with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) that divides the two countries ahead of their summit at the truce village of Panmunjeom in April this year. AFP-Yonhap Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Argentina will facilitate in-depth dialogue and cooperation between the two countries, as both sides will deal with the core agendas concerning global development, Jorge Faurie, Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, said in a recent interview. During Xis stay in Argentina, he is scheduled to have his fifth meeting in three years with Argentine President Mauricio Macri. The number also verifies the importance of bilateral ties as each meeting between the two leaders means an upgrade of bilateral cooperation. Faurie, who has attended three meetings between Macri and Xi as accompanying official, said he is impressed by Xis farsighted speech with inspiring connotation. Hailing the extensive cooperation between the two countries, Faurie said that they have made great progress from cooperation in railway transportation, energy, agriculture, finance and other fronts since establishing comprehensive strategic partnership in 2014. Both countries can realize win-win outcomes through complementary economic and trade cooperation, given that Argentina is putting trade high on agenda, while China is keeping opening itself to the world, the minister suggested. By engaging in energy and infrastructure projects in Argentina, Chinese companies have greatly bolstered Argentinas economic growth, he added. The huge Chinese market with 1.4 billion population provides a precious trade opportunity for Argentina, said the minister, adding that a growing relationship with China is of vital importance for his country. Hosting the G20 Summit is an unparalleled chance for Argentina. We expect to strengthen cooperation with China to push the summit for positive outcomes, the minister said. He added that his country has borrowed the experience of Hangzhou Summit in agenda design, venue arrangements, and meeting security when preparing for this years meeting over the past year. Inclusive growth will be emphasized at the G20 Summit to increase the welfare of people all over the world, Faurie said. China, as one of key players in global agendas, is always future-oriented when facing the big issues concerned by the international community, the minister hailed, adding that it plays a constructive role whenever in dealing with climate change or moving forward international trade. Faurie stressed that Argentina is a staunch supporter of multilateral trade. Given the irreversible trend of economic globalization, an economic and trade collaboration with China is of positive significance for Argentina. He illustrated that China has accumulated rich experience in digital technology, which Argentina is now in need. Faurie also affirmed his countrys willingness to participate in Belt and Road construction, saying that the co-construction will intensify Argentinas ties with other countries including China, and push for common development of countries and regions along the route. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the initiative, and we expect to draw a blueprint for future development along with China, he said. A train carrying a team of South Korean officials that will inspect railway sections in the North with their North Korean counterparts passes a section of the Gyeongui Line at the demilitarized zone in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, Friday. / Joint Press Corps By Yi Whan-woo Moon Chung-in Yun Kun-young A soldier watches a guard post in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, being removed on Nov. 15. / Korea Times file By Kim Bo-eun South and North Korea completed the demolishing of guard posts within the demilitarized zone and removing landmines from the Arrowhead Ridge in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, Friday. These actions were part of a military agreement signed at the third inter-Korean summit in September, aimed at reducing military tension and building trust. A college student gives a speech during a rally organized by progressive activists at Gwanghwamun Square, downtown Seoul on Nov. 18, to welcome North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's possible visit to the South. / Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon By Yi Whan-woo Progressive-minded activists are calling for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to visit Seoul promptly to speed up inter-Korean reconciliation. But this has irked some conservatives because the activists are holding rallies where they speak highly of Kim and demand that South Koreans should welcome him in a "respectful manner." On Nov. 18, left-wing activists organized a rally at Gwanghwamun Square in downtown Seoul. The rally was the second of its kind since the group was launched on Nov. 7. The group, roughly translated as the Committee for Paektu Praise, is named after the Mount Paektu bloodline, a three-generation lineage of North Korean leadership descended from founding leader Kim Il-sung. The rally was held only 50 meters from the U.S. Embassy in Korea. The event involved speeches in which participants welcomed the young North Korean leader's possible visit to the South in advance. They underscored Kim's promise to come here during his September summit with President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang and hung massive photos of the two leaders holding hands and a panoramic view of Mount Paektu. Among the placards were ones reading "We welcome Chairman Kim Jong-un's Seoul visit," and "Let's bring forward unification by implementing the agreements reached by the leaders of the South and the North." "It is a courtesy for us to welcome Kim, as President Moon was welcomed by North Koreans," said senior committee member Kim hang-sung. "It is good for peace and unification of the Korean Peninsula." Participants wear flower-shaped masks and hold placards and flags of the Korean Peninsula to welcome North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's possible visit to Seoul. / Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon Some participants wore flower-shaped masks and wore stickers reading "Seoul," "visit," "fervently," and "welcome" on their cheeks. During the speeches, seven participants, including four college students, shared what they thought of Kim and how his possible visit would contribute to inter-Korean relations. "My first thought was that he has a really good voice," said a Hongik University student surnamed Koo, referring to Kim's New Year's address at which he proposed reconciliation after carrying out a series of military provocations a year ago. "I believe what we saw on television is Kim's genuine character," Koo said. A Kwangwoon University student surnamed Lee said, "Everyone should welcome the visit of North Korea's supreme leader, because praising and encouraging inter-Korean relations will take us to unification." A Sungkyunkwan University student surnamed Kim accused the U.S. of "preventing Kim's visit," saying, "The U.S. has been separating the South and the North and Kim's trip will prove how we can overpower the U.S." Another student surnamed Choo said Kim's New Year's address was "full of his thoughts to resolve the people's issues in an autonomous and self-reliant manner." The speeches were followed by artistic performances, including a play in which the actors and actresses criticized conservative lawmakers for opposing Kim's visit and called for "a unified effort" for peace. Another play was about Naengmyun (cold noodle) and taedonggang beer that gained public attention in Seoul during Moon's Pyongyang visit. The audience chanted and cheered as the actors sang a song about delicious North Korean food. At a separate rally also held at Gwanghwamun Square, 10 anti-U.S. activists, including a pastor, held a prayer meeting. They called for "kicking U.S. imperialists out of the peninsula" while protesting against the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery in the South. "The U.S. is only asking North Korea to denuclearize without mentioning a peace treaty at all," said the pastor, whose name was withheld. "The U.S. should declare an end to the Korean War if it deems the South as its ally. Otherwise it is merely plotting to separate the two Koreas forever." Some conservative activists organized a rally protesting the pro-Kim rally. "I don't understand how they can advocate Kim and not denounce him," one protester said. "Kim has no intention of giving up his nuclear program and those pro-Kim activists are committing treason. The rallies should be stopped immediately." Meanwhile, the Ministry of Unification said on Nov. 19 that Kim could visit the South within this year, despite little progress being made in the Washington-Pyongyang talks on denuclearization. "We will make preparations to ensure that the agreements that the South and the North agreed upon, including Kim's trip to the South, take place without a hitch within this year," ministry spokesman Baik Tae-hyun said. "I hope that progress in the denuclearization talks can help speed the peace process on the Korean peninsula." Regarding the talks between Washington and Pyongyang and their impact on Kim's possible Seoul trip, he said, "It is a matter that needs to be worked out by those countries." Chung Dong-young, chairman of the liberal Party for Democracy and Peace, said the National Assembly should arrange a speech for Kim if he visits Seoul. Chung, a unification minister during the Roh Moo-hyun presidency (2003-2008), visited the North. "Kim's declaration of denuclearization and a new vision of state strategies in an address to the National Assembly will mark a turning point on the peninsula," Chung said at a party leadership meeting. "The issue was discussed during a dinner meeting between National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang and leaders of five major political parties on Nov. 16 and conservative opposition parties didn't express negative or opposing views on Kim's parliamentary speech." Chung said the North Korean leader should keep his promise to visit Seoul, saying it would also be beneficial to the North. Twenty-four members of the Jeju provincial council presented a motion for a resolution calling for the leaders of the two Koreas to visit Mount Halla together. The measures came after President Moon said on Oct. 28 that he could climb Mount Halla on South Korea's southernmost Jeju Island with Kim. Paektu and Halla are the tallest mountains in their respective countries. Political sources believe Kim's possible visit to Mount Halla will facilitate cross-border reconciliation. South Korea and Australia agreed Wednesday to extend a free English-language training program for young North Korean defectors as part of efforts to help them sharpen their competitive edge in the global community, the unification ministry said. The unification ministry signed the agreement with Australia's foreign ministry and UTS Insearch, a language school of the University of Technology Sydney, to extend the 30-week language course for another three years through 2021. The three sides have jointly funded the program since its inception in 2016. Under the program, five North Korean-born college students in South Korea have been given the free education every year, and the number of beneficiaries will rise to seven from 2020, officials said. Those aged 18 or older can apply for the program in February and March next year. The selected will be sent to Sydney to learn English from June 2019 to February 2020, the ministry said. The program is part of efforts to provide more support for North Korean defectors, whose number has exceeded around 30,000. (Yonhap) A train bound from South Korea heads to Jejin Station in Goseong County in Gangwon Province in May 2007 after passing the military demarcation line that divides South and North Korea during a test of the connecting section between Gyeongui Line and Donghae Line. Yonhap South Korea is sticking to the plan to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for inter-Korean railway and road connection projects this year as the two Koreas are to begin a joint inspection of the rail system in North Korea this week, a unification ministry official said Thursday. After a months-long delay, South and North Korea are set to launch an 18-day joint inspection of the western and eastern railways of the North on Friday. A South Korean train will leave for the North early in the day with dozens of officials and railway experts on board. This is part of the two Koreas' plan to modernize and reconnect their railways and roads as agreed upon by their leaders in April. Imjingang Station in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, connects South Korean district of Munsan to Gaesong in North Korea through Gyeongui Line railway. Yonhap They later promised to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the cross-border projects before the end of this year. There is nevertheless speculation over whether they can make good on the promise due to a delay in the railway inspection and a failure to hold a similar road inspection in the North. "It was agreed to hold (the ceremony) within this year. We plan to stick to the agreement," the official told reporters on condition of anonymity. The joint railway inspection was initially scheduled to take place in August, but the U.S.-led United Nations Command disapproved it, citing procedural problems. The disapproval was seen as reflecting Washington's displeasure with its possible violation of sanctions. The U.N. Security Council recently decided to grant a sanctions exemption, allowing the once-suspended project to go ahead. A South Korean, right, and a North Korean shake hands as the two Koreas start building a road inside the Demilitarized Zone in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, Nov. 22. Yonhap By Kim Hyun-bin The government's lack of policies and budget to contain highly infectious tuberculosis is stirring fears of a possible outbreak. In the wee hours of Nov. 19, a tuberculosis (TB) patient in his 40s left a TB specialized hospital where he was in quarantine and disappeared. The patient only identified by his surname Kim was diagnosed with TB and had been getting treatment at the Seobuk Hospital in Seoul for three months. Kim took advantage of the lax nighttime security at the hospital and changed into ordinary clothes and departed, according to police. The Eunpyeong Police Station in Seoul has been trying to trace Kim's whereabouts but has so far been unsuccessful. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control notes, "The bacteria that cause TB are spread through the air from person to person when a person with the disease coughs, speaks or sings. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected. People with TB usually have symptoms and may spread the TB bacteria to others." TB patients are treated separately from other patients due to the highly infectious nature of the disease, however, when a patient runs away it becomes a desperate chase by police and creates public fear of a possible outbreak. Even though there have been several cases of TB patients on the loose, the government has been irresponsible in its response; and the lack of a budget has made it difficult to prevent and manage TB patients. Among the 35 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations Korea has the most TB patients accounting for 77 out of every 100,000 people. Police pursuit of runaway patient There have been several incidences where a TB patient has broken quarantine. On Oct. 4, a patient in his late 50 ran and was caught on the subway in Seoul still wearing a hospital gown. Hundreds of passengers on the subway had to be evacuated and health officials had to conduct an investigation. Currently, there are no government countermeasures but to chase after TB patients who defy quarantine measures. The Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has requested the government and the National Assembly to allow isolation wards to be built in the hospital to prevent TB patients from fleeing, but has been rejected for three consecutive years. "When a TB patient is hospitalized they are not allowed to leave, however, we do not have isolation wards that prevent such patients from leaving. They are being treated in ordinary wards that have open access," Seo Hye-sook head of the medical treatment department at Seobuk Hospital said. Under the Fire Services Act, it is mandatory for regular wards to be in an open area, allowing medical staff to constantly watch over patients. However, most treatments are provided for free and there is a lack of budget and personnel to manage TB patients. "It wouldn't be a surprise if all medical staff became infected with TB. The working environment here is really bad. When Kim left the hospital during the weekend, there were only two medical staff on duty. We are heavily short of personnel," Seo added. Only 500 million won in gov't support The problem comes down to money. The isolation units requested from the government are estimated to cost 4 billion won ($3.5 billion) each, however, it is having trouble coming up with the money. "We have asked the Seoul city and central governments to pay for 2 billion each to construct the isolation units. The city government came up with the funding but the central government did not. That is the reason we are strongly requesting the National Assembly for the money," a KCDC official said. There is a shortage of government funds to be appropriated for specialized TB hospitals. According to the KCDC, there are seven hospitals nationwide that provide free TB treatment for families in need. However, the total yearly budget to treat the patients is 500 million won each. "We have more TB patients than any other OECD nation, but there is a big hole in managing them. Even just one TB patient on the loose could become a grave threat to the public. Facilities to treat TB patients are direly needed but we are having difficulty receiving the funds we need," a KCDC official said. Society of Ieodo Research President Koh Choong-suk, front row sixth from left, poses for a group photo during the sixth Ieodo International Seminar on Jeju Island, Thursday. / Korea Times photo by Park Ji-won By Park Ji-won JEJU ISLAND Global maritime experts on sea disputes gathered on Jeju Island to discuss how to resolve territorial conflicts in the East Asian region. They said at the sixth international seminar on Ieodo, a rock near Jeju, that related countries, especially China, need to cooperate and uphold the rule of international law. Tensions have been intensifying there following China's efforts to expand its territory in the region in a battle with the United States for supremacy. Under the theme "Beyond East Asian Maritime Conflict," the two-day forum ran through Friday where experts from the U.S., China, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines gathered to share their knowledge to seek peaceful cooperation regarding the disputed island and territories among the East Asian countries. The seminar was divided into three sessions two were held on Thursday and the remaining one on Friday. Each session was followed by a discussion, which included a Q&A period. The Society of Ieodo Research, a Jeju Island-based think tank, was hosting the event while The Korea Times, Hankyoreh Media Group and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries were co-sponsors. Seen is the Ieodo Ocean Research Station run by the South Korean government near Ieodo, a submerged rock situated 149 kilometers southwest of the country's southwestern Marado, in December 2013. / Korea Times file By Jung Min-ho Many Filipinos have reacted with fury after a Korean lawmaker belittled their country during a recent with Korean daily Dong-A Ilbo. The reactions came after Rep. Lee Un-ju of the minor right-wing Bareunmirae Party said the people of Korea "would have lived in a country worse than the Philippines" if former military dictator Park Chung-hee had not ruled the country. "Filipino soldiers shed their blood and died in Korea," Romeo Santos Mandinggin, a Filipino man and a fan of Korean culture, told The Korea Times. "By all means she should (apologize), but I doubt she will." Belittling the Philippines, which was one of the first countries to send troops to South Korea during the Korean War (1950-53), is nothing but a disgraceful act, another Filipino said. "The Philippines may not be as rich as Korea is right now, but part of Korea's development is due to the help of Filipinos even after the war," Jerry Yusi said. The lawmaker made the comment as she defended the economic policies of Park, whom she compared with former dictators in other countries such as the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos. "There have been many dictators across East Asia and Africa," Lee said. "Most of them failed to develop the economy, unlike former President Park. We should recognize his achievement." While some Koreans took her remarks just as a political attack against liberal politicians, who generally share negative views of Park, others found them very offensive to the people of the Philippines and diplomatically problematic. A senior official at the Philippines Embassy in Seoul said the about Lee has been brought to the attention of a person in charge and the embassy may issue a statement. Members of the Korean Kindergarten Association hold a rally at Gwanghwamu Square in central Seoul, Thursday, to protest the government and the National Assembly's move to revise laws to strengthen regulations on private kindergarten operations. / Yonhap Preschool operators claim revision bills infringe on private assets By Kim Jae-heun Private kindergarten owners from across the country have protested the government and the National Assembly's moves to pass revision bills aimed at enhancing their transparency, saying all private preschools would have to close down in the event of the bills' passage. Thousands of members of the Korea Kindergarten Association (KKA) gathered at Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul, Thursday, protesting the bills the Assembly's Education Committee plans to pass early next month. The three bills were submitted after the disclosure of widespread corruption among private kindergarten owners, including accounting fraud and budget misappropriation. Under the bills, private kindergartens will have to adopt a state-run accounting system for public institutes, while the founders of the kindergartens will be prohibited from serving as principals. Private kindergartens will also have to outsource children's meal services to operators only certified by the institution's operation council. The KKA said it agrees with the purpose of the three revisions but the government did not invite it to take part in the revision process. "We oppose the bills as they exclude us. The government has to recognize founders' individual assets," Lee Deok-sun, an official of the KKA, said during the rally. "The three bills do not solve the main issue and they only strengthen the punishment of kindergarten operators and criminalize them. They are unjust bills that do not recognize individual assets, which is the main idea of a liberal democracy." Lee said if the government pushes through the three bills, kindergarten operators across the country will have no choice but to shut down their facilities. He also urged the government to provide private preschools with the same financial support as public ones. "If the government is going to keep arguing that kindergartens are also schools, it has to pay teachers' salaries like it does for elementary, middle and high schools," Lee said. "If the government says private kindergartens are not needed, we'll close and leave. But if they are needed, it should pay them fees because the operators' private assets are used for child education which is a public service." According to the KKA, around 150,000 people joined the protest, while police said only 3,000 people were present at the scene. Some of the protesters were parents because the KKA had reportedly requested each member kindergarten bring two parents to rally. A 37-year-old mother surnamed Lee said her son's kindergarten had asked her to join the protest to prevent the kindergarten from closing down. The KKA also collected signatures on the spot to urge President Moon Jae-in to provide direct subsidies to parents of preschoolers. The petition required both parent and children's names. Meanwhile, a civic group named Political Moms held a press conference just behind the KKA's rally to demand faster movement to pass the revision bill. "We don't have much time as the Assembly's regular session is almost at its end," a member of the group said under the condition of anonymity. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has brought opportunities to Latin America and contributed to the harmonious progress of human society, said Eddie Tapiero, a Panamanian specialist on international affairs during a recent interview with Peoples Daily. China is willing to see the development of other countries and regions around the world, he said, adding that the BRI connects the whole globe and provides opportunities for common development. Tapiero is the author of La Ruta de la Seda y Panama, or Silk Road and Panama, the first book on Belt and Road study in Latin America. Starting researching and collecting related information before China and Panama established diplomatic ties, Tapiero spent five years on writing the book. He introduced that his original intention to write this book is to understand what the BRI truly is, as the initiative is believed to be opportunities by some and a threat by the others. The BRI is indeed an initiative of peace and development, said Tapiero, noting the 21st century is a time of high civilization in which wars and conflicts shouldnt occur so frequently any longer. He believes the BRI is an opportunity for all participants to have equal dialogues and a platform for exchanges in various fields at different levels. It enables each party to find solutions and seek common development through consultations, he stressed. Sharing similar experience in history, Latin America and China have both created splendid civilizations and weathered hardships, Tapiero said, raising a question that how could it be possible for a peaceful country like China to cause such hardships for other countries? Today, the international situation is going through profound changes. The BRI proposed by China is not for intensifying competition but promoting coordination and cooperation, as China is a country that is willing to see the common development of mankind, Tapiero noted. The BRI has enriched bilateral relations between China and Panama, Tapiero said. In November 2017, China and Panama signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly promote the Belt and Road construction, the first one of this kind inked between China and a Latin American country. The BRI provides rare development opportunities for Panama, said Tapiero. The Panama Canal connects not only two oceans but also two giant markets, he noted, adding that Panama hopes to become a key hub in the Belt and Road construction. Kim Jung-ju, 87, wartime forced laborer at Nachi-Fujikoshi's aircraft part factory in 1945, wipes away tears during an interview with The Korea Times at her home in Seoul, Nov. 21. Korea Times photo by Choi Won-suk By Lee Suh-yoon They told her she was going to a boarding school in Japan. "Ms. Ogaki, my Japanese homeroom teacher, told me I could meet my sister in Japan," Kim Jung-ju, 87, said in an interview at her home in Seoul last week. "There, I could also keep studying, enter middle school and stay in the same dormitory as my sister." In the final years of Japan's occupation of Korea which started in 1910 and ended with Japan's surrender at the end of World War II in 1945 hundreds of thousands of Koreans were mobilized in factories and mines scattered across East Asia. Roughly 250,000 Koreans were estimated to have been forced into labor and sexual slavery during the harsh colonial rule. Kim, a native of Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, was one of over 1,000 teenage girls mobilized to assemble Japan's war supplies at a factory run by Nachi-Fujikoshi from 1944 to 1945 as part of an all-female "volunteer labor corp." A landmark ruling Oct. 30, in which the Supreme Court ordered Nippon Steel to compensate four male forced laborers, finally opened a path for people like Kim to win their long court battles against Japanese firms. Last Thursday, the Supreme Court ordered Mitsubishi to compensate five female forced laborers who, like Kim, were sent in their teenage years to an aircraft factory in Nagoya from 1944 to 1945. Kim's older sister Kim Sung-ju, 89, was one of them. On the same day, the court also ordered Mitsubishi to compensate five atomic bomb survivors who were forced to work in its factories and shipyards in Hiroshima. In her sister's footsteps Like her sister did, before leaving the previous year, the 13-year-old Kim Jung-ju "borrowed" her father's seal from the family coffer and signed the papers given to her by Ms. Ogaki. Her father was not home, having been enlisted into a labor group in a city in Korea. Her mother was dead. Her grandparents did not know. As she left her home in Suncheon in February 1945, her grandmother hung onto her, sobbing. A Japanese policeman peeled her away from Kim, threatening to arrest her. After a short farewell ceremony held in front of the city hall, Kim and hundreds of teenage girls from other parts of the country were herded onto a ship in Yeosu and taken to Toyama Prefecture on the west coast of Japan. On her arrival, Kim realized something was wrong. "There was no sign of my sister anywhere that's when I started crying," Kim said, her eyes tearing up again. They were shown to a two-story dormitory that hosted hundreds on each floor. Around 30 girls slept in each room, which had two rows of tatami mats lining the floor. Girls from the southwestern Jeolla region like Kim were assigned to the first floor, and those from Gyeonggi Province, the second. "It was one of the coldest winters in Toyama's history, but they didn't give us a single pair of gloves or socks," Kim said spitefully. "In summer, I could not take a single bath." The girls woke up at 5 a.m. every day. After everyone took turns washing their faces at the taps, one scoop of rice and watery miso soup was handed out to each person. "Before leaving for work, they made us sing Japan's official military song," Kim said, her voice suddenly breaking out into a marching tune, "Katte kuruzoto isamasiku.." (Bravely swearing to return with victory..) Together, the girls walked for over two hours to get to the factory. "The factory was huge, rows of machines next to narrow passageways. The floor was slippery, coated over with black oil," Kim said. Every day, each girl had to shave 25 to 30 steel ball bearing discs used in jet engines. By Jung Hae-myoung The Supreme Court upheld the High Court's decision, Thursday, imposing a life sentence on Lee Young-hak, 36, for sexually abusing and murdering his daughter's friend and abandoning her body in the mountains in Gangwon Province. The court dismissed Lee's appeal saying life imprisonment was the appropriate sentence considering his age, cognitive state, environment, relationship with the victim and his behavior after the crime. A local court initially handed down the death penalty for his "inhumane and horrible crime," saying "In the name of law and justice we give him the death penalty, separating him from society forever." However, a high court commuted the penalty to a life sentence, saying "the murder was accidental and he was mentally unstable before the crime, so it can't be concluded that he is likely to repeat such an offense." Lee was indicted in September 2017 for luring his daughter's friend to his house, sexually assaulting the girl after giving her sleeping pills, killing her and abandoning her body. He was also known as "molar father" because he had lost all his teeth except one molar, while being treated for the rare disease gignatiform cemetoma. His 15-year-old daughter, who was indicted for abetting her father's crime, was sentenced to six years in prison. According to juvenile criminal law, her sentence can be reduced to four years for good behavior. People watch a TV screen showing U.S. President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, left, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, March 2, 2018. Yonhap By Kim Yoo-chul BUENOS AIRES The main topic of the upcoming summit between President Moon Jae-in and President Donald Trump is how to break an impasse in the denuclearization talks between the U.S. and North Korea. There are, however, other issues that will be high on the agenda. Sources say the two leaders may discuss the possible easing of sanctions against the North, the suspension of U.S.-South Korea military exercises, and how to minimize the effects in South Korea of General Motors' restructuring. Moon arrived in the Argentine capital late Thursday to participate in high-profile meetings with the leaders of advanced economies. The Moon-Trump meeting is scheduled for early Saturday. "Instead of giving direct advice to move ahead with the denuclearization talks, Moon plans to reassure Trump that the United States is doing the right thing in bringing a lasting peace to the Korean Peninsula. Also, Moon will inform him of possible outcomes if the stalled talks are revived," a presidential aide told The Korea Times. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has recently granted a sanctions exemption at the request of South Korea for a survey that would help reconnect railway links between the two Koreas. The UNSC placed extensive sanctions on Pyongyang for its nuclear program back in December 2017. The United States initially proposed the sanctions, which were adopted by a vote of 15 to 0. Because of the nature of the sanctions, the exemption raised expectations in South Korea that similar measures will follow. The aide added the government believes that complete denuclearization will be hard to achieve unless Washington offer's some incentives. By Yi Whan-woo Cheong Wa Dae is looking into possible hacking cases, in which emails intended to create a rift in alliance between South Korea and the United States have been sent out using the accounts of at least two senior officials. Citing recipients of these emails, the presidential office said this is to either steal classified information on North Korea policy or drive a wedge into the South Korea-U.S. alliance by using fake documents. "We take each case very seriously and asked the National Police Agency to look into them thoroughly," a presidential aide said asking not to be named. The latest cases increased concerns over fake news at an alarming rate. This was because vernacular newspaper The Asia Business Daily, after obtaining a fake document on the U.S. mistrust of South Korea, published a related story on Nov. 27. "It is way beyond a misreport and what we're facing is the most malicious case in journalism history," said Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom. "The way false information has been produced and disseminated is very elaborate." He added Cheong Wa Dae will "hunt down those who are responsible," claiming the information itself was aimed at creating a rift between the two allies and therefore is anti-governmental. In the first case, someone who pretended to be Presidential Secretary for State Affairs Yun Kun-young sent mails at the beginning of this year to multiple ministry officials. The suspect then demanded recipients to hand over digital documents related to North Korea policy. It remains uncertain how many shared classified information with the suspect. One of the recipients raised a question over why such sensitive content was sent through Yun's private email address, and not the one created by Cheong Wa Dae. He called Yun to confirm accordingly. Sources familiar with the case speculated the suspect hacked into one of Yun's private email accounts that had not been used for years. Cheong Wa Dae sought to track down the suspect but failed to do so because the IP address used when writing emails was from abroad. In the second case, someone impersonated cyber security staff at the National Security Office and sent emails to dozens of security experts. The email had a PDF file attached. Titled "Evaluation of the situation of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia," the document stated gaps are widening between South Korea and the U.S. over denuclearization methods. It also stated Washington's mistrust toward Seoul is growing. The document was purportedly issued by the National Security Office and the Asia Business Daily reported it as if it was an exclusive on Nov. 27. But the presidential office confirmed the document was forged, pointing out that its font, style and other details are completely different from Cheong Wa Dae's. South Korean President Moon Jae-in, center, arrives for the opening of the Group of 20 summit at the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, early Saturday (KST), Dec. 1. AP-Yonhap Leaders agree to maintain NK sanctions By Kim Yoo-chul BUENOS AIRES President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump have agreed to maintain sanctions on North Korea until complete and verifiable denuclearization of the North. Trump, however, said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's visit to Seoul, if realized, would be a positive factor in creating new momentum for the denuclearization talks. On Sunday, Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One his next meeting with Kim is likely to be in January or February. Moon and Trump had bilateral talks for 30 minutes on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in the Argentine capital, Saturday. Only translators were allowed to attend the Moon-Trump meeting, and there was no joint statement after the talks. "The summit was mainly about how to advance the stalled denuclearization process," Moon's chief press secretary Yoon Young-chan said. "They agreed that sanctions should remain until final, fully verifiable denuclearization (FFVD) is achieved." This contradicts earlier thoughts and expectation that the Moon-Trump meeting would encompass the phased and reciprocal denuclearization of the North. Rather, the meeting apparently failed to resolve differences between Washington and Pyongyang over this. Trump's apparent refusal to accept Moon's "sanctions-easing" pitch shows that the United States and North Korea still remain far apart on the pace of denuclearization and possible sanctions relief. Washington and Pyongyang aren't prepared for major concessions at this time, another presidential aide said. President Moon Jae-in shakes hands with U.S. President Donald Trump before the start of their informal 'pull-asides' meeting at the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, early Saturday (KST), Dec. 1. Yonhap South Korea's Defence Ministry on Thursday (November 22) released a video of South amd North Korean military officers meeting at the border to reconnect a road across the two countries. In the video, which was filmed in mid-November, military officers from the two Koreas were at the military demarcation line (MDL) during the road construction in the demilitarised zone (DMZ). Military officers from the two Koreas had short talks about the schedule and progress of construction, the ministry added. The two Koreas reconnected a road across the MDL inside the DMZ on Thursday in joint efforts to exhume remains of soldiers killed duringKorea War, which was part of military agreement signed in latest inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang. The 3 km-long tactical road was established in a site that the two parties have designated for the project as it was a notorious battle site of the war. (Reuters) According to the World Health Organization, Poland has some of the most air polluted areas on the planet, ranking alongside places with infamously bad air such as Beijing and New Delhi. Poland has some of the most polluted air on the planet. Coal produces around 80 percent of the country's energy, though the government wants to halve this figure by 2050. University of Silesia researchers are testing air quality, taking to the skies of Katowice in a hot-air balloon with measuring equipment. Handout photo taken and released on November 27, 2018 by environmental organization Greenpeace, shows a Greenpeace activist after he climbed a 180 metre-high chimney at Poland's Belchatow coal-fired power plant Belchatow. AFP via Greenpeace POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER AND COORDINATOR OF AIR MONITORING PROJECT AT UNIVERSITY OF SILESIA, MARIOLA JABLONSKA, SAYING: "The smallest particles enter the respiratory system and they have an impact on our health, so knowing the composition and amount of the pollutants' particles in the air is very important." A 2016 World Health Organization report found that 33 of the 50 most-polluted places in the EU were in Poland, mostly in the country's south. Katowice, which lies at the heart of Poland's coal country, is one of them. The local mayor wants residents to be aware of the relationship between what they use to keep their houses warm and their health. MARCIN KRUPA, MAYOR OF KATOWICE, SAYING: "Everyone has someone who worked in the mines or still works in the mines, so there are certain mining traditions that have been uninterrupted for many, many years. And now breaking this impasse by the necessity of switching to another source of energy is a bit difficult. But through this education, we see that it succeeds. We see it more and more often that a grandchild asks their grandmother or grandfather: 'Why are you burning this, not something else? You see the smoke coming out of chimney and this smoke is bad for us.' And people are becoming more and more aware." In this Nov. 21, 2018 photo a miner passes by a lorry at at the Wujek coal mine in Katowice, in Poland's southern mining region of Silesia. The mining industry has long been a source of pride and employment for generations of Silesians. For decades, its rich seams of hard, black coal were used to heat homes and provide electricity across Poland. AP Earlier this month the government approved regulations that aim to ban the dirtiest coal. But the change will only take effect in 2020. Jincheng, a town in northern China's Shanxi province, has made noticeable efforts to improve its environment by curbing its polluting industries, but it hasn't completely cleaned up the mess. Mr. Gao, a local shepherd who tends a flock of sheep blackened by the soot from nearby coal mines and plants that have since closed, said that things have improved in recent years. "Before, it all used to burn and stink. Everything was polluted. It burned and stank." said Gao. Despite efforts to close dozens of local collieries and chemical plants, the city still failed to meet environmental targets set by the central government. The city came short of meeting its target of cutting concentrations of lung-damaging PM2.5 particles by 10 percent last winter, and recorded 1,819 pollution violations, the most of the 28 cities. After it was ranked the worst performer among 28 northern cities forced to impose special pollution measures, its mayor was summoned to Beijing in April to come up with an explanation. While he admitted embarrassment, he told officials that the pollution cuts were hurting the city's economy. Despite obvious measures taken to clean up the city's coal operation, such as putting roofs over polluting coal mines, the legacy of the industry has sunk deeply into the lives of residents. Zhang Haibin, a 44-year old farmer living in a largely abandoned hamlet on the edge of a defunct coal deposit, said that despite the closure of the nearby mines, his house is literally falling apart. "(Closing the mines) was useless. There are cracks everywhere, just like in this house. And this house started getting cracks long ago. This is what opening up a coal mine did to us," he said, pointing to the many cracks that riddle his home. A chimney stands next to an empty road in Jincheng, Shanxi province, China November 12, 2018. Picture taken November 12, 2018. Reuters While surviving mines have benefited from the closure of smaller rivals, coal-dependent businesses - including local truckers - are struggling with higher compliance costs and intense competition. Though less labour-intensive, gas has now emerged as the major bright spot for the city, with its seams rich in coalbed methane (CBM), which has replaced coal as a source of heating for many outlying villages. "We are in that transition mode, and clearly in transition, you have a bit of growing pains, but the transition is irreversible, said Randeep Grewal, chairman of Greka, which has drilled more than 4,500 CBM wells in Jincheng. Beijing has promised a more business-friendly campaign this year, but Jincheng is under greater scrutiny after last year's failures, and leniency is unlikely. Jincheng's coal districts are now in a state of siege as inspectors scour mines, washeries, chemical plants and storage depots for violations. Workers gather at the entrance to a coal washing plant in Jincheng, Shanxi province, China November 13, 2018. Picture taken November 13, 2018. Reuters On Monday (November 19), inspectors discovered 19 firms had failed to follow guidelines to restrict output during a smog outbreak last week, the latest in a series of problems uncovered in Jincheng throughout the year. Ma Jun, a Beijing-based environmental campaigner, said that many cities in Shanxi rank the lowest when it comes to law enforcement because their governments lack the resources to adequately regulate polluters. China has made efforts to cut the share of coal in total energy use, with the figure expected to drop to 58 percent by 2020, down more than 10 percentage points in a decade. It has also already met a 2020 target to cut the amount of carbon dioxide it emits per unit of growth. (Reuters) The 7th Korea Multicultural Youth Awards has been held at the Korea Press Center where ten outstanding students were awarded for setting a great example for their peers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Nigerian-Korean model Han Hyun-min who was named one of the 30 most influential teens of 2017 by Time magazine was there to encourage biracial students to pursue their dreams. For South Koreans seeking an escape from the everyday grind, a 24-hour lock-up at a fake prison gives them "a sense of freedom." It's an unconventional means of escape, but the participants here are paying $90 a night to stay in a South Korean prison. Tucked away in the northeast corner of the country, the "Prison Inside Me" facility hosts stressed out workers and students who are willing to spend 24 hours in solitary confinement. 28-YEAR-OLD PRISON STAY PARTICIPANT, PARK HYE-RI, SAYING: "Ironically, it feels this prison is giving me a sense of freedom." Here, there's a ban on any kind of communication, mobile phones, clocks, or even mirrors, and customers say the solitude allows them to get away from their busy lives. South Korea has an infamously demanding academic and work culture. According to data from the OECD, South Koreans worked over 2,000 hours in 2017, putting in the third-longest hours among OECD countries. The country's suicide rate is double that of the U.S., and one of the highest in the world. Co-founder Noh Ji-Hyang says part of the inspiration for the mock prison came from her husband, a local prosecutor who often worked about 100 hours per week. CO-FOUNDER OF PRISON STAY, NOH JI-HYANG, SAYING: "At first people say it would be stuffy to be in a prison cell. But after their stay, they say this isn't a prison - the real prison is where they return to." Since last July, the South Korean government has cut working hours to 52 in a week, but the policy has drawn criticism that says its standards are too vague. (Reuters) A participant meditates before being locked up in a cell at Prison Inside Me, a mock prison facility, in Hongcheon, South Korea, November 10, 2018. Since 2013, the facility has hosted more than 2,000 inmates, many of them stressed office workers and students seeking relief from South Korea's demanding work and academic culture. Reuters Park Hye-ri, 28, a startup business program manager, stretches while being locked inside a cell of Prison Inside Me, a mock prison facility, in Hongcheon, South Korea, November 11, 2018. "This prison gives me a sense of freedom," Park said. "I shouldn't be here right now, given the work I need to do. But I decided to pause and look back at myself for a better life." Reuters Park Hye-ri, 28, a startup business program manager, puts her mobile phone outside a cell of Prison Inside Me, a mock prison facility, in Hongcheon, South Korea, November 10, 2018. Reuters Participants are seen through the windows of Prison Inside Me, a mock prison facility, in Hongcheon, South Korea, November 10, 2018. Reuters China, Spain to jointly usher in new chapter of Belt and Road construction Citizens from Madrid take photos with a promotion board of the Yiwu-Madrid train. Photo by Jiang Bo from Peoples Daily Spain has become an indispensable trade partner of China in Europe, and China remains the largest non-EU trade partner of Spain. The bilateral trade between the two sides has exceeded $30 billion. The Belt and Road Initiative is a bond linking more and more Chinese and Spanish, and the Yiwu-Madrid freight route is an example. The 13,052-kilometer railway starts from eastern Chinas city of Yiwu. It is the longest among all China-Europe freight routes, and also the one that crosses the most countries with the highest cargo load factor. In addition, it is the longest freight train route in the world as well. It takes a minimum of 16 days for the train to arrive in Madrid from Yiwu, which opened a safe, efficient, convenient and green logistics channel for China-Spain trade exchanges, said He Jinfa, general manager for imports at Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Co., Ltd. Overseas Chinese in Madrid welcome visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping. Photo by Du Shangze from Peoples Daily Currently, three trains run on the track from Yiwu to Madrid every week, and one operates the other way around. So far, 13 autonomous communities, as well as major seaports and inland ports of Spain have established cooperation with the rail route for joint development of the cargo service. Yiwus imports from Spain hit $10.1 million last year, 106.97 percent higher from a year ago. Total exports of Spain to Yiwu increased three folds when compared with that in 2014. China-Europe freight trains are creating opportunities for Spain, said vice president Juan Lazaro of CEOE, a Spanish institution that represents the Spanish business community. Apart from the China-Europe cargo service, the investment from Chinese enterprises to major Spanish ports in recent years also contributed to the rapid growth of Spains trade with China as it has largely improved the operation efficiency of these ports. On June 12, 2017, Chinas shipping company COSCO Shipping Ports signed a deal with Noatum Ports Holdings (NPH), the largest operator of container terminals in Valencia, Spain, to buy 51 percent equity of the latter. Chinese team brought advanced management and operation mode, creating new opportunities and benefits for the Spanish port city and its people, noted Mar Chao, commercial and business development director of the Port Authority of Valencia. The NPH handled a total of over 3 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in the first 10 months of this year, registering a 12.8-percent growth year on year. It handled 326,000 TEUs in May alone, the best single-month performance since the establishment of the company. At present, the company has 416 employees, only 3 of whom were sent from China. Along with more than 1,000 positions from labor outsourcing, the company has created over 1,500 jobs for the local community, introduced Sun Kai, CEO of NPH. In 2016, Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica started cloud services in Brazil, Mexico and Chile by adopting cloud technologies and experiences of Chinese tech giant Huawei. In 2017, Chinese oil and gas enterprise Sinopec and Spanish-based general contractor Tecnicas Reunidas S.A. established the consortium Al Zour Refinery in Kuwait. In 2018, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China led financing to encourage Chinese and Spanish enterprises to build photothermal power plants in Dubai. On Oct. 16 this year, China Three Gorges Corporation and Spanish constructor ACS Group agreed to jointly develop and construct the 1,100-megawatt Inga III Hydro-electric Dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is another successful cooperation between Chinese and Spanish companies to expand third-party markets. In recent years, enterprises from the two countries have conducted batches of projects in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America through financing, labor division, technology cooperation and consortiums. Secretary of State of Trade from Spains Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism Xiana Margarida Mendez Bertolo told Peoples Daily that third-party market would be a focus of China-Spain cooperation. Chinese and Spanish enterprises enjoy complementary advantages in multiple aspects, she said, adding that they can not only enhance cooperation in third-party markets in Latin America and Africa, but also jointly explore the markets of other Belt and Road countries and regions. By Andrei Lungu Seoul recently hosted Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu. His visit came after Moon Hee-sang, the speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, visited Bucharest last month. The reason for these bilateral visits is something that, unfortunately, few Korean or Romanians are aware of: 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the strategic partnership agreement between the Republic of Korea and Romania, which opened a new chapter in bilateral relations between the two countries. Romania, the seventh most populous member of the European Union (EU), signed a strategic partnership with Korea even before the EU did, being one of Korea's first such European partners. The Republic of Korea was also Romania's first strategic partner in Asia and is still its only such partner in the Asia-Pacific. The two countries share many commonalities: they are both market economies and democracies, but with a history of authoritarianism; U.S. military allies, hosting U.S. troops and missile defense systems; and being important geopolitical actors in their respective regions. Because of the communist regime that ruled Romania throughout the Cold War, the history of these bilateral relations is rather short. Romania established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea in March 1990, just three months after the Romanian revolution that brought down the Ceausescu regime, which had strong relations with North Korea. But this three-decade history hasn't stopped Romania and Korea from reaching a high level of cooperation. Since 1990, relations quickly developed, especially in the economic field. Daewoo acquired an automotive factory in the Romanian city of Craiova and a shipyard in Mangalia, at the Black Sea. Unfortunately, because Daewoo's financial difficulties over the past two decades, it had to sell both assets, the Craiova factory now assembles Ford vehicles. But Romania hosts other important Korean investments, from companies such as Samsung, Doosan and Hyosung. Andrei Lungu (andrei.lungu@risap.ro) is president of the Romanian Institute for the Study of the Asia-Pacific (RISAP). By Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM Suddenly, the debate about creating a joint European Union army has gained real momentum. After French President Emmanuel Macron recently proposed the idea, U.S. President Donald Trump disparaged it (in a tweet, of course), but German Chancellor Angela Merkel endorsed it (while urging caution). The issue came to the fore this month with the centennial of the end of World War I, which naturally focused Europeans' attention on matters of war and peace. While touring WWI battlefields, Macron observed that "peace in Europe is precarious," and that "we will not protect Europeans unless we decide to have a true European army." The goal of establishing a European army dates back to the earliest stages of European integration after World War II. In 1954, the French parliament refused to ratify a treaty that would have established a European Defense Community and joint military force comprising West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. After that, the structures of integration that would eventually underpin today's EU tended to be more economically oriented, and territorial defense was left to NATO and the U.S. security umbrella. But over the last few decades, there has been more movement toward establishing a common EU foreign and security policy, and new structures and institutions have been developed with that goal in mind. Still, today's discussion of European defense is truly novel. Until now, the EU has primarily fostered cooperation in the area of research and development, while various country groupings have worked to establish different defense and security capabilities. In the next seven-year budget, there will likely be substantial funding for such projects. Macron is right to think that the EU's strategic environment has become increasingly fragile. Europeans today are confronted with a revanchist Russia, an assertive China, and a disruptive US. Although the U.S. has expanded its military capabilities in Europe in recent years, it has previously regarded the continent primarily as a platform for operations in other theaters. And now that Trump has cast doubt on America's commitment to defend Europe, renewed proposals for a European army should come as no surprise. Still, Europe is home to only three countries with a robust strategic culture: France, the United Kingdom, and Russia. All three have a deep-seated institutional understanding of geopolitical power dynamics and the use of military force. Indeed, Russia's own program of military modernization suggests that it is becoming increasingly reliant on hard power to pursue its interests. Meanwhile, France has launched the European Intervention Initiative, a new framework uniting countries with real defense capabilities and a willingness to use them. Most important, this new grouping will include the U.K. even after it leaves the EU. That said, Macron's vision of a European army under a central EU-level command will remain aspirational for the foreseeable future, for the simple reason that countries seldom give up their armies voluntarily. Nonetheless, it is worth considering Macron's broader goal, which extends well beyond immediate concerns such as Trump and Brexit. In short, Macron is calling on Europe to develop a more coherent and autonomous strategy for pursuing its security and defense interests in the 21st century. Needless to say, this project will encounter many hurdles. Russia's use of nuclear forces can be deterred only by those of the U.S. The French and the British don't like to admit it, but their nuclear arsenals are simply insufficient, especially now that Russia is upgrading its own. Beyond nuclear deterrence, the U.S. will also likely remain at the center of command, control, and intelligence when it comes to continent-wide operations. Moreover, Europeans will also have to resolve a number of internal tensions. Germany will insist that all new programs be housed within EU structures, while demanding parliamentary approval for all operations. But the British will no longer belong to the EU, and will remain skeptical of French talk of strategic autonomy, which could imply a weaker NATO. The same goes for eastern EU member states, which are even less willing to countenance a delinking from NATO or the U.S. Despite these difficulties, there is an emerging consensus on the need to restructure European defense. The ostensible impetus is the growing threat from Russia, China, and the broader Middle East. But the uncomfortable reality is that renewed interest in military integration also reflects the erosion of Europe's strategic position as a result of Brexit and, in some respects, Trump. I expect that a French army not a European one will be marching down the Champs Elysee on Bastille Day for decades to come. But I also expect European countries to become more assertive in defense of their sovereignty, and to act collectively when it comes to security. Carl Bildt is a former prime minister and foreign minister of Sweden. Copyright belongs to Project Syndicate (www.project-syndicate.org). Resorting to force only backfires while achieving nothing The union of auto parts maker Yoosung Enterprise held a news conference Thursday and apologized for its recent use of violence. Expressing deep regret, the union vowed not to cause a similar situation again and wished for the speedy recovery of an injured executive. The violent incident occurred a week ago. Last Thursday, a group of union members broke into their CEO's office, locked up two executives and assaulted one of them. The executive surnamed Kim suffered severe injuries, including a broken nose, requiring 12 weeks of hospitalization. The union had been staging a sit-in in the company's Seoul office since Oct. 15, demanding direct negotiations with the company's owner concerning the management's alleged union-busting activities. Unionized workers said the assault was accidental and continued for only a few minutes. The unionists' acts were unthinkable, however. Violence cannot be tolerated in any situation. If people try to solve problems with their fists instead of through talking, this society is sure to fall into chaos. Unlawful acts, whether by individuals or groups, should not be condoned. The union's apology was more than natural in this regard. Those unionists who took part in the assault should be punished accordingly. Police officers on the scene allegedly stopped short of actively preventing the violence. The police should also get to the bottom of this response as well as the case as a whole through a self-audit. The management of the company is hardly free from blame, either. The company's chairman was placed under court custody in February last year on charges of committing unfair labor practices, including attempts to neutralize the union, and was later jailed for 14 months. This year, too, the company avoided meeting with the union, holding just one set of negotiations in 45 days. Violations of law and order are happening in various corners of society. On Tuesday, a 70-something farmer threw a firebomb at the car of Chief Justice Kim Myeong-su. Korea should never allow any of these types of violent incidents to recur. A country with the lax rule of law cannot defend human rights and democracy. All members of society ought to abide by laws and regulations, and the law enforcement authorities ought to enforce them strictly. President should urge early US-NK summit South Korea is stepping up as a chief negotiator amid a prolonged deadlock in U.S.-North Korea denuclearization talks. Cheong Wa Dae confirmed that President Moon Jae-in will be meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the Nov. 30-Dec. 1 G20 summit in Argentina. It will be the sixth Korea-U.S. meeting since Moon took office in May 2017. There are rising hopes that the meeting will serve as an impetus to move along the stalled talks between the U.S. and North Korea. It is expected that Moon will bring up the need for an early U.S.-North Korea summit to build on the first one held in June in Singapore. A meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Kim Yong-chol, vice chairman of North Korea's Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, had been scheduled for early November in New York before the U.S. midterm elections but was scrapped at the last minute. There has been no headway in restarting bilateral negotiations since then due to the two sides' differences on denuclearization. With the stalled U.S.-North Korea negotiations, it is feared that Moon's peace process is at the brink of coming to a halt. Many Koreans had initially held his active engagement with North Korea in a favorable light. But more are starting to turn their backs on the President's failing diplomacy with the North after several summits with Kim Jong-un did not lead to visible progress in denuclearization. His approval rating dropped to a record low in the 40 percent range last week, showing the public's growing discontent with Moon's leadership. In particular, many people are getting more frustrated with the Moon administration's disastrous performance on economic issues. During these depressing times for President Moon, one of the few things he can still rely on for public approval is diplomatic achievements. That is perhaps one of the reasons that Moon is still strongly pursuing Kim's visit to Seoul this year. But Pyongyang has not made any clear moves on this yet, and Washington is also not forthcoming about it. Rather than focusing on this, Moon should, during the meeting with Trump, first reaffirm our government's commitment to work in tandem with the U.S. to achieve the two countries' shared goal of North Korea's denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Moon administration's rush for economic cooperation with North Korea is also frowned upon by many Koreans at a time when Washington is still firm on sanctions against Pyongyang. On Friday, a South Korean train headed for North Korea for a joint railway inspection for ultimately reconnecting rail lines aimed at expediting reconciliation of the two Koreas. Although the U.S. expressed support for the inspection, Washington has shown concern about the swift progress in inter-Korean relations amid international sanctions. Moon should assure President Trump that Seoul will be consulting closely with relevant parties concerned when proceeding with inter-Korean projects. He should also urge President Trump to meet with Kim again at an early date for a breakthrough in denuclearization talks. By Hyon O'Brien Once a year the Ewha Alumnae Association of North America meets in a city where one of the regional chapters hosts an annual general meeting. This year it was the turn of the Toronto chapter in Canada. About 350 alumni from Canada and the United States attended this gathering. The International Foundation for Ewha Womans University, a fund-raising group for Ewha, always holds its annual meeting at the same time. On Nov. 3, a gala dinner was attended by the two organizations as a joint event. During the banquet, the chair of the Ewha Foundation presented a sizable check to Ewha President Kim Hei-sook, who flew in from Seoul to receive the donation and to address the alumni. I was in the audience witnessing the presentation of the scholarship funds. Sitting next to me were unexpected and most welcome guests: Sally Gale and her daughter, Sarah Chapman, fifth- and sixth-generation descendants of Mary Scranton, the American Methodist missionary who founded Ewha in 1886 with only one student. From that extremely modest beginning, Ewha has produced more than 220,000 graduates. Currently about 21,000 students are being educated at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Uniquely among women's universities, Ewha offers Ph.D. degrees in many fields. I am one of the beneficiaries of Mrs. Scranton's foresight and vision of opening a school for young women in Korea at a time when educating girls was not a priority in Korea. My mother never went to school. Growing up on a farm in a remote village, she was taught only the womanly skills of cooking, sewing and housekeeping. During my growing-up years, my mother always encouraged me to pursue education and cheered me on at each step of the way. She was happy and proud that I had obtained the education denied to her. I have been reading Tara Westover's memoir "Educated," which describes her hunger for learning and her own fight, every step of the way, to get educated. Her Mormon parents thought their children should be homeschooled to protect them from the bad influence of public school teaching. However, they didn't fulfill homeschooling to the level where their children could compete later on to enter college if they wished. Tara's parents never encouraged them to study and learn. For them, knowing their church's teachings was good enough. Tara somehow managed to enter Brigham Young University and from there she went on to Cambridge University and Harvard. Her parents rejected her because of her passion for study. They felt Tara had betrayed them by going into the corrupt world and accepting the unwholesome teachings of secular institutions. Tara suffered tremendously from this rejection. She felt abandoned by her family as a punishment for her aggressive pursuit of education. At the end of her story, she tells how she found allies in three of her brothers who also left their mountain home in Idaho to get educated, while the remaining three siblings came to regard her as a bad seed who had turned her back on Mormon teachings. On the topic of education, I have previously mentioned the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO). In 1869, seven women founded this organization as they were graduating from Wesleyan College in Iowa. Its motto is "Women Empowering Other Women through Education." Now almost 150 years later, the PEO has been instrumental in educating more than 100,000 women. I joined this group 25 years ago while I was working as a librarian in Teaneck, New Jersey. One of the volunteers at the library was a member and recommended I join her chapter. I joined immediately knowing that by acting together with that group of nearly a quarter million women in the United States, my small contributions can become a large and meaningful amount. I am so glad I am one of the members of this worthy charitable organization. Education was highlighted at the Miami Book Fair, an annual event since 1984. It always brings an interesting group of authors who come to speak about their books. This year I was able to see Julian Castro, the former secretary of housing and urban development and mayor of San Antonio, talk about his new book, "An Unlikely Journey." He talked about his grandmother emigrating from Mexico as an orphan and how he achieved the American dream from humble beginnings. He encouraged the audience to get educated and never to give up fighting against injustice in our society. The other author I had the privilege of hearing at the Miami Book Fair was John Kerry, the former secretary of state, senator and presidential candidate. In his book, "Every Day is Extra," he said he tried to write down what has mattered most to him during his life journey. He said he was always guided by the words from the Bible, Luke 12:48, that "to whom much is given, much is required." For him, the notion of social responsibility has been a guiding light. Towards this end, he emphasized the need for all to have access to quality education. I end this piece with words of wisdom from Nelson Mandela: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Hyon O'Brien (hyonobrien@gmail.com) is a former reference librarian now living in the United States. President Moon Jae-in prays at St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic, during his recent visit on the way to Argentina for the G20 summit. At his side is first lady Kim Jung-sook. Yonhap By Oh Young-jin Will President Moon Jae-in make a U-turn on his key policies that are alienating the public in order to recover his sagging approval? His approval rating has dipped below 50 percent for the first time since he took office 18 months ago. You would be wrong to think President Moon would reverse the minimum wage rises, revoke the exit from nuclear power in the nation's energy mix and slow the rapprochement with North Korea. The progressive president could not even if he wanted to. You may call Moon's lack of flexibility many things. It may be the curse of a single-term presidency. Because presidents have no re-election to worry about, they neither have a chance nor need to change the course of their actions, let alone reverse them. One may say the presidential system has outlived its usefulness as a state governing formula. Look at many president-led countries and one would, with few exceptions, see legislature and judiciary virtually at the beck and call of the chief executive whose power has grown comparable to a dictator. The problem is that a dictatorial leader can't help but clash with the people, whose power is multiplying thanks, among other things, to technology. Emmanuel Macron of France and Donald Trump of the U.S. are examples. Then, it is the nature of Korean politics. It is the extreme case of the winner-take-all gamble and the take-no-prisoners battle, leaving little room for political compromise. The Moon government's policy of cleaning up old ills, is an arbitrary and encompassing social purge that can target political enemies, present and potential. The other side, the conservatives, can be as vindictive when they take power. It can be a vicious cycle of the plurality-ruled democracy, the alternative being the authoritarian monarchy. One would choose the first over the second but with less enthusiasm than before. Put these factors together and one can picture with a sense of clarity what is transpiring in Moon's mind or, more correctly, in the mindset of the governing class of progressives. For them, any adjustment in the policies of minimum wages, nuclear power and North Korea is the same as showing a weakness they can't afford, because it risks inviting the conservatives to stage pack attacks on them just like wolves finding their prey. Backtracking on the agenda, more importantly, is bound to create an internal schism, alienating supporters and turning them into the worst of enemies. The late former President Roh Moo-hyun lost his support base as he pushed for the settlement of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA), which was the core agenda of international trade-friendly conservatives. The imprisoned former President Lee Myung-bak's presidency turned into a basket case when his key presidential pledge to create a nationwide canal faced strong public opposition, forcing Lee to scale down the project. Maybe a two-term presidency would ease the single-term presidents' conundrum and enable them to use more flexibility. For Korea, attempts to revise the Constitution for a presidential term change have been tried but thwarted at a very early stage because of the failure to create bipartisan consensus. It is an open question as to how effective the term change would be, considering the general decline of the presidential system. It would be almost silly to expect the current government to discontinue what it is doing in the way it has been doing it before the end of its term. The risk is expected an unpopular president deprived of all his political capital, with the nation rudderless and adrift, if the economy doesn't improve, renewable energy stays out of mainstream and the North Korean issue is stuck. As things stand, none of those things have a good outlook. The opposite could be more dramatic. If Moon's determination pays off, the nation would see a new opening in its economic development through collaboration with the North, one of the few new potential growth engines; the nation-dividing issue of growing income inequality addressed and the environment becoming safer from fears of a disaster like the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis. Adding a sense of rigidity to Moon's agenda is the hallmark of presidential chief of staff Lim Jong-seok, a former pro-North Korean student activist in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1989, Lim masterminded the unauthorized and daring visit to the North of Lim Su-kyung, who heaped praise on the North during the tense inter-Korean rivalry. Despite the passage of time, it is hard to miss that Lim's brand of "my way or no way" ideology has pervaded the approach the Moon government is taking in its agenda promotion. Surely, Moon's agenda cannot be replaced by that of a conservative leader, and its success would be pivotal to the nation's further growth. But the people's patience is running out fast. By Park Yoon-bae It is interesting to read a news story about former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's push for a pullout or reduction of American troops from South Korea in the late 1970s. We Koreans have known relations between Seoul and Washington deteriorated because Carter tried to implement his campaign promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Korea. Let's take a brief look at a transcript of an hour-long conversation between Carter and then South Korean President Park Chung-hee during their meeting in Seoul on June 30, 1979. Last week, Korea's semi-official Yonhap News Agency reported on the content of the transcript found and released by James F. Person, a professor of Korean studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. The transcript confirmed our perception that the two presidents were poles apart over the troop issue, as well as the human rights situation in South Korea then. "I can't promise that we will freeze forces levels," Carter told Park. And he questioned the South's commitment to a hike in its defense budget to counter the North's rapid military buildup. But Park made clear his strong opposition to the withdrawal of the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), telling Carter U.S. troops should stay for the time being because the North's military was superior to that of the South. He warned of miscalculation on the part of North Korea. What draws more attention is another White House document detailing Carter's secret drive for a three-way dialogue between the two Koreas and the U.S. to ease tension on the Korean Peninsula, in a bid to create an atmosphere conducive to making good on his troop pullout promise. From the early months of his tenure in 1977, Carter pushed for such a tripartite session, believing an inter-Korean detente could lay the groundwork for eventual troop withdrawal. He even selected Jakarta, Indonesia, as the venue for the planned meeting of senior officials from the three countries. The plan was evident in a note his national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski sent to then Secretary of State Cyrus Vance on Aug. 5, 1977. The note reads: "The President has read your paper concerning possible trilateral discussions between North Korea, South Korea and the United States, and has indicated that you should proceed to implement the suggested steps." But the dialogue plan fell apart as Pyongyang showed no interest. Imagine what would have happened if such talks had taken place and Carter had succeeded in withdrawing U.S. troops from the South, or at least cutting back their numbers. It is, of course, meaningless to dwell too much on such a historical "what if." Yet Carter's troop pullout drive and his human rights diplomacy might have affected the downfall of the dictatorial Park regime one way or another. Park, a general-turned-dictator, seized power by staging a military coup on May 16, 1961. After that, the strongman tightened his grip on power with the ambition to become president-for-life. But about four months after meeting Carter, Park was assassinated by Kim Jae-gyu, then director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. There was speculation that Park pressed ahead with a secret program to develop nuclear weapons in preparation for a potential withdrawal of U.S. troops. As he told Carter, Park was well aware the USFK could not stay in Korea forever. This might have allegedly made Park consider a clandestine nuclear program. Now, we Koreans need to think about what role the USFK should play, particularly in case the two Koreas and the U.S. and possibly with China sign a peace treaty after the North dismantles its nuclear arsenal as promised by its leader Kim Jong-un. Some critics argue the U.S. would never remove its forces from the South, to protect its own geopolitical and security interests in the region. They also say the U.S. wants its military presence here more than the host country does. It is true that Washington is using its Asian ally as a strategic outpost to contain a rising China, although President Donald Trump once called South Korea a "free rider" in the bilateral defense alliance. (Actually, South Korea is not a free rider as it shares the cost of stationing 28,000 U.S. troops here. Currently Seoul pays 960 billion won ($850 million), or about half the total cost.) Yet no one can rule out the possibility of a USFK pullout when a lasting peace regime is in place on the peninsula, or when South Korea loses its strategic value. And if we can afford to maintain peace on our own, we have no reason to host foreign troops on our soil. Park Yoon-bae (byb@koreatimes.co.kr) is the chief editorial writer of The Korea Times. Taiwan's case should be a lesson for South Korea President Moon Jae-in's policy to phase out nuclear energy is triggering controversy once again following Taiwan's referendum last week that voted in favor of nuclear power, rejecting President Tsai Ing-wen's strong push since taking office in 2016 to phase out nuclear energy by 2025. The Moon administration has looked to Taiwan as a benchmark in carrying out the nuclear-phase out policy. So the result of Taiwan's referendum has prompted opposition parties to call for a reconsideration of Moon's anti-nuclear push. There are 24 nuclear power plants in Korea and five new plants are in the pipeline. The Moon administration has called for phasing out the nuclear power plants by 2082 and increase the use of renewable energy. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said that Taiwan's referendum will not have any impact on the government's energy transition policy, and that Taiwan's situation is different from ours. The ministry pointed out that a massive blackout last summer has increased the Taiwanese voters' concern about a stable power supply and this affected the referendum. However, it is necessary for the government to look closely at the Taiwanese case and reconsider its swift push to go nuclear-free for several reasons. First, it is being carried out without sufficient communication with the public. A recent survey by Gallup showed a strong public discontent over Moon's anti-nuclear energy policy. According to the survey, 68 percent were in favor of maintaining nuclear power, while 28.5 percent wanted a reduction of nuclear plants. It would be a good idea to carry out a referendum since it is an issue that will have a tremendous impact on Korea's economy and people's lives. Some opposition lawmakers are also calling for a referendum. Second, it does not make much sense that the President is talking about phasing out nuclear energy when he is trying to sell Korea's nuclear power technology abroad. Moon will travel to the Czech Republic, Tuesday, before heading to Argentina this week to take part in the G20 summit scheduled for Nov.30 to Dec. 1. Moon will also visit New Zealand from Dec. 2. It is expected that he will meet with Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and seek the country's support for Korean companies' bid to take part in the construction of nuclear power plants pushed by the Czech government. Moon will explain the strengths of Korean companies in this regard. The government and the ruling Democratic Party of Korea are maintaining that it is a global trend to reduce nuclear energy. While that is true to some extent, it is also true that some major economies including Japan and France are slowing down the pace of their nuclear-free policies. Many people still believe that without nuclear energy, maintaining a stable power supply will be difficult. The Moon administration should consider the people's concerns and reflect them in its basic energy policy which will be announced early next year. The plan should include proper consideration into the stability, cost-effectiveness and environmental impact of its energy shift initiatives, as well as ways to raise the competitiveness of our nuclear power industry. A Galaxy Note 9, which uses curved edge panel technology that was allegedly leaked by Samsung Display's subcontractor to a Chinese company. / Korea Times file By Kim Rahn A Samsung Display subcontractor has been caught allegedly leaking key technology and equipment for a smartphone that Samsung Display spent 150 billion won ($133.6 million) and six years developing to a Chinese company. The Suwon District Prosecutors' Office said Thursday it arrested three officials from the subcontractor, Toptec, and indicted eight others without detention for the alleged leak. The officials allegedly handed over drawings of the curved edge panel for the Galaxy smartphone screen and 16 sets of production equipment to the Chinese display company. The leaked technology has been designated as "national core technology." Through the leak, the subcontractor made 15.5 billion won, which is about a 10th of what Samsung Display spent over the six years it took to develop the technology. Despite 26 years of cooperation with Samsung, Toptec committed the crime because its sales this year were expected to drop significantly compared to the previous year, according to the prosecution. Prosecutors launched the investigation in August after being notified of the leak by the National Intelligence Service's industrial technology protection center. "The officials used borrowed-name phones as well as personal emails instead of company emails to cover up the illegalities," a senior prosecutor at the Suwon office said. "We plan to collect the company's illicit gains." The prosecution said the leak would help the Chinese company produce display panels, the quality of which would be similar to Samsung's, but without time and cost of development. It estimates the leak will cost Samsung 6.5 trillion won over the next three years. Toptec, however, said it exported its own equipment to the Chinese firm but did not leak Samsung's technology to it. Toptec head Lee Jae-hwan said on the company's website that it exported the equipment, which Toptec developed, in March after telling Samsung Display in advance. "We never provided Samsung Display's technology or other business secrets to the Chinese company, except for the equipment export," Lee said. "We expect the truth will be revealed in future trials." LG Uplus engineers check the firm's 5G equipment in Songdo, Incheon, Nov. 30. / Courtesy of LG Uplus By Baek Byung-yeul Korea will become the first country to start commercial fifth-generation (5G) network services as major mobile carriers -- SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus -- will launch the super-fast network service at midnight on Dec. 1. The three mobile carriers will start the 5G service in Seoul and other major cities. Their next-generation network services will focus on enterprise uses as there are no smartphones supporting 5G networks yet. Verizon, a U.S. mobile carrier, launched its 5G services in four cities including Los Angeles, Houston, Sacramento and Indianapolis, but Korean mobile carriers have claimed they will actually be the first ones to launch the next-generation network service. Verizon's hardware for the 5G service is not approved by the 5G service standards set by 3GPP, the industry standards body. Though launching the super-fast network service seems to be something worth commemorating, the three mobile carriers will likely have hush-hush celebrations due to a recent fire at a KT cable tunnel in Seoul, Nov. 24, which led to a network blackout. To celebrate their 5G launch, the three mobile carriers were scheduled to host press conferences showcasing their 5G demos and trials this week but they all canceled them saying it is time to join forces to solve the accident together. SK Telecom and LG Uplus announced their 5G services for enterprise use while KT didn't give any details of its service as the firm has been focusing on recovering from damage caused by the fire. SK Telecom, the country's largest carrier, said Myunghwa an auto part company based in Banwol Industrial Complex, Ansan, Gyeonggi Province will become its first 5G customer. SK Telecom said Myunghwa will use its 5G-AI machine vision service to check the quality of auto part products. The high-resolution images of production lines will be sent to a cloud server which will use an AI server to verify the quality of the products. SK Telecom said its 5G service for corporate purposes will be provided as a package that has mobile routers and network services. The firm added usage fees will be different at first as it offers customized services. To take the leadership in the 5G era, LG Uplus has been rushing to establish its 5G networks across the country since October. LG Uplus said it will have more than 7,000 base stations by the end of December. It has set up 4,100 5G base stations in 11 cities including Seoul, Incheon, Daejeon, Bucheon, Goyang, Gwangmyeong, Hanam and other cities in Gyeonggi Province. LG Uplus said there have been growing demands for its 5G mobile routers, which requires a monthly payment of 50,000 won for 10 GB. To expand its business-to-business portfolio using the 5G network, LG Uplus said it will adopt its 5G service to various sectors such as the remote controlling of heavy equipment and agricultural machines, drones, CCTV, smart factories and smart cities. Chinese President Xi Jinpings upcoming state visit to Panama will consolidate friendship and serve as a new opportunity to push ahead with comprehensive and in-depth development of bilateral ties, Oyden Ortega Duran, former president of the Panamanian Association of Friendship with China, told Peoples Daily in an interview. The visit will be the first one paid by a Chinese head of state since the two countries established diplomatic relations. Though the two countries are far apart, their peoples are closely connected, Ortega remarked, adding that the Panamanian society highly expects the visit to be paid by the Chinese President. In history, Chinese-Panamanians have made active contributions to the development and construction of Panama, as well as to the friendly people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, said Ortega, who is also a judge of the Panama Supreme Court of Justice. Now, Chinese-Panamanians account for nearly 8 percent of the Panamanian population. With rising social status and influence, they have become an important force for Panamas development and a vital bridge of China-Panama friendship, Ortega introduced. China is the second largest user of the Panama Canal, and the largest supplier of commodities for Panamas Colon Free Trade Zone. In less than two years since the two countries established of diplomatic ties, they have made marked achievements in cooperation in economy and trade, tourism, culture and infrastructure. A rising number of Chinese enterprises are eyeing successful investment in Panama, which has forcefully boosted local economy and improved peoples livelihood. Panama has taken an active part in the construction of the Belt and Road after establishing diplomatic relations with China, said Ortega. The Belt and Road Initiative is conducive to mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity, and provides new ideas and wisdom for common development of the world, he added. Panama hopes to board Chinas fast train of development, in order to become Chinas gateway to the other regions in Latin America, and play a vital role in extending the Belt and Road to Latin America and aligning development strategies, he said. China, by constantly proposing opening-up measures and sharing results of its development with the world, is a stabilizer of global economy and a strong force for development, said the Panamanian official. The just-concluded first China International Import Expo showcased Chinas resolution to open itself wider to the world, and provided a platform for Panamanian products to enter the Chinese market, said Ortega, Taking the state visit of President Xi as an opportunity, Panama will expand agricultural cooperation with China, so has to have more Panamanian agricultural products reach Chinese consumers. He believes that President Xis upcoming visit will open a new chapter for Panama-China exchanges and cooperation. Panama looks forward to joining hands with China for a better future of both sides. American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) Chairman James Kim, center, moderates a panel discussion between leaders of four other foreign commerce chambers in Korea, at a seminar at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Seoul, Friday. From left are British Chamber of Commerce in Korea CEO Sean Blakeley, European Chamber of Commerce in Korea President Christoph Heider, Kim, French Chamber of Commerce in Korea Chairman David-Pierre Jalicon and Korean-German Chamber of Commerce CEO Barbara Zollmann. / Yonhap By Nam Hyun-woo Five foreign chambers of commerce in Korea expressed concerns about the Moon Jae-in government's regulatory environment Friday, saying it needs to be more predictable and consistent. The chambers of the United States, Britain, the European Union, France and Germany held a seminar and adopted a joint statement. This is the first time the chambers have held a joint event and expressed their shared worries about the country's regulations. In the statement, the chambers stressed the government needs to "give greater weight to the predictability and consistency of regulatory environment" and "improve coordination between all government agencies to ensure consistent and predictable enforcement of rules and regulations." It continued that the government's announcement to potentially eliminate the flat tax benefit for foreign residents who have been in Korea for more than five years will create "economic disincentives for foreign companies, triggering relocations and involuntary repatriation of employees to lower-cost jurisdictions." "We believe it is beneficial for the economy to continue the flat rate even for those who have been in Korea for more than five years," the statement read. Members of the Korea Federation of Micro Enterprise hold a press conference in front of a KT building in Seoul, Friday, to urge the company to provide proper compensation to small business owners who saw losses due to network blackout from fire at the firm's communication center, Nov. 24. / Yonhap By Jung Hae-myoung Small business owners in Seoul are calling for compensation from KT for the losses they suffered due to a communications blackout, following a fire at the telecom company's underground network cable center, Nov. 24. More than 150 small business owners from affected districts northwestern parts of Seoul as well as Goyang in Gyeonggi Province gathered near the KT building in Ahyeon-dong, Seoul, Friday. They said they had suffered sales losses of 30 percent to 50 percent compared to normal weekend activities, backed by data collected by the Korea Federation of Micro Enterprise (KFME). "There are still some shops that are disconnected. In an economic downturn, KT has made small business owners' situation worse," Choi Seung-jae, the president of the KFME, said at a press conference. The conference was held in front of a tent the group set up near the KT building to receive complaints from affected business owners. "Even if the system is restored, people assume they cannot use credit or debit cards and visit other places," he said. "It is hard for small business owners to get their customers back," he added. The KFME received sales reports from restaurants near Hongik University to compare sales amounts. One restaurant selling fried rice used to have consistent sales of 1.7 million won ($1,500) per day, but this dropped to 498,000 won on the day of the network blackout. An owner of a pork grill restaurant in Chungjeongno, surnamed Hong, said the situation was worse than just losing customers, because of the buildup of surplus supplies. "We order ingredients considering the average number of customers per week. Fewer customers mean we are left with unused ingredients which we can't use later," Hong told The Korea Times. Another restaurant owner, who wished to remain anonymous, complained that she could not receive any group reservations because he phone line was still disconnected. "My shop is located right below a big company building, so we take a lot of group reservations from company staff, but after the disconnection, we lost a whole bundle of customers," she said. Kim, an internet cafe owner in Yongsan, said she could not get any proper response from the KT staff when she asked when the internet connection was going to be restored at the time of the incident. Even though it has been reconnected, she is still anxious. "I am still worried, because I don't know how to get all the regular customers back," she said. KT said Thursday it will reimburse six months of fees for wire telephone customers, and three months of fees for wireless customers. However, it did not say how it would compensate small business owners. The KFME says its members will launch a boycott if KT does not compensate them properly and apologize to them sincerely. By Jung Min-ho New Zealand has become the latest country to block Huawei from supplying technology for a next-generation mobile data network over national security concerns. Spark, one of New Zealand's biggest telecom carriers, said on Wednesday that the Government Communications Security Bureau rejected its proposal to use the Chinese company's equipment in its 5G mobile network towers. The decision comes as many nations are increasingly wary of what they see as a possible Chinese cyber-espionage threat an accusation Huawei has denied. Australia, New Zealand's key ally, decided in August to bar the company from taking part in its 5G infrastructure rollout, as did the United States. Many countries, including Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom, are reportedly considering the same move. A Huawei spokesperson in New Zealand said: "We will actively address any concerns and work together to find a way forward." Following the decision, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang expressed serious concern during a press briefing in Beijing, saying the economic cooperation between the two countries is "mutually beneficial in nature." "We hope New Zealand will provide a level playing field for Chinese enterprises' operations there and do something conducive for mutual trust and cooperation," he said. Huawei says its equipment poses no security risks, but experts say governments should be cautious about allowing the company, which allegedly has close ties to the ruling Communist Party, to build and manage the future generation of wireless technology. Korea's single-stage rocket with 75 tons of thrust is test-launched from the Naro Space Center in Goheung, South Jeolla Province, Wednesday, as part of the nation's efforts to develop its first space vehicle. / Courtesy of Korea Aerospace Research Institute Joint Press Corps Joint Press Corps By Jun Ji-hye Korea successfully test-launched a first-stage rocket booster powered by a domestically developed engine, Wednesday, paving the way for the development of the nation's first space vehicle entirely designed and built in the country. The 75-ton-thrust engine was fired up and launched the first-stage rocket at the Naro Space Center in Goheung, South Jeolla Province, at 4 p.m., as part of the country's long-term project to launch the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-2 (KSLV-2), dubbed Nuri, in 2021. The Ministry of Science and ICT said it achieved an engine burn-time of 151 seconds, which exceeded its goal. It earlier said the test launch would be considered a success if the engine maintained a burn-time of about 140 seconds. The test rocket also reached a maximum altitude of 209 kilometers, 319 seconds after liftoff, and safely landed in international waters southeast of Jeju Island. The ministry and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) verified the engine's performance and flight control systems during the test. "Through the test launch today, we confirmed that technical preparations for the development of the KSLV-2 are going smoothly. We will have our own space vehicle in 2021," said a ministry official. "We applaud the efforts of researchers of KARI and other experts who have participated in the development." The ministry noted it will further analyze data from the test to confirm details of the performance of the engine, adding the government will continue to give its efforts to develop space technologies that will contribute to the nation's economic growth. The test rocket was transported to the launch pad, Tuesday. Officials of the ministry and the KARI held a meeting later that day and checked the results of a rehearsal. The ministry and KARI had initially planned to conduct the first test-flight, Oct. 25, but this was delayed due to mechanical problems. At the time, the ministry said problems arose in the rocket propellant pressurization system. The three-stage KSLV-2 rocket is scheduled to be launched in 2021, with four Korea-developed booster engines being used in the first stage and one in the second stage. If successful, the KSLV-2 will be used to place unmanned satellites in orbit and for other commercial applications. By Nam Hyun-woo Renault Samsung CEO Dominique Signora Renault Samsung and GM Korea are desperate to secure new model production orders from their headquarters, according to industry analysts Wednesday, as they need to assemble new cars here to boost sales and keep their plants running. The two carmakers have brought several new models assembled abroad into the country this year, but these have largely failed to compete with locally produced vehicles, the analysts said. They stress it is a must for the companies to manufacture cars at their local plants if they want to compete with other automakers and maintain the size of their workforces. Renault Samsung is paying keen attention as to whether its head office will allocate new models, including the Twizy micro electric vehicle, to its plant in Busan. "Getting new models is critical to sustaining the plant and expanding our product portfolio," a Renault Samsung official said. "New model allocations will be made based on the group's efficiency. Though we have not been informed about new models yet, headquarters appears to be discussing this." Renault Samsung has suffered faltering sales throughout this year. From January to October, the French carmaker's Korean unit sold 190,525 cars, down 15.1 percent from the same period last year. To address the sluggish sales, in May Renault Samsung rolled out the Clio hatchback, which is one of Renault's best-selling models in Europe. It is manufactured in Turkey. In order to meet domestic consumers' preference for imported cars, the Korean unit even placed Renault's emblem on it, instead of its own, but ended up selling just 3,052 in the period, far short of its monthly sales target of 1,000. Market observers attribute the slow sales of the Clio to its uncompetitive price range 19.9 million won to 23.2 million won depending on trim. "Since the Clio's release, there have been doubts over the car's success in Korea because of its price," an industry source said. "Also, it was affected by domestic consumer sentiment of not seeing the car as an imported model which they are willing to buy even at a higher price." Another concern for Renault Samsung is the arrest of Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn, because Nissan's Rogue SUV accounted for 47 percent of the Korean unit's manufacturing output last year. Reportedly, Ghosn opted for Renault Samsung when Nissan was allocating the Rogue in 2014. Since Renault Samsung's production contract for the Rogue will end next year, it is uncertain whether the company can win another production order from the Japanese carmaker. GM Korea CEO Kaher Kazem By Nam Hyun-woo GM Korea CEO Kaher Kazem speaks during a launch event for the new Malibu sedan in Gangwon Province, Monday. / Courtesy of GM Korea European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK) Chairman Dimitris Psillakis, fifth from left, and EU Delegation Ambassador Michael Reiterer, sixth from left, pose for a photo with other ECCK chairpersons during a press conference at the Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul, Tuesday. / Courtesy of ECCK EU ambassador calls for revisions to Korea-EU FTAs By Nam Hyun-woo Many European companies are expressing disappointment with the Moon Jae-in administration, saying regulations change too frequently without reflecting the opinions of private-sector stakeholders, according to the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), Tuesday. The ECCK members also called for the Korea-EU free trade agreement (FTA) and Korea-European Free Trade Association to be revised in accordance with changing business conditions. They say these agreements rather act as hurdles to promoting bilateral cross-border transactions. "In Korea, there are still many cases where rules and regulations that affect foreign businesses change too quickly without adequate input from stakeholders," ECCK Chairman and Mercedes-Benz Korea CEO Dimitris Psillakis said during a press conference at the Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul. "Sometimes policies change without adequate evaluation on whether the new policies have the desired effect without unintended consequences." The five-year-old boy's Buddha-like appearance has added to his popularity online. Photos from the South China Morning Post By Laurie Chen A five-year-old boy from northeast China with a life-threatening kidney disorder has notched up a million followers on social media as he live-streams to raise money for his medical treatment. Nicknamed "Little Rock", the boy's Buddha-like appearance has added to his popularity online, news website Thepaper.cn reported on Tuesday. His parents regularly set up the live streams from their home in Changchun, Jilin province to raise funds and they draw an average of 1 million views. Little Rock was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome which has a range of symptoms caused by kidney damage when he was 14 months old. As a result of his medication, the boy is only 1 metre tall and weighs almost 35kg, giving him a short and plump appearance. The boy's parents have urged him to give up live-streaming, but he says he wants to continue. He told the news website he had received huge support from his online fans. "There are lots of aunties, uncles, brothers and sisters who care about me, and I can earn money for my medical fees," Little Rock told the news website. "I want to make my own money and take the responsibility away from my parents. I believe that I can recover." His family has already spent all their savings of 300,000 yuan (US$43,000) and sold their house to pay for the boy's medical treatment, including an operation. But his medical fees continue to put pressure on the family. His mother is a property manager and his father a manual labourer, and their combined income barely covers the boy's health care and living costs, according to the report. Although Little Rock's condition has improved since he was first diagnosed with the syndrome, he has to take regular medication costing more than 7,000 yuan per month to avoid the risk of blood clots and acute kidney failure. Little Rock is unable to attend kindergarten because of his condition. Spain's King Felipe VI, right, poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping before a gala dinner at the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018. Spain has rolled out the red carpet for visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is seeking global allies amid souring trade clashes with Washington. AP-Yonhap By Liu Zhen Beijing is stepping up efforts to strengthen ties to Europe, with China saying its relationship with Spain is the best in history and calling for greater cooperation with Germany and France. Spain rolled out the red carpet for Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is seeking allies as trade clashes with Washington raise the temperature of international relations. Heads of state Xi and King Felipe VI reviewed a guard of honour at the royal palace in Madrid on Wednesday, while Xi's wife Peng Liyuan and Spain's Queen Letizia watched the formalities from a podium. In his meeting with the king on Tuesday, Xi said relations between China and Spain were the "best in history". Spain's Queen Letizia, left, speaks to Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan before a gala dinner at the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018. AP-Yonhap "We should continue to support each other on the issues of core interests and big concerns," Xi was quoted by state-run Xinhua as saying, suggesting more cooperation on trade, tourism and third-party markets under China's "Belt and Road Initiative" framework. The Chinese president will follow his two-day visit to Spain by flying to Argentina on Thursday for a G20 leaders' summit the next day, and then visit Panama and Portugal until December 5. In addition to Xi, other senior Chinese officials are stepping up engagement with Europe as China seeks to stabilise its external relations while it is locked in a trade war with the United States. At an economic forum in Hamburg, Germany, Vice-Premier Liu He called on Germans to work with China against unilateralism and protectionism. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez (back C-R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (back C-L) look at Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) and his Spanish counterpart Josep Borrell (R) as they sign agreements between the two countries at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid on November 28, 2018. AFP-Yonhap Liu met German Chancellor Angela Merkel during his four-day visit. He brought a message from Xi to Merkel that China "is willing to cooperate closely with Germany to enrich the strategic connotations of bilateral cooperation and strive to promote global economic governance, safeguard multilateralism and free trade, and build an open global economy". China believed protectionist and unilateral approaches brought more economic uncertainty, not less, Liu said. Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who accompanied Xi to Spain, discussed the G20 summit in Argentina with his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, by phone on Wednesday. Xi and French President Emmanuel Macron are to meet in Buenos Aires. Xi and Macron met during the French president's state visit to China in January, when trade was high on the agenda. The Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China Liu He (R) talks with German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (C) and Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher (L) at the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg, northern Germany, on November 27, 2018. Liu He is in the Hanseatic city to attend "The Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe" conference. AFP-Yonhap In this file photo taken on Nov. 8, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Chinese President Xi Jinping pose at the Forbidden City in Beijing. Chinese Ambassador to Washington Cui Tiankai said China will retaliate "in proportion" if the United States sanctions its top official in the restive region of Xinjiang over alleged human rights abuses. AFP China will retaliate "in proportion" if the United States sanctions its top official in the restive region of Xinjiang over alleged human rights abuses, China's ambassador to the United States said on Tuesday, adding that Beijing's policies in the region are to "re-educate" terrorists. Chinese Ambassador to Washington Cui Tiankai told Reuters in an interview that China's efforts to combat international terrorism are held to a double standard, comparing Chinese actions in Xinjiang to U.S. troops battling Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. "Can you imagine (if) some American officials in charge of the fight against ISIS would be sanctioned?" Cui said, adding "if such actions are taken, we have to retaliate." Cui did not elaborate on specific actions China might take. Beijing has faced an outcry from activists, academics, foreign governments and U.N. rights experts over mass detentions and strict surveillance of the mostly Muslim Uighur minority and other Muslim groups in Xinjiang. In August, a United Nations human rights panel said it had received many credible reports that a million or more Uighurs in China are being held in what resembles a "massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy". U.S. officials have said the Trump administration is considering sanctions targeting companies and officials linked to China's crackdown on minority Muslims, including Xinjiang Party Secretary Chen Quanguo, who, as a member of the powerful politburo, is in the upper echelons of China's leadership. Cui said that while the United States was using missiles and drones to kill terrorists, "we are trying to re-educate most of them, trying to turn them into normal persons (who) can go back to normal life," Cui said. "We'll see what will happen. We will do everything in proportion," he said, responding to a question on how China would retaliate to possible U.S. sanctions on Chen. Cui's comments are the strongest response yet to U.S. threats on the issue. Any such U.S. sanctions decision against so senior an official as Chen would be a rare move on human rights grounds by the Trump administration, which is engaged in a trade war with China while also seeking Beijing's help to resolve a standoff over North Korea's nuclear weapons. U.S. sanctions could be imposed under the Global Magnitsky Act, a federal law that allows the U.S. government to target human rights violators around the world with freezes on any U.S. assets, U.S. travel bans, and prohibitions on Americans doing business with them, U.S. officials have said. Chinese authorities routinely deny any ethnic or religious repression in Xinjiang. They say strict security measures ? likened by critics to near martial law conditions, with police checkpoints, the detention centers, and mass DNA collection ? are needed to combat the influence of extremist groups. After initial blanket denials of the detention facilities, officials have said that some citizens guilty of "minor offences" were sent to vocational centers to improve employment opportunities. At a briefing in Washington on Monday, a Uighur woman, Mihrigul Tursun, 29, told reporters she had experienced physical and psychological torture, including electrocution while strapped to a chair, during 10 months in Xinjiang detention centers. Tursun, who wept and shook as a translator read her prepared statement, said her three children were taken from her while she was in detention and that her four-month-old son had died without explanation in government custody. Rejecting Chinese government claims that the detention facilities serve vocational purposes, she said many of the dozens of other women in her cell were "well-educated professionals, such as teachers and doctors." Tursun said she witnessed nine women die during one three-month period she spent in detention, including from sickness after being denied medical treatment. Reuters could not independently verify her account, though numerous former detainees have begun to share similar first-hand details with media. China's embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tursun's statement. Independent assessments of the conditions in Xinjiang are nearly impossible given restrictions on journalists from openly reporting from the region. U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet has called on China to allow monitors in Xinjiang, though Beijing has responded by telling her to respect China's sovereignty. (Reuters) Ambassador of Argentina to China Diego Guelar Buenos Aires and Beijing are nearly 20,000 kilometers apart, but the relations between the Argentina and China are as close as neighbors, said Argentine Ambassador to China Diego Guelar in a recent exclusive interview with Peoples Daily. During the interview, the ambassador expressed his welcome to and expectation toward Chinese President Xi Jinpings upcoming state visit to Argentina, as well as the Chinese leaders attendance to the 13th Group of 20 (G20) summit to be held in the countrys capital Buenos Aires. Bilateral trade between China and Argentina totaled nearly $13.81 billion in 2017. Now, Argentina has become Chinas fifth largest trading partner in Latin America, and China remains Argentinas third largest one globally. The two countries have complementary economies and are getting more and more closer, noted the ambassador, who expected that products from Argentina, such as shrimps, beef and wines, can become big stars to Chinese consumers. Meanwhile, Argentina and other countries in the region are also in particular need of Chinas infrastructure capacity, technology and investment, said Guelar. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping is a great proposal that offers not only win-win scheme but also common development, said Guelar. It brings an extraordinary opportunity for the world, and an interesting, increasing, and enlarging market, he said, adding that the Belt and Road Initiative has undoubtedly achieved remarkable success. Argentina is expecting that President Xis visit can bring more good news to the joint construction of the Belt and Road, especially in trade, infrastructure, and other aspects closely related to peoples livelihood, he noted. Guelar admires President Xi very much. He spoke highly of Chinas achievements in the new era, praising the country as a locomotive driving global economy. He believes that Chinas fast economic growth is one of the highlights that have received the most attention from the international community in the first half of the 21st century. Its hoped that President Xi can contribute more wisdom to an open world economy, said Guelar. The world has been haunted by trade protectionism recently. In such a context, the G20 summit, featuring multilateralism in essence, is bound to send a clear signal of opposing protectionism and supporting the multilateral trading system, noted Guelar. Its also hoped that all leaders can reach consensus and jointly play a leading role in promoting sound development of the world economy and improving the well-being of people from all countries. Guelar said he felt honored to have attended the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China two years ago. He told Peoples Daily that China assumed a very serious and successful presidency of the G20 in implementing the agenda of Hangzhou summit, making the event a big success. Its a great experience of leadership for China because all participating members spoke seriously about consensuses but its not easy to reach consensus, he remarked. Argentina hopes to successfully host the G20 summit with reference to Chinas experience, said Guelar. The international community desperately needs the G20 platform where the decision on the worlds issues has to be obeyed and respected by all countries, both the powerful and the relatively weak ones. Ukrainian navy sailors are conveyed to Kiev district court of Simferopol, Crimea, Nov. 27. Twenty four Ukrainian navy sailors from three seized by Russian border guard service Ukrainian war ships were arrested by Russian Federal Security Service for violation of Russian sea border. The incident caused sharp political conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine declared martial law in 10 regions durations for 30 days. EPA Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks during a parliament session to review his proposal to introduce martial law after Russia seized Ukrainian naval ships off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea, in Kiev, Ukraine Nov. 26. Reuters Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday warned of the threat of "full-scale war" and said Russia had sharply increased its military presence on their shared border as tensions escalate between the ex-Soviet neighbours. The crisis also threatened growing diplomatic fallout with US President Donald Trump warning that he may cancel a long-awaited summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin. Trump is scheduled to meet Putin at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires at the end of this week, but he told The Washington Post that it would depend on the results of a report about the incident being prepared by his national security advisers. "Maybe I won't have the meeting. Maybe I won't even have the meeting," he said. In Ukraine, Poroshenko warned that the clash at sea could herald more drastic developments in the simmering Ukraine-Russia military standoff. "I don't want anyone to think this is fun and games. Ukraine is under threat of full-scale war with Russia," the president said in an interview with national television. The number of Russian units deployed along the Ukraine-Russian border has "grown dramatically" while the number of Russian tanks has tripled, Poroshenko said, citing intelligence reports but giving no precise timescale for the buildup. He spoke after Russian forces seized three of Kiev's ships off the coast of Crimea on Sunday and captured 24 Ukrainian sailors. On Tuesday, a court in Simferopol, the main city in Russian-annexed Crimea, ordered 12 of the sailors to be held in pre-trial detention for two months. Three hospitalised sailors were also formally detained for two months. The rest are to appear in court on Wednesday. The move stoked already high tensions between Moscow and Kiev, as Russia continues to accuse the sailors of crossing illegally into Russian waters and of ignoring warnings from its border guards. Kiev has demanded the release of the sailors and urged Western allies to impose further sanctions on Moscow. The US State Department on Tuesday termed Russia's actions "a dangerous escalation" and said Washington wants to see "our European allies doing more to assist Ukraine." Putin warns of 'reckless acts' The incident was the first major confrontation at sea in the long-running conflict pitting Ukraine against Moscow and Russian-backed separatists in the country's east. It has raised fears of a wider escalation -- in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people since 2014 -- and prompted international calls for restraint. Putin on Tuesday warned Ukraine against any "reckless acts" after Kiev declared martial law in response to Moscow's seizure of the navy vessels. The Ukrainian parliament late on Monday voted in favour of Poroshenko's request for the introduction of martial law in border areas for 30 days. This gives Ukrainian authorities the power to mobilise citizens with military experience, regulate the media and restrict public rallies in affected areas. In a phone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Tuesday, Putin expressed "serious concern" over its introduction. He said he hoped Berlin could intervene with Ukrainian authorities "to dissuade them from further reckless acts". Moscow has accused Kiev of planning Sunday's confrontation as a provocation aimed at drumming up support for Poroshenko ahead of elections next year and convincing Western governments to impose further sanctions on Russia. Putin said Kiev's actions were "clearly taken in view of the election campaign in Ukraine". Sunday's incident has been playing out on Russian and Ukrainian television screens, with dramatic footage of Russian ships chasing down a Ukrainian tugboat that was trying to pass through the Kerch Strait from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov. Sailors on Russian TV Russian state television late on Monday aired footage of some of the captured sailors being questioned by Moscow's security services. One of them is heard saying "the actions of the Ukrainian armed vessels in the Kerch Strait had a provocatory character" -- parroting the version of events put forward by Russian authorities. Ukraine's naval commander, Igor Voronchenko, said the sailors were pressured into giving false evidence. "I know these sailors, they were always professional. What they are saying now is not true," he told Ukrainian media. Western governments have rallied behind Kiev in the dispute, accusing Russia of illegally blocking access to the Sea of Azov and of taking military action without justification. The European Union, Britain, Canada, France, Germany and others expressed support for Kiev on Monday, in statements pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia denounced as "predictably anti-Russian". The foreign minister of Austria, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said Tuesday that the bloc will next month consider further sanctions against Moscow over the flare-up. "Everything depends on the accounts of events and the actions of both sides. But it will need to be reviewed," Karin Kneissl told reporters. UN chief Antonio Guterres on Tuesday called for "maximum restraint," urging both sides "to take steps without delay to contain this incident and reduce tensions". (AFP) Freely accessible local news is vital. Please power our reporters and help keep us independent with a donation today. Start your day with LAist Sign up for the Morning Brief, delivered weekdays. Subscribe The University of California, one of the premiere public university systems in the nation and one that boasts 65 Nobel prizes, enrolls thousands of students who don't have enough to eat. Let's say that one more time: More than one in five UC students say their financial situation has often forced them to skip meals or reduce the size of their meals over the past year, according to a survey of tens of thousand of students. Altogether, 22 percent of UC students said they skip meals or reduce meal size "somewhat often," "often" or "very often." "It's definitely high," said Devon Graves, who's now a UCLA graduate student and the UC Student Regent. "I hear stories about how students have to make those tough decisions of whether to eat or not to eat because of not having enough money for food," he said. Student advocates say that should worry the public, although they acknowledge that administrators throughout the system have taken steps to address the problem. WHERE TO FIND HELP Before the issue came to statewide attention in 2015, students were hard pressed to find help with food or housing. Campuses operated food pantries in tucked away, unused spaces, often converted closets. UC President Janet Napolitano's office changed that by directing campuses to set aside funding to better stock the pantries, make them more visible, remove the embarrassment and stigma of seeking the services, and help students who qualify sign up for Cal Fresh, formerly known as the food stamps program. Each UC campus has created a "basic needs" hub: UC Riverside operates a food pantry as part of a new basic needs effort to help students with food and housing. (Courtesy of UC Riverside) FOOD INSECURITY IS RELATED TO HOUSING INSECURITY Advocates point out that there's a strong link between housing and food. "I remember having enough money to pay for rent and making my rent payments but not always having enough money to pay for food," said Graves. The UC Office of the President did not have anyone available to talk about how the survey results related to current efforts to reduce hunger on campus. But a UC spokeswoman said Napolitano has been working on the issue, including a 2016 initiative to add 14,000 new, affordable beds for students by 2020. Campuses have opened 5,000 so far. And last year UC Regents approved $27 million to help students find affordable housing. But with all that help, advocates say UC needs to have stronger long-term plans to help students meet their basic needs. "We're just beginning to invest in [students' basic needs]," said UC Santa Cruz researcher Tim Galarneau, who's co-chairing UC's food access and basic needs efforts. "This isn't a quick turnaround where you flip on the light switch and it's solved," he said. "This is going to take significant time once we measure it and begin to intervene." Hey, thanks. You read the entire story. And we love you for that. Here at LAist, our goal is to cover the stories that matter to you, not advertisers. We don't have paywalls, but we do have payments (aka bills). So if you love independent, local journalism, join us. Let's make the world a better place, together. Donate now. Its tempting to see last Mondays blockbuster announcement by General Motors of roughly 14,000 job cuts and closings of four U.S. plants amid a drastic change in its production strategy as a reproach to Donald Trump and his half-baked industrial policy, such as it is. Trump certainly took it personally, throwing tantrums about the announcement in interviews and on Twitter. They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly, Mr. Trump told the Wall Street Journal, referring to a plant in Warren, Ohio, slated for closure. I told them, Youre playing around with the wrong person. In tweets, Trump said he was considering cutting all GM subsidies, including those for its electric cars (which, of course, go to customers, not the company). What may have irked Trump most deeply is that GMs announcement exposed his industrial policy as a sham. Hes acted as though threats and bluster were all that were needed to keep manufacturing jobs in or bring them back to the United States, augmented somewhat by a corporate tax cut that turns out to have fattened the pockets of executives and shareholders, leaving crumbs for rank-and-file workers in the form of modest one-time bonuses. In a market economy, you do what the market demands. Veteran auto executive Bob Lutz Advertisement But both Trump and GM have been less than honest about the companys announcement, its justification and its aftermath. The reason may be that its the result both of immutable market forces and Trumps own policies. Neither side in this dispute has an incentive to be entirely candid. Trump cant acknowledge that GMs actions genuinely are dictated by economic realities, including increasing market interest in electric-car technologies and self-driving vehicles, as well as a persistent decline in American consumer interest in the midsize sedans turned out by the factories on the chopping block. Trumps trade wars with China and Europe also are forcing the hand of automakers such as GM. Ford stated earlier this year that tariffs on steel and aluminum had cost it $1 billion in profit; GM hasnt given a number, but Chairwoman and Chief Executive Mary Barra said after the announcement that trade issues were among the headwinds the company faces, and investment analysts figure its tariff-related costs also approach $1 billion. ....for electric cars. General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built plants there (and in Mexico) - dont think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect Americas Workers! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2018 Meanwhile, GM cant admit that it relied on a host of government subsidies, and that asking to operate in a pristine free-market environment wont help its bottom line. In a market economy, you do what the market demands: The decline of cars and the rise of trucks has been too rapid for anyone to forecast, says Bob Lutz, a former top executive of each of the Big Three U.S. automakers (GM, Ford and Chrysler). Its part of the commoditization of vehicle ownership, Lutz told me by email. (He does worry that GM has both waited too long to cancel most of its sedan models, and placed too strong a bet on EVs and self-driving cars, acceptance of which is still in a somewhat distant future.) As for Trump, with whom Lutz says he usually agrees, Hes playing to his blue-collar voting base. Ill bet hes shut down some unprofitable hotels, resorts and casinos in his day. If Trump has a strategy to shore up the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy, its not readily visible. His jawboning of corporate executives is an approach without staying power. The fantasy started in December 2016, when Trump as president-elect staged a theatrical meeting in Indianapolis at which he claimed to have saved 1,100 jobs that Carrier Corp. had been planning to move to Mexico. Over time, Carrier moved 600 of the jobs to Mexico after all, and its parent company, United Technologies, moved an additional 700 jobs at a nearby plant there as well. In August, when the iconic Milwaukee-based American motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson said it would shift some production overseas, Trump threw a conniption, calling for a boycott of the company. But its rationale was inescapable the European Unions retaliatory tariffs in response to Trumps tariffs on steel and aluminum imports threatened to stifle European sales, a bright spot compared with declining U.S. demand. The trade war could cost Harley $100 million, the company said. When bluster doesnt serve, Trump has filled the gap with fabrication. He continues to claim that his policies have inspired U.S. Steel to open six or seven new domestic steel mills; the company says no such plans exist. On Thursday he claimed that BMW had just announced a major new plant: the company says a new engine plant is under consideration, but no decision has been reached on the plant, which has been under consideration for years. The best indication that Trumps rhetoric is becoming a spent force is that his corporate targets are shrugging it off. Early in his term, when his approach was novel, companies in his crosshairs at least made a show of coming to terms. More recently, theyre offering him scraps, as when Pfizer responded to his demand for lower drug prices by briefly deferring a few price hikes. (Higher prices already are back on the schedule.) Harley-Davidson and GM have stood firm. Thats unsurprising, because market realities are more meaningful for their bottom line than Trumps fits. GM, in a bland statement following Trumps outbursts, reiterated that Mondays announcement would support our ability to invest for future growth and position the company for long-term success and maintain and grow American jobs. GM, however, doesnt deserve any encomiums for honesty. Consider the companys case against tariffs, as set forth in a comment the company filed with the Commerce Department on June 29. The document applied to Trumps threat to jack up tariffs on automobiles and parts, on top of the steel and aluminum tariffs he already had imposed. The comment opens with a plug for a globally competitive auto market (i.e., one without tariffs). It proceeds to warn that broad tariffs on imported autos and parts could lead to a smaller GM and risk less not more U.S. jobs, while undermining GMs competitiveness against foreign auto producers. The higher auto prices that result would reduce demand for new vehicles, GM said, shedding crocodile tears for lower-income buyers who would be hardest hit by tariff-driven price increases and who can least afford to absorb a higher vehicle price. The GM filing is being widely taken as a prediction of what has begun to pass lower sales, higher prices, job cuts. But it skates entirely over the inconvenient truth that GM, and its fellow U.S. carmakers, have profited handsomely from an auto tariff. Thats the so-called chicken tax, a 25% tariff that has blocked the imports of foreign-made pickups, SUVs, and vans for 56 years. The tariff is known as the chicken tax because it was imposed in 1962 in retaliation for a European tariff on U.S. chickens. That particular trade dispute has long since ebbed, but the truck tariff was never removed. The result is that the pickup market today is entirely dominated by U.S.-made vehicles. In fact, as GM indicated in its layoff announcement, that market has become its bread and butter. The top-selling vehicles in the U.S. are American-made pickups the Ford F-Series, Chevrolet Silverado and Ram pickup, followed by a handful of Japanese models made in U.S. plants. This looks good on its face, but the American automakers addiction to the big vehicles on which they have no foreign competition has turned them into nobodies in the sedan market. There the seven bestselling models are all Japanese, led by the Toyota Camry. The reasons for the emphasis by GM, Ford and Chrysler on larger vehicles are obvious theyre more popular with the American public, and the profit margins are 40% to 50% higher on the trucks than on sedans. But over the long term it could leave the Big Three with outdated inventories if American tastes shift back to the sedan sector. And its not good for public environmental policy. As pickup and SUV makers, the American companies have a vested interest in low gas prices and policies that encourage more fuel-inefficient vehicles. Its no accident that the Trump administration has been trying hard to erode fuel-efficiency standards, especially the stringent rules set by California; the tighter the rules, the harder it is to meet them with a manufacturing mix tilted steeply toward big, hulking pickups. GMs forgetfulness about the chicken tax wasnt the only misleading aspect of its comment on the tariffs. The company also mentioned its disciplined deployment of capital, implying that it was devoted to spending capital where it was most likely to promote growth. What GM didnt mention was how much capital it had shoveled out in utterly unproductive share buybacks $14 billion announced since March 2015, of which all but $3.4 billion already has been spent. In other words, now that GM has wasted nearly $11 billion on buybacks, its scurrying to regain $6 billion annually by cutting $4.5 billion in annual costs through plant closings and layoffs and reducing capital expenditures by $1.5 billion a year. The shareholders got their money in advance; middle managers and rank-and-file workers are going to pay the freight, along with the communities of Warren, Mich.; White Marsh, Md.; Warren, Ohio; Detroit; and Oshawa, Canada, which will lose plants that were their employment keystones. But Trump cant do much about this, even if he genuinely wishes to. His own policies are either irrelevant to whats happening in the manufacturing sector, or making things worse. Hes proposed nothing to make things better. He ought to listen to the hard truth being offered by GM, Harley-Davidson, Carrier and other companies he thinks he can bend to his will: Reality trumps Trump. Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page, or email michael.hiltzik@latimes.com. Return to Michael Hiltziks blog. To create new chapter of China-Portugal relations in the new era Chinese President Xi Jinpings upcoming trip to Portugal, the first state visit to the country by a Chinese leader in eight years, and that by President Xi since he took office as Chinese president, will mark a historical moment of China-Portugal ties, and will surely move the China-Portugal comprehensive strategic partnership into a new era. Located in the westernmost part of the Eurasian continent, Portugal is both a hotspot for outbound investment and an effective platform for trilateral cooperation for Chinese enterprises. It is also a good friend and partner of China in the European Union (EU) and on multilateral diplomacy. With frequent high-level exchanges, constantly deepened political mutual trust, and rich fruits from bilateral pragmatic cooperation in various fields, the China-Portugal ties are at its best in history. China is the largest Asian trading partner of Portugal, while Portugal is Chinas fifth largest investment destination in Europe. According to incomplete statistics, Chinese investment in Portugal has exceeded 9 billion euros, covering various areas including energy, electricity, finance, insurance, health, and medical service, and achieving remarkable economic and social benefits. Portuguese investment in China is also growing steadily. As the first country in the EU to establish the blue partnership with China, Portugal is about to be the first country in Europe to make concerted efforts with China to promote the Luban Workshops, and will probably be the first euro zone nation to issue yuan-dominated bonds in China. As we have seen, the pragmatic cooperation between China and Portugal in various fields, while conveying sound development momentum, has become a model for state-to-state relations featuring mutual benefits and win-win results. Portugal is an ancient seafaring nation as well as the European starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. People from all circles of the Portugal society have natural affinity and passion for taking part in the construction of the Belt and Road. Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa have both expressed clearly that Portugal supports and is willing to participate actively in the construction of the Belt and Road and effectively coordinate Portuguese development strategies with the Belt and Road Initiative, so as to share with other countries the opportunities and benefits created by the construction of the Belt and Road. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states, connectivity among people is a crucial part of the construction of the Belt and Road. To this end, Portuguese people are actively learning Chinese. Since the year 2013, Sao Joao da Madeira, the Portuguese city that has long been called the city of shoes, has started to promote the education of the Chinese language. Today, Chinese is a required course for approximately 800 students in the twelve public primary and secondary schools of Sao Joao da Madeira, a vivid example of the Chinese fever and China fever in the Portuguese society. And certainly, the number of Chinese students who are learning Portuguese is also growing significantly over the recent years. During President Xis visit in Portugal, China and Portugal are going to issue a joint statement, and the two heads of state will also witness the signing of a series of agreements on important pragmatic cooperation in a wide range of areas. China and Portugal should seize the historic opportunity brought by President Xis state visit, earnestly implement various results of this visit, and make the most of such historic opportunities as the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Portugal diplomatic ties. I have every confidence that President Xis state visit to Portugal will make significant contributions to the development of the China-Portugal comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. Cai Run is the Chinese Ambassador to Portugal. California Republicans, drummed out of office by the carload in the recent election, have exited whining. Theyve figured out why they got thumped so badly, and its simple: California, that dastardly state, allowed voters to vote. The result was that seven Republican House seats turned Democratic, including all four in Orange County, transforming that once reliably GOP stronghold into a blue streak. I just think its weird, outgoing House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said of Californias system of allowing every vote to be counted, even if its filed with local election officials days after election day. California defies logic to me. Theres no evidence of ballot box shenanigans. Former California GOP Chair Shawn Steel Advertisement Ryan wasnt alone in implying, if not stating outright, that something illegal happened in California. Rep. Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Beach) issued a fund-raising appeal immediately after the election, accusing Democrats of trying to steal this Republican seat. Lets be candid about this: Walters claim was despicable. The two-term member of Congress offered not a whit of evidence, and her bid for a recount has gone nowhere. She lost, according to the final count, by more than 11,000 votes and almost four percentage points. To smear the electoral process as your own political career is ending merely raises the question of whether you ever deserved a seat in the House to begin with. The GOPs focus on California is understandable, given its decline in the state. But its probably a mistake for the party to avoid noticing that its problems are more widespread. Ryan lamented that the party was down by only 26 seats on election night but today, three weeks later, its losses come to 40. California, however, accounted for only five of those late gains. The most comprehensive whine about Californias vote has come from Shawn Steel, a former state Republican Party chair, writing in the conservative Washington Times. Steels argument deserves careful scrutiny, especially since he concedes at the outset that theres no evidence of ballot box shenanigans in California. Instead, Steel complains, California has changed its voting laws to allow more voters to vote. Taking Steels particulars from the top, they are: 1. Noncitizens voting. Steel wrote, Some California communities allow even illegal immigrants to vote. Thats true, but its not relevant to the House outcome, since noncitizens cant vote for congressional candidates in California or anywhere else in the country. Noncitizens are permitted in some jurisdictions to vote in local elections. Is this a big issue? Steels lone example is San Francisco, where a tide of 49 noncitizens were registered to vote in a school board election. 2. Criminals voting. Steel is exercised about California rules allowing convicted criminals in county jails or on various forms of probation or supervised release to vote. But hes talking mostly about those with misdemeanor convictions, who are allowed to vote nationwide, or those who have served their sentences. Just about the only criminals barred from voting in California are felons in prison or on parole, he writes, but he doesnt explain whats wrong with that. Steel grouses that California actually does allow felon voting, but thats just gaslighting. Hes referring to the downgrading of some felonies to misdemeanors under Proposition 47 of 2014, which passed by an overwhelming 60%-40% vote. The measure reduced some cannabis possession and petty theft counts, including shoplifting and check kiting, to misdemeanors, and allowed anyone previously convicted of felony counts for those offenses to petition to change their records. But by definition, the charges no longer were felonies; in other words, this isnt felon voting. 3. Motor voter problems. Steel goes to town on this one, and hes got something of a point just not as much as he claims. Theres no evidence of fraud, as he calls it, as opposed to technical glitches. As my colleague John Myers reported in September, the system allowing Californians to register to vote at the DMV was something of a mess, affecting 23,000 of the 1.4 million voter registration files sent to elections offices between the inception in late April and early August. About 1,600 of these errors involved people who did not intend to register to vote. No illegal immigrants were mistakenly registered to vote, officials say. Some errors involved changes to voters party preferences, but theres no evidence that the errors favored Republicans or Democrats, and in any case such errors wouldnt even affect California primaries, since party preference is no longer a factor in those votes, much less the general election. 4. Teen preregistration. The state has begun registering 16- and 17-year-olds to vote, in preparation for their casting ballots after they turn 18. Steel calls this a thinly veiled effort to capture voters while theyre young and more likely to identify as liberal Democrats and notes that of the nearly 89,000 minors that participated in the program, only 10 percent registered as Republicans. Theres an obvious solution to this for Republicans: Start advocating policies that young persons find appealing, rather than the racist, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ pap that the GOP has become identified with. Maybe then more young people will register as Republicans. 5. Absentee and conditional ballots. Steel complains that absentee ballots were mailed to every voter in some counties, a system that will be expanded statewide in 2020. So what? Steel also observes that absentee ballots have to be postmarked by election day, but are valid if theyre received within a given number of days. Again, so what? If your interest is in making sure that all valid votes are counted, then by definition a vote cast by election day and verified by a postmark should be valid and given a grace period to arrive at the election office. Then theres the states rules allowing voters whose ballots have been rejected to have a chance to fix them. Federal judges in Florida and Georgia have ordered similar arrangements. Finally, theres ballot harvesting, which the GOP seems to have decided is a fount of fraud. California allows anyone, including campaign workers, to submit an absentee ballot for a voter. In most states, this task has to be done by a voter or family member. Steel asserts that Californias rules allow for coercion, but he can cite only one alleged case, involving an Assembly race between two Democrats last year in which a single voter claimed a campaign worker pressured him to turn over his completed absentee ballot to her. He refused. When pressed, Republicans acknowledge that they lost for far more conventional reasons. Ryan, speaking at a Washington Post event after the election, admitted that money played a role. We got massively outspent, he said. You get a couple of billionaires dropping a hundred million dollars on your head, that leaves a mark. This is an amazingly hypocritical remark, considering the extent to which the GOP has relied on the patronage of billionaires such as Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers over the years President Trump even awarded Miriam Adelson, Sheldons wife, the Congressional Medal of Freedom this month, after her family donated more than $87 million to GOP candidates in the midterm elections. Ryans complaint was echoed by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa), who got turfed out after a 30-year career in the House quite likely because of voters discontent with the GOP efforts to roll back the Affordable Care Act and the tax cut bill and its costly effect on many California taxpayers (though Rohrabacher voted against the measure). The reason I lost and we lost, he told The Times, is because you had Bolshevik billionaires who pumped in enormous sums of money to defeat us. That was it. Ryan also conceded that Republicans faced midterm head winds, which are traditional things, and we do have to face up that theres a suburban voter issue that we do have to attend to. Hes speaking in code: He means President Trump, who is turning off suburban voters by the thousands. Steel may be right to warn Republicans that they face even stronger head winds in 2020. And he may be right that their ills have something to do with greater enfranchisement in states such as California. But its not about fraud its about more voters coming to the polls with reasons to vote against GOP policies. Keep up to date with Michael Hiltzik. Follow @hiltzikm on Twitter, see his Facebook page, or email michael.hiltzik@latimes.com. Return to Michael Hiltziks blog. For more than a decade, Leslie Moonves was one of Americas highest-paid executives. The former CBS chairman and chief executive collected nearly $70 million last year, and his lucrative employment deal guaranteed him an extraordinarily generous payout as much as $140 million should he exit the company on his own terms. But it is doubtful that Moonves, 69, will collect a penny of severance. He is in an untenable legal position, C. Kerry Fields, a business law professor at USC Marshall School of Business. Hes tainted goods right now. Advertisement Since August, two high-powered New York law firms have been investigating Moonves alleged misconduct, including how the former CEO who was fired in September struggled for months to contain a widening sexual harassment scandal. Lawyers have interviewed more than 350 people in the probe, which is also reviewing CBS workplace climate, according to a person familiar with the situation who was not authorized to comment. Separately, the New York Countys district attorneys office and the New York City Commission on Human Rights have opened investigations into Moonves conduct. More questions emerged this week when the New York Times uncovered new details that Moonves had offered roles on CBS shows to several actors in an effort to silence those who knew about his past sexual encounters. The paper also reported that Moonves deleted text messages from an iPad that he used for work in an attempt to destroy his communications with longtime Los Angeles talent manager, Marv Dauer, who was seeking parts for his clients on CBS shows. Dauer represented actress Bobbie Phillips, who has accused Moonves of sexually assaulting her during a 1995 meeting in his Warner Bros. offices in Burbank, when he was in charge of the bustling TV studio, according to the New York Times report. Dauer kept the text message exchanges with Moonves after they began communicating late last year when the #MeToo movement galvanized women to speak up about past mistreatment by powerful men. CBS cant pay Moonves a $120-million severance, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, an associate dean at the Yale School of Management, said in an interview. There should be no severance coming his way. And CBS board should try to claw back some of his past pay although I doubt that they will do that. People close to the matter say the investigators Nancy Kestenbaum and Mary Jo White have been looking into whether Moonves was candid with investigators who were hired to review the sexual harassment allegations. The two lawyers are expected to deliver a report to the CBS board in the next few weeks, according to knowledgeable people. Then, CBS board will determine whether Moonves should be fired for cause. CBS and a representative of Moonves declined to comment. Phillips attorney could not be reached. Dauer declined to comment. It is extremely rare for companies to deny severance payouts to departing CEOs, corporate governance experts said Thursday. However, Sonnenfeld said that if investigators determined Moonves destroyed evidence and offered parts on CBS shows in exchange for silence, that would likely be considered cause for termination. If the board doesnt consider this a dereliction of duties and misconduct, then I dont know what would qualify as cause, Sonnenfeld said. This is over-the-top abuse of power. Companies typically calculate how much they will spend in litigation costs if they deny a departing executive their severance package, said Charles Elson, director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware. Then boards fashion a settlement agreement with the executive to avoid a costly, and often protracted, legal fight. There is always litigation around these things, Elson said, adding that CBS should take a tough line. This is not just about him, this is about others down the line, Elson said. I always believe that it is worth it not to settle because you dont want to set a precedent. In September, as CBS ousted Moonves, the board reserved $120 million for a possible severance package, according to a regulatory filing. The two investigators were only a few weeks into their review of his conduct. After they deliver their report next month, CBS board will have 30 days to decide whether Moonves should be fired for cause. The company must inform Moonves of its decision by Jan. 29, according to the regulatory filing. In the event the board determines that the company is entitled to terminate Mr. Moonvess employment for cause under his employment agreement and Mr. Moonves does not demand arbitration the company will have no further obligations to Mr. Moonves, CBS said in the filing. In addition, CBS agreed to provide Moonves with office services and security for up to two years to facilitate him serving as a transition advisor to the company. Those payments, too, are in doubt. Under Moonves contract, which was due to expire in 2021, Moonves was eligible to receive as much as $140 million in severance. But amid the scandal, CBS board in September said that it would take $20 million from his possible payout and donate it to organizations that promoted the #MeToo cause and safe work environments. CBS is expected to decide which groups get the money in mid-December. The September shake-up further weakened Moonves hand because of a separate settlement agreement that demanded the resignations of six board members who had been aligned with him. Those board members were replaced by younger individuals who dont have an allegiance to the longtime television chief. CBS plans its annual meeting with shareholders on Dec. 11, when the reconstituted board is expected to be ratified. The New York Times exposed the fraught relationship between Moonves and Dauer, 75, who represented a cadre of daytime soap opera stars in the 1990s and early 2000s. But Dauers business had fallen on hard times, and he looked to his old friend, Moonves, for help securing work for his clients. Dauer told the New York Times that he reached out to Moonves in December, when Hollywood was reeling from sexual harassment allegations. After the outreach, Moonves attended Dauers 75th birthday party and suggested he would find work for Dauers clients, according to the report. But the proposed CBS roles for Dauers clients were not as big or lucrative as the manager had hoped. And Phillips, the actress, didnt want to participate, the report stated. While there was no deliberate extortion, it certainly seems unseemly, Fields, the USC professor, said of the dealings between Dauer and Moonves. The loss, or destruction of evidence, and the fact that he was trying to reward these people with acting jobs, certainly suggests culpability on Moonves part. meg.james@latimes.com Twitter: @MegJamesLAT The phrase pivot to video haunted digital journalists in 2016 and 2017, as publication after publication announced that they were laying off writers to redirect their resources into making videos. Mic, a digital publication focusing on a millennial audience, was one of the outlets that adopted that strategy. In 2017 it laid off 25 people, mostly from news and editorial, to become the leader in visual journalism, founder Chris Altchek wrote at the time. The pivot, it seems, did not save them. On Thursday, Mic laid off most of its staff amid reports that it is preparing to sell itself to Bustle Digital Group. But the pivot was just a symptom of a bigger problem: how to make a digital journalism venture profitable. Mics other attempts to turn $60 million in venture funding into a sustainable business model also failed. Pivot or not, this ending was coming. The layoffs, first reported by Recode, were announced during a Thursday morning staff meeting with Altchek. According to one laid-off staffer, the meeting was brief and expected: Earlier media reports revealed the dire situation. The layoffs included Mics entire editorial team, video and written, the staffer said. The company, founded in 2011 as PolicyMic and rebranded to simply Mic in 2014, employed more than 100 people as of September. Mics traffic dropped precipitously over the last year. In April, Digiday reported that Mics website was down to 5 million monthly unique visitors. Just a year earlier that number was 17 million. None of Mics other sources of audience particularly Facebook were offsetting that steep drop. Advertisement Mic Publisher Cory Haik announced in a note to staff that she was resigning from the company. Our business models are unsettled, and the macro forces at play are all going through their own states of unrest.... I am proud to have been a part of an org that earnestly tried to solve some of these confounding issues. And I hope you all take some comfort in knowing that your work will transcend this moment. The Wall Street Journal reported in September that Mic was considering an acquisition offer from another media company, as executives believed the company would have to either sell or cut costs within a year. Earlier this week, Recode reported that Mics show on Facebook Watch had been canceled, limiting the companys options even further. Mics former executive news director, Kerry Lauerman who also resigned said in an interview that he was proud of the work Mics team achieved. Clearly, there were some risks taken that didnt pay off. Today, the staff is really sad, but were enormously proud of the work weve done through it all, Lauerman said. He singled out the work of the Facebook Watch video team, noting that it had recently produced stories embedded in the large migrant caravan in Mexico. He also highlighted the work of Serena Daniari, a trans reporter who produced a series documenting what its like to be a trans person in a public space. Lauerman and Haik are both former employees of the Washington Post. Mic was one of many publications that pinned its hopes for growth on traffic that came via Facebook as it pushed to meet its investors expectations. Most newsrooms have come to regret making hiring and investment decisions based on the whims of a company that really doesnt care much about journalism, said Bill Grueskin, a professor at Columbia Journalism School. Facebook was often opaque toward its media partners. And in the case of average watch time on its videos, Facebook overestimated that key metric for two years. Mic wouldnt be the first site to have funders that are driving unrealistic growth targets, forcing the company into a relationship with such a dubious and fickle company, Grueskin said. Thursday was the latest version of a bleak ritual that has become standard when digital media companies purge their staffs, a ritual that has become more frequent since Facebooks announcement in January that its users would see fewer posts from publishers as opposed to friends in their feeds. The Outline laid off six staffers over the summer, months after a $5-million funding round. LittleThings shut down. In February, Vox Media laid off about 50 employees. With each layoff, the newly unemployed staff writers and video producers flood Twitter, suddenly among the ranks of digital medias growing pool of freelancers and job hunters. And with each layoff, there seem to be fewer digital outlets that could hire them. The lessons that some publications, like Mic, learned the hard way are starting to sink in at others, according to Grueskin. As digital advertising increasingly becomes a space dominated by major tech companies such as Facebook and Google, some publishers are starting to seek out other sources of revenue including subscriptions, donations, events and apps. Once you move your media firm into that arena, your dependence on other platforms drops off, and you can treat Facebook with the same disdain that theyve treated newsrooms for years, Grueskin said. Ohlheiser writes for the Washington Post. Air New Zealand, known for its quirky advertising, has floated a touch of political commentary in its latest ad. The airline from below the equator has launched a Christmas ad that depicts a summit attended by children who are on the naughty list and trying to come up with ways to get back in Santas good graces. Youngsters from around the world fly to New Zealand, of course on the Auckland-based carrier. A boy from the U.S., wearing a dark suit and a Trump-style red hat emblazoned with Make Christmas Great Again, pushes his way past other delegates to reach the tarmac first, reminiscent of a certain 2017 NATO photo op. During the summit, the kids all offer ways to be nicer and get off of Santas naughty list. When it comes time for the U.S. boy to offer his change of behavior, he muses: I have to say, Im not naughty at all. In fact, Im the nicest person I know. Advertisement That gets a round of laughter from the summit crowd, much as when President Trump told the U.N. General Assembly in September that his administration had in less than two years accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. The U.S. boy then responds just as Trump did Didnt expect that reaction, but thats OK but the nice meter appears unaffected. It falls to the New Zealand kids to make a round of promises to push the meter all the way to nice (although be nicer to the kids from Australia was done with fingers crossed). Funny videos are nothing new for Air New Zealand. The Kiwis have produced in-flight safety videos featuring nude flight attendants, fitness guru Richard Simmons and a plane full of characters from The Lord of the Rings movies, which relied on New Zealand for most of the outdoor scenery. In early November, Air New Zealand released a safety spot with loud, hip-hop music and dozens of brightly dressed dancers. As for the behavior-challenged children, the ad suggests that their summit put them back on Santas nice list. hugo.martin@latimes.com To read more about the travel and tourism industries, follow @hugomartin on Twitter. Over the last few decades, designer Cynthia Hart and her husband, Bob Hart, a developer, have honed an oft-repeated routine: He finds a great deal on a house, proclaims they can just move right in, she thinks not and remodels it, and then settles in the family. Before long he finds a buyer, locates another house to purchase, says they can move right in, she remodels it, and so on. Thus far, the couple have moved 25 times. Were still together after 30 years, Cynthia said. How about that? This time, when Bob told Cynthia about the 7,500-square-foot house on a 16,000-square-foot property in the gated Mulholland Estates community, she thought, Oh God. Dont do this to me. Advertisement Then she saw the house and was further dismayed. Although the 1990s-circa home was nice enough, its style was confusing and disjointed. Cynthia, who studied at UCLA and Otis College of Art and Design, discerned it was probably built on spec by a developer trying to appeal to the widest range of buyers, who were alternately looking for Tuscan, French country, Spanish or traditional. He put it together in one pot, she said. The house was awkward, with its faux stone front and unremarkable entryway, its closed-off rooms, a sunken bar in the family room and a pervasive darkness. It was tired, Cynthia said. But she warmed to the idea of giving the house new life and had a singular vision: Santa Barbara Mission, light and bright, simple and elegant. Let it sing, she said. The couple bought the house at the end of 2015, then took their time planning and designing until construction began in March 2016. She relied heavily on her fabulous general contractor: John Donaldson of JDC Construction + Development Group. The scale of the remodel was immense and ended up costing about $3.5 million and taking 2 years, including a year for the landscaping. Crucial to the project, the facade and front rooflines had to be reworked. The new white plaster exterior, the barrel tile roofing and black metal divided-light windows all serve up the Mission style Cynthia wanted. The house that she said screamed for an entryway got a fountain surrounded by tile decking, set in front of wide glass front doors, flanked by gas-lit sconces. Inside, the kitchen got a major makeover with a giant marble-covered island, soapstone perimeter counters, custom cabinets, painted marble tile backsplash, a Sub-Zero refrigerator with a glass door and a Wolf range. The marble floors are easy to keep clean key for a family with five rescue dogs. Removing a large peninsula opened the kitchen to the family room. They removed the sunken bar, brought that area up to floor level and connected the whole space to the covered terrace and pool with a wall of accordion-style glass doors. The couples daughter Mia, 13, got to decorate her own room upstairs. While Cynthia favors muted, neutral tones, Mia is into color, especially purple. Because the family had more bedrooms than needed, two rooms were combined to give Mia hang-out space. Mia hopes to be an architect and designer; toward that end, she and her mom are starting a charitable effort that will help needy families decorate a room in their homes. Everyone deserves to wake up in a room they love, Cynthia said. Today, their house exudes the calming, soothing peace and simplicity that Cynthia was after. However, based on her and Bobs pattern, would she consider moving and doing another major remodel? I toy with the idea of selling. I started thinking about it, she said. Then again, Im 62 years old this year; the house came out so amazing I think Ill stay. hotproperty@latimes.com The scenic hills and fertile plains of the future suburb of Hacienda Heights were originally part of the 50,000-acre Rancho la Puente. The territory was under Spanish and then Mexican control until it was officially given away by land grant in 1845. The recipients of the rancho were John Rowland and William Workman, two immigrants from Taos, N.M, who arrived in the area at the head of an overland caravan of settlers in 1841. Rowland and Workman would both leave their marks on the history of the region. The former became the namesake of nearby Rowland Heights, and the latter founded the sprawling Workman-Temple family dynasty, which produced the 18th mayor of Los Angeles and bequeathed its name to the citys historic Temple Street. Upon the two mens deaths in the 1870s, the rancho went into foreclosure, passing into the hands of legendary land baron Lucky Baldwin, where it remained until his death in 1909. Advertisement In 1913 its new owner, a transplanted Ohioan named Edwin Hart, dubbed it North Whittier Heights and subdivided the land into 5- to 50-acre tracts of what was marketed as Lemon and Orange Land. He also established the first packinghouse to collect the harvest of the areas citrus groves and avocado orchards for shipping across the United States. North Whittier Heights remained predominantly agricultural until the 1940s, when a citrus blight devastated the industry. Demand for housing after World War II saw the unincorporated community begin its transformation from farmland into a suburb of greater Los Angeles. Portions of North Whittier Heights were cleaved away in 1957 when the industrial districts of the town incorporated as the city of Industry, in a scheme to avoid paying county taxes on unincorporated land. In 1961, one year after the orange groves along Hacienda Boulevard were plowed under to make way for development, and the local library took the name Hacienda Heights Branch, the community officially adopted the new moniker. As with the rest of the San Gabriel Valley in the 1970s and 1980s, Hacienda Heights became a major destination for Chinese and Taiwanese immigrants to the United States. This demographic shift along with opposition from other communities where it was originally proposed led in 1988 to the construction of the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple in the hills above Hacienda Heights. Neighborhood highlights Safe suburban home: Hacienda Heights is the dictionary definition of a suburb, with pleasant tree-lined streets, plentiful single-family homes and a low crime rate. Take a hike: The nearby Puente and Whittier hills offer hiking trails, wildlife preserves and scenic views of both the San Gabriel Valley and the Los Angeles Basin. (Los Angeles Times) Neighborhood challenges Drive to work: Because there are few large employers in Hacienda Heights, most residents need to commute to nearby employment centers for work. Expert insight When I speak to residents, the biggest draws are the schools, the safety and the diversity, said Michelle Chen, a real estate agent with eight years of experience in the area. Parks and nature areas sit to the south of the suburb, and on the west side, hiking trails slither through the Hacienda Hills. Its an active community. People enjoy the parks and local restaurants, as well as the community center that opened four years ago, Chen said. She added that most residents are here to stay, since an overwhelming majority own their homes instead of renting. Market snapshot In the 91745 ZIP Code, based on 26 sales, the median sales price for single-family homes in September was $678,000, up 5.9% year over year, according to CoreLogic. Report card Of the 15 public schools in the Hacienda Heights boundaries, five scored above 900 on the 2013 Academic Performance Index. Those include Los Molinos Elementary at 953, Grazide Elementary at 952, Wedgeworth Elementary at 943, Mesa Robles at 918 and Los Altos Elementary at 914. The two biggest high schools in the area, Glen A. Wilson High and Los Altos High, scored 835 and 795, respectively. Times staff writer Jack Flemming contributed to this report. hotproperty@latimes.com Peter Williams pointillist painting technique, crowding thousands of tiny dots of enamel color within pencil-drawn contours of people, places and things, is not the same as the celebrated one pioneered more than a century ago by Georges Seurat and Paul Signac. His look yields a very different feel from the measured, careful tone of those French Postimpressionists. Brash color is plainly important to the 14 Williams paintings in his Los Angeles debut at Luis De Jesus Gallery, most (though not all) of which explode with pointillist dots. Rather than the scientifically inflected approach of letting pure hues painted on a canvas mix only when they reach an observers eye, the Delaware-based artist, 66, uses staccato dots in an almost ritual way. Fixated, determined, relentless those are the descriptors for the pointillism of big, roiling, undulating crowd scenes in works like Wild Thing, I Think I Love You and A Foolish Trick. A gallery handout also connects the dots to Australian aboriginal art and African scarification patterns. Whatever the sources, the painters steadfast focus drives the viewers. Peter Williams, A Foolish Trick, 2018, enamel on canvas (Luis De Jesus Gallery) Advertisement Peter Williams, West Ward and East Ward, Neither at Least, 2018, enamel and pencil on canvas (Luis De Jesus Gallery) In the latter work, a rider mounted on horseback, ancient symbol of heroic triumph, is impossibly balanced on a tightrope before a staring, wide-eyed throng. The rider stands precariously on a variation of a Pan-African flag, a white mask worn over his black face. The foolishness of the balancing trick is transformed into trenchant racial spectacle. Williams also deftly layers imagery, as in West Ward and East Ward, Neither at Least. A uniformed man and an extravagant tree of life a topsy-turvy house is entangled in its branches are cargo for a boatful of women who are guiding the vessel across choppy water. George Washington crossing the Delaware mixes with the Middle Passage of slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies, all while conjuring the prehistoric river goddess Styx, powerful deity of the hellish underworld. Thousands of dots and brightly colored patterns stitch them (and us) together. Elsewhere, those persistent dots and their colorful capacity for exuberant intensity enliven a marvelous portrait of L.A. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, arms spread wide, eyes glistening and a broad smile across her face. Williams explodes the little dots, too, enlarging the marks into the big red-white-and-blue balloons of a boisterous political rally. As it does for several other portraits of women (actress Pam Grier, activist Patricia Okoumou) that he collectively titles Queens, the obstinate pointillist technique is transformed into an unmistakable manifestation of the subjects committed character. Peter Williams, Queens: Maxine Waters, 2018, enamel and pencil on canvas (Luis De Jesus Gallery) Luis De Jesus Gallery, 2685 S. La Cienega Blvd., Culver City. Through Dec. 15; closed Sundays and Mondays. (310) 838-6000, www.luisdejesus.com christopher.knight@latimes.com @KnightLAT Riffle through Sandy Rodriguezs dense rack of painting supplies and youll turn up feathers, withered plants and a container of cochineal powder, the fiery red tint produced by the insect that feeds on the leaves of the prickly pear cactus. You might also find a jar of bulbs from the orchid Laelia autumnalis, known as flor de los muertos (flower of the dead) in Mexico, where it primarily grows. I found these at a nursery in Santa Barbara, says Rodriguez, holding up a tiny bulb. You take the bulb, remove the exterior layer with a potato peeler, then you boil it, slice it, dry it, then you grind it. It becomes a gum and it stabilizes color. A berry color mixed with this will last 500 years. Rodriguezs Mar Vista studio is part painting studio, part scientific lab. Here, the artist crafts the natural tints and other materials used in the works now on display in Codex Rodriguez-Mondragon, her solo exhibition at the Riverside Art Museum, and in the group show Here, currently on view at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. For two years, Rodriguez has been studying natural sources of color plants, flowers, insects and oxides and has researched historical methods of preparing them, including indigenous techniques that predate European colonization. (Those orchid bulbs? She located them via a friend who studies medieval history and supplied her with a recipe for how to prepare them.) But its not just her materials that nod to the past. She has used these pigments in a series of paintings inspired by the elaborate codices of the Mexican colonial era. Advertisement The series, titled Codex Rodriguez-Mondragon, after her fathers and mothers surnames, serves as a curious record of our time. Like colonial codices, her paintings function as literal and cultural maps, delineating borders and capturing aspects of the landscape, including flora and fauna. But they also record the current political moment in particular, issues of immigration. Look closely at one of Rodriguezs large-scale map paintings and you will find images of protests, deportations and the tent city where migrant children, separated from their parents, are warehoused in Texas. Another detail is drawn from the now famous image of a tent city for children in Tornillo, Texas. (Carolina A. Miranda / Los Angeles Times) In Rodriguezs studio, a work-in-progress charts child separation centers along the U.S.-Mexico border. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times) At this moment, I feel like there is so much hostility and aggression towards Mexican and Central American and Latino communities, Rodriguez says. This is a way of presenting these cultures. Its incredibly important to present this type of other rich, cultural production, historic, material this wealth of civilization. Some of the richness lies in the materials themselves the centuries-old techniques that produce her colors, as well as the paper on which she paints: amate, a type of paper from Mexico handmade from the bark of the mulberry tree and various species of ficus. Amate was once employed by indigenous cultures in spiritual practice and for the creation of codices before the conquest. During colonization, the Spanish often burned works produced on amate, since they represented potent symbols of indigenous knowledge and faith. Its outlaw paper, says Rodriguez. It was illegal at the time of the conquest. Curator Todd Wingate, who organized the exhibition at the Riverside Art Museum, says that Rodriguezs materials are often what first draws a viewer into her work. But theres this whole other element that is so timely, he says of the politics, and she does it with such devastating grace. Three generations of painters Certainly, painting is something that runs in the artists blood. Sandy Rodriguez at work in her Mar Vista studio. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times) Rodriguez was born in San Diego to a clan of Mexican artists for whom painting represented both pleasure and craft. I grew up with paintings all around the house, she says. Grandmas house smelled like caldo de pollo [chicken soup] and oil painting. Her maternal grandmother created works that she sold at the familys curio shop in Tijuana. Her maternal grandfather, whod been adopted by a Catholic monsignor as a child, created religious imagery some of it adapted from the work of Spanish Baroque painters such as Bartolome Esteban Murillo. Growing up, around the house, there were always these ascending Virgins and dark paintings, she says. I thought they were my grandfathers paintings, and all of a sudden I go to LACMA and theres Murillo and Im like, Hey, thats like from my house! Rodriguez releases an infectious laugh, reddish curls grazing her polka dot dress. Her familys artistic traditions have other curious chapters too like the time she went to art school with her mom, Guadalupe Rodriguez, who is also a painter. It was 1993 and Rodriguez had enrolled as an undergraduate at California Institute of the Arts. Intrigued by what she was learning, she suggested her mom apply to the program. I went my first year and I said, Its a feminist art program, Mom youd love it! she recalls. So picture 19-year-old Sandy with crazy hair and crazy outfits, [performance artist] Coco Fusco up front, and my mom in the back, playing with my hair. Her classmates at the time included now prominent painters such as Mark Bradford and Henry Taylor. And my mom would be making birria by the loading dock and having tequila parties, says Rodriguez, containing more laughs. We are three generations of painters. She emerged from her studies in the 90s at a time when painting was a bad word in the art world, she notes. But I painted anyway. Painting is something Ive always come back to. An installation view of Sandy Rodriguez: Codex Rodriguez-Mondragon, at the Riverside Art Museum through Jan. 27. (J6 Creative) The spark of color It was a family trip to Oaxaca, the southern Mexican region known for its centuries-old art and textile traditions, that served as a tipping point. At a bookstore, Rodriguez acquired a bottle of cochineal (cochinilla in Spanish), the brilliant red pigment whose use as a color dates back to the pre-Columbian era. Intrigued, she took the powder back to her studio, then in Leimert Park. (From 2014 to 15, she was an artist-in-residence at Art + Practice, co-founded by Bradford.) But at first, she was unsure what to do with it. Then Mexico erupted in protests after it was revealed that 43 students at a rural teachers college in Ayotzinapa likely had been abducted by police, turned over to gangsters and killed. Tens of thousands took to the streets at the end of 2014 in Mexico City, where protesters set fire to the door of the presidential palace and to an effigy of President Enrique Pena Nieto. As she saw the protests play out in the media, Rodriguez realized that she now had a use for the cochineal. The light came on, she says. Thats when I realized that color could have as much meaning as what I showed in the painting. ... It could be this specifically loaded material that could reference a history, a culture it could stand in for mexicanidad and ruptures and all these ideas. She used the cochineal to create a series of canvases that depicted the fires that raged during the Ayotzinapa protests, as well as the infernos that regularly devastate Californias hills. The intensity of the reds in these works is practically visceral as if it cannot be contained by the canvas. Cochineal was just the beginning, however. It was, she says with a smile, the gateway colorant. Painter Sandy Rodriguez fabricates her own ink from desert plants and indigenous techniques. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times) A Chicana codex Further research led her to a book by Diana Magaloni Kerpel, Colors of the New World: Artists, Materials, and the Creation of the Florentine Codex, published by the Getty Research Institute in 2014. Most color history texts focus on Western European traditions. Magalonis book tracks the history and meanings of tones employed in the Florentine Codex, the encyclopedic 16th century ethnographic study of colonial Mexico put together by Franciscan missionary Bernardino de Sahagun a key colonial text that was written with the aid of indigenous scribes in Spanish, Latin and Nahuatl, the Aztec tongue. In it and other works of the era, color was often used as a way of subtly communicating information about an event. If you used cochinilla, which is translucent, you use it to describe elements of the terrestrial, Rodriguez says . Then theres the iron oxide red thats opaque that communicates the underworld. Its this coded use of color. Rodriguez began to study the history of natural pigments in both Mexico and the U.S. She went on medicinal plant hikes in the California desert. She learned what was edible and what functioned as tint. She began to chronicle the flora and fauna she encountered on amate paper albeit with contemporary twists: Her painting of a prickly pear cactus (Opuntia basilaris), for example, features the ghostly outline of a helicopter whose profile is also a skull. As she progressed, Rodriguez began to settle on the idea of creating her own codex. It was having all of these sketches from this area, and thinking about what makes California and each bioregion so rich and so interesting, and wanting to identify and remember where those medicinal plants came from. A detail from Rodriguezs painting-in progress reveals plants and a night sky. (Carolina A. Miranda / Los Angeles Times) Plus, it was thinking about the border and these artificial boundaries that have been placed, and trying to layer these narratives its historic, its contemporary, its this precise political moment all in one. I wanted to create a mestizo Chicana codex. In many panels, the artist includes representations of herself as a tlacuila a scribe. Looking back 500 years, she feels a distant affinity with the scribes who labored to create the Florentine Codex. There is a massive plague that happens at the end of the book, she notes. And theyre all dying, so they cant go out and get color, and so everything is black and white. They end up sequestering themselves so they can tell their story. It was the end of the world, she says ruefully. Thats what it feels like now: the end of the world. Sandy Rodriguez: Codex Rodriguez-Mondragon Where: Riverside Art Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside When: Through Jan. 27 Info: riversideartmuseum.org Here Where: Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, 4800 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood When: Through Jan. 6 Info: lamag.org ALSO The best of times, the worst of times: art in the age of rising white supremacy Guadalupe Rosales used Instagram to create an archive of Chicano youth of the 90s now its an art installation In advance of the midterms, Barbara Kruger reprises MOCA mural that asks Who is beyond the law? Review: Exhibitions by Kwame Brathwaite, Deana Lawson and Meleko Mokgosi challenge how blackness is represented Sign up for our weekly Essential Arts & Culture newsletter carolina.miranda@latimes.com | Twitter: @cmonstah As November gives way to December, our picks include three musical tales: one about witches, another about stranded travelers and one about shut-ins. Looking for more? A sassy solo comedy returns to SoCal, a dance company marks a milestone and a festive light show tries to fill you and yours with the holiday spirit. Have broom, will travel Which witch is which? Youll find out when the national tour of Wicked, the Tony-winning musical prequel to The Wizard of Oz, returns to Tinseltown. With Jackie Burns and Kara Lindsay. Hollywood Pantages Theatre, 6233 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. 8 p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; other dates through Jan. 27. $62 and up. www.hollywoodpantages.com Two against the world L.A. Opera Off Grand presents the world premiere of prism, composer Ellen Reids dark fable, with libretto by Roxie Perkins. Its about a sickly young girl and her doting mother who have isolated themselves from the outside world. (It contains explicit language and adult subject matter.) REDCAT, 631 W. 2nd St., L.A. 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. $69. www.laopera.org Composer Ellen Reids new musical fable, prism, is set to premiere at REDCAT this Thursday night. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) Advertisement Canadian hospitality at its finest Waylaid by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, travelers from all over the world depend upon the kindness of strangers in small-town Canada in the Tony-winning musical Come From Away. Ahmanson Theatre, 135 N. Grand Ave., L.A. 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; other dates through Jan. 6. $30-$135. www.centertheatregroup.org. (Also at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa from Feb. 5 to 17.) The national tour of Come From Away is at the Music Centers Ahmanson Theatre. (Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times) Still moving and grooving JazzAntiqua Dance & Music Ensemble marks its 25th anniversary with Freedom! Jazz! Dance! This celebratory program incorporates spoken word and music by the likes of Kamasi Washington and Gregory Porter. Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, 4718 W. Washington Blvd., L.A. 8 p.m. Saturday. $25, $35. www.ebonyrep.org JazzAntiqua Dance & Music Ensemble with Albertossy Espinoza, left, and Jason Poullard, celebrates its 25th anniversary in a concert on Saturday. (George Simian) Southern belle has something to sell Shes back, yall. The sassy, brassy and not-exactly classy Dixie Longate (Kris Andersson) returns to Southern California in her hit off-Broadway one-woman comedy Dixies Tupperware Party. Kirk Douglas Theatre, 9820 Washington Blvd., Culver City. 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, 1 and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; other dates through Dec. 30. $35 and up. www.dixiestupperwareparty.com Dixie Longate (Kris Andersson) sells containers and comedy in Dixies Tupperware Party at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City. (Bradford Rogne) Let there be lights All is merry and bright at Grand Parks Winter Glow. This monthlong holiday-themed family-friendly attraction in downtown L.A. features more than a dozen large-scale nighttime light installations created by local artists. Grand Park, 200 N. Grand Ave., L.A. Friday through Dec. 25. Free. www.grandparkla.org Immigration issues have dominated headlines in the U.S. for much of the Trump administration, but the plight of migrants and refugees stretches far beyond the American borders. The Swiss documentary Eldorado examines just that looking at the European migrant crisis specifically in countries such as Lebanon, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and other areas along the Mediterranean Sea. When we look specifically at the scope of the United States and what has been accepted into the United States, as of a couple of years ago, it was only thousands of people that were brought in and were seeing that number decrease, Amnesty International USA field organizer Muna Sharif said at a recent Envelope Live screening of the film. This xenophobia that has been spreading as part of the narrative is causing countries like Germany and Italy and Switzerland to close their borders and not welcome refugees and not allow people to apply for asylum so its only adding to the problem. Advertisement Amnesty International USA field organizer Muna Sharif shares some startling facts and puts some perspective on the current refugee crisis. Sharif was joined by the films director, Markus Imhoof, at the screening, which was held at the Montalban in Hollywood. The screening was followed by a conversation with Times critic Lorraine Ali in which Imhoof went into detail about his personal story behind the film an encounter during World War II with an Italian refugee child named Giovanna. In the beginning, I was too shy to show it. I wanted to hide it because its my personal love story, he said. Imhoof then found old letters as well as a doll that brought his relationship with Giovanna back to the surface. With the help of my friend I then opened my heart, so it grew more during the shooting into the film, he said. So for me, its kind of an emotional bridge to the theme. Eldorado director Markus Imhoof talks about how his own personal life story became a central story in the film. Another challenge Imhoof faced during filming was getting access to the camps. It was very difficult. It took months and months to go get the permission for every single step, he said. And then they gave me 2 hours to shoot and only because of the migrants, the refugees starting to shout and to interact we couldnt go out because it took longer because we have to listen to them. To film in the ghettos where the workers live, Imhoof had to use small spy cameras. This was difficult because these people are ashamed that they are living there, he said. They are all hoping that they will succeed and if they would show where they live, its a big shame for them. Eldorado director Markus Imhoof talks about gaining access to the refugee camps and the shame the people feel if their families were to see their living conditions. However, despite the terrible living conditions these migrants and refugees face, it remains cheaper for the countries to deny them asylum and then hire them to work illegally. One such example is the Mitsubishi factory in Italy. Mitsubishi is working with these slave labors, and everybody knows, and its much cheaper than if they would have to pay normal salaries, Imhoof said. Eldorado director Markus Imhoof discusses how its more economical for countries to deny refugees asylum and instead use them as cheap slave labor. For more information on future Envelope Live screenings and events, click here. Recently, Italian fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana sparked anger in China and from people around the world when it launched a controversial marketing campaign on social media to promote a major fashion show in Shanghai. The campaign featuring a Chinese woman struggling to eat Italian food with chopsticks was met with disgust by many Chinese and prompted accusations of racism and racial stereotyping. Rather than reflect on the huge backlash to the so-called "love China" marketing campaign, Stefano Gabbana tried to brush it off and push the blame away from D&G and toward China, which only added fuel to the fire. This led to a slew of reactions on Chinese and overseas social media, and designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana issued a video offering their "sincerest apologies" and apologizing for their "misunderstanding of Chinese culture." However, the apology has failed to quell the anger. More recently, many Chinese have taken to social media to shine a spotlight on the culture of chopsticks. For example, one user on Twitter wrote that she wants to see an apology video by D&G that shows how to properly use chopsticks and explains the cultural meaning behind them. Another Twitter user also highlighted the importance of chopsticks in Chinese culture, writing that while China is a friendly and civilized country, D&G insulted people across China by poking fun at Chinese culture. This reaction has led to the creation of a short video that has gone viral on Chinese social media. The popular video explains the cultural meaning behind chopsticks. Below is a translation of the video with some added words for clarity. Screenshot of the video The video begins by pointing out that chopsticks have a long history in China. In fact, Chinese people have been eating with chopsticks for about 4,000 years. When Chinese were using chopsticks thousands of years ago, where was Rome or Italy? Chopsticks might appear like two simple sticks, but chopsticks are pairs of equal-length sticks designed according to the Tai Chi (Daoist) idea of Yin and Yang. According to the Tai Chi way of thinking, Tai Chi produces two opposing forms and these two forms produce four phenomena which in turn act on the eight trigrams. If you have used Chinese chopsticks before, then you already know that they have a rounded end and a flat end. What you might not know is that the rounded end of the chopstick represents heaven and the square end represents earth. Chinese people eat with the rounded end because it represents heaven. As an old Chinese saying goes, people regard food as their heaven. Traditionally, the standard length of a Chinese chopstick is 7 cun and 6 fen. One Chinese cun is equal to 1.312 inches and one Chinese fen is equal to 0.1312 inches. Therefore, the standard length of a chopstick is 9.97 inches in length. The meaning behind those numbers is that all human suffering is believed to be caused by seven emotions (i.e. happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hate, and desire) and six desires (i.e. pleasures derived from the senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind). Thus, eating with chopsticks becomes a way of controlling them. The movement of chopsticks should be elegant, creating an effect that combines stillness and motion. When Chinese grab their chopsticks, their thumb, index finger, and middle finger represent the three great powers in nature: heaven, earth, and mana key concept in Chinese philosophy. As you can see, these two "things" are much more than simple eating utensils; they represent a key part of life for a 5,000-year-old civilization. Chopsticks are a fascinating application of the principle of leverage. They embody Chinese wisdom and the profoundness of Chinese traditional culture and they are a great invention, because they enable people to eat hot food, which is believed to promote Yang in the human body. These small sticks are dynamic and static like Yin and Yang, round like heaven and square like earth, and an integral part of Chinese culture. Some might wonder what all the fuss is about. For example, a China correspondent for the BBC reacted to the news by writing that "everyone in China" is being overly sensitive, suggesting that the core of this problem lies with the Chinese people and not D&G. But what D&G did with their marketing campaign on social media is turn an important Chinese traditional value into a joke to sell more high-end luxury items. In the eyes of Chinese, D&G attacked the very core of what it means to be Chinese, and people across China responded accordingly. To try to brush it off as just a big fuss over nothing just feeds into the ignorance that caused this mess in the first place. Chris Evans may not have actually hung up his Captain America shield just yet. At least according to Marvel Cinematic Universe director Joe Russo, who told the Associated Press that Evans is not done yet. I think it was more emotional for him than us, Russo said about Evans last day of filming on Avengers 4. Only because hes not done yet. I dont want to explain what that means but the audience will soon understand what Im talking about. In October, Evans posted a heartfelt message on Twitter that he had officially wrapped filming on Avengers 4. Advertisement Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor, Evans said in a tweet that many fans interpreted as a possible farewell to the character. Evans has been playing Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, since 2011s Captain America: The First Avenger. In addition to Avengers: Infinity War and its untitled follow-up, Russo and his brother Anthony have directed two solo Captain America films 2014s Captain America: The Winter Soldier and 2016s Captain America: Civil War. These stories are reflective about how my brother and I feel about life and the way that we see things, Russo said about these films. For us it really is about, in what ways can we surprise the audience and tell a very challenging story we think is reflective of life. While Russo did not reveal any specific details about Avengers 4 in the video interview, he did confirm that at this point in time the movie is about three hours long. Avengers 4 is scheduled to hit theaters May 3, 2019. tracy.brown@latimes.com Twitter: @tracycbrown The soon-to-be-released Mary Poppins Returns puts a fresh spin on the 1964 original movie, but the world premiere of the Disney sequel Thursday night in Los Angeles was all about the legends. Take Dick Van Dyke. Outfitted with a custom cane bearing the parrot from Poppins umbrella, the 92-year-old arrived to screams, a swarm of photographers and dozens of onlookers stretching their necks to catch a glimpse of movie magic at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. Dick Van Dyke and Emily Blunt share a moment on the red carpet for the premiere of Mary Poppins Returns. (Rich Fury / Getty Images) RELATED: How Mary Poppins Returns star Emily Blunt and director Rob Marshall aimed to make a joybomb on the soul Advertisement He starred alongside Julie Andrews as Bert and Mr. Dawes Sr. more than five decades ago, a performance that earned him a Golden Globe nomination. The new film, opening nationwide Dec. 19, follows the next generation of Banks children, who prompt Mary Poppins return to Cherry Tree Lane. Played by Emily Blunt, Poppins brings with her joy and imagination to help offset the familys financial hardship that threatens foreclosure on their longtime home. When Van Dyke first arrived on the 2018 set to play Mr. Dawes Jr., his eyes just lit up. He was beaming, production designer John Myre said on Thursday nights red carpet. On set, he said, a dancer initially stood in for Van Dyke to demonstrate his routine inside the London bank. We were all concerned, Myre explained of the nonagenarians safety. The scene called for a big leap onto the desk of Colin Firths character, followed by a tap-dance break. Myre built a set of steps hidden behind the desk, in case he had any trouble. But in a moment as animated as the man himself, Van Dyke said, I wont need that. Take it away, and executed the moves flawlessly, according to Myre. Lin-Manuel Miranda and Dick Van Dyke (Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic) Director Rob Marshall was moved to tears and couldnt call cut, said his partner, John DeLuca. And Emilys like, Ah, hes crying! Emilys laughing. It was the most moving thing. Just to have that presence everyone felt it. It was fearless, DeLuca said. It didnt hit me that he was a legend. But my mum said, OK, so Joel, Dick Van Dyke is an A-lister, child actor Joel Dawson told The Times. He plays the youngest of the Banks children, Georgie. You have to be serious with him, his mother noted, but he promised, Shes not strict like that. Shes actually a really nice mum. Some of the cast and crew of Mary Poppins Returns at Thursdays premiere. (Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images for Disney) RELATED: For Rob Marshall and David Magee, the time was right to bring back Mary Poppins The movie also features a cameo from another Hollywood great, Angela Lansbury. She acts and sings as the Balloon Lady in the films finale, the favorite song of lyricists Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman. When we heard her singing our song, literally the top of my head screwed right off and flew into outer space, Shaiman said on the red carpet. I still cannot believe it when she comes on screen and sings a song that we wrote. Mid-interview, Wittman and Shaiman were interrupted by a surprise visit from Richard M. Sherman, who co-wrote the music and lyrics for the 1964 film. He and his brother Robert brought to life the classics Chim Chim Cher-ee, A Spoonful of Sugar and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Wittman and Shaiman gave Sherman all the songs and scripts during production, describing him as their fairy godfather. With their idols arms wrapped around their shoulders, the wide-eyed Wittman and Shaiman told reporters, This is the man. Hes the rabbi. Were just the congregation. We were trying to honor him the best that we could. Sherman assured them, I was thrilled because it was right in keeping with what Bob [Robert B. Sherman] and I had started, like walking in the same direction. Karen Dotrice, who played Jane Banks in the 1964 film, and Richard Sherman, who co-wrote its music. (Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images) RELATED: Versatile Emily Blunt steps into the timeless shoes of Mary Poppins Karen Dotrice, who played Jane Banks in the 1964 film version, was also in attendance. Emily Mortimer plays a grown-up version of the character alongside Ben Whishaw as an adult Michael Banks. Mortimer was on set when Dotrice returned to Cherry Tree Lane for the first time in 54 years, since she was a child. That was an amazing day. It felt like a stamp of approval in a way that she showed up and did this cameo in our movie, Mortimer recalled. She was really moved. As the countdown to the screening neared, a hurried Blunt rushed by. Asked how she was feeling that night, she exclaimed, Nervous! It was the same for Sherman the night of the 1964 premiere. [It was] a great blur. I was very, very nervous, he said. Worried if people would even like my things. Like this ridiculous word, Supercalifragilistic. We didnt know what to expect, but it worked out. Here we are. Its no wonder Warner Bros. held back the family dramedy Head Full of Honey from critics until the last minute. Actor-filmmaker Til Schweiger has remade his 2014 German film Honig im Kopf (which translates to Honey in the Head, but was also released as Head Full of Honey) for American audiences and the result is a raucous, wildly implausible, overlong jumble saddled by a host of misguided creative instincts. Its a potentially warm and delicate story that required a scalpel, but saw the blunt end of a sledgehammer instead. In theory, the idea of a towering actor such as Nick Nolte playing a doddering granddad lost in a fog of Alzheimers disease is an intriguing choice. And as the flamboyantly-named Amadeus, a recent widower and former veterinarian at a crossroads, the three-time Oscar nominee tears into the role with no small amount of conviction. Unfortunately, his Amadeus is so ham-handedly scripted and directed by Schweiger (Lo Malinke and Jojo Moyes co-wrote) and played for too many appalling or disturbing laughs that Nolte can never quite get a handle on the characters trajectory, alternating between agitation, confusion, delusion and only fleeting moments of clarity without enough of the necessary shadings. If this approach was meant to duplicate the roller-coaster ravages of the disease, thats fine, but the films absurdly broad, fever-pitch tone too often smothers Noltes hard-working performance; Amadeus is ultimately more amped-up characterization than flesh-and-blood character. (See Blythe Danners lovely turn in the recent What They Had as a master class in portraying the descent into Alzheimers.) Advertisement Unfortunately, the rest of the cast also falls prey to Schweigers aggressive, uncalibrated style, chiefly Matt Dillon as Nick, Amadeus devoted if distracted son, and Emily Mortimer as Nicks beleaguered wife, Sarah. Playing a badly behaved couple stressed by work issues, infidelities and the dizzying intrusion that occurs when Amadeus moves in with them and their 10-year-old daughter, Tilda (a not-quite-ready Sophia Lane Nolte, Nicks real-life daughter), Dillon and especially Mortimer who spends the first part of the film in a state of unbridled apoplexy are all over the place. The pressures for Nick and Sarah vis a vis the larger-than-life Amadeus quickly pile up as he nearly burns down their house, turns their refrigerator into a urinal (the films most groan-worthy moment), clutters the place up with his old junk, flings food in the air and sets off a crazy fireworks explosion. They know Amadeus belongs in an assisted living facility but cant yet make the leap. But their angst and what shred of credibility the movie may have retained goes kablooey when Tilda, who has bonded with Amadeus in a way Nick never could (of course), decides to gramps-nap the old guy and whisk him off to romantic Venice, the site of his favorite memories with late wife, Margaret. How Tilda and Amadeus make their way to Italy is so thoroughly improbable, not to mention ridiculously irresponsible and dangerous, that it irrevocably sinks the picture. This pie-in-the-sky journey includes a car chase that finds a dazed Amadeus behind the wheel in London traffic, an aborted train trip through the Alps, a truck ride with a smelly flock of sheep and other frantic set pieces that play more like ha-ha trailer moments than any kind of remotely rational narrative choices. Although this well-intended film, featuring on-the-nose narration by Sophia, certainly aims for heartfelt, it lands somewhere between mawkish and strained, rarely missing an opportunity to make noise, crash things, land a punch, stretch for the uneasy laugh and generally overreact. This isnt helped by Schweigers excessive use of unflattering close-ups, as if we wont get what the characters are saying or feeling if were not literally in their faces. Jacqueline Bisset, in a dreadfully written role as Sarahs free-spirited mother (she wears turbans, enough said), and Eric Roberts as an unlikely doctor, are especially badly shot. ------------ Head Full of Honey Rated: PG-13, for language, some suggestive material and thematic elements Running time: 2 hours, 7 minutes Playing: ArcLight Hollywood; the Landmark, West Los Angeles See the most-read stories in Entertainment this hour Movie Trailers calendar@latimes.com @LATimesMovies At 28, Sandra Bland had the world in front of her. Driving from Illinois to Texas, Bland was ready for a fresh start at a new job at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M University, near Houston. But shortly after arriving in Texas, she was pulled over by a state trooper for failing to signal a lane change. What started as a seemingly routine traffic stop on that day in July 2015 quickly escalated, with trooper Brian Encinia slapping Bland, pulling her out of the car and yelling, I will light you up. It ended with Blands arrest for allegedly assaulting the officer. Three days later, she was dead, found hanging in her cell at the Waller County Jail. Her death was ruled a suicide. Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland, a new HBO documentary from Academy Award-nominated filmmakers Kate Davis and David Heilbroner, retraces the events of Blands disquieting arrest and the familys subsequent lawsuit, while exploring questions raised about the circumstances surrounding the African American womans death. Advertisement The film premiered in April at Tribeca Film Festival to an audience that included members of Blands family, some of whom were seeing the documentary for the first time. It debuts Monday on HBO. What made Sandy special was what she made of herself as a woman. She was educated, articulate, ambitious, Heilbroner said in an interview here during the festival. Heres someone who really represents the best that we could hope for, taken down by the authorities. News of Blands death spread quickly, in large part because of a social media push that adopted the hashtag #SayHerName, which gives the film its title. Within four days, the case made national headlines and soon caught the attention of Sheila Nevins, then-president of HBO Documentary Films. I was very moved by her, Nevins said. I thought there was more to the story. I thought this woman probably did not commit suicide unless she was provoked or something. Nevins immediately thought of Davis and Heilbroner, who previously collaborated with HBO on several films. The married couple first came to Nevins attention through Davis 2001 documentary, Southern Comfort, which was acquired by HBO and won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance. Their documentaries have picked up numerous awards, including an Emmy, two Peabody Awards and an Oscar nod this year for their short film, Traffic Stop. Blands death came at a time when the Black Lives Matter movement was making its presence felt, with protests breaking out nationwide over the much-publicized deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Walter Scott and Eric Garner. In the days following Blands death, the still-grieving family was reluctantly thrust into the spotlight. There have been many incidents with black women and black girls, but their names didnt have staying power, Sharon Cooper, one of Blands four sisters, said after the Tribeca screening. For whatever reason, Sandy was chosen for a time such as this, so we felt like we had to pick up the armor and move forward. After a dozen phone calls to the familys lawyer, Cannon Lambert, and an hours-long meeting near Chicago with Blands sisters and her mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, the filmmakers finally got permission to shadow the family as they searched for answers. When we talked to the family and asked whether they would be willing to make a documentary, Cannon Lambert looked at me and said, If it turns out that we cant prove that Sandy was murdered, do you still think you have a film worth making? I said, Absolutely. She never should have been arrested in the first place. She never should have been jailed, says Heilbroner, a former Manhattan prosecutor. Whether someone went in there and killed her or whether she was ultimately driven to suicide, the system lynched her. The couple began shooting 10 days after Blands funeral, the same day Lambert filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of the family, claiming wrongful death and civil rights violations. Arresting officer Encinia, the Waller County sheriff and local law enforcement agencies were named as defendants. Though Davis and Heilbroner had never met Bland, they had access to her video blog, which put the young womans ebullient personality and humor on full display. In her #SandySpeaks series, which she began shooting on her cellphone months before her death, Bland shared messages of unity among races and her thoughts on civil rights, police brutality, racial identity and her love for children and education. Im here to change history, she cheerily says in her first video. The documentary weaves together the troopers dashcam footage, a bystanders video recording of the incident, candid interviews with family members, friends and Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith and District Atty. Elton Mathis. (Encinia declined to be interviewed for the film.) Interspersed throughout are clips from the #SandySpeaks videos, allowing viewers to hear directly from Bland. Davis used the videos as a guide in addressing themes of the film. She really was about blacks and whites not being in a polarized standoff that we need to hear each other, Davis said. Hearing law enforcement speak in combination with Sandras own messages of love and compassion helped me see on a sort of meta level that we all come to things with biases. Its everywhere throughout society. The filmmakers felt it was crucial not to sugarcoat Bland, whose brushes with the law a DUI and marijuana possession charges as well as bouts of depression, are addressed in the film. We didnt want this to be a film about Saint Sandra Bland, Heilbroner noted. As protests erupted at the jail and across the nation, conspiracy theories began to pop up. Why was Bland alone in a cell? Why was a large trash bin with a plastic liner placed in her cell? Why were there no fingerprints or DNA on the bag Bland allegedly used to hang herself? Say Her Name tracks the Waller County investigation and the familys lawsuit to their surprising conclusions. While the family still does not believe justice was served, they hope the film will carry on Blands messages of racial unity and the need for change. I wanted to go from what happened to what happens now, Reed-Veal said. The main thing is, almost three years later, everybody still is keeping up with the story. That was the thing that I wanted in the beginning for her not to be forgotten. Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland Where: HBO When: 10 p.m. Sunday Rating: TV-MA (may be unsuitable for children under the age of 17) calendar@latimes.com Taraji P. Hensons personal belongings were scattered throughout a rented Beverly Hills mansion off Mulholland Drive, the site of a one-time charity event the actress was hosting. In the mix were a Chanel tweed coat, an Adidas track jacket, a form-fitting Alexander McQueen dress, shoes by Christian Louboutin and bags from Valentino and Miu Miu. For many, cleaning out a closet is a fresh start. However, Hensons charity yard sale represented much more for the Empire star. On a sunny September afternoon, Henson, clad in a red Gucci dress, was selling pieces from her wardrobe to benefit her new nonprofit, the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation. The organizations focus is to combat what Henson believes is a stigma surrounding mental health challenges in the black community. I noticed that my white friends would always say, Im going to see my shrink at 3 oclock, she said. Theres no shame in their game. Its a part of taking care of your total health. Well, we dont look at it that way. In our community, its taboo. Its taboo to even talk about it because well call each other crazy or were demonized or were misdiagnosed. There are trust issues because there are not enough of us in the field. Taraji P. Henson is on a mission to change the stigma around mental health issues in the black community. (Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times) Advertisement This was the impetus for launching her foundation. Hensons longtime friend Tracie Jade Jenkins serves as the organizations executive director. The nonprofit is named after Hensons father, who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder following his service in the Vietnam War. We had a cat, and the cat got into the blinds one time, Henson recalled. My dad woke up in a rage. I was 17. I was like, How long ago was Vietnam? He was still dealing with it. Although her father died in 2006 of liver cancer, Henson wants his legacy to live on through the organization. He was a big part of my life, said Henson, who plays Cookie Lyon on Empire. Hes a big part of why Im the way I am and who I am. He has a lot to do with my Cookie-isms on the show, she said, revealing a tattoo on her left bicep that reads, The Truth. I thought, What a great way to celebrate his life. A man who walked in his truth, and he wasnt ashamed. Taraji P. Hensons fall gathering for the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation. (Vivien Killilea / Getty Images for The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation) Henson said her father was always honest about his struggles. He wore his heart on his sleeve, she said. My father attempted suicide. There was a lot of trauma there, you know? But he was open and willing to talk about it. Her fathers candor made it easier for her to cope as an adult raising her 24-year-old son, Marcell, who faced his own tragedy in 2003. My son and I have experienced a lot of trauma, she said. His father was murdered when he was 9, and then my dad passed away from cancer after that. She and her son struggled with the tragedies. For so long, weve been taught to sweep it under the carpet, she said. Weve been told, Youre strong. Get over it. Time heals all pain. Well, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes you need someone to talk to outside of a friend a professional. Tracie Jade Jenkins, left, with Taraji P. Henson, who launched her new nonprofit organization, the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation. The organization is named after the Empire actress late father. (Vivien Killilea / Getty Images for the Boris Lawre) However, Henson had difficulty finding a therapist she could connect with. Looking for an African American psychiatrist was like looking for a unicorn, she said. And I needed help. My son needed help. I was like, Something has to be done. We have to talk about this because we cant walk around with this pain and not do anything about it. If I have issues with whats going on in the world, I cant talk to a person who doesnt look like me because race is going to come up, she said. After doing some research, Henson and Jenkins discovered that there were 2,837 psychology PhDs awarded to U.S. citizens in 2008, according to a report by the American Psychological Assn. Of the recipients, the report found that 76% were white, while 5.8% were African Americans. (Less than 1% of those PhDs were given to Native Americans; 5.2% went to Asians; and 9.7%, to Hispanic students.) Hensons organization wants to change those statistics for psychologists of color, particularly among African Americans. Taraji P. Henson. (Michael Nagle / For The Times) We need to get more children interested in becoming therapists, Henson said, explaining that she plans to eventually award scholarships to black students who are interested in pursuing a career in the mental health field. She also plans on working closely with school districts to provide therapists, social workers and counselors to African American children in under-served communities. But right now, were focused on starting an open, honest dialogue and putting a face to it like myself, Henson said. I think the people trust me saying, Its OK. Im not perfect. And money doesnt make your problems go away. Just because Im pretty in front of the camera and on a carpet, I still have to go home to real problems. We all need help, and its OK to talk about it. So here I am. Lets eradicate the stigma around it. This has been 35 years in the making, added Jenkins, who first met Henson, who grew up in Washington, D.C., in junior high school when they were 12 years old. Over the years, weve been talking about ways to give back. Once we realized that there was so much going on in the mental health segment, we were like, This may be a place where we can be useful. Trai Byers, with Kaitlin Doubleday in a scene from Empire, plays Andre, a character with bipolar disorder, on the Fox show. (Matt Dinerstein / Fox) Mental health is also a subject that hits close to home professionally for Henson, whose oldest son on Empire has bipolar disorder. The actress applauded the shows attempt to shine a light on the subject. I thought that was so bold, she said. I was proud to be a part of a show that was speaking on such an important subject matter, especially in our community. As guests perused her staged closet, Henson explained how the idea behind her launch party came about. I love garage sales, she said. I almost missed meeting the great David Fincher for Benjamin Button because I was having a garage sale. So I end up with all this stuff every year because I like to shop. I was like, Whats a way that I can make these clothes work for themselves? And then we started talking about this foundation and I was like, I know. Ive got it. We can marry my garage sale [with the foundation] and well call it a boutique, and thatll be the launch of the foundation. And here we are with all my stuff. The racks included clothing and accessories from Veronica Beard, Topshop and Fendi. Some of it, Im like, No, I need to take that back, Henson said with a laugh, adding that the sale included her very first pair of designer shoes, what she called a Giuseppe Zanotti wrap-up shoe. A pair of shoes at Taraji P. Hensons luxury closet sale, which benefits the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation. (Vivien Killilea / Getty Images for The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation) Im a girly girl and I like to shop, she said. What can I say? Also on display were purses, ties and a blazer, all hand-painted by Washington, D.C., artist Cierra Lynn. Proceeds from the items benefitted the organizations first initiative called A Little Piece of Heaven, for which 15 inner-city school bathrooms are set to be painted with bright, visual, empowering messages to combat bullying, suicide, depression and self-harm. Although her fashion items were exclusive to the party, the general public can also get involved by donating to the organization through prizeo.com/taraji. Those who still contribute have a chance to win a trip to meet Henson during the premiere of her upcoming film What Men Want. Later in the day at the charity sale, Henson turned to the crowd. I know were here to have a good time, she said. But we are on a mission to save and heal our community. Get drunk and shop. A look at one of the outfits from Taraji P. Hensons fall luxury closet sale in support of her nonprofit organization. Her nonprofit was inspired by her father who dealt with mental health problems. (Vivien Killilea / Getty Images for the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation) image@latimes.com For fashion news, follow us at @latimesimage on Twitter. This Sunday night unusually early due to a leap year in the Jewish lunar calendar marks the beginning of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which commemorates an age-old miracle. According to legend, a tiny amount of oil used by the Hasmoneans to light the menorah in the temple lasted for eight days. So Jews make traditional fried foods like sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts), bimuelos (sweet dough balls similar to Argentinian bunuelos) and sfinge (Moroccan fritters) to honor the history. But the undisputed alpha dish of this holiday is the latke, or potato pancake. Latkes are delicious and a royal pain for the person making them. In fact it was last year, mopping my brow frying for friends as they drank cocktails within earshot, that I decided Id officially had my last canola-oil-steam facial. Recipe: Oversize russet and root vegetable latkes Advertisement This year Im transitioning latkes from their more expected role as a la minute party fare to the centerpiece of a low-key meal any time during Hanukkah (and beyond). By increasing the size of each pancake and using two skillets, you can make a latke dinner for four with precisely two flips of a spatula, and serve them fresh from the frying pan with minimal attention. Even if Im going for mixed-media latkes such as in this recipe, I always begin with at least some standard russet potatoes, usually no less than half the total volume. Potatoes bind the other ingredients and provide an unbeatable baseline crunch. Latkes and pomegranate salad. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times) Recipe: Early winter salad After grating them with an onion (and here, an apple), I soak the potatoes in water. That way, everything remains snowy white until youre ready to squeeze it out. And squeeze you should: More than anything else, eliminating as much liquid as possible before you fry optimizes the interplay of moist-to-crunchy that, to my mind, defines latke nirvana. The added step of encasing the shreds in a towel and applying some elbow grease, a method I learned from L.A. jewelry designer and chef Samantha Rifkin Garelick, really makes a difference. Potato starch (and an extra egg yolk) help glue the pancakes together without the dense glueyness of all-purpose flour, and I add the salt last, which gives it less time to leach liquid into the mix. Finally, I divide the batter into two larger, relatively loose cakes, spreading the mixture atop the hot oil without packing it down, which allows the latkes to cook and release steam (read: moisture). Think of these as wannabe rostis, minus the clarified butter and plus added sweetness thanks to the right amount of apples, sweet potatoes and beets. Recipe: Golden labneh Of the many things I learned cooking alongside Chrissy Teigen and her mother, Vilailuck, over the course of two Cravings cookbooks, choosing peanut oil for frying was one of the most life-changing. Things fried in peanut oil crisp and brown with less burning; taste lighter and less greasy than foods fried in other oils; and acquire a subtle toasty flavor. I always default to it now, though canola or safflower work well if peanut allergies are an issue. Heat your oil to medium and not much higher; you want the insides to cook along with the outsides. As the latkes fry, you can make a sexy little salad whose tart dressing and pomegranate seeds natures Pop Rocks, as far as Im concerned are the perfect foil for the latkes richness. food@latimes.com @latimesfood When his mothers health was declining, Dennis Hutson moved to Allensworth in Californias Central Valley. The town, founded in 1908, was created on the principle that African Americans could own property, run their own town and live peacefully while pursuing the American dream. Population 471, the town is now just 5% African American. Its the kind of place where everyone knows everybody. Some cite the demographic shifts of African Americans moving to cities, and others the closure of the Allensworth railroad stop, for the economic downfall of the area. There is not even a service station or corner store in the town. Dennis Hutson directs two farmworkers as they auger holes for trees to act as a windbreak on his farm. Gabriel Scarlett / Los Angeles Times When his mother, Nettie Mae Morrison, moved to Allensworth in 1979, Hutson began visiting. He was amazed by the poverty and lack of economic development. A Methodist preacher and Air Force chaplain, he said God spoke to him and told him to be a positive change in the community. Dennis Hutson preaches to the small congregation at First Baptist Church in Pixley, Calif., in August. Gabriel Scarlett / Los Angeles Times Since then, he has purchased a 60-acre farm, hired several African American farm hands, and is now on his way to owning a sustainable, organic farm. In a country in which less than 2% of farmers are African American, Hutson hopes to provide a boost to this once-thriving town. He is doing it to honor his late mother (the unofficial mayor of Allensworth) and to provide economic opportunity for his African American brothers and sisters. After a morning of work on his farm and checking his fields' water levels in the evening, Hutson rests. His wife and most of his family live in Las Vegas. He jokes that all of his decades in the Air Force and tours around the world helped prepare him for this his most remote posting. His wife plans to join him within a year, when the farm is more functional, and they will build a home. Hutson points to a dike in his alfalfa fields. After the harvest, the process starts over and he floods the fields for several weeks. Gabriel Scarlett / Los Angeles Times Hutson checks irrigation valves in his alfalfa fields. He could not recall any rainfall over the entire summer. Gabriel Scarlett / Los Angeles Times Hutson rests at home after a long day in his fields. Gabriel Scarlett / Los Angeles Times In the evening, Hutson drives to the edge of his farmland to visit his mothers grave. I think she would be very pleased and proud to see what we have done here, he says. I think that part of the reason that she hung on so long was because she wanted to see the progress here and that someone other than herself was working for this community. A key Democratic legislator called Thursday for the immediate resignation of the chairman of the California bullet train project, the most powerful reaction yet to a scathing audit of the $77-billion high-speed rail program that is far behind schedule and over budget. Assembly Transportation Chairman Jim Frazier said California High Speed Rail Authority Chairman Dan Richard should step down after a hearing on the audit, which asserts the state wasted billions of dollars because of poor management. The state financial review earlier this month faulted the agency for issuing construction contracts before it owned land, failing to document that the work it paid for was actually completed correctly and relying too heavily on costly outside consultants. After being assured multiple times that these ongoing issues were being addressed, it is apparent to me that the authority has been less than forthcoming, Frazier, of Oakley, Calif., said after the hearing. They have continually lied to us about performance. Advertisement Richard has had every opportunity since 2012 to correct these problems and has failed. Richard owes it to California taxpayers to step aside and let new leadership take over. In an emailed statement, Richard said rail authority officials are open to constructive advice, but have no need to respond to errant and uninformed attacks. The tough statements by legislators Thursday reflect the fast-changing political climate confronting the project as its chief proponent, Gov. Jerry Brown, prepares to leave office in a month. Richard was chosen by Brown in 2012 to deliver on one of the governors most ambitious goals of his long political tenure: the nations first bullet train, linking almost every major city in the state. Richard was not at the hearing Thursday, which staff said earlier in the week was the result of previous personal commitments on the East Coast. Dan Richard, chair of the California High Speed Rail Authority, directs a 2015 board meeting in Los Angeles. (Al Seib / Los Angeles Times) The program has more than doubled in cost from the $33 billion estimated when voters approved a $9 billion bond in 2008. It is now 13 years behind schedule. California Auditor Elaine Howles review warns that the state is at risk of missing a federal grant deadline to complete 119 miles of construction in the Central Valley, which could result in Washington demanding a refund of as much as $3.5 billion. A clawback is a significant risk not only to the rail authority but to the state of California, Howle told the joint legislative audit committee hearing. The audit found the rail authority would have to double its rate of progress to meet the deadline, leaving serious concerns that it can be achieved, she said. Rail authority Vice Chairman Tom Richards told legislators he believes the project can meet the 2022 deadline, but will consider a Plan B: asking the Federal Railroad Administration for a delay. One of the most daunting issues in the project is what it will actually cost to complete the job. The authoritys 2018 business plan warned that costs could reach $97 billion, though outside critics expect a cost well above $100 billion. There is significant risk that the cost of this project is going to continue to accelerate more than it has to date, Howle said. Richards said the authority is moving to implement the recommendations suggested in the audit and will reduce reliance on outside consultants by increasing staff. The audit found that 145 out of 184 tasks said to be finished by the states main consultant were missing documentation on their completion. The incomplete documentation, Richards said, was troubling and embarrassing, but measures were already underway to correct the issue. Richards acknowledged that plans to share some sections of existing track were not what the voters approved and that the money does not exist to complete a partial operating system from Silicon Valley to the Central Valley. But he took exception to the audits finding that costs have inflated by billions of dollars because of the decision to launch construction prematurely. He said that the federal grants required an early start to construction or the loss of the $3.5 billion. Rather than causing billions of dollars in delay costs, it amounted to only $600 million, meaning the state was still ahead by $3 billion. The alternative was to leave billions of dollars in federal funds on the table, he said. Frazier had a different view. Flawed decision-making and poor contract management by the authority have led to billions in cost overruns, he said. Delays in construction continues to cost California taxpayers billions. This is simply unsustainable. ralph.vartabedian@latimes.com Follow me on Twitter @rvartabedian Two former officials in Californias liquor agency pleaded guilty Thursday to running a bribery scheme that for years targeted karaoke bar owners in Los Angeles Koreatown. Wilbur M. Salao, 46, and Scott Seo, 49, entered guilty pleas during a morning hearing in a downtown federal courtroom, the U.S. attorneys office said in a statement. Seo, who became a consultant for bar owners after a stint in the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, admitted to paying thousands of dollars in bribes to Salao. Salao, an ABC supervisor who oversaw operations in Koreatown until he left the agency last year, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy. The men were arrested in October after an FBI investigation into their ploy to shake down bar owners. Advertisement Stanley L. Friedman, Seos attorney, said his client regrets his conduct and pleaded guilty in order to acknowledge his mistakes and bring closure to the matter. An attorney for Salao did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In pleading guilty, Seo acknowledged paying more than $28,000 in bribes and kickbacks to Salao between the end of 2011 and May 2016. In exchange, prosecutors said Salao helped Seos clients by, among other things, fast-tracking liquor license applications. Salao also targeted enforcement raids at bars that refused to work with Seo. For example, in December 2011, after ABC agents raided a karaoke bar, the owner paid Seo $60,000 in cash to help resolve his problems, according to court records. Seo shared some of the money with Salao, who gave the bar a temporary license to remain open. Seo also admitted to sending Salao lists of businesses for the ABC to target, passing along violations they were likely to discover, such as operating after hours. As part of his guilty plea, Seo agreed to cooperate with the FBI and prosecutors as they continue to investigate corruption in Koreatown. Along with sharing information he knows, Seo is required under the deal to serve as an undercover informant if investigators ask him to do so, according to a plea agreement filed in court. If prosecutors decide Seo has provided significant assistance, they will ask U.S. District Judge John A. Kronstadt to show some leniency when he sentences Seo. Although he faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, his attorney said he is hoping his client will receive something significantly less than that. The terms of Salaos guilty plea were not made public, leaving it unclear whether he, too, is cooperating with authorities. Salao faces up to five years behind bars. Investigators obtained a series of text messages between the two men as they discussed their scheme, according to the indictment filed against them. In one exchange, Salao expressed delight that Seo had managed to get a $3,000 consulting payment from a bar owner facing ABC violations. Damn! 3K just like that? We are gonna rape Ktown! Salao wrote in a message to Seo, according to the indictment. Later that day, prosecutors said, Seo told Salao that he wanted to meet to discuss a plan for using the Korean news media to pump fear into Ktown. Salao responded by saying: Im open to whatever lines our wallets! according to the indictment. Salao also tipped off Seo to impending raids or undercover operations by the ABC and the Los Angeles Police Department, prosecutors said. He once sent Seo a photograph of an undercover LAPD officer, which allowed Seo to warn a client to conceal illegal activity from police. The arrangement with Salao allowed Seo to bolster his business by $60,000 in illicit profits, prosecutors found. joel.rubin@latimes.com david.zahniser@latimes.com Indian students show their Chinese calligraphy works. (Xinhua/Zheng Huansong) As a conventional symbolic resource within a cultural system, language is the ultimate tool to decipher foreign culture, as well as a key to communicate with foreigners. Following Chinas swift development and the revival of traditional Chinese culture, educational authorities in many countries have decided to include Mandarin as part of their college curriculum, to help the younger generation comprehend the rising power that is China. Russia As of 2019, Mandarin will be included in Russias Unified State Exam, a national exam that every student must pass after school to enter a university or a professional college. Anzul Muzayev, deputy director of Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, told Russia Today that currently, over 17,000 students are learning Mandarin as their second language, while in 2019, hundreds of students will pass the Mandarin test in their Unified State Exam. According to Russia Today, the exam will include 42 questions and will be divided into four sections to focus on listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, and writing, and those taking the exam will have three hours to complete it. Over the past 10 years, the number of Mandarin learners in Russia has grown significantly. In 1997, around 5,000 Russians chose to study Mandarin, while in 2017, that number stood at 56,000. UK Although Mandarin has long been offered as an A-level, which is a standardized examination in secondary schools across the UK, minus Scotland, this year Mandarin bucked the trend in regards to the falling popularity of language learning in the UK. According to the Telegraph, the number of students taking an A-level in Chinese has overtaken German for the first time this year, becoming the UKs third most popular language. Governmental statistics have shown that 3,334 British students took an A-level in Chinese in 2018, while the number of students signing up for Chinese as a subject has increased by 8.6 percent year-on-year. Mark Herbert, director of schools and skills at the British Council, told the Telegraph that the increasing popularity of Chinese with the young British public is welcomed. Our research shows that Mandarin will be one of the most important languages for the UKs future prosperity and global standing, he added. Ireland Irish Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Brunton, launched the Irish governments Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017-2026, which sets out a roadmap to promote Ireland as a top nation in Europe for the teaching and learning of foreign languages. According to the plan, Mandarin will be introduced in high schools as a leaving certificate subject, while the subject will be officially included in the Leaving Certificate Examination, the university matriculation exam of Ireland, in 2020. Richard Brunton told media sources that several short-term Mandarin teaching programs had started since 2014, to help Irish students further understand Chinese language and culture. The inclusion of Mandarin in the Leaving Certificate Examination will further strengthen such a goal. Prosecutors Thursday declined to charge four Barstow police officers who fatally shot a black man while he was at the wheel of a car, finding that they reasonably used deadly force to protect their lives when the vehicle clipped one of them. Diante Yarber, 26, was driving the black Ford Mustang in a Walmart parking lot when officers fired 30 rounds into the vehicle on April 5. His death received widespread publicity and sparked large protests in front of Barstow City Hall and police headquarters. The incident came a month after the high-profile killing of another African American young man, Stephon Clark, by police in Sacramento. Yarber was wanted in connection with a stolen vehicle, and officers believed he was likely at the wheel because the car was registered to a relative, a report by the San Bernardino County district attorneys office said. The officers were aware Yarber was a gang member known to carry guns and run from law enforcement, the report said. Advertisement Citing body cams recordings, prosecutors said Yarber ignored instructions to turn off the ignition and show his hands after he was stopped. Instead, he put the Mustang in reverse and struck the front of a patrol car, the report said. Yarber then accelerated the car toward an officer who pointed his handgun and ordered the driver to stop. Hemmed in, Yarber reversed and struck a passenger who had bolted from the Mustang. Yarber careened the car into another patrol car and then struck Officer Vincent Carrillo in the left thigh after putting the car in reverse. ,After Yarber drove forward and struck another patrol car, Carrillo and Cpl. Jose Barrientos, afraid for their safety, fired their handguns, the report said. Officers Matthew Helms and Jimmie Walker almost simultaneously opened fire, the report said. The Mustang then rolled to a stop after striking a patrol car and a civilian vehicle and officers called for medical help to render aid. In this case, Officers Carillo, Officer Helms, Officer Walker and Corporal Barrientos each had an honest and objectively reasonable belief that Yarber posed a threat of seriously bodily injury or death to themselves, prosecutors wrote. Yarber was pronounced dead at the scene while a 23-year-old female passenger was airlifted to a trauma center with multiple gunshot wounds. Two other young men fled from the car during the incident, officials said. Yarber is the father of three girls, ages 9, 7 and 1. Yarber had prior convictions for fleeing the police and misdemeanor domestic violence and was on three years probation at the time of the shooting. Court records show he was charged in March with violating his community supervision. The report from prosecutors noted the background of two of the officers. Walker in 2010 was charged with four misdemeanors including violating a persons civil rights and he later pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and public intoxication. Another officer at the scene, who did not shoot, also had a troubled history. Officer Andrew Buesa while at the Los Angeles Police Department was discharged in connection with misconduct in a 2002 arrest Yarbers family has said the shooting was unjustified and filed a federal lawsuit claiming excessive force was used. Grainy cellphone video from the scene captured the sound of gunfire as police rounds pierced the vehicle and appears to show the Mustang moving slowly backward as the officers fired. But the video does not show the full incident. BPD Officers Walker, Barrientos, Carrillo and Helms drew their weapons and began to shout profanities and other violent threats at Diante Yarber as he attempted to step out of the vehicle, the lawsuit alleges. The BPD Officers began to take aim at the vehicle and shout threats, profanities and racial slurs. Family attorney S. Lee Merritt has alleged officers never attempted to render aid to the dying man. Merritt and Yarbers family had demanded that the officers face criminal charges. richard.winton@latimes.com Twitter: @lacrimes Four swastikas were found painted across the face of a Crenshaw mural depicting African American women Thursday morning, police said. Los Angeles police took a report about the incident shortly before noon near the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and 48th Street, LAPD Officer Jeff Lee said. No suspects are in custody, and Lee described the vandalism as an isolated incident. The case is being investigated as a possible hate crime, and officers are canvassing the area for witnesses or surveillance video, Lee said. The mural, Our Mighty Contribution, depicts a number of African Americans icons including Martin Luther King Jr. and Harriet Tubman, as well as several Black Panthers holding guns, according to Jasmyne Cannick, a political consultant who said she immediately contacted LAPD Chief Michel Moore after she was alerted to the vandalism. Advertisement Vandals deface Black Panther mural on Crenshaw Blvd. in #SouthLA with swastikas. https://t.co/UH3NXO4TkF Jasmyne Cannick (@Jasmyne) November 29, 2018 The swastikas each of which covered the face of a female Black Panther were cleaned off by the artist Enkone, who helped create the mural, Cannick said. People just have always had a lot of respect for that mural and what it represented in the community so even though this is a city like full of graffiti, that mural was usually untouchable, she said. Cannick said the area is home to a number of businesses and attracts a lot of foot traffic, making it hard to believe someone was able to paint such hateful symbols unnoticed. For a community that already feels like its being pushed out, and we have very little left around here, she said. That wall is kind of a big deal. The incident comes less than a week after a Seattle man was accused of yelling anti-Semitic slurs before driving his car toward two Jewish men who were leaving a Hancock Park synagogue. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed, 32, pleaded not guilty this week to two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, and police have labeled that case a hate crime as well. Mohameds family has issued a statement saying he is mentally ill rather than hateful. Hate crimes in Los Angeles have increased only slightly in 2018, rising from 223 at this time last year to 231 as of Monday, police said. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) said the incident is a reminder that racist attacks can happen just as easily in Los Angeles as they might elsewhere. When people think of racism like this, they think about some far-off time in some far-off land. But this is today, in South Los Angeles, on Crenshaw. These are swastikas on Black faces, she said on Twitter. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. james.queally@latimes.com Follow @JamesQueallyLAT for crime and police news in California. A killer convicted in Honduras and an MS-13 gang member also from Honduras were arrested in California last weekend after crossing the border illegally, Border Patrol said Friday. The two are being held up by federal authorities as examples of some of the criminals who have traveled through Mexico to the border with Central American caravans hoping to enter the U.S., many through the asylum process. Both arrests occurred Saturday. Around 11 p.m., agents detected three people crossing the border about one mile east of the San Ysidro Port of Entry, authorities said. The trio was arrested and taken to a Border Patrol station for processing. There, documents indicated that one of the men had been released recently from prison in Honduras after serving 10 years for homicide and three years for robbery. Advertisement The man, 46, admitted hed been released four months ago and traveled with the caravan to Tijuana. The mans record was confirmed with the Honduran Consulate in Los Angeles. The two other men with him, ages 22 and 38, are also from Honduras. One had been deported previously, authorities said. All three are being held in Department of Homeland Security custody pending deportation proceedings, officials said, with no criminal charges filed. It was unclear why they werent being charged with illegal entry under the Trump administrations zero tolerance policy. Earlier in the evening near the Calexico Port of Entry, Border Patrol agents encountered a 29-year-old man suspected of being in the country illegally, authorities said. The man told agents that he was a Honduran citizen who had traveled with the caravan, and that he was an active gang member with MS-13, a notoriously violent group. He also was being held pending immigration processing and repatriation to Honduras with no criminal charges filed. Davis writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune. kristina.davis@sduniontribune.com A man has been sentenced to four years in prison for burglarizing the homes of people who were attending funerals, the Los Angeles County district attorneys office said. Brett Rogers, 45, pleaded no contest to two felony counts of first-degree residential burglary of two Los Angeles homes as part of a sentencing agreement, the district attorneys office said Thursday. Rogers had also been accused of breaking into a Glendale womans home and stealing her engagement ring while she was attending her husbands funeral, according to Ricardo Santiago, a spokesman for the district attorneys office, but as part of the plea deal that charge was dropped. Rogers still must pay restitution for all three burglaries, Santiago said. The ring has not been recovered. Rogers was arrested eight weeks after being caught on video on March 11 entering a home on Nagle Avenue in the San Fernando Valley, police said. He parked his car in the driveway, walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell, which was equipped with a surveillance camera. Advertisement When there was no answer, he walked around to the rear of the home and tried opening the back doors, according to the LAPD. Rogers then walked to a garage door and kicked it open. When an alarm sounded, though, he fled in his car. Four days earlier, Rogers was seen burglarizing a home in West L.A., police said. In both cases, the residents were attending loved ones funerals. Police said Rogers also may have burglarized homes in Lakewood. After releasing video footage from the attempted break-in at the Los Angeles home, police received numerous calls from the public that helped them identify Rogers. He was arrested May 11. A restitution hearing is scheduled in January. alejandra.reyesvelarde@latimes.com Twitter: @r_valejandra Hollywood screenwriter Gloria Katz who co-wrote American Graffiti and helped give Princess Leia her power in Star Wars has died. She was 76. Willard Huyck, Katzs husband and longtime collaborator, told the Hollywood Reporter that she died Sunday, their 49th wedding anniversary, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles after battling ovarian cancer. The couple shared an Oscar nomination with director George Lucas for American Graffiti and secretly doctored his script for Star Wars. The Reporter quoted Katz as saying they shaped Carrie Fishers Leia into someone who can take command, not just a beautiful woman that schlepped along to be saved. They also wrote the screenplay for Steven Spielbergs Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which Lucas executive produced, and later co-wrote Lucky Lady, Messiah of Evil, French Postcards, Best Defense, Howard the Duck, and Radioland Murders. Advertisement Born in Los Angeles on Oct. 25, 1942, Katz majored in English at UC Berkeley, then earned a masters in film at UCLA. In 1969, she married Huyck, a college friend of Lucas at USC. The Reporter quoted Katz as saying in a 2017 interview that Lucas wanted her husband to write about cruising for American Graffiti, and I sort of came with the package. She said Lucas had a lot of reservations about his Star Wars script as filming was about to begin. He said, Polish it write anything you want and then Ill go over it and see what I need, she said. George didnt want anyone to know we worked on the script, so we were in a cone of silence. Katz said she and Huyck tried to add as much humor as possible and wrote about 30% of the films dialogue. Katz was on the board of the Writers Guild of America, was an advisor at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, set to open next year, and served as chair of the Photographic Arts Council Los Angeles. Survivors include their daughter, Rebecca. Relations between President Trump and the incoming president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, were always going to be complicated. The question is whether they will become toxic. Trumps threats to close all or parts of the U.S.-Mexico border have antagonized the incoming administration in Mexico City, which takes office on Saturday, and members of Lopez Obradors transition team have sent mixed signals about their own intentions, creating uncertainty in Washington and among investors. The impasse in Tijuana, where several thousand mostly Central American migrants are stuck on the border, poses the first major test of relations between Trump and Lopez Obrador. But there is a long list of potential confrontations. In addition to differences on immigration, Lopez Obrador, a leftist, has hinted he may support legalizing some drugs. He accepts the scientific consensus on climate change and advocates forcefully for human rights, issues that set him apart from Trump. He also wants to shift more of Mexicos trade into Latin America to get out of the U.S. shadow. Advertisement They are on a collision course, said Eric Olson, an expert on Mexico and Central America in the Washington office of the Seattle International Foundation, an advocacy group. There are potentially many fault lines. The new government will be trying to carve out a position independent of the U.S. Lopez Obrador won his July 1 election with a large majority of the popular vote, giving him a strong mandate, and he enjoys wide national approval. Despite the insults Trump hurled Mexicos way during the 2016 presidential campaign and his early months in office, the outgoing government of President Enrique Pena Nieto managed to work with the White House. That was largely achieved through back-channel diplomacy between Pena Nietos powerful foreign minister, Luis Videgaray, and Trumps son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner. On some of his dozens of trips to Washington, Videgaray went straight to the White House, circumventing the State Department. And Kushner was crucial in revising a new trade treaty among the United States, Mexico and Canada to update the North American Free Trade Agreement, a key Trump goal. Pena Nieto, whose overtures to Trump helped send his approval ratings into single digits, will reward Kushner on Friday by awarding him the Aztec Eagle, the highest honor Mexico bestows on foreigners. Jared Kushner was extremely important in keeping relations on track, Geronimo Gutierrez, outgoing Mexican ambassador to the United States, said in Washington. Lopez Obrador and the party he leads are likely to look to Latin America for trade deals and other concerns, and may withdraw from the U.S.-backed Lima Group of South American countries trying to restore democracy in Venezuela a pet project of the Trump administration. For now, the Trump administration is putting out a welcome mat. Mexicos incoming foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, a former mayor of Mexico City, already has met at least twice with Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, and they are scheduled to meet again Sunday. Pompeo made a point of stopping in to see Lopez Obrador, Ebrard and other members of their party during a whirlwind visit to Mexico City in July. Immigration and trade remain the chief U.S. concerns. The Trump administration wants Mexico to allow migrants to remain in Mexico to await processing of their American asylum claims, to no avail so far. Lopez Obrador campaigned on a different approach for immigration, but much of it was vague and focused on long-standing issues such as helping to improve conditions in Central America, where many of the migrants originate. It is very hard to understand right now exactly where the new Mexican government may be going on immigration, said Roberta Jacobson, who retired in May as U.S. ambassador to Mexico. Trump has not nominated a successor. Pena Nieto was seen largely as helping Washington through a policy critics called detention, retention and deportation, Carlos Antonio Heredia Zubieta, an analyst at a think tank in Mexico City, said in a telephone briefing arranged by the Wilson Center in Washington. Lopez Obrador is unlikely to follow the same playbook. But his first letter to Trump was sufficiently positive, and lacking in policy detail, as to keep the U.S. president on his side. Just spoke to President-Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico. Great call, we will work well together! Trump wrote on Twitter on Oct. 3. In a subsequent speech in Miami outlining the administrations Latin America policy, national security advisor John Bolton barely mentioned Mexico, focusing instead on U.S. opposition to leftist governments in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Lopez Obrador has been very careful at handling the ego of President Trump and will play that game until something unexpected happens on the border, said Sergio Aguayo, a political analyst at the College of Mexico, a think tank. Aguayo thinks Pena Nieto, either deliberately or inadvertently, allowed the recent migrant caravan to cross Mexico to help Trump with his base before the midterm election, as the U.S. president stoked fear by warning of an invasion. But it left a high-power bomb for Lopez Obrador, Aguayo said. Even a leftist president of Mexico has reasons to avoid antagonizing Trump. Theres a difference between doing Washingtons dirty work and having an ordered system that tries to recognize [migrants] rights while also taking care of your own people, said Earl Anthony Wayne, who served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico from 2011 to 2015. They are trying to walk that line. tracy.wilkinson@latimes.com For more on international affairs, follow @TracyKWilkinson on Twitter A grand jury on Friday indicted a former Dallas police officer on a charge of murder in the death of her unarmed black neighbor, whom she says she shot after mistakenly entering his apartment, thinking it was her own. Amber Guyger was arrested on a manslaughter charge three days after the Sept. 6 shooting of her 26-year-old neighbor, Botham Jean, a native of the Caribbean island nation of St. Lucia who attended college in Arkansas and had been working in Dallas for accounting and consulting firm PwC. Guyger told investigators that after finishing her shift, she returned home in uniform and parked on the fourth floor of her apartment complexs garage, rather than the third floor, where her unit was located, according to an affidavit prepared by the Texas Rangers. She said she got to what she thought was her apartment Jeans was directly above hers and found the door ajar. She opened it to find a figure standing in the darkness. She said she pulled her gun and fired twice after the person ignored her commands. Guyger has since been fired from the department, and Jeans family has filed a lawsuit against Guyger and the city of Dallas. The federal suit argues Guyger used excessive force in the shooting and contends the department did not give her adequate training. Advertisement The circumstances of the shooting sparked outrage and led many to question Gugyers account of what happened. Critics, including Jeans family, also wondered why it took three days for Guyger to be charged, why she wasnt taken into custody immediately after the shooting and whether race played a factor in her decision to use deadly force. A public viewing was held Sept. 13 before a funeral for Botham Jean at a church in Richardson, Texas. (Shaban Athuman / The Dallas Morning News) Responding to criticism that the original manslaughter charge was too lenient, Dallas County Dist. Atty. Faith Johnson said the grand jury could decide on the more serious charge of murder, which it did. Jeans killing thrust Dallas into the national conversation on the intersection of race and law enforcement, a dialogue revived by the high-profile trials of officers charged with murder in police shootings. In October, white Chicago officer Jason Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder in the 2014 on-duty shooting of black teenager Laquan McDonald. Van Dyke shot McDonald 16 times. And in August, former Dallas-area officer Roy Oliver, who is white, was convicted of murder after firing into a car filled with black teenagers leaving a house party in 2017 and fatally shooting 15-year-old Jordan Edwards. With his signing of a new deal with Mexico and Canada to replace the quarter-century-old North American Free Trade Agreement, President Trump on Friday claimed a victory for his hard-line approach to trade. He had pushed to the brink and won concessions, just as he said he would. Hanging over the win, however, is not only the question of whether Congress with a new Democratic House majority in January will approve the deal, but also what the future cost of Trumps bruising tactics may be for U.S. trade relations generally including with China, the worlds other economic superpower. The American president had shown this countrys two neighbors that going it alone and ignoring age-old alliances can pay off, at least in the short term. Yet if the United States no longer values established norms of restraint and mutual consideration, Canada and Mexico as well as other longtime trading partners are not likely to feel constrained, either. A first test looms here at the Group of 20 summit of leaders of the worlds most developed nations, which opened just after the three North American heads of state signed their trade pact in a ceremony on the sidelines. The central question at the gathering is whether Trumps trade war with China will grow hotter, especially if President Xi Jinping remains as resolutely hard-line as the American president, given the potential risks for the global economy. Advertisement Trump and Xi are set to meet over dinner after the G-20 concludes Saturday. The bottom line is that if the Trump-Xi meeting ends badly and the two countries slip into a deeper cold war mindset, the U.S. is likely to become more vocal about engagements by its traditional allies with China, said Eric Miller, a global fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington. For example, Miller added, for the United States this means pushing Canada to limit its engagements with China. Yet Canada, perhaps in response to Trumps aggressive trade stance, is exploring new trade opportunities with China. It is doing so though one of the new NAFTA provisions seeks to restrain Canada or Mexico from making deals with a state-run, non-market economy namely China. Trump touted the revised accord with Mexico and Canada as a truly groundbreaking achievement. But there was no disguising the tensions lingering from his zero-sum, winner-take-all approach to negotiating with allies. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who considered skipping the formal signing that Trump was eager for, chose not to follow Trumps lead and hold up the agreement for the cameras. And he pointedly declined to refer to the agreement by the name that the brand-conscious Trump had given it The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, an acronym that Trump says recalls the title of a catchy hit song from 40 years ago, YMCA. Even after concluding the deal, Trump has not lifted duties on Canadian and Mexican steel and aluminum, which meant those countries have left in place retaliatory tariffs against U.S. goods. Europe and China have imposed counter tariffs against American products as well. While manufacturing and business groups applauded the signing Friday, because the pact lifted the uncertainty that has been weighing on companies, down at the grass roots there was less joy. Any gains will continue to be offset by the losses farmers are experiencing from retaliatory tariffs as long as they are in place, said Brian Kuehl, executive director of Farmers for Free Trade, a bipartisan campaign co-chaired by former Sens. Max Baucus and Richard Lugar. The trade deal has the potential to benefit U.S. farmers. It kept intact the largely tariff-free provisions that have boosted trade among the three nations to more than $1 trillion annually, while pressuring Canada to open its dairy market. Auto trading rules were tightened and provisions would push Mexico to raise wages, which could slow the loss of jobs to that country. Even so, congressional Democrats have signaled they wont support the deal without additional protections for workers, though the new NAFTA calls for some more safeguards than the agreement it would replace. The basic issue is Mexicos structure of keeping wages way, way down, said Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, a foremost voice on trade issues for House Democrats. The revised pact, which comes after a long, difficult negotiation, wont replace NAFTA until its been approved by the legislatures of all three countries. Trump since his campaign had called the 1994 NAFTA the worst trade deal in history, though much of it is carried over in the new version. The president falsely claimed the new deal was the largest trade deal ever made and asserted that it will lead to high wages and higher wages in the auto industry and bring back jobs that have been moved overseas. Trump did not refer to General Motors recently announced plans to cut jobs at five North American factories, four in the United States and one in Canada. Trudeau did, however, calling it a heavy blow. He urged Trump to remove tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum, which have been cited as a factor in GMs decision to cut costs. Make no mistake, we will stand up for our workers and fight for their families and their communities, he said, before addressing Trump directly. Donald, its all the more reason why we need to keep working to remove the tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries. Despite Trumps hostile rhetoric about unauthorized immigrants crossing into the United States from Mexico, he appeared to be on better terms with that nations president, Enrique Pena Nieto, who was serving his final day in office. Prior to the signing ceremony, Pena Nieto awarded Jared Kushner, the presidents son-in-law and advisor, who was involved throughout the trade talks, the Order of the Aztec Eagle, Mexicos highest award. Afterwards, as the G-20 summit began, much attention focused on whether Trump would engage with either Russian President Vladimir Putin a day after abruptly canceling their scheduled meeting here or with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose alleged complicity in the murder of U.S.-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has roiled relations between his country and the United States. Trump has continued to accept Bin Salmans claims of innocence, just as he has accepted Putins insistence that he did not interfere in the 2016 election despite, in each case, U.S. intelligence agencies conclusions to the contrary. As the many leaders gathered for the traditional family photo, Trump kept his distance from the two controversial autocrats, who greeted each other with grins and an exaggerated handshake, appearing to revel before the cameras in their shared notoriety. Soon, however, he exchanged pleasantries with Bin Salman, according to a White House official. The president later told reporters that the two men had no discussion but that we might before the summit concludes on Saturday. Trump continued to insist that he canceled his planned one-on-one meeting with Putin because of Russias recent seizure of three Ukrainian vessels and their sailors. He called that aggression the sole reason for the cancellation, suggesting that his action had nothing to do with new, damaging developments in the special counsels investigation of possible collusion between Russia and his 2016 presidential campaign. As Trump left Washington for Argentina on Thursday, his former attorney and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Trump Organizations business dealings with Russian interests in 2016, and implicated the president. Undercutting Trumps claim that Moscows hostile actions were to blame for the newest tension with Russia, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave summit reporters a statement blaming the special counsels probe for straining U.S.-Russia relations. The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is hopefully now nearing an end, is doing very well, she said. Unfortunately, it probably does undermine our relationship with Russia. Trump began the day by illustrating that the investigation back in Washington, led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, is what is most on his mind even as he meets with world leaders. In a tweet, he defended himself amid the news that, with his knowledge, his lawyer continued to negotiate with representatives in Moscow for a proposed luxury tower there well into 2016, longer than theyd previously admitted. The president tweeted that the business effort was very legal & very cool. UPDATES: 4:25 p.m.: This article was updated with new context and analysis about the new North American Free Trade Agreement. 12:30 p.m.: This article was updated with comments from President Trump and Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and details from the G-20 about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. 7:25 a.m.: This article was updated with staff content. This article was originally published at 4:50 a.m. U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke unleashed a scathing personal attack Friday against a congressman who had called on him to resign, accusing the Arizona Democrat of drunkenness and using taxpayer money to cover up inappropriate behavior. Zinke sent his tweet after Rep. Raul Grijalva wrote an opinion column, published in USA Today on Friday, saying that Zinke must resign because of what Grijalva called ethical and managerial failings. Its hard for him to think straight from the bottom of the bottle, Zinke tweeted. This is coming from a man who used nearly $50,000 in tax dollars as hush money to cover up his drunken and hostile behavior. He should resign and pay back the taxpayer for the hush money and the tens of thousands of dollars he forced my department to spend investigating unfounded allegations. The tweet also included the hashtag #TuneInnForMore, a reference to a legendary Washington, D.C., dive bar frequented by Grijalva. Advertisement Zinkes extraordinary accusations are aimed at the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, who is seeking to head the panel once Democrats take control of the House in January. The committee oversees Zinkes Interior Department, and the back-and-forth on Friday sets a sharp tone for their relationship if Grijalva becomes chairman. Grijalva released a statement in response to Zinkes tweet that did not directly address the Interior secretarys accusations. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Tucson) speaks with reporters in July. (Mike Christy / Associated Press) The American people know who Im here to serve, and they know in whose interests Im acting, Grijalva said. They dont know the same about Secretary Zinke. Zinke spokeswoman Heather Swift didnt immediately respond to a request for comment. Zinkes comment on hush money is a reference to news reports last year about a settlement between Grijalva and a former staffer who accused him of being drunk and creating a hostile work environment. Grijalva acknowledged last year that a new employee had left his staff and that hed signed a nondisclosure agreement preventing him from discussing the details. His spokesman, Adam Sarvana, repeated what Grijalva said then in defending the congressman on Friday. Hes not drunk at work. He doesnt slur his words on the floor, Sarvana said, referring to the House floor. He doesnt create a hostile work environment. In Fridays column, Grijalva questioned Zinkes fitness to serve as Interior secretary amid multiple investigations into allegations of wrongdoing by him and his department. The congressman specifically mentioned the Interior Department inspector generals referral to the Justice Department of an investigation into a land deal between the chairman of the energy services company Halliburton and a foundation that Zinke created in his hometown of Whitefish, Montana. Zinke has denied any wrongdoing in the deal with David Lesar, whose company does significant business with Zinkes agency. Grijalva also accused Zinke of driving out senior staffers in the agency, administering policies that benefit energy companies and dumbing down science, particularly when it comes to the effects of climate change. As ranking member, I have sent dozens of unanswered letters seeking information about Interior Department policies and Mr. Zinkes conduct, Grijalva wrote. Should I chair the committee in January, as I hope to do, those questions will only intensify as part of my and my colleagues legitimate oversight duties. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi responded to Zinke on Twitter: We couldnt have a clearer contrast with the values-based leadership of @RepRaulGrijalva to protect the planet for our children than @SecretaryZinkes toxic, special interest agenda. The head of a conservation group that frequently criticizes Zinke called the secretarys tweet a new low. Its also foolish to pick a fight with a member of Congress who will soon have oversight and subpoena power over your agency, said Center for Western Priorities executive director Jennifer Rokala. Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton sent an unmistakable and very public message in 2003 when he appointed renowned criminal defense attorney Gerald Chaleff to be his special assistant for constitutional policing in the aftermath of the LAPDs Rampart corruption scandal. That message began with the job title: constitutional policing. It was a signal that Bratton recognized that some officers violated peoples rights in the course of conducting searches and making arrests, and that fixing the problem would be a complex and ongoing challenge that required expertise from outside the uniformed chain of command. Since that time, Brattons example has been followed by police chiefs and sheriffs around the nation, including Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell, who in 2015 appointed two constitutional policing advisors civilian attorneys who counseled and reported directly to him. The move demonstrated a significant shift in the department after the administration of Sheriff Lee Baca, who was sentenced to three years in prison for his role in covering up decidedly unconstitutional practices by jail deputies, such as brutally beating inmates. Creating the positions was McDonnells clearest signal that he planned to lead the department in a new direction. Advertisement Eliminating those positions also sends a message and its a very bad one. After defeating McDonnell in the Nov. 6 election, Alex Villanueva announced that he intended to scrap the two constitutional policing slots once he is sworn in as sheriff Monday. That pleased his supporters in the deputies union, which sees the civilian advisors as meddlers. But the move is sending a chill through the community of reformers who keep a wary eye out for any backsliding in the still-troubled but improving Sheriffs Department. Villanuevas approach is puzzling, at the very least. Villanueva later said he would appoint a new set of advisors with more limited roles. McDonnells advisors Diana Teran and Sergio Perez are being transferred to the office of Inspector General Max Huntsman. But Huntsmans unit is very much outside the department and reports not to the sheriff but to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, whose authority over sheriffs matters is limited. The department is best served by civilian advisors with outside perspectives but inside positions, warning the sheriff when his policies, his deputies, his command staff or the sheriff himself are headed toward ethical or legal trouble. Thats what constitutional policing advisors do. In the often insular world of law enforcement, where a bureaucracy of badges becomes set in its ways and top commanders tend to just say yes to the sheriffs ideas, civilian advisors take part in the highest level of decision making and ask tough questions. Like, Why do we keep making the same mistakes? Or, Are we acting in a manner that is humane and effective as well as legal? When deputies misbehave, the advisors counsel the sheriff on the discipline process and may take a lead role in recommending appropriate punishment for actions that drift outside the bounds of constitutional policing. The countys lawyers could do the same thing, but their duty is at all times to limit financial liability, even if that means settling with deputies and allowing them to stay on the job when they should be terminated. Constitutional policing advisors can counsel the sheriff to terminate employment if its the right thing to do, even if it means a larger payout. Ideally, over time, the advisors help create a culture in which misbehavior is caught and corrected early, without terminations or payouts, and limiting instead of incurring financial liability. Enter the Fray: First takes on the news of the minute from L.A. Times Opinion Its the role in discipline that especially irks the deputies union and Villanueva, who argues that McDonnells constitutional policing advisors improperly undermined previous settlement agreements in a quest for tougher punishment. He claims their actions resulted in deputies being discharged when they should have been kept on. He intends to create a truth and reconciliation process aimed at examining wrongful convictions of county residents and wrongful terminations of deputies. No longer set on eliminating constitutional policing advisor positions, Villanueva says he will select new advisors who will participate in the new process but not inject themselves into the discipline system. But in police and sheriffs departments across the country, monitoring discipline is an essential role for civilian advisors. Besides, there are already ample avenues to appeal allegedly wrongful convictions, including a civil service review system that for a long time was notoriously tilted toward deputies, not against them. Villanuevas approach is puzzling, at the very least. He has yet to make a convincing case that the real problem facing the Sheriffs Department was too many deputies facing too much discipline, or that constitutional policing advisors were running amok. To the contrary, the advisors represented an important step forward. Getting rid of them or curbing their role would be a troubling step in reverse. Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinion and Facebook The media center of the 13th Group of 20 (G20) summit in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, officially opened on Nov. 29 to welcome more than 2,000 journalists from both home and abroad. (People's Daily Online/Zhao Duo, Zhao Jian) President Trump has attacked special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the investigation into Russian election meddling so often and so disgracefully that it can be difficult to sustain a sense of outrage. But Trumps statement on Wednesday that a presidential pardon for his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is not off the table is an alarming escalation in his efforts to undermine that probe and, more generally, the rule of law. For months, Trump has denounced the investigation as a witch hunt, steadily feeding a self-serving narrative in which prosecutors are corrupt and untrustworthy and the legal process is not to be believed. Along the way, he has fired his FBI director over this Russia thing and more recently, pushed out his attorney general, who had angered the president by (rightly) recusing himself on the Russia probe. This week, Trump tweeted that prosecutors were viciously urging witnesses to lie. But to signal so brazenly, as he did on Wednesday, that silence or lack of cooperation on Manaforts part could eventually be rewarded with a presidential pardon is especially appalling. The only message Trump should be sending to Manafort and others caught up in Muellers investigation is to tell the truth and accept the consequences. Advertisement If Trump is rash enough to actually grant a pardon to Manafort or to others who have been caught up in Muellers dragnet, that should immediately trigger an impeachment investigation by the House of Representatives. Trump no doubt would justify clemency for Manafort on the grounds that, as the president has asserted without evidence, Mueller is a politically motivated prosecutor whose investigators have treated people horribly & viciously and ruined their lives for refusing to lie. Another interpretation, of course, would be that Trump was using the pardon power to reward Manafort for not implicating him in wrongdoing related to Russia. Manaforts actions have contributed to the speculation that a pardon might indeed be on the table. After he was convicted of financial crimes related to his work as a political consultant in Ukraine, he avoided a trial on additional charges by accepting a plea bargain that required him to pledge full cooperation with Mueller. But on Monday the special counsel announced that after Manafort signed his plea agreement, he committed federal crimes by lying to the FBI and the special counsels office on a variety of subject matters. Thats not all. On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that one of Manaforts lawyers had repeatedly briefed Trumps attorneys about Manaforts conversations with federal investigators after Manafort agreed to cooperate with Mueller. Legal experts have called that a violation of legal norms. You dont have to be a conspiracy theorist to suspect that all these developments are related. After pushing Jeff Sessions out of the Justice Department, Trump did not take the obvious step of of designating Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein as acting attorney general. Instead, he installed Sessions chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, who was critical of the Mueller probe before he joined the administration. That clearly threatens the credibility of the investigation. For the moment, Mueller has been proceeding on several fronts, including an exploration of whether Trump associate Roger Stone is linked to WikiLeaks and the release during the 2016 campaign of Democratic Party emails hacked by Russians. (Stone has denied any wrongdoing.) On Thursday, prosecutors announced that Michael Cohen, Trumps former lawyer and fixer, had pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about when discussions about a possible Trump real estate project in Moscow came to an end. Given these developments, Trump might be tempted to take action against Mueller from which he so far has reluctantly refrained. Congress could provide an insurance policy for Mueller by passing the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act, which would codify a Justice Department rule that special counsels can be fired only for good cause and would allow a counsel to appeal his or her dismissal in court. But on Wednesday, GOP leaders in the Senate blocked a vote on the bill. Enter the Fray: First takes on the news of the minute from L.A. Times Opinion The ultimate check on Trump committing his own version of Richard Nixons Saturday Night Massacre is the threat of an impeachment investigation. A presidential pardon may not be reviewable by Congress or the courts, but an impeachment inquiry would have a duty to determine whether the pardon power had been used to perpetuate a cover-up. Trump repeatedly has insisted that there was no collusion between Russia and his campaign. If the president is confident of his innocence, he should stop the disgraceful attacks on Mueller and expeditiously nominate a new attorney general whose impartiality when it comes to the Mueller investigation cant be questioned. As for pardons for those the special counsel has prosecuted, Trump must take them off the table. The only message he should be sending to Manafort and others caught up in Muellers investigation is to tell the truth and accept the consequences. Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinionand Facebook To the editor: Former California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman has been accused of a clear and escalating pattern of horrific and dehumanizing behavior. In response, Bauman stated: I deeply regret if my behavior has caused pain. This is not an apology. This is gaslighting. He is not even allowing that his behavior is indeed the problem. Had he stated, I deeply regret that my behavior has caused pain, he would have at least admitted that the pain is a valid and natural response to his behavior, which suggests the behavior is indeed inappropriate or damaging. Instead, his statement suggests that the pain in question is itself doubtful. He then goes on to imply that his use of alcohol is to blame for his actions. I am not impressed. Women and men are encouraged to come forward and report harassment on the job; they shouldnt receive clever language that breaks that harassment down to absolutely nothing in return. Advertisement Bethia Sheean-Wallace, Fullerton Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinion and Facebook To the editor: It is difficult to see how White House policy advisor Jared Kushner could be worthy of any honor, especially one from Mexico, a country his father-in-law endlessly insulted and bullied. Certainly, Kushners own reputation has been sullied by his support for the ruthless Saudi crown prince, his deceitful activities regarding Russia and his serial lying on his financial disclosure forms. Accordingly, a prestigious award given to selfless and courageous people like Nelson Mandela and Cesar Chavez seems to be tainted now that it has been bestowed upon Kushner by a seemingly hollow, titular figure in the outgoing president of Mexico. My cynical side looks for a hidden motivation by the scandal-plagued Mexican president. Advertisement Jim Hoover, Huntington Beach Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinion and Facebook To the editor: I am a veteran of the U.S. Army. I did basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. The most memorable and unpleasant experience I had was being in a small room with my gas mask on, then being told to take the mask off. The room was filled with tear gas, which quickly went into my eyes, nose and throat. It was as if sand had been thrown into my eyes, and my nose would not stop running. It is totally disabling. The point was to make us appreciate our gas masks, and we sure did. I cannot imagine anyone who does not pose an actual threat and migrant women and children do not pose a threat being tear-gassed. Had our president been in the military, he would know how inhumane it is. Advertisement Rudolph Silva, Yorba Linda .. To the editor: I recently watched President Trump on television address this invasion, the tear-gassing, his indomitable wall and the successful thwarting of the attempt by Central Americans to storm our border. Something about Trump struck me: The tone of his voice, the glaring facial expression and the words that he used all suggest that he lacks any semblance of compassion for these people. Yes, we have to control our borders, and the United States cannot take in every impoverished, fearful and hungry person who wants in. But is there any reason why the president cannot express at least a modicum of concern for these desperate people? Trumps words and demeanor show nothing but contempt for them. How sad that our president is so mean-spirited. Dennis G. Cosso, Arcadia .. To the editor: The liberal media are obsessing over the fact that women were among those tear-gassed at the border. Why is this worse than tear-gassing men? If we believe it is so terrible that the women rushing the border were treated as harshly as the men, then we should prevent women from becoming firefighters, police officers or soldiers. I know my statements are politically incorrect, but they are just as incorrect as the medias logic. Joseph Delvaux, Covina .. To the editor: The use of tear gas on helpless and desperate people including children, whose cardiovascular systems may sustain serious damage from tear gas must not become the new normal. This, along with Trumps comment that barbed wire used properly can be a beautiful sight and the continuing caging of children, violate all norms of decency. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has said that sending 5,000 caseworkers to the border to process asylum applications instead of deploying that many troops would have been a better use of taxpayer resources and could have prevented this abhorrent moral and humanitarian crisis. I guess that just isnt Trumps style. Ken Levy, Los Angeles Follow the Opinion section on Twitter @latimesopinion and Facebook Eighteen months into his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and its possible links to President Trump, Robert S. Mueller III has retained his ability to surprise. Repeatedly, Mueller has caught outsiders, including White House lawyers, unawares with major developments in his case. That happened again on Thursday with Michael Cohens guilty plea to a charge of lying to Congress. As Trump lashed out, accusing Cohen, his former personal attorney, of lying to get a lighter sentence, Trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, insisted that Cohens sworn statements were consistent with the presidents. The disarray in Trumps camp was obvious. The weeks events reinforced a central theme of the investigation: Mueller and his team have amassed thousands of emails, tons of written records and hundreds of hours of witness testimony; White House lawyers, by contrast, have to rely heavily on what their client, the president, is willing and able to tell them. Advertisement Increasingly, Mueller knows much more than they do, and the pace of his inquiry is accelerating. Sign up for the Essential Politics newsletter VERY COOL? MAYBE LEGAL Trumps habit of lying about matters small and large has created a constant concern for his legal team. Theyve long resisted the idea of his sitting for an interview with Muellers prosecutors for fear Trump would commit perjury. Cohens guilty plea, as Chris Megerian wrote, at minimum exposed several more statements by Trump that were untruthful or, to be charitable, misleading. I have nothing to do with Russia, Trump said at a news conference in February 2017. To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does. That was just one of numerous times during his campaign and since that Trump insisted that he had nothing or no deals or no business with Russia. In fact, right up through June of 2016, just weeks before the Republican convention, Cohen was still pursuing talks on Trumps behalf aimed at putting a Trump tower in Moscow, he admitted in court. Cohen said that he had lied about those talks in testimony to Congress out of loyalty to Trump, identified as person number one, in court documents. On Thursday, Trump initially called Cohen a liar, but by Friday morning, he confirmed the essence of what Cohen said, tweeting that he had lightly looked at doing a building somewhere in Russia. While he ran for president, he continue[d] to run my business-very legal & very cool, he wrote. Whether that would have been cool with voters in 2016 well never know Trump clearly had doubts about that at the time since he strenuously denied then what he now admits. Whether all was legal also remains unknown. No law prevents a developer from pursuing a project in Moscow, even if hes running for president. But some news reports have suggested that Cohens negotiations included inducements for Russian President Vladimir Putin that could have violated U.S. laws. Moreover, Cohens negotiations with Russian officials took place at the same time that other Russian officials were hacking into Democratic Party computer systems, stealing emails and beginning to distribute them in an effort to help Trumps campaign. What Trump or others in his circle knew of those efforts remains the focus of Muellers probe. MANAFORT BACK IN COURT Earlier this week, the special counsels office dropped another big piece of news, accusing Paul Manafort, Trumps former campaign chairman, of having lied to the FBI after his guilty plea. As Chris Megerian reported, the prosecutors didnt specify what Manafort lied about. At a presentencing hearing on Friday, they said they would file a detailed description next week. The judge presiding over Manaforts case postponed his sentencing until early March. Meantime, the Guardian reported that Manafort met during the 2016 campaign with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Manafort denied it, as did WikiLeaks. Both the accusation against Manafort and the plea deal with Cohen came days after Trumps lawyers submitted written answers on his behalf to a list of questions Mueller had posed. That has many legal experts wondering if Mueller was waiting to get Trump on the record before tipping his hand. SUMMIT IN ARGENTINA Trump left town just after Cohens plea, heading for the G-20 economic summit in Buenos Aires. The center of attention there is likely to be his planned meeting on Saturday with Chinas Xi Jinping. As Don Lee reported, the dinner meeting could prove a key moment in the continuing trade war between the U.S. and China. Ahead of the talks with Xi, Trump said he wont back down on higher tariffs. And his economic advisor, Larry Kudlow said, China must do more. But Trump also signaled that he could be open to a deal that would deescalate the confrontation. At least some administration officials fear the economy is heading toward a slowdown, possibly a recession, in 2020 and dont want Trumps policies to take the blame. On Friday morning, Trump met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to sign the updated version of NAFTA. As Eli Stokols and Don Lee reported, Trudeau used the signing ceremony to openly showcase the tensions between the U.S. and Canada. Pena Nieto, who was on his final day in office, was more conciliatory. As Stokols wrote, Trump has a history of creating controversies at such international meetings. THE BLUE TIDE RISES In the three weeks since election day, Republican fortunes slipped from bad to worse. The latest evidence came Monday, when TJ Cox, the Democratic candidate, grabbed the lead in the nations last undecided House race over Republican Rep. David Valadao in Californias 21st District. By Wednesday, as a couple of additional counties in the Central Valley district completed their count, Cox solidified his lead, giving Democrats their 40th pickup in the midterm election. With nearly all the ballots now counted nationwide, Democratic candidates overall have amassed more than 60 million votes. Thats a huge increase over the previous record for a midterm 44.5 million won by Republican candidates in 2010 and indicative of the huge turnout the midterm election produced. The Democratic edge, 53.3% of the total vote, compared with 45% for Republican candidates, is also huge. Their 8.3-percentage point lead is one of the biggest for either party since World War II. Those numbers, by the way, come courtesy of the invaluable Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report. The 235 House seats the Democrats will hold in January corresponds closely to their margin in the popular vote. Gerrymandered districts held back Democratic gains in a number of state legislatures, including Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina, but proved less of a factor overall in congressional races. California proved a disaster area for Republicans. At the top of the ticket, their candidate for governor, John Cox, won just over 38% of the vote the worst showing for a major party candidate for governor in the state in 40 years. Down the ballot, the pattern continued: Every House race that Democrats targeted ended up falling their way. As Mark Barabak and Sarah Wire wrote, the GOP wipeout in the state has generated tough questions for the soon-to-be minority leader of the House, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield. McCarthy repeatedly asked his California colleagues to vote with Trump on issues that hurt them in their districts. That helped solidify his relationship with the president, but may have contributed to at least some of the losses. PELOSI RIDES THE WAVE Not for nothing does Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco have a reputation as one of the savviest political players in Washington. For a month, her opponents within the Democratic caucus claimed they had the votes to block Pelosis return to the speakership, but as Jennifer Haberkorn reported, when the actual votes were counted in the caucus, the anti-Pelosi faction received half as many votes as they did when they challenged her two years ago. Pelosi still needs to win over some colleagues before the full House votes on Jan. 3, but with no declared opponent, her path seems fairly smooth. Exactly how many votes Pelosi still needs to get remains a bit unclear. She has about 200 nailed down and needs at least a dozen more. Winning the speakership requires a majority of the votes cast. That would be 218 if every member voted. But at least some of those who have said they wont vote for Pelosi on the House floor plan to abstain, which reduces the total needed. And at least one Republican seat in the House may still be vacant on Jan. 3: North Carolinas board of elections has delayed certifying one congressional race amid reports of possible voter fraud by the Republican campaign involving absentee ballots. Meantime, the Democrats filled several other seats in their leadership lineup. Oakland Rep. Barbara Lee lost her race to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of Brooklyn, whom many House Democrats see as a potential future leader. As Wire wrote, Lee would have been the first black woman ever in House leadership. And Rep. Cheri Bustos of Illinois was elected to lead the House Democrats campaign committee. She, along with Jeffries and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, who led the Democratic election effort this year, are among the top prospects for the next generation of potential Democratic leadership. LOOKING AHEAD TO 2020 Democrats and Republicans see costs and benefits of Trumps MAGA rallies, Noah Bierman reported. Democrats say the rallies helped GOP candidates in some conservative areas, perhaps tipping the scales in a couple of Senate races. But Trumps presence also spurred a higher turnout of Democratic voters. And presidential hopefuls from the Democratic left are scrambling to figure out how to ride the blue wave, Evan Halper reported. The progressive campaigns are analyzing what worked and what didnt in the midterm elections. ONE BIG NEGATIVE FOR CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS Amid the celebrating over their election successes, California Democrats have to deal with a big internal problem the resignation of the state party chairman, Eric Bauman, after Melanie Masons deeply reported article that brought to light numerous accusations of sexually explicit comments and unwanted touching. Bauman initially said he would take a leave of absence, but on Thursday, amid calls from Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom and other top Democrats for him to leave, he resigned. As John Myers, Phil Willon and Taryn Luna wrote, Democrats now have to figure out what went wrong to allow Baumans rampant misconduct to go on as he rose into the party leadership. THE REST OF THE WEEKS NEWS Trumps threats against General Motors fit a pattern: More bark than bite, Noah Bierman reported. The number of immigrants in the U.S. illegally is the lowest in more than a decade, according to new data from the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, Jaweed Kaleem reported. California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra clashed with Trumps acting EPA chief over climate change, Halper reported. The number of uninsured children in the U.S. increased last year, reversing more than a decade of progress, Noam Levey reported. Californias senators ask Congress for $9 billion for wildfire recovery, Wire reported. The money could come in an end-of-the-year spending package. The administration is preparing to extend troops stay on the border, even though their mission is unclear, David Cloud reported. LOGISTICS That wraps up this week. Until next time, keep track of all the developments in national politics and the Trump administration with our Essential Washington blog, at our Politics page and on Twitter @latimespolitics. Send your comments, suggestions and news tips to politics@latimes.com. If you like this newsletter, tell your friends to sign up. David.lauter@latimes.com @davidlauter Days before the November election in which California Democrats expanded their dominion over the state with sweeping victories in almost every electoral battleground, a handful of people inside the partys inner circle knew of a problem that would ultimately topple their leader. Serious allegations had been quietly lodged about the behavior of Eric Bauman, the state partys chairman. Shortly after the accusations were revealed, Bauman apologized. And on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a Times investigation found that multiple party members accused the Los Angeles Democrat of making crude sexual comments and engaging in unwanted touching or physical intimidation in professional settings, he announced his resignation. I have made the realization that in order for those to whom I may have caused pain and who need to heal, for my own health, and in the best interest of the Party that I love and to which I have dedicated myself for more than 25 years, it is in everyones best interest for me to resign my position as chair of the California Democratic Party, Bauman said in a written statement. Now the partys remaining leaders are left to wrestle with a broader issue: determining what fostered the kind of internal environment that could severely damage the Democrats brand. Advertisement I think that were frankly at a stage where this is a wake-up call and the culture of the organization needs to up its game and up its professionalism, Lt. Gov.-elect Eleni Kounalakis said. Elected officials and activists alike said the Democratic Party must take a more inclusive approach to leadership, with more roles for its most junior members. And few denied the accusations against Bauman had cast a bright and uncomfortable light on the partys inner workings. Kounalakis said an unprofessional workplace culture made her uncomfortable as a California Democratic Party staff member in 1992. She said shes surprised it hasnt changed much. Its almost like a family, Kounalakis said. People have been more comfortable to let their hair down. I think what can go along with the congeniality is a comfort level that you can say and do whatever you want, and that is really what has gotten out of hand. Bauman led an organization that raised $29.8 million this year. That money helped fuel a historic string of election day victories eight statewide offices including governor, half of the congressional seats formerly held by Republicans and three-quarters of all positions in the California Legislature. Though just more than two dozen are on the state partys payroll, its ranks reach deep into communities across California, with no shortage of ideological young volunteers and charismatic candidates. The recipe for political victory is often an intense blend of heart and hard work that attracts those with particular, if not idiosyncratic, personalities. But at its core, the party is still a place of work a multimillion-dollar organization with employees who have rights and where all employment laws must be followed, said Shawnda Westly, the partys former executive director. Over the last year, as the #MeToo movement has swept through Hollywood studio lots and legislative chambers, Democrats have led the charge for strong laws protecting the rights of sexual harassment victims. The state party had updated its own rules too and conducted sexual harassment prevention training at its Sacramento headquarters this summer. Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale), who led this years effort in the Legislature to revise sexual harassment procedures and policies, urged the party to implement new training for employees and top leaders as well as clear instructions for when to report allegations of improper behavior. Our party must fully evaluate where our system failed and fix it, Friedman said. Im already starting to see finger-pointing, as its tempting to blame bystanders, potential witnesses and even victims who stayed silent. But I believe its important to remember that the system failed everyone. Daraka Larimore-Hall, second vice chair of the party, said he first learned of an allegation against Bauman on Nov. 17. But he said others were aware of a formal complaint days earlier and called it troubling on a lot of levels that officials did not loop him in. By the time I was talking to people, they had talked to other folks and felt they werent being listened to or believed, and they felt things were being lost in the politics, Larimore-Hall said. Its just weird that we werent all made aware and part of the conversation and allowed to be helpful. Larimore-Hall said he quickly realized the limitations of the partys bylaws. Theres no rule requiring someone in Baumans position to take a leave of absence during an investigation, nor is there a system in place to protect all whistleblowers in such a political environment, he said. This is going to be a very long process to heal and fix, Larimore-Hall said. This is on us as an institution. State Controller Betty Yee, who did not support Bauman during his razor-thin election as party chairman in 2017, said she had been deeply concerned about what she saw as unchecked bad behavior inside the party during his tenure. Culture develops from the top, Yee said. On Wednesday, when confronted by The Times with allegations of inappropriate behavior, Bauman said that he would seek treatment for what I now realize is an issue with alcohol. Democratic Party employee rules prohibit alcohol use during work hours. Yee said she had seen otherwise in meetings with Bauman. Often times Ive smelled alcohol on his breath in early hours of the day, she said. I believe Ive witnessed him consuming alcohol in early hours of the day. RL Miller, a Democratic activist who supported Bauman for chairman, said she has been to the leaders Los Angeles home for political functions where Scotch flowed freely. She said a loose, celebratory culture within the state party increased the acceptance of drinking, crude language and other behavior that would otherwise be glaringly inappropriate in a professional workplace. I think that to a certain extent the party has reflected the Sacramento boozy late-night culture, Miller said. Some Democrats said recent events must be a catalyst for change. The party needs to undergo a complete transformation, Yee said, from local political clubs to its uppermost echelons, to ensure that victims of harassment within the organization and those running its campaigns feel comfortable voicing their concerns. I think people were looking the other way. I think people were intimated about speaking up, Yee said. We now have the voices of the victims, and that should inform us of what do to ahead. john.myers@latimes.com phil.willon@latimes.com taryn.luna@latimes.com He was concertmaster in two of the nations top six orchestras for a combined 42 years. But then, leading the violins of a major orchestra ran in the family. Glenn Dicterow was the associate concertmaster, and then concertmaster, of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra from 1971 to 1979. Harold Dicterow, his father, was principal of the second violins of the Philharmonic for 52 years. I led the first violins, while my father led the seconds, said Dicterow. The younger Dicterow, who turns 70 Dec. 23, made his debut as soloist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic in Tchaikovskys Violin Concerto in 1960, when 11. After stepping down as concertmaster of the L.A. orchestra in 1979, he became the concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra the following year, making his New York Philharmonic debut the same way he did in Los Angeles in 1967 when he was 18 soloing the Tchaikovsky. He stayed as concertmaster for 34 years, considered a New York Philharmonic record. The irony is, concertmasters typically dont last too long, said Dicterow, who stepped away from that job in 2014 to accept a full-time position as a tenured professor at the USC Thornton School of Music, where he holds the first Robert Mann-endowed chair in violin and chamber music. Making that move back to the West Coast proved a definite homecoming. I have two daughters and three grandchildren all living in the same town, so its very convenient for us, he said. (His wife, Karen Dreyfus, teaches viola at USC.) And not being concertmaster means I have more time now to do concerts, such as the one in Irvine. It also means his Amerigo String Trio, which he and Dreyfus co-founded in 2009 and named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (the source of the word America), can be more active than giving only a few concerts a year. And he can be more involved as faculty artist of the Music Academy of the West in Montecito. His Dec. 8 concert at Winifred Smith Hall in the Claire Trevor School of the Arts complex at UC Irvine is sponsored by Chamber Music OC, which was co-founded by Kevin Kwan Loucks. Loucks and Lyris Quartet will be joining Dicterow onstage, and theyll be performing the Concerto in D Major for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op. 21 (1889-1891), by Ernest Chausson. The 10-year-old, Los Angeles-based Lyris Quartet will also perform the Second String Quartet in A Major, Op. 26 (1853-1861), of Johannes Brahms. Itll be a first time collaboration for Dicterow, Loucks and Lyris Quartet, but Dicterow previously performed with Loucks wife, violinist Iryna Krechkovsky, in an all-strings concert, also presented by Chamber Music OC, at Soka University in Aliso Viejo last March. That concert was an extremely positive experience for me and I look forward to this concert, Dicterow said. Michael Rydzynski is a contributor to Times Community News. IF YOU GO What: Chamber Music OC presents An Evening with Violin Virtuoso Glenn Dicterow, who joins the Lyris Quartet and Kevin Kwan Loucks When: 8 p.m. Dec. 8 Where: Winifred Smith Hall, UC Irvine, W. Peltason Drive Cost: Tickets start at $15 (students: $5) Information: (949) 824-2787; chambermusicoc.org Where to begin the story of Michelle Wulfestieg? With her stroke at age 11? The one that paralyzed her right arm and leg. Or with her stroke at age 25? The one that took her whole body to the brink of death. Or perhaps the story should begin the moment she says the voice of God told her: Go back! It was the hardest thing Ive ever done, she says, tearing up at the thought of that day 10 years ago. But go back she did. And when she woke up in the hospital as her family planned her funeral and her friend wrote her eulogy she vowed to dedicate the rest of her life to bringing comfort to the dying. And then, unlike most who promise things when, say, the airplane hits severe turbulence and is being tossed around like a toy, she actually kept that vow. Wulfestieg is the executive director of the Southern California Hospice Foundation, which has served more than 2,500 terminally ill children and adults, bringing them groceries and hands to hold and sometimes celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Selena Gomez. It is why she has been named Orange Countys 2018 National Philanthropy Day Outstanding Founders Award recipient. I wasnt frustrated or angry because I knew I had a purpose. Michelle Wulfestieg Growing up in a mountain town near Idyllwild, Wulfestieg built forts, climbed trees and rode motorcycles and horses. It all changed the night in sixth grade while she lay stretching in bed. She heard a whooshing in her head and felt a pounding on her skull, and then she passed out. Doctors did a scan and found a brain anomaly called an arteriovenous malformation, which had caused a stroke. It was so deep that surgery would likely kill her or damage her brain. They did radiation instead, but told her parents she probably wouldnt live past 30. A few weeks after radiation, Wulfestiegs left leg went limp. Then my right arm went out completely, like dead meat, she says. Her hair fell out, her friends fell away. One classmate actually thought she was faking it for pity and pushed her out of her wheelchair. She felt hopeless and depressed, but determined. I thought, You know what? Im gonna do whatever I can to have my best life and be normal, she says. She went out for the volleyball team, training her left hand to do what her right hand used to do. When all the girls ran, she walked. But I showed up every day and I made the team, she says. Later, when she was a student at California Lutheran University, she got a job taking notes with her one good hand for other students with disabilities. It was at college that she signed up for a class called Death and Dying. One assignment was to volunteer at a hospice. Wulfestieg, then 21, was assigned a grandmother named Betsy who had also had a stroke, but was bed-bound. She asked the woman what she missed most. Her answer: Reading. I said, Lets form a book club, Wulfestieg recounts. She began bringing books to her bedside to read aloud. When Betsy died two months later, her family asked Wulfestieg to give the eulogy. Wulfestiegs professor announced one day in the class that Wulfestieg had been asked to eulogize her patient as had one other classmate. A boy named Steven. Oh my gosh the cute guy Ive been eyeing all semester, Wulfestieg thought. The feeling was apparently mutual. The cute guy waited for her after class that day. Six months later he proposed. Michelle Wulfestieg has been named Orange County Philanthropist of the Year. She started the Southern California hospice foundation, which has served more than 2,500 terminally ill children and adults. (Photo by Don Leach / Staff Photographer) So he was the one who was with her two years later, the night she had her second stroke as she sat in their Newport Beach home, putting the final touches on her thesis for her masters in leadership at Chapman University. Steven got her in the car and sped down the street to Fire Station No. 7, where he pounded on the door, hollering for help. In fact, if not for Steven, she believes, she wouldnt be here today. He fought for her when they wanted to take her off life support later that night at Hoag Hospital, when the organ donors were being lined up. I was told my whole life that I wouldnt live past 30, so my family was prepared, Wulfestieg says. But my husband was like, No, Im not going to lose my bride. She was in the deepest coma, a level 3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale, basically brain dead. When Wulfestieg tells this part of the story, it is with tissues in her hand, dabbing tears in her eyes. It was the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen, she says. This beautiful warm place. And then I started hearing prayers, my mom and my husband. And then I heard prayers from everybody in the world, for everything we pray for, for hope, for healing, for forgiveness, for reconciliation. Eventually though she heard what she describes as The Voice telling her to go back. And then she heard her husband begging her over and over to open her eyes. Finally, on her eighth day in the coma, she did. It was the hardest thing I ever did, she says. Back home, her husband set up a hospital bed in their living room. She could form thoughts, but could not yet speak. She would have to learn how to feed herself again too, and read, and walk. But she remembers a profound sense of peace. I wasnt frustrated or angry because I knew I had a purpose, she says. Only five months later, in the spring of 2008, Wulfestieg, aided by two classmates supporting on either side, walked across the stage at Chapman to receive her masters. Two years later, the Southern California Hospice Foundation hired her as their first employee to build their nonprofit. Michelle Wulfestieg with patient Geanne Suddendorf and dog Daisy at the Victoria Health Center, as part of the ongoing Pet Therapy Sessions provided by the O.C. Hospice Center, in 2005. (Photo by Douglas Zimmerman / Staff Photographer) Under Wulfestiegs leadership, the foundation has partnered with hospices throughout Southern California to help more than 2,500 dying patients with basic needs, such as utility bill payments and groceries, and sometimes to grant dying wishes. Last week, Wulfestieg caught wind that an 80-year-old surfer named Clifford wished to see the ocean one last time. The next morning she was at his house with a gurney. A van took them, along with his sister, to Balboa Peninsula. At 14th Street, they carried his gurney onto the sand down by the waves. There was not a cloud in the sky, she says. You could see Catalina Island. His sister held his hand. If a dying wish involves a celebrity crush, Wulfestieg isnt shy about reaching out. Gomez, Harrison Ford and Winfrey are some of the stars shes arranged visits with. Wulfestiegs story could be a Lifetime movie if it ended right there. But she isnt finished. Her plan is to build a house for people who are facing the last days of their life but have nowhere to go and no money, so they can transition with dignity and peace. She is calling it the Heavenly Home Project. And she just launched the campaign. Who am I to take on that challenge? she says. But if not me, then who? Lori Basheda is a contributor to Times Community News. In 1958, a Texas native named David Tallichet was managing a Long Beach hotel when he looked out onto the harbor and saw a spot he thought would be ideal for a restaurant. The site boasted a prime view of the whole waterfront scene, perfect for the Navy town Long Beach was back then. Tallichets dreams and that of his partners eventually became The Reef, whose Polynesian theme pulled hungry patrons away from the downtown. Tallichets Reef soon expanded to other ventures and into a company called Specialty Restaurants Corp., which was founded in Long Beach and since the 1980s has been based in Anaheim. The family-owned enterprise is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, a remarkable longevity for any Orange County company, especially one in the volatile hospitality world. Throughout its 60 years, it has owned and operated about 100 restaurants throughout the United States and Mexico. At one point, it ran 77 restaurants at once. It also went public for a period, trading on the American Stock Exchange. As it were, Tallichet never cared for Specialty Restaurants Corp. being a public company and later regained control of the operation to keep it in the family. Now the company has 19 distinct restaurants, said John Tallichet, one of Tallichets children who now heads the company as CEO. Tallichet, who died in 2007 at age 84, left behind a legacy as one of the pioneers of the themed restaurant. As if that werent enough, he was also well known as a collector and restorer of vintage aircraft, having as many as 120. During World War II, Tallichet was a pilot in the European theater. After his service, he continued flying, never losing his love for aviation even as his restaurant empire amassed. Specialty Restaurants maintains an aviation division perhaps one of the only hospitality companies anywhere to do so. Among its prized possessions is one of the B-17 Flying Fortresses used in the 1990 film Memphis Belle. John now uses his dads old office. It has various memorabilia about, some of it aviation-related. Particularly noticeable are the dark hardwood floors with nails pounded in by Tallichet himself. John likes to talk about his father and how Specialty Restaurants remains very much a family affair. At 15 years old, John himself started at the bottom: salad boy at the Reef. It was a notch above being a dishwasher. My dad used to pay us less than other people and expect us to work twice as hard, John said with a laugh, adding that he eventually became the general manager. The Reef was a place we all had to pass through in our leadership. It was proving grounds. In Southern California, Specialty Restaurants owns Whiskey Reds in Marina del Rey, Orange Hill in Orange and the 94th Aero Squadron in Van Nuys. as well as The Proud Bird, a food bazaar and events center near LAX. (Don Leach / Staff Photographer) Tallichets Depression-era mentality meant everyone earned their way. Thats intertwined in the thoughts that go into the company today, John said. Its not about me or any one individual. Its really about what we do as a family, what we do as a company with our restaurants and how they play a role in the community. Much of the Tallichet family remains involved. Johns brother, William, is director of development and aviation. Davids first wife (and Johns mother), Cecilia, still makes her way around the company HQ. John and Williams children have had roles at the restaurants, which, in Southern California, include Whiskey Reds in Marina del Rey, Orange Hill in Orange and the 94th Aero Squadron in Van Nuys. The company also owns The Proud Bird, a food bazaar and events center near LAX. Specialty Restaurants employs as many as 2,000 nationwide during peak seasons. One aspect that makes the company unique is that all its restaurants are different and most are destinations unto themselves, boasting scenic views. Some are located on publicly owned properties that are leased. You have to be good enough to have people come out to you, John said. Specialty also does 40% of its business in hosting events. You could come for dinner for two and come back with 200, John said. He added that people are known to have their first date at a Specialty restaurant, get engaged there and also have their wedding there. There arent many places where you can go in and do all of those things in one place, John said. Specialty likes the number of restaurants it has now and plans to reinvest in all of them. Though it used to do design in house Tallichet loved that aspect to the extent that people wondered if he was really running a construction firm, not a restaurant group Specialty now relies on Costa Mesa-based Hatch Design Group. It also celebrated its 60th with 1958-themed specials. As for the companys future, John said its not necessarily trying to be a trend-setter, but it wants to stay current. It cant hold on too tightly to the past. You have to make room for the things that people like, he said. Change is just part of a restaurant. Sometimes its upsetting to some people, but if it works right, you dont upset too many people who go there. And you create an attractive restaurant for new people. For more information about the company and its nationwide portfolio, visit specialtyrestaurants.com. When Costa Mesa moved to voting districts this year for its City Council elections, one of the stated goals was to expand the electoral power of local Latino residents who, by all accounts, had never had one of their own elected to the council. The Nov. 6 election was the first held under the new balloting system and, if the results are any indication, it seems the mission was accomplished with the victory of Manuel Chavez. The 23-year-old doesnt shy away from the challenges and opportunities of his new position as the representative of District 4, a densely populated, predominantly Latino slice of the Westside ranging from Harbor Boulevard west to Monrovia Avenue and south to West 17th Street. Its the area hes lived in throughout his life. That inspires me and humbles me at the same time, he said. It makes me want to do my best and work my hardest, because I know I can make a big impact immediately. He and fellow council newcomers Andrea Marr and Arlis Reynolds are expected to be sworn into office Tuesday. Though Chavez is one of the youngest people ever elected to the City Council, he views his age as an advantage. People my age who have not been involved in politics and dont know how to approach the council now can, because they can approach me, he said. History Though its hard to definitively determine the backgrounds of the nearly 50 different council members since Costa Mesas incorporation in 1953, the election of Chavez as well as Marr and Reynolds, both of whom have Latino heritage appears to be groundbreaking. As far as I know, this is historic, said city spokesman Tony Dodero. Thats not to say Latino residents havent sought council seats. Community activist Mirna Burciaga mounted unsuccessful bids in 2004 and 2006, and Eastside resident Lee Ramos, who has served on several city committees, came up short in 2014 and 2016. However, when they ran, Costa Mesa council members were elected at large, meaning residents citywide could vote for any candidate. With the new district-based system, voters in each of six designated areas elect a candidate to represent them. In this years election, seats were available in Districts 3, 4 and 5. Chavez said he felt very comfortable running in District 4 because I knew the area very well and I knew the issues we faced. Costa Mesas move to voting districts began in 2016, when Kevin Shenkman an attorney with Malibu-based law firm Shenkman & Hughes threatened to sue the city, alleging that its at-large voting method violated the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 by diluting the ability of Latino residents to elect candidates of their choice. As of the 2010 Census, Latinos made up about 36% of Costa Mesas population. In District 4, the proportion is about 79%. We are very happy to see Mr. Chavezs success, just as with the many other candidates who won in their respective cities first-ever district-based elections, Shenkman said. Mr. Chavezs victory is especially gratifying because it is clear he felt he could speak his mind in a district election system. Disconnection Growing up, Chavez said, his Westside neighborhood was close-knit the type of community where people have one anothers back. He attended local schools, including Estancia High, where he became involved with Save Our Youth, a nonprofit that works to provide area teenagers with resources and mentorship to help them succeed in middle school, high school and beyond. After graduating from Estancia, he went to UC Irvine, where he majored in political science and religious studies and obtained a bachelors degree in the former. He now works as an auto dealer funding coordinator. Though he had the support of his community and classmates, Chavezs high school experience revealed a sort of disconnect, he said a feeling that his neighborhood was looked down on or somehow viewed as separate from the rest of the city. He recalled a visit to Mesa Verde, one of Costa Mesas most affluent neighborhoods. It kind of opened my eyes up a little bit, just how different it was, he said. Its the same city, but theres a big gap, a big disparity. It was nicer there than in my part of town. To Chavez, it seemed some people were more interested in finding ways to change the Westside rather than improve the quality of life for its existing residents. Certain people feel like were not worth investing in until they put nice condos in, he said. Thats not to say he doesnt want his home community uplifted and improved. But those efforts cant come at the expense of those who already live there, he said. Chavez said he came to realize that someone needed to step up and ensure his communitys voice was heard. Otherwise, he said, they would keep ignoring us. Future of the Westside The Westside historically has been home to some of Costa Mesas densest, lowest-income neighborhoods and been peppered with properties that have deteriorated or sat dormant as former industrial businesses moved out. In 2006, the city approved plans aimed at revitalizing the area and attracting new residential and mixed-use developments. Chavez, though, said flashy new apartment complexes arent necessarily what his constituents need the most. Rather, they need the city to consistently devote time and resources to tackling issues that residents encounter every day, he said. My big vision is really just the nitty-gritty business stuff Who needs a speed bump? Who needs a light fixed? he said. The minutiae thats what my area needs the most. I think part of my role will be finding that balance for everyone to prosper together. Editors note: Profiles of Andrea Marr and Arlis Reynolds will be published next week. luke.money@latimes.com Twitter @LukeMMoney Waring Abbott/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) -- The admission by President Trumps longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen that he lied to Congress about the Trump Organizations plans to build a Trump-branded skyscraper in Moscow has brought new scrutiny upon the sworn testimony of other Trump associates including his oldest son. Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has called on the committees Republican leadership to accelerate the release of transcripts from interviews they conducted behind closed doors to the special counsel and the public so they could be analyzed for any misleading statements. We believe other witnesses were untruthful before our committee, Schiff told ABC News on Thursday. We want to share those transcripts with Mr. Mueller. A Republican committee aide said the transcripts are currently being reviewed and declassified by the intelligence community. Democrats have said they will release the transcripts publicly when they assume control of the committee in January. The main focus of the Cohen plea agreement Thursday surrounded plans he participated in to develop a Trump Tower in Moscow an effort that Cohen had told Congress ended in January 2016, before the Iowa caucus and the very first primary, according to court fillings accompanying the agreement. Special Counsel Robert Muellers team determined that, in fact, discussions of the deal extended well beyond that as late as June 2016, the filing says. As Cohen well knew, Cohens representations about the Moscow Project were false and misleading, the court filing says. According to two congressional sources familiar with the questioning of Trump Organization employees, several people tied to the Trump Organization were asked about the same Moscow project. Their answers in light of Cohens admission could put them in the investigators crosshairs. During his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September 2017, Donald Trump Jr. was asked about the project, and his answer appears to contradict Cohens latest assertions. Do you know if they were also exploring building a Trump Tower in Moscow? Trump Jr. was asked, according to a transcript of the remarks released by the committee. We had looked at it earlier than that, but it sort of faded away I believe at the end of '14, he replied. But not in 2015 or 2016? the senate questioner pressed. Certainly not '16, Trump Jr. answered. There was never a definitive end to it. It just died of deal fatigue. An attorney for Trump Jr. did not respond to ABC News request for comment. The presidents longtime executive assistant, Rhona Graff, his longtime security chief, Keith Schiller, were also asked about the deal by congressional investigators, sources said as was the person identified in Thursdays court filings as Individual 2, who based the filings appears to be Felix Sater, the broker for the Trump real estate business pushing the Moscow deal. Representatives for Graff and Schiller did not immediately respond to ABC News requests for comment. Sources close to the Trump Organization told ABC News all documents related to communications on any Moscow projects were turned over to Congress, and company officials are confident the testimony given by members of the Trump family and Trump employees was consistent with the facts. Sater declined to comment. In an interview with ABC News earlier this year, Sater told Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that he kept pushing the deal through 2016 despite Trumps pledge not to engage in any new foreign deals. Sater said he spoke only to Cohen about the project. But the Mueller team notes in court filings another person who was not interview by Congress would have known about the Moscow plans the president himself, who is identified in the court papers as Individual 1. Cohen discussed the status and progress of the Moscow Project with Individual 1 on more than the three occasions Cohen claimed to the [congressional] committee, the court filing says. And he briefed family members of Individual 1 within the company about the project. Only a month after discussions about the Moscow development finally broke down, then-candidate Trump told ABC News: I have no relationship to Russia whatsoever. In a statement, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said Trump was asked about the Moscow development in written questions from the Mueller team. The president said there was a proposal, it was discussed with Cohen, there was a nonbinding letter of intent and it didnt go beyond that, Giuliani said. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Chinese consumers are willing to pay a premium price when it comes to quality products, but have become more rational when it comes to what they spend their money on overall, said a report recently released by Nielsen, a global measurement and data analytics company. Nielsen's latest study, published on Nov. 28, showed that Chinas Consumer Trend Index reached 112 points in the third quarter of this year, down 1 point from the last quarter. The index, which measures perceptions of local job prospects, personal finance and willingness to spend, rates Consumer Trend levels above and below a baseline of 100 with optimism or pessimism, respectively. Since 2015, Chinas Consumer Trend Index has surpassed the global average, amounting to 114 points in the first half of 2018, far higher than the worldwide average of 105. Increase in disposable income means upgrade in consumption Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that Chinas GDP increased by 6.5 percent between July and September of this year. Andy Zhao, president of Nielsen China, explained, "Thanks to a slew of stable policies, employment, finance, investment, foreign investment, foreign trade and expectations, we have seen a positive and stable trend. It has laid a solid foundation for Chinas economy." Chinas per capita disposable income increased by 9 percent year-on-year in 2017, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. "The disposable income of residents has increased significantly, which effectively boosts consumption and plays a positive role in driving economic growth," said Zhao. The report indicates that Chinese consumers are willing to spend more money on their hobbies, with 36 percent willing to pay a premium price for things which interest them. For example, those in a middle-income bracket spend an average of 600 yuan per year on cinema tickets, and females in this bracket spend an average of 40,000 yuan per year traveling outside of China. Rationality in spending Although consumers are willing to pay more for certain products, the report also shows that Chinese consumers have become more rational when it comes to spending overall. When making decisions on where to spend money, consumers now consider product quality over a brand name. Consumption upgrading means we not only enhance the product quality but also upgrade consumption concept. Amid a frenzy of consumption upgrading, consumers have been more mentally mature, more practical and rational, and no longer willing to spend for the consideration of face or famous brands. A new type of consumer culture is forming, noted Zhao. Nielsens data showed that between November 2017 and October 2018, consumers preferred to purchase premium personal care products. The growth rate of such products reached 28 points, much higher than products in other price tiers. As for daily necessities, consumers were more likely to buy quality goods at low prices where possible. The value market of these products amounted to 46.8 percent, higher than those in other price tiers. At the same time, consumers also chose to reduce their total expense through membership or group purchasing. Nielsen found that 31 percent of consumers currently hold a membership to enjoy discounted prices, while 65 percent rely on group buying products to save money. The continuously evolving e-commerce sector is another reason why Chinese consumers are making more rational decisions when it comes to spending money. The integration of online and offline social experience has become the new market trend, meaning consumers can compare a range of products on a number of e-commerce platforms. Social e-commerce, which allows users to interact and contribute to online buying and selling of products and services, witnessed an increase of 439.2 percent year-on-year, according to Nielsens data. As the link between online and offline develops, consumers are becoming savvier as to what constitutes a good deal, where they can save money and what brands to trust. New retail has been integrated with advanced technologies like big data, artificial intelligence and modern communications. It has become a driving force of Chinas business transformation, explained Zhao. Two residents from Huntington Beachs working class Oak View neighborhood want an Orange County Superior Court judge to reconsider a ruling that exempted the city from complying with state-mandated legal protections for undocumented immigrants exiting police custody. Victor Valladares and Oscar Rodriguez, as well as other parties advocating for immigrants, filed a request Monday seeking an expedited hearing with Judge James Crandall on their request for a new trial. Joining Valladares and Rodriguez in the challenge are the Rev. Samuel Pullen and Henry Josefsberg of Los Alamitos Community United, which is seeking to overturn their citys decision to ignore Senate Bill 54, the states so-called sanctuary city law. The American Civil Liberties Union and the Latham & Watkins law firm are representing the challengers. A meeting on the issue is scheduled for Friday in Superior Court. The Los Alamitos group joined forces with the ACLU in April to sue that city over its ordinance exempting it from SB 54, which in many cases prohibits state and local police from notifying federal officials before they release immigrants from custody who may be eligible for deportation. In September, Crandall sided with Huntington Beach City Atty. Michael Gates, who argued that the law is unconstitutional as it applies to charter cities, including his and Los Alamitos, which can adopt local laws that sometimes differ from the states general laws that govern noncharter cities. The ruling made Huntington Beach the first city to successfully challenge the controversial state law. Gates has said the decision exempts each of Californias 121 charter cities. But attorneys fighting Crandalls ruling contend it adversely affects Oak Views safety, health and overall livelihood. Charter cities, the attorneys challenging the law contend, do not have unfettered authority under Article X1, Section 5(b) of the California Constitution to disregard state laws that regulate police conduct. The SB 54 exemption in Huntington has made Valladares and Rodriguezs neighbors, and their loved ones reluctant to interact with the Huntington Beach Police Department and are more afraid to access public services due to their fear that Huntington Beach and its law enforcement officials are participating in federal deportation programs, according to court documents. Gates, however, called the activists efforts for a new hearing a Hail Mary pass, adding that he expects Crandall to dismiss their request. But Rodriguez said he believes the challengers have a shot. Were doing this because immigration in our community is something very close and dear to what we do as activists and as a community, he said. Valladares and Rodriguez founded ComUNIDAD, a grassroots organization in the Oak View area, which is bounded by Warner and Talbert avenues and Gothard Street and Beach Boulevard. Our issue here for police should be about public safety, not immigration, Valladares said, adding that Gates arguments in court felt like a direct attack on Oak View. The activists say residents have remained fearful since April, when the City Council authorized Gates to sue over SB 54. Huntington Beach Police Chief Robert Handy has said Oak View community members should rely on trust already built with police officers and ignore political and media rhetoric. The state is also pushing back on the charter cities challenging SB 54. On Nov. 8, California Deputy Atty. Gen. Jonathan Eisenberg filed a notice of appeal of Crandalls ruling, pushing the case to the state 4th District Court of Appeal for review. State Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said at the time that his office will continue to defend the rule of law in our state and the California Values Act in court for the safety and well-being of all of our residents. Priscella.Vega@latimes.com Twitter: @vegapriscella Dick and Carol Stein loaded up a moving van and trailer in mid-October and drove away from their Laguna Beach home of 54 years, headed to a community in Northern California that Carol called delightful, peaceful. Three weeks later, the couple were fleeing the Camp fire, which consumed their new house in Paradise. We left a very beautiful home that my husband had done so much personal work on, and that was heartbreaking. And then now, everything that weve ever gathered together through our 66 years [of marriage] is gone too, said Carol, 83. You can imagine the adjustment were facing. Dick, Carol and their daughter Linda their live-in caregiver for several years uprooted from their Laguna neighborhood on Oct. 18 to move closer to the couples grandson and his family in Chico. Family photos, genealogical records that Carol had collected, nine bicycles and medals from Dicks road racing years all of it went into the moving truck. But on Nov. 8, all their nostalgic, wonderful memories gone, said the couples youngest daughter, Susan. Dick Stein, 85, and Carol Stein, 83, had to flee the Camp fire in Butte County twice on Nov. 8. (Courtesy of Susan Stein) We didnt know if we were going to escape it The morning the Camp fire alighted on the eastern edge of Paradise and began roaring across more than 150,000 acres of Butte County, the Stein family was unaware of the coming danger. Linda was at a bocce tournament in Reno with Susan, a legal secretary at the Irvine law firm Goe & Forsythe. Their parents were tinkering in their new kitchen, where Dick, 85, was installing a faucet. Carols phone rang with an urgent message from Matthew Schneider, their grandson in Chico. His wife, Adele, had received an alert on her phone that the east side of Paradise was being evacuated. The Steins prepared to leave their home in west Paradise immediately. Dick began gathering clothes. Carol took cat treats into the bedroom, trying to coax their two 9-year-old cats, Misty and Dixie, to come out from under the bed and into carriers. Dick and Carol Stein and their daughter Linda moved into this four-bedroom, three-bathroom house on the west side of Paradise three weeks before the Camp fire destroyed it. (Courtesy of Susan Stein) Within 15 minutes, flames began tearing down their street at 50 mph. They were gigantic Id say 30 to 40 feet high. Just one solid mass of fire, Carol said. The fire moved so quickly into our area we didnt know if we were going to escape it. With a few clothes, Carols ruby necklace and the ashes of her recently deceased nephew in hand, the couple loaded up their car again, this time to leave Paradise. The trees across the street were in flames as they left. My biggest concern most of the time was having to leave my cats behind, Carol said. That was really hard on me. The fate of the cats is unclear. The Steins headed to Matthew and Adeles home, joining what Carol called a mass exodus from Paradise. At the bocce tournament in Reno, Susan received a call from her mother saying they were evacuating. Skyway, the only road out of Paradise still open, had been turned from two lanes to four, yet they were still stuck in traffic. The air was so thick with smoke that they had to blindly follow the taillights of a truck in front of them. And they had no water. Then the phone call to Susan cut off. We were just dumbfounded, really. Just didnt know what to do, Susan said. We were just hopeful we would get another call. Susan and Linda pored over news channels, trying to find updates about the fire. They saw stories about people abandoning their vehicles to run from the flames. Information was scarce because the Camp fire, which took over two weeks to contain, had just begun. It would become Californias deadliest wildfire, killing 88 people and wiping out nearly 19,000 buildings. An hour after Carols call cut off, she called back. What a great relief that was, just to hear their voices, Susan said. And then to hear their story, [it] was just amazing that they made it out. Dick and Carol arrived at the Schneiders home in Chico later that day, but they werent safe for long. That evening, Chico was evacuating. Dick and Carol got into their car and, for the second time that day, fled the Camp fire. This time, they drove toward Reno, where they finally reached safety. For two weeks, the couple stayed at a Reno hotel with Susan and Linda. The daughters spent every day with their parents, filing for emergency insurance funding, setting up a post office box to receive paperwork and, as Susan said, helping them [get] their balance back. They come from very hardy stock, I guess, because they are really resilient and just staying positive and [putting] one foot in front of the other, Susan said. They are really strong people. Members of the Stein family are, back row from left, Dick, Susan, Carol, Catherine and Linda Stein and, front row from left, Leah, Matthew, Adele and Jason Schneider. (Courtesy of Carol Stein) One big happy family The Stein family story began in Laguna Beach, where Dick grew up. Carol moved to the city from San Bernardino as a senior in high school. She said the two met when her friend Dicks brother encouraged her to invite Dick to a high school dance. Dick and Carol married soon after and had three daughters: Catherine, Linda and Susan. In 1964, the family bought a home on Starlit Drive across the street from their high school best friends, Suzie and Jerry Johnson. Only four families lived on the cul-de-sac when they moved in, Suzie Johnson said, and most of the yards were dirt lots. They kind of pioneered the street, said Rick Balzer, a Berkshire Hathaway Realtor who helped the Steins sell their Laguna house. Dick began a plastering company and, according to Balzer, became the creme de la creme of plastering contractors around Laguna Beach. They were like old-school Laguna family, said Kristine Torrance, another Berkshire Hathaway Realtor who helped the Steins sell their home. Theyre just the sweetest, nicest couple. The Stein and Johnson children grew up together, running back and forth between houses and playing on the street. Starlit Drive soon filled in with other families. We had years and years of lots of children and lots of fun on this street, Suzie said. It was one big happy family. When the Laguna Beach community heard that the Camp fire had consumed the Steins Paradise home, offers of help poured in. Relatives and high school friends called, emailed and sent pictures with supportive statements. Everybody is coming out of the woodwork, Susan said. Suzie and her daughter, Janet Mitchell, created a GoFundMe campaign to help the Stein family begin to rebuild their lives. When you get older [and] you dont have a home base, its kind of hard, Suzie said. As of Thursday evening, the effort had raised more than $5,500. Its been tremendous, Carol said. After a week staying with various family members, Dick, Carol and Linda left Wednesday for Oregon, where Catherine lives. They are searching for a place to lease in Northern California. They still hope to live close to their grandsons family, whose home in Chico survived the fire. We really, truly feel lucky to be alive, Carol said. That in itself is enough to keep us going. Three weeks after the Camp fire destroyed their Paradise home, the Steins are looking for another place to live in Northern California. (Courtesy of Carol Stein) faith.pinho@latimes.com Twitter: @faithepinho Spain in winter? Its not exactly Hawaii. Average highs, Accuweather says, are in the upper 50s, while lows are in the 40s. Dress in layers. And plan to spend time inside in some of the attractions of this coastal city, including La Sagrada Familia and the Picasso Museum, and you can warm yourself by strolling Las Ramblas. You can do all of this and save on an airfare thats below $400. Here are the details. Fare: $396 round trip, including all taxes and fees, from LAX to Barcelona, Spain, on Norwegian. Restrictions: The fare, subject to availability, is for travel Jan. 18-Feb. 27, returning by March 27. This is a LowFare, Norwegians equivalent of basic economy. You can carry on a bag and a personal item. Advertisement Info: Norwegian, (800) 357-4159 Source: Airfarewatchdog travel@latimes.com @latimestravel When Mariza Llamas was 16, a trip from her home in Gibraltar to the neighboring town of Algeciras, where her relatives lived, took two ferry rides and a stopover on another continent a full day of traveling. This was in the 1970s, when tensions between Spain and Gibraltar, the British outpost at the southern edge of the Iberian Peninsula, were at their worst. Spain had long tried to claim Gibraltar, a territory it had lost to Britain in 1713 after the War of the Spanish Succession. In an act of spite toward Britain, Spanish dictator Francisco Franco closed off the border in 1969, forcing thousands of people who normally crossed into Gibraltar for work each day to choose between their jobs and their families in Spain and splitting up relatives who lived on either side. Every Sunday, Llamas remembers, families would rush to the border, separated by two fences and a 325-foot stretch of no-mans land, to yell messages to one another, desperately trying to communicate about a newborn grandson, a death in the family, or just to say hello. One man, Manuel Marquez, jumped the border fence so he could attend the funeral of his father, whod died while the border was shut down. It was very sad, everybody shouting and waving, Llamas said. It was a very sad time. Advertisement In Llamas case, her great-uncle was ill, and her mother, who was born in the Spanish town of Algeciras but lived in Gibraltar, longed to see him. So twice a year, the family undertook the arduous journey to visit, first catching a ferry from Gibraltar to Morocco, and then another from Morocco to the port in Algeciras. In a car, the trip would have taken 30 minutes. In 1982, seven years after Franco died, Spains new democratic government reopened the border, promising goodwill to the people who lived on this 2-square-mile speck of land at the doorstep of Europe. But by then, Gibraltarians fervently identified as British and harbored a deep mistrust of the Spanish government, which, for all its promises, never fully backed off its quest to regain its lost territory. That fraught relationship and Spains desire to assert more control over Gibraltar came into sharp relief last week when Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that Britains pending withdrawal from the European Union gave Spain unprecedented authority to intervene in Gibraltars affairs with Europe. He also said the issue of joint British-Spanish sovereignty over Gibraltar was now up for discussion. Gibraltars relationship with the European Union after Brexit will now have to pass through Spain, Sanchez said at a news conference in Madrid. In response, British Prime Minister Theresa May rejected Sanchezs interpretation of Britains withdrawal agreement and argued that joint sovereignty was not negotiable. The rock of Gibraltar looms over the adjacent harbor in a night scene. (Marcos Moreno / AFP/Getty Images) The contradictory interpretations of the withdrawal agreement have left residents of the British outpost and the surrounding Spanish region uncertain about which country will truly dominate Gibraltars future with Europe. Gibraltar and the nearby Spanish municipalities, known as the Campo de Gibraltar, are mutually dependent. Every weekday morning, the border zone is a human traffic jam, as 13,000 Spanish workers walk, bike and drive into Gibraltar. Spain is Gibraltars second-biggest trading partner after the U.K., according to Edward Macquisten, chief executive of the citys chamber of commerce. That mutual dependence was a significant factor in Gibraltars resounding rejection of Brexit. In the 2016 referendum, 96% of the voters here cast ballots to remain in the EU. Now, with Britains withdrawal on the horizon, questions abound. Will Spanish workers need visas to work in Gibraltar? How can Britains government, located on an island 1,500 miles away, navigate Gibraltars complex economic reality during trade negotiations? The biggest fear on both sides of the border, however, is a repetition of history. If the EU does grant Spain greater power to intervene in Gibraltar, will the Spanish government again close the border for political gain? Weve had this fear that what happened in 1969 will happen again today, said Juan Jose Uceda, a representative of the Assn. of Spanish Workers in Gibraltar who moved to London after Franco closed the border. We have always had this fear that in any moment we can be covered by the shadow of nationalists. Gibraltar, a city of 32,000 people with its own parliament, is an oddity born from a colonial war fought three centuries ago. Just a step away from Spain are streets with names like Winston Churchill Avenue, iconic red London telephone booths, and restaurants advertising British high tea and fish and chips. Gibraltarians whose ancestors are a mix of British, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Maltese speak with English or Scottish accents in conversations peppered with Spanish words like vale, bueno, pero, and si. Feisty Barbary macaques, the only wild monkey species on continental Europe, roam the streets and pester tourists. Most iconic to Gibraltar is its looming limestone mass that juts into the Atlantic, giving the city its nickname, the Rock. The famous rock makes a cameo in John Lennon and Yoko Onos wedding portrait; the two were married in Gibraltar in 1969. Its citizens pride themselves on strong self-government, modeled on the English system, and identify as British Gibraltarians. But the city has long been a source of contempt for Spanish politicians. In particular, they denounce the stark economic contrasts between Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar. Blocks of apartment houses crowd a neighborhood near a cruise ship dock in Gibraltar. (Matt Cardy / Getty Images) Gibraltar boasts a healthy per capita gross domestic product of $110,000 and a growth rate of 6% to 8% each year; La Linea de la Concepcion, a city of 70,000 on the other side of the border, is one of Spains poorest. Gibraltars level of unemployment is around 1%, while La Lineas is 35%. Spanish politicians also describe Gibraltars economic practices as unsavory. They argue that the citys low corporate tax rate and lack of a value-added tax make it a tax haven that attracts a disproportionate number of online gambling companies into its borders. They charge that the ports at-sea refueling, known as bunkering, pollutes Spains coastline and reduces potential revenue for its own nearby port at Algeciras. And they chastise Gibraltar for the rampant smuggling of cheap tobacco across the border into Spain, which makes it impossible for Spanish companies to sell tobacco at a competitive price. Brian Reyes, editor of the local daily the Gibraltar Chronicle, calls such charges misinformation. Madrid papers like the easy narrative of Gib as tax haven, that they pollute the environment, said Reyes. Spain uses it as a political issue. Juan Franco, the mayor of La Linea, said politicians in Madrid dont understand that, far from harming the region, Gibraltar is necessary for La Lineas survival. Gibraltar is practically the base of our economy, he said. Sanchezs rhetoric and particularly the notion of shared sovereignty over Gibraltar surprised observers, who normally associate calls to reclaim Gibraltar with the political right, not Sanchezs socialist party. Jesus Verdu, a law professor at the University of Cadiz who studies Gibraltar and the surrounding region, called Sanchezs words extraordinary. His rhetoric, Verdun said, seemed like timely political posturing: Andalusia, the province bordering Gibraltar, will hold elections on Sunday, and Sanchez, who governs a fragile coalition in the Spanish parliament, is looking to strengthen his support there. Right now, Sanchez has a weak government with a lot of problems. Hes fighting against the rights interpretation that he is anti-patriotic, Verdu said. He wants to play the Gibraltar card to reaffirm his nationalist sentiment. Gibraltars connection to Britain is evident in the street names. (Meg Bernhard / Los Angeles Times) Sitting on a coffee shop terrace on Gibraltars main cobblestone street before work one morning, Giselle Charlton, 59, and a group of friends began talking about the issue of joint sovereignty they saw discussed on Spanish news the night before. They dont need Gibraltar, said Charlton, who was born here. I dont listen to a lot of Spanish TV. Every time we do hear it, we get annoyed. Her friend Adrian Traverso, a tour guide, stopped by the terrace to offer his own opinion. If you give a donkey a carrot, it will follow. It you hit the donkey with a stick, it wont, he said. Were the donkey. And weve been hit by the stick multiple times. Even if Spain is granted greater control over Gibraltars affairs, the government will have a hard time persuading residents to approve joint sovereignty. In a 2002 referendum on the issue, 99% of Gibraltar voters were against shared sovereignty with Spain. Reyes attributes Gibraltarians strong sense of identity to a shared historical struggle, from World War II to Francos border closure. During World War II, the Rocks entire civilian population was evacuated, most to Madeira, Jamaica or London. Nearly all returned. This communitys identity is deeply, deeply, deeply rooted in that rock, Reyes said. It is very simple. It means it is my home. Its where my child grew up. Its where my parents grew up. Its where my grandparents grew up. Im not imported. My roots are here. Bernhard is a special correspondent. He was an ordinary welder in a boring job. Geng Shuai was about to turn 30 and knew that if he did not find an outlet for his passion to create things, he would be trapped in mediocrity. Then came his Einstein moment, during the mundane chore of cooking. After chopping meat and vegetables with a rather blunt cleaver, he was busy cooking when his cellphone rang. When he hung up, he accidentally put the phone down on the cleaver. And on flicked a mental lightbulb. The shapes synced perfectly. I realized, Mmmm, you could make a cellphone cover out of that. Cleavers are common in Chinese kitchens, and Gengs family happened to have a lot of old, blunt ones. So he took the leap. Advertisement I liked it, so I went ahead and made it, he said. I thought it was quite handy. It was accidental design, not intentional. Geng put together a video to promote his product on the Chinese video-sharing and streaming app Kuaishou. Holding the cleaver by its wooden handle, he flipped open the cover to reveal the cellphone nestled inside, held it up to his ear then slid it into his pocket all set to a song about a legendary ancient hero and his green dragon crescent blade. Unlike Gengs first invention, an automatic pancake press, the cleaver cellphone case went viral in two days. But not in the way he had hoped. Geng Shuai works on a cellphone case made from a meat cleaver in his workshop. (Gaochao Zhang / For The Times) Where he saw a bold design and an adventurous statement, Chinese netizens saw a hilarious failure. One of them wondered if you needed to buy a new pair of pants every time you tried to pocket the case. Another wondered how you avoided cutting off your ear. Better not try to fly with it, someone pointed out. Geng saw the funny side. He also saw an opportunity. Maybe people were not lining up to buy his invention, but they were watching his video by the millions. And they seemed to appreciate his cleaver design. So his next design was a cleaver-comb. He blunted the edge of the cleaver, just as he had for the phone case. He livestreamed a video, dragging the metal comb through his lank hair. Sure enough, money began to trickle in as newfound fans clicked on a button during his livestreams to send him virtual gifts in appreciation of his inventions. Then the money started to pour in. Geng, 30, wears a ponytail and looms tall, with broad shoulders and a working mans hands evidenced by the layer of black under each nail. But his smile, naive and hopeful, could belong to a small boy. He grew up in a small village outside Beijing. At the main crossroads, papers litter the road and one of Chinas ubiquitous scratchy speakers blares out a promotion for cheap mandarin oranges being sold from the back of a truck. An elderly man, face as wrinkled as a walnut, putters by on a three-wheeler. Geng nearly let his dreams die here. Geng Shuai with his Captain America theme screen. The shield is made from a huge Chinese wok. (Gaochao Zhang / For The Times) The son of a welder, he started cutting knives and guns from steel plate at age 7 using his fathers tools. He did well at school but found it a little narrow, convinced the wide world offered a better place to learn and create things. So he quit school after 9th grade and followed his father into a welding job only to discover that it was narrow and repetitive too. He worked all day, rarely able to make things after work because the lights at the welding shop were switched off and the door was locked. By 25, he was married with a child, and his life was beginning to look to him like a black tunnel leading nowhere great. But the exhilaration of inventing his pancake press inspired him. I felt ecstatic because we are in a rural area and people have the stereotype that were just farmers, were country people and we dont have the ability to make anything from scratch. People, especially your neighbors, think you are just an ordinary country guy who could never invent anything. His family still uses the pancake press. Well, occasionally. At almost 30, with a wife and two children to support, he quit his day job this year. His mother was appalled. She said, You are not so young. Youre turning 30. You should not do that because theres no future in it and its risky. You should find a stable job in a company and support the family. She was right about the risk. I want to do something I have a passion to do. Thats what will drive me to work harder, he says. He churned out a series of sculptures made entirely of welded-together nuts. Sales were disappointing. Once he started to gain online followers, he was deluged with messages asking why his products cost so much, in a nation where cheap high-volume production is king. Every single product took a long time to make because it was handmade, he says. Hardly anyone who inquired went on to buy. I dont think Im very good at sales tactics, he acknowledges. He preferred dreaming up new creations. But his videos grew more and more popular. The cleaver cellphone cover has been seen 24 million times, the comb video 8 million. Fans begged him never to make anything useful. One sent him a prestigious new-release cellphone, so that he could stream higher-quality videos. What I wanted to do at the very beginning was to sell inventions and bring convenience to peoples lives. But now I realize that people really like the way I present my inventions. And I also realize that this way, I get to do something new all the time. If sales of one of his products had taken off say the cleaver cellphone cover selling for about $100 he would probably have been stuck churning out thousands of them, day after day. But making a living by livestreaming has given him the freedom to hop from one wild idea to the next, without having to worry about whether it might sell or might be practical. In fact, the wilder and more impractical, the more his fans cheer him on with their gifts. He is living in a mad inventors fantasy land and getting paid to do it. In one video he dramatically flicked open a fan made of four cleavers; that got 5 million views. There was his happy chair an uncomfortable metal frame with restraining straps and four robotic hands to tickle the soles of feet and underarms (14 million views). There was the earthquake-proof noodle bowl, allowing the table to jerk around, while the noodles remain steady enough to eat (20 million views). There was the heavy metal man-bag an accessory in the shape of a mallet weighing several pounds in which he stuffs a cellphone, a wallet and a roll of toilet paper (15 million views). There was a motorized wheelbarrow comprising a motorbike welded onto a wheelbarrow. This thing has a really bad temper, he says (8 million views). Theres his clunky shoe that converts into a stool (6 million views). A bath sword with a shampoo compartment and scrubber (14 million). And a battery-operated umbrella with a spinning canopy designed to flick the raindrops away. There is his zipper alarm, to avoid embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions. His workshop is a little too neat for the average man cave, wall shelves stacked neatly with rows of nuts in jars arranged by size and shape, like candies kept out of reach of the children. Some of Geng Shuais creations sit on a shelf in his workshop in Yang village, China. (Gaochao Zhang / For The Times) For months, his parents were bemused as to how his impractical inventions were bringing in almost twice what he made as a welder. But in March, his brother, Geng Da, 27, joined the operation; last month, his father, Wen Jun, 55, joined in too. When he first created his cellphone cover, Geng applied for a patent only to be advised that his sales (about 20 so far) did not warrant a patent. But you never know when your product will go viral, he says. A major online sales platform recently approached Geng with a product placement contract for his videos. And Kuaishou invited him to Beijing for a branding exercise and a string of interviews with Chinese media. Now that he is bringing in a regular income, his mother accepts that this strange occupation might be a real job. But it took a while. Maybe she was worried that the neighbors would see it as an unprofessional job for someone who doesnt take life seriously. His father, on a low wooden stool, carefully creates an array of components for the cleaver cellphone cover, the shriek of his angle-grinder rending the village air. He does not say much, but exudes an air of pride when asked about his sons enterprise. I know my son has a really individual, original mind, he says quietly. As for Geng, he is happier than he has ever been. I never thought I could go this far. I feel this helped me to realize my dreams. I can try new things and be as creative and inventive as I want to be. Gaochao Zhang in The Times Beijing bureau contributed to this report. robyn.dixon@latimes.com Twitter: @RobynDixon_LAT Syrian state media said the countrys air defense systems had deterred a major bombardment of military bases in the south of the country late Thursday, and suspicion immediately fell on Israel, which has attacked military targets there before. Citing military sources, Syrian television said its air force had successfully repelled enemy targets, but did not specifically identify the enemy or the targets. The Saudi-owned TV network Al Arabiya reported that Israeli planes had attacked positions held by Iranian militias near the town of Kiswah, south of the capital, Damascus. The Israeli army did not claim responsibility for the bombardment and declined to comment on the report. It did say that a missile was launched from Syria toward the Israeli-held Golan Heights, but that it did not know if the missile had landed in Israel. During a Syrian surface-to-air missile launching, one launch was identified towards an open area in the Golan Heights. At this point, it remains unclear if the launch indeed landed in Israeli territory. IDF troops are searching the area. Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 29, 2018 Advertisement A reporter with state-run Syrian Arab News Agency said that air defense systems had been able to stop all incoming missiles and that none had reached their targets. An earlier report said Syrian air defenses had shot down unspecified targets over Kiswah. Images posted online by individual Syrians showed a heavy bombardment and the contrails of antiaircraft missiles against the night sky. BREAKING: #Israel tried to attack #Syria but failed to get past the S300 air defence system!https://t.co/YQ8ykZqfe2 Partisangirl (@Partisangirl) November 29, 2018 The Israeli army said reports that its aircraft had been hit were false. Syrian opposition forces reported that the bombing was taking place close to an area where the Iranian-backed Lebanese militia Hezbollah has a growing military presence that has deeply concerned Israel, which shares tense borders with Lebanon and Syria. Iran and Russia are the principal allies of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose government has been fighting a civil war for nearly eight years. Iran sponsors and trains several militias that support Syrias military effort and Israel fears Tehran is using the cover of war as a pretext to establish permanent military bases at short distances from Israels border. Hezbollah, a regional powerhouse, has won significant victories over insurgent groups that held the border area, expelling them and allowing Iran to expand its positions in southern Syria into established military bases. The latest outbreak occurred hours after flight tracking services indicated that an Iranian cargo jet had landed in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Tehran >> Beirut: Iranian Cargo 747 EP-FAB / Fars Air Qeshm / QFZ9964 Usually to Damascus - last Beirut visit was oct16 pic.twitter.com/8mkkURa7MZ avi scharf (@avischarf) November 29, 2018 It is the first known Israeli military engagement in Syria since the downing of a Russian intelligence-gathering jet on Sept. 16, when Syrias aerial defense system mistakenly targeted the plane after an attack by the Israeli air force near the Syrian city of Latakia. In a radio interview earlier Thursday, reserve Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, a former head of military intelligence, said that Israeli airstrikes in Syria, a regular if infrequent occurrence since the start of the Syrian civil war, have been reduced almost to zero since the Russian plane was downed. Yadlin, the head of the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, said he believed Russian anger over the jets loss had been directed not only at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom Russian President Vladimir Putin has refused to meet since, but also at Iran, which was disrupting Russias attempts to stabilize Syria by developing precision missile-building facilities. One result, he said, was that Iran was changing tactics and was transferring some weapons-building capabilities from Syria to Iraq and Lebanon. Tarnopolsky is a special correspondent. Times staff writer Nabih Bulos in Beirut contributed to this report. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced Friday that Ukraine would bar Russian men from entering the country as part of a 30-day martial law imposed this week amid escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Poroshenko said the ban on Russian males ages 16 to 60 would prevent the creation of private armies that could be coordinated by Russian armed forces inside Ukrainian territory, something Kiev accused Moscow of doing during the lead-up to the annexation of Crimea in 2014 as well as in the eastern regions of Ukraine, where an armed conflict with Moscow-backed militias has killed more than 10,300. We will not let the Russians carry out operations they have been planning as far back as 2014, Poroshenko said on Twitter. Shortly after the announcement on Friday, Ukrainian media reported that nearly all Russian citizens male and female were being denied entry to Ukraine. The Ukrainian government also announced travel restrictions to Crimea and any territory controlled by Russian-backed separatists. The ban offered some clarity on what has been a confusing three days since Ukraine went under martial law. Ukraines parliament approved Poroshenkos call to impose martial law in response to Russias attack on three Ukrainian naval vessels near the Kerch Strait on Sunday. Russia detained 24 crew members from the ships and charged them with illegally crossing the border. Advertisement While martial law began Wednesday across 10 regions, it has so far been uncoordinated, leaving many wondering how the measure will prepare the country for a potential Russian attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the call for martial law as a provocation meant to boost Poroshenkos slumping approval ratings ahead of the presidential election in March. Meanwhile, Poroshenko has faced criticism at home as well, with many saying that martial law was declared as a political stunt rather than an act to defend the country. Poroshenko has defended himself during a media blitz this week, which has included appearances on CNN and NBC, in which he warned that Ukraine is under threat of a full-scale war with the Russian Federation and that the conflict risks spreading to previously unaffected areas such as Kharkiv, Ukraines second largest city, about 40 miles from the Russian border. Poroshenko claims he has evidence that Russian forces along Ukraines borders have quadrupled and martial law is essential to preparing the country in the wake of the Kerch Strait incident. We hope that states within NATO are now willing to deploy naval vessels to the Sea of Azov, Poroshenko told the German Bild newspaper Wednesday. The same day he helicoptered to an army training facility near Ukraines northern border with Russia to inspect preparations. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization so far has not announced any plans to move naval vessels into the Sea of Azov, which is jointly controlled by Ukraine and Russia. All allies expressed full support for Ukraines territorial integrity and sovereignty, NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said. Any plans for additional support for Ukraine will be discussed next week at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers. Though western countries have expressed concern with the escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia, few have offered concrete support. We can only resolve this in talks with one another because there is no military solution to all of these conflicts, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday. Many details of the martial law order have been left to regional officials to interpret for themselves. Some officials have stated that martial law bans any kind of protest from taking place, while others have debated whether it would allow firework sales ahead of the New Years holiday. They dont even know what to do with [martial law], said Dmytro Bulakh, a Kharkiv region deputy and anti-corruption activist. I think martial law needed to be put in force in 2014. That was real war. But some believe instituting martial law is meant to grab the attention of Ukraines western partners and convince them of the seriousness of the situation when Ukraine has increasingly few options. Ukraine lost most of its naval capabilities when Russian annexed Crimea in 2014. Martial law is mostly being used as a tool to pressure for more support from the international community, said Yulia Yesmukhanova, a Ukrainian political analyst and independent consultant on governance projects. Poroshenko is using the tools he has, even if they arent effective. Russia has been more decisive, declaring it will move new S-400 surface-to-air missile batteries to Crimea in response to the Kerch Strait incident. On Friday, a Russian court in Crimea ordered the 24 captured Ukrainian troops to be held in custody for two months pending possible trial. UPDATES: 11:10 a.m.: This article was updated with Los Angeles Times reporting. This article was originally published at 1:20 a.m. Mexico will embark on an era of high expectations and profound uncertainty Saturday under the leadership of one of the countrys most enigmatic political figures Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Lopez Obrador, who rode populist rhetoric and a vow of a national transformation to a landslide election in Julys balloting, is set to begin a six-year term as Mexicos 57th president. The inauguration will mark the stunning revival of a twice-defeated presidential aspirant who ran under the leftist banner of his own party and who represents a stark departure from Mexicos recent run of mostly drab, technocratic leaders. I am not going to be a flower pot, Im not an adornment, the silver-haired president-elect, who turned 65 this month, warned in a recent YouTube message. I have a mandate. The Mexican people want an end to corruption and impunity. Advertisement Despite his overwhelming electoral victory, Lopez Obrador remains a divisive figure: His supporters laud him as a kind of savior for a Mexico gone terribly awry, while his critics fear the return of an old-style Latin American caudillo, or strongman, poised to turn back Mexicos slow march toward democracy. The inaugural guest list includes an eclectic array of world leaders, among them U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and a pair of Washingtons key adversaries the socialist presidents of Venezuela and Cuba, recently dubbed, along with Nicaragua, Latin Americas troika of tyranny by John Bolton, the U.S. national security advisor. Lopez Obradors ascendance has buoyed hopes of an improved economic and security panorama for many Mexicans, despite doubts among some about his ability to govern after years as a noisy dissident denouncing the mafia of power his depiction of Mexicos long-entrenched ruling classes. His campaign vows to fight corruption and shrink poverty resonated deeply in a period of desultory economic growth, rising crime and seemingly unchecked official graft. More than 4 of 10 Mexicans, in excess of 53 million people, still live in poverty, while the country is on pace to exceed last years record of more than 31,000 homicides, and a string of former governors is facing corruption charges. Public outrage with corruption during the administration of outgoing President Enrique Pena Nieto helped fuel Lopez Obradors electoral victory. Lopez Obrador, with scant experience in foreign affairs, faces an immediate potential clash with Mexicos northern neighbor. President Trump has vowed to shut the border in response to the looming presence in the border city of Tijuana of thousands of bedraggled Central Americans from migrant caravans, most seeking to enter the United States. A sign of cooperation between the two countries occurred on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires on Friday, when the United States, Mexico and Canada signed an accord revising the North American Free Trade Agreement which Trump had long threatened to cancel, leading to months of acrimonious negotiations. The agreement, which still requires approval by Congress as well as lawmakers in Mexico and Canada, spares Mexicos new leadership a battle with the Trump administration on trade. As a presidential candidate, Lopez Obrador condemned Trumps neo-fascist campaign of hate after his incendiary characterizations of Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. But, as president-elect, Lopez Obrador has sought to avoid antagonizing Trump. The two populist leaders from opposite ends of the political spectrum appear to have developed a cordial relationship, exchanging friendly telephone calls as their representatives have met in Mexico City. Upon donning the tricolor presidential sash, Lopez Obrador said he plans to deliver an address Saturday afternoon from a balcony of the National Palace to people gathered in Mexico Citys central square, or zocalo, where a cultural festival is planned. Its going to be a party, said the man known as Amlo, a nickname based on his initials. Its not a change of government, its a change of regime. It begins a new era. Dismissed as a sore loser and gadfly after crushing defeats in Mexicos two previous presidential contests, the resolute shopkeepers son from steamy southern Tabasco state retained faith in his ability to mount a comeback. Lopez Obrador has already backtracked on some key issues conceding, for instance, the need to keep the military in the streets to combat rising cartel violence, an acknowledgement that Mexican police are not prepared to handle the challenge from organized crime. Lopez Obrador unveiled a 50-point plan that would, among other measures, increase prosecutions of graft cases, criminalize influence-peddling and even expose the president to criminal prosecution for corruption. Lopez Obradors almost evangelical belief in his own transformative capabilities led Enrique Krauze, the Mexican historian, to label him in 2006 as the Tropical Messiah, a moniker that has stuck. I will not fail you, Lopez Obrador told ecstatic crowds gathered in the zocalo on the night of his election. I want to pass into history as a good president of Mexico. Lopez Obrador, the first avowed leftist to assume Mexicos presidency in recent history, repeatedly pledged to use his position to eradicate Mexicos seemingly intractable inequities. For the good of all, the poor first, he declared in the zocalo. Lopez Obrador regularly mocks his detractors as fifi, or snobs. He will assume power amid considerable ambiguity about how he plans to accomplish and fund his sweeping agenda. His campaign promises include cash grants and free university educations for the young, enhanced pensions for the elderly and disabled, stable gasoline prices and reduced violence. The money, he says, will come from savings achieved in reducing corruption and running a more austere government, cutting official salaries and pensions and doing away with sundry perks, including the presidential aircraft and bodyguards. Many are skeptical. Some people think that starting tomorrow, the prices of gas, electricity and gasoline will go down but that cant be, Jose Guadalupe Rios, 55, owner of a small grocery store and a Lopez Obrador supporter, said Friday in southern Mexico City. Amlo doesnt have a magic wand to change everything from one day to the next besides, he cant end corruption in a day. Following the election, Lopez Obrador toned down his often-combative rhetoric and called for reconciliation, reaching out in particular to critics in the business sector. Those reassurances helped ease doubts among Mexicos business elite. Some on the right have long charged that Lopez Obrador, if elected president, would morph into a kind of Mexican Hugo Chavez the late Venezuelan leftist firebrand chief of state. But much of business conditional support for Lopez Obrador withered with his decision in October to scrap a partially built, $13-billion airport project for Mexico City, an announcement that sent the markets and the peso plummeting. The move after a special election that critics called rigged and involved only about 1% of registered voters would discourage investors, business leaders said. This week, Mexicos Central Bank warned in a quarterly report against public policies that create worry in markets and a loss of confidence in Mexico as a destination for investment. The Banco de Mexico did not mention the incoming government in its report, but the statement was widely seen as a cautionary volley in advance of the presidential shift. While many in the business community remain suspect, there is no doubt that Lopez Obrador enjoys broad public support. He will assume office with a 66% approval rating, according to a poll this week by El Financiero newspaper. That compares to a 70% disapproval rating for Pena Nieto, whose six-year term is widely viewed as a failure. Lopez Obrador won 53% of the ballots cast on July 1, defeating his nearest challenger by some 30 percentage points. It was the largest percentage garnered by a Mexican presidential candidate since 1982, in the heyday of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which dominated Mexican politics for much of the 20th century. Despite his rebel oratory, Lopez Obrador was for years a PRI stalwart, before joining a leftist breakaway current in the late 1980s. He served as mayor of Mexico City from 2000-2005 under the banner of a leftist party from which he subsequently split. He is the first president in modern Mexican history not associated with a traditional political party, having been elected as the standard-bearer of his own bloc, the National Regeneration Movement, or Morena. Since the elections of July 1, Morena has become the countrys most potent political force, although it was formed only four years ago. With the opposition deeply fragmented, Lopez Obrador and his allies will control both houses of congress and the mayoralty of Mexico City, the capital, a concentration of power not seen since the days of PRI hegemony. Many Mexicans find that a disquieting prospect. I think with Lopez Obrador we face a future of fear, said Afredo Lopez Vasquez, 37, an engineer in southern Mexico City. Im worried that he could try to remain eternally in power. Starting Saturday, many will be watching closely to see how Lopez Obrador transitions from sideline agitator and perennial candidate to the central figure in a vast edifice of power that he has spent years denouncing. The campaign will be permanent, wrote columnist Jesus Silva-Herzog Marquez in Mexicos Reforma newspaper. Lopez Obrador will not convert subtly to orthodoxy. He will keep viewing politics as an epic combat of symbols and not as an administration of the ordinary. Cecilia Sanchez of The Times Mexico City bureau contributed to this report. patrick.mcdonnell@latimes.com Twitter: @PmcdonnellLAT Commercial operations of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market in Mindanao were delayed to middle of next year, according to an official of the Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines. Target [for the start of the operations] is next year, around middle of the year or thereafter, IEMOP president Francis Saturnino Juan said. IEMOP took over the operations of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market, the countrys trading floor of electricity, from Philippine Electricity Market Corp. in September. Juan said WESM Mindanaos commercial operations were delayed because of the ongoing software audit of the new market system. It will be the one used for WESM Mindanao, he said. Energy Undersecretary Felix William Fuentebella earlier said there were still some technicalities that needed to be resolved. WESM is a centralized venue for buyers and sellers to trade electricity as a commodity where its prices are based on actual use (demand) and availability (supply). WESM began commercial operations in Luzon in June 2006 and in the Visayas in December 2010. It was created under the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 to reflect the actual cost of electricity and lower power prices through more efficient production and competition. Fuentebella said the New Market Management System for WESM Mindanao remained to be completed.The system that PEMC is auditing to make it five minute intervals is taking longer so they are looking at October to make it online and applicable, he said. Trial operations for the integration of the Mindanao grid to the WESM was launched June last year. The trial operations program signaled the start of implementing test cases of a market-based mechanism for the efficient scheduling, dispatch and settlement of energy withdrawal and injections in the Mindanao grid. Mindanao posted excess generation supply starting 2016 with the entry of 748 megawatts of new generation capacity. This is expected to increase further by 1,260 MW this year. Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi said the establishment of WESM Mindanao signals the start of a competitive electricity market in the region whose costing is very transparent. WESM facilitates a transparent electricity market with which Mindanao power generators will have an avenue to trade un-contracted power supply. WESM will provide consumers more sources of electricity to choose from, increasing their chances of lower-priced energy, he said. WESM Mindanao will enable a transparent and fair mechanism to bring in more competition, more investors and a sustainable business climate that will eventually redound to empowering consumers from Mindanao of their power of choice, said Cusi. Minister of Education Tarek Shawki has issued decrees amending the examination schedule for all students to avoid Coptic feasts, reducing future exam times for grade 10 students from two to three hours to 40 to100 minutes, and temporarily suspending the use of tablets in exams. Shawki said that the 600,000 students in grade 10 in 2,500 schools nationwide still need time to be trained in using the tablets and so will sit first term exams using the old method. Tablet-based exams will be introduced in the second term. Shawki also cancelled monthly exams for grade 10 students until they have all received tablets. We must prevent teachers from exploiting students by pressuring them to take private lessons, said Shawki. He added that when students receive their tablets all exams will be graded by computer and teachers will not be able to interfere. The new education system comes into force this year for kindergarten, grade one and grade 10 students, and will be gradually rolled out until it covers all schools. Next academic year the new system will be applied in grade 11. The system will be applied to preparatory stage pupils only after it has been rolled out to cover all secondary stage students, said Ministry of Education Spokesman Ahmed Saber. The Education Ministry plans to distribute 708,000 tablets among grade 10 or first secondary students. The ministry has already received 55 per cent of the tablets. As soon as the rest arrive they will be distributed among students and teachers. The ministry expects all tablets to be allocated by the end of December, said Saber. The shorter exams, reduced from up to three hours to between 40 to 100 minutes, will not apply to current end-of-term papers, says Reda Hegazi, head of the General Education Sector at the Ministry of Education. This year the duration will be as usual since students are yet to be trained in using the tablets and need to be familiarised with the new type of exam questions, said Hegazi. The exam schedule has been also amended so as not to include more than one subject a day. There will be a reasonable space between exams so as to avoid Coptic feasts and to provide students with time for revision, said Hegazi. The new education system is based on digital learning and eliminates testing based on memory. Students will be trained to use their tablets to log onto educational websites, among them the Bank of Knowledge, York Press and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Tests will be sent to students tablets, and will be answered and marked electronically. Students will be required to complete 12 exams in each subject during their three secondary school years. The highest six grades will be used to calculate a students final grade. In April Egypt received a $500 million loan from the World Bank earmarked for teacher training and upgrading the educational system. *A version of this article appears in print in the 29 November, 2018 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly under the headline: No tablets in exams Search Keywords: Short link: Global Economic Perceptions Are Shifting Imnplications for Stock Market Our researchers spent a good portion of the holiday weekend researching a continued capital shift that is taking place in the US equities markets and throughout the global market. Over the past 20+ months, a massive capital shift has taken place where investment capital fled weaker global economies and rushed into the US stock market because of a tremendous value opportunity that existed at that time. Technology, Biotech and many others equity sectors were skyrocketing in some cases 2~3% a month. This ROI, along with the benefit of a stronger US Dollar, created a very unique environment where foreign capital could rush into the US markets, land pretty much anywhere and become relatively safe from foreign risks/devaluation. Yet, over the past 45+ days, the US equity markets have declined dramatically and our researchers wanted to investigate if this capital shift dynamic had abated or ended recently. This could be a very important question for investors to understand because the most to safety for capital is one of the most critical functions of capital preservation. Capital operates under the premise that certain risks will be allowed as long as ROI is sufficient to offset those risks. Capital tends to move away from hostile environments and towards environments that are stable and capable of generating returns with limited risks. The only time capital rushes towards high-risk returns is when managers become greedy with their clients money. Yes, these types of returns can be tremendous when there is little risk, but these high-risk returns often result in unknowns that can be catastrophic for investors (think Greece or Puerto Rico). Overall, far greater capital is deployed in more traditional investment sources that are lower risk and produce lower ROI as a means of supporting long term objectives. The question before our research team is has the capital shift that we believe has taken place over the past 18+ months changed direction or changed focus and how can we profit from this dynamic? It is our believe that capital is still searching for the safest and most capable ROI on the planet in comparison to global economic and currency risks. Has the economic environment changed so much that capital is now searching for new sources of safety and return? Our researchers focused on four key aspects of the global economy in an attempt to answer these questions : _ China/Asia Future Economic Expectations/Realities _ Europe/EU Future Economic Expectations/Realities _ Arab/Russia Future Economic Expectations/Realities _ US/North America Future Economic Expectations/Realities By focusing on these different regions of economic power and capital, we believe we can attempt to develop a better understanding of where capital will find suitable investment environments and stability over the next 12 to 18+ months and better understand how capital will be deployed in the future. The new cycle is full of concerning headlines from all over the planet. Russia and Ukraine appear to be headed into a conflict. Turkey and Saudi Arabia have already entered a war (of sorts) over the Jamal Khashoggi murder with could conflate into broader issues for Iran, Syria, Russia, the US, and many other nations. China is experiencing an economic slowdown that could result in a populous uprising if conditions dont improve soon as we are starting to see in Hong Kong. Regions of Europe are already cracking under a severe banking/credit risk scenario with little to no hope of support from the EU. And thousands of migrants are rushing the US border attempting to flood into the US illegally as they feel it is their right to invade a nation that is offering entitlements to all invaders. If we step back and really consider all of this, the world certainly appears to be unraveling before our very eyes. The fabric of society that was in place 20+ years ago seems to be tearing apart more and more each second. As long as the US Dollar continues to strengthen above $92 and Gold/Silver continue to form a deep price base (as we recently suggested here: https://www.thetechnicaltraders.com/metals-moving-in-unison-for-a-massive-price-advance-part-ii/) we believe the US equity markets will quickly find support near current lows and attempt a new price rally that should push prices back towards new price highs before the end of January 2019. Take a look at this Weekly chart of our Custom US Equity Market Composite Index. Although the recent price decline has been dramatic and concerning, the reality of this price correction is that it has dropped to the middle level of longer-term support originating from the 2012 to 2016 price range. When we take a very long-term view of the markets, the middle (green area) of price rotation has continued to act as resistance and support for price over the past 2~3 years. In 2015~2017, this area acted as resistance. In late 2017 and early 2018, the US equity markets began a dramatic acceleration that resulted in this same area becoming support for the price (seen in Feb 2018). Overall, this recent price decline is likely a result of the US Fed prompting longer-term concerns and the US elections prompting some levels of uncertainty in the markets. How will investors digest the remaining 30+ trading days for 2018 and early 2019 in light of this retracement and new price valuation? Will these price levels be viewed as advantageous buy levels of will further pricing concerns prevent investors from pulling the trigger? Well continue our research and attempt to more clearly illustrate our findings in the next part of this multi-part research article. Right now, think about how the global markets are set for the next 30~90 days of trading action and think about what you believe will be the likely outcome of the new year (the end of the Christmas season, the start of a new year and the continued shifting global economic headlines). We believe 2019 and 2020 will be incredible years for skilled traders with big price swings and fantastic opportunities for traders. Please take a minute to visit www.TheTechnicalTraders.com to learn about our research team and how we can assist you in finding great trades. We have been calling these market moves with incredible accuracy over the past 18+ months because of our proprietary research tools and skilled researchers. Try our services and see for yourself how we can help you become a better trader. Stay Tuned for Part II Chris Vermeulen www.TheTechnicalTraders.com Chris Vermeulen has been involved in the markets since 1997 and is the founder of Technical Traders Ltd. He is an internationally recognized technical analyst, trader, and is the author of the book: 7 Steps to Win With Logic Through years of research, trading and helping individual traders around the world. He learned that many traders have great trading ideas, but they lack one thing, they struggle to execute trades in a systematic way for consistent results. Chris helps educate traders with a three-hour video course that can change your trading results for the better. His mission is to help his clients boost their trading performance while reducing market exposure and portfolio volatility. He is a regular speaker on HoweStreet.com, and the FinancialSurvivorNetwork radio shows. Chris was also featured on the cover of AmalgaTrader Magazine, and contributes articles to several leading financial hubs like MarketOracle.co.uk Disclaimer: Nothing in this report should be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. Technical Traders Ltd., its owners and the author of this report are not registered broker-dealers or financial advisors. Before investing in any securities, you should consult with your financial advisor and a registered broker-dealer. Never make an investment based solely on what you read in an online or printed report, including this report, especially if the investment involves a small, thinly-traded company that isnt well known. Technical Traders Ltd. and the author of this report has been paid by Cardiff Energy Corp. In addition, the author owns shares of Cardiff Energy Corp. and would also benefit from volume and price appreciation of its stock. The information provided here within should not be construed as a financial analysis but rather as an advertisement. The authors views and opinions regarding the companies featured in reports are his own views and are based on information that he has researched independently and has received, which the author assumes to be reliable. Technical Traders Ltd. and the author of this report do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content of this report, nor its fitness for any particular purpose. Lastly, the author does not guarantee that any of the companies mentioned in the reports will perform as expected, and any comparisons made to other companies may not be valid or come into effect. Chris Vermeulen Archive 2005-2019 http://www.MarketOracle.co.uk - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. In France, hundreds of thousands of people have participated since mid-November in the yellow vests movement to protest against the rise in fuel taxes and, in general, against the ever-increasing cost of living. This movement is the inevitable result of a palpable economic crisis, and the brutal austerity imposed by the current government. Between cuts to social services, tax increases and other austerity measures, the yellow vests testify to the suffocation of the French population given stagnant wages and the continual rise of living costs. Reunion: a movement that looks like a revolution On Reunion Island, the French overseas department, the movement of the yellow vests is especially large and radical, so much so that the government has imposed a curfew. Since the beginning of the movement, the island has been completely blocked; the roads and the harbour are barred, the schools and administrations are closed; the hospitals have been slowed down; and while some businesses are open in the morning, many have been closed altogether. Strong bonds of solidarity have been established among the demonstrators. Barricades are regularly maintained and protected and the movement is supported by a good part of the population. Thanks to social networking services, the protesters are able to assemble quickly and their roadblocks are very mobile. This is the greatest crisis that the island has experienced since the 1990s. So far, the demands of the movement are numerous, and no clear direction has yet been established. Reunionese are waiting for recognition of their grievances by the government, but for now, the state has only responded by sending in the police. The yellow vests must put on their agenda the overthrow of Macron's government / Image: Flickr, Erder Wanderer The fact that the yellow vests movement has found a greater echo among Reunion workers is not surprising. For several years now, the inhabitants of Reunion Island, although French, suffer much more acutely than their compatriots on the mainland. In Reunion, everything is 30 to 50 percent more expensive, partly because all products are imported. This is not to mention the fact that 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and one-third of the working population is unemployed. For the youth, the unemployment rate is 56 percent. The Reunionese have the understandable impression that they are second-class citizens. Their island is mainly governed by metropolitans from the mainland, while the Reunionese themselves face mass unemployment. More than anything, they feel abandoned by the government. The fuel tax hike was a spark that ignited a long-simmering crisis. In response to the movement, the Minister of Overseas France, Annick Girardin, visited the island on 28 November. She promised that the price of fuel would drop immediately and talked about making "other announcements" regarding the cost of living. The yellow vests promised the minister a big welcome. They swore that 300 barricades would be erected, saying "No cars will pass". An appeal was launched on social networks to show this to the minister. Given the power of the Reunion movement, the Macron government may be forced to make concessions. But it will soon resume its offensive against the workers and the poor, and the Reunionese, already some of the most affected by the crisis of capitalism, will be among the first victims. The actions of the yellow vests in Reunion shows the way to follow for their comrades in mainland France. The whole movement must now put on its agenda the demand for the overthrow of the Macron government. This will only succeed if the movement on the mainland is as powerful as that on Reunion. Macrons empty promises Macron gave a speech at the Elysee on Tuesday morning that was one, long provocation. The yellow vest protestors are demanding, at a minimum, immediate measures against the high cost of living today. However, the president mainly talked about the situation that will face the world by 2050. Despite speaking of the need for the government to change [its] method, not a single concrete measure was announced. His promise to review gas taxes every three months was nothing but a vague proposal, offered without explanation or a timescale. In terms of immediate measures, he promised "consultations" that will be organised in the coming months. Of course, nothing positive can come from these, but that is not the goal. The hope was that by merely announcing consultations, the government could demobilise the yellow vests. Macron was saying: why bother mobilising, when weve already promised to talk? However, there is too much anger and exasperation in French society for this movement to be content with vague promises, delivered in a patronising tone. The fight will continue on Saturday, with an important step forward: the simultaneous mobilisation in the streets of the yellow vests and the CGT (among others). In several cities, joint demonstrations and marches have been announced. Ideally, this should be the case everywhere, under common slogans: against the taxation of the poor, against austerity policies, and so on. The role of the unions Why is the government not giving in? Because Macron fears, quite rightly, that any concession will encourage the struggle of the masses, which will lead workers to say to themselves: "to get something, you have to act like the yellow vests! But on the other hand, by refusing to give any ground, the government runs the risk of enraging and radicalising the movement. Experience shows that a government is confronted with this conundrum when the exasperation of the masses and their fighting spirit have reached such a fever pitch that they are on the threshold of a powerful social explosion. Certainly, no one can say if this explosion or rather, a second explosion (the yellow vest movement is already explosive) will actually take place. But the conditions are ripe. And now, the ball is in the camp of the labour movement: the unions first, but also parties of the left. They must intervene in this movement, support it and, above all, rely on its momentum to build a general offensive against the Macron government. Left to itself, the yellow vests may run out of energy and disperse in the long run. The government will probably not yield to the strategy of blockading roads, businesses and institutions. The government will "unblock" them, one by one, and will count on the movement to become fatigued. This is why the movement must increase in strength, and cross a decisive threshold. The strategy of blockages must transform into a vast movement of strikes. This is the route to victory. But in the immediate future, the yellow vests cannot organise these strikes themselves. This is the role, first and foremost, of the workers organisations. They must throw all their strength into this battle not in three months, but now. Embed from Getty Images Instead, union leaders have distanced themselves from the yellow vests and even attacked them (Laurent Berger, CFDT, has been the most virulent). Fortunately, the unions rank and file have reacted differently, especially in the CGT, where the position of the leadership is highly contested from below. And for good reason: it is scandalous. Philippe Martinez (general secretary of the CGT) initially refused to support the yellow vests action on 17 November, under the pretext of refusing "to march with the National Front" (whose organised presence was marginal). Then, he called for union members not to participate in the demonstrations of 24 November. Instead, the CGT called for demonstrations on 1 December. Finally, he still does not clearly support the cancellation of fuel tax increases. Instead, he prefers to ask for a salary increase as if these two demands were contradictory! While Martinez piled up excuses to stay away from yellow vests, the CGT's rank-and-file activists intervened in the movement, or at least expressed their support. Such examples of solidarity must increase. Wherever possible, the CGT activists must advise the yellow vests to organise general assemblies, where the question of strikes can be raised. The movement of the yellow vests can play an important role in organising a large movement of strikes. It will not be difficult to connect the two, because many yellow vests are workers. If they are won over to this strategy, they will become excellent advocates for this cause in their workplaces. It is necessary to rely on the extraordinary combativity this movement has aroused. General assemblies will also make the movement more democratic and more effective. The designation of eight spokespersons (by what mechanism and by whom, it is unclear) has put this issue at the centre of discussions. Democratic control of the grassroots movement is needed, with elected and recallable delegates at the local and then the national level. This would also displace the extreme, right-wing activists who seek to thrive on the current confusion. A clear, anti-capitalist stance will be much more appealing to the majority of yellow vests than the nationalist demagogy of the far right. "Apolitical"? Some will say, "No! The movement of yellow vests is apolitical and must remain so. The same people often object to the involvement of the unions. We must not give in to this call, which always favours the most right-wing elements. The yellow vests reject the current political system (rightly so), and are wary of both political and union leaders (again, rightly so). But their movement is not at all "apolitical". Some of their emerging demands such as the dissolution of the National Assembly are not only highly political but also very radical. And they need to find a clear expression in the left and the trade union movement. Despite some claims, the movement is not at all "apolitical", some of its demands are not only political but also very radical. And they need to find a clear expression in the left and the trade unions / Image: Flickr, Erder Wanderer The CGT and France Insoumise, in particular, must explain that we will not be able to overthrow the government without a strong movement of renewable strikes, because blockages and demonstrations will not be enough. At the same time, they must present a programme of breaking with the capitalist system, whose crisis is the fundamental cause of the high cost of living and all the masses suffering. Not to intervene politically in this movement would be to abandon the terrain to the right and the extreme right. We must not allow this. Cooks appearance didnt strike me as noteworthy because of anything he said or did while in Idaho, but rather because of what was transpiring outside the school during his visit. Apples 2016 donation was spread across 114 schools in 29 states, the Idaho Statesman reported, focusing on "districts where the low-income student population is at least 96 percent." Two years later, Cook was greeted at a recipient Idaho school by crowds of both supporters and protesters, including one who criticized Apples donated iPads as a poor replacement for "real teaching." Jeremy Horwitz Egypt's Minister of Military Production Mohamed El-Assar discussed mutual cooperation in defence manufacturing with Saudi Arabian officials in Cairo, the ministry said in a statement on Friday. El-Assar met with the chair of the kingdom's state-owned Military Industries Corporation, Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Mady, who is leading a delegation to Cairo in the run-up to Egypt's first military and defence industries expo, EDEX 2018. During the talks on Thursday, the officials discussed ways to boost cooperation and improve exchange of technology and experience in the defence industry. The two sides emphasised the need for strengthening coordination in defence manufacturing between all Arab countries, and particularly Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is showcasing its latest defence products in the biggest pavilion at the defence fair, which runs from 3 to 5 December. El-Assar said in a press conference on Friday that 373 companies from 41 countries are taking part in the exhibition. The global gathering is expected to draw 10,000 visitors including defence ministers, senior military officials and major defence manufacturers, he added, according to a statement by the military. Search Keywords: Short link: The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) announces the call for entries for the 2021 COMESA Media Awards. The Award scheme is conducted every year to recognize and reward journalists who have contributed to regional integration by publishing and producing broadcast stories on the subject. Objective of the Awards The objective of the Awards is to promote reporting of COMESA regional integration projects hence raising public awareness, understanding and participation and ownership. The parameters for eligible entries include the following: 1. Relevance: The entry should address economic developmental issues relevant to regional integration such as trade, transport, aviation, energy, transport, ICT, investments, gender, agriculture among etc 2. Regional dimension: The entry should have a regional dimension i.e. applying to or applicable to more than one regional State 3. Knowing COMESA: The entry should demonstrate awareness about COMESA regional integration programmes Information on COMESA programmes can be obtained from; Website: http://www.comesa.int/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/comesa_lusaka In Member States, information can be obtained from Ministries that coordinate COMESA activities nationally. These are mainly ministries responsible for trade/commerce, foreign affairs and/or regional integration. (https://www.comesa.int/members/) Eligibility The awards are open for published and broadcasted works in the fields of print, radio, television, and online media. Only journalists who are COMESA nationals are eligible for the competition. The competition is open to individual journalists and not media institutions or organisations; Submission of entries The entries shall be works published/broadcast by a recognised media institution between 1st January 2020 and 31 December 2020 in any of the 21 COMESA Member States. Entry forms are available on the COMESA website: www.comesa.int Languages All works entered for the competition shall be in one of the COMESA official languages, namely English, French and Arabic. Categories Entries shall consist of the following: (a) Print Journalism: Features/articles should consist of a minimum 700 words and maximum 1,500 words published in mainstream newspapers, magazines/ journals and newsletters. (b) Radio Journalism: Documentary or discussion programmes of minimum 5 (five) minutes and maximum 10 (ten) minutes duration and not exceeding 15MB; (c) Television Journalism: Documentary or discussion programme of minimum 5 (five) minutes and maximum 10 (ten) minutes duration and not exceeding 15MB. (d) Online/new media: Features/articles of a minimum 700 (seven hundred words) and maximum 1,500 (One thousand five hundred) words published in mainstream newspapers (including online editions), magazines and reputable journals. Adjudication and awards Selection of the best works will be done by an adjudication panel identified by COMESA Secretariat from Member States. The winners will get sponsorship to the COMESA Heads of State Summit, a monetary award, a trophy and a certificate. Respects for Copyrights: All works submitted must be original and in conformity with copyright requirements. Deadlines Entries submitted are those published or broadcasted between 1st January 2020 and 31 December 2020 All submissions should reach the COMESA Secretariat by 31 January 2021. Submission An online entry form is provided on this link: https://www.comesa.int/comesa-media-awards-2021/ Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note que le salaire minimum passe a Rs 10200 a partir du mois de janvier 2019, que la hausse de salaire est de Rs 300.00 payable le 31 janvier 2019 entre autres. 1. Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations made by the National Wage Consultative Council in respect of the revised National Minimum Wage to be effective as from 1 January 2020 which are as follows: (a) a monthly guaranteed income of Rs10,200 for a worker in a Non Export Oriented Enterprise which comprises the national minimum wage of Rs9,700, inclusive of salary compensation for year 2020, and a special allowance of Rs500 payable by Government; (b) for a Mauritian worker in an Export Oriented Enterprise, the Council has proposed a monthly guaranteed income of Rs10,200 which includes the national minimum wage of Rs9,000, inclusive of salary compensation for year 2020, and a special allowance of Rs860 plus an additional allowance of Rs340 payable by Government; and (c) for a migrant worker already in employment up to 31 December 2019, the monthly guaranteed income would be Rs9,860 comprising a national minimum wage of Rs9,000, inclusive of salary compensation for the year 2020, and a special allowance of Rs860. Cabinet has also agreed to a monthly salary compensation of Rs300 being paid to workers earning up to Rs50,000 monthly as from 1 January 2020. 2. Cabinet has taken note that the Prime Minister would chair the High Level Committee on the Elimination of Violence Against Women which would comprise, inter alia: (a) the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology; (b) the Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail; (c) the Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity; (d) the Minister of Tourism; (e) the Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security; (f) the Minister of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation; (g) the Minister of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training; (h) the Minister of Health and Wellness; (i) the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare; (j) the Minister of Arts and Cultural Heritage; and (k) the Minister of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms. The mandate of the Committee would be: (a) to assess the current state of affairs with regard to the elimination of violence against women in terms of legislative framework and its enforcement, policies, procedures and awareness/sensitisation campaigns undertaken; and (b) to identify problem areas and formulate a new strategy to eliminate violence against women. 3. Cabinet has taken note of the arrangements being made by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre to ensure preparedness in view of the 2019-2020 cyclonic season and torrential rains. In this connection, the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government, Disaster and Risk Management chaired a Committee comprising representatives of relevant Ministries and institutions, including local authorities to take stock of the current situation and actions being taken, inter alia, for the cleaning of drains, rivers and water courses. Cabinet has also taken note that the Emergency Alert App is already operational and alerts people on natural calamities and safety measures to be followed. It allows users to receive timely information and updates generated by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre in case of natural disasters such as cyclones and flash floods. Cabinet has further taken note that the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity has already established the list of evacuee centres for the cyclonic period 2019-2020. 4. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction of the Medical Council (Amendment) Bill into the National Assembly. The object of the Bill is to amend the Medical Council Act to remove the requirement that a person be required to undergo an entry examination before being registered as a pre-registration trainee. 5. Cabinet has agreed to the Rules of Procedure, the Financial Document and the Guiding Principles for Bilateral Co-operation Mechanism under a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities and the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy in February 2018. The Memorandum of Understanding covers cooperation in the field of renewable energy, construction energy efficiency and climate change. The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities has identified four projects for funding, namely: (a) installation of roof top solar panels on 200 houses of low income household; (b) feasibility study for the development of offshore wind farm; (c) installation of 100 kW PV system at water treatment plants; and (d) GIS and remote sensing application for management of water resources. 6. Cabinet has taken note that the Medical Council (Continuing Professional Development) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 would be promulgated. The main amendments in the Regulations are as follows: (a) a general practitioner or specialist would be excused from attending CPD courses or training programmes if he is: (i) a newly graduated medical practitioner who is given registration by the Medical Council of Mauritius during the period August to December of that particular year; and (ii) a registered medical practitioner who has resumed practice after coming back to Mauritius from overseas during the period August to December of that particular year; (b) medical practitioners who follow online CPD courses or e-training programmes approved by the Medical Council of Mauritius would be able to accumulate one credit point; and (c) registered medical practitioners attending local/international conference would be allowed to accumulate four credit points per day with a maximum of eight per conference. 7. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Health and Wellness has implemented, at the end of September 2019, a web-based Border Health Control System at the Airport, as part of the overall strategy to improve the process of active surveillance of incoming passengers travelling from countries endemic to vector-borne diseases, to prevent the outbreak of such diseases in the country. Under this system, the officers of the Airport Health Office are now able to concurrently input the information retrieved from the Health Declaration Forms of passengers. coming from various countries. The other Health Offices, the Communicable Diseases Control Unit and the Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health and Wellness are now connected to the new system on real time. 8. Cabinet has taken note of the recommendations of the Conference on Diabetes and Associated Diseases held recently in Mauritius. The main recommendations of the Conference were, inter alia, to: (a) develop and prepare a National Service Framework for NCDs with a strong focus on diabetes given its multiple NCD linkages, complications and comorbidities such as sleep apnea, depression and cognitive dysfunction; (b) develop and prepare the National Integrated NCD Action Plan; (c) carry out the Mauritius and Rodrigues NCD Survey and the Mauritius and Rodrigues Nutrition Survey in 2020; (d) creation of more Health Clubs throughout the country to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle; and (e) develop a Cardiovascular Disease Register. A Steering Committee chaired by the Director Health Services (Non Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion Unit) would be set up to look into the implementation of the recommendations in close collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation, the Mauritius Sports Council and other relevant authorities. 9. Cabinet has taken note that the New ENT Hospital would be officially opened to the general public on 2 December 2019. 10. Cabinet has taken note of the progress achieved in the implementation of the National Electronic Licensing System by the Economic Development Board. The key objectives of the National Electronic Licensing System which is co-financed by the European Union are, inter alia, to: (a) improve the licensing procedures by streamlining the application process and the use of automated workflows; (b) develop a user-friendly interface for submission of applications 24/7; (c) provide electronic and online payment facilities; (d) provide more clarity and certainty to the applicant by introducing an online monitoring and tracking by both applicants and public sector agencies; and (e) allow data to flow seamlessly among public agencies using the Governments data sharing platform. 11. Cabinet has taken note of the setting up of a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee to recommend and monitor the implementation of appropriate measures for safeguarding the image, visibility, integrity and repute of the Mauritius International Financial Centre. The Steering Committee would be chaired by the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance and comprise officials from the relevant Ministries and institutions. 12. Cabinet has agreed to the contents of the Southern African Community (SADC) Qualifications Alignment Report and its submission to the SADC Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation. The Mauritius Qualifications Authority (MQA) which has the mandate to develop, implement and maintain the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of Mauritius, has agreed to align the NQF with the Southern African Development Community Qualifications Framework (SADCQF) with a view to enhancing the recognition and portability of local qualifications with those of SADC and vice-versa. The SADCQF is a reference framework for education and training. It is a regional mechanism for comparability and recognition of full qualifications, credit transfers, creation of regional standards and facilitation of quality assurance in education and training at regional level. 13. Cabinet has taken note that an International Conference on The 2019 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF), with special theme sessions in Sustainable Development in Developing Countries, would be held in Mauritius from 30 November to 4 December 2019. The Conference would be co-organised by the Africa Research Center, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba and the International Center for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality, University of Mauritius. The aim of the Conference is to thoroughly examine contemporary global health and medical tourism issues, stimulate dialogue, and develop new perspectives in the field within the globalised environment. Around 70 local and foreign participants would attend the Conference. 14 Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change would organise the Assises de lEnvironnement on 16 and 17 December 2019. The objectives of the Assises are mainly to ensure a concerted and critical approach in order to address national challenges in the environmental sector and come up with a feasible Master Plan taking into consideration the aspirations of the Mauritian population. Various stakeholders including Ministries, parastatal bodies, the private sector, academia, research institutions, non-governmental organisations and the civil society would be involved in the consultations. 15. Cabinet has taken note of the arrangements being made to ensure availability of livestock and poultry meat for the end of year festivities. No shortage of slaughter cattle, sheep, goat, pork and poultry is expected in December 2019. 16. Cabinet has taken note that in the context of the celebration of Christmas at national level, the following activities would, inter alia, be organised: (a) the National Christmas Celebrations at the Domaine du Moulin, Goodlands, on 21 December 2019. The programme would include a series of fun activities for children, the Nativity scene, live carols by solo singers and groups, a popular show and a firework display; (b) a Fun Day for children of the Centres de Lecture et dAnimation Culturelle on 7 December 2019 at the Pointe Canon Open Air Theatre, Mahebourg; (c) an annual Christmas event by the Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture on the theme of 200 Voices for Christmas on 14 December 2019; and (d) the 22nd edition of Songs for the Season by the Conservatoire National de Musique Francois Mitterrand on 14 and 15 December 2019, at the Caudan Arts Centre, Port Louis. 17. Cabinet has taken note of the activities being organised in the context of World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December, namely: (a) the launching of activities at the Municipal City Council of Port Louis on 29 November 2019, including HIV Testing and Counselling with a view to encourage people to come forward for the HIV test; (b) sensitisation programmes on TV and Radio as well as in the Prisons Department; (c) awareness sessions and HIV Rapid Testing in different communities across the island in the Regional AIDS Units; and (d) an HIV testing day by PILS at Caudan Waterfront in collaboration with other NGOs and the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The theme for this year is Communities make the difference. 18. Cabinet has taken note that Motorways and Main Roads (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2019 would be promulgated with a view to classifying the newly constructed Fort William Road as a Main Road B 172. The Regulations would come into operation on 01 December 2019. Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn This engagement is very timely, for both the CBC and ICC. The impact of COVID-19 has necessitated a change in trade dynamics, emphasizing the need for greater reliance on business and private sector-led growth. Through this MOU, CBC becomes the partner, through which we can strengthen the participation of African businesses in multilateral negotiations related to trade, investment and sustainable development, said Mr. Marday Venkatasamy, Chairman of the COMESA Business Council, during the CBC-ICC MOU signing ceremony which took place during the ICC/ World Chambers Federation Action Network Meeting, held on 9th November, 2020. The event was graced by over 70 business leaders representing business Associations from Africa and the rest of the world, including CBC Board Directors and ICC members. In his remarks, the ICC Secretary General , Mr. John W. H. Denton AO said, There are enormous similarities between the objectives of ICC and those of CBC. The fact that we are now able to come together to work for the advancement of the interests of business in Africa is a fantastic opportunity. We will not let you down. We look forward to working closely with CBC and are greatly honoured by the trust they have shown in ICC by seeking to join forces for the common endeavour to improve the lives and livelihoods of all those who live in Africa. With the signing of the MOU, the parties will develop an implementation plan on facilitating business partnerships and increasing inter-regional trade; advocacy and strengthening African business participation in multilateral policy; business facilitation measures to advance Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, it will address key emerging issues for business, such as digital trade facilitation, SMEs sustainability, and other strategies to facilitate movement of goods and services particularly within the COVID-19 pandemic period. During the event, a high-level panel of business leaders from the CBC and ICC engaged on strengthening partnerships for business in international markets and COMESA. The panel was moderated by Mr. Southworth, Secretary General, ICC- United Kingdom. The key discussions focused on trade facilitation, private sector participation in global policy, financial inclusion for women and SMEs, and a roadmap for a digital-inclusive economy. In the dialogue, CBCs Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Sandra Uwera, stated, The MOU provides a platform for leveraging synergies between CBC and ICC, for linking global business to African markets and vice versa, promoting digital trade facilitation and strengthening the voice of African business in international negotiations . Dr. Amany Asfour, CBCs Board Director, underscored, Digital financial inclusion is a key priority for African continental and COMESA regional integration agendas, essential to the facilitate cross border payments, alleviate poverty and improve livelihoods for SMEs, particularly women-led enterprises. Mr. Christopher Holden of the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation highlighted public-private partnership to accelerate the policy frameworks for trade facilitation in Africa as key to realising the opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Area. The panel recommended strengthening public-private dialogue, private sector participation, and financing of National Trade Facilitation Committees as a way of ensuring an improved business environment. Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn Parliament said the decision reflects a premature and unilateral action and does not serve relations between Egypt and Italy Egypt's parliament the House of Representatives said in a statement Friday afternoon that it expresses regret that Roberto Fico, speaker of the Italian parliament (chamber of deputies) announced that it has decided to suspend parliamentary relations with the Egyptian parliament until the on-going investigation into the death of the Italian student Guilio Regeni reaches a conclusive result. "This is a premature and unilateral decision that does not serve the investigation into the death of Mr Regeni," said the statement, adding that "Fico's decision also represents a jump into a hasty conclusion and does not serve the objective of revealing the truth and reaching justice on this case." Egypt's parliament said "it is committed to the rule of law, not intervening in the work of the investigation authorities, and so unilateral measures do not serve the interests of the two countries." Guilio Regeni, an Italian student who was preparing a thesis on Egyptian trade unions, was killed in Cairo in January 2016. There were several press reports that he was torture before he was murdered. Regeni's death led Italy to summon its ambassador from Cairo, but it decided to send a new ambassador this year due to a positive progress on the case. A number of top-level meetings between Egyptian and Italian officials in the past few months said they were highly satisfied about the progress of the investigation into Regeni's death. A number of senior Italian officials, including president of the Italian chamber of deputies Roberto Fico, also visited Cairo one month ago, with all of them heaping praise on the cooperation between judicial authorities in Cairo and Rome over Regeni's death. Egypt's president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi met Italy's prime minister in Sicily this month, with both also insisting that they are keen that investigation into Regeni's death reveal the truth and refer murderers to justice. The statement of Egypt's parliament on Friday said the relations between Egypt and Italy are historic and strong at all levels. "So we are highly surprised that Mr Fico issue such regretable statement and take such unjustified decision on the part of the Italian parliament," said the statement. "It is also surprising that this statement comes after Egyptian and Italian prosecution authorities held a joint meeting to complete the mutual cooperation on the investigation into Regeni's case." "In this meeting, the two parties exchanged viewpoints in a positive climate and assured that the investigation is progressing in a very constructive way, and that they are determined to continue on this cooperation until they reach a final result and a suitable decision in the near future and in line with judicial efforts," said the statement. The statement added that the Egyptian parliament is committed to the principle of the rule of law, and the necessity that investigation goes forward in a climate of integrity and neutrality, and "without politicizing legal issues." "In this light, we see that the statement issued by president of the Italian parliament represents a unilateral and premature behavior that does not serve the interests of the two countries and does not contribute to securing the goal of reaching the truth or achieving justice, particularly as the cooperation between the Egyptian and Italian prosecution authorities is remarkable and unprecedented," said the statement. Egypt's parliament stressed that it is highly necessary that no party jumps into conclusions in line with international standards followed, and in line with all legislations and law in this respect. Egypt's parliament said the Egyptian statement has a sure interest in revealing the truth about Mr Regeni's murder as this crime was committed on the land of Egypt. "The Egyptian state at all levels was keen to stress this fact, not to mention that it was also reiterated by speaker of Egypt's parliament during his meetings with Mr Fico in both Rome and Cairo," said the statement, concluding that "Egypt's parliament urges that investigation into the case takes its course in line with the principle of the rule of the law without exercising influence or intervening in the work of investigation authorities." The statement said "we stress again that as the Egyptian-Italian relations are so deep, it was necessary that the Italian parliament does not jump into hasty conclusions or takes a unilateral action on a criminal case which is still under investigation and a matter of complete cooperation between concerned authorities in the two countries." Search Keywords: Short link: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Indian Prime Ministry Narendra Modi and told him about plans to scale up investments in Indias tech, farm and energy sectors, an Indian official and the Saudi news agency (SPA) said on Friday. The two leaders, who are in Argentina for the G20 summit, met in the princes residence in Buenos Aires and discussed Saudi Arabias readiness to supply India with oil and petroleum products. The G20 summit in Buenos Aires is the first major international event the Saudi prince has attended since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October. The Saudi prince told Modi he would soon be finalizing an initial investment in Indias National Investment and Infrastructure Fund, a quasi-sovereign wealth fund, to help accelerate the building of ports, highways and other projects, a top Indian diplomat said. The crown prince also referred to future projects for investments, in sectors such as tech, energy and farm, Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale, who is accompanying Modi to the G20, said in a readout of the meeting. Ways in which Saudi Arabia could replace its agricultural imports from other countries with Indian agricultural produce were also discussed, the Saudi news agency said. Since he took office in 2014 at the head of a Hindu-nationalist government, Modi has sought to expand ties with Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations to deny arch foe Pakistan an advantage and to leverage Indias fast-growing economy as an attractive investment. Stable Oil The meeting with the Saudi crown prince was Modis first in a set of bilaterals on the sidelines of the G20 that will be followed by meetings with US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. We expect that in the next two to three years there will be significant scaling up of Saudi investments in India, Gokhale said. The two leaders also talked about cooperation in arms manufacturing and Saudi Arabias efforts to develop a domestic arms industry, SPA said. Modi stressed the importance of stable energy prices and the two leaders discussed ways in which Saudi Arabia, a top crude oil supplier, could help stabilize prices, particularly for India, Gokhale said. India, the worlds third-biggest oil importer, has been grappling with a combination of soaring prices and a falling currency, which makes imports of dollar-denominated oil more expensive, until a recent fall in oil prices. Saudi Arabia has told India it is committed to meeting its rising oil demand and is the shock absorber for supply disruptions in the oil market. The crown prince also discussed with Modi Saudi oil giant Aramcos investment in refineries in India, including the companys project to build a large refinery on the western coast of India, SPA said. The two leaders also explored investing in solar energy through Softbanks Saudi-backed Vision Fund and opportunities to export Saudi non-oil products to India. Search Keywords: Short link: We attempted to send a notification to your email address but we were unable to verify that you provided a valid email address. Please click here to update your email address if you wish to receive notifications. Otherwise, you may click here to disable notifications and hide this message. Syria has sent the UN Security Council complaints over the latest Israeli airstrikes that targeted an area home to military bases south of Damascus, saying such ``aggression'' aims to prolong the Syrian crisis. Syria's Foreign Ministry said Friday the complaints also referred to strikes against Islamic State gighters in Syria by the US-led coalition that claimed civilian lives. The coalition offensive, which began in September, aims to drive the IS group from their last pocket along the Syrian-Iraqi border. Syrian state media reported the Israeli strikes on Kisweh, south of Damascus, late Thursday. Israel hasn't commented. They were the first reported Israeli strikes inside Syria since September, and after Russia delivered S-300 air defense systems to Damascus last month. *This story was edited by Ahram Online Search Keywords: Short link: French President Emmanuel Macron told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Europeans will insist on international experts being part of the investigations into a Saudi journalist's murder, an Elysee official said on Friday. In a five-minute exchange on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina, Macron conveyed "very firm" messages to the prince over the murder of Khashoggi and on the need to find a political solution for the situation in Yemen, the official added. Search Keywords: Short link: Forty three US soybean ships have sailed for Argentina since July as the South American nation has raced to top the list of US soybean importers. Prices for the US crop have fallen by 15 percent due to Beijings import tariffs. A ship named the Torrent is scheduled to dock in the Rosario grains hub on December 4, ending a 5,000-mile trip to carry soybeans from the US Great Lakes to Argentina. The Torrents 20,000-tonne cargo is one of 14 ships the Argentine soy crusher Vicentin has lined up to import US soybeans, according to port data reviewed by Reuters. The shipments are among the first significant Argentine purchases from the United States in two decades. Read more One of the consequences of the trade war is that US beans have to find a new home, said Thomas Hinrichsen, president of Buenos Aires-based brokerage J.J. Hinrichsen SA, which cut the deals for Vicentin. You are in the money to ship cheaper US beans into efficient crushing plants in Argentina. One of the worlds top soybean exporters, Argentina usually has no reason to import beans. However now, the country needs US beans to feed its massive soy-crushing industry after a drought. What is left of the nations own crops will go towards feeding pigs in China. The combination of the drought in Argentina and the soy glut in the United States caused by the trade conflict has directed US soybeans toward Argentina, said Guillermo Wade, manager of Argentinas Port and Maritime Activities Chamber. He added: They are being used to keep our crushers working while freeing Argentine soybeans to go to China. Buenos Aires also seeks to export more soy and byproducts to India and Southeast Asia, according to Argentinas International Trade Secretary Marisa Bircher. The countrys current top soymeal buyers include the European Union, Vietnam and Indonesia. Clearly, this US-China conflict is generating a change in the grain trade, Bircher told Reuters, adding: We have a very good relationship with China we are negotiating to open the market to soybean meal before the end of the year. Also on rt.com Crop stop: Beijing plans complete ban on American soybeans as trade war escalates Statistics from US Department of Agriculture showed that a year ago 282 soybean cargo vessels were loaded in the US bound for China and none to Argentina. China, the worlds biggest soybean importer, has been curbing purchases of the crop from the US, and now seeks to stop imports altogether. The move was part of the escalating trade war between the two countries. In July, Beijing imposed a retaliatory 25-percent import duty on US soybeans as part of the tit-for-tat trade dispute with Washington. For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section The Russian-led gas pipeline project Nord Stream 2, which is aimed at delivering Russian gas to Europe via Germany, must be completed, according to the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier. The minister says the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with the project. These are two different issues, two different areas, Altmaier said in an interview with ARD television, stressing that his office strongly opposes the termination of the pipelines construction. On Wednesday, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert confirmed that Berlin is committed to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline despite escalating tensions in Ukraine. Read more I have taken note of the criticism but nothing has changed in the basic view of the economic project, which is what Nord Stream is, Seibert told journalists in Berlin. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been slammed by Ukraine, the US and some other nations for various reasons. They have stepped up criticism of the project since Ukrainian Navy vessels violated the Russian maritime border in the Black Sea on Sunday morning, triggering an unavoidable standoff. Ukrainian officials have repeatedly appealed to Germany and the European Union, asking for the project to be put on hold. According to Kiev, the future pipeline would bypass Ukraine and deprive its budget of transit fees. At the same time, Berlin and Moscow assured Kiev that gas transit through Ukraine to Europe would be maintained. At the same time, the White House has attacked the pipeline as another step towards deepening Europes dependence on Russian gas, that is allegedly used by Moscow as a manipulative tool. Washington threatened to impose punitive measures against corporations engaged in the construction of the gas pipeline. Moreover, the US government is currently trying to fight for its own share of the European energy market, trying to sell more of its liquefied natural gas (LNG). In October, The German federal government agreed to co-finance the construction of a 500 million ($576 million) LNG shipping terminal in northern Germany. The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is set to run from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. It is expected to double the existing pipelines capacity of 55 billion cubic meters annually. Nord Stream 2 is projected to provide transit for 70 percent of Russian gas sales to the EU. The project, led by a subsidiary of Russian energy giant Gazprom, is being implemented in partnership with German energy firms Wintershall and Uniper, French multinational Engie, British-Dutch oil and gas giant Royal Dutch Shell, as well as Austrian energy company OMV. For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section French President Emmanuel Macron will discuss the recent arrest of ex-chairman of Nissan Carlos Ghosn with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the G20 meeting amid a Japan-France spat over the troubled motor alliance. Ghosn was arrested in Tokyo on November 19 over suspected financial misconduct. The 19-year partnership between auto-making giants Renault and Nissan is reportedly facing the biggest test ever amid the scandal. Nissan fired Ghosn as chairman after a nearly two-decade reign over the Japanese automaker. Read more French multinational Renault currently holds 43.4 percent of Nissans shares, while only 15 percent of the French automakers stocks belong to the Japanese car manufacturer. The scandalous arrest has reportedly prompted Nissan to resume attempts to change what the Japanese company considers Renaults outsized control of it. Now, Renault has shareholder voting rights in the tie-up. The leaders of Japan and France are planning to discuss the future of the cooperation between Nissan and Renault, in which the French government has the largest stake, the Mainichi, one of the major Japanese newspapers, reports. The French President reportedly wants an explanation of the circumstances of Ghosns arrest. The parties are reportedly arranging a short meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit of the worlds major economies, which starts this week in Buenos Aires, according to the sources close to the issue, as cited by the media. The French side is reportedly planning to request greater transparency of the Japanese probe, claiming the case surrounding Ghosn has been recently underreported. Last week, Japanese Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko and French Finance and Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire reaffirmed the two countries support for the Renault-Nissan alliance. Earlier, the board of Mitsubish Motors that is allied with Renault and Nissan fired Carlos Ghosn as its chairman following the arrest. Ghosn wont be able to perform his duties, considering his arrest and Nissans dismissal of him as chairman, according to Mitsubishi Motors CEO Osamu Masuko, who was chosen acting chairman pending a shareholders meeting. For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman exchanged a high-five and laughed heartily together on Friday as they took seats next to each other at a plenary session of the Group of 20 summit. Russia has refrained from criticising Saudi Arabia over the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Putin said in October he lacked information about the matter and said Russia would not tear up its relations with Saudi Arabia because of it. Putin and Prince Mohammed are due to hold bilateral talks on Saturday, according to Kremlin documents seen by Reuters. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries as well as Russia and other leading oil producers will meet in Vienna on Dec 6-7 to discuss further steps on the oil market as prices have been declining due to oversupply. Riyadh has suggested OPEC and its allies reduce output by 1 million barrels per day from January 2019 to stem the price falls. * This story was edited by Ahram Online. Search Keywords: Short link: Welcome to Morningstar.co.uk! You have been redirected here from Hemscott.com as we are merging our websites to provide you with a one-stop shop for all your investment research needs.To search for a security, type the name or ticker in the search box at the top of the page and select from the dropdown results.Registered Hemscott users can log in to Morningstar using the same login details. Similarly, if you are a Hemscott Premium user, you now have a Morningstar Premium account which you can access using the same login details. The European Union will extend its existing economic sanctions on Russia next month, a top official with the bloc said on Friday after Moscow's action against Ukraine's navy in the Sea of Azov. European Council President Donald Tusk will chair a summit of EU leaders on Dec. 13-14, which is due to roll over for another year the bloc's measures against Russia's defence, energy and banking sectors, punishment for Moscow's role in the turmoil in Ukraine. "Europe is united in its support to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This is why I am sure that the EU will roll over the sanctions against Russia in December," Tusk told a news conference in Argentina, where the leaders of the world's 20 biggest economies were meeting. Tusk said Russia's use of force against the Ukrainian navy vessels was "totally unacceptable". Last weekend, Russian ships fired at Ukrainian ones on the Sea of Azov, and then seized the boats and its sailors. The EU first slapped sanctions on Russia after it annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea from Kiev in 2014. The bloc has since stepped them up as Moscow went on to back rebels fighting government troops in east Ukraine. The EU's Russia hawks have called for new sanctions against Moscow following the latest flare-up in tensions between Moscow and Kiev but that is not expected swiftly, if at all. Search Keywords: Short link: NSMQ 2021: We are not intimidated by ... Post Mortem KTU appeals for Naga-Kuki amity By Nagaland Post | Publish Date: 11/30/2018 12:11:40 PM IST The Nagas and the Kukis basically profess the same biological, cultural and religious fundamentals and had lived together in harmony for generations. There were unfortunate incidents in the history between the brothers owing to some misunderstandings and misinformation. Both sides in the entire conflict suffered casualties, uprooting homes and villages and killing one another in hundreds, whereof the Kukis termed and apprised the aftermath as genocide, ethnic cleansing and holocaust that does not fit and qualify at all the event in the International Court of Justice as a crime the Kukis accused the NSCN of. The unpopular accusation and observation of Black Day by the Kukis spearheaded by the Kuki Inpi Manipur is read (seen) as sowing seeds of discords and vendetta among the younger generation. It is also unfortunate of the motive of making a particular tribe a scapegoat and party over the past incident which was not a validated historical account. Such a ceremony invites counter observation which ultimately evoke unprecedented conflict. The negative aspect of war and killing begets human nothing but sadness and sorrow. As we are of the same progenitor, it is time for us to reconcile the pass mistakes and bridge the broken relation and political affinity. It is time to come together and uphold the common hope and future. Distortion of facts and historical accounts and handing down animosity to posterities are the gifts of the false leaders. Nagas and Kukis as a people of Christ and for Christ must learn to live in love and to forgive and forget and reconcile to rebuild the damaged relation between the two communities. Russian President Vladimir Putin will have a brief impromptu meeting with US President Donald Trump in Argentina just as he will with other leaders at the G20 summit, RIA news agency cited Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Friday. Trump on Thursday abruptly cancelled a planned meeting with Putin in Argentina after Russia captured three Ukrainian navy vessels and their crews off the coast of Crimea. Search Keywords: Short link: By Michelle Exstrom One emerging issue in education is the need to better prepare all students with workforce skills before they leave high school and hit the job market. Until now, students may have acquired basic skills outside of the classroom through unique opportunities or part-time jobs. The business community, however, is hungry for workers who are both educated and prepared with applicable job skills after they leave high school. Students also are acquiring large amounts of student debt taking college-level courses, many without completing a degree, only to find that their chosen career only requires a specific licensure, credential or apprenticeship. As the traditional education system has struggled to prepare students for todays job market, state and local policymakers have begun to look to other high-performing countries, like Switzerland and Singapore, that have much more effective systems for students to choose and succeed in a career pathway. (Watch an NCSL webinar with the woman who leads the Swiss system.) In those countries, these opportunities are embedded in every student's secondary experience, and all students leave the system with their secondary education, sometimes completion of college-level coursework, and meaningful job experience and skills. Indiana businesses, educators and policymakers have been studying and observing the systems in Switzerland and elsewhere and desire to provide a similar experience for all students in the Hoosier State. The legislature has passed several bills to establish the groundwork for meaningful career pathways for all students, and Governor Eric Holcomb recently created a Workforce Cabinet to study and implement a plan. On Dec. 12, NCSL will partner with Holcombs Workforce Cabinet to host a statewide summit in Indianapolis. During this event, 300 educators, business leaders, executive branch leaders, legislators and school district administrators will gather to learn from U.S. and international experts how to establish a system of youth apprenticeships, career pathways and rigorous career and technical education to build a strong workforce to bolster Indianas economy. The summit also will feature speakers from across Indiana to discuss efforts already underway, and participants will determine the next steps to bring these opportunities to all students. Michelle Exstrom is the director of NCSL's Education Program. Email Michelle By Express News Service NEW DELHI: Air India will see a substantial reduction in its debt burden with the airline set to transfer around Rs 29,000 crore of total debt worth around 55,000 crore to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). According to civil aviation secretary R N Choubey, the SPV has already been set up as Air India Assets Holding Ltd (AIAHL). The move follows efforts by the government to bolster the airlines health, including considering ways to reduce its interest outgo. This transfer of more than half its debt to the SPV will significantly reduce financial pressure on the airline. However, the approval of the lenders would be needed before the debt can be transferred to AIAHL. Meanwhile, plans are also apace to ensure that the airline realises benefits to the tune of Rs 2,000 crore by way of cost cutting and revenue enhancement measures. As part of revival plan for the airline, a ministerial panel on Tuesday approved a proposal for strategic sale of its subsidiary AIATSL. By Reuters SINGAPORE/LONDON: Gail India is proposing to swap three liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes across the first quarter of next year, trade sources said on Friday. The Indian importer has 20-year deals to buy 5.8 million tonnes a year of U.S. LNG, split between Dominion Energy's Cove Point plant and Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass site. With few LNG tankers available to ferry the fuel to India, Gail has already struck swap deals for a chunk of its Sabine Pass and Cove Point volumes. Under the proposed swap, Gail would sell its share of output from U.S. export plant Cove Point in return for taking delivery of LNG into India. Gail is offering a cargo a month from Cove Point for loading in the first quarter of next year in exchange for corresponding deliveries to India, one of the traders said. Participants must submit offers by Dec. 3, the sources said. By PTI New Delhi, Nov 29 (PTI) Micro-blogging platform Twitter Thursday said it has recorded over 48 lakh tweets related to ongoing assembly elections in five states during October and November. "With elections currently ongoing in the states of Chattisgarh, Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Telangana, Twitter saw more than 48 lakh tweets in relation to assembly elections over the past two months (October 1 - November 28, 2018)," Twitter said in a statement. It added that the conversations have continued to peak with over 2.5 lakh tweets posted in 36 hours between November 27-29. "While conversations in India grew with the state elections, people across the world also leveraged Twitter to see what's happening in India," it said. The top hashtags, in term of conversation volume, were #bjp, #congress, #rajasthan, #madhyapradesh and #telangana. Other popular hashtags included #telanganaelections2018, #votebjpsecuremp #madhyapradeshelections, #rajasthanelections2018, #mizoram, #bjp4mp #bjp4telangana and #assemblyelections2018. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's November 26 tweet urging citizens to vote was re-tweeted 3,266 times and received 13,283 likes. A tweet by Congress President Rahul Gandhi on November 18 featuring a video from his press conference was re-tweeted 7,098 times and received 24,018 likes. "Twitter is where political conversations happen and where you can see all sides of a conversation. The vibrancy of Indian elections is already visible on Twitter," Twitter India Head of Public Policy and Government Mahima Kaul said. With over four million tweets related to the assembly elections, it's clear that regional parties and leaders are using the platform to connect with the voters, opinion makers, youth and media, making it the most talked-about Indian state elections on Twitter so far, she added. The micro-blogging platform has introduced several initiatives to providing real-time updates on campaign trails, connecting voters to politicians and also enabling citizens to have their voices heard during the elections. By Bloomberg Indias foreign ministry is investigating claims by expatriates in Ethiopia who say they are being held hostage by local staff that havent been paid after the financier Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd. began defaulting on $12.6 billion in debt. Seven Indian workers from the shadow lender, which rocked financial markets after it began missing debt payments earlier this year, have been detained since Nov. 25 at three sites in Ethiopias Oromia and Amhara states by unpaid local staff, according to an emailed letter from the employees. They said the possible termination of some road projects being built by Indian and Spanish joint ventures may have triggered local employees to panic. The workers said police and officials are taking the side of locals against the expatriate staff and that they were caught in the middle of corporate disagreements, blame games and bureaucratic issues. Oromias police commissioner general, Alemayehu Ejigu, the states deputy spokesman Deressa Terefe, and Amhara states spokesman Nigusu Tillahun didnt immediately respond to two calls and two text messages. #SOS @rashtrapatibhvn @GRamnathkovind @narendramodi Sir we seven people are hostage by locals in Ethiopia, due to non payments of #ILFS What is employee's fault sir.even we didn't get salary from last 5 months all worked in Ethiopia for #ILFS help please b4 it's 2late #sos #Help neeraj raghuwanshi (@chota86) 29 November 2018 An official at the Indian embassy in the capital Addis Ababa said it was closely following up with local Ethiopian authorities and IL&FS management to resolve the issue, while a separate official in the foreign ministry in New Delhi confirmed they were looking into the matter. A spokesman for IL&FS declined to comment. Concerns of project termination and absence of senior management from project camps might have triggered panic in local employees and led them to believe confining expat employees might force the organization to pay their salaries, the employees wrote in a letter addressed to the Indian and Spanish ambassadors, as well as a number of Ethiopian ministries and the local World Bank representative. Cant Send Funds The son of detained IL&FS employee Sukhvinder Singh Khokher said his father has been in touch with the Indian embassy and there are efforts underway to try and get the local Ethiopian staff paid. "The local Ethiopian workers shut the gates and the local policeman support them," Satinder Pal Singh Khokher, who works for the Aditya Birla Group in Gujarat according to LinkedIn, said in an interview. I have tweeted my concern to the Prime Minister of India." According to the employees letter, management cited restrictions imposed by the Reserve Bank of India for its inability to send funds. IL&FS had defaulted on paying both taxes and local employee pensions for nine months, the letter said. Ethiopian Revenue Ministry spokesman Addis Yirga and Attorney General Office spokesman Zinabu Tunu said by phone they couldnt comment on the employees concerns expressed in the letter. We tried to reason with local employees and tried to assure that salaries will be paid in due course and restricting expat colleagues will not result in what they are trying to achieve. the employees said in the letter. The detention of IL&FS employees in Ethiopia, who were reported to be working on road construction projects for joint ventures between IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd. and Spanish firms Elsamex S.A. and Ecoasfalt S.A., illustrates the sprawling nature and global reach of the beleaguered infrastructure lender. The firm hasnt stopped missing debt payments even after the Indian government fired the lenders board and tapped well-known Indian banker Uday Kotak to help lead the firms recovery as the company reeled under $12.6 billion of debt. Representatives of Elsamex SA and Ecoasfalt SA in Spain were not immediately able to comment when contacted on their office numbers on Thursday. Asking for Help Several men identifying themselves as IL&FS employees in Ethiopia, who didnt respond to requests for comment, have been tweeting Indian politicians asking for help. We 7 employee from #ILFS are hostages by local labor/staff at in Ethiopia from last 4 days coz of nonpayment of creditors and local salaries, Neeraj Raghuwanshi said in a tweet on Nov. 27, in which he tagged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. #ILFS denied to send fund from India. Kindly save us. Day2day situation worsening. #SOS We 7 employee from #ILFS are hostages by local labor/staff at in Ethiopia from last 4 days coz of nonpayment of creditors and local salaries. #ILFS denied to send fund from India. Kindly save us. Day2day situation worsening @narendramodi @sushmaswaraj @udaykotak @arunjaitley neeraj raghuwanshi (@chota86) 27 November 2018 Raghuwanshi posted a screen grab of an email he wrote pleading for help, mentioning IL&FSs local partner, the Ethiopian Roads Authority. He said the Authority would not take any action to help the detained employees before local staff were paid. Ethiopian Roads Authority director general Habtamu Tegegne didnt immediately respond to two calls to his office phone. The Spanish ambassador to Ethiopia, Borja Montesino Martinez del Cerro, didnt immediately respond to two emails seeking comment. Chetana Belagere By Express News Service BENGALURU: The Vijayapura police cracked a double murder case of a mother and son, earlier thought to be familicide, and arrested a 28-year-old man. The accused, who had an extramarital affair with the woman, killed her and her son after she refused to divorce her husband and marry him, police said. Hemanth Kumar M, 28, a resident of Sidlaghatta, near Chikkaballapura, was working with a private firm. He was charged with murdering Shravani, 26, and her two-and-a-half-year-old son Sai Manas, at their house near Ice Factory, off Mandibele Road, of Vijayapura Town in Devanahalli taluk, on November 19. Police said that Shravani, an MSc postgraduate working with a well-known firm, was married to Rajesh, a teacher at a private school in Chikkaballapura, around four years ago. At noon on November 19, Shravani and her son were found dead in the house when her husband had gone to school. Shravanis father filed a complaint, stating that due to some reason, Shravani had killed her son by feeding him pesticide and had ended her life after consuming the same. He did not suspect Rajesh or anyone else. But the crime scene suggested foul play, as there were strangulation marks on Shravanis neck, and the towel used to strangle her was also found around her neck. We intensified the probe and found out that she was in touch with Hemanth. He was picked up for questioning and confessed to have killed both mother and son. Hemanth revealed that Shravani was his classmate in college and they shared a romantic relationship. However, they ended up marrying different individuals, police sources said. Sinduja Jane By Express News Service CHENNAI: The number of new HIV positive cases detected in the State decreased from 11,775 in 2016-2017, to 10,527 in 2017-2018. However, Chennai tops the list with the highest number of new cases, shows data shared by the Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society. Next to Chennai, Salem and Tiruchy reported a high number of cases. Those reported from Salem are 751, and Tiruchy 623. Experts say the reason for these districts having reported more cases could be because of a higher floating population. However, activists urge for segregated data collection to know the actual reasons. Chennai is a big city where almost 20 per cent of the States population lives. Moreover, being an urban area, it receives floating population like migrant workers and others. They get tested here, so the numbers indicate the population. Similarly, Salem and Tiruchy are bigger districts with more area to cover, Dr K Senthilraj, Project Director, State AIDS Control Society told Express. Asked about cities like Coimbatore and Madurai reporting lesser number of cases when compared to the above mentioned districts, Senthilraj said, Salem and Tiruchy have a greater area to cover than Coimbatore and Madurai. However, a source in the department said, The number of cases reported from areas like Tiruchy and Salem, have been higher for the last two decades. It could be because of people from other districts coming to the tertiary care centres here and getting tested. But, again, we dont know the actual reason why these districts continue to report more number of cases. To know so, every individual case record should be tracked, he added. Collecting mere data is not enough, the officials should analyse the reason for the increase for better programme planning. The increase in numbers could also be attributed to better data collection in these districts and better reporting. But, we really dont know the actual reason. Complete detail of the cases and also the reasons for the person coming to the particular centre for screening and their background, should be collected. Officials should plan their control and prevention programme based on the same for better results, said P Kousalya, President, Positive Women Network. By Express News Service NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Home Affairs has granted sanction to the CBI to prosecute Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Kumar Jain in a disproportionate assets case, a senior government official said on Thursday. The agency alleged that Jain laundered black money worth Rs 16.39 crore in 2010-11 through 54 shell companies and via three hawala operatorsJeevendra Mishra, Abhishek Chokani and Rajendra Bansal. According to sources, Jain had used Rs 16.39 crore for benami purchase of 200 bigha of land in the names of Vaibhav and Ankush Jain. Proceedings under the Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 1988 (PBPT Act) were undertaken by authorities against Jain and his shell companies and concluded by holding the minister responsible. The health minister had appealed against the order but the appeal was dismissed in May 2018 and the land has been attached for confiscation. Jain admitted in a writ petition before the Delhi High Court that the Rs 16.39 crore in black money was laundered using shell companies controlled by the three hawala operators in Kolkata. The efforts of the AAP government to regularize unauthorized colonies during its first tenure, from December 28, 2013 to February 14, 2014, and the present tenure are linked to the health ministers investment in agricultural land. The proposed regularization of unauthorized colonies will convert these agricultural lands into residential and commercial land, which will provide huge returns on the investment by Jain. A case was registered under various sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act against the health minister, Vaibhav and Ankush by the Central Bureau of Investigation in April 2018. Reacting to the development, Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party chief Manoj Tiwari said, Such people should be behind bars, the MHAs decision shows that Arvind Kejriwal and his associates are criminals in nature. Express News Service NEW DELHI: Weather-beaten men and women in thousands quietly made their way to the Capitals landmark Ramlila Maidan where farmers outfits are holding a programme to demand farm loan waivers and higher crop prices. The farmers started their march from four nodal points Nizamuddin, Sabzi Mandi Station, Anand Vihar Terminal and Majnu Ka Tilla. Over 200 farmers bodies and other organisations participated in the march under the banner of the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee. The farmers bodies included the All Indian Kisan Sabha, the Yogendra Yadav-led Jai Kisan Aandolan and Medha Patkars National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM). AIKSCC members and farmers from across the country march towards the heart of the capital on the first day of the two-day march in New Delhi. Yadav, who is the leader of Swaraj India, led the Chalo Dill rally from Bijwasan to the Ramlila Maidan. Farmers from Odisha, Haryana and Rajasthan joined him .On Friday, the agitating farmers will march to Parliament Street on Friday to protest against the anti-farmer policies of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government in the Centre. Sarkar toh nara dene ka kaam azadi se kar ri hai. Jai Jawan jai kisan. Par aaj kisan hi roti kai liye taras rahe hai. (The government has been raising slogans of Jai Kisan Jai Jawan since Independence. But now farmers are the ones struggling for food), said Lala Prasad Singh, 58, from Bihars Vaishali. One of the demands of the protesters is the implementation of two Private Member Bills that were introduced in the Lok Sabha in 2017. Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana leader and MP Raju Shetti, who is also a part of the AIKSCC, had introduced the bills in which he had sought a loan waiver and that the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission with respect to the remuneration for produce be implemented. Sushila Devi from Samastipur, Bihar was one among the many women farmers in the rally. We want the loan waivers so that we can save our homes. The mukhiya tells us to pay Rs 2-3 lakh or vacate the house, she said. Drew Angerer/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) -- Democrats have said they've heard enough from Rep. Steve King, whose thorough record of provocative immigration rhetoric has prompted calls for Congress to formally censure the Iowa Republican firebrand. At a rally one day before the midterm elections, King was recorded in Webster City, Iowa, speaking about jalapeno peppers when he referred to immigrants as "dirt," according to The Weekly Standard. "I guess I'm going to have to go and get some dirt from Mexico to grow the next batch," King said, prompting a supporter to interject, "Trust me, it's already on its way." King then let out his latest inflammatory comment: "Well, yeah, there's plenty of dirt, it's coming from the West Coast, too, and a lot of other places, besides. This is the most dirt we've ever seen." That exchange led more than 140 organizations to sign onto a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to censure King's "anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, racist and homophobic" language before the end of this Congress. Spokespersons for King, Ryan and McCarthy did not respond to a request for comment Thursday evening. Several House Democrats -- less than 50 days from taking majority control of Congress -- told ABC News they agreed King should be censured. "The things that he says are so deeply unfair, disturbing and unbefitting of a member of Congress. And I do think that censure is appropriate," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., an immigration lawyer by trade and one of 12 sitting lawmakers who are naturalized citizens. Though rare, Congress can take a number of actions to discipline its members for breaking House rules, including a fine, formal reprimand, censure on the House floor or even expulsion. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-N.Y., said he supports censure in order to restore racial unity across the country. "I would get behind any effort to make certain that we begin to heal and not continue to hurt as a nation and be divided as a nation," Tonko said. "There's a lot of healing that's required and I think leadership requires us to be those healers." A representative has not been censured since former New York Congressman Charles Rangel in 2010 after being convicted of 11 ethics violations. Before that, the last censures came in 1983 and only six congressman have been censured since 1900. King is most notorious for disparaging Dreamers in July 2013, when he said, "For every one who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds, and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." "This has certainly been repetitive. It is abhorrent. It should not be tolerated," Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said. Though supportive of censure, Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., expressed frustration that King's "fringe" bombast creates national attention. "He should be censured, but he doesn't represent America," Khanna said. "Censure him, but don't make that the topic of conversation. I mean, who cares? He's some random member of Congress who represents 5 percent of the views of the American people. That's not America." Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., demurred on the question of censure, but tied King's rhetoric to President Donald Trump's hard-line stance against illegal immigration. "Many of us, most of us, are really disturbed with the words that [have] come out of Steve King's mouth, as well as the president's," Schakowsky said. While Trump is threatening to shut down the federal government early next month if Congress does not approve $5 billion for border security by Dec. 7, Democrats insist they will not vote to keep the government open if the bill includes money for the president's long-promised border wall. "One thing I do know is we should not give a dime to this concept of a border wall," Khanna said. "I would be a 'no' vote. I don't think the wall is right. I think it fosters xenophobia and I don't think it's based on facts. I'm all for protecting our border, having border security, making sure that we're protecting our border in a way that is legal and humane. But the border wall is rhetoric that is not in the interest of this country and so I wouldn't support that." Jackson Lee said her message for Trump is that Congress will take care of border security, but she would also vote against any spending bill that funds the president's wall. "I will not support the funding of a border wall," Jackson Lee said. "I will encourage the president to get that funding from Mexico, which is what he campaigned on." King, himself a major supporter of Trump, was re-elected to a ninth term in the House in November. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Argentine officials are distancing themselves from the US version of how they view China trade after a meeting during the Group of 20 summit. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that Presidents Donald Trump and Mauricio Macri met Friday and ``reiterated their shared commitment'' to face challenges including ``predatory Chinese economic activity.'' But a senior Argentine official told The Associated Press later that the ``adjective used by Sanders is too strong and doesn't reflect'' Argentina's relationship with Beijing. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. China is one of Buenos Aires' top trading partners and the main importer of Argentine agricultural commodities that are the backbone of its economy. The US-China trade war has eclipsed the two-day G-20 gathering with the world wondering if Trump and Xi can reach a truce on a dispute that has rattled markets. The two leaders will meet on the sidelines at a high-stakes dinner in Buenos Aires on Saturday. Most analysts doubt they will reach any overarching deal this weekend that would settle the conflict, but if the two sides agree to a cease-fire, it could buy time for more Search Keywords: Short link: Sumi Sukanaya Dutta By Express News Service NEW DELHI: Concerns over exorbitant fees in private medical colleges across the country have prompted the government to consider bringing in a regulatory mechanism. It has asked the Board of Governors (BoG) regulating medical education in India to come up with measures to regulate the fee structures. Officials in the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said the issue was raised after the Centre received a number of complaints about private colleges charging over `1 crore for the MBBS course. We have asked the BoG to look into the matter urgently and devise ways to regulate the fee structure, a senior official in the medical education division of the health ministry said.The BoG, under Niti Aayog member Vinod Paul, had replaced the Medical Council of India in September after the government scrapped it through an ordinance. The MCI was often asked to recommend ways to increase seats in medical colleges that could have ended up lowering fee charged per student, but nothing came out of it, said the official. Now, the BoG has been tasked with holding consultations with various stakeholders and find ways to do the same. Public health experts have criticized the government over the unabashed sale of MBBS seats in a country that is crippled with acute shortage of doctors. Gurinder S Grewal of Association of Doctors for Ethical Healthcare said, When we talk about malpractices in healthcare, we also have to keep in mind that if one has to shell out such humongous amounts to become a doctor, what ethics he or she will have when they start practising, Grewal said. Express News Service NEW DELHI: If we have the power to elect the Prime Minister, we also have the power to bring him down. Our condition has gone from bad to worse in the last few years. Despite the governments tall promises, it gave us nothing, warned Om Prakash from Uttar Pradesh. The septuagenarian farmer from Bareilly summed up the anger among farmers, who have congregated at the heart of the capital in Ramlila Maidan. Farmers from north, south, east and west India are in Delhi to wake up the government for relieving them of the agrarian crisis which they have been pushed into. READ | Dilli Chalo: Thousands of farmers march to capital demanding loan waiver, better prices The politics of mandir-masjid (temple-mosque) cannot run this country. The government needs to instead focus on the crisis we are facing. The Centre is looting us, and it needs to stop, Bhagwan Singh, another farmer from UP, said.From below the Vindhyas, Shekhar and Palani from Tamil Nadu carried the skulls of four debt-burdened farmers who ended their lives after being unable to pay off their loans. We are all here for the same goal that the government should hear our voices, said Ayyakkannu, leader of National South Indian Rivers Inter-Linking Farmers Association. READ | #DilliChalo farmer's rally: Support pours in both online, offline The main demands include adopting two private members bill in the joint session of Parliament The Farmers Right to Guaranteed Remunerative Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Commodities Bill and The Farmers Freedom from Indebtedness Bill for freeing farmers from debt and for providing remunerative prices of agricultural products. We have been agitating for loan waivers and better MSP, said Jairam, who came from Tapi in Gujarat. Several farmers lamented how they have become landless and are working for meagre wages. We are landless, homeless. What will the government give us? asked Krishnadev Sharmas from Gaya in Bihar. Dase Gowda from Hasaan in Karnataka and his group nodded in unison to assert that farmers would not relent till the government hears their grievances. No to Bullet train Farmers from Maharashtras Palghar town also had their own grievance PM Narendra Modis ambitious Bullet train project. These farmers want to save their land, which is likely to be acquired for the project. By Express News Service KOCHI: A Thiruvananthapuram native who went absconding after swindling crores of rupees from several people after offering them nursing jobs in Canada landed in police custody on Thursday. Udayakumar of Vadakkethattu Veettil in Thiruvananthapuram was arrested by the police. Puthencruz police officers said the accused, who possessed only a Class VII qualification, cheated people claiming to be a doctor with a government hospital in the state capital. He used to show victims his photographs in doctors attire to gain their trust. His arrest came after two cases were registered against him on complaints lodged by two nurses of Kolenchery Medical College, alleging he cheated them of Rs 80 lakh after offering jobs. Complaints alleging he took money after promising the victims he would arrange loans from various banks. By Online Desk A mall in Kolkata faced backlash on social media after it barred a woman from breastfeeding her seven-month-old baby on November 27. The mother, Abhilasha Arup Das Adhikari, took to Facebook to express her experience, stating she was asked "not to do home chores" in the shopping centre. She wrote on the Facebook page of the South City Mall that there was "no place to breastfeed" and that the "staff at the mall had suggested that she feed her baby in the toilet". She described the idea as "disgusting" and gave the mall a poor rating. However, it is the response of the shopping centre that has irked netizens across India. Replying to her allegations, the centre replied, "funny you found this to be an issue". The mall later issued an apology claiming to have a feeding and changing room for babies on every floor. The Vice President of the mall, Manmohan Bagri said that the response to Das Adhikari was posted by an employee of a social media agency that managed their Facebook page. "The rude and aggressive reply was posted without our consent. We have removed the agency," said to TOI. By Online Desk A 22-year-old woman, residing in Mumbai's Buddha Colony area in Kurla, was arrested under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (PoCSO) on charges of sexually assaulting her 17-year-old husband. However, the woman claimed that her relationship with her husband was consensual. She said that they even have a five-month-old daughter from the relationship. According to TOI, the minor boy's mother, who resided in the same area, had filed a police complaint on December 2017 where she alleged that the woman, who met her son two years ago, had tempted him into having a relationship with her. The complainant also mentioned that the young woman, who married the boy on November 8, 2017, came to the latter's house at 10 pm on two weeks after the marriage along with her parents and brother. "She claimed to have married my son and demanded to stay with us in our house which I refused," the woman said in her complaint, adding, the woman had earlier married twice and is a divorcee. Following the opposition by the boy's family, the woman threatened to harm herself and left the house. The boy too followed her. They never returned. The boy's mother claimed that ever since the boy entered into a relationship with the woman, he had been under huge stress as the latter always threatened of committing suicide. This is the very reason why he failed Class X exams, the boy's mother claimed. According to the police, the accused has requested a bail whose order is expected on Friday evening. The court allowed the woman, now lodged in Byculla jail, to take custody of her baby. The accused claimed that her husband couldn't be just 17-years-old as he has an elder sister who is 18. It is impossible for any mother to conceive two kids within one year's span, she said. Apart from slapping sections under PoCSO, the police also booked her under Article 359 of the IPC for kidnapping and criminal intimidation. By Express News Service VIJAYAWADA: A first year student of Nuzvid IIIT allegedly attempted suicide by jumping from the hostel building on Thursday morning. Nuzvid Circle Inspector M Ramkumar said Sushma Pavani (16), who hails from Warangal district in Telangana, went to the terrace of her hostel building around 9 am and jumped from there. Some senior students, who were returning to the hostel from the mess after breakfast, saw Pavani lying in a pool of blood. They immediately informed the matter to the IIIT administration. The girl was rushed to government hospital in Vijayawada. The girl suffered a fracture in the leg and minor injuries on the body in the incident and her condition is stated to be stable. The police said that the girl attempted suicide due to pressure from her parents to excel in studies. It was hinted that there might be some other reasons behind her extreme step. However, no case was registered. Suicide Helpline OneLife: 78930-78930 Roshni, Hyderabad-based NGO: 040-66202000 By Express News Service HYDERABAD: Describing the youngest State in the country as sher, TRS supremo K Chandrasekhar Rao thundered that BJP and Congress would not be able to confuse it or its people. Even your father would not be able to create confusions in Telangana, he said, addressing PM Narendra Modi at a rally in Asifabad. ALSO READ: KCR is an apprentice of Congress says PM Modi KCR continued to lash out at BJP, Congress and TDP on Thursday. He alleged that Congress and BJP were trying to create confusion in the State. Are any of the 19 BJP-ruled States giving free power to farmers? Do they have a project like Mission Bhagiratha? And still you come here to bluff and confuse people of Telangana, he said. Telangana has its own culture (tehzeeb) and civilisation (tamadhun). Here all the people live with dignity and self-respect. Telangana is the best example not only for the country, but for the entire world. Modi, learn from Telangana. Your mind is congested with religion, Rao said in one of his sharpest attacks yet against the Prime Minister. ALSO READ: KCR retorts to Modi, asks PM not to spread lies At Kagaznagar, KCR warned people against believing Congress and BJP leaders. You should not even believe me by just what I say. Go to your villages, discuss with your fellow citizens and then decide who speaks truth and whom to trust. Muslim reservations next term Rao said that the Federal Front would form the next government at the Centre. I will play crucial role in the Federal Front. The Muslim and ST reservations would be made possible then, Rao said. By Express News Service HYDERABAD: Verbal fights between politicians can get quite boring. But, when its AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and BJP leader Raja Singh hurling insults at each other, one can expect some fireworks. The fight when Singh claimed that he wished to chop off Owaisis head. I will be satisfied only when I behead him, he claimed. On an ordinary day, Singhs statement would have turned enough heads on its own. But Owaisi, with his equally outrageous reply, stole Singhs thunder. Why brother? Are you not getting satisfaction at home? he asked Singh. ALSO READ: Will BJP's Shahzadi give Akbaruddin a tough fight in Chandrayangutta? Speaking at a public meeting at Tandur in Vikarabad district, Owaisi said, Whats absurd is that a contestant belonging to PM Narendra Modis party said that he would be satisfied only when he beheads Akbaruddin Owaisi and puts it under his feet. If you do not get satisfaction in your home, then you should go to a hakim (physician). You can go to an expert. There are many ways to get satisfaction. I cant explain everything here because there are moezzins and ulemas present, the Hyderabad MP said. He then asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi if he agreed to his party member Singhs comments. The next time when you (Modi) come to Hyderabad and give a speech, you should issue a clarification. If you do not, then I will understand that you too are not getting satisfaction, Owaisi said. Akbar joins in on the fun AIMIM leader and Asaduddins brother Akbaruddin Owaisi on Wednesday said that BJPs ideology is dirtier than Gangas impurity. Akbaruddin said that though the BJP government has spent `7,000 crore on the Ganga-cleaning project, it is still dirty after four years. The only pollutants are BJP, RSS, Narendra Modi and Mohan Bhagwats ideology, he claimed. By PTI MUMBAI: He was only 13 when he joined acting to financially support his family but now that the wheels of fortune have turned in his favour, Christian Bale believes he owes it to himself and his audience to "choose interestingly". Considered one of the finest contemporary actors of his generation, Bale has an enviable filmography that boasts of the mega-successful Batman trilogy besides critically acclaimed performances in "The Prestige", The Machinist, American Psycho, American Hustle and "The Fighter", for which he won the best supporting actor Oscar. His turn as former US vice president Dick Cheney in "The Vice" is already being seen as an award season favourite. ALSO READ | Managed to see tiny-tiny scratches of this incredible country: Christian Bale on India visit The 44-year-old actor, who was in India to promote Netflix's Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle, said he did not always have the power to choose in his career. "I have been fortunate enough now but it hasn't always been the case. In fact, I started acting because my family needed the money. It was the only way we could support ourselves. So, we did not have that option," Bale told PTI in an interview. "But then I found myself to be incredibly fortunate and there is a great deal of luck involved in that where I'm able to choose right now. It might change in the future. But since I am able to choose, I owe it to myself and to the audience to try to choose interestingly and as well as possible," he added. Directed by Andy Serkis, who is considered the expert in performance capture technology, Mowgli features Bale in the role of Bagheera, the brother-mentor panther to man-cub, played by Rohan Chand. It is also an accidental debut for the actor on the streaming platform as the film was earlier supposed to be released theatrically by Warner Bros, who sold the project to Netflix. But Bale does not concern himself about how a story is presented. "What this new platform does allow, in conversations I had with directors, is that sometimes you have to cherry-pick so much to fit the story into two-hours that it does seem like there is a liberation now in being able to tell film quality stories of maybe six hours. "The nerd in me adores that because you get to explore a character so much more, provided obviously, the director can keep that entertaining," he said. The film also gave Bale a chance to be a part of the performance capture technology. "It is new for me. I knew that Andy is a master at it so he would guide me through it. I think it's got incredible potential and I'm intrigued to see how it progresses and what more can be done with it. But it was really enjoyable," he said. With the film's world premiere and then media interviews, not much time was left for the actor to explore India but he landed here earlier to tick off some of the places from his list, including Chand baoli stepwell that featured in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. ALSO READ | I am 44 now and everything hurts: Christian Bale Bale said he had only managed to scratch the surface of the country but hopes to return in future. "We had an absolutely eye-opening time here. I brought my family and we spent the last four days going from New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, the whole golden triangle," added Bale. Speaking of Batman', we visited the stepwell that inspired Christopher Nolan to include those scenes in The Dark Night Rises'. "But obviously, it's just scratching the surface. It's just a fascinating country. We had a wonderful time here. I loved the food, I mean I grew up eating Indian food. My family will be returning," he said. By PTI MUMBAI: A 14-year-old 9th grader Veer Agrawal raised Rs.14 lakh and used it to fund artificial limbs for about 300 physically-challenged patients from low-income families. Veer Agrawal, who studies in American School of Bombay, was all smiles on the successful completion of the four-day 'Jaipur Foot' camp for which he had raised funds to the tune of Rs.14 lakhs. The funds raised enabled the 'Jaipur Foot' camp held at Risod in Washim district of Maharashtra from 23rd to 26th November, organised by Seth Bhagwandas J Agrawal Charitable Trust. About 350 physically challenged people from nearby districts visited the camp, out of which about 300 were found fit for treatment with prosthetic legs and were able to walk again. Over a dozen were also provided with wheelchairs. Expressing his joy at helping people regain their mobility, Veer said, "A road accident some years ago resulted in a thigh bone fracture that left me bedridden for weeks. The agonizing experience always haunted me and motivated me to do something for physically challenged people from financially weak backgrounds and help them experience the joys of walking and running once again. "I learnt about the concept of 'Jaipur Foot' camp and decided to set up a crowdfunding campaign on the website of the organisers. I also got support from my parents in this noble initiative." Speaking on what drew him to rural India, Veer added, "Through my research on the net, I found that there are many needy people in rural India who did not have access to and could not afford a prosthetic limb. This motivated me to take up this cause in rural parts. It is fulfilling to see them walk again. I am deeply thankful to all who supported this cause and made this camp so successful." Fitting amputees with the 'Jaipur Foot' costs about Rs.5,000 per patient. The artificial limb is customised to fit the patient as per their size and post-fitment, the patient is able to walk normally again. Amputees who lost limbs in accidents and polio-affected persons were among those who benefited from the camp. U.S. President Donald Trump has rattled the world trade order by imposing unilateral tariffs to combat what he calls unfair trade practices by China, the European Union and other major trading partners of the United States. The actions led to tit-for-tat retaliation, including a growing tariff war with China that threatens to engulf all trade between the world's two largest economies. The following is a rundown of major U.S. tariff actions and retaliatory measures in 2018: U.S. GLOBAL TARIFFS - 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminum, imposed on March 23 on national security grounds. Exemptions have been granted to Argentina, Australia, Brazil and South Korea in exchange for quotas, and negotiations over quotas continue with Canada, Mexico and the European Union. - 20 percent to 50 percent tariffs on imported washing machines, imposed Jan. 22 as a "global safeguard" action to protect U.S. producers Whirlpool and GE Appliances, a unit of China's Haier Group - 30 percent tariffs on imported solar panels, imposed Jan. 22 as a "global safeguard" action to protect U.S. producers Solar World, based in Germany, and Suniva, owned by China's Shunfeng International Clean Energy Ltd - Trump is considering tariffs of around 25 percent on imported cars and auto parts, based on a U.S. Commerce Department study of whether such imports threaten U.S. national security. The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement trade deal protects Canadian and Mexican production in the event of such tariffs through a quota system. Trump has pledged not to impose auto tariffs on Japan and the European Union while trade negotiations with those partners are underway. U.S. TARIFFS ON CHINA - 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese technology goods including machinery, semiconductors, autos, aircraft parts and intermediate electronics components imposed July 6 and Aug. 23 as part of "Section 301" probe into China's intellectual property practices. - 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods including chemicals, building materials, furniture and some consumer electronics, imposed Sept. 24 as a response to Chinese retaliation. The levy on these imports is scheduled to increase to 25 percent on Jan. 1, 2019. - If an agreement with China cannot be reached, Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on an additional $267 billion worth of Chinese goods, representing all remaining imports from China, including cell phones, computers, clothing, footwear and other consumer products. - U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Wednesday that Trump has directed him to pursue all tools to raise the U.S. tariff rate on Chinese autos to the 40 percent that China is now charging on cars and trucks built in the United States. The United States charges 27.5 percent tariffs on Chinese vehicles. CHINESE TARIFFS ON UNITED STATES - 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of U.S. goods including soybeans, beef, pork, seafood, vegetables, whiskey, ethanol and motor vehicles, imposed July 6 and Aug. 23 in retaliation for initial rounds of U.S. tariffs. - Tariffs of 5 percent to 10 percent on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, including liquefied natural gas, chemicals, frozen vegetables and food ingredients, imposed Sept. 24. - Based on 2017 U.S. Census Bureau trade data, China only would have about $20 billion in U.S. imports left to levy in retaliation for any future U.S. tariffs, of which $16 billion were commercial aircraft, largely built by Boeing Co. Retaliation could come in other forms, such as increased regulatory hurdles for U.S. companies doing business in China. CANADIAN TARIFFS ON UNITED STATES - Canada on July 1 imposed tariffs on $12.6 billion worth of U.S. goods, including steel, aluminum, coffee, ketchup and bourbon whiskey in retaliation for U.S tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. (https://tinyurl.com/y8w5g895) MEXICAN TARIFFS ON UNITED STATES - Mexico on June 5 imposed tariffs of up to 25 percent on American steel, pork, cheese, apples, potatoes and bourbon, in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Mexican metals. EUROPEAN UNION TARIFFS ON UNITED STATES - The European Union on June 22 imposed import duties of 25 percent on a $2.8 billion range of imports from the United States in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on European steel and aluminum. Targeted U.S. products include Harley-Davidson motorcycles, bourbon, peanuts, blue jeans, steel and aluminum. The list of these products can be found here (http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/may/tradoc_156909.pdf) INDIAN TARIFFS ON UNITED STATES - India, the world's biggest buyer of U.S. almonds, on June 21 raised import duties on the nuts by 20 percent and increased tariffs on a range of other farm products and U.S. iron and steel, in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Indian steel. . U.S. TARIFFS ON TURKEY, TURKISH RETALIATION - The United States on Aug. 14 doubled its duty rate on Turkish steel to 50 percent and Turkish aluminum to 20 percent, citing national security concerns amid a deepening diplomatic dispute over the detention of an American pastor. Turkey, which already had imposed retaliatory tariffs on $1.8 billion worth of U.S. autos, coal, paper, almonds, machinery and other products, responded by doubling its own tariff rate on many of these goods. Search Keywords: Short link: By PTI LONDON: The kicks a mother feels from her unborn child may allow the baby to 'map' their own body and enable them to eventually explore their surroundings, according to a study. Published in the journal Scientific Reports, the study measured brainwaves produced when newborn babies kick their limbs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. ALSO READ | Gene-edited baby claim by Chinese scientist sparks outrage Researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK found that fast brainwaves -- a brainwave pattern typically seen in neonates -- fire in the corresponding hemisphere. For example, the movement of a baby's right-hand causes brainwaves to fire immediately afterwards in the part of the left brain hemisphere that processes touch for the right hand. The size of these brainwaves is largest in premature babies, who at that age would usually still be in the womb. The findings suggest that foetal kicks in the late stages of pregnancy -- the third trimester -- help to grow areas of the brain that deal with sensory input, and are how the baby develops a sense of their own body. The fast brainwaves evoked by the movement disappear by the time babies are a few weeks old. "Spontaneous movement and consequent feedback from the environment during the early developmental period are known to be necessary for proper brain mapping in animals such as rats. Here we showed that this may be true in humans too," said Lorenzo Fabrizi from UCL. "We think the findings have implications for providing the optimal hospital environment for infants born early so that they receive appropriate sensory input," said Kimberley Whitehead from UCL. "As the movements, we observed occur during sleep, our results support other studies which indicate that sleep should be protected in newborns, for example by minimising the disturbance associated with necessary medical procedures," Whitehead said. The babies' brainwaves were measured using electroencephalography (EEG) and were recorded continuously during sleep. Active sleep was identified behaviourally according to cot side observation of rapid eye movements, largely irregular breathing and frequent, isolated limb movements. A total of 19 newborns aged two days on average took part in the study, and they were between 31 and 42 weeks corrected gestational age when studied. Corrected gestational age takes into account their age if they were still in the womb; a baby born at 35 weeks and being one week old would have a corrected gestational age of 36 weeks. Sanskriti Talwar By Express News Service NEW DELHI: Students, lawyers, doctors and other sections of the society came out to support the farmers with food, water and medical care. While the students from Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Ambedkar University marched with the farmers from different assembly points after receiving them from the railway stations, doctors set up a medical camp right at the Ramlila ground. All preparation for the farmers march began a month ago. We started collecting funds from fellow students, teachers and nearby shopkeepers by distributing pamphlets and informing them about the march. Since morning, we are standing at the station to receive them. Food and water have been made available to them with the help of these funds, said Ashutosh Kumar, a PhD student of International Studies at JNU. Hemantika, a PhD student of Gender Study at Ambedkar Uinversity, after interacting with some farmers at Anand Viahr Railway Station asserted that the struggle of farmers and students is connected. We might be saying we are here as volunteers, but we are also here for ourselves as the same corporations are taking away their (farmers) childrens right of education. A group of lawyers greeted the march led by Swaraj Abhiyan leader Yogendra Yadav. At Ramlila Maidan, senior resident doctor of AIIMS Dr Harjit Singh Bhatti, along with 25 other doctors, set up a camp to support the farmers in whatever capacity they can. The farmers are agitating for years now, but no one is listening. As a native of Punjab and from a farmers background, I can understand their pain. The farmers are committing suicide, taking to other professions because the government is failing to address their issues. It is disheartening, Bhatti said. By Express News Service NEW DELHI: CBI director Alok Verma was divested of his powers in order to protect peoples faith and instil confidence in the agency, the Centre reiterated before the Supreme Court on Thursday. But the bench made it clear that it would first consider whether the government had the power to divest the CBI director of his duties, or whether it had to approach the committee. Alok Verma Justifying the Centres decision, Attorney General K K Venugopal told the three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi that the mandate of the high-powered committee comprising the Prime Minister, CJI and Leader of the Opposition was limited.The committee is functus officio (an officer or agency whose mandate has expired because it has accomplished the purpose it was created for) and hence the question of going back to the same panel for any action doesnt arise, Venugopal argued. He said the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) had the power of complete superintendence over the CBI, and the provisions of the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003, made it clear that such superintendence was not restricted to corruption cases alone. This led the CJI to ask, If the CVC wrote to the government under its power of superintendence of investigation of corruption cases, could the government issue its order under the residuary power? Venugopal said the primary concern was to protect peoples faith, and instil confidence, in the CBI, as public opinion was turning negative since its top two officers were at loggerheads. The next hearing is slated for December 5. By PTI NEW DELHI: A group of farmers were raising chants of 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan' while a few volunteers were offering tea to other peasants at Delhi's Ramlila Maidan to beat the cold. Thousands of farmers from across the country converged Thursday at the historic Ramlila Ground after journeys that took some as long as 36 hours to complete to press for their demands, including debt relief and remunerative prices for their produce. They spent the night at the ground before marching to Parliament on Friday morning. Kartar Singh, 50, a sugarcane farmer from Sambal district, Uttar Pradesh, was anxious about the march and was sleepless, but he's not complaining. "We have not come here to sleep. Farmers have converged in Delhi to remind the Centre that the party leading it had made promises of waiving off loans in its manifesto. And, it has been four-and-a-half years since they came to power," he said, with an edge of anger in his voice. Singh, a father of two sons is from Fatehpur Sarai village and, his younger son (22 years) has taken the field work while he is away. "My wife and children have told me, that I should fight and stay even for a week in Delhi, if needed," he told PTI. Inside the tents, farmers, both men and women, from all parts of India tried to sleep on a chilly night, while many sat huddled together, discussing the next strategy and family issues. But, a group of volunteers, belonging to welfare organisation 'Khudai Khidmatgar' offered some comfort to these wearied farmers in the cold weather. Shahjeb Jamal, a civil engineering student at Jamia Islamia and a volunteer with the group lugged around a steel container and handed out steaming tea in paper cups to farmers as they huddle around. "Our organisation's philosophy as envisioned by its founder Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, is service and public harmony, and so we are here. We stand with the farmers," he said. A group of 25-30 doctors also offered medical aid till about 11 pm. Some of them had taken off from work to volunteer. Rashid, a junior resident at AIIMS was among the doctor's volunteers who attended to people till Thursday night. "I took an off today from work, as I had to be here. They feed us, and we are not doing any favour by helping them, we are serving them," he told PTI. Doctors also came from Aligarh Muslim University and Rohtak and Chandigarh and other Delhi hospitals to assist farmers, many of whom complained of body ache as they had travelled long distance. "One person had fainted, so, after first aid, we sent him to LNJP Hospital," said Mahtab Alam, a doctor at a Delhi government hospital. The Ramlila ground, known for hosting big political events over the years, resonated with slogans like 'Ayodhya nahi, karz maafi chahiye' on Thursday. By PTI NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court Friday accepted the request of former solicitor general and senior advocate Gopal Subramanium to relieve him from the role of assisting the court as an amicus curiae in a matter related to the Jagannath temple in Puri. A bench of justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta said since Subramanium had requested the court to relieve him from the role of amicus in the case, it would appoint somebody else to assist it in the matter. A lawyer, appearing for one the applicants in the matter, told the bench that it should appoint a senior lawyer who is "conversant" with the customs of the ancient temple as an amicus in the case. When the lawyer claimed, "Gopal Subramanium did not know anything", the bench shot back, "Do not say all this". The lawyer said that issues related to the Jagannath temple should be heard by a five-judge bench of the apex court as they were "serious" and violence had also taken place there last month. "This should be sent to a five-judge bench," he said, adding, "There was a total confusion and a big riot happened there". The bench, which relieved Subramanium from the role of amicus, said the matter would be heard in the second week of January. On June 6, the top court had appointed Subramanium as an amicus curiae to assist it in the matter in which a plea was filed highlighting the difficulties faced by the devotees at Jagannath temple and their alleged harassment or exploitation by the sevaks (staff) of the temple. On October 10, the court had said that no policeman should enter Jagannath temple "with weapons and shoes" after it was alleged before it that during the October 3 violence at the shrine, cops had entered there with boots and guns. The violence had erupted there during a protest against the introduction of queue system for devotees at the temple. The Odisha government's counsel had termed the allegations as "absolutely false" and said that no policeman had entered the temple as the incident had taken place at the office of Shree Jagannath temple administration which is situated around 500 metres from the main temple. Nine policemen were injured in the violence during a 12-hour bandh called by a socio-cultural organisation protesting the introduction of a queue system for devotees visiting the temple, police had said. In July, the top court had directed the Jagannath temple management to consider allowing every visitor, irrespective of faith, to offer prayers to the deity. However, it had said that allowing of every visitor, irrespective of faith, would be subject to regulatory measures regarding dress code and giving an appropriate declaration. It had directed the Centre to constitute a committee to look into the issues raised by the district judge of Puri regarding alleged exploitation of devotees, abolishment of hereditary Sevaks and appointment of Sevaks in the temple. By UNI JAMMU: A day after a senior professor referred Bhagat Singh as 'terrorist', the University of Jammu authorities on Friday disassociated him from teaching, an official here said. The professor has been disassociated from teaching so that his contact with the students could not be established to avoid any law and order problem in the campus, a senior JU faculty member here told UNI. He said that enquiry committee has been set up and the entire episode is being ascertained before submitting report to the higher ups. Prof Manoj K Dhar, Vice Chancellor, Jammu University had constituted a high-level committee headed by the senior-most professor, to look into the complaint of students that senior professor and the head of the political science department, M Taj-ud-din on Thursday called freedom fighter Bhagat Singh a 'terrorist' while teaching students. The incident, however, came to light after a video clip of the episode recorded by a student went viral on the social media. I was teaching Lenin (Russian revolutionary) & in that context, I said state calls any violence against it 'terrorism'. Someone took a 25-second video out of my 2-hrs lecture. Terrorist word came in that,it wasn't what I meant. Still,if anyone is hurt,I'm really sorry for it. 2/2 pic.twitter.com/jotmc3OGWf ANI (@ANI) November 30, 2018 The students, however, in a complaint submitted to the Vice Chancellor have alleged that the professor had hurt their feelings by describing Shaheed Bhagat Singh as a terrorist and they sought a strict action against him. Meanwhile, Prof M Taj-ud-din in a video of him circulated on social media soon after the episode claimed that he had no intention to hurt anyone's feelings and apologised. I was teaching the biography of Vladimir Lenin in the classroom and was explaining to students how he was referred to as a 'terrorist' by the czars. Then I explained how the state had referred to Bhagat Singh as a 'terrorist'. I had no intention to demean the personality of Bhagat Singh or for that matter hurt anyone's feelings. If it has happened, I am sorry, the professor expressed. He said that he has respect for the great Bhagat Singh and he was teaching that the British people used to term the freedom fighters as terrorists, who were fighting the revolutionary movement and his remarks were related to that context only. Namita Bajpai By Express News Service LUCKNOW: After bringing laws to regulate the fee structure and curriculum of primary and secondary schools in the State, the Uttar Pradesh government is ready with the draft of The UP Private Universities Act-2018, much to the chagrin of private stakeholders. The draft of proposed bill had been in public domain for suggestions and objections for the last one month. The departmental meeting to examine and analyse the objections raised on the draft bill and to take a final call on the suggestions to be incorporated in it, is slated for Friday. The bill is likely to be tabled in the upcoming winter session of the state Assembly, starting December 18. ALSO READ: Private varsities in Karnataka under scanner for alleged irregularities While the state government claims it has taken the step to simplify establishment of private universities in the State, Private Universities of Uttar Pradesh Welfare Association (PUUPWA) feels that after the new law, the private universities will stand to lose their autonomy and freedom to run institutions as per the norms laid by their own governing bodies. The government is now going back on its promise of autonomy, a PUUPWA member said. At present, 27 private universities in UP are governed by 27 different Acts. The government has formulated one common Act, which is binding on all institutions, to ensure qualitative growth of higher education in the state, a senior official in higher education department said. In the proposed draft bill, a copy of which is with this newspaper, the state government has made a provision to set up a committee to evaluate proposals for private universities in the State. This committee will send its evaluation report to the state government within a month for final approval. All the private universities will be governed as per norms laid down by the UGC. On the need to bring a new Act for private universities, a senior higher education department officer said that it is merely an attempt to streamline the establishment of private universities in the state. Many a time, frivolous institutions set up campuses without meeting the guidelines set by the regulatory bodies over infrastructure, logistics and courses. Devising huge fee structures, they admit students but fail to deliver quality education, the officer said. These provisions have made the private stakeholders edgy as they believe that the presence of a government official in the academic council will lead to red-tapism. Writes to government PUUPWA has written to the special secretary, higher education, UP government, to review it decision to bring the new bill By Online Desk Pakistan must turn into a secular state to better its ties with India, said Army Chief General Bipin Rawat on Friday. He was delivering a lecture during the National Defence Academy (NDA) passing out parade ceremony in Pune. Pakistan is an Islamic State. They must willingly become a secular country like us. If they have to stay hand-in-gloves with us, they have to develop themselves as a secular state, General Rawat said. General Rawat's statement comes amid Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expressing willingness for greater engagement with India. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday acknowledged that it was not in the countrys interest to allow its soil to be used for terrorism. Khan said he is ready to talk to PM Narendra Modi at any time. READ | Pakistan's mindset has 'changed', ready to meet PM Modi for talks: Imran Khan General Rawat said he feels that Pakistan's claim of taking strong steps towards good bilateral relations is contradictory unless there is a direct impact visible on the ground about its claims. The Army Chief added that a positive step from Pakistan is what is needed presently because India has a clear policy that terror and talks cannot go together. Talking about the induction of women in the Indian Army in a front-line combat role, General Rawat said, "You will see an increase in the role of women in armed forces. We have not yet taken them in the front-line combat role. We feel we are not yet ready. Western nations are more open. Boys and girls are operating together in big cities here but people in the Army do not only come from big cities." He said keeping women officers in fields like language interpreter and military diplomacy would be more beneficial. "We are seeing if women can be given Permanent Commission. In some fields where we need permanency and male officers in a command-oriented Army don't fit everywhere, keeping women officers will be beneficial," he said. (With ANI inputs) Sanskriti Talwar By Express News Service NEW DELHI: Students, lawyers, doctors - were among the various section of the society who on Thursday extended their support to farmers during their rally with food, water and medical care. While the students belonging to Delhi University, Jamia Milia Islamia University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Ambedkar University Delhi, marched with the farmers from different assembly points after receiving them from the railway stations, the doctors awaited for them at Ramlila Maidan with a medical care camp set up. "All preparation for the farmers' march began a month ago. The students started collecting funds from fellow students, teachers and nearby shopkeepers by distributing pamphlets and informing them about the march. Since morning we are standing at the station to receive them. Food and water arrangements have also been made for them through the funds collected," said Ashutosh Kumar, a PhD student of International Studies at JNU. Hemantika, a PhD student of Gender Study at AUD, after speaking to some farmers at Anand Viahr Railway Station came to the conclusion that the struggle of farmers and students is "all connected". She said: "We might be saying we are here as volunteers, but we are also here for ourselves as the same corporations are taking away their (farmers) childrens' right of education."At Ramlila Maidan, Senior Resident AIIMS Dr Harjit Singh Bhatti, along with 25 other doctors set up a camp to support farmers in "whatever capacity they can". "The farmers have been agitating since years now, but no one is listening. As a native of Punjab and holding a farmers background, I can understand their pain. The farmers are committing suicide, switching to other professions because the government is failing to address their issues. It is disheartening for me," Bhatti said. By ANI BUENOS AIRES: Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is on a three-day official visit to Argentina to attend G20 summit, stated that terrorism and radicalism are a threat to the world. Speaking at the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) Leaders' Informal Meeting at the sidelines of G20, Prime Minister Modi asserted that people involved in financial crimes are also a big threat and called on the world leaders to work together to curb out black money. The Prime Minister also noted that BRICS is "an engine of global growth" and the nations have to work together for the greater good. "We have to talk in one voice for the interest of developing nations in the United Nations and other multilateral organisations. This is the reason we have come together for BRICS," Prime Minister Modi emphasised. Ministry of External Affairs Official Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar tweeted, "In his first of the many engagements today, PM @narendramodi participated at BRICS Leaders' Informal Meeting on the margins of #G20Summit. Reaffirmed India's commitment to globalisation and reformed multilateralism." Prime Minister Narendra Modi started off his second day here by taking part in the BRICS Leaders Informal Meeting at the Alvear Palace Hotel. Leaders of the other BRICS nations - President of Brazil Mechel Temer, President of China Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, the President of South Africa, Cyril Maraphosa also reached Argentina before the session. Following the meeting, Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to arrive at the Centro Costa Salguero, the G-20 Summit venue for a Leaders Retreat and the Plenary session. The Prime Minister is one of the leading speakers at the conference's first session titled 'Putting People First', where he will be touching on the issue of women's empowerment. Prime Minister has a meeting slated with Chinese President Xi for the fourth time after the plenary session, following which he shall be meeting with new President of Chile Sebastian Pinera. There will be a Russia, India, China (RIC) Informal Summit in the evening, which will be followed by a cultural performance and a leader's dinner. Apart from these, Prime Minister Modi will also participate in the first-ever trilateral meeting between Japan, America, and India. Prime Minister Modi previously held separate bilateral meetings with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres on November 29 (local time) and addressed a 'Yoga for Peace' event. Directed by Ahmed Fawzi Saleh, the film won Best Arab Film Prize and Salah Abu Seif Prize at CIFF's Horizons of Arab Cinema Competition, and won the United Nations Population Fund award The Egyptian drama Poisonous Roses won three awards during this months Cairo International Film Festival, which closed on Thursday. The awards, which were announced during the festival's closing ceremony, include Best Arab Film, the Salah Abu Seif Prize (Special Jury Prize) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Award, giving the film the highest number of awards at this years festival. Poisonous Roses was screened within the Horizons of Arab Cinema section of the festival. Directed by Ahmed Fawzi Saleh (also known as Fawzi Saleh), the film is based on Ahmed Zaghloul Al-Shitis 1990 novel titled Saqrs Poisonous Roses. The cast of the film includes Ibrahim El-Nagari (in the role of Saqr), Merihan Magdi (Taheya), Mahmoud Hemida (the magician), Mohamed Berakaa (the sheikh), Safaa El Toukhy (the mother). The Egyptian protagonist Saqr lives and works in a tanning district, but ha a dream to escape the area. In his review of the film published in the CIFF's daily bulletin, Egyptian critic Adham Youssef praises the film's cinematography and its visual richness, which "made the story engaging and appealing to viewers," he writes, pointing also to the successful story and plot. "Salehs film can be seen in a more humane context that does not deprive the impoverished working class of its agency. The characters in the film are powerful and capable of deciding on their lives. Poverty is present, but it is not the moving catalyst in their lives. In addition, the humane context is shown in a way how Saleh pushes the dynamics of the Egyptian working class hence the same story can be seen and heard in other places of the world," he wrote. Poisonous Roses Youssef also said that the director, who graduated from the Higher Institute of Cinema in 2009, dedicated his scriptwriting thesis graduation project to this film and spent years working on it until it saw light at the International Film Festival in Rotterdam in 2018. In Rotterdam, the film was nominated for Best First Film and Best Film FIPRESCI Prize; it was also nominated for Best Film at the Sao Paulo International Film Festival 2018. Born in Alexandria in 1981, Saleh has contributed to many documentary films as a researcher, and co-writer, as well volunteering with human rights groups' focusing on improving life for children and labourers in Egypt. His previous film Living Skin (2010) sheds light on the lives of children working in the Cairo's leather tanning industry. Through personal stories of love and play, the documentary reveals the grim reality of work in the tanneries, where working children are exposed to hazardous chemicals that are harmful to both humans and the environment. Living Skin won several awards: the Best First Work Award at the Tetouan International Meditteranean Film Festival 2011, the Jury Special Mention Award at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2011, the Best Film (Jury Prize) at the Luxor African Film Festival 2011 and the Best Documentary (First Prize) at the Baghdad International Film Festival 2011. The 40th edition of the Cairo International Film Festival took place between 21 and 19 November. The Golden Pyramid for best film was awarded to A Twelve-Year Night, by Alvaro Brechner (Uruguay, Argentina, Spain). For more arts and culture news and updates, follow Ahram Online Arts and Culture on Twitter at @AhramOnlineArts and on Facebook at Ahram Online: Arts & Culture Search Keywords: Short link: By PTI MUMBAI: Industrialist Vijay Mallya left the country in "normal course" and not under suspicious circumstances as claimed by investigating agencies, his lawyer told a court here Thursday. A special court for Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) cases is hearing the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) plea to declare Mallya a fugitive under the Fugitive Economic Offenders (FEO) Act. Arguing before judge M S Azmi, Mallya's lawyer Amit Desai said his client is a non-resident Indian (NRI) with a permanent address in London and he had substantial business overseas as well as in India. Mallya is accused by the ED of defaulting on bank loans to the tune of Rs 9,000 crore. He is also accused of diverting some of the loan amount. Advocate Desai, while opposing the ED plea, said that Mallya had cooperated with the Debts Recovery Tribunal in its proceedings in relation to the loans given to his firms. He left the country for London on March 2, 2016 via Germany, where he attended a conference of World Motorsports as a director, Desai said. Mallya was then one of the owners Force India, a Formula One team, he added. The investigating agencies had claimed that he left the county under suspicious circumstances. Desai, however, argued that "Mallya left the country in normal course and before any case was registered against him." Further, FEO Act is a draconian law as it permits confiscation of a person's property even before the trial starts, he said. "As per the criminal procedure, property is confiscated only after the accused is held guilty. Under this law, the question of confiscation of property comes even before the first witness is examined," he said. ED counsel D P Singh rebutted Mallya's defence that he cannot return to India because of the conditions of the bail granted by a court in the United Kingdom which restrain him from leaving the country. Mallya can give an undertaking before the UK court that he wants to return to India, Singh said. The arguments will continue on Friday. By Express News Service ELURU: A doctor working at a public health centre (PHC) in West Godavari district was tested positive for swine flu and receiving treatment at the Eluru Government General Hospital (GGH). The doctor reportedly contracted the H1N1 flu virus when he had gone to visit a family member in Hyderabad, who was also tested positive for the virus. According to officials, the 34-year victim, who hailed from Tanuku town, was working at Manchili PHC of Attili mandal on outsourcing basis. About 20 days ago, the doctor went to Hyderabad to visit his aunt, being treated for swine flu, and stayed there for three days. After his return, he was normal and worked. However, three days ago, he complained of fever and took treatment. As the fever showed no signs to reduce, he went for blood tests at the Eluru government hospital where his reports said he was affected with swine flu. By Express News Service BENGALURU: Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy used the opportunity at the 63rd Kannada Rajyotsava Award ceremony to urge people to maintain regional unity in the state. I appeal to people not to divide the state into old Mysuru, Hyderabad Karnataka, Mumbai Karnataka and coastal Karnataka, he said. Do not bring hatred among people. Encourage us to govern. Our government is committed to the overall development of the state, and not on the basis of region-wise preferences. Kaamegowda, the 82-year-old shepherd from Mandya district, got glad tidings on Wednesday when he was informed that his four-decade-long effort to create 14 ponds in his village, had been recognised by the state government | Express Kumaraswamy said his government was not limited to one district or region alone. Do not widen the gap between the government and the people or between various regions of the state, he added. At the ceremony, where 63 awardees were honoured, the CM said some vested interests were trying to widen differences within the state by instilling jealousy and hatred. As a state, Karnataka is united. Do not try to break it, he said. He also pointed out that the selection committee for the Rajyotsava Awards had covered all the districts of Karnataka while selecting the awardees. Kumaraswamy once again hit out at the media during the event, saying the media is responsible for widening the gap between people and the government. The ceremony was attended by ministers DK Shivakumar and Jayamala, among others. By Express News Service KOCHI: Kerala is staring at a major security challenge as a significant number of militants and left-wing extremists from other states are using the state as a hideout, disguised as labourers. Though the state government and the Centre continue to insist on mandatory valid identification documents, such as the voters ID and Aadhaar, for the people seeking jobs in Kerala, a majority of them still get away by providing school certificates and other ID. The arrest of three Bodo militants from Perumbavoor on Thursday has revealed the lacunae in the security system as none of them had any valid ID and were working in a plywood factory which recruited them without asking for the same. We have been directing the local factories and other units to collect valid ID from those coming from Northeastern states, but they pay scant regard to our directions, said Perumbavoor DySP G Venu. Its not possible for the police to do door to door verification as hundreds of people from Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Assam reach Perumbavoor every day. A big concern to Intelligence agencies is that are inter-state labour contractors bring workers from other states in large numbers. If we look at the profile of the people arrested by Central agencies from the state, the situation is really worrisome, said a senior officer. Major arrests in Kerala In December 2007, CPI (Maoist) central committee member of Malla Raja Reddy was arrested from Angamaly. In October 2015, the Ernakulam Rural police arrested a native of Jharkhand, said to be an area commander of the People Liberation Army, the armed wing of the banned CPI (Maoist). The suspect was identified as Jitendar Oraon, a native of Latehar district. He was working at an electric wire-manufacturing unit at Chambannur, near Angamaly, for the past three years. In February 2014, the police arrested Paravai Badusha from Anchal village near Kollam district. He was wanted in connection with several terror cases. Badusha was linked to the murders of BJP leaders in Salem and Vellore in 2013 and was also a suspect in the Bengaluru bomb blast. In June 2014, the police arrested Hyder Ali alias Engineer Ali, a suspected extremist who was on the run for more than two decades, from Palakkad. In November 2015, a wanted Bodo militant identified as Dimga aka Lidion Basumatary, 34, was nabbed from Kozhikode. In April 2014, a top militant identified as Zia-ur-Rehman alias Waqas was arrested from Munnar. The 24-year-old Pakistan national and terror suspect was working as a labourer. In August 2018, the NIA nabbed two terrorists identified as Mustafizur Rahman, 35, of Birbhum village, and Abdul Karim of Murshidabad of West Bengal, who were posing as migrant labourers, from Kottakkal in Malappuram. They were the prime accused in a blast and IED planting case at Bodh Gaya in Bihar on January 20, 2018, and allegedly belonged to Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB). By Express News Service BHUBANESWAR: Two senior leaders of the BJP, former Union Minister Dilip Ray and national executive member Bijay Mohapatra today quit the party, giving a severe jolt to the saffron outfit's Mission 120 + in Odisha ahead of the 2019 elections. While Ray announced his resignation from the BJP in a Twitter post, Mohapatra wrote a joint letter to national president Amit Shah with Ray to quit the party. Earlier, Ray had met Speaker Pradip Amat to resign from the Assembly. Amat accepted the resignation of Ray from the Assembly in which he represented the Rourkela constituency. In a post on Facebook, Ray also announced his decision to not contest from Rourkela: It is with deep anguish that I have also decided not to contest the upcoming Assembly elections in 2019 from Rourkela, he said. Dilip Ray and Bijoy Mohapatra In the three-page post on Facebook, former union minister Dilip Ray said, Riding on the charismatic presence of Narendra Modi and the progressive change of the BJP had promised, I had envisioned a whole lot of development works for the city and had promised to fulfil the long-ignored dream and aspirations of the people who had reposed their faith in me. I did put up the best of my efforts to the best of my ability and left no stone unturned on my part to materialise the dreams and aspirations of my constituents but at this stage, I acknowledge my failure in living up to their expectations and therefore, taking up the moral responsibility, I have decided to quit as the member of the State Legislative Assembly as well as from the membership of BJP. It is with deep anguish that I have decided to quit as the Member of State Legislative Assembly as well as from the Membership of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). pic.twitter.com/pXMrezRU9H Dilip Ray (@DilipRayOdisha) November 30, 2018 Addressing a media conference here, Mohapatra regretted his decision to join the BJP in 2013. Asked about his next move, Mohapatra said he has not taken a decision as yet. After Dilip returns from the foreign trip in two weeks, both of us will take a decision on our next move. I will take a decision whether to contest the forthcoming elections after a meeting with Dilip, he added. On the speculation over his joining the BJD, Mohapatra said that since the political scenario in Odisha is now in a state of uncertainty, he will take a decision in this regard after his meeting with Ray. Called on the Hon'ble Speaker of Odisha Legislative Assembly today morning and tendered resignation of my seat in the assembly from Rourkela constituency. pic.twitter.com/uAaEaxF3Qb Dilip Ray (@DilipRayOdisha) November 30, 2018 Mohapatra alleged in his letter that despite repeated efforts to appraise Amit Shah of the sorry state of affairs in the party in Odisha, there was no move to take corrective measures. Neither you nor any senior central party leader bothered to consult, review or take corrective measures. Be it the Mahanadi water issue, or the unfulfilled promises of a second bridge over river Brahmani, the super specialty hospital at Rourkela or the dreams of lakhs of jobs for Odia youth which we sold at Paradip during the inauguration of the Oil Refinery nothing, absolutely nothing materialized, the letter said. By Express News Service CHENNAI: The proceedings in a criminal case pending against former DMK minister K N Nehru before the Special Court for Political cases against MPs and MLAs, have been quashed by the Madras High Court. The charge against Nehru was that he had deterred public servants from discharging duty during a protest against demonetization at Trichy in November, 2016. Justice N Anand Venkatesh quashed the proceedings, allowing a plea from Nehru. The prosecution case was that on November 28, 2016, Nehru and other accused, had organised a protest near the Passport office at Trichy against the decision to demonetize `500 and `1,000 currency notes. When they were told to disperse, as they had not obtained the prior permission, they refused to oblige. On the other hand, the Inspector attached to Gandhi Market police station and his policemen were allegedly manhandled by the petitioner and his men. The Judicial Magistrate in Trichy took cognizance of the charge on November 8, 2017. After formation of the Special Court, the case was transferred to it and the petitioner appeared before it on November 12. When the petition came up for hearing today, Nehrus senior counsel N R Elango cited a judgment of the Supreme Court and pointed out that the complainant and the investigation officer are one and the same person. By PTI CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has made it clear that it cannot stall the probe by the Special Investigation Team appointed by the Tamil Nadu Governor into the alleged sex scandal at Madurai Kamaraj University in the state. A division bench of Justice M Sathyanarayanan and Justice P Rajamanickam said Thursday, "We cannot stay the probe by SIT, all we can do is only ask the university whether it has implemented the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act." The bench also directed the university to file a report on the proper implementation of the Act in its institutions. The direction came on a plea by Revolutionary Students Youth Front seeking to stall the probe conducted by the SIT and constitute a new team headed by a woman official to investigate the scandal in which assistant professor Nirmala Devi allegedly tried to lure college girls to offer sexual favours to higher officials. When the plea came up for hearing, the Advocate General filed a status report, which said the professor "voluntarily" confessed during custodial interrogation that she tried to lure girl students of her college only to offer sexual favours to other two accused in the case Murugan and Karuppasamy. It was further submitted that with the assistance of cyber crime cell the call data records (CDR) of Nirmala Devi, Karuppasamy and Murugan were obtained from Mobile Service Providers (MSPs). The report said the records were analysed and relevant evidence of conspiracy was established. "The calls made and received by the accused were analysed, and the concerned were summoned, examined and statements recorded. The calls among the three were corroborated based on the voluntary confession and the facts were verified," it was submitted. The seizure of all digital evidences was done after following due legal procedure, the report added. Nirmala Devi, assistant professor at Devanga Arts College in Aruppukottai, was arrested on April 16, a day after an audio clip went viral on the social media, in which she purportedly sought to persuade girls to consider extending sexual favours to senior officials of MKU, to which the college is affiliated. M Sabari By Express News Service SALEM: The District Police in four districts, Salem, Dharmapuri, Namakkal and Krishnagiri which comes under Salem Range, has instructed to give tea for drivers who are passing national highways to reduce accidents. On Friday, Salem Police started to give out tea for vehicle drivers, especially for goods carrier drivers. As Salem is an important point to reach Bangalore and Chennai, there are more vehicles including goods vehicles from Kerala, Coimbatore, Tirupur and Erode districts, which pass through Salem. These goods carrier vehicles mostly travel at night time, hence drivers are prone to nodding off at the wheel. The District police are taking various steps like creating barricades, cat eyes, caution boards and signals at accident spots to make the highway patrol police to monitor the accident spots regularly. Following these steps, the accident rate has come down in Salem district and in other districts within the Salem Range as well. The police found that most of the accidents were taking place around 2 to 5 am. Following the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG, Salem Range)'s instructions, Salem district police on Friday have started to give out tea for vehicle drivers passing Karipatty and other accident-prone spots. The police have also advised the drivers to park their vehicles in parking lots if they were sleepy. Speaking to Express, Salem Range DIG Senthilkumar said that this year till November, around 425 persons were killed in road accidents in these four districts. Last year, more than 800 people lost their lives in mishaps in these 4 districts. Due to steps taken by the police of these four districts, the accident rate came down to 425 this year. By Express News Service NAGAPATTINAM: A group of government employees, including revenue staff, held a demonstration at the collectorate here on Thursday. They were protesting the alleged lack of action against those who attacked revenue officials carrying out Cyclone Gaja relief work. Members of the Tamil Nadu Revenue Department Officials Association and Tamil Nadu Government Employees Association (TNGEA) held the protest. They raised slogans against the lack of action taken against suspects involved in the assaults. Addressing media, TNGEA district secretary A T A Anbazhagan said, All departments, particularly the Revenue and Rural Development departments are putting in tireless work to restore normalcy in the areas affected by the cyclone. However, miscreants, unknown assailants and certain political parties have been disrespectful of our work and assaulted them. They should be arrested at once and the welfare of employees involved in cyclone relief should be protected. M Sridhar, the then tahsildar of Vedaranyam and workers accompanying him were allegedly assaulted by a mob near Kovilpathu on November 21 when he went to enquire relief works to the central kitchen in Periyakuthagai. Four people have been arrested, but main accused R Kathirvel is absconding. Earlier, VAO Selvi and her colleague were allegedly assaulted in Agarkadambanur. By UNI BUENOS AIRES: US President Donald Trump said on Friday he will discuss defense and trade cooperation with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during their meeting at the G-20 summit. "We have many things we will be talking about, in particular, protection, military type, also trade," Trump told reporters ahead of the bilateral meeting. ALSO READ | PM Modi, Trump, Shinzo Abe discuss major issues of global interests on G-20 sidelines The US president added that the trade deficit between Japan and the United States is quite significant, but it is going down. He said Tokyo is working with his administration on balancing the deficit and it should be achieved quickly. Trump also commended Japan for buying US fighter jets and underlined the importance of continuing this partnership. Abe congratulated Trump on "historic victory" in the 2018 midterm elections. By PTI BUENOS AIRES: President Donald Trump Friday lauded "good signs" ahead of talks with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on resolving their trade war. "There's some good signs, we'll see what happens," Trump said in Buenos Aires, where he was attending the G20 summit and was to have dinner with Xi on Saturday. If we could make a deal, that would be good. I think they want to, and I think we'd like to. Trump has slapped punishing tariffs on more than USD 250 billion in Chinese imports so far this year, demanding that Beijing end allegedly unfair trade practices and reverse industrial policies criticized by other major economies. China responded with its own tariffs on USD 110 billion in US goods. ALSO READ | Trump thinks US will have a trade deal with China But Trump has threatened to target the remaining USD 267 billion worth of Chinese imports as well, hitting Apple iPhones and laptops produced in China. Ahead of the G20, White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow detailed what Trump wants out of China. "China should change its practices and come into the community of responsible trading nations," Kudlow said, stressing that he considers the US economy in far better shape than China's to weather a prolonged trade war. "We are in a position to deal with it and handle it very well," he told reporters. China will have to give way on "fairness and reciprocity," he said, warning that US concerns over intellectual property theft and China's forced technology transfers "must be solved". By Express News Service NEW DELHI: One of the first foreign leaders whom Prime Minister Narendra Modi met after landing in Buenos Aires for the G-20 summit was Saudi Arabias crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who has been linked to the gory murder of journalist Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul October 2. While Modi thanked MBS, as the prince is often described, for keeping oil prices stable despite the global crisis, and for hosting the large Indian community which works in Saudi Arabia, MBS in turn pledged to significantly ramp up Saudis investments in India over the next few years across various sectors. Modi also attended a Yoga for Peace event organised by the Art of Living foundation, and met UN Secretary Antonio Gutteres, who lauded Indias role and hoped for Delhis support at the upcoming global climate change conference. On Friday, before the Summit began, Modi attended the BRICS leaders Informal Meeting, where he stressed the need to reform multilateral institutions, including the UN and its security Council, and the need to counter unilateralism and protectionism. He then met Chinese President Xi Jinping, the fourth such meeting this year, and both leaders agreed that there had been a perceptible improvement in bilateral relations since their informal summit in Wuhan in April, and hailed the series of initiatives and high level meetings between the two sides. Later in the day, after the G20 Leaders Retreat, Modi will attend the first-ever trilateral meeting between Japan, America and India as well as the 2nd Russia India China trilateral (after a 12-year gap). MBS: From reformer to Mr Bone-saw Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, was hailed internationally as a reformer who would bring the winds of change to the deeply orthodox Muslim nation. Until October 2, when the first reports of the grisly murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul Turkey startled the world. Many reports described him as Mr Bone Saw, alluding to the instrument allegedly used to dismember Khashoggi. This is likely to lead to some awkward moments at the G20 Summit, where MBS, as the prince is known, arrived two days early. But even though the CIA claimed that MBS was behind the murder, US President Trump defended him. Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia too have no issues with MBS By PTI BUENOS AIRES: India underscored its firm commitment to make the Indo-Pacific a region for shared economic growth as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday held their first trilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit here, amidst China flexing its muscles in the strategic Indo-Pacific region. Asserting that India will "continue to work together on shared values," Modi said, "When you look at the acronym of our three countries -- Japan, America, and India -- it is 'JAI', which stands for success in Hindi." ALSO READ | PM Modi meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on G20 summit sidelines The prime minister said the 'JAI' meeting was a convergence of vision between the three nations. "This is a very good occasion for the three countries -- countries which have shared values, democratic values. We will continue to play a big role together for world peace, prosperity and stability," he said. Modi underscored India's firm commitment to make the Indo Pacific a region for shared economic growth and common prosperity. The prime minister articulated five action points that would serve the common interest of promoting peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. He assured all countries of the inclusiveness and openness of this framework and highlighted the importance of working jointly in areas such as connectivity, sustainable development, disaster relief, maritime security and unfettered mobility. Modi also underlined the importance of building consensus on an architecture in the Indo-Pacific region based on principles of mutual benefit and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. "JAI (Japan, America, India) trilateral marks the coming together of three friendly nations. Today's historic JAI meeting was a great beginning. PM @AbeShinzo, @POTUS and I held fruitful talks aimed at furthering connectivity, maritime cooperation and a stable Indo-Pacific," Modi tweeted after the meeting. The Japanese premier said he was happy to participate in "the first ever 'JAI' meeting" and hope that it would reinforce the trilateral partnership and its close cooperation "towards realising a free and open Indo-Pacific". Appreciating India's growth story during the meet, Trump said, "The relationships between our three countries is extremely good and extremely strong. With India, maybe stronger than ever. We are doing very well together. We are doing a lot of trade together. We are doing a lot of defence together, a lot of military purchases." The leaders emphasised the importance of cooperation among the three countries on all major issue of global and multilateral interests such as connectivity, sustainable development, counterterrorism and maritime and cybersecurity. They shared their views on progressing a free, open, conclusive and rule-based order in the Indo-Pacific region, based on respect for international law and peaceful resolution of all differences. The trilateral meeting took place at a time when China is engaged in hotly contested territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and with Japan in the East China Sea. Both the areas are said to be rich in minerals, oil and other natural resources. China claims almost all of the South China Sea. Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan have overlapping claims in the waterway, which includes vital sea lanes through which about USD 3 trillion in global trade passes each year. The US has been conducting regular patrols in the South China Sea to assert freedom of navigation in the area where Beijing has built up and militarised many of the islands and reefs it controls in the region. Prime Minister Modi, in his keynote address at the Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore in June, expounded India's stand on the strategic Indo-Pacific region. "India does not see the Indo-Pacific Region as a strategy or as a club of limited members. Nor as a grouping that seeks to dominate. And by no means do we consider it as directed against any country. A geographical definition, as such, cannot be," he had said. Modi, Trump and Abe also agreed to cooperate in various ways and together with other countries. They also agreed on the importance of meeting in "Trilateral Format" at multilateral conferences. By ANI BUENOS: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a bilateral meeting with Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman stressed upon stabilising energy prices, with specific emphasis on how Saudi Arabia can contribute to the same in India, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said on Friday. Gokhale said that Prime Minister Modi had a very warm and cordial meeting with Salman, who called India an important partner of Saudi Arabia. The two leaders specifically focused on how Saudi Arabia can enhance its investments across a number of sectors in the next two to three years. They agreed upon setting up a mechanism at the leadership level which will go into the possibilities of concrete action in terms of investments, technology, manufacturing, energy, food security and defence. The mechanism will show significant scaling up of Saudi investments in India within a span of the next two to three years. The Saudi Crown Prince also informed the Prime Minister that Saudi Arabia will be finalising an initial investment to the National Infrastructure Fund. By ANI WASHINGTON DC: The United States on Thursday welcomed efforts by India and Pakistan to increase people-to-people contact, days after the two countries laid foundation stones for the Kartarpur Sahib corridor. In a briefing here, US State Department deputy spokesperson Robert Palladino told reporters, "I'm aware of the reports of this Kartarpur corridor, as you referenced there. I understand that it's kind of a visa-free way for Indians to visit this important Sikh site. And of course, the US -- we would welcome efforts to increase people-to-people ties between India and Pakistan." The route along the India-Pakistan border is three kilometres away from Gurdaspur in Punjab. Once opened, it would allow Sikh pilgrims a direct access to the historic Gurudwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, Pakistan, where Guru Nanak Dev died in 1539. ALSO READ | Of what use is Kartarpur corridor if Pakistan continues to support terrorism: Hardeep Singh Puri Replying to a question on US President Donald Trump's tweets on stopping aid to Pakistan at a time when the US is seeking its cooperation on bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table, Palladino underlined the need for Islamabad to "build confidence and trust in bilateral relations" with Washington. "The Secretary (of State Michael Pompeo) has emphasised the need for Pakistan to deliver the outcome and build confidence and trust between our two countries, and our policy towards Pakistan is clear," the State Department spokesperson said. Ties between the US and Pakistan have been strained since this year after the Trump administration hit out at the Pakistan government for its lacklustre approach in combating terrorism on its soil by halting military aid to Islamabad. Commenting on the now-cancelled meeting between Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, Palladino asserted, "It was aboard Air Force One, I believe, that (the announcement of cancelling the meeting) took place and the Secretary of State was with the President at the time. But what's clear is the President's tweets on the subject were quite clear at what we looked for, and that is the return of the Ukrainian sailors and the vessels. The aggression that we've witnessed this week is unacceptable and a strong message has been sent." On November 25, Russian guards fired upon and captured three Ukrainian naval ships after they illegally entered into the Russian territory of the Black Sea. The incident drew international condemnation especially by the US, further leading to Ukraine preparing to impose martial law in its border areas with Russia. ALSO READ | Majority in India appreciating Kartarpur Sahib corridor: Imran Khan Reacting to the same, Palladino said that the captured Ukranian vessels and detained crew members should be released by the Russian government and Washington is going to be "firm" in this position. Replying to another question on the prospects of having high-level talks with North Korea, the State Department spokesperson said that deliberations would happen soon, while their policy on North Korea's denuclearisation remains unchanged at the same time. "We are looking forward to having high-level talks. Our policy hasn't changed on North Korea. Progress (of denuclearisation) has been made, and we are hopeful that more will be made on North Korea as well. The Secretary and the President have been clear that we're not going to be forced into artificial time constraints. We've made great progress at the summit in Singapore for the final, fully verified denuclearisation. We are going to continue to push forward on that. And of course, future dialogue will take place and it'll definitely be something that Special Representative (Stephen) Biegun will be leading," Palladino elaborated. Replying to a query on the comments of the head of the Iraqi militant group Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, who recently said that the Hashd al-Shaabi should have a role in security along Iraq's border with Syria, Palladino said that the security of Iraq and its border is the Iraqi government's responsibility. (ANI) By Online Desk Southwest Airlines has put out a statement apologising for mocking a 5-year-old girl named 'Abcde' (pronounced Ab-city), when she and her mother were about to board a flight back home from Santa Ana, California, to El Paso, Texas. According to an ABC7 report, Abcde's mother Traci Redford alleged that a gate agent burst out laughing at the girl's name, discussing it with other employees before going on to post a picture of the boarding pass on social media. Name shaming? This Texas woman claims a @SouthwestAir agent made fun of her 5-year-old daughter's name as they were preparing to board their flight at @JohnWayneAir in Orange County. Her daughter's name is Abcde (pronounced Ab-city). @ABC7 pic.twitter.com/iHpBPoakYI Veronica Miracle (@ABC7Veronica) November 28, 2018 In a statement to Buzzfeed News, Airline spokesperson Chris Mainz offered a "sincere apology to the family" and said the employee's social media post "is not indicative of the care, respect, and civility" expected of employees. Southwest has "followed up with the employee involved, and while we do not disclose personnel actions publicly, we are using this as an opportunity to reinforce our policies and emphasize our expectations for all employees," Mainz said. "We take great pride in extending our Southwest hospitality to all of our customers, which includes living by the Golden Rule and treating every individual with respect, in person or online," he added. Traci said that her daughter had heard the employee mocking her and asked why. "She said, 'Mom, why is she laughing at my name?' And I said not everyone is nice and not everyone is going to be nice and it's unfortunate," she said. Reporter Noelle McGee is a Danville-based reporter at The News-Gazette. Her email is nmcgee@news-gazette.com, and you can follow her on Twitter (@n_mcgee). One of Editor & Publishers 10 That Do It Right 2021 The Government is working on finding the best arrangement to cope with the influx of tourists arriving through the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to minimise the impact on Tung Chung residents. Speaking to reporters today before attending the Executive Council meeting, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said the Government has been reviewing the passenger flow regularly since the bridge was commissioned about a month ago. After taking measures to mitigate the situation according to the circumstances, an improvement has been seen over the past two weeks, Mrs Lam said. She added the Government has been discussing ways to improve the situation with the transport and tourism sectors in the hope of finding a solution that all parties will be satisfied with. The Government will continue monitoring the situation and liaising with the Zhuhai and Macau governments on how to improve the arrangements. Mrs Lam also appealed to the public for tolerance. The Hospital Authority today said it has informed all public hospitals and out-patient clinics to suspend using an affected batch of influenza vaccines immediately. This follows an announcement by the Department of Health on the immediate suspension of the use of a batch of quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccines (box label: R3J721V; syringe label: R3J72). The authoritys seasonal influenza vaccination service is expected to resume gradually from December 1. The Department of Health, including its Elderly Health Centres, will suspend seasonal influenza vaccination service until the supplier dispatches a new batch of vaccines. Its School Outreach Vaccination Pilot Programme, on the other hand, is not affected as the vaccines used are supplied by another company. The supplier of the affected vaccines, Sanofi-Aventis Hong Kong Ltd, has taken a precautionary measure to suspend the market supply of a batch of quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccines and will arrange to dispatch new vaccines to local private healthcare facilities as soon as possible. According to Sanofi, about 175,000 doses of the affected batch of vaccines have been imported to Hong Kong and part of the batch has been distributed to the Department of Health, the Hospital Authority and healthcare facilities. So far, the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority have not received any adverse reports in connection with the affected vaccines. The department advised those who feel unwell after receiving the vaccination to consult healthcare professionals. Samples of the concerned batch of quadrivalent vaccines were found to contain white particles by Taiwan authorities. The company said it has not received any report regarding the presence of white particles in the same batch of vaccines supplied to Hong Kong. The Department of Health has requested the company to submit a report regarding the presence of white particles in the affected vaccines. There will be other entities and structures supporting the legislative structure. The judicial cluster, and then the executive cluster will be relocated to the area some ministries will be housed here including finance. Other facilities like banks, hotels will be built around this place Muleya who moved around carrying a bag containing a knobkerrie, okapi knife and snuff box which he used to intimidate victims before sexually abusing them, had before the rape conviction, been convicted of attempting to rape another girl in Binga in February this year and senteced to 30 months in prison. It is incumbent on you all to deepen and sharpen the execution of your skills in relation to staff procedures, logistics, leadership, command, geopolitical studies and military technology. The tactics in both conventional warfare and low intensity operations, United Nations peace support and peacekeeping operations, among other subjects which students were exposed to, will be useful in the broader duties officers may encounter during their career responsibilities. France Decides on Third Shots but Not More Restrictions (Newser) A rookie white cop, a young black man shot to death by police, and a firingbut the story doesn't develop in an expected way. Writing for ProPublica, Joe Sexton takes a deep dive into the 2016 shooting of 23-year-old RJ Williams in Weirton, West Virginia. Williams was shot by a police officer after he waved a gun at the officer and another cop who had just arrived on the scene; the gun turned out to be unloaded. Those two officers arrived after newbie officer Stephen Mader, who had been trying to de-escalate the situation because he suspected Williams was trying to pull off a "suicide by cop." Mader said Williams didn't seem like a threat, instead showing a "red flag" of being distraught as he repeatedly asked Mader to "shoot me," gun at his side but not raised. Mader didn't shoot him, but when officers Ryan Kuzma and Michael Baker showed up, Kuzma did. story continues below A Hancock County prosecutor later deemed the shooting of Williams justified, citing a legitimate fear for the officers' safety, and Mader doesn't disagree with that finding: He acknowledges that while he "wouldn't have felt justified" shooting Williams, he understands that Kuzma may have had a different perspective, and that Kuzma fired only when Williams raised the gun. What Mader does take issue with: the fact that he was fired, leading to his lawsuit for wrongful termination. At least one person appreciates what Mader did: Williams' sister, who reached out to Mader on Facebook to thank him for being someone who "was looking at [Williams] as a person" in his final moments. She recounts Mader's reply: "He said that he just wished that he could have had a few more seconds, that he wished it would have turned out different, that my brother would still be alive." Read the full story here. (A teen killed by cops in San Diego called 911 on himself.) (Newser) A Florida 12-year-old is facing seven felony charges for allegedly bringing a package of THC-laced gummy candies to school and sharing them with his classmates during a morning gym class at Mulberry Middle School in Polk County, ABC reports. Several students became ill with symptoms that included stomach pain, nausea, and dizziness after eating the Green Hornet brand gummies. story continues below Of the two boys and four girls who ate the pot candies, five were taken to the hospital and one was picked up by their parents, the Ledger reports, adding that the boy who brought the gummies to school did not consume them. The kids are reportedly recovering. Edible marijuana products are not currently legal in Florida, which has a medical marijuana program but not a recreational one. I warned us that all of this was coming, Sheriff Grady Judd, called by the Ledger a staunch opponent of medical marijuana, said. (In Washington, some old pot convictions were tossed.) (Newser) At least 12 people have died from drinking tainted liquor in a village in eastern India, a government official said Thursday, the AP reports. District Magistrate Sumit Gupta said another 25 people were being treated in a hospital in the Nadia district of West Bengal state. Gupta said the deaths occurred over the past two days after workers at a brick kiln consumed the cheap liquor bought from local sellers. The Press Trust of India news agency said four people have been arrested. Deaths from illegally brewed alcohol are common in India because the poor cannot afford licensed brands. Illicit liquor is cheap and often spiked with chemicals such as pesticides to increase potency. (Read more India stories.) (Newser) Some two decades ago, a passing motorist found the remains of a woman near Lake Powell in southeastern Utah. She had been killed with a gunshot to the head, and her body was wrapped in duct tape, tied with rope, and put inside of a sleeping bag that was wrapped in a carpet. Unable to identify the woman, authorities called her the Maidenwater victim. On Wednesday, the Garfield County Sheriffs Office announced that it had identified the woman as Lena Reyes-Geddes of Youngstown, Ohio, FOX reports. Reyes-Geddes was originally from Mexico and authorities were able to identify her body using DNA samples from relatives in that country, per KSTU. Authorities renewed their investigation into the case in October. story continues below Reyes-Geddes, 37, had been driving from Ohio to Texas in April of 1998 to visit family, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. Twelve days after she started her drive, her body was discovered near Maidenwater Spring. Her fingers and thumbs had been cut off at right angles, according to police documents obtained by the Tribune. Police have not disclosed how they made the connection between the Maidenwater victim and Reyes-Geddes. For a time, they reportedly thought that serial killer Scott Kimball, currently serving 70 years in a Colorado prison, was tied to Reyes-Geddes death. However, they no longer believe that to be the case and say that they have identified a suspect, who they say died by suicide in Nevada in the early 2000s. They have not named that person. (Read more cold cases stories.) (Newser) A Minnesota man accused of faking his own death seven years ago to collect a $2 million life insurance policy arranged for a stand-in corpse to be dressed in his clothes in Moldova, according to a judge's detention order. Igor Vorotinov, 54, also planted his identification on the body before placing the corpse along a road in the Eastern European country, a US judge said in rejecting Vorotinov's request to be freed pending trial. US Magistrate Judge Katherine M. Menendez ruled Wednesday that Vorotinov posed too great a flight risk. In her ruling, Menendez said Vorotinov showed "substantial resourcefulness and cunning," the AP reports. Vorotinov was indicted in 2015 on one count of mail fraud. He was arrested this month in the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria and returned to the US. story continues below Prosecutors say Vorotinov took out the life insurance policy in spring 2010 and designated then-wife Irina Vorotinov as the primary beneficiary. The couple divorced later that year. In 2011, Irina Vorotinov, 51, identified a corpse in Moldova as her husband's, prosecutors allege. She then returned to the US with a death certificate and cremated remains and received the life insurance payment. Money was then transferred to her son, and to accounts in Switzerland and Moldova. She has pleaded guilty to her role and is serving a three-year sentence. Alkon Vorotinov, 28, pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced to probation. The identity of the corpse is still unclear, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports . The scheme also included a 2011 funeral service at a Minneapolis cemetery, where an urn was placed in a niche. Tests later determined the remains were not Vorotinov's. (Read more weird crimes stories.) (Newser) Ukrainian officials have barred Russian males between the ages of 16 and 60 from traveling to the country in the latest escalation of tensions between the neighbors. Petro Tsygykal, chief of the Ukrainian Border Guard Service, announced at a security meeting on Friday that all Russian males between 16 and 60 will be barred from traveling to the country while martial law is in place, the AP reports. President Petro Poroshenko told the meeting that the measures were taken "in order to prevent the Russian Federation from forming private armies" on Ukrainian soil. story continues below The long-simmering conflict bubbled over Sunday when Russian border guards rammed into and opened fire on three Ukrainian vessels near the Crimean Peninsula, which Moscow annexed in 2014. The vessels were trying to pass through the Kerch Strait on their way to the Sea of Azov. The Russians then captured the ships and their 24-member crew. The announcement follows Thursday's decision by President Trump to scrap a much-anticipated meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Trump said it isn't appropriate for him to meet with Putin since Russia hasn't released the Ukrainian seamen. (Putin has accused Poroshenko of provoking the incident to boost his popularity.) (Read more Ukraine stories.) (Newser) A renowned photojournalist whose images have shed light on the challenges of China's economic rise hasn't been heard from in almost a month and is believed to be in state custody. Lu Guang, a first-place winner at the 2004 World Press Photo awards, had been meeting with photographers in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang province, when he last contacted his wife on Nov. 3. She became worried when the US green card holder failed to meet a friend in Sichuan province two days later, Xu Xiaoli tells NBC News from New York, where her husband lives in addition to Beijing. She contacted the wife of the photographer who had invited Lu to Urumqi, who told her both men were taken away by state security. "The authorities haven't informed me of his whereabouts," Xu adds of Lu, though the Hong Kong Free Press reports he may have been taken to the city of Kashgar. story continues below It's unclear if Lu's detention is tied to his workhis photos showcase China's pollution, AIDS patients, and drug and worker abusebut "he believed, after confronting the faces of the destitute, that there were things that people should know," Xu tells the Guardian. "At the very least, he believed that [his photos] might motivate them to help others, to trigger change and make things better." The US embassy in Beijing says it's "deeply concerned" by the detention reports, and "we strongly condemn China's worsening abuse of human rights." Meanwhile, the Committee to Protect Journalists calls Lu's detention "a high-profile illustration of the cruel and arbitrary way that China detains journalists and other civilians in Xinjiang." (Read more China stories.) (Newser) A pundit who appears regularly on CNN made remarks at the United Nations Wednesday that apparently caused him to lose his gig at the network. "Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN," was the curt notice from a CNN rep to Mediaite, which first reported the news. What seems to be the reasoning behind his ejection: In his UN speech, Hill implored nations around the globe to boycott Israel and called for a "free Palestine from the river to the sea." It's that phrase specifically that's receiving the most backlash from pro-Israel groups (including the Anti-Defamation League), as it's been appropriated by Hamas and other anti-Israel groups and is widely thought to refer to erasing Israel and establishing a Palestine that reaches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, Politico notes. story continues below In a series of tweets Thursday, Hill insisted, "I do not support anti-Semitism, killing Jewish people, or any of the other things attributed to my speech. I have spent my life fighting these things." He said his goal is to "support Palestinian freedom" and "Palestinian self-determination" and that he's simply "deeply critical of Israeli policy and practice." He also said the phrase "river to the sea" has a "variety of meanings" and "precedes Hamas by more than 50 years." Per Al Jazeera, many pro-Palestinian activists, journalists, and politicians are calling Hill's firing a "kowtowing to right-wing Israeli groups." A petition started by Intercept journalist Ryan Grim, calling for CNN to rehire Hill and offer an apology "to the world," had more than 4,700 signatures as of Friday morning. (The DOE takes a new look at an Israeli-Palestinian battle at Rutgers.) (Newser) President Trump has joined the leaders of Mexico and Canada to sign a revised North American trade deal. Trump gathered with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on the sidelines of Friday's G20 summit in Buenos Aires. The three sat a table, pens at the ready, spurred to sign with a "let's go" by Trump that was echoed by Trudeau and Pena Nieto. The revamped deal, which Trump calls the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (aka NAFTA), which Trump has long raged against. He says the new agreement "changes the trade landscape forever," reports the AP. story continues below Lawmakers in each country must now ratify the agreement. That could prove to be a difficult task in the US, especially now that Democrats will control the House of Representatives come January. Already Democrats and their allies in the labor movement are demanding changes. Trump spent more than a year pushing the leaders of Canada and Mexico into agreeing to this rewrite of North American trade rules. He noted to Trudeau that "it's been a battle," but battles sometimes make "great friendships." (Read more USMCA stories.) (Newser) A Canadian police officer is hospitalized in stable condition after a fellow cop shot him numerous times during a Thursday altercation, reports the CBC. Det. Sgt. Shane Donovan and Const. Nathan Parker of Niagara Regional Police Services were conducting a follow-up investigation at the scene of a DUI crash in Pelham, Ont., around noon when an argument arose, reports the Toronto Star. It's not clear what the dispute was about, but the Toronto Sun reports that it escalated into a fist fight before Parker was shot at least three times. story continues below Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Ron Taverner described the apparent chain of events as unheard of. "It's very sad and our thoughts are with the Niagara Police today," he said. Per the Sun, there may have been "bad blood" between Donovan and Parker, who pleaded guilty to discreditable conduct and unnecessary use of force against a prisoner in 2015, in the latest of several offences since 2005. In 2012, Parker was also penalized for conducting his own investigation into a commanding officer who'd previously been cleared of wrongdoing. (Read more police shooting stories.) (Newser) Originally slated to compete with Disney's The Jungle Book in 2016, Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle joins Netflix's extensive library on Dec. 7 following a limited release this weekend. The change comes after the film's sale by Warner Bros, which ultimately decided against a major releaseand perhaps for good reason, as reviews put Andy Serkis' film starring Rohan Chand at a distant second to Disney's offering. Four opinions: It's "somewhere between a film that's for kids and yet, in its persistent cruelty and bleakness, definitely not for kids," writes Matt Zoller Seitz at RogerEbert.com. "Mowgli is repeatedly beaten and tormented, even locked in a cage at one point," he notes, adding this "sits oddly with the slapstick comedy." He was also off-put by the animals' faces, "vividly" reflecting the actors who voice them. Mowgli "fails to deliver the bare necessities," Michael Rechtshaffen writes at the Hollywood Reporter, blaming "performance-capture that falls unpersuasively short of state-of-the-art and a prestige cast (including Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett and Benedict Cumberbatch) that curiously fails to engage." He, too, references scenes "certain to scare the crap out of the kiddies." story continues below Brian Lowry is thankful for Netflix's save, however. "This is one of those happy occasions where the Netflix model allows a project that might have been lost in the theatrical wilds to find its place," he writes at CNN, arguing "this darker, more distinctly British take" on Rudyard Kipling's book is "well worth the time," not least because the "dialogue possesses a certain poetry." Glenn Kenny was much less taken with the script by Callie Kloves. Placing the story in early 20th-century India, it "diverges from the Kipling stories considerably and at times uneasily" and "makes some daring moves exploring what one might call the dual nature of Mowgli." But "while not everything here works, what does is impressive," Kenny writes at the New York Times, commending Chand on "a scarily credible physical performance," despite being just 11 at the time of filming. (Click for more movie reviews here .) (Newser) "I'm pinching myself," Linda Fairstein wrote on Twitter on Tuesday morning. And for good reason: The Mystery Writers of America had just bestowed on her its prestigious Grand Master honor. Just two days later, however, Fairstein was lamenting a different move by the MWA. In a first, the group rescinded the award because of an outcry from fellow writers. But it wasn't Fairstein's books that upset them; it was her big role in the wrongful conviction of five teenagers in New York City's infamous Central Park jogger rape case of 1989. The details: Taking it back: "After profound reflection, the Board has decided that MWA cannot move forward with an award that lacks the support of such a large percentage of our members," the group said in a statement. "Therefore, the Board of Directors has decided to withdraw the Linda Fairstein Grand Master award." "After profound reflection, the Board has decided that MWA cannot move forward with an award that lacks the support of such a large percentage of our members," the group said in a statement. "Therefore, the Board of Directors has decided to withdraw the Linda Fairstein Grand Master award." Why: Before she turned to fiction, Fairstein led the sex-crimes unit of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office. While she didn't prosecute the Central Park case, she observed the interrogations of the five teens eventually convicted, reports the Guardian. The teens say their confessions were coerced, and the convictions were overturned in 2002 when serial rapist Matias Reyes confessed. DNA evidence backed him up. story continues below Initial backlash: One of the authors leading the charge against Fairstein was Attica Locke, who pleaded with the MWA to reconsider the honor. "She is almost singlehandedly responsible for the wrongful incarceration of the Central Park Five," wrote Locke of Fairstein. (Locke is working with Ava DuVernay on a Netflix series about the case, per Deadline Hollywood.) One of the authors leading the charge against Fairstein was Attica Locke, who pleaded with the MWA to reconsider the honor. "She is almost singlehandedly responsible for the wrongful incarceration of the Central Park Five," wrote Locke of Fairstein. (Locke is working with Ava DuVernay on a Netflix series about the case, per Deadline Hollywood.) Her response: Fairstein disputed the "singlehandedly" part, but she also reiterated that she still believes the five teens weren't as innocent as people think. "Talk to me about the other 6 men viciously attacked in the Park that night, which these and others admit doing," she wrote. "You don't care about them? Good night." Fairstein disputed the "singlehandedly" part, but she also reiterated that she still believes the five teens weren't as innocent as people think. "Talk to me about the other 6 men viciously attacked in the Park that night, which these and others admit doing," she wrote. "You don't care about them? Good night." Consistent: The Washington Post notes that Fairstein has defended the prosecution for years, and still does to this day. It takes note of a 2002 interview with the New Yorker in which she said: "I think Reyes ran with that pack of kids. He stayed longer when the others moved on. He completed the assault. I don't think there is a question in the minds of anyone present during the interrogation process that these five men were participants, not only in the other attacks that night but in the attack on the jogger." The Washington Post notes that Fairstein has defended the prosecution for years, and still does to this day. It takes note of a 2002 interview with the New Yorker in which she said: "I think Reyes ran with that pack of kids. He stayed longer when the others moved on. He completed the assault. I don't think there is a question in the minds of anyone present during the interrogation process that these five men were participants, not only in the other attacks that night but in the attack on the jogger." The books: Fairstein is known best for her best-selling series of novels featuring prosecutor Alex Cooper, per USA Today. Fairstein is known best for her best-selling series of novels featuring prosecutor Alex Cooper, per USA Today. The jogger: The victim, Trisha Meili, has since come forward to talk about her ordeal and her recovery. Shape Magazine has a profile. Meili wrote a book of her own. The victim, Trisha Meili, has since come forward to talk about her ordeal and her recovery. Shape Magazine has a profile. Meili wrote a book of her own. Trump's voice: Most of the coverage on the author controversy notes that Donald Trump famously took out full-page newspaper ads after the teens were arrested. "Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!" they read. (The convicted teens agreed to a $40 million settlement with the city.) (Newser) After a 6-year-old Michigan girl missed a bunch of school without the appropriate notes from home, the school tried to meet up with her mother to find out what was going on. After school officials say letters to Brittany Horton went unanswered and she didn't show up to meetings, they contacted the Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office, which charged Horton with truancy in March, reports People. She pleaded guilty in May, per FOX 17 News. Prosecutors pushed off punishing the 28-year-old mom, however, trying one more time to work with her to remedy the absenteeism issue. What happened next: Horton's daughter racked up 14 more unexcused absences, adding up to 26 days missed in total. story continues below The end result for Horton at her sentencing on Nov. 16: five days in jail, plus nine months of probation and $520 in fines, reports the Muskegon Chronicle. The girl's absences fly in the face of the area's "Operation Graduation" initiative, which takes a hard line on truancy and gets involved after a student has nine absences (not counting those for legitimate illnesses or other excused reasons). "We go through extraordinary steps to resolve the issue without prosecution," a prosecutor's office rep tells People, adding that the vast majority of such cases the office sees don't result in charges being filed. "This case represents one out of many, many cases where the mother absolutely refused to deal with the problem." (A California mom got 180 days for her kids' absences.) (Newser) New Mexico is among the 50 states, everybody knows that. Well, everybody but a clerk and supervisor at the Washington DC Courts Marriage Bureau. Just ask Gavin Clarkson, a New Mexico resident who recently got a marriage license in the countrys capital (which is not a state). When Clarkson (whose now-wife Marina lives in DC) handed over his New Mexico driver license to prove his identity, the clerk refused it and instead requested an international passport, the Las Cruces Sun News reports. Clarkson protested, and the clerk checked with a supervisor. story continues below They come back and say my supervisor says we cannot accept international driver's licenses. Do you have a New Mexico passport, Clarkson, a recent candidate for New Mexico secretary of state, recounts in a Facebook post. Clarkson says the clerk even complimented him on his command of the English language (though its his wife, who is from Argentina, who has a slight accent). About 20 minutes later, everything was sorted out and the clerk apologized. "We understand that a clerk in our Marriage Bureau made a mistake regarding New Mexico's 106-year history as a state," a DC courts rep told the Sun News. "We very much regret the error and the slight delay it caused a New Mexico resident in applying for a DC marriage license." (New Mexico tops the list of least politically active states.) His Royal the Crown Prince yesterday hailed the government innovation competition - Fikra as a testament to Bahrains commitment to continue placing citizens at the heart of all development efforts. Fikra has tremendous potential to advance competitiveness across various sectors, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister said. While meeting the 12 project owners shortlisted for competition at Gudaibiya Palace, Prince Salman provided four winning projects owners with an opportunity to present their ideas to the Government Executive Committee. HRH the Crown Prince noted that the government continues to advance innovation and excellence across all its work streams, in line with the aspirations of HM King Hamad. A total of 565 applications underwent intensive review by a number of committees before being evaluated by a Ministerial Committee. Members of the public also participated in the review process by voting for the ideas of their choice. The three projects that have been selected by the Ministerial Committee are: Hospitality by Ahmed Al Turaifi working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, E-Volunteer Platform by Shaikh Salman bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Mubarak Al Tamim, Mai Salah Abdulla and Hisham Mubarak Albufalasa, working at the Ministry of Interior; and The National System for Appointments by Adel Al Qallaf working at the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment. Members of the public voted for the Work from Home project by Abdullah Mohammed Al Ahmed working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Nouf Mohammed Al Ahmed working at the Ministry of Finance. The extraordinary session of Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers kicked off in the Kingdom yesterday under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa highlighting the theme Together for Safeguarding Human Heritage and Countering Extremism. The conference was attended by the President of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA), Shaikha Mai bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Director-General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), Dr Abdulaziz Altwaijri, Secretary General of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Dr Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen Sudans Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Omer Suleiman Adam, and culture minister of Islamic countries. In her opening speech, BACA President stressed that culture is the best means to resist the challenges currently faced by Arab and Islamic countries. She highlighted the Pearling Path Visitor and Experience Centre in Muharraq, which was inaugurated recently within the Muharraq as Capital of Islamic Culture, and as part of BACAs efforts to implement cultural infrastructure projects. ISESCO chief highlighted the importance of the extraordinary sessions theme, calling on the International Community to safeguard Islamic heritage in Al-Quds City form Israeli aggression. Sudans Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities congratulated BACA on the success of its events held as part of the Muharraq as Capital of Islamic Culture. The conference featured the signing of various memoranda of cultural cooperation, including the signature of a cooperation agreement on arrangements for the 11th Islamic Conference between ISESCO and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Tunisia, a Mou between ISESCO and the Arab Centre for Tourism Media, and a MoU between ISESCO and the Arab Regional Center for World Heritage. Is Lack of space a limiting factor for development in todays busy world? Many studies have pointed fingers in this direction. However, here in Bahrain, TaaWin, a company established by a group of Royal University for Women students, has figured out a way to solve this scarcity in an interesting way. Their work, the RestnGo book, which is transformable to a portable chair has turned many heads including that of the top experts in the region. And they were not alone in the quest. Students from Shaikha Hessa Girls School with their CONTRIVE Company also grouped together in a bid to help others. Knowledge Hunt, a mobile application developed by their company aims to enhance teaching, learning and developing soft skills. The Knowledge Hunt, according to the students, is an educational and dynamic board game connected to an application available on App Store & Google Play. TaaWin has won the university Product of the Year Award, while CONTRIVE has won high school Company of the Year Award. Both teams representing the Kingdom of Bahrain, have competed amongst many regional teams, yet earning the title and winning the YEC 2018 competition. All this happened at 12th Annual Young Arab Entrepreneurs Competition organised by INJAZ Al Arab, a member of Junior Achievement Worldwide (JA). Held in Kuwait at the Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, the annual competition highlighted the achievements of students throughout INJAZ Al Arabs company programme. The two-day event held a busy agenda, mainly presenting the winning teams with awards given by INJAZ Al Arab, FedEx, MBC Al Amal, Citi Foundation, and Boeing. Representing the Kingdom of Bahrain at the YEC 2018 fills our hearts with honour and pride. We are proud of Bahrains participating teams, we are proud of all the fresh and innovative ideas presented, last but not least, we are grateful to our stakeholders continuous support and efforts which brought us here today, said Hana Al Sarwani, the Executive Director of INJAZ Bahrain. Dr Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC president and INJAZ board member, congratulated Her Highness Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al Khalifa saying, Your Highness has played a vital role in leading by example, supporting and motivating INJAZ students throughout this journey, which brings them to where they stand today. The teams have earned their success and have definitely raised the bar for creativity during this important regional event. Asheesh Advani, Junior Achievement Worldwide CEO, said during his welcoming speech: The Junior Achievement alumni network now has business leaders, political social entrepreneurs, corporate executives and job creators all over the world. This years regional competition was organised in partnership with global and regional entities, mainly FedEx, MBC Al Amal, Citi Foundation, and Boeing, with the support of local partners from Kuwait including Zain and Kuwait Airways. Ahmed Faress will compete in his third bout at Brave Combat Federation during Brave 19 which will be held on 8th December at the Sun City Resort, Johannesburg in South Africa. Faress is the first Egyptians to sign in the growing bantamweight division of Brave Combat Federation. Currently has a record of 10-2-0 in his professional career, he is set to face Nkosi Ndebele, who will make his professional debut at Brave 19. Ndebele has an amateur record of 12-4-0 and trains at the Nova MMA Academy in South Africa. In his previous fight, Faress faced Bharat Khandare, the first Indian ever to compete in the UFC. Faress dominated the bout forcing the hometown hero to tap in front of his fans at Brave 5: Go for Glory. Training alongside Hassan Abo Ali and Ahmed Amir, Faress is among the fighters from Egypt to break into the global scene. Faress will be making his return after a break of more than a year. The prospect from Egypt believes that Brave 19 will be a major break in his career. Brave Combat Federation is an organization for the fighters, the bouts get tougher and one needs to keep evolving to survive in such an organization. This fight is very important for me since I will be fighting in a weight class above my usual fighting weight. I am here to prove and give my best to show that I got what it takes to compete at the highest level, said Faress. In the bout, Faress will move up a weight class to fight in the featherweight division at Brave 19. Adapting the principle of change is inevitable to survive in a world characterized by constant change, unstable conditions and turbulent markets, Bahrains Oil Minister told companies in the region. Change is not easy, but it remains a necessity, and with change comes the shift that helps sustainability, said Oil Minister Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa in his address to the 13th Annual Forum of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) in Dubai, UAE, yesterday. More than 2,000 top Executives and representatives of top international and regional companies from 52 countries were present at the event which began on Tuesday and ends today. The forum was also attended by a delegation of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), led by its Board of Directors Chairman Dr Ahmed Al Sharyan and GPIC President Dr Abdulrahman Jawahery. GPCA Chairman Yousef Al-Benyan, welcoming the participants, stressed the need for more mergers and acquisitions among industrial companies in the GCC to maintain the competitiveness of the petrochemical industry in global markets. Described the gathering as the most important on the agenda of the petrochemical sector in the region, Dr Jawahery, in his comments, said the regional petrochemical sector had grown by 3.7 per cent in 2016, increasing its production capacity to 150 million tonnes, exceeding the global average of 2.2 per cent. He pointed out that going with the boom of many advanced and complex transformation projects between 2017-2018, it is expected that this growth and development would continue, signifying a shift in focus from materials and basic chemical products to specialized high-value products. GPCA Secretary-General Dr Abdulwahab Al Sadoun said the industry would have to continuously strive to build on what has been achieved and strengthen the momentum. The GPCA is the first grouping of its kind in the Middle East and has witnessed a steady expansion in its activities since its establishment in March 2006 to direct the chemical and petrochemical industries in the Gulf region towards a new era of fruitful cooperation. Kuwait Finance House (KFH) announced winning two awards at the 25th edition of the World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC), which includes The Global Award and the Regional Award for the GCC. The conference was held from the 26 to 28 November 2018 at ART Rotana Hotel in Amwaj Islands, Bahrain. Kuwait Finance House was the platinum sponsor of the event held under the title Islamic Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth in the Age of Digital Transformation. The conference was held under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and the Central Bank of Bahrain as a strategic partner. Abdulhakeem Al Khayyat, the Managing Director and CEO at KFH-Bahrain said: We look forward to supporting more prestigious economic events that contribute to the development of both the Islamic sector and the national economy. As part of one of its subsidiaries, Kuwait Finance House participated in a panel discussion entitled: Digital Technology a digitizing campaign for an international bank, in which the discussion addressed several vital topics related to the Islamic banking sector. For more than two decades, the World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC) has been recognized as the largest and most influential international event, bringing together large numbers of international Islamic banking and finance institutions. Through the strategic support of the Central Bank of Bahrain, the next generation of the World Islamic Banking Conference will focus on transforming Islamic finance into a global proposition by facilitating strategic opportunities, addressing systemic challenges and linking institutional investors in international markets with industry catalysts, think tanks, partners and institutions. Prince Akishino, the second son of Emperor Akihito, has raised the question about the use of public funds for a ritual following next year's Imperial succession. The Prince was speaking at a news conference prior to his 53rd birthday on Friday. He will be first in line to the throne after the accession of his brother, Crown Prince Naruhito, on May 1st, 2019. In reference to the ritual known as "Daijosai," which is to be held in November of next year, Prince Akishino said he wonders whether it is appropriate to pay for the highly religious event with state funds. He said that after considering relations between the Imperial family and the Constitution, he feels the ritual should be financed from the budget for the Imperial family. The government disbursed public funds earmarked for the Imperial family's official duties to cover the cost of the previous Daijosai ritual the year after Emperor Akihito ascended to the throne in 1989. The government explained at that time that it was an important ceremony for the state as well. It was the first such rite held under the post-war Constitution, which stipulates the separation of religion and the state. Following the example, the government has already decided to pay for the upcoming Daijosai event with public money. The government spent about 20 million dollars of public money for the previous rite. The Imperial family's budget is relatively small, at about 2.8 million dollars for the current fiscal year. If the budget is to be used for the next rite, the ritual would have to be scaled back in a major way. It is very rare for a member of the Imperial family to express an opinion different from what is determined by the government. - NHK The rate of rental car accidents involving foreign drivers in Osaka Prefecture is four times higher than those involving Japanese drivers, according to recent data released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry. A study of foreign drivers conducted by the ministry's Kinki bureau between April and November, which covered 53 rental car outlets operated by three companies, showed Thursday that 3 percent of the total 3,973 foreign drivers had car accidents - surpassing the 0.7 percent of accidents in which 36,272 domestic drivers were involved. According to the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis, between 2014 and 2016 the total number of rental car accidents caused by foreign visitors in Japan nearly tripled, while the number of accidents resulting in injuries or deaths among domestic rental car drivers decreased during that period. "Unlike before, when group tours by bus were popular, these days foreign tourists are more likely to travel individually or in a small group by renting cars, and the support system for foreign drivers has not yet caught up with the increase," said Takashi Shimojitosho, a communications ministry spokesman responsible for the research. The number of foreign visitors who arrived at Kansai International Airport and then used rental cars doubled from approximately 42,800 in 2014 to 99,100 in 2016. - Japan Times Suspected Boko Haram terrorists in the early hours of Friday reportedly attacked troops of 118 Task Battalion at Arage village Borno S... Suspected Boko Haram terrorists in the early hours of Friday reportedly attacked troops of 118 Task Battalion at Arage village Borno State. This is the second attack on the formation in less than 48 hours. According to a military source, who pleaded anonymity, the early morning attack was suspected to a reprisal of Wednesdays attack where the insurgents suffered heavy human and equipment casualties. Todays attack was successfully repelled, though seven personnel were injured, the source disclosed. The casualty on the side of the insurgents could not be ascertained and there was no official statement from the military authority as of the time of filing in this report. Recall that the Army had on its verified Twitter handle yesterday disclosed that, Boko Haram met their water loo and suffered heavy casualties on Wednesday evening Nov. 28, 2018; when they attempted to infiltrate 118 Battalion location at Arege in Abadam Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno state. Shehu of Borno, His Royal Highness (HRH), Alhaji Abubakar Umar Ibn Garbai Elkanemi, has dismissed claims by security operatives that the ongoing military operations, particularly in some parts of the state and the Lake Chad Region, was yielding positive result.He insisted that even in Maiduguri, the state capital, residents and farmers cannot move out of the city beyond 5 kilometres without being killed or kidnapped by insurgents.This is even as Organised Labour yesterday pleaded with President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately sack all service chiefs and heads of the nations security apparatus and set up a high-powered probe into the immediate and remote causes leading to recent slaughter of over 100 soldiers by Boko Haram terrorists in Melete, Borno State.The monarch stated this when President Muha-mmadu Buhari paid him a courtesy call at his palace in Shehuri, Maiduguri.The President had visited the monarch before proceeding to the Chief of Army Staff Annual Conference where he was special guest of honour.The recent onslaught by terrorists have left over 20 farmers killed, while harvesting their crops in their farmlands, with several villages of Bale Shuwa, Mammanti and surrounding communities of Konduga, Mafa Council areas on the outskirt of the metropolis, razed by rampaging terrorists without confrontation.The Shehu of Borno, while applauding President Buhari in the fight against Boko Haram, said there was much to be done for the people of the state to be free from terrorists atrocities.He said: On behalf of the traditional institution in Borno, I want to commend Your Excellency for the commitment you have given towards ending the lingering crisis of Boko HaramIt is unfortunate that despite all efforts put in place to restore peace in our land and the North East, we the people of Borno State are still under Boko Haram siege.Nobody can dare move out of Maiduguri by 10 kilometres without being confronted/attacked by Boko Haram.Quite a number of farmers are being killed and kidnapped on a daily basis around Molai General Area, which is just 10 kilometres away from the metropolis, along Maiduguri -Damboa -Biu road.Most of the surrounding villages and communities in Konduga, Damboa, Mafa and other local government areas have been razed down in the last two weeks.We plead that the federal government and the security agencies review the strategies in nipping this lingering crisis in the bud. A onetime Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Timi Frank, on Friday lambasted the Minister of Inf... A onetime Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Timi Frank, on Friday lambasted the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed for cautioning the United States, US, against granting visa to the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar. Rubbishing the remark by Mohammed, Frank said Nigerians will joyfully elect Abubakar in the forthcoming elections and not Americans. In a statement he forwarded, the former APC spokesperson reminded the Minister that the American government does not believe in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari which has since been described as lifeless by President Donald Trump. Frank stated that the Waziri of Adamawa has become a nightmare and a sleepless tablet for the government of APC, hence the total loss of common senses by some of its officials. Frank warned Mohammed and other APCs apologists against heart attack when they later see Atiku Abubakar, being received on a red carpet very soon in the United States of America. While challenging APC government to provide just one evidence of corruption perpetrated by Atiku Abubakar, Frank said the same failed government that said the Waziri Adamawa could not visit America was already jittery now that Atiku is poised to prove them wrong. According to Frank, it was easier for the Minister to, bring APC to power with lies and propaganda against President Goodluck Jonathan but it is now impossible to sustain the lies because of their obvious failures. The statement reads, Why is Lai Mohammed speaking from both sides of the mouth? The Minister is about to lose his job thats why he is talking like someone under the influence of codeine or tramadol. The simple advice for Mr. Mohammeds close allies is to get him tested for probably the negative effects of banned substances. At this stage, it is too late to stop America from granting Atiku entry Visa because the country has confirmed that it has nothing against the Presidential candidate of the PDP. Instead of this clueless government to seek for help from the American government in fighting the resurgent Boko Haram and fully liberate the people of the North-east from the hands of insurgents, what is more important to Lai Mohammad and the APCs government is the issuance of U.S. Visa to Atiku. The American government will not fall for propaganda from a lifeless government like that of APC and President Muhammadu Buhari in granting Visa to anybody because it is a place where rule of law is strictly adhered to. Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo , says the Federal Governments Social Investment Programmes(SIPs) are designed to provide solutio... Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo , says the Federal Governments Social Investment Programmes(SIPs) are designed to provide solutions to the problems of poor Nigerians. VP Osinbajo. Newsmen report that the programmes include, N-Power, National Home-Grown School Feeding Programme (NHGSFP), National Cash Transfer Project (NCTP), and Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme (GEEP). N-Power, veritable technology platform to boost education Osinbajo Laolu Akande, Senior Special Assistant to the President, Media and Publicity, Office of the Vice President, in a statement on Friday in Abuja, said Osinbajo spoke at a conference in Lagos. Osinbajo delivered a speech at the 90th birthday of Chief Olu Akinkugbe and the Fifth anniversary of the Olu Akinkugbe Business Law in Africa Fellowship conference, at Lagos Business School on Thursday. The vice president said that the Buhari-led administration was focused on uplifting the poor in society through its SIPs. He said that the programmes were aimed at ensuring that more Nigerians improved their lives and contributed more to the nations economy. Osinbajo said that the problems of the poor in society must be addressed to help economic growth. A lot of our ideas in our social investment policies are micro credit loans to market women and petty traders and all of that are borrowed heavily from the Indian model. A lot of the programmes that we are working on today; the Conditional Cash Transfers that we give to the poorest in society are based on many of these models. But these models are the products of a legal framework; theyre a product of a way of thinking about dissolving the problems of the poor. And we if we do not dissolve the problem of the poor, no matter how fancy our economic models or policies are, the vast majority of our people will be poor, consumer spending will be low, and generally speaking our economies cannot be where they ought to be, because the vast majority are so far behind, he said. According to the vice president, the rule of law remains the most potent weapon for socio-economic revolution because the success of African economies and commerce will depend largely on the enforcement of laws and regulations. He further said that it was time for Africa to rethink and re-engineer its jurisprudence. Osinbajo highlighted some challenges confronting Africa ranging from how to provide opportunities for millions of young men and women, to extreme poverty, illiteracy and disease, desertification resulting in famines and conflicts over land and water. All of these challenges clearly will define how the future of the world itself will shape up in the coming decades; simply because Africa has the population and continues to increase in that population day by day. Commerce and economic development cannot thrive where the majority is desperately poor, illiterate and exposed to diseases all the time. The countrys effective market, any countrys effective market, GDP, and human development indices depend on the standard of living of its people. The law and administration of justice can change the bleak narratives on poverty, he said. He said that Africa needed the capacity to undertake complex economic studies of its diverse situations and present alternative or comparative perspectives, which could form the basis for more confident negotiations. Felicitating with Akinkugbe on his 90th birthday, the vice president described him as a quintessential Nigerian business icon with a legacy of ethical conduct. Olu Akinkugbe Business Law in Africa Fellowship was, itself, an investment in knowledge and scholarship, in people, and in the future of Africa. He said that theOlu Akinkugbe Business Law in Africa Fellowship was, itself, an investment in knowledge and scholarship, in people, and in the future of Africa. On his part, Akinkugbe described Osinbajo as one that gave Nigerians hope for the future of the country. It is often not the case that you have people with complete understanding of the problems that we face in the country. He (Osinbajo) has intervened in the different struggles in this country. May God help you to continue to give your best to Nigeria, Akinkugbe said. Newsmen report that on Aug. 2, the federal government said the sum of N140 billion out of the N500 billion budgeted for its SIP in 2017 has been released. Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano has spoken out on allegations that he is supporting President Muhammadu Buhari to return f... Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano has spoken out on allegations that he is supporting President Muhammadu Buhari to return for a second term. The Governor who spoke through the Commissioner for Information & Public Enlightenment, Mr C.Con Adinuba on speculations about endorsing any presidential candidate for the 2019 election, said such information was untrue. Adinuba said stories of Obiano endorsing one presidential candidate or the other were merely configuration meant to use his name to sway support for their principal. The commissioner in a press release said, As the 2019 general election approaches, it is interesting how various politicians and political parties have been swooping on Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State in the belief that his role will be critical in deciding who wins the presidential vote. For instance, operatives of two of the leading political parties in Nigeria, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), have taken to the social media to create the impression that the governor has endorsed their candidates in the forthcoming election. Some have even gone as far as reproducing a video of an event which took place in 2014 in a bid to give the impression that the event has just occurred, but this is not true. He stated that Obiano was neither working for Buhari nor Atiku as he was his own man, who is steadfast about his party, which he said also had its presidential candidate. He said, The enormous attention paid to Gov Obiano by various national political parties as well as their agents is flattering. Indeed, we are not aware of any state governor who has in recent times received this level of attention in Nigeria. Gov Obiano is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). He is also the APGA National Leader. These positions place heavy responsibilities on his shoulders. Therefore, any talk about his endorsing the presidential candidate of another party, let alone joining another party, is sheer wishful thinking. APGA has a presidential candidate in the 2019 general election in the person of General John Gbor (retd). This is in sharp contrast to the situation during the two previous presidential elections when APGA had no candidate, and was consequently constrained to form an electoral alliance with the ruling party. President Muhammadu Buhari, Thursday requested for the revamping of bilateral and multilateral platforms of engagement by Heads of Stat... President Muhammadu Buhari, Thursday requested for the revamping of bilateral and multilateral platforms of engagement by Heads of State and Governments of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, LCBC, so as to stamp out the remnants of the terrorists from the region. President Buhari in a consultation with the Heads of State and Governments LCBC in Ndjamena, capital of the Republic of Chad, also blamed poverty and the shrinkage of the Lake Chad as the main reason for the renewed insurgent activities in the region. A statement by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Chief Femi Adesina in Abuja last night stated that the Nigeria President called for concerted efforts from the Heads of State and Government to make the region safe. According to him, There is no gainsaying that also fueling the crisis are the twin menaces of poverty and the continued shrinkage of the Lake Chad, which have rendered the people of the region vulnerable to terrorist activities. Attention is drawn to the Lake and its resources, which have always been the source of livelihood for the millions of people that live within and around the basin. He charged the Presidents and Heads of Governments in attendance to make concerted efforts to ensure the actualization of efforts to recharge the Lake, through Inter-Basin Water Transfer, from the Congo Basin. President Buhari stressed that if meticulously pursued, the project has the capacity to unlock the economic potentials and provide solutions to the myriad of interrelated challenges confronting the region. As Chairman of the Summit of Heads of State and Governments of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, President Buhari assured of his commitment to providing the required leadership and direction for the actualization of peace and security in the area. The meeting the statement noted was called to address the recent upsurge in terrorist activities in the region, and the Nigerian President rallied his colleagues from Chad, Niger Republic, and Republic of Cameroon to a fresh onslaught against insurgents, particularly the Boko Haram group. Times as these call for quick interventions and measures, President Buhari stated, adding: As you are aware and have witnessed in recent times, there are new developments of security concern in our sub-region. The region in the recent past has witnessed increasing attacks, particularly on military formations by elements of the Boko Haram terrorists as well as the renewed kidnapping of people. These activities are aimed at weakening our collective resolve to eradicate them from the region. We must not cave in. The groups renewed strategy of increasingly mining the general area as well as its recent deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance activities have proved to be critical factors in the resurgence of attacks in the region. Commending what he called the untiring efforts of the leadership of the LCBC, and officers and men of the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF), President Buhari noted that the efforts of those who strive to bring peace and stability to the region would never be forgotten. We are committed to ensuring that the ideals of restoring peace, stability and viability of the Lake Chad Region to its glorious state, for which some of you have paid the ultimate price is attained, he vowed. President Buhari submitted: President Muhammadu Buhari has challenged the Heads of State and Governments of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) to strengthen their efforts towards curbing the activities of Boko Haram terrorists in the region.He made the call on Thursday at a one-day consultation with the LCBC leaders in Ndjamena, capital of the Republic of Chad.We must not relent and allow the enemies of the region to succeed in their quest to destabilise the area, said the President who added, We must reinvigorate our collective will and commitment towards eradicating terrorism from our region.We must remain focused and true to ensuring sustainable development. To this end, I have requested that bilateral and multilateral platforms of engagements by member countries affected by the conflict be revamped to ensure collective actions towards stamping out the remnants of the terrorists from the region.The meeting was convened to address the recent upsurge in terrorist activities in the region, and President Buhari rallied his colleagues from Chad, Niger Republic, and the Republic of Cameroon to a fresh onslaught against insurgents, particularly the Boko Haram group.Times as these call for quick interventions and measures. As you are aware and have witnessed in recent times, there are new developments of security concern in our sub-region, he was quoted as saying in a statement by his spokesman, Mr Femi Adesina.The region in the recent past has witnessed increasing attacks, particularly on military formations by elements of the Boko Haram terrorists as well as the renewed kidnapping of people. These activities are aimed at weakening our collective resolve to eradicate them from the region.The President, however, told the meeting, We must not cave in.The groups renewed strategy of increasingly mining the general area as well as its recent deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance activities have proved to be critical factors in the resurgence of attacks in the region. Renew Assault On Terrorism President Buhari thereafter commended what he called the untiring efforts of the leadership of the LCBC, and officers and men of the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF).He noted that the efforts of those who strive to bring peace and stability to the region would never be forgotten.We are committed to ensuring that the ideals of restoring peace, stability and viability of the Lake Chad Region to its glorious state, for which some of you have paid the ultimate price are attained, the President vowed.He added, There is no gainsaying that also fueling the crisis are the twin menaces of poverty and the continued shrinkage of the Lake Chad, which have rendered the people of the region vulnerable to terrorist activities.Attention is drawn to the Lake and its resources, which have always been the source of livelihood for the millions of people that live within and around the basin.In this regard, the Nigerian leader urged the Presidents and Heads of Governments in attendance to make concerted efforts to ensure the actualisation of efforts to recharge the Lake through Inter-Basin Water Transfer from the Congo Basin.He stressed that if meticulously pursued, the project has the capacity to unlock the economic potentials and provide solutions to the myriad of interrelated challenges confronting the region.As Chairman of the Summit of Heads of State and Governments of the LCBC, President Buhari assured them of his commitment to providing the required leadership and direction for the actualisation of peace and security in the area.He reiterated an earlier promise he had made to troops fighting terrorism, saying, We are committed to ensuring you have the requisite and enabling equipment to optimally function.Your welfare is and would continue to remain our priority. Together, we shall restore the Lake Chad Region to its glorious days.Other nation leaders in attendance at the consultation were President Idris Deby of Chad, President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger Republic, and Prime Minister of Cameroon, Philemon Yang, who represented President Paul Biya.In a joint communique, the Heads of State and Governments resolved to change modus operandi, collaborate more, and renew assault on all forms of terrorism and criminal acts, till wholesome peace was restored to the region. The Centre for Anti-Corruption and Open Leadership, CACOL, has charged President Muhammadu Buhari to make open his source of finances fo... The Centre for Anti-Corruption and Open Leadership, CACOL, has charged President Muhammadu Buhari to make open his source of finances for the 2019 election. CACOL was reacting to the recent pronouncement by the anti-graft agency to monitor the expenses of politicians and political parties ahead of the election. CACOL warned that the fight against corruption should not be seen to be one-sided or aimed at giving the current leadership in the country an undue advantage over others. In a statement by its Executive Chairman, Debo Adeniran, CACOL said, During a one-day retreat for 36 state governors and key election stakeholders that was organized by Centre for Values In Leadership, CVL, Mr. Ibrahim Magu, who spoke through Olanipekun Olukoyede, his Chief of Staff, was reportedly quoted, We shall keenly monitor the financial affairs of political parties to ensure that the use of public funds to finance political parties and prosecute campaigns at all levels of government is checked. He was also reported to have said that political parties would be required to keep proper records of all incomes, contributions and expenditure, and to open their books for inspection by relevant security agencies after every electioneering cycle; including the costs and source of funds of litigation/s after the elections. As much as we agree with the EFCC czar that the costs of political electioneering in Nigeria is much on the high side and over-burdening, it is our belief that all political parties and the entire ruling class emanating thereto, are guilty of unnecessary monetization of our political space, with a view to stifling all genuine efforts at reversing the moral and economic fortunes of the country as no politician could be better than the process that throws him up. In this wise, we would recollect how President Muhammadu Buharis regime bemoaned the over-monetization of the political space during his electoral campaigns to the effect that he was going to reverse the ugly trend when he eventually assumed power. Almost four years into his administration, the watchful and critical section of the nation, are yet to notice any change in policy direction. We certainly agree with Ibrahim Magu that, Much of the money being misappropriated is either from health, security, education, road construction, personnel costs etc.; the case of arms procurement by the NSA under President Goodluck Jonathan government is apposite. It is however curious that though the Muhammadu Buharis regime has, on occasions, lampooned the previous governments for allegedly using taxpayers money to fund election campaigns, he too has not bothered disclosing to the public how his campaign team is raising money for his re-election, in the spirit of transparency, full disclosure and leading by example as many are already alleging. This is one of main reason the fight against corruption seems not to be succeeding enough as much as President Muhammadu Buhari, whom majority of us agree still has his integrity intact, would have wished. For those efforts to be properly appreciated and for the generality of Nigerians to take full ownership in the fight against this destructive scourge, the EFCC, ICPC, CCB and other anti-graft agencies in the country must be seen to be independent and non-partisan. This could only happen when the rules are universally applied and overtly seen to be so. The Nigeria Police has replied the allegation by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against the Inspector General of Police, Mr Ibrahi... The Nigeria Police has replied the allegation by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against the Inspector General of Police, Mr Ibrahim Idris over his perceived romance with the ruling party. The PDP National Chairman, Mr Uche Secondus, had accused the IGP of working for the incumbent to arrest and intimidate its opponents. Secondus, who spoke at the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the party in Abuja had also asked the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Mahmood Yakubu, to resign his position. He claimed that the INEC chairman lacked the will and capacity to conduct free and fair elections next year. But Force Public Relations Officer, Mr Jimoh Moshood, dismissed the allegation in an interview with Channels Television on Thursday. He also described the call by the main opposition party for the resignation of the police boss as laughable. Ahead of the general elections in 2019, the Police spokesman stressed that the force has remained apolitical and does not work in favour of any political party. He, therefore, challenged the PDP to make public or report any case of compromise by the police. The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) says students may spend more time at home since no solid agreement has been reached... The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) says students may spend more time at home since no solid agreement has been reached in its negotiation with the federal government. Abiodun Ogunyemi, national president of ASUU, said this on Thursday while speaking with reporters in Lagos. The union commenced an indefinite strike on November 5. Ogunyemi appealed to parents and students to show understanding, saying the industrial action is meant to avert total collapse of the countrys university system. We want to call on our students and parents to show understanding with our struggle as we are in this together, he said. The whole essence of this struggle is to ensure that our students get worthy and deserving certificates that they will be proud of anywhere they may find themselves in the world. The struggle is to ensure too that we save Nigerian universities from going the way our public primary and secondary schools have gone. Today, most parents are sending their children and wards to private primary and secondary schools around the country because of the perceived or alleged falling standards. We do not want our universities to go the same way because a lot of our parents may not be able to afford the private university fees. Ogunyemi asked Nigerians to rise up and join the union to put pressure on the government. The sad thing now is that the World Bank is giving funds to some private universities to thrive over public universities, he saidd. Unless Nigerians rise to the occasion and join ASUU in putting pressure on both the federal and state governments to pay adequate attention to our universities, secondary and primary schools, we may be facing a total collapse of our educational sector. We met on Monday in order to reach an agreement on the key issues we are agitating for but nothing tangible came out of the meeting. Rather than come out with firm commitment on what to do about these demands, they were appealing to us to go back to the classrooms while they tackle the issues; and to us they have missed the point. We were told that the negotiation will continue on Friday, November 30 but up till now, as we speak, I have not received any notice of meeting to that effect. Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has declared that the State Government will continue with the training of recruits in the Neighbour... Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has declared that the State Government will continue with the training of recruits in the Neighbourhood Watch. He added that the state will not be deterred by the actions of the Nigerian Army. He said the Nigerian Army had been transformed into a political weapon that had abandoned her security responsibilities. He stated that the disruption of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency Training programme by the Nigerian Army was the worst act of irresponsibility, aimed at instigating insecurity In the State. The Governor said this at Odiokwu, Ahoada-West Local Government Area of Rivers State where he flagged off some projects. He alleged that Zamfara and Kogi States have vigilante outfits which were commissioned by the Nigerian Army and the APC Federal Government and wondered why the Nigerian Army would disrupt a legal training exercise. Governor Wike said that the State Government worked with the Police, the DSS and other Federal Agencies to ensure that only law-abiding citizens were recruited by the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency. The Army is not concerned about the killing of soldiers in Borno. They are only interested in creating insecurity in Rivers State. If you dont want Rivers State to be safe, then Nigeria will not be safe. They want to use their guns against us. Zamfara and Kogi States have vigilante groups. They commissioned them and the Chief of Army Staff did nothing. The House of Assembly passed a law approving the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency. The Chief of Army did not challenge the law in court, but today he sent troops to invade the training camp. All they are doing is to intimidate people for political reasons. When you fight a state blessed by God, you will crumble. Nobody can intimidate us in Rivers State. We did not hire boys for political reasons. This has been a transparent process and that is why the personnel are trained at the NYSC Orientation Camp at Nonwa. We involved the Police and the DSS to ensure that the trainees are profiled for the good of the society. The main aim of this agency assist the security agencies with intelligence and information, since there is a lacuna in this regard. No one man has been a Chief of Army Staff forever. Every job has an expiry date. When Buratai leaves office, he will be held to account for his illegal actions. If they stop the training elsewhere, personnel of the Rivers State Neighbourhood Safety Corps Agency will be trained at the Government House Port Harcourt, the governor said. Reshape ADF for relevance, departing president says Departing Australian Dairy Farmers president Terry Richardson says the peak dairy body needs to be significantly changed to stay relevant and the states will need to help make it happen. A professor at the National Defense University of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) revealed on Thursday the first details of China's new armed reconnaissance drone following its debut at the Airshow China 2018 earlier this month. The GJ-2 is believed to enhance China's border patrol and counter-terrorism efforts. Made by the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute under the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the GJ-2 is a medium-to-high altitude armed unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicle, Li Wei, a professor at the National Defense University, said in a report published on the China Youth Daily Thursday. Installed with a turboprop engine, the aircraft can reach a top speed of 370 kilometers an hour at an altitude of 9,000 meters, and can stay in the air for 20 hours, the report said. The GJ-2 has six weapon bays under its wings capable of carrying as many as 12 small missiles, making its strike capability better than its predecessor, the GJ-1, Li said in the report. It is also equipped with a reconnaissance system, including a synthetic aperture radar and an electro-optical pod, which can provide more detailed information on the target, the report said. Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military expert, told the Global Times on Thursday the GJ-2 is an enhanced version of a "bomb truck in the sky" that can also provide real-time information to field commanders. The GJ-2 made its debut at the Airshow China 2018 in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province earlier this month, although the PLA Air Force did not provide details then. Media reports said the GJ-2 is the PLA version of the Wing Loong II, Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute's latest drone for export. Wei believes that the GJ-2 is more capable and reliable than the export version. The PLA version will be better in terms of anti-jamming, battlefield communication and customization potential, Wei said. China has a long border in high altitude areas like Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, where patrols are risky and inefficient. The GJ-2 would solve the problem if deployed, the China Youth Daily report said. It can also conduct counter-terrorism and stability maintenance missions, the report added. Wei also compared the GJ-2 with US drone MQ-9 Reaper, stressing that while the two are similar in terms of armed reconnaissance, the Chinese drone uses lighter composite materials, allowing it to carry more ammunition. It is also much cheaper than the US drone, Wei said. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is asking NATO allies to send naval ships to the Sea of Azov to aid his country and "provide security" amid tensions with Russia. Poroshenko's comments were published Thursday in the German newspaper Bild. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu responded to Poroshenko's request by saying the military alliance already has a strong presence in the Black Sea region. She said NATO ships routinely patrol the area and several NATO allies conduct reconnaissance flights over the region. "We will continue to assess our presence in the region," Lungescu added. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also rejected Poroshenko's request, urging Kyiv to adopt a "sensible" approach "because there is no military solution to these disputes." Also Thursday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he could play a mediator role between Ukraine and Russia. He has held phone talks with leaders on both sides, and said he would continue discussing the issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump at a G20 summit in Argentina. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin and Trump will have their own meeting Saturday to discuss relations between the two countries as well as regional conflicts and disarmament issues. Russian forces seized three Ukrainian vessels and their crews Sunday as they tried to make their way through the Kerch Strait to the Ukrainian port of Mariupol, in the Sea of Azov. Ukraine said Russia used a tanker to block access to the Kerch Strait, which under a treaty is shared territory. Russia said the vessels illegally entered its waters. News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Fearing Punishment, Iran's Students Turn Away From Politics 11/30/18 Source: Radio Farda Nearly ten years after a harsh crackdown ended Iran's youth-driven Green Movement, sometimes called the "Persian Spring," it appears university students have lost their appetite for political activism amid ever tighter restrictions on freedom of speech. Iranian students protesting arrests and expulsions in June 2018 (source: Iranian daily Ghanoon) "Iranian students are reluctant to participate in political activities," said Hossein Salimi, the president of Allameh Tababaei University in Tehran, one of the largest universities in the country. Speaking to the state-run Iran Students News Agency (ISNA), Salimi, a former cleric, said the main reason students have lost interest in politics is that they fear the consequences of expressing their opinions. According to Salimi, 60-70 percent of the licenses his university issues for student gatherings go unused. "Although nearly all of the students' requests to hold meetings are approved by the supervisory board, most of the licenses are not used," Salimi said. Hossein Salimi, head of Allameh Tabatabaei University in Tehran, Iran Salimi, who was welcomed by students four years when he replaced a hardliner as the president of the university, says the era of "certain political activities" among Iranians is over. His countrymen, he says, have lost interest in expressing their thoughts and ideas at "emotional" meetings that lead to political instability. However, Salimi argues there is no reason students shouldn't be engaged in politics, as long as the "red lines" of the ruling establishment are respected, of course. According to Salimi, if student political activities go beyond what is considered acceptable by the ruling establishment, "the managers of the universities lose control and other institutions (security and intelligence entities) step in, bringing a host of other problems." The Iranian student associations, once highly active during the presidency of reformist Mohammad Khatami (1997-2005), are currently under the close supervision of different intelligence and security organizations, and are effectively silenced. Hundreds of "starred" Iranian students have been kicked out of their universities for raising their voices. A star next to a student's name in official university records in Iran means a partial or complete ban from state universities. Although President Hassan Rouhani formed a committee in to resolve the issue of starred students, the fate of an unknown number of them is still in limbo. Read article on "starred students" by Iranian daily Ghanoon Furthermore, hundreds of students' rights activists were arrested after the nationwide anti-establishment protests that swept the country in late December 2017 and early January this year. Most of those arrested were not involved in the protests but were taken into custody as a "preventative measure." Many were given long prison sentences and some are still awaiting a verdict. All these developments have led to a significant decline in Iranian student participation in political activities. Even conservative student groups supportive of the ruling establishment have reason to be cautious. Last week, an ultraconservative student group asked Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to attend a gathering at Tehran University and take questions from students about the performance of the Islamic Ruling System since its inception nearly four decades ago. However, days later, under heavy pressure, the group withdrew its request, signaling that the ruling establishment prefers students, even those who support them, stay out of politics entirely. The U.S. Senate voted 63-37 Wednesday to move forward legislation seeking an end to U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. The vote is mostly a signal to the administration because House Republican leaders have not indicated they will take up the measure. The vote was evidence of the widening gulf between the White House and U.S. lawmakers regarding Saudi Arabia, even after two top members of President Donald Trump's national security team provided a classified briefing to the full Senate. Nearly two months after a dissident Saudi journalist was killed at the kingdom's consulate in Turkey, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis urged preservation of Washington's historically close ties to Riyadh, including U.S. support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen. That message fell on increasingly deaf ears as senators of both parties blasted the exclusion of CIA Director Gina Haspel from the closed-door encounter. The CIA is widely reported to have concluded that Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the slaying of Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident. "Not having Gina Haspel at this briefing is a cover-up," the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, told reporters. "It tells me volumes about what really is going on here." "Look, he [Salman] is responsible for this death [of Khashoggi]," said Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican. "The fact that he hasn't come clean, the fact that we haven't forced him to come clean, is creating a problem. And Congress is likely to respond to this." IRAN: Fallout Over Zarif's Money Laundering Comments Deepens 11/30/18 Source: Radio Farda The Islamic Republic's Prosecutor-General says Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's recent accusations of rampant money laundering in Iran are baseless, and the conservative block in Iran's parliament is threatening to have him impeached over his comments. Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (R) & Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani Threatened with impeachment over their stand on FATF In a highly controversial remark November 11, Zarif said that those who "profit in the billions of dollars" from money laundering in Iran are spending millions from their windfalls to prevent the passage of legislation requiring more financial transparency in Iran. The foreign minister went on to implicitly accuse unspecified state agencies of mounting the campaign against President Hassan Rouhani's package of laws against money laundering, known collectively in Iran as the Palermo Bills. "We cannot challenge the scenes set by these wealthy and mighty state organs," he said. Later, Zarif clarified that he had not accused any specific state agency of money laundering. Nevertheless, allies of the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, have gone on the defensive. Eight days after Zarif's comments, the head of Iran's judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani, characterized Zarif's accusations as a "stab right into the heart" of the Islamic Republic ruling system, saying that if there is any evidence of widespread money laundering by state agencies, it should be referred to the judicial department. The Islamic Republic's Prosecutor-General, mid-ranking cleric Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, later disclosed that Zarif had written a 12-page letter to his office to clarify the controversial remarks. Montazeri said the letter, which Zarif wrote at the judiciary's insistence, was "devoid of evidence" supporting his accusations. The Rouhani administration has defended Zarif's comments, saying they are fully endorsed by the cabinet and reflect the government position against money laundering. "Based on reliable statistics, nearly 10-15 billion dollars are annually laundered in Iran," Zarif's first deputy, Morteza Sarmadi, told Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) November 20. "Zarif has not accused opponents of the Palermo Bills of money laundering. He has only condemned individuals benefiting from money laundering." Iranian Ambassador to London, Hamid Baeidinejad, also joined the chorus to defend Zarif by insisting that the Islamic Republic's authorities have long been aware of the high level of money laundering in the country. "The authorities have been monitoring the main smuggling points of entry for years and are fully aware of the precise amount of money gained through these points of entry," Baeidinejad tweeted November 20. "Smuggling narcotics in Iran amounts to $3 billion, and hard currencies and goods $12.6 billion, each year," Baeidinejad continued, adding, "Forty million liters (roughly 10.5 million gallons) of fuel are smuggled out of Iran every day. The money gained through such deals is lining the pockets of those involved in money laundering." International transparency watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has demanded that Iran adhere to anti-money laundering standards and enact laws to prevent financing of terrorism. The adoption of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing laws (the Palermo Bills) by Iran could also help its standing with European countries that have pledged to help Iran continue doing trade despite U.S. sanctions. The opponents of the Palermo Bills argue that their implementation is a threat to Iran's security. Analysts say the real fear in circles loyal to the Supreme Leader is that adhering to the financial transparency requirements would prevent Iran from financially supporting the Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas militant groups. The Islamic Republic and North Korea are the only countries on the Financial Action Task Force blacklist, but the Paris-based organization has suspended counter-measures against Tehran while it works on reforms. The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has lauded Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia for introducing the paperless port system. According to the FDA, the paperless port system has improved efficiency and significantly increased the number of consignments inspected by the Authority daily. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FDA, Delese Mimi Darko, who heaped praises on Dr Bawumia at the opening of mini lab for the FDA at the Tema Port, stated that the paperless system necessitated the establishment of a laboratory at the Tema for quick trade facilitation. The FDA would like to take this opportunity to thank the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, for the introduction of the paperless system and also the inclusion of the FDA in the three main agencies mandated to carry out joint inspections at the port. This mandate has necessitated the establishment of a mini laboratory at the Tema Port. Data available to the FDA indicates that with the introduction of the paperless and Joint Inspection Management Information System at the Tema Port, there has been an overwhelming increase in the number of consignments inspected by the Authority on daily basis, according to her. Meanwhile, the Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GPHA), is confident of the complete roll out of the paperless port system by the second quarter of 2019. The Vice President, Dr Bawumia, earlier emphasized the removal of customs barriers in the country and mandatory joint inspections to enhance transparency at the countrys ports. Government would soon begin the implementation of a risk clearance system at the pre-arrival stage. This will make it possible for compliant importers to sit in the comfort of their offices and get customs clearance. Every activity will be fed into the risk engine to enable the system to keep records of importers. In addition to that, government plans to also introduce the First Port Rule in Ghana, which would ensure that goods destined for countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger are paid in Ghana to check the dumping of goods destined for neighbouring countries, according to him. Importers and stakeholders have expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the National Single Window and Paperless Port System at the countrys ports. Analysis of the monthly Import Performance of the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) between 2015 and mid-year 2018 indicate that revenue realized from imports has been increasing year-on-year. Total import revenue recorded for half-year 2015 was GH3,584.11 million. It increased to GH5,252.43 in June 2017 as against GH4,330.26 million recorded in June 2016. For the first half of this year, about GH5,798.76 million has been collected from importers. The GRA projects a 30 percent growth in revenue by close of the year. Source: Daily Guide Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Enepa Ventures, a fertilizer distribution company, has denied categorically allegations that it sold untested fertilizer to COCOBOD. According to a release issued by the company, media reports alleging the unwholesome transaction are not only false but they are attempts to malign the company and its product Cocoa Nti and to ridicule the companys high won reputation established over many years as a leading fertilizer and agro-chemicals distributor. We wish to state emphatically that Cocoa Nti, a fertilizer that has been specially formulated for cocoa in Ghana, went through the rigorous test processes of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) prior to its certification by CRIG. Prior to, during and after the testing of Cocoa Nti, the Company has in addition subjected itself to all legal processes and administrative formalities at Cocobod relating to the qualification of the company and its product Cocoa Nti for purchase and distribution to cocoa farmers, the release stated. The press release issued yesterday said contrary to media reports, Cocoa Nti is not manufactured in Morocco and the Company has never at any timementioned that the Product is manufactured in Morocco. The company, thus, urged the general public and its esteemed customers especially the hard working cocoa farmers across the country to ignore the publication and treat it with all contempt. Enepa Ventures will continue to work with farmers and all stakeholders in the Agric Sector to support farmers with fertilizers and agro-chemicals of the highest grade and standard to boost the production of food and agricultural products in Ghana. We will continue to be guided by our core values of Integrity Hard Work, Innovation and Service to God and Country, the release noted. Source: Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The John Mahama campaign team is counting on contributions from supporters to help raise money for the nomination forms and filing fees, to enable him contest in the partys presidential primaries. The National Democratic Congress, NDC, has set January 19, 2019, for its Presidential primaries, and nomination forms for the aspirants will cost GHc 20,000, while the filing fee will cost GHc 400,000. On how the Mahama camp plans to raise the money, the campaign spokesperson, James Agyenim Boateng, said we are counting on the goodwill of people. Many people have been pledging support for former President John Dramani Mahama. I have followed many people who say they are more than ready to support raise the money to be able to buy the forms as well as be able to pay the filing fee and we are ready for the reception we are getting. Former President Mahama is viewed by some observers as the front-runner and he is expected to contest the primary against the likes of the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Bagbin; Joshua Alabi and Spio Garbrah among others. A former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Health Insurance Authority, Sylvester Mensah; a former MCE of Kumasi, Kojo Bonsu; Nurudeen Iddrisu; Stephen Atubiga and Goosie Tanoh, among others have also declared intent to contest the flagbearer position. A member of the team, Richard Quashigah said Prof. Alabi will not be forced to back out of the race while describing the fees as unacceptable. I had hoped that the General Secretary will not have come out with figures like that. Previously, it was 50,000. The argument stays that we are a social democratic party, we dont do thing like other political parties in this country because we are of a unique stock. And so if now we will also be taking the same trajectory as the NPP then it is most unfortunate. This figure is unacceptable and very much on the high side. It will appear that we have put the party up for sale to the highest bidder which ought not to be the case. The NDCs General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, however said the fees were moderate. He has said the fees will help cater for the expensive cost associated with holding elections. If you compare these monies against the cost of organizing the activities we are talking about, you will realize that the party will still have to raise money to supplement whatever will be accruing from these filing fees so I do not see how anybody can say that it is outrageous. NPP three years ago was charging 500,000. We were all with you here in this country, did you complain? Source: citinewsroom.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Nigerian artiste, Mr. Eazi has released a new documentary in support of his new mixtape Lagos To London. Titled Lagos To London: The Documentary, it offers an insight into the thought process of Eazi, and decisions about his career. I want to shed some light on how music is consumed in Nigeria, says Eazi to Rolling Stone. The world needs to know that the music scene in Lagos isnt just afrobeats theres afropop, alternative music, theres a dance scene. The documentary details how Afrobeat has invaded London often referred to as the backyard of Lagos a place where Eazi worked as a phone salesman in Jul 2016. At that time my music was not even getting played on the radio in Nigeria, recalled the Bankulize act to the American publication. Its so funny: My music started out in Ghana, moved to the U.K. and then to Nigeria. To this day, the U.K. is my Number One streaming location on Apple Music and Spotify. Eazi also shared his thoughts on how Afrobeat has made an impact on the global music scene. The other day I saw [the K-Pop group] BTS put out a song, and my fans were tagging me: Mr. Eazi, the beat in this song sounds like something you would have done. Obviously the song was inspired by African drums, explains Eazi. At the end of the day, the next time a BTS fan hears a Mr. Eazi record, theyre gonna think its familiar. Its all helping. Watch documentary below- Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The government is still determined to bring North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to Seoul in December despite being given the brush-off by Pyongyang. Seoul tried to invite Kim for Dec. 13 and 14 but shelved the plan when the North requested a delay. Now it has started talks with the U.S. to somehow make it happen. "President Moon Jae-in is considering the option of persuading North Korea again after gaining the U.S.' understanding," a source said Thursday. Moon is in Argentina for the G20 summit, where he plans to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump on the sidelines on Saturday to discuss the issue. The South informed the North that the optimum time for the visit would be Dec. 13 to 14, but North Korea requested that the trip be postponed until next year due to concerns for Kim's safety. But it now intends to push for the date again and discuss the matter with the U.S. at the G20. If Trump does not oppose the idea, it would send another invite to the North. Cheong Wa Dae ordered police to look into security for the visit. A government official said, "We checked three hotels in Seoul. There isn't much time, but we will be able to make preparations quickly once the order is given." The Institute for National Security Strategy said in a report Thursday, "A visit by Kim to the South before the end of this year is unlikely in the current circumstances, but given his style of leadership a surprise cannot be ruled out." "Although the chances are low, an informal meeting could take place in [the border truce village of] Panmunjom if there is a need to create momentum for a second U.S.-North Korea summit," the institute added. The government is determined to provide fresh momentum for U.S.-North Korea dialogue and implement inter-Korean agreements that are on ice while sanctions against the North continue. 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We use different suppliers across the U.S. to ensure your item is delivered as fast as possible. We ship internationally through 's Global Shipping program only. If an item is purchased that doesn't meet 's Global Shipping requirements you will be notified and will receive a full refund. Returns We offer a 30 day return policy. All items purchased must be returned in the same condition as they were received in. If you received an item damaged or defective please contact us directly so we can either provide a replacement or set up a return and provide the proper return shipping label and instructions. Buyers will be responsible for return shipping costs as well as any restocking fees when an item is returned for any reason other than being damaged, defective or not as described. Any return MUST HAVE a return authorization number provided for us. After you report any problem wait for our answer before shipping the product back. Item must be return within 3 days after RMA instructions has been provided response & Customer Service Customer satisfaction is our goal and your response is very important to us. If you are happy with your purchase please leave us a positive response and a positive response will be left in return. If you have any questions or have a problem that needs to be resolved please do not open a case or leave negative response, please contact us directly so we can find a solution and make things right. Product Availability In the unlikely event that an item becomes unavailable or is backorded rest assured we will provide a prompt %100 refund through Paypal. Although it rarely happens if an item is unavailable we will try our best to find a solution and give you the option to wait for the item or request to cancel your order. To help us avoid this occurrence please feel free to message us prior to purchase to ensure product availability. President Moon Jae-in's approval rating slipped 3.2 percentage points to a record-low 48.8 percent this week, according to research firm Real Meter on Thursday. This is the first time that Moon's approval rating has fallen below 50 percent. The rating has been falling for the past nine weeks. In early May, just after the April 27 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, it stood at a starry-eyed 78.3 percent, while only 15.5 percent disapproved of his leadership. But in the latest poll, 45.8 percent disapproved of Moon's leadership. In his hometown of Busan, neighboring Ulsan and surrounding South Gyeongsang Province, Moon's approval rating plunged to a paltry 37 percent. He is also rapidly losing his support base among 20-somethings, the self-employed or small-business owners, mainly due to his failed economic policies and the recent stalemate over North Korean denuclearization. The latest poll was conducted on 1,508 adults across the country from Monday to Wednesday. The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Japanese companies must compensate Koreans who were forced to labor for them during World War II. It was the second ruling by the highest court this year in favor of victims of forced labor under the Japanese occupation. The court held that a 1965 treaty with Tokyo waiving all claims in return for a lump sum payment cannot void the rights of individual Koreans to file for compensation. The court on Thursday found in favor of Yang Keum-deok (87) and five family members of Korean women who were forced to labor by imperial Japan during World War II against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Earlier, the court found for six other victims in their compensatory lawsuit against Mitsubishi. The Japanese company must pay W100-150 million to each female victim and W80 million to each male victim (US$1=W1,121). The Seoul Central District Court also ruled in favor of three surviving family members of Kim Kong-su, who was forced into labor by Nippon Steel during World War II. Nippon Steel owes Kim's family W100 million. The Scottish Ensemble The Bridge is a new collaboration between With the question mark hanging of United Kingdom's wider cultural relations with the rest of Europe as a result of BREXIT, four organisations are joining together to create a new Europe-wide collaboration.is a new collaboration between Scottish Ensemble (UK), Ensemble Resonanz (Germany), Trondheim Soloists (Norway) and PLMF Music Trust (Estonia) supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Over the course of two years, these four organisations will come together to explore, share and develop ideas around artistic innovation and audience diversity in the classical music sector, as well as initiating a string ensembles network. The Bridge emerged from a shared belief in the importance of embracing new ways of presenting classical music and keeping this art form vibrant, relevant and growing, as well as an awareness of how ambitious and innovative smaller ensembles and organisations can be within the sector.The Bridge will consist of both industry-focused and public events, so that the two year project will culminate in a three day festival of string music in Glasgow in 2020. The festival will include a major new commission as well as innovative and powerful live experiences designed to showcase the string repertoire."With the UK's imminent departure from the EU, strengthening cultural connections has become more important than ever. By fostering and protecting existing cross-cultural respect and understanding, and enriching our shared European musical heritage and finding ways to make it more accessible, responsive, diverse and innovative, we believe The Bridge can inspire long-term change within the classical music sector and encourage more people to enjoy the power of this shared musical tradition." - Jenny Jamison, Chief Executive of Scottish EnsembleFurther information from the Scottish Ensemble website KAMPALA The Bank of Uganda Deputy Governor Dr. Louis Kasekende has assured Parliament that the Central Bank has embarked on investigations inside the Banks security department after reports that the former Executive Director, Justin Bagyenda breached the Banks security and sneaked out with bags whose contents remain a mystery to date. Dr. Kasekendes pronouncement on Thursday followed concerns raised by MPs on the Committee of Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) who wondered why the Bank hasnt taken any disciplinary measures against the Bank security team who watched on as the bags left the Bank. Dr. Kasekende said: I want to assure this Committee that the breach in security is a very serious matter. There are a number of issues that have been revealed here and we have Committees of the Bank that we will fully investigate in parallel to any investigations that have been directed by this Committee. The Deputy Governors remarks followed the Committee findings, after review of the CCTV footage of the Bank that Ms Bagyendas bodyguard, Juliet Adikolet and driver Job Turyahebwa carried bags out of the Bank while the security officers; Beatrice Kyambadde and Charles Omoro looked on. COSASE was forced to institute a select Committee headed by UPDF Representative Francis Takirwa whose report revealed that there was a lot of negligence on part of security officers who knew what to do but didnt do what they should have done adding that the contents of the bags remain a puzzle as the input from the four suspects, who are now under Police custody didnt reveal much given they all denied knowing contents of the bags. Among the MPs that raised concerns were Francis Mwijukye who questioned how somebody in charge of security could allow bags to get in without verification, Why didnt you think it wasnt important to verify. Who asked you not to verify. In all this you see security, it isnt just a person above the bank, but you really see the connection. This isnt just about Bagyenda but we need to interrogate it further, said Mwijukye. He was backed by COSASE Chairperson, Abdu Katuntu who said: What this bag cant afford to do are officers carrying items from that institution and may end up in unauthorized hands which might be disastrous. You as top leadership, you should take this issue seriously. Nathan Itungo (Kashari County MP) asked Kasekende if he had had the opportunity to watch the footage showing how the bags moved out of the Bank, to which Kasekende admitted not having seen. Kasekende said: I havent had the opportunity to watch that video. The Deputy Governors revelation attracted concerns with Katuntu chipping in saying the matter has to be investigated to its conclusion because there is property at the Bank at stake, and the country isnt in the know of what property it was. Elijah Okupa (Kasiro County) wondered why Bank of Uganda kept on Bagyendas bodyguard on the payroll yet the matter came to the knowledge of the Bank in March, one month after the bags had been sneaked out of the country. He suggested to have Adikolet sent back to Uganda Police for reassignment as the nation cant risk the Central Banks property with a person of her calibre. As the MPs kept on raising questions, Mwijukye pointed out at Kasekendes lack of interest at the matter, wondering how he hasnt found time to look at the footage, I want to know why the Governor wasnt interested? He asked. Kasekende replied: We have a lot of interest when things like this happen, as reported by the Director Security yesterday, the communication from Security went to the Governor, the issues you are raising now are to the Deputy Governor, give us an opportunity and give me an opportunity, I will also talk to the Governor when I go back, what was he told, when was he told and what decision were made. We will definitely do investigations and hand over staff to our own disciplinary Committee. Of course, the issue of the emergency door, any breach of security will be investigated, Kasekende added Related LONDON Uganda has been named one of the secret suppliers of weapons that originate in the EU, US and China to South Sudan, defying an arms embargo imposed on the troubled nation by the European Union and United Nations, a new report shows. The report published by the London-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR) says the diversion of the weapons appears to have taken place without the knowledge of the original exporters and may have breached the end-user and non-retransfer condition of sale agreements with South Sudans neighbours, it says. Some of the military material retransferred from Uganda to South Sudan in potential violation of non-retransfer and end-use restrictions was exported to Uganda by states, including some EU member states, that had already imposed regional or unilateral prohibitions on arms supplies to South Sudan, the report reads in part. Weapons and ammunition purchased by Uganda from EU member states Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia were diverted to the South Sudanese military and armed allies in Sudan. The so-called retransfers took place after the EU imposed an arms embargo on South Sudan, the report says. It also notes an instance where a US military jet that was previously used in the Ugandan airforce was deployed in South Sudan in possible violation of arms export controls. South Sudan arranged for Uganda to issue end-user certificates (the essential paperwork for an international arms transfer)to make it look like these weapons were for the use of the Ugandan armed forces when in fact they were always destined for South Sudan, Mr Mike Lewis, the head of CAR regional operations was quoted in the report as saying. However, Deputy Defence Minister Charles Okello Engola said Uganda would never undermine an international embargo and took measures to ensure weapons did not cross its porous borders. I have nothing to do with a country procuring equipment from other countries and passing through our country. We dont have any powers of doing that, as Uganda, to supply equipment to other countries in that kind of manner, he said. Related Embed from Getty Images Officers with the Paradise (CA) Police Department find themselves with very little to dono longer receiving calls for domestic violence, burglary, disturbing the peace, or any other incidents occurring on a typical shift before the worst wildfire in California history leveled the town in a matter of mere hours. The area remains off limits to anyone but the first responders still searching the area for decedents and protecting against looterseven though there is very little of value remaining to loot. Residents who fled the flames are still being held back from the devastated town at check points posted on every road into the area. The reasoning is that if people are let in, they may remain, and it will quickly devolve into a lawless mess with little to no infrastructure. According to the Los Angeles Times, eight of the town's 20 officers lost their homes in the blaze. But they remain on duty, patrolling a town that no longer exists. Officers with the Groveland (MA) Police Department had just rescued a 44-year-old hunter who had capsized a canoe on Parker River, when they found themselves in the same predicament. Image courtesy Groveland PD / Facebook. Officers with the Groveland (MA) Police Department had just rescued a 44-year-old hunter who had capsized a canoe on the Parker River, when they found themselves in the same predicament. Officers went back out on the river in an effort to recover the man's firearm from the bottom, when their canoewhich they had commandeered from a nearby home, struck something under the surface and capsized. According to the Boston Globe, firefighters joined additional responding police officers in the rescue of the two stranded patrolmen. Police Chief Jeffrey Gillen said that both rescue efforts were complicated by a strong current a river higher than usual because of heavy rainfall. The State Police dive team went to the scene to recover the twice-sunken firearm, Gillen said. Officer Sierra Reprogal is pictured with Bridgette Crumley after she helped deliver Crumley's newborn baby girl at roadside. Image courtesy of Dickson PD / Facebook. An officer with the Dickson (TN) Police Department performed some roadside heroics as she assisted a woman in labor in giving birth to a baby girl. Bridgette Crumleyalong with her husband, three-year-old son, and mother-in-lawwere all packed in a car early Tuesday morning when they realized they werent going to make it to the hospital in time for delivery. Officer Sierra Reprogal responded to the Crumley family's frantic 911 call just as the baby was "crowning"that moment when the infant's head begins to appear. By the time EMS arrived, Officer Reprogal had already delivered the child and had the baby safely wrapped in her mother's arms. "Congratulations to Officer Sierra Reprogal for an outstanding job," the department said on its Facebook page. "Every call or stop is different and you never know what the next second holds. This Officer delivered a baby on the side of the road. This goes to show that an officer's job is very stressful. One minute, you may be holding the hand of someone who is taking their last breath.....or, on this day with Officer Reprogal, you may be watching a new life take its first breath. Wow! Think about that for a moment." Reprogal said on her Facebook page, "Literally one of the best things I've ever done or been a part of." This is the second incident reported this week of an officer delivering a baby at roadside. Sergeant Brian Maynard with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol delivered a baby on Saturday night near Raleigh. SK Group is mulling investment of up to US$5 billion in a new automotive battery plant in the U.S., chairman Chey Tae-won said Wednesday. SK Innovation in a board meeting on Monday decided to build the plant in Jackson County, Georgia. It will be capable of producing 9.8 GWh of car batteries a year. It plans to break ground early next year with an aim to start production in 2022. The initial investment totals $1.6 billion, and the plant will employ 1,400 workers, but that could be increased to 6,000. Chey was speaking at the opening of SK Hynix' Washington office, where he told some 200 guests including Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, representative Suzan DelBene and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell that the company hopes to "grow together" with U.S. society. Officers with the Everett (WA) Police Department will help wait tables at Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant at a local mall in a charity event to raise money for Special Olympics. The event is part of the nationwide "Tip a Cop" campaign to raise money for Special Olympics. Sergeant John Zeka told the Everett Herald, "This gives officers and the community a chance to get together in a positive way. We can meet and talk to people and its not the 911 call. It gives both sides a good opportunity to meet when its not something bad that has happened." The event is set to take place on December 1st from 1100 to 1600 hours. According to the Herald, last year's event at a Red Robin restaurant in Everett raised more than $4,600. The Michigan State Police provides extensive vehicle-operation training to its recruits. Photo: Michigan State Police Many people do their best to avoid driving in bad weather. They do it only when they get caught in a storm or if they absolutely have to be somewhere like work or school. As law enforcement officers, you rarely have the option of staying at home and waiting out the storm. And there is evidence that driving in dangerous weather conditions is one of the reasons so many officers are killed in patrol vehicle accidents. In most years, more officers are killed in vehicle crashes than in felonious attacks. So far 2018 is an exception, with more than twice as many officers killed by felonious gunfire than in on-duty crashes. Still, one of the big differences between accidental death and murders is that accidents can be prevented more easily because there is by definition no malicious intent involved in an accident. The best way to prevent accidents is to learn to recognize the hazards and train on how to prevent them from causing a tragedy. And if any law enforcement agency knows how to train officers how to drive in dangerous weather it's a state highway patrol. Consider the Michigan State Police, an agency that is charged with performing patrol and investigative duties in much of the state while also serving as the highway patrol. Recruit training in the MSP academy requires each student to complete 50 hours of driver instruction, including 40 hours behind the wheel and 10 hours of classroom work. In addition, working officers often return to the academy for in-service emergency vehicle operations courses (EVOC), which includes instruction in what to do when driving during dangerous weather conditions. "We encourage commanders to rotate their people through," says Lt. Michael McCarthy, MSP's precision driving unit commander. Losing Traction Ice and snow, especially black ice, are some of the most dangerous road conditions faced by MSP officers. McCarthy sums up the primary hazard presented by the state's slick roads when he says, "The problem is that you tend to break traction and become involved in a skid." MSP makes sure its officers know how to survive when their vehicle's tires break traction. The academy has a full-size skid pad, and each recruit gets 1.2 hours of training on it. In order to pass, they have to recover from three out of four skids. McCarthy, a 24-year veteran of the MSP, says people tend to complicate the skid recovery process. The most important thing is not to accelerate or brake. Then you have to bring the vehicle back under your control. "You hear about counter steering, you hear about steering into the skid, but we teach a little bit differently," McCarthy says. "We tell our students to look where the car wants to go and steer to that spot. It's basically the same thing as steer into the skid but a lot of people don't realize what steer into the skid means." Your car goes where you look applies to all driving, according to McCarthy. "Even in a simple exercise like the serpentine maneuver, if you look at the cones instead of the space between them, you will hit them," he explains. The 80% Rule The skid pad teaches MSP officers what to do if they get in trouble, but the most important lesson they learn is how not to get in trouble. They are taught to never exceed 80% of their skill level and the vehicle's capability even in emergency driving conditions, answering shots fired calls, responding to officer needs help calls, or pursuing suspects. "You always need to have a little bit of your skill and the vehicle's capability to recover if anything happens," McCarthy says, adding that regardless of the type of call, "You have to get there safely before you can do anyone any good." Speed is the primary reason law enforcement officers exceed 80% of their driving skills. McCarthy says it's particularly important that officers understand the difference between their patrol SUVs and smaller vehicles. "The faster you go with a heavier vehicle, the more inertia it has and the less it wants to do anything other than go straight. The faster a vehicle goes the harder it is to turn or brake," he explains, adding that slick roads from ice, snow, or rain means you have to slow down to safely operate your vehicle in the 80% parameter. That 80% rule is based on good weather conditions. When the weather turns nasty and road conditions deteriorate, so do both the skill level of the driver and the capabilities of the vehicle. McCarthy uses this example to explain how the driver's skills can even go to 0%. If a driver can't see from rain, fog, or a whiteout blizzard, even if that driver is highly trained and highly skilled, then any movement exceeds 80%, he says. "What you should do when the weather turns so bad that you can't see is turn your hazards on, work your way to the shoulder, come to a stop, and remain stopped until conditions improve." Flash Flooding One of the least understood dangerous road conditions that imperils both first responders and civilian drivers is the flooded roadway. A good rule of thumb for you to remember is that if you can't see the curbs, the water is too deep. A fast current of less than a foot is enough to wash most passenger cars off the road and carry them away. An SUV is higher and can probably run through up to two feet of water, but don't bet your life on it. In 2018 alone, two officers were killed when their vehicles were washed off the road, one in Kentucky and one in Missouri. McCarthy says the hard-and-fast rule is that no one should attempt to drive across a flooded roadway or bridge. And he rejects the mindset that officers have to charge through to get to calls, no matter the dangers they face. "If you don't think you can get there safely, then you need to weigh your options," he says. What often happens when a vehicle is flooded off a roadway is that it comes to rest in water deep enough to submerge it. And a vehicle can also crash into water and sink. This is why Michigan State Police officers are offered optional training in underwater escapes. The underwater escape course is some of the most involved training the MSP offers. It actually requires officers to rescue others from a vehicle underwater and escape from a submerged vehicle themselves. The academy has a submersible car that it dunks into a deep pool. The "car" was built by Rousch Performance for the MSP, and it's constructed of stainless steel so it won't rust. In the class, officers are trained how to escape from the vehicle while high and dry, then they are sent into the pool to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts. Divers take each officer down to the submerged vehicle with scuba. The officer is then fitted with a blacked out dive mask because visibility in Michigan's bodies of water can be minimal, belted into the driver's seat, and then they have to escape. Escaping from a vehicle that has crashed into water requires a clear head. You can't panic. If you can escape before the vehicle goes down, then do it. If you can't, you need to get out of your seat belt and get a window open. The seat belt release button should work because it's not electric. The same is not true of the driver and passenger side windows. It's likely that the windows will not operate once the car is under water. This is why the MSP issues a glass breaker to its officers. Once the window is open, you should let the vehicle fill with water to equalize the pressure in and out and open the door. The final step is to leave the vehicle and swim to the surface and hopefully to safety. Strap Yourself In Accidents happen. Regardless of how skilled you are, you can still make a mistake. Or more likely somebody else will make a mistake in a vehicle around you. So wear your seat belt. McCarthy says MSP policy requires officers to use seat belts any time their vehicles are moving. Many officers ride around without buckling up because of an archaic law enforcement myth that a seat belt will trap you in your vehicle during an ambush. Experts who study such incidents say they can find no evidence of that ever happening. They say officers should always wear their belts when driving. The alternative is to be seriously injured or killed should you be involved in a serious crash. If you were looking for the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee website and ended up here, try this Got news tips, gossip, suggestions, complaints?E-mail us: progressivecharlestown@gmail.com We strive to avoid errors in our articles. Our correction policy can be found here The UNSC's sanctions committee on North Korea wants to find out how the luxury car got into the North in the first place, an official told RFA. The UN Security Council is checking whether a Mercedes-Benz sedan President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un rode together in Pyongyang violated sanctions, Radio Free Asia reported Wednesday. The open-topped sedan used in the car parade through Pyongyang in September is thought to be a remodeled S600 Pullman Guard worth W1 billion (US$1=W1,121). But the UN banned supply and sales of luxury goods to the North in 2006. Since the first batch was not rolled out until 2008, the car's import probably violated the sanctions. The committee is also checking whether Kim's gift of 2 tons of pine mushrooms to the South Korean government violated the sanctions. A UNSC resolution adopted in December last year bans direct or indirect sale or transfer of North Korean agricultural products. But a Foreign Ministry official here said there was no violation of the spirit of the sanctions. "Basically, the sanctions aim to prevent the North from benefiting from economic gains, and we dont think that applies to the mushrooms." Beauty Valley is On the Rise From:ChinaDaily | 2018-11-28 23:22 The Oriental Beauty Valley 2018 International Cosmetics Conference, took place on Nov 23-24, in Fengxian district of Shanghai, not only brought foreign companies insight about Chinese market but also supported Chinese brands to seek opportunities in overseas markets. The event, a beauty industry gathering held right after the China International Import Expo in Shanghai and the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province in early November, successfully demonstrated Chinese beauty industry players' commitment and confidence to integrate with the world's beauty and health industry, according to the event organizers. "We hope this conference can help develop a communications and innovation platform between Shanghai's beauty industry and the rest of the world," said Xu Kunlin, deputy mayor of Shanghai. Themed at "Better Life Empowered By Beauty", the conference attracted more than 380 leading business representatives, industrial experts and government officials from more than 10 countries and regions. Speeches and forums featured in-depth discussions across topics such as beauty industry's development trends, how technology can support business growth and future development. Representatives from foreign companies such as Japan's Shiseido, the United States' Nu Skin and Italia's Interco Group shared their opinion on a broad range of topics such as how a foreign company could better adapt to overseas market, how technologies such as artificial intelligence could support business development and how beauty industry could maintain sustainable development. Kentaro Fujiwara, president and CEO of Shiseido China, who had worked in France and Germany for many years, shared Shiseido's story and understanding about Chinese market. He emphasized that "respect, objective driven and diversity" were three key elements in supporting a company's development in a foreign market. Chinese companies' representatives from JALA Group and Beukay Cosmetics shared their efforts and achievements in market expansion and innovation. Xu Kunlin, deputy mayor of Shanghai delivers a keynote speech at the conference. (Photo provided to China Daily) "The gathering not only offered demonstration opportunities for Chinese brand but also support Chinese businesses to seek development opportunities in overseas markets," said Zheng Chunying, chairman of JALA Group. JALA is a Chinese beauty products developer and manufacturer established in Shanghai Fengxian district in 2001. After 17 years of development, the company has become an industrial leader with more than 40 million members both online and offline, according to Zheng. Its skincare and beauty brands such as CHANDO and MAYSU have accumulated a huge number of loyal fans in China. The innovation-driven enterprise said that it now controls over three world-leading technologies, which are three-dimension bioprinting skin of Asians development and application, studies on epigenetics and researches based on results generated from outer space. Meanwhile, JALA has paid great attention on internationalization over the past 17 years. Zheng said JALA had long been committed to be the top player in Chinese market and is getting prepared in terms of talent pool expansion, quality control, legal environment studies and long-term global vision establishment. JALA will establish a department to overlook work in overseas market in 2019 to speed up into foreign markets. Apart from industrial information sharing, government officials were present to give participants hints on the latest trends and regulation policies in China. For instance, China implemented a new registration policy to shorten approval time for imported non-special use cosmetic products on Nov 10 nationwide. Li Jinju, deputy chief of Cosmetic Regulation section of the National Medical Products Administration, was invited to provide more detailed information on this new policy which was trialed in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in March last year. Li also shared some figures about China's cosmetics industry growth over the past three decades. Zhuang Mudi, Party chief of Fengxian district, delivers a keynote speech at the conference. (Photo provided to China Daily) In 2015, China's businesses reported 300 billion yuan ($43.26 billion) industrial output value, a sharp rise from 350 million yuan in 1985. The figures further doubled to nearly 700 billion yuan in 2017 and there are more than 4,700 businesses involved in the industry, Li said. Yu Jian, general manager of shopper behavior specialist Kantar Worldpanel, released the Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel which concluded from 40,000 samples from 373 tier 1 to tier 5 cities in China. The report said that cosmetics is leading the growth in fast-moving consumer goods sector. And both Chinese and foreign brands are attracting consumers in their own ways. The top 10 beloved domestic brands including CHANDO and Inoherb; and the top 10 beloved foreign brands including Estee Launder and Lancome were unveiled during the 2018 Shanghai Oriental Beauty Valley International Cosmetic Award Ceremony at the conference. Oriental Beauty Valley The conference also strongly boosted awareness of the Oriental Beauty Valley in Fengxian district and marked a milestone in Fengxian's beauty and healthcare industry construction. Fengxian district, in south of Shanghai, launched the Oriental Beauty Valley construction plan in 2015 to support its economic upgrade and transformation. According to the Fengxian district government, the Oriental Beauty Valley is different from traditional industrial parks and economic development zones which formed by new buildings and factories in a designated area.It will be a cluster which has a complete industrial chain including raw material procurement, research and development and marketing. In the long-run, the valley will also develop headquarter economy, cultural creativity, travel and leisure, e-commerce, sports, financial services, fashion and luxury industry to develop a beauty and healthcare centered and multiple industries coexisting industrial system. "We will build a health and beauty industrial ecosystem which combine products, culture and service under one roof to achieve integration of industry, urban and culture," said Zhuang Mudi. After three years of development, Fengxian district has reported outstanding results in promoting the beauty industry development. The statistics from the Fengxian government show that the Oriental Beauty Valley is home to more than 200 companies including US Melaleuca, Nu Skin, China's Cosmax and one of oldest Traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacy chain operator Leiyunshang. Construction of Wuxi App Tec's biopharmaceuticals R&Dcenter in Fengxian, involves 3.5 billion yuan overall investment, started in Nov. To date, more than 3,000 types of products are produced in Fengxian. About 25 percent facial masks used in China are produced in the Oriental Beauty Valley, according to Zhuang. Fengxian also lured many beauty and healthcare service providers such as China Essence and Fragrance Research Institute and a testing center supported by East China University of Technology. The Oriental Beauty Valley 2018 International Cosmetics Conference in progress (Photo provided to China Daily) The Oriental Beauty Valley was recognized as the Capital of China's Beauty Industry by the China National Light Industry Council in Sept last year. Du Tonghe, vice-president of China National Light Industry Council, said that Fengxian has established an industrial cluster which cover skin care, perfume and healthcare over the past few years. "Fengxian has established a strong position in China's beauty industry in terms of market scale, product quality and brand awareness," said Du. "Inmy option, Shanghai is the only region that can take the title." Looking ahead, Fengxian will continue to support beauty industry development and provide tailor-made support to high-tech companies which plan to raise fund from capital market. The district has established a 2 billion-yuan industrial supportive fund for companies, according to Zhuang. "We will make the Oriental Beauty Valley a cradle for the first-class companies" he said. Fengxian will also strengthen industrial cluster construction, research and development, services and talent pool development and build eight service centers including testing, design and marketing centers. "We will help companies explore both domestic and international markets and makes the Oriental Beauty Valley the starting point for companies enter the world market. We will also make the valley the first option for foreign companies which keen to enter into Chinese market," Zhuang said. The overall industrial output value of beauty and health businesses will hit 100 billion yuan in 2025, according to the Fengxian government Carriers eye paid add-on services to lift revenue From:ChinaDaily | 2018-11-30 07:18 Cabin upgrades, pre-booked in-flight meals, paid priority security checks and boarding, and other additional services will soon become more commonplace for most passengers in China, according to industry experts. Due to the more relaxed policies and regulations on paid ancillary services, carriers are expected to earn more revenues from such services, they said. In China, smaller and budget airlines, such as Tianjin Airlines, Spring Airlines and Lucky Air, have been actively trying to operate more ancillary services, such as the prebooking of paid food and paid luggage check-in services. State-owned carriers, however, have been more cautious, and they only provide options like prepaid seat selection on international flights. In the past decade, the ancillary revenues of the top 10 carriers with the biggest portion of such revenues surged from $2.1 billion in 2007 to $29.7 billion in 2017, at an annual compound growth rate of 30 percent. United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, Air France-KLM Group, Lufthansa Group, and Air Canada, respectively, make up the top six, according to IdeaWorksCompany, a US airline consulting firm. The ancillary revenues of State-owned airlines in China, including Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines, make up 4 percent of their total revenues, lower than the average 10 percent for global carriers, according to consultancy firm Roland Berger. "All the stakeholders are gradually showing more enthusiasm in providing ancillary services in China. The sector is expected to see a significant growth potential, driven by the rapid growth of the air travel market in the country," said Yu Zhanfu, a partner at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. "When taking flights becomes more common, just like taking subways and buses, and the number of travelers continually grows, demand will become more diversified. Carriers can increase additional charges and profits, by lowering flight ticket prices and refining and specifying products," Yu said. For example, British Airway cooperated with British retailer Marks & Spencer, to provide more high-quality in-air food with better-designed packaging. In addition, many carriers clearly guide consumers to book their in-flight meal beforehand online, which can help airlines to better manage the supply chain and increase revenues. "There were some policy restrictions regarding the charging of ancillary services in the civil aviation sector, but the regulations are becoming more relaxed, which will create more opportunities for Chinese airlines," Yu said. Meanwhile, a survey showed Chinese travelers are more than willing to pay for cabin upgrade services at the boarding gates or after they board planes, especially when they have purchased flight tickets with big discounts, yet many airlines don't provide enough such services, according to a survey by Carnoc, a major civil aviation website portal in China. "The survey signals what kind of services can be made to better ancillary services, based on the thoughts of travelers," Yu said. New York, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/30/2018 --Voila Catering stands upon its commitment to offer a wide range of catering services for a variety of events in Manhattan and surrounding areas. As one of the premier service provider, the company engages corporate lunch caterers in New York City and New York to serve the clients in the best possible manner. Whether it is executive board meeting or staff training, team building event or any other office gathering, Voila Catering stands out in every occasion. As a full-service business, the company comes up with a wide selection of menus and dishes to ensure that their clients have the perfect catering service. When it comes to organizing an event, they take care of every minute detail, ensuring that the clients receive the quality service on all counts. From office party to corporate catering, the company is ready to bring smiles on the faces of the delegates that attend the event. The other social events they have successfully served in include sweet 16 party, confirmation gathering, an anniversary party, baby shower, or any other type of get together. Over the years, the company has also satisfied the guests by offering quality cocktail wines. The standard menu comes in with various delicious choices. However, if one wishes, one can ask for a customized menu. Moreover, they take pride themselves on their experience by bringing exquisite food and beverage menus to their expertise in event management. The professional staff uses their experience to understand the vision of their clients for food and serve them accordingly. With vegan guests in mind, they also bring extensive vegetarian options that can be included so that one of one's guests have something to enjoy. From catered breakfast to catered lunch to catered dinner, Voila Catering can be relied upon for their passion and dedication in serving clients. For more information about lunch catering in Westchester and Manhattan, New York, visit http://www.voilacaterers.com/breakfast-catering-lunch-catering-manhattan-upper-east-side-midtown-nyc. About Voila Caterers Voila Caterers is a well-known catering company that is located in New York and at present it serves a varied range of customers. The company has been able to grow through the referrals that they receive as a result of their extraordinary customer satisfaction rate. Buzz! The song is a taste off Sutej Singh's new guitar-freakout album The Emerging. The past couple of years have seen relatively little experimentation in the Indian music scene, at least in terms of heavier sounding genres. The electronic movement is yet to die down and the alternatives to it are frightfully stale; worn-out rock or worn-out metal. This exciting development arrives from Solan, a small developing town between Shimla and Chandigarh, thanks to an effort that began over two years ago. Sutej Singhs new song from his upcoming album The Emerging, while clearly rooted in the past, is a welcome breath of fresh air. It has been an excruciatingly long time since something like Oceans Apart has come out in the scene. It is a loud, theatrical and dramatic instrumental piece (the whole album features no vocals), complete with big riffs, shredding for days and massive production. The composition makes no bones about what it is, and neither does Sutej, the brains behind it. The basic essence of Oceans Apart is largely influenced by John Petruccis solo project, Dream Theater and other 90s guitar-driven operas. Sutej Singh is completely fine with taking a dated genre and reintroducing it to the mainstream, and the music benefits from his fully involved and exclusive effort. Listen to Oceans Apart here: To look futher into the technical aspects, the guitar playing is not to be ignored; Singh can shred and noodle and do almost anything with sheer prowess. What also stands out is his songwriting capability. The guitarist picks and chooses moments to let loose, opting to write coherent songs instead of using an album to advertise his chops. Oceans Apart starts with a lonely guitar melody that builds and builds into a huge, anthemic riff that fills your ears entirely; it is supplemented by booming drums and bass, raspy rhythm guitars and a whole ton of orchestral instrumentation. It is this element that gives the song (and the album) its drama, and the listener the much needed emotion (commonly known among millennials as 'feels'). Every little space between the instruments is covered by big strings, most rhythm sections are augmented by violins, and at times strings are used as the main instrument instead of the guitars (notably Oceans Apart). There are moments where the guitar even sits back in the mix; the strings are front and center and hit you like a train. Its an intense experience. Mixed and mastered in Germany (thanks to Christian Moos at Spacelab Mixing Suite and Joachim Erig's Mastering Ranch respectively), the album features Scott Higham (Ghost Community, Ex-Pendragon) on drums throughout the album except the title track (Haken's Raymond Hearne fills in for The Emerging). Bassist Kylon Amos, flautist Gina Luciani and Leon Ross (orchestral arrangements) feature in Singh's most ambitious project so far. Sutejs writing process is simple but labored; he would start with a guitar melody and add layers as they naturally occurred to him. While he wrote parts for all the instruments himself (except the bass) and recruited session musicians to bring them to life, ideation with available resources and talent resulted into three years to complete the album. Sutej Singh composed The Emerging an instinctive manner without much regard for how this sound would sit in todays musical landscape. He is not particularly into electronic genres, and this song sounds better for it; though the production is modern, he has no time to make you contemplate with sparse instrumentation and subtle textures. The song is massive, very over-the-top and proud of itself. Older generations of listeners will recognize the old-school elements like the screaming guitars and big riffs, but there is a generation of listeners who are too young to have a reference to it; a generation saturated by electronica and djent. To them, this will be alien and familiar at the same time. You can pre-oder the album here: Buzz! Check out the glimmering new track from the Delhi rock band Its about time Kraken unleashed to the world their brand new direction. Although anyone whos seen them at the occasional show over the last few years knows that theyve taken a melody-heavy direction that avoids cliches, theres finally sonic proof with their upcoming album LUSH. With their first single, Yooo! Its a Letter From My Koi Fish, there was a signal towards indie, math and rock influences. Now theres one of their earliest compositions Clowns Arent Funny After Midnight thats made it to the final tracklist of LUSH. Its got a happy hardcore vibe, but remains unpredictably delightful for fans of guitar noodling, prog and whacked-out vocals. Guitarist Moses Koul tells us that the album which got its name LUSH very spontaneously is more about emotions and effects than chanelling influences of bands they admire. He likens listening to the album as a nice walk in a forest. Moses talks about places, people and experiences more than anything music-related while describing the process of making LUSH, which was recorded by Keshav Dhar. He recalls when the band visited Austria to play at European Bike Week in 2015. That visit, as a band and playing to a crowd that didnt even know they had guitars in india, that influenced us. United Therapeutics Corp. (UTHR) announced that Health Canada has approved Unituxin or dinutuximab for injection, in combination with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-2, and 13-cis-retinoic acid, for the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma in pediatric patients who achieve at least a partial response to prior first-line multiagent, multimodality therapy. Unituxin was previously approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in March 2015. The company said that it looks forward to launching the product for Canadian patients during the first half of 2019. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Business News Home Just In After public fury, govt withdraws odd-even rationing on Kathmandu roads Kathmandu, November 30 Apparently hit by the fury expressed by members of the public on social media and some spontaneous efforts to break the order, the government on Friday decided to withdraw the odd-even rationing imposed in the operation of vehicles and motorbikes in Kathmandu Valley. In its bid to facilitate the movement of foreign VVIP guests during the Asia Pacific Summit beginning in Kathmandu today, the government had restricted the movement of vehicles from Thursday to Sunday. However, public expressed their fury against the decision, forcing the government to go back on the second day. The Metropolitan Traffic Police Division says all vehicles can play the roads, irrespective of their registration numbers, after 11:30 am today. The Division informs that the Ministry of Home Affairs has directed it to take back the decision. Indian shares opened modestly higher on Friday to extend gains from the previous session. The benchmark BSE Sensex was up 132 points or 0.36 percent at 36,302 in early trade, extending gains for the fifth straight session. The broader Nifty index was up 37 points or 0.34 percent at 10,895, while the rupee strengthened further to hit a fresh three-month high on fresh fund inflows from foreign investors. Housing finance companies are surging after the RBI relaxed asset securitization norms for NBFCs. HDFC rose about 1 percent, Dewan Housing Finance soared nearly 6 percent and Indiabulls Housing Finance advanced 1.8 percent. Yes Bank jumped more than 6 percent after recent sharp losses. Tata Motors fell 2.3 percent after its JLR unit temporarily halted operations at its U.K. engine factory. Asian Oilfield Services rallied 5 percent on winning a contract worth Rs 27.65 crore from ONGC. Inox Leisure rose over 1 percent on fund raising reports. JSW Energy was little changed after it emerged as the sole bidder for Monnet Power. Vodafone Idea tumbled 3.7 percent as ratings agency CRISIL downgraded the ratings of its debt instruments. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Oil prices resumed declines on Friday amid worries about falling demand after China reported its weakest factory growth in more than two years. Global benchmark Brent crude dropped 0.88 percent to $59.38 per barrel while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were down 1.46 percent at $50.70 per barrel. China's manufacturing PMI stood at 50.0 in November, missing expectations for a score of 50.2, which would have been unchanged from the October reading. The non-manufacturing PMI came in with a score of 53.4 - also shy of expectations for 53.8 and down from 53.9 in the previous month, adding to signs of slowing growth in the world's second-largest . Amid deep divisions between the U.S. and China over international trade, analysts expect little progress on trade on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina this weekend. U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters on Thursday that he was close to doing something on trade with China but is not sure if he wanted to do it. Traders also await the outcome of OPEC meeting in Vienna next week amid expectations that OPEC and Russia would agree some form of production cuts in view of an emerging supply glut. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Market Analysis Hexcel Corp. (HXL) said Friday that it has agreed to acquire ARC Technologies, Inc., a supplier of custom RF / EMI and microwave absorbing composite materials for military, aerospace and industrial applications for an agreed-upon purchase price of $160 million. Hexcel noted that the acquisition will strengthen its existing advanced materials portfolio in structural composites and thermoplastics as well as provide new opportunities for growth and market penetration. Founded in 1988, ARC Technologies is a privately-owned manufacturer with about 170 employees working at two locations in Amesbury, Massachusetts. The company has a wide range of capabilities for producing RF / EMI and microwave absorbing materials and specializes in combining absorptive metallic filler compounds - including carbon, iron and nickel-coated graphite - with a proprietary blend of polymer resins to generate various matrix materials including structural composites and thermoplastics. Hexcel noted that ARC Technologies is expected to generate about $50 million in revenue in 2018. The transaction, anticipated to be accretive to Hexcel's earnings in 2019, is expected to close early in 2019. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Business News The Swiss stock market ended Friday's session with a slight increase. The positive performance of the pharma heavyweights helped the market to avoid a loss. Traders were in a cautious mood at the end of the week, ahead of the G20 summit this weekend. U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold a highly anticipated meeting at the summit to discuss the trade dispute between the two nations. Trump and Xi are due to hold a dinner meeting on Saturday on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Swiss Market Index increased by 0.25 percent Friday and finished at 9,037.76. The Swiss Leader Index dropped 0.3 percent and the Swiss Performance Index slid 0.01 percent. Among the index heavyweights, Roche climbed 1.9 percent and Novartis rose 0.7 percent. Meanwhile, shares of Nestle slid 0.1 percent. Lonza advanced 1.2 percent and Swisscom added 0.8 percent. The luxury goods companies struggled ahead of the G20 summit. Swatch Group and its rival Richemont declined 1.2 percent each. Julius Baer dropped 1.7 percent, Credit Suisse decreased 1.2 percent and UBS fell 1.1 percent. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Market Analysis Shares of Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (LH) continue to see substantial weakness in afternoon trading on Friday after falling sharply early in the session. After hitting its lowest intraday level in over a year, LabCorp is currently down by 10.4 percent. The early sell-off by LabCorp came after the life sciences company lowered its full-year guidance due to weaker than expected volume growth in LabCorp Diagnostics. LabCorp said it now expects full-year adjusted earnings of $10.95 to $11.05 per share compared to its previous forecast for earnings of $11.25 to $11.45 per share. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Business News After ending the previous session slightly higher, treasuries saw some further upside during the trading day on Friday. Bond prices moved to the upside early in the day and remained positive throughout the session. As a result, the yield on the benchmark ten-year note, which moves opposite of its price, dipped by 2.2 basis points to 3.013 percent. With the continued decrease on the day, the ten-year yield ended the session at its lowest closing level in well over two months. The strength among treasuries came as traders looked to the safe haven of bonds amid uncertainty about the outcome of the highly anticipated meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump and Xi are due to hold a dinner meeting on Saturday on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ahead of the meeting, Trump has offered mixed remarks about the likelihood the U.S. and China will reach an agreement to end the escalating trade dispute between the world's two largest economies. "I think we're very close to doing something with China, but I don't know that I want to do it because what we have right now is billions and billions of dollars coming into the United States in the form of tariffs or taxes. So I really don't know," Trump said Thursday before departing for the summit. "But I will tell you that I think China wants to make a deal. I'm open to making a deal," he added. "But, frankly, I like the deal we have right now." In U.S. economic news, MNI Indicators released a report unexpectedly showing a substantial acceleration in the pace of growth in Chicago-area activity in the month of November. MNI Indicators said its Chicago business barometer spiked to 66.4 in November after falling to 58.4 in October, with a reading above 50 indicating growth in business activity. Economists had expected the index to edge down to 58.0. The unexpected jump reflected increases across all five of the barometer's subcomponents, with resurgent orders, solid output and higher unfinished orders the month's key drivers. Reaction to news regarding the Trump-Xi meeting is likely to drive trading early next week, while the monthly jobs report is likely to be in focus toward the end of the week. Traders are also likely to keep an eye on Congressional testimony by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as well as reports on manufacturing and service sector activity, construction spending and factory orders. For comments and feedback contact: editorial@rttnews.com Market Analysis The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against a Delhi-based chit fund company and its directors for cheating lakhs of investors to the tune of Rs 10,000 crore by promising to double their investment in a year. The CBI booked Karol Bagh-based firm tviexpress.com and its promoters and directors Tarun Trikha, Varun Trikha, Veena Trikha, Sikha Trikha, Shakti Sharad, Anoop Kumar and Kabita Ganguly under charges of cheating, forgery and violation of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines. It was alleged that the firm was engaged in the business of share trading, commodities trading, holiday package booking and air-ticketing without any legal sanction or approval required under law. "The firm and its functionaries have been accused of collecting money in the name of Pacific Royal Airlines. They siphoned and misappropriated more than Rs 10,000 crore of investors' funds by inducing them to invest in their schemes by offering double returns on their investments within a year. But these promised returns were never paid back," the investors' complaint alleged. "The accused had created a software through which it was promised that investors can redeem their investments, but it never worked." The CBI's move comes after the Supreme Court's May 9, 2014 order to probe all chit fund companies. The case was earlier being probed by the West Bengal Police. The Asia Pacific Summit beginning in Kathmandu on Friday has created further controversies, particularly due to the disputed fame of the organiser and the governments investment in the summit. Therefore, most of major Nepali and English broadsheet dailies published from Kathmandu on Friday have published reports about the event. Likewise, the abduction and murder of an eight-year-old boy in Gongabu of Kathmandu has also been featured on the front pages of major newspapers today. Meanwhile, the Nepal Army took action against dozens of officials and personnel for their involvement in irregularities concerning recruitment of personnel. Many newspapers have covered it on their front pages. The meeting of Nepali Congress district presidents among other political, sociocultural and economic issues has been featured on the broadsheet covers today. Important Asia Pacific Summit controversy intensifies Kantipur says Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and his wife are among 1,500 couples who will receive blessings from the Unification Church amidst the Summit today. The Kathmandu Post informs that various government agencies are spending millions of rupees for various purposes during the summit. Meanwhile, the government is receiving international guests, though it is an INGO function, reports Naya Patrika. Another child murdered in Kathmandu Prayas Kunwar, an eight-year-old boy living in Gongabu of Kathmandu, was found murdered on Thursday afternoon, according to newspaper reports. He was missing since Tuesday evening. Police have said he was murdered after the abduction. Meanwhile, police arrested Mahendra Sarki, a driver of the guesthouse operated by the victims father, in connection with the case. It has been learned that he had told the investigators about the location of his body. Court martial in Nepal Army after recruitment irregularities The national military organisation says it has taken action against 173 personnel after they were found involved in irregularities during the recruitment of personnel. Kantipur says 11 persons including three officers were fired from the job. While the army had begun a court martial process against 187 persons, 14 of them were found innocent. Ignored Cabinet likely to endorse staff adjustment law next week After months of discussion, the government has finalised the ordinance to mobilise existing civil servants at local, provincial and federal levels, Rajdhani reports in a four column story. The Legislation Committee of the Council of Ministers finalised the draft ordinance on Thursday, and it is likely that the next Cabinet meeting to be held early next week will endorse the draft. The law will come into effect after President Bidya Devi Bhandari enacts it. Ncell CGT hearing deferred again The Supreme Court once against postponed the hearing on the issue of capital gains tax to be paid by Ncell, Gorkhapatra reports. A five-member bench of the apex court is looking into the case for past few months. The Supreme Court had included the case in the cause list of Thursday when it published its weekly schedule. However, the case was already removed when the court published its daily cause list yesterday morning. Trade deficit goes on increasing The Kathmandu Post reports in a snippet that Nepals trade deficit ballooned 40.3 per cent in the first four months of the current fiscal year. Rising imports of fuel and agricultural goods continue to dent the economy, the report informs, citing the data of Trade and Export Promotion Centre. The countrys trade deficit amounted to Rs 454.47 billion as of mid-November. Minister Ganskota threatens private media Communications Minister Gokul Prasad Banskota has warned media owners and journalists to their about their investment s and jobs while writing about news stories against the government, reports Republica. Speaking at his weekly press conference, Minister Banskota said the media should not write against the government as it is the main source of news as well as advertising revenue. Interesting New Everest height after 13 months Recently, the Nepal government has completed measuring the height of Mount Event, the highest peak of the world. Now, it is preparing the report and it is likely that the publication of the result will take next 13 months, Rajdhani reports in its snippet. It is the first time that the government is measuring Everest. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday arrived here to take part in the G20 summit during which he will have several bilateral meetings, including with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "I look forward to meeting leaders from other G20 countries to review the work of G20 in the last 10 years of its existence and chart the ways and means to meet the new and upcoming challenges of the coming decade," Modi said in his pre-departure statement. Modi will also be part of a trilateral meeting with US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the summit. In a press briefing at the White House, US National Security Adviser John Bolton has said that Trump's bilateral with Abe "will transform at some point during that meeting into a trilateral meeting" with Prime Minister Modi. Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said in New Delhi on Tuesday that a meeting between Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron is also being worked out. Modi would also meet the United Nations Secretary General, presidents of Argentina and Chile, German Chancellor and the prime ministers of Spain and the Netherlands. During the meeting, Modi is expected to highlight the risks posed by oil price volatility and urge more countries to join the International Solar Alliance. China and Indian will conduct a two-week joint military drill from December 10 in the Chinese southwestern city Chengdu with an aim to improve their capability to counter terrorism and mutual understanding. The joint exercise between Asia's two largest armies comes after their 73-day showdown at Doklam plateau near their disputed border last year. At the 7th India- China joint military exercise, 100 troops from each side will participate with the main to better their counter-terrorism efforts and skills. "The two sides are preparing for the exercises now. The drill will promote understanding between the two militaries," Defence Ministry spokesman Col Ren Guoqiang said here. Ren said the drill, 'Hand in Hand', will be held from Dec 10 to Dec 23 that will include live shooting and adoptive and basic training. India and China have warmed up to each other after the Doklam stand-off with Chinese envoy Luo Zhaohui saying that both countries are having best time of their relationship. Both sides are in talks to set up a military hotline to avert Doklam-like crisis in the future. US President Donald Trump has cancelled a meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Argentina ' title=' G20 Summit in Argentina '>G20 Summit in Argentina because the Russians continue to hold Ukrainian vessels and sailors seized last weekend in an incident in the Black Sea. "Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin. I look forward to a meaningful Summit again as soon as this situation is resolved!," Trump wrote on Twitter on Thursday. The president made the announcement from Air Force One en route to Buenos Aires for the gathering of the leaders of the 20 major economies, Efe reported. The Kremlin on Wednesday said that the US and Russian presidents were set to meet December 1 in the Argentine capital to discuss topics such as terrorism and nuclear disarmament. And a statement released on Tuesday by the White House detailing Trump's summit schedule referred to bilateral sessions with Putin as well as with the leaders of Argentina, China, Germany, India, Japan and South Korea. Last Sunday, a Russian coast guard vessel intercepted two Ukrainian gunboats and a tug just off the Crimean Peninsula in the Kerch Strait, a body of water linking the Black Sea with the Sea of Azov. Russian vessels opened fire on and seized the ships, injuring at least three Ukrainian seamen in the process. The detained sailors have since been put on trial in Simferopol, Crimea. The incident came six months after Russia opened a bridge connecting the Russian mainland with Crimea, which was annexed by Moscow in 2014 following the overthrow of Ukraine's elected president. Since the opening of the bridge, Russian authorities have drastically stepped up inspections of Ukrainian civilian and military ships passing through the Kerch Strait, seen by Russia as part of its territorial waters. Heres the good news. While its not the first time Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaois administration has assured us, if ever we needed reassurance about how not to be buried in debt and our ability as a nation to pay, the Minister of Finance, Sili Epa Tuioti, is the man of the hour. With so much talk and fear about debt trap, Silis take on how Samoa is handling its growing foreign debt is reassuring. Thats of course if we are to take him seriously which we should since he is a Cabinet Minister who is duty-bound to tell the truth. On the face of it, he seems genuine enough. Take the story titled Samoas debt levels manageable, says Sili published on the front page of last weeks Samoa Observer for instance. Given the number of questions asked about the Governments ability to pay our foreign debt, Sili was quite adamant. As Minister of Finance, I can confidently say that Samoa can afford to pay off their loans, he said, emphatically. In our budget every year we have set aside funds to pay on interest on all our loans with A.D.B., World Bank and China. There is no reason why we should not be able to pay and for Samoa as well, we only borrow for the essential need, such as the economical social infrastructure that is going to help us for the social economic wellbeing of our people to try and drive our economys growth. Okay then. For the uninitiated, the Governments total foreign debt stands at $1.1 billion. Thats the official figure by the way. Some critics argue it is much, much bigger than that and they have their reasons. From what weve been told so far, $416 million of it is owed to China, Samoas best friend. A lot of that debt is due to infrastructure developments that we can argue we dont really need. Dont ask me to explain. All you have to do is start counting the white elephants in Apia and the areas nearby, and you will know what we are talking about here. Can we say for sure whether these infrastructural developments are essential? You be the judge. Suffice to say, these developments dont come for free. And they are not cheap either. They will cost this country much more than the principle plus interest of the loans we are paying. Going back to Minister Sili, he assured that funds are being set aside by the Government annually to go towards debt servicing. For me as Minister of Finance, where we are today, we are able to pay the debts, he said. What about the next 20 years? It will be the same and it would be irresponsible for us to borrow beyond our means certainly as Minister of Finance, we are keeping a close eye on the debt level. Were not going to borrow money for something we dont need, we are also keen to make sure we borrow for what we need, not what we want. Fantastic. But here is a snag, if the Government was on top of its finances, given the picture that Sili has painted, why then has it allowed something that our forefathers would not have dreamt of doing when they shed blood, sweat and tears to lay the foundation for the Samoa we have today? Last week, the Minister of Revenue, Tialavea Tionisio Hunt, confirmed that eight church Ministers of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (C.C.C.S.) have been charged for not filing their tax returns. He went to say they intend to charge more. Due to the Courts busy schedule we cannot charge a whole lot so we have to limit it down to eight Church Ministers per week, he said. The law applies to everyone. The law does not wait until it is accepted by a certain group. We have given church ministers eleven months and those who continue to defy the law will face the consequences. They did not tax the church Ministers alofa back then. Whats more they would not have dreamt of charging the Church Ministers so that they would end up in Court. That is not what is happening today. Which is the irony of it all. If everything was all so fine and dandy as the Minister of Finance claims, why is this Government trampling on the dreams of our forefathers by disrespecting the their wishes in relation to Church Ministers? You see, when our forebears decided that Samoa is a nation founded on God, it obviously was something they revered, respected. What has happened since? How did we arrive where we are today? The simple answer is this. When our forebears secured Samoas freedom, there was no need to tax Church Ministers because there was no debt to pay. Times change, we accept that. We also accept that developments cost money and a lot of developments have been implemented since. And for more than 50 years after Samoa became independent, the Government did not tax church Ministers because there was no need. But because they have created a hole they need to plug, this is why they have committed the unthinkable. Not only have they taxed a sum of money people give as alofa, they have gone as far as to change Samoas ao o faalupega. Now dont rush over these Samoan terms. If you dont understand, ask someone to explain what it means. Personally, this in the Samoa that I know, and understand, has got to be the most disrespectful thing anyone could do. Lets see. So the Government charges Church Ministers for not filing their tax returns, what about Government corruption, abuse of power and mismanagement of public resources as has been identified time and time again? Have a wonderful Saturday Samoa, God bless! An Australian newspaper article that reported plans by the Chinese government to fund the building of a wharf in Savaii has shocked the Chinese Ambassador, and attracted a strong rebuttal from Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi. The Australian newspaper on Monday reported that China is negotiating with the Samoa Government to fund the redevelopment of Asau wharf on Savaii, a project which the newspaper claims will have major economic and strategic implications for Australia and the United States in the Pacific Islands. Chinas Ambassador to Samoa, Wang Xuefeng, was shocked when approached by the Samoa Observer to comment, and said he was not aware of any negotiations between the two Governments. I have to check this news and I will answer you, he said, before pulling the printed copy of the article out of the hands of the reporter, and pushed it into his pocket. I dont know and I am not aware. I havent heard of this and I am not aware of the whole thing. I will read the news first. This newspaper has not heard from the Ambassador after that exchange, which took place on Wednesday, after the diplomat officiated at the handing over of medical aid valued at $500,000 to Samoas Ministry of Health. The Prime Minister also rubbished the article by The Australian newspaper, saying his Government was only in discussions with China on the Vaiusu wharf. The project that we have in discussions with China is the Vaiusu port. I do not know where the report came from, he said, when asked by this newspaper, during his weekly media broadcast programme on Thursday. Look. We are very bright people. We will never do that thing of building a thing we cant pay for. Dont underestimate us. You should tell off those journalists. As I said, I like that journalist for his stupidity, in one instance is helping us in another. His stupidity is helping us to expose to whichever rich Arabian somewhere, that there is a port that needs to be built that will be excellent for fishing! But the strong rebuttal from both the Ambassador and Tuilaepa on Chinese government involvement clashes with statements made by the Asau Member of Parliament, and the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Lopaoo Natanielu Mua in April this yearwhich points to funding from Beijing. The Prime minister announced that funding through the Chinese government has been secured to deepen and widen the channel in the Asau Harbour, Lopaoo said, and indicated that the port redevelopment project will take two years to complete. Meafou Toloa is the 2018 Dux for Laumua o Punaoa, a Methodist Technical and Creative Centre at Faleula. The 19-year-old daughter of Meafou and Leiataua Toloa from the village of Toamua, she was overall top performer in the second year class of 2018 and came first in communication, mathematics, and Christian education but came third in computer studies. I am truly thankful that I have achieved such an achievement like this, but in every journey if we want to attain a goal we have to be prepared to go through so many obstacles. I admit it was not easy to budget my time wisely but also help my family with chores but I am happy to say that I did this all for them. I am simply ecstatic that God has helped me throughout my journey but not forgetting the never-ending support from my parents, she said. Speaking to the Samoa Observer, she said there were times she wanted to give up but it was her parents who kept her going. At times I would be confused with some of the work given but I pushed myself so I can aim high and achieve my dreams. But with everything I did, I kept looking back at my parents and their sacrifice just so I can have a better future. And not forgetting providing them with a better life so I can repay their kindness and they fought so hard just for my sake, she added. Becoming an accountant in a bank is her dream and she has vowed to work hard to achieve that dream. The reason why I chose this is because I like mathematics and that this particular subject will help me in the area of finance. I just want to thank everyone like my parents, families, friends but most importantly our Heavenly Father for everything that has helped me face everything, she said. Other awards were the first year overall student, which was won by Ruta Afasene while the award for Student of the Year went to Alaivaa Ioane. The award for best leadership went to Alis Lui. More graduation stories and pictures on pages 6-7. Allegations that an Australian tourist was raped has led to the arrest and charging of a man. This was confirmed in a statement by the Ministry of Police. The 30-year-old tourist lodged a complaint on Wednesday against a 32-year-old male of Sinamoga. This is in connection to an alleged rape in the early hours between 4am and 5am on the same day. The victim was taken to the Moto'otua Hospital for medical check, stated the police statement. The defendant had since been criminally charged with sexual violation and remanded in custody. He is scheduled to appear in court for criminal mention on December 10, 2018. The Human Rights Protection Party yesterday celebrated its 39th birthday and Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaois 20 years as Prime Minister. Speaking at the party headquarters yesterday where the celebrations were held, the Prime Minister acknowledged the presence of deputy council, Le Mamea Ropati, who is a founding member of the party. His presence is paramount, as we reflect in 1979 our efforts to dominate Parliament, but we missed one vote. Otherwise we wouldve reached a milestone, a new party and yet we were less one vote and like every event afterwards, there is a prayer of thanksgiving. Tuilaepa said the partys main goal is to protect the rights of everyone, including those who do not support them. We set aside our salutations and our differences and we come together as members of the H.R.P.P. You are the chosen ones to serve our country and its never an easy task, a task that needs everyone on board, he said. As Samoa progressed into the future, no one could see the future, but all they can do is prepare, added the Prime Minister. Tuilaepa then set out guidelines and reminded the party members to follow suit. One must follow in order to lead and one must serve if you want to lead, he said. According to Tuilaepa, the work of the party is broadcasted through a question and answer programme with the media on a weekly basis. Successful projects that the Government has embarked on include preparations for the Pacific Games, doctors working in clinics in villages and the exporting of Samoan bananas. The rationale behind the change in the national airlines branding from Polynesian Airlines to Samoa Airways was then explained, with the P.M. saying it will showcase Samoa to the world. There are ongoing negotiations for a second Airplanea little bit bigger than the current (737-800 aircraft)for the Samoa Airways, thanks to the perseverance by the Minister Lautafi Purcell and his team for this milestone. The Government is also working on building a jet bridge at the Faleolo International Airport as well as extending the runway to allow bigger aircrafts to land. Amongst other ongoing Government-sponsored projects he acknowledged was the Vaisigano bridge, a double lane road from Saina to Faleolo and the rebuilding of the Maliolio bridge in Savaii. The recent success of Samoa Rugby Union to secure a seat at the World Rugby Union Board was also commended. Deputy Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa praised Tuilaepa on reaching the milestones in his 20 years of service in office. The Samoa Law Reform Commission turned ten yesterday, and celebrated the occasion with a ceremony in their offices. The organisation was established in 2008 to enable Samoa to formally review and examine its laws. In just 10 years, the commission has undertaken reviews of dozens of Samoas most important pieces of legislation. Commissioner Teleiai Dr. Lalotoa Mulitalo Seumanutafa said Samoa is still learning how best to engage with the commission model, and how to best benefit from it. Like any other legal transplant from overseas, the Commission needs time to take root, and we as Samoans need time to get used to this law reform commission setup, she said. Looking deeply into whether modern principles or customary concepts benefit Samoa more is just one of the ways the commission addresses Samoas laws. The most challenging thing is finding our own feet. How do you promote customs and traditions in formal laws? How do you accommodate the individual principles (Constitutional) in law making alongside the communal (Samoan customary setting) principles? Now this, we must continue to try and address, Teleiai said. Whatever the outcome, it must be relevant and useful, she continued. Going forward, at least 21 outdated laws of Samoa are on the chopping block, following a recommendation earlier this year which was endorsed by Cabinet. The commission also hopes to review the Family Laws of Samoa, a review endorsed by the Ministry of Justice and Courts Administration. This is not a small project, given what family means in Samoa, and to Samoans. The Commission hopes to commence preliminary doctrinal, legislative, case law, text and scholarly article publications, overseas commission reports review etc, in early 2019. Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi gave the keynote address at the celebrations, and told the commission team he knows the importance of allocating necessary resources to their work. For effective law making in Samoa, law reform plays a crucial role, through its consultative law reform process, in ensuring that our laws are suitable and relevant to the needs of our people. For the Commission to move forward, we must allocate the necessary resources, time and money to improve its awareness and the process upon which law is made and reformed for the benefit of our people, Tuilaepa said. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) The U.S. has been blocking progress at the Group of 20 summit on fixing world trade rules, fighting climate change and tackling migration, according to European officials involved in the discussions. The divisions among the world's leading economies were evident from the moment the Argentine president opened the summit Friday with a call for international cooperation to solve the planet's problems. President Donald Trump sought to use the summit to make his own trade deals. Meanwhile, two men under heavy criticism from the West lately Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appeared to seek refuge in each other, bonding with a tough-guy hand grab as the leaders sat down around a huge round table for talks. Security concerns also weighed on the two-day talks in Buenos Aires. Argentina's security minister said eight gasoline bombs were discovered in an area of the capital where a protest against the G-20 summit began in the afternoon. Diplomats from the Group of 20 countries were haggling hard over a final summit statement, with deep divisions over what language to use on the Paris climate accord and the World Trade Organization. Two European officials involved in the discussions said the U.S. was stymieing progress on both. So an unorthodox solution emerged: Because of resistance from the Trump administration, an official in the French president's office said the statement may have language that sets the U.S. apart. For example, a draft says 19 of the participants agree on the importance of upholding the Paris climate accord, but the U.S. doesn't. The officials said the U.S. was also blocking any mention of migration in the final statement. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly about the closed-door discussions. Argentine President Mauricio Macri kicked off the summit by acknowledging divisions within the G-20 while urging world leaders to have a "sense of urgency" and take actions "based on shared interests." The summit is meant to focus on issues such as labor, infrastructure, development, financial stability, climate sustainability and international commerce. But as the gathering got underway, those themes seemed like afterthoughts, overshadowed by contentious matters from the U.S.-China trade dispute to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. European Council President Donald Tusk urged G-20 leaders to discuss "trade wars, the tragic situation in Syria and Yemen, and Russian aggression in Ukraine." He said the European Union is expected to extend sanctions on Moscow over its "totally unacceptable" seizure of Ukrainian ships and their crews near the Crimean Peninsula. "Europe is united in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Tusk said, calling the standoff "a cause of great concern." Russia and Ukraine have traded blame over the weekend ship incident which Trump cited in canceling a much-awaited meeting with Putin at the G-20. Russia's foreign minister regretted the move, but said "love can't be forced." Also looming large amid dozens of bilateral meetings in Buenos Aires: the gruesome slaying of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Saudi Arabia's Istanbul consulate and how the Saudi crown prince, who is alleged to have ordered the killing, is received by world leaders. As soon as he arrived, the crown prince was confronted by French President Emmanuel Macron, who pressed him on the Khashoggi investigation and the Saudi-backed war in Yemen. Bin Salman told Macron not to worry, but Macron countered, "I am worried." Saudi Arabia has denied that bin Salman played a role, but some leaders may be cool toward him to avoid seeming to legitimize a man who U.S. intelligence agencies concluded ordered the killing. Trump's administration has made clear it does not want to torpedo the longstanding U.S. relationship with Riyadh, however. It is the prince's first significant appearance overseas since the killing. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been sharply critical of Saudi Arabia over the incident, is also in attendance. Leaders of the United States, Canada and Mexico, meanwhile, met in the morning to sign a trade deal replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement that was struck following months of tough negotiations that analysts say left a bitter taste among the partners. Trump called the pact a "model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever." It must still be ratified by lawmakers in all three countries, and passage in the U.S. could face a tough road in the House of Representatives after Democrats won a majority in November midterm elections. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, whose six-year term ends Saturday, said the deal modernizes the trade framework, highlights a need for economic integration in North America and protects labor rights and the environment. Trade agreements should "move along with the economy," Pena Nieto said. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called on Trump to remove tariffs on steel and aluminum, saying they remain a major economic obstacle. While Trump canceled his meeting with Putin, the U.S. president was still scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, but analysts were not optimistic about prospects for a major breakthrough on the two countries' trade disputes a month before U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods are set to ramp up. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was supposed to get in to Buenos Aires early Friday, but her arrival was delayed when her plane suffered a technical problem. British Prime Minister Theresa May's attendance at the summit marked the first time a U.K. prime minister has visited Argentina's capital. The only other prime minister to visit the country was Tony Blair, who went to Puerto Iguazu in 2001. The two countries have long been at odds over the South Atlantic islands known as the Falklands in Britain and the Malvinas in Argentina. Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie said the recent establishment of more flights to the disputed islands was a positive development. Regarding May's visit, he said: "Dialogue must be maintained." "We are not withdrawing our historic claim," he added. "The focus of this opportunity is in the reestablishment of trust." Kathmandu, November 30 The Nepal Army says Khokana town of Lalitpur is more appropriate than nearby Pharsidole village as suggested by some locals to consider the beginning point for the ambitious Kathmandu-Tarai fast track. The national military organisation assigned to carry out the assignment presented its arguments for retaining Khokana as the starting point during a meeting of the Development and Technology Committee of Parliament today. The parliamentary panel had summoned the army after locals of Khokana protested the government plan claiming the construction works would destroy their culturally rich settlement. But, Chief of the Engineering Department of the army, Major General Yogendra Khand, said more land would be acquired and permanent structures would be lost if the starting point was changed to Pharsidole. It would also result in the increase cost, according to him. Meanwhile, the army called on political and administrative leadership to create a conducive environment to begin the construction works. Happy crew, happy boat is a saying that Race for Water Intendant, Christelle Brigeot-Mathieu, keeps in line with her responsibilities. Christelle is part of the Race for Water 2017-2021 odyssey around the world to promote clean ocean and how to best reduce plastic leaking into the ocean. She spoke to the Samoa Observer earlier this week about how she loves her job, and being only one of three females on board the boat. My role is to obviously buy all the food and also make sure that the boat is clean, Christelle said. I have to make sure that everyone is doing their daily routine like cleaning the bathroom during the hoovering and cooking. Everyone cooks - two crew members at the same time; one chef, one sous-chef, and they have to cook for the whole day. Sometimes there are better cooks than others, but we help each other and we make sure we have a good food, good meal, because for us when were on sea, when we are sailing, one of the most important thing during the day is sharing a good meal together, and talk about something else rather than the job. Because French obviously like a good meal, Christelle said she has to be a little mother on the boat in distributing rations for the crew. I have to make sure we have a lot of fruits for our voyage. When we stopover at a certain place I go out to buy food. Last Saturday as the Race for Water docked at the Matautu Wharf, she went to the fish market at 6am to buy lobsters and crabs. I know that there is a fresh market and supermarket, so I try to buy local because when we stay at one island we try to buy fruits from the island, the fish, the meat from the island and we try to eat like the locals, she said. For the next navigation to Tonga, I will buy fresh fruits from here because we have nothing left from the last navigation, so everything will be from Samoa, good bananas, good pineapples. We have everything on the boat. I know that this crew they like fresh fruits. So I always make sure we have plenty of mangoes, avocados etc. Christelle said some time she would spend about $1,000- $2,000 tala, maybe more depending on their stops. For Samoa, they are only here for a week. Its only one week this time, last time it was two weeks of sailing so it was a bit more. I try to have a budget, but at the same time I try to buy things that will make the crew happy, so I try give what they want, because were a Foundation and we do not have enough money, but we have enough to buy local. Sometimes the ration goes faster, so she has to keep some away and give the each crew member a small portion at a time. Like for the mangoes, I have to keep some away and give them little by little. So I have to give them bits otherwise they can eat everything in two days and then there are no more mangoes. So Im like a little mother for the crew, Christelle said. I try to make everyone happy, so that they have what they want to eat because when you are away from your family, sailing for two weeks, we dont have internet, the food is very important and also the cleaning of the boat, because when everything is messy, when everything is dirty is not good. I make sure that everything runs smoothly and everyone is happy. Sometimes it is a challenge, I miss my family, and anything can happen in France when youre away. Christelle joined the odyssey in Tahiti last two months and has never regretted her decision. I enjoy it, its wonderful. Its such an opportunity to travel and work for a cause, its so interesting. And being in Samoa, its so wonderful. I have never been here before. We got a chance to cruise around the island a little, its a beautiful island. I am very excited to be here. She is not only a mother for the crew; she also has a part to play in the general operation of the boat. I help out on the float when we arrive. I do my watch also 2 hours per day and per night when were sailing, I do pretty much the work of the crew, but I take care also of the interior and everything, Christelle. Kiwis, John and Raewyn Lamond, are amazed with what Samoa has had to offer them as tourists. Its very beautiful, very pretty. I think its prettier than Fiji and Tonga, Raewyn told the Dear Tourist team. The elderly couple flew into Samoa to celebrate Raewyns 72nd birthday and they have been staying at the Tanoa Tusitala Hotel. Yesterday we did a tour of the south side. We had lunch at a beautiful beach fale and also, both of us at the ages of 78 and 72, climbed down the slippery ladder into the trench and the back up again, Raewyn proudly said. The couple spoke of their swimming adventures with the fishes at Piula Cave Pool, their visit to the Robert Louis Stevenson house at Vailima and the flea market. It was absolutely beautiful and a lovely experience, we enjoyed the beauty of it but just the knowledge that the guide has, she was really great. It was very wet when we went to the market the other day. I think there was more rain coming through the roof than there was outside, laughed John. They were also very impressed with the richness of the culture and religion in Samoa. We love that Samoa is founded on God, said Raewyn. We also love that there is still discipline within the communities with the younger generation; thats something we need to get back into in New Zealand, added John. Amanaki restaurant was the couples top recommendation for a dinner spot, claiming it was good value for money. Although their trip has been great, they are looking forward to returning to New Zealand. Weve enjoyed this but when youve been away for a week or more, youre just keen to get back home again. But we have really enjoyed it. They have been married for about 20 years. They have six children and 13 grandchildren. Qualcomm has launched a new $100 million fund to invest in artificial intelligence startups looking to run their algorithms on devices in the field rather than in the Internet cloud. The fund is part of Qualcomm Ventures, the San Diego companys corporate venture capital arm with nearly $1 billion under management. Qualcomm Ventures has invested in 150 companies worldwide over nearly two decades. The artificial intelligence fund will emphasize investments in startups working in autonomous cars, robotics, machine learning and other applications where the processing is done on smartphones and other gadgets that contain mobile processors, said Quinn Li, head of Qualcomm Ventures. Some artificial intelligence applications require hefty computing power to crunch data that gleans information for users. These AI applications typically ship data over the Internet to data centers to perform the processing. Advertisement Qualcomm, however, has focused the fund on artificial intelligence applications where a significant amount of the processing can be done on smartphones, at cell towers or on other devices outside of data centers. The company refers to this as edge computing. Mobile processors and connectivity chips are core pieces of Qualcomms business, and the company believes the roll out of high speed, low latency 5G networks will enable more artificial intelligence processing to occur in cars, phones and Internet of Things devices. Our interest on the artificial intelligence is more around AI in smartphones and local devices, said Li. Our belief is a lot the processing in these devices, which are already intelligent, a lot of the artificial intelligence algorithms will be able to run on edge devices. Qualcomm Ventures first investment from the AI Fund is in AnyVision, an Israeli company that has developed face, body and object recognition technology used in security cameras. They have deployed in a lot of areas, like casinos, security applications to robustly detect faces, and their algorithm is actually implemented on the camera, said Li. Performing artificial intelligence processing on smartphones, cameras and other devices -- without having to ship data over the Internet-- may help resolve certain security and privacy concerns, Li said. Qualcomm Ventures expects to invest in about 15 companies through its artificial intelligence fund. Li declined to say how much Qualcomm put into AnyVision, but it was not the top investor in the startups $28 million Series A round. Qualcomm Ventures typically invests between $1 million and $10 million in startups. Qualcomm Ventures has invested in a handful of artificial intelligence startups in the past, including San Diego-based Brain Corp., which makes software that powers self-driving floor clearing robots used by big box retailers, convention centers and other large venues. For over a decade, Qualcomm has been investing in the future of machine learning, said Chief Executive Steve Mollenkopf in a statement. As a pioneer in on-device artificial intelligence, we strongly believe intelligence is moving from the cloud to the edge. Business mike.freeman@sduniontribune.com; Twitter:@TechDiego 760-529-4973 The Grossmont Healthcare District is transitioning from at-large to by-district voting for its board members. The district supports health-related community programs and services in East County, is the landlord of Sharp Grossmont Hospital and is governed by a five-member board of directors. The directors represent more than 500,000 people inside a 750-square-mile area throughout East County. Since forming in the 1950s, Grossmont has used an at-large election system, but in order for it to meet the requirements of the California Voting Rights Act of 2001, board members will now be elected only by the voters residing within a specific election district or zone. Advertisement The district will hold a public hearing on the new election plans at 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 3, at its Conference Center at 9001 Wakarusa St. in La Mesa. A Grossmont district board business meeting will be held a half-hour before the presentation and hearing. The hearing will provide details about the transition process with a presentation highlighting the districts demographics and mapping. The public will be able to give input about the composition of the new districts and map ideas. Additional public hearings will be held next year at which further input will be taken related to the content of proposed maps. *********************************************************************** The Rancho San Diego Sheriffs Station is looking for senior volunteers for patrol duties in Spring Valley, Jamul, Rancho San Diego, and in unincorporated La Mesa and El Cajon. Volunteers typically work about six hours a week and must be at least 50 years old, be a U.S. citizen or legal resident who has applied for citizenship, have a valid California drivers license and automobile insurance, and have medical insurance. They also can have no felony convictions. Prospective volunteers must also pass a background check, attend a two-week volunteer patrol academy course in January and be physically able to perform the duties of the position. Tasks for volunteers include: Traffic control Neighborhood patrolling Foot patrols at shopping centers Home checks of residents who are on vacation Checking on the welfare of seniors Assisting crime prevention officers with public presentations Our volunteers act as a second set eyes and ears in the community, said Craig Carlson, one of the stations volunteer administrators. They patrol schools, parks, neighborhoods and shopping centers, and when they see something suspicious or out of place, they call it in. Carlson said volunteers are important parts of the You Are Not Alone program when elderly residents are called daily and visited weekly. The San Diego County Sheriffs Rancho San Diego Station is at 11486 Campo Road in Spring Valley. For information on how to volunteer, call the station at (619) 660-7021. karen.pearlman@sduniontribune.com Live Nation, the worlds largest concert and live events promoter, will for the first time in its history offer a season-long lawn pass at all of its 29 amphitheaters in the United States. The list of participating venues includes the newly named North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre in Chula Vista (which, from 2016 until Nov. 1, had been known as Mattress Firm Amphitheatre.) A full list of participating venues appears below. Dubbed the Live Nation Lawn Pass, the 2019 season pass will give music fans unlimited access to attend concerts at the amphitheater in their respective cities. Pass holders will have unreserved lawn seats, which typically are behind the reserved seats. Advertisement The outdoor concert venues offering the lawn pass range from Ak-Chin Pavilion in Phoenix to Xfinity Center, outside Boston. Five of the 29 participating venues are in California: North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre in Chula Vista (which held 31 concerts in 2018); Concord Pavilion in Concord; Glen Helen Amphitheatre in San Bernardino and Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View; and Toyota Amphitheatre in Wheatland. Lawn Pass prices will vary from $99 to $399, depending on the amphitheater. The passes for the 2019 season at North Island Credit Union Amphitheater are priced at $299 each, plus service charges. The passes will be available from 1 p.m. Tuesday until Dec. 18 or while supplies last, at lawnpass.livenation.com and will be issued in the name of each pass-buyer. The passes will come in laminate form with the owners name and a special barcode. The pass will only admit the pass-holder once per concert. Matching ID may be required to gain entry. Live Nation Lawn Pass amphitheaters Ak-Chin Pavilion (Phoenix, AZ) BB&T Pavilion (Camden, NJ) Blossom Music Center* (Cuyahoga Falls, OH) Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood (Atlanta, GA) Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek (Raleigh, NC) Concord Pavilion (Concord, CA) Coral Sky Amphitheatre (West Palm Beach, FL) Darien Lake Amphitheater (Darien Center, NY) Glen Helen Amphitheater (San Bernardino, CA) Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre - Chicago (Tinley Park, IL) Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) Isleta Amphitheater (Albuquerque, NM) Jiffy Lube Live (Bristow, VA) KeyBank Pavilion (Burgettstown, PA) MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre (Tampa, FL) North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre (San Diego, CA) PNC Bank Arts Center (Holmdel, NJ) PNC Music Pavilion (Charlotte, NC) Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center (Noblesville, IN) Saratoga Performing Arts Center (Saratoga Springs, NY) Shoreline Amphitheatre (Mountain View, CA) The Dos Equis Pavilion (Dallas, TX) The Pavilion at Montage Mountain (Scranton, PA) The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory (Irving, TX) The XFINITY Theatre (Hartford, CT) Toyota Amphitheater (Wheatland, CA) Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater at Virginia Beach (Virginia Beach, VA) White River Amphitheatre (Auburn, WA) Xfinity Center (Mansfield, MA) george.varga@sduniontribune.com Twitter @georgevarga As if diving into the lives of a big extended family over two decades and three generations werent quite enough for Lindsey Ferrentino, the rising playwrights latest work poses an added degree of difficulty: An actual, functional swimming pool onstage. Of course, Its only 3 feet deep, points out Anne Kauffman, whos directing the world-premiere La Jolla Playhouse production of Ferrentinos The Year to Come. To which Ferrentino adds with a smile, speaking of her eight-member cast: And luckily they all know how to swim. Even if no lifeguard proves necessary in the Playhouses Mandell Weiss Theatre, The Year to Come still seems to represent a kind of swimming-the-channel moment for the prolific and prize-winning Ferrentino, whose recent, acclaimed off-Broadway works Ugly Lies the Bone and Amy and the Orphans were more intimately scaled. Advertisement The topper is that the new play not only visits with the same Florida family over nearly 20 years worth of New Years Eves it does so backward. For the Florida-raised playwright, the inspiration for that mode of storytelling sprang from the here and now. I think it was two things, Ferrentino says of what prompted the piece, as she chats before rehearsal at the Playhouse alongside Kauffman. It was right after the 2016 election, and everyone in the country was sort of asking, What happened how did we get here? So it seemed sort of a natural thing to look backward. And then I was thinking a lot about narrative and myth and how stories change over time, and a lot about family ritual, and my own familys rituals. This is not my family (in the play), but we do meet every New Years Eve. And its the same place, but the group and what we talk about and who attends changes over the years. The same stories are often told, but the stories warp as time goes on. And I was just thinking about that in relation to this country. If that makes The Year to Come sound like an overtly political play, both Ferrentino and Kauffman say politics often filter into the work more obliquely and indirectly. For the plays family, its sort of like an object thats used as a tool, observes Kauffman. Sometimes its shoved in the closet, sometimes its put out as a tablecloth. People really use politics against each other; they might use it in place of a personal argument they want to be having. For Ferrentino, the idea was to sort of have the politics of the last 20 years affect these characters daily lives. So if politics is brought up and discussed, its in the way that you do it in your daily life in order to, say, poke fun at a politician rather than necessarily debate policy. Its sort of how the national narrative thats been playing out over the past 20 years filtered down from D.C. to Florida to these peoples lives. Politics is above the play and sometimes drops down on the characters. And some years it affects you more than others. To Kauffman, The Year to Come also connects with the political sphere in another important way, and it has everything to do with how the director sees Ferrentino stepping up to make a statement on such an ambitious scale. Its about the idea of challenging yourself to do something big and messy and that you havent done before, explains Kauffman, a distinguished graduate of the University of California San Diegos MFA theater program and now one of New Yorks most respected directors. This is kind of a leap, but I think about all the women who are jumping into politics right now, who are going from the private to the public sector. And this need to be courageous at this moment, and really tackle more than you can chew. That attracted me to this, and is very appealing to me, because were in desperate, dire times now. Its not about closing the door and sort of hiding under your covers, or wrestling with the familiar. This is a moment where I feel we have to open our doors and look at our whole country and our neighbors, and the people who are disagreeing with us and agreeing with us, and try to figure out how to embrace that, and how to move forward. Turning to Ferrentino, Kauffman adds: I like that your challenge right now in terms of artistic development is sort of mirroring whats going on in the country. Ripple effect The cast thats been getting its feet wet with this brand-new piece includes some well-known names. Jane Kaczmarek, a seven-time Emmy Award nominee for Malcolm in the Middle, plays Estelle; Adam Chanler-Berat of Broadways Amelie and the Playhouse-bred Peter and the Starcatcher is Jim; Marcia DeBonis (off-Broadways Small Mouth Sounds) is Pam; Jenna Dioguardi (off-Broadways The Wolves) is Abigail; Pomme Koch (Broadways The Bands Visit) is Sinan; Jonathan Nichols (TVs Greys Anatomy) is Frank; Ray Anthony Thomas (the Playhouses Glengarry Glen Ross) is Joe; and Peter Van Wagner (of the Public Theaters Othello) is Pop Pop. Hard to say how many of them have shared billing with a swimming pool, and Kauffman says that aspect of the show has been an adventure. Its kind of astonishing, if you have a pool onstage, how much you take for granted, she says. Like, the ripple effect no pun intended that it causes for the whole production. The cast of La Jolla Playhouses The Year to Come sits poolside. (But not, as it happens, beside the pool that sits on the Playhouse stage.) (Jim Carmody) But if a pool isnt something you generally see inside a theater, Ferrentino has a history of showcasing characters you dont always see in plays. Ugly Lies the Bone focuses on a traumatized female war veteran; Amy and the Orphans is built around a character with Down syndrome (the story was inspired by the playwrights own aunt), and in its off-Broadway staging was portrayed at Ferrentinos insistence by an actor with the same developmental condition. With The Year to Come, Ferrentino says, I was more interested in a family you dont see onstage like as a unit. One that felt closer to my family this big, loud, messy group of storytellers, full of different generations and ages and races and sexual orientations. Sort of this big, microcosm, melting-pot family. And in my family, and I think also in this family, people when theyre telling stories are competing with each other. Everyone sort of speaks over each other and speaks at the same time, in conversations that loop back 10 minutes later, without having to re-reference what you talked about. I was interested in the way those big group conversations happen and develop and are enacted. To Kauffman, a founding member of the investigative theater troupe The Civilians (whose work This Beautiful City is now being staged at San Diegos Diversionary Theatre), The Year to Come feels like a comedy. Ferrentino isnt so sure: I never think I write comedies. I think I write funny things, but I was really surprised that Amy and the Orphans was called a comedy by every reviewer and marketing person. I never thought that play was a comedy. No matter how the new play is labeled, though, Ferrentino knows this about it: I just want to say a lot. I dont want to worry about whether someone might feel like this is too much or too loud or too long. Or too political, or not political enough. I just wanted to write something that made the audience be in the space where theres a lot to take in, a lot to process. And not even necessarily come to a conclusion, but just be thinking about the country. Where we are now, and where weve come from. The Year to Come When: Previews begin Dec. 4. Opens Dec. 9. 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays-Wednesdays; 8 p.m. Thursdays-Fridays; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays. Through Dec. 30. Where: La Jolla Playhouses Mandell Weiss Theatre, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive, Playhouse/UC San Diego Theatre District Tickets: About $20-$86 (discounts available) Phone: (858) 550-1010 Online: lajollaplayhouse.org Deep dives A few other plays staged locally in recent years have featured pools of some sort onstage. A quick look: A Room With a View: The Old Globes 2012 world-premiere musical, based on the movie, had characters cavorting (in the nude, no less) in a pond during a ragtime number. Dive-in Theater: This site-specific event from San Diego Actors Theatre offered work that unspooled in and around the pool at LAuberge Del Mar. The American Plan: The Old Globes 2008 staging of the Richard Greenberg play showcased a swimmable water feature that complemented the setting of a Catskills resort. Guards at the Taj: A pool of a very different kind: The 2016 Playhouse staging of the Rajiv Joseph piece, set during the building of the Taj Mahal, had its actors sloshing around in water turned crimson by gruesome deeds. jim.hebert@sduniontribune.com Twitter: @jimhebert The Big Apple for less than $100 a night? Yes! New York City will celebrate its annual Hotel Week Jan. 4-14. Go to www.nycinsiderguide.com/hotel-week-new-york-city to find out just how low your favorite hotel is willing to go. If that doesnt hit your sweet spot, know that the citys Pod Hotels are offering rooms for two, in January and February, starting at $79 a night. The WinterWow deal is available at Pod 39 (145 E. 39th St.), Pod 51 (230 E. 51st St.) and Pod Brooklyn (247 Metropolitan Ave.). Rooms at Pod Times Square (400 W. 42nd St.) will start at $85 a night. Youll get a compact room with a queen bed or bunk beds and a private bath. (At Pod 51, rooms are private, but some share baths.) Youll have minimalist furniture, a safe, a hairdryer and a flat-screen TV but no minibar, coffeemaker or room service. Wow rates include one free drink, per person, at the hotels bar. The daily facility fee is $17.22; it covers Wi-Fi and weekday walking tours. Book online at www.thepodhotel.com. Savvy travelers will keep in mind that NYC celebrates Winter Restaurant Week Jan. 21 through Feb. 8. Two-course lunches will run $26, and three-course dinners will go for $42 at some of the citys top eateries. For a list of participating restaurants and their menus, go to www.nycgo.com/restaurant-week. The Kenwood Inn & Spa in Sonomas wine country. (Kenwood Inn & Spa) The luxe Kenwood Inn & Spa in the heart of Sonomas wine country is offering a deal worth toasting this winter. Stay two nights midweek and your second night is free. The deal is valid Sundays through Thursdays through March 14. It includes a gourmet breakfast buffet each morning, a daily wine and cheese reception, guest passes to Parkpoint Health Club and a complimentary late-night cordial bar. Rates start at around $330 per night with your second night free. Youll also pay a $35 nightly resort fee. The tranquil Mediterranean-style Kenwood Inn has a pool and two hot tubs and is surrounded by vineyards, orchards and ancient oaks. Book the winter package online at www.kenwoodinn.com/packages. Advertisement For the week of Dec. 16-23 (only), rates at Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa will start at $99 a night with the $33 nightly resort fee and $28-per-day valet parking charge waived. The reason for the Elves at Work package is that the resorts pool, fitness center and Cava restaurant will be closed for a quick renovation. The resort will provide a free shuttle to the Hyatt Indian Wells next door (within walking distance), where guests will have access to the pool and fitness center. Other restaurants at the Renaissance will remain open, as will its spa, which will offer 50-minute massages and facials for just $69 during that week. Bump the nightly rate to $109 to include breakfast for two daily. Book online at www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/pspsr-renaissance-indian-wells-resort-and-spa. Downtown Portlands newest boutique hotel, Woodlark, is set to open on Dec. 15, and those who book before that date (for travel through February) can get a super introductory rate: Pay $125 a night instead of $250 a night, the starting rate for those who book after opening day. Woodlark gives new life to two historic structures, built at the turn of the 20th century at the intersection SW Park and Alder, in the heart of the city. Both custom-renovated structures are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The new hotel features 150 contemporary guestrooms, a 24-hour fitness center with a climbing wall, a restaurant helmed by celebrity chef Doug Adams, a cocktail lounge and coffee bar. Woodlark is dressed with a collection of photographic prints by Portland native Imogene Cunningham. The hotel has no resort fee. Book online at woodlarkhotel.com. For as little as $190, enjoy a two-night weekend stay at the Rosarito Beach Hotel & Resort, just south of the border. The Real Mexican Weekend Experience is valid for Friday/Saturday-night stays in a standard oceanfront room through Dec. 22. It includes Saturday breakfast and a Saturday night mariachi dinner show for two adults. Youll get day passes for the Casa Playa Spa and a 20 percent discount on certain massages. A big bonus: Youll get a Fast Pass for quicker border crossing back to the U.S. when your weekend is done. Theres no resort fee, but parking costs $3.50 per night. Check out the resort at www.rosaritobeachhotel.com, but book by phone at (800) 343-8582. Lake Tahoes Tahoma Meadows Bed & Breakfast Cottages has a deal for couples who need a break from holiday madness. Tahoma is on the lakes serene West shore away from the crowds, glitz and casinos of Tahoes North and South shores. Stay in a private cottage with a queen bed for $99 a night through Dec. 20. The deal includes breakfast for two. Theres a two-night minimum required for Saturday stays. Learn more at www.tahomameadows.com, but this deal must be booked by phone: (530) 525-1553. DaRosa is a freelance travel writer. Find more of her articles at www.AlisonDaRosa.com. Prices quoted here are subject to change. Restrictions and blackout dates may apply, and all deals are subject to availability. November 30, 1922 Evening Tribune The San Diego Union-Tribune will mark its 150th anniversary in 2018 by presenting a significant front page from the archives each day throughout the year. Thursday, November 30, 1922 Although Prohibition banned the production, transportation or sale of alcoholic beverages in America from 1920 to 1933, in San Diego it proved impossible to stem the flow of liquor into the United States from Mexico, where it was still legal to drink. Rum runners brought cargoes of liquor in speedboats directly from distilleries in Tijuana and Ensenada to secluded beaches from the Silver Strand to San Onofre. Canadian ships would leave from Victoria and Vancouver with cases of liquor, anchor in international waters off the coast, and and return empty to Canadian waters having mysteriously disposed of their product. Coast guard and customs officials faced a difficult task enforcing an unpopular law. Here are the first few paragraphs of the story: BIG BOOZE PLOT LEARNED HERE SMUGGLERS PLANNING TO LAND HUGE CARGOES Operating at night in lonely coves and secret or seldom used harbors and inlets, vast liquor cargoes were to be poured into southern California by rum runners engaged in a million-dollar illicit booze conspiracy, before the newly passed Wright law become effective, according to advices reported unearthed by federal prohibitions agents assigned to the office of Harold H. Dolley, it was learned here this morning. According to evidence reported in the hands of federal agents, thousands of cases of imported liquor were to be dumped into southern California during the first two weeks in December at widely separated points and at approximately the same time, in order that federal agents would be unable to break up more than one or two of the huge landing parties, if any hint of the smugglers plans should reach their ears. Despite the fact that the huge organized gang of smugglers probably knows of underground leaks which have resulted in federal agents learning of their plans, a desperate effort will nevertheless be made to land the liquor before the law goes into effect, which makes every peace officer in the state a federal dry agent, in the belief of government enforcement officers. Canadian, Mexican and South American ports will constitute loading points for million dollar shipments of illicit booze, federal men say, with the majority of the booze coming from Canada, according to advices received by them. Mysterious tips reaching Dolley recently convince him that at least six men familiar with coast and shipping conditions are working together on the huge liquor merger to supply their trade with sufficient stock to last until after the first of the year. View anniversary front pages online at sandiegouniontribune.com/150-years. For more from the Union-Tribune digital archives, go to newslibrary.com/sites/sdub. Searching is free, with registration. A fee is required to view full stories. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 Kathmandu, November 30 PATA Nepal Chapter organised a felicitation program in honour of Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO of Nepal Tourism Board and 1st Vice Chairman of PATA Nepal Chapter on 29th November at Bricks Cafe, Kupondole, Lalitpur. The program organized in recognition of his achievement of Highest IIPT Champions in Challenge Award 2018 from International Institute for Peace through Travel and Tourism at International Travel Crisis Management Summit (ITCMS) in London. He is the first Nepali to win this award. At the summit, he was also named Tourism Peace Ambassador and to honour that award PATA Nepal chapter gave him a symbol of peace in the form of a Lord Buddha statue. PATA Nepal Chapter Chairman Sunil Sakya extended congratulations to Joshi and appreciated his efforts in bringing back the tourism from the crisis phase. Talking at the event Joshi thanked the entire tourism industry and its stakeholder for their continued collaboration and support. I was just doing my duty; nothing extra. I am just the face but the recognition is for the entire team and tourism fraternity. I always love to take challenges and challenges have always given fruitful outcome form me. A convicted killer in Honduras and an MS-13 gang member also from Honduras were arrested in California last weekend after crossing the border illegally, Border Patrol said Friday. The two are being held up by federal authorities as examples of some of the criminals who have traveled through Mexico to the border with Central American caravans hoping to enter the U.S., many through the asylum process. Both arrests occurred last Saturday. Around 11 p.m., agents detected three people crossing the border about one mile east of the San Ysidro Port of Entry, authorities said. The trio was arrested and taken to a Border Patrol station for processing. There, documents indicated that one of the men had been recently released from prison in Honduras after serving 10 years for homicide and three years for robbery. Advertisement The man, 46, admitted hed been released four months ago and traveled with the caravan to Tijuana. The mans record was confirmed with the Honduran Consulate in Los Angeles. The two other men with him, ages 22 and 38, are also from Honduras. One had been previously deported, authorities said. All three are being held in Department of Homeland Security custody pending deportation proceedings, officials said. It was unclear why they werent being charged criminally with illegal entry under the Trump administrations zero tolerance policy. Earlier in the evening near the Calexico Port of Entry, Border Patrol agents encountered a 29-year-old man suspected of being in the country illegally, authorities said. The man told agents that he was a Honduran citizen who had traveled with the caravan, and that he was an active gang member with MS-13, a notoriously violent group. He also was being held pending immigration processing and repatriation to Honduras, with no criminal charges filed. kristina.davis@sduniontribune.com Twitter: @kristinadavis Gordon Walker has resigned as the CEO of the Regional Task Force on the Homeless a month after leaving for missionary duty in Rome and has been replaced by Tamera Kohler, the organizations chief operating officer who had been serving as interim head. Board members made the decision to accept his resignation and hire Kohler as the new CEO in closed session at the task forces Wednesday afternoon board meeting. Walker had been CEO of the task force since July 2017. He had been credited with helping to dramatically reduce the number of chronically homeless people in Utah over a decade while director of the states Division of Housing and Community Development. After retiring from that position, Walker served as a missionary for the Mormon Church in Germany for 18 months and was recruited by the task force shortly after returning to Salt Lake City. Advertisement Earlier this year, he surprised many members of the task force by announcing that he had been called back to missionary service, this time to help with the opening of a Mormon temple in Rome. He vowed to return next March, if not sooner, and said he left his possessions in storage in San Diego with the intention of moving back. The announcement did not sit well with some board members, who openly questioned the direction the board was headed in October during the last meeting Walker attended. Kohler also came to San Diego with an impressive track record, having earned recognition for her work with Walker in Utah and later as the homeless strategy and investment division director in Seattle, Wash. She was hired as the task force COO in October 2017. Greg Anglea, CEO of Interfaith Community Services in Escondido, was among the board members who expressed concerns last month about the task force moving forward with an interim CEO while also searching for a temporary COO to fill in for Kohler. On Wednesday, he said the board had made the right call. I think its an excellent decision, he said. I mentioned at the last full board meeting that to not have a permanent CEO in place is problematic for where the Regional Task Force is right now. Anglea also praised Kohler for the work she has done so far on the task force. Shes done an excellent job as the COO and we have a lot of faith in her to tackle the big challenges, he said. I have a lot of confidence in Tamera as our CEO. Anglea also said the board made the right decision Wednesday in appointing San Diego City Councilman Chris Ward as chair of the task force. Ward, who also is chair of the citys Select Committee on Homelessness, had served as vice chair of the task force and will replace San Diego County Supervisor Ron Roberts as chair. Im honored to have been selected to serve as chair and look forward to working closely with newly appointed permanent CEO Tamera Kohler, RTFH staff, and the board as we continue serving San Diegos homeless population, Ward said in a statement released Wednesday. I look forward to building on the considerable progress made over the last two years in redesigning this organization to more effectively collaborate with regional stakeholders and serve vulnerable populations across the county. Im thankful for the trust of the board to lead us in the year to come, and look forward to the promising opportunities ahead, he said. Homeless Playlist On Now San Diego hepatitis outbreak continues to grow: 481 cases On Now Homeless entrenched in booming tent city along Santa Ana River On Now San Diego mayor agreed to homeless hub, then delayed, advocates say On Now Homeless outreach in San Diego On Now Video: Street Art: Portraits of San Diego's Homeless #8 On Now In poverty himself, 'Water Man Dave,' is the fearless saint of San Diego's homeless 5:41 On Now Video: Homeless living in cars find safe havens 2:21 On Now Street Art: Portraits of San Diego's Homeless #7 On Now Pitching a tent plan for San Diego's homeless On Now Homeless efforts get $80M boost for various services gary.warth@sduniontribune.com Twitter: @GaryWarthUT 760-529-4939 The performance begins with Bea Sullivan-Knoff emerging on stage with a brown paper bag over her head. It says, on all four sides, Touch Me. Sullivan-Knoff, a 26-year-old transgender performance artist in Chicago, appears fully nude, inviting the audience to objectify her, she said. Its supposed to be ironic, a literal depiction of the way she and other transgender people feel when the government dictates the terms of their bodies: deeply vulnerable, sometimes terrified. There was something empowering about being able to do that and being fine at the end of it, she told The Washington Post. But in 2016, a venue where she was scheduled to perform called with disappointing news, Sullivan-Knoff said. She could neither perform fully nude nor, as Sullivan-Knoff proposed alternatively, only from the waist-up, because a Chicago ordinance prohibited it. Advertisement So Sullivan-Knoff agreed to change her performance - and then she sued the City of Chicago in federal court, arguing that its ban on the exposure of female breasts in establishments that serve liquor is unconstitutional. Sullivan-Knoffs case rests on two main points, one traditional and one relatively novel. She argues, as does the Free the Nipple movement, that laws barring women but not men from exposing their chests are unconstitutionally discriminatory and based on little more than societys sexualization of women. But she also questions the very definition of female breasts in the context of transgender people and whether authorities can fairly apply laws based on binary gender to gender-non-conforming people. That problem, she suggests, extends beyond ordinances censoring breast exposure. For example, she questioned, would police enforce the ordinance against a transgender woman who is legally female but whose breasts are biologically male? What about against a transgender man who is legally male but whose breasts have yet to be surgically reduced? Are those breasts still female"in the eyes of authorities? In a ruling earlier this month, a federal judge in Chicago appeared receptive to considering the questions Sullivan-Knoff raised - or at least curious about them. At minimum, wrote U.S. District Judge Andrea R. Wood in the Nov. 12 ruling, these questions pose serious concerns in the abstract, as nothing in the text of the Ordinance provides a clear answer. In the ruling denying the citys motion to dismiss, Wood agreed that Sullivan-Knoff put forth compelling arguments. She was unpersuaded by the citys defense that female breasts are treated differently than male breasts because they create a sexual environment. Chicagos attorneys argued that the purpose of the law is to combat the secondary effects resulting from the combination of nude and semi-nude dancing and alcohol consumption, but Wood called that into question. She allowed Sullivan-Knoffs case to move forward on her claims that the ordinance violates the Constitutions Equal Protection guarantee, meaning its discriminatory against women, and that as applied to transgender people its unconstitutionally vague. Stating female and assuming we can all understand whether that applies to us doesnt work when you start to look at trans and intersex folks, Sullivan-Knoff said. You can find so many different kinds of bodies tied to those two gender markers. The diversity gets lost when you just say its either an F or an M. Sullivan-Knoffs questions arent just hypothetical. For example, in 2010, police in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, told WBOC News that they werent exactly sure how to apply a law banning female breast exposure to a group of transgender women, some who had not fully transitioned, who were sunbathing topless. They ultimately decided not to enforce it, because they said the women still had male genitalia. Nan Hunter, a law professor at Georgetown University and scholar at UCLAs Williams Institute on sexual orientation and gender identity law, said that Sullivan-Knoffs case reflects the complications transgender people encounter when trying to comply with laws written for a binary gender world. Hurdles arise for those seeking to change their gender markers on drivers licenses or passports, Hunter said, or for those seeking redress for discrimination based on gender identity, which can be complicated because many laws are restricted to sexual orientation or sex. When it comes to laws policing bodies, she said, gender fluidity can create a situation where you can have an anomaly, in which the traditional binary gender notions dont always apply to gender-non-conforming individuals. The trans movement is forcing institutions across society to question the extent to which gender categories are necessary or even useful, Hunter said. Sullivan-Knoffs case, she said, is one of those fascinating cases where the law itself may be minor, but it ends up raising really important questions. In court, the City of Chicago argued that displaying bare breasts almost invariably conveys sexual overtones and cited a U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruling that upheld a ban on female toplessness in 1998. But Wood was skeptical of that reasoning, noting that the heightened sexual nature of female breasts might just be a product of societys sexual objectification of women. She cited a federal ruling last year that struck down an ordinance in Fort Collins, Colo. U.S. District Judge R. Brooke Jackson agreed with plaintiffs, the Free the Nipple campaign, that a law banning women from exposing their chests in public perpetuates a stereotype engrained in our society that female breasts are primarily objects of sexual desire whereas male breasts are not. Mary Grieb, Sullivan-Knoffs attorney, argued that Chicagos ordinance blatantly advances the same stereotype Jackson ruled against in Colorado, a decision that remains on appeal. Grieb may face an uphill battle: In a 2-1 ruling in 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit upheld Chicagos public indecency law banning exposure of female breasts, an ordinance similar to but separate from the one Sullivan-Knoff is challenging. Writing for the majority, Judge Diane Sykes said the government had a legitimate objective to uphold traditional moral norms and public order. But Grieb said Sullivan-Knoffs First Amendment protections as a performance artist are likely to bolster her case. The city is relying on societal conventions because that has worked in the past and has been enough to justify these types of laws, Grieb said. But as society has evolved, the law is slowly but surely, I hope, evolving to catch up. Published by the Washington Post. A mother is furious after a California Southwest airlines gate agent mocked her daughters name Abcde and posted about it on social media. Traci Redford was boarding a flight at with her daughter Abcde, who pronounces her name Ab-city, at John Wayne Airport in Orange County when an employee mocked her daughters name, KABC-TV reported. Redford and her daughter preboard flights because her daughter suffers from epilepsy. The gate agent started mocking my childs name, laughing, pointing at me and my daughter, and then talking to other employees, so I turned around and just said like Hey, I can hear you, so if I can hear you, my daughter can too, like Id appreciate if youd just stop. Redford told KABC-TV. Advertisement The employee took a picture of Abcdes boarding pass and posted it on social media. Redfords daughter did not understand why the employee was laughing. She asked me, Mom, why is she laughing at my name? Redford said. I said, You know honey, not everybody is nice and not everyone is gonna be nice. And you know, its unfortunate. Redford made a formal complaint to Southwest after she found out about the post from someone else who saw it on Facebook. After two weeks, she says Southwest has not done anything. Southwest responded to the Daily News with a statement: We extend our sincere apology to the family. We take great pride in extending our Southwest Hospitality to all of our Customers, which includes living by the Golden Rule and treating every individual with respect, in person or online. The post is not indicative of the care, respect, and civility we expect from all of our Employees. We have followed up with the Employee involved, and while we do not disclose personnel actions publicly, we are using this as an opportunity to reinforce our policies and emphasize our expectations for all Employees. Some social media users are not empathetic with Redford and say she should be mocked instead A TX woman is upset that a Southwest agent made fun of her five yr old daughter's name; Abcde. That's not a name. That's pieces of a name. It's like she got a name at IKEA and just didn't put it together. Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) November 29, 2018 I feel sorry for the couple hundred little girls who will be teased and bullied because selfish irresponsible abusive mothers like #TraciRedford named them "Abcde." My deadname is a misspelled ugly weed to be unique, it's misery. I couldn't imagine living with that name. Zan Pyreanor (@ZanPyr) November 29, 2018 Oh dear. The gate agent was wrong...but woman, you cannot name your child ABCDE and expect smooth sailing ffs https://t.co/qSWUW9kedQ Louisa (@LouisatheLast) November 29, 2018 Once she popped the lid on her chips, the fun stopped for this woman. An Irish woman was sentenced to two months in prison after she opened a can of Pringles without paying. Kathleen McDonagh, 25, opened a can of Pringles in a Tesco store where she had been banned in Cork, Ireland without paying for them, BBC reported. McDonagh received a four-month prison sentence with two months suspended for criminal damage done to the can of Pringles which costs less than $2 almost two years ago on December 27, 2016. Advertisement Staff recognized McDonagh, who had the chips and was headed toward the self checkout. She was asked to leave the store by security, and responded by popping the lid off a can of Pringles and breaking the seal. I opened it so you have to leave me pay for it, McDonagh said, according to an inspector. McDonagh said in court she opened the chips so security would be forced to let her pay for them. The officer told Judge Brian OShea the can of Pringles was not fit for resale and cited a 1.50 loss. She had no permission to be in the store, the officer said. McDonagh has a history of criminal damage, including 14 previous theft charges, as reported by the Irish Examiner. Two of McDonaghs prior offenses were for criminal damage, but the past sentences did not seem to affect her, OShea said. He cited her actions as smart Alec behavior. Her legal team noted she was recently married and several months pregnant, and entered a guilty plea asking for leniency. She deliberately opened the product when she was asked to leave, however, the judge noted and sentenced her to prison for the criminal damage. A leading earthquake expert says San Diego should consider accelerating replacement of aging water pipes and completing a comprehensive inventory of local buildings, especially structures made of unreinforced brick. While San Diego faces less risk of a major earthquake than Los Angeles or San Francisco, Dr. Lucy Jones told San Diego officials this month that the risk of damage might be similar here because those cities are better prepared. Thats primarily because San Diego was held to lower standards than Californias other cities when ambitious state requirements for buildings, bridges and water systems were adopted in the 1970s and 1980s, Jones said. The lower standards, which were based on the lesser perceived risk in San Diego, made retrofits cheaper for property owners and taxpayers. But the trade-off is that San Diego now has more vulnerable buildings and infrastructure, Jones said. Advertisement And the perception of risk for San Diego went up in 1990 when scientists discovered that the Rose Canyon Fault, which extends from San Diego Bay up through La Jolla and into the ocean, is active and dangerous. The picture changed when we discovered the Rose Canyon Fault and proved that it was active, Jones told the City Councils Infrastructure Committee. That really changed your risk. Jones, a longtime research associate at Caltechs Seismological Laboratory and author of a book on natural disasters called The Big Ones, said San Diego is also behind Los Angeles and some other cities in additional ways. In 2015, L.A. began replacing aging pipes with new seismic-safe pipes made in Japan. Jones, who helped craft the replacement plan in L.A., said San Diego should consider following suit because the more flexible pipes could avert disaster. She said the water system is typically a citys most vulnerable point in an earthquake because shifting ground cracks pipes, potentially depriving a recovering community of its crucial water supply. James Nagelvoort, director of San Diegos Public Works Department, said city officials have upgraded many of the citys large water transmission lines, but that smaller pipes only get upgraded when a problem requires their replacement. He said the citys approach has been similar on other structures, such as buildings and bridges, where upgrades typically only happen when there is new construction, not retrofitting An example is the new version of the W. Mission Bay Drive Bridge now under construction, which includes seismic-friendly pipes and supports that are driven deep into the bedrock, Nagelvoort said. Were not racing out there and replacing every building that we have, he said. We dont have the money or the resources to do that. Jones stressed that the cost of seismic-friendly pipe is quickly coming down, primarily because L.A.s commitment to replacing all its pipe has created new competition by spurring more companies to enter the expanding market. San Diegos 280,000 water and sewer customers would face higher bills if the city decided to follow L.A.s lead on seismic pipe retrofitting. And those increases would come amid additional spikes to pay for Pure Water, a $3 billion plan to recycle treated sewage into drinking water. Jones said San Diego could start the process by creating an inventory of how many pipes there are in the citys water system and how old each pipe is. Jones said San Diego should also consider following L.A.s lead on buildings. A new law there requires mandatory retrofits of quake-vulnerable buildings within 25 years. She said unreinforced brick buildings are the most dangerous. San Diego would need to inventory how many such buildings there are in the city before considering any retrofit requirements. Councilman Mark Kersey, chairman of the Infrastructure Committee, said he invited Jones to give a presentation because he thinks San Diego officials should be more vigilant. Its something we dont often think about around here because we havent had the big ones here like theyve had in other parts of the state, but were at risk, Kersey said. david.garrick@sduniontribune.com (619) 269-8906 Twitter:@UTDavidGarrick Kathmandu, November 30 Police in Kathmandu say they have detained some human rights activities while they were staging a protest in front of the Indian Embassy here. Amnesty International Nepal, one of the leading human rights groups of the country, has organised the demonstration in relation with a human rights violation case in India. Those detained include AI Nepal Chairperson Bikram Dhukuchhu and General Secretary Karna Bahadur Kunwal. They are kept at the Metropolitan Police Circle office in Lainchaur. DSP Hobinda Bogati, spokesperson of the Metropolitan Police Range, says the demonstrators were arrested as they obstructed the movement of VVIPs who are in Kathmandu for the Asia Pacific Summit. He assures that they will be released soon. After meeting with advocates for asylum seekers and visiting an immigration detention center Thursday, Governor-elect Gavin Newsom spoke of the need for greater urgency and support from the state, local and federal governments in addressing the current humanitarian crisis at the border. It goes without saying, this moment demands a sense of urgency this moment demands leadership, not just from the national level, not just from the state level, but substantively from the local level as well, he said. Praising California as a state of refuge during a news conference in San Ysidro, Newsom said the state should invest more financial support in addressing the challenges and issues related to the thousands of Central American migrants and U.S. asylum seekers currently waiting in Tijuana. The soon-to-be governor also discussed the economic importance of California and Mexicos relationship on the border, as well as stressed the need depoliticize the issue. Advertisement My job is to be constructive... to try to find ways to bring people to the table and to address what legitimately can be described as a humanitarian crisis, Newsom said. Were all in this together... I think we need to humanize this issue, not politicize the issue. Newsoms address came just hours after he visited the Otay Mesa Immigration Detention Center and met with asylum seeker advocates from several local organizations including Casa Familiar, Jewish Family Service of San Diego and the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties. The stop in San Diego also comes just days before Newsom alongside other members of the California delegation is scheduled to attend the inauguration of Mexico president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Newsom, who was scheduled to meet with Mexican officials Thursday and Friday, has said he hopes his meetings will help reaffirm and build upon the deep economic, political and cultural bonds that connect Mexico and California. Over the weekend, Newsom was critical of a tear-gassing incident at the border wall a concern he said he raised directly with aides to President Donald Trump. On Thursday he struck a far softer tone, focusing on the need for groups to work together and not talk past each other in tackling the challenges presented by thousands of asylum seekers. But Newsom and local advocates chastised federal officials for ending a program to help asylum-seeking families reach their final destinations in the U.S. and for not coordinating their release with relatives or service providers while they await a court hearing. Since the program was ended, the San Diego Rapid Response Network opened a shelter earlier this month to aid migrant families. Newsom was impressed after his visit Thursday. The first thing I saw when I walked into the shelter was a beautiful young child, couldnt of been more than three-years-old, about as innocent a girl as can possibly be in this debate, and if we dont have that picture in mind then we are not being true to ourselves in this discussion and this debate, he said. You can moralize it, you can politicize it, but that young three-year-old is a victim of circumstance and I feel a deep sense of responsibility to help change the course of her life and literally the hundreds of thousands of others that I think need that same kind of empathy and compassion. We cant do everything ourselves, but I know we are capable of doing more, he added. A sedan driver going the wrong way on Interstate 5 in downtown San Diego died early Friday when he slammed into the front end of a fire engine headed toward a pedestrian injured by a hit-and-run driver, authorities said. The 41-year-old driver of a 2002 Toyota Corolla, a San Diego resident, died in the crash. Two of the four firefighters in the engine suffered minor injuries. The 1:50 a.m. collision closed southbound freeway lanes until about 5:30 a.m. The sedans front end was demolished and the front end of the fire rig sustained major damage in the collision. Advertisement The engine crew was headed to aid a pedestrian, believed to be in his 40s, who was hit by a sedan in the left lane of I-5 just north of state Route 94 about 1:40 a.m. A witness told San Diego News Video that the driver of a tan Toyota hit the man, stopped, opened a car door and checked on the pedestrian, then took off. Several other people pulled over and assisted the injured man until the California Highway Patrol got there. He was taken to a hospital with moderate cuts and scrapes to his face, arms and legs, CHP Officer Jake Sanchez said. He said witnesses could give no description of the driver. An officer at that scene then reported that a driver caught in the freeway backup pulled a U-turn and was headed north in southbound lanes, CHP Sgt. Brent Lowry told San Diego News Video. Moments later, a wrong-way driver slammed into the San Diego Fire-Rescue engine in the left lane of I-5 near the state Route 94 eastbound transition lanes. The sedan driver was dead when medics got to him. CHP officials could no immediately confirm whether the car that made the U-turn was the same one that hit the fire engine, but Sanchez noted there are no off-ramps between the two collision scenes. All four firefighters were taken to a hospital for evaluation and two had minor injuries, fire spokeswoman Monica Munoz said. She said they were all released from the hospital and would all be able to work their next shift. Southbound I-5 was closed near state Route 94 while crews cleaned up the scattered wreckage and removed the two vehicles. pauline.repard@sduniontribune.com Twitter: @pdrepard Three people were killed and eight were injured when a pickup fleeing from Border Patrol agents hit a spike strip, veered onto an embankment and rolled Thursday afternoon on westbound Interstate 8 near Boulevard, authorities said. Border Patrol agents gave chase to the Chevrolet Silverado pickup, which had two people in the cab and nine in the bed, about 4:25 p.m., CHP spokesman Officer Travis Garrow said. The truck crashed while fleeing at an extremely high rate of speed on the two-lane interstate east of Crestwood Road near the Golden Acorn Casino. It was spike-stripped by the Border Patrol, continued westbound, went up a dirt and rock embankment and rolled, ejecting either nine or 10 people out of the vehicle, Garrow said. Three people were killed and eight more were injured, three seriously, in a rollover crash during a Border Patrol chase Thursday afternoon on Interstate 8 east of Pine Valley and west of Boulevard, authorities said. Advertisement A male driver and a female passenger were believed to be the only occupants seated in the cab of the truck, Garrow said. Nine men were in the bed, which had no camper shell or other type of covering. According to a CHP incident log, witnesses reported the pickup was weaving in and out of traffic and passing other motorists using the center median and right shoulder at speeds of more than 100 mph. Three people were killed, including the only woman, and the rest sustained moderate to major injuries, Garrow said. Cal Fire San Diego said three of the victims sustained major injuries and five others suffered minor injuries. Garrow said the trucks driver was in Border Patrol custody Thursday night. Border Patrol officials said they were preparing a statement about the incident. The ages and immigration statuses of the victims were not immediately known. All lanes of WB I-8 closed west of Kitchen Creek due to an overturned vehicle collision. Caltrans San Diego (@SDCaltrans) November 30, 2018 Both westbound lanes of I-8 were shut down approaching the Crestwood Road exit, and the interstate remained closed as of 7:30 p.m. Motorists were being diverted off westbound I-8 and onto Old Highway 80 at Ribbonwood Road, several miles east of the crash. Vehicles were being allowed back onto westbound I-8 at Crestwood Road. Border Patrol policy states that agents may get involved in pursuits only when the benefit outweighs any immediate danger created by speeding or other emergency driving techniques. Federal officials have said pursuits involving agents are rare, but Thursdays crash was the second in the past 16 months that resulted in three deaths. The other triple-fatality chase happened in August 2017 after Border Patrol agents spotted a Black GMC Envoy that, according to an alert, was associated with an armed and dangerous man suspected of murder and human smuggling. When the agents tried to pull the vehicle over, the driver sped off. The vehicle was traveling at high speeds when it went off Interstate 15 and into a Rancho Bernardo ravine, killing three of the four people inside. Twitter: @Alex_Riggins (619) 293-1710 alex.riggins@sduniontribune.com UPDATES: 8:35 p.m.: This article was updated with additional details, quotes and background information. 7:30 p.m.: This article was updated with additional details to show three people were killed and three were seriously injured. 5:45 p.m.: This article was updated with additional details, including the number of confirmed fatalities. This article was originally published at 5:20 p.m. The pickup involved in the crash that killed three people during a rainy pursuit by U.S. Border Patrol agents had just driven across the international border in a human-smuggling attempt, the federal agency said Friday. Eleven people were in the Chevrolet Silverado pickup nine of them in the bed, which had no camper shell when it crashed along westbound Interstate 8 near Crestwood Road on Thursday afternoon. Everyone but the driver was thrown from the truck. The driver of the pickup was identified Friday as Luis Alberto Virgen, 21, a U.S. citizen who has been living in Tijuana, California Highway Patrol officer Travis Garrow said. The passengers are not believed to be U.S. citizens, he said. Advertisement Virgen was arrested on suspicion of three counts of gross vehicular manslaughter and is expected to be arraigned next week. He remained jailed Friday in lieu of $150,000 bail, according to online jail records. On Friday, the Border Patrol said that at about 4:10 p.m. Thursday, its agents spotted tire tracks from multiple vehicles near the U.S.-Mexico border. The tracks crossed into the United States and headed north. That, the agency said, was indicative of what it calls a drive-through smuggling event smugglers driving people across the border. Authorities believe smugglers removed a piece of this vehicular border barrier, known as a tank trap, along the U.S.-Mexico border in Campo and drove into the United States on Thursday. The suspected smugglers also cut the wire, authorities said. (Photo courtesy U.S. Border Patrol) Authorities say this photo depicts what the border barrier in Campo looked like after smugglers cut and removed a piece of it to cross into the United States from Mexico. The smugglers then slipped the T-shaped pole in the bottom left corner back into place. (Photo courtesy U.S. Border Patrol) Along with the tracks, agents found a piece of a vehicle. Officials did not specify what type of car part it may have been. Ten minutes later, agents spotted the Silverado, which was missing the same type of part that had been found near the suspicious tire tracks. Agents gave chase in their vehicles, with lights and sirens on, the Border Patrol said. The fleeing truck raced off and jumped onto Interstate 8 at Buckman Springs Road, then headed east roughly 15 miles before getting off at Ribbonwood Road. It got right back on the freeway, this time heading west. According to a CHP incident log posted online, witnesses reported the pickup was weaving in and out of traffic, as well as passing other cars by driving on the center median and right shoulder at speeds topping 100 mph. The Border Patrol said that after the car started heading west, agents rolled a spike strip out across the freeway east of Crestwood Road, which is near the Golden Acorn Casino. The speeding truck ran over the strip, and about a minute later, the vehicle headed up a dirt and rock embankment along the freeway and rolled. It was raining at the time of the crash. Ten of the 11 people in the truck were thrown from the vehicle. Three of them died, including a 38-year-old woman who was riding in the cab of the Silverado and was the sole woman in the truck. One of the men killed was 34 years old and the other was believed to be between 18 and 25 years old, the San Diego County Medical Examiners Office said Friday night. Their names were not released. Eight others in the pickup sustained injuries ranging from moderate to major. All passengers except for the woman who died were in the bed of the truck. No further information about the victims was available, including their names, ages or country of citizenship. Garrow said the passengers have not yet been identified. We are still working on that, he said. The surviving passengers remained hospitalized as of Friday morning, Garrow said. About an hour after the crash, around 5:30 p.m., Border Patrol agents discovered a second vehicle believed to have been involved in the incident and arrested a suspect, identified only as male, in connection with the vehicle, according to the agency. Late Friday, the agency released photos of the specific site in Campo where authorities believe suspected smugglers entered the country by cutting and removing a piece of a barrier along the international border. The barriers put in place to block vehicles from crossing the border are referred to as tank traps. The photos depict a T-shaped pole, which authorities said had been cut at the base and lifted out of the way. The suspected smugglers also cut through the wires. After driving across the border through the newly created hole in the barrier, the smugglers replaced the pole so as not to arouse suspicion, the agency said. They also tied the wires back together. The Border Patrol said the incident is under investigation and that the agency is fully cooperating with the CHP in their investigation of the collision. When it comes to chases, the policy of the Border Patrol states that agents may engage in pursuits only when the benefit outweighs any immediate danger created by speeding or other emergency driving techniques. teri.figueroa@sduniontribune.com (760) 529-4945 Twitter: @TeriFigueroaUT UPDATES: 11:55 p.m.: This story was updated with the ages of the three people who died. 6:55 p.m.: This story was updated with additional details and photos. 4:20 p.m.: This story was updated to note that Virgens bail was set at $150,000, according to the jail website. Thursdays downpour turned Tijuanas outdoor migrant shelter into a mud pile and by nightfall, officials began transporting hundreds of people onto buses to a facility 11 miles further away from the border. Conditions had been steadily worsening over the past few weeks at the overcrowded Benito Juarez shelter, which was plagued by serious illness, food shortages and a lice infestation. With more than 6,000 at the shelter, it was at double its capacity. Around 6 p.m. Thursday, buses began arriving and officials from the National Commission for Human Rights in Mexico, a federal agency, urged the migrants to transfer to the new facility, about 30 minutes away. Many were wary about making the move and less than 500 chose to make the trip. Some specifically said they did not want to split up after traveling more than 2,000 miles by caravan from their homes. Advertisement Were better off suffering here, said Samuel Roman, 22, of Honduras. We came all this way and dont want to go backwards. They want us away from the border. Leonel Acosta, 20, also from Honduras, got on the bus with his brother. Its better than being wet, he said. Commission representatives told the migrants that going to the shelter was voluntary but that their new accommodations would be under roof instead of outside, that they would have electricity and could come and go without restriction. As heavy rains fell Thursday at Benito Juarez, families struggled to shield their sleeping children. Its horrible in there, said Mirna Carnales, 32, a migrant from Honduras who spent the night holding a ripped nylon sheet over her 11- and 3-year-old sons. In the morning, the sun shed light on rapidly deteriorating conditions inside the shelter. Children inside tents coughed while adults outside waded through mud puddles as they tried to salvage wet blankets, bedding and clothes. The shelters conditions were already substandard before Thursdays rain. On Wednesday, migrants reported a lice outbreak, several people had fevers and cleanup crews found maggots in trash cans. Scattered throughout the shelter were plastic bottles of urine from people who could not wait in long bathroom lines. Migrants who have run out of money have begun selling cigarettes or renting their phone chargers to earn enough to buy food. The food lines are long and sometimes when you get to the front they run out of food, said Cristian Israel Partillo, 24, from El Salvador. Partillo said he makes a little over 10 pesos a day, or less than 50 cents, selling cigarettes. The rains motivated a number of people to climb on the buses Thursday night that lined the street outside the Benito Juarez shelter. Carlos Hernandez, 29, and his girlfriend Rico Marquez, 24, both from Honduras, said they didnt care that the new shelter, a vacant event space called El Barretal, was further away. Everything in there is wet, Hernandez said. My girl has a cold and a fever shes sick. I dont want to be wet anymore. Earlier in the day, Mexican border officials blocked a group of about a dozen migrants attempting to march to Mexican Immigration offices near the San Ysidro Port of Entry. The small group planned to stage a hunger strike until immigration on both sides of the border agreed to speed up the asylum process. They demanded that the Mexican government more quickly issue temporary humanitarian visas, that the U.S. government accept more asylum claims each day, and that Mexican police stop deporting caravan members. The group originally planned to walk to the border but they only made it one block before meeting a blockade of federal police officers. Officers told the group they did not want a repeat of last Sunday, when what started out as a peaceful march escalated into hundreds of migrants rushing the border. Some threw rocks at U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents, who responded by shooting tear gas at the crowd that included women and children. Authorities arrested 42 people from the migrant caravan after the clash. On Thursday, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said they would not file criminal charges against the migrants but that they still face administrative removal. The longtime president of a veterans charity co-founded by former Rep. Duncan L. Hunter was convicted Thursday by a federal jury in Washington, D.C., of spending money meant for the charity on jewelry, shopping and other personal expenses. Patricia Driscoll, 40, of Maryland, was found guilty of two counts each of wire fraud and tax evasion, and one count of first-degree fraud, according to an announcement by U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu. She is scheduled to be sentenced in March and faces decades in prison. Driscolls defense attorney decried the verdict, insisting his client broke no laws. Advertisement The jury did not get it right Patricia Driscoll is innocent, attorney Brian W. Stolarz said in a statement. We are very disappointed by the verdict and the governments misconduct in this case. We will appeal. This is not the final chapter to this story. Driscoll resigned her position at the helm of the Armed Forces Foundation in July 2015 after 12 years of service amid a scandal involving what the nonprofit alleged was Driscolls misuse of funds. The charity was established in 2001 to promote veterans emotional and physical health through outdoor activities and small grants to help needy military families pay bills. On its 2015 federal tax filing, it disclosed that it had found evidence that Driscoll had misspent more than $900,000 for personal purposes, starting in 2006. The foundation reported about $44 million in revenue during those years, according to public tax records. Driscoll was indicted in September 2016 on eight felony counts but three of those charges were dismissed before the trial concluded, court records show. Prosecutors accused Driscoll of falsifying donors and donations, failing to disclose fundraising commissions she paid herself and using foundation money for personal purposes including shopping trips, legal fees and covering bills for her private defense-contracting business. Some of the suspect spending included a trip to a jewelry store, a grocery, a dermatologist and more than $65,000 in legal fees related to her accusations of domestic violence against her ex-boyfriend, NASCAR driver Kurt Busch, in 2014, according to court records. Shortly after Driscoll was indicted, the Armed Forces Foundation announced it was suspending operations and planned to shut down. The nonprofit was co-founded by former Rep. Hunter, R-Alpine, who helped recruit Driscoll to run day-to-day operations. The mission was to support veterans by hosting events and awarding grants to needy servicemembers. Hunter was succeeded in the House by his son, Rep. Duncan D. Hunter, R-Alpine, who promoted the organization and attended charity events after he was elected to Congress in 2008. The elder Hunter served as an unpaid member of the nonprofit board as his career in public office winded down, at one point serving as chairman. He left the foundation in 2012. In an unrelated criminal proceeding, the younger Hunter and his wife and former campaign manager, Margaret, were indicted in August on 60 counts of felony crimes stemming from their alleged personal use of more than $250,000 from the coffers of Hunters political campaign. Both Duncan and Margaret Hunter have pleaded not guilty to all charges. Duncan Hunter was re-elected to a sixth term earlier this month and faces trial next year. Neither the former or current congressman immediately responded to requests for comment Thursday. Driscoll was the subject of sometimes-colorful news articles in 2014, when she got into a bitter dispute with Busch, the champion race car driver known as The Outlaw. The two met in 2010 and began dating. Driscoll recruited Busch and the NASCAR organization to help the Armed Forces Foundations cause. Working together, they raised money to assist military families and brought veterans to races to boost their morale. The couple broke up in 2014, and Driscoll accused Busch of domestic violence. She alleged he smashed her head against the wall of a motor home at Delawares Dover International Speedway in September 2014. She sought a temporary restraining order that led to a court hearing. At the hearing, Busch testified under oath that he believed Driscoll was a paid assassin. He said he once saw Driscoll go out for the evening dressed in camouflage and boots and return hours later wearing a trench coat over an evening gown spattered with blood and other matter, according to reports. Driscoll later said some of the stories Busch told on the stand seemed to come from a movie script she had been writing. NASCAR suspended Busch in early 2015 amid the allegations and later reinstated him when prosecutors decided there was not enough evidence to charge him with a crime. The Armed Forces Foundations relationship with NASCAR drew the attention of an investigative reporter for Kickin the Tires, a website that covers stock car racing. The news site obtained foundation records that raised questions about Driscolls handling of the funds and published its findings in a news article in 2016. Federal investigators later found evidence that Driscoll misused foundation assets and tried to cover up the misspending. She also made false statements to donors about how their money would be used, investigators said. For example, prosecutors alleged Driscoll told donors that 95 percent of their contributions would go to help military families and veterans. They said she made the claim knowing that only a fraction of the money would be used for that purpose. Driscoll also falsely categorized and caused others to falsely categorize expenses in the Armed Forces Foundations books and records as being for the benefit of the veterans, troops, and their families, when, in fact, they were for her own private benefit, the U.S. Attorneys Office said in its statement Thursday. At the same time Driscoll was spending the money meant for the charity, the foundation reported that it provided financial help to between as many as 220 military families each year, the foundation website reported. morgan.cook@sduniontribune.com The McMillin Co. has severed ties with all or part of its Liberty Station properties, including many of the retail stores in the former Naval Training Center and the historic North Chapel, according to records newly filed at the county assessors office. McMillin executives, who have declined for weeks to discuss their plans for the city-owned former military base, did not respond to questions Thursday after The San Diego Union-Tribune confirmed the sales of at least three lease agreements. But documents recorded with the county in recent days show McMillin-owned companies transferred properties along Historic Decatur and Truxton roads to an out-of-state company that manages premier commercial and residential properties in California and beyond. McMillin-owned companies Liberty Station Marketplace LLC and Liberty Station Marketplace Investors LLC transferred at least three leases to Seligman Liberty Station LLC over the past two weeks. Advertisement Seligman Liberty Station is a newly incorporated company owned by Seligman & Associates of Southfield, Mich. The company, which manages many premier commercial and residential properties across the country, did not respond to requests for comment Thursday. The transactions have further worried residents and tenants at Liberty Station, who have complained for months that McMillin was closing the chapel and making other plans for the property without informing those who most use the historic buildings. The only thing I can hope for is that Seligman is going to do what McMillin has never done -- and that is to be open to something other than just gutting the chapel, said Ronald Slayen, a Liberty Station tenant who is working to preserve the historic chapel. Earlier this year, McMillin informed two separate congregations that the church would not be available for weekly services after December. At the same time, McMillin advertised the facility for rent as a restaurant, retail space or reception venue. The advertisements were questioned because the chapel served as the final house of worship for thousands of sailors headed off to fight World War II and has been designated as a historic site by the U.S. Department of Interior. A spokeswoman for San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer confirmed the transactions Thursday after being asked about the sale by the Union-Tribune. The city is responsible for ensuring the new leaseholder has a good reputation as well as the experience and financial capability necessary to fulfill the terms of the ground lease, spokeswoman Christina Chadwick wrote in an email. As long as the leaseholder meets those requirements, the city must approve the transfer. Chadwick also said Faulconer is committed ensuring that the North Chapel is preserved and maintained for future generations, albeit for a broader array of uses. Weve been in close contact with the new owner at Liberty Station and have received assurances that the North Chapel will continue to be used for a variety of purposes as allowed for under the ground lease, she wrote. The new owner has found an experienced operator that will be seeking to book a wide range of events, including but not limited to religious gatherings and weddings. The mayors office said it will be up to the new operator to work out specific agreements for those interested in using the North Chapel for an event. Henry Garon, an attorney who attends one of two congregations that will no longer be able to attend services at North Chapel, said he is considering legal action as a way of retaining rights to the 1940s church. Its supposed to be used in the manner it has been used, Garon said Thursday. Theres grounds for an injunction to continue to use it until a new permit has been approved. Hilary Nemchik, a spokeswoman for Elliott, said the city attorneys office examined the transfer terms. Our office reviewed the lease sale documents and advised our client, she said in an email. If you have additional questions, you can contact the Economic Development Department or the Mayors Office. News of the transfer did not sit well with Councilwoman Barbara Bry, who previously requested an investigation by the city attorneys office into McMillins handling of the historic U.S. Navy base that was turned over to the city in the 1990s. I am incredibly frustrated and disheartened that the public and I are learning about McMillin selling Liberty Stations master leasehold in the newspaper, she said in a statement Thursday. Bry has not received responses to a series of questions she posed to City Attorney Mara Elliott two weeks ago. We need to get to the bottom of this and reassert the city of San Diegos authority to hold McMillin accountable for maintaining and protecting the Naval Training Center, which should be viewed as a regional treasurer, not a commodity that can be re-sold to a newly formed LLC based out of Michigan, she added. San Diegans deserve better than that. The 360 acres just west of Lindbergh Field were closed by the U.S. military and dedicated to the city in 1997. The city later approved the lease with McMillin, which promised to maintain many of the historic buildings as well as develop hundreds of homes, offices and retail space. City officials would not specify Thursday which buildings were transferred by McMillin and which, if any, were retained. Terms of the deal were not immediately available, but the 66-year master lease previously was valued at some $300 million. The lease transfer was first reported by the Times of San Diego online newspaper. Liberty Station tenants were informed of the sale by email, which directed them to send their next rental payment to Seligman Liberty Station LLC. Please send the same amount as you paid in November for the month of December, the email stated. If there is a discrepancy, it will show up on January statement. jeff.mcdonald@sduniontribune.com (619) 293-1708 @sdutMcDonald Throughout our careers advocating for healthy oceans, we have rarely seen so many people energized not just in San Diego County, but everywhere to protect our coasts. The threats are real and imminent, and people in San Diego are passionately fighting to protect our coastline from industrial projects like expanded offshore drilling and irresponsible management of resources. Earlier this month, leaders from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) visited San Diego as part of a national listening tour to share their agencys vision for U.S. oceans and to hear from local stakeholders and residents. It is no surprise that top agency leaders would visit San Diego. This region is one of the most beautiful places in the world to enjoy warm weather, local seafood and a lively community of surfers, divers and other ocean enthusiasts. Still, San Diego faces some big challenges. Pollution, whether oil slicks or sewage, doesnt respect state or international borders. Imperial Beach and the Tijuana Estuary have collectively had 78 closures this year as a result of sewage from Mexico. This cannot continue. There is so much to lose. This year, orcas from the Pacific Northwest visited the California coastline and left an impression on young people and tourists who had never seen anything like it. Visitors to these beaches watch breaching dolphins and enjoy fish tacos sourced from locally speared albacore tuna. The California coastline is wonderfully unique. The marine life is a draw for tourists and vital for California livelihoods. Thats why it is so important that NOAA takes what it heard from San Diegans and translates it into policy action that will maintain the delicate balance that allows the Pacific Ocean and San Diegos economy to thrive. Advertisement Californias tourism, recreation and fishing sectors provide nearly 600,000 jobs and over $42 billion in GDP for our state jobs and revenue that are inextricably tied to the health of the Pacific Ocean. Our hope is that NOAA will continue to uphold its longstanding reputation as an agency that protects and preserves our marine resources. At the listening session, the people of San Diego sent a clear message: expanding offshore drilling activities for oil and gas is not wanted here. The best way to boost San Diegos economy is to continue growing our thriving tourism and recreation businesses. We hope that NOAA officials will take that message to heart. NOAAs Blue Economy plans include expanding offshore energy exploration and promoting offshore aquaculture. Everywhere the agency has been so far, its heard from local stakeholders and coastal residents about their visions for a Blue Economy one that relies on a clean coast, not new offshore oil drilling. Here in San Diego, people value habitat protection that allows for rapid regeneration of fish species because they love Pacific seafood. Visitors and residents alike appreciate that they can surf, paddle, dive and swim, without having to worry about harmful chemicals in the ocean from oil spills. It is widely recognized that new offshore drilling would threaten the ocean tourism dollars our ocean brings to the state every year. People of Southern California know that. An open dialogue like the NOAA listening session paves the way for policies that promote a healthier and cleaner Pacific Ocean. We hope San Diegans can continue to experience oil-free beaches and enjoy healthy marine life for generations to come. Hopefully, NOAA will do the right thing and support our already-blue economy looking for new offshore oil wont make it any bluer. Savitz is Oceanas chief policy officer for North America. Dedina is the executive director of WILDCOAST and the mayor of Imperial Beach. Law enforcement officers have inherently difficult jobs that can involve split-second, life-or-death decisions. When these decisions go badly or seem wrong in retrospect, police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, judges, politicians and the public are often inclined to give officers the benefit of the doubt. But officers should never be above the law, especially when suspects are roughed up without provocation. Which brings us to sheriff Deputies Nicholas Morgan and Joshua Nahan. On May 7, they were caught on video making what appear to be unprovoked attacks on a man and his son in Vista. On Tuesday, to the surprise of police reform advocates, the county District Attorneys Office announced that Morgan would be charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault without lawful necessity by an officer and Nahan with one count of the same offense. The last time a peace officer in San Diego County was charged with mistreating a suspect or someone in custody was more than a decade ago. Law enforcement officers hold a position of trust in our community and are required to abide by the rules in the exercise of their powers, District Attorney Summer Stephan said in a statement. The evidence on which the charges are based shows the force used by the two deputies exceeded the legal line, violating that public trust. In an April interview with The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board, Stephan vowed to always do the right thing, no matter what when asked about misconduct by law enforcement officers. In the Vista case, she upheld her campaign promise. Advertisement Twitter: @sdutIdeas Facebook: San Diego Union-Tribune Ideas & Opinion Rapper Lil Jon, aka the King of Crunk, returns to San Diego to get behind the decks at an epic nightclub appearance on Dec. 14 at OMNIA San Diego. Enter here for a chance to win a prize you wont be able to turn down (for what). *Please note that, by entering this contest, you are opting to receive PACIFIC newsletters and other promotional materials. Winners chosen on Dec. 11. Last week, the Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Unions policy bank, met top government officials in Nepal to discuss funding renewable energy and sustainable development for rural communities. The bank is already investing in various hydropower sector projects in the country, and contributing to Nepals ambitious plans to develop 4,000 kilometres of transmission lines and 40,000 megawatts of hydropower generation by 2040. While the EIB seeks to increase its footprint in Nepals energy sector, the experiences of communities in Lamjung district of Nepal, aggrieved by the EIB-funded 220 kV Marsyangdi Corridortransmission line, suggest the bank must pay closer attention to addressing potential impacts faced by local communities, if its investments are to be successful. The negative impacts of hydropower generation including forced displacement, reservoir-induced seismicity, disruptions to wildlife, and reduced output during dry seasons are well documented. However, the impacts of transmission lines, including resulting human rights violations, are lesser known and discussed. There have been numerous disputes in Nepal between communities affected by transmission lines, and project developers. Central to these disputes is the failure of developers to adequately consult and compensate local communities for various impacts that disrupt their livelihoods, cultural norms, and social fabric. Many affected communities are anxious about the potential health and safety impacts of transmission lines, including electrocution, electromagnetic radiation, and increased lightening. These concerns have all been documented in their complaint to the EIB. While the concerns with toppling towers have been independently verified, the connection between the transmission lines and radiation as well as increased lightning is not scientifically corroborated, nevertheless, these remain issues that the communities are concerned about, and towards which no real communication has happened to assuage their anxieties. The World Health Organisation has, as well, encouraged a dialogue on the risks of radiation from transmission lines. Affected communities are also concerned about environmental impacts including deforestation, forest fragmentation, ecological disruption to birds and animals, and cumulative impacts from associated hydropower projects which need transmission lines to be economically viable. Additionally, landowners are prevented from building infrastructure or planting trees below transmission lines, and banks tend not to accept the property as collateral for loans. This leads to a decrease in the earning capacity as well as the value of the land. Minimal benefits Despite suffering significant impacts from transmission lines, affected Nepali communities tend to receive minimal benefit from such projects. Transmission lines consist of a series of towers with wires strung between the tops of the towers. Landowners whose lands are used to build towers are given 100% compensation for land under the towers. However, over 95% of the land used for transmission lines falls under the transmission wires between the towers and is compensated at only 10% of market value. Affected communities also complain about lack of information about projects. As a result, multiple high-voltage electricity transmission lines in the country have encountered opposition from local communities, including indigenous peoples, Dalits, and other marginalized communities, many of whom are seeking a stronger voice in project design. Internationally, there is increasing recognition of the various impacts of transmission lines on communities, and the need to engage with affected peoples and compensate at the individual and community level. An increasing number of governments and project companies in Europe, North America, and elsewhere who have been extending their transmission networks, largely to transport newer, zero emission generation have taken steps to provide significant community-level benefits, and fair compensation to individual landowners, often more than 100% of the value of land under the transmission line. They also provide better information disclosure and consultation about the projects and their impacts. A consortium of European transmission operators and civil society organizations have organized as the Renewables Grid Initiative to collect and codify experiences in this regard, including the technically challenging issue of how to involve communities in early routing determinations, and when and how to undertake modifications to avoid harm. Indeed, many developed countries have much stronger protections for landowners at home than when they invest in Nepals transmission sector. Unfortunately, communities in Nepal who request that transmission lines respect their rights are labelled as anti-development and extortionist. The importance of transmission lines to Nepals hydropower energy gold rush is used to justify irregularities in project completion and ignore affected peoples grievances. Peaceful protests have been dispersed by armed paramilitary forces, and communities have faced detention, false criminal cases, and other forms of intimidation for raising their voices. Community land rights are dismissed under pretexts that a developing country like Nepal cannot afford to pay its citizens as much as developed countries. However, communities are only asking to be paid in full for the harms they have suffered, nothing more. This is a fundamental tenet of Nepali property law. The problems in Lamjung Communities in Lamjung district of Nepal affected by the EIB funded 220 kV Marsyangdi Corridor transmission line is one example of a community raising its voice. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the government-owned institution responsible for implementing the Marsyangdi Corridor, is expected to start construction imminently. However, many community members are still in the dark about the transmission line, which will pass through their homes, businesses, lands, and community forests. Frustrated, the communities recently filed a complaint with the independent Complaints Mechanism at the EIB. Communities want more information about the route of the line, as well as its health, safety, economic, and environmental impacts. Many Lamjung community members are especially frustrated because they have recently had their land taken for a different Chinese funded 132 kV transmission line. The communities have alleged corruption in the implementation of that line, and say it was constructed without adequate information disclosure or compensation. Some community leaders have met with the NEA, and asked it to remedy gaps in the 132 kV line before beginning work on the 220 kV line. The NEA, acknowledged the need to improve transmission line policy and assured communities that mistakes will not be repeated but appears to be going ahead with the 220 kV Marsyangdi Corridor without any changes. Stakeholders in Nepals energy sector, including the EIB and NEA, should consider implementing recommendations made in a recently-released expert report on preventing conflicts in transmission lines. The report was developed for the World Bank by an international dispute resolution firm and recommended a policy dialogue on benefits sharing with local communities and exploring alternative ways and means of meeting local energy and economic needs, including for ecological resources. Once underlying policy gaps are addressed, individual transmission line projects must consult with communities, especially indigenous communities, in a process to seek their consent. Good business sense There are instrumental reasons for projects to build productive relationships with indigenous peoples and local communities over the life of a project, including effectively engaging from the beginning. Resulting costs are likely to be substantially less than the price of responding to conflicts, especially when delays are factored in. Given the strong business case to change how transmission lines are implemented in Nepal, the European Union must ensure that communities are made whole on the loss they suffer as a result of its transmission lines and associated hydropower sector development. This will help ensure that the European Union is meeting its stated goal of supporting sustainable development in Nepal. The Camp Fires toll is still being calculated at least 14,000 homes destroyed, 85 people killed, hundreds still missing but Northern Californias Butte County faces a long, expensive road to recovery. Sierra Nevada, the craft beer pioneer headquartered in nearby Chico, is determined to do its part. On Tuesday, Sierra Nevada brewed its batch of Resilience IPA. Every penny from this beers sales will be donated to the Camp Fire Relief Fund, launched last week with a $100,000 donation from the brewerys founders. Sierra Nevada asked other breweries to make Resilience IPA, donating their sales to the fund. More than 300 agreed, including many from San Diego County: AleSmith, Ballast Point, Belching Beaver, Bitter Brothers, Coronado, Fourpenny House, Green Flash, Karl Strauss, Mason, Mike Hess, Mikkeller, Modern Times, Rouleur, Saint Archer, Second Chance, Societe and White Labs. There may be more, as the list grows every day. The fundraisers impact wont be felt for awhile, as the IPA needs several weeks to ferment and finish. Still, mark your calendar: Second Chance has announced that its Resilience IPA will be poured at its Rancho Bernardo brewery, 15378 Avenue of Science, Suite 222, and its North Park tap room, 4045 30th St., on Dec. 22. Read more from Pete Rowes column here. Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. The EUROPA server is temporarily unavailable due to regular maintenance We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. Newport Beach, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/30/2018 -- The Cotier Properties Group is the perfect choice for clients looking to either sellor buy a coastal home. The group assumes a middleman role in the real estate business. The real estate is among the most competitive industries in the global market. Creative designs are being used to come up with luxurious homes located along the coastal beaches at relatively low prices. The Cotier Properties Group ensures a well-connected link between the investors and potential clients through their website. House owners can now display their beach houses for potential customers to see and buy without the hustle of house hunting. The Project Manager said, "Nothing can diminish the joy of either selling, buying or even owning a home like unexpected repairs. Home appliances that are correctly working could one day suddenly break down due to normal wear and tear, often at the worst possible time. With HomeGuard HomeWarranty, Inc. Home Protection Plan, Cotier Properties Group,can reduce the impact of these unexpected annoyances and save you money." Corona del Mar is famous for its beautifulbeaches, cliffside views, tidepools,and a beautiful shoreline. Beaches in the area include Crystal Cove State Park south of Corona del Mar as well asCorona del Mar State Beach which is accessible by paths winding down the steep hillside. Investors acquire pieces of land and establish well-built homes for commercial purposes. For a budget ranging between $ 729,000 - $ 3,385,000, Cotier Properties displays Corona Del Mar homes for sale and guarantees potential customers a chance to be homeowners. "Cotier Properties Group specializes in Coastal California living. Our website is continuously expanding and changing with updated information. We urge clients to use our website as a tool to search for their next home and sign up for detailed valuation reports related to various communities throughout the region. We look forward to hearing from you. If you have a queryrelated to real estate or the coastal California culture, our team of dedicated experts will attend to you. Our Easy-to-use mortgage calculator also helps you calculate payments; know how much your monthly payment is, for your mortgage," sales manager said. Newport Beach is a beautiful coastal city in Southern California. It is known for the Balboa Fun Zone, stunning ocean views, relaxing beaches, and picturesque harbor. It is one of the bestholiday destinations as it is home to many big events such as the Ensenada Yacht race, Independence day on the beach, Christmas Boat Parade, and many more. The list of to-do activities in Newport Beach is endless; surfing, hiking, sailing, and just walking by the beach are but a few. Springtime in Newport Beach is fun; it is home to the start of the Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race, the Newport Beach International Film Festival, and the Toshiba Classic. During summer, Newport Beach hosts the Families Bike Parade and Carnival and co-hosts the Celebration at Mariners Park and the annual Independence Day Parade. Visit their website to view Newport Coast homes for sale. About Cotier Properties Group Cotier Properties Group makes it a reality to those dreaming of one day owning a beach house. They offer affordable financial and mortgage plans to suit people from all walks of life. Contact Details. Cotier Properties Group, 15 Corporate Plaza Dr. Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660. Tel: (877) 221-8164. Email: info@cotierproperties.com Website: http://www.cotierproperties.com Pune, Maharashtra -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/30/2018 -- According to the Graphical Research new growth forecast report titled "Europe Air Source Heat Pump Market analysis based on Product, Application, Industry Analysis Report, Country Outlook, Growth Potential, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2018 2024", by Graphical Research. says, Europe Air Source Heat Pump Market size is set to surpass USD 7 billion by 2024. Europe ASHP Market is predicted to surpass USD 7 billion by 2024. Government efforts toward modernization and renovation of existing infrastructure coupled with rising demand for space heating across polar climate regions will drive the business growth. Furthermore, financial support for the development of sustainable buildings will encourage the product demand. The European Investment Bank (EIB) approved funds of around USD 100 million for the construction of zero emission buildings in 2018. Request for a sample of this research report - https://www.graphicalresearch.com/request/1025/sample Favorable government initiatives and norms toward reduction of GHG emissions by the use of renewable technologies will stimulate the air source heat pump market size. The Government of UK introduced Renewable Heat Incentive scheme with an aim to encourage the adoption of renewable heat technologies amongst communities, businesses, and householders through financial incentives. Low maintenance, ease of installation and low cost are some of the prominent features which will drive the Europe ASHP market growth. Rising adoption of energy efficient units coupled with green building standards and codes will further complement the product deployment. For instance, the European Union introduced the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) to strengthen the energy performance of new constructions through the deployment of energy efficient units. Denmark ASHP market will grow owing to the government policies in support of decarbonization of the energy systems along with modernization of existing infrastructure to sustainable establishments. In 2014, the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building developed a strategy with an aim to reduce 35% of the heat consumption from existing buildings by 2050. Air to air heat pump market size will grow on account of its key features including cost effectiveness, ability to purify air, high energy efficiency, and zero ground work expense. In addition, rising focus to reduce electricity bills coupled with ongoing technological progressions to meet the rising demand across residential sector will complement the business landscape. Make an inquiry for purchasing this report @ https://www.graphicalresearch.com/request/1025/inquiry-before-buying Commercial air source heat pump market size is predicted to witness growth owing to growing demand for HVAC systems that are easily integrable with the conventional system across new and existing buildings along with retrofit & replacement of cooling & heating systems. Norway ASHP market size is projected to surpass USD 600 million by 2024. Government targets to phase out fossil fuel fired boilers coupled with national schemes including Enova Subsidy, to promote the use of heat pumps will augment the product deployment. Key players operating across the Europe air source heat pump market include Bosch Thermotechnology, BDR Thermea Group, NIBE, Danfoss, Viessmann, Husky Heat Pumps, Glen Dimplex, Climaveneta, Swegon Group, Vaillant, Grant Engineering, Trane, Finn Geotherm UK, Systemair AB, and Stiebel Eltron. Segments We Cover: Europe Air Source Heat Pump Market Statistics, By Product Air to air Air to water Browse key industry insights from this 2018 report @ https://www.graphicalresearch.com/industry-insights/1025/europe-air-source-heat-pump-market Europe Air Source Heat Pump Market Trends, By Application Residential Residential, by product Commercial Industrial The above information is provided on a regional and country basis for the following: Austria Norway Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Switzerland Spain Sweden UK Related Reports: 1.Europe LNG Bunkering Market Size by Product (Truck-to-Ship, Port-to-Ship, Ship-to-Ship, Portable Tanks), By End-Use (Container Vessels, Cruise-ships, Bulk Carriers, Ferries, Offshore Support Vessels), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook (Norway, The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, UK, Spain, France, Italy), Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2018-2024 https://www.graphicalresearch.com/industry-insights/1034/europe-lng-bunkering-market 2.Global Automotive Air Filters Market is set to surpass USD 8 billion by 2024. Expansion in the automotive industry, increasing disposable income of consumers, rising environmental concerns due to automobile pollution emission and surging demand for cars and two-wheelers (particularly in BRICS countries) are some of the major factors driving the industry growth. https://www.reuters.com/brandfeatures/venture-capital/article?id=64798 About Graphical Research Graphical Research is a business research firm that provides industry insights, market forecast and strategic inputs through granular research reports and advisory services. We publish targeted research reports with an aim to address varied customer needs, from market penetration and entry strategies to portfolio management and strategic outlook. We understand that business requirements are unique: our syndicate reports are designed to ensure relevance for industry participants across the value chain. We also provide custom reports that are tailored to the exact needs of the customer, with dedicated analyst support across the purchase lifecycle. Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/30/2018 -- The competitive landscape of the market for garbage bag market is a mildly fragmented one marked with the presence of quite a few large players, according to a report published by Future Market Insights (FMI). The key players in the European garbage bag market are Novolasta, s.r.o Senkvice, Extrapack OOD, Pack-It BV, Achaika Plastic S.A., DAGOPLAST AS, Terdex GmbH, International Plastics, MirPack TM, Plasta.It, Primax D.o.o. The key players are now focusing on research and development of garbage bags in a bid to stay ahead in the competition. These market players are also trying to expand their geographical reach through collaborations with local players. So far as geography is considered, the market for European garbage bag has been segmented into Germany, France, Italy, Spain, U.K., Russia, and BENELUX. Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg comprise BENELUX. Request more information of Report with table of contents and Figures @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-eu-3034 Owing to the high demand of garbage bags across Europe, the market is anticipated to soar registering a good CAGR during the forecast period of 2016-2026. Demand for Biodegradable Garbage Bags to Bolster Growth The market has been segmented into five categories, so far as material is considered. The segments are, namely Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), Liner low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), High-density polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP) and others. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is characterized with high performance and extreme tensile strength and with these qualities, HDPE is forecasted to spearhead the European market for garbage bags. This segment accounted for 30% of the total revenue of the European market in 2016. During the forecast period of 2016-2026, the segment of HDPE is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.5%. These garbage bags have the ability to contain substantial amount of weight and are cost effective as well. Such characteristics are expected to propel the market for high-density polyethylene garbage bags. Furthermore, high-density polyethylene or HDPE bags come with biodegradable versions. Biodegradable HDPE bags are made of domestic biomass material thereby diminishing oil dependency. They are also easy to recycle and are frequently used. Developed economies of countries like the U.K. and Germany are expected to fuel the demand for premium garbage bags. These premium garbage bags come with qualities like odour control and ability to stretch and people from the developed countries are willing to pay the extra bucks for these premium quality garbage bags. As such, the opportunity for such premium quality garbage bags are increasing. Request to Report Methodology @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/askus/rep-eu-3034 Stringent Government Policies to Restrain the Growth of the Market Governments of several European countries are implementing strict measure to contain the usage of plastic bags. They are imposing regulations wherein the sales of lightweight bags are getting restricted. Countries like Italy, France are applying a complete ban on HDPE plastics bags that are meant for single use. Such bans, though restraining the growth of the market for HDPE garbage bags, help to diminish the harmful effects of plastic bags on the environment, specifically the oceans, lakes, rivers, and the wildlife that inhabit in those water bodies. This is one of the major restraining factors of the European market for garbage bag. In addition, imposition of extra charges and increased taxation by the governments of various European countries on the use of plastic garbage bags are dampening the spirit of the market players. Customers are charged extra for plastic garbage bags at various convenience and retail stores. Such government initiatives play a major role in the diminishing the usage of plastic garbage bags in Europe. This review is as per the findings of a new report by Future Market Insights (FMI) titled, "Garbage Bag Market: Europe Industry Analysis & Opportunity Assessment, 2016-2026." Ask a question to Analyst @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-the-analyst/rep-eu-3034 Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/29/2018 -- Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil extracted from the reddish pulp of the oil palms. Sustainable Palm oil is naturally reddish in color because it has the component of high beta carotene. Sustainable palm oil means the palm oil which is manufactured under the guidance and rule of the Roundtable on sustainable palm oil (RSPO). To produce certified sustainable palm oil, manufactures has to follow the environmental and social criteria set by RSPO. It can also be kept in the room temperature. Palm oil also contains very little cholesterol. It is also used in products where animal fats are not accepted for the religion issues. It has been noticed that the palm oil is used in several industries to make the ultimate product. Those industries are also growing. So the demand of the palm oil will be more. So the market will expand very fast in the stipulated period of time. Request For Report Sample: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1374 Global Sustainable palm oil Market Dynamics: The market of sustainable palm oil market is anticipated to be driven by the various used of the product in a different way. It has a great cooking properties, even it can be used in the high temperature. Its smooth and creamy texture and having no smell make it a perfect ingredient for many recipes like it is used in the bakery (specially for biscuits). It has a natural perspective effect which helps the longevity of the food byresisting the oxidation that spoils them. It is also the highest producing vegetable oil crop which makes it very efficient. It needs less land required by other oil crops to produce same quantity of oil. It makes this cheaper than the other oil in the market. Sustainable palm oil is also used in the cosmetic industry. Sustainable Palm oil ingredients are used in the skin care products, make up products. Due to have the rules and regulations of RSPO the producers are not able to destroy the environment and wild life. It keeps the social interest towards sustainable palm oil production and the conflict cannot be created between the communities and workers. Palm oil is available as an ingredients such as palm kernel oil, palm kernel stearin, palm kernel olein, partially hydrogenated palm oil, asorbyl palmitate, Palmate, Sodium Laureth Sulphate etc. Palm oil used as a frying fat for many food items, as a shortening in bakery products. Global Sustainable Palm oil Market Segmentation, Regional Outlook, Market Players: Sustainable palm oil market can be segmented on the basis of application of the palm oil such as food, soap and detergents, pet food and cosmetics. Then food also can be sub segmented such as bakery, ice cream & other frozen desserts, confectionery products and margarine. Palm oil market also can be segmented on the basis of types of the palm oil availability in the market such as palm kernel oil, red palm oil, fractional palm oil, white palm oil. Geographically, the global palm oil industry can be divided by major regions which include North America, Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan, Middle East and Africa. Indonesia and Malaysia captured the highest market share in terms of the production of palm oil. Other production countries are Thailand, Columbia, Nigeria and Ecuador. China got the first position in terms of consumption of palm oil followed by EU, India, Indonesia and United States. Malaysia was the highest exporter of palm oil. Request Report toc @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-1374 The major players identified across the value chain of global sustainable palm oil market include New Britain palm oil limited, Golden agri resources limited, IOI corporation Berhad, Wilmer international limited, Cargill, SIPEF group Belgium, Kulim berhad, Sime Darby plantation sendirian Berhad, Hap seng Plantation Holdings Berhad, Kuala lampur kepong Berhad.and United Plantation Berhad An international team of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists has uncovered 2.4-million-year-old stone artifacts and cutmarked bones at the archaeological site of Ain Boucherit in Algeria. The discovery, reported in the journal Science, suggests that humans ancestors inhabited the Mediterranean fringe in North Africa much earlier than previously thought. The Ain Boucherit evidence also argues for early spread of stone tool manufacture and use from East Africa, or a possible multiple origin scenario of stone technology in both East and North Africa. East Africa is widely considered to be the birthplace of stone tool use by our ancient hominin ancestors the earliest examples of which (Oldowan stone tools) date as far back as about 2.6 million years ago. Similar examples of stone tool manufacture and use have been identified in Ain Hanech and El Kherba, Algeria, dating to nearly 1.8 million years old and generally considered to be the oldest archaeological materials in North Africa. The research team, led by Dr. Mohamed Sahnouni, an archaeologist at Indiana University, CENIEH (Spain) and CNRPAH (Algeria), explored the nearby deposits at Ain Boucherit, located in the High Plateaus of eastern Algeria, and reports evidence of Oldowan stone tools and butchered bones from two distinct deposits estimated to be about 1.9 and 2.4 million years old, respectively. The assemblages contained stone tool manufacturing lithic debris similar to that recovered from the earliest sites in East Africa. Additionally, fossil bones, many showing the hallmark V-shaped gouges and microscopic chipping that suggest butchery and marrow extraction by stone, were also found. The Ain Boucherit stone tools were manufactured of locally available limestone and flint and include faces worked into choppers, polyhedra and subspheroids, as well as sharp-edged cutting tools used to process animal carcasses, the researchers said. These artifacts are typical of the Oldowan stone technology known from 2.6-1.9 million-year-old sites in East Africa, although those from Ain Boucherit show subtle variations. The lithic industry of Ain Boucherit, which is technologically similar to that of Gona and Olduvai, shows that our ancestors ventured into all corners of Africa, not just East Africa, Dr. Sahnouni said. The evidence from Algeria changes the earlier view that East Africa was the Cradle of Humankind. Actually, the whole of Africa was the Cradle of Humankind. At this moment, the most important question is who made the Ain Boucherit stone tools. Hominins contemporary with Lucy (3.2 million years old) probably roamed the Sahara, and their descendants might have been responsible for leaving these archaeological puzzles now discovered in Algeria, that are near contemporaries of those of East Africa, Dr. Sahnouni said. Future research will focus on searching for human fossils in the nearby Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene deposits, looking for the tool-makers and even older stone tools. _____ Mohamed Sahnouni et al. 1.9-million- and 2.4-million-year-old artifacts and stone toolcutmarked bones from Ain Boucherit, Algeria. Science, published online November 29, 2018; doi: 10.1126/science.aau0008 The scale of operational challenges with BWTS fitted by tanker owners was revealed by Intertanko at a forum in Singapore on Friday. Tim Wilkins, regional manager (Asia-Pacific), environment director, Intertanko, said the feedback from its members was that in their assessment 60% - 80% of systems did not work correctly. This does not mean the systems do not work at all, but do not function in the way they should, however, Wilkins also added, Failures are unfortunately becoming a daily problem. To address the problems contingency measures are being put in place. We have guidance, we have the industry going through contingency measures, built on very clear transparent measures to ensure regulators and port states and the flag administrations are very much in the picture.and so that information can be sent to the IMO in the future and they can understand exactly what is happening with the systems and the regulation, Wilkins told the Singapore Registry of Ships (SRS) Forum. Read more: Operational problems continue with Ballast Water Treatment Systems: ABS It is understood that owners fitted systems on vessels such as newbuildings, but never tested them, and are only finding out now when they start to use the BWTS that the systems do not in fact work properly. In some respect there has been recognition these systems arent installed correctly and as a consequence the IMO have also said ok lets make sure these systems are validated and operating properly before that vessel goes on trading. So a newbuilding during sea trials you need to validate that system is working correctly, he said. With the focus of industry discussions now firmly on the IMOs 0.5% sulphur cap from 1 January 2020 Wilkins commented of ballast water management: It is yesterdays conference issue, but its todays operational issue. Three institutions are challenging the lucrative fees and extraordinary - but legal - rights of the manager of Vital Healthcare Property Trust. The manager, Canada-based Northwest Healthcare Properties Management, is resisting this attempt to abridge its current sweet deal. Northwest has appointed Graham Stuart to the board but unitholders have nominated Paul Mead and proposed five other resolutions which have been included in the trusts notice of its annual meeting. Stuart was chief executive of Sealord Group for seven years and chief financial officer at Fonterra before that. The rebel investors want the trust deed altered to remove Northwests current right to sack any so-called independent director at will and for any reason. Mint Asset Management, Accident Compensation Corp and ANZ New Zealand Investments also want to remove another clause in the trust deed that allows Northwest to unilaterally alter its fees. The three institutions say the trust deed gives Northwest "an unacceptable imbalance of power" in managing Vital's affairs. Northwest bought Vitals management contract in 2011 for $11.5 million and has pocketed about $100 million in gross fees since then, an almost 870 percent return on investment over that period. Over that same period, distributions to unitholders have risen from 8.1 cents per unit to 8.56 cents, a 5.7 percent increase. The rebels want to alter Northwests fees so that they align better with the interests of unitholders and to amend all policies and procedures to ensure that the boards primary duty is to unitholders, not the manager, as at present. And the rebels also want the size of the five-person board increased to six directors with a minimum of four truly independent directors, at least two of whom must be elected by unitholders. Northwest correctly says in the notice of meeting that none of this can happen unless it agrees to it. The nature of the matters raised in the proposals cannot be determined by a unitholder vote. They require the agreement of others and this can only be achieved through reasoned commercial dialogue." Northwest says over the course of this year we have engaged in good faith on multiple occasions to address the concerns raised by the proposing unitholders and that it has made a number of changes to its core governance documents as a result. It has also voluntarily suspended its right to sack independent directors or to alter its fees until March 31 next year, assuming no material change in circumstances, while independent chair Claire Higgins leads a review of the fee structure. But the three unitholders, who collectively hold less than 10 percent of Vitals units, have sought to dictate the terms of our fee review, including proposing terms that go well beyond what a reasonable board would accept. Higgins points out that these unitholders have significantly diverted the time and resources of the board and senior management team away from running the core activities of managing Vital. Vitals structure has in no way impeded total returns to investors, she says, citing figures showing Vitals returns to shareholders over five years at 104.1 percent and over 10 years at 284.3 percent. That compares with the 71.8 percent return from NZXs all real estate index over five years and 175 percent over 10 years. However, the price of Vital units has fallen 3.9 percent in the past 12 months while the NZX50 Index has gained 8 percent. Higgins says Vitals structure is an appropriate, valid and common business structure for a business like ours. Indeed, two of the proposing unitholders themselves operate externally managed funds. She also raises a previous investor revolt in 2011, led by ACC, which tried to alter Vitals structure. That resolution was voted down by a significant majority. She notes that ACC had largely sold its Vital stake by the time of that vote and has since rebuilt its investment in Vital although at no point has our structure changed. In fact, ACCs actions were instrumental in rejecting a proposal to buy Vitals management contract from the former manager, ANZ-owned ING, for $14 million, a sum Vitals then independent directors managed to beat down to $8 million. At that point, two other institutions, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund and Westpac, still thought that was too much, opening the door for NorthWest to swoop in and snatch the contract from under their noses. We note that a number of the externally managed trust funds operated by the proposing unitholders pay fees that are broadly analogous to Vitals fees, Higgins concludes in her letter to unitholders. Northwest owns nearly 25 percent of Vital's units, making it practically impossible for unitholders to vote in favour of removing it as Vital's manager - such a vote would require 75 percent of those voting to succeed. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited (NZX: HLG) Announcement of Final Dividend 26th November 2021 Morning Report EROAD Limited (NZX: ERD) Accelerates Towards Next Phase of Growth Green Cross Health Limited (NZX: GXH) REPORTS STRONG HALF YEAR PROFIT OF $9.7M Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZ: SPG) Placement Size Increased Following Strong Demand General Capital Limited (NZX: GEN) Announces Very Strong Growth 25th November 2021 Morning Report Gentrack Group Limited (NZ: GTK) Annual Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2021 Pacific Edge Limited (NZX: PEB) Results for Six Months Ended 30 September 2021 Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) 1H22 Results Announcement Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr says the central bank thinks theres a sweet spot in which it can require banks to hold more capital with no trade-off to efficiency. Orr has already warned banks a number of times that the central banks current review of bank capital requirements is going to require them to hold more capital. The Reserve Bank plans to release its final consultation paper on the matter in mid-December. Orr told a Business NZ forum in Auckland that central bank officials expect to hear one side of the story loud and clear, that capital costs banks. We need to hear a broader perspective than that to best reflect New Zealands risk appetite. Currently, New Zealand banks have to hold at least 8 percent of their risk-weighted assets as capital and a 2.5 percent buffer but all New Zealand banks significantly exceed that minimum. Orr said thats because banks aim to achieve a high credit rating. The ratings agencies are fallible however, given they operate with as much art as science. Bank owners would like to operate with as little capital as possible so they can maximise their returns. But the most bank owners can lose is their invested capital if their bank fails, while the wider public loses much more, Orr said. Hence, we need to impose capital standards on banks that matches the publics risk tolerance. We have been reassessing the capital level in the banking sector that minimises the cost to society of a bank failure while ensuring the banking system remains profitable. The Reserve Bank has made an explicit assumption that New Zealand is not prepared to tolerate a system-wide banking crisis more than once every 200 years. The last time a bank was at risk of collapse in New Zealand was in 1990 when the government had to bail out Bank of New Zealand to the tune of $380 million. BNZ was sold to National Australia Bank two years later. We have calibrated our sweet spot thinking about economic output and financial stability benefits. Unlike many other countries, particularly Australia, New Zealand doesnt have any system of guaranteeing bank customers deposits. In the event of a bank failure, the Reserve Bank is supposed to operate whats called Open Bank Resolution, which would involve using some or all of customers deposits to shore up a collapsing bank. Many observers have noted that this would be politically untenable for any government. The temporary deposit insurance New Zealands government put in place during the GFC suggests that view is correct. Orr noted many of New Zealands banks are foreign-owned the four largest banks are owned by Australias four largest banks and that it would be naive to expect a foreign taxpayer to bail out a domestic banking crisis. Hence, New Zealand needs to assess its own risk-tolerance and decide who pays to clean up any mess and the scale of that mess. Currently, the big four Australian-owned banks have a distinct advantage over their New Zealand-owned rivals in that they are allowed to use their own internal models to decide how risky their lending is. Orr didnt mention that in his speech, although in July he said the Reserve Bank had made an in-principle decision that the big four banks will have to report their capital positions using both their own internal models and the standardised models the other banks are forced to use. On Wednesday, deputy governor Geoff Bascand said the Reserve Bank will allow the big four banks, ANZ ASB, Bank of New Zealand and Westpac, to continue using their own internal ratings-based models to calculate how much capital they need. However, the central bank does plan to limit the advantage that gives them over the other banks. The way the Australian-owned banks have used their internal models has become excessive relative to actual risks, Bascand said. The big four are responsible for more than 86 percent of bank lending in New Zealand. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited (NZX: HLG) Announcement of Final Dividend 26th November 2021 Morning Report EROAD Limited (NZX: ERD) Accelerates Towards Next Phase of Growth Green Cross Health Limited (NZX: GXH) REPORTS STRONG HALF YEAR PROFIT OF $9.7M Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZ: SPG) Placement Size Increased Following Strong Demand General Capital Limited (NZX: GEN) Announces Very Strong Growth 25th November 2021 Morning Report Gentrack Group Limited (NZ: GTK) Annual Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2021 Pacific Edge Limited (NZX: PEB) Results for Six Months Ended 30 September 2021 Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) 1H22 Results Announcement The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment still hasn't finished its investigation into Chinese subsidies on imported hollow steel sections and won't say when the investigation will be finished. The ministry was asked to investigate by New Zealand Steel, which claims imported goods are being dumped on the local market, and that China is unfairly subsidising those firms. MBIE has to look at whether goods are dumped separately from whether they're subsidised. Both studies were meant to be completed in October, but MBIE hasn't finished its investigation into whether Chinese subsidies are damaging the New Zealand manufacturer. A provisional measures report in July found minimal levels of subsidies. A September High Court judgment complicated matters for the ministry. It has already looked at two separate steel products at the behest of NZ Steel and found in both cases the level of subsidy was so small as to be negligible. The local steel maker appealed the first decision, and in September and Justice Jillian Mallon ordered the ministry to reconsider NZ Steel's earlier claims that subsidised Chinese imports of galvanised steel coil damaged the domestic injury. "The investigation into the alleged subsidisation of hollow steel sections from China is on-going and we are unable to indicate when a final decision is likely," MBIE's trade and international manager Jim Robinson said in an emailed statement. "MBIE is ensuring that its process in the hollow steel sections investigation reflects High Court decisions." NZ Steel, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Australia's BlueScope Steel, is the country's largest steelmaker. It considers that steel manufactured in China is subsidised by the government there and that imports of it cause material damage to the domestic industry. Chinese steel exports have been a bone of contention around the world. US and European producers accused the Asian nation's subsidies and overproduction of undercutting their local industries. MBIE this month finished its investigation into whether Chinese and Malaysian hollow steel sections were being dumped on the local market to the detriment of the local market. It concluded the imported goods were being dumped by one of four Chinese producers looked at, but not at a big enough level to injure the local industry. Similarly, it found Malaysian products were also being dumped, but decided the investigation should be terminated because the volumes coming from the South-East Asian nation were so small. The dumping report shows NZ Steel sets its prices of hollow steel sections based on maintaining market share. That means it responds to price offers and import flows, but it charges a premium to reflect the benefits of local supply and that it can provide short lead times, greater flexibility, local currency pricing, and good product quality and service. While MBIE agreed NZ Steel's margins were squeezed and that it lost market share, it couldn't blame one Chinese producer. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited (NZX: HLG) Announcement of Final Dividend 26th November 2021 Morning Report EROAD Limited (NZX: ERD) Accelerates Towards Next Phase of Growth Green Cross Health Limited (NZX: GXH) REPORTS STRONG HALF YEAR PROFIT OF $9.7M Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZ: SPG) Placement Size Increased Following Strong Demand General Capital Limited (NZX: GEN) Announces Very Strong Growth 25th November 2021 Morning Report Gentrack Group Limited (NZ: GTK) Annual Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2021 Pacific Edge Limited (NZX: PEB) Results for Six Months Ended 30 September 2021 Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) 1H22 Results Announcement New Zealand shares rose for a fourth day in heavier-than-usual trading as major institutional investors reallocated their portfolios, pushing up heavyweight stocks including Spark New Zealand and Meridian Energy. The S&P/NZX 50 index increased 28.66 points, or 0.3 percent, to 8,823.54, marking a 0.8 percent gain in November. Within the index, 29 stocks rose, 17 fell and four were unchanged. Turnover was $299.2 million. Trade Me was the best performer in November, up 25 percent in the month at $6.13. While the shares dipped 0.3 percent today, they've been buoyed by a potential $2.54 billion takeover by UK private equity firm Apax Partners. This week Australian media reported a rival suitor may emerge. Fletcher Building shares fell the most in November, down 20 percent, after the construction firm warned annual earnings may be weaker as Australia's market slows. The stock was down 0.6 percent today at $4.76 on volumes of 2.8 million. Nineteen companies traded on volumes of more than one million shares on month-end rebalancing, with Spark and Meridian moving on volumes of 10.7 million and 7.2 million respectively. Spark rose 1.4 percent to $4.23 and Meridian was up 1.7 percent at $3.305. Matt Goodson, managing director at Salt Funds Management, said the upcoming G20 leaders meeting, where US President Donald Trump will meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, was top of mind for many investors. "It's very important for sentiment in the short-term and the longer-term economic outlook," he said. Freightways increased 2.9 percent to $7 on a volume of 5.1 million shares, compared to its daily average of 203,000. Synlait Milk rose 4.9 percent to $9.19 on modest volumes, leading the index higher. In contrast, A2 Milk dropped 5.1 percent to $10.35 on above-average volumes of 2.3 million. The dairy companies are closely aligned with Synlait supplying A2, and the stocks often move together. Growth stock Pushpay Holdings fell 2.7 percent to $3.30 on above-average volume of 3.2 million shares. Fellow software firm Gentrack fell 2.3 percent to $6, extending its decline for a second day after delivering a downbeat outlook for Europe and the UK. Of companies with volumes of more than two million shares, Auckland International Airport gained 2.1 percent to $7.20, Ryman Healthcare increased 0.4 percent to $11.59 and Kiwi Property Group rose 0.4 percent to $1.385. Vital Healthcare Property Trust was unchanged at $2.12. The healthcare real estate investor's external manager is facing a showdown with three institutional investors at its upcoming annual meeting over its management fees and contract terms. Goodson said the resolutions put forward by Mint Asset Management, Accident Compensation Corp and ANZ New Zealand Investments are non-binding, and that a robust negotiation might be a better way to effect change. Outside the benchmark, Pacific Edge fell 13 percent to 35 cents, matching the price paid in a placement raising $7 million. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited (NZX: HLG) Announcement of Final Dividend 26th November 2021 Morning Report EROAD Limited (NZX: ERD) Accelerates Towards Next Phase of Growth Green Cross Health Limited (NZX: GXH) REPORTS STRONG HALF YEAR PROFIT OF $9.7M Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZ: SPG) Placement Size Increased Following Strong Demand General Capital Limited (NZX: GEN) Announces Very Strong Growth 25th November 2021 Morning Report Gentrack Group Limited (NZ: GTK) Annual Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2021 Pacific Edge Limited (NZX: PEB) Results for Six Months Ended 30 September 2021 Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) 1H22 Results Announcement The government is offering $238 million in grants to encourage new tree planting, especially of natives, as it tries to get one billion new trees in the ground by 2028. Cabinet ministers Shane Jones and Damien O'Connor today announced the opening of two grants, funded through the Provincial Growth Fund and allocated by the Ministry for Primary Industries' forest unit. The first scheme will offer direct grants to landowners to help cover the cost of planting and establishing trees and indigenous regeneration, with $118 million available over three years. Indigenous trees will get preferential treatment, with the scheme supporting the planting of 60 million trees in that time, of which two-thirds are hoped to be native. A second scheme will offer $120 million to co-fund projects that reduce barriers to planting. The idea is that the applicants for commercial projects will fund at least half, but applications with strong social and environmental benefits may be able to negotiate better terms. The scheme expects to support workforce development, improving information for landowners, environmental restoration, science and research, and seedling and nursery production. "Officials will monitor the roll-out of the new grant scheme to ensure our focus remains on putting the right tree in the right place for the right purpose," Jones said in a statement. The new grants account for more than half the $480 million available to support the one billion trees programme, which is a key element of the government's efforts to tilt the economy towards action on climate change, land erosion, water quality and regional unemployment. Separately, state-owned commercial farmer Landcorp Farming, which trades as Pamu, this week put out a tender document seeking an afforestation partner. The document said the SOE's current expansion and diversification plans are using a significant amount of its time and capital. It's interested in finding a partner to help fund and manage part of its future afforestation programme. The farmer wants to capture the afforestation potential for land well-suited to forestry, including carbon farming and traditional rotation forestry. "Pamu anticipates the arrangement to involve it contributing land suitable for afforestation and the partner group funding the forest establishment and ongoing management of the forests," the document said. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: Hallenstein Glasson Holdings Limited (NZX: HLG) Announcement of Final Dividend 26th November 2021 Morning Report EROAD Limited (NZX: ERD) Accelerates Towards Next Phase of Growth Green Cross Health Limited (NZX: GXH) REPORTS STRONG HALF YEAR PROFIT OF $9.7M Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZ: SPG) Placement Size Increased Following Strong Demand General Capital Limited (NZX: GEN) Announces Very Strong Growth 25th November 2021 Morning Report Gentrack Group Limited (NZ: GTK) Annual Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2021 Pacific Edge Limited (NZX: PEB) Results for Six Months Ended 30 September 2021 Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) 1H22 Results Announcement System error error: Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. context: ... 21: 22: 23: % foreach my $c (@categories) { 24: <%perl> 25: my $category_id = $c->get_id(); 26: my @stories = Bric::Biz::Asset::Business::Story->list ( { element_type_id=>1148, category_id=>$category_id , Order=> 'cover_date', publish_status => 't' , OrderDirection=> 'DESC' , Limit=>10 } ); 27: 28: 29: ... code stack: /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html:25 /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:951 /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj:17 /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html:149 Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. 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Only rare satellite telephones were able to connect Iles-de-la-Madeleine and its 13,000 residents with the mainland after two fiber optic sea cables were severed, Quebec emergency services said. There were major power outages and the local airport control tower had broken down, leading to the call for army help. "It's the type of request that one makes when provincial government capacity is exceeded," Quebec's Minister of Public Security Genevieve Guilbault told reporters. On Twitter she added that a Canadian military plane would be ready to help on Friday morning. Almost 2,000 of 7,000 homes on the islands -- located north of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia provinces -- lost power in the winds that reached 130 kilometers per hour (81 miles per hour), the Hydro-Quebec power company said. Electrical and other specialist repair teams were expected to have arrived with the military by Friday. Brazil's Bolsonaro names seventh military man to cabinet Rio de Janeiro, Nov 30 (AFP) Nov 30, 2018 President-elect Jair Bolsonaro named Admiral Bento Costa Lima Leite his minister of mines and energy Friday, continuing his militarization of Brazil's incoming government. Seven of ex-army captain Bolsonaro's 20 ministers announced so far are from the armed forces. "I'm not appointing military people because they're from the military. It's because of their training and what they did when they were active," said Bolsonaro in quotes carried by the Universo Online website. As with all his major announcements, far-right Bolsonaro used Twitter to share the news. He is expected to announce his environment and human rights ministers next. The 60-year-old Lima Leite is currently serving as general manager of nuclear and technological development for the Brazilian navy. The future mines and energy minister will also join the board of directors of Brazil's nuclear development authority, Nuclebras. Bolsonaro has already put the ministries of defense, institutional security, science and technology, infrastructure, and transparency, supervision and control in the hands of military personnel while his government secretary is a retired general. And there may be more as retired general Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto is a strong candidate to be named the executive's secretary of social communication. "There are two ministers to go. They might both be from the military, I don't know yet," said Bolsonaro. Yazidi women want to join court case against French cement giant Paris, Nov 30 (AFP) Nov 30, 2018 Yazidi women who survived rape and slavery at the hands of the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria have applied to join in a court case against French multinational cement giant Lafarge, accused of paying millions to jihadist groups including IS, the women's lawyers said Friday. They have made an application to be "civil parties" in a criminal case brought in France against Lafarge and several of its executives for complicity in crimes against humanity and financing a terrorist organisation, the lawyers said in a statement. Lafarge allegedly made multi-million dollar payments to Islamic State in order to continue operations at one of its cement plants in northern Syria in 2013. This allegedly included payments by Lafarge for large amounts of oil, one of IS's main revenue sources. French investigative judges indicted Lafarge in June 2018, and eight of its executives were charged in 2017. Amal Clooney, wife of actor George Clooney, and one of the counsels for the victims, said the case would allow Yazidi women "to have their voices heard in a court of law". "Since August 2014, ISIS has targeted Yazidis in Iraq and Syria through forced displacement, executions, kidnappings, and the sexual enslavement of women and girls," she said. This case "provides an opportunity to establish that ISIS, and all those who assisted them, will be held to account for their crimes, and that victims will be awarded just compensation. "And it sends an important message to corporations that are complicit in the commission of international crimes that they will face legal consequences for their actions," she added. Lafarge is suspected of paying nearly 13 million euros ($16 million) to IS and other militant groups to keep the Jalabiya plant running long after other French companies had pulled out of Syria. The payments by the Lafarge Cement Syria (LCS) subsidiary were considered a "tax" in exchange for which militants allowed free movement of the company's staff and goods inside the warzone, according to investigators. A source close to the probe said investigators also suspect that Lafarge sold cement to IS. The content herein, unless otherwise known to be public domain, are Copyright 1995-2018 - Space Media Network. All websites are published in Australia and are solely subject to Australian law and governed by Fair Use principals for news reporting and research purposes. AFP, UPI and IANS news wire stories are copyright Agence France-Presse, United Press International and Indo-Asia News Service. ESA news reports are copyright European Space Agency. All NASA sourced material is public domain. Additional copyrights may apply in whole or part to other bona fide parties. Advertising does not imply endorsement, agreement or approval of any opinions, statements or information provided by Space Media Network on any Web page published or hosted by Space Media Network. Privacy Statement Optimization Are you frustrated with a slow pc or a hard disk not performing as it should? Try SLOW-PCfighter to speed up boot time on a slow PC, or try a free scan of FULL-DISKfighter to recover space on a full disk. The latest offering is DRIVERfighter to update your driver updater. Get complete PC optimization and extend the life of your PC with these must-have software tools. Golden Age A Billionaire Backer and the Murky Finances of the AfD All eyes are on the AfD's finances following reports of large donations from Switzerland and Holland. Now, reporting has revealed that the right-wing party has enjoyed big-money support from the very beginning. Baldwins, the UKs largest specialist agricultural business advisor, is partnering with New Zealand-based agricultural software provider Figured. Figured is a complete livestock, crop and production tracking tool which is digital, online and cloud-based, and is an essential forecasting tool that works hand-in-hand with Xero a cloud-based platform. It is the only farm accounting software which allows a whole team to collaborate around the same data in real-time, from wherever they are working. Baldwins partnership with Figured forms part of the firms mission to provide added value to its 3,750 farming clients across the UK. It is also a strategic collaboration for both firms to support product development and open-up new opportunities that will drive the UK farming industry forward. Andy Ritchie, Head of Baldwins National Rural Team, added: Combining the experience of our team with the detailed capabilities of this software will unlock a higher level of reporting and even better advice for farmers up and down the country. For example, farmers will now be able to forecast future cash flow based around differing scenarios, while also tracking livestock and crop production. Mr Kitson, of Kitson & Sons Butchers, first travelled down to the English Winter Fair at Stafford Showground, the first major festive prime stock highlight of 2018 staged over the weekend of November 17 and 18, to again claim the overall victor, following up the next weekend with the title winner at LiveScot, the Scottish Winter Fair in Lanark. He just failed to make it another unique Winter Fair hat-trick when narrowly missing out on the supreme champion at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Builth Wells the following Tuesday. It was a ground-breaking feat he first achieved two years ago when purchasing all three Winter Fair supreme champions, the first time an independent family-run retail butchers had pulled off such a coup. The English Winter Fair victor was a British Blue heifer from Andrew Dickinson and Lisa Powdrill, from Heage in Derbyshire. There was spirited bidding for the best in show, with Mr Kitson, who was accompanied by his two butcher sons, Henry and Oliver, winning the battle with a successful call of 3,400. The Kitson family have been long time supporters of the English Winter Fair, purchasing four champions in recent years. Interestingly, the 2018 supreme champion was first sold at Leyburn Auction Mart in March this year by local beef farmers, Bainbridge Bros, who run the Abbeybain British Blue herd in Marrick. The fact that the title winner was bred in North Yorkshire had added appeal to Mr Kitson, who always strives to buy prime beef, lamb and pork from local farmers wherever possible, so providing a major boost the regional agricultural economy. Less than a week later, Mr Kitson was at the Scottish Winter Fair, where a bid of 3,300 netted him the supreme champion for the third year in succession. It was a Limousin-cross heifer from Perthshires Wilson Peters, of Cuilt, near Crieff, who also provided Kitson & Sons 2016 supreme champion purchase. His latest victor had a successful summer show season, standing first at the Royal Highland Show and champion at Dunblane, Kirriemuir and Braco shows. Three days later, Mr Kitson was at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in a bid to secure their supreme champion, narrowly missing out as the under-bidder to the show judge, who went to a heady 6,600 to claim his chosen champion. However, Mr Kitson didnt leave empty handed, claiming the best butchers beast. Supreme champions at Christmas shows staged at regional auction marts were also on his shopping list. At CCM Skiptons annual festive highlight, Mr Kitson bagged the title-winning British Blue-cross heifer from local breeder John Stephenson, of Bordley, for top price in show of 2,726. He also paid 436.50 each for the champion trio of Pietrain-cross pigs from Daniel Thackray, of Fewston, near Harrogate. The total outlay 1,039.50 was a new record high price for pigs at the Skipton Christmas highlight, also believed to be the most paid for prime porkers anywhere in the UK this year. The appealing combination of interactive workshops with talks from sheep industry experts attracted a record number of attendees at this years event, held at Hexham Livestock Market, Northumberland. The popular event forms part of the NSA Next Generation programme, a scheme dedicated to encouraging and supporting younger sheep farmers. And despite uncertainties of what the future may hold for this particular group of young people, the event was filled with enthusiasm for the sheep sector and a determination from the next generation to move their sheep farming careers and businesses forward. The event began with six NSA Next Generation ambassadors from the class of 2018 engaging the audience with their experiences of working as sheep farmers in varying situations. Working on the programme, NSA Communications Officer Katie James says: Delivering both the positives and negatives of their own personal stories, these were honest accounts of the sometimes difficult situations our young farmers can find themselves in, but throughout all of the presentations shone the passion these sheep enthusiasts have for this sector and for the importance the UK sheep industry has in feeding and shaping our nation. Finland among the best in the world Finland is a small country on a global scale. The population of Finland makes up just 0.07 per cent of the world's population and its area as much of the total world area. But even a small country can jump to the top of the world, and this is what Finland has done: in international country comparisons of positive things Finland is often among the top countries next to other Nordic countries. In honour of Finland's centenary celebrations, we collected a list of comparisons in which Finland is one of the best in the world. The list below was last time updated on 5 December 2018, when Finland was for the last day one hundred years old. An updated list is available at Independence Day 2019. Society Finland is the most stable country in the world. The Fund for Peace, Fragile States Index 2018 Finland is the freest country in the world together with Sweden and Norway. Freedom House, Freedom in the World 2018 Finland is the safest country in the world. World Economic Forum, The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017 Finland is the fourth best country in the world. The Good Country Index, Results Finland has the best governance in the world. Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2018: Finland Finlands police and internal security as a whole are the second best in the world. The International Police Science Association, World Internal Security and Police Index Finland has the least organised crime in the world. World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2018: Organized crime Next to Norwegians and Icelanders, Finns feel the second least insecure in the world. Gallup, Law and Order Index 2018 Finlands judicial system is the most independent in the world. World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2018: Judicial independence After Danes, Finns vote in the freest and most reliable elections. Pippa Norris, Thomas Wynter and Sarah Cameron, Electoral Integrity & Campaign Media: The Electoral Integrity Project 2018 mid-year update (The Electoral Integrity Project, University of Sydney & Harvard University) Finland has the third least corruption in the world. Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index 2017 Finland is the third most prosperous country in the world. Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2018: Finland Protection of property rights in Finland is the best in the world. World Economic Forum (WEF), The Global Competitiveness Report 2018: Property Rights Availability of official information in Finland is the best in the EU. Center for data innovation, The State of data innovation in the EU: Freedom of information Finnish banks are the soundest in the world. World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2018: Soundness of banks Finlands pension system is the third best in the world. (34 countries in the comparison). Mercer, Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index 2018 Finland has the third most personal freedom and choice in the world. The Social Progress Imperative, 2018 Social Progress Index: Finland Finland has the fourth best press freedom in the world. Reporters Without Borders, 2018 World Press Freedom Index: Ranking After Denmark and Sweden, Finland is the most socially just EU country. D. Schraad-Tischler & C. Schiller: Social Justice in the EU Index Report 2017 (Bertelsmann Stiftung 2017) Among the worlds richest countries, Finland is the third most dedicated to policies that benefit people living in poorer nations. Centre for Global Development, The Commitment to Development Index 2018 (CDI) Finland is the best country in the world in a comparison of human wellbeing. Sustainable Society Index, Main results 2016 Finland is the third best country in adhering to the rule of law in the world. The World Justice Project, Rule of Law Index 20172018 Finland is the best country in protecting fundamental human rights in the world. The World Justice Project, Rule of Law Index 20172018 Satisfaction and trust Finland is the happiest country in the world. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, World Happiness Report 2018 Finns are the second most satisfied with their life among Europeans. Eurostat, Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low Finns are the most satisfied with their accommodation in the EU. Eurostat, Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low Among EU citizens, Finns are the second most common to have someone to rely on in case of need. Eurostat, Persons having someone to rely on in case of need. Finns' trust in the police is the highest and in the political system and in the legal system the second highest in Europe. Eurostat, Average rating of trust Finns trust news the most in the world. (37 countries in the comparison). Reuters Institute, Digital News Report 2018 Finns' trust in other people is the highest in Europe. European Commission, Fairness, inequality and inter-generational mobility: Social Capital: Trust in people In Finland, consumers' confidence in the economy is second strongest in Europe. European Commission, Business and consumer surveys Equality Finland is the third most gender equal country in the world. World Economic Forum, Global Gender Gap Index 2017 Participation of genders in working life in Finland is the second most equal in the EU. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Gender Equality Index 2017: Work / Participation Finnish women's gender equality in working life is the fourth best in the world. The Economist, The Glass-Ceiling Index 2018 In Finland, power is divided between genders the third most equally in the EU. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Gender Equality Index 2017: Power Finland has the third most female MPs in European countries. Inter-Parliamentatary Union (IPU), Women in Politics 2017 Finland has the second lowest poverty rate in OECD countries. OECD, Poverty rate Finland has the fifth lowest income differences in OECD countries. OECD, Income inequality Environment and energy The air in Finland is the cleanest in the world. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland tops WHO air quality statistics Finland is the water richest country in the world. Keele University, The Water Poverty Index: an International Comparison The risk to be exposed to natural disasters is lowest in the world in Finland together with Bahrain, Sao Tome and Principe and Singapore. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the European Commission, INFORM Global Risk Index Results 2018 Finland has the most forests in Europe. FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment Finland has the third most wetlands in Europe. Eurostat, Wetlands cover 2% of the EU's land The share of renewable energy of total energy consumption is the second biggest in Finland of EU countries. Eurostat, Share of energy from renewable sources in the EU Member States Education and human capital Finland has the most human capital in the world. The Lancet, Measuring human capital: a systematic analysis of 195 countries and territories, 19902016 Finland ranks as one of the top OECD country in education. OECD, Better Life Index: Education Education in Finland answers to future needs the third best in the world. Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) & Yidan Prize, Worldwide Educating for the Future Index Finland is placed third in a comparison of lifelong learning in EU countries. European Commission, European Innovation Scoreboard 2018: Lifelong learning Finnish adults are the third best in literacy and numeracy of OECD countries. OECD, How's Life? 2017: Measuring Well-being, Education and skills: adult skills Finland is the most literate country in the world. J. W. Miller and M. C. McKenna, World's Most Literate Nations: Rank Breakdown Finns are the second biggest library users in Europe. The European Bureau of Library, Public Libraries Statistics Information society and competitiveness Finland is the second best in the world in using information and communication technologies to boost competitiveness and well-being. World Economic Forum (WEF), Global Information Technology Report 2016: Networked Readiness Index Finland has EU's best digital public services. European Commission, The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2018: Finland Finland has the strongest digital knowledge capital in Europe.